#gonna have to wait for the comeback of glory but well
maguro13-2 · 6 months
ABA : Then and Now.
"Aba : Then".
Aba : Hi, I'm Aba and I'm a girl with a huge key that has face, a key with a face that is my weapon. Yeah, I fight with key and foreshadowed the whole Keyblade thing. So it's cool that I can fight you guys with weapons and just this one key. Am I right? I'm good with keys as weapons of my own choice. This is literally a big opportunity for a girl who participates in a best 2-out of-3 knockout that wields giant key with a face.
Sol : And I thought I was the only one who doesn't knows about keys in a video games. Keyblades are worth a foreshadowing.
" A.B.A Now."
Sol : Looks like we made the GGST DLC so far and we even got the old crew back, it'll be just like the good old days, ain't it?
KY : Well, you said it. And I heard that A.B.A has finally comeback to a little reunion and we haven't met her face since the old days on consoles. But it's good that we have the crew back together after all those years. I can't wait to see Aba coming back as a DLC character, don't know what's going to be her in a match with dlcs coming along.
A.B.A : Hey, Guilty douche bags. Guess who's made it to Strive as a DLC character, A.B.A!
Sol : That's funny, you have long different hair color, I thought the Old A.B.A would be the girl that wields a large key with a face. And I thought that Keyblades were the weapons that have been foreshadowed by us.
Bridget : Funny questions you may ask, but A.B.A foreshadowing Keybaldes as--(Suddenly Aba pulls down bridget's pants) Hey!
A.B.A : Look alive everyone! I just found out that this dude dressed as a nun is a shame of his small willy!
Sol : A.B.A, that's not cool! I thought the Old ABA was nice and friendly, and also weird to be a Key wielder!
A.B.A : Idiot! The old A.B.A of Guilty Gear was my sister that passed away over a year ago before I even became DLC and decided to take her place. She told me that I would come to Strive to meet you guys.
Jack-O Valentine : Then what are you supposed to be?
A.B.A II : Who am I? I'm the old A.B.A sister, A.B.A II. Unlike the Armor King and King II, we used to be good sisters during the great old days, until when I heard the news of my sister's passing, I learned that the original A.B.A that you've know about in the glory old days was A.B.A the First.
Jack-O Valentine : "A.B.A the First"? Who's A.B.A the First? Does anybody know about the A.B.A the First?
Sol : Of course Jack-O' Lantern. A.B.A the First is the same old A.B.A that I used to meet with during the match and I had packets covered for the tournament. So why does anyone thinking that this newly designed A.B.A is the original A.B.A's sister? I was wondering something that I got one simple minded question about the old A.B.A from Guilty Gear something like that. Oh right, Isuka. Game on the PlayStation 2. Right, right. So if A.B.A from Isuka is the old A.B.A from before and this one over her is the new A.B.A, I suggest I'm gonna put this all in the bag.
Ky : Like what, man?
Sol : Like something to tell you that...WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ORIGINAL A.B.A!?
Ky : Didn't you remember about A.B.A's passing!? She died in 2012
Sol : Died in 2012, what do you mean the original A.B.A herself is dead in 2012, there's no way that can...(realizing) Oh God! We forgot about her! She's A.B.A the first and this one who came to Strive,is A.B.A II. Which means...
Jack-O' Valentine : Aw crap.
(cuts to A.B.A the First's grave)
Elphelt : So, uhh, why did you guys tell me before the original A.B.A died before I came to join the fight with you guys? She was A.B.A the first and this one who just arrived is actually her sister before the original one passed away. It's really tragic that how did a Guilty Gear character manage to get him or herself killed or deceased.
Baiken : It's been a long time since I met Sol on the other day. Old and original A.B.A was a cool character and a great fighter. So much for a girl who wields a big-ass key with a face to fight in battle. That wasn't foreshadowing the Keyblade. That was a memory that we must not forget. Now do you believe me that the original A.B.A you met had passed away, Sol?
Sol : Well,I basically didn't known that. I didn't know that the Old and original A.B.A from Isuka had a sister of her own and she was the responsibility for being the DLC character saying "A.B.A is back". But the newly A.B.A that was designed was the sister of the original one who passed away.
Elphelt : I guess that the old and original A.B.A was cool and all, but this one who came as DLC was her sister in order to take her place.
Dizzy : It was a great opportunity for her as the greatest girl that wields a giant Keyblade.
Sol : Look on the bright side, at least she was a real Keyblade wielder. What? What's the matter?
Jack-O Valentine : Too soon, Sol. Too soon.
Ky : At least, she was the coolest girl with a "Ky". Okay, I am not using my name as a joke to buy that.
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marcmarcmomarc · 5 months
Wings Around the Globe Rally
Leg 7
(In the morning, the racers head to the runway.)
AANG (V.O.): We are live from Antarctica, and here they come!
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AANG: This is it, race fans. The final leg, back to New York.
(Marinette passes her parents, her plane turbocharged.)
TOM: We’ll see you in New York.
MARINETTE: Thanks, guys.
SABINE: Come on, Tom. We have a plane to catch.
(Nearby, Marinette turns a corner.)
PRESS REPORTER 1: Marinette.
PRESS REPORTER 2: She’s back.
(She heads towards Gabriel.)
GABRIEL: You have to be kidding me.
(He moves to Marinette.)
GABRIEL: Bolting on a few new parts doesn’t change who you are. (SNIFFS) I can still smell the bakery on you.
MARINETTE: You know what? I finally get it. You’re afraid of getting beat by a baker girl!
(She gets in his face, making him edge back.)
MARINETTE: Well, check six, because I’m coming.
(Marinette turns away, anger blazing in her eyes. Gabriel turns to Nathalie and Cash.)
GABRIEL: We are going to end this, once and for all.
CASH: Yeah.
NATHALIE: This is going to be fun.
(From behind a wall, Su-Han watches them leave.)
15,087 km
SOKKA (V.O.): This one’s all about speed and the willingness to give it all. The racer who cuts the ribbon in New York takes home the trophy and the glory.
Starting line: Williams Field at McMurdo Station in Antarctica
(The final leg starts with each racer taking off one-by-one, a countdown being the starting signal alongside an official dropping the flag. Gabriel takes off, then Nathalie and Cash follow.)
SUKI (V.O.): And we’re off! The first flyers take to the air!
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Starting positions:
Gabriel Agreste
Nathalie Sancoeur
Alya Césaire
Nino Lahiffe
Chloé Bourgeois
Sabrina Raincomprix
Alix Kubdel
Mylène Haprèle
Rose Lavillant
Juleka Couffaine
Ivan Bruel
Kim Chiến Lê-Ature
Max Kanté
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Kagami Tsurugi
Marc Anciel
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
(One-by-one, the racers take off.)
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ZUKO (V.O.): The rest of the field is now off and running. And though Dupain-Cheng did not complete the previous leg, race officials ruled her radio had been tampered with, so she’ll be allowed to compete, but with a severe time penalty.
(Marinette sits on the runway ready to go. She just has to wait for the countdown, which is longer than the others’ timers.)
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CROWD: …seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero!
(The crowd cheers as Marinette sets off over the snowy landscape at max torque.)
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AANG (V.O.): I’ve never seen someone come back from this far behind. It’s gonna take both horsepower and willpower to even have a chance.
(The others fly high through the clouds as Marinette travels below just above the ocean.)
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(She starts to overtake the other racers one-by-one, starting with Ondine and Marc.)
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(Overtaking Mylène and Alix, Rose glances down and sees Marinette race ahead, leaving the ocean surface rippling in her wake.)
ROSE: Way to go, Marinette!
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(Marinette continues in her relentless climb up the leaderboard by moving ahead of Nino and Alya.)
ALYA: Whoo! Go, girl!
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(She reaches fourth place, just behind Gabriel, Nathalie, and Cash as they approach the Grand Canyon.)
SOKKA (V.O.): Wow. Halfway through the leg, and Marinette Dupain-Cheng has finally caught up to the leaders. What a comeback.
TOPH (V.O.): But is it enough to win?
KATARA (V.O.): Well, considering she started in dead last, and had a time penalty, I think she’s got this in the bag.
Plane repair
Leg 7 - Grand Canyon battle
Back to index
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praphit · 2 years
Creed 3: Call me Crud
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Part of living this life is shoveling away your crud. Hopefully, you can find the proper place to put it, so that it truly goes away, but even then, there's always more to shovel. I wish I could say it gets easier as you get older. The problem with crud is, when you don't get rid of it well, it comes to life, and greets you in the present; ready to take all of your shit.
That's what happened to my man Adonis Creed (Jordan) here:
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And then there’s the crud -
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wait, not that crud.
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Jonathan Majors plays Dame, an old friend who has a shady past with Adonis. Dame comes in and wants what Creed has! And Creed & family have been doing well for themselves.
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AC is a successful fight promoter now (retired). His wife, Bianca, (Thompson) is still doing her music thang. They have a lovely daughter (who, spoiler alert, will probably be the star fighter of the next movie). They have a huge house... you get it... THEY RICH. Not quite Jay-Z and Beyonce rich, but maybe DWade and Gabrielle Union rich. And Dame wants it all!
He's like "Imma take your business, yo money! Imma take your glory. Imma take your family (cuz they ain't gonna want you once you're broke). Imma take your joy. Imma take your house. Is that some leftover pizza in the fridge? Well, it's MINE NOW!"
How does one defeat crud? To do so, we've got to move the boxing aside, and this movie does:
We get some damned good fighting in the beginning of the movie. Some cool boxing techniques and philosophies banged out, and some slomo stuff. So good! It was like watching superheroes fight.
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But, the key to defeating crud is found in the story, which is skillfully acted out by Mikey B. When Jordan cries we all cry. And there are reasons to cry here. Creed is forced to bring his old (for a fighter) and broken ass out of retirement to save everything he's fought for, including his identity. My man is losing it! J.Majors, as the crud, will do that to you; an amazing performance by him as well.
I have been accused of always siding with the villain of the story. I would reply - "Not ALWAYS :)"
I mean... I am on team Thanos.
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I'm on team Will Smith.
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I'm on team Cruella De Vil. 
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All of that noise those dogs must make. All of that craziness. All of that dog poop! 
F$ck them puppies!
Am I on Dame's side? No, but I do SEE his side. Adonis does something pretty shitty to his once brother-like friend, Dame. And then, just kinda moves on like it never happened. On this topic, people in Creed’s life keep telling him that it’s not his fault. I feel like the movie wants us to believe that it’s not his fault... but it kinda is; not directly, but... it’s not like he plays NO part in what happens to Dame. He labeled him crud and then walked away. 
People who do shitty things to others should feel shitty about it. Am I wrong??!  Maybe I AM on Dame’s side :)
Anyway, the point is, never do something to someone that might cause them to comeback as a villain in the story of your life.
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I have to point out that the direction in this movie is fire. And it's directed by none other than Michael B Jordan himself. I didn't know this coming in. I was impressed by the director, while watching this, and was looking forward to seeing who he/she was.... (a fun moment for me... that I'm now realizing I may have robbed from some of you... please don't come back as a villain in my story).
Jordan gets great performances out of not only himself and Majors, but the actors playing his family as well; this was important in making us feel the stakes of everything going on.
There's a relevatory point in the movie when they're talking about the lessons their daughter is going to learn from this cruddy situation with Dame. I mean you've got one parent who found success in life through violence, and the other who chose to bring the beauty of music to this world. But, the name of this movie ain’t "BIANCA 3" It's "CREED 3"! Their daughter ain't stupid, she knows where the real money is!
They talk some stuff out, and decide that to beat the crud, we must use our words, and the power of forgiveness, and then they decide that violence is NOT the answer... BUT SOMETIMES IT IS, and we're back to the main reason we came here; the reason I spent money to see this movie -  and that's to watch two black men in their 30's beat each other up.
This fight is as good as any of the Rocky fights you've seen, in large part due to Jordan's directing.
It also has the typical "Rocky" feel-goods to it.
Even though there are some mixed messages going on:
"We don't want our kid fighting, so let's teach her to fight." "Violence is not the way... unless it gets you paid." "Violence is NOT the way... unless someone is talking smack to you." And my favorite - they have the big ending fight, then they talk things out.... 
(i repeat) THEN they talked things out?
I love it!
Despite all of that, it's a great addition to the series Grade: A
Btw, there was some chatter about the emasculation of "our black men". 
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You can google it if you don't know what I'm talking about. This chatter came about last month, and some people gave this periodic, ignorant discussion credence.
I joke around a lot, but I'm serious when it comes to division. In this case, it's division among my people - the black community. Why can't we celebrate black men like Jonathan Majors for finally getting his bag, and progressing with excellence in his craft? Why can't we celebrate the accomplishments of black people like Michael B Jordan? Why do we allow others to divide us? - this controversy happened during Black History Month of all months.
So, let's stop with the nonsense, and simply pay respect where it's due. PLEASE! And then, go watch these two angry negros beat the shit out of each other on the big screen :)
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polarisbibliotheque · 3 years
Dante, Vergil, V and Nero quick Halloween scenarios - Dante Version (Part 1)
Well, Dante's scenario didn't turn out as quick as I expected, so it'll have to be broken in two parts. I really got carried away with him xD
I'm still writing, so second part will be up soon (still this week). Please bear with me :')
Pairing: Dante x Reader
Summary: Patty never really had a full Halloween experience - so you decided to go trick or treating with her, costumes and all. What you didn't plan, though, was that she'd find a funny top hat among Dante's devil arms - and be swallowed by it right in front of you. It was up to you and Dante to bring her back now.
Yes, it's the cursed top hat Nero mentioned in his Halloween scenario, I just had to
Author's Notes: I love writing established relationships with Dante. He and reader are just best friends and lovers, I hope you vibe with them. Kinda like they know each other since forever and that's it. Also: Patty makes friends with literally everything.
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A pink figure adorned in frills, bows and laces stormed inside the Devil May Cry; perfect golden locks bouncing around the face painted like a doll, bright blue eyes smiling as much as the pink lips as Patty’s high-pitched voice could be heard in all its glory during that Halloween evening.
“Well, look at ya, Miss Patty!” Dante let out a quick laugh, putting his magazine down to look at that scandalous figure. “Aren’t you a lil’ too old for that kind of thing?”
“Aren’t you a little too young for being so crabby?” She planted her hands on her hips, still holding the basket she’d use to collect the candy. Of course, adorned with bows and flowers, something Patty made herself – the only weird thing is that she was carrying two of those.
“Touché. Good comeback, I’ll give ya that.” The red devil admitted, while Patty seemed to grow in pride with the compliment. “But the question still remains: I thought ‘trick or treat’ is kinda lame for teens like yourself. So… What gives?”
“Well, I never really went trick or treating. I only bought the coolest sweets for other children who stopped by or at the orphanage… And after I found my mom, Halloween is kind of a dangerous time out there for me, you know…” Patty shrugged, fixing something on the hem of her skirt. Dante furrowed his brows: he never really thought of that, but yes, he did have a raise of work around Halloween.
“Guess demons go nuts this time of the year, huh?” He muttered, making her smile brightly in return.
“Yeah, guess they do. So, I told y/n about this the other day and guess who never really went trick or treating as well?” Patty’s face lit up as she spoke, making Dante smile. “Y/n offered to go with me this year, so if anything goes wrong, I’ll have someone around to make sure those damn demons will pay!”
“Does your mom know you use that kind of language when she isn’t around, princess?” He asked casually, laughing as Patty only crossed her arms and pretended he wasn’t worthy of speaking to her. “What are you supposed to be tonight?”
“I’m Alice! From Alice in Wonderland!” She smiled back, showing off her clothing. “Of course, they only had blue costumes, so I made myself a pink one!”
“Well, it does look good in you, cupcake.” Dante winked at her, while Patty spun around, playing with the frilly skirt. He got up from his chair, stretching his neck a little. “I’m gonna check on y/n, or you gonna wait the whole night.”
“Ok! I’ll be waiting here, tell y/n to come down soon or we’ll miss all the good stuff!” Patty shouted as Dante went upstairs, laughing at how excited she looked.
In all honesty, he had this warm feeling in his chest – one he’d failed to identify as happiness or pride. Patty had turned into a beautiful, cheerful teen, even with all that happened. She wasn’t the most functional – her mother sometimes told him she’d get in trouble at school, always getting into fights – but she definitely was better than all the adults at the Devil May Cry. He tried to keep her away from there so Patty wouldn’t get influenced by them, but she was as headstrong as he was – and it seemed she couldn’t get influenced by anyone.
Except for a few self-defense things you had taught her. It was a good thing she was going to college, because there had been a few incidents of Patty beating up some boys who decided to take advantage of her in a few situations – at least in a university, people wouldn’t care that much if a girl stood up by herself.
But there he was, with that golden glow of pride. Patty wasn’t a pushover and she’d fight if she needed to, even though she maintained all that sweet demeanor that made her constantly look like a cupcake. Dante couldn’t have asked for more.
Until he opened the door to his room and found you in full Harley Quinn attire, ready to go out the door.
“Oh, hello there, red devil.” You smiled after your surprise, leaning by the door while Dante admired you in all your Halloween glory, whistling as he did so.
“Hello, queen of madness!” He took one of your hands, making you spin around so he could see you covered in black and red while you laughed in delight. “Damn, y/n, you’re always gorgeous, but today… Phew! I think I’m bewitched now!”
“Oh, keep that for when I come back, there’ll be plenty of bewitching to do.” You winked back, making Dante let out one of his hearty laughs. “Do you wanna come with us? I’m pretty sure a demon along Harley Quinn and Alice in Halloween isn’t going to be that weird.”
“Tempting offer, but trick or treating isn’t my kind of thing.” He crossed his arms, leaning by the wall as you left the room. “You go, I’ll be here when you guys come back.”
“It isn’t your kind of thing, or you’ve never went trick of treating?” You raised one eyebrow, receiving only a knowing smile from Dante.
“I can’t really hide from you, huh? Such a powerful witch I have by my side.” His voice was in a lower, softer tone, making you smile in return.
“The best kind of witch, if I might say so.” You winked at him, making Dante open his mouth, ready to say something back – but interrupted by Patty’s voice downstairs.
“Hey, Dante! You could wear this funny top hat and come with us as the Mad Hatter!”
“Funny top hat…?” He muttered to himself, realization slipping into his face as Dante finally understood what she was talking about. “Patty! Put that thing down! NOW!”
“What? DANTE!” You chased him downstairs like a bolt of lightning, barely closing the bedroom door.
And it all happened too fast. One minute, Patty was putting the hat on her head, Dante reaching out to her. On the other minute, she was gone, swallowed by the top hat – which laid menacingly on the floor, as you both stared at it.
“Dante… What the fuck?” It was the only thing you managed to ask out of that.
“It’s cursed. A cursed top hat.” He tiredly took the hair out of his face, slicking it backwards only to have it fall back on his eyes once again. “It yeets you off to Sparda-knows-where when you put it on.”
“Why do you have this laying around like that?!” You were exasperated, only imagining Patty falling like a pink Alice in something very different than Wonderland.
“Seriously?!” Dante asked back, opening his arms to show off the shop. He had a point: all the walls were covered in powerful demon carcasses, cursed items and devil arms.
“We gotta go help her. How long ‘til you get ready?”
“Seconds. Wait for me here, babe?”
“Only if you take less than a minute.” You winked back at him, making Dante smile a little bit amidst that madness.
You had to get your guns ready: it was time to rescue Miss Patty out of whatever Nightmare-land she ended up in.
As Dante’s voice echoed on the office once more, you turned around to meet him – carrying your heavy Hell Sentinel sword on your back, along with a gun strapped in your thigh, your costume perfectly fitting the occasion – only to be out of words when you saw him.
He was wearing a black, long-sleeved turtleneck shirt, red vest over it and red pants. His boots were black, up until his knees, with a few leather straps on his thigh to hold his guns. Dante covered his hands with black leather gloves and his signature red coat was gone for the moment. It had been a long while since you'd seen him sporting that look.
“Well… Looks like someone decided to change his clothes.” You were honestly impressed. It still fitted him so well.
“Only clean clothes I had, these are old…” He sighed, checking on Ebony and Ivory. “Dunno how long we gonna take to bring Patty back, might at least put a fresh pair of pants.”
“I agree with you on that one, red devil.” You looked back at the cursed top hat, pointing at the thing right after. You really didn’t want to touch it unless you had to. “Ready to be yeeted to Nightmare-land?”
“Yeah. We just better leave a note so no one will touch this friggin' thing while we’re gone.”
“Knowing Vergil, he might even set a ‘crime-scene-do-not-cross’ thing around it.” You joked while Dante left the note, making him laugh a little. “So, how are we gonna do this? You put the hat on, then I do the same…? Who goes first?”
“Yeah, I guess we’ll have to go that way.” He gave it some thought, taking the top hat in his hands. “Say, I’ll go first so you’ll have somewhere soft to land, ok?”
“Oh my, what a gentleman!” You smiled back, hearing Dante chuckling in response. “Okey-dokey, good luck, puddin’.”
You finished your words with a peck on his cheeks, making Dante wink back at you.
“See you on the other side, pumpkin.”
He looked funny for a second with the top hat in his head, before being engulfed by it. Sighing, you took the thing in your hands, looking at the seemingly inoffensive piece of clothing.
“Ok… Here goes nothing.” As you put the top hat on, you felt nothing. But soon, it seemed like you were falling, vertiginously fast, going through time and space in a matter of seconds. You couldn’t stop yourself from screaming for a little while – only to be caught by strong arms before landing on the floor, finding yourself being held by Dante.
“Had a good trip all the way down here, Harls?” He had a cheeky smile on his lips, eyes almost covered by his white hair.
“The landing was better than the journey, Crimson Slayer. Thanks for catching me.” You quipped back while putting your feet on the floor. It seemed… Sticky. “So… Where are we?”
“A parallel reality? Hell? Who knows!” He opened his arms, laughing while watching that weird place you ended up. Everything seemed strangely organic, the trees looked like something you’d find in a biology book, the grass too sticky for your liking. You wondered why everything had a pink tinge to it, but maybe ignorance was really a bliss. “Just gotta find our little Alice and get the hell outta here.”
“Love the plan, honey!” You answered while adjusting the Hell Sentinel in your back, starting what it seemed to be a long journey by his side. “You think we are close to her?”
“No clue. Haven’t tested how this thing works.” He sighed, walking by your side in that silent pinkish forest you both ended up. “Was gonna ask you, Trish or Verge to test it with me, but never really had the chance.”
“Hmmm…” You thought a little about it by his side, making Dante smile a little. Sometimes, you resembled Vergil, even if you didn’t notice. “Bet you wanted to use it on Vergil just to say you yeeted him somewhere with a top hat while he’d be sitting around here saying ‘foolishness, Dante, foolishness’.”
“Of all the smart things I thought you’d to say, babe…!” Dante started laughing scandalously, you both being the only noises in that desolation. “This was the last!”
“But it’s true!” You laughed alongside him, enjoying the moment. It was always fun to go out hunting with Dante: you’d always laugh together, slay demons and eat some pizza – but not always in that order.
Your noisy path, however, attracted some things who lived in that place: demons, ready to get you and the Crimson Slayer, leaving the shadows as soon as they heard your cheerful voices in that nightmare. You and Dante got your swords on your hands, preparing as soon as the demons let themselves be noticed.
“Ready to get this party started, y/n?” Dante had a cocky smile in his lips – and you could see his teeth sharpening into fangs. It was Patty’s life at stake, and he wouldn’t hold back.
“What would be of Halloween without a party, huh?” You asked back, winning an approval from the red devil by your side.
It would be a party to remember.
“Dante will find me. He wouldn’t leave me. He will never leave me…” Patty muttered to herself, slowly walking between grey-pink branches of a forest that seemed to get thicker with every step she took.
Patty thought about stopping and waiting for help, but she remembered when she was a child and went all the way into Hell to find Dante pinned to a stone cross by his own sword. She remembered how fear washed down her spine – and horror. Dante was the closest she had to a family back then and the thought of him dying was too much for her. She did her best to get the sword out, she cried out, she screamed – but she would save him. No matter what.
That’s what made teen Patty so sure Dante wouldn’t leave her there, wherever she was. Dante would go to the farthest pits of Hell, fight against the most terrifying of demons, slay hordes of creatures just to save her. He would do that for whatever human that crossed his way – but he wouldn’t hold back when family was at stake. And even if he didn’t say it out loud, Patty knew she was like a little sister he never really had.
“He will find me. Just you wait, you filthy demons!” But her voice echoed in the silence of the decrepit bushes. She didn’t want to speak too loud – Patty had already seen a few of the demons who inhabited that place, and she wasn’t keen on meeting them.
She wasn’t a hunter like you or Dante. Patty didn’t even know how to use a gun – you only mentioned you’d teach her, but surely Dante told you not to. Patty was to be a normal teen and live a normal life, not become a hunter with a cursed life like his… At least that’s what he thought. She knew it, because she knew Dante.
“Even better than he realizes.” Patty pouted while walking, keeping the basket close to her heart while hugging it.
“Can I know who you’re talking about, young lady?”
The deep voice from the branches of a tree made the girl jump back, ready to scream and run. As she saw the figure dangling from it, Patty didn’t know if she should run, feel pity or say hello: it looked like a sickly pink cat, too big to be considered a house pet, and definitely malnourished, sporting a yellowish smile on it’s sharp teeth adorned by deep red bright eyes.
It was scary, but it had something… Pitiful about it. The thin tail seemed like it would break, but it kept that weird cat hanging from the tree, staring at her with that sick expression – or was it a lonely one? Patty couldn’t decide.
“A friend of mine.” She answered with uncertainty, one of her feet ready to make her run back the way she came from.
“Friend. That’s a word I haven’t heard in centuries.” The creature’s eyes looked even more lonely, as if trying to recall a time it wasn’t trapped in that hideous place. “I am sure your friend is very lucky to have you around.”
“In a matter of fact, he is!” Patty was certainly averted by the way that thing looked, but she didn’t feel threatened. It seemed like it could kill whatever it wanted but, for some reason, it didn’t want to hurt her. “What’s your name? Are you a demon?”
“Oh yes, I am. To be in this place, you have to be, but you seem… Different.” Again, she would be scared by the way it spoke, but the smile that adorned the last word looked sincere in her eyes. “I do not really have a name, young creature. But I think you could call me Cheshire, if you would have me as your friend.”
“Well… It’s not like I have too much to do.” She sighed, sitting by a big tree branch, watching as Cheshire floated creepily in her direction to sit pitifully by her side. “I’m Patty. Nice to meet you!”
The girl extended her hand, taking the creature by surprise. It stared at her for a while before smiling brightly – not the most beautiful of smiles, a little too sharp and menacing for a human, but true – as it landed its bony paw for a friendly handshake.
And Patty smiled in return. At least she found some company in that horrible place.
“Old strawberry cotton candy.” Your voice declared out of nowhere, making Dante stare at you in return.
“That’s how this place looks and smells like.” You explained, quickly waving your hand to show him around. “Old strawberry cotton candy. Sticky, sickening and disgusting, all topped with this horrible pink palette.”
“You know, that is disgusting. Thanks for the mental image, babe.” He wrinkled his nose in aversion, laughing alongside you. “But hey, it’s pink all over! Perfect for Patty!”
“Yeah, if it wasn’t creepy, I guess it’d be perfect.” You rolled your eyes, chuckling a little. “Can you imagine? She’d live in a land of sweets and pretty pink things.”
“You’d be sick in less than a minute visitin’ her.” Dante considered, laughing as he saw you immediately agree, enthusiastically shaking your head.
“I don’t know how, but you wouldn’t. Is that from the tons of strawberry sundae you have all the time?” You decided to tease a little, cleaning a bit of demon blood that dripped in your eyes. By this time, you and Dante looked perfectly like Halloween characters.
“Hey, as long as I have my sundae, I couldn’t care less about the place’s décor!” He shrugged in response, making you chuckle. Dante always seemed so chill about everything – something you deeply admired.
“You know, we can always call Patty to change the shop’s décor, it really needs something new…”
“Don’t you dare.” He didn’t even let you finish, stopping you in your tracks and even pointing at you. As you laughed, though, Dante smiled. “Or ya know, I’ll tell her to decorate our room! Maybe loads of pink and frills all around will make you smile every day!”
“I’ll leave you, red devil. Don’t you dare.” Your answer was serious but laced with chuckles as Dante stood a few inches away from you.
God, did you both love the fun you had together. You didn’t even need much: just being around each other was enough.
“Oh, Master will be so pleased to know I found the human!”
But of course, as a rule of thumb in your lives, almost every fun interaction you had needed to be cut off by a demon. You weren’t really frustrated, it was already so usual you always got tired of hearing the same blabbering from their mouths.
“Good to know we have a Master around.” Dante sighed as you turned to the demon behind you. And as you did, your red devil laced his arm around your shoulders, leaning a little in you. “A sorry excuse of a demon like you couldn’t have built all this!”
“You are a demon too. You should be looking for the human for the blood ritual.” The demon was certainly meek, but it seemed more concerned with the ritual than getting offed by hunters.
“Hey, watch your mouth! My puddin’ here is much more than a pitiful creature like you!” You laced your arm around Dante’s waist as that thing started laughing.
“He should be concerned about shedding your blood and getting all of us free, stupid human!” The demon finally showed its true form, growing in size and extending black claws towards you. “But I can do that and appease Master!”
“Ya know what? I’m done. Just a sec, pumpkin.” As Dante said those words, he quickly got his sword in hand, slicing the demon in two before even allowing it to move. Dante was covered in blood, yes, but at least that bastard paid for its forked tongue.
“Hey! We should’ve used him as info! He could tell us about this Master, where Patty is and such!” You pointed at the dead thing on the floor, as Dante wiped a little blood from his face.
“Did you hear this guy?! ‘Stupid human’?!” He asked back, also pointing at the thing with his sword. “No one offends you in front of me, that’s a rule, y/n! There’ll be a bunch of demons around to be used as info, I can guarantee you that!”
You kept staring at Dante, not knowing if you’d argue back or kiss him. After some moments with conflicted feelings, you started smiling, as if melting all your doubt.
“You’re kinda cute when you speak like that, honey…!”
And the way you beamed made Dante smile back, feeling all his rage leaving his body – he could only feel love for you.
“Eh, I’m glad you think so, babe.” Winking back at you, Dante put his sword away. “But hey, what do ya think about all this? Ritual, human blood shedding…?”
“I think Patty and I are in for a treat – in a bad way. Very bad.” You sighed, resuming your walking by his side in search for her. “If demons are searching for human blood to spill on Halloween night for some sort of ritual to be free from this hideous spoiled cotton candy hell, they must be hunting human scent like animals.”
“Human scent…” He murmured, allowing a not so happy smile to arise on his lips. “Scent. I can’t find Patty’s scent like this because of you, but…”
“Because of me? What? Do I smell bad?!” It happened to the best of hunters. Jobs got heated, you got covered in sweat and, by the end of it, you wouldn’t smell nice. Dante never smelled nice after a job, but you both never really talked about it – heading straight for the shower was a tacit understanding that didn’t need to be pointed out.
“Hey, no, you smell great, hot stuff!” Dante shook his head, laughing briefly as he stopped once more. “I like your scent. It throws me off when I need to find something else, though. That’s it.”
“Oooooh, demon talk. Got it.” You finally let it sink as he agreed with a proud smile.
“To be fair, you smell great all the time, babe.” He took your chin in his fingers, placing a quick peck on your black lips. “The shop's much better than when I used to live alone. Now, if you excuse me…”
Dante didn’t even let you say anything in return: in a matter of seconds, after being covered by an explosion of molten lava red, he stood right in front of you in his Sin Devil Trigger form, in order to use all his abilities as a demon to locate Patty as soon as you could.
“Huh, look who’s showing off now. Cocky devil.” You crossed your arms, making him giggle a little – such a weird sound, since you couldn’t see an expression other than his bared teeth in that devilish face. “I’ll just stay here, terribly human, waiting for super-power man to do his thing and lead us to our lost pink Alice.”
“Hey, you’re wonderfully human.” His distorted voice echoed from his chest, as Dante looked around, trying to find Patty’s scent. You smiled briefly as he took a few moments to point down the path. “Found ya, Patty. She’s this way! Let’s go!”
“Hey, hey, stop right there, volcano demon!” You held his arm as Dante almost started walking. “You have demonic stamina and wings. Really expect me to walk all the way wherever the hell she is?”
“Oh, lil’ human wants to be swiped away by the demon, huh? No problem, babe!” Dante shrugged and you heard the smile in his voice, even though you couldn’t see it. “Hold tight!”
Before you could ask where, Dante had you in his arms, his wings pushing him from the sticky floor. You enlaced one of your arms around your devil’s neck, smiling in admiration as it was the first time you were allowed to fly. It wasn’t the most beautiful of places, yes, but it was one of the best experiences you had – even more special by his side. You couldn’t complain, even if his hardened skin hurt a little in some places.
Patty’s rescue would be on wings – and you had to love that. It was one of your best Halloweens ever.
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get-shiggy-with-it · 3 years
heyo friend, I hope you’re doing well 🖤 What about the “You know I hate it when you do that, right? Keep doing it” smut prompt + shigaraki? With a gn!reader?
✧ pairing: tomura shigaraki x gn!reader
✧ warnings: brat taming themes, smut, references to violence, blood mention, handjobs, villain!reader, 18+ minors DNI
✧ word count: 1.5k
✧ a/n: hey mootie! thanks so much for your request. I know you were looking for some brat taming so take my subtle, sleep deprived attempt at some lowkey bratty behavior.
“You idiot, what the hell was that?”
The door slammed hard enough to reverberate through your chest. The momentary shake in your ribs was nothing compared to the adrenaline trembling in your fingers as they flailed in front of you, catching your fall. The bar top was cold and unforgiving in your grip.
Just like the floors under your feet and the roof over your head and all the people uneasily asleep upstairs.
Tomura Shigaraki cut a menacing figure—and when didn't he?—as he stood cloaked in the darkness of the hideout. You could still feel the ache of his grip on your arm, can feel the dull throb of forming bruises there. He left faint crimson footprints behind when he stepped fully into the dim, overhead lights.
The short, baby curls around his head shone in the glow like some blasphemous halo.
But he is your savior tonight, so the comparison seems a bit less jarring.
“You’re gonna have to be a lot more specific than that, boss,” you tried to sound less winded than you are.
For someone so skinny, Shigaraki had some fucking stamina. Both beaten and well bloodied, the two of you certainly cut a striking image. And while you were panting from your escape—legs on fire after carrying you down innumerable alleyways and feet numb from the slap of the pavement through worn out soles—your boss seemed barely winded.
Untouched by the fight and subsequent flight halfway across the city while tugging you along at his heels.
Though, he also didn’t get his ass straight up hyperdrive blasted into a brick wall. You’d give yourself some credit where it was due.
“I don’t need you taking hits for me,” he snapped, coming nose to nose—well, hand to nose with you.
Every muscle in your body protested as you stood straight and stared him down, feeling how the bruises cut deep through your skin and stained your ego like rotting fruit.
“Really?” you asked, not quite delusional enough to be incredulous, but getting there. “Cause that fucking black eye says differently.”
There was a nasty red and purple mark spreading from the side of his temple that disappeared under the hand that hid most of his face from view. You’d watched him take that kick straight to the side of his head and not even stumble.
He was right.
Shigaraki didn’t lie—that’s why you followed him.
That’s why you couldn’t help the strange, second nature movement of your feet as you had watched one of the dozens that ambushed you wind up to fire a super-powered punch off at Shigs chest. The whole moment existed as a slow motion memory, something you watched from above—a voyeur in your own mind. The way your boss’ eyes went horribly wide, the glow of the man’s fist, the way your body went limp like a rag doll in mid air and slammed against the adjacent wall.
How your assailant was nothing more than a pile of ash only seconds later.
Though you tried not to read too much into that particular detail.
“You know I hate it when you do that right?”
You became peripherally aware that the ache in your chest was being exacerbated by his body weight pressing you back into the polished wood of the bar. As two hands caged you in with their pinkies comically raised to keep you trapped, you felt a familiar rush of defiance in the face of this show of superiority.
“What? When I save your dusty ass?” you tried to smile but his unwavering gaze made it die on your lips.
To be completely fair, you had just watched him take so many hits that should have killed him outright and keep fighting like the inevitably fractured bones were nothing but pinpricks.
You’d always known Shigaraki was intimidating, in his self-assuredness and confidence you knew was not unfounded. But you’d never seen him put his money where his mouth is before, only heard the stories from the rest of the League.
Now you understood.
“When you talk back to me,” he hissed.
He didn’t bother to correct you. He didn’t need to. You both very well knew that if anyone had been saved tonight, it was you as he retreated from the fight, pulling you to safety and not stopping until he—and doors of the bar—were firmly placed between you and feral city streets.
“Oh come on—” you were halfway through an eye roll even Dabi would be proud of when he reached up to grip the hand on his face and pulled it aside.
The smell of formaldehyde dissipated as it landed with a thunk on the bar and Shigaraki stared at you with newly unencumbered intensity.
“Keep doing it.”
You blinked in stunned stupid silence.
It was only then that you realized it, and once you saw the subtle flush of his cheeks and the twitch in his fingers, you weren’t sure how it had ever escaped your notice.
Villainy had always been attractive for the rush, alluring in the sense that it afforded you the feeling of being so painfully alive. The adrenaline fueled, full body shaking that flooded you with invincible endorphins—that made your face hot and your blood sing. That was what called to you. That was what had you flinging yourself in front of punches and sprinting down the worn out city streets.
And that was what Shigaraki was feeling now as you held your own against him.
Challenged his authority.
Took what you were given and gave just as well.
You could imagine most people would have given up the smartass act after one too many brushes with a dusty end, but you were a stubborn piece of shit.
In fact, you were a little fucking brat.
And Tomura Shigaraki liked it.
“I won’t tell you twice,” he said, and when exactly did that gravel road rasp in his voice become so spine tingling?
His chest was flush with you now, and the familiar firmness pressing against your thigh only confirmed your revelation.
And only strengthened your resolve.
A grin on your face, you locked eyes with your boss.
“Oh, Shigs,” you mused, shivering at the way he smirked down at you in all his bloody, beaten glory. “I think you absolutely will.”
The bar behind you creaked under his grip and you suddenly missed the power in those deadly hands, pressing fingerprint bruises into your skin. You doubted you’d have to wait much longer for that though, not with the he twitched against your hips as you shifted to press back into him.
“Maybe you’ll listen better with your mouth full.”
One of those long fingers was trailing softly through the gashes in your top, running across your chest and tapping at your lips. He rolled what was undeniable a fucking unfairly large dick against you just so there would be no mistaking the direction this was clearly going in.
And what a hot fucking turn of events it was.
“Now boss, if you want me to keep talking, you’re gonna have to fill up something else.”
You couldn’t help but feel a little proud of yourself at the ability to formulate comebacks even as the hand at your lips slipped down to yours and drew it to the fastenings of his jeans.
“Don’t think I’m going to reward you for being so fucking irresponsible.”
He seemed at once so simultaneously wrecked and completely untouched by you that your head spun. Shigaraki kept his voice even, his face stuck in that same pleased expression. The only thing that gave him away was the raging hard cock you now palmed easily through his underwear and the pink flush that was spreading slowly down his neck and under the low collar of his shirt.
“Bold of you to assume this isn’t a reward,” you muttered, entranced by the way the blush lit around the razor edges of his scars, thin silver lines prominent against the blood rushing under his skin.
Your mouth watered and Shigaraki—Tomura? Should you call him Tomura now that his length was falling free into your palm and leaking across your fingers?—did nothing to stop you from leaning forward and latching onto one of the rough patches of flesh.
Shigs didn’t seem ashamed in the least or try to hide the gasp you yanked out of him with your tongue pressing deeply over the veins in his neck.
However, he also didn’t allow either of you to indulge for long. Seconds later a hand gripped the back of your shirt and the wrist that was currently pumping your boss’ deliciously heavy dick, stopping your movements entirely.
The rational part of your brain was not quick enough to catch the whine that left you when he moved to step away.
Shigaraki’s rare chuckle almost made it worth the embarrassment.
“Yeah,” he was grinning again but it was different this time. Predatory—a beast caught scent of blood, ready for the newest struggle to the death. “That’s what I thought.”
When he finally guided your hand back to his cock, warm with a beautiful red tip that gushed enough to slick your palm, you found it incrementally harder to formulate a response.
But you hadn't quite given up the fight yet.
When you smiled back at him, it was all teeth.
All claws.
Ready and waiting to be tamed.
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scmoobly · 3 years
Sweet Melody | t.holland
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Performer! Reader
Summary: Your new single was set to premier on the BBMA's, where supportive / Jealous boyfriend Tom makes an appearance
Content: fluff, lil angst and then back to fluff
A/N: So this is obviously inspired by Sweet Melody by Little Mix (Queens comeback with confetti 😳) So I'd suggest listening to it before reading this to feel the full effect. I'm quite new to Tumblr but I hope I'm doing this right OKAY ENJOY
Not proofread
Your hands were clammy and unbearable from the sweat that was starting to seriously become a nuisance at that point.
Heart Racing inside your chest, you were waiting for your turn to go up on-stage to perform "the newest hit" as Tom had described it even though he never actually heard the song. He was effortlessly supportive of you, respecting your space and work ethics which was one of the many things you adored about him. The thought of Tom sitting out there to cheer you on calmed you down.
You were in your dressing room, stylists making sure that nothing was a-miss and that you were all set for the show when a knock interrupted them. You walked over to the door, tugging it open to be greeted by Tom, clad in his Black blazer and white under shirt.
"Babe!" He grinned pulling you in by the waist and giving you a soft lingering kiss as he pressed a bouquet of your favourite flowers into your hands. "Tom!" You gushed smelling the flowers and smiling back up at him. "I wanted to come and say goodluck before you go on- and well, I couldn't wait to kiss you"
You could feel your stylists eyes on you so decided to keep it short and sweet.
"We'll aren't you the sweetest English Man I've ever met" "Really?" He asked as he leaned in slowly, a side smirk gracing his face.
You put your index finger up to his lips effectively stopping his movement and hoped he wouldn't feel too dejected. "If we're not counting Harrison of course" You attacked as Tom rolled his eyes and grabbed both of your cheeks with one hand, only slightly aggressively
"These Jokes are gonna get you in so much trouble Darling" Snaking your arms around his neck, you looked up at him challengingly. "Try me Love, I bite pretty rough myself" He took your hand in his and kissed the back of it as he retreated from the doorway, smirk never leaving his face. " I'll see you on stage babygirl"
He came to help calm your nerves. You looked down at the bundle of flowers in your hands and smiled.
Tom was always curious about what you'd be working on, especially if you intended to keep it a secret. You kept this one to yourself though. He had asked you about the song you'd be performing millions of times but you didn't give in. You wanted to see his raw reaction.
Taking in a deep breath you let the sound of the music drown out the nervousness as the beat gave you the signal to begin. You turned towards the audience in all your shining glory as you sang
"In a whole nother life, there was this boy that I knew.."
The crowd looked way bigger from upstage and you tried hard not to let it effect you, which was when you noticed the familiar mop of curls, hands high up in the air with that goofy grin on his face.
"I wasn't crazy 'bout the words. But the melodies were sweet"
Toms face contorted into one of confusion as he had attempted to pay more attention to the lyrics rather then the extremely sexy outfit and dance moves.
"And it went like do do do ro ro do..... He used to sing me sweet melodies! He played me! Made me believe me it was real love..."
The cheers were wild as the beat dropped and you could feel yourself gaining more and more confidence in your steps.
"...Sang me, Sweet Melodies. But the day he did me wrong the song couldn't go on and on and on"
After your performance you were hot and covered in sweat but too giddy to even care. A trail of compliments from crew members and backup dancers followed you all the way back to your dressing room.
You heard the the door close and lock sharply behind you making you look back to see none other then Tom Holland.
"Hey!" You giggled as you ran over to him and gave him a tight hug, which he returned not-so-tightly, however you were too excited to notice the dark air around him. "So, how was it?" You asked referring to the performance.
Tom gave you a small smile and kissed your forehead, knowing he shouldn't ruin this moment no matter how he was feeling. "You were Amazing" His arms found your hips once again, something he tended to do when he was feeling down or possessive. "Loved seeing every second of it"
"oh yeah?" You beamed, getting up on your toes and kissing his nose. "Yeah, not so much hearing it though" Tom continued
He went and did it. Tom knew he was being petty and mentally smacked himself for it.
"what?" Your eyebrows furrowed as your face backed away from his slightly. "Well- I just wasn't expecting this top-secret song you've been working on for months to be about someone else" His eyes fell to the ground, a bit disappointed in himself that he let his feelings slip when he should've been happy for you.
Tom knew about your ex. He was a guitarist and you were the voice to his tunes. That's how you two had gotten together in the first place. Tom had always felt like music was a barrier between you and him since he wasn't particularly musical. He felt like "just" an Actor, but you were a star. You were the pinnacle of his entire life. The thought of you thinking and writing about someone else put him on edge and it was starting to show more and more as the minutes passed.
A light laugh came from you, making him look back at you. "Tom, My love, You were listening, but I don't think you were really listening"
You smiled gently, meeting his eyes.
"He used to sing me sweet melodies"
You sang, no backup music, stage effects or spotlights. Just you and your angelic voice that Tom would drown himself in if he could've.
"He played me, made me believe it was real love"
He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead down to lay on your shoulders and he focused on every single word this time.
"Sang me, Sweet Melodies. But the day he did me wrong, the song couldn't go on and on and on"
Tom looked back up and pressed a kiss to your lips, his grasp on your hips tightening. "Don't you see Tom, you're not just a Melody. You are the entire song. I want to spend every note of my life with you. I want you to play on my radio till I run out of batteries" He chuckled, almost sniffling as he put his forehead against yours. "Darling, you know I'm bad at music theory, you're basically speaking a foreign language to me"
You both laughed heartily, holding onto each other as you did, the tension from before dissipating quickly in each other's arms.
"And who says I can't write a song about you lover boy" You smirked looking up at him and lightly flicking his nose to which he winced. "I'd have a lot to say"
"I'm holding you to that then" Tom smiled and pulled you against him to capture your lips in a deep kiss.
"oh by the way, do you think you can keep this outfit for- well, you know"
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into-crazy · 4 years
horror and chill
Ledger!Joker x Female Reader one shot
Summary: You and J watch a horror flick. Eventually you both grow bored, turning your attention onto one another. You don't make it through the movie.
Warnings- Cursing, NSFW, SMUT, fingering, edging, orgasm denial, light knife play, spanking, use of the word daddy(once), unprotected sex, brief degradation, choking, light blood play, J style fluff, ages 18+
This sort of popped into my head while I was watching a scary movie. I'm a sucker for watching horror movies in the dark. Let's just say my self indulgences deff kicked in with this one whew! Also forewarning, it’s very long.
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The month of October has always been a favorite for you. That time of the year when Autumn is in full effect. The air outside is cooled down, where it's not too hot and not quite cold yet. Seasonal items return with a comeback, available to stock up on- whether they be edible goodies or scented candles. Then, of course, there's Halloween. Or spooky season, as the kids like to call it.
That special time where watching horror movies is an absolute must. Ordering takeout, nothing on but panties and an oversized tee, cuddling on the couch with a blanket, turning out all of the lights, and blasting the volume on the television to get the full effect. Yeah, it's one of your most prized traditions.
You and Joker have been together for well over year now. Let's just say he was around this time last year. He knew of your passion for this month, but he hasn't fully experienced it with you. Since that was a point where your relationship- if that's what you want to call it- was still fresh. Too early to establish complete trust and understanding in one another. Actually, you believe that still may be the case for J.
Not that you have anything against it. He's a highly complex and guarded man, he has a difficult time trusting people. In fact, he doesn't. But he's allowed you- and no one else- to come this close into his life, and it's pretty damn close. He trusts you enough and he's trying. There's nothing you'd ever do to betray that. You've come to accept it'll take a longer period before you'd get there fully.
Though it can be rough sometimes, you've had your fair share of fights. But he's never given you a reason to leave. You trust him, you've grown to love him. And while J would never confess to it, would never say it aloud, he adores you. He shows it in everything that he does for you. As for love, you've become aware and accepted that the word doesn't apply to him. He can't love. And that's okay.
Fast forward over to now, already a week into October. It's a Saturday night, and you're ready to continue your cherished routine, but with your beloved J. You've only watched two horror flicks thus far. Both nights had been alone, minus him and the takeout. He's been busy with his usual chaotic jobs, which kept him out later hours into the night. However you don't care about that right now, he called and informed you that he'll be home for tonight's showing.
"An' don't ah, don't ya dare start without me." J warned on the other end of the phone line.
"Well then you better hurry back," you playfully teased into the phone, "I already ordered the pizza and the movie is set to play."
That conversation ended about forty minutes ago. You sat on the couch in your shared apartment, waiting for him. Everything good to go, pizza has arrived, scented candles are lit, movie ready to proceed at the click of a button, and the lights are off- save for the small lamp by the entryway. The overall setting feeling eerily, just how you like it. It also feels quite romantic, which is a bonus.
You're wearing one of J's dress shirts with a blush thong underneath. Wrapped snug in a huge fluffy blanket in your designated spot(rightfully decided by you as this was your apartment first). Since he prefers to keep the apartment cold, you tend to get chilly a lot. Which was fine considering you have J and a vast selection of blankets to keep you warm. Currently, you have the blanket. All that's missing is J.
What's taking him so long? I'm gonna start the movie, I don't care. He'll just have to deal with it.. and I'm not rewinding it either.
You began to ponder while sitting in silence. Fingers tapping impatiently on the remote, debating whether or not you should carry on without him. With a loud huff, you glance over at the pizza box on the small table directly in front of you. In the amount of time you've waited, you managed to eat two slices already.
Then, you heard the familiar ruffling noise at the front door. The sound of the lock hurriedly being turned getting you to shoot your eyes towards it without moving your head. The door swings open and in walks J in all his glory, quickly shutting and locking the closure behind him.
"I'm home-ah!" A lilt in his voice as he exaggerates his arrival.
"You're late," you return displeasingly.
He narrows his glare at you, "well uh, hello to you too."
Rolling your eyes, you motion with your fingers, "I was this close to starting the movie without you. What took you so long?"
J works on shrugging off his plum trench coat. "What can I say? It was such a ah, easy breeze to get here." He throws sarcastically.
Shaking your head, you laugh, "I'm sorry J, I didn't mean to sound rude. I just missed you is all." You really do appreciate the extra efforts he goes through to make sure he gets here safe and undetected. To not be traced or followed. Be it by his fellow rivals, Gotham police, and in some cases- the Batman.
"Yeah doll, I know," he licks his lips, "I know." You watch him remove a few of his other articles to get more comfortable. His face paint isn't too disheveled which tells you his day went rather smoothly. Or as he prefers to call it- boring.
You open up the blanket to make space for him. Patting the empty spot right next to you, "hurry and get over here, pizza's getting cold."
Left in his purple slacks, dress shirt, and socks, he shuts off the last light before making his way over to plop onto the couch next to you. He allows you to snuggle against him. With the cover behind him, he doesn't feel the need to wrap himself in it. You, on the other hand, have your end burrito wrapped over you. Finally, you stick your hand out the blanket to hit play on the remote.
Twenty minutes in, you were beginning to grow less and less interested in the film. Nothing but a predictable storyline with a bunch of weak jump scares. Not to mention the overly cheesy acting. Though it wasn't completely terrible, it had a few good points to it. However this film probably won't make it onto your rewatch list. You failed to previously read the reviews for this one like you normally would when picking a new movie to watch. The plot sounded good when you had read it. Oh well, you gave it a shot.
J wasn't fond of the movie either. He's actually more bored of it than you are. Occasionally would he exhale blatantly or comment on one of the bad moments that came across. This. Is. Torture. He thought to himself staring blankly at the screen. And not the good kind. Alas, he'll bite his tongue and miserably sit through another hour because it is your movie night, and he knows how much this means to you.
You can't help but feel bad for having him sit through this with you- for you. Soon, you lost total interest in the film and your mind began to drift.. elsewhere. To his hand, resting freely between your soft thighs. His palm feels so warm against your flesh. But that's just J- always giving off heat. He's like your own personal heater. Sometimes warming you to the point you don't even need a blanket because it becomes too hot. Speaking of which, you removed the cover, preferring his signature warmth over the fabric's any day.
Your fingers start to brush lightly on his wrists and knuckles. The subtle touch earns you half smile followed with a pleased hum, which you see in your peripheral vision. He hasn't caught on yet, but your need for him is building fast.
You scooch closer to him in attempt to get his hand where you need it most without him catching on just yet. It didn't work, his hand isn't touching you. It's right there, mere millimeters away. Thinking about how amazing his hands feel when he touches you. When he grants you with friction as he rubs your throbbing clit. The wonderful spots he reaches when he relentlessly fucks you with those paint speckled fingers. Curling them deep, making you writhe and cry beneath him.
Clamping his wrist, your breath hitches at the thought. Shit. That was audible. For a split second, you thought you might have blown it. But Joker took it as something from the film frightening you.
"Quiet doll," he shushes, "you an' I both know the ah, movie ain't scary."
Fuck, you can't take it anymore. You want him to touch you. With a slight roll of your hips, you manage to get his hand to brush against your clothed heat. The smallest bit of friction causes you to release a muffled whimper.
J's arm stiffens and his face instantly snaps to look at you. You seize, halting your movement. No question, he felt what you did, sees the burning desperation in your eyes. Tossing his head back, he erupts in a delighted, high pitched cackle. "Oh-" more cackling laughter as he glances at you again, "so that's what that was." A malicious smirk spreads his scarred cheeks. He firmly grips the inside of your thigh, pulling you against him. "What happened bunny? Growin' needy?" Cupping your clothed mound, his fingers rub you teasingly.
"Yeah," you admit, taking your bottom lip between your teeth. Tightening your thighs around his wrist. Would've been no use lying to him when he'd easily seen and felt otherwise.
His rubbing comes to an abrupt stop. He taunts, "Ahh, this was your idea, hm. You were the one keen on a movie night, remember?"
"I know, but-"
"Ah-ta-ta," He cuts you off, "But nothing. This is what ya wanted, so that's what we'll do. We'll ah, sit here and watch."
Suddenly, he lifts you, effortlessly moving you into his lap. You yelp as your back is pressed flush against his torso. He separates your legs apart, you can feel his cock beginning to harden under you, pushing into the plush of your ass. One hand wraps around your chest, to roughly knead your breasts. The other slides under the shirt, gliding over your abdomen, down between your legs. To rub harsh circles on your excited clit through the thinly soaked fabric of your underwear.
"Ahh- fuck!" You whine, throwing your head back to rest on his shoulder, reaching around to grip his green locks.
J starts to kiss and nip his way down your neck. Leaving dark patches into your skin, accompanied by red and white splotches- completely marking you. Once he was satisfied with his marks, he leans closely by your ear. "You're dripping, doll," he whispers huskily, his hot breath brushing against your neck. "Now, you will sit here and watch the flick like a good girl, while I play with this needy little cunt of yours. No fussin' or fightin'. Got it?"
"Mhm, yes sir," you answer. Biting back the urge to smile at the thought of finally getting what you want. Fighting it off because, let's be real here, you know with J, it never comes along that easy. But he always makes it damn well worth it.
"Good, now sit still." He growls lowly onto your neck. With that, he pushed your panties to the side and began his torture. His fingers transitioning from fucking your aching hole to rubbing the drenched digits on your throbbing clit. Whispering twistingly sweet and dirty words into your ear while he slathers your own arousal all over your pussy.
He'd bring you close, on the verge of your orgasm, only to stop his movements entirely. Tearing it away from you before you could fall over that edge into pure ecstasy. You grew more and more frustrated each time he'd do that. Though you haven't fully, but you're rapidly losing your composure. Which already may be broken. Sweat is forming on your hairline, tears are prickling your eyes, your breath is starting to hitch. Starting to want it so bad you're teetering towards retaliating to get what you crave.
Joker's counting on it. He thrives on edging you, demands the control over you. As much as he prefers having you entirely at his mercy, he likes it when you lash back. Finds it rather amusing, makes for something a little bit more interesting. See how far you'll go before you snap so beautifully.
And that's now.
You start to buck your hips against his fingers that are going in and out of your pussy, along with his thumb assaulting your clit. Feeling that powerful knot reforming, you need to orgasm. "Oh f-fuck! Please!" You start pleading, "I-I can't take it anymore. Please J, l-let me cum!"
"You wanna cum?" He hints, removing his chin from your neck.
"Yes, God- yes please!" You cry out, clawing your nails into his thighs. Clamping down to gain better leverage. The wild rolling of your hips gets your ass brushing more against his hardened cock. Your arousal had already soaked through his pants a long time ago.
"Fuck," he hisses through gritted teeth, digging his fingers hard into your hip that's sure to leave an array of dotted bruises. He bucks absently into you, licking a wet, hot trail up your neck. "Mm, dirty girl. So you wanna play that game-ah?"
He moves his fingers faster and harder. Even over the loud volume from the television could the wet squelching sounds deriving from his ministrations be heard. The air filled with the scent of sex- your sex. So desperate and ready to let go and orgasm. It's driving you crazy.
"P-please- Ahh! Can I cum?" You plead. Hoping he'll reward you at least for asking.
"You can cum. Go on, babygirl. Cum on my fingers." He finally grants, fingers continuing to get you to ecstasy.
Well you didn't have to be told twice.
You release with a broken cry, orgasm gushing out onto his digits. Drenching the fabric of his pants beneath you. Your body spasming madly over his own while you ride out your high.
Coming down, J removed his hand from your pussy. His fingers are glistening, coated in your cum. He sticks them into your mouth. "Clean my fingers of the mess you made," he growls the command in your ear. Groaning in approval when you comply. Eagerly licking and sucking his digits clean of your juices. "Come here," he grabs your face, turning your head, making you look at him. "Give me a taste."
He kisses you, shoving his tongue into your mouth to savor the taste of your delectable juices. You kiss him back feverishly. One hand fisting in his hair, the other goes to stroke his cock. Still clothed, still hard. The action causing him to snarl against your lips, "such a greedy little thing. Always ah, wanting more. Ya just can't get enough of me, huh?"
"Never," you huff with a grin, "and telling by this-" you rub him again, "neither could you." His eyes snap to glare into yours viciously. Ohh, he's gonna make you pay for that snarky remark.
With hasty movements, J turns you around so that you're now facing him. Straddling his lap. He tears the shirt that adorned your body open, buttons flying to scatter the couch and floor. Someone's gonna have to sew those back on later, most likely you. He removes the shirt from you, carelessly tossing it aside.
With the large article gone, it granted him with a better view of the mess you made on his custom, pricey slacks. His entire crotch and thigh area is completely drenched in your juices. He gave a sigh which tried to make him sound annoyed or displeased. However, with the straining bulge pushing against you below, you know that was far from the case. His eyes traveled to land on your barley covered pussy, he groaned at the sight. The flimsy fabric of your thong sticking to one of your wonderful, wet lips. Your orgasm, still dribbling out your cunt.
He hooked a finger under the thin strap hugging your hip, pulling far enough only to have it fall and snap against you. Chuckling at your slightly startled reaction. "Bad girl. Misbehaving, talking back, making a mess of my pants? These aren't exactly 'buy at the store' ready. Maybe I should put your dirty mouth to use and have you suck your own juices up, hm?"
"I misbehaved?" You mock a pout, fully knowing what you did. Regardless, asking anyway.
His kneads the plush of your ass roughly. The callousness of his hands making you shiver in his grasp. You may think this position is in your favor, that you could use it to your advantage. But Joker's got you right where he wants you. The stern look in his blackened eyes and the firm hold he's got on you make that known. "You ah- were supposed to make it through the film without so much as a fuss. Remember that?"
"I was?" Your fingers ghost up his chest, "I don't remember that part." Now you're pushing it. He notices the smile threatening to creep your face. One of his hands shoots up to grasp a fistful of your hair, yanking your head back, exposing your marked neck.
"Yes," he acknowledges slowly trailing his lips up your throat, "yes you do. You just chose to be a brat and not listen." His tone is dangerous, and it would've been absolutely frightening had you been anyone else instead of the only person he cares about in his life. Even though he'd never verbally admit that, frustrating as it is for him, he does care. He does. Which is why whenever you feel that tingle dubbed as fear creep up your spine, you still hold assurance. The flesh of his scars brush the underside of your chin, making you moan unabashedly. "Ya know I gotta punish you for that."
J uses his hold on your hair and hip to guide you to lay over his lap, your naked stomach pressed against his wet thighs, and most of all, his erection. He reaches over to the small table beside the couch, plucking an item you assume to be one of his signature knives. The distinct clicking sound indicates you were correct. It's a switchblade.
He drags the razor sharp blade along your spine until it reaches your underwear, almost on the verge of slicing into you. The thrill gets your heart pounding faster in your chest and ears. You love it when he cuts you, and he's aware of that. But this is a punishment, so you won't be getting what you want.. least not yet. Placing it under the strap, he tears the article to shreds, carelessly nicking you a few times in the process. Alright, so the little nicks he can't control. Those just come naturally. Tossing the ruined fabric aside, he palms your ass cheeks, favoring a spot to start spanking. "Count. We'll ah, stop when I decide you've had enough."
His palm came down hard against your ass, sending an electrifying jolt through your entire body causing you to yelp. "One!" You count. The stinging grew worse with each spank. He hit you hard, but it wasn't anything you couldn't bare. Warm tears steamed down your reddened cheeks. It hurt in a wonderful way, your pussy leaking more arousal as it progressed. He continued to spank you until he grew bored of hearing the same cries and whines.
"Last one bunny," he subtly praised, soothing over the bright marks in your flesh that are starting to welt and bruise. With that, his hand came down a final time. This one stinging the worst.
"Fif- fifteen." You manage to rasp, mind overcome with the lust you had building up. At this point you need him inside you. You need his cock buried deep in your aching core and you need him now. "Please f-fuck me J. I need you!" Your body arched into his as you begged.
J snickered, "need me huh? How bad?" His hand went back to your abused ass to shove you forward, so that your pelvis was atop his as he purposely rolled his erection against your painfully heated sex. The friction drawing a long, strained moan from your lips which pleased him. "Tell me bunny. How, how bad do ya need my cock?"
"Bad- oh so fucking bad- I need your cock! P-Please J, please daddy, fuck me!" You practically shout, resorting to the word daddy. A word which you hardly use, but do when need be. And now was a time of great need.
A snarl left his lips as he yanks you off briefly to undo his pants and shove them down. His cock finally free from the uncomfortable confines, he sighs with relief as he takes it into his hand, pumping a few times. The tip, red and angry with his precum beading out. "Get over here now," he growls impatiently.
Wasting no time, you swing your leg over both of his, reclaiming your previous place of straddling him. You grabbed-rather pawed- his shoulders for leverage. His thick head lines up with your dripping entrance, then he pulls you down, driving his length inside with a powerful thrust. Knocking the wind from you as he filled you. Fuck, how he stretched you so good.
After a brief second for you both to adjust- you to his size and him to recompose himself- he instructs you to- "Move."
To which you do. Rapidly bouncing yourself up and down on his cock. Unashamed at the loud moans and whimpers continuously leaving your lips. This was exactly what you needed, and having been denied lots tonight it felt amazing to finally have this. You moved like your life depended on it.
J grunted as he met your thrusts with his languid ones, his hands guiding the movement of your hips. He held back from pounding into you, oh how he's going to pound into you, just not yet. Which means he's definitely in the mood to tease you to an extent, in any and every way that he can. What an asshole.. Your asshole.
Your arms went to wrap around him. To your surprise, he didn't shove them off. Instead, his chin went to rest in the crook of your neck, catching glimpse of the illuminated TV screen. The movie was still on.
"Mhm, you're just a horny little slut, aren't ya?" He sneered. "Can't even get through a movie without having my cock inside of ya."
There was no way you could give him a proper response. So wrapped were you in the exhilarating feeling of him that any words to a sentence you tried to form wouldn't come out. What did manage to slip out was muddled babbling. He snickered at your incoherence.
The female protagonist on the screen started to scream. The shrieking noise caught both your attention, though your actions didn't falter. "This woman's a terrible actor," J criticized the lady, "her scream is so fake, wouldn't you agree?"
"Yes- ah," you return finding your voice, "It s-sure is."
He removed one hand from your hip, gliding it up the valley between your breasts to grip your neck. Glaring menacingly into your eyes momentarily before muttering, "I think you could give me a better one." You knew from his low tone that something malicious just popped into his head. His fingers tightened, "Let's see if you could scream louder than the girl on the screen. Can ya do that for me sweets?"
You nodded feverishly within his hold, "yes J."
Satisfied with the answer, he began driving his cock vigorously up into you. The harsh slapping of skin heard as his hips pound mercilessly against your own. The spontaneous change of pace left you almost completely breathless. Your orgasm was fast approaching. Eyes squeezing shut as he fucked you relentlessly. You screamed, "Oh fuck!"
Your beautiful screams rang harmoniously in his ears like a favored tune. That he could play on repeat over and over and never grow tired of hearing. Your screams and moans are definitely his favorite sounds, aside from explosions and gunfire. He can't help but want more. Crave more.
"Come on doll, get louder," he teases, "I know ya could do better than that." He went to tug your head to the side, exposing the junction between your neck and shoulder. Sinking his yellowed teeth in, biting down hard to draw blood. That was just the push you needed. Your eyes roll back and your walls clench tightly around his length, releasing a shattering scream as you cum violently around his cock.
J lapped the fresh blood from where he bit you. "Hm, that's it," he groaned, "now that's a real scream." He kept going, his pace never letting up. In fact, soon as your hands went to tug at his hair did his thrusts speed up.
You yank his head from your neck to look into his intoxicating eyes, moving to glance towards your blood on his lips. Crashing them with yours to taste that savory metallic flavor for yourself. You take his bottom lip between your teeth and bite down harshly, earning a rumbling groan from him.
He's getting closer and closer to his own peak as you're nearing another. When you feel his thumb move to rub rigorous circles on your sensitive clit, you release his lip with a sharp cry. "J!"
Your walls clamping painfully tight around his throbbing dick, vision blurring as you cum. Nails digging into his broad chest, probably creating tiny bruises under the shirt.
He relishes in the pinch of pain you give him. Combined together with your sinful noises, the sight of your face contorted in ecstasy, and the feeling of your tight warm walls. With that, he buries himself in you and cums hard. A moan mixed with a groan like noise slipping from his lips while he shoots his hot load into your cervix. So much, that some leaks out while you milk him of every last drop.
J collects his breath before lifting your weight up to slip out of you. Your pussy lips are so swollen that his cum isn't even able to drip down once he's out. He sets you onto the couch beside him, getting up to go into the restroom to clean himself and grab a damp rag to bring back to you.
As you regain yourself, you manage to sit a little more up on the couch. Wincing, trying not to sit up all the way due to the soreness already starting to form between your legs. You wrap the blanket around your naked form and silently contemplate. The sex was amazing sure, but you still felt bad for ruining movie night with a terrible movie.
The sound of J coming back in hadn't even registered with you until he waved his hand in your view, tearing you from your thoughts. You blink quickly, offering him a smile to hide it. But J had already seen the small frown when he walked back. And he wanted to know the reason behind it, since it was out of the ordinary. Usually you're always smiling in your post orgasmic state.
"What's carving a frown in ya, pumpkin?" He asks, a hint of concern in his tone as he hands you the small towel. The strange nickname causes you to giggle and he eases knowing you're alright.
"It's nothing J," you say shyly, "I'm just.. I'm sorry the movie sucked. I promise I'll pick a better one next time."
He hums, saying nothing else as he sits back down beside you. Draping his arm behind the couch behind you. Blankly watching the last of the movies end credits while you clean yourself with the rag.
You start to laugh again, "Well, now I really wanna carve a pumpkin. This place could use a couple. How about tomorrow I get some for us to carve?"
He grins sinisterly, "ya know, I'm usually carving into people."
"Pumpkins are less messy. Like, way less." You playfully respond.
"I like messy," he huffs.
"Yeah I know you do." You smile knowingly at him, lightly tracing the hexagonal patterns on his shirt. "I thought it would be fun. You don't have to if you don't want to."
J licks his scars as he ponders on it. Any activity having to do with a carving into something with a knife, count him in. "Ah, what the hell. Alright. What better way then to uh, help me spruce up on my slicing skills." He traces his hand out in front of him, as if he were carving a smile into something. This action causes you to release a genuine laugh. And in that moment, J relishes in hearing yet another one of his favorite sounds~
Woah, so that's the end! I hope you guys liked it. Again, sorry that it was so long. I can't help but make these super lengthy when it comes to smut😭
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babbushka · 4 years
Hello dearest! Could i request a combo of ‘grabbing the butt while hugging’ and ‘picking up while hugging’ with Pale? I miss that hunk
(1.1k, NSFW-ish: Public groping, getting handsy, fingering, exhibitionism) 
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He’s scribblin’ some notes down on the sheet music on stage, when there’s a tap on his shoulder. With an annoyed sigh, he sucks down a long drag of his cigarette, careful not to let ash fall over the keys of the grand piano he’s been playing away and rehearsing at for the better part of the afternoon, and lets out a snappish, “What?”
It’s only then that he hears a familiar chuckle, and a pair of even more familiar hands smooth around his chest, as the face of his favorite girl peeks at him from around his shoulder, and you grin at him with a twinkle in you eye.
“You know you ought’a start bein’ a little nicer to people.” You point out, and Pale would have a comeback for that, if he weren’t so surprised that you’re here.
Getting off the piano bench, Pale stands up to his full height in front of you. He wraps you in a tight hug, lifting you clean off the floor, your ankles criss-crossing in the air as you laugh and hug him back. In typical Pale fashion, he squeezes the flesh of your ass with one of those baseball mitts he calls a hand, kneading at it for a moment or two before he sets you back down onto the floor.
“Baby girl what the fuck are you doin’ here? I thought you had work today – you ain’t cuttin’ your shift just to visit this ugly mug, you better fuckin’ not be because I thought I told you to save up them vacation days of yours for the trip I booked for us and I’d be real fuckin’ pissed if – ”
“I’m not cuttin’ my shift, I promise. Fish called me up and gave me the rest of the day off’s’all. Thought I’d come over here and see if I couldn’t keep you company.” You smile at him, pulling the cigarette out of his mouth for a second to give him a kiss.
Pale huffs and smacks your ass, chasing your lips for another kiss before he snatches the cigarette back, and sits down on the bench, facing away from the piano to get a good look at you.
“You went on the subway like that?” He asks, eyeing you up and down. You bit back a smile – it didn’t matter what you wore, Pale would think it’s too sexy for the general populous, they didn’t deserve seein’ you in all your glory, even if that glory was a sweatsuit.
As it stood, you thought you’d dress up for your man, in a short short short skirt and blouse set that had him rakin’ over your legs slowly, eyes then flickin’ up to yours.
“Mhm.” You nodded, wriggling your shoulders at him suggestively, watching the way that muscle in his jaw jumps, watching how he chews on the inside of his cheek.
One of his hands trails up up up the inside of your thigh, until you can fee the warmth of his palm skating just below your pussy. You smile, because you can see the exact minute that he realizes you ain’t wearing any panties.
“Nobody gave you any problems, did they?” He demands at once, and you shake your head, spreading your legs ever so subtly for him, that hand of his pinching and grabbing at your thigh.
“Nope.” You take a step toward him, “I gave ‘em a real mean stare, just the way you always do.”
“Oh now we’re doin’ impressions, huh? Alright let me see, show me this mean stare of mine.” Pale demands, and you shake out the muscles in your cheeks because there ain’t no smilin’ when it comes to Pale, and you give him a real nasty look that has him nodding with appreciation. “Well fuckin-A baby, that’s a pretty impressive impression.”
Ego blooming, Pale pulls you down onto his lap fully, swiveling the two of you around to face the piano once more. Instead of touching the keys though, he just keeps touching you. Even though the two of you are on stage, that doesn’t stop him, his hands groping at your tits, giving them a squeeze.
“Did you miss me?” You kiss his cheek, right on one of his beauty marks.
“Miss you? Did I miss you? Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me kid of course I missed you – every second of every fuckin’ day I ain’t with you I miss you get the fuck over here – miss you, shit you think I like sittin’ in this auditorium all day long away from you?” Pale gets offended at that, yanks you even closer, impossibly closer, those hands of his gettin’ such a grip on your thighs, your tits, your ass, that you’re sure you’re gonna bruise.
“Mhm, I think you like makin’ me wait for you to come home.” You tease him anyway, knowing how easy it is to rile him up. He’s getting a little too riled though, because without so much as a look around to make sure the coast is clear, he’s pushing two fingers into your pussy, making you suck in a breath. “Pale, honey? Don’t you think you should take me somewhere nice and cozy?”
“Nah, I think I’ve got you right where I fuckin’ want you, let me show you what these hands can do.” Pale smirks, smokes and smokes his cigarette.
He fingers you slowly, discreetly – or at least as discreet as he can be on stage in the theater. It ain’t even an empty theater, people workin’ there getting ready for some concert in a few days. You gasp gently, and Pale grins, sharklike and mean, fingering you just long enough to get you almost to the edge of coming, before pulling away.
Pale sucks the slick off his fingers, and kisses you real deep.
“You’re awful, you know that?” You chuckle against his lips, before trying to slide off his lap.
“Hey where the fuck d’ya think you’re going?” He only frowns and grabs at your wrist, not wanting you away from him.
“Just, letting you practice.” You shrug, knowing that he’s got to get to work for a concert of his own.
“I don’t think so – I practice better with you next to me, get the hell over here.” Pale shakes his head and tugs you right back down onto the bench, this time next to him instead of on top of him.
And you know that little admissions like that aren’t something Pale gives up too often, so you stay sitting by his side as he begins to play the piano, a dreamy smile on your face as you listen along to his music – until you realize the real reason he wants you here: the vibrations of the piano go straight through you.
Pale knows it, you know he knows it, he knows you know he knows it, and as you try not to sigh, still on the cusp of coming, you can’t help but think you’re so glad that you decided to visit him today.
Tagging some friends! @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @sunflowersinthesnow @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks @mousemakingjam @littleevilme13 @leillaa @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl
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sparetimeimagines · 4 years
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Weakness | Bakugou Katsuki
tags; fluff, angst, hospital, ptsd
Part 1
He didn’t know how much longer they were going to keep you apart. His fingers were tapping. His body aching. His heart pounding.
He just wanted to see you. What was so difficult about that?
Another hour passed when he finally gave up.
The surgery was taking longer than he expected. How difficult could it be to sear someone up? The tissue is gone. The bone is gone.
The light indicating surgery is in session fades to off and immediately his attention is stolen, much like his heart those years ago.
“She was beautiful. Not the beautiful plastered on magazines and tv commercials. Beautiful like the flower. Organic. Delicate to the touch.”
From the moment Katsuki laid eyes on you, it frustrated him. He didn’t understand why you were so important. Why is it you out of everyone in the room that caught his attention? Some quirkless nobody.
“Hey Dumbass.” They were the first words you heard.
Bright lights, the anesthesia was wearing off and the machine let off a beat that was endless.
Those bold crimson eyes trace your body like they always had, but this time he felt different.
Guilt. Shame. He should have been there.
His hand raises but instantly he retreats.
How can he touch you? How can he deserve to feel your smooth skin under his callused finger tips?
Instead, he relies on his eyes.
They pay attention to every detail. The bruise on your cheek some of the bastard struck you. The burns on your arms from the tight rope he insisted on keeping you still. Bandaged up left hand that gives the illusion of a fist.
It was everything he feared. Well, at least you’re alive.
“Ka-” you start, but then realize your voices is weak. Maybe it’s not the best thing to speak right now. Instead, you watch him with your lazy eyes.
Instead of seeing the love in his eyes, you see hate. Disgust.
After all that time of waiting to see you -Begging to see you- he leaves.
The man you owe your life to storms out the room, slamming the door on his way, leaving you wondering what you did wrong. Your eyes travel down your body and you begin to remember everything that’s happened. Bit by bit, piece by piece you realize that there’s a part of your life that will never be the same again.
The nurses came in, adjusted your IVs and the doctor even made an appearance.
They were kind and generous with their time.
It started with the warnings. Like how you will have nerve damage. How you will still feel nerves in areas of your body where you shouldn’t. How you will never wear a wedding band on the proper finger.
That must’ve been the reason why Kacchan left.
But what they didn’t tell you is how to explain to someone that bad things happen when it’s not their fault.
The room went silent once you were alone despite the beeping from the machine.
Being left alone with your thoughts was the last thing you wanted right now.
When was he coming back?
Was Katsuki coming back?
The door opens with a knock, much softer and collected than anything Suki was capable of.
In walks the darkest of green hairs you’ve seen on a person with the heart the largest you’ll will ever find.
He returns your weak smile ends step closer to the bedside.
“Y/N.“ His soft eyes welled up with tears however he clears his throat to hold him back. “I’m so glad you’re ok.” His hands slowly creep close to yours, trying not to irritate the IV.
It was a simple friendship you formed as children. Back then, you both were quirkless in a superhero world. It was something simple to bond over. You didn’t feel so alone.
“I see you’re covered in bruises.“ You crack a small joke just to lighten the tension, and a tear threatens to fall.“Aww Deku... don’t ever change.“ His soft face brings peace to mind for a brief second before you check back at the door, your face drops.
“I would never.“ Midoriya brings his soft smile to your attention until he notices something’s still wrong. His eyes glance down at your hand then back to your face which is bruised.
“Your hand…”
“Yeah, Deku“ you pause raising your left hand for the first time since surgery. Your eyes study each dressing that secures the casing meant for healing.
“They told me it’s never going to be the same again.“
They must be pushing some kind of drug to take away the pain...
“But I guess I already knew that... you know... since I was there when it happened.”
“I’m really sorry.“ He says closely watching the injured limb. “I should’ve been there for you. You must’ve been so scared.“
“I was.“
He doesn’t say anything for a short moment, time passes when one thing comes to mind.
“Midoriya.” You start, gathering the courage to ask him what you really wanted to say. “Did you see Kacchan?”
You pause for a moment yet he doesn’t say anything until his eyes match mine.
“Y-yeah.” He chokes. “He was running out as I came in.”
So he really did leave...
Midoriya sits in silence as you observe your hand.
“I don’t understand, Deku.” You start, watching the clock on the wall tick. “Why would he leave me?”
“Don’t think of it like that, Y/n. I think he’s just afraid.”
“Kacchan’s never been afraid, Deku.”
“I wouldn’t believe that, Y/N.”
“I don’t know what to believe.”
Yelling and loud commotions distract the conversation to the hallway.
Your eyes grow heavy from the medication as the yelling comes closer.
“Sir visiting hours at this time is for immediate family only. You-” The nurse is cut off by the harsh voice yelling in the hall.
“I am her only family.” He replies winded, passing the nurse to find Midoriya and you.
“Sir.” The nurse warns.
“Deku, what the hell are you doing here? Get lost, you Nerd.” He shoves past Midoriya, putting distance between the two of you.
The nurse stands in the doorway with her arms crossed.
“Visiting hours are over.”
Midoriya immediately abides by the rules while Katsuki refuses standing his ground.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“She needs her rest.”
Midoriya meets the nurse at the door and asks to speak with her outside the room leaving you two alone.
“I’m back. I’m sorry. I’m not leaving you again.” He reaches for your hand then hesitates seeing the IV.
“It’s ok, Suki.”
He notices your eyes and realizes you’re wearing down.
“Are you ok, Petal?” His voice softens while his touch is sensitive.
Your lips form into a firm line and you manage to move over.
“Lay with me tonight.” Weakly, you pat the uncomfortable mattress. “I don’t want to be alone.”
The blond grunts and climbs into the bed without hesitation, aware of your injuries and comfort.
His head against the pillow, he flattens his back enough to pull you into his arms.
“You’re my everything, Y/N.” He mumbles into your hair leaving his lips pressed against your forehead. “You make me weak.” He mumbles.
“I do what?” You must not be hearing this right.
“That’s not what I meant.” He sighs. “You’re my weakness.”
Bakugou presses his head atop yours and embraces his silence. His rough fingertips gently slide over the wounds randomly scattered across your skin.
“You know I went crazy trying to find you.“
For once he’s actually keeping his tone low. You weren’t sure if it was how he’s trying to hide the fact that he’s soft on the inside or if it’s something else. “I couldn’t sleep. There’s no way I could’ve relaxed knowing that bastard had you.“
He pauses brushing the hair out of your face. “I had to find you. There’s no one in this world that means as much to me as you do.“
At that moment it wasn’t the aggressive explosion everyone is used to.
At that moment his guard was down and all he saw was you.
“The media got word. They were trying to break in the hospital to see you. They want pictures of you with your wounds. I had to do something about it.” His voice turns into his aggression, his anger begins to make a comeback when you squeeze his hand.
“When I left. I forced them to leave. They were…” he struggles. “They were talking about your parents. Calling them fallen heroes. Said that bastard murdered your family... This was their chance for a shot of glory. I wasn’t gonna let them turn you in to nothing.”
There’s so many emotions going through his system; he can’t decide on which he wants to use.
Anger. Guilt. Disgust.
“I wanted to do this the right way. Lights, candles, by the water the way you like. Under the gazebo where you can see the stars. I wanted everything to be perfect.” He stops to look at your damaged hand. “But... now, I realize time is so valuable, and life is so vulnerable. You’re my family and you mean everything to me.” He starts to get choked, and even though you’re the one who needs help, you are the one who needs to be taken care of, YOU are the one who’s making sure he is ok.
“Let me finish!“ He chokes with a short fuse. “Let me finish.“ He repeats himself with a much softer voice, hardly over whisper. You look to him and he has a soft smile almost hidden behind his angry eyes.
“Petal, I’ve loved you since we were kids. Since we were so young we didn’t know what love was. When I couldn’t find you, I was devastated. I didn’t understand that you were everything I’ve ever wanted. When there was a chance that i would never see you again, I felt a part of me break.” His voice is choking once more. “Great now I sound like some nerd.” he chuckles sniffling away his tears.
“You bring out the side of me that’s so dangerous and I wanted nothing more than to see you smile. You scare me; and nothing scares me in this world.“ He gets frustrated and pulls out an object from his pocket.
“Look, I’m trying to say I love you. And I never wanna see anything happen to you. I know things have happened, and our lives may never be the same again but I’m willing to work at it if you are.”
From his pocket he exposes a black velvet box. It’s small in his hand but you couldn’t believe your eyes.
The beautiful diamond that sat in the ring was more than anything you could’ve ever asked for.
“I saw it and immediately thought of you. It’s you. It’s you.”
By now he’s sobbing. Like the diamond, unlike any thing you’ve ever seen before, the energy he’s giving off, everything that he said would’ve fooled you into believing he’s somebody else.
“Who are you?” You ask, looking from his face to his hands and back to his face again. He chokes and sits up straight.
“Your husband if you let me.”
The machine beside you begins to be wildly, and the nurse along with Midoriya who is outside we came rushing in, exposing the moment between you and Bakugo.
“Get out you nerd.” He yells Midoriya who stutters.
“N-no. I need to see what she says.” The moment of bravery from the green one has you confused. The ring in the blond’s hands and shocked look on the green one’s face leaves you speechless.
“Well what do you say?“ Bakugou flushes from his cheeks and all you can do is nod.
“I promise you. When everything gets straightened out, I’ll make you the happiest person in the world.”
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the-nysh · 4 years
Ch133 WEBCOMIC SPOILERS!! Raw live reaction incoming!
~   ~   ~
Oh my god it’s only the first page (continued right where the last ch left off) and I’m already losing it from ONE teasing his shadowed face like this! ;o;
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Aaaaaa ONE knows exactly what he’s doing here, but.....FUCK!!!
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The Neo Heroes just went directly for the kill like that!?! D8 Not cool!
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YESYESS!!? LOOK AT THAT!! (awesome fakeout~) Ohh we’re going for it now~
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HIS FACE finally revealed! ;o; It’s shining and brilliant!!!!! (ONE you really drew him like that!) Also did he just...casually spit out one of those darts aimed at his face like that too...!? Ok, now I’m really cryin! 8′D
This...THISSSS ...panel montage!!!
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For only just a split-second....!
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OOOOOHHHHHHHH!!! BAM Fucking LOOK AT HIMMM ;A; with that posture effortlessly sweeping thru the masses~ (And who said post-arc Garou wouldn’t have any more fight left in him :’D)  
Ah wait, Suiryu was just observing from a building on the sidelines (also whoops there goes the moving coworker screaming & running away~)
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Suiryu flips down to join in but this is an interesting reaction! 👀
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OSHIT IT’S REALLY HAPPENING!! Actual webcomic Garou vs Suiryu!! ;A; ONE’s going for it!!!
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HELLO!!!! (Also I recognize this counter knee move from some of Murata’s choreography before~)
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Omg what!! (those pushed back skid marks!)
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OMG WHUT! Suiryu throws Garou’s own moving truck at him!?! (But he catches it and gently sets it down~) But w-wait, oh no, Suiryu still aims to destroy it?! D:
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Ohhhh....shit, Suiryu you shouldn’t have broken that! D8 (Uhoh, he looks pissed)
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Harmlessly right outta the smoking wreckage too (T-1000 style~) but uhh, Suiryu you might not wanna be so smug about doing that....
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Oh okay; so Suiryu’s gonna turn his suit’s gear up a bit, huh! 8D (Increasing speed up a notch again, reminiscent of their ova before it got cut short...this time for real!)
Is he blitzing while Garou’s just tanking it, it’s hard to tell! 8′D (Since well, that would be Garou’s style to either dodge or no-sell, but not in the obvious way Saitama would by blankly telegraphing it thru his facial expressions either~)
Somehow, Suiryu’s electric powered multi-punches remind me of some panels of ONE’s machine gun blows for Genos in the past too~
Ah! Garou’s pushed back in the rubble, familiarly rises again for more ANDDD...dd??? Hrmm?!
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?!?!?!? Ok this would be a page I’d need the translation for, because it seems his coworker/boss yells (at him?), which Garou reacts to, and.....stops? :O Oh that’s interesting! :’)) (Oh no, what if they fired him for fighting in self-defense; his attempt at doing good/finishing the job ruined...;o;) Suiryu looks surprised at the abrupt stop too! But he doesn’t pursue him; just removes the broken upper-half of his suit (heh now shirtless) and looks like he reports back to HQ about what happened and reflects under the sunset.... :O
AHHHH?!?! ONE what an exciting comeback for Garou’s return!! ;A; With everything from their fight fully illustrated on panel too (no offscreen for full glory~) and yet...so much hungering for more, about what comes next and how this will affect/impact them going forward. What will become of Garou now from this altercation interrupting his duties?! Can only wait for the next update, but aaaah THANK YOU ONE for delivering! :’D How long I’ve needed this! <3 
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pearlplusau · 4 years
Chapter 6 - Part 2, The duel of swords and mind
The breaking dawn, at the sky arena.
The training arena has seen better days, due to the hundreds and thousands of sparring done by old gems and new, the once beauty of the arena is now slowly crumbling away from its glory days.
As the long, morning shadows of the pillars shifted, two pearls emerged from the dark and ready their stance at different sides of the arena. The pink pearl, looking rather engaged in the beautiful breaking of the dawn sky than the upcoming battle, was leaning on to her lance and gazing at the orange, pink hue of the morning sky.
It has been such a long time since they returned to the sky arena due to the end of the war. Coral couldn’t appreciate the breath-taking view up in the sky so high back then, due to the heavy training with the gems. Now, not so much either.
She was just about to suck in all the exquisiteness of the scenery but was cut short as she noticed the impatient white pearl at the other end, clanking the end of her staff to get the pink pearl’s attention. The white pearl, looking stern as ever, upholds a bright, glowing spear, with light smoke surrounding the point, indicating the cold air surrounding the heated weapon.
Pearl has her index finger and thumb on the bridge of her nose, looking irritated, “If you’re done dozing off into the sky like you always do, let me repeat the rules for the battle.”
She concentrated the gem on her forehead, and projected a simple visual of two figures.
“Rule 1, the battle must remain here, at the sky arena, for the entire duration of the spar. If one of us falls off the arena, the battle will be paused until the fallen warped back to the arena. Rule 2, There can only be one weapon at a time, this includes the quantity of the same weapon, even though I am ambidextrous, I will spar with only 1 staff for the sake of equality. Rule 3, the battle only ends when one of us is defeated, and when that gem is defeated, she must upload the end of the bargain. These are the main rules, if there’s no more gazing at the dawn sky, we can commence battle.” Pearl retracted her projected visual and waited for the usual questions from Coral.
This time, however, there were no questions asked. Coral was too busy trying to comprehend the rules but she felt like she got the gist of it. “Yeah, i'm good.”
“Good, we shall begin when the battle ground gets cleared up.” Pearl said, with her weapon ready.
The two pearls waited for the morning fog slowly departed from the arena, leaving the scene as clear as day, indicating the commencement of the battle.
Pearl leaped and advanced with her staff, taking the first strike on the oblivious Coral. But her battle reflexes kicked in and deflected the blow with her lance, heavy, but sturdy. The deflected pearl back flipped and landed on a wall, slightly surprised but not enough to take her down.
Coral took her stance, gripping her lance, and advanced as fast as she could. She aimed her point, but she wasn’t able to throw her weapon and Pearl easily unbalanced her aim. Almost losing the grip on the handle, she grabbed it with her other hand and defended a strike from Pearl.
When Pearl realizes it's gonna take more than sword skills to win, she turned to the next best thing, the power of the mind.  
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“You’re an old pearl, you know that? A rusty old gem, getting slower by the decade.” Pearl spoke as she took another strike, with Coral barely blocking the attack.
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The two pearls have been out of commission for a very long time, but Coral was the only one getting harder to breath.  “What’s your point, pearl?”
The two pearls parried side to side, lance vs staff, leaping around the arena like it was a mid day training session with their stance wide, lowered bodies, moving in swift motions as well as keeping their eyes on the opponent.
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Coral was starting to get out of breath, but Pearl was just getting started.
“Back in the day,” Pearl started, “When I first started as the new pearl, I was doing all the work while you prance around the court with our diamond! You’re always causing havoc whenever you’re around her, leaving me with more work of cleaning up after you! ” She slashed and parried with all her might, with her opponent barely keeping up both ends.
Coral defended, in both swordsmanship and the unfair statement. “Havoc? Ohno, we were never causing trouble! You on the other hand, can be the wettest blanket I have ever met, we were just trying to have fun once a while until you rain all over our fun little parade! Do you know how stressful she feels every day??”  
“Rain on your parade?” Pearl advanced, but barely missed and stabbed the bricked wall instead. Coral retreated and moved behind Pearl, who was struggling on getting her staff unstuck. The pink gem caught her breath and readied herself with her weapon, “Yes raining on our parade, you took my few chances to make her happy! It’s hadn’t been easy after rejection time and time again from the other diamonds of giving her a chance to prove herself!”
“Make her happy?” Pearl gritted her teeth while using all her strength and pulled out the staff, she turned and faced the pink gem, “I was able to make her happy while you were out of commission on the moon! While you were off conscious, tired from playing around with the earth simulator, I did my part and made her happy with mere pieces of wood from the planet! So it sounds like I did better than you ever could!”
Sorrow and anguish were churching inside the pink gem, she wanted to collapse down from the physical and mental exhaustion, but it looks like Pearl wasn’t done.
“And another thing!” Pearl wildly swung her staff around her, extending its length and planted it on the marble floor. “Your little nickname.” She sneered.
The minute Coral heard the intention and the tone, she became…
Coral gripped tighter on the handle and scowled with a tired, slightly breaking voice, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh please,” Pearl retorted while adjusting her stance to match her opponent’s, “Your nickname, why did you think it was given to you? Did you really think it was “fun”, “adorable”, “cute”??”
“Uhh...no.” Coral tried to think of something reasonable, “She just didn’t want it to be confusing!”
Pearl took nothing from her reply. “That’s absurd, there's one reason you didn’t get to keep your old name and you already know why.”
Coral was panting, she was tired, she was on the edge of collapse.
She couldn’t think, she couldn’t understand why it suddenly bothered her when it never did thousands of years ago!
However, she did know the answer, but she also knows that deep down, it’s not an answer she could take.
The pink gem tried to keep herself from falling over by leaning on her lance planted to the ground. She tried to think of a comeback, but the only thing coming out from her mouth is, “Oh yeah? Well…I’m older than you!”
Pearl stood with her expression darkened, she gripped her staff and muttered under her breath, “Older, yes.” She stood her ground
“But.” She directed her staff, distracting the pink gem.
“Non.” She crouched down with her leg stretched out.
“the.” She tapped into her ballet moves
“wiser!” And swiftly propel her leg under the pink gem, knocking her down.
“Oooof!” Coral on her back, her lance disappeared into light.
Pearl took the advantage and gave an order, “Now stay down! And just admit it!”
Coral was down, but she somehow had the energy and rage to exclaim, “Admit what!?”
“Just admit nothing happened to you, and that all of what you’re doing is just a ruse!”
“I would if I can REMEMBER, you’d think I’d keep something like this and let Rose worry?!”
Pearl was slightly taken aback, she was not expecting this. A battle was commenced, and there must be a price. She swung her weapon down to the pink gem’s chest, “Any last words, Coral?”
The pink gem understood her intention, she took a deep breath, and went through the memories of being a crystal gem. The training, the court surprise attacks and recruitments, the fake shattering, the joy, the grief, the pain, and now, her last battle as a member.
She exhaled, moved the point away with the back of her hand, warily got up and dusted herself with what little dignity she had left.
With her last breath as a rebellious gem, she responded, “I guess you won, fair and square, and as for my last words, here they are: There was never a ruse, I just never knew me being hanging out with her...bothered you.”
She grabbed Pearl’s hand, and continued, “But now that I won't be there to keep you guys down, I hope you can help the rest of the gem monsters and keep the planet safe, even if I won’t be a part of it anymore.”
Pearl was trying to be vigilant and cautious, but something in her couldn't bear seeing the pink gem like this.
Pearl believed Coral was telling the truth, she wanted to take back everything she said, she wanted to break their agreed rules and hug her for dear life. But before any of that could happen, the ground rumbled, shifted as the air around turned,
And angry.
Pearl retracted her hand from Coral, and stood a few feet back, seeing that the entire arena was shaking with the familiar buzz and growl.
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In the distance, a flying figure rapidly approaches the arena, and reaches the other end from the two pearls. It had wings of a giant bat, misshaped tube-like worm body form with hair and deadly spikes sticking out. As it came in closer, it roared with the echoing sounds of monstrous scree, shaking the arena even more, spreading poisonous venom as it disintegrated parts of the arena.
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Coral was scared and confused, she turned to Pearl, hoping she knew what they’re facing, but Pearl looked, horrifyingly, terrified. The pink gem shook Pearl by the shoulder, demanding an explanation!
“Pearl! Wh-what, what is that? And why is it here? What does it want?”
Pearl was not answering, but she shakingly lifted her arm, and pointed to the monster’s head.
Coral didn’t notice it before, but on the monster’s horrifying bee-like head, one of the horns was broken off.
“It…” Pearl whispered, “It wants me, shattered.”
End of part 2
(A/N: Heyy, so about that fusion monster. In the episode, “Earthlings” we saw Jasper was able to fuse with a corrupted gem, so it gave me the idea of two different gem monsters, fusing to get some kind of revenge, and with the same philosophy as Bluebird azurite, fusing for hate and vengeance and stuff.
Also, i’m not sure how many of you guys are actually reading and enjoying these stories so far. There’s like, more than a thousand ppl following but the only indicators for me to know how much of you enjoyed it is the likes and reblogs you guys left at every post. 
Maybe i should consider creating an account on instagram and share some previews of the story there? I could really use some advise about this, so feel free to drop a comment or an ask.
Also i’ve noticed theres been random unfollowings, to which i’ll assume to be ppl who have actually realized this is not Tripixle.
Lastly, i am here to announce that I am open for more #askmeanything, but this time, the “anything” should preferably be anything related to the written stories, which is up to this 6th chapter. Like maybe you guys have some questions regarding certain aspects of the storytelling, or maybe you guys would like to give criticism, which I’ll take and consider for future writing. However, if what you sent me in the ask contains certain topics that may be a spoiler for any future plans, then it would either be set aside until that topic is issued, or something related to “naw gurl, not right now.” kinda deal. 
And it looks like you’ve read to the end, and to that i say thank you for reading what i have to say, byee)
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flowerspecial · 4 years
You Get Your Nipples Pierced
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Now obviously you got your nipples pierced for yourself, because you wanted to feel like the bad bitch that you are. But let's be real, another motive for getting them done would be to see JB getting all hot and bothered. You would definitely kinda just surprise JB with them. “Hey baby, guess what I did today.” Before JB can even answer, you are lifting up your top and showing him your new additions. JB’s eyes would practically fall out of their sockets, and you have definitely caught his attention now. However, before he tries to reach for them you would move his hand away, “oh no baby, you can't touch them until they have healed.”
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You had been thinking about getting your nipples pierced for a while, but you never seemed to find the right time to get them done. Now, with Mark’s new comeback and how stressed he was, seems like the perfect time! You'd get them done while Mark is at rehearsal, and he is none the wiser about what you are doing. When he comes home, you'd like to naturally surprise him. Maybe you two are having a shower together, and the second your top comes off his eyes are going straight to your nipples. “Wow, angel you are always beautiful to me, but right now, you are the hottest you have ever been.”
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You and Jackson have a running competition about who can get the other person more riled up. Currently Jackson is winning, after he sent you some rather risque photos while he was away. But you knew how you could get a one up on him. You already had a few piercings, so you knew that this new addition would appeal to Jackson a lot. You always liked catching Jackson off guard, it was more fun that way. Therefore, while you knew he was in the middle of a busy day with interviews, you would send him a topless photo, with your new piercings in their glory. “Baby, you better be ready for when I come home.”
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Jinyoung is one of those people who really pretends that he is a traditionalist but this boy has a freaky side to him, make no mistakes in that. And let me tell you something, if his significant other has piercings, well Jinyoung is gonna feel like he has died and gone to heaven. You'd know how much Jinyoung loves your piercings, so that would always encourage you to get whatever ones you wanted. You'd definitely want Jinyoung to see them in person. So when he comes home after a tiring day, you’d know exactly how to revitalise his spirits. Let's just say, Jinyoung isn't leaving your side any time soon!
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Youngjae would definitely love your piercings, but he worries about the pain that you have to endure in order to get them. Now we all know that getting your nipples pierced has a lot of aftercare, and they can get very sore afterwards. Therefore you wouldn't tell Youngjae you're gonna get them done, because he would only worry about you. When you show Youngjae your new piercings, Youngjae would be very shocked, but also a little bit aroused (not that he's gonna tell you). But before you and him can have some fun, Youngjae would definitely be in charge of your aftercare. But thinking about it, that might not be a bad thing…
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You genuinely would not be able to keep anything from Bambam, this boy is the definition of nosy. You'd probably only mention in passing that you were thinking about getting your nipples pierced. Next thing you know Bambam is sitting next to you in the tattoo and piercing parlour while you wait for your turn. “Sweetie you are going to look so amazing with your nipples pierced, I cannot wait to see them.” “You do know Bambam that you won't be able to touch them until they heal.” “But who else is gonna look after them for you? Won’t you need me to rub the cream on them or something?”
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Yugyeom has so many tattoos that are beautiful, and I really think that he would suit someone who also has tattoos and piercings. Maybe that's how you two met, he would compliment your tattoos and then BOOM, a relationship blossomed! You'd always show Yugyeom your new additions, and these piercings were no exception. You probably wouldn't make a big show of it like with the other boys, instead you would just kinda show him?? You know?? Not that Yugyeom isn't gonna hype you up, because you know he is! They may or not become his favourite piercing of yours…
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viastro · 4 years
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𝘁𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗮 承 : 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 | true colors (5/5)
a week before the showcase
“Why are you here seok?” Jihoon asks tiredly as he holds the door open, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand.
“I wanted to talk to you.” Seokmin responds, stepping into the apartment without permission. Jihoon frowns, letting out a defeated sigh, “Yeah I’ll let you in seok. No need to ask or anything, it’s not like it’s three in the fucking morning.” 
“Is yn here?” He asks, completely ignoring what Jihoon said, to which Jihoon shakes his head no, “She slept over at her mom’s tonight, she has to help out at the restaurant tomorrow.” 
“I want to ask yn to be my girlfriend at the showcase.” Seokmin tells Jihoon as they sit down at the dining table, and Jihoon lets out a small chuckle. 
“Was wondering when you were gonna stop tiptoeing around it. I’m in.” Jihoon says and Seokmin lets out a relieved smile. 
“Really?” Seokmin asks and Jihoon nods with tired eyes, and Seokmin proceeds to let him know that the rest of the guys know of the idea.
“So, what’s the plan?” 
day of the showcase
“Is everyone having fun tonight?!” You yell into the mic, receiving loud cheers in response. You smile back at the rest of the band, and Seokmin shoots you finger guns. This results in a louder cheer making you laugh. 
“We’re so glad that you guys loved fallin’ flower! Woozi worked so hard on composing and producing the song, and we sure as hell spent a lot of time rehearsing it for you guys.” Jeonghan says and everyone cheers once again, chanting Jihoon’s name as well. 
“This has been one of our biggest releases so far, and all the love you’ve shown to Tsuki… it means a lot to us. Thank you.” Jihoon thanks, and he receives more chants of his name. 
“This has been a wonderful concert, thank you guys for giving Tsuki so much love. I promise our next comeback will be even better than fallin’ flower, I’ve already heard the sneak peek,” You put a finger to your lips to signal that it’s a secret, and everyone screams. You giggle before continuing, “I can’t wait to see you guys at the next concert-” 
You suddenly can’t see as a blindfold goes over your eyes, making you squeal in confusion. The cheers get louder and you struggle against whoever is tying the blindfold. “Shhh, everything will be alright. Don’t worry.” Jeonghan whispers in your ear, making you squeak.
“What’s going on?” You ask as you get lifted up, by who you assume to be Mingyu, making you squeak once again. “Where are you taking me Mingyu!?” Mingyu giggles in response, setting you down in a chair. 
“What’s going on?! Why are you guys being weird?!” You whine as Jun rubs your shoulders in an attempt to calm you down. “Don’t worry! You’re gonna love this!” Jihoon tells you and you bite the inside of your cheek nervously. 
There’s a hush over the crowd and you take that chance to yell, “The hell is going ON!” making the crowd laugh and the guys chuckle beside you, nudging you a bit. There’s a hush over the crowd once again, and you hear Seokmin’s guitar begin to play.
“Is Seokmin not beside me?” You whisper to whoever is on your right.
“Okay, good to know.” 
You recognize the tune after a second, and feel your heart warm. It’s one of your favorite songs, True Colors by Cyndi Lauper. The blindfold gets untied, and you blink a few times, only to realize that the fans' lightsticks are now rainbow. You gasp slightly at the beautiful sight, raising your hand to cover your mouth.
Seokmin is standing in the middle of the stage, the light on him, and your eyes start to water at the sight. The boys squeal quietly beside you, Jeonghan and Mingyu shaking each other excitedly. While Jun is holding a rainbow lightstick himself, shaking it around wildly. 
“You with the sad eyes…” You look back up at Seokmin, who has his eyes closed as he strums the simple tune. His voice is like honey, sweet, and soft. You only hear his voice occasionally, when he’s cooking ramen, or when you sneak into the studio to hear his background vocals, so hearing it in all its glory is beautiful. 
“Don’t be discouraged, oh I realize, it’s hard to take courage.” He opens his eyes to look out among the crowd, letting out a small smile.
“In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all. The darkness inside you, can make you feel so strong.” You look down as tears leave your eyes, and Jihoon pats your back to try and offer comfort.
“I’m gonna beat him up after this.” You whisper with a small sniffle, making Jun giggle a bit. 
“Show me a smile, then. Don’t be unhappy, can’t remember when I last saw you laughing.” Seokmin sings, he’s currently shitting bricks right now, but it doesn’t show in his voice.
“This world makes you crazy, and you’ve taken all you can bear. Just call me up, cause I will always be there.” He wonders what you’re thinking as he sings, feeling his heartbeat really hard against his chest. He takes a deep, shaky breath, before beginning again.
“And I see your true colors, shining through. I see your true colors,” Seokmin stops strumming for a moment, allowing you to only hear your rapid heartbeat. He takes the microphone off the stand, turning to face you, letting out a nervous laugh once he takes notice of your tears.
He walks over to you, and you squeeze your fists to your side, feeling your nails dig into your palm as he now stands right in front of you. The boys are silently quaking to your right, holding their phones up to take a video.
“And that’s why I love you.” 
The crowd lets out a small collective gasp after he sings the line, and you look down as more tears run down your cheeks. You let out an embarrassed chuckle, looking back up at him. Mingyu puts on his guitar, continuing the tune now that Seokmin is holding the microphone. Jihoon hands you an extra mic, and you lift it up to your mouth.
“So don’t be afraid..” Seokmin smiles at you, the nervousness washing away as you sing back to him.
“To let them show,” Seokmin lifts up his microphone so that you two can harmonize, “Your true colors, true colors, are beautiful…” 
You smile as another tear falls from your eye, and he lifts up a hand to brush it away with his thumb, making the crowd let out a small cheer. 
“Like a rainbow.” You both smile at each other as Mingyu softly strums the last note. 
“Yn, will you be my girlfriend?” Seokmin asks you and you giggle, standing up from the chair. You go onto your tiptoes and wrap your arms around the back of his neck, you lean in and softly press your lips to his as your answer. 
The crowd erupts in a deafening cheer, followed by Jun screaming, “HOLY FUCKING SHIT!” Mingyu, Jeonghan and Jun huddle into a circle while jumping, and do a victory screech. Jihoon smiles from the side, clapping his hands softly.
Somehow, you both can’t hear the noise. Your senses only focused on each other as you both pull away with shy smiles and cheeks that are now tinged a pretty shade of pink. He brushes his nose against yours and you laugh as he lays a small kiss on the tip of it. 
“I love you.” He whispers against your lips and you smile.
“I love you too, Seokmin.” 
masterlist | next
ミ★ taglist: @omgnctchina @babiesanshine @loveseung​ @yejiult @rjsmochii @yaebbinnie @uglyratlmao (if you wanna be added to the taglist even tho there’s only two more parts let me know!)
aaaAAAAA thank you guys so much for showing so much love to trivia love! This is my first ever mini social media au, and I wasn’t sure if it’d do that well, but it got a lot more love than I thought it would! There’s still a small bonus part coming tomorrow, so be prepared !
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radiorenjun · 5 years
Lavender Antics.
→ Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
→ Summary: Shooting in a drama with him was your absolute nightmare. Working with your enemy and pretending that you were love interests has been the most frustrating experience of your life. Though, after saying your farewells, the scent of lavender never leaves.
→ Genre:enemies to lovers au, idol au, romance, angst, slowburn.
→ Warnings: Very hurtful words. Antics. Mentions of insecurity. Alcohol, Swearing, Making out. Suggestive?
→ Word Count: 3.5k
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→ Credits to: @c-sanshine for giving me reference photos
→ Chapter: 1, 2
As you ran your fingers through the soft petals of the lavender standing up right in the pot before you, you gazed up at the soft colours of the plant, admiring how calming they look basking underneathe the ray of sunshine.
"Hey!" a voice called out, tearing your gaze away from the plant towards the voice, you spotted a familiar male with a bright smile on his face. He showed that silly toothy smile of his, waving from the window of your bedroom, his other hand gripped the bike in his hands tightly to keep it steady.
It seems as if the world had stopped moving whenever the scent of lavender reaches your nose. "Ready for school?" the sound of his honey-smooth voice barely made through the glass. The scent of lavender never left you as you picked up your bag from your bag, slinging it over your shoulder with a soft grunt before walking out of your room.
You walked out of the house with a soft smile on your face at the sight of the boy, "you know, you didn't have to wait all day for me," you sighed, pushing his shoulder gently with your hand. "Oh I know. I'm just doing this so you could give me those delicious omelettes you usually prepare for me." he chuckled, earning a hard punch from you.
You ignored your friend's dramatic groans of pain as you went inside your garage where your dad was working to fix his car, grabbing your own bike and getting on with ease as you rode down the streets with nothing but the sound of the strong wind hitting your cheeks and the sound of the paddles of the bike.
"And cut! Take 10 people!" the director announced through his megaphone. You sighed, rubbing your eyes in exhaustion with your hands as you found the director's disappointed eyes glaring down at you from afar. You knew what was about to come with that look.
"Y/N, you forgot your line. Again." the director stated as he marched towards you. You took a deep breath, looking down at the floor in shame. "I know, I know. I'm sorry," you groaned, your voice evident of exhaustion. "It's just-" you tried to reason before the director cuts you off with a sigh, rubbing his temples with his fingers.
"Listen, take a break and go home. You're done for the day anyway, you look as if you had slept for decades. Maybe that'll help you get back to your senses," he suggests with a small smile. "But-" you tried to reason, gripping your script in your palms only to have it snatched away from your grip. "Na-uh, Y/n. Mr. Director is always right!" the boy from earlier, your best friend in the whole studio, Yang Jeongin, tutted with a shake of his head.
"Go rest or eat, you look like you're about to faint. We can't have you, the star of the show, become the next Sleeping Beauty, can we?" Jeongin joked. "Was that suppose to be a joke or an offer? You know very well I wouldn't miss the chance to just collapse on a bed and be willing to sleep 1000 years." you rolled your eyes sarcastically, erupting a laugh from the director.
"You should recite your lines with someone who's equal to your levels of acting, y/n. It might help you and them improve at acting," the director suggested, looking at your script once he struggled to get it out of Jeongin's grip.
"Oh yeah? And who would that be?" you asked, unbothered as you grabbed your cup of cold milk and brought it to your dry lips. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe Jisung?" he spoke with such calmness that you couldn't help but widen your eyes as you choke out the milk.
"What? Han Jisung?" you croaked in a hoarse voice. "You two are love interests in this drama, you might as well recite lines with each other to help each other improve and to get a better outcome for the drama" he said with a shrug. How could he suggest something so vile with a casual tone?
Jeongin couldnt contain his laughter as his gaze to your shocked, open-mouthed expression laced with 'are you serious?' all over it. He howled with laughter as the director looked at the both of you in confusion, not knowing what was the problem.
"What's wrong?" he asked, finally looking up from the script. "Sir, are you serious? That man hates me! I hate him! We both hate each other! I swear I'd rather go crying and bawling my eyes out in public!" you exclaimed. "That delirious donkey from Shrek couldn't even hold his hatred towards me to save his life!"
"I'm right here, L/N. I'm not deaf, I can hear your dying whale of a voice from Pluto." a familiar voice hissed behind you. You gasped silently in alarm, turning your body to come face to face with Han Jisung and all of his amazing glory.
"Jesus Christ, what are you, a sasaeng fan? Don't creep up on people like that, it's rude!" you exclaimed angrily as Jisung calmly sips his expresso, glaring down at you with pure boredom in his eyes. With a raise of his eyebrows, he let out a smirk, "Jesus Christ, what are you, a shallow snob? Don't talk trash bout people behind their backs like that, it's rude." he mocked, showing his pearly white teeth.
"See!" you turned towards the manager who was looking at you two with an unamused expression. "He hates me!" you exclaimed, "says the girl who talked trash about me first!" Jisung hissed in response.
Jeongin, during your bickering, was having the time of his life, laughing at all of the drama that was happening before him. "Oh my God, you two deserve an Oscar. You two act so lovey dovey when you're in that 'platonic state' on set while here in real life you're bickering like an old married couple, it's priceless!"
"Jeongin!" the two of your exclaimed angrily. The director gave out a soft sigh before walking away from the whole arguement, not wanting to cause some trouble since he had other errands to do.
"By the way. In a week, we're going to shoot somewhere in Tokyo for the camping scenes since you guys are gonna have more screen time there. I already informed your managers bout it, therefore you just need to go over the details of the scripts I gave you this morning." the director spoke in a serious tone as he walked away.
"What? For how long?!" Jisung whined loudly, making the director sigh and look back at the boy with an unamused expression. "It's only a month, then we'll be back to shoot here for the last few episodes," he replied shortly before bolting off somewhere to answer his ringing phone.
"You kidding me?" you mumbled to yourself, scratching your neck. "A whole month with you? I barely last 10 hours!" you groaned as Jisung rolled his eyes at you. "Shut up, y/n. I'm as thrilled as you are bout being stuck with your whiny ass for 30 days straight." he spat, his head turning to give you a death glare.
"Whatever, you ass. I'm going to my trailer and get my stuff so I can squeeze in some practice before Kiyeon locks me out from the dorm from the inside again." you huffed, grabbing your jacket which you placed hanging on the chair nearby.
"No one asked, y/n." Jisung replied, a small smile appearing on his face. You muttered incoherent swear words under your breath as you stretched to put on your jacket and head to the makeup room. "What did you say?" he asked with a smirk. You look back at him with half lidded tired eyes, giving him the middle finger before turning to walk away.
"Shut it, donkey"
Since you were a part of a girl group named Mythical Refrain in SM Entertainment, you still had to practice for your upcoming comeback for a few hours. God, can life get any tiring? You went out of the car after you parked it right outside of your dorm.
After a whole 6 hours of practice and 8 hours of filming, you felt like you could sleep through the whole decade. Your feet ached with every step you take, your muscles were sore from all the dancing and your voice was hoarse from the loud singing.
Your hand twisted the doorknob and your body came in contact with the fresh air conditioned room. As you entered, you slipped off your shoes and tossed your jacket to the sofa. You collapsed onto the soft cushions with a loud exhausted groan, ignoring the sound of your leader, Cheonsa, typing away on her laptop.
"Yeah, but you should get some rest if you ever want to perform again." your eyes glanced over to her bandaged ankle laying on a pillow on the floor. "Says the person who smells and looks like shit," she laughs, finally taking a break from the typing to look at your messy figure.
"Welcome back! How's your day?" she greeted, taking a sip of her coffee. "It's like 1 Am why are you drinking coffee?" you asked, looking up as you lay your chin on the pillow. "Wow. Not even a 'hello' or 'my day went absolutely shit and tiring'? Also, just because my ankle is injured, doesn't mean I get to slack off and not produce more music, Y/n." she chuckled, not tearing her gaze away from her laptop.
"Wouldn't want that boy to ruin your pretty mane, huh?" she teased, going back to her endless typing. "Shut up! You better go fucking rest or else I'll tell manager-nim that you stayed up writing and making songs again." you laughed, moving to the fridge to grab a cold bottle of water.
"You look as if you just dug yourself out of a graveyard. What did that director made you do?" she jokes. "It wasn't me, that terrible bastard couldn't stop bothering me I almost pulled my hair out" you complained, finally getting up to grab a towel.
"That cute rapper from Stray Kids? What was his name, again? Jinseul?" she asked with a comforting smile on her exhausted face. "It's Jisung and he's a fucking donkey. But, yeah, it is because of him." you grumbled, clutching the pillow in your fists at the thought of him. "He's really pretty though," Cheonsa chuckled.
"Excuse you, Ms. I-have-a-secret-boyfriend." I added in a sarcastic tone, making her laugh. "Oh hush, I'm 23. I wouldn't be dating someone younger than me, I feel old enough when fans call me noona during fansigns." she jokes, making you giggle at the memories you had. "But still, I look like shit when he ruffled my hair when I was on the way to the dance studio" you complained.
You entered your shared room to see your roommate, Haneul, playing on her nintendo switch. "Hey, you're back! How was the shoot?" she said, sticking her tongue out in concentration. "Stressful" you replied, turned on the shower and laying your hand under the running water to test the temperature.
"As your leader, the Mythical Refrain's most trusted, I'm doing what's best for the group and our fans. Therefore, you are not going to get rid of me that easily and go take a shower you piece of shit!" she exclaimed, throwing a pillow at you. You laughed as you ran for your life to miss that one single pillow that was thrown at you.
"You know. In a week, I'm going to be flying to Tokyo for a shoot. Wouldn't be back in a month, so don't miss me too much." you joke, grabbing the pillow on the floor and placing it back on the couch. "Trust me, we wouldn't even think about you for those 30 days of freedom. Have you told PD-nim yet?" she asked with a laugh.
"I don't think so. But the director and manager-nim said they'll take care of it. They'll announce that I'll be on hiatus during our promotions for the following month," you picked the dirt off of your nails as you spoke, hearing Cheonsa let out a hum in response.
"A hiatus announcement? Isn't that a bit too far? I mean, Park Jinyoung from Got7 and D.O from EXO didn't go on breaks when they shot their dramas." she asked with furrowed brows. "It's a pretty long drama. With three idols in the same drama!" you exclaimed, stretching your arms out as you collapsed once again into the cushions. "I see. Now go sleep and take a shower," Cheonsa nodded her head towards the direction of your room.
You huffed at her stern tone, pushing yourself up as you glared at your leader who was typing aggressively on the keyboard l with no intentions of stopping anytime soon. You sighed before walking away.
"Is it because of that boy?" she yelled through the sound of running water. You felt your blood boil at the sound of his name being mentioned, your mind replaying the many insults and arguements that happened today. All because of that donkey.
"That boy, or in my case, donkey, is the reason why Im losing hair!" you exclaimed in a dramatically angry tone. "No wonder, I thought you were just bleaching your hair too much that it burned off" she laughed. "Very funny, Haneul. Could you pass me my phone? It's in my dufflebag." you asked.
"Chill out, y/n. Boys are wierd anyways. But like, he's your sunbaenim. Shouldn't you at least, attempt to be nice?" she chuckled, walking into the bathroom to hand you your phone. "Im always nice to him. He started the arguements, anyways!" you shot back.
"You're no different, y/n. You called him a donkey less than 30 seconds ago." she chuckled, crossing her arms on her chest. "Well he is a donkey. Very accurate to the one in the Shrek movie!" you laughed.
"What? I'm just stating facts, who knows, it might actually happen in real life. Plus, I'm disgusted at their public display of affection. Ten is actually a good dude to hang out with," she grinned, leaning her head against her palm. "Hanuel. I have a toothbrush nearby and I will not hesitate to shove it down your throat! I shoved a paintbrush down someones mouth and I'm not afraid to do it again!" you threatened.
"This is ridiculous. Sooner or later you will have to do some lovey-dovey stuff with him on set, since you know-" she taunted with a smirk. "Don't even say it." you clenched your jaw at the thought. Sooner or later you'd have to kiss Han Jisung, you'd rather lick the bathroom floor.
Haneul couldn't stop staring at you with wiggling eyebrows and that annoying smirk across her face. "God, you're disgusted whenever Cheonsa brings her boyfriend in the dorm but you're, somehow, not disgusted bout shipping me with a guy I hate?" you complained.
Hanuel giggled, waving off your small threat with her hand. "Sure, go shower. You reek of boys," she chuckled with a raise of her eyebrow, exiting the bathroom. . "I'm going to go sleep. And I advise you to do the same after you shower, considering you have a photoshoot tomorrow." Her head popped out from the door way. "What photoshoot?" you asked with a slightly raised voice. "You know, that photoshoot for our next comeback concept?" she stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "That's tomorrow? I thought I'd finally have half the day off" you groaned, running a hand through your hair in frustration.
You let out a loud scoff for her to hear before shutting the bathroom door and proceeded to take a cold shower.
"Bitch, you thought. It's only a couple of hours. Plus it's near the set so you could immediately head to there after you're done," she shrugged. "Oh my god," you groaned, rubbing your eyes. "How many episodes have you shot? The whole group wants to watch and 'clown you'. Cheonsa's words, not mine," she teased.
"Probably not much. Since I have to go to Tokyo next week!" you snapped, clenching your fists. "Woah, Tokyo? I wanna come!" Haneul exclaimed in astonishment. "You've been there, why are you acting as if you're a child locked up in some prison cell? We debuted a year ago and just finished our tour, for fucks sake!" you exclaimed.
"Why though?" she asked, ignoring your statements. You gave out a big exasperated sigh, "I have to shoot some scenes there for a month. So I won't be joining Mythical Refrain's promotions this month," you rubbed your face in frustration.
,"Oh. Well look on the bright side! At least you get to go sightseeing in Tokyo. The last time we were there, we barely had time to go around." Hanuel exclaimed with a bright smile. You grabbed the nearest toothbrush and raised it over your head angrily, causing Haneul to let out a small squeak and running to her bed.
Tomorrow was gonna be a heavy day.
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"You're late, y/n." Jisung chuckled as you sat down on a chair in front of the mirror in the make up room. "I am aware of that, Jisung. It's not like I don't know how to tell time." you spat angrily as a make up artist approached you with brushes in hand.
"I know. Just thought that I'd remind you," he grinned. You rolled your eyes at him as the soft brush slide against the skin under your eye, covering up your eye bags with foundation. You grabbed your script and started reading, ignoring Jisung's eyes on you.
"What do you want now?" you sighed, looking away from your paper to give him a half lidded stare. "You look like shit, even with makeup on. No offense Eunbi, you're doing a great job" Jisung smiled at the makeup artist who just chuckled and continued on with her job.
"God, why didnt I just get my make up done in the trailer?" you mumbled to yourself, feeling soft pats on your shoulder given by your makeup artist. "Yeah, why didn't you? I lost my appetite just breathing the same air as you," Jisung mumbled loud enough for you to hear.
"Can it, you dick-" you growled, about to say some random comeback when the director came in with a wide smile. "Jisung! Y/N! Be out in 5, alright?" he exclaimed before shutting the door.
Your makeup artist bowed at you before exiting as well to catch up with the other makeup artists. "Great. See you there, y/n." Jisung laughed at your pouty expression after being cut off.
You groaned in annoyance as you watched his figure skipping out of the make up room, sticking your tongue out at him despite his back turned to you. You read through your script once again before getting up to walk through the door.
You jogged towards the set, highfiving your co-stars who gave you encouragement to do well on the next scenes, making you smile. Of course, that smile faltered when you remembered it was a scene you had to do with Jisung and you being friendly.
Your eye twitched at the thought as the staff gave you the school bag you were suppose to use for this scene since you played the roll of a young highschool girl. You gave Jeongin a thumbs up who responded with a salute as you walked up with a stem of lavender in hand.
You stood on the sidewalk as a few people came up to retouch your make up. You sighed, looking back at Jisung who was playing his phone to wait for his appearance on camera. Once you felt the soft feeling of sponges caressing your skin, you took a deep breath and clapped.
"You ready?" the director yelled through his speaker. "Hell yeah!" Jisung exclaimed from afar, tucking his phone into his pocket as he waved his hand with a thumbs up. "Let's get it! " you clapped enthusiastically before getting into position.
You see the lights being adjusted to get a better lighting of your surroundings to give it an aesthetic vibe. You cracked your knuckles and took deep breathes, reciting your lines to yourself in your head.
"Camera." You heard the sounds of camera being moved to your position, carefully recording your movements, your mistakes, and your acting. You gave a little smile at the staff who gave you a thumbs up.
"And action!"
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kinktae · 4 years
rose: [creates the rewind series] bighit: WRITE THAT DOWN!! WRITE THAT DOWN!!
Anonymous said: Rose, did you see 70s!Tae in the MV in all his glory? 😱😏
Anonymous said: Dynamite goes well with your rewind series 👌🏽🤩
shy-kpop-girl said: Okay... DYNAMITE M/V and Groovy? Did BigHit get inspiration from your fic because the whole time I was thinking about you and could not wait to send you this ask! 😊 The 70's was not my fave style era but BTS makes it look GOOD! Holy Hoseok! And what the hell Taehyung? 🥵 Anonymous said: ROSE FOR YOUR BITCHIN AU WITH JK??? THE ROOM THAT HE'S IN FOR THE DYNAMITE MV? LITERALLY BITCHIN VIBES AJKSKSKS
spicybangtanwings said: im a lil late how are we doing with dynamite jk???? i personally am not coping well. i cant get this correlation between dynamite jk and bitchin jk out of my mind and ALL I could think about is them making out in that attic full of posters and keyboard and guitar 😩😩😩😩 oh yeah did I SAY I LOVE BITCHIN SO SO MUCH i finished it a while back but sometimes i would just space out at work thinking about the characters and how well it was written. ok i am done have a good day/night!!!
Anonymous said: I just re-read the rewind series after 'Dynamite' comeback, I cant helped it! I just had to do it! It sets the moods so damn right! I've actually been roaming around tumblr looking for your blog because I forgot to like the masterlist and all i can remember was "groovy" as the title lol, ANYWAY Dear sweetness human soul, Thank you so much for your amazing writing, i hope you're having a great day! 🥺😭💜
Anonymous said: jungkook in the dynamite mv and the concept photos gives me mAJORRR bitchin' vibes
Anonymouse said: Rose!!!! I screamed when i saw Jungkook in Dynamite mv, his LOOK and his ROOM omggggg, it reminded me a lot of Bitchin'
Anonymous said: i HAD to come back and read groovy again after dynamite’s release, groovy singlehandedly sparked my obsession with the 70’s. your work it just so well written, it’s honestly mind blowing.
Anonymous said: When dynamite MV came out I immediately remembered your 'groovy' and 'bitchin' fics, your writing is so amazing 😭
Would u guys unfollow me if i said i hadn’t watched the mv yet.... KSFDJSKDJ DONT GET ME WRONG IVE LISTENED AND LOVED DYNAMITE IM JUST SCARED TO WATCH IT I KNOW IM GONNA SCREAM and im so exhausted atm i can’t commit to it ksdfkj that sounds dumb but THE SCREENIES I SAW ACTUALLY HAD ME SCREECHING ily ily ily
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thinking journal for season 12 Prime Empire 😎😎😎 (1/2)
So, I'm keeping this during all of season 12 to put down my thoughts as they appear. It's mostly for not ranting every single time a new episode comes out so please don't mind me too much 😅 I'm following the English release so please no spoilers 😙
I'm gonna split it in two, since apparently the season has 16 episodes. So this is the first part, enjoy my rambling 💜💜
It's the 30th of March and here we go!
I'm so, SO HAPPY, we have a theme for this season. For my experience apparently silly themes (tech ninja, ghosts, pirates) had brought very surprising results so I'm SO DOWN FOR THIS 😍😍
It seems that they fixed the mood, there is a specific mystery and a specific mission to follow. I like it too
I'm really glad there are plenty of references to past episodes, comebacks are my jam
The only thing that still kinda bothers me is the length of the episodes. It's not all bad, I just think the 20 minutes format was better. One thing is splitting 20 in 10 minutes, another is putting together 11 minutes of important stuff. Doesn't bother me too much, I just wish there was more time for my favorite show 🤷‍♀️
Is it normal for me to feel really old after they made the "what is a VCR?" joke? Like, I'm a uni student so still pretty young, but I lived through the transition from that to the DVD so... eh, I laughed anyway👵
Jay is smart, I really believe he is. Yet I saw him putting a possibly corrupted motherboard into a legendary game randomly found into a villain's lair, and I was like "Of course he did that, I love you you dumb*ss" raising my glass of juice towards him 😎
Okay, I'm down for this Lloyd. I'm down for a season with Lloyd being creeped out just because, being silly, just a ninja helping his friends and- (remembers there's a Harumi avatar in the sets) I'M NOT READY
The ending was actually nicely creepy. Cool nods in approval
THAT INTRO THOUGH, THAT WAS EPIC! Love the techno sounds, love the clear gaming connection, I rate it 10/HECK YEAH LONG LIVE THE FOLD
I was scared about how the shorts were supposed to play along with the season, but it looks fine so far with the mechanic and later for Scott. Good 👍
Ah, Fist to Face, that game came all over from the nostalgic season 1. That's what I'm talking about 😎
So they just associated that Unagami is probably Dyer's avatar like that? Like sure, I thought about it, but it looks a little rushed. Mm, I wonder if there's something more behind it?
Cyrus Borg is back and he TALKS!!! Finally, he gets some action! Go tech dad!
I'm so happy he referenced the Digiverse, I would have been very disappointed if he hadn't. Time flies Borg...
Not gonna lie, I thought the next to follow up Jay's spot as best in videigames was going to be Kai or Lloyd. It's not disappointing though, since pretty much all the ninja have been seen playing, and to be honest I like the implication that Cole and Jay probably played a lot together. As bruiseshipping or as BrOTP, I still love them together no matter what 💙🖤💙🖤
Ooooohhhhh, that's why Zane and Pixal are left behind. It makes sense, sure, but I don't understand the implication of the plan: they saw Dyer entering Prime Empire, so why looking for him in real life? Mm, maybe they will investigate about his life and what happened... PIXANE ON THE CASE 😍
Already saw Prime Empire's world in the shorts, of course it looks DOPE, still very happy to finally being there!
I don't know why, but Kai questioning the double jump made me laugh. Also poor him, he just got his powers back from last season and they're already gone again 😂
And of course. Them. Wow. It must be the most amazing and CURSED thing I've ever seen so far, the League of Jay 🤯 I'm so happy they exist and they freaking use past seasons' suits!!! Awesome!!! Never thought I was going to see Jay's old plain haircut again... yeah, he got better with the curly one, but I'm feeling nostalgic 🤷‍♀️
Their nick are histerical omg, Jaybird, Dee-Jay, Jaywalkin, I'm loving this way more than I should 😂 Also they freaking screamed "JAY-NJA GOO!!!" and I don't know what to do with that, it's too great for me to comprehend 👏👏
And then, THIS happened:
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Your Honor, I would like to confirm this as THE MOST SECRET DREAM I'VE EVER HAD FOR THIS SHOW FINALLY COMING TRUE!!! A NINJA FROM NINJAGO DOING THE NARUTO RUN!!! 🤯🤯🤯 Done, I'm done, conclude the season, this is more than enough for me 😍
First Kai gets hit and fall from a building, DYING, then Lloyd gets desperate for his brother (MY BROTP 💚❤💚❤), then Kai respawns and Lloyd looks so relieved and Kai is all panting while slowly realizing it's a game and MY HEART CAN'T HANDLE THIS MUCH OKAY???
As a very passionate Kai fangirl I always expect the cringy moment, it really is inevitable for my favorite hothead. I love that idiot so much it's unbelievable, even if it's an absolute and costant suffering 😅 Holy Garmadon it was painful seeing his VERY slow realization that in this game you only have four lives
Okay, I did not expect to hear about Mr. Cuddly Wamp ever again since Hands of Time and BOY if I'm happy it was actually a password, I love this show 😂
Okay, for as long as it is not debunked, I will hold onto the Scott is Jay's brother/twin theory. I'm sorry but: his jacket has dragons AND lightnings on it, they have very similar skin in avatar mode, he said he was waiting for him in the short, he could very well have his same hair under cap and hoodie and he's a mechanic too. I know, I know, they could have the same skin because Scott helped him for the avatar, and there might be shadier reason behind the 'I was waiting for you' thing, and there are tons of good mechanics in Ninjago... STILL HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE??? 😍
SCOTT HAS ONE LIFE POINT TOO??? NO! NOOO!!! NOOOOOOO!!! Don't you dare appear and steal my heart only to die at the end of the season, come on!! 😭
So for now it seems like he just wants to survive. Can we actually confirm he's an avatar and not an NPC? I mean he could be, but I don't see the point of an NPC self aware of his life points. Idk, maybe I'm overthinking this 🤷‍♀️
Lol, Kai is the only one weirded out by the Jay-con all around him. Probably because he hasn't heard from his fans since Skybound 😅 (I'M STILL HERE MY FLAME BABE, ILY ❤❤❤)
And in all of his glory, freaking Superstar Rockin' Jay!!! 😎😎 Okay, I loved the design since the first time I saw it, but it looks possibly even better in the show 😍😍😍 And Jay looks absolutely adorable in it, and he's got a guitar, and he was waiting for his friends, and he hugs them (I'm weak for LEGO hugs for some reason) and he is so happy and AAAHHH 💙💙💙💙💙
I'm very curious about how Scott will play into the situation, clearly he will provide some kind of insight about Prime Empire. I can't wait to know more about him!! 😍
I did not expect this when I saw this Okino guy in the trailer... and I'm so happy I was surprised, I love him 👌
And he's voiced by Alessandro Juliani?? HECK YEAH!!! With all the hype about the DnD 13th season, and consequentially the knight theme, I really miss Nexo Knights and having Aaron's VA around makes me happy... any hope to have Giles Panton as well? I miss Clay the most 💙💙
This is what I'm talking about, the game theme needs this stuff! I was already happy to see life points, double jumps and respawns, but this? The NPC guide? Awesome 👍 It's nice to see the take on the matter, the guide seeing so many players getting killed, first because they did not listen, then because they were actually just unlucky. The touchy matter I always expect watching Ninjago 👏👏
At least I THINK he's an NPC? For now I don't really see a way of knowing, and it doesn't look like it matters. He didn't show life points so maybe? Does this mean he can't die? I have questions people
Which brings me to the cube thingies. That's what happens to the dead players? I mean, I would understand if they just become pixels, but there's also the drone that takes the datas every time. Idk, feels like there's more behind it. And honestly? It looks like great material for angst, like one of the ninja dies but then they discover they just need to get where Unagami stores all of the players! I hope it's something like this!
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They designs of the players are really cool, I already saw them in the other episodes, but seeing them this close just confirmed it. Between this and Jay's awesome avatar, I see lots of great cosplay ideas coming 😍 I wonder when will Kai and Lloyd use their avatars, and why would they since I'm guessing Jay did for disguise and to distinguish himself from his fans
PLEASE TELL ME WE'LL SEE SCOTT SOON, I ALREADY MISS HIM!!! 💙💙💙 I have too many theories about that tech dude, I'm so excited about who he might turn out to be!
I was a little skeptical about the new ninja suits, but seeing them in the show convinced me, very cool! Especially on Nya 💕💕💕
Alright, Okino is indeed an NPC. Cool the fact that at first he could not understand the fact that he was in a game, but when reality changed he was forced to. Welcome into the crew! 😙
I'm kinda worried about it though, either they will shut down the game and he will stay inside or he will sacrifice for them. He's a very loyal samurai, I can see that happening and I'm SCARED
I WAS SWEATING BULLETS AT THE AMBUSH!!! I 100% saw it coming, we all freaking saw it coming, even the ninja did but where like 'we can walk and die or we can risk and die so might as well'. But still, my babies DYING and respawning so fast was not pretty 😱😱
Nya got the scariest death until now in my opinion, holy Garmadon Dyer DOES have a twisted mind...
Seeing Kai so scared of being in a new situation and with one HP reminds me A LOT of the Digiverse, and that's actually a nice touch. Give him a cellphone, hothead is a social media expert, but put him in a game and... huuhhh... 😅
Have I mentioned I love the ninja's new emoji masks??
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BECAUSE I DO!!! 😂😂😂😂
So Unagami knows about them trying to stop him and he sent the rat people because of it. Considering how little we know about this guy, I'm wondering what we are about to discover
Alright, going to the next challenge, very curious about this adventure. So... beware of the rats, ninja? Still not sure what I think about the rats 😅
I would like to say Okino is the edgiest character of the show I've ever seen... but I've seen MORRO. But still poor guy, he got a case of the Matrix
Oooohhhh, the major question in videogames: better go grinding for more money to get the better stuff but while losing lots of time, or get the least expensive just to go on with the story but definitely risking to lose lives?
Ah there we go, so the energy cubes mean something! Also reference to the Sushimi guy of the set (gosh that name, I can't 😂). So do people actually die in Prime Empire or they are just kidnapped kinda? Can the ninja just bring back? ANGST POTENTIAL
Cole please don't die please don't die please don't die for the love of Garmadon please don't die somebody help-
Nya giving Kai a sweet look after seeing her brother is okay, that's what I live for 😍
So apparently Unagami is trying to build some kind of device using the energy cubes of the dead players (sounds kinda creepy like this 😱) to create some kind of portal? To Ninjago? I don't understand, if Unagami is Milton Dyer then why this? Just to bring his army and conquer? I mean I guess, sounds a little simple though. Then again, if it turns out it's not Dyer, it could be Unagami wanting to be real and get into his creator's world? Mm...
I like the message, having the ability to choose your own path. Very fitting for a game themed season, I hope it gets explored even more!
More for the "I love the ninja emoji masks of this season"'s compilation 😂😂😂
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Duuuude, Jay being good at mazes comes all the way from Possession, the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master! 😍 ... or maybe I just rewatch this show too much... could be both really 😅
Unagami is NASTY!
Confirmed the thing about going into the real world, what scares me is how much powers Unagami seems to actually possess. Like, can he do the block thingy whenever he wants? Just straight up pause and do whatever? Wow...
Jay being extra 😎
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I mean, of course he is, he's got better statics! 😂 I like how he seems so focused and in charge, I still hope we see more of him... and Scott... WHERE IS SCOTT???
I love dragons, this metal one is cute 😍
So now we have two ronin: a samurai looking for a path on his own in a digital world... and a shady guy named Ronin 😛 Total respect for Okino, he really showed the values he believes in. No matter he was programmed his way, I hope he finds what he's looking for. Better come back for the final battle!
One Keytana down, two more to go. I know one is the price of the race, while the last one... I don't really know.
More of the masks because I love them 😂 Here we have Vegeta Lloyd and Kawai Cole ✌✌
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