#happy easter weekend
deweydell25 · 6 months
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voorhees1138 · 1 year
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dlea203 · 1 year
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Happy easter weekend to all of you who are celebrating🙏🏻💗!
And to all those who aren‘t or are not feeling good at the moment, I want you to know that these two candles are burning for you as well. You all are included in my thoughts and prayers and, of course, in my heart🥰.
I love you all to bits💗!
Tagging some of my mutuals who I'd like to let know I'm thinking of them especially these days💗: @maryelizabeth13 @autumntouched @myshipsaresunk @bradshawsbaby @melodiousoblivionao3 @aprilwithapricots @coraphoenix @indynerdgirl @ryebecca @princess-prentiss @cllsgnphoenix @the-cranck-hobbit
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gamunusamarakoon · 1 year
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(via GIPHY)
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Dog-day Cicada - Neotibicen canicularis
Though today’s post will be a shorter one, the images featured here are lovely close-ups of an insect that has graced this blog many, many times. The weather is beginning to really warm up in Toronto and it’s getting me excited for all the great Bugs I hope to see this year, and when the heat of summer arrives, these burrowers will leave the earth and ready themselves to take wing. The specimen here was found crawling on the curb, searching for a place to secure themselves while they molt. From the images here, this Cicada was likely ready to burst out (see Picture 5 for the beginnings of the exoskeleton split along the thorax), so time was of the essence! 
While in an uncrowded area, the curb can still be a dangerous place for a Cicada due stones getting kicked up and car tires rolling in (though some Cicadas may actually make use of car tires). Don’t fear handling Cicada Nymphs: they are easy to pick up and hold, and they will eventually begin moving again once they realize there is no danger. Just don’t hold them too long if they need to molt! They need a strong surface to grab on and push against without dislodging so they can release from their younger shell. As such, I moved this individual to a nearby tree and let it secure itself. While I didn’t stick around for the molting, hopefully that Cicada enjoyed a wonderful summer! They may grow noisy and loud, but they are still Bugs, and we can be good to them. 
Pictures were taken on July 18, 2020 with a Google Pixel 4. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend.
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raineandsky · 6 months
The hero doesn’t need to make a big scene to get the villain's attention, like he was told to do—she’s quite happy making her own scene, and all the hero has to do is follow the towers of smoke across the city.
He finds the street in flames, buildings crushed like sandcastles under a wave, the villain at the centre of it all. She laughs brightly, some contraption in her hands. A hood hangs over her face, her coat billowing out behind her in a breeze she is clearly making. It would be cinematic if the hero wasn't the one sent to sus her out.
The hero approaches with his notepad and pen in hand. “You’re the new one, huh?”
The villain’s gaze snaps to him, like she’s surprised to see him. “About time,” she says shortly. “How many buildings do I have to destroy before you actually show up?”
The hero glances at the carnage around him, doing the numbers in his head. “However many this is. Five? Six?”
“You're clearly not too worried about me,” the villain says brightly, “or you just walk concerningly slow for a hero pursuing pure evil.”
The hero clicks his tongue and writes sarcasm of an edgy teen on his pad.
“Is this all you do?” the hero asks bluntly. “You destroy half the city and wait for a hero to show up?”
“I suppose I do.” The villain fiddles with her hood. “I’m a mysterious figure, don’t you think? New to the game, faceless but deadly?”
The hero adds full of herself to his list. “Sure,” he says unbelievably, “and what happens when a hero does show up?”
The villain turns to him. He can practically feel her grin without having to see it. “Well,” she says smoothly, “I guess I just have to make the big reveal.”
She pulls her hood back, her expression one of abject smugness. That’s not the first thing the hero notices though. The black hair, the face glowing like a sunset, the soft brown eyes. Recognisable, young. Much too young to be a villain.
“[Sidekick]?” The name comes out a little more incredulous than the hero intended. “What—This is where you’ve been?”
“It is.” Always so well spoken, always so straightforward. “I had a change of heart when it came to my career.”
“So you became a villain?” He can’t quite wrap his head around it. “What did we do wrong?”
The villain laughs, a light, breezy sound. “What didn’t you do wrong?” She adjusts her weapon in her hands. “The agency doesn’t see people, [Hero], it sees numbers and stats on a screen. I fell a little behind in my studies, and the agency made me fall hard because of it. It’s merciless, it’s unforgiving, and I’m glad to be away from it.”
“[Sidekick], we thought you died.”
“Oh, you guys fell for that? Nice.” The villain smiles, almost genuinely. “Took a lot of planning. Glad to know it worked.”
The hero knows his face is scrunched up in distaste, but he can’t help it. “[Sidekick], you can’t—”
“No.” The single word slices through everything the hero was about to say. “It’s [Villain] now. If that’s so hard to remember, I’ll give you a way to burn it into your memory!”
The weapon in her hands whirrs, the end brightening into a blinding white. The villain turns it towards him, and he has just enough hindsight to lurch out of its path as it tears its way through the concrete he was just standing on.
The hero throws himself behind a car, his sidekick’s— no, the villain’s laughter ringing through the destruction after him. That contraption makes its telltale whirr again.The hero adjusts his pen in his hand and hurriedly writes sidekick lost to villainy - DO NOT APPROACH.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 6 months
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To my moots following #TheDILFThread (especially to the founders), rejoice!
WaterRolls just dropped a new story!
Happy Anniversary to this thread! 😁
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@chloelapomme @your-internetfriend
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sm0kenredkitten2 · 1 year
Before and after make up. Happy Easter all. 😘😘❤️‍🔥
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indecisive-dizzy · 6 months
Day 3 aka the Final Day was a Bust! :(
So this is a shout out to businesses to maybe post their easter hours Before Easter. As in a 24 hours notice. That seems reasonable yes? Wally and I would appreciate it. :)
Anywho! We went to IHOP instead! Pancakes definitely made us feel better. (The cinnamon ones were really good!)
Here's Wally in a booth! Unfortunately it's the best photo I could get, there were too many people!
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oculusxcaro · 6 months
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While Khare wasn't exactly considered a 'success' by PROMETHEUS, there are times where her body does function according to plan. One of these are enhanced capabilities, particularly in regards to improved jumping thanks to the frog DNA inserted into her genetic sequence. One time when walking to Pauli's, Khare was startled by a group of young thugs calling out and running after her. When met by a dead-end, she jumped straight up and on top of the building, losing the group but ended up arriving late to work as she struggled to find a way down after getting on top of a (very) high roof.
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quietblissxx · 6 months
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cupc4ke88 · 6 months
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🌸Friday, Good Morning!🌸
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laz-kay · 6 months
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Happy Easter to all who celebrate🌼🐣🐰
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cpahlow · 1 year
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Had to share this @WeHeartIt
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