#grayson dolan writings
starryeyedadmirer · 10 months
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I told the twins not to spend too much time by the sea… that there were things out in those waters that would make them wish they hadn’t stayed around… bad things, that preyed on boys like them… but those two knuckleheads thought that they knew better than I did…
An old, weathered sailor doesn’t have much activity going on upstairs… not in the eyes of young bucks like them. I’m a lunatic… nothing more than a battered lighthouse, trying to shed what little light I have left on unsuspecting passersby… but nobody ever listens to the old sailor.
I wasn’t all that surprised when I saw those two boys wading out in the shallows, with the rest of the young knuckleheads — gazing at the distant horizon, and standing as still as an army of statues… the salty water risen up to their chests. Those… those things that live in the deep blue… they sing to us men — put us under some kind of spell… a musical trance. It never fails to lure us in… never. Those creatures wait until they’ve got us all packed together in the water… feel our vibrations, or something like that… and swim up to the shore. They’re ugly as all hell… but they disguise themselves well, and talk real sweet. Before we know what’s coming, they stuff our bellies full with their eggs, plug our backsides up with some kind of mucus concoction — so that we can’t even pass wind without making a mess in our swim-shorts — and disappear beneath the waves, never to be seen again. It’s like something out of a movie, when you know what you’re looking at… but most folks can’t tell what’s really going on.
Those things are making more of themselves… that’s what they’re doing. Reproducing, with the use of our bodies, and multiplying everyday.
I tried to tell those boys about the big-bellied men… how they come out from the waves all swollen and round… and the blue and green babies that I see crawling out into the tide every morning. Those scaly little creatures with no legs, racing to the shoreline like freshly hatched sea turtles.
The twins both think I’m crazy… but they’re as wrong as a fish with three eyes… just like everyone else on the god-forsaken beach. Now, their bellies are just as full as mine used to be… pregnant with amphibious, hybrid eggs. They’ll be rid of them by sunrise tomorrow… empty, and starving for something good to eat. Maybe they’ll pass them in their sleep… or wake up to the feeling of sharp labor pains in their guts, and the horrible sight of fish eggs falling out of their asses.
I know how the births happen, firsthand. I’ve been pregnant at least a dozen times since I set up shop out here… doing some hands-on researching on the beginning of their life cycle. The guys get knocked up, wake up the next morning with deflated stomachs, and spend their hard earned money on overpriced beachside cuisine… keeping every eatery on this cursed coastline in business.
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Heyy hun! What if the reader has a child from a previous relationship! And Grayson steps in to help raise the baby. Can you pretty please write something about his reaction to when the baby calls him daddy/dada for the first time?! I feel like he’d be so soft and teary like in the vid when Ethan got him the watch as a housewarming gift!! 🥺🥺 thank youu love you so much!!
Thank you so much for the request, I love you so much 🥺<3 sorry for the longest wait ever
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Grayson did more for you and your baby in 10 months than your ex didn’t in 8 long, dreadful years. Of course, the two of you did share some joyous memories – some even etched into your brain for many years to come. But those few memories would never be enough to override the haunting recollections of the relationship. What a shit show. You have no idea why you stuck around for so long.
“So where’d you wanna head first?” Grayson asks as he buckles his seat belt in, getting ready to drive to your desired destination.
“‘DONAWS!” your son screeches from the back seat.
Both you and Grayson chuckle in unison at the overly excited boy.
“Mcdonalds?” you raise a brow in surprise. “Don't you wanna go to a toy store first?”
Your son nods his head vigorously, kicking his feet excitedly into the back of your seat. Usually, this would irritate you but for this time, and this time only, you let it slide. It was his birthday, after all. 
Again, you chuckle. “Which one is it then, little man? ‘Donalds or Toys?” 
The boy pauses to debate the choices in his head. His brows furrowed in concentration as he began to stutter in a panic as if his life depended on him giving the correct answer.
“I- I- I dunno. I don’t weally wike pickin–”
Before the poor boy could get himself in too much of a predicament, Grayson steps in. 
“How about–” Gray twists in his seat to face your son. “How about we do both? At the same time! How awesome would that be, huh?!”
“Gray– you can’t take food into a toy store–”
Grayson looks at you with a smirk. 
“If that’s what the birthday boy wants, then that’s what he’ll get.”
“Where do you want to look first?” you ask as you and your son walk into the gigantic toy store, hand in hand. “Dinos? Teddys? Oh- what about the Nerf guns? There are so many cool ones to choose from–”
Even with all of the options you stated, your little boy only had his mind set on one thing. 
“Mommy, where’s Daddy?” he questions with furrowed brows, looking behind him in search of him.
You halt in position and scrunch your brows together in confusion.
“Daddy didn’t come with us today, baby.” you remind him, gently tugging his hand to keep him moving so the two of you don't hold up other customers.
“Yeah, he is! He dwiveded us here!” the boy explains in frustration, continuing to look back at the entrance in case “daddy” walked in.
Sighing, you kneel down to come face-to-face with your son. With care, you hold his face between your hands to keep his attention locked on you.
“Do you think the man that drove us here is your daddy?”
The boy nods hesitantly, watching your facial features drop as your heart plummets inside your chest. You had no idea how you were going to break the truth to him. 
“What’s wrong, Mommy? You look sad.” your son mirrors your actions by holding your face in his tiny hands. This causes your heart to melt in adoration. 
“Uh–” A lump forms in your throat causing it to tighten in discomfort, making your voice unsteady. “Gray– he’s not your Da–”
“DADDY!” Within seconds, the young boy is leaping into Grayson’s open arms, humongous grins plastered on both boys' faces. 
You couldn’t help but mirror their expressions; a smile creeping its way onto your face, spreading from one ear to the other. 
“Did you get da nuggies?” Your son whispers loudly into Gray’s ear with a mischievous grin.
“Sure did, buddy!” 
Gray holds the brown paper bag in the air, above his head, mimicking the famous scene from the lion king and sending your little boy into a fit of giggles. 
Noticing curious staff members nearby, Grayson shoves the brown paper bag into his hoodie pocket, making sure to leave enough space to be able to reach his hand in to grab a nugget when instructed to. 
The three of you begin to walk through the great toy store, searching for the perfect toy for your little boy. 
You scan the shelves thoroughly, looking from top to bottom, left to right, in a calm, relaxed manner when suddenly the perfect toy pops right into view.
You turn your head in search of your son to see him and Gray whispering. Shortly after, Gray pulls a golden nugget out from his pocket and passes it to the small boy beside him, followed by placing a finger over his lips and shushing. Your son nods and giggles in excitement before cramming it into his mouth as he looks around to check no one was plotting to confiscate his mouth-watering lunch.
“So yummy,” the little boy exclaims as he scoffs more food into his mouth. “Daddy want some?” 
“No, I – huh?” Grayson’s pace comes to a stop. He looks down at the small boy with furrowed brows. “What was that?”
“You heard him right,” you confirm with a sigh. “He thinks you’re his daddy. I’m so sorry Gray, i tried to tell him but he’s convinced you are and–”
“He is!” the little boy demands, grabbing hold of Grayson's hand. “You are my daddy, aren't you?”
The look on Gray's face spoke a thousand words. He looked as if he was about to cry.
“Is that what you truly want?” he asks softly, kneeling to his height. 
Your son nods eagerly before throwing himself into Grayson's body. “You’re my daddy.”
That lump in your throat had come back as tears threatened to spill from your glassy eyes. You were managing to keep them at bay until you look at Grayson. 
Shamelessly, Gray’s face was drenched in tears as he silently held back sobs. He sniffles and wipes his face dry with the back of his hand before pulling away from your little boy. He didn’t want him to think he was sad. 
“Did I make you sad?” the little boy asks in worry, noticing how puffy Grayson’s eyes had become. “My eyes do dat when I get sad too. It’s okay to cry, Daddy. Mama cries all the time when –”
“And that's enough of that –” you cut him off, putting your hand on his shoulder. “Go and pick out a toy before all the good toys go.”
“Otay!” Your son waddles off down the aisle, looking all over the place for the perfect birthday toy. 
You turn to Grayson to see him standing with his arms folded across his chest and his brows raised.
“You have some explaining to do.”
After toy shopping, Grayson takes you all back to his to have a little nap. After putting your son down to sleep in Grayson's bed, you walk down the hallway to hear the twins conversing.
“Dude, you should have been there! He was all like “you’re my dad, right?” and then he practically tackled me and cuddled the fuck out of me. It was the cutest shit ever, i can't even –”
“Bro, you’re gushing – chill! You really love the little guy, huh?” Ethan queries with a little chuckle.
“I love them both” he corrects. 
“And we love you too.” 
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ghostgirlluna · 5 months
henlo (pls read + introduction)
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚。゚・° 。‧˚⋅₊ ˚ ✩ 。˚ ˚☽
hi, im luna ! 𓆩♡𓆪 im 22 and ive been writing off and on since i was 11-12. i wanna make friends so my dms and messages are always open !!
couple things before you can go:
as my bio says, im a multi-writer meaning, i write about whoever i want, im not limited to just one fandom, going off on that, i have a lot of short lived obsessions so my writing will be all over the place and ill be writing about completely different people that have zero connection to each other. (check tags for current obsessions)
2. im very mentally ill and unhinged and delusional so i like writing about really fucked up stuff so this isnt gonna be a sweet lil wholesome acc, sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. with that being said MINORS DONT INTERACT!!! this is an 18+ acc and my all work is 18+. minors will be blocked, no exceptions!
3. i take requests!
thats it i think, thank u for reading ! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა i hope you enjoy! social links are in my bio
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚。゚・° 。‧˚⋅₊ ˚ ✩ 。˚ ˚☽
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livexdolan · 11 months
Pinning this for everyone who wants to read my old writings. To everyone who stills does I love you so much and I see you and I love you and I hope you have the best day and life because you deserve it 🤍🤍
(Also adding my fic recs tag and my soph speaks :))
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spookysanta · 2 years
i have a writing request... please help!
hi lovelies!! i hope you're well.
i've been writing off and on for the last couple of weeks - started a new internship and i am consistently swamped - but i've got a really dramatic case of writer's block.
i feel like my writing has taken a downturn and i don't want to put out anything shitty lol. and i want to write things that you guys would want to read!
so, to help with that, if you would be oh-so nice and kind by sending me some anon ideas to help get things moving in my mind.
literally nothing (within reason) is off limits.
you can submit ideas for anyone i've written for, or hell, someone new. totally up to you.
y'all know i don't be nagging, but i am drowning over here! i'm so desperate to get out of this writer's block, but nothing is helping.
so pls pls pls. if you can't send an anon, that's fine. you can dm your idea to me, if that works better for you. or you can drop a note in my suggestion box. literally anything helps.
thanks in advance, my sweet babies!
love you! 💞
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eroselless · 5 months
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❦ elle or ellie. twenty-three. she/her. colombian.
❦ currently obsessed with some dudes that drive fast cars. 
I write a lot of +18 content, minors dni 
❦ info about requesting:
my request are currently open. however, it might take me a bit to get some time since i can get a little busy with schoolwork for uni.
feel free to request anything for F1, HOTD, Harry Potter, OBX or any other tags you see floating around my page!
❦ I do not post on any other platforms. If you see my work plagiarized anywhere else, please let me know!
❦ I've been going through a bit of a dry spell so my masterlist might look a little sparse. all my writing is linked below!
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[aegon targaryen]
[carlos sainz]
[lando norris]
[charles leclerc]
PATO - charles leclerc x reader , carlos sainz x reader
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Discontinued works
Sebastian Stan
Hopelessly Devoted [one] [two]
Bucky Barnes
Red Swan [prologue] [one]
Ethan Dolan
Life saver [one shot]
In the center of the ring [one shot]
Grayson Dolan
"I love you, please don't leave me..." [blurb]
Linger [one shot]
The floor is lava [one shot]
Shawn Mendes
Señorita [one]
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dontbesoweirdkira · 3 months
🎀Kira’s Masterlist🎀
(An archive of everything chaotic I’ve unfortunately written except for the top gun stuff we do not speak of that time of my life)
I write what I want😜
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This page does consist of both fandom and cunty subculture content so if you don’t want versatile stuff on your timeline then do not follow me.
I love Yandere and toxic themes so if you are easily triggered or offended…please leave
please read before you request anything
Requests open 24/7 (Yandere Alphabet) (Yandere prompt list)
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Mafia Trilogy
Members Yandere types
Tommy Angelo
How many kids would he have?
Paulie Lombardo
¡Yandere! Paulie protects you
How many kids would he have?
Sam Trapani
¡Yandere!Sam getting rid of your admirer
Bonus pt.2^
Yandere alphabet-ABIJ
Yandere fluff
How many kids would he have?
John Donavon
Vito Scaletta
Time traveler reader
Time traveler pt.2
Yandere Alphabet
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Mortal Kombat 1, 11, and X
Yandere MK11 harem x reader
Kung Lao
General Yandere headcannons
Erron Black
He kidnaps you
Johnny Cage
Platonic yandere with a young star
Shang tsung
Yandere Raiden sleepwatches you
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The hunger games
Yandere mellark
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Scream 1
Stu macher
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Jason Todd
Harley Quinn
Clark Kent
Dick Grayson
Bruce Wayne
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House of Ashes
Salim Othman
Jason Kolcheck
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Bruce Banner
Professor X
Tony Stank
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Mark Grayson
Dolan Grayson
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whorefordean · 9 months
misc masterlist (discontinued)
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a/n: i no longer write for these people. there is no chance i will ever write for these people again, though i still have all the love for them!
dolan twins
grayson dolan
choose me | one | two
adopt me
just tell them
when we were eighteen
plate swap
stolen glances
love lullabies
ethan dolan
stay the night
road trip gone wrong
5 seconds of summer
calum hood
don't go
secret love song
luke hemmings
you know me too well
tom holland
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greenxgloss · 3 months
thinking about a fic I read years ago abt the Dolan twins where the reader meets him in her dream and she thinks Grayson is just someone she made up but months later sees him on the street and they're both confused because they both thought they made each other up. what a god damn great fic for 2017 Wattpad. might write something using this concept tbh
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elitegrayson · 2 years
Have you thought about maybe writing a smut where y/n chooses to wait for marriage to have sex? Do you think you could write about Grayson and y/n sleeping together for the first time on their wedding night? Thank you. 🤍
this sounds beautiful :’) your wish is my command and i hope you like it. these pics kinda give off hubby gray hehe. ENJOY!! (i haven't written smut in a min so i apologize if it's bad)
Featuring: Grayson x reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, swearing.
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Growing up you’ve always known you wanted to wait until marriage to have sex. It seemed like everyone around you was losing their virginity and they were. Your friends would always tell you stories of how they lost it in a school bathroom or behind a venue after a concert. You cringed at the thought of doing it in an extremely unsanitary place. It wasn’t the setting that made you want to wait, but the person you’re going to lose it to. 
Sex to you was a very powerful experience and once you do this act, a little part of you will be left with that person and vice versa. That’s why your best friend now is still not over her first even though he’s made a clear he did that want her. But that’s beside the point. When you met your now husband, Grayson, you figured to let him know that you were a virgin when things got a little serious. He understood completely which made you feel safe and comfortable.
Most guys would ignore you or pressure you into having sex anyways, but not Grayson. He obeyed and respected your wishes as he should. He could think it was the stupidest idea in the world, but in the end, his opinions wouldn’t have mattered. You are his girl and he loves you very dearly. So if he has to wait until marriage to get a taste of you then that’s what he’ll do.
He made his way over to you so you guys can make your grand exit. Everyone started to create a pathway so that you could walk through it. Confetti was being shot in the air and you couldn’t be happier. You are officially married to the man of your dreams and you are finally Mrs. Y/n Dolan. It rolls off the tongue beautifully. As you made your way to the end of the stairs, Grayson opened up the door for you.
“Here you are Mrs. Dolan,” He smirks, gesturing his hand out in front of you. “Why thank you, Mr. Dolan.” You send him a smirk back, lifting your dress as you slip into the car. You roll down the window so you can say goodbye to everyone once again. Today was the best day of your life and you couldn’t stop smiling. Once Grayson was in the car, you guys drove off to your destination.
“So how do you feel, doll? I still have the butterflies lowkey.” He asked taking your hand in his and massaging it slightly. Even though you guys have been together for three years, he still sends shivers down your spine. But you couldn’t lie you feel the same way. 
“I’m in shock, Gray. This all just seems unreal. I can't wait for tomorrow, France is going to be beautiful.” You hummed, giving his hand a little squeeze. It was a hard decision trying to figure out where to go. You guys have been to Cabo, The Bahamas, Greece, and hell even Australia. But after months of planning, you guys agreed on France. This next week was going to be magical.
“Just wait until we get to the hotel.” He murmured. You furrowed your eyebrows at his comment, but you figured you’ll just wait and see. After what felt like hours on the highway you guys finally arrived at the hotel. Just by looking at this outside, you knew this place was fancy.
 “Hi, how may I help you tonight?” The ginger-haired lady asked sending us a warm smile. “Hi, we have a room for you two under Dolan,” Grayson responded as the lady typed away on the computer. “Alright, I have you down for the lover's suite which is room 623. Here are your keys and congratulations!” She answered, giving us one last smile. We thanked her and started walking toward the elevator. You started to think about the surprise Grayson has planned.
New car? No that wouldn’t make sense. He wouldn’t even be able to keep his mouth closed about that.
What if it’s that Dior bag you were looking at? You’ve been talking about it for months maybe he got you that.
No wait it has to be a Tiffany Co. bracelet? Every time he took you to the mall, you made sure to walk past that display. Grayson has his slow moments, but I know he can take a hint.
You were so caught up in your thoughts you didn’t realize you were already in the room. “Okay doll imma need you to do one thing for me yeah?” Grayson stopped, turning towards you and taking your hands in his. “I need you to close your eyes and keep ‘em close as you walk in and don’t open until I tell you to. Can you do that for me?” 
Your stomach felt like it was doing backflips, anxious at what could be behind this door. “Gray I’m nervous as shit.” You sigh, feeling your hands get clammy by the second.
“Don’t be. I’m sure you’re gonna love it. Now close your eyes so I can guide you in.” Grayson reassures you as you slowly close your eyes. You hear a “click” followed by the door being opened. He places his hands on your shoulders and you began to walk forward.
“Alright, just a few more steps…..okay open!”
You open your eyes to see the room decorated from top to bottom. Red balloons at the ceiling while red petals covered the floor. There were 2 glasses of champagne on the dresser while the bed had petals in the shape of a heart with both of your initials in the middle.
You were in utter shock, but tears started to brim within your eyes. “Gray I-I don’t even know what to say this is all so beautiful.” You managed to choke out as he ran to your side.
“I’m so happy you love it, doll. I wanted you to know that for you, I’ll always go above and beyond. You’re everything to me.” He smiled, wiping the tears that fell down your face.
“I love you, Grayson Dolan.” You smiled, standing on your tippy toes, so you can press a kiss to his lips. He returns the kiss which quickly turned into a heated makeup session. He picked you up which caught you off guard, but you wrapped your legs around him anyway.
Grayson led you to the bed while surprisingly not breaking the kiss. You started to moan softly in between kisses which only fueled him more. He started to remove your clothing while you did the same. You guys have had intense make-out sessions before, but something about tonight feels different. You felt butterflies in your stomach again, but you knew this feeling felt right.
Now only being left in your bra and panties, you pulled away from him and looked up. His lips were a plump pink, his biceps and abs were toned, and his eyes were full of lust. This is the man you married and now you were about to be one with him.
“I’m ready, Grayson. I’m ready to feel all of you.” You declared, biting your lip slightly. You’ve waited all this time and it’s finally here.
“If you feel uncomfortable we can stop whenever okay, doll? I know this is your first time and everything and I don’t wanna-“
“Gray, please. I just need to feel you.” You whine, wrapping your hands around his neck and pulling him closer.
“Needy girl aren’t you? I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good.”
With that he started pressing pepper kisses to your neck, finding your sweet spot instantly. He went from your neck to your collar bones and ended at your boobs.
“Sit up so I can see those pretty tits, huh?” You felt your cheeks get warm, nonetheless, you obeyed. He removed your bra as you laid back down on the bed. Gray took one look at what was in front of him before he started to caress your left boob.
“God I can’t wait to just devour you.” He growled before wrapping his lips around your right nipple. The more he sucked, the better it felt. You started to squirm under him at the sensation. You’ve heard of nipple play and nipple orgasms before, but you never thought you’d reach one. A feeling started to stir in your stomach and Gray noticed it too because he stopped immediately after.
“Why’d you stop? That felt so good.” You pouted, hitting him in his bicep. “I wanted to tease my girl. But don’t worry it’s all about you tonight.” He winks, taking your body while he presses more kisses against your stomach. Your pussy was so hot by now, that you’re sure he felt the heat. When he reached your panties, he lifted your body slightly so that he could slide them off.
“Y/N, how are you already soaking for me? I barely did anything.” He purrs, sliding his pointer and middle finger up your pussy in the shape of a “V”.
“Like you said I’m a needy girl…Daddy.” You figured you’d try something considering it’s your first night. 
“Daddy huh? You’re dirtier than I thought, doll. Now let Daddy take care of you.” Grayson pressed a few more kisses across your thighs before he started eating you. His tongue was licking your folds like you were his last meal. You’ve always imagined what his tongue would feel like, but this exceeds your expectations.
Your hands found their way to his beautiful brown hair, tugging at what you could hold. A loud needy moan escapes your lips when you felt his tongue enter you. The louder you moaned, the tighter he gripped your thighs, his fingertips turning white.
“Fuck Grayson, your tongue feels so fucking good. Fuck!” You pant, starting to lose control as your hips buckled. 
“I’ve wanted to taste you for so long, Y/N. You taste so sweet.” He whispered, lips glistening with your juices. You wanted to bring him up so that you could taste yourself, but then he sticks a finger in.
“Holy s-shit,” You managed to spit out, eyes rolling to the back of your head. This feels like heaven, you thought. The wet sounds of your pussy & your moans were filling up the room. “You like this huh? You dirty girl, tell Daddy how much you like it?” Grayson hissed, adding another finger which just drove you crazy. 
“I love it, Daddy! Please I’m gonna cum!” You cry, almost yelling. “Mm not yet, you better fucking not.” He demanded, removing his mouth and fingers. This angered you once more, but you knew what was coming next. He got up to pull down his boxers and you saw his dick smack his stomach. You’ve seen him naked before but this was something else. 
Grayson was huge and you being a virgin was about to be in for a “big” awakening. “You ready doll? I will go easy on you. Don’t wanna hurt my precious girl.” He smiles, caressing your cheek. “I’m ready, Gray.” You return the smile, anxious for what was to come.
He slowly slips it in and your eyes immediately go shut. Grayson hovered over you, arms by each side. 
He was going slow as he said, but it took a minute for you to adjust to his size. When you were finally adjusted, you didn’t want him to stop. He noticed you were comfortable so he started to pick up the pace. “Oh...my...god,” You gasped in between thrusts. “How does it feel, baby? Am I doing good?” He asks, as one little curl fell across his forehead. “Good? You’re doing amazing, daddy. Go faster, harder..” You moaned as you gripped his arm. 
Grayson followed your wishes and started pounding into full force. Moans and whimpers started to escape his lips as well as yours. “God damn Y/N, you’re so wet and creamy. I love the way you feel mama.” He whimpered softly, now grabbing both of your legs and putting them on his shoulders. He’s fucking you so hard now, you swear you’re seeing stars. “Don’t stop…please. Feels…so good.” You whined, watching your boobs move to the rhythm of his thrusts. 
“Play with yourself for me. I wanna see you touch that pussy of yours.” He slurred as you obeyed. You used your dominant hand to rub your clit in circles. “Yeah just like that. Don’t stop either, doll.” He moved your left leg to his right shoulder, which allowed him to move deeper into you. 
You continued to play with yourself, your hand getting sloppier with each motion. You felt yourself reaching your high, but you couldn’t keep up for much longer. “Grayson I’m getting close, but my hand it’s getting tired.” You sighed, slowing down your pace.
“Keep playing until I tell you to stop.”
With that, he was using everything in his body now. The bed was shaking and the slaps of your bodies were all that was heard. “Fuck! Holy shit Grayson!” The sheets were coming off the bed because of how hard you were gripping them.
“Cum for me baby. Give it to me. I wanna feel you cream all over this dick.” He grunted as you felt yourself release on him. “Shit shit shit,” was the only thing you could say at this point while he was reaching his end too.
“Fuck doll, daddy’s gonna fill you up. You’re so good, baby shit!” You felt him release into you, his cum filling up your tiny hole as your body shook beneath him. Grayson slowly pulled out and you felt the mix of your cum and his leak out of your pussy.
He took his pointer finger, inserted it in you then put it in your mouth so you could taste the both of you. You licked his finger clean and he pressed his lips to yours so that he could have a taste as well. He laid down next to you, embracing your body in the process. He moved the sweaty hair from your face so that he could give you a forehead kiss.
“You were amazing, beautiful. I love how vocal you were.” He expressed, giving a kiss to your lips once more.
“So were you. I can’t believe I get to have you all to myself for the rest of my life.” You giggled as he laughs as well. “I wouldn’t want anyone else to have me. Nobody but you.” He responds which made your heart flutter. This is the man who you gave yourself and you couldn’t be happier.
“Goodnight Mr. Dolan.”
“Goodnight Mrs. Dolan.”
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strangerquinns · 2 years
The Library
Ever's Masterlist: Links to all stories categorized by actor or show.
*some links may be broken due to URL change, fixing in progress*
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STRANGER THINGS (Steve,Eddie, Robin + more)
concepts/blurbs \\ page two
imagines + miniseries
FEZCO (Euphoria)
ethan dolan concepts/blurbs
grayson dolan concepts/blurbs 
dolan twins imagines/oneshots
grayson dolan chaptered stories
bucky barnes/sebastian stan masterlist
tom hiddleston + characters masterlist
andrew garfield + tasm peter parker masterlist
matt murdock + daredevil masterlist
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starryeyedadmirer · 1 year
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“Alright,” Grayson groans, staring down at his plentiful breakfast bounty, “Say goodbye to this gorgeous body. I’m about to pig out. Gonna be a fuckin’ fatass the rest of the day.”
“Yeah, right. No way.” You snigger — your gaze meeting his, on the feast below. “It’s nine-o’clock in the morning, Gray. You can’t eat all that shit. Let me and Ethan have some… this is enough food for the three of us.”
“Nah… I can do it, no problem. Give me an hour, tops… this’ll all be in my belly. I swear it.” His eyes nearly the size of his biceps, he takes a seat at the table, and grabs himself an apple. “Don’t believe me?”
“No… I don’t… but, I’ll bet you twenty bucks you won’t put this all down by ten-thirty. That’s a little over an hour for you.”
Taking a bite out of the bright green fruit, Grayson nods his head. “Alright then. Sit down, and don’t touch a thing on this table. I’m gonna show you how it’s done.”
“Yeah. Like I said, say goodbye to my abs. I’m about to get fat.”
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tw1nklet03s · 1 year
heyyy. long time no see!!
ik ik, ive been M.I.A for over a month. but! that’s just case ive been going through stuff and i’m kinda stuck on what to write.
so saying that! my requests are open. so feel free to comment or message me something you would like me to write!!
people i will accept requests for:
- rafe cameron
- colby brock
- rowan laslow
- drew starkey
- jj maybank
- grayson dolan
- david dobrik
- ilya fedorovich
- jeff wittek
- chris sturniolo
categories i will accept
- smut
- fluff
- angst
- or you could combine two!
- or all three!!!!
- dad imagines
things i won’t write about
- cheating
- abusive boyfriend
- r@pe
- sa
ok that’s all. love yous and take care of yourselves x
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rightnowyoucanttell · 6 months
Im back! Getting back into writing!
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send asks!
I do smut over on @ssxbutterscotch so feel free to send all of that over there!
I write for the following;
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington (Joe Keery)
Billy Hargrove (Dacre Montgomery)
Robin Buckley
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Any of the Trap boys (Sam & Colby, Corey Scherer, Jake Webber, etc.)
Grayson & Ethan Dolan
But, if you'd like something written that's not on this list feel free to send it anyway, and ill try my very best!
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impaladolan · 2 years
Grayson and Y/N get all dressed up to go to a fancy restaurant together but when they get there, the restaurant is completely packed with a 3 hour waiting list to get a table, so they end up eating at the fast food place across the street in their fancy clothes
Blurb Alert! - Grayson Dolan
; i hate how i wrote this, but maybe you guys’ll like it? the new mafia au “forbidden alliances” that i’m writing will be the first non-blurb i’ll post in a while, coming soon :)
"It appears you're not on the list."
The two of you look at the man with wide, surprised expressions before looking at each other confused.
"You made the reservation, didn't you Grayson?" As calmly as you could, you questioned him with a glare.
"Uh, yeah? I'm fairly certain I did." He pulls his phone out from his pocket and opens up his emails, scrolling to find perhaps a verification or something related to the restaurant Le Goût.
You had a lovely and long blue dress on, it had colorful beading and somehow remained vibrant under the dim lights. Grayson had his classic black and white tux on, which always surprised you how good he could look in such simple attire. His hair was nicely styled, now a bit run through because of his fiddling, and he put a couple of his rings on for the classy occasion.
"Fuck." His hand was tucked under his chin, running along his bearded cheek and jaw. You rose your brow, catching his eye as he turned to you in annoyance.
"I reserved us for tomorrow, dammit." He dropped his shoulders, disappointed with his mistake.
"Yep, Dolan's right here for tomorrow." The man says after flipping through his papers.
"There's a three hour wait if you'd like to put your name down and be seated, or continue with tomorrow's reservation?" You bit the side of your cheek as he relayed this information, turning to see what Gray will think to do.
"We'll just do tomorrow's, thanks man." Grayson shook his hand and gave him a nod, slipping his other hand to clasp yours and pull you out of the long line that was stagnant behind. He walked the two of you to the car, silence engulfing the apparent disappointment of a good meal.
"Well.." You huffed, climbing into the passenger seat as he did so on the driver's side.
"Sorry, Y/N." He curled his bottom lip, making his irresistible puppy dog eyes at you. You laughed, crossing over the console to give his cheek a kiss.
"We'll just do this again tomorrow, Gray." You coo as he wraps his hand back over yours, squeezing apologetically. “I’m starved though.”
"Want some Monty’s then?” He buckles his seatbelt, surefire of your response. He’s already halfway down the road before you could nod.
“Good grub.” He smiles with his mouth full of a burger and a drink in his hand. Fingers greasy, windswept, and overdressed, you both had your usual order and had opted to sit outside the restaurant.
“Y’know, this is probably more fun than the fancy place anyway.” You both were full of laughs and life experiences to share. A good portion of your meal was spent gazing above too, admiring the pretty stars.
“Just as delicious too.” He rolled his eyes in delight, throwing down a couple more fries and a sip from his drink. You agreed, mentally cataloging this memory to remember forever.
It felt like one of those romance movies.
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bubsdolan · 11 months
Are you planning to write more about Grayson Dolan if he comes back?
i was actually thinking about writing again!! maybe start off with some blurbs & see how i get on idk
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