#banana nutrition for kids
captainershad-blog · 6 months
Banana Nutrition Facts: Why should you have a banana every day?
Please, visit for more info:
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blc-instant-foods · 10 days
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Nourishing Tomorrow's Leaders with Sarvottam Litto - The Smart Choice for Growing Minds!
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lifestyleandyou · 2 years
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kiefbowl · 6 months
I was reading an opinion piece on Kate Middleton's cancer diagnosis on CNN by Jamal Baig about the increasing rates of cancer in patients under 50. As far as 5 minutes of googling and JSTORing can lend me to believe, there's nothing illegitimate about Dr. Baig. However, I found this bit in his opinion interesting:
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Now, I'm always dubious when reading anything that attributes a very broad generalized idea that changes in diets have caused an increased in cancer, because more often than not it's not pointing to an exploration of, say, increased pesticide use, but the author's personal bias against the quote unquote "unhealthy", especially those who are deemed "fat" by the medical industry.
That being said, I was curious what source he linked, half expecting it to lead to just another op-ed from some other doctor from who knows when, but I was pleasantly surprised! Written by a man named Michael Donaldson, it was an evidentiary review published in a scientific journal called "Nutrition and cancer: A review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet."
Now I wasn't going to give the whole thing a read, but I stopped in each section, gave a quick skim to get a general vibe, moved on to the next section, etc. I was immediately suspicious that the very first line in the abstract was "It has been estimated that 30–40 percent of all cancers can be prevented by lifestyle and dietary measures alone" as that seems to be a bananas statistic to just posit, but it still had the air of scientific integrity, so I did my skim.
The first handful of sections had things that gave me some moments of pause, that this article was in fact another doctor simply cherry picking data to confirm his own biases, but nothing so egregious as to do a spit take. That comes in a few minutes. The first section that made really go hold the phone was when we got to his Flax Seed section.
Compare how he writes about Red Meat...:
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(that's all he wrote, btw)
...with how he starts writing about Flax Seed:
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Did I just enter a Flax Seed commercial? Does this guy work for BIG FLAX SEED? on and on he writes about Flax Seed, and I start getting a sense that perhaps this man has a Flax Seed Agenda. In any case, he eventually moves on and I quickly skim to get to the end (because it's boring among other things).
So, who exactly is Michael Donaldson?
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Girl are you kidding me
The Hallelujah Acres Foundation is a FOR PROFIT company that sells a """biblical""" based diet program called the hallelujah diet and also sells supplements on said site.
Now, in case you forgot where I started with this, this was the link provided as a "source" to a legitimate doctor's claim in an op-ed about cancer that "at least part of the answer" of why cancer is increasing in under 50 patients are the "changes to nutrition and lifestyle that took hold in middle of the last century." Dr. Baig did not read this article, or if he did was not concerned that it was written by the employee of a company that profits from unscientific research it uses to sell supplements and diets. Which is worse, I don't know.
The point I'm making is that you absolutely need to be vigilant all the time. You need to understand that doctors can not only have biases, but agendas. Researchers can have biases and agendas. Scientists can have biases and agendas. And that magical thinking about real health issues that can affect your future can permeate the scientific community because weirdos write convincing enough evidence that support their already determined world view.
This kind of shit is the reason why women go into doctor offices complaining about pain in their abdomen and get told to go lose weight and come back in 6 months. This is why ideas like moralizing eating have huge effects on women's health and influence medical misogyny, and why it's a feminist issue.
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goddesspharo · 9 months
Sugar's pregnancy cravings are batshit; luckily, crazy food provides her Bear fam with a perfect distraction from the equally insane task of living life.
[Send me the first sentence and a pairing and I'll write the next five.]
Sugar's pregnancy cravings are batshit, but since everyone else is either an experimental chef or a fucking Fak, only Richie seems to be concerned that there might be a serious nutritional deficiency causing them. Honestly, if Sugar hadn't shown him the sonogram last week when he found her crying in the bathroom over impending motherhood ("Natalie, if I can parent a kid without completely fucking her up, you're going to make it so that your kid overcomes Pete's genes and joins Mensa!"), Richie would've driven her to the hospital to get checked for pica right now in the middle of Sugar's tirade about how far up the ass Richie will have to take it from the health inspector if he tries to explain that they didn't hire professionals because "the mold wasn't that black or moldy."
Richie's not trying to judge a pregnant woman's right to eat whatever she wants. Tiff consumed so many bananas when she was pregnant with Eva that he's still mad at himself for not buying stock in Chiquita. She'd have them sliced with her morning oatmeal, baked into bread as a post-prenatal yoga snack, smashed into PB&B sandwiches for lunch, frozen and dipped in chocolate the weekend the AC crapped out while Fak was in Philly for a Fucking Fak Family Reunion, and once even flambéed when Richie made forgive me for missing the anatomy scan because Mikey was on a bender and about to hurl himself off the State Street Bridge apology dessert. At one point, Richie had to google if banana toxicity was a thing and then kept worrying even after Google said that it wasn't.
But there's a difference between eating tons of fruit and whatever the hell is happening with Sugar's taste buds right now. Richie decides that Carmy and Sydney are using her cravings to soft launch their chaos menu once Syd puts down a plate of pickled zucchini coated in Marcus' leftover birthday cake batter, deep fried in ghee, and dusted with confectioners' sugar.
"Bet that would taste so good dipped in Smuckers ice cream topping," Fak suggests because he doesn't need to be pregnant to have the palate of a garbage compactor.
"Please don't eat that with that," Richie begs when Natalie trades Fak a bottle of Pepto for the jar of fudge he just took out of the microwave.
"Fuck off, Richie," Sugar snaps with a glare that makes it clear that she's not above murdering him and pinning it on pregnancy hormones. "I'm growing a human being inside me!"
Debatable, he wants to say because he's not entirely sure that they're in Juno instead of Alien, but Richie bites his tongue because he really doesn't want to have to put his last twenty-dollar bill in the asshole jar again.
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equestriaqueerz2024 · 2 years
EQG’s Character Snack/Junk Food Headcanons!
Sci Twi - Moon Pies
Sunset Shimmer - Wasabi & Soy Sauce Almonds
Rainbow Dash - Hot Honey BBQ Chips & Snickers
Rarity - Chocolate, sometimes with peanuts or almonds
Applejack - Apple pie & nutrition bars
Fluttershy - All-nut trail mix
Pinkie Pie - Sour Patch Kids
Starlight Glimmer - Gushers
Flash Sentry - Bananas
Timber Spruce - Jerky
Juniper Montage - Red/Cherry Licorice
Wallflower Blush - Nachos
Adagio Dazzle - Scones
Aria Blaze - Jerky and beef sticks
Sonata Dusk - Jerky and strawberry candies
Sugarcoat - Taffy
Sour Sweet - Hot potato chips
Sunny Flare - White chocolate
Indigo Zap - Sour gummy worms
Lemon Zest - Lemon drops
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00neo · 1 year
Down to 75.9kg!
Since I'm going to eat more food and more calorie high foods today with my younger sister(she's just a kid so im spoiling her), I'm not gonna count my calories today.
Amanda since I'm not gonna count my calories today, I wanted to see if I still count make a breakfast that would give me energy, nutrition and satisfaction without binging on foods I used to eat for breakfast and never feel full, like soft bread.
So I made a smoothie in the shape of icecream, made more sausage that usual but I did end up leaving more than half of it, some banana, some lettuce "sandwiches" with a bit of cheese, ham, radishes, tomatoes and black pepper. I also had some peanuts but I did end up just eating like 5 or 6 of them.
I feel very satisfied right now, I feel very full and I'm proud of myself for stopping instead of forcing myself to finish it all when I didn't want to!
This was going to be breakfast but when I made it I realized it was going to become a brunch. Since it was going to have to fill me up until dinner, it felt okey to have more than I usually have so I made more food but like I said, I didn't eat all of it.
Overall, I feel very satisfied, proud and hopeful!
I feel like the starving part is still very much of a thing that no one will probably get me to stop with permanently...it just feels impossible and right now, I don't want to stop.
I do however want to stop binging and this new thing with eating many small things and/or foods that compliment each other is working so fucking good.
Like physically and mentally, it feels so much better than eating shit and forcing myself to keep eating even though I don't want to.
I really recommend walking at least 30 minutes, 2 times a day and listening to health, lifestyle and fitness pods. It feels so good, I've learned so much from just listening, I've realized things about myself, about people in my life, about my childhood and how it all fits together.
Sorry for the ramble, here's a pic of the food I had and now I'm going for a walk with my dog!
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crapcafe · 8 months
hearing people talking about cooking is always such an interesting topic and i'm gonna take a min to ramble about it. i learned how to cook (eggs and pasta mostly) as a kid from my mom because she learned to cook at a young age as well and she would also be gone on work trips pretty often. later on in life i worked in restaurant kitchens as a kitchen manager and a line cook. i've even had the displeasure of working alongside new hire line cooks that don't fucking know how to cook but figure that they can still do the job (they could not)
some things just become intuitive so it's hard for me to remember exactly what i needed to focus on learning and what did just come naturally from the start, but a lot of it relates to just general science/chemistry knowledge. denser items will take longer to cook than less dense things (potatoes take forfuckingever but sliced button mushrooms take like a minute or two), high heat makes things cook way faster so liquids will boil off sooner, dense items will sear/burn quicker, and thin/small things will just burn. some professional cooks don't even know this based on the amount of times i've had to talk coworkers out of turning the fryer temp higher because things were taking a long time to cook (this is a great way to get a nice crispy skin on some shit that's still frozen in the middle)
there's a lot of learning how to read recipes. abbreviations (sometimes tablespoon is T or tb or TBSP or Tbs), how to adjust amounts if you need more or less of something, looking up substitutions for things (if you don't have milk but need to make a cream sauce, using applesauce instead of oil or butter or eggs in some baking recipes, etc). its definitely a skill to know how to read some recipes, and coming in with your own knowledge is great, but it's another instance of "you need to learn the rules to know how to break them." this is how you get the screenshots of ppl substituting kale in their banana cookie recipes and then wondering why they suck
thinking of foods in terms of nutritional value can also be helpful. if you have tortilla chips and salsa youre technically getting some vegetables in you. frozen and dried fruits and veggies are still fruits and veggies. rice and beans is grains and protein. miso soup with tofu and spinach is lots of protein and iron. romaine salad with balsamic vin, olive oil, feta, and tomatoes is some vitamins and fats and calcium but without grains and fiber it wont give you too much energy so have some bread or something with it. moving away from processed food will make you feel better. apple slice and peanut butter is my new depression meal bc it makes me feel more alive than shredded cheese from the bag and you can feel like a roman emperor a bit.
if you're just starting out learning how to cook: try to keep it simple with starch + veggie + protein (veggie pasta is a staple classic, roast some stuff and toss it with pasta and garlic and olive oil), find something with just a handful of ingredients that you actually want to eat. the act of cooking can be fun but not everyone thinks its fun, so at least make sure you'll want to eat the final product. if there's any sauces you really like try to keep some on hand. gochujang+soy sauce+sesame oil+sugar+broth can be really good in a stir fry, and basically all of those things will last a long time.
anyway theres a lot of text about cooking. theres a reason i stayed working in kitchens for almost 5 years despite how shit working in kitchens is. i like food and cooking. its one of the few things humans have been doing for a bajillion years and its necessary to live a healthy life and if you can find some fun and peace in the process then thats even better. theres no shame in not knowing how to cook but there is shame in refusing to try and learn imo
insert senshi page about eating well and exercising regularly to live a healthy life
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watchmenanon · 2 years
Noah Schnapp for L’Officiel Hommes 2017.
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Noah Schnapp looks out of the darkness of his trailer and wonders if anyone knows that his birthday is today. “Everybody forgot my birthday” is of course the great teenage fear from the iconic eighties Molly Ringwald movie Sixteen Candles. But the busy young actor almost did it to himself. Noah — who will turn 10 at midnight — is far too young to know the movie from 1984. Noah is used to waking up to his birthday, but tonight he will have to stay up for it, since he is on set and they are shooting a night scene. This is a big birthday for Noah, one he and his friends look forward to as a huge milestone. “It’s a big one,” he says. “Double digits.”
Recalling that moment now is hard for Noah, “I was so young then,” he laughs. He turned 10 in 2014. When he tells me this story in the summer of 2017 he is 12 years old. “I mean. I’m still young now.”
When Noah gets older these important moments from his life will fade as they do for all of us. The nostalgia of the moment will exist somewhere between his grownup self and his younger self.
The Netflix Series Stranger Things — like the upcoming Steven Spielberg adaptation of the eighties pop culture novel Ready Player One and a hundred Buzzfeed lists — exists on the line between the thought and the object of nostalgia. The cultural touchstones want you to remember your childhood in a series of discontinued objects and toys. They know when you hear the powering-up of the old 8bit Super Mario Brothers you remember playing the game.
But the sense of nostalgia is anchored to what the game represented. Playing an Italian plumber chasing mushrooms and renegade turtles meant school’s out for the day or hanging out with friends. Just as finding candy from your childhood doesn’t represent your nutritional needs, but the anticipation of a treat. Marcel Proust’s madeleine cookie took him — quite by surprise — back to carefree Sunday mornings with Aunt Léonie.
The art department of Stranger Things spends precious hours tracking down these objects of desire. Clunky eighties cars, original Star Wars action figures, banana seat bikes, walkie talkies. All of these things of course represent freedom from overbearing adults.
When grown people track down old Nintendo GameBoy controllers on eBay they chase after a long forgotten childhood feeling of anticipation. Of the days when the excitement of your life still laid ahead. Of a grownup need to dominate the things you once had no control over.
Back in the trailer the soon-to-be 10 year old Noah doesn’t yet know what “double digits” has in store for him. He doesn’t know that Spies will go on to win an Oscar. Or that within a year he will embark on a totally unique Netflix original series that takes place almost entirely in the nostalgia zone.
Childhood nostalgia allows a grownup to try and remember what it was like to be a kid again. And when we remember this we rarely think of how interminably slow the clocks ran at our elementary schools, how walking down the halls filled us with anxiety, how utterly trashy our favorite TV shows were. The grownup video gamer knows that he or she could afford a top of the line virtual reality video game system. But no one tracks down a GameBoy from 1992 for the graphics.
The children of Stranger Things are some of the most honestly drawn children in the history of moving images. Their scifi-realist universe exists almost entirely without adults. Which is great because the best parts of childhood — and yes that includes time spent playing video games and eating sugary snacks and playing in the woods — are devoid of adults.
The story of how this all went down in just a few short years still leaves him, at 12, with an enviable career. Noah’s parents put him and his sister in a local music/theater program. Their teacher soon connected Noah with an agent. There were TV commercial castings (“meatball commercials” as he says) and soon things picked up. First landing the voiceover role in Charlie Brown. During that same time Noah had auditioned for the role of Mike Wheeler (a role which went to Finn Wolfhard) but never heard back. It was for a strange series about a group of kids looking for their missing friend Will.
During the summer, though, Noah went off to summercamp to be a kid again. He has gone for five years now, back when he was just an 8 year old kid.
In the age of smartphones, camps stay perfectly in the nostalgia zone. Outdoors, fresh-air, letter writing. Their lone concession to the modern world is that you’re allowed 3 phone calls home during the summer. “And the last one my parents said there was somebody who wanted to talk to me. They clicked over the phone and then these two guys are on the line.”
They connected him to Matt and Ross Duffer, the thirtysomething identical twin directors who created Stranger Things.
They said, “We wanted to tell you that you got the role of Will!”
“And I was like, ‘For what?’” It slowly dawned on Noah that these two were serious and he was being offered an incredible role on his first TV show. “For the rest of the day I just had this massive smile on my face.”
Noah brings that naiveté, the kid-plucked-right-out-of-summer-camp feeling to the role. (In Atlanta, they all do have a life somewhat like the suburban kids of old movies, he and onset buddy Caleb).
Behind the scenes the kids put in a full work day. (Noah, Caleb and the newest cast member Sadie have one tutor who works fulltime with them just to teach them French). They get up each day at their rented homes in Atlanta and then go “bank” school hours — studying long with one of three private tutors so that if filming goes long on another day they don’t “miss” school.
When we think of “child actors” we almost always mean the Disney TV show, Lindsay Lohan types. The ones who walk in a soundstage and smile and the laugh track applauds. Or the kinds of deafening screams that followed a teenage Justin Bieber. The kids of Stranger Things all have this attitude that they are there to work and to learn how to be better actors from the grownups around them. “That’s why working with Winona is the best.”
Still, their set is basically a haunted house. Noah turns red when recalling the day the Duffer brothers finally aced the monster sounds. In a now-famous scene Will is supposed to hang up the phone and run out of the house when he hears a scary sound. The assumption is that the movie magic will happen later and they will add sound effects and monster noises, “I didn’t realize but there was a massive speaker right next to me. I was in the middle of the scene. I’m in my own world and then they pressed play and this monster-sized sound leaps out from next to me. It freaked me out because I was so in the scene when I dropped the phone. It was a real reaction. I was really actually scared.”
For a young actor, though, the scarier thing is the parts you don’t know. What if out of all the four kids, you’re the only one who can’t do the deep, emotional scenes? Luckily for the scarier things: they have Winona Ryder on set as his mom.
“I remember they had this really hard scene and it was crazy it was long and it was an emotional scene for like my character. So I asked her — ” Meaning Winona. He is on a first-name basis with Winona Ryder. “Can I like talk to you about this and you can go over with me and help me? And she totally understood it. ‘I’d love to help you.’ And she she came in an hour earlier the next day and she brought me to her trailer and she sat me down with her.”
That scene, by the way, is what guaranteed them a Season Two. When Noah’s character goes missing in Season One, it gives the audience a feeling of loss. It’s like when you’re a kid and you want to run off with your friends and you get lost in the woods. Noah without the safety of being at home with Winona leaves the audience feeling incomplete.
It’s a bit like the little kid who tosses three hotdogs in a lunchbox and announces to no one, “I’m running away from home!” and they get three steps out the door and sniffle once and turn around with a quivering chin, “Isn’t anyone going to miss me?”
Back in Noah’s trailer, though, Noah waits in that limbo. He’s auditioned for Stranger Things but hasn’t heard back. He’s landed the part in Bridge of Spies but now he’s working with Spielberg and Tom Hanks. He’s only seen Tom Hanks in Big — a movie about being a kid trying to navigate in a grownup world. It came out 16 years before he was even born. Which just so happens to be at midnight.
The real theme of that movie is about the anticipation of things to come. Noah calls it “hurry up and wait.” That directive that comes from getting up early and getting in costume and getting on set to just sit there for hours. Even on your birthday.
There’s a knock on the door, “Hey Noah, we have to pull you off set and bring you to school.” Ah yes, in order to get those long scenes with Tom Hanks, he will have to spend even more than a single school day with a tutor.
But when he walks out of the trailer the entire 200 person cast and crew surround him. Lighting grips, truck drivers, camera operators, extras, actors, hair and makeup staff. They are all lit from the light of the candles on a birthday cake they’ve made special for him. “Happy Birthday Noah!”
Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg stand behind him while Noah’s parents snap photos.
Tom Hanks smiles, “Hope you have an awesome tenth birthday!”
To remember how important a moment is to a kid as a kid, that is the joy of all nostalgia. For Spielberg and Tom Hanks and even the Duffer brothers to remember how important and memorable that day is when you finally hit double digits that’s the magic of making a movie or TV show with kid actors.
Noah won’t say what he wished for as he blew out his candles. But the excitement of anticipation fills every room when you’re young. When the candles go out and you don’t know what will happen next. Will the movie win an Oscar? Will you get that TV show? Will you get another season?
The joy of watching Will in Stranger Things depends on how much you’re willing to hide under the covers and get ready to be a kid again when the lights go out and everything gets scary again.
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ella-healthy-foods · 1 year
The Risks of Unhealthy Snacking for Kids: Obesity and Nutrient Deficiencies
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Listen up, parents! Those cheese puffs and fruit snacks you've been giving your little dinosaurs may be cute, but they're a recipe for disaster. Did you know that unhealthy snacking is one of the leading causes of childhood obesity and nutrient deficiencies today? Yep, it's true. All those artificial colors and flavors are like kryptonite for growing bodies and developing brains.
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For the 2-4 set, you've got to be vigilant. Their little hands are magnets for anything snack-sized, especially if it's shaped like their favorite animal. But cheese puffs and sugary snacks offer nothing but empty calories and dangerous trans fats. Kids this age need healthy fats for brain growth, so swap the cheese puffs for unsweetened fruit and veggie purees, mini avocado mashers or real cheese sticks.
The 5-7 crowd is a bit more independent, but still need your guidance. They'll go bananas for brightly colored gummy snacks, but these are just candy in disguise. Provide alternatives like dinosaur-themed quinoa crisps, hummus and veggie cups or yogurt with granola and fresh fruit. At this age, kids can handle some responsibility, so have them help pick out and prepare snacks. They'll be more likely to eat them!
Older kids, 8-12, may act like they don't need your input, but they do. Their bodies and brains are still developing, and unhealthy snacking can lead to acne, mood swings and poor concentration. Keep your kitchen stocked with gluten-free granola bars, trail mix, cheese and whole grain crackers. Have them invite friends over for pizza or movie nights and make your own mini pizzas on gluten-free crusts with their favorite toppings. They'll appreciate your effort and may even ditch the junk food.
The bottom line? Unhealthy snacking during childhood creates patterns that persist for life. Instill good habits now by providing nutritious, tasty snacks made from whole, real ingredients. Your kids will reap the rewards for years to come with health, vitality and sharp minds. The dinosaurs will come and go, but their nutrition is forever. Roar!
Check out the best healthy snacks for kids on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3LU4uoL
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Carrot Day
Bake it into a cake, crunch it with some ranch, or cook it up in a butter sauce: the carrot is healthy, tasty, and surprisingly easy to grow for your own.
Ahhh, the ubiquitous carrot. A favorite food of rabbits, amazing for the eyesight, and the foundation of what is easily one of the greatest cakes ever conceived! This root vegetable is full of vitamins and nutrition, while being tasty as well!
When people think of a carrot, it’s doubtless that the mind is immediately brought to the bright orange root with the green foliage. The same one that is often found sticking out of the face of a snowman during winter.
But does everyone know that orange is just one of the many colors that carrots naturally come in? In fact, orange isn’t even the most common color of carrots outside of the Americas!
International Carrot Day is a perfect opportunity to learn more about all of the various cultivars of carrot, and what they can bring to the enjoyment and nutrition of meals!
History of International Carrot Day
The history of International Carrot Day is really the history of the carrot, and research of this incredibly popular root has revealed that it likely finds its origins in Central Asia. Through thousands of years of careful cultivation, the world has ultimately arrived at the bright orange, slightly sweet, not at all bitter variety of carrot that is regularly found in recipes today!
International Carrot Day, itself, was established in 2003 and it has spread throughout the world to all the places the carrot is known. By 2012. International Carrot Day Celebrations had found their way around the globe to several countries on different continents, including France, Sweden, Italy, Russia, Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom.  
As previously mentioned, there are multiple varieties of this popular vegetable, known as cultivars, that range away from the traditional orange color people typically think of.
There’s the purple dragon carrot, a lovely form of this root vegetable that has a deliciously complex flavor, slightly spicy with a kid-friendly sweetness. There’s also a lovely yellow carrot that is colored as bright yellow as a banana but has a wonderful flavor all its own.
Carrots are the foundation of so many meals, from rich and savory stews to sweet cakes and candies. They can serve as almost any part of a meal as well, including a sweet candied carrot or as the color to a tray of richly roasted vegetables.
International Carrot Day celebrates this root in all its uses, forms and flavors!
How to Celebrate International Carrot Day
Enjoying International Carrot Day is a fairly simple concept that mostly revolves around eating carrots, of course. But other creative ideas can also be thrown into the mix!
Eat Carrots, Carrots, and More Carrots
The easiest and tastiest way to celebrate International Carrot Day is to make sure that carrots are featured in every meal!
Start the day with a couple of carrot-apple breakfast muffins. Then take along a bag of baby carrots with a bit of ranch dressing for a snack throughout the day. Round out the lunch meal with a slice of delicious carrot cake.
Then, at dinner, enjoy the fundamental flavor of roast vegetables featuring the favorite of the day: the carrot!
Make a Carrot Cake
A tasty favorite for many, the carrot cake uses this vegetable in a surprising way. Adding spice to the cake and topping it with cream cheese frosting is the perfect way to enjoy and celebrate this versatile vegetable.
Plant Some Carrots
One great way to honor the carrot is by taking a try at growing some! They’re not a difficult plant to grow, but they do require soil that is in good condition. They can be planted from seed indoors in cooler months and then moved outdoors when the weather is warmer.
Because they tend to grow around rocks and other roots in the soil, home grown carrots may not turn out exactly straight. In fact, it can be fairly entertaining to see what shapes they grow into while hiding underground! No matter what shape they are, they’re sure to be delicious and nutritious.
Throw a Carrot Party
People who are looking for a place to serve that carrot cake they made might as well go ahead and host a International Carrot Day Party! Gather some friends together and enjoy all of the lovely benefits and tastes of carrots. The menu will obviously be filled with multiple appetizers, snacks, and desserts all including carrots as ingredients.
Don’t forget that Carrot Juice and Carrot Shots are fun ways to ingest this healthy food. For orange-themed drinks that aren’t made of carrots, consider orange soda or soft drinks, just to keep things interesting.
Decorate the room in various orange and green items (balloons, crepe paper, paper goods, etc.) and carrot-themed decor. For even more fun, have guests dress head-to-toe in orange. It might even be fun, for a friend who isn’t highly sensitive about their red ‘carrot-top’ hair, to be the guest of honor!
Visit the Carrot Museum
Who knew that there was an entire museum dedicated to learning about carrots? And the best thing of all is that it’s accessible to anyone because it’s a Virtual Museum! Hosted by the World Carrot Museum foundation, the online page offers all kinds of opportunities and adventures in carrots.
Take an interactive tour, learn about the history and evolution of the carrot, see the difference between domesticated and wild carrots, and even discover ancient manuscripts and illustrations that are all related to this venerable veg!
International Carrot Day really is an opportunity for the all-purpose vegetable, breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert. And a nose for a snowman! Carrots really can do it all!
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blc-instant-foods · 1 month
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Deliciously Healthy: Sarvottam Lito Banana Treat for Your Little Ones!
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mr-miss-sunny · 1 year
I decided to make a list of actually really good (lgbtq) wattpad stories because i feel like its hard to come by a good one nowadays, and who knows maybe someone who sees this post is desperately looking for something
(All of these include very good to extraordinary writing, imo)
Catching Rainbows by FairlyLocalTreehouse
Luna falls for Chloe at first sight… literally, off a ladder. And it’s the beginning of a beautiful friendship, after Luna gets past the fact that Chloe doesn’t seem to be single
Sapphic, great autistic rep, really sweet and heartwarming
Vanilla by theCuppedCake
Julian White doesn’t say his real name in self-introductions. Hiding behind his middle name and a pair of overly round glasses, he tries to get through the tenacity of attending a competitive culinary school under his uncle’s influence. Amidst his learning of crust structures and the nutritional value of bananas, he meets an old friend
MLM, best writing I’ve seen in a while, cried for 30 minutes after reading, probably my favorite Wattpad book ever (strongly suggested autistic main character, but not confirmed) sequel is currently being written
The Kids Aren’t Alright by bee_mcd
The year is 1988, and Finn, Ronan, Becca and Jasper are spending the summer at a reformatory camp located deep in the Yukon. The camp, named Lightlake, is the last chance the teens have to get their lives back on track, but changing for the better isnt easy - and especially not at a place like Lightlake, where secrets outnumber the campers and myths have a way of coming to light
Amazing summer read, mainly focus on friendship but also MLM main character and a sapphic side character, sequel is also currently being written
When Shadows Rise (previously called When Queens Fall) by HeleySulich
A magic addicted spy trapped in the queen’s service must take a princess-turned-assassin in order to earn her freedom, but things get complicated when she falls for the princess she’s supposed to capture
Now a paid story, i wanted to include it regardless because its just so amazing, i wish i could reread it but i don’t have money lol. WLW, great world building, non binary rep, dark fantasy
Being Wrong by overlordpotatoe
When Charlie gets away from his drug dealing father and is sent to live with his grandparents, things aren’t suddenly okay. Charlie’s broken. He’s not sure he ever wasn’t broken. When things get unbearable, the only thing that helps Charlie feel grounded is music. What can he do when he runs out of battery for his walkman?
MLM, autistic main character, I’ve reread this book at least four times, its my ultimate comfort read, it actually contributed to me realizing i might be autistic, and look at me now, a formal diagnosis and all
The Gay Gatsby by mismatchedsockslife
When two high school boys find themselves being forced into partnership for a class project, things get interesting. With Callaway’s snarky remarks and hidden secrets, and Chance’s accidental girlfriend, their path to completing high school is anything but straight
MLM, if you’re looking for good angst, this one right here. Amazing writing, amazing characters, great overall
The Broken Song by NotJuliaChild
Elusia Vale is the most fabulous adventurer, swordswoman, thief and lover to ever grace Ishara, and she is always the first to say so. Her life has been filled with excitement and reckless abandon, but how long can she outrun the tempests she leaves in her wake?
If you’re bummed that When Shadows Rise is a paid story, read this instead, its just as fantastic and free. WLW, multiple main characters if I remember right, very long lmao, I’m still reading it
Conan The Dandelion by letsgohomehidee
Conan moves to the Big City for University, but he’s not like other boys. He doesn’t nt know how to interact with others. He’s socially awkward, and is often considered as “weird” or “strange”. He also cant touch people without feeling sick, but why? Parker is a sex addict. He’s wild, outgoing and loves to party. He’s known to be a playboy who changes women quicker than his socks. Not a day goes by when he’s not in bed with someone else. But what happens when he meets a boy who can’t be touched
MLM, autistic main character, extremely angsty, you’ll feel like an emty shell after reading, be warned (😭)
In Between Days: Raising Jordan by tristan2500
Jordan lives in his own world, or so that’s what it seems to the average person. No one, not even his brother, has ever given him a chance. That is until Tim’s best friend comes along
MLM, autistic main character, beautiful writing, Call Me By Your Name vibes
SEVENS by -crucible-
Alexei is drowning and he’s having a hard time staying afloat by himself. With a disappearing mother, unsympathetic social workers and hungry police not far off his trail, he is running out of ways to keep going. He’s desperate to find a foothold that will propel him into a secure future
MLM, angst with happy ending
Finally, my favorite author on Wattpad, I waited for last to introduce all their books (that I’ve read) into one
The Treehouse
The Lost Angel
Art For Art’s Sake
Oakleaf Academy For Boys
The Dutch Boy
By Pixie022
Go to their page for summaries
Honorable mentions: Knight by hipstateasee, All Is Found by findinglove9499, The Sound of Ice by MAndALaptop, Y.O.L.O by letsgohomehidee, Nathaniel Jean’s Senior Year by stayonbrand, Getting Wilder by booklored
And my current read that I love so far:
The Stars That Night by SkeneKidz
There’s an overwhelming amount of MLM, and not enough WLM on this list, but thats because I’ve lost track of alot of the sapphic books on Wattpad that I read in the beginning before knowing that you can make reading lists (lmao im stupid ok) im definitely gonna update with more WLW stuff when i find it
Please trust my taste, I have high standards when it comes to Wattpad
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munsontm · 2 years
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@harringtontm & @musecraft
School runs were Steve's domain. Actually, most things to do with the boy's school were Steve's domain. The place made Eddie feel a lot of uncomfortable memories of his own educational experiences, and he avoided going near it when possible. Plus, everyone knew that Sam and Rian's dad happened to be a very famous rock star, and he held no desire to make his kids' lives more difficult because of that. But not even a cosmic supernova could keep him away when one of his boys graced the stage for school plays. Sam had aced playing the role of his namesake last year in a production of The Hobbit, of which Eddie helped him learn his lines for weeks before. Then when the moment came, Eddie sat front and center with Steve, recording the whole thing half in tears with pride.
Rian wasn't as dramatically inclined as his older brother but had still bagged himself a role as one of the mice in this year's production of Cinderella. And Eddie still meant to sit front and center, maybe let Steve record this year since they intended to bring Joan with them to watch, too, who managed to sit without fidgeting as much nowadays compared to a year ago. But that wasn't for a few weeks yet, so Eddie awoke one Friday morning to find Steve had left early on the school run to drop Rian off for a rehearsal before school. Leaving Eddie to his usual yoga routine on the deck with his feral daughter. He had a feeling that Joan was just in it for the fruit smoothie afterward, and he respected her decision to pretend to like something to get what she wanted. It was a very Munson move on her part.
At some point around the time Eddie and Jojo were settling into their downward dog pose, Steve returned home and started grouching about his cornflakes from the kitchen. Father and daughter shared a look across their yoga mats, the latter whispering, "he's hangry," with a childish giggle that nearly made her topple over. Eddie, on the other hand, resisted laughing, mostly. When the kid was right, she was right. Steve sounded pretty hangry. Undoubtedly, he'd skipped his usual breakfast to get Rian to his rehearsal on time, and he now needs to pout over it. Eddie could hardly contain his affectionate smile despite their daughter being the only one to witness it.
"I don't know nothing 'bout your cornflakes, babe. I'm not allowed to purchase food, remember? I can't be trusted with that, according to you." Apparently, beer, instant ramen, and pop tarts were not what growing kids required for nutrition. Bummer. The memory of Steve's outrage still amused him to this day. "But if you come sit your ass out here for a little bit and chill. I'll make you a smoothie once we're done, yeah?"
"Smoothie!" Joan squealed, dropping back to her knees with her selective hearing in full throttle, under the impression that she was getting her heart's desire immediately. Ah, impatience, a folly of having Munson DNA. It was good at getting in the way of their manipulative schemes.
"In a bit, baby bug. We ain't done here yet." He replied as Steve appeared, pouting, as Eddie had predicted. Then, Joan decided to take the news that she'd have to wait badly and rolled onto her back with an exaggerated groan, kicking her miniature legs about like an angry cat. Honestly, these people thought he was the dramatic member of their family? For a brief moment, Eddie suddenly felt mildly offended at the common accusation of his character. Clearly, his husband and daughter were just as bad. But he didn't hold it against them this time, deciding to finish early and feed his two drama queens.
"Alright, alright, no need to assault me with harpy noises and sad eyes. Joany, go get the blueberries and bananas. Papa Steve can cut up the peaches. Now get going before I change my mind." Smiles emerged all around before Steve and Joan raced to the kitchen, and it gave Eddie the warm fuzzies to know that he'd done that; he'd made them smile and turned their sadness into happiness. It was a far cry from where they'd been two years ago. He meant to keep it that way. Making his family smile. That would be Eddie's domain.
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fitnessfusiongo · 15 days
Best Back-to-School Healthy Meal Prep Ideas on a Budget for Kids and Adults.
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1. DIY Turkey and Cheese Roll-Ups: A Healthy Twist on Lunchables
Problem: Store-bought Lunchables are often high in processed ingredients and can be expensive over time. They may be convenient but lack the nutrition and savings a homemade version can offer.
Solution: Create your own healthier version at home with these easy DIY turkey and cheese roll-ups. Not only are they budget-friendly, but they also allow for customization with wholesome ingredients.
Sliced turkey (or your favorite deli meat)
Cheese slices
Whole wheat tortillas
Carrot sticks or cucumber slices
Grapes or apple slices
Spread out a tortilla, layer turkey and cheese, and roll it up.
Slice into bite-sized pinwheels for easy eating.
Add carrot sticks or cucumber slices and a side of fruit.
Why it’s a healthy choice: Using whole wheat tortillas and lean deli meat provides a high-fiber and protein-packed meal, perfect for sustained energy.
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Problem: Traditional pasta salads can sometimes be loaded with unhealthy dressings and refined carbs, lacking the essential nutrients needed for a balanced meal.
Solution: This veggie-packed pasta salad swaps regular pasta for whole wheat or chickpea pasta and is filled with fresh vegetables, making it both nutritious and delicious.
Whole wheat or chickpea pasta
Cherry tomatoes, halves
Cucumber, diced
Shredded carrots
Black olives, sliced
Chickpeas (for added protein)
Shredded mozzarella or feta
Cook pasta according to the instructions and allow it to cool.
Mix together all veggies and chickpeas.
Add cheese, and toss everything with olive oil, lemon juice, and oregano.
Why it’s a healthy choice: Whole wheat pasta adds fiber, while chickpeas provide plant-based protein. Fresh vegetables give a boost of vitamins and antioxidants for a balanced meal.
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Problem: Kids (and adults) need snacks that are healthy but also fun and easy to prepare. Many packaged snacks are high in sugar and preservatives, offering little nutritional value.
Solution: These peanut butter and banana roll-ups are quick to make, healthy, and sure to be a hit with the whole family.
Whole wheat tortillas
Peanut butter (or any nut butter)
Honey (optional)
Spread peanut butter on a tortilla, place a banana in the middle, and roll it up.
Slice into small pieces and drizzle with honey for a sweet treat.
Why it’s a healthy choice: Peanut butter is a great source of healthy fats and protein, while bananas provide potassium and natural sweetness without added sugars.
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Problem: Finding a meal that’s both filling and healthy for busy school days can be tough. Many pre-packaged meals lack the fresh ingredients needed to fuel a long day.
Solution: This chicken and veggie rice bowl is packed with protein, healthy carbs, and nutrient-rich vegetables. Plus, it’s super affordable!
Brown rice (or cauliflower rice for a low-carb option)
Grilled chicken breast
Steamed broccoli
Sliced bell peppers
Soy sauce or teriyaki sauce
Cook the brown rice and grill the chicken breast.
Steam broccoli and slice bell peppers.
Divide into containers and top with soy sauce or teriyaki.
Why it’s a healthy choice: Brown rice is a whole grain, rich in fiber, and chicken provides lean protein. Veggies like broccoli and bell peppers are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants.
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Problem: Mornings are often rushed, making it hard to fit in a nutritious breakfast. Many grab-and-go options are high in sugar or carbs but lack protein to keep you full until lunch.
Solution: Egg muffin cups are the perfect make-ahead breakfast option. They’re packed with protein, low in carbs, and full of veggies for added nutrients.
Spinach, chopped
Diced bell peppers
Shredded cheese
Whisk together eggs and add chopped spinach, bell peppers, and cheese.
Pour into a greased muffin tin and bake at 350°F for 15–20 minutes.
Store in the fridge and heat them up in the mornings.
Why it’s a healthy choice: Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which is essential for energy and focus. Plus, adding vegetables ensures you’re getting a dose of vitamins right at the start of the day.
Prepping healthy meals for back-to-school doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. With these simple, budget-friendly recipes, you’ll be able to keep both kids and adults happy with nutritious meals all week long. Whether you’re looking for a quick breakfast, lunch, or snack, these ideas are designed to save time and money without sacrificing health.
For more healthy, budget-friendly meal prep ideas and school-time hacks, best weight loss tips & tricks, make sure to subscribe to my newsletter and stay updated on the latest tips! Let’s make this school year the healthiest one yet. 🌟
Get the best keto air fryer cookbook (ebook) with numerous recipes here. Don’t miss the chance to take advantage of the big discount!
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papercupandco · 20 days
Healthy Kids Menu Options | Paper Cup & Co
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Kids always want to eat tasty dishes but— Are they good for their health?
This question arises most of the time in our minds, especially if you're a parent. So let's shed some light on this topic.
At Paper Cup & Co, we understand that feeding kids can be a challenge. Parents want nutritious and appealing meals for their children, and finding that balance is essential. Our kids' menu has been thoughtfully crafted to offer various delicious and healthy options that cater to young tastes while ensuring they get the nutrients they need.
Let's have a look at some of the healthy dishes that your kids would love to eat.
List of some healthy kid dishes
Kid's Fish and Chips
Kids love fish and chips, and we’ve made it healthier at Paper Cup & Co. Our fish is lightly coated and baked, not fried, making it lower in fat. We use sweet potato fries instead of regular fries because they contain vitamins. Plus, our homemade tartar sauce uses Greek yogurt, better for you than regular mayo.
Vegemite Toast With Melted Cheeseburger
This dish mixes Aussie flavour with a kids' favourite. We spread a little Vegemite on whole-grain toast and top it with a small cheeseburger made from lean beef and low-fat cheese. The entire grain toast helps keep kids full longer and gives them essential nutrients.
Kids Pancake
Our Kids Pancake is perfect for breakfast or a sweet treat. Made with whole wheat flour and organic eggs, these pancakes are fluffy and nutritious. We serve them with fresh fruit and pure maple syrup, which is healthier than regular. You can also add a dollop of Greek yogurt for extra protein.
Chicken Nuggets and Chips
Chicken nuggets are always a hit with kids, and ours are made from 100% white meat chicken. They’re baked, not fried, making them healthier. We serve them with baked potato chips and offer a side of steamed veggies or a small salad to ensure kids get their greens.
Bowl of Chips
Our bowl of chips is a simple and tasty option, great for sharing or as a side. We bake our chips with a light coating of olive oil, making them healthier than fried chips. They’re lightly seasoned with sea salt and herbs for extra flavour. We also offer dips like avocado or hummus for added nutrition.
Potato Wedges
Our Potato Wedges are another kid-friendly favourite. They're crispy and delicious. They are made from russet potatoes and baked with the skin on for extra fibre. We season them with herbs and spices and serve them with low-fat sour cream or Greek yogurt for dipping.
Plain Croissant
Our Plain Croissant is a light and buttery treat that kids love. It’s made with high-quality ingredients and portion-controlled to fit a balanced diet. Pair it with fruit or yogurt to add more nutrients to the meal.
Ham and Cheese Croissant
The Ham and Cheese Croissant combines a freaky croissant with lean ham and low-fat cheese. It’s toasted to perfection and makes a warm and comforting meal. We serve it with fresh fruit or a small salad to add more vitamins and minerals.
Our Milkshakes are a must-have on any kids' menu. Our milkshakes are made with low-fat milk and natural fruit purees, so avoid artificial flavours and extra sugar. We offer flavours like strawberry, banana, and chocolate. You can add a scoop of protein powder or some spinach for extra nutrition without changing the taste.
Wrap Up
At Paper Cup & Co, we believe that dining with kids shouldn’t mean sacrificing nutrition for convenience. Our kids' menu offers a variety of healthy and tasty options that cater to young palates while providing essential nutrients for growth and development. Whether it's a wholesome breakfast in Geelong, a balanced lunch, or a fun treat, our menu has something for every child. Visit us and discover how delicious healthy eating can be in the heart of Geelong!
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