#give me this pls
fairymonk · 11 months
I just think it would maybe be cool if somehow Robbie ended up on tomorrow's cr or something. Like it would maybe be a cool b-day present (hey it's half on friday for me) for him to finally return when it's all I've wanted since he's left .
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lietwice · 2 years
another thing that's funny about writing garak is the arguing = flirting thing. because I love writing old married couple bickering. it's very cute. silly little arguments over domestic things. but doing that with garak is an absolute minefield because at any given time he might suddenly go 😏 and you realise he's been enjoying being scolded over not doing the dishes this entire time
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time-lady-the-sage · 4 months
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They built him a whole new radio tower to come home to. They knew his dramatic ass was just off licking his wounds.
Charlie: We should have a nice room ready for Alastor when he gets back!
Lucifer: Ughh, fine. Just put it on the opposite end from me
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renaissanceousia · 4 months
one of the most intimate scenes i've ever read i'm so serious
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pestorik · 19 days
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TWST x adventure time: heartslabyul
fionna and cake got me feeling nostalgic so i’m combining it with my other favorite thing rn
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ahyuggg · 2 months
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♡ ♡ ♡
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redysetdare · 4 months
You can help an aroace this Valentine's day for the low low price of 1 billion dollars sent to me.
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obscenicon · 1 month
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if homestuck was trolls.....
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great-and-small · 3 months
You know what I hate about the internet? Sometimes people will just lazily slap a “citation” on an infographic and trust that they’ll be completely taken at their word and nobody is going to dig deeper. And it works all the time. As an example, please look at this photo someone posted to dispute my assertion that garlic can be toxic to dogs.
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Okay well, kind of a pain to manually type in that link but obviously I am going to look into this study that is confident enough to recommend people feeding their dogs garlic. So here’s the article, kind of a weird journal choice for this graphic to reference from but looks like a legit (though 20 year old) study
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Funny thing is, almost immediately this article acknowledges that garlic can indeed be toxic to dogs. The health benefits mentioned in the graphic are referring to human health, not canine. This section is literally in the introduction of the article and one of the first things you read. Emphasis here is mine.
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Crazy to me that someone would imply that this article encourages giving dogs garlic when it in fact immediately asserts that doing so has the potential to cause hemolytic anemia. The article does explore the anti-thrombotic effects of garlic components in dogs and humans, but by no means does it say that “contrary to misconceptions garlic is safe for pets”. It is dishonest to assert this in an infographic. However the creator of the image correctly assumed nobody would check, because the person who posted it took it as fact without further investigation.
I am begging you to be skeptical. Check your sources. Check their sources. Check my sources. Learn how to dig deeper and exercise that muscle as much as you can, especially on the internet. You will be absolutely shocked how much misinformation is casually stated and received as pure fact.
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attyattlaw · 4 months
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i couldve done literally anything else with my night but the law muse has possessed me and now its 11pm
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purplesterously-purple · 11 months
It it my birthday month thus nothing bad is allowed to happen to me *stares at my anxiety*
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zephyrine-gale · 2 years
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thinking about scaramouche team dynamics ft scarabedo
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blainke-omens · 2 months
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So it turns out getting positive reinforcement on a drawing every 10 minutes for the better part of a week really does wonders for my dedication to finishing it and pushing myself on the details. who woulda thunk. Anyway. Ive been having an absolute blast drawing this and slowly creating the studio space here and I can't wait to draw all the fun new ideas yall gave me !! Crowley does pottery !!!
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elizaisdunn · 21 days
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merthur are both so dumb this is exactly how a love confession scene would go
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circuscountdowns · 2 months
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@lambment it’s their foolish day!!!! fr fr
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kazumist · 2 months
aventurine never made it obvious that he’s clingy.
he doesn’t want to be vocal about these things—he wants you to know right away that he wants your affection. a hand to your waist as it gently rubs your hipbone, him burying his face in the crook of your neck all of a sudden, and many more. he doesn’t want to be vocal about these things at all.
it wasn’t like you hated it. in fact, you found it quite adorable that your lover had this side to him. despite being a gambler in… many ways, it was cute how he had such a clingy side to him. although of course, it will always be behind closed doors.
when aventurine came back home to you, he immediately wrapped his arms around you as you felt him mumble into your skin how he’s tired. your hand reaches the nape of his neck as you gently play with the hair in that area. you feel aventurine sigh in relief—who knew that a person like him would end up acting like an exhausted child from the playground when he’s tired? 
“long day?” you asked him. he just mumbles in agreement and you couldn’t help but chuckle at him.
it’s these little moments that reminds you that love is as simple as a comforting hug after a long day.
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