#giving up? you silly fella
olfoartz · 3 months
So this will be a post that will most likely not be seen as so far the only ones that are are my moon uploads, so im cheating and shoving moon at the end of this. Heh.
If you are doubting your artistic abilities or even starting to hate your art, pls dont stop drawing. I recently have had a friend who believes they should quit art even though they make amazing art, a drawing of theirs and their Insta name
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Bc they are starting to doubt themselves it reminded me of someone on this app that recently got hate for their art and had even taken a brake. Even if it was a small break they still took one. And yk who you are. You like most of my posts that never show for others.
Back to the main stuff, i want anyone whos starting to hate their art after posting it on stuff to stop and ask themselves. What do YOU hate and what do YOU love about your works? And i mean YOU, not what others have said or anything like that. YOU. What made you start drawing? What do you draw and WHY do you draw it/them?
If you started hating your art on your own without getting hate from others and want to stop / take a break, you can. You will most likely pick it up again in the future or even catch yourself doodling on things. Its fine and normal to stop drawing or doing any form of art do to hate or general feelings your head decided to share with you, its fine.
If you are someone who has gotten hate recently and just doesn’t feel like drawing any more bc of it, dont. Thats letting them win. You started drawing for yourself not for others, sure you maybe showed it to family or friends, but you made it bc you wanted to. Dont quit bc of others, prove those fuckers that they are just asses whove never picked up any drawing utensil and TRIED drawing.
Moon and drawing of someones oc now
Edit: didnt realize i had already posted the drawing so heres a screenshot, im keeping the drawing though
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askblueandviolet · 5 months
(my gmail is used but im on friend's account right now) hey Macaque, what do u think of Shadowpeach? me personally, i do not think u would be attracted to Wukong and nor would he be attracted to u, because he killed u once (really sorry about that :( have a plushie and some malai tea :) ) and u tried to harm him and MK too once (that was pretty mean not going to lie, but i get why u did it so don't worry! :) )
(also, i have a character in my mind too; she is named 'Lola' and is a waitress at a cafe, and is a white bunny born mute and with no mouth but can control light like Macaque can control shadows, and Lola thinks Macaque is really super duper cool so she peeks out the window to see him so she can try to befriend him with giving him flowers and seeing him smile! she is shy so she only peeks a little, but, she is really sweet, so i hope Macaque gets to meet Lola (i want him to have someone sweet in his life, he seems like he deserves it, and very sorry if i come off as weird) )
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anisohtropy · 1 year
kaveh’s really pulling the words out of my brain. this wip was supposed to be just quick practice writing kavetham before I start on my howl’s au for them, but it’s not done and it’s like 13.5k? what’s going on? how did I get here? this isn’t even a complicated wip it’s just my take on kaveh’s participation in the championship event 
idk something about depressed blonde man is making my brain go whrrr and kick out bangers like “guilt is as natural to him as breathing” and “the difference between martyrdom and surrender is nothing on the scale of the universe” like who comes up with that? not anyone who isn’t still unstable from finals that’s for sure anyway I’m almost done with it so watch out
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mutsukiss · 1 year
Im venting on the tags ignore this
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ranboolivesaysstuff · 9 months
Im gonna be honest and open for a sec, and please do not take this as "oh I HATE my community or I dont like the people who watch me" but honestly as of late (and I did highlight this during the mcc bit), ive felt like I havent been able to really be in my own community simply because of the constant way that "discourse" is handled. Making vague posts and not really tackling issues in a good way, all that is going to do is just show people a big "THIS COMMUNITY BAD" sign and not actually help anything within the community, all its going to do is have the good and potentially good people leave or not join in the first place. The way that discourse is treated that ive seen has been the main reason why I have started to try to distance myself, which has been the most heartbreaking thing I have had to do. I want problems to be solved in a mature, civil way, with either a dm or a reply, not an entire vague thing that only says "bad things are happening" and doesnt elaborate on anything or barely elaboratesa and only gives people on both the inside and outside a bad sign of what the community is. Making posts whenever something happens being like "here we go again" is only going to highlight the wrong things, and actually DOESNT help the issue at all! The problems should be discussed directly with the people who are doing said problems FIRST! Bring attention to behaviors and things that arent good DIRECTLY! And also, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO!!! It is not your duty as a viewer or fan of me to be involved in any of this if you do not want to! Just enjoy the content and make silly posts! As someone who constantly tried to fix and get into every problem as it was happening, it took a huge toll on my mental health, and I want you guys to just be able to enjoy the content without having to worry about what you say about it! Be constructive! Dont make posts again just being like "wow this community is so bad" because that doesnt solve literally anything! If you have enough passion to make the posts saying "wow this community is bad" then only post about that, you are only spreading that negative message, and not uplifting anything of actual value! And if the person you are trying to help is not willing or not listening, BLOCK! MUTE! DONT BRING MORE ATTENTION TO THE PERSON IF THEY ARE NOT BEING A GOOD PART OF THE COMMUNITY!!!! I know I say that if I see problems I will call them out, but I shouldnt have to babysit every single time a thing happens within the community as that just isnt a healthy way for a creator or a community to be handled. This does not mean that I do not care about the issues or dont want them fixed, rather it shouldnt take me having to make some grand statement every single time something happens it should take only your own self reflection and self awareness. And to add onto this, make sure that every once in a while no matter who you are you think and have that self reflection, you should be open to being willing to learn and grow as a person! And again, I do NOT want anyone taking this as "Wow this community is terrible" but rather that we just have things that need to be fixed and changed and THAT IS OKAY! I do not hate the community, I care so much about it that I want it to be a silly place for my content again! I want it to be the reason why people get into what I do because of it again! And I want to be able to just have fun and relax without having to worry about how every single thing that I may say could have someone stirring things up that simply dont help or solve anything! Take care of yourselves. And this isnt coming from a place of "I hate the community as a whole" but rather again I want to be able to exist and make content that we can all enjoy without having to worry about walking on eggshells around me or around eachother! At the end of the day im just a fella that wants to make silly videos for you all, and you are people who enjoy said videos. Nothing more. Nothing less.
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strangersmunsons · 4 months
Eddie, My Love! eddie munson x reader // valentine's day special series Day 6 Prompt: Conversation Hearts 💕 ~ 2,300 words Eddie teases you because he thinks your crush on him is hilarious, but you don’t find it very funny.
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A tiny, hard, unidentified object thwacks! against the back of your head.
“Ow!” You spin on your heel to confront the culprit, and…are actually not that surprised to see Eddie Munson standing there, smirking at you.
You rub the back of your head. “What was that?”
Wordlessly, Eddie holds up a small pink box. Conversation hearts. Of course.
You turn back around and keep walking, staring determinedly ahead, but he matches your pace. He strolls next to you down the hallway, nonchalant as can be, like he doesn’t have some trick up his sleeve to pester you with. When his arm brushes against yours, you shift subtly away, not wanting to touch him.
Well, that’s not entirely accurate, now is it?
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” you mumble back instinctively, the need to mind your manners overpowering your need to avoid engaging with Eddie Munson at any cost. 
“So? Who’s the lucky fella taking you out tonight?”
There isn’t one. “None of your business.”
“Aw, come on, Princess. You gotta tell me who my competition is.”
Heat blooms in your cheeks. “That’s not funny.”
He pouts at you. 
You abruptly veer off to the left and duck into the restroom; you don’t want to hear what he has to say next.
“Hey! Where ya going?”
You shut yourself into a stall and lean with your back against the door, eyes squeezed shut. Why couldn’t he just leave you be? Was it not enough for him to simply not reciprocate your feelings? He had to go out of his way to tease you about the stupid crush you have on him, too?
Used to have, you think bitterly to yourself, as though there wasn’t any lingering affection embedded deep into your heartstrings.
But it’s not that easy. 
Eddie Munson was different. He was rowdy, snarky, and absurdly eloquent for a guy in his third go-round as a senior; he liked to read, he played guitar in a band, and he protected his friends like an attack dog. He worked at a bar and dragged on Lucky Strikes as he walked through the school parking lot, practically stomping across the pavement in his heavy boots. 
But still, there was a softness hiding underneath that hard shell. You were sure of it. 
Smitten kitten. That was you. Reaching your own senior year, you were finally, finally able to share a class with him. Ms. O’Donnell’s fourth period English became your favorite part of the day, the perfect place to indulge in your silly romantic fantasies, because the leading hero who starred in them was conveniently seated just two desks away. 
Which was all fine and dandy for you, until he knew.
You still don’t know how he found out. Did Nancy Wheeler let something slip in front of her brother, Mike, who ran and snitched to his fearless club leader? Or did Eddie somehow glean it from you by sheer intuition?
It was little things at first. Cocky, arrogant smirks aimed directly at you when he came into the room and plopped down in his seat. Cheeky tugs at your hair in the hallway. He hissed your name across the library and pulled goofy faces when you turned to look, wagged his tongue and threw wadded-up balls of paper at you. These actions left you confused, and automatically put you on guard. What did they mean, and why did they start occurring so suddenly?
You weren’t left guessing for long. He quickly got bolder. Eddie was already behaving like a general menace, but then it went beyond the rude gestures and peskiness. He did the unthinkable; he started teasing you mercilessly about your pathetic infatuation.  
He chased you in the hallways, calling you mocking pet names and asking when you were going to finally give him a chance. He blew kisses at you when you made eye contact in the cafeteria, pouting at you when you didn’t return them, while his friends all watched the exchange and laughed uproariously. 
It was so humiliating you could cry, and you had, many times over. And to think you had liked him because he was supposed to be nice underneath that tough exterior.
You’d rather be on the receiving end of Jason Carver’s poisonous words, or even worse — a repeat of Tommy Hagan’s routine torture from the year prior would be preferable to this. 
Having Eddie poke fun at your unrequited love for him was far too much to bear.
You sniffle uncontrollably, tears leaking out of the corners of your eyes. You wipe at them furiously with your sleeve, feeling hot with embarrassment. You wish you could hide in here forever, and you almost do — but the late bell rings, and — Goddamn it — you have a quiz. Heaving a shuddery sigh, you walk as quickly as you can without breaking into a sprint to Ms. O’Donnell’s room.
The ornery woman gives you a frown as you enter her class late; you keep your eyes glued to the floor as you scamper to your seat, pointedly ignoring the curious stares of your peers, who are no doubt wondering what’s got you in such a state. Certainly not meeting his gaze, which is trained on you. You can practically feel it.
Quiz papers are passed out, and you can scarcely focus on the questions. You skim and answer as quickly as you can, wanting nothing more than to put your head down and wait for class to end.
The period passes in a blur; you’ve spent most of it watching the clock, telepathically willing the red hand ticking the seconds by to move faster. As soon as the bell rings you’re out of your seat, throwing your bag over your shoulder and all but running from the room.
“Hey! Wait up!”
You ignore him, weaving in and out of the crowd of students.
He catches up with you anyway. “What’s wrong?” Eddie asks, for once sounding completely serious as he talks to you. “Why were you crying?”
Tears threaten to well up again. You purse your lips and shake your head as your face starts to crumble. God, you’re so over this whole thing. The teasing and the crying followed by more teasing, and more crying, an endless cycle that left you emotional and on edge every time you had to see him.
“Hey.” He tries to place a ringed hand on your shoulder, a touch that would have had you swooning mere months ago, but you wrench yourself out of his grip, face streaming. 
Later at home, your parents are off to dinner, celebrating their own love story. You revel in the luxury of an empty house, taking a long, hot shower, and slipping on your softest pajamas. Ordering your favorite takeout and putting on a comfort movie has you feeling almost okay again; you’re determined that today will be the last day you let Eddie Munson get under your skin, ever. 
There’s a rapping at the door. You hop up from the couch and grab the cash your parents set aside for your dinner, pad to the front door, and swing it open with a polite smile plastered on your face. 
Except the person standing there is decidedly not a delivery boy with an armful of food, but one Eddie Munson.
Immediately, you try to slam the door shut, but Eddie sticks his foot out before it can close all the way. He yelps in pain as the heavy door squashes his Reebok, but he doesn’t move.
“Oh my God! Is it not enough for you to bully me at school? Now you have to come to my house?! How do you even know where I live?!”
“Wheeler told me your address!” His eyes are wide, alarmed by the ferocity of your reaction. Wincing, he asks, “Can you just talk to me for a second, please? I’m trying to check on you.”
Reluctantly, you ease the pressure you’re putting on his foot. You keep the door half-shut, peering at him from around the jamb. You say nothing, waiting suspiciously. 
When it seems to Eddie that you’re not going to deck him, he relaxes a little. “I just wanted to apologize,” he admits, sounding as bashful as Eddie probably ever could. “I guess I upset you earlier today, and I didn’t mean to.” He pauses. “That was because of me, right?”
You sigh. “The fact that you even have to ask…”
His cheeks turn pink, and shuffles his feet nervously. “Look, I’m really sorry. For buggin’ you all the time. I guess…it’s some kind of…wish fulfillment thing for me, or whatever — anyway, it’s stupid, and I’m sorry for doing that to you. I swear I didn’t realize that it upset you so much, otherwise I never would’ve kept doing it.”
Eddie’s grimacing in shame, eyes downcast. He does look awfully sorry, but you’re not quite ready to forgive.
“I just don’t understand why.” Your bottom lip starts to tremble. “You know, you spend so much time fighting the basketball team, or anybody that so much as looks the wrong way at your Hellfire friends. You know what it’s like to get picked on. How could you do that to me? Even for a second?”
Eddie opens his mouth to interject, but you press on.
“If you thought it was funny that I liked you, then fine. You don’t have to like me back. But you don’t need to laugh in my face about it, either.”
He blinks. “I — what?”
“That’s so fucking mean, Eddie, for you to taunt me every single day —”
“You liked me?”
“Don’t play dumb,” you snap back.
“Princess, if you liked me, this is the first I’m hearing about it. I was under the impression that you hated my guts.”
Both of you fall silent, staring at each other intensely. Eddie’s brow is deeply furrowed, full lips parted in wonder.
You falter uncertainly. “I’m…confused.”
His face is a mirror of your own bewilderment. “So am I. You thought I was teasing you…for having a crush on me?”
You suddenly feel very exposed, like someone just walked in on you naked. “Weren’t you?”
The words hangs in the air between you for a moment.
“Well, I definitely don’t anymore,” you state defensively, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Why did you think that?”
“Because you never looked twice at me and then all of a sudden you — you started calling me Princess and blew me kisses and talked about us going on dates like it was the funniest joke in the world!”
“Did it ever occur to you,” he replies, uncharacteristically quiet, “that I did all those things because I liked you?”
There’s an odd swooping sensation, like stepping for a missing stair.
A small smile pulls at the corners of his mouth, though his big doe-eyes still have a tinge of sadness in them. “I — I thought,” he wavers, then tries again, “I kept asking when you would go out with me because I really want you to. Go out with me, I mean.”
“Wish fulfillment,” you mumble, echoing his phrasing from earlier.
“I thought we were playing some kind of game, I guess. I thought you knew the meaning behind it, when I would do all those things. I had no idea I was hurting your feelings. And believe me, I had no clue that you had a crush on me — you’re way out of my league, Princess. I thought I was fighting a losing battle, so I kept hamming it up.”
You’re completely dumbfounded. “You threw papers at me. And pencils. And dice.”
Eddie chuckles nervously, thoroughly embarrassed. “Forgive me. I’ve been held back twice; that’s not really an indicator of a mature brain, is it?” He shrugs. “I wanted you to pay attention to me.”
All the emotional turmoil of the day hits you like a tidal wave. Impossibly, you find yourself getting choked up yet again. “All this time, I thought you were laughing at me.”
“I wasn’t,” he says softly, taking a step towards you. “I swear on my life, I never meant to make you feel this way. God, sweetheart, if I’d have known…” His gaze lingers on your watery eyes, your trembling lips, the way you’re almost hiding from him behind the jamb. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know how I didn’t see it.”
You swallow harshly. “It’s my own fault, I think. I always jump to conclusions — everyone tells me all the time that I’m too sensitive.”
“You’re not too sensitive,” he reassures you. “You’re sweet, you know? Gentle. That’s all.”
Oh. Eddie Munson thinks you’re gentle.
He cocks his head to the side. “Did it ever even occur to you? That I might have a crush on you, too?”
You laugh in spite of yourself, wiping at a few stray tears. “No.”
“Well, it should have. ‘Cause I did then, and I do right now, too.”
Eddie slips something out of his pocket, the tip of his tongue poking out of his mouth. He holds out the same box he had earlier: small and pink, still full of pastel candies rattling against the cardboard. He pulls the flap open and shakes a few out into his palm; after looking over his options, he selects a lilac-colored heart and holds it out so you can see the small text. It simply reads: FOR YOU.
“A small token of my affection,” he whispers. “If you want it.”
Without thinking you reach out and grasp his leather-clad forearm, tugging on his sleeve. “Come inside,” you whisper back, suddenly overwhelmed by the need to have him close and warm. “Please.”
“Are you sure?” 
“Yes. Definitely.”
Eddie bows his head. “Whatever you want, Princess.”
He finally crosses the threshold and steps into your arms, swinging the door shut behind him.
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thank you for reading!! xoxo Valentine's Day Special Masterlist
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lev1hei1chou · 3 months
My Husband
Gojo x reader, Nanami x reader (individual) Genre: Fluff Words: 676 Synopsis: You refer to them as your husband, when you're dating Masterlist
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The sun hung low in the sky as you strolled through the city with Gojo Satoru by your side. The two of you were enjoying a rare day off, relishing in each other's company. As you wandered through a crowded street, a familiar face caught your eye. It was a friend from years ago, someone you hadn't seen in ages.
"Hey! Long time no see!" your friend exclaimed, pulling you into a tight hug.
You exchanged pleasantries, catching up on each other's lives. Eventually, your friend's gaze shifted to Gojo, who had been standing patiently beside you.
"Oh, and who's this handsome fella?" your friend asked with a playful grin.
You chuckled nervously, feeling a sudden urge to embellish the situation. "Oh, this is Satoru Gojo. He's my husband."
Your friend's eyes widened in surprise, "Husband? Wow, congratulations! When did you guys get married?"
Gojo, caught off guard by your statement, raised an eyebrow. You shot him a quick apologetic look, realizing you may have jumped the gun.
"We're not married yet, actually," Gojo clarified, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But she's just so in love with me that she couldn't wait to claim me as her husband."
You playfully nudged him, feigning annoyance. "Oh, please. Don't let him fool you. We're just dating."
Your friend laughed, sharing a knowing look with Gojo. "Well, you two seem happy. It's great to see you again! I won't keep you, but let's catch up properly sometime."
As your friend walked away, Gojo turned to you with a smirk. "Husband, huh? I guess you're not the only one who can play along."
You rolled your eyes, "I panicked! It just slipped out. Besides, it's not like it's never going to happen, right?"
Gojo leaned in, planting a teasing kiss on your cheek. "Oh, it'll happen. Just know that when it does, I'll be the one saying 'I told you so.'" You sighed, shaking your head, but couldn't help but smile at his words.
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You sat comfortably on the couch in your apartment, phone pressed to your ear as you chatted with your friend. Nanami, your boyfriend, was in the kitchen, silently preparing some tea. The conversation flowed casually until your friend asked about your day.
"Oh, you know, just spending time with my husband," you said casually, not giving it a second thought.
As soon as the words left your mouth, you felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere. You turned to find Nanami staring at you, tea kettle in hand, with a raised eyebrow. His expression was a mix of surprise and confusion.
"Husband?" Nanami mouthed, clearly overhearing your conversation.
You shot him an apologetic look, realizing the slip-up. Trying to ignore the situation, you turned away from him and continued talking to your friend, "Yeah, he's just in the kitchen making tea right now. Oh, speaking of which, he's giving me a look because I accidentally called him my husband. Silly me."
Nanami's gaze intensified as he observed your attempts to backtrack. He set the kettle down, his arms crossed over his chest. You couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement from him.
"Accidentally?" he quirked an eyebrow, his tone dry and playful.
You couldn't help but chuckle nervously, knowing you were caught. "Well, I mean, you do act like a husband sometimes, don't you?"
Nanami approached, a smirk playing on his lips. "Is that so?"
You nodded, trying to play it off cool. "Yeah, you know, looking out for me, making tea – all the husband-like things."
He leaned in, his lips dangerously close to your ear. "If I'm going to be your husband, maybe we should make it official."
Your cheeks flushed at his suggestion, realizing that he wasn't upset. Instead, Nanami seemed to be enjoying the banter. You shot him a playful glare, "You're not getting off that easy, mister."
Nanami chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. "Maybe one day, I'll make an honest woman out of you." You rolled your eyes but couldn't hide the smile on your face.
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cookie-waffle · 3 months
Not enough people acknowledge how intelligent Link is (every incarnation)
Yea, he’s a goofy little guy. A silly fella. But all those puzzles you do in the games are canon. Even the ones that were so hard you had to give up and google them. And he doesn’t even have the visual advantage of a 3rd person POV like we do.
Not only that, but he does a lot of these puzzles in dangerous areas. He’s very smart. He may not do heavy research or have an encyclopedic knowledge of ancient history like botw/totk Zelda does, but he still displays quite often just how smart a thinker he is.
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xiao-come-home · 28 days
Boothill walking in on his partner hugging a Boothill body pillow and surrounded by plushies of him.
Would he be jealous of his own face? Perhaps..
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Ah yes, Boothill, his partner, and their... Body pillow Boothill?
Boothill's slightly bewildered at the sight of… him. The body pillow, and the countless plushies - if he didn’t hit his head, he’d think he probably entered the wrong house. But, in fact - the sight of you glued to the body pillow, the bootpillow if you will, left him rather speechless.
“I’m… home?” He questions his own statement, the silver eyes squinting at you in slight suspicion; yet, when you invite him to join - he hops happily into the bed with you, giving you a chaste kiss on your lips.
“Well look at you! Someone’s missed me so much, hmm?” Boothill’s tone quickly changes into a teasing one, picking up his mini self and giving it a quick squeeze, only to look back at you, “ya don’t wanna replace me just because this little fella is softer, right?”
You laugh at his antics, finally letting go of the bootpillow, and wrapping your arms around his neck - he smirks as you gently get closer and closer, “I’ll never replace you, silly. You’re the best out of them all.”
Though, when you cling to the body pillow with his own face during your sleep instead of him, he gets a little pouty, deciding to cling to your back in return all night.
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suiana · 2 months
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(yandere! seller x gn! reader) (slight nsfw? idk)
when he said he'd give you a special gift you didn't expect... whatever the hell this is.
you were expecting a free plushie or something, not... not a love letter and money! okay, the money was appreciated but the love letter? what the hell?
'I love you so much... you're so cute, I wanna bite you....'
that's not even the worst part! like, it gets worser from here! he talks about how he knows everything about you... how he would devote his entire life to you if you would just let him...
bro you didn't even know he existed before this online order.
and what's with this weird white stain at the end of the letter? it messed up his name and now you don't even know what to call him!
oh well, maybe you'll email him about it? i mean, he probably won't respond quick since it's a sunday and he's a small business owner but-
[email protected]: hi <3 i see that you are unsatisfied with our product and gift? use this new code for another free gift upon your next purchase!
okay, what the fuck.
you hadn't even sent him anything.
why the hell did he respond?
how did he know you were absolutely flabbergasted with his gift?
...was he stalking you?
you immediately turn your head, frantically looking around for any hint that he was indeed stalking you. none.
you breathe out a shaky sigh of relief before your blood runs cold again.
[email protected]: that is not very skibidi of you :(
[email protected]: are you afraid of me? please don't be...
[email protected]: btw i'm in your closet lol
you stare at the new responses, blinking slowly before deciding to turn off your phone. you then stand up, walking towards your nearest wall before smashing your head against it in hopes of ascending to the next plane.
that's right fellas! if you don't want to deal with your troubles just bash your head into a wall! haha, what do you mean there's a guy coming out of your closet? just ignore him silly!
"darling! what the hell are you doing-"
ah... you must be ascending already. there's a new voice in the room! he's even trying to pull you away? he must be an angel...
"sweetheart please! this is not very fanum tax of you!"
"i'm wallmaxxing."
"oh. in that case..."
the guy that came out of your closet joins you in smashing his head against the wall.
yes! embrace the joy of wallmaxxing together!
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FUCK YOU! *Redesigns Kinito to be a healthy and rotund little fella* /SILLY
Sorry for the whole hiatus deal y'all, University is not giving me a good time this place is starting to suck ass in the most /neg way possible 😭
I ended up coloring this Ibis Paint by boosting the contrast and putting it as a multiply layer lol. Much easier much less painful and I can still draw digitally without feeling demotivated waho‼️
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Y'all know I'm so soft for this trope of "pre vs post healing arc" where the character goes from miserable to a happy proud (bonus points if a little chubby) little fella <3 could not resist the urge to redesign my Kinito to fit such trope
Featuring Senito, by @goldenstrwbrry
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They're so silly I'm not normal about them /pos
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llamagoddessofficial · 4 months
I know it’s been a long time since you’ve wrote about him but do you think you could write about Cheshire Sans dating headcanons?
👁️👁️ oh... it's been so dreadfully long since we played with this harmless fella!
He's just a silly little guy!
... You think
A relationship with him is surprisingly normal. He has a silly personality, a penchant for teleporting and floating, a love of riddles and harmless pranks. But that's seemingly the extent of it.
He knows you aren't going to want to spend forever with someone you can't understand, someone who scares you with their insanity. Spending forever with you is what matters most. So for you? He'll tone down the crazy.
He's very affectionate. I mean - he's literally a cat with his favourite person. Every time you lie down, or sit down, or even just stand still long enough, he slinks on in and wants a cuddle. He likes when you touch his face.
(He's an absolute fiend when he flirts, though. He turns into a cat on the hunt~)
Favourite scritch spots are shoulderblades, cheekbones and skull.
Never underestimate how nice he is to cuddle. You will end up falling asleep. He smells like sweet blue flowers and yarn, the smell gives you good dreams.
Don't worry if you can't actually answer his riddles; he mixes his real riddles with complete nonsense, he really just comes up with them because he likes watching you think.
As far as you're concerned, purring is super common for him. He purrs when he talks to you, he purrs when you talk, he purrs when he cuddles, he purrs when you get mad at him and make that '>:(' face he likes so much. He hardly stops purring.
Purring is far from a common trait of his, though. His fellow Wunderland inhabitants will be shocked to learn he even CAN purr.
He's honestly more of a coffee guy.
Does he get jealous? Absolutely. He likes terrifying guys who flirt with you by completely dropping the persona and giving the grin of death. But he knows that you won't want to stay with him if he turns people into still-screaming meat pretzels... so he just playfully sulks until you give him kisses and assure him he's your favourite.
The entire world is lucky this reality-bending entity adores you so much. He could be ending the world. Instead, he uses his powers to play harmless pranks, teleport you back into bed when he's not done cuddling, and float the groceries so you don't have to carry them. Why would he end the world? You are his world.
He wants a normal life with you. He wants to make you laugh. You bring him (and his moral compass) back from the edge.
You're his most beloved anchor to reality.
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sstormyskyess · 7 months
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author's note: wanted to explore some of the insecurities these fellas would have to get a better feel for how to write them!
cw: hurt/comfort, body image issues, domestic situations, anxiety
word count: 1900+
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TF-141 x GN!Reader
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Simon “Ghost” Riley [body image]
♡ Ghost is aware that he’s an attractive man. He’s been told as much for most of his life and people tend to put themselves out there for him, so he’s always figured there must be something to him that causes it.
♡ But only he had seen the body under all the layers of black clothing he often covers himself with. His body is more scars than unblemished skin, an eternal reminder that he was beyond saving.
♡ That’s why, when you wormed your way into his lacerated heart, he was hesitant to undress around you. He didn’t want you to see the man underneath the shell of the impenetrable “Ghost,” the man that kept his trauma on a tight leash and hid away from his true self.
Simon shuffles forward further down the bathtub to let you settle in behind him, your thighs resting on his hips. His heart is pounding in his chest, as it often did when he was bare in front of you. Despite the warmth of the bath you’d run for the both of you, a shiver travels up his spine when your hands wrap around his chest.
“You still okay, Si?” You rest your cheek on his back, keeping your hands still over his stomach. All he gives you is a hum, so you prompt again, “I need words, hun.” He responds with a shallow nod and, with a slight shake in his voice, “I’m alright, love.” You nuzzle your cheek against his spine in response, a silent reminder that he’s here, with you.
Things were still for a while, the only sound being the leaky faucet you still needed to get fixed dripping into the bath. You quietly paw at his stomach and move slowly up his chest, tracing over his scars as you did. You halt before you start to kiss the scars on his shoulder blades, the ones that you’ve committed to memory.
He lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding when you take hold of one of his hands, pulling it up far enough that you could see it over his shoulder. There was one big scar across his palm that he received in the times before he started wearing gloves to cover his calloused hands. You always came back to it; it was one of the most clear signifiers of his journey through his career, and you loved to appreciate anything and everything that showed you his path before meeting you.
He watches you regard the scar, able to see the face you always make when you admire his body like this. He smiled at the thought and some of the tension in his muscles left. He took your other hand and brought it up to his lips to place a kiss on your knuckles, returning the affection you so graciously gave him.
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John “Soap” Mactavish [his future]
♡ Soap has been in his field of work for around eight years and he’s made his way through hell time and time again. He’s a skilled operator and with that comes many dangerous situations, often life or death.
♡ But really, he wants to make it far enough in life to retire and return to civilian society, far away from the turmoil that tainted him day and night, 24/7. The worst part is that he knows it’s unlikely he’ll make it that far.
♡ It got worse when he met you and you solidified in his mind that his true goal was making it to a calm life, free of gunfire, constant deployment, and all of the other struggles that came with a job like his.
“Aye. Love you too, mum.” Johnny hangs up the call and puts his phone on the coffee table with a sigh. His mom was calling to let him know that his sister was going to be having a baby shower in a month or so; his niece’s birth was just around the corner, expectedly two months from now.
Hearing about the lives of his family members makes him feel so selfish sometimes. He knows it’s silly and that he shouldn’t be worrying so much about it, but he just can’t seem to help it. Even when he knows you’re just a room away, making some dinner for the both of you, he can’t help but think about what life could be like were he living the life the rest of his family was. He gets up and looks over to the kitchen before making his way over.
You jump when you feel Johnny’s arms wrap around your waist. He buries his head against your neck and presses some soft kisses there. “Hi, baby. What do you need?” You smile and reach back to run your fingers through his messy overgrown mohawk, earning you a pleased hum. He rests his chin on your shoulder to watch you cooking, a warmth in his heart swelling at the domesticity. “Do you think we’d ever get married, dove?” He asks, rocking you two back and forth gently.
You blink, surprised by the sudden question. “I wouldn’t be opposed. You’re the best guy I could ever hope to be with the rest of my life.” Your smile widens as your mind wanders to the life you and Johnny could live together. Johnny’s soft, dreamy sigh brushes along your neck and it feels like his posture slumps forward just a bit in relief, your words soothing his stormy thoughts. “I’ll keep that in mind, bonnie.”
Standing there in the comfortable silence with you only solidified in his mind that he wanted to be there with you for the rest of his life. All he wanted to do in that moment and every moment after was take care of you, to make you feel safe.
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Kyle “Gaz” Garrick [perfectionism]
♡ Gaz knows how important the role he plays is. His work furthered the safety of civilians the world round, and he knows he’s good at it.
♡ But along with knowing the importance of his work was a double-edged sword; he knew that if he ever faltered or failed his mission, people would die as a result. The screams of civilians echoed in his mind every few nights he tried settling in for bed, his mind much too overactive for his own good.
♡ Overworking himself was a consequence of his troubled thoughts. He would be lifting in the gym until his muscles gave out on him, firing in the range for hours into the night, running laps around the base, all to your dismay as you watched him work himself half to death.
Kyle’s lungs heave as he bends over with his hands on his knees. You had followed him when he got out of bed earlier tonight and he apologized profusely for waking you up. He’s been on the treadmill for an hour, going on an hour and a half. You stare at him, concerned out of your mind.  You’d long since stopped your own workout, the weights left on the rack and a bottle of water in hand.
This was the third time in the past week he’d subjected himself to this self-flagellating exercise schedule. You knew why; this past mission was quite the disaster. Too much destruction, too many civilian casualties, and an escaped terrorist was a perfect combination to make Kyle’s mind run wild with disappointment in himself. He was an empathetic individual and it always came back to bite him after missions like this.
You aren’t sure whether or not he noticed you in here with him, so when you got up to approach him you walked with purposeful steps, loud enough to alert him to your presence. His head perked up and he turned to look at you. He cursed under his breath after wiping his forehead with the towel slung over his shoulder and stepped off the treadmill.
“Sweetheart, I said you could go back to bed.” He frowned when he met your eyes, seeing the exhaustion in them but not realizing that you saw the same exhaustion in his. “Someone needed to drag you back once you eventually collapsed.” You mutter, looking away. You didn’t want to be frustrated with him; you knew that he couldn’t help it. But seeing him with his legs nearly buckling under his own weight hurt your heart. “I’m okay, I promise—”
He’s cut off by your sigh and you take him by the hand to drag him over to the nearest bench, sitting him down. “You’re not okay. I’m getting your stuff and we’re going back to bed.” You state matter-of-factly before walking off to do just that. He knew that you were miffed, but it still felt good to know you had his back.
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John Price [his relationships]
♡ Price is a busy man; he’s the captain of a private task force, of course he was. His work basically consumed his entire life, with no room for much else.
♡ Friends and romantic partners were pie in the sky for him, and he sometimes wondered if he would be able to maintain a healthy relationship with anyone outside of work. He had tried before and every time, it ended with things falling apart and him leaving someone broken hearted.
♡ His worries were quelled when you made friends with him and eventually entered a romantic relationship, but still, he was concerned with balancing his relationship with you and his relationship with his work. Sometimes, he wondered if he was even strong enough to pull both sides of himself together into one man.
John picks up the dinner plate that you made for him a few hours ago. It had gotten cold by now, the plastic cling wrap around the plate having settled over the food and sticking loosely to it. He sighs and peels it off, turning to the microwave to reheat the plate. He leans back against the counter and stares at the floor, his thoughts crowding every corner of his mind.
You were already in bed, sleeping soundly. At least he hoped. You had asked him a couple times to come to bed, but he insisted he needed to finish the mission reports he was writing. Every time he pulled this little maneuver, he thought back to every other time he condemned you to going to bed cold. The frown on his face deepens, imagining how you looked right now. Maybe you actually weren’t asleep and were still up waiting for him. The thought made him feel so guilty.
He doesn’t have to dwell on it much longer before he sees you sleepily wander into the kitchen, yawning and rubbing your eyes. John pushes himself off the counter and meets you halfway, resting his hands on your hips. “Head back to bed, doll. I’ll be there soon.” He mumbles the words into the top of your head before putting a kiss there. You shake your head and nuzzle deeper into his hold.
“I’m sorry I woke you up.” He runs one of his hands up and down your spine, the other moving to the small of your back. You hold onto his shirt and take a peek up at him. “It’s okay.” You give him a small smile, trying to soothe his worries. He does so much and you know it was all for you, a fact that warms your heart.
“Come sit and eat your food, hon’.” He huffs a little laugh and nods, taking his plate out of the microwave and picking you up. You giggle and kiss his cheek, letting him carry you to the couch. You let him turn on the TV and settle you in his lap. “Were you dreaming, love?” He asks before starting to eat. Neither of you pay much attention to whatever’s on the screen after that, him listening intently to you recounting your dreams.
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zoolitsky · 1 month
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Please don’t get upset if you disagree with any of these!! This is just how I see the characters ^^ More context about the headcanons under the cut!
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Transfem lesbian!!
Basically married to Vivi (who isn’t pictured but she gives me demigirl bisexual energy with a preference to girls)
And she’s still beautiful and wonderful and Sanji still simps for her. Chubby people are gorgeous
She’s technically pale but tanned a bit from being outside so much
Aaand bandaid because she’s literally just a normal girl and is susceptible to minor injuries unlike the other weird built different ppl on the crew (aside from Usopp)
sPEAKING OF USOPP!!! She’s absolute besties with him like they talk about everything and anything and gossip and all that jazz. They’re so special to me.
I’m not sure if bipolar fits entirely, but there’s definitely something with her mood swings and the intensity of her emotions. If this is insensitive at all please inform me
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Agender aroace reindeer fella??? SiGN ME UP
Both male and female reindeers have antlers so I used that to my advantage because gender silly
I think Chopper uses they/he/it, but slightly prefers to be referred to by their name rather than pronouns
Chopper has attachment issues, but I couldn’t find anything other than avoidant attachment disorder (which doesn’t seem entirely fitting). But it definitely gets very attached to others when it trusts them and has a hard time moving on.
Also I just like to draw Chopper more reindeer-like than Chopper’s canon design but aside from that I don’t really make too many design changes? Just… floofy Chopper… 🩷🩷🩷
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Panromantic asexual!!
Down bad for Sanji (he has terrible taste /j)
I had a revelation after drawing this so Usopp isn’t actually cis lol- they’re a demiboy but in a genderfluid kind of way, some days he feels more masculine and other days they feel more androgynous
I have very mixed feelings about the hair highlights,, I lowkey might not keep them but it was an experiment
FRECKLES!!! USOPP HAS FRECKLES PASS IT ON PASS IT ON!!!! 💛💛💛 Bandaid like Nami because!! They’re literally just a normal teenager!!!
Usopp has anxiety and borderline personality disorder because the feelings of superiority and inferiority? The constant fear? Being immune to Perona’s ghosts from dealing with mental illness their entire life???
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Asexual grayromantic
If he had a partner it would be gay regardless of his own gender expression (I’m projecting because I feel gay when I’m attracted to anyone)
Genderfluid, some days they prefer different pronouns but most of the time they use all at once (also is this ironic bc Luffy can’t swim but is swimming in fluid pronouns)
King of the pronouns!!! King of the genders!!! Will steal your pronouns and gender!!! Watch out!!!
I gave her vitiligo on a whim to be 100% honest, but I feel like it’s very fitting and also very fun to draw ❤️❤️❤️
I only did a headshot here because I have another post with a bunch of other drawings of this Luffy
I feel like I don’t need to explain but Luffy is very very AuDHD to me
He has so much energy and is easily distracted and gets really focused on things and likes to talk about anything and everything
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Bisexual-est guy on the planet (loves all boobs /hj)
Down bad for Usopp (they have great taste)
Demiboy but in an interchangeable kinda bigender way, he’s just both enby and male at the same time
Darker roots!! Sanji’s body hair is always notably darker than his blonde hair so I decided on darker roots
Depression in the sense it’s the reason he smokes. It’s a kind of coping mechanism.
It makes them dazed enough that they don’t have to fully feel their own despair
Imagine Sanji wheezing and struggling to breathe after a fight!! Emotional scene with Chopper trying to convince them to stop smoking!!
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Married to Franky 💜💜💜
Intersex demigirl! Like- the whole being called a monster/demon her whole life and trying to find someone who accepts her is such a good (unintentional) metaphor for the gender discovery experience,,
GIVE ROBIN THEIR MELANIN BACK!!! I don’t care if it wasn’t their original colors… neither were the blue eyes but I’m giving both to them because they deserve it!!
I wanted to give Robin more of a curly hair texture but I was concerned it would start to not really resemble her. I might play around with it another time though and see if I can achieve something still recognizable
Do I even have to explain that-
They are traumatized and get flashbacks and night terrors
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Married to Robin 🩵🩵🩵
He was abandoned by his birth parents, he has a name he doesn’t use anymore, calls everyone bro regardless of gender, HE LITERALLY REBUILT HIS ENTIRE BODY-
Even though Franky’s a cyborg I gave him visible top surgery scars. I think he would show them off with pride and doesn’t necessarily need/want to be seen as a cis man. He’s just a man who once had boobs yk?
The underside of his hair is an even brighter blue because silly!!
ADHD—he hyperfixates like a madman and is also very loud and passionate. Also idk if this is an actual ADHD thing but like he’s super empathetic and cries easily? I’m like that too so idk lol
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Demihomoromantic asexual
Hopelessly, dare I say pathetically, in love with Luffy. I want to clarify that this doesn’t make Zoro less gay and this doesn’t make Luffy less genderfluid.
Also as much as I adore trans Zoro, I think the fact that he’s a cisgender feminist is important. So I headcanon him as cis.
I can’t decide whether or not I like the striped hair,, I’m still on the fence about it lol
Covered in scars because he’s done so much training and fighting, I know they kind of look like something else but they aren’t, don’t worry
Idk why but I always give him a dark green undershirt
Autistic!! He has a narrow range of emotions, makes nonverbal grunts, super into swords, he’s blunt, follows routine, etc.
Aaaand that’s all of them! Phew! Thank you so much for reading 💖
Reblogs, asks, and comments are super appreciated!!
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sasuhinamonth · 3 months
SASUHINA MONTH 2024 Prompts and Artist of the Year!!!
It's time!
Welcome to 2024! In June, we'll be hosting SHMonth2024! Thanks all for following along with us during our journey! Your patience and enthusiasm keeps us going, and we appreciate all of you!
As always, let's start with our Artist of the Year for 2024!
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Mods of the SasuHina Month Event work hard to not only keep up to date with the happenings of our little part of the fandom, but we also carefully consider all our beautiful SasuHina creators! This year's Artist of the Year is always creating beauty with their works, and we want to shine a light on that!
Everyone, please congratulate Pongalia for her hard work and for being this year's SasuHina Artist of the Year!
Our dear artist always brings awe to everyone who sees her art! As you can see above, she makes the most beautiful, capturing art! Her talent is inspiring, and she's known across the fandom for her beautiful shading!
Please visit her X/Twitter to show her some love! She deserves it for all her hard work and passion!!!!
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Now . . .
The time has come.
As a quick reminder, this years theme is Opposites Attract (very fitting for these two, if you ask us). SasuHina Month 2024 is happening in June, so (hopefully) you all will have some time to think and plan!
Thanks all for joining us!
We present to you: The Prompts of SHMonth2024!
Day 1
Beginnings & Ends | Inicios y Finales
New & Old | Nuevo y Viejo
Day 2
Silly & Serious | Bobo y Serio
Fail & Succeed | Fallo y Éxito
Day 3
Shy & Bold | Tímido y Audaz
Few & Many | Poco y Mucho
Day 4
Summer & Winter | Verano e Invierno
Humble & Proud | Humilde y Orgulloso
Day 5
Create & Destroy | Creación y Destrucción
Crying & Laughter | Llanto y Risas
Day 6
Friend & Enemy | Amigo y Enemigo
Empty & Full | Lleno y Vacío
Day 7
Pearl & Onyx | Perla y Ónix
Dawn & Dusk | Amanecer y Atardecer
Day 8
Hidden & Seen | Oculto y Visto
Loud & Quiet | Ruidoso y Callado
Day 9
Kind & Cruel | Amable y Cruel
Past & Future | Pasado y Futuro
Day 10
Angel & Demon | Inicios y Finales
Rain & Shine | Lluvia y Brillo
Day 11
Lost & Found | Perdido y Hallado
Color & Grayscale | Color y Escala de grises
Day 12
Cat & Dog | Perro y Gato
Tea & Coffee | Té y Café
Day 13
Glass & Stone | Vidrio y Piedra
Yin & Yang | Yin y Yang
Day 14
Early & Late | Temprano y Tarde
Far & Near | Lejano y Cerca
Day 15
Sweet & Bitter | Dulce y Amargo
Bright & Dim | Brillante y Opaco
Day 16
Apart & Together | Separados y Juntos
Deep & Shallow | Profundo y Poco profundo
Day 17
Smooth & Rough | Suave y Áspero
Admit & Deny | Admitir y Negar
Day 18
Freeze & Melt | Congelado y Derretido
Water & Fire | Agua y Fuego
Day 19
Love & Hate | Amor y Odio
Fast & Slow | Rápido y Lento
Day 20
Give & Take | Dar y Recibir
Adult & Child | Adulto y Niño
Day 21
Innocent & Guilty | Inocente y Culpable
Doubt & Trust | Dudar y Confiar
Day 22
War & Peace | Guerra y Paz
Yes & No | Sí y No
Day 23
Neat & Messy | Ordenado y Desordenado
Capture & Release | Capturar y Liberar
Day 24
Flowers & Weapons | Flores y Armas
Oblivious & Observant | Inadvertido y Observador
Day 25
Hot & Cold | Caliente y Frío
Rise & Fall | Ascenso y Caída
Day 26
Tall & Short | Alto y Bajo
Single & Married | Soltero y Casado
Day 27
Thoughtful & Selfish | Considerado y Egoísta
Forget & Remember | Olvidar y Recordar
Day 28
Magical & Ordinary | Mágico y Ordinario
Absence & Present | Ausente y Presente
Day 29
Attack & Protect | Atacar y Proteger
Always & Never | Siempre y Nunca
Day 30
Before & After | Antes y Después
Departure and Arrival | Partida y Llegada
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simpletale-officiale · 10 months
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SIMPLETALE is an AU that aims to parody undertale. while also giving it its own original twist, although its not just limited to undertale, as we also aim to parody other silly little bits of the multiverse. like underfell, underswap, heck. maybe even underverse! you can find some of the AU's included in the lineup drawn above, as well as in the descriptions for the askable AU's further on in this post
the AU uses old concepts for undertale, and some fanon misconceptions. to make a funny and entertaining story, but also one with worldbuilding and some slightly more serious bits. unfortunately we cannot show the rest of the cast for simpletale currently because that's spoilers and we want to keep it secret for later (;
(be sure to frequently check this post, as characters could be added to be askable in the future)
questions are not just limited to characters though, you can also ask us, the creators, questions about the production of simpletale, or even our own opinions on it! maybe even some questions about areas...? but ill be nice and give some suggestions. "whats your favorite thing about simpletale?" "whats your least favorite thing about simpletale" dont be shy, ask!
moving onto the characters.
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the simple. the basics. the one and only's!
the simpletale bros!
sans- a rather cheeky, clumsy, and humerus fella. likes getting a laugh out of others, often through humerus actions, he ends up annoying the shit out of his brother a lot of the time, and they argue a lot, they love being brothers though, and most of the time they make up rather quickly. usually tries to speak as little as possible and be as straight to the point as possible. has a fast food addiction
papyrus- a bumbling perfectionist imperialist. believes himself to be superior to others, even when in a low position of power, he was accepted into the guard because..... they needed someone to do the paperwork, dogs ain't that good for writing. despite this he believes himself to be the most important and supreme member of the guard, despite the most important thing he does being signing the occasional tax document or punting a trespasser (usually just random preteens) 20 feet into the air. a bit of a narcissist with a sailors mouth but he does actually care for the people in his life, despite coming off so rude most people find him annoying though ):. basically papyrus autism thrown to a hundred. banters with sans often when he tries to knock papyrus ego down a peg. tries to act menacing, but hes really just an 80's cartoon villain goofball. cooks the most delicious food you will ever taste, we let bro cook for a REASON.
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the simpled is swapped?
the simpleswap bros!
they started out exactly like simpletale sans and papyrus, but decided to parody each other for shits and giggles, and then got all their friends along, which created simpleswap. their personalities are a bit altered from the simpletale brothers due to reasons but their whole swapped personality thing is a gag and they might break character once you say something outlandish or spook them.
papyrus- apathetic, and a bit apolitical with almost everything. started smoking weed to parody sans fast food addiction but actually started smoking it regularly, so hes like.... high. always. once you get through his apathetic and at times, cold and careless character, he can be surprisingly kind and humble, honestly a pretty decent guy. finds his old self cringey and dumb. works as an accountant on the side, cooks pretty tasty food, and often makes tasty weed brownies????
sans- cheeky, energetic, and plays this character of perfection to parody papyrus narcissism, think of the character of perfection kind of like how liquid chris works, effectively doing anything papyrus did, but better. still tries his best to get a laugh out of everyone, hes in better shape then simpletale sans and is overall more athletic, playful and energetic, takes the whole parodying eachother thing less seriously then his brother. him and fellsimple sans are best pals
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their bold, their brash, they certainly dont belong in the trash, an-OUCH I FELL AND BROKE MY FUCKING KNEEES-
this one goes slightly more heavy into parodying fanon
sans- has anger issues, plays up this role of being a punk, "fuck the government" "acab" "i dont believe in consistency" you get the point, a bit of a greedy fuck, loves gold, as well as sharp stuff and gold, he has some.... taboo fetishes like hes probably into bdsm. being the only one out of the skeletons to not be asexual as well as being the only one to be straight. rides a motorcycle, but likes trucks more, probably secretly works with trucking, simpleswap sans is his best friend and he loves to drink with simpletale sans, tough attitude, but is secretly just as silly as the others.
papyrus-has a job as a guard but ends up skipping most of the time because the guards are pretty horrible people and they make him pretty stressed, likes books and philosophy, probably plays this fake role of an evil, heinous guard at work, if ever does it that is. hes a real cheapskate compared to sans, but will buy good books or vinyl albums at a high price if he feels their high enough of quality. hes shy compared to the other papyruses.
....aaaand error.
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a bit of a sleazy fella with a PLAN. he doesnt destroy aus here but does more heinous stuff, like rob banks in AU's, make illegal businesses or currencies, clash with rival gangs, and occasionally fights with ink (although their relationship is very sexual, parodying the fanon misconception that errink is canon) ask him the right questions, and he might even bring some of his gang members along to answer (; his personality is somewhat apathetic, but he always has a PLAN!!!!!! AND YOU CANT FIGHT NATURE JOHN......
killer: nickname: assassin has been unlocked!
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coming from an alternate timeline of simpletale where sans got bored? varisk (frisk replacement) decided to mentally manipulate him into thinking that robbing and killing is a better option then doing nothing. and pays him for it eventually papyrus was killed in crossfire and sans murdered varisk, the pin on his jacket is a soul, but souls are useless in the simpleverse, blood is much more valuable. he's a silent but professional skeleton. cares deeply about his boss and coworkers.
EXTREMELY good with firearms as well as chains. its hard for him to move his mouth, so its almost always locked in a constant smile the liquid that leaks out of him is like an oil like substance, touching it for too long burns your skin, its incredibly cold though. he's ruthless and aggressive in battle and is often the tank/brute in whatever operation dysfunct has going on. usually smug and professional, but can also be very gentle around those he deems friendly enough.
picked up by error after an.... incident in his au.
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the nightmare and dream brothers!
nightmare: claims to have been "betrayed" by his brother (dream stole his sandwich) believes dream causes all his misfortunes and bad luck moments. kind of acts like a spoiled rich kid with a military obsession. started the gang by feeding into errors idea of a free multiverse, where there are no governments and an independent existence for everyone. a world with anarchy and fun. he can be a good manipulator at times, but is all bark no bite. pretty cringe, both him and his brother claim to be "gods" but in truth, their both mutations/byproducts of the simpleswap universe "glitching" creating this disgusting blob and a ball of light (think like sans bad time eye) inside of a husk body. both are amortal and seek to destroy the other, or at least piss each other off for as long as possible.
dream: LOVES shit talking about his brother plays this role of an innocent cutesy kind emperor, when he is everything opposite to that, except for emperor I guess. he is an emperor. believes causing nightmare misfortune will bring him luck in some form (it doesn't, but hes too stupid to realize) if he gets the chance he would probably torture and give his enemies a VERY painful, but quick death. he wants his brother to be at the bottom of life, the worst point in his life, before he plans to KILL. speaks in a very Shakespearian way. is a snobby fuck. not really greedy. but will do ANYTHING in his power to make his enemies die the most painful death he can give them. not cruel to his people, but gaslights them a lot. claims what he does is for the "greater good" acts nice, and very kind to his "friends" but would betray them the moment he finds anything better. the type of guy to give you puppydog eyes after burning down your house
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thanks to kyne for activating my dastardly plan to take over this tumblr, im not just gonna be thrown away as a simple outcast at that pub anymore, im fuckin important goddamn it!!!!!
i also may edit the intros a bit add my own flare you know but the importance is i am now your stand in if you ask anyone thats in the multi-bar!!!!
bio: 404 was born omnipotent, automatically more powerful then all the other simpletons. he would become aware of how through an alternative reality known as the prescratch timeline where that version of him speaks of what he was destined for. nobody believes him however and that bitch error keeps harassing me about talking shit well guess what whore i dont fucking need you anymore because ive found myself somebody who won't just use me and then throw me away when its most fitting fuck you never talk to me again bitch
liks: chaos, delinquency, anarchy, NOT following the rules, 100 gecs (the one with the stupid horse), being powerful, super transformations, hyperpop, chains, gold, copypastas, big hot strong men that could absolutely penetrate me hard, 100 gecks (literally, i have 100 of them as pets and its awesome!!!), flexing, being totally dripped out, colors associated with errors, busting it down (gay kind not cool kind)
dislinks: order, rules, politics, leaders, having to follow instructions, horror sans from the evil guys fuck you you stole my place on that group which im not that upset about anymore after realising they all suck anyways but i still hate you because you refuse to actually fight and keeps saying random quips everytime youre on screen like actually shut the fuck up, gex, women because im severely femalephobic and extremely homosexual so they terrify me, error (cheater and liar dont ever trust him with anything), ink who stole my man with her fuckin cursed woman parts and apparently in the prescratch timeline everyone calls her mommy????? kinda sussy BUT THE SIMPLEVERSE IS LIMITLESS! Because there is a multibar just down the road > (https://simpletale-officiale.tumblr.com/post/727125546167828480/farm-sans)
Undertale by @fwugradiation
Underswap by popcornprince and @underswapped3
Underfell by @underfell
error sans by @loverofpiggies
Killer sans by @rahafwabas
Dream and nightmare by @jokublog
Sigh.... 404 by.... @vibeless15
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