#hah studies? more like studies to be lazy
lizardsarecute · 9 months
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spent the rest of my evening making character palettes for the cast just so I can bumrush colors--totally worth it.
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bucketinyourwalls · 2 years
Body Guard!Postal 4 Dude x Reader
WARNINGS: Slight angst, mentions of a gunshot and stab wound, blood, OOC Dude (I’m far too dumb to get his personality right), rushed and shit writing
Word Count: 1449
A/N: It’s been a good while since I’ve written anything so I’m sorry if this turns out to be shit. And thanks to @strawbrygashez for inspiring me to take a stab at writing fanfiction again so I can write about two old people in love <3. And as an add-on, gonna have this take place after the events of Postal 4, primarily since I’m too lazy to look up the lore and try to remember everything about this game past Tuesday.
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“Come in.”
You stared at the door as you heard a knock, assuming it was the new bodyguard your boss had sent you. You were due for a meeting with one of the people you work with in a few days, so your boss figured you’d need a bodyguard. She knows you’re able to fight and defend yourself if all goes to shit, but you’re getting up in age and figured extra help would be nice. Besides, having a bodyguard would be nice. At least for this job.
But with those thoughts finishing up, you saw a man enter your office. And to say the least, he looked like shit. Guy was in a purple bathrobe of all things and may as well just be wearing pajamas. And... are those socks with sandals?? But eh, whatever. Maybe this guy will be better aside from his appearance and god awful smell.
“I’m assuming you’re the bodyguard my boss hired?” You stared at him as you spoke, carefully studying the man as he sat down.
“Uh, yeah. That’s me, I guess.” He responded while glancing around the place, seemingly bored. And honestly, you don’t blame him. The place wasn’t too interesting, nor was the job. And for a man of his age from what little scraps of information you’ve gotten, the work would better be suited for someone younger. Or just someone with an actual interest.
“Mm, yep. Say, aren’t you just a tad too old to be working jobs like these? Or are you just doing this for fun while in retirement?” You continued staring at him while speaking, with the man quiet for a few seconds before laughing. “Man, you’re kind of funny. If that’s the case, wouldn’t you be too old for this kind of shit as well-?” He asked while looking at you, crossing his arms and seemingly enjoying the interaction between you two.
“Ah, I wish. That would be so damn good to just get some rest...“ You softly smiled at his words while thinking, but quickly returned to a more serious demeanor. “So, ‘Postal Dude’, right? Man, your parents must have hated you for that to be your legal name. And as an extra note, couldn’t you have come in something just a bit more professional? Plus, you smell like shit.” You kept examining him while questioning, wondering just why he had to come here dressed like that. What the hell does your boss see in this guy?
“Eh, don’t care much. Just here for some quick cash. And yeah, guess my parents really did. But eh, at least the names a bit funny.”
With his answer you just sighed, getting up from your desk and placing a hand on his shoulder as you headed towards your door. “It’s almost lunch, so I’ll be going now. But, for the day that you do start working with us make sure you actually smell good. And try to dress at least decently. I don’t want to be seen with a guy that goes to work in a bathrobe.” And without further words you walked out to grab lunch, not bothering to let him ask for anything further.
For now, until the job was over the two of you were stuck with each other. And after the job, you two were still stuck.
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Surprisingly, he did a really good job. And so, your boss permanently hired him for the rest of your work. At first it definitely wasn’t the best, but thankfully you two actually managed to become friends, and your work is now just more enjoyable. Hell, you even managed to gain a little crush on the guy. It was confusing as hell, but you already knew the feelings weren’t mutual.
Especially now that you’re dying in an alley.
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Hah... how could a simple smoke break jump to you being attacked by three guys looking to take your shit? God, the world is so shit. And now because of a simple smoke break, you had a gun wound near your side and a deep stab wound in your thigh. Maybe even a badly bleeding cut near your neck. Not even mentioning all the other less deep stab wounds closer to areas considered fatal and all the little cuts constantly stinging. Either way, you’re bruised quite badly, your face is bloodied to high hell, and you’re bleeding out.
“Heh... this sucks.” You quietly muttered to yourself, holding to your bleeding side and trying to keep all the blood in. If you’re lucky, maybe Dude would find you. Maybe he would save you. But, you already knew that was a hopeless possibility. Life isn’t a fairytale, after all. It’s shit, and people die. And now, you were about to be one of those people.
God knows how long you just sat surrounded by trash and your own blood. You could already tell that your vision was slowly going black and fading. Guess this dingy alley is where you’d die, huh? Too bad you never got to tell Dude about your little crush on him. Too bad you never got to say proper goodbyes to what family you have left, both biological and found. Too bad you never got to finally retire.
But none of that mattered now. Your consciousness was quickly slipping, and your body slowly went limp. And as the black void nearly consumed your vision, you heard a voice yelling out for you, with both the voice and rapid footsteps quickly coming closer. It was Dude’s voice. But, none of it mattered anyways. At least he was willing to help you, even if you were on your dying breath.
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But just maybe, you managed to live. It’s a surprise to be sure, but a pleasant one. And speaking of pleasant surprises, you slowly woke up and softly hissed at the bright lights, having to take a while to adjust to the sheer white.
“Jesus, I thought I lost you!”
At the words you slowly looked over to your right, beholding a noticeably concerned Dude sitting by your side. Did he really wait here the whole time?
“Dude-? Did you really wait for me?” You asked while quietly chuckling, with Dude blushing a small but noticeable shade of red. Huh, weird.
“Hah, you look cute when you blush.” You chuckled again, enjoying his reactions before he gently grabbed your hand, wearing a concerned expression.
“C’mon, quit joking around. You could’ve died y’know. Tch, you’re a fucking dumbass.” As he spoke his voice was laced with concern, with his eyes constantly darting around. Even with his sunglasses on, it was noticeable as all hell. “Damn, you sound so sappy. It’s disgusting, stop that.” You joked while playfully hitting his shoulder, doing what you could to cheer him up and keep yourself calm at the same time. But well, it wasn’t quite working for either of you.
“Besides, why do you care so much? Not like you’re in love with me or anything.” You continued joking around, but his awful silence and growing blush certainly said another story. “You’re not actually in love with me, right?”
For a good while he remained silent before smirking, quietly laughing as he put an arm around your shoulder, mindful of your wounds. “Of course I am, and I know you are too. What, don’t think I’d notice the little crush you had on me?”
And now was your turn to become flustered. Has it really been so noticeable the whole time? But either way even with his words, you were simply glad that your feelings were mutual. And for the first time in a while, just glad to be alive.
“Well, I’m glad those feelings are mutual.” You softly chuckled before gently grabbing his chin, moving a few loose gray hairs out of the way while admiring his cute ass face. “May I?”
“Of course, my love.”
And with his confirmation, the two of you shared a kiss. And honestly, it was better than you thought. On both ends it remained soft and satisfying, lasting for as long as it needed until the two of you pulled away from each other. The slightly dazed look resting upon his face was certainly a sight to behold.
“You look so fucking cute, y’know that?” You softly smiled at him and his dazed face, with him doing the same. “And so do you, my love. God, I love you so fucking much.” And with his response you continued smiling, resting your forehead against his own. The moment was so nice. It was so peaceful. And the two of you never wanted it to end.
“I love you so much, Dude.”
“Hah... love ya too, my dear.”
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cerasum-chrysanthes · 3 months
Hey Tumblr! It's been a while.
Been very active on Twitter recently, lots of TADC friends are there more than here and it's been crazy interacting with so many cool artists.
Anyway, some news on my end I guess:
I'm still retraining and it's going well. Got 2s and 3s (that'd be Bs and Cs) as grades. Could be better if I was actually studying tbh, but for not studying, this is surprisingly good. Hah...
That IT Specialist diploma is getting there!!
On another note, I also lost contact with my biological father recently. I had to block him.
I posted in my WhatsApp status that I'm disappointed in the outcome of the votes in germany. Right-wing parties winning... goes to show how shit the education is. I wasn't even talking specifically to him. He never messages me, but neither do I message him. I never had much of a real father-daughter-relationship with him anyway, but it definitely hurt when it happened.
He messaged me and told me I was the one supporting terrorism for being left? And that 'my generation' are all lazy and stupid and uneducated and that caring for human rights is fascism.
He swallowed all the right-wing propaganda it seems. The saddest part is, as always: Sure, there's always people like that in any generation and I can believe that there will be some millennials like that. And sure, due to my mental illnesses (caused by my family!) I have some struggles in life. But I am actively getting a higher education right now (and will have the highest education in my entire family...), I am working, I HAVE WORKED A SLAVE JOB FOR 5 YEARS, 12+ hours of work every day! And yes, you have to be careful with what to believe when it comes to things like what's happening with Palestine and Israel.
But the thing is: I think saying "I'm against war and genocide and people killing other people for ANY reason" shouldn't be controversial. But it apparently is. Apparently hundreds and thousands of innocent people being killed and hospitals and ambulances being bombed, actual war crimes being committed is more supported than... peace.
Do I support people saying that jewish people should be killed, celebrating the death of those? Absolutely not. Just like there are russians against the war in ukraine, there are jewish people who are against what's happening in palestine. No innocent people deserve to die. Period.
That's apparently a problematic point of view to have and makes me a fascist according to my own father. I think it's a problem of austria and germany, being too afraid to say that Israel is doing something wrong because they are afraid to be affiliated with Nazis again.
We learn about our past in school. I did anyway, idk what's wrong with the rest of the fucking country. Genocide is never okay, no matter who does it. If being against all of that makes me a fascist in some people's eyes, so be it.
I'm lucky to have moved out over 12 years ago from my family. There are so many reasons why cutting contact with all of them is better. The little support and positive things I got from them doesn't outweigh the negatives. If my own father can't ask me every now and then about how I am and only approaches me to tell me I'm a bad person when I post human-rights-supporting status, then that's no father I want.
It's been about 10 days. I got sick shortly after that happened and have been on sick leave for the entire week. It was probably COVID because I couldn't taste anything for a few days. I'm still coughing a lot.
Been playing Elden Ring again.
Lost my motivation for art.
Life goes on.
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backalleymerchent · 1 year
"Oh you're looking for some kind of item. You'll have to be specific I can get my hands on anything. Don't get me wrong but I do need to know what I'm looking for." from Ash
Eban leaned back as their smile twitched down as they never liked the process of asking for themselves. At least in the process of resetting up their life. Closing their one eye, they leaned back as the chair creaked under them as their weight shifted. Since the raid on the last xenos market, things have been more complicated then Eban wanted to admit. Out loud anyways. And there were favors they wanted to keep for larger deals and get out of trouble cards. Between something for heavy lifting, keeping dangerous occupants, own safety, information packets, fake credentials to slip by the law. Breathing out they ruffle their unruly hair as they relax the strain on the chair to rock back forward.
"Personally I could probably look at getting stasis field or three. Not the most exciting but I am looking to set up shop again and hah you know there are some weird nobles out there who want exotic animals and plants. As well as folks who want to study more questionable specimens." Setting an arm on the table before them, they give a lazy grin. "You know the freaks and weirdos... ah.." Remembering who they are talking to and the myths and legends around some rogue traders, they wave their hand as if blowing away smoke. Nervous laughter escaped them as their face wrinkled into an apologetic squint, "Not you of course, nor your great house. Heard nothin' but the cleanest of whispers." Reaching into their over coat they searched for their pack of lo-sticks to pull one out and fail to find their lighter where it should be. Shifting their hand to the other side there was an upset screeching as the merchant pulled their lighter from the clutches of a very upset ptera-squirrel. The upset squabbling continued as it emerged to try to take back it's stolen treasure. Swiftly lighting their lo-stick and handing the battered trinket back to their rodent friend. "So how much might this cost me, and in what currency will you accept my star faring friend?" A scent of smoky strawberries curl about lazily in the air from their lo-stick.
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bee-snail · 1 year
If you don't mind me having one ask for you concerning the couple question ask thing. It's about Ziti and Demanitus.
#11. What good do they bring out in each other?
#24. How did they fall for each other?
#25. Who said I love you first?
And for kicks and giggles.
#7 What is their most and least favorite thing about each other? For Hector and Ziti
I spent a looooong time sitting on this ask but it's undoubtedly one of my favorite asks I've ever gotten, so ty!! Will be answering them out of order though. Also am basing this off of my own HCs !!
24. HAAAHAHHA. To explain it in the simplest, funniest way: Demanitus was going off about science in his arrogant, know-it-all way (it's Demanitus, what were y'all expecting lmao) and then suddenly a voice comes out of the crowd like "lol, you're so stupid, you can't do a [proceeds to audibly correct him in fromt of everyone, detailing how and why he's wrong and how his theory can be fixed instead]". Everyone is flabbergasted and then Demanitus goes "no one has ever corrected me before ... that's kinda hot." To which she replies with "I know ✨". There's an awkward pause and then he goes "do you wanna go out with m—" "yes."
They are nerds.
25. If you mean audibly, then it was Demanitus. If you mean saying "I love you" through actions, then Ziti did it, winning by a landslide.
11. I believe they used to make pretty much everything a competition (and Ziti is a sore, sore loser). They brought out the best in eachother through the desire to do better than the other, just so they can be proud of them once they achieve something they couldn't before. It was lovely while it lasted ...
They were each other's anchors, so that they could fly off and not get lost in the wind. Very neat, I say.
Ziti made Demanitus enjoy the little moments. Cuddling together in lazy mornings; feet meeting under the table during studies; reading together during a rainy afternoon.
Demanitus made Ziti strive for more. Knowing what things are, going to places, figuring things out, making stuff and doing it well. He made her excited to learn more and do more and it was so so cool.
It's genuinely a shame they didn't work out. They were such a good couple, once upon a time ...
Hector loves how much of a NERD SHE IS FR he just sits there with the dumbest smile while she goes off about mathematical equations to explain the use of magic even if he doesn't understand a single thing of what she's saying. He also really appreciates how she always keeps her word, especially considering her reputation was of a deceiving she-demon, hahehehe.
He does however hate how she never, and I mean never shows her colors easily. She is genuinely one of the nicest people he knows but she refuses to just act like it in front of some people, instead making herself look suspiciously like the villain everyone believes her to be, therefore earning their distrust. It's infuriating !!! Just let them see you, woman !!!
Ziti loves how loyal he is. The moment he latches onto you then he will stick by you forever and ever unless you do some MASSIVE fuck-up and lose his trust (read: Edmund). She appreciates how he'll always face problems head-on instead of beating around the bush like someone used to do...
But she hates how stubborn he is. The moment he gets an idea in his head he will stand by it and will not change his mind unless he is explicitly and undoubtedly proven wrong, or if it explodes in his face. She hates that !!!!!! Just listen to her !!!!!!!
He also secretely loves and hates how much of a sore loser she is. Winning against her in anything is extremely satisfying everytime, but there's a reason why she's been banned from game night. He's just immune to it because he's packed with damage resistance, HAH.
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smok3inm1rrors · 1 year
I was tagged by @igotsnothing over two weeks ago whoops. I saw it went “I should do that” then completely forgot about it. But better late than never!
1. What’s your favourite sims death? Either death by satellite from TS2 or the skydiving one from TS1, entirely because of the “Whee!” at the end of it.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? A mix of the two.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? I usually don’t even notice when they gain weight.
4. Do you use move objects? Yes.
5. Favorite mod?. Aside from MCC + UI Cheats it’s between Language Barriers by Frankk, RPO and Talents and Weaknesses by Lumpinou.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? Get To Work
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?  aLIVE
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Kathleen “Kit” Jones (Her name inspired from that "Kitchenaid Whiskey Jones" tweet). She's been around in some form as an OC since 2016.
She is also the sim in my pfp.
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I want to do some gameplay/story hybrid with her (and other sims of my own) but that would mean...playing the game and not just using it as a substitute for drawing...
9. Have you made a simself? Back in 2016/7. Probably never again.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? TS3 traits because I like them better. Adventurous, Love the Outdoors, Brooding, Unlucky, and Artistic.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? The color wheel. Dark Brown.
12. Favorite EA hair? This one from Get to Work.
13. Favorite life stage? YA. The only life stage.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I liked building in TS2/3 but could never get into it in 4. 
15. Are you a CC creator? I’ve done poses and recolors. I’m currently doing the “Fuck around, Find out” method of learning meshing. I should probably watch a tutorial.
I also know Python (Studied C.S in uni, which means fuck all really) and have confidence that I’ve used enough HTML to figure out XML, so destroying the game from the inside out is something I’ve wanted to do for a while. I have ideas that range from adding “Wish for a baby with…” and “Wish for Pregnancy/Wish for Pregnancy with…” to the Wishing Well for all your magical conception needs and story plot purposes, to figuring out how to add a whole “Spirit of the Wishing Well” NPC for also story plot purposes, to straight up overhauling spellcaster's alchemy to be more like TS3 alchemy.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Nope. I’m not introverted, shy, or socially awkward (socially incompetent maybe), I’m just bad at using social media hah.
17. What’s your favorite game? Right now it’s Breath of the Wild. I like bullying the guardians for fun.
18. Do you have any sims merch? Nah.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I used to try and be more story focused when the game first came out. I’m one of those TS2 Wants/Fears dictate the game players and while you can do that in TS4, it’s not as satisfying. Now I play it as an unholy mix of "Soap Opera Simulator 2014" and "How far can I take min/maxing the sims" .
21. What’s your Origin ID? I don't have anything of interest on there.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? 
sforzcc, Peacemaker, awingedllama, Sentate, Rusty, Johnnysims, simstrouble
It’s not cc but florwalsims and windbrook for their builds/saves as like many of you, I’m tired of playing in suburbia.
23. How long have you had a simblr? Not long, I lurked awhile before posting though..."awhile" being a year.
24. How do you edit your pictures? I use Clip Studio Paint. I’m too lazy to *ahem* photoshop and I have it for drawing purposes anyways. 
Usually it’s just using different blending modes (multiply, overlay, soft light, glow dodge my beloved) and special effect brushes.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? 
Expansion: Get Together. I’ve used the club functionality in nearly every save I’ve played.
Game Pack: Vampires, Realm of Magic, Werewolves. Not because they’re particularly good but because I’m a sucker for occults.
Stuff Pack: Paranormal. Again occults, but this one also has an acceptable amount of gameplay in it. I’m surprised they didn’t try to pawn it off as a game pack. 
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I'll get Growing Together when it's 50% off. However if before then EA gets too goofy with what remains of TS4, (TS5 is going to be ""free"" to play, it's already fucked.) I'll probably just you know what the rest of the game. EDIT: I wrote this last night. After seeing that job opening for the marketing position on Project Rene...haha yeah. Shit's depressing.
I tag: your mom
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nagavoice · 2 years
( PLAY: while sitting together, the sender absently lifts the receiver’s hand, idly running their fingertips across the lines of their palms, mapping out every inch of their hand with slow, lazy touches. )
Mortal understanding would never cease to pale to the seemingly immortal variety. Full mastery over such things as the truths of the world came far from easily by comparison - Falchion’s origins and the Binding Shield, the ancient transgressions imposed upon divine treasures, and the longevity of those who lived with one foot in the world of dragons and another in that of humanity. However, always did the man-made mind find ways to stretch itself thin without breaking, resilient as a corded rope of hair that resisted snapping no matter the force. A lesson that the Hero-King and all who fought at his side and standard acquainted with time and time again.
Marth naturally marveled at the differences that set not only him and Tiki apart, but Tiki apart from herself. Short, fleeting lifespans that shone bright with all they had and guttered out like a candle no matter their readiness…such were humans, after all. Minds left only to spin at the centuries and millennia that, for them, spanned an age, but represented merely a fraction of a moment–a blink, an exhale, or a sigh–to the dragonkin. To Tiki.
How could the manakete child he knew grow simultaneously so little and so much over the eons? What common men could not hope to understand even after a dedicated lifetime of study King Marth understood just as little with lesser sophistication. But born from his limitations nevertheless was his love, suffused with a bright and wistful kind of wonder…
Curiosity guided the gentle pathing of his thumb; a weight without pressure, an exploration that wound up and over the ridges and grooves of Tiki’s hand alike a connoisseur marveling at the fine bones of a small bird. Never mind that such a ‘bird’ in question could, in native form, crush a man's skeleton much less his hand within the generous realm of choice. But such thoughts did not reach Marth's smile in the slightest. And nor would they ever. “—I remember when your hand could scarcely fit in the palm of my own… no bigger than the apples and peaches we picked on the march, really. To see how you've grown, Tiki, I feel as a proud parent who has witnessed the peak of their child's growth. Or perhaps an older sibling who finds himself surpassed by the younger. It is in any case a feeling I find the utmost difficulty putting to words, hah-hah!"
          SHE IS KEENLY AWARE OF THE FRAGILITY that entwines around her fingers; how the bones beneath Marth's still-rosy skin could well break beneath the draconic strength of her hands. When he caresses her palm with his, every bit as cooing and gentle as she remembered him, she scarcely makes a move. As though he would break apart beneath her very touch. As though she would lose him again, or, worse yet— reveal this form to be naught but an illusion. Tiki keeps herself restrained, thus; a bird clipping her own wings.
          There exists, of course, a burning desire to throw all away. To revel in the joy of her reunion with her beloved Mar-Mar; to sing and play with him as she once did all that time ago. But she hadn't known the brittle nature of mortals, then, nor did she realize the sheer power that coursed through her veins. Humans were but a smear across the vast painting of time. How unfortunate it would be, were she to squander such an opportunity to exist with him once more, in this older form of hers. She grows gentle; careful and patient in ways that she hadn't known herself to be. Fretful like her dear BanBan, or her cherished Say'ri. How she understands their worries now! For as decorated the Hero-King is, she finds herself treating him like glass, just as the both of them regarded her gingerly.
          Marth speaks, fondness warm in his voice. Tiki finds her cheeks flushing as his thumb draws constellations in her hand. Eyes trace the invisible lines that he creates, her draconic gaze honing in on the details he refers to. Yes, she can see it; the fractions of growth between her fingers and his, the way her palm is easily able to cover his. These had taken millennia to form. Were it not for the miracle of this land, she doubts Marth could ever see it. She doubts Marth would know her outside of a young dragonling at all!
          All the more reason to cherish this moment, then. All the more reason to grasp his hand in turn and feel its callous and age beneath the barely-there brush of her fingers. Watch the way his knuckles catch the light, keenly, as though committing the scene to memory.
          "You needn't use words at all," she speaks, her voice every bit as soft as her touch. She sighs, the exhale coming out from her nose. "I feel your joy and pride sharply. I have grown lots, MarMar. I'm delighted to know that I can show you… when I otherwise could not."
          A laugh. Tiki turns to meet him, eyes twinkling like the stars that accompanied her nightly. "Though... I imagine you must find it curious as well: How it has taken me centuries to grow to your age. You will outpace me soon, I am certain… and I shall see you turn old and gray once more. But, for now, I will enjoy this time we have together. As equals. I am that child no longer; and I hope to keep making you proud."
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oddgoat107 · 2 years
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I posted 119 times in 2022
6 posts created (5%)
113 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 118 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 108 posts
#botw - 4 posts
#comic - 4 posts
#queen elizabeth - 4 posts
#black panther - 3 posts
#important - 3 posts
#writing prompts - 3 posts
#writers on tumblr - 3 posts
#writers - 3 posts
#my thoughts - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 72 characters
#dora milaje could come into my couch and i be like kay i fucked up sorry
My Top Posts in 2022:
The "Monthly" update
Doing this cause I got nothing left to do let's go
I'm doing physically well, if you can call "staying on a seat for the entire day well" with just my bines cracking.
The first part of my exams are in a week and I'm pretty sure I'm going to die. Today I just had the motivation to work on subject on 7. Great.
I started and finished Moonknight in 24 hours and I had a blast ! The co-op between Marc and Steven was epic and I had my "what is reality" moment that I had reading the comic. I also restarted Kimetsu No Yaiba because of one youtube video. That's it.
On another note, I realized I didn't touch my tablet since January and ... I feel a bit guilty about it, I don't know if it's my laziness speaking but I want to draw something but I don't know WHAT to draw so I'm kinda stuck ?
I try to take every bit of hapiness in life, but waking up at 10 am is not a way to study, I have to correct this.
Went into the BNHA fandom. I have finished reading everything interesting and looking at my screen thinking : "What now ?"
0 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
High School DXD could have been one of the best anime, with a fun storyline and mecanics (angels vs demons but chess) but infortunately they had to rely on fanservice (the bad kind of fanservice because YES there is a good kind) and I hate it for that
0 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
So thank to AO3, I am back once again into Persona.
This would be great if I could play them, but like 75% of Persona fans, I don't posses the right console. So I'm stuck between watching let's plays and reading fics (Some of you are into some weird shit and I am not sorry for kinkshaming you). I'm thinking that I really want to write a fic but I know that I don't have the willpower to regularly post (hehe look at Alcandra 2,5 years and still in hiatus). I just hope I will finally be able to write something other than schoolwork because it fucking sucks.
0 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
November, December & Half Of January Review
Yup. I do love lying. "I'm gonna try to do this every month". Hah. my *ss.
So, what happened to me during these month ?
For November, nothing. I just thought abiut "how about I make NNN again for the second consecutive year ?" and I finished it. +1 on satisfaction and that led me to my mental state of today. I know that some of my friends from schools are watching my blog (and I see you) and they tried but lost at the 25th. I judge you people. I then proceeded to uninstall reddit from my phone to get that sweet Go. No regrets, this app sucks more online data that youtube. Speaking of this bitch, it is way less entertaining than before. I don't know if it's me or what I'm watching, but I'm starting to get into my *winter mood* (aka I become apathetic toward pretty much everything). It's sucks. I feel like I don't deserve what I have and I hate this. Trying to make less depreciative "jokes" is helping but I just want to let it past me. But I lost myself in time.
December was more eventful. First, my Birthday. For being one year closer to adulthood, I'm scared. Like the world is waiting to devour me whole. But I got Metroid Dread ! Go play this game, I was able to escape the spoilers like Pm:TOK and these hours were 100% worth it. I also got a Gamecube controller and finnaly, I can play with my friend without the joycons. School is ... school is shit. I say it, and I'll say it again and again : school is fucked up. Some classes are just plain boring. Like, why the fuck is philosophical classes mandatory ? WHY ? 5 months, and it will end. I hope. The holydays I got for Christmas and New Year were the hardest. For 3 whole weeks, we didn't have a kitchen. I when you have to feed 7 people, It's Hell. For Christmas, I got myself amiibos.
Please, whoever is listening to us, be the devil or god, make Covid stop. I'm tired, you're tired, and if you're not, then you're dead. I'm happy that my family was not hit by this, but I don't want more suffering.
There things I still have to do. My homework, and study how to drive.
After a quick in and out of the Danganronpa fandom (thanks for the flluff btw) I came back into the Persona fandom (and I never left the Fire Emblem and TLOZ fandoms). I now realize that my entier schedule is based around my time on A03. I have to stop, or lessen my need. Hopefully, i did read what I wanted.
Time to prepare myself, for the future, I guess. Shame. Would have loved to stay a child forever, but sometimes, you have to give up on privileges to gain more.
That should be a wrap of what I wanted to say. I will my another post describing the moveis I saw during this time. ~toodles~
1 note - Posted January 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Went on the tag "enemies to lovers" on AO3 Saw nothing but Shuri, Namor, Okoye and Attuma shit
Y'all great 👍 Keep it up
2 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kia-is-poisoned · 5 months
KIA RAMBLES WHOOOOO, INCLUDES VENT LOL jfkfudgdf WARNING: MOOD SWINGS (I THINK) check tags before just in case???
Man, you know, I certainly picked this life because of writing. I just love thinking of my stories. Yapping and rambling about them with that one girl, Posting my rambles on my Instagram stories like:
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Like no one expect the one in the middle has any idea on what in the dictionary of womanary am I talking about (Making my own words because I am too lazy)
I love this. I love talking about writing. I love being proud of my writing. I love being insecure of it because at least I feel some emotions hah- It boosts up my ego too.
Like do you ever write something so good you are like- Oh my…. I think I just… created an Ao3 level piece of art.
I was sulking, on the verge of depression. Couldn’t show an inch of emotion to my mother who had let me eat my favourite lunch meal (I really don’t allow myself to get attach to her because I don’t wanna be hurt again and again but I feel like such a bad person. So I sometimes utter ‘I love you’ when I don’t mean it, and for some reason in makes me want to pull my heart out of my chest.) Even though I am not supposed to eat anything unhealthy because I just recovered from Typhoid and my body has extremely low blood.
Writing makes me alive. Alive. Alive. It distracts me. Takes me away from this life, reading other stories isn’t exactly the same. I usually can’t keep up, I feel anxious. Reading makes me realise I am wasting time and could be doing something much much more productive. Finals are in 1 month and 5 days and I studied nothing. It’s draining me. I should go and do it, but… ugh I can’t explain it’s irritating. Father says a lot of things. He would say I don’t have Control over my own life in a spooky scary way that will traumatise me for the rest of my life. He would say something about my health, he recently said that I had a mentality of a six year old; he will say how I am not controlling my mind. And stuff like that. Believe in yourself, that I very well do. It’s much worse that way actually, because you know how much potential you have, yet you are wasting it.
I am tired, I don’t have time. My room is cleaned, yet I feel empty. I am so so tired yet I do nothing. I am too write. I am lazy I suppose. I should be studying. None of the tricks and tips I leaned from online works. I need energy. Something. Actually no, I am too tired to even handle anything. Maybe I should sleep, but I am not sleepy, and sleeping will mess me up more because of the guilt for losing time. How ironic, as if I won’t be wasting my time on reels or sth.
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braindeadbaddie · 3 years
A Case Study in Kisses: Bajifuyu Through the Years
half for me, half for you, sticky kisses for two
Chifuyu and Baji will always split half a peyoung yakisoba.
They will buy one..two or ten, eat half of each, and then switch.
Baji is sentimental, and although Chifuyu thinks it’s a little impractical, he indulges him because he loves him. He loves to think that this is something that they do. This is theirs.
Baji does not eat peyoung yakisoba with anyone else, because when Chifuyu is done with his half, he always cups his face, and kisses him deep. He licks his way into his mouth, bites his bottom lip, and sucks on his tongue until Chifuyu is a whimpering, withering mess.
“For the extra flavor,” Baji says while licking his lips when he pulls away.
Then he goes on to continue eating, like he didn’t turn Chifuyu’s brain to mush.
Baji doesn’t tell him, but peyoung yakisoba always makes him crave his kisses. And the flavor always tastes a bit better from Chifuyu’s lips.
melting clouds
“Thank you for your patronage, have a good day,” Chifuyu says with a cheery voice as he waves off the last customer of the day.
Chifuyu sighs as the customer service smile melts off his face.
Today has been a long day. A very very long day.
He rubs the side of his neck, trying to work out the extra stress that has built there as he walks towards the door to flip the sign to “closed.” He lets out another long sigh before turning around and walking through the store to look for his boyfriend, so they can hurry up and get home, where they can hide away in the covers and pretend nothing exists but the two of them.
He turns into the cat food aisle and sees his boyfriend… laughing with Kazutora.
Now…Chifuyu has forgiven Kazutora for the pain of the past. He understands why he did what he did and how he lost his sanity to the world. He loves Kazutora, because Baji loves Kazutora, and because to some extent, he gets Kazutora.
So he understands exactly what is behind the look in his eyes when he looks at Baji.
Chifuyu’s been there too.
He swallows, try to work down some of the jealousy that is working into his guts.
It doesn’t work.
Fuck it.
Chifuyu walks up to the pair, throwing his arms around Baji, and nuzzling his face in the side of his neck. He gives him a squeeze as he lets out his third and loudest sigh. He feels the rumble of his boyfriend’s laugh before he hears it, the two working in tandem to send a hot thrill down to his toes, just as stepping into a warm bath would.
“Long day?” Baji asks, the sympathy apparent in his voice.
He nods, the exhaustion catching up to him as he rests his head against the back of Baji’s shoulder.
“The store is mostly clean, I can go count the register and finish everything up if you guys wanna get home a bit earlier…” Kazutora says, his voice masking most of the envy Chifuyu knows he feels.
“You sure?” Baji says, the rumble of his deep voice soothing Chifuyu’s heart. He could fall asleep standing up.
“Yeah definitely. Besides, I owe y’all one remember,” he says.
Chifuyu only sleepily hums, arms loosening around Baji’s waist. He feels his boyfriend turn around and wrap his arms around him to keep him upright.
“Well since this one is so tired, I’ll let ya. Thanks, Tora,” Baji says appreciatively.
“Mm, thanks Tora…” Chifuyu mumbles out, leaning heavily on Baji’s shoulder. He hears Kazutora’s retreating footsteps over the soft lull of Baji’s heart.
“You look like a little kitten,” Baji whispers softly, carding his fingers through Chifuyu’s fingers.
“Baji,” he mumbled, leaning into the touch. He tips his head up, searching for a kiss, all without opening an eye.
Baji chuckles and plants a small kiss on his nose.
“Baji….” he whines, feel the skin burning with the oncoming blush.
The rumble from Baji’s boisterous laugh, shakes Chifuyu up enough to flutter his eyes open and pout.
He feels the way Baji’s breathe gets caught in his throat, watching with sleepy eyes at the way his Adam’s apple bops up and down.
“God, you’re so pretty it’s unfair,” Baji mumbled before gracing him with a pillow soft kiss.
Chifuyu sighs into it, and for the first time that night, he feels all the stress, all the worry, and the entire world melt away.
All that matters right now is Baji’s soft kiss, lifting him up up up, causing him to float away.
Cloud 9 could never be as sweet as Keisuke Baji’s lips.
the sweetest sound (my name on your lips)
“Chifuyu,” Baji says with his beloved’s head tucked under his chin.
“Yes Baji-san,” he answers, his back firm against Baji’s chest.
“You know…you should start calling me by my first name. I don’t know why you’ve kept these formalities up like we haven’t been together for like….ever” he mumbles into his hair.
He almost misses the way Chifuyu stops breathing. But who could blame him…his heart is going so fast he can barely hear or feel anything but thump thump thump thump.
Chifuyu lowers the heat on the stove, where he’s making tea and turns around to face Baji. He looks up at him, a pink blush dusting his face, his plump bottom lip caught in his pearly teeth.
God, how could his boyfriend look so cute, so sweet, so absolutely breathtaking with nothing but Baji’s big sweatshirt on in the dim afternoon light in his kitchen.
Chifuyu could run Hakkai and all the other models in the world out of business.
“K-Kei…” he says bashfully, intoxicating green eyes darting between Baji’s eyes and….everywhere but Baji’s eyes.
“Hah…” Baji breathes out as the air is punched out of his lungs, blood rushing to his face.
“Kei…” he says again, more firmly, holding his gaze this time.
Baji bites his lip to stop himself from making anymore embarrassing sounds.
“Kei…” Chifuyu whispers softly, tilting his head just the slightest.
“God…” Baji groans out before rest his forehead against his boyfriend’s. He presses a firm kiss to his lips, before doing it again and again and again.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, Chifuyu,” he whispers softly into the small space between them.
Chifuyu mumbles out something incoherent before pressing a small kiss to the corner of Baji’s mouth.
“Baji-san,” he whispers back.
“No no. Kei.” he replies firmly, looking dead into his boyfriends mesmerizing oasis of green. “You have to get used to it because you’ll be ‘Baji-San’ one day too”
Then blush that sparks across Chifuyu’s face makes Baji fall in love all over again.
He watches him gulp, let out a shaky breath before looking up into his eyes.
“Ok…” he mumbles out.
lazy morning dew
“Kei…” Chifuyu says sleepily, caressing his lover’s torso with his ear pressed to his chest.
The man beneath him hums, tightening the arm around him. Chifuyu loves the vibrating feeling the courses from his boyfriend’s body into his. He plants a small kiss right over his heart, then plops his chin over his folded hands, looking up at the love of his life.
Baji looks down at him, rubbing soft circles into his skin. His grey eyes sparkle in the sunlight that seeps in between the blinds, shining in contrast against his beautiful sea of black hair, making them look like far away stars in the night sky.
And Chifuyu is helpless to do anything but cling to them like a lost traveler, trying to find his way.
“God, you’re so gorgeous,” he mumbled out, unable to stop the words from flowing out of him.
He feels a light blush rise to his face, but he can’t find it in him to feel embarrassed. Not with butterflies dancing around his stomach at the way Baji’s teeth sink into his bottom lip. Not with the way Baji’s cheekbones start to color in a pretty pink. Not with the way all the love in the world seems trapped inside Baji’s eyes.
“How can you say that when you look like this…?” Baji mumbles out, bringing up a hand to cup his face
“Chifuyu…” Baji whispers, rubbing his thumb across Chifuyu’s blushing face. “Man, you look like a dream.”
He feels all the breath leave his lungs in a soft whimper, helplessly nuzzling Baji’s palm. His eyes flutter close and holds his breath as his boyfriend’s sweet lips meet his own.
He doesn’t think he’ll ever get over this. Not after knowing Baji for 13 years , being with him for the last 7, and living with him for the last 6.
He doesn’t think he could ever get over the way Baji’s lips brush softly against his in the morning, before planting them firmly in a sweet kiss. He loves the way he always uses his hand to guide Chifuyu, the way his arm tightens around him. He loves the way he never rushes in the morning, taking his time to explore Chifuyu with his lips, his tongue and his sharp teeth.
As Chifuyu wraps his arms around Baji’s neck, sinking deeper into the kiss, he think this is how the Earth must feel, being kissed by the sun every morning. Softly, slowly, bringing it to life in a new way, every day.
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softbkg · 3 years
talking stage | bnha main three
pairing : todoroki x gn!reader, bakugo x gn!reader, deku x gn!reader
note : i cant differentiate between the talking stage and actual dating and i have no idea how long the talking stage should last so im relying on google
art credits: ひまおこ on medibang
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what the talking stage is like with the boys
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you would be the one initiating stuff the whole time. its not because he’s not interested in you, he very much is actually, he just doesn’t know what to do.
after maybe a week or two, he would start getting more comfortable and starting making a move. 
his main source of information is google, sometimes fuyumi. this means his actions are more generic i guess? its like they’re rehearsed.
but he’s trying his best !! he genuinely wants to date you !! 
the whole cluelessness thing would’ve been a turn off with other people, but not with him. it just makes him so much cuter <3
i think his favorite place to go to with you is the museum? i can see him wearing those cute fits, carrying a camera nd taking photos of you :D
and he would totally help you with school work !! if you’re lazy, he’ll write notes just to share them with you. and if you struggle with homework or training, he’s always ready to help <3
the talking stage with todoroki would last for around a month.
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i actually feel like he would be the one initiating stuff most of the time !
he would totally make you food like once or twice a week, usually lunch. he would even buy a cute lunchbox for you <3 
you once joked that he should make them cuter and more colorful like this
“hah?! what are you, a fucking toddler?”
but the next day, he gave you a bento with hello kitty rice balls and octopus-shaped sausages.
“im only doing this so you would stop whining!” he says this with a huge blush on his face while scowling
of course, you decide to not bring up the fact that you caught him practicing how to shape the rice balls at like one in the morning
also the type to help you study and train !! though he would sometimes lose his patience, he makes sure not to blow up on you
he’s also very attentive, always making sure you’re alright during training. he sees you looking thirsty?? he’ll give you his water bottle right away! 
would walk with you to school and back to the dorms everyday
the talking stage would probably last for like one to two weeks because he’s way too good at making you fall for him
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a whole mess ! you better be experienced cause he would always be so shy and flustered around you and it’ll be a mess if you were shy too
but he tries his best !! probably the sweetest one among the three
he’s always so nervous tho T_T like bro calm down no one’s gonna eat you
would ask his mom for advice
once gave you a bouquet for valentines and it was so awkward skjdhs he was just standing there frozen while the class stared at the both of you
you punched bakugo in the face after he laughed at him <3 poor boy’s just trying his best :(
like todoroki, he would take notes for you during class. he wouldn’t miss a single information, so you always get high marks in exams because his notes are so detailed!
i feel like he would totally enjoy picnic dates, he’ll even try to cook some of your favorite dishes ! and after that, maybe a walk in the park while you guys talk about random stuff <3
also very attentive i feel like all three of them are so he never misses important stuff like your birthday, favorite food, etc
talking stage would probably be around two to three weeks?
this was kinda messy im sorry D: nd idk if its obvious but i was running out of ideas while writing deku’s part
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xehanortsreport · 3 years
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For @khoc-week 2021, Day 1: Reference Sheet - reintroducing Spica!
They’ve changed quite a bit since the last round! So here’s the basics.
Spica Species: Dream Eater Home World: Twilit Bayou (Original World) Age: ~Late 20s Occupation: Deposed Princex, Summoner Relationships:      - Vindemiatrix (Demia): Younger sibling, rival      - Ansem, Seeker of Darkness: Partner, rescuer      - Xigbar (Luxu): Partner, mentor in Dream Eater research      - ???: A mysterious figure often crossed in Sleeping Hearts. Kind, and gentle. A friend, or perhaps an enemy? Weapon: Slumber’s Call (staff) Gender: Unassigned by tradition, goes by any pronouns
More on their backstory and personality below!
Twilit Bayou
Spica's world is set in a permanently foggy, misty, twilit bayou (hah). Constantly lit by gas lamps and settled by a society of disciplined, spiritual people, and ruled by Spica’s equally disciplined family, the mood is somber. The people are constantly in conflict with beasts warped and turned violent by the world’s natural “wild magic” that bubbles up from faults outside of the settled landscape. As such, a militia headed by the noble family is permanently employed to manage the beasts and are held in high esteem.
Similarly, another esteemed class are the summoners that run exclusively in Spica’s bloodline. Every ruler is expected to also be a master summoner--and for good reason. Dream Eaters, pulled forth from the Sleeping Realms by the summoners, are sent to help calm the wild magic afflicted beasts and make them easier to tame, or else be dealt with by the militia.The people of Twilit Bayou see the Dream Eaters as important godlike spirits, and in particular worship a special, very powerful Dream Eater that they summon during their Winter Solstice to purge their people of nightmares and put the beasts to sleep for an entire season.
Spica, at the time 15, the next in line for the throne and accomplished summoner with many lesser Dream Eaters, is one day called to prove their worth and summon the Dream Eater deity and prove themself worthy to ascend to the throne when it is their time.
Except...they don’t succeed.
For a reason still unknown to them or those present, they mess up the summon, unable to bring it forth at all. Instead, Nightmares are brought forth, afflicting the people with sleep issues and the beasts unsettled and allowed to charge forth. The price paid by Spica was a worldwide shunning; shooed away in shame by their strict parents and seen as a portent of disaster by the townsfolk, they were kept in shameful solitude and privacy out of the public eye. Only a few servants, one a particularly funny entertainer for tired troops who taught them how to cope with humor, and Demia, Spica’s sibling, dared treat them with dignity and kindness.
Demia, though only 11 at the time, decided to cram their summoner studies into one feverish month, and then at the apex of the Bayou’s suffering, burst forth and summoned the legendary Dream Eater at an unheard of age, settling the beasts and bringing sweet dreams back to their denizens. Demia was miraculous. A genius.
Honorable, unlike Spica.
Spica was eventually sent to a boarding school, locked away as punishment and forced to restudy every lesson on summoning they had touched. Spiteful and envious, Spica used this time to work diligently to find a way to become a better summoner than Demia. They're able to summon many Dream Eater Spirits and Nightmares, and eventually traverse the realm of sleep itself.
Eventually, years pass, and during one of the winter solstice summonings, Spica manages to muscle their way to the front and snatch the summoning from Demia by summoning the Dream Eater deirt and merging with it in a never before seen ritual. It’s glorious, miraculous. Genius.
Unlike Demia, they are not praised for their innovation. Instead, they are once again persecuted, the kingdom prepared to get rid of Spica entirely. Demia, thinking in terms of sheer practicality and a mixture of wanting to save their sibling and not wanting to be shunned like Spica, made the split decision at the time of summoning to dismiss the Dream Eater with Spica still merged with it.
Floating scared and with seemingly no exit, they spent an unknown amount of time in the repeating dreams of lost worlds. This being pre-KH1, the lost worlds are not the same as those seen in DDD, but are a different set of worlds, some belonging to the Age of Fairy Tales that had been lost when that age had come to an end. To ease their loneliness and pain, they spent a long time among these worlds, learning snippets of what they have to offer.
They were able to briefly exit the realm by diving into the dreams of others, but this only lead them to live instead inside of the sealed world of another person’s dreams until that person’s sleep ends. It was disorienting, and uncomfortably personal at times, but a welcome distraction from the otherwise neverending repetition of the Sleeping Worlds.
Their grudge against Demia deepens while trapped, their bitterness expanding with no outlet. The weight of their anger and displeasure strengthened their power as a Nightmare, and thus disturbed the dreams of the humans they visit in their sleep. (One person, however, seemed resistant to these nightmares. Blond, blue eyed...a kind soul. Spica couldn’t help but be intimidated by their purity.)
Eventually, however, a rift they do not expect to see opens. It is as though another World has slipped, however briefly, into the Sleeping Realm, and a surge pulses  through the cracks. A man within a brown cloak emerged from a whirl of Darkness, seemingly confused but enthusiastic with the discovery...and then they lock eyes...or rather Spica’s eyes locked with the endless shadows underneath the hood.
Curiosity with curiosity.
After a few words of exchange, accusatory and then slowly, surely, excited, Spica introduces themself to Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness, and their savior from the Sleeping Realm. Spica at first merely accompanies Ansem out of a feeling of obligation, exiting with him into the Hollow Bastion of KH1, and merely works as a hand to help him in his plot. During their conversations, however, unusual information reached Spica’s ears: someone searching for the very keybearer Ansem was working against. Someone seeking the legendary power of Kingdom Hearts, or perhaps the good will of a keybearer, to aid their kingdom.
A certain Vindemiatrix.
Having fallen in love with the mysterious cloaked being and swearing their life to both revenge and the pursuit of the greatest power a mage could posses, Spica formally aligned with Ansem, and then later the Organization, to keep Demia from helping the Keybearers, denying her and Twilit Bayou aid.
Instead, Spica, promised a portion of the power of Kingdom Hearts by Xigbar, another beau and co-conspirator down the line, their goal becomes the need to lock Twilit Bayou in an eternal cycle of sleep as "an apology" ...and as a sort of twisted protective measure and to prove that they have mastered their sleep magic once and for all. 
Personality Notes
     - They are highly intuitive, and quick to get defensive.
     - They speak in a Valley Girl-esque dialect.
     - Flippant and easy-going, the way a lot of “lazy geniuses” are. When they don’t know something, they immediately get defensive and swear up and down that they know. (They don’t.)
     - They get a lot of joy out of being the most knowledgeable person in a group and will often feel lost or aimless if they are unable to contribute in some way to a discussion.
    - They have a hard time accepting genuine displays of affection because of family issues. Still, they're intensely loyal to Ansem and Xigbar, particularly Ansem as he's the one who pulled them out of the sleeping realm. Ironically the “inability” of Nobodies to have “emotions” makes them trust the words that come out of Xigbar’s mouth that much more. Time will tell if that is a mistake.
     - Sometimes thinks they’re still sleeping; grounding techniques are needed.
     - Despite everything, their weakness is an honest heart. They can't help but lower their defenses when no one is interested in metaphorical dick measuring and instead just genuinely wants the best for others. They’ve wandered around the sleeping Princesses of Hearts' dreams before, as well as Sora and the Soras.
     - The self-reflection said encounters hit him with are often uncomfortable and they emotionally shut down before they can think about it too long.
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
Celeste x reader x Kirigiri SFW & NSFW head-canons
request; celeste x reader x kirigiri? :o
warnings; fluff, i really don’t think there’s any explicit warnings in the sfw part, nsfw section: handcuffs, edging, i didn’t put any explicit descriptions of sex nor scenarios, degrading names, gn!reader, vanilla, mention of vampire roleplay, biting, unedited.
note; sorry i took so long!! I had to study their wiki pages and shit to remember their characters, its been some time since I’ve played THH. anyway, thank you for requesting. also sorry if this was a bit lazy, i feel like i didn’t do this one as well as the others, i’m really sorry.
◊ Okay, I feel like Celestia would be the one to spoil the both of you rotten. She’s always buying all three of you matching clothes so you could go out together looking ✨fly✨
◊ If you or Kyoko ever tried denying her outfits, she’d be a bit flustered and upset though she wouldn’t show it. Buuut eventually, you both cave in because you can notice the difference in her attitude, however slight it may be.
◊ “S/o, Kyoko, my darlings. I may have gotten carried away, but I think you both would look wondrous in these- Oh. You don’t… want them? I see. *sad face* Alright then, I guess I’ll just… I..” Yuuuup, you broke her. Congratulations, you jerk. 
◊ Whatever gender you may be, it doesn’t matter, she will buy you a huge fluffy dress (But if you’re not comfortable with it, she’d totally be willing to get you something else).
◊ Celestia calls you both her darlings. She’s always saying hers, or mine in front of your names and/or pet names.
◊ Kyoko isn’t big on pet names, whether she’s on the receiving end or serving; though she doesn’t mind it when either of you calls her one. Just nothing too ridiculous, she’ll flush an adorable shade of red but scold you for it later. She prefers just calling you both by name.
◊ The caring one of the relationship would either have to be you or Celestia. Kyoko doesn’t take care of herself too well, as she’s very passionate about her job; so passionate to the point where she forgets that she’s human and that her very human body needs food and sleep.
◊ Celestia takes care of herself extremely well, I imagine she has a very strict skin routine and diet. But since she’s also passionate about her job, I imagine there would be times where a round of gambling goes extremely long or tie, but she’d be very adamant on winning so she’d go a little over the top and stay there for days, weeks if she had to. 
◊ That being said, they are both very passionate about their jobs so I feel that they are unfortunately prone to neglecting you at times. But don’t worry! They always make it up to you 10x more, and it’s always worth it.
◊ Kyoko would probably make it up to you both by trying to be a bit more affectionate with you. She is well aware that she isn’t always affectionate, so she thinks if she gives you guys a bit more affection, you’ll forgive her? ...Please?
◊ Bbgirl is trying-
◊ Most likely though, she’d talk to you first. A formal apology and everything, if you’re lucky, she’ll buy you a stuffed animal or flowers as she apologizes. 
◊ Since Celestia is just, a very fancy and aesthetic person, I feel like all dates with her would reflect that same fancy aesthetic. She goes out of her way to set up a fancy table at a reserved place where none of you can be disturbed. Expensive teas, china, scones, sweets, those little stands with the layers of pastries; she has it all ready for you two. 
◊ You’d all be sitting on cute chairs sipping tea in cute cups, butlers at your every need, it’s a really cute almost dream-like date. Kyoko would talk about her cases(leaving out things that are confidential of course,) you’d talk about everything and anything, and Celestia would just quietly listen to you both talk, a small smile adorning her face. She loves taking care of the both of you, the reason why she has dates like these are for, 
She wants to spend time with her darlings because she misses them.
She wants you both to relax and destress, she hates the idea of either of you overworking or forgetting to take care of yourself.
◊ Though if you’re not into that, the closest thing that isn’t fancy or organized(though it would take some time for her to practice not being organized) would be a picnic date. With a very very wide blanket. That’s thick. And lots of bug spray. 
◊ Dates with Kyoko would probably be short coffee breaks, she doesn’t have a lot of time sadly, so halfway through the date, she finishes her coffee and leaves early, leaving you and Celestia to spend the rest of the time together.
◊ Dates with her would mostly just be when all three of you go to bed, talking about each other’s days or just talking about stuff that has zero meaning as you all fall asleep.
◊ It kind of makes her a bit upset when you and Celestia have an inside joke or seem a bit closer; as much as she loves seeing you both happy with each other, she can’t help but want to be in on it too. She feels a bit guilty for being so busy with her job.
◊ So when she does feel a bit left out, I think a way to make her feel more included would be small little ‘I love you’ texts while she’s working or even better, surprising her by picking her up on her lunch date to get a quick lunch. 
◊ I think something domestic Kyoko enjoys a lot, is when either of you cooks a bento for her. You can really cook something terrible for her, or even ugly, she doesn’t care; she loves it so much. It’s the thought that you would cook for her that gets her. When she comes back home, the first thing she will do is thank you and hug you real tight. It’s one of the more rare moments where she actually displays feelings of love and gratitude.
◊ Despite getting judgemental looks from Byakuya and aw’s from Hina, in the end, Kyoko doesn’t care one bit. She will eat and enjoy the food in its entirety, she doesn’t care if it affects her reputation as a cold person, she just wants to eat the food.
◊ Though she is unfazed by practically everything, she gets a bit taken aback that you cooked food for her, the shock is evident on her face when you hand it to her before she goes, or drop it off at lunch hour. I don’t think she ever had anyone cook meals for her, or at least, doesn’t remember it; so she’s always pretty shocked when you do. She feels her heart palpitate a little louder and maybe smiles a little smile when you’re not looking. She appreciates it a lot.
◊ Though Celestia doesn’t cook, I think you’d have to be the one to cook for Kirigiri. Celestia enjoys gyoza a whole lot, so if you were ever to cook gyoza for her… well, she’d probably be brutally honest about what she thinks about it. Though she’d give you constructive criticism, and eventually you’d get it right through trial and error and Celestia’s taste buds.
◊ Celestia isn’t big on public areas for dates, like movie theatres, for example. If you ever wanted to watch a movie, she’d probably rent an entire movie theatre for just you three to chill in. As you can see, she’s not too big on being with large groups of people, or just anywhere that isn’t exactly ‘clean’. 
◊ I don’t think either of them would be one for PDA either. Other than mild flirting from Celestia, you all don’t do PDA at all. But there’s this intimate vibe that you all seem to share that has people assume you’re all on a date together. It’s like this bubble, it’s quite peculiar. 
◊ Celestia would never lose her cool because of you both, only for you both. But even so, she avoids losing it in front of your eyes. If she ever had to fight someone for you or intimidate them, she would probably ask you to go occupy yourselves with something else so she could go off without hesitating.
◊ Though if she was ever about to lose it and either of you notices it, a simple hold of her hand calms her down immediately. Her rage wordlessly disappears. She’ll even give you guys a small little forehead kiss in thanks.
◊ Kyoko’s an ‘it’s the thought that counts’ kind of person. So whenever you or Celestia spoil her with expensive gifts, she’ll enjoy it but she’s a bit concerned about how you’re spending so much money on her. She honestly prefers handmade gifts; whether they’re crafty or a bit imperfect, she cherishes them more than you know. 
◊ Oh boy. *cracks knuckles* here we go.
◊ Kyoko hides her moans and expressions, she was raised not to show any unsightly emotions and so, that(sadly) comes into play in bed.
◊ Oh but Celestia teases her until she does, to get that satisfying plead out of Kyoko Kirigiri of all people, it drives her near mad in love. 
◊ Kyoko is definitely vanilla, and would probably want to stay vanilla. There aren’t many things she’s into, as a result of not knowing any kinks. I don’t think she’d be too willing to try any kinks either. Unless you explain it to her, then maybe. Just maybe. 
◊ Kyoko is a soft dom- HAH just kidding! The moment you admit just a little bit of top energy on her, she submits easily. Not in the typical way you’d think, but she’d let you do all the work, you’d have to guide her. I don’t think she has any sexual experience, so she’d have sex relying on you both(for once). 
◊ That’s where Celestia comes into play. I don’t know if this is canon or you know, but I head-canon that she has a surprising amount of sexual knowledge and kinks. 
◊ Kyoko isn’t the biggest fan of you and Celestia having intercourse without her, as I mentioned earlier, she does get a little left out, so knowing that you left her out of something as intimate as sex gets her mad for a couple of days. Even holds a small grudge. 
◊ But it wouldn’t last long, you both would eventually make it up to her since she doesn’t exactly enjoy discussing her feelings, you would have to be the one to speak up first. 
◊ Celeste would definitely ask you both if you were ever interested in trying out role-play with her, specifically; vampire role-play.
◊ Speaking of vampires, she really enjoys it when you lightly bite her. Not enough to leave a mark, if you leave marks on her she’ll get mad. Though she enjoys leaving marks on you both, she enjoys those short moments where someone stares at you guys’ hickeys and she just,, gives them a knowing, intense glare.
◊ Celestia isn’t big on degrading you both unless it’s something like, “My good little mutt.” Degrading names, sure. But not full-on degrading. She lies all the time but lying about this doesn’t sit right with her, she doesn’t want to hurt you both in any way. 
◊ Celestia enjoys being praised, it definitely gets her to spare you an orgasm if she’s edging you. You really have to praise her about everything about her for her to actually let you get off; although Kyoko is known to be silent, Celestia somehow gets her to plead for her. As a result of teasing lies like, “If you don’t obey, you won’t get to get off darling.”
◊ Celestia dominates both of you, simultaneously. Kyoko doesn’t have enough confidence in her ability to please you both to top, and unless you are somehow able to overpower her, she’s always going to be the one who orders you to do things. 
◊ I can totally imagine Kyoko littering millions of butterfly kisses on both your bodies, but they’re so soft and cute you both start to giggle a bit. “Why are you laughing? Is it bad?” She looks genuinely confused and a little sad- and then that both shocks you into showering her with reassurances, any leftover lick of laughter completely vanished.
◊ Celestia is a huge tease- like, just, the biggest tease. She’ll hover her lips over yours, blow at where you need it most, foreplay lasts longer than you would want it to, but in all honesty, it definitely makes the first stroke of pleasure well worth it. All that anticipation, build-up, is all worth it as she finally gives you what you want.
◊ Kyoko is more intimate, every moment with her is just, so full of love it gives you whiplash from Celestia’s little fun. She always has a hand on your back. It’s such a soft and fleeting touch, you both sometimes wonder if it’s even there.
◊ Something I could imagine happening is Celestia just- pulling out soft hand-cuffs from nowhere as a surprise for the two of you, asking you to tie her up. Seeing as how Kyoko is usually around handcuffs often from her detective work, she’s a little confused as to why people would get turned on from that or even introduce that to the bedroom. It’s the last thing she’d expect. She’s a bit nervous to use them(receiving and serving), and doesn’t see the purpose, but when she caves in and says yes anyway, she finds she actually likes them? 
◊ She wouldn’t admit it though. And it definitely ruins her image of handcuffs; any time she sees a perp in handcuffs, she can just see the pleased looks on your and Celestia’s faces.
◊ Celestia would look down at you with this red gaze that leaves the two of you utterly speechless and aroused, even as she’s bottoming, her piercing gaze reminds you who’s in charge.
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
i've received questions concerning the time of the next update for comfort character, and all i can say is... i have no clue. 😟
it's in the works, that i can admit. i'm adding bits and pieces to it whenever i find the time, but my job is holding me in a really tight chokehold right now, so i'm simply too tired to write anything more complex than simple drabbles.
below is a little sneak peek for chapter 16 as an apology for the long wait. hope i can make up for it with this!!
[p.s. keep in mind that it isn't edited yet.] 💗
"Oh, Kami... You're too good to me, sweetheart."
Naruto's groan of satisfaction nearly reverberated throughout the hollow of y/n's bones the moment her warm hards had found their rightful home on his broad back that lazy Saturday morning.
The intrigued girl, running her palms across his spine in even, soothing circles, smiled at the grunt he voiced a moment later; the heat of his skin creeping up the tips of her fingers and nestling itself deep within her gut.
He was burning up like a furnace, but she didn't really mind getting burnt to a crisp, if she were to be honest. The fire was a welcomed change.
Chuckling quietly as she readjusted her position on top of him, y/n's hands moved to the salient curve of his shoulders. Her voice dripped with blatant amusement when she said, "I know I am."
"Oh?" At her surprisingly complacent answer, the blonde Uzumaki whipped his head to the side to look at her. Both of his strong arms flexed as he crossed them underneath the pillow that kept his cheek propped up.
The cheek which only sported a single whisker marking on each side now.
He studied her pretty features through hooded eyes that seemed to be as tired as his body. "Are you by any chance hinting at me, that I don't appreciate you enough?"
y/n stared at him for a while - admired him. Finally peeling her adoration from the deep blue sea within his irises, she sighed whilst digging her fingers deeper into the aching muscle. She could feel him go rigid underneath her as he fought back against yet another surge of pain.
The click of her tongue was sharp with disapproval when he clenched his teeth and hissed. "You train far too much, Naruto."
All he ever did was train, lately.
Naruto shrugged, the rough stubble on his cheek scraping the pillowcase with the movement. "Meh."
"Meh?" y/n quirked a brow at his childish answer. "You're completely sore!"
His reply was nothing but an incoherent hum of both pleasure and frustration as he nuzzled his face further into the pillow, "Mm, I know."
But he flinched as soon as she trailed her fingernails across his sides; sweet laughter overpowering the stern tone of his voice, "Hah...! Hey, that tickles! Stop that, ha!"
The touch - otherwise light as a feather - made him arch his back. She watched as his potent strength flexed and recoiled. He nearly lifted her off the mattress by just lifting his hips slightly. Christ, he was so effortlessly strong. Owned the power of a bear, which hid underneath smooth human skin; even now.
And speaking of being human...
Naruto was almost there.
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writteninkat · 3 years
ii - rubies?!
word count - 1,903
warnings - mention of scars
"he's so tall and handsome as hell. he's so bad but he does it so well."
As you waited for April to come around, you spent your remaining days working out and training your quirk on your own. You didn't want to look for your father nor did you want to bump into him- the only time you wanted to see him was during UA's sports festival where you know he'll be watching so you can rub it in his face how good your life is without him.
As you work out in your apartment building's gym, you can't keep the blond out of your head. Was he doing alright? Should you have asked for his phone number at least? Where did he study? Was he even from this area?
Your mind races and wanders around thoughts about the blond, causing you to trip on your own feet on the treadmill. Before your hands come in contact with the running deck, you feel strong arms wrap around your waist, saving you from the fall but not from the embarrassment.
You take a few moments to stop and think about what just happened, allowing the whole thing to just sink in. I almost tripped because I was thinking about some guy. Stupid mistake.
Your savior puts you down beside the treadmill, hands immediately letting go of your waist. "You okay?" Despite having such buffed-up arms, he had such a sweet voice. You look to your right, checking to see the face of your knight in shining armor.
"My name's Izuku Midoriya." He smiles widely, extending his hand towards you. You take it, smiling back. "Y/n L/n, and yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for saving me, I could have attended my first day in UA with a bandage on my forehead." You chuckled, watching the guy's facial expression turn into excitement.
"No way! You'll be attending UA? That's crazy so am I!"
Your eyes widen, finally someone I can be close to in that new school. "What class are you in?" You move to turn off the treadmill, picking up your water bottle from the floor. You unscrew the cap, taking large sips as you looked at him, waiting for an answer. "Class 1A."
The water backfires, going down the wrong pipe. You cough out the water, rubbing your chest in pain as Midoriya pats on your back in worry. "You okay? Again?"
You wave your hand at him, coughing a few more times before clearing your throat. "So am I." Your voice comes out rough and broken but still understandable.
For the rest of the day, you chat with Midoriya, getting to know each other as you helped each other work out. Like whenever you needed help with your form, he'd guide you. When he needed more weight on his back as he did push up, you were more than happy to sit on him as you scrolled through your cellphone.
As the end of the day, before the two of you part, he asks for your number so it would be easier to contact you. You kind of regret giving it to him cause he wouldn't shut up about the heroes he looked up to. He was such a hero nerd you found it funny.
When he calmed down and told you good night, you hit the sack yourself, images of the angry blond with beautiful ruby eyes filling your head as you fell asleep with a smile. And honestly, that was the best sleep you've had in years.
Tumblr media
You're walking yourself to your new school, heart drumming against your chest. The feeling was a little too nostalgic, it was the same feeling you felt back when you came to UA for the practical exam. It felt like time went by a little too fast. You calm your mind, remembering your mom's text to you earlier that morning, telling you good luck with your first day.
You try recalling your goal- to become a hero despite my father telling me I couldn't. To become a hero, to become a hero to become-
"Hey Y/n!" Midoriya waves at you, his smile as bright as the sun. It's sickening but you shrug it off, it suits his face. "Oh, I hope it's alright if I call you Y/n."
"Only if I can call you Izuku." You wink at him, smiling as you continue your way towards the building. As Izuku rambled on about how nervous he was for today that he couldn't sleep properly, your mind raced back to the thought of the school uniform being uncomfortable.
You were so used to wear pants that showing off your legs seemed taboo to you. Don't get it wrong, you like your legs, you think they're okay. But you've been wearing pants maybe eighty percent of your life that you don't like showing even your knees. You can't sit the way you want with skirts- especially if the way you want is your legs either parted apart as you sink onto your chair or your legs on the desk as you scroll through your phone lazily.
Given that it was school rules to wear a uniform, you decided to cover up your legs with black thigh high instead, cursing at the skirt for being a little bit too short for your liking.
"Here it is." Izuku points up at the board right above the classroom door that read 1A. "I just hope I'm not classmates with Tenya or Kacchan." He chuckles, reaching for the door.
"Tenya? That glasses dude who seemed like someone pissed in his cheerios the morning of the exam?" Izuku nods his head but your mind wasn't at ease just yet. Who the hell was this Kacchan?
Your mind wanders again but your thoughts clear away when you hear two people arguing.
"Take your feet off that desk now." You chuckle, recognizing that voice. You mentally send a sorry to Izuku's way.
"Hah?" And that voice too!
You look up, scanning the room and looking for your two new classmates who were arguing. Iida's back covers who he's getting mad at, forcing you to step inside the classroom to get a better look.
"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property you cretin."
"You're kidding me right? Your old school put a stick in your ass?"
As you thought, that voice belonged to the same guy who's been infiltrating your head ever since you met him. Day and night. However his attitude caught you off guard, he wasn't this rude when the two of you met.
"Rubies?" You say out loud, the blond, or as Izuku calls him, Kacchan looks your way, eyes widening at the sight of you in the same classroom as him. His once smug expression is wiped off his face as he stares at you, completely taken off guard.
Tenya and a brown haird girl who looked a little too much like Kirby approached Izuku and they began talking to him. You, in the other hand, are being pulled out of the classroom by the blond. His hand still as soft as you remember, his grip isn't even that tight around your wrist. Just enough to tug you to where he wanted to bring you without hurting you.
The two of you stand right outside the door leading to the back of the classroom. He turns around, smug expression completely gone and replaced by confusion.
"You never told me you went to UA." He says, stuffing his hands in his pocket as he leans his side on the wall. You cross your arms on your chest, leaning to the side as you rest most of your weight on one leg. "You never asked." The two of you look at each other in silence for a few moments, your heart going haywire in your chest as he keeps his eyes on you. Such eyes that could keep you in a cage of trance forever.
Bakugou opens his mouth but before he could get a word out, a tired voice cuts him off. "Get inside the classroom." He tired-looking man with unkept hair and peach fuzz tells you both. Was he the school janitor? Nevertheless, the both of you walked back inside the classroom, Bakugou's eyes silently telling you that the two of you were going to finish the conversation later.
You sat down on your seat, eyes following the same tired-looking man as he stood in front of the class. "My name is Shota Aizawa. I'll be your homeroom teacher from now on."
He hands all of you your PE uniforms, telling you all to quickly change into them. You follow the girls to the changing rooms and you hang your PE uniform on your locker, already unbuttoning your uniform but you stop yourself.
I can't show them that.
A girl with long black hair, similar to yours, looks at you from the side, her expression questioning. "I don't think Aizawa sensei is okay with late students. You should quickly change."
You wrap your hands around yourself, cringing at the thought of other eyes on your body. The girl's expression changes into a softer one and she smiles, "Don't worry, nobody here will judge. All bodies are beautiful the way they are."
Exactly, yeah. If these girls were going to be your second family until you graduate highschool, you shouldn't be afraid. You can trust them, right?
Slowly, with slightly trembling hands, you begin unbuttoning your uniform. Taking a deep breath in, you slip your long sleeve down your body, showcasing the many scars that littered all over your back.
You can feel the atmosphere change into a silent, much colder one and your thoughts begin to race. Was it wrong for you to show them this? You've only been together for a few hours, how could you show such a vulnerable side of yourself?
Your eyes squeeze shut, ready for the comments and snickers but instead you hear a squeal. "We have the same bra!" A pink girl squeals, pointing at her pink lacy bra. A smile creeps onto your face as the girl extends her hand towards you, "I'm Mina Ashido. Nice to meet you, twinnie!" She perks and as soon as you take her hand, she shakes it softly before pulling away.
You quickly dress up into your PE uniform, pulling your hair up into a ponytail. "Woah, L/n! The white streaks on your hair look so cool! Where did you get them done?" Mina asks, completely taken by your hair, her eyes sparkling as you flushed at her compliment. No one has ever complimented your hair so genuinely like that before, makes you feel kind of proud having it.
"It's actually natural. My dad has black hair and my mom has white." The girls begin to ooooh and soon after, you all have reached the fields. Aizawa stands beside a white square with a device in his hand, patiently waiting with lazy eyes on his students.
"You should put your hair up like that more. I think the white streaks are cool." Bakugou tells you, his eyes and face forward as he listens to Aizawa talking.
You wouldn't tell him, but his words had your stomach feeling weird things and you feel your face slowly heat up. You swallow whatever you were feeling and face forward.
"Don't tell me what to do, rubies."
You had to buy more ponytails.
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snackzimmerman · 3 years
It’s tradition, in your last year of schooling at UA, to be assigned a first year as a mentee. You teach them, guide them through their first year, and (if the two of you get along) provide them with a contact in the pro-hero world. Around him, Touya’s friends are cooing over their own “ickle firsties,” as Toga calls them, and “sure-to-be insufferable brats,” according to Shigaraki. Twice agrees with them both in quick succession.
Touya looks at the kid in front of him and barely conceals a wince.
“You’re Endeavor’s son,” the boy observes, seemingly delighted, and Toga edges away from him in a manner neither inconspicuous nor fair. Hiding behind your underclassmen is not a good way to start a relationship. Besides, it’s not like he’s going to hit the kid.
“I thought your hair was supposed to be red,” he continues.
Maybe Touya will change his mind. One hit isn’t going to do much, right?
“Hah!” Toga’s mentee, the girl with the rabbit quirk, guffaws heartily and slaps the winged kid on the back. “Put your foot in it so quickly, Kei?”
“You’re the worst,” “Kei” says matter of factly, fixing his attention back onto Touya. “Takami Keigo, hero name “Hawks”! I’m going to be the hero that lets us all rest easy.”
“If we’re resting easy, won’t you be doing all the work? Gross.” Shigaraki points out, scratching lightly at his neck. Twice slaps it away in a practiced motion. “Calm down about it. You’re a level one.”
Hawks scowls, soundly defeated by this flaw in his logic, and rabbit girl laughs at him again, declaring herself to be Rumi, at which point Touya tunes out to study what he’s stuck with.
“Wings, huh?” he drawls, walking a lazy circle around him. “Can you fly?”
The kid stares at him. “What else would the wings be for?”
“You’d be surprised,” Touya mumbles, mostly to freak him out, and strides off with his hands in his pockets. His friends becon their respective mentees after him, Toga skipping alongside her own with a pleased look (or insane, it’s hard to tell with her). He’s glad one of them likes their kid.
There’s a flapping noise, and Touya’s smirking before he even turns around. Above him, Hawks is hovering with his head tilted and mouth twisted into a determined frown. He throws out his arms: tada. That’s funny. He’s a funny kid.
“Laaaaaame,” Touya declares, spinning on his heel, and swings open the door to the training grounds. “Show me what you can actually do.”
Indignant sputtering comes from above, and he beckons the first years over. “Allllright. Think of this as a chance to show off your quirks - I know I love doing that in front of judging audiences.”
Toga props her chin up on his shoulder. “No pressure, of course!”
“You just wanna see them bleed,” Shigaraki accuses.
“Of course she doesn’t! Toga is pure and innocent!” Twice argues, then, staring in the other direction, yelps, “Duh! We all knew that!”
”This is so intimidating,” Twice’s mentee whispers. Shigaraki’s mentee looks like he’d agree if he wasn’t so terrified.
“D’you want us to go first?” Touya suggests, cracking his knuckles when he receives several speedy nods. “I’m Todoroki Touya, but you’re going to call me Dabi. My quirk is cremation.”
With that, he lets blue flame spill from his hands where they hang by his waist. Lifting them to the sky, Touya blasts a wide-range plume of fire, then a concentrated jet of heat, monologuing all the while. “I can burn… probably anything you’re wearing. I think I shot through steel with that once, so nobody get in the way without warning.”
Rumi and Hawks look like someone’s given them the greatest gift since All Might. The other two look terrified out of their wits. Touya decides he’s allowed to pick favorites, even if one of them seems to have some fascination with his father.
“I’m Toga!” Toga chirps, spinning a knife that she wasn’t holding a moment ago in her hand. “I use blood to transform into people - wanna see?”
“Yes,” Rumi demands, at the same time the other three reply, “No.”
Toga sulks, leaning more of her weight on Dabi in disappointment, but acquiesces. Twice clones himself, bickers with the clone for a minute, then has to drag him behind a bush and leave Toga to sort it out, which she does with glee. Shigaraki pulls the chapstick Touya got him not even a week ago out of his pocket, stares him dead in the eyes, and disintegrates it. Damn.
“I am nowhere near strong enough to be learning from you,” one of the nameless mentees says with dread in his voice, and Shigaraki shrugs.
“You’re good as long as you stay out of my way.”
“He means to say we’ll teach you,” Touya corrects, rolling his eyes.
”Absolutely!So annoying!”
“Just… do your thing,” Toga offers cheerily. She flicks her hand at them in a shooing motion, made all the more intimidating by the knife still in her hand.
Hawks steps forward and plants his hands on his hips. The wings on his back rise to frame his small form, twitching outward, then angles down and beats hard enough to propel himself off the ground. Once he’s risen into the air, the boy flicks his wings quickly and releases small, red feathers like darts.
Touya steps forward and tugs one lightly out of the ground, tests its springiness, and lets a smile curve over his mouth. “Sharp.”
The praise seems to encourage Hawks, as he takes the opportunity to dive toward the ground, spinning in midair and producing a dagger made from his own feathers. Touya notes that the composition on the weapon is loose, still made up of seperate objects rather than a solid whole. The feather in his grip starts to shake, then jerks out of his grasp to join the swirl of wings.
“I bet he learned that with the Commission,” Twice’s mentee whispers to the others, and Touya is the only one close enough to see Hawks’s weapon waver at the words, sinking back to a standing position.
“Impressive,” Touya allows, resting an arm on his shoulder. “I’ll give you your first tips now, Takami: we’ll work on consolidating formed objects. Don’t rely so much on one foot when you push off the ground, either.”
Hawks nods. Smirking, Touya flicks his forehead. He’s not much taller than Hawks, which sucks, but he supposes there’s not that much of an age difference. Maybe he’ll grow and Hawks won’t.
“Also,” he confides, “don’t mention my father.”
“We’re getting into the daddy issues quick,” Shigaraki observes archly, arms folded.
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