#hale x ann
Eavle shouldn’t be shipped with any of the girls when he’s so obviously gay coded.
It doesn’t make any sense for Jesra to regain Tarelan in the epilogue, her character arc was clearly building up to her letting Darian be king.
Yu isn’t boring, it’s just that his personality is less in-your-face than the npcs. His backstory is actually one of the most interesting in the game, imo.
Ann gets too much hate, and it reeks of misogyny. Just because you’re attracted to Hale doesn’t mean you should excuse his actions and blame all of the fallout on my girl Ann.
These are just my opinions! Feel free to tell me yours in the replies/tags, and please please please be civil! 🙏💚
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thena0315 · 1 year
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Kisses under Falling Water 💋🌧️
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originalwitchedits · 1 year
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Ann's 2022 Wrapped pt 2(A)
So, here's part 2 with my yearly recap in fandom that I'm guessing you all will like more, the FANFICTION RECOMMENDATIONS!!
Top fics of this year
According the ao3 wrapped, I've managed to read as many as 3.5k fanfics this year, which roughly amounts to 10 fics a day 😱 and a total of 115 MILLION word over the span of a year, which is amazing, considering all the time I've spent working in the hospital (because yes I was an intern), studying AND playing Genshin.
Since I'm tasking myself to rec fics from as many of the fandoms i read fics for (of which there are many), I'll limit myself, and it proved to be as hard I had thought it would be.
My list is in no way even close to an exhaustive fic rec list for the pairing. It has some gems to get you started if you're new to the ship, or some fics to re-read, if you've already read these. If there is a podfic of the fic, I'll include that too! Podfics deserve more love and are a boon, allowing us to listen to our favourite stories while doing other work or playing games! They're one of the top reasons I've not fallen asleep while completing exploration in Genshin Impact lol.
In the m/m fics, i don't write the ship name with the top/bottom fixed in mind as i always headcanon them as versatile. (I know some people like to read fixed dynamics for certain ships, so this is just a fyi for them.)
Do check the tags of the fics before reading and check the author's pages for further fics to read!
All fics are complete unless mentioned otherwise.
Fandoms/Ships covered:
1. Draco/Hermione from Harry Potter
2. Merlin/Arthur from BBC Merlin
3. Peter Parker/Johnny Storm from Spiderman and The Fantastic Four comics
4. Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale from Teen Wolf
5. Namjoon centric BTS fics
6. Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
7. James Bond/Q from James Bond (Craig) movies
Covered in part 2(B) because too many links lol
8. Frank Hardy/Nancy Drew from Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys series
9. Prapai/Sky from Love in the Air
10. Batman / Red Robin comics
11. Miscellaneous fic recs
Pairing: Draco/Hermione aka Dramione from Harry Potter
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Fuck JKR and any and all transphobes. Her world of HP was the first serious series that i read and grew up with, so the emotional attachment i have with this series is a lot. So while i don't support her in any way or form, fanfics are fair game for me.
I discovered Dramione when i started reading fanfiction and came across this rather lovely dramione fanfiction called Simply Irresistible that opened my eyes to the pairing. I'd always liked Draco as a character with unrealised potential. And Hermione is and always has been my favourite character from HP. The sweet sweet potential of Dramione combined with the excellent fanfics on ffnet dragged me in and hasn't let me go even now, to be honest. This pairing has so many EXCELLENT fics i simply can't even think of picking my top fics. So I'm just listing the top 6 dramione fics i re-read every year.
1. Rewritten in Time series by ScotlandEvander Rated T
Scared and tired, Draco Malfoy decides to take matters into his own hands. Using a potion, he travels back in time, finds himself in his eleven year old body with all his memories from the past seventeen years. Using this knowledge, he sets out change time. His first mission: befriend Harry Potter. His second: Keep Harry from doing death defying acts. (Turns out harder than Draco had envisioned.)
A Draco centric Harry potter time travel fix-it! It's one of my favourite Harry potter fic to read, and offers the full experience from first to seventh year. Features an OC who is important to the story but not part of the main pairing. It's a fun series that is a slow burn with the dramione as they don't get together till a lot later.
The fix-it version of Harry is hilarious, especially as the years progress. Features lots of friendship moments between the characters and the romance is slow and subtle with hints throughout the series. I try to re-read this whole series atleast once a year.
2. Rewriting Destiny by WaitForTheSnitch Rated General Audiences
They all thought after Voldemort's fall that the world would get better. But they were wrong. The Death Eaters used politics to accomplish what Voldemort never could. And with the dwindling Wizarding population and no one left to fight, there's only one solution: to go back in time to before Voldemort rose to power, and fix what broke the first time around. Time Travel AU
Features Draco and Hermione as time travellers that go back in time to make sure Voldemort never rises to power. I love how the author writes the characters, and their interactions with each other. I'm a goner for good world building and this fic delivers in SPADES.
3. Measure of a Man by inadaze22 Rated E
To truly know someone is to differentiate between who they once were, who they are now, and who they're capable of being. Hermione realises the duality of one man as she rectifies what she knows of the past and begins to understand the pieces of who Draco Malfoy is now: a father, a son, and a man.
It is a post-hogwarts dramione EWE (epilogue what epilogue for those unaware of the term) fic with Hermione being tasked to take care of a rather unique case, and during the process, she learns and grows.
It is NOT a short fic at all, clocking in at almost 600k, and it is SLOW burn, that sometimes is a long low simmering roast. Narcissa in this fic is amazing. I personally wouldn't recommend this to be read in one sitting, and with having some fluff fics on standby for the in between breaks because it is heavy in places.
*Funnily enough all the fics I'm recommending above are LONG as fuck fics clocking in atleast 100k words or more. I really love reading long fics*
4. The Eagle's Nest by HeartOfAspen Rated E
Hermione's eighth year at Hogwarts is already going to be difficult in the aftermath of the war, but is further thrown into upheaval when Headmistress McGonagall orders a re-sorting of all students to promote inter-house unity. But when the Sorting Hat sends Hermione to Ravenclaw with Draco - and without Harry or Ron - how will she cope? [Epilogue? What epilogue?] Prevalent alchemy.
I love eighth year dramione fics! They have so many possibilities, with most commonly having Hermione coming back alone to Hogwarts without Harry or Ron.
In this fic, both Draco and Hermione discover the hidden depths in the other, especially Hermione, coming to know more about Draco as they progress through their eighth year at Hogwarts.
5. The Gloriana Set by ThebeMoon Rated E
The War is won, and Hermione Granger is back at Hogwarts as an “Eighth Year”, feeling reckless and determined to shed her prim bookworm persona. She will do as she pleases, and anyone who doesn’t like it will see the business end of her wand. Also returning is Draco Malfoy, universally hated but determined to restore his family’s name. Hermione’s hopes for a quiet school year are quickly dashed as she contends with mischievous First Years, killer plants, enchanted hair accessories, a totally inappropriate Moaning Myrtle, renegade Death Eaters, a nice vampire, a poorly named study group, a depraved party, and mysterious, threatening blood messages on the castle walls. We have redemption, partial redemption and (sadly or hilariously) no redemption at all. Throw in a snarky, disturbingly attractive Draco with his own secret agenda, and we have a very slow-burn Dramione with a side of who-dun-it.
This is one of my favourite eighth year dramione fics that keeps you engrossed throughout the fic and it also has a in progress podfic that can be found here.
6. Chronos Historia by In_Dreams
Hermione and Draco stumble upon a mysterious portal and find themselves hurtled back through time a thousand years. Forced to team up to find a way home, they quickly realize that much of the history they believed to be fact, wasn't true after all. A founders era, time travel Dramione.
As it says on the tin, with such an interesting take on the founders, i was intrigued. It was also my first founders era fic.
While this next fic isn't strictly a dramione but a Draco/Hermione/Theo fic so i couldn't resist but add this in, it's a personal favourite. It's spicy and a very well written throuple polyamourous fic, with the characters playing nicely off each other and another eighth year fic as well!
7. Sugar and Spice by InLoveWithForever
Contrary to what she claimed, it wasn’t grass and new parchment and spearmint toothpaste she smelled.
A mind-boggling amalgamation of confusion followed by a peripheral realization, and then instantaneous fear made her flush so severely that the room went fuzzy around the edges of her vision as she choked out the lie.
It was old parchment housed in the restricted section, tart green apples, and something spicy—not cinnamon, cloves?—that lingered inside her nostrils. She was woozy, her lids drooping heavily, even as a small part of her brain screamed at how wrong this was. A larger, louder part of her shoved the shame down in favor of baser instincts. Those instincts dampened and dissipated and the shame crowded in the further removed she was from the delicate, unmistakable scent wafting from the cauldron.
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon aka Merthur from BBC Merlin
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Despite knowing about this show since 2014 (blame this hellsite) i only got the chance to watch this show in 2016 and boy did i fall headlong in love with this show and it's characters. I love that the fandom still remains active to this day, even a decade after this show ended.
And we all cry hysterically every Christmas Eve because that ENDING 😭 or maybe that's just me lol and the i reread that one post canon fic because i want to feel. And that leads to my first rec,
1. And like the cycle of the year, we begin again by katherynefromphilly Rated E
Set after the Merlin Series 5 Finale "Diamond of the Day".
For many long years Merlin waited.
For the other part of his soul, for the other half of his life. He was born to serve Arthur. So that meant he was also born to wait. Even if it took a thousand years. Even if the wait seemed never to end.
Until one day, suddenly, it did.
When Arthur stumbles from the Lake of Avalon 1,500 years after his death, he finds a world unlike the one he knew. Faced with the loss of everyone he loved, and the threat of impending prophecy, Arthur must learn what it means to be not just a king, but the Once and Future King. Merlin does all he can to guide him, even as he struggles to hide his love for his king, and his fear of losing him again.
Story includes sass, banter, horseplay, & True Love
It is part of a lovely series, We Begin Again which i read every year atleast once, it's a classic masterpiece that fulfils my S6 dreams.
2. Evil Overlord, Inc. by Footloose, mushroomtale Rated E
Merlin is a recent graduate with a double doctorate in metaphysics and physics. Arthur is a low-level paper pusher with a desk in the sub-basement of MI5. They live in a world with ridiculous laws and restrictions against anyone who might be supernatural in any way, shape, or design.
Merlin has huge debts looming over this head, a few quid left in his bank account, and no job prospects. Arthur is pushing thirty, in a dead-end job with no chances of promotion to fieldwork agent, and is thoroughly bored with his life.
One ill-advised Craigslist advert, five pushy mates, one nosy all-knowing sister, and a hacked email account later, Merlin and Arthur take the world by storm.
(Or, more precisely, they take over the world.)
It is one of my most favourite Merlin fics coming from the minds of the godly duo of Footloose and mushroomtale with excellent story, GORGEOUS art and bamf!Merlin and bamf!Arthur.
I'm honestly down bad for the art in this fic, especially spectacled Arthur and the art makes me feel things. If you ever find any Merthur fic, with either of the two author's involved in it's creation, it's a must read.
3. Shadow lord and Pirate King by Footloose, mushroomtale Rated E
A fast ship, a good crew, a treasure, a Clan to lead -- that's all Arthur Pendragon has ever wanted. He sits on the Council, he supports his father's kingship, and he keeps an eye on the Imperial Conglomerate when they come too close to Pirate space.
One day the Conglomerate infiltrates the Clans and poisons the King. Arthur must search for a cure to keep his father alive and the Clans from civil war.
An escape route, a sharp knife, a target, the shadows at his command -- that's all Merlin has ever needed. He fulfills his assignments, he uses the Sterling to sustain his once-royal House in their exile, and wages a private war against the Imperial Conglomerate.
When he learns of an elaborate plot to assassinate him, Merlin does the opposite of what's expected. He flees onto a Pirate ship.
There's a saying among the Pirates: that one's fate is written in the stars. Destiny will always set to rights what has been made wrong.
Arthur and Merlin know that they were meant for the other from the moment they meet. They can feel it from across the galaxies separating them. Nothing can stop them from being together or from fulfilling an ancient prophecy.
Another beautiful fic with gorgeous art, featuring space pirate!Arthur, ninja assassin!Merlin, secrets, plots for revolution and so much more packed in a nice long story with sizzling chemistry and GORGEOUS art.
The art for this fic graced my phone as wallpaper for a long while and if shipping wasn't like sky high i would have bought merch for the fic art, I'm serious.
4. Loaded March series by Footloose Rated E
Captain Arthur Pendragon has put together the best team of specialists that the SAS has ever seen, but when his superiors assign Lieutenant Merlin Emrys as his communications officer, Arthur does everything to make him feel unwelcome. Arthur's job is to protect and guide his team through dangerous missions, and he worries that he can't do that when the newest member has a mysterious background and acts suspicious when he thinks no one is looking.
As their assignments become more dangerous, Merlin can't help but to use his magic to keep his team -- even his prat of a Captain -- safe from threats they couldn't possibly understand. But when they are sent on a undercover operation against a group of zealots intent on a magical apocalypse, Merlin needs to confront his fear of discovery and derision, and to finally trust his team with his secret.
Arthur and Merlin rely on each other for more than the sake of their mission. The entire world is at stake. When they learn -- from dragons, no less -- that they are prophesied to restore the balance of magic to the world, they fight on regardless of the outcome, because duty, honour and loyalty is a far stronger driving force than destiny.
A completed series featuring Arthur, Merlin and the other knights as part of an elite SAS unit with the varying adventures they face that clocks in at almost 1.3 million words, it's a good, LONG read that'll absorb you thoroughly if you aren't careful and you'll emerge as a changed person.
It also has a in progress podfic, which has the first 5 stories in podfic form, which you can listen to here.
Actually do yourself a favor and go to both of these author's ao3 pages and read ALL of their Merlin fic and also fics they've written for other fandoms if they interest you, because otherwise I'll just keep on listing their fics throughout lmao.
5. Gadarene by unpossible Rated E
“You’re the Prince?” Merlin says, eyeing him. He hesitates, then adds, defiant, “The Mad Prince of Camelot.”
Arthur doesn’t move. There’s quiet for a long time, then he says it. “I am.”
“You don’t seem mad,” he says.
The smile wells up from somewhere deep, and very sad. “Well, Merlin,” he says, “give me time.”
This is also a very unique Merlin fic, that deals with reluctant slave master Arthur and slave Merlin working together to take down the villian, with lots of intrigue, lot of sexy times and a little coup, for added flavour.
Also has a lovely podfic !
Pairing: Peter Parker/Johnny Storm aka Spideytorch from The Amazing Spiderman and The Fantastic Four comics
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I've read the Spiderman comics as a teen and was introduced to the fantastic four via those. Peter's friendship with Johnny, especially their bantering is top class. Definitely see the spideytorch queen @traincat blog with their posts on Spiderman, fantastic four and Spideytorch, with this and this (being posts on why Spideytorch? and the second one has a brief comic book timeline of Spideytorch. I personally prefer comic book Peter Parker, fyi but i don't hate mcu!Peter. Also traincat has written many of the gems in this pairing so do check out their ao3 as well!!
1. Tales From The Back Pages by Traincat Rated T
Peter Parker was born with his words. Johnny Storm's been sure his will be said sarcastically since he was a child. Everything else more or less happens according to plan.
A first words soulmate AU.
This is a pretty good fic for those new to Spideytorch in general and is a rather lovely fic. It is basically Marvel 616 Spiderman and the Human Torch but with soulmates. I personally have read it soo many times i can recite parts of this fic from memory.
2. Work Song by Traincat Rated E
Peter Parker has his company, more money than he knows what to do with, and the echoes of a ghost in his head. Johnny Storm's lost his family, his home, and is clinging to the remnants of his old life.
"I’m here with you. That’s not nothing, right?”
“No,” Peter agreed. It definitely felt like something, all the way up here with Johnny so close they were almost touching.
Peter looked at him, at the full lips set in a slight frown, the sharp curve of his jaw, the way his hair fell across his forehead. He fit all the dazzling lights around them, warm like sunshine even in the middle of the night.
“Beautiful,” Peter said before he could stop himself.
This fic requires you to be a bit more familiar with the comic timeline, but in essence, (comic book spoilers ahead) in one of the comic book runs of Spiderman, there's a time when all of the fantastic four except Johnny Storm have vanished and Peter buys up the Baxter building (the F4's home) and he's pretty rich in this because a while before this he had discovered that doctor octavius had taken over Peter's actions via *science ish mind control' with him making a major company and everything.
It kinda has glucose guardian Peter vibes as well and some references to non con as well (not between the main characters). It is one of my favourite fics by Traincat and honestly if you're even somewhat familiar with the spideytorch comic book timeline, i can't rec this fic enough!
3. Always Glad You Came by aloneintherain Rated T
Spider-Man is a relatively new, controversial vigilante, and Johnny has a crush the size of the Empire Building. The Four - operating under the assumption that Spidey is an adult - do not approve.
“I just happen to think Spider-Man's cool,” Johnny says, matter-of-factly. “A hero can think another hero is cool without making it weird. I admire his aloofness. And his badass-ness.”
“His aloofness,” Ben repeats, chuckling into his mug of beer. It’s roughly the size of Johnny’s head. “Yeah, sure, I bet that’s all your admire, right?"
While i usually prefer comic book Spidey, this one is mcu Spideytorch, with teen!Peter and teen!Johnny that is one of my favourite mcu Peter fics.
4. Spideytorch series by mizzy
A series of unrelated fics about my OTP, Peter Parker/Johnny Storm.
This series has some of my favourite Spideytorch fics not written by Traincat and of all of the fics in the series, my personal favourite has to be without a hitch.
This series is based on comic book canon, rather than mcu so do keep that in mind! It's a must read collection of Spideytorch fics!!
5. Better in Picture by weekend_conspiracy_theorist Rated Teen and Up
In which Peter Parker has no interest in sleeping with Matt Murdock, no matter what anyone seems to think.
Despite what it seems, it really is a Spideytorch fic! It has representation of one of the most underrated friendships of Peter and that is his friendship with Matt Murdock aka Daredevil.
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale aka Sterek from Teen Wolf
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I've read fics for this pairing for a year of two before even actually watching the show a year or so back lol. Reading up on the history of the pairing, thankfully i wasn't the only one who saw this ship as possible in the show (before the makers betrayed us fans). But yeah, I've always been down for bad boys in leather jackets with a heart of gold and Derek was a perfect fit. Plus Stiles stole my heart in the first episode. Scott, while a fine character, was written with a bit too much of the protagonist's halo effect for my tastes, if that makes sense, but that's just my opinion.
1. Play It Again by metisket Rated T
In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself.
“Laura wants to lure the kid in with food and kindness and make a pet of him, like a feral cat. Derek wants to have him arrested for stalking. They’re at an impasse. (And the rest of the family is staying emphatically out of it in a way that suggests bets have been placed.)”
It's a time and dimension travel fix-it fic, featuring soft!Derek, kick-ass!laura and lot of realisations on Stiles' part.
Comes with a Podfic
2. Gravity's Got Nothing on You by zosofi Rated E
“Three weeks,” Derek says.
“Still don’t want to,” Stiles says.
“I’ll pay you,” Derek says, and that… that has Stiles interested. Alf’s Antique’s may be a great job, but it’s not a high-paying job, and half of Stiles’s tuition is coming from financial aid, so…
“How much,” Stiles asks, “are we talking here? Because I know your family, dude. And it’ll be kind of awkward after.“
“My family thinks you’re some sort of fucking gift to the world,” Derek seethes, like he’s jealous, “they’ll probably be pissed at me when we break it off, so don’t worry about that. Five hundred bucks.”
“A thousand,” Stiles says, because screw ethics. Also, the Hale family is loaded. Derek can deal.
Or, the one where the Hale fire never happened, Laura is a nosy sister, Derek is desperate, and Stiles is the only one that can help. It's a fake dating au that is a comfort read of mine.
Also as a Podfic
3. Stop Crossing Oceans by greenleaf Rated M
“There are no absolutes, Scott! No hard rights or hard wrongs! The world doesn’t fucking work that way and we can’t afford to think like that, because people are going to die! We signed up for that the moment we got involved with all this!”
“We? We?” Scott hisses. “Don’t you think you? Don’t forget that you’re the one who dragged us into that forest the night it all started, Stiles. So if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s yours.”
Something inside Stiles cracks, so strong and so deep that he practically hears it.
A look into a what-if Stiles and Scott's ideological differences are so much that it fractures the friendship between Stiles and Scott and Stiles chooses Derek over Scott.
4. Stuck in Reverse by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli) Rated E
Look, Derek is the worst. Everyone knows that. Their fearless leader is a total and complete failwolf.
Which means the rest of them? Are kind of the worst too. They’re a ramshackle, slap dashed, sorry excuse for a pack that’s about a half second away from getting one of them killed. And this is a problem, because Stiles would really like to survive high school. Thanks.
Still, nobody deserves what Derek has gone through. Nobody.
And it’s about time somebody told him that.
Stiles decides enough is enough and somewhat ought to appreciate Derek and make sure someone cares for him, and in the process, makes friends with Jackson and unites the pack into a much more cohesive team.
5. Will to Follow Through by owlpostagain Rated E
“It depends entirely on how you look at it, I guess,” Stiles shrugs. “On the one hand, instant healing and the apparently inherited ability to pull off leather at all times. On the other, serious attitude problems and a suspicious disappearance of eyebrows.”
“Even Derek’s?” Danny snorts, “that’s a lot of eyebrow to lose.”
“I know,” Stiles agrees. “You should see, it’s so weird. Every time I want to ask him where they go, except he’d totally eat my face off.”
“There are worse ways to die.”
Deals with the in-transition state of Stiles' crush on Lydia to his crush on Derek, featuring a solid friendship trio of Stiles, Lydia and Danny.
Also has a Podfic (locked, so requires an ao3 account to access).
Pairing: BTS featuring Namjoon centric fics only
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I'll admit that I haven't read much of new BTS fics since 2020, so this might be a bit dated, but all of these are solid gold. There'll be only 1 per Namjoon ship and 1 OT7 fic, which was a MASSIVE STRUGGLE I tell you, because there are SO MANY good ones, except for the OT7 fic, that one I knew instantly.
1. Kim Namjoon|RM/Kim Seokjin|Jin aka Namjin :
I cheated. I chose 2 by the same author metastacia BECAUSE I COULDN'T CHOOSE, both of these are SO SO GOOD. Both have excellent plot, world-building, pacing and will suck you in till you finish it all. I have followed both fics from their first chapter to their last and let me tell you each chapter update was an EVENT on my tl, with discussions, theories, everything. So many of us laughed and cried to these chapters and i personally remember the eager anticipation of reading it!
The Shaman and The Exorcist Rated M
Seokjin doesn't believe in ghosts. Which would cause a huge uproar if everyone knew since he's kind of a big deal at his university; he's a shaman who protects people from evil spirits. He doesn't remember where he got the idea to do this from, all he knows is that superstitious people pay good money.
Namjoon does believe in ghosts. Better yet, he can see them and he can expel them. But there's a certain phoney shaman at his university who's stealing all his clients in his exorcism business, and he's not happy about it because haunted people pay good money.
So, what do they do? Figure out whose closet is holding all the skeletons, of course.
The Grim Reaper, they called him. He was the weird kid in school who knew exactly when someone’s mother was about to die. They didn’t believe him when he’d said it, and they didn’t believe him when he said he wasn’t a psychic, and they didn’t believe him when he said he didn’t cause her death.
The Grim Reaper, they still sometimes call him. Legendary trial lawyer who became known for weeding out the bad guy no one else suspected and putting them in prison. It was almost like he had a sixth sense for it. Like no one was safe from him. Like the black cloud of death still follows him around and no matter how much he tries to shake it off, it doesn’t let go.
Seokjin wonders at what point death had stopped following him around, and at what point he’d started to become death itself.
in which Seokjin can see everyone's lifespan floating above their heads, numbers steadily counting down to their deaths. the numbers never change, or so he thought.
2. Kim Namjoon|RM/ Min Yoongi|Suga aka Namgi:
What rhymes with pug me by sequoiasem Rated T
namjoon and yoongi share a sweater (and also some feelings)
This fic is like a warm hug when you're feeling meh or like sitting by the fireplace wrapped in your cozy blanket with a cup of hot cocoa on a winter night.
3. Kim Namjoon|RM/Jung Hoseok|J-Hope aka Namseok
The Universe Needs More You by AttilaTheHun Rated M
Kim Namjoon is in love, and Jung Hoseok is always dating someone else. This is perfectly fine, even preferable, because the universe likes to tell jokes and Namjoon knows it's best just to laugh along. He's certainly got nothing to complain about when it comes to the building blocks of his life, and dating is a lot of effort. Too much effort, really. So it's obviously fine.
But the universe's latest attempt at a comedy sketch, where Hoseok moves in with him, bringing the sun and a lot of tiny shorts, might actually make him insane.
We all need a little slow burn lovely namseok in our lives.
4. Kim Namjoon|RM/Park Jimin|Jimin aka Minjoon
things we turn away from by themarmalade Rated M
Jimin, beloved by thousands and starved for affection, finds what he craves so deeply in his massage therapist's hands and very intriguing side job.
This will feel like a long long hug, especially if you're feeling touch starved.
5. Kim Namjoon|RM/Kim Taehyung|V aka Taejoon
Hurt Locker by MmeIrene Rated E
Kim Namjoon, college student and outspoken omega, decides that he doesn't want an alpha to help him through his next heat.
Kim Seokjin, best friend, decides that is a Very Bad Idea.
This is my favourite Taejoon fic EVER, with soft and sexy times in equal quantities.
6. Kim Namjoon|RM/Jeon Jungkook aka Namkook
come take it (if you want a piece of me) by babyblue(rhnull)
Jimin forces Jungkook to make a Tinder, and there's no way that profile of Kim Namjoon is real.
Self indulgent, Namkook fluff with pining makes for a lovely read.
7. Kim Namjoon/Everyone aka OT7
What I Did On My Summer Vacation, by Kim Namjoon, Age 18 ½ by Runchrandom(infraredphaeton)
On his gap year, Kim Namjoon accidentally joins a gang, takes over that gang, becomes the leader of the South Korean Underworld, publishes his first mix tape and gets six criminal boyfriends. It's a busy twelve months.
"Hey, you're Rap Monster, right?"
"You're really cool, man! I've been listening to you for ages!" the guy practically bounces over the body, slinging an arm around Namjoon's shoulders. "You got a crew?"
Namjoon shakes his head slowly.
"Well, we can fix that."
My absolute favourite BTS fic of ALL time, that I re-read ATLEAST once a year. This author has written many excellent Namjoon centric fics, so rest assured you're in for a treat.
Features smart as hell Namjoon who somehow finds himself as the head of the Seoul underground and six boyfriends, and it all started with sucker punching someone in the face. Interested? Read on!
Pairing: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto aka Sasunaru from Naruto
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A classic pairing, which for many, as well as me, was their first anime m/m ship, if not their m/m ship ever. There's something hilarious that kishimoto, who wrote the women in Naruto so inconsistently and despite never wanting to, created a friendship that was so deep and with such homoerotic undertones, it surpasses the bond that the 'canon' heterosexual pairings have 😂
1. Kizuna Hikari by YoungAndOverIntelligent Rated M
The only reason Sasuke keeps coming back to Konoha is because of that mattress. The bed is his only respite. And perhaps the dumbass who owns said bed might be worth it, too.
Or, another canon divergence 699 that showers Sasuke with too much (deserved) love and attention that we all need for these unprecedented times.
Title means "Bonded Light". It'll make sense when you're about 100K in.
Remember the trope, "there was only one bed" ? This author took the trope and fit in 204k words of healing and feelings and character growth along with it that just moves you.
Sequel has POVs from the other characters as this one is from Sasuke's POV.
2. backslide by blackkat Rated M
Naruto’s friends are gone, his lover is dying, Konoha is destroyed, and Madara’s second return has pushed the entire world to the brink. Hunted and harried, Naruto is sent back in time to upend Madara’s plan before it even starts, and sets about changing everything. Butterfly effect nothing: the world is at stake, and Naruto is hardly about to let it fall to ruin once more. Not while he’s still breathing.
It's a time-travel fix it fic that has a not exactly unique concept, but the author portrays the characters so vividly they will stick in your mind forever.
It also has a Podfic by the awesome Opalsong (who is a prolific podficcer, check them out as well!) that is one of my favourite podfics to listen to, especially while traveling.
3. An Invincible Summer by ShanaStoryteller Rated T
When Naruto is five, he's gutted by a drunken civilian and presumed dead.
Six months later a girl with ash pale hair and dark blue eyes enters the Academy.
As you can see by now, I love my canon fix-its and this is that as well, but involving the Sexy no jutsu in a way I didn't imagine before reading this fic.
Naruto (or as she's known in this fic, Natsu Nami) is a bamf whose bonds with genin team and kakashi are a highlight of this fic.
Also has a Podfic
4. Forces of Gravity by Anxiety_Pickle Not Rated
The Rinnegan is hardly well understood; at the end of the world, Sasuke Uchiha takes a gamble.
In one world, Madara Uchiha wins. Sasuke escapes by the skin of his teeth and flees to the nearest dimension. Unfortunately, he has quite a few unintended passengers. Stranded five years in the past with the Akatsuki and the all too real threat of global extinction at his back, he decides that he'll be the one to stop the apocalypse - even if that means taking on the Akatsuki himself.
A time travel-dimension travel-canon divergence Uchiha Sasuke centric fix-it fic that has pretty good world-building. My favourite part of this fic are Sasuke's hawk summons! They're so interesting and lovely to read.
5. Corporate Secrets by Kizukatana Rated E
Everyone knew that Uzumaki Naruto was a businessman you didn't mess with. He was charismatic and able to win deals that left others wondering how they'd been talked into what they'd just signed. He was held up as an example of everything an alpha should be: strong, charismatic, and commanding. What they could never have expected was that Naruto was not, in fact, an alpha. In a society run by alphas, it was a secret that he kept closely guarded. As long as he never encountered his True Mate, he could keep his identity concealed behind scent blockers and suppressants. And with billions of people in the world, he didn't really have to worry about finding his True Mate. Right? Even if he did, Naruto was sure he would just kick the guy's ass and move on. He'd never met an alpha he was attracted to, or one that could match him. He wasn't worried at all.
Requires an AO3 account to access, but TOTALLY worth it.
One of my favourite A/B/O fics ever that has a pretty good world-building with respect to the trope and the characterization.
But then again, it is by KizuKatana, who along with blackkat (author of fic 2 in the Sasunaru rec list) are some of the most prolific authors in the Sasunaru fic-dom, who have written awesome as hell fics, so do check out their profiles!
Pairing: James Bond/Q aka 00Q from the Craig James Bond movies
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I love me some hardened spy and some bespectacled boffin being a pair of bamfs together. I'm still not clear why exactly why I started shipping this, oh wait, i know, that ENTIRE scene in Q's office where he calmly takes that gun from James.
1. Ordinary Numbers by BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria Rated T
More than anything, Mike Taylor wanted to be ordinary. Being a genius, he learned early in life, meant people expected too much. A career at the MI6 Help Desk seemed the perfect way to guarantee a lifetime of obscurity, until he got a very unusual tech support call.
Requires ao3 account to read
🤌🏻 chef's kiss of a fic🤌🏻
Also has a lovely podfic which i love to listen to often.
2. Important Dates by AtoTheBean Rated E
After a brief attempt at retirement, James is back at MI6 and working hard to rebuild working relationships with his colleagues and friends. And he's making great strides.
Only Q continues to hold him at arm's length, maintaining a stubborn professionalism in their interactions that James remains unable to pierce.
But James doesn't want Q at arm's length, and so he takes a risk. But even a spy's instincts can run amok, and now James wonders just how long he'll be reaping what he's sown, and how many holidays it will take to win Q over.
A post Spectre fic, with Bond seeking to make amends with Q, but only to be met with resistance. A fic set in important holidays in Bond and Q's life, has groveling bond, something i enjoy reading any time.
3. Quriosity by dr_girlfriend Rated E
Bond finds himself increasingly curious about his enigmatic Quartermaster.
"Your prior hotel is no longer secure, I will direct you to a new location. Your luggage has already been transferred. A field agent and medic from the Diréction Générale de la Sécurité d'État will be waiting at the side entrance. I have cleared them both personally." In contrast to his crisp dry English, Q's pronunciation of the French words was fluid and flawless, the throaty tone of the fricatives sending a surprising jolt of awareness straight to Bond's cock — all the more remarkable given his degree of blood loss.
"You're wasted on Q-branch, you have the voice for a phone-sex call-in line." The words slipped out of Bond's mouth without forethought, although he had plenty of time to think in the sudden pause that came afterward and stretched on for endless moments. Bond hadn't realized until now how Q was always there, with an immediate reply. In all their banter Q had never before been at a loss for words. Ever.
4. Redamancy by opalescentgold Rated M
If you write something on your skin, then it will show up on your soulmate's skin as well.
James doesn't quite fall in love over physics discussions and cheeky book quotes scrawled over his heart, coding and riddles inked onto his skin, but he comes close. He does.
And then he actually meets Q.
This is a soulmate AU with Holmes!Q that starts pre-Spectre and is a spectre fix-it that fits so many feelings in it, it's no wonder it's so long.
5. Red Queen to Overwatch by BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria Rated M
After returning from the dead, James Bond moves into a new secure flat, only to find that his new neighbour is either: a scruffy teenager, a brilliant computer geek, a mad scientist, or the sexiest genius he's ever met. Two of these things turn out to be true.
Well, three, once the Red Queen gets involved.
Another beautiful, beautiful fic featuring Holmes!Q, that was one of my first 00Q fics and still remain in my top fics for this pairing.
Part 2(B) continued here
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myalchod · 1 year
Ben/Rosalind + AU in which Ros modified Ben and their children's memories to make them believe their wife and mother was Rose, a late member of the Light Battalion, when she was about to be arrested for what she'd done in Aster Dell
Poison Ivy just for you, you lunatic. Happy rarepair weekend!
The infant knows something is wrong; the girl screams when Rosalind picks her up, and her tiny mind is still forming, too slippery for her magic to settle into properly. “She’ll grow used to you again,” Ben reassures her when she gives vent to her frustrations one evening after both children are abed, and as she leans back into the cradle of his body she tries not to dwell on why it should bother her so much. (She remembers other infants not her own, warmth and soft skin and pudgy limbs -- remembers a tiny body under a shroud, a tiny unmarked grave, bile and salt stinging her throat, and locks the memories away to better serve this masquerade she must embrace.)
Farah knows something more than simply the obvious is wrong, and because she does Saul does as well. But she can see the conflict in her former protégée’s face, knows she’s thinking of the broken man Ben Harvey had been when Rosalind had first found him again, and despite the significant looks and the unspoken warning in their expressions neither does a thing.
“Why?” she asks her once, though, standing on the edge of Alfea’s courtyard watching as Ben and Saul play with the boys, and Rosalind resolutely puts all thought of missed chances and might-have-beens out of her mind before turning her focus to the younger woman. A question at once simple and infinitely complex, encompassing a dozen prospects and more. Why is she here, why like this, why is she doing any of it?
“Because what still needs to be done is more important,” is the only answer she can give. She doesn’t say what it’s more important than, but the look that Farah darts her is more knowing than she expects.
(She does not think about all she has sacrificed — about what she walked away from, what she buried and what she abandoned, about the ghosts that crowd her nights. Perhaps the girl can sense them, she thinks fancifully, and that is why she cries — but it is a fleeting thought, and she has never had time for fancies.)
It’s not about emotion, though; nothing in this has ever been. It’s about survival and has been from the moment she thought of this plan. It’s about evading capture, ensuring she remains free long enough to take care of everything left unfinished, because Aster Dell was never the end. But it’s easy to be lulled by her surroundings, in the curl of the son not hers into her side as he dozes off, the press of a kiss against hair or cheek or mouth from the husband she has stolen. The woman whose place she has claimed is dead and Rosalind Hale does not feel guilt, but when he murmurs, “Rose,” in the quiet of the night as he reaches for her, the twinge in her chest from what had once been her heart still gives her pause.
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monkeey-booy · 7 months
So here is my take on coral island npc’s surnames! If you have a better idea, feel free to tell meeeeee <3
Luke, Bree, Walter Duckorns (found it on reddit, i believe it’s their official surname)
Pablo, Rafael, Antonio Sanchez
Nina Kluo (took it from the same reddit)
Leah, Randy Barnes (same)
Ling Jiang (reddit saved me)
Betty, Frank, Aaliyah, Noah, Erika Juma (thank you reddit)
Surya Widjojo (reddit is very useful)
Valentina Sanchez-Sinclair
Alice, Suki Sinclair
Dinda, Joko, Archie Widjojo
Kira, Jack, Kenny Shepherd
Mark Atkinson
Anne, Paul, Zoe Woods
Emily, Sam Moore
Eleanor, Sunny, Oliver Wilson (Sunny took Eleanor’s surname when they got married)
Jim, Theo, Lily Ryouno
Wataru, Wakuu Uchiumi
Scott Irwin
Millie Holland
Yuri Del Rosario (since she’s from a surrounding island, i headcanon her from the Philippines, correct me if i got that wrong)
Macy Gray
Raj Rani
Eva Fox
Charles O’Connor
Zarah Qamar
Chaem Hale
Emma, Dippa Monet
Ben Oswald
I used my insomnia and nervous breakdown to make this x) i also wrote a long list of idea to develop my farmer lmao be ready for some lore and doodles
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psycholuvrgirl · 1 year
hale (pt. 1 | n.s.)
summary: the sully family arrives at the pandora atolls and they’re met with an important figure from jake’s past.
hale [noun] the hawaiian word meaning home
pairing: srewtompa [metkayina!oc] x neteyam
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warnings: script following (this'll occur quite a bit considering the plot of atwow makes up a good percent of the story, but fret not it is not just the script word for word every chapter)
a/n: the kids are aged up (including tuk to keep age gaps consistent, don’t be weird abt it). neteyam and aonung are 19, lo’ak and kiri are 18, tsireya is 17, and tuk is 12! (basically add four to their canonical age). also, i've never written an oc story before, so i hope you all enjoy it! this is very near and dear to me as the oc is a lot like me and has a lot of aspects of my background and story. this will (probably) be my only oc story, all my other fics will most likely be x reader stories :)
word count: 1.7k
series masterlist
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The large crowd forming on the beach is her first hint that something was going on. Her eyes move to the new, unusual Na’vi on the sand -- their color a stark difference from the people’s. Srewtompa peeks her head above the water, eyes just poking above the surface. Ronal and Tonowari make their arrival, meeting the new Na’vi in the middle. Heat, pure anger rises throughout her body and she swims to the shoreline, sprinting across the sand. The word “uturu” rings in her mind, but she’s too caught up in her protectiveness to care.
She jumps in front of Ronal and Tonowari, hissing at the group of unwelcome visitors. The one who seems to be the mother pushes the man behind her, baring her teeth with a returned hiss. Their eyes lock onto one another’s -- the newcomer was older, that much was clear. She’s most likely stronger and faster too, but the smaller Na’vi doesn’t let her guard down.
“Why do you come to my home?” Srewtompa shouts.
“Ann?” her tough demeanor falters at the voice, at the name. She looks up, eyes meeting with those that belong to the man. Her eyes widen with a gasp that she can’t seem to stop. Her hand clasps over her mouth, disbelief flooding her body as she looks at the Na’vi man.
“Jake, you know her?” the woman asks. The name confirms her assumptions and she can’t fight away the smile that makes its way onto her face.
“Oh, Jake!” Srewtompa exclaims, running up to him. The woman hisses, but is ignored by the recipient. Srewtompa’s arms wrap around Jake, his doing the same.
“Neytiri, this is Ann. Little Ann, remember?” he says. Neytiri straightens up, nodding at Jake’s words. Tonowari clears his throat and Srewtompa turns to look at him.He gives her an all too familiar warning look, eliciting a nod from her.
She gives him a final hug, “And it’s Srewtompa now.” He nods as she makes her way to the spot with Tonowari and Ronal.
“You know our Srewtompa?” Ronal asks.
Jake nods, “I knew her when she was just a little girl.”
Confusion spreads over Ronal’s face. She looks at the girl for confirmation and she nods. Ronal’s mind doesn’t seem to pick up on the implication, the implication of Jake’s background; otherwise Jake probably would have been turned away without second thought. She turns back to Jake, “And you seek uturu here?”
Jake nods and Tonowari looks at them, “We are reef people. You are forest people. Your skills will mean nothing here.”
“Well, we will learn your ways, am I right?” Jake says.
Ronal continues her circle around the family, grabbing at their features as she mentions them. “Their arms are thin. Their tails are weak. You will be slow in the water.” She pauses, grabbing one of the children’s hands. “These children… are not even true Na’vi. They have demon blood!”
Srewtompa can see the family’s shame as Ronal announces it, picking up another kid’s hand to show their fingers. The girl looks at them, sorry for what was being done.
“As do I,” she says, stepping in front of Tonowari. Ronal’s head whips towards her, anger flashing in her eyes. The whole clan knew it; they knew she was not always Na’vi, but it isn’t something that typically affected her interaction with the people. She walks over to Ronal, taking the boy’s hand away from her. “Look, we’re the same, Ronal. Me and these Na’vi, we are the same. To deny them as Na’vi is to deny me as well. I was born from a Sky Person turned Na’vi -- a demon blood, but I adapted.”
“That’s right,” Jake says, “ We will adapt.”
“My husband was Toruk Makto,” Neytiri says, making her way in front of Jake, “He led the clans to victory against the Sky People.”
“This you call victory? Hiding among strangers?” Ronal asks. She points to Srewtompa, “She had no choice. She was only a child.” She averts her gaze, unsure if there’s anything she can say will make Ronal see what she sees. “It seems Eywa has turned her back on you, chosen one.”
Neytiri hisses and Ronal returns it, both women staring one another down. Jake is quick to separate the two.
“I apologize for my mate. She’s--”
“Do not apologize for me.”
“--flown a long way and she’s exhausted.”
“Jake,” Neytiri scolds. Jake is silent, but his warning look to his wife is clear with instruction. She falls behind him, making her way to join her children.
“Toruk Makto is a great war leader. All Na’vi people know his story,” Srewtompa says, trying to build reasons to allow them uturu. Her words earn murmurs  from the crowd.
“But we Metkayina are not at war,” Tonowari says. The small spark of hope dies with the sentence and she gives Jake a sorry look. Tonowari turns to Jake, finalizing his statement. “We cannot let you bring your war here.”
“I’m done with war. Okay?” Jake says, “I just want to keep my family safe.”
“Uturu has been asked,” Neytiri says, eyes closed and a frustrated tone.
Ronal and Tonowari look at each other, communicating quietly through glances. Tonowari’s eyes catch Srewtompa’s for a moment and he sighs, looking back at his lover. Although he still stays silent, she nods -- an act of permission. Tonowari places his spear into the sand, standing tall as he addresses the whole clan.
“Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us. Treat them as our brothers and sisters. Now, they do not know the sea. So they will be like babies taking their first breath. Teach them our ways, so they do not suffer the shame of being…” Tonowari looks directly at Jake, finishing his speech with one word, “...useless.” The family thanks him, mostly grateful except for their daughter in the back, who seemed almost tired of what was happening. “My son, Aonung, our daughter, Tsireya, and… Srewtompa will show you what to do.”
“Come! We’ll show you our village,” Srewtompa says with a smile. The group gathers the belongings and Tsireya takes the lead in showing the family where to go. Srewtompa walks next to Neytiri, clearing her throat to get the woman’s attention. “Mrs. Sully, I’d like to apologize for--”
“No,” Neytiri interrupts, shaking her head, “You were protecting your people. I understand.”
“Thank you,” she says, “Had I known who you were, I never would have acted that way.”
“This is for you. Your new home,” Tsireya says, pulling the attention away from the conversation. Jake says a few encouraging words, trying to get his family to cheer up as they all place their varying belongings down.
“I live right there,” Srewtompa says. She points to her marui pod in the distance, all of their eyes follow her finger. “Quite the walk away, but you all can come over if you need anything.”
“Who do you live with?” Jake asks, looking back at her. She hesitates, knowing that he won’t like the real answer. Then she realizes if she doesn’t answer, he will just worry and pry till he gets one.
“Nobody. I live alone,” she says, avoiding looking at him. 
“What?” Neytiri says. The sound of panic in her voice makes guilt rise through Srewtompa’s body. “That can’t be right. Where are your parents? You are barely an adult. You still need your parents.”
“They are… They’re gone,” she says, “And nobody really wants to take in the freaky demon kid, so it’s just been me down there.”
“Sounds like you’re living the life,” their older daughter says.
“Kiri!” Neytiri scolds.
“What? I’m just saying.”
“Ann-- Srewtompa,” he says, correcting himself, “You shouldn’t be alone.”
She shrugs, putting on a smile for the man, “I’m alright. I’m happy there.” He sighs, looking at Neytiri who has a worried look on her face. She catches a glimpse of it and shakes her head, “I will most likely see you guys all day, everyday. Alright? I’m only really in there to sleep. Don’t worry.”
“Yeah, mother, leave the poor girl alone,” one of the boys says. Her eyes travel to him and he bows his head, hand moving from forehead out towards you. “Oel ngati kameie. Nice to meet you, I’m Neteyam.”
His brother copies his greeting and their sister, who you now know as Kiri, mocks their bows. She feigns a male voice, doing a more fluttery version of the bow towards Srewtompa, which causes a giggle to leave the girl’s throat.
“I’m Tuk!” the little one exclaims. Srewtompa laughs at her excitement, sending Tuk a small wave.
“I’m Srewtompa,” she says, then adds, “But you all already knew that… I usually go by Tompa though.”
Someone at a distance calls her name, a sense of urgency in their voice. She glances out into the ocean, then back to the family. She says a rushed farewell, running out of the home and jumping into the ocean.
“She’s… interesting,” Kiri says. The other siblings nod in agreement.
“You all better be nice to her. She’s very important to me,” Jake says, “And she’s probably going to be your lifeline here. She’s gonna keep you knuckleheads alive.”
“What’s so special about her?” Neteyam asks, looking out the large open doorway. He sees her in the ocean, forehead resting against some creature’s head as she rubs their side gently.
“She was a human once, like me,” Jake says, “Where she came from… her people are similar to us-- to the Na’vi. And when the Na’vi needed her, she showed up. She was only a child when she got here.”
“She could teach you kids a lot,” Neytiri says.
“You protect her like family,” Jake says, “She is family. She may not be a Sully, but she may as well be.” 
Neteyam’s gaze lingers on the girl as she climbs out of the ocean, water dripping from her body. He notices how her features don’t completely match those of the Metkayina, enough to be identifiable but there’s something else. Her eyes catch his and she smiles, waving at him kindly. He bows his head a little, which makes her giggle. She does a fancy version of the normal greeting bow, which causes him to laugh as well. A child runs up to her, stealing the girl’s attention away.
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untilnextchapter · 1 year
Monthly Fanfictions Recommandation: September'23
Here are my best discoveries from the last weeks
🍬 The Authors
@kquil : a gentle author, writing about the Marauders, her writing will bring you peace and the writings are so soft. I love seeing her theme on my computer and seeing her icon on my dash is always a sign that I will read something good.
@luveline : you don't know if you want to read an Aaron Hotchner story or a good Marauder one? You don't need to change to another page, here is the wonderful Jade. She's so talented and you won't be disappointed if you want to check her work.
@thatfanficstuff : when I discovered this blog, I didn't know where I should go first. So many fandoms I love, so many characters, so many stories... So many comfort shows and so, comforting times after work. And sometimes, it's all I need. A gentle person writing some sweet stories.
@luci-in-trenchcoats : I read a few stories a few months ago but, I recently re-discovered this amazing author. With her works, I was back into Supernatural. So many hours spent at reading about our favourite hunters, so many series. And the best of the best: the writing skills are so great and it's so easy to read... Waow, just waow.
@imagineteamfreewill : Fluffy Supernatural fics and a lot of good AUs, all I need after a hard day at work. Meg is an excellent writer and you will spend a good time, I promise. I haven't read everything yet but, I know I have a few a good escapes in perspective. Don't hesitate , you will enjoy your time reading, I hope as much as I'm doing.
@anika-ann : I'm in my Marvel phase, I'm weak, I know. And, I think I found someone that could quench my thirst with so many good stories and good writing skills. I could spend hours reading about Steve Rogers. And I know I've found an unique writer because I loved a crossover story. I usually hate that. But here I am, reading a Criminal Minds / Avengers story and loving it. Thank you for that.
@crazyunsexycool : Another "Val", it can only be someone nice, right? But really, a sweetheart, someone with so much imagination, and a way to write about children... And I know what I'm talking about, I'm working in a nursery. It's so great to read something accurate when it's a subject you know. And except for the children, she's always here to answer your questions, being nice and taking time for her followers. I hadn't asked to be add into a taglist for a story for a long time. You won't be disappointed if you want to make a stop here.
🍭 The Stories
* = Smut (Minors DNI) || 🦋 = Series || Beware of the TW please
Not so secret admirer || @kquil (Remus Lupin x Reader, you can't hide your adoration for remus lupin and often end up staring at him, good thing he thinks you're really cute)
A star between hands 🦋 || @luveline (James Potter x Reader, finding out you’re princess isn’t half as intimidating as your new bodyguard, James. mutual pining, fluff)
if things go bad || @/luveline (Aaron Hotchner x Reader, Hotch rushes to get to you when you call him during a home invasion. angst, hurt/comfort)
True Mate 🦋 || @thatfanficstuff (Peter Hale x Reader)
Remember me || @/thatfanficstuff (Thranduil x Reader)
I Know Your Brother || @luci-in-trenchcoats (Sam Winchester x Reader, The reader is pulled out of Hell accidentally by Sam Winchester who’s wondering where his brother is…)
A Safe Mistake 🦋 || @/luci-in-trenchcoats (Nanny!Dean x Single Parent!reader, Dean’s in need of some extra cash to help Sam pay for his tuition and gets a job working as a nanny for the reader’s young son. As Dean becomes ingrained in the reader’s life though, he soon becomes more than just the nanny to them both…)
Beauty and the Beast 🦋 || @imagineteamfreewill (Dean Winchester x Reader AU, Living in a village is nice, and even though you’d always longed for adventure, you weren’t expecting to go on an adventure of your own anytime soon. But as soon as you take your father’s place as the prisoner of a Beast who lives in an enchanted castle, you’re surprised that adventure isn’t all it’s cracked up to be—and neither are monsters)
Daisy || @/imagineteamfreewill (Sam Winchester x Deaf!Daughter!Reader, Sam breaks some bad news to his daughter, who’s deaf, and watches her start to grow up without her mother)
Love on the Brain 🦋 || @anika-ann (Steve Rogers x Reader / Crossover MCU-Criminal Minds, You found menacing pictures of you friend, colleague and neighbour Steve in your mailbox.   Someone might play it off as a bad joke, but you were an agent for the Avengers Initiative and a former FBI agent. You’ve seen cases like this and you were taking no chances. Not with Steve of all people. But you were going to need help; enter the BAU)
Hands Too Cold, but Heart of Gold 🦋 || @/anika-ann (Steve Rogers x Reader, Matt Murdock x Reader, You officially joined the Avengers only two months ago and you’re about to take off to yet another mission. Cap would like to have some extra help on this one – but the Avengers have approached the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen before and he made it pretty clear how he felt about it. Of course, this time it’s you who got stuck with trying to convince him once again. “I still don’t understand why it’s not you coming, oh Star Spangled Man with a Plan.” “I do have a plan. I have you.”)
Heart’s Munition 🦋 || @crazyunsexycool (Mob boss!Steve Rogers x Maid!Reader. I can't copy and paste all the resume but I swear, you'll love it. A bit of surprise but it's worth the world)
My little love * 🦋 || @/crazyunsexycool (Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader. Really long resume but in short, Bucky, Reader, children, Papa and Mama bears, great scenario, you'll love it I promise!)
That's all, for now.
Don't hesitate to share the stories you liked and tell the writers you enjoy their works, it always means a lot to them ❤️
Have a good reading,
Val 🌸
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bookwormchocaholic · 2 years
Okay, I sort of did this poll yesterday and I goofed - I set it for one day instead of one week. I am reposting it and have added a few other couples.
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femslashrevolution · 10 days
Popular Pairing List Update
The following pairings have more than 10 recent posts in their pairing tag, and are therefore too popular to be posted on Rarepair Thursdays:
Aerith Gainsborough x Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy)
Amelia Collins x Zoe Miller (Class of '07)
Anaïs Davis x Bobbie De Bruyn (wtFOCK)
Aninlaphat Sawetwarit x Pilanthita Kasidit (The Loyal Pin)
Anna x Elsa (Disney Princesses)
Applejack x Fluttershy (My Little Pony)
Azula x Ty Lee (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Barbara Holland x Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Bérénice Leblond x Carla Furiani (Ici tout commence)
Blaze x Kristina Corinthos Davis (General Hospital)
Buffy Summers x Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Cady Heron x Regina George (Mean Girls; Mean Girls Musical)
Cate Randa x May Olowe Hewitt (Monarch: Legacy of Monsters)
Clary Fray x Isabelle Lightwood (The Mortal Instruments)
Darcy Lewis x Wanda Maximoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Delia Ketchum x Jessie (Pokemon)
Dorcas Meadowes x Marlene McKinnon (Harry Potter)
Dorcas Meadowes x Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Earth x Sun (23.5)
Eileen Dunlop x Rebecca (Eileen)
Eve Unwin x Suki Panesar (Eastenders)
Falin Touden x Marcille Donato (Delicious in Dungeon)
Fluttershy x Rarity (My Little Pony)
Ginny Weasley x Pansy Parkinson (Harry Potter)
Gwen Runck x Nikki (That 90's Show)
Gwen Stacy x Mary Jane Watson (Marvel Comics)
Jack Danvers x Keeley Jones (Ted Lasso)
Kristi Miller x Marielle (From)
Harper Row x Stephanie Brown (DCU; Gotham Knights)
Harumoto Itsuki x Hayashi Fuyu (Chaser Game W)
Ink x Pa (Bad Buddy)
Jamie x Marian (Drive-Away Dolls)
Jiang Zhaoyun x Lan Ze (Legend of Yunze)
Lady Hideko x Sook Hee (The Handmaiden)
Luce x Rachel (Imagine Me & You)
Margaery Tyrell x Sansa Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Padmé Amidala x Sabé (Star Wars)
Prang x Warang (Love Senior)
Sabine Wren x Shin Hati (Star Wars)
The following pairings have been posted less frequently recently, and have therefore been removed from the popular pairing list:
AJ Campos x Paige Evans (Crush)
Alex Cabot x Olivia Benson (Law & Order: SVU)
Amalia True x Penance Adair (The Nevers)
Amanita Caplan x Nomi Marks (Sense8)
Ana Servín x Mariana Herrera (Madre sólo hay dos)
Anne Shirley x Diana Barry (Anne of Green Gables; Anne With An E)
Ava Coleman x Janine Teagues (Abbott Elementary)
Beca Mitchell x Chloe Beale (Pitch Perfect)
Becky Baker x Imogen Moreno (Degrassi: The Next Generation)
Bette Porter x Tina Kennard (The L Word)
Casey Gardner x Izzie (Atypical)
Deena Johnson x Samantha Fraser (Fear Street)
Eleanor Levetan x Gabbi Broussard (Do Revenge)
Frankie Bergstein x Grace Hanson (Grace and Frankie)
Frannie Langton x Marguerite Benham (The Confessions of Frannie Langton)
Héloïse x Marianne (Portrait of a Lady on Fire)
Imogen Temult x Laudna (Critical Role)
Jen Harding x Judy Hale (Dead to Me)
Jules Vaughn x Rue Bennett (Euphoria)
Keeley Jones x Rebecca Welton (Ted Lasso)
Malini x Priya (The Jasmine Throne)
Maria Hill x Natasha Romanoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe; Marvel Comics)
Riri Williams x Shuri (Marvel Cinematic Universe; Marvel Comics)
Shelby Goodkind x Toni Shalifoe (The Wilds)
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Hello! I write fanfiction. Typically Character X Reader, but I will be willing to try Character x Character.
Requests Are: CLOSED
Closed (Likely) Until Late October
Below Is Information On
Link to Masterlists
Link to Works In Progress
What fandoms and characters I write for
MCU/ Marvel Cinematic Universe Masterlist:
Twilight Masterlist:
Coming Soon
The Santa Clause Masterlist:
Five Nights At Freddy’s Masterlist:
Stranger Things Masterlist:
Coming Soon
Harry Potter Masterlist:
Coming Soon
The Hunger Games Masterlist:
Coming Soon
Anne With An E Masterlist:
Coming Soon
Julie And The Phantoms:
Coming soon
Works In Progress
What Fandoms I Write For & Which Characters
It’s easier for me to write for characters I like versus ones I do not. It is also easier for me to write romantic stories for characters I personally fancy/like.
If the character that you want isn’t there, I’m not doing a certain type of request for them, etc. You can still ask, but please be nice about it if I say I won’t write it.
Characters that are minors/under 18 will NOT be shipped with readers who are over the age of 18. If a character ages throughout (example: Harry Potter) specify which age you want that character. Honestly please, please, PLEASE specify in general!
Marvel Cinematic Universe
40s Steven “Steve” Rodgers (Pre Serum)
40s Steven “Steve” Rodgers (Post Serum)
40s James “Bucky” Barnes
40s Margaret “Peggy” Carter
40s Howard Stark
Avengers & Family
Anthony “Tony” Stark/Iron Man
Steven “Steve” Rodgers
Natalia “Nat” Romanoff
Clinton “Clint” Barton
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Samuel “Sam” Wilson
James “Bucky” Barnes
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
Lila Barton
Cassie Lang (Child)
TASM Peter Parker
TASM Gwen Stacey
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Samuel “Sam” Wilson & James “Bucky” Barnes
Natalia “Nat” Romanoff & Clinton “Clint” Barton
Steve Rodgers & Bucky Barnes
Carlisle Cullen
Esme Cullen
Alice Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Renesmee Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Jasper Whitlock/Hale
Bree Tanner
Jacob Black
Seth Clearwater
Charlie Swan
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Emmett Cullen & Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen & Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen & Emmett Cullen
The Santa Clause
The Elves
Bernard The Head Elf
Curtis The Elf
Judy The Elf
Abby The Elf
The Claus Family
Scott Calvin/Santa Claus
Carol Newman/Mrs. Claus
Buddy Calvin-Claus
Sandra Calvin-Claus
Charlie Calvin
Lucy Miller
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Bernard The Head Elf & Curtis
Sandra Calvin-Claus & Bernard The Head Elf (What I Imagine Their Relationship Would Be Like)
Sandra Calvin-Claus & Lucy Miller (What I Imagine Their Relationship Would Be Like)
Five Nights at Freddy’s
The Afton Family
William Afton (Games)
Mrs. Afton
Michael Afton/Mike Schmidt (Games)
Michael Afton (Teen) (Games)
Elizabeth Afton
Crying Child
The Emily Family
Henry Emily
Charlotte “Charlie” Emily (Games)
Charlotte “Charlie” Emily (Books)
Sammy Emily
Missing Children’s Incident
Cassidy MCI
Susie MCI
Fritz MCI
Jeremy MCI
Gabriel MCI
Five Nights At Freddy’s One
Bonnie The Bunny
Chica The Chicken
Foxy The Pirate Fox
Five Nights At Freddy’s Two
Toy Freddy
Toy Bonnie
Toy Chica
Withered Bonnie
Withered Chica
Withered Foxy
Five Nights At Freddy’s Four
Nightmare Freddy
Nightmare Bonnie
Nightmare Chica
Nightmare Foxy
Nightmare Mangle
Nightmare Fredbear
Sister Location
Funtime Freddy
Bon Bon
Funtime Foxy
Circus Baby
Pizzeria Simulator
Security Puppet
Mr. Hippo
Happy Frog
Security Breach
Glamrock Freddy Fazbear
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
Montgomery Gator
Mini Music Man
DJ Music Man
Vanessa (Games)
Gregory “Fazbear”
Shattered Freddy
Shattered Chica
Shattered Roxy
Shattered Monty
Five Nights At Freddy’s Movie
Mike Schmidt (Movie)
Vanessa (Movie)
Abby Schmidt
Garrett Schmidt
Fredbear’s Family Diner
Spring Bonnie
Golden Freddy
Golden Freddy
Glamrock Bonnie
Shattered Bonnie
Glamrock Foxy
Shattered Foxy
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Michael Afton & Charlie Emily
Charlie Emily & Elizabeth Afton
Michael Afton & Crying Child (Especially With The GlamMike And GregBot Theories in mind)
Stranger Things
The Kids
Eleven/Jane Hopper
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Erica Sinclair
The Teens/Young Adults
Steve Harrington
High School Steve
Robin Buckley
High School Robin
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Eleven/Jane Hopper & Max Mayfield
Dustin Henderson & Steve Harrington
Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley
Harry Potter
Harry’s Year
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Below Harry’s Year
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Above Harry’s Year
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Minerva Mcgonagall
Rubeus Hagrid
Severus Snape
Remus Lupin (Adult)
Sirius Black (Adult)
Molly Weasley
Marauders Era
Remus Lupins (Teen)
Sirius Black (Teen)
James Potter (Teen)
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Luna Lovegood & Neville Longbottom
Ginny Weasley & Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley & George Weasley
The Hunger Games
District 12
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Primrose “Prim” Everdeen
District 11
District 7
Johanna Mason
District 4
Finnick Odair
Annie Cresta
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Katniss Everdeen & Finnick Odair
Finnick Odair & Annie Cresta
Haymitch Abernathy & Effie Trinket
Anne With An E
The Kids
Anne Shirley
Ruby Gillis
Diana Berry
Tillie Boulter
Josie Pie
Jane Andrews
Minnie May Berry
Cole Mackenzie
Jerry Baynard
Gilbert Blythe
Moody Spurgeon
Billy Andrews
The Adults
Marilla Cuthbert
Matthew Cuthbert
Sebastian Lacroix
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Anne Shirley & Jerry Baynard
Ruby Gillis & Anne Shirley
Anne Shirley & Diana Berry
Julie And The Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Reginald “Reggie” Peters
Alex Mercer
Flynn Taylor
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Julie Molina & Luke Patterson
Alex Mercer & Julie Molina
Luke Patterson & Alex Mercer
And a couple others
What I Will Write And Will NOT Write
What I Will Write
Platonic Relationships
Romantic Relationships
What I Will Not Write
Anything that I am uncomfortable with
Side note: I am okay with requests for Depression, s3lf !njury, Su!c!de, Anxiety, P@n!c attacks, Autism (Meltdowns, Shutdowns, Etc), ADHD, and things like that, so don’t be afraid to ask!
If you are ever unsure of if something is okay or not, feel free to ask.
PLEASE Request! <3
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freyafrida · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by @librarylexicon!! ty ty ❤️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Anne of Green Gables and Midnighters. i've also dabbled in some other fandoms but haven't written for them in a while, or i feel like i've written all i want to for them, so i don't count them.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Come Back Home, by faaaar (252). following that, How Certain the Journey (160), Arco Iris (144), but i don't know who you are (105), there's another, not a sister (73). all aogg fics!
just for fun, top non-aogg fic by kudos is you're my unforeseen, a kenzi/hale fic from back when i watched lost girl. (also canadian content......sensing a theme here.)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to! i always really appreciate them and ofc if there's a thoughtful comment i do want to respond in kind. (kind of funny, i think i'm better at replying to comments than i used to be solely bc i have an email job now so i'm always like "ah yes gotta turn around a reply to this in 24-48 business hours.")
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm...i don't usually end on an angsty note! i like to leave things hopeful or peaceful, at the very least, if not outright happy. i guess it would be leave me the way i was before, which ends on an ambiguous note -- even though the characters come to an understanding and no longer hate/blame each other, they know they can't stay together and help each other heal.
(oh yeah i just re-scrolled through my fics and i guess but i don't know who you are is kind of a downer, bc walter realizes he loves una but he's already in the trenches and the ending implies it's too late oops. i was counting it as a happy one since hey, at least he realized it! lmao)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Come Back Home, pretty obviously -- canon ends with walter dead and una forever alone, so having walter live and return her feelings and both of them finding some peace/their place in the world after WWI is pretty happy i think!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
never gotten full-on hate, fortunately! wayyy back in the day on FFN, when i wrote a rarepair or unpopular character, i'd often get 1-2 passive-aggressive comments like "uhhh your writing is ok i guess but i don't think you understand canon because OBVIOUSLY you wouldn't have written this if you did", but those seem less common/acceptable now thankfully.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
occasionally, yeah. i've never written anything super explicit, but there's a...middling amount of detail? lol. i like writing romance and intimacy and vulnerability and simping and i've gotten more comfortable with portraying/exploring those themes via sex scenes.
10. Do you write crossovers?
no, never have -- "characters from X and Y fandoms meet" isn't my cup of tea, although i do like "AU of characters from X fandom in Y fandom's plot/setting", provided, you know, i find the latter interesting haha.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
uhhhh...🫣 not outright stolen, but i did once stumble upon a fic that seemed to have lifted a scene from one of mine. the fic was already abandoned by the time i read it and the author seemed pretty young, so i didn't want to like call them out, but...welp. hopefully they quietly learned their lesson. also yeah pretty much all my fic has been scraped and reposted to random knockoff sites.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah!! my rebelde way fic, Comfort Zones, was very kindly translated into russian by Alice_Bolognini.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! i don't think i ever will; seemingly like a lot of my mutuals, i am kind of a control freak over my fics lol. i also am a super-slow writer so i imagine a co-writer would get really fed up with me after a while!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
i...guess walter/una? haha that's really hard to pick, i love romance and have a ton of fave ships and i like them all in their own special ways! but walter/una has had me in a chokehold for almost the longest* and i think maybe has the most ~scope for imagination~ for me -- i still get ideas for what i want to write for them and bits of their characters that i think are interesting and how it would affect the dynamic between them. (tangent, i think the fact that anne's kids have several gaps in the narration of their lives is what makes me so interested in them, versus anne herself? like i never feel the need to write anne/gilbert fic, and i very rarely get the urge to read it, because their canon story is so complete and perfect to me. anyway.)
*honestly, in terms of pure "years i have spent thinking about them" numbers, it would probably be...david/shay from uglies. or james/sarah from liberty's kids lmao lmao /o\
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
no such thing, i am determined to finish everything i post! (see also: coming back to How Certain the Journey after 9 years). the WIP that will probably take me the longest is the clocks are black, a Midnighters fix-it fic that i ran out of steam for a few years ago. i still tinker with it and plan to finish it, but it's unfortunately slow coming.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think characterization and language (word choice, sentence flow) in general -- at least, those are the things people point out the most, so i'm rolling with it! the latter is probably what i pay attention to most while writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i am not great at writing action scenes for sure. also i'm not great at coming up with zingers, so writing witty/snappy dialogue is rough for me (not that i write very many snappy characters...i probably am subconsciously avoiding them for this reason lmao).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
full on lines of dialogue, no -- it feels unnecessary; at that point i'd rather write it in english and indicate elsewhere in the text that they're speaking another language (or write "so-and-so said something in [language]", if the POV character wouldn't understand it.) i don't mind using an occasional word/phrase when necessary, though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
a series of unfortunate events! in the dark depths of fanfiction.net, under a different username, you can find a ton of my klaus/isadora fics with evanescence lyrics for titles. good times.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Come Back Home is the fic i'm proudest of. it's the fullest and most complete thing i've ever written, in terms of being the longest and having the most plot (not that it has a lot, still) and actually being completed. that does make it my favorite in some ways -- it's still the only longfic i've ever finished and i'm still just like. eternally pleased that i managed to write all my wish-fulfilly walter/una thoughts into something coherent and give myself something to reread when i want to ignore canon. buuut it's also 11(!!!) years old and there are parts i think i could write better now (although i wouldn't touch it either, too many war flashbacks to authors taking down completed fic to rewrite it, and then never completing the new version ;_;)
my actual favorite fic at the moment is the more that you say, the less i know, which is a david/shay fic i wrote a few years ago! i just always had a lot of feelings about shay's story arc in uglies and how she was treated by the narration/other characters, and i feel pretty happy with how it was all distilled and portrayed in the fic. it's also recent enough that i'm not embarrassed by the writing yet. also i wanted to keep it fairly concise and not write 20+ chapters for it, so i'm happy i managed to keep it to 4 haha. it still took me a whole year to edit chapter 3 tho
tagging @jomiddlemarch @gogandmagog @noneedtoamputate! ofc feel free to not do it, and anyone else who wants to do it can consider themselves tagged :D
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mlpmoviemerch · 2 months
New My Little Pony FIENDship is Magic Digital Comic Book
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New My Little Pony FIENDship is Magic Digital Comic Book available here: https://amzn.to/3SgEvvN
Details below:
Fiendship is Magic explores the secret origins of Equestria's greatest villains: Sombra, Tirek, Sirens, Nightmare Moon, and Queen Chrysalis!
Due to its large file size, this book may take longer to download
Read this book on comiXology. Learn more
Katie Cook is a comic artist and writer that hails from the mitten state (as in Michigan, not that she is in the state of being a mitten). She is the creator of the comic Gronk: A Monster’s Story as well as working on IDW’s smash-hit My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She has also done work for Marvel, DC, Disney, LucasFilm, Fraggle Rock, and many other companies. She also wrote some books about mean cats that people seem to like.
Jeremy Whitley is a comic book writer and artist, known as the creator of the series Princeless. In 2011 Whitley joined Action Lab Entertainment as their official Director of Marketing and head of PR, where he handles solicitations, reviews, press releases, and interviews. Jeremy has also co-written licensed properties from the publisher including the 2012 digital mini-series "GlobWorld" and the ongoing series "NFL RushZone". In addition to his original creations, he has also been a regular writer for IDW's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and My Little Pony: Friends Forever.
Christina Rice is a librarian, archivist, author, wife and mother. Her first book, Ann Dvorak: Hollywood's Forgotten Rebel was published by the University Press of Kentucky in November 2013 and she has written multiple issues of the My Little Pony comic book series (IDW). She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, writer Joshua Hale Fialkov, their daughter, two dogs, and a disgruntled cat.
Publisher: IDW (July 22, 2015)
Publication date: July 22, 2015
Language: English
File size: 441117 KB
Text-to-Speech: Not enabled
Enhanced typesetting: Not Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Sticky notes: Not Enabled
Print length: 122 pages
Perfect gift for any My Little Pony fan!
Features a FIENDship is Magic digital comic book.
Brands: Kindle and comiXology
Character: My Little Pony
Color: Multicolor
Inspired by My Little Pony
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elizabeth-karenina · 3 months
by one of my longest and dearest Tumblr friends, @octoberinflorence Thank you, Jen! Hope all is well with you, my dearest.
*cracks knuckles* A'ight, let's get into it:
LAST SONG: That's What I Want - Lil Nas X (I love that album, I'm not sorry)
FAVORITE COLOR: royal blue, royal purple, emerald green, and light pink.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Well, I finished the second season of Interview With the Vampire last week; it's literally my favorite show! And now I don't know what to do with myself, AHHH! Except wait for season 3 (which I am SO looking forward to).
LAST MOVIE: I just saw Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings yesterday at a cook-out at my friends house, and I have to say, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it! I'm surprised a sequel hasn't come out yet.
CURRENTLY READING: The Vampire Armand by Anne Rice, since Armand as a character really intrigued me this second season. It's beautifully written, even though it's such a sad story already. I'm also reading The Puzzle Wood by Rosie Andrews. It's a creepy book about a woman going undercover as a governess to find out what happened to her sister.
I'm also re-reading Dracula by Bram Stoker (yeah...I'm very much in a Gothic horror state-of-mind, if you couldn't tell), along with some history books: Mona Lisa: A Life Discovered by Dianne Hales, Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman by Robert Massie, and Marie Antoinette: The Journey by Antonia Fraser.
SWEET, SPICY OR SAVORY: Gonna reveal myself to be the truly gluttonous person ever and say the best combination is spicy and savory together, with something sweet to top it off.
RELATIONSHIP: Empress Elizabeth of Singledom, if you please. *extends hand for you to kiss*
CURRENT OBSESSION: continuing my Spanish and French lessons; Gothic horror; Renaissance and 18th century history; Jacob Anderson, Sam Reid, and Assad Zaman (I have a three-way crush on them and I've reached a level of harlotry I didn't even know I possessed, LOL); Studio Ghibli movies (I've been re-watching them lately; and That's Spooky podcast, which is such a great podcast.
LAST GOOGLED: For some reason, I Googled The Addams Family??? Who knows why my brain does the things it does at 2:00 in the morning, LOL.
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Absolutely nothing, because my students are on summer vacation, and so am I! I don't have a care in the world right now and I'm savoring it. However, I'm starting to pack for my annual trip to the Hudson Valley in New York to visit my mom's side of the family. I'm leaving on Wednesday and I'll be back on Sunday, but I'll be in and out during that time.
Tagging: @1980s-jean-ralphio, @laprofesoratinacita, @becauseismellgood, @perpulchra, @shvkespearc, and @wifeofbath
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thebiggerbear · 3 months
Ship Masterlist
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Beau Arlen x Cassie Dewell (Big Sky)
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3x07: After Dell - where Cassie finds out just how worried Beau was when he saw how close Dell had been to her
At the Boot Heel - where Beau and Cassie have a moment (alternate scene from Thunder universe)
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Heartbreak - Jenny is witness to the first Christmas Beau is in Montana and spends at Cassie’s
Kiss Me Again - where trying to sneak around isn’t necessarily Beau and Cassie’s strong suit as they come to find out
Nerves - where Beau’s nerves are making themselves known & Cassie decides to intervene
Their Silent Thunder Matches Mine - After a night of drinking and her walls coming down, Cassie makes a decision that could have repercussions on both of her friendships with Beau and Jenny.
where all the dreamers go - When Beau asked Cassie to speak with him outside alone for a minute, she had no idea just where that conversation would lead and what she would be agreeing to.
Dean Winchester x Castiel (Supernatural)
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Masks - where the Winchesters are attempting to get lunch during the pandemic & Jack finally works up the courage to ask for a dog
you taught me the courage of stars - (15x18 AU) When Chuck snaps his fingers, Dean figures that’s it. Everything they had worked hard to avoid, everything they had fought for, everyone they had lost along the way, Sam, Jack, Cas – this is the end. They had lost. Or had they?
Bella Swan x Jacob Black (Twilight)
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why are you wearing my sweater (because it smells like you) - where Jacob gets ready to meet Bella at a bonfire the Pack is hosting and can’t find his hoodie
You Win, Jake - Scene post-BD where Jacob and Bella compare war stories, playing a game of who wins the supernatural like they used to when comparing life skills for ages
Wanda Maximoff x Pietro Maximoff (MCU)
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You Didn't See That Coming - Wanda had never known pain like thia. After everything she and Pietro had endured, why did this have to happen?
Daenerys x Margaery
Daenerys x Tyrion
Ned x Cersei
Grey Worm x Missandei
Beau x Jenny
Colter x Reenie
Colter x Billie
Billie x Reenie
Cedric x Hermione
Harry x Luna
Seth x Bree
Edward x Esme
Edward x Leah
Esme x Leah
Sam x Bella
Sam x Renesmee
Leah x Renesmee
Sam x Rosalie
Charlie x Bonnie
Octavia x Niylah
Lucy x Taylor
Jason x Lana
Marcel x Hope
Freya x Davina
Rebecca x Dani
Prue x Andy
Phoebe x Cole
Alex x Isabel
Max x Tess
Max x Liz
Liz x Tess
Michael x Liz
Michael x Maria
Michael x Isabel
Ben x Max
CJ x Jen
CJ x Joey
Tom x Sarah
Jake x Dakota
Priestly x Tish
Sam x Sarah
Anna x Ruby 2.0
Anna x Mary
Anael x Castiel
Anael x Ruby 2.0
Dean x Ruby 1.0
Rowena x Soulless!Sam
Dean x Lisa
Dean x Cole
Call x Enona
Call x Mattie
Mattie x Amanda
John x Sam
Goliath x Elisa
Optimus x Mikaela
Clary x Luke
Jocelyn x Luke
Aragorn x Arwen
Eomer x Eowyn
Eowyn x Faramir
Xena x Ares
Xena x Callisto
Daisy x Tatanga
Link x Ilia
HM Gray x HM Mary
HM Cliff x HM Ann
HM Kai x HM Popuri
Castiel x Buffy Summers
Russell Shaw x Cassie Dewell
Russell Shaw x Jenny Hoyt
Colter Shaw x Jenny Hoyt
Reenie Greene x Jenny Hoyt
Dean Winchester x Jenny Hoyt
Dean Winchester x Cassie Dewell
Soldier Boy x Jenny Hoyt
Dean Winchester x Piper Halliwell
Dean Winchester x Jessica Jones
Dean Winchester x Bella Swan
Bella Swan x Edythe Cullen
Edythe Cullen x Jacob Black
Beau Swan x Rosalie Hale
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*I will add more as I post works
Ships Taglist: @nancymcl
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged for any of the ships listed here.
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Aesthetic Boards:
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Dr. Lance Sweets:
Dating mood board
My Boys aesthetic
Agent Seeley Booth:
His aesthetic
Dating mood board
Updated aesthetic of my favorite agent
Agent James Aubrey:
His aesthetic
Dating mood board
Dr. Jack Hodgins:
His aesthetic
Big brother aesthetic
Dr. Wendell Bray:
His aesthetic
Dr. Vincent Nigel-Murray:
His aesthetic
Dr. Camille Saroyan:
Her aesthetic
Dr. Arastoo Vaziri:
His aesthetic
Angela Montenegro:
Her aesthetic
Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan:
Her aesthetic
Emmett McCarthy Cullen:
His aesthetic
Carlisle Cullen:
His aesthetic
Husband moodboard
Jasper Whitlock Hale:
The cowboy's aesthetic
Edward Anthony Mason Cullen:
The Brooders aesthetic
Rosalie Lillian Hale:
The queen's aesthetic
Esme Ann Platt Cullen:
Mama Cullen's aesthetic
Mary Alice Brandon Cullen:
Her aesthetic
The Denalis:
Eleazar Denali:
His aesthetic
Tayna Denali:
Her aesthetic
Kate Denali:
Her aesthetic
The wolf pack:
Paul lahote:
His aesthetic
Leah Clearwater:
Her aesthetic
Seth Clearwater:
His aesthetic
Jacob Black:
His aesthetic
🗡️Once upon a time 🍎
Robin Hood:
My Boys aesthetic
Robin dating Hooks sister mood board
Killian Jones:
His aesthetic
New aesthetic
David Nolan:
My favorite prince's aesthetic
August W. Booth:
His aesthetic
Dr. Archie Hopper:
The cricket's aesthetic
Ruby Lucas:
The beautiful wolf's aesthetic
Snow White:
Her aesthetic
Dean winchester:
Dating Dean mood board
My angel's aesthetic
Dating aesthetic
Updated aesthetic
Sam Winchester:
The moos' aesthetic
My favorite Angel's aesthetic
Marc Spector:
His aesthetic
Steven Grant:
My baby's aesthetic
Tony stark:
Big brother aesthetic
Scott Summers:
His aesthetic
Dating mood board
Hank McCoy:
My blue baby's aesthetic
Dr. Egon Spengler:
My love's aesthetic
Dating mood board
Ray Stantz:
The sweet boy's aesthetic
Peter Venkman:
His aesthetic
Winston Zeddemore:
His aesthetic
🏍️The lost boys🩸
My favorite vampire's aesthetic
Mated to David aesthetic
His aesthetic
💙Random characters🩵
Ace Merrill:
His aesthetic
Richard Lawson:
His aesthetic
Cliff Booth:
His aesthetic
❤️‍🔥Grey's Anatomy🩺
Dr. Derek Shepherd:
Mcdreamy's McAesthetic
Dating aesthetic
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