#global concerns
tmarshconnors · 5 months
Iran launches drones at Israel
As tensions escalate in the Middle East, reports emerge of Iran launching a barrage of drones towards Israel, further intensifying the volatile situation in the region. The incident has triggered widespread concern and condemnation from global leaders, raising fears of a potential escalation in hostilities.
The drone attack represents a dangerous escalation in Iran's ongoing confrontations with Israel and its allies. Such actions not only threaten the security and stability of the region but also undermine efforts for peaceful resolution and dialogue.
In response to the attack, Israel is likely to deploy its advanced defence systems and may retaliate, raising the specter of further violence and instability. The international community must urgently engage to de-escalate tensions and prevent a dangerous spiral of conflict.
Efforts to address the root causes of the tensions between Iran and Israel, including regional rivalries and geopolitical ambitions, remain essential for long-term peace and stability. Diplomatic channels must be utilised to find peaceful solutions to the underlying issues driving these conflicts.
As the situation continues to unfold, it is imperative for all parties involved to exercise restraint and prioritize dialogue over confrontation. The consequences of further escalation are grave, with the potential to destabilize the entire region and inflict untold suffering on innocent civilians.
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wellhealthhub · 1 year
Unveiling the Culprits: Understanding What Bothers You and Why?
What bothers you and why? Title: The Enigmatic Connection: The Intricate Link Between Your Values and What Troubles You Prepare to embark on a bewildering journey into the depths of your psyche as we unravel the perplexing correlation between your values and the things that irk you. Explore the enigmatic world of personal growth and purpose by decoding how your values shape your deepest…
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i think that veganism as a political movement has a lot of interesting things to say about how food agriculture has been shaped by consumerism and the way its alienated the average westerner from food production especially around meat. its a cruel cruel industry for everyone involved and it sucks.
unfortunately it also overwelmingly falls victim (like a lot of other socially progressive political movements lol) to a complete inability or perhaps a refusal to engage with rural indigenous communities especially in the global south. which is ironic because (like a lot of other socially progressive political movements) much of their theoretical framework for reforming society Depends on rural indigenous communities especially in the global south ^.^
#this isnt just about how a lot of rural indigenous communities cannot survive on a vegan diet altho that is part of it#but its also more importantly about how a lot of the global north cannot survive on a vegan diet without exploitation!#and a lot of my issues with veganism as a political movement stems from the fact that ive never heard of a vegan solution to#food production that isnt reliant on restructuring imperialist foodways but just Making them Vegan Now#meanwhile you look at historic examples of widespread adoption of veganism and vegetarianism#and theyre almost all in subtropical fertile regions with a huge diversity of native grains and fruit and veg#i guess the uk is a good example of it because the uk already imports so much fruit and vegetables#the uk as an island in a temperate/subarctic position cannot grow the amount of food required to feed their population on a vegan diet#this goes for a lot of europe and north america in fact. so if the whole world was just gonna switch to a vegan lifestyle#the global north would largely be fed by the global south (as it is now)#perpetuating systems of oppression of both land and people in the global south. not much would change on that end#this is largely because a lot of vegans are these super alienated super priviliged white settlers from the suburbs#and they project their alienation onto others#anyway i think about the politics of veganism a lot for someone who will never be vegan (due to geographical and ethical concerns)#probably because until recently my family and others in my area have relied on hunting for food
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canichangemyblogname · 11 months
Israel ignoring Egypt's warnings, Israel's chaotic "recovery" (a.k.a. their explicit non-recovery and bombing of hostages), and the IOF's chaotic engagement with Hamas fighters on Oct. 7th and 8th that caught hostages and civilians in crossfire should be proof enough that Israel cannot and will consistently fail to provide for the security and welfare of Jewish people. It should also be proof enough that Netanyahu's government doesn't give a shit about Israeli lives unless they can be weaponized to serve his political and regional goals.
The argument that the only way for Jewish people to have safety and comfort is through a Jewish ethnostate ignores how the violence necessary to establish an ethnostate breeds extremism and a cycle of violence. It ignores how Israel consistently fails to protect and provide for its citizens, how vulnerable the Israeli state would be without US support, and how politically and numerically insecure settler-colonial populations are without ethnic and genocidal violence to reproduce their position in the social hierarchy. This argument also allows countries in the Global North to wipe their hands of their own country's antisemitism. For them, Israel is the solution to their country's "Jewish Question."
Some of Zionism's basic assumptions about Jewish people and the need for a Jewish state come from antisemitic assumptions. Advocates for a Jewish state frequently invoke antisemitic stereotypes to make their case. Like... literal fucking fascists in the US support Zionism because they want to empty their country of Jewish people and then watch them die in Israel.
The largest group of Zionists in the US are Evangelical Christians. Not just in sheer numbers, but as a percentage of their population. And you know what they believe? They believe that all Jews need to return to the Holy Land to be massacred and raptured so Jesus can return. The majority of Zionists in the US are Zonists because they're antisemitic. Their antisemitism informs their support for Zionism, and their belief in Zionism informs their antisemitism.
It boggles me how the US government, literal fascists, and Evangelicals have so many of you legitimately believing that critiquing a man and a government that throws their lot in with Holocaust deniers is antisemitic.
There are experts out there who attest that Zionism encourages and spreads antisemitism around the globe and that it is a contributing factor to increases in antisemitism in the Global North. Some have gone so far as to say it is a literal threat to the well-being of Jews worldwide and a roadblock in the fight against antisemitism.
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timogsilangan · 6 months
i remember when fuckin like germany or whatever other fuckshit western european country got hit with a baby bitch flood thats barely what we get in the philippines and everyone was like Omg now its urgent! NOW we have to care! this doesnt happen in places like Germany! like ok fuck you actually?
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penelopwgarcia · 8 months
"batman is a billionaire that beats up poor people and his so called villains had a point-" yeah yeah we got it already you never read a comic buddy no need to shout out
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navree · 1 month
the 'duke of windsor is a nazi' episode of the crown is annoying not because of anything to do with the writing or something the writers were doing wrong, per se, but just because elizabeth goes "how could you wanna appease hitler when he was bombing britain" and the duke of windsor responds with "actually i think it was our own fault hitler was bombing britain" which is not true but also no one's talking about the bigger issue which is that hitler did a lot more than bomb britain. case in point, there was also the genocide he did.
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aflamethatneverdies · 9 months
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@pilferingapples it is more egregious because all these articles written by Global North academics are talking about decolonising the field of bioethics, they're talking about importance of listening to and recognising research in healthcare from Global South and yet, how do you expect this to happen in the unequal system that persists in academia?? I can easily find articles about bioethics from US, UK, EU, Australia etc. There is dearth of information from Global South and the ones that are published are behind a paywall. The least, the extreme bare minimum these journals can do is make it open access, waive the fees. But, no! All their arguments are for their research papers. No one actually wants to do what they are so eager to publish. And that kinda sucks, imo.
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novelistparty · 14 days
every day Bill Gates wakes up and DOESN'T get on tv and radio and podcasts and say "America needs universal healthcare yesterday, here are the numbers why"
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silvermizuki · 5 months
In the past almost three years of me living alone, I’ve learned a lot about what should’ve been taught to me at a young age
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vimbry · 3 months
I shouldn't care (gripping the sink) I don't care, but I like how a few of the notes on that post I made about penguin movies seem to think I don't know what a trend is and are explaining how they work, despite using the word trend in the first sentence. hundreds of films come out in a year with different subjects and themes to copy, but for some reason, it was "march of the penguins".
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homosekularnost · 3 months
sometimes i wonder if the whole pope-saying-a-slur thing was a pr stunt to distract from how discriminatory the rest of the statement was but then remember not even god himself could have foreseen people acting this fucking stupid
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whentherewerebicycles · 11 months
wow you took that former friend/student stuff really well, like a really level headed reaction. Have you always been able to do that? How do you think you’ve reached that kind of mental equilibrium? I’ve always found anyone leaving my life so intensely stressful and upsetting even if it’s someone I want to leave.
haha well I’ve continued thinking about it several times a day over the past few days so I wouldn’t say the experience has been stress-free! in this case it helps that I’ve read like five different articles in the last week on people breaking off longstanding friendships or relationships over the Israel-Palestine conflict so I’m like ah well it’s not just me experiencing this… people’s emotions are super heightened right now and I think there’s a lot of tacit (or explicit!) encouragement to cut out people who don’t share your exact position or aren’t performing their opinions in the exact way you think they should.
I also think it helps to remember that in most interpersonal conflicts there’s not one person who is Right & Good and one person who is Wrong & Bad… instead people tend to be a little bit right AND a little bit wrong or biased or short-sighted. I think she is right that the situation is very urgent (people are losing their lives and it’s happening terrifyingly fast) and I think she’s justified in having her emotions run really high over this, as she’s been immersing herself in extremely graphic, wrenching content 24/7. but I also feel reasonably secure in my own position! I don’t think social media is a productive place to engage in political advocacy or to do any actually meaningful learning about complex issues. I don’t think we have a moral obligation to post graphic content documenting the horrible deaths of others on our private social media accounts (in fact I think the opposite!!). and I also think it’s okay for people to be like ‘you know what? I am not an expert in this. I need to take some time to read/learn/explore conflicting viewpoints—and I can afford to take that time because I am not a political leader or an army or a government, I am just a person half a world away who is trying to understand a different region’s insanely messy and complex history/politics so that I can hold an informed opinion and advocate for actions aligned with my beliefs and values.’
it kinda bummed me out that she chose to be like ‘bye forever’ given our many years of working together, but also, she had been posting stuff for days that was like ‘if you are not reposting this I am going to unfollow you I am watching you I am taking notes I see your silence as complicity’ so it wasn’t like, a huge surprise that she would react that way. idk sometimes interpersonal conflict like that can be painful but can also prompt good reflection… I feel like she’s pushed me to read a lot more (I don’t trust her sources, but it’s made me seek out sources I do trust to confirm some of the info she’s sharing). but I also feel like it’s reconfirmed for me that I am just not going to engage in super heated, super vitriolic discourse wars online and it’s okay with me if that choice leads some people to label me as not radical enough. idk if this answers your question I think this particular ending-of-a-friendship is pretty context-dependent, but I guess the whole, ‘two people can have a big falling-out and neither of them is all right or all wrong’ helps me avoid feeling too defensive or too wounded about it.
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not trying to stir things up, just interested in multiple perspectives. i just remember it being an issue when harry and meghan would tag/follow non-uk or commonwealth organizations on instagram and that people felt they had a responsibility to focus on organizations based in the countries that funded them, so i was curious to see kate work with non-uk companies. if just reaching uk consumers makes it legitimate, i guess that's the new goal post.
No, you’re stirring anon. Two things and then I won’t be engaging with you further as we both know what you’re doing, and we both know I’m right and you’re wrong: 1) If you can’t see the difference between a global company which was founded elsewhere but has thousands of employees in the U.K. and a record of giving millions to U.K. based organisation which support British communities versus a charity based solely in the US and set up solely to support citizens in Los Angeles or New York, I can’t help you. No one can. My goalposts are exactly where they always have been. If other people have moved their goal posts then ask them, why ask me?? And 2) I’m actually just going to copy and paste the last paragraph I wrote.
“So if you can tell me which of these organisations doesn't operate in the UK, employ UK staff, donate to UK charities or, of course, reach UK consumers then I could answer your question. Otherwise, I can't as you're not correct.”
And you read that, you read 406 words I wrote in that whole message, and what you took from it is they “just reach U.K. consumers.” It’s actually frightening to me to see someone disregard 402 words out of a 406 word response for no reason and think that’s just fine?
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watermelinoe · 10 months
"some of you have fascinating definitions of indigeneity" indigeneity only makes sense and is a useful term in the context of colonialism. technically everyone is indigenous to somewhere. the british are technically indigenous to britain. but are we going to start saying that some australian descended from some british guy deported to the penal colony is indigenous to britain and has a right to return there? lmfao? at best it's useless and at worst it's racist and leans into nationalism/nativism when used in an inappropriate context.
were the british expelled from their homeland and forced to flee to other countries that also violently persecuted them for thousands of years facing multiple pogroms in the countries they were forced into until six million of them were slaughtered while the world's governments did nothing or are you perhaps making an insane comparison that depicts a historically oppressed group that has nevertheless held onto its culture and heritage as white interlopers because you can't condemn a government's actions without a framework that soothes western colonialist guilt
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ominaterthegreat · 6 months
See I think we've all known that the UN has absolutely no teeth at the end of the day and I think Isreal is at least somewhat intentionally proving that. They're violating almost any war law they can get their hands on and they're aggressing their neighboring nations because they've always wanted to expand. If this war and the war with Russia in Ukraine are proving anything for the rest of the century, it's that the UN in its present state cannot and will not do Jack shit to protect people.
If they tell Isreal to stop bombing, Isreal will continue to bomb with no consequences. There's no real mechanism to get them to stop. They can't just march into the capital and arrest all of the genocidal dictators. They can't use retaliatory fire without escalating the conflict.
I legitimately feel like the UN was put in place to make the global west feel better about its own crimes and shortcomings and it is just that. A bandaid on a bleeding gouge in the fabric of globalism.
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