#healthiest way to eat a banana
captainershad-blog · 6 months
Banana Nutrition Facts: Why should you have a banana every day?
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charliehoennam · 1 year
Aww I love your writing so much!!!! 🩷🩷 The detective Loki A-Z felt so accurate 🥹 he’s so precious. Can you write something that kind of goes off the jealousy area? Like it’s a coworker who reader gets close with and is honestly clueless to the flirting?
F o r g i v e n
a/n: here you go, nonny! i couldn't agree more. David is my baby and he deserves some happiness and a warm hug
pairing: Detective David Loki x reader
summary: a new co-worker makes a misguided move on the reader and david gets pissed
warnings: language, angst, arguing (if i missed one, lemme know. minors, do not interact!)
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Sliding your legs over the edge of your side of the bed, you sit up and rub the sleep from your eyes. David’s on the phone with O’Malley. You already know he’s gotta go into work today.
“Yeah, I’ll be there in 30 tops” he says lowly in his gravely morning voice before hanging up his cell phone.
“I’ll make breakfast” you smile sleepily at him.
You reach out to reassuringly squeeze his arm to let him know it’s alright. He’s already mentally beating himself up for waking you up and not being able to be enjoy his morning off with you as he had promised.
You make your way through the one-story house and head to the kitchen to get his coffee going. You decide on making a hearty breakfast because you know very well David will skip lunch today.
So, you settle for a nice egg, bacon, and cheese sandwich on toasted bagels with cream cheese. You make two for him so he can take one to work and hopefully eat while he’s on the road. You even cut up some bananas, apples, strawberries and oranges to make a little fruit salad.
David isn’t the healthiest guy around, but he deeply appreciates that you care for him and his health. He never really had anyone to care about him – much less his health – so he’ll sure make to eat every bite.
You hear his electric razor shut off after his shower. A while later, he comes into the kitchen with his hair slicked back. His light blue button-up shirt is open, exposing his white sleeveless undershirt. His gold chain dangles and dances around his neck as he buttons the cuffs of his shirt.
You can’t help but smile to yourself. You wish you could stop him and slide his button-up off. You love it when he wears his undershirt and chain around the house.
“Honey, think you can get a ride to work today?” he asks kissing the back of your head as you slice up the fruit.
“Yeah, babe. It’s no problem. I already texted Jared and asked him to pick me up.”
His hands working the buttons closed on his front stop as his eyes narrow in on the back of your head.
“Jared? You already texted him?”
“Yeah. I figured you’d leave before me.”
You know that there’s something he’s holding back from you. You turn your head to glance at him, hoping to get a read of him as you slide the chopped-up fruit in a container.
“Is there a problem with that?”
You already know the answer to that.
“No. Nothing. Just didn’t know you and Jared were so close already. I mean, didn’t he just start there like two weeks ago?”
His eyebrows rise and his lip press flat as he looks down at his hands, letting them finish their work on his shirt.
“Two months ago, but he was pretty much on his own, so I figured I’d be the first to befriend him. The first weeks are the worst when you start working at a new place.”
“Yeah, I get that. Just didn’t think you were already texting each other.”
“Dave, there’s nothing going on between us if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to. Your face says it all.”
You’re slightly hurt that he would think there could be something brewinh between you and Jared. It may come from a place of worry, but isn't that trust is for?
“Look, I gotta get going. I’ll see you tonight.”
You nod as you hand him the containers of sandwiches and his travel mug. He leaves you with a kiss on your forehead and you watch him leave, letting the tension hang in the air. You try to put it on the mental backburner as you head up to get ready for your day.
Hearing a honk coming from outside, you look out the window and confirm Jared’s arrival. You grab your bag, keys and phone before heading out the door and walking to Jared’s car.
“Hey, Jare. Thanks for the late-notice lift. David got called in and my car’s still at the shop.”
“You know I don’t mind it at all. It’s been almost a couple days though. Have they given you any updates on it?”
“Something about the starting motor failing. Solenoid damage, I think? They have to replace some coils or some shit.”
“That shouldn’t take more than a few hours to replace though.”
“David says the same thing. He’s getting pretty impatient. Said he’s gonna stop by there today to check up. You know how some mechanics can be when they see a girl with car trouble.” You complete with a roll of your eyes.
“Yeah, some pricks take advantages. I know a thing or two about cars. I’d be happy to look into it for you if you want?”
“Really? Yeah, yeah. That’d be great. I’m gonna wait for David though. He said he’d stop by there today. I’ll give you a heads up though.”
After arriving to work, you head straight for your sector to settle in. You can’t help but notice how kind Jared seems to be towards you in this new light that David casted earlier in the morning.
Jared always offers to refill your water bottle whenever he gets up, always offers snacks, brings you back your favorite coffee or tea after his breaks, compliments your hair or nails or even your perfume. During the whole day, you can’t help but notice he doesn’t treat his other co-workers the same. You begin to wonder if you’ve led him on to believe you’re more than just co-workers or if it’s because he’s new and not very close to the others.
You decide to shake the thought from your head and go on about your work. However, with this new concept in the back of your mind, you start to politely deny Jared’s kind offers. He doesn’t seem hurt by it. A small wave of relief washes over you. Maybe you were just in over your head and overthinking what David had told you.
Around closing time, Jared stops by your station to check if you need a ride home. You check your phone, hoping David texted you with a reply about picking you up, but there’s no new messages.
Your heart sinks a bit. You’d hoped he could’ve at least replied. Is he really that upset with you?
“Yeah, I could use a ride.”
The house isn’t very far. You could walk home, but the rain is already pouring down heavy. And this time of year, the cold winter air is starting to arrive, slickening the streets and sidewalks with ice.
You smile to hide that you wished you didn’t need a ride from Jared. You know it’s not gonna make things easier to deal with at home.
Part of you thinks David is acting ridiculously like a child that's too selfish to share a toy. Only you’re not a toy. You’re a human being and you’re his fiancée. You’re supposed to be getting married.
The other part of you wonders how you would feel if it were the other way around. If he had a new partner on the job and spent hours with her. With everything Jared does for you, would you be ok with someone else treating David the same way?
Trying to settle the internal dispute, you remember that it’s your intentions that really counts. You’re not breaking his trust because you have no intention of getting with Jared. You’re friends and that’s all there is. And you would want David to have a good friend too in your situation.
You walk out together, gabbling on about the day as you climb into his car.
As Jared turns onto your street, you’re laughing over an amusing situation you’d survived in your first week at the company with an unsatisfied client. Jared had had his first unpleasant interaction with a frustrated client. Although he handled it pretty well, he was still a bit disappointed about it.
Grateful the rain has let up, you notice Dave’s car parked in the driveway. Why didn’t he at least text you back if he was home? You feel a slight pang in your chest, but you shove it down as you continue your conversation. Jared knows your line of though has been thrown off and he can only guess it has to do with the black Crown Victoria perched in front of the garage.
“It can happen to anyone,” you say looking up at the tall brown-haired co-worker as he turns the car off, parking in front of your house. You hear a door close from outside and keys jingling, but you don’t think much of it. Most of your neighbors get home at this time as well.
“You can’t please everybody and you have to accept that,” you resume looking down at the dashboard. “You’re not here to please, you’re here to do your job.”
“You’re an amazing person, you know that?”
Something is different about the way Jared is looking at you. It’s intense and you don’t like it.
He leans over the arm rest/storage compartment separating the front seats and places a surprising kiss on your cheek.
You quick react by pulling yourself back and gently push him away with a hand on his shoulder.
“Whoa, Jared. That’s sweet, but i-it’s not like that. We’re just friends. You realize that, right?” you ask frowning at him. “I’m happily engaged.”
“Y-yeah... I figured. I thought I-I’d shoot my shot. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” He looks down embarrassed as his cheeks blush a bright regretful shade of red. “I misread things. I’m sorry. That’s on me. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine. Just… Don’t do that again, alright?”
“Yeah. Definitely will not” he chuckles nervously. “It won’t happen again. I promise. Just like you said, we’re only friends.”
You’re not really sure how to react. You can tell he feels really awkward about the whole thing, but you just want to get out of there as quickly as possible.
Flashing a shy, nervous smile at him, you thank him for the ride and climb out of the car. You slowly walk up the concrete path, digging through you bag for your keys.
Upon finding them, you look up and freeze.
David is standing in the path, glaring at the young man in the car. As he keeps his furious gaze locked on Jared, his hands move to rest on his hip. Pushing back his black winter jacket, his gold badge and his standard issue gun are exposed to remind Jared of who he is.
You don’t realize it’s a non-verbal threat. You just think he’s pissed judging by the constant hard blinking of his eyes.
“David, it’s not what you th-“ you start only to be cut off.
“In the house. Right now.”
He has a point. This isn’t a topic to discuss outside for all your neighbors to hear.
You walk quietly past him and march up the porch. You leave the door open for him, but he’s not far behind you. Only a couple moments since he’d been staring Jared down until he finally drove away.
The door slams as he enters the house.
“Are you fucking serious? There’s nothing going on, right?” He asks loudly and angrily.
“Yes, there’s nothing going on, Dave.” You say trying to stay calm, unwilling to match his tone. You’d be angry too in his place.
“You expect me to believe that after what I just saw?!”
“Yes, because that’s the truth. I know how that looked like. He thought I was sending him signs of interest. I won’t lie about that. But I didn’t want him to do that. There is absolutely no interest on my behalf!”
“The fucking chicken hawk just kissed you!”
“I didn’t want him to! I told him that! Maybe if you had picked me up from work or at least fucking texted me back, I wouldn’t have gotten in that fucking car in the first place!” you seethe at him.
“Oh, so this is my fault??” he snaps back at you bewildered.
He opens his mouth to speak, but just in that same moment, his cell phone rings. A hushed ‘fuck’ escapes from his lips as he answers the call. You just roll your eyes and fold your arm across your chest because you already know what that means.
The conversation is quick. You can’t tell much; all you know is that Captain O’Malley is calling him into the station.
“We’re not done on this”, he says with a raised finger in your direction and opens the door behind him.
The door slams shut. You close your eyes and lean against the wall, wishing you had never gotten in that car.
Dragging your tired body up the stairs, you make your way to your room. You notice the comforter is rumpled on David’s side along with his pillows. It’s not as you had it in the morning; it was neat and made to look inviting. You sigh and run a hand through your hair. Now you know why he didn’t answer you at first; he had fallen asleep.
You set your bag atop of the dresser that you share. You dig out your phone to set it to charge. There’re a couple unread messages and 2 missed calls; all from David and right around the time you’d left work.
Sorry, babe. Fell asleep and just woke up.
On my way right now!
You feel guilty thinking about how you could’ve avoided the whole ordeal. Now, David is mad at you and you’re mad at him for thinking that you wanted Jared to kiss you.
You head into the ensuite bathroom to shower and let the water wash away the stress of your day. As the warm water pours over you, you just hope this isn’t what ends your relationship.
Once you’re cleaned and a bit more relaxed, you go about the house to start on some of the chores. Deciding on a simple, quick and easy dinner, you sit on the couch to eat by yourself.
It’s been hours since David’s left and you miss him. You just want him to come home, so you can tell him how much you miss and love him.
You look down at your phone. He read your “I’m sorry” text, but he hasn’t replied. You wonder if it’s because he’s busy or he just doesn’t want to talk to you.
Wanting to stay up and wait for him, you start on the dirty dishes and pots in the kitchen. Then the laundry. You can’t stay still. It bothers you too much and you have to stay awake. There’s nothing left to do around the house, so you plot back down on the couch and surf through the channels to try to find something to watch.
It’s around midnight when you hear his car pull into the driveway. You race to the window to look out and make sure it’s him. He looks tired as he approaches the house with his keys in hand. His shoulders are hunched from the weight of the day’s stress.
You stand by the window and watch as he drags himself inside. He closes the door and hangs up his jacket before kicking his boots off. His back is turned to you and he hasn’t seen you yet.
When he does, he gazes at you for a moment. He’s too tired to argue, but he loves the fact that you’re wearing his sweater.
“You hungry? I made dinner. I can make you a plate,” you say softly breaking the silence.
“Yeah, I could eat.”
It’s quiet between you both. It’s a moment of cease fire. The elephant is still in the room, but you know how his weighs heavily on him. Especially with the case he’s working on. You don’t know much about it. David likes to keep that away from you. All you know is what you heard on the news and that there are kids involved. Those types of cases hit too close to home for him.
You leave him to eat in peace and tell him that you’re heading up to bed.
Assuming he’ll sleep on the couch since he must be upset still, you head to the bathroom to have a final tinkle before bed and brush your teeth. You crawl into bed and hug your pillow as you stare at the wall, luminated only by the fluorescent orange light of the street lamps.
Tears prick your eyes. You hate this distance between you and him. It’s ridiculous, but you know it’s not the time for it.
You hear David’s footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall. The door creaks as he walks into the bedroom.
He goes about his usual routine; set his ring and chain on top of the dresser along with his badge. Then he walks over to the nightstand to open the drawer there. He pulls his gun from it's holster and makes sure its' safety is on. He had set it before already, but it never hurt to double check.
Soon after setting the gun in the lockbox within the drawer, he quietly makes his way to the bathroom. He opens the squeaky faucet and water pours from the shower.
He doesn’t take long. It’s a quick shower to wash his hair and body. He’s too tired to do more than he has to.
You hear him come into the room to grab a pair of boxers from his drawers. He seems quiet and still. Though your back is turned to him, you feel his eyes on you.
He stands still, hands on the wooden dresser as he mentally contemplates what to do. He knows it wasn’t your fault. He knows it wasn’t you who kissed Jared. He saw you pull away and push him back. He knows you didn’t like it or expect it just as much as him.
His head drops and his eyes close. In truth, the time at work had kept him too busy to think about it much, but he did think about you. Part of him felt you were like a victim, caught up in the crime with no fault. The other part of him wondered what could have happened to influence Jared to kiss you.
With a heavy sigh, you sense his footsteps approaching the bed. You expect to feel the wool blanket at the foot of the bed slide off along with his pillow.
To your surprise, you feel the comforter lifts behind you allowing a cool breeze to creep onto your back. Your heart beats faster. The mattress dips with his heavy frame. And you feel an arm drape over your waist.
“You awake?” His voice is a whisper in the dark.
You reply with a nod. You don’t want him to see you’re crying, though you know it’s inevitable.
“Can we talk?”
You quickly wipe your eyes in an attempt to omit the evidence of your pain. Turning onto your other side, you’re face to face. His hand doesn’t leave your waist. You let him slide underneath your shirt to feel your warmth.
“I don’t wanna fight. I don’t wanna argue,” he starts.
“Neither do I, Dave.” Your voice is soft as you reach to tenderly hold his bicep. You want to pull him close and hold him forever, but that might be too much.
“Are you really happy being with me?”
Your heart breaks to think that he feels like you might not be happy with him. You open your mouth to answer him, desperate to chase away his fear, but he continues.
“I know I’m not the best partner. I know for sure I haven’t been in the past. In some relationships, I didn’t even try to be. But I’m trying, sweetheart. I’m trying real hard because I love you and I want to be with you. I don’t know if it’s enou-“
You can’t listen to him anymore.
“Listen to me, Dave. I love you. You are more than enough for me and you make me the happiest in the world. And that’s enough for me. I’m not going anywhere.”
“You sure about that?” he asks with pleading eyes.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Jared is just a dude I felt bad for at work. I was just trying to be a friend, that’s all. But he misread my intentions. That’s it, that’s all that happened. And I’m gonna distance myself from him because I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.”
David feels relieved to hear your solution. He didn’t want risk sounding like a possessive jerk and ask you to not talk to Jared anymore, but he likes that you’re willing to make that change willingly for the sake of your relationship.
After all, he can’t be surprised someone else would want to have you.  The minute he met you, he wanted you for himself as well. He’s just lucky he got to have his chance before anyone did.
He smiles tiredly at you and closes his eyes as he rests his forehead against yours.
“Think you can forgive me for being a dick earlier? I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that.”
“I don’t know. You might just have to make it up to me” you tease with a playful smirk, getting a low chuckle out of him.
“Whatever you want. Just name it.”
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dellalyra · 1 year
𝓀𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓇𝑒 - j j k
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They say the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach - but can the jjk characters cook?
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ɢᴇᴛᴏ ꜱᴜɢᴜʀᴜ
Geto can cook - if by cooking you mean instant ramen or maybe if he’s feeling adventurous, a fried egg. He is fully aware of his lack of culinary skills and doesn’t even attempt to cook anything.
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ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ
This man - domestic god. But - don’t come into his kitchen. This is not a cute ‘hey let’s cook together’ scenario. He is in the zone - will serve you a whole 3 course meal with perfectly paired wine. Incredible skills, makes the best bread but absolutely will not allow you near him while he cooks.
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ
Eh - can make sandwiches, maybe some pasta dishes. Simple stuff, healthy stuff too. He’s not awful, not great. Definition of a week night cook.
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ɢᴏᴊᴏ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ
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ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ʏᴜᴜᴊɪ
An incredible cook. Can’t bake to save his life but fantastic otherwise. Also, a surprisingly tidy and efficient cook? Not always the healthiest, lots of really yummy stuff though.
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ɴᴏʙᴀʀᴀ ᴋᴜɢɪꜱᴀᴋɪ
Can only make cookies. That’s it. But like - they’re good cookies. More of an eat out kinda girl.
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ᴛᴏᴊɪ ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ
Actually - not the worst. But like - a food is fuel kinda guy unless he’s at some fancy ass restaurant where he’s not paying. He’s a meat and rice for protein and carbs kinda man.
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ᴍᴀᴋɪ ᴢᴇɴɪɴ
Growing up how she grew up, as a Zen’in female child - she had to learn to cook. Both her and Mai were in the kitchen helping prepare meals so yeah, she can cook. Now, she hates it. It makes her feel like she’s back there - she is similar to Toji and Megumi really (a defected Zen’in trait) in that she eats healthily, balanced meals - probably meal preps too.
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ɪᴇɪʀɪ ꜱʜᴏᴋᴏ
Also, no.
ɪɴᴜᴍᴀᴋɪ ᴛᴏɢᴇ
Yeah he’s decent - likes to cook with people, really enjoys baking. It’s more of like, a fun activity for him - he usually ends up baking stuff with Panda and occasionally Yuuta. Makes sweet stuff a lot, uses it to bribe Gojo.
He’s got the spirit! He was born like - a few months ago, so he’s no idea what he’s doing! But he will learn! It’s something Yuuji loves doing so he will do it with him. I feel like as a death painting womb he doesn’t NEED to eat - but he enjoys it, thinks exploring tastes and things is fun. Very wholesome. Becomes obsessed with learning about nutrition so he can keep people healthy.
ʏᴜᴜᴛᴀ ᴏᴋᴋᴏᴛꜱᴜ
This man is a mom cook. He makes big servings of very hearty meals that will fill you right up (get your mind out of the gutter). It’s so yummy, real cosy, curl up by the fire kinda food. Signature thing he makes is banana bread.
If you want raw fucking meat then maybe? Absolutely not, wouldn’t not eat anything this man put near me.
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k1tty-st4rz · 9 months
hhai hello :3 id luv regressor todd headcanons if u happen 2 have any... please and thank U !!!
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the way little Todd asks took up almost half my inbox
Little Todd Ingram Headcanons
regresses 3-6, he is simply a little boy
really likes to eat Veggie Straws, strawberries, banana slices, mashed potatoes and steamed carrots (he’s prolly the little with the healthiest diet, imma be fr)
he likes almond milk too :3
he has a small amount of little gear and is hidden in his room bc fear of judgement
^ said little gear includes a jade paci, a colouring book, crayons (with bite marks), a small light brown teddy bear named Beary, a froggie onesie, 
Todd uses age regression as a way to help manage his stress 
when he's too upset or stressed out, his vegan powers go out of whack and crazy
He really likes music box covers of song :]
if he’s eating, do NOT let one food touch another food.  he thinks it's ruined >:[ (understandable tbh)
typical boy regressor, bunch of car toys, trains, just anything that's considered a boys toy pretty much
^ has a LOTTTT of Hot Wheels
A/N: i have a bear named Beary so i gave Todds bear the same name bc i luv Todd
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divinebunni · 2 years
tw; ED recovery ~ personal post //
the weirdest part of the eating disorder i suffer is that it’s my body. it never was my mind making me feel or see a certain way, literally for as long as i can remember i have had severe stomach issues to the point that most if my childhood and teens were spent in hospitals and doctors offices trying to figure out what was going on.
i remember being 9 and suddenly i’m throwing up on the reg. I didn’t understand, it hurt and burned and sucked so bad. i was immediately put on the B.R.A.T diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast all plain) because they’re the hardest foods for your body to expell. when i was 12 it became monthly when my period started and didn’t know i had endometriosis. the pain was so severe it made me puke, i couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t eat.
i already had a hard time eating breakfast, i always ate lunch, and by dinner i was feeling so sick half the time i couldn’t eat. at 15 i was lactose intolerant, and when i was 16 my stomach was in such constant pain and spent almost a year with various specialists trying to find out what really was wrong. we discovered my gallbladder was failing, which meant another stretch of time on the B.R.A.T diet (i was too young for it to be removed). i was miserable, i was and continued to be so thin, and eating became such a repulsion to me because of how nauseated i felt all the time. it helped keep my gallbladder in check, but it was a new stomach hurdle to face daily.
finally i’m 19, i escape my household and move in with my husband and things finally start to change. a lifelong physical eating disorder was still not something that i thought about while we spent most of our time just trying to break me free from the anger and years of trauma.
then, after being homeless for several months, my climb to recovery began. it coupled at the same time as the pandemic starting, but i also knew that I didn’t want to feel sick anymore, I didn’t want to be thin and hurt all the time. we started finding foods that i could stomach, and cannabis became the number one reason i could eat at all without cringing when i swallowed. the nausea started to fade until it was no more, and i began eating chicken and bread and pasta like i never could ~
this really is just a ramble because i was thinking about it last night, along with the fact that its crazy cannabis isn’t legal everywhere because it truly saved my stomach and my body. my recovery is officially two years strong, and just 6 months ago i started feeling my ass jiggle and my thighs squish together on their own and this is truly the healthiest i have ever been and have ever felt. i still struggle, it will never end for me because … well … it is me. but i love my body and how far it has come, and having natural fat on my body like i never did before is amazing and i love the squeeze ~
the whole reason i started these blogs, now four in, was for this journey and this progress, and i will forever have the pictures of my success to remind me that i am capable of more than my body tries to hinder me from. thank you to everyone that has followed with me since i was a wee 85 lb, 24 year old bab. you’re all beautiful and so capable and so deserving, and i love you 💕
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minutesshow · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss: Achieving Your Goals with Healthy Eating Habits and Lifestyle Changes
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When it comes to weight loss, finding the right approach can be overwhelming. With so many diets and trends out there, it's hard to know which one will actually work for you. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best strategies for achieving weight loss through healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes. Whether you're looking to shed a few pounds or embark on a complete transformation, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and tools to reach your goals.
The Power of Healthy Eating Habits
A healthy diet is the foundation of successful weight loss. Instead of focusing on fad diets that promise quick results, it's important to adopt a sustainable approach to eating. A healthy diet should consist of natural, unprocessed foods that provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best. By replacing unhealthy foods with healthy ones and making long-term changes to your eating habits, you can achieve weight loss while also reaping numerous other health benefits.
Embracing a Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is key to achieving and maintaining weight loss. It involves consuming a variety of foods that provide your body with the necessary nutrients and minerals. A healthy diet should prioritize plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, over animal foods. It should also include an adequate amount of protein and healthy fats, while being low in sugar and salt.
Healthy Meal Ideas for Weight Loss
Planning nutritious meals is crucial when it comes to weight loss. Here are a few examples of healthy meals that can help you achieve your goals:
Breakfast: Start your day with a bowl of bran flakes topped with sliced strawberries and walnuts, served with nonfat milk.
Lunch: Enjoy a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with a variety of vegetables and an olive oil and vinegar dressing.
Dinner: Indulge in a salmon steak served on a bed of spinach.
Remember, it's essential to choose meals that you enjoy and that align with your taste preferences. This will increase the likelihood of sticking to your weight loss journey in the long run.
Snacking the Healthy Way
Snacking doesn't have to be off-limits when you're trying to lose weight. In fact, incorporating healthy snacks into your diet can help you stay satisfied and avoid overeating. Here are some ideas for healthy snacks:
Almonds or pistachios
String cheese with an apple
Greek yogurt
Banana with peanut butter
By choosing nutritious snacks, you can curb cravings and maintain a balanced diet while on your weight loss journey.
Exploring Healthy Eating Patterns
While there isn't a single diet that is deemed the healthiest, there are several eating patterns that have been associated with optimal health. These eating patterns tend to have common characteristics, such as being plant-based, emphasizing healthy fats, minimizing simple sugars, and favoring natural, unprocessed foods.
The Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet is named after the foods traditionally consumed by cultures around the Mediterranean Sea. It emphasizes minimally processed fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains. Moderate amounts of yogurt, cheese, poultry, and fish are also included. Olive oil is the primary cooking fat, while red meat and foods with added sugars are consumed sparingly. In addition to promoting weight loss, the Mediterranean diet is linked to a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, depression, and certain types of cancer.
The DASH Diet
The DASH diet, or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, was specifically designed as a heart-healthy eating plan. It focuses on low cholesterol and saturated fats, while providing adequate amounts of magnesium, calcium, fiber, and potassium. The DASH diet emphasizes whole grains, vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, nuts, and olive oil. Red meat and sugar are limited. This diet has been shown to effectively lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart failure.
The MIND Diet
The MIND diet, which stands for Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, combines elements from both the Mediterranean and DASH diets to promote brain health and prevent dementia and cognitive decline. It is similar to both diets but places a stronger emphasis on leafy green vegetables and berries while reducing the consumption of fruit and dairy products.
The Nordic Diet
The Nordic diet is a weight loss and health maintenance diet based on Scandinavian eating patterns. It includes foods such as fish, apples, pears, whole grains like rye and oats, and cold-climate vegetables like cabbage, carrots, and cauliflower. Studies have shown that the Nordic diet can help prevent stroke and aid in weight loss.
By incorporating elements from these healthy eating patterns, you can improve your heart health, consume natural unprocessed foods, and enjoy a variety of plant-based dishes while on your weight loss journey.
The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting has gained popularity in recent years due to its potential benefits for weight loss and overall health. Fasting, or abstaining from eating for a certain period of time, has been practiced for centuries for both spiritual and physical reasons. Intermittent fasting involves dividing your time between eating windows and fasting periods on a regular basis.
How Intermittent Fasting Works
During fasting periods, insulin levels drop, and the body starts burning fat for fuel. This metabolic shift is believed to contribute to weight loss. Intermittent fasting can also decrease inflammation, improve metabolism, clear out damaged cells, and potentially reduce the risk of cancer, arthritis pain, and cognitive decline.
Different Approaches to Intermittent Fasting
There are several ways to practice intermittent fasting. One common approach is to restrict eating to a specific time window, such as 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with the remaining 16 hours spent fasting. However, there is no fixed schedule, and some people may choose to have more or less generous eating windows. It's important to find an intermittent fasting schedule that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences.
Is Intermittent Fasting Effective for Weight Loss?
Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of intermittent fasting for weight loss. However, it's important to note that the success of intermittent fasting may be attributed to factors beyond fasting itself. Many practitioners of intermittent fasting also eliminate late-night eating, which aligns better with our body's natural circadian rhythms and may reduce fat storage. For some individuals, intermittent fasting may be difficult to adhere to, and a low-calorie Mediterranean diet combined with an earlier cut-off time for eating may be a more sustainable alternative.
Considerations and Precautions
While intermittent fasting can be beneficial for many individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone. It's important to consult with your doctor before starting any fasting regimen, especially if you have diabetes or heart disease. Additionally, intermittent fasting can be challenging to maintain in social situations or if your job requires dining out regularly. It's crucial to find a healthy eating plan that you can stick to in order to achieve long-term success.
The High-Fat Weight Loss Diet: The Ketogenic Approach
Contrary to conventional wisdom, some people find success in losing weight by consuming more fat, rather than less. The ketogenic diet, also known as the Keto diet, involves shifting the majority of calories consumed to come from healthy fats, with minimal intake of carbohydrates. This alteration in macronutrient ratios is believed to induce a metabolic state known as ketosis, where the body burns fat for energy instead of relying on glucose.
Understanding the Keto Diet
On a ketogenic diet, approximately 75% to 90% of your daily calorie intake comes from healthy fats, while protein makes up about 10-20%, and carbohydrates are limited to just 5%. By severely restricting carbohydrates, the body is forced to enter a state of ketosis, where it begins to burn stored fat for fuel. Research has shown that the keto diet can be effective for jump-starting weight loss and improving blood sugar levels.
Sustainability and Long-Term Effects
While the ketogenic diet can yield rapid initial weight loss and metabolic improvements, it can be challenging to maintain in the long term. Long-term studies on the sustainability and safety of the keto diet are still limited. It's important to approach any dietary changes with caution and consider the long-term implications for your overall health and well-being.
The Harvard Healthy Eating Plate: A Blueprint for Weight Loss
To guide your meal planning and balanced diet, Harvard has developed the Healthy Eating Plate. This model provides a visual representation of how to structure your meals for optimal health and weight loss.
Building a Healthy Eating Plate
Imagine a round dinner plate divided into two halves by a vertical line. One half should be filled with equal portions of whole grains and healthy protein sources such as fish, nuts, beans, and poultry. The other half should consist of two-thirds vegetables and one-third fruit, with an emphasis on variety and colorful options. Additionally, a glass of water is encouraged as the primary beverage, with limited consumption of milk. Healthy oils like canola or olive oil can be used for cooking or as dressings.
The Benefits of the Healthy Eating Plate
By following the guidelines of the Healthy Eating Plate, you can optimize your chances of maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being. This approach encourages the consumption of natural, unprocessed foods and emphasizes the importance of plant-based dishes. Remember, adherence to a healthy eating plan that aligns with your preferences and lifestyle is key to achieving long-term success.
Embarking on a weight loss journey requires a sustainable approach to healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes. By prioritizing a balanced diet, embracing healthy eating patterns, considering intermittent fasting, and exploring different dietary approaches like the ketogenic diet, you can find the strategy that works best for you. Incorporating the principles of the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate into your meal planning will provide a blueprint for achieving your weight loss goals while promoting overall health. Remember, the key to success lies in finding a healthy eating plan that you can maintain in the long term, ensuring lasting results and a healthier lifestyle.
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fishthegenderwitch · 2 years
My personal Meal Plan
I have a box.
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In this box are some cards with letters on them, to sort recipes.
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It used to have a whole bunch of recipes in it (I looked up this box online) from the 1960s LIFE magazine. It doesn’t have many in there, but the ones in there, I can and will eat what they make.
In the process of trying to eat food that will help me live my happiest, healthiest life, and less cluttered with 25 cookbooks, I’m going through said cookbooks to find easy, delicious meals to cook myself.
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(There are so many)
That way I can get rid of a bunch of cookbooks I own and have more room for tiny creechurs.
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So the plan has been to make myself 3 weeks of meals: 21 of each meal, breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus snacks. Now that I think about it, that’s way too many of each, and I think I’ll maybe pick 9-15 of each, and have them a couple days in a row. That’s more realistic.
The 3 week plan means I can cycle through each week of meals and then start over again at the beginning of it. I have one day a week to try a new recipe, and if I like it, cycle it into the plan if I want to.
This avoids boring repetition, invites experimenting without being overwhelmed, and gives me a consistent grocery list, which, with food prices going up so much, will be easier to stick to.
I have food sensitivities, from having ADHD and autism, as well as allergies, so the first step in this whole process is making a list of food I Can and Will Eat. Next is to find recipes that don’t take a lot of activity to create, or can be cooked in large batches and frozen in portions to heat up.
So far, I have a list of the food I like to eat, that I CAN eat (and can afford). I have easy breakfasts, and slightly more complicated (bowl of granola vs pancakes or eggs with onions).
Here’s what I have as of right now. BREAKFAST
Week 1:   
Granola bowl with fruit compote (compote made with OJ to reduce sugar content) (3 days)
 2 scrambled eggs with salsa on toast (3 days)
 Pancakes with fruit compote (Mon)
Week 2:
Overnight oats with nondairy yogurt and grapes (3 days)
3 steamed eggs with spinach or broccoli, nutritional yeast (3 days)
Orange French toast (Mon)
Week 3: 
½ avocado mashed with garlic and lemon juice on toast (3 days)
 Pizza muffins (English muffins with marinara sauce, nondairy cheese, sausage) (3 days)
3 Breakfast cookies (granola, eggs, fruit, all that jazz) and honey citron or chrysanthemum tea (Mon)
LUNCH (This is the hardest meal for me to eat; I generally graze if I’m home, and forget to eat anything if I’m not)
Week 1:
Rice with taco sauce and salad greens (2 days)
Sliced peppers, hummus, and marinated mushrooms (2 days)
Banana and peanut butter sandwich with apple (2 days)
Week 2:
Hummus on toast with an apple (2 days)
Frittata cups with veggies (2 days)
Purèed vegetable soup and crackers (2 days)
Week 3:
Clear broth soup with a bagel (2 days)
Tuna, onion and tomato with greens and Cilantro Lime mayo (2 days)
Arugula cucumber salad with Lemon dressing (2 days)
DINNER (Sheetpan meals are literally single pan meals that are just “put it all in a pan, cook, eat”)
Week 1:
Sheetpan meal – Garlic Lime Salmon (has peppers and onions) (2 days)
Steamed Rice with Thai veggies and sesame tofu (2 days)
Sheetpan Meal – Pesto Chicken (has mushrooms, tomatoes, zucchini, broccoli) (2 days)
Mondays are for experiments and leftovers
Week 2:
Sheetpan meal – Steak and potatoes (2 days)
Steamed Rice with Thai veggies and salsa (2 days)
Sheetpan meal – Sesame Chicken (has broccoli, peppers, cauli, sweet potato) (2 days)
Mondays are for experiments and leftovers
Week 3:
Sheetpan meal – Cashew/Nut Chicken (has peppers and onions) (2 days)
Steamed Rice with Thai veggies and Dal (2 days)
Sheetpan meal - Ranch Pork Chops and potatoes with Brussels sprouts (2 days)
Mondays are for experiments and leftovers
I have a small list of recipes that I’d like to try on Mondays, which is my first day off in my workweek. Snacks are the next to research, because if I’m out of the house I forget to eat, unless I have something delicious in my backpack. Having an alarm go off with something fun to remind me to eat is something I’m working on too. I don’t always have the energy to do these things - prep food, clean the kitchen, remember to eat, set alarms – but when I get it ready I’m hopeful I can have that energy in the future. These recipes might seem daunting to some, but for nearly three years I’ve been eating either fast food, or heat&eat rice from Dollarama plus chips, ramen, and coffee, and I feel like absolute garbage. I have started taking vitamins to get some strength and energy back, knowing I eat very poorly, which I believe is what’s helped me make this tonight. (I wrote most of these meals just for this post, so there are SOME cylinders firing up there in the ol’ noodlenoggin).
I’m a trained cook, and cooking for one has been hard, but I think I can manage these. I seriously miss cooking, and I need way more variety and vegetation in my diet. Ima get sick if I don’t.
If there are any recipes you guys want to try out, let me know and I’ll share them. :)
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jcmarchi · 22 days
AI in Healthcare Should Think Small
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ai-in-healthcare-should-think-small/
AI in Healthcare Should Think Small
Six minutes into Apollo 13’s mission to the moon In 1970, its oxygen tank exploded. The event prompted NASA to develop a new approach to predicting possible failures in its spacecraft. The approach relied on continuous sensor data, which then fed deep digital simulations, enabling much more rigorous testing of complex spacefaring systems. It was the very first use of “digital twin” technology.
Today, digital twin systems are used across industries to improve operations and accurately simulate any change in a system. Tech companies like Apple and Tesla use digital twins to monitor product performance in the field and determine whether or not specific system components require maintenance.
Digital twins have also been used in healthcare, albeit largely in drug research and development. Its greatest potential, however, is in chronic disease management. By coupling machine learning and Internet of Things technology with digital twin AI, an approach that originated with something as vast as space exploration has the potential to make healthcare truly individualized.
Digitizing traditional care has failed
Modern medicine has made incremental moves toward personalized care over the past decade by giving patients a voice in decision-making, and toward precision medicine through advances in genomic research. Both have helped tailor care to the individual, but for the most part, our healthcare system takes a “large group” approach to care delivery.
It’s evident in the way we manage chronic disease. Every one of the 133 million Americans currently living with one or more chronic diseases is set upon a planned care pathway – a treatment regimen, a fad diet, often a number of medications – and their improvement is measured in batches of thousands of other individuals who share their condition.
This approach hasn’t worked. Notoriously, U.S. spending on diabetes, heart disease, and cancer continues to rise, and technology’s impact on outcomes and costs has been limited. In digital management of diabetes, weight loss, and other conditions, that impact has been a non-factor.
In March, a report published by Peterson Health Technology Institute underlined this lack of sustained results. The report found that all of the evaluated solutions perform poorly on engagement and outcomes over time. As a result, weight loss, A1C reduction, medication elimination, diabetes reversal, and the health, well-being, and economic benefits of these solutions are both limited and unsustainable.
That’s because most solutions just digitize an ineffective template for care. They don’t account for individual differences. Every person brings their own set of cultural, biological, dietary, behavioral, and environmental factors that influence their health at a deeply individual level.
Moving from ‘personalized’ care to individualized care
Digital twin AI promises a departure from the template. Core to the technology is the concept that every individual is an N of one. An individual’s digital twin is informed by a continuous measure of their unique clinical and behavioral variables, and uses that data to shape care guidance toward the best and healthiest version of that individual.
The power of digital twin technology is in its attention to the small things – the things we eat and do – and how they impact our current and future selves. In practice, digital twins can accurately predict the effect a steak dinner will have on a specific person’s metabolic or cardiovascular health. To the extent that impact may be negative, digital twins can offer ways to mitigate the repercussions. It might suggest a 10-minute walk or an alternative dessert. Instead of ice cream, maybe it’s banana nut bread with Greek yogurt and fresh berries or simply a different sequence.
In this way, digital twin AI can show an individual what’s in store for them if they stay on their current trajectory and the big changes that can occur by making small adjustments over time. Keep up your current routine, and you’ll be able to stop taking metformin in three weeks. Fall back into old habits, and you can expect to pick up a refill.
It’s potent technology, and while its impact on healthcare has largely been recognized only in academia, it is beginning to find its role in commercial use cases. In 2014, Dassault Systemes and the FDA launched SIMULIA Living Heart, a project that works with device manufacturers to develop and refine cardiac devices at a faster pace. At the onset of the pandemic, OnScale’s Project BreathEasy developed a digital twin of the lungs of COVID-19 patients to improve and optimize the use of ventilator resources.
Medical researchers are also using digital twin disease models to predict the effectiveness of pharmaceutical interventions based on complex, extremely individual biological processes. Takeda Pharmaceuticals has embraced the technology to shorten pharmaceutical processes and make realistic input-output predictions for biochemical reactions. More recently, researchers used digital twin technology to simulate therapy outcomes and determine the best treatment for oropharyngeal carcinoma based on the individual.
Chronic disease management is the next frontier
A recent paper published in Nature asserts that digital twins are “poised to make substantial contributions” to cancer care, especially in monitoring the progression of the disease and evaluating treatment responses, which infamously vary individual by individual. The same paper analyzes cardiac digital twins fed by imaging, EHR, genetic, and continuous wearable data, and their potential to predict acute cardiac events.
These advancements will give way to life-changing healthcare technologies. Their power lies in a concept core to their purpose: nothing complex is static.
This is especially true of our biological systems. A digital twin requires thousands of data points per day, per individual, to truly understand the interplay between an individual’s biology, culture, lifestyle, preferences, and health. Some of this data is already being captured by wearables and mobile apps, but without a model that puts that data into the context of the individual and their care journey, it is rudderless.
In the world of chronic disease management, the small things can very quickly become big, life-threatening things. And while digital health has raised the hopes of patients with language like “personalization,” the tools and approaches that have been offered to people have not addressed their unique needs and preferences.
Digital twin AI will turn this approach on its head by helping us better understand and improve our health on a deeply personalized level. It’s a technology poised to fulfill the promise of individualized care.
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deliciousfoodguide · 2 months
The World's Healthiest Foods: Essential Guide for the Healthiest Way of Eating 
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Eating healthily is crucial for maintaining overall well-being, and choosing the right foods can make a significant difference. "The World's Healthiest Foods: Essential Guide for the Healthiest Way of Eating" explores a diverse range of nutrient-dense foods that support optimal health. This guide highlights the benefits of incorporating these foods into your daily diet, emphasizing the importance of whole, minimally processed ingredients.
Nutrient-Rich Vegetables
Vegetables are a cornerstone of a healthy diet due to their high content of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are particularly beneficial, offering a wealth of nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin A, folate, and iron. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are also excellent choices, known for their cancer-fighting compounds and high fiber content. These vegetables not only support digestive health but also contribute to a robust immune system.
Fruits: Nature's Sweet Treat
Fruits provide a natural sweetness and are packed with essential nutrients. Berries, such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, are rich in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and inflammation. Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are excellent sources of vitamin C, vital for immune function and skin health. Apples, bananas, and avocados offer a variety of benefits, from heart health to digestive support, making them an excellent addition to any diet.
Whole Grains for Sustained Energy
Whole grains, including quinoa, brown rice, oats, and whole wheat, are fundamental to a balanced diet. They are rich in complex carbohydrates, providing sustained energy throughout the day. Whole grains also contain dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. Additionally, they are a good source of essential nutrients like B vitamins, iron, and magnesium, which play a role in energy production and overall well-being.
Protein Powerhouses
Proteins are essential for building and repairing tissues and supporting immune function. Lean meats, such as chicken and turkey, are excellent sources of high-quality protein. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for heart and brain health. For plant-based options, legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and beans provide ample protein and fiber. Nuts and seeds, including almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds, are also excellent sources of healthy fats and protein.
Healthy Fats for Vital Functions
Healthy fats are vital for numerous bodily functions, including hormone production and nutrient absorption. Olive oil, a staple of the Mediterranean diet, is a healthy fat known for its heart-protective properties. Avocados are another great source of monounsaturated fats, which can help reduce bad cholesterol levels. Additionally, fatty fish and nuts contribute to a balanced intake of essential fatty acids, supporting brain health and reducing inflammation.
Hydration and Herbal Teas
Staying hydrated is essential for overall health, and water should be the primary beverage of choice. Herbal teas, such as green tea and chamomile, provide additional health benefits, including antioxidant properties and relaxation support. Green tea, in particular, is known for its metabolism-boosting effects and potential to support weight management.
Incorporating a variety of these nutrient-dense foods into your daily diet can significantly enhance your health and well-being. Focusing on whole, minimally processed foods ensures you receive essential nutrients that support every aspect of your body. Whether you aim to improve heart health, boost your immune system, or maintain a healthy weight, these foods offer a delicious and nutritious way to achieve your goals. By embracing a diverse range of the world's healthiest foods, you can enjoy a fulfilling and healthful way of eating that benefits your body and mind. Read more........
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helloparent · 4 months
A Collection of Simple and Tasty Organic Toddler Food Recipes
Compiling a list of delectable and straightforward organic toddler food recipes is a priceless tool for parents and other caregivers who want to provide their children with the healthiest, most natural foods possible. With the prevalence of processed foods in today's environment, choosing organic components might be crucial for our kids' health and wellbeing. This extensive manual delves deeply into the core of organic toddler nutrition, offering a variety of dishes that are not only wholesome and simple to make, but also packed with tastes that young eaters adore.
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The Essence of Organic Nutrition for Toddlers
Opting for organic food during the early stages of a child's life lays down a foundation for healthy eating habits. Organic foods are cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and artificial fertilizers, ensuring that toddlers are not exposed to potentially harmful chemicals. Moreover, organic farming practices promote environmental sustainability, making this choice beneficial not only for our children but also for the planet.
Why Organic Matters
Organic foods often contain higher levels of certain nutrients, including antioxidants and beneficial fats, due to the soil's improved quality in which they are grown. For toddlers, whose bodies and brains are in critical phases of development, these nutrients can contribute significantly to their growth. Furthermore, choosing organic reduces the risk of exposure to antibiotics and hormones often found in conventionally raised animal products, safeguarding your child's health.
Delicious and Nutritious Organic Toddler Recipes
1. Quinoa Fruit Salad
Ingredients: Cooked organic quinoa, diced organic apples, pears, bananas, and a squeeze of fresh orange juice.
Preparation: Mix cooked quinoa with the diced fruits and drizzle with orange juice for a sweet, nutritious salad rich in protein and fiber.
2. Creamy Avocado Spinach Pasta
Ingredients: Cooked organic pasta, ripe avocado, fresh spinach, a clove of garlic, and a splash of lemon juice.
Preparation: Blend avocado, spinach, garlic, and lemon juice to create a creamy sauce. Mix with pasta for a wholesome meal packed with healthy fats and iron.
3. Sweet Potato Lentil Patties
Ingredients: Mashed cooked organic sweet potatoes, cooked organic lentils, breadcrumbs, and mild spices.
Preparation: Combine all ingredients, form into small patties, and bake until crisp. These patties are excellent finger foods, rich in protein and beta-carotene.
4. Broccoli and Cheese Bites
Ingredients: Steamed organic broccoli, shredded cheese, egg, and breadcrumbs.
Preparation: Mix finely chopped broccoli with cheese, egg, and breadcrumbs, form into bite-sized pieces, and bake. A tasty way to introduce greens into your toddler’s diet.
5. Banana and Oat Pancakes
Ingredients: Organic bananas, oats, egg, and a pinch of cinnamon.
Preparation: Blend all ingredients to create a batter. Cook like regular pancakes for a quick, healthy breakfast option.
Incorporating Organic Foods into Daily Meals
Transitioning to an organic diet for your toddler involves more than just selecting organic produce. It's about creating a balanced diet that supports their developmental needs. Here are some tips to make this transition smoother:
Start Small: Introduce organic foods gradually into your toddler’s diet. Begin with organic fruits and vegetables, then expand to dairy and meat products.
Read Labels Carefully: Understand food labels and certifications to ensure you're purchasing genuinely organic products.
Get Creative: Use a variety of recipes to keep meals interesting and ensure your toddler is exposed to a wide range of nutrients.
The Role of Preschools and Technology in Promoting Organic Nutrition
Best preschools in India, play a crucial role in shaping children's eating habits. By incorporating organic meals and snacks into their daily routines, preschools can reinforce the importance of healthy eating. Additionally, leveraging technology, such as a school parent app, can enhance communication between educators and parents, sharing tips, recipes, and updates on the child's eating habits and preferences. This collaborative approach ensures that both home and school environments support the child's nutritional needs.
Choosing to feed your kid organic food is a commitment to their future health and wellbeing. For those wishing to adopt an organic diet, this guide provides a good beginning point with its simple, healthful dishes that suit the varied tastes of little children. Resources like this recipe collection are essential in helping families make the shift to healthier, more sustainable eating habits as the demand for organic living rises. We set the stage for our children's long term health and conscious living by making educated nutritional decisions.
Check: Preschool in Wagholi, Preschool in Noida
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aarohij · 5 months
Breakfast with Bottle Gourd: Quick and Healthy Breakfast Recipes
Finding a quick and healthy breakfast in a modern fast-paced world is tricky, however, to begin your day with nutrients, and energy, it is essential. One food that is a powerhouse of healthy nutrients and energy is bottle gourd which can be cooked in different ways to make your mornings healthy. Bottle gourd also known as lauki is a vegetable that can cooked quickly and deliciously for a healthy early-morning breakfast for both nutrition and convenience. In this blog, we will discuss 3 quick and healthy recipes made with bottled gourd and order fresh vegetables online in Bangalore to save time.
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3 Quick and Healthy Breakfast Recipes with Bottle Gourd
1. Bottle Gourd Pancakes
Ingredients that you need-
-          2 cups grated bottle gourd
-          2 cups whole wheat flour
-          1 cup yogurt
-          1 teaspoon baking soda
-          1 teaspoon cumin seeds
-          2 green finely chopped chilies, (optional)
-          3 tablespoons chopped coriander leaves
-          Salt to taste
-          Oil for cooking
Instructions to follow-
To make Bottle Gourd Pancakes, combine grated bottle gourd ordered from fresh vegetable delivery, whole wheat flour, yogurt, baking soda, salt, cumin seeds, green chili, and coriander leaves in a bowl. Add water slowly to make a thick batter. Take a non-stick pan, heat it on medium heat, grease it lightly with oil, and pour a spoonful of batter into the pan and spread thinly into a round shape. Cook until golden brown on both sides and serve with sides like green chutney, ketchup, or yogurt.
2. Bottle Gourd Smoothie
Ingredients that you need-
-          2 cups chopped bottle gourd
-          2 ripe bananas
-          1 cup spinach leaves
-          1 cup yogurt
-          2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup
-          1/2 teaspoon grated ginger
-          A pinch of cinnamon powder
Instructions to follow-
It is easy to create smoothies as all you need to blend all the vegetables that you have ordered from fresh vegetables online in Bangalore and the ingredients until smooth and creamy. Add an ice cube for cooling and serve in a nice glass.
3. Bottle Gourd Upma
Ingredients that you need-
-          2 cups semolina (sooji)
-          2 cups grated bottle gourd
-          1 finely chopped onion
-          2 chopped green chilies
-          1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
-          1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
-          A few curry leaves
-          3 tablespoons ghee
-          Salt to taste
-          Chopped coriander leaves for garnish
Instructions to follow-
Heat ghee in a pan, add mustard, cumin seeds, and curry leaves. Add onions and chili and sauté. Add the grated bottle of gourd and cook until softens. Dry roast semolina until lightly golden, add it to the pan and mix. Add salt and water in a 1:2 ratio. Cover the pan and cook until upma is soft, garnish it with chopped coriander leaves and serve hot.
Eat Healthy, and Eat Fresh!
Bottle gourd just like we know is the healthiest option to have to begin your day with. The breakfast recipe discussed above using bottled gourd is not just quick and easy but also full of goodness of healthy nutrients. By opting to buy vegetables online in Bangalore, you can have all the ingredients you need delivered to your doorstep, making healthy cooking a breeze. So start a nutritious breakfast featuring a bottled gourd and let your body thank you!
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manushyalife121 · 5 months
Best uses of Sprouts and their benefitsEven though they are little, sprouts are quite nutritious. These little gems are full of health advantages in addition to being tasty. Let’s explore the health benefits of sprouts and how to use them to your advantage.
1. Sprout Salad Sensation: A salad is one of the healthiest and easiest ways to eat sprouts. For a light and nutrient-rich lunch, combine crisp bean sprouts with vibrant vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, and cucumbers. For added flavor, sprinkle with a peppery dressing
2. Energizing Sprout Smoothies: Blend sprouts into your morning smoothie for a nutritious kick-start to your day. Whether you prefer fruity or green smoothies, adding sprouts can elevate the nutritional content by providing a dose of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Try blending alfalfa or broccoli sprouts with spinach, banana, and almond milk for a deliciously green smoothie.
3. Sprout-Powered Sandwiches and Wraps: Upgrade your sandwiches and wraps with the addition of sprouts for an extra crunch and burst of flavor. Layer alfalfa sprouts onto your favorite sandwich fillings or wrap them up with hummus, avocado, and sliced veggies for a nutritious and satisfying meal on the go.
4. Supercharged Sprout Snacks: Turn sprouts into a nutritious snack by tossing them with your favorite seasonings and roasting them until crispy. Sprouted chickpeas, lentils, and mung beans make excellent snack options that are high in protein, fiber, and essential nutrients. Enjoy them on their own or sprinkle them over salads and soups for added crunch. 
Benefits of Sprouts:- Rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and iron.- High in fiber, aiding in digestion and promoting gut health.- Packed with antioxidants, which help protect against oxidative stress and inflammation.- Low in calories and fat, making them a guilt-free addition to any diet.- Contains enzymes that support digestion and enhance nutrient absorption.
Sprouts are small but mighty when it comes to nutrition, offering plenty of health benefits in every bite. If you are looking for chemical-free sprouts then visit Manushya Life sprouting seeds.
Let us be your partner in wellness.
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petwhispererworld · 6 months
Wing It Right: Crafting the Perfect Bird Treats at Home
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Birds, with their vibrant plumage and melodious songs, bring joy and beauty to our surroundings. Whether you're a seasoned bird enthusiast or just starting out with a feathered friend, providing them with nutritious and delicious treats is essential for their health and happiness. While store-bought treats are convenient, making homemade bird treats can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for both you and your avian companions. Let's explore the art of crafting the perfect bird treats at home.
Why Homemade Bird Treats?
Commercial bird treats often contain preservatives, additives, and artificial colors that may not be the healthiest option for our feathered friends. By making bird treats at home, you have full control over the ingredients, ensuring that your birds receive wholesome and nutritious snacks. Additionally, homemade treats allow you to cater to your bird's specific dietary needs and preferences, whether they are seed-eaters, fruit-lovers, or enjoy a combination of both.
Essential Ingredients for Bird Treats
When it comes to crafting homemade bird treats, using high-quality ingredients is paramount. Here are some essential ingredients to consider:
Seeds: Seeds such as sunflower seeds, millet, and safflower seeds are popular choices among many bird species. They provide essential nutrients and are often a favorite among seed-eating birds like finches and sparrows.
Nuts: Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and peanuts are rich in protein and healthy fats, making them a nutritious addition to bird treats. However, be sure to use unsalted and unseasoned nuts to avoid any harmful additives.
Fruits: Fresh fruits like apples, berries, bananas, and grapes are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for birds. Chop them into small pieces or blend them into a puree to incorporate into your bird treats.
Vegetables: Certain vegetables like carrots, broccoli, and leafy greens can also be included in bird treats to provide added nutrients and variety to their diet. Ensure that the vegetables are finely chopped or cooked to make them more palatable for birds.
Whole Grains: Incorporating whole grains like oats, quinoa, and brown rice into bird treats can provide complex carbohydrates and fiber, promoting digestive health in birds.
Honey or Agave Syrup: A small amount of natural sweetener can be used to bind the ingredients together and add a touch of sweetness to the treats. However, use sparingly as excessive sugar intake can be harmful to birds.
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Homemade Bird Treat Recipes
Now that you have gathered your ingredients, let's dive into some simple yet delicious homemade bird treat recipes:
Seed and Nut Balls:
Mix together equal parts of sunflower seeds, chopped nuts, and dried fruit pieces.
Add a small amount of honey or agave syrup to bind the mixture together.
Roll the mixture into small balls and refrigerate until firm.
Offer the seed and nut balls to your birds as a nutritious and energy-rich treat.
Fruit and Vegetable Kabobs:
Skewer pieces of fresh fruits and vegetables onto a wooden kabob stick.
Alternate between different fruits and vegetables to provide variety.
Hang the kabobs inside your bird's cage for them to enjoy nibbling on throughout the day.
Homemade Birdie Bread:
In a bowl, mix together whole grain flour, finely chopped vegetables, and mashed fruits.
Add a small amount of water or unsweetened fruit juice to form a thick batter.
Pour the batter into a greased baking pan and bake until firm and golden brown.
Once cooled, cut the birdie bread into small squares and serve as a wholesome treat for your feathered friends.
Crafting homemade bird treats is not only a fun and creative activity but also a wonderful way to bond with your avian companions while providing them with nutritious snacks. By using wholesome ingredients and experimenting with different recipes, you can ensure that your birds stay healthy, happy, and full of energy. So, spread your wings and embark on a journey to create the perfect bird treats at home!
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littlejoe59 · 9 months
Healthiest fruits: List, nutrition, and benefits
Eating a range of healthful fruits provides the body with nutrients and antioxidants that can boost overall health. Good choices include oranges, blueberries, apples, avocados, and bananas, but there are many more to choose from.
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annueh29srecipes-blog · 10 months
A (Green) Smoothie A Day: Loma linda, CA
(1 oz[29 g])2 C. fresh baby spinach or chopped kale
2 frozen bananas, peeled and sliced
1 ripe avocado, peeled and pitted
592 g/4 C. fresh or frozen blueberries
13 g/2 Tbsp. ground flaxseeds
13 g/2 Tbsp. almond or peanut butter(peanut butter is a separate blog recipe on here)
½ Tsp. ground cinnamon
235 ml/1 C. unsweetened vanilla nut or oat milk
(1) place all ingredients in the blender in the order they are listed.
(2) Blend until smooth and creamy*. Divide between glasses and enjoy.
(*= if you want to strain it that is all on you.)
This recipe is brought to you by the cookbook "Eat Better, LiveLonger: Lessons for longevity from the world's healthiest zones" written by Melissa Pettito, R.D.
Info: A smoothie like this one is an incredible way to pack vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, good fats, and protein into one simple green drink. This smoothie is one that utilizes nut butter, flax, fresh greens, avocado, and fresh or frozen fruit. Feel free to make ANY combinations that you feel like you would love.
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Diet For High Energy Levels All Through The Day
Diet For High Energy Levels All Through The Day
Do you feel lethargic and sleepy right at the start of the day? Does it seem that the night you spent resting was not enough? Are you perpetually tired and listless?
If yes, then you need to hear the alarm bells ringing. Perpetual lethargy is a clear indication of low energy levels that stem from an improper diet and daily routine gone bad. The best, easiest, and immediate way to combat this problem is by boosting your diet with high-energy foods that give you energy all day. Here are some handy tips on how to have a high energy level all day:
Limit your carbs
Instead of loading on carbs, make sure that you limit them so that you can make room for the protein intake that our body needs to keep you stay energetic throughout the day. Plan your meals in such a way that you have a well-proportioned diet, which gives you all the nutrients.
Time your meals
One of the best ways to be energetic throughout the day is to fix a time for your meals. Instead of grazing unhealthy foods and snacks all day, you need to time your meals at regular intervals and have pre-decided specific foods only.
Relieve the stress
Instead of meditating for 30 minutes at a stretch, try to have frequent small sessions for the same. A three-minute meditation will also help you relieve your stress. Quick time-outs throughout your workday are easier to fit into a busy schedule than a longer one at the day’s end.
Snack healthy
Instead of eating junk food and random snacks, opt for some healthy snacks like chickpeas with veggies, or sprouts, or a clear soup, or stir-fried veggies. Prepare them in advance for the day and keep them handy. These high-energy foods have a lot of protein content which aids to maintain high energy levels all day long.
Pick quick energy foods
Pick from our list of quick energy foods that give you energy all day and incorporate them into your daily diet.
Eggs – Rich in proteins, eggs keep you satiated for long. They aid muscle buildup and recovery.
Dry fruits – These are the healthiest antioxidant and multi-nutrients rich snacks.
Quinoa – This high-energy food is packed with folate, magnesium, and manganese for that much-needed energy boost.
Water – Eating healthy also includes drinking healthy to keep yourself hydrated.
Smoothie – This is a quick way to get an ideal mix of all the vital nutrients in one quick glass.
Brown rice – It is rich in manganese that helps your body produce energy from the carbs and proteins that you consume. It leaves you feeling energized for a longer time.
Bananas – It is a quick energy food, which gives a perfect energy boost.
Your body’s calorie needs are closely tied to its other daily routines, including when you get up and go to bed and also when you expend the most of energy. So time your intake accordingly for best results.
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