#grapefruit prompt
monsterkinkmeme · 2 years
To a hive-like alien race, polyamory is the norm. As such, they have a rather shaky grasp of the concept of "cheating", as they find it bizarre to begin with that humans only limit themselves to a single mate.
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rowenabean · 2 years
sometimes patients tell you something and you're like OH I KNOW THIS ONE IT'S AN EXAM QUESTION
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PROMPT: Vampire/Monster Steve, Eddie & Billy can only run free around Hawkins IN for so long before the white coats in Hawkin’s Lab get curious. Little do the boys know, their time running free is coming to a end very soon.
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CHARACTERS: Steve Harrington | Eddie Munson | Billy Hargrove | US Scientists
TROPE/KINK TAGS: Monster AU | Experiment | Torture | Blood | Forced To Kill | Vampire | Undead
RATING: Lemon | Grapefruit | Dead Dove Do Not Eat
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atlasifyllm · 2 years
always get an outsider perspective on your work bc me and my buddy (yellow heart emoji) were talking about what ice cream flavor the paladins would be and they were SO SMART saying pomegranate for ruby
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theinnerunderrain · 5 months
"Venus, planet of love was destroyed by global warming" [Yandere! Emperor x Fem! Princess Reader x Yandere! Empress]
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Warnings/tags : Yandere themes, mentions of war and violence, minor character death, historical, coercion, suggestive themes.
Notes: I might write a part 2 for this but it'll be a lot darker and have more suggestive (adult) themes!
The Empress of the Solis Imperium was renowned as the most noble woman on the entire continent.
As a mere princess from a neighboring region, you had the privilege of catching sight of the empress at a few royal occasions. A single meeting was all it took for you to deem her the most noble woman you had ever encountered. Every step she took, every breath she drew, every movement she made exuded nothing but elegance. She was a true epitome of beauty. You were a mere whisper of a presence from a distant land, with no power or wealth to rival hers. So, it was almost inevitable when the Solis Imperium chose to seize your country, the invasion heralded by the clash of swords and gunfire under the dreary cover of a rainy dawn. Startled from sleep, your mother hastily draped an overcoat over your nightgown, her urgent gestures propelling you down the dimly lit hallway.
As you followed closely behind your mother, shouts echoed around you, growing louder with each step. Suddenly, a deafening gunshot pierced the air, and you watched in horror as blood began to seep from your mother's back.
Her startled scream filled the hallway as she crumpled to the floor. Dropping to her side, you tried desperately to help, but before you could do anything, imperial knights caught up to you. Their strong grip tore you away from your wailing mother. You couldn't remember what happened next, only seeing another soldier approach her before darkness enveloped you, the last sound echoing in your mind being your mother's cries.
Upon waking, expecting to find yourself in a dark dungeon surrounded by eerie creatures and chains weighing down your wrists, you were instead greeted by the comfort of a soft bed and the sensation of clean, new clothes against your skin. A maid stood beside your bed, busily preparing a warm cup of tea. As she noticed you were awake, she turned to you with a gentle smile, her expression tender and welcoming.
"Ah, you're awake," she exclaimed softly, a look of relief crossing her face. "I was worried, as the young miss has been asleep for a few days now."
You tried to reply but only managed a soft cough, prompting the maid to hand you the cup of tea. You hesitated, staring at the warm liquid, its bright orange hue inviting yet unfamiliar. Taking a cautious sip, you were pleasantly surprised by its flavor—a delightful blend of grapefruit with a hint of honey.
"It must be delicious! It was recommended by the empress, after all," the maid remarked with a smile, her eyes bright with anticipation of your reaction. You nodded in response, taking another sip and feeling the warmth of the tea soothing your sore throat.
The maid continued speaking, her voice gentle yet urgent. "Ah, perhaps I shouldn't be distracting you so much. Please wait here; I must inform the empress." With that, she hurried out of the room, leaving you alone once more with your thoughts and the weight of the news you had just received.
Before you could stop her to ask more questions, the maid hurriedly left the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You stared at the now empty cup of tea, trying to process everything that had just occurred. A war had broken out, your kingdom invaded, your mother attacked, and an imperial knight had apprehended you. Your family, your people, your knights—all gone. They were gone, gone, gone. Your stomach twisted at the thoughts, a wave of nausea rising as if you were about to vomit. Dropping the empty cup of tea into your lap, you buried your head in your hands, overwhelmed by the realization that you might be the only one left alive. The weight of survivor's guilt bore down on you as you thought, "I should have died too."
As the door creaked open, you were startled from your reverie, looking up to behold the empress entering the room. Your eyes widened in awe, but you swiftly composed yourself, offering a slight bow despite your bedridden state.
"Ah, you're awake. I was quite worried for you," the empress remarked, gracefully making her way to sit beside your bed. Her smile was soft yet elegant, accentuating her features. Her mahogany blonde hair was artfully pinned behind her ears, and she was dressed in a flowing pastel gown that emphasized her regal presence. Her piercing blue eyes, filled with concern yet there was an oddness of madness behind them, met yours, and you felt a wave of reassurance wash over you in her presence.
"It must have been shocking to awaken to such violence. I offer my sincere apologies for the loss of your kingdom and family," the empress continued, her voice filled with genuine sympathy.
You couldn't help but feel a wave of sickness wash over you, knowing that she was partially responsible for the decision to invade your land. Despite this, you remained silent, listening to her words. She reached out and gently took hold of your hands, her fingers adorned with a silky white glove.
"Yet, you are still a princess, and we cannot simply discard you like an expendable commoner," the empress said, her tone laced with a mixture of sympathy and detachment.
You wanted to scoff at the irony of her words, to scream and claw at her flawless facade. Her excuses and lies flowed effortlessly, masking the truth with each elegant syllable. If her words held any weight, they would have spared your elder brother, who possessed far more knowledge and capability than you. Yet, they chose to spare you, knowing you lacked the charm, power, or influence to pose any threat.
"Given your tender age, my husband—or the emperor, in this case—has decided to position you as a concubine. Doesn't that sound wonderful?" she asked, her voice laced with a deceptive sweetness. As her thumb tenderly stroked against your palm, the scent of roses invaded your senses.
"Your only responsibility is to produce an heir. Many do not know this, but it is difficult for the emperor and me to conceive."
Your mouth instantly went dry at her words, and you stared at her with wide eyes, your lips parting slightly in disbelief. Yet, her expression remained sweet and unchanging, despite your obvious discomfort.
"Haha, don't stare at me like that. You're acting as if we're sending you to war," she teased, reaching to push a stray strand of hair behind your ear. A wave of heat washed over you, beads of sweat forming on your forehead, contrasting with the empress's cold hand against your skin. Your head began to throb, and your limbs felt heavy and weak.
"Ah, the tea must be setting in now," the empress commented, her tone nonchalant as she observed your discomfort.
The tea? The tea that the maid had served you earlier. You realized, with a sinking feeling, that it must have been laced with something to induce this sudden weakness and disorientation. Panic began to rise within you as you struggled to maintain consciousness, your thoughts racing as you tried to make sense of the situation. The empress gently pushed you back onto the bed until your head rested against the pillow. As she stood up, her beautiful face left a lasting impression in your blurry vision.
"Rest up now, my dear. You have many long days ahead of you," she said, her voice fading as darkness overtook your senses, and you slipped into unconsciousness.
Upon awakening, the gravity of the empress's words became apparent. You were swiftly ushered into a bath, attended by servants who scrubbed your skin and combed your hair with oils. Their ministrations were firm yet gentle, leaving no marks but providing a discomfort that hinted at the magnitude of your new reality. After the bath, you were clothed in a dress of beige hue, its fabric exquisite and embellished with intricate floral patterns and delicate frills. It was a garment of elegance and refinement, a stark contrast to the simple attire of your past, serving as a poignant symbol of the profound changes in your life.
After the servants had prepared you, you were ushered into a grand dining hall to have breakfast with the empress and emperor. You were seated directly across from the empress, her forever sweet smile lighting up the room, while the emperor sat at the head of the table. A lavish spread awaited you, with stacks of food including soup, bread, chicken, and vibrant fruits laid out before you. However, your attention was drawn to the two rulers. It was your first time being in such close proximity to the emperor. In contrast to the empress, his hair was as dark as the night, and his eyes were a soft shade of teal, giving him a more reserved and colder aura compared to the warm presence of the empress. He appeared to be five or six years older than the empress, meaning he was approximately ten years older than you, nearing his forties.
"Princess [First Name]."
The resonant timbre of the emperor's voice momentarily broke your reverie, prompting you to look up at him, your hands instinctively fidgeting with your dress beneath the table.
"I apologize for the delayed greeting, as my duties have demanded much of my time," he began, his tone measured and formal. "Allow me to express my deepest condolences for the tragedy that befell your land. May your family rest in peace."
His words, though seemingly sincere, lacked the warmth and empathy that would have provided true solace. It was evident that his expression of sympathy was more a matter of protocol than genuine compassion for the plight of your small nation. You forced a smile, though it failed to reach the corners of your eyes.
"Ah, thank you so much for your kindness and sincerity," you replied, the words tasting bitter on your tongue.
You thanked them, though it was for nothing. Certainly not for the loss of your family and people. Not for the seizure of your land and the imposition of a life that felt like being a doll in the hands of a capricious child. The emperor nodded at your words before continuing, delicately cutting into a piece of chicken with a silver fork that appeared to be worth a small fortune.
"You are most welcome. I trust that the empress has explained your duties here within our nation?"
You replied with a hint of hesitation, savoring a sip of the soup before you. Its delightful flavors and comforting warmth brought to mind the soups your mother used to lovingly prepare for you during times of illness. The emperor appeared pleased with your response, his gaze thoughtful as he studied your face. A small, knowing smile graced his lips before he nodded in acknowledgment.
"Excellent. Then you'll be well prepared for what lies ahead," he remarked, his tone carrying a sense of reassurance or you had hope for it to be reassurance. As he reclined in his chair, the empress's smile remained fixed upon you. Despite your efforts, you couldn't help but feel a tinge of worry seep down your spine as you tried to decipher their expressions, hoping to unveil the true emotions hidden behind their masks. However, their faces revealed no clues, leaving you with a sense of uncertainty.
"We are excited to welcome you. Your duties will officially begin today."
Perhaps this new chapter wouldn't be as dreadful as you had imagined. Maybe, if you were to make a mistake, it would hasten your reunion with your family. On the other hand, serving the emperor and empress might not be so terrible.
At least, that's what you hoped.
However, a strange feeling began to form at the pit of your stomach, planting seeds of doubt within you.
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mad-maximoff · 7 months
We Met Again
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Part 2 of When We Met since y’all asked so damn much! I just hope this one doesn't get censored too😅
Summary: You were on a 6-month-long mission with Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes only to come back to the compound and face Wanda.
Warnings: G!P reader, angst, making out, unprotected sex, ejaculation , soft sex turned rough, hair-pulling, breaking the bed (literally😂),
Word Count: 3,702
Prt 1 Here
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"Welcome back Y/n, how was your little adventure with the boys?" Kate Bishop stood behind the bar making herself a pink alcoholic slush of some sort. You were covered in dirt and soot from head to toe. You just got off a mission with Sam and Bucky. You were in Egypt going about looking for a highly classified terrorist ring. Thankfully you got to them before they started their reign. 
"Adventure my ass. I slept on the dirt while the boys slept in cozy beds like princesses. I tell you what I need is a shower and to take a well-deserved dirt nap in a real bed." You threw your weapons on the table halting at a chair and flinging off your boots. "I'll clean this shit up later Kat, I've been waiting for this." You turned to see Kate pouring herself a tall misshapen glass full of pink slush. "Sure thing Y/n, you and I are the only ones here I think. You want the rest?" She licked the side of her glass where she spilt. "Why not, might help me crash harder." You reached around Kate grabbing the whole blender. There was more than a mouthful left. You thought maybe it was strawberry daiquiri, so you thought nothing of it and chugged it. The first sip made you gag.
"Jesus Christ Bishop! Paloma? Really? What are you 40? You've been around Potts too long. Good lord.." You hated tequila, especially grapefruit. You polished it off not backing down leaving it on a table in the middle of the hallway. You knew there were empty beds not touched by any of the other Avengers. Basically new. It was funny really. Everything to you looked new but it was just the same as the last time you were down this hallway. Maybe it looked new because the last time you were here you were drunk with your pants around your ankles. Come to think of it. That table was new. You pivoted around noticing the table on further inspection. You saw a crack along the wall. Oh yeah, you remember. That was the spot. The spot where you and Wanda...
You remember where her room was. You remember you crashed there after you both finished your fun in the hall. Curiosity killed the cat. You noticed the door was slightly cracked allowing light to shine through. But it was almost midnight, it wasn't natural light. It was from a light. Is she there? Did she forget to turn off the lights? Maybe. You pondered. Kate did say after all you two were the two here so it was bound she forgot. It's a common mistake. 
You tip-toed over to her room letting your fingers creep through the part between the door and the wall slightly allowing the length of your fingers to pry the door a bit more. Your strength got the hold of you as it flung open. Wanda was sitting at the edge of her bed in her room, with her leg raised to lean her elbow on her knee, underneath her chin. 
"Kate honey I told you for the third time today. We can drink and watch Sex and The City tomorrow. I don't feel up to it." She huffed watching the news. Her brows were furrowed, her eyes darting back and forth watching the live footage of whatever catastrophe happened. "So you're the one drinking Palomas huh?" You leaned in the door frame crossing your arms. You had to laugh. You never thought she was a cocktail girl. Though..you never thought she was the kind to give blowjobs either but you were surprised by both.
"Oh..it's you...no I don't drink that shit. She found Tony's recipe book for Pepper and his date nights and she's drinking like a fish...When did you come back to the States?" She was genuinely surprised to see me. Her leg fell from where it was prompted. Wanda stood up walking the length of her bedframe around to meet you.
You were shocked also. Maybe she wasn't showing yet? You swore you thought you'd come home and find her pregnant but unless she's super athletic or has it hidden she doesn't look like she's expecting.
"Ah 30 minutes ago. Um..stupid question.." You scratched your head looking down at Wanda then back up at her eyes. She laughed standing in front of you. Her hand reached to your cheek whipping the loose dirt from your undereye. 
"Haha no! Unfortunately, I'm not pregnant. I don't know how. I always thought that first tries always work. I even helped you out a bit." 
"Unfortunately? You wanted me to get you pregnant? Are you insane? You don't even know me and you want kids from me! I'm too young to have a family! Even with my powers...let alone, what gives you the right to choose for me!" You broke her hand away backing away. You had to leave or else there'll be bigger cracks in the wall. 
"Y/n please, I never meant to hurt you. I just got confused that's all. You were so nice to me and after I lost Vis 2 times and lost my boys I just felt you comforted me. That's all." Wanda reached again grasping your bicep. You pulled away again this time hitting the wood casing around the frame with your elbow. The wood casing flew off behind you hitting the hallway floor.
"No! Don’t you dare touch me! All you cared about was yourself! Just because someone showed you comfort doesn't mean you let them cum inside you, Wanda! That's really fucked up! I'm sorry you lost your family but you can't just use me to play house!" You growled noticing your rage was becoming the better of you. Wanda through your eyes was becoming tiny. Her body language was making her small. Curling her fingers into the sleeves of her black cardigan, crossing her arm over to her elbow. She looked down at her bare feet letting out a shakey breath.
"I'm really sorry Y/n...I don't know what I was thinking. I've been so used to having people around me. That it feels weird to be by myself." Wanda's head was bowed letting her newly brown hair almost cover her head. A tiny tear ran down her blushed cheek wiping it away quickly.
All you saw was red. Not by Wanda's magic. But for some reason, you were enraged. How could you be this angry over something you fully did with Wanda 6 months ago? Maybe you do have a tiny bit of an anger problem. Little? In this case, that's an understatement. 
You huffed feeling the hot pressure on your chest cool down to your stomach. You think seeing Wanda so visibly upset may have broken your cross attitude. 
"Get used to it, Wanda." You had to storm off. If the conversation got any more heated; one of you was going to end up in a wall. And it was most likely going to be you. Maybe I'm just tired. Maybe if I get some sleep and a good shower I can speak to her more clearly. 
You thought gliding to one of the newly furnished rooms. 
Each room had its own bathroom. Tony is a playboy so obviously the bathroom was soundproof. The entire compound was all technology so a press of a button and the bedroom could be soundproof. You didn't need that tonight. You wished there was a switch to soundproof your head. 
How could I snap like that? I haven't done that in years! What the hell was I thinking to begin with?! You felt like you could stand under the hot water for hours. It took two layers of body wash just to scrub away the dirt from your body and finally feel human. Maybe you were scrubbing off your anger with it in a sense. You had your little outbursts but this one almost made you black out. Your lofa scraped at your skin furiously, leaving little imprints everywhere. Your back flexed in the mirror examining your clean body. Your hips were women but your shoulders and torso were the shape of a man. You had average-sized breasts. They were nothing special, they were nice to look at but nothing that could turn any heads. Perhaps you could say they were bigger than average but you never noticed.
You got out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around your waistbone, as you inhaled walking to the foot of your bed your v-line showed every breath you took. You thought if someone was to walk in it would be less surprising seeing you topless instead of bottomless. 
"Fuck...you got buff little one.." You gasped in fright hearing Wanda's quiet voice coming from the chair hidden next to the wall. Wanda's makeup was smeared all over her under her eyes. She was sniffling back what little tears she produced. She was crying heavily, using the sleeves of her cardigan. "What the fuck do you want now? Can't you see I'm busy? I'm not giving in to your mind games." You turned to face your back to her loosening the towel from your waist to dry your legs. You reached around putting on a pair of boxer briefs. You heard a creek come from the corner of your room knowing Wanda got up. Her bare feet were quiet on the hardwood but not quiet enough for you to hear. 
"No mind games Y/n. I-I...wanted to apologize...you were right. I need to start learning how to be on my own. I deserve to be alone. I shouldn't have let you do those things to me." She held back a cry making her eyes gloss over. 
"Hey, I didn't mean it like that. I was actually going to apologize to you. I don't know what came over me. I lost my temper too quickly. I haven't done that in years. I shouldn't have taken it out on you." Your hands lifted Wanda's chin to look at you, letting all of her hair fall back behind her shoulders. She looked like a baby raccoon. It was cute but you felt awful that she was crying because of you. "I'm so sorry Wanda." Wanda's hands placed around your hips, sliding herself closer to your body. You pulled her in deeper holding her close. Her head rested on your shoulder letting her finish her cries. Your hands caressed her skull, intertwining with her locs. 
"It's okay..please, please stop crying. You're making me feel worse." You sat her down on the foot of the bed still massaging Wanda's head. She buried her face in your chest noticing her sobs being muffled into silent sniffles. One of your hands dropped placing it on her chest, directly on top of her heart. Her beats were rapid on the first touch, but once you dragged your fingertips along her skin she settled. Your other hand finally dropped rubbing her spine. She was frail in comparison to your body. Every muscle you flexed made it seem more apparent. 
"Thank you," she sniffled, using her sleeve to wipe away her stained makeup. "Thank you very much Y/n. I feel like sometimes I can just go off the handle." Wanda wiped another tear with her sleeve again, the tears glossed in her eyes and made her pupils sparkle as she looked so passionately into your eyes. 
"It's fine Wanda. We all go off the handle some days. I did it on you earlier. We just need to relax a little. The both of us." 
                             ╳°»。 ∾・⁙・ ღ ➵ ⁘ ➵ ღ ・⁙・∾ 。«°╳
You and Wanda laid down together in silence. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence however, it felt somehow to you a healing silence. You two didn’t need to talk, that’s what got you two into shit before. Just cuddling together. Wanda laid her head on your bare chest. You threw on a random stupid movie on TV, it was one of those goofy movies that two dudes probably smoked a joint and started filming. You didn’t like it; Wanda found it comical. She’d laugh at the slightest action or joke. 15 minutes later however she was silent. You peered down checking up on her. Her eyes fluttered, she was falling asleep. You twitched which made her jump. 
“Jesus…what’s happened?” She whispered. I knew she fell asleep for a moment. You could hear it in her tone. Groggy and low. 
“Nothing sorry. My leg just spasmed. It’s okay, you can go back to sleep.” Your hand ran down Wanda's thigh. Her skin was soft just like you remembered. 
“Shut up, I wasn't sleeping.” She giggled rolling her head the other way. 
“Oh I'm sorry, I just saw the stucco on the ceiling coming apart so I thought you were snoring.” You joked.
“Fuck off!” She laughed sitting up on your lap. “I do not snore!” Her hands grasped a fist full of your bare breasts in either hand. It felt good to be handled again. As soon as her hands touched you that way, you instantly felt you were getting hard. It wasn't an embarrassment any longer. You had another one-night encounter after Wanda that made feel 10x better about your appearance. 
“No, that's just loudly humming in your sleep isn't it?” Your hands tightened around her hips slowly moving them back and forth. Wanda sucked air through her teeth letting a little gasp. "Ohh-stop!" She laughed biting her lower lip. "You want something else don't you detka?" Her dress grazed the front of your boxers, just to tease you. 
"Perhaps. This time, it's on my terms. This time." Your hands pushed down on Wanda's thighs rubbing your forming bludge on the fabric of her panties. Her brows raised, turning her cheeks into a rose colour. "Really? Would you still want to? Even after everything I did?..."  
“Of course.” You freed your hands from her thighs, swishing a strand of her hair away from her face looking into her emerald eyes. She giggled again looking down at your chest. “You’re tits are huge Y/n.” Wanda’s hands clutched my full chest. "I don't think I saw them last time." She squeezed each handful. You whinced with her nails digging into your skin. 
"Ha! Well, I hope you remember something else's size." You joked lightly tugging at your boxers. “Hmm..I think I definitely need a refresher.” Wanda tugged the hem of her dress; pulling it over her head as her arms whisked it to the floor. Wanda’s hands jerked at the elastic band around your hips. Your fairly large erection greeted both of you with a fair shock as it bounced its way to freedom. “Oh yes, I remember now.” Her tongue folded against the tops of her teeth. Your hands held a firm grip on either side of Wanda’s panties ripping them off. “Seems you don’t need this huh?” She giggled letting out a small whimper. “Fuck-…can we stop all this talking Y/n? I really need you.” Your fingers trailed along her mound going further in her slit. Her inner core was silk. Your finger slipped inside effortlessly. Her little sounds became more low. “Oh…g-god.” Her head dropped down making her lips lay on mine. "Stop fucking teasing me..." She groaned as her teeth bit the bottom of my lip. "Okay, you asked for it." You flipped Wanda onto her back. The bed's feet raised as the bed made a thump. "Did you want condoms?" 
"N-no. No, Wanda, I can pull out." You bent down locking your lips with hers again. "Haha..sure, sure you can Y/n." Wanda's eyes glowed red again briefly. "Fuck no more games. Just let me fuck you by myself." Your fingers slid between Wanda's folds before slipping your cock inside. She gasped curling her fingers into the sheets. Your hands planted on the mattress on either side of Wanda's head. She uncurled her fingers from the bedsheets, moving them around your wrists. Her breaths were choppy trying to get ahold. You thought she looked so beautiful underneath you, the way her skin naturally glowed, her pearly white smile chewing her bottom lip, the way she looked at you. Not in a loving way just yet, in an adoring way? A needing way. 
"Go on. Keep making those pretty sounds for me, sweetheart." Your hips dove in feeling her walls coating you effortlessly. Wanda’s whines grew deafening, her eyes did not stop turning shades of red. 
“Oh shit…y/n…uh-…” Wanda's head rolled back on the mattress. Dropping her jaw open. You began to thrust with a heavy pace. Becoming quick with every moan that escaped Wanda’s lips. The bed frame formed a squeaking noise with each pump into the brunette. Wanda’s leg had a hard time trying to stay afloat around your hips, slipping every movement you two shared. You stopped pulling out briefly. 
“What-..Y/n? Why did stop?! Continuă…” Wanda cried out allowing her hands to fall scratching your biceps. “I will, don't worry. Go flip on your stomach, on your knees and bend over.” Wanda sighed a sly smile flipping onto her knees, arching her back letting her chest lay on the mattress. She glanced over her shoulder with her hair covering her face. Your hand traced her temple softly, leading your fingers into the brunette's long strands. Grasping a fistful of Wanda’s hair. You peered down watching your cock twitch in anticipation with Wanda’s ass sway in the same feeling of suspense. Your other hand grasped Wanda’s thigh sliding your shaft back into her slick folds. 
“Oh…fuck-” Wanda sucked air through her teeth tilting her head down with your hand still tight on her hair. You did begin to thrust slowly as you once did, you began to ram yourself deeply inside the witch as though you were pushing through air. Wanda's hand gave out mid-pump landing on her chest. Her hands gripped the bedsheets as she tried to move her head to a more comfortable spot. "Fuck...you have such a nice ass." You twisted Wanda's hair around your knuckles applying a forceful tug. Her head raised leaving a spot of drool on the sheets. "Uh-huh!" Wanda's head cocked further to watch you. Your hand jerked the fistful of Wanda's hair pulling her hair as hard as you could muster without ripping all of her hair out entirely. Her body lifted off the mattress onto her knees. Her back pressed on your chest laying her head on your shoulder. "Oh god!...Shit!" Your wrist could not take it anymore, you let go of Wanda's hair allowing it to fall behind your shoulder. Your hand relaxed on Wanda's thigh attaching every finger around the softest part of her leg. Wanda's arm flung around your throat holding herself up. "Shit...I'm going to cum..." Wanda's moans were silent as she took a small breath. "Huh? Good baby...me too." You sighed out feeling yourself climbing higher and higher up to your point of no return. "Do it Y/n." Wanda used her knees bouncing her body against you. 
"Do what Wand?" You groaned in her ear smelling her sweet perfume sweat off onto you. "Cum in me...please..." Her cheek heated on yours as you felt her jaw lock open not letting another sound out. "Y-you sure? I don't know." You did not want to take that chance again, you had some rendezvous with a certain green bulky woman in Egypt, knowing you mastered your craft of pulling out. If you did not get her pregnant 6 months ago, hell, you couldn't do it again right? 
"F-fine...you want me to cum inside you huh?" You huffed tightening your grip on Wanda's thighs, the wooden bedframe continued to rattle. The frame began to bell out with your knees ready to cave. "Yes! Yes!" 
"Yes, what?" 
"Cum inside me Y/n! Fill me!" Wanda's voice shrieked out letting go of a low-toned moan. "Oh god! I'm cumming!" Wanda grasped firmly on your neck vibrating her entire body. Her eyes glow red tracing red mists around both of your bodies. "Fuck!" The pressure within you exploded, you could not think if it was you that came or if Wanda had some help to speed it up. You felt your cock throb spewing out your cum in the witch. She tried her best to make her body stay still, her thighs would not stop fidgeting. You bucked your knees forward to have Wanda fall on her stomach as you fell with her. The bedframe finally gave way as the mattress hit the floor. You both hit a thump, Wanda chuckled under your body softly as she took a quick breath. "Well, shit. How do you expect to explain this to Tony?" 
"We'll blame Kate," You sighed wiping a bead of sweat from your brow. "She got too drunk and we found her jumping on the bed. Agreed?" 
"Agreed detka. Let's get out of here. We can go to my room." You arose to see the bedposts still standing but the wood beams holding the bed just fell. "Well, this was a great welcome back." You stretched out your arms above your head hearing the cracks of your shoulder blades. "I'd say so." You stood up from the mattress whisking your boxers off the floor. 
"Y/n? You don't need those." Wanda sat up on her knees running her hands through her hair. You bent over as you picked Wanda up by her thighs and wrapped them around your waist. "Haha! I sure do. I don't want to scare Kate if we run into her." You took hefty strides over to the bedroom door, making your way down the hall to Wanda's room. Wanda draped her hands around your neck giving a sly little smile as she looked over her shoulder. Her wrist flicked a red mist, you witnessed the red mist run down the staircase doing nothing after it left the stairs. "There. She won't bug us. I put her to sleep for the night. Now, we can have more fun." 
"Good. Let's hope I don't break your bed this time." 
"Well, don't promise that. I'd love you to ruin me." Her finger traced along your jaw down your throat. "Ask, and you shall receive." 
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unboundprompts · 4 months
im not sure if you've done this already or not, but prompts for hot pink/magenta-ish eyes?
Different Ways to Describe Pink/Magenta Eyes
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
He had eyes like cupid's arrows, pricked with hearts and the intention to make you fall in love.
Her eyes were a sunset, when the sun was low in the sky and the clouds were washed in pinks and purples.
Their eyes were the same color as the growing blush that stretched across their cheeks, matched by their pink lips and genuine smile.
His eyes were a bright pink, like she was staring into a mirror and the only color she saw reflected back at her was that of love.
Her eyes were the same color as the bubble gum she chewed. They watched her blow a bright pink bubble that burst over her lips.
They had eyes like the strawberry ice cream he loved so much.
His eyes were two large, sweet grapefruits.
She had eyes the same shade as the coral dress she wore.
Their eyes made her think of the sky at dawn, clouds of pink and orange stretching across the lavender sky.
She had noticed that his eyes were an unusual pink color, but she was more aware that he had been glancing at her lips as they spoke.
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slytherinshua · 9 months
genre. fluff. warnings. kissing. pairing. anton x fem!reader. wc. 1k. a/n. @eternalgyu here's ur anton delusions <3
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“I have a present for you!” You said excitedly, pushing Anton’s back towards your bedroom.
“What is it? Should I be scared?” He looked back at you, bewildered, but still allowed you to drag him towards the bedroom door.
“Why would you be scared? It’s cute, I promise.” You reassured him, pulling out a gift box from the closet and setting it on the bed. Anton sat down beside you, peering curiously at the medium sized blue wrapped box.
“It’s not even my birthday…” He mumbled with a laugh, picking up the box.
“Just open it!” You urged him, getting impatient to see his reaction to the cute present you had picked out at the store earlier.
Anton was soft and pure, so warm and gentle to everyone and everything that he didn’t even know how to raise his voice. He probably couldn’t even hurt an ant. Knowing this, you should’ve predicted that he would be the type to unwrap the present slowly and carefully to make sure the wrapping paper didn’t rip. He picked at the tape that was holding the paper together carefully until it separated from the box. 
It was a little endearing to watch, but also tested your patience even further. You were so excited to see his reaction and to see him use the present that you could barely think of anything else. But one of the things that had improved once you had started dating Anton was your patience, so you sat and waited as he unwrapped the present at his own pace. 
“You’re making me nervous by staring so hard.” He laughed shyly, his cheeks flushed as he finally slid the wrapping paper off the box, successfully saving its form without ripping it so it could be reused on another occasion. 
“I can’t miss your reaction.” You muttered, leaning even closer to stare even harder which caused both of you to giggle. 
The anticipation in the room was probably absurdly high for the occasion, but something about this little gift that you had gotten for him on a whim was exhilarating for both of you. You may have just been in your crappy small apartment, the lights dimmed to save electricity and the space running a little colder to save on the heating bill, but it still felt like it was one of the most precious moments of your life.
Your boyfriend slid off the lid of the box, revealing the contents of it. His face broke out into a huge smile once he saw what it was, quickly turning to face you again with his excitement. You smiled satisfactorily. This was the reaction you had been anticipating all day.
Anton picked up the set of pyjamas from the box, still admiring them carefully. They were a light green colour with a cute print of brachiosauruses all over in a darker green. When you saw them in the store, you immediately had to buy them for him. There was no way you would be able to leave them hanging on the rack.
“Guess what else?” You prompted. Anton turned to you, humming curiously in response, still holding his pair of pyjamas in his hands.
You pulled out another pair of pyjamas from your dresser drawer and held them up. These ones matched Anton’s, but were pink with triceratopses instead. You grinned and he giggled.
“They’re cute.” He commented, blushing at the thought of matching with you.
Once you were both changed into the comfy new pyjama sets, you settled down to watch a movie which had been your original plan for this evening. Cuddled next to Anton would always be your favourite place to be, tucked comfortably under his arm. He rested his head on top of yours. Your eyes were stuck on the movie screen while his eyes were closed, enjoying the pleasant scent of your hair.
“Did you get new shampoo?” He asked in a whisper, catching your attention enough for you to look up at him.
“Yeah. Is it good?” You smiled up at him, your eyes crinkling slightly— the sight made Anton’s chest feel warm.
“Smells like grapefruit.” He noted, breathing in the scent again, smiling against your hair, his nose buried in it. The feeling made a million butterflies start to dance in your stomach. 
You both focused back on the movie, watching mostly in silence, though sometimes you or Anton would let out soft giggles at something funny in the movie. Time went by quickly and before you knew it the end credits were rolling on the screen. Anton reached over to grab the remote and turn off the screen while you just snuggled deeper into the soft blankets you both were under.
There was a bit of a shift as you both got comfortable and ready for sleeping. You liked to fall asleep in a position that was still close and cuddled up to Anton, but at a distance where you could still look at him for your last whispered conversation before finally falling to the depths of your dreamland.
Anton smiled at you, cheek squished adorably against the pillow, his left hand resting against your waist and tracing the small pink triceratops on the fabric of your pyjama pants.
“Thank you for the present, lovely.”
“They were too cute not to get.” You grinned, eyes closing as tiredness swelled through your body. You loved falling asleep next to Anton, and you could feel the drowsiness taking over quickly.
“Don’t fall asleep yet.” Anton whined softly. You forced your eyes open to catch his pout before they fell shut again.
“Why? I’m tired.” You mumbled.
“You haven’t given me a goodnight kiss yet.”
You laughed softly at his response, “Come get your goodnight kiss then.” 
It didn’t take long for Anton to take you up on your offer, giving you just a small gentle kiss on the lips before settling back down on his pillow.
“I love you.” You whispered to him, teetering on the edge of awakeness and slumber. You fell asleep before you could hear him say it back to you, but those 3 words followed you into your dreams for the night, bringing warmth to your chest and the perfect familiar comfort that was always an effect of Anton.
↳ riize taglist: open!
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purpleandgreen13 · 12 days
Good lord, is it that time of year again? :D Since 2021, Grapefruit Sky SDV server has been creating an Inktober list. Beginnng with the wonderful @buttonso's list back in 2021 and designed by @hannahstumble the event has become a regular in our calendar. This year, we've teamed up with Stardew Valley Fanfic Writers for our prompts along with a couple of other servers.
The great thing about this carefully curated (by me!) list is that it is absolutely 1.6 friendly, but also, SPOILER FREE BABY! So if you haven't played 1.6 yet, this list is perfectly safe to use! :) Please feel free to share far and wide, there is also a dedicated Collection page on AO3 if you want to add your fic there :) AO3 Collection (be patient with me, I've never done this before, but if you need help signing up let me know here :) ) Don't forget, Inktober is not just for writers, it's for everyone! You can do anything you want and you don't have to do it all! Okay, enough of me, here's the list, I'll post it a couple more times until Inktober starts, but have fun! And feel free to share - everywhere! <3
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factorydefaultlu · 1 year
2, 4, and 6 from teh spicy prompt list w luffy.. i beg.. and maybe a captain!reader..
Oh Captain, My Captain
Monkey D. Luffy x GN!Reader
Exhibitionism, drooling, male masturbation, alcohol consumption, guided masturbation
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Luffy didn't exactly have a lot of pirate friends, most saw him as a threat. Not you though, you found his antics particularly adorable and comedic.
Every few months you would meet up with Luffy and catch up over a few drinks. Tonight was no different, Luffy was drinking you under the table as usual
Honestly where does that boy put it?
He's always been a touchy person, but tonight it's more noticeable. Luffy's also been calling you captain every now and then, something he doesn't usually do.
Eventually you decide to bring him back to his ship, he's definitely had too much to drink and is tripping over himself.
As you help him onto the upper deck of the Merry he grips your shoulders, pulling you into a wet kiss.
"I wan' you t' come back t' my cabin wif me." his words are slurred but his eyes are locked on yours. He knows exactly what he's saying.
"Alright, but you do as I say."
Back in his room, you get him to strip his clothes and lay on the bed. You don't bother with your own garments, you just lay on your side next to him.
"Show me how you touch yourself sweet boy."
Luffy whines at your words, but takes ahold of his hardening cock. His hand squeezes the thick shaft and begins pumping his fist. He sighs at the friction and uses his other hand to play with his balls.
He's got a pretty cock that's for sure, thick and uncut, resting nicely below a mound of curly black hair.
It's shocking that he doesn't know just how handsome he is. He already looks so fucked out, a stream of drool already spilling from his lips.
"Good boy, slow your hand down. I wanna see how long you can last."
He whines, but obeys. His hand slows and he smears the sticky precum from the tip over his length.
"I wan' a kiss."
You smile and give in, accepting his wet kisses again. His drool has gathered at the corners of his mouth and you use your tongue to lap it up.
He tastes like tequila and grapefruit, the remnants of his drink of choice.
He whines again as his cock throbs in his fist, and you get and idea.
Reaching your hand up, you command him to spit in your palm. Like the good boy he is, he does as he's told.
You rub the glob of spit between your fingers and let it drip over his cock.
"Fuck your fist for me, baby."
He doesn't need to he told twice, his hips jolt as he fucks his fist. All the drool and precum on his cock makes the most delicious wet sounds.
Luffy is spilling over the edge within a minute, hot ropes of cum spraying on his belly as he cums with a loud moan.
You hope all of your nights out end like this.
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surrogate-fawn · 11 months
Im a fan of #7.
Nesting (Werewolf AU)
Prompt: "The baby feels so low" [Also inspired by @hush-writes-preg's "Spooky Season Day #3" prompt. He can consider this an early birthday gift as well!]
Characters: Fawn, Newt/Asher - Pre-Polly Relationship ((Newt is owned by @mittysins, and Asher is owned by @killer-orca-cosplay.))
Context: This takes place in a modern world where werewolves are common amidst human society. Fawn is a packless Beta who is about to give birth to her ex-mate's pup. Newt, an Omega, and Asher, an Alpha, are a mated pair who took Fawn into their home -- despite the fact they're expecting a pup of their own in a few months. The three have formed a close friendship, though Fawn still feels like an outsider. After all, she was human only a year ago.
Disclaimer: This fic contains lore for my, Mitty's, and Orca's werewolf AU -- be forewarned there will be worldbuilding mixed in with the kink stuff. If story-heavy kink is your kind of thing -- like it is for us three -- enjoy!
TW: A/B/O dynamics, but within the context of a werewolf society; mentions of past abuse, werewolf-related birth troubles.
Smoky whisps of incense scented the room with lavender. The shades were drawn over the windows to block the fading sun. Golden fairy lights twinkled in the gossamer curtains woven through the support beams of the nesting tent, the only dots of light in the dark room.
The nylon pop-up tent was specially designed for those who were nesting. It clung to the baseboard and covered the entire bed in a snug, arched shelter. It could be zipped or unzipped in sections to create windows and doors as needed, or it could be shut tight for total privacy. The interior of the tent was stuffed full of jumbo-sized Squishmallow plushies, three oversized duvet covers, and one very pregnant werewolf.
"How you doing, Mama?" the mop-haired Alpha sitting bedside asked.
Fawn's pointed ear flicked in the direction of his voice in acknowledgement before she opened her eyes. She lay curled around a giant fox pillow, the soft material supporting her belly as she lay dozing in the tent. She had opened a section of the tent by the headboard so she could leave the nest if she wanted, but at the moment she didn't feel safe anywhere else.
"I've been better," she said, her voice lagging with fatigue.
A dewy layer of sweat clung to her whole body. Her clothing was shed to the bedroom floor, save for a black tank top and pair of boyshorts. The air around her was temperate, but her body burned with a mild fever. Her muscles felt heavy and useless, tired from months of carrying her pregnancy whilst fighting the tremors of rejection sickness. The worst of it had passed over time; but here she was, still feeling the effects of breaking her pair bond almost ten months later.
Oh, and being in labor for the last nine hours was not helping the situation.
The soft click of the door handle caught their attention. The pair of cryptids lifted their heads to look as it opened, the hallway light reflecting green in the mirrors of their eyes.
Newt's familiar scent -- much stronger than his mate's -- overpowered the lavender as he entered the room. Fawn's sinuses tingled with the spicy-sweet aroma of his smell, comparable to sassafras, that indicated his pregnancy as much as the grapefruit-sized swell of his lower belly. Fawn still struggled to describe the scents that were new to her.
The Omega approached her nest and held out the glass of tap water he'd been sent to fetch. Fawn craned her neck and lapped from it, her mouth too parched to obey her command. Her tongue was longer than it had once been, able to bring water to her throat as easily as any straw. She didn't pause to wrap her lips around the edge of the glass until her thirst was mostly quenched.
"Jeez, don't drown," Newt chuckled as Fawn took the drink from his hand.
Asher, the Alpha, got up from his seat and offered it to his mate with a nod of his head.
Fawn gulped down the last of the water and came up panting for air. "Don't tell me what to do," she retorted with a tired, playful grin.
"Don't tell her what to do, babe," Asher said, unable to disguise the smirk on his face as he set the empty glass on the bedside table.
The three shared a brief, quiet laugh.
Fawn's eyelids drifted closed as the room settled back into silence. She shimmied herself deeper into her pile of softness, falling easily into a twilight sleep; at least, for a few more minutes.
A huff of air left Fawn's nose a split second before her brow creased in discomfort. "Ash, start it," she said, curling tighter around her pillow.
"Yes, ma'am." Asher fumbled to unlock his phone and started the timer on his stopwatch app. "Started."
Fawn filled her lungs with air with one long breath and released it as a drawn-out exhale. The contraction coiled itself around her hips and squeezed, growing tighter by the second. The pain grew like a stinging vine around her belly, her ribs, her back, even wrapping around her upper thighs.
With a low groan, Fawn rolled herself onto her back. Her legs fell open at a wider angle than normal -- a sign her hips were loosening in preparation for her large pup to come through. She continued her ritual of slow, deliberate breathing as the contraction continued to climb to its dreaded peak.
Newt leaned into the opening in the tent, enough for him to run a gentle hand over the clammy skin of Fawn's arm. He didn't say anything, but his touch brought her a sense of ease. Even knowing that Asher was in the room, even if she couldn't see him, made her feel better. They'd only known each other a month, but she couldn't imagine surviving labor without them.
Fawn flashed her fangs in a snarl as the contraction reached its apex, the part she dreaded each time. "Ugh!" she growled through her teeth, her head pressed back into the pillow.
Newt's eyes widened when Fawn hooked her hands beneath her knees, drawing her legs up on either side of her belly. "Are you pushing already?"
"She's what?!" Asher gasped in alarm, his face appearing over his mate's shoulder.
"No!" Fawn growled, hardly able to breathe enough to speak. "My legs are about to fuckin' dislocate!"
She could feel the pup pressing its way out, prying open the flesh of her cervix as her womb squeezed it down. The pressure sent stabbing waves of agony between her legs. Her birth canal opened a little more with each millimeter the pup dropped, and now it was putting unbearable pressure on the ball-socket joints of her pelvis.
Fawn grunted in relief as the contraction ebbed. She released her legs, draping them wide apart over her plushies. Thankfully, Newt and Asher's guest bed was queen-sized and allowed her plenty of space to spread out.
"It's done," she announced, so Asher could stop the timer.
"Ooh, getting close," Asher said. "That one was thirty-eight seconds."
Even that short burst of work sent drops of sweat rolling down Fawn's sides. She pulled her tank top over the curve of her belly and tucked the fabric under her swollen breasts. She caressed the sore underside of her bump in long, soothing circles. The skin around her womb was pulled smooth as glass from the weight of the pup inside. She could feel where its surface was gouged by deep, purple stretch marks. Her pup wriggled impatiently beneath her hands, as if able to sense her touch through the thinness of the skin.
"Call me crazy," she said, "but I'm hoping this baby takes its time. It might rip me apart if it tries to break the speed record."
Asher checked the recorded times in his phone. "You'll be fine, it doesn't look like they're in a hurry," he said. "Just stay relaxed and the pup will keep working its way down."
Fawn gave a thumbs-up. "Copy that, Sarge."
"So, guys, are we taking bets?" Newt asked, resting his upper torso inside the tent.
Fawn tilted her head to peer up at him from inside the canyon of her pillow plushie. "On what?"
"Boy or girl," Newt grinned. He propped his chin up on his hand and beamed down at the redheaded wolf woman. "Should we take bets?"
"You boys can if you want," Fawn said.
"Just you versus me, babe," Asher chuckled from somewhere else in the room. "Fawn already knows, that would be cheating."
"No, I don't," Fawn said, quiet and matter-of-fact. She turned her eyes to the little golden lights twinkling over her head. "I didn't know if a doctor would make me contact my mate, so I never went to one."
At the mention of him, the mating scar at the nape of Fawn's neck became hot. She grimaced, able to feel each small wound his teeth had left when he'd inflicted her with the curse of the wolves. It wasn't as strong of a reaction anymore; the pain had at one point been overwhelming.
When she'd taken that first step out of the apartment with the intention to never come back, the mark had burned so intensely she thought she could smell her flesh searing. She was lucky Todd hadn't been home, because he'd no doubt felt the same sensation on the back of his neck -- where he had forced her to mark him as her mate as well. Had he been home, Fawn wouldn't have made it out of the building before he'd realized what she was doing.
"Besides," Fawn added, "I have no idea if I should go to a doctor or a vet now." Her freckled face paled, and she looked back up at Newt. "Shit, is that offensive?"
Newt laughed and leaned in to rub his cheek against her forehead. "Nah."
Fawn smiled as he brushed against her, leaving a bit of his spicy-sweet scent on her skin. She was still adjusting to perceiving the world through scent as much as sight and touch, but she grew more comfortable with it each time the pair scented her. Scent was transforming into language the more she utilized it. Maybe she wasn't sure how to communicate with it, yet; but there was something about it she was starting to understand.
"We'll show you the ropes once you're over the rejection sickness," Asher said, leaning against the nightstand so he could peer into the nest. "So . . . this guy didn't explain any of our lifestyle to you?"
Fawn shook her head. "Not anything us hum-," she paused, pressing her lips into a thin line. "Not anything humans don't already know. Transformation and full moon stuff, basically. He had me sell my silver jewelry before he'd even kiss me. I didn't know werewolves were that sensitive to it."
The boys shared a concerned look.
"Um," Asher cleared his throat, "we aren't. Silver allergies are rare as hell. A few poor bastards had a fatal reaction hundreds of years ago, and humans assumed it was a rule for all of us."
"Good old stereotyping," Newt said.
The lines in Fawn's brow deepened. "That piece of dogshit," she muttered under her breath. "I sold my grandma's pendant for him!"
Goddammit! Why hadn't she thought twice about Todd suddenly needing to "borrow" that money?! Her mating scar throbbed, seeping heat like an open wound where their pair bond had once been. A fresh sweat dampened her brow.
Newt brushed a few stray curls from Fawn's eyes and tucked them behind the point of her ear. "Fuck him. He's a dick."
"Yeah, fuck him," Asher agreed with a frown. His ear twitched as his scowl deepened, knocking his glasses askew. "Alphas are supposed to protect our mates, not take advantage of them."
There was a brief pause. Asher took off his glasses, cleaned them on his shirt, and added: "For what it's worth, Fawn . . . I'm sorry on his behalf."
"Me, too," Newt nodded. "Not as an Alpha, but as a wolf."
Fawn sighed and draped an arm over her eyes. "Thank you for that, boys. It helps . . . at least a little."
She felt like the world's biggest idiot.
When they'd met, she'd been seduced by Todd's hyper-masculine physique and charmed by his overly protective "doting". How special she'd felt, having an Alpha werewolf want her -- an average human woman -- as his mate. In hindsight, being an average human woman was exactly what made him want her. Easy prey.
How quickly she'd regretted her decision to let Todd put her in a mating press. After she'd endured the weeks it took for her anatomy to shift into that of his kind, Todd had convinced her they needed to breed as soon as possible. He wanted a large pack, as many pups as she could give him. It didn't take her long to realize they were the only reason he'd claimed her. Days after leaving him, she'd detected the strange smell of sassafras on her skin -- though she wouldn't know what that meant for two months.
The rejection sickness had masked any symptoms of a pregnancy. The effects were like that of withdrawal: fevers high enough to cause delirium, tremors, nausea, and full-body aches. She'd spent endless days and nights confined to the bed of a sleazy motel room. What carried her through was the knowledge that Todd was feeling just as shitty as she was. Yet, in her darkest moments, Fawn considered going back to him just to make it stop.
Then, her world changed when a fellow wolf woman at the drugstore offered congratulations based on her scent. This prompted her to buy a pregnancy test, and the thought of going back never crossed her mind again.
"Fellas?" Fawn asked, still blindfolding herself with her forearm. "Is a large pack, like . . . a status symbol for y'all or something?"
Asher shrugged. "Not as much as it used to be," he said. "It used to be a big deal in the past, like before we had the treaty with humans. That was because our packs needed the numbers for defense. But now? Not as much."
"Except maybe for those freakishly traditional families," Newt chimed in.
"Mmm," Fawn hummed in acknowledgement. She placed her other hand on the upper swell of her belly and gave it a thoughtful rub. "Well, this baby is mine. I'm not giving birth for the sake of some insecure asshole. This is my baby."
"Damn right it is," Newt grinned, his blue eyes glittering in the low light.
After a few seconds of silence, Fawn's limp-hanging hand curled into a fist. "Mmm, Ash . . . " Her voice trailed off into a chesty groan.
Newt looked over at his mate. "Ash, start it."
Asher pulled out his phone with a nod. "Starting."
Newt massaged Fawn's shoulder as she once again pulled back her legs. The pressure in her hips was immense, and the contraction was heaving the baby down with unholy force. Fawn pulled harder on her knees until she felt her pelvis widen, the bones drifting apart like tectonic plates.
"Breathe, Fawn," Newt gently reminded. "You're holding it."
Fawn hissed out her breath like a deflating tire. "God, it's coming down," she groaned. She shut her eyes and whined as the pup pressed harder against her cervix.
"Change position," Asher offered, bending down to see inside the nest. "Let gravity help you out."
Fawn released a high-pitched whimper. "My hips . . . my hips hurt."
"Here, hold on." Newt reached around Fawn and pulled out another of her oversized Squishmallows from the pile. He left his chair and climbed onto the bed, crawling through the opening of the tent with the plushie in-hand. "Sit up, love."
Fawn reluctantly let her legs fall. Her bones were lead. With Newt's help, she got to her knees and straddled herself atop the large pillow plushie so her hips could remain open.
"There, that's better!" Asher said, sitting on the edge of the mattress. His phone screen reflected in his lenses, revealing the contraction had lasted twenty seconds already.
Fawn bent forward onto all-fours, rhythmically dipping her hips into the pillow as the pain climbed higher than it had before. The Omega at her side dug the heel of his hand into her lower back, allowing Fawn to rock back against the counter-pressure. Her deep breathing wavered, each inhale growing shallower until the wolf woman was full-on panting.
"Calm down, you're doing fine," Newt lulled, ghosting his claws over her spine. "Deep breaths, like you were doing."
Sweat appeared in shining beads on Fawn's reddened face, dampening the frizzy curls around her temples. "I can't," she gasped. All four limbs trembled, fatigued muscles giving up the last of their strength. "I can't . . . I need to lie down."
Fawn sank chest-first into the fox plushie, arms unable to support her weight. Her tongue dipped in and out of her mouth as she failed to control of her breathing. Her fingers sank into the duvet, claws tearing holes in the fabric.
The end of the tent unzipped, creating an arch-shaped door that Asher climbed in through. While Newt continued to knead Fawn's back, Asher laid himself beside her.
"Hey, Mama, look at me," he crooned, his face appearing in the corner of her vision. When her hazel eyes met his, he said: "You are owning this! There's no need to get freaked out. You're too tough for labor to beat. Take a deep breath for us, alright?"
Fawn wet her lips and maintained eye contact with the Alpha while she drew in a big breath.
"Good!" Asher smiled, patting her shoulder. "Now let it out and make the next one even deeper. Show that pain who's boss!"
She obeyed, but mid-inhale she choked on air. With a canid yowl, Fawn pressed herself against the Alpha's body. Her hips ground against the pillow, as if it would cushion the force of her pelvis being forced apart.
"Ugh, gravity's helping too much!" Fawn moaned into Asher's shirt. "This pup is about to fall outta me!"
"That's a good thing!" Asher encouraged, draping his arm over her and motioning for his mate to lie down beside them. "You're making progress. The pup will be here before you know it!"
Fawn's hips finally settled as the contraction eased off, but she still felt unable to move. Her pelvis sat wide open, and the hefty weight of the pup was sinking deep inside it -- even without the contraction.
“Augh, fuck,” she moaned, the sound rumbling in her chest. “Fuck . . . the baby feels low. It feels so fucking low!"
"Ash?" Newt asked as he rearranged the pillows to better support the three of them. "Are you still timing?"
Asher caressed Fawn's thigh as she shifted to support her upper body against the mountain of Squishmallows Newt had piled up. Newt reclined on his side beside her, flashing her a bright smile -- his fangs always hung over his lower lip when he smiled.
"No, I think we're just feeling it out now," Asher said. He'd left his phone charging on the nightstand, just in case they needed it. "I think we're 'reaching a checkpoint' as it were."
Newt rolled his eyes. "Gamers."
Fawn snuggled into the pillow mountain, trying in vain to get comfortable. It wasn't as dramatic as what they showed on television, but Fawn knew exactly what the hot rush of fluid was as it soaked the pillow between her legs.
"Umm, hey . . ." She nudged the pillow aside, revealing ribbons of cloudy water running down her inner thighs. "I think it's time to lose the shorts."
Asher pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "And checkpoint reached!"
For five hours, no one left that tent. The room grew darker as the evening gave way to the early morning hours of pre-dawn. The boys stayed at either side of the laboring wolf woman, holding her steady in positions that allowed her pup to ease down with gravity.
Between contractions, the three werewolves lay side-by-side in tranquil silence. The sweat on Fawn's brow would dry, her feverish body would cool, but the warmth of two other bodies prevented the chills from returning. That quiet peace would be broken when Fawn vocalized during a new contraction, signaling the boys to sit her up and widen her stance.
Fawn was growing restless, wanting to switch positions several times during every contraction: squatting against the headboard, kneeling against one guy or the other, or falling into a half-squat in a pile of her plush pillows. The longer the night wore on, the more fidgety the laboring mother became.
At around four in the morning, as the trio rested together beneath the fairy lights, Fawn suddenly spoke:
"Is the cradle ready?"
"Hmm?" Asher sat up and readjusted his glasses.
"Is the cradle ready?" Fawn repeated. There was a glint of urgency in her eyes, although her tone was soft and even.
The fold-out mesh bassinet was visible from inside the nest, placed against the opposite wall. The pup's first outfit was already laid out atop the blanket lining the mattress -- a cotton quilt with embroidered rubber duckies that Newt had donated from the stash he was buying for his own pup.
After a quick glance, Asher responded: "Yep, it's ready and waiting."
"Can you grab some extra blankets or something?" Fawn pleaded. She gradually drew her legs up until her heels touched the underside of her thighs. "Just anything that's soft."
Newt sat himself up and gave his mate a knowing look. "Babe? You think this is that 'final nesting' the baby books talked about?"
Asher's eyes widened. "Oh, crap. It might be."
"What?" Fawn asked. She suddenly realized she couldn't remember what either of the boys had just said -- she wasn't fully aware of what was going on around her. It was so, so hard to focus on anything other than the pounding pressure that had come to rest in the curve of her tailbone.
The mated pair gave each other a nod.
"Ash and I have been reading books about pups like crazy this month," Newt explained in a lighthearted tone. "'Final nesting' is just what your brain does right before the pup is ready to come out."
Asher grabbed the corner of the topmost duvet and rolled it towards them until it became a padded cushion. He carefully slid it beneath Fawn and said: "Yep, it's an instinct. Got to make sure the pup has a safe place to land, you know."
Now it was Fawn's turn to go wide-eyed. "Wait . . . wait, is it happening?" she gasped, her head shooting up off the pillows.
"Maybe," Newt said. "You'll know if it is." He placed a pillow over his torso to protect his belly and scooted behind Fawn to support her into a squat.
"And if it isn't, then we'll just wait some more," Asher concluded. "Don't try to bear down if you don't need to."
Fawn nodded, gulping down the dryness in her throat. She had no idea what to expect with the next contraction. If the monstrous pressure she was feeling hadn't triggered her body to push by then . . . oh, God above, what was about to happen to her?
"I don't . . . don't know if I'm ready for this," she muttered.
Newt leaned in and rubbed his cheek against the side of her neck. "You're as ready as you'll ever be," he said. He intertwined his clawed fingers with her own.
Fawn didn't feel the next contraction as pain, only as a familiar tightness wrapping around her womb. All other sensation was snuffed out . . . massacred . . . left bleeding in the streets! . . . by the wicked downward thrust of her pup moving through her effaced cervix. There was nothing holding that baby in her womb any longer, and it was not waiting another minute to leave.
"Oh, my God!" she screamed -- out of fear more so than pain. Her hips jerked back, trying to escape the demonic pressure burning inside.
Newt squeezed her hands -- his claws never marking her skin. "You feel it?"
"Yes!" Fawn cried, her body shuddering under the hellish urge to push.
"Go with it," Asher encouraged, placing his hand on her knee. "Let's meet your pup."
Fawn held her breath and gave a shallow, hesitant first push. She wasn't sure if she was using the correct muscles, but it felt . . . how could she describe it? . . . it felt like she was doing something. A few seconds of strain later, she let up with a sharp yelp. Yes, she'd been doing it right. That slight nudge had sent the pup rushing forward.
"It's moving . . ." was all she had time to say before her body demanded she continue her efforts -- and double them!
Those few millimeters of progress kicked her urge to push into overdrive. Fawn braced her weight against Newt, put chin to chest, and bore down with every ounce of force she could. The crown of the head pressed deeper against her innermost walls with a fiery, thorny tug. The sensation of her baby moving through her after so many passive hours of labor was startling -- yet beyond rewarding.
Had her eyes been open to see, Fawn would have observed Asher's tender smile as he watched primal focus harden her features.
"Just like that, Mama," Asher praised, again stroking her thigh. "Don't hold back, give it your all!"
Sweat trailed down her flushed skin. Unable to hold the push any longer, Fawn emptied her lungs with a harsh grunt.
"It's already hurting me," she growled through closed fangs. Her voice strained as, for just a few horrible seconds, she resisted the urge to push. "Goddamn, this is gonna suck!"
Newt laid his chin on Fawn's shoulder as she sank into another deep push. "Whatever you feel, don't fight it," he offered evenly. "Your body knows what it's doing, Fawn. Listen to what it's telling you to do."
Fawn's ears pressed back against her head as her hips dipped lower to the duvet. She felt a small trickle of fluid drip from her labia, but the flow stopped as soon as she stopped pushing. A groan escaped the back of her throat as the contraction eased off and she was able to relax.
"That was great," Newt praised, unlacing their fingers and letting Fawn have her hands back. "You got the hang of it right off the bat."
Fawn sighed and balled the duvet beneath them in her claws. Her chest rose and fell quickly, and her pulse hammered in her neck. Any sense of physical comfort was gone now, even between contractions. She knew there would be no peace for her until this pup was out and in her arms . . . but God only knew when that would happen. God only knew if that would happen! The pup was barely inside her birth canal and Fawn was already terrified that it was going to get stuck.
"What if . . . what if I can't get it out?" she panted. Her lower back was screaming, so she shifted her hips forward. It didn't help. "What do we do if I can't get it out?!"
"Hey, hey, don't think like that," Newt helped Fawn recline a bit further against him. He steadied her in his arms, his hands gently massaging the curves where her belly met her ribcage. "There's no doubt in our minds that you can do this!"
"And I'm down here if you need a little extra help," Asher said. He carefully took Fawn's leg and draped it over his lap, helping to open her hips now that she was in a more reclined position. "We won't let anything happen to you or your pup, Fawn. That's a promise."
"You're safe here," Newt said in a low, soothing tone. He continued to apply soft pressure to her sides and back, kneading over her sore body as if smoothing out a delicate fabric.
Fawn never doubted for a second that she was in loving hands. She dreaded to think where she would be right now if the pair hadn't opened their home to her. Without their kindness, chances were that she'd be delivering her baby in a motel bathroom or on top of a cot in a homeless shelter. These two had given her the ultimate gift: a warm, safe place to give birth. She owed her pup's life to them.
"I know," Fawn said, snuggling down further into the nest. "I don't want to be anywhere else right now."
Newt bent down and pressed a kiss to Fawn's hairline. "Keep listening to your body. Don't rush what it's trying to do."
Fawn nodded, puffing out a breath as she felt the next contraction roll up from her back to her belly. "Okay . . . let's go."
She took in a slow lungful of air, waited for the contraction to build in strength, and pushed.
Her loosened joints spread easily for the pup's skull as it squeezed its way down her passage. It became an endless pattern: Fawn would push, the head would squeeze down, and her pelvic bones would spread over its shape as it passed beneath them. She could feel the rhythm of the changes.
Push. Squeeze. Spread.
Push. Squeeze. Spread. Spread.
Push. Squeeze. Spread. Spread. Spre-OW!
OW! OW! Oh, fuck! Now it was so too big! Her hips were filled to the maximum, her canal stretched wide around a huge pair of shoulders as they slipped from her womb. She could feel her labia bulging from between her legs -- and oh, God, they ached! There was nothing but a layer of her skin holding the pup in, and it felt like a bubble of gum about to burst!
But she couldn't stop pushing. Not now, not when everything was raw and stretched and open and hurting so goddamn bad! Fawn curled her toes into the mattress and wailed as she threw herself harder into pushing. Her voice grew louder as she felt the inflamed skin between her legs starting to open.
"Good job, Mama! Here it comes!" Asher cried, his voice raised to be heard over Fawn's roar of effort.
Asher had his eyes glued to the pale, wet sac pressing out of Fawn each time her body strained. He'd read in their books that it was common for werewolf pups to be born with their membranes wrapped around them. That was fine, he just had to be prepared to remove it.
A tiny spurt of fluid leaked out from around the sac as the head began to stretch the skin of the perineum. The pup's size seemed to be keeping most of its sac unruptured, the fluid too pressurized to leave the birth canal. Asher furrowed his brow but said nothing.
Of course, Newt took notice of his mate's unease. He swallowed the unease in his chest, and scented Fawn's hair with his cheek again in the hopes it would distract her.
"Ash sees the head," he crooned. "Keep going, you're pushing like a pro!"
With renewed vigor, Fawn gave into her body's needs. Asher waited until a few centimeters of the solid white membrane stretched open Fawn's lips, then he placed his index finger against the bulging sac to gauge how much fluid was inside. He felt the semi-solid squish of the pup's head just beneath the film, but his finger pad felt the swish of water when he pressed down. That wasn't a very good sign, but Asher still felt confident that he could handle it.
"I'm going to help you out a little, okay?" Asher told Fawn, cupping his hand over the crowning pup. "Focus on pushing, and I'll help you open up. I'll go slow."
Newt once again sensed Asher's unease and made it his mission to protect Fawn from sensing it, too. "Pup's almost out, Fawn," he said as he gave her shoulders a brief hug. "It'll be out quicker with Ash helping you. Just take a deep breath and let yourself stretch."
"I'm trying," Fawn whimpered. "I'm trying."
As Fawn bore down against the pup, Asher ran his fingers against the sides of her lips. He nudged her skin open bit by bit around the sac, watching as it stretched from a small oval to a wide circle over the course of several minutes. Asher cringed as he saw the skin of her labia discolor from a raw red to an almost beet purple with the width of the head.
Fawn, meanwhile, had fallen completely taciturn. Aside from wolfish growls and whimpers, she made no efforts to express her pain verbally. Her focus had shifted solely to bearing through the ordeal, working with her body to bring it to a swift end.
"Keep going, we're almost there!" Asher cheered. He had his hands positioned at the apex of her inner thighs, supporting the tight skin as Fawn pushed the head to its widest point.
Fawn shuddered and let her head fall back on Newt's chest. Her mind was a mess of black static as the pup's shoulders ground against her pubic bone. She arched her spine as the pup ceased to move for one heart-stopping moment. Then, in a sudden lurch, the sac-covered head popped free into Asher's waiting hands.
"Awesome! Awesome, Fawn!" Newt cheered, peering over her shoulder as much as he could. He could see the white membrane resting in his mate's palm. "Babe, you got it?"
Asher nodded. "I've got it, don't worry."
Without drawing attention to it, Asher took the claw of his thumb and carefully -- oh-so-carefully -- punctured the membrane at the base of where he felt the pup's neck should be. A quiet sploosh filled the nesting tent as amniotic fluid rushed over Asher's hands. He hooked his claw inside the tear and slowly peeled the sac over the pup's head.
There wasn't much hair on the pup's head -- unusual, though not uncommon -- but that wasn't what Asher was looking for. He craned his neck at a painful angle until he could catch a glimpse of the pup's face. When he saw it, he paled. The features were predictably swollen, but the puffy lips were hanging open and dripping a thick yellowish mucus. Asher thanked the stars above that he and his partner had read up about whelping -- for he was able to recognize the tell-tale symptom of waterlogged lungs.
The mates locked eyes with each other and nothing else needed to be said or done. They both understood.
"This is it, love," Newt said, leaning in to help Fawn hold her legs apart. "This next contraction is going to be the one."
Fawn's jaw gaped like a suffocating fish, but finally her voice obeyed her command: "Is my baby okay?"
Oh, hell. She must've smelled the pheromones of their stress. Newt had been hoping she wouldn't understood what the scent of fear was, yet.
Newt smiled at her and brushed her sweat-plastered hair away from her eyes. "They're fine, they just need some extra help."
"When you push, I'll give them a little tug," Asher said. "It's going to hurt, but it'll be over before you know it."
Fawn squeezed her eyes shut. "Can't hurt any worse than this," she mumbled. "Just do it."
The boys were expecting the horrific scream Fawn released when Asher began guiding out the first shoulder, but it still made their sensitive ears ring.
"You're so strong, Fawn!" Newt said into her ear. He felt her legs trying to close against the pain, and he had to pause to pull them back apart. "I know it hurts, but you're handling it so well! We're so proud of you!"
Asher kept his focus locked on delivering the pup as fast and as safe as possible. One hand supported the pup's body while the other pulled down on the emerging shoulder.
"Come on, little guy," Asher muttered under his breath. "Come on, you can do it."
With an audible pop of Fawn's hip joints -- and another yowl from the wolf woman herself -- the pup's first shoulder slipped free. Asher wasted zero time in hooking his thumb under the tiny arm and continuing his steady, gentle tug.
A rather disgusting squelch accompanied the pup as it slid onto the duvet. The remains of the membrane bunched around its feet as Asher scooped it into his hands. The body was grey and limp, and all three heartbeats stalled.
"What's wrong?!" Fawn cried. "What's wrong with it?!" She reached for her baby on instinct, but Newt held her back.
"It's okay!" he said, adjusting himself to block her veiw of Asher and the baby. "It's okay, I swear! Asher's taking care of it."
Newt stroked her sweaty face with the back of his hand, doing anything he could think of to soothe her. It didn't stop the tears from flooding the exhausted mother's eyes.
Behind his mate's back, Asher brought the pup's face to his lips. His mouth easily covered the nose and mouth of the newborn, and he gently sucked the sour-tasting fluid out of its airway. Asher spit the gunk into his sleeve and repeated the action, rubbing his thumb against the baby's chest as he did.
It was a process that lasted less than twenty seconds, but to all three werewolves it felt like eternity. But eternity ended when the pup sucked in a deep, squeaking breath. The sound of its first cry was shrill, but to the trio it sounded like singing.
Asher couldn't help but start crying as the little body he'd resurrected wiggled to life in his hands. "Here he is!" he said, voice wavering with joyful tears.
Newt sat back immediately, allowing Fawn to see the baby alive and well in Asher's arms.
"Here's our boy!" Asher announced, laying the crying baby over his mother's heart.
Through the haze of her tears, Fawn looked over every detail of her little boy. She saw the layer of damp fuzz covering his skin, the points on his pink, folded-over ears, and the coating of protective skin over his miniscule claws. She thanked whatever power was out there for that last detail, because such tiny needles would've been horrible to feel coming out.
"Sweetheart," she told the baby, wrapping her arms around him, "don't make a habit outta scaring me like that."
"Is he already nursing again?" Newt asked as he placed the glass of water on the nightstand.
"He eats like a horse," Fawn chuckled, adjusting the nursing pillow under her baby. Jacob was the name she had settled on.
The sun was coming up now, filling her bedroom with a soft white light. Asher was on the floor, disassembling the nesting tent. It would be taken out again in a few months for Newt to use, but the Alpha was determined to Tetris the pieces correctly into their box.
Jacob was an aggressive nurser. Three hours old and this was his third time demanding his mother's milk. Newt and Asher insisted such an appetite was normal for a larger werewolf pup, but Fawn wasn't too thrilled to learn she was going to get even less sleep than she anticipated with a new baby.
Fawn quickly drained the glass of water. She wasn't sure if she would ever feel not-thirsty again. "So, Newt," she said, "I didn't scare you into wanting a C-section, did I?"
"Nah, not at all." Newt laid down on the bed beside Fawn, propping himself against the Squishmallow pile. "If you could get him out, I'm pretty sure I'll be okay."
Newt pet the thin strands of hair on Jacob's head. The newborn swiped a clumsy, mitten-covered fist over his head with a teeny-tiny growl. All three adults stopped and stared.
"Was that him?!" Asher asked from the floor.
"Yeah . . ." Newt said, withdrawing his hand. "He's very protective of his food."
Asher almost fell over laughing. "That's Alpha behavior if I've ever seen it!"
"How do you guys even determine that stuff?" Fawn asked. "Is it a sex thing?"
"Eh, a bit," Newt shrugged, "but it's also a personality thing." He tickled the folded tip of Jacob's soft ear, and got the same response as before.
"Ow!" Fawn jerked as her son bit down on her breast. "Stop annoying him, or I'm biting you, too!"
"Sorry," Newt chuckled.
"I can't thank you boys enough for this," Fawn said. "This werewolf shit is all sorts of weird for me, and . . . now I know for certain that Jacob wouldn't have been alright if you weren't with me."
"That's what packs do," Asher said, re-folding a segment of nylon tarp. "We look out for each other."
"Do we even . . . " Fawn stopped herself mid-sentence and looked away.
Newt grinned and touched his forehead to Fawn's temple. "I don't know. What do you think?"
Fawn grinned in return and rubbed her cheek against his hair, leaving her scent on his skin.
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here4kpopfics · 4 months
Breed My Alpha | YoonMin
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Pairing: Yoongi/Jimin Genre: smut, fluff, mxm AU: A/B/O. Alpha Min Yoongi, Omega Jimin Wordcount: 4,395 Summary: Alpha Yoongi loves when Jimin goes into heat because the omega seems to think he’s actually the alpha and Yoongi *loves* going along with it. Warnings: smut smut smut. mxm, bruh i don't even know how to warn this. it's straight up smut where jimin wants to fuck yoongi. mentions of slick, alpha/omega dynamics. mentions of breeding. smut without a real plot Rating: M / 18+ AN: This took five hundred years to write between the chaos of life, a promotion at work, trying to have a social life, and just being in a ridiculous funk for months. But we did it, folks. We did it. @gimmethatagustd inspired the prompt, and made me a moodboard, and convinced me to join a fest on twitter and now here we are. This is for the omegajiminfest on AO3. Baby's first mxm, first A/B/O and first smut in *months*. thank you to my fave @theharrowing for beta reading and of course beautiful Jai for encouraging me to finish this mess 🥰 Masterlist | AO3 | Twitter | AskBox
The second Yoongi puts his key in the lock of the front door, he can smell it. 
It’s a perfect mixture of mandarins, grapefruit, bergamot, juniper, and rosemary. The combination of his alpha’s and Jimin’s omega’s scents. 
It almost has Yoongi growling. 
“Here we go.” Yoongi mumbles to himself with a smile, slowly opening the door and stepping inside, bracing himself for the next few days
He had been at work, mind replaying the morning earlier when he woke up to Jimin whimpering in his sleep and the undeniable smell of his heat coming. 
He asked the omega if he wanted Yoongi to stay, but he denied him, saying he felt fine. 
He got the voice memo just after lunch. 
“Alpha. Need you. Where are you? Yoongi, need alpha.” He was borderline sobbing between pants. Yoongi could practically hear the way he was rutting against the sheets, looking for any kind of friction. 
Thank god he thought to wear his headphones before playing it. He doesn’t want to know what his assistant would’ve thought. 
Yoongi sent him a text back saying to wait and ended his work day early, telling his boss he’d be out of office for a few days. 
He rushed to the closest convenience store, stocking up on instant meals, snacks, and various drinks. He also made sure to grab a bottle of lube. Omegas don’t need it, producing their own slick, but Yoongi knows his omega mate all too well. Sometimes he asks for specific things an omega generally doesn’t. So he gets the lube, and maybe he’ll give his omega what he wants this time. 
He’s quick to put the groceries away after toeing off his shoes at the door. 
Once complete, he takes a deep breath, his wolf prancing in his chest. 
Omega is waiting. Hurry, hurry, hurry. 
Just to spite his wolf, Yoongi takes his time moving to the bedroom, slowly crawling up the stairs as the omega’s pheromones get stronger. He can hear the whines of his mate halfway up the steps and it only teases his wolf more. 
When he opens the bedroom door, his eyes immediately lock onto Jimin, who, in the time it took for Yoongi to leave for work and come home, had rearranged the bed, turning it into a full-on nest of pillows and blankets. Yoongi had tried sneaking some of his dirty clothes from the laundry into the bed the night before when he had a feeling the heat was coming, but Jimin never liked dirty laundry on the bed or his nest, so they got tossed to the floor.
“Alpha?” Jimin’s voice cracks, head barely lifting to look behind him. He’s on his stomach, wearing only his underwear, clutching the pillow underneath him as he slowly rolls his hips into the bed. 
“I’m here, Jimin.” He stands at the edge of the bed, taking off his blazer and belt, watching his mate try to relieve himself. He can see how soaked his tight briefs are and he has to fight the wolf to do what he wants. 
“Yoongi. It hurts.”
“I know, baby. I’m here now, it’s okay.” His voice soothes as his own pheromones blend with Jimin’s, calming the omega’s anxiousness as he crawls onto the bed on his hands and knees. Jimin quietly whines every time Yoongi’s lips meet his spine, following the moon tattoos up to the back of his neck. 
“You’re so pretty, omega. My beautiful omega.” A purr vibrates through Yoongi’s chest as he nuzzles his nose just under Jimin’s ear, teasing at the scent gland. 
“Hmm?” Yoongi’s lips curl up into a grin, his teeth grazing over the gland and next to the claim mark he gave him a little over a year ago. “What do you want, Jimin?” 
“Alpha. Need alpha’s knot.”
“Oh, so you don’t want me, you just want to use me.” Yoongi teases, licking and sucking anywhere but the scent gland. 
“No!” He tries raising his head to turn to his mate, but the side of his head is quickly pushed back into the pillow by Yoongi’s large hand. Jimin whines at the force, even though it is very light. 
“No?” Yoongi teases, fingers tangling in the smaller’s hair for a moment. 
“Not using you. Need you. Want you. Please, please, please.” He’s almost sobbing, hips lifting to try to meet Yoongi’s crotch with his ass. 
“Okay, okay. I hear you. How bad do you want me and my knot, baby?”
“Please.” He cries, tears falling into the pillow. 
“That’s not what I asked.”
“Need you so bad. So, so, so bad, Yoongi.”
“Ass up, omega.”
God, Yoongi loves how obedient Jimin’s omega is. Outside of heats, Jimin is a brat in bed. He’s constantly going against Yoongi’s orders, not that he gives that many to begin with. But he’s always talking back, trying to take power away from Yoongi. Which, to be fair, Yoongi loves. If anything, he gets more turned on the more dominating Jimin tries to be. 
But Jimin in heat? That’s a whole other Jimin for Yoongi to fall in love with. 
Yoongi’s barely off him before Jimin’s pushing his ass up, settling on his knees and hugging the pillow under him. Yoongi rolls up his sleeves, laughing as Jimin gives his ass a little wiggle and Yoongi can’t resist giving it a quick smack, grinning at the sound Jimin makes in response. 
“That’s my omega. Can I take these off?”
“Yes. Please. Please, please, please.”
Yoongi’s grin grows, teeth showing, as he rips the underwear off, not wanting to waste time pulling the fabric down his legs, and tossing it to the floor. 
Large hands spread Jimin’s cheeks as Yoongi’s chest swells with pride at just how wet his omega is for him. 
“Oh, baby. You’ve been suffering all this time while I was at work?”
Jimin tries to answer, he really tries. But all words escape him, only a loud muffled moan, when Yoongi’s licking directly across his hole. 
If you asked Yoongi what his favorite snack was, he’d say Jimin. And everyone would laugh, thinking it was a joke, an attempt to tease Jimin and make him flustered in front of his friends. But Jimin and Yoongi both know that he’s being completely serious.
The man loves eating ass. Specifically Jimin’s. Specifically Jimin’s when he’s in heat. 
Omega tastes so good. His alpha screams in his chest, encouraging Yoongi to practically devour Jimin, fingers and tongue slipping past his rim to open him up quickly. 
Jimin comes twice before Yoongi decides to give in to his alpha’s demands, crawling over his omega, kissing up his spine and trailing over his moon tattoos. 
“Such a good omega. So perfect.” His voice rasps against Jimin’s skin. 
“Yoongi, alpha. Please.” Jimin whines again, voice on the edge of being broken. 
Yoongi’s quick to get off the bed again, removing the rest of his clothing until he’s naked before crawling back onto the bed. 
“I got you, baby. You don’t have to wait any longer.” Yoongi smirks, sitting back on his knees, his hands lazily sliding down Jimin’s torso to his hips. One hand stays there, holding him tight, while the other lines up his erection to Jimin’s soaked hole, wasting no time in pushing past the rim. 
And Jimin purrs. 
And Yoongi’s mind is gone. 
Omega happy. Omega likes us. More, more, more.
The moan mixed with the purring from the small omega kicks Yoongi’s alpha into overdrive. 
Knot him. Breed the omega. Pups. Need pups. Make the omega happy and pregnant. 
“Fuck, baby.” Yoongi’s voice cracks, wincing from the mix of pleasure and pain from how tight Jimin’s clenching around him. As if Jimin is trying to milk Yoongi for everything he’s got and he hasn’t even formed his knot yet. 
His hips have a mind of their own, pistoning into Jimin at a pace neither is prepared for. Jimin mindlessly pressing his ass back when Yoongi stutters, demanding he keep going. 
None of what Jimin’s mumbling through his cries makes any sense, and honestly, Yoongi is so focused on not coming immediately, that he’s barely paying attention. 
Knot the omega. Our omega. We love our omega. 
Yoongi’s desperate to keep his alpha quiet, but it’s impossible when his omega is splayed under him, begging for his alpha. 
“Alpha— knot. Plea—. Need it.” Jimin’s voice cuts through the alpha’s internal screams, delightfully prancing around at the request. And Yoongi can feel it forming. The knotted bulge around the base of his cock, growing bigger with each thrust and press against Jimin’s ass. 
It’s a heavy mix of praise and begging, whining and growling, panting and gasping from both men until Yoongi’s knot finally pushes past Jimin’s rim, his hole swallowing it completely. 
“Alpha!” Jimin squeaks underneath Yoongi, whose body slumps over the younger’s back, teeth gently dragging along Jimin’s scent gland as a hand snakes its way under the omega, finding his cock and slowly stroking it. 
“Gonna fill you with pups, omega. You ready for me?” His voice gently rumbles against Jimin’s ear who nods quickly, smattering of words of yes, please, and calling of his alpha spilling past his lips. 
Yoongi sinks his teeth into Jimin’s neck, almost perfectly over the claim mark, and with two more short thrusts, growls as his orgasm completely stills him. 
Jimin’s perfectly still as well, save for the bursts of his own orgasm shooting past Yoongi’s fingers and onto the bed. 
It’s euphoric, every time that Jimin’s in heat and takes Yoongi’s knot. When Yoongi’s in his rut, his alpha completely takes over and it’s like watching himself be with his mate. His alpha is feral; claiming the omega over and over, marking and scenting him so any and every alpha, beta, and omega knows Jimin is his omega. 
But when Jimin goes into heat outside of Yoongi’s rut? 
He gets to enjoy every moment. 
Every moan, every whine, every begging word, and every time Jimin clenches around him. 
Which is why he’s slow to release his hold on Jimin’s neck as he presses his hips further against the pliant omega. 
It’s only once he feels his knot go down and Jimin’s stomach feels fuller, that he releases his neck from his jaws. 
“Good omega, you did so well for your alpha.” He purrs into Jimin’s ear, licking over the fresh bite mark, “So so so good. Took my knot so deep, didn’t you?” 
Jimin turns his head to the side, finally showing his face. There’s drying tears on across his cheeks, his lips swollen from biting down too hard. 
He’s beautiful. 
He nods slowly, eyes failing to stay open. 
“Don’t fall asleep yet, baby. I’m gonna pull out and clean you up now, okay? Then we can nap until your heat spikes again.” 
Jimin whines again. But it’s not the omega whine, it’s a “Jimin’s being stubborn” whine. 
“Don’t even.” Yoongi smirks, kissing his cheek and slowly pulling out, hand rubbing his backside through the pain. 
He rushes off to the bathroom, grabbing a warm and wet washcloth and a change of clothes. But when he comes back, Jimin’s fast asleep. Yoongi’s eyes roll as he quietly cleans the omega, not bothering to put pajamas on him, leaving soft kisses where he can. He crawls into the bed and curls around his omega, holding him close as he falls asleep to the sound of pleasant purrs. 
The next twenty-eight hours pass like this. They sleep, Jimin wakes up, heat spiking, and rouses a sleeping Yoongi to wake and give him what he needs. 
And Yoongi’s not one to ever deny his mate, letting Jimin suck his alpha’s cock until he’s hard and ready to go. Or when Jimin takes Yoongi roughly in the shower when the elder is just trying to clean the omega, but the smell of grapefruit and juniper is enhanced by the steam. 
There are moments when Yoongi has to momentarily drag the omega to the kitchen to have food and drink something. Or carry him, bridal style, to the bath while Yoongi changes some of the sheets, letting the freshly washed Jimin be the one to rearrange the nest until he’s satisfied. 
There are many cries of “my alpha” and “my omega” exchanged, Jimin being way more clingy and possessive than usual. It’s all pretty standard and almost routine, but still so sweetly domestic.
Until Yoongi wakes up to Jimin sitting on the alpha’s legs, rubbing his hardened cock against Yoongi’s as his lips kiss along his jawline and throat. 
“Jimin, what are you doing?”
“Taking care of my alpha.” He purrs in response, kissing down his alpha’s stomach, lips just avoiding the heavy cock resting there. 
“And how are you gonna do that?” His words tease, but the tone is adoration. 
“Gonna knot you.” Jimin’s lips leave wet trails on the skin alongside Yoongi’s cock, still just barely ignoring its existence. He nuzzles the space where his hip meets his inner thigh. 
“Oh, really?” Yoongi’s legs inch apart just slightly at the visual. 
Jimin’s quick to nod for his alpha, nibbling the delicate skin until it bruises. 
“Yeah, gonna knot, fill alpha up with my pups.”
Yoongi wants to tell him that’s not how it works. Jimin is an omega, there’s no way he can form a knot. 
It’s physically impossible.
But, fuck, does Yoongi wanna see Jimin try. 
So he parts his legs further, giving Jimin permission and access. 
“You better open me up first so I can take it. Your alpha can’t take a knot like you can.” He runs his fingers through Jimin’s hair, the omega looks so fucked out already, but so excited at the same time. 
“You’ll take my knot so well.” He purrs again, his ass wiggling in the air. Yoongi knows that wiggle. That’s the omega presenting, waiting desperately for his alpha’s cock. 
Yoongi’s wolf is screaming at this point. 
Omega wants us. Omega is ready.
Nope, he’s going to ignore it. Tonight, Jimin is the alpha. Yoongi is the omega in heat, waiting to be bred. 
Yoongi only recently started letting Jimin play alpha in bed. He knows of alphas mating with their own sub genders, but he’s never taken part. He’s only ever been with omegas and only ever topped. 
But along came omega Jimin, who one day with a shy smile and a soft dusting of a blush, asked if he could go down on his alpha. Yoongi thought Jimin just wanted to give him head, so when he agreed, he was confused by how excited Jimin was. 
Sure, Jimin gave mind blowing head for a moment, but his tongue eventually dragged its way past his balls, lifting them out of the way to the small rim of muscles, making the alpha jump, his fingers pulling at the omega’s hair. 
It took some convincing from Jimin, but Yoongi eventually gave in, letting the smaller of the two eat him out, eventually introducing a finger. Yoongi will never forget how it felt the first time Jimin fingered him. The way his toes curled, the hand not tangled in Jimin’s hair gripping the sheets as he tried to relax more. 
That’s the furthest they’ve ever gone with it, though. Yoongi’s been too nervous to actually bottom for Jimin; or rather, his alpha’s pride felt threatened. So Jimin would only ever get a few fingers in, massaging his prostate with them while his other hand squeezed his growing knot, making Yoongi have the most mind numbing orgasms every time. 
But today feels different. Yoongi can feel his alpha screaming, but he ignores it. He wants this. Wants Jimin. 
“Don’t make me wait, omega.” Yoongi growls through gritted teeth as Jimin leaves small bites on either side of his inner thighs. 
“I’m not an omega.” Jimin glares, daring to pout at Yoongi who just smiles, running his fingers through the smaller’s hair.
“Of course, I’m sorry alpha.” Yoongi bites back the teasing grin, shifting his hips. Jimin purrs in response, face nuzzling against a fresh bite mark on his hip. 
“Good alpha.” Jimin smiles, lightly kissing the mark.
“Me alpha, or you alpha?” Jimin looks up in response, annoyed at Yoongi’s question. It makes the older laugh, “Baby, I need to know how this is going to go. Don’t be mad. Am I alpha or omega?”
It’s like he can actually see the gears turning in the omega’s brain as he tries to figure it out before he finally responds with a quiet, “My alpha…”
“And you’re alpha, too?”
“Your alpha.”
“Sounds good. Now, come on, alpha. I need you.” 
Jimin smirks in response, delicate fingers wrapping around Yoongi’s cock and giving a gentle squeeze. Yoongi’s chest rumbles, a groan ripping through his throat. 
Jimin wastes no more time, wrapping his perfect lips around the tip of Yoongi’s cock and sucking, his tongue pressing against the slit to make Yoongi’s squirm. 
He doesn’t get a response in the form of words, just Jimin lowering his mouth down around the alpha’s erection. He stops just shy of where his knot would form and the tip hits the back of his throat. Yoongi’s fingers tangle in Jimin’s blonde hair, tentatively pushing his head down further. 
Yoongi’s words are muffled in his moans, but it’s when Jimin’s finger teases at Yoongi’s hole that he has to fight off his alpha, who desperately wants to flip Jimin around and sink as deep into him as he can go.
“No teasing, alpha.” Yoongi growls in warning. Jimin’s eyes glance up at him, moving his mouth off Yoongi’s cock and smiling at the way Yoongi’s biting his bottom lip.
He hovers back above the alpha, small hands wrapping around Yoongi’s wrists as he slowly moves them to sit on the pillow above Yoongi’s head. Yoongi’s quick to understand the silent order, tangling his fingers together as if his wrists were bound. 
“Be good for me.”
Jimin’s omega preens at the obedient alpha, shuffling back down and spreading Yoongi’s legs more before licking his hole. 
Jimin hums in response, taking that as a sign to not hold back. 
And while Yoongi loves eating ass, Jimin’s mouth is designed for it. 
It drives Yoongi insane. His alpha howling at the sensation. 
Jimin uses the moans and growls to push forward, tongue diving past the ring of muscles and working him open.
“Jimin.” His voice cracks, and Jimin glances up, giving the alpha a pointed look. 
It takes Yoongi a second to click what he said wrong.
“Alpha,” the omega smiles at the correction, kissing the sensitive space between his balls and hole. Yoongi tosses his head back into the pillow, continuing to fight his alpha, “Chim, you know I can’t produce my own slick, I have lube in the drawer.” 
He managed to remember to bring the lube to the bedroom after drawing a bath for Jimin last night and letting him rest by himself. 
Jimin’s head perks up further, eyes finding the drawer in question. Yoongi bites back a laugh at the way Jimin quickly crawls away from Yoongi and to the drawer, pulling out the small bottle of lube.
Yoongi closes his eyes, willing himself to rely on his senses and holding back his alpha, giving himself completely to Jimin. He hears the click of the bottle opening, the almost obscene squelch of the lube being squeezed onto Jimin’s fingers. He hears Jimin crawling back into position, and feels the way his free hand slide’s up Yoongi’s thigh, as if to warn him of what’s coming. 
But he’s not ready for the cold shock of the lube, hips bucking up and away at the contact of fingers pressing against his hole. 
“Cold.” He’s quick to breathe out. 
“Never liked lube…” Jimin mutters, slowly pushing two fingers in and curling them up. Yoongi hisses at the sensation, relaxing immediately at how Jimin somehow always manages to find the perfect spot to press. 
“I don’t have slick. This is how it’ll have to be, Jimin-ah.” His eyes are shut, but he can hear the way Jimin’s hand leaves Yoongi, quietly playing with the lube between his fingers. 
The wild thing about relying on the other senses by depriving oneself of one is those other senses get amplified. Which is why when Yoongi mentions slick, he can smell the slick coming from his omega. He can feel the way Jimin repositions himself. Can hear the way he reaches behind himself to gather up his own slick.
This time, when Jimin presses his fingers in, it’s a lot easier, almost warm, and Yoongi has no time to process that it’s Jimin’s own slick being used as lube before he’s bucking his hips up when Jimin’s fingers curl inside. 
Jimin works him open, mixing the lube with his own slick to get Yoongi open enough. 
“Doing so well, my alpha.” He praises absentmindedly, eyes focused on the way his fingers spread Yoongi open. 
Yoongi can’t respond, how could he? He can only let out soft sounds of pleasure until Jimin is crawling back over him, delicate kisses trailing up his skin. 
“Fuck me.” 
It’s said out of breath, desperate, needy. 
Jimin nods, a shy smile flashing across his face. 
Jimin covers his cock in more of his own slick and a small amount of lube (he really hates the stuff) and positions himself between Yoongi’s legs. 
“I love you, alpha.” He whispers it against Yoongi’s lips, not giving him a chance to respond when he pushes the tip of his cock in. 
It’s hot open mouth breaths against one another as they’re both gasping at the feeling. Jimin’s inside of his alpha. He’s fucking Yoongi for once. 
It feels too fucking good. 
Jimin gives Yoongi a moment to relax once he’s bottomed out, soft kisses on his lips, cheeks, down to his throat and scent gland. 
“My sweet alpha. Doing so well.” He praises, running his tongue along the gland, both scents intensifying around them. 
“Knot me, Chim. Please, fuck me.” Yoongi’s voice falters, hips lifting to try to meet Jimin’s and make him move. His hands are gripping the pillow tight. He wants to destroy it to avoid touching Jimin. 
Jimin presses him back down, hand gripping the older’s hip to keep him in place, and pulls out until it’s just the tip. He starts out slow, getting Yoongi adjusted to the feel and the stretch until he’s practically begging for more. 
“My perfect alpha. Gonna knot you. Breed you. Fuck you so full of my cum. My beautiful alpha.” 
Yoongi can only cry out in pleasure, hands finally ripping the pillow above his head, finally grabbing Jimin to bring his mouth to his in a sloppy and needy kiss. 
It’s when Yoongi purrs that Jimin officially loses it. 
“Present for me.” It’s a simple instruction, a basic command Yoongi has given Jimin countless times, yet it makes Yoongi’s mind hazy as he rushes to comply. He feels so empty when Jimin pulls out, desperate for Jimin to fill him up again, he gets to his hands and knees, ass straight up in the air. 
“Good alpha.” Jimin purrs, hands grabbing at the flesh of his ass and watching the way Yoongi’s hole flutters for him. 
“Just for you, alpha.” Yoongi whines into a not destroyed pillow, cursing when Jimin pushes back in. 
“You take me so well, baby. So fucking perfect for me.” A hand slides up and down his back as he fucks him like it’s his only goal in life to bring pleasure. 
Yoongi whines, pleasure intensifying and making it hard to stay coherent as he takes everything Jimin gives him. 
He doesn’t even notice when Jimin pulls him up to just his knees, one hand around his torso, the other on his hip. He leaves wet kisses along his neck as the alpha leans his head back on Jimin’s shoulder. 
“That’s it, alpha. You wanna come around my cock? Let me knot you and fill you up? Make you mine?”
“Please. Jimi—oh fuck. Please.” His words are broken, the intensity of his orgasm building as both of Jimin’s hands reach for his cock. One hand squeezing the base where his knot should be forming while the other teases the tip mercilessly. 
“Come for me, alpha. Let me feel it.” His whispered command breaks the alpha, crying out, body shaking but not falling as Jimin keeps him close, milking his orgasm from his cock. It’s the most intense feeling, hands around his sensitive cock while being fucked so deep at the same time. 
He fucking loves it. 
“Fuck I’m coming, too.” Jimin quickly latches his teeth into Yoongi’s neck, right on the scent gland. He pistons into Yoongi a few more times before stopping suddenly, finally coming deep inside. 
It feels so good, so intense, Yoongi comes a second time. It’s not as intense, a small aftershock orgasm, but it’s so fucking good that they both fall forward when Jimin is done. 
The room is silent, save for the two catching their breaths, until a soft giggle comes from the omega. Yoongi turns to his side, Jimin falling to his opposite side to face the alpha. 
“What?” Yoongi asks out of breath still. 
“Thank you.” Jimin whispers, “for letting me do that. I know your alpha must’ve been fighting you the entire time. I know my omega was.”
“It was. But, it gave in at the end. Felt too fucking good.” 
“Yes it did.” Jimin giggles and Yoongi's alpha feels so damn proud. 
“I think it broke my heart, though.” Jimin smiles, half-moon eyes showing and making Yoongi smile in return.
“We’ll take today to rest and make sure. I’ll take care of you, baby.”
“Shouldn’t I take care of you?” He pouts and Yoongi has to give the full gummy smile.
“No, baby. I’m fine.”
“But the alpha should take care of the—”
“I’m okay, Chim. I promise. If anything, we can take care of each other. Okay?”
“Let’s nap a little first and then, yes, we’ll have a bath together.”
Jimin nods in agreement, pushing his body forward until the two are cuddling and his face is buried in the alpha’s neck. 
“I love you, Min Yoongi, my alpha.”
“I love you, Park Jimin, my beautiful omega.”
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tailsbeth-writes · 3 months
Prompt 6 FirstPrince!
I figured if anyone requested this, it would be for FirstPrince. Henry would have definitely read the book & seen the film of Holding the Man (I couldn't recommend enough but remember the tissues!). Find this on Ao3!
TW: Depression, dark thoughts in general - look after yourselves! ❤️
When Henry rolls over in bed that morning, he knows it's going to be a bad day. The sheets are cold next to him, the clock tells him it's 6.03 so Alex is out on his run. Henry can't think of anything worse right now, the mere thought of sunlight is painful.
His hand stretches to the bedside table, tapping momentarily as he finds his phone. He sends 🏴 emoji to Percy, a symbol system they set up a while ago so that Percy gets a heads up he won't be at the shelter but it takes minimal effort for Henry. He scrolls out of some sick curiosity to see when the last one was. It was a month ago, after a trip to London. Serves him right for trying with his grandmother, he thinks.
He puts his phone on the table and rolls himself over. The duvet envelopes him as he shuffles further into it. It smells like tea, coconut moisturiser, coffee, sweat, cologne... It smells like them. And yet, all of that brings no comfort to Henry today. His mind is trapped in a dark vice, and while that may be the case far less frequently these days, it still fills him with the endless questions of why.
Why am I like this?
Why does Alex even stay?
Why won't this stop?
Henry has never been hugely spiritual but days like this make him worry for his soul. When the numbness hits him so hard, he can barely believe he even has one. It is like it has been swallowed whole by a great fog overnight. Henry feels stranded, to simply watch his essence vanish.
'Baby, Hen, can you hear me?'
Henry blinks and he can now see Alex's face. He can smell Alex's grapefruit shower gel that he keeps in the downstairs bathroom so he doesn't disturb Henry with his post workout shower.
'Alex, I... I can't...'
Henry barely recognises the strained tone that escapes his lips. He can feel the bed shift as Alex moves closer and kisses his hair before backing away, Alex is saying something but he can't take in the words. It's like he's stuck at the bottom of the ocean, everything blurred and muffled. Henry wishes he could swim to the top but he knows he wouldn't make it.
'I got you, can you drink this for me?'
There's a sports bottle at Henry's lips, he tips his head back a little as Alex guides him. The water is cold, it stings Henry's gums a little.
'Pills next, okay?'
Henry manages a nod this time and Alex starts to put his pills in his mouth and guides the water bottle again. Henry can't help but think they seem pointless. If he can't leave bed, then they can't be working, can they?
'They're not a cure all Henry, you know they help.'
'Stop reading my mind.'
'Stop thinking out loud then sweetheart.'
Alex put the water and pill bottles to the side and lies down next to Henry. Henry lets himself study Alex's face; the slight eye bags that he'll never get rid of any time soon, his perky lips that Henry wishes he yearned for and the stubble that he'd been leaving for the past few days. His eyes look so hopeful, as if Henry is going to offer him the world. That's when it all hits Henry. The tears fall down his cheeks.
'I'm so sorry, Alex.'
Alex pulls him in tightly, the warmth of his skin anchors Henry to something solid. His salty tears touch his mouth as he sobs into Alex's neck. Alex is whispering in Spanish and Henry feels oddly soothed, despite not having a clue.
'I will love every inch of your soul even when you can't see it. Okay, Hen?'
Henry nods into Alex. He can only wait and wonder now.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Fic prompt: Warriors bites into a grapefruit after a very long very bad day
- hero-of-the-wolf
Okay so last night’s fic was actually inspired by this prompt and supposed to end with Wars eating a grapefruit and crying about it but then that didn’t happen, and I have like two other ideas where i think it’d be REALLY fucking funny for him to eat a grapefruit thinking it’s an orange and I’ll probably end up doing one of those if not both, but for now please accept this
Here you go!! (132 words)
Warriors’s disgusted shriek startled Time to his core, and he whipped around to find the captain had dropped to his knees and was crying on the ground.
“Did something happen??” He asked, worry seizing his heart as he rushed over.
Legend stood next to the captain with his arms crossed over his chest and an irritated expression on his face. “He’s being a drama queen.”
“You have to kill me!!” Warriors wailed, looking up at Time, and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes when he realized his brother wasn’t crying at all.
“His orange was actually a grapefruit,” Wind supplied helpfully, and Time burst out laughing.
The captain glared at him as he got back up, dusting off his knees. “You’re so mean to me.”
“Yeah, we’re positively awful,” Legend smirked.
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cottonlemonade · 5 months
[closed] Welcome to my Lemonade Stand
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Ahoy again! My little request game is back and I’ve updated the menu a bit to include some new prompts and starting points.
It works like this:
> you order a lemonade in your preferred size (genre) and flavor (prompt), choose 1-2 extras (starting point) and then just add a character name at the end
Here are a few examples:
> a “medium Watermelon Lemonade with extra ice for Atsumu” would get you a fluffy story in which you fake date your rival!Atsumu
> a “medium to large Passionfruit Lemonade with crushed mint for Kuroo* and Sugawara” would get you a fluffy/spicy love triangle with coworkers Kuroo and Sugawara - Kuroo being the main love interest (marked with a *star)
or lastly
> a “medium Grapefruit Lemonade with slices of cucumber and ginger for Ennoshita” would get you a fluffy story in which you comfort/take care of Ennoshita as a manager whom he crushes on
and so on and so forth 😊
Please note, all stories will be x chubby!Reader (and lemme know in case a certain pronoun is preferred otherwise the default will be female 🌱)
Feel free to mix and match size, flavor and extras but please only order one lemonade at a time (you can of course place more than one order or just say Hi ^^)
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writing-whump · 25 days
Hey Sol! 💫
It's the dessert question anon. I know this prompt doesn't really fit in the current situation but, later on, can we please get something with Arnie and Matt? We got all the other interesting or rather unconventional pairings like Hector and Matthew, Seline and Hector, Arnie and Seline, but we have yet to see those two truly interact 👀
Btw I don't think I have seen this emoji around, but if there is another anon who signs with this, please let me know and I'll change it asap!!
- 🍰
Haha that's a nickname with fun context. Dessert is all yours!!✨️ Thank you for the prompt💙
This is also the 💫100th💫 fic and the official start of the vacation arc🏖
100. Airport troubles
"Remind me why I have to tag along with you guys again?" Arnie said for like the third time as they made their way through the airport.
Matthew was walking behind him, so he rolled his eyes openly. God, the kid was a handful.
"You wouldn't want to get dragged into pup training, would you?" Seline said quickly. "This way, Isaiah can train Rip on the way, Dylan can learn some tricks and since Hector graciously offered to help-"
Oh yeah, Hector was oh so gracious. Maybe he just wanted to avoid the fucking airport.
Honestly, Matthew didn't know why he wasn't in the car either. He could help with training Rip? At least with the sparring part? And who was going to look out for Isaiah during the 4 day drive it took to Bulgaria?
And he could have skipped the crowd in the hall.
Though Seline picked the earliest flight as possible—they were already at the airport at 4 am—it was still crawling with people. Happy families, crabby teenagers, loud babies.
Matthew's skin was itching. He couldn't help rolling his shoulders back repeatedly and it took all his strength to not jump everytime someone bumped into him or walked too close on accident.
The only way to avoid people completely at Vienna Airport would be by climbing the ceiling.
Another elderly man bumped into him, nose almost touching his phone screen, eliciting a shudder from Matthew. Why didn't he ask Isaiah to roll his shadow for the flight? This was torture.
Seline's hand suddenly hooked around his elbow and she leaned her weight against him. "Look, that's our control check that way. We'll be out of here in no time."
Arnie also wore a constant pout, grumbling about not getting first class and being left out when his brothers were having fun.
Matthew suppressed a sigh as they got into the queue. Trying to be nonchalant, he leaned over to take a deep breath of Seline's ozonic grapefruit scent, the air brushing against her silver blond hair. An ancherpoint of familiarity in the sea of chaos.
"You'll get your cabin bag up on the stripe yourself. They will only touch it when they move it forward. Once it goes through the box, it's all yours," Seline said, side of her face brushing against his shoulder.
Matthew glanced towards Arnie, flushing a little. "I know." He had seen movies with airports before.
Arnie snorted. "What? You have never been to an airport before?"
Matthew flushed a little more. So he never had a reason to fly, big deal. Airports and stations and everything crowded was a challange for wolves. He preferred to drive, bike or take empty night trains over flights any day.
"Shouldn't you have gone with the pups after all?" Arnie teased as he expertly unpacked his laptop and tablet and ereader out the bag. Why did he need so many devices was beyond Matthew's understanding.
Seline had a delicate frown on. "Don't be mean now. Matthew didn't have proper wolf training in his pack."
Which didn't make Matthew feel any better. Arnie gave him another ridiculous look as he moved forward to get through the security check.
Matthew quietly fumed his way through the procedure, partly comforted and partly emebrassed by Seline waiting for him and hanging herself on his arm again.
"I have saffron drops for nerves," Seline whispered in his ear.
Matthew nodded tightly and looked away. He wanted to be able to do this on his own, no meds needed. Though Seline was their local medical expert, she also liked using lots of herbs and drops and natural remedies like teas and leaves whenever she could.
It would probably help. He could try taking it when Arnie was out of earshot.
They finally made their way to a row of chairs near the right gate that wasn't open yet. Since Bulgaria was Seline's family favourite destination she moved around the airport with practiced ease. Her parents even offered them to borrow three apartments they rented over the summer next to each other for free.
Matthew promptly collapsed on the chair nearest to the window, taking deep measured breaths.
Seline sat beside him, watching like a hawk. Her hand was firmly planted on his forearm.
Arnie eyed them critically. "You gonna be buzzkillers the whole time? We have at least a whole hour left. Let's get some breakfast."
Seline bit her lip in consideration. "We can get food and eat it here together. I'll bring you a croissant, Matt?"
Matthew grumbled, wishing Isaiah was here. Or anyone who would offer to get the food so that Seline could stay sitting like this next to him, shielding him from the masses of people.
Arnie's eyes glittered knowingly, but the snide twist to his mouth betrayed he wasn't up to feeling any sympathy.
Arnie wasn't a person to offer anything, even if he caught the hint. He was observant, Matt would give him that, but for all his insight and knowledge about wolves, he still opted to be provocative and mouthy instead. He knew how hard it made things and he still did it. What was up with that?
Was Arnie really that mad for not being able to go with his brothers, taking his anger out on them?
At least Hector was blunt and predictable in his remarks and challenges. Matthew could get behind that. Isaiah was a generous caretaker from his soul. None of them seemed as petty and jealous as Arnie.
"Meet you here in 20 minutes?" Seline suggested.
Arnie scoffed. "Not much time is that? I wanna check the boutiques and get a good coffee."
"It's half five in the morning," Seline said.
"All the more. We had to get here at this crapy hour for Mr Second here. I don't wake up before 10, thank you. If I am to function I need a frappe."
Fortunately it didn't take long for Seline to return with a plain croissant and some tea. She didn't mention Matthew stayed at the seats, sitting on his arms to keep his jumpy reaction and shadow in check.
Matt felt guilty for the service, but immensely thankful to have something in his stomach.
Arnie took way more than 30 minutes to get there, sporting a large transuclant plastic cup inside another one with the frappe and melting ice.
Seline wrinkled her nose. "You had two?"
Arnie shrugged. "How else do I survive? Maybe they will have coffee on the flight too."
"Did you at least eat anything?"
"No hungry. And what's that to you anyway? I'm 18, you know?" Arnie said in a tone like that really made him an adult.
Spoiled little brat. How did someone rough like Hector even manage that? Matt was definitely throwing that in his face when they saw each other.
"The gate just opened." Seline was squinting on the far away timetable screen, one of her hand resting on Matthew's knee. "We have priority seats, so we can go sooner if we want...but maybe you better enjoy the view a bit longer?"
"I'm gonna be fine. Closed up spaces aren't a big deal."
"Yeah, but there will be lots of people. Though the priority seats also mean we have more leg space and you can sit by the window-"
Matthew smiled, his hand coming to rest on top of hers. "Sel. It's fine. Thank you."
She nodded, reaching out to ruffle his hair. "You are doing great for your first time. I'm proud of you."
Matthew rolled his eyes, feeling his cheeks turn red as his hair again. "Don't-don't say nonsense, there is nothing to be proud of."
"If he was half his age, maybe," Arnie added. He sat a few seats away from them, fidgeting with the empty cups with jittery fingers.
Seline rolled her eyes and stood up. "Last bathroom break. I'll be right back."
Matthew had to chuckle at how she couldn't look at either of them as she said it, trailing away. Still so easily flustered about such things.
A loud rumbling gurgle caught his attention then. Since people lined up to the gate, it was just him and Arnie left in the row by the windows.
Arnie sat hunched over himself, staring at the ground like he was trying to burn it. He kept licking his lips, rocking back and forth a little.
It was Matthew's turn to snort. "Bathroom break for you too? So much coffee on empty stomach was so adult of you." Not that Matt never made that mistake.
"Shut up," the blond said. His earlier pouty high attitude burst like a balloon and he got pale as a sheet in just a couple of minutes.
The kid rocked back and forth again, shaking the backpack off his shoulders and hugging his stomach with both hands. "Ow, okay, that hurtsss."
"Stupid," Matthew said, leaning back in his seat. "You better hurry up before you shit your pants. Plane's leaving soon."
"Asshole," Arnie said. His blond curls were sticking to his forehead with sweat. He shot up to his feet, leaving his bag behind and sprinted towards the bathrooms.
Matthew grinned to himself, pleased with how fate got back at the kid for him.
...it wasn't that funny half an hour later, when the last call for passengers appeared. Matt and Sel stood at the gate, looking around themselves in hopes of spotting Arnie.
"Damn this timing," Matthew complained, Arnie's backpack now thrown over his shoulder beside his own. "Think you can talk with the attendant to wait a bit more?"
"Can't hurt to ask. But we better not split up anyway. We can always take the next flight."
"And let the tickets go to waste?" Matt grimaced. "No way. I'm gonna drag that kid over. Just don't fly without me."
He left the bags at her feet and made his way to the bathroom, glad he knew which one Arnie went to.
When he entered the surprisingly large white room with rows and rows of stalls, he was greeted with the horrible retching sound and a liquid splash.
"Arnie? You in here?" Matt headed to the stall with the noise, knocking on it.
"G'way," Arnie groaned.
Matthew sighed. "No can do. Come on, kid, we're gonna be late."
Another loud belch and more liquid splattered inside the bowl. Matt pushed against the door experimentally, finding it open.
Arnie was hunched over the toilet, a large sweaty stain in the middle of his back. The foul smell had Matthew's hair standing up.
He crouched down behind the boy, trying to get a glimpse of his face. "Still bad?"
"My stomach's fucking killing me," Arnie whined in the most undignifed manner, spitting into the toilet. His nose and eyes were running, his face a mix of liquids.
"You can sit at the plane and heave over an airsickness bag too. You can't have anything left there, it was just the coffee-"
Arnie's back heaved violently at the word and he gagged over and over the bowl like crazy. A meager but chunkier gush came out. He suddenly pitched to the side.
"Fuck, no you don't-" Matt was glad for his reflexes as he caught Arnie from behind.
"That's some serious sugar low," Matthew grumbled. It felt awkward to touch Arnie. He felt very strange to Matt's shadow and he wasn't exactly thrilled to be sitting in that small space with him.
Matthew gathered some toilet paper and handed it over, steadying Arnie with a hand on his shoulder.
Arnie blinked at him in confusion, accepting the papers and blowing his nose loudly. He was very noise for his small stature.
The big green familiar eyes in the foreign face felt even weirder to Matthew.
Arnie moaned pathetically, letting the crumbled paper fall on the floor and curling around his middle again. By the loud growls it was making, even on empty it was still plenty upset.
"Want some water?" Matthew tried.
Arnie gagged at the mention, pressing his chin against his chest. He shut his eyes again, face drained for colour even more.
"Shit," Matt muttered. He flushed the toilet then brought the larger towels for hands, cold with wet water and pressed them against Arnie's forehead.
"J-just go ahead. I'll catch up. Next flight's in six hours and I have-" he burped, eyes still shut, "I have the money, it's fine."
Matthew rolled his eyes. "That's what you would deserve, you little prick. Whatever. Not gonna leave you like this. You absolutely sure you can't go yet? It'll probably let up in a bit."
Arnie shook his head. "C-can't. My insides feel like they are about to fall out."
Matthew grimaced and nodded. "Okay. It's fine. I'm gonna text Sel about, ehmm, the situation. She probably has some herb drops to help, if you want."
Arnie opened his bleary red-rimmed eyes. "You really don't have to stay."
"Shut up. Who do you think I am? Ain't gonna leave Isaiah's little brother behind when sick."
Arnie snorted, face relaxing a little. "Not cause Hector would have your head?"
Matthew scoffed. "I'm not afraid of that idiot, stupid."
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