#grimm ruby rose
madhighlows · 2 years
["In truth, there is no mercy. There are no gods. There are only endings."]
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lyricthecat-12 · 20 days
A little tribute to some of my favorite RWBY fight scenes
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
Packed Lunch
Ruby: It’s really a shame that Jaune couldn’t come along on this mission!
Yang: *rolling her shoulder* Yeah, not that we NEED it, but one of his shiny aura-boosts would’ve made things a lot easier back there!
Weiss: You just like that it makes you look like that cartoon you used to watch!
Yang: Hey, Dragonfightingball GZ is a cultural icon and I will not apologize for enjoying it!
Blake: So, where is Jaune, anyway?
Pyrrha: *adjusting her backpack* Oh, there’s a flu going around the preschool, so Jaune insisted on staying home with our son. He loves being a huntsman, but ever since we became parents his priorities changed!
Nora: Plus, his semblance can help soothe tummy aches!
RWBY__PR: *noises of agreement, remembering the morning after their graduation party*
Ruby: Well, there’s always next time! So, what’s for dinner tonight?
Weiss: …I thought it was your turn to make dinner?
Ruby: What? I did it two nights ago! I thought it was Blake’s turn!
Blake: I thought it was Nora’s!
Nora: No way! I don’t have any ingredients!
Yang: Why not Ren? He’s the best cook out of all of us!
Ren: Don’t look at me. I don’t have any ingredients either! The last fight with the Grimm damaged my pack.
Yang: Mine too!
Ruby: So that’s it? We’re in the middle of nowhere and none of us have any food? We’re all licensed huntresses! What kind of rookie mistake is this?!
_WBY_N_R: 😰 *hungry depressed noises*
Pyrrha: Don’t worry everyone! I’ll save the day! *takes off her pack*
Pyrrha: Allow me to present the Arc family’s second-best creation!
Nora: *covers her mouth* You don’t mean…?! 😲
Pyrrha: I do!
Pyrrha: *holds a big container of tender brisket, carrots, and mashed potatoes over her head* The Arc special make-ahead Roast Brisket for Ten!
RWBY_N_R: 😃 *cheering*
Pyrrha: …complete with personalized “I Love You” notes from Jaune to each of us!
RWBY_N_R: 😆 *cheering louder*
Pyrrha: *holds up a smaller container* And “Mission Well-Done” brownies!
Pyrrha: *proud champion noises* 😌
Jaune: *taking Arkos kid’s temperature* Your old man will go kick Grimm butt next time, right?
Arkos kid: 🤒
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bobauthorman · 2 months
I can't get over the RWBY episode "Alone in the Woods". For one thing, it proves Oz's belief that hiding Salem's immortality was the only thing keeping hope alive wrong, as once outside of the Apathy's range of influence the group reassert their drive to protect the Relics. But more importantly, I love how the rest of Team RWBY snap out of their stupor when they hear Ruby scream. They might not have cared about the Lantern at that point, but these girls will never stop caring about one another.
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thepariahcontinuum · 3 months
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MARZ Rising - Chapter 170: The End (Epilogue)
Okay, I've been holding off on getting emotional with my goodbye to this story and this extended AU but now's the time, so here it is:
I Started writing this story in March 2021, the fifth installment of a project which has been ongoing ever since I began posting The Downward Spiral in September of 2016…. Almost eight years of coming to a close here and I can only hope that I've done myself justice.
By coincidence it also transpired that I wrote this epilogue in the same week that the end of Rooster Teeth after twenty-one years was announced, something which made me want to work harder because this is now no longer just my send-off to the Spiral-Verse but also, as things stand to RWBY and Rooster Teeth as a whole. RWBY has been a big part of my life for these last eight years, it's the show that made me a writer and I can honestly say that my life would not look the same at all without it.
I also want to take a moment to thank every single reader who has enjoyed these stories, especially those who have left reviews and especially those few of you who have been here since the beginning.
There's also a very special thank you and goodbye I need to say here, it wouldn't feel right if I didn't: That is to the user @thesumosnipe who was the driving force to continue the Spiral-Verse beyond its' third installment, this story would literally not exist without him however he unfortunately passed away in 2022….Wish you could have been here for this.
This marks the end of an era, I'm at a point now where I want to move away from Fanfiction and begin posting my own original writing. Ideas are in place and will be taking shape in the near future.
I wish you all well now and in the future and as the late, great Monty Oum said "Keep moving forward"
FF Net
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howi99 · 7 months
Grim Arc Au: How do the girls react to Jaune being a cuddler in his sleep and grabbing each of them and pulling into the snuggle pile when they try to wake him up?
Ruby: What... Happened here?
*all of team JNPR being in the same bed*
Nora: Well, at first pyrrha got back from her shower and got snatched up by Jaune.
Pyrrha: *completely profiting from the situation*
Cinder, who was there to wake up her "prince": *mumbling* lucky girl...
Nora: Then Ren had to go brush his teeth, he also got snatched up.
Ren: It's weirdly comfortable.
Nora: Then i just felt left out and joined by myself.
Jaune: *still peacefully sleeping* Zzzzz
Cinder: .... Can i join?
Nora: *shrug* Don't see why not.
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bloodraven55 · 5 months
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i was browsing the wiki gallery for something else and got distracted by how funny this image is instead 💀
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brokentrafficknight · 10 months
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st-whalefall · 2 months
I’m taking a big ol’ swing with this one so everyone please keep your limbs inside the vehicle until we reach our destination (let me cook)
So, what happened here? For this to go from-
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Goofy ass grin <3
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Summer: “Trust me..”
To this-
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Raven: “The creatures of Grimm have a master named Salem. She can’t be stopped, she can’t be reasoned with, and she will not rest until humanity crumbles at her feet.”
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Raven: To Ruby with disdain, “You sound just like your mother.”
Let me lay some of my cards on the table. I’m in the “Summer is still alive” camp and I got thoughts on: if Summer is still alive, why has she not been in Yang and Ruby’s life?
Not even a peep? For 14 years?
Something BIG had to have happened to her to keep her away from them.
Now, a lot of folks will go straight to where Ruby jumped to: Summer got Grimm hound-ed by Salem
But I think that’s takes a lot of agency away from Summer and the building revelation of her character and the purpose she serves in the narrative.
If Summer has been grimmified, I posit it was by her own doing, by choice. And her choice alone.
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Qrow: “You’re special the same way your mom was…The creatures of Grimm were afraid of those silver eyed warriors.”
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Salem: “Do you feel it? Don’t fight it girl. It can sense your trepidation. You must make it dread you.”
How does Salem illustrate the melding of Cinders flesh with the Grimm arm and mastery over it?
In the few instances we get, how are silver eyes described in their effect on Grimm? Obliteration, yes. Resistance to their influence? Possibly (see Ruby & the apathy). But command over them? Let’s explore that.
We are working with a pretty small dataset here, so you’ll forgive me for mostly drawing from Cinder for this (separate post I think the hound is a reanimated corpse and so different from true living hybrids like Cinder (& hypothetically Summer)).
Grimm evolve and Grimm hybrids, like Cinder, adapt.
From vol4 to vol8, Cinder’s Grimm arm grows. It spreads. And she becomes more comfortable with it as time progresses.
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Cinders Grimm arm has become an integral part of her and, side note, I dislike theories that revolve her hypothetical redemption around her being purified of evil (Grimm) by silver eyes.
[But that’s just me, I want the monstrous to stay monstrous rather than erased or watered down for easy digestion. Let the monster stay a monster in its appearance and still be worthy of love, and so on and so forth.]
So, we come back to Summer Rose.
Summer confronted Salem, learned something earth shattering, destroyed Raven’s faith and trust in her, and did something that prevented her from returning to her daughters for more than a decade.
What did Summer do? Agency, we’re thinking strong choices here.
Choices that are radical but in line for a character with strong convictions, an alluded to pedestal she stands upon and all the complexes that comes with, perhaps a little self destructive, and a big heart. Big enough to sympathize with the devil and do something about it.
The thing that could be preventing Summer from returning home could be as simple as:
After she learned the truth about Oz’s shadow war, she joined Salem’s side, and won’t return until she’s seen it through to the end.
But I want to put some spice on there because what if:
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After learning whatever it was Salem told Summer, that turned her world upside down, Summer looked down into the pools of black and took the plunge
To understand Salem on a molecular level
To be Grimm as Salem is Grimm
To be a world changer
In the world of Remnant, that’s what the Grimm are. A force of destructive change, like hurricanes and wildfires, they shape the world through calamity. Disaster doesn’t feel any one way about you, it just is. It is devastating, but it doesn’t hate you. And it doesn’t love you either.
So, what would that make Summer?
How do you think that’s changed her, fundamentally?
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Bloody evolution indeed.
And that’s why she stayed away. Summer changed, and now she looks a little more on the outside how she feels on the inside. But to the rest of the world, she is something horrifying. Unspeakable.
She didn’t want to give her girls nightmares.
Yeah, Summer was the inspiration for the Hound, and Cinder’s Grimm arm. But not in the way Ruby thinks.
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epic-arc · 1 year
Grimm Wife Shenanigans.
Ruby was sitting on a bench with an expression of tiredness and sadness and Yang approached and put her arm around her.
Yang: Hey rubes, Whats wrong?
Ruby: Weiss fucked my best friend...
Yang: Aw c'mon man you know better.. Weiss would not do that...
When Yang would say this Ruby looked at a tree and saw Grimm Weiss with a malicious smile on her face which would make her break out in a cold sweat. Yang would notice this and would be worried about Ruby and try to calm her down.
Yang: Ruby..? You're sweating really bad.
Grimm Weiss: i fucked your best friend, Dolt!
Jaune was sleeping until he heard some strange noises under the blanket and then he woke up and saw Weiss making a scary face. Jaune wasn't scared and just poked Weiss's nose which would make her sulk and bury her face in his chest. Jaune saw this and would pat her head.
Jaune: Sorry love and today was a tough day but next time you can do it heh..
Weiss heard that and got ready in bed and hugged Jaune and gave him affection along with some kisses on his body which would make him blush slightly and he would enjoy the affection.
(First time they saw each other and what went through their heads)
Jaune Mind: Wow, she's so beautiful and intelligent, I wanted to have a chance with her, but she definitely doesn't want to try something with someone like me.
G!Weiss Mind: This boy is so beautiful! It has a strong body and a large amount of aura! It is the perfect partner for my babys.
Jaune: Hi my name is jaune arc!
Weiss ignored Jaune, walking right past him and heading towards where the students were gathering and Jaune was confused.
G!Weiss Mind: He was so direct in a little while he's going to ask me to marry him and maybe ask me to hold his hand! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him!
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jynxlinkz · 4 months
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10 years of rwby!!!
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sirazaroff · 11 months
How do you think velvet is handleing everything in vacco right now
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She’s having a great time 🥰
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venusnightsky · 3 months
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🍀 NND💥(tokusatsu au!)
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bobauthorman · 25 days
How to Muck the Nuck
I wanna talk about how the final battle against the Nuckelavee went. This monster has been terrorizing Anima for a decade, maybe longer, and when it first shows up it is clearly a force to be reckoned with. But once Team RNJR (Mostly Ren) get their heads in order they take it down semi-easily. This might seem like a bit of an anticlimax, but consider this.
In Mountain Glenn, Dr. Oobleck states that older Grimm are more dangerous because they've developed the ability to recognize threats and pick up on patterns, using the line of elephantine Goliaths as an example. The Goliaths don't attack Vale because they that if they do, the Huntsmen defending the kingdom will wipe them out. They only attack when the surge of pent-up negativity is release, drawing in so many lesser Grimm to help overwhelm the kingdom's defenses.
Now, let's look at the Nuck's attack patterns (Spelling out the name every time is a pain, so I'm abbreviating it)
The first time the Nuck''s presence is felt, it's in the aftermath of Shion Village's destruction. Said destruction was also caused by the raid of the Branwen Tribe, so it's most likely the Nuck taking advantage of the bandits distracting the village's defenders to launch its own attack.
In Ren's flashback, the Nuck attacks his village, a place where hiring a Huntsman was seen as the final desperate move, not the first instinct. Ergo, it was a place that was outside the regular sphere of protection from the kingdoms.
In the present storyline, the Nuck attacks Team RNJR because, from a purely superficial view, they are no threat. Teenaged, runaway students, and Qrow is slowly dying from poison. So it attacks without fear.
But while Team RNJR may not have the strength advantage, they make up for it by fighting smarter. Ren's Semblance allows people to become invisible from a Grimm's negative-radar, giving them the opening to take it by surprise. And then they pin down the Nuck's arms, taking away its maneuverability. This allows Ren to finish the beast off.
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So, yeah. I like it when characters win by acting clever.
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thepariahcontinuum · 3 months
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MARZ Rising - Chapter 168: Red Like Roses
The final battle of the story reaches its' conclusion in the penultimate chapter (Not including the epilogue which will serve as a send off to the entire five part series).
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thelostfable · 2 months
its interesting thinking about how the grimms presence has affected peoples state of being. like. maybe im thinking too hard but like. the implications. inane rambling about emotional repression under the cut ⬇️
cause like. in small rural communities, especially ones with little to no huntsmen. there is strong incentive to repress negativity as much as possible. and we can actually kind of see this in a good chunk of the cast:
ruby and yang both try and keep the mood as light as possible whenever they can, and struggle to show sincere vulnerability. yang does have her anger issues early on especially, but that at least is productive to defending the people she cares about (in her mind at least). and blake comes off as angsty a lot, but is fairly cut off from it, if you know what i mean? theres a lot of separation between her emotions and what she expresses. she grew up hanging out around a lot of very angry people, shes learned to remain cool and not make anything worse.
vs weiss, who lived all the way up in atlas, which had the benefits of being both 1) a big city of mostly rich people living content lives and 2) having a huntsman academy that had plenty of students who could could clean up the few grimm that made it all the way up to atlas as training while more of the fully trained huntsmen could deal with mantle and the surrounding areas. shes not emotionally vulnerable, very very few people are in rwby, but she is definitely more expressive about how she feels.
ren and nora have an interesting dynamic in terms of this because. nora is a pretty open book and she just kind of lets herself feel whatever she feels. vs ren who is like. the closed book of closed books. hes not impossible to figure out but hes not going to show or tell pretty much anything. with his flat effect + semblance, he manages to cancel out nora enough that they were able to make it through a lot of things.
oscar is also from the middle of nowhere and like. he tries to be emotionally honest, but he isnt emotionally vulnerable, yknow? he says what hes thinking if its important enough that others should hear about it, but his problems get tucked away neatly in his mind and the only other person whos going to get any shot at hearing about is ozpin. and thats because hes also in there.
all in all. its interesting considering the reoccurring advice that everyone seems to give out to others in rwby: 'dont let your emotions rule you'. and while this is valid advice in any situation. its not surprising that it gets hammered in as much as it does given feeling your emotions too hard can turn into nightmare beasts at your location that want to kill you
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