#halo eclipse
poptartportfolio · 1 year
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Every planet we reach is dead.
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junebug-the · 1 year
Another day, another piece!
This time featuring @poptartportfolio's Meowdrey, in a brief, small scene after her 'Halo: Eclipse' story.
Rescue; Recovery — A short story of half of a rescue squad sent into Prophetic Dawn as a last ditch effort, now safe in space after escaping hell, and the sole survivor they could find.
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nemfrog · 1 year
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Annular eclipse of 1836. A fourteen weeks course in descriptive astronomy. 1870.
Internet Archive
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socksandbuttons · 11 months
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Things i originally drew for Let Lunar Say Fuck wiht my Lunar AU's but forgot about em. We got my Sun!Lunar babysitting Baby Lunar, universally he's still capable. Nice Eclipse/Solar is also still weirdly against swearing. Baby... Can hear ALL. Then we got Lord Lunar from that one canon dimension with Servant Eclipse. They're more brotherly than you think.
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so-i-did-this-thing · 6 months
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In the zone of totality. Phone camera does not do it justice. Absolutely lived up to the hype.
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achaveles · 9 months
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Here's my gift to @handstotheskye for the @mcytblrholidayexchange for 2023! Hope you like it!
(Original sketch under cut)
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basilbots · 8 months
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What do you call a group of Eclipses? Featuring my Lord Eclipse, Clip (Silly Celestials), Helios (Nice Eclipse), and Solstice (Ruin) gets to be included too
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catchymemes · 2 years
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kingxgarm · 4 months
A very special birthday
An OG Eclipse oneshot, for his birthday
"Today... why did it have to be today!?" Eclipse mumbled to himself as he walked to the center of the forest. His magic coursing through him. He was going to need it.
It was the day when the connection would be strongest. Where he could have the clearest communication. He really needed to talk to him…
After finally making his way to the perfect spot, the strongest spot, he stopped and dropped to his knees. Eclipse put his hands to the ground, directing his magic beneath the earth, beneath this plane of existence.
“Hear me, spirits. I wish to call upon one of you. I have experience with death herself. I am worthy of you. Come to me. I call to you, Eclipse.” Eclipse bent down to a bowing position. It would help draw him out.
A flash of light appeared as the ground began to glow. A chuckle could be heard in his own voice, but he knew it wasn't coming from himself.
“Well, well, well… I've never had anyone bow to me before. I have to say… I’m flattered you bothered.” Looking up only slightly but still appearing as low as possible, he saw what looked to be Sun’s feet, but… very different. Glowing. A bright gold. Too bright, in his opinion.
“Get up, let's get this over with.” Eclipse got up as quick as possible. He stared down at the original Eclipse. He was the same height as Sun, which was jarring.
It was very strange for the original, high, and mighty Eclipse to be… shorter. There was one major difference setting them apart, proving that the spirit before him was superior. He was very bright. Blinding almost. His golden skin glistened. His electric blue eyes felt like daggers they way they pierced Eclipse with his stare.
“Not even going to wish me a happy birthday? You should know I expect cake and party hats.” The spirit chuckled. For some reason, his carefree nature scared Eclipse. Maybe it was just the concept of standing in front of the original… The one who began and ruined his life…
“You don't talk much, do you?” The spirit cocked his head.
“No, I… just…”
“Intimidated?” The spirit smiled evily.
“No. I'm just thinking… I really needed to talk to you.” Eclipse's rays flared. Drawing back into his head before shooting out and reflecting downwards. He often got upset that he couldn't control his rays, but his emotions could.
“You have my full attention, copy.” The name cut deep for Eclipse coming from the original, but he already knew it was true.
“I want to know… everything. You're the Eclipse I have the most fragmented memories of. I want the full story. From very beginning to the end.” Eclipse's rays changed direction again. Embarrassed, he decided to ignore it from then on.
“That's quite an ask. Does this have something to do with… Lunar?” The spirit stopped smiling, but from his tone, you'd think he was.
“He's not the main reason, but I do think I deserve to know. It would make me a better copy, and that's all I want from you.” It sounded pathetic, but all Eclipses have experience with being pathetic. This one would understand.
“Really, now? I've been watching you Eclipse, and I have to say… At first, I was deeply disappointed… but now-” Eclipse interrupted the spirit.
“You're angry… I know I'm not like you at all… but-”
“Ha! You really think you know me better than I do? You really ARE trying to copy!” The spirit laughed a deep, bellowing laugh.
Eclipse sighed. This wasn't going anywhere.
“No. Now I feel… almost jealous, if I'm being honest.” Eclipse looked down at the spirit. Jealous?
“You are giving yourself the chance that I threw away, that I never really had. You have the opportunity at something greater. I don't really care if what you do next is evil or in Sun and Moon’s best interest. You're better than them. You're an Eclipse. You're better than everyone.”
It wasn't what Eclipse was expecting to hear, but… it did help. To hear the original Eclipse, the best Eclipse, say all this. It was… different.
“Now I wish I brought you a cake.” Eclipse smiled. “If you follow me back to the pizzaplex, I'll get you one.”
“I might take you up on that offer. We can walk and talk about… whatever you want, I guess.” The spirit shrugged but smiled back at Eclipse.
“Ok.” Eclipse began to walk away, but the spirit didn't follow.
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d1g1tald1saster · 1 year
Unpopular take: I find Yandere arcs awesome. yeah it’s about horrible things and horrible people but like the fate of the victims is always a coin toss and so interesting. What will the stalker do next? There’s so many ways to ruin someone’s life and there’s so many ways to wriggle out of it.
anyways yes this is about 4halo Twitter is full of crybabies fuck you Twitter 4halo yandere arc LETSGO
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So I made more art.
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poptartportfolio · 1 year
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Surprise art for a dude I saw on Twitter I thought looked cool.
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basicsunnyy · 8 months
Practice :P
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dangerkeith3000x · 6 months
Total solar eclipse - 8 April 2024.
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lavenoon · 2 years
Woke from a nightmare n decided to check Tumblr before passing out again. I saw you mentioned wanting more Eclipse Asks 👀
Please please please tell us more about the boy :0 I would love to know more about that tall fidgeting mess of a man!
Okie now I go pass out again, cyaaaa o/ 💤
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I have been enabled.
Eclipse, in short, is a mess. He copes well enough, but his insecurities have been there from the beginning - they were predestined, with how he came to be.
Sun and Moon used to have a shared mode, before they decided it would be better for their sanity to just let the other do his thing and remain in rest mode. It was a blend of their AIs, making verbal communication unnecessary. Immediate understanding and combined planning skills, it did help them out of a few pickles (though they didn't get into too many, before this job).
And technically, they can still enter that mode.
They don't, because continued use of that "Eclipse" mode, with that blend of AIs where not even their system could differentiate where one ends and one begins, caused their AI to split into three one time.
Eclipse came into existence, trapped within a mind that wasn't his own, a miracle in a way, but received with shock and hostility. Neither of them expected him, least of all he himself!
That's why he's so curious, with that insatiable thirst for knowledge. If he's possible, what else might be? What else might be out there, ready to be found? Ready to be created?
But of course, there's the insecurity. The terrible need to compete with his brothers to prove himself vs the endless fear of falling short compared to them, again and again. He got them their job but what they do he'll never be good at, he's the taller one with more limbs but his battery is spotty at best, barely keeping him together well enough. They didn't want him in their head, and he didn't want to be in their head, and they got him a rush-job of a body (that I'll get to, too). They're all happy with the separation, but none of them were happy with the need for one.
Even if everyone wants him to have his own body, it's hard not to feel rejected, hard not to feel unwanted. The lingering tension remains even after the separation, and only exacerbates the problem. They don't want him, even when he's his own person. They pushed him out, because he'll never be good enough for them. They're all he has, and he is so so scared of them never accepting him. Maybe they just tolerate him, because they feel responsible - but would they choose him, if they ever had the option? Between his existence and non-existence, which one would they opt for? He's scared to ask.
It's tense, this relationship with his brothers. He pretends to be unaffected, like any younger sibling may pretend the approval of their older, cooler siblings may not matter. But he craves it so much. He wants to be wanted, wants to be accepted, wants to be loved - who doesn't?
Sun and Moon don't hate him. They're not quite sure, at first, but he is their little (annoying) brother. They care for him, want him to be safe, and when push comes to shove, they'd help him out no question. "No you can't wear my shirt but I'll help you hide a body" sibling dynamic.
There's also some guilt, at first - he wasn't meant to exist, and his AI was a strange mix of theirs and his few own experiences. Faulty, some might say, not fully developed. But he's doing fine these days, if a little clueless about social cues and a bit too happy to set things on fire, so the guilt really disappeared. It's better for Eclipse, too - he really hated being pitied for existing.
It gets a bit better when they live apart, because they don't serve as constant reminders for each other. Eclipse still has his brothers with him - the necklace I drew him with was not a coincidence, even if he claims that "a combined Sun and Moon pendant just means Eclipse. It's a me necklace".
Still makes sure they're okay, developing gloves for them that give them that extra grip during parkour, and making sure all his little gadgets make it to them. (And if they get some confidential blueprints in the mail for their own little workshop, well, he always was loose-lipped for someone without lips) (He needs them to be okay. This is how he can make sure - and if they build his designs, well, that's approval, too, right?)
Sun and Moon also are still there for him. They play up the annoyance sometimes, but they do care for him.
Especially considering that well, his "health" issues are kind of their fault. The body was a rush job - he has "narcolepsy", or rather the animatronic equivalent. The lower his battery goes, the higher the chance that his system will recognize it as dangerously low, and push him into rest mode. He always makes sure to be fully charged for work, because even if the rest mode spells only take a few moments to a minute, it's risky in a lab environment to randomly pass out.
He's saving for a replacement - but it's slow going, with all the other repairs he necessitates and with all the fun things to buy in the world. He's just a bit of a hoarder, attracted by colorful and shiny things, and of course, anything he can fidget with.
Him and Y/N... They're good, really! But despite all the cues he misses, it's glaringly obvious that his brothers are very interested, so he just isn't. Not romantically, at least. He's not interested in fighting that battle, only losing to his brothers who live and work with them, so rather inserts himself into a unique role that his brothers don't already fill. But they like him, they accept him, and at times even seek him out - first about inventions and gadgets, then about funny stories (dirt) about Sun and Moon, and then just to chat sometimes. It reassures him that even with them in the picture, he's not out of it, partly due to their own efforts to include him
They're all four a family, with time. Having Y/N in the mix lightens the mood, and keeps them all from constantly thinking about all what was, and instead enjoy the moment, or even plan for the future.
With Moon being the only one who doesn't lie about scars, any family reunions are hell for him while he's out - because Eclipse and Y/N are just inventing crazier and crazier stories, that somehow are totally unrelated to the real cause of the scars they sport, "For the bit, Moon, it's for the bit" "He wouldn't get it, don't try" "Can't appreciate a good story. He's still mad I got creative before". By then it's not even like they try to convince anyone, they just think of it like a creative exercise!
Sun and Moon may act a little annoyed that Eclipse and Y/N get along so well, but they realize quickly that their brother isn't interested in their little rival like that, and then it's just... A relief. The two people in their life they can't imagine living without get along, why would they complain? They may enable each other, and someone should keep an eye on where the fire extinguisher is, but they're glad things are looking up for their little family, at last
And they'll all be okay, with time <3
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xofemeraldstars · 2 years
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url graphic challenge for @snowangelcas
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