#girls when they drop out of college to support their sweetheart who graduated before them and realize they were not in love and fall into a
pinkfey · 2 years
nate + norma + “i’m the cunt you married”
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juniorgman187 · 4 years
Things We Know By Heart (Spencer Reid Fluff)
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Summary: Reader teaches Spencer how to slow dance in preparation for his wedding. The only problem? Reader’s in love with Spencer, and she isn’t the bride. 
A/N: S/O to Kyla who bullied me throughout all of elementary school. Ik you’ve probably changed since then, but you literally traumatized and tormented me for more than six years of my life. So I felt like including you in this story as, “Kayla,” Spencer’s fiancé. Tehe, I’m petty like that.  Couple: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid Category: Fluff Word Count: 6.5k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
I think we’d all like to believe that somewhere out there is our person. And somehow, someway, they’ll get to where they need to go, right where they belong. 
With us. 
That’s what I’d like to believe. 
I’d like to think that no matter what happens along our journeys to each other, we’ll arrive at the same destination regardless. 
But that isn’t necessarily true, is it? 
Because maybe, my soulmate got lost along the way. They met somebody great, someone they think is their person, and they married that person. They had kids and eventually, grandkids with that person, even though, deep down - they knew it wasn’t right. They stayed with them anyway because their fear of being alone superseded their fear of being with the wrong person for life. 
And what am I to do when that happens? When my person finds a different person. 
Am I supposed to believe that the universe will be so kind as to give my soulmate the courage to leave their relationship behind and forge a new one with me? 
Am I supposed to expect that the world will supply me with another person, the person I’m supposed to marry? 
Or do I simply wait for my person to come to the conclusion that they’re meant to be with me after all and my naive entitlement to a soulmate is validated?
Is life really that magical? 
This is the story of what happens when your person loves a different person.
With his hand at the nape of my neck to support my head and his other hand flat against the small of my back, he dipped me backward, leaning with me as I arched my back and bent the leg closest to the crowd, pointing my foot to elongate my leg artistically. This was our ending position so I remained in it until the song ended. The two of us bowed to thank the audience and to conclude our performance. Roses fell at our feet while the sound of applause echoed in the room. I was never a fan of being the center of attention, but there was something about this overwhelming praise that was particularly blissful. It was intoxicating. 
“I didn’t know you knew how to dance like that.” I gushed to my partner; my cheeks growing pink from the heat and the head rush I got. 
He positioned his mouth right beside my ear so I could hear his words clearly over the rowdy cheering. “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Princess.” said Morgan.
A gauntlet formed to clap for us both when we walked off the dance floor. Hand-in-hand, Morgan led me back to the table through the double file line of people. The team howled with excitement when they saw me and Morgan approaching.
“So this is what you two were keeping a secret from us? That you’re dance partners?” JJ had to ask. 
“Yep. All those late nights and secret rendezvous.” Morgan said, shimmying his shoulders be suggestive of a sexual innuendo, which I was not a fan of. Out of mock offense, I chucked a small towel at him with a grouchy command to “Shut up!” 
He took the towel to the face like a champ, laughing it off and dabbing his sweat away. 
“I don’t know who was sexier up there - Princess or my Hubba Hubba!” Garcia squealed pretending to claw at Derek, reeling him over towards her. 
“You looked like a natural up there, Y/N. Were you a dancer before?” Prentiss questioned while handing me a glass of water that I desperately gulped down. 
“My mom sent me to dance classes as soon as I could walk.” I jokingly explained after gathering my hair into a makeshift ponytail and lifting it off of my neck, cocking my head to the side and fanning the back of my neck to cool down. 
“Maybe you should teach Reid how to dance before the wedding. He’s got two left feet and I don’t think he wants Morgan to teach him how to waltz.” JJ quipped, making Derek throw his head back in laughter. The thought of Morgan and Reid slow dancing would truly be something - something hilarious. I laughed, too, until Reid’s voice interrupted me.
“Yeah, that’s actually a really good idea. Would you mind, Y/N? Kayla would be so happy.” 
I thought he was joking, but his humorless expression told me otherwise. 
“You want me to teach you how to dance?” 
He pursed his lips and nodded, not understanding why I was so confused. 
“Um . . . yeah. I can do that. Sure.” My tone wasn’t very convincing, but Reid’s optimism made him oblivious to my reluctance. He smiled and hugged me with one arm around my shoulder. 
“I have to call Kay and tell her the good news.” Reid dashed away from the table, pulling out his phone to dial his fiancé. 
I darted toward JJ with fury and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her into the bathroom for privacy. 
“What the hell was that? ‘Oh, Y/N, you should teach him how to dance.’ You know how I feel about Reid!” 
Rather than giving me hostility back, she broke into a smile. “Exactly! If you spend more time alone with him, maybe he’ll finally admit to himself that he shouldn’t be marrying Kayla,”
I rolled my eyes and turned my back away from her. 
“We all know Spence would be happier with you.” 
As JJ spoke, I trudged to the nearest sink, holding onto the sides for stability as the ground below me swayed. She followed me, rubbing up and down my back comfortingly. 
“You know how he is. He keeps things to himself, until eventually they’re forced to come out. If you dance with him, maybe he’ll finally tell you he loves you without actually having to say it. Do this for him . . . and for you.” JJ gave me one last pat on the back before exiting the bathroom to leave me to my devices.
Normally, teaching a friend how to slow dance in preparation for his wedding would be sweet. It’d be a selfless gesture and an act of service for him that would show how much love there was in our friendship. In this case though, it was anything but. 
For the six months that Spencer and Kayla had been engaged, the team was relentless in trying to end it. I tried to stay out of it in case all hell broke loose, but I couldn’t escape it. No - I was at the very center of it. 
Before Reid even knew Kayla existed, he was head-over-heels in love with me. He’d ask me on coffee dates, wait by my desk for me, and he would always try to sit beside me at the round table or on the jet. It was sweet, really, but it could never go anywhere. 
I was in a committed relationship with my high school sweetheart Patrick. (Maybe Spencer had a thing for unavailable girls).
I moved in with Patrick after graduating from college, and after years of working in the BAU (and years of Spencer loving me) Pat proposed. At first, being engaged brought me so much joy, but halfway into our engagement, something changed.
I was in Wisconsin, consoling a grieving widow. She was hysterical after I delivered the treacherous news of her husband’s gruesome murder. She eventually calmed down and proceeded to ask me about my engagement when she noticed my ring. I gave her the bare minimum, fabricated a couple things here and there, but then she asked me the million dollar question. 
“Are you in love?” Her eyes glimmered with hope. 
My immediate answer was a habitual “Yes, of course.” But after seeing how deeply this widow loved her late husband, I couldn’t say in good conscience that that answer was actually true. 
That night I went to the hotel and lied on the bed, praying for clarity. 
Perhaps I wasn’t actually in love with Patrick. Maybe we’d been together for so long that it just felt safe and comfortable and familiar. Maybe it was the fear of disrupting the arrangement of my life that stopped me from ending things sooner. 
The fact of the matter was that I’d only ever known a life loving him, but that didn’t mean I was in love with him. Maybe I was settling for something with Pat, because I wasn’t sure if I could have a better relationship with anyone else. With all these doubts, I needed a sign. 
A knock on the door interrupted my inner dialogue. 
When I opened it, who else was standing there, but none other than Rossi.
“We need to talk.” He ordered. 
He followed me back into the room and sat at the foot of the bed. He said he noticed something was off about me, and I admitted that there was. So that night, I took advice I probably shouldn’t have from the man with multiple failed marriages, but it was a sign - and it was good enough.
When we returned to Quantico, I asked Hotch for some personal time, which he was happy to permit. That same night I went home and broke off the engagement with Patrick. 
I felt despicably cold when I watched him tear up and ask me, “Why are you doing this?” 
There was truly no concrete moment in our relationship that incited my decision, but it was merely the realization that being with him wasn’t right, because how could I stand there watching him beg for a change of heart but still feel nothing? 
Maybe I was much less than not in love. Maybe I didn’t feel a thing for him at all. Not hate. Not empathy. Not love. Just . . . nothing. 
Completely indifferent. 
Within the week of personal time I took, I spent most of it moving into Rossi’s guest house. After I came back from work, it took all of two hours before someone brought up the absence of the ring that I used to never take off, and I’d assumed they’d already noticed it the moment I walked in - they were just too afraid to ask.
“I ended things with Patrick.” I casually stated, not even looking up from my portfolio to give it the attention it probably deserved. 
While the rest of the team’s jaws dropped on the floor, Rossi was fighting a smirk considering this wasn’t news to him and having seen everyone else’s reactions was a priceless moment for him. 
There was a brief moment of awkward silence on the jet as the team processed my information, until finally Hotch cleared his throat and started debriefing again. In the seat next to me, Spencer was very poorly hiding his enthusiasm. Hearing I broke off the engagement was like a green light to make his move. And honestly, it was. 
So I waited. 
And I waited. 
And I waited. 
Then I waited some more for him to jump at the opportunity. 
But he didn’t. 
He never did. 
Instead, he introduced Kayla into our lives, and eventually, they’d get engaged, too. 
I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t developed feelings for Spencer while I expected him to act upon his palpable affection for me. And because of my newfangled feelings, I could never tell another soul that I sincerely believed Spencer got engaged just to spite me - to show me just how painful unrequited love was. 
The strangest part of it all, though, was that there was never a moment following the ending of my engagement and the birth of his own that showed me that his feelings went away. He never treated me differently or stopped talking to me. Even in the early stages of his relationship with Kayla, he continued to act like I was the only girl in his life. He was so consistent with his actions that it confused me.
Did he love me or not? And was I in love with him or not?
Evidently, the team seemed to have my answer. 
“He loves you and you love him. It’s as simple as that.” Prentiss explained curtly. 
Agreeing nods came from JJ, Morgan, and Garcia, who’d abducted me as soon as I exited the elevator that morning and snuck me into Garcia’s Bat Cave for an intervention. 
“We need to stop this wedding.” Garcia demanded. 
And since that glorious intervention, the team (minus Rossi and Hotch because Rossi seemed genuinely happy for Reid, and Hotch would definitely tell us it wasn’t our place) began trying to put a wedge in the relationship. I, however, made the smart choice not to be involved. 
If I was trying to get him to love me, why would I do something that would surely make him hate me like breaking up his engagement? Plus, the blind optimist in me believed that if I was actually meant to be with Spencer, it would happen regardless of Kayla. 
So anytime Morgan, JJ, Prentiss, and Garcia suggested something, I refused to participate. I was able to steer clear of any wedding crasher shenanigans up until JJ’s “slow-dance” suggestion. 
If Reid knew the true intentions behind these dance classes, he surely wouldn’t be pleased, but clearly - he didn’t. Because when I walked out of the restroom and back to the table, Reid still had a huge grin that took up half of his face, making his eyes look nearly shut. 
“Thank you again for doing this.” Reid beamed. 
“Of course! What are friends for?” 
Morgan, Prentiss, JJ, and Garcia exchanged satirical glances at my choice of words. 
What are friends for if not to purposefully set two people up in hopes of ending one person’s betrothal?
Later that weekend . . 
“Come in!” I called out, buckling the ankle strap of my heels. 
The door opened partially and then all at once to reveal the one and only. I peeked my head out from behind a wall that was obstructing my view of him, immediately noticing a bouquet of lavender wrapped in twine. 
“Oh my goodness, what is this?” I asked in pure delight as he handed me the pretty purple flowers. 
“It’s a thank-you gift for agreeing to help me.” His lips formed a thin straight line, which was his version of a smile. A smile I appreciated whenever I was lucky enough to have caused it. 
“They’re lovely, thank you.” I told him, hugging him briefly before fetching a vase from the kitchen to put them in.
“Oh, good, I’ll tell Kayla you liked them. She’s the one who picked them out.”
The glass vase nearly shattered the moment he said that, but luckily, my reflex skills spared the vessel.
How big of a fool was I for thinking that he gave me flowers out of the kindness of his heart because he knew lavender was my favorite? But then again I probably needed that brutal reminder of why he was here in the first place - for Kayla.
As I put the vase on the kitchen island, I spun around, brandishing a fake smile. 
“So we should probably get started. I don’t wanna keep you here for too long.” 
“There’s no rush. Kayla won’t be home until late at night.” 
I tried not to think of the potential innuendo that lied within his statement, but Spencer wasn’t type to be disloyal, and I wasn’t going to be the woman to make him such a person.
“You look really nice, by the way.” I heard him say from behind me, catching a whiff of his cologne that was intoxicatingly sweet.
I did my best to not take the comment personally and let it get to my head, but I’d be lying if it didn’t elicit any response. I smiled to myself, which thankfully, he couldn’t see since my back was towards him as he followed me into my backyard. 
“You smell different.” He added. 
“Good different?”
“Yeah, absolutely. Is it a new perfume?”
I furrowed my brows. “No, it’s the same one I’ve been using for years.”
“Interesting,” I could feel him taking in this information, and I could hear the gears in his head turning at an even faster rate to spit out more information. “Did you know that you pick your soulmate by subconsciously reacting to pheromones that transmit their genetic compatibility? Yeah, there’s a relationship between attraction and scent, which dates back to our primal instinct. So if someone smells appealing to you, even if you don’t know it, it could relate to your attraction to them and vice versa.” 
“Ah, then maybe I should consider changing my perfume to improve my love life.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous. I love the way you smell.”
In the back of my mind lied the unanswered question I neglected to voice, “But do you love me?”
When we reached the backyard, I heard him gasp in awe. 
“It looks beautiful, Y/N. You did great.”  
Nestled in my backyard was a dark wooden deck, surrounded by plentiful greenery. Lining the perimeter of the shiny wooden deck were asymmetrical rocks, while above us hung strands of fairy lights that cast a sheer golden glow on the entire scene. The ambiance was not for Spencer specifically, but I was happy that he appreciated it nonetheless. 
“You ready?” 
He signaled yes by putting his thumb up and so it began.
“Alright, so slow dancing can be broken into four easy steps, but first, you gotta know how to hold your partner correctly.” 
Spencer and I took a step towards each other, and I could feel the nervous energy radiating off of him. I tried not to call attention to it, so I simply continued with my process. Outstretching my arms to form a T with my body, I guided him verbally. 
“So I’m the follower. And you’re the leader. Got it?” 
He nodded. 
“Leader puts their right hand under the follower's left armpit and cups their hand around the follower's shoulder blade.” 
He understood my instructions, and in the most awkward manner possible, he fumbled his way into the right position, albeit, not perfect. 
“Now, hold my right hand as high as my eye level without raising my shoulder.” 
Spencer was glaringly anxious, so I gave him a word of encouragement. “Hey, don’t be nervous. It’s just me, okay? And you’re doing great.”
I could see the nerves beginning to settle, translating into the conviction with which he took my hand, raising it at the perfect height. 
“Great. Just like that.” 
My praise brought out that smile in him that only ever came out on rare occasions. The kind where it’s brief, his teeth showing, a light chuckle escapes him, and he’s looking down as if he’s too shy to look at me. 
“Okay, step two is basic footwork. Leader starts with their left foot and takes a step to the left. And then your right foot is going to meet your left foot and tap. The count is one-two.” 
I watched as Spencer tried to process what I was saying. 
“Do you want me to demonstrate first? And then you follow?” 
He nodded rapidly as if saying yes wouldn’t be enough to communicate how much he needed me to lead. We broke apart so that I could turn my back towards him. I felt a cold draft blow under my dress as I spun on the ball of my feet, making my skirt flutter upwards majestically. 
I felt him watching. 
“Alright, so I’ll start and then you can catch on. It goes one-two.” 
Left foot step. Right foot tap. 
“Then three-four.” 
Left foot step. Right foot tap. 
“Then to the right this time. Five-six.” 
Right foot step. Left foot tap. 
Right foot step. Left foot tap.
“And back again. One-two. Three-four. Five-six. Seven-eight.” 
My eight count continued until the click of my heels on the patio was joining by the sound of Spencer’s feet shuffling behind me. I knew if I turned around to check on him, it would only psych him out and make him more nervous, so I stayed facing forward so he wouldn’t feel that I was scrutinizing his technique. 
After a minute or so of following me, I spun back around, catching his lingering stare in the region of my hips. He tried to play it off and pretend he wasn’t, but I felt it. 
“You did really well tonight. I’m proud of you. I think that’s a good place to stop for today.” 
He thanked me with another hug, the kind where we nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. 
God, I could feel him breathing on my shoulder. 
I tried not to not to let myself indulge in it, reasoning that this was just a way for one friend to thank another, but I couldn’t help myself when the hug lasted longer than it should’ve. I tightened my embrace around him, drawing him in closer, and shutting my eyes as if taking my sense of sight away would heighten my sense of touch and magnify this feeling I never wanted to end.
“You take care, okay?” I said, rubbing my hand up and down his back to signal we should pull away, a signal he understood.
I was the first to walk away, merely because of the worry that I might sooner cry if I had to stay under these lights with him a moment longer. 
I wasn’t sure I could do this again unless he was mine. Otherwise, I’d just be under the stars, dancing with the love of my life that I couldn’t have - feeling that feeling again, and not being able to act on it. 
Is this what happens when your person loves somebody else?
I know I said I couldn’t do it, but I did it anyway. 
I guess that’s what love is. Doing things you don’t want to do because your care for the other person surpasses the discomfort. True love makes you do things like that, even if they aren’t in your best interest.
When he came over the next night, we danced again. Undoubtedly, he stumbled - even came close to falling - and yet, I fell in love all over again. After that, it got harder to separate dancing from my feelings. 
The next day, we had a case. He came to my hotel room and we danced in the dim golden light of the hotel room’s chandelier. God, it was so ambient and romantic, I think I fell even harder for him - if that was even possible. 
From then on, every time we were in the same place, he leapt at the opportunity to dance with me. 
“Guys, look what I learned last night! Come, Y/N! Come on, come on.” 
He waved me over eagerly with his hand, even helping me out of my seat in the round table just to speed up the process. All too excitedly, he assumed the leader’s position, and he danced me around the entire conference room in front of our coworkers. He spun me around the table, he dipped me in the doorway, he held me in his arms by the glass board. 
Can you really blame me for falling in love? 
“Wow, Y/N! I’m impressed. You really whipped him into shape.” JJ remarked with a clap. 
I hid behind a faux smile, but Spencer was too elated to recognize the deceit. He was like that now. Maybe love made him more of a fool, more naive and blissfully unaware, whereas love made me more devoted and cognizant. 
It went on like that for weeks. Practicing whenever and wherever we could. 
He’d pull me into the hotel lobby at midnight to dance - not even batting an eye at the looming presence of the receptionist. 
He’d ask me to come to his apartment and we’d dance in his living room or in the narrow hallway, just for fun. 
When we were at Rossi’s, he’d drag me to the kitchen, with Rossi’s gentle music playing in the background, and we’d sway by the fireplace sometimes. 
We danced once in the elevator when it got stuck. I never thought he’d be so fearless to do that, but he looked like he was genuinely enjoying himself, almost like he didn’t even notice we were stuck in an elevator. 
While we waited for the jet, we’d danced on the tarmac, looking like a moving bundle of clothes, our movements stifled by our thick peacoats, layers of clothes, and scarfs. 
After a dinner during cases, when we’d split a cab back to the hotel, he’d get me to dance on the sidewalk, even convincing me not to pay attention to the onlookers on the street, the honking cars, or the confused pedestrians. I was always embarrassed to be in the spotlight, but somehow with him, it was easy. It felt like it was just the two of us, dancing under that streetlight. 
I never understood why people wanted to live in a moment forever, but for the first time that night, I did. That was a moment I wanted to freeze in time. I wish I could’ve stayed there forever. There in that moment, it really felt like it was our own little world. It was easy to believe we’d end up together, and we were the ones getting married, and we were in love. 
But again, that was in that moment. In that singular, fleeting moment. And then life moved on, whether or not I was ready for it to. 
The day of rehearsals inevitably came, and I wasn’t originally supposed to be at the wedding rehearsal since I wasn’t part of the ceremony, but Spencer asked me to be there, deliberately neglecting to tell me that the reason he wanted me to come was so that I could fill in for Kayla, which had I known that, I would’ve certainly declined. 
When I walked in, the team was all there, sitting in the pews, with their heads turning to me where I was standing at the entrance of the church. It felt like an eerie nightmare that I was living out where I was Spencer’s bride walking down the aisle, and this was our wedding. I couldn’t tell you what was so nightmarish about it - probably because none of it felt right - but I was sick to my stomach when Spencer gestured for me to meet him at the altar. 
“What’s going on?” 
“Kayla had a last minute dress alteration in Norfolk and got stuck in traffic. She won’t make it for this rehearsal, but she’ll be there in time for the dinner rehearsal.” 
“So why am I here?” 
“I wanted to practice my vows on you, if that’s okay.” 
I gulped hard, trying to swallow the lump in my throat to open up my suddenly-closing airway. 
“Um, I don’t really know if -”
“Please, Y/N. I’m just nervous that I might mess up-”
How could I say no? True love makes you do crazy things, even if they aren’t in your best interest, right?
I reluctantly agreed. 
Spencer’s hands were trembling and I could see it by the way his notecards were shaking, even from the fact that he brought notecards alone, and that he didn’t already memorize his vows. I wanted to put my hands around his and hold them to settle his unsteadiness, but I knew that wasn’t my place. I figured my words would do a better job at not crossing a boundary that was already crossed.
“Hey,” I comfortingly whispered. “It’s just me, okay?” Calling back those words from the first time we danced months ago. “You don’t need those notecards. Just speak from the heart.”
And sure enough, his heart spoke. 
“When people used to tell me stories about what love felt like and what is what, they always said they fell in love with that person. Like it was sudden and all at once, but with you - I walked into love with you. With my eyes wide open, choosing to take each and every step along the way. I never believed in fate or destiny, but after I met you, I finally believed. I believed that we are only fated to do the things that we’d choose anyway. And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality. I’d find you and I’d choose you.”
My breath hitched as I got lost in his eyes and how they were looking right at me, completely unmindful of the way everyone around us saw how he spoke to me. 
I think he even got lost too, because what he said next, didn’t even seem to register in his mind before it came out of his mouth. 
“I love you . . . Y/N.” 
Gasps rang through the church, ricocheting off the high ceiling, and in that moment I knew, I knew he was going to kiss me. 
He lunged forward in the heat of the moment. Clearly not thinking straight, he held my face in his hands, and I swear to God, I could’ve kissed him back. 
I would’ve. 
Every single head in the church turned toward the small voice, too distinct to misplace. 
“Kayla, wait!’ 
And there I stood, alone at the front of the altar, watching him run after her. 
I sat by my phone the entire afternoon, waiting for someone - anyone - to update me. No one ever ended up texting or calling, so I figured the dinner rehearsal wasn’t cancelled. At least, in that case, my dress didn’t go to waste. 
After spending an ungodly amount of time curling my hair and putting on my makeup, even achieving a smoky eye look, I finally slipped on my navy-blue, satin, floor length dress, donning nude heels and a dainty gold necklace with a single diamond pendant that laid right on my sternum. 
It was a shame that this was a moment where I should’ve felt at my prettiest, and yet, I’d never felt so ugly. 
I was riddled with the guilt of knowing I would’ve kissed Spencer if Kayla hadn’t walked in. I felt even worse that I was so consumed by his speech that I didn’t even hear her come in. 
How long had she been standing there? Long enough to watch what I knew everyone else saw? These questions never left me. Not even when I pulled into the site of the dinner rehearsal. 
Clutching the front of my dress to walk without resistance, I came to the entrance, and opened the door to reveal . . . nothing.
Staff was removing chairs and tables. 
Waiters were collecting plates and utensils. 
And Spencer was standing in the very middle of the empty room, watching it all happen silently, like he was just the shell of a man. 
“Spencer!” I called out from the entrance, in no hurry to meet him at the middle of the room. He turned on his heels, with his hands sheepishly shoved into his pockets. 
“Gosh, I’m sorry, Y/N. I should’ve called to let you know it got cancelled, but um, Kayla broke my phone.”
“Well, it’s time you got a new phone anyway.” I chuckled, which thankfully earned a chuckle from him, too. 
“What happened, Spencer?” My voice was quiet, as if it was any decibel higher it would sound more like a scold than genuine concern. 
“She, um, she told me she needed some time to think. And I, I told her to come to the rehearsal dinner if she still wanted to get married and,” He mirthlessly chuckled. “Well, you already know.” His words were chosen carefully to deliberately avoid what he hadn’t yet come to terms with. 
She didn’t come. 
I wasn’t yet sure whether or not to console him or to berate him for what he almost did, but I chose the former. 
“I’m so sorry, Spence.” 
He looked up from the ground, still managing to avoid my gaze, by looking up at the ceiling, and pretty much everywhere my face wasn’t. 
“I understand if you want to leave right now. I just need to pay the owner and I’ll be out of here.” 
I shook my head instantly. “No, I’ll be right here. If you want me to be.” 
He bit his lip to stop a sob from escaping. “Yeah,” He nodded, cowering his head. “I’d like that a lot.” 
As soon as I saw his cheeks get red, I took it as a cue to approach him and hug him. He was grateful for my compassionate touch, immediately opening up his arms to hug me back. His embrace around me was needy and desperate, and it felt like he was clawing at my dress, acting out of anger that the fabric was stopping us from being that much closer. 
With his shoulder digging into the spot right underneath my chin, it was hard to utter the words, “You look really handsome, by the way.” I said, finally acknowledging his light beige suit and white button up shirt. 
“Thanks.” I heard him mumble into my shoulder. 
“Kayla doesn’t know what she’s missing.” 
To my surprise, he didn’t recoil, flinch, or so much as react to her name. Instead, he simply pulled away, wiping the moisture under his nose, and straightening out his suit. 
“We should . . . we should probably talk about what happened earlier, right?” 
I sighed and shook my head. “Not if you don’t want to. We can save that conversation for another day.”
He looked appreciative of my avoidance, but I knew he wanted to talk about it. 
“Hey, excuse me,” He stopped a staff member by clutching their arm gently. “Do you mind, actually? Leaving two seats behind.” 
The staff member complied, doing as he said, and leaving two chairs behind, setting one right across from the other. I took my seat, and Spencer took his.
“I probably shouldn’t have spoken from the heart, huh?” He joked, finally seeing the humor in his situation. 
“No, it was good that you did.”
“You think so?”
“Definitely. I think Kayla would’ve appreciated it.” All too quickly he responded with, “I wasn’t talking about Kayla.” 
I was talking about you, his somber eyes said. 
I looked away from his gaze immediately, trying to find a reprieve from the conversation that I was doing my best to avoid. 
“It was a really good speech. It sounded so natural. Like something you knew by heart.”
“Something I knew by heart?” He didn’t seem to understand what I meant. 
“Yeah, some things we just know by heart. Like the lyrics to our favorite song, or a recipe, how to dance,” We both chuckled at the reference. “Or . . . how to love.” 
“Do you think we know who to love by heart or do you think we make that choice ourselves?”
“I think it’s both. I think we can’t control the person we’re meant to love. That, by some miracle, we’re handed this person that complements us better than anyone else. But I also think it’s our choice on whether or not we pick them. Maybe we aren’t willing to stand the test of time and wait for our person, so we don’t pick them and settle for someone else. Or maybe we do pick them and we live out the rest of our lives together. I think that’s what makes love so special. It’s a person choosing you over and over again.” 
Isn’t that what we all want? To feel chosen?
“And what if we make the wrong decision? What if we’ve met who we’re supposed to love, but we chose to love another?” His eyes were searching within mine for the words that I wasn’t saying out loud. Out of fear that my eyes might expose me to Spencer, I looked away. 
“I think -”
Spencer cut me off. “Look at me.” 
My head didn’t move, but I shifted my gaze just as he wanted.
“When two people are meant to be, nothing and no one can end them. They may get lost a time or two on their journey, but true, real love will always conquer. Nothing can compete with them. Others can only attempt to fill a void. And eventually, the two will be reunited. That’s the beauty of true love; you always end up with the right person, at the right time, regardless of any other factor.” 
Quiet fell upon us two after I said my piece. My breathing slowed down and the knot in my stomach came undone. The lump in my throat disappeared. 
All my bodily barriers broke down. There were no more emotional walls up between the two of us anymore. I was completely vulnerable - nothing to hide me. Not even my eyelids could hide the windows of my soul. Spencer had already seen into them. 
He saw my soul, my secrets. 
“Dance with me.” He extended his hand in the air between us two. With no hesitation, I accepted his offer and followed his lead. He’d never danced so naturally before. Somehow, his stiffness had withered away. The thick tension that used to loom in the air above us two dissipated. Something new replaced the contents of the atmosphere. 
Limitless love. 
Spencer drew me in closer so my head could lay on his chest. Previously, I was looking at his face, but now the view was of our connected hands. My fingers were intertwined with his, and I didn’t even notice how his thumb was rubbing small circles on the back of my hand until I saw it with my own eyes. 
Had he always done that, but I couldn’t feel it until I saw it for myself? If so, what else had he been doing that I couldn’t feel?
“Loving you.” 
I removed my head from his shoulder after hearing him answer the question that I pondered silently, wondering if suddenly just acquired the superpower of telepathy.
“Loving you. That’s all I know how to do by heart.” 
A wave of relief came over me when I realized he hadn’t read my mind, he was just simply adding to our conversation from before. 
“That’s not true,” I mirthlessly chuckled. “There’s lots you know how to do. You know thousands of chess permutations, you know how to geographically profile - you know how to dance now.” I countered playfully.
He shook his head. “I know how to do those things, but sometimes, none of it makes sense. I used to lose matches against Gideon, sometimes the comfort zone is inaccurate, and until today, I couldn’t dance very well,” He chortled. “But loving you. That always made sense. It never failed me or disappointed me and it’s so all-consuming that if I try to love anyone else - it just doesn’t make sense.”
Of all the words in my vocabulary, each of them were failing me. I was rendered speechless. Spencer cleared his throat and looked away for a moment, before finding the nerve to say it. 
“I choose you.” He proclaimed. 
So, I was right. 
There are some things we know by heart. 
Lyrics to our favorite song.
A recipe. 
How to dance . . . how to love.
And who to choose. 
“I choose you, too, Spencer.” 
. . . So to answer my question from before, is life really that magical? . . . 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
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kashimos-hajime · 4 years
late night devils | b.b.
summary: bucky gets revenge on his ex with you, the girl he never got over no matter how much he thought he did.
WARNINGS: smut (18+, oral - m receiving), daddy kink, sub/dom elements, y’all out here being nasty and vindictive, drinking, swearing, mentions of cheating pairing: modern!bucky x fem!reader word count: 5.0k
a/n: smut with very little plot bc i have no brain for it. enjoy heheheh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) bucky is PUSSYWHIPPED ngl
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Bucky doesn’t expect to get a call asking for him to come over when he’s sitting at the bar counter, but he gets it and if he could, he’d break his phone in his fist.
“I told you, Dot, it’s fucking over.” The music is blasting in the club, bright with life, as Bucky tips back another shot. It’s a busy Thursday night. The dance floor is nearly completely occupied and the bass thrums through the floor as he tries to let his ex down gently as he has been for the past ten minutes.
“You can’t be serious. You think you can just walk out after three years—”
Alright. That’s enough.
“And do you think you can just call me like I’m some fucking booty call three days before your wedding after you dropped me like I was fucking nothing? No. Goodnight.” 
Tapping his screen to hang up, Bucky sets down his phone with a hard sigh and gestures to Sam for another line of shots. His hand was burning from how long he held the stupid phone for, and he cools it down by cradling his vodka glass, pushing it back and forth between his hands.
“Dot, again?”
“Tough, man. I’ll get you some shots when I get Romanoff off her little blondie’s lap” His friend taps the bar counter in a show of support before heading to the end where Natasha was flirting with one certain blond man. Steve. AKA their resident bouncer currently off duty. Bucky rolls his eyes, smiling for a moment as Natasha turns around. The two give a talk before Natasha ducks underneath the countertop door and slips into the crowd, Steve in hand.
“Hey, Sam!” A sharp, too-sober voice catches Bucky’s hearing and he turns to see a woman wrapped in a leather jacket and tight fucking jeans burst through the crowd. Rain is still glistening along your shoulders and you pull your hair out from underneath your jacket. You wear a hoodie beneath the leather and as you lean against the bar beside him, he catches the words printed onto the chest.
Yes, I’m single. It reads, bright white against the black of your hoodie. Now’s your chance.
His eyebrows rise as you catch Sam’s attention. His friend glances at you but Bucky merely shrugs, looks at you, and thinks, A regular? Fine. I’ll bite.
“What’s the strongest you’ve got?” You tap your fingers impatiently and he watches the strobe lights glint on your black nails as you lean forward on your arms. He shifts back and you send him a glance, eyebrow arched as your eyes rake visibly over his form. Damn, you’re confident, and when you grin, he decides maybe you’ll be an apt distraction from his fucking problems.
“Not the usual?”
“Need something stronger tonight, Sammy,” you sing and he grins.
“I’ll make you something special. Let’s work up to Everclear, yeah?” Sam turns to Bucky, leaning onto his elbows. “Whaddya say, boss? Break out the Everclear for a pretty girl?”
“Now, hold up,” Bucky says, putting up a hand to catch your attention and he smirks as Sam brings out ten shot glasses pinched between his fingers.
“Hey.” Your eyes flicker over his body visibly and he smirks, twisting slightly to look at you fully. His knees part widely and maybe it’s the alcohol he’s already had, but it looks like you glance right between his legs.
“Hey.” The red lights swing their way, blinding him for a moment before it’s gone again. Sam lines up the shot glasses and Bucky watches as he pours them overflowing before glancing at you again. “Wanna? On the house.”
“Are we working up to body shots?” you ask slyly, sliding into the empty stool as he shrugs, grabbing the first one on his end. You take one from the other and throw it back as he does the same. It burns all the way down.
“If you wanna,” he says with a shrug and you laugh. “Hold on the Everclear, Sam. Let’s get to know the pretty lady first.” You snort into your second shot as Sam shakes his head when someone flags him down.
“Well, I’ve gotta get to work,” he says pointedly. “But you kids have fun.”
“Fine by me.” Bucky shrugs. “That just means I get all your attention.”
“Don’t like sharing?”
He half-laughs, pushing down shot three and four in rapid succession before slamming the glasses down on the wood. “Nope. I’m Bucky, by the way.”
“Consider me charmed.”
“No name?”
“I’m not looking for names tonight,” you say before you order another line of shots.
Something about you is undeniably charming. You give the air that he’s known you his whole life as you talk and listen and laugh. He gravitates towards you as you speak and talks about everything when you listen because he has this feeling you won’t judge him. It’s something about the confidence, the way you don’t give a fuck about what he thinks of you. It’s so different from Dot.
Dot, who worried about what that girl was thinking about Bucky or what that guy thought about her. And there was nothing wrong with caring, but Bucky couldn’t bear to give a shit about anything anymore.
“So you’re here because of a broken heart?” you point out after he explained his phone call prior to their meeting and he chuckles, the vodka making his head pulse with the beat in the club. The red and blue lights flash and blur in his vision but your face is still clear.
“Nah. I don’t love her,” he says, turning to the mojitos he ordered for the both of them. Yours is half gone, his gone completely. “Just… sick of being some stupid second fucking choice. She leaves me for a millionaire then comes crawling back for one last fuck. Fucking ridiculous,” he spits, grabbing your mojito and sucking it down.
“You’re preaching to a damn choir,” you say scathingly.
“Husband?” he pries and you eye him for a moment knowingly.
“Boyfriend. Left me for some kid in high school. We’re fucking third year college, man. That shit’s so gross and I’m ready to beat the shit out of him. Might as well do it drunk.”
“Hah, I did that once.”
“Get with a highschooler?” you ask, voice tinging with something judgmental and he laughs because it’s such an outrageous notion and he can’t help but agree. Fucking nasty.
“Fuck, no. I had a best friend I was fucking in love with,” he begins, the mint cool against his tongue. “High school. Got creeped on by some older dude and I beat the fuck out of him when he got too close for her liking. Got expelled, never saw her again after her grad when I realized she was probably going to head to uni and go big, but damn if it was worth it, even if it meant she went with someone else to fucking prom. Fucking Brock Rumlow.” His eyes drift to yours as you stare at him and he chews on his straw, explaining in the briefest of sentences. “Resident asshole of our year.”
There’s a quiet where he sets down the mojito again, and his head is swimming with memories. At the last time he saw the girl of his dreams, graduation cap pinned to hair and a sunset burnishing their street gold.
“No fucking way. Bucky?” you say and he looks at you from his—your—drink. “As in James Buchanan Barnes?” you ask with a scoff evident in your voice and he arches an eyebrow. “Oh, you can’t be serious.”
“What—” His insides are on fire, and his eyes fall to your lips as you press them into a frown. “Who?”
“You fucker!” You slug him in the arm and he yelps, clutching the offended bicep as you take him by the shoulders. “You fucking left me!” He is forced to look at you as your eyes search his. They’re dark with something he thinks is bitter love, and his eyebrows knit together. What is his luck with women lately?
“Who the fuck are you?” he yells over the thundering music, but his answer is swallowed up by a pair of searing lips. Fists in the lapel of his suit jacket, he groans into your mouth as his hand darts to your hips. He drags you flush against him and you crash into his body. Hitching a leg over his, he feels up your hoodie and you open up beneath his mouth. Your hips dip against his as you jump into his lap and he holds you there by the thighs, squeezing the flesh through your jeans.
“Fuck, James,” you whisper and he feels it all again in a heartbeat. That intense, selfish love that seized him as he walked away from you. The way he fucked you in the bathroom before the ceremony, gown bunched at your waist, pants barely shoved past his hips. The curious disgust every time he got with someone that wasn’t the girl from the stall. It’s you. “God, don’t you recognize me?”
These past few years dating Dot, feeling like he’d move past a tiny infatuation, obliterated to nothing as your voice tears down his defenses. Tears down everything he’s built, every lie that you’re nothing more than the past.
“Sweetheart,” he murmurs against your desperate lips and you sink into his lap deeper, arms wrapped around his neck. “Fuck. Yes.” He tilts his chin up when you run your teeth along his neck and his eyes close shut. Heat is surging to his cock at the thought of tearing you apart here and his jeans tighten as your hips grind down against his. “Could never fucking forget you. Grown ass woman, now, huh?”
“Fuck me,” you whisper, pulling off of him though it’s more of an order and he nods, standing up with a stagger. Your hand is insistent on his wrist, hand melting through his skin.
“I live five minutes away,” he mumbles, drunk off his ass. When he looks at you, he doesn’t see smokey eyes or mulberry painted lips. You weren’t always so dark, direct, rough around the edges.
No, you were bright eyes and strawberry lip gloss once. Straight A’s, straighter laces. By the books and popular and pretty and innocent until he got you on his bed and ate it out of you.
Maybe he fucked the good girl out of you.
He doesn’t mind. He already knows he likes it when you’re bad.
His nails scratch down your back pleasantly and you purr, pressing him deeper into his couch. You’ve managed to slip out of all your clothes on the walk up and his hand digs into your hip, his other hand working against your slick heat. The heel of his hand rubs against your clit as you lift and sink into three fingers. Your walls clench around him and he groans at the tight suction as his phone rings.
“Ignore it,” you mumble, kissing him sloppily and his tongue glides against yours, burning with vodka. His hand runs up your back to grab your hair and he yanks your head back, licking down your neck. “James—”
“Fucking missed this, sweetheart. Fuck. Missed this pussy more than anything else,” he groans. Your pants whisper against his ear as your hands roll into fists against his head. Your arms wrapped around his neck, you rock your hips against his hand desperately. “Come on.”
You moan right into his ear when his wrist flicks up and his fingers plunge deeper into you, wet with the first orgasm he’s wrenched from you just like this. It breaks and your whole body shudders. Your walls tightens around his digits and he increases the speed of his fingers. Your legs trembling, you let out a hoarse cry.
Your voice breaks and your nails dig into the nape of his neck as you come on his fingers. Your thighs clench around him as he bends his finger inside you and you choke out a moan. A pulse travels through your body as he lazily plays with your engorged clit and you twitch with every gentle stroke as he pulls you through your high.
His phone lights up. Ding. Ding. Ding. And then, his ringtone blaring in the thick heat of his room. 
You’re sweating against him, resting your whole body on him as you kiss along the cord of his neck and he bites his lip, groaning. You nip along his collarbone before soothing it with your tongue, tasting the alcohol he’s beginning to sweat.
Lazy love.
“She’s not gonna stop fucking calling,” Bucky whispers in defeat, hand stalling inside you and you groan in frustration, hips grinding against his heel. Prompting yourself up, you frown. “Fuck. I have to pick up.” He bites into your breast, licking your nipple in passing before leaning over to grab his phone. Your legs widen, and you lower yourself deeper into his lap as he keeps a hand firmly on your ass.
“For fuck’s sake,” you growl, slipping your hand down his cock and he lets out a groan against your shoulder. His cheek pressed against your joint, he stares at the Caller ID in dread. “She treated you like dirt and you’re still picking up her calls? I think you should just put her in her place.” The venom in your tongue makes something inside him twitch, makes him want to just pin you down and put you in your place because you don’t know shit and Dot isn’t worth my time anyway but instead, he slaps your ass and shifts his legs apart.
“Alright, that’s enough. I’m picking up that call no matter what, sweetheart.”
“Are you serious?”
“Get on your knees.” You pause and he turns to you, a thrill boiling through his blood as he slaps your ass. “Let’s put that mouth to use.” Your eyes go black with lust as you swallow, sinking to the floor between his legs, and he chuckles, spreading his legs farther apart. Your fingers trail along the line of his hips, lips whispering along his thighs as he clears his throat. The phone is still ringing in his hands as he looks down at you and arches an eyebrow. You’re smirking and he grabs one of your curious hands and wraps it firmly around his dick. “Get to work.”
As soon as he’s in your mouth, he picks up. You run your palm down the base of him as you take him in deeper and he lets out a sigh. You’re warm, wet, and he tilts his head back when you swallow. Eyes closing, he lets out a hoarse breath and tries not to give himself away too quickly.
“Who is this?” he asks, toying with her, weaving his free hand in your hair. He ups the volume, just enough so you can catch a hint of a word or two over the wet sounds of your mouth.
“It’s your Dotty, Buck.”
Pressing down on his thighs, you angle your head to take him further as if you’re displeased he’s even talking to her at the moment, jealous, even, but he simply grabs a fistful of your hair and tugs you back right, keeping himself just as deep down your throat. You gag, swallowing again.
“Yeah. What do you want?” His words come out breathless. He raises his head just enough to watch you work, eyes glued to the way your fingers, wrapped around him, move up and down. Your eyes are blown out with lust, already on his face and you smile against his thigh as you seem to take him down further. Wet lips wrapped around his cock, hair a mess around your face, it paints a pretty sight. Your tongue flattens against the underside of his length, and he groans when you slowly pull off. It’s an agonizing ecstasy, the way you seem to swallow him deeper despite drawing away. “Oh, fuck. Just like that, sweetheart. That was good, baby, That was good.”
“‘M I being good, daddy?” you ask, voice muffled, and his hips thrust into your mouth just as his hand forces you down, and he closes his eyes at the heat searing his blood. You’re so fucking good.
“Yeah, sweetheart. Don’t worry ‘bout a thing.” He cradles the phone closer to his face. “Fuck. Dot, what do you want again?” he asks. The line is nearly dead and a flash of satisfaction hits him as you moan quietly against his cock. The vibration shoots up to his stomach and he hisses out a breath. “You’re doing so good, sweetheart.”
“Yeah?” You bob your head between his thighs, the hand not around him digging into his hip. You hollow out your cheeks, the suction sending his head into the stars as the slick sound of your mouth ceases when you simply keep him in your cheek, blown pupils wide and innocent. Your hips twitch against his foot, seeking friction and he smirks. His needy little girl.
Bucky lets go of your hair, patting your cheek before wiping away the trail of drool leaking from the corner of your mouth. He leans forward, dragging you off his dick with a slight pop and a chill brushes against his length as Bucky pinches your chin between his thumb and index finger.
Pressing an open-mouthed kiss against your panting lips, he doesn’t care if Dot can hear every single fucking sound.
He pulls away before you have a chance to reciprocate and your whine follows him as he sinks back into the couch. His hand finds your hair again, guiding you back down his length and you seem to sink back onto your knees. He plunges endlessly down your throat as he clears his own, nearly forgetting he really is on the phone. 
“Sorry, Dot. I’m a little distracted right now,” he says nonchalantly, the smile working onto his face.
“If you’re busy—”
“Nah.” You purr at the lie and he tugs your hair as he stifles a moan—a warning with no merit. He keeps you still despite your impatient wiggle and he opens his eyes, simply admiring your face full of his cock. Your eyes are at half mast as you rest your head against his thigh, and his finger traces down your cheek, along your jawbone, as he adds, “You’ve been blowing up my phone all night. You’ve got my attention now, darling.”
“Bucky,” Dot intones, sounding a bit tense and Bucky can’t help but wonder why, “seriously. It’s fine. You clearly have other company.”
“Oh, don’t worry. My girl over here’s just keeping me warm. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” He moves the phone from his ear to your mouth where he taps your cheek and you let out a soft, garbled moan, eyes fluttering shut. Bringing the phone back to his ear, he chuckles. “You tired, baby? You getting tired?” His tone is mocking and you’re subdued by the way he commands the air as you nod. Your jaw must be aching as you hold onto his thighs and lean against his leg. You’re a sprawled mess against him. “She’s getting tired, Dotty. Make it quick so I can take care of her.”
“Bucky, this isn’t you. What are you doing?” Dot exclaims but he doesn’t care as he lets out a long, guttural groan at your tongue running along his length in your mouth. Still trying to earn his graces.
“Finally getting the time of my life after you left me high and dry for a fucking year. I’m moving on just like how you did during our relationship. How’s the wedding planning? Feeling nervous?” he asks tightly as you swallow, teeth grazing along his skin and he looks down at you. Warning you for real this time. “Watch it, sweetheart.”
“It’s going… okay. Bucky, I… I didn’t want you to be doing this while I talked to you, but please, listen to me. I’m still in love with you.”
You pull off his dick with a long stroke of your tongue and he groans, hand tugging at your hair as you climb up his body. You nip at his skin along the way, your whole body stretching languidly against his as you brace a knee on either side of his hips and sit down in his lap.
“Seriously?” You press kiss after kiss around his face, long fingers wrapped around his cock and rubbing it slowly. Your purr rumbles in your chest as you dip your head to suck a mark into the underside of his jaw and he runs a hand down your back, cupping your ass. “Don’t you think it’s a bit too late right now?”
“You're not giving me any attention, daddy,” you whine with a pout, his dick against your abdomen, just there and he knows you must be aching for it to speak up. Leaning in close, you place your mouth along the cheek where the phone is, trailing tiny little teasing kisses along his swollen lips and flushed cheeks. He tries to snag your lips but you merely pull away and bounce in his lap impatiently. His cock brushes against your stomach, painfully hard, and a groan rips through his throat as you gently settle a hand on his chest.
“I know, baby. Just give daddy a moment, alright?” Bucky murmurs and you pout, your hand pulling at his dick. His hips twitch, jerking into your fist as you lay your head on his chest, slouching against him, kissing his jaw fleetingly. “Be a good girl.”
“Okay,” you mumble as you lazily pump him. Your thumb presses softly against the tip, spreading precum down his shaft and he groans, tipping his head back and closing his eyes again. You smile against his collarbone as you speed up the pace of your hand. A tight-lipped groan in his chest, he runs a hand up and down the curve of your back.
“It’s a mistake. This wedding’s a mistake,” Dot pleads as you watch his expression. He can feel your stare burning into his neck as you press quiet kisses against his chest. A knot tightens in his navel. “I know the way I treated you was shitty, and I know you must’ve moved on, but—”
“Dot, you left me, cheated on me, lied to me about everything.” Bucky bites down on his lower lip. “Fuck. You’re doing so good, sweetheart.” You hum against his chest. The crash is so close and your palm slows down. Growling, he looks up and pins you with a glare, but you merely look at him innocently and he sighs, brushing a thumb across your cheek. “I have moved on. It’s been a year since we broke up and I think it’s time you did, too.” You raise your head off his chest, shifting in his lap as you straddle his hips upright. His eyes follow you like a wolf as he tries to calm down from the high that never came. His hips twitch against your legs and he lets out a growl when you move your hand away.
“Bucky, wait—”
The phone is plucked from his hand and a protest builds up in his throat as you rest your other hand on his shoulder. He looks up at you, lips parted and you smile, sickly sweet. In the dim light of his room, he sees the way the shadows play dangerously on your face. His hand on your back slides to your hip, and his lips find your left nipple as he sinks his other hand into the flesh of your ass.
“Dot?” you ask sweetly as if you’ve no awareness at all, but by the way your eyes flutter, you’re well aware of his mischief. “Hey. Jamie’s a bit busy at the moment. Can you call him tomorrow?” Your smile sits on your face as it turns smug. “Great. Bye!” You hang up and toss the phone onto the coffee stand before cupping his face and kissing him fiercely. It bruises his mouth, sloppy open-mouthed kisses, and he groans as you raise your hips and slide him right in like their bodies were made for each other. His vision explodes in stars as you sink, his cock buried deep inside you.
“Fuck was that?” he mumbles when you part from him for a moment to breathe. Your hips slowly swing against his, taking him in deeper with every move as your hands, still cradling his face, burn through his cheeks. His hands run up and down your sides, your front, and you sigh at the rough palms against your sensitive nipples before he hoists you up more comfortably on his lap. “Jamie? I’m not fucking five.” He thrusts up with his question and your breath hitches.
“Fuck. Fuck, I’m sorry..” Your lip caught between your teeth, you rock against him faster and his hips lift to meet your thrusts as you tilt your head back. You arch against him, eyes squeezed shut and he pushes your body forward, teeth running over your breasts. “Fuck, James.”
“Bad girl, hm.” His eyes close and your fingers run through his hair, hug his head to your chest. Your moans are a symphony in his ear and you bounce in his lap, knees digging into the cushions.
“Yes, daddy,” you whine into his ear, gasping and the way your every word becomes high-pitched makes him want to fuck you through the couch. You're complete putty in his hands, warm like fire and malleable to his touch, and he kisses the valley of your breasts, his hands tracing the curve of your spine. “I’ve been so, so bad.”
He digs his fingers into your skin and twists, letting you fall onto the couch as he slides his palms down to grab your legs. Everything he touches is wet, burning, and the squelch of your pussy around his cock sends him into overdrive as he puts your legs up on his shoulders. Your eyes are squeezed shut and your mouth is open in a silent moan when he thrusts deeply into you at this new angle. Your hands find his and fingers interlace as he pins your wrists to the armrests above your head.
Smirking, he pushes deeper into you with no grace or rhythm and you thrash against him, mewling at his slowing pace, begging to go faster with the way your wriggle your hips back against him. “Daddy, I—”
“Shh, sweetheart. Now that I’m not busy anymore, I think daddy’s gonna have to teach you a lesson.” Your eyes barely open at his words and he smirks, making sure your attention doesn’t stray for a moment. “Keep those eyes on me, sweetheart.” You bite down on your lip, trying to stem desperate gasps but he growls a warning as he speeds up to a punishing pace. You’re overstimulated, exhausted, but still you try to push back against him, try to get him as deep as he can get.
You’re so eager to please with those plush, pink lips. “Yes, daddy. I’m sorry, I’ve been bad.”
“Sorry for what?” he wonders aloud just as your eyes squeeze shut and he feels your peak in the way your abdomen goes taut. Slowing down again, he nearly laughs at your disappointed whines. He pulls out completely, waiting for an answer and you cry out at the loss of fulfillment. Your legs lock around his neck. “I’m waiting.”
“Daddy, please... please, I was so close.”
“Give me an answer.” His tip brushes against your heat and you shove your hips forward. “How’re you gonna apologize when you don’t even know what for? How’m I gonna fix it?”
“I’m waiting, sweetheart.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t listen, daddy.”
He slowly pushes in again and your mouth drops open in an oh as you welcome him easily. You’re so damn wet that he slides in all the way he can with no problem. You lift your hips, heels digging into his back, and he slowly begins to thrust into you again. The sound of his hips meeting yours punishingly, the wet slap of skin against skin is the only sound in the room besides your panting breaths.
Bucky smiles.
“I’m gonna teach you a lesson not to talk out of turn tonight, understood? G’na teach you that when daddy’s on the phone, when daddy’s busy with other things, you behave if you wanna stay around,” he whispers, voice darkening with every word and your breasts heave as he runs a hand down your body. Fingers sneaking between their bodies, he presses a thumb against your clit and you fall apart with a shameless moan that bursts from your heaving chest. 
Bucky wonders how he ever moved past you. You with makeup streaking down your pretty pouty face.
He didn’t. He never did.
“Oh, god,” you groan, dreadfully broken, still trying to recover but Bucky’s not finished with you yet. No, he’s going to make up for lost time for the rest of his life he can. “Fuck… James. Oh, god.” Your walls clench around him, dragging at his cock as he pauses inside you and he lets go of your wrists. Your legs slip off his shoulders.
“You miss me, sweetheart?” he murmurs, nuzzling your cheek and you pant, nodding weakly. He turns to ensnare you into a heavy, tongue-filled kiss as he sucks on your bottom lip. “Miss me a lot?”
“Yes, daddy,” you mumble, voice warped by his incessant kisses and he smiles, ravishing your mouth with his teeth and tongue. He gives you this small moment because it’s going to be a rough night and he wants to savour every last bit of it. By morning, he won’t hear a single peep out of you with how much your throat burns from screaming his name.
That’s three for him, zero for you, and Bucky’s not sure if it’ll end when morning comes.
He wants to ask if you’ll stay and he has a lot of furniture he needs to break in.
The kitchen counter looks like a wonderful place to start to do both.
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lilyvandersteen · 3 years
The Christmas Guest: Epilogue
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Author’s Note: This is the promised epilogue, short but sweet. Thank you so much for following along as I was posting this multichapter and leaving me comments and likes - your support means the world to me!
Read Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, the Interlude, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 here on Tumblr, or read the story on AO3 or FF.net.
“So this is the famous Kurt, huh?” Cooper boomed, walking towards Kurt with a blinding smile and open arms. “I’ve heard so much about you!”
Kurt got a big hug and kisses on both cheeks, and needed a second to recover from Cooper’s enthusiasm before he managed to say, “All good, I hope?”
“Oh, definitely. He admires you more than me, can you imagine? His own brother, and so successful! But no, it’s always Kurt this, and Kurt that. Like this…”
Cooper made heart eyes and imitated Blaine’s voice and mannerisms. “Did you hear that Kurt scored the lead in an Off Broadway play? Did you hear that he’s making a dress for Rihanna to wear at the Met Gala? Did you know Kurt will be the youngest person to ever achieve EGOT status?”
Kurt laughed. “I wish! Nothing so impressive has happened just yet, but go ahead and make up whatever grand future you picture for me, and I’ll try to make it happen.”
Cooper grinned and slapped him on the shoulder. “That’s the spirit!”
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson’s faces were far less exuberant than their son’s, but they too advanced and held out a hand for Kurt to shake.
“Pleased to meet you,” said Kurt. “And may I say, your house is beautifully styled. So light and so open, and yet you get an instant homey feel.”
The praise earned him a genuine smile from Mrs. Anderson, and soon they were discussing light fixtures and throw pillows and accent walls as if they’d known each other forever.
Mr. Anderson took some more time to win over, but by the time they were eating dessert, Kurt had hit upon the right topic: cars. Apparently, Mr. Anderson loved Top Gear, and was more than happy to discuss the program with Kurt, and after that the classic car he’d restored with Blaine, taking Kurt to the garage to show it to him.
By the time Kurt and Blaine left, they had scored another dinner invitation, and Mrs. Anderson had stage-whispered to Blaine, “I really like him, honey bee!”
As they drove off, Blaine glanced at Kurt, shook his head and chuckled.
“That was quite the charm offensive. I’m impressed.”
Kurt grinned. “I learned from the master.”
Seven Christmases after the first one they spent together, Blaine and Kurt were once again hands deep in dough as they prepared a festive brunch together. For the first time, they would be hosting the family get-together instead of Burt and Carole.
After graduating, they’d started looking for a house or an apartment they could share. Having your own place came in handy when you had a fight and needed some time to cool off, but for day-to-day living, it was very inconvenient. No matter how efficient you became at packing the essentials for a sleepover, there were always things you forgot.
As Kurt didn’t want to move into Blaine’s shoebox apartment (“I need room for my clothes, Blaine!”) and Blaine wasn’t any more interested in sharing Kurt’s loft (“I don’t want to get up at four in the morning to get to work on time!”), they searched for a place to live that they both liked. As much as they liked New York City, it was clear from the start that they would have to expand their horizons to find a place they both liked and could afford.
They ended up in New Jersey, within a reasonable commuting distance for both of their jobs.
Kurt still worked at Vogue part-time. The rest of his time was devoted to his successful line of accessories and shoes.
Blaine had worked as a music therapist at a children’s hospital at first, after graduating from NYU. Then, one of Blaine’s college buddies had suddenly soared to fame as a Broadway playwright, penning two hit musicals back to back. For the second musical, Blaine helped write the music, and when the male lead ended up in hospital after an accident, he took over the role to rave reviews. Before he knew it, he’d become a Broadway star, often playing lead with Rachel as his character’s wife or love interest.
“Rather you than me!” Kurt had said with feeling the first time Blaine announced he was going to play opposite Rachel.
Blaine nodded with a wry grin. “You’re right. She can be a bit much sometimes.”
“A bit?!”
Blaine laughed. “She’s a diva, yes. But nothing I can’t handle. And she is a loyal friend, a hard worker and always stays professional. Remember that Harmony girl who kept groping me?”
“Ew, yes. Okay, point taken. Rachel’s the lesser evil.”
Rachel had married Jesse St James and moved to New Jersey too. Both couples took turns hosting dinner on Friday night, and Kurt and Blaine were godfathers to Rachel and Jesse’s daughter Anna.
The St Berry’s would be coming for brunch, too, and Blaine had bought a mountain of presents for Anna.
Kurt rolled his eyes when Blaine arranged them all under the Christmas tree, but didn’t notice a small blue box nestled underneath, with a tag that said KURT.
Before long, their guests started to arrive. Anna squealed when she saw all the presents awaiting her, and made a beeline for the tree.
“No, no, poppet,” Jesse chuckled, sweeping her up into his arms, “wait until everyone’s here!”
Half an hour later, the living was strewn with wrapping paper, and still Anna was gleefully running to and from the tree handing people presents and tearing open her own.
And then, there was only one left, small and half hidden under a branch.
Anna spotted it, though, and brought it to her father. “For me?”
“No, poppet, this one’s for Uncle Kurt.”
Anna handed it over to Kurt with a pout.
“Thank you, sweetie,” Kurt said absently, fiddling with the One Plus Watch his parents had given him and not really looking at the present he’d been handed.
A throat clearing made him look up, and what he saw took his breath away.
Blaine had plucked the little box from Kurt’s hands, opened it and was now holding it out to him, on one knee and smiling tremulously.
“Kurt… You were my Christmas miracle seven years ago, welcoming me into your family when mine dropped the ball. I felt at home with you from the minute we met. It was as if I remembered you from another life, and always knew that we belonged together, you and me. And I’ve been wanting to ask you this for ages, but I wanted to respect your choice to wait until we were both 25 and established in our careers. You probably still don’t feel old and wise enough to make this decision, but sweetheart, just look into your heart. Can you see me there, next to you, for the rest of our lives?”
Kurt, his hand over his mouth and a tear trickling from his eye, nodded.
Blaine beamed up at Kurt. “Then I’m going to finally make this official. Kurt Hummel, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”
Kurt, full-out crying now, nodded again. “Yes. Yes! Yes!”
Blaine slipped the ring on Kurt’s finger and kissed him thoroughly. Around them, there were cheers and applause, but Kurt and Blaine didn’t notice.
When they came up for air, Blaine whispered, “Best. Christmas. Ever!”
Kurt giggled. “You say that every year.”
“And every year, it’s true.”
Kurt and Blaine accepted a glass of champagne from Jesse, and toasted to their future happiness with their family and friends.
And Kurt knew Blaine was right. There was not a shadow of a doubt in his head or his heart that the two of them were going to make it.
“Merry Christmas, Blaine. Here’s to many more!”
“And each one better than the last. Merry Christmas, everyone!”
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fandom-writer642 · 4 years
Stone Skipping
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Summary: The Batfamily has always been so crazy that no one notices the silent sister. She’s made her way through college with no one else realizing, sometimes forgetting about her completely. How many times can she bounce back before sinking?
Warnings: Angst?
Request: No
Pairing?: Family; Batfamily x Sister! Reader
A smile dawned on the young women’s face as her friends cheerfully greeted her. (Y/n) Wayne was a popular girl at the University whether it be by her looks, brains, or money she was certainly no idiot. It was her college graduation, a huge day for so many people this year and even bigger for her as her family swore they'd attend. They hadn’t gone to anything related to her success since, well, ever! (Y/n) tried not to get bothered by it, brushing it off calmly. She knew her father and brothers were busy people, far to go to every little thing that revolved around her.
This time however, they promised they’d come. No playing hero, no meetings, no dates, just be a supportive family like she had seen them be. It was the only thing she wished to have, her family there for her and to spend time with her. They had gone to Tim’s high school graduation but not hers due to Poison Ivy. They couldn’t got to an orchestra concert that she was part of because of a meeting. They didn’t even bother to wonder what school (Y/n) had chosen to attend.
Yeah, she was ticked off by it but she understood. Their jobs were important, they saved people, she was part of that people. The world needed them both ways, civilian and hero. (Y/n) didn’t have a place in the hero department, she was just an average person that walked the streets and attended school. Her brothers chased villains at night and ran businesses and had jobs in the morning. The only thing (Y/n) had was her looks and her brains, mostly her brains. She would graduate to become better in the medical field, she was going somewhere in life and she was happy about it.
That’s why the heartbroken feeling flowed through her as she got her diploma. No one but Alfred was there, she appreciated the fact that he came but the rest of the family had no excuse. She was updated on the news constantly, no attacks in Gotham or anywhere else in the world. The world was quiet and her heart shatttering was the only thing to be heard. A false but well practiced smile came along her face before she walked down the steps.
Alfred watched her sadly, he couldn’t believe he was the only one that had arrived. He was the only one to truly have seen the amazing young woman that she was now. Seeing her walk down the steps toward the rest of her class with a false smile made his anger grow. She had never complained about one thing in her whole life except for once, that one time when she complained that Bruce spent to much time doing work with her brothers rather than them all spending time as a family. (Y/n) had been 12 when that happened and her brothers only scowled at her for her words.
Dick was nicer about how he went about it, saying that the world needed them as both civilians and heroes so they didn’t have much free time. It was true but they weren’t the words that (Y/n) wanted to hear at that moment.
Tim was blunt about it, Alfred tried to blame it on the lack of sleep but neither parties had believed that. He said that she should’ve joined the group and worked for it rather than whine about it. (Y/n) almost smacked him for that but she kept her control on the situation.
Jason had been thought to be dead but when he heard about it he just gave her pitiful look and told her it was too dangerous and if Bruce wanted her in the tradition then he would have. (Y/n) frowned at him but she had known it was the truth, she told him to no longer pity her before she left the room.
Bruce had just sighed and said they’d talk about it at another time, they never did.
It was Damian that surprised him, he just nodded at her in understanding. Alfred had later heard two sounds of crying from (Y/n)’s room that night. He left it alone but he had at least hoped Damian would be there to congratulate her.
“Congratulations Miss Wayne,” Alfred said as he wrapped her in a hug as soon as he reunited with her. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you, Alfred. I’m glad you could be here, do you know where the others are?”
The butler saw hope in her eyes, just a small spark but it killed his to extinguish it. “I’m afraid not. Master Bruce hasn’t come home from work and neither has Master Tim. Master Dick is at his home. Master Jason is who knows where.”
“And Damian?”
“I believe he got caught up at school.”
(Y/n) nodded, that made sense at the very least. Education was important and if Damian missed any of his own she’d never forgive herself. Yes, she was very aware that her little brother was a Senior and the best in his year who could probably afford to miss a few day but she’d never let him. It was her other brothers and father that disappointed her, she didn’t bother tell Steph about it, the girl was so forgetful at times. Cass was in China so there was no point in calling her from a case to see if she could come.
Alfred watched sadly as the young woman hugged her friends goodbye before they left. She had a family here and now she was leaving it. (Y/n) climbed into the passenger side of the car and looked out of the window as they drove toward Gotham.
When they got home Bruce stood there inside, waiting at the door. “Alfred! There you are! I was worried you might have been kidnapped.”
“I was fine Master Bruce,” Alfred responded, sending a cold look toward the man. “However, I have work to do and Miss (Y/n) is here now. Why don’t you catch up with her? Lot’s to talk about I’m sure.”
A small smile graced the female’s lips but was replaced by a frown as her father shook her head. “I can’t, I have work to do for the League.”
“Why do you never want to spend time with me?” (Y/n) blurted out loud. She was tired of brushing it off all the time because she herself was brushed off.
Bruce sighed, “It’s not like that. Besides we talk a lot don’t we? You know I’m a busy man, I can’t just drop everything because you wish to spend time with me.”
“So where were you today?”
“What? What happened today?”
The (h/c) haired woman rolled her eyes, “You claim you be there for the people when they need you. Well guess what dad? I needed you today, at my college graduation, the one you promised you’d go to when the only one that had come was Alfred? Well I’m sorry that I complain about not getting to spend time with my own damned family!
“I hoped that you wouldn’t forget or randomly come up as busy but I should’ve known to never get my hopes up when it comes to you and the rest of my brothers! The only reason why Damian is off the hook is because he had school, you have no excuse. You were never there. Never once. You know nothing but my name.”
“I know lots about you sweetheart.”
“Really? What’s my favorite color?”
“(Most hated color).”
(Y/n) shook her head, “It’s (Favorite color). Face it you know nothing about me. I made the mistake of coming back here. I’m leaving after all my stuff is packed and I say goodbye to Damian and Alfred. I’m done being brushed off to the side. And for the record, this is my second time complaining about this. Last time was ten years ago.”
With that the woman brushed past her father, taking her packed things from college behind her and toward the bedrooms. She was tired of being brushed off, she was leaving Gotham behind, for good. Now, she just had to see if her little brother wanted to come with her.
Notes: I may make a second part of requested. Tell me how you liked it. This is my first piece of work on tumblr for writing.
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Non Binary Sam Headcanon
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Non binary Sam
Sam is 27 and Bucky is 30. Age gaps are low key gross to me
Sam went to new York academy for arts on a full ride scholar ship
Bucky started his tech company at age 18 he was a certified genius and graduated college at 16
Sam up until he met Bucky struggled with paying his bills. Even before they moved in together Sam wouldn't accept help but Bucky was able to secretly deposits money in Sam account . When they find out Bucky did this they think its sweet and relief but is all "I'll try to pay you back," and Bucky all "Babe I've got you "
Sam come out was at age 18 three weeks before they left for college they only came out as bisexual they didn't realize they were non binary yet
Sam and Bucky have a dom/sub relationship and Sam is definitely a bratty sub
Sam realized they were non binary in college while dating misty knight who helped and supported them 
Sam didn't come out as non binary to his parents until he fully moved out of their home. Theirs dad was a preacher and scared that they might get rejected.  It took his parents time to fully accept but they did and tried their best to understand
Paul Wilson was one of those guys who like, once he gets it hes got a bumper sticker that says "I love my non-binary child" and does a sermon on God not making mistakes and loving your neighbor and stuff.  Like it's almost embarrassing how hard he goes to support his kid 
Sam suffers from anxiety disorder OCD and Depression he goes to therapy
Sam first art show was at age 24 and he was so nervous and freshly out the closet as non binary and they were feeling more of a she that day but they stuck with wearing a suit out of fear. And during the whole thing they felt overwhelmed and scared. They had to be taken home early by Misty and Sam had panic attack. (misty and Sam were broken up by then but still best friends) 
Riley was their highschool sweetheart who went into the military and they broke up amicably because Sam did NOT want to be a military spouse
 Sam still doesn't wear female presenting clothing to art shows even now that their confident in themselves they just can't risk not making a paycheck
Bucky helps Sam get their first queer based art gallery showing Sam cries tears of joy afterward because they finally can wear a pretty dress to an art show
Sam first ever   piece ever sold was a portrait of a black family sitting at the dinner table praying
  When bucky took Sam to a charity event with elite society. Sam wore a suit and didn't tell Bucky they were feeling more like a she. Sam didn't want to stick out in a mostly white crowd to much and didn't want people to judge bucky
Bucky had noticed Sam was acting strange and off all night and when Sam excused themselves to the bathroom and never came back Bucky went to find them only to find them crying in the bathroom having a panic attack and Bucky took them home 
  Sam told Bucky he just wanted to fit in and not cause to much of a stir and that he was sorry he couldn't fit in with high society. Bucky was all I don't care about your status in society I just wanted to bring you because I love you and wanted to do something with you. But if it makes you uncomfortable or make you suppress a part of yourself then we don't need to go (Also this would be their first I loves you) 
 Bucky loves Sam and will straight up reject high society if that means keeping Sam around him 
Sam has three collars for different moods. Their bratty collar has the word "whore," in diamond (yes the diamonds are real). Their second collar is for when she just soft and delicate it has the word "princess," in diamonds. The last one is plain black for anxiety attack purpose
Sam does have a praise kink and humiliation kink. Like if Bucky calls her a good girl while also calling them a dumb slut they could cum right there
They also have a whole room dedicated to their toys it's locked always and Bucky and Sam both have keys to it. The spare bedroom they "use for storage" and tell people "oh it's a mess in there so we keep it locked" 
they try not to use it if they have company spending the night but this one time when sam sister Sarah and her husband were staying over. Sam was being a brat and horny all day just sly slutty act. That Bucky just had to take them to their kink room and bend them over their spanking bench 
Bucky has and exhibition kink and they definitely fucked in Bucky office.  Bucky clearing his schedule so Sam can sit under his desk and warm his cock all day 
The way they fit into dom/sub relationship was during the fourth date when Sam called Bucky Sir. Then that morning they sat down and had a long convo about it.
Sam loves getting cock cage though because he drops a lot faster and Bucky will carry him around like a rag doll
Sam loves to wear butt plug and a skimpy skirt during their relaxing sundays and just bend over showing bucky up their skirt showing off their plug hole.
Credits for header: @glittercake​
@siancore​ @captainamericasamwilson​ @cap-is-bi​ @jemgirl86​ @renee561​ @sambambucky​ @samwilsonsundays​ @sambuckyslayallday​
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vventure · 4 years
Change - Atsumu Miya Must Die, Ch. 1
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Series Mini Mlist: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Atsumu Miya x fem!reader
Genre: Angst (only lightly this part), Fluff
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: none for now
Summary: Atsumu Miya is a player; dating three girls from three different friend groups so they don’t find out. What happens when they do, though? And how does [Y/N] play into their plan for ultimate revenge?
A/N: This is only the first chapter, so it’s a little dull, I’m sorry! Ahh okay, welcome to my little idea that wouldn’t get out of my head. I’m really excited about this project, and I hope you guys will be too! This fic is HEAVILY inspired by the movie John Tucker Must Die, and I just felt like breaking mean ole’ Atsumu’s heart (huehuehue). I’m not sure how many parts there will be for this, but I’ll definitely make a masterlist for it when the time comes.
Taglist: @for-ests​ @writeiolite​ -  message me if you want to be added!
“Atsumu Miya, there’s only one guy out there for me…” Your recorded voice blared from the flat screen in the bar as his college volleyball team and dormitory friends watched intently. 
Heart racing, you frantically ripped your body from Atsumu’s arms and ran to where the TV was plugged in, cutting the power. 
You didn’t make it in time, and those words you’d recorded so many months ago, before your plans were ruined by ‘Tsumu’s affections, made the room fall silent: “...and you are not...”
Whipping around, you locked eyes with the man you’d made fall in love with a fake version of you, and who you thought maybe you actually felt something for.
“What’s this?”
“I can’t believe we really just moved to Hyogo for a man,” your arms were crossed and your jaw was set as you addressed your sister Ami while riding with her to the boyfriend’s apartment. This had been a point of contention for months between the two of you. 
Since the loss of your parents, Ami became your guardian. You were pretty attached to each other, and so when your sister told you that she was planning to move to Hyogo to live with her boyfriend of six months, you felt compelled to move with her. Her decisions surrounding men had always been questionable, and this was no different.
For two months while preparing to move, you’d argue every day over small things and big things alike. You didn’t do the dishes right after finishing dinner? Fight. You wanted Ami to physically meet the man she was moving in with before the move? Fight.
And to make things worse, her resentment for being saddled with a hormonal teenager to take  care of in her early twenties was showing through. It hurt for you to realize her resentment towards you, no matter how much she told you she loved you and that she didn’t resent you.
Could you really blame her? Maybe a little; you were always more of an adult than she was in your shared life, and she probably resented more that she had to be a grounded adult instead of a flighty party girl.
“It’s not like this was out of nowhere, [Y/N],” your sister grumbled, shooting you a glare and pulling you from your thoughts. “Plus, you didn’t have to move, you had a place in Miyagi.”
“That’s a lot of traveling for holidays, and you know I have to keep my eye on you.”
“I’m an adult, I think I’m fine by myself,” Ami said. “You better not cramp our style while you’re staying with us.”
“So sue me for wanting to keep the only family I have left close,” you spat, looking away from your older sister. “I’ll be in the dorms in a week, resent me as much as you want until then, you’re really good at it.”
“Whatever,” she said, her attention completely leaving you as she pulled in front of a tall, sleek apartment building. This was way nicer than the one you’d shared in Miyagi, and your jaw dropped at the sight. What kind of guy was Riku anyway?
A tall man ran from the main door of the apartment building as Ami flung the car into park and jumped out without turning it off. You’d never seen her move this quickly as she ran and leapt into the arms of her boyfriend, his strong grip able to swing her around like a rag doll.
Pulling the keys from the dash, you stepped out and slung your bag over your shoulder. You thought your legs might give out after the long drive, but you willed yourself to stand and give Riku a guarded smile.
“Welcome, welcome!” He boomed, pulling you into a tight hug before picking up your bags and lugging them towards the front door. “I’ve already gotten a lot of the packages you sent, and I made sure to set up [Y/N]’s room so she’d be comfortable.”
“Rikuuu, you sweetheart,” Ami gushed, pulling his body to hers so she could plant a sloppy kiss on his lips. She’d driven the entire way from Miyagi to Hyogo and her exhaustion was showing. “So thoughtful.”
There was only one week until you could move into your dorm. One. Week. You could deal with their infatuation for one week, right?
Riku’s apartment, well-- Ami and Riku’s apartment-- was cozy. Small touches that your sister had sent through the post were littered around the main living area and it brought you a small feeling of comfort and home as you took them in. 
On the coffee table sat the misshapen mug you’d made during high school ceramics. On one of the walls was a picture Ami had taken of the backyard you’d shared during the time your parents were still around. He’d even displayed a picture of you and your sister on high school graduation day. Ami had worked hard to make your life normal during the last two years of high school, and her pride over your accomplishments showed so clearly in the sunny picture.
“This is a really nice apartment,” you said, turning to look at Riku as you spoke. “Thank you for letting me stay for a week.”
“Of course, [Y/N], anyone important to my boobear is important to me.”
His pet name made you want to gag, but you swallowed it and spoke again, “Where will I be sleeping?”
“Down the hall, first door on the right,” he said, handing your bags over. “Rest a little and we’ll get something to eat. I wanna show you guys my favorite restaurant!”
Making your way down the foreign corridor, you came upon an open room that had a small bed, bedside table, and dresser. It was plain, but honestly you didn’t need it to be anything fancy. Most of your things were still stacked in boxes off to the side of the dresser in anticipation of being moved into the dorm with you, but one of the boxes was cut open, and some of its contents had found their way to the dresser top and bedside table.
A framed picture of you, Chikara Ennoshita, Hisashi Kinoshita, Kazuhito Narita, Ryuunosuke Tanaka, and Yuu Nishinoya sat on the dresser. It was taken during their final volleyball game of high school, and even though they were sweaty and emotional they agreed to take a picture with their closest friend who was always there to support them. Next to that was a framed picture of Noya and you swinging in one of the parks near school, faces split by massive smiles as you enjoyed the childish pleasure of weightless glee.
Riku had made good choices for decoration, you’d give the stranger that.
You missed these goofs already; Chikara always checking on how you were doing in college and making sure you were eating healthily and drinking water; Kazuhita texting you to make sure that you weren’t too stressed and you were taking care of yourself mentally; Hisashi coming by to take you out for boba, showing you the latest memes he’d acquired; and Yuu and Ryuu dragging you along to parties, which you always ended up enjoying no matter how much you complained about them. 
Your heart ached at the memories of your friends no longer a short bus ride or walk away. 12 hours was a lot of distance between you all, and it was finally hitting you that this was not Miyagi anymore. What if you didn’t make any friends here? 
It was already your third year of college, and most of the people in your classes would likely already have friend groups. How weird would you look when you moved into a dorm with people who likely knew each other?
With a sigh, you flopped face-first onto the bed and willed the fresh cotton scented bed covering to suffocate you. What if your friends from Miyagi didn’t care about your absence. You let out a half-hearted wail imagining Chikara blocking your number, irrationality taking over your brain.
“[Y/N]?” Ami’s voice drifted through the open door as she looked for you. “We’re gonna go get something to eat now, actually. Riku is hungry and I think I am too.”
She thinks she is? You rolled over and sat up to look at her.
“Y’know, Riku seems really nice. I don’t think you have to, like, change yourself for him or whatever you usually do for the guys you date,” you said while swinging your legs over the edge of the bed to stand.
Ami just rolled her eyes and rejoined Riku in the living room. You were fast on her heels, slipping out of your house shoes and putting on your sneakers.
“Alright!” Riku said with a smile. “Let’s go get onigiri!”
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lavendertwilight89 · 4 years
The Reason
It’s finally done @lemonlushff​!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
NFSW fic smut smut smuttttttt :) only for the beautiful lemon herself!
Also posted to my AO3 HEREEEEEEEEEEE
@dangerouspompadour​ @lemonlushff​ @willowandfog​ @cstormsinukagblog​ @keichanz​ @littlestuffstohide​ @clearwillow​ @ruddcatha​ @hnnwnchstr​ @smmahamazing​ @wolverine1092​ @inuyashaloverforever​ @xfangheartx​ @umacaking​ @bluejay785​  @murdergiraffe​ @superpixie42​ @shnuggletea​
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“Kagome are you even paying attention?”
“Hmmm?” Kagome hummed, still not pulling her eyes from their drop dead sexy best friend personal trainer who was helping Sango’s boyfriend Miroku. 
“I told you that if you don’t pay attention you’re gonna fall and scrape the shit out of your face,” Sango chastised again realizing Kagome still hadn’t bothered to look away from their friend Inuyasha. “Kagome!!!”
“Huh?” Kagome finally said but the attention grabbing call of her name made her misstep and literally eat fire as she skid down the treadmill. She yelped and Sango grabbed the emergency clip out before it caused any more damage to Kagome’s body.
“Kagome! This is what I was trying to warn you about!! God, are you okay??”
“Just super embarrassed,” Kagome winced as she tried to push Sango away as she sat up and touched her face in hesitation. Her hand was grabbed by a clawed hand before she made contact and she looked to the side to see very angry annoyed eyes glaring at her.
“Idiot--this is why they have fucking clips when you fall to stop the treadmill. Come on,” Inuyasha chastised as he helped her rise.
“Wa-wait! I can go get myself cleaned up; it’s not that big of a deal!”
“Uh huh; Sango, you take over spotting your weak ass boyfriend while I handle this,” he said, clearly ignoring her the way she had ignored Sango. Karma was a bitch. An ironic twisted bitch who was clearly laughing at her. She often wondered what in God’s name she did to piss her off.
Inuyasha pulled her into his office and closed the door pulling a first aid kit out from his desk. Kagome knew she was already five shades of red. How embarrassing. He probably caught her gawking at him like a freaking teenager that just hit puberty, too. This day couldn’t have gotten any worse. 
It wasn’t her fault--really--it wasn’t. At least that’s what she told herself, anyway. She was just...well… 
It all had started when she graduated from high school. She had finally summoned the courage to sleep with her boyfriend Koga. They had done handys and fingering but never removed clothing. She had decided before going off to school, she wanted to take the next step--even if they did break up, she could say her first time was with her high-school sweetheart. 
Kagome was super self conscious about her body and was why it had taken her so long to summon the courage to sleep with him. Firstly, she was naturally curvier. She had larger breasts, wider hips and because she was short, she felt like it made her look bigger. Secondly, she had a couple of scars on her arms and stomach from a fire she had been in when she was younger in her childhood home that took the life of her father. They weren't terrible but they were enough for people to stare for an extra moment if they weren’t covered.
Anyway, when her shirt came off he stopped kissing her and grimaced at her. It was a real mood killer. They argued, she got dressed, he said things weren't really going to work out between them anyway and left. It was the next day she saw he had changed his profile picture to him and another girl wearing their swimsuits by the pool. The girl, who was tall, lean, had perfect skin that showed perfectly through her emerald bikini, literally took her breath away. Firstly, she was upset because he clearly moved on… within twelve hours of their breakup. It made her question if he was secretly talking to that girl on the side and then secondly, it made her feel even more self-conscious. 
Kagome was utterly humiliated. They had been dating for two years, said they loved each other,  everything… and he grimaced at her scars she couldn't hide. They weren't bad… well,  she thought they weren't but obviously she had been wrong. 
A month later she packed up her things and moved in with Sango in an apartment for college. Her best friend was always there for her--she was two years older than her and treated her like her younger sister. When the incident happened, Sango drove home immediately and spent a week with her. Kagome didn’t have the heart to tell her mother what happened other than her and Koga broke up.
Sango never cared for the wolf demon--but he seemed to make Kagome happy so who was she to tell her friend her true feelings. Kagome knew Sango didn’t care for him and appreciated her support throughout their relationship. After the week was over, Sango took some of her things she didn’t need for everyday that way Kagome didn’t have to move too many extra things when she moved in with her for school.
When Kagome arrived in Kyoto for school, she was overwhelmed--it was so different from Tokyo. Not to mention college was already so different from highschool. Highschool they had uniforms, thankfully that covered Kagome’s ‘problem areas’ as she referred to them. College was more lax and there were girls wearing crop tops, tank tops, shorts, mini skirts, jeans…
Kagome developed extreme anxiety. She stuck mainly to Sango. Sango understood and never pushed her to open up. But she did introduce her to her closest friends she made at school--her boyfriend Miroku and his roommate Inuyasha. 
Originally she couldn’t even sit in the same room as the guys without freaking out. Eventually she got used to Miroku since he was dating Sango and Sango had him over for dinner the most. Sango had coaxed him to be friendly--Kagome felt almost a little too friendly--with her. It caused him to be smacked, kicked, and punched by Sango sometimes but it did end up helping Kagome get out of her shell she had created around her mind and heart. 
Sango then started to make it a point to invite Inuyasha over more. Something that made Kagome panic further. He was so… handsome. Mouth watering. He had the softest beautiful silver hair, bright amber eyes, soft twitchy cute doggy ears, and by the Gods was he fucking ripped. Like. She would climb him. If she wasn’t about to have a panic attack around twenty-four seven about showing her body. She had seen pictures of his ex from Miroku. She was a ten out of ten. Kagome considered herself barely a four. According to Miroku, his ex, Kikyo, was actually a three due to her being a ‘cheating whore’. Inuyasha hadn’t bothered with dating since they started college. Something she and him seemed to have in common.
He, someone so outrageously gorgeous that it should have been a sin, would never see her as attractive let alone beautiful. She would always be ‘Sango’s kid friend’. Not that he ever referred to her as such outloud, but… who was she kidding herself? They argued all the time. He had a cocky attitude but she could see through the act he put on. He just brushed people off so that if they left, it wouldn’t hurt. Something she had come to understand all too well. 
In the short time they had become friends, she had really grown to care about him. In more than just a friend kind of way. But she neither had the courage or the confidence to act upon her unspoken desires. Instead she just pinned from afar...
And here she was: sitting in his office as he cleaned up her chin, hands, and knees from the most embarrassing fall she could have ever taken. Tears filled her eyes. Damnit. What had she done in her past life to deserve this???
Inuyasha was a simple guy. Well, simple as far as his parents were loaded as fuck and rather than use them for money, he preferred to work for what he had and prove he could provide for himself.
He had agreed to go to school for business so that he and Sesshomaru could work for his father but he also had dreams of owning his own business. A gym. A dojo. Something of his interest. While he went out here and there in college, he did keep his head low outside of work and class. His freshman year he met Miroku and they ended up rooming together. They had partied so hard, he almost failed out. He was thankful he got his shit together but that scare was enough to chill him out a bit.
Even though Inuyasha got his shit together, Miroku still went out constantly. It wasn’t until their senior year, Miroku met Sango and he settled down. Unlike Inuyasha, Miroku could sweet talk his way through school. It was nice from having Miroku ask nightly to go out and having to turn him down to just asking if they could have Sango stop by. They still went to the bar here and there, a party or two in a month, but they were definitely more controlled especially with a female in their little pack.
He hadn’t been looking for a serious relationship--his high school girlfriend had kind of fucked him over. Cheated on him with some other dude. He didn’t mind random hook-ups (if he ever got offers, he was still an asshole and never actively looked for some tail). But, he wanted to finish school before finding someone to be with--well at least until his undergraduate had been completed. But he wasn’t actively searching for a girl even when he began his master’s program in the fall.
That was before he met Kagome though. The moment he saw that rare beautiful gem he couldn’t get her out of his head. She was curvy--the natural way. She didn’t shy from food and she didn’t work hard at the gym daily to maintain her figure. Perfection was what he would refer to her body as. It literally gave him wet dreams like he was a fuckin’ teenager.  
It’d only been a couple months since he met the gorgeous woman. It took her some time to open up. When he originally met the girl, he heard her heart race and her face paled as she ran into her room. Miroku asked Sango if they had done something to offend her. Inuyasha knew better to know she wasn’t offended; she was fucking petrified.
Sango explained in detail what Kagome’s ex had done to her--how she was already a little self conscious about her looks in general and how he put the final nail in the coffin. The entire summer she spent with Sango, she stayed in the apartment. She didn’t want to go to the freshman orientation let alone do any of the meet and greets. 
It had explained Sango’s absence over the summer and explained why she had only come over to their place instead of them venturing over to hers. 
It enraged Inuyasha, deeply from within, that someone had made Kagome feel so unattractive that she had to literally hide in her room when men were near. It took a couple weeks for her to get used to Miroku’s presence and then gradually, she was alright being in the same room with all of them. She slowly came out of her little shell but wore baggy clothing to hide that delicious body from him.
It drove him insane.
He fantasized about ripping those ugly baggy black sweatpants from her body and destroying her oversized hoodie nightly then taking her round supple breasts in his mouth, kissing all up and down that taunt stomach and then settling between her luscious thighs and exploring how she tasted. Teaching her every hour of every day how beautiful she actually was.
Yea, he was fucking attracted to her. Probably not even the correct word but, close enough. But her looks weren’t the only thing that made his dick hard. He was used to girls trying to butter him up. Being overly submissive or pleasing. It didn’t matter to him because they were just a quick screw and he never wanted additional contact with them. This girl however, she was fiery. Feisty. She never bent to his attitude; she often called him out on it. They could argue for hours
She was also kind. Sweet. Caring. Funny… Fuck he had it bad for her. 
She had gotten comfortable enough to be around just him after Sango and Miroku went to bed. He hoped he could get her even more comfortable enough to show him her damn skin again. Even at the gym she wore looser pants and a zip jacket that flowed. He could just barely make out where her breasts and ass dipped. 
He noticed the way she looked at him when she thought he wasn’t paying attention. Fuck he could smell the way her thoughts turned. It made it harder to keep himself from fucking taking her right then. But this--this little accident was his way in. This was his opportunity. He wasn’t going to waste it.
Studying her face, he could see her utter embarrassment. Sighing, he spoke gently, “ Hey, it’s okay. It happens to everyone.”
“Sure… you just said I was an idiot.”
“Since when do you take that lying down?” he hummed, dabbing a rug burn on her with an alcohol swab.
“Since you are right in this instance…” she hissed from the contact.
“Nah; I’m just mad you don’t take your safety seriously. And I was worried you hurt yourself worse than you did,” he said after swiping the alcohol against her cheek. “Alright, shed your pants and jacket.”
“Wh-What?!” she stammered.
“You heard me. You may not have demon hearing, but I know you heard me,” he added twitching his ears hoping to make her smile. Unfortunately he got the opposite effect; she gaped, her heart pounded and he was slightly afraid he was going to give her a heart attack. “Nothing to be blushing about, Kagome. I just need to see the extent of the damage for the accident report I have to fill out as the manager in charge.”
He put down the wipe and took her hands in his and pulled himself to have her legs between his. Even though he hated the idea she got hurt, this was the opportunity to change her. To change them--their relationship. He wanted to be the one to heal her--and he wanted her to be the one to heal him. Inuyasha wanted to finally let someone in his heart--he wanted it to be Kagome.
“Kagome, just relax. There’s nothing to be scared of. I’m not here to hurt you,” he said gently like he was talking to a scared doe.
“Y-You don’t understand--I--I--”
“Breathe,” he said as he lightly cupped her cheeks and stared into those beautiful bright blue eyes.
She closed her eyes and followed his instructions thankfully. Once her heart rate decreased he got up and locked the door. He sat back down in his rolling chair and took her hands back in his. “Kagome, I swear I’m not going to think any differently of you if you shed your outer layer of clothing. We’re friends. We can trust each other okay?”
She swallowed and nodded hesitantly. He could smell the lie in the nod but she shakely went to unzip her jacket. He let her do it so that he wasn’t coming on too strong and she wasn’t even frightened. She pushed it off her shoulder and squeezed her eyes shut--like she was scared of his reaction. She also stood and hesitantly pushed down her pants to reveal her Soffe black shorts that just barely covered her bottom. Silently he thanked the Gods she had her eyes closed because he went hard instantly. She was wearing a bright green sports bra under her Addias jacket and shit. He had only seen her once without a bunch of baggy layers on but this was fifty times better. He got a full view of her sexy body. 
He couldn’t help but look for the scars that Sango mentioned--the reason Koga and her never… well… fucked. He found one on her stomach and it wasn’t bad. It was barely the size of a hand. Quietly he scooted his chair to the side of her and pulled at her arm. She cringed slightly but kept her eyes closed as she allowed his inspection of her arm. Again, there were some scars on her upper arm around her triceps but nothing she should be this scared over.
“Kagome,” he said softly.
“Yes?” she whispered nervously.
He wanted to make sure she realized how foolish she was being but didn’t want her trust in Sango to shatter for telling him what happened. So… he played dumb. It wasn’t like she could smell lies afterall.
“Why are you so anxious?”
“I--I--I’m not.”
He tapped her nose and her eyes shot open and locked eyes with his. He kept his expression as neutral as he could before he countered, “You realize I can smell your fear and lies right? So...let’s try this again. What are you afraid of?”
“I--Inuyasha--please--” she started crying.
Sighing, he knew he was gonna have to show her he knew exactly what was scaring her. He knew he had to be subtle though. His hand brushed the underside of her arm as lightly as he could to gather her attention again. She shivered and looked at him in freight.
“Are you scared of your own scars?” he asked leadingly.
Her lip being enclosed between her teeth was as good of an answer as any. He brushed his hand on her tricep again and then slowly lowered it to her side; he knew he was being bold but he needed her full attention. She jumped and watched him closely as if she was scared he was going to make some dickish remark. It slightly hurt she didn’t trust him but he couldn’t blame her--he understood all too well how trust was easily shattered. If anything, it made him want to hunt down the jackass who made her heart that fragile. 
“There’s nothing wrong with them Kagome. They are a part of you. They have a story.”
“They--They’re ugly. I--I’m ugly--” she said, starting to sob. He cut her off by grabbing her chin missing her abrasions.
“Kagome--there’s nothing about you that’s ugly. I don’t know who the fuck told you or made you feel like you were ugly but let me set the record straight right here and now; you are the most beautiful and sexiest woman I have ever met.”
Her breath hitched as she stared into his eyes. He gently wiped the tears in hers away with his thumbs as his hands shifted to cup her cheeks.
“Y-you can’t mean that--I’ve seen Kikyo…I know she was gorgeous. I’m nothing compared to her.”
“Let’s get one thing clear--Kikyo is a thing of the past. She was an important part but she isn’t here anymore and even if she was, it’s over. I hope I can meet the jackass who made you feel so low. I’ll make sure he’s pounded so hard he’s as ugly as he made you feel,” he growled.
“Listen to me, Kagome. I know we haven’t known each other for long. But… trust me when I say this; I care about you. I wouldn’t lie to you about this. Honestly, you make it hard for me to behave myself,” he added with a hinting smirk.
She looked confused until he nodded down towards his cock and she turned into a tomato.
“You can’t be that surprised. We’ve only hung out everyday since you were comfortable enough to stay out for dinner with Miroku and I,” he winked. When she giggled he added, “Also don’t act like you’re a little angel either--I could smell you from your room ‘taking care’ of yourself.”
“Wh-what?!?! How--”
“I can smell when you lie, Kagome. I know you’re a smart girl… you shoulda known I’d be able to detect that,” he smirked as he pulled her back between his legs. She gasped and blushed looking at the door. “I’m not gonna force anything on you. We can act like this never happened or…” he offered as he stroked up her leg and grasped her thigh.
She whined and met his eyes, more flushed than blush evident on her face, “B-but we’re-- we’re in public…”
“And I have a lock on my door and they think I’m treating your injuries. No one’s gonna come in.”
“I--I don’t wanna mess up our friendship, Yash… I… I really care about you too. I know you’re not looking for anything serious and I really wasn’t either but--” she swallowed as she placed her hand over his to which he intertwined their fingers to her surprise. “I--the fact you are trying to help me--I can’t overlook--well--I--I like you… I couldn’t bare if we messed this up--”
He leaned forward and caught her lips in a gentle kiss, trying to soothe some of her worries and to reassure her of other thoughts. Pulling away he cupped her cheek, “Yea, that was true. Then I met you. I haven’t been able to get you out of my head for the past two months. Let me tell you--cold showers are the only type I can take now to clear my fuckin head… unless I have already blown my load in the pants.”
Her giggle was music to his ears. “We can take things slow, but I have to warn you--if we start anythin’, I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to stop. I can barely stop myself right now. I can’t even get myself to stop touching you. I promise I will never hurt you the way that asshat did.  I can promise you that I do plan to take this seriously. You aren't just a hookup. You're Kagome. My best friend. The most beautiful girl in my life, inside and out. And I want to show you how beautiful you are and prove to you again and again how you shouldn’t think of yourself as anything less."
“I’m sorry. I just--my ex--I--”
“He was an asshole who deserves to have the shit beat out of him.”
“I just… it was supposed to be our first time. Then he saw my...well my scars and it just put a big damper on everything. I just, after that, I got in my head. I guess. He started seeing some girl that we went to school with--Ayame. She’s just so beautiful. Perfect.”
“But you are perfect--you are beautiful, Kagome. Don’t let that jackass take this kind of experience away from you. Don’t let him make you unable to fall again. I may have only loved once and it may have hurt, but that won’t keep me from you. I can confidently say that nothing will ever keep me from you in that way.”
Biting that sweet lip as her eyes lowered in lust was all he needed for an answer. His lips pressed firmly against hers and then began to move in a heated dance. She moaned and he took it as an invitation to search her mouth with his tongue. He couldn’t believe how she tasted--like strawberries and honey. Gods, he'd never be able to go back to being alone again. A life without sweet Kagome.  But he didn't want to come off needy or clingy. He planned to prove to her though how he planned to worship her for as long as she’d let him.
As the kissing became more feral, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her erect to press her body against his. Whether her whine was made from shock or desire, he took the opportunity to make sure she felt how much he affected her by rubbing her core against his hardened length. She whimpered as he set her down on his desk but encouraged her to keep her thighs wrapped around his hips. 
He wanted to go slow but fuck--it had been a minute for him. With Kagome plaguing his dreams he hadn’t gone out for a ‘quick fix’ in months. Firstly, no one caught his attention if he even made it out of the house and secondly, his pesky desires kept him pinning for her at her house trying to entice her to come out of her shell so he could get himself in her own head. He had even called his brother to talk with him about his ungodly need for this woman. It freaked him out and had wondered if it was a full demon thing he was having a hard time processing. He didn’t want to involve his parents, but knew he needed to talk to someone… his asshat brother was unfortunately the lucky candidate. 
Sesshomaru was an ass, but a helpful one. After some teasing and exchanged insults, he explained his demonic half had likely found its mate. Inuyasha didn’t quite understand but after Sesshomaru had described how he found his own wife and mate--it made sense. Their mate’s scent never left their minds. Their mate haunted their dreams. They had to find a way to be close to them and earn their trust. The idea of their mate hurt or upset killed them. The constant need and want to mate with them… Inuyasha was a goner.
He swore he would take things slow with her though. While his demonic half was just beneath the surface, he tried to make sure it knew that Kagome was still fragile and by rushing anything, including mating, it could ultimately hurt her. It complied. For now.
Tentatively he ground into her as they kept kissing. His fangs started nipping her lips and tongue as she got more adventurous. He could tell she was warming up to him, in more ways than one. Her scent was slamming into him and fuck if it didn’t make him want to throw something in her but this was for her. Not for him. 
He felt her hands brush against his chest tentatively and it took all he had to hold on to his own needy pitiful whimper. Fuck. It was going to be harder than he thought controlling himself. He did forewarn her though--not that he should take advantage of not having any self control.  
His lips left her mouth and caught her cheek then he trailed down to her jaw nipping her chin. She moaned as he laved his tongue down her neck and then over her collar bone. He didn’t want to push her to remove anymore of her clothing but he did want to pleasure her, even if he was left high and dry. He knew according to Sango, she was ready to give it up to Koga before college and wanted her first time to be with someone she loved. He wasn’t going to force her to fuck him on day one. 
“Just tell me if I should stop Kagome,” he said huskily as he raised his hand to cup her breast. She whined and arched into his grip as he stroked the pebbled nipple with his thumb. He brushed his other hand against the scar on the right side and stroked it lovingly. Her initial tension brought on from him stroking her scar melted as her moaning resumed with the pinching of her breast with one of his hands and the other began to sink down into her shorts and brushed her wet folds tenderly. 
“Y-Yash--wait--” she panted. He pulled back, scared he went too far, but she hesitantly pulled his hands back to grasp her bra. The flushed and heated expression of uncertainty she gave him killed him. He tugged, testing to see if that’s what she really wanted--letting her again, take the lead. She bit her lip and lifted her arms above her head as she closed her eyes. The bra was suddenly lifted over her head and fuck… He thought maybe he blacked out for a moment--he likely did because all of sudden his mouth was sucking on her bare breast hard. Her hands were clasped to the back of his head holding him to her and his hands resumed their previous antics; teasing her other mound and pushing under her pants fingering through her soaking wet lips again.
“Inuyashaaaa--” Her sexy voice nearly made him cum right then. Shit. He needed to focus. He needed to… well...fuck. Her hands were suddenly shifting down to her pants. His demonic half was trying to emerge at full force. Damnit all. He wasn’t done with her and he didn’t want to push too far. Fuck. He was a goner. His demon literally demanded he be buried within that tight wet pussy. He paused having to try and regain himself.
Kagome had experienced these kinds of sensations and desires before--but nothing like this. Gods he knew exactly where to touch her. He knew exactly what she liked already; it was exhilarating. She knew he was by no means inexperienced and why should he be? He was a fucking God. She was lucky he didn’t actually have a girlfriend. That he actually wanted her--not just physically. Well, that part was the part that made her the happiest. When he confessed he couldn’t stop thinking about her though, that he cared about her, that he would take things slow… she swore her heart would beat right out of her chest. 
It finally dawned on her what he meant by ‘showing her’ how beautiful she was. He was going to pleasure her. Honestly, it had been a minute for her. While he said she ‘took care of herself’ she honestly hadn’t been able to… complete the deed. She lost that kind of confidence to even really fantasize about a man in that way. She could only see Koga’s hesitation and disgusted face whenever she would get started or even just about to finish. But now--now she would never be able to see the look of horror again. She’d only see those bright burning amber eyes that seemed to memorize every inch of her. His soft but intense touches, his meaningful carasses, even if he never wanted to do this again, she would never forget.
As his hand descended into her shorts, she couldn’t help but shift herself so she was bare before him. She heard a hitch in his breath and the growl that followed only made her hotter. She met his eyes and saw they were tinging red. 
“S-sorry,” he said as he pulled away slightly. She grabbed his shoulders, fearful of why he was stopping.
“What’s wrong??”
“N-nothing. You’re perfect. It’s me,” he said uneasily. 
“What?? What do you mean?”
“My inner demon is trying to emerge. It wants to take you. I just need a second to get back under control. You just smell so fucking good.”
“I-I do? Why does… I mean…”
“It’s a lot to explain.”
“If you talk about it, I’ll listen,” she offered, keeping her arms around his shoulder but lifting her hips to rock against his. The motion made them both moan and neither seemed to be able to control their continual movements to alleviate the pressure they both were feeling.
“It’s a demon thing,” he said shortly, seemingly unable to control himself as he dipped his face to the juncture of her neck and began to suck on his sensitive skin.
“Ahhhhhh, re-really?”
“Mhm, it wants you. Just as much, if not more than I do,” he added with a sharp bite that pinched her.
“Oh! Inu--”
“Like that?”
“Yes,” she sighed.
“Good,” he grinned into her shoulder as he dropped quickly to his knees, kneeling between her spread thighs. He gripped her legs and threw them over his shoulders as he dug his tongue between her wet folds. 
“Oh Gods!” She never experienced anything as good as Inuyasha eating her out. His fangs nipped at her sensitive nub and she wailed loudly; the fact they were only in his office with a basic door between them and other people had completely been forgotten.
She heard his breathy chuckle as he continued to stroke her. As he teased her, the places that made her make the most noise he seemed to circle back to the most. He would bring her to the edge only to pull back. She was fairly certain she snarled at him at some point earning a raised eyebrow and smirk. She noticed his eyes were completely engulfed with red as he stared at her with interest, but he seemed to be in control still. If his full demon had managed to emerge, she knew he wouldn’t be as amused with her demands.
He finally encircled her clit in his mouth and sucked hard as he thrusted two fingers into her weeping core. Her fingers laced through his hair holding him there as she felt the tall tale signs of her impending orgasm and like hell would she let him take it away from her again. She moaned and writhed but refused to let go as she felt her walls begin to twitch around his now drenched fingers.
“Ughhhh, Inuyashaaaaa!!” she yelled as she succumbed to the blissful pleasure of his mouth on her overly stimulated nub. She finally came down and had to push him away when he tried to continue because she felt like it was too much. She was too hot. Too horny. Too sensitive. 
Catching her breath as he raised to catch her lips in a quick peck before he smiled at her before resting his forehead against hers.
“Yash, that was--”
“Oh, don’t worry, I heard you perfectly,” he joked as he wiggled his ears again for her. She swatted him and then took one of the soft appendages in between her fingers and massaged it lovingly. The rumble that emerged from his chest made her heart feel so light. Sighing, she closed her eyes and leaned against him. His arms wrapped around her and she felt his still very evident arousal. 
“Uhm… Inuyasha?”
“Hmm?” he hummed, clearly still enjoying her feather light touches as he sank down to rest his head in her cleavage.
Nervous, she swallowed, still rubbing his ears, hoping it would give her some confidence, “Uhm...I--uh--that is--are you going to…”
His golden eyes looked up at her in a questioning stare. It made her flush; how was someone so attractive? Even a look made her swoon.
“What is it, Kagome?”
“Are you uhm… not going to undress?” she said, pretty sure if he didn’t have his ears he would have missed what she whispered completely.
“Is that what you want?”
“I-I mean--I--I thought--”
“We can go as far as you want Kagome or hold off until you are ready. I want to rebuild that confidence you should have,” he punctuated with a kiss to her chest as he began to work his mouth back up to her neck. She shivered in delight and started to lose her breath again.
“Yes, Ka-Go-Me?”
She huffed at his cockiness and enlisted a deep chuckle from him as he finally lifted his head to kiss her lips. Before he could break away, she traced his lips with her tongue and brushed it against his fangs. She encouraged him to delve back into her mouth as she softly placed her hands on his shorts he was wearing and pushed down.
He stopped kissing her and looked into her lust filled eyes, “Are you sure?”
“I...I really like you, Inuyasha. I don’t want to just--leave you hanging like that,” she confessed. 
He kissed her again at her admission and then studied her closely as he spoke. “I really like you too, Kagome. Really. I swear, I’m not that guy. I’m not someone who will walk out on you for not jacking me off or giving yourself to me. This isn’t something we have to do. I’m a grown man. But trust me when I say this, I’m not going to say no if you want to. I want to. But only if you are actually ready.”
“...Only with you,” she whispered.
Smirking, he pulled back and lifted his shirt over his head and wrapped his arms around her naked body. He nudged her with his hips to silently give her permission to continue to push down his pants. 
She resumed her previous actions, slowly and carefully. Once his shorts and boxers were on the floor, she locked eyes with his large hardened cock. He must’ve smelled her panic from seeing how ‘well-endowed’ he was, because one of his hands started threading through her hair as he whispered huskily in her ear, “I’ll go slow.” 
She nodded her consent as he pulled her hips to line himself up to her center. He pushed in slowly as she was still perched on the desk. One of his hands was on her backside, kneading and rubbing soothing circles to keep her relaxed while the other hand held her head to his as he continued to kiss her. His distractions worked as she only felt a pinch and stretching of her womanhood being invaded. Overall, it wasn’t as bad as everyone made it seem. 
Once he was fully seated within her tight warm pussy, he pulled back from her lips and breathed heavily. “Fuck,” he groaned. 
Panting, full, and desperate for movement, she rolled her hips to test the waters and by God she couldn’t believe the amount of pleasure she got. Moaning, she felt him shift and begin to slowly pull out and thrust back in until he was fully seated within her again. He began to pump in and out of her in a rhythm she could barely keep up with because she was so overly stimulated. She felt like her insides were melting. His body was a flame and hers a candle. They went hand and hand and moved like they were dancing--well--not necessarily that choreographed. It was far more desperate, needy, and the sounds were grunts, moans, and cries. 
Her hand was on his shoulder and the other on the edge of the desk to keep herself perched up to him. Her ass was hovering over the edge as his hands held it as he controlled her movements. She was so close it was unbearable. Wailing and writhing in his arms, she wanted him to do--something, anything. Covered in a fine layer of sweat and her core weeping from the uncontrollable hunger she was feeling, she reached down between them to touch herself.
“That’s it,” he growled, still driving into her.
She snapped her head up and stilled her head to lock eyes with a very demonic looking Inuyasha.
“I know--I’m fine. We’re… in sync. Don’t be afraid,” he soothed, slowing down just slightly but not ceasing his thrusts into her body.
“I’m not afraid; I know you would never hurt me,” she said, lifting her hand from between them to stroke his purple jagged lined cheek. “I just knew you were fighting to stay in control.”
“My demon and I agree on our current premise,” he added as he dropped his lips to nibble and suckle on her neck again. Her breath hitched and she shot her hand down to her nub once more beginning to stroke it as hard as she could.
Her walls grabbed a hold of his hardened length and she tried to match his now frantic pace of plunges trying to make herself release. 
“Cum for me Kagome,” Inuyasha purred in her ear. 
That was all she needed as she felt like she burst. By far, it was the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced. Not that she had a lot to compare to--but she knew she would never be able to have anyone but Inuyasha again.
Her mind was so mushed out she barely realized they were still fucking until she felt him shudder. She was able to pull herself together enough to lave his own neck and nibble seductively pushing him into his own surging release.
They stayed locked together, bodies intertwined, panting breaths, as they exchanged sweet simple loving kisses. He finally pulled out of her and set her down gently before he nuzzled her cheek with a gentle purr. She stretched up to rub his ear again and kissed his cheek before bending down to start redressing. 
She had all of this thanks to Koga. As odd as that sounded since he had been the underlying cause of her horrible summer and self image issue. But Inuyasha and her had only been friends for a few short months and he had pushed to get to know her in ways no one else did. Sango had always been her best friend and sister, but Inuyasha had somehow become more. She didn’t want to use the ‘L’ word and scare him off.  But somehow she almost felt like somehow he felt the same. Like some odd external or even possibly an internal force, he had become so involved with her life. He was such a big part of her that she could never imagine separating from him. As they dressed, she caught his hungry eyes still lingering over her body and she did the same to him.
She only put her jacket back on and left her pants on the floor. He smirked down at her lovingly as he took her hand and pulled her close into another heated kiss before he switched the door lock open. What made her swoon was it looked like he was the one who was finally ready to take on the world… with her right by his side.
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bambigoose · 4 years
Master Manipulator
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Kelhani was freezing, its four degrees out in Toronto today and it didn’t matter how tightly she wrapped herself up nothing was generating more heat for her. A vast jump from the sixty four degrees it was when she left Cape Town, South Africa yesterday afternoon. Her internship with Apex Shark Expeditions had kept her halfway around the world for the past six months. Currently the sharks have migrated out of the area for the next few months and Chris her internship overseer gave them free reign to work from wherever they’d like for the next two months as long as they had the research completed for their due dates and were present at the weekly meetings over skype. This was going to mean a few nights of waking up at three am for a skype call, but she got to come home for a bit so it was worth it. Besides, there were days she was walking up at three am to head out on the boat, skyping would be easy.
Waiting for the crosswalk to change, she chuckled to herself. Looking up ahead she could see Stephanie jumping up and down attempting to use Mitch’s shoulder as support in an attempt to spot her. Having stopped to do an errand before meeting up with them, Kelhani was approaching from a different direction. Hearing the beeping of the light change she proceeded across the street weaving in and out of people in a desperate attempt not to be noticed. Clumsily tripping over her own two feet she was forced to admit walking like a normal person may be in her best interest.
“Mitch do you see her?” Stephanie asked as Kelhani approached. The petite blonde kept leaping into the air using Mitch’s shoulder for balance and lift like it’ll make her see further up the street.
Mitch was sputtering, moving his girlfriend’s hair out of his face, “Babe, I can’t see anything through your hair.” He laughed. On her next landing, Stephanie punched Mitch in the arm with a soft thump.
“Hey now, don’t injure the super star Steph, the entire city might come after you.” Kelhani said wrapping her arms around both of them from behind. She was pretty sure the warning did nothing to help. Stephanie shrieked before throwing herself into her, arms flailing, and whacked poor Mitch right in the nose.
“IMISSEDYOUSOMUCH,YOU’RENEVERALLOWEDTOLEAVELIKETHATAGIAIN.” Spewed out of Stephanie’s mouth in one breath, her face turning red towards the end of it.
Kelhani laughed, “You have two months before I have to take off again.” while dipping out of Stephanie’s arms to hug Mitch properly too. Despite his calm demeanor the second the opening presented itself Mitch had her in the air spinning around and giggling like a little child.
Stephanie beamed seeing her best friend and boyfriend get along so well. Kelhani and she met the summer they both turned six. After years of supporting each other, sleepovers, joint family vacations, graduations, and break ups they’d remained incredibly close despite all of their differences. Their relationship was put to the test when they elected to attend different colleges, Kelanhi leaving to attend the University of Pensacola in Florida while Stephanie remained in Toronto. Previously, she stressed herself almost to the point of sickness over Mitch and Kelhani meeting for the first time. It turned out to be completely unneeded. The two of them had been talking through the Whatsup App without her knowing once their relationship had reached the six month mark. She almost dropped to the floor when Mitch ran through the apartment to greet his “second girlfriend” when they got home from the airport. Now, she fights with her own boyfriend for time with her best friend during their visits.
“Can you even breathe in all these layers? Mitch quipped, dropping Kelhani back on her feet.
Looking down at her down jacket, with a north face and a sweater on underneath it, her scarf kept inching up her face forced by the jacket and mittens covered her hands. “My blood thinned out okay! It’s freezing out here.”
Stephanie laughed, linking her arm through Mitch’s left while he reached out linking his right arm with Kelhani. “Let’s get the beach bum inside.”
Mitch started walking leading the girls through the crowds toward their lunch destination while Kelhani leaned forward to look at both of them, “Should we start skipping and singing we’re off to see the wizard?” She smiled as her two best friends laughed, she was home and this moment made freezing her ass off worth it.  
Lunch with Mitch and Stephanie was always an adventure is the best way to describe it. Entering the restaurant they bicker over who got to sit next to her.  Mary, their usual waitress at the diner rolled her eyes when they entered, used to the bickering of the couple. Kelhani greeted the sixty-six year old waitress with a hug. Their pseudo grandmother catching up with her quickly as Mitch attempted to rant with arms waving that it was the quality of the friendship not the length that should dictate seating privileges. Both of them were so engrossed in their argument, neither noticed Kelhani  and Mary walk over to the round corner booth for about five minutes. “Where’d Kel go?”
“She decided she interfered too much in your relationship and elected to go home.” Mary responded, eyes narrowing at the pair from behind the counter.
“Look what you did.” Stephanie whacked Mitch with the back of her hand in the chest.
“What I did? I called her mid walk! You just didn’t like that I did it before you!” Mitch lightly hip checked Stephanie to emphasize his point.
Mary looked ready to interject before Kelhani called from the back, “You two are the least observant people I know!”
Whipping their heads around like excited Golden Retrievers hearing a treat bag being opened, they both beamed seeing Kelhani straw in mouth sucking down on a chocolate mint milkshake with their favorite flavors on either side of her. A moment later, Kelhani had to wonder if this is what it felt like to be running with the bulls. Mitch and Stephanie took off in her direction, bumping each other out of the way and knocking into booths before finally sliding into her on either side with enough force to cause her to spill part of her milkshake.
Mitch ignored Kelhani’s pout, reaching over her for the menu, “Why do you even bother looking? We get the same thing every time.” Stephanie leans forward grabbing the menu out of Mitch’s hand causing Kelhani to jolt her milkshake again.
“What if they have good specials today?”
If looks could kill Mitch would be dead, the city of Toronto would be in mourning, and Kelhani would have lost her Canadian citizenship. Whipping up the third milkshake spill of the day, “You two do realize you are why we can’t have nice things, right?”
Mary came to the rescue with a new milkshake as the couple cringed. She smirked and looked directly at Kelhani for an answer. “The usual sweethearts?”
Mitch eagerly leaned forward, “Well, if I could look at a menu…”
He was interrupted as Kelhani placed her hand on his face and pushed him back fully into the seat. “Yes please ma’am.” With a glare to either side of her, “The children are going to behave or we’ll be getting out of your hair.”
“Experience suggests differently you two.” Kelhani chuckled as they both attacked her sides. It was good to be home.
It was not good to be home. Mitch and Stephanie surprised her with a “small” house party they were throwing that night, which she absolutely had to come too because “we’ve missed you so much and it wouldn’t be right to do this without her.” The two of them had taken off to different areas and she was surrounded by Maple Leafs and their families who she had never met. A truly excellent way to make her anxiety feel like it was suffocating her while she contemplates how to leave without upsetting Mitch and Steph. Feeling the pressure building in her chest and finding an open route out onto the balcony Kelanhi attempted to make her escape.
Halfway across the room she collided into a brick wall, a quick sorry and a glance told her it had been Freddie Andersen. Her squeaky apology and accidental bumping pushed the anxiety almost into a full blown attack. She rushed towards the balcony missing the equally as quiet “it’s okay” and concerned look instead focusing on opening the door with the next to impossible to use handles.
Her breathing increased, almost gasping as she continued to struggle with the handle. The room appeared to be getting louder and louder while spinning the more she struggled before suddenly it was cut off. A large hand covered hers and pushed the handle opening the doors while barricating her with their body and shuffling forward out onto the balcony. Kelanhi braced herself on the railing and looked out over the Toronto skyline. Closing her eyes and breathing deeply, she took a moment to reorient herself and calm her body down before turning to look at the quiet presence off to her side.
Freddie was leaning on the corner of the balcony, looking out of the skyline while subtly looking out of the corner of his eyes at her. A loud exhale left Kelhani and Freddie turned to face her, leaning his hip against the railing. “Mitch’s place is too small for this many people…” he utters to her quietly.
A surprised gawf left Kelhani, her eyes rolling. “Don’t go telling him that.”
“I can go tell him we’re both leaving? Bulldoze our way to the door.” he suggests with a smile, Stephanie’s fairy lights twinkling in his eyes. Kelhani returned the smile with a slight nod of relief. “Of course I’ll need something for it.”
“And what’s that?”
“How about dinner? Don’t think I didn’t see you avoid all of the healthy apps too.”
For the second time in under two minutes another surprised gawf left Kelhani. “Who knew you were such a master manipulator Mr.Andersen.”
“Gotta keep people on their toes.”
Three minutes later as the two left the door. Mitch leaned over to Stephanie, “Your planned worked perfectly.”
“Well obviously, we gotta figure out a way to make sure she comes back here after her internship. Unless of course you’re looking for a trade.”
“Let’s just keep manipulating our friends.” Mitch laughs pulling her close in a celebratory hug.
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monleonrpg · 3 years
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FULL NAME: Sawyer Ahmadi
OCCUPATION: Owner of the Boardroom Skateshop
AGE & D.O.B.: April 19th, 1990 (30)
RESIDENCE: Bougainvillea Park
HOW LONG THEY’VE BEEN IN TOWN: 30 years, on and off
TW: Infidelity, car accident, coma, hospitalization
Before Sawyer Ahmadi was born, having a child wasn’t even a blip on her parents’ radar. They were heavily involved in their respective fields: architecture on her father Amir’s part and local news on her mother Paige’s. Their families lived next door to each other in Monleon, FL for two generations after the Ahmadis left their home country. Each of the families owned restaurants in Downtown Monleon and were rivals from day one. For Sawyer’s parents, their fates were sealed from the get-go. Everyone in town guessed, gossiped, and bet that Amir and Paige were going to be star-crossed lovers from the time they were pre-teens. Eventually, when playful teasing turned to friendship and friendship turned to real feelings, they promised each other they wouldn’t allow their relationship to get in the way of the things they were passionate and really care about, and that’s how it stayed for a long time. Their love saw them through high school and college, and countless hardships with their families. They were already in their thirties and several years into living in Miami when Mrs. Ahmadi went into the doctor for the flu and came out with the news that she was already three months pregnant.
Pressure from their families pushed them to start their own family far before they had any desire to, and it was that decision that eventually sent them into a tailspin. After Sawyer was born, they moved back to Monleon and leaned into the bayside town family life. As much as they looked the part of the happy family – high school sweethearts with successful jobs and three children under three – there were skeletons in the closet just waiting for the gossip mill to uncover. They worked hard to bury those secrets deeper, making names for themselves in the community as upstanding citizens and good parents. Sawyer was the happiest kid around Monleon and together with her younger siblings, they were the image of unconditional love; at least outwardly. But by the time Sawyer was in school, cracks had already begun to form in the foundation of her parents’ marriage that were too deep and wide to ignore. Questions of fidelity during their years in Miami opened up further doubt into most recent years, but their decision to stay together kept the gossip to a low (though widespread) murmur. Then came the news that Paige was pregnant again and the realization that it was not Amir’s child.
From that point on, everything was free game for the town rumor mill. Sawyer’s parents divorced, leaving her and her siblings to be raised by their father, while their mother moved across town and started a new family with her lavish new husband. Within a few years, Sawyer gained several new half-siblings, but they were kept separate from her and her full siblings for years after the divorce. Sawyer’s father was (for the most part) a reasonable man, but he wanted absolutely nothing to do with his ex-wife. Eventually the bitterness subsided and things leveled out in Amir’s home with Sawyer and her siblings, but not as much in Paige’s. Sawyer’s father agreed to drop her and her siblings off at Paige’s house on the weekends, but her mother never stepped foot in Amir’s home again and very rarely deigned to acknowledge that her ex-husband even existed. In many ways, Paige acted like her life before the divorce never happened at all, including her children from that first marriage. Sawyer’s mother became a household name for daytime TV show fans in the local area and Sawyer’s already paper-thin relationship with her mother was promptly and surely extinguished.
A daddy’s girl from the beginning, Sawyer relied on that relationship even more heavily after her mother’s show proved to be the highlight of the tiny local network. During her younger years, Sawyer was raised by television, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. Eventually, at the behest of his own parents, her father started prioritizing time with Sawyer and her siblings more often, which immediately changed the atmosphere in the house. Sawyer was already out of high school when she realized how hard her father had to work to keep things that way; happy, creative, and safe. It was her father that encouraged her “doodles” and praised the artwork that they evolved into. Even when her sweet paintings took a dark turn at adolescence and eventually turned into dark humor comics, Sawyer’s father was her biggest and most consistent fan. When she started questioning her gender and what it meant when she woke up some days feeling vastly more masculine, some days feeling dress-and-heels feminine, and most days somewhere right in between, her father was the first person to tell her it didn’t change how much he loved her. He supported her when she struggled to graduate high school and failed out of college after studying animation for three years. Perhaps the biggest display of love and trust of all, Sawyer’s father asked her to do an entire office building’s worth of artwork when she was 21 and down on her luck after dropping out.
In sharp contrast with her relationship with her father, Sawyer’s relationship with her mother was abysmal. Her mother’s local fame took over her entire life and separated her from Sawyer almost completely. By the time Sawyer was a teenager, when her mother was home during her weekends with Sawyer, they had screaming matches that lasted hours and were only broken up when her siblings came home. Years of family counseling and attempts from her mother to “help Sawyer see it from her side” only brought their deeper issues to the surface, and complicated their tense interactions. By the time Sawyer left for college, she and her mother weren’t on speaking terms at all. She tried not to let it interfere with her relationship with her half-siblings, but their conflict was divisive and some of her relationships with that side of her family took a toll. Sawyer would’ve been happy to ignore her estrangement with her mother, even when they ran into each other in town, but when Sawyer was 24, Paige was hit by a drunk driver while walking with some friends from the television station and fell into a coma. For four months, Sawyer stayed deep in denial about how she left things off with her mother, decidedly not talking about it with her father, but spending a considerable amount of time at her mother’s home with her half-siblings anyway.
While her mother was in the hospital, the world suddenly felt empty to Sawyer. Walking the streets of her hometown was always too quiet, no matter how loud it might be. No matter where she went, Sawyer missed the crazy laughter and constant well-wishing that made her mother the center of attention everywhere she went; the things she’d so hated her entire life. After those first four months, she finally started visiting her mother at the hospital, reading her the books about the inspiring female journalists her mother that discovered in college and shared with Sawyer as a child; before the fame and bitterness took her. When her mother woke up from her coma two months after she started visiting, after a total of six months, every doctor said it was nothing short of a miracle. Sawyer would never forget the daily visits that made her feel closer to her mother than she had in twenty years. Now, at 30, communication with her mother is as difficult as ever – even after Sawyer’s visits while she was in hospital – but she forces herself to initiate communication anyway. Her relationships with her half-siblings have been on the mend, but not all of them are willing to even try.
Nowadays, Sawyer doesn’t spend as much time focused on her parents, but in busying herself with her true loves: updating her weekly webcomic, acting a fool when she’s out with her friends, leaving street art all around the city in the wee small hours of the morning, and spending massive amounts of time at the skateshop she recently took ownership of. When she was sixteen, Sawyer tried to steal a skateboard from one of the smaller skateshops in town, a place she went almost every day called Barry’s Boards, and the owner caught her. Barry sat her down in the back office and they waited for the police to come, letting Sawyer stew on her guilt. The only thing she wanted was a skateboard of her own so she didn’t have to rely on anyone else to get around, which her parents refused to allow for her safety. Eventually, the owner asked her why she did it, and when she told him about her parents and her need for independence, he laughed. He offered her a job and Sawyer started the next day after school. A week after that, Barry gave her the board she had tried to take. He saw a dumb, scared kid who just wanted to skate and made her the woman she is today. Suddenly, Sawyer had a home away from home where she felt important and safe, and it was no wonder she spent so much of her life there after the incident.
It was that shop that nudged Sawyer into the Tampa skating circuit, where she spent multiple years trying to make it as a professional skateboarder and never getting too far. Monleon and her siblings – her heart – kept pulling Sawyer back to their hometown and away from the bright lights of the city. She never stayed away more than a few weeks at a time, though the other skaters seemed perfectly happy to leave their homes for years at a time. Their father had always been the more reasonable of their parents, but even he was instilling bitterness towards their other parent without Sawyer there to keep him in line. Whether she regrets not going pro is nobody’s business but her own, but she could never regret sticking around to make sure her siblings had someone besides their feuding parents to lean on. Plus, after all, Barry’s Boards was a mess without her, and that was according to Barry himself. If there was anyone who could get through to Sawyer, it was her mentor, and when she came back for good, she was lucky enough to be made manager of his shop. Following that first year as manager, Sawyer had the shop running like a well-oiled machine with Barry’s help and advice. Slowly, Barry let go of his responsibilities at the shop until Sawyer was essentially running it on her own.
When the owner of that shop died suddenly last year, his corporate sellout of a son made plans to turn the skateshop into a cell phone store, and Sawyer fought tooth and nail to get him to sell to her. Barry’s family had owned that corner shop and the land under it for generations and generations, but Sawyer couldn’t bear the idea of it being anything other than a skateshop. All the while, Barry’s will was being contested by his son and a team of attorneys. The only thing Sawyer knew was that she was mentioned in the latest edition of the will and Barry’s son was raging over it. After months in legal limbo, which drained Sawyer’s savings and motivation, the newest edition of the will was verified and Sawyer was finally informed of what it said about her. Afraid that the only ‘child’ of his would get nothing after almost fifteen years of pure loyalty, Barry left the skateshop to Sawyer. It took the executor of the will bringing her the master keys for everything to really sink in. Forget the taxes she’d have to pay, the maintenance she’d have to do, the fact she had no business expertise. When Sawyer re-opened the shop a few weeks later with a brand new sign that heralded it as “The Boardroom Skateshop,” it was the happiest day of her life.
Sawyer is always the first one to suggest an idea when the group goes quiet, which are always either hailed as genius or the worst her friends have ever heard. There’s no in between. She’s the first one to arrive at the party and the last one to leave. Her presence lights up a room and her smile never quits, though it’s often a sign of trouble. Permanently keen for an adventure to a fault, she has to be bailed out of situations (and, less often, actual jail) with surprising frequency. Her need for excitement covers up some pretty dark demons underneath that brightly colored first layer, but only her closest of friends are ever privy to the idea that anything could be wrong in her life. She’s a loyal, compassionate friend when it comes down to it and considers her friends the most important part of her life. Nothing makes her feel more at home than found family, and the older she gets, the more strangers and stragglers she decides are hers. There’s still tension in her family and anxiety about what she’s doing (or not doing) with her life, but if there’s one thing Sawyer really believes, it’s that everything will work itself out. For now, she’s happy trying keep her mentor’s shop open and growing roots right where she was planted.
SAWYER AHMADI is portrayed by MEDALION RAHIMI and written by BIRD.
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shining-red-diamond · 4 years
Treasure for All: Cast of Characters
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Full Name: Kim Hong Joong
Birthday: November 7
Occupation: Captain, Geographer
Backstory: Being raised by his father, Hongjoong had always wanted to see the world. He had traveled both by sea and sky with his father and learned under his wing, but after his father’s death Hongjoong inherited the ship and renamed it The HALA at the age of eighteen. “Hearts Awakened, Live Alive,” his father always taught him. With his friend Yunho, he was able to repair and upgrade many of the ship’s engines and technological aspects all making a comfortable environment for his future crew. One night, Hongjoong went to a bar to try to relax but ended up rescuing a girl whom he would fall in love with, Jo Da Hae. For three years, the three of them began recruiting their teams in order to search for the greatest treasure to ever be discovered.
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Full Name: Jo Da Hae
Birthday: July 6
Occupation: Zoologist, Medic
Backstory: Dahae was at the top of her class in the science department, majoring in zoology with a minor in nursing. After graduation, she wanted to have a taste of freedom before deciding to work with animals in a sanctuary. However, her family disowned her after deciding not to go to work right away, so she was left penniless and having to find a job on her own. She found work in a local bar and was making a decent living but never felt she was getting anywhere. The night she met Hongjoong was the night her life changed for the better. Two men had tried to flirt with her as her shift was ending, but she rejected both of them. The men fought, and Hongjoong pulled her out of there just in time. Quitting her job at the bar, she joined Hongjoong on his ship and became the zoologist and medic on their adventures.
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Full Name: Park Seong Hwa
Birthday: April 3
Occupation: First mate, Oceanographer
Backstory: Being raised near the ocean, Seonghwa had loved learning about and studying the creatures that inhabited the waters. However, tragedy struck his family when his mother was killed after accidentally slipping off the edge of a cliff near their home, and it sparked Seonghwa’s fear of heights. His father never quite recovered from the tragedy but never failed to show love to his sons. After his father died, Seonghwa and his brother parted ways but kept in touch. Studying oceanography at the university, he met Geology major Grace-Anne Dawes, and the two hit it off immediately. Just after graduation, the university was attacked by a gang of evil pirates, but Seonghwa and Grace-Anne escaped safely. After wandering around for a while, they were picked up by Hongjoong, and Seonghwa proposed to Grace-Anne on The HALA.
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Full Name: Grace-Anne Talia Dawes
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Geologist, Cook
Backstory: Grace-Anne only wanted a simple life after getting her degree in Earth Science, but that all quickly changed after escaping the university with her boyfriend Seonghwa. Her past was already rough with her mother an alcoholic and her father barely in her life, but she had other friends and family who helped her through and got her to the university. After being recruited by Hongjoong, she was able to use her Geology knowledge and cooking skills on their explorations. 
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Full Name: Jeong Yun Ho
Birthday: March 23
Occupation: Mechanic, Engineer, Cook
Backstory: Yunho grew up with Hongjoong in traveling around on the ship. He was orphaned at a very young age, but was taken in by Hongjoong’s father. Instead of learning about maps and navigation, he often studied the mechanical aspects of the ship such as it’s engine and wirings. He’s also known for being the jokester and keeping everyone else laughing. Now, he serves as The HALA’s repairman and will sometimes add new features with the help of Phoebe, Wooyoung, and Taeran.
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Full Name: Kang Yeo Sang
Birthday: June 15
Occupation: Medic, Botanist, Quartermaster
Backstory: Yeosang’s father was a doctor, and he decided to follow in his footsteps; but he didn’t feel that he was studying medicine for himself. He felt as if it was just to please his family. Dropping university wasn’t easy, but as long as Phoebe was with him, he was confident in any path they chose. Although, he hadn’t quite completed his schooling, he was able to gather whatever medical books he could find and study from them. Now, on The HALA, he’s the medic and the Quartermaster. He may be the more quiet and reserved type, but that doesn’t hide his kind heart.
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Full Name: Phoebe Jocelyn Daniels
Birthday: January 10
Occupation: Hacker, Computer scientist
Backstory: Phoebe had been raised by her grandparents since she was two years old. Her parents had gotten into a horrible fight, causing her father to hang himself and her mother to abandon her. Her grandparents had always been loving and supportive of Phoebe in whatever she did, and eventually she was able to get into university for computer science. There she met and fell in love with med student Kang Yeosang. The two eventually decided to drop university to start a life of their own, but were recruited by Hongjoong after he was injured on an expedition.
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Full Name: Choi San
Birthday: July 10
Occupation: Navigation, Astronomer
Backstory: San had been an orphan since he was small, but he grew up under Mr. Wilcox’s wing and eventually being taken in as his intern. He studied astronomy and navigation while working for the Wilcox’s company. San lived with the Wilcox family, and fell in love with the youngest daughter Celestia. He often would hear her sing whenever she studied, was getting ready for the day, getting ready for bed, anything. Her voice melted his heart; and knowing that she’d be the woman for him, he saved part of what he made for a ring to propose to her with. For years, they had been friends, but it wasn’t until they were both eighteen when San confessed his love to her and she had felt the same. The two eloped shortly after San’s twentieth birthday. However, after a break-in in the Wilcox home, he and Celestia had to escape without looking back. After mourning the loss of Celestia’s parents and two older siblings, the two were soon recruited by San’s friend Hongjoong. While on the ship, San is able to use his knowledge in Astronomy to navigate the ship and care for his pregnant wife.
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Full Name: Celestia Joy Wilcox-Choi
Birthday: May 7
Occupation: Archaeologist
Backstory: Celestia was brought up in a wealthy family. Her father was the CEO and owner of Wilcox Inc., but she was brought up to be kind and good-hearted to those around her. She studied artifacts from ancient ruins and grew a love for archaeology. Singing was also one of her favorite pastimes, but it also helped when she would work on her studies. However, one fateful night, robbers broke into her home, causing her mother to give her a large amount of money to take with her and San to escape. Mrs. Wilcox was the only one who knew of her daughter’s marriage to San. Once on the captain’s ship, the two feel safe again. Due to her pregnancy, she spends most days quietly studying the artifacts the crew finds on their journey.
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Full Name: Song Min Gi
Birthday: August 9
Occupation: Pilot, Aeronautics
Backstory: Both of Mingi’s parents were pilots. That’s where he learned about aeronautics, but it wasn’t until he reached high school where had heard about Hongjoong’s father’s ship and became fascinated with how it flew when it traveled overseas and made a goal to one day fly it. He spent countless hours studying both aeronautics and pirate ships until he was able to teach himself how flying ships worked. Mingi was also known for being a sweetheart despite his strong features, and when he met Kim Taeran, she had rocked his world. About a year after meeting, their college was set ablaze, so the two ran off and eventually joined Hongjoong and the rest of ATEEZ and their significant others’ on The HALA.
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Full Name: Kim Tae Ran
Birthday: June 24
Occupation: Mathematician
Backstory: Taeran had been building walls around herself ever since her best friend betrayed her when they were fourteen, which resulted in her parents’ murders. From then on she had the hardest time trusting people. Although it seemed weird to others, solving math problems helped her to cope. When she got to college, she met Mingi but didn’t trust him right away as she did with others. As time went on, she opened up to Mingi more and eventually found another one of very few people to trust. After running away with him after their school burned down, she and Mingi joined Hongjoong and she is able to put her math skills to use when she and Phoebe decipher codings on artifacts and helping Yunho with adding new technologies on the ship.
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Full Name: Jung Woo Young
Birthday: November 26
Occupation: Physicist
Backstory: Wooyoung grew up in a wealthy family, but his parents were barely around due to their jobs. His nanny was the one who really raised him, and taught him to be kind and loving to others, and this allowed him to have many friends growing up. One of those friends was Dinah Grady, and eventually they became lovers. He studied physics all throughout his schooling, and eventually earned himself a degree in that field. However, he’ll have times where he doubts if people genuinely love him due to the lack of love from his folks. In order to get a fresh start, he and Dinah ran off to begin a new life for themselves and eventually stumbled onto The HALA.
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Full Name: Dinah Ruth Grady
Birthday: June 27
Occupation: Barrelman (Crow’s nest), Meteorologist
Backstory: Being a labeled a “wild one” due to having a few tattoos and a couple of piercings, Dinah has actually always been a sweetheart. She grew up climbing trees and taking gymnastics, but eventually took up meteorology for a career path. Dinah had always been known for being beautiful, but she wanted to show others that there was much more to her than a pretty face. When her heart was stolen by Jung Wooyoung, she knew she wanted to be with him for the rest of her days, but she’s always there for him when he needs someone to hold. The two of them eventually joined The HALA, and were the last ones to join, completing the crew. Dinah was appointed the barrelman due to her knowledgable in detecting the weather, noticing things really well, and being able to use her agility to climb up the crow’s nest.
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Full Name: Choi Jong Ho
Birthday: October 12
Occupation: Gunman, Pyrotechnic
Backstory: Jongho had a rough childhood. When he was seven, both of his parents were killed in a car accident, which sent him to live with his aunt and uncle and cousins. He was often neglected, and eventually led him to be a troublemaker, often getting his hands on matches and fireworks. When he was in middle school, he was sent to counseling and his mentor waisted no time in helping Jongho get back on his feet. His mentor was also a gunman, so he taught Jongho how put his pyrotechnic skills to good use. Once Jongho was able to go off on his own, he ran from home, and sneaked onto The HALA, but not without Dahae noticing and taking him to Hongjoong. Since then, Jongho has been in charge of the weaponry on The HALA. He might have a short temper sometimes, but he’s learned to control it greatly.
Cast of Characters//Ch. 1//Ch. 2//Ch. 3//Ch. 4//Ch. 5//Ch. 6//Ch. 7//Ch. 8//Ch. 9//Ch. 10//Ch. 11//Ch. 12//Ch. 13//Ch. 14//Ch. 15//Ch. 16//Ch. 17//Ch. 18//Ch. 19//Ch. 20//Ch. 21//Ch. 22//Ch. 23//Ch. 24//Ch. 25//Ch. 26//Ch. 27//Ch. 28 (coming soon)
A/N: I’m sorry if some of these backstories seemed vague. I just wanted to make a basic explanation of how each member got onto The HALA.
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creambunnie · 5 years
♡ Love You More ♡
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WayV Xiaojun X OC (Y/N)
angst fluff . ENJOYYYYY
a/n : it has been a long time since i've written such a long imagine. i hope you guys love it!
you wrapped your finger around your mug of hot chocolate and had a sip as your boyfriend!Xiaojun stared at you lovingly. you placed your mug down and looked at Xiaojun with a nervous look. Xiaojun grabbed your hands and squeezed them gently.
"do you think i will make it?". you asked your boyfriend anxiously.
the both of you just graduated from college. Xiaojun already had a stable job at a big tech company, while you, who graduated with a performing arts degree , were auditioning here and there for dramas and shows to land on your first tv debut. you auditioned for romance, action and even horror! you didn't really care about the genre,you just wanted to experience the real deal and improvise yourself till you become a well-groomed actress.
Xiaojun rubbed your hand with his thumb and nodded his head. "i believe an actress as talented as you could make it! if they don't cast you though, it's alright. it's not you, they are the ones who are at lost.". Xiaojun comforted. you scrunched your nose up at his cheesiness and squeezed his hands.
"are you sure you're not just being nice to your girlfriend?". you asked. Xiaojun laughed and shook his head. "of course not! i really mean it. you are very talented! remember when you acted like you were in pain just to get a kiss from me?" . Xiaojun comforted again but didn't forget to tease you . you pulled your hands away and slapped his hand playfully. "ahh why did you have to remind me!". you whined which made him laugh with adoration at your cuteness.
after the short cafe date, you and Xiaojun went to the audition venue by cab . Xiaojun was your moral support. he had always accompanied you to your auditions and comforted you when you were rejected. he would motivate you to do your best and be better each audition.
you were at the waiting room, anxiously waiting for your turn. Xiaojun was sititing beside you while holding your hand in his to give comfort . you on the other hand, tried rehearsing your lines for the last time. you became more nervous when the staff told that you would be going in in about 2 minutes.
"ahh babe i am so nervous!". you mumbled as you faced your cute boyfriend. Xiaojun gave you a small smile and carresed your hair lovingly. "i believe in you , sweetie. you are going to do your best! i promise to treat you to ice cream later after your turn alright?". Xiaojun pecked your lips one last time before you were called. He gave you a soft goodluck as you followed the staff.
you were given quite a good feedback from the judges and they told you they would contact you about the results soon. you went out of the hall to the waiting room earlier with a good feeling. you were about to run and hug your boyfriend but was greeted by his close friend instead.
"oh Hendery! are you here for the audition too? oh and did you see Xiaojun?". you bombarded him with questions.
Hendery chuckled and rubbed his nape. "actually Xiaojun was the one who asked me to come here and walk you home. His mother called him earlier because of something urgent. he really is regretful that he had to leave . ". Hendery tried his best to explain to you as politely as possible. your head dropped as you stared at the floor below you.
"oh.. i understand. family is definitely more important. no worries!". you exclaimed as you looked up to Hendery.
Hendery frowned when he saw your teary eyes. He hated seeing his friend sad so an idea popped into his mind. Hendery grabbed your wrist and pulled you along gently. "times like this call for food! i am starving and i bet you are too! let's go!". you giggled and let Hendery drag you.
Hendery brought you to a small restaurant which was a few stops away from the audition venue. "i always come here with my sister. i'm basically a regular and kind of the owner's favourite,so order anything you want alright. it's on me!". Hendery said and winked. you chuckled at his actions but ordered anyways.
you actually had fun hanging out with Hendery. he was a sweetheart , and a dork too. he would crack jokes randomly which brightened your day up. you always hang out with Xiaojun and his friends but never with any of them individually. it was a refreshing experience eating out with Hendery. after talking and eating, it was finally time for you to go home. Hendery walked you home like how he was asked in the first place. you thanked Hendery for the day and apologised for troubling him. Hendery only responded by shaking his head no and smiled widely. he wished you a goodnight sleep before walking away . you smiled back and went in your apartment.
you lived alone since college years. your parents' house were quite far but you do visit them regularly and they visit you too.
you plopped yourself down on your bed and check your phone. you gasped when you saw text messages from your boyfriend. you were having too much fun you didn't even look at your phone.
hey babe.. i am really sorry but i have to go first. i asked Hendery to accompany you back home. stay safe <3
did you meet Hendery? how was the audition? text me as soon as you see this alright ♡
babe, are you mad? i am really sorry, i am going to make it up to you!
please reply me ㅠㅠ are you home yet? nothing bad happened to you right?
- 10 missed calls from ♡BaobeiJun♡ -
you sighed as you saw the texts. of course you were still upset about earlier. but you didn't want to be the annoying girlfriend and tried your best to pretend that you were okay.
To : ♡BaobeiJun♡
sorry for the late replies babe. i didn't check my phone earlier. yeah i am home, Hendery sent me home like you requested. he also bought me food because we were both starving. i am not mad, don't worry :)
you threw your phone on your bed as you changed into your pyjamas. a few seconds later, you heard your phone chime, indicating that you just received a message.
that is great! i should treat Hendery some time too to thank him. i am glad you are back safe. i was so worried when you didn't reply back :((
you chuckled and rolled your eyes at his text.
To : ♡BaobeiJun♡
i am really sorry hahaha , so you wanna tell me why you had to leave earlier?
Xiaojun then explained to you that his mother called him earlier to ask for his help. Apparently , his childhood friend, named Weiwei, was on a business trip here and Xiaojun's mother asked him to welcome her at the airport. you also got to know that the girl was going to stay at Xiaojun's family's place for a few months because renting an apartment would be bothersome.
you were now feeling more upset actually. he left your side because of another girl? and worse, the girl is staying with him for a while? you were furious, yes. but you were more insecure. you trusted Xiaojun but you just couldn't help yourself from being jealous. i mean, which girlfriend wouldn't? you were tired as you read his explanation and decided to end the conversation with a goodnight.
you switched your phone off and wrapped your whole body with your warm blanket. you tried getting rid of all the bad thoughts and fell asleep in anxiety.
you were woken up by the front door bell . you groaned as you sat up and checked the time. 10am. you groaned again and cursed whoever it was who disturbed your sleep as you walked to the front door. you opened the door but was greeted by no one. you groaned again thinking that it was just a prank but was startled when Xiaojun's head suddenly popped up out of nowhere. he leaned down so your eyes were parallel. he chuckled at your shocked expression and gave a peck on your cheek before inviting himself in. "i texted you but the messages weren't delivered so i figured your phone was dead. i came to really make it up for yesterday". Xiaojun explained.
you finally snapped out from your shock and grinned. you felt like your anger towards him yesterday evaporated just like that. you hugged him and buried your face into his chest. "you don't even know how much i wanted to hug you like this yesterday after the audition. i was overwhelmed with my emotions and the only one who could calm me was you. but you weren't there.". you mumbled sadly. Xiaojun felt guilty and carressed your hair.
"i am really sorry. i promised to treat you ice cream right? jajan!!" . Xiaojun pulled away and showed you the tubs of ice cream he bought.
"i was thinking of a movie-cuddling kind of date today.". Xiaojun said cutely as he tapped his chin with his finger. you giggled and pinched his cheeks. "i am up for it! but can you let me go shower first?". Xiaojun nodded and placed the ice cream tubs on the dining table. "sure, i will just prepare the couch alright!".
after a nice shower,you joined Xiaojun who was sitting on the couch with his phone. he put his phone on the table as he saw you approaching him. but you saw that he was texting Weiwei earlier. you decided to just ignore your jealousy and took the ice cream tub Xiaojun handed to you. Xiaojun then pulled you closer so you snuggled into his chest and enjoyed the ice cream. the both of you watched a romance movie and imitated the cheesy lines. you would giggle everytime Xiaojun peck your head when there is a kiss scene.
"you know, i heard that the 2nd movie is released next week!". you said and took a spoonful of your strawberry cheesecake ice cream.
Xiaojun hummed and pecked your head again. "it's a date then!".
you turned to him with a wide smile. "really?". Xiaojun chuckled and nodded his head. you squealed and pecked his lips. "i can't wait ! it's been a long time since we've went to the cinema together.".
Xiaojun carressed your hair lovingly before putting down his finished ice cream tub. "how about i go and take some blankets so we could cuddle here?". Xiaojun suggested. you nodded excitedly as you stood up to give him space.
as Xiaojun went to your room, you saw his phone lighted up . you peeked and saw notifications from Weiwei. you rolled your eyes and turned his phone around so you wouldn't get distracted. you quickly finished your ice cream and cleaned up before lying down beside Xiaojun. Xiaojun wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer. you leanee your ear on his chest and sighed in relief as you relaxed ,listening to his heartbeat. "i love you sweetie and i want you to remember that forever.". Xiaojun whispered and pecked your forehead. "i love you too baobeijun,". you whispered back. the two of you cuddled in silence and soon fell asleep .
it has been a few days after the cuddle date. you haven't really see Xiaojun after that because he was kind of busy with work. you did texted and called each other but you missed him being with you physically. you sighed and just decided to focus on your work. yeah, you has a part time job at a small bookstore. you still had to make income anyways. so while you practised to be an aspiring actress, you still worked hard in earning your own allowance and not only depend on your parents or boyfriend.
you were keying in some things on the computer when the bell chimed, indicating a customer's entrance.
"welcome!". you greeted as you saw a cute girl entered. you were about to ask if she needed help when the door opened again, revealing your handsome boyfriend. you gasped and smiled widely.
"Baobe--". your words were cut off when the cute girl earlier linked arms with Xiaojun. you frowned deeper when Xiaojun didn't even bother to push her away. you quickly gave a small smile when Xiaojun walked towards you with the girl and waved at you cutely.
"babe, this is Weiwei! and Weiwei, this is my girlfriend, y/n !". Xiaojun introduced. you forced a smile and stretched your hand out for a handshake. but your tired arm was ignored as Weiwei hugged Xiaojun's arm and whined. "when we were little you said we were gonna be together!". Xiaojun only chuckled awkwardly and rubbed his nape. he smiled apologetically to you in which you just shook your head . "Xiaojunjun! let's go eat!". Weiwei saidly in her high-pitched voice which hurt your ears. Xiaojun nodded and looked at you, who was looking at the couple sadly.
"i'll see you soon, okay babe?". Xiaojun said softly as if you were the most fragile thing there. you smiled and nodded. before you could speak, Weiwei pulled and dragged Xiaojun out of the store.
you wanted to just cry out loud but you held yourself back. Xiaojun has been to busy with work and couldn't spend even an hour with you but here he was spending his free time with another girl. you knew she was just a friend and you trusted Xiaojun. you love Xiaojun. but it hurt you how he was being oblivious of your painful heart . you decided to push aside the thoughts and focused on work. you were grateful there weren't many customers on that day . you were not really in the mood to entertain others . half an hour before the store closed, the bell chimed indicating a new customer. you continued packing up books and your things while the customer looked for their desired books. you were packing your bag when the customer placed books on the counter. "hi , i would like to ask if the last volume of this comic is still available?". you quickly turned around at the familiar voice. the customer blinked and chuckled. "i didn't know it was your shift ,". Hendery stated. you gave a small smile and nodded. "yeah i was just covering for my co-worker. ". you said softly. you quickly looked at the comic he was purchasing and keyed in the code in the computer.
"the last volume is sold out . but the new stock is coming tomorrow! you could come by if you like and i could reserve one for you.". you explained.
Hendery grinned and nodded. "sure,i'll purchase these first and come back again tomorrow!". after settling his books, it was finally time for you to lock the bookstore and head home.
you switched off everything and quickly closed the store down. you gasped when Hendery suddenly stood in front of you. Hendery chuckled at your reaction . "i was thinking of dinner. together?". Hendery suggested. you chuckled and shook your head. "i'm actually kind of fu--". your lie was cut off when your stomach growled violently. the two of you stared at each other before laughing. "alright, how about hotpot and some beer? at the same place!". you suggested this time. Hendery smiled widely and nodded. "i'm paying this time so don't worry about what you want to eat alright!". you said again . you tried making yourself happy but your lifeless eyes could never lie Hendery. Hendery decided to just play along with you and waited for you to open up yourself. he hated seeing his friends hurt but he hated forcing people more.
you were on your second bottle of beer, you were not really drunk but drunk enough to cry outloud the feelings you've been hiding since afternoon.
"i know she is just a friend but why is she getting more attention then me? your girlfriend? am i just dumb for crying or are you dumb? why does Xiaojun have to be so kind towards other girls? this is unfair!". you whined and downed another shot .
Hendery kept quiet and let you let out all your feelings. he thought it was finally time for you to cry out everything and feel better .
"Hendery, is it really childish and petty of me to be jealous like this?". you turned to your friend and slurred your words. Hendery only sighed and tucked your hair back behind your ears to have a clearer sight of your red face. "no i understand. you shouldn't feel bad for feeling this way. i can't help you much but i am here for you when you need me.". Hendery comforted. you nodded at his response before falling asleep right after . Hendery quickly stretched his arm out before you could knock your head on the table. Hendery sighed as he combed your hair neatly with his fingers. he understood Xiaojun for taking care of his childhood friend but he was disappointed Xiaojun made you feel like this. Hendery decided to call Xiaojun to pick you up. He felt like it was only right for him as a friend to help his friends out.
A few minutes later,Hendery tried waking you up. you woke up with a groan and clutched your head. "are you sober enough to walk?". Hendery asked as he held your shoulder. you nodded and stood up slowly. Hendery helped you and walked out of the restaurant with you . the moment the two of you stepped out of the restaurant, Xiaojun ran towards you . "babe!". he exclaimed as he took you from Hendery. your head was still spinning but you figured Xiaojun's face. you turned to Hendery as he gave you a small smile. "rest well, alright?". Hendery said before excusing himself.
"why did you drink so much babe?" . Xiaojun asked as he piggybacked you. you leaned your head on his back and sighed. "i was sad. i was angry. i was tired.". you replied word by word. you felt the wind as Xiaojun walked on the empty street, bringing you home.
"do you want to tell me why?". Xiaojun asked softly. your heart broke. of course you were sad and angry because of him. but his sweet and innocent self just couldn't realise that. "i love you Jun... i hope you do too. please stay with me.". you breathed out, holding yourself back from crying. Xiaojun stopped in his tracks for a bit but continued walking right after . "of course i love you too. i am here always, by your side.".
you fell asleep on his comfortable back as you felt assured.
you wore Xiaojun's favourite baby blue blouse and styled your hair simply with some light make up. you were excited for your movie date. you were at the cinema , waiting for your boyfriend. he promised to be there half an hour before the movie starts. but coming to 10 minutes before showtime, he was still not there. you tried texting him but the messages were not delivered. maybe his phone battery died, you thought. you tapped your foot nervously as you scanned the place for your boyfriend.
4 mins
you sighed and held your head down sadly. *did he forget about our date?* . you were about to exit the cinema when someone called your name. you turned and were greeted by Hendery. he really was like your guardian angel. there whenever you were sad.
"are you here alone? what movie are you watching?". Hendery asked. you smiled sadly and shook your head. "today was supposed to be our movie date but Xiaojun is not here. i tried contacting him but he didn't reply. i think i should just go back.". you explained.
Hendery frowned at his friend's actions. He really was disappointed in Xiaojun.
"how about we watch a movie together? hmm i was thinking, Dora The Explorer?". Hendery suggested, trying to cheer you up. you chuckled at his unique choice of movie and nodded. "that is a great idea! let's go!". you agreed and grabbed his wrist to buy the tickets.
during the movie, Hendery suddenly heard soft sniffings. He turned to look at you and sighed . you were wiping your tears that were flowing down your cheeks non-stop. it was obvious you were crying because of Xiaojun, the movie wasn't even a sad one. Hendery grabbed your hands and squeezed them to comfort you. he then pulled your head to lean on his shoulder. "it's okay sweetie, it's okay. i am always here to comfort you.". Hendery whispered as he carressed your hair. his sweet words calmed you throughout the movie. you were sorry to Hendery for always being stuck in your relationship, but you were also grateful to have him as a good friend.
after the movie, you went to the ladies to freshen up . Hendery waited for you and invited you to dinner. "how about we go to the usual? i kind of like the concept of having our hangout place.". you said as you walked out of the cinema with Hendery. Hendery chuckled but agreed to your suggestion anyway. dinner made your day. you decided to totally ignore your thoughts about Xiaojun and spend quality time with your now new bestfriend. you and Hendery shared a lot of things with each other , from cute childhood stories to epic highschool memories. you also found out that the both of you were big fans of Attack on Titans and Tokyo Ghoul. Hendery promised to lend you his AOT mangas as you promised to recommend him other great animes and mangas. the day eventually ended with Hendery walking you home. "thank you so much for today Hendery. i am very thankful to have you as my friend.". Hendery smiled at your words and patted your head. "i am always here if you are im need of a friend. the restaurant is always open for us to have more fun.". you thanked him again and bid him goodnight as you entered your apartment.
you plopped yourself on the couch and fished out your phone.
omg babe... i didn't realise that my phone was turned off >○<
i overlooked the date for our movie date .. i am really sorryyy
my mom asked me to bring Weiwei around the city. i agreed because i thought our date is tomorrow...
i am really sorry babe,, please reply my messages
babe? i understand that you are mad at me...
are you at least safe back home?
you threw your phone on the couch as you stood up. you decided to just ignore his texts. you were really mad. not just because he ditched you on the most awaited date, but he ditched you as he spent time with another girl. you knew Xiaojun was just being kind but is he really dense to not draw the line? you didn't want your relationship to be ruined by a girl who suddenly appeared in your life. you thought your relationship with Xiaojun was strong , but recent incidents made you doubtful. you washed up and went to bed straight away.
you woke up the next morning feeling a bit better after a goodnight sleep. you were having your light breakfast when you heard a knock from the front door. you groaned as you weren't expecting any guests.
you opened the door only to push it back close as you see his face. but before the door could close fully, Xiaojun held onto it with his leg. "babe please let me in.". he begged. you contemplated for a bit but opened the door anyways. you quickly walked away before he could hug you. Xiaojun followed you to the kitchen as he called out your name softly. Xiaojun wrapped his arms around your shoulders but you harshly pushed him away and faced him.
"Xiaojun. i am tired. please, i am tired of being mad with you and settle my feelings with a hug from you. this is not that simple, Jun. i love you , i really do. but the amount of times you've hurt me in these 2 months is more than the whole 2 years that we've spent together..". you confessed.
Xiaojun tried to pull you into a hug but you rejected. you wiped the tears that were flowing down your cheeks as you continued. "why do you think i was drunk the other night? you think i wanted to feel depressed like that? you think everything was back to normal when you came to pick me up?!". you didn't intend to raise your voice at him but your emotions were unstable.
Xiaojun was startled at your outburst. he looked at you with teary eyes. you sighed as you sat on the floor and pulled your legs before burying your face in between them. your sobs echoed through the silent kitchen. you felt Xiaojun moving closer. he squatted beside you and wrapped his arms around your body before pulling you into his warm chest. "i'm sorry , i'm sorry, sshhh i'm sorry, i love you babe, i really love you . i'm sorry i hurt you, i love you really. i am here now and i promise i won't leave you.". Xiaojun whispered in an attempt to comfort your broken heart. you finally gave in and cried out into his chest.
a few moments later, Xiaojun carried you into your bedroom. he lied down beside you and pulled you closer. you buried your face into the crook of his neck and sniffed in his scent. you relaxed in his arms as you calmed yourself down. "i missed you so much,". he mumbled as he pecked your head. the two of you lied down in silence, enjoying each other's presence and calm breathing. Xiaojun was about to fall asleep when his ringtone startled the both of you. you slowly pulled away from him to give hin space to sit up. Xiaojun rubbed his eyes cutely as he searched for his phone. you couldn't help but giggle at the cute sight and although you were still a bit mad, you didn't hold yourself back from giving him a quick peck on the lips. Xiaojun froze at your sudden action before slowly reaching for his phone. he was used to receiving kisses from you but he was suddenly shy after the fight , his ears turned red . you giggled at his reaction and nudged him to do something about his phone. "i--i'll take this call for a while okay?" he stuttered. you nodded before lying down back on your bed.
after the short call, Xiaojun turned to face you with a guilty expression. "babe.. i really want to spend time with you but this is urgent. Weiwei is having troubles with settling her project and i have to go help. i am really sorry babe.". Xiaojun explained and apologised.
you sighed, just when you thought it was back to normal, everything was about to be ruined again. "it's urgent right? let me walk you to the front door.". you said as you got off the bed. Xiaojun gulped as he sensed your sarcasm. he followed you out of the room like a puppy. "i'm really sorry babe.. how about i take you on a date on Saturday?". Xiaojun tried to persuade you. you gave a small smile and pushed him out off your apartment gently. "i can't. i have plans.". you replied and quickly closed your front door. you heard Xiaojun knocked for a few minutes, begging you to open the door but he then stopped when you ignored him . you figured he finally gave up and went to settle his urgent matters.
babe... what plans do you have that i can't spend time with you?
you rolled your eyes at his message and were tempted to just throw your phone on the ground. he had been ignoring your daily life activities because of his own but had the audacity to suddenly act caring when you finally gave him the cold shoulder. you ignored his message and decided to text Hendery .
To : Huang Guanheng
hey Hendery, i was thinking if you could accompany me this Saturday? i am finally casted for the drama i auditioned for recently and this Saturday is our first shooting. i am quite nervous to go alone...
you waited for a few seconds before Hendery replied.
-Huang Guanheng-
oh sure!! just tell me the time and place ,alright?
you smiled at his response and quickly informed him the details. you were glad he didn't ask about Xiaojun . he really was a friend with good sense.
the day finally came. you met up with Hendery early and decided to get some breakfast together. "you can do it , y/n . don't be too nervous or else you wouldn't be able to focus. here drink some hot tea, to calm you down.". you thanked him for his advice and comforting words. after the short breakfast, the both of you went to the shooting venue.
the site for the rehearsed scene was outdoor. the hot weather was not really helping with your nerves. you practised your lines as much as possible as the stylists prepared you before you were called to the site. you were only a side character but your character actually plays quite an important role in the drama. Hendery gave you a supporting pat as your turn came.
you did a good job with your lines but your co-actor kept on making mistakes. because of that the scene you were in had to be filmed for a few times. you tried to be consistent in the quality of your performance but the hot weather made you exhausted. you were sweating like mad that the stylists had to wipe them for you every few minutes.
the director finally gave a break time, asking your co-actor to calm his nerves and practise his line again. you were glad the director was nice enough to be patient with him . if you were the director, you would have screamed at him. you saw Hendery waving at you as you walked towards him . Hendery's smile turned into a frown as he saw your pale face. he quickly caught you as you stumbled. "are you okay?". he asked as he tried supporting you to stand up straight. "i am a bit dizzy," you managed to reply as you clutched your head. just as you spoke, your body felt weak and you fainted. Hendery's eyes widened as he wrapped his arm under your body and carried you. "ambulance! somebody call the ambulance!" .
Hendery : Dejun, your girlfriend just fainted . she is admitted to the hospital now.
Xiaojun : what? tell me the hospital address, i am on my way.
Hendery : alright, come here safely .
Hendery ended the call as he sat beside your bed. he carressed your head and sighed. a few minutes later, Xiaojun arrived . Hendery stood up and greeted his friend. Xiaojun gave Hendery a brotherly hug and went to you who were still sleeping. he held your cheek dearly and pecked your forehead. "what happened?". Xiaojun asked Hendery softly. "she was at the shooting site earlier--". Hendery's words were cut off by Xiaojun. "wa-wait, she was casted ?". Hendery frowned and nodded. "didn't she tell you?" . Xiaojun looked at you sadly and hesitated a nod. "kind of...". Hendery nodded before explaining further. "she fainted after her turn. the doctor said she was too stressful and dehydrated . that was why she fainted. but the doctor said to not worry, a rest and lots of water can make her feel better.". Xiaojun sat beside your bed and held your hand. "i see, thank you Guanheng.". Hendery nodded and stood beside Xiaojun. Xiaojun stayed by your side till night. Hendery stayed too. he was worried about both of his friends . "Dejun.. you've been here since afternoon. why not we go take some fresh air and have dinner ? y/n wouldn't want you to fall ill too.". Hendery patted his friend's shoulder. Xiaojun contemplated for a while but agreed to his friend's suggestion . he pecked your hand for the last time before leaving the hospital.
"which restaurant is still open at this hour?". Xiaojun asked as he checked the time. it was late night. Hendery grinned and patted his back. "i know the perfect place.".Hendery sat on his usual spot while Xiaojun sat on yours. the owner greeted them and passed the menus. "Guanheng! you didn't come with your girlfriend today?". Hendery blinked at her question as Xiaojun stared at Hendery. "you have a girlfriend?". Xiaojun asked. Hendery shook his head and tried to reply the owner. "no no auntie, she is not my gi--". his words were cut off when the owner exclaimed. " ah y/n ! she isn't here today.". Xiaojun's expression was unreadable. Hendery gulped and shook his head. "may we just look at the menu and order ,auntie?". the oblivious owner smiled and nodded before going back to the counter.
"this is just a misunderstanding Dejun.". Hendery started as he stared at the menu that he had memorised by heart. Xiaojun was silent for a bit but smiled . "i understand Guanheng. don't worry. why not we just order?i am starving!!". Hendery knew Xiaojun was just pretending to be okay. Xiaojun and you were really soulmates. hiding your real feelings. Hendery nodded and ordered some food.
the meal was silent and calm. both too occupied with their own thoughts. after the meal, Xiaojun paid for the food and thanked Hendery once again. "why not you go home and rest? i will be with y/n.". Xiaojun said in a matter of factly. not really as a suggestion. Hendery nodded and bid his friend goodnight before going back home.
Xiaojun stayed with for the whole night. you woke up to see your boyfriend sleeping, head on the edge of your bed. you carressed his soft brown locks gently as you stared at his calm sleeping face. Xiaojun's eyes opened slowly as he sat up. he grabbed your hand and pecked them before asking. "are you feeling better ?". you only nodded and squeezed his hand. "did Hendery call you?". Xiaojun hummed in response. his other hand balled into a fist as he heard his friend's name. "the doctor said you can discharge after you eat your breakfast. he said to drink lots of water and rest well.". your eyes widened when you realised you were at job when you fainted. you quickly searched for your phone to check for any messages. "missing Hendery already?". Xiaojun asked with gritted teeth. you looked up from your phone and frowned. "what?". Xiaojun smirked and scoffed. "nothing.". you turned back to your phone and read the text from one of the staffs.
-we hope you have a good rest. we are sorry for not considering your condition , we will update you about the next shootings. for now, we just want you to have a good rest- .
you sighed in relief as you finished reading the text. you thought you were going to be replaced by another actress. you placed your phone down and looked at Xiaojun who was staring at you. "have you eaten?". you asked. Xiaojun shook his head and rubbed his face with his hands. "i'll eat later after sending you home. i don't have the appetite to eat.". you frowned at his answer and placed your hand on his cheek as you carressed them gently. "please eat well. i don't want you to fall ill.". you said softly. Xiaojun gave a small smile and nodded.
in the cab on the way to your house, you leaned your head on Xiaojun's shoulder as he rubbed your interwined hands with his thumb. you jumped when you heard your phone ring.
*incoming call from Huang Guanheng*
you looked at Xiaojun as he nodded his head letting you answer the phone.
Hendery : are you home?
You : i'm on my way home in the cab. I am with Xiaojun.
Hendery : that is great . rest well okay? and y/n .. did you not tell him about the drama?
you kept silent at his question. Hendery called your names a few times .
You : i will alright. don't worry .
Hendery : he is your boyfriend,he should know.
you nodded your head as if he was in front of you.
You : okay okay, stop nagging, gosh.
Hendery chuckled at your response and advised you one last time before ending the call.
Xiaojun squeezed your hand right after you kept your phone. you leaned back onto his shoulder before calling his name out softly.
"babe,, i wanted to tell you but i was mad the other day. i actually got casted for the drama that i auditioned for the last time.". Xiaojun was quiet for a while. he carressed your hand and pecked your forehead. "congrats babe. see, i told you you would make it. you are talented.". he whispered. you smiled and pecked his cheek as you thanked him. you decided to just relax in silence as the cab took you back home.
you plopped on your couch as you arrived home. Xiaojun locked the front door and joined you on the couch. you switched on the TV and searched for fun shows to watch. "hey would you like some tea?". Xiaojun offered. you smiled and nodded . Xiaojun went to the kitchen to make some tea for the both of you. he thought this gave him some time to gather his courage for the words he was about to say . he hoped the tea would calm the both of you before the storm comes.
he placed both cups on the coffee table. your eyes were still stuck to the TV as you sipped on the hot tea. you turned to Xiaojun when he suddenly lowered down the volume of the TV. Xiaojun gave a small smile as he reached for your hands. he gave them a squeeze before starting his speech.
"y/n. we need to talk. i don't think this is going to work between us..". you frowned at his words and remembered what he said earlier. "is this because of Hendery? Xiaojun. i've been patient for almost three months now when you have to entertain Weiwei but just because of your jealousy towards Hendery , you want to break up? Hendery is just a friend! ". you asked , obviously disappointed with him . Xiaojun shook his head as he pulled his hands away from yours. "it's not just jealousy, okay?!". you were startled when he raised his voice. Xiaojun sighed and ruffled his hair roughly. "it's not jealousy...". his voice was back to his usual soft voice. "it's a realisation. i realised that Hendery can take care of you better than I can . he treats you better than me. you deserve a man better than me.". you frowned at his what you would say nonsensical excuses.
"no... i don't want to break up with you. i love you Xiaojun! don't you love me too? you promised me you are going to be by my side always.". you said as tears trickled down from your eyes. Xiaojun wiped his own tears as he looked into your eyes. "i do.. i love you. i love you so much therefore we can't be together. i love you so much i don't want to see you hurt . i love you so much i want you to know that you deserve better. i love you... but we are not meant to be with each other.".
your palms turned into fists as you hit his chest. "you stupid jerk! that doesn't make any sense! if you love me, stay with me! don't give up on me!". you shouted as you hit him. Xiaojun grabbed your wrists as he pulled you into a hug. "i love you. this is for your best.". he whispered and pecked your forehead for the last time . Xiaojun stood up and went out of your apartment, leaving you crying on the couch.
- Xiao Dejun -
Guanheng, please take care of y/n .
Hendery cursed under his breath as he read the message from his friend. "what did this idiot do this time." Hendery mumbled as he rushed to your apartment.
Hendery arrived at your house a few minutes after Xiaojun left. the door was unlocked. Hendery quickly went in only to be greeted by your sleeping figure on the couch. he locked the front door and went to you. Hendery sighed as he saw you tear-stained face. he wiped your dry tears and carried you to your room. "she was just healing and you decided to break her again.". Hendery mumbled as he placed you on your bed. you stirred in your sleep and woke up slowly. you saw Hendery standing beside your bed with a worried look. he sat on the edge of your bed and held your hands. "he is an idiot. i am going to talk to him later alright? he is going to make this wo--". his words were cut off as you shook your head. "no Hendery. he is not going to turn back anymore. i know him. this is what he wanted. he thinks this is the best choice.". you tried to say but broke down right after. Hendery sighed and pulled your head towards his chest. "i'm here. i'm here. it's okay , just cry it all out. maybe this is for the best afterall. you are precious y/n and i am here to protect you always.". Hendery comforted you.
"and the best actress award goes to , Y/N !!".
the crowd cheered as you stood up from your chair, surprised that you had won the award. you bowed to your seniors and juniors as you walked up to the stage. you received the plaque from the announcer and went to the front to give your winning speech.
"first of all i would like to thank my parents for always supporting me . i thank my fans too for loving my works! i will work harder and improve myself better and better. i would like to thank those who i have worked with. without them, i might not even have the chance to be an actress and moreover, win this award. not to forget , i would also like to thank this amazing person, my friend, Hendery. thank you for being by my side all these years especially these past 4 years. he is a really good producer so check out some of his musics alright? lastly, thank you once again!". you felt your legs tremble as you went back to your seat.
♡Huang Guanheng♡
good job sweetie! and thank you for mentioning me, i am happy i could be by your side.
you smiled as you read his text. you looked up to the stage when you heard the MC called a familiar name.
"before we end the show, we would like to invite this show's biggest sponsor, from the company DJX , Mr Xiaojun , to accept our appreciation gift.". you gulped when you saw the handsome man on the stage. his previous brown locks were now blonde. his smile was still the same like before. but his features were more defined as he matured throughout these years. you gave a small smile when he looked at you and quickly looked away . *you've moved on y/n. don't give in to him.* you thought to yourself.
you were standing at a corner with a glass of fruitpunch, waiting for your manager to bring you back. you didn't really enjoy after-event parties but attended anyways out of politeness. you were looking around when you saw Xiaojun walked towards you. you looked up and accidentally stared right into his brown orbs. Xiaojun looked away as his ears turn red. it's been 4 years but you were still as beautiful as ever. he missed you. you still made his heart skip a beat. you smiled as he stood in front of you. "it's been a while, Xiaojun.". the way his real name rolled off your tongue hurt him . he nodded and finally looked at you. "so you and Hendery are together now?". he asked. you chuckled and shook your head. "he is just a friend. a brother. i told you before, didn't i?". you replied with a small smile. Xiaojun looked down sadly but looked back up to you. "y/n. i'm really sorry...". you chuckled again and patted his shoulder. "let the past be past ,Xiaojun. i actually wanted to thank you for all the bittersweet memories. they really help me alot in my acting . experience is what makes it easier to stay in character.". your words hurt him. like how his words hurt you 4 years ago. before Xiaojun could say anything, you were called by your manager. "oh looks like i got to go. see you when i see you!". you waved at him before leaving the ballroom.
Xiaojun sighed as he stared at your back walking away from him. he would be lying if he said he didn't regret leaving you. his life has been nothing but miserable after breaking up with you. he focused on work to distract himself but his soul was empty. before he could leave the venue, he heard the DJ introducing a song. "before leaving, the actress y/n had requested this song. she hoped all of you enjoy it.".
Xiaojun decided to stay and listened to the song you love .
I’ll love you more
If you’re gonna do that, don’t come to me
If a person like me is gonna be erased anyway
Our love that was written down on a white piece of paper
Was clear just like my tears
Just stay by my side for one day
Because this awkward break-up still feels like a dream
Love me a little more, don’t push me away
I’ll try to hide it and let out a sigh in this empty time
When your tears that filled my heart dry up a little
I will engrave you in my eyes
And let you go
Words that sounded affectionate like a friend
Words I want to hear several times a day
Words saying you love me
It makes my breath stop and heart race
But only your voice sleeps in my memories
Just stay by my side for one day
Because this awkward break-up still feels like a dream
Love me a little more, don’t push me away
I’ll try to hide it and let out a sigh in this empty time
When your tears that filled my heart dry up a little
I will engrave you in my eyes
Until you come back
You silently stop in place
With eyes, telling me not to forgive you
I guess this really won’t work
Now all there’s left is this crappy break-up
I try to catch you but you get farther away and disappear
Love me a little more, don’t push me away
I’ll try to hide it and let out a sigh in this empty time
When your tears that filled my heart dry up a little
I will engrave you in my eyes
And let you go
{ NU'EST - Love You More }
Xiaojun wiped his tears that flowed down without him even noticing.
i know it's too late... but i love you . i have always been loving you . i should've have loved you more instead of leaving you. i love you .
i hope you guys enjoyed this~ my feelings were overwhelmed when i wrote this hahaha anyways, do like and comment ! i love to hear to your feedbacks ♡♡
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
HOLLYWOOD MOBSTERS Starring Bill Skarsgard and his family ch 2
Warnings: violence discussed, cussing, angst, fluff, smut
ch 1  ch 3 ch 4  ch 5 ch6 ch 7
Thank you for reading  @fake-me-out  @crazyjam-pot @super-pink-a-palouza​ @polireader​ 
Photos from esquire Singapore Septemper 2019, Calvin Klein, IMDB and Ejalo’s Instagram 
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The mud was thick at the cemetery. It seemed to ooze around Bill’s boots as he stood there with Genna’s mother and sister clinging to him in tears. His arms were around them both. He was blank. No more tears to cry. Other emotions buried deep. He wanted to be strong for them. He knew that some how this was his fault because of his family. None of the priest’s words were comforting. His family stood behind him for support. Genna’s Aunts, Uncles, cousins and friends stood on the other side of the coffin as it was lowered into the ground.
They all went to the Skarsgard mansion after for drinks and light bites. Bill did not eat. He really had not eat since the wedding. He was numb. His stomach was sick and he felt alone in the room full of people. He nursed a Jack and coke as people approach him with condolences. It just made his stomach worse. 
“Hey,” Valter sat in a chair beside him. His girl, Angel, on his lap. Both keeping a somber face. “We have to head back to The University. Classes and shit start back up tomorrow.” He placed his hand on Bill’s shoulder.
Bill put his hand over his brother’s. “Thanks for being here.” He said mechanically.
“You should eat something man,” Valter motioned for Angel to get up so he could. “Angel made the chocolate chip cookies. Best cookies you will ever have in your mouth. I guarantee it.”
Bill looks up, “Thank Angel. We appreciate your baking.”
She just nodded. They start to say their goodbyes. Alex motions Valter to another room.
“Angel, will you go get me a few of your amazing cookies before they are devoured by others?” Alex asked so he could talk to his bother alone. “We are all very proud of you going to graduate business school soon Valter. We would like you of course to work closer in the family business when you graduate. Do what you do now but at Bunny’s. Oversee the bar. The books. Everything that come in and out of there. What do you think? Feel free to give it some thought.”
Valter ponders the idea for a few moments, “Yeah, that would be cool. Hell, Angel is already a dancer at a college joint. Could she join Bunny’s?”
“Of course, if you are ok with her getting ogled,” Alex said.
“Why should I care who looks at her if she is coming home with me,” He thinks. “We will need our own place.”
Angel comes in with a plate full of cookies. She hands them to Alex.
Alex takes a bite closing his eyes making a big show of pleasure, “mmmm these are really the best.” He opens his eyes. “Drive safe Valter. And keep your eyes open.”
Alex walks Valter and Angel out. He nods to Gustaf to follow him. Bill sees this and follows them outside. Valter and Angel continue to his yellow hummer.
When Alex sees Bill he stops, “You don’t have to be involved in this right now Bill.”
“I think I’m already fucking involved so whatever you are discussing, I want in on it,” Bill was straight to the point.
Alex sighed knowing whatever he said wouldn’t sway his brother and maybe him learning more would help him. The three of them walk down to the beach. Its where they discussed a lot of business. The sounds of the waves crashing on the shore would more than likely interfere with any listening devises any of them might have on in case they decided to be snitches on the family. They had all heard of other families being brought down by just one member wearing a wire.
I ran the deal by The Malforals to share some of our shipment with them for what the regular customers pay plus thirty percent. They want to renegotiate. I said I’d send my best negotiator.”
“When did you talk to them,” Bill asked.
“Before I turned in last night,” He looked out to the ocean. “An hour before I was shot.”
“Do I have the authority to get the deal we want what ever it takes?” Gustaf has his hands in his pockets flicking at a pocketknife with his right thumb. He also had a bowie knife down his left sock, a gun down the back of his pants and another tucked in his shirt. He was a little more than just a negotiator. No one found that out until it was to late.
“Always,” Alex said.
“I’m going with you,” Bill insisted. “If these are the people that killed my girl, I want to know.”
“Just keep your cool little brother, “Gustaf implored. “We don’t want to start a war with this family if we can help it. But if they did have anything to do with her murder, I assure you I will have enough fire power to take them out. When is the meeting set up Alex?”
“Tomorrow night at ten at the usual place,” He turns back to the house. “I’ll let the two of you work out any more details. I shouldn’t know everything.”
“You need target practice,” Gustaf hands Bill the gun from inside his shirt. “It has a silencer so no one should hear us down here. I want to see you hit the third palm tree from shore to our right.”
“Just because I don’t use the skills Dad taught us doesn’t mean I forgot,” Bill checks the bullets in the chamber, takes the safety off and shoots dead on. “I fucked up the guys shoulder that shot my girl. I would have shot him dead in between his eyes if I wasn’t in the bathroom when the glass broke. Fuck, I need a new apartment. I’m not going back there but I’m not staying here. Fuck,” He takes another shot without looking and still hits the tree just not completely centered.”
“Let me have it,” Bill hands Gustaf the gun back. “How’s your knife skills?” He puts the gun back in his shirt after putting the safety back on. He hands Bill the bowie knife from his sock. “Same tree.”
“I can hit the farther one but alright,” Bill checks the wind to be a smart ass and tosses the knife hitting right above the bullet. “Well, did I pass your fucking test.”
“I’m not so sure you are in the right head space for this, but I also think you can do what needs to be done,” Gustaf said, “Just try to keep calm. No one gets hurt unless they earn it.”
When Valter and Angel get close enough to see the Frat house they notice yellow cautious tape around the door. Valter turns down a side street.
“What do you think is going on V,” Angel ask nervously.
“I don’t know other than even if we can’t see cop cars it doesn’t mean they’re not there.” He tries to think of his best options. “I’m going to drop you at your sorority or better yet, we should pull into student parking and I’ll walk you there. I love this car, but it doesn’t exactly blend in with our surroundings. If the cops are looking for me for any reason, I don’t want you involved.”
“You can lay low at the sorority until they’re gone?” Angel suggested, “The girls wouldn’t have a problem with that as long as we shared some of your party favors.”
Valter always had cocaine and marijuana close by for a quick sale. Everyone knew where to go for “party favors” to have a real lit party on campus. Most of the time he was just invited and made a killing selling for the family. There were other salesmen on campus but Valter had such pure shit it was worth the extra cost. And no one dare rat him out since they all knew some of his family members if not all were possible killers. Plus, they wouldn’t get what they needed if he wasn’t there. The campus was going to be practically dry when he graduated.
“No, sweetheart,” He parked and grabbed two hoodies from his bag in the back seat. “I don’t want you involved any more than you are just being around me now. Put this hoodie on. I’ll walk you close to your place. Then I’ll get some other transportation to get out of here.” Before getting out of the hummer Valter grabbed the bag from the back that was filled with money, cocaine, weed and some extra cloths.
They both put their hoods up as they walked casually down the sidewalk. About a block away Valter dropped his bag before pulling Angel close kissing her passionately. She fisted the front of the hoodie he wore. They both took a breath looking at each other like they were memorizing how each looked in this moment. Then kissed again his hands on her cheeks keeping her in the moment as long as he could.
“I love you Valter,” She said looking in his eyes.
“I love you to my Angel,” He picked up his bag, glanced around and headed away from her.
She just stood there shocked. She knew he must have thought something seriously was wrong because it was the first time he ever said ‘I love you’. Usually he would answer her ‘I love you’ with ‘ditto’ or ‘I know.’
As soon as he stepped into the road to cross, police sirens blasted. He was surrounded. As several officers manhandle him to the ground Angel covered her mouth so she wouldn’t scream. He would only be pissed at her if she got involved. 
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ammapreker · 4 years
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AINSLEY TATE 18 / dance student at juilliard
be the best, or die trying / daughter of a diplomat who spent her childhood up until she was ten jumping around from place to place / her one constant was always ballet, the one passion she’s never given up / at ten, she was sent off to boarding school in california and saw her grandfather more often than her mother, who was sent off to japan / her instagram’s filled with photos of all her travels, mostly due to her mother’s posts / smiles so brightly that you can’t read the bitterness in her gaze / once “accidentally” caused her competitor to injure herself right before a competition at the age of sixteen, but that’s secret’s nothing compared to her mother’s / turns out, when her mother divorced her father (a man who she’s never met), he got her twin, who’s her brand new roommate at juilliard / if you think she’s not going to fuck shit up with this information, you don’t know her very well
connections » hadley windsor [twin sister] / the it girl group
needs » more juilliard dance student frenemies / the nancy kerrigan to her tonya harding
CECILIA FOWLER 20 / student at columbia / the rook of the order of the veil
[ content warning for arson, manslaughter, blackmail, and murder ]
a reclusive bibliophile with too many secrets hidden beneath her pleasant smiles / spent a lifetime seeking the appearance of perfection; like mother, like daughter / witnessed the destruction of her parents’ marriage year by year until it collapsed at the age of sixteen / watched that summer as her mother and her aunts fought over her grandfather’s wealth, tearing each other down at every chance / in retaliation, cricket and her cousins burned the main house in their grandfather’s private island down - without realizing their grandfather was still inside of it / kept the secret until being admitted into the order of the veil / fought for the position of the rook in order to strike her truth from the records, but waited too long / did she kill richard brennan, believing that he was blackmailing her over her secret? she’ll never tell 
connections » the order of the veil / all other suspects in the societies subplot / lily slater, leo kitson, and mathilda giroux [cousins]
needs » her last cousin / more members of the order of the veil
HAYES EVANS 21 / student at pace university
[ content warning for implied alcoholism ]
a poor little rich boy with no future he can imagine past graduation / becoming an english major (aka going to college with no idea what he wanted to do and flipping a coin after reading the brochure) was the worst financial decision of his life / actually, no; ordering a stretch limo for himself after getting black out drunk likely won that prize / has never wanted anything bad enough to go after it, so he goes after nothing and gorges on everything / tends to black out from drinking a little too often for comfort and always wakes up with his pocket full of shit that does not belong to him / rather than deal with any of that, he’s trying to (as always) clean up grady’s mess for him and convince the two girls he got pregnant to have abortions / will he succeed? not likely 
connections » grady evans [twin brother] / the pregnancy pact plot
needs » some fun ex-relationship that still haunts him / the rest of the pregnancy pact / current hookups / drinking friends and/or regular friends
JUDAH FOX 23 / student at nyu
[ content warning for stalking ]
hello, you / grew up in a shameless-inspired family with no one to give a shit about him, so he doesn’t give a shit about anyone else / alright, except for like three people; give him a break / lives more in his head than in reality, but that’s slowly changing (for the better for him, for the worse for everyone else) / doesn’t “believe in social media” because he’s discovered how easy it is to learn so much about someone from it (thanks, catfish, for the tutorials) / has taken an “unhealthy” interest in certain persons that’s bound to go badly / part of an anonymous forum where he’s pretending to be someone else, but will judge others for doing the same / talented photographer, but that just means he’s always got a camera handy / catch him hiding behind some trees, please
connections » jonah fox [twin brother] / willa fox [younger sister]
needs » people to chat to in the anonymous group [request probably coming soon...] / people he’s sort of stalked in the past mb / fellow photographer “pals” (loose term)
LUCAS CROSS 29 / account executive at an ad agency
[ content warning for alcoholism ]
a man destined to repeat history / the product of an accidental pregnancy with too-young parents and an alcoholic father / so what does he do? knock up his high school sweetheart in their senior year, of course / defers pace for a year to get a job and support his new wife and new born daughter / leaves them after six months once he can feel himself turning into his father / graduates pace, financially supports his kid, but keeps his space to keep his sanity / gets a job at an agency thanks to his college best friend, then steals said best friend’s girlfriend / married her, had another daughter, and now sees his ex-wife at their preschool when they both drop their toddlers off / thinks everything’s okay because he apologized, but too bad life doesn’t work that way
connections » ara cross [wife]
needs » some siblings / his ex-wife!!! think madeline mackenzie vs. nathan carlson from big little lies / his former best friend / more parents in the preschool plot [coming soon]
NADIA DANG 19 / nyu student & drug dealer
a bitch in sheep’s clothing / seeks power and feeds off of it, falling into second in command with ease until she recognizes the truth: she’s only getting scraps of the real deal / she’ll burn it all down before she moves on, seeking a new flame / grew up poor and contributes to her own tuition, but you wouldn’t be able to tell that from her credit card statements / a chronic spendthrift, unable to help herself from temptation when surrounded by the wealth of her sorority sisters / becomes a green angel in order to pay off her credit card debt and feel financially secure / it was only supposed to be for a couple times, but the money’s too tempting / who is she to resist?
connections » georgia west [green angels ringleader] / maisie stone and spencer van lith [best friends] / nu epsilon alpha sisters!!! / other green angels
needs » more green angels / more nu epsilon alpha sisters / PLEASE give her some clients to deal drugs to
SAMSON GLASS 22 / student at columbia / member of the circle of teeth
the most manipulative asshole you’ll ever meet / a virgin who takes pride in his “purity” and will shame girls who try to fuck him while doing everything but having sex / the boy with a bright future that’s too far away for his liking / a circle of teeth legacy, courtesy of his father whose pride depended on all his children being admitted / unlike a certain sister, samson succeeded in getting into columbia and the circle of teeth, and it was everything his father promised / for almost four years, sam’s been a king and he’ll be damned if he goes off to become a pawn while more unworthy fuckers are crowned in his place / his only option? burn it all to the fucking ground 
connections » luna glass and stella glass [sisters] / the love hexagon / the circle of teeth
needs » girls he’s “dated” or “fooled around with” / other members of the circle of teeth / some pals
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caps-lockdown · 5 years
Sweet on You
So this is mostly based off of a dream I had the other day. It is my first piece of writing that I’m publishing so I’m sorry if it isn’t amazing. I was inspired tremendously by Kaytizzle and if you haven’t read her amazing stuff I don’t know what you’re doing with your life! I don’t know how long it will be, I’m still trying to figure all of it out. 
It will be in a Y/N format and is slight AU from the timeline. I’m not choosing to ignore Endgame...but I’m choosing to ignore most of Endgame. Because I refuse to accept the pain! I don’t have a beta so all the errors are my own!
Pairings: Steve Rogers x FemaleReader (Y/N)
Summary: You’ve been working with the Avengers for a little over two years and one night you receive a late night phone call that scares the hell out of you! 
Words: 1,669 (Yikes!)
Rating: PG 13 (For the Language)
Warnings: Language (cursing), sad feels. It’s mostly fluff until at some point my brain comes up with some plot moving monster. Thanks for reading! Tagging @kaytizzle because she asked and I don’t think I could ever say no to her.
 Sweet on you
Part One: The Phone Call
12:00 Am.
It started as a buzzing sound. The vibration barely caused your phone to move on your nightstand as the screen lit up a small section of your darkened room. You didn’t even stir from your slumber as the phone continued, sound asleep and dead to the world on this now Wednesday morning. But that only lasted three to five seconds before the ring tone came blaring through your  consciousness.
You were jolted awake at the sound of a “Red Alert” from Star Trek playing from the phone’s speaker at the loudest possible volume. Mumbling a long strand of curses and insults at the mystery caller you reached your arm onto your nightstand. You pulled your phone to your face after blindly grabbing it, and you felt your face pale as your eyes focused onto the blue eyes of the contact picture.
Steve Rogers. Captain America.
The Avengers had been away at a mission in Florida for the past week and a half. You didn’t have all the details about the giant drug ring they had gone down to break up but what you did know is your employer, Pepper Potts was NOT happy about it. At all. But she was also currently almost seven months pregnant with Tony Stark’s child, so you could understand why she was on edge. You quickly pressed the green button and accepted the call, your fingers shaking as you brought the phone to your ear.
“Rogers? Are you alright? Is everyone alright? What’s going on you never call me like this.” Your voice was panicked and rough, fear coursing through your veins.
“Y/N? Put me on speaker I’m afraid we might lose reception.”
His voice was calm but filled with authority as you jammed your index finger onto the speaker function, nodding as if he could see you.
“Alright we’re good. Now what...” You were cut off by what sounded to be a lot of hushed tones and counting before your ears were subjected to the most horrid sound you could ever think to hear at midnight.
Singing. Very awful, and out of tune singing.
“Happy birthday toooo yooou,”
You groaned into the phone before grabbing the pillow to your left and shoving it over your ears in poor hopes of drowning out the infernal noise, dropping the device onto your bed as the team continued to sing to you. Today was your thirtieth birthday. You had spent the past week trying to forget it was coming but oh no, not on your friend’s watch. You wondered if it was possible to gouge your own ears out. It would make dealing with Sam and Bucky banter a whole hell of a lot easier.
“Happy birthday dear Y/N! Happy birthday to youuuu.”
“And maaany mooore...” You failed to suppress a giggle as Sam’s loud baritone rang over the rest of the group before they erupted in cheers and hollers.
“You are all assholes! I was trying to sleep! Do you have any idea what it’s been like working for Pepper while you’ve been away? She’s trying to kill me!”
“Oh chill out Y/N we only wanted to be the first ones to call ya.” Sam called out, you sitting up in your bed and pulling your legs to your chest.
“Yea Y/N at least you’re not in my shoes. Could always be a lot worse, remember that.” Tony’s sass was always something you looked forward to, even if his wife was an absolute nightmare in her current condition.
“Considering you’re the one that put her in this position Tony I think you deserve to be public enemy number one.” You quipped and heard a rousing chorus of laughter from everyone on the Quinjet. Well, everyone but Tony.
“Well we were going to name the kid after you Y/N but now that will have to change. You know we have lots of other real family and friends that would kill for that honor.” You scoffed, shaking your head knowing full well he had a well placed pout on his face.
“Yea like Pepper’s weird uncle.” You heard Natasha mutter near the phone and nearly barked out a laugh in response.
“Listen Sweetheart we’re getting off track here.” Steve cut in and you felt the energy of the conversation shift. His tone was serious, commanding, and yet the sincerity was something you never could hear enough of from him. You had been sweet on him for a few months now and hearing him call you Sweetheart always managed to give you goose bumps. You loved hearing it, even if he didn’t mean it in the way you secretly hoped he did.
“We just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. We know your parents haven’t always been the best and we wanted to be here for you. Thirty is a great number and you’re an amazing person. You deserve a life with people who love you. We’re lucky you picked us.”
Your heart stopped for a beat as he took a breath, the rumble of the Quinjet landing giving you some peace of mind before wandering to what he had said.
People who love you.
Your life hadn’t always been so full of laughter and love. Growing up had been exceedingly difficult, your parents always away on business as lawyers and extremely cold when they were home.
At your high school graduation, when you told them you wanted to go into the administrative field and not the “Family Business” suddenly your “supportive” family became strangers. You fought the whole week you packed for college in New York, far away from California and your controlling parents. Your mom and dad were furious over it, and vowed to cut you out if you went through with your chosen career.
You graduated college with a major in marketing and a minor in business with honors on a full ride scholarship. Your parents didn’t bother showing up, just simply sent you a cold letter explaining your removal from their will and family. To say you were a mess was putting it lightly. You focused your rage into your career right out of the gate, jumping into the field less than month after you graduated. It didn’t take long before you started as an intern with Stark Enterprises, then moving up the ladder to work directly underneath Pepper. After six months there you were moved to The Tower and received the amazing opportunity to work exclusively with The Avengers.
Two years later and you couldn’t be happier. It didn’t take the team long to warm up to you, and now you considered them to be your chosen family. Between missions you found yourself grabbing coffee with Nat and Sam. You help Thor and Cap train, while also helping them adapt to the modern world. They nearly kill you with their five am jogs but they always treat you to pancakes afterwards. Also there is the big bonus of you getting to stare at Thor and Captain America while they’re sweaty. It’s a win-win. Recently you all decided to get together once a month and have a movie and board game night. It’s always tons of fun and your face always ends up hurting from all the smiles and laughing.
But still after all that you couldn’t help but feel a little somber, this birthday marking the eleventh one without your mom and dad.
Steve’s gentle tone made you blink back into the present, forgetting temporarily about the conversation at hand. You quickly moved your finger to take the phone off speaker and held it back to your ear.
“Yea sorry, ya lost me for a minute. What were you saying?”
“I was saying that we just finished landing back at the Tower and we’re going to get some shut eye but don’t worry, we will all be there at eight o’clock sharp for the meeting with Pepper.”
“Good, cause I’m looking forward to my annual Captain Rogers birthday hug.” Oh that sounded creepy. Shit. You tried to calm down, secretly super happy that he couldn’t see the blush spreading across your face. You couldn’t help but smile, it widening as you heard him chuckle; a deep sound from within his chest that always managed to make you feel a little light headed. Is that what they meant when they said “To swoon”?
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world Y/N.”
Damn your heart could have melted into a puddle at that very moment. Seriously he was going to give you a cavity from being so sweet. What was worse is he was always like this. You weren’t complaining but it was hard to try to get a read on him sometimes.
You exchanged goodbyes with everyone else before hearing them leave the jet, glancing down at your phone and looking at the time. Nearly one am. Holy shit you were going to need a caffeine I.V to make it through tomorrow. And you still had to bake scones and muffins for everyone. And grab coffee. And make yourself look presentable for the meeting. You sighed, forgetting Steve was still on the line.
“Alright Doll I’m going to let you get some more sleep. Happy birthday again, I’ll see you soon.”
“Goodnight Steve, thank you. I really do appreciate it.”
“Not a problem! Anything for my best girl! Goodnight.”
The call ended and you looked down at your phone in shock. His best girl? What the hell was that supposed to mean? You sat the phone back on the nightstand and plugged it into the charger before resuming your position from earlier, facing the wall and staring into the dark room. Except now you were wide awake and mulling over the conversation in your head. There was no way on god’s green earth that Captain Steve Rogers thought of you as anything more than a friend. Right? 
One thing was for absolutely certain. Maybe thirty wasn’t going to be so bad after all.
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ftsabrinas-blog · 5 years
          phew !  for  ONCE  i  finally  put  my  page  together  &  was  actually  prepared  this  time  around ! usually ,  i’m  rushing  to  get  it  done  along  with  my  intro  before  the  limit  runs  out ,  but  look  at  me ,  being  productive !  anyways ,  my  name’s  𝒓𝒖𝒎𝒊 ,  22+ ,  i  prefer  THEY/THEM  pronouns  &  this  would  be  my  very  first  time  playing  miss  roseanne  park so  i  hope  i  can  do  her  some  justice  with  my  volatile  baby  girl  𝑠𝑎𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑎  𝑘𝑖𝑚  !  she’s  the  beautiful  blend  of  part  wild  child ,  part  head  bitch  in  charge  with  a  glorious  splash  of  GLEAMING  highlight ,  oversized  balenciaga  sweatshirts ,  &  a  tongue  coated  with  venom .  i  hope  you  guys  can  grow  to  love  her  as  much  as  i  have !  
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          ˗ˏˋ  PARK CHAEYOUNG  / SHE  &  HER  /  TWENTY-THREE  .  welcome to  los  angeles ,  sabrina  kim ! the  glitterati  has  been  watching  you  .  rumour has  it  you  made  your  first  mark  in  the  industry  SIX  YEARS ago  & that  your net  worth  currently  stands  at $6.8M  .  it  seems  as  though  you’re  enjoying  being  a  gymnast  since  relocating  from  sydney  , australia  .  some  might  say  you’d  be  a  good  fit  for  the  glitterati  due  to  your  hollywood  ranking  being  a  solid  #2   ,  &  it  helps  that  fans  speak  so  highly  of  your SCINTILLATING  & METICULOUS  ways  .  unfortunately  ,  our  sources  cite  that  those  closest  to  you  aren’t  particularly  impressed with  your  MEPHISTOPHELIAN  & SENTENTIOUS  tendencies  .  /  PENNED  BY  RUMI ,  22 , THEY/THEM  , EASTERN  ,  CANCER ,  GORE  &  GRAPHIC VIOLENCE  .
NAME: sabrina jane kim.
NICKNAME(S): sj, rina & kimmie.
BIRTHDAY: july 9th, 1996.
ZODIAC: cancer.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral.
GENDER: cisfemale.
PRONOUNS: she/her.
HEIGHT: 5′6″.
HOMETOWN: sydney, new south wales, australia.
NATIONALITY: australian.
ETHNICITY: korean.
OCCUPATION: former collegiate gymnast & olympic hopeful.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, korean & learning japanese.
CHARACTER INSPO: heather chandler, jennifer check, cheryl blossom ( season one ), cher horowitz & chanel oberlin ( i hate that they’re all white, but they’re the best examples i could find; please don’t hate me ! )
born in sydney, sabrina’s parents are grace and jin-young kim. grace is a former pageant queen who won miss korea in the late 80s and miss universe in the early 90s. her mom never really wanted to pursue a career in modeling, but she graciously accepted her prizes and managed to become more well-known for her acting. her mom was in a lot of early k-dramas and was a natural in front of the camera, so she immediately shot to stardom in korea. her father, jin-young, had been a graduate of the prestigious seoul national university with a degree in preliminary medicine; he went on to medical school with an interest in becoming a cardio-thoracic surgeon.
grace and jin-young dated for about three years before they married in 1994, and became parents midway through 1996. the couple moved to australia in 1995 as they wanted to build a beautiful home near the beach and thought that sydney was the best place to do it. sabrina was brought into the world after seventeen hours of labor, and much like kourtney kardashian, grace immediately reached down and pulled her out as soon as she could. it’s suffice to say that their relationship has been close ever since.
sabrina was a child who had everything she could have wanted while growing up. she always had the latest toys, the latest accessories, and the best gadgets – she never had to want for anything. this wasn’t entirely a good thing as she grew into being someone who believed that she deserved any and everything when she wanted it. ever since she was a little girl, grace and jin-young would put her in all sorts of clubs, hoping to find one that piqued their daughter’s interest and that just so happened to gymnastics.
she started a little bit later with it, joining her community gym when she was eight. sabrina was brand new while some of the girls around her had started when they were as young as two, but that didn’t deter her. she made sure to work hard and practice, and eventually, she was so good no one could tell she started late in life. gymnastics was her life and she was always going above and beyond – she started competing in competitions held around australia, never allowing herself to do less than silver. when it came to attending college, while sabrina could have stayed in australia, she decided that going to the states would bring more opportunities, so she decided to attend ucla where she majored in communications, but continued her deep love for gymnastics.
coming in as a freshman, sabrina sat back and listened to her coach as well as her captain. she didn’t really step out of the box much, but once her sophomore year rolled around, she did. eventually, sabrina became the captain of the team during her junior year and she did so with an iron fist. sabrina was EXTREMELY no nonsense when it came to practices and didn’t hesitate to rat someone out for not putting in the 110% she expected out of all of the girls, even those who were older than her. suffice to say, sabrina’s teammates did not like her.
now, sabrina’s main event was floor, but she does vault, and balance-beam. during her collegiate career, she had gotten six perfect scores for floor, so of course her head was a little inflated. she supported her team no matter what, but sabrina could be a tyrant in practice but a sweetheart during interviews, and for whatever reason her teammates had a problem with that. so, they decided to secretly record one of their rides home from a competition ( thank GOD their coach wasn’t on the bus at the time because … they got chewed out )and sabrina didn’t hold her tongue. at the time, she felt as though she was carrying the weight of the team and that the girls had given up, so she was upset especially since the team scored lower as a whole which was very rare.
next thing you know, the recording is posted ‘anonymously’ on twitter and people have a field day. not only amongst students but even a few news shows picked up on it once it became much bigger than what it should have ever been. it was a situation of “come one, come all” in a sense, where no one really had an issue with sabrina until the video was posted, and then suddenly people were replying to the tweet saying how much of a bitch, a bully, and overall terrible person she was. sabrina, however, wasn’t going to run and hide when everything hit the fan.
her coach made her write an apology letter to her team ( which she did NOT care about in any way ) and also to the ncaa, you know, to save face since she still had about six months left before graduating. sabrina was extra petty after everything happened because her team didn’t account for the mob mentality and attacking she faced, so they tried being nice to her and saying it was a prank, but she wouldn’t talk to them at all. once, they were in practice and she had to say something to group so she said it in korean and wouldn’t translate for them any of what she said.
so now, sabrina has graduated and joined a gym in california, competing and hoping to someday become a member of team usa. she probably has an entire room in her apartment that’s filled with all of her accolades since joing the team at ucla, but her ‘bitch’ reputation still follows her from ucla, but she embraced the hell out of it. even though she had to write that apology letter to her team, she didn’t mean a word of it and if they thought she’d suddenly stop being a bitch then they were dead wrong. if anything, it made her more of one and she’s not playing games, especially when it comes to her career.
lastly, when it comes to her personality, sabrina didn’t let that whole “scandal” affect her like they thought it would. honestly, she laughs about it now even though people like to think she’ll bite of their heads during competitions ( which she will, no hesitation ). she kind of likes that people have something of a fear of her, which is why her main negative trait is mephistophelian, a fancier word for demonic and derived from the demon named mephistopheles, but she’s just as charming as ever. still a bitch, manipultive, and really spiteful. she loves dropping in insult but covering it up with a false nicety, so she’s like a tiny ball of fire at all times.
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