#grayson ( muse relation )
ghost-bxrd · 6 months
blog guidelines and tags
Hi! I’m GhostBird! This blog is dedicated to any and all things Batman and Robin related featuring copious amounts of fluff and feels 💚
First of all: be kind. Both to me and to each other. If there’s a prompt/opinion you don’t like please keep scrolling or simply block. Rude commentary or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated, and yes that also applies to ships you may find distasteful. If I have too many people going anon to be rude I will be turning that function off. This is a safe space, and I will enforce that with prejudice. 🐍
Second of all: Have Fun. Go wild. I love talking and brainstorming with you guys. And if you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask 🦅
prompts — plot bunnies that hit me over the head at random times of the day. If you get inspired, feel free to write something for it. 💚
Digital Art — my art (unless it’s reblogged) ranging from sketches and little comic doodles to full paintings. Usually of the angsty variety ⛈️
Owl Song — for the Talon!Dick fic series I’m writing featuring lots of feels 🦉
what you’re longing for you claim to abhor — for the fic with Jason pretending to be a hallucination where the Bats think Hood was Jason’s boyfriend 🫀
Shuck — Church Grimm Jason AU 🐺
The Antithesis of Magic — for the fic where Jason Todd adopts a young Bruce Wayne from an alternate universe and takes him back to his own and now has to navigate being a dad to a traumatized ten year old who’s hell bent on becoming a vigilante while simultaneously juggling his night job as a crime lord, all while keeping both their identities secret from the Bats 🦇
ghost talks — responses to asks and suggestions, some general musings, and random thoughts 👻
brainstorming — brainstorming for fic ideas or existing fics
Fae Dick Grayson — the Fae au with multiple headcanons and little convos without an actual fic (yet) lol 🌲
Court Family — the batfam as part of the Court of Owls AU 🪙
Selkie Au — Selkie Jason 🦭
Etsy — updates and stuff for my Etsy store, mostly Batboys related 🦅
Sneak Peek — Drabble previews of upcoming fics ✍️
Scrapbook — scrapbook project for Owl Song, with hidden infos and secret messages for this verse 🦉📖
And… that’s pretty much it for now. I’ll update this list when or if necessary ✨
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dearestagony · 19 days
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STARTER CALL! Hit the heart or leave a comment for a short starter with one of my muses. These will likely be spotify based, with lyrics coming from my "The Rock Playlist" or a character related playlist. If a muse is not specified, I will use my wheel spinner to pick one. These are for mutuals only.
The muses I have here include:: Annaleigh Lancaster, Lenny Grayson, Jillian Nakamura, Kisara Itoh, Eden Crawford, Claudia von Schroeder, and Prudence Stine. More characters may be added to my blog in the future.
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chirp-a-chirp · 1 year
Court of Darkness: Sleeping Beauty
Description: Happy Birthday Roy! An exhausted Roy discovers a perfect way to celebrate his special day with MC. MC is named Carla.
Fluff/Sugar Rating: 20/10 (The fluff is so big, it has its own zip code. I wear my “biggest fan-fiction sap” badge with pride here)
Passion Rating: 5/10
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Knock, knock.
“Roy, sweetheart?” Carla pressed her ear to the door, unconsciously turning the doorknob when no one answered. As she did so, the unlocked door swung open. Carla unceremoniously tumbled into Roy’s room, barely staying on her feet.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to—“ Carla stopped mid-sentence at what she saw.
Piles of prettily wrapped boxes were everywhere, scattered in various corners of the room and in multiple chairs. Apparently, half the Academy and all of Invidia was eager to send Roy presents for his birthday. A few boxes were open, revealing a theme to the gifts—tea, tea-related accessories, and more tea. Roy’s received enough tea to last a lifetime, Carla thought to herself. Well, maybe a few months, given Roy’s preferences. Good thing one can’t get drunk on tea leaves.
Carla quietly closed the door behind her. As Carla’s eyes surveyed the piles of presents, she found her prince. Roy was sleeping on a couch, head propped against an armrest with a makeshift pillow from his cloak. His feet grazed the couch’s other armrest. One arm was draped over his chest while the other arm hung off the couch, his fingers nearly touching the cream colored rug and quill on the floor. A table with a stack of cards and a list of names was nearby, along with another small pile of gifts. The cards contained a few lines of gratitude for each gift received, with each sender associated with a completed card marked with a checkmark on the list.
Carla smiled. This is just like him. Roy did not discard the droves of birthday gifts like Guy would do, or outsource the responsibility of writing thank you cards to his valet like other princes might. Roy took the time to personally acknowledge each gift to as many people as he could. It was an innate kindness that defined Roy as a prince and as a man. Even if it meant thanking 50+ people for receiving the same bag of yellow tea.
Carla was glad to see Roy asleep. The past few weeks had been an absolute whirlwind of activity. Toa had left Colde to attend to urgent business back home; as a result, Roy had taken on Toa’s teaching and prefect duties alongside his own teaching and royal responsibilities. Roy also had hosted several festivals at the Academy to increase Saligian recognition of Invidian wares. And finally, Roy worked in the school infirmary this past week when the doctors became sick—for some reason, students were hesitant to take healing potions from Jasper. Roy stepped in as prince turned quietly baffled doctor until Toa’s arrival back to Colde yesterday.
Carla gently carded her fingers through Roy’s hair. He looked like a Saligian Sleeping Beauty, with his clean cut features, slightly tinted cheeks, and soft lips. He was like a rose—beautiful, elegant, enticing. Perhaps a wilder sort of rose, mused Carla. Roy’s mop top of unruly pink locks and his single pierced earring provided a hint of the more mischievous passionate side to an otherwise refined persona.
Carla’s fingers brushed Roy’s shoulder and arm. “Five more minutes Grayson, I beg you.” Roy’s eyes were shut; he lifted an arm as if to shoo away a pest.
Carla stifled a laugh. She didn’t know what was funnier—the notion of Grayson awkwardly trying to awaken Roy or Roy imploring for sleep like a petulant child. Roy typically woke up before Carla in the mornings and he rarely took naps. The sight of a groggy Roy made Carla melt with happiness. And, it sparked an opportunity for amusement.
“I can send for Grayson if you prefer his company to mine,” snickered Carla. “However, you gave him the afternoon off, so that might be difficult.”
Roy hastily sat up, his eyes opening in surprise. Upon seeing Carla standing near him, her hand covering her mouth in laughter, Roy flopped back on the couch with a groan and closed his eyes.
“Oh Creator, how embarrassing.” Roy’s cheeks turned pink. “Perhaps I am simply imagining this in my sleep deprived state.”
“It’s nice to see you flustered for once Roy.” Carla’s shoulders shook from repressed laughter. “How the tables have turned!”
“The table is not turned. It’s right where I left it.” Roy lifted a lazy hand and pointed to the nearby table. “I do not understand…I must be dreaming.”
“I assure you I’m quite real Roy.” Carla giggled louder. She made a mental note to talk to Roy about non-Saligian phrases/colloquialisms when he was more awake.
“Then prove it,” Roy purred huskily, his eyes still closed. “Show me you are actually here with me.”
Carla kneeled on the floor and turned, her head inches above Roy’s face, her breath ghosting his lips. Carla pushed her unbound hair to the side, long brown strands tickling Roy’s neck and the side of his face.
“Hmmm,” Roy hummed. “Your hair smells like strawberries, just like my Carla’s.” A hand caressed the back of Carla’s head. “However, I believe I still need convincing.”
Roy felt rather than saw Carla smile as her lips brushed his, lightly at first. Her hand grazed his cheek as her lips parted slightly to allow a series of deeper kisses that consumed them. Soft moans escaped them both as Roy moved his lips slowly to Carla’s neck. Reluctantly, Carla pulled away.
“As much as I would like to continue, you need rest, my love.” Even while exhausted, Roy’s kisses left Carla breathless. Roy opened his eyes, his hand still at the back of Carla’s head, smiling tiredly at her now mussed-up hair.
“As long as we continue where we left off afterwards. Preferably tonight,” Roy said in a low voice.
“That is easily managed. Sherry and I postponed your birthday celebration until tomorrow. We thought you would be too tired to enjoy it.” Carla gently pushed each of Roy’s eyelids down to close his eyes. “Now rest, please.”
Roy murmured softly, “May I at least have something to keep me warm?”
Carla sat up and walked towards Roy’s bed, grabbing a white and yellow blanket—the fabric was incredibly soft, a gift from Lynt and Tino. She went back to Roy and covered him neck to feet in the fluffy cloth.
The corners of Roy’s mouth lifted slightly. “That was not the warmth I was hoping for.” His eyes remained closed, but his eyebrows rose in amusement.
“Do you wish for another blanket—OH.” Carla’s cheeks warmed at the implication. Roy chuckled grogily. “I can feel you blushing from here, Heartspell. Now we are even.” Roy’s golden eyes blinked slowly, radiating warmth. He pulled the blanket off his chest, letting it bunch up in his lap. “Will you indulge me?” Carla nodded.
Roy gently tugged on Carla’s hand, pulling her down flush on top of him. Carla shifted until she was nestled between the back of the couch and Roy’s side. Roy turned, the couple laying side by side, fitted together like two puzzle pieces on the narrow couch. Carla covered herself and Roy with the blanket, peppering his jawline with soft pecks.
“Is there anything else I can get you Roy?”
“No. I just want sleep.” Roy laughed quietly, feeling Carla’s face turn red. “Actual sleep.”
“I do have your birthday gift, if you’d like—“
“That is not necessary. Not now.” Roy tightened his arm around Carla. “I have the perfect gift right here.” Roy kissed the top of Carla’s head. Carla nestled against the crook of his neck. As Roy drifted off to sleep, he murmured to himself.
“Thank you Heartspell. For everything.”
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jynxd · 3 months
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I know I am not doing a massive amount of writing as it is at the moment but I am going to be officially running Grayson as a test muse. This inspired by several things, but I also just want to spread out and do a piltover muse. A few things to note, however:
Grayson is originally from Zaun and relocated when she was young. This a secret that not many know. She has family in Zaun as well. (Possible relation to Renata.)
Markus found this secret out and was attempting to overthrow her when she "died".
She isn't killed by Deckard, but she is heavily fucked up and is now most shimmer augmented. Including an arm and a leg, as well as her chest.
She is definitely percieved dead as she rarely shows her face in Piltover at all. Most of the time she is very covered up as to hide her augmentation.
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clumsyhost · 7 months
NAME. :: Ash or Ashheart. I'm fine with either, but Ash is preferred. :)
PRONOUNS. :: She & Her are my pronouns.
PREFERRED COMMS. :: Either tumblr IMS or Discord. I only give my Discord info out to mutuals I've chatted with in IMS before though. And I won't accept friend requests over there from strangers.
NAME OF MUSE :: On this blog :: Haruhi Fujioka. But I also have multiple ocs :: Lenny Grayson(@lcnnypooh), Annaleigh Lancaster(@rageagaiinst), Jillian Nakamura(@hclyfvckcd), Prudence(@sunshinebled), Eden Crawford(@crwfrds), & Claudia von Schroeder(@claudiasofschroeder). And I have two canons :: Tara "Terra" Markov(@dontlosecontrol) & Kisara Itoh - a modern au Kisara from yugioh(@eyescfblue).
EXPERIANCE IN RP :: I've been a roleplayer since 2011. I started writing on tumblr in 2017.
BEST EXPERIENCES :: One of my best experiences is all of the friendships I've made throughout my years as a roleplayer. It's sad when friends go, but new ones are always around the corner. I love all of the relationships my muses have had as well.
PET PEEVES / DEAL BREAKERS :: There's nothing I can think of in terms of pet peeves at the moment. But deal breakers on the other hand? Anyone who causes drama or sends anon hate are not the kind of people I want to associate with
MUSE PREFERENCE (FLUFF, SMUT, ANGST.) :: Haruhi would probably prefer fluff. While, I love both fluff and angst. I've never written smut, so it's not going to be done on this blog.
PLOT OR MEMES :: Give me both! I love having memes tossed into my inbox and I also enjoy plotting out stories with my friends. I also love just winging it too.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES :: I do both! It depends on how my muse is and what I have to work with on my response.
BEST TIME TO WRITE :: I tend to be active on tumblr late at night. My sleep schedule is all over the place. XD And I usually watch twitch streams in the evenings. After that I hop onto my pc and write or work on edits / graphics. Or I'll play a game instead.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? :: I feel like Haruhi and I are somewhat similar. We both wear glasses - for starters. And in my opinion, she seems shy and a bit awkward, which is relatable to me because I am too.
Lenny is my muse that I relate to the most though. I've taken some aspects of myself and gave them to Lenny. Like for example we're both shy/awkward and we're kind people. We both love cats, reading, art, and video games.
tagged by :: @drinkitfrommymouthsuou (thanks friend!)
tagging :: @diverse-hearts, @aspiringroleplays, @blue-eyed-kaiba, @hcpemikaelscn, & anyone else who wants to do this can say I tagged them. :) If you've already done this meme, you don't have to do this again, I just wanted to tag you all because I was curious.
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lazaruspitreborn · 7 months
My first introduction to Jason Todd was the Arkham Knight game. From there I became a huge fan of him.
What was your first introduction to him?
So, here's the thing, I came into the Batman fandom completely blind (for the sake of the joke, you can say "blind as a bat") like five or six years ago when the Assassin's Creed fandom kinda went numb, stale and filled with small wars and people going all the way to some very heavy language that I prefer to don't get in details.
It was around that time that an old RP partner came back to their activity and they asked me if I was open to RP with their version of Dick Grayson, whose whole story at the time was based around the lore of Owlman, he was called Nightraven instead of Nightwing. It was, according to my friend, a version of DIck that they created way before the comics came out with the whole Crime Syndicate deeper lore, and I simply rolled with it.
We had interesting threads, but they went dark again after like three or four months and I didn't know what to do, because I things were just really bad in both fandoms with people not being all too open to give chances to original characters, or cross-overs, so I vagued around for a while until I landed having RP interactions with a Tim ( @strategiic ) and they started to guide me on how to find myself along the multiverse created by the comics; they'd talk to me about the comics and what happened on them, what was considered canon and what they liked and disliked and I began to absorb it all while going after more information on my own (blessed be every single person who makes compilations of what to read for what character and place it all in a neat and easy to understand guide).
A while later I also began to have RP interactions with a Jason Todd muse ( @rxsurrxcted ) whose mun was a sweetheart and taught me as much as she could about Jason so I wasn't all lost when we wrote our threads, she let me come to her to ask even the silliest questions at two in the morning. To this very day, my main-blog and muse has a verse where he has a relationship with that Jason and they're living happily in a polyamorous relationship with the cutest, softest and most generous paramedic ever ( @goodheartedfool ) while Tim ( @nerdybirdboy ) and my other OC in my main-blog date.
It's been a wild ride for me, because there are many versions of Jason, all fundamentally the same, but each with its own flavor and twist to it, but most of all he's just a character I can understand, his anger, his suffering, his need to prove himself, the feeling of always being judged by others regardless of how much he changes and grows as a person. He's, perhaps, one of the most relatable characters I've ever seen, hopeful, but down-to-earth at the same time, doesn't take shit unless it's really necessary, he sees the hypocrisy and points it out while still being self-aware enough that he, himself, has his own amount of it, he's been through a whole lot, and yet he's there, day and night fighting to get better and make the world around him better. Jason is a man of love and passion, which can backfire as rage and anger when things get heated, since the lines are thin and blurry when it comes to him, but even at his worst, he was still doing his best with what he had and thought to be good (yes, I'm looking at the pill-head version of Red Hood who tried to help Duella Dent as much as he could and tried to give her a better path than the one she was taking for herself).
In short, I love him, because I see him for who he is. Jason isn't a symbol of Justice or Hope like Bruce and Dick made themselves be. He isn't a genious kid who has potential to surpass Batman like Tim. He has none of the baggage and early training that Damian had. He also doesn't have a high profile set parent like Steph to use as a counterpoint to his morals and beliefs. All Jason Todd ever had was a desire for love, family and a will that's a force of nature in itself, powerful enough to get him through everything life throws his way; Jason was dragged into the war Batman wages against criminals out of love for him and passion for change, he wanted to make a difference, to make things better and fairer, and these wishes remained despite everything that happened to him and all the methods he implemented to get the results he wanted.
I love him because he's, simply putting, HUMAN BEYOND THE PAGES HE'S WRITTEN IN.
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twnflaem · 2 years
an independent, selective and low activity multimuse hexed by evie. this blog may hold triggering content but will be tagged. Minors, racists, homophobes and personals dni.
temp rules and muses under the cut:
001. Hiya, my name is Evie, I’m 27 and live in the EST timezone. I use she/her pronouns. If we’re mutuals feel free to add me on discord at numb little bug#0055. Independent, private, and mutually exclusive Multimuse. I am in no way affiliated with any actress/actor or any media represented on this page. I do own all the headcanons / divergences on this page however.
002.  I will tag triggers as trigger tw, if I post something that is triggering to you and it is not tagged, please message me nicely and ask for it to be tagged. Nsfw / graphic content can ( and most likely will ) be present on this blog. Violence, explicit language, blood and sexual themes. everything will be tagged accordingly.
003.  This blog is oc friendly, but please do not just assume my muse knows yours unless it would make sense for them to do so or it has been plotted beforehand.. All I ask is that you have a bio/bullet points up so I can get a feel for your muse and decide if we’d mesh together or not.
004.  The only issue I have is with sup/sub, as it hurts my eyes straining to read such small text. Aesthetic does not matter to me, if I can see us roleplaying I don’t mind if you don’t format at all. Length of replies don’t matter as long as you give me something to work with but please do not give me a one liner if I write one or two paragraphs. Please for the love of god cut your posts as well.
005.  I prefer my writing partners to be at least 18, but I prefer 21+! I will not follow blogs that are under 18. I am a slow replier, I try to work with a queue to keep things going while I can’t seem to find the time to write. Please do not rush me for replies.
006.  My ask is open to mutuals only. I prefer memes to starter calls, so more likely than not the easiest way to roleplay with me is send a meme and we can go from there. So if you're thinking of sending the meme, do it.when it comes to ship-related memes, and you’re worried I'll be upset if you send it because we’ve never interacted ( or never discussed a ship ), please send it! I don't see this as forced shipping. I see it as an opportunity to test a dynamic. the only way to know if there’s chemistry is to take it for a spin.
007. credits go here. 
008. I do not follow first! Few exceptions will be made but for the most part I want to write with those who follow me! So don’t be afraid to yell at me and tell me you wanna plot or write once we’re mutuals!
Anakin Skywalker - Star Wars Samantha Fraser - Fear Street Steve Harrington - Stranger things Harley Quinn - DCEU based Hope Mikaelson - Legacies Landon Kirby - Legacies Harry Hook - Descendants Toni Topaz - Riverdale / Archie comics. Walter De Ville - the Invitation Cassandra Myers - Sebastian’s lost love - Sydney Sweeney Dick Grayson - DC / Titans Bonnibel “Bonnie” Bubblegum - adventure time Marshall Lee Abadeer - adventure time + more tba I’m sure. 
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macveigh · 2 years
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@blamedhee​​ asked: [ DANCE ] : our muses dance together in close quarters. [  sexual tension prompts. ] 
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The jukebox in the bar was playing old classics from the 50′s, 60′s, and 70′s’ mostly the ones that either nobody else has ever even heard of, or the big chart-toppers, nothing in between. Nobody was dancing, if anything, a lot of the younger drinkers looked annoyed. Morgan couldn’t relate, most of the songs she heard she recognized and knew the lyrics to by heart. She imagined herself as a little girl again, dancing to the music softly playing from the turntable in her grandfather’s living room back on Delacroix. During the hot summers when her and Michael would spend the night over at the grandparent’s house, their grandfather on their mother’s side would put on his old records and then ask either Morgan or their grandmother to dance. He might have been pushing seventy-five last time she saw him, but he was always twenty-eight in the heart. She thought of him often whenever Buddy Holly, Hank Williams, or Ricky Nelson played on the radio. 
She thought of him now, and smiled to herself. 
Pushing herself up from her wooden chair with a loud SCREECH, she got up and half twirled towards the center of the room, not bothering to care about who stopped and stared at her like she had lost her mind. The cotton sundress that she wore twirled around her knees with her. Smiling at Grayson, she began to publicly embarrass herself by dancing alone, rhythmically swaying her hips and her head to the music’s almost melancholic tune while the song carried her, controlled the way she moved. The more she danced, the more attention she started to garner, mostly from the men, a few times from the girls who looked on disdainfully. 
It’s when Morgan made a suggestive come hither gesture to Gray that people really started to get agitated. “Come here...come here!” Morgan giggled, dancing towards him with her hands outstretched, “You owe me a dance, mister.” 
Despite his protests, Morgan lead him to the center of the room with her. She placed his hands in the correct spots (one hand on her waist, the other holding her own hand like how past generations used to dance) and began to lead the dance in time with the music. Her face flushed with color, but despite her playful shyness and the reactions from the onlookers, she continued to smile up at Grayson as they danced. 
“Don’t worry about them,” she shook her head and whispered between them, “Just...focus on me. On the music.” 
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 months
Red Birds (EN)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Qemtw4A by anniexx07 Two birds whose wings have been clipped find each other and help each other heal.   Or where Pandora and Tim discover that not everything is black and white. Words: 1487, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Love Birds Collection Fandoms: DCU (Comics), DCU, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Original Female Character(s), Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, Bruce Wayne, Rogues Gallery (Batman), Lex Luthor, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Jonathan Kent, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Calypso (Percy Jackson), Eros (Percy Jackson), Aphrodite (Percy Jackson), Apollo (Percy Jackson), Ares (Percy Jackson), Athena (Percy Jackson), Minerva (Percy Jackson), Cupid (Percy Jackson), Venus (Percy Jackson), Mars (Percy Jackson), Anteros (Percy Jackson), Original Demigod Character(s) (Percy Jackson), Muses (Percy Jackson) Relationships: Tim Drake/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Loki is there for chaos, canon? never met her, Nico di Angelo is a Little Shit, Nico di Angelo Needs a Hug, Sad Nico di Angelo, Aphrodite Ships It (Percy Jackson), Bisexual Female Character, Bisexual Tim Drake, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Dad!Lex Luthor, Lex Luthor Redemption read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Qemtw4A
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uncannyviolet · 9 months
To Art Stream or Not To Art Stream, and other musings??
Lately, I don't know why I have this urge in the back of my head where I would like to look into bringing back into art streaming. It had always been to be able to do that back in 2015 lol where you can take a break from what you're working on and talk/chat with others about art, the process of making art, share tips and tricks, and/or get some feedback when you're stuck on something. I kind of miss that aspect of art making that I had when i was attending art school...making art in a bubble is...tragically, lonesome.
Kind of want to go back into it...but I'm also hesitant. Not sure what it is, but it seems like wanting to art stream is kind of like a whole new thing since VTubers became a thing? Or there's a need for you to make it like some kind of entertainment and you have to become an entertainer to keep your audience engaged and invested lol Obviously, this is kind of trivial if you just want to stream how you want to stream...So, I began looking into it...and oh boy...My laptop was like "please don't, I'm old and on my last leg...don't speed up my death...!" XDDDD I must also add, things for streaming in the last few years have progressed like CRAZY! Not to mention their price tags being an awfully hefty one. Kind of both overwhleming and discouraging. Well, I'm still tethering and on the fence about it, so I guess I won't be doing anything until I make a concrete decision. So many things to consider.
BUT! As of late, with that thought in mind, I kept thinking about making a new OC (of sorts) who will be the avatar of this (potential) art stream thing lol And...it's been kind of fun! Also found out that there's a challenge for this month called "OC-tober", kind of nice that it's...indirectly?? related lol 
So I thought, why not write a blog post about it! So...here we are, me babbling about stuff. Have fun reading my...musings...?
I sketched this environment piece and asked some questions like "What kind of person/creature would live in a place like this?" Drew a blank until the thought of flying fish or a dragon came to mind. I always liked flying fish...and had also wanted to make a flying fish OC. And off I went with my usual kick~ "Tis time to make a yokai-flying-fish OC!"
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Things are always easier said then done. I had zero ideas for a couple of days lol But on a good day, while I was watching some anime and looking at flying fish photos on google...the thought of "It would be really funny if this character's face looks like a fish's face." XDDDD So that got the ball rolling at least. Maybe more things will come if I doodle their face...And one thing led to another, we arrived got a concept (albeit at like 11PM before I should be heading off to bed...). A silly fellow without a single clue, but their face is both funny and cute. I really like the little "mochi" eyebrows and that 'w' shaped mouth lol If all else fails, I can have a cat or bunny OC XDDDD Always good to have a backup plan. ("First thing I learned from Batman" - Dick Grayson lol)
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After finishing this doodle and sleeping on it, I gave it some more thought...and arrived here with ANOTHER 11PM drawings lol Wonder what other things will be coming out of this from my 11PM sessions...but at the moment, This clueless fellow is starting to take up some shape. Those mochi eyebrows are so cute lol I'm going to be having fun with these fish scales XDDDDD
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Not too sure where this is going to take me, but it's kind of fun just...going with the flow. I'll have to see what happens haha Now that they have some shape, comes the next major hurdle...What to name this clueless fellow?? 
Until I get that figured out, take care~! Thanks for reading and making it this far! P.S. If you have name suggestions, do let me know lol Still drawing a blank with that to name this silly little guy.
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dearestagony · 26 days
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STARTER CALL! Hit the heart or leave a comment for a short starter with one of my muses. These will likely be spotify based, with lyrics coming from my “The Rock Playlist” or a character related playlist. If a muse is not specified, I will use my wheel spinner to pick one. These are for mutuals only.
Muses you can request starters from include :: Annaleigh Lancaster, Claudia von Schroeder, Eden Crawford, Jillian Nakamura, Kisara Itoh, Lenny Grayson, and Prudence Stine. Or others who may be added to the muse list later.
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rageagaiinsta · 1 year
NAME :: Ash, but you can also call me Ashheart if you want.
PROUNOUNS :: She && Her.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE :: My muse is all over the place right now. Some days I have a lot of muse for one character and other's I have a lot of muse for another. I have been spending a lot of my time on Annaleigh's blog the past two days. I just haven't done any writing here yet because I want to remake her icons.
EXPERIENCE // HOW MANY YEARS :: I've been a roleplayer since February 2011. Which makes it 12 years!! OH WOW. I've been writing since I was about 13 years old. I started out on Warriorcatsrpg / Feralfront, may that site rest in peace. And then I moved to tumblr in 2017 where I started writing my oc Lenny Grayson. Followed by the ocs Jillian Nakamura and Annaleigh Lancaster. I've also had a handful of sideblogs that never got anywhere, a few multimuse blogs, and a few one off blogs that I later abandoned/deleted.
RP PET PEEVES :: When people don't read my rules or ignore them. My rules are there so I can let people know what I'm comfortable with and I can tell when someone hasn't read them. I also hate it when those pesky bots interact with my blogs. (Everyone should know which bots I'm talking about.) I also don't like it when people use really tiny roleplay icons/gifs. I'm talking icons so small it's hard to tell what the character looks like.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT :: Fluff and Angst! I've never written smut and I don't know if I ever will.
PLOTS OR MEMES :: Both! I love plotting things out with people and being sent memes. Memes are actually one of the best ways to start interactions with me.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES :: Both, but I try to write medium to long replies if I have something of that length to respond to.
TIME TO WRITE :: I usually check tumblr on mobile in the afternoon/evenings. Then at night is usually when I'm here on my pc. My writing has been pretty sporadic the past few months. Some days I'm working on replies and others I'm just scrolling through the dash.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES :: I think I can relate to both Lenny and Annaleigh in different ways. Some of Lenny's personality and likes is similar to my own. While with Annaleigh, loss is something we've both dealt with and I can relate to her pain.
Tagged by :: stolen from @snnydcys
Tagging :: steal this from me and say I tagged you.
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Oh, Dick Grayson’s fc is Jesus Castro Romero, and Terry McGinnis’ fc is Brenton Thwaites.
(Yes, I realize Brenton plays Dick in Titans, but I wanted a Romani fc for Dick, and Terry has a similar build to Dick anyways.)
Pretty much all my DC muses are Animated Series based with headcanons and pulling in stuff from other medias (besides the comics, even the ones related to the Animated Series shows), and maybe some day I will actually have pages and things for them. XD
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movedyoakkemae · 3 years
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nightwing  (  1996  )  #142  |  DO  NOT  REBLOG. 
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blccmngs · 5 years
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guess who’s actually adding a new muse for the first time in like... months (plus some tags that I didn’t have for other muses but-)
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librarylexicon · 9 months
Welcome to my Tumblr!
Hi! Call me Lily. I’m a librarian by training, a writer by nature and a Christian by the grace of God. I’m here to share my writing, discover new interests and generally waste time, so even if we’ve never interacted before, don’t be shy! Say hello!
Quick Links
#bants and fanfic – tag for my fics
#dreamwidth crosspost – behind-the-scenes material for my fics
#fic: family crisis – my current WIP
#fic rec – fics by others that I love and recommend
#mine - my original posts
Find Me Elsewhere
Archive of Our Own – 10+ years of fics for various fandoms
FanFiction.Net – all fics here are crossposted to AO3
Dreamwidth – all my notes for my fics in one place
On this blog, everything is tagged, even if it’s just because it came from my queue, and although I try to tag for characters or at least for fandom (for my own sanity), some things may slip through the cracks. Generally, though, there won’t be anything terribly NSFW, graphic or gory.
I don’t discuss politics online as a rule, but potentially contentious issues are tagged #discourse, and posts with a religious bent are tagged #christianity.
This blog’s header is a panel from Detective Comics #679 (Batman: Prodigal), and features Dick and Tim. The blog title is part of a line from Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery.
I’ve been in a handful of fandoms, but my first was Anne of Green Gables. My latest fandom is Batman and the Batfamily, especially Dick Grayson. Although I read the comics extensively, I’m a little sorry to admit that I’ve almost never been able to get into any of DC’s comics that aren’t related to the Batfamily. This goes as far as having read hardly any team ups like Young Justice or Teen Titans or the Birds of Prey. When I began reading comics, I was following a reading list that included Batman and the Outsiders, and I almost died of boredom before I finally realised I didn’t have to read it.
I can appreciate a good ship, but I’m not crazy about shipping. I tend to like what’s canon or almost canon, anyway. Examples include Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, James/Lily, Anne/Gilbert, Jo/Fritz, Bruce/Selina, Dick/Babs and Tim/Steph.
I’m forever salty about Dan’s fate in Jo’s Boys, Remus Lupin’s fate in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Donna Noble’s fate in Doctor Who and That Person’s fate in Crooked Kingdom.
I write fanfiction sometimes. I don’t write crack, slash, femslash, smut or non-canon pairings. Sometimes I only write one or two fics for a fandom and then move on. It was just an itch that needed to be scratched. And I rarely write pairings at all; if there’s a pairing, it’s probably because it’s a basic part of canon. The vast majority of my fics are either canon compliant or diverge from canon at a specific point. Although I rely heavily on canon, I welcome all readers, regardless of level of familiarity with canon.
My favourite genre of music is wizard rock (music based on Harry Potter). Don’t knock it until you’ve listened to ‘Open at the Close’ by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls.
Stay safe out there.
—librarylexicon (formerly Lily F. Lux, Delusional Musings, realismandromance)
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