#god never let me work on a portrait this long again
aurriearts · 5 months
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(image description in alt text) PLEEEEASE click for better resolution I spent eight hours on this thing
anyway hello everyone. I spent like five hours longer on this than I intended but I finally have an up to date sura portrait lol. I gave it little scars on its face from the window shard cuts last minute, watch me remember to never give him those again lmao
edit 12/04/2024: updated with upped saturation and brightness. god i hate how ipad makes things harder to tell when the piece is desaturated hhh
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ellecdc · 5 months
Hello I’m new here (tumblr) and idk if I’m doing this right but hi!
Your fics first came up with regulus and moon water so I’ve been binge reading your fics :), I was wondering if you would write Sirius x reader?
Where like Sirius is like head over heels for reader and it’s just him talking to the marauders about her because she’s like on prefect duties so he misses her.
If not that’s fine.
hahaha lovesick Siri is my kryptonite - thanks for your request; here's a cute little baby blurb <3
please note: my requests are currently closed as I finish exams and work through the requests that I currently have.
lovesick!Sirius Black x fem!reader who's on prefect rounds and he's upset about it
“So….why exactly is Padfoot pouting right now?” Peter asked cautiously as he shed off his bookbag and sat down to watch James and Remus’ game of wizard chess as Sirius hung upside down from a grandfather chair looking awfully contemplative. 
“His bird ditched him for some other bloke.” James muttered without raising his head.
Sirius scoffed dramatically and shot James what was probably supposed to be a withering glare, but was significantly diminished from his current upside-downness. 
“First of all, do not call my darling girl a bird. Second of all, she did not ditch me for another man, she has prefect rounds with Regulus.”
“The better of the Black brothers; good for her.” Remus commented; dodging a throw pillow lobbed at him from Sirius without moving his attention from the board. 
“What? You think you’re going to die if she’s not here to stroke your ego, Pads?” James asked teasingly.
“I might.” Sirius responded earnestly.
The other three Marauders groaned.
“You’re all just jealous you don’t know what it’s like to be in love.” Sirius accused as he repositioned himself upright in the chair.
Remus and James both turned to give him unimpressed glares.
“You’re nearly as bad as Prongs now.” Peter muttered, earning him indignant “oi!”’s from both James and Sirius.
“I can’t help it if she’s the best thing to ever happen to me, Wormy.” Sirius pouted.
“I am sitting right here.” James grumbled. 
Sirius rolled his eyes. “You’re a close second, Prongs.”
“She can’t be that great if she willingly puts up with you.” Remus commented, causing Sirius to launch himself out of the grandfather chair and onto Remus’ back.
“You take that back right now! My girl is the sweetest, most angelic, lovely person in the whole wide world and we’re all better for it.”
“Oh my gods, okay, okay. Merlin’s tits you’re wild.” Remus muttered as he bodily shoved Sirius off of his person.
“I can’t believe she puts up with you if this is what you’re like around her.” Peter commented, earning him a laugh from James.
“Oh, you should see it, Worms. She reduces him to nothing but a soppy lovesick smile whenever she’s around; no more feral Pads, he’s right docile with her.”
Sirius stared between his three friends with his mouth hanging open, face painted in a look of pure betrayal.
“See, this is why I spend so much time with her; she’d never treat me like this.”
“And yet, here you are.” Remus taunted.
Sirius stood quickly as he scoffed derisively. “Fine. I’m going to go hang out with her; at least then I’ll know I’m wanted.”
No one said anything as Sirius dramatically stormed out of the portrait hole and the Gryffindor common room once again returned to its appropriate volume.
“His logic is flawed if he thinks Regulus wants him anywhere near them during their rounds.” Peter commented, causing James to groan.
“Reg’s gonna hex him into oblivion if he disrupts their prefect duties again.” The Headboy groaned.
Remus let out a long suffering sigh as he stood from his long since abandoned chess game and made for the portrait hole.“I’ll go play interference…again.”
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kadwrites · 1 year
a man with a reputation | T.S
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read the next part
or check out the series masterlist
summary ; you cannot talk your way out of this , for the first time in your life, you're given no choice.
warnings ; angst, cursing, mild violence i guess??? , arranged marriage trope.
a/n ; maybe i'll turn this into a series? who knows, let me know what you think <3. also the accent is a mess, but im trying.
"no!" your eyes are wide , glassy with anger filled tears "i will not be treated like some piece of land."
"would you listen? your father and i are thinking of your future." you mother is looking at you with a stern face, sitting beside your father as you stand in front of them
"what future do you think i'll 'ave with thomas fucking shelby?" you raise your voice
"do not speak to me like that , i am your mother."
"we're old, i'm sick with god knows how many illnesses." your father speaks, his cane in his hand as he leans against it, still on the sofa
"don't start with that talk" you shake your head with a chuckle, you sniffle and turn your head away
"i don't know if i'll live another day , i am too sick to work, too sick to care for the farm, there is nothing left for me to give you" he speaks slowly with a serious voice, and it makes your heart sink "this isn't a joke or some game, i've survived the war and lived long enough to see all of you grow , but i know that my time is near, i cannot risk dying and leaving you with nothing"
your father never spoke to you like that, he was always jovial , happy.
it seems like it hits you for the first time, how much your parents have aged, how much the illness took from your father, how his sicknesses have changed him.
"celest got to marry who she chose and so did oliver and so did abraham, but i don't get to do that? i dont get to choose my own husband?" your tears start falling, your voice cracks
"i need to know you'll be taken care of , that you'll be in good hands when im dead and gone."
"and you think his hands are the good hands you speak of?" you cant help the humorless smile that graces your face, hot tears stain your cheek "you can't be serious"
"he is the most feared man in birmingham," your mother chimes in
"you are willing to sell your daughter! to some gangster!" you raise your voice again
your mother stands and faces you
"i am not selling you off, i am securing you a future, with a wealthy man, who can give you everything you can possibly want. you'll live like royalty" her words come through gritted teeth "i am not giving you away to some old pig, you're marrying a respectable man, a man with a reputation."
"a reputation? don't you know what 'appened to his first wife ? you are securing me a grave" you come nose to nose with your mother, both of you almost vibrating in anger "you are killing me is what you're doing, you're selling me off to the highest bidder"
the next thing you hear is the sound of your mother's palm against your cheek, the sound of the slap echos throughout the empty house, your head is turned, your cheek stings
your parents never laid a hand on you, even as a rebellious teenager when they caught you sneaking out the window or smoking on the roof.
your head turns slowly, eyes wide as you look at your mother, she looks mortified at her own actions,
you turn and run off and up the stairs to your room, hearing your father yell at your mother for what shes done.
at some point during the night, you had fallen asleep, but not for long. you were awake when the sun rose, your back pressed against your bed frame, looking ahead at the painting on the wall, it was a family portrait, and you were sitting on your father's lap.
you knew your sister was here when you heard the sounds of her five children, running around the house.
she knocks softly but doesn't bother to wait for an answer when she opens the door after a few seconds, she walks slowly, and sees you on the bed.
your eyes stuck on the portrait , your face almost emotionless, your tears have dried and stained your cheeks, she wonders for how long you cried, your back against the wood of the bed frame, no pillow thrown in her direction for waking you up, no annoyed words saying "you couldn't fucking come in the afternoon?" . the curtains are parted, letting the light in, which is very unusual for you.
you hear the bed creek under her weight when she gets on it, laying next to you
"i heard about yesterday" she says softly, her head turned to look at you
you only glance at her , but your head doesn't turn, then you look back at the portrait
"they're doing this for you, they want whats best for you." she's not sure if it is you she's trying to reassure you or herself , this wasn't ever supposed to happen.
her little sister was supposed to marry a man she wanted, a simple man, a man capable of love
you hum, or you make a sound at least , acknowledging her.
"he isn't all that bad, you know."
a weak chuckle escapes you at her words "in what world is thomas shelby not a bad person?" your voice is hoarse , from screaming and crying all night long no doubt.
"he can give you a good life."
"ya 'ave a good life don't you? with the man you chose, the man you love." your gaze doesn't move, still staring at the painting "its not fair, you lot got to be happy, and i don't."
"ya don't know that." her voice is full of sympathy or maybe pity, you didn't want to know.
you finally turn to your sister, "do you honestly think that i can be happy with 'im ?"
your sister hesitates , she licks her lips "he's a powerful man."
you chuckle at that too "that tends to 'appen when you're a gangster."
"i tried with them, i really did." her voice is weak too, it cracks.
your eyes well with tears again, you didn't know you could even cry anymore "i know..." your voice is a whisper
you knew she'd be against it, she wouldn't agree, maybe oliver would tell you to consider it, abraham would too, just to please your father.
but celest wouldn't
"what are ya goin' to do?" she whispers back, her tears start rolling too
"what can i do?" you ask "i dont 'ave any other choice"
she looks at you as if she didn't expect that. you were always stubborn, always talking your way out of anything you didn't want, you always got your way with your parents, thats what she taught you.
but this time, you don't want to fight back.
"you're goin' through with it?"
"i cant live knowing i disobeyed my father's dying wish."
your father was sick, and getting worse everyday. you were a stubborn woman, but the little girl inside of you couldn't bear to disobey her father.
celest wraps an arm around your shoulder, holding you to her chest, her hands runs up and down your arm , like she did when abraham would bother you to tears, or when oliver wouldn't let you play with him.
"at least he's easy on the eyes, eh?" she tries desperately to lighten the mood, her lips pressed to your forehead
" hes old." you say with a weak laugh
"hes older, not old." she corrects, with a laugh too.
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minhosimthings · 10 months
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Impatient details || 18+
Synopsis: You just couldn't wait as Hyunjin kept you waiting to finish his portrait of his most favourite muse.
Pairings: Hyunjin × fem!reader
Warnings: Smut, 18+ MINORS DNI, Fingering, masturbation, degradation, swearing, Hyunjin calls reader 'darling' and 'my muse', unprotected sex (don't do it absolutely not), Hyunnie cums inside of reader, overstimulation, dacryphillia, art studio sex let's gaur, it's a bit fluffy at the end
A/N: y'all I can't do this I'm SAUR HORNY RIGHT NOW DAMN THIS PERIOD. I really needed Hyunnie cause man is literally looking like a Greek God in that silver hair (although he has dark hair in this drabble). So this concludes my very first Hyunjin smut! Yay to my dumb brain for working.
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Muses are such pretty little things aren't they? Oh to be a muse. To be dancing under the bloodlust stars with a person who considers you their entire universe. To be staying still and laughing in courtish conversation as he imprinted your figure against yet another canvas, in the same yet different shades of captivating colours.
"Hyunjin-" you dropped your arm from your waist, "-my arm fell asleep again." Always the artist, never the muse, changed when you met Hyunjin. Now, you were forever gracefully stuck as the starry eyes muse, remembered in reds and blues. "Hyunjin how much longer?" You whined to Hyunjin, who whisked his eyes away from the canvas in a whip. He lowered his paintbrush and put his palette on his table, brushing his long, dark hair out of his eyes. Standing up with a slight wince (probably from sitting for that long), he strode over to you, lifting your chin up with his finger. You could see the sweat beads glisten on his forehead, and his fingers all covered with paint. A splash of paint decorated his neck, from where veins were slightly popping out.
“Always so needy for me, aren’t you? Can’t help yourself, can you?” He leaned forward to your lips, with barely any space between them. You could feel his breath hit your lips as you leaned forward to kiss them. To your disappointment, he leant back.
“Mm, always so impatient for me, ” Hyunjin smirked into an impatient, rough kiss, a surprise to you, after he had previously leaned away. "Mm Hyunnie-" you moaned into the kiss, Hyunjin's hands resting on your thigh, "Want you." Hyunjin pulled away from the kiss, caressing your cheek with his right hand.
"Not so fast my muse." He smirked like the devil in a dance, "you distracted me from almost finishing the painting, so now you're gonna pay for it."
He leaned back against his chair, leaving you dumbfounded on the couch. "Now-" he picked up his paintbrush, "-I am going to need something to motivate me to detail this painting, so why don't you touch yourself for me darling?"
"And don't you dare take that pretty dress off." He mused, biting his bottom lip in concentration "That's for me to do later."
You slip your fingers into your cunt, feeling disappointment at them not being Hyunjin's cock. As you start to hump your hand, you could see Hyunjin tighten his grip on his paintbrush, his face ever so scrunched up. He hasn’t fucked you yet, but this is good. You could see that hyunjin has been subtly grinding his long, pretty (and hard) cock against the easel for a good time now. “yeah, ‘m wet for you hyune~” you croon, wanting to cum so bad.
"Just a little more, my muse. Need to get the details right don't I? Need to make sure this pretty body gets what it deserves?"
You exhale lightly at that, trying not to react too much to what he just said.You aren’t sure if he can see you clench around your own fingers or not, but you nod in agreement.You want to move your fingers more, you want Hyunjin to watch you do more. You jolted your hips ever so slightly as you could feel warm liquid coming between your legs.
"Jinnie-" you moaned, eyes still focused on his fingers moving delicately across the canvas, "-want to cum please." Hyunjin smirked behind his canvas and turned his eyes away for a split second. “You want to cum?” he grinned devilishly, wiping sweat off of his forehead. “Y-yes, I— please—” “Hm, but do you really deserve to?” Hyunjin slowly dabbed at a spot on the canvas as your fingers stopped moving around your clit. "Please Hyunjin~" you moaned, feeling more impatient than ever.
"Aww baby." Hyunjin cooed, getting up again and striding over to you, “Tell me how you want me.” “Want your fingers in me.” You whined, watching him get on top of you. "Aww my fingers? How many darling?"
When you didn’t respond, he tilted his head at you, quickly thinking of a way to get you to answer him. His long, messy hair fell in front of his dark brown eyes, waiting for you to beg him. He always enjoyed the sensation of you being on your knees, absolutely going dumb for his cock He slid his fingers into you and his eyes flickered down to your pussy, clenching tightly around them.
He grunted deeply and twisted his other hand on his cock teasingly. His eyes were glued on you starting with your half-lidded eyes and your parted lips, trying to catch a breath. He trailed his eyes down to your chest which rose and fell with each panting breath you took. He traced the curves of your body with greedy eyes, your smooth skin covered with a thin layer of sweat.
You slip your hands into his hair again, pulling him back down to continue the passionate kiss, holding onto him desperately. Youf tingled between your legs when his cock brushed through your folds and bumped against your clit, reigniting the flames of your desire. The heat of him turned you on, as if he’d drugged you with just a kiss, with just a touch of his glass skin on yours. He pressed another kiss to your jaw, ghosting your skin with his soft lips. He gave you a messy kiss, leaned his weight on his arm by your head to drag his rough hand down your body. He took your breath away again, pulled away just far enough so he could follow the path of his hand with his eyes.
"I think you need to be fucked properly, don't you my muse?" He stroked his cock, "Do you need to be fucked hmm?" "Please Jinnie-" you whined, missing the feeling of his fingers inside of you, "-need you against me, please." Your begging words ignited Hyunjin's mind, his eyes filled with fiery desire.
"Hyun- Hyunjin fuck!" Hyunjin slips into your cunt so easily. He kneads your breasts just right, pinching and caressing where you like, and his lips leaving open-mouthed kisses on your neck. You moan his name, and you feel his cock beneath you coming gradually to life. You grind your bare cunt on his nourishing cock, and his hand grasps your hair to pull your head. “Behave,” he warns with a chuckle, “Fucking eager, aren't we?” You could feel tears come out, decorating your face along with the sweat. Hyunjin's cock twitched as he saw your eyes all glossy and your face scrunched up, trying not to sob out of the pleasure he was giving you.
“Fuck you’re so—” He groaned, his hips shifting as he sat still for a second and he soaked in the way your lips parted and your eyes rolled back with pleasure. “—Fucking tight. You’re already squeezing the fuck outta my cock.” One thrust, then two, Hyunjin goes deeper into you, your moans giving him Heaven to his ears.
"Hyun- wait - I-I can't-" "yes you can darling." Hyunjin's eyes darkened over you, his hands still on your hair, as yours reciprocated. “Hyun,” You whined, squeezing your eyes shut, the overstimulation making tears slip from your eyes and your legs shake. You felt a shiver run down your spine when you felt his lips on your spine, his tongue running over your skin. He stopped at your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses before he pressed his lips against your ear.
“You’re my good girl right? You’d do anything I tell you to?” He coaxed, his voice deep and smooth, enough to make you want to come right then and there, again. You nodded, not trusting your voice. “Yeah you fucking would. So cum for me, now.” He demanded, his hand slipping down your body to run your sensitive clit and the overstimulation was enough to send you over the edge.
“Fuck, fuck that’s it,” He moaned, his hand squeezing your neck tight enough to bruise, but not enough cut off your air entirely. He turned your head and kissed you hard, tongue slipping into your mouth as he sunk into you one more time before he spilled inside you.
"Whew!" Hyunjin panted as he collapsed next to you. "You know what, this actually is a weird couch. How is it supporting both of us?" You giggled, snuggling up to Hyunjin's warm chest. "Well thank you to Etsy for letting me but it for cheap. It's my most favourite place to draw my muse." You smiled into his chest, as he wrapped his arms around you, the smell of paint hanging around. "By the way," you spoke first after a long silence, "Did you get the details finished?" Hyunjin smirked at you, and buried himself into your neck. "I finsihed that shit a long time before you touched yourself all pretty for me darling." He whispered into your ear as you slapped his chest playfully, getting up to see how he had made a masterpiece of his muse.
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leighsartworks216 · 9 months
57 perhaps? If inspiration happens to strike. I love a little desperation or uncertainty or pretty much any possible cause of trembling kisses. Can be nsfw or not. Thank you for all that you do, and please feel free to disregard entirely if it’s not your thing!
57 - kisses with trembling lips
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
OH BOY DID THE INSPIRATION STRIKE. IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE. I saw this prompt and my mind immediately went to the most painful idea. I legitimately almost started crying multiple times writing this, as someone who very rarely cries over fics at all. Soooo let that be a solid warning and good luck 👍
Word Count: 578
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Kiss Prompts
It felt wrong to see you like this. You were surrounded by flowers from all your friends; Astarion despised the damn things more than ever. The only good thing was their potent fragrances masked the scent of death.
He took a deep breath, biting his cheek to force back his tears. It wasn’t working very well.
He stepped forward, leaning over the sides of the wooden coffin to peer down at your face. You looked peaceful. Much, much too pale, but peaceful. The thought of lowering you into the ground rubbed him the wrong way, but there was some comfort in knowing you would be laid right next to his own grave. When his time comes, however long from now, he’d be by your side once again.
He inhaled shakily. The tears burning his eyes broke free. He didn’t have the energy to wipe them away.
His hands shook as he reached in and cupped your cheek. The wrinkles and creases of age still felt exactly as they had a week ago, when you were scolding him for hovering over you. “I’m not helpless yet, Star. I can make it to the couch on my own.”
The thought of that house. Of going back to the emptiness… Gods, what would he do without you?
“Live. Live for me. You have so much life to live, my love. My star.”
He wished you’d open your eyes. Tell him it was all a joke. Come back to him, lay in his arms just one more time.
He couldn’t breathe. His chest was too damn tight, choking on half-contained sobs. The sun would be rising soon. He’d need to leave before then. For you. Gods know he was all too tempted to stay here, holding you one last time as he’s reduced to ash. But your voice rang all too clearly in his mind, as though you were commanding him on a battlefield. Live.
He leaned down and pressed his lips to your forehead. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine you were still alive, merely fast asleep in your armchair by the fire, book slipping from your fingertips. But the smell of death flooded his nose too strongly. It was not the warm scent of the fire, or the soaps and oils he would bathe you with.
His lips trembled against your skin. His chin shook as emotion overwhelmed him. His entire body shuddered with the power of his sobs. His tears hit your skin; a holy aspersion from a lifetime of being loved. He reluctantly pulled away, vision blurred to hell as he delicately brushed them from your brow.
The horizon slowly grew pink and yellow. He had to leave.
His heart ached with the thought, now more than ever. He would never see your face again, not outside of portraits or magic mimicry. And he couldn’t even see worth a damn to be absolutely positive he would never forget it. He forgot his own face so long ago; he wouldn’t forget yours.
He tried to speak, tried to tell you he loved you, to thank you for spending your life with him, for never giving up on him despite it all, for being you. But the words never came. A golden beam creeped over the opposite edge of your coffin. The flowers came alive in the sun. He wished you would, too.
He passed from shadow to shadow back home, sobbing out his grief with every step.
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@satelliteapotheosis @hypopxia @flsalazar @beverlybeav @angelofthorr @emiemiemiii @marina-and-the-memes @aurasyn @furblrwurblr @cappsikle @mjmygd @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland @kindadolly @bloopthebat @pandimoostuff @chesb0red @black-star1472 @sessils @puppyg1rl666 @maruichio @cyber-dump-171 @katharynmarie @twinkliker3000 @cherifrog @catching-fire-in-the-wind @thespectacularspaceace @lynnlovesthestars @sylverqueencosplay @tototini @ashrio20 @bambamwolf87 @astarion-imagine-archive @thistrashisreadytobash @rosxtinted @bongwaterflavoredgatorade @the-lake-is-calling @nyxmainex @squid-killer @godoffuckedupcats @dontneedbiologytoadopt
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𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠, 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 7
Tagging: @bloody-mf-bsc, @augustwithquills
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Liked by benbarnes, freddycarter1, sujaya_dasgupta and 6,348,672 others
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Wonder where they had gotten these... weirdness?👀
P.S: Continue to laugh. For now. Because one, I'm working my ass off here as you all have fun and two, I'm gonna be feasting on your tears later.😌
View 762,563 comments
freddycarter1: benbarnes, will you please tell your wife to cool down?😰😧
User7: They were just in a silly mood, they didn't mean it right?!
user4: Ever since that interview with "Never Have I Ever", she is giving them absolute hell and bitch behaviour except Ben( he barelly saved his ass) lol djdbjc
user9: I missed that one! Why, what happened? user2: They answered "Never Have I stolen anything from the set?" which they all replied with yes and were cocky about it. Y/N then answered that it wasn't because of them being discreet and stealthy but because she let it happen, and she told them she knew everything they have ever stolen. user7: Didn't that put her in a rough situation tho? user2: Nah, she just flipped her hair and dramatically said "I'm rich, I payed for them." dındekjn user12: I wonder how Ben, who is usually the one being bullied by her, was able to save himself? user4: Simple. When he was asked what else he "stole" without her knowing, he answered with a puppy eye "Y/N." and that was how he saved himself from the couch.
User7: Smooth... Very smooth benbarnes😏 Still, we were there before you tho😒😐
User5: It's just the way they are mommy, look, we are your precious babies right? Please don't make us cry.
User2: putting the people begging Y/N to spare their fragile mental health, I'd like to say how Callahan looks like a God but is a cutie pie in Real life... please step on me.
jacktwolfe: Danielle the Axelotl and Freddy... I don't know what Freddy is
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Me too boy, me too... I don't want to know how he did that with his mouth
freddycarter1: I have many talents Y/N, not that you know 😎
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: 🫥😶😐😒🤨 Say that to your wife 🍹👎
kittheyounger: 😧😱😨
User9: Ben is such a mood. My life would be in chaos, and the life around me could also be chaotic but as long as I have my tequila and whisky, we are all fine.
User6: Freddy is their New victim lol Love you all💓
User1: I think Danielle is becoming an eagle...
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Liked by benbarnes, pascalispunk, tchalamet and 6,921,311 others
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: This man is a lot of things. Husband, father, son, friend... Occasionally cool, but never for too long. He told me to take a photo of him to show how cool he is to our son but instead he giggled at his silly father in his own Darkling costume...🥹💓
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user8: With every picture she posts, I gain one year in life. With every photo shadowandbone posts of her, I gain 10 lives.
User2: So precious ❤️
User1: Piercing and charming brown eyes on a man is the sluttiest thing ever.
User5: Y/N, will you ever talk about that first "Lego Date" you and him had that you two became official?
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Maybe in my YouTube channel, if people really want to know, with Ben's permission ofc, I don't see why not? 😊
User3: Y/N the Concent Queen 🙏
User2: Guys, let's not traumatise Ben again with our thirsty comments about him being a real dilf🤣
User13: Darkling: evil incarnate with every possible War crime, perhaps a groomer, manipulative bastard who is obssessed over power... Meanwhile Ben: Babygirlified 42 years old man who simps for his wife and would commit war crimes FOR her and their son and is "the twit with the portrait"
User5: nOoo you didn't just bring Dorian into this djskdjjs
User13: Someone had to
User6: May the lord save us, how were you able to shoot those photos with him so close to you Y/N?
User12: I'd have folded easily
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: A little bit of heart attack, swooning for my husband and then definetly folding, everything was fine. It's easy really 🙃😊
benbarnes: Stop saying those things just like that 😊☺️🤭
User14: Ben is melting hard~😏😋
User15: If this doesn't end up with her pregnant again, I don't know what will. Maybe a girl comes this time sjsjsj
User15: Okay, guessing the little Barnes looks like the exact copy of his dad, the kid will have immaculate looks coming from both his dad and momma. LOOK HOW GORGEOUS THEY ARE?!🥹 *crying intensifies ehiel holding the family picture of them in my hands delicately*
pascalispunk: Want to see my little champ and his reaction as well!
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Just sent you the video!
User7: Ben lost to little Barnes today, the baby ADORES his momma🥹
amita_suman: He looses every time anyways🍷😎
User6: Y/N is winning in everything she does, this is her Barbie world💯
benbarnes: My little girl will definetly think of me cool, just so you wait for a few years,love.🙃😤
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: And what makes you say we are having a girl in the future?? Maybe it will be another boy who adores me???
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Liked by freddycarter1, calahan.skogman, emilia_clarke, emmaroberts and 6,893,561 others
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Another day, another chaotic moment!
1.The fuck hoe? Leave my precious camera alone, do you know how expensive is that? I can give you a toy one, just please go and threaten someone with that cane of yours.
2. I'd like to say, seeing a huge man absolutely melt at the sight of these cuties were pretty funny! Don't worry though, we adopted them!
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User2: Freddy, Y/N already pays for enough, please stay away from the cameras. Those shits are expensive as fuck!
User9: Have a lovely day you two!
User12: Guys, I just came back from her YT video, and the fact that Y/N fucking Y/L/N-Barnes literally went and visited every single one of the cast members, who are already the biggest simp possible for her and almost fainted when they saw her before their door, to thank them personally for how FUCKING amazing they are and how much of a GOD TIER acting they did is just... Ma'am you shouldn't be THAT FUCKING AWESOME❤️💓
User2: she brought gifts for them too! But her explanation is way funny: I brought something edible to all of them because come on, what am I gonna do with flowers? Eat them like a cow? 😒😉😋😁( her face expressions btw)
User5: and with the straightest face possible to mankind djskdjjeks
User4: Thinking about the fact that we're living at the same time as Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes, Ben Barnes, Amita Suman, Jessie Mei Li, Kit Young, Freddy Carter, Patrick Gibson, Archie Renaux, Daisy Head, Danielle Gallighan, Calahan Skogman, Jack Wolfe and everyone else in the cast is... What a fucking Era to live Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes liked
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Okay first of all, I'm impressed by your sheer dedication of writing every single name... And thank you for being so sweet, we are lucky to have fans like you as well! ❤️
User12: Y/N, the mother of us all, the best decision you had ever made was choosing Freddy Carter as Kaz FUCKING Brekker and Ben as Darkling beyond doubt... We can't thank you enough 🙌🫶
User3: Emma Roberts liked her post... Does that mean the new project is AHS? 👀
User14: That would literally top her(near) every project
User15: Someone please include her in a new emoji game, thirst trap video, interview whatever! I NEED MOMMY Y/N AND HER REACTIONS ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM
user6: Unrelated but I want to know what was the hardest scene to film for her?
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Anything with that damn goat. It kept either distracting us, or head butted someone. Mostly Kit tho
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Liked by benbarnes, freddycarter1, archierenaux3 and 5,978,352 others
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: To anyone who calls this cast "A happy and cute family"... I'd like to point out that these six are the worst of them, including yes my own husband.
1. Those little shits after Archie pointed out me tripping on my own feet and my husband daring to laugh( I feel pretty betrayed because why are you cackling amita_suman and jessie_mei_li?)
2. Them, finally able to take a serious photo because damn it, I need to have a decent photo to give to the press! Poor photographers were begging me to keep them serious long enough 🤣😄
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User5: We are now at a time when all the women like Y/N had been at least once in their lives...
User8: Wanting to have some appreciation because everyone has been doing exactly the opposire even if we women work hard ASF and even harder than most people?🤨
User5: That too, but no. Homicide. And murder. 😈👹😊
User7: These people + Y/N could break me in half and I'd say thank you mommy/daddy
User5: their laughs are so precious... even if It's at poor Y/N 😁
blakelively: Your husband is there and you are feeling betrayed because of the girls laughing?
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: I'm used to him making fun of me since... I'm the weird one in this marriage lol But not Amita and Jessie, we are weird together, why did you laugh at me? 😭🥲
User3: Is that the way we treat her? Is this what her children(us) and little Barnes wants?🤨
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: I agree luvie... I was thinking about giving him the couch punishment while my boy sleeps with me.
User2: Mommy Y/N please stoo working too much! Your health matter more and you should spend time with your family and friends!
User13: Y/N, we are grateful you taught Ben the Emoji Language really. Thanks to you, he finally understands the young fans like us and win games 🙃
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anchoredarchangel · 5 months
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Thanks for the tag @anincompletelist ! I’ve never played this one before 💫🤍
Rules: Post your favourite line or passage from as many of your published works as you’d like. Let yourself feel proud of your creations! Tag as many people as you post snippets, so your fellow fic friends can be proud, too.
beneath the cut because I’m wordy as hell oops.
From No Consequences:
If Alex revisits the metaphor about his brain at the best of times, this is the moment where the toddler holding the flipbook exchanges their sugar addiction for straight cocaine. The good stuff. High quality. This is Alex’s brain on drugs.
From Hope is a Five-Alarm Fire:
Alex stares at him without blinking the way other people probably look at renaissance art: like magnificence beyond the scope of words, a pinnacle of creation, something meant to be kept pristine, locked away from the ruining touch of the masses. Except he’s putting his filthy fucking hands all over it, leaving smudging fingerprints behind. And the art likes it. 
From The Cosmos in His Palms:
Alex thinks about Henry, about pulling the stars from the sky just to tuck them carefully in Henry's chest beside his heart to keep him company, so he'd never have to look for them again; about what Alex would be willing to do to put the cosmos in his palms.  He’d do the impossible. He’d defy the gods that put them there. 
From The Throne He Deserves:
Who kisses Alex like he’s the water in the desert and he doesn’t care if it’s a mirage so long as he doesn’t die in pain, and who fucks him like it might be worth the pain of dying just to do it again and again. 
From The Wait Before the Fall:
“This is not all that I am,” Henry tells him, turning back to the statue, something tumultuous in him settling, going just as still as the museum air. “Not anymore.” He looks up, that beautiful, defiant tilt to his chin; not to the man being crushed, but at the plaster of the woman—head draped in a lion’s skin, club in hand, kneeling on the shield in victory. Valour and Cowardice: Valour.
From A Spark and Flash Paper:
In a rare moment of courage, he does the latter. He chooses himself. No bloody consequences.
From A Sin Better Than Heaven:
“Imagine how I will feel to your cock,” he says boldly, and Alexander meets his eyes; the brown all but eclipsed by a full moon of darkness.  “I will not,” he murmurs, “because I intend to know with certainty.”
From The Very Portrait of Temptation:
Alexander’s mouth slows, a kiss longer and deeper and felt in every nook of him—the king's tongue sliding expertly past Henry's teeth, like a dagger through the widening crack in what remains of Henry's armor. This—it is everything, and everything that it is is enough to drive men to madness beyond the point of hysteria, enough to lose what remains of his wits, enough to foolishly hope for an unlikely change of fate. One where he is not a deceitful seducer, but rather a trusted confidante. One where he is even, perhaps, an actual lover, true as North.  A beautiful agony, most mad indeed. 
my tumbling has been iffy lately and I’m not sure who has already played—so if you see this and you haven’t posted one yet, here’s an open tag from me to you 💌
but also @firenati0n when you’re back I want to see!
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that-ari-blogger · 9 months
It's Time
Ok, this song. (This post might be a bit heavy)
Usually, near the end of a musical, there is a quiet, reflective number before the bombastic finale. This is often the final straw for a large percentage of the audience, who find themselves brought to tears by the rest of the story, and this just catalyses it.
Stray Gods: The Role-Playing Musical has two of such songs. Adrift Reprise, and It's Time. I have already done some analysis on the former of those, but It's Time, I left for last.
Let me explain.
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One of the strengths of Stray Gods is its connection. This is a story about a young adult trying to find her place and her purpose. She is adrift, with so many places to go, and she looks to her elders for advice. Surely, they have their lives figured out. Right? But no. I think Apollo says it best at Aphrodite's party.
"We get older, we have more to forget. We hold grudges longer. But wiser? No, not so far."
Stray Gods pulls on very real emotions in its audience, very few people in the audience know where they are going, or what their life will lead them to. So, the themes of fate and choice in this musical become more pertinent. You cannot know what your future will hold without it feeling like a burden, but you can make choices. Good or bad, you can always choose.
This is what the Adrift Reprise number is all about. But there is another almost universal experience that this story hits you with. An emotion that It's Time centres around. Loss.
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The vast majority of humans have lost someone at someone close to them at some point in their lives. As you get older, the chance of this happening only increases. It's an unfortunate fact about being mortal. And here's the thing, in Stray Gods, mortality and immortality are not mutually exclusive.
Everyone in this story is mourning, either the loss of Calliope, or the old Hermes, or Hephestus, or the gods who have gone missing. These idols can live forever, but they can also not. The idols are humans, but more. More powerful, more magical, more experienced, but also more fragile, and more weak, and more weird.
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Persephone's relationship with Calliope is subtle at first, but once you notice it, you see it everywhere. From the portrait of Calliope in Persephone's office, to the anger at her murder, to the immediate switch from avenger to protector the second she clocks on to Grace actually being Calliope's chosen successor.
So, when they finally meet in the underworld, this can either be an aha moment or a surprise, and either works.
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"So many years of history,
The fights, the highs, the miseries,
I'm so proud of you, but it's time to go."
"I never truly saw before,
how trapped we were, how far from shore,
great at the time, but now it's time to go"
In a single verse, two stanzas, this song summarises what could possibly be a centuries long relationship. Tumultuous, but real. For all of their faults, there is a love there. You can see why the relationship broke down, and you know Persephone and Calliope well enough at this point to infer a few more details about that. But you also know that looking back, the connection is still there.
I also want to point out that nautical metaphor again. It links back to Adrift and gets referenced in just about every other song. But the difference now, is who it is aimed at. Usually, Grace is the one being called out for drowning in choices or something similar, but now its Persephone realising just how far out she is, and looking back on her relationship with Calliope, only now can she see where she went wrong. Maybe, if Calliope was still alive, she and this new Persephone could work things out. Now that Persephone isn't obsessing about that throne and can actually admit fault.
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The tragedy is that we will probably never get to find out. Because Calliope is dead, and you can't change that.
But what about something you can change?
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@ohnoitstbskyen has a phenomenal video titled Grief In Art, which I highly recommend you check out. In it, he gives the following summary of the emotion:
"Grief comes with anger, with emptiness. It comes with loneliness and exhaustion and a dozen other complex and multifaceted feelings that all intermix and grind against each other. That's part of why it can be so overwhelming."
I am willing to bet that this isn't a foreign concept to a large percentage of Stray Gods' audience.
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So, tell me, if you were given the chance to bring back a lost loved one, would you take it? It's a complicated question. But if, right now, I told you I could bring back your mother or brother or friend, would you say yes? What price would be too steep? What is the value of a human life? How much would you give?
Personally, I would say yes. To me, every life is unquantifiable, and I would give anything for just a conversation with certain people.
But what about Grace? And what about Freddie?
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There are two ways you can come at It's Time in the musical. Well, three actually, but we'll get there in a moment. You either are following the romance storyline with Freddie, or you are not. And from what I can tell, this song makes no distinction between the two. You bring your own baggage.
"It was quick and so was I,
I was not prepared to die.
But Grace, I choose this,
And I know you'll get by."
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Do you bring Freddie back from the dead? It's possible, and you'd get your happy ending. You can, but should you? That much is up to you.
Actions have consequences, that's kind of the thesis of this story. One consequence of Grace's actions was the death of Freddie. You can undo that, if you want.
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I have played through this game a fair few times at this point, and at this moment, I have gone through both options. If you were to approach this as a simple, numerical question, the answer would be obvious. There is no physical benefit in the game to either decision, so you should do what Freddie says and let her stay dead. The reason this is such a difficult choice is because of the humanity in it.
You know the right choice, to let Freddie stay dead, to not go against her wishes, to not give her the eidolon. Freddie says she is content with her decision, so you should go with that, right?
But are you strong enough to make that choice? I know I wasn't the first time I played this game.
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There is one other element that complicates this, and it's fascinating to me. Because that third approach to this song is retrospect.
What if you have played this game before and brought Freddie back? Then you get Freddie's love confession, and it changes the entire story. It's prophecy, like Apollo warned us about. You know the fate you are trying to achieve, so you take actions against yourself to try and thwart it, essentially locking yourself in that path, whether you like it or not.
Does the promise of a happy ending change your choices here?
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Final Thoughts
There is a reason I left this song until last. It's one of those songs in musical theatre that brings a tear to my eye every time I watch it or listen to it. The instruments, the melody, the fact that this is the only time Grace ever says "Farishta". Everything about this song is amazing.
Next week is my final roundup for Stray Gods, and as a quick reminder, I am putting out a request for your analysis, be it musical or artistic or lyrical. Send me a message, or comment, reblog this post, and I will try to include as many as I can (credited to you, naturally) in the final analysis to build a big picture of what everyone thinks of this musical.
So, stick around if that interests you.
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Do you know? (Who you are?)
A Drarry dialogue only microfic. 870 words // @drarrymicrofic
“I don’t hate you. I couldn’t.”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Why did you do this?”
“I wanted to ruin you.”
“You ruined yourself.”
“I was ruined long before you. I’m ruined now.”
“You’re a portrait Malfoy. You’re a picture on a wall. ”
“So your glasses clearly work.”
“Why did you do this?”
“Always dim Potter. Always seeing. Never understanding. A pawn. Never a king. Never a poet. Barely a soldier.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You might have had him in your head Potter. But I had him in my bed. Literally.”
“Why did you do this?”
“Why did you do this?”
“Do what?”
“I didn’t. I-I couldn’t. It wasn’t a choice Malfoy.”
“It was.”
"No it wasn't."
"Did it feel good then-"
"I leave. I'll go."
"A pig for slaughter. The priest's favorite sacrificial lamb."
“It was good to feel needed. If I wasn’t wanted then I was going to be needed. And if I wasn’t needed, then I was going to be used.”
“You were used. A pawn, like I said.”
“You’re a painting on the wall Malfoy. What do you know?”
“Everything I did when I was alive Potter.”
“So then you know why you did this?”
“Of course.”
“You’re still a git I see.”
“Hard not to be.”
“Just fucking tell me.”
“All hard work and no pay off makes Harry Potter so sad.”
“I didn’t save your life for this. It was never sick or twisted or a favour to be repaid.”
“AND? What ‘and’ Malfoy? There is no and. The war was won and I still lost.”
“I see you didn’t change. Or is your portrait persona charmed to be as aggravating as possible?”
“You know Potter, I only ever wanted to be your friend.”
“You made that hard.”
“I did. On purpose I think. I was only ever loved out of obligation.”
“Your parents loved you.”
“Not enough to save me.”
“There had to have been someone else. Anyone.”
“No there was no one? Or no you didn’t even consider anyone else?”
"No Potter, there wasn't anyone else. Just me and you and my parents and Him."
“I gave you everything you fool. I wanted you so desperately in life, that you had to have me in death.”
“Don’t make me say it again.”
“I was infatuated with you Potter. I was git because it was the only way I could get your attention.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
"Tell you? Oh, he's funny now."
"I never thought you wanted to be saved."
"You'd have done me a favour to let me burn."
"I'm so-"
“You rejected me. Over and over. In Madame Malkins. At Hogwarts. You hated me so much and I just couldn’t hate you.”
“I’m not finished. If you hated me, then I had to be worse, I had to deserve it. Don't you see Potter?"
"See what?"
"I'm only whoever they tell me to be."
"We all have a choice."
"Then you cut me open in the bathroom with a spell you didn’t understand and while I bled out, you ran.”
“I never apologised for that.”
“You don’t. And I wouldn’t accept it.”
“I can’t accept the manor.”
“You will. This is penance.”
“You don’t get to tell me that.”
“That day in the bathroom Potter. I almost died. I was thankful that if I did, it was at your hands. Not his.”
“The manor. The vaults. The title. I can’t. I’m not a Malfoy.”
“I deigned to be an ending. The Noble House of Malfoy will be no more. I gave the wards the gift of blood and in return they gave me the sacrifice of choice.”
“What do I do?”
“Win. You win Potter. And this time you mean it.”
“I wish you were here Draco.”
“No you don’t Potter. You wish someone was there to hold your hand.”
“I think I’d quite like to have you hold my hand.”
“No Potter, you wouldn’t. This isn’t a declaration of love. This is just an ending.”
“I didn’t save you for it to end up this way.”
"Did you know, Potter, that muggles have this thing called 'God'? Apparently he can fix anything, but you have to pray hard enough. So every night of the war I'd close my eyes and pray to him. I'd pray to be saved because no one else would save me."
"Are you trying to tell me that God answered your prayers?"
"No Potter. I'm trying to tell you that if you could see past the war, you'd realise that I'm not a bad person. Only one of us here ever successfully cast an unforgivable."
"I had to cast them. I did." "Oh."
"Not so different after all, are we?"
"You still lost the war."
"I lost long before the war."
"Tell me."
"Lambs are only raised to be bred or slaughtered."
"Which of those am I?"
"Harry, some are both."
"Don't call me that."
"By your name?"
"Let's not imbue power in things that don't need it Harry, we all know how that worked out last time. I am just a painting after all."
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 years
Woven Serpents (Part 4): Namor x Mutant!Reader
synopsis: eyes are opened to the comforts of Talokan. Comforts you take pleasure in giving and receiving.
wc: 1k
tw: smut
previous part 🌊 next part
"Namor, please..."
The sound of your hips connecting with the diety's hips echoes endlessly in the near-empty cave, save the two of you in his hut.
"Ask," Namor pants above you, his deep eyes searching yours. "Ask, and I'll give it to you." He nuzzles your neck and kisses your skin as you climax around his cock, feeling every inch of him sink deeper into you.
And for the moment you're hanging in bliss, you recall exactly how you got here.
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You'd worked for a few weeks as the healer - Sanadora - curing diseases, healing injuries, and even saving someone from death. And though the work had been draining, you did it with gladness, seeing the faces of those you had come to know light up with joy or relief. It brought you comfort to see them comforted, just like the K'ul'ulkan had told you it would.
"You seem to be happy here," the feathered god had mentioned one night as you disrobed from the suit, his hands busy with painting the small walls inside his hut. "Are you happy?" The answer that comes to your mind isn't fully realized until you set aside the suit and sigh, frowning. "In my eyes, they needed you," Namor adds, returning to his painting with a shrug. "It seems life is more... complete."
"Complete," you hum, taking a piece of fruit from a bowl perpetually filled with the items. "That's a good word for it."
"Does it fit how you feel?" You don't answer, choosing instead to stare at the portrait of the feather-heeled god on the wall. Namor rises from his crouched position and stands before you, watching you watch him. "You are thinking about something but do not want to say."
"Is life really this simple?" you wonder aloud, and Namor frowns, tilting his head at you.
"Not always," he admits, nodding. "Sometimes it's on me to protect Talokan, and things can get difficult." You look up at him, worry certainly etched all over your face. Namor chuckles and reaches a hand out, squeezing your shoulder. "Don't worry, táankelem," he murmurs. "You're safe here."
"I worry about you sometimes," you reply, quirking your lips. "The first time I saw you, it looked like someone had ripped off your wing."
"Ah." Namor nods, raising his brows. "An... unfortunate incident." Your eyes follow him as he takes his place at the small table in the middle of the hut, resting his hand on his head. "Should not happen again." You approach another panel of paintings, touching the dried ink with tender fingers. The smears portray Namor seemingly in battle with an animal, a black one you've never seen before.
"What is this?"
"A very long story," Namor chuckles. "But it ends well."
"I meant the animal."
"A black panther," he answers simply.
"You fought an animal and won?" Before Namor can answer, you hear someone emerge from the water.
Namora walks into the hut without greeting you, speaking in quick words to Namor, who lets out a sigh and stands. "Y/n, I must go. I will see you later." Without waiting for your response, he leaves, sweeping out of the room regally.
He disappears into the water, and you look for a few seconds after him, the words in your head echoing long after he's gone.
Be safe.
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Talokan has good people... and even better wine.
At least, that's what think as you down another glass of the drink brought to you along with your dinner. You're not sure how - or why - a citizen of Talokan would make such a wonderful drink (since they all lived in water), but you're not complaining at all.
The hut feels empty without Namor's presence to annoy and entertain you, but as you stand to your feet, you wander around, touching the walls. Your gentle fingers caress the paintings as you stand in silence, taking in the majesty of the art in awe.
You don't even say a word when you stumble toward the place Namor calls his bed and wrap yourself in the sheets, inhaling his salty scent deeply. And that's how you found yourself falling asleep in Namor's cave. The wine muddles your mind, and for a moment, you swear you hear female voices talking close to the hut's opening. But when your head finally turns to see if someone lingers, you find the space is empty.
"Must be my head," you breathe into the sheets, curling up on your side and closing your eyes.
You suppose that's also how Namor found you - in his hut, alone, sheets pressed against your face - and possibly even why he didn't awaken you upon his arrival. But you find his body crowded against yours in the morning, his back to you.
Your mind - still addled by the wine - registers the presence, but not that you had no reason to turn around and curl into the half-god, half-man before closing your eyes.
And perhaps it was also the wine - though you're not entirely sure - that encouraged you to kiss the still-wet skin of his back and roam your fingers over his muscled skin.
Namor stiffens in more places than one, then turns to face you with his endless eyes.
"Ask," he whispers in the semi-darkness. "And it will be given to you."
"I do not know what to ask for," you respond, fingers twitching on his warm skin.
"Shall I teach you, then?" Namor wonders, his hands coming around your waist. You nod, and he moves forward, inching ever so closer to you, his breath fanning your face. "Close your eyes," he murmurs, and you obey. When you feel his lips on yours, however, it takes no effort not to be startled and pull away as if you were a woman who had never been kissed. (Which is your reality.)
Namor moves against you, his mouth and body beckoning you closer as he turns, so you're underneath him. "Will you let me show you more?" Thick fingers easily run underneath your skirt and course down your parted legs. You nod, but Namor huffs softly. "Ask, Táankelem."
"Please," you beg, eagerly lacing your fingers through his hair. "Show me more, K'ul'ulkan."
And without hesitation, he does.
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taglist: @simpingfor-wakasa @lumenseal @lucifers-silhouette @asarcasticcaffeinatedslytherin @batfam-sitcom @weaponb33 @bonnapple @violet-19999 @skyekestis @artaxerxesthegreat @give-me-a-million-dollars-pls
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little-miss-moonstone · 9 months
The Red Thread (Carmy x OC)
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Chapter One| Book of the Year
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next | series master list
summary: Rori moves back home to find out she’s been lied to.
WARNING: Gunshots, a bit of angst and anxiety, very little editing. i think that’s all, if you think something needs to be added just let me know:)
“A little more to the left,” Rori directed as Pete was hanging a portrait on her living room wall. She had been lucky enough to find a house not far from theirs and the couple was more than happy to help her move in. It had been a long weekend as they unpacked boxes and occasionally stopped when they found the photo album from their youth. Natalie was still sifting through a storage tub with photos and relics from the past.
“Oh my god. I didn’t know you had this,” Natalie gasped and Rori turned to look. “Carmy’s sketch book from high school.” A light blush crept across her cheeks. She hadn’t seen that book in years and she felt quite embarrassed that Natalie had found it.
“Oh, um, yeah. H- I- uh, you know Carmy’s very talented and when he packed up I just didn’t want it getting thrown out or anything so I took it for safekeeping,” she studdered. “I was really hoping Richie would’ve stopped by. You told him I moved back, didn’t you?” She changed the subject while fiddling with the end of one of her braids. Natalie began flipping through the pages trying to buy time for her response. She hadn’t told Richie, knowing he would insist that Carmy and Rori both know the truth, but then Natalie thought what harm would it do now. Rori wouldn’t just pick up and move again, not after all their hard work and the hours it took to find the right shade of navy blue for the accent wall. Surely she would find out at some point in the next 72 hours. Yeah, Chicago was big, but not big enough, especially when she knew the first place Rori would go is The Beef. As she flipped to the next page and found the drawing of Rori she smiled, first at her brother's talent, and then at how he was able to capture just how beautiful the girl was.
“No, I meant to the other day, but it just slipped my mind. Maybe you should stop by the restaurant. I’m sure everyone there would love to see you,” She suggested putting the sketch pad back into the bin. She knew she would get an ear full from Carmy and Rori either way, so she might as well delay it. Rori thought what she proposed was a great idea, but she would give herself a few more days to settle in.
Carmen was taking a smoke break scrolling through his phone while he sat on some pallets behind the restaurant. He wasn’t looking for anything in particular, just reading news headlines then scrolling to the next one.
He clicked on the article before any other thought could go through his head, seeing the picture of her smiling holding the book caused the corners of his lips to slightly rise. He quickly read through the article to see all the praise she was getting and how the book would become a series. Though he hadn’t a clue what it was about, it was the only book of her’s he hadn’t read, and he was telling himself he didn’t have the time, but maybe it was also because Mikey said it was his favorite. He remembered his brother telling him the characters felt so familiar and how he was sure they could fit right in at christmas dinner. He pushed the thought from his head while finding her contact in his phone. “Congrats on book of the year” he typed out, his thumb hovering over the send button. He always did this, she would get some honor or award and he would type out a text that he would never send. He chuckled then deleted the message. He was so sure her life was much better without him in it, she didn’t need his bullshit dragging her down. He was back home trying to hold the restaurant together, he knew he was a mess, and she was doing good, living in some city, god-knows-where. Though, many times over the last few years he did miss her company, even if it was only phone calls, texts and random FaceTimes and he often wondered if she missed them too. He wanted to believe that she didn’t, but he truly couldn’t know. There was no way possible for him to know she did, she missed him so much it bled across every page she had ever written since the last time they spoke. No, he was clueless to the fact that she convinced herself it was all her fault, she should’ve kept her mouth shut on the phone that night. She had kept it shut so long, a lifetime couldn’t have hurt. That alternative had to be better than the reality she had been living without him at all. Carmen took one last long drag before flicking the cigarette to the ground and slowly exhaling before returning to the kitchen. The sound of Richie still harping over the bad date he had been on while everyone was manning their stations. There was now some-what of an order to the kitchen and he knew the progress would be slow but he was okay with that.
After stopping at the farmer market, just to look around, Rori knew she needed to go see Richie. The idea of actually stepping foot inside The Beef sent a shiver down her spine, she hadn’t been inside in two years. She found herself standing on the pavement just staring up at the run-down sign. It made her think of her childhood and Mikey… and Carmy. She took a deep breath reminding herself it would be okay, what she was feeling was the price of having loved, that is grief. She opened the door, not having time to look around as Richie was a few feet in front of her talking to a women she didn’t know.
“Holy shit,” He mumbled, he never thought he would see her step foot in Chicago again, much less the restaurant. “Red, what the fuck are you doing here? Don’t you have some fancy smancy award banquet or tea with the Queen? C’mere let me get a look at you. It's been too long, sweetheart.” He engulfed her in a hug.
“I actually just moved back, not too far from Sug. She thought it would be good after, you know,” she paused and Riching nodded in understanding, “it would just be good.” She finished.
“She’s here ya know, she’s just in the office going through some papers with—“ gunshots cut Richie off as they, along with the other women, duct down. After a moment, a familiar voice cut through the silence.
“Is everybody okay, yeah?”
A voice that Rori knew all too well, she was rooted in place, paralyzed with anxiety as his voice echoed in her mind. She thought back to the last time she had heard it three years ago. “It’s o-okay, uh, we- we can just- uh we can talk tomorrow.” Those were the last words he said before he hung up. They didn’t talk tomorrow, and all of her calls and text went unanswered for months before she decided she couldn’t take the rejection any longer. He was now in sight and the moment he saw her his breath hitched and he was standing just as still as she was. She studied his face, his eyes still the bright blue she remembered, but they looked tired and his untameable curls were still just that. She could feel his gaze and wondered if he was doing the same thing. He was, taking in her eyes, they were like emeralds staring back at him. Her hair was still as red as cayenne peppers, but he noticed the gold hoop on the left side of her nose, that was new, well at least to him. She had a few more tattoo’s, but so did he.
“Fuckin’ motherfuckers,” Richie cursed storming to the door, then outside to inspect and they were both drawn from the trance they had put eachother in.
“Uh- h-hi i-i didn’t know you were home, Sugar told me you were still in New York,” Rori spoke first, eyes darting at Natalie as she came into view.
“Is that right?” Carmen was now looking at his sister, “I, uh, moved back a couple of months ago to run this place.”
“Oh, yeah. So we’re lying now, Sug? Is that what we’re doing?” Rori laughed and although it was sarcastic, it was still a beautiful noise to Carmy’s ears.
Natalie quickly suggested that she and Rori go talk outback, dragging the girl through the kitchen before any more words could be said.
“That was Aurora fucking Cavani,” Sydney smiled, “You know her? She’s like a modern day shakespeare. How-“
“We grew up together.” He cut her off, “Now, if everyone is okay, let’s get back to work.”
The two girl could be heard yelling in the alley, their voices were muffled, but you could clearly tell an argument was happening.
“I thought she’d be happier to see you, Cousin,”Richie chuckled.
Carmen ignored his words, focusing on the task in front of him, but a part of him had hoped that if they had ever seen each other again she would be happy to see him. Realistically, he knew he had ruined any chance of that years ago and honestly expected her to slap him across his face, god knew he deserved it. His eyes wandered across to where she dropped her tote bag, the bullet hole causing him to stop what he was doing and slowly walk over to it.
“Ffffffuuck,” He exasperated, “Yo, Cousin, c’mere.”
When Richie walked over and saw what Carmy saw his face held the same expression, utter disbelief. He knew it was rude to go through a women’s bag, but he had to know where the bullet went. He slowly pulled out a hardback copy of her book, “The Red Thread”. The bullet was lodged into the cover plus a few of the first pages.
“Could you imagine if this wasn't there?” Richie asked.
“No. I couldn’t.” He sighed running a hand through his hair.
He knew in that moment he had to fix the mess he made all those years ago. The thought of something happening before he could make amends sent a shiver down his spine, he did that with Mikey, he couldn’t do that with her. The sounds of Rori and Sug arguing were beginning to die down and he was clueless as to what he was going to do. She had nearly bitten his sister’s head off for not telling her he had moved back home, but the damaged book was a reminder: Don’t wait until it’s too late.
a/n: And here it is!!! I hope to write another chapter soon. Don’t expect a regular upload schedule. My aim is for one update a week but it’ll just be random and chaotic. please please please tell me what you think and i’m wishing you all the best in 2024:)
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sweetlandspos · 2 months
The way I stared at your drawings and took in every single detail, ESPECIALLY THE SUKUNA PORTRAITS??? And baby Sukuna???!! You’re killing me 😩 I can’t believe you deleted your blog at one point and I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your work!! It’s BEAUTIFUL and it’s exactly how I imagined he’d look like irl ❤️
I’m not the best with words, but just know I’ll be daydreaming of your work tonight, and tomorrow night, and probably many (and most) nights after that.
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AAAAAAAAH i love you thank you so much 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
I never deleted my blog I ALMOST did it cause I was bored 🥱 I just let it die for years before posting again hehe!
But oh my god you made my day 🥺🥺 I put a lot of efforts into my art so I’m glad when people notice the little details 😊😊
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👆👆 that’s the biggest compliment you can give me, I will think about this all day long lmao
Thank you so much again 🥹
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asexual-hugger · 5 months
Rapunzel: *Sitting at her canvas painting the view from her balcony in the castle*
*Knocking at door*
Voice: Rapunzel?
Rapunzel: Just a second! *adds a few more fancy brushstrokes*
Voice: It’s Eugene.
Rapunzel: Come in.
*The door opens and Eugene Fitzherbert stands in the entryway*
Rapunzel: Hi.
Eugene: Hi. *He closes the door behind him*
Rapunzel: What are you up to?
Eugene: Your father sent me up here to remind you that we have that meeting with the representatives from Arendelle today.
Rapunzel: Ugh. I know. I haven’t forgotten. I'm still adjusting to my lost princess life. Way to throw me right into royal duties.
Eugene: Hey. You’re an amazing princess. So far you’ve done everything you’re supposed to. I believe in you. *He paces slowly around her room, and he stops short when he sees all her finished art pieces leaning against the wall* Oh, my God. *He quickly walks over and gently picks one up to get a closer look* Did you paint these??
Rapunzel: Yeah. I did.
Eugene: *lets out a low whistle of appreciation* These are incredible! How long have you been doing this?
Rapunzel: Well, I lived in a tower for most of my life, so… *innocent shrug* I learned what I had to.
Eugene: Wow. You continue to surprise me every day. They’re amazing! They look so lifelike!
Rapunzel: Thank you.
Eugene: Which one are you working on?
Rapunzel: Just the sky from this balcony. I need to keep my skills sharp.
*Eugene walks up behind her and places his hands on her shoulders, leaning in to watch her paint with the most adoring look on his face*
Eugene: You paint so beautifully. I can watch you move that brush for hours.
Rapunzel: Uh-huh.
Eugene: Have you ever painted portraits? All your work shows scenery.
Rapunzel: Portraits? Like, of people?
Eugene: Yeah.
Rapunzel: Not really. The only thing close to a portrait that I’ve ever painted was the scene of me watching the floating lanterns that covers a wall of my old tower. I've never tried doing up close personal pictures.
Eugene: Well, maybe you can try now. I want you to paint a picture of me.
Rapunzel: *places her brush down and turns to look at him* You…want me to paint you?
Eugene: That’s all right, isn’t it? You’re incredible. I want to be part of your talent. You can certainly try to do something you’ve never done. I want you to paint my portrait.
Rapunzel: *long silence before she decides* Okay. Just give me some time to get a new canvas…and my bearings. I have to make you look perfect.
*Eugene eagerly takes her face in his hands and kisses her tenderly*
Eugene: You are the best.
Rapunzel: Where are you going?
Eugene: To get ready. I’ve got to have the best outfit for the best painter. I'll be right back. *gives her an air kiss before he leaves again*
Rapunzel: Uh…all right.
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beezonia · 11 months
Nice day for a white wedding
Pt2 of the little haunted mansion au gabenath fic
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You are her, you have to be
Those words echo in Nathalie’s head like a siren, lulling her into a false sense of security, only to rip her into pieces afterwards.
She couldn’t be Natalia, no way in hell! Nathalie was Nathalie and he would just have to deal with it.
Nathalie had to find Penny and Vincent get out of here as soon as possible before she went mad, before he drives her to the brink of insanity.
“I have to find a way out.”
It’s a murmur, she doesn’t want anyone hearing this, they’d report it to him and she really didn’t need that.
The woman gets up from where she’s sitting on a small poof, just in front of the vanity (ironic) it’s time to open the door.
Face the facts and get the hell out of here.
The hallways are just as confusing as they were before. Long and winding, portraits hung on every little space.
History at its finest really, although Nathalie isn’t really sure who any of those people are and she really doesn’t want to delve deep into it anymore.
She keeps quiet. Not wanting to attract any unwanted attention, stepping over those floorboards she thinks are going to creek when she steps on them.
The woman breaths slowly, not wanting to panic, although her brain is working on overdrive right now.
Declarations of love echoing in her head, that deep grey staring right into her soul. It made her heart race, whoever Natalia was, well the woman was lucky to have someone as devoted to her like Agreste was.
But it wasn’t her, and it never would be.
Nathalie really needs to find Penny and Vincent, she thinks she’s going insane!
But the hallways are just so confusing and long, the woman can’t remember which ways she’s turned and which paths she hasn’t taken.
It all too much, too much for her to bare. Maybe it was time to rest, stop and think for a while.
That would be nice.
“There you are dear, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
Or maybe it’s time to keep running! Don’t let him fool you!
But Nathalie’s legs weren’t moving and then she starts to panic even more.
“Stay away from me! I’m not who you think I am!”
She’s pleading with whatever gods can hear her, help her get out of this mess before it’s too late and she’s trapped.
Agreste is getting closer each second and all Nathalie can do is back herself into a corner, he had the advantage of knowing the place better then she did.
This was his plan all along, lead her into a trap and then grab her. All she could do now was play along.
“You are her, I know it. Now you’re here we can finally be together again.”
Nathalie gulps, her back hitting the wall. She’s fucked.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, please just let me go!”
He shakes his head, taking one of her shaking hands, pulling her towards him.
“You don’t know how happy I am that we have been reunited, my dear Natalia. We’re going to be so happy together.”
Agreste places a kiss on her palm, then looping the arm he holds with his.
Nathalie had no choice but to follow, trapped in a web that would continue to be spun until her fate was decided.
Well, like the saying goes.
Till death do us part.
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crygimethydgoode · 5 months
Just Take Me Home chapter 2 - Tia Kofi x La Grande Dame, Plane Jane x Nymphia Wind Summer in Italy college abroad AU
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A man who was drawing self portraits walked forward to approach Tia, but Dada swiftly dodged him, lightly guiding Tia to the side.
“Stupid tourist trappers,” Dada muttered, Tia let out a hesitant laugh. “He will not even do a good job drawing you, Jane would do better.”
“Does Jane draw?”
“Absolutely not,” Then Tia was laughing again, and they continued to walk around. Dada spoke again, Tia was a little surprised. “So. Why Italy?”
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55522132/chapters/140973091#workskin
Chapter two
one of your girls - florence
pop the culture iconography is standing right in front of me
“So! In cities like beautiful Florence, we really have no use for the bus. She’s in a parking garage collecting dust right now. Quite beautifully, if I may add. So! Hope you packed some sickening sneakers because we’re going on a walking tour!! Yass!” Jane said in front of the group at hotel breakfast, way too energized for 9am. “AND Gothy gets a good break from driving!!!”
“WHOO!” Crystal cheered, Nymphia buried her head in her hands as she laughed.
“And this tour will be led by me and Dada, not a free guide I found from a budget backpacking blog. How’s that sound?” Jane said, once again the group just looked at her. Tia, Nymphia, and Crystal exclaimed at the same time;
“SLAY” and Jane had never looked happier as she responded.
Tia was starting to think maybe the jokes about Jane and Dada not being qualified to be tour guides weren’t actually jokes. To start, Tia had barely heard the tall blonde address the group, it seemed she was just there to hang out in the back as Jane lead, pointing out “Really pretty!” buildings and leading them down what Tia figured was one of the main tourist streets, judging by the throngs of people they were brushing arms with. “O.M.G! It’s so crowded like Coachella! Kudos to the Italian tourism board.”
Tia desperately wished she hadn’t heard Jane say that. She literally had to stop walking for a moment just so she could rudely laugh. A few guys in the group passed her, Tia realized she was alone in the back. Well- not entirely alone. The other tour guide was there, cigarette hanging loosely from her lips as she walked looking utterly bored. Tia tried not to check her out, but it was hard. Her long toned legs made her light washed denim mini skirt look even shorter, the lilac baby tee she had clearly ultra-cropped herself just barely covering her chest. Tia saw no bra in sight. God she was so fucking hot. Almost too hot.
“Is Florence not doing it for ya?” Tia asked, fascinated by the tour guide who already hated her, who seemed surprised that Tia was actually talking to her.
“I have been to Florence four times now, looks the same every time,” Dada said shortly. Tia had a feeling that was supposed to be the end of their conversation, but she just couldn’t stop herself.
“Ah yes, flashy fashion Florence,” she didn’t even remember where she heard that from, but it made Dada exhale through her nose, maybe a sign of laughter? And Tia let out a small laugh herself. “It is crowded. Perugia was crowded too but- not like this.”
“Well, that is what you get for coming in peak tourist season. It’s not as awful once summer is over,” Dada supplied. Jane said something as she turned left, leading them down a less crowded street. “The sun goes down earlier and the tourists go home.”
“Yeah then the seasonal depression really kicks in,” Tia joked and this time Dada actually laughed, even if it was quiet and short.
“Dada, Tia, YOU GOTTA KEEP UP WITH THE GROUP I DON’T WANNA LOSE YOU!” Jane yelled, the group was already taking another turn about to leave them behind. Dada hadn’t realized how much she and Tia had slowed down. She picked up her pace a little, Tia following closely behind her.
Who was this girl anyways? Dada could feel her eyes trailing up and down Tia’s body, a pale tangerine tube top and low waisted jean shorts making it impossible for her to look away. Dada usually had the perfect plan in place to have the easiest summer being an unqualified tour guide; Act like a mysterious asshole to the people in the tour group so they don’t talk to her at all. But there was something different about this summer. Dada didn’t necessarily mind Tia trying to talk to her, better her than Crystal and Nymphia, or god forbid Vanjie. But Dada usually preferred silence in the hotel rooms or a small coffee shop while the group did whatever. But Jane kept on begging Dada to come, that she couldn’t do it without her.
“Well Jane, you like being a tour guide all of a sudden. I dont,” was all Dada had to say to that. But of course she wasn’t gonna leave Jane on her own like that, knowing that Gothy still refused to go on the tours, opting to rest in her room instead. So far Dada only regretted it a little. She watched Jane in the front, pointing things out excitedly to Nymphia. And Crystal, who was walking slightly behind them on the sidewalk, just as invested in the conversation. Yes. Better Tia than those girls. Although Dada knew they were a little group together, Tia, Nymphia, and Crystal. It seemed like it only took them getting drunk together once to become a tight band of thieves, going everywhere together, staying in each other's hotel rooms until they could barely keep their eyes open. Dada could hear them saying goodnight last night, she hadn’t closed her door yet, just in case.
“Tia, get your ass up here!” Nymphia yelled. Tia obliged without a thought, running to the front of the group, leaving Dada in the back. Whatever. Hate to see you go, love to watch you walk away.
The rest of the walking tour went by quickly, except for Nymphia’s incessant complaining as she bolted up the large staircases turned into a trail going uphill to Piazzale Michelangelo, the best (and most touristy) spot in Florence to watch the sunset looking over the city.
The group stayed up there a couple hours, taking photos, going to the different vendors, eating way too much Gelato in Nymphia, Tia, and Crystal’s case, and of course watching the sunset, hiking back down right before the sun dipped below the clouds so they’d have enough sunlight to see.
It was nine pm when they arrived back at the hotel, everyone sweaty with sore feet from walking under the hot Italian sun all day. Tia realized she really was gonna be getting her steps in on these trips. Jane wasn’t kidding about having good walking shoes.
“I only brought platform crocs,” Crystal whispered, horrified, laying on her bed in the hotel room. Tia and Nymphia cackled while Crystal just laid staring at the ceiling, spiraling. “I’ll have to buy sneakers tomorrow. Italian sneakers. If we even get free time, what if Jane makes us do a twelve hour day again? I’m so tired. I’m so tired and it’s only the third day. Oh no. Is Italy gonna break me? No. No, I’ll be fine. Fine. Nymphia, why did you EVER complain that they weren’t coming on the tours? We’d be able to do whatever we wanted then,” Crystal rambled but Tia could barely hear her over her and Nymphia’s laughter.
Luckily, they did get free time the next day. After breakfast they only had to walk five minutes to an art museum, Jane claimed it was super famous, the Uffizi Gallery. Tia thought it was cool enough, she was more interested in the architecture of the rooms than the actual art. After pretending she knew what she was supposed to be looking at for a couple hours, she was relieved when Jane told them to go off and find some good Gelato or a charming bookstore, or “Maybe... maybe find yourself. Meet at the hotel at six so we can all walk to dinner together! Bye sisters!” Tia honestly couldn’t decide if she liked their tour guides or not yet. At first she thought Dada was rude, she thought Dada hated her. But yesterday they had actually talked and it was kinda… nice. Yes, Dada’s accent was thick and she was sometimes a little hard to understand, but she took her time speaking and the most interesting things came out of her mouth.
Tia figured Dada didn’t hate her… hopefully. Jane liked their little group enough, but sometimes she’d come up with some out of pocket insult that could actually be hurtful if they weren’t laughing so hard. Crystal thought Jane was just really funny, Nymphia swore she was a secret bitch. Tia just figured she liked the attention, whether it was good or bad.
Dada was the complete opposite, keeping her eyes downcast, the constant cigarette smoke surrounding her body like some sort of force field. Her furrowed eyebrows basically spelled proceed with caution. At least when she was with the tour group. There were a few times Tia saw Dada laughing brightly with Gothy, teasing Jane about her new nickname before dissolving into giggles.
There was something about her that Tia couldn’t quite put her finger on. Something about her that Tia needed to get to the bottom of. Actually, no. Tia needed to just mind her own business and leave Dada alone like she wanted. But what if that’s actually not what she wanted at all? Why did Tia care so much? Whatever. She was broken from her thoughts by Nymphia slamming a pack of cigarettes on the little wire table they sat at outside some gelato shop.
“Do you wanna smoke this whole pack of cigarettes and do absolutely nothing? Please please please please?” She pleaded, Crystal let out a laugh as she opened the pack, putting a cigarette between her lips. Nymphia reached across and lit it for her.
“I gotta get sneakers, but other than that, absolutely!” Crystal responded, her feet up on the extra chair. “My feet hurt so bad. Which I don’t get, because I would wear my crocs to work all the time and they never bothered me. So. I’m pretty pissed.”
“I bet your job didn’t have cobblestone floors and steep hills, idiot,” Nymphia pointed out, Tia let out a laugh. “I need to find Jane at some point tonight and propose an itinerary for tomorrow. She’s doing such a bad job planning, I don’t understand. Aren’t these companies just supposed to have some set itinerary? ALSO, did you know the first ever Gucci store was opened here? In Florence? Why were we wasting our time at art museums today? I’m getting pissed off…”
“What’s pissing you off?” Jane came up behind Nymphia, putting her hands on the back of her chair. Nymphia jumped slightly but stayed composed, refusing to turn around. Instead she leaned back in her chair, head brushing against Jane’s chest. Tia looked away, feeling like she wasn’t supposed to see that. What the fuck? Crystal stood up.
“I’m going to Foot Locker, I’ll be right back. Love you girls,” she left without another word, high fiving Jane who immediately took her seat next to Nymphia.
“So what’s pissing you off Nymphia?”
“Why??” Jane asked like she was going to love the answer.
“Did you know the first Gucci ever is here? In Florence?” Nymphia asked like she’d been waiting to confront Jane about this all day. Maybe she had.
“No, I actually didn’t. That’s cool! Are you gonna check it out with your freetime?” Jane suggested. Nymphia glared at her.
“No. My feet hurt from being forced to walk all day. Take us tomorrow, I’m resting right now. I also wanna go to the Carousel that you refused to stop for yesterday. And you need to find me the best Gelato shop in the city or you’re fired,” she said, and this time Jane looked unimpressed. Dada walked up the group without a word, sitting in the chair across from Jane, Tia to her right. Where was Crystal?
“These all sound like things you could be doing right now, not tomorrow when I already have our day planned,” Jane said evenly, Nymphia passed her the cigarette without even thinking.
“No. I told you, I’m resting my feet. Your plan for tomorrow is probably stupid anyways, if you even have one. Gucci, carousel, gelato, maybe a WINE TASTING, it’s the perfect day,” Nymphia insisted, not backing down. And Tia knew, despite only being around her for five days, Jane wasn’t gonna back down either.
“Well actually those all sound awful and I’m not changing my itinerary for you. So. Either rest your feet or go to Gucci. Cause we’re not going tomorrow.”
“Fine. You’re fired.”
“Good morning my friends! Did you all sleep well? Great! Good job bringing your luggage down on time, Gothy and Dada are loading it up right now. We’ll be spending the day in Florence, then leaving around five for dinner at seven in Bologna which is going to be a pretty sickening affair, if I may say so myself. After dinner we’ll be off to Venice, hopefully arriving before midnight. But enough about that, let’s live in the moment, amirite? We’re gonna begin today with a very important historical landmark. Did you know that the first ever Gucci was opened right here in Florence, Italy?” Jane said to the group at hotel breakfast the next morning, her face bright red and Nymphia’s grin as cocky as ever.
Soon Jane was leading the group through the busy streets of Florence. She walked backwards, Dada to her right this time, back to the group. Tia, Nymphia, and Crystal stood behind them in the front, and Nymphia’s grin would indeed remain all day.
That day, Tia had the best Gelato she’s had yet, explored the first ever Gucci store opened, sampled sweet wines at a little wine shop, and of course she rode on that stupid carousel in the city center, getting off after a round even though Jane, Nymphia, and Crystal were committed to staying on until the workers forced them off. Turns out Nymphia’s genius itinerary wasn’t quite long enough to get them to five pm, even with a break for lunch.
Tia didn’t see anyone else from the group until she spotted Dada sitting on an otherwise empty bench. Not knowing where else to go, Tia approached her. She was surprised when Dada stood up, walking to meet her halfway.
“You’re smart for getting off, they will be so sick in ten minutes. That Nymphia girl makes Jane stupid,” Dada said, Tia let out a surprised laugh. Maybe Dada really didn’t hate her. Maybe she was just a little shy, much like Tia was back home.
“When did Jane give into Nymphia’s itinerary?” was all Tia could think to ask. She didn’t really know what to say to Dada, she had no clue how to interact with her. Things were going okay so far…
“The minute she said it. Jane is an idiot.”
“Nymphia hates her. She won’t stop talking about it. She even asked her mom to submit a formal complaint. I think she was joking though, I hope she was,” Tia and Dada began to stroll through the plaza, walking past the different street vendors and artists. A man who was drawing self portraits walked forward to approach Tia, but Dada swiftly dodged him, lightly guiding Tia to the side.
“Stupid tourist trappers,” Dada muttered, Tia let out a hesitant laugh. “He will not even do a good job drawing you, Jane would do better.”
“Does Jane draw?”
“Absolutely not,” Then Tia was laughing again, and they continued to walk around. Dada spoke again, Tia was a little surprised. “So. Why Italy?” Tia faltered for a moment, thinking to herself before talking, not really sure what she was even saying.
“Well… my family was scared about me traveling… Italy seemed safe enough. My cousin went a couple years ago, she loved it. I didn’t wanna go to France because they seem really stuck up… I would drink way too much in Germany, or smoke and party too much in Amsterdam, and… well… Italy is a cool place. I don’t know, it just felt right. And Eat, Pray, Love was a great movie. So,” Tia somehow came up with. All of these were true, she supposed. She didn’t know how to say that she didn’t care where she was going when she chose a spot, she just needed to get out, sick of living with her boring roommates at her boring university. It was then Tia realized Dada was staring at her, brows raised in surprise, a smile playing at the corner of her mouth.
”Did you just imply I’m stuck up?” Dada asked, she didn’t sound offended at all, if anything she sounded amused.
“Oh my god-,” Tia instantly burst out laughing, it hitting her what she had just said. Dada failed to fight back a smile.
”Wowwwwww…” she trailed off laughing.
“I’m sorry,” Tia wheezed out pathetically, those cigarettes already taking a toll on her lungs.
“Mmhm.” Dada hummed, hoping Tia knew she was just fucking with her. She turned to see Tia grinning back at her, she understood. “Good answer, though, some people come because they think they will find themselves, like Jane. Or because they think it is the most beautiful place in the world, which… it isn’t.”
And right before Tia could let out a surprised laugh, a young American woman wearing a hiking backpack approached them, a film camera in her hands.
“Hi, I’m so sorry to bother you-” she began, but of course Dada was too quick for that.
“I forgive you,” she said smoothly as she once again led Tia around her, who was a mess of giggles as they walked quicker past the different vendors until finally circling back to the carousel.
“You’re awful! I was about to get discovered!” Tia joked, and Dada couldn’t help but laugh, shaking her head. Jane, Crystal, and Nymphia were off the carousel at this point, walking up to Tia and Dada. Dada could see the rest of the group at their designated meeting spot just out of the corner of her eye. Their time in Florence was coming to an end.
Jane and Dada led the group back to the bus, it was just a short walk to the parking garage Gothy had left it at. She could hear Tia talking to Crystal and Nymphia behind her, she had a feeling Tia knew she was listening.
“A man wanted to paint my portrait, and a lady was totally gonna ask me to be her model for a photo shoot. And do you remember that lady at the Gelato shop? She was totally flirting with me. I- yeah the MILF. She was flirting with me!” Dada was glad Tia couldn’t see her face, her mouth twisting into what could only be described as a fond, knowing smile. Without turning around, she spoke up.
“They only want your money, Tia. Nothing more,” Dada said dully. Nymphia and Crystal laughed, Jane just looked at her in surprise. “People know tourists love to tip.” Dada had no clue what possessed her to say this, all she knew was that she desperately wanted to see the look on Tia’s face, whether she was amused or shocked or… whatever. At this point Dada had reached the doors to the bus, waving to Gothy who was in the driver’s seat waiting for them. As Gothy opened the doors, Dada finally turned and looked at the group. And of course, Tia was right in the front.
“Yeah right. These cities are all gonna fall for me,” she said, a dazzling smile on her face as she hopped up the stairs. And Dada felt like she just had the wind knocked out of her, she couldn’t stop smiling. Jane could only look at her and laugh, pushing her on the bus after everyone.
After eating a long, seven course, “the most expensive one on this whole trip, probably” meal in Bologna, a tipsy Nymphia, and fairly drunk Crystal and Tia got onto the bus with dead sober Jane and Dada. “Who said I was a bad tour guide? Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Jane bragged to no one who was listening as the bus took off. Tia immediately fell asleep, and she was just sober enough to stop herself from thinking about Dada too much.
Everybody loves you, baby
You should trademark your face
Linin' down the block to be around you
But, baby, I'm first in place
Face card, no cash, no credit
Yes, God, don't speak, you said it
Look at you
Skip the application, interview
Sweet like Marabou
Look, look at you
Give me a call if you ever get lonely
I'll be like one of your girls or your homies
Say what you want, and I'll keep it a secret
You get the key to my heart, and I need it
Give me a call if you ever get desperate
I'll be like one of your girls
Everybody wants you, baby (everybody)
You should insure that waist (with the highest policy you can get)
Bet nobody wants you bad as I do
Baby, let me plead my case, yeah
Face card, no cash, no credit
Yes, God, don't speak, you said it
Look at you
Pop the culture, iconography
Is standin' right in front of me
Look, look at you
Give me a call if you ever get lonely
I'll be like one of your girls or your homies
Say what you want, and I'll keep it a secret
You get the key to my heart, and I need it
Give me a call if you ever get desperate
I'll be like one of your girls
Ah, ah-ah (ah, ah-ah)
Give me a call if you ever get desperate
I'll be like one of your girls
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dalgikiss · 2 years
Til Kingdom Come
ii. be careful about what you give your voice to
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Oikawa stands outside, his fingers tracing nonsensical patterns into the balcony railing. The trumpets tha sounded in the distance signaled the arrival of the queen, the joyous sound traveling through the air. 
The wind blows through the trees in time with the melody, making the leaves dance on the branches. Oikawa catches a couple of flower petals that happen to make their way up on the balcony he stands on. The queen’s arrival meant the new princess was here, her name becoming the most talked about subject since the queen had departed.
Oikawa wonders what she was like, letting his imagination conjure up an image. No one knew anything about her, speculations of whether or not she was truly the late King’s granddaughter whispered in secret in bars and on the streets. 
Oikawa’s uncle is a man that doesn’t look like someone that makes many jokes. From his broad shoulders to his square set jaw, and the stern set way his eyebrows were almost constantly furrowed together, the idea his uncle would tell a joke was a comedic act in itself- which is why Oikawa wasn’t quite sure if he heard his uncle correctly. 
“Run that by me, one more time?”
“I said,” His uncle’s tone of voice begins to grow exasperated, “You are to take the crown from the new Princess. You are the true heir to the Aoba throne and I absolutely refuse to let some idiotic, ditsy girl from god-knows-where become the ruler of this country”
Oikawa stares at his uncle, you’re fucking kidding me. However, his uncle seemed anything but joking, dead set on his idea. In fact, he seemed rather pleased with himself as well, a satisfied smile on his face as he leaned back into the plush of the armchair he resides in. 
Sensing his hesitance, his uncle’s set smile slowly morphed into something disappointed, making Oikawa’s blood freeze in his veins. “You do want to rule this country, don’t you?” His uncle stands, making his way to where Oikawa was frozen in his spot in the room. 
“We’re not friends, so stop trying to fucking follow me around”
His uncle is in front of him, standing to his full height. Despite being taller than most, his uncle is still able to tower over Oikawa. 
“You don’t want to disappoint me, do you?” A rhetorical question, Oikawa knows this well but he can’t help but shake his head. “We’ve worked hard, think of everything we’ve sacrificed”
“A noble like you should not be friends with commoners who beg to lick the dirt off our shoes”
Oikawa smiles, the one he’s practiced in the mirror until he is sure no one can discern the difference between real ones and this one. His uncle is none the wiser, taking his smile as an agreement.
“Of course Uncle,” Oikawa promises, “I will do my best to uphold your wishes”
The inside of the palace is just as grandeur as you had expected, long arching windows to show off the perfectly polished garden outside and intricate drawings hung up all around the walls. The maids bow as you walk past them with your grandmother right beside you. Her faithful guard, Akira, travels behind the two of you silently.
You can’t help but sneak glances at your grandmother, her regal presence somewhat baffling to you. You barely remembered the last time your parents had even brought up your grandparents, let alone actually seeing them in person. Your grandmother finally catches your eye when you make another glance towards her. 
“Is there something you’d like to say?”
You blush, ducking your head. Your grandmother shakes her head and fixes your posture again, “You are a princess now. You must never look down at your feet.”
Right, You think to yourself, hurriedly straightening your back, I have new rules to follow
“I was just wondering why my father never mentioned anything about being a royal,” your eyes flit over to a portrait of him, the warm facial features you were used to on the face of your father was nothing like the cold hardened expression the picture of him wore. 
Your grandmother hesitates before answering, brown eyes watching the way you stare at the portrait with unfamiliar eyes, as though you could not recognize that the man in front of you was truly your father. 
“Your father is a brilliant man,” Your grandmother begins, “But he was always looking for something else, always searching for something beyond the confines of his status. I don’t know if you know this, but he was quite the troublemaker when he was your age. He was desperate to be seen as someone other than his status”
She chuckles, “He used to sneak out of the castle in these terrible disguises. He would drive Akira crazy trying to figure out where he was hiding all these ridiculous colored wigs and fake noses” 
You snicker, picturing your somewhat strict father adorning a hot pink wig with glasses that have a fake nose attached to them, trying to sneak out of the castle. 
“Your father loves this country, but he loves not being under the public eye more. When the time came for him to come back from university, he chose to stay with your mother,” your grandmother begins to walk down the hall again, “I believe he made the right choice. He was a great prince, and he would have made an even greater king, but he is happier being a father and a husband than a ruler” 
She casts you a glance, “I hope that answers your question. Now come,” She gestures for you to walk a little quicker, “We have some… unsavory guests that have come to greet you”
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