#global india
dxrlinggxd · 4 months
take a moment to read indian election news!! india has voted against the ruling fascist party. while they will resume government they will need to forge alliances and have lost multiple strong members of parliament. and all this despite them controlling the media and jailing their opposers! this is SUCH an important reminder that u shld never ever underestimate the power of a vote
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globalindia · 1 year
Death toll in Kenya starvation cult case climbs to 73
MALINDI: The death toll in a case involving a Kenyan cult that practiced starvation climbed to 73 Monday, police sources told AFP as investigators unearthed more corpses from mass graves in a forest near the coast. A major search is underway near the coastal town of Malindi where dozens of bodies were exhumed over the weekend, sending shockwaves through the country as President William Ruto vowed to crack down on "unacceptable" religious movements. A full-scale investigation has been launched into the Good News International Church and its leader, named in court documents as Paul Mackenzie Nthenge, who preached that death by starvation delivered followers to God. Police had previously named the suspect as Makenzie Nthenge. It is believed some of his devotees could still be hiding in the bush around Shakahola, which was raided by police earlier this month after a tip-off from a local non-profit group. Since then, a number of people have been rescued and dozens of bodies unearthed in mass graves dug in shallow pits. "We have 73 bodies from the forest by this evening and the exercise will continue tomorrow," a police officer involved in the probe told AFP on condition of anonymity. "It is a very sad state of affairs on how these people died and were buried in shallow graves because we found six bodies squeezed in one grave today," he said. Another senior police official also confirmed the death toll, saying: "Some of the bodies were just in the forest and had not even been buried." The toll had earlier stood at 58, according to police chief Japhet Koome who visited the site on Monday. A 325-hectare (800-acre) area of woodland has been declared a crime scene as teams clad in overalls search for more burial sites and possible cult survivors. Ruto, speaking in Kiambu county neighbouring Nairobi, said there was "no difference" between rogue pastors like Nthenge -- who has been arrested and is awaiting trial -- and terrorists. "Terrorists use religion to advance their heinous acts. People like Mr Mackenzie are using religion to do exactly the same thing." "I have instructed the agencies responsible to take up the matter and to get to the root cause and to the bottom of the activities of... people who want to use religion to advance weird, unacceptable ideology." - 'Unfolding horror' - As authorities try to uncover the true scale of what is being dubbed the "Shakahola Forest Massacre", questions have emerged about how the cult was able to operate undetected despite Nthenge attracting police attention six years earlier. "The unfolding horror that is the Shakahola cult deaths should and must be a wake-up call to the nation, more particularly the National Intelligence Service (NIS) and our community policing programme," Amason Jeffah Kingi, the speaker of the senate, said in a statement. "How did such a heinous crime, organized and executed over a considerable period of time, escape the radar of our intelligence system?" Nthenge was arrested in 2017 on charges of "radicalisation" after urging families not to send their children to school, saying education was not recognised by the Bible.
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kayechanted · 3 months
We all know minimum wage workers will be the first to take the hit from climate change but it's still soul crushing to read about it regardless
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I'm so upset man I know for sure in 10 years northern India will be uninhabitable.
Link to the article. Please read and let it set in how awful it is in Delhi. And how this is only the beginning.
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timeywobblyshit · 3 months
one thing that will forever piss me off is the way people talk about indian workers. there have 500 deaths confirmed due to heatstroke in a country which never counts heatstroke deaths. i imagine the actual number is in the thousands. minimum temps in the northern plains dont go below 35°c. humidity is high, and people are dying on the street, dropping like flies that the sahabs sitting in AC swat off their table. there is nothing for indian workers, no respite, no help coming. this is bad enough, but then i see people (usamericans and brits and funnily enough a ton of brazilians) making fun of them for dying. "we should nuke them" "dirty people anyway" "they have too many, whats a few less". verbatim sentences uttered by "communists" with tens of thousands of followers. (shit munchers is a new insult btw, thought we were curry munchers)
theres just no help coming. im lucky i teach in bangalore, where the weather is pleasant enough for now. i cant imagine how many people are suffering in the plains and in the shivaliks. one of the most densely populated regions of the world, and their own government wants them to die. i have colleagues that have barely survived the elections. the value of life in this country if youre poor or lower caste is nothing, not to the uc masters or not to the foreign communist. we die without a war, without a murmur, without a care. all we get in response are silence and jokes. i know for a fact that when i die ill be thought of by no one. my lifes value is 0. im a transwoman in this country. no transperson survives memory death. my wish was that some of my friends would. but apparently not
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she-is-ovarit · 10 months
Data spanning from 1995 to 2021 in India revealed a striking gender imbalance in organ transplants, with four men getting organ transplants for every woman. A total of 36,640 transplants took place in this period, out of which 29,000 were for men and 6,945 for women.
This substantial difference is attributed to a complex interplay of economic responsibilities, societal pressures, and deeply ingrained preferences. 
Dr Anil Kumar, director of the government-run National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO) highlighted this significant aspect of the organ donation landscape.
While more men contribute as cadaver donors, a staggering 93 per cent of total organ donations in the country come from living donors, he told the Times of India newspaper. This hints at a trend: a majority of living organ donors are women.  Socio-economic factors a driving force for women donors? A study published in the Experimental and Clinical Transplantation Journal in 2021 delved into the intricacies of living organ transplantation in India. The findings showed that 80 per cent of living organ donors are women, predominantly wives or mothers. The socio-economic pressure on women to assume caregiving roles within the family emerges as a primary factor, compelling them to step forward as donors. Men's reluctance in surgery In many cases, men, often the primary breadwinners, hesitate to undergo surgery, contributing to the gender gap in organ recipients. The study highlights that when the recipient is a male breadwinner, family members, especially wives or parents, feel a heightened responsibility to donate organs. Emotional dynamics The emotional dynamics surrounding organ donation are intricate. Women recipients, in particular, may experience guilt when their family members, especially wives or mothers, become donors. This reluctance leads to a scenario where women recipients may find themselves on waiting lists.  Notably, Karnataka has topped the charts in organ donation in the past decade. The number of donations have risen from 102 in 2013 to 765 in the first 10 months of 2023. 
A user on Ovarit added this helpful context:
"Just a little more context to this: men produce male-specific proteins (on the Y chromosome) which often get rejected by women's bodies. Since males have an X chromosome, their bodies recognize proteins from female donors. This makes it more difficult for women to receive male tissue/organs, while still being acceptable candidates for donating to men. Even still, these ratios are very disproportionate".
"As women we absolutely need to be aware of our vulnerability of being used as spare parts in a man's world. Especially when we are being socialized into believing that we need to sacrifice our bodies and lives for others- and society has developed a sense of entitlement to this sacrifice, while downplaying the suffering of women."
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queerism1969 · 7 months
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
“Starting at home, a study last year found that US cancer deaths had declined by 33% since 1991. This is equivalent to around 3.8 million people alive thanks to various efforts to combat the disease family.
The report was authored by the American Cancer Society, and published in the journal CA. American Cancer Society CEO Karen Knudsen called the drop “truly formidable,” while the report attributed the fall to the development of better treatments, the reduction in smoking habits, and earlier detection methods.
Just between 2019 and 2020, cancer death rates dropped 1.5%, while the deployment of the HPV vaccine was correlated with a 65% drop in cervical cancer rates from 2012 through 2019 among women in their 30s.
The report also found that not only are death rates falling, but 5-year survival rates for detected cancers have increased 68% among all diagnoses made between 2012 and 2018.
Guinea Worm Disease
Cancer research often involves cutting edge medical research, but across West Africa and India where cutting edge medicine is not widely available, human determination has succeeded in nearly eradicating Guinea Worm disease.
There are records of this truly unpleasant parasite affecting human health going back thousands of years, and in 1989, there were nearly 1 million cases globally.
But in 2022, this unwelcome waterborne guest created just 15 cases worldwide—a decline of 99.998%, and almost all 15 of those cases occurred in Chad.
This monumental turnaround was not the result of some experimental vaccine, but simple education, teaching people how to avoid drinking contaminated water, when and where this mostly seasonal parasite is likely to be found, and how to treat water to purify it of the Guinea worm.
Other than Chad, Guinea Worm disease was also found in Uganda, which produced another medical milestone with the successful eradication of a recent Ebola outbreak.
The outbreak began in September, driven on by the incurable Sudan strain of the virus. It was the worst outbreak in 20 years, but even though there is no vaccine for the Sudan strain, the health authorities managed to contain it to just two administrative districts, and 142 confirmed cases.
“The magic bullet has been our communities who understood the importance of doing what was needed to end the outbreak, and took action,” said health minister Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng Ocero last Wednesday.
Vaccine trials involving Oxford University are currently underway for the Sudan strain, but until that time, health authorities received congratulations for their swift actions, and were thanked for the “lessons learned.””
-via Good News Network, 1/19/23
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topnotchquark · 5 months
Feel incredibly emotional for Zhou tbh, you have to understand his unique position as the first F1 driver among a billion people from a country that is uniquely isolated from the rest of the world. It's anyway difficult to achieve popularity in a nation of the size of China, and then on top of that to make it to the international stage like that. It's cute.
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anarchywoofwoof · 4 months
from Licypriya Kangujam on twitter:
This is how climate crisis looks like in Delhi, India 🇮🇳 today! 📷 When the water tanker arrives in the area.
there are over 30 million people in the Delhi region alone. India has 18% of the worlds population but only 4% of the worlds water sources and are in the midst of an absolutely brutal and deadly heatwave with temperatures reaching up to 56C / 132F in parts of the country.
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workersolidarity · 6 months
🇮🇳🇵🇸 🚨
📹 Scenes from a rally held in solidarity with Palestinians under siege and bombardment in the Gaza Strip in Srinagar, Indian-administered Kashmir, in far-northwestern India, on Friday April 5th, 2024, celebrating International Al-Quds Day (occupied Jerusalem).
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seohyun0306 · 9 months
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allthegeopolitics · 1 month
Mass protests are taking place in India after a female doctor was found mutilated, sexually assaulted and murdered. Medics want protection and a better working environment - but many expect little to change. Hundreds of doctors and medical staff were protesting on the streets of Delhi this weekend against the brutal rape and murder of their colleague. It is an unprecedented campaign that has resulted in a 24-hour strike at all government hospitals. They were also being joined in solidarity by private practitioners across the country.
Continue Reading.
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If you are a citizen of the country, I am begging you to vote in the National Elections, 2024.
In 2014, the turnout of youth (inclusive of first time voters) was at a staggering 70%. In 2019, this number decreased quite a bit.
Today, in 2024, that number has decreased drastically. Voter registration among youth currently ranges for somewhere between 17% in Bihar, 21% in NCR, 23% in UP, to around 35% in major cities with maximum youth population.
Only 38% of the first time eligible voters have registers for National Elections this time.
I understand. We are all tired. The ruling party has made a mockery of the elections. I 100% get it. But please, you all need to vote. Even if you’re tired, even if you see no hope of things changing even this time. You still need to vote.
I know everybody says it but it bears repeating, every single vote counts.
If you are a student, there’s a holiday during all the 5 phase dates. If you are a working adult, your company legally needs to allow you a holiday on the day. I travelled back to my hometown to vote today because it fucking matters.
Please vote, if you can. Please vote, if you care.
This election results should not be about which party will lead the country to the top five developing nations. This elections should be about which party will let the country breathe for another four years.
I’m sincerely requesting you all to vote. If not today, then tomorrow, things will change. But they won’t, unless, you vote.
Vote for yourself. Vote for the ones who cannot. Vote for the ones whose voices will never be heard. Vote for the ones who made noise, made themselves hurt and are suffering for their words. Vote for everyone who dealt with unimaginable pain in the last 8 years. Vote to give this country another chance.
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ceevee5 · 4 months
The future has arrived.
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nando161mando · 3 months
"With no respite from heatwave conditions, hospitals in Delhi-NCR are seeing an influx of patients with complaints of heat stroke and exhaustion. Doctors have advised the elderly and immuno-compromised patients to avoid stepping outdoors."
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suniah · 1 month
we, bangladeshis, are the greatest nation in world history right now. and it's not coming from patriotism, it's factual. i should thank god everyday for being born here 💚♥️
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