#giant/tiny roleplay
t3a-tan · 1 year
Helloo,, what would Oliver do if I just held him. very gently. and pointed out how small he is. what then x3
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"Well yes, of course I'm small comparatively— although from my perspective you're the giant one. My smaller stature is generally one of the first things larger folk point out to me, so I'm fully aware of the fact that I'm quite tiny. Are you trying to elicit a certain response from me...?"
Oliver is confused.
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duscarasheddinn · 2 years
Ambitious roleplay idea I have
If you didn’t know, I enjoy doing Giant/Tiny roleplays.
One idea I have for a gentle one I could do with someone in DMs is one where they’re at least two human OCs of theirs who at least hang out (though I’d prefer if they both lived in the same house) and I’d be four animate inanimate objects, all of which are sports equipment.
First, there’s Theo the baseball.
Next, there’s his wife, a tennis ball named Dodger.
Together, they adopted a talking golf ball girl named Avery. She’s at the maturity of a seven year old girl.
Finally, there’s Theo’s best friend, Dillon the aluminum baseball bat. The only way he can move on his own is by rolling, which, if nothing stops him, would result in him just going in circles. The family of talking balls, though, can also roll on their own, but they can hop too. They can coordinate motion to help Dillon go places.
One way your characters could meet mine are overhearing them talk in an alley.
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makothegayyburrito · 2 months
ever just get into the rp mood and you wanna ask your friend so bad to rp??? Like dude I have so many ideas but I don’t wanna seem like a bother. Let me rp with your tiny and giant ocs I love them sm!
especially when it’s been too long since you’ve done noms. I just wanna hold your precious little ocs pleeeaasssee
Character ai is good but HUMAN CONNECTION
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trash----panda · 8 months
Another scenario
This has been playing in my head for days
Imagine, the world is ending, demons everywhere, they are massive, horrifying. You managed to break into a church as steal a holy weapon that's been working pretty well on the smaller demons, not to mention you knew this part of town well. Things were kinda going better than expected, until it showed up. This thing was massive, you wouldnt even describe it as anything but a demon. You'd spotted it a few times now, doing your best to avoid it, but now, now you were making eye contact down to road from eachother, you can feel it's eyes piercing your soul. The starring contest is broken by it's laugh, you dont know what possessed you but you felt like you were gonna throw up, at least your legs still listened to you. As soon as it approached you dashed for safety, hearing it grow near you dove down an alley, it's words seeming to taunt you, false promises not to hurt you. The fear is overwhelming for both of you, you on the verge of passing out and the demon drooling at the smell. You manage to get out the other side of the alley but it was waiting, pulling away when you drew the blessed saber, your hands trembling
"do it... i dare you" it laughed, trying to grab you once more, you slash it's skin which makes it recoil, you didnt stop to listen to it complain about the blade hurting worse than it thought. Sprinting for the subway you miss a step, barely getting a noise out before barrelling down the stairs, left a sobbing mess at the bottom. You werent built for battle, you werent built to fight demons. The ground rumbles, you can only hope it cant fit it's arm down there, your body doesnt even have the strength to tremble, all you can do is squeeze your eyes shut as your counsiousness fades. You hit your head way too hard going down.
When you wake up it's somewhere new, looks like an old warehouse, you've been surrounded in a nest of pillows and blankets, whimpering as you tried to figure out who or what was here with you, thag same cruel chuckle making your blood run cold "so you're awake? Was scared you wouldnt" the demon watched you across the room, finding it amusing as you searched for the saber, your face paling as he held it up, fidgeting with it "looking for this? Yah couldnt leave it with you, you seem... aggressive" you couldnt help but feel dread wash over you, you were trapped, defensless, with a creature at least 5 times your size. They must've noticed, your face had it written all over not to mention the smell was making them drool "geez" they mumbled out, wiping their lip. You tried to make a break for it, getting quickly pressed against the ground by the massive hand, it was firm but also ever so gentle. Not that you cared, it was attached to a monster who wanted to eat you. They sighed and scooped you up, hugging your squirming figure to their chest, you could hear all their strange inner workings, tensing up "see this aint so bad right? You dont have to worry no more ok? I'll protect you"
Not very reassuring with all that drooling but sure, whatever, you just needed to leave.
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freshpoof03 · 1 year
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💛Golden Hour💛 (naga character belongs to @motiny-tiny-mo )
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cedric-sensational38 · 3 months
Looking for Inside Out 2 RP Partner!
Hello! It has been sooooo long since I have been on here, but I really want to do an rp between Anxiety and the other emotions in headquarters. I usually am a literate roleplayer, so my responses will never be under a paragraph. I love detail! And I prefer to rp on discord as well. I write like I am writing an actual story.
As for my ideas, I have two that I would like to do:
As Riley gets older, she is accumulating more and more things that she has to worry about, control and plan for. Possibly things like juggling between having a boyfriend, friends, school life, hockey, family.....all at the same time. She has new responsiblilties like driving, maybe getting an after school job, etc. And all of this causes her Anxiety to be working over time, and making it harder for the other emotions to stop her from spiraling. Her Anxiety is getting bigger to handle......literally. As Anxiety quite literally grows bigger and has a harder and harder time controlling her worrying thoughts and spirals, the other emotions have to figure out how to stop her from completely taking control of Riley again.
This idea I actually got from a fanfiction on AO3. What if some kind of strange event happened that resulted in Anxiety, and maybe another one of Riley's emotions, getting projected outside of her mind and into the real world? This one is less developed than my first idea since I don't really know what would happen to cause this or how they would get back into Riley's mind. My partner could either play as Riley or another emotion. If the later, we could decide whether one of us will be Riley as well, or Anxiety and the other emotion just hide from Riley until they figure out how to get back into her mind.
If you are interested in either scenario, please let me know!
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himbogiants · 6 months
Anyone want to give a G/t role play a try? I’ve got an idea I’ve been thinking about making into a one shot but we shall see
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pool-floatie · 6 months
Wow, well im gonna be working on some stuff for a while so heres an appetiser
For those of us, like me, who just get completely speechless when flustered, like idk what to say to that?!?
" nuh-uh" ?
Like i dont have a comeback for that shit or the brainpower to think of one! All blood that should be goin to my brain had been diverted to the rest of my face-
So yah- this is just dialouge mostly but do with this what you will- i might fill in the gaps myself eventually but if youd like to use any of this go ahead🫶
"Hey there cute thing~"
"Awhh~ whats wrong little one?
Speechless hmm? I know, im a lot to handle~ "
"What~? Your face is just too cute, i had to get a closer look."
"Hmm? got something to say? thats all you gotta do, just say the word~"
"Still nothing, hmm~? Poor thing, cant even say anything to defend themself~"
Hot breath washes over you as they exhale right on your little body.
" oh, what was that~ a little squeak? Is that all you can do? Awwh, no its ok cutie~"
" Look at me darling~ I love your little noises, theres no need to be embarassed~"
"Oooh~ or is there another reason I can practically feel the heat of your blush~"
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yourgoddesselise · 1 year
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Worship your goddess 💕🥰💕
Don’t get lost little tiny 😘 x
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t3a-tan · 1 year
What will oliver do if I put him in air jail?
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"...why am I in air jail? Did I do something wrong?"
Oliver is displeased.
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gt-blendergod · 9 months
Hello my dear faithful fourteen followers,
I’ve a request. Please accept. I am desperate.
The Blender is a Roleplay meant to take place in a universe where anything can happen, but there’s trouble in this impossible place. The world is separated by planets that collided thousands of years ago. However, they’re kept secret from each other through magical barriers. The different kinds of people sometimes escape into the other worlds, causing fairytales and panic. Can these worlds work out their differences? Or will the power imbalance be forever a segregating issue?
Worlds include
Human world (average modern human world)
Fairy World (includes Fae from a scale of human to tiny sized. Medieval times)
Giant World (humans live there in the form of borrowers to giants, unknowing of the actual human world. Medieval times and Modern times depending on which area it’s in)
Mermaid World (includes all shapes and sizes of sea people as well as human pirates. victorian era)
Spirit World (Size Shifting people are called spirits and originate from here. Futuristic technology)
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missalicevalentine · 3 months
A lil G/T writing snippet I did for fun!
The winter was frosty and Alice honestly was just glad she wasn't outside in the cold. That the cold wasn't nipping at her small toes or her tail wasn't frost bitten. The feeling of her long, elven ears freezing was the worst; and how her nose would turn bright pink. It was, if she was to put a word to it…uncomfortable, miserable and just hellish! She never liked the cold, at least not when it snowed. Rain was difficult enough, but the snow? Oh snow wanted her dead. It was like it knew she was alone out there, like it could wrap its filthy claws around her tiny body. But now, oh but now she wasn't outside. She was—wait, what was the word? The English word for this feeling of security? She couldn't remember…
Now she wasn't freezing her tail off or her teeth chattering. Whatever this ‘T-V’ was was playing loudly and the room was heated up by whatever that thing on the ceiling was. She sat quite comfortably next to her giant Friend. A person she couldn't communicate completely with. They spoke English and Alice, well she spoke her own language. She'd picked up bits and peices of English so far, like ‘food’ and their name, but most importantly ‘cat.’ she didn't like the cat, opting to call it a beast since it had more than once tried to get a hold of her. Still, as she sat next to her friend she wondered what went on in their mind. Why they had opted to let her live in the walls once they found her.
She was staring rather intently at them. Taking in all the horrific and giant features of their face. Her nose and brows knitted together as she studied This human and their short ears and tailless behind. They looked so…almost weird. Without a tail how did they balance? Or without long ears how did they listen for hawks or beast—cats? It seemed her friend noticed her staring, chuckling softly as they reached a hand out to grab her. Alice, well still hadn't exactly gotten use to the grabbing, the feeling of a hand grabbing her was almost, well, uncomfortable. She had tried to stand up in time to walk away but unfortunately for her they caught her with another laugh.
Alice tried to wriggle her way out of their grip but failed rather miserably as they brought their hand to their lap. Their second hand joining and cupping around Alice almost protectively.
“Warm?” They asked, their voice soft as of they were making sure not to startle her delicate ears.
Alice knew what that word meant! It was the word she was looking for! The snow pittered outside the window, freezing everything in it's path well she stayed inside, warm. It felt like a hug, like the worries or rats and cats, hawks and snakes didn't matter. That right now she was safe. Warm; Their hands curled a little more around Alice as they spoke words foreign to her own. A gentle nudge of their finger to get her response had her tilting her head back to meet their gaze. They big, intense and almost terrifying gaze. It would have been scary if she hadn't known how soft they were. They made her brownies and let her sleep and walk wherever! hell! They even made sure getting onto their counter top was easier for her. They were warm. They where this complete blanket of safety; a hand —quite literally— that kept her safe. A friend. A commander. Her clan. Her warm.
“Yes, Alice is, eh—warm.”
Thats my first time writing G/T! An example of how I write if there are anyone down to rp! (Specifically over 18 cause im an adult and don't rp with minors)
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that-one-anime-writer · 5 months
If anyone wants to do g/t tiny lover x Giant lover (of any gender) roleplay I’m open!!!
16+ for platonic and 18+ for romantic/slightly spicy roleplay 👏
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gtbutterfly · 3 months
Uh, so....is anyone interested in g/t roleplay? Dm me if you are,
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trash----panda · 13 days
There's something so enjoyable about a giant tiny interaction where it's limited by a phobia. Like you are literally this tiny's only hope of getting out of this situation but you HATE spiders. You know they would rather be squished than bite you but just being within 3 ft of them you get anxious, even after all the times they've proven to be a good friend and earned your affection, it's a spider so you just cant bring yourself to touch them.
Or even the opposite where you are anxious of being around a giant that is protecting you but it's like literally your worse fear, like a naga is keeping you safe in their den but you are absolutely terrified of snakes, the sound of them slithering is enough to send you into a panic and somehow you got the most clingy one who only wants hugs and snuggles as payment for keeping you safe.
But like they both NEED each other to survive in both situations, maybe with the tiny spider they can undo locks and the human can get over larger gaps or pretend to be guards while they escape a prison or something, maybe even a deserted island where the spider is better at catching food.
With the snake they could be in the middle of a storm, stranded on an island, or even just in the middle of giant's territories, maybe the human is on the run for something they did, but the snake needs their body heat and they need protection.
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eldritchwaffless · 3 months
Made a character for my previous post Haven't made a name for her yet, maybe "GumDrop" or something like that...
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If you have any ideas, like for characters, the setting, etc feel free to tell me about it!
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