#gripping myself by the shoulders huffing and puffing 'by the gods we are going to get you adequate healthcare today'
dreamlogic · 4 months
everybody clap for me. today i asked my surgeon to resubmit a referral that fell through in march for trigger point injections, and called to ask about getting set up with a new therapist after mine moved practices at the end of february & got put on a waitlist, AND i got over an EIGHT YEAR LONG MENTAL BLOCK and called my dentist to sheepishly ask for a comprehensive exam to get caught up on my tooth care.
the older i get, the less self care looks like lazy days & little treats & ignoring stressful obligations, and the more it looks like dragging myself kicking and screaming through all the tedious yet necessary bullshit of being an adult who's fully responsible for my own well-being.
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kagedbird · 1 month
Cicero Loves You, Listener!
TESSDE AU - Dark Brotherhood route
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I huffed and puffed heavily, sweat trickling down my skin as I ran as fast as I could to freedom.
Under the cover of night, begging the shadows to keep me safe, I fled from the family, from Cicero, to find that man again.
Surely he’d be nearby. Surely he wouldn’t have left so easily if he was pleading so much.
I thought about calling out to him, but didn’t want to alert the family should any of them be lingering outdoors. Not many of them did when they were home— seems I was the only one outside Babette to flee outside, and it was only out of necessity for her— so I could only continue to pray to the Dread Lord that it remained that way.
I spied a town not far from the sanctuary and felt my heart rocket into my throat. Would he be there? Would the blond? Or the blue cat?
Would they still accept me, even though I could hardly remember?
I took precious time before leaving to change into the clothes that had been in my bag, and felt equally comforted and estranged by the fluffy texture. My gifted clothes from Gabriella had been rough against skin, while this was almost too plush to be comfortable.
I also found a necklace that settled exactly where I had reached up to touch the day Kaidan found me.
I flinched as I thought I saw movement in the shadows, spurred on by the Dread Lord’s warning, and fled further into town. Guards seemed to stare as I raced by, but never followed.
I found myself at an inn— Dead Man’s Drink— and gulp down much needed air before stepping inside.
I peeked through the door, looking around, and feeling my shoulders wilt at the lack of the black haired man being at any of the tables, but perked back up as I saw him sitting at the bar, surrounded by things of mead. He was alone, the barmaid trying to dissuade him from having any more drinks, if her frown was any indication.
“No, I haven’t seen anyone by that description, lad. I keep telling you.”
“A man clad in jes-jester’s wear? None at all?” Kaidan slurred, hands planted on the bar. “Surely he comes by fer supplies—”
“No, I haven’t seen him or the girl. Please, if you’re not going to rent a bed, pay your tab and get out.”
“Kaidan,” I called out, pushing the door open further. “Kaidan?”
He groaned, gripping either side of his head at my call, and leaned down towards the bar. “Gods, make it stop… I cannae take this…”
I hurried over to his side, gently touching his shoulder and withholding a flinch as he suddenly turned to me, eyes wide.
“...Hi.” I greeted, giving him a weak smile. “...You don’t look so good.”
He huffs, tears prickling his eyes as he carefully reached out to hover a hand over my cheek. “...Would really appreciate not dreamin’ about ya like this anymore. Gives me false hope. But Gods… it’s a punishment I’ll gladly take.”
I pressed his hand into my cheek, feeling my face flush a bit at his words and the warmth emanating from his palm. “...Not a dream. I’m here. Let’s get you to bed, okay?”
I turned to the barkeep, giving her a half smile as well, ignoring her own wide eyed stare. “Hi. Um… thank you. For keeping him safe. How much does he owe you? And… can we rent a room?”
“You the lass he’s been looking for?” She asked, looking me up and down.
“...Yeah.” I settled on, unsure what would happen if I said ‘I think so.’ “We got separated, and I’ve lost a bit of my memory from an injury, but… I managed to find my way here.”
Kaidan was leaning closer now, just petting my skin or hair, tugging me close for him to hold. I felt… fine. I didn’t feel uncomfortable like I had with Cicero’s hugs, or anyone else’s touches.
Another feeling of peace washed over me as I gently rubbed his back, just letting him do as he pleased for self comfort. I think he was too drunk to really realize I was back.
“...Well. All right. He owes me fifty for the drinks, and it’ll be a ten for a room.” The barkeep said with a shrug, cleaning up the countertop from mead and whatever else he’d consumed.
“Um, one second…”
I didn’t feel right having him pay for the drinks, despite him drinking them, so I wrestled myself free enough to grab the coin purse in my bag and slowly counted out sixty gold.
Old me was loaded, apparently.
After paying and being pointed to the room, I hauled Kaidan up as best I could, and we slowly made our way to a nicely furnished room. Far different in energy from the sanctuary, it actually felt… rather homely. And the fire pit in the main room kept the entire building warm.
I sat Kaidan down on the bed, wiping sweat from my brow after. I was exhausting myself far too much too soon, but I was hardly done yet.
I was getting another sense of deja vu as I closed the door and helped Kaidan remove his armor.
“I miss you,” he slurred, taking my hand in his. “Where can I— where can I find you? Why did you leave?”
“It wasn’t safe,” I murmured softly. “I didn’t want you hurt.”
“I can take anythin’ lass,” he countered, letting me slip away to help him remove his chest plate. It was really heavy, but he thankfully had enough sense to help set it down. “I always tried t’keep you safe.”
“I feel it.” I smiled, reaching up to take the bun out of his hair. It was fairly knotted and unkempt, something that tugged as incorrect in my mind. “Do you have a brush? Or comb?”
“In m’bag…”
Finding it with startling ease, I carefully settled behind him and started combing his hair, from the bottom to the top. The tension in his shoulders was easing rapidly, likely as the liquid courage settled in his stomach.
“Can you sing fer me…?” He mumbled, leaning into my hands as I gently pulled his head back.
“What do you want to hear?” I asked. “I’m not sure how much I can remember, but I can try.”
“There was a lullaby… you’d love t’sing it fer Lucien and Inigo… I always really— really enjoyed it too…” He hiccuped, clutching his pants tightly in his fists. “Was in tha’ other language you tried teachin’ me… Japa— Japanese…”
“Japanese…” I echoed quietly, tasting the word on my tongue.
“Sounded somethin’ like… atarase ri… hamatsu wa uta…”
“...kemono tonari tokiri…” I felt my mouth move, curling around words I didn’t understand seamlessly, in the tune I had been humming the past few days.
“Tha’s it! You remember!” Kaidan said, perking up brightly. He turned to look over his shoulder with a soft smile— one that made my toes curl. “Yer in there… I know ya are… I’ll bring you home, lass, I swear on m’life.”
I paused, pulling the comb from his hair to look into those beautiful blood red eyes. I felt… sad. For what was lost and what replaced it.
“Why do you want me to come back?” I asked softly. “What am I to you? What was I to you?”
He seemed surprised, slowly turning around to face me fully. His brow furrowed in thought— as much as he could think in his current state— the words slowly falling from his lips.
“...You are my best friend. I cared greatly fer you. I still… very much do.”
His hand reached out to cup my cheek again, unintentionally lighting my face on fire from the intimate act.
“I’ve missed yer laugh,” he whispered, leaning in close. “I’ve missed yer smile. Your voice, yer singing… you. I’d do anything t’bring you back to my side, lass…”
His forehead pressed against mine, my eyes fluttering his his nose brushed mine.
“Kaidan,” I gasped out quietly, quickly reaching up to place a hand on his chest. My hand was shaking— this was too much.
“Allora,” he murmured back quietly, letting out a sigh alongside it. “Please… I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you… it breaks me every day that we— that we couldn’t find you…”
“I’m— I’m here Kaidan…” I said, shuddering as he moves to trail the tip of his nose across my face, heart running a mile a minute. “I’m… I’m right here…”
“Stay… please…” He begged, arms surrounding me and pulling me close. Not trapped. Not encaged. Simply hoping to hold me close. “I know this dream will end in the morning, but… for right now… please stay…”
“I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck. It felt right. It felt natural. I’ve been here many times before, in his arms. “I’m here, Kaidan…”
I kept murmuring assurances in his ear as we laid down together, Kaidan burying his face into my neck to inhale my scent deeply. I ignored the flurry of butterflies in my stomach from the act, simply carding my fingers through his hair and my nails across his scalp.
It wasn’t long before he slipped into Oblivion, taking me alongside him.
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refiwrites · 4 years
Time to ourselves
Keigo Takami x reader
Word count: 1,520
Warning(s): Swearing, bit of slightly suggestive themes at the end!!
A/N: WOOWHIEE I can't get him off my mind so I went ahead and dumped this, enjoy!
Also, GIF not mine!
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You slowly blinked your eyes open, hand reaching up to rub the haziness from your eyes. The last thing you remembered was snuggling in bed in the afternoon after you’d just gone done writing loads of paperwork that was due in the next three days. Why you ask? Because you wanted to make time for a certain someone.
You took a small glance at the wide window that stood next to the bed, giving you a clear view of the city lights, which were bright. Wait, you glanced just a bit up and saw the moon. It was night.
Fuck, I forgot to make dinner-
You bolted right up out of the messy bed, wanting to make it in the kitchen in record time as possible. Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on your side since you happen to slip upon a blanket that was just randomly strewn on the floor.
Everything happened so fast, from when you were standing to where you landed, pushing out your arms to brace for impact as you face-planted on the smooth marble floor of the apartment, almost hitting your head on the edge of the drawer. You let out a loud groan, pain immediately shooting its way to your temples, as you laid stomach flat on the floor. A sound of a door sliding open occurred, but you were too accompanied by your suffering to notice.
“Fucking fuck!” Hissing, you slowly got up to your knees, your hand cradling one side of your head. You kept your eyes shut since the impact left you dizzy. Well this was one way to wake up.
A pair of hands slowly grasped at your shoulders, making you open your eyes and almost having a whiplash from whipping your head up too fast from your sudden alertness, yet you didn’t even have the time to look since another wave of dizziness hit you automatically making you shut your eyes again.  
You were about to blindly hit with the thought that it was an intruder that managed to get inside past your security but strong hands and a voice proved you otherwise as your muscles seemed to relax immediately.
“Hey, hey kid it’s me. You alright? You took quite the fall there.” Oh great, he saw.
Keigo tried to block out a laugh by loosening his grip on one of your shoulders to quickly place on his mouth, playing it out as a cough but you already heard.  
“You’re a dick.” You huffed, the dizziness of yours seemed to reduce at his touch that kept you steady, blinking your eyes open and seeing his face adorning new scratches. Some were old, unnoticeable from the countless missions that the commission gave him endlessly.
Your snarky attitude was quickly thrown out the window and was replaced with shock and concern. Your hands gently grabbing his face and turning it sideways slowly. His grip on your shoulder loosened at your touch, crimson wings of his flapping lightly at the edges.  
You frown at the sight but you tried hiding it but he caught on quick.
“This is nothing that your man can’t handle.” Keigo was quick to reassure you as he smiles down at you, the pads of your thumb brushing his face and over his stubble.  
You sighed, letting your bottom lip jut out into a pout. You sighed, nodding but still scanning his face. He looked pretty fine but you just wanted to take care of him, that was what you had planned earlier in the afternoon after you finished a fuck-ton of paperwork, that you were going to take a quick nap and when you wake up you were going to cook him dinner. You just wanted to take care of him since both of you were too busy and barely even had time for one another, you just had to mess it up and slip instead of that the two of you could’ve been eating dinner right now.  
You didn’t notice your visible frown until a pair of lips molded against yours for quite a few seconds. Gazing at Keigo, you sighed, stroking his cheeks as he helped you stand up again. “How about you? You alright? Feeling dizzy?” You shook your head, feeling a bit better. “I’m okay now, my dumb ass just had to trip when all I wanted was to make you dinner.” You rolled your eyes, kneeling and bunching up the blanket in your hands before placing it on the bed, turning to face him again.
He has a smile on his face which made your heart flutter. “Dinner, hm? I won’t say no to that.”
So after a few moments of fixing yourselves, you headed into the kitchen as you advised Keigo to take a shower and that you were going to spoil him tonight with love and affection. Don’t tell anyone but you even noticed how his wings perked up after hearing that and the thought made you giggle as you cooked.
“What’re ya laughing about, kid?” You jumped a bit at the sound of his husky voice, turning your head to him to be graced at the sight before you.
There stood Keigo leaning against the doorway, a few damp strands of hair clinging to his forehead. Also mentioning the fact that he was shirtless and was only wearing sweats, his face being littered by a few band aids but he still looked damn fine. Oooh now that’s an image that’s not leaving your mind anytime soon.  
You tried to help your gaze not to wander down but it was too good.
He lets out a chuckle, standing straight before sauntering towards you. You snapped your gaze back to the meal you were preparing for the both of you, cheeks flushed red.
Strong arms wrapped around you from behind as his face immediately made home in the crook of your neck, sighing heavily which sent heavenly tingles down your spine.  
You shivered at the contact of his lips ghosting kisses over the exposed part of your neck accompanied by his heavy breathing, you even noticed how his wings puffed up, as its shadow loomed over you.  
“Baby..” He cooed out, to which you responded with a hum, urging him to continue.  
“Commission called again...” He started, but your heart already sank after you heard the first word.  
“Oh... What did they say?” You tried to mask the sadness in your tone by acting curious, but you couldn’t help but stutter lightly towards the end.
He squeezed your hips as he littered a few kisses up and down your neck.
“I won’t be occupied in the next few days...” You could practically feel the smirk that etched its way onto his features, you also felt yourself grinning at the news, happiness replacing what once was sadness that filled your heart.
“Means...?” You urged on, wanting to hear the words coming from him.
“We have all the time to ourselves, baby bird.”
You let out a giggle, nodding and placing the both of your meals on a plate.  
“God, you don’t know how much that makes me happy.” You said, moving over to the table to delicately place the meal.
“Me too, kid. Practically shot myself over here after they called, mind you, I almost rammed into our door there.” He says, nodding towards the big glass door.  
Imagining if he did ram into the door sent you into a laughing fit, he huffed, just shrugging it off as a payback for laughing at you earlier.  
“Come here,” You spoke, tugging on his hand and pulling him close. He leans down as you left feather light kisses on his lips before sitting down to have your meal.
After a delicious meal and Keigo hurriedly telling you to leave the dishes and come cuddle with him on the bed, you obliged. You were now in your pajamas with your upper half neatly pressed against his chest as he leaned back on the bed, wings sprawled, a feather occasionally finding themselves in the middle of cuddling. Your heart was swelling with happiness at the earlier news, you couldn’t help but hug him tighter. You didn’t pay attention to the show that was playing in the background, but Keigo seemed interested.
You just listened onto his heartbeat, along with the heaving of his chest every so often. You inhaled his scent once more, loving it.  
His hand that rested against your skin began tracing mindless patterns, which tickled you from time to time.  
“Hey, Kei?”
“Yes, (Y/N)?” His attention was now zeroed on you, lifting your face up to his.  
“I’m really glad you have some time off, and I’m hella glad to rush that paperwork.” He cocked a brow and you smiled again, leaning and capturing his lips in a kiss, his body instantly leaned in, hand brushing up your sides and squeezing.  
“I love you so so much.” He uttered under his breath as your lips ghosted one another.
You sighed as his voice yet again sent tingles down your spine.
“I love you too, now why don’t we make those days count? Hmm?”  
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ktheist · 4 years
06 — show me yours & i’ll show you mine
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➙ muses. seokjin x college student / gamer!reader ft. best friend! taehyung
➙ genre. best friend’s brother au. university au. working au. fwb au.
➙ word. 1.8k
➙ index. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | finale | side story 1 |
➙ synopsis.
“i’m still mad at you.”
kim taehyung looks at you like a teacher would to a student that he suspects would likely cheat on a test after said test.
“what?” you ask, lifting up one of the topmost boxes in the storage room and placing it down gently to sift through the contents in the box below it.
“nothing,” he shrugs, his breath disappearing into the cold air.
“okay, then come and help me look for the angel,” you’re in your family’s storage room after you’ve returned to the kim’s living room after you broke apart from the hug at the sound of feet padding down the hallway.
it was, unsurprisingly, taehyung who came to check up on you and see if seokjin needed ‘help’ treating a tiny cut.
to which seokjin brandished the most innocent smile and answered, “nah, we’re good. we’re almost done here.”
feelin your guilt eat up, you offered to look for your family angel, apologizing profusely, “i’m sorry i ruined christmas, i think we have an angel from last year’s decorations in the storage room.”
“oh honey, ruining christmas is a bit of a stretch,” mrs. kim laughed warmly, “but if you want to, bring one of these lazy bums with you.”
and that’s how kim taehyung and kim seokjin ended up butting heads and almost fighting about who gets to escort you out of the kim manor and into ___’s house which is just next door to look for said angel.
“since you’re the head chef, jinnie, i think taehyung should go with ___,” mina interjected with that prim, innocent smile.
you almost wrapped your arms around seokjin possessively and declared that you didn’t care if he was in charge of christmas eve’s meal - and that you wanted him to come with you.
“you know, you’ve been glaring at mina since she got here,” taehyung’s voice pulls you out of your ocean of thoughts.
“yeah? what about it?” you roll your eyes, placing another box on the ground to look through the one underneath it.
“would it hurt to be nice? she lost her parents last year,” he’s still leaning against the doorway like he doesn’t see you huffing and puffing trying to get move the boxes around.
yoo mina’s state of living alone and inevitable possibility of celebrating christmas alone this year is what made mr. and mrs. kim invite her over for christmas eve. and since everyone knew everyone in this neighborhood, none of them would expect either of you to treat her any less than family.
“oh gee, i don’t know, if she’d stop eye-fucking seokjin, i’d very much appreciate it,” you don’t mean to, but taehyung flinches from your glare.
“are you seriously jealous?” the glint of gold and red in the third box you’re sifting through catches your eyes.
found that christmas ornament box.
“are you seriously jealous?” a high pitched imitation leaves your lips as you pull out the porcelain angel, holding it with your uninjured hands, “i’m not jealous, you prick. get out of the way,” you push past the boy and march over to the kim’s without even looking back.
“oh my god, seokjin, this tastes so good!” mina’s voice rings from the kitchen all the way to the door as you push off your shoes and march over to the half-done decorated christmas tree.
“really? gosh, i’m so relieved. you don’t know how many times i almost burned our kitchen in seoul for this,” seokjin laughs.
“you? burning kitchens? highly dubious. you’re one of the best cooks i know.” mina remarks, her ear-to-ear grin makes her look like a monkey.
“you kids are so cute,” mrs. kim chirps, “mina, do you have a boyfriend? forget boyfriend, seokjin here makes a great husband, don’t you think?”
you let out a frustrated huff as you set up the ladder leaned up against the wall that taehyung used even though he didn’t need a ladder to reach the top. well, that was before you broke the angel. you set up the ladder as close to the tree as you can.
“o-oh, i don’t have a boyfriend,” your back’s on her but you can practically hear her blushing.
“hey, do you mind if i did that? not that i’m unconvinced of your expertise to put the angel on the tree but let’s just be safe after... what happened,” a familiar velvet-like voice murmurs from next to you, a warm hand covering yours that’s holding the angel.
“i thought...” you steal a glance over the dark haired girl and mrs. kim at the counter and back at the smiling seokjin.
well, he’s here and not there.
you hop off the ladder and stand on your tippy toes before placing a kiss on his cheek, “thanks.”
“if i knew i would get a reward, i would’ve offered to help more often,” hymn trickles out of seokjin’s mouth as he chuckles, easily climbing the ladder and placing the angel on top of the tree with your commentaries of moving it “slightly to the left” and “okay, but slightly but not too much to the right.”
“okay, perfect,” you clap in satisfaction, stepping closer to the man and offering your hand, “what? men need help getting off from high places too,” you grin.
“if you insist,” he returns your grin with his own, his hand swallowing yours like it could break it with one squeeze and yet his touch is as light as a feather as he hops off the last step of the ladder.
the lights come to live around the tree like fairy dust as the gold and red baubles glints and winks at the twined hands in between you and seokjin whilst mrs and mr kim stands a few feet away, the middle aged woman’s head leaned against her husband’s shoulder. you can distinctly make out the outlines of her smile.
it looks like namjoon’s when you turn around to walk back to the kitchen for a drink, the man sitting down on the sofa a few feet away from the tree where you were standing, granting him a full view of how tightly but tenderly seokjin’s hand was gripping yours.
“hey,” is the first thing you say to the middle child when you manage to catch him watching some christmas movie on the tv.
“hey,” he shoots you a knowing smile before reverting his eyes on the screen.
for the longest moment, you stay there, letting the sound of the actors and actresses fill the room whilst the better cooks among all of you which are mrs. kim, mina and seokjin chatter along in the kitchen, waiting for the meals to cook.
“i knew,” he says ever so calmly, the only reason you knew you heard is because he’s looking at you, “i knew about you two -seokjin and taehyung got into a fight because taehyung deleted your number from seokjin’s phone - i think he made seokjin’s account block you on all social media but i gather everything’s alright now because you two made up?”
“yeah...” you trail off in an attempt to laugh it off but failing miserably, hugging your knees to your chest to make yourself smaller, “no, we decided not to do this.”
namjoon’s looks at you like he didn’t see that coming but nods anyway.
“what?” you ask.
“nothing...” he shrugs, “just that it didn’t look like seokjin was going to give up on you even if it meant never talking to taehyung ever again...”
“they didn’t really fight, did they?” you feel your eyebrows knitting together.
“no, but they would’ve if i hadn’t been the voice of reason,” a well-deserved tinge of proudness wrapped around his voice as you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding but before you can even say anything, taehyung’s calling out to you from the front door, all dressed in his jacket.
you don’t even have to ask why. standing up and picking up your own jacket, you follow him outside.
so it goes, you walking down the neighborhood with a gap you didn’t know could exist in between you after all those years. and the snowflakes fluttering down and settling on top taehyung’s deep brown tresses.
“sorry, i was being pretty annoying, wasn’t i?” he suddenly says.
and you shrug.
“it’s cool, i was being annoying too anyway.”
“you and seokjin... you looked good together,” he announces in the air. breath coming out in puffs.
you find yourselves in the abandoned park you used to play at as kids. taehyung leans against one side of the monkey bar and you on the other.
his hands are buried in his pockets - as if he went out with the sole thought of this talk and complete disregard for dressing warm.
well, so did you.
you’re freezing in just your jacket. the muffler around your neck isn’t doing anything.
“where did that come from?” you pretend to look up at the sunless sky but your heart’s already thumping uncontrollably in your chest.
is this really happening?
it would seriously blow if it was all just a dream.
“just things that i notice... you're acting like a jealous girlfriend and he looks like he’s enjoying it. you should be together,” taehyung shrugs, as if he didn’t just threatened a lifetime’s worth of friendship when he found out about you and seokjin.
somehow, you hear the crunch of the snow under your feet. the rush of the blood in your ears.
it feels like taehyung’s words just light up a fire to an ocean full of oil spill.
“just like that?” you breathe out in disbelief, “you think i’m just gonna say thank you after you literally forced me to choose you and then after i did, you’re going to say i proved myself and passed the test? after all the shit you spouted? i might be messed up but you’re selfish as fuck, taehyung.”
“i know,” instead of the flames you thought would burn in his eyes, taehyung’s replies seems too unrealistic. resigned.
“i hate you.” you say bluntly.
“as you should,” comes his response.
“literally?” you sigh. half-humored and half-vindictive.
“you can slap me-”
almost as though your motor senses got triggered by that single word, your hand goes flying to his face.
the sound of skin smacking against skin rings in the air for a good few seconds even after the deed’s been done.
“ouch!” you scream, gripping the hand that you used to bitch slap taehyung because it happens to also be the hand which finger you cut on the angel shard and boy, did the slap sting.
“ow! why’d you slap me?” taehyung blinks several times, jaw hitting the ground.
“wha- you told me to!” you almost scream in his face, mainly because of the searing pain spreading across your palm.
“you didn’t even wait for me to finish! i was saying, you can slap me but i think it’s enough karma that i had to hear you have sex over the phone with my brother three weeks ago and that’s why i’m saying you’re gonna see each other behind my back anyway so stop hiding your relationship-”
another smack lands on his face.
“you ass, what do you take me for? a liar? we’re not seeing each other. that was the last time... ow!” as if the last second was up, you finally explode.
and it just so happens that you used the same bandaged hand to smack him.
for someone who’s supposedly asking for forgiveness, taehyung has the gall to scrunch his nose as though in pain himself at the sight of your agony.
“shit. that’s gotta hurt like a bitch.” this time, he sounds more like him.
rude. unbothered. insensitive.
but so very taehyung.
he also has a hand clasped against the reddening cheek that probably will start forming a map of your palm on it soon.
“ya think?” you spit out, glaring.
taehyung simply shrugs before stretching open his free arm, “friends?”
“i’m still mad at you,” you declare before the snow scrunches under your boots as you close the distance and engulf him in a big hug.
you stay like that for barely even a minute when your body starts to stiffen and your gut starts threatening to hurl out its contents at realization that you’re actually holding each other in your arms.
“okay, dweeb, let me go.” taehyung announces, you bet his hand’s twitching to shove your face away from his chest but he’s nice enough to wait until you release your hold and step back.
“yeah okay, good talk,” you dust whatever taehyung gave you off your shoulders.
taglist.  @aretha170​ @scalubera​ @ambersaesthetics​ @heyjiminnie​ @hyuck-me​ @fanfuckingfic​ @fangurl-ontgeside​ @bri-mal @waves-and-woods​ @rjsmochii​
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sukifans · 4 years
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HELP ME // sokka
WARNINGS: language, a Bug
WC: 3.3k
A/N: a little somethin somethin for @fromthewatertribe’s 1k event! i had a lot of fun doing this drabble. i used 2 (“please help me”) and 8 (“i thought you loved me”) for this bad boy that definitely got away from me lmao
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Panic surged through Sokka when he checked his phone and saw he had about twenty missed calls from you over the past ten minutes. Just as he was about to call back, your contact photo popped up on the screen accompanied by the duck quack ringtone you’d set for yourself ages ago.
“I’ll be back,” he mumbled to Zuko, who nodded absently while preparing a customer’s tea. He stepped out the back of the Jasmine Dragon and slid his thumb across the screen. “Hello?”
“SOKKA, THANK FUCK!” You sounded like you were crying on the other end. He frowned, pulling the phone away from his ear in response to your screech.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Where are you?” he demanded over the ruckus of your wails. His hand dropped to his car keys in his pocket, ready to leave if you needed him.
Sokka groaned. “(Y/N), I’m at work. I cannot come kill a bug for you.”
Your blubbering paused. “B-But... I need help! And no one else will help me! Please help me!”
“As much as I want to help you I can’t right now, princess. I can swing by after we close in about an hour, though.”
You made a strangled sort of screaming sound and hung up. He brought his hand down, staring at his screen in surprise. The line was busy when he tried to call you back, so he pocketed his phone with a sigh and headed back inside.
Zuko was speaking on the store phone with someone when he got back to the front, making a face like he had just eaten something sour or smelled something foul. Sokka shot him a questioning look as he tied his apron back around his waist and Zuko beckoned him over.
“What’s up?” Sokka asked in a low voice.
“Just go,” Zuko huffed. “I can finish closing by myself and she said she won’t stop calling us until you help her.”
“Wh- give me that.” He took the landline receiver from Zuko. “Seriously, (Y/N)?”
“It’s a bug!”
He made eye contact with Zuko and his friend just shook his head. “Fine, okay, you win. I’m on my way.”
She hiccuped. “You’re the best friend I could ever ask for, Sokka. I love you. Please hurry.”
“Yeah, yeah. Love you, too, princess,” he grumbled before hanging up. Zuko was watching him with raised eyebrows. “Oh, fuck off, dude.”
“I didn’t say anything.” He tried to hide his smirk by turning away to wipe down the counter.
“Don’t look so smug.” He smacked the back of his friend’s head after he threw his apron in the laundry bag.
“Hey!” Zuko punched his shoulder. “It’s not my fault you’re whipped for (Y/N) and too much of a pussy to make a move.”
“You’re fucking lucky I’m whipped and have to go kill a bug for my girl otherwise I’d kick your ass, Zuko.” He flipped him the middle finger as he headed out the door, keys in his other hand.
“Later, princess.” Zuko twiddled his fingers mockingly in goodbye. Sokka scoffed as he left, shaking his head and muttering under his breath. Yeah, he was whipped for you. He was wrapped securely and comfortably around your pinky finger. So what? It wasn’t like he had plans to do anything about it. He was perfectly happy being your friend — your best friend, in your own words. No way in hell would he risk fucking that up and losing you.
When he banged on your apartment door you simply yelled from inside that it was unlocked. It was hard to suppress a laugh at the scene that greeted him. You were curled up on your kitchen counter, hood of your sweatshirt drawn tight around your head so only your nose and eyes were visible and a can of bug spray in your trembling hand. Your tear-streaked face lit up when you saw him and it made his heart clench in his chest.
“Hey, princess.”
“Sokka!” You dropped the can and threw yourself at him. He caught you in his arms with a grunt and you wrapped your legs around his middle, clinging to his neck. His hands supported your back to keep you upright. “God, I’ve never been so happy to see you in my life. I could fucking kiss you right now.”
He had to recover quickly from almost choking on air in order to keep his composure. “Just doing my manly best friend duties.” He gulped when you slid down his body. Your feet hit the floor again but you still held onto him. “Alright, where’s the big bad bug?”
You glared up at him for his teasing. “My room. I was about to go take a shower when it fucking flew at my face! I don’t even know where it came from!”
“Stand by, princess,” he ruffled your hair and pulled off one of his sneakers to wield as a bludgeon, “I’ve got it all under control.” You rolled your eyes a bit when he puffed his chest out and flexed comically. You released him from your vice grip so he could stalk up to the closed door of your bedroom. Of course, you stayed planted firmly in the kitchen and watched from a distance.
“Be careful,” you warned, “it’s literally the biggest roach I’ve ever seen.”
“It may be big, but I’m bigger. And smarter.” He tapped his temple with his finger.
“I don’t know about that second part,” you giggled. He shot you a withering look.
“Do you want me to kill this thing or not?”
“Yes, sorry! You are so very strong and intelligent and handsome, Sokka. Much more strong and intelligent and handsome than the roach.”
“You know what? I’ll take that compliment.” He winked at you, sending your heart into your throat. You stuck your tongue out and made a face to hopefully hide how flustered you were.
“Stop flirting and kill the fucking bug!”
“You started it!”
“Sokka!” Laughing, he pushed open the door to your bedroom and disappeared inside. You watched the doorway with bated breath, listening to Sokka rummaging around to find the vermin.
There was an almighty thud, then a crash and a shriek along with thundering footsteps as your friend dashed out of the room with a massive roach flying behind him. You screamed too when you spotted the bug as it landed on your wall. Before you could react any further, Sokka had grabbed you and yanked you out the front door, slamming it shut behind you both.
“That’s no ordinary roach,” he panted, leaning against the door. He still held you close to his torso with an arm wrapped protectively around your waist. “Fucking military drone or something.”
“Did you think I was fucking joking?” Your stomach churned uneasily thinking about the insect walking all over your walls and prized possessions. A shudder ran down your spine and you buried your face into his chest, grabbing a fistful of the front of his shirt. “What am I supposed to do now? I can’t go back in there with that thing loose!”
“I don’t know.”
“You were supposed to kill it!”
“It charged me!”
“You big chicken!” Looking up, you flicked his forehead and giggled at his incredulous look. “I thought you loved me!”
His face felt like it was on fire. “I do!”
“Then why didn’t you kill it? You were supposed to protect me, Sokka!” Your hands settled on his chest and he hoped you couldn’t feel how fast his heart was beating. “So much for being smarter and stronger!”
“But you admit I’m more handsome still?” Your cheeks burned when his hand slid to your hip, using his thumb to rub circles into your hipbone through the fabric of your clothes.
“More handsome than the roach?” You couldn’t help but laugh at his goofy smile. “I guess you qualify for that.”
“Tough crowd,” he sighed. “I was going to bring you back to mine so you could get out of your roach-infested apartment, but if that’s how you really feel then I’ll leave you with the stronger, smarter organism.”
“The roach?” you squeaked indignantly. He chuckled at your wide eyes. “I’m sorry, I changed my mind. You are the smartest and strongest and handsomest again. Please let me crash at your place?”
“Wow, using me for my sweet crib? And here I was thinking you loved me for me!”
“Pretty please?” You clasped your hands under your chin, pouted, and gave him the best puppy dog eyes you could muster.
He groaned dramatically and rolled his eyes as if he were being greatly put out. “You know I can’t say no to that face. Let’s go, princess.” He disentangled himself from you and started to walk away only to realize you weren’t following. He turned back to you. “(Y/N)?”
You looked down at your socked feet. “I don’t have shoes. Or my keys.”
“I’m not going back in there.”
“Well, I’m not either.”
“Then it seems we’re at a stalemate.”
You pursed your lips thoughtfully. “Do you still have that spare key I gave you when I went out of town?”
“Good thinking, kid.” He shuffled around his key ring until he found yours, easily identifiable by the heart you’d painted onto it with your favorite nail polish. “Way to use your noodle.” He locked your front door and stood in front of you once again.
“Shoes,” you said simply, extending your leg to lift your foot in the air. “I’m not walking around like this. Knowing my luck I’ll step on a used needle and end up with some rare blood disease.” Sokka scratched the back of his neck as he considered this before a wicked grin split across his face. You did not like the looks of that. “Sokka...”
Without warning, he grabbed you around your middle and hoisted you onto his shoulder like a sack of flour. The inversion of your body made you squeal, scrambling to grab something to stabilize yourself. In your panic, you sunk your nails into the flesh of his ass.
“Jesus!” He gripped you tighter to stop you from slipping in his surprise. “I know I have an irresistibly fat ass but you gotta be careful back there, babe. That’s my moneymaker!”
If all your blood hadn’t been already rushing to your head you would’ve flushed. “That’s what you get for picking me up, asshole!” You paused. “What the fuck are you talking about, ‘your moneymaker?’”
“Well, I couldn’t have you stepping on a used needle and ending up with some rare blood disease, now could I?” You could practically hear his smirk as he carried you down to the front of your building.
“Do you derive joy from driving me up a wall?”
“Yes,” he answered without hesitation. You made an indignant noise and pinched his side. He yelped and smacked the back of your bare thighs in response.
“Did you just spank me?” You thrashed in protest, making him stumble a bit.
“No,” he grunted and then brought his hand down on your ass, eliciting a gasp from you. “Now I did.”
“That’s ‘Daddy’ to you, princess.” He tried to drop his voice an octave to sound stern but he couldn’t suppress his laughter. You were just glad he couldn’t see your face.
“I’m going to throttle you when you put me down,” you threatened.
“You know what? I’ll take my chances with the roach. Bring me back, you fucking deviant.”
He dropped you down to the ground and you leaned back against his car door, looking away from his face. “Aw, you’re hurting my feelings, babe. I seem to remember someone telling me—“
You clapped your hand over his mouth before he could continue. “That’s enough out of you, thanks.” You could feel his smile against your palm at the reference to a highly inappropriate conversation you’d had together when you were both extremely drunk. You recoiled when he licked your hand.
“Alright, alright; let’s go home. I’m exhausted.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” you muttered without any malice as he reached around you to open the passenger door. He simply gave you that same shit-eating grin and closed your door.
Sokka decided to spare your pride and carried you up to his apartment on his back instead of over his shoulder. His hands on your thighs, shifting your position every so often, made your heart race. You could still catch whiffs of the tea from the Jasmine Dragon off his clothes, mingling with the masculine smell of his deodorant. The combination put you at ease after the trauma of dealing with the roach and you sighed happily, setting your chin on his shoulder and pressing your cheek against his. The stubbly scruff along his jaw prickled at your skin but you couldn’t find it in you to care much.
You thought he’d drop you down onto his couch once you’d entered his apartment but instead he carried you into his bedroom and flopped backwards onto his mattress, knocking the wind out of your chest as he squished you under his body. Despite the squeezing weight on your lungs you were laughing uncontrollably, arms still thrown around his shoulders. Sokka wished he could have moments like this with you every night; that he could turn around and kiss you without ruining everything.
“Why so giggly, kid? Are you enjoying this?” he teased, leaning his head back onto your chest.
“Laughter is my panic response. You’re suffocating me, fatass,” you wheezed
“Nah, I think you like it.”
You hummed thoughtfully as the giggles subsided. “Maybe. You’re kinda like one of those weighted blankets.”
“Yeah?” He turned so he faced you, propping himself up on his forearms on either side of your head. “Do I relieve your anxiety?”
You quirked an eyebrow. “The opposite, actually.”
“You wound me, really. I am a calming, peaceful, meditative presence. I am a delight and a joy to be around.” He frowned when you threw your head back in incredulous laughter. You hooked your leg around his hips and flipped him onto his back, pinning him underneath you.
“Maybe you have your moments.” He stared wide-eyed up at your teasing smile and considered closing the space between your mouths. Before he could work up the nerve, you sat back on your haunches out of reach. “I need to shower.”
“Without me?” he pouted. You groaned and shoved his face into the mattress as you stood.
“Don’t wait up, baby.” He flushed at the nickname you used to tease him. He propped himself up on his elbows to see you down the hall.
“I’ll take the couch tonight,” he said. You stopped just outside the bathroom door.
“Sokka, we don’t have to do this every time. I think it’s okay if we just sleep in the same bed without arguing over who gets the couch at this point.”
“If you’re alright with it,” he sighed, dropping his head back down.
“Why wouldn’t I be? It’s you.” You gave him a quick smile before disappearing into the bathroom.
You always secretly loved staying over with Sokka. The lather of his soap running down your body into the drain made you feel wrapped in his presence — a great comfort despite your teasing that suggested otherwise. His meticulous organizing even in the shower always made you laugh a little to yourself. His products were neatly organized in the order he used them, likely something he started doing when you’d dragged him to a beauty store after finding out he used 3-in-1 “for efficiency.” Now, to your immense pride and satisfaction, he had a full skincare and haircare routine.
Upon exiting the shower wrapped in a towel, you saw Sokka snoring lightly on his bed next to a pile of clothes he’d left out for you. You pulled on his shirt and quickly wriggled under the covers, propping yourself up on your elbow. You poked your finger into his cheek and he grunted, swatting at you.
“Leave me alone, woman,” he murmured.
“You need to shower.” He cracked an eye open to glare at you.
“You’re awfully demanding for a guest in my bed.”
“Well, you worked today and you stink.”
“That’s just my natural man musk. Pheromones and stuff. Nothing to be done about it.”
“Are you an ant?”
“Only if you’ll be my queen ant.” He sent you a cocky smirk and you simply shook your head.
“You’re fucking weird, dude.” He laughed and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you directly into his armpit as you squealed. Finally you freed yourself and rolled onto your side away from him with a huff. Sokka slid behind you and rested his head on your shoulder, sliding his arm around your waist.
“You know you love me, princess.”
“Whatever,” you grumbled. He chuckled and the sound reverberated against your back, his warm breath on your cheek making goosebumps rise on your skin. His thumb slid absently back and forth across your stomach and the soft touch lulled your heavy eyelids closed.
“Don’t go to bed mad, babe. At least give me my goodnight kiss.”
Enough. It’s now or never.
Before you could start second-guessing yourself, you rolled onto your back underneath him and surged upwards to press your lips to his in an insistent kiss. It lasted only a few moments before you pulled away because he remained frozen against you. His clear blue eyes were wide as he stared down at you and you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks and the tears threatening to spill as you realized what you’d done.
“You shouldn’t flirt if you don’t mean it, Sokka. It gives people the wrong idea,” you whispered, the corners of your mouth pulling into a frown. His gaze darted from your eyes down to your lips and back again.
“Who says I don’t mean it?” And then he was finally, finally kissing you before you could tell him off. You snaked your arm around his shoulders and pulled him down on top of you, desperate to be closer, to feel his body on your own to reassure yourself that yes, this was happening and it was real. His hand trailed up to cup your face, skimming his thumb gently along your cheekbone. You both broke away to gasp for air. Sokka looked down at your flushed cheeks and bright eyes and lips that were just beginning to swell and he thought you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“Oh, don’t look so pleased with yourself,” you laughed, swiping your thumb over his satisfied smile on your way to pull the tie from his ponytail. The ends of his loose hair tickled your face as he kissed you again, this time much more gentle.
“And why shouldn’t I be?” Another kiss. “I’m kissing the girl I’ve been in love with for years.” Your eyes widened and you shoved him back onto the bed.
“Years?” you squeaked. “We could’ve been doing this for years?”
“I didn’t know you had feelings for me!”
“Of course I had feelings for you, are you joking?”
“Then why didn’t you do anything before now? I flirt with you constantly!”
“Because I thought you were joking!”
“Well, that’s on you, then. Now c’mere, princess,” he reached out and hugged you close to his body again, “we have a lot of time to make up for.”
“God, you’re such a cornball.” You giggled at the teasing kisses he peppered all over your face. When he finally caught your lips you hummed happily against his mouth. He tasted sweeter than the most tooth-rotting candy and gave you the same sugar high.
“Yeah, but you love it.”
“I do.” You snuggled down under the blanket and rested your head on his chest. “I love you, Sokka.”
He ruffled your hair affectionately. “I love you too, princess.”
“You still need to shower, though.”
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ATLA TAGS: @hotgirlazula @octophopi
SOKKA/ZUKO TAGS: @fiantomartell
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amerrierworld · 4 years
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Ocean’s 8 fan fiction 
for anon!
Summary: Lou catches you sneaking around and decides to punish you.
Characters: Lou x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,583
Warnings: S M U T. Dominant Lou, semi-public sex, teasing, gags :)
“You shouldn’t be back here, sweetheart,” Lou’s eyes were fiery as you realized you’d been caught. 
You were at her club, sneaking onto the stage and behind the curtain in a fit of courageous stupidity. No one was allowed back here when there wasn’t a performance, but you couldn’t help yourself this time. You hadn’t expected Lou to find you, since you hadn’t seen her all night. 
Hesitating, you looked between the exit and Lou, wondering if you should make a run for it. Instead, you puffed your chest out and crossed your arms.
“Who says so?” you said, your nose high in the air. The blonde rolled her eyes and took a step forward. You took one back. You could feel the curtain behind you. The music was muffled, but still not quiet.
“I say so. You know, the owner?”
“Oh, you’re the owner huh? Hadn’t noticed,” you quipped, trying to get on her nerves so you could make a break for it. Her nostrils flared. You took a step to the side, not wanting to fall back in the curtain and onto the stage.
“Not so fast, smartypants,” she growled. A hand shot out to grasp your wrist and she pulled you close. “Why are you back here?”
Your eyes stayed on the ground. 
“Y/N,” she ordered sharply. You shrugged.
“Wanted to see what was back here,” you mumbled.
“Even though it’s not allowed?”
“C’mon, Lou, we’re friends. Plus aren’t you always the one that says rules are meant to be broken?” you smirked.
“Oh yeah?” she hissed. “I might be the one that says that, but I myself never get caught. Unlike you.”
“We don’t all have decades of experience in the crime business,” you huffed.
“Calling me old?”
“No, ma’am.”
She gave you a teasing smile, “ma’am, huh? I like that.”
You blushed furiously.
“Tell you what. I’ll let this one pass. You’ll be free to go.”
You lit up. “Oh, thanks, Lou, I-,”
“After your punishment.”
“You heard me. Come on.”
“Lou I’m not a child-,”
A sharp tug on your wrist and you were suddenly pressed up against her. Soft lips traced your neck up to your ear and you forget how to breathe.
“Then stop acting like one,” she whispered, chuckling as you visibly shivered.
“You like this?” her hands trailed up your arms and you squeaked as teeth nibbled your earlobe. 
“Want me to stop?” she asked.
“No, what?”
Your ears became hot, “No, ma’am.”
“Good girl. Come on,” she led you further back to the wings of the stage. There were dim lights that flickered on as you walked by. The bass of the music drummed in your ears. 
It was a little quieter here. The concrete wall was cold against your back as Lou led you to press up against it.
“Now, this usually isn’t the most ideal place for punishment but it’ll have to do,” Lou said. Noises came from further backstage, the sound of assistants and stagehands working. Lou chuckled as you blushed, fear of being found suddenly hitting you.
“Don’t worry love, nobody will come over here. And if they do, we’ll give them a show, won’t we?”
You tried to stammer out a response, but Lou suddenly kissed your and your eyes fluttered shut. Your shy and timid fear of being seen dissolved as she kissed you, tongue lapping at your lips and you moaned.
Your hands gripped her waist and you looped your fingers through the waistband of her leather pants. A knee pressed firmly between your thighs.
You pressed your head against her shoulder as she kissed down your neck and you groaned again, muffled as you bit into the collar of her button down.
A sharp tug came as a reprimand, her hand gripping the hair at the base of your skull. 
“Didn’t I say to be quiet?” she hissed. You bit your lip, nodding weakly. 
“God, you really are terrible at following orders, aren’t you? Sneaking around, breaking the rules, not listening to me,” a sharp smack against the side of your thigh followed. It was muffled by the fabric of your pants but you still felt it. 
“L-like you’re any better than me,” you managed to say through the haze of arousal. Her eyebrows rose and for a moment you thought you’d completely overstepped. She pulled away and you worried that she was going to leave you here. 
Then you watched as she pulled off her satin tie and wrapped it around your head, fitting the knot in your mouth and pulling it tightly so you were suddenly gagged. Your eyes widened,
“Alright?” she asked softly. You nodded and the lust in her eyes came back instantly.
“Good girl,” she cooed, back of her hand rubbing your cheek lovingly. “Now, let’s see then. This might keep you quiet finally.”
Her fingers dipped past your pants and underwear, trailing across your pelvis with light touches. Your hips trembled and pushed against them, wanting more. 
“Oh, poor baby. When was the last time anyone fucked you properly?” she growled, reaching down and cupping you, two fingers trailing up and down your slit. You felt sweat forming on the back of your neck and you bucked your hips again.
“Hmph,” you whined out against the tie, hands fumbling with Lou’s shirt, popping it open to reveal a sleek black bra. Your hands touched her everywhere and from the way she sighed you could tell she was enjoying it.
Your fingers mimicked hers and you began pushing past her pants.
“Nuh-uh, bad girl. No touching for you yet,” she ordered, pinning your wandering hand against the wall as the other pushed a finger inside you. Her finger curled and prodded, exploring your sensitive spots until you could barely stand. 
She pulled out briefly to pinch the hood around your clit, forcing you to let out a sharp gasp at the feeling. Her hand came back up to slap your thigh again, louder this time.
“Didn’t I say to be quiet?”
Two fingers entered you this time and your legs were shaking. A third began prodding against your opening, slick with your arousal and sweat.
“Hm, let’s see how many fingers you can take before you scream so loud that everyone will hear you,” she muttered, pressing her heated body against yours. Your one free hand gripped the back of her neck, wishing you could kiss her. Instead, you brushed noses, and she bit the loose end of the tie teasingly as she looked into your eyes.
“You like that, baby girl? You like being fucked in public like this, where anyone could hear you if you’re not careful enough, huh?” Three fingers were working quickly inside you, curling and fucking you at a quick pace. Your one leg rose on its own and Lou reached to hook it around her waist. “That’ll teach you for misbehaving around me.”
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re so beautiful,” she groaned, her lips pressing against your cheek. “You wanna cum for me?”
You nodded, breathing loudly and letting out staggered groans, your jaw aching. 
“Yeah?” her thumb pressed against your clit, rubbing in circles. You bit into the gag as much as you could. “Sorry, I can’t hear you?”
“Hn-nn, guh, hn,” you whimpered against the gag. 
“Tsk, bad girl. When I ask you something, you better answer,” she said, pulling out. Your eyes flew open and you grabbed her to prevent her from stepping away. A smirk was on her face. 
You could barely think through the arousal, and you grabbed the tie and pulled it down, releasing your mouth. Before she could scold you for doing so, you pulled her down by the neck and kissed her over and over again.
Without saying a word, you grabbed her wet hand and brought it back down to your cunt, letting it rest there until she decided what to do. Your nose nuzzled her neck and you were breathing heavily, but forced yourself to stay quiet.
“Oh, what’s this? You’re suddenly listening to me then?” 
You didn’t answer, only pressed soft kisses against her neck. She moaned softly at the feeling and you felt encouraged to nibble a bit on the smooth skin. 
“Hmm, good girl,” she said, a hand scratching the back of your neck lovingly. Her hand returned to her previous goal, pressing inside you. Your back arched at the sudden intrusion again and she reached to pull at the tie around your neck. 
“Look at you, being so good all of a sudden. You want this, huh? To be fucked like this, by me?”
You nodded, mouth hanging open as your hips rolled against her, swallowing your groans and cries so she wouldn’t stop again. With a few deep thrusts, you felt yourself going over the edge, your body going stiff, the music drowned out by the pounding in your ears.
As you relaxed, you felt Lou’s grip on the tie and inside you not relenting. You could barely handle the beckoning curve of her fingers still inside you.
“Did I tell you to cum? No, I didn’t, baby girl. And still you did, without my permission.”
You looked up at Lou with wet lashes, breaths coming out ragged. 
“I guess we’ll just have to keep going until you’ve learned your lesson,” she grinned. Her thumb began prodding against your clit and you moaned, letting your head fall back against the wall as the music kept blaring.
A/N: I’m convinced Lou would fuck in the club with risk of being caught, no hesitation whatsoever. So here we are!
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elysiashelby · 4 years
In Another World - T.Shelby Imagine Ch. 18
Paring: (Eventual) Thomas Shelby x Aliena Welsh (OC)
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Word Count: 8,466
WARNINGS: ANGST?, Vivid Murder Scenes, Cursing, “Fluff”
Summary: It’s been three months since Aliena was hired by Cassie’s father, Dom to be an assassin. Now she has to juggle her side job, a social life, and her main job. How will take take a toll?
A/N: So, if you’ve haven’t realized by now. Things are starting to get “bloodier”/ more violent. SEASON 2 STARTS NEXT CHAPTER!! I think I started this story this June or July, so this story isn’t even a year old yet. It sure feels like it! Well, Happy Holidays everyone and let’s hope 2021 is a better year.
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The smell, oh, the smell was pungunt. 
The scent of overwhelming iron surrounded me.
My hands were covered in it. The mixture of fresh red and dried reddish-brown made the color of my skin unrecognizable.  
With wobbly legs, I made my way into the barren street. There was this continuous burn from overexertion in my thighs. The night breeze blew my hair around me and into my view.
With confident strides, I made my way to the kitchen counter. The air was humid from the oven and I was attempting to reach my destination in a timely manner, so that I can wash away this stickiness for my hands.
Then a loud whiz...passed by my ear/breezed passed me.
I sighed deeply before pivoting toward the direction of the bullet. 
I exclaimed in surprise as John's children ran around the kitchen, passing me by with enough speed that caused me to be concerned.
I bent down, reached for my gun, and fired at the person.
I shouted at them, “Guys, get out of the kitchen and play in the living room! I don’t want youse gettin’ hurt.”
With my grip firmly around the collar of the unknown man, I drew back my fist and punched him over and over again. Daylight blinded me, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was making sure this man didn’t get back up.
With the back of my hand, I wiped the sweat from my forehead and kneaded the dough over and over again. Then, Ada came in, scolded me for doing more work than necessary, and passed me the rolling pin.
A new day and I was staring out a window, the man had an arm wrapped around my throat. Even though I was in a chokehold— I wasn’t worried. The wind that rattled the leaves of the tree outside was visually pleasing. I extended my arm and then drove my elbow into his ribs. He loosened his hold around my neck, I gripped his arm, and threw him to the ground. Without hesitation, I grasped my gun from my thigh holster and fired. 
I carefully placed the rolled out dough on the platter and started smoothing it out with my fingers. 
Killing is more work than I thought, but I didn't mind it. I held it in par with making this cherry pie. 
I dusted my hands off before wiping them on my apron for good measure. 
I wiped the blood on my hands on the guy's own face. Not like he could care. Stabbing someone without stopping would take feelings like discomfort away.
I bent down and shoved it in the oven. 
I bent down as I dodged a right hook. I sprang back up and returned the favor. I grabbed the stunned man, quickly elbowed him in the face, and flipped him on his back. While still having a grip on his arm, I snapped it, dropped it as he screamed in pain, and then put a bullet between his eyes. 
I watched as the life drained from his eyes. 
I watched as the pie, slowly, began to brown.
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Another day, another “mission.” I can’t tell you how many people I’ve killed since I’ve began in May. Three months have past, and I have to admit— it felt like I was completing a job every other day. I know I’m exhausted, but this thrill—! It was like a drug and I’m an addict. 
The burning in my lungs hardly bothered me anymore as I was chasing down my latest target. He sniffed me out. Paranoid, he was, just like it said on the profile. He was just quicker than me. Noticed when I was pulling out my gun. The squirrely bastard!
I need to get this done quickly ‘cause I have to make another pie for Ada. She wanted one for her family ‘n said mine tasted too good to get one bought. I sympathized with her given her situation, and caved. Freddie was getting worse, no sign of getter any better. Despite that, he was still up and about. 
I stopped running, stilled my body, steadied my gun, and fired. He crouched, flailing his hands in the air while crying out in fear. I groaned in frustration, my cheeks puffing out. The chase resumed. 
It didn’t take long ‘til we were running across the hills. I noticed that his pace slowed and I decided to slow down with him. He was still running while I was speed walking. More like marching because of the steepness. I fired again and he fell to the ground.
Not a millisecond later, he was wailing loudly. Meaning, he was still alive. I rolled my eyes and marched right up to him. He was cradling his leg, blood seeping through his hands. 
“God, you fucking bastard. Why’d you have to run?” I moaned. I let out a loud exhale, as I tipped my head back, and shook my arms. 
He stuttered. “Please! Please don’t kill me!” 
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I felt disgusted by his actions. I mean what kind of person do you have to be to get a mark on you, and then snivel like a little baby. It’s not just him. There’s been like six other guys who've had the same reaction. Oh, and two women.
Women targets don’t happen often. I’ve only received four orders to take out a woman. So far…
“You see. I might have had some mercy if you hadn’t fucking ran!” I said mockingly. 
“Oh, god! Someone! Someone help me!” 
I widened my eyes and began shaking my head. I took a deep breath and picked up my head. “Help! Somebody help him!” I shouted. I looked back at him and shook my head. “Nobody is out here, William.” 
“Please.” He stuttered again. “I have children.”
I pursed my lips and shook my head. “And…”
“I-! I have to look after them.” He cried out.
I shrugged my shoulders. “Why should I care?”
He shook his head. “No! No!” He held up his blood soaked hands, covering his face while scurrying back.
I just watched him with a blank stare. 
Then, he stilled and said. “Wait, wait! I have money!” He swallowed harshly. “I can give you money. I have… a lot of money.”
I prodded my cheek with my tongue before I asked. “How much?” I raised my eyebrow while lowering my gun.
He stammered for words. “200 pounds. No! 400!” 
I dramatically blinked and waivered the aim of my gun. I was getting 23,500 for this guy! ‘I’ma fuck with him.’ I thought.
I smiled and said. “Alright, let’s go get it.” 
I saw his face contort in relief. “Really?” He shouted.
I nodded, still smiling.
He struggled to get to his feet, and once he did— he glanced down at my gun.
I let out a little “oh” and pretended to tuck in the back of my pants. “You first.” I motioned him with my free hand, and watched as he hobbled past me.
I let him walk a few more steps until I felt like it was time to stop playing. I raised  my gun again and pulled the trigger. My head cocked slightly to the side as I watched his body fall to the ground. 
I sighed audibly and walked over to the body. I kicked him to face upwards and crouched down. I stared at his figure. A bullet hole in the middle of his forehead. Eyes open. He was kind of handsome. 
“What a waste.” I muttered to myself. I rose back up and tucked my gun in the back of my pants. I took the guy’s coat off and laid him on top of it then used it to pull his body back to the car. It wasn’t my car. It was his. Dude thought that he was getting lucky tonight.
I posed as an upper class citizen at some horse meeting event. I wore a blonde wig and some equestrian clothing. I acted posh and nobody noticed a thing. This man liked his women on the bossy side and that’s what I gave him.
Anyway, I had to get to the nearest payphone to tell Dom that the job was done. He would send someone to get rid of the body along with my payment. Then, I would get a ride back home.
And that’s exactly what happened.
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I was stitching up a jacket of Finn’s while watching my pie bake. I can’t express how tired I am. I keep sticking myself with the needle, but… I needed to fix this up. Finn only has so many suit jackets and most of them were hand-me-downs.
My sleeping schedule was thoroughly fucked. The adrenaline from this morning's events was wearing off and that meant exhaustion was going to take over soon. 
 I covered my mouth as I yawned before I finally finished up the last stitch. I threw both the needle and the jacket on the table, and then rubbed my eyes violently. I rested my elbows on my knees as the palms of my hands were digging into my eyes. I wasn't causing myself any pain, but I was aware of the pressure it brought. 
I sniffed loudly before rising to my feet quickly, making the chair screech. I turned off the oven and then walked away. I read somewhere that if you leave your pie in the oven to cool down for around five minutes, then it does something to it. To this day, I don't know what it does. All that matters is that it lowers the risk of me getting burnt, and I have a few extra minutes to finish or start my next task. 
I walked back to the couch where I continued to fold clothes. I would have to deliver the boys' laundries to their respective homes. Tommy moved out as did Arthur. The family had enough money for it. The only people left in the main house were Polly, Finn, and myself. 
I didn't have time to adjust to the change. I'm just so tired by the time I walk into my room. The feeling of security Tommy brought with my knowledge he was just in the room over, was gone. My insomnia and paranoia would have acted up, but like I said- once I step into my bedroom, I practically black out. 
I moaned while dropping my arms and my head while closing my eyes, a shirt still in hand. I craved sleep so badly. I huffed as I quickly folded up the shirt and threw it into a pile.
The Shelby’s had no idea, to the best of my knowledge, that I was taking long breaks for well, my “missions.” I took every opportunity to do work outside of the shop, and even lied to them. Told them that I had a date or two. Sometimes they were even successful, and so far I’ve had two imaginary beaus. We always broke up, though. One was because the dude was boring, and the other because he said my heart wasn’t in.
The only reason I was allowed these “dates” is thanks to Polly. Tommy argued against letting me have them, but they had a private talk ‘n well… You know who won.
I marched over to the oven, put on my mitts, and pulled it out. I carefully removed it from the mold and onto a plate. Then, I covered it up with some napkins. Ada would pick it up when she dropped by, or Polly would use it as an excuse to go and see her. 
Speaking of Polly, I have to run and tell her that the bloody thing is done! I jogged into the shop and shuffled quickly over to Polly.
“Pol, Ada’s pie is done. I’ve left it on the counter.”
“All right, I’ll be taking it over to her flat when work is done.”
I nodded. “Well, I’m gonna get back to the laundry.”
She nodded. “Okay, love.”
I nodded one last time before marching back into the living room and began finishing up folding. I let my wander aimlessly as I did so. 
I recalled my latest kills and daydreamed about my stories. Some of them involved Tommy. He was always the anti-hero or the straight up villain. 
Also, since I have less time to myself— I’m not drawing, painting, or writing all that much. So, all of these plotlines are just in my head. They get so scrambled ‘n loud ‘cause I don’t have music to really express them. 
I heaved a sigh as I threw the last pair of pants onto a pile. I sorted the piles into their respective baskets, threw on a coat, and then began my journey. John’s house was first. I didn’t do his laundry all the time. However, this was one of the rare times that Esme wanted me to work for the family again. 
It would irritate me so much that she was practically working at the betting shop full time with John and would leave the kids running around at all hours, but now— I had my hands full. It would seem Katie is back to being a mum to her younger siblings. 
When Katie opened the door for me, I was bombarded in kisses and hugs. It really did make my heart swell. I stayed for a chat ‘n then left. I still had to deliver Arthur and Tommy’s laundry. And cook dinner as well! For both Tom and the main house! 
You’d think with how exhausted I am that I would just make the scran and scurry off to my room, but my body wouldn’t let me. I’d rather eat and it tastes like nothing than go to bed with an aching, empty stomach. 
John lived in the opposite direction of his brothers which made the walk longer and my annoyance grow with each step. I tried taking calming breaths, but— that almost never works. 
I knew he wouldn’t be home, but I knocked out of courtesy ‘n waited outside for like ten seconds. I put the basket down, scrambled to get the key to his flat, unlocked the door, and slid his basket in. I locked back up, picked up Tommy’s basket, and then went on my way.
I let out a big yawn as I walked. I covered it with my hand as best as I could. Didn’t want to be seen as improper! Believe me, I wish I wasn’t self-conscious about when I yawn, but there’s trauma behind it. 
Teachers should really mind their language when correcting a child that isn’t theirs. God, it infuriates me even now the way I was treated. They had no right doing what they did. Saying what they did!
I rolled my eyes and felt my annoyance rise along with the presence of a headache. I grumbled under my breath.
‘Idiot, now you’ve gone and given yourself a headache!’ I thought as I began to quicken my pace. 
I knocked at Tommy’s door, again out of courtesy. I knew he wasn’t home. I grabbed his key, unlocked the door, and walked right in. I ran up the stairs and into his room where I set his basket down on the bedroom bench. I dusted my hands and hurried down the stairs. My breasts bounced as I did so. 
Look, I was just painfully aware that they did so as I made my way down, okay?
I walked right to the kitchen and checked his refrigerator. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that he had eaten the dinner I had prepared for him the night before. 
It meant that I didn’t have to throw out good food. 
I studied the ingredients in his fridge, that I jam packed, and settled on fish and chips. I took out the ready-made fish cuts, grabbed a bowl, filled it with hot water, and then set the cuts in there to defrost. I left the hot water running. I grabbed a couple of potatoes, washed them, and then began peeling. 
It would take me quite a while to get this done. And, I was expected to make dinner at the other house too!
God, I want to go to sleep! 
A whine slipped out as I stomped my foot. 
What we do for things we want to do, eh?
By the time I was done cooking, the sun was down ‘n my stomach was attacking itself. I sighed heavily as I used the tongs to place the chips on his plate. I twirled around to place the pan back on the stove, wiped my hands on a napkin, and then grabbed the salt shaker. I turned back and sprinkled some more salt on the chips. Then I stood there. I stood there and looked at the meal I made for a man who might not even eat it. 
I bit my lip and started wringing my hands tightly. After a grueling, ‘should I, should I not,’ I sat down in front of the meal abruptly and dug in. I don’t know why, but the meal tasted so much more flavorful than usual. I haven’t had fish and chips in ages, but it wasn’t that. Maybe it was the exhaustion or the fact that I made this meal in mind of another person, but the flavors just popped. 
I’m just glad that my serving sizes reflected my mother’s. Which basically meant that I cooked enough food for, at most, another two servings. When I finished eating, I washed it all down with a cup of water then I had to plate again, and wash the plate I ate from. 
When it was all said ‘n done, I made a beeline for the couch and flopped down on it. I grunted from the impact and groaned even louder. Everything ached!
I flipped ‘round, kicked off my heels, and let my hair down. I carelessly threw the pins on the little table next to me, and brought my knees to my chest. I tucked a couch pillow between my head and arm, the hand of this arm would be tucked under the pillow as my arm would rest on top of that one. Basically, the fetal sleeping position with a hand tucked under the pillow. 
This was usually the only way I could go to sleep.
I let my eyes flutter shut and made a promise. ‘Just for a few minutes.’
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I sat up with a sharp gasp. My heart was poundin’ out of my chest. It felt like a panic attack. I looked up at Tommy, who was standing over me. 
“Have a nice nap, Ali?”
I just focused on getting my heart rate down.
While rolling a ciggie across his bottom lip, he asked. “There a reason why you’d be so tired? Who was it that you’re dating now? Brian? Henry? No, James! That’s his name.” His tone sounded so sarcastic that I found it to be cruel. 
It felt like he was judging me.
I scoffed as I rubbed my eyes. “His name was Joseph and we broke up like a week ago.” I watched him sit down, his elbows resting on his knees. “You know what, why do you even care?” 
I couldn’t even get my point across as he interrupted me with a sharp scoff. He took a short drag before saying, “If it affects your ability to do your job, then yes, Aliena. I care.”
I averted my eyes and replied through a semi-hidden pout. “But it hasn’t affected my job.”
“What else do you call this nap?”
My head snapped toward him and I threw him a look of pure confusion. “I was tired, Tom! Why else does one take a fucking nap?”
“Why would you be tired?”
I raised an eyebrow as I scoffed. “I had-! I didn’t sleep last night, okay! I-I’m…” I groaned as I threw myself back against the couch ‘n threw an arm over my eyes. 
It was a big lie. I was asleep for like three hours! I had to get everything ready and exercise in preparation for today’s target. Time passed quickly and before you know it I had to make breakfast ‘n then work in the shop for a little.
I knew I won this little squabble when I heard a sigh. I barely managed to register it by the way, but I heard it, nonetheless. 
“Right, well. Today it’s your insomnia, but tomorrow it can be because of something else.”
I squinted my eyes as I tried to decipher what the fuck he just said to me.
“Perhaps, it would be best if you put off dating for a while. Seems like you’re having bad luck as it is. Focus more on your job.” He heaved as he rose to his feet and began walking to the kitchen.
It was like his words finally registered as I rushed to my feet and shouted after him. “Hey, what’s up with you?”
“Nothing is up with me, Aliena.” He replied as he was pulling out his chair and sat down.
I noticed that he hadn’t poured himself anything to drink. I groaned loudly raising my arms as I did so, and marched back into the living room. “Yes, there is!” I shouted. “You’ve got a cob on ‘n you’re taking it out on me.” I poured him some whiskey and walked back to the kitchen. “You know what, you’ve been cross abar me goin’ on dates from the beginning! Why? You and the rest of the family were beggin’ me to find a fella ‘n now— what? You’ve had a change of heart.” 
I slammed the whiskey down in front of him. I placed my hands on my hips and asked teasingly, a smile on my face as well. “Do you not like the idea of losing me, Tommy? Is that it? Afraid I’m going to be whisked away by some fella? Or! Do you want me to be more independent? Thinkin’ more modernly, lately, or what?”
Tommy had raised the glass to his lips, but set it back down by the time I was done talking. He gave me this deadpan stare that did not help my giggling. 
We continued to stare at each other. While he was donning an emotionless expression, my dumb-arse was flinching up a storm. Whether it was twitches from my head or my hands. Plus the incessant laughing and ever changing facial expressions. Eventually, when my face and stomach began to hurt— I nipped my bottom lip harshly and took a deep breath.
It was then that I noticed that his jaw was clenched. I couldn’t figure out why for the life of me. I averted my eyes and took a seat. My eyes kept drifting back to Tom as I waited for him to say something, but he just kept his stoic expression for a while more. Tommy sniffed and cleared his throat as he removed the napkin covering his food, and took his utensils into his hands. 
I wanted to scoff, but something was telling me that he didn’t say anything for a reason. 
‘Maybe he refrained from humiliating me?’ I thought, trying to rationalize his behavior.
I took a deep breath before saying, “Well, fine, Tom. You win. I’ll lay off the scene for a while.” I crossed my legs and pulled my dress down. I leaned forward and rested my head in my hand. 
Tommy took a swig of whiskey before he said. “Polly rang and said that you didn’t have to worry about making dinner. Said that you looked pale when you came back from your break this evening, and that she had a suspicion you would doze off at one of our flats.” 
I chuckled as I drummed my fingers on the table. “Am I that predictable?”
Tommy looked me in the eyes and said. “Yes, you are.” 
I sat up straight, my smile falling from my face. 
Silence enveloped us, and I felt the urge to run and cry in more room grow by the second. I cleared my throat and rose to my feet. “Well, I better be heading back. Good night, Tommy.” I turned around and began making my way to the entrance.
However, I didn’t get ten steps in before Tommy called after me. “Wait!” His chair scraped along the tile loudly behind me.
I stopped where I stood and slowly faced him. His head was hanging and he was holding himself up by his arms. 
Tommy looked up at me and tsked. “Stay. … For a little while more.” 
I scrunched my eyebrows. “Did you need something, Tommy?”
He breathily replied. “No. Just. Want you to stay a little while more.” He hung his head again by the end of his words.
I gave him a small smile. “Okay, then. I’ll stay.” I walked back over to the chair and sat back down. As did he. 
I figured he wouldn’t like me just watching him as he ate, so I resorted to talking to him about my days. Just like old times.
I guess I managed to loosen him up a bit because he brazenly began to ask me about my romances. I, of course, told him the exact same things I’ve told Polly. To the T. I couldn’t afford to add on since they probably talk about this with each other, as they did with everything else.  
I managed to make him laugh twice. And, of course, it was at my expense. Bastard.
I noticed that Tom was done eating, so I rose to my feet while reaching for his empty plate. “All done, Tom?” I asked as I walked around the table and to the sink.
He let out a quick, “Yeah.” 
So, I cleaned the dish. There was a short comfortable silence before Tommy stood beside me ‘n cleared his throat. I wiped the plate dry while glancing at him through my peripherals.
Tommy took an audible breath before asking, “How is Freddie?”
I averted my eyes at the question. I sniffed. “He’s… He’s not getting better, Tom.”
Tom took the plate from my hands, which made me stare up at him. Emotionless, he was. “Tom…”
He cut me off, asking, “Has Ada told you anything? Or have you heard about his condition from the doctor?” 
I swallowed as I watched him put away the plate in the cupboard. “They, uh…” God, I was awful at this. And because I was talking so much, my fatigue was up again. “The doctor said that Freddie has a more severe case of the disease, and that he has anywhere from six months to a few years. Can’t tell, he said.” I crossed my arms and hugged myself. I muttered. “Said you can never know with tuberculosis.”
Slowly, Tommy leaned on the sink. His eyes were wide, his jaw slack. He looked vulnerable and… heartbroken. It broke my heart to see him like this.
Before I could even utter a word of my sympathies, I was being pulled into his arms. His breath was tickling my neck, so I had to bite my tongue harshly to prevent myself from giggling. 
The last time he was like this, he found out that Grace had been the traitor. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t expecting Tom to be so affected by Freddie’s illness. The two had just been so cross with each other that the fact they used to be best friends completely went over my head. They were childhood friends, at that. Maybe if I’d seen the relationship they had, I’d be more sympathetic, but… I can’t say Freddie’s illness bothered me to this extent. He was simply sick...and dying. 
Freddie only lasted a season, so there wasn’t much time to get his character development ‘n such. Even if he had, I’d doubt that I’d grow an attachment to ‘em. Freddie was borderline abusive, in my opinion. He reminded me of my sister’s ex-boyfriend, the one who touched me. I’m not saying Freddie is capable of molestation, but from what I remember about the day Polly went to see him at his mother’s grave— everything he did after that didn’t sit right with me. Plus, the time where he took his anger out on Ada while she was pregnant. 
Nobody is a saint, but those actions spoke volumes to me ‘n I grew wary around him. I’m not saying that he deserves to die. He doesn’t. But, nor do I care much about his ailment either.
I ran a hand through his hair, bringing him closer to me, and he did the same to me. I can’t deny that I shivered from the action, his cold hand running through my hair. We were hugging so tightly that I could hardly breathe. 
“Tommy!” I gasped out. I waited for a response, but he gave me nothing. I called his name out again and again and again. 
“Please.” His lips smacked. “Just-! Just a little while longer.”
I hummed and rubbed his back. 
Tommy let out a sigh before saying, “Nobody came back the same. Nobody. Freddie… Freddie took a bullet for me ‘n what have I done, eh? What have I done with that chance he gave me?”
Though, I wanted to respond. Though, I wanted to comfort him and silence the noise in his head. I knew better than to interrupt someone in a rant.
“We-We used to be so close, you know. He was my best mate, but I made a promise to meself that I’d change. I’d change this family for the better. I’d protect it better. Freddie! Freddie wanted to change the world, still. Still wanted revolution. But a war like that takes time and- and connections and money.” He scoffed. “It’s not happening in this lifetime, that’s for sure. Status, money, and violence is what makes the world go round. Not justice and pretty words.” He laughed, dryly. 
He couldn’t see with my face hidden in his neck, but my face contorted harshly. I felt like crying from his words. His tone was so strained and full of pain.
“But, it seems that there was still some part of me that hoped that he could do it. That he and Ada could change the world. And now, now… I’m losing him to the same fucking disease.”
Greta, he was talking about Greta.
My mouth moved before I could stop it. “Greta, right?” His hold on me loosened, and funnily enough— the separation allowed for some fresh air to squeeze in.
He hummed in confirmation. “Who blabbered to you about her, eh?”
“It was Freddie, actually.” He held me tight again. When he didn’t say anything else, I took it as my turn to speak. “You know, Tom, you’re right in acknowledging that you all came back different. You focused on the small, your family while Freddie focused on the big, the government. Nobody-!” I sighed while averting my eyes. “I don’t blame you for that. I’m sure you both actually held the same dream.”
“What dream would that be?” He whispered.
While I didn’t break the hug, I shifted us around so that I could cradle his face. “To protect your family.” His eyebrows furrowed and his lip quivered before he left out a snicker. “What!” I exclaimed. “Okay, maybe not just your family, but you know what I mean! Families all over.” He was still snickering as he bent down and hid his face in my neck. “Oh, do one. You know what I meant, Thomas Shelby.”
Once his snickering was under control, I added. “You know, it’s not too late to make amends. He’s still running around London, preaching of his revolution. Plus, there’s always the chance-!”
“No, no there’s not, Ailena.” His head shot up and his hands held my face. My hands, on reflex, went to remove his grip, but I took a deep breath and rested my hands on his. “He’s not miraculously gonna get better. You said it yourself. The doctor said his condition is severe.”
I hummed and muttered “is right”. There was a silence that dropped between us again. But this one was different. His eyes kept glancing up and down, but at what? ‘Was there something on my face?’ I wondered as I was admiring his eyes. I could never get tired of looking at his baby blues.
But then reality interrupted as he cleared his throat and dropped his hands from my face. We both took a step back, and I shyly hung my head. Then, I started rocking on my heels till I made finger guns as I walked into the living room. 
Tommy said. “Thanks for…” 
 I cut him off. “You don’t have to thank me, honestly.”
“Well, then. At least let me take you back to the ‘ouse.” 
I chuckled loudly. “Fine then! But I’m warning ya now, I’m super tired, right now. That means I’ma talk your ear off!” I grabbed my coat off the hanger as he opened the door for us.
Tommy scoffed while holding the door open, his head tipping back and a grin on his face. “Like I’m not used to it.”
“Ha!” I shouted while twirling around to face him as he was locking the door. “Az if! It’s been a while since you’ve had to deal with me at night.”
“Sure, but doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten the experience. That sort of damage lasts a lifetime.” 
I gasped and smacked his arm.
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I was thinking about Tommy’s smiling face as I traced the rim of my martini. 
I didn’t focus on the lavish scene around me. I was wearing a black wig that had the cut of a bob in a red dress. I was standing at the bar of this hotel. People were seated in tables behind me, their conversations were loud over the soft music playing. There were a few people and couples standing at the bar with me, but they were far away from me.
Ever since Grace, he’s been more serious. Keeps more things bottled up. I mean I don’t blame him. Probably feels that he needs to be more guarded since it was so easy for Grace to infiltrate, you know? Maybe I hurt him too. 
I laughed to myself, a hand hovering over my mouth. I took a couple of stumbling steps, making sure it looked like I was having a hard time standing up straight. While I was playing the part of a drunken damsel, nothing could break the concentration I had on my black clutch.
Tonight’s target was a poor excuse of a human being who liked to take advantage of women. Rough sex, rape, the whole fucking sha-bang! He’s been known to take a drunk woman up to his room and have his way with her. Practically gloated about it.
“Hello, pretty lady. All alone tonight, are you?”
I let out a soft, “Ha!” I took a swig of my drunk before facing him. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” My words were purposefully slurred.
“I would very much.”
God, he was so not my type. I was gonna have to put my mouth on his. He has a mustache too! Well, if Tommy looked like Cillian did in Free Fire— I wouldn’t be opposed to it.
I scoffed before giving him a sultry smile. “Well, I am. Alone.”
“Ah!” He drawled out while closing the distance between us.
He smelled rancid. I bit my tongue to stop my face from contorting in disgust.
“How about I buy another round for us, huh?”
I kept my smile as I replied. “That would be great!”
I had to entertain this guy for a while till he suggested that we should do somewhere more private. That meant going up to his hotel room. I accepted and “drunkenly” walked with him to the elevator.
I did nothing as he slammed my limp body against the wall of the elevator as basically inhaled my mouth. I let him grope my body and my only solace was knowing we would be in his room any second and the grip I had on my clutch. 
The elevator finally stopped and he took a step back from me. I panted for breath as I covered my mouth. He looked down at me as if he’d won something. As if he was saying, “There’s more where that came from.”
He yanked the gate of the elevator back and tugged me forward. I said nothing and followed him. I clinged to his arm as he led us to his room. Once he opened the door, he was on me again. 
I could feel him bend down and his hand tapped my thigh. I jumped on his command and wrapped myself around him, clutch still in-hand. He walked us into the room, slamming the door shut using his foot. Then, he walked us over to the bed and threw me on it. 
I groaned on impact and I let my clutch fall to the ground. He climbed over me, pressed his mouth on mine, and started to hike up my dress. My hands clawed at his. I desperately tried preventing him from hiking up my dress. 
‘I am still in control.’ I thought.
I did a quick maneuver, so that I was on top of him.
“What the fuck!”
“Please.” I said. “Let me take care of everything.”
In an instant, the look of anger vanished from his face into a shit-eating grin.
“You want me this badly, huh? Well, go on. Get to it.” 
I kissed him a couple of more times before I began to unbutton his shirt. I left a trail of kisses behind. Then, swung my leg off of him. I rose to my feet. I pretended to take off my heels, but I was really picking up my clutch. 
I could hear his exciting panting which told me he was focusing on the pleasure and not on me. I quickly opened my clutch and took out the syringe. I let my clutch fall to the floor twice to mimic the sound of shoes falling to the ground.
I walked to the end of the bed, keeping the syringe hidden by holding it vertical in my palm against my arm. I placed it carefully by his feet and then began taking off his shoes. 
When his feet were bare, he finally spoke. 
“Hurry up, will you? For fuck’s sake.”
I uncapped the syringe, stuck it between his big toe and the second, and then emptied its contents. I watched as horror contorted his face. His eyes went wide as his jaw slacked. 
I cleared my throat as I wiped my mouth. I walked over to where I left my clutch, picked it up, and laid it on the bed. I could hear him let out pathetic little gasps. I leaned over his face, his eyes looking up at the ceiling. 
“Don’t worry. It’ll all be over soon. In a few minutes, actually.” I looked at him and felt nothing. With my finger, I stroked his cheek. “I’ve been ordered to make your death look natural. I don’t know why nor do I care to know. However-!” I gripped his chin and made him look at me. “I know you were a very bad man who did very bad things, especially to women.” I smiled and while pursing my lips I said. “See this as your karma.” I chuckled while letting go of my grip on his chin. 
The same time I rose to my feet, I could hear the laughter of men.
‘What the fuck? What were they planning a gangbang?’
I reached down and slid out the knife I hid in my heel. I quickly turned around and slit his throat. He instantly started gurgling. Two men entered the room, not altered. They came in while talking to one another. I held out an arm to steady my aim and then threw my knife at one of them. 
The man fell to the ground while barely clutching his chest. 
I made work of the armchair between me and the man still standing. While he had taken out his gun, it wouldn’t help as I launched myself from the chair, my knee hitting his chest, and knocking him down. 
I took the gun from his grasp, turned ‘round to the man who was holding my knife, and fired two shots. One to the heart and one to the chest. 
I looked down at the man with my heel on his throat. “Are there more coming?”
“Fuck you.”
I pressed down harder. “Are there more coming?” I shouted.
I shot him in the head, hurried over to the door, and then crouched down. I could hear men approaching. They were talking loudly, probably exchanging orders. I waited until one came into my view. 
There were two of them. I grabbed the one closest to me and his gun went off. He turned to me to which I did not waste the opportunity to shoot him twice in the chest. The other guy used that time I was focused on his partner to grab my wrist and move my gun away from his head. With a grip still on my wrists, I grunted out in pain as he began to deliver blows to my side.
I whipped my head forward and then back. He cried out loudly. I fought to free myself from his grip. I managed to twist myself around in his arms and send a blow to his inner thigh that had him buckling. I gained some control just in time to shoot the man who was walking in, but his grip on me was still strong. He rose to his feet, threw my arms on top of the armchair, and disarmed me. 
I quickly elbowed him in the face and his head flew back. I composed myself and readied myself for his next attack. He tried punching me, but I blocked it. He attempted it again, but I grabbed his wrist in time to notice the figure creeping up in my vision.
I made the decision to flip up onto the ground, effectively avoiding machine gun fire. I kept my grip on his arm tight to the point where he was moaning in pain. I guided us up and used him as my shield. My focus was completely on the man holding the machine gun. 
The man I was holding was begging his comrade not to shoot, but I was more concerned by how close he was getting. I walked us forward, threw him to his friend, and quickly sent the man who was holding the machine gun— a punch to his face. I quickly latched onto the machine gun.
The man I threw, sprung back up and before he could attack, I sent him flew back with a kick to the chest. I elbowed the man holding the machine gun again which made him hold onto the trigger. I aimed to gun at the other man, killing him. I couldn’t help but smile as he was sent back with his hands flailing in the air.
The man who was attached to the gun got a grip on my hair. I grunted in pain as he twirled us around to a different airchair in the room. I got a better grip on the gun and drove it into his chest. He let out sharp yelp. I hit him with the gun again, this time in the face.
Though I felt an arm wrapped around my neck, I kept my cool and drove my elbow into his torso. He groaned. I gripped the arm that was wrapped around my neck and then used my other hand to get a grip on the back of his neck. I flipped him off me and onto the armchair. Which he fell off of. 
I didn’t waste anytime retrieving my knife back, kicking the body off of my blade with a disgusted cry. Once I slid back in my knife, I hurried over to the body, scooped up some of his blood, and smeared it on my face and chest. I, also, grabbed a gun and finished off the other two I had knocked out.
I walked into the hallway and when the voices of men were near my proximity— I began crying out for help. 
One of them held me in his arms. I tried my hardest to appear distraught and pleaded with them to help the man I had killed. The man holding me led me to the elevator and promised to get me to safety. 
As we were on the elevator, my hands skimmed over his second gun in his waist holster. 
‘That’ll come in handy.’
When the elevator ride was over, he sat me down and ordered me not to move. As he turned away, I took the liberty of relieving him of his gun. I was on my feet not a heartbeat later. I blended in with the stampede of people who were rushing to get out of the hotel. 
When I separated from the herd, I reached down, tore a piece of my dress and hopefully, wiped away the blood on my face. I ran down two streets to nick a car.
It would be an understatement to say that I’m angry.  
I yanked off the wig I was wearing as I was driving, pins ‘n all. I ruffled my hair out while huffing. My eyes drifted to the middle of the car, looking for a clock. I groaned when I remembered what time period I was living in. 
With one hand threaded in my hair and the other on the wheel, I just focused on getting to the mansion as fast as I could. 
I was going over my conversation with Dom in my head before it happened.
Was I going to accuse him of not giving me all the Intel on purpose? Was I going to swallow my anger and just demand proper compensation for the additional kills? Would I even be  docked pay because the hit was ordered as a natural death, and it ultimately was very fucking messy?
I huffed and finally placed both of my hands on the wheel while increasing my pressure on the gas. 
I pulled up to the mansion with a screeching halt. I ignored the henchmen that came toward me and tried to prevent me from storming the place. I made a beeline to Dom's office and hurt anyone who got in my way. 
I pushed open the double doors so harshly, they slammed against the wall. 
"We need to talk." I demand. 
I could hear the beginnings of spluttering behind me. "S-Sir! We tried to stop her, but the orders and sh-she fought back."
Dom didn't turn around as he continued to gaze out the window. A glass in his dominant hand. With a flick of his wrist, he said. "Leave us."
His henchman attempted to plead so more, but Dom repeated himself— louder this time. 
With a clear voice, I said. “There were other men.” I let out a huff and sucked at my teeth for showing my emotions so blatantly. “He orchestrated nonconsensual orgies! I took out the ones that posed a threat.” I let my voice trail off as I began to rub my wrist incessantly.
“How many?” He asked.
I swallowed silently as I tried to recall. “Not including the target, seven extra kills.”
“Were you hurt?”
I furrowed my eyebrows at the questions. Of course, I had to fight for my life. Of course, I was hurt. “Uh, yes. I was dealt a few blows but I didn’t sustain any slashes or gunshot wounds.”
“No, Aliena. Were you hurt?”
There was an insinuation behind his words that I understood perfectly. “No.” I whispered. “No, I held my own.” 
Dom finally turned around and I could see the anger in his face. It was subtle.
I remember a time where I swore I could never read faces. But I don’t know ever since I woke up here, my body hasn’t been the same. Maybe it was this body, or perhaps it was all that time I spent with Tommy.
He slammed his glass down, which made me flinch, and then leaned against his desk. He let out a shuddering breath before he sniffed loudly, stood up straight, and pointed at me. “The target was an important one for which you would have been paid 25,500. However, now it will be 43,800. Now, leave. I’ll have Richard give you the payment tomorrow.”
I was stunned for a second before I bowed and left the house as fast as a cat running out of a rainstorm. It wasn’t until I was out on the road that I realized that I had bowed to him as if he were some fucking king!
‘Damn you and your kinks! You bloody better beaut!’ I thought. My actions spurred on my “tics” or fidgets, I call them. I was repeatedly flicking my nose, scrunching up my face, and smacking my hand over my mouth. They calmed down after a while. Exhaustion was eating me up as was pain in my side.
The fucker really got me there.
Usually, I would have ditched the car a few cities back and just run on back home, but I was so tired. I ditched the car down a hill where I knew there had been water at the end and marched back home with my wig in hand. 
When I was finally standing in front of the flat’s door, I groaned to myself. I slapped my cheeks repeatedly as I prepared myself to get back into stealth mode. I made sure to step on certain spots on the floor to decrease their squeaks, and open and close doors at a snail’s pace. The stairs were the hardest. Switching between taking one and two at a time. 
By the time I entered my room, I’d ripped my clothes off me and thrown them and my wig aside. I carelessly put on a night gown and settled myself into bed. Fortunately, soon after my head hit my pillow I was asleep.
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“Aliena, love! It’s time to get up!” Polly shouted as she pounded her fist against my door.
I shot up and realized I was awake now. My face contorted as I began to sob, my arms crossing over my eyes the same time as I threw myself back down on my bed.
I whimpered out. “I’m so tired!”
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TAG LIST: @amirahiddleston @nemesis729​ @salvatoreitmeanssaviour @tlfshelby1 @halepea @lilymurphy03 @marsfireeyes @masumiyetimziyanoldu @i-love-superhero​ @thatweirddaydreamer​ @xxbeckybeexx-blog​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch
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fnf-brain-rot · 3 years
We're In This Together [Pico's School AU] Prologue
"Yo, Pico! Catch!"
Pico could recognize the voice immediately as one of his real good friends, Darnell. He looked up from the sidewalk, spotting the boy from the other side of the fence of his home.
Darnell was an average looking dude, just like Pico. He had dark brown skin, and always wore the same tacky looking purple and yellow hoodie, and same normal baggy denim jeans. He always wore his hair in a flat top, but after a stupid prank from his older brother, it was lopsided. He ended up liking the look, so he kept it, much to Pico's dismay.
Darnell was taller than Pico, but the ginger always said when they get older, he was gonna be taller than both of his friends. they doubt that, always to get him riled up.
He rolled his eyes at the thought, then shot Darnell a playful scowl. "What're you doing, dumbass? We got school today." As he spoke, a ball came flying his way. He didn't have time to think before it hit him in the face, bouncing against the pavement and into the street. "I even gave you a warnin' man!" Darnell cackled as Pico put a hand on his head, now actually scowling at him.
He took the long walk around his fence, then ran to grab his ball before any cars decided to run it over. "You know I don't do sports!" Pico shouted back at him, only to feel an arm sling around his shoulder. He groaned, somewhat irritated from how much air is probably in Darnell's head right now. "Get your bag, and let's go." Darnell laughed at his seriousness, then went off back to his house. "Didn't know you were so eager to see Nene." he joked, and Pico's face flushed. "I do not like Nene!!" Darnell either didn't hear, or just didn't respond. He wanted to punch that guy sometimes.
The walk to school was playful, the two talking about what ridiculous stunts they would do on the way there. Nene was the only one in the group who certainly didn't understand Darnell's obsession with burning things, or Pico's obsession with breaking things. She only expressed her violent tendencies when she needed to.
Speak of the devil.. There she sat on the doorstep of the school building, obviously looking out for the two, trying to make sure they didn't die on their way to school or something. Her usual dress up was somewhat of an eye sore, clad in all pink gear, a bright pink tank dress, and lighter pink long sleeve under that. She always wore the same shade of tights underneath the darker pink dress, little pink Mary Janes with a cute little heart design, and to top it all off, a pink head band to keep her short, black hair in tact.
"Where have you two been?? Class already started!!" Nene shouted at the two. Pico rolled his eyes, nudging Darnell on the arm. "C'mon, before she gets any louder." They playfully gagged at each other, and caught Nene crossing her arms and puffing her cheeks. "Guess I just won't skip with you guys anymore." She scoffed, and the two boys looked to her urgently. "Noooo!"
"You always bring good snacks!!"
Nene scoffed, smacking both of them upside their heads as they approached her. "So all I'm good for is snacks?" Darnell rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, shrugging. "Basically?" Pico sighed lightly, rubbing his own head as well. "No, Nene." He reassured her. With a satisfied huff, she turned on her heel, opening the school doors for them. They're lucky they got there before they locked that shit shut.
The three ventured inside, turning right on the very first door, and walked inside. "Pico, Nene, Darnell.. You three are late." The teacher seemed to deflate a little a their entrance. Pico couldn't care less. "We're very sorry Mrs. Fee." Nene spoke for the two, and Darnell groaned. "I'm not." His retort elicited small giggles from within the class, and Mrs. Fee shook her head. "Just sit down, and get your text books. We're on page four forty-one." She informed them. Now it was Pico's turn to groan in protest. There weren't days any more boring than text book days. Well test days are a close second.
Pico, Nene, and Darnell sat in a perfectly straight line horizontally from each other, Nene on Pico's left, and Darnell on the right. Nene hated her seat sometimes due to being near one of the goth kids of the school, Cassandra. She was so brooding, and quiet. Pico thought she didn't have friends for a long time, until he had a run in with all those weird kids.
More goth kids?
Sure, Pico knew his class wasn't the only class in school. He just rarely saw anyone outside of their classes other than their five minute break for lockers. He was being forced to stay after school for math tutoring, which sucked ass. He'd rather do half of what he knows and get a D than be forced to actually learn the shit.
He spotted the group standing around the bathroom, the only one he could recognize being Cassandra. "Hey, Prick-o." Speak of the devil, she must have caught him staring, given she now had a hard smirk on her face. The other two boys turned to him as well. One of them had blue skin, which was weird, and the other had an eye patch. The one with the eye patch was pretty tall for a thirteen or fourteen year old. Pico wouldn't be caught dead fighting him.
"You got something to say, then say it." She scoffed at Pico's lack of response, and he sneered back at her, gripping his hold on his backpack. "I didn't know you had friends, Cassandra." He said, and Casandra growled. "You little.." She was about to go off on him, but Cyclops stepped forward, which honestly intimidated the Ginger. "Yeah she has friends, who wouldn't hesitate to beat your ass if you don't keep walking." He threatened him. He must be at least fifteen, he sounded like he hit puberty already.
Pico clicked his teeth and rolled his eyes to seem unfazed, so he continued on his way. Yeah, his heart was beating out of his chest, so what? Doesn't mean he's a pussy. Just.. let him call Nene and Darnell first, shit..
Fuck those guys.. He laughed under his breath. They weren't worth the energy.
"Have you heard about the desolate battlegrounds just outside the city?"
God they were so noisy..
"No you nerd. What does that have to do with us?"
Why couldn't he nap in peace..
"That means we'd be hit first if anything got through!"
"What are you two even talking about??"
Pico opened his eyes with an irritated grunt, pouting his lips and looking behind them. They had been walking home from school, but decided to stop at the park. They had hijacked the playground from all the younger kids, and Pico had decided to take a peaceful little nap near the slide, sitting on the steps that led up to it. Of course, Nene and Darnell were right by him, talking as loud as fucking possible.
"Duh! The fact that we're right next to a fucking warzone!" Pico scoffed at how worried he sounded. "We'll be just fine. My-" He had a wide smirk on his face as Darnell stopped him. "Don't you fucking say it."
"My dad-"
"Don't do it!!"
"-makes for a good condom."
Nene made a sound of disgust, and Darnell groaned as Pico burst into laughter. He really got his sense of humor from his dad. And damn proud of it. "That doesn't even make any sense." Nene huffed softly, and Pico sat up, now fully facing the two. "yeah it does! The military is protecting the city from being penetrated, therefore, condom joke." The ginger grinned proudly, showing off the gap right between his front teeth. he thought it was fucking adorable, fuck anyone who said it looked weird.
"You really need to stop hanging around your dad." Darnell grumbled, pulling out his phone. The sky began to transition to an orange color, so Darnell's parents wanted him and Pico home. Pico would stay over Darnell's house, since his dads only had so much to come back home and relax. Maybe only a couple weeks max, considering his dad is the captain. He likes to flex that a lot.
"We should get going. We'll walk you home first though." Darnell socked Nene in the arm, making her whine and rub the spot. That would probably bruise later. "Fine. But I can protect myself." She huffed as the group began to leave the playground. "You're a thirteen year old little girl Nene."
"You so can't protect yourself!"
"You don't know that!"
Pico snickered as they bickered. Nene really thought she was so tough just because she took a few karate classes. In her defense, her parents did make her, specifically after finding out her two main friends were boys. He suddenly stopped in his tracks, glancing in the wake of the duo. He felt.. like he saw something in the corner of his eye. Weird.. He stared down the street, watching the street lamps turn on almost simultaneously. "Yo, Pico?" He turned around. Nene and Darnell had stopped, now looking at him. "C'mon dude, I don't feel like getting yelled at again." He exasperated.
Pico simply snorted. "I was yelled at too you dip." He retorted, quickly shuffling to catch up with them. Well, whatever it was, if it was anything, it would have to fight all three of them, so fuck it.
Everything was gonna be just fine.
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
A3 baby spencer 🥰
Summary: Spencer has decided he wants to lose his virginity, and even though he’s nervous, he knows you’re the perfect person for him. 
Word Count: 726
Rating: Mature
Spencer had decided that tonight was the night, but now that we were actually lying in my bed together, I could feel the nerves radiate off of him.
“Hey,” I whispered, my hand moving to cover his, lacing our fingers together. “We don’t have to do this, Spencer. Really. I’m happy with how things are now.”
He just shook his head, his messy curls flopping around his ears. “No, I want to. I do.”
I wasn’t convinced. “You don’t feel…pressured?”
Spencer just huffed out a breath. “Just by myself…I’m 22. Who’s a virgin at 22?”
“Lots of people, Spencer. Lots,” I assured him. “There’s no right time to do this.”
He turned those honey-colored eyes towards me, his right hand coming up to trace the curve of my cheek before brushing over my lips. "It feels like the right time with you," he murmured. "I just…I want to make sure you enjoy it too."
A soft smile curved my lips. “I enjoy everything with you, Spencer.”
My words seemed to ease some of the tension in his body because his face started moving closer to mine. I watched his long eyelashes flutter against his cheeks before our lips met.
His hands tangled in my hair, urging my body closer to his. I lifted my body up to roll on top of his, my hips rocking against him softly. He broke away from our kiss with a strangled moan. “What…what if I finish too quickly?”
I just smiled, brushing my nose over his. "Then you finish too quickly. It's your first time, baby."
Spencer’s hands flexed on my hips, the tips of his fingers inching under my shirt. “But…I want you to…”
Reaching down, I gripped the hem of my shirt and yanked it off my body. A moan tore from Spencer’s throat when he saw that I wasn’t wearing a bra. I just shrugged. “I thought it was more practical,” I whispered, leaning over him again. His fingers moving up my sides. “If you want to make me cum, Spence, then we can do that. There are different paths to the same destination.”
He laughed, his breath puffing against my lips. “You sound like a fortune cookie.”
When our lips slanted over each other again, things began to move quickly. First his shirt, then my pants. I had moved to lay on my back, shimming my panties down while Spencer grabbed a condom and removed the rest of his clothes.
It was dark enough that I could only make out part of his features. He moved over me, his body resting between my thighs. “What do I do now?”
I took his hand and guided it to my core, trying to make out any of his features while he touched me. We’d never gone this far before; he’d never gone this far before ever.
He groaned, moving his mouth to kiss my neck while his fingers worked into me. “You’re so wet,” he breathed against my skin.
Spencer may have never done this before, but he was always a quick study. His fingers curled up inside me, brushing against something that caused my hips to buck and my walls to flutter around his fingers.
“I thought you said you’d never done this?”
“I haven’t,” he muttered with a chuckle. “It’s all basic anatomy.”
Of course, I thought. I felt myself getting closer and closer to my own release, but I needed Spencer to be with me. “I want you to be inside me when I cum, Spence.”
I felt his body shudder against mine. “If you keep talking like that I’m going to cum before I even get anywhere.”
After a few awkward moments of rolling on the condom and helping him position above me. He slowly sunk into me. “Oh my god,” he groaned, dropping his head to my shoulder.
Our bodies moved together while my fingers worked over my clit. His thrusts were already choppy and the whines coming from his throat were needy.
My orgasm washed over me when I felt his teeth against my neck, Spencer finding his pleasure at almost the same time.
He was careful not to drop his weight on top of me, instead of rolling over on his side and pulling me against his body.
“Well?” I asked.
Spencer just sighed and kissed the top of my forehead.
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one-winged-whump · 3 years
Keeping Track
heyyy i never post writing, but I wanted to write a section where I retconned a character getting an injury and I really liked it, so I thought it would post it here!!
also yes this is in first person, and no i will not apologize for it <3
Warnings: pet whump, collars, fear, branding, manhandling, dehumanization, creepy whumper, torture
Word count: 2187
I cracked open my eyes and sat up as I heard the doors to the office click open. To my utter lack of surprise, Sisko was strolling into the room, much too chipper for the time of day. My face formed a snarl and the smaller feathers on my wings puffed in disgust as he passed me, and I had to resist the urge to reach out and knock his legs out from under him. The fine chain leash around my neck jangled as I turned my head to follow him with my gaze.
Unfortunately, he reached his desk unscathed and sat down with his mug of coffee to begin booting his computer up. As it did, he swiveled his chair around to face me, watching me with intense, appraising eyes. I scowled at him, hoping that looks would kill for once. But he didn’t chide me contemptuously like usual, just studied me like I was a particularly fascinating bug on a window sill.
When his login screen popped up, Sisko finally set his coffee down and turned to his computer, the faintest smile on his lips.
I huffed indignantly. We’d only been here a week and I was ready to tear this man limb from limb every moment of the day. Hopefully I’d get a chance soon. Then I could get the key to this stupid collar with its weird tech and go find the boys. Then we could all get out of here together and go home. It was a wildly outlandish plan, but I was willing to take any chance I could for an escape. I’d had enough of being treated like an animal, thank you very much.
The clacking from Sisko’s computer slowly brought me out of my own thoughts and I inwardly groaned. Why the hell was his keyboard so damn loud? Who even likes loud, clicky keyboards like that?
“You know, bird,” Sisko said suddenly, making me start. “You and your companions aren’t the only animals I own.” I wanted to scowl at him again, but that made me pause. Other animals?
“I have the more exotic ones like you tucked away in a room together. They’re quite impressive, honestly.” He chuckled, still not looking away from his screen. He continued casually, like he was talking to a friend instead of me, a bird girl chained to the ground.
“Everyone who sees them insists so. But you all are just that much more special.” He pulled away from his computer, rolling his chair backwards and turning to face me pointedly. “You’re the only ones of your kind.”
I glowered. Was he trying to say something that would upset me? If he was, this wasn’t it. I knew we were the only people like this, and it honestly didn’t bother me. It was everyone else who seemed to have some kind of problem with us.
“Yes, truly rare,” Sisko mumbled, seemingly to himself. Then his eyes fell on me again. He crossed his ankle over his knee and propped his head up with one elbow on his desk. “I feel like I need to make sure everyone knows that I own you now.” His smile, which had started out as a smug little smirk, was quickly turning into the excited grin of a child in a toy store. A shiver ran over my skin, but I kept my angry facade.
Sisko paused for a lingering moment before speaking again. “While I own rare and lovely animals, I also own cattle. Did you know that, bird?” I blinked in surprise. It made sense, I guessed, but somehow, it was impossible to imagine Sisko in his sharp, sleek suits overseeing fields of huge, smelly cows.
“Mostly for meat. I like to know where my food comes from, start to finish,” he clarified, and I rolled my eyes, folding my arms over my chest. Maybe if I pretended to be uninterested enough, he would just go back to ignoring me.
“And ‘start to finish’ means keeping constant track of all of this cattle,” he continued, prattling on and on. “Knowing the cows from the steer from the heifers from the springers. Knowing which ones have had their vaccines, which ones are sick.” He leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs the other way. “It’s all very important to know.” I sighed loudly and dramatically, slumping myself against the bookcase behind me. If this bothered him, he didn’t show it. Just kept that same unsettling grin.
“There are several ways to keep and identify cows from one another. An ear tag, of course, given at birth.” Sisko flicked his earlobe with a finger. “The easiest method, in my opinion, but they can fall off. So we must also have a backup method of keeping track of them.” I yawned exaggeratedly, hoping to annoy him into shutting the hell up. Why in the world was he telling me about his cattle, of all things?
“One of the alternate options is a tattoo on the inside of the ear,” Sisko explained, biting his bottom lip to try to contain his excited smile. “But it’s so hard to get them to stand still long enough to make it clear enough to read. Which leaves us with the other option.” He sat up, weaving his fingers together excitedly, eyes glittering. It made me extremely uneasy. I could feel some of my smaller feathers begin to puff up anxiously.
“Freeze branding is more popular these days, but I honestly prefer a good, old fashioned hot-fire brand, myself,” he said. “It might not be quite as good as freeze branding, but I would say it’s much more effective for...behavioral problems.” Sisko could no longer contain his feral grin, and I felt my heart seize in my chest suddenly. Shit. Fuck.
“I think they should just about be ready,” he said with mirth and I paled, head spinning. There was no way even he was batshit enough to do this to me. It had to just be some kind of horrible scare tactic, like stories parents tell their children to frighten them into obeying.
But sure enough, not fifteen seconds later, there was a knock at the door. My mouth went dry as Sisko called in a sing-songy voice “Enter!”
Three men entered the room wearing thick cloth gloves. I recognized them as some of the goons that had kidnapped us all in the first place. In their gloved hands, they carried a bucket with wash cloths hanging over the side, a blow torch, and a metal rod. The rod was a few inches longer than my arm, with a curved metal handle on one end, and a pattern I couldn’t make out in the other. My blood froze in my veins.
“So lovely to see you gentlemen again,” Sisko cooed to the men. “You may start whenever you’re ready.” I hoped, nay, expected at least one of them to grow a conscience and say “Hey, what we’re about to do is wrong!” But consciences seemed in short supply around here.
I scrambled to try to get away, but my collar and leash kept me securely fastened and unable to get more than a couple feet away. The men approached slowly, then one jumped on top of me, shoving me onto my back with enough force to snap my head against the marble flooring.
As I tried to blink the stars from my vision, hands gripped me from all sides and rotated me so now I was laying on my stomach.
“Oh, excellent choice,” Sisko purred from his desk. “I think that’s the perfect place for it.” I tried to at least get on my hands and knees, get just a touch of leverage to shake the bastards off, but there was a heavy weight on my legs, and my hands were bound together under my body. When the hell had that happened?
I heard the soft zrrip of a zip tie fastening and realized that my feet were also bound now. In a panic, I flapped my wings, hoping that if they couldn’t help me to my feet, they could at least disorientate the men.
But a shock of pain ran up my right wing as one of them smacked it down and slammed his boot down on it. I definitely would have cried out if I could have. Instead, I let out a gasping grunt.
My left wing was still free, but I stopped moving it when I slammed it harshly into the bookshelf in an attempt to hit one of the men. As soon as I paused, the man I’d tried to cuff with it stepped on top of my wing, putting his entire weight on it.
I was panting hard, trying so hard not to start crying and also trying to keep myself from absolutely losing it. With the two men on my wings, everything from the waist up was effectively pinned to the ground. When I moved my legs, the last man laid a threatening foot on it, so I stopped. I couldn’t deal with him breaking one or both of my legs. Not right now.
So I just had to lay immobile while the men above me flicked on the blow torch and began heating the long metal rod. The iron brand.
The wait was horrible. The only sound in the room was the loud wrooooosshhhh of the flame and my own breath coming in shallow gasps. Flat on my stomach, I couldn’t see what the men were doing. I could see the floor, part of the bookshelf, and a sliver of blue sky outside the window. I couldn’t even see Sisko, though I was sure his face still held that disgusting manic grin.
After what felt like hours, the blow torch snapped off, and I froze. Oh, no. The man on my left wing shifted, and I felt the bottom of my shirt being pulled up to my wings, exposing my lower back. Oh, god! My entire body was rigid, tense with dreadful anticipation. Please, god, someone help me! Please, I-
The most searing pain I’d ever felt shot through me. I screamed a mostly soundless guttural scream that hurt on the way out, but not nearly at the level of my lower back. I tried to squirm away for even the most minuscule relief of the more than white hot pain, but I felt boots on my neck, my shoulders, anything that could still move.
Tears were freely flowing down my face as my hands clawed at my stomach underneath me, as if I could reach through it and grab the pain away.
A foul smell reached my nose and I realized that was me. Sour and charred and sickening. That was my skin I could hear sizzling and blistering. I let out another hoarse, gasping wail from my gut and slammed my head into the marble floor, trying to stop the pain somehow.
I was breathing so hard that it felt like my entire body was jerking with spasms, which made the burning hot pain worse, which continued to make my breath come out in labored pants. On and on and on in a worsening circle. My head swam and my vision dimmed at the edges. Was I blacking out? I hoped I would, because that would be the only reprieve I could get from the unbearable, agonizing pain.
Finally, after what felt like hours, the pressure lifted from the small of my back, but the rush of cold air stung nearly as bad and I inhaled sharply as a new flood of tears spilled from my eyes. The wound pulsed with every beat of my unnaturally fast heart rate, and it made me sick to my stomach, like I might throw up. I was sweating and shivering all over, hiccuping with barely-controlled wheezing gasps for breath. Even the tips of my flight feathers were trembling.
I felt a touch near the wound and I would have jerked away if I’d had the energy, but I couldn’t. The thought of that metal touching me again was almost too much, but luckily the touch was much softer than white hot metal. It took several moments of flinching pain for me to realize that one of the men was smearing a salve on the brand wound. Probably something to keep the infection away, hopefully some kind of numbing agent. Either way, every time the cloth met my back, it was a painful jolt to my nervous system.
I closed my eyes and put my forehead against the cold marble, shuddering softly and shaking with sobs, but not wholly because of the pain. I was branded now. Like fucking chattel. A permanent mark, a reminder.
Someone grabbed a fist full of my hair, yanking my head up to face them. I pried my eyes open to see Sisko’s smug, unbothered face grinning back at me.
“Don’t worry. It looks lovely,” he told me. Then, his smile broadened as he said, “And now everyone knows you’re mine, bird.”
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is0gild · 4 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Bonus Chapter 6
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 9,761
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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Ice chips.
A whole paper cup full of them.
This was my current mission. My purpose. My whole reason for existence in this one very specific moment in time.
For if every wholesome, family-friendly sitcom from the 90s were to be believed, ice chips were like crack to women in labor - they just couldn't get enough of the stuff.
Why? No one knows, least of all me… okay, maybe doctors knew but if they did, not a single one had yet to clear up that little mystery for me.
The why didn't really matter anyway. All that mattered is that Rayne wanted them. And what Rayne wanted, Rayne got.
Especially when she was about to shove a brand new tiny person through her body and out into the world any second now.
...at least, in theory anyway.
I thanked the attendant at the nurse station and turned with the freshly secured cup of ice chips in hand, heading down the hospital wing back in the direction of Rayne's room in the delivery ward. As I hurried along, I anxiously ran my free hand down my frazzled braid, grimacing at all the little wisps coming loose before shifting to smooth my fingers along my rumpled dress that I'd been wearing since yesterday. Turning one last corner, my eyes immediately went to Rayne's door-
-only to be brought up short by the sight of fluffy, squishy, huggable reindeer plushie nearly twice my size already waiting politely outside it.
Well there was something you don't see every day.
It only took me a second to spot the shoes poking out underneath that had to belong to whoever was holding the thing from behind where I couldn't see them. I squinted.
I knew those shoes.
With a tiny, tired smile, I put one foot forward once more and approached the giant stuffed caribou with a lightly teasing, "If you're looking for the North Pole, you're off by about a couple thousand miles, Prancer. Or is it Blitzen?"
"Har, har. You're an absolute riot," came a voice from the other side of the massive doll. Though I couldn't see the eye roll, I could distinctly hear it in his tone.
Shaking my head with a soft snort, I dug my phone out of my pocket to check the time. "...1 p.m. already? Can't believe she's been in labor for nearly twenty-one hours." Twenty-one extremely long, extremely sleepless hours for the mother-to-be, not to mention all her loved ones here to support her. Tucking the phone away once more, I told him, "Thanks again for covering my early shift, I really appreciate it. Hope it wasn't too hectic of a morning over at the Ice Palace."
"Hey, don't mention it," Kristoff poked his blonde head up just over the plushie's shoulder. "If it's a choice between the two of us, it's no contest: Rayne'd much rather have you here with her than me." He paused, eyeing the closed door leading into her hospital room with a tiny frown. "...so, still no baby, huh?"
"Still no baby," I sighed, then tipped my head to one side. "Care to explain the reindeer? I didn't even know we made Svens in this size."
"We don't," he shifted his hold on the thing for a better grip. "We got a small batch to try and sell as a test run last year, but no one was really buying 'em. Still had a couple stowed away in back just gathering dust, so got the okay from Frozone to steal one for welcoming the new little Hewley into the world."
A grin pulled at my lips, "How sweet. I'm sure Rayne will love it." I then quirked an eyebrow at him. "...why were you just standing outside with it anyway? You know you could have just walked on in, right?"
His gaze darted to the door once again, then back to me. "...is the yelling still happening?" he whispered with a nervous little wince.
Now it was my turn to roll my eyes as I deadpanned, "It's the beautiful blessed miracle of life, Kristoff. Rayne's allowed to yell as much as she wants. Now come on, there's already one baby on the way, we don't need you being a big old second one." With that, I reached for the door knob, pushed it open and made my way inside.
And straight into the madhouse that was Rayne's hospital room.
"You did this to me, you bastard! I'm gonna KILL you for this, you smug son of a bitch!"
Ah, and there was Rayne now, shrieking her head off.
To be fair, if you'd been in labor for nearly a full day now, you'd probably be shrieking your head off too.
"Yes, hon."
And that'd be Riku, the absolute picture of patience and composure as he smiled lovingly through the abuse, both verbal and physical as Rayne's death grip just had to be murder on his hand right now. But he was soldiering through it like a champ.
Huffing and puffing, Rayne spat, "Don't you 'yes hon' me with that stupid, sexy, annoying, beautiful, infuriatingly perfect little grin of yours, pal! When I'm through with you, you won't have anything to grin about!"
"Yes, hon," he chuckled softly, gently sweeping a few of her messy bangs out of her face before pressing a light kiss to her sweaty temple.
"Oh-ho, no! None of that!" she snarled, narrowing her eyes at him. "It's stuff like that that started this whole damn mess, jerkface!"
"Yes, hon."
We were all handling being included in this special moment in Rayne's life a bit differently, each doing what we could to keep her happy and distracted from the contractions. As could be seen, Riku was doing his part by being a flawless model husband/punching bag combo. Sora-
"What does every moogle need in the morning?"
Sora was trying to make her laugh.
"A kup-o coffee!"
...and was doing a rather poor job of it.
As Rayne stared blankly up at him, Sora gave a tiny sheepish laugh from where he stood at the foot of her hospital bed as he scratched the back of his head. "That one was a dud, huh? Okay, okay, how about this one? What do moogles use when they go shopping? ...Kupons!"
More crickets from Rayne. This time accompanied with an unamused little eye squint.
Undeterred, Sora smiled brightly and held up his hands, "Wait, wait, I gotta million of these! What did one cactuar say to the other? ...looking sharp! What does a cactuar wear to a business meeting? ...A cac-tie!" Why did the chocobo cross the road? ...he was going for a wark!"
His new rapid fire approach did not seem to be helping matters.
"Alright, no, hang on, I'm gonna get you with this one for sure! You ready? Okay… Knock knock."
Rayne's eye twitched. Patting her hand, Riku obliged his cousin with a sigh, "Who's there?"
Barely able to contain his glee now, Sora replied, "Interrupting chocobo."
"Interrupting ch-"
"BWARK!" Sora crowed in delight.
The expecting mother-to-be looked just about ready to hurl the beeping heart monitor at him.
"Look, Ray, look!" Kairi suddenly chimed in, swiftly coming to her boyfriend's rescue as she shoved her phone in Rayne's face. For her contribution in keeping Rayne's mind off the pain, Kairi had elected to sit in the bed with her to provide cuddles and hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of adorable baby animals. "Aren't these little piggy-wiggies the freaking cutest?"
Frowning at the screen, Rayne said flatly, "...they'd look even cuter in the form of crispy bacon on a bun slathered in barbecue."
Kairi gasped in horror, snatching her phone back to hug protectively to her chest, "Not the piggy-wiggies!"
"Sorry, Kai, but I'm starving and they won't let me eat a damn thing until this little bundle of joy gets the hell out of me," she grumbled back.
She pursed her lips to one side, swiping her thumb across the screen several times now, "Guess I'll skip these pics of baby cows and chicks and- you know what? No farm animals at all, how about that?"
Sora was now sidling up along one side of the bed opposite to Riku, both hands covering his face as he went.
Oh dear.
One could only assume this was leading up to his latest attempt to get a laugh out of her and I was almost dreading how the next couple seconds would unfold.
"No frowning. No sad face. Okay?" he muffled out from between fingers as he blindly inched closer to Rayne. "This birth runs on happy faces, so ya gotta look funny… like me!" He suddenly threw his hands out wide to reveal he was wearing a pair of gag glasses, complete with a comically large plastic nose and mustache. "I-"
Rayne yelped in surprise and socked him in the stomach.
Yup. That'd gone about as well as I'd expected.
And correction… it seemed the role of punching bag would now be played by Sora.
Quite literally.
Eyes growing round as she clasped both hands over her mouth, Rayne said, "Oh god, Sora, you okay? I'm so sorry, but you scared the everliving crap out of me!"
"No, no, it's fine," he wheezed out a chuckle, doubling over and clutching at his gut while Kairi shot him a sympathetic pout as she rubbed his shoulder. "You're bringing a new little life into the world, so you get a free pass!"
Smothering his snickers behind a hand, Riku shook his head at him, "Where did those ridiculous things even come from?"
"These?" Sora held up the gaudy spectacles. "Saw 'em in the hospital gift shop and thought everyone might get a kick outta them."
"Or at least a punch," Kairi teased, sticking her tongue out.
Kristoff and I hadn't been spotted yet. Sensing an opening as the rest of them devolved into light laughter, I was just about to insert myself into the conversation when-
"Beep beep, coming through! Move it or lose it!"
Jolting, I just barely jumped out of the way in time to narrowly avoid getting steamrolled by Anna as she suddenly came charging into the room. Her arms were stacked so high with hospital pillows that she couldn't really see past them, so I suspected she had no clue that she'd just beeped-beeped her own sister.
Yesterday when we'd been racing our way back to Twilight Town, I'd called Anna to make sure she'd heard the news that Rayne had gone into labor. Since we still had had several hours left on the road to go yet before we'd be back and I'd been worried about missing the birth, I'd wanted to make sure that Anna could at least be there in my stead. However I discovered I needn't have even asked, for my sister had already been burning rubber out of Arendelle to get to Twilight Town herself even before I'd called. Thankfully we'd arrived with time to spare - plenty of it, as it was turning out. And bonus, I'd been getting to personally witness Anna's own unique brand of pitching in... that is, by doing anything and everything in her power to make sure Rayne was as comfortable as humanly possible.
Which to Anna apparently meant stealing every last pillow in this medical institution to offer up as tribute to Rayne.
"Ta-da!" she chirped as she dumped the tiny mountain of cushions onto Rayne's bed with a big, delighted grin. "I'm back with a whole friggin' variety this time, so pick your poison! I got soft ones, firm ones, big ones, small ones, some as big as your- you know what? Do you wanna go with all of them? Let's go with all of them! Sound good? Good!" With that, she began gently but eagerly stuffing them one by one behind Rayne's head.
"Anna, sweetie… do you think we're maybe approaching the point of too many pillows here?" Rayne delicately asked, shifting her back slightly against the already substantial collection behind her that Anna had managed to amass in the past several hours.
She wrinkled her nose with a snerk, "What? Nonsense, there's no such thing as too many pillows! And I think you'll be singing a different tune once you get a load of this puppy here," she proudly held up and fluffed a particularly plush looking pillow. "This right here is the Holy Grail of hospital pillows! I earned this bad boy too! Had to throw down with some greedy, wrinkly old fart who was trying to horde all the good bedding for himself!"
"Let me get this straight… you beat up an elderly old man and stole his pillow?" Riku gave her a dull look.
"I didn't beat him up! Just… got in a bit of a tussle, that's all," she brushed off with a tiny shrug. At all the blank stares she received, she huffed, "What, he was crotchety and mean and fought dirty, kept whacking me with his cane! The old coot friggin' deserved it!" She turned her head away with a razz of her tongue before her face lit up once more. "Besides, nothing but the best for the soon-to-be mommy, isn't that right, Ray-Ray?" she cooed as she fondly tucked "the Holy Grail" of hospital pillows (which was the last of her latest haul from all her ransacking and pillaging) behind Rayne. Then she clapped her hands together, "Now! Be right back with more in a jiff!"
Before Anna could dash off again however, Rayne snagged her wrist with a hasty, "No!" As my sister glanced back at her, Rayne winced and lowly hissed her way through what looked to be another contraction before blowing out a relieved puff and exhaustedly chuckling, "The thought's appreciated, sweetpea, really, but try as you might, I just don't think we can quite cram the hospital's entire supply of pillows in this one teeny room."
"Ah-ah!" she interrupted her protest, holding up a finger. "Trust me, I'm good. 'Sides, if you keep going at this rate, soon there'll be no room left on the bed for me."
The corners of Anna's lips turned down in a tiny sulk. "I suppose you're right," she hung her head as her hands smoothed over Rayne's bedsheets, flattening any wrinkles. Then she froze mid-gesture, face brightening once again as she looked up with a delighted little intake of breath. "I can get you more blankets! So many blankets! All the blankets!"
"What?! Anna, no, I'm not even-"
But my sister had already blurred out of the room with nothing more than a quick, "Hi, Sis! Bye, Sis!" to me. She didn't even acknowledge Kristoff. Don't think she saw him behind the caribou.
"...cold," Rayne finished with a defeated sigh. Then she seemed to notice me for the first time. More specifically, what I was holding. She immediately perked up, "Ah, there she is! C'mere, oh Great Bringer of Ice! My Ice Babe, my Ice Queen, my Ice Goddess!" She stretched out her arms towards me, making grabby hands. "Gimme!"
Ah, my role in keeping Rayne happy.
Which if it hadn't been obvious already, that greeting should have just made it abundantly clear.
This was actually my first time being present for the birth of somebody's child. And if I was being totally honest here, I had to admit that the experience did make me a bit awkward and anxious. Gussy it up however you like, but the "miracle of childbirth" was some animal kingdom nonsense that I'd normally rather take no part in. It was all just so... er… messy. But this was an important day for Rayne and I wanted to be there for her. Which meant I just had to do what I did for all important things that made me awkward and anxious.
I let it go and did them anyway.
Taking in a breath to quell my jittery nerves, I braved a smile as I approached her bedside and held out the cup which she greedily snatched up. "Got it back here as quick as I could, hopefully it didn't have a chance to melt too much."
Popping a few frozen chips into her mouth, she closed her eyes with a contented hum. "Ahhhh, that's the stuff! You always treat me right, boo! Keep the good shit coming."
"D'aw," I grinned softly, reaching out to lightly pat her cheek, "you make me feel like I'm your drug dealer."
"Don't act like you don't like it," she crunched down on the ice with a cheeky little wink before digging a few more out of the cup to slip between her lips. Then she looked past me and went stock still. She blinked once. Then twice. Then, "...um?"
I glanced back to realize she just now seemed to be noticing the comically large, dopey reindeer in the room. How she hadn't spotted it sooner was beyond me. In any case, I cleared my throat and stage whispered, "Pssst… Kristoff!"
"Right." Taking that as his cue, he started jauntily bouncing forward with the thing, making it do a floppy little jig in the process. Remaining hidden behind the colossal doll the whole time, he adopted a deep, goofy voice to speak for the plushie, "Hello, my name is Sven and I'm gonna be your new lil gal's bestest friend! I'll make sure to give her all the snuggles and huggles and wub she'll ever need!"
For a second, Rayne's expression was unreadable as she just continued to stare at the thing's big, silly face. Then she burst into tears.
Fudge, was this a good crying or a bad crying?
With all the drastic mood swings she'd been experiencing since labor started, it could really go either way at this point.
Everyone began to scramble. Riku was murmuring softly to her as he caressed her cheek, Kairi was frantically trying to pull up what she was claiming to be an absolutely adorable picture of a dog and duck that were besties, and Sora was desperately shooting off lame, punny jokes so fast now that the punchlines were getting all jumbled and mashed together into pure gibberish. However it all turned out to be unnecessary as Rayne suddenly wailed, "Oh my god, I love him!"
Whew, okay, this was a good crying.
False alarm, people, stand down.
"Really?" Kristoff stuck his head up from behind the deer, flashing a lopsided smile.
She nodded her head vigorously, sniffling. "He's perfect for our baby girl! And good news! You've officially just been hired as our full-time nanny!"
He gave a bashful chuckle as he found a corner to deposit Sven in, "Shucks, you don't hafta-" But then he stiffened as her words really sunk in. "Wait, what?"
"Yup! Don't worry, I'll talk to the Ice Palace for you so they'll work your shifts around it. Ah, we're gonna have the happiest kid in the whole wide universe now that she's going to have her own talking, dancing, prancing reindeer to play with every day!" she clapped in glee.
"Every-" Kristoff spluttered and paled. "Now hang on, I never agreed to any of-"
"Da-dun da-dun! Candygram!" a new voice loudly sang out. We all turned to discover Lea now standing in the doorway, grinning like a madman with his arms loaded down with junk food. Way, way too much junk food.
"Good lord, where on earth did all that come from?" was the only greeting he got from me as both eyebrows shot up my forehead.
He shrugged, grin somehow defying all odds to stretch even wider. "Raided the nearest couple o' vending machines and picked the things clean. Hope all you boys and gals are famished cuz tonight we feast like Candyland kings! And you get a chocolate bar!" he tossed one to me, which I fumbled to catch before sensing Rayne's gaze narrowing on me and I hastily hid it behind my back. "And you get a chocolate bar!" This one went to Kristoff. "And you and you and you!" Sora, Kairi, Riku. "Annnnnd…" Lea stopped mid-throw to Rayne, smirking as he retracted his hand. "...not you cuz the Doc said that was a big fat no-no for you, Missy! Guess that just means more for me," he smugly singsonged as he made his way further into the room now.
Nostrils flaring, Rayne growled, "You are such an asshole, Red."
"One," he struck up a finger as he unceremoniously plopped down into a chair against the wall opposite of her, letting all the sweets pile up in his lap, "that's just part o' my roguish charm and you know it. Two, you said a naughty word." He tsked with a shake of his head as he began to peel the wrapper off a Snickers. "Now is that any way for a young lady who any second now is gonna be responsible for molding a young, impressionable mind of our future generation should be talking?"
"Fuck off," she spat out.
"That's more like it!" he laughed, toasting her with the candy bar before heartily taking a bite.
And this, my friends, is how Lea was doing his part to help distract her from the pain.
By being a royal pain in the butt himself.
Fighting fire with fire, as it were.
"Mm-mm-mm!" Lea hummed, putting on a show of enjoying his snack a little too much. "The way that chocolate just melts in your mouth and mingles with all that sweet caramel and peanuty goodness… golly, would I hate to be anyone who's not allowed to eat right now," he slyly broke off another piece between his teeth as he eyed Rayne.
She mutedly worked her jaw for a moment. Then in a dangerously low voice, she said, "Sorry, Elsa, but I'm sending your boyfriend to an early grave."
"Please don't. I'm actually rather fond of the little troublemaker," I snorted as I made my way over to him, quick to smother his mouth with my hand even as he opened it to spout off something else that would surely only tighten the proverbial noose even further around his neck.
I anticipated the little kiss he pressed to the inside of his palm. What I didn't anticipate, however, was him simply taking hold of my wrist and yanking my down into his lap (a rather awkward seat, mind you, considering I was sharing the space with all that candy) where he hugged me tightly, pinning my arms to my sides in the process so I could no longer silence him. Nuzzling his nose to my cheek, he then turned his head to regard Rayne once more as he chirped, "Just consider it incentive! Think about it: the sooner ya squeeze that kiddo out, the sooner ya get to throttle me! Now lessee here, where was I…"
Releasing his hold on me, he retrieved another bar from the heap, tore it open and chomped down. "Mmm… Almond Joy? More like Almond Nirvana! Seriously, this is too good. Raindrop, wanna bite?" he held it out towards her, giving it a little wiggle with an impish gleam to his eyes.
Pretty sure I could see a vein bulging on her forehead for a split second. Then she tried to lunge straight for him and it was only thanks to the combined efforts of Riku, Kairi, and Sora holding her back that she stayed put in her bed.
It seemed Lea was playing his part a little too well.
"Lemme at him, I'm going to murder him!" she snarled as she fought against all the hands restraining her.
"Ah-ah," Lea waggled a finger at her - a finger I hastily grabbed and forced him to lower in a futile attempt to keep him from antagonizing her further. "What did I just tell ya? Baby first, then murder."
Rayne's lips parted, a particularly nasty retort surely on the tip of her tongue, but then she sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth as it appeared another contraction wracked her body and she bellowed out wordlessly instead.
As if her howl was a summons, a new person suddenly came bustling into the room with a chipper yet soothing, "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion."
Mind you, I was using the term "person" in the loosest sense of the word. Baymax here was actually a robot of some kind, though a rather odd one at that - I usually didn't picture robots as big, round, soft and inflatable. Then again, this was the first robot I'd ever met, so what did I know? It seemed it (he?) was some sort of prototype on loan to the hospital, making rounds in the role of a nurse as a sort of a test run to see how viable mass producing more like it (him?) might be.
The future is now, apparently.
"Yes, yes, so you keep saying every. Damn. Time that you come in here," Rayne panted out in reply to the bot, her grip firmly squeezing Riku's hand once more.
"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" Baymax asked amiably as he began to lift her blankets to check how far along she was while the rest of us discreetly averted our eyes.
She huffed out a bitter noise that may have been some crude approximation of a laugh. "Trust me, we left ten in the dust hours ago."
"Good news" Baymax announced, still in that mellow yet upbeat tone he seemed to be programmed to never deviate from as he settled her bedsheets back into place. "You are dilated enough now to begin the birthing process. I'll page Dr Finkelstein so we can get started right away."
"Oh thank fucking god!" Rayne cried out.
Baymax turned to address the rest of us, "If everyone besides the father-to-be could please vacate the room and give us privacy, it would be most appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day."
As the rest of us quickly filed out of the room into the hall, I could spot Anna turning a corner down the way, her arms bursting with blankets now as she sprinted at full speed. Her gaze widened slightly when it landed on us and as she skidded to a halt, she asked, "What's going on? What happened?"
"I did it!" Lea chuckled triumphantly as he handed her a Butterfingers, which she bemusedly accepted. "I shit you not, I actually did it! I managed to annoy that baby outta her!"
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"Huh. We really would make a cute lil anklebiter, wouldn't we?"
I blinked, taking my eyes off my phone screen to glance down at Lea instead. "...pardon?"
The two of us had laid claim to a row of chairs in the waiting room that were sans armrests and pushed together to form a makeshift bench of sorts. I was currently seated in one on the end with Lea sprawled out across the rest of them, using my lap to pillow his head. Looking up from his own phone, he showed me his screen. "Got curious and put our photos in one o' those 'what'll our baby look like' websites. Just lookit this adorable lil fucker."
I was greeted with the sight of a computer-generated yet still rather life-like picture of a little boy. He had short hair that was platinum blonde like mine, as well as my blue eyes, but favored Lea's more sharp angular facial features, especially in the nose. "He is rather cute," I grinned, one hand pocketing my mobile while the other gently stroked his wild hair. Nibbling on my bottom lip, I hesitated for a heartbeat. Then, "...what brought this up?"
Retracting his arm and turning his phone back towards himself so he could stare at the picture once more, he shrugged. "I dunno… Raindrop and Riku's lil squirt's gonna be here any minute… Mom made that comment 'bout the two of us making a kid…" He paused and shrugged again. "Hard not to get curious what with all that baby fever going round right now, I s'pose."
"You think about that kind of stuff?" I tipped my head to one side, my finger idly singling out one of his crimson spikes to fiddle with in particular. "You want children?"
"Well yeah," he laughed, tucking his phone away as he sat up, now only occupying the seat beside me. Grinning sheepishly as he rubbed at the nape of his neck, he added, "Not anytime soon, of course. But one day somewhere down the road with the right person? Definitely."
The corners of my eyes crinkled. There was absolutely zero doubt in my mind that Lea would make an amazing father some day. His words did sort of beg a certain kind of question however. One that I wasn't really sure I was ready to hear the answer to one way or another. Still, as I lowered my gaze to where my hands were fidgeting together in my lap, my face warmed as I couldn't seem to help but ask, "And do you… see me as the right person?"
Lea reached over, engulfing one of my hands in his and weaving our fingers together, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. I lifted my gaze to meet his and he smiled softly, "Maybe… yeah, I'd really… really like to think you could be." He used his free hand to tentatively sweep some of my bangs behind my ear, his palm lingering against my cheek. "...is that okay, El?" he murmured.
He was worried his answer might freak me out, make me feel pressured. And to be fair, it was the type of thing that probably normally would have. However, it wasn't a cold panic I felt seeping into my chest now, but rather a pleasant tingle, tiny but warm. I leaned into his hand, covering his fingers with my own as one corner of my lips turned up and I gave a small nod, maybe surprising us both a little bit as I whispered back, "Yeah, that's okay."
His grin stretched to the point of threatening to split his face in two. Then he leaned down to kiss me soundly, resting his forehead against mine after he drew back.
Personally, I'd never before really pictured children in my future. Not that I had seen myself not having any, but I hadn't particularly seen myself having them either. It just hadn't really been something I'd thought much about, to be honest. And it didn't help that like I said, the whole process of childbirth made me a bit squeamish. But now… thinking about the prospect of maybe one day having them with Lea…
...sounded like it might be nice.
But that was still years and years and years away, trust me.
Still… it was a pleasant possible future to think about.
A deep yawn suddenly overtook Lea and he gave a massive stretch before slouching further down into his seat, slinging an arm around my shoulders and tugging me into his side. "Yeesh, it's been almost two hours now, what is taking that kid so damn long? I've heard of showing up fashionably late, but baby girl is really pushing it."
His yawn was contagious for I found myself doing the same as I reached for his hand. Absently toying with his fingers, I hummed a tiny laugh, "Maybe she stopped to pick up a latte on her way here."
"Well then, that kiddo better come outta Raindrop with a cardboard to-go tray bearing enough coffee for everyone."
I smiled drowsily, but made no response. Seated across from us, I could see my sister cozied up with Kristoff in another pair of seats, quietly chatting and giggling. As for Sora and Kairi, they were off grabbing a bite in the cafeteria. We'd decided to go in shifts so that there would always be someone in the waiting room in case news came at long last. Lea and I had been the first pair to go, with Kairi and Sora being the last.
As the hospital speakers paged a Dr Sweet to report to surgery, Lea piped up again, "Ya know, a lil caffeine infusion might not be a bad idea. The hospital coffee here is shit, may as well be piss for all the good it does. Once the kid's made her grand debut at long last and we can finally split, I was originally thinking we'd head back to my place to catch some Z's. But how 'bout instead we swing by Lucky Cat for some quality bean juice so we can get a jumpstart on moving your stuff over?"
"Move my stuff?" My brow furrowed and I turned my head to look up at him. "...where's it going?"
Lea blinked owlishly at me. I blinked owlishly right back. "Didn't we…?" he began slowly, then groaned, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. "Shit, I haven't actually brought that up to you yet, have I? Maybe I really do need that nap." His hand shifted down to scratch at his cheek now, "But c'mon now, El, think… the kid's almost here."
"Uh-huh," I nodded.
"And she's gonna need a place to sleep," he went on.
"Of course." Obviously. I wasn't exactly sure where he was going with this.
He looked at me pointedly. "...in a nursery."
I quirked an eyebrow. "Right." Still lost here.
His eyelids drooped. "Babe... your room's the nursery."
I just stared back at him blankly, not saying anything at first as my brain took a minute to churn over his words.
A rather long minute.
Give me a break, I'd been awake for close to thirty-four hours straight now.
But finally it clicked.
I gasped, "I need to move out!"
"There it is," he snorted, his hand rubbing my back.
"Crud, in all this flurry of baby chaos, that part completely slipped my mind." I was on my feet in an instant, hands wringing my braid as I began pacing back and forth. "Fudge, I'm entirely unprepared for this! What am I going to do? Where am I going to go?" I stopped momentarily, looking at Lea. He opened his mouth to respond, but I was already furiously pacing once more, muttering, "Well, not entirely unprepared. I of course knew this was coming, already had some of my things packed, been on the hunt for a new apartment, I have, I really have! You know I have!" Again I paused. Again his lips parted. Again, I resumed my patrolling without giving him a chance to speak, "But there's nothing lined up yet! Gah, the baby wasn't supposed to be due for weeks, I was supposed to have more time! But now there is no more time and… and…" I came to a halt once again, face hardening and shoulders squaring as I tapped the side of my fist into my palm with a firm nod. "Time to revisit the whole living in a box idea!"
Did I mention the whole thirty-four hours without sleep thing?
"Woah now, hang on! No one's gonna be living in a box," Lea hopped up with a chuckle, hands going to my shoulders and giving them a squeeze. "Doubt the new happy family would kick ya out just like that and make you homeless, they'd work something out for ya while you looked for a new home." Now his eyes darted to the left as he softly cleared his throat, "There's... another option though that, ya know... I'd like to think is slightly more appealing to all parties involved…"
I cocked my head. "There is?"
"Yeah." He took both my hands in his, holding them to his chest as he beamed, "Move in with me!"
"Move in with…" I echoed slowly, trailing off as I stared up at him.
Processing… processing…
I gasped again, "Oh no! No, we shouldn't- That's isn't- I couldn't possibly do that!"
"Aw, why not?" he pouted.
"Moving in together is a big step, Lea! A huge decision! One we definitely shouldn't be making spur of the moment like this, not to mention when we're both delirious from lack of sleep! There's so much to consider, so much to think about!"
He used the hold he still had on my hands to pull me to him and wrap my arms around his waist, freeing up his own arms to hug me instead. "What's there to think about? You're already practically living with me anyhow, you stay over almost every night as it is. I'd love to have you there, Bruni and Marshmallow would love to have you there… it's three against one, El, you're outvoted."
I drooped my eyelids up at him. "The dog and salamander don't get votes."
"You'll hafta take that up with them once you're all moved in and settled," he pressed a quick peck to my forehead before flashing a cheeky grin. My expression remained unamused and he snerked, "C'mon, is it really such a big deal? We were just talking 'bout having kids. Compared to that, the idea of shacking up together seems like small potatoes!"
"Yes, theoretical kids in a theoretical future. Me moving in with you is very real and very right now. We haven't even been dating for five months yet, that's way too soon to be living together."
Lea shrugged, "And you were with your ex for five years before almost tying the knot with him and we all know how that ended. Who's to say what's too soon and what isn't? All we can do is what feels right, and this feels right… doesn't it?"
...it actually kind of did.
Damn him, it did.
It didn't help that those beautiful green puppy eyes of his were murder on my resolve.
But my stubbornness flared and I hastily looked away. I wasn't ready to relent just yet and I weakly scrambled to maintain my defense, "But… it's just too soon, Lea. It hasn't even been a year yet, we haven't even… celebrated all the big holidays yet!"
Even as I blurted it out, it sounded lame even to me.
But it was the best I could come up with, dammit!
His eyebrows reached for his hairline and he fought a tiny smile. "...so just to be clear here, it's important to you that we observe all the major holidays in a calendar year together before making any further life-changing decisions."
I hitched my chin with a lofty little sniff. "Yes. Yes it is."
This was the hill was I choosing to die on, apparently.
"Duly noted," he glanced towards the ceiling with a tiny shake of his head before settling his gaze on me once more, eyes crinkling. "Fine, let's not call it moving in together then, call it… a temporary solution."
"...temporary?" I turned my head slightly, giving him some dubious side-eye.
"Mm-hm! Face it, babydoll, even though we both know Raindrop and Riku will be more than happy to accommodate ya, it's still gonna be a tight squeeze with all four of you in that tiny ass apartment while you're searching for a place. Wouldn't it just be more convenient for everyone if temporarily," he reiterated for emphasis, "you stayed with me instead just until you've found your new home? You know there's more than enough space for you and your things at my digs."
I tucked in my bottom lip. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation talking, but darn it, he actually seemed to be making a lot of sense. Still, I hesitated. "...I don't know what to say."
His eyes lit up. Great. Now the big dork knew he was winning. Hugging me more tightly to him, he grinned, "That's simple: say yes."
I squinted up to him, pursing my lips to the left. Then to the right. Then, just as I was slowly opening my mouth to speak-
-a throat suddenly cleared nearby.
Like, really nearby.
Both Lea and I tensed before turning our heads to discover none other than Saïx standing not two inches away from us looking quite perturbed.
To be fair, Saïx usually looked perturbed. It just seemed to be his face's default setting. But this was more perturbed than usual.
Lea quirked an eyebrow at him, but grinned, "Hey, big guy! Ya mind? Kinda in the middle of something here."
"And I do so hate to interrupt, truly," he said flatly, his cold unblinking gaze locked on his brother, "but I fear we have a rather pressing matter to discuss that cannot wait."
His eyebrows knit together. "...which would be?"
Saïx's hard stare was unyielding. "Do you think there is quite possibly something you may have forgot back at our mother's house?"
Cocking his head, Lea seemed even more genuinely confused now. Clearly racking his brain for a couple seconds, he then shrugged with a small shake of his head, "Like what?"
"ME, you DOLT!" Saïx snarled, slugging Lea in the shoulder hard enough to force a pained grunt out of him.
I inhaled sharply through my nose, eyes widening.
There was no way we'd actually-
We couldn't have honestly-
We didn't-
...did we really?
I thought back to yesterday, though it was a struggle to remember a clear picture through the fog of grogginess. Had Saïx been in the car with us on the trip back? Had he not? Try as I might, I just simply could not remember one way or another. But I suppose it could be (and in fact was) completely possible, especially considering Lea had had Saïx's car keys and I had had his code to start the engine.
In our state of panic and rush to get out of there, had we really just totally spaced on the fact that we didn't have him with us?
"Oh gosh, Saïx, I'm so sorry we left you behind!" I bemoaned in horror.
Lea laughed, "Relax, El, don'tcha know that with me as your boyfriend, that makes everything my fault? You're off the hook, I'm the only one he's mad at."
"He's right, I don't blame you at all." Although Saïx was talking to me, his irked gaze never left Lea. "You're not the one who forgot your own brother."
No, I just simply forgot a whole person. For a whole car ride. In his own friggin' car.
Elsa, Queen of Memory Lapse.
"Bah, I didn't forget ya, I just… thought you were in the backseat the entire time being really quiet!"
That earned Lea another punch to the arm.
Giving an annoyed huff as he rubbed his knuckles, Saïx asked with a bit less bite to his tone now, "I presume since I find you all still here at the hospital, the child has yet to be born?" At our silent nods, he moved to the nearest set of empty chairs and sat down with a soft huff, crossing his arms.
Huh. Guess he was going to join us for sharing Rayne's and Riku's joy in this blessed event.
I gingerly took a seat next to him, Lea plopping down in the chair on my other side. As his arm wrapped around my shoulders, he piped up with a huge smile, "Got some good news that I think'll clear up that black rain cloud hanging over your head there, Mr Grumps McSourpuss: El's moving in with us!"
My back stiffened and I whipped my head around to narrow my eyes up at him, "I haven't said yes yet."
Saïx was eyeing me oddly from the corner of his peripheral. "...you mean you weren't already living with us?"
"There ya have it! Saïx's official stamp of approval! Now ya gotta say yes," Lea beamed, smoothing his hand up and down my arm.
My eyelids drooped. "...one, in what universe was that even remotely a stamp of approval? And two, no, I don't 'gotta' do anything, least of all say yes."
"But you will," he winked at me, pressing a kiss to my cheek. Then he was looking past me towards Saïx once more, a thoughtful frown twisting his lips. "Hey… since we jacked your wheels, how'd you even get back here?"
Saïx fixed him with a dull stare. Then he shifted his crossed arms more tightly against his chest, closed his eyes and hitched his chin. "...wouldn't you like to know."
Lea snerked. "I would in fact, thus why I asked."
"What's that inanely childish saying you do so love to spout of? ...that's for me to know and you to find out?"
"C'mon, man," he groaned out. "This is gonna bug the crap outta me now until ya tell me."
One corner of his lips cruelly curled up. "I know."
Apparently, Saïx was swift to enact his vengeance when the need arose.
A tiny scowl emerged on my boyfriend's face, but before he could shoot off whatever acerbic retort he undoubtedly already had locked and loaded, I stopped him with a touch to his arm as I said, "Lea." He glanced down at me and I nodded towards the far corner of the waiting room. "Look."
He followed my gaze to a familiar woman with silver hair pulled back into a ponytail made of several tiny braids and the same green eyes as Lea. Aranea apparently was not aware that we had just noticed her, for she was too busy inspecting the selection available over at the hospital's coffee station with her nose wrinkled.
"Ah," Lea breathed, gracing his brother with a mildly sour look. "That's how ya got back. Ya bummed a ride outta our old lady."
Saïx said nothing, just continued to stare stoically straight ahead.
Blowing out a breath that made his lips flap, Lea turned his eyes towards his mother once more. A heartbeat of hesitation. Then making a sound that was half growl, half sigh, Lea muttered. "Be right back. Ma and I have some unfinished business." I smiled softly as he planted a smooch to my temple and I gave his hand a quick squeeze before releasing it as he stood up.
I watched Aranea perk up as she spotted Lea approaching. They exchanged a few words that I was too far away to hear, her grinning the whole time, him ruffling his fingers through his hair as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Then it seemed they decided to find somewhere else to have their talk for they then walked out of the waiting room.
Off to a good start at least, it seemed. Letting go a tiny exhale of relief, I glanced over at the chairs across from us once more to where Anna sat as I considered possibly shifting over to a seat near her. But seeing as she was currently otherwise, er… occupied with, hrm… inspecting Kristoff's tonsils with her tongue, I decided against it.
Ugh, gross, I did not need to see that.
Instead, I turned my attention to Saïx. My lips parted and I took in a breath to say something, but then I hesitated and clamped my mouth shut, staring down at where I was fiddling with my fingers in my lap. Then I cleared my throat, looked over at him once more and tried again, "Would it... really be okay with you if… if I decided to move in?"
His eyes flicked over to me briefly without turning his head. Then releasing a nearly inaudible sigh through his nose, he stared straight forward once again. "I consider you among a small, select handful of people I can tolerate and would even go so far as to say enjoy the company of. If my asinine fool of a brother has against all odds actually managed to persuade you somehow into agreeing to move in with him, then by all means, your presence on a more permanent basis could only be a considerable improvement on our day-to-day lives around the apartment." He paused and for a second it seemed that was all he had to say on the subject. Then then added a bit more quietly, "Besides, you make my brother happy. Far be it from me to stand in the way of that, even if I wanted to."
A small smile tugged at my lips. "...he makes me happy too."
Saïx gave a low hmph at that, closing his eyes. "I would hope so. Otherwise, what would be the point?"
On that note, the conversation ended. As he seemed more than content to remain in a companionable silence, I reached over the seat Lea had vacated and towards the little table on the other side, plucking up one of the outdated magazines provided by the hospital from it and slowly began flipping through its pages.
A short while later, I heard a door opening and I glanced up to see that Lea and Aranea were walking back into the waiting room. Neither one looked like they wanted to murder each other, so I took that as a good sign. In fact, they almost, almost seemed somewhat chummy.
I set the periodical aside and both Saïx and I rose as they approached, which prompted a chuckle from Aranea, "No need to get up, I'm not staying. Just wanted to give my other knucklehead kid one last hug before hitting the road," she embraced Saïx, which he accepted as stony-faced as ever. Then she turned to me with a sly little smirk, "Plus I hear congrats are in order."
My eyes blinked. "...they are?"
"Course! You two lil lovebirds are gonna be living together soon, after all!"
I twitched, then shot Lea a flat look. "I haven't said yes yet."
He grinned, stepping closer to take my hand and bring it up to his lips. "Key word there: yet."
Oh-ho, he thought he was being cute. Even as I opened my mouth to prove just how wrong he was however, Aranea suddenly snagged me into a bone-crushing bear hug as she chirped, "Take care, shortcake!" She gave me one final squeeze before releasing me to rest a hand on my shoulder, "And if either of my boys give you any trouble, you gimme a call, I'll be only too happy to knock some sense into 'em!"
Smiling, I nodded, "Thanks, I'll be sure to do that. Have a safe trip back."
Lea received a hug from her as well and though he returned it stiffly, it was remarkably warmer than the one they'd shared yesterday in the foyer of her home. With that, she made her way towards the exit, waving goodbye to us over her shoulder before disappearing through the door.
"I take it you two are getting along now," I said to Lea as I settled into my chair once again.
He took a seat too, stretching his arm out along the backrest behind my head. As his fingers began to idly toy with my braid, he pursed his lips to one side in thought. Then, "Ya know how you and your folks 'get along' now?" he brought up his other hand to form air quotes. At my nod, he said, "Well, it's kinda like that. We're… gonna work on it."
I reached for his hands, lacing our fingers together as I told him gently, "I'm glad you decided to give her a chance."
"I think I am too," he admitted, albeit somewhat begrudgingly.
Just then, the same door Aranea had left through opened once more, Sora and Kairi being the ones to step through this time, laughing over something they'd been talking about. It seemed their timing was impeccable, for that was also when the double doors on the other side of the room parted and in walked a very familiar white, inflatable robot. All of us immediately zeroed in on him and were on our feet in an flash as he greeted us with, "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthc-"
"Yeah, yeah, we know all that already, get to the good part, you giant balloon!" Anna hastily cut him off, rolling her eyes. "Do you actually have anything new to tell us? How's Ray-Ray doing?"
"The delivery was a success," Baymax announced, managing to sound almost pleased somehow despite there being no actual change in the mechanical tone of his voice. "Everyone is happy and healthy. The new family is ready to accept visitors and have welcomed you all back to their room."
There was a mixture of whoops and relieved sighs all around before all of us, Saïx included, followed the robot as he led the way past those doors and towards the maternity ward. Not a minute later found us all crowding back into their hospital room. I spotted Riku first at his wife's bedside, facing her so his back was to us. As for Rayne, she looked absolutely exhausted and like she'd been to hell and back twice, but she positively radiated pure joy and love for the little bundle I could now see her holding in her arms. As she looked up at our entrance, she proudly beamed and said, "Everyone… I'd like you to meet Aria."
"...and Cayde," Riku added, smirking as he turned around to reveal he was cradling a second baby.
"TWO?!" Lea gaped, wide-eyed gaze darting back and forth between them while the rest of us were too stunned to even speak.
"That's right! Two!" Rayne chirped in delight.
Sora was the next one to find his voice, only to blurt out, "Twins?!"
"No, we liked the first one so much, we decided to randomly steal a second one from one of the other cribs when no one was looking," Riku deadpanned before snorting with a shake of his head. "Of course they're twins, doofus."
"But you never said anything about twins," Anna was already adopting a baby voice as she approached Riku, wasting no time making funny faces at Cayde.
Gently rocking little Aria as Rayne watched her fondly, she said, "We didn't know. No one did, not until Cayde shocked us all by showing up hot on the heels of his big sis. Guess the doctors missed him during all those check-ups and sonograms somehow."
"How do they miss a whole other baby inside of you for months?!" Kristoff shook his head in disbelief.
"Who knows, but it's not unheard of. We're not the first couple this has ever happened to." Glancing over to Cayde, Rayne grinned as she reached out a fingertip to tickle the underside of one of his tiny feet. "...he was a surprise, that's for sure, but a happy one."
"I'll say!" Kairi giggled, stepping forward to gently squish Aria's cheeks as she cooed, "This just gives Auntie Kairi and Unkie Sora twice the niblings to wub, doesn't it? Doesn't it? Yes it does!"
"Speaking of which… Kristoff." The man in question stood up straighter as Rayne suddenly locked eyes with him and told him in no uncertain terms, "We're gonna need a second reindeer."
He dragged a hand down the side of his face and sighed. "...I'll talk to Frozone."
Rayne crinkled her nose as she hummed a soft laugh, then her eyes landed on me as I approached her bedside. "Oh, Elsa, there was something I… we," she amended, exchanging a glance and a tiny nod with her husband, "wanted to talk to you about… we'd absolutely love it if you'd be the twins' godmother."
The finger I was waggling at Aria froze as my gaze widened and snapped up to meet hers. "Who, me? Really?" By the look in both the new parents' eyes, they were serious. Dead serious. "Oh! Why, uh… yes. Yes of course! I'd be very honored," I smiled.
"And Sora," Riku chimed in now, causing his cousin to pause mid-sticking his tongue out and crossing his eyes at Cayde. "We were hoping you'd be their godfather."
Sora blinded us all with his signature huge, thousand-watt grin. "Absolutely! I'm gonna make the best godfather ever, you'll see! I- wait…" His brow furrowed and he gasped, whipping his head around towards me now with a slight look of panic. "Does… does that make us... god-married?"
"Yes. It does."
And who was it, one might wonder, to deliver that answer in full earnest and with a completely straight face?
That's right. Saïx.
Which is probably why Sora took him at his word and didn't even think to question it. Nostrils flaring and with a steely look of determination now, he informed Lea, "I promise to take good care of her."
Not missing a beat, Lea nodded firmly, "You better, lil man, otherwise I will end you."
I elbowed my boyfriend in the gut, forcing a wheeze out of him. As everyone else sniggered around us, I sighed, "No, Sora, that doesn't make us god-married, it doesn't make us god-anything."
"Oh good! Whew!"
At that point, conversation for the most part subsided in favor of everyone trying to squeeze in to fawn over the new babies. After a minute of this, I decided to take the opportunity to snag Lea (dragging him away from playing with Aria's "widdle toesy-wosies" - his words, not mine) and pull him off to one side of the room away from the others. They hardly even noticed us stepping away, so enamored were they all with the little ones.
I faced him, holding both his hands in mine as I took in a deep breath and released it before uttering a single word. "Yes."
His face immediately lit up, but he quickly schooled his expression and cleared his throat, asking casually, "Yes? Yes what?"
Ugh, he knew very damn well what, he just wanted to hear me say it. Rolling my eyes but unable to fight a small grin, I said, "Yes, I'll move in with you. It just makes sense, after all, now that they have twins, there's even less room for me in their apartment and-"
I didn't get to finish that sentence as he smiled fiercely and grabbed my face, planting a firm kiss to my lips before laughing as he hugged me, picked me up and spun me around.
"Temporarily," I insisted, arms instinctively latching around his neck to steady myself.
"Yeah, yeah, of course, temporarily," he agreed, putting me down while still grinning like an idiot.
I poked his chest a couple times, "I mean it. I'm going to keep looking for my own place and the second I find something, I'm moving right back out."
"Whatever ya say, babydoll!"
Funny thing is though…
...I never did end up actually moving out.
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Author's Note: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Hope you all enjoyed the millions of teeny references I sprinkled in - my aesthetic, as I'm sure you're all aware at this point xP (My fave was something Lea said towards the very end, did you guys catch that it was a reference? I hope so :3) Regarding Sora's lil stand-up comedy act, I unfortunately cannot take credit for any of his material - I just googled a bunch of Final Fantasy jokes xD I can't even take credit for the cactuar jokes for even tho I couldn't find any ACTUAL cactuar jokes out there on the internet, I just googled cactus jokes instead xD And yes, there are IN FACT cactus jokes out there, and a LOT of them lawl! And woo, Lea and his mom made up… sort of! xD Sorry that happened off screen, part of it was I thought it wasn't a conversation that Elsa would really be present for, part of it was I didn't want to take focus off the main points of this chapter, and part of it was I was just too lazy to write it at this time xD Maybe I'll go back at a later date and write a Lea POV chapter for this lil chat with his mum, we'll see! But for now, at least we got a lil closure on that front! And aaaaahhhhh, our ice and fire bbies are taking a big step and moving in together, yaaaaaay! :3 I knew that was definitely a relationship milestone I wanted to cover in one of these bonus chapters and this just seemed like a fun way to bring it about xD
The next one-shot is set during Christmas time! Which I know, lil late, should have posted it today xD But I'd kinda locked myself into the baby chapter with the way the last chapter ended and the babies are born in September, so couldn't combine them into one chapter xD So consider next week's update just a bit of a belated Christmas present! And I'll say this about the next bonus chapter: It's gonna be pure crack xD Trust me, there will be no substance whatsoever, it's just mindless silliness and slightly scandalous and mildly salacious (but still 100% family friendly… ish... haha!). Basically, if PG horny hijinx doesn't interest you, you might wanna skip the next chapter xD You've been warned!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
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retro-rezz-the-est · 5 years
Holiday Spirit (Drew McIntyre/Reader smut)
Summary: Drew hates the holidays. Reader loves them. Reader plans to try and make him love them as much as she does, and maybe some feelings will be discovered along the way...
Word Count: 11,566 (jfc somebody help me this is my longest fic to date)
Warnings: filler, endless piles of mutual pining, oral (female receiving), fingering (female receiving), multiple orgasms, FLUFF, and did I mention that there’s a shit ton of filler in here already?
(A/N: my entry for Day 5 of @toxiicpop’s 25 Days of Chrismuts this year! Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone!)
(A/N #2: I may make a part 2 to this if people want to see that lol ^^;)
(Y/n): your name
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“Hey, Drew, look! It’s finally snowing!”
Your smile grew with each passing second as the two of you drew closer to the PC that Saturday morning. The sight of snowflakes falling slowly and hitting the ground below always filled you with a sense of childish joy you only felt around this time of year and even though the sky was dull and grey, your eyes sparkled like diamonds.
You pressed your face against the chilly window, wiping away the fog from the glass with your gloves as Drew looks on from the driver’s seat and scoffs. Everything always looked so pure to you during the winter time: snow covering every inch of the earth, the swift brisk of the coming holiday season flowing through the air, sitting by a warm fire and watching the world go by at night with someone you love…
...this was what you loved the most, and it was only getting started from here.
He rolled his eyes at your enthusiasm, taking his eyes off of you as he pulled the rental into the PC’s parking lot. Right when he parked the car and unlocked the doors, you bounded outside like an eager puppy to greet the cold morning and squealed. With your eyes wide and full of excitement, you giggled as you saw the footprints your feet made in the snow.
Drew was sure that everyone inside could hear how happy you were at the season’s first snow, seeing as you were completely busy with making random snow angels in the parking lot while he exited the rental and moved to the trunk to get your gym bags. He shivered and wrapped his scarf around his neck, you still flat on your back on the ground looking completely blissed out
“Join me down here, Drew! It’s getting lonely here,” you said to him over the rush of the wind, him choosing to ignore you and shutting the trunk with a grunt.
“You’re gonna get hypothermia like that if ya don’t get inside, (Y/n). Ya know that.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, but look around! Even the dullest of places look like a winter wonderland!”
You got up and looked for a fresh spot to mark with a snow angel, finding a large mound and jumping into it not far from the car. You stuck out your tongue to catch the falling snowflakes and you couldn’t seem to feel the chill of the outside through your leggings but he rolled his eyes again, turning away from you and starting to walk towards the PC’s doors.
“If ya wanna stay out here and freeze half to death, then fine. Don’t call me when you’re stuck at home with a hell of a fever.”
You sat up, shaking the snow and the frost out of your hat and hair. “Um, excuse me? As your best and only friend, you are obligated by law to stay by my side no matter...what?”
You looked around the near empty lot, the falling snow blurring the world around you just a bit. All you could see were you and the few cars that littered the space in front of the PC, but no Drew in sight. You eventually saw him at the building’s doors with both of your gym bags over his shoulders and pushing the door open for himself, turning to look at you before letting himself inside.
“Hey, wait up!” you yelled, fixing your hat and your gloves and standing to run after him, hearing him chuckle under his breath as you manage to catch the door before it closes on you. 
The audacity of this dude! you think, feeling a shiver run down your spine as you glare down the Scotsman and follow him inside to be greeted by walls lined with shiny paper stars, Christmas lights and garlands.
Various Superstars passed you by and wished you both happy holidays, and the look of distaste was clear on Drew’s face when you entered the gym itself and heard the music softly playing from the speakers above. You sighed when you reached the lockers and began to pull of your large jacket and your gloves.
“Don’t you just love this, Drew?”
“What’re ya talkin’ about, lass? The snow or in here?”
“All of it!,” you reply, taking your bag from his shoulder and tugging down your gym shirt. “Everyone and everything’s so filled with the holiday spirit and you can see it everywhere you go! Everything’s so festive and fun and…! I just love it!”
“Eh, not a fan of all this Christmas crap,” he told you as he hung up his jacket and turned to you. “I find it all kind of annoying, if I’m being honest.”
Wait, what?!
“Huh? How could you not like Christmas?! It’s literally the best holiday of the year!”
“Oh, come on,” he retorted, slinging his bag back over his shoulder and heading over to one of the empty training rings nearby. “Everythin’s so in your face and so flashy, and those annoying fuckin’ songs make me want to drive a nail through my damn skull.”
You continued to stare at him slack jawed as you followed him to the ring, climbing up the stairs and under the ring ropes. Is he for real?
“And besides, I have no one to even-”
“To what? No one to what, Drew?”
He stayed silent, choosing to cross his arms and eye you dangerously. “Nothing. I just don’t like it, okay? Just leave it at that an’ stop pressin’ me about it.”
“Hey, Drew, I was only asking as your friend. I’m not really that mad about it…”
“It’s alright, lass,” he said, sighing deeply and hopping up to roll underneath the ropes. “I jus’ don’t have any good memories that come with the winter season, is all.”
He got up and his chest pressed against yours, pushing you against the turnbuckle and bracing his arms on the ropes next to you. “Ya know you’re my friend, right, (Y/n)?”
“I-I know, Drew,” you told him as you felt a flush rise up your neck and hit your ears. “And as your best friend, I’m gonna make sure you have the best holiday season you’ve ever had.”
You pointed your finger at him, shoving it into his chest and pushing him back as you looked into his rolling eyes. “That’s my goal right now. And besides, with Christmas right around the corner, I can plan the perfect holiday journey for us to endure!”
Drew palmed his forehead and shook his head, smirking slightly when he saw how you lit up and how your mind started to immediately get to work on your elaborate plan.
It was almost kinda cute…
Dear God, what’d I get myself into?
“Now come on, you big lug,” you said, snapping him out of his slight daze. “I did promise you when you picked me up that I would kick your ass once we got here. But, I’m not gonna let me finally beating you distract me from my plan!”
His eyes darkened and he crouched in his corner, getting ready to spar. “We’ll see about that one, (Y/n).”
Your body still hurt from sparring with Drew the other day, and you kept groaning as you felt your back continuously creak and your joints pop from how hard he pushed you. You couldn’t help yourself, you were trying to focus on multiple things at once!
“Ha! Ya call that a pin, (Y/n)! I’ve seen jobbers do better than that!”
“Excuse me, sir,” you huffed, pushing yourself off of the ground after he shoved you off and into the ropes, “ but I had to deal with pinning your top heavy ass for a whole three seconds! Give me some credit here!”
He laughed at your complaint, rolling over and pushing himself up to help you out. “Ya have to learn how to pin opponents a hell of a lot bigger than you, lass. Not everyone ya face is gonna be a skinny twig like yourself.”
You gasped as you furrowed your brows and clenched your fists. “Skinny? Twig?! I’ll show you what this “twig” is made up of, Drew!” 
Reaching forward, you shoved him as hard as you could, only making him stumble back a few steps. He laughed again and puffed out his chest to make himself seem even larger. Bouncing back against the ropes, you launched yourself in his direction and ducked as he crouched and held his arms out to catch you.
Catch you with his strong arms…his thick, warm arms that you love wrapped around you to hold and comfort you whenever you’re sad…arms that shine under the stage lights whenever he’s out competing in the ring…
Your mind began to drift further and further until you were hoisted into the air by the Scotsman and slammed onto the mat back first, the shock running up your spine and shaking you to your core as his grip remained tight on your waist. You felt the air leaving your lungs at that moment, from how hard you hit the mat to how close Drew’s body was to yours.
“Are ya alright, lass? I didn’t mean t’ slam ya down that hard. Is your head okay?”
You opened your eyes and pressed a hand to your forehead, trying to calm the pounding from inside as you felt the heat of his palm rest against your neck. His chest was nearly touching your own, his body heat seeming to surround you like a calming aura.
You were barely registering his question, more confused about how you let yourself get distracted by him as he grabbed your other hand and pulled you up. “No, I-I’m fine, Drew. just lost my focus a bit.” Your face was probably beaming red as you spoke, but he paid no mind to it.
“Well, if you’re sure,” he says as he moves to the opposite side of the ring. You run a hand over your face and sigh, quickly darting your eyes away from his when he meets your gaze.
Don’t think about his arms, don’t think about him, just concentrate on pinning him, you repeated in your mind. The two of you began circling each other again, but the thought of him and his body being so close to yours kept slipping into your head…
“Hello, (Y/n)? We’re talking to you here!”
Your eyes snapped open and you jerked forward, bumping against your table and nearly spilling your coffee onto the floor. “Wha-? What happened?”
“Um, what happened is that you spaced out again!” Peyton yelled, crossing her arms and huffing. “For, like, the third time already!”
“Yeah, what gives, (Y/n)?” Billie added, crossing her arms as well.
The three of you sat in the arena’s backstage in catering awaiting your upcoming matches, chatting about the daily gossip and mentally preparing to go out into the Universe as was your ritual since you first arrived on Raw. The two Australian women stared daggers into your skin as you began sweating bullets in front of them.
“N-Nothing, guys. I’ve just been thinking about a small problem I’ve been having lately, that’s it,” you said as you readjusted yourself and moved to take a sip of your drink.
“Well, is that “small problem” a certain broad chested, intimidating, six-foot-five Scottish man we’ve been seeing you hanging out with for the past few months?”
Cup halfway to your mouth, you stared at the two women slack jawed and eyes wide. They had their elbows on the table with their hands folded underneath their chins, eagerly waiting for any gossip and juicy details about your relationship with the Scottish Psychopath.
“I’ve told you this many a time before, ladies, me and Drew are just friends. We’ve known each other for years now, and I’m basically like a little sister to him. Nothing more, nothing less. So don’t get your hopes up, you’re not getting any tea today.”
They both collectively pouted, Peyton reaching for her makeup bag to reapply her lipstick and Billie continuing to press you about the topic at hand.
“Excuse me? The two of you are not ‘just friends’! Have you seen the way he looks at you, (Y/n)?! That man’s more in love with you than anything!”
You had to admit, you did sort of feel something for the man when the two of you first met and became friends when you signed with WWE a few months back but if you told them, you’d never hear the end of it. Just thinking about how he treated you differently than the other talent and how he got on them for hazing you sped up your incoming friendship immensely. He was always so kind to you, so sweet, so protective…
Your mind started to wander again and you shook your head to clear your thoughts, rolling your eyes at the black haired Australian and setting down your coffee. “Whatever, Billie. I was just thinking about…the holiday party this weekend. You know, the one Steph’s hosting?”
The entire idea of the party was completely new to all of you, since Stephani and Hunter had only just come up with the concept about a week ago. They had rented out a space nearby to host it so you wouldn’t have to fly somewhere to go and every brand was invited to come, the entire purpose of it being to eliminate the final tensions still lingering from NXT’s victory at Survivor Series.
Everyone had been called to Vince’s office a few days prior, and he had everyone draw the name of someone on another brand from a large bowl. Once all the names had been picked, he announced that you had to purchase a gift for that person “in the spirit of the season,'' he had said in his haughty voice.
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Who’s name did ya pick, Billie?” Peyton asked, tossing her lipstick back in her bag and fixing her gaze on her tag team partner.
“I got Mia Yim’s name on my paper. Oh, maybe I’ll get her a new snapback!”
The blonde squealed, clutching her friend’s hands and smiling for her. “I’m so happy for you, love! Wish I could’ve gotten someone like that. I ended up getting…that Lars guy…”
You all collectively shuddered at the sound of his name, the three of you silently deciding to not voice your opinions about the man in public. She turned to you and let go og Billie, lamming her hands down on the table. “So, who did you get, (Y/n)?”
You could feel the intensity of their stares on you when they turned back to you and it scared you to bits. “Well, I originally had picked out Sasha’s name but with me only being here for a little while, I don’t really know her very well and I frankly don’t want to. She intimidates the living hell out of me.”
“So, I heard from someone that Bayley got the person that I wanted and I traded names with her so she’d get her friend, plain and simple. I know it went against the rules, but she didn’t seem to mind and I didn’t either. Although, she did throw me a dirty look when I approached her, but she does that to everyone now so I left it alone.”
The two women in front of you were visibly vibrating, their smiles growing wide with joy and their eyes widening. “She gave you Drew’s name, didn’t she?”
You could feel a slight blush creeping up the back of your neck but you willed it down as you nodded and they squealed once again.
“Oh my gosh, love, I knew it! That’s why you’ve been so distracted today. You’ve been wondering about what to get him!”
“I’ve already gotten him what I thought would be nice. I’m just thinking about whether he’ll like it or not.” Along with a few other things as well. “I’m trying to get him to like the holidays and Christmas for what they truly are: a time where you can celebrate the best of times with your loved ones and shower them in things that make you think of that person and…what? What are the two of you staring at?”
“We,” Billie whispered, blocking her mouth with the side of her hand, “are looking at that.”
You turned and followed their eyes to see Drew standing in the room’s doorway, dressed in all black with his body blocking the entrance as his eyes scanned for you. You could hear Billie and Peyton sigh dreamily, probably with their heads in their hands and hearts in their eyes as he waved you over, the shirt he was wearing riding up on him and exposing a line of skin.
The tips of your ears tinged red as you gathered your things and said goodbye to your two friends, slowly making your way over to McIntyre with a shy smile on your face.
“Hey, Drew. What’re you doing here? You don’t have a match tonight,” you asked, giving him a quick side hug before playfully shoving him aside to leave the room. He followed you with his hands in his pockets, eyes drifting down your neck and back before resting on your ass.
“I decided to come an’ check on you and how you were doin’, lass. Is your neck still hurtin’ ya? Anything creakin’ or whatever?”
A hand came up to run its rough palm over the heated skin of your neck while the other wrapped itself around your waist to feel your spine. He tilted your head to get a good look at you and your eyes lolled closed at the soothing warmth that they brought with them, relaxing in his grip before quickly escaping and preventing yourself from looking like a freshly picked tomato.
“I-I’m fine, Drew, you don’t need to baby me anymore. Me and Billie and Peyton were just talking about Steph’s party that she’s making all of us go to this weekend.”
His brows furrowed and he sighed, shaking his head. “When have I told ‘em… I told her to her damn face that I didn’t want t’ go to that stupid shit they planned and here she is forcin’ all of us ‘in the spirit of the season’”. Makes me sick.”
He looked down at you with a clear distaste in his eyes, making you feel small underneath them. “I s’pose you’re gonna ask me about who’s name I picked now, aren’t ya?”
“Not really, but since you brought it up…?”
The Scotsman groaned deeply, rolling his eyes and moving forwards. He eventually stopped with you pressed against a nearby wall and an arm resting above your head. “Since I’m not th’ biggest fan of this holiday crap, I didn’t even plan on goin’ to her shitty party. Was just plannin’ on staying home and gettin’ piss drunk with you for the weekend.”
He smiled when he said that, nudging you with his shoulder as you smiled and “awww-ed” out loud. “So when Steph forced me to head out to the name pickin’ whatever, I drew Strowman’s name. I was fine with it, at first, was gonna get him a new shirt an’ some clippers for that damn beard o’ his. But, Dunne had your name and didn’t know what to get you, (Y/n), so we traded.”
Oh god, don’t think about how close he is, you told yourself as he leaned down to whisper in your ear to not tell anyone his secret. One of his hands was still attached to your waist, occasionally massaging and squeezing the skin near your spine. Is he doing this on purpose?
You looked into his eyes and a small flash of green and red above you had caught your eye. “Uh, Drew? Has that always been there?”
“Has what always been…oh.”
The two of you looked up to see a small sprig of mistletoe hanging above you, the leaves shiny and fresh and smelling like Christmas. Although it may be small, the two of you knew what it meant. Neither of you wanted to make the first move, so you both just awkwardly stood there nearly chest to chest as a weight fell upon you.
“H-How did that g-get here, huh? Must be weird, right, Drew?” you asked, your palms beginning to sweat as he tore the plant down from its position on the wall and tossing it into his pocket.
“It is really fuckin’ weird, yeah. Listen, I know ya have a match later tonight so I’ll jus’ get out of your-”
He started to move away from you, to take his hands off of you, to remove himself from you and you just couldn’t have that’ you felt something rise in your mind that gave you a flash of both bravery and stupidity, and you can’t decide which one made you do what you just did.
Welp, it’s tradition, so why not give it a try?
Your hands swiftly rise to cup his jawline before he could get too far, running your thumbs over the hair that laid in his chin and bringing him back down to your height to plant a hard kiss smack dab on his lips. You had to inch up on your toes to reach him all the way and it was worth it to hear his muffled gasp as your lips claimed his in that hallway.
His eyes went wide with surprise as the second you kissed him, his brain ended up frying. What was he supposed to say when one of his only friends was kissing him: to lay off and leave him alone? He couldn’t bear to do that to you, to hurt your feelings like that.
So, he lowered his hands back down to your waist and kept you planted there, pulling you as close to him as you could get. Your lips were so soft on his, so perfectly shaped to fit him and any other needs you may sate in the future…
Wait, what?
Meanwhile on your end, you were physically shaking and you were pretty sure he could feel it too. You could feel him gripping your shirt and tugging you closer, tilting his head to claim more of your mouth for himself and surrounding you and your every orifice with him. The two of you parted after a while, Drew panting and your eyes glassy from how hard you shut them when you went in for the kiss.
A part of you hoped that even if he had a crappy Christmas that he would still count that moment - that kiss - as a good memory. You were friends - best friends - but you had to take your chance, you just had to…right?
“I...I…” You couldn’t even speak. You could still feel the warmth of his hands on your body, even after he yanked them away like your body was a hot stove. He managed to steal your breath away (literally) and had you stuttering and stumbling over your words like a damn schoolgirl.
“I, um...You know, it’s tradition! It’s in the spirit of the season, like one of those things you do during these times that you don’t like because you don’t like Christmas and literally anything that has to do with it so why did I actually kiss you? I’m n-not really sure about that but I know I must be talking off your ear right now s-so I’m just gonna head back to the women’s locker room and prep for my match tonight, okay? Okay, good.”
Your mouth would not stop moving for the life of you as your face grew dark with embarrassment. You even slapped a hand over your mouth (god damn it, it even smells like his aftershave) to stop yourself from talking. Sidestepping him, you said - albeit muffled - goodbye to him and tried to cover your face with your free hand as you quickly walked away from the situation you made, leaving behind a stunned Drew and a whole lot of unanswered questions.
He stood there for a while, leaning up against the wall and watching you go while thumbing the mistletoe in his pocket and touching his lips with his free hand. The plant felt weird in his pocket but all he could think about was you and how determined you seemed.
Was this a part of your plan, the one you mentioned back at the PC? The one about how you’d make him love the holiday season?
Well, if that’s how you’re gonna do it then by all means, go ahead, (Y/n). I certainly wouldn’t mind...
His head snapped up immediately. Why the hell…? Why did that just pop into his head? Fucking hell, you’re his best friend! Granted, you’re his only friend, but still! He shouldn’t be thinking about his friend like that! He shouldn’t be thinking about his friend’s perfect mouth and how well it fit with him, about how desperate and headstrong you were when you went in for the kiss, about how warm and soft your body was when he held you close in his hands…
…damn it.
Damn everything and everyone in this fucking building, he thought, kicking himself off the wall and walking in the direction opposite of you. He could see Owens out of the corner of his eye, smirking like the cat who just got the cream as he clearly watched the entirety of that incident play out.
Shooting him a glare and sneering, Drew could hear the other man laugh out loud as he started walking to who-knows-where in the arena, wanting to clear his head of all these thoughts he’s been repressing for months and months now.
Fucking hell, he’s got it bad for you now.
The week passed by all too quickly for either of your likings, days that felt like hours seeming to fly through the wind as the kiss replayed in your minds over and over again. Even after you managed to persuade Drew to get out of his lace and come to Steph’s holiday party with you, you still felt a flush rise all through your body.
He showed up at your door that Saturday afternoon and waited in the rental, looking to the side and seeing you come out with two different colored paper bags in hand. You set them in the trunk before sliding in next to him on the passenger side, refusing to meet his eyes at any cost.
“What’re in the bags, (Y/n)? Looks like you’re preparin’ for holiday war back there.”
“Oh, shut up,” you chided, smiling as you fastened your seatbelt and he pulled out onto the road. “They’re for tonight, you big lug. And even if I was, you still wouldn’t be impressed since you hate everything the world hates that’s festive-themed.”
He laughed, holding his gut with one hand and filling the space of the car with warmth. “Aye, you’re right about that one, lass.”
“Where’s your gift, though? I hope you’re not planning on giving me nothing for the party.”
“Well, you’ll see…”
The two of you were trying to remain comfortable around each other as you drove to the party and parked the car, but there were still many underlying feelings lingering beneath the surface. You both had refused to acknowledge the kiss in the hallway, choosing to act as if it had never happened rather than face your feelings head-on like grown adults.
It started to snow halfway through your drive so the ground had already gotten a soft, white layer of the stuff when Drew helped you out of the rental and went for your bags. You felt snowflakes brush against your skin and fall into your hair, watching as the sun began to dip below the horizon.
You heard him rustle through one of your bags behind you, and you swiftly moved to take both away from him. “Not today, you nosy bastard! You have to be patient and wait like a good little boy.”
The look he gave you was dark and menacing, and he ripped off his hat and shoved it into his jacket pocket. “But, what if I don’t want to be good? What if I want to be bad this year? What’ll ya do then, (Y/n)?”
He backed you up and had you pressed against the side of the car, the puffs of air from your heavy breathing clouding around your face and fading to nothing. You still had your bags in your hands, and you were so very close to dropping them to the ground right then and there.
But, he let up after a few seconds, laughing and teasing you about how damn easy it was to rile you up nowadays. You started grumbling this time, saying how you’d get him back for that soon. The two of you walked to the door and handed in your invites, you being allowed to head inside after taking off your jacket and leaving it in the coat check but Drew not being able to.
“Did I forget to tell you that you had to wear at least one thing holiday themed in order to enter? My bad, it just happens that-”
“-that I can get th’ fuck out of here and go back to sleep.”
“-that my mom finished making you a Christmas sweater a few weeks ago and gave it to me when I went back home. And she made it especially for you, Drew!”
Fuckin’ hell, Drew thought drearily as you pulled out the red monstrosity. You were right when you said it was made for him, but that didn’t mean that it was made for him. The knit pullover sweater was covered in small white pom-poms and knitted snowflakes, small flecks of glitter dotting the hem as “Have A Happy Claymore Christmas!” was spelt out across the chest.
Needless to say, he hated it. He absolutely hated it.
But, he saw your face and how bright your eyes became when you pulled it out of the first bag. It would break your heart if he said no, and he would never hurt your feelings like that…
“...Fine, I’ll wear the damn thing,” he mumbled, rolling his eyes lightly when you squealed and jumped up and down, hugging him and telling him to take off his jacket so he could put it on.
Somehow, without knowing his exact measurements at all, your mother managed to make the thing fit his thick bodied frame perfectly. He looked so grumpy in it, frowning and furrowing his brows when you cooed about how cute he looked.
“Can we just get this over with already?”
“Absolutely the hell not. We have got to show this to everyone else back there before we do so. Come on!”
You start pulling on his arm with your free hand and you mostly just drag him down the hallway to where you could hear music playing. His feet were planted firmly into the ground like that of a child, but he secretly loved how enthusiastic and happy you were to parade him around.
You wore a cheesy holiday sweater of your own, this one green with fake holiday lights circling the entire thing and small bells scattered along the front. There was a reindeer resting on a hill of glittery snow on the front, and he couldn’t help but notice how cute you looked in it.
It would look even cuter on our floor, wouldn’t it?
He growled at his sudden thought, pushing it away just as easily as you pushed open the door to a wide array of wrestlers cheering upon your arrival. There were several groups from different brands mingling and talking and seemingly having a good time. You could see the Street Profits manning the bar for the night and Kofi on food duty, cheering on Big E as he and Otis went head-to-head in a Christmas cookie eating competition.
There were a few couples that you could spot dotting the walls near the tree, taking cute pictures next to it and loving their lovers in holiday gear. Your heart ached when you saw that. You needed someone to do that with. You needed someone, but not now. Now was the time for Christmas holiday fun and enjoying the presence of your friends and your work family.
You spotted Billie and Peyton chatting it up with Kevin in a corner and you waved to them, separating from Drew and rushing over to them to give your girls hugs. They each had on matching reindeer antler headbands, with Kevin just wrapping a simple striped scarf around his neck.
“Before you speak, Kevin told us everything and no, he hasn’t told anyone else yet and he only told us because he knows that we know you sorta well and he just had to get it off his chest or else-”
“Or else what, Peyton? What are you guys talking about?”
Billie cleared her throat and her eyes zipped behind you. You already knew who she was eyeing because when you left to go meet them, he’d turned on his heel and made his way to the bar, picking at the cotton puffs on his sweater.
You snapped your head towards Owens, who was casually sipping his drink as he leaned against the wall. “You guys are talking about me and Drew, aren’t you? But nothing’s happened to us this…week…”
Did he somehow know about the…?
“How in the hell did you find out?! There was no one except us in that damn hallway, you creep!”
He started chuckling, downing his drink and setting the empty glass on a nearby table. “I was waiting for someone nearby and I just happened to watch you kiss the hell out of that Scottish bastard you call a friend.”
“But, why would you tell them? Why would they want to know?”
“Because I-”
“We, Kev,” Billie interrupted.
“Fine. We are tired of seeing you two flit around the inevitable. Everyone here can see it, Billie and Peyton can definitely see it. Hell, even I can, and I wasn’t even invested in this little love saga of yours until a few days ago.”
“Look, (Y/n),” Peyton said slowly after a few seconds of awkward silence, “I know you don’t want our help, but come on! The two of you are clearly in love with each other!”
You didn’t want to act on your feelings yet; you didn’t want to ruin what you already had with McIntyre because of your dumb feelings for him. You just had to push them down and pray that they would diminish...eventually.
“I, um…I’m gonna go, okay? Promise I’ll meet you guys back here in a bit,” you told them, shooting daggers at Kevin before heading to the bar and sitting down on the stool next to Drew’s. He leaned back against the table and casually watched as the party went on. Turning his head, he met your gaze and gave you a smile, a stark difference to how hard he was glaring at everyone else.
“So, what brings ya over to my little corner of solitude, (Y/n)?”
“Nothing much,” you answered. “Just figured that you seemed lonely all by yourself over here. Hope I wasn’t interrupting anything.”
“You didn’t. I was just thinking about...things.”
Yeah, things that I’d love to do to you.
He cleared his throat and turned to down his shot, coming back around to see your body turned to him with your elbows resting on your knees. “What kind of things, Drew?”
“Things for me to know and for you to not,” he stated.
You pouted at him, and you were almost certain that you could see a shiver roll down his spine. “Fine, you meanie. But I’ll get something out of you!”
The two of you shared a laugh and you swiveled around in your seat to order yourself a rum and coke. Making conversation with anyone who happened to pass by was what your night mostly consisted of, along with you leaving the bar from time to time to dance with Peyton and Billie and decorating holiday cookies for you to absolutely consume later.
All the while, Drew watched you. He watched you interact with everyone with a skill and ease he had yet to master. He saw how carefree and in love you were with everything, asking him to get up from the bar for once and enjoy this with you. He could see it in your eyes, and he could see how all the horribly cheesy decorations and stars and the red/green confetti littering the ground brought a light to your eyes and a smile to your face.
The night was slowly beginning to wind down and you sat back with him, nursing your second drink and resting your head on his shoulder. This is nice, you thought, looking up at Drew’s side profile. It would be nice to have this every day…
“Hey, lass?”
“Yeah?” you asked, snapping out of your daze. “What is it?”
He paused and began to rub his palms together. “I just…I just wanted to talk to you about-”
“Hey, look! It’s Vince! I guess it’s time, then.”
The man in question wore a deep grey suit to match his greying hair and had his two children and Hunter beside him, all looking smug as they stared out at everyone.
“Are you all having fun tonight?” Vince asked, taking a mic from Steph as the room applauded him. His laugh was dry as he continued.
"As it is the season of giving and family, all of us up here wanted to make sure that you all down there could enjoy this time of year with your WWE family. And as you should know, you all had chosen the name of someone who you were required to purchase a gift for to show that there was no more bad blood lingering in the cracks anymore."
"Well, my friends," Shane continued, smiling, "the time is right and the time is now. Go forth and find your assigned person and bless them with an offering of companionship between brands."
There was a loud rustling that erupted throughout the room, with people reaching for their wrapped boxes and decorated bags and moving around to find their gift receivee. You turned back to Drew and held onto his hand, smiling widely as your hands began to shake.
"Okay, so do you really want to know what's in the bag?"
"Since you seemed so protective over it earlier, yeah," he responded as he rested his elbows on the bar.
"Well, I was so defensive and "protective" over it because…because it was for you."
"I may have traded names with a certain Smackdown Women's Champion to get yours and I know it's kind of unethical and went against the rules a bit since I got something for someone on the same brand as me, but you're my friend and I think you're going to like what I got you."
"Besides, this is only a piece of my "Make Drew Love Christmas" plan, you know," you added, laughing when Drew tilted his head back and groaned. Reaching next to you, you plucked the shiny red and white striped bag off the floor gently and held your arm out to him, the limb shaking from anticipation.
He took it from you and stood, resting it on his stool as you watched impatiently with your hands folded in your lap. Moving the annoying tissue paper out of the way, he recognized two small things at the bottom of the bag and a larger item resting on the side of the bag. The first thing he pulled out was a small black box and inside laid a sleek black and silver watch. He took it out and turned it around, seeing his initials engraved on the back of it and smiling.
"You said that you needed a new watch after Seth crushed it under his foot after that one segment where he attacked you backstage, so I pulled a few strings a few months ago to called up an old friend and asked him for a favor."
His brows raised and he smiled again. God damn, that smile is gonna end up killing me someday, you thought as you watched him try it on. He told you that he loved it, and you were grateful that at least one of the gifts you got had fit his standards.
He moved onto the next one, setting the now empty box back inside the bag and pulling out a cream colored mug with a picture of the two of you on it. He had taken you out to an amusement park or your birthday, and you've never felt more like a child. You two are snacks until you were fit to burst and went on nearly every ride, saving the large rollercoaster for last. The cameras on the ride had snapped pictures of you guys and out of all of them, you decided to choose the silliest fucking one to make into a mug.
The one you picked had Drew's hair flying into his face as you went over the first drop. You were screaming with joy and him out of sheer terror as you had your arms raised and your eyes closed. His eyes were as big as saucers as he clung to the guard that covered his chest for dear life, silently praying that this would be over soon.
“I remember that day, lass. I almost threw up all of my lunch after we got off that monstrosity, and you kept laughing at me even though you felt the exact same way.”
“That’s why I chose this pic to put on it,” you explained, a rush of heat flooding your cheeks as he looked back down at you. “That day was really special for me, and I wanted to commemorate the best part of that day for you. Plus, I know you like drinking coffee so it’s perfect for that as well!”
He chuckled, rumbling his chest as he set the mug back down in the bag gently and moved to pick up the framed item lingering at the side of the bag. This was the one you were the most worried about. You didn’t know how he would react to it, if he would like it or absolutely despise it, and it was eating you up inside.
He picked it up and was immediately confused by what it was. The dark wooden frame was smooth, only about a foot wide and inside of it, a wrestling ticket back from 2011. It was bent and crumpled at the ends but remained intact when he saw the writing on it, his eyes went wide.
“(Y/n)? Is this…?”
“Yeah,” you answered. “That’s the ticket I bought for my first ever WWE show way back when. It was the first time I saw you perform live and in-person, and watching you in that ring that night was what made me want to pursue a wrestling career and work here in the first place.”
Despite the noise of people talking and wrapping being torn around him, he couldn’t hear any of it besides you. He remembered seeing you that night, wearing a Stone Cold tee and cheering him on energetically from the front row. You were so enthusiastic that night, and he remembered winking at you and how hard you screamed when he did that.
That night was the first time he ever saw you and your bright smile that would be forever ingrained in his head.
It was the first time he had fallen in love at first sight…
Meanwhile, you stood and stretched your legs, waiting for some kind of response from him. He just stood there in silence, holding the frame in both hands and pondering about who-the-hell-knows. Every passing second made your heart grow heavy and a feeling of dread washed over you.
“So...do you like them? I wanted to get you things that symbolized us and out friendship and how the holidays are more than material possessions, and how they’re about spending time with the people you love and…”
“...and you’re not even listening to me,” you murmur, peeling your eyes away from his face and dropping them to the floor. He was still shocked about how much thought and effort you put into these, for him of all people. But when he looked back at you, he could sense sadness wafting off of you in droves.
“Lass? Are ya okay? Is there something wrong?”
“No, nothing’s wrong, Drew,” you replied. You began picking at the fluff of your sweater, avoiding his gaze as more and more dread covered you like a thick blanket. “I think I’m gonna just step outside for a little bit, okay? I need to clear my head…”
You stepped around him and faintly smiled, and you could hear the thud of his footsteps as he followed you outside with the bag dangling from the crook of his arm. Moving quicker, you tried to evade him as you made it through the twin doors and attempted to close them on him, but he shoved his foot in between them and pried it open.
You tugged down the sleeves of your sweater and sniffed, feeling tears form in your eyes. You pressed yourself against the wall closest to the doors and turned away when he called your name.
“Look, I know my gifts are bad, I get it! You don’t have to come out here and rib me about it just because you didn’t get me anythin-”
You rubbed your eyes with the palms of your hands and stopped when you heard his footsteps in front of you. When you looked up, there stood Drew in all his glory, glowering down at you with his steely eyes. His stare was menacing enough, and you’ve never felt as small as you did then as he placed your gift bag next to you. He was gentle with you, taking your hands away from your face with one hand and resting the other at the base of your neck.
“Stop talkin’, will ya?” he asked as he looked at you - really looked at you then - and pulled you in for a harsh yet tender kiss, a small muffled sound of surprise coming from your lips.
He pulled you in close, just like he did in the hallway that past Monday, and tilted your head back to get better access to your mouth. You had to rise up on your toes in order to meet him halfway, but it was more than fucking worth it. The fact that he had rendered you speechless with a simple kiss just proved your doubts wrong, and that there was something more going on between the two of you…
His hand curled around your neck and you sighed, feeling his hand leave your wrists and move to your waist. This was…nice, the feeling of his lips on yours. That kiss in the hallway was good, but this? This was a level of passion you have yet to see come from him.
Huh, maybe Billie and Peyton were right, you thought as the two of you parted, you panting with your lips parted.
“I didn’t have anyone to spend times like these with.”
“What?” you asked, still dazed from him kissing you.
“Back at the PC, I was gonna say that I really have anyone to even spend Christmas with. My family wasn’t all for the holidays and I guess some o’ that kinda rubbed off on me too.”
“But now I have someone new to spend the wintertime with, lass,” he continued, stroking your cheek with his thumb and smiling. “It’s you, (Y/n). Always has been.”
“Wha...huh? Drew, what are you saying?”
“‘M saying that…that I’m in love with ya, lass. That’s what my gift to you was for this damn party. I was gonna tell ya how I felt and ask if you felt the same but-”
You grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him deeply, him groaning as he wrapped both arms around your waist. He walked forward and pressed your body farther into the wall as you moaned into his mouth and grasped at his hair. His grip on your hips grew tight when he pushed a leg in between yours and and held you there. You resisted the urge to grind down on his thigh right then and there, but he could sense your urgency as you slipped your tongue into his mouth.
You didn’t want to move at all. You wanted to save and preserve this moment for as long as you could before the world came crashing in. You tilted your head to the side and whimpered when he pulled away from you to catch his breath.
“Fuck, you're so damn cute How long have you known, (Y/n)?”
Your hands drifted from his jaw and down to his neck, looking up at him with cloudy eyes. “F-For a while n-now. It first started when you were fighting for the King of the Ring crown, but I’ve just been putting it off because…I didn’t want what we have - well, had - as friends to end.”
He could see the sadness grow in your eyes, and he was quick to wipe your judgements away. “Nothing could ever make me stop lovin’ you, no matter how that may be. All I ask is if you’d want to try whatever this is an’ take it wherever you want to go.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and jumped in his hold, nodding and pressing you face into the warm skin and sighing. Chuckling, he held onto you tightly and leaned in close to your ear.
“Because now that I have you, lass,” he whispered sultry and slipped a hand into your back pocket, “I’m not gonna let you go for a second.”
The drive back to your place was filled with a flurry of kisses in and outside of the car, with the two of you getting your jackets and him leaning you back against the rental to claim your lips as his own once more to Drew taking your hand in his and kissing the top of it as he drove down the snow-covered road. You kept looking back at him with the lights from the passing cars glittering in your pupils.
You still couldn't believe that this was happening, him and you becoming one as you approached a new chapter in your life. Your friendship had been diminished but in its place, there was a blossoming love ready to bloom.
Everything after that was a blur, from him parking the car and leaving the gift bag in the backseat to him carrying you out bridal-style and you yelling at him to put you down, leading to him saying that he has to “prevent his new woman from slipping on the ice below” to him letting you down so you can unlock your door and step inside.
You shoved off your jacket and moved to push his aside, feeling how hard he was under his jeans as he pinned you to the door. His lips were immediately on yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth as his hands gripping your hips and hoisting you up so you could wrap your legs around his thick waist. Your boots slid off your feet and landed on the ground with a thud, but you didn’t care. All that mattered was feeling him against your body, and you wanted more.
He seemingly sensed your urgency and chuckled deeply, the noise rumbling his chest and making you shiver. “Oh, you devil woman, what’ve ya done to me?”
“I could ask you the same damn thing,” you panted, squealing and wrapping your arms around him when he toed off his shoes and started walking down the hallway to your room. Every now and then, he would stop and hold you against a wall to make out with you, pressing the outline of his cock onto your slit through your jeans.
“We’re literally right here, Drew,” you said breathlessly after he had kissed you for the fifth time. “You can’t just wait a few seconds?”
“No can do, lass. Ya drive me wild, and I jus’ can’t seem to get enough of you.”
He nudged open the door to your room and kicked it shut, running his lips up and down the exposed skin of your neck as he laid you down gently on the bed. You had some fairy lights strung along the walls of the small room, giving it a soft glow as you leaned up on your elbows.
Drew tore off the sweater he was wearing and tossed it on a chair in the corner of your room, and you forgot how good the navy blue tee hugged his frame. He was immediately on you again, slipping a hand into your hair as he laid on your chest.
“Your lips are so soft, so sweet, so mine,” he murmured against your mouth, tangling his tongue with yours as the hand in your hair tilted your head back. You let out a small cry and shut your eyes when his mouth descended down your jaw and down the column of your neck so he could lave away at the skin.
Your hand drifted into his hair and tugged on the strands when you felt the sting of his teeth sinking in, moaning when he began sucking a dark mark into the flesh. Your other hand reached down to squeeze the bulge in his pants, and you smirked as the Scotsman groaned into your neck.
“So you wanna play it like that, huh, lass? Well, let’s play, then.”
The rough pads of his fingers stroked along your scalp and moved farther down, down the back of your neck as he continued to mark it up with various hickies and bites, and down the length of your spine over your sweater. You could feel the weight of his palm through your clothes and it sent shivers through your body.
Tilting his head up with your hand, you looked into his stormy grey eyes and sighed. He had his trademark smirk plastered on his face and combined with the swirls of lust that clouded his vision, he looked like a mighty fine Scottish meal and you were only getting a small taste of it.
The palms of his hands ran down over the front of your sweater and slid underneath the hem, finally grazing bare skin. The contact made you shudder again and he watched you intensely, eyes locked onto yours as he didn’t hit any cloth underneath the fluffy green mess.
“Oh, so you went without a shirt, (Y/n)? Naughty girl, you wanted this tonight,” Drew purred, smiling enough to show teeth when his hands met the soft lace of your bra. His brogue was starting to deepen as quickly as your flush did, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could take this.
His fingers deftly dipped below the cups and his palms swallowed your breasts whole, making you moan softly as he kissed you again. You could feel the tips of his fingers circling your nipples and as they peaked up, he pinched at them and pulled them as far as he could. The twinge of pain that came with that pleasure sent sparks down to your folds, and you just wrapped your arms around him to get as much of it as you could.
He started grinding his bulge into your covered clit, making your eyes go wide and making you throw your head back. Based on what you’ve felt so far, that man was packing some serious punch down there and you could not wait to feel that inside you.
The two of you went on like this for what seemed like hours, slowly bumping and grinding against each other with his hands playing with your breasts and your hands messing with his hair. You could feel your climax rise in your abdomen and you clenched around nothing as you rubbed against the outline of his cock harder and faster than before. You started whimpering in his ear and you would’ve came in your jeans if not for the Scotsman unlocking your legs from his waist and setting you back down on the bed.
Your breath was spotty at best and you were clinging onto your sweater for dear life. This man nearly made you cum from playing with your breasts and pressing himself against you, so you knew you wouldn’t be able to survive the real thing. He rose for a second, grabbing the bottom of his shirt and rolling it off his body in one fell swoop.
You were almost certain that your ovaries had fallen out at that moment.
He was showing off for you and he knew that you knew, flexing his muscles slightly to get your attention. “Like what ya see, lass? Because it’s all for you.”
“Mhm,” you mumbled, too busy eyeing all the lines and scars and veins of his chest, and how the hair that lay on his pecs looked soft enough to touch and nap on. He chuckled at how astounded you were and grabbed your ankles, pulling your body close so they hung off the bed.
Oh god, was he…?
Your breath hitched when you say him unsnap your jeans and zip them down with his teeth as his gaze locked on yours the entire time. He hooked his fingers into the belt loops and pulled down, you scrambling to lift your hips before he asked you to.
Not that you would mind in the first place.
Drew finally rolled the last of them and dropped them next to the bed, your breathing beginning to speed up when he spread your legs and moved his head closer to where he wanted to be.
“Aww, these are some cute panties, lass. Did you wear them just for me?” he asked, trailing his hands up your legs and holding the underside of your thighs.
“Maybe I d-did, maybe I didn’t. You’ll never know.”
“So you’re bein’ a right tease now, aren’t ya? You might wanna stop that before I end up punishin’ ya, and I don’t think you want to see that side of me now, do you?”
He spoke a lot deeper for the final part than he had previously, and that plus the overhearing broadness that was him between your trembling legs was enough for you to shake your head “no”.
“That’s my good girl,” he praised, fueling the fire that laid in your soul. “Now, I know you’ve been waiting for this for a while, so let’s just see…oh, lass…”
You turned your head away and used a hand to bury it in your pillows as he saw the wet spot you had made in your panties and tool a hand from your leg to rub at your slit through them. The moan you let out vibrated the pillow you had covering your face and he was just ecstatic in the inside.
Good, he thought. He wanted to hear you. He wanted the whole fucking world to know what he was doing to you.
Circling your clit through your panties, Drew smiled at how much you were quivering for him. So eager and ready for him when you reached down and put your hands in his hair again, he pulled them to the side and groaned at how wet you were for him.
“Oh, (Y/n), you’re absolutely dripping for me. Look at the mess you’ve made of these panties o’ yours. Guess I’ll just have to clean it up myself…”
You had to smush your face into your pillow and moan when he hooked them around his hand and rested his free hand on your stomach, his thumb brushing and rubbing light circles around your bare clit as he leaned in and kissed your folds. His tongue slipped out of his mouth and ran through them, gathering a bit of your wetness on the appendage and licking straight up to your clit to take the place of his thumb.
This went on for a few minutes, him leisurely tasting you and occasionally parting your folds to circle you entrance and you trying so hard not pull on his hair as hard as you could and reign him into the apex of your thighs.
This went on until he had finally decided to put you out of your misery and give you something. He rested your legs over his shoulders, telling you to cross your ankles behind his neck.
“I want ya to smother me, lass. Fix those legs around my neck and fuckin’ wring me. I want t’ dive into this sweet cunt of yours and absolutely drown in it.” And with that, he spread your folds with his fingers and drove his tongue into you, making your scream into your pillow.
Yes, yes, yes! you chanted mentally as he used his other hand to hold your hips down. He lapped at the wetness that lingered on your inner thighs and around your lips before plunging his tongue back in. The hand in his hair began tugging and tugging, silently demanding more and more of what this was. His nose brushed up against your clit and you keened, feeling and hearing him lick up everything you were giving him.
“You’re so fuckin’ sweet, lass,” he panted when he came up to breathe. “I can’t… I can’t seem to get enough of ya…”
He mouthed along your mound and rolled your bud around on his tongue, just loving how squirmy you were due to his actions. It filled him with a sense of pride that he was doing this to you, not some random man who would never show you what true pleasure is.
He saw you remove your head from your pillow prison and he could hear your small cries for more, of “please, Drew, I’m gonna cum if you keep this up.”
“Isn’t that the point, lass? For you to give into the urges and feelings I’m giving ya?”
His tongue dove into you again and made you moan aloud, and you swore you saw the ceiling shake from how loud it was. You could feel the intensity running through your veins, it was lingering beneath the surface and you knew you were going to cum soon but it was too soon. You wanted to experience more of this, more of this sweet feeling he was bestowing upon you.
“You’re holdin’ back on me, (Y/n). I can feel it,” he said, rising from between your legs and leaving you empty. “I can feel your walls clenching down hard on my tongue. Stop denyin’ yourself the pleasure you crave, or else I’m gonna take it for you.”
Now, that got your ass in gear, hearing him speak to you like that with his mouth and his beard glistening with your juices like fresh morning dew. You whimpered, closing your legs back around his head when he moved back down and nearly jolting off of the bed when his tongue returned to your clit.
He went faster this time, moving in tighter circles and lapping at your folds much quicker than before. He pistoned his tongue into you over and over again, keeping eye contact with you as you whiled and struggled in his grip.
“Drew, I’m gonna….I’m gonna….o-oh fuck!”
“That’s it, my sweet lass. Give me everything you have, and I’ll catch you when you fall.”
You could feel your release rising like the tide and just like it, you felt it tumble over you and send you over the edge, making you arch your hips into his mouth as your juices leaked from you. He moaned, running his hands soothingly up and down your thighs as you shook like a leaf when you returned from your high.
His eyes were still as dark as stormclouds and even though he loved you, he still wasn;t finished with your wet cunt. Not by a long shot.
Drew took a finger and slowly ran it over the seam of your folds, feeling the wetness that stained and dotted the skin. You shivered at the contact as you tried to regulate your breathing. Everything was going all well and good until he started talking again.
“Fuckin’ hell, (Y/n). You came so much, and you’re so wet. I wonder if I just…”
And right as he trained off, he slipped two think fingers past your lips and into you, making you keen as your mind short-circuited. Your vision grew cloudy as his fingers slid deeper and deeper into your wet hole, feeling every bump and part of his fingers rub up against your walls.
“Drew…! T’s too much for me-!” you slurred, your voice spiking when he curled his fingers and brushed them against your g-spot. You reached a hand under your sweater and under your bra cup to pluck at your nipples, them being nice and hard after the euphoric rush he had just given you moments ago.
He chuckled darkly and watched the sweater roll up on your stomach, and he leaned over your mound to kiss and bite at the skin. “I know you can take a few more from me, lass. You’re strong enough to become a wrestler, so you’re strong enough to dish out one more orgasm for me.”
Your skin was flushed dark and you began to feel sweat forming at your brow. He’s really testing me tonight, isn’t he? you thought, squeezing your breast as tightly as you squeezed around his fingers. You could feel the familiar wave of pleasure wash over you, but this time it was different.
This time, it felt more like lightning crackling through your veins and making your entire body feel numb as you continued to take what Drew gave you. He rose from his knees and managed to unzip and slip off his jeans with one hand, leaving himself bare except for the dark grey boxers he wore that seamlessly matched the color of his eyes at that moment.
“Ya see this, lass? Ya see what y’ do to me?” he growled, his chest puffing up as he leaned over you once more. “This is all you, with this sinful fuckin’ body and that devilishly sweet cunt of yours. All o’ that’s bound to get you on my naughty list, (Y/n).”
You whimpered, seeing your fairy lights reflect off of the light sheen of sweat his chest was sporting. The sparks were traveling faster now, moving from your head to your toes and back again in record time and you could feel the pressure building up inside you. The man above you smiled as you shut your eyes and bucked your hips into his hand when he added another finger and brought his thumb around to rub furiously at your clit.
“Don’t you dare hold out on me again, lass. I want you t’ soak my fingers and these pretty little panties of yours even farther. I want you to cum for me.”
He was right in your ear again, straining to fill your cunt with his fingers as his free hand came around you your neck and held it. Looking up at him with parted lips, he swooped down to kiss you just as you crashed. No words came out of your mouth, not a sound, nothing. Just you arching your hips into his hand as his fingers tapped away at your g-spot endlessly and your juices flowed out into his palm.
He kept you grounded throughout, crawling next to you and slowly pulling his fingers out of you after a few moments. You whined at the feeling of emptiness and at how suggestively he licked the fingers he just slid out of you
“Shhh, I’m here, I’m here. You’ll be alright,” he murmured in your ear, curling his chest against your back and cuddling you. You ground your ass against the very prominent bulge he was still sporting through his boxers and he groaned, stilling your hips with a tight squeeze of his hand.
“Not now, (Y/n). You can get a piece of that later. You’re already clockin’ out and you need to rest. We’ll work on your stamina another time.”
You grumbled, “You can’t decide when and how I want to be fucked, sir. That’s my job.”
He laughed, feeling you cuddle more into him as he wrapped his arms around you. “You’re so lucky I love that fiery spunk o’ yours, y’know?”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Drew.”
After a brief silence, you finally raised the question you’ve had since the party to him. “So, Drew… ya like the holidays now?”
“Not exactly. But with you, lass, I definitely enjoy it more than I ever did before.”
“Alright, then. Now, go t’ sleep, ya big lug. ‘M goin’ to bed an’ I wanna wake you up tomorrow morning…”
~~ Tag List: @writinglionqueen @writing-reigns @i-have-saracasm @yaint-me @alwaysbenhardysgirl @mother-of-goddesses @missmoxy @gold–gucciempress @mistress-to-the-moon @meishaabae @luciddrreamss @neversatisfiedgirl @the-carter-mob-don @dreamlesswonder86 @shazambitches @drewmcintyreinarefereeoutfit @baronsbelleevangelineon @tacoshu @ladytea19 @candicelerae @sassymox @bambixbliss @lookalivesunshine-x @liamakorn @baddie-bismuth @deepdisireslonging @flawlessglamazon @thegoblin-maiden @justsimplevicky @taryn-dibiase @caramara3 @hardcorewwetrash @shieldgirl18 @speckylynch @thirst-n-bullshit @wrestlersownmyheart @wrestlingfae @wrestlingbabe @theskullgoddess @nerdlife0612 @axelwolf8109 @hardcoresweet45 @culturalrebel @andie01 @sassyspacedust @neversatisfiedgirlfics @nicolewoo @unprettypeony @lilmisscrisis @itsicantbelievethis666 @thatpanpal @nightgirl250​ @theworldofotps​ ~~
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khaotic-kitsunes · 4 years
Reading this again was a lot of fun, the same with most Mirio-themed scenarios that I’ve written. He’s still a favourite and I enjoy his character immensely!
Cheeky Kitsune 🦊💋
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 Mirio let out a muffled groan as his tongue moved against yours demandingly, your fingers tangling themselves into his hair while his hands ran over your body; eventually settling on your hips to pull you flush against his overly warm body. Clothes the only thing keeping the two of you apart.
 “Mm babe, we’re missing the good parts of the movie” Mirio mumbled, his words swallowed by you as you tugged at his hair, silently wishing he would shut up about the movie and busy himself with what was right in front of him. Your body.
 “Mirio, unless that movie can do what you can, I really couldn’t care less right now” You argued softly, letting out a squeal when Mirio nipped at your tongue playfully, his hands slowly making their way under your top to rub at your bare skin firmly.
   “Can we watch it later? It’s really good”
   You let out an annoyed noise as you pulled your body away from his, hands dropping down to his shoulders as you narrowed your eyes, agitation building within you quickly.
 “Mirio, I swear to god. If you keep going on and on about the movie then I’ll kick you out. Don’t you test me, you know I’ll do it” You warned, your frustration only building when Mirio began to snicker, slowly developing into an uncontrollable chuckle.
 “Mirio!” You exclaimed, squirming as he pulled you back against his body, his lips against your neck while he tried to contain his laughter, teeth leaving behind marks on your previously unmarked skin.
 “Babe, settle…I didn’t mean to laugh” Mirio soothed, his hands exploring the expanse of your back, causing your entire body to shudder almost violently, arching into his touch. You hated how he could make your body move how he wanted with just a single touch.
 “For someone who didn’t mean to laugh, you sure did a lot of it” You huffed out, your cheeks puffing up into a pout while Mirio continued to nip and bite at your neck, soon beginning to trail his love bites lower, tugging at your clothes when they began to get in his way.
 He didn’t respond to your words, instead busying himself with stripping you while his mouth explored your body, hot tongue teasing your nipples without mercy, fingers groping at sensitive skin. Everything you had wanted before except now with added frustration that seemed to amuse the man above you.
 “Mirio…you’re taking too—Oh!” You cut yourself off, moaning as Mirio’s tongue dragged over your clit slowly, his hands gripping at your thighs, keeping them spread widely so that he could make you forget about all of your previous frustrations.
 “Taking…? No, no (Name), tonight I plan on giving” Mirio muttered quietly, moving one hand to rub at your soaked folds, his tongue circling your clit teasingly, not quite using enough force to make you really moan for him.
 You tangled your fingers into his hair once more, desperately tugging at his golden locks while your hips rolled, trying to create more pleasure than he was currently willing to give you.
 “(Name), you’re being awfully greedy right now. If you want more, you have to ask nicely” Mirio chuckled, thrusting two fingers inside of you deeply while his tongue began to move with more force, dragging a choked-out moan from your lips.
 Unable to form the words he wanted to hear, you merely tugged at his hair once more, causing a deep, throaty groan to escape him. Mirio curled his fingers as he moved his tongue roughly, making you gasp out in pleasure.
 “Enjoying yourself (Name)?” Mirio questioned, lifting his gaze to you while his fingers moved faster and deeper, causing heat to build up inside of the pit of your stomach. Your toes curled as the heat inside of you began to grow more intense, your orgasm getting closer with each thrust of his fingers.
   You let out a whimper of disappointment as Mirio sat back, slowly removing his fingers while you stared up at him with flushed cheeks, your chest heaving.
 “Mirio…what…why did you stop?” You questioned breathlessly, your face twisting into a frown while he smiled down at you, leaning down to kiss you heatedly. You squirmed beneath him when you realised that you could taste yourself, embarrassment filling you instantly.
 “You’re so cute like this (Name)” Mirio muttered out, leaning back once more as he began to strip himself of his clothes, his eyes never leaving your own as he did so, only intensifying the embarrassment that you felt.
 Before you could utter a word of protest to his compliments, his lips were on yours once more, his hands lifting your hips as he began to rub up against your folds teasingly, causing soft whimpers to escape you.
 “It’s not fair. You shouldn’t be able to get me so hard babe, I’m aching to be inside of you, I want to lose myself in your body (Name). Are you going to let me?” He questioned, his voice low and husky while he pulled his head back, awaiting your answer. The words he so desperately wanted to hear from you.
 You swallowed heavily, avoiding his intense gaze before slowly nodding your head in confirmation, a quiet, almost inaudible ‘yes’ slipping past your plump lips. Mirio couldn’t help but grin as he pressed his forehead to yours, thrusting his hips forwards and burying himself deep inside of your body, filling you in a way that only he could.
 “D-Do you have to say such embarrassing things every time?” You moaned out, your back arching as Mirio moved his hips, his lips ghosting over your skin teasingly, leaving you wanting more of his touch.
 “Of course I do babe, you’re adorable when you get all hot and bothered” Mirio teased, nipping at your jaw while you moved your legs around his waist, tugging at his hair roughly as you cried out in pleasure.
 “Mm, close aren’t you? You feel so good babe, so warm and inviting” Mirio groaned out into your ear, his hips moving harder as pleasure began to build in the pit of your stomach once more.
 You bit your lip as your hips moved against his, the heat inside of you getting stronger with each thrust of his hips until finally, his name left your lips in the form of a bliss-filled scream, your back arched from the pleasure.
 As your walls clenched around him, Mirio let out a string of curses, his hips bucking hard as he buried himself deep inside of you, releasing his seed.
   “Not a word”
   You smiled as your chest heaved, your eyes fluttering shut as you took a moment to ride off the last of your orgasm, your hips rolling slightly as you did so.
 “Wouldn’t dream of it, just cause you came a little early in the first round doesn’t mean you’re finished…” You mumbled softly, opening your eyes to look up at him, admiring the way he looked above you, his muscles on full display, happy trail leading downwards oh so temptingly.
 “Besides I really don’t want to spend the night with you torturing me by denying my orgasms.”
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afeb · 4 years
Steve Rogers - Something Like That
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“I don’t know if this is a good idea.”
“Don’t be stupid, I’m just going into see what I can get my hands on then I’ll come back out, ten minutes tops.”
“That’s not the point.”
“What’s the point?”
“The point is your breaking into a secret US base!” Kathy screeched.
“Shh! Keep your voice down, do you want to get caught?” I whispered, ducking down in the car.
She rolled her eyes and flopped back. “If you’re not back in twenty minutes I’m leaving.”
I cheekily smiled. “Well that’s perfect because I said I’d be done in ten.”
“Why are you even doing this?” She asked.
I adjusted the collar of my fake army uniform. “Because they’re doing something in there and the people deserve to know, also if I get this story my boss will finally see me as a real journalist, not some coffee girl gone crazy.”
“Why’d you have to be a feminist.” She grumbled. “What’s so bad about getting married and having kids?”
“Nothing,” I shrugged, opening the car door. “It’s just boring.” I slipped out before she could stop me.
The streets of Brooklyn were quiet at this time of night, but the small antique shop lights were still on. I confidently walked in, clutching my passenger bag close to my side.
The elderly lady looked me up and down suspiciously. “Lovely weather we’re having.”
I gulped, god knows if my source was right. “Yes but I always carry an umbrella.”
She nodded knowingly and went behind the counter, fiddling with something and then looking expectedly at me. I smiled and headed towards the back, walking through some curtain before coming to a bookcase.
Great, my source was wrong. He said there would be a set of doors here that would open, but instead it was just some old bo-
The bookcase opened to show a long, silver hallway. I gulped and stepped in, looking around. A receptionist looked me up and down, frowning.
“Name?” She asked.
“Carter, Peggy Carter.” I lied. The girl looked through a thick book, smiling before looking up at me.
“Mrs. Carter.” Jesus, for a place so high up it was easy to get into.
I walked down the hallway, not entirely knowing where to go now. I looked at the signs on the door, turning a corner and walking for another minute. And there it was, the records room.
I looked around quickly before slipping inside. The room was dark and quiet, bookcases lines up neatly in rows. I pulled out my pen and notebook before looking through the boxes.
“Steve Rogers.” I hummed to myself as I came across the medical experiments section. “Who are you Steve Rogers, and why are you so important looking.”
I grabbed the box and took of the lid, immediately being fronted by a photo of a young man. He was skinny looking, dirty blonde hair a little longer than the normal style. He was gazing off to the right of the frame. He had a handsome face.
I put the photo into my bag, looking through more documents. His father had died from mustard gas, he’d served in the 107th during World War I. After detailing other aspects of his life, I came across a red file. Inside detailed a medical experiment, something called a “Super Solider Serum.” I quickly scribbled down some notes, immersing myself in the records.
“What the hell.” I muttered to myself as I read over the document. “Did they do it?”
“They did.” I was suddenly grabbed and slammed against the bookcase, my breath catching in my throat. “Who the hell are you?”
It was Steve Rogers, except he was considerably larger. I decided to keep up the facade of being Peggy Carter.
“Peggy Carter! How dare you abuse me this way, get your hands off me solider!” I spat.
He pressed me harder against the metal shelf. “No you’re not, I know her.” The blood drained from my face. “Now give me a reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now.”
My hands flew up to press against his broad chest. “Wait! Wait! I’m a journalist, I promise, look in my bad there’s an ID card there.”
He eyed me carefully before setting me down, snatching my bag and rummaging through it. He pulled out my ID card. “Y/N Y/L/N.” He said aloud.
“That’s me, I promise I’m just here researching.” I said.
“With permission?” He asked, looking further into my bag.
I hesitated. “Not exactly.” He glared down at me. “I did ask! But they said they wouldn’t allow me and I thought that was wrong, I’m the press they should allow me freedom to tell the publi-“
“Why do you have this?” He presenter the photograph of himself.
“I-It seemed important.” I truthfully said.
He looked deeper into the bag, he was distracted enough that I was sure I could run and get some distance before he could even think. I suddenly ran down the isle, turning the corner quickly and sprinting to the door.
“Hey!” He yelled, but I didn’t look back. I was about to get to the door before I was pulled back into his body, his arms tightly wrapping around my middle and lifting me off the floor. I scratched at his forearms.
“Let me go!” I yelled.
He pressed me against the wall again, his body flushed against my to stop my struggling. “I don’t want to hurt you, but if you don’t stop I will.” He warned.
I huffed and rest my forehead against the wall. “Just let me go, I won’t tell a soul what I saw here.” I lied, of course I’d still write my article.
He laughed. “I don’t believe you.”
I huffed again and attempted to twist my hands out of his grip. “Can you at least stop shoving me against stuff?”
“If you stop snooping and running away.” He bargained.
“Fine.” He let go of my wrists and moved away from me. I turned around and rubbed my wrists. “Did your mother ever tell you not to manhandle women like that?”
He glared at me again. “Only the ones who didn’t deserve it.”
“Look I need to go, my ride is gonna go soon.” I explained. “Where’s my bag?”
“You’re not getting that back.” He snarled.
“What? That’s my private property!” I yelled.
“And this is the US Governments private property!” He bit back.
I huffed and leant against the wall, crossing my arms. “What you gonna do? Arrest me?”
I eyed me up and down. “I have a mind to.” He murmured.
“What are you waiting for then?” I snapped.
He stepped closer to me. “I don’t think you’re in a position to talk to me like that, young lady.” He growled.
I peered up at him and for once decided to shut my mouth. He stepped away again and began to pace back and forth, deep in thought. I considered running again but given I didn’t even make it to the door last time I knew he’d catch me, then I’d be in even more trouble. Maybe if I bat my eyelashes he’d let me go.
“Look, Steve-“
“Mr. Rogers to you.” He said.
I rolled my eyes. “Rogers,” he huffed. “I just wanted to give my boss a really good story, he thinks of me as some female eye candy around the office, I want to be taken seriously as a journalist.” I confessed.
He stopped pacing and looked at me. I stepped closer to him. “You still broke the law.” He stated.
“I know I know, I’m sorry, Steve.” He was about to correct me before I reached out and stroked his arm. “I’m sure we can come to some understanding...” I trailed off, pressing myself against him.
His breath caught in his throat, looking down at me. “What are you doing?” He gruffly said.
I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m just trying to make a situation good for the both of us.”
His eyes caught mine as the frown on his face eased, his hands slowly coming to rest on my hips. My hands slid up to loop around his neck, having to go on the tips of my toes to reach. His breath was deep as it puffed over my face, his body stepping forward to press me against the wall.
Steve rest his forehead against mine. “This is so wrong.” He groaned, going to pull his head away.
I quickly grabbed the back of his neck and pressed my lips against. He sighed against me, his body melting against mine as he slowly moved his lips. He opened his mouth and let his tongue lick across my bottom lip. I slid my tongue against his as his hands squeezed my hips harshly. His crotch instinctively ground against mine, a moan emitting from both our throats. My hands slid into his hair and I gently tugged, causing his teeth to clamp into my bottom lip.
“Ow!” I yelped as I pulled back. “That hurt.” I pouted.
“Sorry, love.” His head went to the crook of my neck, his lips starting to kiss and suck the sensitive skin.
I couldn’t stay much longer, Kathy was going to go any minute now. I pulled him back, his forehead resting against mine.
“So...have I persuaded you?” I innocently asked.
He groaned and threw his head back, gazing at the ceiling. “You can go...but you can’t take any of the documents with you, and none of the notes you took.”
I bit down on my lip, I could just remember what I’d seen. “Okay.” I gave in. He led me where my bag was dropped on the floor. The photo of him lay on the floor, I picked it up. “Can I keep this?”
“Why?” He asked.
I shrugged flirtatiously. “Something to remember you by.”
He blushed and pulled me close to him. “Fine.” He huffed, leaning down and placing a heavy kiss on my lips.
Sucker. Now I had evidence this whole thing existed.
“Well, thank you Steve.” I winked and walked out, Steve trailing behind me. Once outside the room he grabbed my hand, looking around.
He leant down and placed another kiss on my lips. “I see any type of article about this from you, I’ll come and find you and show you who’s in charge.” He warned.
“I count on it.” I pecked his lips once before turning and skipping away.
I easily left the building, rushing over to Kathy who was nervously sat in the car. I jumped in quick.
“Jesus, how long did you take? I was about to go!” She started the car and sped off. “Did you get caught?”
“Something like that.”
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Make Shift Weights
@notinthesameguey thought she could try me.
This is the little sister to this blurb
The alarm goes off and you groan, pulling the comforter over your head. It doesn’t block out the noise of the alarm. Almost instantly you’re regretting spending the weekend with Calum. You usually worked Fridays but took the day to have more time with him. Calum rolls over, pulling the sheets from your face. “Mornin’,” his voice is thick and gruff with sleep. 
“Hmmph,” you huff, puffy eyes barely cracking opening. “Morning,” you return turning to look at him. 
His eyes are closed too but his fingers are brushing up and down your cheek. “Last one out bed is a rotten egg.”
Your laughter is mostly an exhale. Neither of you move for another ten minutes and when the bed does dip, Calum’s the first one up. “Ha!” he cheers, arms lazily thrown over his head. “Not a rotten egg this time.”
“Well throw me out and call me stinky.”
Eventually the both of you are dressed and on your respective mats outside. The morning is cool, seeing as the sun hasn’t fully risen. The blue hour is just about ascend, the skies lingering to the edge of the moon’s darkness. 
Calum picked the circuit, HIIT and it’s mostly core according to him but there’s a bit of focus on legs and upper body training. The two of you follow along to the YouTube video. Immediately you know you’re going to regret this. You abs are quaking already and your thighs are going to give out on you, it feels.  
“I hate this, I hate this, I hate this,” you grit out between pants. Calum laughs next to you but his abs are tight too. 
During the breaks you're guzzling down water, watching Calum wipe sweat from his brows and back. He opted for a tank but it quickly got soaked and was ditched. “Breathe,” he reminds, his own breath puffing out in rhythmic pants. 
You exhale and take another breath in. “Fuck this.”
“Last circuit,” he returns. “Not so bad.” The plank feels like it’s lasting forever and even Calum glances up to the video, thinking it has to be over by now. “C’mon,” he starts as just a plea but turns into a growled exclamation. 
The blue hour has come and gone by now. The skies are not dipped in violet and are stepping into the brightness of the morning sun. Finally the timer sounds, the recorded instructor huffs out their encouragement before they finish the rest of the circuit. 
You collapse onto the mat when the last mountain climber is finished, huffing and puffing. Calum does a burpee, falls back into the pushup position and stays there before huffing out as he does a set of 15. At first, you can only watch, amazed that he’s still got anything left in him to get going. 
You let him go about whatever torture he wants to put himself through and stretch out her arms and quads. Duke finally trots over, noticing the commotion as stopped for at least one of you. Giggling, you scoop him up and wait for Calum to pause again. 
 "What are you doing?" There’s more weight on his back and he has a feeling he knows what you’ve done. 
"Giving you extra weight to pump up those muscles." You stay close by but manage to get your phone up and rolling as Calum continues on with another set of pushup. 
Calum manages to get through 4 out of the 15 before Duke's had enough and starts walking on his neck. You get Calum to stop and Duke hops down. The warmth of the day is starting to cut in. There’s still sweat running down your chest and back, but it’s not nearly as much as it was when you were working out.  Your dog finally joins in, sniffing around your feet and legs, before trailing over to Calum. 
Calum turns to his back on his bat. His arms are up and bent. "Spot me, Coach," he laughs, his breathing is heavy and he's panting. 
The sweat's reflecting off his golden skin even more. God, you want to hate him for being so goddamn attractive this sweaty and stinky. But you can’t and in the end, you direct your pup over to Calum. They get some scratches before resting their head on Calum's chest. 
"That's not where the weight goes for a benchpress," he huff and coaxes your dog up from their lounge. Once Calum gets a hold you can tell it's straining as his muscle tense and bulge. You hurriedly scramble over to keep the dog stable. Calum does one rep and the wiggles start. The both of you decide it's not worth the risk before setting them back onto the ground. They settle down between you, head on their paws. 
Calum's still panting. "I bet I could bench press you." 
"I wouldn't even let you try." 
He pouts up at you. "I won't drop you." 
"Baby, no," you laugh shaking your head. 
"Oh, c'mon, I'm strong." 
You roll your eyes at the adorable pout on his feature, the lower lip rolling over and under to reveal the pink to the underside of his lip. "I can see that." You point to his biceps and then poke it with your index finger. 
He laughs, blowing out harshly, mocking the sound of a deflating ballon. Your laughters mix into the more bustling morning and you bend down to kiss him. This is mistake as he grabs onto your arm, trying to pull you over his chest so he can attempt a bench press. 
You squeal, sneakers scoffing over the concrete. "Calum!"
 He can't get a good grip, the sweat on your arms and his hands not giving him any friction and if he's at all honest his shoulders are a little sore, so he gives up for the time being. But he does hold you to his wet chest. A breeze blows and the two of you just lay there. "
You ought to stretch to cool down," you say after a moment. He grumbles but agrees, stretching out. The rest of the day is kind of lazy, watching movies or showing each other memes on your phone. The dogs get some time outside but you save most of it for the evening. 
Your normal path takes you mostly around the block but you venture outside of it and end up near the more commercial stuff, some gas stations, a few banks, random mom and pop store and restaurants. "Remember the first time we met?" you tease, remembering the way you collided when trying to untangle leashes. Over time your dog’s calmed down but they still get stubborn about bushes and love when strangers give them pets as they pass by. 
Calum can only laugh. "I think I've proven myself not a hazard anymore. No more rogue headbutts." 
"Trust me, I'm glad." A couple fans spot you on the loop back and picture surface of you and Calum side by side. Calum's got Duke's leash and you have your dogs. People are losing their shit because you have the bigger dog and Duke's draped over Calum's neck with a small bag of snacks from the gas station in his hands too. 
You decide to post part of the video from early. It’s cute as Duke wags his tail, content to be on his pops back. You include a include a small clip of your dog giggling in Calum’s arms. Calum’s laugh is the last thing heard before the video loops. As you can tell, the old man’s spoiled. Also poor bubbas doesn’t quite cut it as a double for a bench weight. Not pictured: My failed attempt as a bench weight as well. 
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b-chansbbygirl · 5 years
Barnes’ Girl
Summary: Bucky’s new trainee has eyes for a girl that’s way out of their league.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 967
Warnings: mentions and descriptions of violence, mentions and descriptions of sexual situations, lewd comments, fluff, shit ton of sass
A/N: This was made for my awesome friend @plums-and-peaches​. She’s my motivation and inspiration, and I love her to death. *This fic is now part of the ‘Ah, marriage...’ masterlist!*
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“Ready to see what kind of trouble we get into?”
Bucky grinned when he stopped at your side, reaching around you to grab a rifle from the rack. “We’re gonna die, aren’t we?”
“It’s a Tuesday,” you smirked, shooting him an innocent look. “I know how to restrain myself.”
“You absolutely do not.”
You gave him a shrug as you reached for a parachute, and Bucky took the incentive to buckle and tighten the straps himself - you rolled your eyes at his overprotective nature but let him do it anyway. He received a sharp slap to his chest when his fingers brushed your inner thigh, and he retaliated with a panty-dropping smirk.
“So, how’s the rookie?”
Bucky glanced over his shoulder. Sitting there, along the edge of the cabin of the quinjet, was the kid he’s been training for the past few months. Dave, Derek - whatever his name is - was staring. His eyes widened when he realized Bucky was staring back, and he quickly went back to adjusting his gear with clumsy fingers. Bucky’s sure he’s never seen someone move so fast.
“It’s like Steve in 1936 all over again,” he sighed, offering a grin as his eyes roamed your face.
“That bad?”
He nodded. “That bad.”
A bullet whizzed past your head, striking a tree and splintering the wood. A curse left your lips and you peeked over your cover; you were out-numbered. The intel you had managed to get a hold of was obviously wrong. What was supposed to be a small convoy was actually a clusterfuck of heavy transport trucks and 40 bad guys with good aim. All of this over some illegal drugs.
You glanced to Bucky, who was just a few meters away returning fire. “I have a plan!”
He fell back down behind his tree, pulling more ammo from his belt. “Thank God,” he huffed, clicking the magazine into place and once again taking aim.
“It involves fire.”
“Absolutely not.”
Peeking over the bank, you spotted Bucky’s rookie. “Hey, kid!”
His head whipped to you, eyes wide and shaking with adrenaline as he gripped his pistol. 
“Cover me!”
Don, Doug - you still don’t know his name - gave you a look, his jaw dropping as he stared at you in unprepared shock. “I-”
“Y/N, don’t-”
Bucky’s warning was ignored as you jumped over the bank and made a run for it. Bullets flew by, hitting the ground at your feet as you weaved through the trees. Pulling a grenade from your belt, you pulled the pin and gave it a toss. It bounced off the side of their truck before hitting the ground and rolling through the dirt of the forest floor.
You threw yourself into the nearest ditch and covered your head seconds before the timer ran out. The explosion echoed through the valley, heat licking at your skin as debris rained down from the treetops. You coughed through the smoke and chanced a peek - their drug-carrying truck was now a burning, soot-covered hunk of metal.
Rising from your hiding spot, you placed your hands on your hips, a triumphant smirk on your lips. “Don’t ever doubt fire, Barnes!”
Bucky’s eye roll could flip planets.
“She’s really hot, man.”
Bucky looked up from his disassembled rifle to his student. The kid wasn’t focused on cleaning his weapons. Instead, he had is focus on you. He’s not wrong; you are hot, especially in that skin-tight under armor. It’s his favorite, the one that sends all his naughty thoughts straight down south.
He clears his throat and gives the kid a look before going back to his own tasks. “Yeah, she is.” “I wonder if she’d let me take her out. Maybe something casual. Pizza?”
“She has high standards for first dates. I don’t think pizza will cut it. She really likes pasta, though.”
“How do you know what she likes?”
Bucky paused, looking to Drake - he’s sure it starts with a D - with raised eyebrows. Is he jealous?
Straightening his posture, Bucky made and held eye contact, ensuring that the grey and gold metal of his arm was in perfect view as the gears softly hummed. He offered a calm smile.
“She’s my wife.”
The kid’s face paled, realization dawning on him. His wide eyes flicked back and forth between Bucky's cold, blank stare and the large, metal appendage that could easily rip his face off. He just made comments about Bucky Barnes’ girl. The Winter Soldier’s girl.
“I, uh-”
“I’ll ask her for you, though,” Bucky grinned, satisfied at the utterly terrified look on the kid’s face. Picking his rag back up, he resumed his work, sparing a few glances to you and those tight leggings. 
The two of them sauntered to your side as you packed your gear. Bucky had a shit-eating grin on his face and his student was avoiding any possible chance at eye contact. 
“You did good, Donovan. There’s a briefing at 8 a.m. tomorrow, don’t be late.” Bucky stood tall beside you, arms crossed and his chest puffed out. You rolled your eyes.
His apprentice gave a nod and headed towards the exit, hands in a vice grip on his bag. He paused and turned at the door, glancing back at the both of you. “My name’s Dick, by the way.”
Bucky nodded as the kid opened and shut the door behind him. “Makes sense.”
“You need to stop scaring the new recruits.”
“You need to stop seducing them,” he grinned, hands roaming to your waist as he buried his face into your neck. 
“You’re disgusting.”
“No, darlin’,” he mumbled, his words muffled against the shell of your ear. His breath sent a shiver down your spine and you couldn’t help but hum at the way his chest curved against your back.  “I’m much worse.”
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