#gun sounds
Real world gun sounds
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freedomisdojaja · 2 years
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gunsoundsimulator · 1 year
Real gun sounds, sound game with 100+ weapon sounds of gunshot with simulation.
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Are you ready for an action-packed gun-shooting game? Explore a wide collection of realistic and fake guns, listen to gun shooting sounds as well as other powerful weapons sounds to serve your passion for warfare and powerful weapons. Enjoy the real life gunshot sounds and motions of your guns. Pick up your favorite gun and shoot your target now!
Gun shooting simulator game lets you shoot a wide range of guns such as shotguns, handguns, assault rifles, AK 47, RPG, SMGs, Snipers, and more to have thrilling fun with your friends. Its freaking sound and simulation make it look real.
This gun simulator game is a harmless and safe way to experience real gun shooting. In order to give you real-life experience in gun shooting we design this shotgun sounds: gun simulator game in a way that perfectly fits your mobile so you can hold it like a real gun. Also, when you press the trigger and fire the gun the real sounds and muzzle flash will come out of your device therefore you get a feeling of it perfectly like an actual gun.
- Real and natural gun sounds game - A wide range of weapons to play with - While firing guns, the phone vibrates and flashes turn on for making your experience more realistic - All gun sound effects are available to prank your friends - Shack the mobile to blast the granade - Four modes for shooting guns: Single shot, burst mode, auto, & shake mode - War-like UI/UX to give a natural touch to guns when you hold the device - History of guns to know more about them - A lot of guns to play with - Auto reload and unlimited ammo - Safe and won't hurt anyone
How to Play?
The gun sounds gun app simulator game is very easy to play. we designed the game in such a way that anyone, kids, teen, young, and old people can easily play with it.
All you need to do is follow below steps:
1. Download the Gun Simulator: Real Gun Sounds game into your mobile 2. Choose your weapons: Guns, Assault Rifles, or Granade 3. Now load your weapon & press the trigger 4. When you press the trigger you notice vibration and flash with the gun should
It is that easy!!!
What to Play with Gun Sounds Simulator Game?
You can play pranks and many games with your friends by using a gun sounds simulator game.
→ Prank your friends and scare them with real gun sounds. Its thrilling shotgun sounds will freak them out → Play a real war game with your friends. Load your guns and fire on them → Best for gun training and learning to improve your aiming skills and be a shooting master → Real gun sound effects to frighten your family members → Also really works on pets, Making them angry or panic by sounds of gun weapon simulator
Which weapons you will get in this Real Gun Sounds Simulator?
~ AK 47 ~ M1-J ~ Bang Flag ~ SVD ~ A1-L96 A1 ~ M84-Granade ~ Granade-F-1 ~ Bomb ~ Browning-M2HB ~ Bazooka ~ Groza ~ Coachcan ~ F 2000 ~ Skorpion ~ Colt-Python ~ Eacle-MI ~ FN-M249 ~ Flame Thrower ~ M 32 ~ Laser ~ Handgun ~ Pistol ~ ShotGun ~ Molten Beast
Show your Gun-Fu skills to everyone and fire the guns like a pro. Download the gun sounds - weapon simulator game on your smartphone.
We would love to hear about your experience! Kindly send your feedback via reviews or mail to help us to improve the game. Please, let us know which gun or weapon you want to fire in the game. Don't forget to rate us.
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crtter · 1 day
My headphones finally broke beyond what I could solve with a hot glue gun and a positive mindset so I had to cave in and do one of my least favorite things in the world: spend money on anything I don’t literally need to keep my mammalian body alive and/or functional. This time, I was determined to resist my usual impulse of just buying the cheapest good available and treat it like it was made out of crystal because, as I’ve sadly come to learn, there IS such a thing as “so shoddily made it’ll crumble on itself if you look at it wrong” when it comes to electronics.
So I was like “Alright, no more cheap shit. I’m going to spend at least $30 on a replacement. Something from an actual, recognizable brand instead of ‘Heavenly Sound 35K7-D’ or whatever. This way it’ll last more than six months.” just to immediately lose all my resolve as soon as I spotted a pair of shitty $11 headphones with speakers shaped like skulls. I might be able to talk myself out of my ascetic ways but the scene kid I was twenty years ago is still alive inside of me and they love skulls almost as much as they love Le Disko by Shiny Toy Guns.
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kandavers · 1 day
Argenti finally shares a bed with BootHill but he snores like a problematic car engine
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
de-aged Danny is one of my babies,
Shit hits the fan with the giw and Danny is super injured and Clockwork has to mess with some things so Danny doesn’t return to his core being vulnerable and sends him millions of miles away to Gotham and in the process Danny becomes 6/10 years old and is weeks healed due to being smaller and costing less ectoplasm but is still achy, Danny is steered to Jason’s apartment where he just got off his shift and then his is the twist! Jason is mute due to an accident with the joker and Batman (batman unintentionally causing his muteness) and out of reflex of a child on his counter hand first into a box of Cheerios let’s put a exasperated noise of flames and a lighter and Danny responds with his own spark of electricity and Jason is shocked (hehe) that Danny can understand and even communicate can he just lets out everything he’s been doing since “holy shit I can talk to someone normally” and then he realizes this child has the same scar as him and is pissed but Danny calms him down and calms the pits and he’s like “okay you’re mine now shit- I’m like Bruce- no. I’ll think about this later-“ Danny is super cute and Jason is having a field day with parent hood and Jason gives Danny a comm for when he goes out but he’s only allowed to speak in ghost speak and the rest are confused when Jason sprints away and they follow to see Danny in Jason’s arms being lulled to sleep with a man on the ground knocked out or dead who knows not Jason because it was shoot & punch and ask questions later and then Danny says sleepily “Oh your daddy’s brothers, hi” like it’s normal to meet family in this situation and Jason puts him to bed before signing “Say anything to Bruce and you will never be called uncle or attend his birthday in your life.”
Bruce only finds out when Jason some how ends up super injured and can’t sign and Danny translates (no editing just straight he said fucking hell) and introduces himself as Danny Todd, Bruce privately cried a little
The Waynes knew that Jason had become far more distant since his accident. Bruce blamed himself, but in the end, it was Joker all over again.
The family had been on other missions when a distress call from Bruce came in. They all raced to give aid- if it was Bruce calling, then you know it was a huge deal- only to find their father figure pressing his hands desperately to the neck of a bleeding Jason.
The Joker had sliced his neck in one of his sick games.
They were able to get him to medical aid and save his life, but the damage to his vocal cords had been too severe. Jason would never be able to speak again.
Since then, Jason has kept his distance. The whole family was fluent in sign language- one of the first of many languages Bruce had them learn for their Bat training- but it only helped them if Jason wanted to sign around them.
It felt like the second oldest was actively trying to avoid the acknowledgment of his injury. Little by little, Jason began to drift away from the family. He no longer arrived early for family dinners to help Alfred cook, he did not say for games or movies afterward, he found excuses to not hang out with the family members, and even after patrol, he left as soon as he finished.
Even texts were becoming less and less frequent. The Wayne children attempt to surprise visit him just so they can make sure he isn't alone until Jason starts jumping between safe houses.
Jason is isolating himself, and the Waynes are alarmed by the way he is retreating into himself. This continued for months, and nothing they did worked to help him.
Despite the desperate attempts to connect to him, Jason was too far gone to be reached. He did not die, but they lost him all the same.
Then, one day, out of the blue, Jason's distance changed. Yes, he was still not coming around the family much, but the sadness on his shoulders loosened.
His demeanor was still tired, but not as if his soul was exhausted. He still ran off after patrol, but instead of a shameful shuffle, his stride was more excited.
No one knew why, but Wyanes breathed a sigh of relief at the change.
They also had some theories.
"He has a lover!" Dick exclaims after watching Jason run off the second Bruce dismisses them. He had stopped to clean himself up a little before riding out as Jason, the civilian. "He's going to go get ready for a hot date."
"He found a new book series." Duke offered as Jason seemed to be writing in a little notebook. He was thoughtful and dazed as he wrote like whatever notes he took were something he would revisit again. "He is writing fanfiction again."
"His crime empire is being threatened, so he is slowly picking off traitors," Tim proposed after seeing Jason upgrade his security to his home and safe houses. He even added a new line to the cons so that he could listen to his home like a Bat version of a baby monitor. "Doing it quick and quietly to not let them escape."
"He is going back to school!" Steph announced happily when she saw him at the store buying school supplies. "He can finally get that diploma he has always wanted!"
"He has found a new passion for a hobby," Damian countered after seeing Jason look over his old art easel. Jason had asked Damian what he recommended for a beginner. "It's allowing him to have an outlet in a creative, healthy manner."
"He has fallen for a book character again and can't tell the difference between reality and Fiction." Bruce fretted after seeing Jason chuckle to himself at post-it notes that had little hearts in his lunch box. They were signed by Jason's favorite characters in a writing that was reasonably similar to Jason's.
Cass only smiled knowingly, but she always seemed to know more of what was happening than the rest, no matter the situation.
The only other person who knew more than her was Alfred, but that man would never share secrets with anyone for any reason.
Jason seemed unaware of their theories or concerns (Bruce) since he was always busy doing whatever he was doing. It got to the point they decided to follow him about, only becoming more confused when Jason visited places like pre-schools and kid-friendly parks around the city.
It didn't help that Jason caught on to the fact he was being followed, leading the Bats all over the city to random locations and had them fumbling about what was a natural destination and what was retaliation for the trailing.
Then, one night, while the Bats were meeting up on a rooftop for some briefing and a breather, the new con line sprung to life, scaring everyone connected to it out of their skins.
"There is a strange man in the house!" A voice screeched. A young voice, one that didn't even sound like it belonged to someone who had reached their double digits.
At once, Jason jumped from his slouched-over position near the building's roof door and flung himself over the edge. His grabbing hook hissed as the large man threw himself across the rooftops frantically.
Stunned, the Bats watched him go, unsure of what was happening, until the young voice spoke again, a soft whisper. "He is in the hall- he has a knife."
A strange crackle of fire and electricity was heard over the con, and it took them all a moment to realize that it had come from Jason. The child- a boy based on the voice- responded with a slight tremble. "I'm hiding in my closet. I'm scared."
The words of a distressed child kickstart their brains, and everyone snaps to attention.
"Oracle, where is the signal originating from?" Bruce snaps, throwing himself over the edge to follow Jason. The rest of the family is right behind him.
"Jason's safe house in Uptown Gotham," Babs responds instantly with the accompanying clicking of her keyboard. She sucks a breath through her teeth in a pained hiss. "B, the address for Jason's safe house... it's connected to Upper Smiles Preschool for Danny Todd. Jason is marked as his father."
There is ice in everyone's veins when she says that as Danny- Jason's son- lets out a choked sob, then a scream that horrifies everyone as they try to run faster. "He found me! Help! Help! Daddy! Help!"
A boom goes off across the communicator, and they know Jason is responsible for the nose, but there is no explosion. Not that it matters.
They, too, understand what Jason meant by the strange noise he made- it's a protective rage that someone would dare to even think of harming one of their own.
Every Wayne pushes themselves past their limits, unwilling to let themselves be too late.
"Hold on, sweetheart, help is on the way. Hit him with anything around you until it gets there." Babs tells him, her voice cracking as Danny cries, and a man yelling can be heard.
"You little shit!" An unknown roars, and everyone hates him instantly. "I'll teach you some fucking manners!"
"Let me go! Let me go!"
They are ten minutes out even when they drop into the batmobile and company bikes. Jason is only eight. But every second feels like a lifetime as they listen to what Danny is going through.
There are sounds of struggles, of a tiny voice screaming and crying, then- gunshots.
Two loud and clear gunshots. Then silence, the kind that makes even a grave loud.
Bruce's grip on the steering wheel tightens to the point of pain, and everyone is in no better state. The silence over the con is just as devastating as Jason's mournful crackle, like a dying fire.
No. No gods, no, please don't let this mean Danny is-
"Not to worry, dear child, I am here." Alfred's warm, soothing voice is heard, and everyone almost collapses in relief. Danny's cries are muffled like his face is pressed against something as Alfred coos. "It's alright. It's alright, you're safe now. Shh"
Jason makes a sound similar to thunder.
"Yes, Master Jason, I was in the neighborhood. I wanted to bring my great-grandson a little present and saw this healthen mucking about where he does not belong. I shall be moving Danny to the manor."
It's a command that does not allow any arguing, but no one dares to say anything as they collectively change direction to the manor. Patrol for the night has been canceled.
They had a new little addition to the family that needed them more than ever. Now that they knew about him, they would never allow Jason to keep Danny away from them.
Later in the night, after hugs, kisses, and greetings, Danny is painting alongside Damian. He standing on a small stool to reach the easel, wearing an apron with the Batman symbol, and is smiling like there are no troubles in the world.
Everyone's heart melts when he asks them if they can sit still for him to paint a family portrait. He isn't Jason's by blood, but that has hardly mattered to a family such as the Waynes.
All they need to know is that Danny was found wandering around Jason's old safe house, speaking in the strange sounds that Jason could make, and was the cause for the second oldest to regain his joy of life.
All that mattered was that tiny, little six-year-old Danny Todd was one of theirs, and they would love him with all their hearts.
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fatalwhims · 1 year
OK i know that we’ve all lost our minds over the animation in this scene, BUT can we also talk about the the sound effects/sound mixing??
I jumped when I heard Vash’s gun go off for the first time in this ep. The deep bass was so jarring, which was heightened by the fact that we’re so not used to hearing Vash SHOOT. 
And then the way that the music fades as they focus on Vash reloading makes time feel like it’s slowing down and we’re there in the moment with him. 
IMO Orange has done an amazing job with this adaptation. The animation has been the focus and rightfully so, but everything else has been incredible as well.
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welcometogrouchland · 18 days
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Disgustingly messy and crusty sketch dump but I couldn't get my own terrible theory out of my head and ended up making a bunch of sketches about it. Also at the end a bonus dickbats and Damian doodle bc I was reading an issue of their Batman and Robin run (IDs in Alt)
#dc comics#dc#batfamily#batman#damian wayne#stephanie brown#tim drake#dick grayson#cassandra cain#duke thomas#anyway. zdarsky run sure is something huh?#its still so funny to me that half of 148 was leaked a few days before like someone has it OUT for that book over at bleeding cool ig#i don't necessarily think this theory will come true I'm just imagining how stupid it would be if it did#I'm not super happy with the dialogue in the cass+duke+dick comic but i felt my og dialogue might've read too fanon#mainly just bc cass' last sentence was originally shorter/just ellipses and duke said smthin like ''wait? villain arc?''#which you could easily find in wayne family adventures. even tho it would've been appropriate for this situation 😭#now the dialogue just sounds kind of generic (esp cass') and it's BOTHERING ME AUGHH. this is the comic book fandom panopticon /j#anyway Bruce is in the retirement home in this scenario /j#me n my friends were talking over discord and came up w the cursed scenario that jason is tims robin in this (apart of the 'redemption' arc#-that he's been nail gunned with in this run. god this run is so weird when it comes to jason. like it doesn't outright dislike him-#-like it clearly does damian and (more obviously) cass steph and duke) but the tone of everything w jason is still bizarre#god. anyway yeah i didn't draw him but please picture grown man tank Jason in the robin undies (ala tt 03 but dare i say better)#also the dick being silly sketch was bc the issue i was reading had damian refer to dick as 'jolly'#specifically like ''unreasonably jolly'' or something like that (god i love when ppl find dicks cheerfulness deeply unsettling hehehe)#and i thought it was so funny. bc damian met dick when we has going through his ''bruce is dead'' depression-#-and STILL thought that dick was extremely unserious. he sees happy dick and is like ''what is wrong w you. genuinely''#but at the same time he loves it#i need to stop reading their batman and robin run so scatteredly (or i can just reread nightwing must die...always a possibility)#anyway yeah 👍 bad sketches be upon you#mine
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stopthatfool · 6 months
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i know he snores like a fucking beast. i know it wakes everybody up. and i know he falls asleep in a matter of seconds. so you can't even fall asleep before him. you can't beat him. honk shoooo honk shooo head ass. i want him fucking dead. tucking him in bed all nice and warm as i type this.
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tizzymcwizzy · 2 years
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I MADE A ZINE FOR ONE OF MY FINAL PROJECTS!! man this took me a long ass time,, but it's done!!!!
this story is based on a memory from my senior year of highschool, where during the second to last art club of the year i played my friend's violin after not playing the instrument for around 4 years
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lelelego · 1 year
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couple of problem solvers
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bonetrousledbones · 2 years
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redrew this old thing to be more faithful to the original art and ngl i’m obsessed with it now
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fourthgem · 1 year
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error: sound.exe has stopped working
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heckitall · 1 year
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back - next
im trying really hard to pretend the real world outside doesnt exist rn so im obsessively drawing
so…. be prepared? i guess?
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alpha00zero · 3 months
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Whoever made the sound design for Magick Bolt in DD2 deserve a raise.
Magick Colt.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie, shoving his phone in Steve’s face: Let’s try this again. Who is the most metal person you know?
Steve: Oh, it’s this guy that danced to a Bon Jovi song at of his wedding, you know.
Steve: You know the guy? He’s got big brown puppy dog eyes and great hair, wears all these rings. Big personality, love of my life, you know him?
Eddie: I can’t believe you publicly outed me as a guy that likes one Bon Jovi song
Steve, to the camera: He sings Bad Medicine in the shower!
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