#gryffindor hc
starrynerd · 2 years
you guys know how gryffindor’s chant during quidditch games is “go go gryffindor?”
you cannot convince me that hufflepuff’s isn’t “puff puff pass”
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aithusarosekiller · 3 months
Evan: James Potter? He's so arrogant and boring, what do you even see in him?
Regulus: Oh fuck off, he's-
James: *shoves past a group of kids, blows up snape's cauldron, runs away*
Evan: ....I take it back, that guy's Slytherin levels of awful, I approve of your taste
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ahqkas · 9 days
♯ STARMAN ; remus lupin
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PAIRING! young!remus lupin x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS! during a snowy holiday at the potter residence, remus finds himself caught between the matchmaking ideas of his two best friends and his growing feelings for you
WARNINGS AND TAGS! fluff, idiots to lovers, kissing, james & sirius play the matchmakers, cursing + lmk
NOTES! i posted this back on my old blog in 2022 / 2023 so if you’ve read this before no u didn’t❕ peter is absent in this ff , he’s spending the christmas with his own family
© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified
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Good lads, great company, and even better matchmakers. Who wouldn't want to spend time with them? The two boys were always full of energy, their laughter infectious, and jokes just rolled from their tongues as naturally as breathing. You could be certain that boredom was a foreign concept in their presence.
That's what everyone thought.
Remus Lupin, however, isn't everyone.
To Remus, James and Sirius were more than just pranksters and school celebrities. They were his closest friends, brothers in all but blood, and the kids behind some of the most outlandish escapades Hogwarts had ever seen. Remus saw behind the facade of their shared humor and carefree attitudes. He understood the deeper layers of their cores — the loyalty that bound them together, the masked fears and insecurities, and the stupidity and courage that defined their actions.
James Potter, with his tousled hair and round glasses, had a heart as big as the Quidditch pitch. Sirius Black, with his roguish good looks and devil-may-care attitude, possessed a sharp intellect that clashed perfectly with his rebellious nature.
Yes, to the outside observers, James and Sirius appeared to be the life of the party (which they were) but to Remus, they were the definition of family.
Even though they certainly knew how to fuck things up.
"Just listen to us, Moony! This one will work out, me and James planned it for . . . one week, is it? Just trust us!"
Sirius Black's voice was brimming with enthusiasm, his gray eyes twinkling with the unspoken promise of yet another grand scheme. As these words left his mouth, Remus felt a surge of frustration well up inside him. His hands itched to do something else than the dishes — but he resisted the urge to punch the oldest Black brother. The sheer absurdity of the situation was almost laughable. This wasn't the first time his best friends came up with a plan to help him with one of his many problems. Some of their previous attempts had actually worked out quite well. But there were also unsolved problems that Remus had learned to live with, issues he simply couldn't — or wouldn't — allow them to meddle with. Like this one.
"Exactly, mate! We're not doing this just for fun, you know. We're doing it just for you, because as you can see, we know you don't have the courage to tell [Name] how you feel. And we wouldn't be suggesting this if we didn't think it had a real chance of working."
Remus nearly dropped the plate he was washing onto James' head. Did they really have to put their noses into his personal matters? It wasn't that he lacked the courage — he told himself that repeatedly — but the timing just wasn't right. And he had came over to James' house to enjoy the Christmas holiday in peace, not to snog off his best friend's face.
But once an idea comes into a marauder's head, it won't leave until it's out for the world to see.
Just Remus' luck.
The warm, soapy water cascaded over his hands as he resumed scrubbing the plate, trying to focus on the boring task before him rather than the frustration rushing through his system. Sirius's words carried in the air again.
"It was originally planned for Evans, but she wouldn't be as cool with it as [Name]. You know how they both are! Evans would try to hex James' ugly face first, then mine. And [Name]? Well, it seems like you just have to find out, mate."
You just have to find out, my arse.
"Look, why can't you just keep this thing as it was first planned? I'm sure Lily would appreciate the opportunity to snog James' stupid face," Remus said, his voice tinged with the frustration he felt. James made a noice that sounded suspiciously like a gasp and opened his mouth to protest, but Remus ignored him and kept going. "Okay, maybe not for the next ten years, but one day she surely would."
“For the record, my face is unbelievably handsome, thank you!”
The oldest Black brother crossed his arms across his chest, the rag he used to clean the dishes dangling from his hand and making a puddle of water beside him. James glared daggers at it. "You see, even if you politely declined our offer to bring some spice into your already boring life, we can't take no for an answer. We spent our free time searching up a single spell in the library. A bloody library, Moony! So, no. If you and [Name] don't kiss by the end of the Christmas, this prank will be considered unsuccessful, which is something the Marauders don't do."
Sirius' eyes held the same look of determination they had when Peter confidently told the rest of the group that he, Sirius Black, was going to win the snogging bet they made in their fourth year. Remus hadn't liked that gaze then, and he certainly didn't like it now, because he knew what it meant. Peter had won that bet. Which just means . . .
Remus saw his short life flash before his own eyes. This was not going to end up in the way he would like to. A bad, no wait, a horrible idea. But before he could do something to save himself from the coming catastrophe, the whole point of the prank entered the kitchen with a lopsided smile on your face. The boy always thought you were pretty. A pair of eyes that seemed to brighten up whenever your favourite topic is being talked about. A warm smile that makes Remus feel the comfort you gave to him. He wouldn't need to drink Veritaserum to admit that he fancied you.
"I just finished unpacking my stuff, so if you want to do something together . . ." you trailed off, looking into their eyes with an inviting gaze. Remus awkwardly moved his gaze away, heart pumping against rib cage.
James, being the little shit he is, nudged Sirius with a knowing smirk and nodded his head in the direction of his room. "Well, it looks like our job is finished here, doesn't it, Padfoot? We should help Moony here to unpack his trunk. Come on."
Before the werewolf could do anything to stop his two best mates, James grabbed Sirius by the crook of his elbow and ran into his room, leaving the pair of obvious friends alone in the Potters' kitchen.
You looked around, a little surprised by the sudden reaction of James and Sirius. Remus stood next to the sink, drying his hands on a rag. "That was new."
"Yeah, it was."
You leaned over the table, a playful glint was dancing in your eyes. "So, they left to unpack your trunk, huh? I wouldn't let them do it if I were in your place, because I know how much of a messy person James Potter can be. Sirius does look like one too. I've seen your dorm," you let out a laugh that Remus quickly joined.
"You're not wrong. Last time they helped me unpack, I couldn't find half my things for a week. They think it's hilarious to hide my socks in the most ridiculous places."
A playful twinkle sparkled in your eyes at the sudden memory. "Well, at least you know where to find them when something goes missing. I once found a pair of James' socks in the Astronomy Tower. Still haven't figured out how they got there."
"You know," the boy started, but his dark eyes caught the green and white blur above your head, and his breath hitched in the back of his throat. They really had the guts to do it! A spring of mistletoe hung precariously above you, clearly placed by James and Sirius.
Thinking quickly, Remus took your palm in his and met your gaze again. "You could help me unpack my things, so I know where they are and all that stuff you need to know about unpacking."
With a nod, you let him took the lead. "Okay, Remus. I'll save you from them."
Remus was going to kill these two.
The weather seemed to understand the friend group's wishes for snow, much to their excitement, prompting them all go out and mess around in the white blanket of cold snow. They couldn't charm snowballs yet, and the ice on the lake next to the Potter residence was a bit thin for their liking, but it was fun either way. Laughter and shouts of excitement filled the crisp air as they chased each other, fell into snowdrifts, and made the most of the wintry day.
When they returned home, it was already dark outside, and four mugs of hot chocolate were waiting for them, accompanied by Mrs Potter's cheerful face. The warmth and aroma of the sweet liquid welcomed them inside, melting away the chill from the frost.
James and Sirius, their energy finally exhausted, soon trudged off to bed after they finished their cups, leaving Remus and you to linger a bit longer. The house was quiet now, the only sounds the gentle cracking of fire and the occasional creak of the old wooden floors.
If only it could be like this every day, Remus thought to himself as he sat on the couch beside the fireplace. The flames radiated warmth, and with the mug in his hands, everything felt nice again. No stressing over studying, no thoughts for the upcoming war. He was in his own bubble, praying it wouldn't break at any given moment.
In his lap lay an opened annotated copy of a book you had given him as a Christmas present in your fourth year. He had read the book many times, and each time he found something new that caught his interest. It was like a never-ending story he never planned to finish.
"Hey, Remus."
The sudden sound of your voice and the feeling of your frame settling next to him, a knee brushing against his tight, made him shut the book with unnecessary force. The boy could feel your eyes on the side of his face so, he turned to meet your gaze, brown meeting [eye colour].
Remus had really pretty eyes. The rich brown seemed to melt in the warm room like the sweetest chocolate you had ever put on your tongue, with hazel sparks dancing in them. His eyes held something you couldn't quite put your finger on — a mystery, just like his person. But there was one thing you knew for sure: you would find comfort in them no matter the situation.
As you looked closer, you noticed faint freckles dusting his cheeks. Had they always been there? The gentle smattering of the constellation added to the roughness around his scars, making him appear even more breathtakingly beautiful. You found yourself mesmerized by the little details of his face, each one telling a story of its own.
Remus decided to talk first. "What are you doing here? Not that I mind, I'm just wondering. It's pretty late, you know," after those words left his mouth, Remus felt like a total fool. Merlin, talking with you was getting more difficult since he realized he liked you more than a friend should.
But when he saw your lips curving into a smile, he knew he hadn't messed up. "Can't sleep. It's hard to do so when you have to sleep on a different bed."
"Yeah, I can understand."
Once the comfortable silence fell upon the two of you, Remus wanted to stay like this as long as possible. Life with you in it, even after Hogwarts, would be like a dream come true. You could adopt a cat or a dog together. Remus had always wanted a pet . . . The thought of a future with you filled him with a warm, hopeful feeling.
Suddenly, you were standing on your feet in front of Remus, the book no longer in his lap. Instead, you were holding it open, reading the first words he had written on the front pages. He could feel his neck and ears start to warm up, and he was sure it wasn't from the unfinished hot chocolate.
"Nice book you got here. Must have been a nice present, don't you think?" You were teasing him, he knew it from the glint in your eyes, and you seemed to be enjoying it, too. So, he played along.
"Oh, I don't know, would you be surprised if your friends bought you a book when they see you every morning reading them?"
"This one must be your favourite, as the front is starting to lose its colour."
At the further mention of the book, Remus forgot about the teasing at took it from your hands. "You should read it, [Name], it's a really . . . ," he trailed off again, like he did yesterday, and it started to confuse you more and more. His eyes were looking at something above your head, too. Was the moving photo of little James framed behind you that interesting?
When you started to turn and look, Remus quickly turned you to face the direction of the kitchen and pushed the half filled mug with warm liquid into your palms. "I want more of that. Could you help me make it? Thanks, [Name]."
Remus was ready to push James and Sirius onto the thin ice tomorrow.
Remus didn't like packing. First, he needed to pack at least a day or two before leaving so he could sleep without overthinking, but he did overthink it anyway. Did I pack everything? I think I had more stuff when I got here . . . He usually spends half of the train ride worrying about things like this; the rest was joking around with his friends and saying goodbye for the summer. And second, he didn't like leaving. The places he went to — whether it was Hogwarts or the Potters' — had a special place in the depths of his heart. The only comforting thought in his head about it all was that he would come back.
With a sigh, he started to pick up his jumpers from the Gryffindor-themed rug James had in his room. They had spent their first Christmas together when they were twelve, and the boys slept in separated bedrooms to Mrs Potter's wishes. She wanted them to have their own privacy (they shared a dorm at school, after all), but as time went on and she realised her boys wanted to be together, the witch let them do as they wanted. You got your own room as this was your first holiday here.
As much as Remus thought about the task being annoying and gloomy, it was kind of relaxing to his mind into something else. James and Sirius hadn't tried anything on you two in the last few days, which worried the werewolf a bit. What were they planning? It wasn't like them, giving up on something they were so determined about.
At a knock on the door, Remus put his just-finished folded socks into his trunk and went to open the it. It couldn't be James and Sirius, and the adult Potters had gone for a walk into the village, which just leaves . . . you.
Remus opened the door and revealed, in fact, your glowing face. His eyes took a look at you, and he found himself thinking how pretty you looked.
Your nose and cheeks looked like they were freezing, but it somehow made your face glow. Your beanie covered half of your forehead, and there was a huge spot of unmelted snow on it, probably thrown at you by one of the Marauders. But your eyes still caught his attention first. They showed your real emotions, and you were happy right now, which made Remus feel happy too.
Your smiled reached the corners of your eyes. Remus liked your smile. "Hi! Knew I would find you here. As you can probably see, we are having a snowball fight and I was wondering if you wanted to join me? James is being a git . . .”
Remus couldn't help but chuckle at your enthusiastic invitation. The idea of being outside with you, engaging in a playful snowball fight against his brothers, sounded far more appealing than packing his things. He also knew that if James was being a git, he'd have to intervene to keep the playing field fair.
He listened to you, he really did, but his attention was drawn by the green plant, dangling from the doorframe above your heads. However, this time you followed his gaze and saw what he was always searching for.
Before he could regret what he was about to do, his hands found your cheeks, and his eyes focused on yours, not bothered by the cold that started to reach his palms. "Can I kiss you?"
Your eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. The heartfelt laughter of James and Sirius outside faded into the background, leaving only the two of you in that small, shared moment. A soft smile played on your lips as you voiced your inner desires.
"Yes, Remus, you can."
You placed your hands on the back of his neck, your fingers tangling in the soft hair at the nape, and gently pulled him towards you. Your slightly cold lips met his warm ones, and the contrast sent shivers through both of you. The sensation was intoxicating, a rush of emotions and sensations that made your heart race. The warmth from his mouth spread through you, melting away any lingering cold from outside.
Remus's hands slid from your cheeks to cradle the back of your head, his fingers doing the same thing as yours, threading through your hair. You could feel the slightest tremble in them, a sign that he was just as affected by the kiss as you were.
When you finally pulled back, your foreheads rested against each other, and you took a moment to catch your breath. Your eyelids fluttered open, and the look you shared was one of pure emotion. His brown eyes, now darker with desire and something deeper, gazed into yours with a mix of awe and admiration.
It felt like a core memory of your new found relationship was forming, one that will be forever treasured and reminded with nothing but adoration.
Remus was glad about the whole mistletoe prank but the boys will not hear a word from him about it. They were right, the Marauders won't let a prank go unfinished.
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artsymushu · 2 years
Things guys normally do that look terribly hot when Fred does them
It's canon, he told me himself.
Leaning on the door frame while talking to you
Running the hands through his hair subconsciously, when he's thinking or when he's sweaty after quidditch practice
Stretching, just that. When he's tired in the mornings, or even if he's trying to reach something that's really high and his shirt lifts a little
Helping younger students. no explanation needed here, it's just hot when he helps kids
Being protective, not in a possessive way but in a hold my hand I don't wanna loose you way
Rolling up his shirt sleeves, does this need an explanation too or...?
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t1oui · 1 month
i don't think the hp next gen fandom talks enough about how percy's kids would be treated differently just because they're his.
like, the kids don't know why. neither do their cousins. they're just used to weird looks from their aunt and uncles and grandparents. they're used to fewer photos of their father and more jokes thrown in his direction. they're used to traits they share with percy being seen as a negative.
and maybe it's subtle. maybe their presents at christmas and birthdays aren't as personalized as the presents their cousins get, and maybe they don't notice at first because their parents always try to give them presents they'll definitely love. maybe at family get-togethers, every cousin has one of their favorite sweets made but percy's kids were never asked. but they don't notice this, either, because percy makes a big deal of them baking their favorites together when they get home.
no matter the way you look at it, with percy and audrey or percy and oliver, with percy in gryffindor or slytherin, his kids would've been treated differently by their family.
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radical-ghostface · 1 year
Ominis Gaunt NSFW Headcanons
I feel like Ominis isn't the kinda guy that would wanna 'fuck you'; he would want to make love to you.
Ominis would definitely need an emotional connection before he could sleep with anyone; he needs to be able to trust his partner.
Absolutely LOTS of touching, anywhere and everywhere he can. He can't see you, so he has to make sure to memorize every inch of you with his hands. Every curve and dip. The way your bodies would press together. The feel of his thumb swiping across your lips, gently prying them apart. Feeling you come undone. He wants to remember every second of it.
BIG ON PRAISE. I MEAN HUGE. Words of affirmation, giving, and receiving, (along with touch) are his love language. He loves telling you how amazing you are. How beautiful/handsome you are, going purely off the feel of you body. How good and obedient you're being for him, giving him exactly what he needs. He would be caressing your face lovingly while your mouth was full of his- 😏
He also knows EXACTLY what you like and WILL deliver. It's almost like a 6th sense (or 5th in his case). This man will not allow himself to get off unless you have at least twice already. He gets off on YOU getting off. If you're not enjoying it, neither is he. That brings me to my next point
ORAL GOD. He knows EXACTLY what he's doing (and if you're a girl, he doesn't even have to look for it, he's like a heat-seeking mistle, I swear); his face will be covered with you by the time he's finished.
Overstimulater. Will keep going until you basically beg him to stop. He takes excellent pride in knowing he can get you there as many times as he wants, but he'll be merciful, sometimes.
I feel like he's a pretty tidy boy, so I feel like he would either finish in your mouth or inside of you. He's not going to waste it on your body when he can't even see the results. He'd rather feel you take it all.
The aftercare is elite. He would just hold you and caress you, tell you how much he loves you and how amazing you were. He might even run a bath so you two can just soak together and hold each other.
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not-rab · 1 year
yes trans!regulus chose his first name to be a star, the heart of the lion, for sirius
but do u ever think that his second name, arcturus, guardian of the bear, wasn’t to do with pandora’s patronus being a bear?
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volturissideslut · 6 months
Hi, it's me (anon who requested for cedric's) again, can I ask how would cedric meet reader? Considering reader seems so much tough on outside, how would cedric found out her other side? I think it may be because he found them both too much alike (always taking care of troubles for others) but I would like to know your idea!
𝕮𝖊𝖉𝖗𝖎𝖈 𝕯𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖔𝖗𝖞
"You study a lot for a gryffindor, you know" the smooth voice of Cedric Diggory pulls you out of the trance the transfiguration textbook had you in. Glancing around the table, you notice you're friends have abandoned their studies and dissappear - probably back to the common room for some fun. "I thought you guys were meant to be the hard headed, action loving ones."
Was that teasing you detected?
"We'll, Mister Diggory, " you stack your papers and stand them up, tapping them gently on the table to make them uniform. Did you care about being neat? No. But did it hide your small smile while they were lifted? ... Maybe "your awfully bold for a Hufflepuff. Maybe the sorting hat misplaced you and you should have been one of us 'hard headed, action loving ones' instead"
"Okay, maybe it was a bad line. But it made you talk" he winks. Godrick, he really was bold. Maybe he should have been a gryffindor.
Somehow, your retort catches in your throat and you will the redness to creep back down your neck.
"Transfiguration, huh? I could help you if you want" he continues, giving you the grace of pretending not to notice your flustered state. "I could help you out, you know"
"Cedric, I an a straight 'outstanding' student, while I appreciate it-" you begin only to be interrupted.
"Let me help you anyway. Or you could help me. Any excuse to spend some more time with you, sunshine"
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m0mmat0rtle · 2 months
Most of the characters in hogwarts legacy would have been alive during the sinking of the Titanic. Thats it that’s the post.
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seekmemystar · 3 months
Hc that instead of merlin's beard/Godric Gryffindor Sirius starts using variations of Lupin's name as exclamations in his everyday language like
"Lupin's furry tail, that was close"
"By Lupin's name, I will hex you"
"Remoony's baggy Y-fronts, Minnie's going to kill us!!"
"Lupin's most luxurious pelt, those dungbombs did a number, huh?"
"Moony's pants, what have we done"
It drives Remus up the wall but it catches up with James, Pete and the girls and by extension, the whole Gryffindor tower and soon there are several variations going around and almost on every corner you can hear someone go
"Acting the Lupin"
"Buggering Lupin"
"Gobsmacked Remus"
"In the name of Lupin"
"By the power invested in me by Remus Lupin"
It's hilarious and by the end of their time at Hogwarts, Remus doesn't even notice it anymore to the extent that it goes from blushing profusely and dropping whatever he's holding in surprise to blushing mildly and stuttering.
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Astronomy tower, late evening
6 year!Narcissa, flirting with Alice: Just we two. 1 year!Mary, appering out of nowhere: Ooh, this is so romantic. Narcissa, confuse: Three? 1 year!Marlene: 👋😊 Narcissa, more confused: Four? 1 year!Lily: Hi. Narcissa: Five?! Alice: Oh yes, Cissy. These are my children. Narcissa: Oh, how sweet.
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hollowwrites · 5 months
✨Drabble Masterlist✨
✨ Link to Regular Masterlist ✨
My masterlist got too big so here’s where all the waffley, cutesy stuff goes.
🤍 The Bois 🤍
Oh… and keep an eye on the staircases, they like to change. - How the bois would tackle the girl dorms being inaccessible
I’m Bothered by these Boggarts - Headcanon of what our bois Boggarts would be
All aboard the Hug-Warts Express - How our lads comfort MC
Where has my Cardi-gone - How our bois react to pilfered clothing
Proper Proposals - The lads discussing how they proposed to their significant others
And a Happy New Year - The bois celebrating at a New Year’s party
The Serpent Sisters - Anne, Imelda and Evelyn defending the bois
Medusa’s Vipers - Ominis and Sebastian being protective of Evelyn
🔞 Character AI Screenshots 🔞
Ominis, Garreth and Sebastian, Sebastian again
🎁 Gift Giving 🎁
In game ideas for a relationship system. Like Dragon Age!! Plus I want give my favs gifts Okay?!
Sebastian, Garreth and Ominis
🕯️ Trio Chatter 🕯️
- Based on game files showing we could have had TWO companions. Little conversations between possible combos
Sebastian and Ominis
Ominis and Misc
Garreth and Sebastian
Garreth and Sebastian…again
Sebastian and Imelda
Garreth and Ominis
Poppy and Amit
Trio Chatter for when MC is in a relationship, how each person would behave:
Sebastian and Garreth | Sebastian and Ominis | Garreth and Ominis
Three’s a Crowd - Trio Chatter for a party with all the same house
Trio Chatter for my Ships: Part 1, Part 2
🔮 Random Headcanons 🔮
Garreths’ Nicknames for people
Spell Practise - Ominis and Garreth dialogue for in-game
Class of ‘91 - Ideas for classes for all our favs
Leaving Hogwarts Grounds - Dialogue for dragging our babes out of hogwarts. and some more!!
Hallway Antics - Leander trying to bully Ominis and failing feat. Garreth
Hallway Antics - Garreth and Ominis discuss the origins of Hobhouse hatred
Hallway Antics - Sebastian and Ominis contemplate Garreths’ house
House Pride (and Shame) - MC talking about their different Houses
Parseltongue-tied - Ominis teaching MC Parseltongue (suggestive 🔞)
Mother in Laws Tongue - Ominis can talk to plants too apparently…
A Very Ominous Christmas - 🎄Garreth has a surprise for Ominis
A Magical Christmas - 🎄 Gift Giving amongst the gang
A Weasley Good Christmas - 🎄Garreth giving gifts cause he’s baby boi
Crossed Wands Headcanon - Different duelling styles for our favs
A Summary of The Houses - The difference between my MCs
The Adventures of the Sallow Twins - Garreth and Sebastian discovering they look VAGUELY similar
Tis the Season - 🎃 Pumpkin spice Drabble for Ominis, Sebastian and Eve
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the-sun-is-also-a-star · 10 months
the thing that truly irks me about most recent characterization of wolfstar discourse is that you people do not understand BALANCE.
people are complex and so are characters. you all act like remus and sirius are either one way or the other and thats simply not true!!
let sirius wear leather and have piercings and tattoos and smoke and be cool and popular and loud. but also let him wear eyeliner and pretty bracelets and care about his hair and wear make up and be excitable and kind. let him be shorter than the other maruaders but still tall and let him wear heeled boots and let him wear lipgloss and let him speak fluent french. let him have a huge motorcyle and let him wear cropped shirts and let him know how to fist fight the muggle way. let him moody and tempremental and let him laugh loudly and let him have soft hands and pretty fingers and let him get angry and mean. let him be a powerful wizard and let him giggle and chuckle and let him be so so brilliant.
let remus be tall really really tall and let him be so so sweet and soft spoken. and let him be quiet and broody and look friendly despite the scars. let him wear sweaters and slacks and let him love tea. let him be kind to the younger years and let him be good with kids. let him paint his nails and have a crooked smile and let him have anger issues and let him be cold when angry. let him be lanky and welsh and let him love his mother. let him be smart oh so smart and let him love hard. let him be possessive and jealous and let him smoke and let him be awkward. let him be hot and let him be unaware and let him get drunk and dance on tables.
what im trying to say is, there is no right and wrong at the end of the day, just don't let them be two dimensional, and remember that we're all having fun <33
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brokoala-soup · 22 days
sirius being hit on by random people cuz ofc he's flaming hot cheetos and then he points to remus, his boyfriend, the Casanova of gryffindor tower and everyone's sexual awakening it's just-
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ggwendolyn · 5 months
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BF!Fred who settled his eyes on you since he saw you on his store. A spark illuminated his chocolate eyes, he had to blink twice to check you were real.
BF!Fred who approached you with a foolish grin, leaning on a counter and accidentally dropping the whole prank stuff stand.
BF!Fred who was so ashamed of it but it immediately vanished when he heard your little giggle as you covered your mouth with your hand.
BF!Fred who couldn't stop staring as you crouched down in the floor to help him put everything where it belonged.
BF!Fred who asked you on a date when you finished arranging everything on its respective shelf.
“It's on me, take it as a thank you. Besides, who wouldn't like to go on a date with me?” He said, smiling smugly before chuckling.
BF!Fred who after starting dating you, he invited you over saying "my parents won't be home" but then you find the whole Weasley bloodline completely amazed by you and the redheaded fool who had his hand rubbing your waist.
BF!Fred who introduced you as "his future wife", and you couldn't help but nudge his rib cage while cursing him out in murmurs.
BF!Fred who said "can I be your boyfriend?" after three months of dating.
“I know three months it's not much, but I'm so in love with you that I can't help it. Please, let me be your boyfriend.” He mumbled as he hid his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent in case that was the last day he saw you.
BF!Fred who was literally FLABBERGASTED when you said yes.
BF!Fred who randomly asks you if you'd love him if he was a worm, a raccoon, a ferret, a raven, a skunk, anything.
BF!Fred who once left a hickey on your forehead while you were sleeping and laughed the hell outta him once he saw your reaction.
BF!Fred who knows you're a little of a bookworm so he leaves cute notes or weird remarks and opinions about your book though he just saw the back of the book and its cover.
BF!Fred who was kinda embarrassed when Molly gifted you a sweater with your name on Christmas, but you were nothing but happy to wear it.
BF!Fred who likes to take showers and baths with you but not in a sexual way, it just relaxes him and makes him feel loved and safe.
BF!Fred who bought a little shack for you two to live in. He was kinda broke after that but when he saw your face he couldn't care less about money.
BF!Fred who appreciates when you help with the bills knowing he's not very smart when it's about saving money for important stuff.
BF!Fred who adopted a stray cat without you knowing, thinking he'd hide the cat but you found him and the stray sleeping lazily together.
BF!Fred who tried to explain to you the whole cat thing but you said you didn't care, in fact you were happy about having a little buddy in the house.
BF!Fred whose heart's warm up when he saw you preparing him a lunchbox for him to take to work. (He almost cried when you said you also did one for George.)
BF!Fred who loves you, no matter what.
BF!Fred who's always by your side, supporting you for anything you need him to.
BF!Fred who wouldn't hesitate to risk himself for your safety.
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© ggwendolyn 2024
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moonyssmommyy · 10 months
My Marauders Headcanons Pt. 1 ~ James Potter
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His full name is in fact James Fleamont Potter
His eyes are hazel but they're the really pretty blue-green kind
He laughs at his own jokes
His favorite color is unironically red
James was born really early in the morning
6:57 a.m. to be exact
James also likes to get up really early in the morning
He likes to start his days at 5:00 a.m.
Bro has really thick, slutty, muscular thighs
His love language is physical touch
James has big boobs <3
No but like he has really nice pecs
And REALLY nice biceps
Like omfg
Thank you quidditch
He made the Gryffindor Quidditch Team as a chaser in his 4th year
He played Seeker his 2nd and 3rd year
Stole the snitch his last game as seeker
Has a bunch of prank ideas in a book (Dear God, don't let McGonagall find it 🙏🏼)
Honestly likes being a chaser better but is always playing with the golden snitch bc he thinks it's cool
He low-key has lucky socks
James is an attention whore
He's a momma's boy
He's just like Fleamont was when he was younger
He's honestly quite emotional but won't really show it around most people
James fav candy is starbursts specifically the red ones
He also really likes Legos
James' fav thing about the muggle world is arcades
LOVES swimming
Monty taught him
Euphemia doesn't know how
James always feels like he's hot
His style is 80s heartthrob meets rich boy
James gets heat induced insomnia and if he doesn't get enough sleep he cries
Cries out of frustration
Prongs' antlers are curved
Gets flustered really easily although he is very charming and usually causes others to be flustered without meaning to
Spanish James!!!
His mother always says he's a 'true' Spaniard bc of his pale skin and blue eyes
James hates that he's not tan like his mom but doesn't realize he literally gets so dark during the summer
When he speaks Spanish Lord have mercy
Boy is allergic to shirts
Or at least you'd think
He's very touch sensitive?
Like if something doesn't feel right it will not go on his body
He's an extrovert but he hates loud noises, Remus thinks it's odd considering how loud James is
Not to mention his best friends are literally Sirius Black and Marlene Mckinnon
He has ADD, ADHD and Bipolar (I'm pretty sure ADD and ADHD are diagnosed as the same thing now)
Moral alignment is chaotic good
He has perfected the puppy dog eyes, and it's literally impossible for anyone to say no to him
James is a very affectionate person
He's really loyal and he's really protective
Marlene and Peter are his childhood best friends
Marlene and James have a matching pair of red converse
He's rich, and his parents spoil him, and yes he can be an arrogant dickwad but deep down under all his unsavory qualities he's a really sweet guy with a really big heart
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