#green banana nutrition facts
captainershad-blog · 3 months
Banana Nutrition Facts: Why should you have a banana every day?
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ovaruling · 5 months
mostly a vent but—how do so many adults not only know so completely zero about nourishing themselves properly, but also have zero curiosity about their nourishment on top of that? like how are basic nutritional facts and basic food nutritional profiles and the barest RDAs not known and not even wondered about
like i meet adults every single day who literally can’t grasp the concept of a meal that they know and understand the components of. like. they legitimately don’t know or care what they’re eating at any point of the day but have complaints of many solvable symptoms of nutrient deficiency or saturation
even a large number of people who cook all the time will seem to have this incredible blind spot for knowing anything about nourishment
like there are people who think you legitimately don’t get nutrients from anything but animal flesh and leafy greens and then i’m supposed to act surprised when their bloodwork is a mess
and when i suggest “oh you may need to include more things like orange juice and potatoes and bananas and pumpkin seeds and dried fruit for other quick sources of electrolytes that aren’t just shit tons of sodium” after friendly discussions of muscle cramping despite water and Gatorade consumption
and they’re like “oh my god you’re so smart…,” lmao no i’m fucking not!!! fr how can you have persistent muscle cramping every day and not even WONDER if it’s related to what you do or do not put into your body. that’s my FIRST thought every time i have a palpable issue—“maybe i’m getting too little or too much of something, let’s get curious and think critically about what i’m currently eating and drinking”
especially people with chronic illness like me!!!!! come on now!!!!! how can you not even deign to google what nutritional advice you might benefit from!!!!
i’ve fr had people be in awe of my casual recommendation of eating more fiber. and even more awe about what foods contain fiber. like. you cannot be serious that you didn’t know that about your human body. you cannot be fucking serious!!!!!!!
how can you go through your day—through your adult life—not knowing or caring if you’re meeting your individual nutritional needs and how can you not even be CURIOUS about that if you know that you don’t know. ppl act like you need regular bloodwork to be able to suspect anything abt your body enough to try the very risky risk of simply eating more of xyz type of food (usually a fruit or vegetable god forbid) or something to just see if it helps with your issue ykwim. like eat an apple and maybe your gums will stop bleeding, matey. oh no cap’n i can’t i would need sooo much bloodwork to know if it’s ok to try eating an apple!!! come on now
like. i know im not a genius to just be knowing Feeding Yourself Properly 101. my parents never taught me a damn thing about nutrition and i never even learned it at school. it’s not hard. i know it’s not. so everyone else must just be stupid as hell abt this or willfully ignorant
and maybe they are bc the average western diet has most ppl malnourished despite a very, very large daily intake of calories so idk man IDK!!!!!
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
You mentioned being malnourished as a child due to poverty. We’re a family of means who want to give to our community, yet our local government frowns upon giving coin directly but would approve of a free kitchen. What’s a good food for donation to the poor? Something that’s low cost or plentiful enough to provide in good amount, but importantly still filling and tasty! And would increase our standing in the local community so we can overthrow that idiot with ease.
I love that you stand from a point of solidarity rather than philanthropy! Growing up, I obtained at least half my diet from the Temple of Mara, who provided the poor with a small variety of hot meals on a daily basis. While meat was a treat reserved for Fredas, we were lucky enough to get the scraps from the Riften fishery, so we got lots of salmon-head soup, fishballs and cakes, and salmon casserole. Of course, this is a luxury to many around Tamriel without direct access to rivers and lakes, so there are other economical foods that are eaten elsewhere across Tamriel.
For example red or green mung bean soup is highly nutritious and is favoured in Elsweyr, due to the fact that the soup benefits greatly from the addition of moon sugar. In Hammerfell, banana bread, made from the less choice fruits harvested, is a popular breakfast or teatime snack for the poor. Dark Elves still use ash yams and saltrice as the staple of their diet no matter the cost, which is fortuitously very little for so much nutrition (a sack of saltrice in Morrowind fetches about the same as a bag of flour in Skyrim).
While people of means often have a well-meaning attitude towards the less fortunate, it does one good to remember that nutrition, not elaborateness, is the end goal here. I once met an Altmer philanthropist who was adamant that every person at the homeless shelter he visited should have foie gras for dinner, and he paid handsomely. While everyone did get their foie gras, that is all that was served for dinner, and everyone was left famished until the next day. ~Talviel
PS. Good luck with unseating your local government! Just try not to start another civil war; Skyrim has had enough of those for a while.
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teacupsandcyanide · 2 years
hi everyone check out these funny shirts
As an Asian-Australian, one of the delights of my youth was being surrounded by Asian products with bad English on them. Personally I think it's fine to have a giggle at them as long as you don't call it "engrish" and you understand that Westerners are not immune to being similarly bad at other languages. People simply think "hey that other language looks cool, I'm gonna put it on a shirt" and they don't let not knowing a single word of that language stop them. I get really nostalgic whenever I see Asian products with bad English specifically, and I wanted to share a haul with you today, in order of most coherent to most absolutely bananas. I would encourage you to read the image descriptions.
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[Image ID: A white t-shirt emblazoned with photos of broccoli and black text outlining the nutritional value of broccoli per 100g (3.5 oz). Text litters the design reading "CALORIE 36.0" and "CABBAGE FAMILY". The masterpiece is headed by the word "Broccoli". To the side of this shirt is another, smaller shirt, also white. The design of this shirt is much simpler, with just the word "Broccoli" in green, and a small picture of broccoli. /.End ID]
Specimen 1: Broccoli shirt. This fits into the popular category of fruit, vegetable, and drink-based attire. Common examples of this tend more towards strawberry, milk, avocado, citrus, and chocolate, though, so the broccoli is distinctly more left-field than the more favoured carrot or radish, typically considered cuter vegetables. I appreciate this diversity and the funducational approach, as well as the fact that there is a smaller, matching shirt, as if for a child or especially large dog. I like how the smaller shirt is tastefully simpler but still includes both a written and pictorial depiction of broccoli, so you get a clear idea of what the shirt's deal is. @redgoldblue when you're finally ready to let me dress you up like a smaller version of me and carry you around town telling people that I'm a vampire and you're a porcelain doll haunted by my human ghost, I think we should start here. Rating this a 6/10.
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[Image ID: A black t-shirt cropped to a v-shape, with matching black arm bands/arm warmers. This shirt has a band of distorted pink texture placed exactly where the tits would be, were the wearer a tit owner. Over this texture is the picture of a tabby kitten with a blue ribbon around its neck and a pink rose tucked into said ribbon. The kitten is smiling a Mona Lisa smile and standing on some disembodied piano keys. The words "Here on earth, Joy iy youry" are written in warped pink comic sans. There is something in the upper right corner in tiny pink writing, which reads in part "joy/delight" and then devolves into inscrutable text. /.End ID]
Specimen 2: Sad girl kitten shirt with matching emo arm warmers. Obviously we've all felt when here on earth joy iy youry. Universal human experience. Love the tit highlighter. Shirt looks like the someone communed with Beezlebub to design it. 8/10
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[Image ID: A grey t-shirt, slightly over-sized/loose fit. Design looks very American; it has a cartoon planet with a ring around it. Black text arching above the planet reads "INTERNATIONAL" and over the planet green block text continues "Pretty Girls Club". Underneath the planet is more black text reading "FOUNDED BY BINCH CITY". On one side of the shirt there's a slit that cuts up to approx just below the tiddy zone, or at least to the midriff. At the top of this slit are two clothing tags with mostly unreadable text on them, but one reads in all-caps "CHOOSE HAPY". /.End ID]
Specimen 3: Shirt for pretty girls who choose hapy. "Binch city" might say "beach city" but I'm choosing to believe that it says "binch", as "binch" is infinitely funnier. Slit is a wildly unexpected choice but doesn't do enough to alleviate the overall boringness. 4/10.
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[Image ID: A blue shirt with one mismatched sleeve in slightly darker blue. Has two large starry cartoon eyes and blushed cheeks hovering, disembodied, on the lower right side, below which is a horizontal cut in the cloth that gapes open like a mouth. Dangling from the hem of the shirt below this face are two long strips of fabric with little chicken feet. The main body of the shirt has a speech bubble reading in large white text "Can you tie a bow for me?". /.End ID]
Specimen 4: Really can't get into this one, lads. Hopefully you too have the dreadful moment of realisation that "Can you tie a bow for me?" means that the cartoon face is inviting you to use its chicken legs to tie a bow through its open maw to hold its mouth wider open in a parody of a grin. This isn't speculation by the way, it's demonstrated in accompanying pictures. 10/10 for "oooh absolutely not."
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[Image ID: A white t-shirt totally blank but for the photorealistic picture of a fat ginger cat taped to it with a thick strip of silver duct tape. Cat doesn't look mad about the arrangement. /.End ID]
Specimen 5: This Guy. 21/10, absolute mad lad.
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[Image ID: A white t-shirt with some food and drink on the centre, drawn in a sketchy coloured art style. There is a small bowl of apples, and a bottle of milk labelled "milk". There is also a teapot made to look like a fridge, with its door slightly ajar and an even tinier bowl of fruit and a tinier carton of milk sitting on top. Next to this is a plate of either cheese or butter, with a breadknife lying on top and some remnants of unidentifiable food to the side. Words under this plate read "more parsley". There is no parsley on the plate. There are also larger words reading "Good enough to eat BUT DON'T!" with an arrow pointing towards the plate of cheese butter. /.End ID]
Specimen 6: Good enough to eat!!! BUT DON'T! I like that the milk is labelled "milk" so you know what it is. The teapot fridge situation raises more questions than it answers. I feel that the "more parsley" note gives a sense of philosophic allegory to the whole thing. There's no parsley on the plate, but is that why more parsley is needed? Can you ask for more when you have nothing, or do you simply ask for parsley? This design also reminds me of a lot of Korean stickers I've used. 10/10, classic.
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[Image ID: A photo of a person wearing a shirt. The shirt is black and oversized, with a large pink toy rabbit dominating the centre of the design. Over this rabbit are all caps in pink and white, reading "MXCHN SAEAY". Beneath the rabbit in smaller white all caps are the words "JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE INVITED' DOESN'T MEAN YOU" then below that also in white all caps the words "FROM THE MIND' OF JORDAN PEELE". /.End ID]
Specimen 7: FROM THE MIND' OF JORDAN PEELE. Now we enter the ever popular gibberish category, crossing over slightly with the category of "selecting random things from Western culture to reference nonsensically", which happen to be two of my favourite categories. I once saw a collection of shirts with the disembodied heads of two of the kids from Stranger Things and text reading "EMILY + ME <3". I don't know enough about Jordan Peele's films to be sure that this isn't actually a coherent reference, but I know enough about Asian shirts to say with some confidence that it probably isn't one. Absolute delight, pleasure to have you here, 11/10.
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[Image ID: A cream-coloured ringer t-shirt with navy blue edging at the sleeves and collar. It has a navy blue picture that at first glance looks like a cute cartoony drawing of two people at either a shop counter or having dinner. On closer inspection the picture doesn't actually make sense. There are two people sitting at a table with their backs turned to the viewer, their faces turned to talk to each other. But also the table seems to be two school desks, and at the same time be inside a coffee shop counter. The counter has what looks like a pitcher and coffee press, and two short stools in front of it. The table/desk situation merges into the top of the counter. There is also a light overhead and something that looks like an inkblot picture floating above the coffee press. Crowning this conglomeration of visual gibberish are letters spaced together like made-up words, arching over the whole drawing. These letters/words are "DNHELIE COST" then "1997", followed by "ENJOG DOPS COSRN SN". More words are on the front of the counter, "ene Lirenocs [unreadable] ENJOG Meanris". Somehow, next to all that are perfectly legible words saying "let's go!". /.End ID]
Specimen 8: HELLO? Truly in the total gibberish category now. Prime specimen of its genre. I took a psychic damage hit trying to describe the image. 9/10, point deducted because the design is clearly made up of stolen images merged together.
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[Image ID: A white t-shirt with actually coherent design and English. Artwork of an cranky black cat over striped colours with vector art of a syringe above. Layered above and below the main image are the words "I GOT VACCINATED BUT I STILL WANT SOME OF YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM ME". /.End ID]
Specimen 9: Speaking of obviously stolen artwork, this is to a Westerner a totally normal shirt but I cannot describe to you how jarring it was to see this amongst my cutesy frog overalls and FROM THE MIND' OF JORDAN PEELE streetwear. I've tried to recreate the experience by saving this one until towards the end but I fear that unless as a child you also went to Morning Glory semi-religiously to look at journals with "lovely day girl" and bootlegged Disney princess chibis plastered all over them, you simply will not be able to experience the same emotion via the empty illusion of forced immersion. 2/10, clearly stolen, design is too coherent, this is an imposter in my lands.
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[Image ID: A white cropped t-shirt printed with pink and blue pastel lettering. Lettering reads "Friendly Reminder, not being racist is not enough". There are pink hearts between the words "is not enough". Below this is a text bubble outlined in pink, which contains smaller black text that reads "Nothing will change unless we recognize and actively work against our own internalized biases, unless we are willing to risk our comfort for the sake of others". /.End ID]
Specimen 10: The only thing more jarring than the vaccinated cat shirt is this, also an obviously stolen design, but worse. This is the inverse of an imposter in my lands. I've seen artwork like this since 2011 on a thousand passive aggressive tumblrina blogs. Why is the DNI page of a white 23-year-old who does nothing but start fights over Steven Universe and have "soft baby pet" in their bio on a t-shirt sold alongside DNHELIE COST 1997. When I look at this I experience two emotions. The first emotion is a complicated inner conflict between knowing I agree with the basic principle of the artwork and not being able to separate it from some of the most unbearable people I've ever crossed paths with. The second emotion is this:
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[Image ID: A screenshot of beloved fictional character Mike Wazowski standing in front of a door and screaming at his best friend, Monsters Inc employee and lauded foster parent James P. Sullivan, known to friends as Sulley. Foster child Boo, commonly referred to by Mike Wazowski as "that thing", stands in monster cosplay to Sulley's left. /.End ID]
Okay, I've saved the best for last.
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[Image ID: A grey acid-wash t-shirt with a picture of a black skeleton floating with its arm spread out, glowing infra-red. Above its upturned hands are hovering a black star and a globe respectively, also both glowing. There are lightning strikes around the skeleton and poor definition red roses at its feet. Large hippy font words above the skeleton read in all-caps: "MENTAL ILLNESS". Below the skeleton similar all-caps read "SOCIAL MEDIA MAKE YOU BE A DIFFERENT PERSON". /.End ID]
Specimen 11: I believe that if you're a regular tumblr user you fall into one of 6 categories:
you are the kind of person who likes tea and libraries
you think this shirt is somehow problematic
there is some part of you that wants this shirt
you are the kind of person who likes tea and libraries and there is also some part of you that wants this shirt
you think this shirt is somehow problematic but there is some part of you that wants this shirt anyway
a complicated sexy lil mixture of all of the above
Please if you reblog this post put in the tags which category you fall under, for science. Also rate this shirt.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Carrot Day
Bake it into a cake, crunch it with some ranch, or cook it up in a butter sauce: the carrot is healthy, tasty, and surprisingly easy to grow for your own.
Ahhh, the ubiquitous carrot. A favorite food of rabbits, amazing for the eyesight, and the foundation of what is easily one of the greatest cakes ever conceived! This root vegetable is full of vitamins and nutrition, while being tasty as well!
When people think of a carrot, it’s doubtless that the mind is immediately brought to the bright orange root with the green foliage. The same one that is often found sticking out of the face of a snowman during winter.
But does everyone know that orange is just one of the many colors that carrots naturally come in? In fact, orange isn’t even the most common color of carrots outside of the Americas!
International Carrot Day is a perfect opportunity to learn more about all of the various cultivars of carrot, and what they can bring to the enjoyment and nutrition of meals!
History of International Carrot Day
The history of International Carrot Day is really the history of the carrot, and research of this incredibly popular root has revealed that it likely finds its origins in Central Asia. Through thousands of years of careful cultivation, the world has ultimately arrived at the bright orange, slightly sweet, not at all bitter variety of carrot that is regularly found in recipes today!
International Carrot Day, itself, was established in 2003 and it has spread throughout the world to all the places the carrot is known. By 2012. International Carrot Day Celebrations had found their way around the globe to several countries on different continents, including France, Sweden, Italy, Russia, Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom.  
As previously mentioned, there are multiple varieties of this popular vegetable, known as cultivars, that range away from the traditional orange color people typically think of.
There’s the purple dragon carrot, a lovely form of this root vegetable that has a deliciously complex flavor, slightly spicy with a kid-friendly sweetness. There’s also a lovely yellow carrot that is colored as bright yellow as a banana but has a wonderful flavor all its own.
Carrots are the foundation of so many meals, from rich and savory stews to sweet cakes and candies. They can serve as almost any part of a meal as well, including a sweet candied carrot or as the color to a tray of richly roasted vegetables.
International Carrot Day celebrates this root in all its uses, forms and flavors!
How to Celebrate International Carrot Day
Enjoying International Carrot Day is a fairly simple concept that mostly revolves around eating carrots, of course. But other creative ideas can also be thrown into the mix!
Eat Carrots, Carrots, and More Carrots
The easiest and tastiest way to celebrate International Carrot Day is to make sure that carrots are featured in every meal!
Start the day with a couple of carrot-apple breakfast muffins. Then take along a bag of baby carrots with a bit of ranch dressing for a snack throughout the day. Round out the lunch meal with a slice of delicious carrot cake.
Then, at dinner, enjoy the fundamental flavor of roast vegetables featuring the favorite of the day: the carrot!
Make a Carrot Cake
A tasty favorite for many, the carrot cake uses this vegetable in a surprising way. Adding spice to the cake and topping it with cream cheese frosting is the perfect way to enjoy and celebrate this versatile vegetable.
Plant Some Carrots
One great way to honor the carrot is by taking a try at growing some! They’re not a difficult plant to grow, but they do require soil that is in good condition. They can be planted from seed indoors in cooler months and then moved outdoors when the weather is warmer.
Because they tend to grow around rocks and other roots in the soil, home grown carrots may not turn out exactly straight. In fact, it can be fairly entertaining to see what shapes they grow into while hiding underground! No matter what shape they are, they’re sure to be delicious and nutritious.
Throw a Carrot Party
People who are looking for a place to serve that carrot cake they made might as well go ahead and host a International Carrot Day Party! Gather some friends together and enjoy all of the lovely benefits and tastes of carrots. The menu will obviously be filled with multiple appetizers, snacks, and desserts all including carrots as ingredients.
Don’t forget that Carrot Juice and Carrot Shots are fun ways to ingest this healthy food. For orange-themed drinks that aren’t made of carrots, consider orange soda or soft drinks, just to keep things interesting.
Decorate the room in various orange and green items (balloons, crepe paper, paper goods, etc.) and carrot-themed decor. For even more fun, have guests dress head-to-toe in orange. It might even be fun, for a friend who isn’t highly sensitive about their red ‘carrot-top’ hair, to be the guest of honor!
Visit the Carrot Museum
Who knew that there was an entire museum dedicated to learning about carrots? And the best thing of all is that it’s accessible to anyone because it’s a Virtual Museum! Hosted by the World Carrot Museum foundation, the online page offers all kinds of opportunities and adventures in carrots.
Take an interactive tour, learn about the history and evolution of the carrot, see the difference between domesticated and wild carrots, and even discover ancient manuscripts and illustrations that are all related to this venerable veg!
International Carrot Day really is an opportunity for the all-purpose vegetable, breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert. And a nose for a snowman! Carrots really can do it all!
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healthuncle · 1 year
How Eating Bananas Benefits You Cure 10 Fatal Health Problems?
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What if I told you eating bananas benefits you burn fat, reduce bloating, prevent cancer, and have more energy? Can you trust me? But you should be.
Bananas are a good source of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and a number of phytonutrients and antioxidants.
From a heart health and weight loss to aesthetic care and digestive assistance, there are plenty of reasons you should incorporate all forms of this fruit into your daily diet.
There is proof that when bananas ripen, their nutritious content increases. Bananas with dark spots have an 8-fold greater impact on the strength of white blood cells than bananas with green skin.
This article will take a look at banana nutrition, potential banana benefits, and side effects. So you can make an informed choice and incorporate it into your everyday diet.
Banana Nutrition Facts
Bananas contain plenty of vitamins and minerals that benefit you treat many issues. The nutritional value of 100 grams of bananas is given in brackets.
· They have negligible fat (0.33 g) content and minimal protein (1.09 g) content.
· All B vitamins except B12 are present in them. Vitamin B6 (0.4 mg) and other B vitamins like pantothenic acid and folate for smaller percentages.
· A significant amount of vitamin C (8.7 mg) is available in bananas.
· They are rich in manganese (0.27 mg), potassium (358 mg), and magnesium (27 mg).
· Slight traces of phosphorus, zinc, and iron are also present.
· Bananas contain potent plant compounds dopamine and catechins. It also contains choline.
· Within other nutrition, bananas contain calories (89 kcal), carbohydrates (22.84 g), dietary fiber (12.23 g), and sugar (2.6 g).
10 Incredible Banana Health Benefits
You can address the following medical conditions by including bananas in your diet on a regular basis.
Bananas And Diabetes
The components of each meal must be carefully considered by those who have diabetes. The majority of the time, eating bananas in moderation is safe for diabetics.
According to a 2017 study, fruits with a lower GI are a better choice for diabetics and can lessen a person’s chance of getting diabetes in the first place. The glycemic index of bananas is low (42–62, depending on the ripeness).
Consuming a banana coupled with an unsaturated fat source, like almonds or walnuts, may help control blood sugar.
Typically, unripe bananas have less sugar than ripe bananas. Additionally, unripe bananas include more resistant starch, which is harder to digest and causes blood sugar levels to rise more slowly and comfortably.
Since fiber in bananas helps inhibit the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, it is particularly crucial for diabetics. As a result, blood sugar regulation can be enhanced and blood sugar spikes can be decreased.
Banana Benefits For Weight Loss
The dietary practices will help you lose weight if you eat fewer calories and include more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein in your diet.
Due to their high fiber content, which slows digestion and keeps you feeling full, bananas are beneficial for weight loss. As part of a balanced diet to lose weight, consume up to one banana daily.
Unripe bananas have resistant starch that resists digestion in the gut and encourages the growth of good bacteria, which may help fight obesity.
Additionally, the resistant starch enhances insulin sensitivity, which helps the body absorb glucose more effectively and lose weight.
Since green bananas have a slightly bitter flavor, you can include them in smoothies to prevent early hunger.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating bananas as part of a balanced diet rich in healthy foods if you’re attempting to lose weight.
Banana Benefits For Skin
Bananas are rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for the skin. Therefore, eating a banana every day is a fantastic natural therapy to heal any skin issues you may have.
It hydrates and moisturizes dry skin and makes it smooth and supple because of its potassium and moisture content. Super wrinkle-fighting elements found in bananas aid in the fading of age spots and the prevention of fine lines and wrinkles.
The amino acids found in bananas are abundant and help to preserve connective tissue strength and flexibility in the skin. Vitamin E slows down the aging process and shields skin from UV deterioration.
Mash an avocado and a banana for a face mask that fights age. Twenty minutes later, rinse it from your skin.
Bananas are a good source of vitamin C, which keeps the skin’s natural radiance and youthfulness.
Rub the inside of a banana peel on the irritated area to get relief from itchy skin. Simply apply the banana peel to the affected region and rub it for 10 to 15 minutes twice a day to treat warts and psoriasis.
Bananas’ nutrients can aid in reducing puffy eyes and calming the blood vessels under the eyes. It is packed with antioxidants, which not only aid in the removal of dead skin cells but also leave your skin looking and feeling young.
Sexually Benefits Of Banana
Bananas are one of those excellent fruits that raise libido and sexual hormones, enhancing the sexual experience.
According to published research, potassium, a crucial ingredient in bananas, aids in promoting the development of testosterone, the hormone associated with the male sex.
Bananas contain tryptophan, which promotes the release of serotonin, a hormone that elevates mood and heightens sex desire in men.
Bromelain and B vitamins, which improve sexual performance and general stamina, can be found in abundance in bananas.
Bananas are a rich source of potassium, vitamins A, B6, and C, and other nutrients that are proven to improve the body’s capacity to generate healthy sperm.
The cause of erectile dysfunction you can rule out because bananas contain antioxidants and flavonoids that maintain your penile blood flow.
A banana is a rich source of carbohydrates, and it helps to increase energy levels during sexual activity, claims a study.
Bananas Good For Constipation
Bananas are sometimes blamed for constipation, although others believe that they actually prevent it. Due to the fact that it depends on the type of bananas you eat, both claims are actually true.
Constipation relief and prevention have long been associated with fiber. One medium banana has roughly 3.1 grams of fiber, making bananas another fruit that is relatively abundant in this nutrient.
Soluble fiber keeps feces mushy and thick by absorbing water. Your digestive tract may transfer stools more easily as a result.
Furthermore, sorbitol, a naturally occurring sugar alcohol that might have laxative-like effects, is also present in bananas. Since sorbitol is poorly absorbed, it can hasten the GI tract and increase stool water content by drawing water into the gut. The sugar alcohol can therefore aid in relieving constipation.
Prebiotics are abundant in green bananas. Unfortunately, they can induce severe constipation because they now contain the highest proportion of difficult-to-digest starch.
Banana Benefits For Men
Men’s nutritional requirements differ from women’s for a few specific medical disorders. Men require certain nutrients in order to retain their muscle mass, and avoid prostate cancer, and other things.
The immune system must be kept in good working order to avoid environmental oxidative damage, as well as muscle and bone loss. Men’s nutritional needs can be greatly satisfied by including bananas in a healthy diet.
Bananas are a fantastic portable energy source since they are high in potassium, which is necessary to control blood pressure, heartbeat, and notably nerves. Magnesium and potassium-rich diets can help lower the risk of stroke.
Banana eating before, during, and after exercise can help to replenish the electrolytes lost during intense workouts. And this can minimize muscle aches and cramping brought on by activity.
So, eat a banana every day, preferably at breakfast or just before working out at the gym.
Banana Benefits For Women
A fruit that is nutritious is vital to a woman’s general health because it supports her body’s efficient operation and lowers her risk of contracting certain ailments.
Many expectant mothers experience anemia or low iron levels. Consuming bananas might increase your body’s iron levels.
Bananas’ high fiber content can aid in preventing constipation during pregnancy. There is some evidence to support the claim that early in a pregnancy, vitamin B-6 can aid in reducing nausea and vomiting.
Some menopause symptoms, including night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, and sexual dysfunction, can be lessened by eating bananas.
Try eating one or two bananas every day throughout your period if you’re looking for a natural remedy to relieve your menstrual discomfort. The potassium and vitamin B6 found in bananas may help to lessen bloating and cramps.
As mentioned above, bananas are a good source of vitamin B6, which has been shown in several studies to have a negative correlation with the risk of breast cancer.
Bananas Are Good For High Blood Pressure
Many people all over the world are affected by the prevalent health issues of high blood pressure and hypertension. Consuming a balanced diet full of fiber-rich foods is essential for controlling high blood pressure.
The increased sodium content of the body is one of the key contributors to high blood pressure. The American Heart Association (AHA) claims that potassium lessens the effects of sodium and eases tension in the blood vessel walls. Because bananas contain a lot of potassium, eating them lowers blood pressure.
The body’s sodium levels are regulated by potassium. Your body excretes more salt the more potassium you consume. Additionally, potassium aids in the maintenance of the body’s fluid and electrolyte balances in the cells, which lowers blood pressure.
Before increasing their potassium consumption, individuals with kidney failure should speak with a doctor because too much potassium can be dangerous.
Bananas Good For Heart
A higher intake of potassium has been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
In addition, potassium helps muscles contract and nerve cells respond. It helps keep the heartbeat regular and lessens the negative effects of salt on blood pressure.
Bananas and other foods high in potassium can prevent deadly blockages and prevent the hardening and constriction of arteries.
Fiber, potassium, folate, and antioxidants like vitamin C are all present in bananas. These all promote heart health.
According to an analysis, people who consume more fiber in their diets are less likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who consume less. Additionally, those who consumed more fiber had lower LDL, or bad cholesterol, levels.
The three natural sugars found in bananas sucrose, fructose, and glucose provide you with a source of energy that is free of fat and cholesterol. One of the causes of heart attacks is being overweight. With increased energy, you’ll be more active throughout the day, which aids with weight management.
Banana Benefits For Urinary Tract Infection
If you have a urinary tract infection, including bananas in your diet can help you treat it naturally at home.
Regular bowel motions can prevent bacteria from growing in the urinary tract and increase pressure there. Bananas promote regular bowel motions and relieve strain on urine flow, both of which help to prevent urinary tract infections.
Additionally, bananas are rich in vitamin C, which increases urine acidity and helps stop bacteria from developing in the body.
Siderocalin can prevent dangerous germs from infecting the urinary system when the pH is in a healthy range. Fruits like bananas can be consumed to maintain a healthy PH.
Bananas include the water-soluble vitamin B6 which helps the immune system by triggering the release of antibodies that fight the microorganisms that cause urinary tract infections.
By eating well, urinary tract infections can be easily controlled or completely avoided.
Popular fruit called bananas has vital nutrients that help people stay healthy. It is important to note that not everyone may have the same effects from eating bananas.
Bananas can be added to a variety of sweet foods, including smoothies and desserts. It can be eaten both raw and ripe.
This curved golden fruit is associated with a wide range of health advantages. Bananas maintain healthy bowels, correct heart rhythm, and bolster the nervous system in addition to helping you lose weight.
If the benefits of banana interest you, share this information with others
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health-27 · 2 years
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health & wellness.
Top 10 Reasons to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
No matter where you look, the food we consume is getting farther away from nature. Grocery store shelves are filled with processed foods with preservatives and additives that are hard to pronounce. When we’re not buying food at the store, it’s a cheeseburger and fries for dinner. When you think about the effect this type of diet can have on your health, it’s troubling. It’s of little wonder the rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other metabolic diseases have increased steadily over the last few years. A spread of many fruits and vegetables you can incorporate into to your diet. To avoid being part of these statistics, you can start bringing your diet more in line with nature, and that means eating more fruits and vegetables. Here are the top 10 reasons that’s a great idea!
1) Fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals. You won’t find a better nutritional source than fruits and veggies, which are packed with vitamins A, C and E, as well as magnesium, zinc, phosphorous and folic acid. For potassium, one of the most important minerals for your health, eat plenty of avocados, sweet potatoes, bananas, prunes and even tomato paste puree.
2) You get to enjoy a variety of flavors and textures. With all their unique and interesting flavors, plant-based foods let you get creative in the kitchen.  You can try strong flavors like onions, olives and peppers, or milder options such as mushrooms and corn. For sweet flavors, fruits like pineapple, grapes or plums are great, while lemons and grapefruits are more sour.
3) Lots and lots of fiber. Most fruits and vegetables have plenty of fiber to fill you up and boost gut health, but some have more than others. Fiber-rich vegetables include artichokes, green peas, broccoli and cauliflower. High-fiber fruits include raspberries, pears, apples and pumpkin.
4) They’re low-calorie and low-fat. On average, fruits and especially vegetables are very low in calories and fat, which means you can eat more to keep you feeling full without worrying about extra calories or fat. You can save more than  200 calories by eating half a cup of grapes versus a fourth of a cup of  M&Ms. That said, there are exceptions, such as avocados, olives and coconuts.
5) Protect against cancer and other diseases. Many vegetables and fruits contain phytochemicals, which are biologically active substances that can help protect against some diseases. That means you can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer by adding them into your diet. Specifically cruciferous veggies, such as broccoli, cabbage, collards and watercress, have been linked to reducing cancer risks.
6) Fruits and vegetables help you maintain good health. Because they’re low in saturated fat, salt and sugar, fruits and vegetables are part of a well-balanced diet that can help you lose weight or prevent weight gain. Plus, they can help you decrease inflammation, and lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
7) Low in sodium and cholesterol. Fresh fruits and veggies contain only trace amounts of sodium. Many people think that celery is high in sodium, but in fact, one stalk contains a mere 30mg, which contributes 1 percent to the recommended daily value. Cholesterol doesn’t exist in fruits and veggies at all.
8) Fresh, frozen, canned, dried – they’re ALL nutritious. While eating fresh fruits and vegetables may be your preference, there’s not much difference from a nutrition standpoint when you compare frozen, canned or dehydrated products. In fact, most frozen and canned products are processed within hours of harvest, so the nutritional value is locked in quickly.
9) Convenient, quick and easy. Unlike granola bars or crackers, many fruits and vegetables don’t need any packaging. So you can easily grab a banana or an apple as you’re heading out the door.
10) Finally… Smoothies! If you have a blender, all you need is fruit and ice to whip up a delicious smoothie using all of your favorite flavors. And here’s a tip – when you make a fruit smoothie, feel free to throw in as much fresh spinach as you like. Spinach doesn’t start to taste like “spinach” until you cook it. Even kids can’t tell the difference!
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recipescard · 2 years
Spaghetti Squash Fritters Recipe: If you're looking for a creative way to use spaghetti squash, look no further. These crispy loaded fritters are ideal for get-togethers, Parties and mostly Spaghetti squash has the potential to be a kid-friendly food. This is so delicious and simple to make! Simply follow the recipe card instructions to make delicious spaghetti squash fritters in the air fryer and surprise your kids with this tastiest fun appetizer dish. Spaghetti Squash Fritters Recipe - Ingredients, Preparation & Nutrition Facts Squash is very quick to cook in the air fryer and has so many uses beyond just savory dinners. This dish is surprisingly flavorful and a breeze to make. Feel free to customize to your liking by adding your favorite filling items, such as mushrooms, chopped broccoli, or crumbled sausage. The main ingredients of this recipe is cooked spaghetti squash, egg and garlic powder. The equipment that we need for this recipe is Ai Fryer and large bowl. Here are some more delicious air fryer recipes to try. Air Fried Bacon Strips – Quick & Easy and healthy dish Air Fried Pumpkin Spice Muffins Recipe and tastiest dessert Air Fried Banana Nut Cake Recipe – Easy Homemade Dessert Total Cooking Time08 Minutes Total Calories (per serve)131 kcal Cooking Difficulty Cuisine Cooking Method Best season to enjoy the recipe What ingredients are in Spaghetti Squash Fritters?The main ingredients in Spaghetti Squash Fritters are spaghetti squash, green onions, and eggs. The remaining ingredients are listed on the recipe card above.How much time will take to prepare Spaghetti Squash Fritters?Preparing Spaghetti Squash Fritters will take about 15 minutes.How many calories in Spaghetti Squash Fritters? Spaghetti Squash Fritters contain 131 calories, 3.8 grams of protein, 2.0 grams of fibre, 10.1 grams of fat, 33 mg of sodium, 7.1 grams of carbohydrates, and 2.3 grams of sugars per serving.Can I use air fryer to prepare Spaghetti Squash Fritters?Yes, you can make Spaghetti Squash Fritters in the Easy method using an air fryer.Is Spaghetti Squash Fritters healthy?Yes, Spaghetti Squash Fritters are healthy because Spaghetti squash is high in vitamins and nutritional value. It contains a lot of vitamin C, vitamin B6, and antioxidants.How to make Spaghetti Squash Fritters?The above recipe includes detailed instructions for making Spaghetti Squash Fritters, including the process, cooking time, and preparation. Conclusion It's so easy to cook spaghetti squash in the air fryer! It can be served quickly because it requires little preparation and cleanup. Air Fryer Spaghetti squash Fritters Recipe is a low-cost source of vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber that can be used in recipes in place of carbohydrate-heavy pasta. It's also one of the most effective foods for getting kids to eat their vegetables! If you're looking for more delicious recipes, you can find them on our Instagram page.
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eximpedia1 · 10 days
Start Fruit Export Business from India
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India's fruit sector is experiencing significant growth, presenting enormous opportunities for exporters. From exotic kiwis to delectable mangoes, a world of flavor awaits discovery. India's diverse environment and long history of agriculture make it a catalyst in fruit production. With high demand for premium fruits in countries like the US, Europe, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and others, exporting fruits from India can be a lucrative business venture. However, navigating the fruit export industry requires a thorough understanding and strategic planning.
This comprehensive guide will outline 10 essential steps to start fruit export from India, provide up-to-date industry insights, share fruit export data, highlight top Indian fruit exporters, and analyze the top 10 fruit exporting nations.
Is the Fruit Export Business Profitable?
India, the world's second-largest producer of fruits and vegetables after China, offers a wide range of premium exotic and sweet fruits, making fruit exports a profitable commercial venture. India produces an impressive variety of fruits, including mangoes, bananas, papayas, oranges, apricots, grapes, strawberries, apples, guavas, and litchis. Additionally, India's lower production costs compared to other countries make it a successful investment for exporters.
Fruit Export from India: Key Stats & Facts
India's fruit export industry is thriving. In the fiscal year 2022-2023, the country exported 674,291.70 metric tons (MT) of fresh fruits, excluding grapes and mangoes, worth Rs. 2,736.99 crores, or approximately 339.00 million USD. Projections indicate that by 2024, the gross production value of fruit exports from India will reach USD 41.19 billion. India produces a wide range of fruits, such as bananas, pomegranates, grapes, and mangoes, making it one of the world's largest fruit exporters.
Which Fruits Does India Export the Most?
India produces a wide variety of mangoes, each with a unique flavor, aroma, and texture. The Alphonso mango, known as "Hapus," is particularly prized for its rich, creamy texture and sweet flavor with hints of citrus. Mangoes are in great demand not only in India but also in the Middle East, Europe, and the US.
Despite being the world's largest producer of bananas, India's export share is still growing. India also exports processed banana products like dried bananas, chips, and puree, which are used in various cuisines worldwide.
Known as the "jewels of winter," pomegranates are one of the most widely exported fruits from India. The main export markets for this fruit include Greece, Israel, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, and Italy.
Indian apples, known for their crisp and nutritional qualities, are exported to Bangladesh, Nepal, and the Middle East, though they are mostly consumed domestically. Varieties include Green Apple, Pink Lady Apple, Fuji Apple, Gala Apple, Honeycrisp Apple, Envy Apple, and Red Apple.
Oranges are in high demand worldwide due to their versatility. Popular Indian orange cultivars include Dancy, Nagpur Santra, Coorg Santra, Kinnow Mandarin, and Darjeeling Mandarin. Oranges are used in perfumes, cosmetics, and as a flavoring and component in food.
Major Fruit Exporters in India
India has numerous well-known fruit exporters, including:
Pisum Foods
Indian Farmers Export (IFE Fruits & Vegetables)
Radha Krishan Fruit Company
Jadli Foods India
Mahindra Agri
Balaji Foods Pvt Ltd
Dhanuka Agritech Ltd
Vardhan Exports Pvt Ltd
Golden Agri Exports Pvt Ltd
Vajreshwari Enterprises And Corp
These companies are leading the way in exporting bananas, oranges, pomegranates, mangoes, and grapes. The Indian government's active support for this industry has solidified India's position as a significant player in the global fruit market.
Key Strategies to Export Fruit from India
1. Establish an Export Firm
Before diving into the specifics of fruit export from India, establishing a proper export company is crucial. This involves:
Company Registration: Choose between a private limited corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship.
Registrar of Companies (ROC): Register your firm.
Import Export Code (IEC): Obtain an IEC from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), which certifies your business as an approved exporter.
2. Select the Fruits for Export
Choosing the right product for export is the most critical step in starting a fruit import-export business. Consider factors like export quantities, values, and updated fruit export data. Utilize data-driven platforms to gain real-time insights on fruit export data, a list of fruits for export from India, fruit HS codes, and top fruit export companies in India. Opt for fruits with a longer shelf life, as exporting to other nations may take time.
3. Compliance and Documentation
Ensure compliance with all necessary registrations and licenses, such as APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) and the Import Export Code (IEC). Accurate and complete documentation is essential, including commercial invoices, origin certificates, and phytosanitary certifications.
4. Obtain a Reliable Fruit Exporter List
Accessing trustworthy fruit export data is essential for making informed decisions. Eximpedia offers valuable insights for navigating the global fruit trade. Benefits include:
Market Trends: Analyze real-time fruit export data to identify trends in fruit prices, demand, and popular locations.
Competitor Analysis: Understand competitors' export operations, including the types of fruits they ship, target markets, and shipment volumes.
Finding Potential Buyers: Connect with potential fruit buyers in target markets and find reputable or updated fruit exporters in India.
Final Words
India's fruit export industry is booming, with fruits like pineapples, dragon fruits, strawberries, guavas, litchis, papayas, sapotas (chikoo), jackfruits, pears, ber, amla, and coconuts in high demand worldwide. The fruits discussed in this article are some of the most popular exported from India. With a wide range of fruit options and stronger international trade ties, India's fruit export industry continues to flourish.
Suppose you are a new exporter looking to get started. In that case, Eximpedia can help you explore the list of fruit export from India, fruit exporters in India, top fruit export companies in India, or updated fruit export data. Connect today and book a free live demo to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions for your export business.
India's fruit export industry is thriving, and with the right strategies and resources, you can successfully navigate this lucrative market and contribute to India's growing presence in the global fruit trade.
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today3467h · 4 months
Are Plantain Chips Healthy For You
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Are Plantain Chips Healthy: Plantain chips can be a healthier alternative to other types of chips, depending on how they are prepared. Here are some key points to consider:
– Nutrition: Plantain chips are lower in calories and fat and higher in fiber, vitamins, and minerals than potato chips. A cup of boiled green plantains has 166 calories, 40 grams of carbohydrates, and 3 grams of sugars. They also contain beneficial nutrients like magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin K.
– Preparation: The healthiness of plantain chips largely depends on how they are prepared. Chips that are air-fried or baked with healthy oils like olive, coconut, or avocado oil are generally healthier. However, packaged plantain chips are often deep-fried in unhealthy fats and high in salt, which makes them less healthy.
–Consumption: Like all snacks, plantain chips should be consumed in moderation.
Remember, it’s always important to check the nutritional information and ingredients list when buying packaged snacks. This will help you make informed decisions about your diet.
Banana Chips Calories And Macronutrients
Banana chips are a sweet treat made by frying thin slices of underripe bananas and drizzling them with sugar or honey. Here are the nutritional facts for banana chips:
– Calories: A 1-ounce serving (about 28g) of banana chips contains approximately 147 calories, while a 100g serving contains about 519 calories.
– Carbohydrates: There are over 40 grams of carbohydrates in a cup of banana chips. This includes about 25 grams of sugar, which comes from a combination of sugar that occurs naturally in bananas and sugar that is added during processing.
– Fats: There are about 24g of fat in a serving of banana chips. About 20 grams of fat is saturated fat, 1.4g is monounsaturated, and 0.5g is polyunsaturated.
– Protein: A cup of banana chips provides only 1.7 grams of protein.
– Fiber: One cup also provides about 5 grams of fiber.
Banana chips are not a significant source of any vitamins or minerals. While a whole raw banana can provide certain health benefits, you’re not likely to gain these benefits when you consume a single serving of banana chips. If you consume enough fried banana chips to get the same vitamins and minerals provided by a whole banana, you’ll also end up consuming substantial fat, carbohydrates, and calories.
Please note that these values can vary based on the brand and the method of preparation. Always check the nutritional information on the package for the most accurate information. Enjoy your snacks in moderation!
Are Plantain Chips Healthy For Weight Loss
Plantain chips can be part of a weight loss diet, but it’s important to consider how they’re prepared and consumed:
– Fiber Content: Plantains are high in fiber, which can support weight loss by promoting feelings of fullness. However, when plantains are baked or fried to make chips, they may lose much of their fiber content.
– Preparation: As mentioned earlier, plantain chips that are air-fried or baked with healthy oils are generally healthier. Packaged plantain chips are often deep-fried in unhealthy fats and can be high in salt, which isn’t ideal for weight loss.
– Portion Control: Even healthy snacks can contribute to weight gain if eaten in large quantities. It’s important to consume plantain chips in moderation.
Remember, no single food determines weight loss or gain. It’s the overall pattern of your eating habits that matters. Regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and other lifestyle factors also play a crucial role in weight management. Always consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized advice.
Read More:-
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todayhealthlife23 · 5 months
Are Plantain Chips Healthy For You
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Are Plantain Chips Healthy: Plantain chips can be a healthier alternative to other types of chips, depending on how they are prepared. Here are some key points to consider.
Nutrition: Plantain chips are lower in calories and fat and higher in fiber, vitamins, and minerals than potato chips. A cup of boiled green plantains has 166 calories, 40 grams of carbohydrates, and 3 grams of sugar. They also contain beneficial nutrients like magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin K.
Preparation: The healthiness of plantain chips largely depends on how they are prepared. Chips that are air-fried or baked with healthy oils like olive, coconut, or avocado oil are generally healthier. However, packaged plantain chips are often deep-fried in unhealthy fats and high in salt, which makes them less healthy.
Consumption: Like all snacks, plantain chips should be consumed in moderation.
Remember, it’s always important to check the nutritional information and ingredients list when buying packaged snacks. This will help you make informed decisions about your diet.
Banana Chips Calories And Macronutrients
Banana chips are a sweet treat made by frying thin slices of underripe bananas and drizzling them with sugar or honey. Here are the nutritional facts for banana chips:
Calories: A 1-ounce serving (about 28g) of banana chips contains approximately 147 calories, while a 100g serving contains about 519 calories.
Carbohydrates: There are over 40 grams of carbohydrates in a cup of banana chips. This includes about 25 grams of sugar, which comes from a combination of sugar that occurs naturally in bananas and sugar that is added during processing.
Fats: There are about 24g of fat in a serving of banana chips. About 20 grams of fat is saturated fat, 1.4g is monounsaturated, and 0.5g is polyunsaturated.
Protein: A cup of banana chips provides only 1.7 grams of protein.
Fiber: One cup also provides about 5 grams of fiber.
Read More - https://todayhealthlife.com/are-plantain-chips-healthy-for-you/
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catfoodblog · 7 months
Bananas: Can Cats Eat Them? The Viewpoint of a Veterinarian on Cat Nutrition
A lot of people like bananas because they are naturally sweet and soft. They have fiber, vitamins C and B6, and potassium, which are all important nutrients. People can get quick energy from bananas, and they are also good for you in many ways. What about our cat friends? Can cats eat bananas?
Bananas: Can Cats Eat Them?
Cats can eat bananas, but it's not a good idea from a scientific point of view. Since cats have to eat meat, the sugar and fiber in bananas are not harmful to them but also don't help their meat-based diet much.
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In conclusion
Cats can eat bananas without getting sick right away, but Can Cats Eat Bananas? They don't have the nutrients that cats need to stay healthy.
Can cats eat bananas?
Some cats might be interested in bananas because they smell or feel good, or they might just want to try what their owner is eating. Bananas: Can Cats Eat Them? Cats, on the other hand, must eat meat, and their digestive systems aren't designed to break down fruits like bananas. If you eat a few bananas every day, they probably won't hurt you and might even give you a little potassium and vitamins.
Are bananas dangerous for cats?
Bananas are not naturally dangerous for cats. But if you eat a lot of them, the high sugar content can make you fat and give you diabetes. Bananas: Can Cats Eat Them? If you eat too many bananas, you might also get stomach problems like diarrhea and vomiting.
Why cats should eat bananas
Bananas have many good things for you in them, like potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. People can get these from fruits and vegetables, but cats get most of their nutrients from meat. Bananas: Can Cats Eat Them? Potassium might help muscles work better, but these benefits aren't very important when looking at a cat's overall diet.
How Many Bananas Can Cats Eat?
You should only give your cat a small piece of banana—no more than two or three slices—once a week at most. Bananas: Can Cats Eat Them? In small amounts, it might have some small benefits, like giving you a little extra potassium. However, eating too much can cause digestive problems and make you fat.
Do you know how to feed cats bananas?
Start with a small piece to see if you have any bad reactions.
Cats may have a harder time digesting the peel, so give them the banana slice without it.
Don't let them eat it every day; give them a treat every once in a while.
Bananas: Can Cats Eat Them? Don't force your cat to eat bananas if it doesn't want to. Cats should stick to more natural foods, or you can talk to your vet about other options. To keep digestive problems to a minimum, it's important to take off the peel and only serve the fruit's flesh.
Other Options and Supplements
Melon has less sugar and more water than other fruits.
Blueberries have a lot of antioxidants.
You can eat a lot of green bell peppers and not gain much weight.
Cabbage is good for your eyes because it contains a lot of beta-carotene.
Zucchini is low in calories and high in fiber.
Brands of cat food that we recommend:
The Hill's Science Diet
Blue Buffalo
Royal Canin
In conclusion, bananas are not dangerous for cats, but they also don't do much good for them. Due to the fact that cats must eat meat, their main food should be high-quality meat and cat food. Bananas: Can Cats Eat Them? Before making any big changes to your cat's diet, you should always talk to a vet first.
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gameonoverdogcom · 7 months
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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International Carrot Day
Bake it into a cake, crunch it with some ranch, or cook it up in a butter sauce: the carrot is healthy, tasty, and surprisingly easy to grow for your own.
Ahhh, the ubiquitous carrot. A favorite food of rabbits, amazing for the eyesight, and the foundation of what is easily one of the greatest cakes ever conceived! This root vegetable is full of vitamins and nutrition, while being tasty as well!
When people think of a carrot, it’s doubtless that the mind is immediately brought to the bright orange root with the green foliage. The same one that is often found sticking out of the face of a snowman during winter.
But does everyone know that orange is just one of the many colors that carrots naturally come in? In fact, orange isn’t even the most common color of carrots outside of the Americas!
International Carrot Day is a perfect opportunity to learn more about all of the various cultivars of carrot, and what they can bring to the enjoyment and nutrition of meals!
History of International Carrot Day
The history of International Carrot Day is really the history of the carrot, and research of this incredibly popular root has revealed that it likely finds its origins in Central Asia. Through thousands of years of careful cultivation, the world has ultimately arrived at the bright orange, slightly sweet, not at all bitter variety of carrot that is regularly found in recipes today!
International Carrot Day, itself, was established in 2003 and it has spread throughout the world to all the places the carrot is known. By 2012. International Carrot Day Celebrations had found their way around the globe to several countries on different continents, including France, Sweden, Italy, Russia, Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom.  
As previously mentioned, there are multiple varieties of this popular vegetable, known as cultivars, that range away from the traditional orange color people typically think of.
There’s the purple dragon carrot, a lovely form of this root vegetable that has a deliciously complex flavor, slightly spicy with a kid-friendly sweetness. There’s also a lovely yellow carrot that is colored as bright yellow as a banana but has a wonderful flavor all its own.
Carrots are the foundation of so many meals, from rich and savory stews to sweet cakes and candies. They can serve as almost any part of a meal as well, including a sweet candied carrot or as the color to a tray of richly roasted vegetables.
International Carrot Day celebrates this root in all its uses, forms and flavors!
How to Celebrate International Carrot Day
Enjoying International Carrot Day is a fairly simple concept that mostly revolves around eating carrots, of course. But other creative ideas can also be thrown into the mix!
Eat Carrots, Carrots, and More Carrots
The easiest and tastiest way to celebrate International Carrot Day is to make sure that carrots are featured in every meal!
Start the day with a couple of carrot-apple breakfast muffins. Then take along a bag of baby carrots with a bit of ranch dressing for a snack throughout the day. Round out the lunch meal with a slice of delicious carrot cake.
Then, at dinner, enjoy the fundamental flavor of roast vegetables featuring the favorite of the day: the carrot!
Make a Carrot Cake
A tasty favorite for many, the carrot cake uses this vegetable in a surprising way. Adding spice to the cake and topping it with cream cheese frosting is the perfect way to enjoy and celebrate this versatile vegetable.
Plant Some Carrots
One great way to honor the carrot is by taking a try at growing some! They’re not a difficult plant to grow, but they do require soil that is in good condition. They can be planted from seed indoors in cooler months and then moved outdoors when the weather is warmer.
Because they tend to grow around rocks and other roots in the soil, home grown carrots may not turn out exactly straight. In fact, it can be fairly entertaining to see what shapes they grow into while hiding underground! No matter what shape they are, they’re sure to be delicious and nutritious.
Throw a Carrot Party
People who are looking for a place to serve that carrot cake they made might as well go ahead and host a International Carrot Day Party! Gather some friends together and enjoy all of the lovely benefits and tastes of carrots. The menu will obviously be filled with multiple appetizers, snacks, and desserts all including carrots as ingredients.
Don’t forget that Carrot Juice and Carrot Shots are fun ways to ingest this healthy food. For orange-themed drinks that aren’t made of carrots, consider orange soda or soft drinks, just to keep things interesting.
Decorate the room in various orange and green items (balloons, crepe paper, paper goods, etc.) and carrot-themed decor. For even more fun, have guests dress head-to-toe in orange. It might even be fun, for a friend who isn’t highly sensitive about their red ‘carrot-top’ hair, to be the guest of honor!
Visit the Carrot Museum
Who knew that there was an entire museum dedicated to learning about carrots? And the best thing of all is that it’s accessible to anyone because it’s a Virtual Museum! Hosted by the World Carrot Museum foundation, the online page offers all kinds of opportunities and adventures in carrots.
Take an interactive tour, learn about the history and evolution of the carrot, see the difference between domesticated and wild carrots, and even discover ancient manuscripts and illustrations that are all related to this venerable veg!
International Carrot Day really is an opportunity for the all-purpose vegetable, breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert. And a nose for a snowman! Carrots really can do it all!
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pluckksocial · 8 months
Zespri Kiwi Hacks: Tips for Selecting, Ripening, and Storing
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Are you a fan of zesty, nutritious fruits? Look no further than Zespri Kiwi! This vibrant green fruit adds a pop of color to your plate and offers a bunch of health perks. In this blog, we'll share tips on selecting, ripening, and storing Zespri Kiwi to get the most out of this superfruit.
Did you know? Zespri Golden Kiwi's vitamin C supports healthy skin by boosting collagen production.
Selecting the Perfect Zespri Kiwi:
Pick firm kiwis that give slightly when gently pressed; avoid overly soft ones.
Opt for smooth skin without wrinkles or blemishes.
Remember, size doesn't matter – both big and small kiwis are equally tasty and nutritious.
Don't judge by skin color; both green and golden Zespri Kiwis can be enjoyed at different ripeness levels.
Ripening Zespri Kiwi:
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If your kiwis need ripening, place them in a paper bag with an apple or banana to speed up the process with ethylene gas.
Keep the bag at room temperature and check daily; they should ripen in 2-3 days.
Storing Zespri Kiwi:
Store kiwis in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
Keep them separate from other fruits to prevent squishing.
For cut kiwi, wrap it tightly in plastic or use an airtight container before refrigerating to keep it fresh for a day or two.
For frozen kiwi, peel and slice before freezing, and transfer to a freezer-safe bag or container once solid.
Fact check! Zespri Golden Kiwi is packed with vitamin C, more than an orange.
Creative Ways to Enjoy Zespri Kiwi:
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Add sliced kiwi to your morning cereal or oatmeal for a burst of flavor and added vitamins.
Make a refreshing kiwi salsa with diced kiwi, red onion, jalapeno, cilantro, lime juice, and a pinch of salt. Serve it with grilled fish or chicken.
Blend Zespri Kiwi with your favorite fruits and yogurt for a vibrant green smoothie.
For a quick dessert, top halved kiwis with Greek yogurt, honey, and granola.
Get creative with fruit skewers, alternating kiwi with strawberries, pineapple, and melon. Drizzle with melted dark chocolate for a tasty treat.
In Summary:
Zespri Kiwi is not only a tasty addition to your diet but also offers numerous health benefits. By following these simple tips on selection, ripening, and storage, you can ensure you always have this nutritious fruit at hand. So, grab some Zespri Kiwis today and enjoy their vibrant taste and incredible health benefits!
Take a step towards a healthier lifestyle by incorporating Zespri Kiwi into your daily routine. The best part? You can easily order these nutritional powerhouses and a variety of other fresh fruits online from Pluckk. Experience the convenience of fresh, nutritious produce delivered right to your doorstep!
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recentlyheardcom · 8 months
The Different Food Group: Health Facts and Myths: You have got probably heard of the completely different meals teams and that they’re vital. When many individuals consider meals teams, they take into account protein, carbs, fiber, and the like. Nonetheless, that’s not fairly proper. There are 5 meals teams and particular kinds of meals that it is best to add to your weight loss program. The meals teams are: Fruit Greens/beans/legumes Grains Meats, poultry, and fish (together with nuts and tofu) Dairy and alternate options Getting one thing from every of the meals teams is vital. One factor you’ll discover is that “alternate options” is talked about. This implies vegans and people on strict diets can nonetheless get one thing from the meals teams. You shouldn’t have to keep away from all dairy as a result of there are vegan-friendly alternate options, comparable to almond and coconut milk. Likewise, meat may be changed with tofu or soy. Earlier than you leap into including all of them into your meals, you’ll need to be sure to perceive the well being information and myths. Not every part you hear is true, however the information are vital. FACT: There are Totally different Fruit Classes to Contemplate Whereas fruit is one meals group, there are subgroups to think about inside it. You’ll need to get a combination from the various kinds of fruits, as all of them supply varied well being advantages. Pome fruits are essentially the most generally consuming and embrace pears and apples. They’re very straightforward to mix with completely different fruits, are likely to quench the thirst shortly, and can be utilized in baking and cooking extraordinarily simply. Citrus and stone fruits are subsequent on the record. These embrace oranges, grapefruits, lemons, cherries, nectarines, plums, and the like. A lot of them are gentle and juicy and provide help to high up with the quantity of vitamin C in your weight loss program. Then there are tropical fruits, which embrace pineapples, mangos, bananas, melons, and many others. After that, you’ve got berries, which incorporates all varieties together with goji berries! Lastly, there are “different fruits,” which incorporates every part that can’t be added into the opposite subgroups, comparable to ardour fruits and grapes. Also read:5 Foods That Every Bride-To-Be Can Eat Before Her Wedding FACT: You Ought to Get At the very least Two Servings Per Day Whereas there are pure sugars in fruits, they’re extraordinarily useful for you. Nonetheless, it’s the pure sugars that make greens extra widespread. Fruit and veggies are typically lumped into the identical meals group, however that’s not the case. Be sure to get no less than two servings of fruit per day. You’ll want to high the remainder of your “5-Eight servings per day” with greens. Eat extra greens than fruit to keep away from the pure sugars and excessive energy. Fruit juice solely often counts as your servings. You don’t want to drink a complete carton of orange juice in a day because of the pure sugars and lack of fiber. Uncooked and entire are the most effective methods to get your fruit. MYTH: Fruit Will Trigger Kind II Diabetes and Weight Acquire When consuming carefully, fruit is ideal for you. It’s potential to get a variety of antioxidants and nutritional vitamins, together with nutritional vitamins A and C and beta-carotene. Nonetheless, there are definitely pure sugars to think about. The pure sugars are one of many causes individuals will inform you to not eat them when you find yourself on a weight loss program. Chances are you’ll hear that it is best to keep away from bananas or pineapples due to their energy. Others will inform you that something aside from some fruits is dangerous in your sugar ranges and can result in Kind II diabetes. That’s definitely not the case, however there’s a slight fact to the parable. Getting every part carefully is vital. You can not eat a complete bag of grapes in a single sitting after which observe that up with a smoothie made up of berries and lemons.
It’s potential to eat extra fruit than your physique wants, and you’ll not profit from the vitamins if you do that. Follow the every day serving prompt and you will discover it a lot simpler to shed pounds and take care of your well being. Greens are go-to for snacking all through the day if you want to. MYTH: Dried Fruit Presents No Advantages at All You’ll hear that it is best to keep away from dried fruit with a ardour. This isn’t fairly true, though there are some causes that it is best to preserve your portion sizes to a minimal. Dried fruit loses its water content material. That is a part of the explanation the pure sugars shouldn’t have the possibility to interrupt down into the bloodstream shortly. When you take out the water on a regular basis, you will make it more durable for the physique to achieve all of the vitamins from the fruit and course of it correctly. On the similar time, the lack of the water may also result in lack of vitamins. You don’t lose all of them, however you do lose quite a bit. When put next with recent fruit, dried fruit is just not pretty much as good. Nonetheless, it’s nonetheless higher than consuming no fruit in any respect. Don’t worry about having the odd handful of raisins every week. It’s all about portion measurement and a few servings all through the day. All the pieces carefully. FACT: Entire Grains Are Higher than Refined Grains It’s time to have a look at the kinds of grains you eat. Grains are one of the confused topics, they usually have gained a foul identify over time. Nonetheless, entire grains may be extraordinarily good sources of fiber. By getting some entire grains in your weight loss program, you’ll assist your digestive system work. Entire grains additionally embrace B nutritional vitamins, folate, and lots of different vitamins generally missed and troublesome to get into the weight loss program. You don’t want to keep away from all grains, however the ones which are dangerous for you. In case you have heard individuals say that refined grains are grains to chop out of your weight loss program, you’ve got heard the reality. Refined grains comparable to white bread, muffins, and pastries, are simply stuffed with empty energy and they aren’t pretty much as good for you as entire grains. You don’t get the identical fiber content material in refined grains, however you get a whole lot of gluten and sugars. They’ll disrupt your hormonal steadiness, inflicting issues in your weight administration, skincare, and extra. Does that imply all refined grains must be fully averted? Chopping out your favourite meals may be troublesome. When you can minimize all of them out then nice, however think about using them as soon as each two weeks to keep away from saying a whole “no” and affecting your psychological state with the ban. FACT: Vegetarians and Vegans Will Profit from Entire Grains Entire grains aren’t simply full of fiber. They’ve many vitamins like magnesium and iron which are normally solely in abundance in meat and animal merchandise. Vegans and vegetarians are likely to undergo from a scarcity of some minerals, however they don’t must. If you’re not going to eat meat or you’ve got a ban on all animal merchandise, then take into account including a number of extra entire grains to your diets. You may also add legumes and a few meat alternate options like soy. Look out for these which are full of protein and vitamins that you’re more likely to have a deficiency in. Round Four-6 servings is advisable for adults. If you’re on a vegetarian or vegan weight loss program, deal with the excessive finish of the servings. MYTH: All Purple Meat Ought to Be Prevented to Shield Your Well being Have you ever heard that every one purple meat is dangerous? You have got probably had somebody inform you to cease consuming as a lot beef and change your steaks with rooster breasts. Whereas there’s a fact behind the assertion, the blanket ban on all purple meat is a delusion. Purple meat tends to be fattier.
Not simply fats, however saturated fats. It’s the kind of fats that blocks your arteries and will increase your probability of growing coronary heart illness and cardiovascular issues. Hen, poultry, and fish aren’t as fatty, so they don’t trigger as many well being issues. Nonetheless, that doesn’t imply you must keep away from all purple meat. It’s nonetheless a superb supply of iron and protein. In truth, it is without doubt one of the greatest sources of iron, which you want to enhance the blood stream round your physique and get oxygen to all of the organs. As a substitute of choosing all purple meat, search for the lean choices. Further lean floor beef is a superb different. Whereas it might price a bit additional, you’ll save in your well being sooner or later (and that saves cash sooner or later). You also needs to search for meats which have much less fats on them, particularly in the case of steaks and a few cuts of beef and lamb. MYTH: You Can Get The identical Vitamins from All Legumes as In Meat If you’re switching to a vegetarian or vegan weight loss program, you’ll have heard individuals inform you to eat extra legumes. They’ve the identical vitamins as meat, proper? Nicely, whereas they’ve a few of the similar, legumes aren’t a direct alternative of meat. One of the best different could be soy, quinoa, or tofu. Positive, legumes are good, however they aren’t excellent. Most them comprise some proteins, however they aren’t full proteins. This implies they don’t have all of the amino acids that your physique must survive. The one non-meat full proteins are soy, tofu, and quinoa. If you wish to change your meat, replenish on all three together with your legumes for weight loss program. Keep in mind that meat may also have some fat, each unsaturated and saturated. Legumes don’t all embrace them. You’ll need so as to add seeds, nuts, and related substances to your weight loss program if you wish to replenish on the wholesome fat to guard your well being. Also read:What’s The Best Snack Foods For Children MYTH: Solely Contemporary, Uncooked Greens Are Good for You Have you ever heard individuals inform you that it is best to solely eat greens uncooked? You could have heard that cooked greens lose all their vitamins. Then you’ll have heard that frozen and canned greens are the worst issues you may eat. The large subject is the misplaced vitamins. Whereas there’s some fact (cooked is not so good as uncooked), this doesn’t imply you may solely eat recent, uncooked greens. It relies on the strategy of cooking and the quantity of recent and uncooked that you just eat. There may be completely nothing unsuitable with consuming frozen greens (and even fruits if you wish to get from that meals group). They may nonetheless comprise lots of the vitamins, however simply not in as abundance as recent. When cooking, you need to keep away from including pointless fat and oils. Reasonably than frying your dishes, why not steam or boil them? Boiling can disrupt and dilute a few of the vitamins, particularly the B nutritional vitamins, however steaming will preserve many of the vitamins intact and useful for you. Grilling can also be methodology for cooking your greens. Roasting may be good, however you continue to embrace some oils. Be sure to use olive or almond oil in your cooking when doing this. Be careful for the removing of the water when roasting. Like with dried fruit, this could disrupt a few of the vitamins. Positive, uncooked and recent are higher in most of instances (some greens are more healthy for you when cooked), however that doesn’t imply you may solely eat uncooked. You’ll nonetheless achieve loads of well being advantages by cooking! MYTH: Dairy Is the Solely Good Supply of Calcium In case you have informed anybody that you’re contemplating a vegan weight loss program, you’ll hear many inform you that you’ll undergo from a calcium deficiency. That is partly as a result of many vegans do undergo from it.
Nonetheless, the calcium deficiency is just not on account of taking out all dairy merchandise. It’s as a result of they don’t change the dairy with substances which are full of calcium. You need to use milk alternate options for good sources of calcium. Almond, soy, and coconut milk are all widespread and wholesome choices. They may also provide you with a few of the proteins you want that you’ll lose from milk. There are yogurts and cheeses made with them, supplying you with vegan-friendly choices. Nonetheless, your greens may also get you loads of calcium. Darkish leafy greens are full of quite a lot of minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium. Be sure to replenish on them if you happen to select an animal product free way of life. FACT: You Do Not Want Equal Quantities of All Meals Teams Now that you’ve got seemed on the varied myths and information in regards to the completely different meals teams, it’s time to get your parts proper. You do not want to eat the identical quantity of fruit as you do greens, meat, and dairy. Round a 3rd of your day must be made up with greens and one other third with entire grains. The remainder of your third is break up among the many different three meals teams. The third may be break up equally, however you might need to make the meat and alternate options part ever so barely bigger than the opposite two. Don’t forget about your water consumption. This must be no less than eight glasses a day, which is about two liters of water. All the remainder must be added to your weight loss program reasonably. If you don’t achieve vitamins from the meals, don’t let it change into a daily a part of your weight loss program. With the next suggestions, you’ll defend your physique from most of ailments. Are you able to get pleasure from a wholesome and filling way of life?
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