#got up to brush my teeth and saw the cat and decided to lie next to him
a-sleepy-ginger · 5 months
Took a nap with the cat
Didn't have to wear a jacket to take the dog out
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fanficwritersworld · 3 years
Looking At Me
Summary: You can see the future and help your crush out
Pairing: Jon Kent x Meta!Reader
Word Count: 833
Warnings: Mentions of unwanted advances, broken bones and the P.A by Eowells
Masterlist|Prompt List
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Did I catch your attention? You look like you lost your breath, huh
When I circle the room, you an owl, you gon' twist your head
(Y/N) (L/N), Smallville High’s very own mystery. You never let people get too close to you, no one touches you and you don’t touch them. Students think you are a germaphobe or in a witness protection program. But you sure as hell caught someone’s eyes.
Jonathan Kent.
Don't you come at me green with an attitude when my lips and my soles are red
If I leave you behind, you can look for the broken necks
Some of the boys at school wanted your attention, cat calling, trying to give you a peck on the lips. Hell even some girls and non-binary at the school wanted the quiet girl from meta invested Central City.
Jon became your first friend since you were seven. He respected your boundaries and still found ways to make you feel normal again. You wouldn’t lie and say you hadn’t developed a small crush on him. He was sweet, kind, caring, bold and very, very taken from what you’ve heard.
Cause I've been here once or twice
Never worry 'bout the eyes, c'mon
You could see the future, sort of. If you touched someone you could see a glimpse of their future. It could be any touch, a simple brush if skin and then your eyes would glow (F/C). You were so careful, every step you took was calculated, every word, where you went. But Jon was spontaneous and funny.
From the moment he saw you at Harvest Fest, he fell. Literally fell over you, spilling his flask. You saw his future, hearing the snap of his bone. You gasped before being pulled back into reality. “Jesus, Jon! What the fuck are you doing!” You scolded him, smelling the cheap ass beer on his breath. “I… just… fuckkk” He slurred, barely even getting up on the floor. You rolled your eyes, helping him up. At least now you could control the glimpses.
“Come on handsome, let’s find Jordan before your parents blow a fuse” You groaned, supporting him on your shoulders.
Don't just stand there staring, honey
Try to move your feet
If you think they're looking at you
They looking at me
Word got around that someone had made contact with you. You got stares and whispers once more and decided to stay home. Your dad convinced you to go the the Metropolis game, saying your mother would be there.
You didn’t like football much, but you wanted to support your friend. Besides your mother didn’t show up so you needed a ride back too.
I could make it nice and easy
I'ma take the lead
They ain't even looking at you, baby
They looking at me
You don’t know how, but Jon managed to convince you to go drinking with him and the team. You don’t even remember how the stupid fight happened. One minute you were helping to calm Jordan the next you put your hand in front of Jon and SNAP!
You felt your bone snap, just like Jon, jike like your vision. “Fuck!” You gritted your teeth, keeping your hand close to your chest. “Shit, Jon, (Y/N) I am so sorry!” Jordan apologised, brings you both away from the crowd.
You looked at the twins, forgetting the pain. “Are you a meta too?” You asked Jordan, who was texting his Dad. Jon and Jordan shared a look. “You don’t have to tell me. Just please don’t freak out” You told the before closing your eyes. Your bones glowed as if they were surrounded by glass.
You looked down, seeing what was broken. “I can see the future, and this happened too. I was there when the Particle Accelerator went boom” You explained before wincing in pain. “Don’t worry, just close your eyes. Everything’s gonna be fine” Jon told you.
But they're looking at me babe
'Cause they looking at me baby
You opened the door, surprised to see Jon on the other side. “Hey, here to sign my cast or something?” You asked him, smirking at his shocked face. He let out a sheepish laugh. “No, I just wanted to see how you were holding up” He admitted. You smiled at him. “Quit looking at me like that handsome” You rolled your eyes.
Jon went red at the nickname. ��You… You think I’m handsome?” He asked, gain some confidence back. You shrugged your shoulders. “I mean, Andrew Garfield isn’t around. Yeah I think you’re pretty handsome” You told him, no shame in your words.
Jon smiled at you, making you go weak at the knees. “Maybe you wanna go out with me? Friday night?” Jon asked, hope filled in his cute eyes.
“Sure, don’t be late” You told him, pecking his cheek.
I can make it nice and easy
I'ma take the lead
They ain't even looking at you, baby
They looking at me
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Warnings: swearing
A/N: for my 100 follower celebration (thank you so much), i opened up my fic requests! please just read my brief fic request guidelines before requesting!!! also thank god the ‘read more’ link is finally working for me. so sorry for people who had to scroll on the previous chapters (i am going to go back and fix them now)!!!
Chapter 16
“I’m home!” Spencer called out.
Jo bolted down the stairs and leapt into his arms, “Daddy!”
“Hi, Princess! Did you have a good day?” he asked.
“Yes, I played kickball with Henry at recess today,” she informed him.
“I have a surprise for you,” Spencer smiled, bringing her over to the couch.
You walked out of the kitchen just as Spencer was pulling an envelope out of his bag.
“What’s this?” you asked.
“You’ll see,” he grinned.
Jo pulled three tickets out of the envelope, examining them.
“They’re for the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Jo! They have a huge dinosaur exhibit and we can all go together this Friday,” Spencer explained.
“Thank you, Daddy!” she hugged him.
“You’re welcome, Princess. But I want to go too so this isn’t a completely selfless gift,” he chuckled.
Jo was waiting on the couch in full dino gear. She was so excited...and then your phone rang.
“Y/N, I can’t make it. I have a case and they really need me. I’m so sorry,” Spencer apologized.
You sighed, “Okay, I’ll tell Jo. Stay safe.”
You hung up the phone and sat down on the couch next to Jo, smoothing her hair back.
“Baby, I have some bad news. Daddy can’t come with us tonight,” you spoke softly.
“Why?” she whispered, tears forming in her lash line.
“He has to help other people who really need him,” you pulled her in for a hug, “But we will still go and have a great time and I’m sure Daddy will make this up to you when he gets home.”
“Okay,” Jo sniffled.
“You are such a brave little girl for letting Daddy help others instead of be with you. Now, let’s go see some dinosaurs.”
You didn’t know a bunch of cool facts off the top of your head like Spencer would so you mainly had to read from the plaques that were next to the exhibits.
Jo seemed to have fun regardless but you could tell she was a little down. You were walking to the car when she began to squirm.
“Need to pee,” Jo said.
Knowing she couldn’t hold it until home, you walked into some fancy restaurant hoping they would let you just quickly use the bathroom.
Luckily, they did but you stopped dead in your tracks when you were exiting the bathroom. Spencer was at a table with an attractive woman with a dark-haired bob. They were making some serious eye contact. This didn’t look like an urgent case at all, it looked like a date.
You scurried out of the restaurant before he could see you. Jo didn’t see him either which was a relief because you didn’t know how to tell her that her Daddy was a fucking asshole.
You rushed home, packing bags for you and Jo. You couldn’t be here when he got home. You wouldn’t let him interact with Jo after choosing some girl over her feelings.
“Where are we going?” Jo asked as you loaded the bags into the car.
“We are going to Grandma and Grandpa’s for a little while,” you said as you buckled her in.
“Is Daddy coming?”
“Um no. Daddy may be gone for a while,” you explained.
Once Jo was fast asleep in the car, you finally let yourself break, the tears drenching your cheeks. How could Spencer do this to you and Jo? Apparently you were not enough for him.
All of Spencer’s calls and texts were left unanswered. As he arrived home, the lights were off which was weird because you were usually still up by now.
He was still shaken up about the last thing Cat said to him.
“In twenty years, I’ll remember your name but you won’t remember mine.”
All he wanted to do was hug his girls and memorize every single thing about them so he could never ever forget them.
As he walked up the steps, a note was taped to the front door.
Pack your shit and leave. I never want to see you again. Stay away from me and especially Jo.
Spencer pulled out his phone so fast and called you. Voicemail, shit.
“Baby, I’m so sorry I missed the museum but I was already brainstorming ways to make it up to you both. Please come home,” he pleaded.
Spencer dragged himself upstairs, opting to sleep in your bed instead of his. He was so exhausted, he would be useless trying to find you right now.
When Spencer awoke the next morning, the house was still just as empty as it was last night. He sighed, calling Penelope.
“Garcia, could you please track Y/N’s phone? I’ll send you her number,” he asked.
“Do you have a reason?” she countered, “I can’t just go looking up everyone’s location. I mean I could but I need to be able to justify it to the director if they go through my computer.”
“She left a note but she isn’t responding to my calls or texts. I just need to make sure she’s okay.”
“She’s in Fair Haven, New York.”
“That’s over a seven hour drive. She must have driven all night,” Spencer exclaimed.
“So she’s okay?” Penelope asked.
“Yes, thank you, Garcia. Her parents live there.”
Spencer quickly brushed his teeth, repacked his go bag, and set off on his drive.
You were all having dinner at the table when there was an urgent knock at the door followed by the doorbell ringing. Your father got up from the table and looked into the entryway.
“He’s here,” he said.
You sighed, walking up to the front door and closing the curtain right in Spencer’s face.
You had put Jo to bed and were now peeking out of your old bedroom’s window on the second floor.
“He’s still here?” your mom asked.
Spencer had seated himself on the bench on your front porch and had not left since then.
“Maybe you should talk to him, sweetie. He’s gonna freeze to death out there.”
“Mom, he went on a date with another woman when he was supposed to be taking our daughter to the museum and lied about it to me. I really don’t care,” you said.
“Well, you could at least tell him to leave if you don’t want to talk to him because it seems like he is waiting to say something.”
You sighed, grabbing a quilt from the end of your bed and stomping down the stairs.
“Here,” you opened the door and threw the quilt and a few granola bars at him, trying to close the door quickly again.
“Y/N, please wait!”
The door was already shut. That was as nice as you were willing to be at the moment. No one was forcing him to stay, he could leave at any time. But you weren’t up for hearing whatever he had to say right now.
To Spencer’s credit, he did sleep out there all night, not even going back to the warmth of his car.
Jo really wanted to go to the park this morning which means you were going to have to walk past Spencer.
After zipping up her coat, you said, “Jo, we are going to play a game where we don’t talk to Daddy, okay?”
“Why?” she asked curiously.
“Just because,” you sighed.
You lifted her up and opened the door. Spencer looked up, immediately standing up. You tightened your grip around Jo.
“Y/N, can you talk to me please? I don’t understand. You didn’t seem too mad about the case when I called you. I get it was awful timing but-” he rambled as he followed you to the car.
After finishing buckling Jo, you shut the car door. She didn’t need to hear what you were about to say.
“If you want a family so fucking bad, go fuck your side chick and stop trying to weasel your way into ours. I can’t believe you chose getting laid over going to the museum with your own daughter. I had to comfort her crying when I told her you weren’t coming and I said you were helping people but you were only helping yourself. Honestly did you just pretend to like me again so you could get to see your daughter to prove you’re better than your father? Cause from where I stand, Spencer, you’re no better,” you hit him right where you knew it would hurt.
“Y/N, what?” he looked heartbroken but you couldn’t trust anything about him anymore.
You got into the car and reversed out of the driveway, wiping the tears from your face.
“You lost,” Jo said.
“What?” you asked.
“You talked to Daddy.”
“Yeah, baby. I did lose.”
You got home late. You had purposely stayed out most of the day to avoid Spencer who was no doubt still camped out on your parent’s front porch.
As soon as you arrived home, he was already walking over to you.
You put your pointer finger up to silence him, “Let me tuck Jo in and then I’ll come down.”
Spencer was sitting on the bench when you returned. You stood by the door with your arms wrapped around you as if to protect yourself.
“I wasn’t on a date,” Spencer whispered.
“I saw, Spencer.”
“Well, I kinda was but it was an undercover mission for a case. I like you, Y/N. Actually, I love you, Y/N. I never stopped loving you...”
“How do I know this isn’t another lie?” you whispered.
Spencer pulled his phone out of his pocket, “I had Garcia forward me Cat Adams’ case file and the security footage from that night. You can see Rossi, JJ, Morgan, and Tara all there but they were dressed up undercover too which is why you didn’t notice them there.”
“I’m sorry,” you spoke softly after reviewing the footage and seeing the mugshots of the woman, “I just assumed and my anger got the best of me. What I said to you about your father was especially cruel and untrue.”
“You had every right to be upset, I know it looked bad. I will try to clarify upcoming cases when I can but sometimes the details are confidential.”
“I promise to listen to your side of the story first next time before making you sleep on a bench outside,” you softly giggled, “and...I love you too. I don’t think I stopped either.”
“Can I kiss you?” he smiled, standing up and slowly approaching you.
“Yes you may, Spence,” you smiled as he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
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thiccchurro · 3 years
Scared Of The Dark
a/n: yep. it is 2 am. In case you were wondering.
Warnings: angst, if you squint and cross your eyes.
pairings: Shouto Todoroki x gn! reader
Synopsis: Lol you scared of the dark? Loser. Same though.
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Shouto comes home late most nights.
He routinely steps through the door, takes off his coat, and heads over to the microwave. He grabs the dinner you have left on 'keep warm. Wolfing it down as he drags himself to the bathroom. He slides out of his hero suit, washing his face and brushing his teeth as he goes.
He's tired and awkward. He doesn't have the energy to not multi-task.
He then slips into your bedroom and turns off the closet light, Wich is always left on with the door cracked. Once he's done that, he squeezes into bed beside you.
He never thinks much about it.
On nights when the closet door isn't cracked, you usually fall asleep together on the couch with the TV on, or you're too exhausted to care.
But tonight is different.
When Shouto steps through the door, after dealing with a particularly annoying villain who caused a city-wide power outage, dinner isn't anywhere to be found.
He decides to just go ahead and change out of his costume.
Shouto drags himself into the bathroom, fumbling with his back pocket to grab his phone and switch on the flashlight.
He cleans his face and brushes his teeth, changing into a pair of sweats and some socks. Then he trudges into your shared bedroom, ready to pass out. And he gets into bed.
After a few minutes, he's feeling chilly and thinks you might be too. He reaches for your body so he can warm the both of you up. But you aren't there.
He rolls out of bed, searching the sheets for you, and lands on the floor with a soft "huff."
"Y/n??" he calls into the darkness.
He pulls himself to his feet when there isn't a response.
He chants your name as he pads across the house, looking for you. Obviously, he checks the living room and the kitchen. He looks through the blankets in the laundry bin and under the couch. He knows you aren't there, but he's sleepy and isn't thinking straight.
"Y/n, com'ere baby tsk, tsk, tsk.
He even tries calling you like a cat.
He finally gives up and slinks back to the bed, opting to try texting you.
He's already grabbed his phone and started typing when he hears and noise from the closet.
He steps over to the closet, cracking the door and peering in.
You're sitting cross-legged with a flashlight in hand. You've got a blanket wrapped around you and five other flashlights sitting on the floor in front of you. And you look more panicked than he's ever seen you in his life.
He watches as your flashlight starts to flicker, and you rush to grab another one, tossing the original to the side.
"Watcha doing love?"
You nearly jump out of your skin when he says that.
"O-oh! Sho! Haha, how was work??"
He sighs and moves to sit next to you, wrapping himself in a blanket of his own and using his hand as a flashlight.
"It was good... I guess. How was your day?"
"It was good..."
There's a moment of silence.
" Look, why are you in here?"
You pull the blanket further around you and screw your eyes shut.
"Well.. my phone.. died."
"What does that even mean?"
"It was dark."
Shouto leans back against the wall of the closet and thinks for a second.
He smirks.
"You aren't scared of the dark, are you?"
You turn to the side, hoping to hide the blush thrown across your features. This man fights terrifying villains every single day, and you are scared of the dark? You feel pretty pathetic.
'Well, I mean... maybe, just a little bit though..."
Shouto lets out a little chuckle.
"So that's why the closet doors cracked every night I get home. That's kinda cute."
"Why didn't you just sleep with the flashlights?"
"I... Well, I was scared they would turn off. These don't last long."
"But I always turn the light off."
"But then your there with me, so it's not as scary."
Shouto turns towards you, reaching for your chin and pulling your face to his. He pulls you right up until your noses touch and looks deep into your eyes.
"Wow." He states.
You look at him a second more before you both burst into laughter. It's like 2:00 am, and you're both sleep-deprived. You really should go to bed.
Your giggling on the floor, and he's hunched against the wall letting out a hoarse chuckle. You both sit there laughing for about two minutes.
"So, can we go to bed now?"
He grabs you, carrying you bridal style to the bed. He nearly falls more than once, and you're not gonna lie. You saw your life flash before your eyes SEVERAL times in those thirty seconds.
He half sets you down, half drops you on the bed and crawls underneath the covers with you.
He pulls you into his arms and places a feather-light kiss on your forehead.
"I love you."
"I love you more <3"
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astranva · 4 years
Dream With Me
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Some explicit language? Not really though.
Category: Pure fluff!
Summary: One thing Harry loves about his girlfriend is her ability to make up the most interesting bedtime stories for him every night. How does it make her feel when he narrates one of her own to the world?
The one where Y/N makes up bedtime stories for Harry and he records one for the world to listen to.
        When you tour the world, sing and prance on stages, write, model, play the guitar and piano, get interviewed, have people follow you everywhere, it’s safe to say that the best time to relax and let loose is when you sleep.
Harry enjoyed staying home with his girlfriend more than anything. Relaxed, chill days were his favorite; days when she’d be on the couch reading or on her laptop playing whatever video game she decided to try with people from online, he’d be lounging lazily beside her, his breath steady and calm when she’d run her fingers through his hair momentarily or when he’d be subconsciously playing with hers.
Days when their apartment would smell like pastries after she’d try baking something she saw on the television, or when it would smell like her favorite homecooked meal that Harry’s eyes would almost glimmer with happiness when she’d sneak and steal from the food he was cooking, watching her closing her eyes and a smile making its way to her face the moment she does, and he’d know that he has done a good job this time, again.
Harry loved the domestic life as much as he loved his job as an artist and entertainer. The euphoria he got the moment the crowd sang back to him, is one that he felt he achieved as well when he was with his girlfriend of 2 years when she’d be dancing to his songs in his clothes. The happiness he felt when someone would hug him and tell him that he means so much to them, is one he feels within just her smile in mornings or the soft, random kisses she’d give him. The bashfulness that would engulf him when someone would tell him that he’s good looking, was one that he felt when his girlfriend would tease him by wolf-whistling when he’d show her a new outfit or suit or just going anywhere really.
Don’t even get him started on how he feels with every single “I love you” she promises him because he was sure there would be no feeling close to what he feels when he hears those words from her, and especially her.
But there was something else about her, too, that nobody could give him but her – her stories.
Touring the world and doing what he does is hectic, of course, it is. It can be stressful, pressuring, and just plain tiring. So when he goes back home later than her after her job, and he goes straight into her arms, she knows he’s going to need a story to sleep better.
He’d nuzzle his head in her neck, smelling the scent of her shampoo with a whiff of her bodywash, his arms around her waist, hers around his neck, her hands moving to gently and lightly scratch his scalp.
“How was your day?” Harry would mumble, closing his eyes and letting her softly sway them in their place.
“Was alright,” she’d answer softly, “How was yours?”
And the sigh he’d release would be enough of an answer – tiring.
“Take a quick shower, yeah? Are you hungry?” She’d pull back to look at him, a soft smile on her lips as she asks him.
Harry would shake his head, “No, still feel too full from lunch.”
“Let me grab you an apple though. Lunch was a long time ago.” She’d pat his chest, “Go. How do we feel tonight? Do we feel like rescuing dwarfs or ending capitalism?” She’d grin, and it would instantly make him grin.
“Anything is fine. Just want to sleep with you beside me.”
On some days, they’d lie on their bed and she’d make up a story about how there were 3 dwarfs who lived in a mansion with everything miniature-sized and would climb each other and wear a coat and a fedora whilst outside. Why? “You can’t tell me you never wanted to try that, Harry!”
Then on other days, she’d tell a story about a boy named Harry with a rapidly growing fish in his backpack. Ring any bell? She remembers starting that series a long time ago with him, adding twists, comedy, and metaphors along the way until Harry decided to surprise her one day with an idea for his music video;
“Hey, baby, remember the fish in my backpack? We’re using that in Adore You! See you soon! Love you xx” he had texted.
Other days she’d make him think with the most random questions and assumptions.
“History is biased, Harry. When will the world stop considering Christopher Columbus a discoverer and instead take accountability for what he did to the natives of the land? What if Christopher never happened?”
And he’d be looking at her as she talked, one of her hands playing with his hair while the other moved all over the place for emphasis and to show how absolutely wonderful and amusing that mess of her mind was.
Some days, she’d be too tired. Drained from a day at her work, she’d be lazily playing with hair as her story was told in some sort of slurs.
“And then-And then they held hands, got on their horses and- no, they got on their skateboards,” she’d chuckle sleepily, “And they ran away. They didn’t have children because they didn’t want children and figured that the world was too ugly for that right now, so they adopted a blind dog and a deaf cat, and lived happily ever after.” She’d be out the moment she finishes, and Harry would be smiling at that and his heart thumping with love for her and love for how hard she has been trying to keep the ritual of a bedtime story alive, even when she was too sleepy and tired. It could be a 1-minute story and he’d feel better, and lighter.
It was one day when Harry went back home, turmoil evident and clear on his face. She noticed how tense his body was, how he clenched his jaw and saw him rubbing his temple as he took off his cardigan and was proven right when she put her laptop on the couch beside her and Harry took a breath before letting her know what happened;
“Fucking paparazzi. Do they think that’s an actual job?”
That day, he had showered and changed into one of her oversized hoodies (he was sure it used to belong to him) and shorts before joining her in their living room to find a tuna club sandwich waiting for him with a small cup of orange juice, his girlfriend under a blanket which she had retrieved when he was showering.
He told her all about the drama he faced that day over his tuna sandwich, giving her “thank you!”s every single time she agreed with him on how annoying they were.
“I get that people are different and that the economy is shit and everybody’s doing anything to get money but trying to trip me so they could get a photo? Why?” He rhetorically asked, shrugging.
“I agree, like,” her eyebrows furrowed as one of her arms reached out as if she was talking to somebody else but him, “Treat people with kindness, you assholes!”
And then there was a pause before Harry began to giggle, all the way to a loud laugh and struggling to catch his breath. She joined him, choosing to tackle him in a hug, hugging his head close to her chest before kissing his forehead, “Nobody is allowed to make you mad, you hear me, Styles? Now finish up, I think I know what to say tonight.”
She had taken a seat on Harry’s piano right after she uttered her last word, Harry turning his body around as he watched her with excitement and amusement. She cleared her throat, “This next song is dedicated to my mans,” Harry laughed, taking his phone in his hand and recording her as a keepsake, “It’s a song I worked very hard on. Stayed up all day and night.” She played offkey notes on the piano, “Harry, love,” she said slowly as she turned her head around to look at him, laughing when she found him recording her with the biggest grin on his face, “This one is for you.”
He had taught her how to play the Happy Birthday theme song on the piano when she joined him on tour once and began laughing when he heard her playing exactly that but with her own lyrics.
“Y/N makes me good stories, Y/N makes me good stories, Y/N makes me good stories,” she pressed the wrong key, letting out a tiny “oop” before continuing, “And she will make me sleep better toooonight.”
After, what she called a “skit”, they both brushed their teeth, did their night-time skincare routine, and were finally in bed.
Taking their usual position, Harry was on his side, looking at her with one arm draped around her waist. She was on her side, looking at him, one hand playing with his hair.
“Let’s try something different,” she suggested softly. “Close your eyes.”
Harry smiled at her, squinting teasingly which caused her to chuckle softly.
“Close your eyes, you baboon.”
So he did.
“Follow my instructions. Take a deep breath in,” she instructed, watching and hearing him follow her, “And then out. In.” He did as was said, “And out.”
Harry felt like almost sleeping from just how soft and gentle she was being, with the couple of deep breaths that he took, it felt like he could really feel how soothing the setting was; his hair played with, on clean sheets that smelled like the vanilla detergent they both loved mixed with her own scent, her presence beside him. It felt like heaven.
“Have you ever wondered what happens when you sleep?” She rhetorically asked, “Where you go, and what you feel; the places that you seek. When you start to drift away, your mind becomes a book,” she paused, “That writes itself then fades away before you wake to look.”
Harry almost swooned at what she said, embracing the calmness her words, voice, and overall presence radiated.
“Tonight, we’re going to think about anything you’d like.”
His mind instantly flashed to a scene that he had been dreaming and thinking too much about. The beach, him and his Y/N, wet with water and laughing before 3 kids were squealing and running around them. Call him a sap, but he saw a future with her and he loved kids.
“But let’s visualize some scenes. Clear your mind, love.” The hand which played with his hair stopped momentarily before he felt her knuckles softly caressing his temple and down to his cheek, making his reflexively smile which instantly put a smile on her face. “Let’s head to places more celestial.” She whispered.
“Imagine you’re there beneath the stars, which when you pause to think about it, actually, you are.” A sweet, gentle kiss followed her statement on his nose, watching him scrunch it with a wide smile and a hot face with a blush.
“You are, too.” He whispered, inching closer to her.
“Hush.” She said jokingly but blushed, before continuing the story which she had actually been thinking about for a while but saved for the right time.
She went on, describing sceneries for him and watching his lips tug into smiles as he listened to her, his face showing her different emotions despite having his eyes closed.
“Travel with me to moonlit valleys, blanketed with heather, the kind of landscape you and I could dream about forever.”
Harry was sure that if he wasn’t so sleepy, he’d be grabbing his journal to jot down everything she was saying and make it into a song, but he couldn’t cut their moment short. He didn’t have the heart to.
His Y/N continued, letting him relax more and more with every word she said.
He probably smiled the widest and felt like his heart would beat its way out of chest when she spelled out the word “love” to him, pecking different parts on his face with a kiss as she did.
“L,” she pecked his nose, “O,” she pecked one of his eyes and giggled when his face scrunched up in surprise, “V,” she pecked his temple, “E,” she pecked his cheek, “Love.” She kissed him softly and quickly.
And when she told him to think of “the ones he cherishes the most”, Harry couldn’t help but let out a low sigh of contentment as he imagined a garden with his family, friends and in between them, right under a spotlight, stood his Y/N in a flowy white floral dress, smiling so lovingly at him.
That night, Y/N watched Harry’s body get more relaxed by the minute, breath getting steadier until she realized that he had fallen asleep, his arm limp on her waist and his leg draped over hers.
“Goodnight.” She whispered.
He woke up before her the following morning, with a smile that proved that he, in fact, had a good and peaceful night's sleep. When he woke up, he realized that she was spooning him; one of her arms holding him tight, her leg over him, her head leaning against the back of his as he held her hand which was draped on his stomach.
Harry had to pause and reflect. Yesterday’s bedtime stories were probably one of her best and he was sure that if his Y/N decided to take that to the next level and write it down and read it to help ease those with a difficulty sleeping or anxiety, she would be helping out more people than she would imagine.
He stayed in his place for a while, scrolling through his phone and watching the previous night’s video without sound so that he wouldn’t disturb her. He watched how she laughed in that video, how domestically free and shamelessly herself she was, how she effortlessly managed to carry the weight of that day’s burdens off of his shoulders and throw it away.
Y/N woke up not long after and Harry felt it when he heard her let out a groan before she stretched, him instantly turning around to see her. “Good morning, beastie.” He joked as he always did to her in the morning.
“Morning, beauty.” She replied sleepily with a smile. “How was your sleep?”
“I’m certain that you’re a magician, Y/N. I’m sure of it.”
“Oh shoot. Caught.” She teased, wrapping herself around him by climbing and lying on top of him, feeling his arms wrap around her. “But really, how was it?”
“It was amazing. What was that last night?” He asked gently.
“What? You didn’t like it?”
“Like-Y/N, I loved it. That was some therapeutic shit right there.” His chest vibrated with chuckles, “Seriously. I think I want you to record that.”
Her eyebrows rose up and as did her head as she looked at him, “Really?”
“Yes!” He nodded eagerly.
“Wait, I have to show you something now that you mentioned it.” She grinned before climbing off of him and getting out of bed and walking towards her bedside table, mumbling about how she could’ve “shifted closer and gotten it without having to get out of bed.” She opened her drawer, taking out the notebook Mitch had gifted her for some reason last Christmas. It was a medium-sized notebook which had koalas on it with the title being “I’m 100% koalafied to become president!”
She sat beside Harry, who sat up and looked at her with both confusion and excitement as she shuffled through the pages.
“Here,” she stopped at one page, “That’s like, an outline? I don’t know what you call it. But I decided I’d write a bedtime story for you and that’s what I read to you yesterday.” She looked like a kid who had just won first place at a spelling-bee competition as she gave Harry her notebook.
His eyes fell on the title, “Dream with me.” He said softly.
“It’s cliché I know, forget about it.” She said bashfully, waving her hands around.
“No, it’s not,” Harry shook his head, “I did dream with you. Darling, this is incredible.”
“Yes!” Harry laughed excitedly, putting the notebook aside, “Write more, will you?” He asked softly as he opened his arms, letting her move to place herself on his lap and wrap her arms around him.
“Don’t treat me as if I’m a professional. You’re overfeeding my ego.” She joked.
“And why not? You are the best bedtime storyteller I have ever seen.” He said lowly.
“You think too highly of me, Harry.”
“Not too high,” He shook his head with a smug smile, “Just enough to appreciate how bloody talented you are.”
And that began a new ritual. It then became usual for Harry to find his girlfriend perched up anywhere, her koala notebook supported on a cushion on her lap as she wrote away stories which she told him every night, deciding on the perfect ones according to different times and moods.
One day, an idea popped in her head.
Due to the pandemic and how they were both staying safe and going out only when absolutely necessary, Y/N knew how chaotic and sad the world was. She knew some chaos needed to happen, knew that some chaos was revolutionary which is why she decided against staying home and silent and was with Harry during the BLM protests, knowing that something had to be done and that something wasn’t to sit and mope.
But everyone deserved the breather. Everyone deserved to let out a breath and to catch a good night's sleep.
It was when she stumbled upon a video on YouTube that was a 39-minute video of just Harry talking with rain in the background and she saw the comments from fans that she gasped and almost sprinted to Harry.
Harry, sitting in his recording and music room, was sat on a chair with his guitar, strumming and humming when his girlfriend barged in and began to ramble. “I’m sorry I didn’t knock but it’s so important! There are so many people we can help, or like, you can, and it’s super easy, you already have the equipment and ev-“
“Y/N!” His eyes widened as he called for her and put his guitar aside, “Honey, calm down. It’s okay. Let’s talk. Come here.” He held his arm out.
She blushed and began laughing quietly at herself as she seated herself on his lap, brushing back her hair. “Sorry, sorry, too excited.”
Harry smiled, “And I absolutely love it but I’m having just a liiittle bit of hard time understanding.”
She laughed before taking a deep breath and straightening her posture, “Alright. You know how awful everything has been? How-How busy and noisy the world has been for a while?” She asked and Harry nodded, “Well do you know that your fans have a video of you on YouTube with many interviews in there because they love your voice? And they added rain and everything, reduced noise.”
“Oh, wow.” He tried to conceal his blush by laughing.
“I know! You know how good your voice is so why don’t you give the world a little something?”
Harry furrowed his eyebrows, “I sing?”
“No, they know that. They have your songs and covers and everything but you talking?” She raised an eyebrow at him with a suggestive smile.
“Baby, I really don’t think I’m getting anything.”
“Read them something! A bedtime story.” She suggested with an excited smile and a gleeful tone.
“Like you do to me?” He asked, wanting to understand better.
“Yeah, exactly like that. You can upload it on your website or see if any app is willing to partner, whatever you want.”
“Do you think people would like that?” Harry asked again, wrapping his arms tighter around her to bring her closer as he looked up at her.
Y/N smiled and gently cupped his face, “They’ll absolutely adore it.”
Harry hummed, in thought. “Yeah well, I can’t do that on my own.”
She nodded, “You have connections. Jeff has connections, you can find a part-“
“No, love, I mean I can’t do it without you.” He grinned up at her, watching as her face then showed confusion, “Not without your beautiful, absolutely wonderful stories.”
Her eyes widened, her head tilted. “What? No. These are for you. Told you I’m no professional, Harry. I’m sure there are faaar better people.”
Harry rolled his eyes, “Nonsense. We do this together or we let people have trouble sleeping.”
“You manipulative piece of shit.” She shook her head with a smile, leaning her head back, Harry chuckling.
“Dream with me.” He said after a moment, “I can read Dream With Me.”
She looked at him for a moment, her smile widening before she nodded, leaning down to capture his lips in a kiss. “I love you.”
Remember what I said about the indescribable feeling he got when she said those three words? It was there.
And she felt it, too, when he replied with a promise of his – “I love you, too. So much.”
Harry had contacted Jeff, who had contacted some people before finally landing on a partnership with Calm. There were two conditions in this work;
Harry would record from his home.
He would be reading his girlfriend’s story.
Now imagine owning a company of that sort as Calm and having Harry Styles contact you with these two conditions. Yes.
It took a couple of days. In the comfort of their own home, Harry and Y/N had him record then they would tweak some stuff then they would listen and try again. They were aware that music would be added, and Y/N was way too excited to listen to the final product.
In his denim hat, black t-shirt, striped cream-colored pants, using his Vans as slippers – which Y/N always cringed at and told him that it would ruin his shoes – and the script in his hand, Y/N stood on the side, admiring. He had allowed his scruff to grow, which she definitely wasn’t complaining about. A bracelet she made him when they were only friends years ago on his wrist, its colors washed out from when he’d shower or swim with it. Headphones were on his head, but she knew he could hear her if she said anything.
When she took her phone out to take a picture, Harry’s eyes moved to her before moving back to the script with a smile.
“Maybe all the memories that we’ve gathered here tonight are all dreams now remembered or wishes in plain sight. No matter what, they’re with us now, for this night and forever. And every time we close our eyes, they’re yours and mine to treasure. Goodnight, and sleep well.”
Harry then turned to look at her, eyes gleaming with happiness and calmness, as her hands were clutched together against her chest, watching and listening.
“I love you.” He added.
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yourinstagram: Goodnight❤
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bffsoobin · 4 years
Apartment 370
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↳everything about your apartment was perfect. Aside from your neighbor. Choi Soobin has become the bane of your existence. You can’t go a single day without looking over your shoulder for your misleadingly handsome neighbor. Just how many petty pranks does he think he can get away with?
➤ enemies to lovers!au, neighbors!au, arguments, petty behavior, swearing, fluff
Word Count: 3,062
Requested?: yes
Warnings: none really other than swearing and Soobin kind of being an ass. I also didn’t proof read or edit this, as per usual.
A/N: To be honest I’m feeling a little unsure about this? I loved the concept and I’m very glad that a lovely follower requested it but I feel like lately all of my writing has started out really well and then just got progressively worse? Like all of the endings I write are just kind of lame? Just a weird insecurity I’ve been encountering lately. So please leave me some feedback on what you think about this!
You loved your apartment. It was small, but just right for you to live in. The shower had hot water, your bedroom had a beautiful window for your plants to sit on and the wifi connection was always working well. You even only had to travel up two flights of stairs if your elevator stopped working. There were a lot of pros to living at your complex. But there was one, massive, glaring and obnoxiously loud con. Choi Soobin. When he had moved in next to you, you tried to be nice. You knocked on his door and introduced yourself; making some kind of lame joke about borrowing sugar. 
He didn’t laugh. He just introduced himself back and apologized for not having any sugar. Apologized? Had he really missed the joke that bad? Your delivery had been impeccable. Despite his charming face and annoyingly adorable style, you decided there was no way you could be friends with someone who didn’t understand a classic joke. 
Soobin must have decided there was a reason he didn’t like you either, because just about a week into being neighbors he began to wreak havoc. He played music as loud as it possibly could be at the weirdest times of the day and yelled at his television way too much no matter what he was watching. It seemed like every day you had to storm over and knock on his door to complain. This went on for weeks until he finally agreed to stop when you threatened to involve your burly landlord in the matter. 
For a few days, you enjoyed peace and quiet. You came and went from work without seeing him, took naps in silence and remembered how it felt to cook in your own kitchen without the sound of a twenty something year old man screaming at reruns of Survivor as background music. 
As they say, ignorance is bliss, because little did you know Soobin’s silence was about to erupt into a new, massive volcano of stupidity. One night you woke up around 4 am to the sound of scratching coming from the wall that connected your and Soobin’s bedrooms. You were already annoyed at the fact that you had to be up at 7am to pick up an early shift for your slacking coworker, so you didn’t have it in you to just roll over and go back to bed. You couldn’t have if you wanted to anyway because the scratching noises were only getting more and more persistent. You flung yourself out of bed with a groan. Pets were allowed here, and it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that Soobin had gotten a cat who decided to be a little extra scratchy. 
You poured yourself a glass of water in the kitchen, hoping to clear your mind and sort your thoughts. In the silence of the night, you could hear Soobin’s panicked voice through the thin walls. It sounded like he was on the phone with someone, as you could hear pauses as if he were listening to someone else. What a weird fucking dude, you thought. With eyes still drooping you walked back to your bedroom. The cat would have to be done scratching at the wall by now, right?
Wrong. The same consistent noise that would surely haunt your dreams still persisted. Knowing Soobin was awake gave you enough grounds to throw on a sweatshirt over your sleep clothes and go knock on his door. 
When it swung open, you could see just how distraught he was. His usually fluffy hair was flat and knotted and his eyes were sporting huge dark circles that only made the panic in them amplified. Wait, panic?  
“Y/N, I’m really sorry but you need to leave,” he had the door open just far enough to stick his head and shoulders out, as if he were trying to hide something. 
“No, Soobin. I heard your cat scratching at the wall and it’s annoying the hell out of me. I can’t sleep. Can’t you lock it in the bathroom or something?” His face scrunched in confusion. 
“A cat? I don’t have a cat.” Your insides boiled with hatred at the idea of him trying to lie his way out of this. 
“Listen up Choi. Unless you have a dragon in your bedroom scratching the shit out of the walls, I don’t want to deal with your lies. Just take care of it! I need my beauty sleep and you and your noisy cat aren’t helping at all.” Soobin’s face paled and for a second you thought that you had finally won. And then Soobin said:
“It’s not a cat. It’s a racoon.” 
You almost fell onto your ass right in the hallway. Soobin’s eyes sparked with a type of mirth you never thought such an admittedly gorgeous face could possess. 
“I’m calling the landlord.” You snapped the door shut in his face and turned away.
That had apparently been the final straw for Soobin. The next day when you got back from work, you found a handwritten “RACOON HATER” sign taped to your door. What you found inside was somehow even more unsettling. Your whole living room and kitchen had been essentially trashed. Throw pillows and blankets were thrown haphazardly on the floor, many of your photos and art you had on the walls were switched around or taken down altogether. And the worst of it all; everything was covered in a fine dust of glitter. It was a struggle to find a single surface that wasn’t covered in glitter, really. 
A new type of dislike for Choi Soobin brewed in your stomach. Hatred. Your kitchen counter- also covered in a dust of chunky silver glitter- became the victim of your frustrations as you slammed your hands down. It would cost you so much time and money to get all the glitter out of your living spaces, let alone the fact that you'd inevitably be leaving some behind for the next poor soul to rent this apartment. Gritting your teeth, you went to work with your poor little vacuum. 
You had only managed to clean your coffee table and half of your couch before you heard a series of loud knocks on your door. You grumbled at the idea of having to take a pause in your work but you trudged over to the door anyway. 
To be honest, you had no idea who you were expecting to see behind your apartment door-which you belatedly realized was still decorated with Soobin’s handmade sign- but you didn’t think it would be the man himself. 
Soobin stood in the hallway, picture perfect as always. His face was tan and smooth and free from any possible blemishes. Had he plucked his eyebrows? They were groomed to neat perfection. His tall frame was dwarfed by a fuzzy blue sweatshirt that was easily a size too big. If you had met him by chance on the street, you would have fallen in love in an instant. But you knew better. You knew he was the one who reduced your once lovely apartment into the mess it was now.
“Oh, sorry,” he feigned innocence, “are you busy?” He didn’t even try to hide the smirk that blossomed on his face. A grumble of a curse fell from your lips before you responded. 
“Yeah. Some asshole decided to break into my apartment and spread glitter on everything. So yes, I’m sort of busy,” you laced your voice with enough venom to kill a horse, and it seemed as if Soobin had gotten the message as he shrunk back into the hallway a bit. His mouth opened and shut in rapid succession as he struggled to find the perfect retort. 
“I-” he cut himself off as his soft eyes became hyper focused on a spot on your face. Suddenly you were a new combination of concerned and offended. His hand hesitantly rose toward your face before the softness of his fingertips made contact with your cheek and brushed something away. You held your breath the entire time, unsure if you should be upset or worried or utterly lost in the way his skin felt against yours. The contact was brief but still made your skin burn bright red. When his hand left your cheek, you saw that he had brushed away a piece of glitter that was now resting delicately on his fingertip. 
“Sorry,” he hurried out, “I just wanted to get the glitter off of your face.” His whole demeanor had changed, and you were sure that whatever plan he had in mind when he knocked on your door had vanished. 
“Okay, weirdo,” you tried to ignore the way you were yearning to feel his touch again, “I’m still busy so can you like, go away?” Upon hearing your words he turned away to head for his apartment door with ears as red as you’d ever seen them. 
Although the glitter incident was now months behind you, you still often found pieces in random spots around your home. And Soobin was still a pain in your ass. He had been quiet for close to two weeks after your odd encounter and you were almost convinced that he had changed his ways. You were quickly proven wrong when he conned the man who works the front desk into hiding your mail for a week straight; making you subsequently late to paying some of your bills. 
More recently, a new person had moved into the apartment across the way. The first day you met him, you were busying yourself with taping up Soobin’s door with bright pink duct tape from the outside. Your new neighbor-who you learned to be named Yeonjun- had squatted down right next to you and offered to help tear pieces of the tape. 
You and Yeonjun had become fast friends. He was incredibly charming and willing to lend an ear every time you needed to complain about Soobin. For a while, you were almost able to forget the fact that the devil incarnate lived next door to you. While your work schedules tended to be a little crazy, the two of you managed to talk for at least a few minutes every day. He helped you gain some sanity back within your apartment hallway. 
Despite also being friends with Soobin, Yeonjun never took sides in your little feud; but you were always secretly worried that somehow Soobin would put a bug in his ear. One day, about two months after Yeonjun had moved in, he knocked on your door while you were in the middle of making dinner. You invited him in but he hesitated. 
“I just came to talk to you,” he bit into his bottom lip, “I really like you. But I don’t see us ever being more than friends. I hope you understand.” You scrunched your eyebrows. Where was this coming from? 
“Uh okay? I know that. I don’t like you...like that, Yeonjun. Did you hit your head or something?” You were seriously confused. Yeonjun’s eyes widened comically. 
“Well Soobin said that-“ as soon as the words fell out of his mouth Yeonjun put together the invisible puzzle pieces. His face morphed into extreme regret.  “I’m so sorry. I should have known it was part of your weird prank war. You should have seen how convincing his acting is though, he really had me thinking you had a crush on me.” You scoffed at the idea of Soobin beginning to spread rumors to one of your closest friends just for the hell of it. If Yeonjun hadn’t been mature enough to address it right away, you could have gone through weeks of confusion about why he was avoiding you.
You looked back at your kitchen, catching sight of the steaming bowl of ramen you’d just finished making. Sighing, you shut your door behind you to stand in the hall with Yeonjun. He looked sheepish in your presence as you laid a hand on his shoulder. 
“I’m not mad at you, Yeonjun. I’m going to talk to the bane of my existence,” you gestured toward the door with the shiny ‘370’ plaque. “Just don’t bother calling the landlord if you hear yelling.” As soon as you heard the sound of Yeonjun’s door snapping shut, you laid into Soobin’s door with a heavy knock. As soon as it was opened far enough, you wedged your body inside and subsequently sent Soobin stumbling backwards. 
“How dare you?” You roared, throwing your hands in the air dramatically. “I’m fine with your petty pranks and all the other stupid shit you pull against me because that’s all between the two of us. At least it’s funny and gives me something to think about in my free time. But when you start to involve my friends? That’s way too far. There was no reason to rope Yeonjun into this. He’s your friend too, Choi.” Soobin seemed surprised that you had come in with so much to say right off the bat.
“Y/N it’s really not that big of a deal. I just wanted to see if you actually had the capacity to have a crush on someone. And you’ve been spending so much time with Yeonjun I figured he’d be the perfect person to test my theory with, plus the humiliation factor of him not liking you back would have kept me entertained for days” he sat down on his couch casually, “I guess he had to break it to you that you aren’t as flirty and irresistible as you think you are, huh?” The air crackled with tension as you gawked down at his sprawled form.
“What are you even saying? Yeonjun and I are just friends. And why does it matter to you if I have the capacity for a crush or not? You hate me. If you’re just waiting until I get a boyfriend so that you can come in and ruin it all with your shitty vendetta then you’re much worse of a person than I ever pegged you for!” Tears welled in your eyes but you wiped at them angrily. Out of all the fights and disagreements you’d ever had with Soobin, this was the first one that stirred an odd emotion in the pit of your stomach. You were tired of the back and forth. Soobin seemed oddly alarmed at the formation of your tears as he got up from the comfort of his couch and approached you like a wounded dog. 
“Trust me, I have no grand plan to ruin your life at every turn even though that’s what you think. You spend so much time with Yeonjun, I thought maybe you liked him. I knew he didn’t like you because when I told him that I-” Soobin actually clapped his own giant hand over his mouth as the words hung in the air between you. Anger shot through your mind at the idea that he didn’t even have the guts to relay the entire story. 
“You what? You’re so wrapped up in your own little world but you can’t even finish telling me what you said to someone else? I can’t believe you, honestly,” you turned and made your way toward his door, wanting nothing more than to go home and take a hot shower. Soobin’s hand clasped around your wrist as he gently yanked you away from the exit. His strong grip kept you standing right in front of him and although you struggled against him, there was no use. 
“I told him that I like you.” For a second, you thought that you had misheard him, but he continued. “I told Yeonjun that I like you. And he told me that I should go for it, because he doesn’t see you as more than a friend. But I freaked out so I told him that you liked him. I knew you probably actually didn’t.” 
Your brain was short circuiting at the confession. Choi Soobin, who had complicated your life beyond belief since the day he moved in months ago liked you? 
“But,” your eyebrows drew together as you tried to comprehend it all, “you hate me, Soobin. We have a whole...rivalry! There’s no way you actually have feelings for me. I swear if this is just another prank I’ll shove my hand so far down your throat-“ Soobin threw his hands up in front of his body in a form of defense. 
“No! I don’t hate you, Y/N. I’ve liked you since the day we met. I just thought the pranks and petty stuff was like...our way of hanging out? That’s why I kept doing them. I thought you were having fun with me.” It was ridiculous how much he sounded like a little boy explaining his side of the story to a teacher. It was even more ridiculous that the corner of your brain where you’d stuffed all your feelings for Soobin began to overflow. 
“Haven’t you ever heard that there’s much better ways to tell someone you like them? We could have spent the last 11 months not at each other’s throats if you would have just manned up and found out I like you too.” You saw the exact moment that the words finally processed and his entire face lit up with the recognition. 
A familiar, deeply dimpled smile grew across his face as his skin reddened. He clasped his hands in front of him and swayed back and forth on his feet. Before you could think to stop him, he leaned in close enough that you worried he could hear your heart thumping against your ribs. 
“You like me too?” 
“Yes, Soobin. I like you too. And I would like you even more if you stopped your stupid pranks,” you tapped his nose with your pointer finger twice. He nodded eagerly with his tongue sticking out from between his teeth slightly.
“Deal,” he stuck his hand out to you and you raised an eyebrow to silently ask if he was serious. His hand didn’t waver, so you grasped it firmly and pulled him toward your body until you could wrap him into a tight hug. It was an odd feeling, soaking in Soobin’s scent as he gently rocked the two of you back and forth in his apartment. Odd, but good. Perfect.
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We’re Leaving (Carlisle Cullen x Reader)
Author: @exquisitley-obsessed
Summary: The already infatuated Carlisle Cullen and reader are faced with their next challenge, but this time the danger is within their own family. Edward needs his father as he pulls away from Bella over the course of NEW MOON, but this means Carlisle must make the choice between his own happiness and that of his son’s. No matter what he chooses, someone’s going to get hurt.
Word Count: long
Pairings: Carlisle Cullen x Reader
Warnings: Heartbreak, abandonment, sex, drug abuse
A/N: Technically this is a fourth part of my ‘Dinosaur and the Vampire’ series however you don’t need to read it to understand. Plus, in my head this part functions better as a oneshot.
Dinosaur and the Vampire:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
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Y/n gasped, the pain was rippling from her chest now, ricocheting through her muscles as she collapsed on her bedroom floor. She could already guess his next words.
‘We’re leaving.’
The past couple of months had been glorious. Following the disaster that was the ending to y/n’s junior year where she somehow managed to get tangled up in a high speed car chase with a vampire named Victoria (who had promptly taken her hostage in order to track down y/n’s best friend Bella) - things had begun to look up.
Her infatuation with the town’s local medi-hero Carlisle Cullen had surprisingly taken off, after of course he revealed himself of being a 300 year-old vampire who had a taste for bunnies. Most days she met up with him at his mansion in her brand-new white Ford Bronco, that which Carlisle had bought specifically to save her life and, following the destruction of her own car, decided to gift her - that was an interesting conversation with her parents. 
Of course that accident hadn’t just left her with a beautiful new mechanic baby but also some battle scars. The largest of which was a crescent white line arching over her left brow, not to mention the faded lines circling her waist. Her arms had healed up nice enough, the rope had caused them to double in size as blue and green bruises splotched on the surface for the first few weeks but they eventually died down. The story went that after being in a lot of stress and anxiety y/n had lost sight of the road and crashed into a car and it was stunning how no one thought to question it.
It was difficult being around her personal doctor for the first few days after the crash. So often would she catch him staring mournfully at her scar and bound hands, evidentially blaming himself for her battered state. Y/n spent most of the time convincing him she was fine and reminding him that she would go through so much worse to be where she was today.
And where she was, was a few weeks into her affair, unbeknown to all apart from Carlisle’s family and Bella. Together, Carlisle and her would often circle around the endless abyss of wood and glass that was the Cullen house, or drift up and down the small forest of a garden they had out back. Talking, always talking.
Carlisle was fascinated by every aspect of her previously thought mundane life. She could watch as he made mental notes of her favourite bands and books, what colleges she wanted to go to, her dream job. Y/n so often hated talking about herself but only because she felt that her life paled in comparison to that of Carlisle’s. He had of course explained his entire existence to her, right from its origins in 17th century London, and yet there was still so much he mentioned off-hand that left y/n floored.
Of course with the cat being out the bag, y/n’s and Bella’s friendship felt like it was flourishing for the second time. Now Bella was able to be honest with why she had been so distant, she didn’t have to lie when she explained the intensity of her and Edward’s relationship or why she kept disappearing with him after school. Y/n was able to confine to her about her relationship with Carlisle, about the way he always seemed to be looking at her through his soft amber eyes and the way he was so comfortable in touching her. Constantly brushing his fingers over her wrist or stroking her hair out of her face. All in all y/n had never been happier, of course until Bella’s tragic 18th.
For a night that would be so monumental to y/n’s life it seemed strange she wasn’t even present. Her parents had somehow dragged her on a holiday in Florida. And after giving Bella her early birthday present and a promise to Carlisle that she would be careful, she hadn’t thought much more of her time away. She spent most of the time on the beaches, reading and reliving all her memories with the doctor.
He had kissed her only a few nights ago. It came quite literally out of the blue. She was only stopping by his house to pick-up Edward’s copy of ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ when he was at the door waiting for her he seemed somewhat disturbed, as though he had had a rough day at the hospital. She had smiled at him as she got out and he in turn had pattered down the front steps.
“Hi.” Was all she managed to get out before he had caught her lips in his, his body flushed against hers as she was pushed against the car.
“Sorry.” He whispered breathlessly when the kiss had unfortunately come to a close and he rested his forehead against hers, gently rocking her in his arms. “I couldn’t wait any longer.”
Yet she couldn’t stay on holiday forever and inevitably she returned to the mess that was life back at Forks. When she got home the first thing she wanted to do was see Bella, to ask her about her birthday, if Alice got her that necklace y/n helped pick out, but Charlie was no help.
“I’m sorry y/n...” He looked incredibly stressed. His shirt old and stained his hair sticking up at the back, heavy set bags hanging below his eyes. “Bella...she’s...she’s not good right now.”
Y/n assumed Bella had come down with something and so she shrugged it off, blaming Charlie’s appearance on well, Charlie stuff. It was the next day at school when things started to feel really wrong, when the pain began to dig it’s hole.
“You looking for the Cullens?” Angela asked. Y/n snapped her head around, embarrassed that she had been caught glaring at the completely empty table near the back of the cafeteria. She would have never guessed it was related to Bella’s illness.
“Something happen?” Y/n tried to appear disinterested, picking at her food. It was September and not sunny so it didn’t make sense for them to be away perhaps they were in need of a feed or maybe they had family business...
“Yeah, they moved away.” 
Angela said it like someone would talk about the weather and yet she might as well have leaned across the table and shoved her fork through y/n’s chest.
“What?” The word squeaked out. Y/n felt the colour drain from her face.
“The dad...you know the doctor one...well apparently he got some big time job offer down in California and...”
Angela’s words dissolved into the air, muffled by some invisible blanket. Distantly y/n was aware of her arms going limp, her fork clattering out of her hands as her body tingled numbly underneath her. The worst feeling was the shortness of breath, the way air couldn’t seem to move through her lungs anymore as her chest was weighed down with what felt like a sphere of lead.
The rest of the day couldn’t pass slowly enough. In history it seemed like y/n was watching the clock forever her mind racing a million miles an hour. Surely they hadn’t left properly, Carlisle couldn’t leave without saying goodbye at least. No, it had to have something to do with vampirism, maybe an old friend called or maybe they were in danger, 5 more minutes then gym and then she would find out.
In the end she decided to skip gym altogether jumping in her car and racing home, still in her daze. She needed to see Bella and then she would head up to the Cullen’s, there was no way they had really moved away. Maybe it was just so the humans weren’t getting suspicious, a strange feeling pulled at y/n’s gut as she remembered that technically, she was a part of the ‘humans’ or supposed to be at least.
“Charlie is Bella in?”
“I’m sorry y/n-”
She pushed past him, muttering an apology as she went but Charlie appeared too exhausted to stop her. Turning left she raced up the stairs two at a time before exploding into Bella’s room, she would know from Bella, she would get her answer.
Bella sat on her bed, her face white, her eyes glossed over. She didn’t even look at y/n as she walked in.
“Bella?” Y/n’s voice was shaky, the tears already bubbling in her throat. She knew deep down that she already had her answer. “Bella?”
Finally she turned to her, but there was no recognition. Nothing. Complete emptiness behind her eyes as she stared back for a few seconds before her eyes flickered forward.
Y/n left, apologising to Charlie under her breath as she jumped back in her car. But it was too late, the pain had already settled in her chest, her mind was already convinced. They were gone. He had left. Without even saying goodbye.
It was inescapable now, it spread like fire across her body, consuming her whole. She tried to start up her car but her body doubled over and she grit her teeth in pain. It had begun.
She didn’t know where to go, what to do. Most of her wanted to go to the Cullen’s house but she already knew it was most likely empty, devoid of all life. Could she really handle that?
Y/n went to start up her car when she realised that this car was all Carlisle had given her besides her own memories. She raced out of it, turning away from the sight of it and running into her house.
When she got to her room she shut her curtains with so much vigour a few hooks snapped off the edge, she knew she would see the pale car in her drive if she left it open. Before she knew it she was crying, trying desperately to control her emotions before they consumed her whole. Then she saw it.
Resting on her bedside table was an ivory note with her name etched onto the page in rich navy ink.
‘Dearest y/n l’n,’
A letter. He had left her a letter. She opened it carefully, if what she assumed was true this, as well as her car, might be all she had left of him; her sobs still hiccuping in her throat, she raced her eyes over his calligraphy. Five paragraphs. That was all. Five paragraphs loosely explaining how Edward was in a rough place, how people were judging Carlisle for his youth, how he needed to put his family first - five paragraphs.
Y/n gasped, the pain was rippling from her chest now, ricocheting through her muscles as she collapsed on her bedroom floor. She could already guess his next words, the words to conclude the letter.
‘We’re leaving.’
The worst feeling was when she read ‘we’, she knew from this word alone she was to understand that Carlisle did not group her with his family. The letter gave no insinuation that he was deeply sorry for their departure, or that he would in any way return at all. How, in the space of a few hours, could her world be turned completely inside out?
She went from giddily planning a small future with Carlisle to believing he had never cared for her at all. If he did, it certainly wasn’t as much as she had cared for him. Another wave of pain beat her down. She was just a stupid kid with a crush. Another wave. She was a fool, an embarrassment to assume that he wanted her even half as much as she wanted him.
Her tears got too much then, the letter shaking out her hands as the pain, now unbridled, exploded out of her. The waves of heartbreak crashing into her again and again, her stifled screams bouncing off her walls and ringing back in her ears, haunting her with her own pain. 
He was gone, and he had taken her heart with him.
“Y/n we’re worried about you.”
“Don’t be.” Y/n laughed loudly, pushing her untouched pasta around on her plate. Angela glanced at her through tense eyes. “I already have a mum, Angela.” The words came out harsher than she meant to, not that she cared.
“But seriously, Mack?” Angela whispered, her voice low so the others wouldn’t hear. Y/n rolled her eyes. 
“We’re not a thing, we just hang out and he...helps me out.”
“He’s a druggie.” Her voice was low, accusing, incredulous. Another roll of y/n’s eyes.
“Duh Angela. What do you think I meant by ‘helping me out’.” Angela just shook her head disappointed. Y/n didn’t care, she couldn’t. Technically sitting at that lunch table on that Friday she was still coming down from her high this morning, her brain soft and fuzzed around the edges and, most importantly, the pain in her chest non existent.
The drug scene in Forks was nothing to be impressed by. It was only by luck that y/n had met Mack, a guy a few years out of high school who had never made it to college. Y/n was pretty sure he was crushing on her but she didn’t mind exploiting that a little if it meant she got high for free. 
It had been four months since they had left. They might as well have taken Bella with them considering she was a shell of a human being: unresponsive, uncooperative. There was nothing behind her eyes, just like the day y/n had come searching for her. That had been one of the last times y/n had stepped foot in the Swan house. Partly because y/n’s new found drug habits wouldn’t go down well with Chief Charlie Swan, partly because y/n couldn’t stand the sight of Bella.
The emptiness, the hollowness, the pain. It was just a reminder to y/n of what was waiting for her the day she became sober. In the beginning, after a few days of wallowing in the pain, feeling as though she were unable to move, y/n had forced herself to go to the beach where she had ran into a bunch of La Push boys. They were smoking green and it was clearly their first time, they called out and invited y/n over clearly expecting that she wouldn’t accept.
But she surprised both them and herself by walking over. After sitting and smoking them with a bit she found herself smiling and laughing at their jokes as her head became warmer and fuzzier, moreover, the pain of his abandonment warmed into nothingness. She had asked them where they got the weed and they had pointed her in the direction of Mack.
“Down for tonight?” 
Y/n read the text as it flashed across her screen.
“You bet :)″
She sent back. Two more lessons and then her high could be refreshed and the cycle could continue.
Y/n gasped as she awoke. Nightmares had been more common the past week. They were a regular occurrence when he had first left but going to bed high had always numbed it out. But recently his ivory skin and ribbons of muscles were becoming clearer through the haze.
Rolling over in the dark with some desperation she flicked on her phone and dialled his number.
“Hey Mack, I just called cause-”
“You have a bad high?” He murmured over the phone, distantly she could hear his TV playing in the background. She could picture him, half-dressed surrounded by trash as he got himself high for the third time today. Y/n pushed the image away - no, I’m not like that. It’s different for me, I have a reason.
“Yeah.” She muttered, “I just didn’t know who to call.”
“Usually bad highs are a sign you’ve been smoking too much.” She had basically been smoking consistently for four months now and if she wasn’t smoking she was drunk and if she wasn’t drunk then the pain began to settle.
“Ugh, are you going to tell me I have to stop?” She laughed quietly over the phone, trying to cover the slight desperation in her voice. Distantly she was aware of her parents sleeping in the next room, it was stupid, she was eighteen now and it felt as though she had been through enough trauma to move out, to get away from school. On the other hand school seemed to be the only thing holding her together now.
“No, you don’t need to stop smoking but maybe try something else?” He asked nonchalantly.
“Something else?”
“I stock more than green but it’ll have to be sooner rather than later.”
“Sooner?” Y/n murmured robotically. She had bought enough to get her through the week.
“This weekend?” He asked, almost as if he read her mind.
“See you then...your place?” She rolled over in the dark.
“See you then?” She could hear the enormous grin settle on his lips and it sent a shiver down her spine - she hung up. She had promised herself to never do anything more serious than weed but now she was faced with an ultimatum: break her promise or embrace the darkness.
“Hi Mack.” Y/n smiled when he opened the door, he didn’t say anything just grinned and stood to the side letting y/n into his dingy apartment. Y/n had used the same lie to her parents that she used whenever she came here - that she was sleeping over at Angela's. Not that they ever checked. 
Of course she wasn’t  sleeping over at Mack’s, to be honest she didn’t trust him enough for that, normally she left late and would drive her car up to the Cullens house, it wasn’t too far and the road was easy enough to follow when intoxicated. It was the only time was she was able to wander around the house without feeling any guilt or remorse. 
Mack’s place was tiny, made worse by the clutter and rubbish. A small corridor lead to a small living room which the tiniest of kitchens looked out into. Mack had a strip of lights around the top of the ceiling that were constantly flashing multi-coloured as loud obnoxious music played, somewhat muffled in the smoke.
“Hey y/n.” Danny, Mack’s roommate, smiled from the couch, clearly already lost.
“Hey Dan.” She smiled before collapsing at his feet, her knees propped against the coffee table where booze and skins cluttered the surface.
“You’re in for a treat.” He slurred, his arms limp by his sides as his eyes flickered back and forth, his mouth ajar. Y/n felt somewhat excited at the sight of him, so out of his head - this excitement no longer frightened her.
“He’s not lying.” Mack laughed, full of energy as he jumped up and grabbed something off the kitchen counter before holding it in front of her face. A small white square was compressed in the middle of a tiny plastic bag. “These things pack a punch.” He laughed, y/n laughed. “You’re still down to do this right? I’m not going to pressure you or anything.” He said, and for a moment it looked like he was actually concerned for her.
Y/n thought seriously about it for a moment. There was nothing stopping her from getting up and walking out, telling him that it was a mistake to come here, even just telling him that she’ll run the risk of sticking to green. Except the weed wasn’t enough anymore, she was realising that. To keep him away she would have to go further, and she was more than willing. It seemed somewhat funny, that to escape her doctor she had to pollute herself.
“Of course.” Y/n heard her voice laugh as she shuffled out of her jacket and pulled her hair out from it’s knot. If Mack and Danny could, she could.
“Awesome.” He grinned before sitting down on the coffee table in front of her so that her head was somewhat between his knees. “This is how you take it.” He said, clearly enjoying being a ‘teacher’. Y/n could see him properly then.
Mack was in his early-twenties, the same age he was supposed to be. A short brown beard tufted around his jaw whilst shoulder length brown hair was pulled into a low pony at the back of his head. He was sweet really, just lost.
“Stick your tongue out.” Y/n obliged, picking up on the moment of tension as he placed the white square on her tongue with his forefinger. She felt no guilt as she lapped her tongue back into her mouth slowly, gazing into his dark eyes as his finger rested on her bottom lip.
The rest of the night was a blurry mess; mistakes were definitely made and y/n was definitely going to have to find a new dealer. It was strange how that night only happened because she was so desperate to escape Carlisle Cullen, and yet for most of it, it was his icy face that she was picturing instead of Mack’s.
Weeks had passed and y/n’s drug exploration was starting to get a little out of control. She was sure her parents were picking up on her strange behaviours: never home at weekends, always fidgeting, bleary eyed and always tired. Perhaps she was just being paranoid, Mack said that could be one of the side effects. 
But it was lucky she was high one specific Friday as she parked her car outside Mack’s apartment complex. She glared at the Bronco, she had seen Bella ripping the radio (Emmett’s gift to Bella) out of her own truck, removing all traces of the Cullen family’s existence. It wasn’t so easy for y/n.
She was thinking of him again. It had been quite obsessive these past few days and that’s why when she first saw him, leaning against his black Mercedes in the shadows, she couldn’t quite believe her eyes.
“What the hell.” She was so sure she was hallucinating, she blinked fiercely.
“Y/n.” He said her name and she felt her eyes flutter closed, how good it felt to hear her name dripping from his lips. She wasn’t aware she had memorised his voice so well. She audibly hummed in response to the sound before snapping herself out of it and ignoring his form. Mack was just upstairs with something new to try and then he would go away. “Y/n.” He said her name again as though he were sure she hadn’t heard him.
Y/n ignored it. The sweetness of his presence was quickly turning sour, and the corners of the hole in her chest were beginning to sting.
“Y/n, it’s me.” That stopped her. From the corner of her eye she could see him step out of the shadows, his pale skin iridescent in the street light. He looked unsure, pleading, desperate. “Y/n.”
“No.” She gasped suddenly. There was no more guessing, she couldn’t even try to deny that it was truly him. She stumbled slightly in the street and he was by her side in a second. When she was stable in his arms he held a lock of her hair between his fingers inhaling deeply. “Your blood smells different.” He murmured. She had forgotten what it was like to be around people who could move so quickly. “Y/n, what have you been putting in your body?”
“Leave me alone.” She murmured, her head still fuzzy and numb from the sight of him. Was it a dream? No it couldn’t be. As she got over her shock, anger pooled in her gut. 
“Are you high?” His eyes were confused and worried.
“If I am what would you do about it?” She smirked. “You have no right to critique my lifestyle.”
“Your lifestyle?” He asked somewhat incredulously, his eyes were slowly melting darker and darker. “Poisoning yourself with LSD is a lifestyle for you?”
“It’s a coping mechanism.” She spat suddenly. “To deal with the pain that you left me with.” That shut him up.
“I would’ve never left if I knew you would do this.” He grimaced. Wrong move.
“Stop!” She gasped suddenly, her arm snatching to her gut where she was sure the pain would brim over. She thought seeing him again would melt her troubles away, instead his presence seemed to intensify them. “Stop talking like you get a say in what I do! You lost that privileged the day you left! Left with nothing but a stupid note Carlisle!”
“I left to protect you. I didn’t want to cause you pain. Remember Victoria?” Was all he could say in response.
“Victoria...” Y/n spat. “What Victoria did to me pales in comparison to what you did. You’re the one whose hurt me the most Carlisle. Do you understand?”
She was still in shock at the sight of him. A million questions were racing through her head but none of them seemed as important now. Her shouting must have alerted someone’s presence because she heard movement near the apartment steps as someone walked up to them.
“Are you okay?” It was Mack but he seemed a million miles away now, unimportant.
“Are you her dealer?” Carlisle strode forward, his voice pure steel.
“Carlisle stop it!” She spat, jumping forward and pushing against his stony chest but it was like trying to move a mountain.
“Are you the one that did this to her?” Carlisle ignored her, still towering over Mack.
“You did this to me!” She suddenly exploded. Carlisle was past listening.
“If I ever see you near her again. I will break you myself, I promise.” His voice was calm meditated, as if every word had weight.
“What are you, her boyfriend?” Mack asked venomously. “Well then maybe I should let you in on a secret.”
“Mack shut up.” Y/n felt fear bubble into her throat. Sure she could swear in that moment she hated Carlisle but that’s all it was, a moment. There was no point in ruining her future.
“Your girlfriend ain’t too loyal.” Mack drawled out, a coy smirk slipping on his lips as he rocked back and forth on his toes. Carlisle tensed. “At least...she wasn’t last night.” 
An animalistic snarl snapped from of Carlisle lips like a whip and within the second he had Mack pinned against the bonnet of a car. Then, just as quickly as he moved, he remembered himself. Letting Mack drop Carlisle’s breath heaved before he turned and stalked towards his car without sparing y/n so much as a glance. Always the pacifist.
“Carlisle.” She called, rushing after him but Mack caught her elbow.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were in a relationship?” He asked and if y/n wasn’t mistaken he sounded somewhat heartbroken, all his previous anger evaporating.
“I’m not.” Y/n gasped struggling to get out of his grip.
“You’re in something.” He murmured, letting her go.
“I’m sorry Mack, I really am. I’ll...call you.” The words were falling over her shoulder as she escaped, but he was already gone and distantly she could hear his Mercedes ripping into the night as he drove away.
“It’s not his fault.”
“I don’t need this right now Edward.” After jumping into her Bronco y/n had followed Carlisle’s black Mercedes back to his house. During the drive she couldn’t decide whether her anger was riling up or fizzing into the air and thus, nothingness. He had been so close, she had put her hands against his chest, he was right there.
“Please I just...” Edward’s eyes were tentative as he blocked her path on the house steps, “It’s my fault why we even left, all he was trying to do was be a good father to me.”
“And you think that’s and excuse?”
“No, of course not.” He added hurriedly. “It’s just, I love him, and I know he loves you. Please don’t walk away from him.”
“Walk away?” Y/n gasped, angry tears pricking behind her eyes. “I never wanted to walk away. I never even considered it. You were the ones who left and you took everything with you.” Tears spilled and she hurriedly wiped them away. Edward grimaced. Y/n took her opportunity and stormed past him into the house. To her surprise there stood Rosalie and Emmett; a few hours ago and she would have run into their arms laughing, overjoyed to see her friends again.
“Where is he?” Was all she spat and to her surprise they looked somewhat intimidated as they pointed loosely in the direction of the kitchen. She stormed past them and up the stairs swinging a right to find Carlisle waiting for her, leaning over the counter his head in his hands, he glanced at her.
“Y/n I-” He began.
“Shut up.” Was all she said. Distantly she was aware that Emmett and Rosalie had followed her along with Edward. At the far window she saw movement and assumed Jasper and Alice had come to see what the fuss is about. “You had your chance to talk the day you left but you chose not to, so, what you’re going to do is you’re going to sit in that chat, patiently, whilst I stand her and say what I got to say...understand?”
Carlisle stood now, an internal battle dancing behind his eyes as he glanced from y/n to his family. Y/n was aware of them staring now, watching the leader of their family, the alpha male be challenged, all tentative to see what he would do next. Slowly and with weight, Carlisle walked a few paces before he slid down into a chair, leaning forward and resting on his knees as he looked up at y/n through his lashes. This sent a tremor through the family and within the blink of an eye they were all gone, giving Carlisle and y/n their privacy.
“Carlisle...” Now she was here, she wasn’t quite sure what to say. “I am...sorry...about Mack and what we...” She trailed off, maybe it was not the best idea to start with this. “But you can’t judge me. You just can’t.”
“I know.” He whispered, his brows furrowing apologetically.
“All this...the drugs, Mack, everything, all of it’s just me trying to cope. And it’s not an excuse but-”
“Please don’t apologise.” Carlisle whispered and within the second he was standing in front of her cupping her cheeks in his hands and brushing his thumb under her right eye. “Never apologise.” He kissed her forehead. “You did nothing wrong.” He kissed her nose. It seemed like he went to go kiss her lips but he hovered, as if he remembered himself and he pulled back slightly, resting his forehead against hers.
“I’m sorry for the way I behaved. It was foolish and embarrassing of me.” He decided to say. “Back at the apartments. It’s just...”
“Just what?” Y/n murmured, now in a daze.
“I could smell it.”
“Your scent...on him. On his neck, his shirt. Deep down I already knew what had happened but then hearing him...say it...and gloat.” His teeth gritted.
“If it’s any consolation, if I knew you were coming back I would have never-”
“But you didn’t know I was coming back. Because I left you here with nothing.” He was talking to himself now. “I...” He began. “I knew I was hurting you the day I left, the idea alone tormented me for months but I kept lying to myself, telling myself I would put you in more danger, more pain if I came back. But seeing the reality of what I had done to you, coming back to your blood smelling different and...” He trailed off.
“I know.” Y/n filled the silence, overwhelmed now at the feeling of him flushed against her body.
“I’ve got to hand it to Edward.” He chuckled to himself. “He’s more persuasive than he looks.” They stood like that for a moment, just comfortable at being able to be around one another again before y/n scrunched up her eyes.
“God, I've just been so caught up in being angry at you that I don’t think it’s really settled that you’re here. I feel like I’m going to wake up and this is just going to be a cruel dream.” 
“I’m not going anywhere.” He cut her off gently, his eyes steely. “Not because I’m afraid of what you’ll do to yourself if I leave, not because you necessarily need me. But because...I don’t know how many chances I’m going to get to love someone like this.” He chuckled slightly. “And I mean, I have an eternity stretched out in front of me...but to love someone the way I love you...completely and utterly and with every piece of my heart and soul...”
His words fizzled into the air, the greater meaning behind them understood by them and only them.
“I’m sorry about Mack.” They were swaying slightly now, as if there were some soft unheard music. “He’s sweet...and he’s just lost...I guess I was for while.”
“As long as it was...consensual.” Surprisingly this made y/n laugh, a noise he had missed with his whole soul.
“Let’s not talk about it anymore.”
And they didn’t. From an outsiders perspective no one could have guessed anything was ever wrong between y/n and Carlisle. Just as before things gently shifted back into place, old routines were picked up and recent habits died out. Carlisle made good on his promise, he spent the rest of eternity doing everything in his power to make y/n happy, for that was all that mattered for him.
“To love someone the way I love you.” Became their phrase. Before long journeys apart, before what felt like impending doom when it came to Victoria, or the Voultri. He murmured it to her before she slept and shouted it after her car when she pulled away - an ode to their relationship, and all that they had been through. Y/n and Carlisle, the Dinosaur and the Vampire.
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marrys-dream-world · 3 years
if we’re bound to be something, why not together? (chapter 11)
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Notes:  Double update to cheer up a bit! This chapter turned out much longer than I thought it would be, almost double the size of other chapters. No content warning, just fluff! The song "Blueming" by IU, I think this fits this chapter a lot so if you want a song to listen while you read, it's that! Day 11: Voice Mail/Phone calls. @ladynoirjuly
After their last patrol, Ladybug sent Chat Noir a link through their communicators.
[Download this!!] She sent along with it, eagerly waiting for him. 
[As my lady commands : D] He sent back almost immediately. 
That talk had been a bit of an eye-opener to Marinette. She was getting to know Chat Noir more and more each day and she treasured every bit of information she got, jealousy holding it close to chest, hesitating to write it even in her diary. He was a quiet student during class, he had a friend whose name was definitely not Sallie (ugh), his father was distant, his mother and mother-figure were out of reach. He was lonely. All this information was worrying, just not as much as what she learned that night. At that moment, with him shaking in her arms, she made a decision.
Being there for him just as Ladybug wasn't going to cut it anymore. 
This idea wasn't anything new, she had been playing with it in her mind for a while now. So when she sent him a chat room code through her communicator with other instructions and detransformed, she was fairly confident it would work. Picking up her phone, she smiles as she saw that there was already a message.
My lady!! <3 <3 <3
down, Chaton. :)
I'm just mdlaomqnahsbsk
Is it okay, though? Talking like this?
yeah, i've been testing this app with RR and it's fine, there's no way we'll leak our numbers or anything like that to each other. don't worry ;)
This app is to warn each other about attacks and schedule meetings? Are you going to add RR to the chat?
nah, i'll just make one for the 3 of us. this is one for us to talk and stuff, doesn't need to be about job things.  
The "CN is typing…" kept it's place on the screen for enough time for her to start getting worried. 
You don't need to force yourself for my sake, bug. I don't want to bother you. 
Marinette thought about making a joke. The situation, however, didn't seem right for it. 
you never bother me.
His response came almost immediately.
You never texted me before.
guess i'll have to learn what's the maximum amount of cat memes a person can humanely send per day
Is that a challenge, my lady?
;) ;) ;)
just remember to not blow up my phone, we have class
I'll use my powers for good, don't worry : D
Marinette smiled and put down her phone, fixing up her bag for the next day on the chance (certainty) that she would wake up late the next day. When she picked the phone up again, there was a single text:
Thank you, bug. Good night. 
He was absolutely unstoppable after that. Next morning, as she was brushing her teeth, her cell phone pinged with the telling sound from the app and she smiled as she opened the app on her phone. 
Look, look, we can change each other's names.
good to know
You changed "CN" 's name to "Chat-terbox"
You know me so well. Soulmates.
Chat-terbox changed your name to "lady of my heart"
lady of my heart
yeah, i should have seen that coming, that's on me. 
oh yeah, gm
Good morning <3 <3 <3
Are you in class already?
Marinette froze in place, eyes snapping to the clock. There was only ten minutes before the class started. She bolted, barely noticing if she had on the right shoes or if her jacket matched her pants. So much for being an aspiring designer. Marinette blurred past the kitchen, taking a croissant and a banana and cramming them into her mouth as she ran. She made it to the classroom in the middle of the roll call, not even stopping by the lockers.
“Thanks for joining us, Marinette.” Ms. Bustier said dryly. “Please take a seat.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” She answered, out of breath. Sitting down, she took out her tablet and noticed another message making her phone screen glow. 
Is everything okay?
lady of my heart
i made it late in class but the teacher let me in hehehe
i think she's used to it *forehead sweatdrop emoji*
Hahaha a friend of mine just did the same thing, you two are twins 
lady of my heart
let me guess… Sallie *eyeroll emoji*
I mean, yeah, but why the eyeroll???
lady of my heart
you just talk too much about her, don't you think
You sound just like Plagg.
lady of my heart
maybe bc we're right
Why does that bother you? Jealous? *eyes emoji*
lady of my heart
as if *kicks u*
You kick your partner? You kick his body like the football? Oh! Oh! Jail for my lady! Jail for my lady for One Thousand Years!
lady of my heart
since my fate is already decided *kicks u again*
A giggle escaped her mouth.
"Marinette?" Ms. Bustier raised an eyebrow. "Something you want to share with the class?"
"N-no, ma'am." She answered, face heating up. Marinette quietly put her phone away, ignoring Alya's prying eyes. 
She only opened the app again during the break between classes, moving away from a curious Alya to hang by Kim and Alíx. 
I'll assume you're actually paying attention to class, which is great. You probably need it to make up all those crazy plans ;)
SM beaten by ninth grade physics 
Hey, boo, did you see this one SM identity theory video making rounds on the internet?
Marinette frowned.
lady of my heart
there's nothing new on the ladyblog
Oh, it's not on the Ladyblog, here 
She opened the video as quickly as she could before Ms. Bustier came back, only from the sound to make Kim and Alíx burst out into laughter.
lady of my heart
i opened it in my class I hate u so muuuuuch ughhhhhh
C'mon, boo, it was funny
lady of my heart
>: (
: 3
This time, she willingly put her phone away. 
On the next break, she tried to ignore the pinging from her phone. However, curiosity killed the cat(‘s lady).
Please don't be mad, my lady, I have written you a lengthy apology to make up for sins
File attachment: apology letter for my beloved.doc
lady of my heart
if it's another rickroll i swear to god i'll END you
You can see it's not a video, it's safe to open
Scout's honor
lady of my heart
u were never a scout
I could be!!
Please read <3
Sighing deeply, she clicked on the document. He would never shut up if she didn't. It read as:
l would like to offer my sincerest According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible…
She clicked back
Did you like it? :3
lady of my heart
Boo, noooooooo
After that, Marinette didn’t open the app again no matter how much her phone pinged. She wasn’t mad, not really, just a bit annoyed. Before lunch ended, she would read and answer. But now, she was stuck watching Alya and Nino play Super Penguino and make moon eyes at each other. Adrien wasn’t allowed to join them, as much as he begged his father, and she was feeling pretty bummed about that. She poked around her chicken pasta when she heard her phone playing a familiar song.
kore nani kore nani korenanikorenanikorenanikorenani-
Chat Noir!
"Is everything okay?" Marinette asked as soon as she picked up the phone. Alya and Nino, noticing her worried tone, paused their game to look at her. 
"You picked up!" Chat Noir said, cheery. "I thought you blocked me."
She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Is there actually something wrong? I'll hang up "
"No, wait!" He yelped. "There's nothing wrong, I just wanted to talk. Are you busy?"
Marinette looked over at Nino and Alya, who were still watching her expectantly. She smiles reassuringly and waved them away, furtively signaling to Alya that it was Chat Noir on the phone. Her friend nodded and bumped her shoulder on Nino's. 
"C'mon, babe, let Marinette talk to her 'friend' by herself." Alya said, leering. 
"Why did you say it like that?" Nino asked, confused. Then, his eyes lit up. "Is it Adrien? Tell him I said hi!"
"No!" Marinette shouted, gaining weird stares from the other patrons.
"No, you aren't busy?" Chat Noir asked on the phone.
"No, it's not Adrien, or no, you won't tell him I said hi?" Nino asked. 
"It's another friend." She said hurriedly before focusing on the phone. "I can talk now, not that busy."
"If you're with your friends, it's okay." He said, rather meekly for her chaton.
"I'm just third-wheeling." Marinette said as Alya and Nino began another round of Super Penguins. "Why did you call? Aren't you having lunch now?"
Chat Noir chuckled humorlessly. "Yeah, I'm having lunch at home and I'm all alone, so I thought I could give you a call. Is that too much?"
"No, it's fine." She reassured. "Why are you alone? What about your siblings?"
"What siblings?" He asked, genuinely confused. 
"Uh… the siblings I assumed you had for some reason." She said awkwardly, noticing how out there she sounded the more she spoke. 
"Really? You thought I had siblings? Why?"
"Because you're just like an annoying little brother." She said teasingly, a complete lie.
Chat Noir struck her as a mischievous, but supportive older brother. The kind that sneaked you treats after midnight and comforted you after failing a math test. Not like she could tell him that, though. If he was a little brother, it would be to a stressed older sister that he admired a lot and that found him reliable in return. She dreamed about meeting them sometimes and now it seemed that they would truly stay dreams forever. 
"I would like an older brother or sister." He sighed longingly. "The closest I have is my cousin, but he lives in another country."
"Oh, sorry."
"No, it's better this way, we would kill each other if we lived together. Everyday I would have to check for poison in my breakfast."
"A true sibling dynamic."
"Hey, why aren't you having lunch with your friends then?" With Sallie, she wanted to tease, but held back for fear of sounding, as Tikki said, bitter. 
"My father would rather I have lunch at home." He said vaguely. "My friends did invite me to go with them to a café, but my father didn't like the idea. He only likes one of them, the rest he says are bad influences."
"Let me guess, the one he likes is Sallie?"
"I can hear you rolling your eyes, but yes."
"Well, if you ever get lonely at lunch, you can call me." Marinette said honestly. "I don't mind it."
"Thank you." Chat Noir said softly.
They spent the rest of lunch talking on the phone, even sending pictures of their food to each other (Chat's limp salad made her take a bunch of mental notes to take him some pastries next patrol). On the way to school, as she walked to the classroom, they kept talking. She could hear Chat getting on a vehicle (a bus?) and when he got to school, she was disappointed he had to hang up. After Marinette clicked the end call button, the first thing she noticed when she looked up was Alya's smug face and Nino's confused one. 
"Wow, does my bro have some competition, dude?" Nino said. "You spent the entire break talking."
"What? No, that was just a friend!"
"Yeah, a friend." Alya sing-songed, making her face heat up.
"Yeah." Marinette said firmly. "There's no competition for anything."
"Who's competing?" A sweet voice asked from behind her and she jumped.
"Adrien!" She shouted, scrambling. "N-nothing hehe."
"Dude!" Nino smiled. "How was your lunch?"
Adrien smiled, brightly. "The best I've ever had."
Marinette felt inclined to agree. 
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laequiem · 4 years
Queen of Nobody [ONESHOT]
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/ Cardan has been teasing Jude for a week, and she decided to get her revenge. Sub!Cardan, Dom!Jude, PWP. 
Fandom: The Folk of the Air
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 1,769
His gaze was wild with restraint as I sat facing him and grabbed the soap. While he did not move, I could see his tail whipping from left to right, a cat waiting to pounce. I made a show of washing myself, scrubbing dirt and sweat from my body. I was very aware of his intense stare, the way he grasped the sides of the tub until his knuckles were white.
“Jude…” he whined.
“You’ve been so eager to tease me this week. Isn’t this fair, husband?”
Read it on ao3
For the last week, we barely had time to ourselves. I attended Oak’s birthday party last weekend, which Cardan had to skip on to deal with a visit from Queen Nicasia. The rest of the week was filled with the usual: revels, diplomatic dinners, boring meetings... As always, we sat on opposite sides of the table at dinner. During our meetings with the Living Council, we kept our façades: the irreverent king and his fierce queen, never looking like they enjoyed each other’s presence. Our sleeping schedule was staggered. I crashed first, tired from my training and stressful days, and Cardan would join me a few hours later, wasted after entertaining our people at the night’s revel.
Day by day, it was getting harder to slip out of his arms when I woke up to train. Not only did I miss the warmth of his body as I changed out of my night clothes, but I missed the… intimacy. He had done his best to tease me all week. His tail trailing up the side of my leg as we pretended to ignore each other at revels. A hand brushing my hair when he walked past me. On days when he had more to drink, he would risk more public displays of affection; coming up behind me and tugging me to him as he kissed the nape of my neck.
I met with the Ghost and trained harder than usual, trying to get rid of this tension building in me.
It did not help.
When I got back to the room to bathe, I was surprised to find Cardan lounging in the bath, eating from a bunch of grapes. As I drank the sight of him in, I realized he meant for me to find him here. Everything about the picture before me seemed deliberate. The bathwater, sprinkled with golden petals, was milky white, hiding the lower half of his body. He had kept most of his jewelry on, I noted, as my gaze went up his body. Even his crown, tilted over his damp curls. His makeup was perfect, which makes me think that it wasn’t leftover from yesterday - he actually did his makeup before getting in the bath.
His grin widened as I stood there just gawking at him. I had to say something. Not let him see how much I want him.
“How surprising to see you here, Your Infernal Majesty. Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
“I’m exactly where I want to be. I cancelled the meeting.”
I lifted an eyebrow. “What reason did you give, this time? Hangover?”
“Something like that.”
I sat on a low stone bench and started undoing the lace of my boots. When I tugged off the second one, I looked up to find Cardan staring at me. I smirked, then turned my back to him. Bending way more than necessary, I removed my leggings. I heard him inhale sharply as I got back up. I unbuckled the strap holding my knife to my thigh and let it fall on the floor, though I doubt he would mind if I kept it.
“How convenient that you’re here exactly when I come back to bathe myself,” I say as I turn around to face him.
I kept eye contact as I started slowly undoing the laces of my tunic, then tossed it over my head. I saw him straighten and inch forward a little as he drank in the sight of me in my mortal underwear: a dusty pink lace bra that left little to the imagination, and a white lacy thong. Not the worst combination, but definitely not matching.
“A lucky coincidence,” he whispered. I wondered how he could justify this not being a complete lie. If he said it, he must believe it to be true in some way.
I slipped one arm behind my back and easily unclasped my bra. I saw his throat bob as I slowly, so slowly, removed my bra, then my panties, until I was bare before him. He kept staring as I walked towards him and joined him in the bath. The royal bath was more close to the jacuzzis we have in the mortal world. It’s a large tub with benches, enough space for a king and a few consorts.
His gaze was wild with restraint as I sat facing him and grabbed the soap. While he did not move, I could see his tail whipping from left to right, a cat waiting to pounce. I made a show of washing myself, scrubbing dirt and sweat from my body. I was very aware of his intense stare, the way he grasped the sides of the tub until his knuckles were white.
“Jude…” he whined.
“You’ve been so eager to tease me this week. Isn’t this fair, husband?” I chuckled. He snarled.
I put down the soap and crossed the distance between us. I sat on his lap, facing him, his erection pressing hard against my aching core. His hands were instantly in my hair, pulling it while still pushing my head towards his as he claimed my lips with his own. His tongue explored my mouth and I could feel my heart thundering in my chest. It always felt so right with him.
“I missed this, my cruel queen,” Cardan whispers as he broke the kiss to nip at my neck. “I miss you.”
I could not find words, so I just hummed in response. It was enough, he understood. He always had. Suddenly, he turns us around and lifts me to the cold lip of the tub and parts my legs.
Just as I thought he had snapped and would take me right there, he ran one of his fingers through my folds. Once. Twice. He teased the entrance, but quickly removed his finger. He cussed when he saw the slickness already on his finger, then brought it to his mouth and sucked on it. “I missed your taste.”
Then, he lowered himself and flicked my clit with his tongue, and I couldn’t help moaning his name. I felt him grin against me as his tongue explored my folds. I grabbed his hair and pushed him into me, grinding against his face as he sucked on my bundle of nerves. That wicked mouth of his worked me, prodding and licking and sucking in a steady pace, until I was close to the edge. And as I pressed his face harder into me, he brought two fingers to my entrance and pushed into me, curling exactly in that spot where I wanted him. I went over the edge, twitching and screaming his name through my orgasm, clinging to his hair as if it was a lifeline.
As I came down from my high, I let go of his hair and let my head fall down against the cool wall behind me. As I caught my breath, he got up to kiss me slowly, gently.
It might be the orgasm making me vulnerable, but I couldn’t stop myself. “I missed you too, Cardan.”
He kissed me again, then got out of the bath, offering me a hand to stand as well. I saw him reaching for his robe, but I caught his arm.
“Who said we were done?”
Surprise shone on his beautiful face, then that amused grin. “My mistake, my Queen.”
I traced a finger down his torso, to his length and gently poked it. “Get on the bed.”
“Are you commanding me?” I couldn’t command him anymore, not with magic at least.
He backed up to the bed and laid on his back, one arm behind his head, waiting. Smug. I approached slowly, hoping I looked like a predator approaching a prey.
“While you were busy… teasing me last week, I thought of ways to pay you back in kind.”
He was biting his bottom lip, staring at me intently. I got on the bed on top of him.
“I hope you will find me merciful,” I said as I tried to give him the most wicked grin I could muster.
From above him, I could see how his makeup had smudged, his hair going in all directions. He looked like a mess. A glorious, pinned down, submissive mess. I felt heat pool in my core at the thought. I lowered my face to his and kissed him fiercely, quickly. I pulled his bottom lip with my teeth. I kissed my way down his neck, his chest, leaving a trail of bruised marks I know he loves. I pulled on the jewelry on one of his nipples with my teeth, pinching the other with my fingers. I felt him twitch against my belly.
I continued making my way down his torso, leaving a particularly nasty love bite on his ribs, until I reached his cock. I looked up to see him staring at me in anticipation, still trying to look cocky through his long lashes. I traced a finger up the length of him, while my other hand cupped his testicles.
“Jude, please…”
Such a whiny child. I took him in my hand and he moaned as I licked the tip slowly. I started moving my hand around him, watching as the precum built up at his tip.
Cardan might have the expertise, but he had been my only lover, and I knew how to please him. I ran my index finger through the precum, coating the pad of my finger.
I looked up at him and grinned. “I wonder if I ever did this to you when you fantasized about me.”
He screamed my name as my finger entered him. Slowly, I moved my finger in and out of him as I took his cock in my mouth. My finger worked gently into him, my other hand moving up and down his length in time with my mouth. When he lowered his hand to tangle in my hair, I crooked my finger up to probe at his sweet spot. His grasp tightened on my hair, and I increased my pace.
As I felt him get close, I continued my ministrations with my finger but removed my mouth from him and sat back. I watched as he spent on himself, his head thrown back, moaning my name.
Once he was done, I laid next to him and kissed him tenderly.
Cardan put a hand on my cheek. “You wicked thing.”
I smiled at him. “I love you, Cardan.”
He put an arm around me, bringing me closer to him, and pressed a kiss to my temple. “I love you, too.”
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pastelchris · 4 years
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just like oranges.
“wonwoo stiffened beside him, holding his breath for a couple of seconds, he wished there was a button to disappear from there, become invisible or something.”
☀︎︎PAIRING: jeon wonwoo x kim mingyu
☀︎︎GENRES: angst, fluff, oneshot, childhood friends!au, highschool!au
☀︎︎WARNINGS: mention of domestic violence, mention of bruises, mention of violence.
author’s note: hello <3 i’m back with another fluffy angst. i was eating an orange while my dad was screaming to my mum and brother and i got the inspiration. the rest is purely fictional tho. for a better context, the place that i imagined was similar / taken from steven universe. i just love the light effects so much and the coloring is amazing, i love it so much. i want you to read it while thinking about oranges smell and a warm agust sunset. i made this thinking about a platonic relationship but it’s up to you to decide! i hope you’ll like it as much as i did <3
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“usually my dad's screams last an orange. i’d watch him walk around the house angrily while screaming and gesturing at my brother, my mom, and anyone who would get in his way at the moment. i’d just swing my legs, sitting comfortably on the kitchen table, peeling my orange, and eating over the sound of his screams. sometimes we’d look at each other, then i’d do my best not to betray any expression, hoping that he wouldn’t have anything to say to me. most of the time it would work, and i’d just stare at the view of his shoulders as he walks away, then i’d go back to my orange. but sometimes I’d stare back a second too long, maybe I wouldn’t hold my emotions enough, so instead of his shoulders, I’d see the shadow of a hand or a foot, and suddenly the orange would be nothing but a crushed pulp on the ground.”
this was one of those days, he said to himself, swinging his legs into the void while he looks at the sea from above a wall: it's almost sunset, and the pink and violet of the sunset match the shades on his skin, making it look like a colorful yet bitter painting of despair.
he slowly closes his eyes, enjoying the quietness of the place, healing after all of the noise he had to stand at home.
or so he tries, until a too well-known noise comes to his ears.
« WONWOO !!!! » he screams, running towards him, waving his arms around.
mingyu has always been pretty, to him at least, since the first time he saw him, playing basketball in the school’s gym, and it’s not news, they’re still in high school, but everyone reminds him of his looks as soon as they get the chance, telling hem that one day he’ll make it big.
but to wonwoo, he’s always been pretty outside And inside, and now, messy hair and skin glowing under the sun, he’s even prettier than usual.
he hears his voice again, calling for him with such an excitement that only puppies have, wonwoo greets him back, hiding the bruises under his sleeves.
« good afternoon to you too mingyu. where are you running to?»
« to you of course » he rolled his eyes, jumping up and sitting next to him, enjoying the warm breeze.
« i tried to call you the whole day but you straight up ignored me, am i that annoying?» mingyu pouts at him, jokingly putting up a scene.
« i promise you i wasn’t ignoring you, gyu. i just had lots of homework to do, some of us actually need to study you know? »
« yeah, and i feel sorry for you...must be hard to have such a small brain »
« oh shut up you idiot » wonwoo sighed, turning back to face the beach, bringing up his legs to hug them and slightly flinching as he hits one of the bruises.
« hey woo, wanna swim? the weather is perfect today» gyu asks him, the same expression of a labrador who wants to go out.
« i think i’ll pass today, but you can go! i’ll watch you from here » wonwoo slightly smiled, chin resting on his knees.
« but i want you to come with meeee pleaseeeeeee » mingyu clung to his arm like a little kid, making the other flinch in pain unintentionally.
gyu looked up at him confused, clinging again on his arm and watching him thin his eyes in pain, looking away.
« what’s wrong woo? did you get you hurt?» he sounded concerned, hand still around his bicep
« d-don’t worry about it, i just stumbled on the door earlier...it’s fine, i’m fine»
« then why won’t you look at me?»
wonwoo stiffed, an unpleasant feeling filling the pit of his stomach: guilt.
he always told mingyu everything, the good and the bad, he never kept anything from him before, well, obviously, everything but episodes like those.
« you always avoid my gaze when you’re lying, has anyone ever told you you’re a really really shitty liar?» gyu pouted like a kid, slightly frowning as a thought took shape in his mind.
« could it be tha-»
« i really am okay mingyu, stop asking please » wonwoo tried to persuade him, brushing off the nervousness with a little laugh.
« but i don’t think i believe you » gyu answered, still looking at him in the hope to find his eyes.
« well i think that’s a You problem, i’m saying the truth-»
« then why won’t you look at me?»
« because i don’t want to.»
« but you never avoid my gaz-»
« JESUS CHRIST WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?» wonwoo finally snapped, looking back at him with piercing black eyes and grinned teeth.
« i just want you to look at me while you tell me the truth...i don’t like it when you lie...» mingyu bit the inside of his cheek, he never intended to make the other angry, but he also didn’t like it when people lied to him, especially since he was the last to judge another over the truth.
« well fine then, i don’t feel like swimming today because all of my body- and i mean Every Single Inch of my body Hurts like hell and you’re making it very hard for me to enjoy some fresh air before coming back inside. » wonwoo breathed in, frowning even more and staring at the sea.
« was it your dad?»
wonwoo stiffened beside him, holding his breath for a couple of seconds, he wished there was a button to disappear from there, become invisible or something.
instead, he just kept silent, staring at the beautiful view in front of him, while mingyu tried to understand his expression.
« i actually had a hunch but you didn’t let me finish, i guess i’ll take your silence as a yes...can you look at me?»
no answer.
gyu waited for a couple of minutes, thinking of a way to get the other to acknowledge his presence beside him.
« is it the first time he does it?»
still no answer, but he could sense the stiffness in wonwoo’s posture, the way his shoulder closed up as if to protect him, he somewhat curled up a bit, making it even harder for mingyu to see him in the face.
« does he do it often?»
this time he got an answer, a slight shaking of the other’s head, telling him that, luckily, it wasn’t a frequent thing, which made it bearable.
« mhnm....i see....i’m sorry if i forced you to open up woo...i just...i want to be as close as possible to you, i want you to trust me with every little secret you keep inside, and most of all, i want you to come to me when you need help or confort, i want to be a still point in your life but i don’t think i’ll ever be able to achieve such goal if you keep acting like a stray cat to me...» mingyu’s words came out rushed, they left him out of breath and he finished the sentence in a whisper, and still, wonwoo noticed the slight flinch of his hand, the way he closed it as a fist; he noticed his posture got stiffer, his eyes lost the playful light they usually had, and became two sharp daggers, staring at him.
« i’m sorry if i made you feel pressured to tell me, i won’t ask anything again but instead wait for you to tell me, but please, keep it in mind okay? come to me first if anything happens, alright? i promise you i’ll be by your side from dust ‘til dawn if you let me.” mingyu was a pretty loud person, he had a deep pouty voice but always talked as if he was selling fresh fishes in the morning, so he didn’t hear wonwoo’s muffled sobs at first, just when he looked at his eyes, and saw them puffy and teary, he realized something was off.
« woo?-»
he couldn’t even finish the sentence that a pair of marked arms flew around his neck, hugging him close to the other’s chest.
wonwoo’s voice was tore from the sobs and the pain
«thank you so much gyu, you really are my safe place»
wonwoo kept him closer to himself, burying his face on the other’s hair, closing his eyes.
the sunset light turned them both into golden statues, just like a painting they perfectly fitted into each other, mingyu’s skin glowing like caramel and wonwoo’s as light and shiny as porcelain, marked by violet and red-ish doodles.
« do you wanna swim now?»
« are you fucking dumb i literally look / and feel / like a war survivor right now »
« right m sorry»
« yup, definitely up for that.»
the end.
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emospritelet · 4 years
Heatstroke - chapter 12
Last time, Gold got teased by Swanfire, Lacey got teased by Ruby, and both of them were convinced that the other hates them.
Gold rummaged in the cupboard for a plastic tub, fishing one out and setting it on the kitchen counter. He could hear Emma and Neal in the lounge, changing Henry’s diaper and getting him ready for the trip home. They had spent a pleasant Sunday at the park, picnicking on a blanket in the warm sunshine, but it was time for his family to head back to Boston. Gold opened his cake tins, cutting a thick wedge of the date and walnut cake he had made and putting it in the plastic tub. He added half a dozen stem ginger cookies and put on the lid, carrying it through to the lounge.
“Here,” he said, offering it to Emma. “Something for the road.”
“Thanks.” She opened up the tub and took a deep inhale before putting the lid back on. “Smells delicious. You’re too good to us.”
“Well, I have no one else to spoil,” said Gold, with a grin. “Besides, it stops me eating it.”
Neal drained his glass of milk, setting it down on the little table next to Gold’s chair, and Gold took a seat as he watched them both pack away Henry’s changing mat and diapers. Henry pushed to his feet, toddling towards Gold and reaching up with flailing arms. He caught the empty glass, sending it flying to the ground. Emma looked up at the crash of glass, and winced.
“Dammit!” she said, as Henry began to cry. “Sorry.”
“No matter.” Gold scooped Henry up and bounced him on his knee. “No damage done. Well, except to the glass.”
“Yeah, no fixing that,” said Emma, frowning at the broken glass. “Neal, could you get a brush or something?”
“Dustpan’s under the sink,” called Gold, as Neal headed for the kitchen.
“I got it.”
Emma squatted down and began stacking curved pieces of glass on her palm.
“Just leave it for Neal,” said Gold. “You’ll cut yourself.”
“It’s fine, I got - ow!”
There was a tinkling of glass as Emma dropped the shards. She winced, sucking a cut finger, and Gold shook his head.
“I did say.”
“Yeah…” She inspected the cut. “You got a Band-Aid?”
“Kitchen drawer,” said Gold, and Emma nodded, pushing to her feet.
He looked down at Henry, who had stopped crying, but had grasped his tie and was chewing on it. Gold rolled his eyes, pulling it from Henry’s grasp and sighing as he saw the extensive patch of drool.
“I think a teething ring might be more beneficial, what do you say?” he said, bouncing him on his knee again. Henry gurgled happily, and Gold grinned, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
“Okay, let me get that mess.” Neal entered with a dustpan and brush, squatting down to sweep up the shards and tiny specks of glass. 
“I’ll run the vacuum over it when you’ve gone,” said Gold, still bouncing Henry. “You will give me a call when you get home?”
“I mean as soon as you get home, not ten o’clock at night when I’ve already convinced myself you’re all dead in a ditch.”
“Fine.” Gold transferred Henry to his other knee. “It’s been great to see you all. I’ll try to drive down to Boston in the next few weeks, if you like.”
“You’re always welcome, you know that.” Neal finished brushing up the broken glass. “Although sleeping on our couch can’t be good for your leg.”
“Well, I can always get a hotel for the night,” said Gold. “And you’re welcome to come here whenever you want to get out of the city. I don’t exactly have much company otherwise.”
“You sure about that?”
Emma’s voice from the doorway made him look around, and he felt his mouth fall open in horror. She was smirking at him, one hand raised and a very small pair of coral-coloured panties swinging from an outstretched finger.
“Where the hell did you get those?” asked Neal.
“Kitchen drawer,” said Emma, and raised an eyebrow at Gold. “I’m guessing they’re not yours, so how did they end up in your kitchen, hmm?”
Gold could feel his mouth opening and closing, and snapped it shut.
“Small…” Emma turned the panties this way and that. “Coral pink - nice colour by the way - and very, very - lacy.”
She was grinning at him, and he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him.
“I assure you there’s a perfectly innocent explanation,” he said.
“Oh, I can’t wait to hear it,” chuckled Emma. “You gonna try to tell us you keep her underwear in the kitchen drawer because you secretly hate each other?”
“It was the cat,” said Gold lamely.
“Oh, come on…”
“I’m serious!” he insisted.
“That is the worst attempt at a lie I ever heard,” said Neal, grinning.
“It’s true!” Gold regretted not throwing the panties away when he had the chance. “I kept finding them in the lounge. Six pairs! And a bra!”
“And the cat put them there,” said Neal, in a flat voice. “Right...”
“I saw him do it!” insisted Gold.
“I could make the obvious joke about pussy,” said Emma, “but you’re my father-in-law and it’d be weird.”
“And yet you said it anyway.” Neal ran his hands over his face with a groan, and she chuckled.
“Sorry. Look, Pops, if she’s leaving her underwear in your kitchen she definitely likes you.”
“She hates me!” snapped Gold. “She bloody well threw a drink over me when I tried to give them back to her! Called me a pervert!”
“You two…” Emma shook her head. “Worst flirts in the entire world.”
“Calling someone a pervert is not flirting!”
“Would you just admit you like her?”
She tossed the panties to him, and Gold fumbled as he grabbed at them.
“Certainly not,” he said coolly. “And the feeling is extremely mutual.” 
“Fine,” sighed Emma. “Just - why don’t you try talking to her? Nice, normal conversation. Maybe buy her a coffee.”
“It’s not as though we have anything in common,” said Gold. “Thankfully she isn’t a tenant, and I doubt she has an interest in antiques. There’s no reason for our paths to cross.”
Lacey had decided that if she were ever to have the poor judgement to agree to another breakfast interview, she certainly wouldn’t conduct it in Granny’s Diner.
Sidney had suggested it, what with Granny’s being the beating heart of Storybrooke, and Zelena West wanting to emphasise her community spirit. Lacey had thought it was definitely worth a try. Who could hold back when faced with hot coffee and fresh muffins, after all?
Unfortunately, the diner was busy during the breakfast service, and while the noise meant that their conversation wouldn’t be difficult to overhear, it also meant that she had an audience of curious townsfolk watching her every move as she greeted her interviewee. Two men on the nearest table didn’t hide their interest; one of them she knew was called Leroy, who had a bristling black beard and a permanent scowl on his face. The other she didn’t know by name, but he was perhaps a little older than Leroy, with sleepy eyes and an easy, relaxed manner. The two always ate breakfast together, and she hadn’t worked out if they were colleagues or boyfriends. They certainly bickered enough that it could have gone either way.
Leroy took a bite of his breakfast muffin, watching as she stood up to greet Zelena West. The little she knew of the woman hadn’t impressed her, and meeting her properly did nothing to change that. Zelena looked her up and down when Lacey introduced herself, lip curling a little before she bared her teeth in a smile. Reddish curls fell around her shoulders beneath a wide-brimmed black hat that Lacey privately thought made her look like a witch.
“Are you Sidney’s office girl, or something?” she asked.
“No, I’m conducting the interview,” said Lacey. “We spoke on the phone, remember?”
“Yes, but I presumed you were - qualified.” Zelena appeared to be checking the length of her skirt. “How old are you, anyway? You look as though you should still be in school.”
“Yeah, I get that a lot,” said Lacey, trying not to let her smile turn into a grimace. “Mostly from horny scumbags with no brains and no class. I’m sure you’re not like that, right?”
Leroy appeared to choke on his muffin before coughing loudly. Zelena shot her a narrow-eyed look, and Lacey’s smile widened. 
“Why don’t you take a seat?” she suggested. “Coffee? How about a little something sweet? The banana-pecan muffins are great.”
“I never eat carbs in the morning,” said Zelena. “Just coffee will be fine. Black.”
Lacey nodded, and raised a hand to attract Ruby’s attention. She could already tell that this was going to be one of her more irritating interviewees.
Once they had their coffee, Lacey started with the questions. She made notes as Zelena talked about her difficult early life, her experience of the foster system and how that had made her determined to make life better for others. A few of the facts she dropped made Lacey’s nose twitch in interest, the sense of a story untold, a story that it would take more investigation to unearth. A topic for another day, perhaps.
“So what made you move to Storybrooke?” she asked. “Seems a weird choice. I mean as far as charity goes, I’m guessing the resources here are way more limited than they are in New York.”
“Perhaps,” said Zelena. “But there again the competition for the funds raised is far fiercer. At least in a small town, those that give so generously can see the benefits almost immediately.”
“I guess,” said Lacey, scribbling hard. “Pretty weird what happened with the nuns, though, huh? I heard there was some mix-up at Miners’ Day. Some inaccuracy in the total raised?”
“Oh, the nun put in charge of their stall was completely hopeless,” said Zelena, with a dismissive wave of her hand. “She was mistaken in her accounting, that’s all. I heard it’s not the first time.”
“Oh, so was that the same with the auction held this spring?” asked Lacey. “I spoke to a couple of people involved with that, and it’s weird. None of them seem to agree on the amount that went to the children’s ward.”
Zelena’s nostrils flared.
“I thought this interview was supposed to be about the dance I’ve organised, not past events,” she snapped. “The entire town is looking forward to it! I want this article to encourage as many people to attend as possible! Do charitable works count for nothing with you?”
“See, that’s the thing,” said Lacey, tapping her pencil against her notebook. “I heard you’ve done a number of fundraisers over the years since you got here. Bake sales, auctions, even some thing where you offered to go to dinner with the highest bidder, although it turned out you didn’t raise the sum you were hoping—”
“That was a misunderstanding,” said Zelena stiffly.
“—and out of all those events, there seems to be a common theme,” went on Lacey, “which is that the good causes you were raising money for don’t seem too clear on what share they were supposed to get of the proceeds. So what happened there?”
“Are you accusing me of something?”
“No,” said Lacey, twirling the pencil between her fingers. “Just asking questions. It’s what I do.”
“Well, stick to the questions I agreed with your editor,” snapped Zelena.
Lacey gave her a sweet smile, twirling the pencil between her fingers.
“I’m afraid Sidney didn’t tell me what those were,” she said. “So I’m having to wing it. Sorry about that.”
Over Zelena’s shoulder, she saw the diner door open and Mr Gold stepped through, taking a moment to remove the sunglasses he wore. He caught Lacey’s eye for a brief moment, and she felt her heart thump a little before looking away.
“I’m not about to sit here and listen to baseless accusations!” Zelena was glaring at her, pale blue eyes flashing. “Consider this interview over!”
She pushed to her feet, stepping back, and almost collided with Gold. He took a hasty step back from her, and Zelena’s face brightened as she showed white teeth in a wide, predatory grin. 
“Oh, Mr Gold,” she said, in honeyed tones. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Miss West,” he said neutrally. “Miss French. Please excuse me.”
He stepped to the side to go around her, and Zelena stepped with him, cutting off his path. Gold appeared to restrain himself from rolling his eyes with great difficulty.
“I wanted to talk to you about something,” she went on, in that sickly-sweet voice.
“My business hours are eight-thirty til six,” he said. “Please come to the shop if you need to make any representations regarding your rent.”
She gave a tinkling little laugh that made Lacey grimace.
“Oh, you’re so funny!” she said. “I always pay my debts.”
“I’m delighted to hear it.”
He bowed his head a little, a clear indication that, in his opinion, the conversation was over. He took a step to the left, and Zelena again moved with him. This time his eyes definitely rolled, his chin lifting a little and exposing his throat. Lacey found her eyes following the line of it, and hurriedly looked at the knot of his tie instead.
“It’s about the charity dance,” said Zelena. “It’s for a very good cause, the whole town is planning to be there, and yet I don’t seem to have had your response to my invitation.”
“Well, you just mentioned the words ‘dance’ and ‘the whole town’,” he said levelly. “Neither fills me with any great level of enthusiasm, I have to say. Excuse me.”
“But if you just let me explain—”
“Would you let the man get his coffee?” said Lacey impatiently. “We’re still wrapping up this interview, remember?”
Gold took the opportunity to slip past and head for the diner counter as Zelena rounded on her with a look of fury.
“You think I’m going to sit here and be accused of impropriety by a - a glorified intern?” she snapped. “I’ll be calling the paper today and insisting you be sacked!”
“Knock yourself out,” said Lacey, unconcerned. “I’ll just write up what I’ve got. This was going to be your opportunity to call bullshit on all the rumours that were flying around, but sure, I guess you could just read the piece when it’s out and let people make up their own minds.”
Zelena made a face like she was chewing a wasp. Out of the corner of her eye, Lacey noticed Gold glance over his shoulder with a tiny smirk on his face. Zelena bared her teeth.
“Five minutes,” she hissed. “And I’m still calling your editor.”
“Cool, whatever.” Lacey sat back down and gestured to the seat across from her. “So. Back to the dinner auction. Talk me through what happened.”
Zelena seemed to be struggling with something, but slowly lowered herself into the chair opposite, and Lacey gave her a wide smile. Perhaps she’d get to write something interesting after all.
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jenomark · 4 years
ooh i just thought of a fun reaction lol hb helping 127 take care of another drunk member
Taeil: Whenever he got drunk, Jungwoo wanted to wander away. His eyes were glossy, and he couldn’t stop smiling. Like a balloon, Taeil held his wrist to keep him from floating to the sky. Since Taeil was smaller and not strong enough, Jungwoo kept breaking free and looking in every store window, like a kid in a candy store. “Taeil,” he said. “Il-ie, I want to go inside.” Taeil held Jungwoo’s hand and pulled him so that he wouldn’t go banging on the door. “It’s closed,” Taeil said. “Jungwoo, let’s go home.” You showed up just before Jungwoo was getting ready to whine. When he saw you, Taeil breathed a sigh of relief. “He won’t listen to me,” Taeil said. “Can you help me? If you take one hand, and I take the other, he can’t go anywhere.” Without any hesitation, you took Jungwoo’s hand and held it in yours. Taeil took the other and led the walk down the street, all of you holding hands together. “I know this is weird.” Taeil said. You looked at the happy boy bobbing along between you and then looked at Taeil .”I think it’s kind of sweet,” you said. “I get to be with my two favorite boys in the world.”
Johnny: He held Haechan by the middle to keep him standing upright. Even when drunk, Haechan tried his best. He balanced himself, his eyes peering into yours like they knew all your secrets. “Who are you?” he asked. “You look familiar.”  Johnny laughed and rubbed Haechan’s tummy. “That’s your girlfriend,” he said. “Can’t wait to see how you explain that one in the morning.” You laughed along with Johnny and said, “I think I can take it from here. He can’t be that heavy.”  Johnny looked at you and then looked at Haechan, at how he was starting to fold over Johnny’s strong arm. Reluctantly, because you were adamant, Johnny released Haechan’s body to you and watched as he stumbled into your arms, almost bringing you both to the ground. “You dropped me,” Haechan said to you. “Johnny, she dropped me.” Johnny took Haechan back in his arms and helped guide him into the car. He shot one last glance to make sure you were okay before holding the door open for you to get inside. 
Taeyong: When he told you to go home, you couldn’t bring yourself to leave him. Taeyong stood over Yuta bending over the toilet and pulled his hair from his face. You waited for Taeyong to give you direction so that you could help. When he realized you were going to be stubborn and not go home, Taeyong ordered you to grab water for Yuta. You followed behind, as Taeyong brought Yuta back to his bedroom and put him in bed. “I’m sorry,” Yuta said. “I didn’t realize how much I was drinking.” Taeyong tucked him in and handed him the water. “Drink,”  Taeyong said. “You need rest and hydration.” As Yuta drank and sat up in bed, Taeyong sat beside him. When he patted the bed beside him, you sat down next to Taeyong in the quiet and watched Yuta’s eyes close to deal with the dizziness. “You can still go home,” Taeyong said. “I will pay for it. You don’t have to stay with me while I take care of Yuta. I know you have other plans.” You shook your head no and said, “I’m staying.” For the rest of the night, you and Taeyong both took care of Yuta and got to know each other a little more. 
Yuta: “Don’t you think he’s cute?” Yuta asked you. He held up Mark’s head and pinched his cheeks. Because Mark was drunk, he let Yuta, but he was still embarrassed about the affection. “Oh,” Mark said. “Don’t do that. I’m not a baby.” Before he put his face in his hands, you could see how red Mark’s face had gotten from the attention. Yuta ruffled Mark’s hair and touched the back of his neck. “Our Mark is the cutest,” he said. “But, he’s mine.” Mark shook out his hair and looked back up. Though drunk, he kept himself steady and unaffected. You could see how hard it was for him to keep his eyes focused on one thing. Mark avoided your gaze and could only talk to you when he wasn’t looking at you. “Do you need me to find your bedroom for you?” Yuta asked. “Are you tired?” He was poking fun at him and treating him like a child, but Mark wasn’t having any of it. “I’m okay,” Mark said. “I only had a few drinks.�� You laughed at the obvious lie and Mark finally looked at you. When Yuta brushed his head up against Marks and begged him to take care of him, Mark still didn’t look away from you. 
Doyoung: “One moment.” Doyoung said. There was a loud bang in the kitchen, which only meant that Taeyong was puttering around while he was drunk. You were supposed to be spending the night  with Doyoung, just the two of you, but Taeyong was being difficult. “Let me help you.” you said. Doyoung didn’t want you to get involved with his problems so he told you to sit and wait. When he was taking too long, you wandered out into the kitchen and saw Doyoung pleading with Taeyong to go to his room and sleep it off. “I don’t want to take care of you,” he said. “You’re a grown man.” Taeyong was getting ready to argue back when he saw you. “Hello,” you said. “You’re Doyoung’s pretty friend.” Seeing you made Doyoung blush. He tried to apologize for the state of Taeyong, but you wouldn’t allow it. “Doyoung,” you said. “It’s okay. Things happen.” Once again, Doyoung threw Taeyong’s arm around his shoulder and brought him back to his room. You followed, turning off the lights as you went. “It will help him relax.” you said. You took the lead in taking care of Taeyong, putting soft music on to help him unwind. When you were done and Taeyong seemed like he wasn’t going anywhere, Doyoung couldn’t contain his love for you. He kissed you on the spot, his hands getting tangled in your hair.
Jaehyun: When he was drunk, Taeil had wide-eyed enthusiasm for everything. He could go for hours without slowing down, never wanting to ruin the best moments. Getting him into a car was difficult, even if you helped Jaehyun force him to go home. With Taeil squeezed between both of you in the backseat of a car, it was still difficult to control him. “How are you feeling?” Jaehyun asked. With his mouth close to Jaehyun’s, Taeil whispered that he was feeling just fine. You stifled a laugh, looking down at your lap to keep yourself from losing it. Jaehyun was smiling and nodding his head.”Good, “ he said. “I’m glad. We should brush your teeth when we get home.” The word “Home” made Taeil scoff. “We can go to one more club,” he said. “And then we can go home. I’m not done. The night is young, like me.” Jaehyun put his hand on Taeil’s knee and decided to go along with it. You were wondering how you would get Taeil out of the car and into the dorm when he fell asleep with his head on your shoulder and his hand holding Jaehyun’s. “Just like a baby.” Jaehyun whispered.
WinWin: “I’ve never seen him this drunk before,” WinWin said. “ He’s going to be so embarrassed when he wakes up. ” Doyoung was dancing by himself to no music, moving his hips back and forth. His eyes were closed, which was perfect because he couldn’t see you and WinWin laughing so hard. “Do we leave him?” WinWin asked. “I don’t really want to deal with him.” You were getting ready to let Doyoung be a harmless drunk when he started crying. The full-on sobbing made WinWin uncomfortable, but you had dealt with a lifetime of emotional drunks. You went up to Doyoung and asked him what was wrong. “Everything is just so beautiful,” he said. “Music is so beautiful.” Doyoung pulled you in for a hug and started crying on your shoulder.  WinWin took out his phone and took a picture to commemorate the moment. “Stop,” you said. “We’re supposed to be taking care of him.” 
Jungwoo: You were both walking through the party when you came across a sleeping WinWin on a chair. He was curled up like a cat, his phone dangling from his hand. Jungwoo looked around for another member to help but didn’t see one in sight. “What to do,” he said. “WinWin, are you awake? He must have had too much to drink.” You let go of Jungwoo’s hand and picked up WinWin’s phone before it fell onto the floor and got damaged. “Should we call someone?” you asked. “I think I saw Lucas floating around somewhere.” Jungwoo nudged WinWin in hopes to rouse him. He smiled in his sleep, moved around in the chair and said, “Mom, just one more minute.” You laughed and leaned your head against Jungwoo’s shoulder. “Maybe I can carry him to the car,” Jungwoo said. “He looks light.” You stood back as Jungwoo lifted WinWin from his chair and into his arms. “You’re so strong!” you said. You followed behind Jungwoo as he carried WinWin out of the party and straight into the waiting car.
Mark: “Whoa,” Mark said. “He must have had a good night.” Jaehyun woke you and Mark up, the sound of his laughter echoing throughout the dorm. Mark flicked on the lights to see Jaehyun full of smiles and completely unaware of how loud he was being. He was always great at holding his liquor, but the Jaehyun before Mark’s eyes was a mess. “Mark!” Jaehyun screamed. “You’re awake! Hey, buddy.” Mark braced himself for the big hug Jaehyun gave, his arms squeezing and lifting Mark up. Your hug was next. Before he could give it to you, Mark stepped in the way and asked him if he had fun. “I had so much fun,” Jaehyun said. “You should come out next time. I feel great.” Jaehyun went to the fridge and started drinking water at an alarming rate. You both watched him, looking at each other in shock. “Can you make it to your bedroom okay?” Mark asked. Water dribbling down his chin, Jaehyun looked at Mark and said, “Why would I want to sleep? Do we have wine? We should keep this party going. The three of us. Come on, it will be fun!” 
Haechan: You watched Haechan playing games on his computer. Sitting on Johnny’s bed, you could fold yourself comfortably and watch him for hours, the back of his head becoming more familiar to you. Around midnight, the door opened and Johnny walked in and stopped halfway. Both you and Haechan turned to look at him, at the way he swayed in spot. You stood up from his bed, but Johnny waved you back down. “It’s okay,” he said. “Sit.” Stomach first, Johnny plopped onto his bed. He bounced up and fell, his big body making a loud sound as it connected with the floor. A groan rose up from the space dividing Haechan’s bed from Johnny’s, causing Haechan to laugh. “Johnny?” Haechan asked. “Are you okay? Johnny?” Haechan got up and poked him with his foot, but he didn’t move. “He fell asleep,” you said. “What do we do? Do we leave him?” The sound of Johnny’s snores filled the room. You looked at Haechan and he just shrugged and went back to his game.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 75 - SBT
Here it is!
The van was empty and silent. Mundy had shut the door a few seconds ago and Lucien was left there on the bed, naked, sore and his cheeks still wet from his sobs. 
Outside of the van, Mundy was walking in the empty and dirty street with nothing on but his underwear. The cold of the winter night was biting his very bones but he didn't care. The few homeless people he met gave him looks but him? He didn't see them. 
Perle had sat in front of him on the pavement. 
"I'm lookin' for some bins…" Mundy walked around her and passed her. 
"Meow?" She asked. 
"I think I'm gonna throw up…" Mundy put a hand on his stomach. He saw a bin and ran to it. In his rush, he knocked it out and fell to his knees. "Oh, bugger…" He coughed and panted. He felt as nauseous as he could be but he didn't throw up. 
"Bloody hell…" He sat down against a wall and took deep breaths to calm himself down. Perle brushed herself on his legs before she stood up on her back legs and brushed her mouth on his. "I think… I think I went too far… I thought he wanted me to get more… Y'know…" 
He looked left and right in the street. 
"Sort of… Go harder…" He blushed. "But he ended up in tears…"
"Yeah, I heard him sniff and cry, and… When I asked him what was wrong, he just asked me to go away and he curled onto himself, y'know, like he said he used to at night, when he felt really bad." Mundy sighed. "I think I might have… Forced him… Without really wanting it, I mean, please Pearl, you have to believe me, I always said to him that it was ok to stop if he wanted, at anytime…!" 
Perle sat against his thigh and started purring. 
"Gosh… What have I done…?" Mundy let a hand sink on his face, from his brow to his chin, deforming him as it went down. "I'm… I'm horrible…" 
He stood up and walked, wrapping his arms around himself to shield his body from the cold. The pavement was ice cold now and his feet burnt with each step. 
"I'm a monster… I'm a bloody monster… I'm worse than an animal, I'm… I should turn myself to the police or somethin'."
"Meow?!" Perle exclaimed. 
"Look," He crouched down. "What would Soot do if he did the thing with you and forced you? How would you feel?"
"Meow!" She answered and trotted away. 
Mundy followed her, mindlessly. 
"You left the hubby with the kids?"
"You should go back to them, they're gonna miss Mum."
Perle didn't answer and stopped walking in front of a door. 
"What is it, baby?" Mundy's teeth started to chatter seriously. 
"Meow…" She raised her paw to the door and Mundy raised his head. It was a clothes' shop. 
"Baby, I can't just get it and take what I want… I need money and stuff is closed now, it's the middle of the night." 
"I can show you how to pick the lock but it won't be necessary." 
Mundy turned his back and Lucien was standing behind him, accompanied by Soot and the kittens. He was carrying a bag. His hand dived in and he got some clothes out. 
"Let me help you, you must be freezing." Lucien took a step forward but Mundy backed off. The Frenchman frowned. "What is the matter?" 
"W-what? You serious? I… I forced you into all this and… Don't get close to me! No, not another step. I'm a monster…"
"What are you talking about? You forced me to do nothing!"
"Why were you cryin' then? You didn't say anythin' and just curled up in bed! I was terrified of what I had done!" Mundy exclaimed. 
"Can't a man cry of the sheer force of pleasure?!" Lucien yelled back at him and Mundy's eyebrows jumped. 
The Frenchman shook his head and took advantage of his lover being astonished to dress him up. 
"Here… Tee-shirt… Jumper… Raise your leg… Merci… Other one…? Merci… That is for trousers… Now, coat, scarf and hat. Boots…? Parfait!"
Lucien took Mundy's hand and they started walking back to the van, followed by the herd of fluff. 
"I was crying because I felt decades and decades younger… I felt like I should have discovered these things so much earlier…"
"Why didn't you say anythin'? I was dead worried!"
"Because I was overwhelmed…" Lucien tightened his grip on his lover's hand. "I… Let us get inside the van and I can tell you more." 
"Are you warming up? You must be freezing!" Lucien asked.
"I'm bloody… frozen…" 
"Come here." Lucien removed his coat and wrapped it around his lover. "Give me your hands…" He removed his own gloves and helped Mundy to slip them on. 
"Y-you got… Tiny… Fingers…" He said, between his chattering teeth. 
"Would you rather I took the gloves back maybe?" 
"N-no, please…" Mundy hunched his back and melted when Lucien stuck his warm hands against the gloves, sandwiching the poor Aussie's fingers. "Gosh… I-I'm sorry…"
"Ssh, save your strength." 
A few minutes later, they found themselves in the van, on the sofa. Lucien wrapped Mundy tightly in his blanket and prepared a barely warm cup of herbal tea. He opened his clothes' cupboard and looked left and right. 
"Ah! Here… You should wear these, let me help…" Lucien kneeled down and slipped Mundy's feet in the socks he had taken from the cupboard. "Voilà… Your feet will warm up nicely, let me turn on the heater and… parfait." 
"Come sit next to me, please." 
"Do you mind if I stay standing up? Or maybe lie on my side?"
"Sure, whatever you want."
Mundy opened his arm to welcome Lucien in his blanket fort. The Frenchman used his lover's lap as a pillow and lay down on the short sofa, folding his legs and curling in a ball.
"Meow…!" Perle and the entire fluff family entered the blanket fort too. She laid next to her Papa's head, on her Dad's lap while the rest of the fluff found warm spots under the blanket to curl up and pur.
"Perle? Cats…?" 
The lady cat purred and stared at her Papa lovingly, her pupils as wide as they could get.
"Look at her, she looks at you with more love in her eyes than when she looks at Soot…"
Lucien smiled. 
"Drink slowly, Mundy. It isn't too hot as the last thing we want is a thermal shock." Lucien explained. 
"Thanks… But yeah, tell me." Mundy took a sip. Lucien looked up at his lover. 
"I feel strange… Well, not only I can't sit down but…"
"You can't sit down?" Mundy repeated. "Why?"
"Well, can't you guess…?" 
Mundy frowned but he understood it and his eyes snapped wide. 
"Oh… Uh… I guess I didn't spare ya… I'm sorry…" He sighed and looked away. 
"I felt like a monster because I thought I forced you to do things you didn't want… I-I was gonna throw up so I went outside to get some fresh air and a bin. Found the bin but fell on it and I only managed to gag on empty air, nothing wanted to come out…" He closed his eyes. "I-I'm…"
"Mon loup…" Lucien raised his hand and caressed his lover's cheek. "You forced me to do nothing. As I said, I was just overwhelmed and… I… I needed a bit of time and a lot of you but… You ran away so…" Lucien's hand slid down on Mundy's face and his chest. "I got dressed and ran after you. I didn't know where you would go so I asked Soot and the kittens. I followed them blindly, hoping that they understood what I had told them. In the end, I found you and Perle. But Mundy, please, I insist. I felt heavenly tonight." 
"You sure?" 
"May I confess something?" 
"I didn't need your hand on me to reach the seventh sky of pleasure. Your body did a marvelous job and… It felt so pure and raw… So blissful… I could not contain my tears." 
"You didn't cry because I hurt you or…?"
"Again, non, absolutely not… I feel so… complete now, with you. Mundy, it was my first time on the receiving end and, as I said before, it was a luxury I could never afford with anyone else."
"You wanted to do it that much?" Mundy asked. 
"Well… I never really realised how good I could feel but it was a problem of trust more than anything else."
"What d'you mean?" Mundy put the empty cup away and slid his fingers through Lucien's long hair.
"However people like to describe it, I have always felt as if it was a position of weakness, a position of least… manhood, if that makes sense."
"Hm, I get it."
"But it didn't feel that way with you." Lucien went on. "Non, not at all. I felt… safe, unlike I've ever felt before. This is why I couldn't hold back my tears, it was something too… pure. I…"
"You what, love? Tell me, please…"
Lucien frowned. 
"I abandoned myself to you, of my own free will, I decided to let go of everything, relax, and…"
Mundy put his hand on Lucien's bearded cheek. 
"You can tell me anything, get it all out…" His thumb brushed him gently. Lucien closed his eyes.
"... And I let myself… Be taken… By you…" Lucien wrapped his arms around his lover's waist and buried his head in his abdomen. "I just… I surrender to you, Mundy, I… I'm yours."
"Love…? C'mere…" Mundy pulled him up and laced his arms around him. "Can you sit or does it hurt still?" 
"It hurts a bit but I need your arms, I need you…" Lucien straddled his lover's thighs and Mundy pulled him against his chest. "What about you? Are you heating up?" 
"Yeah… Especially with you against me now…" Mundy answered and kissed Lucien's head in his hair. "I love you, gorgeous… What you just said to me… I… I'm not even sure I understand how strong it is, I mean… I've seen you fight, I've seen you torture, I've seen you cry. I know how proud you can be and uh… I-I'm outta words… Thank you so much." He tightened the hug and Lucien felt the Aussie's fingers dig into his sides. "Thank you so, so much."
"Yeah, luv'?" 
"Can we go to bed, please?" 
"Of course, anythin' for you, Lu'." 
Lucien raised his head that had been leaning against Mundy's chest and the Aussie left a quick kiss on his forehead. The cats went to their bed. But they had grown such that they didn't all fit there. Perle and Soot laid there, the male spooning the female and bathing her, while the young ones stayed on the sofa. They stuck to each other to better keep their heat.
Mundy let Lucien climb first and followed him. 
"Please, lie first, I want to lie on you." Lucien asked. 
Mundy laid on his back and Lucien laid on his stomach, on top of the Aussie. Their legs mingled under the blanket and Lucien snuggled against his lover.
"Yeah?" He laced his arms around Lucien, brushing his silky hair between his fingers.
"How… How was I? I mean, from your point of view?" 
"You're the best… Well… The best person I've ever done that with… I mean…"
"Were there a lot of people before me?" Lucien asked. 
"Uh… Didn't keep count y'know… But quite a few, yeah?"
"What about men?"
"Never felt too much for blokes. They feel nice. But none of them were… I mean… I didn't like more than what I got from them if that makes sense." 
"Was it the same with women?" 
"Not exactly. It felt more normal with women, less weird. But… Still, haven't found one I could really be myself with."
"What do you mean?" Lucien was peppering silent and prude kisses in Mundy's neck. His hand slithered on Mundy until he laced his fingers between the Aussie's.
"They always saw me like a bit of a… special bloke, I guess. Y'know, with the van, no fixed home, the adventurer's look… They always take me for a kind of vagabond that lives nowhere and yada yada… None of them ever saw me like a normal man you could have a decent conversation with. It was shag'n go in the end." 
"You remember the first few conversations I had with you, when I didn't know that you were Lulu?"
"Oui, of course." 
"The conversations I had with you even back then meant more than anything I had said to those sheilas." 
"Really? You never had a meaningful conversation with a woman before?" 
"Nope, never happened with a man either. You're the first one. Even with friends it's never happened."
"Mon Dieu…"
"I guess you had friends and stuff? People you can talk about whatever's on your mind. Or maybe you kept it to your man or woman of the night, hm?" Mundy scratched Lucien's scalp like he would with Perle. 
"Actually, not at all."
"What, then?" 
"Mon loup, I… I never really had friends. I had colleagues, superiors and targets. That was all I ever had."
Lucien closed his eyes. Laying on his lover was so comfortable that it started to bring him sleep. 
"I… I never confided my thoughts to anyone, ever. I never could. When you are a spy, it could cost you your life." 
"So you never had deep conversations with anyone? What about Mary?" Mundy asked. 
Lucien was purring under his lover's hand. 
"I did share a few things with her, of course… But…"
"But what?"
Lucien sighed. 
"But now that it is far behind me, I regret it." 
"It could have killed her. If I loved her truly, I shouldn't have lived with her, I should have kept my distance and waited."
"Waited for what?" 
"For my mission to end. Then I would have cleared up my name, my reputation, and would have started anew as I am doing with you. That way, there would be no chance that my past would run back at me, or at us."
"Lu'... I get it but uh… In the end, it didn't matter. I mean…" Mundy was uncomfortable. Mentioning Mary, or talking about her didn't feel right. He didn't know how to approach the subject in a way that wouldn't hurt Lucien. 
"I understand, Mundy. And you are right. In the end, it didn't matter. But still, it is a mistake that I regret."
"I'm sorry, luv'. I wish I could do something."
"You can." 
Mundy's eyebrows jumped. 
"Tell me." 
"Hold me close." 
"C'mere, sweetheart…" Mundy laced his arms tighter around his lover and as Lucien moved his head against his, Mundy kissed his cheek repeatedly. "Love you… Love you so much…" His hands slithered down Lucien's back to his behind that he took in his palms left and right. 
"Aah-! Mundy, please be gentle-!"
"Oh, bugger, yeah, of course, sorry, sweetheart, I'm sorry… Didn't mean to hurt you." Mundy slid his hands up to Lucien's back again. "Let me know if I can do anythin'. Are you comfy layin' on me on your belly?"
"Oui… I am even falling asleep on you…" Lucien's voice was indeed started to sound like it. 
"Oh, sorry, luv'. Let's sleep. Love ya." 
"Hm?" Lucien protested. 
"Kiss me goodnight, please."
"Alright, gimme yer lips, then." 
One lapping sound. It echoed in the van and they fell asleep after that.
-- Next day -- 
"Lu'... Lu', stop it with your hair… Let me sleep…"
Gosh this man could be clingy…
"You even pur now?" Mundy opened his eyes and realised that Perle had invaded his bed. "So it's really Perle this time, huh?" 
The meows answered, relentless and he felt four paws treading softly on him. Then, two started to knead his upper chest.
“How did you end up here anyway, eh?  You climbed?”
“Meow.” Perle answered.
“Right, right, let me get up." Mundy climbed down his bed and started his morning routine.
The Aussie dressed up and made some coffee. 
"Mh? What's this?" 
A piece of paper left on the kettle. 
"Mon amour, 
When you wake up, please take Perle with you and come join me at this address:
101 Queen Victoria Street. 
Bring your beautiful eyes and soft smile. 
Your Lu."
He smiled. Lucien's handwriting was elegant and smooth without being feminine at all. 
"Hold on… What's that smell…?" Mundy put the paper under his nose. "His perfume…" His smile widened. 
"Yeah, it's your Papa. Gotta go to that address." Mundy gulped down the rest of his coffee. "Come along, baby." 
Perle went in front of her Dad and stood on her back legs. 
"Want a kiss?" Mundy crouched down and let her headbutt him but she actually climbed on him. "Oh… You want me to carry you?"
She purred as Mundy held her like a baby between his arms. 
"Look at who's bein' spoilt rotten, eh?" 
She raised her arms and her head to him and he dived down to kiss her. 
"Love ya, fluffy baby…" 
"Love you so much…"
They exited the van and Mundy headed in direction of the address mentioned on the paper. Perle laid in his arms for part of the journey but she climbed up and settled across his shoulders and upper back. 
"You're really big now, baby, look how hunched I have to be to carry you…!" 
"Nah, of course you don't care. Love ya." 
She purred louder. 
"Look, we shouldn't be too far now. I know Queen Victoria's street, there's a few shops and a few houses in between but… Oh, there we are, look who's been waitin' for you."
As soon as she saw Soot, Perle started to move on her Dad's shoulders. 
"Here, baby, there you go." Mundy crouched down and she elegantly dropped to the ground before trotting to her companion. The herd of young cats emerged out of a dark red door. Mundy looked up.
The door was ajar. He gave a few knocks. 
"Uh, hello?" 
"Come in, mon amour!"
Mundy pushed the door completely open. 
The house was quite empty. Mundy stepped in and the cats trotted inside, discovering the place much faster than the Aussie himself. He took his time. The floor was wooden, the ceiling, quite high with a few quite humble lights. All the walls were painted. 
"Lu'...? Where are you? What's all this?" Mundy hesitated to go too deep inside. 
Lucien's head peeked out of a doorframe.
"Welcome home, mon amour."
Mundy's eyes snapped wide and his jaw dropped.
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chaletnz · 3 years
Furano Trip
To make the most of my two days off I decided to drive to Furano after finishing work, to ensure I would be able to see the lavender first thing in the morning. I packed up the car and had a shower, then headed off. About 5 minutes after leaving home, I approached a cat sitting calmly in the middle of my lane, I screeched to a stop and the cat didn’t run so I rolled over the top and then it must’ve slunk away. It was enough to give me a fright, I drove a little slower from that point on since I was still in town. Well, after clearing Kutchan town I was on a country road on the way towards the mountains and the second cat was not as lucky... He darted out from a farmhouse and I saw his little ginger face in the split second before he bounced into the right front tyre. There was a bit of a thud but no bump. He ran off into the bushes. Very shakily I pulled over and went to investigate, there was a woman there who could speak English and she said she had seen him run down into the bushes surrounding the farm. I left with an eerie feeling that maybe I should go back home and drive tomorrow, like these cats were meant to be a sign. I drove on for about an hour, my lights on highbeam and my eyes on high alert – I was more concerned about deer now. I pulled over after another hour or so and sent a message to my mum just in case the universe was conspiring, and then the spookiest part... As I was sitting in the car recording my message, a third cat came running towards me! In the middle of nowhere! Very carefully I drove around it and back on to the road and that was thankfully the last cat I saw on the drive. After that it was smooth, I stopped for a late night McDonald’s at Chitose and then drove on until I found a nice big parking lot with a 24 hour toilet. There were bugs everywhere in the heat of a warm summer’s night, flying around the lights of the toilet building. I slept quite well all things considered.
The next morning I woke up around 6am when the heat in the car simply became too much to bear. It was gearing up to be at least 30 degrees today. Somehow the exact time I wanted to use the bathroom there was a cleaning crew surrounding it and I could just quickly brush my teeth and wash my face before leaving. I started by visiting a large campground park that I had intended on staying at last night but didn’t quite reach there, and luckily I hadn’t because it was a crowded carpark with a far worse toilet! I drove up to the first lavender field of the day, Choei Lavender Farm. There was a winding road up the back to reach a mountaintop viewpoint overlooking the lavender and the Kamifurano township. I battled to take some videos with my GoPro that seemed to be struggling in the heat already – by 8am it was already 28 degrees. Japan doesn’t do daylight savings so it means that sunrise is about 3am in summer so the hottest part of the day is earlier in the morning than you would expect. I parked down at the bottom of this farm and took a few more photos although it wasn’t possible to get a good angle of the word “Kamifurano” spelled out in Hiragana in large lettering filled with colourful flowers. I decided to get some gas because Kimbo was already thirsty again, and then arrived at Farm Tomita just before 9am. As Google maps directed me there, she made sure to inform me “this destination will be closed when you arrive” but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to wait for 10 minutes in the carpark. Well it seemed that the Japanese had the same idea! The main parking lot was already full and the parking attendant waved his lightsaber to guide me right down to the back lot. Furano has great flower fields but not much shade so poor Kimbo had to suffer in the sun while I went for a walk around. By now it was 30 degrees and humid. Japanese people carried umbrellas and wore full length sleeves in the heat. Many people were dressed up in their Sunday best to take family photos in the lavender with a bouquet purchased from the gift shop for 500 yen. Dogs were posed for photos and then taken back into the shade where they could lie down. I took my photos and walked around the perimeter but it was far too hot for me so I had to browse in one of the air conditioned gift shops to cool down. I tried to walk up the side of one of the more shady lavender fields but it was deceivingly steep and I struggled to get halfway! It was time for an ice cream break by 9.30am, and of course I had to try the lavender ice cream again. It was a soft purple colour, with a mild taste and started dripping immediately. Luckily there was a shady seat to sit and eat it and appreciate the views of Kamifurano and the mountains in the distance. In winter Furano is also a hugely popular ski resort that is often paired with Niseko for longer snowsports trips. To distract my thoughts, a child squeaked in with those annoying shoes that sound like you’re standing on a plush toy squeaker with every step. All heads turned to look at the child, who promptly trips up and starts scream-crying uncontrollably. And now my relaxing ice cream break was ruined. I walked around a little bit more and bought a few postcards and lavender things to send home then sat down for a drink and a potato croquette for an early lunch. I had been waiting around for a bit because I wanted to visit a café nearby that opened only at 12pm. It was relaxing anyway to sit and watch Japanese people enjoying the lavender and trying to get the best photos when the entirety of the scene is purple!
I drove to Kamifurano town and parked at the post office as I couldn’t find any free parking lots near the Polar Coffee café, I withdrew some cash and then walked there as a loud alarm sounded through the city – presumably a test as no one seemed even mildly concerned. On Instagram yesterday I’d seen that my colleagues Tim and Nick had come to this café which is owned by a Taiwanese guy (they’re also Taiwanese) and it had a good vibe from their photos so I was determined to try! It was even better than expected, I ordered a flat white and it was not only very Instagrammable but also cheaper than anywhere in Niseko. Cooling down in the air conditioned café was also a highlight. After my coffee I made the long drive to Asahikawa to see a rice field. But not just any rice field, one planted very carefully with different varieties of rice that had coloured shoots. The reason I made this long drive just for a rice field is because the second half of July is the perfect time to view such rice fields - the rice shoots have grown in and are brightly coloured at this time. I was very proud of myself as I directed myself to the field. Although a lot of people online said it was so hard to find, I had no trouble at all. Actually my Google map would have led me exactly there but I followed some signposts instead that said “tanbo art” on them in Japanese, and the reason I was so proud – I could actually read what it said! I was the only person there so I parked where I pleased and climbed up the viewing platform to see the art. Unfortunately the field was so wide that it was hard to take a photo of the entire thing, even with panorama! The design changes each year and this time it was a couple of anime characters, there was also something written way off to the left that wasn’t really visible from the platform and I could only see “2021” and some squashed Japanese characters from the ground. Anyhow, it was a very unique attraction and I was glad I had made the trip to see it. My next destination was the Ningle Terrace; a series of log cabin-esque boutique shops arranged along a wooden walkway in the forest. If my phone wasn’t so terrible with capturing greenery then it would’ve been another Instagram-worthy place to see but other than a cool photos the souvenirs were quite expensive and many of the shops were closed anyway. I took a long drive from Furano to Obihiro for tomorrow’s adventure and stopped at a mall for a KFC dinner. Usually Japanese KFC is great, but this one had unfriendly staff and they gave me a half frozen burger which I had to send back for a fresh one. I bought a few supermarket supplies and then drove towards the small Obihiro airport once it was dark to find a suitable parking space for the night. I passed the airport parking lot as it there were too many floodlights which would make it hard to sleep, further up the road there was a small shoulder so I stayed there in the pitch black instead, with a nice forest on either side. I got out of the car to change into my shorts to sleep but I heard rustling in the bushes and freaked out! Instead I changed inside with the doors locked. I felt a little uneasy falling asleep as there had been searchlights beaming around the sky that I’d assumed were to find intruders sneaking into the abandoned Gluck Kingdom theme park and I worried someone would knock on my car window and tell me to move on. Of course I didn’t want to get caught on my urban exploring but I thought “you would have to be absolutely insane to venture in there at night”. As it turned out though, the lights were for the airport perimeter security and nothing to do with the theme park coincidentally located about a kilometre opposite.
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
#14 Kiss Prompt
14 for CatCooper: A kiss so desperate that the two wind around each other, refusing to let go until they are finished.
Soooo somehow the original ask for this got lost but I still had the prompt saved away and there’s nothing wrong with it being posted this way. But here’s the finished piece for the Cat in a Cowboy Hat ship with the lovely @strafethesesinners​ Cooper. Hope you enjoy! Warning there is a little spice near the end there.
The clear night skies of this place always brought Catlina back home. The holiday didn’t help either in keeping her thoughts to a place she hadn’t been back to in almost a year. Back then she’d be up on private property, tent pitched with her friends and husband, fire going as drinks were passed around and the food cooking away, music on the speakers and laughter….oh how she missed their laughter. Even when she spent that first Memorial Day weekend without him, there was still laughter….still fun….and a little bit of light. It didn’t really make sense how later she found herself needing to breathe, to find a way out of that place, only to wound up caged again, and with less possibility of ever finding a way out it seemed. 
Tonight though….tonight she found herself again with those feelings, even far from the walls of that ranch. No one normally gave her the time of day and she thought it would be easier to blend in with the bigger crowd but was met with more stares, glances, and whispers, their assumptions about her too much and clawing at her rolling stomach finding herself gasping for air gripping onto that piece of wood. This whole night had been a mistake, trying to find something of normal in this place was a mistake as it would never be possible. Most everyone in this town knew of her, knew an idea of her, made opinions on how she was and the danger she posed to them. All but one it seemed, and it was his voice that called back her thoughts, his touch that calmed the storm she felt, his treatment of her that brought about the space to breathe. 
So it made for an easy decision to spend the night with him. Even if she and Cooper decided to have one night together it would be enough to staciate the ever growing loneliness that built in her chest again. Sure she was never alone, her new husband near her and caring for her in some capacity, but it wasn’t the same and most acts of intimacy were for performance only. There was something different about having a night with someone that didn’t have any expectations of you and saw her as just Cat, someone she hadn’t been in a long time. He pulled into a small clearing that ran next to a small brook with a makeshift fire pit in the center of it. The silence surrounding them had Cat pinching her fingertips, what did she need to say?
“This spot okay?” Cooper asked, his drawl making her cheeks start to burn. She nodded, clearing her throat, “Good. Cause I like this spot. Far away from everything, gives you a chance to think.”
“I bet it’s really nice when the sun’s out,” the confidence she held jumping into the truck felt long gone as she smiled, laughing at herself silently, “You have a blanket we can use in here?” He smiled raising a brow at her, “I don’t particularly like the idea of lying on the ground.”
“You can always just use me,” he beamed at her, blue eyes shining in the low light, “But I do. We can lie in the bed of the truck too if you’d like.”
“Star gazing is only really fun when you’re on the ground,” Cat opened the door, jumping down, “just like people used to do when you had to hunt and gather for your food.”
A succession of door slamming and Cooper was next to her again, heat radiating off his body, “Should I get a fire going really make it feel like those times?”
Cat laughed, shaking her head, “No. Doing that defeats the purpose of stargazing,” she nudged his arm as they made their way to the center of the field, “besides I got you for warmth as it is.” Cat helped in laying out the blanket, taking her spot with Cooper next to her growing quiet with only the sound of the running water between them. “So uhm,” she fumbled trying to break the silence, “do you ever make your own constellations? Or do you try and look for the already known ones?”
“Don’t ever take too much time to look up at the stars,” he turned his head looking at her, “Didn’t think you could ever see this many.”
Cat smiled, “Yeah, well when there’s little to no light you can see the Milkyway. That was always my favorite part growing up.”
“Oh?” His voice curious, “Where’d you grow up? Was it here?”
She smiled turning to face him, “What makes you say that?”
“You noticed I wasn’t from here,” he gave a small shrug, “and it seems people know who you are enough to have an opinion.”
Cat laughed biting her lower lip looking back up to the sky, “You’re observant I’ll give you that.” She let out a low breath, “I’m not from here though. Moved up here after college,” Cat lied, voice trailing off. “I did live in the mountains though,” she said quietly, pausing to think for a moment, “Or well close to them. Foothills might be more accurate.” Cat moved closer to Cooper, arms brushing each other, “What about you? Did you come from the south?”
“Somethin’ like that,” Cooper shifted to his side, propping himself up on his elbow, “What do you do for a living up here? Don’t think I’ve seen you working any place I would assume you too.”
“That’s because I work at the lumber mill,” Cooper’s eyes widened a bit before Cat gave him a smirk, “I’m kidding,” she gave a laugh, “That’s complicated, though. But you work for the police department, how do you enjoy that?” 
“Gets me by. Love seeing the people here and there’s a good amount of fun to be had. Especially with weekends like this.”
“Oh,” Cat glanced down to the blanket under them, “and you’re here spending it with me. Probably far from what you thought it would be.”
“Or just what it was supposed to be,” he smiled, blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. Cat blushed, avoiding his gaze and the flutter in her chest as his hand ran along her arm, “Aren’t you starting to get cold?”
She shook her head, “Are you? Cause I could try and warm you up.” Her mind spun as Cat looked for the next right thing to say, “I might not have much warmth but it's better than nothing I’m sure.” He nodded, Cat moving to press against him, Cooper’s arms wrapping around her. 
“You know back at the bar you said something about wanting to get away for a little bit,” Cat looked up, “Said you wanted to have some fun,” she gave a nod, “What kind of fun were you thinking?” 
“Just what it used to be like,” she whispered, before snapping her mouth shut, “I mean I didn’t really have any expectations for what that fun could mean or be. I just uhm,” she felt her cheeks burn cursing herself for the earlier drinking making her too bold in the truck. Not like she didn’t want to be bold right now, how easy it would be with him. She was just over thinking this whole thing. “I miss home sometimes is all,” she lied, the truth she was finding was missing being with someone she wanted to be with. 
It was easy enough now to crave the physical affection of John, to have an empty need for it. She was human, its what humans did. The line repeating itself again and again, an excuse but this time one given from herself rather than those she’d have sex with as a teenager. It was a duty, an obligation. 
“It’s not a bad thing to miss home every now and then,” his voice softer, “There’s a comfort in it and everyone needs some comfort.”
“What’s the comfort you crave,” she asked lowly, her hand resting against his chest. 
His blue eyes glanced down to her hand, smirking, “Tryin’ to see if we want the same thing right now?” Cat stayed silent, heart racing as Cooper’s fingertips brushed along her jawline, “Don’t have to be afraid. We’ll go as far as you want.” She nodded, swallowing, running her hand up his neck, resting it on his cheek. She tilted her face closer to his, eyes closing pulling his lips to hers. Her heart stopped once contact was made, his hand coming to rest behind her neck, lips soft and responsive until they pulled away. Cooper waited, gauging where Cat was and if she wanted to continue. 
The next breath she took opened up the cascade of longing, burning and consuming her. Catlina pulled him to her, smashing their lips together, arms wrapping around Cooper while his hands scorched her skin as he teased with the idea of them under her clothing. His grip tightened on her, her leg hiking up to his hips, hands running under his shirt, nails digging in. He moved to allow enough room for her to straddle his thigh, Cat wasting no time in grinding against him moaning into his mouth, Cooper’s lips moving down her neck. She let her head fall back as he moved across her left collarbone, pulling back the sleeve cutting his kisses short, her hands pulling up on his shirt.
She was intoxicated, her breathing heavier, feeling his bare chest against her, his fingers entangling in her hair. Years….it had been years since she felt anything like this. Not since her husband was last alive, that added element of wanting who you were with and them wanting you also created a different experience with sex. How she longed for something like this again, she let out a sharp moan feeling his teeth against the crook of her neck.
Cooper gave a smirk, slowly pushing up the fabric of her shirt, Cat helping in tossing it to the side, uncaring of the scar it hid. He placed her on her back, kissing down her chest, her hands running through his hair, rolling her body slowly against his relishing in the way his hands ran along her curves and his lips finding just the right places to be. She wanted him, all of him, even just for this one night. Why shouldn’t she? 
Time, she only had so much of it and she knew nothing about Cooper and what he needed from her. Cat wanted to take her time, make this last as long as she could, let them explore the other in full. Time. What time is it? It shouldn’t matter how much time she had, there was plenty of it. She guided Cooper’s hand down to her core, slipping easily into her jeans, Cat unbuttoning them giving him more room. Their lips met and he started to rub slow circles over her underwear, low groans coming from the back of her throat. 
She could feel him hard against her thigh, Time, her hands staying in place along his back, Watch the time. Cooper easily pushed away the fabric, a shockwave through Catlina’s body as he made contact with her clit, her hips bucking up moaning into his kiss. John will find out, John could fuck off, You’re supposed to be back soon. The circles increased in their speed, his fingers sliding into her with ease, “Might not need a lot of prep time with you,” Cooper whispered against her lips as Cat whined with his hand slowing down. 
His belt came loose with just as much ease, her hand wrapping around his shaft, eliciting a sharp inhale from Cooper, smiling against his lips, “Could say the same about you cowboy.” The distant sound of plane engines were masked as the two went back to making out, Cat running her fingers up and down his cock, feeling herself become wetter imagining what it would finally feel like with him inside of her. The overhead sounds of the engines grew closer, as she helped in shimmying her pants down more, Cooper following suit.
They paused knowing the next step, The plane, she gave a nod biting her lower lip, readying herself. His hands were on her hips, lining himself up, the plane passing over them muffling what Cooper had just said. Cat’s eyes went wide, gasping, “Stop! Wait!” She looked up to the sky watching as the shadow moved in the direction of the Ranch, “I have to go,” she breathed out, pushing Cooper off of her.
He blinked, “What?” Cat pulled her pants up, careful of her knees being under him, “Wait hold on,” his hand grabbed hold of her wrist, eyes searching hers, “Please stay.”
Cat shook her head, “I have to go, I’m sorry,” she moved out from under him, searching for her shirt, “I need to just be going.”
“You sure,” Cooper asked, Cat meeting his eyes, the pain mixing with confusion pulling on her heart, “It’s still pretty early in the night.”
She nodded, holding her shirt over the scar, “Yes. I’m sorry.”
He gave a nod and a sigh, “At least let me give you a ride to where you need to go,” Cooper reached for his shirt.
“No!” Cat exclaimed, clearing her throat, “I mean no. That’s okay. I don’t live very far from here.” She couldn’t stop herself from leaning down to kiss him once more, “I’ll make it up to you the next time we see each other.”
“How can you be so sure there’s gonna be a next time?” He cocked an eyebrow, eyes narrowing, looking her over. 
Cat had slipped her shirt back on, frowning at the question. She wanted to see him again but couldn’t really rely on chance encounters anymore. Her fingers worked quickly in removing her bra through her shirt, “Next Saturday, meet here six in the evening,” she tossed it over to him, “You know I’ll have to come back and see you as that’s one of my favorites.” The sound of another plane approaching had Cat racing towards the Ranch, “I really have to go. I’m sorry,” she called once more glancing at him over her shoulder. Her heart fell as she saw him sit there watching her go, before lying back down looking to the sky. Please let him be here next Saturday. 
She didn’t pause until she was well into the treeline, catching her breath, listening for any indication of him deciding to follow her. He couldn’t know, not now, not ever. Then why see him again?, Cat wiped away at the tears in the corner of her eyes, Because I need him. I’m selfish and I need him. Once clear Cat started the trek back to the Ranch, climbing up the crates in the back of the house quietly. Her shoes removed as she made her way to the otherside of the house, slipping into the master bedroom as the sound of John’s shoes echoed in the house. 
Tossing the shoes in the closet Cat grabbed a towel turning on the shower locking the door behind her. She stared at her reflection in the fogging mirror, the trails of where Cooper’s hands touched her lingering in her mind’s eye. Any other life, any other time, why this one. Why did it have to be the one where she couldn’t have anyone else for fear of them suffering the same fate of being locked in this religious hell. Her fingers traced over the scarred letters, LUST, the sin she was branded with, the only thing she wanted, her only way of feeling alive again.
It wasn’t only that, no, not just that. Connection. Lust and connection, was there really any difference between them? Maybe once but not anymore. The knocking at the door jolted Cat back from her thoughts, “Mary is that you in there,” John’s voice.
She stripped down, making her way to the steaming shower, “Yeah. It’s just me John,” she called out, mumbling once in the water, “Only me and no one else.” Cat sighed letting the water run over her, the few tears she allowed herself mixing in, “Saturday should be the last time I see him,” It really should be.
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lancermylove · 4 years
Regret (HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: Rindou x MC/Reader
Warning: Contains blood, animal death, MC’s death, violence, angst, suicide
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Okay.. Um this is a fantasy request! I hope it’s not to hard!! For a bsts and for Rindou senpai 😊 So... Rindou is a prince gonna get married with the MC but a random girl with a mark on her head says she’s the true lover of Rindou The father of Rindou says to ignore the Mc so he does.. MC makes friends with a cat but next day rounds it’s dead.. The girl comes and laughs then the MC gets so mad she puts a knife into her stomach.. she gets beheaded the next day.. What would Rindou’s reaction be?  Oh and Yeah! I didn’t give you the option thingy I couldn’t write anymore because I had to many letters— I hope you saw that before this— Can I get a head cannon? You do not need to do it if it’s to hard!! If you do it.. Thank you!!!!
A/N: This turned out to be FAR longer than I expected haha. 
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"Prince Rindou, I cannot tell you how excited I am. Well, excited and nervous! I can't believe we're getting married soon." 
Rindou chuckled and stroked MC’s cheek with the back of his hand, "I am just as excited, my soon-to-be princess." 
She looked around the courtyard to confirm that the two of them were alone. Leaning closer, MC placed a soft kiss on his lips, "I love you, Rin." 
While the two of them shared kisses, a pair of purple eyes stared at MC in anger. 
The next afternoon, Rindou decided to take a walk through the nearby forest. He generally visited the forest daily, but since he got engaged, he didn't have enough time. 
"Someone, please help me." An alluring sweet voice called out nearby. 
"Hm?" The prince followed the voice to find a beautiful woman with long purple hair. "Are you alright, Miss?"
"Prince Rindou, my foot is caught under tree roots. Please help me." 
Rindou didn't hesitate to help her. Once freed, she bowed and batted her eyelashes at him, "Dear Prince, if you permit, there is something I wish to tell you." 
He nodded his head. 
She brushed her fingertips on a green triangle on her forehead, "Prince, I am your true lover. This mark proves my loyalty to you. The woman you are with, she is an imposter." 
"E-excuse me?" Rindou frowns upon hearing her words, "I would kindly ask you to not speak ill of my fiancée." 
"If you don't believe me, then kindly ask your father, the king." With those words, she bowed again and left, her hair swaying behind her. 
For the time being, Rindou decided to ignore her words, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get them out of his mind. 
"Father, may I speak to you?"
"What is it, my son?" 
"I met a woman with a green mark on her forehead. She said that she is my true lover; moreover, she said to speak to you." Rindou frowned sightly, recalling the conversation. 
"Ah, so you have finally realized the truth, prince." The king smiled, "She speaks the truth." 
"Surely, you jest, father." 
"I do not. She is your true lover. Your betrothed is an imposter. Listen to me, son, cut all ties with the imposter, and ignore her." 
"B-but..." Rindou sighed and averted his eyes. He couldn't believe his ears. 
His heart didn't agree with his father's words, but the king wouldn't lie to his son, right? 
With a heavy heart, Rindou went against his heart and chose to ignore MC. 
No matter how many times she came to visit, the guards refused to let MC inside. She waited for Rindou, but he came to see her. 
Not knowing what to do, the confused girl roam around aimlessly through the woods, hoping to catch a glimpse of Rindou. 
'Rin, why are you ignoring me?' 
She looked down to see a grey cat with white paws rubbing against her leg. 
"Where did you come from?" Smiling, MC kneel and stroke the cat's head. The tiny creature stares at her with big blue eyes while purring in content. 
The following day, she make her way back to the area where she met her new friend. "Kitty, where are you?" 
Drip. Frowning, she wipe away the liquid from her cheek. Drip. MC once again rub her cheek, but this time, she look at her hand to find it stained red.
"B-blood?" She lift her head and scream, falling onto the ground. "KITTY!?"  
The once sparkling blue eyes now stared at her lifelessly. Tears race down her face as she avert her eyes from the corpse. 
Suddenly, MC heard menacing laughter nearby.  
Looking around, she saw a voluptuous woman with purple hair and eyes, laughing. 
MC's sadness turned into anger. How could someone laugh at her pain?
"Sorry, dear, but you left me no choice." She made her way to MC, hips swaying from one side to the other. 
"You...you did this?" MC stood up, balling her hands into fists.
"But of course. I still don't understand...how could the prince fall for someone like you?" She scanned MC up and down. 
"The prince? Why would you bring his name into this?" 
"Do I have to spell everything out for you?" She rolled her eyes and smirked, "The prince is going to get married to me soon. I am his TRUE lover. As for that cat...think of it as a gift from me and the prince." 
"You are going to get married to Rin? Shut up...you liar." MC said, gritting her teeth, "And gift? Do you call taking the life of an innocent creature a gift? You monster." 
Not being able to take much more, MC pulled a hidden knife from inside her sleeve, and without warning, she stabbed the lady in the stomach. 
The enchantress staggered backward and collapsed, hitting her head against a tree.
For a few moments, MC stared with her mouth open. 'What have I done?' 
Covering her mouth, she stepped away from the lady's bleeding corpse. 'I k-killed her.'
MC turned on her heels and ran as far away as her feet would take her. 
Meanwhile, a guard from the palace found the woman's body and immediately informed the king. 
The next day, MC sat with her knees pressed to her chest. She still couldn't get the woman's image out of her mind. 
"Open up!"
Startled, MC stared at the door. "Who could that be?" Wiping her tears and fixing her hair, she opened the door. 
Two guards, clad in full-body armors, grabbed MC's arms and dragged her towards the palace. 
"H-hey, let me go!" She tried to pull her arms out of their grip in vain. 
Only when they reached a scaffold with a guillotine did the palace guards release her. 
"W-what is this?" MC asked, staring at the large metal blade with wide eyes. 
A third guard walked in front of the scaffold, unrolled a scroll, and began to read aloud. 
"Yesterday, a guard found the corpse of the prince's fiancee in the forest near your town. The townspeople recognized the knife and stated that it belongs to you. MC, you are being charged for murdering the prince's betrothed. Under the orders of the king, you are to be executed by beheading."
"N-no, this is a mistake! She was the one who killed-" 
"You, who murdered the kingdom's future princess, have no right to speak. Execute her at once." 
The executioner tied MC's hand and placed her head under the blade. Not listening to her protests, ignoring her tears and screams, he untied the rope holding the blade.
With one clean hit, MC's head fell into the basket in front of the guillotine.
"What is all the commotion?" Rindou stepped out of his office and saw a few maids gossiping. Seeing the prince, the maids quickly scurried away.
A sense of foreboding tugged at Rindou's heart. He quickly made his way to the king's office. The door was slightly ajar. 
"Has the execution taken place?" 
"Yes, your highness." 
Rindou recognized the voice of his father's righthand man. 'Execution? Who got executed?' 
"The audacity of that girl to murder the future princess. She ruined our place!" The king hit the table with his fist, "My son believed that the enchantress was his true love. Had all gone according to place, the prince would have been killed by now." 
Rindou's eyes widened as he covered his mouth. 'My father wants to kill me?' 
"Sire, please calm down." 
"How can I be calm? Regardless, have you brought her head as proof of her execution?" 
Against his better judgment, Rindou peeked into the room through the gap. 
The king's righthand reached into a black satin bag and pulled the head out by the hair.
The prince's face drained of all color. Every fiber of his being screamed at him to look away, but he couldn't pry his eyes away from the dangling lifeless head. 
Tears clouded his eyes as he stepped away from the door. Still covering his mouth, he sprinted back to his room. 
Rindou fell on his knees and threw up on the marble floor. The image of MC's head flashed in front of his eyes. 
'She was my t-true love...what have I done?' He shut his eyes tight and cried his heart out. 
As hours passed by, Rindou spiraled further and further into darkness. He rocked his trembling body and kept repeating in his mind, 'It's all my fault. She is dead because of me. I killed my true love.' 
Not being able to take much more, he rose to his feet and started walking towards the window. 
His eyes and face void of color. His mind constantly blaming him. His body no longer under his control. 
He walked towards the image of MC holding her arms out for him. 
A small smile formed on his lips as he held his hand out to her. 
He felt nothing. No pain, no sadness, no joy. 
The kingdom mourned over the prince's loss, but Rindou was finally with his true love. 
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