#god I hope he’s not on tumblr that would be god awful bad
fanficmemes · 1 year
Life has been insane lately, but recently it has taken a much more Disney channel original movie turn. Allow me to explain. Many years ago (middle school) I was friends with this girl and we were very close, she had an older sibling with cool green hair and tattoos, genuinely didn’t even know I was bi but I had a huuuuuge crush on them. Fast forward to present day, through a series of what I consider some of my best choices I now have a date with the older sibling this week and like. Who gets to do that!! Who gets a chance with their childhood crush!! How am I gonna take this man on a date I’m so nervous!!!!!!!!!
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unpretty · 6 months
please imagine these bullet points as a series of posts made over the course of a semester in 2015, copied from the tumblr tag i made specifically to bitch about my econ/business government and society professor:
lmao econ prof arguing against the fda
we are also supposed to subscribe to the wall street journal for this class ahahaha like hell
I spoke up about this godawful climate change article and about how literally every fact I tried to check was wrong, he tried to argue that wasn’t the point of the article but it totally was
“Does anyone watch Fox News” this class in a nutshell
the professor in the class i hate is talking about how jesus would love capitalism because it has lifted so many people out of poverty
he’s complaining about progressive income tax lmao god i hate this class
LET THE FREE MARKET DECIDE unless the free market makes an anti-corporate decision, then consumers have been misinformed and the activists responsible should be ashamed of themselves
I hope everyone’s ready for Shitty Class Liveblogging because now he’s claiming that gas prices will never go back up and gas will always be cheap from now on and also peak oil is a lie
Now he’s talking about the story of Jonah and the whale as relates to this article he saw in the Wall Street Journal. Across the class, I see a girl squint into the middle distance and mouth the word, “what.”
“is it okay to fire a pizza delivery person who doesn’t want to drive to a bad neighborhood”
this is the literal worst and most bullshit explanation of utilitarianism I have ever experienced oh my god. for the purposes of this class we are supposed to ignore ‘for the greatest number’ as an aspect of utilitarianism. just. completely altering the basic foundation of utilitarianism as an idea. apparently the free market didn’t like the actual definition so they changed it.
“I don’t think we have very many people in the United States dying because they couldn’t afford medication” actual quote from this professor right now
lmao i’m in the class i hate, he’s complaining about net neutrality now
This just in: poor people are poor because they make bad decisions, the wealth gap can be eliminated by teaching poor people how to play the stock market. This is a real thing that he apparently gives presentations about. He gets paid to tell people this.
Shitty professor isn’t going to be there tomorrow but he wants us to come in anyway to listen to a lecture on CD. Not one of his, just generally. Like, a home learning thing he bought. We asked if he could just put it on Blackboard but he said he didn’t know how to put a CD on Blackboard.
lmao I fucking knew this was the great courses. this professor is off at a conference telling people to teach the poor to trade stocks and he’s just having us sit here listening to an audiobook course he paid for about philosophy.
shitty professor is arguing the necessity of child labor in third world countries because otherwise the children would starve and be prostitutes. yes those are definitely the only two options.
oh my god he just argued that the rich are a minority protected by the constitution
I was really embarrassed about getting a 67 out of 85 on this Business, Government, and Society test but then it turned out the class average was 40 and I got the highest grade in the class. My strategy of always picking the answer I find most morally reprehensible is going well for me.
Monopolies aren’t actually that bad! Also, unions are monopolies, which is bad. (i was the only one who got a lot of the essay questions right so I had to read them in class it was awful)
libertarian economist professor gets really emotional about animals and i think he just argued that if elephants were privately owned they wouldn’t be poached because no one poaches cows
It’s my last week in the class I hate before finals and I’m pretty sure he’s arguing that the Enron scandal happened because there was too much government regulation
oh my god he’s arguing that enron was trying to do california a favor by pointing out a flaw in their system (by exploiting it) h my god he’s not even addressing the fraud in their accounting this whole class has been leading up to his passionate defense of fucking enron
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slytherinshua · 2 months
idk if this counts as a soft thought but ... imagine a dk who used to be short when he was like 12 and used to be really nice to you then when you graduated from elementary school he vaguely told you he liked you and you went :0
and then fast fwd 4 years later, you're going to the same high school as him and he says hi and ure like shit. he grew taller. tanner, his voice is deeper (you'd always thought it'd already broken in elementary sch but turns out it didn't)
just 🫠🫠 childhood friends to lovers dk !!
first of all ty for sending smth in kimchi cause istg i was dying earlier like my tumblr is so DRY and ur the only person who indulged my boredom yayay!! also this is LITERALLY making my head spin like crazy cause just think abt it skjdks
warnings: fem!reader. mention of seokmin getting bullied both in elementary and middle school, and he gets taller, tanner, hotter, and has straighter teeth and a deeper voice by the time he's in high school. not proofread and written on tumblr which i never do so it might be ATROCIOUS but its soft thoughts anyway so it doesn't have to be perfect <3
wc: ~1.1k.
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ofc you loved to spend time with seokmin when you were in elementary— like you two were practically inseparable. and you first met him when you saw him getting bullied by some jerks in the same year as you. ofc you told them to go away (might've punched one of them just to get your point across, but you and seokmin swore that you would never speak of that detail again). they were so scared of you after you threw the punch that it actually worked and they never bothered him again. and little seokmin was practically in awe of you since that very moment and ofc he develops a small large crush on you </3
but you two end up getting cruelly separated when seokmin tells you that because of the need to move for his parents' work, he's going to be put an all-boys middle school while you're still going to the regular mixed one that most of the kids from that same elementary were going to. during your middle school years, seokmin doesn't cross your mind a lot. it's only when you get a confession from a boy in your class that you're reminded of him and that last day of 5th grade.
you could’ve sworn you heard the words “I like you” fall from his lips except it was so quiet and murmured that you’re not quite sure if it actually happened or if your brain wanted it to so bad that you hallucinated it into existence. and since you're not positive that he did actually confess to you (or that he would still hold the same feelings he did at 10 as a 15 year old), you don't hope for anything else concerning seokmin. much to your 10 year old self's disappointment, because of course you had already imagined a whole life together with your best friend. you don't remember it having any distinction as to whether seokmin was still your best friend or if he was your boyfriend, but it didn't matter to you as long as he was still in your life.
but the first day at your new high school you realize that you’re so fucking screwed it’s not even funny. because as you’re looking at the list of students and what class their first period is you recognize a very familiar name and your brain practically goes blank.
lee seokmin.
and god damnit he has science as his first period just like you. so as you walk into the class you’re frantic to scan the room for any short boy with milky skin, crooked teeth, and a high pitched slightly squeaky voice that you absolutely adored at the age of 10. but he’s not there; well, at least, not fitting that description of him that you remember.
the boy who you quickly see waving excitedly to you is in fact the lee seokmin— you can tell from his name tag— but god had he changed. he had grown at least 20 cm from the last time you saw him because even sitting in his desk he looked lanky. not only his height had changed, but he had also gotten tanner. and he must’ve had braces at some point in middle school because his teeth looked straighter. and his voice. god his voice alone had your heart racing. you could’ve sworn it had deepened two octaves at least.
and it was hot.
the boy who you could only label as your adorable, nerdy, loser best friend who cowered behind you in the face of bullies was hot.
this turn of events rendered him almost unrecognizable. and you were sure you wouldn’t have been able to recognize him if it weren’t for his smile, which was as bright and beautiful as always, with or without the crooked teeth.
and maybe it was that smile that made you just a little relieved that he hadn't changed as much as his appearance had. so you gathered some confidence and walked over to the desk he was sitting in and slid into the seat next to him. you returned his 'hi' that he had shot you from across the room, and as soon as you did, you were practically tackled in a hug.
and it felt the same as his old hugs, which was a relief to your mind but not to your heart, which doubled its speed at least. before your class started, you somehow managed to get up to speed with all of seokmin's middle school years (you were so glad that he was still as talkative and unserious as you remember).
"you don't know how worried i was walking in 30 minutes ago. the school is so big and none of my old classmates go here— though maybe i should be thankful for that. but as soon as i saw your name on the student list, for some reason, i knew it would all be okay. you're here— you're actually here. so they can't touch me."
he said all of this with the biggest smile on his face and you were sure your eyes had actual hearts in them as you listened to him explain everything animatedly.
you and seokmin talked and talked and talked. he would walk you to your class just to keep the conversation going before the second bell rang and he had to race off to his next period on the other side of the building. but he didn't mind being late every time if it meant getting to hear you laugh for 3 minutes longer.
you were back to being best friends with seokmin, and neither of you could be happier. what was most relieving was how it all fit back into place without any struggle. as if seokmin was a puzzle piece that had been temporarily dropped on the floor and had just been picked up again and put back where he belonged (by your side).
you never got the courage to ask seokmin about that last day of 5th grade until your 3rd year of high school together when you had gotten a little tired of seeing a certain classmate of yours which you despised talk so openly about her crush on seokmin— even in front of him and you. so even though your throat got all tangled up as you brought up the topic, you forced yourself to at least ask him the question.
"did you like me when we were younger?"
and his answer came so easily and naturally that you had to double-take.
"of course i did. wasn't it obvious?"
↳ svt taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,, @ddeonudepressions,, @hannahsophie0103,, @minholing,, @shuabby1994,, @icyminghao,, @98-0603,, @weird-bookworm,, @candewlsy,, @wonwooz1,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @haecien,, @amara-mars,, @okshu,, @parkjennykim,, @wootify,, @svtoose,, @seunghancore
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fetishfairytales2 · 4 months
Besties 4 (Story)
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This was originally written as a continuation of a story by @wittlesissyb4by called Besties. Check out all their fantastic stories on Tumblr and SubscribeStar.
Besties 4: Mommy’s Going on a Date!
“Ooh, speaking of pegs, I forgot to mention what Connor got me for our one-month anniversary!” Heather excitedly left the room and came back holding a massive 8-inch strap-on! I couldn’t believe this thing; it was flesh-colored with bulging veins and even pubic hair! "Wow, girl, talk about a detailed replica!” I laughed as she held it up. She wobbled it by the harness with a wink: “Get this; it's modeled after Connor's cock!” Heather was beaming with pride as she showed it off to me. "It's my favorite way to mess with Brandon," she boasted. “Imagine being fucked by the same cock that stole your girlfriend, who’s also the one fucking you with it!”
Brandon was literally screwed once Heather had enough of his crap. She was totally in her element, totally ruining his life. And honestly, I was so here for it. The best part of it? When she told me, she made him moan Connor's name while she pounded his sorry ass with that big fake dick. Like, could he be any more pathetic? I almost felt bad for him.
“Aw…” Heather cooed in her mommy voice again at the trembling sissy, “Isn't that right, Brandi? Don't you just love it when mommy helps you practice how to get ready for daddy-sissy time? It's just so precious and fun, isn't it?” She turned to me and stuck out her tongue; She just loves when I make her beg for Daddy's cock to fuck her deeper, trust me!” Tears of humiliation were flowing down the sissy's flushed face. "And watching in the mirror while Mommy stretches his little sissy hole? It’s just her favorite!”
Heather's phone buzzed, and she practically flew out of her seat when she saw that it was Connor. "Oh my God, it's him!" She exclaimed, her voice dripping with excitement like a teenager on her first date. I couldn't help but smile at her excitement, glad to see her so happy, replacing Brandon’s worthless ass. 
"Answer it, girl," I urged her on. Of course, the minute her phone hit her ear, she tried to sound flirty. She was using the ‘sexy voice’ I always tease her about. Ugh, she was so typical. "I can't leave; I have a girlfriend visiting me," she continued, emphasizing the word "girlfriend" with a smirk and a wink. "But I miss you too, she sighed, clearly missing her new boytoy. "But like, I also really miss that dick," she added with a laugh, earning an eye roll from me. But hey, she got rid of the fuckface, so who am I to judge?
Heather was clearly loving her new life with Connor. "Sweetie, you better hope you ride dick better than you flirt over the phone!" I laughed. “But if you’re so desperate for a good time, why don’t you just go over there and throw yourself at him?” She stuck a thumb at Brandi. “What am I going to do with this loser if I go out?”
Brandon was hating every minute of this, and I really wanted to make it worse for him. "Girl, don't even worry about it,” I said with a smile. “You need some good dick, and I happen to know just the person who would be thrilled to take care of your little sissy cucky baby while you're away," I teased Heather, winking at Brandon, who was now looking terrified. Heather couldn't contain her laughter. 
"And who might that be?" Heather asked, raising an eyebrow, clearly interested in wherever I was going with this. "Babysitter Lyndsay!" I giggled. "I could take care of Brandi all night long if you'd like. Maybe even until the morning." Heather turned to Brandon and mockingly asked for his opinion, knowing he had no real say in the matter. "What do you think, Princess? Should Ms. Lyndsey be your babysitter while Mommy goes and has a 'playdate' with Daddy?"
I couldn't help but smirk as I watched Brandon's face turn a bright shade of red. Heather owned him now, though, and there wasn't a thing he could do about it. "Aww, are you not sure, sweetie?" Even with a gag in his mouth, he was clearly very pissed. But Heather just continued to mess with him. "What's wrong, little man? Feeling frustrated that Daddy gets all the attention while you're stuck in Pampers?" 
I had to stifle a laugh; Brandon looked so sad he might cry. She turned to me, her eyes lighting up, and shrugged. "Ms. Lyndsey is very kind to want to babysit, so make sure you behave, Brandi! Maybe Mommy will have a special surprise for breakfast tomorrow!"
"Surprise?" I asked, knowing that whatever it was, it would be fun for us and terrible for Brandon. Heather just winked as she headed toward her bedroom. "Brandi's on a special, uh, 'protein only diet'. You'll see what I mean." 
As she disappeared down the hallway, I was left alone with Brandon. I put on my sweetest baby talk voice. "Aww, whose a cute sissy baby? Is it Brandi? Yes, it is!" I said as I grabbed his chin and brought our faces close together. "Aww, go ahead and cry for Ms. Lyndsey, sissy baby. No matter how much of a bitch you think Heather is, I’m going to fuck with you ten times worse.” The worthless loser looked like he was going to dirty his Pampers right there. He was so scared.
"Oh, honey," I cooed as I pushed his head back and stood up, my perfectly manicured nails tapping against my chin in fake contemplation. "Heather never mentioned my college boyfriend, did she? Brad was quite the catch, not like you at all," I sneered, relishing in the sight of Brandon quivering with fear. 
"Brad knew how to handle a strong woman. I can't say the same for you, sweetheart," I taunted, taking a sip of my 8th glass of wine for the evening, feeling giddy and like a bad bitch. “He was a real man, but he loved being told what to do in bed. I learned all about fun kinks—teasing and denial, chastity, you name it!” 
Fuck, this was getting spicy. Who knew my best friend’s loser boyfriend dressed as a sissy would do it for me? “Oh, Brandi, you sweet sissy girlie,” let me tell you it was hot!” I placed my index finger in front of Brandon’s face. “I had him wrapped around my perfectly manicured finger. I'd tease and please him, but never let him have all the fun. And he would just beg and plead with me to let him cum. But you know, a girl needs to get her fill too, and I wouldn't keep him waiting too long; I'm not that cruel...to real men.”
The wine was clearly helping me loosen up, and the scared look in Brandon’s eyes was definitely giving me a rush. "You," I snapped, grabbing Brandon's hair and pulling him closer to me. His eyes were fixated on my tight, short skirt. Wow, I was turned on just thinking about the night I could spend ruining poor Brandi. "You, though, will never, ever think about touching another woman as long as I'm around! Unlike Brad, I don’t care how much you beg; I am that cruel to worthless sissy losers." I growled, giving his hair a rough tug to make sure he was paying attention.
"And of course, there will be a lot of teasing for me and begging from you, I promise,” I said with a wink. Brandon's wide-eyed stare showed me that he knew he was fucked, and I couldn't help but smile. Sure, Heather had the strap-on, but I had this sissy by his caged cock.
My fun was interrupted by Heather calling to us from the bedroom. "Ms. Lyndsey, would you mind bringing Brandi in here? I want him to see my outfit for Daddy tonight!" I rolled my eyes and smirked at the pathetic little sissy kneeling before me. “Aww, sissy, are you, like, totally stoked to check out Mommy's sexy outfit?" I sneered at Brandon, enjoying his embarrassed blush as he shamefully looked down at the ground. I had to laugh at the pathetic sight of him standing there, afraid to even make eye contact with me. 
“Come on, Brandi, a sissy cuck like you must love thinking about your girlfriend getting fucked by a real man!” He was crying again. What a loser. “You're such a lucky little sissy girl; you even get to watch her get all dressed up for her date," I taunted, playfully poking his chest. He tried to shake back tears and just stared at the ground. "Fine, let's go see Mommy then, little crybaby." I rolled my eyes and firmly spanked his diapered bottom; “stop throwing temper tantrums. No one actually cares about how you feel."
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achaotichuman · 4 months
It went right over my head when I read it before but it’s wild to think you were an IC fan before 🤯
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Some of the awful years.
Y’all will flip at this, but here were my thoughts on the Acotar cast when I was fresh in the fandom.
Rhysand- Liked him, didn’t feel as bad for him as others did but I knocked that down to me just straight up not being attracted to him. I started hating him in Acosf tho. I hadn’t read Acosaf because I thought it a waste of time. But if I had seen those scenes before Silver flames then I would’ve probably hated him sooner.
Feyre- I thought she was really fucking annoying. Especially in her scenes with Nesta. Not much can be said for her because Feyre was more of a device to see through. But I would be the last to advocate for her. Obviously that has changed drastically.
Morrigan- Liar. First thing that comes to mind. She seemed like a white girl who peaked in highschool so I just didn’t like her.
Amren- She was my favourite character second to Nesta. Solely for the reason we now had a morally grey character that actually acted like an unapologetically bad person when she wanted to. This has severely changed. Also literally two lines into her introduction I was screaming Valg King. Amren is a Valg King no one can change my mind. That part hasn’t changed.
Cassian- I was a die hard Cassian fan. I loved this man. I swear to God I would have gone to war for him. I was also die hard nessian. Obviously that has also changed, for the better in my opinion.
Azriel- I cannot physically express how much I hated Azriel. He was quite literally my least favourite character, I wanted him dead. I was hoping every single page that he would be killed off. He was there for vibes and vibes only. Since Azris I am a changed man, but sometimes I just can’t stand him.
Nesta- My Queen. My Lady. My wife. My mirror. She made me feel seen and heard. I love this woman and I always will.
Elain- No opinions on her. I figured pretty quickly she would be a bigger factor later on but I had no opinions on her. I am very pro Elain now, but in canon I just don’t really trust SJM with her. Which is also why my only solid ship with her is Gywnlain. I am very anti Elriel, always was.
Lucien- My heart and soul. I was obsessed with this man. I wanted to wrap him up and hold him close. Still do.
Eris- I didn’t understand the hype in Acowar but come silver flames and I was diving deep into this man. Trying to undo every cryptic word. I developed a very deep love for him. One that has only grown.
Tamlin- Felt sorry for him, but overall I had no strong opinions. I really wanted Acotar back. In the first book I would have probably given up a kidney for him, then it went down slowly. In Acowar however I was defending this man left and right. By Acosf I wanted more Tamlin.
Then I started to deep dive into the characters and their arcs. This was before I joined Tumblr. And the more I read the more convinced I was that in the next book the IC was going to have a falling out because their dynamics made no sense to me. They looked like they were slowly breaking, and Rhysand was very shortly put on my anti list.
But I never made a big fuss about my thoughts because if I did I got attacked really fuckin quickly.
Then I joined Tumblr and found a great community where I could hate and be supported.
Love you guys to death. Thanks to all of you I get to be in my Pro Tamlin, anti IC world and I am so glad I get to be here.
Edit- I was also extremely closeted when I first read Acotar and that definitely had its affect on my opinions on some of the characters.
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anxious-witch · 5 months
What a year, huh? We all know I have to be emotional on tumblr.com whenever the opportunity arises because that's one way I allow myself to have an emotional catharsis (for legal reasons this a joke)
In all seriousness though, this year has been a lot for me. Both in a good and bad sense, but Käärijä and Joker Out improved it significantly. And more importantly, their fandoms. (More inder the cut bc this is long af)
I have never really been someone who knows anything about the artists' whose music I listened to. Before this, I don't think I ever listened to a full album of someone, just random songs that I liked. Finding stuff from personal life of bands/musicians I liked usually made me depressed so I didn't bother.
Then, ESC 2023. happened. I frankly have no idea what flipped the switch in my head. Bojere interactions? The way people on tumblr were so welcoming even back when I was mostly posting about Let 3 and Käärijä only? I don't know, I only know that we are here now, regardless.
Another thing about me is that I used to be very pessimistic person. Likez genuinely. I have been "unofficially"(long story) diagnosed with depression and anxiety since I was 11, which is over a decade now. I always had a lot of bad experiences with people and really awful trust issues. I have been doing better for some time now, but it is very hard to let go of the feeling of pessimism and helplessness. In a world where awful things happen every second, what can I possibly do that would change anything?
Then ESC happened. Käärijä lost and I thought "another injustice that will never be corrected". Except, instead of feeling defeated, everyone just loved him more. In those weeks after and later on months, all I have seen had been unrelenting love and acceptance of Jere. Reminding him that despite not winning Eurovision, he is our winner and we'll forever think of him as such. Jere who has a wonderfully belly and strong thighs and is short and by no means is he conventional in any sense. And people loved him not despite all that but because all that. Because we all found ways to relate to him, or to what he went through.
His story of almost dying and still getting where he did only served to highlight that more. Because of he did it, why can't we get to what we want? Why can't I? It shifted my whole perspective.
Then, Joker Out. It is so, so funny to me how I barely paid any attention to them during ESC, except for bojere interactions and was dragged in it by the shared fandom, when now I post most about them.
But yes, JO. A band from Slovenia that while tehnically isn't Balkan, felt so close to me. Like they could understand all the things I kept to myself because of where I was. And then they showed me there is still hope.
I have never seen a band from around here take a pride flag on the stage. Never. I know it's a thing, especially abroad, but God I have never seen that happen here. And with how much love they always took it! That's...wow. It gave me hope that not only is it possible for injustices to be corrected, but that ot's possible to do it even in the environment I'm in.
And then...the Virtual Letters Project happened. Or well positive confessions that @spockowhales turned into Virtual Letters Project.
That's when I knew it's truly possible. I have seen tumblr posts, yes. But getting stuff so directly addressed about or to JO made me realize how much of a "wave" they all created. So many people said they helped them with their depression, with viewing their world differentky with meeting new peoplez with daring to do something new.
I have no words to describe how much that meant to me and I really hope that when they read those letters, they understood the impact they had.
But even that aside, I want to thank everyone in this fandom. People I have talked to, people I have interacted with it any way, through replies, reblogs, likes, anon asks. I appreciate every single one of you for helping create such a wonderful space. We had our ups and downs in the fandom, but we are all here because we love these fandoms, these people so much to keep talking about it even months after.
Thank you and I wish everyone here a wonderful New Year with even more laugh, love and positivity ❤️ have a good one
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parsnips-and-meth · 11 months
Boiling Over (Part 1)
Hi! This is my first time posting an exclusive tumblr whump piece - I hope you enjoy. This one features some Todoroki whump, BKTD and a little bit of Dadzawa. Includes: Fever, Vomiting, Vertigo.
He should have listened to Bakugou. 
            Shouto had woken this morning in a feverish haze. Shirt clinging with sweat, ears ringing. He’d nearly fallen and cracked his head open on the desk trying to get out of bed. But he’d put it down to quirk overuse – yesterday had been intensive. It wasn’t unusual for his body to overcompensate… or undercompensate. 
            He’d sat panting on the tatami mats, right hand pressed to the back of his neck. It had been soothing, and after a few minutes, he felt more centred. Certainly not bad enough to miss training. Besides – he was sure his temperature would regulate by lunch. 
            He had been wrong. 
            Bakugou was glaring at him over his mapo tofu. He stabbed around in the sauce for a while as Shouto shivered, yet to even pick up his chopsticks. There was nothing appealing about his soba today. The sight of the noodles sitting slumped and wet like fat, brown earthworms made his stomach churn. 
            “You’re an idiot,” Bakugou hissed, a cube of tofu circling his mouth. Shouto swallowed. “I told you to stay in bed.” 
            Shouto could feel a twisting burning in his chest. He pressed his left hand to his sternum and activated his quirk. 
            “Go back to the dorms,” his boyfriend ordered. “Go back or I’ll fucking kill you.” 
            “There’s only one period left,” Shouto murmured, closing his eyes. The lights in the cafeteria were beginning to coagulate and blur. 
            “I don’t care,” he growled. “You look like shit, Icyhot.” 
            Shouto frowned but didn’t open his eyes. “That’s not very nice. You’re supposed to be nice to me.” 
            “I am nice to you, you stupid fuck.” Bakugou’s calloused hand landed on his cheek, thumb stroking back and forth. “God, Sho, you’re burning.” 
            He opened his eyes and shot Bakugou a soft smile. The blonde just squinted further, clearly not placated. “Just one more period,” Shouto said, “and then I’ll go straight to bed.” 
He should have listened to Bakugou. 
            He didn’t even remember changing into his gym uniform. But he was wearing it – he could feel every single fibre of it tearing at his skin. The grey expanse of Gym Gamma was so wide, so bright today. 
            Oh god. Not once in his life had he ever felt this awful. 
            He was paired with Kirishima for a round of quirk combat in close quarters, but neither he nor the redhead had moved an inch. Shouto could feel his stomach bloating against his waistband, could feel its contents seething. He snaked his right arm around it, hunching his shoulders and taking deep, shuddering breaths.  
It hurt. 
            The sounds of their classmates around them were building, fights underway. Still, Kirishima waited, watching him nervously. Shouto wondered why he didn’t jump at the opportunity – there was no way Shouto was winning this one. 
“Hey, man.” Kirishima’s voice was quiet, “you wanna sit down? You don’t look so good.” 
“Mm,” Shouto grunted. “I’m okay. Just need a minute.” 
“Dude –” 
He straightened up, pushing his shoulders back. A deep, rippling ache spread up from his stomach to his throat. He could taste acid. “Let’s go,” he said, pushing his right foot forward. 
The fight didn’t last long. His ice was sloppy, arching just past where Kirishima stood, and the other boy skidded round and started barrelling towards his left side. Fire licked its way up Shouto’s arm, but the heat was searing, unbearable – his head throbbed, and his vision narrowed, a rotten, sour taste flooding his gums. He put out the flames as his knees buckled, catching his fall with one hand, and clamping the other over his mouth. He could hear Kirishima shout, but it was indecipherable over the tinnitus. Shouto’s oesophagus burned, stomach cramping and knotting, and he burped, saliva sticking to his palm. 
He felt vile.
“You idiot.” Bakugou was next to him. When had he got here? “You stupid, fucking idiot. You never listen.” Shouto shuddered, and he felt his boyfriend’s hand run up his back, gentle, soothing. “You gonna be sick?” 
He couldn’t answer. He dropped his hand and belched again, rocking forward over the floor. Hot saliva rolled off his tongue and hung from his lips in strings. Bakugou moved his other hand up to cup Shouto’s forehead, pushing his hair back. 
“Yaoyorozu, could you make us a bucket, please?” That was Aizawa. His teacher stood in front of him – Shouto could see the scuffs on his black boots. “The rest of you can wait for me in the changing rooms.” 
Shouto heard lots of whispering and shuffling, and then blessed silence. He squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself to breathe – in, out, in, out. A bucket was put in front of him, along with a flannel and bottle of water. 
“What’s wrong with him?” Yaoyorozu asked, voice trembling. 
He heard Bakugou scoff. “He’s chronically stupid.” 
Shouto lurched forward with a dry retch, forehead hitting the rim of the bucket. He moaned, gulping in another round of air. In, out, in, out. Cool fingers brushed against his skin, followed by a hiss. 
“Christ, kid. That’s a nasty fever.” Aizawa took out his phone. “I’m going to call Recovery Girl. Let her know we’re coming.” 
The nausea was so rampant he could feel it in his eyes. Shouto reached out and grabbed at Bakugou’s knee. “No,” he mumbled, “don’t… can’t move –”
He was cut off with another unproductive gag. He felt like he was choking. Bakugou brushed a hand through his hair, hushing him. “Not yet, Sho. When you’re ready.” 
He sobbed as another cramp ripped through his stomach. “Katsuki.”
“It’s okay, Sho. It’s okay, you’re okay –”
He heaved violently, and this time a slurry of undigested food made it into the bottom of the bucket. Bakugou was holding him steady, mumbling things Shouto couldn’t quite hear, couldn’t quite understand. But the sound of his voice was enough. He burped, bringing up another mouthful of liquid, and then his back was arching as his body tried to wring itself dry. Round after round of vomit, until he had nothing left but spit and dry air.
The stench of the bucket was cloying. Bakugou pulled him back even though he was still gagging, rubbing his back in circles. “I think you’re done, babe. Here, come on. Breathe for me.” 
Shouto hiccupped, leaning back into the blonde’s chest. “I – I don’t feel well.” 
“No shit.” Bakugou used some of the water from the bottle to dampen the washcloth. He tilted Shouto’s head and began wiping away the bile and spit sticking to his chin, the snot under his nose. Aizawa took the bucket to wash out, and Yaoyorozu took his place in front of Shouto, smiling softly. 
“Want to try a bit of water?” she asked, holding out the bottle. Shouto groaned, pulling away from her. The nausea had just barely let up – he wasn’t sure he was ready to swallow anything yet. 
“Hey. Have just a little,” Bakugou said, taking the water from her. He unscrewed the cap and pressed the bottle to Shouto’s lips. “Dehydration is dumb.” 
He felt it wash over his tongue. It tasted acrid and did little to settle his stomach. He pushed the rest away and belched into his fist, shivering. 
“You think you can stand?” Aizawa asked, returning with a clean bucket. After a few measured breaths, Shouto nodded, clinging to the bucket as Bakugou eased him onto his feet. Yaoyorozu moved to stand on his other side, taking some of his weight. His teacher’s gaze was scrutinising, brow furrowed. 
“Let’s go. I want you checked out sooner rather than later.” Aizawa held the door open for them as they left the gymnasium. “But tell me if you need to stop, alright?”
“Mm,” Shouto said, not sure what he was agreeing to. Colours and sounds were starting to melt together. He leaned into Bakugou on his right, eyes searching. “Kats-ki?” 
“I’m here, Sho.” He pressed a chaste kiss to his boyfriend’s temple. It was scorching, even on his right side. Bakugou bit his lip and tried to temper his anxiety. “I’m not goin’ anywhere,” he murmured. “I promise.” 
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sleepyhead-poll · 2 months
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Mod's Propaganda Under the Cut:
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a Yu-Gi-Oh fan. For whatever reason, this series imprinted on me when I was a child and I just never let it go. I've watched the original series, season 0, GX, 5Ds, and Arc V, as well as read the original manga, the GX manga, and the Arc V manga, as well as watched all the movies. The point is: I like Yu-Gi-Oh. There are people who like it more than me, that have watched all the series and what not, but I think I still like it an absurd amount. And out of all the protagonists I know, Judai is my favorite. He's just so lovable, you can't help but like him! He's goofy, he's reliable, he's fun, he has a descent into madness, he's gay, what more could you want in a shounen protagonist? Though being sleepy isn't a major part of him, it's more of a gag of him slacking in class and always going to sleep, it's still super funny and I'm a little sad that he lost in Round 1, though I do like Sonic as well (who he lost to). Give the Slifer Slacker a chance!
Considering Linhardt is my profile picture at the moment, I don't think I need to justify this too much. But I will anyway. Linhardt is the sleepy crest scholar. Although I will be the first to admit that I am not actually a Fire Emblem fan (and tbh I find the writing in Three Houses kind of bad) (sorry to those who enjoy it) I love Linhardt so much anyway. He's probably my favorite in that very large cost. I love that he's so unapologetically sleepy, like he doesn't care if you scold him to do work, he will do work on his own time. Not only that, but he's actually really smart and dedicated when he wants to be. Linny's friendship with Caspar is really nice, especially since I think someone needs to save Caspar from his awful dad & self-destructive tendencies. Plus, I really like his supports. Especially with Marianne, Hubert, and Edelgard. His supports with Dorothea in Three Hopes is also really nice.
It's Garfield. He's a classic comic. He's a classic meme. Little orange kitty. What more could you possibly want? I love Snoopy, but to be perfectly honest I think Garfield should have gotten as far as Snoopy.
Sleepytime Tea Bear:
Again. He's just a classic. What more would you want but a sleepy bear in pajamas on a chair?
I'm a big Witch Hat Atelier fan and I love Olruggio. Like yes, I like Orufrey like everyone else, but I also just like Olruggio on his own. I like his scruffy little look and I love the fact that at first he is so intimating but almost immediately he's revealed to be a big softie. I love his light magic motif and I really think it's sweet that he made the thing to keep you warm when you sleep and gave it to the kids-- he's a FATHER. This man needs a nap fr though. Man I need to catch up with this manga.
IT'S OSAKA. Like!!! I don't even know how many clips and comics from Azumanga Daioh make the rounds around Tumblr, but specifically the ones about Osaka are amazing!!! She has the most autistic anime girl swag I love her so much. She's so sweet and earnest and silly... I always lose my mind at "OH MAH GOD!" and she has so many other classics. Like when she makes the Osaka stamp with her eraser or when she struggles to cross the street because she keeps zoning out when the light gets green or when she's distressed about Americans wearing shoes inside... I love her. And to her sleepyheadness, she's always falling asleep in class and whenever she's studying she just starts falling asleep. She's just like me fr...
Back in the day I really liked Kagerou Project and so as tribute to my old obsession from middle/high school I have to give a spot to Takane. My favorite part of the series was when we saw flashbacks to the Yuukei quartet and Headphone Actor is still a bop.
THE REASON WHY I STARTED THIS TOURNAMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE??? Last December during finals I decided to read something light and fun while working and I chose Tanaka-kun is Always Listless because I remember the title from a few years ago when the anime came out and like I loved it SOOOOOO much. He's the ultimate sleepyboy and he's just so funny and relatable. He needs to be carried around by his best friend Ohta and his ultimate goal in life is to minimize as much effort as possible and he's always nodding off and he dislikes being a main character, instead wishing he was a background character... my favorite guy for real.
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thetisming · 4 months
zombie saga opposite deaths tumblr simulator!
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🌹 beautiful-rose Follow
i want my boyfriend. i miss him so much that i feel like i'm going to die. and my brother died too and i have my best friend but i literally just can't talk to anyone right now i need Francois or Romeo i cant... i need my boyfriend.
🇫🇷 frenchbastard Follow
Aw, it is truly sweet how you're blogging about me. Because surely you could never mean any other Francois, correct? And I do not like the fact that you miss your brother, or that you have a best friend. I am right here. I am all you need.
🌹 beautiful-rose
right! um, yeah, sorry, i'll just- of course you're all i need. yeah
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🎨 depressed-artist Follow
I can't do this. I can't fall in love, I can't, that's not fair to Caroline. I could never fall in love so soon after losing her. I can't. I can't date him.
🟦 croptopman Follow
you're so correct you cant do that in fact i think you should never even consider dating anyone
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🎶 yesimautisticstopaskingme Follow
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🐯 hearmeroar Follow
why won't they talk to me? why are they leaving me? they only talk to that horrible fucking man, and i miss them and my fucking boyfriend just died and he was their brother, you'd think they would care!
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💙 francois-dubois Follow
Gosh I just love them so much, they're so perfect and beautiful and I don't think I could even live without them <33 I want to marry them one day
🌹 beautiful-rose Follow
aww, Francois! i love you too, I'm never leaving you my darling! and for future reference, if you proposed, i would say yes 💖
💙 francois-dubois
Asdfghjkl May!! I love you, I really do you're so amazing and magical and I can't imagine living without you. I'm never leaving you and I'm never letting anyone hurt you, my beloved 💙
🌹 beautiful-rose
you're so sweet, where are you so i can kiss you??
💙 francois-dubois
I'm just out the back! See you soon, amore 😘
🌹 beautiful-rose
fuck i just found this while scrolling his blog there were so many posts ljke this i miss him so fuckjng mych og mg god i need him back or i think i'll die her was the best boyfriend ecer i need him plwase just kjll me so i can be with him fuck
#he was so perfect #i cant even believe hes gone #he was my everything i mjzz him so much i cant do this anymore #i wish i had just killed myself that day #i cant go on like this i havent been talking to juliet because of my new boufriend #and romek is gone #and i havebt besn talking to anne either #i need him so bad holy shit i cant #i didnt even gst to marry him #at the very least couldn't i have done that #i miss gim so much i need him i need to hold him i can't. i nedd hiim #i love you my darling frankie
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🟦 croptopman Follow
I NEED TO STOP BEING IN LOVE WITH PEOPLE I CANT HAVE. first i stayed in love with Gregory after we broke up and now i love Charley and he's in love with some OTHER GUY NAMED RICHARD!
#gay #mlm #queer #vincian #unrequited love
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🇫🇷 frenchbastard Follow
There is a truly beautiful woman at this camp. She is friends with my boyfriend. I must persue her, she is so gorgeous and her husband recently died.
💚 notthatone Follow
May is non binary stop calling them your boyfriend and STOP TRYING TO CHEAT ON THEM! They've been through so much, how fucking dare you try to hurt them?
🇫🇷 frenchbastard
You are so beautiful, sweet Anne.
🐯 hearmeroar Follow
you're a terrible fucking person and i hope May kills you because if they don't i fucking will.
🇫🇷 frenchbastard
So many marriagable women at this camp... You are simply gorgeous
🐯 hearmeroar
💚 notthatone
🎶 yesimautisticstopaskingme Follow
🦅 eaglegreetings Follow
🎨 depressed-artist Follow
🇮🇹 aromantic-annie Follow
🟦 croptopman Follow
🛸 inspector-abed Follow
kill yourself.
🇫🇷 frenchbastard
@.beautiful-rose, May, my darling, please tell these people to stop.
🌹 beautiful-rose Follow
please be nicer to him, he's been through a lot...
🇫🇷 frenchbastard
Good boy.
🐯 hearmeroar
you are the fucking worst and i genuinely hope you die.
22 notes
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🛸 inspector-abed Follow
Troy, i know you can't see this, but i have a boyfriend now. his name is Del. i think you would have liked him. i miss you a lot. it's been a while since you died. i havent been happy at all since. Del makes me happy. i love you.
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loveandmurders · 11 months
I love your Sinclair daughter AU sm. I loved the second one on the list as a teen she's just like me fr🤭. With that in mind can we get the Sinclair brothers finding out their daughter reads fanfiction about the slashers. Omg it would be so cute. They'd find her giggling and squealing because of some fluff. Her screaming because her request got filled, and them rushing to the room to see if she got hurt. And her having to explain why she's always smiling at her phone (God forbay they thought she was texting a bf/gf) Omg it would be so cute!
Hello darling, thank you so much for your kind words and this request! It was really fun to write for, so I hope you'll enjoy reading it <3
Warnings: no proof reading, reader wants to kill people, mentions of violence and murders, a few strong words, confused parents.
As a teen, thanks to Bo, you discovered the universe of the slashers and of horror movies. And because it looked a lot like your own life, you instantly loved it.
You preferred when slashers won at the end though, and it was rare, which was annoying you quite a lot.
Your dads always found it quite endearing to see you supporting the worst of slashers on screen. It really made the twins happy to realise that you weren’t afraid (of them) and that you actually enjoyed this.
Bo and Vincent were indeed worried that one day you would realise how awful the situation was and that you would run away from them and never come back.
Vincent was also really concerned you wouldn’t want to keep the family business going.
They never told you anything about it. 
Truth to be told, you just wanted to kill people.
For now, you could only fulfil your bloodlust through horror movies.
And then you discovered that on Tumblr, there was a great community of slasher fuckers.
Even better, some people were drawing, writing and creating stories for your favourite characters!
You discovered this as you were on the couch by Bo’s side and you quickly exclaimed out in excitement. When Bo sent you a quizzical glance, you shook your head to your father “Ya can’t understand” you said before going upstairs, back into your room where you could enjoy this on your own.
Bo wasn’t too sure what was going on and he had to resist the urge to chase after you to know what just happened.
Your obsession only grew now you had found people able to fuel it.
You were so happy.
At first, you were mostly reading fluff.
You were happily humming, and giggling and kicking your feet when your favourite slasher was telling you how much they loved you.
More than once, Lester found you sitting somewhere outside squealing in excitement. 
And each time he smiled at you, before asking you why you were so happy.
You didn’t want to answer at first because it was your secret, but also because you thought your parents would find this very stupid.
At some point, you answered Lester, because you trusted him to not judge you. And you asked him to not tell anything to the twins because you really thought they wouldn’t understand. 
Lester was a little bit surprised that you were obsessed over bad people, but it made sense in a way and he tenderly kissed the top of your head.
“One day, ya’ll be your own slasher” he murmured to you and you looked up at him with stars in your eyes. 
You really hoped he was saying the truth, because you would love that very much. And you would be the head of the Sinclair family, with someone by your side. And you would kill people and keep running Ambrose. 
It sounded so perfect to you.
After fluff, you discovered angst/comfort fics, and you realised you also really enjoyed that. You loved the drama, you loved when the reader had to kill someone to protect the people they loved, you loved to have tears in your eyes.
But Bo found you the face glued to your screen, quite concerned about what was going on.
Lester had refused answering him, and now he was certain you had met someone and you were chatting with them. Gosh, he was already thinking of finding that fucker and to kill them for flirting with his precious baby daughter.
When he started to ask you questions, you gently pushed him out of your room.
But he couldn’t let the subject go. Especially when you started to scream while looking at your computer, and then happily dance.
You were certain your parents couldn’t understand the joy to have a request being fulfilled by your favourite artists.
Lester tried to appease Bo by telling him it was very innocent of you.
Vincent was watching you without commenting.
He noticed that something new happened in your life and he really didn’t know what it was. He was curious like Bo, but he didn’t want to scare you off by asking you non stop what it was.
You sometimes stumbled onto spicy fics and you mastered the art of reading them with a poker face in the same room as your family. They really didn’t notice anything, thankfully for everyone.
You grew so obsessed that Bo started to threaten you with screen time and the twins really had to fight with you for you to come to the dinner table without your phone or computer or tablet.
“Alright, what’s the big secret? With whom are ya textin’ all the damn time?” Bo was fed up
“No one” you shrugged, which was the truth, which Vincent could see. And it was making him wonder even more about it.
“Y/N” Bo groaned and you rolled your eyes
“Ok, ok. I’m readin’ fanfics. Happy?” you grumbled
You had to explain to the three men what “fanfics” were. The twins still didn’t get it, so you had to add that it was about slashers and horror movies.
Bo was relieved you weren’t talking with anyone.
But he was also a little bit confused on why you would enjoy reading about those characters. Or characters in general. But it seemed innocent enough for him to drop the subject.
Lester still found it very endearing and he thought that it was an harmless obsession for the moment.
Vincent was the only one to fully understand what all of this meant. He got that you loved violence and blood, as much as he did. He understood that he and his brothers couldn’t prevent you from killing for so much longer. He understood that you loved the way of life they gave you and that one day, you would continue the family business.
It really reassured him.
Bo started to tease you about reading such things. You knew he would and that was also why you didn’t want to tell him about it at first.
But one day he realised that it could be talking about sexuality. And it worried him. 
He sat you down one evening to remind you of all the “rules” you had to always have in mind before having sex with anyone.
The 3 rules were: “I don’t have sex if I don’t want to / I don’t have sex with someone who isn’t nice to me / I don’t have sex with someone my father wouldn’t approve of”
“Ya won’t approve of anyone” you said
“That’s the point, love.”
Lester was eager to talk about anything with you, and he liked to share fun facts with you about your favourite characters. He knew a lot more about you than Bo in a way, because you always felt like you could speak about anything to him.
He was also the one able to find you merch about your favourite movies. He always had the best birthday gifts, which was driving both the twins completely insane.
Lester never tried to stop you from doing anything. He was just following your mood.
Vincent thought it could be a good opportunity to have you creating, even digital art or through writing.
As an artist, it was really important for his daughter to be one too. It was your legacy in a way. And so far, you have been “lazy” about it.
He asked you if you didn’t want to also be part of the people producing for the fandom (You taught him all the right words and he learnt very fast because he saw an opportunity with this new obsession of yours).
Of course you did, and that was how you also started to post.
You were drawing quite a lot now, which Vincent enjoyed.
Even better, you often went to ask him how to improve your creations. You started to spend a lot more time in the basement, by Vincent'side.
And one day, the masked twin hoped you would fully take his seat.
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guys I just was on TikTok for like, a couple hours for the last 3 days and oh my god tumblr is so much better.
mostly because I will say this again and always.
TikTok is tumblr 2.0
The most horrible takes, I actually hate that I used my main hate seethe ow io hate this.
someone save me, oh I hope I don’t get hate on my main.
not because I said anything bad but because TikTok people are a different BREED.
okay example!
Example 1: a video of 3 young teen girls with unblurred faces smashing the remains of a melted ice sculpture.
the comments were filled with hate for these kids like they had punched someone or something, most of them were like “if I saw that I would have beat those kids” and “evil! Can we dox them?”
dude, it was crazy.
Example 2: a video of a horse picture with the text “they ruined the cannibalism metaphor with their shitty poems”
Idk what the context is for that actually lol.
example 3: someone in a mental health matters tagged video saying that you can’t help people who are suffering from Self Harm because it’s on them to do that, also “people who send SH/ED’s pictures are bad people and attention seekers”
that made my jaw fucking drop, like while I’ll always advocate “please don’t send people fresh Self harm photos period” I’m not going to demonise someone that does, because that is beyond a cry for help that’s a scream.
and also everyone was demonising cluster B people, and people who are violent because of mental illness/people who scream and yell say things that hurt people because of mental illness are bad people aswell.
like.. oh my god, it’s different if it’s not purposeful malice and just mental illness shit. Like I know people who are exactly like that, and they are people I love and care for deeply. It’s not their fault they can’t control their emotions because they have can’t control emotions disorder. They regret it deeply and hate themselves for it and want to be better and loved.
that’s truly what most of mentally ill people want, myself included.
and again and again I see people who are like “these people are horrible and don’t deserve help”. Your feelings of being triggered and fucked up by seeing your friend’s self harm is AWFUL! It sucks! But if you love them, you should put yourself first and be kind.
(Literally just going “hey dude, I love you fuck tons but I can’t deal with seeing your self harm. It’s not because I hate you, it’s not because of anything like that. I’m just not as strong as you when it comes to seeing these things, and it makes me uncomfortable. I’m happy to be here and talk about why you feel this way and I’ll be here for you. But I just don’t have the skills to deal with the sight of injury, you are my friend I care about you (REAL NO JOKE)”)
sometimes the people you love will say things that hurt you because they are hurting incredibly badly and just want someone to see that and tell them
“it happens, sometimes (insert mental illness) happens. You’re not a bad person for it happening. so many people are like you and are suffering the same pain, and it happens. You will feel bad until you feel okay, healing takes time. And learning to live with (insert mental illness) is hard, no one ever said it’s easy. It’s hard and it takes a long time, but it gets better <3 because we aren’t perfect! no one is! we hurt and scream and push away those we love and it’s hard to fix that. Sometimes we don’t, but it happens. We will make mistakes and hurt others and ourselves, that’s life. And I’ll be here, because I believe in you even if you are hurting, even if you tell me he most vile shit, I’ll stay. It’s not okay you say that, but your (insert mental illness) it happens and until you feel better I won’t hold it against you. I’ll be hurt, but I won’t hold it against you. Your you, and I think you deserve to live and not hurt anymore. I’ll listen, I will listen.”
mental illness is not a monolith and is so hard and difficult to understand sometimes, we are social creatures and all we want is care and kindness.
I will never know how to help someone, I will always just flounder until I figure something out. But trying is really all we can ever do.
I love you guys, we are all fucked up we are all so fucked up. And that’s okay, you will be okay.
one of these days it’ll stop, and you will stop feeling bad and feel okay. Some of us will have a hard, hard time figuring out how to do that.
but don’t give up, because I won’t. Even if you couldn’t fulfill your dreams I’ll hold them softly for you, if you suffer let’s suffer together.
if you die, I’ll remember you, if your scared we can be scared together.
It’s going to be okay, because people do care. People actually do care, and your not done yet, just hold on.
you will get there, just hold on. We will make it, we will all make it.
I am still hung up on the first one.
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pasiveagressive · 2 years
Broken Bones III // H.S.
Tumblr and I messed up so you get two parts today🫣
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Harry took the steps of her apartment building two at a time. She lived in a nice set of apartments on the seventh floor and the elevator was broken. He couldn't find it in himself to care.
707. He knocked. It was about 5 till 8 and he hoped she wasn't that serious about waiting till 8, he hadn't been able to contain himself from seeing her any longer.
The door opened and a very different Y/N was looking at him. At the hospital she wore scrubs and looked like she was ready for anything. On Friday her make up was all done up and she had been sporting a dress, ready for some fun. Today she was wearing a too big shirt tucked into the front of her soft shorts and a pair of fuzzy socks on her feet. Her hair was back in double braids and her face clear of all makeup. She was nothing short of adorable.
"Hey." He said from where he was leaning against the door frame.
"Hi." She opened the door for him. "I like the pajamas."
He grinned, looking down at himself. An old pair of sesame street pajama pants and a t-shirt.
"Figured you would."
She shook her head leading him into her apartment. It was big, the kind of apartment you'd expect a doctor to have. It was filled with whites and grays, modern looking everything. Everything besides the pictures lining the walls. All colorful, all standing out against the bleakness of the apartment.
She led him through her kitchen, also modern but with brightly colored centerpieces and to her family room. There was a fireplace in white stone, also adorned with colorful pieces and a large tv in front of a large sectional. There were floor to ceiling windows instead of walls, thick curtains hanging on their sides. It was homey and modern all at once.
He put the movie on the coffee table and plopped down on the couch next to her.
"I like your place." He commented, looking over at her.
"Thanks." She smiled. "Normally it's really messy but my brother stayed the week a couple weeks ago and I haven't been around long enough to mess it up again."
He laughed. "Are you close with your brother?"
She nodded. "Very. He's an FBI agent and a workaholic, like me. He just finished a difficult case and he needed a break so he came and stayed here for a bit. I forgot how much I missed him until he was standing at the other side of the door."
"That must be hard, having a brother in danger all the time."
"Kind of." She shrugged. "He's really good at his job and he's not as reckless as he once was."
Harry nodded, wondering what kind of test he'd have to pass if he ever got anywhere with Y/N. And God did he want to.
“So I had an idea.”
“What’s that?” He replied
“How about instead of a dance I paint your cast? I’m not a half bad artist according to my family.”
He found himself nodding.
"Alright. Ready to make my cast pretty?" He asked her, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Born ready." She laughed climbing to her feet. "Come to my office."
He laughed, taking the hand she held out to him. She pulled him up and lead him through the kitchen and down a hall. He passed a guest bedroom, a closet, and than he was walking into what was supposed to be another spare bedroom. Instead it was filled with her art. There were canvases everywhere, both finished and blank. Bottles of paint were everywhere along with brushes.
"This is what the rest of the house normally looks like." She grinned at him.
He was to busy staring at some of her works to really notice.
"You're literally perfect." He said, aware of the awe in his own voice. "At everything."
There were paintings of oceans and mountains. People and animals. Colorful and black and white ones. Realistic and cartoonistic. Everything.
"These are amazing." He said, looking over at her. He hadn't really thought of how good she'd be but she was perfect at everything else so he wondered how he could have thought she'd be anything but.
She shook her head, blushing slightly. "Just tell me what you want painted."
He shrugged. "I don't know. You're good at everything, surprise me."
She shook her head again, grabbing a basket and putting several different colors in them. He took them from her and walked back to the living room after her. She was carrying some newspapers and brushes.
"Alright, you make the popcorn and I'll get the movie ready."
He did as he was told, finding the popcorn button on the microwave and letting it do its thing. And then he was going through her cabinets trying to find a bowl to put the popcorn in. He finally found one, a large blue tub, when the popping stopped. There was nothing he hated more than burned popcorn. He poured it into the bowl before walking back to the couch.
She already had the movie in and ready go. Star Wars episode one. He had taken a gander and judging by the look on her face he had nailed it on the head. And he also hoped it would be an opening, there were several more to watch.
"How'd you know I loved The Notebook." She asked when he sat down, an extremely large smile on her face.
"I took a guess." He shrugged. "You seem like someone who appreciates good cinema when they see it."
She laughed before grabbing the remote and pressing play. While she was gone she had also poured multiple colors on a board.
"Figure out what you wanted to paint?" He asked, laying the newspapers on the floor and on the couch. She didn't seem all that bothered by the potential disaster it could cause.
She nodded. "And if you don't like it it's your own fault."
He put his cast in her lap over a newspaper and told her to have at it.
"It's a surprise." She told him, pushing his head so he was looking at the tv. "No peeking."
"Alright." He laughed, grabbing the popcorn and putting it in his lap.
If it wasn't for her quoting the movie and laughing at the right parts he wouldn't have been known she was watching it. He had looked over a few times, not at the cast, and has seen the look of concentration on her face. Her eyebrows were furrowed, eyes never looking away from his cast, and body tensed and relaxed all at once.
"And done." She told him when the movie had an hour left.
Her looked over and his jaw promptly dropped. It was an ocean. complete with silhouettes of animals and a sunset. It was beautiful.
"Y/N, literally how." He asked speechless.
She laughed. "Shhh, the movie isn't over yet."
He honestly didn't really care, it was something he'd seen a million times. He was too busy turning his arm every which way to see the masterpiece that was on his arm. He never wanted to take it off. So he told her that.
Y/N gave him a look. "I'll paint you something else." Her attention turned back to the movie.
Harry wondered how much better her work would be when she had a flat canvas with no bumps on it. He really wanted to find out.
"Promise." He held out his pinkie.
She looked over at him. "Promise." She took his pinkie with hers.
When the painting on his arm was dry he got up and turned the lights off and grabbed a fluffy blanket from the rack.
She put everything on the coffee table and rested against his side, his arm around her. The blanket lay across them and he thought he might be in heaven.
He knew he was when he woke up to her practically laying on top of him, head rested on his chest. The sun shown through the window and he wondered what time it was. It had been a long time since he had slept past 8 in the morning. The clock above the tv told him it was 10.
"Y/N." He ran his arm up and down her back. "It's 10 o'clock, when do you have to get to work?"
She grunted against him, burrowing herself further in his chest. He laughed slightly, still running his hand up and down her back.
"Y/N." He tried to coax her out of sleep. "Let's make breakfast."
She turned slightly at that. Eyes blinking their way open.
"What time is it." She sleepily murmured, fists rubbing her eyes.
"It's a little after 10." He moved his hand from her back to her hair. "What time do you have to be at the hospital."
"Not till noon." She yawned, sitting up. "Breakfast sounds good though."
He sat up with her, smiling. "Good, I'm starving."
"I fell asleep on your abs and now I'm wondering how you have those."
Harry let out a surprised laugh. "I work out, and run around a stage for a living that's how."
She shook her head, climbing off the couch. "Come on." She gave him her hand. "I want bacon. And pancakes."
He took her hand. "All I know how to make is bacon so you're on pancake duty."
"Deal." She grinned.
He followed her to the kitchen and watched her take out everything they needed, trying to remember where she kept everything for next time. Hopefully there'd be a next time.
"Here." She got out the electric skillet for the bacon. "You'll take longer than me."
He got to work, opening the packet of bacon and squeezing as many as he could in the pan.
"How do you want yours cooked?" He asked her.
"I like mine crispy." She smiled over at him.
"Good." He smiled back. "Me too."
"Waffles or pancakes?" She asked, staring at the bag of mix in her hands.
" Waffles. " He said automatically.
"My favorite."
And they worked in silence, her finishing before he did.
"What do you want to drink?" She asked, breaking said silence.
"What do you have." He asked, flipping the bacon for the final time.
"Tea, orange juice, coffee, or water." She read off.
" Orange juice. " He smiled over at her. "Please."
"You got it."
"This smells so good."
Before he could say anything his phone started ringing from the living room. He wouldn't have answered it if it wasn't Mitch's ringtone.
"One second." He told her and ran to get his phone .
"What?" He asked in to the phone.
"Where are you?"
" Why? "
"You were supposed to be at the studio 20 minutes ago."
"I'll be there soon."
"Where are you?"
"Bye Mitch." He said, hanging up the phone.
"Everything alright?" She asked as he slid into his seat.
"I forgot I was supposed to be at the studio today.”
"Oh." She looked apologetic. "Do you need to go?"
" I've got time. " He smiled over at her. "You're only about a five minute drive from my place, plus they can’t really do much with out me."
She smiled. "Good, cause I can't eat all this myself."
He laughed, taking a bite of his waffle. It was really good.
"Is there anything you're not good at?" He asked her.
"Anything that requires musical talent." She said instantly.
"Really." He laughed. "One of the very few things I can do."
" I prefer to express art in other ways. " She shrugged.
"Yeah well you need to teach my sister how to cook cause she's complete shit at it." He told her, munching on the bacon.
"You're literally eating waffles." She told him. "Anyone can make waffles. "
"I can't." He stuck his tongue out at her.
"Sorry." She shook her head. "Anyone with half a brain can make waffles."
He gasped, bringing his hand up to his heart. "You take that back."
"Or what?" She challenged, narrowing her eyes.
"I'm going to tickle you." He raised his good hand menacingly.
"I'd like to see you try."
He got up as quick as he could, surprising her slightly. She shrieked and ran around the table, him catching her in about two steps.
"Stop." She laughed loudly.
"Say I'm smarter than you and have way better abs and a better personality than you."
"Someone's desperate." She said through her laughter.
"Say it." He tickled her harder.
"Okay okay. " She swatted his hands away. "You're smarter than me and have way better abs and a better personality." She turned in his arms. "Now can I get back to my waffles please."
He nodded, letting go of her before he did something stupid like kiss her.
"Want to come to my place on Tuesday?" He asked before he lost his nerve.
She smiled at him. "Can I come in my pajamas?"
He smiled back. "Of course."
"Sleepover?" She asked. "I get off at midnight on Monday and I normally sleep the whole morning away."
He nodded again, wondering if he was friend zoning himself.
"Sounds like a plan." He finished the last of his food and took it to the sink. She followed him, dropping the dishes next to his. And they did the dishes together, something that he normally hated but she somehow made fun.
"I've got to go." He dried his hands on a towel. "Thanks for everything." He dropped a kiss to her head. "Have fun at work."
She smiled up at him. "Anytime. And don't kill anyone, I don't have time to take on another off duty patient."
He laughed, walking out the door. "You're mine anyways."
The door closed behind him, shutting the laughter off from his ears. And when he finally made it to the studio, the smile was still on his face. Even if he got interrogated by Mitch and then Gemma when she arrived.
"Here." His phone dinged at 12:37 on Tuesday morning.
He smiled despite the time, heading out the door and down the stairs so he could walk her up.
"Hey." He greeted when he saw her at the bottom of his stairs.
She looked up surprised, and very tired. "Hey." She sounded tired too.
"Ready for bed?" He asked her, holding out his hand.
She nodded, taking it and following blindly after him. She was still in her scrubs and she had a bag on her back. He hoped she had brought her pajamas cause he had made sure he put his on. Red with fire trucks on them, he never thought he'd wear them again, or let anyone know he still had them.
"Long day?" He asked her.
She nodded. "There was a lot of near deaths and actual deaths tonight."
He stopped in front of his door.
"I'm sorry." He brought her into his arms, running his hand down her back. "People shouldn't do stupid shit." He tried to make light of the situation.
To his horror she started crying. "There was this old man who had a heart attack and I had to tell his wife of 50 years that he didn't make it." She wiped angrily at her face.
"Shhh." He ran his hands through her hair. "You should go take a shower, wash away some of the pain."
" I was thinking of punching a wall actually. "
He smiled despite himself. "You mean you didn't learn from my mistake."
She smiled through her tears.
He laughed this time, thinking that maybe it was okay and she wasn't going to start crying again.
" I mean the unbearable pain you go through when the annoying x-ray guy pokes and prods at your freshly broken arm for 20 minutes as he tries to keep his eyes open."
She laughs, running her hands down her face. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess, I'm normally okay, I just." She stopped, swallowing a visible lump in her throat.
He grabbed her face in his hands. "Hey, it's alright." He kissed her forehead. "I want to be this person to you, I'm here for you when you're tired of being perfect all the time."
She choked on her laugh. "Thanks. Now about that shower?"
He laughed, opening the door and pulling her in with him. The apartment was rather messy, something that happened whenever Gemma was in town.
"Sorry." He smiled sheepishly at her as she tripped on a heel. "Gemma's a mess."
She laughed, finding her balance on a wall.
"It's alright, I'm just like half asleep right now."
He smiled at her, leading her through the kitchen and to his room. He had bought a three bedroom apartment with the thought that maybe Gemma would need a place to stay if she ever left the bastard.
He used the master himself, he didn't care about the size, he just liked that he got his own bathroom. Y/N shut the door to it and he smiled to himself, walking out of his room, shutting it as he went. Gemma is waiting on the balcony to talk, something they did every time they came. Drake was on the couch sleeping. They had a rule, Gemma had to sleep alone, something he thought she was secretly grateful for.
He stepped out on the balcony, taking a seat next to the two.
"She's here." He told her. "But she's had a long day so I don't think she'll be ready to see you guys."
Gemma whined. "But I want to meet her, for real. In her non-doctor form."
Harry shook his head. "She'll be here tomorrow. Which reminds me, don't come in to wake me up, she needs a good rest."
Gemma sighed. "I can't wait to meet her, she sounds perfect."
Harry grinned. "She is." He stood up, pulling her in for a hug. "Goodnight Gemma." She hugged him back.
She called good night over her shoulder at him as he walked back inside. The bastard was still out cold on the couch and he resisted the urge to dip his finger in a glass of warm water and make him pee himself.
He snorted to himself, walking back to his room. The water was no longer running as he laid down on the bed. He wondered, not for the first time, how she managed to do everything she did. Being a doctor, having the life of someone else in his hands, Hell he could barely handle his own life.
The door opened and she walked out, hair soaking wet and curly, face void of all make up and a tired smile on her face. She had worn a pair of fuzzy pajamas and an old t-shirt this time. She was adorable. And he was really smitten.
"Feel better?" He asked her as she climbed in his bed.
She nodded, laying down so she was propped up on his many pillows.
"Want me to sleep on the floor?" He asked, he would willingly if that's what she wanted.
"No, I like sleeping next to you." She mumbled, eyes shut.
He tried to bite back the huge smile threatening to overtake his face and failed.
"Alright. You sleep with a fan?" He asked, getting out of bed.
"Can't normally sleep without one." She mumbled, eyes still closed.
"Me neither." He turned it on, flicking the light off as well.
He climbed back on his bed and helped her get under the covers. He liked seeing her this way, all vulnerable and like she needed someone for once.
"Thanks." She mumbled as she rolled to bury her head in his side. "You know I normally don't do this." She yawned. "But I really like you."
He tried to bite back another smile and failed again.
"I really like you too." He dropped a kiss on her head. "Now get some rest, superwoman."
She was already asleep, arm wrapped around his chest, legs intertwined with his. He joined her fairly quickly, the smile still on his face.
He grunted sleepily, hugging the softness closer to his body.
"Harry." She laughed. " I have to pee. "
His eyes blinked their ways open. Y/N was wrapped in his arms, looking back with a smile on her face. She looked a lot better.
"Good morning." He said, kissing her cheek.
"Good morning." She whispered back, closing her eyes as his lips made contact with her cheek.
He reluctantly let her go, hoping she'd come back if he didn't move. And she did, sliding back in his arms like she never left.
"What time is it?" He asked, nuzzling his head into her neck.
"Almost noon." She intertwined their feet.
"Wow." He muttered. "I feel like a teenager again."
She laughed. "What are we going to do today?"
"What do you want to do?" He rolled on his back, bringing her with him so she rested on his chest again.
"Something fun." She started drawing on his chest with her fingers.
"We can talk to everybody and see what they want to do, I mean as long as you're cool with hanging with them."
She nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good."
Harry nodded.
She sat up in the bed and stretched. He watched as her shirt lifted up revealing her freckle covered skin. Before he could stop himself his finger was tracing them. He had a thing with finding constellations in the stars and she had a ton on her.
She turned back with a small smile. "They're everywhere."
"I like them." He smiled back.
"Really?" She raised her eyebrows. "They're so ugly."
"No, they're cute." He grinned at her.
Before she could say anything her phone started ringing from her bag.
"Hello." She answered.
"A little warning would have been nice." An eyeroll.
"Yeah just give me a minute." She put her hand over the phone. " I have to go. My friend is standing outside my apartment waiting for me. " She gave him a sympathetic sort of smile.
Harry frowned. "Everything okay?"
She shrugged. "I think so, he tends to pop by unannounced because he thinks I have no life."
He. He resisted the urge to tell her to stay. "Alright, another time then?"
She nodded, reaching across the bed to place her lips on his cheek. "Yeah, I'm sorry, he's an idiot really."
"See you Thursday?"
She nodded, smiling as she grabbed her bag. "I really am sorry, tell Gemma I'm sorry I had to go."
Harry nodded, disappointment coursing through him. It was one thing to be ditched for hospital duties, it was another to be ditched for another guy. He tried to hold his jealousy and anger in.
"Of course." He got up to walk her out.
Her hand still covered the mouth piece and he wondered what it was that she didn't want this guy to hear.
"Thanks for cheering me up last night." She said as she slipped her shoes back on. "I'll see you Thursday."
And than she was gone. He sighed, running his hands through his hair.
"Harry." Gemma's voice called from the living room. "Did she just leave?"
He walked to her, collapsing on the couch next to her. Drake was nowhere to be seen.
"Yeah." He looked over at her. "Apparently one of her friends showed up at her apartment wondering where she was."
"Why do you sound so bummed?" She asked.
"It was a guy. I'd been thinking I knew a lot about her lately, we talk a lot and we're constantly texting but there's still stuff I have no idea about."
"Than ask." She pointed out like it was obvious.
"What if she doesn't want me to know." He looked over at her. " I think I really like her Gem, I don't want her to not feel the same way. "
"I think she really likes you too." She said, "What kind of person would come to a strangers house after a long shift at the hospital just to spend the night."
" I don't know. " He shrugged. "Maybe she just thinks we're friends."
"What's her last name." Gemma asked, pulling out her phone.
" Why? "
"We're going to look her up on social media, make sure she's single."
"Y/L/N." He responded. Even that was pretty.
She opened up Instagram and typed her name in.
"That's her." He pointed to the third one. @/yourinsta.
Her profile picture was of her and a blonde guy. His heart sank a little.
And there was a common feat in her pictures. A scrawny asian boy with glasses and a tough looking white haired guy with the same eyes as her.
"That's her brother." Harry pointed out to Gemma. "And I have no idea who that is."
"Her best friend." Gemma said, clicking on a picture. "Best friend since birth."
He didn't know what to think of that. Everyone said those made the best relationships but he could see the way she looked at him, like he was her brother. He sighed, adding this to the list of things he didn't know about her, a list that was longer than he wished it was
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perky89 · 7 months
I want to talk Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright. Specifically, regarding its less talked about themes of religion.
Major Spoilers for Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright.
Trigger Warning: Discussions of Suicide, Toxic Religion, Heavens Gate Suicide
Newton Belduke was canonically polytheistic, as we can see in his suicide note. And his beliefs mostly likely played at least some role in his decision to commit suicide.
"I hope you will be able to forgive me for leaving this world of my own will. I have finally made this decision, having seen that accursed bell tower appear in the flames on that dreadful night. That lightning was a sign that we have angered the gods."
There's a good chance that Arthur is religious, too.
Phoenix: "What? It's (Project Labyrinthia) a government project? But what would be their stake in this?"
Arthur: "...It's all because of my beliefs."
"Beliefs" does not always have to mean religious beliefs, but in this case, I think it does. The way that Newton talks in his suicide note implies that they both share similar polytheistic beliefs. Newton didn't say "I" have angered the gods, he said "we."
Let's look at Labyrinthia itself. Arthur places himself as an omnipotent, omnibenevolent God: He controls everything. He is seen as all good by the townsfolk, who all adore him.
Adore him to the point where when Luke tries to suggest that the Story Arthur writes won't come true, he and Layton are openly mocked by the townsfolk, and then openly threatened by the knights, and would have been arrested if they hadn't run away and hid. And even then, they got hunted down until the knights gave up.
And if that wasn't enough, let's look at how the townsfolk react when something good happens vs when something bad happens.
At the Storytellers parade when Layton and Luke first arrive in Labyrinthia, we get commentary from a few people in the crowd. One thanks him for her giving birth to a baby girl. Another thanks her that her grandmother has healed from sickness. But when a witch comes and kills somebody? They blame the witch, BURN the witch even.
Even more than that, let's look at Arthur's "death" in the final case of the game. One that they know he wrote, that they know he chose. That he openly declares will happen. They still try to burn Espella.
So, what are the takeaways we get from this game? Now, I get to the points of this little Tumblr essay I've written.
Point 1, many people do bad things for the sake of a religion that they truly believe. In other words, not just using religion as a cover up to do bad things, but doing awful things they genuinely believe are justifiable because of their religious beliefs. And sometimes, those beliefs hurt even themselves. Part of why Arthur started Labyrinthia was his religious beliefs. Likewise, part of why Newton committed suicide was he believed he had angered the gods he believed in.
In the real world, many religious people preach against transgenderism, homosexuality, abortion, and other issues of human rights. I believe the majority of these people have the best of intentions. They genuinely believe that these things will send people to eternal suffering, and want to save people from that eternal suffering. Likewise, I believe Arthur Cantabella had the best of intentions as well. I think, in his eyes, his gods wanted him to give these people new lives in Labyrinthia. They wanted him to do all this to help his daughter recover from her PTSD. He genuinely believed that, and it's part of what led him to do what he did (Espella, was, of course, the primary reason, as the game thoroughly established).
People can hurt themselves, intentionally or unintentionally, for the sake of their religion as well. I, like many other ex-Evangelical Christians, when I was Evangelical, was very hard on myself whenever I messed up and sinned. I once went to a youth conference where I and hundreds of other kids and adults were preached to that whenever we committed a sin, which the Bible says everyone does, we were saying we hated God. This, of course, does not equate to Newton Belduke's suicide. My purpose of using this example was to show how people, like Newton, can and do physically and/or emotionally hurt themselves for the sake of following their religious beliefs, and also to be sure that I used common, everyday examples, and not just extreme ones.
To get into a more extreme example that more closely resembles Newtons situation, the Heavens Gate cult suicide. 39 people committed suicide under the genuine belief that after they did so, they would be taken up in a spaceship, and avoid being on the earth during it's soon to come end times. The main reason Newton committed suicide I think was the guilt of having all these people under mind control. But as we can see from his suicide note, his belief that he had angered his gods certainly added to it.
In conclusion for point number 1, one of several lessons Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright teaches us is that the misuse of religion can and has led people to harming themselves and others, as Arthur and Newton did.
Point number 2, many people can and are pushed away, sometimes even kicked out religions entirely, for questioning religions and/or their leaders. And this even happens among religions. Lots of people, if you don't agree with their exact theological beliefs, shun you and are very rude in trying to correct you. I have seen it so many times online, and it has even happened to me. Countless people have left the religion their parents raised them with, and have been cut off by their entire family. This especially happens in more strict, extreme religions, such as Jehovahs Witnesses. In some countries, you can be arrested and shot for not following that countries national religion.
The exact same thing that happened to Layton and Luke when they first entered Labyrinthia happens in real life. Like they were openly condemned for not believing in the Story, people are openly mocked online and told they're going to hell for not following a specific set of theological beliefs. Like Layton and Luke had to run to prevent from being arrested, people have had to do that in certain countries, as well.
In conclusion for point number 2, another lesson that we learn from Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright is that many people misuse religion and believe their religion is the absolute only way that anyone should live, and they go so far as to shame and hurt other people for the sake of spreading their religion.
Point number 3, the double standards in modern religion. In several modern religions, many, but not all, of their followers take a similar approach to their god or gods as the Labyrinthia citizens do to Arthur. When something goes great, they thank their god or gods. When something goes bad, they blame a negative figure in their religion, other people, or no one. Or, often, if they do attribute the cause of something going bad to their god or gods, they say that their god or gods had a good reason, or a purpose, behind what happened. While, if they blame an evil figure in their religion, that figure just did it because they were evil. If a person did it, they did so because they were misinformed or also evil.
I certainly understand why this approach is taken. We as humans, religious or not, all have bias. Me, personally, when my best friend does something wrong, I say "Well, we all make mistakes." When someone I don't like does something, I say "Well they're just a (insert one or several curse words here)." Though it's an understandable double standard, it's still a double standard.
In conclusion for point number 3, a lesson Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright teaches us is that the misuse of religion of a lack of critical thinking within can lead to it's followers having double standard about it's religious figures.
One last thing before I wrap this up. While writing the conclusions for each point, you'll notice I emphasized "the misuse of religion." Certainly, religion can be misused and terrible can and have resulted. But it is not always misused. Religion can and has been used to do wonderful things, too. My best friends mom, who is protestant, got cancer, and a group of Catholics paid for all of her medical treatment and even brought her groceries. People have used religion to publicly encourage the love and acceptance of others. Jesus, in the New Testament, preached about loving each other and about helping those in need. The United Church of Christ actively promotes LGBTQIA+ rights, diversity. Several religions promote helping people and being kind to others. Every Muslim I have every met has been nothing but sweet. Believing in a good afterlife helps a lot of peoples anxiety about death. Religion helps many people find community and friends, as it did for me, though my former religion and myself have largely parted ways now. And when I told my friends in church that I had left Christianity, I wasn't shunned or pushed away, I was loved and embraced with open arms. Critical thinking was and is still encouraged, as it anti-racism.
Case and point, religion does not always have to be a bad thing. It can be beautiful, and it can be horrid. But that's not just religion, that's almost anything, ever. The fault for bad things happening is, for the most part, not the religions, but the followers who misuse it. What Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright does is show us happens when religion is misused.
and er...that's my unprofessional essay lol. while we're on the topic of religion, Imma pray that this goes well LOL
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Hello! Its been so long! Hope youre doing well!! I was wondering if i can request a "Secret" admirer reader x barbatos fanfic. With lots of fluff
Thank you so much for writing awesome content!💕💕
ah, yes, time demon butler with they're totally 'secret' secret admirer. (He'd notice if it was me, a cup of Hells coffee would be so bitter I'd accidently kill him-) also thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my content! :)
it uh... might have gone to light yandere Barbatos-
he's quite familiar with time, having existed for far longer than possible for many beings to even comprehend.
Patterns, familiarity, and order. That's what he's used too, that's what he's become.
; and it's been a long time since something surprised him, at least genuinely.
and yet, here he is, having existed for centuries after centuries, finding himself having tea with a human.
Not too surprising really, he found it awkward at first, in all honestly. Being able to know how the future plays out (for the most part),knowing how you feel about him. he never really thought he'd find himself doting on anyone, really.
So you could imagine his surprise, "Is the tea to your liking, y/n?" he inquired.
Smiling lightly, "Of course I like it, Barbatos. You're pretty talented when it comes to tea." … you continued, "Everything actually, I don't think there's a single thing your bad at."
You're wrong.
Very, very incorrect with that assessment.
The Demon Lords Butler, a Time demon, the most perfect, on time, attractive, rational being in the entirety of existence is in-fact not perfect.
Just Yesterday he spilt tea on the edge of the tea-cups plate. Simple mistake really, but the problem was you.
"Hey, Barbatos, are you okay?" You queastioned.
There it was again, he forgot to respond. to busy admiring the mere thought of you.
"Of course y/n, I'm quite alright."
"You know, Barbatos. When I feel sad, or even just stressed, I like to curl up on a couch with movies and coffee, … or tea." You said shyly.
"Are you busy tonight, we could watch some movies together." you asked. and of course- of course he was busy but he already fixed that. Just earlier today actually.
"It would be an honor, y/n."
-I don't usually time skip but I could write about Barbatos for ever so I've got to cut this addiction off-
"Are the blankets already?" you asked while bringing snacks to the couch. (Brothers are out on business, lucky time demon.)
"In-fact they are, I'll prepare the tv, if you could make us coffee."
"Coffee?" you questioned what the fuck happened to the original Barb.
"Yes, I was thinking Hell's coffee would be nice, to keep us both awake."
Nodding your head you leave to make tea. Wait... Hell's... tea. Oh. No. Uh, nervously you make coffee, for yourself and Barbatos.
of course he has no intent to drinking the whole thing, but he's really curious.
Handing him the coffee you sit quietly waiting. This might get awkward.
Barbatos already found coffee to be less than his preferred drink but bringing the mug to his lips, and taking a small sip-
God damn- if he didn't know better he'd think you were trying to assasanate him. It's so awful, emotionally he's crying, physically he's frozen. He knew you liked him, but- what'd he even need to say...
Facing forward drinking your coffee with a slow, and loud slipring noise.
"So, uh... what kinda movie do you wanna watch."
Barbatos turning his head to face you, kinda just stared for a second. "I quite enjoy Horror, but I like romance too."
"Do I get to cling to your arm if we watch a horror movie?" you said jokingly, "Just to make sure you feel safe of course-" you smiled laughing slightly.
Barbatos smiled lightly, "I wouldn't mind that."
That's the end of pt.1
I'm sorry I made it too long but I'm writing pt.2 this very instant. I just don't trust tumblr not to delete what I have so far.
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lichtenbergforest · 2 months
Tumblr media
Summary: How could people leave him? How could they leave this loyal, good soul? How could they hurt Buck like that? He was so easy to love - so he said it.
It’s quiet, but Buck hears it.
Word Count: 3k
Notes: first tumblr post woot woot! this is cross posted on archive of our own - it’s technically a songfic bc i listened to i do by reneé rapp while i was writing. without that song, this fic wouldn’t exist :)
requests go here! • find me on ao3 here!
We fall asleep on the couch, I refuse to move
'Cause it's the only time that I'm ever sleeping next to you
It was a rough shift, and Buck hadn’t taken more than a look to follow Eddie back to the Diaz household.
Rough days always ended in movie nights, Christopher would sit between them and hold the popcorn - and he always held them back, relaxing into their hugs despite being a bit ‘too cool’ for that now.
It was the couch that Eddie found himself on after unlocking the door and heading inside, not needing to glance back to know that Buck was following him - he just would be.
He was proven right when the front door closed and the sound of Buck’s bag hitting the floor filled his ears, a tired Buck soon collapsing next to him on the couch. Eddie held his breath for a moment - they were always tactile, but Buck had never simply leaned closer and nuzzled his head into the crook of his neck before.
Eddie tensed up, mind racing as the scent of Buck’s shampoo filled his nostrils and made him dizzy. Buck was out like a light only seconds later, and Eddie manoeuvred his arms around his friend - friend, he tried to remind himself - and carefully moved so that his legs wouldn’t cramp up.
Chris was fast asleep, Carla having gone through his night time routine with him, so it was just them.
And Eddie felt gross, he hasn’t showered after his shift and Buck hadn’t either, but in that moment he didn’t care.
Buck was laying in his arms, his breath was tickling his neck.
And god, he wants.
He wants and wants so selfishly that he should feel guilty, but he never would when it came to Buck.
His best friend, his co-parent, the person who he revived, the person who survived and came back to him.
His Buck.
Some days it hurt - the cemetery was rough, meeting Natalia was god awful, and he thanked his lucky stars that it had ended.
He’d promptly broken up with Marisol, which hadn’t gone quite as well as he’d hoped.
“We went on a double date, with your kid! What the hell do you mean this isn’t working?!”
He held back a shudder at the mere memory of that conversation.
His love for Buck just outshone everything else - eclipsing everything else and making life feel worth living.
But while Eddie wasn’t ashamed of his love for Buck, he was a coward.
And tomorrow he would feel guilty for letting himself fall asleep on the couch just to hold him for a bit longer.
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When we're saying, "I love you"
I mean it different than you do
Sometimes Eddie felt brave - he had to at least try and tell Buck.
The man had driven over in the rain at 2am on the night of a shift the second Eddie called and mentioned having a particularly bad nightmare. If Eddie hadn’t been in love with him before, he absolutely would be now. Buck did all of that and more for Eddie - he felt like he at least owed him that.
Buck was in the kitchen making his special hot chocolate for them, and Eddie was sitting on the counter watching as buck melted the marshmallows for his concoction.
The kitchen light was the only light on in the house, and Buck is wearing mismatched socks, cookie monster print boxer shorts and a white t-shirt, and it’s leaving Eddie feeling some type of way as the light hits him just right.
How could people leave him?
How could they leave this loyal, good soul?
How could they hurt Buck like that?
He was so easy to love. So he said so.
“I love you”
It’s quiet, but Buck hears it.
He blinks once, twice and then smiles all sleepy and pauses what he’s doing.
He takes two steps towards Eddie, and he feels like he’s frozen as Buck squeezes his shoulder and says he loves him right back.
“I love you too, Eds - you’re my best friend and I want to be here for you” he says.
Eddie feels cold all of a sudden.
He feels a little melancholy after that, like his heart hurts, like it’s bleeding and trying to claw his way out of his chest
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You don't see us like I do
You don't see us from my view
It's like we're both looking up
And I'm under a storm
And you’re seeing sky-blue
“To Maddie and Chimney!” Hen shouted across the patio, everyone cheering and taking a sip of their desired drinks.
Maddie looked beautiful, and Buck had looked so unbelievably choked up at his first glimpse of her.
He’d grabbed Eddie’s hand as he sucked in a deep breath - Eddie had expected him to let go after the tears stopped welling up, but he hadn’t.
Eddie was torn between watching Maddie and Chimney’s vows and looking from Buck to their hands - he only felt a little bad.
He felt cold when Buck released his hand at Maddie’s announcement.
“Bouquet toss! Gather round, singletons!”
Buck was on his feet quickly at that, and Eddie had a moment to just…look at him - to appreciate the way the light hit his skin, the way his skin dimpled at the corner of his mouth.
He was beautiful.
Eddie was so in love.
Sometimes he wanted to tell him - he’d almost told him so many times, but then Buck would say something - or look at him in a certain way, and he just couldn’t.
He couldn’t risk this going wrong for Christopher, for Buck, for their family and their friends.
And his chest ached, god, it ached.
Maddie tossed the bouquet, and Buck jumped towards it, his height giving him an unfair advantage.
And then Christopher was cheering for him as he caught it, he glanced at his Dad’s winded look and cheered a little less.
“Is there a Buck 6.0 update incoming?” Athena joked, glancing from Buck to Eddie with some kind of all knowing look.
It made Eddie’s skin crawl.
Buck laughed, throwing his head back.
Why did he have to be so gorgeous?
“You’re next, little brother! The bouquet said so” Maddie laughed and Buck positively groaned.
“Why do I need to get married next? What if I want to take a break and just, I don’t know, bro out with Eddie?” Buck complained, and Eddie positively choked on his drink.
Athena gave his back a pat from her spot beside him, a smirk pulling at her lips. “I’m sorry - bro out? What on earth are you on about, Buck?!” Josh looked positively confused and extremely amused.
Chimney looked like he knew something no one else did.
Eddie was paranoid.
No one could possibly tell he loved Buck, right?
He prided himself on his ability to school his behaviour.
“You know, staying single and just hanging out with my best friend. We’re basically in an intimate-less marriage anyway! I have everything with Eddie, just in a platonic way, you know?”
Eddie couldn’t fucking breathe.
Chris was beaming beside Buck, looking up at him with glee, “Does that mean I can start calling you dad?” He pondered out loud, glancing at Eddie anxiously.
Buck was glowing, and Eddie felt like he was drowning, but now it was more of like drowning in a jacuzzi, he felt warm as opposed to the cold he felt at Buck’s implications.
Eddie nodded, a smile of his own making its way across his face as Buck nodded and Christopher.
Buck was everything.
And Eddie was so, so blind - how could he not notice the heart eyes that stayed on him the second Eddie was in his presence?
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lesbiandanhowell · 6 months
Sam (begrudgingly) reacts to: Dan and Phil play Poppy Playtime CHAPTER 2!
I fucking hate horror games and I am have a high anxiety day so this is like awful timing BUT HERE GOES NOTHING.
- Not a fan of the runtime because I don't enjoy horror so the longer the worse for me personally so fuck this actually oops
- Babes I am literally shaking and almost crying 4 minutes in this will not be fun lmao (but also I know my anxiety won't go away without dan and phil content so might as well hope they will be funny and cute enough to make me calm down).
- I hate this I want to cry UPDATE: I literally started crying right after this, about 8 minutes into the game, but it got better afterwards.
- The touch when saying 'we have to be brave' was very personal to me. (Someone give me someone to watch this with and hold me please because I am scared)
- The buttplug jokes being the only thing to make me laugh, thank you Phil. Dan what do you MEAN "tails in" in reference to buttplugs, did you see the unhinged shit we said on tumblr, because oh god please no.
- "What are we going to do now?" "Cry" Phil gets me actually thank you I feel seen.
- The color game is actually calming my anxiety SO much it's hilarious, like it's just logic and following patterns and those things are so calming even when Dan is screaming.
- "For our lesbian audience that has mommy issues this is gonna be a weird episode" YOU DONT SAY DAN YOU DONT SAY
- new lore alert: Phil going to a wrestling party
- Phil lore: he was afraid of the KFC man as a kid
- PINOF MENTION AND CLIP AHAHA, they love doing these references since they uploaded the first react video.
- Dan hiding in his hoodie is adorable, like he just fully went "nope!" and hid haha.
- I think you can see Phil's hand shaking in the whack a mole, like the camera was SO shakey which was either his inability to use a mouse or he was shaking, place your bets.
- Dan playing the mini game after all, Phil is never beating the younger brother stereotype truly.
- When did they film all of these that their heating is still broken?! Makes me think they really did pre-film most of these to have a less stressful time now during december, which good job guys!
- Mommy's voice reminds me of someone else in a tv show but I can't figure out what? Anyone know?
- Their delighted faces at seeing jacksepticeye are adorable, like you could tell they were so happy truly and I love these little easter eggs!
- "Sean you down there?" HOWLING
- They edited so many clips and memes into this (which makes me think they edited it rather than an editor) haha
- Phil just, maybe unconsciously, moving impossibly closer to Dan is a big mood (only I am alone rip).
- Weirdly enough the mini games are the most calming part for me, like there is a clear focus and clear objective of what to do and it's like: here is a problem, solve it and I think that does wonders for me.
- Unsure if I am shaking from anxiety or being cold (also great I have more uni work to do after watching this)
- Yes please sanitize my boobs. What
- I agree Phil, we have gotten a lot of lore (about you)!
- Phil's panicked "geese!" gets me every time because it's so cute.
- "I feel kinda bad" aw ofc you do Phil and ofc you don't Dan, so very in character for both of them honestly.
- "Sometime in 2023, so not much longer" Phil, honey, there are like 20 days left what do you mean?!
This actually wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, after I had my little cry at the beginning. I was actually quite calm by the end and I think my anxiety actually is less, which I didn't think would happen. The magic of Dan and Phil, see you tomorrow!
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