#banana calories per banana
captainershad-blog · 6 months
Banana Nutrition Facts: Why should you have a banana every day?
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seat-safety-switch · 1 month
Hey. Close the door. Sit down. I've got something I want to talk to you about. No, it's not that kind of thing, I don't even care. You did what to your car? That's weird but we're not talking about that right now. What are we talking about? What are we talking about? Soup.
When I was a kid, I didn't like soup very much. As an adult, I don't really like it now either. The flavour is fine, the texture is alright, and there's lots of varieties that are delicious. What I don't like is the efficiency. If you draw a chart of "most efficient" to "least efficient" foods, there's some obvious winners.
Potato chips. A fresh-fallen apple. Whatever mushrooms keep making me see the innate folds of the universe's metastructure. Banana is somewhere in the middle. You gotta peel it, but then you can slam the entire thing down and get back to what you were doing. Soup is way off the "goddamn waste of time" edge, saved only by how delicious and cheap it is.
Cheap. That's a beautiful word, that one. It's why birds sing it into my ears in the morning to awaken me from my slumber. Soup is so inexpensive that I've started making it more often. Thing is, that obsession with efficiency still exists. To optimize my time spent cooking, I make a whole lot of it, in repurposed thousand-litre soy sauce drums that the railway company auctions off. Sure, the heat is probably not great for the plastic, but when it bursts I've got some duct tape. Tonight, we're making shoyu ramen, because everything I make in this kinda tastes like soy sauce.
Tomorrow, I'll eat this bounty of delicious salty broth in the most efficient way possible: from a Super Soaker pointed into my mouth. I have learned not to do it in public, though. All those cops bothering me really brings down the calories-per-minute statistic.
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Don't Speak 35
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, stalking, manipulation, reclusive behaviour, disordered eating, dissociation, allusions to abuse, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader is a reclusive loner who ventures down to the library on a simple mission. Her task is complicated by the man she meets there. (f!short!reader)
Character: librarian!Andy Barber
Note: we got that xmas hangover.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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You get to the bottom of your glass before you’re even done your sides. You pick at the white meat and smear it into the puddle of gravy that floods the plate. Each bite is better than the last, easing that tenuous knot in your stomach. You haven’t eaten like this in weeks.
“More wine?” Steve offers as he grabs the bottle again, topping up his own glass before gesturing to your own.
Andy clears his throat as you look up. For a moment, there was only you and the plate. A soft fog limns the edges of your vision and dampens your worries. You peek around as Amber leans in from your other side.
“I’ll take some more if there’s enough,” Amber shifts her glass over, a mouthful still in the belly, “it’s so good. I’ll have to take a picture of the label.”
Her arm touches yours. She’s giving you permission, more so encouraging you. Is it so bad to enjoy yourself? Even Andy said today is special. A little bit of wine isn’t so bad. You barely feel any different.
“Sure, I’ll… I’ll have a bit more, please.”
Andy sniffs but you refuse to look at him again. You caught the glint of his disapproval before. He’s never happy with anything you do unless it’s… that. Steve pours the golden wine into your glass, then Amber’s, only a small amount left in the bottom as he sets the bottle down.
You chew on a gristly portion of meat, the clink of cutlery filling the strained silence. Amber sighs and takes a drink, carefully placing the flat base of her glass on the table. She swallow as stirs her mashed potatoes.
“So, you said you were almost done your painting?” She begins, “I’ll have to check it out after dinner.”
“Mm,” Andy grumbles, “garage gets pretty cold this time of year.”
“I’ll put a coat on,” Amber shrugs, “I’d love to see what you’ve been working on. You know I always love your art. Actually…” you can tell she’s rambling, out of nervousness, but more to fill the lull, “I was hoping you might make me something, if you have the time.”
“I could…” you begin.
“She can give you a quote,” Andy intones curtly. Your eyes flick over to him, surprised. “Can’t make much off a hobby.”
“Oh, of course, I wouldn’t presume,” Amber says, “materials plus work.”
“I hate to overstep but I’d love to have a look as well,” Steve says.
Your eyes round and you nod, cheeks hot at the prospect of showing them. Your work is always so personal and this piece feels even more so. Your first major commission and it’s almost done. It’s a real accomplishment, how did you not see that before?
“Sure,” you gulp.
“After the banana pudding of course,” Amber insists, “save some room, bub.”
You smile as your stomach squeezes tight. If you eat much more, you won’t have room for dessert. You reach for your glass to wash down the stuffing. The wine makes you feel hollow, it gives you room for more.
“Lot of sugar,” Andy comments.
“It’s Thanksgiving,” Amber shrugs, “what’s a few extra calories? Besides, it's tradition.”
“Your tradition,” Andy snips.
“Well, if you don’t want any, more for us, right, bub?” She nudges you gently with her elbow.
You nod, “it’s my favourite.”
“Bub?” Andy scoffs, “she’s an adult.”
Amber sits back sharply and hovers her fork over her plate. She stares at Andy as he glares back. Tension roils between them.
“And I’m so proud of her,” her words drip with venom, "she’s come so far. Steve,” she looks at the therapist as he watches with arched brows, “thank you so much for all you’ve done for my sister. I see how far she’s come.”
“She’s a strong woman,” Steve leans on an elbow and lifts his glass, “she’s doing all the heavy lifting.”
Your chest flutters as you kick your legs in giddiness. The smile he aims at you takes your breath away. It feels good to have someone proud of you, but him? It’s amazing. You feel like you could do anything, that he truly believes that you can.
“Thanks,” you squeak and take another drink. 
Andy huffs and sits back. Your gaze meets his as you swallow and pull the crystal rim away from your lip. You lick away the glisten of wine as he watches you. Your glee quickly dissipates as the heat of the alcohol mingles with the blaze of his chagrin. You’re almost annoyed by it. 
Why can’t he just be happy? Everyone else is.
“Good job,” Amber preens as you slice fresh banana, “whipped cream is ready.”
She lines up the four clear bowls on the counter as she stands beside you. She pulls close the bowl of banana pudding and spoons it into each. You can smell the banana-ey goodness. It makes your wine-coated stomach growl.
“Then some cream,” she dollops some of the whipped cream onto each, “and then,” she slides a bowl your way, “you can add as many slices as you like.”
You arrange five slices on the first bowl; one in the center and four around the edge. She passes the next bowl and you do the same. She adds a spoon to each and spins one in admiration.
“Alright, we’ll get it on the tray,” she declares.
You nod, stifling a yawn. Your eyes are itchy as the large meal weighs down your stomach. You could nap right then and there. The wine’s glimmery effect doesn’t help your state as you feel slightly off kilter after two and a half glasses.
She loads up the rectangle tray with the bowls, then pulls over a round one. She places the full teapot beside the coffee urn, then stacks four cups on it, alongside some spoons, the sugar bowl, and a small jug of dairy.
“You got that,” she gestures to the pudding.
You grab the tray and slide it to the edge of the counter. Your fingers loop through the slots in the side and you lift it, focusing on keeping it all steady. You smile as Amber balances the tray of drinks.
“You feeling okay?” She asks.
“Yes,” you chirp, “I’m excited for the pudding.”
She laughs and shakes her head, “always were easy to please.”
She leads you into the front room. The football game buzzes on as Andy sits with his chin in his hand, elbow on the armrest, and Steve stands by the mantel, playing with the signed baseball. It’s stolidly silent beneath the drone of sport commentators.
“Coffee, tea,” Amber places her tray on the low table, “and my famous banana pudding. Well, she did most of the work.”
She turns and smiles at you. You look around as you falter. You just stare dumbly, unsure of what to do next.
Steve makes you flinch as he approaches, “may I?” He waves a hand towards the tray in your arms. You nod and he takes one with a thanks. “Mmm, smells and looks delicious.”
He backs away, cradling the bowl with one hand as he stirs the spoon around. You turn awkwardly and march over to Andy. You offer the tray and his dull gaze drifts to you. He sits back and lets his arm fall straight over the armrest.
“I’m full,” he says.
You wince and look down. Oh. You just stand there.
“Here,” Amber comes up and touches your elbow, “let me get this.”
You spin, startled, and the bowls slide over the tray. One flips over the edge as Amber catches the tray and the pudding splatters onto the carpet around your feet. You squeak and look down as your sister takes the tray from your grasp. She sets it by the coffee and tea as you step back and gape at the mess.
“Jesus…” Andy sighs as he leans forward to take in the mess.
“Accidents happen,” Amber takes your hand and guides you away from the pudding, “no big loss…” she gets down to scoop up the globs with her bare hand back into the bowl, “you’re not having any and nothing broke.”
You look between them. Andy scowls as Amber is unbothered. She gathers up the sticky mess and stands.
“I’ll go grab some paper towel,” she says.
“That’s gonna be hard to get out,” Andy glowers at the carpet.
“I can get it out,” Amber assures, “don’t let me ruin dessert.”
She strolls out and you hear her clinking in the kitchen. She appears again with the roll of paper towel and a bowl of water. She gets down and starts her tedious work of trying to sop up the remnants.
“You know, it didn’t get too deep,” Amber says as she works.
You watch her and sway, putting a heel back to keep yourself steady. You cover your mouth and swallow a burp. Your sister looks up at your looming figure.
“Have some pudding, bub.”
You murmur, something indiscernible. It’s hard to move as you feel Andy watching you. You know you messed up again. That he’s upset. He won’t eat the pudding and now you’ve gone and made a mess. 
You tremble as you feel an ache inside. For an instant, you feel smothered, as if you're being held down.
“It’s good,” Steve encourages as he shows half a banana slice on his spoon, “thanks, girls.”
You try to smile at him but can’t. Instead, you claim a bowl but your excitement is gone. You flop onto the couch, catching your spoon before it can tip over the edge, and rest the bowl in your lap. You’re going to be good and eat your pudding. You can’t get in trouble if you focus on that.
“She’s drunk,” Andy accuses as your spoon clacks loudly on the side of the bowl. 
“She’s fine,” Amber insists as she wets the paper towel, “really, she had two glasses, she’ll survive.”
“She doesn’t drink,” he retorts.
“What number is that?” She glances at the green bottle by his elbow, “three? Four? You said it yourself, she’s an adult.”
He snarls, “do you always come into people’s houses and argue with them?”
She tuts and shakes her head. She says nothing though you see her response clenched in her jaw. She continues her work, drying up the patch with a folded square of paper towel before standing. She disappears into the kitchen and returns. 
She grabs a bowl and sits between you and Andy. She leans over as you stir your pudding but don’t taste it. You’re embarrassed and your appetite is gone.
“Come on, bub, it’s your favourite,” she coaxes.
You sniffle, only then feeling the prick in your eyes. Andy’s right, you’re drunk. You don’t feel good. You’re dizzy and tired and you just want to hide.
“I’m sorry…” you babble.
“Aw, bub, it’s okay. You can always save it for later,” she assures you, “do you need some water?”
“I told you, you gave her too much wine–”
“Andrew,” Amber snaps as she whips her head around, “she’s fine. We’re fine. I got it.”
“Don’t talk to me like that. In my home,” Andy girds.
“Everyone, chill out,” Steve puts his empty bowl on the tray, “you’re both stressing her out. That’s all. She’s fine,” he nears the couch, “how about we get some fresh air, huh?”
Amber looks up at Steve, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t meaning to–”
“No, don’t be,” he assures as he gently takes the bowl from your hands, “it’s part of therapy. One of her exercises. She gets overstimulated.”
“Oh?” Amber looks at you and back to the doctor, “yeah, she… does.”
“I suggest the both of you take a few breaths as well,” he chuckles as he helps you stand, “we’ll be a couple minutes.” He touches your arm as you get to your feet, barely feeling your own body move, “hey, how about we get your coat on and go outside?”
Your eyes flick up and you nod blankly. You don’t really understand what he’s saying, you just know he wants to get you away from this. You wish they could just get along. You wish you didn’t cause all this trouble.
“I’m sorry, bub,” Amber says.
“You two,” Steve points at your sister then Andy, “talk this out.”
Silence, sweltering and suffocating pervades the room as the doctor leads you out. Only the television continues to blare as he stops you in the entryway and pulls a coat onto your shoulders. He gets down to lead your feet into your boots and then puts on his own. 
He opens the front door and shuffles you outside. The autumnal air sweeps around you and you pull the coat snug against the shiver that rolls through you. You look down as a swell of woodsy scent tickles your nostrils. It’s his coat. It’s loose on you but warm.
You look up at Steve as he stands, unaffected in the thick wool of his sweater. He puts his hand on your shoulder and squeezes, “tough day.”
“I… I am drunk,” you admit.
“That’s fine,” his hand trails down your arm, “you’re allowed to indulge, sweetheart. And a day like this, who wouldn’t?”
“He’s mad,” you say.
“Let him be.”
“The both of them are too stubborn for their own good. They both love you but they can’t see past that. They shouldn’t be fighting for your love, they need to share it,” he runs his hand back up as you teethe your lip. He touches your cheek, the warmth of his fingertips making you shudder, “but I can’t blame them. You’re a special girl, who wouldn’t want all of you?”
You bat your lashes up at him. Huh? You don’t know what he means, but it feels good. Everything he says is just so wonderful.
He smiles at you, his fingertips dancing along your jaw. You gaze up at him, hypnotized by his deep blue eyes. In that moment, you feel drawn to him, magnetized by his touch. He steps closer and you quiver again. His eyes fall to your legs as you rub them together, the cold wind gusting up your short skirt.
“Oh, you must be freezing,” he drops his hand back to your shoulders, “you’d be much cozier in one of your cute little sweaters huh?”
You nod, dumbly. You can’t speak. You can only think about the weight of his large hand on his shoulder. You think about the vibrator in your drawer…
“Here, you need this,” he surprises you as he pulls you close, embracing you against the chill, “it’s amazing what a good hug can do.”
You stand stiff and stunned. His scent rises from his sweater and from the coat around your shoulders. You’re consumed by it and the heat rippling off of him. You let yourself sink into him, bending your arms slowly to hug him back. Something you’ve never really done with anyone but Amber.
“It’ll be okay, sweetheart,” he coos as he rocks you, “you’re doing really good. Don’t let them ruin all your hard work.” He pets your head and nuzzles your hair, “you’re a very good girl,” he purrs, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Dr. Kemp,” you press your cheek against his chest and close your eyes, a smile dimpling into your cheeks.
“Alright, so you keep being good for me, sweetheart,” he strokes down the back of your neck, “when we go back in, you’re going to be strong, right?”
“Yes, doctor,” you murmur.
“Good girl,” he praises again, gently releasing you and leaving you even colder than before, “I know you care about both of them but remember, you can tell them no.” He drags his hand around you frame your face, “I think they need to hear it.” He drops his hand, turning his palm up as he turns halfway back to the door, “ready?”
You reach for his hand and squeeze it, facing the suburban facade, “I’m strong,” you repeat, “I’m gonna be good.”
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finniusastraeus · 8 months
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This chart doesnt give you precise amounts and some numbers are innacurate so let me clear up here
30kcals per plum
78 per one 2-3'' apple(small), 116 per one 3'' apple (large)
45 per cup of chopped up watermelon
40 in 10 MEDIUM sized strawberries
1 kcal in 1 raspberry. So 10=10
In 10 red cherries there are 45 kcals
17 in 1 apricot
119 for a whole papaya so 59 for half
60 in a cup of cut cantaloupe
50 per 1 orange,
201 in a whole mango, 100 in a cup of cubed mango
37 per 1 tangerine
50 in 1 medium peach
105 in a 7'' banana, 70 if it's less than 6'' long
82 in a cup of pineapple cubes, 452 in whole thing (ik no ones eating a whole pineapple but yk)
20 in 5 olives
64 in a cup of cubes honeydew, 360 for whole thing
33 in 1 large cucumber, 10 in a mini, 8 in a cup of slices
42 in 1 kiwi
100 in a medium pear
240 in 1 avocado
82 in a cup of blueberries, 1 per blueberry
62 per cup of grapes, 2 per small grape
62 per cup of blackberries, 2 per small blackberry
Breakfast tips I learned at the hospital
One english muffin is 130 but if you cut it so you're only eating the edges it will look like youre eating the whole thing but only be getting a 3rd or about 45kcals!! and 1 teaspoon of margarine will cover both of those "halves" and there's 35 kcals in that. so 80 that looks like 160.
A cup of dry plain cheerios is also 80
78 in one large egg BUT throw out the yolk and only have the white. It looks like a full over easy egg but the white is only 17 kcals. Trust me on this one, have it for every meal you can get away with.
Fruit salad
10 raspberries=10kcal
half a small banana, thinly sliced=35kcal
5 thinly sliced strawberries=20kcal
15 blueberries=15kcal
2 tsp sugar free table syrup=0kcal LITERALLY BEST THING EVER
total 80 kcal and the syrup makes it the best breakfast in the world while adding no calories but it makes you feel like youre eating pancakes and keeps you full.
Frozen waffle/pancake, 1=95kcals
Use the english muffin excuse to make a sandwhich with just lettuce in it and whatever veggies you like.
what I do is 1 english muffin cut to look like halves but its a 3rd = 45kcal
1/4 cup lettuce=1-2kcal
1 slice of tomato=3
if you want more you can have 30kcal of margarine (1 tsp) on the toasted muffin and half a cheese slice which is 56kcal. so i dont reccomend it.
plus 1 egg white if you want=17
or fake balogny (im a strict vegetarian of 8 years) for 20kcal and like 5g of protien
One pack of mr noodles has 190kcal. never eat more than half
always make a salad if you can. most can be made under 20kcals and actually taste amazing but dont add dressing they're really high cal.
this is made to look like you're eating a lot
2 plain rice cakes=70
or one tomato basil=60
2 tbsp grated cheese=70
or 1 tbsp herbed goat cheese=35
slice some mini tomatos and mushrooms/peppers, onions, ect=5kcal
total 100-145 and it tastes amazing
this one would be hard to hide bc the brand name is literally skinny noodles but buy some skinny noodles (9 kcal per serving!! vegan and gluten free) and put them in a box or something. my family puts our noodles in long containers so it wouldnt be noticed and the package could be thrown away
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If Ugandans have a social safety net, it is woven from banana fibers, and if there is a clear path to socialism, it will be lined with banana leaves. The lusuku model, premised on intercropping and smallholder farming, could be the basis for national agrarian reform that improves the lives of Uganda’s agricultural workers without accelerating the destruction of the natural environment. Uganda faces increasing difficulty feeding itself because of climate extremes and land degradation, and this affects farmers more significantly than anyone else. Moreover, since the 1990s, the ruling National Resistance Movement regime sold off and dismantled most of the coffee, tea, and cotton growers cooperatives, leaving smallholder farmers in the hands of the predatory middlemen which cooperatives had been established to protect them against. Unable to collectively bargain and exposed to dramatic fluctuations in the market prices for cash crops, many people left rural areas to search for employment in cities. This has been a driving force behind the massive inequality between rural and urban workers. Ugandans now produce more food than they consume, even exporting to other countries in the region, yet 41% of people are undernourished, and agricultural production has decreased over the last 20 years. For the most part, the strategy pursued by Uganda’s government has been to encourage the development of ecologically disastrous intensive agriculture for export, privileging foreign investors rather than developing the infrastructure that would benefit peasants. Indeed, while more than 70% of Ugandans are employed in agriculture, the sector only receives around 4% of public investment, and projects aimed at helping smallholder farmers have had very little success, even by their own standards. Many of the government’s investments in agriculture very clearly advantage larger landowners, to the detriment of the poorest farmers. For example, most of the government’s investment in labor-saving technologies has been spent on tractors, which are great for large plots but largely unaffordable or unsuitable for the average farmer, whose plot is usually between 1-3 acres large. However, a socialist transition premised on agroecological reforms could make use of the existing lusuku model to create the kind of growth that actually improves poor farmers’ lives without destroying their environment. This could begin with reestablishing cooperatives and engineering agricultural prices around social needs and goals, like guaranteeing access to food. Research from around the world has shown that while large, monocrop plantations are good at producing huge volumes of one crop, smallholder farms are more productive when evaluated on a per-unit area and are capable of securing national food sovereignty. Why, for example, should Ugandans buy rice imported from Pakistan or Vietnam when banana intercropping yields more calories per hectare than rice? Lusukus could feed the nation without relying on foreign experts, development aid, or the capital-intensive inputs now being imported to grow for export. Because lusukus are far better for the soil, they also improve the nation’s capacity to resist severe floods and drought, effects of climate change that hit poor farmers hardest. In these ways, the lusuku model could provide a sustainable path to socialist development.
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say-yes-toheaven · 12 days
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been drinking these all day omg (the kind I'm drinking is the strawberry banana low calorie and it's like 20 cal per bottle yum)
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lexithevalkyrie · 1 year
Wieght gain tip number 2: what should i eat 🤷‍♀️ (pt2)
Now, unfortunately for healthy gainers, you can't really be cheap about it, expect to spend $50+ per week.
For starters, let's set up a shake recipe for breakfast. This should make up most of your carbs for the day.
You will need bananas, heavy cream, pears, honey, oats, coco powder, whole milk/soy milk, and some type of nut butter. And you gotta cook up some eggs in butter. This shake and eggs should be around 1,000+ calories for the morning. Your next meal should hold your proteins and fats, now that means we get to go wild with what we get, I recommend chicken thighs as they hold 25g of fat and 30g of protein, plus they are cheap . In-between these meals, you should get yourself a snack, protein bars, boost high calorie shakes, or biled eggs are what I recommend. For your dinner you should eat light with a salad that has avocados, dressing, chopped nuts, and chicken that was left over.
Now we can put all that nutrition go to waist, you have to work out to compensate for your lack of rapid weight gain. But we are going on the route of the strong man, so although you're working out, you'll stay really huge as time passes
I recommend working out with:
Hip thrusts
Bench press
And rows
This should help keep you on a steady growth, remember; the process is slow, but you'll be so big and strong by the end
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kushblazer666 · 2 months
1. Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store. If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster.
2. Store your opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil. It will stay fresh much longer and not mold!
3. Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating. Peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and better for cooking.
4. Add a teaspoon of water when frying ground beef. It will help pull the grease away from the meat while cooking.
5. To really make scrambled eggs or omelets rich add a couple of spoonfuls of sour cream, cream cheese, or heavy cream in and then beat them up.
6. For a cool brownie treat, make brownies as directed. Melt Andes mints in double broiler and pour over warm brownies. Let set for a wonderful minty frosting.
7. Add garlic immediately to a recipe if you want a light taste of garlic and at the end of the recipe if your want a stronger taste of garlic.
8. Leftover snickers bars from Halloween make a delicious dessert. Simply chop them up with the food chopper. Peel, core and slice a few apples. Place them in a baking dish and sprinkle the chopped candy bars over the apples. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes!!! Serve alone or with vanilla ice cream. Yummm!
9. Reheat Pizza
Heat up leftover pizza in a nonstick skillet on top of the stove, set heat to med-low and heat till warm. This keeps the crust crispy. No soggy micro pizza. I saw this on the cooking channel and it really works.
10. Easy Deviled Eggs
Put cooked egg yolks in a zip lock bag. Seal, mash till they are all broken up. Add remainder of ingredients, reseal, keep mashing it up mixing thoroughly, cut the tip of the baggy, squeeze mixture into egg. Just throw bag away when done easy clean up.
11. Expanding Frosting
When you buy a container of cake frosting from the store, whip it with your mixer for a few minutes. You can double it in size. You get to frost more cake/cupcakes with the same amount. You also eat less sugar and calories per serving.
12. Reheating refrigerated bread
To warm biscuits, pancakes, or muffins that were refrigerated, place them in a microwave with a cup of water. The increased moisture will keep the food moist and help it reheat faster.
13. Newspaper weeds away
Start putting in your plants, work the nutrients in your soil. Wet newspapers, put layers around the plants overlapping as you go. Cover with mulch and forget about weeds. Weeds will get through some gardening plastic they will not get through wet newspapers.
14. Broken Glass
Use a wet cotton ball or Q-tip to pick up the small shards of glass you can't see easily.
15. No More Mosquitoes
Place a dryer sheet in your pocket. It will keep the mosquitoes away.
16. Squirrel Away!
To keep squirrels from eating your plants, sprinkle your plants with cayenne pepper. The cayenne pepper doesn't hurt the plant and the squirrels won't come near it.
17. Flexible vacuum
To get something out of a heat register or under the fridge add an empty paper towel roll or empty gift wrap roll to your vacuum. It can be bent or flattened to get in narrow openings.
18. Reducing Static Cling
Pin a small safety pin to the seam of your slip and you will not have a clingy skirt or dress. Same thing works with slacks that cling when wearing panty hose. Place pin in seam of slacks and ... guess what! ... static is gone.
19. Measuring Cups
Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill with hot water. Dump out the hot water, but don't dry cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes right out. (Or spray the measuring cup or spoon with Pam before using)
20. Foggy Windshield?
Hate foggy windshields? Buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in the glove box of your car When the windows fog, rub with the eraser! Works better than a cloth!
21. Re-opening envelopes
If you seal an envelope and then realize you forgot to include something inside, just place your sealed envelope in the freezer for an hour or two. Viola! It unseals easily.
22. Conditioner
Use your hair conditioner to shave your legs. It's cheaper than shaving cream and leaves your legs really smooth. It's also a great way to use up the conditioner you bought but didn't like when you tried it in your hair.
spotted on the Tedooo app
23. Goodbye Fruit Flies
To get rid of pesky fruit flies, take a small glass, fill it 1/2' with Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 drops of dish washing liquid; mix well. You will find those flies drawn to the cup and gone forever!
24. Get Rid of Ants
Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants. They eat it, take it 'home,' can't digest it so it kills them. It may take a week or so, especially if it rains, but it works and you don't have the worry about pets or small children being harmed!
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a list of low-calorie snacks along with approximate calorie counts per serving:
1. Vegetable sticks with hummus: Carrot, celery, cucumber, or bell pepper sticks with 2 tablespoons of hummus (~50 calories).
2. Greek yogurt: Plain Greek yogurt (6 oz) with a handful of fresh berries (~120 calories).
3. Air-popped popcorn: 1 cup of air-popped popcorn (~30 calories).
4. Hard-boiled eggs: 1 large hard-boiled egg (~70 calories).
5. Fruit
- Apple (medium) (~95 calories).
- Orange (medium) (~62 calories).
- 1 cup of strawberries (~50 calories).
6. Rice cakes
- Plain rice cake (~35 calories per cake).
- Topped with 1 tablespoon of almond butter (~100 calories).
7. Edamame: 1/2 cup of boiled edamame (~95 calories).
8. Cottage cheese: 1/2 cup of low-fat cottage cheese (~80 calories).
9. Seaweed snacks: 1 pack of roasted seaweed snacks (~25 calories).
10. Smoothies:
- Green smoothie with spinach, kale, 1/2 banana, and almond milk (~120 calories).
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i99zhuo · 9 months
Nini's diet ୧ ‧₊˚ 𓐐⋅ eat like blackpink jennie!
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this is a guide on jennie's diet plan with multiple meal + a little workout routine!
content list:
1. diet specifications
2. breakfast
3. lunch
4. dinner
5. extras!
(_ _ ) . . z Z⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚୨ :★: ୧ ∗  ˖࣪ ໒꒱  ˚₊·
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✸ ꒰ diet specifications + workout ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
👒 important: I'm only sharing Jennie's diet, always consult a doctor before doing any diet, stay healthy people >.<
INFO: Jennie's diet plan is simple with meals that consist of good proteins, organic vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. In this guide I will provide 2 meal examples for breakfast, lunch and dinner that I have researched and are part of Jennie's diet.
The calories you will consume doing this diet are around 472 to 1119 depending on what options you choose to eat! [TRY AND ALWAYS STAY IN 800 cal TO 1119 cal DON'T STARVE YOURSELF!!!]
Diet duration: 3days - 7days
WORKOUT: Here is the actual workout Jennie does!
wunda twists (30s per side)
side kick kneeling (30s per side)
break (15s)
downward dog leg lift (30s per side)
downward dog ab cruch (30s per side)
break (15s)
jack knife (30s)
one legged wheel (30s per side)
bow pose (30s)
dancer pose (30s per side)
video ver. -> click me!
you can also do any of the workouts i mentioned on my previous blog!
RULES: try and make these changes in your diet in order to make it more effective!
> drink 8 glasses of water! (example -> 2 while having breakfast, 2 while working out, 2 while having lunch and 2 while eating dinner)
> reduce salt intake!
> reduce sugar intake! (use another sweetener instead, example -> stevia, honey, coconut sugar, etc.)
> have your last meal at around 6pm to 8pm
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✸ ꒰ breakfast ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
🦎 meal a: simple and light fruit breakfast 202cal
-> 1 banana (~~130g)
-> a glass of soy milk (~~200ml)
🌿 meal b: whole grain toast with boiled egg 138cal
-> 1 egg (~~55g)
-> 1 slice of wholegrain bread (~~25g)
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✸ ꒰ lunch ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
🥑 meal a: avocado salad 266cal
-> 1/2 avocado (~~120g)
-> 1 cup of cherry tomato (~~150g)
-> 4 pieces of lettuce (~~10g)
-> 1 garlic clove (~~3g)
-> a pinch of salt
-> a pinch of pepper
-> 1tbs of olive oil
🎾 meal b: salmon salad 216cal
-> 1 cup of lettuce mix (~~35g)
-> 1 palm of salmon (~~80g)
-> a handful of blueberries (~~35g)
-> 1/2 boiled egg (~~28g)
-> oriental sauce to your taste!
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✸ ꒰ dinner ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
🛣 meal a: detox juice 118cal
-> 1 apple (~~160g)
-> 1/4 cup of pineapple (~~43g)
->1 lemmon (juice) (~~15g)
-> 1 and a 1/2 cups of spinach (~~45g)
💶 meal b: porridge 280cal
-> 2 spoons of black beans (~~30g)
-> 30g of mung beans
-> 2 spoons of red beans (~~30g)
-> 1/2 cup of rice (~~100g)
-> 4 cups of water
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✸ ꒰ others ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
✳️ these are some extras you can eat if you're still hungry or craving snacks!
option 1: detox tea (2cal)
option 2: fat free yoghurt (66cal)
option 3: oatmeal cookies (217cal)
option 4: latte (86cal)
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(_ _ ) . . z Z⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚୨ :★: ୧ ∗  ˖࣪ ໒꒱  ˚₊·
Hey ty for reading AND waiting for this one 😭😭😭😭 I'm so sorry but I'm so unsure about this one, it's my first time trying this format sooo idk if its fine or not??? I feel like it's all over the place...
well anyways i don't really have much to say 🫡
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yalbeunmin-hoe · 5 months
·་ ·. ִֶָ ݁˖ Unpinning at 55kg · ݁˖ ִֶָ་·.˖་ ִֶָ
How to deal with hunger ?
Drink water until your belly feels swollen and painful, like 1L at once
Drink a cup of strong coffee
Chew gums. It break fasts but it's better chewing 20 gums for 100 calories through the day than eating 350 per meal
Drink tea
Drink a LARGE cup of iced coffee
But what to eat when I need to?
Carrots, they're very fullfilling and perfect snacks! Cut them in into sticks and chew untill your jaw hurts<3
Rice cake! It doesn't have significant nutritional value but drink 500ml of water 15 minutes before, then eat 2 rice cakes! they're only 25 calories each
Milk. Has the best nutritional value of the list but I'd recommend the skimmed version, it's about 68 cals (200ml, vs 115/regular ver.)
½ apple
Diet coke. It SLOW down the metabolism, so drink 2 cups of water for each cup of coke
Monster Zero. Same thing as the Diet coke, so be careful. It doesn't make you fatter but doesn't help tj get skinnier as well
Watermelon. You can eat like 300g and it won't be 100 calories yet :3
For lunch I usually have two favorites, and both include egg whites! egg whites are about 20 calories each and are the healthiest part.
When my intakes is lower I tend to make a Brunch with: banana pancake, greek yoghurt, and grapes! (Pancake: 2 egg whites, 1 small banana, 1 tbsp of oatmeal flour, 1 tbsp of oat meal, yeast, 1 tsp of honey. 190 calories)
When I need to eat next to my mom, I like to cook cauliflower rice(1 tbsp of rice and cauliflower as desired), steam chicken, 1 egg white, tomatoes and zucchini~
I do not recommend having dinner, BUT if it's really necessary, eat something light. My biggest recommendation are cabbage and tomatoes:
Salad with purple and green cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, carrot... Add some seasoned mayonnaise and it's perfect 👌
cabbage soup. Really light, perfect for dinner
Tomatoe Soup. Some call 4n4 soup, it's about 20 calories and VERY fullfilling, by you need to sleep right after because your body burns it really fast
Potato soup with chicken and egg white! It's a bit higher in cal but definitely worth it!!
Smoothies! (Strawberry+banana, apple+melon+basil, mango, etc...)
I eat mostly health foods, doesn't matter what but my favourites are:
Cereal Bar
Green tea with milk
Lemon and honey tea
Oatmeal with water
Omelete with fruits
Greek Yoghurt
If you can skip dinner, DO NOT skip breakfast.
Extra tip is exercising before the breakfast, then eat at most the amount you burned!
Please support me in my weight loss journey 🥺
I was BMI 16 in December but my family made me recover, now I wanna lose two times harder 💪💪💪
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4narecipes · 4 months
Banana Waffles (4-5 Servings) -
Ingredients -
1/2 cup - all-purpose flour (227)
1 1/2 tsp - baking powder (3.5)
1 pinch - salt (0)
1 pinch - ground cinnamon (0.5)
1 pinch - nutmeg (1)
1/2 cup - semi-skimmed milk (61)
1 small - egg white (13)
1 medium - banana (105)
spray oil (low cal)
calories in brackets
total calories - 411
calories per serving - 90 (approx.)
Instructions -
Mash your banana, then add the egg and milk and mix thoroughly.
Sift in another bowl all your dry ingredients.
Then slowly add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients.
You're done!! Cook it like a normal waffle but for a little longer.
notes - (I like adding a teaspoon or half a teaspoon of sifted powdered sugar to mine as they're already sweet but only like fruit-sweet. It's 10cals per teaspoon of powdered sugar x)
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cinamonsrolls · 1 year
I feel like everyone goes on for days about apples and bananas as safe foods, but there's so many lower cal options that you're sleeping on.
For fruit you have:
Cherries - 4
Apricots - 17
Passion fruit - 17
Plums - 30
Cantaloupe - 23 (per 70g)
Mandarin oranges - 47
Peaches - 60
For veggies you have:
Mushrooms - 1
Baby carrots - 5
Celery - 6
Bell pepper - 15
Tomatos - 20
Zucchini - 33
Green beans - 34 (per cup!!! Just throw on some red pepper and lemon juice and feast, sisters)
Artichoke - 60
Cucumber - 66
For meat you have:
Pepperoni - 10
Chicken breast fillet - 17
Prosciutto- 18
Sushi - 39
Literally any lunch meat, they're all low cal!
Strip steak - 40 (3 slices!!!)
Quail breast - 69
Turkey wings - 53
Chicken wings - 77
Beef tripe - 80
Beef jerky - 82
For pastries you have:
White bread - 67
Angel food cake - 72
Victorian sponge cake - 72
Opera cake - 80
Buttermilk Pancake - 83
Pancake - 86
For sweets and snacks you have:
Chinese fortune cookie - 15
Laffy taffy - 33
Pop rocks - 36
Cotton candy - 40 (10g)
Lollipop - 47
Candy cane - 59
As for some more fun drinks (liquid calories can help avoid a binge!) You have:
Airhead - 60
Popcorn - 64 (per cup airpopped)
Animal crackers - 85 (ten crackers)
Baby ruth - 98
Milky way - 99
Vitamin water sugar-free - 0
Sparkling ice sugar-free - 5
Bai - 5 (any flavor)
Caprisun - 30-80 (depends on the flavor)
V8 - 45
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kuriouskai · 20 days
My low c@l safe foods list as a picky eater with very little cooking skill :P
* eggs (72 per whole egg, 17 per whites)
* Turkey pepperoni (70 per 17 slices)
* Beans (90 per 1/2 cup)
* Cashew milk (25 per cup)
* Low fat/non fat yogurt (~50-90 per serving)
* Tuna (~80 per can, great value)
* Chicken (110 per 3oz, Tyson chicken)
* Perdue chicken tenders (210 per 3)
* Perdue chicken cutlet (200 per 1)
* Great value chicken fries (230 per 7)
* Great value chicken nuggets (170-220 per serving)
* Morning star veggie burgers (100-120 per patty)
* Cheese (~50)
* Peanut butter (50 per 1/2 tablespoon)
* Protein shakes/bars (~100-150)
* Low carb tortillas (60-80 per tortilla)
* Low calorie bread (40-60 per slice)
* Oatmeal (single packs are 100)
* Rice cakes (~25 per cake)
* Corn tortillas (~50 per tortilla)
* Crisp bread (~20-60, can be bought on Amazon)
* Tomatoes (22 per tomato)
* Broccoli (33 per cup)
* Cabbage (17 per cup)
* Chopped carrots (50 per cup)
* Corn (88 per cob)
* Cucumbers (16 per cup)
* Green leaf/romaine lettuce (5-8 per cup)
* Spring mix greens (15 per cup)
* Onion (45-65 per cup)
* Bell peppers chopped (18 per cup)
* Spinach raw (7 per cup)
* Sweet potato (114 per cup)
* Baby carrots (30 in 8)
* Pickles (5 in whole pickle)
* Mangos (99 per cup)
* Bananas (100 per banana)
* Apples (100 per apple)
* Pineapple (82 per cup)
* Strawberries (45 per cup)
* Watermelon (46 per cup)
* Honeydew (61 per cup)
* Cantaloupe (54 per cup)
* Lemons & limes (20 per lemon/lime)
* Tangerine (45 per tangerine)
* Pears (100 per pear)
* fiber one bars (~70-80)
* Low cal strawberry crisps (~100)
* Chips (140-160 per 1/4 cup)
* Low carb Ice cream bars (60 per bar)
* No sugar added popsicles (25 per pop)
* Popcorn (~30 per cup)
* No sugar added apple sauce (~100)
* Baby food (puffs, yogurt melts, & purée’s)
* W A T E R
* Tea
* Diet/zero sugar sodas
* Zero sugar monster energy drinks (10)
* Zero sugar juices (5-10)
* Zero sugar Gatorade (5-10)
* ketchup (20 per 2 tablespoons)
* Hot sauce
* Mustard
* Soy sauce (5-10 per tablespoon)
* Seasonings
* Low fat mayo (35 per tablespoon)
* Low fat cream cheese (30 per tablespoon)
* Low fat sour cream (20 per tablespoon)
* Garlic Hummus (70 per 2 tablespoons)
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rachellaurengray · 2 months
15 Summertime Campfire Desserts Under 200 Calories
Craving a sweet treat around the campfire but still want to stay within your calorie goals? You don’t have to miss out on the fun! Here’s a list of 15 delicious campfire desserts, each under 200 calories, so you can enjoy a little indulgence without straying from your diet plan:
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Campfire Banana Boats Bananas sliced lengthwise and stuffed with chocolate chips and mini marshmallows, wrapped in foil and cooked over the fire. Approx. 150 calories per boat.
Grilled Pineapple Rings Pineapple rings grilled until caramelized, optionally sprinkled with cinnamon. Approx. 120 calories for 1 cup of rings.
Campfire Apples Apples cored and filled with a mixture of oats, cinnamon, and a touch of honey, wrapped in foil and grilled. Approx. 150 calories per apple.
Grilled Peaches with Honey Halved peaches brushed with a bit of honey and grilled until tender. Approx. 120 calories for 2 halves.
S’mores Bites Graham cracker pieces topped with a small piece of dark chocolate and a mini marshmallow, then toasted. Approx. 90 calories for 2 bites.
Campfire Baked Pears Pears halved and sprinkled with a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg, grilled in foil. Approx. 130 calories per pear half.
Chocolate Banana Slices Banana slices dipped in dark chocolate and lightly grilled. Approx. 150 calories for 1 banana.
Grilled Apples with Cinnamon Apple slices grilled and sprinkled with cinnamon and a touch of sugar. Approx. 100 calories for 1 medium apple.
Campfire Strawberry Skewers Fresh strawberries grilled until slightly caramelized. Approx. 70 calories for 1 cup of strawberries.
Grilled Sweet Potato Slices with Maple Syrup Thin sweet potato slices grilled and drizzled with a small amount of maple syrup. Approx. 150 calories for 1 cup.
Campfire Date Bars Dates filled with a small amount of almond butter and grilled lightly. Approx. 180 calories for 3 bars.
Grilled Watermelon Wedges Watermelon wedges with a touch of lime juice and mint, grilled until slightly caramelized. Approx. 90 calories for 1 cup.
S’mores Quesadilla Whole wheat tortilla with a small amount of chocolate and marshmallows, grilled until melted. Approx. 180 calories per quesadilla.
Campfire Cantaloupe Cantaloupe slices grilled with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Approx. 100 calories for 1 cup of slices.
Campfire Coconut Macaroons Shredded coconut mixed with a small amount of honey, formed into balls, and toasted over the fire. Approx. 150 calories for 3 macaroons.
These treats let you enjoy the classic campfire experience while keeping things light and satisfying. Happy campfire cooking!
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ribsandribbons · 7 months
tonight i will break my fast with a little bit of oatmeal to replenish myself and an iced coffee , because ive been craving one.
the oatmeal i usually have is only 180cal per serving. i usually make it plain with water instead of milk, because that’s how i’ve always done it. sometimes i will add toppings/flavourings like frozen fruit or cocao nibs + chia seeds + fresh banana, but since i have fasted for 48 hours i think something simple and easy to break down will be better for my stomach. the iced coffee is where i’ll get most of my calories. i rarely ever take it black. i like to add a splash of soya milk/ oat milk depending on the brand of the beans, which is where most of the calories will be hiding.
i don’t mind too much, because these are ‘safe’ foods for me.
what do you guys usually like to eat when breaking your fasts? (you can leave these answers in my inbox!)i usually like to have something simple like vegetable soup or stove cooked oats or greek yogurt with honey. then i’ll build back up to my usual cal intake, which is anything from 500-1000 calories depending on how i’m feeling on that particular day.
actually, i’m craving pizza. but i know it will only upset me to eat it after such a good fasting period. i’ll save it for a metab day, which im planning for tuesday because my family want to go out to eat.
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