#green actually symbolizes harmony
smolgaycat · 11 days
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maounteighn · 3 months
Overanalising Moral Orel: Clay, Bloberta and the Colour Theory
p.1 Clay
Interesting thing about visuals in Moral Orel for Clay and Bloberta is that in Help, upon the first meeting, Bloberta wears red and Clay wears blue – in colour theory those are split-complementary colours, the are not exactly opposites, so the don't contrast of clash against each other.
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Clay's light blue is cooler, more purple-ish, and provides soothing visual effect to Bloberta's bright warm red-orange.
In design, the cool colors can help soften the intensity of the red, creating a balanced and visually striking composition. In this moment they are more in harmony than they will ever be.
By the end of Help, they are married and utterly unhappy. While Bloberta sticks to her reds even after marriage, Clay moves to greens. The are truly complementary now, but also absolute opposites.
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In visual perception there's also such phenomenon as impossible colours. These are the colours that are on the different wave length and thus cannot be mixed during the initial perception. And look who's on the list:
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So, visually Clay and Bloberta stand in stark contrast and by no means are mixable. As if it's on purpose. You see, it's notable how Bloberta stuck to her colour identity through the series, while Clay shifts all around the place. It's green > light blue > green/brown. As if he changes his personality on purpose to be farther and opposite to Bloberta.
We know he has a crappy sense of Self, but it is also all over the place, how he creates his Identity based on who is near, who is wanted and who's not. In private environment he tries to distinct himself from Bloberta as far as possible. It's to spite her, to show her how much he doesn't want to be tied to her, but mainly it's for him – a way of protection and masking for his Self. His identity is of Bloberta's opposite.
There's also a narrative meaning for Clay's green. It's immaturity, childishness. He wore green in Passing, he started off in green. A short period we see him in blue is rare moments of relative wellness. He is starting to come to his own meaning, living by himself and for himself. He was also trying to distinctly set himself in this world, establishing a particular colour identity. Possibly, if he'd never married Bloberta, there would've been something different in his style maybe darker blue. Light colour and also his appearance and demeanor (a stray curl) is also symbolic of his remaining innocent and naïvity.
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Once he goes back to greens, it also feels like he makes a huge step back from his initial route. From there on he either stays in place and doesn't grow as a person or spirals into something worse.
He also adopts brown in his clothes. To work, to church, when they have guests or in winter – he wears brown suit or coat. It's a formalwear, there's nothing strange about it, but interestingly, it's his wear for an outer world. It's neutral, uncharacteristic, a Persona he needs to show to the community to give off the impression of competence and respectability. Bloberta, on the other hand, again keeps her red. They look very homogeneous together in this composition.
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Clay's brown is actually a darker, less saturated hue of red. Position wise, they are the same, analogous here. It's also a part of the Persona – unity of husband and wife. They don't clash visually, quite opposite – the one is an extension to another. Exactly what the society expects from a nuclear family unit. When they are positioned like this, they also get along sometimes, they are less focused on getting on each others nerves and more on presenting to the community, so they are able to put personal attitudes aside and actually chill.
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The complete opposite is Clay's Study. Here, he's alone. It's and established power fantasy for him, a place of delusion and unreality. It's everything he longs to be but is not. In his study he wear a deep dark-red dressing gown. In this environment we usually see his truest self – his intentions, his attitudes, his feelings etc. Red as a personal colour and as a scene undertone sets the impression of power. But the truth is – he never has it. All the disasters of his behaviour, that are set in real scenarios are carried out by his real Personas – in green or brown. What's hidden – is in red.
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It follows him even where he tries to conceal it. Bar scenes, hunting trip spiral scene, Danielle's flat scene – he's supposed to be a Persona, but the red shadows are there outing what he wants to hide.
(Upd: i forgot that Passing, up to Angelas death, is also with red undertone. For Clay red is a colour that signifies disaster and unhappiness. Red is everywhere where he is about to act out, prompted by his misery. It's like and angry sorrow, that follows him. It's such a cruel joke that he even married a woman who is in red.)
Red is a colour of his ideal self but also of his self-destruction. It notable for the way those two meanings always go hand-in-hand. Even in his ideal fantasy he doesn't allow himself to achieve happiness. Red is a colour of two forces that tear him apart and send him into a spiral over the counter of the series.
But Clay's red, unlike Bloberta's, is also unstable and irregular. It's notable how all his colours are on the surface level, its a piece of clothing that is put on something. Green cardigan – a mask for Bloberta, red dressing gown – ideal self for himself, brown jacket or coat – a mask for the community. It's all a wrap for his real self, that it too raw and painful to show to the world. Underneath his colours is white – blank and reflective. It's certainly reflects Clay's shallowness – underneath all that colour is nothing, white, blank space that is occasionally filled with something to fit a the specific situation. White is his absence sense of self. White is his actual subconsciousness. Only time he wears white is to bed. And in his sleep is also the only time when his actual suppressed self resurfaces foe just a bit, for us to see.
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What we were able to read through his colours themes is that he is a man with a damaged sense of Self and a fake personality, that is never authentic to his true self. It leaves him feeling vulnerable and exposed so he reacts with anger and anatgonism to protect his core. His weak sense of self leaves his susceptible to many kinds of influence – his initial reaction is to confirm, even if he'll resent it in the end. He always adopts a personality according to the relationship of situation he is in.
So Listen, maybe the suit is just blue or maybe no, maybe it actually represents something. This whole thing can be all bs. I also understand the character design process and how main characters need to be recognisable. We are overanalising shit here, sir.
Next's Bloberta.
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xewanu · 8 months
In today's episode ? The symbolism of the green//pink theme in Splatoon
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Okay so it all goes back to the great turf war. It seems to have been the first ever color picked, representing octolings vs inklings. We all obviously know that inklings won, pretty unfairly, and octos were pretty much forced to step back. Ever since, the green//pink and inkling//octo themes have been omnipresent in the Splatoon universe.
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In Splat 1 comes Callie and Marie. They are not opposed as octo vs inkling, yet pick a side in a Splatfest (Octopus vs Squid, won by Callie, on the 10th of October 2015, Squid side), and end up opposing to each other, as Callie vs Marie. The outcome is clear, Marie wins, Callie is sad about it, and joins her pink theme by joining the octo troups (I'd REALLY like to know how the pink//green theme would've been handled if she won). So yeah, the Squid Sisters give us a continuity that Splatoon 2 MASSIVELY used LOL.
So let's continue with Off The Hook, shall we ?
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First of all, can I point out the fact the colors are not the exact same bright pink and green we knew this far ? Yes ? Alright thanks. MARINA RAN AWAY !!! SO SHE'S GREEN !!! You have no idea how I love the entirety of these colors symbolism, reader. But yep, Marina is obviously green because she rejects her past, as seen in the Octo Expansion logs. Also, her color ressembles very slightly sanitization. A mutation. You following me this far ? I find Pearl being pink actually adorable, her color isn't THIS muted. It fits Marina, and also implies hey, no octoling racism here. Zamn this making me tearful.
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Continuation to the green//pink linked to squid//octopus is this. I REALLY love the possible yin yang reference with the shirts btw. We think inklings are so good and perfect, but maybe there's evil within them, to the opposite of octolings, who are actually not as mean as depicted by Craig. I'll also point out the inkling in the poster is smiling, fist clenched, confidently, as the octoling is a bit less self assured, looking concentrated. The need to win for their nation, teehee okay sorry I'm reaching :3
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Oh you knew it was coming you DEFINITELY knew. Yup. Agent 24. To me they sign the end of this stupid "inkling vs octoling" war. 3 first saves 8, 8 then saves 3 and Craig (And Inkopolis but yeah LMAO.) To me it really means "This is where we end the fight", 3 sees the potential in 8, and doesn't see them as an enemy nor a threat, but a partner (NOT ROMANTICALLY SPECIFICALLY, you ship who you want, but they do seem like they respect each other). Splatoon 3 doesn't return with pink//green, or inkling//octoling. We can play an octoling, who fights octolings, to protect octolings. Our ink is just yellow, we fight non octo bosses. We fight along Octavio. The band is red, yellow and blue, the primary colors. Harmony, although their principal song's called Anarchy Rainbow. All colors mixed together :'0
Okay, thanks for coming to my ted talk BYYYE.
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darkbluekies · 9 months
What’s your OCs favorite colors?
I'd say that their representative/designated/assigned colors are their favorites. I'll explain why and why I chose them for the characters.
Silas — Red
Red symbolizes love, desire, passion, evil, anger and blood. Everything that sums up Silas. He also thinks that red is a very sexy color on his beloved.
Dr Kry — Light blue
Blue symbolizes coldness, serenity, stability, inspiration, wisdom, and things in nature. His blue is a light blue which gives me more of a washed out blue, aka a Doctor Kry :) I think that doctor Kry likes blue because everything around him is blue, the sky, his hospital uniform, the hairnets etc
King Edmund — Green
Green symbolizes wealth (if you think about how expensive green used to be), toxicity (the green paint was toxic), jealousy, and nature, especially forest. Edmund's castle lies on the hill with a big forest beneath that he lives to ride horses in.
Jerry — Purple
Purple symbolizes luxury, power, ambition, dignity, devotion, pride, mystery and independence. In Jerry's case, as well, it's basically her "pink" if that makes sense. It's a mixture between pink (actually red) and blue, so it fits with her personality that is in between masculine and feminine :]
Hedwig — Pink
Pink symbolizes femininity, love, friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, compassion, nurturing, and approachability, which is spot on for Hedwig. She's a typical girly girl and loves everything pink♡
I hope that this was interesting :)
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xxcrystalinerose · 2 months
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Can't believe I'm actually actively playing this game again because of the Return of the King Hat Guy (and Crewmeru). That extra little WQ seals the deal for me, and made me not only clear Cyno's SQ 2 which has been sitting in my backlog due to burnout but also replay Kaveh's hangout while I'm at it.
Anyways, I guess it's time I actually share these Sabzerus festival designs I made ages ago? Starting with the birthday girl herself and her funny hat(less) man. I feel like it's an atrocity that nobody actually wears Indian traditional dress in this game, and I also put Hat Guy in one to even out the roster. Making the embroidery patterns may have killed my hand but I persevered.
Detailed shots and some design thoughts under the cut!!
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Nahida's design is a game of "how many times can I draw the Dendro symbol without repeating it too obviously"
Her lehenga choli is inspired by a beautiful white and dark green set I saw on Google. My Indian friend advised to not make her outfit too predominantly white, so I made sure the dupatta is dark green and added darker borders. Honestly, Nahida would look so much better if her outfit isn't almost entirely white!
The patterns on her skirt include lotuses, vajras, and the upside-down Dendro symbol. Her jewelry are made of gold, emeralds (rejuvenation, harmony), white diamonds (strength), and pearls (elegance, grace, purity, wisdom, the Moon).
Wanderer's sherwani pattern is a lotus pattern I made myself :) It is rather heavy, but the dupatta is made of fine silk.
His bracelets are based on Buddhist prayer beads (right hand) and a kangan (ornate, heavy bangle type). The same Indian friend suggested it to me because bangles represent "delicateness" and aren't often on men, but he does canonically have a history of wearing feminine articles i.e. his veil as the Kabukimono, so I incorporated it.
His jewelry are made of gold and turquoise. His sherwani is sapphire-colored (wisdom, intuition, mental clarity).
While Nahida does have ghanta imagery on her canon outfit, I decided to emphasize the vajra on her design, and the ghanta on Wanderer's design i.e. his neck accessory. They're an inseparable, matching set.
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n3xii · 11 months
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How to read energy with tarot and oracle cards
Energy can be read in a variety of ways, you can feel it, see it or even ''know'' it cognitively. But a universal way to read ALL energy is by using tarot and oracle cards. This method is perfect for analyzing the details of your own aura because you can identify what blockages there are, where they came from, how to heal them etc.
But first, let's talk about DECKS. You can use any deck to read energy, litterally any deck you feel a connection to will do perfect. but preferably the deck is artistic and has alot of details, symbols, colors, or even references to chakras and different spiritual concepts. I will have a post soon with a list of deck recommendations based on different topics in spirituality soon, so refer to that if you'd like!
Prepare your space: when tapping into your own energy, or someone else's, you will want to do some prep beforehand by clearing your mind and focusing on your intention. I don't think it's appropriate to "cleanse' yourself before doing this type of reading IN MY OPINON, the whole point of energy reading is to read what's currently in your energy. How can you do that if you CLEANSE IT. Use your cards to help identify whats currently in your aura, whats effecting you, and if there's external energy that's disturbing you, then cleanse if needed! if you want to cleanse the deck itself, thats up to you but I think that's the best idea.
2. Choose a spread (if you prefer spreads.): to be honest, I think if you're gonna use spreads, regardless of experience level, the reading will actually be more successful. this is because you can configure and customize the spread to be WHATEVER you need in that moment. You want to read your aura? pull a card for each layer of the aura, OR, pull a card for energy thats leaving your aura, energy thats currently in your aura, and energy that's coming in. you want to read someone elses energy? pull a card that represents their aura, a card for how their energy is effecting themselves or others, a card for whats contributing to their energy ETC.
3. shuffle and focus: shuffle your cards in your preferred method and focus on whom you're reading for. if you're reading for someone else, let them touch the cards. if thats not applicable, focus on an aspect or characteristic of that person.
4. lay out your cards/spread
5. pay attention to reversed cards. if you read reversals, these can be indicators of blockages OR of energies that are dissipating, it depends on the meaning of the card. For example, ten of swords reversed may indicate that the energies of betrayal, endings and despair is leaving your life. Meanwhile, the upright meaning by indicate a blockage. use context and your intuition to interpret cards.
6. Pay attention to colors: colors in a card and tone can indicate the color of your aura. here's a list of aura colors, this list doesnt contain all of them but it's a good starting point.
Red: Energetic, passionate, and strong-willed.
Orange: Creative, adventurous, and enthusiastic.
Yellow: Intellectually curious, cheerful, and optimistic.
Green: Compassionate, harmonious, and nurturing.
Blue: Communicative, calm, and spiritually connected.
Purple: Intuitive, visionary, and spiritually aware.
Pink: Loving, empathetic, and affectionate.
White: Pure, spiritually awakened, and balanced.
Silver: Intuitive, psychic, and open to new ideas.
Gold: Enlightened, wise, and spiritually evolved.
Black: Protective, strong-willed, and potentially blocking energy.
Brown: Grounded, practical, and connected to the Earth.
Gray: Indecisive, emotionally neutral, and detached.
Indigo: Highly intuitive, sensitive, and perceptive.
Turquoise: Creative, communicative, and balanced in emotions.
7. Pay attention to symbols: symbols can be signs from the universe or carry extra messages about your/someone's elses energy. here's a list of common symbols in tarot AND oracle decks
Celtic Knots: Represent interconnectedness, cycles, and eternity.
Roses: Symbolize love, beauty, and balance.
Laurel Wreaths: Signify victory, honor, and achievement.
Sphinx: Represents wisdom, mystery, and enigma.
Cherub/Angel: Symbolizes divine guidance, purity, and protection.
Ankh: Represents life, vitality, and eternal existence.
Infinity Symbol (∞): Signifies limitless potential, eternity, and balance.
Butterflies: Symbolize transformation, growth, and renewal.
Ouroboros (Snake Eating Its Tail): Represents cyclical nature, infinity, and rebirth.
Keys: Signify unlocking hidden knowledge, opportunities, and solutions.
Hourglass: Symbolizes time, cycles, and the fleeting nature of life.
Mystical Gates: Represent opportunities, choices, and thresholds.
Lion: Signifies strength, courage, and boldness.
Scorpion: Symbolizes transformation, regeneration, and intensity.
Scales: Represent balance, justice, and equilibrium.
Winged Creatures: Signify the spirit, transcendence, and higher knowledge.
Wreaths: Symbolize victory, achievement, and honor.
Ships/Boats: Signify journeys, exploration, and movement.
Bulls: Represent determination, stubbornness, and material wealth.
Stars: Symbolize hope, inspiration, and guidance from the cosmos.
Crescent Moon: Signifies intuition, change, and the feminine energy.
Skulls: Symbolize mortality, transformation, and facing one's fears.
Clouds: Represent uncertainty, confusion, and change in perspective.
Castle: Signifies protection, security, and the inner self.
Serpents: Symbolize knowledge, transformation, and hidden wisdom.
Lightning: Signifies sudden change, revelation, and powerful energy.
Pyramids: Represent spirituality, ascension, and hidden truths.
Cross: Symbolizes sacrifice, faith, and spiritual growth.
Oracle cards:
Animals: Animal symbols can represent qualities, characteristics, and messages associated with specific animals. For example, a lion might symbolize courage and strength, while a butterfly could signify transformation and growth.
Hearts: Hearts are associated with love, emotions, and matters of the heart. Their presence in a card can indicate love, compassion, or emotional healing.
Stars: Stars symbolize inspiration, guidance, and divine energy. They may suggest hope and opportunities.
Moons: Moons are linked to cycles, intuition, and the subconscious. They can imply the need for introspection or changes in emotions.
Sun: The sun represents success, vitality, and enlightenment. It may indicate a positive outcome or a period of happiness.
Keys: Keys symbolize unlocking potential, solutions, and opportunities. They suggest that answers are within reach.
Crossroads: Crossroads represent choices and decisions. They can indicate a need to make a significant life decision or consider options.
Water: Water symbolizes emotions, intuition, and fluidity. It may suggest a need to navigate your feelings or adapt to changes.
Fire: Fire represents passion, transformation, and energy. It may suggest the need for action or a burst of inspiration.
Feathers: Feathers are often associated with messages from the spirit realm and can imply the need to pay attention to signs and synchronicities.
Coins/Pentacles: These symbols often relate to material matters, finances, and practical concerns. They may suggest issues related to money or resources.
Clouds: Clouds can symbolize uncertainty, confusion, or a clouded judgment. They may suggest the need for clarity.
Doors: Doors represent new opportunities, opportunities, and transitions. They may suggest entering a new phase in life.
Trees: Trees symbolize growth, strength, and connection to nature. They can suggest personal development and grounding.
Angels: Angels represent divine guidance, protection, and higher wisdom. Their presence can indicate a need for spiritual guidance or support.
Spirals: Spirals symbolize evolution, cycles, and personal growth. They suggest that you are on a journey of self-discovery.
Mandalas: Mandalas often represent unity, wholeness, and balance. They suggest the need to find harmony in your life.
Roses: Roses symbolize love, beauty, and passion. They may suggest matters of the heart or self-love.
Wings: Wings can symbolize freedom, elevation, and spirituality. They suggest a desire for greater understanding and spiritual growth.
Rainbows: Rainbows are a symbol of hope, promises, and blessings. They can suggest that positive developments are on the horizon.
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Thats all for this post so far, I hope you found it informative and you're welcome to add any more tips to this post if you'd like!
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genshin-hsr-rambles · 2 months
do you think the gems they’re named after can spoil stuff about the stone hearts?
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I wouldn’t say spoil per se, but it certainly gives some insight into their character due to it being the whole basis of their concept. Allow me to elaborate.
Topaz is generally associated with wealth, a perfect concept to introduce the audience to the IPC through. It is believed to heal and promote strength/vitality, tying into Topaz’s lore regarding her planet’s deterioration with the IPC restoring its ‘health’ and the strength of the people in turn. Also tying into her planet’s lore is the fact that in its natural state, common topaz is traditionally colourless. It is the heat or radiation treatment that gives it its colour, reflecting how the IPC’s grooming of Topaz and her entire planet’s citizens into IPC employees largely shaped who she is today. In Feng Shui, topaz is viewed as a stone of nobility, love, passion and purpose. These aspects reflect in Topaz’s personality, with her love of animals and passionate drive for work and customer satisfaction.
Aventurine primarily symbolises good fortune, again tying in with the core concept of the IPC. Green aventurine in particular is said to be a stone of opportunity and good luck, linking with Aventurine’s infallible luck and subsequent (self-destructive) gambling tendencies. More blatantly, it is known as the ‘gambler’s stone’ since it is believed to bring fortune in games of chance. Interestingly enough, aventurine is associated with the planet Mercury, named after the Roman god of wealth, good fortune, commerce, fertility, and thievery. These aspects tie into Aventurine’s ethnicity as an Avgin, the poor reputation of his people and their mother goddess’ blessing. Cruelly ironic, some believe it to represent self-love, and it is cheaper than most gemstones.
Jade holds symbolism of purity, harmony and protection, referencing Jade’s false guise of sincerity to seal her deals. It is a very valuable and sought-after gem, translating into Jade’s status. East Asia covet jade for its cultural and spiritual affiliations, serving as a metaphor for virtue, wisdom, truth, and Heaven and Earth. This is most likely where Jade Lilith/Eve dual symbolism was derived from. Jade is actually an umbrella term for two silicate minerals, nephrite and jadeite. Again, this seems to be inspiration for her two-faced nature. As of the time of this post, we do not know much about her past and as such it cannot be determined how interlinked it is with her stone.
From the three playable Stonehearts (as of the time of this post), we can clearly see that their lore is deeply interwoven with the symbolism of their gems. They are, in a sense, the embodiment of their Stoneheart namesake. So can it spoil the next Stonehearts? Without context, probably not. But we can still speculate, right?
Obsidian is heavily associated with blocking, absorbing and/or transforming negative energy. It isn’t actually a mineral, rather volcanic glass, typically classified as igneous rock or a mineraloid. For a long time, obsidian was primarily used in the creation of weapons, not jewellery. Referred to as the stone of clarity, it is beloved to release spiritual blockages and draw out stress and tension. Obsidian is naturally quite sharp, and as such some consider it to be capable of piercing into darkness to reveal the truth itself. Like her namesake, Obsidian could be one to cut through false pleasantries in favour of the raw truth, no matter how violent or unpleasant. She certainly seemed quite eager for a bloodbath in the Stoneheart trailer, perhaps due to having an affinity for the true nature of people being revealed and to tie into the primary purpose of obsidian being weaponry. The transformation and absorption of negative energy aspect could potentially relate to the vampire symbolism she seems to has.
Agate generally symbolises strength, protection and courage. It is believed to protect people from negative energy and enhance communication. Ironic, considering Agate is the only Stoneheart who doesn’t communicate at all in the Stoneheart trailer. In Greek mythology, it is linked to the earth mother, Gaia, and symbolises strength and stability. Interestingly, agate is formed within lava and is primarily found in areas with high volcanic activity. Its colour is dependent on the presence of other surrounding minerals. This is interesting because it seems that Agate and Obsidian share some common ground in terms of creation. Perhaps the characters will share similar views or characteristics too, explaining why Obsidian was allowed to vote on Agate’s behalf. The mineral agate being dependent on other minerals seems to further strengthen the idea of Agate possessing some form connections with another Stoneheart (seemingly Obsidian from the little information we have, but could be anyone).
Pearl signifies innocence and faith. It is believed to enhance personal integrity, inhibits immodest behaviour and bring truth forward. Pearl is often used in bridal jewellery as it can symbolise beauty and new beginnings. The gem is of organic origin but is not organic material, perhaps inspiring her existence as an Intellitron, alive but not technically living. We do seem to have enough information on Pearl to link her to her gemstone, another aspect being she seems to hold justice as a primary value. This seems to lie in the pearl’s symbolism of truth and integrity. Perhaps Pearl still believes in an inherent good in the world too, tying into the gemstone representing purity and innocence.
Sapphire is considered to be a stone of wisdom, royalty, prophecy and divine favour. It is a symbol of power and strength, often connected to religious symbolism. From what we’ve seen of Sapphire, this seems to check out. They value oaths above all else and exude an air of righteousness. Much like Pearl, they seem to have a strong set of morals. It is worth noting that sapphire is the second hardest natural mineral, second only to diamonds. So Sapphire has the potential to be one of the strongest Stonehearts in terms of raw power.
Amber is rather obviously associated with natural warmth, but also cleansing and renewal. As far as I have researched, its symbolism seems to revolve around protection and positivity. Consisting of fossilised tree resin, amber is classified as an organic gemstone and isn’t technically a gemstone at all (potentially similar to yet opposite of Pearl?). It was historically believed to bring good luck to warriors in battle and could be used to assist in creating balanced decision-making. The latest aspect may possibly have influenced Amber’s seeming neutrality in the Stonehearts trailer. Bringing good luck to warriors in battle could translate to avoiding conflict altogether, so all parties involved will not lose any prospects. Judging by the gem’s symbolism, Amber seems to be a bit of an outlier amongst the Stonehearts and perhaps that’s why she has yet to show her face.
Sugilite is a stone that drains unwanted connections and evil thoughts. Thought to be a nurturing gemstone, it promotes positive emotions and installs a deep satisfaction of freedom. In great contrast, Feng Shui depicts sugilite as possessing high Yang energy. It is full of emotion, passion and action. This could potentially reflect Sugilite’s personality, driven by passionate desires behind a mask of apathy. Regarding the satisfaction aspect, perhaps Sugilite lives in chase of fulfilment, hence the feast imagery in the Stonehearts trailer.
Opal is considered to be a symbol of hope, purity and truth. Since opal possesses most colours of other gems, the Romans believed it was the most precious and powerful of all gemstones. Indigenous Australians believed it to symbolise a bridge between the earthly and the divine. This seems to align with what we know of Opal so far. I’d wager he’s a little full of himself, tying in with the Roman view of his namesake. Opal also appears to be something akin to the right hand of Diamond, essentially the bridge between the emanator and the other Stonehearts.
Diamond symbolises strength, love and health. They are often worn by leaders and people in power to represent invincibility. The diamond is also considered a symbol of light and brilliance; unconquerable; treasures, riches and intellectual knowledge. We know very little about Diamond, but this all does seem to align with the idea of the leader of the IPC’s Strategic Investment Department. A powerful, untouchable figure, seemingly benevolent and caring but really only in it for the money.
Of course, I’m no expert on gemstones and so this information should be taken with a grain of salt. But that is my take on what I believe we can learn about the non-playable Stonehearts (as of the time of this post, have faith guys) from their gems.
TL;DR: No, information about the Stonehearts can’t be spoiled by their namesake gems. It can be speculated though.
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disco-girl · 1 year
An unnecessary and in-depth analysis of magic colors used in TOH (Part 2):
Part 1 here
Purple is associated with luxury, ambition, independence, mystery, arrogance, and inferiority
Darius is pretty much the embodiment of the color purple based on symbolism. He’s independent, he’s mysterious, he’s arrogant, he likes to live in luxury. He doesn’t act super ambitious but he is a Coven Head so we can assume he is somewhat. And the fact that he’s so competitive with Alador suggests that he may experience feelings of inferiority.
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Amity, Alador, Tibbles, Gavin (possibly Kikimora and Malphas)
Magenta is associated with kindness, character, change, harmony, cooperation, and self respect but also impatience, arrogance and volatility.
Note: Kikimora and Malphas are listed as having purple magic on the wiki page, but it looks more magenta to me and I think that magenta makes more sense for them as well.
Impatience, arrogance and volatility are traits that are shared among these characters for the most part, though with Amity they’re mostly presented early in the show. The positive traits, consequently, have a lot of significance for Amity, who has gone through tremendous development and change over the course of the show. She’s become kinder and has learned to respect herself in a way that her parents couldn’t. She’s invited harmony into her life. If the show wasn’t cut short, I think we would have had a similar (smaller-scale) development for Alador and maybe even the other antagonists; at the very least Alador has taken initiative to change and better himself.
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Emperors Coven Scouts, Adegast, Detention Monitor, Oracle Teacher
White is associated with purity, innocence, perfection, safety, simplicity, illumination, emptiness, and unfriendliness
This one is interesting. For the Emperor’s Coven, since they are working for Belos, I can see their magic being sort of “sanitized”, void of their own creativity or free will. Similarly, for the teachers, maybe their magic is somewhat restricted when they’re on school grounds. They have to stick to the rules and regulations. For Adegast, maybe the white represents how his true nature/form was “illuminated” in WBW. Note: Jerbo is also listed using white on the wiki page but it actually looks like more of a white green to me, which makes more sense for him.
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Eda, Mattholomule, Luz, Raine, Hunter (flapjack)
Yellow is associated with sunlight, positivity, intellect, creativity, and confidence. Some shades of yellow are also linked to magic and diversity. On the other hand, yellow can be a symbol of deceit, depression, or cowardice.
This one is fascinating to me. Yellow being associated with Luz makes perfect sense, her name literally means light and there’s so much symbolism in the show associating her with light. It also fits well for Eda, who is sort of the personification of magic and diversity, as well as sharing other traits with Luz. Eda and Raine are the only couple to share the same magic color and I think that was very much intentional, they are each other’s light. Hunter switching from red magic to yellow with flapjack must have significance as well. He goes from having every aspect of his life controlled by Belos, to finding a sense of autonomy and confidence in himself. Deceit, depression and cowardice are also all themes that recur for these characters throughout the show.
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Now for the odd one out: Mattholomule. This is one of the things that got me interested in the colors in the first place. Matt having the same magic color as Luz, Eda and Hunter? Maybe he will have plot relevance in the next episode? Okay, most likely not. But a girl can dream. He’s definitely shown cowardice and deceit before. And he has a loud (overly-confident) personality. Maybe we will get some other hints of how the color fits him in WAD. Also curiously, Matt is one of the characters shown to use a different magic color at some point (more on that below)
Gus, Lilith, Edric, Emira, Adrian Graye, Titan Trappers, Keeper, Reviewnicorn
Cyan is associated with compassion, clarity, calmness, concentration, and communication. It can also signify narcissism, stress, secrecy, boastfulness. It’s also the opposite of red.
Many of the characters using this color are illusionists. At face value, concentration, clarity and communication are all important traits for illusionists to have. But I think for the twins, the color might also represent their connection and ability to see and understand each other. Likewise, Lilith’s color may be a symbol of her bond with Eda; her character development and how she grew to accept and understand her sister.
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Adrian is a talented illusionist but his narcissism blinds him when it comes to really seeing and understanding others. The Reviewnicorn I could also see being somewhat boastful or narcissistic. And the Keeper, in addition to being compassionate and a skilled illusionist is definitely keeping some secrets. What about the Titan Trappers though? Is the blue a symbol of their secrecy? What do you guys think?
Finally, Gus. He really is the embodiment of this color as much as Darius is purple. He’s compassionate and understanding. He’s intuitive and able to see a lot of things that others might miss, even without magic. He’s able to get through to people and to see the good in them when others can’t. At the same time he can also be somewhat boastful and narcissistic himself at times. And we see how much he struggles with pressure and secrecy in particular.
Back to Matt for a minute, he’s seen in this image from the FTF credits using what looks to be cyan magic. Maybe it’s an accident or supposed to represent the use of illusion magic, but I like to think that perhaps it represents a connection to Gus. If you guys know of any other examples of characters switching colors, let me know!
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aikoiya · 5 months
LoZ - The Master Sword of the Goddess
Ya'll... I am so flippin' proud of how well this came out. Cause it's beautiful! ❤️
Now, my theory is that the Master Sword isn't truly complete. Not yet anyway.
Like, it isn't in its intended form. The one it was designed for.
And this is what I think it'd look like:
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Like, dude! This is amazing!
Though, I feel like the wings of the guard are too big for a longsword. Would be better suited to a claymore.
I also loved both gems I made, but I think this version is the winner because it means that I can use this one for something special to help the wielder.
You may not have noticed, but the gem is actually 2 fused together.
Anyway, I've been thinkin' about the materials that this version of the sword might be made of & I think I have a decent list.
To start off:
2 Goddess Plumes (which appear to be crystalline) for the guard.
Timeshift Stones, which the original sword's guard was primarily made of, so it'll be melted down to make a new one. (The Timeshift Stone of the guard & the Ocarina of Time resonated, which is what sent Time's mind forward into the future.)
Star Fragments from New Hyrule.
The above items melted down & made into an alloy with iridium & other materials (possibly even Dusk Relics, which might just be Mexican Blue Amber) to create the wings.
The 3 Sacred Flames. Used to kindle a new flame. A white-gold one.
Green Chalcedony to inspire strength, courage, & insight. It also has connections to love. (Every type of love, not just romantic.) Then magically infused to draw out those traits.
Aqua Chalcedony symbolizes tranquility & harmony. Has a soothing, gentle energy, & promotes emotional balance, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, & negativity. It encourages inner peace & provides protection, making it well-suited to being the companion to heroes who may need a bit of extra support in trying times. Then magically infused to draw out those traits.
This would allow Fi to better aid her wielders emotionally even as she sleeps.
As for the metal itself:
* will appear beside alloys that I made up.
Chromium from chromite ore.
Star Pieces for the gold & whetstone. (Something to keep in mind is that there are 3 different colors of Star Fragment: the ones from the Era of the Wild, Gold & Red, & the ones from New Hyrule, which are Purple.)
*Mourniron = Typically found deep underground where fierce battles had taken place. The best kind can be found in Bogs as they tend to have trace amounts of silicon in them, which ensures better flexibility.
- *Allaysteel = Mourniron made into steel. Was once used by the Sheikah to make weapons that would help them in dispatching with enemy Poes & laying their souls to rest. The practice of creating it has long since been forgotten by the time of Wild's Era. Which is partly why there were so many Poe Souls in the Depths. Wild was the first to begin ferrying them to the Bargainer's Statues in 15,000 years. It is effective against Poes, Undead, & other such enemies.
Light Dragon Horn to melt down & fold into the metal to make the blade.
1 claw from one blessed by twilight. (A claw from Twi's wolf form.)
4 Master Ore from Lorule.
Iridium = A metal in the platinum group. Alloying it with other metals imparts durability & heat resistance. It's also nearly gold-tier in non-reactivity. Can only be found from comets, meteorites, & asteroids. Essentially, it's a space metal & would be heavily associated with stars. And while Iridium is a silvery-white color with a slight yellow-ish cast, under certain magically induced circumstances, it's cast instead changes to something in the range of lavender, purple, a/o indigo. Also, above the melting point, ignition results in a violet flame.
Stellite = Cobalt-chromium alloys. A very tough, as well as wear, corrosion, & heat resistant material.
*Grieving Steellite = A cobalt-chromium-Allaysteel alloy.
*Remembrance Corundite = A grieving steellite & diamond alloy.
Ferrochromium = An iron-chromium alloy.
*Mourningstar Corundite = Corundite & iridium alloy with Light Dragon Horn & Twilight's Claw.
*Master Corundite = Master Ore & Mourningstar Corundite alloy.
Anyway, it'd likely need to be reforged in an actual forge as, in ancient times, the forge was considered a holy place. If nothing else, the blade might get blessed.
At the same time, I see it needing to be made in lava due to the high melting point of a few of the ingredients.
I think that I'd have it to where Clove (LU's Four) & Legend switch between using the FD mask. This would automatically elevate their own bladesmithing abilities by quite a decent degree. Though, I can definitely tell that Legend would still have things to learn.
Like, things that might necessitate a 3 Oracles game. One where Farore is the Oracle of Mysteries, her book being the gateway for Legend, gaining a more intimate understanding of Runic magic, which could lead to infusion magic.
As an aside, I get the feeling that in this state, it'd change forms depending on the Link. Like, it'd become most suited to their particular size & fighting style.
As in, for Time, it'd become a two-handed sword. Legend, it'd take on runes that could channel that magic into the blade, turning him into something of a spellsword.
Similarly, if there were a Link who were Sheikah & trained as such, it'd take on a more katana or ninjatō-like shape. And Gerudo? A scimitar.
Hell, for Wind, it might turn more into a cutlass.
For the most part, it will stick to the shape of a sword of some sort.
Ergo, Clove (LU Four) would have zero reasons to avoid using it.
LoZ Linked Universe Masterlist
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skyflyinginaction · 7 months
Shin Megami Tensei IV FINAL Official Setting + Shinwa Sekai he no Tabi translations 
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I don’t own the raw scans or the translations in this post all credit for the translation belongs to Miel who did a wonderful job on it. The Nanashi bio was already translated by Dijeh and the rest are translated by them.
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In the early scenarios, she was supposed to be a tomboyish character who often used foul language. As you can see, she ended up the complete opposite (lol). Asahi was designed as a child whose parents had lovingly raised, and had her life planned out for her to survive in this destroyed world. They were hoping that she would one day be able to see the light of dawn, hence she was named Asahi. We based her design off themes of the sky, hence the goggles, hat and the blue color scheme to make a pure, orthodox heroine.
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A harmonious, all-green presence… Actually I just came up with that after (lol). But I think the meaning of Navarre's scarf color was shown pretty well in the game. His ghost form and the fact that he would be a partner was decided from the very beginning. I wanted him to be able to run around the map following the MC, so I suggested a mascot-like design that could float alongside the MC. I'm glad he was able to re-appear as a likeable character (lol).
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In the previous game, she was an event character with only pixel art, but in this game, we decided from the very beginning that she would be a partner along with Navarre. We tried to keep the same imagery she had from the previous game but designed elements unique to this game. After she became one with Danu, I wanted a change in both mind and body. Her hair and eye color, as well as her physique are all mixed with Western features, and when compared to the main characters who are all children, she looks like a mature adult lady.
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We had planned to create a mixed-race child who would show what kind of world setting it was in this game. His brown-colored skin was the only thing that still remained of his initial draft; every thing else about him was totally changed from the initial planned scenario. We gave him a Ashura-kai styled outfit, as well as a school jersey to make him look like a child delinquent. The pointy ears and black nails were to give him a demonic feel. When he transforms, he changes color, and I think it perfectly represents the devs’ ideal image of him.
When Chironnupu was created as a demon, I was requested to make him a mascot-like character. They did not want a standard cutesy character, but rather something that had a “Megami Tensei" type of cuteness. There are very few legends about the Chironnupu, so I got ideas from keywords such as Ainu, fox, divine spirits, and hunting, and instead of simply drawing a fox, I made him a young spirit that wears a carved wooden mask.
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When I first heard that Navarre’s younger brother was going to be in the game, I laughed… and I was very surprised. Of course they must have the same hairstyle and facial expressions to live up to the family name (lol). Since he is an elite member of the newly established Samurai group, I put his Samurai uniform over his inner wear, so that he looked like a medieval musketeer but set in modern day. The cross symbol represents God and the four archangels. Michael's spear was originally meant to defeat Lucifer, so I based its design off Lucifer’s motif.
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Out of all the characters, this character had the most changes and was the most difficult to design. In the early designs, she was made to look like a miko (TN: shrine maiden) who served Lilith, so I wanted her design to emphasize her young age when compared to Asahi and Nozomi. That design later evolved into a tall, ephemeral type of girl, and then later, finally settled into the design of an assassin. She’s designed as a member of the Ring of Gaea, and her unmasked face has the cuteness of a Japanese doll but also a beauty that exudes an exoticism. 
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This is a character that appears right at the beginning of the game, but we did not originally plan to have an illustration for him. However, there was a request for a illustration to show the worldview of this hunter from Tokyo, and how the world and the people he cared for were being overrun by demons. Thus we created illustrations for the 3 of them: Nikkari, Manabu, and Master. The name Nikkari is based off a famous sword, but you’ll just have to find out whether or not his sword is the real deal by playing the game.
As a more senior hunter, he has become a unique character. Like Nikkari, we had initially only planned to have pixel art for him, so we made sure to exaggerate that reggae-like feel to convey his love for reggae, even if it's a tiny pixel art. Compared to veteran hunters, he didn't have much experience yet, so we designed him to still look a little naive. Having designs for the sub-characters was not initially planned, so I only had a short amount of time to design them, but I was able to take a breather and had fun while drawing them.
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When I was making drafts of his design, I borrowed the design of the adult form of the protagonist (lol). Since the character is a former hunter of an inhabitable society and a master of the company, I gave him unshaven stubble and thick arm hair to give him that rugged feel, but also gave him the outfit of a bar waiter to give him a sense of tidiness. Anyway, it feels like a strange coincidence that the pilot-style outfit worn by the original adult protagonist ended up being worn by Asahi instead. I wanted to see how well he would do.
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Swordsman Hunter
During the idea stage, there were many variations for a non-human hunter. This is a lightly armored female hunter whose main weapon is a sword. Her personality also seems outgoing.
Professor Matsuda
This was the initial idea draft for Matsuda. Back then he was planned to be a NPC that you can speak to but didn’t have a character portrait. His facial expressions can’t be seen clearly from the small portrait, but you can see his hunched-back posture.
Elite Hunter
An elite hunter who has a high rank and is well-dressed. It's the type you don't see very often in the underground world of Tokyo, but it seems there’s actually some hunters who are living a privileged life out there.
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Punk Hunter
A female hunter that catches the eye with her standing hair and studded clothes. Strong female hunters who live by fighting with demons are all cool-looking. The same goes for Nozomi. It’s no wonder Asahi admires them.
Child Hunter
The boy with the spear is an NPC you can talk to. During the designing stage he was made to be a little child hunter but the final version of the NPC seems to be older in appearance.
Gaea Elder
An old man who was created as a member of the Gaea. Compared to the fierce male members and cold-looking female members, he’s more of a good-natured old man character.
Asurakai Member
Most of the Ashurakai members were thugs in suits, so we had the idea for a man who actually looked dangerous because he had a drawn knife in his hand. Might’ve been a change after Tayama’s death.
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joyburble · 2 years
Chrysalis Gown
I think this first appears in Episode 14. It's in-between some scenes with the Honey-coloured gown, during the early process of transformation. This one seems to be for more formal, business occasions.
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We get a well-lit view of the absolute bunfight of colours and patterns going on here. The shirt is particoloured, in red and green, both woven with gold in identical patterns, and cut and pieced together in this high, tight, stiff collar.
It bothered me that the patterns don't fit together at the neck at all well. I felt like something this magnificent should be pattern-matched more harmoniously than it is, with that seam between red and green in such a prominent place at least trying to look more symmetrical. The outer gown looks green here, with a sort of damask needlecord texture. In most shots it looks black.
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The outfit returns in Episode 26, by which time we know that the consequences of the transformation have hit. We get a nice view of the structure here. The visible parts are the undershirt or tunic (actually two different ones), a very full pleated skirt, a splendidly gold-patterned wrap-around robe that's very tightly fitted to the waist and emphasised with a belt, and then this spectacular gown that might be green or black, with the giant explosions of gold embroidery. And an asymmetrical gold crown.
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It's his most magnficent outfit, far more visually intimidating than the black-and-gold fighting gown he wore in Episode 9, and he wears this repeatedly when he knows his actual power is severely weakened.
The gold edges of the gown seem to be made of thousands of tiny sequins, and they're not just gold, there are hints of green to give it depth - and the gold extends beyond the pattern, like dust.
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There are actually two different shirts. The red-and-green one in Episodes 14 and 27, and this black-and-gold one in Episode 26 which is a different colour of the same pattern, with no red-and-green pieces, less tightly fitted to the neck, and pieced differently. You can see almost all of the V shape and the little plant shape in the lower part of the pattern, which you can't in the red-and-green.
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I think this is an error, because the next scene is supposed to be a direct continuation of the scene above, but we go back to red-and-green. You have to look hard to notice it though.
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The texture of the gold on the gown is amazing. The effect in a shot like this is to make the hands look incredibly delicate and insubstantial.
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He wears this outfit, with the red-and-green, for the qin duet with absolute madlad Changheng in Episode 27. And to fidget huffily and keep quiet while XLH dumps Changheng immediately after.
This is the scene where I reflected that if he was going to kill anyone, he'd be wearing the Hunting Dress. So this is what he wears when he wants to intimidate, and would probably prefer deadly violence if it were up to him, but can't or won't actually do anything but glare.
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What a wonderful look for going on a date and being horribly, horribly embarrassed about it. Look at the gold on the inside of the sleeves! The sleeves of the outer gown seem to be lined with gold.
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And the confession to Xunfeng.
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At the end of Episode 28, he wears this to experiment with stubborn self-destruction:
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And it stays with us through the whump scene, during which the crown symbolically falls off, and we get a good look at the texture. Like all his crowns and armour, it looks like something that grew on a tree, possibly as a result of insect attack. It's much prettier than the ones the fairy tribe wear. I'd like to know how this was made.
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then the triumph:
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And the disaster. Where we glimpse how heavily patterned the train is. The pattern makes it look as though it belongs to the robe underneath, but it's hanging straight from the shoulders, and we saw the robe has a belt, so I don't quite understand the structure here.
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I call this this Chrysalis gown because it reminds me of the splendid protective costumes that certain butterflies and moths put on while they are tearing themselves apart and remaking themselves into a totally different shape.
Which seems to be the point, so perhaps the rather eye-watering pattern bunfight and the way none of the patterns fit together at the neck, are exactly as they should be.
The DFQC costumes master post is here.
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smolgaycat · 4 months
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Baby name ideas for the Empires Crew
Cause apparently yall need some now?
Theme: colors
Ash (associated with gray)
Beryl (a pale green stone)
Bianca (means white)
Carmine (crimson red)
Fawn (light brown)
Theme: Sun
Citrine (light callback to s1 cause citrine is a stone formed when amethyst experiences intense heat)
Alba (means Dawn)
Soleil (French sun name)
Theme: gods/holy/Greek
Theo (means ‘gift of god’)
Eudora (Greek name meaning ‘generous gift’)
Ouranos (Greek spelling of Uranus, father of the Titans and also a word meaning “the heavens”
Theme: dichotomy of glimmer grove/strength/beauty
Janus (words with contradictory meaning are sometimes called “Janus words”)
Hecate (goddess of witchcraft)
Farris (‘strong as iron’ according to the website I’m looking at)
Valentine (both a romantic association as well as having ‘strong’ as an earlier meaning)
Sterling (steel)
Theme: music/independence
Theme: strength/common western names
Barrett (mighty as a bear)
Cash (last name if a famous singer)
Wynona (first name of a famous singer and a personal favorite of mine)
Colton (I know so many yeehaw boys named Colton it’s an epidemic)
Theme: animals
Ursula (from ‘Ursa’ meaning bear + light callback to season 1)
Mariposa (butterfly)
Theme: peace/safety/protection/rabbits
Jack (jackrabbit)
Peter (Peter cottontail)
Olive/Olivia (olive bran em has symbol of peace)
Alexis/Alexander/Alexa etc. (All meaning protector of mankind)
Anthea (goddess/flowers)
Crysanthos (golden flower, name of a Saint)
Theme: history, ancient stuff, stones, memory (amendment: I couldn’t find many good names so I just found a bunch of really old names)
Sophia (lover of wisdom/knowledge)
Beowulf (both a name meaning ‘intelligent wolf’ and the oldest known work of Anglo-Saxon literature)
Alareiks (gothic name meaning ‘ruler of all’ modernized as Alaric but I think Pix would use the older version)
Áleifir (old Norse form of Olaf and that is such a downgrade on spelling why did we ever stop using the original spelling????? Also means ancestor’s legacy which is PERFECT)
Caecelia (original Latin spelling of Cecelia, means both “blind” and is the name of an ancient religious martyr)
Cúán (“little wolf” in Old Irish and I think that’s just cute)
Demophon (literally “the people’s voice” in Ancient Greek)
Ingo (an old name and also a reference to a character who accidentally travels back in time in Pokémon: Legends Arceus) (I’m running out of ideas can you tell?)
Theme: water, treasure
Diamond (it’s not that weird I went to high school with a girl named diamond)
Cordelia (apparently means daughter of the sea)
Hudson (literal name of a body of water on earth)
Caspian (literal name of a body of water on earth)
Jasper (a personal favorite + matching initials)
Theme: names with negative meanings, more stones (no I didn’t use them all on Joey’s list actually)
Deidre (sorrowful)
Kennedy (misshapen head)
Cain (I don’t think I need to explain this one. It’s also a favorite name of mine)
Cameron (crooked nose)
Lorelei (literal translation is ambush Cliff, but colloquially the meaning is ‘a woman who leads a man to his death’ which is metal as fuck)
theme: herbs/witchy stuff/creepy stuff
Desdemona (Ill-fated one)
Rosemary (both an herb and a character in a classic horror film)
Belladonna (comes with the literal translation of ‘beautiful woman’ as well)
Morrigan (literally ‘phantom queen’ and a figure in Irish mythology)
FALSE (if she ever logs in to participate)
Theme: obnoxiously British as befitting a steampunk theme
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deldeldel90 · 8 months
hey what do you think of cpc characters as flowers,, maybe plaid family specifically. the sunflower post had me thinking
!!!!!!!!! CPC as flowers!!!!!!! YES. yes yes yes. oh my gosh. CPC as flowers >>>
gonna do the plaid family rn :D
FIRST;;; Lance!! the ultimate middle child, my boy
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I feel like Chicory would really represent him well!
it's a wildflower (which I think fits him) and it belongs to the Sunflower family. it's name, according to a Trusty Google Search, means, "The German word for chicory means “The Blue Lookout at the Wayside.”
It's a cool season veggie and prefers a sunny location (Lance being a Sunshine boy my beloved). the nicknames for Chicory are, "Chicory is also called blue daisy, blue sailor, wild bachelor's button, blue or Italian dandelion, or even coffeeweed" (all of which I think kinda fit Lance)
"Chicory has also been used to symbolize the force of perseverance in martyrdom, as seen on the St Augustine's altar from 1487" - some study from 2009
NEXT:: Isolde!! :D
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carnations!! specifically red carnations!! these symbolize deep love and affection, and the ruffles at the end of the petals really remind me of her.
There's also this little bit of info, "The color was thought to resemble human flesh and carnation flower meaning took on the idea of the incarnation, God being made flesh." WHICH. I think is pretty baller NGL.
Next: Blaine!!
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I picked this because 1. It does resemble a carnation, which I felt was a nice detail :D (esp since he resembles his mother the most!!) and 2. red roses are known for a lot of things, like love and passion and stuff, AND red roses are often associated with throwing them at the end of plays and movies, which I find fits him!!!
"The red rose whispers of passion, And the white rose breathes of love; O, the red rose is a falcon, And the white rose is a dove." - some poem that makes me go a little Cray. and there's also this: "It's the rose of romance and deep feelings, but can also relay desire, beauty, victory, harmony, joy, luck, pride, martyrdom, [according to McCord Jones.]"
They thrive off direct sunlight and take a while to grow :D pretty high maintenance flowers yk :D PLUS!!!! they're super pretty and soft-looking, but they have thorns!!
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A Green Jewel Coneflower :D okay I was mildly tempted to just put a sunflower BUTTT you know. So I picked this!!!
a Green Jewel Coneflower can pretty much grow anywhere (and it grows pretty tall too!!), and they actually like a little bit of shade!
Sources say this: "Today, the Orange Coneflower is a symbol of enthusiasm and vitality. Its bold hue radiates excitement, making it a perfect emblem for those eager to make a statement. It's not just a pretty face; it's a nod to resilience, attracting pollinators and feeding birds, while standing strong against deer and drought." Which I think really suits him!!
Leland..... bro would be like poison or something. Actually, maybe he'd be like a Petunia- "A flower that is not very common, Petunias display feelings of deep resentment and anger." It's not a poisonous flower but I feel like the negative meaning of it fits him :D
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relicsongmel · 6 months
Okay so I read your pinned post and omg having pitch-colour synesthesia sounds so interesting! I'm curious if you also see those colours/visions(?) when you yourself are singing? Also, did you notice anything interesting with game OSTs like Ace Attorney? (I don't know much about synesthesia so if any of this was weird, feel free not to answer haha)
Not weird at all friend! I love answering synesthesia questions and this one has made my day <3
Generally since much of my singing is done in either a performance or rehearsal/practice setting (and the latter is in preparation for a performance so they’re not that different to me functionally—and even when I’m singing for fun I still end up treating it like a performance a lot of the time), my synesthetic visions usually take a backseat to the more technical aspects of my performance such as proper breath management, good intonation, strong diction, and important elements of musicality like dynamics and emotional expression among other things. That said they are still very much there in the back of my mind and sometimes even influence my performance a little—for instance keys with darker colors tend to make me want to sing with a darker, fuller tone (this one in particular is a double-edged sword because it can be to my detriment if the piece in particular doesn’t really call for that kind of sound).
I have MANY little scattered observations about the Ace Attorney soundtrack—I’m not sure if you’re asking for synesthesia thoughts or general thoughts so I guess I’ll do a bit of both.
A few synesthetic observations:
The Turnabout Sisters theme is in A flat major which in my head is the same shade of purple as Maya’s haori! I always love when a composer’s key choices match up with my synesthetic interpretations like that <3
Objection! 2001 and Objection! 2002 are in G minor and F minor respectively which are blue ENOUGH harmony-wise to match with Phoenix, but Objection! 2004 is in D minor which is closer to a sea-green so I end up associating it more with Godot. Which is odd but it is what it is
A few general observations:
Distant Traces of Beauty actually shares melodic material with The Fragrance of Dark Coffee! In the former you can hear it in an arpeggiated melody at the end of the loop which is the exact same as the first five notes of the latter, which serves as really awesome musical foreshadowing for Godot’s relation to Dahlia!
First-Class Reasoning (Sebastian’s theme) modulates (changes keys) several times over the course of the loop—it starts in C major, then moves to F major and then G major then goes back to C major when the loop replays. It also uses a lot of decorative accidentals (notes outside the key, so for C major which has no sharps or flats an F# would be considered an accidental for example) in its melody—both of these elements are meant to symbolize Sebastian’s winding and sometimes nonsensical logic <3
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bella-caecilia · 1 year
#10 for Corbet please:)
After an actual year, I'm finally answering your ask, anon. Thanks for your patience <3 (and to the other Colour symbol prompts sitting in my inbox, I see you. I'm just slow)
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#10 - Green – Health, Safety, Harmony
She breathed a sigh of contentment. On the wide bench, they only took up a fraction of the space. Cora had opted to scoot even closer than usual and disregard custom completely. She felt Robert’s warm body pressed to her side and it was the cause for the complete relaxation that enveloped her.
It was late spring and the ideal weather for one of their extended morning walks. Cora was filled with a sense of joviality. After a long while, she finally felt healthy and strong again. The long walk over the greening estate posed no obstacle for her anymore after she had been so constricted and weak for so many months. The pregnancy with Sybil hadn’t been quite so easy on her body as the two before, where her youth had probably helped her compensate for the extreme conditions her body was put through. And then the strugglesome birth followed, and with a healthy bundle of joy in the house that Sybil was, Cora fell into a series of illness-ridden weeks and months. Struggling to find foot again in a world of the living and healthy, Cora was tied to the bed and began fearing that this – being a regular on the doctor’s schedule and never seeing her daughters but for a few minutes when they reverently paid her a visit in her sickroom – would be her future.
Today, this thought seemed to be so far it felt like another lifetime, and still, there wasn’t a day where she didn’t think how different her life could be if she was a little less lucky.
She put her palm on Robert’s elbow joint and took a deep breath. Oh, she was so lucky! She turned her head to the side and took in Robert’s profile. He was a handsome man with his strong jaw, the straight nose, and kind eyes. His dark-green felted hat threw a sharp shadow on his forehead, and Cora strained her eyes to make out his expression.
Robert felt her attention and looked at her, too. He put his warm hand over hers in the crook of his arm and his look was soft.
“It is a nice day,” he stated.
“Yes. Indeed.”
“Do you want to continue our walk?” he asked. “I got lost in my thoughts, I’m afraid. We sat here for a while already.”
“It is absolutely all right. I do not mind the rest.” Cora leaned her head against his shoulder. Only cautiously, for their hats didn’t allow the tight embraces that Cora preferred for moments in private.
Robert kept his straight and strong posture. He took a few seconds before he answered. “It was too much, too straining,” his voice was grave. “I should have known it. You should have said something, Cora.”
“No!” she made clear before she lifted her head again. With wide eyes, she looked at him piercingly. He had to believe her. “It was not too much at all. I am very happy we took the longer route today. I missed it.”
Robert’s look was sceptical still. There was an expression of worry etched across his face. Only a faint smile ran over his face when she said that she had missed it.
“Robert, you have to believe that I am not sick anymore. The doctor told you so, and I tell you, too. I am fine. I am healthy and don’t need to be treated differently or spared anything.” She took his hands. They were so warm and strong. And for the first time in a long, hers were warm too. And maybe strong. She smiled. Squeezing his hands, she added, “Let us be happy. Everything is alright again.”
He returned her smile. Not taking his eyes off her, he rubbed her hands and seemed to enjoy just looking at her so close in front of him. They were happy. Cora could clearly see it in Robert’s eyes. The way he held her hands, Cora felt completely safe after living in unspoken fear – the thought of an uncertain future ever-present – for the last half year. His touch grounded her. It was not primarily that she felt his hand in hers. His touch was not the concerned brush over her perspiring brow anymore; it was not the cautious and so ginger grip around her fingers she could barely lift herself. She felt a confidence in his touch now, a certain trust in her strength. At the same time, it told her, he was there for her and he also acknowledged her sanguine state.
A light breeze brushed around them as one. Sitting so close, the wind didn’t distinguish them as two people. Cora held onto Robert’s hands and looked around them. The plants were in bloom and were all painted in the lushest greens. Spring was her favourite season for a reason. She liked how everything was so fresh in spring and that in spring, it felt like everything was possible. She liked the lavish splendour of English nature. If it was up to her, she wouldn’t let Robert go after their morning walks, especially during these beautiful spring days. She would stay outside in the green with him all day. And if she was at it, she’d also take the girls with her. This thought brought her the greatest joy. One day, she should do it. Though, she always postponed it when she remembered the resistance she would face. Brushing these thoughts away, she took a deep inhale (or as deep as her corsetry allowed) of the nectary air that came from the cherry trees nearby. She only realised she was grinning widely, exposing her teeth, when Robert’s soft voice broke the serene silence.
“Are you enjoying it?”
She nodded. “Yes. I knew why I married an Englishman with a beautiful estate.” A cherry blossom landed on the brim of Robert’s hat. The pale pink on the moss green felt caught Cora’s eye. She extricated one hand from Robert’s grip and reached up to his hat to carefully take the blossom.
“So, it was not the title after all,” Robert said.
Cora tipped her head to the side to give him a look of mock annoyance but all she managed was an adoring glare. Now, they were able to joke about what made their first year so rocky, and that was what made Cora happiest about the short exchange. Their love and harmony were such a matter of course that there was no room for doubt. Not between them. And not for anyone looking upon their marriage. Lord and Lady Downton, Robert and Cora, were an enamoured couple, and everyone knew it.
They could easily joke about their unconventional start. “It was only about the estate,” Cora looked into the blooming trees behind her as she finally tore her eyes from her husband. “I could not have cared less about who Lord Downton was,” she teased. It was far from the truth.
“Oh, really?” His tone held little credulity.
“I didn’t even know whether he was blonde or bald when I agreed to marry him,” Cora continued the non-sensical farce she made up.
“I believe you were in for quite the shock then, when you had to walk down the aisle.” Robert played along. Cora had to hold in a grin as she happily noticed him humouring her. Her eyes were still directed at a faraway point opposite from him. Her hand lay loosely in his palm as she feigned to leisurely muster the rose garden with no interest in her conversation partner.
“Oh, I didn’t expect him to be a dodderer but marrying an old man is all right if he has such nice rose gardens and orchards to offer.”
“Cora, I’m three years older!” He eventually lost his countenance.
She turned to him laughingly. His upset face amused her. Of course, he was no old man at all. He had the appearance of a young boy much more often, in fact.
Just when she was about to put in an appeasing word, she saw Nanny coming down the gravel path behind Robert. Apparently, she was using the nice weather to take Sybil on a walk. The white pushchair attracted all of Cora’s attention, and she forgot everything they were talking about as it rolled toward them. Her little Sybil.
Robert noticed Cora’s attention and look wandering off and turned around to see what was occupying her.
When the nanny was approaching them, she was slowing down a bit and smiled unsurely at her employers. She seemed unsure whether she had to interrupt her walk with the little girl in the pushchair. Cora didn’t leave her wondering long.
“Nanny Evans. How is our little Sybil doing?”
She pulled her hands into her lap and ignored the fact that she was still sitting too close to her husband.
The nanny halted next to the bench and answered dutifully, “She is doing very well, milady. She’s a real sunshine today again. But she always is.”
Cora smiled. She really was. Her little Sybil was such a joy.
“Are we interfering severely with your walk, Nanny?” Cora asked.
“Of course not, milady.”
“I wouldn’t want to disturb your schedule, but I would love to have a little time with her.” Cora craned her neck to glance into the pushchair, without success.
“Very well, my lady,” Nanny said but she didn’t seem to know what to do with Cora’s wish. Eventually, she steered the pushchair onto the lawn and in front of the bench. Then, she awkwardly waited next to the baby for what would happen.
“Could you leave her with us? We would bring her back inside in a few minutes,” Cora clarified.
Nanny Evans bowed her head and retreated to the path. “My lady. My lord.”
As the nanny walked back to the house, Cora stood up and approached the white pushchair. Euphoric joy rushed through her veins. To have her little girl so close and to herself for once. The soft cooing coming from the pushchair put her in even more anticipation and it gave her breasts a light tweak. But she was no wetnurse. She knew it, just her body didn’t.
Once she bent over the sheltered basket, the familiar big blue eyes stared up at her with so much curiosity and serenity. Cora’s face broke into a big smile. Sybil had her little fist in her mouth and didn’t let herself be bothered but continued gnawing at her own hand. Cora remembered that the nanny mentioned yesterday that Sybil might be teething.
“Hello, my little angel. Hm, baby girl? Did Mama nip more ‘Sybil time’?” she cooed at her baby. With big eyes, Sybil looked up at her without blinking, and Cora saw the green treetops reflecting in Sybil’s eyes. “Come here, my dear,” she breathed as she picked her up. She sat back down next to Robert, with Sybil on her lap.
“You are very forward,” he mentioned, referring to the exchange with the nanny.
She ignored him and brushed over Sybil’s dark shock of hair with one hand. The other held the soft baby belly close to her own body.
“Your Papa is also very happy to have you with us now,” she said down to Sybil.
“Yes. I am,” he insisted to make Cora believe him. She looked up and smiled at Robert. Then, she extended her free hand and he took it. “I am,” he repeated in a softer tone and his eyes got lost in Sybil’s curious stare. Cautiously, he put the index finger of his other hand forward and nudged the chubby fist of Sybil that wasn’t buried in her cheek. After a while, the little girl opened her fist and grabbed her father’s finger with determination. Her cooing sounds bubbled past her drool-covered hand and grew into more pointed articulations directed at Robert. She started rocking in Cora’s lap as if she tried to bob closer to Robert.
Robert’s placid expression turned into one of confusion. He looked up at Cora questioningly. “What does she mean? What does she want?”
Cora chuckled. “She is happy to see you.”
Robert didn’t seem to be convinced by her answer. “She could just smile then, couldn’t she?”
“You sound just like your mother or Rosamund,” Cora noticed. “She is happy, Robert. I don’t only smile either when I am happy to see. There is nothing wrong with being expressive.”
Robert looked at Cora as he considered her words. He mustered her face and got a thoughtful expression before Cora saw realisation dawn on his face. He smiled.
“No, there is nothing wrong with it.” He pulled his hand out of her grip and brushed his knuckle over her cheek.
“Now you hold her.”
Her demand seemed to come rather unexpectedly for him. He looked surprised. “Why? You two look quite nice.”
“Come on. You would make her even happier.”
“Maybe I would make you happier,” he remarked.  
She only looked at him challengingly and nearly immediately saw him yield.
He seemed a little apprehensive when Cora transferred the baby onto his lap, but he did quite well. After all, it wasn’t the first time he held a baby. Cora realised it wasn’t such a regular occasion either, though.
Robert and Sybil quickly warmed up to the new situation. It turned out to not only be Cora’s fault they were getting back to the house late.
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