#greek myth tag
knightsquire · 2 years
Narcissus may be in love with his own reflection but I bet if he saw a photograph he'd get the ick
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golyadkin · 9 months
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Sons Of The Labyrinth or The Things Our Fathers Do To Us
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temeyes · 3 months
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//i wont say (im in love) plays in the background//
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ivettaflowerblooom · 3 months
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Eros and Psyche by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1889.
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tractym · 8 months
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redraw of this vase
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amiti-art · 8 months
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Here he is! Full Apollo design + some exploration of how the gods work in the retelling that exists only in my head 🙃
At first I wanted to make him 190 and 260cm tall but then I realised that people were much shorter in the ancient times.
Some info
Gods can be any hight they want but they do have their prefered hight (for both human desguise and godly form)
They can also make their eyes look normal (golden in Apollo's case) in God From but they prefere the glowing ones ✨️. Humans turned gods usually have a preference for human looking eyes tho (Asclepius, Aristaeus)
The True God form usually has some animal features (Artemis has antlers) or looks like they are made af an element (water for Posaidon, fire for Hestia and so on)
I'm still figuring things out so some of those might change in the future.
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anglerflsh · 6 months
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the rendering of the statue is unfinished because the statue itself is equally unfinished
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 9 months
Statistics of Apollo's Lovers
I was wondering just how unfortunate of a love-life our boy Apollo had, so - as one does - I did the research, math, and writing of said love-life.
such is the life of an adhd teen :)
In total, there are 59 people on this list. I have them separated into eight groups; Immortal, Immortal & Rejected, Lived, Died, Rejected & Died, Rejected & Cursed, Rejected & Lived, and who were Rejected by Apollo
Disclaimer: I am not a historian nor an expert in Greek Mythology, I am just a very invested nerd in Mythology, and in Apollo's mythology in general, and got curious about what his rap sheet actually looks like.
Sidenote: There will be some "lovers" not on this list. Reasons being;
No actual literary sources behind them
Said literary sources are dubious at best
Not enough information is given about the nature of their relationship to make an accurate take
So if somebody isn't on this list, it's because of one of those three reasons. Although there is still a chance I missed somebody! :)
Also, no RRverse lovers include in this list. Sorry my fellow ToA fans.
(Edited 04/29/24 - Currently adding in sources/references/expanding on the myths themselves. bare with me lol)
Let's begin! :D
Immortal Lovers
Calliope: muse of epic poetry. Mother of Hymenaios and Ialemus by Apollo.
Clio: muse of history
Erato: muse of love poetry
Euterpe: muse of music
Polyhymnia: muse of hymns/sacred poetry
Melpomene: muse of tragedy
Thalia: muse of comedy. Mother of the Corybantes by Apollo.
Terpsichore: muse of dance
Urania: muse of astronomy
Boreas: the North Wind. yes Apollo dated the North Wind. Who knew? It's mentioned in the Argonautica by the Boreads - they call Apollo "beloved of our sire" so...hmm. wonder what happened there because that's all we get.
10 lovers total here.
9 Female, 1 Male
Immortal & Rejected
Hestia: goddess of the Hearth
1 Interest. Female.
Lovers Who Lived:
Branchus: mortal shepherd, gifted prophecy
Rhoeo: mortal princess, eventually married an apprentice of Apollo
Ourea: demigod daughter of Poseidon, dated Apollo during his punishment with Laomedon; had a son named after the city of Troy
Evadne: nymph daughter of Poseidon, Apollo sent Eileithyia & (in some texts) the Fates to aid in their son's birth
Thero: great-granddaughter of Heracles, described as "beautiful as moonbeams"
Cyrene: mortal princess-turned-nymph queen, kick-ass lion wrangler, and mother of two of Apollo's sons - Aristaeus (a god) and Idmon (powerful seer)
Admetus: mortal king, took great care of Apollo during his second punishment, Apollo wingmanned him for Alcestis's hand - basically Apollo doted on him <3
Hecuba: queen of Troy, together they had Troilus.
It was foretold that if Troilus lived to adulthood, Troy wouldn't fall - unfortunately, Achilles murdered Troilus in Apollo's temple. When the Achaeans burned Troy down, Apollo rescued Hecuba and brought her to safety in Lycia.
Hyrie/Thyrie: mortal. mothered a son by Apollo. Their son, Cycnus, attempted to kill himself after some shenanigans and his mother attempted the same. Apollo turned them into swans to save their lives.
Dryope: mortal. had a son named Amphissus with Apollo, who was a snake at the time. Later turned into a lotus flower, but it had nothing to do with Apollo so she's still on this list. (noncon; written by Ovid in Metamorphoses)
Creusa: mortal queen. had a son named Ion with Apollo. Please check out @my-name-is-apollo's post for more details because they make some good points about what's considered "rape" in Ancient Greece.
Melia: Oceanid nymph. Had a son w/h Apollo named Tenerus. will expand on her in a bit
Iapis: a favorite lover. Apollo wanted to teach him prophecy, the lyre, ect. but Iapis just wanted to heal :) so Apollo taught him healing :)
Aethusa: daughter of Poseidon & the Pleiad Alcyone. Mother of Linus and Eleuther. She is the great-great grandmother of Orpheus.
Acacallis: daughter of King Minos. there's a lot of variation on whether or not she had kids with Hermes or Apollo. Some say she had a kid with each.
Chrysothemis: nymph queen who won the oldest contest of the Pythian Games - the singing of a hymn to Apollo. She had three daughters, and one of them is said to be Apollo's.
Corycia: naiad. had a son with Apollo. the Corycian Cave north of Delphi is named after her
Leuconoe (also Choine or Philonis): daughter of Eosphorus, god of the planet Venus, and mother of the bard Philammon.
Melaena (also Thyia or Kelaino): mother of Delphos, member of prophetic Thriae of Delphi. Priestess of Dionysus.
Othreis: mothered Phager by Apollo, and later Meliteus by Zeus.
Stilbe: mother of Lapithus and Aineus by Apollo.
Syllis (possible same as Hyllis, granddaughter of Heracles): mothered Zeuxippus by Apollo. 
Amphissa: Apollo seduced her in the form of a shepherd. They had a son named Agreus.
Aria (or Deione): had a son named Miletus. Hid him in some smilax. Her father found him and named him.
Arsinoe: she and Apollo had a daughter named Eriopis.
Queen of Orkhomenos (no name is given): Mother of Trophonius (my fellow ToA fans will recognize that name haha).
Hypermnestra: Either Apollo or her husband fathered her son Amphiaraus. (sidenote: @literallyjusttoa suggested that Apollo was dating both Hypermnestra and Oikles, and I, personally, accept that headcannon)
Manto: Daughter of Tiresias. Apollo made her a priestess of Delphi. They had a son named Mopsus. When Apollo sent her to found an oracle elsewhere, he told her to marry the first man she saw outside of Delphi. That man turned out to be Rhacius, who brought her to Claros, where she founded the oracle of Apollo Clarios. Later, another man named Lampus attempted to assult her, but was killed by Apollo. She is also said to be a priestess who warned Niobe not to insult Leto, and to ask for forgiveness. Niobe did not.
Parthenope: granddaughter of a river god. Mothered Lycomedes by Apollo
Phthia: prophetess. called "beloved of Apollo". Mother three kings by him; Dorus, Laodocus, & Polypoetes
Procleia: Mother of Tenes, son of Apollo, who was killed by Achilles before the Trojan War. Daughter of King Laomedon, king of Troy.
Helenus: prince of Troy. Received from Apollo an ivory bow which he used to wound Achilles in the hand.
Hippolytus of Sicyon: called "beloved of Apollo" in Plutarch Life of Numa. I don't think this guy is the same as the Hippolytus, son of Zeuxippus (son of Apollo), king of Sicyon Pausanias talks about in his Description of Greece. That would be a little weird taking the whole family tree into account - though it's never stopped Zeus before, I guess.
Psamathe: nereid, said to be the personification of the sand of the sea-shore. There are two versions of her myths, both very different, but I'll only explain the one that explicitly states her and Apollo's relationship, which is by Conon's Narrationes. She and Apollo were lovers, but never had any kids. When another man assaulted her, she had a son and abandoned him. (He was found by some shepherds dw - wait, he was then torn apart by dogs. Nevermind.). Back to her, her father ordered for her to be executed and Apollo avenged her death by sending a plague onto Argos and refused to stop it until Psamathe and Linus (her son) were properly given honors.
(I really like how even though Linus isn't Apollo's kid, and that Psamathe wanted nothing to do with the kid, Apollo still considered him worth avenging too <3 )
(also would like to say that I found her on another's wiki page and that page said she was raped by Apollo - this just proves that you shouldn't take the wiki at face value because as shown above, that is not what happened.)
Alright. 34 lovers here.
5 Male. 29 Female.
33 are 100% consensual. Creusa is questionable, depending on who's translating.
The last one is Melia, who I will expand upon here.
Melia was said to be kidnapped, and her brother found her with Apollo. He set fire to Apollo's temple in an effort to get her back, but was killed. Melia and Apollo had two kids - but here's the interesting part. Melia was highly worshiped in Thebes, where her brother found her. She was an incredibly important figure in Thebes, especially when connected with Apollo. She and Apollo were essentially the parents of Thebes.
As I read over their story, it sounded like (to me, at least. it's okay if you think otherwise!) that Melia just absconded/eloped with Apollo.
Was kidnapping an equivalent to assault back then? Perhaps. But it's still debated on whenever or not that's true. However, one thing I've noticed reading up on these myths is that when Apollo does do something unsavory, the text says so.
It never says anything about Apollo doing anything to Melia. Her father and brother believe she was kidnapped, but, like mentioned previously, it seems far much more likely that she just ran off with her boyfriend or something.
But that's just my interpretation.
Moving on! :)
Lovers Who Died:
Hyacinthus*: mortal prince. we all know this one, right? Right? one and only true love turned into flower
Cyparissus: mortal. his DEER DIED and he asked Apollo to let him MOURN FOREVER so he was turned into a cypress tree
Coronis: mortal princess. cheated on Apollo w/h another guy. mother of Asclepius. killed by Artemis.
Adonis: yes, THAT Adonis. he's in this category because. well. he died. rip
Phorbas: at first I was going to keep him off, till I went "hOLD UP!". Listen, this guy's story is contradictory in Hyginus's De Astronomica - he's a rival of Apollo, then all of a sudden his (dead) lover. My first reaction was the above, then it was "OH MY GODS CANON ENEMIES TO LOVERS??? WITH DEATH???"
There's also a second account of Phorbas - he ended a plague on an island and became Apollo's lover that way, and when he died, Zeus turned him into a constellation - Ophiuchus.
(*In some texts, Hyacinthus was resurrected.)
6 lovers.
5 Male. 1 Female. All consensual.
Love-Interests Who Rejected & Died:
Daphne: do i nEED to say anything? Nymph. turned into tree to escape.
Castalia*: Nymph. turned into spring to escape.
2 Interests. 1 debatable.
2 Female.
(*Castalia's myth was written in 400 AD, VERY late in the myth cycle, and was strictly ROMAN. In every other case, the Castalian spring was already at Delphi before Apollo was born.)
Love-Interests Who Rejected & Cursed
Cassandra: mortal princess. Promised to date Apollo if she was given gift of prophecy. when he did, she rejected him and he cursed her to never be believed for her visions.
1 Interests.
1 Female.
Lover-Interests Who Rejected & Lived
Sinope: mortal. got Apollo to promise her anything; requested to remain a virgin. he obliged.
Marpessa: mortal princess, granddaughter of Ares. Idas, son of Poseidon, kidnapped her and Apollo caught up to them. Zeus had Marpessa chose between them, and she chose Idas, reasoning that she would eventually grow old and Apollo would tire of her.
Bolina: mortal. Apollo approached her and she flung herself off a cliff. He turned her into a nymph to save her life. Nothing happened between them, although some texts may say that she eventually dated him.
Ocroe/Okyrrhoe: nymph and daughter of a river god. asked a boatman to take her home after Apollo approached her. Apollo ended up turning the boat to stone and the seafarer into a fish.
Sibyl of Cumean: mortal seer. promised to date Apollo if she was given longevity as long as the amount of sand in her hand. he did, but she refused him.
5 Interests. All female.
Okyrrhoe's story is the only one with any iffy stuff, although, like stated in previous sections, when something iffy does occur, the text usually says so outright.
Rejected by Apollo:
Clytie*: Oceanid nymph. turned into a heliotrope to gaze at the sun forever after the rejection.
1 Advance. Female.
(*Clytie's story was originally about her affection for Helios. When Apollo got conflated with him, her story also changed.)
In Conclusion...
59 people total (includes Castalia & Clytie)
48 Women (81%). 11 Men (19%).
19% were Immortal (Including Lovers & Rejected)
66% Lived (Including Lovers & Rejected)
14% Died (Including Lovers & Rejected)
1% were Cursed
2% were Rejected by him
57 people total (Not including Castalia & Clytie)
46 Women (82%). 11 Men (18%).
18% were Immortal
68% Lived (Lovers & Rejected)
12% Died (Lovers & Rejected)
in that 12%, one was apotheosized - Hyacinthus.
Meaning 10% died permanently, while 2% were resurrected.
2% were Cursed
0% were Rejected by him
Additionally, I left off three male lovers and two female lovers - Atymnius, Leucates, Cinyras, Hecate, & Acantha.
Atymnius has no references to being Apollo's lover, only to Zeus's son Sarpedon.
Leucates is another male "lover" left off the rack - apparently he jumped off a cliff to avoid Apollo, but I couldn't find any mythological text to account for it. There is a cliff named similarly to him where Aphrodite went (by Apollo's advice) to rid herself of her longing for Adonis after his death. Also Zeus uses it to rid himself of his love for Hera before he cheats on her again.
Cinyras was a priest of Aphrodite on the island of Cyprus. He was also the island's king. Pindar calls him "beloved of Apollo" in his Pythian Ode. However, looking further into Cinyras's life throws a bit of a wrench into it. He's also cited to be a challenger to Apollo's skill, and either Apollo or Mars (Ares) kills him for his hubris.
(honestly, I kinda like the idea that Mars went into Big Brother Mode)
I did consider leaving him on the list, since technically you could argue it was a romance-gone-bad, but among every other source Cinyras is mentioned in, Pindar's the only one who puts a romantic label on him and Apollo.
Hecate, the goddess of magic and crossroads, is said to be the mother of Scylla (like, the sea-monster) by Apollo, but Scylla's parentage is one of those "no specific parents" ones, so I left her off the list.
Acantha has absolutely no classical references. There's a plant like her name, but she's made-up, so she doesn't count.
(Of course, I could be wrong about any of these. Again, I'm not an expert.)
With all this in mind, this means Apollo's love life actually isn't as tragic as media portrays it, and he isn't as bad as Zeus or Poseidon in the nonconsensual area.
Does he still have those kinds of myths? Yes, with Dryope & Creusa, though Creusa we could discount because;
1) Depends on who's translating it; and
2) Euripides (the guy who wrote the play Ion) contradicts himself on Ion's parentage in another play, and honestly Apollo's characterization in Ion just doesn't quite match up with the rest of his appearances in the wider myths (in my opinion, at least - feel free to ask why)
So that leaves us with just Dryope, who comes from Ovid. Now I'm not saying we should throw her out because of Ovid's whole "wrote the gods even more terribly to criticize Augustus" thing, but it is something to keep in mind.
So overall, I'd say Apollo has a rather clean relationship past. It is far better than Zeus or Poseidon's for one, and he is miles ahead of Hermes and Dionysus.
He's doing pretty damn good.
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hycinthrt · 3 months
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flower in the water
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greekgodssitcom · 4 months
Hermes: The only thing I commit to is crime
Aphrodite: And also Apollo
Hermes: And also Apollo
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reki-of-the-valley · 3 months
I'm still feral, so please pick one
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apollomes-supremacy · 6 months
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Love twins 💌
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crazymanicherelmao · 3 months
A drawing that have designs of Greek gods and goddesses that I will absolutely change later
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the-cloudy-dreamer · 9 months
Sandman Inktober 2023, Day 1 Dream.
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So this was a very ambitious thing to do to begin inktober month! I don’t think I’ll be able to do pieces like this for the whole month but I was both tempted by a whole set of ink brushes as I was by my lovely friend who inspired me to do my own version of a Hypnos Dream of the Endless @mathomhouse-e ( psss if you click here you’ll see her own wonderful Hypnos Dream!)
Thank you @orionsangel86 for organizing this wonderful event! I hope I can do more and see more wonderful art inspired by Sandman 🖤
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ivettaflowerblooom · 3 months
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Apollo, God of Light, Eloquence, Poetry and the Fine Arts with Urania, Muse of Astronomy by Charles Meynier, 1798.
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tractym · 2 years
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dionysus and ariadne <3
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