#green smoothies making you fat
azulera · 10 months
Sweet Like Açai
Pairing: TAA x Black Reader
Summary: He’s still raw from a rough break-up, his club is trudging through a mid-season slump, and somehow Trent still develops a fat crush on the server at Merseyside’s newest smoothie place.
Notes: this will be my last story for a while, but it is a longer one, and who doesn't love wingman curtis and flustered shy trentski 😃 here is chapter 1, but all other chaps will be posted on ao3. pls enjoy and do tell me what you think!
The new café that Curtis suggests is only a 15-minute drive from AXA, so after their last meetings and quick showers they take off in his Range Rover and make it there in ten. The owner, he says, is a friend of the Jones family, a former footballer who took the constant chiding of his nutritionists to heart and built a second career from it, and Curtis promises Trent that it’s the best combination of chilled fruit, yogurt, granola and whatever other superfood magic that he’s ever tasted.
But it’s not that Trent needs the backstory that his teammate gives or really much convincing at all - after training his stomach feels as big and empty as a house, and, even still, he figures he deserves it. The past months have been less than kind to him, and closer to brutal: the team’s performance has continued to nosedive in what by Liverpool standards was already an aggressively average season, and he’s still deciding if he’s moved on from the mutual but still painful breakup with his long-term girlfriend two months ago. “Self-care” is a foreign thing he’s been trying to practice at the insistence of his mum and Hendo, since they claim it’s okay to let himself have nice things, to not always push harder when the going is already tough.
A quick, sugary pick-me-up can’t possibly do too much more damage.
A little bell chimes as they step in the door and the air that greets them is pleasantly cool, and sweet. Dark purples and greens blend with browns and oranges on the walls in a swirling pattern, and rustic wood tables with high stools are arranged in rows from one side of the space to the other. There’s a couple sat together at a spot near the window, twin purple cups in front of them, and a single, serious-looking man on a laptop near the back, but the line to order and the self-serve kiosks are both empty. Curtis walks up to the counter, as in any room, like he lives there, and has been there a million times.
“The açai one’s gonna blow your mind, lad, I swear to ya. Plus, the place is Black-owned and that, supportin the community.”
Trent laughs once before settling his hands in the pockets of his sweats and looking up to the menu. There are too many options, really, but at the moment his stomach is non-discriminating.
“Yeah, it better. Won’t shut up about it, you. What’s good- the bowl or smoothie?”
“Hold on – Y/N? Is that you?”
Trent’s question goes unanswered, and smothered by the sound of Curtis’ yell. His voice lifts across the space, shouting the unfamiliar name another time, and again Trent is astounded by just how loud his teammate’s voice can be. That level of volume is helpful on the pitch but embarrassing in public, and Trent feels the eyes of at least one of the patrons on them.
“Curtis? Curtis Jones? Oh my days, one second–”
The ceramic counter holding the ingredients curves around into a small kitchen entrance on the left, and from where he’s standing, Trent can’t see what, or whoever it is that Curtis sees. But the mutual excitement in the voices can’t be missed.
“No way! Get over here!”
Curtis shouts, bouncing on his toes. A moment later, a blur of movement in the shape of a girl flies in from the kitchen, and has Curtis pulled into a tight hug. His teammate reciprocates, and Trent can see his shoulder muscles working to tighten the squeeze, even with the width of counter between them.
“Long time no see, Curt. Was starting to think you were something we dreamed up, only ever see you on the telly.”
Trent can soon confirm the voice does belong to a girl, and on the first glance he gets of her face it is slightly squished against Curtis’ shoulder, but painted in a look of open, undisguised surprise and happiness. It’s the kind of strong emotion he would only ever show on the pitch, almost never in a public place like this, and it almost feels like too much to witness such vulnerability from someone he doesn’t yet know, and who’s heartfelt reunion he seems to be third-wheeling on. He would look away, but his eyes betray him and zoom in, already busy taking inventory without consulting him first.
They start at her skin, which is glowy and smooth, and the same color he likes his tea, on the off day where he does drink a cup. He thinks it’s probably poor to compare a woman to a beverage, in fact, he knows it is, but blames it on his grumbling stomach and moves on. His gaze locks next on her lips, because she and Curtis are speaking again, loudly.
“Could say the same to you, can’t I, been ages since I’ve seen ya! And I’m loving the hair.”
“Yeah, wanted to try something different. It’s been a few years since I’m growing them.”
Her hair, Trent notices when he pulls his eyes from her face, is in locs like his, but lighter brown with amber highlights strewn throughout. They swing about her shoulders as she moves, so that she regularly has to push the strands back behind her ears, away from her face. The familiarity of the movement triggers a thing in his brain that yells “Me too!”, and his eyes travel the rest of her, suddenly hungry to find more things he recognizes. The first are her eyes, which are a warm, chocolatey brown, maybe two shades lighter than his own. The close second is that he finds her unpredictably, and undeniably attractive.
That feeling inside him that went dormant two months ago starts to fidget.
“How is everythin, though? Uni? And how’s the fam?” Curtis asks.
The two of them continue catching up with excitement that hasn’t yet worn off, and Trent stands to the side, trying not to intrude and trying not to be awkward. In a way he hopes is sly, he continues scrutinizing her features while intermittently looking at his shoes, up at the artsy menu board where the offerings are, impressively, engraved rather printed, and briefly at his phone.
He should, he supposes, listen politely to their conversation, try and contribute, but in truth he only checks back in after a loud burst of laughter. She's covering her mouth with one hand, and Curtis is straightening up from being almost doubled over.
“Whoo, I had nearly forgotten about that, you know! Your brother used to be absolutely mad. But hey, I was round here last week and didn’t see you. Are you workin here now?”
“Yeah, I am.” She pulls at the cafe emblem on the corner of her mauve t-shirt. “I’ll be working the front end of things while we’re still small. Only been at it a few days now, but Dad’s made sure I’m working hard.”
“I don’t doubt it, but you tell the big man he ought to hire some more staff, ‘cause me, I’ll be telling the whole city about this place. Dragged Trentski here as soon as I could, just to show him. Me first convert.”
The sound of his nickname evaporates whatever was left of his distraction, and he steps forward a little, as if finally being invited into the conversation. He looks up and finds she’s looking back at him.
“Alright?” She asks, smiling. “I’m Y/N.”
She waits for him to introduce himself even though if she’s a friend of Curtis and a footballer’s daughter, she surely knows who he is. Or does she? Either way, he decides he likes her for it.
“I’m Trent. Nice to meet you.”
“Good to meet you, too, Trent. Let me get Curt situated and then I’ll be right with you, yeah?” She smiles again, and it isn’t one of those plastic, forced customer service smiles, but one that lasts, like she means it. The light from it floods her eyes, and makes them even shinier, independent of the artificial lighting buzzing above them. In it’s glow, his chest does that stupid thing where it feels filled up with too much air.
He watches as she moves down the line and makes his teammate’s bowl with laser focus, trying to guess if what he’s sensing is just politeness, if her smile lasts as long every time. When the flash of white does appear behind her lips again, and twice more before she calculates Curtis’ total at the register, he gets too distracted by it to count the seconds.
“What would you like?” Too quickly she’s in front of him again, hands poised around a brown paper bowl.
“Em, yeah,” He clears his throat. “A bowl, please. Not a smoothie. The açai one?”
“Good choice.” She nods, while scooping portions of the purple fruit-yogurt mix into the container. “Any special add-ins for you today? Plant protein, energy, antioxidants?”
The health-food buzzwords set off signals in his head, and he gives the answer that would make his nutritionist proud.
“Need all of it, honestly.”
She laughs again, but it feels different this time, since he’s the one who made it happen, not Curtis.
“Good boy. Bet your nutritionist loves you. Which fruits?”
Trent freezes a second, affected in equal amounts by the “good boy” and the feeling that she’d read his mind. She pushes the right side of her locs back behind her ear in the silence.
“What about banana? It goes really well with the açai.” She offers.
“Yeah, banana’s good.”
She nods again and uses metal tongs to arrange the pale yellow pieces artfully over the yogurt. He goes on, choosing available fruits from the names listed on the clear glass shield, and trying not to stumble, again. The bowl gradually fills up, and it’s a smooth exchange – it’s much easier to do this, to talk and focus, he realizes, when her face is turned down – until they reach the last two options.
“Em, nah, no pineapple, it-” The next bit of information he adds not because it’s particularly important, but because their interaction is almost over, and he doesn’t want it to be. “-makes me tongue feel—”
“All tingly? Yeah, that’s a thing!”
Her eyes light up as she exclaims and to Trent it seems her face sudddenly changes over — there’s more color in her cheeks, and vibration in her voice. But maybe he’s imagining it. She flits the tongs through the air as she continues.
“There’s an enzyme in pineapple, bromelain, that breaks down proteins, and you’ve got a bunch of those on your tongue and cheeks. It’s what makes it so acidic, and makes it burn a little to eat, but it’s interesting, cause, bromelain is also really good for you? Helps treat inflammation, and indigestion-“
“Not now, Y/N, just give the lad his food! If he wanted a lecture he would have gone uni with you.” Curtis teases from near the register, looking up from where he’d been on his phone, waiting. She graces him with a beautiful and dramatic roll of her eyes, but when she turns back to Trent they’re sincerely apologetic.
“I get a little carried away with the nutrition thing, forgive me. It’s nice to have Curt here, though, to keep me humble. Coconut?”
Trent wants to say, “No, it’s okay, I don’t mind it” but all he manages is a kind smile. He could care less now if she adds the shredded bits of white to his order or not, but he wants her to keep looking at him, for the excited glow on her face from when she’d mentioned food science to return.
“Em, yeah. Thank you.”
Minutes later, their bowls are bagged and paid for and they’re heading towards the door, fond words of parting on all their lips.
“You all come back, okay?” Y/N probes, pulling out from another Curtis, cross-counter hug. “And I’ll tell me brother and Dad you came in, Curt, they’ll be buzzin.”
“Oh for sure, I’ll send him a text as well. It’s been so nice seeing ya.”
“Same. And hope to see you again, too, Trent. Not just on the telly.” She waves at him, more a wiggle of her fingers, and it should look silly but somehow it isn’t. He wiggles his own back, and hopes it works for him too.
In the car, they dig in, setting aside the plastic lids unceremoniously on the dash. Curtis is obnoxious about the cleanliness and quality of many things, his clothes, trainers, and phone screen, but strangely his car isn’t one of them.
The bowl Trent ordered turns out to be far better than average. The yogurt is perfectly tart and tangy, the fruit crisp and juicy and the açai deliciously purple. He still hasn’t got the girl from the counter, Y/N, out of his head.
He’s four bites in when he finally asks the question bumping around his brain the past five minutes.
“How’d you know her again?”
“Who? Y/N? Her brother’s me mate. She was a year older, but we all grew up together in Toxteth. Why?”
“No reason.”
“Do you fancy her?”
“No-what lad?” Trent screws his face his up, unsure how indignant he truly is, and though he saw the question coming. Curtis only shrugs.
“I said, do you fancy her? I saw your face while yous was talkin, and you almost never ask after girls. Just pull with your mind games or telepathy or whatever it is you do.”
Trent gets a mouthful of coconut to formulate his answer, and the taste makes his stomach feel funny. He remembers why he doesn’t usually go for it.
“No, I mean, I think she’s good-lookin, yeah, but I don’t fancy her. Don’t even know her.”
“S’not hard to change that- I could put in a word for ya. Know she’s real busy, real serious about school and that, but you’re you, innit. Trent Alexander-Arnold. Be mad not to go for it.”
Trent lets the drama of Curtis’ compliment slide off him with a shake of his head. But the “you’re you” sticks; it’s what he’s been telling himself the two month’s he’s been girlfriend-less and on a season high not-winning streak, sitting middle of the table with indications to fall. He’ll keep on repeating it, or hearing it repeated to him, until it feels true again.
“You don’t feel weird about that? Since she’s your mate and all?”
“Why would I? You’re both sound people, better than sound. And if chattin to her gets rid of that kicked-dog look you’ve been wearin the past month, brother, I’ll plan the weddin.”
“I haven’t been— there won’t be-“ Trent splutters, before resigning to the chaos that is his closest teammate and friend. “I’ll keep the offer in mind, lad. But let me finish me smoothie bowl first, yeah? Let’s start there.”
“Okay, okay. You’ll remember I told you so.”
Trent keeps eating, lets Curtis switch the subject, and it's not until he’s home, scrolling the lists of Liverpool-based Instagram profiles containing the name “Y/N”, that he questions just what would be the subject of his friend’s “I told you so” — Y/N or the smoothie. He decides to treat him to another one tomorrow to find out.
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rowanfalls · 4 months
No joke, I think dungeon meshi has seriously impacted my desire to be healthy for the better. A very long and heartfelt (but spoiler free) essay is under the cut.
I have Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. Because of my OCD, some foods are safe and some are not and I would literally rather starve than eat an unsafe food (i know because it happened once on a trip to Switzerland). This means I mostly eat chicken nuggets, buttered noodles, donuts, soda, the like. The only vegetable I can eat is cooked broccoli and the only fruit I can eat is apples (smoothies not withstanding).
I'm also physically disabled in a way that makes it hard for me to exercise or do physical activity, not to mention how my ADHD and Depression fuck with that as well. I'm 'lucky'* in that I have a genetic disposition towards being very thin and probably will stay that way until I'm in my 40s (my dad was exactly the same at my age).
So I eat mostly junk food and I sit at my computer all day every day and for a long time, I've been happy with that. When I tell people about my Eating Disorder, they usually say "oh, is there a way to fix it?" and my answer is always "why would I want to?" Its not like an allergy or a medical dietary restriction. I don't LIKE any of the foods I can't eat. I don't have any reason to want to learn how to eat them.
Besides health reasons of course. I know in my head that not eating any vegetables isn't good for me but I also know that I don't really want to eat them and, for most of my adulthood, I've lived with the mindset that I think a lot of people my age have where they hear so many people say 'just eat well and exercise!' as a solution to every problem and so they tend to hate the idea of doing that. The health industry is full of too many people who are fatphobic assholes or who think a green smoothie can cure your depression for good or who just want your money or whatever and I hate that. And so I've kind of felt above exercise and nutrition.
But then I read Dungeon Meshi.
Even in the beginning, the manga was super inspiring. The way Senshi talks about taking care of your body so you can go on adventures makes it sound like something I might want to do. So much of today's health advice is shame based and, as someone who grew up in and left a high demand control group, I work hard not to tolerate shame in my life. But Dungeon Meshi posits a new view of health and nutrition, one that is centered in love for the self, love for your friends, and love for your food. It resonated with me in a way that I really wasn't expecting it to.
Over the last few years, I've been working really hard to become a compassionate person. This year, my new goal is learning to turn that compassion inward and I've been trying to do that in several different ways. When I finished reading Dungeon Meshi I knew that one of those ways was going to have to be improving my diet and exercise.
I want to be able to go on adventures (as tame and simple as they may be). I want to live as long as possible to spend time with my loved ones. I want to be able to walk around and exist without pain for as much of that time as I can. I want to love my body and act accordingly, making sure it is well fed and cared for. Hell, I've always loved the idea of cooking but haven't had the energy to really learn, especially since I can't eat most foods, but now the idea of taking the time to cultivate a skill like that, one that I can be proud of and that can be used to care for my friends, fills me with a sense of hope and excitement.
So thank you Dungeon Meshi, and thank you Ryoko Kui. If you haven't read the manga, I highly recommend that you do.
*by lucky I mean that my diet hasn't forced me to deal with the stigma that comes with being fat. I have no idea what kinds of problems it's been causing that I just can't see. I am not saying that it would be bad if I were fat, just that not being thin would mean I faced a lot more stigma and discrimination in my life, which is bad.
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crinklecries · 2 years
realized I never posted one of my ficlet requests here, so here u go.
fandom: Twisted Wonderland prompt: anything with azul and jamil’s fucked up friend???ship (aka azuls big fat crush) word count: 852
Jamil didn’t expect the dreams.
He didn’t expect the way they would haunt him— cling to him like ichorous sludge, leaving him gasping for air between silent screaming in the dead of night. Jamil didn’t expect the way it would replay in his head— over and over and over and over again— the euphoric feeling of phenomenal cosmic power at his fingertips, and the hollow, vacuous way he felt once it was stolen back from him.
A week to the day, and Jamil’s dreams are still imprinted with the sin of his overblot.
So he sleeps as little as possible, tossing and turning in a sea of over-stuffed pillows, simply passing the time from day to day.
Pressing the heels of his palms against bloodshot eyes, Jamil offers an exhausted glance outside his bedroom window. The desert sky is still painted with a midnight navy, and he can tell that the sun’s rising is still a few hours off. He sighs. No, it’s still too early to leave his room. An appearance this early in the morning would raise an unneeded concern— and the last thing Jamil needs now is more attention.
The sudden, soft tapping at Jamil’s door ripples through his body like ice water through his veins. He sits up, careful to make as little noise as possible, and waits. It’s too early for Kalim to be awake, and his master has been adamant that none of the other boys in the dorm bother Jamil while he’s resting. A beat passes, and Jamil can hear the distinct noise of the doorknob twisting.
He tenses, like a cornered cobra coiled to strike, but before he can move, the intruder makes himself known.
“Ah, you’re awake.” Azul’s voice drifts in softly from the threshold. “Excellent, I’ve a terrible time sneaking about in the dark— on land, at least.”
“Then perhaps you should take that as a sign to not go sneaking into other people’s rooms.” Jamil deadpans, rolling the building irritation out of his shoulders with a huff. “You could start with leaving mine.”
“Of course, I—” There’s a notable hesitance in Azul’s voice, a hitch that Jamil immediately clocks as the merman shuffles properly into the room, shutting the door tightly behind him. “I only thought you should eat something. Or— drink, if we’re arguing semantics.”
There’s a quiet click of a lamp, and the room floods with a soft glow. Jamil scowls at Azul, who still stands awkwardly pressed against the door. Azul smiles— or, tries to— and holds up his offering against the light.
“A smoothie.” Jamil eyes the bright green liquid with suspicion.
“Yes. A mixture of seaweed, rooibos tea, licorice root, a few other things…it’s one of Jade’s concoctions,” then, as if noticing the way Jamil frowns again and tenses, “ah- but I made this one myself. I can assure you it’s safe.”
“And I’m sure you know exactly how little your assurance means to me.”
The two boys stare at each other in silence for what feels like eons. Azul fidgets, just slightly, but enough for someone as practiced at perfecting body language as Jamil to notice. Ashengrotto’s lips part and he furrows his brows.
“I…had trouble sleeping— after.” Azul’s gaze drops suddenly to the ground and it takes Jamil very little time to realize exactly what ‘after’ Azul is referring to. The housewarden’s voice is timid, almost anxious, but still, he continues.“ Every time I closed my eyes for… weeks, it was all the same. Playing over and over again in my mind. It was exhausting.”
Jamil arches an eyebrow, but doesn’t speak outright. The weight of how own exhaustion settles heavier upon his shoulders, and it’s all he can do to not yawn right there and then.
“Anyway—” Azul clears his throat, and Jamil pretends not to notice the way it cracks as he does so, pretends not to notice the way that glassy eyes gleam behind the spectacles as Azul draws his gaze back up to meet Jamil’s. “This helped. After a while, I was sleeping again and, after even longer the dreams stopped being so bad…I apologize if my presence is as unwanted as you said, I only thought this may be of some use to you as well.”
Azul nods once, setting the drink on the table by Jamil’s door. He inhales deeply, through his nose, and, almost as if trying to compose himself, Azul straightens his already immaculate bowtie and pushes his glasses up further on the bridge of his nose.
“—do you still have them?” Jamil blurts the question before he can stop himself, and Azul looks nearly as stunned as Jamil feels. “The dreams.”
“Sometimes.” His confession is gentle— pained— and almost too quiet for Jamil to make out. “I don’t know that they’ll ever really go away. But… they’re a good reminder.”
“To lean on those around me. On those who would offer up their care, despite everything. It’s…difficult, to say the least.” Azul brings his hand up to not quite cover a deprecating laugh. “But I’m trying. That’s really all we can do, isn't it?”
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curls101 · 1 year
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(Raphaniel's) Blender
Just a normal poem. Just... so normal. I'm kidding, this is deeply unhinged. I don't wanna know where my brain pulled this. I’m really not usually a fan of blackout poetry, but writing poems for these weirdos has become a way for me to experiment. Gotta say, I have a new appreciation for it!
Sorry to this innocent recipie that became this poem about fruit murder: (https://fitfoodiefinds.com/the-best-breakfast-smoothie/)
ALT TEXT (Also the version without the blackout, if this aint your thing)
The picture is of a poem on a white background - it is presented clinically in black and white. It is a blackout poem, where much of the text is blacked-out or redacted, leaving the remaining words creating the poem. As there is no sentence structure, I have approximated one for readability here
This may contain my start. One serving gets you feeling satisfied until lunch. Definately a bad serving of fruit, and healthy fats, dessert. It’s truly the best flavour combo: The combination kick made with real fruit. Healthy to have whole ingredients such as fruit, seeds, nut butter, greens, ect on hand so that whevenever the mood strikes, we’re ready. Cut up your favourite fruit. You can grab already sliced fruit right into your blender. Thick. Frozen. Texture. Do it now. Check it out! Learn what you need. What does this taste like? Dessert! Like a strawberry peanut butter shake. You need: (any kind) raw, raw. We reccomend make it easy! You won’t even be able to taste it. Cut hand when you want. We’ve done the legwork for you. HERE. A high quality blender. You don’t have to worry. We really mean it. It’s seriously one of the best we’ve made. We have a blender, food processor and mixer all in one, getting what we’re looking for. every. single. time.
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Harnessing the Power of Calcium: Exploring Its Benefits and Plant-Based Sources
Calcium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and well-being. While many associate calcium with dairy products, there are numerous plant-based sources that provide this crucial nutrient. In this blog post, we will delve into the benefits of calcium for the human body and explore some of the best plant-based sources to incorporate into your diet.
The Importance of Calcium:
Calcium is widely recognized for its role in building and maintaining strong bones and teeth. However, its benefits extend far beyond skeletal health. Calcium is also involved in muscle contractions, nerve function, blood clotting, and the regulation of enzyme activity. It is particularly crucial during childhood and adolescence when bones are growing, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Additionally, adequate calcium intake throughout life may reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weak and brittle bones. Furthermore, research suggests that calcium may play a role in managing blood pressure and reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.
Plant-Based Sources of Calcium:
For individuals who follow a plant-based or dairy-free diet, it's important to be aware of alternative sources of calcium. Here are some of the best plant-based sources to consider:
1. Leafy Greens:
Dark, leafy greens such as kale, collard greens, turnip greens, and spinach are excellent sources of calcium. These nutrient-packed vegetables not only offer calcium but also provide other essential vitamins and minerals.
2. Almonds:
Almonds are a versatile and nutritious snack that contains a considerable amount of calcium. Additionally, they offer healthy fats, protein, and fiber, making them a valuable addition to your diet.
3. Sesame Seeds:
Sesame seeds, commonly used in various cuisines, are a rich source of calcium. They can be sprinkled on salads, added to baked goods, or used in homemade granola for an extra calcium boost.
4. Tofu and Tempeh:
Tofu and tempeh, both derived from soybeans, are excellent plant-based sources of calcium. These versatile protein sources are widely used in vegetarian and vegan cooking and can be incorporated into a variety of dishes.
5. Fortified Plant-Based Milk Alternatives:
Many plant-based milk alternatives, such as almond milk, soy milk, and oat milk, are fortified with calcium to provide a comparable amount to dairy milk. Be sure to check the labels to ensure adequate calcium content.
6. Chia Seeds:
Chia seeds not only provide calcium but are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. They can be added to smoothies, oatmeal, or used as a topping for yogurt or salads.
7. Beans and Lentils:
Beans and lentils, including chickpeas, black beans, and lentils, are not only excellent sources of protein and fiber but also contain notable amounts of calcium. They can be incorporated into soups, stews, salads, or even used as a base for veggie burgers.
Calcium is an essential mineral that contributes to numerous functions within the human body. While dairy products are often associated with calcium, there are plenty of plant-based sources that can provide this vital nutrient. By incorporating leafy greens, almonds, sesame seeds, tofu, fortified plant-based milk alternatives, chia seeds, beans, and lentils into your diet, you can ensure an adequate calcium intake while enjoying a diverse and nutritious plant-based lifestyle. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized guidance on meeting your calcium needs and maintaining optimal health.
For more detailed and comprehensive information, I recommend referring to reputable sources such as:
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Office of Dietary Supplements:
Website: https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Calcium-Consumer/
Mayo Clinic:
Website: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-calcium/art-20363792
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health:
Nutrition Source - Calcium: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/calcium/
Vegetarian Resource Group:
Calcium in the Vegan Diet: https://www.vrg.org/nutrition/calcium.php
These sources provide evidence-based information on calcium, its importance in the human body, and plant-based sources of calcium.
Remember, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized advice regarding your specific dietary needs and health concerns.
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cyberthot666 · 1 year
eating healthy is not about forcing yourself to eat foods you don’t like. like I know I like grilled chicken, I like salmon, I like tofu, I like shrimp. those are my proteins. I like white rice. I like quinoa & brown rice sometimes too but I’m not going to force myself to eat those if I would prefer white. I know I like eggs & avocados. those are healthy fats. I know I like broccoli, zucchini, asparagus, spinach (if seasoned right) those are my greens. I’m not going to buy sweet potatoes just bc I saw them in a picture of a buddha bowl because I know I don’t really like sweet potatoes all that much and probably won’t eat them. I wouldn’t feel encouraged to cook them either. I like bananas alright but most times I buy them they sit on my counter and rot. which is why I buy fruit smoothie blends bc I know I like them, and I will just drink my fruits. I’ve created a formula when I go to make a healthy meal: usually start with a base grain/carb, then there’s the main protein, then some sort of greens, and maybe throw a healthy fat in as well. it’s worked pretty well so far.
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heaven-dope · 4 days
your ocs' favourite food for: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert, & Mid-day Snack/s. GO GO GO
not averse to veggies, but definitely likes to eat a lot of meat and fat. despite being taiwanese, she hasnt grown up with the culture much.
breakfast: thick cut glazed bacon on toast topped with egg and green onion
lunch: taiwanese beef noodle soup baby!!!
dinner: steak (cooked rare) - likes gamier meats like venison, but any slab of well cooked meat is great!
dessert: likes it when lili makes shortcake and matcha desserts :)
snacks: jerky, pork rinds
a lot of asian cuisine (middle eastern, south)! his dad is ala mhigan, and he didn't get to know his mom.
breakfast: leftover roti and achar from last night
lunch: doner kebab stuffed in pita! this is actually his favorite food.
dinner: veal korma :) he's from thanalan so he's a fan of spice
dessert: he doesn't have too much of a sweet tooth so I think he likes things like... berries with a teeny bit of cream, and poached pears
snacks: tantuni
"why are all your ocs asian" anyway. she's chinese. she has the chef feat and loves cooking for her friends!
breakfast: fruit smoothie with some protein. gotta go fast!
lunch: grilled whole fish with lemon! this was the first dish her best friend/brother figure made for her :) this is her favorite food. i think she likes mackerel the best.
dinner: hot pot. there's just something very homey about cooking around a pot of broth with your friends and family. she's very sentimental!
dessert: donuts ^_^ shaved ice and baklava
snacks: dried squid and youtiao
closest to my palate, since i projected a lot of my taiwanese american-ness onto him teehee
breakfast: he often skips breakfast, not because he dislikes it or thinks it's useless, but he's just really busy. but when he gets the chance, he likes taiwanese beef rolls (braised beef rolled into a scallion pancake with cilantro and hoisin sauce)
lunch: he's on the go a lot, so it's likely a sandwich - probably banh mi!
dinner: taiwanese spaghetti - i think i established this as his favorite food a while back
dessert: HE HAS SUCH A SWEET TOOTH... does boba count? if not hes a big fan of strawberry flavored things, and cakes!
snacks: oamisua, pocky, taffy, shrimp chips!
people goof on western food a lot, but i think a lot of it is good! unfortunately it's just sad luce was raised away from one half of his culture.... he is also a bougie boy teehee
breakfast: eggs benedict
lunch: white truffle flatbread (yeah, i know.)
dinner: grilled octopus served ontop romesco sauce. also a fan of chilean sea bass and halibut.
dessert: blackberry panna cotta :3
snacks: dried fruit.
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(Everyone) What's you guys' favourite drinks?
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- The Islanders rely on their favourite beverages to take them through the demanding task of entertaining parkgoers. Some other fun facts:
- Stealth will only drink Coca-Cola out of glass bottles. "The plastic ones just aren't as cool!"
- Colossus also likes bubble tea. Her favourite flavour is vanilla, but it's pretty uncommon in the stores, so she tends to settle for taro. She tried making it herself once, but it ended in disaster. The Lost City folks and her have wonderful tea parties every week!
- Saw is lactose intolerant, but also allergic to soy, so his go-to alternative is oat. In fact, if he can't have oat milk in his coffee for whatever reason, he'd rather just get tea.
- Xavier's drink is a whisky on the rocks with a bit of still lemonade. They're very particular about most things, and also likes to talk to the night bartender. Who knows why Derren's having a coffee at this time of night, though.....
[Image ID:
Image 1: A 4 paneled comic reading from left to right. Panel 1: Nemesis Inferno, a young woman with medium dark skin, orange eyes and brown wavy hair with orange highlights sits at a table, holding a tumbler of lemon iced tea. She rests her chin on one hand with a ponderous expression and says: "That's a good question, actually! I'm drinking lemon tea right now, even though it's out of season, but it's not my favourite. Or maybe it is? Well, I do love a good smoothie, or just juice (though not orange, yeuch) and flavoured water is nice too. I guess there's just so many that it's hard to decide. Maybe I should narrow it down by starting with drinks I don't like. Hmm..."
Panel 2: Stealth, a young Asian man with light-medium skin, bleached white hair with navy tips and dark red eyes wearing a black, white and red racing suit and a trans flag pin thrusts a glass bottle of Coca Cola towards the viewer, winking charismatically. He says: "Nothing quenches my thirst better than the refreshing taste of Coca-Cola!" A small caption at the bottom of the frame reads: "Note. Stealth is not sponsored by Coca-Cola. Please don't sue us."
Panel 3: Swarm, a young dark-skinned black person with black and grey hair braided into a coily ponytail, dark green eyes and dressed in a camo coat and black bulletproof vest, holds a can of Pepsi Max and asks Stealth: "What about Pepsi Max? That's my favourite." Stealth is turning round to give them a thumbs up and says with a friendly smile and eyes closed: "It's good!"
Panel 4: Chibi versions of Stealth and Swarm stand in front of a descending dark purple gradient. Stealth opens the bottle of Coca Cola and says: "but Coca Cola is still way better." Swarm smiles, unconvincingly, and replies: "Uh, yeah. Whatever you say, big guy." End Image 1 ID.
Image 2: a 4 paneled comic reading from left to right.
Panel 1: Colossus, a fat white woman with curly pale teal hair dressed in Ancient Greek attire, holds a fancy china teacup filled with brown tea. She smiles with her eyes closed and says: "A cup of Earl Grey is my favourite, and it's even better when my friends are at the table!" She's surrounded by a pink glow and cartoon flowers. Behind her, far in the distance, stand Quantum, an elderly Sikh man waving at her with a cup of tea in his hand, Zodiac, a red-haired white woman wearing long loose clothes and smiling, Rush, a woman with medium skin and turquoise hair in a grey dress and eating cake, and Vortex, a dark-skinned woman with deep purple hair and a starry dress who's posed and smiling at the camera.
Panel 2: Saw, a pale-skinned white man with messy, curly dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, a thick beard, dark circles under his eyes and wearing a light grey shirt with a rusted metal cage over his shoulders and ribs, is looking at the viewer and signing the BSL for latte, with his index finger to his palm. He says: "Vanilla oat latte. One shot of espresso."
Panel 3: Xavier, a dark-skinned desi masc with curly dark brown hair with lilac highlights, red-blue heterochromia and a plaster over their nose, wearing a black tank top with a light purple X on it and a scuffed black leather jacket, sits at a tabletop with a whiskey on the rocks in front of him and his hands on his chin. They look downhearted, and say: "...And yet things still aren't the same anymore. This whole zombie thing's just....not my style. It was far simpler, well....back in the 90s. Look, I know, it's cringy, the park's evolved way beyond then and everything, but it all made sense. I was x, the cyberpunk secret agent, the biggest draw, cool with the teens, and liked being me, too. And denim doesn't suit me at all. I wish I could decide my theme instead of always having to chop and change at the marketing team's whims, and........ hello? Did you catch all that?"
Panel 4: it's now clear that Xavier is sat in front of the counter of a bar. He looks to the right in annoyance at the bartender, a white person with freckles and a red ponytail in a blue button down shirt, who is not listening to him but serving Derren a coffee. Derren is a medium-skinned, slightly older man with long, brownish-red locs in a ponytail tied with a blue ribbon, dressed in an elegant red coat with silver tasseling, gloves and a stationmaster hat. The bartender says: "Soy milk cappuccino with cocoa powder and a pump of hazelnut?" A small bit of text under their speech bubble adds: "Though I thought this was a bar, not a coffee shop..." Derren grins delightedly with his eyes closed and one finger up, saying "Why thank you! Yes, that's tremendous." End ID.]
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madamlaydebug · 10 months
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💡Did you know: Mint has a relaxing effect on the muscles in your digestive tract. This means that it can help soothe stomach aches, bloating, and indigestion.
Additionally, mint has been shown to increase bile secretion, which helps break down fats and improves digestion.
👉Mint is also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. These can help protect your body against oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, which are risk factors for many chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Here are some ideas for incorporating mint into your meals and snacks:
💧 Add a few sprigs of mint in your water - then enjoy the leaves.
🥗 Add mint to your salad, especially those with fruits like strawberries or watermelon. Just chop up some mint leaves and toss them in with your greens.
🍵 Brew it into tea, a great herbal remedy for digestive issues and can also be a perfect way to wind down at the end of the day.
🥄 Make a minty yogurt dip by mixing chopped mint leaves into plain Greek yogurt for a healthy and flavorful dip for veggies or pita chips.
🥤Use it in smoothies, especially those with fruits like pineapple or mango.
🔀 Swap out the basil in your favorite pesto recipe with mint for a fresh and flavorful twist.
These are just a few of my favorite ways, comment below how you plan to get creative with mint in your kitchen!👩‍🍳
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unwatchedfadeout · 2 years
Hi again American edblr! I survived Thanksgiving! You can too!
Thanksgiving is salty af so everyone feels puffy and bloated rn. Thats bc your body needs a certain percentage of salt to function and if you have a LOT of salt in your system it hangs on to extra water to dilute it.
Its rlly tempting to panic and refuse to eat or drink ANYTHING but that will make it worse. Lax will too! What you need to do is drink a lot of liquid so you can pee all the salt out and have SOME calories/electrolytes with it so your body doesn't freak out and hang on to everything forever.
Some ppl feel better with a little sugar+fiber, so try smoothies or juices with a lot of pulp in them like chunky OJ or low sodium v8. Some ppl are better with fat/protein+fiber, so try low salt bone broth or miso with greens in it.
DO drink a lot of water but DONT only drink water the whole time. You'll pee out all the salt but also lose alot of potassium and magnesium, which will make you feel dizzy and shitty and cause other problems. Zero cal sports drinks are yr friends. Fizzy electrolyte tablets look like antacids and everyone feels blah after that much food so they don't even look sus.
Basically the best way to fix this is to NOT restrict lower than a juice cleanse. Work smarter not harder! 💖 Always remember your vitamins and don't push yrself too hard, stay safe while you get skinni!
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Another update, hopefully less bleak than the last one.
So on Wednesday I broke down in front of my chiropractor telling him what's going on with me. I apologized for breaking down and he said it's okay, he knows that blood sugar dropping can make a person very emotional. He was surprised to hear that I'd had a green smoothie consisting of whey protein powder, a cup of mixed greens, a ripe banana, and a cup of oat milk immediately before coming to the appointment and not even an hour later I already felt famished like I hadn't had anything all day, but he suggested that getting more fats in my diet might help me hold onto my food longer and keep my blood sugar at a reasonable level longer, so I should be consuming more butter, nut butters, avocado, coconut oil, etc. Putting peanut butter or avocado in my green smoothies, having avocado on whole grain toast like the millennial I am, and I think I'll go back to the special way I was making coffee a while back that involved heavy cream and MCT oil powder. I'll post how I do that in a separate post. I also mentioned to him that I was seriously considering purchasing liver and bones from the butcher shop to get more protein and iron in my system, and he approved of that idea as well.
After my husband picked me up from my appointment, we got food from our favorite local Chinese restaurant, and the orange chicken, fried rice, egg roll, and crab rangoon actually lasted longer in my system and kept me stable longer than anything else I'd had in the last week or two. Lots of fat in all that Chinese food. It was great. The chef seemed to have gotten a little enthusiastic with the spiciness of the orange chicken but I definitely wasn't complaining.
The next day I made a green smoothie and added a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter and that did help it to stay in my system a little longer, but it didn't have enough sugar since I only had half a banana to put in it.
So I'm thinking when we go grocery shopping this weekend, I'll get extra bananas, maybe apples, avocados, some whole grain bread, two jars of peanut butter, and heavy cream along with our usual items. And when we go to the butcher shop I'll see how much liver costs, I already know bones are sold at a reasonable price, and I'll ask the butcher if he can recommend how best to cook the liver, and if I can put it in the slow cooker.
I did more googling and found that low blood sugar isn't uncommon in people who have fibromyalgia, so I'll send my rheumatologist a message and ask about that.
Things are looking less hopeless, and it looks like I have some solutions almost within reach. Just have to make the grocery trip tomorrow.
Right now I feel my blood sugar dropping, so I think I'll go try to make something to eat. I had a bowl of greens loaded with butter, garlic, and salt pork earlier and it was very good and lasted a while but now I need more food. Might cook some more greens and see if I can make some mashed potatoes as well because I might need carbs. Might even cook the rest of the bacon we got from the butcher shop last week since I'm sure it needs to be cooked asap. Hopefully I can stand up long enough to cook. I'm in a lot of pain rn that's going to make being on my feet difficult.
Wish me luck, and stay determined.
Also @ the person who replied to my last update: thank you so much for your kind words. I needed that. ❤️❤️❤️
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anisurrahmanblog · 8 months
🍵 Unlocking the Power of Matcha Slim: Your Ultimate Guide to Health and Wellness 🍵
Are you searching for a natural way to boost your metabolism, shed those extra pounds, and promote overall well-being?
Look no further than Matcha Slim! This potent green tea extract has been gaining popularity in recent years for its incredible health benefits and weight management properties.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about Matcha Slim, from its origins to its potential benefits and how to incorporate it into your daily routine.
🌱 The Origins of Matcha Slim 🌱
Ancient Roots
Matcha Slim finds its origins in Japan, where it has been cultivated and consumed for centuries.
Japanese monks were among the first to discover its unique properties, using it to stay alert during long meditation sessions.
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Unique Cultivation
Matcha Slim is derived from shade-grown green tea leaves, which are carefully cultivated to enhance their chlorophyll content.
The leaves are harvested and ground into a fine powder, which is the vibrant green matcha we know today.
🍵 The Health Benefits of Matcha Slim 🍵
Weight Management
Matcha Slim is renowned for its potential to aid in weight loss and management.
It contains compounds like EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) that boost metabolism and promote fat oxidation.
Studies have shown that regular consumption of matcha can lead to increased calorie burning and fat reduction.
Rich in Antioxidants
Matcha Slim is packed with antioxidants, including catechins, which help combat oxidative stress and protect cells from damage.
These antioxidants may reduce the risk of chronic diseases and support overall health.
Improved Focus and Alertness
Matcha contains L-theanine, an amino acid that can enhance mental clarity and focus.
It provides a calm, sustained energy without the jittery side effects often associated with coffee.
The chlorophyll in Matcha Slim is a natural detoxifier that can help eliminate toxins from the body.
It supports liver health and aids in the removal of heavy metals and harmful chemicals.
Enhanced Immune Function
Matcha contains various vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and potassium, which strengthen the immune system.
Its antiviral and antibacterial properties may help protect against infections.
🌿 Incorporating Matcha Slim into Your Lifestyle 🌿
Matcha Tea
Prepare a traditional cup of matcha tea by whisking 1-2 teaspoons of Matcha Slim powder with hot water.
Enjoy the rich, earthy flavor and numerous health benefits.
Matcha Smoothies
Boost your morning routine by adding a scoop of Matcha Slim to your favorite smoothie.
It will provide an energy boost and a vibrant green hue to your drink.
Matcha Lattes
Create a delightful matcha latte by mixing Matcha Slim with steamed milk of your choice.
Add a touch of sweetness with honey or a dash of vanilla extract.
Matcha in Baking
Experiment with baking by incorporating Matcha Slim into your recipes.
You can make matcha cookies, muffins, or even ice cream for a unique treat.
Matcha Face Masks
Matcha is not only for consumption; it can also benefit your skin. Combine Matcha Slim with yogurt and honey for a nourishing face mask that rejuvenates your skin.
🤔 Is Matcha Slim Right for You? 🤔
While Matcha Slim offers a wide range of health benefits, it may not be suitable for everyone. Here are a few considerations:
Caffeine Sensitivity
Matcha contains caffeine, albeit in smaller amounts compared to coffee.
If you are sensitive to caffeine or have sleep issues, consume it in moderation.
If you have allergies to green tea or experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.
Medication Interactions
Some medications may interact with the compounds in matcha. If you are taking medication, consult your healthcare provider before adding Matcha Slim to your routine.
Quality Matters
Ensure you purchase high-quality, organic Matcha Slim from reputable sources to reap its full benefits.
💡 Conclusion: Embrace the Green Goodness of Matcha Slim 💡
Incorporating Matcha Slim into your daily routine can be a delightful and healthful experience.
From its ancient origins in Japan to its modern reputation as a superfood, matcha offers a myriad of benefits, from weight management to improved focus and detoxification.
Whether you sip it as a soothing tea, blend it into a morning smoothie, or indulge in matcha-infused treats, this vibrant green powder has the potential to enhance your well-being.
Remember to source high-quality matcha, be mindful of caffeine intake, and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.
So, why wait? Dive into the world of Matcha Slim and unlock the power of this remarkable superfood for a healthier, happier you! 🍵✨Visit Now Matcha Slim Official Website
Anisur Rahman
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moksaexpectmiracles · 10 months
How to Incorporate Hemp Seeds into Your Daily Diet !
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Regular hemp seeds into your everyday dietary regimen holds the potential to make a remarkable difference in improving your daily nutrition and magnifying your overall well-being. Hemp Seeds in India, known as “Bhaang Ke Beej”, are exploding with essential nutrients like protein, healthy fats, and minerawrals. This article aims to provide you with practical tips and creative ideas to incorporate hemp seeds into your daily meals and snacks.
Hemp seeds have gained immense recognition as a superfood because of their remarkable nutritional profile. While others consider it to be a drug, scientific studies prove that it is a natural, plant-based protein that contains all nine essential amino acids required by the human body. It contains cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive cannabidiol used to reduce anxiety, alleviate pain and help improve certain markers of heart health.
Hemp Seeds in Breakfast
Embark on your journey of including a healthy lifestyle by starting with a nutrient-packed breakfast made up from hemp seeds. 
Sprinkle a generous handful of hemp seeds over a bowl of creamy flavoured yogurt and complement it with fresh vibrant fruits of your choice. It can also be infused with your favourite morning drink of choice because it seamlessly blends into the mix, providing an additional protein punch to kick-start your day with an insane amount of energy.
For a warm and comforting option, stir hemp seeds into a steaming bowl of oatmeal or prepare an overnight chia pudding with a great texture and flavour of hemp seeds. Their numerous benefits will not only improve your health but also provide you with a refined health.
Hemp Seeds in Salads/Soups
Salads and soups provide a gratifying canvas for the hemp seeds to be included in your day to day food.
Elevate the protein content and add a satisfying crunch to your green salads by putting a handful of hemp seeds in it.
Transform your roasted vegetable soups into a nutrition powerhouse by garnishing them with a sprinkle of hemp seeds, enhancing both their taste and nutritional value.
Hemp Seeds in Baked Goods
Unleash your creativity by seamlessly incorporating hemp seeds into your baked goods.
Replace a portion of conventional flour with finely ground hemp seeds to infuse your muffins or bread with an added protein boost and a nutty flavour to improve its nutritional value.
For an irresistible treat, generously sprinkle hemp seeds atop your favourite cookies or bars before you put them in the oven for a pleasing crunch assorted flavours.
Nutritional Hemp Seeds as a Snack
For a wholesome and convenient snack option, look no further than Hemp Seeds energy balls.
Blending together the delightful combination of dates, almond butter, cocoa powder, and hemp seeds until they turn into a mixture.
Gently mould them into small spheres and let them rest in your refrigerator for a minimum of one hour before indulging in their savoury delights.
These energy balls serve as a pick-me-up during your bustling day or as a replenishing post-workout snack, energising your body and satisfying your taste buds simultaneously.
Hemp Seeds in Smoothies
Quench your thirst and reactivate your senses with a refreshing hemp seed-infused smoothie.
Enhance your favourite fruit and vegetable smoothie  with a tablespoon of hemp seeds, elevating its protein content to new heights.
For a healthy green smoothie, combine the goodness of hemp seeds with ripe bananas, spinach leaves, almond milk, and a hint of cinnamon, resulting in a nutritious delight that is both nourished and super healthy.
Hemp Seeds in Lunch/Dinner
Explore beyond the boundaries of side dishes and snacks, and unleash the potential of hemp seeds in your main courses. Add boldness to your roasted vegetables or grilled chicken with a sprinkle of hemp seeds, elevating their flavour profile and adding a satisfying crunch. Alternatively, utilise hemp seeds as a coating for fish or chicken, creating a healthy and nutritious crust that satisfies both the eyes and the taste buds.
Last but not least, ensure you always have a small container of hemp seeds at your disposal for moments of snacking delight. Hemp seeds serve as an exceptional standalone snack option, boasting portability, nutrition, and an unparalleled ease of enjoyment on the go.
Incorporating Raw Hemp Seeds into your daily diet paves the way for an exciting flavourful adventure, enhancing your meals with added nutrition and unparalleled taste. From breakfast to main courses, and even snacks, the versatility of hemp seeds knows no bounds. Embrace the incredible benefits they bring to your daily diet and unlock a world of culinary possibilities that will refresh your senses and nurture your well-being.
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dokidokitsuna · 2 years
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Some SSS Doodles
1] I thought it might be nice for Toni to be a little taller than Mags. ^^ I really enjoy the contrast between their silhouettes; why not heighten it?
3] My first Star Dream/Mother Computer gijinka, and I love her…! இ௰இ Unfortunately, she is still evil…I’m not yet sure how big of a role she will have in the story, but she is confirmed to appear in at least one chapter. Mother hopes you will like her when the time comes~
5] …I’m not going to say who this character is; I want you to guess. ^^ This is a challenge for the diehard Kirby fans out there…although I think her design alone contains enough clues for the average fan to guess what she is, even if they’ve never heard of her.
2] I really like to think about food systems and production, and I hope to actually work in the industry someday (it’s one of the reasons I majored in biochemistry). But until then, I’m going to live out my dreams through fictional situations like this-- welcome to the first installment of the Green Zone Culinary Digest! :D
Today we’re going to cover some basic vending-machine fare, which actually makes up a large portion of the inhabitants’ diet. Due to resource scarcity, it tends to taste fairly bland; relying heavily on color, texture, and design to make it appealing. Small amounts of normal foodstuffs are mixed into…questionably-sourced fillers, to create these cheap products.
2a] Cheese Eyes were the first snack I came up with for this AU-- it’s such a fun name~. This is a simple potato-based snack, which actually does not contain any form of cheese.
2b] Fishbones are a corn-based snack, with a savory flavor that’s difficult to describe. The general consensus is that they taste like chicken.
2c] The HWC-CNC: Haltmann Works Co. Complete Nutrition Cube~. This is a muffin-sized, heavily-fortified snack created to prevent nutritional deficiencies. It comes in various flavors and textures depending on what’s most available; every batch is something new. Most batches include at least one psychoactive compound, to encourage people to keep eating them.
4a] Leftover water from boiling and processing the savory snacks in Section 2 is mixed with fillers and sweeteners to create the somewhat-dairy-based “smoothie”, Rainbow Parfait Wing! Also comes in Chocolate and Butterscotch flavor.
4b] Leftover solids are squished together to create the Vascular Marshmallow, a mysterious snack that includes added fats and protein powders. It’s not very popular, but it has a sort of cult following.
4c] Pep Brew is the liquid counterpart of the CNC’s, a vitamin-fortified drink with lots of flavors (used to mask the unpleasant taste of the water). This is the only thing most of the inhabitants drink on a regular basis; drinking from home faucets is not recommended.
4d] Beanbons are a snack similar to anpan, and consist of the most high-quality food you can get in this price range. Rice and wheat flour-based cakes are baked and filled with a salty paste made from beans and insect proteins. Sweet varieties include real corn syrup and any edible seeds.
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dnahealthsa · 1 year
Healthy Smoothie Ingredients to Use in Your Blender.
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Are you looking for healthy Smoothie Ingredients? Smoothies are a fantastic way to pack plenty of nutrients into your diet while enjoying a refreshing and delicious drink. With so many ingredients to choose from, it can be challenging to know which ones are the healthiest. In this blog post, we will be sharing the top 10 healthiest smoothie ingredients to use in your smoothies, including their calorie count per 100 grams
Spinach is a nutritional powerhouse and a fantastic addition to any smoothie. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and folate. Spinach is low in calories and only contains 23 calories per 100 grams.
Kale is another excellent leafy green to include in your smoothies. It is high in fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, and antioxidants. Kale is also low in calories, with only 49 calories per 100 grams.
Blueberries are a delicious and nutritious addition to any smoothie. They are loaded with antioxidants, fibre, vitamin C, and vitamin K. Blueberries are also low in calories, with only 57 calories per 100 grams.
Strawberries are another great berry to add to your healthy smoothie. They are high in vitamin C, fibre, and antioxidants. Strawberries are also low in calories, with only 32 calories per 100 grams.
Mango is a tropical fruit that adds a sweet and tangy flavour to your smoothie. It is high in vitamin C, vitamin A, and fibre. Mango is slightly higher in calories than other fruits, with 70 calories per 100 grams.
Greek yoghurt is an excellent source of protein and calcium, making it a perfect ingredient for your smoothie. It also contains beneficial probiotics for gut health. Greek yoghurt is slightly higher in calories than other ingredients, with 97 calories per 100 grams.
Chia seeds are a fantastic source of omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, and protein. They help to thicken your smoothie and provide a satisfying texture. Chia seeds are also low in calories, with only 486 calories per 100 grams.
Almond milk is a great alternative to dairy milk in your health smoothie. It is low in calories and contains no cholesterol or saturated fat. Almond milk contains only 17 calories per 100 grams.
Avocado is a great way to add healthy fats to your smoothie. It is high in monounsaturated fats, fibre, and potassium. Avocado is slightly higher in calories than other ingredients, with 160 calories per 100 grams.
Cucumber is a refreshing and hydrating ingredient to add to your smoothie. It is high in vitamin C, vitamin K, and antioxidants. Cucumber is also low in calories, with only 15 calories per 100 grams.
A DNA super blender is an excellent investment for anyone who loves smoothies. Let's look at why we believe this is a great Blender.
Powerful Blending - The DNA super blender is equipped with a powerful motor that can blend even the toughest ingredients, such as frozen fruits, leafy greens, and nuts. This strong blending ensures that your smoothie is smooth and creamy, with no lumps or chunks. It also makes it easier to incorporate healthy ingredients into your smoothie, such as chia seeds, flax seeds, and nuts, which can be difficult to blend in a regular blender.
Faster Blending - The DNA blender can blend your smoothie faster than a regular blender, thanks to its powerful motor and unique blade design. This means you can whip up a healthy and delicious smoothie in just a few minutes, even on busy mornings. Faster blending also means that your smoothie retains more of its nutrients, as the ingredients are not exposed to heat for as long.
Versatile Blending - The Super Blender is versatile enough to handle a variety of ingredients, from soft fruits to tough greens. This means you can experiment with different smoothie recipes and ingredients, knowing that your blender can handle anything you throw at it. You can also use your DNA super blender to make nut butter, nut milk, and even soups and sauces.
Easy to Clean - This Blender is easy to clean, thanks to its smooth and seamless design. Unlike regular blenders, which often have hard-to-reach nooks and crannies, a DNA super blender has a simple design that makes it easy to clean. This means you can spend less time cleaning up after your smoothie and more time enjoying it.
Want to know more about this amazing Blender to take your Blending Game to the Next Level? Have a look at the Videos on YouTube to see its Unboxing , quick recipes and comparisons. Or, Simply have a look at www.dnahealth.co.za to learn more.
In conclusion, these ten ingredients are the healthiest and most nutritious options to add to your smoothies. So you do not have to wonder about what are the healthy smoothie ingredients. They are all low in calories and packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants. Try mixing and matching these ingredients to create your perfect smoothie recipe. Best of all, combine these ingredients with the DNA Super Blender, and you will make smoothies that are smooth and great tasting.
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maryburrow · 1 year
Can You Freeze Avocados
You can do almost anything with an avocado. From guacamole to avocado toast, this fruit is a delicious addition to any meal. But what about freezing them? Can you freeze avocados and still keep their flavor, texture, and nutritional content intact? The answer is yes—but it takes a bit of preparation.
In this article, we’ll give you the ins and outs of freezing avocados so that you can enjoy their nutrition and deliciousness long after the growing season is over.
We’ll discuss the best way to prepare them for freezing, the potential risks associated with frozen avocados, how to tell when they are still fresh enough to use, and much more! So, let’s get started and find out if you can indeed freeze avocados.
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What Are Avocados?
Many of us are familiar with avocados—the popular green fruit that’s a staple in many diets. But do you really know what an avocado is?
Avocados are considered a fruit, although they have very unique characteristics. Unlike other fruits we’re used to, avocados are high in fat and calories and are a great source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers.
They contain high levels of monounsaturated fats that help reduce cholesterol levels in the body, as well as potassium, vitamin K, B vitamins, folate and Vitamin E. And of course, they make a great addition to salads, sandwiches or guacamole!
How to Choose the Best Avocados for Freezing
One of the most important things to consider when freezing avocados is the selection and preparation process.
The best avocados for freezing are usually those that are slightly underripe—a bit firmer in texture, but still ripe enough to enjoy raw. If your avocados are overripe, it won’t make much of a difference in the texture of your avocado post-freezing.
When selecting your avocados, be sure to inspect them for any brown or soft spots, bruises, or other signs of spoilage. Avoid any that have already begun to ripen too much and discard any that have been cut into or are starting to turn brown on the inside.
Finally, be sure to rinse and dry each avocado before freezing it. This will help remove any bacteria or other contaminants and will make it easier to peel once it is defrosted.
The Best Way to Freeze Avocados
Believe it or not, freezing avocados is actually a thing—and it’s actually a pretty simple thing to do. Are you ready? Here’s the best and easiest way to freeze avocados:
Start with ripe avocados, making sure they are ripe but still firm. That’s important, because soft avocados won’t hold up as well when frozen.
Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit.
Scoop out the flesh of the avocado with a spoon and put it into a freezer-safe container or bag.
Add a bit of lemon juice or lime juice (this will prevent them from turning brown).
Seal the container or bag and place in the freezer.
When you want to use the avocados, just take them out of the freezer and let them thaw for about an hour at room temperature and then enjoy.
Done! That’s really all there is to it—now you can rest easy knowing that you have frozen avocado ready for smoothie-making and guacamole-dipping whenever you want!
How to Thaw and Use Frozen Avocados
When the time comes to thaw your frozen avocados, you’ll want to do it slowly in the refrigerator. Allow at least one day for it to thaw completely. Once they are thawed, you can use them in any recipe that calls for fresh avocados or use them as garnish.
How to Tell if Your Avocado is Ripe
It’s important to note that frozen avocados will ripen differently than fresh avocados, so you’ll want to pay attention when picking out a ripe one. A ripe avocado will be slightly soft and pliable when gently squeezed, with a slight give without feeling mushy.
How to Prepare Avocados for Freezing
Before freezing your avocados, you’ll need to prepare them first – here’s how:
Peel and remove the pit from each avocado
Slice the avocado into cubes or slices
Cover each avocado piece with lemon juice or citrus juice (this will help prevent discoloration)
Place into an airtight container or freezer-safe bag and store in the freezer
Freezing avocados is a great way to ensure they don’t go bad before you can use them, plus it preserves all their health benefits too!
Recipes That Involve Frozen Avocados
But can you freeze avocados? Absolutely–and that opens up a whole world of possibilities. Freezing avocados can be a great way to make meals in advance, so you can just grab and go when it’s time to eat. You can also freeze them for smoothies and other recipes.
Smoothie Ingredients
Adding frozen avocado to your smoothies is a great way to add healthy fats. Not only does it add flavor, but freezing it will also make your smoothie thicker and creamier. And don’t forget about adding other frozen fruits to the mix—they’ll make for an even better smoothie.
You can freeze guacamole, too! Make sure your guacamole is fresh, with no extra water added to it, then spoon it into an air-tight container and pop it into the freezer. When you’re ready to use it, thaw it overnight in the fridge or in a bowl of cold water then enjoy!
Avocado Ice Cream
If you’ve ever wanted an ice cream that was healthy and creamy as well as indulgent, then this one’s for you! Simply blend together frozen avocado chunks with almond milk (or any other kind of milk that you prefer) until smooth then enjoy! You could even add toppings like chocolate chips or fruit slices if you’re feeling creative.
Tips and Tricks for Freezing Avocados
When it comes to freezing avocados, there are some tips and tricks that you should keep in mind to ensure delicious avocados time and time again.
Select ripe avocados
When freezing, make sure to choose ripe avocados that have a nice green color with a slight amount of give when gently squeezed. Avoid overly soft or bruised avocados as the texture will change significantly after being frozen.
Pre-freeze preparation
It is important to prepare the avocado before freezing it. Halve the avocado and remove the seed. Cut the flesh into cubes or slices if desired. Some recommend lightly brushing them with lemon juice or lime juice to prevent the oxidation of the fruit.
Blanching (heating) before freezing can help preserve their flavor and texture for up to eight months. To blanch, drop avocado pieces into boiling water for about one minute or until they turn bright green. Immediately remove them from boiling water and plunge them into an ice bath to stop cooking process. Pat them dry before freezing.
Arrange the pre-frozen avocado pieces in a single layer on a cookie sheet, cover with plastic wrap, and place into freezer until pieces are solid (about 2-3 hours). Once hard, transfer pieces into airtight containers or freezer bags and label with date of storage before returning back to freezer for up to 8 months. When ready to use, remove as many cubes as you need from freezer bag/container and thaw in refrigerator overnight.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you freeze whole avocados?
No, it’s not recommended to freeze whole avocados. The high water content of avocados causes them to expand when frozen, which can lead to a mushy and unappetizing texture. Instead, it’s best to freeze mashed or pureed avocados.
How long can frozen avocados last?
Frozen avocados can last up to six months in the freezer. However, it’s best to use them within three months for optimal texture and flavor. When thawed, the texture may be slightly different from fresh avocados, but they can still be used in recipes such as smoothies, dips, and spreads.
Can you freeze guacamole?
Guacamole can be frozen for up to six months. Make sure to place it in an airtight container or freezer bag, and add a layer of plastic wrap on top to prevent air exposure. Thaw the guacamole in the refrigerator overnight before serving.
Can you freeze mashed avocados?
Yes, mashed avocados can be frozen for up to six months. Simply scoop the avocado flesh into a bowl, mash it, and add a squeeze of lemon juice to prevent browning. Then, place the mashed avocado into an airtight container or freezer bag and freeze.
Final Thought
Freezing avocados is a great way to make them last longer, especially if they’re not going to be eaten right away. However, you need to keep an eye on the texture when you freeze them. If you don’t freeze them properly, they may lose some of their flavor and texture and become mushy.
When stored properly, frozen avocados can last up to one year in the freezer. If you use frozen avocados, you’ll have the convenience of having them on hand whenever you need them. So, go ahead and give it a try. You’ll soon see the benefits of having avocados on hand all the time, without having to run to the store.
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