#girlfriend oli white
mialikeshockey · 2 months
Oli - Luke Hughes
Warnings - none
requested by @hrts4edwards
What happens when you add one more friend to the family?
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I was out for a run and it randomly started pouring rain. I was aware of the cloudy sky earlier but the radar said it wasn't supposed to rain. I thought it was just a cool run for the evening. I keep running while Mitski played in my ears.
I get a text from Luke saying Jack and him will be a bit longer at his parent's house because more family came over, Which gave me more time to run.
I keep running while the rain runs down my body, it felt relaxing and comfortable, weirdly. I look at my Apple Watch, 3 miles down. I look back up from my watch and I almost step on something so tiny.
It scares me at first but then it moves. It's a baby kitten all by itself, in the middle of the road, soaked and seeming to be very tired.
A lot of people say you're not supposed to pick up animals like this, but I don't care. It's a baby kitten that could get ran over or let alone sick from the weather. Plus I love cats, me and Luke have over our limit of them but a baby one shouldn't hurt.
I pick the kitten up and start fast walking back to Luke and I's apartment. It's about a 10 more minute walk 5 if I can run. Nervously I start to pick up running to get the kitten out of the rain. Once I reach to the apartments, I hurry up and cover the kitten and get to Luke's and I's apartment.
I get in and quickly get a towel for the kitten. I dry it him off and look around to see if we had any leftover food for a kitten. I know we have it somewhere, so I start looking everywhere for it.
Without me noticing, Luke walks into the apartment confused on how much noise he is hearing. He always told me, no more cats after we got our cat Luna from Jack and his girlfriend Charlotte.
I finally found it, in the back of our closet full of cat stuff. I carry the kitten to our bathroom and put him in the sink and run some warm water over him as I slowly pet him, so he can know he's safe and okay. I dry him off and place him gently on the floor, giving him some food. He starts eating right away.
He's so adorable, he's black and white and so fluffy. I turn around to go look for any other bowl I could use for fresh water and I meet with my boyfriend standing against the bathroom door frame, with his arms crossed. He raises his eyebrows and clears his throat.
"I thought we agreed on no more cats, May." He states looking at the kitten on the floor. "Listen, hear me ou-" He cuts me off. "We can't keep more love, I'm sorry. We have to many already."
I give him the sad eyes. "Please Luke, please. I swear this is the last one. Please can we keep him." I beg Luke, he stands there for a moment. "Fine, we can keep him." He rolls his eyes and walks out of the bathroom. I get excited and let the kitten finish eating.
It's around 9pm and me and Luke are exhausted. We took care of our other cats and now we are both in bed. I was talking to Luke about how I got rained on during my run and he stops answering, I look over seeing him sleeping. "How rude..." I jokingly say, I scoop the kitten in my arms and go to sleep.
I wake up the next morning to the bright sun shining through the apartment window. I rub my eyes and look over to see Luke and the kitten curled up together. I couldn't help but smile seeing Luke's hands give the kitten a massage. The kitten being cuddled up into his neck while Luke is laying up, with his eyes closed.
"Yet you didn't wanna keep Oli." I state, he opens his eyes and looks over at me. "Oli?" He questions, I shake my head. "I like the name Oliver, we can call him Oli for short." Luke nods and continues to give attention to Oli. I move over so that I can join being cuddled, with Luke's other hand, he rubs up and down my back until I fall asleep once again. Maybe I'll have to go on more runs...maybe I'll find more cats.
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Hi guys!
It was Cata's birthday tuesday, so here is a little something for her :)
It's from a request too, I really need to sort them x)
Also please Barca, win today i need it.
TW : Lost, angst.
There you are. The first lost of Barcelona for this season. It’s coming at the first moment of the year honestly, you would have preferred to lose against another Spanish team than to lose against Chelsea during the Champion’s league. You still have another game to win and go to the finale, but it would be at London and pretty hard. You already know it.
Looking around you, you saw that all of your teammates are gutted. Lucy is sitting on the ground; Ona went straight to the locker room and Alexia let another players comfort her. For your point, you just stay up where you were when the whistle whistled. Your hand on your hips, you weren’t looking at something special at first.
Until your eyes went on the silhouette of your girlfriend. Cata is sitting on the ground, a little like Lucy unless that she’s leaning against the goal post. Her knees bent against her and her arms surrounding them, she has her eyes fixed on her feet.
She seems so sad that you forget almost immediately your proper sadness. Walking slowly in her direction, you try not to ignore the other people talking to you. When you reach Cata, you kneel in front of her.
“Hey” you say quietly, putting your hand on her arm.
She looks briefly at you, before shaking her head. You know that she feels guilty about the lost, but you think that every single player of the team has that feeling. You don’t say another word, getting on your feet again before helping her to get up too. You don’t want to have to do the post-game interview, so you take another way to go to the locker room.
Of course, the general mood is awful. Nobody’s talking, nobody’s looking at each other. It’s so tense that you propose at Cata to go take a shower at your apartment to go home sooner. Cata agrees with a nod, still not talking. Knowing how much she’s bubbly, happy and smiling usually, it breaks your heart.
You say goodbye to your other teammates, grabbing Cata’s hand to take her with you. Hiding under her hood, she’s still silence. People forget sometimes that she’s only 22 years old, Cata forget sometimes too you think. She’s always way too hard with herself.
You manage to get to your car without meeting fans or journalists, you usually take time to talk with the people coming to see you, but today your girlfriend’s happiness is more important than anything else.
“You want to put some music?” you ask at your girlfriend when you are on your car.
She nods, taking your phone in her hand before looking at something you both will like. You’re not really hard to satisfy honestly, as long as you can concentrate yourself while driving. When Cata put your phone down, you take her hand in yours, squeezing it lovingly.
She looks at you and make a half-smile, which isn’t so bad. You interlink your fingers and take the way of your apartment. Cata doesn’t ask you where you are going and when she realizes that you’re going to yours, she doesn’t protest either.
“Do you want me to cook something?” you ask softly when you’re home.
Cata just shakes her head, sitting on a stool in your kitchen, where she followed you. You put a bottle of her favorite Prime in front of her and try to cross her eyes before talking again.
“Pa amb oli?” you propose.
“With white onions?”
She raises a hopeful look on you and you can’t help but smile. This meal, coming right from her natal island of Mallorca is like her comfort food. You kiss her cheek softly before turning to the fridge to prepare two plates of the dish. You like it too; the first time you try it, it was when Cata took you in Mallorca to meet her family. You loved every single thing coming from this island, maybe because it’s linked with your girlfriend, who you are really fond of.
You are deep in your thought, rubbing the tomato on the bread with an ability that would have made Alexia proud, when you feel Cata’s body against yours. Hiding her face in your neck from behind, she hugs you so tight that you have the impression that she wants to come under your skin. Literally.
You smile and keep cooking, thankfully you don’t need to move a lot around the kitchen for this dish. When you are finished, you turn around in her arms and take her face between your hands. Looking at her with attention, you try to choose wisely your words, not wanting to hurt her. Or make her feel more terrible that she’s feeling right now.
“You know that we didn’t lose because of you, right?”
She frowns, not answering. That’s exactly what you thought. Right after she sights and look away, you softly pat her cheek to drag her attention in you again.
“I’m serious. No one play good today, unless maybe Alessia. We were all too scared to lose, maybe too tired too. We have 90 minutes left. We can win and go to the finale.”
“I don’t think Jona will put me on the goal again” Cata sights, shaking her head.
“Why that?” you frown.
“I didn’t have a clean sheet. In the World Cup when Misa play bad, she went to the bench for the next matches. Vilda didn’t hesitate for a second.”
“Yeah, well first don’t compare that asshole to Jonatan please” you hiss, hating hearing that man’s name. “And if goalkeepers were benched every time, they let a ball pass the net, we won’t have a lot of them on the pitches.”
She shrugs, not really convinced by what you are saying. But you don’t insist, knowing that she needs some time to figure out all of this. You chose to give her plate and follow her wherever she wants to eat. She chose your balcony, from where you have a good view on the sea and the port.
And, when you see that Cata ate her meal in five minutes, your smirk and push your plate in her direction. The goalkeeper raises an interrogator gaze on you before smiling when you signal her that she can finish your plate.
After that, she takes the dishes in the kitchen without hearing your protests that you can help her. Then she comes back, takes you from your chair in her arm, making you squeak in the process. She laughs and you can only smile. You love hearing her laugh.
When she throws you on the sofa, you already know the end of the evening. Endless cuddles in front of TV. She puts Netflix on before laying on top of you. You let her do it, drawing smalls drawing on her skin, under her top.
“I love you” she mumbles out of the blue, several minutes after.
“I love you too” you smile, kissing her head in a weird angle.
She smiles when she sees you doing it, raising herself a little to be able to kiss you right on the lips. She strokes your face with her thumb, and you find yourself blush under her gaze. It’s quite intense but you love it.
“Thank you” she whispers, almost shyly.
“What for?” you ask with curiosity.
“For being you. And have take the time to learn with my mom how to make the perfect Pa amb oli.”
“All the best for the best” you smirk.
She rolls her eyes before kissing you again several times. Just like you were losing some interest in the film you were watching and getting maybe a little too work up, she stops and smirk before laying on you again.
“You’re the worst” you groan.
“Oh? I thought I was the best?”
You can hear her smile in her voice and you roll your eyes. You don’t answer though, but you know that she knows what you think. She’s the best and you are definitively way to in love with her to be mad at her.
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daisyblog · 1 year
YN in This Is Us
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN is Louis's sister and Harry's girlfriend, and appears in clips in One Direction: This Is Us. Warning: mild swearing
“Whether we're together or apart, we can both remove the masks and admit we regret it from the start” Louis and Niall both sing behind YN as they all walk through the backstage area.
YN continues walking beside Louis as they both head towards the stage area, Liam and Niall are a few steps in front of them talking about how good they're feeling now they’re standing in the 02 Arena. As YN walks between Louis and Helene, Louis swings his arm around his sisters shoulder as they continue to walk towards the stage. --- The next scene shows Harry in his white t-shirt and black shorts kicking a football to Louis, whilst Paul explains that it’s their first day of rehearsals and in the background, YN is sat with Niall and Louis's friend Oli watching her brother and boyfriend. Louis kicks the ball so hard that it flies between Paul and Will and almost hits them. “Heads Will”, Louis shouts as a warning. In the background of the scene, YN's voice can be heard “Lou..be careful will ya”, and the camera shows Harry chuckling at Louis's antics.
--- Louis is sitting on top of one of the tour black boxes in the hallway “I was never really a fan of boybands before One Direction..like I remember me sister YN always listening to some boy group..and it just wasn’t for me you know”. --- The boys are in the open space attempting to practice their choreography. Harry is skipping around topless displaying his tattoos and swinging his white t-shirt in the air, whilst Paul is trying to give them instructions. YN can be seen standing with Louis and Liam with her pinched fingers in front of her leaning forwards and back and laughing at each other and their ridiculous attempt at a dance move. In the corner of the screen, Harry is caught staring at YN with a slight smirk on his face…”YN you’re supposed to be helping me with these lot…not joining in” Paul playfully scolded. --- “I don’t know if any of you hav’ seen my first audition..but it was horrendous..I hope it doesn’t make any part of this movie” Louis states and the clip of Louis auditioning on The X Factor is shown. A clip from The X Factor is shown where Simon is telling the boys on the show who the final contents are and who is going through to the show. “I can see me mum and YN” Louis explains whilst waving his hand under his chin “and they're going yeah yeah yeah…and I'm like no..this clearly means no” Louis continues his hand movement. --- The boys were at New York City's Madison Square Garden getting ready to perform for the sold-out show. The boys were messing around on the stage, Louis and Liam were doing a dance together and the others running from one part to the other, whilst practising Last First Kiss.
Niall and Harry’s Mum’s were sitting in the back of a horse cart having a tour of the city, explaining how emotional they were about seeing their babies perform at Madison Square Garden in a few hours. Meanwhile, Niall is pushing Harry around the hallway in a large blue bin, and YN can be seen walking down the hallways with Liam after going to find him for Lou to style his hair. YN stops by the doorway that Niall is about to push the bin through..”What are you doin’?” YN asks the pair whilst giggling, Niall continues to chuckle and Harry begins to sing “I’m in the mood for dancing, romancing” the two bodyguards shake their head at the scene in front of them. --- “Even if one member of your family is in the audience..it adds to the nerves” Louis begins to explain whilst sitting in the chair beside Liam “All me family are gonna be ‘ere and I’m just nervous..you know” Liam adds to Louis's statement “For all our families to be together in this place and being here is..like amazing”. --- Jay was writing on the red telephone box “my baby first born Louis xx” as YN stood beside her in the merch shop. YN stood by the merch counter with her Mum and Karen, Liam’s Mum, whilst they explained to the girls behind that they wanted to buy a cardboard stand-up of their boys so that they can take it home and say goodnight to it when the boys are on tour. “Can I have a Louis one?” Johannah asked “YN..are you goin’ to get a Harry one?” Her Mum teased, as she and Karen laughed at YN's playful glare. Karen begins to get upset when talking about how she knew Liam would be big but never that big and how she misses him when he’s on tour. YN puts her arm around her to comfort her and says “Aww..Karen don’t cry”. --- “With The X Factor…Harry went to an audition..and never came home again” Robin, Harry’s Stepfather explained “You weren’t ready for that..were you?” he turned to ask Anne. “No..as a mother I should be taking him places..and showing him things and.. it..turned around for him to bring us here..it takes a bit of getting used to..it feels quite surreal” Anne spoke softly. Anne is then seen walking down the hallways of the venue and immediately pulls Harry into a big hug “I’ve missed you” she says into his hair and YN is seen just behind them smiling at the loving moment between Harry and his Mum. Anne then greets YN with a hug and kiss on the cheek “How are you my love?”.
--- Louis is sitting in the chair in front of YN reading the playlist for tonight’s show, whilst she blow-drys his hair “Are you stayin’ backstage or sitting with Mum tonight?” he asks his sister. “I’m goin’ to sit with Mum and Anne” YN replied whilst using the brush to move his hair. “Look at you..hangin’ with the in-laws” Louis teased YN to which she pushed his shoulder playful, trying to mask the blush on her cheeks. --- Before YN heads up to her seat with her family and the boy's families, the crew members and families are seen giving the boys words of encouragement and hugs. YN hugged and wished Zayn, Niall and Liam good luck before wrapping her arms around her brother's neck “Good luck..you’re gonna smash it” the camera picks up. Moving on to hug her boyfriend…the fans noticed the hug lasting longer than the others and Harry leaving a subtle peck on YN's temple. --- The boys and the crew are all waiting in the airport for the flight, some are lying across the small uncomfortable chairs and some are laying on the floor using bags and coats as a pillow.
Niall is awake and laying on the small sofa next to Louis, who’s sleeping with his hand resting under his head. Harry is laying on the floor wearing his signature black jeans and brown thick coat, despite not being able to see YN's face as it's tucked into Harry’s chest, fans are quick to spot Harry’s arms wrapped around her.
--- Harry is seen walking towards YN and Louis, in just a pair of boxers, as she's preparing to style her brother's hair. “Morning” Louis greets Harry as he turns to face him, noticing his lack of clothing as he enters his and YN's shared room. “Good morning” Harry’s raspy voice is heard. Louis notices the smirk YN and Harry share as their eyes are glued to each other, to which he raises his eyebrows to the camera in front of him with a teasing glint in his eye. After YN sprays Louis's hair with some hairspray, Harry takes his place in the chair in front of YN. Harry starts pretending to play the piano and making strange noises as YN attempts to cut his hair and Louis is laying across your bed also contributing to the noises, “Keep still will ya..I’m gonna end up messin’ it up” YN tells Harry who looks at Louis with a sheepish smile. But in true Louis and Harry style, they continue their childish behaviour and laugh at YN's unamused expression. --- The boys are waiting backstage, ready to perform at the 1D Japan party. YN is sat on the stool behind the drumkit, and Louis is standing behind her trying to show her how to play them. “Little Things” Harry suggests for them to practice before heading out to perform. Liam and Zayn are harmonising, whilst Niall and Louis add their own version of the song. Harry comes into the shot where YN is standing with Louis, Liam and Niall…beginning to poke her cheek ”And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth, 'cause it's you, oh, it's you, It's you, they add up to”
--- Harry is adjusting the beanie on his head as he’s explaining to the camera crew, whilst going down the escalator, “We rarely get a day off when we’re visiting places..so it’s nice to walk around…and explore” after moving the string of his mask that’s sitting under his chin, Harry moves to place a hand on YN's shoulder as she's standing in front of him waiting to get off the escalator. Sitting in the back of the van, Harry is telling Niall about his day of exploring “Me and YN went around wearing one of those surgical masks”. “Oh you did?..Where did you get them?” Niall asked “I bought a packet of five.. I've got a spare one that you can have” Harry offered. “Sick” Niall replied.
--- “You know we don’t get to see our families as much as we used to” Niall explains “But..um..we have like a road family”. Harry is sitting topless on the plain black chair in front of the large mirror waving his hands around at the camera filming, as YN is drying his hair, instructed by Lou who was trying to get Lux down for a nap. “I’m Paul Higgins and I’m their tour manager” Paul introduces himself, sitting behind a table covered with different papers. Paul is seen shouting about the boys having five minutes left until they need to be on stage. YN is sat on the brown sofa next to her brother whilst he cheekily looks at Paul and says “Thank you Dad”. “The boys are very grounded and that comes from the people around them” Paul explains. “Lou and YN gives us the best haircuts” Liam praises as Lou is shaving his hair and YN is standing next to her holding some of the equipment. “Aww thank you”. Lou and YN both say in unison. In the next frame, Liam takes the hairspray out of YN's hand whilst she's trying to tidy up his hair and begins to spray hers. “AHHH…LIAM” YN screams. Harry then grabs YN and Lou, both being off guard by the sudden movement and pulls them both into a group cuddle whilst expressing his appreciation “I love my hair..thanks girls”. “Don’t touch me” Lou repeats. --- It’s Paul's birthday and everyone celebrates in one of the backstage rooms, with a song and a round chocolate cake. Harry thought it would be a good idea to smear chocolate icing over YN's cheek and forehead. The camera captures Harry trying to crawl his way out of the crowded room to escape her grip, but he’s too slow and YN manages to climb on top of him. “No..No” Harry is heard shouting and protesting as YN wipes a large dollop of icing onto his cheek. Louis’s voice is heard from inside the room “I told you not to mess with her Harry lad”. Harry then gets up from the floor and runs after YN down the hallway of the venue and eventually wrapping his arm around her front and lifting YN from the floor and rubbing his cheek blindly against her face, making them both laugh uncontrollably together. --- The boys are talking about each other and what they bring to the band. Zayn begins by describing Harry as a perfect pop star who was born for it. Louis is sitting on one of the tour boxes “Harry is definitely charming…I mean he’s won over a Tomlinson you know what I mean”. “He’s just being Harry and he likes going out and having a good time” Liam adds “and doesn’t want to waste a moment”. --- Liam and Harry are fishing, well...Harry is leaning his head against the side of the wall. They're both talking about their time on The X Factor and how they remembered little discussions they had…even one about kicking Zayn out of the band because he didn’t turn up to a coffee meeting once.
And in an unseen clip, Harry admitted “I got so nervous..like talking to YN”. “Aww mate…I can’t talk to girls” Liam agreed “What was your..like protocol when talking to her?”. “I threw things at her” Harry laughed at his joke. “You threw things at her?” Liam repeated. "No..I'm only joking..I used to make her cups of tea". “Well it clearly worked mate”. --- Louis is skateboarding through the arena and grabs a box of popcorn from the table, with YN running behind him. Louis is then driving a forklift truck around, with YN sitting on the back holding on while he speeds around the room. “Watch out..” Louis announces. “The Tomlinsons are coming through” and the security guards are trying to catch them both to take the keys off Louis. --- In another clip, YN and Harry are outside in the car park of the venue running from Preston and Paddy, Harry’s security. They both managed to get to the metal fence but as they tried crawling underneath, Preston caught hold of YN's foot to stop her. “C’mon now YN” as he helped her up. “I am their Dad on the road” Paul explains. “We have a good working relationship..the only issue I've got is their all a pain in the arse..including YN” Paul adds with a chuckle. --- YN is walking through a crowded town with Louis, Liam and Zayn when some fans spot the group. Liam asks if Louis wants to go into one of the shops to the left of them. More fans start to recognise the boys and get excited, and more and more fans appear screaming and shouting. The security guards with them all are quick to try and get them all into the shop, protectively Louis wraps his arm around his sister's shoulder to keep her close to him. Once the security ushers the group into the shop and closes the front doors, fans start singing What Makes You Beautiful whilst blocking the store. YN continues to stand near Louis and Zayn as security decides how to get them all out of there safely. --- At the airport waiting to go home, Harry is laying on the floor whilst Lou’s boyfriend spins him around in circles by his legs. YN is seen in the background standing close to Harry whilst he hugs Zayn goodbye. Louis then comes over to his sister and wraps his arms around her shoulders and is heard telling her to phone him later as YN is going home with Harry. --- Harry is back home in his hometown, Homles Chapel, and is walking through a field area that’s not far from his mum’s house. “I like Homles Chapel because every other part of my life has changed…apart from like coming here it’s like exactly the same” Harry speaks as he’s walking across the short grass. As he approaches the water and some trees, he begins to speak “I kissed a girl down here..it was a bit further down..we were like against a tree” and cheekily smiles at the camera “I won't tell you who though…she’s got a scary older brother” Harry joked “..but it was pretty steamy”. --- Jay is wearing her red Yorkshire Tea apron whilst she’s sorting through clothes on the bed in front of her explaining how Louis has only been home five times since he auditioned for The X Factor. YN and Louis are visiting their great-grandmother at her home in Doncaster. “Hello luv’” Louis greets her with a hug. YN follows behind, “Hello Nan” as YN pulls her into a loving cuddle. Louis is sitting on the sofa with their Nan with an arm around her shoulder whilst she explains it's been a long time since she’s seen them both, but she does have photos of the two siblings along with their other siblings up on her walls that she looks at every day. --- In another clip, Harry has just woken up and is laying on his bare stomach under a white duvet. “We’ve got a show today” he rasps in his husky morning voice. Fans are quick to spot YN's smaller frame lying on the pillow next to his and he glances at her and mutters “I’m exhausted”. ***
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scenetocause · 4 months
💘 mando, pretty pls?
(omg so hard to decide on a heart, i wish i could send all of them!)
🫡 this is loosely set on that night when lando had everyone round to max's parents' lounge for a slumber party DJ set but i forgot it was martin not oli and whatever factual inaccuracy is actually ethical in rpf in this essay i will-
"Max." Lando says it casually, confidently, like he's not just tilted Max's world on it's axis.
He can't help spluttering. "You'd what, Bob?"
Lando's entirely unapologetic. "If I had to snog someone here, it'd be you, wouldn't it?"
That does sort of make sense, when Lando's slurping his can of White Claw and using the sensible, adult voice he did when he offered Max the Quadrant contract.
Except that. "We can't make out, mate."
Lando shrugs and Max is dimly aware there are other people here, that someone (Tom) is hollering at them to stop being fucking losers and get on with the game of truth or dare but that can wait, for now.
"Why not? Conor's got a girlfriend, I'm not snogging Tom and Oli's my brother. So, it just makes sense, doesn't it?"
Someone, Max suspects himself, whimpers quite pathetically.
"S'only a theoretic-whatever, innit. Just saying."
"Ok Bob." He sounds very weak. Feels very weak. Like he needs a cup of tea. Or perhaps he's become one, too dilute and half-cold and much too milky.
"What if it wasn't?" He's not sure that makes any sense, blurted out between sips of wine.
Lando catches up quickly, though. Always has. Looks at Max way too shrewdly for someone who's been drinking, like he's somehow got the focus to bore through Max's soul still.
"Go on, then."
He's never been very good at holding his breath. It makes him panic a bit, like he's drowning. 10 seconds is a long time to wait to exhale, staring at Lando to check he heard him right, through the blood thundering in Max's ears.
"Right, ok."
"Not here," Lando unfolds from the floor, offers Max a hand up. "Don't wanna do it in front of Oli, it's weird."
"Yeah, wouldn't want it to be weird," Max can't help the sarcasm. What the fuck's happening?
"Why would it be, mate?" Lando's got him backed up against the corridor wall and Max is forced to remember, for the millionth time, that he's the shorter one, now.
"Dunno." Max tilts his chin up, defiant now. If Lando's going to fucking snog him then like, just get on with it, yeah? They've nearly got here so many times, waking up tangled together in the Woking house and maybe if they had-
No. Max is done thinking about the past like superstitions, as though he could've saluted a few more magpies and made things different.
"Well don't be weird." Like it's that simple. It might be?
Lando leans in and Max has to scrabble a bit, to get a hold on him. Has to push his fingers into the muscle on Lando's shoulders, haul himself up a bit.
Annoyingly, Lando's good at kissing. Teases, with his tongue, before he nips at Max's lower lip to let him in. He's not as over-eager as Max thought he'd be, the times he's let himself think about them kissing. Has a sense of control, restraint that he knows the bloke must have a lot of but sometimes seems completely absent.
He's tender, too, holding Max around his waist like he's precious. Like this is romantic. Not like snogging one of your mates when you're both a bit tipsy. It's like an... old couple or something, still in love. Maybe that's what they are, still together after all this time and distance.
When Lando pulls back, squeezes Max around his middle, leans back in for another little kiss, Max has to stop himself saying anything stupid. No need to make it weird, is there?
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thought I'd share my day for everyone (and future me).
so the alarm was at 6am bc my mom had to drive me to the train station to catch the 1st train of the day towards bologna so I woke up early and packed my giant backpack for the week (which I had to buy new bc my old one broke literally the day before rip) and then got on the train! then after 1h i arrived and switched train to get to Florence where me and @riverswater walked around and saw the city before catching yet another train to go to the city where our accommodation was and leave the bags. then we got ANOTHER train from there back to Viareggio and from there then we anxiously waited for the bus with other girls who were also going to the festival. the bus was late but it did arrive and the bus driver must have been driving ppl there the whole day bc he told us where to get off before we even asked him anything sjsj after 15min we FINALLY arrived at the venue 🥳🥳 (it was like 6.30pm lol) and there I met up with @tanktop-lou (trusted louis show companion) and @dahliaaz who I met for the first time irl !!
inside the festival ppl were mostly spread out bc there were only a few people already pressed at the front of the stage (those that had entered first) everyone else was sitting around in the grass or in the areas under the pine trees with the fairy lights and the hammocks! and there were LONG lines at the merch stand and food stands ahsh so it was a pretty chill atmosphere and when I got there there was a dj set by abbie (I think) who played mostly rock and indie hits that everyone knew so everyone was dancing and singing along! obviously everyone got up for mister brightside (white ppl anthem! skjs)
after that the cribs played their set and they were really good !! I liked their songs from the afhf Playlist already and they had a really good energy live and their sound was great! and they kept thanking louis which was very nice! check them out if you haven't!
we also saw lottie and lucky in the terrace bc they were right above us and it was so weird to see them irl like what?? they exist?? crazy ahah but she's really pretty (and short!) and lucky is so cuteee! we also saw Isaac Michael (he IS hot tbh) Oli (!!!) Matt and Chris (booo) and all the girlfriends or wives
then we saw the blossoms set which I also enjoyed although I think I enjoyed their music more from the album version lol but the guy was really trying to get the crowd going so A for effort sjdj I Also liked his 70s hair and look! he kept thanking the wrong city but that's OK skgkj
then ( ~9.20pm ) there was another dj set and at this point everyone was just ready to see louis tbh zjgkh by now the crowd was bigger and getting tighter and ppl were mostly standing. also it had gotten dark which made the place and the lights even prettier
then finally and with only 15min of delay (!!) the band started to take their places and the intro started and then FINALLY the guy we'd all been waiting for took the stage woooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (the build up in the intro is so good it really feels you with anticipation! great job steve!)
this year I hadn't been watching the lives for the months before the shows like last year bc it was all in north America so I didn't know the setlist by heart and I have to say it was fun to be surprised every time ! and to experience the live versions of these songs without having heard them many times before!! I really enjoyed that! plus he went a little crazy with the setlist so by the time he did Saturday so soon I was like ok lol ANYTHING can happen tonight skdjkd and it DID! Never in the world would I have expected PARADISE!! as soon as I recognized it I was like OH NO!! I should have listened to this more RIP! at least I knew the chorus skdjkd and it was really fun live !! really went well with the rest of the setlist which was FIRE🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 probably my fav of the shows of his I've been to! all the songs were so high energy and the crowd around me was as well ! we all jumped and screamed most of the night and it was just so fun! and as always the music was so good like all the added drums and guitars in live arrangements are amazing !! my fave is probably OOMS live it's just SO GOOD from the bass intro to the drums it's just the best! also I'm happy I got to hear 7 again bc it's SUCH a good cover and even tho not everyone knew it (😒 embarrassing) I sang along the whole time sksk and he was obviously great at it! I'm also super happy that he kept BTY bc the new version is fantastic!!!! I LOVE the way he sings the first lines so much!!!!!! and it's great to sing you fuck me up you kill me !!!! all together lol let's all scream about that toxic person<333333 bonding experience! then there were also the heartfelt moments like walls which is always so beautiful especially bc live it becomes such a significant moment of pride and love we all experience together and with louis ♡♡♡ I love him sm. also copy is SO good live like it's just so perfect for that setting and is still one of his best songs tbh
louis was so alive and hyped up the whole time he was having the time of his life !!! you could see how happy and proud he was :'))) and he went down in the front even before the last songs !! it was really fun bc everyone got super squished to the side and the front every time lol (I'm sad he didn't go back enough where I was closer but it's okay shsh) anyways it was just great to see him like that especially bc this time I was close enough to actually be able to see him with my eyes the whole time without having to watch the screens like last time in Milan so it felt more "live" in a way to me , more real I guess. (I'd love to be at the very front one day but I don't have the energy for that quest 😭)
it was extremely hot the whole time (louis would have been less hot if he wore shorts but ok!!!) and ngl the crowd was SMELLY by 10pm but it was so good it didn't even matter lol
the set ended at around 11.45 I think? and then we all sang along to we are the champions which was another prideful moment <3
and then me and rhei made our way back to our bus where unfortunately a bunch of dumb fans also were lol but in the end we made it home by 1am and finally went to bed at 2am with sore throats, music ringing in our ears and hearts full!
10/10 would do it all again!
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zot3-flopped · 10 months
Louis: Lads, I need your help. I'm hoping that the NME will review the 02 show and I don't want them focusing on the fans and their fucking rainbow lights.
Oli: The ones who did the Paris project have planned the same for London.
Louis: I need it stopped but in a nice way.
Chris F: I wouldn't bother. It's good to get a write up for being an inclusive artist.
Louis: Fuck off! It makes me look gay. Matt?
Matt Vines: Okay, I don't want you upset for your big night. I just bought up the last of the 02 tickets using my girlfriend's credit card so we're good and can say that the show is sold out. Today I'll contact the Paris fans and tell them we want to be in charge of the visuals for the light show but we'll use their methods to organise it.
Louis: Good, good. Just flashing white lights is fine. No fucking rainbows!
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localplaguenurse · 10 months
Tell me about your boy Jason 🔫
The amount of lore this mf has and you are getting the most condensed version of it!
So Jason is married to @wretchedshade's oc Olivier. He's bisexual and goes by he/they. I've drawn him a couple times now, and will draw more of him when I'm on my writing break.
Before getting married he was Jason Myers, who grew up in a very religious household with a homophobic father, which is where Jason gets his temper. His hair also started going from blond to white prematurely because of a gene on his mom's side of the family where all the men start turning grey before they hit like 35, so he kept dyeing it blonde until he was 25.
As a teen, he started to rebel by drinking and smoking dope, as well as getting into fights and playing "devil's music." When he graduated high school, he left to become lead singer of the metal band Bombshell Pinup (which I might change that name I just don't know what I'll change it to). Musically he was very gifted but things did not turn out well due to his growing addiction issues as well as an extremely abusive ex girlfriend. He left that life behind so he could get his life back on track, opening a flower shop that just so happened to be across the street from his future husband's tattoo parlour.
Nowadays, he's Jason Brodeur, owner of Everyday Persephone. He's been thinking about writing music again, but he and Oli have a daughter now and she is Jason's absolute pride and joy, so they take priority. He's also still haunted by the abuse he suffered in the past and has been clean for years now, he doesn't want to repeat past mistakes now that he's actually happy with his life.
Whenever he and Oli go walking around, they like to joke about being each other's scary dog privileges. On most days, Oli looks super intimidating with his height and tattoos, but he's actually the biggest softy around, where Jason doesn't look as intimidating but will throw a punch the moment the opportunity presents itself.
That is the condensed version. I haven't even gotten into specifics or the million AUs we have for them. You know how you said Wifey is your go to whump character? Jason is mine. I didn't wanna go into detail here but he goes through the fucking wringer. He gets better though so good for him.
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alarrytale · 10 months
Why do you designate Taylor Russel as Number 35? Is it because she is black? What number was Olivia? Do you designate numbers for all of Harry's girlfriends or only those who are not white?
Hello, troll anon!
I've answered this before. She wants name recognition and engagement, and it's measured by her team gathering data from namedropping on social media. I'm not going to contribute to that. So i gave her a number, and the number is to illustrate how many beard's theres been before her connected to Harry. It should actually be a number in the 80's...
Oli*via didn’t get a number because i never reblogged anything or answered asks about her without it relating to H. Since everything did relate to harry, i used 'holivia for ts'.
The next beard will be number 36, regardless of who it might be (if i even bother making a tag for them...)
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jlf23tumble · 2 years
jen i know you haven’t watched the documentary yet, but have you heard any particularly interesting reports so far that have intrigued you?
That Oli is every ounce the hilarious northern ginger showman I would expect to be in Louis's inner circle
The negative space around zero mention of all the rainbow flags or of his (ex-)girlfriend...Eleanor
That Matt is all about drinking white wine in Iceland while everyone else is chugging brewskis (just Matt in general)
The awkwardness around "the hug" and how it syncs up with my own thoughts on a possible breakup in that moment of time
More confirmation that Louis is 10000% comfortable being seen as Freddie's dad
A cementing of my love for all people named Helene
A cementing of my love for Jay and just what a wonderful human being she was
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Psychonauts Characters as... RABBIT BREEDS
So I was on a State Breed Identification team for the American Rabbit Breeder's Association and I'm known for my rabbit stuff so... I'm gonna attach Psychonauts characters to rabbit breeds. I'm going to do my best to not have repeats and use as many breeds as I can.
(Also one of these has a sexual joke that's not explicit but it is a good warning to have)
Razputin "Raz" Aquato = Mini Rex (Castor) Mini Rexes are very generic, coming in a wide variety of... varieties (colors) and are usually people's first breed when getting into rabbits for the first time.
Coach Morceau "Morry/Oly" Oleander = New Zealand (Red Eyed White (REW)) New Zealands are known as THE meat breed and probably what Oleander raised as a young boy. He also probably owned REW New Zealands as they were the first variety and known for their meat.
Sasha Nein = Dwarf Hotot (standard) Yes, he's supposed to be tall but what other rabbit breed specifically has these eye circles that allow them to express more like Sasha did in the first game? Dwarf Hotots are actually some of the calmest breeds, similar to Sasha. And there is NO way that a Rhinelander could fit Sasha.
Camilla "Milla" Vodello = Rhinelander (Blue) Teehee. Look the fact that Rhinelander are the only breed to have the tri-color and be very active makes me think of the fact that these are very eye catching. Also the fact that these are on the bigger side versus the Dwarf Hotot makes me think of the "bunny is obsessed with girlfriend 4X his size" and I love that for Milla and Sasha.
Ford Cruller = American (Blue) I think that Ford fits the fact this rabbit is like... also a pretty standard rabbit (or it used to be) and now people don't really think about it anymore. Matches his story with the Psychonauts.
Agustus Aquato = Beveren (Blue Eyed White) Beverens are very intimidating and can be challenging to approach but they're very sweet and kind, something I think is reflected well in Augustus's story arc in Psychonauts where we're only told that he wanted Raz dead and then he's actually a very sweet and caring father.
Lili Zanotto = Mini-Lop (Lilac) I specifically wanted to go with a rabbit that I identify with being mean and I had a very hate-filled Mini-Lop that has forever tainted my view of the breed. Does not matter how sweet she is, there will always be a certain meanness about her.
Dr. Caligosto "Cal" Loboto = Giant Chinchilla (standard) Again with rabbits that are intimidating, though I've met more mean Giant Chinchillas with I think can contrast with the whole "gentle giant" stereotype. I also think that Caligosto deals with a lot of balding problems and butting teeth so he frequently chews on everything he can get this mouth on.
Truman Zanotto = French Angora (Chestnut) I specifically wanted a fuzzy breed that was larger than the Mini-lop and given the fact that French Lops helped make Mini-Lops I think the French Angora fits Truman Zanotto.
Hollis Forsythe = Thrianta (standard) With the fact that she's running the Psychonauts HQ in Psychonauts 2, I think the latest breed to enter ARBA standards that growing in popularity fits Agent Forsythe. They've got big weights on them and big things to live up to.
Gristol Malik = American Crested Cavy (golden brown) A great showing of the fact that yes, ARBA does cavy shows, but many people tend to think that it's not the case. I think that Gristol as a cavy that goes "wheek wheek wheek" fits his personality of being whiny. (BUT I LOVE GUINEA PIGS, BELIEVE ME)
Donatella "Dona" Aquato = Lionhead (Blue Otter) I think that Dona would be one rabbit breed that is very showy however in later years after having many kids is supposed to not be as good. Female Lionheads tend to lose their "manes" but Donatella upkeeps hers. I think it shows the whole "beauty" before others that she shows off through MOST of PN2.
Dion Aquato = Belgian Hare (tan) I have been waiting to use this breed. A fragile but very lanky breed that I think would fit the Aquatos, Belgian Hares tend to be ones who you'd think would run but don't. Showing a contrast to him with his brother.
Frazie Aquato = English Spot (Gold) I think that Frazie, similar to her mom, would be some pretty nice color that isn't too common as well as be an active running breed similar to the rest of her family (unlike Raz who... had to be a mini rex cause that's a generic protagonist rabbit and I needed a started point)
Mirtala Aquato = Tan (chocolate) Similar to the youthful Tan's I think that Mirtala has enough energy to be this breed of rabbit and enjoy running around.
Queepie Aquato = Checkered Giant (blue) Known for his strength and... not outwardly mean to his brother, I think the checkered giant is the best running breed that suits Queepie, even though they're a lot meaner than he is to his brother.
Marona Lucrecia "Lucy" Aquato = Himilayan (blue) I've met plenty of nice and mean Himilayan rabbits and I think their unique bodytype would be one that could easily be excused as a californian but... nope she's a cylander. She tricked ya.
Otto Mentallis = Argent Brun Another newer breed and this one looks a little older. I'm probably going to have it so that way a lot of the Psychic Seven just look OLD. Anyways I'm a big fan of the idea that Otto is also Grulovian given the fact that the confirmed full blood Grulovian characters (Lucy, Gristol, Rokel, and Theodore) all have the same chin as he does so I think a breed that was at first imported to the states fits right in with that headcanon.
Compton Boole = Dutch (tortoise) I think that Compton is a very shy rabbit breed and Dutch tend to either swing from very very gentle to DON'T TAKE ME OUT OF THE CAGE. I think it fits Compton very well. Plus the fact that Compton is so afraid of how people look at him and how much Dutch are judged based on their markings makes sense to me.
Helmut Fullbear = Giant Angora (standard) Luxurious. Sweet. Kind. Needs a lot of time. I think that the Giant Angora fits Helmut very well, as most rabbits with the Giant on their name are very gentle (except for Chinchilla and Checkered). Plus he has a luxurious beard like most of the Zanottos (he married into the family).
Bob Zanotto = American Fuzzy Lop (lilac) These things... can be mean. But they are also fuzzy. So I think that a Giant Angora + American Fuzzy Lop combo works. Plus the fact of his small size fits in with the fact he is shorter than most psychics AND he could probably garden with more meticulous planning.
Cassie O'Peia = Silver (brown) As one of the oldest breeds and a big following, I think that it really fits Cassie, even if there are not a lot of rabbits that are able to be thought of with her story. I think that I'd have to go more off of "vibes"
Adam Joseph-Gette = Silver Marten (black) Silver Marten's are a newer breed but honestly
Sam Boole = Polish (BEW)
Gisu Neruman = Holland Lop (Opal)
Lizzie Natividad = Harlequin (Magpie (Blue)) Vibes mostly, but I think the specific standards that harlequins can't live up to usually
Morris Martinez = Cinnamon (Standard) Mostly vibes.
Norma Natividad = Britannia Petit (Sable) Mean little fuckers. They'd hate each other <3.
Boyd Cooper = Californian (Black)
Gloria von Gouten = Rex (Amber)
Fred Bonaparte = Champaign d'Argent
Edgar Teglee = Checkered Giant (Black)
Crispin Whytehead = Silver Fox (Blue)
James Theodore "J.T." Hoofburger = He's not actually a rabbit he's an American Wild Hare
Franke Athens = Satin (Copper)
Nils Lutefisk = That one rabbit that you try to bond with and you think it's really sweet when it starts chinning you and you pet it and then you realize it's wanting to breed.
Mikhail Bulgakov = Himilayan (Black) Fun fact: Himilayans are also called "The Russian Rabbit."
Elka Doom = Blanc de Hotot
Clem Foote = Dwarf Papillon
Elton Fir = Lilac
Bobby Zilch = Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarves are mean and all of them are mean no matter what a breeder might tell you. If they're not mean it's because you're their person.
Dogen Boole = Havana
Chloe Barge = Abyssinian Cavy
Benny Fidelo = Jersey Wooly
Phoebe Love = Checkered Giant
Quentin Hedgemouse = Holland Lop (broken tortoiseshell) The most popular starting rabbit I've
Milka Phage = The one rabbit who keeps pretending it's dead and when you go to grab it, it attacks you.
Crystal Flowers Snagrash = Florida White
Kitty Bubai = Harlequin (Japanese (Black))
Vernon Tripe = Mini Satin
Maloof Canola = Netherland Dwarf Also angry and very small and picked on.
Melvin "Chops" Sweetwind = French Angora
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 8 months
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i only spent like 30 minutes on these hence the quality but behold. mechs au doodles be upon ye. full list of what's going on in this au+the two mechs images i referenced below the cut
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so the hermits are the mechs themselves in this au, and rn we have empires members in oautis (ouatis is where this even started and then it SPIRALED)
ouatis itself is empires season 1. the cast is:
snow-jimmy rose-lizzie cinders-joel briar rose-katherine king cole-sausage hansel+gretel-fwhip+gem gepetto-joey jack-shrub pix+scott are members of snow's crew from pump shanty, xornoth is the general white who betrays snow's crew cause we were originally gonna put him in the crew itself to fill up numbers before we Realized. the three little pigs are hesitently bubbles, sir carlos, and the general but lizzie doesn't kill them i'm not making her kill a dog. they just leave dw about it.
then we decided alice could be fun if we threw the season 2 characters into it so:
alice-pix comsat chesire-sausage caterpiller-oli hatter+hare-shelby+katherine door mouse-joey queen of hearts-lizzie knave of hearts-fwhip or jimmy (haven't quite decided)
and then the mechanisms themselves!
jonny-pearl nastya-false (we decided pearl+false would be the two mechs who show up in ouatis because it simply Made Sense for those to be the hermits who appear, y'know) ashes-cleo (look at me and tell me cleo wouldn't pull the shit ashes does. you can't) ivy-cub (archivist, bit of a bitch, what is their deal? who knows) brian-grumbot (the pun of drumbot brian to grumbot brian was too good to pass up) tim-tango (both tried to blow up the moon) ts-joe (again, tell me this doesn't work. you can't) raph-doc (mad scientist, has wings) marius-ren (simply vibes, has/had a prosthetic arm) carmilla-genericb, what with joe having done a coup to get hermitcraft s2 running (ts killed the doc in this universe) scuzz-etho (it just makes sense) the aurora is just the hermatrix in this au. and also yes she is still false's girlfriend. i think she deserves it.
i also had a third life hnoc au a bit ago that is very appropriate for this au. don’t worry about any repeat hermits here, it’s fine, don’t think about it too hard.
arthur-impulse lancelot-bdubs guinevere-cleo mordred-bigb (with the saxons being the other members of dogwarts) gawain-scott galahad-scar (listen to hellfire and tell me i’m wrong) empty trail singer-jimmy and then obviously merlin is grumbot still.
grian has a frankenstein moment and stranger moment going on, i could explain it but don’t worry about it, just know he’s in grumbot’s backstory somewhere.
scar (specifically swagon scar) also reappears as dr. pilchard later, because of course he does.
still no thoughts on tbi or udad in this au, but i’ll figure it out at some point.
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rollercoasterush · 10 months
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☆–– (sabrina carpenter , she/her, cis woman) who is BECKETT OLIVER anyways? ew. you don’t know about HER, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling 26 and YOGA feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re INDECISIVE and PEOPLE PLEASING because they care, but they’re also IDEALISTIC and SENTIMENTAL in the best way. SHE works to make a little money as a TATTOO ARTIST. they’ve rented a place on cornelia street in the form of WOODVALE. NEW YEARS DAY (b) is the song they could dance to the beat of forevermore.  
name: beckett oliver nickname: beck, becks, b, oli birthday: february 14, 1997 orientation: bisexual
beckett grew up in your stereotypical white picket fence family. two parents who are happily married and an older brother that she loves. she was adopted at two years old and doesn't remember her biological parents at all and since it was a closed adoption, her adoptive parents don't know anything besides first names.
despite being adopted, her parents never made her feel like anything less than their own blood. they were always encouraging to her hopes and her dreams. it wasn't very often that they really didn't approve of something or someone she spent time with. for this reason, when they were truly set against something, she typically believed it was in her best interest to give it up.
beck had always been the golden child. she got good grades, made honour roll, always left the door open when she had a boy over, never got in trouble, she went to college for something practical. the only time in that she has ever strayed from this is when she went into a career in design and tattooing and even then she made an agreement that she would go into her backup career (financing), if things didn't workout within two years. luckily for her, her career as a tattoo artist seems to be doing well so far so she's been able to keep with this career path.
significant other - beck's parents set these two up, she likes them but she hasn't found those fireworks yet
older brother - 28+, beck and her brother are very close. they can be adopted as well or biological.
exes - give me her first girlfriend, give me drama, give me friends who thought they should try dating and it didn't workout but they're still best friends
best friend - this person has been with her through everything and vice versa. they are the only person she has told about her interest in finding her birth parents.
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elsehuggs · 6 years
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Joe: I used to think Jack was so sweet and innocent. We all did, right?
Oli: No, not really.
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Caspar friend zoned himself and Ambar says that she’s his girlfriend 😂🤗
So are they together or just friends?
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zot3-flopped · 11 months
https://thisiskatsblog.tumblr.com/post/732823101979672576/ohhhmg-do-i-love-larries-blaming-louis-and-harry This middle aged white larrie who never seen teenage boys interact and who was one of those 50 larries on that blog manipulating information in the larry cultish fandom listed all stereotypes and just demonstrated what your anon said about older larries. The cliche being they will never say that it is Louis and Oli because it can never be someone whom they consider conventionally unattractive.
She genuinely thought that Harry was being serious when he said 'my first real crush was Louis Tomlinson' even though she knows Harry had already had a serious girlfriend and lots of crushes before he was even in 1d.
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