#glenn myers
sinceileftyoublog · 1 year
Durand Jones & Kara Jackson Live Show Review: 5/9, Lincoln Hall, Chicago
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Even if you’re familiar with the retro stylings of Durand Jones & The Indications, Wait Til I Get Over (Dead Oceans) is a reintroduction. The solo debut for Jones is inspired by his roots in Hillaryville, Louisiana, a town established as part of reparations to previously enslaved Black folks, and it sees him grappling with his biographical history while gaining a greater sense of self. Contextualized in the duality of the South--the beauty of the landscapes and the simultaneous institutional racism that’s devastated it--Jones’ record traverses a swath of Black music, from soul and rock and roll to R&B and gospel. With spoken word interludes, hymnals, prayers, and laments, all backed by guitar, bass, keys, and drums, he’s provided a contemporary classic.
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Playing his first solo show in Chicago on Tuesday at Lincoln Hall, Jones brought many of the album’s players with him, including drummer Ben Lumsdaine, guitarist Drake Ritter, keyboardist Matt Romy, and bassist Glenn Myers. They gave all the songs on Wait Til I Get Over the “Lord Have Mercy” treatment. On that first single from the record, Jones sings, “Can you see me in those sad, smiling eyes?” emphasizing the further contradictions within himself, his desire to overcome by keeping on. Similarly, it was the celebratory aspects of the music that shone live, the raw guitars and slinky bass and Jones’ dancing. He let out cathartic James Brown-level screams during “I Want You”, a described prayer for music written during a stint working at a science lab before music was his full-time employment. Though the orchestral flourishes on the studio versions of songs like “Gerri Marie” and “That Feeling” give them a cinematic feel, the songs didn’t lack drama on Tuesday. The moment Jones walked out on stage, clad in a fitted blue suit with white stripes, a saxophone in one hand and a drink in the other, you knew you were in for a show.
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Further, sharing the stories behind the album, both in the rollout to the release of Wait Til I Get Over and Tuesday night, proved therapeutic for Jones, who has been citing James Baldwin’s belief in “strength in vulnerability.” That includes both the blue-eyed doo wop of “Sadie” and “That Feeling”, the latter of which was not only the first breakup song Jones has ever written but his first love song written to another man, effectively his coming out as bisexual. During the middle of “Some Day We’ll All Be Free”, essentially a Donny Hathaway cover with a verse from rapper Skypp injected in middle, Jones cited another vanguard of Black art, Nina Simone. “To be free is to live without fear,” he quoted over the band’s percussive funk, later declaring, “Love will win.” It’s the same sense of radical optimism that permeates a song like “See It Through”, existing alongside the doubts and sorrow, and the very ethos of Wait Til I Get Over. Towards the end of the show, Jones admitted that he almost had to cancel the tour; a bout with food poisoning led to 3 ER trips and a lost voice. But with patience and belief, Jones has used the spirit of the album and seemingly every show to move one step closer to where he needs to go, personally and communally. 
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Oak Park’s Kara Jackson has also released a hell of a debut, Why Does The Earth Give Us People To Love? (September); like Jones’, her set acted more as an introduction of a newfound voice than a faithful recreation of her released songs. Playing acoustically, Jackson sang a few new tunes in a short set, plus two from her 2019 EP A Song for Every Chamber of the Heart and Karen Dalton’s “Right, Wrong or Ready”. The latter showcased a few of the talents that would extend throughout the set: Jackson’s smoky, controlled, octave-leaping voice, her dexterous finger-picked guitar playing, her effective tempo changes. But the songs from Why Does The Earth were the true indicators of her poetry. At multiple times, the audience howled with laughter at Jackson’s directness. “Every man thinks I’m his fuckin’ mother,” she sang on “therapy”. “And if seeing you naked wasn’t such a bargain / It would be a home run,” she quipped on “no fun/party” right as her dress strap inadvertently fell, an admitted possible cosmic wink. Of course, “dickhead blues”, whose very announcement garnered the most cheers to an audience clearly already familiar with Jackson, was the highlight. The crowd wowed at how her wordplay and delivery followed along with her guitars during lines like, “My dilemma is always a dickhead / Who’s drunk on the daily news / Like coyotes in culottes / Clawin’ for coffee in open-toed shoes.”
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I admit that I can’t wait to hear what Jackson’s new songs sound like with a full band, should she decide to play with one. On the album, she collaborated with Chicago wunderkinds KAINA, NNAMDÏ, and Sen Morimoto, whose lush, shimmering instrumentation alongside Jodi’s slide guitar gives many of the album’s songs a borderline theatrical feel, the furthest thing from Tuesday’s stark arrangements. Jackson was never going to play 7-minute epics like “free” and “rat” in a short opening set, nor the heartbreaking title track of her new album, an ode to romantic and platonic love, inspired by the death of a dear friend in high school. “I’ve buried old and young / I’ve watched them lower a saint / We’re only waiting our turn / Call that living?” she sings. Its wistfulness would not have been the best way to prime a crowd for Jones’ life-affirming songs, which Jackson undoubtedly knew. What she does have in common with Jones is the sheer ability to punch you in the gut, with a one-liner, bluesy guitar lick, or an octave change. Inevitably and deservedly, in due time, they’ll both be headlining bigger stages and reaching more people with the power of their stories.
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siblingskissing · 4 months
"How can you like that character? They mistreated/abused/killed your favorite!" Simple: These characters are simply the barbies in my closets. I dress them up and they dance for me and have never done anything wrong because its all pretend
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hitchell-mope · 10 months
A little night music fancast.
Desiree Armfeldt. Jennifer Morrison.
Fredrik Egerman. Chris Pine
Madame Armfeldt. Glenn Close
Fredrika Armfeldt. Brooklynn Prince
Petra. Emma Myers
Henrik Egerman. Aidan Gallagher.
Anne Egerman. Anna Cathcart
Countess Charlotte Malcolm. Amanda Seyfried.
Count Carl-Magnus Malcolm. Eddie Redmayne.
Frid. Graham Phillips.
0 notes
after-witch · 1 year
Horrorfest: He Came Home [Yandere Michael Myers x Reader]
Title: He Came Home [Yandere Michael Myers x Reader]
Synopsis: You're being stalked by the Boogeyman but no one believes you.
For Horrorfest request:
I'm so happy you write for Halloween omg 👀 can I request a stalker ish michael Myers, more yendere than I'm going to murder you brutally right away lol
Word Count: 1647
Notes: Yandere, stalking, death/killing (not reader); some graphic violence descriptions.
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It’s someone playing a prank. People always do it around Halloween.
You shouldn’t make up stories using Michael Myers. It’s not funny. He really killed people, you know.
If you don’t have concrete evidence, we can’t do anything for you. It’s probably just some teen messing with you.. Keep your doors locked and call us if anything happens.
You’re being stalked by the Boogeyman and not a single person in your life, your whole damn town, believes you. And maybe there’s a reason for it, God knows that it wasn’t uncommon for people to pull pranks like this--to turn tragedy into mockery and entertainment.
Damn kids, and all that.
But it’s different now because it’s real and it’s happening to you. And you are not crazy or lying and this is not a prank. You’ve seen him more than once, a shadow at first, something you brushed off.
The next time, he was standing down the street, half hidden by a tree. But you saw him. And he saw you. And every muscle in your body had tensed before you whirled around and ran. It was a joke, a teenager with a morbid sense of humor, maybe one of your friends praying on your scaredy-cat tendencies. 
But then you saw him from your bedroom window, standing down below in the grass. 
And your kitchen window, behind the fluttering sheets you’d tacked up earlier in the day.
And you know, you just know, that one day he will be inside your house.
Coming for you.
No one believes you. But that doesn’t stop your friends from laughingly agreeing to have a sleepover to ease your worries, something none of you have done since you were teenagers. Only this time instead of sneaking booze from mom’s locked cabinet using the pilfered key and drinking until you saw stars, you were going to be stone-cold sober and sleeping with a knife.
If (when?) he came for you, you’d be ready. 
Glenn disappears first, after announcing that he’s heading out to the garage to grab a beer. Like he’s at some teenage kegger.
Your friends laugh when he doesn’t return--maybe he’s chugging them all and not saving any for the rest of us--but you start to tear up and Tina sighs and says she’ll go out to get them.
But Tina doesn’t come back, either.
The house is silent and it’s just you and Nancy, and Nancy is the sensible one. She won’t make jokes about what you say you’re experiencing, even if she’s keen to downplay it as a prank. She doesn’t dismiss Glenn and Tina not coming back as something silly. Instead, she locks the door to the garage and flicks off all the lights and grabs a baseball bat.
Don’t, you should say, don’t go looking for them. But you’re too afraid to look yourself and Nancy, Nancy is strong isn’t she? Strong and brave. She won’t do anything stupid. So she heads to the front door and tells you to lock it as soon as she leaves, then wait by the phone and call the cops if she isn’t back in a few minutes.
And you do, with fingers that fumble and sweat. The lock clicks hard and you run to the phone, hand trembling on the receiver so hard that you keep lifting it off and hearing little bursts of dial tone. 
You glance down at your watch, squinting in the dimness to see the time. It’s been a minute, maybe two. How long should you wait? Maybe Nancy was chewing them out, scolding them for scaring you. Yeah. She would do that. Then she’d make them come in and apologize, like she’d had to do before when they pushed your buttons too hard. 
This fantasy carries you through to the next minute, and the next, until the garage door bursts open, and you can hear the wood splintering and cracking, swiping away anything but an awful reality that sends your heart rate sky-high.
You should run, really, but it feels like your legs are stuck to the floor. Rooted like a tree, even though your hands are now shaking wildly. You dimly hear the dial tone and remember what you’re supposed to do, and your finger shoves itself into the rotary dial, twisting and twisting the local sheriff’s office--
Until the phone is ripped out of the wall like a piece of paper, and you turn around to see the real-life boogeyman standing in front of you. No longer far away and through glass, but flesh and blood, close enough to see, close enough to smell. 
Close enough that you can see the glint of a knife in his hand.
You can even see his eyes through the mask and meet his gaze, your own eyes wide with pinprick pupils, and his merely staring at you through the holes in this mask. You hear, softly enough, the sound of breathing; his or yours? 
A gasp is caught in your throat when he grabs your shirt and shoves you away from the ruined phone, hard enough to knock you off your feet. You land on the floor, but your legs no longer feel rooted, and you scramble to your feet and do the only thing you can do: run.
The ruined garage door is the path of least resistance, and you run through the doorway and grope for the railing but miss it. 
You trip down the stairs, landing on the concrete hard enough to make your palms sting and even bleed, but--no, that’s not your blood. That’s not your blood at all. The blood on your palm is thick and wet and when you look up, you see Nancy’s corpse sprawled out on the ground, face down, stab wounds oozing from her back. Tina and Glenn are behind her, both bleeding heavily from the chest. Tina’s red chest heaves and maybe her eyes look at you, but you can’t tell if she actually sees you.
“Oh,” you say, voice suddenly unrecognizable to your own ears. “Oh.”
And there’s a shadow above you, the shadow of shadows, and you don’t even have time to turn around as his hand grips the back of your shirt and pulls you backward. 
Words flash through you--I’m going to die--before there’s a dull awful pain at the back of your head (why the knife blunt?) and darkness overtakes everything in the world.
You don’t expect to wake up, but you do. 
And when you do, you’re sitting in an unfamiliar space full of dust and dirt. A simple room with nothing in it but a ragged blanket and some stray, dusty furniture--an old wooden chair, a wooden chest. The windows are boarded up, but you can tell it’s night-time.
A house that no one has been in for years, maybe. A house that has fallen into disrepair and ruin. There weren’t any houses like this in town proper, you knew, so you must be in the woods outside of town, where there were occasionally remnants of abandoned places. 
Why were you in the woods? Why were you in a house?
The thoughts are clear and simple, piercing through a swimming ache in the back of your head. You focus on these thoughts to keep you from passing out again. In the woods, in a house. In the woods, in a house. In the woods, in a house.
But why?
And then you remember. Michael Myers. Your friends. The blood. The pain.
As if on cue, there’s another sound in the house. A sound that is distinctly familiar, heavy footsteps and yes, it must have been his before--the sound of breathing. Soft and subtle, like a stray sound muffled through the wall. 
You move to stand on weakened legs, but keep yourself pressed back against the wall as the figure of Michael Myers walks and stands in the doorway.
It’s as if the air itself becomes thick and heavy with his presence, and you almost want to sit down again. But you force yourself to stay standing. At least if you’re standing, you have a chance to run, if you can.
But he doesn’t give you one, not at this moment, anyway. Instead he stays in the doorway and simply stares at you.
Long enough for your tongue to loosen, words coming out dry through your chapped lips. How long were you out, anyway?
“Why… why did you bring me here?”
No answer.
“Where are we?”
No answer.
Finally, you swallow spit, and ask a question that you don’t really want to be answered. 
“Are you going to kill me?”
You swear you hear him inhale through his nose, a short, thin sort of breath. 
He takes a step into the room. There’s nowhere for you to go, and you feel helpless sobs start to bubble up in your throat. You look down and there’s no knife--that you can see--but that doesn’t stop the visuals of your murdered friends and vague impressions of everyone you know who has been killed by him from flashing through your head.
He stops right in front of you. You half expect him to grab your neck and twist. Or grab your throat and squeeze.
But all he does is tilt his head slightly, looking at you through the holes in his mask. You wish you could erase the visual memory of his eyes, wish that you’d never seen them at all; the faraway impression that he had two big black holes was more merciful than this. 
And then his hand reaches out and touches your face, callused fingertips brushing against your cheek. 
His fingers leave behind traces of grime and your friends' dried blood. 
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bked0n-lorazepam · 5 months
My Requests are open!
Hi guys, I know it's been a while, but I'm back, and with new people who I'll be happy to write for you; here's my list!
The Walking Dead:
Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Negan Smith, Glenn Rhee, Maggie Rhee, Enid Rhee, Michonne, Rosita, Simon, Abraham, Carol, Jesus "Paul", Shane, Sasha, Dwight, Beth
House MD:
Gregory House, Lisa Cuddy, James Wilson, Allison Cameron, Robert Chase, Eric Foreman, "Thirteen"
Jeff The Killer, Toby Rogers, BEN Drowned, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Jane The Killer, Nina The Killer, Hoodie, Masky, Liu, Sally
Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Chucky/Charles Lee Ray, Brahms Heelshire, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, BeetleJuice
Criminal Minds:
Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, Elle Greenaway, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Penelope Garcia, Tara Lewis, Cat Adams, George Foyet
White Collar:
Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, Neal Caffrey, Alex Hunter, Diana Berrigan, Lauren Cruz, Clinton Jones
Hannibal NBC:
Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Beverly Katz, Freddie Lounds
Marvel Universe:
Loki Laufeyson, Mobius Mobius, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanov, Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfied, and Tom Holland), MJ Watson, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Prince T'Challa, Princess Shuri, Okoye, Carol Danvers, Gamora, Peter Quill, Nebula
IT (2017 and 2019):
Patrick Hockstetter, Henry Bowers, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon, Beverly Marsh, Stanley Uris, Pennywise
Stranger Things:
Eleven, Mike Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Joyce Byers, Jonathon Byers, Jim Hopper, Max Mayfield, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Karen Wheeler, Dr. Brenner, Argyle, Billy Hargrove
Once Upon a Time:
Rumplestiltskin, Emma Swan, Prince Charming, Snow White, Regina Mills, Henry Mills, Killian Jones, Baelfire, Robin Hood, Peter Pan, Belle, August/Pinocchio, Ruby/Red, Zelena
Good Omens:
Crowley, Aziraphale, Gabriel, Anathema Device, Newton "Newt" Pulsifer, Beelzebub, Muriel
Jake Sully, Neytiri, Kiri (No smut), Lo'ak (No smut), Neteyam (No smut)
The Boys:
Homelander, Billy Butcher, Becca Butcher, Frenchie, Hughie Campbell, Mothers Milk, Queen Maeve, Starlight, A-Train, Deep, Black Noir, Firecracker, Kimiko "The Female", Ashley Barret, Ryan Butcher (No smut), Victoria Neuman, Soldier Boy
And that's it so far! I'll add more as I go, I swear <3
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Mortal Kombat fancast(new)
Simu Liu as Liu Kang
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Glenn Powell as Johnny Cage
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Charlize Theron as Sonya Blade
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Ken Watanabe as Raiden
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Henry Golding as Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot/Bi-Han
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Andrew Koji as Scorpion
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Manu Benett as Kano
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Rory McCann as Goro
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Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as SHang Tsung(Old, WHO ELSE???)
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Tony Leung as Shang Tsung(Young)
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Bill Skarsgard as Reptile
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Iko Uwais as Kung Lao
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Aldis Hodge as Jackson "Jax" Briggs
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Elodie Yung as Kitana/Milenena
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Zoe Saldana as Jade
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Harry Shum Jr. as Sub-Zero/Kuai-Liang
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Justin H. Min as Smoke
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Brian Tee as Sektor
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Chiwetel Ejiofor as Cyrax
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Scott Adkins as Baraka
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Conan Stevens as Kintaro
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Dave Bautista as Shao Kahn
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Eugene Brave Rock as Nightwolf
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John Cena as Stryker
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Jon Bernthal as Kabal
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Michelle Yeoh as Sindel
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Jade Cargill as Sheeva
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Nathan Jones as Motaro
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Doug Jones as Ermac
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Because of Tumblr's stupid 30 picture limit, I cannot add more pictures, so here’s the rest.
Larry Lam as Rain
Jonathan Patrick Foo as Chameleon
Karen Fukuhara as Khameleon
Jet Li as Fujin
Sonoya Mizuno as Sareena
Brenda Song as Kia
Javicia Leslie as Jataaka
Anna Diop as Tanya
Jai Courtney as Jarek
Karl Urban as Reiko
Mads Mikkelsen as Shinnok
Hoon Lee as Quan Chi
Benedict Wong as Bo Rai Cho
Lewis Tan as Kenshi
Yvonne Chapman as Li Mei
Emma Myers as Frost
Peter Mensah as Drahmin
Derek Mears as Moloch
Charles Melton as Mavado
Ron Yuan as Hsu Hao
Alexandra Daddario as Nitara
Gordon Liu as Shujinko
Constance Wu as Ashrah
Donnie Yen as Hotaru
Daniel Wu as Dairou
Mahershala Ali as Darrius
Matt Smith as Havik
Dominic Sherwood as Kobra
Kristen Stewart as Kira
Tony Todd as Onaga
Ian McKellen as Argus
Eva Green as Delia
Tom Hardy as Taven
Mark Strong as Daegon
Ron Pearlman as Blaze
Jessica Henwick as Skarlet
Milly Alcock as Cassie Cage
Delainey Hayles as Jacqui Briggs
Mackenyu as Takeda Takahashi
Ludi Lin as Kung Jin
Winston Duke as Kotal Kahn
Tao Okamoto as D’Vorah
Jensen Ackles as Erron Black
Dafne Keen and Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson as Ferra/Torr
Tony Jaa as Tremor
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Geras
Emily Blunt as Cetrion
Tilda Swinton as Kronika
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horrorstreet · 2 months
HorrorStreet Masterlist
Rules for fanfiction requests
Fandom List
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Thomas Hewitt
Jason Voorhees
Michael Myers
Brahms Heelshire
Norman Bates
Chucky/Charles Lee Ray
Tiffany Valentine
Vincent Sinclair
Harry Warden
Bo Sinclair
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Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Star Wars
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Anakin Skywalker
Obi-wan Kenobi
Cal Kestis
Kylo Ren
Ray Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Darth Maul
Darth Vader
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Astarion Ancunin
Wyll Ravenguard
Gale Dekarios
Resident Evil
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Ethan WInters
Leon Kennedy
Lady D
Karl Heisenberg
Dead By Daylight
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The Oni
Michael Myers
Skull Merchant
The Nurse
Legion (Frank Only)
Pyramid Head
The Trickster
The Knight
Albert Wesker
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Captain America
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Miguel O'hara
Black Widow
Stranger Things
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Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
The Walking Dead
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Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixson
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
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The Ghoul
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1donoow · 1 year
[Fanfics that I've read for the past years]
♡ - smut
Most of them are fluff
Latest update: 07/01/23
Edited: 01/10/24
PT.1 (edited)
richard alonzo muñoz
Alma peregrine • Enoch O'Connor
the madrigals • camilo madrigal
klaus baudelaire • violet baudelaire
weasley twins • neville longbottom • luna lovegood
Edmund pevensie
santiago garcia
Pt.2 (edited)
newt scamander • wolfstar • remus lupin • regulus black • james potter
vance hopper
sherlock holmes
glenn rhee
peter pan • felix
newt • gally
duke leto atreides
jack frost • bunnymund
tadashi hamada • hiro hamada
Pt.3 on going (edited)
camilo madrigal
vance hopper
eleventh doctor • twelve doctor
dan torrance
miguel diaz • eli "hawk" moskowitz
wayne mccullough
on going (edited)
Sam(Trick r' treat)
micheal myers
polite leader
jennifer check
art the clown
brahms heelshire
PT.1 (edited)
peter ballard • robin buckley • dustin henderson • steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.2 (edited)
robin buckley • dustin henderson • alexei smirnoff • steve harrington • billy hargrove • eddie munson
PT.3 (edited)
steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.4 (edited)
peter ballard • chrissy cunningham • max mayfield • billy hargrove • gareth emerson • steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.5 (edited)
chrissy cunningham • gareth emerson • eddie munson
PT.1 (edited)
Ranboo • technoblade • tommyinnit • quackity • sapnap • jschaltt
Pt.2 (edited)
Corpse husband • Tommyinnit • technoblade
Pt.3 on going (edited)
Technoblade • wilbur soot • quackity • ranboo
PT.1 (edited)
peter(pietro) maximoff • erik lehnsherr • warren worthington • alex summers • scott summers • kurt wagner • jean grey
druig • loki laufeyson • bucky barnes • peter parker
Moon knight • kate bishop • stephen strange • Peter parker • Miles morales
alex summers • Warren Worthington •Sean cassidy • peter(pietro) maximoff
PT 3
Peter(pietro) maximoff • miles morales • moon knight • khonshu • stephen strange • wade wilson • eddie brock (venom) • kate bishop
Wanda maximoff • Warren Worthington • Moon knight
stephen strange • Loki laufeyson • wade wilson • peter parker • moon knight
kurt wagner • warren worthington • peter(pietro) maximoff
pavitr prabhakar • miles morales • peter parker • eddie 'venom' brock • tony stark • druig • kate bishop • moon knight • frank castle
obi wan kenobi • poe dameron • din djarin
Anakin Skywalker • obi wan kenobi • poe dameron • din djarin
Link soon...
on going
ben hargreeves • five hargreeves
montgomery gator • sunnydrop/moondrop
poppy playtime
ellie williams • joel miller
task force 141 • alejandro vargas • simon 'ghost' riley
joel miller
simon riley • könig
batmom • batfam • batsis • Bruce wayne • Tim drake • Dick Grayson • Jason todd • Damian wayne
Garfield logan • Rachel roth
batmom • batfam • batsis • bruce wayne • garfield logan • Jason todd • alfred pennyworth
on going
jervis tetch • the valeska twins • roman sionis
Link soon...
On going
Pedro pascal • timothee chalamet • harry style
marc spector • peter parker • bruce wayne • damian wayne
stray kids
timothee chalamet • ryan reynolds • bella ramsey • oscar issac • pedro pascal • justin h. min • joseph quinn • harry styles • tom holland
Pt.2 on going
Chris evans • Sebastian Stan • Paul raud
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gllrimes · 1 year
𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝑬𝒍𝒊𝒐’𝒔 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈!
I will be writing smut, fluff, comfort, and angst. I'm not experienced with writing as much as other writers are, so don't expect the best.
No sa or rape of any sort because we don't tolerate that.
No piss/shit/fart kinks ya dirty fucks.
No pedophilia. Age gaps only can consist of five years apart in my story's when 18+
No human servitude.
I write for any sexuality and any gender.
I do write drabbles and hcs.
I don't write agere/little space on this blog, I'll set up another blog for that!!
I don't care how old you are I can't stop you from reading my stuff 😕🙏🏻
Requests are open!!
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𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒎�� & 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓
The Walking Dead:
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Negan Smith
Glenn Rhee
Ron Anderson
Enid Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Michonne Grimes
(Bonus: I might write for others too. Maybe Shane idk.)
The End Of The Fucking World:
Alyssa Foley
James (last name unknown)
Charlie Spring
Nick Nelson
Tao Xu
Elle Argent
Darcy Olsson
Tara Jones
Sahar Zahid
Issac Henderson
13 Reasons Why:
Clay Jenson
Hannah Baker
Justin Foley
Alex Standall
Jessica Davis
Bill Denbrough
Richie Tozier
Beverly Marsh
Stanley Uris
Mike Hanlon
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Victor Criss
Belch Huggins
The Flash (IMDb):
Berry Allen
Cisco Ramon
Caitlin Snow
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Mattheo Riddle
Theodore Nott
Regulas Black
Stranger Things:
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Jonathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Steve Harrington
Henry Creel
Eddie Munson
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Jennifer Jareau
Bella Swan
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Alice Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Carlisle Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Jacob Black
Seth Clearwater
Esme Cullen
Tracy Freeland
Evie Zamora
Mason Freeland
Melanie Freeland
Anne With An E:
Gilbert Blythe
Anne Shirley
Dianna Berry
Cole Mackenzie
Jerry Baynard
The Goldfinch:
Theodore Decker (older and younger)
Boris Pavlikovsky (older and younger)
The Turning:
Miles Fairchild
Kate Mandell
Flora Fairchild (NO SMUT)
When You Finish Saving The World:
Ziggy Katz
American Horror Story:
Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
Kit Walker
Lana Winters
Zoe Benson
Kyle Spencer
Cordelia Goode
Fiona Goode
Jimmy Darling
James Patrick March
Elizabeth/The Countess
Kai Anderson
Winter Anderson
Ally Mayfair-Richards
Austin Sommers
Mr. Gallant
Edward Mott
Rory Monahan
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Mandy Milkovich
Carl Gallagher
I Believe In Unicorns:
Tokio Hotel:
Bill Kaulitz
Tom Kaulitz
Georg Listing
Gustav Schäfer
Slashers/Halloween movies characters:
Max Dennison
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Sydney Prescott
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Jason Voorhees
Freddy Kruger
Michael Myers
Jason Dean
Patrick Bateman
Brahms Heelshire
BONUS singers/actors/youtubers:
Sam Golbach
Colby Brock
Jake Webber
Albert (flamingo)
The Sturniolo Triplets
Finn Wolfhard
Noah Schnapp
And finally... ALEX TURNER 😋😋 (he's so husband material)
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grimoireofhayley · 1 year
Grimoire of Hayley's Masterlist
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Hello and Welcome to my Masterlist.
Here you will find both continued and currently writing stories/series and their links, which is always nice as it brings you straight to it. My Masterlist will always be updated and you'll find every literature piece I've ever written located here.
When Requesting Prompts/Headcanons/One-Shots:
I will write anything whether it be triggering to many or not triggering at all, whether it be dark and grotesque to light and heartwarming; nothing is off limits (I am a splatterpunk/extreme horror author) but please be specific with what you want in the 'Ask Away' section of my blog.
Below are a list of things I will need... I WILL AUTOMATICALLY DECLINE if I am missing all three things in the request.
Character or Characters you want written for/about
Example: "Hi, I would like to request a prompt where reader's pronouns are she/her and I want it to be with Billy Loomis where reader is upset that Billy has gotten so close to Sidney, I want it to be angsty, possible friends to lovers trove."
THIS IS A 18+ BLOG, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, as there will be hardcore smut (even though I’m still learning how to write it, haha), swearing, and graphic content...
I DO NOT tolerate any kind of bullying in the comments, if I see any, you will be automatically removed from any tag list you may have requested to be on, your comment will be removed and you will be blocked. So, please, NO BULLYING.
BE RESPECTFUL to me and to others
I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION for MY STORIES to be posted on other sites!
Fandoms I’ll write for 🥵
Astarion Ancunin, Gale of Waterdeep, Wyll Ravengard, Shadowheart, Karlach, Halsin, Raphael, Lae'zel,
Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, Randy Meeks, Charlie Walker, Dewey Riley
Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Leatherface, Ghostface (obvs 🤟🏻) Pyramid Head
Leon Kennedy, Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Albert Wesker, Claire Redfield
Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, Simon Hastings
Daryl Dixon, Rick Grimes, Glenn Rhee, Negan Smith
Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove
Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Crowley, Lucifer, John Winchester
EVIL DEAD (Series and Movies)
Ash Williams, Pablo, Baal, Kelly Maxwell, Ruby
☣️Reading Lists/My Works☣️
Stranger Things
Colourful Mind (Eddie Fic) (Will be continued soon)
The Jealousy Monster (Eddie Fic) (Completed)
Evil Dead
Hail to The King, Baby! (Ash Williams Fic) (Will be continued soon)
Of Friends and Horror (Stu and Billy Fic) (Current series!)
Baldur's Gate 3
Cheri Cheri Lady (Astarion FanFiction)
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thehotelpod · 11 months
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Lauren and I went to monster mile (Magnolia st) in Burbank but the Mystic Museum and everything was already closed so we got sandwiches and the guys at Blast From the Past talked to us about Glenn Keane because Lauren recognized the Rescuers Down Under theme playing but since we didn’t wanna uber to Pasadena and back we skipped the Myers’ House and I lost the clip-on part of my earring outside Porto’s but it was closed too so we got candy at Target and came home to watch the Shining and I made a pretty official “i am trans” post on instagram but not twitter because I’m not so sure about All That.
Happy Halloween!
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
Hi, I have an interesting question, What do you think of Crossover ships/crack ships? and if you have any, can you list your top 5?
Most, if not all of my ships are crossover/crack ships!! XDD Here are some:
Jennifer Check and Inkubus. It's a platonic ship! I just want them to be sex demon besties XD Not only are they the same species but I think their dynamic would be good XD She's quite a new demon and he' a very old one- but she's not the type to admire him for it XD Or try to learn from him. She'd be constantly making fun of him for being an old dude (which I'm sure he would just l o v e 😆) and he thinks she's kinda naive-- but they both agree that everyone else (any other horror villain) is a fool with absolutely no style or good looks XD
Chucky x Michael Myers x Tiffany Valentine XD I just think the dynamic here, between a psycho married couple and Michael, who's so different to them as he's quiet and methodical (while also immature and a dumbass in his own way XD ), but also who has been a Slasher for a similar amount of time as Chucky, would also be a fantastic dynamic XD The braincell would definitely shift between them. Plus, I really wanna explore how Michael would be as a trouble making 'Uncle' type-person to Glenn and Glenda XDD
Stu Macher x Carrie White x Thomas Hewitt!! Ahhhh. I just think?? They would be??? So amazing???? We have two different dynamics here. 1. Popular confident goofy guy x shy quiet bullied characters. And 2. Fan (the popular confident goofy guy) x Icons (the shy quiet bullied characters). I think these two ship tropes mix so well together XD
Jerry Dandridge x Patrick Bateman. I just think charming secure vampire x fake insecure psychopathic human is a really fun idea XDD Jerry would constantly be trying to calm down his beautiful, delicate human boyfriend Patrick (sometimes he's successful- he knows what's important to Patrick, a.k.a his image, and exploits it) while they both agree with eachother that everyone else in the horror house is an idiot XD (similar to the succubus/inccubus brotp XD )
... does my Bickerman Twins AU count? It's not shippy, but it is crack and a crossover. I just love the idea of Jim Bickerman and Wayne Jackson being excommunicated twins XD The more I think about it, the more alike they are!!
What do you think?? ^^ Also, what crack ships do you have!! ? 💛💛💛 Thank you for the indeed interesting question!
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living-dead-author · 3 months
NSFW Masterlist
Billy Lenz
Michael Myers
Corey Cunningham
Brahms Heelshire
Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Nubbins Sawyer
Chop top Sawyer
Vanita "Stretch" Brock
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Leslie Vernon
Otis Driftwood
Baby Firefly
The Lost Boys
The Grabber/Albert Shaw
Kurt Kunkle
Jason Voorhees
Tiffany Valentine
Herbert West
Dan Cain
Amanda Young
Adam Faulkner
Mark Hoffman
Peter Strahm
Jill Tuck
The Candy man/ Daniel Robitaille
Norman Bates
Harry Warden
Patrick Bateman
Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter
Jesse Cromeans
Martin Mathias
Asa Emory/The Collector
Sheriff Eric Newlon
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Negan Smith
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Dead by Daylight
Danny Johnson/Ghostface
Pyramid head
Interview with the Vampire 1994
Lestat De Lioncourt
Louis De Pointe Du Lac
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geographerdose · 1 year
Moon and Appearance, Pt. 4 featuring the diurnal luminary ruling the first house —> Leo Risings (Libra-Pisces Moon)
⏰ picture descriptions in order clockwise starting @ top left
I tried using charts with confirmed source birth times but there are a few with no confirmed source or conflicting sources.
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Leo Rising/Libra Moon: Emma Stone, Julianne Nicholson, Betty Grable, Maya Angelou
🌙 “upward turned” shaped eyes
👄 All seem to have a fairly prominent “V” mid-upper lip right?
👑 They all have their moon in the third place with this placement, where it has its joy. Literal goddesses.
👃🏻Cardinal moon noses are a vibe (why am I obsessed with noses) plus they have the blessing of air influence so the ✨cute button nose syndrome ✨
🌺Their eyebrows are very nice and balanced as well, like the scales ♎️ not too thin and not too thick —> perfecto
🌚 All the smiles feel very authentic, like they know how blessed they are; they seem very gracious
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Leo Rising/Scorpio Moon: Alanis Morissette, Kate Moss, Julie Christie, Selma Blair
👁️”Downward-turned” shaped eyes
🫦Fuller lower lip
🌗Simply having these two placements means you have AC square Moon and thus might bring forward Scorpio energy moreso
🍋 “Not to be fcked with” energy
🦂Okay hear me out; the noses remind me of the end of a Scorpio tail then have the structure similar to a three-leaf clover ☘️ (copied from my part 2 with cancer rising/Scorpio moon)
👃🏻Scorpio moon noses seem to have a noticeable tip at the end like a Scorpio tail, whereas the cardinal moons just have this regal presence with strong integrity and foundation ♑️ similar to the cap symbol. Reminds me of the strong foundation in a house, idk. 🏠
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📁I find it interesting that none of them are smiling with their teeth. Scorpio is so controlled and understated; the least likely to ever appear overeager I feel.
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Leo Rising/Sagittarius Moon: Laura Nyro, Françoise d'Eaubonne, Valerie Harper, Melissa Joan Heart
🖤 I think this is a fairly obscure placement for celebrities. Melissa Joan Heart was the only one I had heard of.
🌸Shout out to Clarissa Explains It All though. That show was my jam growing up.
🍋 Almond eyes (but I was singing it in Meg Myers’ Lemon Eyes🎤)
🌈I feel like mutable moons have features that truly vary based on other placements due to its nature; very unique
🌼I get really girl next door pretty vibes from these folks
🔆Their faces truly light up when they smile
👙I like how they all look at the camera in a similar manner; they seem to be very authentic and enjoy helping everyone feel seen.
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Leo Rising/Capricorn Moon: Miranda Lambert, Ashley Tisdale, Ayla Brown, Connie Britton
🛝I got super excited to see Connie Britton pull up on this; I love her!! (AHS S1🎃) and no surprise she’s an Aries Venus
🥊Really intimidating tbh. I think the Sun and Saturn are both pretty intimidating due to them both being associated with the father and that sort of domineering paternal presence. Because of this, I feel like men might be really intimated by these women. Absolutely no tolerance for weak, cowardly men. ✋🏻
🦷Gregarious and bright smiles; so much life behind them
👃🏻 I told you Cap Moon noses are a vibe. I am watching Sopranos and I was like bet James Gandolfini has a cardinal moon (he does). They truly resemble the Cap ♑️ symbol
🐣They all have sort of petite faces, no?
👄 Even top and bottom lips
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Leo Rising/Aquarius Moon: Glenn Close, Ashley Judd, Jessica Alba, Jessica Lange
2️⃣Both Jessica’s have Taurus stelliums, including domicile Venus near the MC/tenth
🐏Ashley has an Aries stellium, Glenn has a Pisces stellium
🎃 And would ya look at that, another AHS core cast member. I love Jessica Lange and am lowkey enamored by the woman’s beauty. (How does she just continue to get better looking?! ♉️ stellium)
🥡I was expecting to see more solid features here due to the fixed nature of both Leo and Aqua, and I was right.
🪩Rounded square face shape
🔪Intimidating in an intelligent way, like they can slay you with their words
🥊Same here with men because Saturn rules Aqua too. I feel like men want these women to sit still, look pretty and are fiercely disappointed by their strong will and autonomy
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Leo Rising/Pisces Moon: Lisa Marie Presley, Jennifer Jones, Stephanie Wilson, Ava Gardner
🌃Intimidating in a soft, ethereal way
🍭Why do I always get lost daydreaming when I look at Pisces moons?
🍍Their eyebrows all have a similar sharp “V” at the top; thinner but perfectly framing their pretty eyes
🧙🏻Mysterious vibe
👄 Lips are prominent; puffy? Lol
👀It’s the eyes that catch you though
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abbyprune · 1 year
Masterlist Song Recs
If you're like me and constantly on the search for inspirational songs for your writing sessions, here are my favourite pieces of music for my favourite Hogwarts Legacy boys ♥
Please note: A lot of songs fit for more than one!
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Sebastian Sallow
Glamour Child by Moonrise Nation
Did You Come? by girl in red
Easier than Lying by Halsey
Fingers Crossed by Lauren Spencer Smith
Falling Down by Lil Peep, XXXTENTACION
Hey Lover by The Daughters of Eve
Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos
I Always Knew by The Vaccines
Sunday by the River by orbit
The Good Side by Troye Sivan
The Way it Ends by Landon Pigg
multiverse by Maya Manuela, PEMBROKE
505 by Arctic Monkeys
Arms Tonight by Mother Mother
Uprising by Muse
Blank You Out by Seafret
How Did You Get So Good by D'Lourdes
Little Black Death by MEG MYERS
so sad so sexy by Lykke Li
Rivers and Roads by The Head And The Heart
Hatefuck by Cruel Youth
Magnets by Disclosure, Lorde
Memories by Conan Grey
People You Know by Selena Gomez
Say You Love Me by Jessie Ware
Denial by White Lies
If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe, Julia Michaels
Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood NEW:
Cute Without The 'E' by Taking Back Sunday
POS by Sueco
Come Back Home by 070 Shake
Out of My League by Fitz and The Tantrums
Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys
I don't want to watch the world end with somebody else by Clinton Kane
Falling for the Villain by PEGGY
Deep End by Fousheé
Pretty Boy by Young Galaxy
Ominis Gaunt
Grow Old with Me by Tom Odell
Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe, FINNEAS
Black Dress by Oskar Haag
Waste My Life by Alice Merton
Medicine by Daughter
Nightcall by Kavinsky
bad idea! by girl in red
Say You Love Me by Jessie Ware
The Night We Met by Lord Huron
Take on the World by You Me At Six
Eventually by Tame Impala
Let It Happen by Tame Impala
One More Hour by Tame Impala
Magnets by Disclosure, Lorde
As the World Caves In by Sarah Cothran
Possibility by Lykke Li
Atlantis by Seafret
What A Time by Julia Michaels & Niall Horan
I Will Follow You into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie
The Beach by The Neighbourhood
Never Enough by Loren Allred
ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine
Hey Lover by The Daughters of Eve
It's All So Incredibly Loud by Glass Animals
Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos NEW:
Rue by girl in red
Never Felt So Alone by Labrinth
Yes to Heaven by Noxys
Torn by Natalie Imbruglia
All I Wanted by Daughter
I Run To You by MISSIO
Shelter by The xx
Sunday by the River by orbit
roslyn by creamy, Blueberii
The Good Side by Troye Sivan
The Way It Ends by Landon Pigg
Slow by shy martin
I don't want to watch the world end with somebody else by Clinton Kane
Pretty Boy by Young Galaxy
Garreth Weasley
First Day Of My Life by Bright Eyes
Don't Delete The Kisses by Wolf Alice
She's so Untouchable by Garden City Movement
Hey Lover by The Daughters of Eve
My Love by Florence + The Machine
Posin by Glenn Gatsby
Lone Digger by Caravan Palace
Your Ex Said You Can't Dance by The Real Zebos
How Did You Get So Good by D'Lourdes
Two Weeks by Grizzly Bear
I Will Follow You into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie
Everybody Talks by Neon Trees
What If I Love You by Gatlin
Not Going Home by DVBBS, CMC$, Gia Koka
Johnny and Mary by Robert Palmer
Sally by Thundamentals, Mataya
Seasons (Waiting On You) by Future Islands
There Goes Our Love Again by White Lies
Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos
Like a Friend by Pulp
Take It Out on Me by White Lies
History of Broken Hearts by Malky NEW:
Two Weeks by Grizzly Bear
Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová
Out of My League by Fitz and The Tantrums
Hot Tea by half-alive
Pretty Boy by Young Galaxy
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