#banana nutrition for babies
captainershad-blog · 6 months
Banana Nutrition Facts: Why should you have a banana every day?
Please, visit for more info:
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blc-instant-foods · 10 days
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Nourishing Tomorrow's Leaders with Sarvottam Litto - The Smart Choice for Growing Minds!
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wishesmsg · 1 year
Banana Honey Cereal Milk
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The recipe for banana honey cereal milk, which can be given to babies from 12 months of age, has been prepared and tested by our experts, and has been approved for babies to consume.Here's the recipe for Banana Honey Cereal Milk for babies:Ingredients:- 1 ripe banana, mashed - 1 tablespoon of honey - 2 tablespoons of baby rice cereal - 1 cup of breast milk or formula - In a mixing bowl, combine the mashed banana and honey until well mixed. - Add the rice cereal and mix until fully incorporated. - Pour in the breast milk or formula and stir well. - Serve in a sterilized bottle or cup and enjoy!This recipe is a great way to provide your baby with a healthy and tasty snack. However, always make sure to prepare it according to your baby's nutritional needs and consult your doctor if you have any doubts. Read the full article
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"Formula" baby food for ARFID age regressors 🍼🥤
I'll make a better post with progress pics next time I make some, but I wanted to post about it quickly, since it was such a success.
My small (@bunnnybcy ) has ARFID, which makes it very difficult for him to get much nutrition, and I'm always trying things to make health accessible to him. One way to make "scary" foods accessible is to make them cute or baby-like. This recipe is sort of a "base model," a warm and sweet treat that can be altered later to increase their fruit & whole grain consumption.
Equipment you'll need:
Measuring cups
Stove or hotpad
Sippy cup or reusable pouches (Link to reusable pouch example)
Refrigerator for storage
Sweet Cinnamon Formula Recipe 😋
1 cup + 1 cup milk or plant milk of choice (we used vanilla soy milk) 🥛
1/2 cup plain rolled oats 🥣
1 tsp dark brown sugar, or to taste*
1 tsp honey, or to taste 🍯
Cinnamon, to taste
Vanilla extract, to taste
🥛 Heat the first cup of milk in your saucepan on the stove. Turn the heat up to medium, or medium-high if you're impatient.
🍯 Stir in the brown sugar and honey, and continue to stir frequently until the milk starts to lightly boil.
🥣 Stir in the 1/2 cup of rolled oats, and turn down the heat to medium, if it isn't already there.
🥄 Stir frequently until the liquid is mostly absorbed, about 5-8 minutes. (The longer you cook it, the smoother your end product will be, which is important for ARFID smalls.)
🆒️ Take off the heat, and let cool for a bit, until you're confident that it won't melt your blender lol.
Pour the oatmeal into your blender, add 1/4 cup milk🥛, and blend until smooth. Check the consistency, and continue adding milk in 1/4 cup amounts until your small approves of the texture. This would also be a convenient time to add more cinnamon, vanilla, honey🍯, or sugar, if they feel the taste is lacking.
Pour into pouches or sippy cups.
You can store leftover formula in the fridge for 3-5 days.
Other formula flavor ideas:
Strawberry 🍓
Blueberry 🫐
Peach 🍑
Chocolate 🍫
Peanut butter 🥜
Apple pie 🍎
Pumpkin pie 🥧
Sweet potato 🍠
Notes for other carers of little ones with ARFID:
If your small one will tolerate it, adding nuts or seeds during step 1 will yield a more nutritious result, but some may not blend down. Chia seeds, for example, will remain visible and will feel like poppyseeds, which may be off-putting to someone with ARFID, even though they don't taste like anything.
Always remember to introduce new tastes and textures slowly, and allow them to try a new thing multiple times on different days if they're unsure about it. Unsure may just mean unfamiliar, and it'll take them a number of attempts to acquire a taste for it. Uncertainty is a good sign of a future "yes", but don't push them to finish a serving of something they're on the fence about; the pressure may turn it into a "no". Instead, give them the option of putting the rest away for later, and after some time, when they're ready, encourage them to try it again.
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thebearer · 1 year
i can imagine how frustrated carm would be with teddy when she’s starting to eat, and she won’t even touch her food he made for her, and he’s like “you’re seven months old, how do you not like breakfast” but as soon as he wipes the bottle out she’s like making chubby grabby hands to him
he doesn't understand the concept of a baby's tasting pallet lmao. he's like researched the best vegetables and fruits with the most nutritional value for babies... and that's great, but she gagged when he gave her mashed asparagus lmao.
"she can't eat bananas every day."
"and she's not." you hum, nursing teddy. "she's still taking a bottle and breast feeding."
he makes like a little tasting one day of all these different combinations, mashed and pureed baby food concoctions and literally takes notes on what she likes and what she doesn't. which is like the most carmen thing in the world to do.
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despazito · 1 month
What is your favourite thing about Eurasiers? What kind of person would you and would you not recommend them for?
I think my favourite thing about eurasiers is how chill and adaptable they are WHEN (important qualifier) they're with their families. as long as i'm nearby, basil is fine with just about anything we're doing. they can live in apartments, they can handle long car rides, camping, hotels, as long as you're there your eurasier will live wherever you live. we can pull up to a hotel room or a tent and he'll just immediately accept his fate that this is where we're crashing tonight as long as it's within a few feet of us.
one day we can walk 10km, the next day i might have the flu for a week and he won't throw a fit over minimal exercise. i feel like they match your energy level. they have indoor manners and won't knock your things over or tear through the house. basil does get separation anxiety (my fault) but has never been destructive or soiled the house since he was a baby, and is pretty good with not getting into the garbage or counter surfing. they're trainable and have done well in dog sports, but do still have a bit of that chow reservation. he absolutely loves having guests over and getting attention from strangers. they're great dogs if you want a fuzzy velcro child glued to your hip.
i would say eurasiers aren't a great fit for people who:
aren't home a lot or travel constantly. this is true for all dogs but some fare better than others at being away from their people and eurasiers aren't one of them. they also shouldn't be housed outdoors or in a kennel setup, they were bred as companion dogs and will become depressed.
don't have time and/or money for grooming. pretty self explanatory, they have a lot of hair and a thick mane.
don't want to talk to or get stopped by strangers. we can get a lot of attention on walks, and honestly it can be a good thing if you're working on your social anxiety. but absolutely nobody knows what a eurasier is and it can be a lot of explaining over and over lol. if you don't want to be perceived in public, a eurasier will do the opposite
don't have time to fuss over feeding and nutrition. they are picky and peckish eaters and basil gets bored of food quickly, its recommended to keep several foods on rotation . if you're only used to labs or beagle appetites and want a dog that's minimal effort and straightforward to feed, eurasiers will be a stark difference. i feed homecooked toppers for his kibble or wet foods that i prepare almost daily and i'm constantly switching things up or offering food in novel ways. i have appetite hacks such as offering food in empty takeout boxes instead of his plate, it really is the dog equivalent of that tweet where the parent tricks their child into eating his banana by putting a paw patrol sticker on it.
(imho, this one may be controversial) if you already have several dogs or very young children that you are already dedicating most of your time to. NOT BECAUSE OF AGGRESSION- they're really good family pets and good with other dogs, but because eurasiers are such sensitive guys and crave quality time with their owners. if you can give them good one-on-one time every day i'm sure it'll be fine, but if you've already got a pack, especially with a velcro dog that lives on your lap then a eurasier may not be the best addition. i also wouldn't get a eurasier purely to keep another dog entertained, they desire human companionship.
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sleepingghostt · 2 months
Hiii, I hope you’re doing well!
I saw a post on twitter that says “you think you’re asking for too much until you find someone who does it naturally” and I thought it was fitting Kagaao
So I was wondering if you could write a bit about that because I know you can make magic with them 😂🫶
Omg yesss!!!! This fits them perfectly!!!
When I read this, I just imagined Daiki having one of his depression days. No energy to leave his house and go to Taiga’s apartment, he locks himself in his dark bedroom and hides under his heavy comforters. On days like these, he doesn’t even bother to switch his phone to not disturb.
He just turns it off completely and sleeps the day away, pausing here and there to skim through one of his Mai-Chan mags, fuck himself with one of his toys that Taiga got him, or stare blankly up at the ceiling as he contemplates his life on earth, cause what’s the fuck’s the point of living if he falls out of love with basketball again? Or if Taiga leaves him? It’s only a matter of time. Everyone leaves eventually.
During these episodes, he struggles to leave his room. Like he wants to and shit, but he just can’t. He’s read all his Mai-Chan mags a thousand times and had meant to get the new one that’d just come out last weekend but he’d put it off all week like a dumbass. So he’s lacking satisfaction.
He gets hungry too, stomach growling incessantly for food. He’s fucking craving teriayaki burgers and fries with a banana shake to wash it all down, but he can’t find the strength to get out of bed. Lacking nutrition.
He’ll need a shower too before he leaves (if he leaves) and the last time he took one was yesterday morning. Lacking cleanliness. Lacking clean clothes. Fuck everything.
He’s just rotting and suffering alone today. Until he hears footsteps outside his bedroom and knocking on his door.
“Baby, can I come in?”
Daiki says nothing, just huddles deeper under his covers as he hears the door open with a small creak. He feels pissed even though his heart flutters at the sound of his boyfriend’s voice. He wants to be alone today. Even his mom knows not to bother him on days like this. Fucking Satsuki even knows not to bother him on days like this.
Crinkling and rustling can be heard as Taiga makes his way to the bed, stepping over a mix of clean and dirty clothes and pushing aside garbage and discarded magazines.
Hope you like my depression room, you dick
There’s sounds of things being placed on the bedside table before the mattress dips with someone else’s weight. Daiki’s cheeks burn as Taiga gently lifts his blankets and slips beneath them, slotting himself behind the bluenette’s curled form.
The heat, normally a comfort, feels foreign today, misplaced but not unwanted. Not really. Daiki closes his eyes as Taiga’s arms wrap around his waist and he lets himself be pulled backwards into a warm big chest, his own chest deflating with a small sigh at the contact.
“Don’t wanna leave you alone today,” Taiga mumbles knowingly into unkempt blue hair, dropping some kisses to the strands. “Sorry.”
Heart warm, Daiki stays silent, finding Taiga’s foot with his and linking their ankles together. Can’t be by himself today huh…maybe company won't be such a bad thing.
Taking the gesture as a sign of acceptance, Taiga tightens his grip on the bluenette’s waist and busies himself with the side of his head, pressing kisses and making a soft trail down to the shell of his ear, the lobe, down his neck and back up to his cheek.
Breath by measured breath, Daiki slowly feels alive again…
They do this for the rest of the day, cuddling and napping with small breaks in between. Mid afternoon, Taiga wakes Daiki up with kisses and makes him eat something.
He’d brought him takeout and the newest Mai-Chan Magazine: a heap of teriyaki burgers and fries with an extra large banana shake to wash it all down, and a fresh, unwrinkled mag with his favorite idol in a maid outfit on the cover.
Daiki almost cries and gets a nosebleed. Almost. He wants to cry but if he did, Taiga might throw one of his annoying worry fits so he doesn’t, but his eyes do tear up and his throat feels rough as the redhead spreads all the food out across bed, setting up the laptop that Daiki’d left at his apartment two days ago in front of them so they could watch one of the bluenette’s favorite comfort animes: my neighbor Totoro.
Slumped with his back against his redhead’s chest, they watch the movie, Taiga’s loud chewing in Daiki’s ear, not as deafening as it usually is. Pouting, he even lets the older hand feed him his food (just for today- he gets a pass, he’s not himself) until he gets sleepy and they take another nap, this one less heavy, more light, the feeling of emptiness he felt in the morning, almost washed clean from his skin.
Nap, break to eat some more and finish the movie. Nap. Break to worship every ounce of his Mai-Chan treasure as Taiga watches him unamused yet fond, fingers in his hair, arm holding him close, keeping him tight against him. Nap. Break to cuddle. Nap. Finally ready for a bubble bath.
Content and well rested, Daiki loops his arms around Taiga’s neck and holds on tight as the redhead carries him bridal style to the bathroom where he runs the warm water and undresses him with gentle hands. Once placed inside the bubbly tub, Daiki hums appreciatively and rests back against the bath pillow Taiga had bought him, letting the heat seep into his bones as eucalyptus, one of his favorite scents calms his senses.
After a long soak and a scalp massage that almost puts him to sleep, Daiki’s ready to get out. He makes no protest as Taiga drains the tub and scoops him up again, wrapping him up into a warm, fuzzy towel burrito (the fucking towel hot and cozy, having just come out of the dryer- when the fuck did Kags have time to do the laundry?)
Once Daiki’s hair is thoroughly dried, the redhead carries him back to his bedroom where he dresses him in a sweatshirt and sweats and tucks him back into bed, turning off the light and hopping in after making sure his bluenette is comfortable.
By now, it’s nighttime and Daiki’s tired again. He yawns and snuggles into Taiga’s chest, breathing in the scent of home as big arms cradle him tight, fingernails skimming up and down his back in gentle motions.
”You up for cleaning your room tomorrow,” Taiga whispers lowly into his hair.
Daiki shrugs, almost out already, the steady heartbeat against his ear lulling him to sleep. “Sure. ‘S long as I’m not doing it by myself.”
A snort, then a kiss against his scalp. “Idiot. Of course you’re not doing it by yourself.”
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
Just as he opens his mouth to put his thoughts into words, Taiga beats him to it. “I love you.”
I know you do.
“I love you too…thanks for today. I needed this.”
He did. More than anything and of course Taiga knew that. That dumbass knew everything. Daiki didn’t even have to say anything and Taiga knew what he needed; what would make him feel better.
“Well I needed you, so I guess we’re even now.”
”…Guess we are.”
and of course Daiki falls asleep to Taiga’s murmured praises about how much he means to him.
Thanks @kagaomine510 for sending me this! This was so fun to write! Fuck I love them so much. It’s unreal how much Kagami loves Aomine, like seriously. His world literally revolves around the bluenette (and basketball, and food)
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thommi-tomate · 4 months
Special Müller Mail: RDY edition
Hello everyone
and welcome to the Müller Mail Special.
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FC Bayern's season is now officially over. Now the home European Championship is just around the corner and I can hardly wait to experience a great football festival in our country - as a player on the pitch, but also as a football fan.
We will be talking in detail about this major event in the coming weeks. In this special edition of Müller Mail, I would like to tell you about a project that I have put my heart and soul into.
After months of development work, RDY Protein Meal, the new protein drink meal that I launched together with ESN, is finally on the market. I was hooked from the very first idea, back in early 2023.
But first things first.
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What is RDY?
We've all been there - a hectic everyday life, little time for a balanced meal, we're on the go and still want to eat smart.
This is exactly where the RDY drinkable meal comes into play for me.
RDY stands for "ready" and is a protein drinkable meal. Together with the experts at ESN, we have worked on a recipe that delivers the best possible performance and, in my opinion, is now the tastiest drinkable meal on the market.
RDY now contains 38g of high-quality protein, fiber, important vitamins and minerals. The energy/carbohydrates come from valuable MCT oil, among other things. And what makes me particularly happy is that all four flavors taste really nice.
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Why RDY?
My basic idea is to pass on my experience and knowledge of nutrition and performance.
And now I even have the opportunity to launch products on the market with my partner ESN that help me personally to nourish my body better.
ESN is one of the leading German supplement manufacturers and the collaboration has been extremely positive so far.
Our first product is RDY Protein Meal.
During the development of the RDY protein drinkable meal, I was also in the laboratory several times to fine-tune the recipe and test the taste.
Protein was an important factor here.
Science currently agrees that a sufficient protein intake is not only filling, but also essential for a healthy and efficient body. As an athlete, I try to consume around 150g of protein (1.5-2g per kilo of body weight) a day. Of course, this may vary for you, so it's best to find out.
150 grams of protein a day is not so easy to achieve, even with three freshly prepared and balanced meals. An RDY Protein Meal often comes at just the right time.
One thing is important to me: drinking meals should not replace a balanced and freshly prepared meal. Rather, they are a much better alternative to snacks with empty calories such as chocolate bars, jelly babies, potato chips and the like. To be honest, we often snack our way through the day.
This is where RDY comes in and offers an excellent solution when you need something quick and easy, but still want to provide your body with high-quality nutrients. And of course it's really tasty too 😋
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My RDY favorite.
I love all the varieties, but if I had to choose a favorite, it would currently be the Milk Chocolate. The creamy chocolate flavor immediately reminds me of the delicious cocoa of my childhood.
A little Müller tip: In recent weeks, I've been drinking RDY Protein Meal in the evening with a handful of nuts and a few berries. This gives me something tasty to drink and something to bite into.
During the day, the banana flavor has currently taken the lead.
So I'm all the more excited to find out which variety you love.
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Exclusively at REWE & online.
Now it's your turn.
The RDY Protein Drinking Meals are available exclusively in your REWE store. I'd be delighted if you'd pick up a drink and give it a try. For those who prefer to order online, you can do so directly from ESN using this link: To the ESN website
Your opinion on RDY counts.
Now I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say. The initial feedback has been great and the drink is already sold out in some REWE stores. But whether it's positive or constructive - I really want to hear your honest opinion. Let me know how you like my protein drink and whether it helps you in your everyday life.
You can also send me photos or videos of you enjoying your new favorite drink. Or simply link to your Instagram or TikTok post about RDY Protein Meal.
With your permission (please be sure to add a comment) I will share some of them on my Instagram channel.
I will be giving away 3 RDY surprise packages from me among all entries.
Thank you so much for your continued support. Without you, my fans, it wouldn't be half as nice. You only win together. And that's exactly what we'll be doing at the upcoming European Championships.
Here's to an unforgettable football festival, keep your chin up and stay healthy,
Your Thomas
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riverofrainbows · 13 days
Why are people so batshit off in dream land of no critical thinking or even basic logic or even a shred of scientific methods when it comes to weight.
I'm seriously questioning the reputability of every health care professional who doesn't question this shit.
It's fucking bananas to talk to someone who is otherwise a thorough thinker and capable of processing new information, and able to recognise biases in other topics, and then watch them turn off their brain in real time to say the most fucking stupid ass out of whack things you can think of. Whenever it comes to weight and diet culture and fatphobia.
Tw: Body descriptions, weight talk, talk about food. Don't proceed if you aren't up for that!
Why do i have to read that the official recommendation for pregnant people is that they eat low fat and carbs? You know, consuming energy and essential body building blocks, the things you might want to do to grow a whole baby.
Why does my endocrinologist, who is an actual good doctor on most other stuff, telling me, a skinny person who is just recently getting out of underweight territory, not to gain too much weight? Because i am "close to an overweight bmi". And insist on that, even when i remind her that muscles weigh weight too, and while looking right at me (i still have trouble fitting adult size wrist watches).
Bmi as a whole.
Why do i have to read an otherwise properly researched and well done article insist that being underweight is notably less risky health wise than being slightly overweight? And not even overweight at all, it specified 'slightly overweight'. Like that is fucking ludicrous. In the same article, they described the unique and dangerous health risks of being underweight. But that couldn't possibly affect their foregone conclusion (that being fat is the worst thing).
Why do i have to listen to a presentation by a person who rates weight gain as a worse side effect of medication than seizures and strokes???????? They built that part up in a way that i thought it would be risk of developing cancer or something, but then they said it will lead to weight gain of on average 2 to 5 kilos. In a population that might even struggle with being underweight due to the underlying condition this medication is prescribed for. Weight gain. And on average just a couple kilos.
Like how am i supposed to take these people propagating that seriously? As people, but more relevant also as professionals?
How could you, how are you, supposed to trust someone with your healthcare, and possibly even your life, after they demonstrate that where dogma comes into play, they shut off the critical thinking part of their brain and are willing to endanger your life because you might be less fuckable afterwards?
How are you supposed to trust the professional opinion of someone, and specifically also their ability to evaluate and apply medical research and other sources, after they demonstrate that they can't? Or, more accurately, that they apply these skills selectively.
It makes them spineless principle-less bad scientists, and it's fucking scary to witness.
Because these people hold power. They're gate keepers of people's means to bodily autonomy. And they're not acting trustworthy or qualified.
If you're a medical professional reading this: please evaluate your biases around weight and nutrition. Unless you're already aware of medical fatphobia, you can do better and your patients will thank you.
Try applying critical thinking to what you're told and what you're reading on these topics, and try to see where people start with unquestioned foregone conclusions and don't actually apply the data and information at hand.
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Diarrhea – (not only) an unpleasant travel companion
Sun, sand, and sea – it would be so wonderful if it weren’t for diarrhea. Diarrhea is the most common illness when traveling. Bacterial infections are most likely the trigger. For healthy adults, these infections are usually harmless and disappear after a short time, even without treatment. Severe diarrhea, which is accompanied by severe water loss, is rare and particularly dangerous for babies, toddlers, pregnant women, diabetics and elderly people.
If you have only soft stools, you don’t have to worry. However, if you have to go to the toilet more often than three times a day, or when the stool is very watery and the overall amount has increased then these are symptoms of mild to moderate diarrhea. If there is no improvement after two to three days or the diarrhea is very severe, you should consult a doctor.
Our travel tips – how you can treat mild diarrhea yourself while traveling:
Drink plenty of fluids (at least 3 – 4 liters per day) with salts (electrolytes).
Adults with diarrhea can prepare an electrolyte solution for themselves:
Dissolve ½ teaspoon salt and 5 teaspoons sugar in 0.5 l boiled water, flavor with orange juice.
(Please note this is not suitable for children under 5 years old!)
For children under 5 years of age you can obtain special electrolyte solutions in the pharmacy.
Salt can also be consumed in the form of clear, salted soup or broth.
Bananas and apricots are rich in potassium, which is one of the most important electrolytes.
After the first few days of an acute diarrhea illness, you should try to consume products that contain little or no milk.
Eat normally as soon as you start to feel better with an increased appetite.
Medication for acute diarrhea is only useful in some cases, e. g. to slow down dangerous water loss or to survive a long bus journey.
Colas and pretzel sticks are not a suitable treatment for rehydration and salt intake.
Gentle colon cleansing with psyllium seeds act like a mild swelling and intestinal lubricant. They cleanse the intestines of putrefactive substances and intestinal gases and promote the growth of intestinal-friendly bacteria. Psyllium seeds are known as well tolerated.
In case of severe diarrhea, you should definitely consult a doctor.
Note: If you suffer from frequent diarrhea, this could be caused by food intolerances and allergies, e.g. lactose, fructose or histamine intolerance. In this case, we recommend that you get in contact with your health care practitioner (HCP) for further consultation. If these intolerances are not responsible for your diarrhea, the cause may be an IgG food hypersensitivity. IgG food hypersensitivities often remain undetected because the symptoms only occur a few hours or even days after the consumption of a trigger food. This makes them extremely difficult to identify. Fortunately, a reliable diagnostic test and nutritional concept can help: ImuPro. Find out more about the ImuPro test without obligation.
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alittle-toosilly · 2 months
Hi writers and hopefully not serial killers! I have some great questionable information for you!
CW:Death, Murder, mentions of replicated s*icide, cannibalism, drugs, drug od, dropping a baby, and general dark topics under cut (Don't say I didn't warn u)
Spinal fluid tastes like a mixture of banana and 9 volt batteries
Rigor mortis starts 2 hours after death (starting in the face and working down to the limbs), fully sets in at 12, and lasts 36 hours in total
In high humidity, the skin of corpses turn black after a week or so
Corpses release a lot of nitrogen when decomposing and other stuff that plants LOVE so please bury bodies in places with vegetation, or you'll have a grassy patch in a bare area, which will look weird
Arteries feel like cooked tubular pasta
If you drop a uterus, it will bounce
The typical human skull weighs about 11lbs/4.99kg on average
Brains are not as squishy as you think! Still squishy tho
Do not cut your palms for blood sacrifices, that's where a lot of nerve endings are and it will HURT!
Steaming alive is more painful than burning alive since it destroys nerves slower and steam burns hurt really bad too
(In America, at least) Vehicular manslaughter is a good way to kill someone because getting hit by a car will leave you severely, permanently injured if not in a vegetative state (AT BEST) and if you have a good enough lawyer it can be written off as a road rage incident and you can get less time in jail
Wear different perfumes, shoes, clothes, wigs, makeup, anything and everything that significantly alters your appearance when disposing of crime scenes as to not be easily identified (AND GLOVES TOO! GLOVESS!!)
Human meat tastes like sweet, bitter, slightly more tough pork or veal. The human placenta is safe to eat if cooked right and is a form of postpartum recovery. Depends on person and cut of meat.
The palms are the tastiest part of the human body, the legs having good nutrition too, AND you can eat the ribs like BBQ ribs
Even consensual cannibalism can cause severe psychological stress and you are at risk of getting various diseases if not prepared and eaten properly
Choking by ice cube is a good way to kill someone since the ice cube will melt by the time they find the body
A lot of medicine at home (Tylenol, Advil, cough and cold medicine, etc.) is lethal in the right doses, most likely when combined as well. Feeding people home drug cocktail infused meals and drinks repeatedly is a good way to murder someone, as long as they can't taste anything weird. You can also write it off as a s*icide by drug cocktail. Know the lethal dose of said drugs for the victim as well
Injecting insulin under the tongue is also good murder method since they can't usually find it with regular autopsy stuff and if they do check for it, they will write it off as undiagnosed diabetes (bonus points if you drive far away and make the victim look like they died while out walking)
If you drop a baby and the blood that comes out of their ear has yellow in it, they have brain damage
Typical stabs have a VERY low mortality rate. A pocket knife to the gut won't do anything. Go for the throat since it damages their vocal cords and stops them from screaming, and the neck is a hotspot for major blood vessels
Soak bloodstained fabric in cold water overnight, apply hydrogen peroxide the next day, then wash. May take a few tries.
Always dismember bodies and puncture their organs and put them in bags with VERY HEAVY weights (heavier than them, ideally) to prevent them from floating up
Eyes sink into the skulls of dead bodies.
Bodies muscles tense up during cremation, causing them to thrash around and sit up
It takes 520lbs or 235kg of force to crush a human skull (sorry guys)
Dissolving bodies in a strong base is better than an acid bc it's less suspicious when bought in large quantities (some strong bases are used in soap making) and will turn bone into brittle calcium stuff that is great for fertilizer
Pigs will eat corpses as long as you get the teeth out. Collect em in a jar or smthn
An air shot between the toes will replicate a heart attack almost perfectly. Bonus points if the victim has a family history of heart attacks or as it risk of one
I may rb with more if I collect more. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of these, and feel free to add any!
If this made anybody uncomfy I'm terribly sorry and will delete this.
I am not responsible for what people do with this info!!
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blc-instant-foods · 1 month
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Deliciously Healthy: Sarvottam Lito Banana Treat for Your Little Ones!
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meowww-ffxiv · 2 months
Arcadion spoilers for quests.
Meowdred being led to a gym smelling of sweat and whatever ozone scent and leather that housed a young adult catgirl and her baby sister like goddamn... Where are your parents? And then being told that they were dead like. 💀
Then the girls said, "We don't have anything aside from energy tonics!" got him like 💀💀💀
Yaana and her sister were stunned and tried to tell him not to, but Meowdred sure got them a full meal just from the collectibles he hadn't turned in yet (marinated alpaca steak, banana ponzecake), and a salad from the ever-fresh vegetables he just dropped off at Oblivion's old hideout because he was afraid Shale wasn't getting enough nutrition.
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rachellaurengray · 4 months
Healthy Hotel Eating Made Easy: Your Stress-Free 3-Day Meal Plan and Shopping Guide
So, you're gearing up for a few days in a hotel, and you're determined to stick to your healthy eating routine without blowing your budget. Well, I've got you covered! As someone who's always on the go, I know the struggle of finding quick, nutritious meals, especially when you're away from your kitchen. But fear not! With a little insider knowledge and some clever shopping tips, you can maintain your healthy habits effortlessly, even in a hotel room.
Let's dive into a personalized shopping list and meal plan tailored just for you.
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Shopping List:
1. Protein Options:
- Canned tuna or salmon (low sodium)
- Greek yogurt (plain, low-fat)
- Hard-boiled eggs
- Pre-cooked grilled chicken strips
2. Carbohydrate Choices:
- Instant brown rice packets
- Whole grain bread or rice cakes
- Fresh fruits (apples, bananas, berries)
- Baby carrots or snap peas (for snacking)
3. Healthy Fats:
- Avocado (pre-sliced or individual packs)
- Almonds or mixed nuts (unsalted)
- Individual packets of nut butter (peanut, almond)
4. Non-Perishable Items:
- Whole grain cereal or granola
- Nutritious snack bars (with minimal added sugars)
- Instant oatmeal packets (low sugar)
- Whole grain crackers or rice cakes
Meal Plan (Sample):
Day 1:
- Breakfast: Greek yogurt topped with berries and a handful of almonds (Approx. 300 calories)
- Lunch: Tuna salad made with canned tuna, mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and a side of whole grain crackers (Approx. 350 calories)
- Dinner: Grilled chicken strips with steamed baby carrots and instant brown rice (Approx. 400 calories)
Day 2:
- Breakfast: Whole grain toast with avocado slices and a hard-boiled egg (Approx. 300 calories)
- Lunch: Peanut butter spread on rice cakes, served with apple slices (Approx. 350 calories)
- Dinner: Salmon salad made with canned salmon, mixed greens, cucumber slices, and a light vinaigrette dressing (Approx. 400 calories)
Day 3:
- Breakfast: Instant oatmeal with banana slices and a sprinkle of cinnamon (Approx. 300 calories)
- Lunch: Whole grain wrap filled with grilled chicken strips, spinach, and hummus, served with carrot sticks (Approx. 350 calories)
- Dinner: Veggie stir-fry with pre-cooked brown rice (Approx. 400 calories)
Note: Calorie counts are approximate and may vary based on specific brands and serving sizes. Adjust portion sizes as needed to meet your individual calorie and nutrition goals. Enjoy your hotel stay while staying nourished and energized!
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themomjoy · 5 months
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Nourishing Your Body After Baby: 20 Postpartum Superfoods
Congratulations on your bundle of joy! As a new mom, taking care of yourself is just as important as caring for your newborn. Your body has been through an incredible journey, and proper nourishment is key to replenishing your energy levels, aiding recovery, and supporting milk production if you're breastfeeding. Here are 20 powerhouse foods that should be on your postpartum menu:
1. Oatmeal
This humble grain is a postpartum all-star. Oatmeal provides gentle carbs to replenish your glycogen stores and is packed with fiber to keep your digestive system running smoothly.
2. Eggs
Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which can help soothe those sore muscles from labor. Look for omega-3 fortified eggs for an extra nutritional boost.
3. Apples
Crisp and refreshing, apples can help clean your palate and provide much-needed fiber and hydration.
4. Chicken Soup
There's a reason chicken soup is a classic remedy – the broth is hydrating and replenishes electrolytes lost during labor.
5. Nuts and Nut Butters
Nuts and nut butters are a convenient source of healthy fats and protein, providing sustained energy for those sleepless nights.
6. Fatty Fish
Salmon, tuna, and other fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for your baby's brain development if you're breastfeeding.
7. Avocados
Avocados are another excellent source of healthy fats, which are essential for your recovery and overall well-being.
8. Lean Meats
Lean meats like chicken, turkey, and lean beef provide protein, iron, and zinc to prevent anemia from blood loss during childbirth.
9. Leafy Greens
Load up on nutrient-dense leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard. They're packed with folate, iron, and fiber to support your postpartum needs.
10. Yogurt
Yogurt is a versatile postpartum food that provides probiotics to aid digestion and protein for recovery.
11. Beans and Lentils
These plant-based powerhouses are excellent sources of protein, fiber, iron, and zinc – all essential nutrients for postpartum recovery.
12. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, which plays a crucial role in postpartum tissue healing.
13. Berries
Antioxidant-rich berries like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries provide vitamin C for wound healing and overall immune support.
14. Whole Grains
Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole-wheat bread offer energizing complex carbs and fiber to keep you feeling satisfied.
15. Bone Broth
Sipping on bone broth is a comforting way to support tissue repair, as it contains collagen, a key component of connective tissue.
16. Seeds
Nutrient-dense seeds like chia and flaxseeds provide fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for postpartum recovery.
17. Bananas
Bananas are a great source of potassium, which can help restore electrolyte levels after childbirth.
18. Bell Peppers
Colorful bell peppers are loaded with vitamin C, which aids in recovery and immune function.
19. Milk
If you're breastfeeding, milk is a must-have for hydration, protein, calcium, and vitamin D.
20. Water
Last but not least, water is crucial for milk production and overall recovery. Aim for at least 96 ounces (or about 3 liters) of water daily. Remember, the key to postpartum nourishment is focusing on nutrient-dense foods rich in protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. These foods will aid in healing, boost energy levels, and support milk production if you're breastfeeding. Nourish your body, and it will nourish your baby. Enjoy this special time with your little one, and don't forget to take care of yourself, too!
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Spoink & Grumpig
Spoink (#325)
Saltusus impiger (Spoink) Spoinks are psychic-type pig Pokémon that loosely substitute as smaller warthogs in this universe. They average at 2’4 feet tall (0.7 M) and 67.5 kg (30.5 kg).
Habitat: The highlands and coastlands of the African continent.
Life Cycles: Spoink eggs are laid along the oceanic coastlines, where their hatching season is perfectly timed with Clamperl pearl production/Evolution cycles, so when the Spoinks hatch from their eggs their parents take them down to the water to find a Clamperl pearl of their own. These pearls are used to amplify the Spoink’s psychic powers. However, both Spoink and Clamperl are prey Pokémon, which can cause both of their populations to fluctuate in conflict with each other. Some years all of the Spoinks get their pearls within hours of hatching, and some years there are hundreds of Spoinks who have to wait months to get their pearl. Spoinks are somewhat dependent on their pearls for survival, since they help prevent them from tiring out and aid in utilizing their psychic powers against predators, but they can live without them. It’s just not recommended at all.
When it’s time to leave the hatching grounds along the coast [March-April OR September-August] the parent Grumpigs will lead their Spoinks into the highlands, where they will live out the rest of their lives except when it comes time to raise babies of their own. And while Spoinks can reproduce, in the wild this requires so much effort (and danger!) to travel back and forth from the hatching grounds, that most wild Spoinks do not mate until they become Grumpigs at level 32. Overall, Spoinks have a life span of around ~10 years if they do not evolve, due to the physically exhaustive nature of their bouncing. And in the wild they are predated upon by larger carnivores, namely Pyroars, Talonflames, Ariadoses, Sevipers, and such.
Behavior: Spoinks are fun and joyous creatures that love to bounce and play around, and are even good for beginner trainers—especially children! It is a complete myth that Spoinks will die if they stop bouncing, however it can cause circulatory problems. In fact, if you see a Spoink that’s not moving, it’s probably in “torpor” and not actually dead. Torpor is such an intense state of rest for an animal, that their heart rate and metabolism slows down incredibly and it will make the individual unresponsive, thus unintentionally mimicking the appearance of death, but I promise your Spoink is just fine! This state saves on energy expenditure at night, and Spoinks go into this state for much the same physiological reasons as hummingbirds.
Diet: Spoinks eat a diet that is almost exclusively fruit (upwards of 95% of their daily nutrition), and sometimes nuts for protein or mushrooms it may find rummaging in the ground. They may also eat nectar, sap, or honey if available. Trainers, when feeding your Spoink be sure to give it a high-sugar diet or it will suffer from low energy and perhaps even die of malnutrition! Yes, you can give your Spoink that leftover Halloween candy you still have from last year, it might not be as good as fruit but your Spoink really needs that sugar! Bananas, citrus fruit, berries, honey, maple syrup, other fruits, and other things of the sort are all great for your Spoink! In a pinch, cooked potatoes, carrots, bread (cake…), pasta, rice, and beans work, too, but remember that Spoinks are overwhelmingly frugivorous and require high-sugar diets in order to thrive. If you want to be creative, feel free to make fruit smoothies with perhaps a bit of protein powder mixed in, or chopped carrots, or something.
Conservation: Threatened
Relationship with Humans: Spoinks make excellent companions for children and can be found at daycares and kindergartens the world over. They’re popular as the basis for toys and plushies, and in general are associated with childcare for the straightforward reason that Spoinks are high energy creatures who love sugar and children are also high-energy creatures who love sugar! Spoinks are frequently given out as starter Pokémon, especially in rural areas and in African countries.
The amicability of Spoinks is surprising, given the shared evolutionary history that humans have with them and Grumpigs. Wild Spoinks are generally fearful of humans, however typically the stock given to trainers are hand-reared ones that have had their wild ferality bred out of them. With that said, the aggressive natures of Grumpigs make the entire line unsuitable for agriculture, let alone the commensalistic relationship with Clamperls.  
Classification: They are most closely related to Lechonks and Tepigs, who are in a separate genus from Spoinks. The genus name Saltusus is a combination of “saltus” meaning leap/bounce/jump and “sus” meaning “pig.” The species epithet “impiger” means effectively means “energetic” or “indefatigable” in latin, and the pun of “pig” in the word exists naturally which is why it was picked.  
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Grumpig (#326)
Saltusus pignax (Grumpig)
Grumpigs are psychic-type pig Pokémon with an average height of 2’11 (0.9 M) and weight of 157.6 pounds (71.5 kg). When a Spoink evolves, the pearl on its head evolves with it to become the black pearls on the Grumpig. They loosely substitute as bigger warthogs in this universe.
Habitat: African highlands and coastlands.
Life Cycles: Once a Grumpig evolves from a Spoink, its life expectancy skyrockets to as high as 40 years in captivity.
When it’s time to mate, Grumpigs will dance to show off to their prospective mates. It’s common for pairs to stick together for the breeding season, then separate for the rest of the year. The mating season begins ~2 months before the migration to the coastlands begins, where they will lay their eggs.
Grumpigs are fairly protective of their Spoinks, of which they will have litters of 12-25 at a time.  
Behavior: While Spoinks are joyous and playful, Grumpigs become rather territorial and wild ones are notoriously aggressive toward humans (they see us as predators). Don’t worry though, when raised by humans Grumpigs (especially the domesticated stock) are quite friendly and easy enough to handle, though their territoriality kicks in and they can become protective of their trainers and household members.
However, Grumpigs lack horns so their version of attacking involves doing elaborate dances to utilize their psychic powers.
Diet: Grumpigs are omnivores that will eat nuts, fruits, mushrooms, low-level mushroom Pokémon, and even low-level bug Pokémon.
Conservation: Threatened
Relationship with Humans: Grumpigs have been hunted by humanity for millennia. Who can blame them for being aggressive toward us? Their black pearls are treasured in art by many cultures, and their psychic dances have entranced people for as long as we can remember. Grumpigs are hugely significant to many cultures in the African continent.
Outside of natural history, Grumpigs have been domesticated enough to be suitable partner Pokémon for trainers. They eat a wide range of foods and are largely agreeable to many housing circumstances and to other Pokémon. Their territoriality can become a problem at times, but when put toward constructive uses Grumpigs become protective and excellent caretakers. This is a good role for Grumpigs to evolve into as they develop away from their child-like Spoink natures and become guardians of the very children that they once bounced around with for hours each day. By and large, Grumpigs and Spoinks are considered an incredibly family-friendly Pokémon line.
There is a line of baby monitors that look like Grumpigs!
Classification: The species epithet “impignux” is a pun-mutilation (punilation?) of “impugnux” which means “aggressive” in latin, to match the inherent pun seen in Spoink’s species epithet.
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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