#got her age wrong by 7 years* 😭...
scremogirl ¡ 1 year
✪⁂✫彡𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓✵✥☆ミ★ ???
Yandere Student Council Pres x Nonchalant reader
I’m not sure if I should retitle this to Yandere! Childhood friend x reader or not. There’s not a lot of the fact he’s the SCP shown in the story. I felt like I went a little off track. I got so consumed in writing😭. I already have a post like that on my page so I didn’t want to make it confusing. I don’t know if I should’ve said unemotional reader either. Idk let me know what you think. Have fun reading!
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He was at the top of the food chain. Good grades, teachers liked him, students feared him, rich, good looking, and most importantly; the student council president. With that being said, why wouldn’t he leave you alone?
Takenya was a stuck up priss in your opinion. Always lecturing you about things you could do in order of improvement. You weren’t popular but you weren’t one of those weird Naruto kids that sat in the back of the class and ate crayons either. You just existed. Someone so average at everything somehow attracted the most “perfect” guy in school. Your grades were fine; a straight A-B student with the occasional C here and there. Your attendance on the other hand… well maybe he’s not so wrong about that, but who actually wants to be at school anyways?
“I don’t understand why you don’t try harder? You could easily surpass most of our class,”
“You need to come to school. This behavior would never pass in the real world. What would your employer think of you just not showing up?”
“Chocolate for lunch…really? If you want to stay healthy you’ll need to-“
Why does he care so much anyways? Sure, you used to be friends in like what, fifth grade? You used to get bullied in school for being different. You just didn’t like the things that kids your age were supposed to like. But… it never bothered you. You weren’t emotionless per se, it’s just, why care what others have to think?
Mellisa Grey. The girliest of all girls. She used to have it out for you when you were younger. Calling you names and bumping your shoulder whenever you walked by. You put up with it until the end of the year; fifth grade graduation. That evening she and her crew thought it’d be funny to pour milk on the shy little nerdy boy in your class. Some spilled on your dress, that you didn’t mind, but the tears of the boy next to you made you. Something inside of you just snapped. You shot up from your seat grabbing a first full of her hair and slammed her head onto the wooden table. Not stopping until you saw the wire of her pink, sparkly braces fly out her mouth. Well, that was what you wanted to do; the teachers came too early for you to inflict any further damage. The most you got was a broken nose and a lawsuit. She transferred schools after that, and you got the whoopin of a lifetime. You didn’t care. You didn’t feel bad at all. If anything you felt elated seeing her in pain and the rage on her parents faces as the cussed child you out. You didn’t cry or yell when your parents picked you up. You weren’t phased by the belt or the palm of your mothers hand striking you. You didn’t feel anything. So why were you so upset on someone else's behalf anyways?
You knew this kid. I mean, how couldn’t you when he would follow you around 24/7.
“H-Hi… my names Takenya” you just blankly stared. His sheepish gaze barely meets yours from behind his big fat glasses.
“…Do I know you?”
“Well…no. But I know you!”
“Good for you I guess.” You continued to go back and forth on the swing, not acknowledging the boy's existence at all. The swing he sat on remained stationary, never once dropping his gaze from you.
“Uhm… I just wanted to thank you for yesterday,” Hm? What was he talking about? He saw the confusion in your face when you turned around to ask and beat you to the point.
“You probably don’t know me. We’re not in the same class,” Right. So why is he talking to you? Again, before you could ask he cut you off.
“The other day when recess started you helped me pick up all of my stuff after Carter pushed me down; remember? I-I just wanted to say thank you for sticking up for me” Ohhh, you do remember him now. He was that shy little rich kid that transferred here at the end of fourth grade. He didn’t have many friends, let alone any at all. Everyone had grown up with each other and formed friend groups at this poin. He was a little late to the party so he didn’t fit in. He wasn’t worried about the next episode of Ninjago and didn’t find humor in looking up the words penis and vagina in the dictionary at the school library when the teacher wasn’t looking. His hair long, tied back into a neat ponytail and not buzzed into a Mohawk like half the boys in your grade. He had glasses that almost covered the entirety of his upper face. He always ate his pb&js on whole wheat instead of white and preferred celery sticks over fruit snacks. So, just like you, he got bullied just because he was different.
“Oh yea. I remember you now. You’re welcome by the way,” he grinned. The first time you saw him smile ever since he came to your school.
That marked the day of a long friendship.
That was until you went to middle school. You think puberty had something to do with it. He grew into his face more and sized down those jellyfishing glasses. His scrawny figure gained slightly more bulk and dressed in a more modern fashion. His hair remained the same; a bit shorter than before but still longer than most guys. You’ve always liked his hair. He would let you braid it sometimes when he was too distracted playing on his DS. He didn’t get acne like many of the other kids your grade either, skin smooth and clear. All the girls found him to die for. Your nonchalant behavior rubbed off on him and he became more confident in himself. Not letting his elementary school self be reflected into now. He became a bit too obsessed with his studies for a middle schooler; pushing all his ways on you. He would always follow you around blabbing about not attending gym class. He even started hanging around the same snotty rich kids he would complain to you about. You became annoyed. So you cut him off. Just like that. Stopped talking to him, answering his texts, not sitting with him at lunch or in class. Even after all the rejection at his advances, he came running back to you. Not willing to let you go so easily.
The school bell rings signaling the end of 4th pd and beginning of lunch. You were planning to go off campus today and not come back. Keys in hand you make your way to the student parking lot. However, someone’s blocking the exit. He’s gotten taller, about 6’2-6’3; sleeper build accommodating his height. Glasses thinner and sit perfectly on the bridge of his nose. Hair as long as ever, tyed back with that same white ribbon you gave him years ago; revealing an undercut. He fixes the collar of his button up and readjusts his tie and vest.
“And exactly…just where do you think your going?”
“To lunch,”
“The cafeteria is that way,” he points with a slender finger, decorated by a diamond ring. It shimers under the lights above reflecting against his matching earrings.
“Off campus,” he raises his eyebrow, folding his arms.
“Knowing you, you won’t come back. You do realize your request for a half day schedule is still pending right? You also recognize that I’m the one who assists the principal in granting them as well?” You don’t answer him, already knowing we're going with this.
“As I said before, your attendance needs improving before I-… we can grant it,” what a pain in the ass this guy is. You try to walk past him but he stops you, putting a hand on your shoulder.
“I don’t eat school lunch. I’ll be back after,” he gives you an unamused look. Hand gripping your shoulder a little tighter as you try to take another step.
“You know I can’t let you do that. Not unless you don’t want a new schedule,” he pauses.
“Not unless I come with you,” you look up.
“You’re paying?” His eyes widened slightly, shocked at your willingness. But he can’t be too surprised, he knows you don’t care about anything unless you get what you want.
“Of course I am. You need to spend your money on other priorities; like a new math textbook,” you ignore the subtle jab and walk to his car. No need to ask where as he parks next to you everyday to make sure he knows you’ve actually show up. Definitely not because your the first thing he wants to see in the morning.
“I don’t understand why you come to McDonald’s of all places,” he lets out a sigh, handing his card to the drive through worker. He drives up to the next window waiting for the food.
“It’s not healthy. You seriously should consider my offer in taking you to that new place down the street,”. He looks over when he doesn’t get a response; noticing the music blasting from your headphones as you look at the door. He sighs again before taking the food from the workers hand and grabbing your headphones. You turn your head to look at him but your gaze shifts to the bag in his hand. You reach over and grab a fry out of the bag and he s his eyes. Pulling into the parking lot, he silently watches you eat. This brings him so much nostalgia. He misses eating lunch with you everyday. Ranting while you just sit there and chew. He misses having someone listening to him about something that’s not related to school. After you stopped *attempted* talking to him in the beginning of 7th grade, his heart felt like it got ripped out of his chest.
He’s never felt anything his whole life. His father would tell him that one day he’ll find someone who makes him feel everything, makes life worth it. He’d seen the love shared between his parents everyday. He always wanted that. In the fourth grade all of that came true. He saw you getting off the bus making your way to school. He saw the way you helped up Michael Lemitzki, a dorky little boy, after Conner pushed him down. Shaggy hair, braces lining his teeth, comic books all on the floor. How pathetic. You weren’t scared of Conner at all. He was bigger than you and more popular than you, but you didn’t care. You kept a straight face as he threatened you and held your composure. No emotion showing whatsoever.
He thought you were beautiful. It was love at first sight. He was too busy staring at you to hear his father calling out to him. He followed his son's gaze to you. He looked back down at the small boy and gave a knowing smile. Takenya just stared at the other boy hugging you with tears down his face. Why is he touching you like that? Push him away already! That day he purposely made himself a target to the bullying of Melissa and Conner. Hoping that one day, you’ll save him the same way you did Jacob. He got bigger glasses, grew his hair out, and started dressing like the typical “nerd”. He would leave candies in your cubby, prized limited edition Pokémon cards in your backpack, brand new color pencils and markers showed up around you. He started to lose hope though. Why haven’t you noticed him yet!? Sure he’s never actually talked to you.. but still! Could you not see his effort?! Did you not care? He sat alone at recess that fateful day. He was randomly pushed down, papers and crayons flying out his small hands. He wasn’t in the mood for Connors teasing today. To caught up on the fact that the love of his life may never see him they way he’s dreamed of. Oh the dramatic mind of a fifth grader. He clutched the safety scissors that flew out of his pencil pouch watching the dick of an elementary schooler turn around. He was about to get up but stopped as he saw someone bend down beside him. It was you! You helped gather all his things and placed them into his arms. His heart pounded in his chest and the blush on his face spread like wildfire. Before he could say anything you walked away. Taking your place on the swing set. He hurriedly put all his things away before trying to build up the courage to come talk to you. He took to long, however, as the teacher soon yelled for everyone to make their way into the line back to their respective class.
As he reminisces on the past, an alarm rings. Telling him that it’s time to make his way back to school. You’ve already finished all your food and somehow managed to take your headphones back.
“What?” You say snapping him out of his trance. He didn’t even realize he was staring.
You make your way back to the school and go your separate ways. He walks you to class ensuring that you get there. Out the corner of his eye he sees someone wave to you. Lemitzki. His hairs more well kept, ditched the glasses for contacts showing of his green eyes. He’s taller and has more muscles now. The only thing that hasn’t changed is the jagged line that makes it’s way across his right cheek, interfering with his dimple as he smiles. It’s been awhile, the scar healed well. The once clutzy boy looks at the door and freezes, hand dropping and going pale. There’s a silent stare off between the two before the late bell rings. Takenya makes his way to class, a slight smile on his face at a sudden memory.
Watching him walk away, a fist tightens. Little does he know someone was planning on getting their revenge.
Hi loves! I hope you guys enjoyed. Take is an OC of mine I’ve had for a while just never had a name for him until now. Like his concept was in my head foreverrrr. He might be a reoccurring character. I really like him. But I did put one shot so I’m not sure. Lemme know what y’all want. Check out this post below for a little more context. Hope you enjoyed.
-Love, Sos❤️
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primussavethesemechs ¡ 1 year
I want the human/cybertronian life difference to be talked about more in canon
Cuz I mean. it’s RIGHT THERE.
Just a smidgen of true acknowledgment I BEG YOU HASBRO‼️
i mean come on all it takes is someone mentioning how long the wars been going for one of the humans to go “4 MILLION YEARS???? WHAT THE FUCK HOW OLD ARE YOU???”
And optimus or ratchet to be like “…5/7 million?” And all of the humans to have a break down CUZ WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUVE BEEN ALIVE SINCE BEFORE THE HUMAN SPECIES EXISTED??? WE WERE MONKEYS WHEN YOU WERE BORN???
And the (woefully uniformed) cybertronians to be like “??? What do YOU mean your species was still evolving when I onlined, how long do you guys live?? A thousand?? A few hundred??”
Cue the autobots being like “😨 72??? THATS A CHILD WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT⁉️”
the more attached/emotional bots looking at their charges and realizing that not only are they sparklings compared to them but they’ll die as sparklings too in just a few decades, causing them to straight up have a mini meltdown.
Yeah they’re in a war and they’ve lost plenty of friends, but never to anything as predictable and inescapable as old age.
It’s the seeing-it-coming part that gets to them, the slow dread of knowing that even if they do everything right and keep them out of danger and they stay healthy there’s nothing they can do to stop them from withering away in a couple of decades.
Most versions of bumblebee looking at their charge/friend and realizing his assumptions about the fact that since they’re both still young that they’ll have plenty of time to just. Live together and have fun- are wrong?? Immediately tears. Even if cybertronians can’t cry tears he’s doing whatever the equivalent is and running away to cry in his room. And then running back to snatch them and take them with him cuz HE CANT WASTE A SECOND IF THEIR LIFESPANS ARE REALLY THAT SHORT HES GONNA JUST HAVE TO SPEND 24/7 WITH THEM
This whole concept ESPECIALLY applies to TFP since all of them got their own little human buddy and there’s only like 5 autobots to begin with (of the main season 1 crew) they’ve lost so many of their own so recently, their numbers are already dwindling down to nothing, they’re losing the war and the kids are what’s given them a major morale boost. To continue fighting they need hope, and the kids have kind of become their hope for the future- to know they’ll die off in under a century despite how young they still are is a shot to the spark.
Look me in the eye and tell me bee wouldnt panic hearing that Raf only has 70-80 years to live. LOOK ME IN THE EYE AND TELL ME HE WOULDNT HAVE SOME KIND OF FIT OVER BEING TOLD THAT HIS LITTLE BUDDY (from a cybertronian perspective) HAS A LIFESPAN EQUIVALENT TO A LATE STAGE TERMINAL ILLNESS DIAGNOSIS. Bee would start treating Raf like a kid with stage 4 cancer 😭
I just KNOW bulkhead would have the worst reaction other than bee, maybe even worse cuz he looks at miko and realizes she’s used up basically a fifth of her entire lifespan already and she’s Still So Little and straight up starts weeping. That’s his DAUGHTER you can’t take her from him so soon it’s not FAIR! He might have to go destroy a canyon wall or something to let some of the anger and grief out
Arcee is Not taking it well either.
She JUST got attached to this one, just got used to a new partner and your telling her that no matter what she does he’s never going to last as long as tailgate of cliff jumper did?? Even if both he and she do everything they’re supposed to do to protect him and extended his life?? Depression time baby
Optimus and ratchet don’t react as much outwardly to the news as the others but inside they’re both 💔💥
These kids have brought optimus a level of contentment he hasn’t felt in vorns, and he sees how bright their spirits shine- Only to now know those precious spirits will burn out in less than a century- it gnaws at him inside, yet another strike from the cruelty of fate
Ratchet is devastated but refuses to acknowledge it, these kids- yes even miko- have become his pseudo grandkids and he’s not ready, nor will he ever be ready, to outlive them. Jacks reminds him too much of a younger optimus, still learning and still hopeful. Miko is… well she has a fire to her that ratchet can appreciate (when she’s not actively annoying him) she’s determined enough to make anything happen which he does begrudgingly respect even if he wishes she wouldn’t just throw herself into any and every situation just for fun.
And Raf…
Raf is his apprentice, the only one of the kids to understand him and listen intently to his stories of cybertron. To show appreciation for his work and his ideas, to Listen and Learn and Improve his inventions. He harbors the most fondness for Raf since he sees so much potential in him, and has taken him under his wing in teaching him cybertronian language and biology.
He feels almost like he’s training a student to take his place- only for the ground to be ripped out from under him to know that Raf will never have the chance to succeed him, will never even outlive him.
A parent should never have to bury their child, and ratchet already feels that he has.
TLDR the autobots find out humans have fruit fly lifespans next to them and become one big soggy mess of tears, optimus and ratchet included although they try to have a stiff upper lip about it (and fail to varying extents)
I swear this was supposed to be about any and all continuities but TFP took over completely😭 idk it just fits the best since they focus so much on how attached the bots get to the kids
Edit: btw this was inspired from the fact I found out that the cybertronian equivalent to a year (yes I know technically they have solar cycles which are roughly a human year but what they consider a year vs their lifespan/time perception is different) is a vorn. A vorn is 80 HUMAN YEARS. I saw that and went “oh wow a vorn is like a whole human lifespan!😃” and then I went “OH A VORN IS A WHOLE HUMAN LIFESPAN 😀“
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yeomies ¡ 4 months
𝜗 𝓜e, 𝓔spresso .ᐟ 𝜚
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⌗ synopsis — love at first sight is one thing but love at first glance is a whole different story for jake (idol!jake x blk! kpop idol reader — member of æspa)
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warnings :: one singular curse, not proofread, the use of “you, your, you’re” instead of i / first person views, in lowercase, my first story so pleaaaase 😭
word count — 939 [funnyface]
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you were a foreign idol from the states that had joined the group æspa after a good 3 years of training. you had been known as korea’s foreign beauty and an inspiration to many black kpop idols across the world that there was hope, and you can do whatever you put your mind to. like the black barbie of your time.
but your biggest fan? sim jaeyun. you two had never spoken before, but he was so enticed by you and your visuals. he had spoken publicly about you and how you were one of his idols even though you two were around the same age. this infatuation turned into a little joke between fandoms and even dating rumors which he formally apologized about. throughout the many months to come, he had asked for your number numerous times to which you replied with how you wasn’t really giving any one your number yet
but after many attempts, you had given him your number. you thought he was cute don’t get me wrong, but you just wanted the attention and rumors to stop. but they didn’t. after giving him your number he got asked a question about you
“do you like [__]? are you two dating?” “no, we’re not dating. but i do have her number!” he said with a wide smile on his face as he read more comments like he didn’t just say something that could potentially lead to yet ANOTHER. dating rumor.
in the dorms with aespa that night it was chaotic. “what the fuck.” you exclaimed while karina & giselle showed you the clip “no, [__] he’s obsessed with you.” giselle laughed loudly as winter came up to the three of you. “did you see the clip? there’s like 7 posts about it already on twitter..” you examined winter’s feed hoping what she was saying wasn’t true.. but it was. you sighed heavily as you walked over to your shared dorm. “i’m going to sleep. this’ll blow over by tomorrow… right?” the three girls shrugged as you rolled your eyes contently and shut the door. being greeted by your groups maknae, ningning. who had been watching jake’s live from the beginning
“hey ning.” you huffed, shuffling over to your bed and flopping onto it. “hey, what’s wrong?” “another dating rumor.” she sighed. “look on the bright side, he probably just wants to be friends, try and get to know him more, under, the idol image.” you looked up from your bed and thought for a second maybe she was right — maybe he just wanted to be friends! you whipped out your phone and texted the boy.
“hey jake it’s [__]! just texting to get to know you better, i know i gave you my number but we really never got to speak about our lives outside our careers:)!” you sent the message and awaited a reply. . and, of course, within minutes, he responds ! “hey! sorry, i was a little scared to text you lol!! but yeah let’s talk!!!” you smiled as you kept the conversation going for a couple hours. from the conversation, you had found out what movies he liked, what he liked to be called and his favorite part of doing what he does.
these conversations lasted for months before you two started publicly hanging out and hugging at award shows, which of course, sparked confusion between fandoms & fan bases.
one night, you had been working in the studio for your groups new comeback as you walked back to your dorm to play animal crossing with winter when you see jake already playing, so you texted him “well goodnight to you too” “lol sorry, i haven’t been able to sleep lately..” you frowned at this text “awh why is that?” you replied with a :( emoji at the end. “honestly, i’ve been up thinking about our conversations, i’m so excited to start a new one everyday and i’ve been waiting for forever to finally talk to you and now i can. so i just stay up thinking about you.”
“wanna call?” you risk-fully typed as you almost threw your phone across the room — when you heard a ding! come from your phone. you gasped an hastily looked for it on your bed “sure, [__] let’s call” you melted at this text and called him. you two were quiet for a moment until he spoke up “i’m sorry.. if i came off as a little weird when we first met. when i first saw you i was amazed by you — like you were a goddess that flew in from the states.” he paused inbetween his words before speaking up again. “you really are one of my favorite people right now and i’m glad we’re talking.” you smiled at his confession and replied “thank you, jake. you’re too sweet.” the two of you talked until the morning came and ningning complained about having to sleep in the living room because of the noise.
after that, the two of you had spoken everyday, talking every single hour until he finally confessed, he proposed to be your boyfriend. he came to your dorms and brought flowers for you with a note saying “bf & gf?” it was simple, but you loved it. you texted him immediately after seeing them saying “yes, you can be my boyfriend.” a week later, you had released a solo track called “espresso.” jake listened to it on live and realized the lyrics were aimed at him
“said you can’t sleep? baby i know, that’s that me espresso..!” he sighed and chuckled at the lyrics, this was the start of a long relationship.
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neptunescore ¡ 5 months
Idk if you’ve talked about this already and this is not a defense of her but it is interesting to me how people take the comment from Kelly about a “magical moment” with Max (and why would you ever admit this? you couldn’t water board this shit out of me) when he was 18/19 to run with as her grooming him or being a pedophile but see Pierre’s and Kika as #goals.
Bc only one of them actually started dating their significant other when they were 19 and it wasn’t Kelly. Mind you Pierre is 7 years older than Kika.
Or even Checo and his wife. They announced their relationship when she was 19 and already pregnant with their first child. (He is almost 8 years older than her.)
Now like I said, this is not a defense of Kelly but I am asking the question what the difference here is? Why do people see it so differently when the women is older? (This actually reminds me of that new “The Idea of You” movie but that’s not the point.)
Simple answer? Misogyny.
Don’t get me wrong, I am all for holding them accountable and talking about this but then we have to talk about all of them and not only her.
I acc have NOT talked abt this and literally me and frnd just discussed this yesterday and it ended up in us making a whole timeline on checos marriage😭,
No1 Pierre and Kika
Honestly, I love kika (literally followed her bfr I knew pierre and her were together), pierre dating her at that age WAS wrong. Gave me the absolute ick. Disgusting. I feel like ppl don't realise how weird it is bc they're both in their 20s. But it IS weird. Literally unfollowed him as soon as I found out. (Word to word same story with este and his gf). Also kika posting a Starbucks cup on her story when the boycott was already at its peak, made me unfollow her just as quick. (If someone has an ss of that please send it in, I had to change phones and mines gone now. I can't find it online either)
No2 Checo and Carola
Shes 26/ 27 rn. He's 34.
They got engaged in 2017, she was NINETEEN/ TWENTY he was TWENTY SEVEN. OBVIOUSLY they HAD to be dating bfr that bc that was their ENGAGEMENT, so he was literally dating her back when she was younger than 19 guys. MAD
I never really felt anything towards checo when I first got into f1, but I remeber finding this out and feeling so SHOCKED.
Also I don't rlly care much abt who drivers date, and I absolutely hate WAG gossip accs, but that doesn't mean I won't be weirded out/ digusted when drivers do smthng THIS questionable😭
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jinxiguess ¡ 1 year
GONE characters in a british highschool
this is like the stupidest post ive ever made also disclaimer i know NOTHING about the american school system so i think half of them are probably in the wrong years also i didn't want to put all of them in the same year so ignore how some of their ages dont even match up😭
year 11
ALWAYS forgets ingredients for food tech
and then burns everything
and then forgets to take it home and just leaves it in the fridge at the end of the day
never remembers to put money in his school account and quinn has to buy him lunch every single day
sleeps through maths
has the most obvious crush on astrid and the entire school knows
year 11
made it her life goal to get head girl when she was in year 7
and got it ofc🤭
try hard in every single class
and top set in everything
always has so much stationery
goes to homework club EVERY SINGLE DAY
besties w the librarian
somehow oblivious to the fact sam likes her
year 11
always late to every lesson no matter WHAT
somehow keeps ending up front row in school fights and gets interrogated abt them
"can i go to the toilet?" and takes like 20 laps round the school before he comes back
takes 0.5 pictures of everyone
sells overpriced sweets at lunch and makes bank
threatens to fight people after school but never does
joined the football team but nobody ever passes to him bcs he cant play to save his life
year 10
accidentally downloaded a virus on one of the computers and nearly got expelled
gets squashed in the lunch queue
buttons up his blazer to look smart
makes sam join clubs with him so he isnt alone (he's scared of the year 8s)
tried to feed the seagulls outside the school
hangs out in the library w roger and denies that they're dating but literally everyone knows
so bad at pe that he doesnt even bother bringing his kit anymore n just gets sent to iso
year 11
literally never in class
vapes in the toilets w diana
ALWAYS in iso
dated quinn for like a week in year 8
somehow pulls absolutely everyone
so popular but everyone is also scared of her because one time she scrapped w drake and bashed his head in
brings alcohol to EVERY party
year 11
head boy even though he does NOT deserve it
leads the year 7s to the wrong side of the school
pe try hard (screams "WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET THE BALL" at his teammates)
year 7s all have a crush on him
acts like he caught a disease after he touches a year 8
has like 60% attendance but the teachers still love him
never goes to form
always shoving in the canteen queue🙄
gets way too competitive over kahoot
literally never been sent to iso except that one time he shoved drake off his chair in the middle of class
year 11
rolls her skirt up and always gets in trouble for it (and refuses to roll it back down)
vapes in the toilets w lana
sprays entire bottles of perfume every time shes near the year 7s
and then makes friends w them specifically to slag them off later
stalks the teacher's socials
uses xx or 💋 after EVERY SINGLE TEXT
has a pandora bracelet and wears different charms on it everyday
somehow untouched by school air
year 11
"WHAT DID I EVEN DO???" every time he gets sent out of class (he was literally jumping on the tables)
starts like half the fights in the entire school
scraps outside tesco like every single day
LOBS paninis at the year 7s
steals tesco trolleys
should probably just go live in iso atp
got kicked off the football team bcs he wouldnt stop slide tackling
literally on the verge of being expelled
year 10
1000% done w everyone elses shit
sits in empty classrooms at lunch n pals w the teachers
way too stressed abt gcses
actually really really good at music
so quiet but somehow everyone knows who she is
used to take the bus to school but decided she didnt want to have to deal w all the year 7s and stopped
got hit in the face w a netball in pe
year 9
absolutely sprints to the lunch line
gets so mad whenever someone doesnt pass the ball to her in pe
and always fighting w caine in pe
shoplifts from tesco
forgets her pe bag at least once a day n leaves it everywhere
always getting sent out for talking back
LOST the form pet hamster
nearly blew up a science classroom
year 8
always talking shit about everyone
makes those tips for year 7 videos
defo has pe first on a friday😭
snitches on EVERYONE
makes tiktoks in the bathrooms
spends half the lessons making her titles cursive and pretty
makes fun of the year 7s as if she wasnt one like two months ago
year 7
GIANT backpack
and probably gets trampled in the corridors
probably wears undertale or harry potter keychains (and gets bullied abt it)
always gets hit by paninis travelling at 1000kmph
got given a top locker and cant reach it
cries when he gets in trouble
year 8
rolls her skirt up unevenly
side eyes EVERYONE
vaped in the toilets and taylor snitched on her
REFUSES to wear her blazer
falls over in pe and everyone sighs when she gets put on their team
got put in iso for insulting all the teachers
year 10
stabs his radnor fizz w a compass and sprays it at all the year 7s
also starts like a million fights
NEVER has a pen
grabs peoples bag straps and yanks them backwards
always steals the year 7's footballs and boots them into orbit
wears black airforces instead of school shoes
and is never ever ever wearing his tie
year 9
keeps getting mistaken for a year 7
hangs out with older kids to look cool
and then brags about it
sells vapes behind the school at break
tries to break up orc's fights and gets flung halfway across the pitches
MASSIVE blazer (looks like a roblox character)
year 10
probably a theatre kid
runs to every class so he isnt late
always skips pe
that one kid who highlights EVERYTHING
somehow manages to record EVERY SINGLE FIGHT (and then sends it to everyone)
holds therapy sessions in the toilets
that one asthmatic kid who screams whenever anyone sprays anything
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venussaidso ¡ 2 years
Tupac was an Uttara Bhadrapada Moon and watching a lot of his interview videos, I can see it so clearly. He was a sensitive soul, and a good person. He was passionate, and very angry. And he contradicted himself a lot, because he was authentic all the time. He said what he felt like saying at that moment, even if it contradicted what he may have said before. But it always made sense.
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Regardless, there was always a consistent message in all these paradoxical videos. He spoke his mind 24/7, unfiltered. Which is usually the immature phase I see from young Uttara Bhadrapadas, even Purva Bhadrapadas. He died very young and we didn't get to see him transition to a more calmer Uttara Bhadrapada. Watching him just energizes me, he was bubbly asf.
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I believe he has inspired a lot of people by his interviews alone. He was a complex man, but he knows he was mostly a good guy. He was just surrounded by the wrong people and distractions. Kinda wish he was still alive. But it makes sense his life was cut short, he always predicated that (thus manifesting his demise).
Wish Claire Nakti touched on the activist and angry side of Uttara Bhadrapada, there's a lot of material there. They're exhausted. It feels like no one is really listening. These natives have got so much wisdom already in their younger years, but are misunderstood. He had his gangster/thug persona and a lot of people couldn't really see him. Pisces, unknowingly creating illusions/having perceivers project illusions onto them.
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This interview, you could tell the interviewer already has a skewed perception of Tupac but he never shuts her down. He knows that he's viewed a certain way and he shatters the illusion without taking it personally because he knows who he is. Reminder that he's in his early twenties and he sounds middle aged already; Uttara Bhadrapadas really are old ass souls.
Also, his style is very Uttara Bhadrapada. My Uttara Bhadrapada Moon guy friend loves sweaters. Tupac can wear grandpa vests and still look cool lmfaoo 😭
Ugh he makes me really really sad.
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adotmbrosia ¡ 2 months
season 7-9 spoilers, particularly abt kevin tran
thinking abt kevin tran and how FUCKED everything was for him.
sam winchester is doomed by the narrative because he is the main character and he always got to go through shit but i’ve never seen anyone talk about how kevin tran was also doomed by the narrative due to being a prophet. maybe it’s bc of his actor and his horrible actions — which i do not condone and i feel so horrible for all the victims. but kevin tran as the character is so pitiful and sad yet i see nobody in the spn fandom talk abt it.
jst bc he’s the prophet he is ripped away from his normal life at like fucking 17/18 yrs old ffs his main concern was abt his ap classes 😭😭😭 imagine living almost two decades of normalcy and you’re thrown into this world where you’re being goddamn hunted down by everybody, especially these two scary ass 6 feet middle aged men who knows too much about everything spouting shit about “responsibility.” girl i havent even paid taxes yet!! idk shit abt responsibility!
after being forced into this role of the prophet, kevin literally worked — which is grueling btw transcribing is not easy and we can see it take a toll on him as he continues to work throughout the seasons — himself to the point where the winchesters bought him fucking xanax (i may be wrong here but it was some sort of medication) to calm his anxiety 😭 like ts is NOT okay to give to an undiagnosed teenager. not to mention crowley always looking for him.
the winchester brothers say kevin is family and how much the winchester brothers cared for kevin but they never rlly show it. kevin figured out he was kidnapped by crowley bc fake sam and dean winchester were too nice to him. they were willing to go through some trouble to get him food he wanted despite there being leftovers in the fridge. if i was depending on this poor kid to save the fucking world i’d buy him some barbecue.
i mostly have a gripe with dean’s “pep-talks” he has with kevin too. kevin is rightfully unhappy about these circumstances. he’s allowed to feel fucked and scared and all of these emotions but dean pushes his agenda in kevin’s face. he doesn’t consider the nuances of the situation because dean has never lived a life where he had a choice (which is another conversation) but it’s not okay to make kevin feel like that as well. dean says shit like “oh i expected this wimp to choose the cowards way out” when kevin was literally KIDNAPPED😭 (unbeknownst to dean and sam but i digress it’s understandable he would run away from all of this) after kevin finds out that his mother is alive from crowley, he wants to go out and find her yet dean makes kevin stay once again to serve his agenda of saving the world and shit veiled by claiming kevin was family and crowley has reasons to lie. but after kevin’s death we find out that she was, in fact, alive!!!
kevin could’ve saved his mother from months(?) of torture by a demon yet dean stopped him because of what??
speaking of deans treatment we go over to sam’s treatment of kevin how he jst went AWOL on the poor kid leaving him to hide and live alone for a year despite kevin calling him Numerous times to tell sam that he was alive and Needed help
and i’m not saying that dean and sam doesn’t care abt kevin bc they have said so in many instances and have saved him many times. i jst feel like they weren’t perfectly great to him (honestly i can’t really blame them either) and the narrative has truly fucked kevin over many times.
ESPEICALLY kevin’s death which could’ve been so easily prevented, but it happened because he no longer served a purpose to the narrative. like kevin only got a few episodes where he didn’t serve as a prophet and was allowed to help the winchester brothers in his own way— which he COULD btw. he hacked into the military wifi to help them convince this lady to allow them to investigate the bus.
i also think abt how the show presents kevin. in the beginning it’s the overdone and stereotypical joke of “oh look at the asian kid who wants to go into an ivy and is in a million ap classes” and they never elevate themselves out of that box kevin is put into. not to mention his mother who when introduced the episode name is literally “tiger mommy” which is another asian stereotype that they are pushed into. which is frankly racist and jst not good writing which IK the writers are capable of bc look at sam and dean winchester at certain instances bc sometimes they fuck that up too.
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iluxurycruisedthatship ¡ 1 month
I wanna make a confession..
Tbh, I'm low-key kinda pissed off with the artist's decision to put Xiao in this dress:
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Like, I can tell that they're at some gala party. According to Google,
"A gala is a social occasion that is often a celebration of a certain event, milestone, or cause. The event is usually hosted by a business, nonprofit organization, or charity to highlight a specific achievement. A gala is a large, formal party that often includes dinner, entertainment, and guests dressing up in their best attire. Galas can be elegant and exclusive. It can serve many purposes, such as fundraisers, award ceremonies, or corporate celebrations. They can also be casual social events with large guest lists."
Sure enough it is. It's a Gala to celebrate Tekken 7 milestone.
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That's why everyone dressed up to the nines, cuz It's Gala party, you know? You got to show yourself up! Make yourself shining and memorable, it's Tekken milestone ffs. Everyone is elated and deserves a huge party to celebrate the event. To quote Lee-sensei "It's showtime!" and everyone understood the assignment. Everyone shows up in elegant and stunning outfits, befitting a gala. But why does our Xiao look so simple..??
Like what?? Her dress looks so simple it's screaming, "I'm so basic!" loudly on my face. It doesn't help either she's surrounded by women with amazing figures and flattering dresses. Maybe her core theme is "innocence and youth", but cmon now! You can do better than a basic sleeveless dress 😭😭
It shows nothing of her personality nor her Chinese origins. No applique, no laces, no cultural reference, no embroidery, no. There's nothing whatsoever. Just a basic A-line dress in orange color. There, that's the description of her dress. I'm not wrong, aren't I? I want to say it's a midi dress but we don't know exactly how long the dress is. Heck, I'm not even sure it's an A-line, that's just a wild guess from me.
Remember, this is a dress for a Gala dinner. Opting for a simple silhouette is fine, but if you decide to have a simple silhouette, then don't cut short for the details. If you do, that's just a kid's dress... Even some kid dresses have great details nowadays 😭
And Xiao is frickin 18 years old in T7 (she's 19 now in T8)! It makes no sense a girl of that age doesn't know what dress to wear at a formal event. She has her style; she knows how to dress cute. So I'm clueless as to why would the artist decide to put her in that dress. Everything just doesn't make sense.
That's why, send me a reference photo of a dress that would look stunning on our girl for a Gala dinner! I'll try to draw her in that dress! I'm by no means a great artist, but I can't just stand by seeing Xiao in that dress 😭
Xiaoyu deserves better, and we all know it.
Edit: forgot to add, you can also send some outfit reference for Jin as well! I planned to draw them both! :)
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let’s talk about this! was going to tag her but I’m pretty sure she blocked this blog so about the topic of jeffrey marsh:
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“most”? girl, one person potentially doxxed and threatened her children. the rest of us were basically just calling out her lies for what they were. none of us advocated for anyone being physically threatened or doxxed. I don’t endorse that. no one should be doing that shit. anyone that is deserves what they get.
but you lot - because you’ve made it patently obvious you yourself are a terf - physically threaten and doxx trans people all the time and tell trans people you’re going to get their kids taken away from them. don’t cry now just because some fucked up asshole did it to one of you. how many threats do you think jeffrey has gotten just this week?
also: there is no evidence jeffrey is grooming anyone. shumirun cropped and edited videos of them and screen recorded 18+ content that children were never invited to and was locked behind a pay wall and posted on a 13+ app when she knows some of her followers are 12, 13, 14, 15. her being a muslim is irrelevant to me and most people I’ve encountered, and doesn’t mean she can call people groomers without solid proof.
as someone on tiktok said themselves, why have none of you pretended to be a minor on jeffrey’s 18+ patreon to catch them out? because there have been thousands of accounts calling them that in their comments and such for ages, shumirun just took it a step further by posting the accusations on her page then doubling down for 7 million followers to see. you’re telling me not one of you thought to pretend you’re a minor and attempt to talk to them? I’m guessing some of you did try that and didn’t like the answer you got, eh?
next part!
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jeffrey isn’t doing anything at all suspicious.
shumirun’s discord however was literally a playground for actual predators. multiple kids from it said people were interacting with them in a weird way. where is this energy for her? I don’t think she is a predator, don’t get me wrong, I’d never accuse someone of that without evidence but you’d be dragging jeffrey’s name even more through the mud if that was them with that kind of discord and they admitted to playing roblox with 12 year olds. you’d also be dragging their name through the mud id they’d lied about having a health condition to get a job and endangered kids in the process.
also: her using their pronouns (not preferred in jeffrey’s case, they’re just their pronouns) doesn’t change that she used a transphobic (and homophobic) stereotype against them, follows an anti-trans group on twitter and liked tweets that were maliciously misgendering them.
last part!
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ding ding ding, there’s the terf dogwhistle! the fact you would have less sympathy for a child being murdered because they’re trans (brianna wasn’t murdered by “males”, one cis boy and one cis girl have been charged with her murder) says far more about you than it does about me, “bestie”. also the fact you support all these conservative laws? you realise they’re coming for you too, right? 😬 don’t worry though. we “evil TRAs” will be fighting against any anti gay legislation even if you won’t fight the anti trans ones.
and you have said so much abhorrent shit about trans folk but a lesbian calling himself a dyke in his bio is where you drawn the fucking line? lmfao what the fuck 😭
have a nice day and enjoy the block that will be coming your way very soon 🥰
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suffarustuffaru ¡ 4 months
For what it’s worth about Natchuki Subawu adopting Spica as a fellow 12 year old: I’m pretty sure he was narratively in the wrong for that and the intended response was “Hey. Buddy. What are you doing?”
For a number of reasons. Not the least of which being him doing that in front of Ram.
very true yes! :o personally (and this may be different for other people feel free to let me know hah) i feel like the adoption was more viewed in the sense of it being narratively wrong but because louis is a sin archbishop and literally almost no one approves of this decision and. not bc subaru is also a child rn. not that these two things cant coexist bc they Do. but i feel like the narrative focuses more on the conflict out of louispica and subaru adopting her as spica and pushes aside the fact that he is Also the same age as spica rn. which is Understandable but. still HAH 😭😭 hes a child rn too!! but i may be wrong on what the narrative says abt this so :o
but definitelyy thats what it felt like to me when i was reading that. like i get subarus kinda in the wrong here as much as i understand why he does adopt spica and all that, but at the same time the expected sort of “wtfff subaru lmaooo” reaction im probs supposed to have from subarus adoption was layered underneath me going “ok why is a twelve year old adopting another twelve year old :,)”. but thats just me haha :,,)) it soured that moment a bit for me. on top of me personally just not caring much for spica. i feel like even if she has trouble talking, we still couldve seen more personal development and agency from her throughout arcs 7-8 that wasnt mostly just her doing stuff for subaru or being shoved around or smth. she could be saying more that wasnt just “uaaaau” (which iirc is her trying to say subaru which is fun <3 butt i wish she had the chance to say more even if it wasnt with her voice!! or a chance to see more of her pov!!). and i love the idea of her growing to love subaru and rem and such but it doesnt feel earned to me when her arc 6 self disappeared in an instant!! she didnt change, she got toddler-mentality-ied into near instant character development :,) at least amnesiabaru went through a bunch of change on his own and still merged with Natsuki Subaru so we still feel those effects on subaru u know? :,) i open arc 8 chapter with spica and she goes “uaaaau” and then the plot pushes her around as it sees fit so she can cause conflict or fix conflict as a device tappei’s using. :,)))
but anyway that is me once again showing my mixed feelings on louispica but :,)) alas… i will hold out hope that tappei will do wack ass shit with her that makes me love her again. ty for the ask anon <3
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evostar ¡ 5 months
Okay new au yall, It’s been stuck in my head and I needed to get it out 😭
Basically a what if Dolores and Antonio were adopted by pepa and Felix, also gaining Camilo as sibling!
It’s set 12 years before the canon time so Dolores and Isabela are 9, Luisa is 7, Camilo and mirabel are 4, Antonio gets age swap and is 1 year old! The triplets, their spouses and Alma are also younger ofc!
And in this au they get their gifts of the age of 8, gifts like strength, weather manipulation, hearing etc. can be turned off and on by command and they still help the community but not like get forced into it, they do it if they want to
I already did an chapter so enjoy reading it!! :D
(Also here if you can’t read it on ao3) enjoy!
-Persiguiendo la luz-
~Chapter 1~
Isabela was happily walking around the town, she finished her chores earlier the day so she roams around the town, of course only near where julieta was. She wasn’t “old enough” to be able to walk alone in town yet, she didnt complain much about it but it did bother her since Isabela considers herself a big girl. She’s gonna be 10 years old next year! And that’s pretty much a big age, right?
She was walking around with a mission, she was allowed to be in certain places alone and freely, she would describe it as fun…if only she had friends. Isabela has a hard time making friends, most of them turn out to be only mean people, so it’s her mission to find the perfect friend.
After an hour of her search Isabela started to get frustrated, she hadn’t found any luck. She made her way back to her mother’s stand and sat down next to where julieta stood. Julieta noticed her daughter’s sad face “what’s wrong mija?” She asked. Isabela pouted “I can’t find a single good friend.” She mumbled. Julieta smiled “Don’t just give up mija, im sure just with a bit of patience and a bit more searching you will find a friend. Just search a little more, for me?“ Isabela looked up to julieta and stood up with a huff. “Okay Mami but only because you said it.“ she said.
So Isabela searched for half an hour till she finally found the perfect friend…in the forest near casita, the person wasn’t in the forest deep, she was still visible but you wouldn’t notice her that easily. Before Isabela approached this person she wanted to spy a bit. This girl had mixed skin which had some injuries, dark brown curls that seemed to be damaged, brown eyes that looked pure, and a soft face that reminded her of her mama, its a bit funny because this girl resembled her tia more than her mother. The girl wasn’t alone, there was a little boy too. He had dark skin like his tio and his curls were the same. Dark and tight, but like the girl, he also had injuries and damaged curls. Maybe they were just clumsy like her papi, she didnt think too much about it of course.
After her spying she decided that its time to intoduce herself. She made her way to them with a big smile. “Hello!“ Isabela said, the girl got startled by the voice and stared at Isabela with fear for a second before she calmed down. “Uhm..hi?“ she raised an eyebrow. “Im Isabela, what’s your name?“ she asked. “Dolores.“ she avoided eye contact.
Dolores was a bit akward if isabela‘s honest but it’s probably because she‘s shy, right? “And who‘s that?“ Isabela pointed to the little boy. “That’s my brother, Antonio.“ she waved his hand to Isabela with a smile. Isabela smiled too, he was adorable and calm..unlike her primo who was a nightmare. “I have a primo! Not exactly a brother but he‘s pretty much like a brother to me. But hes annoying.“ Isabela sat down. “How old are you?“ she asked. Dolores thought for a second. She asks a lot of questions. “i think..nine..“ she said. She thinks that she‘s nine?? Doesn’t she know her own age? Isabela thought. “And Antonio?“ “He‘s a year old“ welp she answered that fast.
“Well im nine too!!“ isabela exclaimed. The two girls talked for a bit and the more they talked the more Dolores opened up, yet it was obvious she was keeping a lot of stuff a secret. Dolores also talked more about her brother than herself but Isabela didnt mind, it made her happy so why should she complain?
They talked for two fully hours till julieta called Isabela for dinner. “Awh…i need to go…i guess i will see you tomorrow..“ Isabela pouted, Dolores seemed sad too. They were about tot part ways when Isabela forgot to mention something “Wait!“ she shouted, dolores squeaked but turned around. She gets scared easily… Isabela thought again.
“We are friends right?“ She asked. Dolores smiled softly, “of course!!“ she peeped. Isabela waved and ran towards casita. She finally has a friend!! Not to mention a pretty good one too!! Julieta was already waiting for Isabela at the door. “Mami!! Mami!! I made a friend!!!“ Isabela shouted. “That’s great sweetheart!! I always tell you-“ “patience is always the answer, i know Mami“ Isabela continued. “Right.. Let‘s go before the food gets cold.“ they went inside and joined the family. Isabela announced that she had friends and her family were really happy for her. Isabela hardly makes friends mostly because most of them are using her for her gift. That’s why this time she made sure not to tell Dolores about her gift just incase, it also seemed like Dolores didnt know anything about her family at all.
Isabela talked a lot about her friend, well in this case friends. She’s pretty sure that Antonio is considered her friend too. After the dinner she went to bath, Agustín read her a story about two brave animals, isabela fell asleep happily this night.
Since that day on Isabela’s and dolores‘s friendship grew, not only that but the madrigal‘s curiosity also grew. They really wanted to meet Dolores and Antonio but everytime Isabela asks Dolores if she can come over she refuses. Months have passed and it was now 5 months into their friendship.
From all of the madrigals, pepa was the one with the most curiosity, she happily heard Isabela’s story about them, and she decided that it was the day that maybe she gets to meet Isabela’s friend for the first time!! Mostly it was also because she didnt want isabela to be with bad kids. But the other reason was also because of a quite thing isabela always mentions.
Apparently they are clumsy a lot, not clumsy but that’s what isabela calls it. They often get injuries and it seems like Dolores has an excuse for every single one. Pepa is suspecting abuse, she doesnt straight up go to the girl and say it obviously, she wanted to take things slowly.
Isabela was guiding pepa to their hangout spot, aka the spot where they first meet. She was really excited to introduce pepa to Dolores. Dolores was already with Antonio under the tree, he was sleeping with an blanket on the floor next to her, she kept a hand on his back. And she just stared into the void. “Dolores!!!“ isabela yelled as she ran up to her. Dolores turned to her with a smile and stood up. She opened her arms and Isabela happily hugged her tightly. Pepa chuckled, they seemed to be best friends for life, literally.
Pepa noticed how dolores quickly was alerted when she saw her, she took a step back as if she was protecting Antonio. “Dolores, this is my tia pepa!!“ isabela clarified. “Tia, this is Dolores and Antonio, my best friends!!“ Dolores smiled a bit at the names. But then turned to pepa with the most serious face a 9 year old could have. They stared at eachother for some seconds and in those seconds pepa studied them, it was true that they had injuries, their hair doesnt seemed to be taken care of, they were clean, and they were adorable. “Well hello!! I heard so much about you two, i really wanted to meet you guys.“ pepa spoke. The girl still was silent, she was staring deeply into pepa‘s eyes and pepa started to get nervous. Isabela scotched closer to pepa and whispered “Dolores isn’t great with adults, she said she finds them Lousy“ Ah..that makes sense….does it?
“Hello.“ Dolores mumbled. Pepa lit up, so she does speak! Not much but that was enough for pepa. “Well why dont you guys talk while i rather just listen for now.“ pepa suggested. “Okay!!“ isabela beamed. They sat down and it didnt take long for Isabela and Dolores to pick up their long talks again. Dolores had a soft voice and a soft face for sure. And it wasn’t just Dolores who was adorable, Antonio was adorable too, his face reminded her of Felix.
2 hours went by, pepa was amazed by how much they could talk, maybe this was the reason isabela became quieter at home. At some moment Antonio started to fuss a bit. Dolores noticed fastly, she picked him up and positioned him on her lap. He calmed down a bit but still fussed at something. “I think he might be a hungry..“ isabela mentioned. “He must be“ Dolores said. “Speaking of hungry!! Isabela its lunch time.“ pepa said. Isabela frowned, she wanted to talk more with her friend! Maybe..“Tia!! Could Dolores have lunch with us???“ She pleaded. “Of course she can!“ Pepa smiled. However Dolores did not look so pleased about it. Isabela already knew what Dolores was gonna say so she made sure to put her best act on.
“Doloooresss….pleaseeeeee???“ Isabela turned over to Dolores with puppy eyes. “Uhm…“ she muttered. She wasn’t that sure to go over to them yet, they are a big family and Dolores didnt want to meet that many. But she glanced over to Antonio who‘s starting to fuss more every second. “Okay fine..“ she said.
Isabela was thrilled, it was her first time having a friend over!! Dolores took the blanket and wrapped Antonio around her torso with it. Pretty smart. Pepa noted to herself. They made their way to the casita and Dolores was amazed by the house. It was really big and very colorful. Pepa was about to enter the house till she stopped them. She knew Isabela didnt want Dolores to know about their gifts, that’s a first but what about casita? “Wait here girls, i just need to do something quickly.“ pepa said. The girls waited while pepa went inside the house, luckily everyone was here already. Some of them were preparing the table and the other half was in the kitchen. So she took the ones in the dinning room over the kitchen to announce them about their guest.
“Okay, so isabela is having her friend over and we need to make some rules.“ pepa firmly said. Everyone went silent over the mention of them. “I’m pretty sure its exciting that Isabela is having someone over for the first time but she made it clear not to use our gifts and we all know for what reason..“ she grimaced. “This means you too casita, we cant show her any magic.“ pepa demanded. The house moved the tiles into a frown. “Okay we all got that clear?“ they all nodded their heads and went back to the preparations.
Pepa came back and took them inside. The further into the house made Dolores in a awh. The house was beautiful, Antonio also stared around curiously. “You have a pretty house isa!!“ Dolores complimented. “Thank you!!“ she replied. Antonio babbled something which they giggled at. “I take it he likes the house too?“ pepa smiled. “Seems so“ dolores looked down at him. They went into their garden where the table is, usually it wasn’t there but neither of them said anything. The other madrigals were already waiting for them and Dolores held her breath, Antonio started to get a bit overwhelmed. Dolores held his hand and Isabela held dolores‘s hand as if they could feel eachother‘s nervousness. Dolores maybe had heard about them but she never knew them. If she was correct they were called the madrigals.
They sat down in the middle, dolores sat between Isabela and pepa. Next to pepa was Felix and alma. Next to Isabela was julieta and Bruno. Opposite of them were AgustĂ­n, Camilo, Mirabel and Luisa. Isabela checked if her friend was okay and Dolores was really nervous so she put her arm behind Dolores, a way of saying that shes here. It calmed Dolores down but her nervousness was stilll eating her up. Pepa wanted to help too but she only knows Dolores a day and she doesnt think it will end up well.
The table was silent. Some of the others were nervous too. “Why are you guys so quiet, didnt u want to meet dolores?“ mirabel said bluntly, Felix started to crack up at her comment, the others tried not to make the situation worse as it was. Dolores saw how they were nervous, maybe this isn’t gonna end up bad. Pepa cuckled, “You’re right, maybe we should introduce ourself firstly?“ she suggested. “That’s a great idea! Why dont i start?“ Alma joined the conversation. Dolores turned to her direction,“ im alma madrigal“ alma…that name was familiar..oh! It’s the woman that her mothers swears about, often calling her selfish and a stuck up bitch. But for Dolores she seemed sweet, that doesnt mean she will trust them suddenly though.
Each madrgial introduced herself, so did dolores and Antonio, well Dolores for Antonio. They started to eat before they made it akward again, the children talked while eating, Bruno and Agustín were the only adults talking. Julieta and Alma noticed how Dolores fed Antonio first, she didnt even eat a single bite. However julieta was really impressed on how well Antonio was behaving, he didnt refuse a single bite and he didnt even make a mess. If she did the same with infant Mirabel or Camilo there would’ve been some stuff thrown at her face.
“Aren’t you gonna eat too?“ Isabela asked Dolores. “I am, i just need to make sure Antonio eats.“ She replied. Isabela thought for some seconds, and now that shes thinking about it, Dolores always has Antonio with her, she never saw Dolores without Antonio, and Antonio is more than 1 year old now. Not to mention Isabela was actually there when he did his first steps!! But Dolores often prefers to carry him around. Not only that too but, aren’t parents suppose to be taking care of the little ones? She always saw how her mama, papa, tia and tio took care of mirabel and Camilo, sometimes it was Abuela and tio Bruno too. She of course makes sure they are okay too but Dolores is acting like them when it comes to Antonio.
“Dolores, may i ask you something?“ Isabela spoke. Dolores noticed that something was off and turned to her. “Sure.“ she said. “Do u have parents?“ Isabela blurted and the table fell silence, besides for the little ones. Dolores face turned into confusion, why would Isabela ask her that? “What?“ she said. “Do you have parents?“ Isabela repeated. Now the table truely was silent. The adults started to panic a bit. “Yea i do, why are u asking?“ she questions. “Well you always take care of Antonio but aren’t your parents suppose to do it?“ she make a point. Dolores‘s eyes squinted, she purses her lips and doesnt say anything, but she seems to be mad. “Plus, you never talk about them!“ Isabela continues. “I like to take care of antonio.“ Dolores says. Isabela starts to notice that dolores‘s is angry, but why?
They stare at eachother for a bit, till Antonio broke the silence. He started to wave his hands around a lot. It seems like he didnt like it when they were like this. Dolores held his hand to calm him down but it didnt seem to work. Dolores started to get frustrated, maybe this was a bad idea at all. “I’m sorry i asked if you have parents Dolores..maybe it wasn’t a good question..“ Isabela apologized, she looked down at her plate. Antonio stopped fussing and Dolores started to feel bad. She shouldn’t taken that tone with her.
Dolores wanted to say she was sorry too but no words came out of her. So she just took Isabela’s hand and hoped she understood. Isabela did indeed understand her, and sqeeze Dolores’s hand. Sometimes Dolores would just shut down and it happened often so Isabela and Dolores’s started to understand eachother with just looks or body language. “Do you two have telepathy or is it just me?“ Bruno suddenly said. The girls started to giggle and some of the others laughed too.
“Looks like Antonio doesnt like seeing you guys like that.“ pepa confessed. Dolores had a sad smile on her face, “He doesn’t like it when people are mad or sad.“ she said. “What if he is mad or sad?“ Camilo questions. “Well then he makes sure everyone’s knows it“ she laughed. Camilo giggled at the answer. She was getting more comfortable with them and it was noticeable.
After lunch Isabela, Dolores and Antonio went back to their spot, but some have followed them. Isabela and Dolores sat down and dolores noticeded the noises behind Isabela, so she fixed her gaze into the bush and saw at least 3 people there. “I think someone followed us, or some people in this case.“ she said as she pointed them out. Isabela turned around and already knew who it was. “You guys are bad at hiding“ Isabela sighed, and they started to come out of the bush. “I told you this wasn’t a good idea Camilo“ Luisa said, as she helped mirabel to get out. He just ignored Luisa‘s comment and turned to face Isabela with puppy eyes. I wonder where he got that from..Dolores thought. “Can we please be with you guysss??? It’s so boring in casita!!“ he whined. Isabela glanced at Dolores for an answer and she shrugged. “Fine but dont annoy us Camilo!“ she snarled. Camilo gave her an evil grin before sitting down. Luisa and mirabel joined them.
They started to talk at some point. Some time passed by and Dolores saw how mirabel was focused on Antonio. She whispered something to Antonio and he started to wave at mirabel. Mirabel lit up brightly and smiled a lot. “How did u get him to do that!?“ she sputtered. “He started to randomly wave at people and if i tell him to wave at someone certain he just does“ Dolores said. Dolores started to ramble about Antonio to mirabel and Isabela started to get jealousy. Mirabel was really focused and Dolores loves to talk about antonio so Isabela feels like they could go for hours and hours about him.
Isabela crossed her arms and frowned. Her little sister is stealing her friend!! “Dolores!! Do you wanna go around town for a bit?“ Isabela interrupted them up. Dolores stopped talking and turned to Isabela. “Sure!! Will your family go too?“ she asked. She pursed her lip “uh no, i dont think its safe for them.“ she replied. “Cmon!!“ she said and took Dolores’s hand. “Wait isa!!“ Luisa shouted but they were already gone. “I dont think Mami allowed isa to go to town alone..“ Luisa reminded them. “Uh oh..“ mirabel and Camilo said in unison. “We should go get Mami!“ mirabel said, so they ran inside casita to tell julieta, lets say she wasn’t pleased by the news.
Isabela wandered around the town with Dolores, dolores had a worried face so Isabela asked what was wrong. “Aren’t you not allowed to go alone? I dont want to get you in trouble isa..“ she mumbled. And that’s when they stopped walking. “I totally forgot!!“ she said. All that jealousy made Isabela forget about it, all she wanted to do is get dolores away from mirabel so she would stop stealing her away but that really backfired on her.
Isabela started to panic, so she tried to look around to see where she ran off but the more she looked around the more she started to panic. She ran of almost to the other side of the town!! How did she not even notice!! Dolores realized that Isabela started to panic so she tried to calm her down. “Isa, its okay, i dont think your mom will be mad.“ she says. “It’s not even that!! I dont know where we are!! We are completely lost and its all because of me!!“ she tearing up. Dolores hugged Isabela, “its okay, i know where we are. I can bring us back“ she says. “Really!?“ “Really.“
Isabela was so happy that she had a friend like Dolores, she was really smart! Halfway trough their walk to casita Isabela asked, “How did u know the way?“ “My house was nearby, well its a bit further away but i mostly know the city of wandering around.“ she said as if it was nothing. That far!!?? Isabela thought. So that means that everytime she comes here it takes her a long time! And all that just to be with her? “You dont need to walk this far just to be with me Dolores“ Isabela turned to face Dolores with a sad face. “It’s okay, i enjoy walking plus i always come here!! I like it“ she hummed. Man..there’s a lot about Dolores she doesnt know yet..
When they arrived at casita alma quickly informed Felix to let julieta know Isabela was here and it only took some minutes for julieta to come from town and hug Isabela. She then proceeded to scold her but then hug her again. Dolores watched the scene confusingly. Why was julieta so worried about Isabela?? She just went to town for a little bit, and the hug? She was trying to think of an moment her mother hugged her like that but nothing came to her head.
It was getting darker so Dolores decided to go home early today, she was just waiting Isabela. After julieta hugged Isabela to death, she started to walk towards Dolores. Dolores stiffened up, she knew she was gonna get a scolding from this too, why shouldn’t she? Julieta kneeled down and Dolores saw a smile instead of an angry face. “Thank you a lot for helping Isabela, dolores.“ she thanked her. This woman’s voice is really soft..
Dolores‘s eyes widen, is that it? No screaming, no saying names, just that? “Dolores?“ julieta said. “Uh..right..you‘re welcome..“ she quickly looked over to Isabela to avoid eye contact. “See you then Isa..“ she waved and Isabela waved back.
While Dolores was walking back home, she had a weird feeling in her stomach, like..as if she was really happy about something. She hoped that she wont ever loose this feeling.
If y’all have any questions about this au I gladly answer them :D thanks for readingg
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https-hunter ¡ 5 months
Doing this in a single post bc I’m impatient & I love Olivia’s music sm
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1: I liked her when sour came out but I got really into her music in October of 2023
2: Probably deja vu
3: Can’t catch me now!!
4: I guess I’ve listened to hope ur ok the least
5: “We both drew blood but man those cuts were never equal” HITS in a way I can’t describe
7: I don’t have a favorite, but I found this on Pinterest and I think it’s cute
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8: THE GRUDGE. I have issues with letting go of grudges I have against those who have wronged me (VERY specific people) so. uh. that one hits close to home
9: I actually had a dream last week where I was doing karaoke to an Olivia song and I was trying to pick one I knew by heart. I definitely know vampire, get him back, & bad idea right? I’m sure I still have a ton of sour songs memorized
10: Get him back & obsessed are sooo cool. I also love good 4 u because I remember my brother pulling it up on the tv when it came out
11: this one is really cute! I love the bangs on her
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12: Drivers license. I may have heard all I want before that, but I remember drivers license blowing up
13: All American bitch!!
14: She’s my age. We’re both 2003 girlies and I think that’s why I connect and click with her music so much. I was going through teen angst when she was and transitioning to adulthood at the same time as her. She gets it!!
15: I don’t have one, but once again, I like this photo from Pinterest. It feels like something any gen z teen would post
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16: One step forward, three steps back & pretty isn’t pretty
17: This one. She literally still makes that face
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18: I honestly don’t know which ones have had their own music videos or not. I’m sure they’re all great
19: Conan Gray. I think their friendship is sweet and I like his music, too
20: Like favorite cover of an Olivia song? I don’t know any other than that video of jojo siwa singing traitor 😭
21: There are probably some hsmtmts songs I haven’t heard. I haven’t watched it
22: Traitor!! I love that song sm. I do love happier though
23: What. What does this one mean? She’s American, is she not?
24: I’ve never seen hsmtmts 😭
25: MITSKI MITSKI PLEASE!! If someone closer to her age, then Conan Gray would be so cool since they’re besties already or Laufey
26: Never seen that show
27: Never seen that show
28: I don’t know if any of them are? Drivers license was…very saturated in 2021 and vampire was tiktokified last year
29: When she was on SNL in 2023
30: That I love her music, it’s so relatable and beautiful, and that she should keep doing what she’s doing
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natandwandaseries ¡ 8 months
Sorry if it’s a little early, I’m currently on the other side of the planet and have no clue about the time differences.
1. 📚Favorite part of the series?
Post Nat returning from Vormir and realising how important she is.
2. 📅What year did you start reading the series?
I think 2021.
3. 👩‍👩‍👧Favorite character?
Nat forever and always
4. 💯Favorite line?
Don’t think I can pick just one
5. 💃🏽Favorite secondary character?
6. 🎬Best scene?
Natasha’s inner monologue when she knows where Wanda is but is struggling post paint factory explosion
7. 🔪Favorite Yelena moment/line?
Her taking over the cleanup post thanos.
8. 📖Favorite Natasha moment/line?
Whenever she tried to right any of her wrong doings whether they were intentional or not.
9. 🪄Favorite Wanda moment/line?
When she is with Peter and their friends acting her own age
10. 🖼️Most underrated scene?
The red room takedown
11. 😭Time the series made you cry
Nat trying to process Bruce’s death
12. 😂Time the series made you laugh
Slip n slide
13.📓Favorite literary reference
I’m afraid to say I’m not sure
14. ⛰️Favorite cliffhanger
Bucky wiping Nat, like I had no idea what he had done to her
15. 💻Scene that made you want to throw your phone/laptop
Honestly… Wanda’s recent reluctance to talk to Nat
16. 🎢Favorite plot/arc
I’m weird and love angst so it may be psychotic for me to say when Wanda found Natasha unconscious in the bathroom & her recovery from that
17. 👯‍♀️Best unexpected duo
Yelena and Tony
18. 🩰Biggest plot twist
Yelena still being alive
19. 🍞Best breadcrumb/foreshadowing
Again I’m struggling to narrow it down without rereading the entire series again
20.❤️Most heartwarming moment
Nat meeting baby cooper
21. 💕 Moment where you think Nat and Wanda became mother and daughter
Is it a cop out to say after their first real conversation
22. ⌛️ Reader’s choice
Don’t know what to say besides Thankyou for your writing as this is my favourite series to read and reread. It was always a struggle to find Natasha centred fics, let alone good, well written ones, so I couldn’t be more grateful! I look forward to every update so I hope you’re able to continue until there’s nowhere else for the story to go.
Thank you for answering every question! I had so much fun reading all of your answers!!
When it Nat learns that she really did save everyone, it was such a big moment for her. She finally had deliverance from her past and decided that she was no longer being a hero to wipe the red from her ledger, but because she wants to. Nat and Laura's relationship has been great to see grow, and how she has stepped into an aunt-like role for Wanda
I spent days researching what it is like being catatonic, and am so glad you enjoyed that scene! It is such a moment of growth for Yelena when she stayed behind to cleanup, we see her stepping into her role on the team not for her sister but for herself. i enjoy the Red Room takedown scene as well, we see just how much power Madame B has exerted over Nat, and how she can overcome it. Bruce's death scene reminds me a lot of the scene where Tony and Pepper give Nat her Spyder, it shows a vulnerable side to Tony. That slip'n'slide is so much fun in real life. I had been building up to Bucky wiping Nat for over a year, I was so excited to finally share it! I want to yell at Wanda while I'm writing so I feel your frustration
I'm working on a mini(ish) fic from Steve's POV (it was supposed to be for the four year anniversary, but life and new chapters got in the way), but I hope to share more of Nat's recovery after Wanda pulled her out from being unconscious Yelena being alive is my favorite plot twist I have written as well, which is part of the reason I picked the ballet slippers as the symbol for this question
Nat meeting baby Cooper melts my heart every time I read it! And not a cop out lol! I believe their first conversation was Nat admitting her past in the food court at the mall
Thank you so much for your replies!! I will continue to post for a while, there is a lot more story to tell for both of our girls! Happy Four Year Anniversary to the Nat and Wanda Series!
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d-x-z ¡ 9 months
Spoilers under da cut or whateva
And a extreme horribly cringe rant, cringe but free from judgement I am embracing it😔
Jesus, CHRIST.
LITERALLY I SCREAMED, I just. Oh my God!? I WAS LIKE REALLY!? IS DIANE COMING BACK!? but no sadly no.. but the writers gave us something we wanted even tho it wasn't real. BUT HOLY SHIT MORTY ☹️
When his fear was having rick die, I think it was more of a momental fear where it was just more of a concern than fear? But then it turned out to be him not being accepted, I think, THEN it turned out he feared that he'd be replaced ☹️ I think after all this time seeing other versions of morty's dying left and right he'd eventually be replaced too, I mean tell me about it. Rick doesn't need him anymore to kill rick prime right? So maybe post event morty felt less valuable to him that he probably start fearing that one day he'd just die and rick wouldn't care and it's just so sad :( I mean rick is probably morty's first ever friend and someone he can actually trust. And it's just so heartwarming to see both morty's and Rick's development as a duo and as themselves,
Season 1 started off as Rick with one set on goal, to kill rick prime. And concidering morty back then he obviously was so new to all of Rick's antics and so as morty grew up during the seasons he grew more confident and independent from rick
I MEAN HE LITERALLY TOOK A FLYING BIKE TO GO BACK TO DENNYS TO CONFRONT THE GUY would season 1 morty do that!? No! And thats the point
He changed! well he's obviously the same but something about him makes him more confident on himself to actually take lead. He's always the side kick to rick the batman and joker type of duo. But now it's slowly grown to a side kick to an actual equal
And I am just so happy for him (ㅠ︿ㅠ), it's like seeing a best friend grow with you. I mean cmon I've watched rick and morty since I was A TODDLER my cousin introduced it to me once and I've never thought few years later when I'm ACTUALLY morty's age TODAY?, I see him genuinly grow through the years.
BUT THE FACT THAT HE'S SCARED OF NOT BEING ACCEPT KILLS ME, even tho it's not his greatest fear it's still considered as one since the realm responded to it. But still oh my God this showwwwww killlsss meeeee insiiiideee.
AND THE FACT the fact that he's probably a people pleasure to people at school so he'd try his best to comply to other people
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Man, I'm really living the life of pure dream scenarios, should probably make more fanfics from that whole rant. ANYWAYS GOT MORE IDEAS SO HERES THE HORRIFINGLY CRINGE RANT BYEEE
(Don't kill me 😔)
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fratboykate ¡ 1 year
Just finished the 50k words of angsty goodness and damnnn you saved up every angsty thought in your head over the past year and put into this one chapter 😂 poor Ri being stuck in the middle like a pawn this entire time and knowing all the parents are fighting over her. No wonder she couldn’t eat while debating if she should bring it up 😭She definitely knew Kate would instantly shut it down unless something seriously wrong had happened. Now she’s witnessing round 2 of it beginning again. I hope she won’t blame herself and doesn’t think Yelena doesn’t consider her a daughter the same way Russelsprouts (loved that one!) is her son.
Fuck Tom in all this. He’s trash but you said he’s a good dad to Ri and I’d be pissed too if I thought I was losing custody of my kid, so I get it. I’m about 55% Team Yelena because I definitely think both sides have great intentions but don’t see those intentions in each other’s actions. Yelena, so used to seeing Kate babying Tom and letting him throw his tantrums while she’s always yelled at to back off, sees it as Kate letting Tom get his way again because “it’s easier than dealing with his tantrums”. Kate sees Yelena, who always gets into pissing matches with Tom instead of not engaging or deescalating it, as finally having her chance to put the final nail in this “competition” they have. Kate thinks Ri is just saying this in a normal teenager “you upset me or it’s not as fun here, I want to go to the other parent’s house” rather than what Yelena sees as a “there’s illegal things happening, fighting, and things being broken from these fights…this isn’t a healthy environment for Ri and she’s obviously uncomfortable and trusting us to take care of her”. So I definitely see the tricky way you wove all this in where you’re constantly reminding us that yes, it’s fiction but like most situations in life there’s no 100% right/wrong person in this fight. Kate is right that Yelena should’ve waited until they had time to talk it out. Yelena did this THE. NEXT. DAY. Not even 24 hours after it got mentioned and before they had time to even have one real conversation about it. The short one before bed wasn’t a full conversation where they had time to think it all over and talk it out with clear heads. This is something they probably should’ve talked out during a therapy appointment before any of this happened since it’s a hot topic for them to begin with and one they never fully see eye to eye on. I’m siding mostly with Yelena because Ri is more mature than most kids her age so if she’s this nervous about bringing it up and is doing it this seriously, then she’s thought hard about it, probably for quite awhile before bringing it up. She’s not doing it on a whim and that’s more of her home and a loving home environment so it makes sense she’d want to stay. Yelena had HORRIBLE execution for this, but I’ve always leaned more towards her side about how letting Tom get his way to avoid tantrums or “just let it go because his feelings are still hurt…7 years after their separation” has only done them more harm than good over the years. But bonus points to Kate for calling out Yelena on running out on their family again after promising she wouldn’t after yeeting to Russia with no warning.
Does Ri ever say what illegal things are happening? My guess is drugs, not the insane ones but Fratboy Kate adjacent.
golden child...you officially have a sibling. two golden children! lol
i love all of this. thank you for being thorough. it's fun for me to know what you guys are thinking and reacting to, especially on the ones where im not just shooting the shit like ive been all day. like that chapter was WERK.
and yeah "illegal things" is they just do drugs haha. some of her cousins also probably sell some pot on the side. small time shit like that. but she's a super square, straight edge kid so she's like "911 ILLEGAL THINGS ARE TRANSPIRING AROUND ME". it's not like her grandma's house is a meth lab lol
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mysteriousmissfsart ¡ 2 years
Some Stories about Me Showing My Mom Twisted Wonderland #2
Yo! I’m back!
I mean-
I am back.
Thank you for waiting! *Bows*
I’m back with some more stories about showing my mom Twisted Wonderland!
No more distractions!
Let’s get to it!
FYI: This all happened today
A/N: I live in Sweden and 16:00 in Sweden is 00:00 in Japan. My Birthday is January 13th. So today is the 12th in Sweden hence my confusion for a moment. In order to not cause any confusion as well; I was born in Egypt to my Egyptian parents, I moved to Sweden when I was 7 and I’ve been living here for more than 13 years (don’t remember how long exactly😅). Also, my parents are divorced and that all happened when we moved to Sweden after he told us (me, mom and my two younger sisters) to live with my grandma (mom’s side). Mom is now remarried and I now have two younger brothers as well. (A bit of TMI but I don’t really mind telling y’all about that).
Me: *Sebek showing up when i started the game* *Dramatic gasp* Is it his birthday? No. It can’t be- I’m sure that only Lillia and Malleus are born in January.
Mom: *Cooking* *Looking at me* What happened?
Me: Sebek just showed up on the screen when I started the game. I don’t know why??? I also got a key for some reason??? Oh! Wait! IT’S MY BIRTHDAY GIFT???!!!!! But it’s not the- *Realization hits* OH! I forgot about the time difference!!!
Mom: *Smiling* Oh yeah! You’ll be 21 tomorrow! My little kid has grown!
Me: *Panicking* Do not speak of it, please. You’re making me realize the fact that I have spent my life wrong. I should have been doing a lot of things-
Mom: *Laughing* You can’t stop the fact that you’re aging!
Me: Yeah I know! *Panicking again* WHY??!! I could have had Malleus say happy birthday to me!!! *Crying in MISSED opportunity* *Getting up and yelling in frustration* *Going back to my seat*
Mom: *Disappointed* That’s your fav right? The tall guy with the horns? How could you miss that opportunity! *Jokingly* Stupid.
Me: Yeah! That’s him! I am stupid! *Lowkey crying* Now I’ll have to wait until next year!!!!!!! I don’t have anything against Sebek but, I just like Malleus the most- Well, on a positive note, it was the cutest happy birthday I ever got so I’m still happy!!
Mom: *Laughing* I swear that I gave birth to the weirdest human alive. *Shaking her head* That’s why I love you and your weirdness!
Me: Love you too mom! And yes, I am not denying that I am weird. But admit it, I’m the best person that came into your life- *Smirking*
Mom: Yeah, Yeah. You are.
Me: Mom! Look! Look! *Showing her a picture I saw on Pinterest* It’s Kalim’s outfit as a real life replica!
Mom: *Looking* It’s pretty! I’m impressed!
Me: Look at this one! This is Riddle’s outfit!
Mom: Wow! That’s amazing! It’s really detailed!
Me: Then look at this! It’s Malleus’s outfit! Isn’t it beautiful!
Mom: Yeah! Where can you buy this? *Meaning it*
Me: I wish that I could buy them! If there are buyable versions they’d probably be too expensive.
Mom: That’s too bad!
I’ve been away for a while because I had some exams, I really hope that I don’t fail😭😭
I’m currently working on some Twisted Wonderland stories and my essay on why Malleus is an INFJ in my opinion! I hope I can share them with you soon!
Also, if you know any websites that sell Twisted Wonderland merch and ship them worldwide, please let me know! I really want to buy some-
A quick disclaimer as well: I REALLY have NOTHING against Sebek or any other character!!! I just really love Malleus because I feel connected to his character! Sebek is a really sweet character and I really love his loud, proud and protective personality! The first conversation presented here was a bit of a lighthearted dramatic conversation between me and my mom. We do A LOT of those. I love all the characters for who they are and I have nothing against any of them!
(Read the tags)
(There’s a hidden story)
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