#grey striped jumper
bobbie-robron · 1 year
There’s just no way that Aaron would want to dress up and wear makeup. He’s the least camp guy I know.
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grimini · 1 year
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halo-desert-rose · 2 months
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Some wholesome Creature Jon and Creature Martin
Image description under cut
A traditional drawing of a Jon Creature and a Martin Creature sitting on grey pebbles, holding hands and leaning their heads together. They both have their eyes closed.
Jon is on the left. He has black hair with white streaks that reaches his lower back. He wears an emerald green cardigan over a white shirt, and a long, dark brown skirt with two light brown stripes near the hem. A black walking cane leans on his right side. His right hand is resting in his lap, while his left hand holds Martin’s hand.
Martin is in the right. He has short ginger hair with white streaks. He wears a light blue jumper with a white collar peaking out, and light brown pants. His left hand in resting on his knee, while his right hand is holding Jon’s hand.
Jon’s cardigan is composed of a layer of light green and dark green fineliner ink. Martin’s hair is composed of a layer of orange and light brown ink.
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
A sequel where jock Jake Wyler and his nerdy girl, reader decided to head on a forest hike during the weekend for a date walk. tree fucking + blowjob + boob job
hello! I'm sorry this took so long, I hope you enjoy it!
part 1 here - jock jake wyler and his nerdy girl au.
summary - you and your boyfriend head into the woods together, and you end up being fucked against a tree by him.
warning - smut, swearing, public sex, tit fucking, oral sex.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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Yours and Jake’s lips move passionately. He groans as he pushes you into a tree. His thigh rests between your legs, letting you grind yourself against him as he pulls back. “Fuck, princess! Did I tell you how cute you looked today?” His cock twitches at your small whimper. “You look so fucking cute, fuck! I love these pants. They always make your fucking ass look huge and juicy!” Jake practically drools as he gropes you, squeezing your cheeks. Helping you grind yourself into him.
“As much as I love seeing you wear my clothes, princess. I’d much rather see your tits.” He stripes you from his dark grey jumper, groaning when your tits jiggle free with no bra support. “It’s like you knew this would happen, didn’t you, princess?” 
You nod, whining as your nipples harden from the cold and Jake’s touch. Your half-lidded eyes stare down at the bulge forming in his pants. “Please, let me suck your cock. Please!” Jake groans, nodding. He quickly takes his throbbing member out whilst you get on your knees. His eyes widen when you squeeze your breasts against his hard cock. “Fuck them, Jake.” His cock twitches at your words, looking down at you. He swears he nearly came.
Your tongue is lapping at his tip as he thrusts the flesh between your breasts. “Jesus fucking Christ. Oh fuck, princess!” Your lips wrapped around him, beginning to suck as you moan. 
Jake grunts, quickly pulling you up and turning you around. He rips your pants off and pushes you against the tree. A squeal leaves your lips as he thrusts into your tight hole. “Shit, princess. How do you always feel like heaven?” He groans, moving in and out of you. His hands grip your hips as he picks up the pace.
You desperately claw the tree's bark as pants and moans escape you, your walls pulsating and clenching around his thick member as he pounds into you. This continues until your eyes roll to the back of your head, juices leaking from your used hole and covering Jake.
Rough grunts and moans escape him, his balls tighten, and his head tilts back. His thrusts begin to become sloppy as he approaches his end. “I’m gonna cum, princess!” His eyes roll to the back of his head as thick spurts of cum shoot out of him and deep into you. 
After a few moments of catching your breaths, Jake slowly pulls out and helps you put your clothes back on before pulling you into a sweet kiss. “I love you so god damn much, princess.”
Your head falls into his chest out of exhaustion. “I love you too, Jake.” You look up at him with wide eyes. “Can you carry me back to the car, please? I can’t feel my legs.” He chuckles before leaning down and pressing a kiss on your forehead.
“Of course, I can, princess.”
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
How is it I've ended up in a situation where i end up writing two costume metas a week now 🤔😂😳 We are sneak peek meta'ing as there is some juicy stuff in the sneak peaks we've had!! First up,
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Lots of check - sooooo much check going on here!! the interesting thing about having both of them in check is how they contrast each other - I think we'll see that Maddie is more confused about things than Chimney is as the episode unfolds. Maddies jacket being a variety of check hints at confusion and danger on multiple fronts - I'd be prepared to put money down on Maddie not only reckoning with the Doug of the equation, but also there being further things for her in relation to her parents and some things around Jee-Yun as well. How exactly we'll see all that play out and how much detail they'll go into over it I have no idea, but I can see 2 possibly 3 different tweed chcks on her jacket, so there are likely to be 2 or 3 things that she has to face up to.
Chimneys Check has however been lurking there below the surface all season long and that very much plays into the longer arc we've seen for him this season. I would've loved to have actually seen the joint therapy session we were supposed to get at the start of the season because I'm sure it would've played into this underlying foreshadowing of danger we have for him, but I have a theory about why we didn't end up seeing it. Chimney's check has nearly always been close to his skin - by that I mean shirts rather than jumpers or jackets - and we've seen a lot of times where it is hidden under a plain jumper or jacket. I don't want to jump the gun too much by making crazy predictions, but as well as foreshadowing his season finale injury, I think we might be seeing some foreshadowing for Chimney keeping some stuff close to his chest that we will get to see play out in season 7 - its feeling very much like this season is setting up some sort of Chimney trauma healing arc that is bigger than the smallish stuff we've been given so far - it has always felt a little off that we never really got to dig into the stuff with Chimneys father more than we did and then with the Kevin stuff we got in the last episode, it feels like the show building towards something bigger for him and the costumes are aiding this subtext.
Eddie and Chris
there are all of the things going on here in this scene!! firstly as has already been mentioned - it is the same knit hoodie that Eddie was wearing in 5x14. We'll come back to Eddie though - I want to start with Chris!
This is the first time we've ever seen Chris in a denim jacket, in fact we've never actually seen him in a jacket at all, we've only seen him in hoodies up to this point. there is something about this being the first time we see him wear one - at Shannons grave side. Denim jackets are culturally tied to westerns, cowboys and to Texas. Christopher wearing one here would appear to be a visual way of tying him to the childhood he had with his mother - backing up the conversation about making s'mores with her when he was younger.
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We can't not talk about the striped hoodie Stripes according to my theory are all about change incoming - the theory hasn't yet been disproven by the wardrobe department and I get the feeling that here is no different. The idea that a change is coming in Christophers life is one that has been hovering around for a little while and the narrowing of the stripes would suggest that change is getting closer. I can't not mention the fact that the hoodie is also white and grey striped - the horizontal version of Buck shirt from the shooting. this is suggesting two things to me - one it is connecting Chris directly to the fact he nearly lost both parents - sitting at the grave of one parent while wearing something that echoes an outfit from the moment he could've lost a second parent. I also think there is something in the connection to Buck specifically in this - its directly connected to the will and that Chris has a third parent - I can't wait to see if I'm just clowning hard, or if the change the stripes Chris is wearing are foreshadowing some connetion to the will!
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I do want to touch on the fact that he has short trousers on here - I'm fascinated by them as a choice because again, they're not something we've seen Chris wearing before and my brain automatically went to Buck and the short trousers he has been wearing a lot of. The ones we see Chris in here are a bit shorter than the ones Buck wears but I do think it was an interesting choice - I hope we get to see Chris moving in them so I can see exactly how short they actually are, because if they are meant to mimic Bucks then that is very much a choice by the costume department - to connect Christophers past with his present and future!
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Back to Eddies greenish black hoodie. while there is very much the connection to Buck misunderstanding the assignment and the heart metaphors at play, there is another aspect to this outfit being worn again and that is his therapy session with Frank
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You get some weird screenshots from this scene from me because I want you to look at Eddies arm (this is literally the only vaguely decent shot of it I can get from the sneak peek!) and notice how Eddie is very much not wearing his watch - there is no watch to be seen work or home or fancy watch!!! this is very much saying that Eddie isn't racing against time here or any of the other time metaphors that are in play - other than Eddie has time, that Eddie has moved on and is at peace with Shannon now - something also supported by the choice of flowers at the grave.
I love flower meanings (if you hadn't already figured that out) and the bouquet of roses with some goldenrods is interesting! Goldenrods represent happiness and sincerity and are also associated with new beginnings. The roses are in dark red, coral orange, pale yellow and white. Roses are all generally associated with love, but each colour represents a different aspects or types of love. they do also have some other meanings attached to them. Yellow roses are symbols of friendship and they are connected with Dia de Muertos - the day of the dead, where they are a symbol of remembrance. The white roses are a symbol of innocence and purity, but also represent new beginnings (which is why they're often seen at weddings). the red roses are romantic love and the orange ones bridge the gap between romantic love and friendship - interesting that there is the most of these ones - suggesting that Eddies feelings towards Shannon sit more in the fond friendship and remembrance zone rather than the romantic zone - its saying that Eddie has and is moving on from her - that he will always think of her with love and affection, but that those feelings have subsided into something more like friendship. This is a clear symbol of Eddie being ready to move on fro her.
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Oh there is so much going on here that I can't even begin to tell you!!!
first up - her hand is bound in a handkerchief with what appear to be blue roses.
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Roses in general terms mean love - red for romantic, yellow for friendship etc. Blue roses mean unattainable love (because they do not occur naturally - only through artificial means) - so that would suggest that both love is unattainable for both Natalia and Buck in this direction but also that any feelings etc are not real - they can only be achieved through synthetic or artificial means - suggesting that any attempt at a relationship is going to be forced. Blue roses can also mean (especially the lighter shades of blue) emotions - specifically the finding of hope peace and tranquility. So with all of this in mind we end up with the concept of Buck finding what he’s looking for and that Natalia will help him get there, but that it isn't love, its the peace, tranquility and happiness that he's been seeking.
Natalia wearing a black velvet blazer is also a telling choice - here we have a connection to Bucks date not date outfit from 6x13. Not only does this jacket therefore tie into the idea of dates not actually being dates, that one of them may think that a potential date is a date, when it is in fact not one, but it also plays into the mixed feelings title from that episode as well. overall the jacket is playing into the idea of misunderstandings on some level (Buck continuing to misunderstand the assignment!)
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I know you're all staring at how pretty she is, but I want you to look at that necklace!! We have seen that necklace before!!
Sorry for the jump scare, but here it is;
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Now why on earth would you put Natalia in the very same necklace as Taylor Kelly unless it means something?!!! I wrote this in my 5x16 costume meta about that necklace and its meaning;
The chain she was wearing however - very interesting - well to me at least!! (you might have already read this part if you read my answer to an ask!!) So chains that look like actual chains (as this one does) are usually representative of bondage or incarceration - such as the chains of slavery or the chains worn by prisoners or the idea of chattel - the concept of possession - belonging to someone or something -such as historically when women became the property of men upon the event of their marriage (the ball and chain). non of the associations with chains are positive ones! There is also the location around her neck - its not worn loose or lower down it is literally like a chain collar around her neck - a noose like position. 
Basically all of this adds up to Taylor signalling that she is essentially making her self a chattel - staking her claim on Buck through the concept of her being the woman in possession. The thing is though that idea is outdated - Taylor herself is outdated (as in to be history soon) and there are so many quotes about breaking free from chains that bind you and that love frees you from your chains. So if Taylor is putting herself into the idea of being a chain - a noose about Bucks neck - the symbolism becomes as much about Taylors attempts to chattel herself as it is about the concept of Buck freeing himself of the chains binding him and the idea that Love will free him from those chains. Now because this is film/tv - the director will use that chain symbolism to point out the love - the audience knows Taylor is in a relationship with Buck so they will subconsciously connect that chain to him. But where Buck is located - that is where the love is and the audiences eye will be draw to that location - in placing Buck with Eddie and not having him come over to the conversation and therefore standing next to Lucy in any way - it is all done to show where the love that will set Buck free is - and that is with Eddie!!
I stand by all I said in that meta - it is all still relevant. However, the fact they’ve chosen to have Natalia wear the necklace we saw Tay Kay in in 5x16 for that very key scene (when Buck was off flirting with Eddie in the background) is less about Natalia herself trying to stake a claim on Buck and much more about what she represents as a death doula. She is a representation of death and this necklace is playing into the idea of death having a claim over Buck - of Buck feeling like death has a claim over him. It continues to play into the theme of Orpheus and Eurydice's that we saw at play through Carla in 6x11. the concept of Buck still wanting to look back rather than forward and the act of looking back pulling you back to the underworld. 
This is telling me that Buck is still drawn by death, that he is attracted to and and chateled or attached to death because he hasn’t yet dealt with any of his route trauma. 
The fact that we see the necklace on Tay Kay at the moment she has to reckon with who she thinks is the wedge in her relationship with Buck, may also be telling because reusing it here potentially has a similar theme at play - there is a third person/thing in any relationship they attempt to create - death that Natalia may end up feeling the same way as Tay Kay - not saying she’s going to be petty and weird like TK was, it is more likely she will recognise the wedge is bucks relationship with death - and it will be a catalyst to Bucks healing making progressI standby.
there is another connection that @theladyyavilee 's eagle eyes spotted - the necklace is also the same as a bracelet that Ana is wearing when Eddie comes across her in Jinx
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the meanings are similar to those I've already written about - with Ana the other more subtle connection is the reason Eddie bumps into her at all is because of Izzy Chainz - stuck up on his billboard.
The fact that we have Natalia connected to both Taylor and Ana in this way is in and of itself very telling - the connections to them is telling us that things with Natalia and Buck won't work out - as if we needed any further confirmation, the wardrobe department as always have our backs and just add their weight to all the other indicators. There is also the meaning behind Natalias name - birthday - specifically in connection with Christmas day and the birth of Christ - further tying into the theory that Natalia is going to help Buck move on from his death in some way and this will very likely also have some connection with the route of Bucks trauma - Daniel and the reaso he was born and allow him to get ever closer to finding happiness - it just won't be with her
Right that is quite enough going feral over the sneak peeks - hopefully it will tide you over until the episode airs and I can write my full normal meta!!!
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the-offside-rule · 1 year
Pedri Gonzalez (FCBarcelona) - Ladrona
Requested: anon on tumblr
Prompts: 9) "Is that my jumper?"
11) "I think my colours suits you better."
Warnings: none
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Pedri had been in the worst mindset as of recently. Barcelona weren't playing the best, he had been in a few arguments with his teammates and to top it all off, his girlfriend was having mood swings with up and coming assignments due. It wasnt exactly how he would want his life to be going. He was focusing on football, taking up most of his time, but this made him feel terrible about his girlfriend getting close to no attention. He wanted to spend every waking moment with her, yet here he was struggling to do even that.
After a hard day training, he decided he would try and turn it around after having many conversations with Sergi on how to try make things better, for both him and his girlfriend. Sergi suggested a home made meal, followed by a rom-com, and so, Pedri set out to consum to buy some ingredients for his home cooked meal before heading home to Y/n.
He parked the car in his driveway as per usual, opened the door with a smile on his face, and bellowed; "Amor! I'm home!" He listened out for her sweet voice to reply. "In the living room!" He quickly carried the shopping bags into the kitchen and dropping them, then making his way to greet his wonderful girlfriend. He crept up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, pecking her cheek as he did so. "Hello, mi vida. I've missed you." He smiled. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I thought I'd iron your suit since you're going to an away game tomorrow. Have to look sharp." He chuckled and looked down at the oversized hoodie she had on,his eyebrows knitting in confusion. His head lifted off her shoulder, prompting Y/n to look back. "What is it?" She asked.
"Is that my jumper?" She looked down at the grey hoodie and smiled. "Yeah, it was freezing so I thought I would wear it. I can go take it off if you want-"
"No, no, keep it on. I think my colours suit you best." She chuckled. "Your colour? Have you claimed the colour grey?" Her hands curled up around his neck, her eyes focusing on his lips. "No, but it has a barca stripe on the arm, so the blaugrana is my colour and therefore, you're wearing my colours." He pecked her lips again. "And what if I look better without the colours on?"
"That can wait, I'm gonna go cook dinner." She looked at him surprised. "You cooking? Since when?" Y/n turned and began ironing again. "I can cook, have you not seen that one video of me?"
"I don't need to watch videos of you, I have you in the house most of the time." She replied. Pedri's gaze softened, watching as she ironed. He loved her, there was no doubting that. No one could. The simplest thing was amazing to him. "Mi vida?" She turned, a content smile still on her lips. "Te amo, ladrona." Y/n's smile widened. "Te amo tambien, Pedrito." She smiled back. "Now, please don't burn the house down."
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watfordgrimoire · 1 year
Wayward Son Poll
Carry On Poll
“He’s wearing jeans and a navy shirt. I think that’s his favourite colour — a blue that’s almost purple. It makes his skin glow like a pearl. His top two buttons are unbuttoned” (Any Way the Wind Blows 60)
“I startle, splashing blood on my white shirt.” (Any Way the Wind Blows 130)
“Baz is wearing another long-sleeved button-down. (I don’t think the heat ever bothers him, even when the sun does.) This one’s got brown and blue stripes, but when you get close, you see that the blue stripes are flowers. His trousers are nice, too— inky blue.” (Any Way the Wind Blows 323)
"He's standing there with his hair all matted down on one side, wearing a Watford hoodie I never gave back to Agatha and his "Clean as a whistle"-d pyjama trousers" (Any Way the Wind Blows 436)
“Apparently this is another occasion that calls for a suit. Three pieces. A shade of brown that gleams red in the light. Bad buttons his white shirt all the way to the top, and puts on a shiny purple tie. (Why did he bring neckties and three-piece suits to my flat? What was he anticipating?) (Any Way the Wind Blows 436)
“Baz is wearing flowers. His button-down shirt is grey with sprays of pink and blue lilacs. He makes it look manly somehow, with his indigo trousers and grey lace-up shoes.” (Any Way the Wind Blows 549)
"I put one on straightaway--a good print, aubergine with navy leaves--and tuck the rest into a plastic bag" (Wayward Son 202)
“Baz is wearing tartan, too. Purple and gold trousers, with a dark red, polo-neck jumper … He’s wearing a dark grey jacket over his red polo neck. He must have magicked it up, because I know he didn’t bring one” ("Snow for Christmas" 225; 229)
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flufallo · 10 days
An analysis of Monty's outfit except it's just me describing what I see
Okay, so first he has a trans AM t- shirt, which is obviously a hint to trans monty a rock band from the 90's/ a car brand I can't tell what one but I presume it's the band (I can't find a clear picture so this is the best I could do)
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Thennn he has a mundane (?) rainbow jumper. The rainbow probably symbolises his sexuality and the dullness probably how Esther Dosent want him to fall for anyone, just do her work.
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And then he wears a denim jacket and flared jeans. Double denim. According to some random Reddit post that came up when I googled it, it's a gay thing. Don't know if it's true but I just needed something to write about the double denim idk.
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On that he has a dark red scarf, or whatever colour it is, with a grey stripe. Yeh. I HC he either has attachment issues to it or port Townstead is just really cold.
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And in only one scene, he has a coat. I have no idea what type of coat it is tho. Yeh.
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And that brings me to the final thing- jewelry. His ring is actually a crow skull. He wears his head (or a model of it) on his finger, how depressing. I have no clue what the necklace has on it, but from one picture it looked a little like an even smaller crow skull, so It could just be a constant reminder of who he truly is. Then he has some bracelets. According to a Google lens search I did, they look like Hawaiian surfer bracelets, but I doubt that lmao.
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names-for-alters · 4 months
Hello one and all, alters and headmates! I am Charlie! I like to make lists! I also hoard names! Are you looking for a name? GREAT! You can send an ask and request a specific aesthetic or origin of name, or you can look at my list!
With that said…
…Cracks knuckles…
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Findo Tach Tails Flicker Tracer Kat Iris Blu Brick Arlo Sammy Artie Finn Stein Aleksandr Vora Olive Luna Nyx Cyrus Qrow Orian Cello Onyx Skye Grim Opal Dawn Azure Fish Bones Poppy Bronze Eggs Sparky Specs Snickers Trout Navi Bingo Chili Bandit Stripe Busker Socks Brandy Frisky Winston Lucky Chucky Bently Judo Rusty Max Honey Indie Calypso Striker Merle Moxxie Vex Ant Bugger Bee Spider Tails Hook Indigo Amber Coco Coral Scarlet Ivory Jade Ruby Emerald Chuck Loden Copper Hamelin Neo Shepard Cinnamon Visor Macalister Soul Hack Hiccup Flynn Rider Astrid Jay Raven Robyn Bolt Dagger Viper Tracer Cornwall Flock Sapphire Crystal Ghost Mochi Trick Catra Rose Raven Flip Chani Racket Red Crimson Dragon Runt Scotch Tellie Gator Croc Crow Goat Duck Creeper Kuma Jet Jeep Draco Poppy Sombra Raine Squish Spike Blaze Ender Drake Sandy MK PJ DJ CJ MJ King Creak Shadow Clay Dusty Miles Dart Willow Antonius Husk Moth Cypher Jin Yin Yang Daisy Gray / Grey Alistair Halo Angel Cake Fennec Fox Null Lull Bastion Lucky Sun Star Cosmo Tweety Vox Nerys Sonic Bark Birch Oak Cherry Blossom Peaches Velvet Shell Coffee Valley Fang Moot Redpath Pudding X V Jr Ether Fig Trunk Joy Frogger Snowflake Snowball Snow Jumper Racket Flare Vendetta Loonie Coin Six Eleven Tropica Stelina Mojave Ink Sud Fender Zero Pollen Wysteria Page Ozias Rex Tortch Buck Nickel Stripe Lynch Tramp Wolf Pup Tank Jhariah Kharma Zenith Sparrow Prism Lemon Mune Lamb Pyke Diamond Parker Graves Fizz Nugget Melody Tink Blight Fangless Ambress Vulture Eclipse Luka Bangle Constance Constantine Sommar Babble Clank Bobble Chipper Aidan Slate Tin Twire Zephyr Silver Misty Faunus Atlas Birdie Brook Cedar Chip Coal Daisy Ember Faye Fate Fern Flint Harmony Helios Ivy Junx Kit Lyria Phoebe Piper Lady Beacon Elos Rumble Ida Cross Zed Scootie Smidge Clauger Happy Sonny Hath Soldier River Song Clawtor Videl Legen Onen Chunk Reid Pop Cobra Cash Clover Saris Volante Donna Belladonna Gale Chopper Morphias Vidia Loft Kape Levi Licker Howl Dustin Newt Creek Breezy Polaris Blight Archer Sirius Warren Dream Goon Cookie Ranger Amity Jericho Viggo Besko Asra Alice Olaf Mossfeld Issic Missy Rascal Creasy Nonya Hex Pita Miguel Manuel Rayburn Daisy Dash Lucky Becky Steele Cylo Featherstone Kingston Netherfield Reacher Saltburn Quick Rubble Dust Brimstone Humble Ado Grover Norvanos Leshy Blade Cooper Calcium
Pierre Rosemary
Kikos Wathel
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f1uckinghell · 9 months
Max is cleaning out the house and finds his old school uniform, he puts it on as a bit of joke thinking maybe the alphas would get a kick out of it or something. He totally doesn't expect Charles being all over him, the uniform reminding him of all the firsts of Max's he took 🥵
(old ask, this is not exactly what you wanted but hey) this accidentally became a full oneshot, enjoy!
Max is cleaning out the attic, and he finds a box of old clothes and takes them down to go through it, half to laugh about them, half for the nostalgia, and also because maybe Riley might like one or two of them.
There is tons of stuff that kind of makes him a little sad when he looks at them. Shirts in drab colors, cheap jeans he never liked wearing, formless sweaters to hide his figure.
„Mama, most of these are so…sad.“ Riley holds up a very ugly grey-striped knit jumper.
„Yeah… I was sad while wearing them.“ Max watches Riley toss it onto the donate-pile.
There is a divide in this box, though, between before and after- before, those are the colorless clothes, the ones that scream depression. After, they get more colorful. There is a t-shirt Charles made for him, it’s tie-dye with „bestie“ written on the chest.
„I like this one,“ Riley smiles, holding it up to his own body. Max was older than him when he wore it, so it still looks too big, but he’ll grow into it.
„What’s this?“ Riley pulls out a piece of fabric, and Max’s heart stops for a second. Riley holds it up, and the ugly, mid-length skirt unfolds „I thought you never wore skirts when you were younger!“
Max shudders at the memory of sitting in a restaurant wearing it, his father talking about him like he’s not there, alphas commenting on his figure and cooking skills like he’s a doll, Daniil sitting there not talking to him.
„I didn’t.“ He grabs it from Riley’s hand and tosses it onto the landfill-pile. Riley follows it with his eyes. „My father made me wear it once.“
He has a policy of not lying to his pups about feelings and his past, and Riley is old enough to understand. Immediately, his eyebrows furrow. „Well, fuck it then.“
It makes Max smile, the swear word included.
„Ohh, look!“ Riley reaches and pulls out something else.
It’s Max’s school uniform, a white button down, a fine wool-knit jumper, the pleated skirt. Riley coos at it. „That’s so vintage, I love it!“
Max snorts. „Vintage?“
It’s the last uniform he had for school, much too big for Riley. A flood of memories overcomes Max as Riley runs his fingers over the pleated skirt. „That must have looked so cute on you.“
„It did,“ Charles says from the doorway. He must have sneaked up on them, distracted as they.
„Maman, look!“ Riley beams, „Did you have one like this too?“
„Yeah, of course.“ Charles saunters over to them, his hand landing warmly on Max’s shoulder. „But I used to roll up the waistband so it looked shorter.“
That makes Riley giggle.
„I didn’t do that,“ Max tells him, „And neither should you.“ Although he knows Riley would never. He reminds Max of himself like that.
„Actually,“ Charles hums, „I think I still have my cheerleader uniform. I think it’s in the depths of my closet somewhere.“ As intentioned, Riley’s eyes light up immediately. „Can I go look for it?“
„Yeah! It should be on a hanger.“
Riley dashes off, leaving the two of them alone. Charles sinks down to the floor next to Max and surprises him with a kiss. Max purrs into it. He knows Charles is up to something, especially when he half-climbs into Max’s lap to straddle him.
„You should put it on,“ he purrs, kissing Max’s neck.
„What?“ It comes out squeakier than expected. When Max realizes Charles is referring to the school uniform, he shakes his head violently. „It won’t fit!“
„It will!“ Charles pulls away, looking at him with a glint in his eyes. „…please?“
„Why?“ Max asks, mildly bewildered by the intensity of this request. Slow heat is rising in the bottom of his stomach as Charles is grinding down on him. He wraps his arms around him and holds on to his thighs, squeezing lightly.
„Because…,“ Charles trails his fingertips up Max’s shoulders, „That’s what you were wearing for most of our first times.“
Max feels himself blush. „Oh!“
„Yeah… I still have very fond memories of fingering you under that skirt,“ Charles purrs with a smirk, his fingertips now running along the neckline of Max’s shirt. „…and of unbuttoning that shirt.“
Max is too stunned to speak, so he just tips his head up in an offer for a kiss. Charles takes the offer. It’s true, there were many, many times when they made out while Max was wearing this outfit. There are lots of memories attached to it; not many of them have to do with actual school.
They make out for a moment, right until there are footsteps on the staircase. Charles lets out a little groan and slowly slides off of Max’s lap, giving him a heated grin. Max also feels slightly out of breath.
Riley barges in, Charles’ old red and white cheerleading uniform in hand. „I found it!“
„Great!“ Charles rises to his feet. „I could try it on, see if it still fits me.“ He gives Max a wink, then tells Riley, „Your papa must have a matching alpha one somewhere.“ He holds the skirt up to his hips, and Max has to look away so he doesn’t blush even harder.
„You could have a Highschool dress-up party!“ Riley suggests innocently.
Charles gives Max a smirk and wiggles his hips, making the pleated skirt swing back and forth. „Yeah, maybe we should.“
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ephemeral-darkness · 1 year
I don’t normally post my non-fandom art on here but I’m hiding away from all other social media!
I wanted to start this at the beginning of pride month but pain has made it hard to draw. However, I caught up on the current drawings! I’m doing this in a random order so bare with me. That being said, feel free to send in requests of flags/disabilities you would like to see!
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Image ID:
Photo 1. A young white man with blue and green hair sits in a green and blue manual wheelchair. His left arm is above his head. He is wearing a white T-shirt with “pride” written on it over a blue striped jumper. He is also wearing light blue ripped jeans and green converse.
Photo 2: A young white woman with curly ginger hair, it is tied up in a bun. She has dark pink prosthetic legs. She is wearing a peach coloured dress with a dark orange band and a pink tasseled shawl. She has right hand on her hip and the other up in a waving pose.
Photo 3: A young black man with purple and brown locs, they’re tied up in a ponytail. He is resting on a pair of lilac and black forearm crutches. He is wearing a dark blue pair of dungarees and a pale magenta jumper. He is also wearing a pair of pink vans.
Photo 4: A young east asian woman with long black hair stood holding a white cane. She is holding it up to her face, with the roller ball bottom reaching her mid calf. She is wearing a pastel blue shirt with a strawberry on it. Over this, she is wearing a half blue and half pink denim jacket. She is also wearing a blue and white tennis skirt, pink thigh high socks, and white platform trainers.
Photo 5: A young mixed race person with a dark brown undercut- they have a white forelock. They have a purple hearing aid and pale vitiligo type markings on their cheek and by their hairline. They have their left hand in their trouser pocket. They are wearing a white tshirt with black sleeves over a black and grey striped jumper. They are also wearing black and purple split leg jeans, black boots, and a silver padlock necklace.
They are based off of the Gay male, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Asexual flags.
End ID.
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tallseaweed · 3 months
Relinquish Your Burden: Chapter 6
"The Sun Will Shine On Us Again"
Word Count: 3.9k
Relinquish Your Burden - Chapter 6 - tallseaweed - Loki (TV 2021) [Archive of Our Own]
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"Let's go faster this time."
"My Variants are already out there."
"Nothing survives, Loki. Not even the Sacred Timeline."
"You cause a war that kills us all."
"What good is free will if everyone's dead?"
"You're replacing one nightmare with another."
"I know what kind of god I need to be."
"You do know yourself."
"A villain."
Loki awoke with a gasp, his limbs tangled in sweaty sheets. A soft light was filtering in through a small leaded window on the far wall. Where was he? He needed to get back, the timelines needed him—
The scent of a familiar cologne surrounded him, soothing his panic.
It all came rushing back.
The Watcher.
Mobius's eyes and the dancing lights…
Loki rolled over, finding the other side of the bed vacant. Muffled voices were coming from the other side of the door.
He pulled himself from bed, bare feet padding toward the window. Outside, a grey spaceship with purple and turquoise stripes sat in the snow. The low-hanging clouds made it difficult to tell, but it must have been close to midday.
Mobius's laugh carried over the hum of voices in the other room, and Loki couldn’t help but smile to himself. Raking his fingers through his sleep-disheveled hair, he went to open the door.
The scene that greeted him made Loki do a double take. Thor was frying up some sort of egg dish on the stove while Love chatted with him from a barstool. Sylvie was on her tiptoes rummaging through one of the cabinets, and Mobius was chopping something on a cutting board. It all looked so ordinary, but the circumstances that had brought them all together were anything but. Loki felt as if his two worlds were colliding.
Across the room, Mobius's eyes met his own. Immediately, he set down his knife and smiled. "Mornin' sunshine."
Thor and Love's conversation tapered off, and everyone turned to face Loki. He gave a halfhearted wave as Mobius made his way toward him.
He and Mobius had fallen asleep in the clothes they'd been wearing the night before, but the latter was now clad in a brown knit jumper and denim trousers. If the luggage in the corner was any indication, he'd used Sylvie's TemPad to go retrieve some essentials.
"How'd ya sleep," Mobius asked, leaning up to give Loki a brief kiss on the cheek.
"As good as can be expected," Loki sighed, running his hand down the side of Mobius's arm. He could feel a blush creeping up his ears from the weight of everyone's attention.
"You owe me 5 units Aunt Sylvie," the young girl's cheery voice piped up.
Mobius rolled his eyes and took Loki's hand, leading him toward the table. "Do you want some lunch? 'Fraid we both slept through breakfast."
Loki caught Thor's eye from across the kitchen island. His brother looked surprised by the exchanges of affection but recovered himself quickly. He shot Loki a warm smile. "I've made a Midgardian dish called an omelette, Brother. Would you like to try?"
"Sure. Smells lovely."
Loki hadn't realized how hungry he was until he put the first bite in his mouth. When was the last time he'd had a proper meal? He honestly couldn't remember. Three generous servings later, Loki began collecting everyone's dishes and bringing them to the sink. He was stopped by Thor's hand on his shoulder.
"Would you come for a walk with me, Loki?"
Loki turned to face him, meeting Thor's earnest gaze. "Alright," he replied, though his palms began to sweat. The last time Loki had truly conversed with Thor, he'd been attempting to rule Midgard and secure the Tesseract for Thanos. Safe to say, they hadn't exactly left on good terms. Making matters even more complex was the fact that this Variant of Thor had watched him die. Had clung to his body after the Mad Titan snapped his neck. Truthfully, Loki had no idea what to expect from the interaction.
As they made their way to the door, he conjured himself a Midgardian outfit, similar to what the rest of them were wearing. When they stepped outside, Loki was clad in a forest green turtleneck and dark denim trousers. He was glad he'd included thick black boots when Thor led them off the main path and into the snow.
They walked in silence for a minute or so, the cold wind biting at their exposed skin. Thor was dressed much warmer, but made no comment on Loki's choice to forgo a coat. Even before they'd learned his true heritage, the two of them had discovered that Loki could withstand the cold much better than Thor.
"So… you and Mobius…" Thor smiled suggestively.
"Yes," Loki huffed a laugh. "I'll have you know it's a very recent development, but…" The corners of his lips twitched, and he found himself unable to fight the ensuing grin. "Would you believe me if I told you I wanted to kill him when we first met?"
Thor let out a booming laugh. Until that exact moment, Loki hadn't realized just how much he'd missed that sound. "Actually Brother, I can. You've never exactly been quick to open up."
Loki clicked his tongue but conceded the point. Prior to meeting Mobius and Sylvie, he had been slow to warm up to people. Taking Thor's lead of stating the obvious, he said, "Your daughter is a force to be reckoned with."
Thor smiled fondly. "That she is. Do you know how I came to adopt her?"
"More or less."
"Then you'll likely already know that she was Gorr's daughter first. He was a mortal, but when Love emerged from the Altar of Eternity, she had the powers and vitality of a goddess." He paused. "Selfishly, I'm quite glad for that. Until yesterday, she was the only family I had left. If I were to lose her so soon—"
Loki was a bit taken aback by the display of vulnerability. He supposed he shouldn't be after their emotional reunion the night before, but still, he wasn't quite accustomed to it. Open communication had never been their family’s forte.
"I think Mother would have liked her," Loki said quietly.
"I'm sure she would have," Thor agreed.
A beat of silence passed. "When I first learned she'd died, I—" Loki broke off, a lump forming in his throat. He swallowed. "I'm not envious of you for having to go through that."
Thor let out a deep sigh. "Be grateful you didn't. Though I can imagine the way you found out was horrible in its own way."
"You're not wrong there," Loki murmured quietly. He paused, choosing his next words carefully. "If it's any consolation, I've seen countless timelines where Mother is alive and well. Jane too, for that matter."
Thor drew in a deep breath, simultaneously swiping a stray tear from his cheek. "Good. I'm glad.”
They began trudging up a small hill when Thor broke the heavy silence. "Mobius and Sylvie told me how they came to know you, but I'm curious. What is it like? This TVA?"
Loki thought for a moment. What a complicated question . "It's— horribly bureaucratic and stifling. And honestly, a bit terrifying at first. They use Infinity Stones as paperweights."
Thor halted in his tracks. When Loki turned around, his brother looked aghast. "By the Norns, I— I knew that place was powerful, but I did not imagine…" he breathed.
Loki nodded grimly, standing still while Thor took a moment to process. "They kidnapped me from my timeline right after New York because I managed to escape with the Tesseract. That particular act took me off of the Sacred Timeline, my predestined path . When I managed to regain possession of the Tesseract at the TVA, it wouldn't work. All of the Stones they keep there are rendered completely useless." Thor's expression was somewhere between horror and sympathy. Loki wasn't sure he could stand it. "At first, I wanted to burn the whole place to the ground." Thor chuckled. Good. "Sylvie did too. She might still want to, honestly."
They began walking again before Thor asked, "Was it strange, finding out there are countless different versions of you out there?"
Loki cringed. "You have no idea."
They had arrived at a large rock near the cliffside, overlooking the sea. Thor frowned at the snow blanketing its surface. Loki shook his head with a small smile and cleared the snow off with magic. Thor flashed him a grin. "I had forgotten how useful you are to have around, Brother."
Loki rolled his eyes and gave Thor an exasperated smile. "Glad I can be of service, Your Highness."
Thor laughed as they sat down. After a moment of taking in the view, Loki continued. "I suppose I grew somewhat partial to the TVA once I learned that all its workers were brainwashed Variants. It's not like they'd asked to be kidnapped from their timelines. And, well, by that point, I was becoming rather fond of Mobius."
Thor smirked at him and Loki narrowed his eyes. The desired effect was lessened by the involuntary smile pulling at his lips. He broke their eye contact and sighed, looking back out over the water.
"In time, I started viewing a handful of them as my friends. If we're being honest, I—" Loki hesitated, glancing over at Thor. "I never really had true friends, back on Asgard."
Thor looked like he wanted to protest, but seemed to think better of it. Loki was pleasantly surprised. He almost hadn't said anything, but decided he was curious as to what Thor's reaction would be. If he were being honest with himself, he was waiting for Thor to jump to the defense of the Warriors Three and Sif as he'd always done.
After a weighty pause, Thor murmured, "I'm sorry that I never noticed."
Of all the things Loki had thought his brother might say, the last thing he'd expected was an apology. Completely taken aback, Loki swallowed the lump in his throat, dipping his head into a shallow nod.
Suddenly, the sun broke through the clouds, and Loki couldn't help but tip his face toward it. It had been so long since he felt the warm caress of sunlight, let alone took the time to enjoy it. He glanced over at Thor, squinting against the brightness, and was alarmed to find tears streaming down his brother's face.
"Are you alright?" Loki asked gently, turning to face him.
"Yes, I'm sorry, it's just—" Thor took a shuddering breath. "Before you died, you assured me that the sun would shine on us again." Thor chuckled wetly, shaking his head. "I assumed it was one of your rare moments of misplaced optimism, but, well… here we are."
Loki couldn't help the surge of remorse he felt for the man beside him. This Thor had lost his brother, and Loki was just sitting here, acting as if he could fill the chasm his Variant had left behind. "Thor… I'm so sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for, Brother," Thor said, wiping the tears from his eyes. "We're finally together again."
Loki's heart constricted painfully. After a moment, he said, "Do you truly still claim me as your brother, knowing I'm not the Loki you lost? After all the destruction I wrought on Midgard? On Jotunheim?"
Thor turned toward him, his eyes sparkling with sincerity. "Of course I do, Loki. You will always be my brother. Nothing could ever change that." He glanced back toward the horizon, the smile slipping from his face. "After facing Thanos myself and witnessing your terror when you recognized his ship…" He trailed off, a dormant rage flitting over his features. "I can only imagine the horrors you went through under his command." Loki closed his eyes, resisting the memories threatening to resurface. Thor went on. "Thanos was after the Tesseract and sent you to Earth as his pawn. I no longer blame you for what happened in New York, I— I blame myself for letting you fall into that monster's clutches."
Loki's heart twisted painfully. "The events preceding that were hardly your fault."
Thor turned back to him. "Was I not the one that instigated war with Jotunheim? Got myself banished from Asgard? If I had been there for you—" his voice broke with emotion, "perhaps you would not have let go."
"Thor…" Loki sighed, "that decision had nothing to do with you. It was impulsive and brash, and no one's fault but my own, but—" He drew in a breath. "I was irrevocably upset with Father. At the time, I believed he saw me as no more than a political pawn."
Thor made to argue, but Loki held up a hand. "It was not my most sensible conclusion, but none of it was your fault. Hel, I was even the one that goaded you into attacking Jotunheim in the first place."
"You warned me against it—"
"I knew you wouldn't listen. I never planned for us to get past the Bifrost— but I was playing with fire. With all that happened afterward, that scheme was undoubtedly one of the worst decisions I've ever made." He snorted derisively. "Though I suppose if I hadn't made it, I would have ended up at the TVA all the sooner."
Thor was silent for a moment, processing. "The circumstances of how it all happened may have been awful," he began slowly, "but not everything your scheme led to was all bad. I gained humility on Earth, and Father and Mother finally got around to revealing the truth of your heritage."
Loki made a face. "If you call Father finding me panicked and turning blue in the weapons vault 'revealing the truth,' then yes, I suppose he did. Midway through that conversation, he ever so conveniently fell into the Odinsleep."
Thor grimaced in sympathy. "I cannot imagine."
"No, I suppose you can't," Loki sighed.
They were silent for a moment, letting it all sink in. "Before you died, before Thanos—" Thor took a steadying breath. "In your final words to me, you reclaimed yourself as an Odinson. I know you're not the man I lost, but even with less shared history between us, nothing changes the fact that you're my little brother." Loki met Thor's gaze, shining with emotion. "And that I'll always love you."
Suddenly, it was all too much. Loki couldn't control the tears flowing down his face as he braced his elbows on his knees. Thor's warm, steady hand rubbed comforting circles against his back.
It was a while before his shoulders stopped shaking.
"You know, I'm actually your older brother now," Loki said after a while, attempting to sound lighthearted. Thor raised his eyebrows skeptically. "I spent centuries attempting to fix the Temporal Loom before I learned it was a useless endeavor. It took me longer than I care to admit to realize I had to hold the timelines together for the Multiverse to survive. It was all quite poetic, really; Eternal servitude to repent for my sins. Or so I thought. But, uh— I've got at least two or three centuries on you now."
Thor just watched him solemnly, his piercing blue eyes missing nothing. "You don't need to sacrifice yourself to be a hero, Loki."
Loki looked away, willing the tears not to fall again. He took a shaking breath . Since when had Thor become so perceptive?
"I've had to mourn you more times and more often than any other. No sacrifice is worth losing you again I—" Thor's voice dropped to a rough whisper. "I don't think I could bear it."
Before Loki even realized what he was doing, he was pulling Thor into a hug. Immediately, Thor squeezed him back, firmly gripping the back of his neck. "I missed you so much," Loki whispered through his tears.
"You'll stay?" Thor murmured into his hair.
"As long as you'll have me, Brother."
Left to their own devices to clean up what remained of lunch, Mobius and Sylvie settled into a comfortable rhythm. Clad in yellow rubber gloves, Sylvie carefully hand washed each dish before handing them off to Mobius to towel dry.
"I— I know this might seem out of the blue," Mobius began, "but, I'm really sorry for all those millennia I spent hunting you down." Sylvie turned to look at him, and he quickly clarified. "I don't expect you to ever forgive me—hell, I probably wouldn't—but I just… wanted you to know. You deserve to be happy, and— and you and Loki made the right call in freeing the timelines." He sighed heavily. "Even with all that happened afterward."
Sylvie set down the dish she'd been lathering and turned off the sink. "Thank you, Mobius, I appreciate it." She turned to face him. "You're a good man, you know that?"
Mobius looked down, shuffling his feet. "I'm not sure I'd go that far…"
"Well I'm not going to waste time arguing with you about it, but like I said yesterday, I'm sorry for keeping Loki's location from you." She looked out the window, lost in thought. "I was so caught up in finally having true freedom—so grateful for Loki's sacrifice, that it took me a while to see the bigger picture."
"We're all just doing the best we can to get by," Mobius said gently. They stood there in comfortable silence for a moment before Sylvie went back to washing the dishes.
"Ya know, in light of recent events, I might have to demote you to ' second favorite Loki,'" Mobius teased. "A certain God of Stories might not be too happy with me otherwise."
Sylvie threw her head back and laughed. Mobius didn't think he'd ever heard her sound so carefree. "As if I were ever truly in the running," she smirked, eyes twinkling.
After finishing the dishes, Mobius and Sylvie sank onto the couch. It was just the two of them since Love had slipped into her room with a book on Astrophysics once Thor and Loki left.
"I think I'm going to leave— once Loki and Thor get back."
Mobius sat up, turning to face her fully. "Really? Why?"
"I'm really happy with the life I've built, and now that Loki is free, I— I've done what I set out to do."
"Can I at least convince you to stay for dinner? It'd be a nice send-off. And Thor loves a good party."
Sylvie looked hesitant for a moment, but eventually conceded with a small smile. "Alright. One more night."
The sun dipped toward the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant hues of pink and orange. On the front porch of the cottage, Mobius's fingers carded through Loki's ebony curls. He didn't know how the God had wound up with his head resting in his lap, but he'd be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy it.
"You know, I was right about you all along," Mobius smirked. "You really are just a little pussycat."
Loki huffed indignantly  "I'll have you know that I'm a prince , Agent Mobius, and I will not tolerate this abased slander." Despite his words, he made no effort to move away.
"Whatever you say, Your Highness," Mobius chuckled.
As their banter subsided, Mobius's mind couldn't help but wander back to the night before. Although he couldn't fathom how Loki could ever want someone like him, the hours they'd spent under the aurora had done wonders to ease his anxieties. Despite this, there was one more thing nagging at the back of his consciousness. He knew it would sound ridiculous and irrational to voice it out loud, but he wanted to clear the air, and hopefully ease his mind.
"I'm not gonna lie Loki, I didn't expect this turn of events." Loki tilted his head up, giving Mobius his full attention. "This might sound kinda dumb, but I coulda sworn you were head over heels for Sylvie."
Loki hummed in acknowledgment, gently stroking Mobius's knee as he seemed to gather his thoughts. "Perhaps at one point I was, but for me, that was all centuries ago. She never felt the same, so those feelings didn’t last.” He huffed humorlessly. "She kicked me through a Time Door, remember? She was set on killing He Who Remains, and I wanted us to consider the consequences. I tried appealing to her emotions, and in turn, she manipulated mine." He looked up at Mobius. "I'll always care about her, but I assure you, I harbor no romantic feelings." His eyes sparkled, "Except, of course, the ones I have for you." Loki reached up and tucked a strand of Mobius's hair behind his ear. Mobius's heart stuttered in his chest.
"And how long have those been around," Mobius teased, before realizing it was a somewhat vulnerable question.
Loki rolled his eyes before they softened. "Unwittingly? It’s hard to say. I’ve been drawn to you ever since you told me you’d seen my entire life and didn't consider me a villain." Mobius raised his eyebrows incredulously. To his delight, a light blush began coloring Loki’s cheeks. "But knowingly? Since my 134th attempt at fixing the Loom."
"134th huh?" Mobius laughed. "And why's that?" Embarrassingly enough, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy toward the version of himself that had been there. Which is ridiculous, he chided himself. That Mobius had been wiped away in a Temporal Meltdown.
Loki looked a little bashful. "I was, er, having a rough moment, and you just… made me feel safe. It sort of all just clicked into place."
Mobius couldn't help but squeeze Loki a little tighter. He leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Keep saying things like that, sweetheart, and I'll never let you go."
Loki flushed even more, but Mobius caught a glint of mischief in his eye before he pushed himself up, positioning his lips centimeters away from Mobius's.
"Then don't."
A thrill raced up Mobius's spine. He pulled Loki into a deep, possessive kiss.
By the time the last rays of sunlight dipped below the horizon, Loki had made his way into Mobius's lap, chin resting atop his head. After a few minutes of quiet embrace, Loki pulled back, looking a bit concerned.
"Earlier, I told Thor that I'd stay here with him. I never asked you if you'd want to go back to your life in Cleveland. I wouldn't be selfish enough to presume you'd want to uproot the entire life you've built to stay here in Norway with us, but—"
Mobius placed a finger against his lips. "If I'm welcome here, I'd be more than happy to stay." He let out a derisive huff. "The so-called 'life' I built? That was just me trying to keep myself distracted from your absence."
Loki gave him a bittersweet smile and squeezed his hand tighter. "Well, I can't imagine my brother having any objections."
Mobius smiled back, brushing a stray curl behind Loki's ear. "Earlier, Sylvie told me that she's gonna go back to her timeline. I convinced her to stay for dinner."
Loki hummed in acknowledgment. "I can't say I'm surprised. She's been uprooted too many times to leave it all behind again."
"I'm glad she's finally found some peace." Mobius sighed. Suddenly, he noticed two approaching figures in the distance. Loki took note of his distraction and followed his gaze. Thor was walking toward the cottage with a fierce-looking woman with long flowing micro braids—the King of Asgard herself.
"Well, looks like my brother brought a dinner guest," Loki observed, elegantly rising off Mobius's lap and offering a hand. "Shall we go greet them?"
Hey everyone! I'm so sorry this chapter took so long to get out. Life got quite busy this past month, and I wanted to make sure I took the time to do Thor and Loki's conversation justice. They have quite a lot of baggage to unpack.
I'm currently working on a oneshot prequel about when Loki realized the true nature of his feelings for Mobius (during his 134th attempt at fixing the Loom). When it's posted, you'll be able to find it on the 'Relinquish Your Burden' Masterlist :)
(Edit: It’s posted! You can read it here)
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated 💞
If you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist at any point, please leave a comment or send me a message :)
@loopsisloops @muddyorbsblr @superficialdomina @infinitystoner @unlucky-number-13
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tomjamesavery · 7 months
Little Hinny drabble I wrote. I am not a writer, so please bear with me and don't expect too much. :'D
Coldness and Curling. inspired by @fizzyginfizz, @honeydukesheroine and @ginnyw-potter Ginny’s laugh echoed over the snowy field as she was running, turning around sporadically to look over her shoulder.
January had come and gone and February brought a new wave of fresh snow, which arrived together with a strong and freezing cold front. Ginny finally stopped in her tracks, whipping her brows off the icy little flakes of snow that were sitting there, she was wearing a long grey coat with a blood-red Gryffindor scarf that had her mum's knitting written all over it. She merely had time to wipe some of the snow off her trousers before a strong force tackled her from behind, making them both tumble face first into the soft fresh, and to her dismay, freezing cold snow
“Ha—mph-arry” the words struggling to leave her mouth through the dense snow as she scrambled through the thick layer of white, furiously swatting at the giggling figure of her boyfriend, laying half on her back and half in the snow behind her.
In the blink of an eye she was back on her legs, already scooping up a big pile of snow, and before Harry had contemplated what she was doing a huge pile of snow landed on his face, oh so conveniently making it into his jacket and jumper.
He let out a high screech that had Ginny cross her arms in front of her chest in victorious fashion, a smirk crossing her features.
She had a glint in her eyes as she watched him struggling to get the snow out from under his clothing, and couldn’t contain her giggle when it seemed to reach yet another patch of bare skin in his unfortunate attempts to get rid of it.
Ginny laughed “Come on, stop acting like you’re made out of sugar, it’s not like you’d melt” she raised an eyebrow, another small smirk crossing her lips “Not that I’d complain, if I'd get to lick you up afterward.” earning her a sharp intake of breath from Harry, as she finally took a step towards him, helping him to get rid of the last freezing remnants still trapped in under his shirt. “What do you mean with, lick me up” Harry breathed, his cheeks flushed not only from the cold of the snow. Ginny’s eyes twinkled “Well if you would stop acting like a damsel, maybe you would find out,” she told him with a smirk  “Now come on, or you’ll really turn into an icicle out here.” she gestured towards the village of Hogsmeade, that they were on their way to “let’s get back and warm up a bit”. They strode towards the village in compassionate silence, only broken by the sounds of the freshly fallen snow, crunching under their boots, as they held hands, their cheeks flushed pink from the freezing weather.
They stepped through the gates of the village and Ginny’s eyes fell on a huge tent that was spread out over the main square of the little wizarding village. she turned towards Harry, eyes wide “What is this, I have never seen this before” Harry only shrugged as he met her gaze, the same confused look on his face as on hers “I have no idea, do you want to check it out?”
Ginny had not to be told twice as she took off towards the peculiar tent, leaving Harry standing behind her, and she slowly took in the object in front of her. The Tent was red and white striped and reminded her of those muggle circuses her Dad told her about when she was younger, yet it still kept this distinct look, that instantly told her, that this was indeed not a muggle’s work, but something magical. She reached the front and stared at the big entrance in awe “Magical Curling Tournament” she silently mouthed the words written in big ornate script across the front opening of the tent, as she heard Harry coming to a stop right behind her. “Magical Curling? Never heard of that, what’s that even supposed to mean?” his voice confused. Ginny turned towards him, and their eyes met, and she almost lost herself in the deep emerald green orbs of her boyfriend, before she caught herself again “I have no clue, but why not go in and find out” she quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him in behind her, earning her a low giggle that made her cheeks heat up.
They scurried through the large tent, taking in the various decorations and fancy craftmanship, as they stepped onto a wooden platform, which seemed to be carved to a Christmas theme, with little reindeers and brooms, making up the handrails.
“Look, they’re throwing these things” Harry pointed to her left making her eyes snap to the peculiar scene of a portly old wizard throwing something that she couldn’t describe, onto a long field that seemed to be fully made out of ice. She was about to take a step towards the show as the older wizard simply stumbled on the slippery floor, landing butt first on the ice, and rewarding them with a loud and clear hiccup, that in combination with his very red nose told her, that he might have had a butterbeer or two too much.
She turned around and met her boyfriends amused gaze, as they both let out a quiet laughter, that made her warm from the inside. Before she could say anything else a female voice broke them out of their badly hidden laughing fit, making her now turn toward the stranger. “Do you want to try as well? It's five galleons per hour” The witch was smiling at them and at the visibly unsure looks on their faces, continued talking “Ohh, it’s no problem if you don’t know how it works, I can show you and we provide the curls and brooms as well” she told them honestly. Ginny looked at Harry, who shot her a confirming smile, before she turned back towards the friendly witch, with a bright smile “Sure, why not, seems fun enough” as the witch simply beamed at her. They listened attentively as the witch whose name they learned was Miranda, explained to them the basic rules and what to do as well as not to. Harry looked like his head was spinning but Ginny was following her. As Miranda finally finished explaining the Game to them, Harry seemed overwhelmed as he shook his head “I feel like I know even less than before.” making Ginny laugh, “No, I think I got it, it doesn’t sound that complicated to be honest” she turned towards the ice field, a confident look on her face “since we’re only two, I think we can leave the brooms, like Miranda said, and just focus on getting our Curl as close to the Centre as possible” Harry nodded, “got it” he took in her excited form raising his eyebrows in amusement, “Do you want to go first?” Ginny eagerly nodded “The queen always goes first!” she exclaimed, making him snort, as she picked up her first curl. It felt heavier than she expected, and she carefully lifted it, making her way towards the throwing line. She focused her look on the red and yellow circle that was her goal and evened her breathing as she felt Harry’s eyes burn on the back of her head. With a swift step forward she released the curl in one big motion, that made it skate across the ice towards the circle with an alarming speed. She held her breath as it seemed to slow down, seemingly unsure to keep going, as it finally came to a halt right next to the middle of the circle, making her let out a winning “Haaa!” She turned towards Harry whose mouth was wide open as he stared at the curl, placed almost perfectly in the Centre of the Circle, seemingly not believing the sight that had played out before his own eyes.
She straightened her back, crossing her arms in her classic victory pose, that he knew all too well. “The Queen strikes, the Queen scores!” Her lips curled as her confident gaze lingered on her boyfriend who still seemed frozen in time, before he finally shook his head and met her eyes. A smile crossing his lips, which made him look way more handsome than he had any right to be “You are a menace” he breathed, now stepping towards her, as his arms circled around the small of her back, and Ginny’s hands went around his neck instinctively as their faces were now mere centimetres from each other and she could feel his hot breath on her lips “And you love it” she mocked him, before their lips crashed into each other, as they lost themselves in each other’s embrace, making the world feel just right. No cold front, no ice, and no snow stopping the heat that seared through their bodies at this very moment, as the curls laid next to them completely forgotten.
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More Magnus as a visual medium thoughts for your consideration: Color symbolism and the main crew
John stays in green the whole time, starting with forest green jumpers that could easily just be passed off as the preference of an academic before letting the detailing get brighter and brighter, until The Eye is plainly visible in influence and aesthetics.
Martin takes the exact opposite route. He’s in blue the whole time, starting with bright jumpers and ties and slowly but surely, fading into a heathered blue, and then to grey, as the fog begins to take him in further and further. After he’s rescued, he ends up in cyan, the green we associate with John helping him break free from the greys of the lonely.
Tim is associated from the start with obnoxious patterns, all unpredictable and a little wild. This juxtaposes nicely with the circus, whose stripes and uniform dots feel so much more artificial than the organic, though odd aesthetic choices of Tim Stoker.
Sasha at first is associated with cooler colors and neutrals, easy to coordinate and style well. After season one though, she starts wearing the aforementioned patterns in shades of red, connecting the Stranger to itself and subtly cementing for the audience that that is, indeed, not Sasha.
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eyra · 6 months
apparently ao3 is down for a lot of people at the moment! you might have some luck if you keep refreshing and they’ve said they’re working on it, but in the meantime here’s a bit of chapter 7 to put you on 🎄🐕‍🦺
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the oldest recipe for parsnip soup
The presents beneath the tree tumble in a great pile of reds and fir-greens and shiny, gold ribbons. Boxes and bottle-bags and something soft and crinkly that squeaks when Bunny fishes it out of the stack and squeezes it between his teeth. There's a joint present for Effie and Fleamont; something that James always sorts for both of them, from the two of them, and Sirius writes the card. It's a bulging hamper of tea and biscuits and sweets this year, chocolates from some fancy shop Effie likes and shortbread fingers in a long, tartan tin. There's a jar of fig chutney that Fleamont pores over with interest, and a box of crunchy peppermint thins, and then the customary bottle of gin for Effie with a note that reads: "Sorry I am the way that I am. - J xxx"
"That's for you, pal," James says as he sinks onto the sofa next to Sirius in front of the fire and hands him a soft, rectangular parcel. It's clumsily wrapped as ever, odd bits of sellotape hanging off the corners. "Don't say I never give you anything."
"Thank you," he says, sliding a finger carefully under the wrapping, and folding it open to hold up a plain, grey sweatshirt.
"Look on the front," James says giddily, and when Sirius flips the sweatshirt round it's to find a huge, shiny photograph of a dog's smiling face, printed onto the fabric: Bunny, mouth open and tongue lolling, a little red Santa hat balanced on top of his glossy black head.
Sirius grins.
"I like that."
"Knew you would," James says, and then: "Where's mine?"
Sirius hands him a small, silver-wrapped gift. It might be the right thing. He's not sure. He's never sure, really. Last year it was a book that he'd seen James eyeing up in the bookshop across from the student union in the autumn, and he'd seemed pleased with that. The year before it was whisky: something that Fleamont had sent him an email about towards the end of term, suggesting that James might quite like a bottle of it if Sirius hadn't found him anything yet. And James had seem pleased with that, too. But he's still never sure, really. Another puzzle.
He watches as James tears off the paper, stomach doing something mildly uncomfortable, and then James is huffing out a quick, surprised breath, and smiling, and saying:
"Oh, wow."
He looks at Sirius, and then back down at the photographs. It's a simple thing: a thin, brass frame with a hinge down the middle so that it opens like a book. A rectangular pane of glass on either side of the hinge, space for two prints that Sirius had sent away for online back in November.
"Jesus, we're young there," says James, pointing at the photograph on the left. It's a faded, speckled thing: the two of them, side-by-side in their first year at the old boarding school. Eleven years old in their ridiculous uniforms, grey shorts and little striped neckties. James grinning with his too-big glasses and a wild mop of jet-black hair, Sirius clinging loosely to the hem of James's knitted jumper with the fingers of his right hand, even though they'd only met a month or two prior. James points at the other photograph then, and says: "I don't even remember taking that!"
"It was this summer," Sirius says. "Just in the garden."
It had been a hot and hazy sort of day, he remembers, and James had just been to the Post Office to pick up a parcel which had turned out to be his new phone, and he'd spent the entire afternoon running around like a madman snapping pictures of everyone and everything. A harried Effie in the kitchen, a bemused Fleamont reading his paper in the living room, and Sirius, who he'd bounded over to and slung an easy arm around, holding the phone out in the other hand and grinning.
James is quiet for a moment. The funny, uncomfortable twist in Sirius's stomach wonders for a moment if he might've got it horribly, horribly wrong. But then James is sniffing, and looking back up at Sirius, and giving him a weak, watery smile.
"Thanks, mate."
And Sirius thinks, as James looks back down at the twin photographs, that maybe he got it right this time.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Costume Meta 6x01
It feels so good to be back 🎉 and Now I have a 30 picture limit I’m gonna have so much fun!!!
We’re starting with a bit of colour theory because this episode went hard with the Yellow and blue colour theory from the opening scene! I mean we should have realised the show was gonna go hard with this episode - a giant blimp (actually a zeppelin but semantics!!) kitted out in yellow and blue crash landing - subtly is not known here! you can read my yellow blue colour theory here, but in summary - there has been a bit of a trend in the last few years in television to use yellow and blue in relation to queer relationships - the colour theory was used in Heartbreaker, Our flag means death, and Stranger things - to name a few! The long and short of it is that Yellow - the colour of communication pairs up with blue - the colour of trust and loyalty…
So we started with a giant yellow and blue blimp and from there the yellow and blue was all over the place - the buddie kitchen scene, the dad in the golf course emergency, the win a car emergency (blue car and guy in yellow) etc.
Ok now I’ve got that out of the way - I’m going to stick with going through Character by Character as it makes my life bit easier - putting the rest under the cut as this got insanely long!!
Lucy Wearing a light grey marl cap sleeve tee - light grey is a neutral colour - but it also symbolises control (a reference to the fact she was going to be interim captain) and practicality - ironically its also a reliable colour! there really isn’t a lot to say about her costume, other than that it continues on the grey theme for her from season 5 (her lunch with Jonah) 
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Rainbow puff sleeved cardigan Pretty amused to see May in a rainbow cardigan when she is clearly not being all sunshine and rainbows about her upcoming college experience! the use of horizontal stripes again fits in to my stripe theory and hints at Mays impending change of direction. 
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Athena sticking with what she knows works for her - black and olive khaki green! In many ways this colour combination is Athena’s out of work uniform, we see her in this combination or with some white/cream or in just black so often and it makes the scenes where she’s wearing colour much more impactful - It makes us take notice of what we see going on in those scenes for her. Here we have an asymmetric black jumper, olive khaki trousers and her gorgons head necklace (the symbol of the Goddess Athena).
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Then when she goes over to Hen’s we have her still in the olive khaki trousers but this time paired with a white ribbed tee and a low v neck grey cardigan with a reverse waffle knit texture. this is one of Athenas more fluffy costumes - its showing her softer side - especially when she talks about giving Bobby the freedom to be carried away with his cruise planning to help him navigate the temptation being on a cruise ship will bring. The grey is again a symbol of stability and authority as well as wisdom and maturity - something reflected in her words - her recognition and understanding of Bobbys internal struggles, but also the fact that she came to Hens house to accomodate Hens crazy schedule - and still get to spend some time with her friend - its an opportunity for Hen to offload on a few things, rather than just getting increasingly burried under her work load. 
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The magenta top she’s wearing as they get ready to head off on their cruise is a wonderful choice. Magenta is a colour of kindness - it uplifts and supports others - again an indication of what Athena is doing in regards to supporting Bobby and foreshadowing the fact that she’s goingto be heading to Florida to support her parents.
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Bobby - Bobby in an army green/grey tee - very similar in shade to ones we’ve seen Eddie wear (especially Eddies breakdown) is an interesting choice - especially with all the conversations about bobby being in the program and the bars on the cruise ship etc and obviously there is the scene in 5x18 of Bobby and Eddie having a conversation and then Bobby pouring a bottle of whiskey down the sink. there is very much feeling of Bobby being finely balanced at the moment - teetering on the edge of things spiralling and that it won’t take much to tip hip over that edge. the blue and coral hawaiian shirt screams very much of someone trying too hard - especially combined with his spreadsheet cruise planning. 
Hen is in a hoodie with neon orange graffiti spray paint swirls on - such an interesting choice - orange is a colour of energy and mental stimulation. its also a risk taking colour. the use of graffiti, for me at least, is an interesting one - it has an air of ‘the writing on the wall’ about it - its saying to me that the medical career path isn’t going to be something Hen continues pursuing - that her heart isn’t completely in it (the heart medical book on the desk being the one furthest away from her also plays into this idea).
I’m going to talk about Chimneys costume as a whole because if you look anthem all together you can see the gradual change - the way they become increasingly dark. we go from the blue of the first jumper through to the darkest navy button up shirt with white check at the end. so We go from a fairly bright shade of blue - the symbol of trust and loyalty and security.
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then there is  the teal/green when Madney are on the sofa. its a mixture of the blue meanings, but also green meanings of harmony, hope and balance and renewal. a perfect colour for this moment, but the darkness of its tone hints at the fact not everything is going be smooth sailing from here on in. 
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then When Chimney comes home, he’s in a navy blue jumper and tee. this is a lighter shade of navy and is pretty similar to the blue of Chimneys uniform - a connection to the conversation he had with Bobby and Eddie earlier on. Navy is a colour associated with authority and responsibility (hence its use in uniforms) but the thing with navy is that it also has connections with depression and mental health struggles and the fact that we then have Chim in an even darker navy with a white check pattern the next time we see him is indicative of not everything being as happy as it appears on the surface. We all know Madney are going to be going to couples therapy this season and this shirt is an indicator of this. (It doesn’t hurt that it also supports my check patttern theory either)
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Maddie drops of Jee with Chimney - black blazer grey zip front hoodie and tee with stars on , heart necklace - Maddie being back in blazers is a great sign from a costuming perspective - we have only seen her wearing blazers when she’s in a good place mentally - just before Doug kidnaps her and then again when Madney are in a good place. this black blazer is connecting to the times Maddie and Chim have made starts in there relationship - she was wearing a black blazer when she was getting ready for her date with chim, and then again when they went on their first proper date. So that blazers an indicator that Maddie is in a good place and ready to embrace happiness with Chim once again.
The grey hoodie is an interesting choice because we don’t see Maddie in grey very often at all (I actually can’t think of any incidents of her wearing grey - I haven’t finished my full costume plot yet so I can’t be 100% but I can’t remember any) it shows her practicality and stability, her having gained wisdom, insight and maturity - like the black blazer its a key indicator of where she’s at mentally and the combination of the two is indicative that this time she’s in the right place of it to last
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Maddie in bed in a tie dye tee and we can see the pink hoodie on the chair in the corner. Im not sure if its going to turn out to be a cut scene and we only know about it because of the trailer or if it will be a scene to accompany chimney being in the car that’s going to (almost) hit Buck but the outfit is the same as the trailer scene of Maddie and Jee-Yun looking for Chimney in the living room. Im inclined to think its a separate scene and the repeat outfit is deliberate - to highlight what seems to be a developing theme of history repeating itself. The upcoming car accident has so many potential call backs for so many characters (Chim being in car (potential rebar call back) as well as being kidnapped again (which will also impact on Hen and Bobby) Buck and the ladder truck, the Shannon callback for Eddie, Hen and Evelyn, Buck and bike accidents) 
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The coral blazer is a really great colour on Jen, but its also a great choice from a colour theory perspective. We have Maddie in a white tee with a 60’s style bubble writing logo which says (I think) all good and a coral coloured blazer. I’ve already said blazers are good for Maddie and this one is no exception. Coral is a colour of warmth and acceptance, it has good intentions and is optimistic - it is a colour about a bigger picture rather than small details. this is important because this conversation that Madney have is about the bigger picture of their relationship - the conversation reads like Maddie making vows to Chim (foreshadowing of a wedding anyone??) but it is at its heart one that recognises they will need to continue to put in work to sort out the small stuff - its just that in that moment - the bigger picture and acknowledging that it is the thing they lost sight of while and need to not let that happen again.
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I’m a little obsessed with the green jacket we see Maddie in in the last scene and I’m sad we don’t get a better look at it to be honest - because there is so much going on. Firstly the yellow tee underneath is indicative of both happiness and the fact that Maddie communicates that she’s staying to Jee. Its a significant moment for both Madney and Jee-Yun so the use of yellow was important for this scene. As for the Jacket though. We have a floral embroidered decoration on the back - a possible throwback to Madneys first meeting when Maddie is wearing a denim shirt with floral embroidery on the yoke. But the really interesting thing is the two cranes on the right shoulder.You may recall I made this post  about Hen’s crane shirt in season 5. well here we have more cranes being used in connection with Chim. Cranes mate for life and are a symbol of fidelity so here we have a visual symbol to show us that Madney are in the right place now. the other thing about cranes is that they migrate over long distances - Madney have travelled both metaphorical and physical distances to get to where they are now and those cranes are a symbol of that.
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Christopher Let’s start with Chris as he’s the easiest! here we see him in a raglan sleeve tee - lightish blue sleeves and a grey body with white horizontal stripes. the stripes play into my stripe theory - change is on its way for Christopher - this most likely relates to his impeding push for some freedoms from his father - wanting to become his own person etc, but its incredibly hard to look past the stripes being connected to everything that went on in that scene - suggesting that the change that is coming is more related to the changing dynamic of the Buckley-Diaz family! the grey is a marl and it references to the same things as the Lucy tee from earlier - practicality, reliability (we can all rely on Chris to have a sassy dig at either Eddie or Buck!) while the blue arms are about trust, security and loyalty. the implications being that Chris is in safe, trusting environment and the bonds between the three of them are strong.
Chris is wearing a blue t-shirt with a pair of skateboards on in parallel with each other- one red and one blue is such an interesting choice! to choose to call back to the skateboard incident from Fools (3x12) is very loud. it not only draws a contrast between Buck ad Ana, it also serves as a subtle reminder of the first time we see a Buckley-Diaz family scene after the previous kitchen scene - the first time we get to see Buck stepping into a coparent role with Eddie.
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Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. I said a while back that if we ever saw Eddie wearing yellow the Buddie would go canon. And here we have Eddie in a buttery yellow button shirt. There is so much to say about this outfit. Yellow is the colour of communication, but it is also the colour of optimism and happiness and of intellect. Eddie wearing yellow for the first time in the first non his first non uniform scene in season 6 speaks volumes about where Eddie is at mentally and personally. This is especially loud after the darker tones we saw him in in season 5 and the choice of having him in two different patterns at the vow renewal really highlights how far he has come. It’s a deliberate choice to show us where Eddie is - combine that with the giant heart eyes he’s sporting whenever he looks at Buck and its clear that the last 4 months have further transformed him from where he was at at the end of season 5. The shirt is also better fitting than mot of his outfit from season 5, where we saw him in oversized and stretched out clothing - adding a physical dimension to his mental struggles. 
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I’ve seen a few people comparing this shirt with the one he wore for his math date with Ana, and calling it his date shirt but I don’t think its right to put those two shirt into the same category. Especially as the shirt above actually matches up with another Eddie shirt - in fact  I think it is the same shirt thats just been over dyed a buttery yellow (reason I think this is that the buttons are the same colour on both shirts!) and tailored to fit Ryan better.  2x17 - In Bobbys apartment having a conversation about if Eddie is ready to be a good husband 
“we already know you’re a great dad’ “I guess the question is, can I be a good husband”
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All this just before Shannon asks for a divorce and then gets killed in  a car accident! 
To have essentially the same shirt - just in a more cheerful colour - in such a domestic scene where they’re acting like husbands suggests that Eddie wasn’t ready back in 2x17 (because it was t he wrong person) but now - he’s in a better place (hence the brighter colour) and is ready to be a good husband! All this combining with Buck in his paralleling denim shirt showing his growth and when we know Buck is about to (almost) get hit by a car! 🤯🤯🤯 Honestly - wardrobe team I bow down to you - you’ve really hit it out of the park this time!
I just wan to show you the math date shirt from 4x08 - as you can see - not the same shirt - this one is a western style shirt - pointed yoke, pointed pockets and metal buttons/ poppers! 
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I actually like that the math date shirt is a western style shirt - it fits in nicely with the other times we’ve seen Eddie in western style shirts - around Shannon and his family - the concept of traditional values etc in shirt form! 
Eddies grey shirt at the end of the episode is very much intended to sit in parallel to the shooting and especially the will scene. 
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Its a darker grey marl, so not the same as a navy blue, but the neckline has a very similar cut to it and grey as a colour can mean insight, maturity and wisdom - it is also a stable colour so its a great colour to have Eddie in in this scene - especially with them connecting Buck to the diaz boys through the editing. We are seeing an Eddie who is stable and comfortable in who he is - who has spent the episode being insightful and wise - talking Buck off the ledge during his ‘tantrum’ and being the living embodiment of what therapy can do for a person! The other thing to note about that t-shirt is the connection with that space and season 5 - one of the last times we saw Eddie in the dining room - Buck was there and wearing a similar shade of grey and Eddie sat in that same chair after therapy and picked up Bucks heart!!!! The implication of this parallel is the Eddie will be there for Buck in the same way we saw Buck being there for him!
Buck I went into it in more detail in this post, so I’ll keep it brief here. Buck is wearing a white tee - and we’ve long established that Buck and white tops means trouble! in this instance the trouble is his tantrum over being passed up for interim captain and actually reflects nicely on to the turmoil his mind is currently in in relation to his personal life with all the loaded sentences about couches and and relationships. Then there is the the mid to light blue zip front denim shirt with vertical stripes - we haven’t actually seen him in a denim shirt of any description since the western style one we saw him wear for his coffee shop date with Abby at the end of 1x09. This parallel hits on a few different levels. Firstly 1x09 is the only other time that blimps are mentioned in 911!! yes indeed that coffee shop date comes after that locker room talk with bobby about blimps and stepping in. That coffee shop date is when we see Buck choosing to go all in, in his first serious relationship - seeing all the things that come with dating Abby - and choosing to embrace them (dare I say that this is the Buck 1.5 KR was speaking about in her interview which adds an additional dimension to the kitchen scene!) and stepping in - something we’ve seen him do with Eddie time and again. That date was the foundation stone for what Buck has been building with Eddie - it was a moment of growth for him and a lesson he took to heart and continues to live by to this day. That we see this in a scene so laden with metaphors in an episode with another blimp - this time an actual one rather than a mentioned one - this speaks volumes about the intent of the writers and the direction the show is going in.
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Buck is also wearing a watch in this scene - something he doesn’t do outside of work that often and especially when he is around Eddie (I haven’t finished writing my full costume plot yet, but the only time he wears one around Eddie in seasons 2-3 is when he takes Eddie to collect Chris after the earthquake).
Then we have Buck alone in his loft. there are several things to walkabout in this scene and first up we have white trainer theory - one again coming in for the win. those white trainers are a representation of Bucks journey and search for love (both romantic and familial) so to see them at this moment is highlighting that Buck has made more progress on his journey. 
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The white shirt with stripes call back is so very loud. This shirt however has a few differences. the stripes are a combination of Bucks two previous white shirts with a twist. There is the white pinstripe shirt from the shooting - with its narrow light grey pinstripes; 
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And then the shirt from the Taylor moving in to the loft scene (which of course features the couch!) which is a short sleeve shirt with wider and darker grey pinstripes; 
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This shirt is also worn in the conversation with Maddie (where buck confesses to Maddie he kissed Lucy). 
The shirt for this scene in 6x01 is a combination of the two shirts - there is both narrow and wide pinstripes and it is of a similar cut to the other loft scene, only its not a button down shirt, its a button up shirt, its also cream and the stripes are blue and they have a tiny yellow stripe next to them! Yes blue and yellow theory in action on Bucks shirt! 
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I have a semi developed theory about Bucks vertically striped shirts - because Buck seems to wear them at moments when he is almost ‘imprisoned’ by something mentally. The trauma Buck experiences in the shooting is its an obvious prison - especially as they haven’t yet talked about the shooting - Taylor moving in was again a prison of his own making and only helped prolong the torture of an unhappy relationship. There is also the black with white pinstripe shirts we see a couple of times - all connected to Taylor and her mental manipulations of Buck (I think i’m going to have to put together a full post on these shirts because there is too much to go into here) and this most recent pair of shirts - the blue one from earlier - where we have a Buck doing some mental self torture trying to work out why he’s been passed over for the interim Captain job and finally this new white one - Where Buck is currently in a mental prison of sorts around what he does actually want in life - this self imposed prison is such a complex one - its of course in part tied to his job and future aspirations on that front, but more importantly all of the context and subtext we got in this episode is heavily implying that we have returned to a Buck who is on some level now conscious of his feelings for Eddie. there is so much complexity here for Buck to wade through - Evan ‘the clinger’ Buckley is clearly wrestling with the idea of what if it goes wrong - what if he’s reading too much into things - he’s not yet in a place where he is prepared to risk both his friendship with Eddie, but almost more importantly his relationship with Chris - the kid he promised he’d always be around for. Buck is not yet willing or able to accept that the risk is worth the reward - that this is the forever love he’s been searching for. There is also the job to add into the equation - would they be split up at work if they begin a romantic relationship, how would it affect the dynamics- of the team, and would it have an impact on Bucks newly awakened desire to progress his career. I also thin there is something in it about accepting his queerness - not in a grappling with it kind of way - more in a deeper level understanding this aspect of himself and recognising its impact on his life. The best way I can think to try and explain what I mean is to use my own experience with gaining my ASD and ADHD diagnosis as an adult. When I got my diagnosis - suddenly all these little things that I had experienced throughout my life up to that point suddenly started to make sense - the dots began to connect and I could better understand who I was as a person (and how tings might’ve been different if I’d known earlier). its not that it changed me as a person, more that I was able to make some break throughs mentally. it feels to me at least that that is what we’re seeing Buck going through - he’s now beginning to understand himself better and its this love for Eddie that is allowing it to happen. And Buck does need to connect to parts of his younger self in order to move forward - and that includes recognising past relationship behaviours as well as other traumas (the shooting) need to be understood. 
Wow I got a bit off topic there!!! all this to say that that white shirt has so so much to say about where Buck is at as a larger theme. I’m wrapping it up here - if you made it to the end I am here handing you cookies in thanks! 🍪🍪🍪
Tagging people who have asked to be tagged. If you’d like to add you name to the list - please comment on this post and if you asked to be but you name isn’t below - it won’t let me tag you for some reason 🥺🥺🥺 
@mistmarauder @theladyyavilee @loveyourownsmiilee @leothil @girldadbuddie @kitkatpancakestack  @bucksintheroom @lemotmo @trashendence @elishareads  @clipboardsandstethoscopes @comfortbuddie @fiona-fififi  @name-code-black-widow @prettyboyandthekid​ @callanee @calyssmarviss @alwaysme @pbandjeremiah @batgrldes @piningpettyeddie @bi-moonlight @spotsandsocks @projectabc @livingwherethesidewalkends @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @idontshitpostbuttheolympicpark @diazboysbuckley @sweettsubaki @jordxnhennessy @shortsighted-owl @sherlocking-out-loud @ekstasisandangst-main @favouritealias @hearteyesdiaz @gossamerglob @ktinastrikesback @adamrparrrish @princesschez75 @bucksbuddie @oneawkwardcookie  @leatherat​ @moniquekatie​ @wanderingwomanwondering​  @trickster-archangel
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