#gonna have to text the guy to come back and fix the shower drain. not looking forward to that exchange. 'again?' 'yes again' 'but again??'
ereborne · 4 months
Song of the Day: May 12
"Howlin' for You” by The Black Keys
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miragemurder · 10 months
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Part 2 of Spotlight
Pairing: Veneer x GN Reader
Genre: Fluff, Make out
A continuation of the oneshot, Spotlight.
For the people who asked. <3 ★ ★ ★
A few weeks had passed since you last been at the club with your friend. So much had happened in that one day, it felt like you just rode the craziest roller coaster in the world. After the party, you and your friend spent the rest of the night giggling and fawning over the guy you just met. He wasn’t just some guy though, he was the Veneer.
You laid back in your bed, head softly hitting the pillow behind you as you pick up your phone from the side table. Today was a relaxing day as you didn’t have anything planned for today, so why not just lay back and go on your favorite social media. You clicked on an app and doom scrolled for a little bit. Most of the posts you saw were just of people going crazy about the latest stars and their new albums. You sighed and kept scrolling, not really interested in other people’s “fangirling.”
You stopped on a post that really struck your interest. It was a post of Velvet and Veneer. You didn’t even know they had social media let alone allowed to because of their agencies. You continued watching the video as they were announcing their touring schedule and meet ups. That’s when your brain clicked. You had Veneer’s number.
You got up from bed and scurried to your dresser, opening up a drawer and picking up the crumbled piece of paper that had his contact information. You took in a deep breath as you opened up the message app on your phone and dialed in his number. You decided to keep it simple and type in a little “Hey, its [_____]”
You dropped your phone on top of your dresser and paced around your room, anxiety getting the best of you. You didn’t know why you were so nervous, it was one simple text. You felt like you were about to pass out until you heard a buzz. You ran over to your phone and read the message.
“Oh hey! I didn’t think you were actually gonna send a text. Had me worried lol.” He sent a little laugh emoji next to his message.
You sighed deeply, all the worry draining from your body as you sent him a reply.
“Heh yeah, I eventually gained the courage lol”
You slightly cringed at the text as you sent it. You waited a couple of minutes for a response until you heard the vibration coming from your phone. He was trying to call you. You panicked and quickly picked up the phone.
“Hey sorry for the incoming call. It’s so much easier just to talk than having to type out everything. How were you lately?” He asked.
“Oh I’ve been good, just relaxing at home and sometimes going out everyone once in a while.” You sighed and smiled. You were nervous and excited all at once, you just hoped he couldn’t hear any of it.
“I wanted to invite you over to one of our meet and greets at the Rage Dome tomorrow, do you think you’ll be able to make it?” He questioned.
You quickly looked at the calendar you had hanging up on your wall. It’s not like you had anything planned but you liked to check.
“Nope! I should be free tomorrow.” You said, a little bit of your excitement coming out.
“Great, can’t wait to see you there.” He softly laughed at your excitement, making you fluster.
“Ugh, crimp is pestering at the moment. I’ll call you back when I can, bye.” He dragged out the bye and hung up. You sighed and laid back on top of your bed. You really were down bad for this guy.
The next day rolls around and you slowly get up and stretch. You smiled to yourself, remembering that you get to see him today. You get up to go take a shower and fix your hair. You set the shower to be a nice warm temp and started stripping. You hopped in and quickly cleaned yourself, not wanting to spend forever in the shower. You quickly got out and got dressed, picking out your best formal outfit you can find. Yes, it is a meet and greet but you still wanted to look good for him.
You finished up your final touches when your phone started vibrating again. You picked up your phone and answered the call.
“How is my number one fan doing this fine morning?” He laughed. You laughed with him.
“I’m doing good, just finished getting ready for the day. How about you?” You asked, leaving the bathroom and sitting down on your bed.
“I’m doing alright. Honestly, I am way too tired to be getting ready right now but what can I say. Crimps already all up in my hair about the meet and greet. I don’t know why she’s so worried, the meet and greet doesn’t start until six.” He groaned. You can practically hear him roll his eyes at the end of his sentence.
“Well, I wish you luck.” You said softly.
“Thank you.” He paused for a moment until he continued. “What if you come an hour earlier so we can meet up beforehand? In private.”
You flustered a dark red. There was no way he just asked you to meet up IN PRIVATE.
“Uh yeah that would be great!” Your voice almost trembled because of your nerves. There is no way that this was actually happening.
“Great, I’ll see you at five.” He hung up. You sat at your bed, shocked. You slowly went downstairs and went into your living room, filling in time until it was ready to go.
You stepped inside the Rage Dome and were almost blinded by all the lights they had going on. You were about to pull out your phone until you saw someone approaching you.
“Hey you made it!” Veneer cheered, spreading out his arms to wrap you into a hug.
“Yeah, I was just about to ask you where to go.” You chuckled and so did he.
“Let’s go on back to my break room. I don’t want anyone seeing us out here. I’m not ready for all the paparazzi.” He shuttered sarcastically.
He walked you back to where all the breakrooms were. The rooms were for the celebrities to take breaks in, just in case they needed to fix their appearance or if the crowd was being too much. Once you walked in you noticed that Velvet wasn’t there.
“Where’s Velvet?” You asked, scanning the room.
“Oh she’s getting ready in another room. They gave us separate rooms which I kind of enjoy.” He smiled and looked at you.
“Can I just say something real quick? Your outfit is gorgeous.” He complimented. You smiled, blushing a little.
“Thank you, I didn’t think you would care that much.” You said with an awkward smile.
“It looks really good on you.” He stared into your eyes. You felt like you were about to explode with how close you too were. He slightly pulled you over to the couch and sat you down, him sitting right next to you.
He gently touched the side of your face with his hand, still staring longingly into your eyes. He slightly looked down at your lips and back up again before asking something.
“Can I..” He spoke hesitantly, leaning closer. You followed his actions and leaned in. He brushed a piece of hair back behind your ear and quickly closed the gap between you two. Your eyes fluttered closed as you two both enjoyed each other’s presence.
You wrapped your arms around him, your hand slowly moving through his hair. He deepened the kiss, his other hand grabbing your hips and moving you closer. He pulled back for a quick second to give you guys some time to breathe. His hair was a mess and his eyes were half-lidded. He was breathing heavily. You took in the sight, making sure to keep it ingrained in your memory.
“That was…” He looked down into your gaze. You smiled slightly and pulled him back in for another kiss. You laid down on the couch, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him on top. You continued making out for what felt like forever until you heard some foot steps from down the hall. You guys hurriedly got up and brushed yourself off, making sure it looked like nothing happened.
You were just about to walk out the door before Veneer put his hand on your shoulder.
“We can…keep this….as our little secret.”
Aye! I made a part two! I hope you guys enjoyed this. I tried to keep it as Pg-13 as possible since he is a teenager. He’s still a little out of character but eh, what are you gonna do. Anyways, leave requests down in the comments!
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
He cheats and gets someone else pregnant
Haikyuu Boys Drabbles
The one where you finally realize your worth and don’t forgive a cheater
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It was inevitable, he supposed. You weren’t a dumb person- you’d figure it out soon enough. You’d pick up on the signs- notice how much he’s been going out lately and staring at his phone. Laughing at things you hadn’t sent him, becoming distant, slowly but surely.
Suna knew you’d find out.
He just wasn’t expecting it to be soon.
He had come home one evening and took a shower like normal. While he washed up, he made the terrible mistake of leaving his phone in the kitchen, thinking that there was no way she’d text him. Their relationship was dwindling, after all. Suna was beginning to let the guilt get to him.
After 3 long months, he finally realized what he had wanted. He wanted you, forever and always. He wanted to marry you and spend the rest of his days traveling and experiencing new things with you.
Unfortunately though, he figured it out too late. A boys mistake, thinking that the grass was greener on the other side. And he’d soon pay the price for that wishful thinking.
While you were cooking dinner, you couldn’t help but notice how often his phone was going off. It kept dinging every few seconds, quickly causing you to become irritated.
Suna’s phone never went off that much, and so you thought surely it must be the boys. They probably added him into a group chat, you figured.
Oh how wrong you were.
The minute you walked over to the device and picked it up, you could truly feel your heart break. Searing pain burst through you like a rocket, a gasp leaving your lips as you scrolled through the messages.
8:53 PM
Unknown: Suna? Do you think we could talk?
Unknown: I know you said that you were going back to Y/N, but I...I’m pregnant. And it’s yours
Undeniably, you were shocked and confused. Pregnant? Who was this that was texting his phone? And why the hell did she think she was pregnant by your boyfriend?
A sickening feeling began to bubble in your stomach. Putting the phone down, you clenched your fists and took deep breaths.
In and out, Y/N. In and out.
Surely there was an explanation for this, right? You’d ask Suna as soon as he got done showering, and he’d laugh and tell you how this was all a misunderstanding. Some prank by Atsumu, wanting to get him back in his own cruel way.
One look at his face, though, and you knew everything.
“Tell me you didn’t,” Your bottom lip trembled as you stared at Suna, his eyes widened as he looked at the phone in your trembling hands. Once again, it pinged, but you didn’t even have the energy to look. The only thing you were focused on was your heavy breathing, and the fact that you were becoming light-headed as Suna stepped forward.
“Y/N, baby, I can explain.”
As soon as those words left this lips, your entire world shattered. Letting out a sob, you dropped the phone and used your hands to cover your mouth in horror.
“So you did.”
Suna became panicked as soon as you started crying, holding onto the kitchen table to keep yourself from falling over. The pain that you felt was indescribable, not to mention the absolute betrayal. You had given everything up for Suna- and he repayed you like this?
“Y/N/N, please,” Suna was begging as he moved closer, trying to embrace your crying figure in his arms but you pushed him away, sudden anger taking over you.
“Don’t touch me!” Suna flinched as your damn near threw him off, backing up so far from him. The look in your eyes nearly killed him as you made eye contract, “I don’t want your filthy hands on me now that I know where they’ve been!”
“Shut the fuck up Suna!”
You could no longer control yourself as rage began taking over your body, slowly but surely replacing the tears. The more you processed it - the more you looked at that bastards face and realized that he had went and knocked someone up while you were at home, cooking his dinner - the more infuriated you became.
“I cannot fucking believe you. Like are you serious right now?! I spend all day, all fucking day waiting for you Suna. I cook your food, I run you baths, I do everything I can to make your life less stressful and then you go and do this shit?”
“Baby just listen me, it’s not like that, okay?Whatever you saw- it’s in the past! Me and her- it meant nothing. I realize that now. It’s me and you baby- just us. That’s all I want,” Suna felt tears trailing down his cheeks as he desperately pleaded his case. Desperately grabbing at you, trying to hold you as if that would make everything okay. As if a simple “I’m sorry,” could fix what he broke.
Instead, you found yourself laughing bitterly and fought the urge to smack him in the face. No, you decided you’d have more dignity than that. You’d pack your stuff, peacefully, and leave this asshole here to rot.
That was quickly decided in your mind and within seconds, you were shaking your head, scoffing as you pushed passed him and practically ran to your shared bedroom.
“Wait-! Y/N, what are you doing? No, no, no, no!” Suna panicked even more when he followed you and saw that you were hurriedly packing your stuff in a suitcase. It was messy, and you barely had half of your shit but you decided that it’d do. At least until right now. At least until...well, you didn’t really know anymore.
You and Suna, you guys were supposed to be each other’s forever. You were supposed to be endgame, but as it turned out, Suna ruined that before you could even get a ring.
You scoffed again at the prospect of ever marrying him. Now, you began to think about why you even wanted him in the first place. How did you not notice the signs? The lack of effort for weeks until Suna suddenly warmed up again and began treating you like you were his world.
How did you not catch on? How did it completely slip your mind that you were dating a cheater, until the facts suddenly smacked you right in the face?
“What does it look like I’m doing, Rintaro,” You rolled your eyes, zipping the suitcase and then booking it to the bathroom. You quickly grabbed your body wash, all your hair products and then your toothbrush. You lazily threw them in a another bag and then stood up, glaring at Suna who tried to block you from exiting the door.
“Move,” You stared him down, venom lacing your words. “I don’t fucking have time for this.”
“Baby, please,” You flinched as he reached out to touch you, to stroke your cheek with the same hands that had touched her. They were slightly wet, presumably from wiping his tears away, but all you could think about was that you weren’t the only one he had been coming home to. You weren’t the only one he had been fucking and touching.
The thought made you absolutely sick. You were sure that if you didn’t get out now, then you’d puke all over your- his expensive furniture.
“You have to listen to me,” Suna silently cried, his body shaking as he stood there, begging for the one person he needed in his life to stay. “I told you- she means nothing. I don’t want anything to do with her, I only want you, Y/N.”
“And the baby?” Dammit. You couldn’t help yourself. Once again, your anger began to fade as tears gathered in your eyes.
Suna had a child. He had a fucking child with some stranger he’d known less than six months. She was carrying his blood, something that was supposed to be your moment. You were supposed to give him his first child. You were supposed to be the one he shared that part of life with, not her.
“I- what?”
From the looks of it, you’d almost think that Suna didn’t know. His eyes were wide, his whole body stopping as he stared at you incredulously.
And then it hit you.
He didn’t know.
He didn’t even know that she was carrying his baby. He was completely clueless. Both of you were blindsided.
At this, you couldn’t help it. You did laugh, a bitter sound that sounded almost like you were mocking him.
“Wow Rintaro. How fucking stupid could you get?” You let out a watery chuckle, shaking your head as a tear ran down your face. “If you’re gonna cheat and fuck someone else, then at least be smart enough to wear a condom.”
“But I...that’s impossible,” Suna whispered, mostly to himself. “I don’t...I mean she can’t possibly...how did you...?”
“She was blowing up your phone while you were in the shower. How did you think I found out?” You gave him a fake smile. “For someone that doesn’t like putting in a lot of effort, you sure did put a lot into making sure you fucked this relationship up. And then your own life too.”
You hated to say it, but you silently enjoyed the way Suna was going to suffer. At the very least, it was absolutely what he deserved for cheating in the first place. Now, his life was probably going to be ruined. His career, his dreams, everything he had planned...
It was gonna go down the drain.
And you for one were grateful he wasn’t dragging you down with him.
“I...” Suna was at an absolute loss for his words. His whole body slumped, seemingly going numb as he just stayed in the doorway, looking shocked. It gave you the perfect opportunity to push past him, a small smirk on your face despite the searing pain in your heart.
You knew it was serious when he didn’t even try to stop you when you opened the front door.
“I left your phone on kitchen floor. Maybe you should call her. I’m sure you’d like to know more, seeing as it is yours. For your sake, I hope it’s a bouncing baby boy. That’s what you always wanted, right?”
You spoke one last time, making sure to rub salt in the wound before taking a final glance at the man you loved.
He looked broken, a sheer sobbing mess as he still stood in your bedroom door. A part of you couldn’t help but feel bad. You couldn’t help but want to go over and embrace him, dropping everything and tell him that things were gonna work out.
That was the part of you that still loved him.
But the other part...
The other part of you told you that it’s what he deserved. He cheated, and now he has to live with the consequences. Loosing you, and becoming a father at the age of 20.
That was the part of you that gave you the extra push. That was the part of you that gave you the strength to close the door, forever walking away from the man that broke you and the empty house that held all of your dead dreams.
——————————— ☁️ ——————————
You didn’t believe it. Or more like, you didn’t want to believe it. You didn’t wanna shatter your fantasy world, one that you had been living in for four years.
You didn’t want it to break, because if it did...
You didn’t know what you were going to do.
For the last four years Bokuto had been your world. Your absolute rock, your sunshine on a cloudy day. He made you laugh, he made you feel welcome and special like nobody else had before.
Surely...your Bokuto wasn’t capable of this. Surely didn’t...he couldn’t have...
You didn’t even wanna think about it. Bile rose up in your throat every time you thought about it...his lips on hers. Caressing her and holding her the way he was supposed to only hold you.
You didn’t wanna think about it, but yet-
You had no choice as you stared at the pregnant woman before you.
“I’m sorry,” She had tears in her eyes as she sat on your couch, sobbing while simultaneously holding her belly. While holding his baby.
She had come to you only a few hours before, taking you by complete surprise. Never in your life did you ever think you’d come face to face with your boyfriend’s baby momma.
But that’s exactly what had happened.
Apparently, she and Bokuto had both had a one stand a few months ago. It was when he had traveled to Tokyo for a game and you stayed behind because you had school.
It was the one weekend you weren’t there to support him. One weekend...and you had lost him forever.
“It’s not...it’s not your fault,” You told her somewhat awkwardly, although you didn’t really mean it. She had slept with your boyfriend, after all. And now she was pregnant, claiming the baby was 100% his.
That wasn’t even the worst part though.
The worst part was that you couldn’t even be mad at her, because she didn’t know. It was a one night thing. She had told you Bokuto had left in tears the next morning, rambling on about how she meant nothing and that he had you to come home to.
She claimed that he regretted it the minute he realized what happened. Crying out about how he was going to propose and then rushing out without so much as a goodbye.
Oh how stupid he was to name drop you.
You almost wished he hadn’t, because that was how she had found you. After finding out that she was pregnant, she tried to reach out to Bokuto only to realize that he was telling the truth. He’d been with you for four years.
But did that really even mean anything anymore?
“It’s just- I just-” The girl shook her head. “I just want you to know that I never meant to hurt you. If I had known...if I had any other choice...”
“Actually, I’m sort of glad you reached out to me. Thank you for that. That was good on your part, seeing as I doubt he would have told me,” You smiled numbly, not capable of feeling anything at the moment.
It was like...your entire body was on shut down mode. It had become numb, desperately trying to block out the pain you were sure that was coming. And you, for one, were absolutely grateful. You didn’t wanna think... you didn’t even wanna fathom how broken you were gonna be.
So you didn’t. Instead you kept your thoughts quiet and relished in the numbness.
“You know...” You laughed bitterly, sadly shaking your head as you sighed, “Bokuto’s always wanted a kid. He kept begging me a few weeks ago to have one, but I said no. We’re both so young, you know? We had our whole lives together.”
You hadn’t meant to make her cry even more, but that’s exactly what your words did. They cut a knife through this random girl’s heart, causing her pain that she had stolen that from you. Bokuto, he had taken that from you as well.
“I’m sorry,” Once again, she apologized, but you weren’t much focused on that. Instead, your attention snapped towards the front door as you heard keys jingling outside. With a sharp push, your stomach dropped.
Bokuto was home.
“Hey hey hey! Babe whose car is that-”
Bokuto’s smile suddenly dropped as he walked into the scene, your dull eyes and the girl’s tearful ones ones trained on him. Immediately, his whole demeanor began to crumble down and he nervously looked between the two of you, his shoulders dropping.
“...outside. What’s this?”
“Bokuto, I believe you know her,” You were eerily calm as you pointed towards her, showing no emotion as Bokuto’s eyes flickered to her stomach. “This is Kayla. From Tokyo, right? I think you guys have much to discuss.”
Bokuto was at a loss for words as you rose from the couch, gesturing for him to take your seat. But instead of listening, he decided to make things difficult and run after you like a lost puppy as you made your way to the bedroom.
“Babe, babe wait! Y/N, please baby I can explain. I can explain, I can explain, I swear! Just let me, just please let me-”
“Bokuto,” You stopped him, holding up your hand and shaking your head. “I’m not in the mood, really. Just go talk with her alright? She came all this way to find me, so it’s rude not to.”
“But baby-”
“Go,” You suddenly became firm, gritting your teeth as you stared him. For a second, you took a small pause, and then Bokuto heard the words he never wished to hear his in life. “And don’t you ever call me that ever again, Koutaro.”
“K-Koutaro...?” Bokuto stuttered slightly, reeling back at the use of his first name. “But baby...y-you never call me that. Ever.”
“Oh yeah?” You couldn’t help but laugh on how clueless he was. I mean honestly, you never thought that Bokuto was stupid but now...“Well what the hell else am I supposed to call you? Read the fucking room Bokuto. Your pregnant fucking mistress is sitting on my couch, crying her eyes out and you’re worried about me calling you by your first fucking name? Get a god damn grip.”
For the first time that day, emotion began peaking out from your eyes. Pure anger bubbled up inside of your body, finally manifesting after holding it in for so long.
It felt good, in your opinion, to finally feel something. A delayed reaction, sure, but late was better than never.
“Shut up,” You rolled your eyes at his trembling form. “I don’t wanna hear anything else from you. So go talk to her. Figure your shit out while I pack mine.”
“No!” Panic was evident in his voice as he suddenly grabbed your arms, preventing you from entering your bedroom. Shocked, you siteuggled in his embrace but Bokuto was extremely strong.
“What the hell? Let me go!”
“Y-Y/N! Baby y-you can’t leave me! You can’t! What about our plans? What about forever and always, you and me?”
“Did you think about that before you got drunk and fucked her?” You snapped harshly, causing him to whimper. “Exactly. So don’t come pulling that bullshit out on me, Bokuto. You’re the one that ruined that.”
“But-” At this point, he was searching for something, anything to make you stay as you shoved him off and then stormed in your shared room. “But baby I- we had this whole plan...I was gonna propose! Please, I...I even got the ring! Here I’ll prove it to you!”
While you were busy running around the room throwing all your stuff together, Bokuto suddenly dashed to the kitchen and retrieved a box he had been storing for a special occasion. He completely ignored the girl that was sitting on his couch, not even sparing her a second glance as he rushed back to you and dropped to his knees.
“See?” He hurriedly opened the box and desperately grabbed your hand, slipping the shiny diamond on before you could even protest. “I had it made for you, Y/N! Pure diamond, princess cut. It’s even engraved with your name baby! Please...”
You had to admit, you wanted to break down as Bokuto began to cry, looking awfully small as he kneeled by your feet. To make matters worse, he kept kissing your hand and mumbling tearful apologizes that yanked at your heartstrings.
By now, your initial exterior had began to crumble. Pain began to surround your heart, squeezing it so bad it almost felt like you were burning. A swell of tears gathered in your eyes, and you almost, almost gave in.
You almost sank to your knees and cried with him, almost pulled him into your arms because you didn’t wanna let go. You loved Bokuto, you truly did, and you wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with him.
He was a good man, that probably made an honest mistake. He was everything you had ever wanted. And you were so tempted...so tempted to give in. Until you realized that you deserved better.
“I’m sorry,” Sniffling slightly, you yanked your hand out of his grasp and shook your head. “But I need to go. I can’t stay here anymore Bokuto...you ruined this. You ruined us, and now you have a woman in there carrying your child. You have the family you’ve always wanted. Don’t ruin that too.”
Hastily, you leaned down to press a bitter kiss on his forehead and then stood back up. Bokuto sobbed as he watched your figure retreat, standing high despite the heartbreak.
It was then that he realized that even though you were letting him go, you’d be just fine. You’d pull yourself together eventually, you were strong like that. You didn’t need him, but god, what about him?
He wasn’t sure if he could survive without you. He could barely even breathe and you hadn’t even walked out yet.
Was this what it was going to feel like from now on? Empty, hollow...meaningless?
One last time, he cried out of you. He begged you to stay.
But you knew you deserved better than that.
“I’m sorry.”
And with that, you left him behind. Forever.
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alt-rose · 4 years
take a break | colson baker
colson baker imagine
take a break - you’re studying for the MCAT, and he reminds you of the importance of selfcare.
warnings: none? language? school stress? 
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it wasn’t unusual for Colson’s living room to be a mess. from all the ragers that he’s thrown to the guys’ weekly get together, the living room was bound to be trashed. empty bottles and glasses usually littered every surface with rolling papers and ash spread thoroughly in between.
however, the mess that currently inhabited the living room was not Colson or the guys’ doing. it was yours. you had taken over the living room, claiming it as your study zone.
you were currently studying for the MCAT, which you were taking in a few weeks. Colson had been so supportive when you decided to visit him during the important time in your academic career, and you were only asking for a few hours a day to yourself so that you could study for your upcoming test. you promised that you would spend the rest of your time with him since you were spending your spring break camped out at his place and would eventually need to head back to school.
he was so proud of you, and he was incredibly impressed with your work ethic. applying to medical school was not an easy feat, and you had worked your ass off to get to where you are today, which is something that he could relate to.
so, Colson let you trash his living room. he had banished the guys from his house for the duration of your break (or at least, kept them out of your study zone), and he even cleared out when you had planned to study, usually spending his time in the studio working on his next album.
when he was gone, you spent your day drowning in study guides and practice tests. your papers were sprawled out on the living room floor as you used the coffee table as your desk. you had pens and highlighters buried within the mess. you had your textbooks cracked open to whatever page that you had frantically flipped to when you couldn’t remember something. mugs with day-old coffee and empty fruit snack pouches were abandoned on the end tables by the couch.
it was safe to say that you absolutely destroyed his living room.
             “I’m going to head to the studio for a few hours.”
peering up from your place on the floor, you watched as Colson zipped up his jacket and shoved his wallet and keys into his pockets.
             “text me if you need anything?” he suggested before making his way over to you, leaning down to plant a kiss on the top of your head.
             “sure,” you murmur before pulling him down to kiss his cheek.
             “don’t study too hard,” he joked, earning a stressed laugh from you.
the both of you knew that asking you not to study hard was like asking you not to breathe. both are necessary for your survival.
after he left, you decided to use the silence to your advantage, and you began to take another practice exam. that exam then turned into taking another exam when you didn’t score as well as you had hoped, and then you were spiraling.
you scoured your study guides and notes to review the material you had missed. your eyes were burning from the strain, and your head was beginning to pound. you were digging yourself a hole in your insecurities. you had broken down into tears twice now from the stress. you were dizzy and nauseous from forgetting to eat; not that you really had the stomach for it right now anyway. you don’t even remember the last time you got up to use the bathroom.
when Colson came home after 9 hours at the studio, he found you in the same position that you were in when he left. you were hunched over your books. your blue light glasses had slid down your nose, and your hair was a mess. leaving you to finish whatever you were working on, he made his way to the kitchen to clean up whatever mess that you had left him, only to find that there were no dishes in the sink. the kitchen hadn’t been touched since that morning.
             “hey,” he began as he made his way back to the living room. “did you eat anything today?”
you only hummed a response as you flipped through one of your notebooks, completely ignoring him. finding what you were looking for, you jotted a note down on one of your study guides.
             “hey,” Colson tried to get your attention once more as he took a seat on the floor across the table from you. he watched your eyes flick up to him briefly before they directed their attention back to the work in front of you. “dude.”
             “Col, give me a minute to finish this up, and I’ll talk to you then,” you snap at him as you take a few more notes.
Colson let out a sigh as he watched you go back and forth from your notebook to your textbook. he chose to sit and scroll through twitter while he waited for you to finish, but after 20 minutes had passed, he knew that you weren’t going to stop anytime soon.
             “jesus,” he muttered to himself as he put his phone down on top of some of your papers on the table. “have you taken a break at all today? have you eaten? looked out a window?”
you scoffed at him.
             “I don’t have time for breaks, Colson,” you said coldly. “I have to study because I have to take this test in a few weeks – a test, might I add, that will define my future – and I am not even remotely prepared for it. my practice scores are decreasing. I can’t remember any of this material. my notes are shit. and, I am going to fucking fail, which means I am not going to get into medical school, and all of my years of working my ass off in school will mean absolutely nothing. I cannot just take a break when I have everything at stake here.”
you both took a beat. you were taken aback by your sudden outburst. yeah, you meant every word of it, but you hadn’t meant for it to come out so harshly. and, you definitely didn’t mean to snap at Colson, who had been so supportive of your goals from the beginning. he was kind of shocked by your snappy attitude.
             “I understand,” he broke the silence. “I understand that you are really stressed, and I know that you have a lot of pressure on you. I just want to help, and I think taking an hour to eat and do something other than tear apart your notes would help.” he gently placed his hand on top of yours. “it’s late. I’m tired. you have to be tired. let’s call it a night. I’ll make you something to eat, and then you can turn your brain off for a few hours. killing yourself over this work won’t improve your scores-”
             “Colson,” you interrupted, pulling your hand away from him. “I just need to review a bit more.”
             “no,” he said sternly. “you need to rest. self-care and all that shit is just as important as studying.” he stood up from his spot on the floor, now towering over you. “come on, get up.” you gave him an annoyed look, practically telling him to F off. “no, come on, don’t give that shit. get up.”
he moved to your side of the table, and he pulled you up from the floor, despite your protests. to keep you from running back to your work, he threw you over his shoulder, and you yelped from surprise.
             “put me down,” you whine, pounding your fists on his back. “you’re being a jerk.”
Colson carried you up the stairs toward his bedroom before finally setting you down in his ensuite. you landed on your feet quite ungracefully, only for Colson to pick you back up to place you on the counter. the two of you stared at each other for a moment. you glared while Colson silently challenged you to make a run for it.
he raised an eyebrow at you once he was sure you would stay before turning to the bathtub. he turned the water on and waited for it to heat up before stopping the drain.
when he finally turned back to you, he found you slumped over with your eyes fixated on the floor, as if you were trying to micro nap while you waited. he suddenly felt less confident in leaving you to take a relaxing bath alone while he fixed you up something to eat, now knowing that you were on the verge of sleep.
gently placing a hand on your cheek, he moved to hold you close while the tub began to fill. he rested his chin on the top of your head while you tucked yourself into his chest.
             “was gonna leave you to take a bath, but I don’t want to leave you to drown in the tub if you’re going to fall asleep on me,” he murmured into your hair.
you let out a tired (and slightly loopy) laugh.
             “you might have to join me,” you murmur into his shoulder.
with that, he moved to pull out two towels and dropped some fancy bath salts into the tub before finally moving to help you off the counter. he helped you slip out of your clothes before moving to undress himself, and then the two of you climbed into the tub together.
you sat with your back resting against his chest, and your head was resting against his shoulder. he let you close your eyes for a few minutes, allowing you to take a small nap. while you laid against him with your eyes closed, he gently ran a soapy washcloth against your skin to wipe away the fact that you hadn’t showered in at least two days.
             “still with me?” Colson hummed lightly.
you nodded against his chest.
             “do you want me to wash your hair?”
             “yes, please.”
Colson’s heart melted at how small your voice sounded. wordlessly, he gently moved you forward so that he could rinse and wash your hair with the detachable showerhead. you rested between his knees while he ran his hands through your hair. you were seconds from falling asleep, his motions slowly luring you to sleep. once he was finished with you, he let you rest your head against his propped-up knee while he quickly rinsed and washed himself.
he watched you carefully as he moved to unplug the drain and to hang up the showerhead before gently running a hand over your cheek. you opened your eyes at his touch.
             “ready to get out?” he asked softly, only receiving a sleepy nod from you.
he got out first, quickly wrapping a towel around his waist before holding your towel out for you. you stepped into the towel and let him wrap you up. after taking a minute to dry off, Colson grabbed the robe he got for you the last time you came to visit, and he wrapped it around you after taking your towel to expertly wrap your wet hair up in it.
you sat on the bathroom counter, slowly doing your skin care routine while he took a moment to dry himself off and put on a pair of boxers.
“you okay if I go fix you up something to eat?” Colson asked from the doorway, watching you apply your moisturizer.
“I’m okay,” you give him a small smile. “thanks, Cols.”
once you were finished, you dragged yourself to his bed, still wrapped in your robe with no motivation to put your pajamas on. you curled up against the pillows, letting yourself rest your eyes for a moment, while you waited for Colson.
             “I made you a sandwich.”
you opened your eyes to find Colson kneeling on the bed next to you with a plate in his hand. you move to sit up to let him lean against the pillows next to you.
             “you’re a saint,” you laugh lightly as you lean into his side.
             “hardly a saint,” he laughed back at you as he handed you half of your sandwich while he grabbed half of his.
             “a god?” you suggest taking the sandwich from him.
             “maybe.” he raised his slice to you. “cheers.”
             “cheers,” you laugh as you bump your sandwich against his. you took a moment to take your first bite. “oooo,” you call to him covering you mouth as you finish your bite. “you’re an angel. that’s what you are?”
             “alright, you noob, knock it off,” he smiled at you. “if anyone’s an angel here, it’s you.”
             “yeah, yeah, okay, you sap,” you nod back him before taking a bite.
the two of you let a comfortable silence fall over you as you finished your sandwiches. once you were both finished, Colson placed the plate on his nightstand before turning his attention back to you, only to find you already tucked under the covers. following you, he slipped under the covers before situating himself comfortably on his pillows. he pulled you into his chest, and you rested your head on his chest.
             “thank you,” you murmur.
             “for what?” he lightly stroked your damp hair.
             “you always take care of me. I love you for that.”
             “I’ll always take care of my girl.”
you lightly ran a hand up his arm, tracing his tattoos.
             “you’re going to be a great doctor one day-”
             “Cols,” you sigh with a defeated feeling sinking into your chest.
             “I mean it,” he told you. “you’re so smart, and I know this is a really stressful time for you, and it’s really difficult for you, but I know you’re going to do great on your test. you’ve been studying nonstop for weeks. you know you’re prepared, and I know it may not feel like it because you’ve been taking so many practice tests and stuff, but I think a break would do you some good. you need a fresh start. get out of your head for a bit, you know? take a day to get out and have fun, and then you can go back to studying for the rest of the break.”
             “spend the day with me tomorrow. we can go to the beach, or we can go hiking, or shopping, or anything you want to do. let me get you out of this house.”
you let out a sigh, taking a moment to think. he wasn’t wrong. you needed to get out, and you needed a break.
             “okay,” you sigh into his chest.
             “good,” he smiled to himself as he wrapped his arms tightly around you. “now sleep.”
             “don’t have to tell me twice,” you laugh lightly before nuzzling yourself into his chest so that you weren’t putting any strain on your neck. he reached a hand up and turned off the lamp, and darkness fell on both of you. “hey Cols?”
             “I love you.”
             “I love you too, (Y/N/N).”
hope you enjoyed! i took a break from some schoolwork to finish this piece. college is hard, my dudes. feel free to send requests! - rose xx
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seemslegitflapjacks · 3 years
Chapter 8; Sketchy Shit
The year had been going on for a while. I honestly can’t tell you what happened since last time, but I’m having a blast. Ever since I’ve been hanging out with Randy and the team things are turning up for me. I’m finally back where I stood at my old school. Popular. It’s dumb, I know, but, it’s just so awesome. People don’t fuck with you, you have friends in every class, and everyone knows your name.
Right now, I’m sitting in the gym. I was talking with my friends until the coach threw her keys at me.
“Woods you open up the locker rooms.” She ordered as I gave her a quick nod in return, standing up as I hopped down the bleachers to go down the hall.
Today was stormy, the rain was so loud and hard it sounded like a waterfall overhead. The sky was an angry bluish-black color, lightning lit up the sky now and again, rolls of thunder chasing after it.
I didn’t like going down to the locker rooms, because once you opened the double doors that led to the hall they were on, it was pitch black. According to Randy some kids had busted out the bulbs with a basketball and the school never bothered to fix the lights. I couldn’t see anything in front of me, the only light I had was the weird glow from the slit windows on the doors back behind me. I felt along the left wall, quickly finding the door to the girl's locker room. I messed with the keys, trying to get the one that went to the door before I stopped. hearing a noise within the locker room.
I slowly turned the key in the lock, peering my head in. The sound came from the far back of the room. I stepped in, slowly making my way through the darkroom, the bangs of thunder rumbling the building a bit. That’s when I could make out the sound, it sounded like a baby crying. My heart dropped into my stomach, I didn’t want to go any closer to where the sound was, but my feet disobeyed my head as they pulled me forward to it. It was like I wasn’t even in control. My heart was slamming against my ribcage as a sick feeling came up my throat. I stopped in the hall of the showers, pulling back the numerous curtains until my eyes trailed to the right of me.
I saw watered-down blood running off into one of the drains, the sounds of the baby now closer than ever. I tore my eyes to the curtain, the deadly curiosity getting the better of me as I pulled the curtain back.
What I saw was horrifying, I almost threw up.
On the floor of the shower was a bloody infant with its neck twisted at an unnatural angle, bloody cries of agony coming from it. Terror surged through my body as I got the fuck out of there, screaming.
I stumbled out of the hall, having dropped the keys in the showers, all eyes turning to me. The gym teacher marched over, grabbing me by the shoulders.
“Hey, hey Jeff what's going on?” She asked, trying to make me turn to face her.
I didn’t know what was going on, everything was too much, I couldn’t handle all of this shit at once. My body was shaking, It was like I was a deer in headlights.
“Woods! Get it together!” She hollered, striking me across the face, bringing me back down to Earth, albeit very painfully.
The gym went silent, the teacher sending back one of the other kids to get the keys I dropped. I felt so embarrassed, I wanted to cry and bolt. She took me to the sides and sat me down on a bench, a few guys coming past me, giving me awkward looks. I’d probably do the same after seeing a screaming kid get bitch slapped by a teacher.
I sat there for a while, trying to cope with what the fuck I just saw. It had to be me losing my shit and not taking my meds. Ghosts aren’t real, it had to just be me seeing stuff. It was probably just the way the room was set up and how some shadows fell. It was just so weird, and scary. Even if it was in the shadows, how could I have heard crying? Why did the baby look so real? All these questions were making my head hurt...
“Jeff, sweetie you ok?..” I heard a soft voice ask, looking up to see the gym teacher.
“No ma’am..” I admitted, the woman sitting down next to me with her hand on my back.
“What’d you see back there?” She asked, looking over at me.
“You’re not even gonna believe me Coach G..” I mumbled.
“Any answer’s an answer sweetheart.” She told me.
“I saw a baby..” I whispered.
“You’re gonna have to speak up a little bit sweetie.” Coach G told me, leaning in with her ear so she’d hear better.
I hesitated, before letting out a sigh, answering again, “I saw a baby, a dead one.” I told her.
Coach G went silent, I looked over, the color drained from her face completely. She was almost as white as the tennis shoes she was wearing.
“Coach G? Are you ok?” I asked, concerned.
“Nobody’s ever told you about the incident?” She asked, her motherly brown eyes becoming cold and unnerving.
‘What incident?” I returned, a bit scared.
“Well, back in 2009, there was a girl, she’d been pregnant and had her baby in one of the showers. She didn’t want it, so she snapped its neck. Not too long after she died from bleedin’ too much.” She explained, a grave expression on her face.
I sat there, my face losing its color in fear. I’d just seen the ghost corpse of some girl’s dead newborn. I felt sick to my stomach, what the absolute fuck?
After that class, I fucking dipped, to say the least. I wasn’t spending the rest of the day in school knowing full well there was some creepy shit going on. I quickly texted Keith, asking him to help me ditch, to which he thankfully agreed. I waited in the pool room, raindrops slamming onto the skylight roof above. I leaned up against the wall, staring at the water, the buzzing of the lights overhead accompanying the thunder and lightning.
I waited there for a while, closing my eyes, opening them once more, only to see a floating body inside of the pool.
I screamed again, running for the door, slamming my hands against it as I forcefully shoved it open, running outside into the unforgiving storm. I didn’t even have to wait before I saw Keith’s car pull around the corner. I ran over to sit, barely giving him time to stop as I swung the door open and got in, slamming it shut.
“Jesus Christ, what’s up with you dude? You look like you just saw a ghost.” He laughed, locking the doors as he pulled off.
“Cause I just fucking did Johnson.” I snapped, shaking.
“Hey, calm down, you’re cool now dude.” He told me, reaching over with his free hand to pat me on the shoulder.
I exhaled a large sigh, looking at the road ahead of me as Keith drove us. The windshield wipers pushing back the water now and then. The silence setting over us again, my eyes trailing to the gloomy scene outside.
All I could think about was what I saw back at school. Was Coach G trying to pull my leg? Was that body in the pool even a body? Was I just being a forgetful bitch and not taking my meds? I groaned softly, leaning my head back as my eyebrows bent downwards in frustration.
I saw Keith glance over to me in the corner of my eye, gently patting my forearm with his hand.
I felt my hand snatch him, holding his palm captive within my own. Keith was taken by surprise, but I didn't care. I was so scared, confused, and upset. My heart slowing down as he gently began to caress the top of my hand with his thumb. The two of us sitting in a nice silence for the rest of the rainy drive back.
Once we got to his house, I kicked off my shoes, greeting a few of his absolutely weird pets before I trailed upstairs into his room.
I flopped myself face-first onto his bed, breathing in the comforting scent of his room. Cigarette smoke, black coffee, and teenage boy. I grabbed the blankets, curling myself up in them as I heard Keith coming up the stairs and down the hall.
“Ma maison est ta maison?” He laughed.
“Oui.” I chuckled, Keith, launching himself on the bed, landing on top of me. “Dude get your skinny ass off me!” I laughed.
“Hmmm, no you’re a nice pillow bro.” He snickered.
“I’ll pick you up, no cap.” I threatened.
“Bet.” He smirked.
“Bet,” I repeated.
“No balls.” He poked.
“None.” I giggled.
Keith tried to shoot a reply back, but I beat him to his words. I pushed my arms up underneath him as I picked him up bridal style, standing straight up.
“Told you I could do it.” I gloated.
“How-” He spoke, confused.
“I go to the gym,” I answered.
“Roid midget.” He mumbled, yelping as I dropped him back down on the bed.
“I’m not a midget,” I whined, Keith, staring at me in the eyes, before smacking me with a nearby pillow, bringing me down onto the bed.
We lost our shit laughing, smacking one another with the pillows on his bed, Keith got me a few times in the face.
After a while, we both got tired. I flopped on my back, calming down as I finished laughing, tears in my eyes. Keith laying his head down on my stomach.
“You have like, no business being so fun to be around dude.” He told me.
“You ain’t got no business being so funny either,” I replied, my arms resting at my sides as I stared up at the ceiling.
We laid together for a short while until we both fell asleep to the sound of the raindrops dripping onto his bedroom window next to us.
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sheerbeautyreigns · 4 years
Part 2
Excerpt from my longer story Desire. More smutty shenanigans with Drew / Roman (Joe) thanks to Joe's lover Paul Levesque with added Seth (Colby) angst. Enjoy!
Joe awoke to the ringing of his phone on the bedside. He picked it up bleary eyed to see Paul’s face. He sighed, rolling onto his back.
‘Hey baby.’ He sounded pretty chipper for 9:30am on a Saturday.
‘Morning,’ Joe said rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He was so tired. Paul didn’t waste any time. ‘How was my surprise?’
‘I can’t believe it was Drew. You should have told me. I had a match with him. God knows what was going through his mind.’ Joe exclaimed. ‘Oh I know. I had a hard on watching it. You two work very well together.’
Joe rolled his eyes, propping himself up on the pillows. ‘I’m serious. I didn’t realise you and him…’ he trailed off. ‘Yeah a few years back, on and off. He’s a good guy. I trust him a lot. I would have asked nobody else for you and he seems to like you. How was it?’
‘He was great, nice guy…big,’ Joe started which caused Paul to chuckle. ‘Good! I’m glad. He left after didn’t he?’
‘Yeah, it just seemed to go fast.’ Joe shifted on the bed. ‘Don’t worry, I’m sure he can visit again. Would you like that?’ Paul asked. Joe was silent for a moment. ‘I miss you.’
He could hear Paul sigh on the other end of the line. ‘I miss you too baby. I know this isn’t ideal but I’ll see you soon.’ Joe threw off the white covers and got out of the bed. He stopped and looked out the window.
‘I’ll arrange for Drew to see you again Monday night and I’ll see you Wednesday at mine. ‘ It wasn’t a suggestion, more of a statement. ‘I love you.’
‘Love you too.’ Paul ended the call. Joe sighed as he gripped the phone, taking on the view from his hotel window. This whole situation with Paul was starting to become a bit of a mess over the past couple of weeks and he didn’t know what to do about it. It had fucked up his relationship with Colby and now Drew was getting involved. Why did Paul have to be so complicated in his preferences?
The next couple of days were pretty uneventful until Joe got to the arena in Richmond, Virginia for Raw. He would be teaming up with Chris in a tag match against Drew and Jinder. He hadn’t seen Drew since Friday night and there had been no contact since they didn’t have each others numbers.
They had agreed to meet at 5pm to go over their spots. Joe could feel his stomach flip upon seeing Drew again. Luckily he seemed unphased, unless he was really good at hiding it. They were so used to going through the motions that it wasn’t long before they were done. Drew had disappeared off to catch up with Sheamus. Joe spent his time getting a hair and beard trimmed.
The match had gone well and Joe found himself alone in the locker room which was unusual. He went about putting his hair up in a bun and removing his vest when Colby walked in. He hadn’t seen him since their falling out in Atlanta the week prior. He wasn’t fighting tonight, just doing some promo work so he was just wearing a t-shirt and black jeans. Joe looked him in the face from across the room and it was clear to see that Colby was being his usual stubborn self, refusing to acknowledge him. He hated that they weren’t speaking. Joe set his vest aside.
‘So you’re just going to pretend that I don’t exist?’ Joe started, trying not to sound confrontational. He watched as Colby unlocked his locker and took out his belongings.
‘I don’t have anything to say to you.’ He said, refusing to look Joe in the eye.
‘Stubborn as always,’ Joe said in an annoyed tone as the door opened. In walked Drew, wearing nothing but his ring gear and a white towel over his shoulder. ‘Hey.’ He said with a smile. ‘See that. Had the crowd in the palm of our hands.’ He said approaching Joe and pulling him into a hug. ‘Was pretty cool huh,’ Joe forced a smile. This was awkward. Drew dug into his bag that he had set aside. ‘I’m gonna freshen up. What time will you be at the Hilton?’ Joe could see Colby turn his head. Their eyes met briefly before he answered Drew. ‘Uh could be there in an hour. I have a couple of things to do here and I still need to check in.’ He handed his mobile to Joe. ‘Put your number in.’ Drew headed off into the shower area while Joe keyed in his number. Colby stood from across the room looking at Joe, spreading his hands. ‘Lemme guess. Paul’s idea?’
‘It’s not like that.’ Joe defended, knowing exactly what Colby meant. He was right but he wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction. Joe approached him so that Drew couldn’t hear them. ‘I miss you man. Can’t we just be friends?’
‘Not while you’re with Paul. He’ll do anything to tear us apart and you’re just willing to go with it.’ He started ‘No, that’s not true. You know there’s more-‘
‘Aah, don’t give me that bullshit. He’s got you messing around with Drew now and you just go with it. I know exactly what’s going on.’ He said, his voice becoming raised. ‘Will you keep it down!?’ Joe said glancing towards the shower area, hoping Drew wouldn’t hear. He couldn’t hear the water. ‘Don’t worry, I’m leaving.’ And just like that, Colby was gone again. Joe just couldn’t seem to catch a break with him anymore.
‘Everything OK with you two?’ Drew asked cautiously from the door frame, a towel wrapped around his waist. Joe turned around.
‘Yeah, he’s just being stubborn that’s all.’ Drew gave him a look that said he wasn’t really buying it. Joe wondered what Paul had told him about them, if he’d mentioned anything at all. He quickly changed the subject. ‘Right I need to shower and sort my shit.’ Drew smiled and disappeared to shower himself.
Since Joe had a few people to catch up with at the arena, Drew went on to the hotel and grabbed a drink at the bar. He got a text at 10:20pm from Joe to let him know his room number. Drew downed his beer and headed up to the 10th floor.
‘Hey,’ Joe greeted him with a smile. He had his hair in a neater bun this time and he was wearing loose fitting jogging bottoms and a black tank top. Drew smiled as he entered, already removing his leather jacket. ‘I’ve been looking forward to this all day.’
‘I don’t know what you heard in the locker room but…’ Joe started motioning for Drew to join him on the sofa to which he obliged ‘Did Paul tell you anything specific about what’s going on with me?’
‘He mainly said that he wants me to see you from time to time when he’s away.’ Drew answered.
‘Anything about Colby, what you can do, what you can’t do? I just wanna know.’ Joe searched his eyes hoping for some answers.
‘I am aware that you and Colby have a history and I think…no, I know that Paul isn’t too pleased about it. I’m sure he’s worried when you two spend time together. I mean, I’d be too if I were in his position.’ Drew tried to reason with him. ‘Its none of my business at the end of the day but he trusts me to do as I’m told and he knows I like you.’ Joe blushed hearing this. ‘I just want us to fuck. That’s all I want. I’m a simple guy. No dramas here.’ He continued, raising his hands trying to make light of the situation. Joe smiled. ‘So is it just a deal where you fuck me or what?’
‘Well, Paul’s given me free reign, obviously as long as you’re comfortable too.’ He suggested.
‘Like fucking you?’ Joe asked. Drew’s eyes lit up as those three words came out. ‘I thought you’d never ask.’ He could see Joe’s face light up. They wasted no time in getting undressed and moved to the bed. ‘On all fours.’ Joe instructed, grabbing the lube from the night stand, before kneeling behind Drew. The Scot winced at the sudden cool sensation on his opening. Joe was already hard at the prospect of fucking him. Whatever it was, when he was with Paul, he never got to fuck him. Paul was always on top. It had always been that way. The only other person he got to fuck was Colby but there was zero chances of that now. He decided to make the most of this opportunity. He took his time in fingering Drew’s hole, listening to his reactions, making him enjoy every moment. He withdrew his fingers and lined the tip of his cock up with the slightly gaping hole. Drew inhaled as he gently forced himself in, his muscles closing in around the hard shaft. It felt so good to Joe.
‘Christ,’ Drew growled at the feeling of fullness. ‘You good?’ Joe checked trailing his hands around to his pelvis. ‘So good.’ Drew responded urging Joe to begin fucking him. He started off slow, listening to Drew’s reactions and started picking up the pace. ‘Fucking hell,’ Drew let out as Joe fucked him harder now, not letting go of his pelvis, pummeling him into the mattress. He gripped the sheets below, trying to hold on, breathing heavily as Joe’s balls slammed against his ass. ‘I’m gonna come,’ Joe panted. ‘Do it,’ Drew growled, flipping his hair back, catching a glimpse of the intensity on Joe’s handsome face. He shuddered a few moments later as Joe’s seed filled him. The Samoan would not let go until he was completely drained. He withdrew eventually, falling to the bed on all fours, next to an exhausted Drew. ‘Fuck,’ Joe’s chest heaved up and down as he looked up at the ceiling. ‘Has that been building up for a while?’ Drew asked, rolling onto his side to face him. Joe’s head fell to the side. He nodded and smiled ‘You have no idea…’ There was a moment of silence as Drew’s eyes fixed on Joe’s. The Samoan tried to look away until Drew cupped his jaw in his hand and planted a kiss on his lips. Joe gently gripped his wrist and looked him in the eyes.
‘I thought kissing wasn’t allowed,’ he commented, licking his lips. ‘It’s not. I just can’t help myself.’ He leaned in and kissed him again, this time more passionate, their bodies becoming entangled on the bed. Once Drew had Joe on his back, he flipped him over and pulled his hips up towards him. Joe looked over his shoulder to see Drew with the lube in hand. ‘I’m gonna fuck you so hard after that.’ He warned with intensity in his blue eyes. Joe groaned into the sheets as Drew slid his fingers in. He was instantly hard again. He fingered him hard and deep, stretching him out. Joe barely had time to register what was going on until Drew was already sliding his thick cock in with a little help from the lube. ‘Aaaah fuck.’ Joe cried out, burying his head in his hands, his hair falling in front of him.
‘Time to teach you a lesson, you big fucking tease.’ Drew laughed arrogantly as he watched Joe squirm below him. ‘Pleeease,’ he moaned in between breaths, trying to relax his muscles around Drew’s cock. The Scot slapped him hard on the ass. Joe seethed, gritting his teeth knowing there was no way out of this. ‘Fuck,’ he grunted as Drew began to fuck him, rocking the bed with every thrust. Their moans and groans filled the room. Joe felt like he was in heaven and hell, his body writhing in the mix of pain and pleasure that Drew was dishing out. ‘You like that huh? He taunted, squeezing the ass cheek he had smacked moments ago. ‘Aowww fuck,’ Joe cried out again. When he thought he had had enough Drew slammed hard into him, his seed shooting into Joe’s hole. He grunted with each heavy thrust, sending Joe over the edge, caving into the mattress, a sweaty mess, hair everywhere.
When Drew had seen how limp he had become below, he withdrew immediately, lowering to the bed. He brushed his hair away from his face, seeing that his eyes were closed. Heavy, raspy breaths escaped him.
‘Joe, you OK?’ He tapped at his cheek. ‘Joe???’ he tapped faster this time before flipping him over on his back to help his breathing. Eventually his eyes fluttered open. He looked lost. ‘Joe, you OK?’ Drew said with panic, seeing how out of it that Joe looked. Drew came into his vision. ‘Sorry, sorry…’he apologised rubbing his eyes. ‘I was worried there. You were, like, gone.’ The Scot leaned over him making a fuss. ‘It’s OK, it’s happened before.’ Joe sat up in the bed and grabbed the bottle of water from the nightstand. He mouthed about half of the bottle. ‘Way to ruin the moment eh?’ Joe tried to make light of the situation in order to stop Drew from fussing.
‘You should get that checked out. It doesn’t seem normal.’ Drew looked concerned. ‘Don’t worry, it’s like some sort of euphoric high or something. Paul’s seen it before.’ Joe explained. ‘You were so intense.’
‘I can’t help it. I just wanted to fuck you senseless.’ Drew laughed, relieved he had come around. He looked at the clock. It was almost 12am.
‘Do you have to go?’ Joe asked, eyeing him. ‘Well, I’ve done my deed. I shouldn’t leave after you blacked out though.’
‘I’m totally fine now, don’t worry.’ Joe explained trying to brush it off. ‘I would though.’ Drew bit his lower lip and got up off the bed. Joe’s eyes followed him as he disappeared into the bathroom to take a piss. He emerged a few minutes later. Joe was still sat in the same position but now under the white covers.
‘I know I’m not supposed to stay but I don’t want to leave just yet.’ Drew said standing at the foot of the bed. ‘It’s completely up to you man. I won’t say a word.’ Joe advised. Gingerly, Drew walked around to the other side of the bed and crept in under the covers close to Joe who moved onto his side so he was spooning him now. Joe reached over and turned off the bedside lamp before pulling him close and kissing him goodnight.
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Not Gay, but Thanks!
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Summary: 2 dads, 4 kids. What could possibly go wrong?
A/N: So I suggested an idea like this to @talkfastromance4​ with Cory and Luke and the idea still makes me giggle, so I’m gonna recycle.
Content warning: Mentions of postpartum depression.
Word Count: 3.2k
And away, and away we go!
“Are you okay?” Ashton asked worriedly as he and Vanessa came home from dinner with Finn and Mia. He carefully set down the baby carseats while Vanessa dropped the diaper bag with a huff and face planted into the couch.
“No,” her muffled voice answered, sounding cracked.
“Do you want me to make you a hot chocolate?”
“Yes, please…”
He leaned over the back of the couch to kiss the back of her head. “Okay. Gimme a few minutes.”
He rushed to get the twins settled upstairs, his concern for Vanessa causing his forehead to crease as his eyebrows pulled together. It was like her energy had slowly been draining from her all week, and she’d finally hit her breaking point. He hated it. He clipped the baby monitor to his belt before dashing back downstairs to the kitchen, quickly making them both a cup of hot chocolate goodness.
“Alright,” he said, coming back to her still face planted into the couch. “You wanna sit up so we can talk?”
“I’m just tired…” she deflected, sitting up to make room for him, her fingers curling around the offered mug.
“There’s more to it than that. C’mon, don’t hide from me, please,” he coaxed gently.
“I’m exhausted. I don't sleep because I’m always worried about something. Did I give Mason and Bailey enough of me when they were here? Are the twins okay? Are Mason and Bailey okay? Am I being a good enough mom to all of them? Am I being a good enough wife to you? I can barely focus on anything. I don’t know how I’m gonna pull it together when I go back to work. I’m going fuckin’ nuts. I know if I ask you for a break, I’ll get it. But I don’t want to ask you for a break because what kind of mom wants a break from her children?”
He set his cup down, opening up his arms. “C’mere.”
“What?” she asked in confusion.
“Put the cup down and c’mere.”
She did so, hesitantly, letting him pull her to his chest when she got close. The warmth of his embrace had her bunching the front of his shirt in her hands, and hot tears spilling down her cheeks. “I’m so tired!” she cried.
“Shh, you’re gonna be okay. I got ya.”
“I’m a terrible person!” she continued to wail into him.
“Being overwhelmed, and needing help doesn’t make you a terrible person.”
She pulled back to look up at him incredulously. “You’ve been spending too much time with Finn…”
The pads of his thumbs brushed underneath her eyes, catching the stray tears. “What can I do to help? What am I not doing? Do I need to take more time off? Do we need to get a sitter so we can go out, just me and you? Do you need a day just for yourself?”
“I don’t know…”
“Okay. How about this. I’ll take the twins tomorrow so you can have the house to yourself. You can sleep as much as you want. Maybe go get a massage. Whatever you want. And then I’ll bring home dinner, I’ll put the twins to bed while you eat, and then we can spend the rest of the evening together just us. How’s that sound?”
“Like I’m gonna spend the whole day feeling like shit, and missing you guys…”
“It’s okay to need some time for yourself, baby.”
“I know,” she snapped. “It doesn’t make me feel less like shit, though.”
“I understand that. So what can I do to help you? What am I not doing?”
“It’s not anything you’re doing or not doing, Ash! This isn’t something that can be fixed with a day off, or a night out!”
Ashton’s tongue clicked. “Alright,” he said simply.
She sighed, pressing the palms of her hands into her eyes. “Now I’ve made you mad. Great…”
“You didn’t make me mad.”
“Yes I did. You did that tongue click thing. You always do that when you’re mad, just like Finn pinches his nose.”
“I’m not mad at you, or because of anything you did. I’m mad because I feel useless. I want to help you feel better, and I don’t know how.”
“That makes two of us,” she grinned sarcastically.
“Can I just hold you then? Can you let me do that for us?”
“Please?” she asked, snuggling back into him.
His arms wrapped around her, and his nose buried in her hair. “As long as you need.”
In the morning, Ashton got up with the twins so Vanessa could sleep in. “Hey,” she smiled softly when she finally made her way downstairs, finding him on the living room floor with the babies on a blanket.
“Hey,” he said, rising to his feet to give her a kiss. “How ya feeling?”
“That’s good. There’s breakfast. Want me to make you a plate and get you a cup of coffee?”
“No, I got it.”
“Okay. Got any ideas for what you wanna do today?” he asked, sitting back down while she headed to the kitchen.
She paused in the door frame that separated the kitchen from the living room. “Am I terrible if I want to take you up on your offer of giving me alone time?”
He shook his head. “No, baby. I’m gonna put these guys down for their morning nap, then grab a quick shower. When they’re up, I’ll take them out for the day.”
“Thank you, love.”
“Of course, baby. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
After putting the twins down and before he got in the shower, he shot a quick text to Finn:
Hey, mate. I’m taking the twins out later. Any suggestions on what I can do?
He had a response waiting for him when he got out.
I actually promised the kids I’d take them to the planetarium today if you wanna join us. I think they open at like 10:30.
Yeah, that’d be great! Thanks, mate.
No prob. I’ll send you the details.
“Papa!” Mason and Bailey said in surprise, running to give Ashton a hug. “Mom?” Mason asked.
“Nope, just me, and Henry and Hope,” Ashton told them.
“Ness sick?” Finn asked, helped unload Ashton’s car.
“Sort of? She’s been in a funk, so I asked her last night if she wanted a day to herself. But she kinda blew up on me for asking. But then earlier when I asked if there was anything she wanted to do today, she brought it up.”
“Shit…” Finn commented, snapping out the double stroller.
“Yeah… I’m a little worried.” Ashton went to set Hope’s baby carrier in the stroller, but the infant’s mouth twisted into a cry. “Oh, okay,” he told her, unbuckling Hope and holding her to him.
“Daddy’s girl, aren’t ya, Hope?” Finn teased lightheartedly.
“Oh, yeah,” Ashton chuckled, reaching into the truck for a baby carrier. “Can you hold her for a sec?”
“Yeah,” Finn nodded, taking Hope. “If you have a spare, I’ll take Henry and we can just leave the stroller here. I can put the diaper bag in Bailey’s stroller.”
Ashton finished buckling the carrier around him, taking back Hope and placing her in it. “Alright! There we go!” he cooed at her before handing a second one to Finn.
“Easier said than done,” Finn told him as he secured Henry to him like Ashton had done with Hope, “but try not to worry too much about Ness. Sounds like she might have a case of postpartum depression. And not gonna lie, that can be a little scary for both of you. But, you seem like you’re on the right track. Just keep reminding her that she has people who support her, and take initiative where you can.”
“Yeah… just wish there was more I could do, ya know?” he asked as they made their way across the parking lot towards the planetarium.
“Yeah, but unfortunately that’s not how depression works. Be great if it did. Be great if you could just be like ‘hey, I know you’re going through it right now, but I’m here for you’ and poof! it goes away. But, that’s not how it works. She’s gotta go through this at her pace, and in her way. Only thing we can do is just be receptive to what her needs are.”
“Yeah, suppose you’re right.”
The planetarium was full of dark exhibits with calm and quiet atmospheres, giving off the impression that you were in the middle of nowhere, just staring up into space. And while there were other families with mostly children of around Mason’s age or older, it still wasn’t that crowded for a Sunday.
They took their time, making their way slowly through a few exhibits, reading each placard aloud for Mason and Bailey who took everything in with wide, childlike wonder. “Dad?” Mason whispered in one of them.
“What’s up, bud?”
I’m hungry.
“Okay. We’re almost done with this room, and then we’ll go get some lunch. Bailey, you getting hungry?”
“Yes!” she answered before something else caught her attention. “Daddy! Papa! Lookit!”
“I see, love, but hey. C’mere a sec.” Finn crouched, beckoning Bailey towards him with a finger. “Remember what I said about using indoor voices? Do you hear how I’m talking?”
“But, Daddy…”
“I know. I know you’re excited. And that’s okay. You can be excited. But we gotta bring the volume down, okay?”
“Thank you. Now, five more minutes in here, and then lunch. Mase? You hear me? 5 more minutes.”
“Dad,” he answered back, giving a thumbs up.
When the five minutes was up, they made their way to the cafeteria. “Oh, well aren’t you guys just the cutest family!” the clerk cooed, ringing them up. “Enjoy your meal.”
“Thanks,” Ashton and Finn chuckled. “What do you think that was about?” Ashton asked as they took up residence at a table.
Finn shrugged. “Maybe she’s a fan of yours?”
Ashton shook his head, looking around the dining area. “Nah… Something else. People have been staring at us all morning, and not in the ‘oh, famous dude!’ kind of way if that makes sense.”
Finn shrugged again. “Not really, no. But I’ll take your word for it. Might just be people doing that dumb double take of seeing dads actually be dads.”
“That’s closer to it. Yeah, that’s gotta be it.”
They were nearly finished with their meal when two women with two small children between Mason and Bailey’s age approached them. “Hi. We’re so sorry to both you. But we just had to say how great it is to see another gay couple with kids. Did you use the same surrogate for all of them?”
Ashton giggled into his drink while Finn’s eyes went wide. “Oh! Thank you! Truly. But we’re not a couple. Um, he’s actually married to their mom,” Finn explained.
Both women turned bright red. “Oh! We’re so sorry! The older two just look so much like you, and the little ones so much like him. And so much like each other. And we overheard the oldest call you ‘Dad’ and ‘Papa’ and… we are so sorry!” they sputtered quickly.
Ashton shook his head, stifling more giggles. “It’s okay, honestly. Honest mistake. These two are actually his, while these two are mine. And they are all siblings. So it wasn’t too far off the mark.”
“Exactly,” Finn agreed. “No harm, no foul.”
“Well, in that case, it’s great to see such a strong blended family. These are definitely some well-loved kids.”
“Thanks,” both Ashton and Finn grinned. “And it’s great to see a family like yours, too.”
“Thanks,” the woman returned. “Well, again, sorry for bothering you. Enjoy your day.”
“Same to you.”
Ashton broke out in a case of giggles once the other family was out of earshot.
What’s funny? Did those ladies make a joke?
“No, they didn’t make a joke, Mase,” Finn explained. “Those ladies thought Papa and I were gay.”
Gay is two dads and no mom?
Mason chuckled. That’s silly! I have two dads and two moms.
“We know that. But Momma and Mimi aren’t here with us, so those ladies were working with the information that they had.”
Were those ladies gay?
“Not gay,” Finn started to clarify.
Girl gay. Which word is that?
“Lesbian.” Finn signed the word as he spoke
Lesbian, Mason copied. Is that what those ladies were?
But they had kids. Don’t you need a mom and a dad to have kids?
“Generally yes. But remember, there are different ways for all sorts of people to have kids. When two mommies have a baby, they get what’s called a donor. When two daddies have a baby, they get what’s called a surrogate.”
I thought it was adoption when they did that.
“Yeah, that happens too. And any type of family can adopt. But when you adopt it means you don’t share any DNA with the baby. And sometimes people like to share DNA with their babies.”
Oh… do we share DNA?
“Yes. Me, you, and Bailey share DNA. And Henry and Hope share DNA with Papa. And you and Bailey share DNA with Henry and Hope through Momma.”
Oh… I have to go to the bathroom.
“Me too…” Bailey announced, wiggling in her seat.
“Alright,” Ashton said, pushing his seat back and rising to his feet. “C’mon. Think they got a family restroom in here?”
“Yeah, I think I saw one near the front. Ready, my love?” Finn asked with a grand gesture of grabbing Ashton’s hand.
“Lead the way, baby,” Ashton winked, laughing. “Nessa’s gonna get a kick out of this when I tell her.”
“Oh, same with Mia. So if you hear laughter, that’s her.”
“Baby, I’m home,” Ashton announced. “Baby?” he asked when he didn’t spot her on the couch or hear her in the kitchen. “Nessa?!” He took the stairs two at a time, breathing a sigh of relief when he heard music spilling from their bedroom.
He placed the twins on the bed in their carseats before rapping on the bathroom door. “Nessa?”
“In here, love.”
He opened the door, finding her sunk down to her chin in a sea of bubbles, candles casting her in a soft glow. “Hey,” he said softly, leaning against the counter. “How was your day?”
“Good. I made an appointment with a therapist. Took a nap. Baked some cookies. And now I’m in the bath.”
“That’s good, baby.”
“Yeah. Did you bring home dinner?”
“Didn’t have enough hands. I’ll order us something, though. Anything in particular?”
“Mmm… Chinese?”
“Sure thing.”
“How are the twins?”
“They’re good. They’re still in their seats so I should probably go set them free.”
“Yeah. Oh, I made some more bottles. Fridge. Top shelf.”
“Okay. I’ll start their nighttime routine while we wait for the food. Enjoy your bath.” He crossed the room to lean down and press a kiss to her forehead.
“Thank you,” she mouthed.
He kissed her again before going back to the twins, taking them back downstairs. He put them in their boppies, before making the bottles. When he came back, Vanessa was curled up on the couch between them. “Oh, baby, I didn’t mean to rush you.”
“No, no,” she waved her hand. “I wanted to. I missed you guys.”
“We missed you, too.”
“So what did you guys do today?” she asked as they got settled and started feeding the twins.
“I took them to the planetarium with Finn, Mason, and Bailey.”
“Oh yeah! Mase has been wanting to go, and Finn said he would take him.”
“Yeah, they had fun. All of them. We’ll have to make sure to do it again sometime.”
“Yeah, that’d be nice.”
“Oh! So the funniest thing happened when we were there.”
“Yeah, a lesbian couple thought that it was so great to see another gay couple out with their kids.”
Vanessa laughed, and Ashton smiled, not realizing how much he had missed her true laugh over the last few days. “Oh! That’s great!” Her body shook with how hard she was laughing. 
Ashton started to laugh with her. “Yeah, it was pretty funny. Kinda left Finn to fend for himself because I was trying not to laugh, but I couldn’t help it.”
“Oh! Those poor women must’ve been so embarrassed!”
“Oh, yeah they definitely were. But it wasn’t a big deal or anything. Just a small misunderstanding.”
“And a funny one at that.”
“Yeah it was great. I can’t wait to tell the guys. Luke’s probably gonna tease me for it. ‘See, Ash! I told ya it was only a matter of time.’”
“Aw, you guys have matching stories now! How cute!” And now Vanessa was laughing for a whole new reason, remembering one of the first stories Ashton had ever told her about how Luke and Cory got mistaken as a gay couple at a pizza parlor with Lily.
Ashton continued to laugh with her. “Fuck, I’ve missed you, baby,” he said suddenly, the words holding lot more power to them than just him having missed her throughout the day.
“I missed you, too.”
“No, I meant… You kinda went away from me there for a while. Scared me a little bit.”
“I know… kinda scared myself too. This is just hitting me a lot harder this time around and I’m not really sure why.”
“That’s okay, baby. That’s why I’m here. I’m not gonna let you do this alone. And I’m never gonna make you feel guilty for needing to take a step back. You gotta take care of yourself first.”
“Thank you. For today. And everything. I know I haven’t been the nicest to you recently. Especially yesterday. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you for not pushing me away this time. And there’s nothing to forgive because there’s nothing to apologize for. You don’t have to be sorry for feeling what you’re feeling. Just keep me in the loop.”
“You’ve definitely been spending way too much time with Finn. Should I be worried?” she teased.
“Oh, baby…” he winced through his teeth, teasing her back. “You haven’t heard? Finn and I are kinda a thing now…”
Vanessa fake-scoffed. “Of all the people you leave me for, you leave me for my ex? The audacity… guess I’ll just have to take Mia then.” Ashton’s eyebrows shot up and she smacked his chest with a laugh. “Oh! Get your mind out of the gutter!”
He raised a hand in defense. “I’m just saying… lil girl on girl action would be pretty fuckin’ hot.”
“Do not sexualize the bis for your twisted fantasies, mister,” she tsked, wagging a finger. “Naughty, naughty.”
“Mhm!” Ashton nodded with a grin. “And what are you gonna do about it?” His question was a hot whisper under her ear.
She shivered, smacking his chest again. “Stop that! Not in front of the babies!” she laughed.
“Guess we better speed up bedtime,” Ashton winked. 
Vanessa let out another laugh then sighed. “I can’t, Ash. Six weeks, remember? Next week we can.”
“I know.” He softly kissed repeatedly at her jaw. “Glad you seem to be feeling better though.”
“Me too.”
“You’re amazing, you know that?”
“You’re pretty amazing yourself, love. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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ahtohallan-calling · 5 years
chapter 15 of don’t read the last page is here!
[kristanna / m / multichap / modern au with actress!anna and vetstudent!kristoff]
"I just want to go back to sleep," she said; really she wanted to go back to this summer, when she had so hated the long stretches of empty days and taken for granted the seemingly endless hours they had spent together laughing and talking and kissing each other senseless and never once imagining how hard it was going to be.
"Then sleep, baby," Kristoff murmured, and by the way his arms tightened around her she knew he wanted the same.
chapter 15: new year
"Why is anyone calling me at eight in the morning on New Year's?"
She burrowed deeper under the blankets, squeezing her eyes shut and willing the whole damn world to just shut up. She hadn’t thought she’d had much to drink last night, but her head ached, and her mouth was fuzzy, and they had never made it to the shower so now she was pretty sure there was lipstick and mascara smeared all over her face, but more importantly this was their day, and she didn’t want anything to ruin it.
"It's not just anyone, baby, that's Sam's ringtone," Kristoff said, his voice still rough with sleep, as he gently rubbed a circle between her shoulder blades.
She ignored it anyway. Anything definitely included overeager calls from her agent who was still somewhat giddy at her newfound fame. Instead she focused her attention on Kristoff’s bare chest, pressing little kisses to it and smiling faintly when she felt his heartbeat accelerate beneath her touch.
Eventually, the phone went silent, but she didn't even have time to sigh in relief before it started ringing again. Kristoff pulled away from her just enough to get the phone and set it on the bed, accepting the call. "Hey, Sam. You're on speaker."
"Hey, kid. And hey to Anna, too. I'm sorry to call this early, wish I wasn't up, either."
"Just tell me what it is, Sam," Anna said, reluctantly turning over so her voice wouldn't be muffled against Kristoff's skin. "So we can all get it over with and get back to bed."
"Good news or bad news?"
"Good first."
"You've gained a thousand new Twitter followers in the last...uh...half hour? And everyone's excited to see you really can sing."
For a moment she was confused; how were those connected, and why did he need to tell her right now?
And then it hit her.
"Oh, god, Sam," she said, her voice already shaking. "But Hans said…"
"Someone didn't listen. They filmed the two of you singing 'Auld Lang Syne'. And, uh...people already noticed you guys matched each other. And the confetti. And came to...conclusions."
Kristoff stiffened beside her. "Can't you get it taken down?" he asked.
"Three different sources leaked it. And it's been reported on already. It happened so fast-- Lena found out half an hour after the first tweet, and by then I was already fielding interview requests for you. By the time we got all the official sources to delete it…"
"A bunch of random people will have already saved it," Anna said, her voice tight. "So it's here to stay."
Sam sighed. "This is on me and Lena, kiddo. Should've been more on top of this, shouldn't have encouraged you so much to go. I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault," Anna said, her vision quickly growing blurry.
"How do you want to handle this?"
"I don't know, Sam."
"I know it's hard, but the sooner we--"
"I said I don't know," she snapped.
For a moment there was only silence. When Sam spoke again, his voice was soft. "I'm sorry, Anna. Let me talk to Lena. We'll come up with a couple of options. You call me later when you're ready, okay?"
She didn't respond. After a moment, Kristoff cleared his throat. "She says okay. Thanks, Sam."
He hung up the phone and tossed it across the room, where it landed in the laundry basket. "Hole in one," Anna said weakly, and burst into tears.
He didn't speak; he just put his arms around her as she sobbed into her hands, holding her close against his chest. "One fucking day," she choked out. "I wanted one fucking day to just be us again."
"I know," he murmured, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"I don't know what to do. Like, where to even start, I--"
She trailed off, too confused and overwhelmed to begin to put it all into words. Instead she turned over in Kristoff's embrace to tuck her chin over his shoulder, inhaling the familiar warm scent of him, and fought to hold back a fresh wave of tears.
"I just want to go back to sleep," she said; really she wanted to go back to this summer, when she had so hated the long stretches of empty days and taken for granted the seemingly endless hours they had spent together laughing and talking and kissing each other senseless and never once imagining how hard it was going to be.
"Then sleep, baby," Kristoff murmured, and by the way his arms tightened around her she knew he wanted the same.
She hadn’t meant to actually fall asleep, had intended to lay there all morning with him, letting herself be comforted even though they both already knew the fallout from this would hurt him, too. But suddenly she was blinking awake, her head pounding and her mouth dry, as Kristoff carefully wriggled out from beneath her; somehow he had ended up on his back with her curled around and over his side, her head pillowed on his chest.
“Go back to sleep,” he said softly as he slid out of bed. “I’ll be right back.”
“No, my head hurts,” she mumbled, rubbing at her eyes as she followed him. “I wanna drink some water.”
“Okay. I’m gonna take a shower.”
For a moment she felt nothing but contentment as she watched him stretch, the muscles in his back rippling with the movement, and amble out of the room and down the hall wearing nothing but low-slung sweatpants. She considered following after him and surprising him in the shower-- she really did want to get all the hairspray out, and there was room for both of them, and he surely wouldn’t mind, and then she remembered the morning’s phone call and felt a cold wave of dread wash over her, tears already pricking at the back of her eyes.
How many more times had the video been shared? How many more people had seen it and wondered if she and Hans were dating? How many people had already been calling Lena asking for a comment on her relationship status?
Now she didn’t feel like crying; she felt like throwing up. What had she gotten Kristoff into? She didn’t particularly care about what people thought about her, so long as they still liked her, but he hadn’t asked for any of this, had never done anything but support her, and now he was faced with either becoming a public figure or watching the whole world believe she was with someone else. And he started clinicals next week, and she was going to be insanely busy as they rushed to get as much done as possible before going to Russia, and already they had both been so stressed and--
“Pull yourself together, Anna,” she muttered under her breath, pinching her arm to force herself back into the present moment. “Throwing a pity party won’t fix it.”
She retrieved her discarded phone from the hamper and shot off a quick text to Sam, asking if they could do a conference Skype call in half an hour. And Kristoff will be in on it if he wants, she added in a followup message. He’s part of this too.
Sure, came the reply only a couple of minutes later. Lena and I think we have some ideas worked out. And of course, no problem.
“Kris?” she called, padding down the hall and slipping into the bathroom. “We’re gonna do a video conference at ten-thirty. I told Sam you’ll be there. If you want to, I mean.”
He pulled aside the shower curtain, shampoo still in his hair. “Of course.”
He said it so easily, without any hesitation, that she couldn’t help but kiss him. He grinned when she pulled away and asked, “Care to join me?”
“We’ll be late for the call then.”
“So we’ll just kiss. And you can make sure I don’t have any more lipstick on my back.”
“Well. When you put it that way…”
They were only five minutes late, both of them still rosy-cheeked and damp as they set the laptop on the kitchen table and crowded next to each other. Anna was still grinning when the dial tone began, but the moment she saw Sam and Lena’s somber expressions her smile swirled away as if it had been swept down the drain with the bubbles.
“Sam and I have been talking all morning. We’ve put together three options,” Lena said without preamble. “Option one, you come out and tell people about your relationship with Kristoff. Option two, you say nothing and hope that people forget about this. Which they won’t unless someone else does something juicier, but it is an option. And option three...we lean into this. Drop some hints that you and Westergaard actually are dating. I can get in touch with his people, see if they want to set up an arrangement, the whole shebang.”
Anna felt her cheeks grow hot. “Why would I ever do that?”
“You’ve gained ten thousand followers between Twitter and Instagram just this morning, while most of the world is still in bed hungover. He’s a huge star, and doing that would raise your profile and the movie’s. It’d be a huge boost to your career, and it wouldn’t have to be forever.”
Anna pressed her lips into a thin line, not trusting herself to speak. Sam, looking torn himself, said, “It’s up to you, kiddo. But we can make lemons outta lemonade.”
“I’m not going to cheat on my boyfriend.”
“It’s not cheating,” Lena cut in, “it’s acting. Same as you kissing him onscreen.”
“It’s different, it’s--”
“I think she should do it,” Kristoff said suddenly. 
For the second time that morning, Anna thought she was going to be sick. She didn’t dare to look at him; instead she kept her gaze just above the top part of the screen, focusing intently on the cactus they had bought last week to keep in the living room. “Because I know you want a pet someday,” he had told her, “but we gotta make sure we’re responsible enough for one, and I figured that’s a good place to start, and yes, before you ask, we can name it.”
Sam was saying something, but she couldn’t hear him over the roaring in her ears. Kris responded, and from the corner of her eye, she saw him nod. “Okay, then,” Lena said, “Anna, I can call his team tonight if you--”
“No!” Anna said, horrified that any of them were even considering it. “I’m not-- Jesus fucking Christ, I could never just-- just do that…”
“Hang on,” Kristoff said, turning off their video and audio and muting the computer before reaching over to clasp her hands. “Anna, baby…”
His eyes were too soft, too full of love; that made it worse, somehow, that he thought this was the right way to love her. “I don’t ever want to hold back your career. We’ll still know the truth, right? That’s what’s important.”
She shook her head fiercely. “No. I-- no. It just feels wrong, Kris. I hate keeping us secret, but I’d hate just blatantly lying about it even more. And I don’t want to boost my career like this, with something just...made-up. And-- fuck, when you weren’t there I realized you and Honey were right, and I...god. I don’t care if that’s the best option. I don’t want to take it.”
He squeezed her hands. “Okay.”
“Okay?” “Yeah. Do you...do you want to go public then?”
“Do you?”
His voice was unsure. “I...can, if you want me to. I’ll just...you know, warn the clinic I’m working with in case of--”
“No. Nope. Don’t say anything else.”
It was her turn to squeeze his hands. “Be one hundred percent honest with me right now, Kristoff. This isn’t just about me. What do you want?”
She held his gaze, watched as a sadness crept into his eyes and knew that he was going to break her heart and put it back together in one fell swoop. “You. Even if I have to share you with the world. Whatever that means, whatever I have to do, I just...I want to share a life with you, Anna. My whole life, actually, if we can swing it. And maybe someday I’ll be able to be what you need and be able to be in the spotlight with you and--”
“Kris, baby, I--” 
She was starting to tear up again. “You’re already what I need. And I-- I want the same thing, even if you’re never ready to go public. And I love you so much, and I’m so sorry that any of this is even on the table.”
He leaned forward to press his forehead against hers. They both drew in a deep breath that escaped in huffs of laughter when they realized what they had done. “Love you back,” he murmured, giving her a soft kiss. “Should we, uh, turn our video back on and finish the call?”
“If we have to.”
Lena was tapping her fingers impatiently; she stopped, looking embarrassed when the call resumed. “Did we come to a decision?”
Kristoff looked over at Anna; she nodded firmly. “Yes. We’re taking option two.”
“Are you sure? This is an opportunity to--”
“Get a new publicist? Interesting suggestion.”
Lena’s mouth snapped shut. Kristoff and Sam both shot her a surprised glance; she was never harsh like this. Well, she thought, times are changing in more ways than one.
“Alright, then,” Sam said at last. “Whatever you want, kiddo. Guess we’ll just...wait and see.”
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blurglesmurfklaine · 4 years
Cornelia Street (8/9)
(+ an interlude i thought of after reading “Reeni”s comment. Idk who you are bc it was a guest comment, but thank you!)
A/N: oh my god they were quarantined
yes. It’s one of those fics.
AU, obvs
I’m posting as I go and idk how many parts this is going to be, likely won’t be very long but I literally don’t know what I’m doing and should i be starting yet another WIP? definitely not but fuck it lets fucking go
Title is from T-swizzles Lover album, I’m OBSESSED
Summary: Three years ago, Kurt and Blaine went on a disaster of a date and never quite got off on the right foot. Now, just before they graduate from NYADA, there’s a national outbreak and they’re both self-quarantined in a mutual friend’s apartment.
Read On AO3
On Tumblr: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
QueenJCedes replied to your story!
Kurt bites back a dopey grin when he opens Mercedes’s snapchat message. It’s a photo of her looking dubiously at the camera, a single eyebrow pointed up, with the caption: Quarantine buddies, huh?
He snaps back a quick photo of himself, eyes rolled upwards. What can I say, he won me over.
She sends back just a message this time—
Mercedes: Yeah, clearly. Mercedes: Head over feet, Alanis style!
—and then a bitmoji of Kurt falling through the air.
Kurt: I mean… You’re not wrong Kurt: He’s sort of everything Kurt: AND a fantastic kisser
Mercedes: OMG REALLY? I was just teasing, but if this is legit, I’m so happy for you!!!
He can’t help but giggle excitedly as he types a reply. 
Kurt: Yeah. me too.
New Snap from setroutymouth
Blaine rolls his eyes but still can't school the smile on his face into a neutral expression. This is going to be a lot, he already knows, but nevertheless, he swipes his thumb across the screen to unlock his phone.
Sam’s pacing through Mercedes’s childhood home in Ohio, phone in selfie mode, already rambling at a hundred miles a minute that Blaine’s sure he cut off a few words.
“—cedes just showed me Kurt’s snapchat story and I AM LOSING IT! Did something happen between you two? Oh my god, something totally happened, didn’t it!? BLAINE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED MERCEDES WON’T TELL ME AND I ALREADY FINISHED EVERY BINGABLE SHOW ON NETFLI—”
As expected, it was a lot. But still not enough to burst his happy little bubble. He doesn’t think anything could, at this point.
Through his smiles, he snaps back a picture of himself shrugging, trying to look as clueless as possible, and adds the caption: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
It’s not even a full moment before he gets another video back.
Blaine locks his phone shut, mostly because he knows it’ll drive Sam crazy. He can respond later. Right now, there are more important matters at hand.
Blaine’s in the kitchen, putting away what was left of the carton of Cookie Two-Step ice cream they’d demolished while watching another Netflix romcom, when Kurt’s phone lights up.
New Message: From: Adam I saw your sc story You know you could just be *my* quarantine buddy When are you coming?
Kurt actually growls as he types out a reply. How did he put up with this for nearly three years?
New Message: To: Adam I’m not.
Kurt. We both know how this ends.
Not this time. I meant it. We’re done.
Okay, whatever you say I’ll check in with you later When you change your mind
Kurt doesn’t even warrant that with a response, he’s too seething mad to even formulate one with enough bite to put Adam in his place.
But then the door opens, Blaine’s beaming at him, and Adam is completely irrelevant.
“I was just thinking,” Blaine muses aloud, slipping under the covers and snuggling up next to him in a way that Kurt knows will be way too easy for him to get used to. “Do you remember our Junior year when we had to partner up during Stagefighting for that Musical Choregraphy project?”
Kurt explodes into laughter. “Uh, yeah, that was pretty ridiculous. I remember hearing from Matthew that you said I dance like a pigeon that’d been chewed up and spit out by a cat.”
“What!?” Blaine exclaims, shocked. “I swear I never said that. Though, I do remember going on a tangent about how I didn’t know how I was supposed to concentrate when you insisted on wearing those pants with that tight fitted shirt and…”
He trails off, and Kurt can feel color rising to his cheeks. “Oh, that explains it, actually.”
“Explains what?”
“Matthew. He had a huge crush on you.”
Blaine’s eyes double in size. “He what!?”
Kurt lets out a chuckle. “You seriously didn’t know?”
“No! Nobody told me!”
“That’s not how crushes work, Blaine,” Kurt says through a stream of giggles. 
“Okay, why does it make more sense for me to just take a wild guess about how people feel about me instead of them telling me, or acting on it? Like, if you hadn’t have kissed me earlier, I would have never known how you felt and kissed you back.”
Kurt opens his mouth to argue that logic, but… he seriously cannot get over how oblivious Blaine is. “So you’re saying that if I hadn't accidentally kissed you then you really wouldn’t have known how I feel?”
“Yeah. And I would most definitely not have acted on my crush.”
“Aw,” Kurt teases. “You used to have a crush on me. That’s embarrassing.”
“And you watch too much Parks and Rec.” 
“I’m gonna kiss you again, now,” he announces.
Blaine just grins, eyes crinkling at the sides. “I think that’s a great idea.”
There wasn’t much of a choice because of the shelter in place, but based on the bright spark forming in his chest when their skin meets, Kurt could definitely get used to this living situation.
Blaine finally pulls away reluctantly. If he could stay attached to Kurt forever, stay connected to him, he would. He roams his eyes over Kurt’s face, like he could memorize it if he really, really tried, and notices a scar just above his eyebrow. It would be invisible to anyone else, anyone who wasn’t trying to intentionally map out the image of Kurt.
The scar doesn’t bother Blaine, but the idea that someone ever hurt Kurt bad enough to leave physical evidence that refuses to leave tugs achingly at his heart. Instinctively, he takes his hand from where it rests on the side of Kurt’s face, and gently traces over the scar with the pad of his index finger soothingly, as if it hasn’t been healed for years.
“Sophomore year… two years ago,” Kurt’s murmuring refocuses his attention.
That was a hazy time for Blaine, but he does have a vague memory of hearing from a friend of a friend that Kurt spent some time in the hospital, and he definitely remembers his rival-slash-partner being missing from their stage acting class for a while.
“What happened?” He asks.
Kurt is so calm, so steady when he answers. It leaves him in awe. “It was when all those gay bashings were happening…” he pauses, and Blaine immediately feels sick to his stomach because he knows where this is heading. “I was on my way home from school and saw these guys attacking some teenager, and… I had to help. I ran over and started shoving them, I guess. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but the kid got away. I didn’t. The last thing I remember after that was what I think might’ve been a brick hitting my head.”
“Jesus,” Blaine breathes. His initial reaction is to say I’m sorry, but something tells him that Kurt isn’t sorry about it at all. Instead, he says, “I had no idea. That–that was really brave of you.”
Kurt snorts out a laugh. “I’m glad you think so. I spent most of my hospital stay being berated by my dad about how irresponsible it was.”
“No,” Blaine shakes his head. “If anything it was over-responsible.”
“I’m not convinced that’s a word.”
“Me neither,” Blaine says breathlessly, amber gaze fixed on the boy lying across from him.
He really just can’t help but pull them together again. 
Blaine thinks Kurt is opening his mouth to deepen the kiss and, well, he’s certainly not going to complain. Until Kurt sucks in a deep breath and turns his head, chuckling through his yawn.
“Sorry, I really thought I could hold that yawn in.”
Blaine lets out a laugh of his own and glances over at the analog clock on the nightstand. “It’s only midnight, you grandpa,” he teases.
“Hey! Doing nothing all day is seriously draining.”
“I wouldn’t call what we did nothing,” Blaine says cheekily, causing Kurt to flush.
“I’m going to shower before I head to bed,” Kurt responds, sitting up and lifting his arms up over his head and exposing an inch or so of his midriff.
Blaine is trying so hard not to stare. Nevertheless, he can’t help it as he watches Kurt saunter off to the restroom. 
He tosses his head back onto the pillow with a satisfied grin on his face. Global crisis it may be, but if he got Kurt Hummel out of it… he could complain about worse things.
A bright ding from his right interrupts his thoughts. Blaine turns his head and sees the screen of Kurt’s phone light up, resting there on the nightstand.
He’s not snooping. He’s really not. It’s just sort of instinct to look in the direction of the sounds.
Then, he sees the succession of messages that make his stomach churn.
New Message: From: Adam Hurry and finish up with the rebound already I miss you Text me when you’re on your way
He stares at the screen for a few seconds before it fades back to black, feeling absolutely sick to his stomach. Of course Kurt was going to run back to his ex the first chance he got. It’s exactly what he did three years ago and Blaine was just kidding himself. This was all too good to be true.
Turns out it wasn’t.
Before he knows it, he’s grabbing his duffel bag and dialing Quinn’s number. 
He’s always welcomed there and New Haven isn’t all that far, after all.
Part 9
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clevercatchphrase · 5 years
You Monster Chpt. 34
(This story is also available on ao3, under the same username as here~! I am no longer linking the chapters here, or else tumblr would hide the results in their search engine. Sorry for the inconvenience!) 
It’s a couple hours before all the amalgamates are back with their rightful families.
With you, Sans, Papyrus and Undyne as her moral support, Alphys makes her way through each of the Underground’s main regions, returning Reaper Bird, Lemon Bread, Endogeny and Mrs. Drake to their respective homes.
While there were a few harsh words given to Alphys, mostly from Astigmatisms and Snowdrake Senior for not telling them what had truly happened to their loved ones, most of the monsters seemed so overjoyed at having their relatives back, they couldn’t have cared less if their appearance had changed, or if they now shared a mind with a dozen other monsters. All that mattered was that they were alive and they were home.
It’s almost midnight when you finally get back to Hotland.
“Hey pal,” Papyrus says when he catches you yawning on the couch near Alphys’ huge monitor. “While we were in Snowdin, I ran by my house and got your things.”
He hands you a plastic bag with your yarn and green sweater.
“Thanks Papyrus. You didn’t have to.” You smile. “I was gonna trade them back for your cellphone, remember?”
“Yes, I know, but…” Papyrus trails off. “I figured giving them to you now would make the inevitable goodbye a little easier… in the future.”
“That’s really thoughtful of you.”
“I also took the liberty of washing your shirt. I remember you remarking how it felt nice to change into clean clothes, and figured it was a small kindness I could do to make your day a little easier.”
“Yeah, I could REALLY go for a shower right now,” you say. “I think I saw one in the basement lab-”
“W-wait, I do have a bathroom on the ground floor, believe it or not,” Alphys says. “It’s the first door on the left by the front entrance.”
“Thanks, Alphys,” you yawn a second time, suddenly drained as all of the day’s excitement catches up to you. “Guess it’s too late to go to the king again, huh? But tomorrow for sure, yeah?”
“Y-yeah… Say! Let’s have a slumber party!” Alphys suggests. “I’ve still got the movies queued up, a-and we’re all already here, a-and… there might be more things I need to get of my conscience. It would be nice to have some friends nearby.”
“Hey! Yeah! A slumber party sounds like fun!” Undyne agrees.
“I second that notion!” Papyrus says. “We can tell secrets and make friendship bracelets! It’ll be great!”
“I dunno, guys,” you interject. “I should probably get some sleep if I want to see the king first thing tomorrow morning.”
“Kid, you’re within spitting distance of the stinkin’ castle now!” Undyne points out. “All the elevators are fixed, so it’ll be a straight shot up there tomorrow. I think you can afford to watch one more movie with us!”
“Y-yeah! You can’t go back to the Ruins before I can get a chance to introduce you to anime!” Alphys pleads. “Please? Will you watch just one with us?”
You shift your eyes to each of the puppy-dog faces and sigh in defeat.
“I guess just one more movie wouldn’t hurt…”
“Great! F-feel free to take a shower while I go g-get some sleeping bags!”
Thirty minutes later you’re sitting on the couch with Papyrus, freshly washed and fiddling with the new features on his phone while Alphys rewinds the deer movie you had left off on, and while Undyne makes a fresh round of snacks. Together, Papyrus and Sans introduce you to the world of texting, showing you how to make faces out of the letters and symbols while the movie more or less plays as background noise.
The deer movie ends, and the third one, the one with the lions, starts to autoplay. Alphys perks up excitedly. The royal scientist says this one technically isn’t anime, though it’s argued that it might be a rip-off of an anime with a similar name. Undyne asks why they don’t just watch that one instead, and Alphys explains with a bit of nervous apologizing that she doesn’t have that many episodes on VHS.
You shrug it off, and turn back to the screen to give the movie your full attention. Based on Alphys’ reaction, this was one of the better movies she had and you wanted the best experience, but as you watch the movie, that curious sense of familiarity begins to tickle the back of your mind. There was something about these characters and songs…
“I think… I’ve seen this movie somewhere before…” you say vacantly, staring at the screen.
“Impossible!” Papyrus interjects. “You confessed yourself you didn’t know what TV was until two days ago!”
“I… didn’t see it on tee-vee…” you trail off.
That strange déjà vu feeling was beginning to rear its ugly head yet again, and this time you weren’t going to let it get away. Sensing it coming, you mentally grab it, and focus on it until-
You see flashes of darkness and a bright screen in front of you. There are other kids around you, laughing, crying, screaming. The air smells sweet and savory, much like the popcorn you’re eating- JUST like the popcorn you’re eating. There’s an adult on each side of you, telling you to sit up, listen up, SHUT UP, you should be happy They’ve given this treat to you, you should be thankful because They’re being nice to you when you haven’t earned it, but the room is too cold and the noise is too loud and you don’t like it, so you hum nursery rhymes to yourself until it’s all over, and on the car ride home all the streetlights blend in with the stars above, and the air smells like cigars and alcohol, which you don’t like but don’t mention, because if you complain then They will give you something to REALLY cry about-!
You don’t realize you’re convulsing until strong arms are holding you in place. People are yelling at you, but their words are meaningless. It’s just noise, noise, noise, too much noise-
“Kid! Kid!” A concerned voice breaks through to you. “Deep breaths! Stay with us!”
You force yourself to inhale and blink until the halo of faces staring down at you come into focus. Everyone is staring at you in fear and confusion.
“A-are you alright?” Alphys asks.
You roll your eyes to see the legs of the couch beside you. Cold tile presses against your cheek.
“Why am I on the floor?” you croak.
“You tell us, kid,” Sans sighs, rubbing his neck. We all thought you were super into the movie the way you were just staring at the screen. The next thing we know, you’re eyes are rolling back and you’re having a seizure. What happened?”
“I… don’t know…” You admit. You touch your face to find your cheeks are wet with tears. You don’t remember crying. “I… I don’t think I want to watch this movie anymore,” you sniff.
“Th-that’s okay! All these Disney movies are kinda wearing me out too. W-would you like to skip to anime now?” Alphys asks.
You shrug, not really caring as you cradle your pounding head.
Alphys skips ahead to her last movie while you snuggle between Papyrus and Undyne on the middle cushion of the couch. You try your hardest to read the captions on the screen translating what the characters are saying, but your mind keeps drifting back to the vision you had, struggling to make sense of it. What was that place you saw? Who were those people? And why did thinking about it fill you with such dread?
You shake your head, trying to force yourself to stay focused on the screen in an effort to distract yourself, but it isn’t working all that well. Your most recent episode seems to have drained you to absolute zero with how heavy your eyelids feel. Blinking several times, you struggle to stay awake and look back to the movie. You forget what it’s called, but it’s about a goat and a wolf who become friends despite being natural enemies. The animation gets a little weird now and then, but the colors are nice, you guess. You have no idea what the story’s supposed to be about since you keep nodding off. Before long, you decide to rest your eyes and just listen to the movie, despite not being able to understand a word. It’ll only be for a little while. Just until your eyes stop stinging. And at least the music is calm and soothing… and without even realizing it, you’ve fallen asleep.
Sans is first to notice that they’re out cold. He nudges them with one slippered foot, but they don’t respond.
“Welp, looks like they’ve finally checked out for tonight,” he says. “It’s nearly three a.m. With any luck, they’ll sleep through the whole day and give us a few more hours to come up with a better plan for what to do next.”
“Phew, I’m glad they feel asleep during this,” Alphys says pausing the VHS. “The only other movies I have that don’t have humans in them are the Ice Age sequels and I wouldn’t want to force anyone watch those. That would just be cruel and unusual torture.”
“I’ll put them to bed,” Undyne offers, carefully cradling the child in her arm as not to wake them, and takes them upstairs.
“So… What do we do now?” Alphys asks. “W-we can’t just let them go to the king. He’ll exicute them as soon as he sees them.”
“Should we call ahead and let the king know?”
“And what would we tell him? ‘Hey, Asgore! We’re bringing the last human soul needed to break the barrier to your place because they need a favor of you! Could you be so kind as to let them live, pretty please? They’re a real good kid and we like ‘em, so we’d prefer you don’t kill them on sight?’ Get real.”
“We could go with the kid and meet him there?”
“Oh, and have him say, ‘thank you my loyal subjects and royal scientist and guard for personally hand delivering me this human. As a special treat you can watch me take their soul?’”
“We could always tell the kid the king got sick and he doesn’t want us to catch it!”
“Do you really think they’d fall for that?”
“We could say he’s out grocery shopping!”
“No, that won’t work either.”
They toss ideas back and forth, bringing up dozens of potential scenarios and shooting down why each one wouldn’t work. Soon their arguments become circular and repetitive, with still no solution to be found.
“The thing is, none of the ideas will work ‘cause the kid won’t believe us.” Sans says. “They’ve caught wise to us and know anything we try now would be a ploy. We can’t try to hold them back now or they’ll cut us off and go it alone, which would be a certain death sentence. We gotta find a way to make ‘em choose not to go to the king.”
“We’ve guided ourselves into a corner…” Papyrus nods glumly.
“Nothing else much we can do at the moment…”
“And if anything… we can at least say we tried.”
“Well… th-there is one last option we have…” Alphys says. Undyne, Papyrus and Sans look to her, waiting for her answer. “W-we can tell them the truth; let them know the s-situation, gently break it to them.”
“Alphys, you know we can’t do that.”
“A-and why not?” Alphys argues. “They’re g-gonna find out sooner or later! I-if not tomorrow, then for certain when they meet Asgore! What’s the worst thing that’s going to happen? If they go to the king tomorrow unaware or not, they’re going to die. I-I let a lot off my chest today. I came clean with all my secrets, but being a part of this one m-makes me afraid I’m going to relapse into a fibbing mess again! I can’t keep making exceptions like this, or I’m just going to go back to my old ways.”
“Maybe… maybe we should just go to Asgore first without the kid and explain the situation,” Undyne suggests. “I’ve trained with Asgore for years, and I know the guy. Sure, he can fight when he needs to, but he probably doesn’t want to. He’d spare an innocent child… right?”
“He didn’t the last six times,” Sans points out.
Everyone looks down solemnly at their feet.
“Say, we’re all p-pretty tired,” Alphys says. “L-let’s sleep on it a-and see if we can come up with any new ideas tomorrow before the kid wakes up. You know, it’s always easier to tackle a problem with a clear head and fresh eyes.”
The four agree, seeing no better solution in the moment, and reluctantly head upstairs to join their sleeping friend, and secretly praying tonight’s dreams wouldn’t be their last.
You sleep. You dream. You see your reflection.
And yet…. The closer you look, the less it looks like you. You know your skin is not that pale, and your hair is not that light, and your eyes are not that RED. The reflection tilts its head and you find yourself copying it, and that’s when you realize with rising panic that this is not your reflection-- you are ITS.
“You have come so far,” the doppelganger mouths, and you startle when it’s YOUR voice that comes out of YOUR mouth though you didn’t put the words there.
“I realize what you are trying to do,” the voice says against your will as the replica in the mirror speaks. They look straight at you while they force you to talk, yet you cannot help but feel as if these words are not for you, but are instead directed at someone else. “Your plan is noble, but ultimately it will not work. They have impressed upon too many.”
You want to look away, but you can’t. Your actions are left to the mercy of the onlooker, whose movements you are slave bound to. As long as they stay focused on you, you have no choice but to return the notion.
“But maybe…” the person in the glass blinks at you, as if seeing you for the first time. “Maybe… if I can take it NOW… I can make a difference.”
The reflection raises its arms and you’re forced to do the same. They bring their fingertips up to the glass, until they’re touching. Your hands stop against the cold surface, but the copycat’s don’t. You can only watch passively as your mind yells in horror as the hands phase through the glass while yours are stuck in place.
The apparition’s arms pass through yours, and then violently grab your sleeves and start pulling, pulling, pulling you forward, trying to force you to go through the mirror, trying to take your place, and with every ounce of will power you can muster you scream in your mind, desperate to move even a single muscle but to no avail.
The hands are clawing up your shoulders, grabbing at your shirt, at your chest, at your SOUL-
You jerk awake. Your eyes fly open and you almost scream. Beside you, someone grunts in annoyance, your spasm apparently disturbing their rest.
You try to sort out where you are and the memory rushes up to you like a tidal wave as it all comes flooding back. The amalgamates, the slumber party, the movie. You sigh in relief. It was just a nightmare. It wasn’t real. Already it was quickly fading from your mind as if it had never happened, and you decidedly chose not to think about it to let it be forgotten even faster, but when you close your eyes you can’t help but glimpse the bright red afterimage of two eyes staring back at you on the inside of your eyelids.
Geez, you hadn’t had a night terror that bad in years. But you were admittedly close to the CORE. It wasn’t unlikely that stray magic could reach this far in high concentrations and mess with your dreams. Unfortunately you were far too awake now to go back to sleep.
You sit up carefully and look around to find your friends dogpiled around you on the bed and half hanging off the sides. You exhale with a smirk at how tightly everyone is packed on the mattress. Who thought it was a good idea for all five of you to share one bed when Alphys got sleeping bags for this very reason? You had to admit, though, with friends packed together so close, you certainly did feel safe and secure.
Gingerly you untangle yourself from the pile, trying your hardest not to disturb the other sleepers until you extract yourself from the mess. You stand up and stretch and search for your borrowed phone. It’s just past six a.m. You know you didn’t receive a lot of sleep, but you feel remarkably rested regardless. The rest of the Underground should be waking up in the next hour or two.
You look back at your friends, heart panging with melancholy. Right from the moment you met each one of them you knew you would be dreading the minute when you’d have to say goodbye, but for now they were at peace with serene faces, blissfully unaware of your fast-approaching departure. At least they weren’t looking at you with sadness or worry anymore. You decide to cherish this moment of tranquility by letting them rest a bit longer. They would wake up when they were ready.
As quietly as you can, you pad over to the escalator and make your way downstairs. Alphys has packets of instant noodles in her fridge along with a few cans of soda and a carton of ice cream in the freezer. You take a packet of noodles on the assumption it was the healthiest of the three options and try to read the cooking instructions, but it’s all written in a language you don’t understand. Out of famished curiosity, you try eating the noodles dry and discover that they aren’t half bad uncooked. You throw out the flavor packet, though. You can pick out enough context clues to decipher the nutrition label and would rather not ingest something that contains enough sodium to kill a small mammal in one little bag.
Nibbling on dry noodles, you go back to the television, turn it on and turn the volume down way low so you don’t wake the others. Inside the tape player is still the movie about the goat and the wolf. It seems Alphys and the others paused it right after you fell asleep, so you continue watching from where you left off. You still have no clue what’s going on, but thank goodness for subtitles so the TV isn’t too loud and noisy.
Wrapped up in a blanket burrito, you passively watch the movie while you wait for your friends to wake up, but apparently you were a lot closer to the end of the movie than you realized, because the next thing you know, the names of the cast are rolling. You search the couch for another movie, but all the ones available are the ones you already watched last night, and after your episode yesterday, you don’t really want to risk triggering another one by watching the same thing that caused the first. Wait, didn’t you see a room filled with video tapes down in Alphys’ true lab? You bet that’s where Alphys is keeping some more. Surely she won’t mind if you browse for another movie? She was very adamant about introducing you to anime after all.
Dragging half of the couch blanket with you, you shamble over to the elevator door and stumble sleepily inside. The doors close behind you and lower you down. Alphys’ true lab is a lot brighter now that the amalgamates are gone, especially Reaper Bird with their photosensitivity to bright light. The place practically felt hospitable.
You retrace your footsteps, even following the arrows Undyne had carved on the walls until you stumble upon the video room. There’s a television ready and waiting on a table in the middle of the room. Four tapes are scattered in front of it, with one tape already in the player. You scan the shelves for a potential movie, but nothing catches your interest. Every title is either a documentary or in a language you can’t read. You skip over them without a second thought.
When nothing the shelves have entices you, you turn to the TV and push in the tape just to see what Alphys was watching last, grab the remote, and hit play. The screen flickers from a dull grey to black, and muffled audio crackles from the speakers. Huh. Either the TV or the tape was on the fritz. You’re just about to hit ‘eject’ when suddenly the audio pops and comes through loud and clear.
“Howdy, Chara! Smile for the camera!”
You freeze, finger poised over the button, and listen closer.
“Ha, this time I got YOU! I left the cap on... ON PURPOSE! Now you're smiling for noooo reason!”
Your heart skips a beat and a strong sense of foreboding grips you. The speaker said your name. They were talking to you, but you don’t recognize the voice. You don’t remember this conversation. Heart pounding, you shift your fingers away from the pause button and hit rewind instead. The gears inside the tape player cough and chug as they scroll back the tape, and you watch the screen closely for any clues, but the video remains dark until-
There’s a flash of white, a blur of green, and suddenly two kids are on the screen, doing rapid movements in reverse. Your fingers fumble with the remote, mashing the play button repeatedly until the TV finally gets the message.
The tape stutters and chokes and then at last a grainy image comes on the screen. At first you can’t tell if the recording is out of focus or if it is just the kid; a young monster with white fur and long ears. Looking at him fills you with a sense of apprehension. Half a thought forms in the back of your mind that this is what you’d imagine your mom would have looked like when she was younger, but you’re far too focused on the other child in the background. That kid- that kid with the brown hair and pale skin. Something about that kid is making alarm bells go off in your head. You’ve SEEN them before. It’s the same kid you’ve seen in your dreams. In your nightmares.
That kid... there’s something unsettling about that other kid. You realize with horror and awe that they look just like you.
Well, maybe not exactly- their hair was lighter, their skin paler, and their eyes were unique shade of brown that bordered on being red in the right light, but you looked so similar you could have been siblings. What’s worse, they have your NAME. But why?
The furry child smiles, his face far too close to the camera. “Okay… the red light is blinking. I think that means it’s working now…” He mumbles to himself, before turning the camera around onto the other kid. The recording bounces in time with the filmmaker’s footsteps as they get close to their subject who’s reading a book.
“Hey, Chara,” the filmmaker snickers. “Look over here.”
The other child looks up, semi-annoyed at the request. When their eyes meet the camera they flinch and throw their hands up to cover their face.
“Stop it, Asriel! I don’t want to be filmed!”
Asriel… You’ve heard that name before, but where? Didn’t… didn’t Kid say something about a monster named Asriel once?
A cold, nervous sensation starts to grow in your gut and spread up your spine.
You pause the video and take several deep breaths. Something ominous lingers on the edge of your awareness. Something warns you not to turn your head to see it clearly, because once you see it- once that connection is made it can’t be undone.
Curiosity and caution war within you as your trembling fingers hover over the play button. Who was this monster who looked like you and had your name? You… you want to know, you have to find out- and yet, something deep within you warns you you’ll regret it if you do. You hesitate, thinking and thinking… and against your better judgement your curiosity wins out. You hit ‘play’.
“C’mon, Chara! You promised me you’d make one video with me after I got the camera fixed!” The child wielding the camera whines.
“Oh, alright, put it on the table and I will be in your silly vlog. Let us get this over with.”
The camera is set on the table and faces a blank wall.
Wait, you’ve changed your mind. You don’t want to watch this anymore. Shaking, you grip the remote and hit the stop button, but the TV doesn’t respond.
The goat kid jumps in frame from the right. “Howdy! I’m Asriel! Prince of the Underground!”
“Greetings, I am Chara,” says the other kid stepping in from the left.
You desperately hit stop again and again, but the TV’s sensor is old and unresponsive. You don’t want to see what happens next, intuition tells you that you already know. Something bad was going to happen if you kept watching, if you kept pushing. You had to stop it, stop it, stop it now!
“And together we are the future!”
“-Of humans,”
“-And monsters!”
The children clasp their hands together and raise it triumphantly over their heads before dissolving into laughter over how silly it looks.
The remote control falls from your hands and hits the floor with a hollow clack. The tape finally stops and jams on the frame of them together.
Humans... and monsters. Humans and monsters. Prince Asriel. You remember now, the story Kid had told you in Waterfall, how he had befriended a human who fell here years ago.
A human child that had gotten sick and died which in turn led to the death of the prince. A human child named Chara that looked like you, because-
“No, no, NO! IT’S NOT TRUE!”
The room around you begins to spin and you’re stumbling backwards as you lose your sense of balance, but dare not take your eyes off the TV, all the while shaking your head in denial. Your knees give out at the same moment your back hits the wall, and you slump to the ground, grabbing your head as the world falls apart around you.
On the ground floor, the credits finish rolling on the VHS left unattended, and the screen fades to black before flickering to a soothing blue. Despite the TV’s volume being turned down to nearly zero, when the tape hits its last inch of film, the blue cuts to static that thunders like a thousand avalanches crashing at once.
Upstairs, the four monsters jolt awake, and tumble off the bed in a tangled heap of bones and scales.
“Whaszat!? Where’s the fire?!” Undyne demands in a drunken daze.
“Did someone turn the TV on?” Alphys says.
“Hey, where’s the kid?” Sans asks.
Everyone scrabbles to their feet to check if one of them accidentally flattened the kid in their sleep. All eyes turn to the bed only to find it vacant. A wave of dread washes over them.
“Q-quick! Downstairs!” Alphys says. Papyrus and Alphys dive for the escalator while Undyne vaults over the loft’s railing and Sans winks himself down. The couch in front of the TV is empty.
“Look!” Papyrus points to the blanket trailing off the couch. It’s pointing to the elevator.
“They went back down to the lab?” Undyne asks. “Why?”
Beside her, Alphys gasps. “I have more tapes down there.” She says. “B-but If they’re not careful, they could end up seeing something they shouldn’t!”
“Well then what are we standing around here for?” Sans says. “Let’s go stop ‘em!”
The four monsters pile into the elevator and travel down. Alphys takes the lead when the doors open, dashing off straight to the tape room. The four monsters sprint through the halls, skidding around corners until they all close in on the open door.
No one speaks when they get there. The TV is on, a tape frozen on a scene Alphys has re-watched more times than she could count.
The sound of erratic breathing draws their attention to the side. There. Huddled against the wall is the kid, curled into a tight ball. They’re staring at their trembling hands, their tiny body hyperventilating so hard it makes it looks like they double to twice their size with each breath. Their eyes are wide and wild. They turn to the monsters in the doorway.
“I… I… I’m… I am…” They try to speak between exhales, but either they can’t find the words or they don’t want to say them. They swallow hard and try again. “I’m… human?” The choke out at last. They stare at them, silently begging one of them to say it wasn’t true, that the film was wrong, but no one says a word. No one looks them in the eye. Instead they look to one another, lost for words, and then off to the sides or at their feet.
The kid watches them unblinking, a horrible realization clicking in their mind when no one replies. Their eyes go narrow, and then alarmingly wide as all pieces begins to fall in place.
“You… you knew…” They accuse. “ALL of you? And you didn’t say anything? Why-” They cut themselves off from finishing the question. They already know why.
“Pal, it’s not what you think,” Papyrus says.
“Not what I think?” The kid spits back, their voice laced with venom and hurt. Slowly, they unfold themselves and stand. “No… No, I get it now. I GET it. You all lied to me!”
“We were doing it to protect you-”
“Protect ME?” The kid shouts, their face sneering in disgust. “Are you sure it wasn’t to protect anyone else? Because as we all know, humans are malicious! Humans are violent! Humans do nothing but destroy!” They look at each of the other monsters in turn.
“Is this why YOU wanted to study me?” They glare at Alphys, who cowers in shame. “So THAT’S why YOU cut the bridge.” They snarl at Undyne, who flinches like she’s been slapped. “And that’s why YOU attacked me in the kitchen,” they spit at Sans, who eyes go dark as he tries to shrink into his hoodie. “Because I’m human and that means I’m inherently dangerous! Is that why you don’t want me to go to the king as well? Because you all think I’ll hurt him?”
“No! That’s not why at all!” Undyne interjects. “Well, i-it was at first, but not anymore-”
“All this time… All this time I thought you were trying to help me when you really only wanted to stop me. I TRUSTED you, but you NEVER trusted ME! Better not tell them or it could make them unpredictable! Just like I‘m feeling right now!”
“Kid, we were trying to help-”
“I can’t believe you,” they cry as hot, angry tears rolls down their face. “I…I...! I hate all of you!”
The human surges forward. For a split second, it’s everyone’s worst nightmare coming to life; the kid knows the truth and now they’re turning on them, but no one can find it in themselves to fight back. Everyone is frozen to the spot they stand, unable or unwilling to put up a defense. They brace themselves for an attack, but a blow never comes. Instead the human roughly shoves them aside as they make a break for it.
“Kid, come back!” someone shouts, but they don’t heed their words and vanish from sight.
“Shit! Catch them!” Undyne commands. Nobody needs to be told twice. All four monsters leap for the doorway at once and successfully end up bottlenecking themselves.
“Sans, you’re stepping on my tail!” “Undyne, you’re kneeing me in the spine!” “Papyrus, get your elbow out of my eye!” “Alphys, will you stop clawing my ribs?”
Precious seconds are wasted as the four untangle themselves painstakingly slowly until they at last squeeze out the door and race back to the elevator, only to arrive too late. The elevator has closed and was on its way to the ground floor.
“Quick! The emergency exits!” Alphys says, pointing to a door for a nearby stairwell. They burst into the hall and climb the steps two at a time.
Everyone is breathless by the time they get back to the ground floor, but Alphys’ upper lab is empty. Together, the monsters race out onto the streets of Hotland, only to find them vacant.
“Where’d they go?” Papyrus frets.
“Sans, can’t you just do your weird space jumping powers to find them?” Undyne demands.
“It doesn’t work like that, Undyne!” Sans complains. “It’s not a homing device! If I don’t know where they are, I can’t magically find them!”
“M-my access card is missing!” Alphys gasps, catching up a minute later. “Th-they could be heading back to the CORE!”
“Or they could have used it to ride the ferry back to Snowdin!” Papyrus suggests.
“I think I saw something running towards Waterfall!” Undyne says.
“We need to split up,” Sans says turning to the group. “Alphys, you search Hotland. Put the entire region on lockdown if you have to. Undyne, you know every inch of Waterfall. Rally the other royal guards. Papyrus, you and I will take Snowdin.”
“W-what if we can’t find them?” Alphys questions.
“We will find them,” Sans assures, refusing to let doubt enter his soul. “We have to, before they end up hurting themselves.”
“And if they end up hurting someone else?” asks Undyne.
Sans pauses, his eyes going dim for just a second. It was a possibility they had all considered, but didn’t want to acknowledge. “We can’t let that be an option. I hate to say this, but the kid was right. Their entire world view has just been shattered, and right now they’re unpredictable. Do whatever you can to stop them, but proceed with caution. We may have a volatile human on the loose.”
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vanaera · 6 years
The First Dip
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Synopsis | All of this is too new for Jungkook - realizing he’s in love with his bestfriend, trying his best to impress a lady, manning up to do the first move - everything is too new and he’s still clueless around these things but he still tries his best.
Genre | Fluff and a very small pinch of angst (football!jk + childhood friend!you)
Words | 3,286
A/N | Okay I can’t get football!jk out of my head so here I go - another installment of this drabble series!
Read more of football!jk drabbles in The Prince and His Rose
     There’s something wrong along the lines. Something aberrant and definitely odd that emphasizes itself in one giant "What the hell" no matter how many times Jungkook adjusts his reading glasses.
    Otor-nim Y/N: Hey can you check this out? What do you think? (8:46 P.M.)
     Yeah, right, Jungkook will always check it out. However the minute he glanced over the text block you sent on Messenger ten minutes ago, Jungkook still doesn’t know why he feels disturbed at the same time giddy-happy. He settles for disturbed. He’ll be forever on his toes when he’s around you.
“Your eyes that held stars, every swirl of the inky black that promised another galaxy waiting to be found.”
     Okay, sounds good but also weird. You have never delved into romantic poetries, as far as he knows, and this is definitely out of his comfort zone too. Jungkook scrolls down, losing himself in sentences you painted with love too surreal until his eyes drink the last words of your prose.
“You make me want to see you even in my dreams.”
“ You’re a world I will forever would want to be lost in.”
     Jungkook fixes his glasses that were slipping on his nose as he strokes your words in ink across the pages you will never know about. At least not yet, he thinks, licking his lips as he finishes the line with a dot and a quotation mark along with your name and today’s date. He smiles wide at the page now marked with another art of yours along with his own little illustration of star-filled eyes and a galaxy boy holding the heart of his muse.  He flips the pages to dwell on the few papers yet to be graced by words he wished was about you and him. You haven’t published anything yet in print but this black little notebook of his might be the first ever collection of your poems and prose. He chuckles, his chest rumbling with songs of the birds in his chest. Just before he could dwell again on the lines that had his heart swelling with affection, he hears a “ding!” that calls him back to his original purpose.
Otor-nim Y/N: What do you think of my drafts? (8:48 P.M.)
     Oh right, he’s supposed to give a feedback. He unknowingly grins, his fingers dancing along the keyboard.
Star Kook: It’s good! No need to edit anything, it doesn’t sound cringey. Just pure admiration and romance. (8:49 P.M.)
     Should he add more? There’s no harm asking right?
Star Kook: It looks like you’ve been eyeing a new inspiration lately huh? Who’s the lucky guy ;) (8:50 P.M.)
Otor-nim Y/N: Some eyecandy I’ve been staring at lately. I just imagined what having a handsome guy fawn over you felt like and I wrote that. There’s no harm daydreaming anyway and the fact that it didn’t sound like just me ‘daydreaming’ based on your feedback, I’m happy with it. Thanks Kookie! (8:50 P.M.)
     Jungkook freezes. Eyecandy? You just saw where? When?  You don’t spend a lot of time with guys other than him - wait. His forehead furrows as he grabs his phone to view his self camera. He doesn’t look that bad, right? Some people have told him he’s cute, so maybe it’s about him. Damn it, his cheeks are already reddening with the thought.
     But then again, you’re a wonderful girl yourself and you have a couple of people orbiting around you and your ideas. He may think of you as his only rose in his garden of you and him but maybe you can’t even see him - just a tiny bud that’s taking too long to bloom - in the fields of flowers you probably collect from everyone that have adored you. The red notification on the name of his med student friend drives him to click it and remember why he’s even trying at all.
Nurse Doc Jimin: Hey, just read your message yesterday about you being emo again on your “unrequited love.” As I have numerously told you before (and I won’t stop telling you this to your blockhead self), you won’t know unless you tell her. So for you to tell her, you don’t have to bombard her with unrestrained feelings. Just up your game and make her notice it little by little. You’ve been toeing the testing waters far too long; try to man up and take a fucking dip, man. (8:53 P.M.)
     It’s already one o’clock and he’s starving and you’re still stuck in class. Jungkook paces back and forth in front of the lecture hall, his bag strapped across his chest felt too heavy so he puts it on the chair he abandoned ten minutes ago. He doesn’t want to sit, feeling he will just get too jittery again, and so he sighs as he runs his hand through his hair. He checks his watch - twelve forty-five - okay maybe, he’s just being really impatient, but still your Physics class is taking too long. Jimin already told him in annoyance he could just head out and buy something after he messaged him non-stop about waiting for you too long and that you’re still not done yet with gravitational forces and distances.
Nurse Doc Jimin: Well, you could just text her and tell her to meet you in that café (12:47 PM)
     Jungkook snickers; he still cares for his sappy ass no matter how much he liked annoying him. But he knows with his much-appreciated advice or not, he would shut down such thought with a stubborn "Nope, I’m gonna wait for her.”
     He can’t bring himself to just get up and leave when he’s already waited thirty minutes for you. His effort will go down the drain, and it was well-established between you two even back in grade school that you both have to eat your meals together. He even remembers the pinky promise your seven-year-old chubby fingers sealed along with his own pinky. “No one eats first, no one leaves the other, okay?”
     It was silly at first, but after knowing how you hate eating alone when you’re so used with warmth and hearty meals shared within close-knitted families like yours and his, he made it a point to fulfill his end of the promise whenever your schedules aligned or can be bended in some cases. He even got to the point he rudely nudged Jongin away last year just to get to the seat across yours in the cafeteria when he noticed the university’s top ballet dancer was headed to your direction. He knows he was being mean and irrational, but in his defense, that spot was his to begin with and he refuses to see another guy seated across you in tables for two other than him… well, your dad and brother are excluded from this ridiculous setting he made.
     He just likes to see you talk a storm about another idea you got while eating, delving in things you love, bright eyes and glowing smile directed at nothing but him that the rest of the world seemed like only giant backdrops for him and you. He’s not ready to tell you that yet, so he usually tries to quell the fluttering of bird wings in his rib cage by teasing and playfully annoying you just to temporarily soften the intensity of the songs the birds in his chest sings whenever you’re near.
     Just like now, he could already feel his heart picking up pace when he heard the student’s faint chuckles and chortles getting clearer by the second behind the door. He immediately shrugs off his jacket and shoves it in his bag just so he can stand up and lean on the wall with his elbow looking all suave. It wasn’t really that cold and Seokjin passed by him earlier and said his thin shirt emphasizes the muscles he was working on lately (that you still haven’t noticed, he bitterly thinks). Taehyung remarked after taking a shower from their morning practice that his styled hair looking slightly wet made him look cooler and dare he say, hot. He checked the mirror a thousand times today (a first time ever in his life) and he checks his self camera now for one last time, and yes, he thinks he looks fantastic and so eyecandy.
     The door bursts open and students flock the hallway. Jungkook waved at some of his acquaintances; he also noticed some girls who glanced his way a little longer than necessary and he smiles wider because of the attention. He thinks it’s kind of normal for other students to stare at their university’s star football player whom they saw on printed tarpaulins in school gates, sometimes on television when autumn comes along with the annual university championships. But for today, he wants to be vain a little bit just for a confidence boost and so he thinks, “Maybe I do really look good today,” as he fixes his pose.
     By the time the crowd was thinning a little, Jungkook hears the tinkle of your laughter and he tries to keep himself from grinning too much while setting his elbow firmer against the wall with his other hand settled on his waist. He may or may have not also flexed his biceps for good measure.
     “Yeah and he looked so cute I wanna squeeze his cheeks and just he’s soo eyecandy I swear-“
     Instead of seeing you getting flustered seeing him looking like a snack (like he thinks he is), Jungkook nearly falls back when your head collided with his chest, his arms already wounding around yours to keep you from tumbling. Your hands instantly found purchase on his biceps and he could feel the tender curve of your chest against his abdomen and shit, Jungkook thinks the birds in his chest may start singing so he immediately pries you off to hold you by your hands, an arms-length safe away from his frantic heart, so you could stand on your feet.
     Jungkook’s cheeks heat up the minute you raise your head slowly to meet his eyes, your warmth radiating in his arms as if he was literally holding the sun, his sun. He releases his hold on your hands so fast as if he was burnt. Hands ruffling his hair he spent so much time styling, he breaks the silence, “Hey are you okay?”
     “I’m fine, I’m fine,” you smooth out your skirt and Jungkook really feels the air was knocked out of him along with his confidence. The words to cooly invite you to lunch out with him now dying in his throat when you look so cute in a rose colored knitted sweater and red skirt. You look like a fucking fairy and shit, just so eyecandy. This is too much for his poor heart.
     “Why the hell are you standing so near the door and doing this?” Jungkook looks at you copying his “eyecandy pose”, hand on your waist, elbow propped against the wall. You wear a frown but Jungkook will always recognize the teasing glint in your eyes along with your signature raised brows. Fuck, you’ll never gonna let him off the hook.
     He opts to grab his bag and yell “Nevermind, I’ve been starving already waiting for you,” as he walks away so fast with his ears burning in embarrassment. You called for him to wait for you as you speedwalk to catch up to his long strides and Jungkook laughs just to hide the loud thumping of his heart.
     Opening the door for you like he usually does, Jungkook leads you two to your usual table in Mark’s, the burger place you both frequent whenever one of you was feeling generous to treat the other with a fat wallet. Before you grab your seat, Jungkook zooms to your side to pull your chair for you and now he can see you looking funny at him. This is too strange for him too - doing the first move when he’s used to let you take initiative, him acting like a total gentleman when he’s been such a teasing, annoying ass to you for years – he’s literally not acting like his usual self. But with you muttering "What's gotten into you?", looking a little shaken with a telltale blush on your cheeks, Jungkook feels this kind of weird is something he’ll avidly do everyday just so he can see you grace that soft smile that always knocks out his heart.
     Your order arrived a couple of minutes ago but you keep your hands laced together as you talk to him about a ballad you’re planning to write while waiting for his food.
    “I mean I haven’t experienced love, and the last time I wrote about a romance story was when I was a kid –“
     “The Prince and His Rose,” Jungkook supplies and you nod.
     “Yeah, but today I finally thought of fully dive in the romance genre,“ you eyed Jungkook and you both said aloud, ”the genre - I - you - always avoid like a plague - "
     You sigh, “and just practice how well I can deliver things that I haven’t felt yet. It’s not like I’ll be able to feel everything in this world right now but I think it would be nice to put yourselves in other’s shoes and think about how will such things really feel, right?”
     “It may also be a nice training to be more empathic with your readers,” Jungkook smiles. “Wow, author-nim, you’re really going to the next level, huh,” he smirks and you swat his shoulder to which he cackled.
     His food finally arrives and you start to unwrap your meal. “Anyway, I told you that because there’s a favor I need to ask from you.”
     Jungkook bites his burger and motions you to continue.
     “Can you come to my dorm tonight and help me with the drafts?”
     Jungkook sputters, “What, wait what, you want me to?” He has never been invited by any girl before in their rooms and the last time he agreed to you to do so was when you're both 7-year-olds. It's totally different now, especially when his heart is treading on foreign waters you shouldn't know about yet anytime soon.
    You set your food down before you grab his hands between your tiny ones. “Please, just tonight. My roommate will go back home today and I just need someone to give me advice face to face with the things I’ll write and sorry I know it must inconvenience you a lot but I just hate being alone for tonight and I promise-”
    “Okay, okay, I’ll go.” Jungkook feels excitement and anxiety bubble in his diaphragm, but he hides it with a sigh and a downcast of his eyes to look as if he’s really burdened. He can’t really say no to you especially if he’s free for the whole night and here you are taking the words from his mouth just so he can be close to you. He keeps his dismayed forte, enjoying the way you try your puppy eyes that was effective on tugging the strings of his conscience back when you’re young. It still works today though the effect was centered on the soft muscle of his heart and a little bit on his brain now. God, he’s so whipped.
     “What were you promising again?”
     You sit upright and do the pledge pose you always made fun of because of him in grade school. “I’ll help you with the write ups you have to do because you’re falling behind the lit class due to the games.”
     “Wow, you just have to state my negligence so nonchalantly in public.”
     You make kissy faces at him. “What can I say? Perks of being a bestfriend.”
    Later that night, Jungkook and you surround yourself in thousands of papers and words, pens lining and sighing with ink and letters of longing for some lover you never had. Jungkook doesn’t know why you needed him by your side in the first place when you're doing more than okay with your lines. He feels bad when he knows he can’t really help you out without giving away too much of the musings of his heart you don’t need to hear yet so he just suggests things you can tweak like “instead of blazing, write ‘scorching’, it has more feel to it,” or “you can add this to the fourth stanza.”
     It wasn’t until you stood up to make some dinner that your phone rang with a new text message when Jungkook knew why you actually needed him. Another declined manuscript, failed deadlines - Of course you wouldn’t say it aloud to him, but he knows with your sudden workaholic tendency tonight, you’ve been escaping the reality, seeking comfort in your art and maybe in his presence. He doesn’t say anything and just meets your gaze across your counter to see you huffing about making him some french toast with a giggle. You may hide your disappointment in masked happiness so well, but the way your smile won't reach to a full curve will never be ignored by his eyes. Minute details may be surpassed with naked eyes, but after spending years with you playing hide and seek with him between the lines, he already knew the paths and directions your intentions and feelings will usually go.
     After finishing dinner and you deciding not to divulge anything, Jungkook chooses to pull your blanket from your closet and drape it over your heads. The worn galaxies in its star printed fabric blankets you in reassuring comfort, a sanctuary you both found constellations back in high school whenever it just feels too good to leave everything behind. It will always be the closest space you could ever get while living in a suffocating world. 
     The softness of the cloth and the warmth of his arm he caressed your shoulders lulled your breathing to a noiseless slumber, head slumping against his shoulder. It’s far from peaceful when your face is scrunched but Jungkook thinks it’s better than seeing you suffer sleepless nights that have been getting worse when you’re stressed these days.
     Jungkook picks up your limp form and carries you to your bedroom, lithe fingers tucking you under the sheets. With you asleep, he lets the birds in his heart sing in tremendous chorus as he presses a kiss on your forehead that automatically smoothened the tension your brows were holding.
     He grabs the papers you both trailed on and arranges them on your desk when your small voice halts his movements.
    "I'm feeling sad but here you are looking so..."
     “… not my fault you looked so eye candy earlier.”
     It may be a wrong time but Jungkook can’t help but drop a little something when he knows you have a bad habit of blurting things you keep to yourself when you’re asleep. Back then, he used to poke fun at your weird habit but now when everything has changed, he will still tease you about that but he intends to find hope for the thorns of his anxiety poking his heart.
    “Whose fault is it?”
    “…Jeon Jungkook’s.”
     That near-midnight, Jungkook escapes through your window when your RA made her rounds on your floor. He may have almost fallen on his bum but he thinks all his efforts for today are all worth it. He lays on his bed, the birds on his chest singing a ballad he never heard of before.
"So I heard you said I was so eyecandy huh?"
"When was that?!"
"I'm not gonna tell~"
"Jeon Jungkook, come back here!"
All Rights Reserved © Vanaera. Reposts, modifications, and translations of content are not allowed without direct permission.
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perfectfitmbj · 5 years
C1. Late Arrivals
Ashanti stood outside of the ORD airport terminal waiting for Xavier to pick her up. The longer she stood outside under the Departure sign in 33 degrees freezing Chicago weather, the more she regretted sending her "pick me up" text to Xavier instead of Tristian. Xavier was a great guy who took care of technical things that needed to be fixed around the house such as the wifi not working right, or the TV not being on the right input because Ashanti would be too impatient to press the right button to fix it herself. The only thing that he was not good at was punctuality. Xavier couldn't be on time if his life depended on it, but here Shan was, waiting on him to show up.
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“I'll be there on time baby, I got you." Were the last words he said to her as they talked before she had to board her flight. It had now been a whole 23 minutes she had been waiting and still no Xavier. Shan had made the decision if he hadn't gotten to her within the next 2 minutes, she was requesting a Lyft to take her home. Just as she was opening the app on her phone, Xavier pulls up.
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"Baby, I'm so sorry. I got caught up in traffic because I wanted to stop by Johny's to get something" Xavier tried to explain as he put Shan's luggage in the trunk.
Shan was still upset so she didn't answer and just got into the car. Xavier had gotten into the car on the driver's side and drove out into the airport traffic.
"I had to stop by Johny's so I could get you this," Xav told Shan as he handed her a bow covered jewelry box.
Ashanti looked at the box and grabbed it out of his hand with a smile on her face.
"Babe, I love it!" Ashanti leaned over and kissed Xavier on the cheek.
" I wanted you to have it when you got in the car, but my timing was off. That's why I'm late." Xavier said as he continued to drive onto the freeway.
Xavier and Ashanti had been married for three years now and their relationship was great. The two rarely argued and when they did, it never lasted longer than a few hours.
"So, how was your trip?" He asked as he pulled in to the freeway.
"Crazy. I am so glad I'm off for the next week because that conference drained all of my energy." Shan told Xav.
"Well, take this time and work on your poetry. You've been saying how you never have any time for since your promotion. Now you got a week to dedicate to it." He told her as Shan sat back in her seat and closed her eyes to enjoy the ride home.
Xavier had to get back to work for a last second meeting he was called to, so he dropped Shan off at home. After she had taken a shower and fixed herself something quick to eat, Shan ended up on the couch and falling asleep with the television on Divorce Court.
Ashanti had been napping for a good hour before she heard the front door open. Already knowing who it was, she smiled to herself as she sat up and stretched.
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"Hey, baby girl. Missed you!" Tristan said as he walked over to the couch where Shan was. Reaching out his hands for to grab, he pulls her into him and kisses her passionately on her lips. Their kiss lingered before it broke.
"Hey, babe. I missed you too!" She replied as she kissed Tristan's lips again.
Tristan and Shan have also been married for 3 years as well. The only difference was Shan and Tristan we're married two days before her and Xavier. That situation will be explained at another time.
Walking hand in hand to the kitchen, Tristan asked her if she wanted anything from the refrigerator.
"A bottled water, please and thank you." She answered waiting for Tris to pass her a bottled water.
"How was your business trip operations manager?" Tris asks her as he opens her water and hands it to her.
"Boring as always. I'm off all next week, though." She tells Tristan who smiles at her.
"Well, it looks like I'll be taking some early days to come home and spend some time with you. You being gone these last two weeks got me all off balance." He tells her as he bites his bottom lip.
Ashanti looks at her husband and smiles. "Come on. Let's get you out of those work clothes and into a nice, hot shower so I can help balance you out until later?"
Tristan and Ashanti then left the kitchen and went to the master bedroom suite upstairs.
By the time Xavier got home, Ashanti was in the kitchen finishing up dinner. She loved to cook for her husbands and having dinner as a family had become one thing that they made sure to do at least 4x a week. Dinner gave them a chance to vent about their crazy days and celebrate their victories no matter how small.
"So, it's been two weeks you've been gone. How we gonna handle these one on one’s because last night was the last night I'm going without some kind of physical attention from you." Xavier said out loud but directing it Ashanti.
Tristan nodded as he ate some of his food. "He got a point, babe. What's up?" He said.
Shan looked at both of her husbands and smiled. "I mean, I've missed the both of you two, too! I didn't really have a certain block of time like I usually do. I was thinking more-so all of us. I kind of need both of you tonight." She told them as they continued to eat their dinner.
"Cool with me. Just know I'm not being gentle. I've been without for three weeks!" Xavier said and Tristan laughed.
"You? Shit, I'm breaking her back! So you better get prepared." Tristan told her as he got up to get something to drink.
"Wow! That's how it's going to be tonight? I'm not complaining. I guess that's just part of life when you have two husbands." Shan said out loud as she smiled at both men.
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thekrazykeke · 6 years
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I love this man. To be honest, I’ma hoe for all of them men in Black Panther, so it’s whatever. Every single one of them can get it, and I don’t even know who I want to take me first, Erik or T’Challa? ....Hm, both. Both is good. This chapter is potentially, likely, triggering for some people. Please read this with caution and know that my inbox and IM is always open, for anyone, at any time. 
You’re not bothering me. Never think you are bothering me.
Continued from here, boo.
The minute the apartment door swung open, your eyes snap to Nadia’s face, and you see it, the bruise the size of a fist swelling up her right eye. 
“Where is he?” 
“Let’s talk inside.” Nadia’s hand on yours is firm as she tugged you in, using her hair to shield the bruise from view; the motion too familiar, practiced. The organ in your chest throbbed with pain and you think you’re about to have a panic attack or something. 
"Where is that nigga, is he here?” Your hands clench then unclench, and you can’t focus on one thing, eyes darting around the room, categorizing how the living room is trashed; broken glass shards sprinkled everywhere, TV broken, a hole or two punched in the walls. 
It’s a mess. 
“Calm down, Y/N.” Nadia says, voice entirely too calm, nonchalant.
“Is. That. Nigga. Here?” You enunciate each word forcefully, eyes widened and crazed, angry. 
“He not here. Simmer down already, shit.” Exhausted already by the conversation, she flopped down on the couch. “I called you because I needed your advice.”
“Waterboard that no good ass nigga.” You immediately suggest, taking a seat beside her.
“What, no. That’s,” she laughs, “That’s crazy. Y/N, stop it. Be serious.” 
You aren’t laughing. “I’m deadass. I know somebody who know somebody. They’ll snatch that bitch nigga up off the street, rough his punk ass up, and--”
Nadia couldn’t listen anymore. “I’m the one who started it by spitting in his face!”
“...The fuck. Why would you do that?” Almost always joking, Nadia wasn’t somebody who deliberately provoked people, or at least, she didn’t start something she couldn’t slick-talk her way out of. “Spitting on people is nasty, yo.”
“He dared me to do it. And I was just...” Sighing explosively, she ran her fingers through her hair. “...I found a pregnancy test in the bathroom trash, and I know it ain’t yours. You barely here, for one, and I can’t see you or Erik being that careless.” 
And you had an IUD, but still. Making a motion for her to continue, "So the muthafucka got his side bitch pregnant, and you got pissed.”
For the next half hour, you listen to her with a sympathetic ear as she told you that for a long time, things had been rocky between Travis and herself. He had not intentions of settling down -- with her, though he loved to lead her on with a carrot-stick maneuver and saying he might, he might, he might, while fucking around on her. He knew about the hookup she’d had with Erik and all the other times, with other people, while they’d been on a break. According to Nadia, the guy even made fun of her naivety in thinking he’d marry ‘a woman whose legs were always wide open’. The hypocritical dipshit.
That’s why she spat on him. 
Couldn’t really blame her for that, not really. 
“The girl he got pregnant, she’s only twenty one, Y/N. Twenty one...”, Shaking her head, Nadia laughed. 
“Hey, hey, hey.” As tears stung her eyelashes and her voice wobbled, you reached out, pulling her towards you for a half hug. “It’s okay. Fuck that dude, aigh’t? I know people say it all the time, but you are going to find someone and be happy.”
“You don’t know that.” 
“I do. You are a phenomenal woman and someone is going to recognize you for your worth. Don’t let some idiot take that away from you. You hear me?” Hot tears warmed your shirt and you rocked her gently. “It’s okay. It’s okay, I promise.” 
“I ain’t got nobody no more...” 
“It’s okay...”
Honestly, after that whole experience, you were drained. The thought of going out and being sociable, it made the hairs on the nape of your neck stand on end. Nadia wasn’t hearing that though. 
“B i t c h! This is an important milestone in your relationship. Meeting a family member?” Shaking her head, an ice pack over the swollen area, she gave you a thumbs up and painfully sincere smile, “Girl, if I was you, I wouldn’t have even brought my thick ass over here to deal with my bullshit.”
“It’s not bullshit, Nadia.” You interjected, for the fiftieth time. “You my friend and you needed me. Case closed.”
“Whatever. I’m good. I’m gonna sit here and try and figure out who I can pay off to try and fix these damages before the landlord see this shit.” Tilting her head back, she sank more comfortably into the couch. “Forreal, you should go. See what’s good wit Erik and this mystery family member, actually find out what Erik does for a living. I’m betting it’s something physical. His arms hella strong.”
“Bitch.” You elbow her gently.
“What? I’ma single pringle now, so I can look,” Nadia said defensively. “It’s not like he would notice me anyway. The nigga got eyes for you only. It’s cute as fuck, keeping it one hunned.” Although you didn’t want to leave Nadia alone, she took your cellphone and texted Erik to come get you. 
When he came to pick you up, she all but shoved you out the door. 
“You still gon do this wit me, right? Meeting my cuz?” Erik could tell what was up immediately. “I can reschedule, it ain’t nothing.”
And he would, you realized, he cared for your personal comfort more than what his cousin would think. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, hands finding the nape of his neck, you tilt your head up and he took the hint, kissing you. “You don’t have to reschedule. So, where is this dinner taking place?” 
Turns out that it’s the Queen’s Cove, the most expensive hotel in the area. Some of the most important political figures and celebrities stayed there. Fuck, even Obama and Michelle had spent two nights there! You were internally spazzing out, mind going one hundred miles an hour, wondering exactly who Erik’s cousin was, who Erik was--
‘I’ll find out tonight. To-night. OMG. That’s not enough time! Holy fucking shit! Oh. mah. Gawd. Chill, Y/N. Just. chill.’ 
Calling up every ounce of zen in your body that you had, you manage to smile at Erik who’s eyeing you warily, probably catching the goofy, weird expressions you’d made while wigging out. 
"Clothes, we both need new clothes.” You say decisively. 
“I don’t really--”
“Nigga, bring ya ass on!”
“Aigh’t already, damn!”
After an exhausting rest of the afternoon spent looking for the perfect outfit, Erik dropped you off at your favorite salon to get your hair and nails done. It was a last minute walk in appointment and Chantay wasn’t the happiest seeing you -- until she saw the amount of money you were paying her. While she worked her magic, you and Breanna texted back and forth, with y’all going through potential jobs and reasons for all this mystery and secrecy that Erik was doing. 
Bre also promised that she would send Dre to put Travis in check asap. Then the topic changed once again when she sent you the link to an article about the Wakandan king, T’Challa. 
Apparently he was slated for a press conference tomorrow morning?
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‘She so dumb, but I love her silly ass.’ Smiling faintly, you replied that yes, the king was pretty fione, but he was a little too lean for your tastes. You ain’t want a man that didn’t know how to handle all your thickness. You cracked up laughing when she sent you a poop emoji, murmuring an apology when Chantay told you to keep still.
Once that appointment is concluded, the two of y’all took note of the limo waiting outside. 
The. Limo.
“Y/N?” Neither of y’all utter a word. So he tries again, “Y/N Y/L/N? Is that you, ma’am?” The driver asked, professional and relaxed, unruffled, by the fact that he’s being gaped at.
“That’s me.” You reply weakly. He opened the door for you. 
“I got the license plate number in case you go missing.” Chantay whispered out the corner of her mouth. Placing a hand over your heart, you throw up a peace sign and she waved, removing a cigarette from behind her ear and lit it. 
Question after question flew through your brain. You wanted to touch everything but at the same time, it was important to show some class. He drops you off at the apartment where you quickly shower, moisturize, and change (Nadia is gone but where you don’t know and have no time to find out), and when you come back out, the few people lingering around eye you with appreciation, curiousity and lust. 
The drive to the Queen’s Cove is completely silent but you don’t care. This feels like some straight up black Cinderella-out-the-hood type stuff. 
The next time the car pulls to a stop and the door opens, it’s Erik who’s reaching a hand out to you. Without hesitation, you take his hand and he helps you out of the limo, appraising you with hungry eyes. Although your inner mantra is that you’re in public and this is indecent, especially for a place this fancy, you give him a once over too. 
“Damn baby, you lookin’ like a whole snack.” 
Cracking a smile, because regardless, Erik gon be Erik, you let him kiss the corner of your mouth, so close to your lips. “Mmhm, you look handsome too, baby. Let’s go meet your cousin.”
“You right, you right.” There’s a distracted air about him and he can’t stop looking at you. 
Admittedly, that swells your ego. That floaty feeling carries you through what might have been an epic freak out and meltdown because again, there were celebrities and politicians milling about, everything looked expensive. 
Fuck, even the air smelled rich!
The maitre d’ led y’all to a private booth/sitting area in the far back, not easily noticed by other people. And there, already seated... Is the King of Wakanda. T’Challa Udaku. 
“Cousin! There’s bobotie on the menu!” Eyebrows raising, you glanced at Erik pointedly, but he merely pulled out the chair for you. The whole ass king, T’Challa, put down the menu only to smile at you brightly, “Oh! I am so rude. Hello. You are Erik’s woman, yes?”
“I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you, Your Highness.” You said primly, about to raise up and possibly mangle an attempt at a curtsey, but Erik’s hand on the nape of your neck keeps you seated, the gesture effortlessly casual, but intimate.
“Please, there are no need for titles. Did you not tell her that, cousin?” Erik sat down too. “...Oh, Bast, he did not tell you that.” T’Challa, the king of an African nation, frowned. “N’Jadaka...”
“N-who?” Your brows furrowed.
T’Challa sighed and Erik eyeballed him, expression annoyed. “Bruh, don’t come at me like that! What with yo bitch ass Council putting that gag order on a nigga, what could I tell her but the kiddy shit?”
“Um...” You try to speak up.
“The conference is tomorrow, cousin. You could have informed her at least two weeks in advance.”
“You think I’m slow or some shit? Like I can’t read, muthafucka? Of course I know it’s tomorrow! I brought her down her to meet yo cornball ass, but we can bounce if you gon be on some other--”
Slamming your fist into the table, ignoring the throbbing pain searing through the appendage, you glared at them both. “If both y’all grown ass men don’t start actin’ like y’all mofos got some sense and recognize we in public, right now...” You say through gritted teeth. 
“Sorry, baby.” Erik mumbled.
“My apologies, Y/N.” 
After that, the tension faded away. The dinner felt relaxed and normal, like you were eating out with ya man and another brother or something. During that dinner though, Erik explained that he was a prince, third in line for the throne to Wakanda. The two of them made some questionable quips and remarks that bordered on being too dark, and you were most certainly going to be talking to Erik about that later. 
Erik, that wasn’t even his real name. 
It’s N’Jadaka Udaku. 
There’s something beautiful about the way the vowels rolled off your tongue and N’Jadaka, likes when you use it. Oh, yeah, he definitely liked the way you say his name, if his hand on your thigh underneath the table is any indication, the slow circles he’s rubbing into the satin smooth brown skin, teasing you. 
“Hi! I’m Mitchell and this is Cassandra, and we--”
Oh. No.
It feels like the bottom of your stomach has fallen out. You are half afraid to even look up and see if they’re as close as you fear, but when you flick your eyes to the right, yes. Yes they are, right here.
Right now, they’re pestering T’Challa, asking if he wants a refill of his drink, and you glance at ya man, trying to non-verbally signal to him that we had to get the fuck outta dodge before they noticed us. And either he was just horny or he got the message, probably the former, but he was about to get up when Cassandra turned and finally noticed us.
“Y/N! Hi! Oh, goodness. This is such a coincidence, running into you and your beau again. I told Mitchell that I saw you at my other job and he didn’t believe me at all.” 
Somehow, you manage to smile, “Such a...small world.” 
There’s a pregnant pause. “Erik! Hi, hello!” Again, she offered her hand for a shake.
He ignored her outstretched hand. “This is a private dinner. Family only.”
Mitchell snorted, his handsome features twisting into a sneer. “Family? Y/N? No way. I grew up with the girl, that’s straight ghetto--”
Cassandra elbowed her hubby abruptly. “Honey.”
“Nah, let him finish his sentence.” Erik took a swallow of wine, finishing off the glass. “‘Straight ghetto’, what?”
“I was going to say that Y/N and her family are an...unscrupulous bunch.” Lying through his teeth, Mitchell plastered a smile onto his lips, though his eyes are bitter, cruel. Jealous. “It’s very unfit for her to be sitting next to, and dining with, royalty.” 
T’Challa raised a finger, “Forgive me for sounding uncultured in this. English is not my first language and I have not been to America often,” It’s clear, if only to you and Erik, that he’s downplaying his own intellect, he’d talked circles around you about a lot of topics and explained things without making you feel stupid. “But I believe you are insulting not only myself, and by extension, all of Wakanda, you are also insulting my own cousin, a prince, and his choice of female companion? Y/N is quite a lovely and intelligent, funny, woman, after all.”
“I agree! I so agree!” Cassandra nodded her head vigorously. “Y/N and I, we were friends once upon a time ago in college.”
Unable to stand all this double talking and hypocrisy, your mouth opened, “Bitch, when?” You sounded so done at the moment. “Is it after you caught a case of jungle fever and decided that you were finished fucking Tim, who went on to become a famous country singer by the way, and chose this light bright nigga to be your Negro husband? I bet you were very disappointed that the rumor of all black men having big dicks isn’t true.”
Cassandra paled, standing there, gaping at you. Mitchell, however, absolutely exploded. “You ghetto ass dirty hoodrat bi--”
One right hook and an uppercut and Mitchell hit the floor with a pained grunt. Erik put his foot on his chest, keeping him in place. “I’m from Oakland, California, straight up out the hood, my nigga. Erik Stevens, ask about me.” Grinding his heel into his chest for a few more seconds, he stepped over him, “Let’s get the fuck up outta here.” 
“Yoink.” You grab the bottle of wine, patting Cassandra’s shoulder ‘comfortingly’. “I’ll just take this for the road. Since we such good friends, you got me, right? Right. I’ll holla at you on Facebook, boo boo.” With a wave of your fingers, you accept Erik’s hand, smiling big and pretty, especially when he adjusted his grip so that his arm is around your waist, headed for the exit. 
“Bill me for any damages, yes?” Smiling a camera ready smile, T’Challa dipped his head in farewell to Cassandra, accidentally stepping on Mitchell’s hand and followed after his wayward cousin and date. 
Once y’all are outside, embarrassment overtakes you and you’re about to apologize to T’Challa but he only wagged a finger and smiled. “It was very good fun tonight. I almost thought you were too timid for my cousin but you have such a vibrant personality, Y/N.”
You look at the ground then away from him, unable to keep eye contact at the sincerity in his tone. “Careful, nigga, or you and me gon go round three for you flirting with my girl.” Erik joked, tilting your chin up a little to kiss your forehead.
T’Challa shook his head and chuckled, “Take care of each other and stay out of trouble, eh.”  
Then y’all go y’all’s separate ways. Erik and you get in the limo, while a fierce, bald lady opens the door to a sleek sports car, and T’Challa gets in that. Both vehicles take off in opposite directions. You reach for Erik’s hand and he holds your hand in his lap, his thumb tracing circles around the pulse point, a pensive expression on his face. You want to know what’s up but you also are afraid to know what’s bothering him, secretly figuring that it’s you and the drama that follows you around like a bad smell. 
When the limo drops y’all off at his crib, he immediately strips of the outfit, carelessly dropping the items of clothing onto the floor and elsewhere, motions agitated. You follow after him silently, carefully following his lead. The two of you shower together but he doesn’t touch you, or make any lewd comments. He gives you some clothes to sleep in and you think that y’all aren’t going to talk about the elephant in the room when he turns his back to you, and reluctantly, you turn so that you’re facing away from him too.
Only twenty minutes of this and you think you’re going crazy. 
You’re about to get the fuck outta dodge when he speaks, “I need...I need to tell you somethin’.” Heart sinking in your chest, you try to turn around but he holds you in place, apparently not wanting you to look at him while he tells you...whatever he needs to tell you. 
Pretty sure you were prepared for anything than what he told you about his life before he and you started sleeping together and became a couple. The uncensored version of who Erik Steven is...or rather, who he had been. 
All of it. 
You’d like to think you were a tough as nails type of bitch, but that story had you crying hard as shit. Whether for N’Jobu, N’Jadaka, or T’Challa and his father. Or Erik’s victims...it’s a mystery. 
You just hurt.
“I couldn’t...couldn’t keep hiding what I done. I mean, I could, but tonight, if anything, proved that all that shit tends to come out one way or the other. And I wanted you to hear it from me, not nobody else.” He swallowed. “I ain’t gon be mad or, or, stop you if you choose to leave me. I understand.” 
The next time you attempted to turn around, he didn’t stop you. Legs on either side of his chest, hands resting on his abdomen, you stared down at him with red and puffy eyes. “If I got up right now to leave, would you choke me out, smack me, or shoot me in the head?”
He cleared his throat, blinking rapidly, eyes suspiciously bright, “No.”
“Do you have any plans to cheat on me?”
“Fuck no.” 
“Couples fight, they argue. That shit is normal. I might get mad and say some hurtful things, or you might be the one to do all that. We might yell at each other. That is normal. What I won’t accept is being made into Boo-Boo the Fool when you get mad and feel you have to prove what a man you are, then cheat on me with another bitch. 
I won’t be your punching bag or doormat. I am your woman, more than that, I’m somebody daughter, they sister. 
I’ve got too much respect for myself to let any of that foolishness go on. I will drop yo ass wit the quickness and cross the street to avoid speaking to you for years, if necessary.” Pausing, you take a breath, letting your words sink in. 
“Do you understand?”
Erik’s cautiously rests his hands on your hips. “I understand that, and I respect it. But I’m asking you to please, don’t throw that shit I told you in my face if you get mad. Ion care bout nun else but don’t do me dirty like that, Y/N. I’m tryin’ my best, baby girl.”
Baby girl. Oooh fuck, that nickname did things to you. You needed to get your hormones under control, bih, this is a serious moment! “’Kay.” You say, voice quiet, and you bite your bottom lip. 
He seemed to sense the turn in your attitude because he soon leaned up and kissed you open mouthed and nasty, squeezing your ass cheeks, the boy shorts you wore offering little to no protection from Erik’s groping hands, “You gon let me fuck you now, ain’tchu, baby girl?” 
Oh, this bastard. Moaning yessssss, you don’t resist when he yanks off the shirt you wore, accidentally tearing it a little before flinging it away, then yanked off the booty shorts, shoving his boxers down just enough to free his cock, teasing your wet pussy folds before pushing in alllll the way inside you. 
“You mines, you my baby girl, you gon stay wit me.” The words are quietly delivered every time he fucks up into you, and your eyes screw shut, breaths coming quick. “Say it.” A particularly hard roll of his hips punches the breath out of you, “I can stay like this all night.” 
And you know he can, he would, tease you, the both of you, until he gets what he wants. “I’m yours, your baby g-girl,” Erik sucked at your throat, intent on leaving a hickie. “I’m not gon leave you.”
It’s like your words flipped a switch or something because he’s switching positions so that you’re beneath him and he’s fucking you nice and slow. Then again, this doesn’t really feel like fucking. It’s not rough or quick, with spankings or some choking. Whatever it is, it’s intense, and the way he’s looking at you, the way he kisses your shoulder, murmuring how good your pussy feels, and other sweet, perverse things, eventually sends you over the edge. You don’t deny it when he mutters, “You my baby girl...” Right in your ear just before he pushes inside you as far as he can go, filling you with his cum. 
After all, it’s not like he’s wrong; you are his. 
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tea-and-toblerones · 7 years
The One Where Ed Brings the Heat | A One Shot
Let's have some sweet Teddy Moments shall we?
Rated M for minor smuts. Mostly just feel good feels.
You paced around your apartment, throwing glances at your clock every time you passed it. Ed had been away for work for a week and was due back at any minute. It wasn't like this was the first time you guys have had an extended time apart but that didn't mean it made it any easier on you. You had gotten a text from him that read 'Just wrapping up lunch and then I'm on my way to you, love x' You had debated on waiting for him in bed completely naked but you loved the way he slowly undressed you, like you were a gift, to deny either one of you that pleasure. You hear the tell tale click of the door unlocking and your head swivels to see his smiling face. He looked a bit tired, but as soon as his eyes fall on you he perks up, all traces of jetlag vanish. Within seconds he has you in his arms, the scent of cinnamon surrounds you as you bury your face in his neck.
"Did you miss me sweet girl?" His hands were rubbing smalls circles on your back as you give him a koala hug.
"Of course I did." Your words coming out muffled since you're still face first in the soft, creamy concave of his neck. Soaking in his scent, warmth and the way he feels wrapped around your body. You feel him shudder at the way your warm breath rushes across his neck.
"I'd like to see the face I've been waiting a week to come to." His hand moving up to the back of your head, his fingers working through your hair.
You finally lift your head and he takes no time planting his lips on your own. Moving in that sweet, familiar rhythm that not only fills you to the brim but drains you at the same time, leaving you wanting more. Your hands moving to his hair, threading those silky cinnamon locks between your fingers as his tongue expertly traverses the interior of your mouth. You let a soft moan fill his mouth as his hands travels down your body, coming to a stop at your hips. You press them up against his and you can already feel his erection beginning to form, struggling behind his zipper. You unclasp his belt and let your fingers slip past the waistband of his boxers, letting them glide over him. He lets out a soft moan as you begin to stroke him, your other hand still twisted in his hair. His moan grows a little louder as you begin to lightly run circles over his head.
"I'd like to take a shower before your mouth is on me, love. I've been on a plane for most of the day and I'm in desparate need of one." He must see the frenzied state that kiss has left you in and quickly adds, "But that doesn't mean I can't taste you."
You make your way to youe bedroom, articles of clothing being stripped off along the way. By the time you're on your bed, you're down to just your panties and Ed's in his boxers. He begins teasing your nipples with his tongue, you let out a shuddering moan as his teeth graze over the pebbled flesh. You can already feel that you're almost dripping in excitement as he drug his finger across your slit. You feel his throat vibrate as he let's out a soft chuckle.
"Already so wet for me, my naughty girl." He playfully rolls your nipple with his teeth, chuckling again at the groan.
His fingertips begin tapping on your clit, working in tandem with his mouth and tongue that have just moved to your other nipple. He finally sinks his middle finger into you, curling in, hitting the spot he knows makes you moan his name. He sinks his second one into you and that's when you start to notice a slight burning sensation. You brush it off, thinking your body is just getting reaqquainted with Ed's larger fingers. It isn't until the burning get worse do you realise it's something else entirely.
"Teddy, what did you eat for lunch?" His mouth lifts from you as he looks at you with a mix of confusion and slight disbelief. His fingers had stopped moving but stayed in place.
"Lunch isn't really the meal I had on my mind, love. Especially when you look absolutely delicious." The burning is began to get slightly more intense, causing you to squirm a bit in discomfort.
"Did you happen to have chicken wings?" Your teeth coming down on your lip as you began to squeeze your legs shut around his hand.
"Yeah, yeah I did actually, how'd did-" Your query mixed with the way you were almost writhing underneath him caused him to come come to the realisation. He quickly pulls his fingers out, wiping them on your duvet. "Shit, I swear I washed my hands after I ate them! Hold on, I'm going to go get a cloth to wipe it off. Stay put."
He launches himself from the bed, stumbling a bit over his discarded Timberlands as he makes his way to the bathroom, swearing all the way there. You hear the faucet turn on as his runs, what you know is going to be warm water over the cloth. "I'm gonna fix this!" He calls over the running water. "I'm gonna fix you right up."
"Teddy, wait, water makes it worse!" You call out. You hear the faucet turn off and his head pop around the door frame.
"What do I use then?" His voice slightly panicked as your discomfort is growing more obvious since you've been all over the bed.
"Milk. It kills the burn of the capasium." You begin to whimper, your fingers coming down to rub the burning areas, looking for some form of relief.
"You want me to put milk WHERE?!" He asked incredulously, his voice shooting up an octave or two as he clung to the dry wash cloth.
"Just pour a glass of milk, dip the cloth in there and do the same thing you would have done before."
He nods heading to the kitchen. You hear the cabinet door swing close and the fridge open. After a bit of shuffling you hear the fridge close and Ed come back in with a mug full of milk. He sets it down on the nightstand, dipping the cloth in it, squeezing out the access before he gently presses it against your burning core.
"I'm so sorry baby, I could have swore I washed them after I ate." He couldn't have looked any more apologetic even if he tried. He had pulled his bottom lip up between his teeth , his brow was furrowed as he worked. You sigh has he continues to dab the cold cloth against you with firm, yet soft pressure. Every time the cloth came in contact with you, he'd utter another apology.
"It's okay Teddy, it's an easy mistake to make. No real damage done. It was Dr. Teddy to the rescue." The burn had great subsided, down to a minor irritation. You set up on your elbows, laying your hand on Ed's causing him to pause. "It feels alot better now, thank you." He removes the cloth, placing it into the mug before returning to you, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"Stay here, I'm gonna draw you up a bath so you can clean up properly." You open your mouth to say it wasn't necessary. You'd just climb into the shower but his finger came down on your lips, quieting your protest before it even began. "Doctor's orders." He added with a wink, a little smirk playing on his lips.
You flop back down on the bed staring up at the ceiling as you hear the tub being filled. This isn't at all how you pictured his homecoming yet you should know by now, you can plan all you want with Ed but inevitably, things hardly ever go how you planned. Not that that was a bad thing. It kept you on your toes but you alway knew at the end of the day you could alway count on Ed to make everything better. His hand gently cupping your face pulled you from your reverie.
"Your bath awaits you, darling." He assists you up and leads you to the bathroom. Your mouth falling open as your eyes travel over the room. Not only had he drew a bath, he had added your favorite bathbomb, along with some of your bubble bath for an extra bonus. He had found your stash of tealight candles you kept in your sink drawer and placed them strategically around the room. He had turned the harsh overhead light off, so the room was filled with a soft romantic glow. "What do you think?" His mouth fluttering over your ear as he spoke softly into it.
You never knew what the day would bring you but rest assured he would do everything in his power to make you feel taken care of. "It's perfect!" You whisper in wonderment as your fingers trailed over the water's surface. The water at the perfect temperature. You look up from the edge of the tub to see him watching you, his smile the brightest thing in the room.
"Well get in, love. You're letting my hard work get cold." He urges, his smile turning from adoring to playful.
"Join me? It seems like a shame to enjoy this wonderful bath all by myself."
"Let me do one quick thing and I'll join you. Get yourself comfortable, I'll be right back."
You climb in, instantly feeling your muscles react to the warm water. You lean back, expecting to shudder at the cooler material you to your surprise it's just as warm as the water. You glance over and see a wet washcloth folded one the edge of the tub. You marvel at the fact that he even thought of warming the unexposed part of the tub. He hear him return with a bottle of wine and two empty glasses.
"Can't have a proper soak with wine now can we?" He pours a glass and hands it over to you before climbing in beside you. Once he's settled he pours one for himself, placing the bottle on the floor, before turning to face you. "To finding pleasure in unlikely ways." His eyes glinting over his wine glass as it clinked against yours.
He told you all about the trip as you both enjoyed the invigorating effects of the warm water. Both of you were soon laughing as he told you about James, the nightmare child that had driven everyone in his vicinity to drink at 9 in the morning. How he had just barely managed to escape the horde of fans that caught wind he was flying in. His radio interviews and how his business lunch went. He had insisted on washing your back before exiting the tub, which you readily agreed to. The warm cloth rubbing across your back as his peppered your neck in kisses. Once he deemed your back thoroughly clean he began to massage your neck and shoulders, not stopping until you were an utterly relaxed puddle.
You both begrudgingly climb out of the now cool water and change into your comfiest lounge wear, vowing to not do anything productive for the rest of the day. Wrapped together in your duvet that you drug off the bed, you relax on the couch with your glasses of wine, your body pressed tight against his as his arm wraps around you. You rest your head on his chest, the steady sound of his heartbeat lulling you into a state of semi consciousness. When it came down to it, this is what you missed the most when he left. The way his fingers were always moving, whether it's playing idly with your hair or tapping out beats only he can hear. The way his lips curl up in that little smile when he glances over at you. The way that his nose whistles when he breathes deeply. The sleepy mutters he make in his sleep. The random outbursts of song when he's happy or the quiet humming when he's concentrating. The way he struggles to hide a smile when he's trying to surprise you.
"What's got you smiling, love?"
"I'm just really happy to have you home." You look up at his face, wearing that adoring smile once again.
He places a kiss on the top of your head. "I'm happy to be home too."
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dvrksiider · 7 years
multiples of 3 for the OC questions
Super detailed questions about your OCs || Not Accepting (thx nida :p) 
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
Main Verse: Nyla had an average childhood. Not necessarily good or bad (I don’t know if neutral is the best word here). The few fond memories were her warrior training before her Force sensitivity kicked in at full throttle. 
Light Side Au: Corryn feels she had a good childhood. Of course it was difficult for her because of her sensory overload and the intense training she began as a little kid. She fondly remembers spending time with her mother and father and how proud they were of her. 
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Main Verse: She kept to herself and was distant. During her short time at the praxeum, she made very little friends. She was a bright kid with a lot of potential but the sensory disorder combined with her Force connection made her learning environment toxic and agonizing. Nyla finished her training with Snoke; out of her 17 years of training, 14 years were dedicated to darkness. During this time Nyla learned the ins and outs of pain, what made people tick and how a person could be broken. She also discovered she had a knack for Sith Alchemy.
Light Side Au: Corryn was shy and distant at first before finally feeling comfortable enough around the other students. She grew to love the academy as well as Luke and most of her peers. Before her 18th birthday, she went to Coruscant to start her sentinel training where they were busy restoring the Jedi Archives. Corryn stopped her training for a year once she discovered the praxeum had been destroyed. After that, she went back to Coruscant for another two years to study under her second master. She studied the old Jedi texts in great detail and learned how to strengthen and maintain control of her connection to the Force.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
Main Verse: Nyla is mean so therefore animals are like “uh no way.” She doesn’t particularly care for them either. There’s probably an unspoken agreement between her and creatures of the galaxy which involves both parties staying out of the other’s way. 
Light Side Au: Corryn loves animals. Most animals seem to like her as well. She helped Mara Eclipse take care of a smuggled Porg and the little guy has now won just about everyone’s heart around base. (eron wants to eat him??!! but he’s a good boi!!) 
 12. What is their favourite food? 
Main Verse: Traditional Mandalorian dishes. Whatever will give her the strength and nutrients needed to ensure her survival. Alcohol is nice too. 
Light Side Au: Corry loves meat ( a la Sokka), but really give this girl anything. She has a crazy metabolism and is a bottomless pit. 
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Main Verse: Nyla could survive on her own if need be, but because she’s aligned with the Order, she usually does not make her own meals unless away from her regiment or on some solo mission. In short she is adequate. 
Light Side Au: Corryn can cook decently. She’s actually better at baking and likes to surprise her friends and fellow Resistance members with something sweet every now and then. Most people would say she can make a good enough meal. 
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Main Verse: (gonna sound edgy but...) everything dark and macabre honestly. In a modern setting, Nyla would be all into horror and the supernatural.
Light Side Au: Corry enjoys action, adventure, mystery and comedy. She would be a fan of classic NES games and other pop culture phenomenon. 
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Main Verse: Yes and no. Nyla’s secret is that she’s always seething. Unlike another dark sider, she’s gotten very good at masking it and keeping it under control. Nyla understands that there is a time and place for such anger- too much freedom will turn her into a loose canon. So in her right mind she is very selective about when and how she displays her anger. When she is angered enough, nothing is off limits; no words, no actions. The juxtaposition between her level persona and her rage induced state is incredible. It makes her all the more terrifying. 
Light Side Au: Corry can get a bit of a temper now and again. It’s nothing like that of her dark side self, but it can still be destructive in its own right. She’s been known to dig deep and say things that she knows will shut others up; ie something that might negatively resonate with someone. As she’s continuing to grow and learn, she’s always trying to develop more patience and finding healthier ways to express her anger. 
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Main Verse: Nyla only sleeps when it is required. (kinda like Leo Di Vinci) She has her own unique circadian rhythm. Some periods of time she gets adequate sleep. Other times she’s awake for days. Nyla’s silent breathing can be heard if listened closely, she prefers some level of comfort so a mattress in between soft and hard. 
Light Side Au: Depending on what’s going on in the Resistance determines Corry’s sleeping habits. She could be well rested some nights and then running on two-four hours other nights; nothing a good cup or twelve of caf can’t fix. She totally snores (nothing loud just noticeable. Mara can attest to it) and because of her sensory thing she likes soft things
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Main Verse: The last time Nyla cried was when she was 10. So...I mean. As an adult, she doesn’t feel or experience sorrow the same way as she did in her youth. Things are just repressed before they can even be processed in real time. 
Light Side Au: The thought of never reuniting with her parents makes her sad. The thought of losing the war against the First Order makes her sad. The possibility of her friends and comrades dying makes her sad. Corry just feels a lot, okay? And while she’s not overly emotional, she will cry if she’s worked up enough and at that point she doesn’t care if people are around. She gets quiet and distant when she’s sad.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Main Verse: Nyla exercises pretty regularly (when she’s not in the middle of a mission that is). She’s very focused pre-work out and likes to tune out most things. She focuses only on herself and improvement. After work out, she’s calmer than usual and almost in a bit of a daze.
Light Side Au: Corryn tries to exercise regularly, but sometimes other things come up that are more important. She tries to be happy and positive before working out so she doesn’t give up halfway due to effort. Post work out, she’s tired and needs a shower and a nap tbh.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Main Verse: Nyla wears bikini style and sometimes hipsters. 
Light Side Au: Corry wears hipsters and boyshorts most of the time. O my god corry you so gay
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Main Verse: Well Nyla is good at murder. Not sure if that’s a hobby exactly...she is an exceptional duelist (her warrior training on Mandalore helped prepare her for this). She is also a very gifted psychometrist and performer of other dark Force powers; force storm, drain knowledge, memory walk, etc. I would pay to see Nyla sing. 
Light Side Au: Corryn is good at absorbing a lot of information in a small period of time. She is skilled with her lightsaber as well as Light side Force powers; battle meditation, Force concealment, Force protection, etc. Corryn isn’t a bad singer, of course when she’s drunk it is truly a spectacle. When sober she can carry a tune. 
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? 
Main Verse: Nyla prefers holo messages. Gets the point across much faster and usually more effective (her methods are beyond brutal). 
Light Side Au: Corryn prefers letters because they are more personal. Growing up, she did her best to preserve her writing so she would never forget her mother tongue. 
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Main Verse: Nyla wants power and control and she’s willing sacrifice her humanity for it. Her secret ambition is to kill her dark side master and take his place. But beyond that, Nyla desires to extend her reach beyond the First Order and to become the most powerful and formidable entity in the galaxy. 
Light Side Au: Corryn wants to become a self actualized Jedi Knight (grey jedi later). She would sacrifice herself for the Resistance and for her friends. It’s not a secret ambition, but Leia is currently helping her rise the military ranks so that she can become a well respected leader and teacher. 
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? 
Main Verse: People see Nyla as cruel, evil and diabolical. She can’t exactly dispute any of it and quite frankly she doesn’t care. She knows what she is and she revels in the darkness. 
Light Side Au: Most people think Corryn is a sweet girl determined to do the right thing. Sometimes she has self doubt but then she is reminded of who she is by result of her actions and feedback from those she fights alongside. 
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? 
Main Verse: Nyla would rather not. She only attends gatherings because it is expected from someone of her position. It’s all political and even she must save face and play along with the hierarchy of the Order. 
Light Side Au: Corryn enjoys smaller parties because too much going on overloads her senses. If it’s with people she likes and trusts then she’s bound to let loose and have a great time. If the party is huge then the poor kid becomes a wallflower. 
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daddyconfessions · 5 years
escort tales: the mysterious Lynx
I had a few anons asking me about my escort experiences. I had shied away from the subject. Didn’t want you guys thinking I was too big of a man hoe. Plus my escort stories are just as wild and crazy as my sugaring. So if you don’t believe my blogging on sugarbabies you’ll really be fucked up reading about my escort fun. But you gotta give the people what they want.
I do see courtesans on occasion. Before I got into being a sugardaddy that was pretty much all I did. Now, I see them when I’m SBS (sugarbaby single), my SBs on her period, I’m horny af, or just seeking a little variety in my sugaring. The last time I seen one was about October ‘15 I think. Firecracker was on her period. I checked out a few “sites” and went through all the reviews and decided on a provider I’ll call Lynx. She had pretty good reviews. Her pics were sexy as hell too. Even though the face wasn’t showing the body was just how I like it: curvy and thick. The reviews had said she had a cute face so I was definitely interested.
After a day and a half of trying to schedule, I managed to setup an appt with Lynx.  She told me the area of town she was in and the cross streets. Standard security protocol for courtesans.  20 minutes later I got there I sent her a text. She sent the address to her motel and 5 minutes later I pulled into the entrance.  I sent another text and she replied back with the room number. I drove on in and parked by fairly new BMW that was parked directly in front of the room.  It was a cute 4 door 3 series Beemer. Couldn’t be more than 3 years old I reckon. I knew it was hers.
As I knocked at the door she opened it. No one was standing there so I just walked in to find her hiding behind the door. She closed the door behind me and was all smiles as she said, “Hi sweetie.” Lord have mercy was she gorgeous. I’m not sure what her ethnicity was. I would have guessed black or Hispanic by her pics but the girl standing before me could have been Indian, Creole, Ethopian, something. Her light yellow/brown complexion, straight black hair and big brown eyes put everything in question..
She gave me a big hug and we kissed briefly. She even gave me a little tongue. Nice. I pulled out the donation and she told me to lay it on the night stand. We talked briefly; mostly me telling her how good she looked. I’m feeling like
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as I looked at her. I could totally make this chick my SB. Rescue her from whatever she was going through. I know. I know. Who said she’s going through anything? LOL.  We were talking but I was ready to fuck.  I started to get undressed first, to let her know I was safe and for real. After my pants were down she started undressing too. I took everything off but my socks, and she undressed down to her bra and panties and got on the bed. I got on the bed and we started kissing. One of the reasons why I had chose her was because she kissed her clients. GFE was a guarantee with this chick. I ran my hands all over her bare skin. OMG. I don’t think I’ve ever touched skin that soft. And that complexion…Wow. Didn’t she know she could have a one sugardaddy instead of multiple Johns?
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Ok I’ll stop.  
She pushed me gently back on the bed, and kissed on my nipples and upper chest. She wasn’t in a rush either, living up to that GFE reputation. By the time she got down to my stomach my nipples were hard as a rock. I know. I sound like a little bitch. But hey she was doing a good job.
She took Bartholomew and looked at him for a moment before she took him in her mouth. She did a few strokes before she stopped. She moved so that she could be in between my legs, facing me. Then she fixed her hair so that it was in a tighter bun so I could see them pretty little lips on Bart. Then she went back to work, making Bart disappear and reappear over and over again. Whodini I tell you. Hmm Hmm Hmm. I love courtesans. I always wished I  didn’t need so much more from a chick like their companionship and time. Then I could just fuck courtesans and save beaucoup $$$. But, it is what is.  
Lynx had some pretty good knowledge (meaning head, blow job for those unfamiliar with the lingo). She started alternating, going from basic strokes  to stopping suddenly, raising up and letting some saliva drip from her mouth. The sweet liquid from her mouth slid slowly down my shaft while she licked the tip and shaft area. Then she got all David Copperfield on me again, making Bart disappear with some deep throating.  I was starting to wonder if she had a gag reflex. I could swear my tip was touching them tonsils. I guess that was all the opening act. For the main event, she had my toes curling as she rotated between sucking, licking the shaft, moving up to the head, adding more saliva….it became a blur but you get the idea.
Damn I’m getting hard just reflecting on it. I need to text her. Fuck my sugarbabies. Escorts are the best! Sorry. Getting carried away.
Then she pushed my legs apart further, and worked on the boys and the tiny area between the balls and crack. Saliva ran down my thighs and in between my cheeks as I felt her tongue and mouth all over my love zone.  I was wondering if she ate groceries too but I’m not a big fan so didn’t push the issue.
“I’m ready to fuck” I told her.
She stopped, went over to the night stand and pulled out a Trojan. She started to open it and then said, “Nah, this ain’t gonna work.” She went back to the night stand and pulled out a Magnum. I love a girl that’s prepared.
She did that trick that only the skilled courtesans can do. She put the condom in her mouth and went down on Bart, sliding the condom on as she went down to my balls. I love that shit.
With me fully covered, she climbed on top, put Bart in and tried to ride him. She thought she was a Boss too. Got all up on her feet and stuff, squatting on the dick, trying to ride him.  Takes a special girl to handle 9 inches. But she tried it boo. Kudos. I was too big tho. Then she got back down on her knees and tried to ride me. Then tried to grind it. But she couldn’t find her rhythm. Old Bart was too much. “Let me get on top,” I told her, putting her out of her misery. “Yes please do,” she said.
We got into the missionary position and I could still feel all over her saliva on my balls and ass I mounted up and went to work. I was hard as rock and I commenced to mercilessly beating the kitty up. That yellow, brown skin had me going. And this chick was beautiful. She wasn’t as wett as I would have liked, but that kitty was good nonetheless. Or was it that I was so into her? Whatever the reason I was loving it. I was about to cum when she said, “Umm uh. Let’s change up.”
I raised up and she got up, turned around and got in position for some canine love. I slid in Bartholomew and started pounding that kitty from the back. She got wet and started really getting into it. I slapped that fat little ass she had while I tried to find her Gspot.  I grabbed her waist and pulled her to me every time I went inside, maximizing the affect.  She was saying  something up there by the headboard, but her face was buried in the pillow and voice was muffled. I was having more fun than I’d had in awhile. But I couldn’t hang. I came and the pussy was so good by that point I kept stroking while I was coming, long after I had cum, thoroughly milking Bart before I stopped.  When I was done, I pulled back, condom full as hell.
“You done?” she asked, looking back. She sounded a little dry actually. I told her yes I was and laid down on the bed. Lynx jumped up and went to the bathroom. She closed the door and I heard the shower turn on. I laid there and enjoyed the mist and haze of a good nutt.
Lynx came out the bathroom with a small towel and climbed onto the bed. She pulled off the condom and wiped me. She  went to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and then came back and laid on the bed beside me. We talked a bit, mostly me trying to get to know her. She was sweet and genuine.  This chick could totally be my SB in another life, if not this one. I asked for a massage and she said, “Of course.”
I turned over as she reached over on the night stand and grabbed some lotion. Damn this girl is ready. While she rubbed me down, I asked what her race was but she never quite answered. I asked several  other questions and about all I could get out of her was she had two kids. “Where?” I asked.  Her body was so tight I couldn’t’ see it. And she didn’t have a stretch mark on her tummy anywhere. “Yes, “ she smiled. I have two kids.”
We kept on talking for a bit longer while she massaged me. Then I got up and went to bathroom and cleaned up myself.  When I came out the bathroom she asked, “You getting dressed?” I told her I was. “You got another one left in you?” she asked.
“Uh, I think so.”  I smiled. I didn’t think I had one but since she asked. I was liking this girl now. Definitely could be a regular client. But as I would find out later she had ulterior motives. :) I laid on the bed and said, “Give me a little head.”
She sucked and licked Bart back to attention. He wasn’t at full salute, but hard enough to make an impression. I was doubtful as she slid on the condom again. We got back into missionary position and I entered. Looking down at this beauty queen made me wish I was firing on all cylinders but Bart was thoroughly drained. I started pounding again, searching for a good rhythm but it just wasn’t there for me.
Lynx pulled me closer to her and started kissing on my chest, neck and tongue kissing me. That got me hot again. Got me harder.  I was hard enough to get see another nut in my future perhaps. Lynx wrapped the creamy thighs around my waist  as she kissed on me. We went from fucking to making love as the passion built genuinely this time around.  Where the passion was coming from I had no idea but we were connecting on a different level. Everything was blur at that point. You know how it is when you’re having a good time. I just remembered looking down at her and her eyes opening suddenly.  “Fuck!” she yelled. “I’m coming. I’m coming.”  And I certainly did as I was told, punishing the kitty for even daring to get wett for me a second time. And came she did. Her head arched back in the pillow as she squeezed me with her legs and stuck her nails in my back. No sooner had it begun than did it end. She totally went limp after that.
I stopped and raised up. I could tell she had tapped out. I love making escorts cum. There are some that don’t like to. Or they don’t allow themselves to enjoy it too much. One told me once that if she comes she can’t really see more guys later. I don’t get it really. Just like sugarbabies, courtesans have their own rules.
“Thanks,” she said. With that she got out of the bed and started getting dressed. I’m on the bed like
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“Oh,” she said, putting on her panties. “Did you want to finish too?”  
Ya think?
What the fuck is going on these days? Everybody all selfish and what not. Getting the roles of SB and escort all mixed up.
All that shit I was talking  and I looked down at Bart and he was done. Whatever little passion he had was gone. She’d have work a lot more magic to get him back up and even then I don’t know if I would have been able to finish. “No,” I told her even though I was tripping on her putting me back to work for her enjoyment. Either my dick’s better than I thought or we got the roles of trick mixed up.
We both cleaned up again and started getting dressed. I told her I was serious about wanting to take her out. See her again. She said she was serious about going. “Its nice to have chemistry,” she said and added “Make a connection.”
We said our goodbyes. I haven’t been back to see her since. I did text her once but our schedules didn’t line up. Firecracker’s been keeping me busy. Plus now there’s Moscato  too. Two SBs is taking a toll on me physically.
Damn, after writing this I need to go back and hit up Lynx. Kind of horny thinking about her.
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