#granted I didn’t know half the shit I did about myself that I do now
dex-starr · 1 year
I keep on thinking back to just being told that I’m an honest person who just harbors a lot of regrets they don’t speak up about
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henry7931 · 3 months
Haunted By A Horny Ghost
6 months ago, I purchased my house and I got an amazing deal for it. Granted I’ve heard some of the rumors about it being haunted but I don’t really believe in that stuff. Or I didn’t until now!
I’d hear an occasional creaking of the stairs or some noise in the hallway. I always told myself that I’m just getting worked up from some made up story. And at no point did I actually see any evidence, no shadow figures, objects floating, idk things ghost do.
And I have a lot of personal stuff going on, being single and young can be tough. And I have a lot of bills to pay.
But a few weeks ago, my step dad’s nephew Brad (or my step cousin) came to me after a bad break up and needing somewhere to live— I figured a roommate for a little bit could help me save up some cash.
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Brad is your typical straight guy, loves sports, goes to sport bars at night when he’s not at his construction job.
I figured living with him couldn’t be that bad. That said, in practicality he’s a bit of a slob at home and his room is a mess. Dirty laundry laying everywhere, he brings over his buds and girls over for late night hook ups. He can be a bit of a pain at times but I have to remember that I’m getting half of my mortgage paid right now.
But one night, Brad came home late like 2 in the morning. I was still up myself. I was supposed to have a guy come over that night since I knew I had the place to myself but unfortunately he cancelled last minute.
So I was a little drunk and horny. When I heard the Brad’s Uber pull up, I peaked out the window to see if he brought anyone home. Luckily, it was just him clumsy climbing out of the car.
As I watch him approach the door, I see him struggling to get it open.
I roll my eyes, I guess I’ll help him out.
I head to the stairs, when I hear the door finally open up. I start to turn back around when out of nowhere I hear Brad screaming on the top of his lungs.
I rush down the stairs only to see something that I never thought I’d ever see…
Brad is standing by the shut door while astral smoke shaped like a person forces itself down his throat.
Unsure what to do, I stood frozen in one spot. I watched whatever was forcing itself into Brad go all the way into him.
His eyes close… and then reopen. He takes a deep breath of air.
“God it feels so good to breathe again! Wait a minute, am I drunk??”
He starts laughing to myself and I try to back up. I take my back leg and try to step backwards. But the floor are wooden and old. As I step back, he hears it and looks directly at me.
“Oh it’s you! Travis right?”
“Ahhh shit!!!”
I rush up the stairs running in a panic. All I can hear in the background is Brad’s voice saying, “Wait!!! Stop running!!”
I get to my bedroom, I lock the door and try to think of a game plan to get out.
I look around my room, think to myself— I could tie my sheets together and go out the window.
That’s when I hear a knock.
“Travis, it’s me. I don’t know what all you saw but can we talk?”
What can I do? Risk the chance of breaking my neck by going out the window or reason with the ghost now inhabiting Brad not to kill me.
“Travis! I promise I’m not going to hurt you!! Please open up!” he says banging louder.
I look around my room for something I could use as a weapon but unfortunately the only thing I can find is a clothing hanger.
“Hey im going to open up but you better not try anything funny!” I say back to him holding the hanger in hand.
“You have my word, I won’t harm you.”
With the coat hanger in one hand, I carefully unlock the door and open it.
Standing outside of the door is Brad’s body, grinning at me.
“Well hi, what are you going to do with that coat hanger?”
“Protect myself!” I blurt out.
He starts laughing at me and says, “well fyi if you hit me with it you’re just hurting this guy. Plus, he’s a lot taller than you.”
“Fuck, fine.”
I lower the coat hanger and let him come in.
He glides into the room and he seems to be enjoying himself.
I watch him and he eventually says to me, “so ask the question you want to know the answer to.”
“I know you want answers, so ask.”
“Okay… are you a ghost?”
“And is Brad still alive?”
“Also, yes— he’s in here but in like a dormant state while I drive.”
I feel somewhat realized to know that Brad’s okay.
“So why are you possessing Brad when I’ve been here longer.”
“Well who’s to say I haven’t possessed you?”
“Kidding, no Brad’s my first time taking over someone. I honestly wasn’t sure if it was due able but I did it! The real question you should be asking is what made me choose tonight to try and take over Brad.”
“Okay, why tonight?”
“Well… Travis, I’ve been watching you since you moved in. I hope that’s not too creepy. Being a ghost and stuck inside a house, leaves me with very little to do. But you and I have a lot in common. Both of us are gay, we share a lot of the same interests. Hell you and I even like the same porn. I guess what I’m saying is that, I have a bit of a crush on you. And after seeing you get stood up tonight, I felt like you deserve someone to uhh— keep you company.”
I was shocked, not only has a gay ghost been watching me for over six months but he’s now flirting with me?
“Sorry if this is a bit much but I find you to be so attractive. And now that I have a body, I was hoping you would be down to have a little fun together.”
“Uhhh I don’t know what to say, it’s a bit strange since that is Brad’s body.”
“Oh really? So you didn’t sneak into his room the other week and take his dirty socks just to jerk off while inhaling them.”
“Oh god you saw me do that?”
“Yeah and it was hot as fuck! Listen, I know Brad’s body may not be your first choice but he’s straight guy cute. And I know you’ve thought about him in ways you’d normally wouldn’t admit. But right now, I’m in control of him and you can do whatever you want with me.”
He starts pulling off all of Brad’s clothes until he’s fully naked. I can’t help but stare at Brad’s massive dick swinging between his legs.
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He gets into my bed and reaches for Brad’s cock. He gingerly play with it while watching me.
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“Travis, please join me. This cock is so eager right now, you can smell my big stinky feet. I haven’t bathed all day…”
He runs brads fingers between his taint and balls. He lifts up his hand and sniffs it.
“Fuccccckkk, you need to come get a whiff of my balls.”
I’m so hard now. I walk over to him and out for Brad’s left foot. I bring it up to my face and sniff it.
I feel myself slowly lose control of the situation and just accept all of the lust running through me.
“I knew you like these feet Trav. Here come taste this cock.”
He holds it up like a prize, I take it out of his hands and press the head of it to my lips.
It’s so warm… I lick the tip of it and rub my tongue down his shaft. When I get to his balls, I take in a breath. Just consuming the smell of them.
“That’s it, doesn’t that smell so good.”
I pull off my clothes and I notice his eyes go straight to my dick.
“You wanna touch it?” I say to him.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to touch it.”
I come closer to him and he gently touches my dick. He makes a moaning sound and I notice pre-cum leaks out of Brad’s dick.
“You have the handsomest dick I’ve ever seen,” he says to me.
“Thanks haha.”
“No I mean it. You’re so cute Travis. Between your green eyes, brown curly hair, that freckle right above your happy trail, your sexy hairy legs, and those beautiful feet. Can I see them?”
I let him take my feet into his hands and watch him press them against his face.
I let him lick my soles for a minute before he stops to say, “ you wanna take this up a notch?”
I nod my head and he pulls me in for a kiss. I can taste the whiskey Brad was drinking earlier.
We start making out and both of us are tangled up, our feet rubbing up and down on one another’s legs. Both of us have each other’s junk in our hand.
I feel around until I grab on to one of his butt cheeks.
He let’s do so much to him. Suck on his toes, sniff his pits, play with his nipples… and in return u let him do the same.
By the end, it’s morning. We’ve spent the entire night just edging each other.
By this point, he has Brad’s toes wrapped around my dick and I try to hold back but my cock has been toyed with for over 4 hours now.
I let out this loud moan and streams of cum squirt onto Brad’s feet.
He keeps stroking it with his toes until every last drop has been drained out of me.
He takes Brad’s cum soaked feet and licks every inch of them off.
He calls for me gesturing for me to finish him off.
I grab his dick and force it down my throat. I do it over and over until he immediately comes down it.
Both of us exhausted, lay back in my bed. I cuddled up to him and say, “hey thanks for tonight. By the way, what’s your actual name?”
“It’s Sebastian but you can call me Seb.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you Seb.”
I curl up to him and soon pass out.
By one the next day, I wake up and thought last night may have been a weird dream. I look over and Seb isn’t in bed with me.
I get up to go pee and walk past Brad’s room. But to my surprise he’s not in bed.
I walk to the bathroom and see Brad naked looking at himself in the mirror.
He turns around to me and says, “Yo! What the hell Trav, have you heard of knocking?”
“Oh sorry Brad!”
“HAHAHA just messing with you! It’s me Seb.”
I feel blood rushing to my dick knowing that last night wasn’t a dream after all.
I walk over to pee and peak over at Seb.
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He’s checking Brad’s body out in the mirror and starts flexing.
“I tried to leave his body this morning but I don’t really know how to…”
“Oh,” I say to him.
“Not that I’m in a rush to leave but I guess I really didn’t think this one through.”
“Well I don’t mind having you around.” I say to him.
I finish peeing and turn around to him. My eyes focus on Brad’s bubbly butt.
I grab his cheek and he lets out a yelping noise. I press my morning wood on his ass and he grins.
“Someone’s perky this morning.”
“I guess I’m just excited to have some more fun with my new ghost friend.”
“Well I have nothing better to do in the after life so I’m all yours for the day.”
I kiss him on his back and say, “whenever you’re done with the mirror come to my room.”
Seb follow me and we start an entire day of fooling around and talking.
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I spend hours with his feet with my head at the end of the bed while does the same with mine. Both of us rubbing and playing with each toe. I just love how hairy and smelly they are.
Seb tells me about his previous life, how he used to live here and died from a freak accident one day. He seems like he’s been lonely all of these years.
“It was so refreshing seeing you move in, I was so bored for so long Trav. Then walks in this handsome guy.”
“Well my life hasn’t been too exciting either, I guess you can I’ve been lonely too.”
I feel him tickle my sole.
“Sorry couldn’t resist!”
Days passed and Seb still could not figure out how to get out of Brad. Which I didn’t know if he was lying or not. I honestly didn’t want him to leave.
And by a month, Seb figured out Brad’s job and all of the things he needed to know to pretend to be him.
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3 months in and we’re officially together. Seb loves all of the new video games he’s missed over the last 20 years while I just love watching him.
And we get soooo kinky! I’ll suck him off while he plays some game.
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He even lets me tie him up. Which is sooo hot to me.
I’d like to think of that night as a fresh start for the both of us. And I couldn’t be happier with my horny ghost boyfriend!
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issacballsac · 1 year
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“Being Best-friends with Dante Sparda„
Being a son of Sparda doesn’t mean he doesn’t have time to fool around with you ! Gender neutral human reader
Teenage Years | DMC3
Being the massive flirt he is he’ll most likely try and flirt with you upon meeting
Seeing as his twin brother is currently trying to kill him and take his necklace he’ll keep your first conversation short and leave you with his number
After literal Hell on Earth he’ll remember to give you a call
Y’all click instantly…he’s also just a really easy person to get along with but we’ll just ignore that
Now we all know he STAYS broke so either you pay for a meal or y’all are taking a walk in the park somewhere
Getting him to actually talk about himself is pretty difficult
Give him space and he’ll open up about deeper things in his life eventually especially things that concern his demon half(brother, childhood, etc.)
He does enjoy throwing compliments everywhere so expect daily words of praise whether it be sarcastic, goofy, exaggerated, or sincere praise
If you like to compliment as well it’ll be like the most sickening bromance ever
If your still in school DO NOT go to him for homework help
He’ll hype you up for sure but if you need genuine academic help just get a tutor💀
Would be genuinely upset if you made a joke regarding his white hair bro would get hella moody and claim you aren’t friends anymore
If you have a part time job you can BET he’s gonna ask for some bread
Not exactly outright but he’ll allude to it like..
“You remember all the damage those demon guys did to my shop? Yeah…it’s gonna cost A TON to repair it by myself…”
“Are you hungry? Well I heard about this new pizza spot that WE should totally tryout 😁.”
If you like to make clothes/jewelry/accessories he’ll totally wear it
Refuses to let you mess with his hair until like two years into knowing each other
Takes pride in his looks and you should too! Self care! Ofc you’re paying for any and all expenses🫶
Glorified sugar daddy😭
If you live with your parents…so does he
Congratulations you have a new brother 🩰
If you don’t he’ll offer to be roommates so he can get a cheaper rent
You’ll definitely meet Lady she is absolutely appalled at how you tolerate him constantly sarcastically ofc she knows he’s a good guy
If you’re into video games he’ll play with you granted he doesn’t have the money to pay for a game console so it’ll be on whatever console you have
Once he’s in your life he’s never leaving literally.
A best-friend for a lifetime
Adult Years
He probably saved you from some demons
Like if you met him in his teenage year he’d def start flirting
What can I say he stays true to himself
His personality would never change regardless of his aging
Still the same wacky woohoo pizza man we know and love
Thinks you look hot and invites you on a date which quickly just turns into a hangout after the LACK of romance
Still finds hanging with you to be fun and keeps a friendship
Even after establishing a friendship he still flirts here and there—force of habit
Would definitely teach you how to ride a motorcycle if you didn’t already know
More willing to let you mess with his hair
Like put it in pigtails or tie it up/braid it
Introduced you to the whole DMC gang
Now depending on the time period he’ll tell you about Vergil and his upbringing
He would totally tell you all about it after the events of DMC5 after he returns ofc!
I feel like he’s an animal guy so if you have any pets they’re now his pets too
Co-parenting core🩰
If you’re an artist he’ll be your muse/reference material any day
Loves the attention
Drunk dance nights
Karaoke too he doesn’t have the best singing voice but it’s not the worst
Since he’s a devil hunter he goes on missions a lot and seeing as you don’t want to get your shit rocked you stay behind
Cherishes every moment spent together and will make sure you know that
You always take him with you on vacations
How could you not???
He appreciates if you chip in helping him pay off his MASSIVE FUCKING DEBT
He doesn’t expect you to though
Despite being broke he stays stylish and if you asked would help you with fashion
Ofc he isn’t like BIG on fashion but cmon have you seen his looks? He dabbles
Immediately sees you after missions and starts ranting about the entire thing
“Can you believe it?! So obviously I shot that nasty bitch and it had the nerve to explode all over my jacket! It died so I can’t even get it to pay for a new one!”
“Don’t worry about why I smell like this worry about the fact that Trish totally took MY commission!”
Very dramatic but laid back too if that makes sense
Calls you cheesy nicknames that I will not elaborate on use your imagination 🗣️🫶
Enjoys live music and will go with you to concerts if you like
Shows you his demon form if you’re interested
Whatever your hobby is he’ll be interested
Would make sure nothing ever bad happened to you regarding devils ofc
Best bros for life and in death🫡
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holocene-sims · 7 months
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august 17, 2021 3:00 p.m. yonsei university
[grant] did your dad apologize for being a dick, though?
[henry] of course. he was a good person and realized he was being a bit weird. he just hated noise. i think he'd have been happy to be born with a set of noise-canceling headphones attached to him.
[grant] except maybe he liked your mom’s noise from that day forward!
[henry] he did, but even if he hated it, he was probably glad to have hers back after a while. almost half the time they dated, they didn’t even live in the same country.
[henry] my mom worked at an art shop somewhere in seoul, and my dad had this sweet gig working at a museum in paris while getting a doctorate and doing some traveling, visiting art museums on every continent. he got the doctorate, but gave up the job to come back and marry my mom.
[henry] and she won out, to be honest. him teaching here was a prestigious position, and his family are pretty well off because they're in banking and all, so she got to quit her job after marriage, have me, and just sculpt for fun.
[grant] that’s the dream, right?
[henry] i think so.
[grant] it’s nice to be genuinely in love but also to support each other’s passions, too, whether that's helping them pursue a job or a hobby. i mean, that’s everything. that's the deepest form of connection. oh yeah, definitely the dream.
[henry] for sure. there wasn’t much for my mom to help with because she was never wealthy and her parents weren’t either, but she was a huge moral support. she was my dad’s biggest fan. sometimes getting a doctorate sucked, and he wanted to quit, but it was hard to quit with her on the sidelines cheering.
[henry] that’s like me and soobin. not much i can do on the money front because i'm not rich and i won't take money from my parents, and i couldn’t help with her medical school because i'm a certifiably terrible student, but i can be and am her cheerleader.
[henry] and i may not have been a photographer without her. being an artist is the worst career choice unless someone else has money to throw at the bills. and i make an okay salary! i have solid clientele booking all year long, but i don't charge what i "should" because i feel wrong asking too much money to do wedding photos and all. that shit's expensive - i'll take a small cut off the going rate so they get all they want for the big day.
[henry] besides, the one thing in life that makes me nervous is clients being unhappy. everything else about a wedding goes away except the photos. if they're unhappy, i'd rather the pricing not be an extra issue, you know? at least let it be a cheap mistake.
[grant] but you would have still pursued this, right? i can’t imagine you not at least trying it out. you have always been set on some kind of photography as a career. even when you were having a crisis around college graduation about whether you should pursue high-brow art or something very human and realistic like you do now, you never questioned if photography was your truth.
[henry] i would have. i've always known it was my goal. i just think the financial stress may have worn me down eventually if she wasn’t willing to shoulder an extra share of the burden. like i said, charging people themselves is a strange thing, and you just never know what can happen. sure, i did end up with a good brand through putting myself out there on social media, but that was no guarantee.
[henry] if that hadn't worked out, i'd have been in trouble. and when you don't have a lot of clients or reach, you have to be conservative and sometimes that hurts you on growth. blah blah blah. point is, i owe soobin a lot, both for financial support and her total faith in me.
[grant] well, teamwork makes the dream work and all that!
[henry] hey, you're part of the team, too. there's no one else i'd rather call at 3AM asking to check the red balance on my pictures because everything looks green to me. and as it turns out, having a friend with a massive family who host many events requiring photography is excellent for clientele building.
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jordynbreeloa777 · 8 months
hey i just wannna ask you this question on how do you handle being religious and using loa at the same time . ths shit really make me avoid using loa and feeling guilty that i am doing something wrong lol .
also i love yr acc so muchhhh <3333
Hey anon! This topic is very important to talk about which i feel like hella ppl dont. I am Christian and was raised in a religious household. I found out about the law and it’s like every door opened for me. I was spiritually awake. I still do believe there is an outside creator since how could how look at the world, and say there isn’t one? I still use to believe in angel numbers, zodiac signs/astrology and the universe to. But i never believed in “Christian witches” and things of that nature. It’s kinda like pick a side and stick with it to me. I always felt guilty about it but then I realized what is we put on earth for? With the law i finally am getting everything i wanted so desperately and craved for just by being my own god, and creator. I do still feel guilty but I realized i have to put me first, and I’m done being a victim of my own reality. I still do believe in heaven or hell, since no i dont believe in reincarnation like Neville Goddard did, but I do think that when the time is right hopefully i can return back to being religious since I still have a though in the back of my head saying God is real and He does exist. I’m at the point of my journey where it’s kind of spiritual warfare a little bit. Like which side? Who do I go to in order to have faith? A man in the sky, who HAS DONE AMAZING THINGS IN MY LIFE, or myself? Since i dont know that if i was praying and assuming that if I ask God and pray 10 times a day he would give me what I granted or did I manifest that because i had the core assumption that me and His relationship together is close, and He will make my life easy. I still dont even know my own answers but do I think he is real, yes. Would I manifest for my family to stop being Christian no. Maybe i will return back to faith, but now I am loving my life. Finally i can say that. I love being in control of every little thing and aspect, and getting what I want because I know where the power comes from. me. it all starts within, always have, and always will.
Guilty, yes sometimes I do. I still identify as Christian, even though it’s wrong because I’m tore in half of what I want. I do like to be extremely careful with the “god” affs as long as it’s a lower case G. I do also realize a lot of people in the community don’t really talk about this. For a while, it did make me avoid loa, even though we never stop manifesting. I didn’t manifest and took a break for a year, and my life was hell. I was ugly, insecure, got bullied, bad grades, no friends, home life wasn’t all that good, wasn’t good at sports everything. This is such a good topic to touch on, and I may edit and add more in the future because i could talk about this for days on end. now that I’m spiritually awake, I don’t fully know what to side with. Do i enjoy getting every thing I want without knowing for sure or at least having the faith in an afterlife? Or be fully devoted Christian, and be unhappy with myself on how I look, or that my sp isn’t in love with me? Why would I stop now if I found the golden key? I finally have a say in what i want in my reality why would I stop now if everything been going in my favor?
I hope this answered since I still go to a Christian school which I’m not going to manifest away, but I don’t read the Bible and pray as much anymore. I would rather affirm and get every single thing I want in my own power and control then be a victim. I’m done with that. Even though It did feel so good when I prayed and got tingles in my heart, i still don’t know what i want for sure. Right now I am religious and usingLOA.
Hope this answered anon<3 Also thank you for liking my blog!💝💝
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sirianasims · 10 months
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Being a dad gave me a new appreciation for things. I loved the raw beauty of Brindleton Bay, which was much more interesting than the suburbs of Newcrest where I grew up, but it excited me even more to see it through Freya’s eyes.
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The night before Winterfest, I took her out for a little walk, bundled up in warm clothes. We looked at the snow falling quietly in the dark. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
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This was the first winter Freya had been old enough to really appreciate snow, and her excitement was infectious. I felt like I had been taking snow for granted until now.
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She giggled and tried to catch the falling snowflakes with her little hands, and I hugged her tight.
I didn’t know it was possible to love someone this much.
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Winterfest morning was beautiful. Everything was covered in fresh snow and Brindleton Bay looked like a postcard.
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My parents had come all the way from Newcrest to spend Winterfest with us, and I was excited to see them. It had been a few months since their last visit and they weren’t getting any younger. I wanted Freya to spend as much time with her grandparents as possible.
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Katherine and I played our roles perfectly. I didn’t want my parents to worry, so I never discussed our relationship with them, but I think they suspected that things weren’t great. They were always very kind towards Katherine, but never seemed especially fond of her.
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They adored Freya, though. My father didn’t even take off his coat before tossing her into the air to make her laugh.
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My mother wanted a family portrait. Katherine immediately volunteered to take one.
Months later, when it was all too late, I would think back to this day and wonder if she had kept herself out of the picture on purpose.
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But during Winterfest, I thought nothing of it. I was busy spending time with my family.
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Dinner went well. I updated my parents on the clinic, but Katherine and I mostly told them about Freya. How many words she knew by now, all the funny things she had said and done since their last visit.
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Katherine and I both had a lot of practice putting on a performance to make things seem normal by now, but I wondered if my parents sensed that we were trying a little too hard.
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It made me happy and a little bit envious to see the obvious love between my parents, even after over 25 years of marriage. I hoped they would set a better example for Freya than Katherine and I did.
My father was entertaining us with some of the most outrageous divorce lawsuits he’d seen in his career.
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Katherine and I weren’t married, and I had often wondered if it would be better if we simply broke up, stopped pretending. But I knew exactly what would happen.
She would take Freya with her, and I would at best get to see my daughter half the time – if I was extremely lucky. I couldn’t risk that.
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I had considered asking my father what rights I would have, but I knew there was no good solution except staying with Katherine. Even if I could somehow keep Freya to myself, she would just lose her mother instead. I couldn’t do that to either of them.
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Once more, I pushed away any thoughts of leaving Katherine. I had to keep going. For my daughter.
For Freya.
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A few weeks after Winterfest, I woke up in the middle of the night. At first I wasn’t sure what woke me up, but then I heard Katherine in the bathroom.
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It sounded like she was crying, trying to be quiet. I put my arm on her pillow. Still warm, she couldn’t have been gone for long.
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Then I noticed that she’d left her phone behind. The screen was still on, and my curiosity got the better of me.
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She had been chatting to Kailani. I only had time to read Katherine’s last message as I heard her blowing her nose in the bathroom. It simply said:
“Thank you both, but I can’t do this anymore. I’m leaving him.“
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thebunniesgrim · 9 months
I'm gonna talk about blizto again (its negative and my opinion)  
In my last Blizto post (shameless plug. Also, I was kinda right about Fizz forgiving him. I'm a prophet ) I listed why I didn’t like blizto but now... 
I feel no sympathy towards Blizto  
Is it just me?   
Frankly I feel nothing towards him  
(you know I visibly frown when he shows up screen sometimes and I have to like catch myself like hey he's the main character dumb dumb he’s going to be on screen lol)  
Now this could because bilzto isn't my type of character you know? When I was younger, I always avoided mean characters or main characters I've always picked side characters or other side main Characters over the main important character for instance I never liked Steven from Steven Universe, but I liked Garnet and Peridot. I hated Twilight (mlp) as kid and don’t get younger me started when she became a princess, I was so unhappy. I wanted Rarity or Fluttershy to become a princess not her. I never cared for Bloom from Winx's club, but I did like Aisha and Stella.  
And to be fair when I got past my hate boner, I grew to tolerate them, but I’ve never rolled my eyes as much as I do with blizto  
And it’s not like I don’t like mean characters I'm a villain girly all the way I like Loona’s bully in Queen Bee Vicky.
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I like striker, and I also think Stella is the tiniest bit funny (I don’t condone what she does obviously but like you know when she's on screen I'm not bored) when I was obsessed with Danganronpa I loved Byakuya, Nagito, and Kokichi I also liked Celestia, Mondo, Fuyuhiko, Hiyoko, yada yada. When I was over the moon about black butler I love Alois, Claude, William and so on. I love a good mean character  
but that being said
I don’t care about him at all and I like Stolas (sometimes) I feel bad for him (sometimes) but anytime Blizto has his sad woe is me moments (I mean Stolas does this too and I have my grievance with him of course but like this isn't about him lol) like him crying on the couch at the end of Ozzie's, him crying on the couch at the end of Queen Bee, his trip in Truth Seekers, his mom dying, or his sister hating him. My face is bone dry but helluva has never made me cry so...  
I also think that the reason I have a hard time sympathizing with him is because of how blizto (and stolas) never really have a moment where they’re forced to face the consequences of their actions every problem is solved, forgotten or put on the back burners to be solved through text.  
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No, I'm not letting that go screw you >:( 
Stolas literally gets hospitalized and is fine an episode later yeah, no that’s fine. No need to look into that. No need to really sit and let that stew for minute. That’s not important or anything. No need to get Biltzo’s view on this or anything    
It's like that "Sunny meets Twilight" video on YouTube 
“Every villain converted, every problem friendshiped within a half hour. it got so peaceful we were literally making up fake friendship problems just to not go fucking insane”  
Not to mention most of his sad feel bad for me moments are like his own fault. There's self-sabotage and then there's this:  
like him being sad that Barbie doesn’t want him in her life and him being all ‘:(’ and I was like yeah, no shit idiot. She most likely has told him to leave her alone more than once, the rehab nurse said not look for her, didn’t tell you she left rehab, and she was hard to find online obviously she doesn’t want you in her life what’s not clicking smart guy?  
No honestly what did he expect to happen? Her to just well up with tears and hug him? Not to mention she lost her job because of him granted she would have lost it regardless because her plug was a target by IMP but still. That also added salt to the wound.  
Blitzo is like wow my feeling are hurt in ways I could have avoided how could this have happened?  
His whole thing at Ozzie's. he could have just said nothing and let Moxxie get picked on. You know I don’t even know why he stood up for them in the first place. Is that not out of character or him? Like he will take almost any opportunity to shit on moxxie what changed now? and it isn't like a ‘only I can pick on him thing’ he lets Loona make fun of him, let striker, and Millies family pick on him I mean come on he even joins in. What changed that made him want to stick up for the M&Ms? Other than narrative push also he knows Versoiska and Fizzarolli are in Ozzie’s 2 people he hates 2 people he has beef with why are you speaking? He could have saved his little crying session if he didn’t say anything. (This also goes for Queen bee as well. Honestly the whole queen bee problem could have been avoided if blitzo kept his mouth shut)  
Also how did he and stolas even get in? Moxxie had to wait for almost a year or so for seats to Ozzie’s because it’s always booked... also it must cost a little money to go realistically speaking and it's not like Stolas paid or even got them seats because Stolas didn’t even know they were at Ozzie's to being with. This whole episode shouldn’t have even happened from a continuity standpoint because Stolas and Blizto shouldn’t have been able to get into Ozzie's in the first place! Lol
Blitzo when something goes wrong after he literally caused it or could have avoided it by shutting up for 5 minuets:  
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His trip and his mom dying are stuff that aren't completely his fault as mom dying was an accident and his trip was just his inner dialog  
so like 1st of all this mom dying thing didn’t work like Moxxie's did we didn’t get to see a flashback of her being motherly or whatever like we did with Moxxie's mom we saw Moxxie's mom being protective, and caring for him and all that jazz 
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all we know is just that yup that’s a mom and she’s dead now.  :D
Speaking of dead moms. I'm about to get really heartless
Honestly the fact that Blizto made Fizz’s back story about him really irked me. Fizz is like yo, you almost ruined my life and Biltzo is like yeah that’s sad and all, but my mom died :/  
Ok? Like? Fizz lost all his arms, legs, and horns and could have had his whole career as an entertainer ripped from him but yeah, your mommy died so sad  
I understand it was to show his perspective but felt kind of one up-ish, no?  
“I lost my arms and legs in a fire you started”  
“Yeah, but my mom died” –looks around for validation-  
Like yeah apologize for starting the fire but like what does your mom have to do about this? This isn't about her, ok? You nearly killed him! Focused on that babe  
Im sorry but can you imagine you losing your limbs in a freak accident you though was orchestrated by an ex best friend. Then when confronted by it they're like "yeah but my mom died" 
I'm sorry if I sound cruel or whatever but like really?  
This isn't about her. I'm sorry... I don’t know if you’ve noticed but one of us here has robotic attachments to help them function after a fire one of us caused (albeit on accident but I don’t know that yet)  
Yeah, no I was just nearly burned alive and had to endure the feeling of my skin melting off my bones for however long it took for someone to find me and take me to the hospital on my birthday. Go through whatever surgeries, and physical therapy to get better, get robotic attachments so I could still perform and function better, and get use to not having my limbs and coming to terms with my new normal and the fact that my old best friend started this whole thing in the first place (albeit on accident but I don’t know that yet) and didn’t visit me or apologize in 15ish years because of an unknown 3rd party
But yeah, your mom died  
So sorry about that  
What? This isn't about her! Why are you bringing this up? I'm sorry your mom and my limbs can't be here today but what does your mom have to do with my limbs getting seared off? Nothing? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Way to use your mom to soften the blow of you being the literal cause that I am now an amputee (albeit on accident but I don’t know that yet)  
Nice going dude real nice  
like this not the way of the platypus
Other than the fact that imps aren't immune to hell fire in the first place doesn’t make any sense to me but that’s not important at the end of the day now, is it? No, it's not  
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His trip was just eh for me I really didn’t care  
Also why didn’t Barbie show up in blizto’s trip or even a cameo or something? Like I know some people are gonna be like ‘well those were romantic and sexual relationships’ and yeah sure.  
That's it. I don’t have a comeback for that lol  
To be fair a good amount of Helluva boss characters are unsympathetic but there are characters I sympathize with even if said characters that don’t necessarily have a lot to sympathize with like Asmodeus I feel bad that Fizzarolli wakes him up with an air horn sometimes  
The only time I've sympathized with Blizto was when he was getting the shit kicked out of him by Loona and that’s only because the only character, I dislike more than Blizto is Loona  
(a lot of people who are critical of Loona are like “Blizto deserves better” or “Loona doesn’t deserve Bilzto” and honestly, I kinda agree but at the same time it seems like they deserve each other lol)  
Everyone is like complaining that Loona isn't getting lines or any screen time but I'm over here like 
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But yeah, that’s all :) 
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vyncentevelyn · 11 months
“Fuck…” Astarion mumbled, putting his hands on his hips, and staring at the ingredients in front of him. What the fuck was he doing? Had he ever actually cooked anything? Certainly not in the last 200 years, but before that…
He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. This was pointless. He should walk away from all of this and count his losses before anyone…
“Oh, hello there.” Gale’s voice sounded behind him, “I didn’t expect to find you here considering your condition.”
“The same could be said about you, Gale.” Astarion sighed, his thoughts flitting through the multitude of excuses he could use as to why he was here but none of them sounded believable.
“Well, I still eat food. Especially since Elminster visited. And aside from that, I always cook.” Gale said.
Astarion could hear Gale approach and just stood there like an idiot. Frozen to the spot staring down at his haphazard ingredients for the recipe he did not know. Gale stood beside him and looked at the tabletop.
“Hmmm.” Gale muttered.
Astarion dropped his shoulders, “What Gale? Just say it.”
“It’s just curious. What were you planning on making with horseradish, a fish head, a carrot, and,” he picked up the last ingredient, “hmm…this is a rock Astarion.”
Astarion’s blood runs cold, naturally, but at this moment it felt as if his blood had caught fire. He blinked as Gale stared back at him; the rock still clutched in his hand. Astarion swallowed and then finally muttered, “I thought it was a potato.”
“I see.” Gale replied, still watching him with those deep brown eyes.
“This!” Astarion hissed throwing his arms up and taking a step away from the table, “This is stupid!”
Gale tilted his head and raised his eyebrows, “There is nothing stupid in wanting to learn a new skill. No, no, no.” He shook his head, “You just need a good teacher, you have the initiative, and that, Astarion, is half the battle. Luckily for you, I happen to be an excellent cook and an even better teacher – if I do say so myself.”
Astarion frowned. A part of him wanted to walk out and ignore the wizard. The other part though wanted to learn…wanted to succeed…
“Now, what were you trying to make?” Gale asked looking back at the ingredients, minus the rock which he tossed over his shoulder.
“I…” Astarion hesitated, “Iseult is sick…and she needs to eat.”
The answer hung heavy between the two men. Gale nodded slowly but his focus remained on the table, “I am aware.”
“I thought it would be nice, since she feeds me, if I fed her given that she is unwell.” Astarion said, hoping his tone sounded as nonchalant as he intended.
“That,” Gale started, his usually pompous cherry tone missing from his voice before he paused but when he started talking again his typical inflection returned, “that is a very nice thing to do. And I think I have a recipe we could make to help achieve this goal.”
Astarion blinked, “You do?”
“I think I do, granted it will not include rocks,” he looked up with a teasing grin on his face, “but it will rock.”
Astarion closed his eyes, “That was terrible Gale.”
“It was fantastic, and you know it.”
“What are we making Gale?”
Astarion opened his eyes and met Gale’s gaze. Gale winked and picked up the carrot and the horseradish, “Are you ready to learn?”
Astarion sighed and rolled his eyes up to the sky, “Let’s get this over with.”
Iseult looked up miserably from her bed roll. Astarion stood in the tent’s doorway carrying a tray.
He studied her with those mesmerizing ruby eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh, “You look like shit.”
Iseult smiled, “Aw, you missed me.”
Astarion said nothing but placed the tray down by her bedroll before sitting cross legged beside her. Iseult sat up slowly and looked at the tray. A bowl of soup, a plate with a chunk of bread, and a glass of water sat on the tray beside a wilting daisy. Iseult looked at the vampire, but he refused to meet her gaze and just gestured to the tray, “You need to eat.”
“You made me soup…” Iseult’s voice was soft.
“I can’t have my favorite vintage killing over.” Astarion offered.
Iseult cradled the bowl in her hand and took a bite of soup. It was spicy and warm, potato and carrot with a hint of something hot. It was delicious. She put the spoon down and looked over at Astarion, “This is delicious. You did a great job.”
“Thank you. I, uh, I just learned how to make it.” He fiddled with the leather strap on the bed roll as he mumbled, “Gale taught me.”
“Really?” Iseult tried to keep the shock out of her tone, but she could tell from Astarion’s face she had failed.
“Yes,” he leaned back on his arms and looked up at the tent’s canvas, “yes. That damn wizard must poke his nose into everything.”
Iseult smiled, “Well, I appreciate you both. Thank you.”
As she took another bite, she noticed Astarion studying her in her peripherals.
“You like it?” He asked.
She nodded as she put the bowl down on the tray. She tore a chunk of bread and dipped it into the soup before popping it into her mouth. Then she turned and looked at him, “You are a magnificent cook.”
That devilish smirk pulled at his mouth, “Magnificent?”
“And clever.” Iseult replied.
“And?” He asked sitting up.
“And sweet.”
“Sweet? I’m not sure that’s the right adjective, darling.”
“You brought me a flower. You made me soup because I’m sick even though you had to work with Gale. You are caring.”
“Mmm.” His voice was hoarse, and he leaned into her space, “Tell me I’m beautiful.”
She leaned forward, dropping her weight onto her left hand so that her neck became bared to him. She whispered in his ear, “You are beautiful, Astarion.”
“And you,” Astarion whispered back, sending chills down Iseult’s spine, “are a damn tease. Put your neck away my dear, I will not be feeding on you while you have a fever.”
He leaned away, a smirk still in play. His eyes flashing between hers and the bare skin of her neck.
“Can you even get sick?” Iseult asked as she sat back. She tore another piece of bread and dipped it into the soup.
“In a sense.” Astarion said, turning his attention to the nails on his left hand.
Iseult swallowed, “Explain.”
He rolled his eyes, “It’s all so boring.”
“Nothing is boring to me when it concerns you.” she said, before taking a drink of water her eyes focused on his face.
He studied her for a second before saying, “If your blood is tainted with like poison or if you’re drugged or drunk, that could affect me. But I can’t catch your cold.”
“Then I can still feed you, if you want.” Iseult shrugged.
He leaned forward and looked her dead in the eyes, “I’m not making you worse. You’re keeping your blood until you are better.”
Iseult nodded; her eyes wide as she stared back at Astarion.
He returned to his original position, “Good. Now eat. I’ll be sure to make up for our lost time together once you are better.”
Iseult looked down quickly, but she was certain he noticed the blush painting her face. She finished her meal in relative silence. She lowered the empty water glass back down to the tray and picked up the daisy. She smiled down at the wrinkled petals, he must have picked the flower earlier in the day.
She looked back up at him. She wanted to ask him so many things. She wanted to learn everything about him. Instead, she smiled and let the longing to read all the stories buried deep in those bright red eyes stay buried.
Astarion nodded then and said, “Get some rest darling.”
He stood up and grabbed the tray before slipping out of the tent. Iseult laid back in her bed rolls and let out a sigh. She rolled onto her side. Goodnight, Astarion.
Astarion set the tray down on the riverbank and knelt into the wet earth beside Gale. He started washing the bowl, ignoring the wizard’s quizzical gaze.
“She said thank you.” Astarion offered when Gale had finally looked back at the dishes he was washing.
“Oh.” Gale nodded, “Well she is most welcome.”
Astarion bit his lip and then released it, “Thank you, Gale.”
Gale sat up and looked at Astarion, “Not a problem." Then he added, "I have more dishes I think you’d enjoy learning.”
Astarion finally met his dark eyes, “What?”
“You are not that good of a cook, but I feel hopeful for you.” Gale smiled, “Plus, I don’t mind having company.”
Astarion let out a chuckle. He rinsed the water cup and sighed, “On occasion, I suppose I could help you.”
Gale’s own laughter echoed out across the dark river, “Only if you feel like it, but the invitation is there.”
“I am certain the novelty of it will run out quickly. You’ll be retracting that invitation the moment I down a quart of pig’s blood.”
“That sounds fascinating. How much blood can you consume? Like in one sitting?”
“I…” Astarion paused and looked up at Gale, “I actually don’t know. Before the whole tadpole,” he gestured to his head, “I fed on what I could, but it was never enough. Recently though, I have fed on Iseult and then drained a whole bear in one night.”
“A whole bear!” Gale exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder instead of judgement. “I’d wager that’s got to be at least 60 liters.”
“How do you even know that, Gale?”
“Ah. A wizard has to know a great deal of information, and I may have needed some bear blood for an experiment of sorts once.”
“Of course.”
“You sound like you don’t believe me, Astarion.”
Astarion shook his head, “I’m just impressed you killed a bear.”
“It took me month to recover,” Gale admitted.
Astarion bent over in laughter.
“Keep laughing Astarion, but at least I know the difference between rocks and potatoes.”
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amazingmsme · 9 months
i’ve become a little obsessed with your curtwen stuff do you have any more to share 🙏🙏🙏
Aww thank you, that’s so sweet! I honestly need to rewatch saf, it’s been too long since I’ve seen it! All this talk about them has made me really miss them I just wish they could’ve had a happy ending, but I guess that’s what fics are for
I can’t remember what all I’ve said, so I might repeat myself or contradict a previous headcanon, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles 🤷‍♀️
But I love the idea of Curt & Owen flirting via mock interrogations & they progressively get less realistic & more playful (& homoerotic) as time goes on & what we see at the beginning of the show definitely isn’t the first time tickling has found its way into this little game of theirs
They do the will they won’t they thing for probably way too long, but they wanted to be 100% positive they were picking up the vibes they thought they were
Ok but their first kiss was completely accidental. They were running away from someone together & they had to hide in a cramped space like a tight alley or a closet & they’re fumbling & shoving at each other & they turn their heads at the same time & next thing you know they’re fuckin’ smooching! They’re both so shy about it & can barely meet each other’s eyes & Owen just mumbles “not a bad kisser Mega” & Curt’s like “neither are you” & then they’re staring at each other blushing & all of a sudden they’re making out
Pretty sure they both found out each other was ticklish while on a job together since that’s when they spend the most time together. I think most people think Owen found out Curt was ticklish first, but just imagine with me, if you will:
Curt arrives to a job that Owen got to first, but shit hit the fan & he got caught & is being interrogated. It’s pretty early on, so he’s not too roughed up yet, & he can see Curt in the rafters & he’s both relieved & annoyed because he knows he’s gonna rub it in his face that he had to save him. Curt ends up sniping the baddies & hops down like his knight in shining armor & he goes to untie him, but Owen’s hands are tied behind the chair & his chest is tied to the back of the chair, the rope under his arms & around his ribs. So while he’s untying him, he’s squirming around & breathing a little weird & Curt’s like “quit moving so much or I’ll leave you here” & Owen snaps back “quit tickling then!” & he freezes up & Curt has the most gleeful, sinister look he’s ever seen
“What was that?” “Nothing” “no no, you said you’re ticklish?” “Really Curt, that’s what you’re taking away from all this? We need to leave!” “Why? I already killed everyone here, it’s just you & me” “Curt…” “why not have some fun?” “Mega I swear to God-“ & then Owen didn’t get another coherent sentence out for about half an hour
After that, Curt was a fucking menace & never let him live it down. He’d sneak up on him & launch a surprise tickle attack, he’ll constantly bring up how he “can’t believe” how ticklish he is, he’ll even mock his laugh & say how even his laugh sounds posh. Really, Owen had the patience of a saint & Curt really took it for granted
He bides his time, giving him a chance to back tf off with all the teasing, but one night when they’re sharing a hotel room (with only 1 bed mind you) Curt keeps tickling him & it’s really not funny because he just wants to sleep damnit! Cut it out, I mean it! & Curt goes to squeeze his hip again & all of a sudden he’s laying flat on his back with an angry, very smug Owen hovering over him & his life flashes before his eyes. He gives a nervous lil grin & tilts his head like “y-you got me, I’ll leave you alone now” & Owen’s like “oh no no no, you’ve been tormenting me for months, you’re not weaseling out of this that easy” & Curt really should learn to shut up because he doesn’t even think twice before saying “well what took you so long to snap?”
& now it’s Owen’s turn to give him an evil smile & cups his ear like “I’m sorry, what did you just say?” & Curt’s really struggling now, but Owen has him pinned pretty good & he’s sputtering out apology after apology saying how he’ll never tease him again lies & he’ll drop the whole thing. But Owen is smirking so much as he leans down & asks “Curt… now be honest… have you been doing all this hoping I’d get my revenge?” & Curt’s heart has never beat so fast in his entire life & he answers so quick he literally cuts him off by yelling “NO!” & then much cooler “no, why would I want that?” & Owen just hums “oh I don’t know, maybe because it would mean my hands would be all over you” & he waits for Curt to try to argue before striking. He miiiight have gone a bit overboard, but he had a lot of revenge to catch up on. & it’s not like he didn’t give Curt an out, he just refused to “break” to something as “stupid” as tickling, so it was really his fault. He swears his throat didn’t hurt after that brutal attack, but when they wake up the next morning his voice is shot & he can barely speak above a whisper. Of course now it’s Owen’s turn to never let him live it down. “I can’t believe you were giving me so much shit when you’re 10 times as bad as I am!”
I didn’t know this was just gonna turn into one one headcanon but I speak the truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth no matter how long it is so help me God
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multiversxwhore · 1 year
Pairing: Oli Sykes x black!oc
Word count: 1k
a/n: so, I went to see fall out boy, two weeks ago. Bring Me The Horizon was one of the openers, Oli fucking melted my brain, so here we are three weeks later. This whole idea wouldn’t get out of my mind until I wrote this, i wasn’t gonna do it at first rpf is difficult to write, but @windhamsrotunda encouraged me lol I’m not sure if I’m gonna write more on Oli but I hope y’all like it.
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Morticia sat at the front desk watching customers walk in and out, some walked up to her to check in a room. She held her breath on the attitude she felt on the inside, the only reason she took a side job is so she could afford tickets to see Bring Me The Horizon with her best friend Peach. She did fully plan on quitting after the concert, granted she barely knew the band before two years ago; after spending a year and a half intensely researching, she practically felt like a band member herself. The pipe line from Fall Out Boy to Bring Me the Horizon isn’t all that far in between, so here she is sitting at her dumb ass hotel lobby till clock out time at 4:30pm. Just enough time for her to drive home, and get ready for the show that night. After a while of no customers, she began to scroll through her phone, Morticia pressed play on her music and let Oli Sykes voice fill her ears. Before she knew it, she’s full on head bang mode, and singing gods know how loud. “We’re just a room full of strangers, looking for something to save usssss….dying to live, living to die.” She sang in a somewhat hushed voice, one had over her heart, and her face scrunched up into a passionate expression; anyone passing back would assume she was disgusted by something. Either way Morticia didn’t give a shit, in her mind she’s on her way to see her future husband, and she’s quitting her job in a week. Nothing could ruin her mood.
A hand from the opposite side of the desk grabbed her by the wrist, and causing her to nearly jumped out of her skin. That was nothing compared to her reaction upon seeing the person attached to that very hand. Oli Sykes, standing in all his creature like glory. One red contact lense in his right eye, and a sliver linked choker around his neck. Despite it being almost 80 degrees outside he still felt the need to wear a beany, Morticia’s hand began to shake as her eyelids widened.
“Ohhh this is embarrassing.” Morticia breathed, Oli, who’s still holding onto her hand, smiles warmly. His eyes taking her in, he thought she had a natural kind of beauty, which drew him in more.
“By all means love continue, up until this point I’ve been fighting imposter syndrome, but I think this just boosted my ego.” His accent wanted to make her melt, it’s not quite as heavy as she’s heard in previous interviews, but the twang is still there. It’s so hard for her to believe that thoes screaming vocals comes from this deep, yet soft voice she’s hearing now. She noticed the rest of the band wasn’t with him, so they must have checked in before her shift started.
“I’m so sorry let me collect myself, I promise I’m way more cool than this.” Which is a lie on her part, but she took a second to gather herself. Oli waited patiently.
“How can I help you?” Her mood more uplifted than earlier, she’s not sure how long she could keep this up, he’s just staring right into her soul. His gaze pinned her to her spot, her feet planted in the carpet beneath her, she refused to move until this interaction is over.
“I don’t suppose have wifi here? Our phone service is shit right now, is it possible you could help me out?” He leaned against the counter, his eyes darted over to the sign that clearly said not to lean on the desk, and then back to Morticia. When she didn’t make a remark about it, Oli leaned further on his elbows, if she took a step closer she could lean over and kiss him right on the lips. ‘Fucking breath bitch…it’s just Oli Sykes’ she interanally freaked out.
“Um, yes actually…I can actually show you better than I can tell you.” She spoke nonchalantly, aloof of how Oli smirked at her as she pulled out her phone from her pocket. Her heart stopped as she looked at the self made wallpaper on her Lock Screen hoping he didn’t see it too.
“Oh is that right?” He said playfully, his fingers drummed on the desk, slowly Morticia’s head lifted. She met his gaze, it wasn’t until then did she realize what he was hinting at, she let out an embarrassed giggle.
“No I meant—
“Mmhm right, sure.” He teased, then he caught the image of her wallpaper before she clicked onto the settings.
“Please I’m really trying to hold myself together.” She pleaded half heartedly, her bottom lip poked out as a pouty expression settled onto her face. An unrecognizable feeling stired within him, he really hasn’t bothered paying much attention to girls lately. Not really. But this one, isn’t so easy for him to over look. Though her makeup is simple: eyeliner, lipgloss, her face somewhat sparkled when the sunlight hit certain parts of her face. But aside from her being pretty, her aura is mixed between bubbly, and bratty. She had seemed to be trapped in her own world before now, if he’s being honest she looked even more gorgeous in that moment.
“And just like that you’d be connected.” She finished up her explanation by showing him the screen, and clicking the ‘connect’ botton on the hotel’s website. ‘What did she just say? Ugh I’m such a fucking donut, I should get her number.’ Oli thought to himself, when Morticia looked up to see how he had frozen, the far away look in his eyes, a dead ringer that he hadn’t heard, not one thing she said.
“Do you need me to explain that again?” She asked politely, the corners of her lips turning upward into a small smile.
“Say…where did you get that wallpaper from?” He asked, the innocent question made her face heat up, she internally cursed, ‘why did he have to ask?’ He stared back at her waiting for a response, his eyes dropped to her mouth, he watched the way she chewed on her bottom lip.
“Actually I made it myself.” Her voice shrank, she made a weird face as her fingers fiddled with her popsocet on the back of her phone. ‘Gah, she’s so adorable,’ Oli gushed to himself. She opened her gallery, he happened to see how many selfies she had of herself before she clicked on the picture that she had on her Lock Screen. She slid the phone to him across the desk, he smiled warmly to himself as he took in the beautiful edit before him. She swiped her finger across the screen to show him she had made an edit for the whole band.
“It’s not just ones of you, I made the whole band…it–it’s just your my favorite because of your vocals are cool.” She whispered the last part, peaking at him from underneath her lashes, her heart thudded so hard that she’s convinced he can hear it. The smile grew wider across his face upon heading her confession, he swiped across the screen again, but this time it was a video. Without thinking he pressed play, and when she heard the sound of a bass riff she wanted to die.
“Shit this you?” He didn’t recognize the riff, her vocals sounded too clear to be natural, but he knew this was raw video footage.
“Oh my gosh this is not happening right now? I sound like trash and Oli Sykes is watching it.” Morticia quietly panicked, her eyes widening as she watched him watch her video of her singing.
“No you sound wonderful, truly.” He spoke honestly, Tokio bit her bottom lip, her eyes darted to the computer checking the time, she had a few minutes till it was time for her to clock out for the day. A few people had gathered behind Oli waiting to be serviced, and she thank god they were older people. None of them would have recognized him.
“Well thank you, I think that’s the greatest compliment I’ve received all year.” She jokes, he slid the phone back to her, but not before exchanging their phone numbers while she was distracted. He made a mental note to text her after the show. His eyes lingered on her for a few moments longer, not being able to get over how beautiful she is. Her skin dark brown, with chocolate colored eyes, and plump lips. Her nostril, sceprum, and medusa is pierced. Some tattoos peeked out at him from underneath her uniform shirt, she didn’t seem to be heavily inked anyway.
Oli inhaled deeply, unintentionally picking up her scent, she smelled like fruits, and vanilla. “Thanks for the help…uhh I didn’t get your name?” He could hear the people behind him begin to fuss, but he didn’t care.
“Morticia.” She smiled, the simple expression lifting, and lighting up her whole face.
“Huh, that’s a unique name…it’s pretty, I’ll be seeing ya Tish.” Oli threw her a playful grin, all Morticia could do is grin back, her mind blank. He disappeared around the corner that lead to the elevators, “what a fucking day this has been.” She huffed air through her cheeks, and by the time she got done with the last three customers it was time for her to clock out.
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lara-eats-the-rich · 5 months
[CW: Mentions of violence, gore, sex? I guess?]
So uh, a friend of mine told me that I desperately needed to make an account here, so here I am. Name’s Lara, and I’m a shapeshifter. Been one for 6 or 7 years now. I won’t really go into how that all happened – kinda ashamed of it, made a pact with some demon or whatever and am now cursed with only being able to sate my hunger by eating human flesh – not particularly pleasant to most people, I imagine, but I make do.
There’s plenty of not-so-great people out there that won’t be missed, ya know? Corrupt people, I mean. I’m not some monster who goes and eats innocent people off the street. It’s more fun anyway to lure in some corrupt asshole only to tell them that their actions have consequences.
Fun. Yeah. It’s uh, really fun, actually. Like, really fun. Half the reason I became a shapeshifter in the first place was because of the fun of playing a character, if that makes sense. I could pretend to be literally anyone. The other half of the reason is because I hated who I had to be. Course, I didn’t expect the whole curse thing when I asked that “doctor” for the medicine. Only after starting the treatment did they tell me about the whole eating people thing. Wasn’t too pleased about that, as you can imagine – they only revealed themselves as a demon or something when I tried to kill them. Scared the shit out of me. Haven’t seen them since.
You’d think that whole situation doesn’t lend itself much to making friends, but there’s communities for everything, it turns out. I’m not even the only shapeshifter. Far from it, actually. I mean, the “hating who I had to be” thing isn’t uncommon either – I did label myself as trans for a while, but not anymore. I’m not limited to one look, one person, one form - so much for ‘basic biology’, eh?
Actually, I know a gal who’s got much stronger shapeshifting stuff than me. We’re really good friends, actually. She’s trans, too, but spends most of her time in her actual body, even if she could get to exactly where she wants to be with a snap of her fingers. It’s kinda remarkable, actually. She says it’s because she doesn’t know how she’ll end up looking anyway. That’s pretty brave of her, I think.
As far as I know, she got into the whole shapeshifting thing because of a demon, too. I mean, they call themselves a demon, or a goddess, or a demon-goddess, so it’s not strictly the same thing. Amy’s not even cursed by it or anything. Lucky bitch. The ‘goddess’, as she calls them, apparently granted her the shapeshifting stuff because – get this – she wants Amy to be her heir. Yeah. So now she and the goddess have the same abilities. Supposedly she’s the goddess of chaos and change or something, but I’ve never heard of her. Their abilities even extend to other people, too. They make these little symbols, or gestures, or something with their hands and then they can just… change anyone. Amy, because she’s a nice person, only does it with willing participants – I’ll get into those later – but the goddess just does in on whoever she feels like, and calls it divine retribution, funnily enough.
I think I used to know her in school, actually. Weird coincidence, I guess. Course, we were both different people, metaphorically and literally. That was long before any of the transform-y things. It’s not that we were even friends, particularly. Well, we are now, of course, but we just didn’t really talk. I guess it took both of us to become the ‘real’ us before we actually got close to each other.
I mean, we’re not like that with each other. Found out pretty quickly after trying to uhh… “lure” in some food that I’m not really into sex. Or romance, particularly, either. So I guess I’m aro-ace. I just use it to get closer to my food so I can… you know. It’s got me in some pretty funny scenarios, looking back. Like, several times I’ve lured in a guy who ends up wanting me to give him head, only for me to literally eat his dick. I mean, it’s not that simple, of course, I won’t just go straight in for it, but I’m not interested in pleasuring the other people aside from just tricking them. That’s the fun bit.
Stuff like that is kinda the worst part about the eating people thing, though. But I have figured out some nice little ways around the actually yucky bits. You know, like the stomach, and uhh… lower bits. I’ve found that I can make some sort of chemical that basically causes all of that to get expelled from the body before I actually eat the targets. I don’t wanna deal with all the yucky stuff.
The process of getting rid of it all is kinda gross unfortunately – I usually bump into them “accidentally” and give them a little prick of the chemicals, then over the course of a week they sorta… throw up all of the bits I won’t eat. Not pleasant for them, sure, but its all turned into sludge anyway so it’s not like its recognisable to anyone. After that they feel perfectly fine, as if nothing happened. Not really sure if they can actually live properly after that, not having a digestive system and all. At least, by the time I give them that little injection I’ve already decided that they’re the target anyway.
There’s also another chemical I have that clots a lot of their blood where I bite them – I guess it’s a venom of sorts, which is kinda cool. Stops a lot of the major bleeding. Makes it so I don’t have to clean up too much. I’ve kinda gotten used to it, as you can tell. I used to put a lot of time into not leaving a trace behind, especially before the chemical stuff, but Amy and the goddess gave me all sorts of ideas that really help out so much. Shame I can’t share a meal with them. I mean, I guess I can, but I don’t get any sustenance from regular food. Still tastes good, though.
Jeez, I’ve really typed a lot, haven’t I? Maybe I’ll wrap it up for now. I’ll probably write some of my experiences down with the whole hunting thing sometime if anyone wants to read it. I guess its sorta incriminating, but it’s not like I can be arrested or something. I can probably escape from anywhere. That’s an odd thought, isn’t it? Anyway yeah, bad-guy-eating stories coming soon, I suppose. Or maybe let me know if there’s something you want to ask me? I’m open to that.
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Phic Phight - Sing-U-Lator
For: @thefalsefangirl @higgidigs @briarlovesu @bibliophilea @idiot-cheesehead-archenemy
Song inspiration: Addict - Vivziepop and Alastor’s Reprise - Vivziepop Vlad and Danny have a proper talk but it's not really a talk or proper
Danny roughs up his hair, frustrated, why did Lancer always have give such open-ended ‘up to your imagination’ projects? Sure Danny didn't lack creativity but his creativity wasn’t exactly… normal. Plus, how was he supposed to make a song prompt without ripping off Ember? Sometimes being friends with a singer was a major double edge sword.
He’s half tempted to just call Vlad, dude gave some solid advice… even if it sometimes seemed slightly sketchy. What would he know about this though? Maybe he writes poetry in his rich person free time?
Thumping his head on his desk a couple of times, fuck it. Flipping out his phone and leaning back, “hey yo, Vladdie”.
“Daniel? Is there an issue. I am rather… preoccupied at the moment”.
Danny snorts at that, “I’d say with what but you're still all mysterious half the time. Anyways, my homework isn’t home working. Know anything to do with music?”.
“… I’m beginning to believe that you have a very concerning sense of timing, my boy. I’ve rather recently… acquired a seemingly ectoplasm infused music generating bow tie”.
Danny blinks hard at that, not for the first time since meeting the man, Danny’s had the feeling Vlad had sticky fingers or something. Sure, Danny also stole stuff… and maybe did so more now than he used to -which now that he thinks about it, might be ever so slightly due to some Vlad-related encouragement. But that’s a thought for another day- but Vlad was way more sticky fingered. “Why? Though I guess that could just make my music prompt for me”.
Danny jumps at a sudden voice, “that could be quiet a good idea. You are rather bad at this”.
Danny whirls around, “eh yo, what the fuck?!?”.  It’s goddamn GhostWriter… Well at least it’s not Walker, or Boxy, or Skulker.
The GhostWriter seemingly ignores the teen, eyeing the paper instead, “you clearly have no love for the written word, as painful as that is, can’t have you embarrassing ghosts with your lack of lyrical diction”, summoning out his keyboard, fingers flying.
Danny groans loudly, “oh come on! Not this shit again”.
“Language, Daniel”.
The GhostWriter narrows his eyes at the phone, “and I would appreciate my artefact returned”.
And suddenly Danny gets hurtled out his window, half shrieking, “VLAAAAAAAD!”, angrily all the while. Granted… he couldn’t blame his -sometimes sketchy- mentor too much; Danny was usually the one who caused issues and Vlad certainly wasn’t immune to trouble making. Vlad yelping, “butter biscuits!”, on the other side of the line at least means this was probably going to be both of their problem(s).
The two halfas groan and push themselves up from the hard smooth ground.
So they weren’t outside on the dirt/grass. Good to know.
Danny grumbles, “I don’t know whether to blame you, blame GhostWriter, blame you, blame myself, blame you, or blame Lancer”.
Vlad giving a very dry reply, “funny, I was thinking something very similar”, then chuckling faintly, “perhaps halfas merely attract ill luck”, glancing around as he stands and brushes himself off, “we appear to be in some sort of cafe”.
“Ah fuck yes, tell me there’s coffee”.
“Language”, Vlad shakes his head, “you consume enough of that stuff to kill you a few times over”.
Danny snorts, “aw, you’d miss me”.
“But of course”. Vlad’s voice is genuinely fond, making Danny mutter, “I know it’s 🎶till death dooooo us part,  but we're already past that phase🎶”.
Both of them stop at that, Danny looks insanely confused and slightly pissed off; Vlad quirks a single eyebrow. Quirking another eyebrow at the bow tie, which is apparently tied around his wrist now, as it starts making music, a electronic piano beat, “I don’t think this is going to end well”.
Danny grumbling, “sounds like the story of my half life. Shit always so seems to be going south since the whole dyin’ while tryin’ to be helpful thing”.
Vlad eyes him, “but 🎶this could be a brand neeeew start🎶”, grimacing a little after because seriously?
Danny huffing, yeah sure the whole dying thing really legit could have effectively given him a new ‘lease on life’ as it were, but instead he’s just spending all of his time fighting and anxiously hiding his shit. Even if he legit honestly likes the way he is now, he had cool powers and stuff. Grumbling, “tell me about it. 🎶I think I deserve some praise for the way that I ammmmmmmm🎶”, gesturing around a bit ridiculously because he might as well just go along with this and no one else was actually here from the looks of It to witness this bullshit. Being a ghost was fucking great okay? Regardless of his parents anti-ghost ectophobia bullshit.
Vlad glances around and shrugs, he’s been involved in stranger, sitting down in a random chair, “🎶despite becoming a ghost, and ending up nearly comatose🎶”; Vlad was still baffled by how severe Danny’s portal-related accident was. The fact that his body survived getting blasted by an entire dimension worth of ectoplasm and being electrocuted by over four lightening bolts worth of electricity was impressive and a bit horrifying.
Danny rolls his eyes at that, flicking his wrist pointedly at Vlad as the bow tie adds in fucking finger snapping to its tune, “🎶I don’t give a daaaaaaaamnnnnnn🎶”, eyeing Vlad with a bit of a smirk, “what about you?”.
Vlad snorts and stands up, “🎶I let my emotions go, and fudge being a sober hoe🎶”. Danny looks a little scandalised by Vlad’s almost swearing but takes the offered flasks because at this point, fuck it.
The GhostWriter is one hundred percent manipulating this into a musical or some shit, and no one wants to deal with that shit fully sober.
The two taking steps, gesturing, and dancing a little while their hands are almost connected due to holding the flask. Singing together, “🎶this is the maaaantra, this is the liiiiife🎶”. Regardless of anything Danny liked the way he was and he damn well knew Vlad did too.
Separating and twirling, still singing together, “🎶we’re playing with our lives noooooow, till the end of every niiiiiiiight 🎶”.
Vlad eyeing his flask, “🎶eventually surrounded by fiiiire🎶”.
Danny laughing, “🎶my fighting passion igniiiights🎶”.
The two eyeing each other and grinning a little, “🎶a hit of the heaven and hell, a helluva hiiiiigh🎶”. At this point they were in this shit together, even if Danny had a feeling that Vlad was a less than stellar influence, and Vlad knew that Danny might one day force him to reconcile with his ‘old friends’.
Vlad turning away, “🎶I’m addddddicted to the madddddness🎶”, he knew damn well all the crime and less than legal stuff he did was something he got a massive rush from, and what did he care if he screwed a few people over for his own personal gain?
Danny turning away as well, “🎶this tooooown is my atlaaaaantis🎶”, this town, Amity Park, was his Everything and he was protective as Hell of it. It was nice that a lot of the town was starting to actually view him as their protector, made him feel like his purpose was actually being seen.
Vlad chuckles, eyeing Danny quickly, “you do a lot of rather illegal things to protect ‘this town’, you know”. Danny chuckling right back, “as if you don’t do the same to satisfy your possessiveness”.
Danny puts up a fist for a fist bump and Vlad rolls his eyes though supplies him with his requested fist bump, the two singing together again, “🎶we’re forever gonna have a fucking/fudging reason to sin🎶”.
Vlad glares at him a little over the swearing but everything help him if he didn't already know that Danny had a bit of a foul mouth and that it was kind of pointless to correct the boy. Besides, Danny’s ‘soul’ or whatever was a lot cleaner than his own, “🎶let me leaaaaaave my soul to burn🎶”,
Danny pointing at him agressively, “🎶I’ll be breathin’ it in🎶”, then making a face, “I mean that your mentorship is actually kinda good, not that I’m going to literally breath in your burnt ashes, what the fuck GhostWriter”, and glares at the ceiling; faint ghostly laughter could be heard.
Vlad can’t help grinning at that a little, “🎶and I’m addiiiicted to that feeeeeeling🎶”.
Danny gesturing up, “🎶then get hiiiiiigher than the ceiiiiiling🎶”.
Vlad nods curtly, because as not harmful as this was, it was still annoying.
The Ghostwriters voice comes down from the ceiling, “🎶and I’m neeeever gonna want this feeling to end, just conceeeeede and give in to you inner demons again🎶”.  Vlad fires a blast at the ceiling while the bow tie adds in a metallic drum beat for a bit before slowing to a more soft sound.
Danny eyes Vlad a little, “you know I know what you ‘inner demons’ are at this point, right? Your thing for mom?”, cringing and rubbing his neck, “and I mean sure,  🎶yeah, you fell in loooove. But-🎶”, gesturing at the flask, “🎶-you fell deeper in a piiit🎶”.
Vlad blinks, sure he knew Daniel would figure that out eventually but this was definitely not how he wanted that to come out. But what were ghosts if not their past regrets and obsessions? He couldn’t give up on her, not yet, maybe not ever. Throwing a hand out to the side and trying to hide that that comment hurt a little, “well 🎶Death didn’t get us aaabooove. So count your blessing because this is it🎶”, that came out more bitter than he really meant it.
Danny quirks an eyebrow at him and moving to get a bit in his face, “🎶sooooo you’re not letting goooOooOOOOoooOoo🎶?”.
Vlad shrugs, taking a swig from his flask and eyeing the musical bow tie with contempt, “🎶so what if I misbehave🎶”.
Danny huffing, crossing his arms, “🎶I guess it’s what everybody craves🎶”, then pointing at Vlad, “but, 🎶look around and you’ll already knooooOoOooOOOoow🎶”, pausing and rubbing his temples, “it ain’t gonna work out for you, you know”.
Vlad shrugs more vulnerably than he really means to, “I know, I really do. You think I can’t tell, Daniel? Meeting you and seeing them again makes that so clear. But-”, eyeing the boy, “-an apprentice changes a mentor as much as a mentor changes their apprentice”, holding out a hand, “🎶so, come if you’re feeling brave, and fancy yourself a mentor🎶”.  Bow tie beat picking back up again.
Danny chuckles, okay Vlad’s thing for mom was weird and would never work out but if Vlad was content to redirect himself towards mentoring Danny himself then who was Danny to argue against that? Heck! It was probably a really good thing, plus Vlad was -maybe? Possibly?- morally questionable enough that he wouldn’t take Danny’s shit but also wouldn’t question him about being socially unacceptable. “🎶you want it, I got it. See what you liiiikeeeeEEEeeEe🎶”.
Vlad nods, when he first met Danny and realised what he was, a fellow halfa, it was just a maze of endless possibilities. When he realised that Daniel not only formed as a ghost at a far higher ectoplasmic level but also had more room for growth, he was amazing. Daniel could beat Pariah some day, if he tried. Having that boy as his was far too tempting and far more enticing than any amount of money or Maddie. Daniel could take the world if he wanted, and Vlad could guide that, could stand beside him, “🎶we could have it allllllllll, by the end of any niiight🎶”. If Daniel tried he could probably take over the entire Infinite Realm today if he so desired.
Danny snorts, waving him off, “I can’t tell if you mean this world or the afterlife. But here it would be, 🎶your money and power🎶 and in the ghost zone it would definitely be, 🎶my sinful deliiiight🎶”, chuckling, “you know how much a lot of ghosts hate me at this point”. Him chuckling again, “🎶I’mma hit of that heaven and hell, a helluva hiiiiiigh🎶”.
Vlad can’t help chuckling himself at that, Daniel had managed to piss of an impressive amount of ghosts in a very short amount of time, “🎶it’s like you’re addiiiiicted to the maaaadeness🎶”.
Danny waving him off, “🎶this tooooown will always be my atlaaaaantis🎶”.
Vlad ruffles up his hair, “🎶we’re forever gonna have a fudging reason to sin🎶”.
Danny collapsing over a table dramatically, “🎶let me leave my soul to burn, I’ll be breathing it in🎶”; which Vlad rolls his eyes at.
Vlad pokes the boys forehead, “🎶you’re addiiiicted to the feeeeeeling🎶”, Daniel was more combative than Vlad would actually like. Obviously he didn’t really have to worry about Daniel getting hurt but it really was like he was addicted to getting into fist fights sometimes.
Danny bats his finger/hand off, “have you seen the amount of ghosts that show up to cause problems? It’s a perfect excuse to 🎶get hiiigheeer than the ceeeiliing, and I’m never gonna want that fucking feeling to end🎶”.
Vlad sticks his hands out to the side, “🎶so you’ll just concede and give into your feelings again🎶?”.
Danny glares at him and pushes himself up from laying down on the table, “oh like you don’t constantly, 🎶concede and give into your inner demons again🎶”.
The two stare at each other for a bit, definitely recognising that they were both a bit fucked up and their mentorship/apprenticeship thing was extremely all kinds of fucked up. But neither of them could deny that it was good, they bounced off of each other and called out each others shit. They were both better for it. Vlad’s Obsession over Maddie had dwindled some and Danny had an actual adult to turn to. It was good, they both needed this more than either one was willing to admit.
Then the GhostWriter decides to be an asshole again, piping up from the ceiling again, “🎶you should never want this feeling to end. Just concede and give into your inner ghosts again🎶”.
Danny and Vlad both glare at the ceiling, Vlad firing off a pink ecto-blast for the point of it, the bow tie giving a more mellow beat in response like it was mad at them.
Danny eyeing Vlad, “you really have a problem with my mom,  huh?”.
Vlad rubbing a hand down his face, “I used to think that if it wasn’t for my accident we would have wound up together but…”.
“Mom and dad love each other?”.
“Indeed. Though well, I am a ghost”, looking at Daniel, “you and I both know how hard letting go can be. It’s like 🎶I’m addiiiicted to the soooorrroooowww🎶”.
Danny nodding, leaning against one of the tables, “you'll get there, I think. But yeah, it’s like with all the fights I pick even, 🎶when the buzz ends by tomorrow🎶 and every fight after that, 🎶is another rush of poison flowing into my veins🎶”.
Vlad sighing, “giving both of us 🎶a dose of pleasure that resides by the pain🎶”, craning his neck, “🎶I’m addiiiicted🎶”.
Danny pushing himself up off the tables and gesturing agressively at the windows leading out to Amity Park, “🎶I’m deeepeendaaaant🎶”.
Vlad runs a hand through his hair, smiling a little, “🎶looking awwwwwwsome🎶”. While Daniel leans against the cafe/club window, “🎶feeling heeeelpleeess🎶”.  Vlad glancing back at the teen and not for the first time realising that Daniel, maybe, wasn’t really okay… and honestly? Neither was he. Vlad sighing and walking over to the boy, “🎶I knooooooow I’m raising cain by every highway in hell🎶”, he was thinking that maybe he could move and become the mayor here, “🎶maybe things won’t be so terrible inside this home town🎶”; it would be good for Daniel and maybe it was a change that Vlad himself needed.
Danny jerks while the bow tie tune picks up again in a more fancy dancing manner, “you’re thinking of moving here?”. Vlad nods, so Danny continues, “I think that would be good, honestly. 🎶’cause we’re both one of a kind🎶”, Danny making a mocking gesture at him, “and I’m sure I can 🎶give a burning fool a place to dwell🎶”.
Vlad grabbing his hand an twirling him around ridiculously, “🎶and your ideals are just laughable, but hey kid what the Hell. We’re both charming ghost beaux🎶”.
Danny laughing and going along with the twirling, “🎶’cause inside of both of us is just a lost cause🎶”.
Vlad chuckling right back, “🎶but we’ll dress us up for now with a smile🎶”.
The GhostWriter adding in, “🎶a wicked smile🎶”, with an eerie laugh.
Vlad nods to himself, officially making his decision. This town could not survive with just Daniel and was definitely going to need someone with deep pockets who could manipulate the government into giving them money for all the insane damages. “🎶I’ll show these simpletons some proper class and styyyyyyleee🎶”.
Danny snorting, “🎶and I’ll chlorinate your closets with some punny flair🎶”. That feels ominous in Vlad’s opinion.
They nod at each other, speaking in unison, “🎶here in this spooooooooky town, we’re sure our plan is sound🎶”, both of them pointing up, “🎶and our little annoyance will be fooooouuuuund🎶”, which promptly results in the GhostWriter falling through the ceiling due to the songs/GhostWriters keyboards manipulation of reality, and the two halfas outright pounce on him.
His shriek is very girly and their maniacal laughs are very… maniacal.
Danny stuffing the ghost in his thermos and ‘Vlad’s’ artefact too for good measure after yanking it off the other man’s wrist. “So you’re really going to just, try to become mayor here and move?”.
“There’s not much else for me to do with my time and someone needs to keep an eye on you”, Vlad sighing, “and maybe being more exposed to the way Maddie really is will help things”.
Danny chuckles, “good vampiric mentor”.
“I will decide you need a lesson in endurance”.
“Oh be still my fucking tits!”.
Danny just pouts exaggeratedly at him as they try to sneak out of the restaurant/cafe/club without being noticed. That predictably doesn’t go as planned, with Valerie poking her head around, “I have a lot of questions about that opera bullshit”. Oh Ancients, she saw that shit.
Vlad puts up his hands, “now Valerie-”. But Danny cuts him off, dramatically putting a hand to his chest, “are you cheating on me”; this situation was beyond un-fucking-salavagable. Making both his mentor and his friend/fellow ghost hunter look at him like they both bit lemons. Danny rolling his eyes, “what? The only reason for Vladdie to not be super freaked out is if Valerie here already knew about him and no way he would tell anyone other than an apprentice or maybe close friend”.
Vlad shrugs very awkwardly, “I’m not one to put all my eggs in one basket”. Both Valerie and Danny glare a bit murderously, before punching him in the face. Vlad just sighs, “I suppose I deserved that”.
Both of them snapping, “you think?!?”.
Valerie looking at Danny, “who did you even think got me into this?”.
Danny shrugs, “I thought you were just following spontaneous murderous desire all on your lonesome”.
“You’re a fucking idiot”.
Vlad sighing, “yes, and a fool that should dispose of a certain someone before he causes us any more issues”. Danny rolls his eyes, “at least I got help with my project out of this… kinda”, then actually moves to meander off like he’s told, shouting behind himself, “still good for training tonight?!”.
Vlad eyes Valerie, who shrugs, so Vlad shouts back, “as always, though you’ll have a sparring partner this time and finish that project first! I don’t want you wasting this evenings absolute mess!”.  Danny holds up double thumbs up before tripping over his own feet and falling to the ground flat on his face.
Valerie facepalms, “what have I gotten myself into?”.
Mr. Lancer was later both very confused and impressed with the… odd direction of Daniel’s song prompt project. It was like one part theatrical musical, one part taking out some kind of issue(s) with song, and one part spite? It was creative though, which is what he asked for. Full marks and maybe a side note about seeing the school therapist.
Prompts: Write a fic inspired from any song released in the last six years. and Danny has to go to Vlad for help and Lancer gives the class a project that Danny finds a very ghostly solution to. and Try as he might, Danny can’t think of a prompt for his creative writing homework. So Ghost Writer decides to step in, and do the writing for him. Shenanigans ensue. and AU where Vlad isn't blatantly evil in Bitter Reunions, and Danny initially sees no reason not to accept his mentorship and Vlad was starting to regret stealing his current artifact.
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the-ugly-ly · 1 year
not me making the counselor on the resource line cry when i told her the only reason i’m alive is to reparent the abused little girl inside of me.
wild how so many other kids took a warm bed, hot food, and showers for granted. i’ve lived a quarter of a century and i’m only just learning to accept these as standards — though i have to be cautious because i know they aren’t entitlements. i’m alive to keep this roof over my head.
but i want more than that. i want to explore the world and get the fuck out of dodge. i’ve never traveled, or taken any kind of vacation. i was barely allowed on the front lawn as a child. every september i had to write about how i didn’t do a thing all summer while my classmates did this or that. i feel so deprived. i deserved those experiences. and i don’t want to die here.
but most importantly i’m still seeking the warmth of another soul; and especially now in times of horrible stress and change i find myself longing for the comfort of a person. i’ll never know what it’s like to have a mom or a dad — i have abusers. even my siblings spare me no comfort. i’m alive to chase the intimacy of family, closeness and love that i watched other families, again, take for granted.
i’m angry because while my peers today are thriving in their lives and careers and families i am still picking up the pieces having to fucking remind myself why i’m even still doing any of this. god i’m so angry. despite it all, i’m not alive out of spite. every move i make is out of love for the little girl who did fuck all except be born to two idiots with half cooked gray matter.
i’m alive for me. and to do stuff for me. maybe there’s a deeper core purpose in there. i know there is. i was someone before the trauma beat the living fuck out of her. maybe one day i’ll find her out. but why do i get every fucking day? because i have pictures of that little girl all over my home and i’m making shit happen for her…
and sure i probably didn’t say it in so many words. but i deserved better. she agreed, but she’s paid to.
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arabellaflynn · 1 year
I've been in my new place for about two weeks now, otherwise known as 'long enough to decompensate'. Despite taking apart all my standing racks and piling all my shit up in the living room, neither of the other roommates noticed I was leaving until the night before, when the Useless Narcissist asked if I was moving. 
"Oh, when?"
Stunned look. "Why?"
"Because neither of you pay your rent on time." 
(Note that I had been telling them for the past two months that I could not continue fronting the rent for everyone indefinitely. The landlord insisted on having the check by the first but didn't cash it until some random time between the 15th and the 25th of the month. Both roommates had gotten around to giving me the money later and later -- for June, the Useless Narcissist paid me just over a week late, and the other one was two weeks late.)
Indignant look. "Oh come on! I paid you back every time!"
"That's not really the same thing."
Appalled look. "What are we going to do about this month?"
"Beats me."
(I might have had a more sympathetic response had he not asked me this on the second of July, having apparently assumed that I had just gone ahead and paid everyone's rent for them, so as not to bother him with piddly things like deadlines.)
I used the same movers I called the last time, because I'll be damned if I carry the heavy shit myself ever again. They were pretty surprised when they showed up. Apparently by moving company standards, I was almost psychotically prepared. What do I do when I know I'm about to move? The same thing we do every night, Pinky! Try to take over the world Buy more giant plastic bins and start heaving shit into them. It's not a complex plan. The Useless Narcissist had been unsuccessfully "moving" for like the past two and a half months and had had all of his crap heaped up in our living room the whole time; I considered asking him to shift some of it out of the way, but decided I didn't feel like dealing with the temper tantrum. The path of least resistance was buying colored duct tape for all the bins and boxes and hanging big tags on all my luggage, so that's what I did. They're green. The movers were almost confused when they brought up the giant roll of plastic wrap and realized they didn't need it, because I don't really own furniture that doesn't come apart for transport, and I'd just packed all the rat's worldly possessions into his cage and then zip tied it shut. 
Predictably, the landlord messaged me a few days later to say he hadn't gotten the rent check that month. I said I was sorry to hear that, but I didn't live there anymore, and gave him the phone numbers of the two remaining deadbeats so he could pester them for money. I have no idea if they've paid him or not, because this is no longer my problem.
The new place is back in the same area where I landed when I first moved to Boston, in a sprawling field of Edwardian houses where nothing is plumb or level. The hardwood floors are flat as a funhouse mirror. I'm a reasonable walk or bus ride from all my old haunts, and I am pleased to note that a sushi place I used to patronize is actually still around. Not that I'll be eating there anytime soon -- I bought the last couple of things I had grant money earmarked for, and I'm back to pretending I'm flat broke, just now with 2-3 months rent in savings. The groceries list is back up on Amazon now that I have a stable address again. If it lands on my porch, great; if not, I know where the supermarket is.
Cheese, it turns out, does not travel well. At all. Getting him out here was a ten minute walk to the T, three stops on the train, and a ten minute walk to the new house, and he spent all of it trying to beat his way out of the carrier with his wee little skull. Fortunately, I'd already replaced the plastic mesh in that thing with metal window screen he couldn't chew through as easily, or the Green Line might have acquired an extra rat. He also did not enjoy going to the vet that weekend to see if she had any better ideas on how to stop him going hnorp all the time, which she didn't. A lot of his discomfort was probably because outside is hot and muggy and full of grass pollen. (To be fair, a lot of my discomfort is also because outside is hot and muggy and full of grass pollen. I just have access to allergy meds on demand.) He still has a continuous sniffle, but inside a climate-controlled room it's more 'kind of an annoying snoof' than 'terrifying shortness of breath'. At this point, I've just concluded that it is what it is, he's probably going to make a hnorp noise for the rest of his life, it's probably fine.
We moved in on the afternoon of the 3rd and Cheese spent the night hiding in a box, mostly because he had thrown himself around his carrier so hard he hurt one of his feet. I tried to keep him from climbing too much, but when I opened the door on the 4th for breakfast, he scaled me and decamped on the roof of the cage, refusing to come down for love or money pudding. I don't so much care if he wants to be on the roof of his house as I want him to not throw himself off the roof of his house, and since he shows no signs of wanting to jump, I've just given up. I opened the top door and hung a strategic hammock so he could get up and down without my help. He can be tall if it makes him feel better.
The Fourth was stormy here. I spent most of the day unpacking with a migraine so catastrophic I didn't realize that was what it was until it was over, despite having to stop and lay face-down on the floor several times to keep myself from throwing up. Fun thing about migraines, they subject the part of your brain that solves problems to rolling brownouts, which makes dealing with them difficult. I just kept running through the food-water/electrolytes-caffeine-meds checklist over and over, hoping that one of those things would fix the problem. None of them did, although my attempt at dinner did teach me that there's a really good fried chicken place nearby, and Cheese appreciated the bones.
(Cheese has regained most of the weight he dropped when he went off his food during the first round of Baytril. He ate almost an entire pudding cup by himself while I was unpacking. That's 70 calories of pudding, according to the package. I don't know that he needs 70 calories total, per day. I am impressed by both his determination and his stomach capacity.
He has decided that his favorite kind, by a country mile, is butterscotch. This is a bit of a problem, because that flavor is currently unobtanium. It's been out of stock everywhere for weeks. Is the world's only source of cheap artificial butterscotch flavoring located deep in Ukraine? I do not know. The only way to get him more of it was to order a case on Amazon, so $20 of my grant money went to buying pudding for my incredibly picky free rat.)
I divested myself of surprisingly little when I moved this time. I went through the same thing I did when I moved to Boston originally, where I looked sadly at all my "fun" clothes and makeup before tossing them, and then realized that I couldn't -- I actually used that for work. I still have the nagging feeling that anything I enjoy is expendable. That's what being an adult is, isn't it? Having to choose between things you enjoy and things you need, and understanding that your happiness is less important than everything else. But I like my bins of makeup and costumes and props and electronics, and I use all of them to make money one way or another. The lack of conflict is frankly destabilizing.
The last tenant still had a king-size mattress here when I came to look at the room. They offered to get a TaskRabbit to haul it to the curb, but I was like no, no -- I don't want to move a bed either, just leave it. The most convenient solution was to just make Amazon magic a new frame onto the porch. The bed is so big. The biggest futon I ever bothered buying was a Full. I spent a whole three-tenths of a second trying to figure out which way the bed should face before realizing it didn't matter, because a King is basically square. I shoved it into a corner, put some sheets on, and built a nest. Being an adult is also getting to decide that making the bed is for chumps, and I can sleep in a pile of miscellaneous pillows and chenille blankets just fine. I'm so used to being on a Twin that it took me about a week to stop sleeping curled up on the edge.
I bought an 18" frame and it's lifted on 8" risers. Mostly I did it so I could store a bunch of luggage under there, but it also gives me almost enough space to sit upright next to all the suitcases. Which sounds like I'm trying a little too hard to be quirky until you realize I've just started a project that will eventually require me to record a voiceover, and the quietest spot in my room is almost certainly going to be underneath the giant cushion.
I have the rest of July to do pretty much whatever I want. I'm not not looking for work, but I'm aware that there isn't likely to be a lot of it until the fall season starts. Someone asked me to work a private event at the end of the month, and I actually got to sit and think about if I felt like taking the gig, rather than taking everything I'm offered and figuring out how to make it work. I'm absolutely terrified that now that I've committed to paying the higher rent, the work will all suddenly vanish. I have no idea why I think that. As soon as people realized I could run things in the tech booth, they all trampled over each other to book me. My calendar says I worked on 15 events in 16 weeks, in capacities ranging from "show up with camera" to "perform multi-hour live set" to "camp in booth and run literally everything except the lights". And I don't run the lights mainly because I don't own the widget that talks to them via USB, and I'm not really comfortable trying to work a manual board and QLab at the same time. (I was told that the software license for the USB doodad was $1000+, but I'm seeing open source hardware/software combos on Amazon for about $300ish? I don't know what the difference is, and I'm not prepared to buy one until I do.) 
Whenever I have a long stretch of time to do "whatever I want" that almost always translates to "have the breakdown I've been putting off the whole time I was required to do things whether I wanted to or not". I'm really good at just gritting my teeth and surviving/ignoring stressful situations until I can extricate myself -- see: my entire childhood -- but the downside is that when it's over I get to feel all the horrible consequences at once. It's a lot like pumping yourself full of stimulants to power through a difficult day. It works by borrowing resources from future!you to keep present!you functional. I start panicking over really random, non-sensical things, tiny problems that can be easily fixed if any of them even exist in the first place. I hate this and the only way I can really deal with it is keep it tightly locked up whenever I have to talk to people, then go home and hide until I can human again. It's not fun, but at least now I can do it in the air conditioning.
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0mn1catalyst · 1 month
Finally, a non-political post, but that doesn’t change the Trigger Warning for sensitive subjects. I’ve been having strange dreams lately and felt I could use some input from the internet. I’ve had three dreams I remember fairly well and about half of the dreams I’ve had since then are relatively the same in structure to each other. If anyone knows anything about dreams (or cosmic horror???), insight would be greatly appreciated!~
(To be clear, these dreams physically feel different from any other I’ve had and have had subconscious effects to my irl, so I know it’s not a coincidence)
This first one starts with me running into the cafe on the college campus my friends & partners go to, absolutely decking a robotic doppelgänger of myself. Seeing them, I knew we fought before, but I wasn’t going to be beat by them again. That being said, my ass almost gets beaten to a pulp, again. Though, as the doppelgänger monologues about how I’m broken and need to be replaced by a model that won’t malfunction, my partner (the one that if I didn’t meet, I would either have killed myself or taken over the world like some super villain) did something, granting me an ever changing form that after a few moments settled in a feminine form, in line with how I see my true self (yeah I’m trans-fem, not important right now). Of course, using my new power I wiped the doppelgänger off the face of “reality,” and spent time with my friends, trying to figure out all of the new things that I was capable of. One or two weeks later at the same campus, the SCP Foundation’s MTF busted through every window in the cafe and attempted to capture me. Due to my new strengths, they realized that wasn’t working and resorted to striking a deal with me. They would be able to research what I was capable of, and I was allowed to be out while being monitored (to keep people safe, obviously). I saw no harm in letting them try to understand what I was now, and I didn’t really want this to be a repeating thing every time I go out, so I agreed. Not much happened after, but I remember there was some kind of testing that didn’t yield very impressive results.
My partner, the same person specifically mentioned in the last dream, heard that there was a little farmers market event being held by an after school program for the grade-schoolers in the area. While not really being a person that likes getting out much or someone with any money, I agreed to go anyway. When we got there, we met some old friends that weren’t in the same grade as us when we graduated and we looked around for anything we could buy from the shops. At the time, I only had $2. yeah, I’m broke and already feel bad about it. Anyway, I couldn’t buy shit, but there was a little shop (if I can even call it that. The person running it was one of the employees who ran the program at the time, and she was just sitting in between a table and the front desk. She offered to show me what she was selling, but even after I told her that I wouldn’t be able to afford anything, they insisted saying that everything they wanted to sell was two dollars. In an effort to not seem rude, I looked through their wares. I remember there were four rings, but I only remember two of them, a gold ring with a digital watch face that had some officially licensed Pokemon mobile games that I had never seen before. I already was wearing my apple watch, so I didn’t really need it, she understood. That’s how it went with the other two I don’t remember, but the last one had me intrigued. It was an obsidian ring but while one edge was smooth and clean, the other was chipped and jagged as if it had been fashioned into a blade. Of course, noticing the pattern with the previous three odd rings, I asked “So, what does this one do?” They looked at me, a few moments of silence pass, and they respond with “It grants power rewind it grants wishes rewind it grants dreams, the only catch is if you were to remove the ring you would die.” I pondered my position, remembering my previous dream. Was that what I dreamt for myself? Not knowing what I was, but knowing that I was powerful? Realizing that knowing in this case wasn’t necessary, only being, I bought the ring. As I put it on, my body shifted to the same Eldridge form from the previous dream, and in the void of my mind I saw a code. One that has only been used in my journal so I may hide my secrets in plain sight and only share them with those I see fit. When I woke up, I forgot what the encrypted message was and I don’t think I’ll ever see it again (my bad). [At some point, I’ll draw the ring and put it here]
Ok, my bad, but this is the only one that I can’t describe in detail. I remember the part in my perspective better. Speaking of, This one starts from the perspective of an astronaut in a space station with about 11 other people. Something happened, it turns into a murder mystery. Some sleuthing happens, some drones malfunction, and one of the crew is found stuffing a bloody fur suit into a desk drawer so the case is solved. It wasn’t the person hiding evidence, it was the now dead furry! (Ignore the other dirty fur suits hidden in and under the desk) Now is when it stops feeling like a normal dream. The perspective changes to an observation deck overlooking a test chamber with a UFO looking space pod on four thin legs. Someone out of frame says to take them out of the simulation. After a scientist pulls a lever, he pod quickly rockets up from the concrete floor of the test chamber into the ceiling, scratching a large hole into and through it. Soon after it became airborne, it falls to the ground as quickly as it rose. once it lands, a panel opens letting the crew from the previous part of the dream out into the test chamber painted to look as if it’s outside. They’re treated like heroes? Last change in perspective for this dream, I swear. I look around a concrete building as I enter it, I know it’s an office building but I can’t help but notice that the whole place is built like an underground prison. Walking around I find the cafeteria, and while it really isn’t helping fend off the prison allegations, it was early and I didn’t get to eat. Most of the food was self served, except for meats and desserts. Fine, what’s wrong with human interaction? As I got my food though, I realized I couldn’t recognize a pattern, and of course I investigated (plus I could get some dessert out of my side quest). I got in line, where the person in front of me was taking forever to order. As I started to grow impatient, I noticed that people in the line were being treated differently than others, and it wasn’t by gender or race, but I could tell it was something different about how the people who were serving the food were looking at some people and how they treated them. Minutes pass. I grew impatient. I asked if I could order a small premade cake while they figure out what to order, because if this takes much longer I could be late to the meeting I was there for. the previously smiling worker turned and looked at me out of anger and annoyance, snapping at me to wait my turn and that I was lucky she was even considering not giving me any food at all for daring to talk to her out of turn. I was reasonably confused, and the people behind me began to look tired, some leaving the line. After i got my dessert, I ate thinking to myself that I needed to do something about this place. [I will also make a sketch of the UFO thing at one point, that’ll probably go here]
Now for the ones that have been randomly coming up.
They usually start in a remote warehouse similar to the big empty ones you see in animated Batman shows, but you can’t see either end as a large anthropomorphic animal (typically some kind of commonly known predator. Cat, wolf, goat, you get the idea). The large Beast speaks to a figure, bathing in the only light in the room. They mostly talk about the typical consumer and how the raising costs of living is at an all time high, and how someone like them should be more than willing to hire more workers, paying them their fair wages or lowering the cost of things people need to live. The figure runs into the darkness away from the Beast, until they are too tired to keep running. The Beast appears before them, looking down, pitting the poor fool. One cannot out run this creature in a realm of itself, nor can run from the consequences of their actions. The Beast offers to make a deal with the figure, “Do your part in fixing the natural order of man and corporation, and I won’t have to do it for you. You are not a necessary cog in machine you created, and no one will cry if you were to say, disappear.” Each figure would have their response, but it always ends the same. Either they agree and fix their part of the system, or are consumed by the Beast, never to be seen, heard, or thought of again. [I might try to draw this, but I am no artist. If I do try, it might be here, but don’t count on me sharing] If I continue to talk about this, I might make a tag for it, but we’ll see.
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raenparade · 2 years
08/12 - Undergrad vs Postgrad Experiences
I was diagnosed after I had already graduated from my bachelors, so while for most of my third year I was pretty sure I had ADHD, I wasn’t able to articulate this or have access to resources up until now. I’ve only been doing my masters for a few months, but how I’m feeling when I compare the two is like night and day. Granted, Covid probably has a significant role to play in this as it shaped almost all of the latter half of my first university experience. 
For a bit of background context, I never really struggled in school, homework and things I had to do purely by myself were different. I enjoyed the structure school provided, and I loved to learn. I found pretty much every subject at least somewhat interesting, even if I couldn’t always understand. I had to go to school, and I was terrified of being told off, so I could keep my fidgeting to a minimum with it mostly manifesting as doodles in the margins of my exercise books. At every parents’ evening it was pretty much the same: delight to have in class, engaging if not the teensiest bit disruptive (not intentionally) but could be a bit more organised, especially with homework. I’ve heard the phrase ‘you need to apply yourself’ dozens of times, but I never knew what it meant, I don’t think I do now. Apply myself to what, an institution? 
I got okay grades and got into Sixth Form. Structure was pretty much the same as in the same school I’d been in for half a decade at that point. I had free periods that I would mostly spend doing more work, since the environment was suitable for it. Parents took me to all my other activities, things were the same. Still a bit shit with homework, but could be worse.
Took quite a tumble when I got to university. Initially it was great - I went to every lecture, every seminar, eager to learn and absorb as much information as I could. I made friends on my course and outside of it. I didn’t do too much with societies, but found a lot of people around me who I still care about now. Looking back I realised it was mostly adrenaline responsible for keeping me afloat. I was excited, stimulated to be somewhere totally new, with new experiences and opportunities at my fingertips. 
Second term of first year I started to feel myself shift, but not too much. I did everything! A lot of it at the last minute, sure, but it wasn’t too different to my educational escapades before, nothing to really reflect on.
Second year crashed, and the third year burned. I was excited to get to work on a group project, working with others being a core component of the animation industry. I knew having others to rely on and in turn being relied on to do work was a good motivator. I did feel a sense of inadequacy compared to my peers, but I wanted to create more than that so I fought through it. However, when the lockdown happened back in March 2020, momentum was ripped from me completely. I had to go home, I had to work. There was no way I was going to be able to work on a film. 
I want to say I don’t hold any grudge towards anyone, aside from whatever outside forces led to the pandemic happening, I suppose. My lecturers did everything to make it easier for us, and I passed! I just couldn’t pick any of that momentum back up in third year. I felt stunted, unable to really do anything. I hated online lectures, as the lack of tangibility meant I’d rather just be sad and lay in bed all day. I couldn’t go into my building to work much, and even if I could, no one else was there. I just wasn’t having a good time.
Do I think that if I’d had my diagnosis earlier, been medicated earlier, third year would’ve been better? Maybe! I don’t know, that’s something I won’t ever get to know. I’m grateful for my experiences and it’s been able to show me what I can achieve now, in comparison. 
Changing courses, doing illustration instead of animation has given me that sense of something new that I loved when I started my undergrad. While I know my building very well, I’m working in a new studio that I didn’t have access to before, with new lecturers and coursemates to bounce off of. Everything is in person, but still super accessible. Having access to specific disability advice and having gained confidence in myself has helped massively, too.
I feel like now I have more tools at my disposal to work with my disability, and not constantly be fighting against it. Sure, sometimes I do wish I wasn’t as scattered or forgetful as my peers. It sure would be nice to do a task I’ve been putting off for weeks that I know will only take five minutes - when I should’ve originally done it! But that’s not the card I was dealt, and I’ve learnt to live with it. Coming to realise that I won’t have all the answers right away is hard, given the lack of time perception, but I’m doing so much better than I ever thought I would.
Really looking forward to writing my proposal, though. I need something new. 
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