#happy may the 4th lmao
the-bees-patella · 5 months
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help i was working on this painting and imported the wrong picture—
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akkivee · 1 year
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happy four years to their very first appearance ever lol 🥳🥳🥳
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4giorno · 2 years
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YEAAAAH girlboss ibara is finally mine 😭💖
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lilacstro · 3 months
your birthday and profections
hey!! I hope you all are doing fine. If its your birthday, then happy birthday haha(so random lmao) This is a long post, so you may need to read through :) Apart from your solar return, profection years are another way to check major themes of your year.
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At its most basic, every age that’s a multiple of 12 is a 1st House year. So that’s when you turn 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 and so on.
Every year after is a 2nd house year, which is when you turn 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73
3rd house year: 2, 14,26,38,50,62,74 and onwards
Once you know the house connected to your current age, you can plot your experience of life via the topics and themes of each of the 12 houses.
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Themes House wise:
1st House - Self, Identity, Beginnings (YOU CHANGE)
Self-image, appearance, first impressions, approach to life, early environment, physical body, persona
2nd House - Value, Possessions (YOUR PERSONAL BELIEFS CHANGE)
Finances, personal resources, material wealth, values, self-worth, assets, possessions, spending habits
3rd House - Communication, Learning
Communication, siblings, local travel, early education, writing, neighbors, short trips, mental processes
4th House - Home, Family
Home, family, ancestry, roots, real estate, emotional foundation, private life, parents
5th House - Creativity, Pleasure
Creativity, romance, children, play, entertainment, hobbies, self-expression, speculation
6th House - Work, Health (TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH)
Daily work, service, health, routine, fitness, diet, pets, responsibilities
7th House - Partnerships
Marriage, partnerships, close relationships, contracts, public relations, collaboration
8th House - Transformation, Shared Resources
Transformation, death and rebirth, inheritance, shared resources, taxes, sexuality, mysteries, occult
9th House - Exploration, Higher Learning (YOUR LUCK CHANGES)
Higher education, philosophy, long-distance travel, religion, law, beliefs, exploration, publishing
10th House - Career, Public Life
Career, public image, reputation, social status, authority, ambitions, government, recognition
11th House - Social Networks, Aspirations
Keywords: Friendships, social groups, networks, aspirations, community, collective causes, social activities, ideals
Subconscious, solitude, secrets, endings, spirituality, isolation, hidden enemies, mysticism
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Your Time Lord for the Year
The other thing profections will do is turn on a planet as the ruler or ‘lord’ of your year ahead. This is called a time lord. This planet will be the traditional ruling planet of the sign on the profected house.
For example, your profected house by age is the 7th House, look at the sign in that house. Gemini in 7th? Mercury is the ruler. Taurus in 7th? Venus is your time lord.
This planet becomes a guiding influence for your year ahead. Not that if you have Venus as your time lord you will fall in love daily lmao, But rather, you will experience rulership of this planet affecting your themes of the year. I hope im making sense.
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Planets in Houses
Next, check the placements and themes of your profected house in your natal chart. For instance, everyone turning 18 will be in a 7th house year BUT each person will have different planets in their 7th house, and a different sign ruling the house.
For example, my 7th house is empty, and in my 18th year nothing major or life changing has happened, I am on my gap year.
If you have Mars in your 7th House, then your Mars themes – developing or managing assertiveness in partnerships, dealing with a little tension, the impact other people have on your decision making process, that type of thing – are highlighted for that year.
If you have Pluto in your 7th house, then themes like power, struggles, isolation and transformation maybe highlighted that year.
I hope it makes sense, use this for both, your time lord and the ruler of your profected house: Sun: Vitality, Identity, Ego
Self-expression, leadership, creativity, purpose, individuality, confidence, recognition
Moon: Emotions, Nurturing, Instincts
Emotions, intuition, habits, home life, family, subconscious, nurturing, cycles, forming close relations
Mercury: Communication, Intellect, Movement
Communication, thinking, learning(even life lessons, or about yourself), travel, writing, siblings, negotiation, information, introspection
Venus: Love, Beauty, Harmony
Relationships, attraction, beauty, art, values, pleasure, social life, harmony, indulgence
Mars: Action, Desire, Conflict
Energy, drive, ambition, aggression, initiative, sexuality, competition, courage, assertiveness
Jupiter: Growth, Expansion, Wisdom
Growth, expansion, luck, optimism, philosophy, higher learning, travel, abundance, generosity
Saturn: Structure, Discipline, Limitation
Structure, discipline, responsibility, limitations, authority, perseverance, time, maturity, career
Uranus: Innovation, Change, Rebellion
Innovation, rebellion, change, freedom, individuality, technology, unexpected events, unconventionality
Neptune: Dreams, Intuition, Mysticism
Dreams, intuition, mysticism, spirituality, illusion, compassion, imagination, escapism, idealism
Pluto: Transformation, Power, Depth
Transformation, power, depth, rebirth, intensity, secrets, control, regeneration, shadow self
Chiron: Healing, Wounds, Growth
Healing, wounds, inner growth, wisdom, teaching, mentoring, empathy, vulnerability, self-discovery
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PLANETS RULED BY AGE Ages 1 to 4 of your life is ruled by the Moon. Ages 5 to 14 is ruled by Mercury. Ages 15 to 22 is ruled by Venus. Ages 22 to 41 is ruled by the Sun. Ages 42 to 56 is ruled by Mars. Ages 57 to 68 is ruled by Jupiter. Ages 68 to death is ruled by Saturn.
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I hope I explained it well, combining your profected house, time lord and the planets in the profected house and the ruling planet of your age, you can get some information about the themes and effects you might be experiencing in your life and use it as a guide for your betterment.
support me on ko-fi :)
Remember, nothing is bad/challenging and you always have free will for the most part of your life and you dont have to subscribe to things you dont wish for, all the best<33
If you want, leave suggestions and feedback for the next post in asks, and comments :)
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nicromancytarot · 4 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I do not charge for these readings, and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I get for the readings, but I pull like 20-30 cards each reading and that is just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides what you needed to know about your first pregnancy, pick a card to find out what they had to say!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2
Pile 1, you guys will feel very heard and listened to, you may have a lot of family or friends around you who will be willing to help you out with this pregnancy to make sure you are feeling your best this entire time. You may have a name that you picked out at a young age and are super excited to call your baby by. You could talk to your baby a lot, some of you may sing to them or put your headphones on them so they can listen to your music. I feel you will be already very connected to your baby during your pregnancy, however you may be a little hesitant at first before getting super close during the last few months.
I see a lot of you, if not all of you will end up having this being the result of a one night stand or even possibly a hookup with your ex. I don’t feel a strong masculine figure being present in the baby’s life afterwards. I feel as though this will be an accident, or happy mistake, due to you feeling willing to step out of your comfort zone and try something new - leading to your pregnancy.
ITS A…. 🎀 GIRL 🎀
My lovely pile 1, I think you guys are going to struggle a bit after your baby’s birth, you may find it’s harder than you thought it would be - and I do feel like you have a fair amount of family around, you could still express feelings of isolation and aloneness, make sure to prioritise yourself during this time. For some of you, I believe your baby may begin their life off sick, like a possible Colic or uncomfortable condition which will lead them to cry a lot and it could be very irritating for you. Take a moment, and a breather. Never feel evil for having to lock yourself in a room to calm yourself down before tending to your baby.
Your baby is going to bring a lot of money into your life when they grow up, you may have not been able to give your baby everything you wanted to, but don’t worry because they understand it and they are willing to give it to themself. They may end up doing something which is seen as taboo or unexpected, like working with dead people, (funeral arranging/directing/embalming) spirituality - just something very unexpected for their upbringing.
They’re going to be a summer baby - I straight up got Gemini, Cancer and Leo (3rd house, 4th house and 5th house. May-August) born within the 2nd to 3rd week or the month.
This will be your only child.
You guys are going to have heavy emotional energy during this pregnancy, if someone says one thing, it’s enough to set you off. You’re going to be very protective over your baby, like if someone says your baby’s ultrasound looks like an alien, you may honestly flip out on them for being rude about your child. During the pregnancy you guy might be too focused on work to give it up, there’s heavy energy on wanting to continue to work to either distract yourself or make money so you’re prepared for when your baby arrives.
I think you and your partner were actively trying for this baby, as I do see a theme of scheduling or planning when the perfect time would be to try. This will be at a time when your relationship is the most strong and you have prepared yourself for this new chapter in your life. I feel as though you may have had to make a lot of changes to be ready for this, you and your partner were very excited and eager when you were actually ready.
IT’S A… 🎀 GIRL 🎀
You may have had a very spiritual experience during the birth, and this has made you see things differently, or be more open to things you weren’t so open minded towards prior. You’re going to be very protective of your baby, you may wake them up every hour to make sure they’re ok, or lay by their crib to check up on them. You could be slightly hostile towards people who want to hold or look after your baby. You also need a rest, this will cause you to be very restless and in need of a good sleep, so trust your partner to look after the baby while to take a nap.
Your baby is going to look up to your relationship with your partner, they may see you two as the model for what they want in their life when they are older. They are very hardworking and will help you see the world in ways you didn’t before. They have the mindset of “if life gives you lemons, make lemonade” and our very optimistic. They will always assume a leadership position, so you may see them as quite bossy or in control.
Born during spring or winter, possibly right in between. Scorpio or Aries could be a significant sign for them. October-November, March-April.
This will be your only child.
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braxlrose · 1 year
maybe hcs about Bill's childhood and a bit of Tom's (twins in general)? I wonder what they liked to play and what damage and chaos they caused (☠️) it can also be somehow connected with the reader who is their friend and partner in crime! in the devilish era sense (if u can its would be nice if reader was Bills love interest/ i sm love childhood friends to lovers trope☠️😭) i love ur hcs and fics!!! lmao all those fights with bill would be so much fun😭 also the guy would definitely make a fake wedding with the reader..i know that🤷🏻‍♀️ besides the very concept of living with horny boys growing up lol.. Dayum ☠️ (srry 4bad engilsh)
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↑wtf why Bill look so tall.. anyways they all look soo CUTE 🫡 baby GUS oh my ????🤭 and tom LMAOO 😭
a/n: they were adorable as children and I love this idea!! I haven't read Career Suicide yet, so some of these may be inaccurate, but again most are just headcanons that I don't have much to back up on besides their personalities
devilish headcanons
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• you became friends with Bill and Tom when you were seven years old and bill had the biggest crush on you. he thought you were so cool and was even more happy when he found out you played guitar so he asked you to join Black Question Mark. you obviously said yes and you had so much fun rehearsing and hanging out with them
• one day at school bill asked you what your favorite cookie was and he practically begged his mom to help him bake those cookies for you. when he brought them in the next day he was so happy when you got excited for them.
• as you guys got a little bit older, you and tom would protect bill from bullies even if you got bullied too. but before you guys knew about what they were doing to bill, you would always clean up his cuts and kiss his bruises. after that, you would always walk with him, holding onto his hand tightly and try not to pay any attention to them.
• bill would pick flowers for you on valentines day because him and tom would pick them for his mom, and now that you were around, he'd get you some too
• when tom and bill looked more alike, you'd help them switch places in class and then act all surprised and be like "What do you mean? That's tom, Frau Schiller."
• they were little menaces, so when you were brought into the mix, they teachers all hated you. but they couldn't actually prove you were doing anything, which made it 10x more fun
• you and tom would always laugh about getting better grades in singing classes than bill and bill would just sit there like "🙄".
• you and bill had skipped class together (its like 4th grade, yall are like doing 4x8 idk why yall so lazy 🙄, but anyways), you guys did Stein, Schere, Papier (rock, paper, scissors) and Tom lost so he had to stay in class and pretend to be bill 💀. you and Bill were just walking around the halls when bill got the brilliant idea to pull the fire alarm. you two almost got caught but you were quick enough to run outside and get in line with the rest of your class.
• you and their mom are like best friends so you bake recipes with her all the time. like Puddingbrezel, Apfelstrudel, Apfelkuchen, Käsekuchen, Pfefferneusse, etc.
• you and tom tagged a couple buildings with spray paint
• you, tom and bill have sleepovers all the time and you guys would make a pillow fort and watch tons of movies.
• bills a very cuddly person, so he'd always end up wrapping his arms around you after you guys fell asleep in the fort
• you guys went CD shopping all the time and get tons of cds for your collection
• you would take nail polish from your moms collection and help bill paint his nails
• you moved to Magdeburg just around the time Bill and Tom's dad moved out. Bill wasn't as upset as tom was, but you still comforted the both of them. if your parents were divorced to, you'd also be able to empathize with them
• Bill and Tome step dad would invite you to go fishing with them on a boat on the lake whenever they went. you were basically apart of the family because you hung around so much so he didn't want to leave you out
• you and bill would play with his mom's makeup all the time and give eachother makeovers
• you, tom and bill once got caught trying to sneak a beer can out of the fridge and you guys all had to sit in time out. honestly, that just helped you guys be more sneaky about getting it
• if you have long hair, bill begs his mom to teach him how to braid hair so he can braid yours. he did this in the first place because you laughed at tom for not knowing how to braid hair and you were all like "you know how to braid hair, right bill?" and he was just like "😃😄😃 yeah."
• you three all used to have bonfires in the backyard. you guys would throw in paper and wood and all that shit and then go steal a lighter from the house. then you'd all grab some marshmallows and roast them
• when you guys were eleven years old, you walked in on him jerking off and you had literally no idea what he was doing at first so you just opened the door and stood there like "wtf 😀"
• you stole some cigarettes from your dad and you, tom and bill all smoked them outside of school for the first time. you were all coughing your asses off because you guys have never smoked before
• you three would all go to weddings together and play music for them.
• you and bill would play dress up all the time and you'd scream at anybody who said something to him about wearing a dress
• at nine years old, you and bill had a wedding and after that, he would always call you his wife and he was your husband. like if a teacher didn't partner you two up together he'd be like "but she's my wife!"
• his mom and your mom became friends too, since you guys spent so much time together and they'd be like "if those two don't get married one day, I'm losing faith in all love."
• you were up on stage, playing on the guitar with Tom and Bill on the night when Georg and Gustav came to see you guys. you were a bit hesitant at first, since you were used to only bill and tom, but you guys needed a bassist and drummer, so you agreed.
• after that, you guys all became a friend group pretty quick. even though at first the age difference was weird, you guys got past that and kind of forgot about it
• you five would go to the corner store all the time and would sneak candy in your clothes. even if you had enough money 💀
• movie nights 24/7, and you guys had to watch labyrinth. it was a must and bill would force you guys to watch it
• you and bill were already super close, but the older you got the more close you got and the more your relationship progressed.
• you had to be careful when walking around the house at first because you didn't know if you'd be fine, or you'd turn the corner and one of the four boys would be sitting there jerking off
• the more time passed, the more you got used to it and it got to a point where you'd just walk into a room looking for something and if one of them was jerking off you'd just walk right past them.
• they're literally saying the dirtiest, nastiest jokes all the time and you'll just be sitting there like "🙂 wtf man"
• they're a bunch of horny, pre-teen/teenage boys so hanging out with them can be a handful but they always treated you like one of the guys and never made you feel any different.
• even bill, even though you were his gf you were still his bestfriend so you guys would roughhouse and do dumb shit together and all that kind of stuff
• you sat and listened to bill all day while he practiced singing It's Raining Men for Star Search and always helped him out with stuff
• you went to Star Search with Bill, his mutter and his Oma and was so excited to see him on stage. when he came out you were smiling and cheering and clapping your hands as loud as you can. his singing voice is amazing
• you held him for a long time after he got second place. he was really sad and bawling his eyes out because he promised you and his Oma that he'd win for you guys
• you made sure he knew it was okay, and that second place is still amazing. but he still moped for days once you guys got home.
• you and gustav would make food together too. like cookies and milkshakes. it was tons of fun baking with him
• when you first got your period, the boys were super confused because you were holding your hand in front of your intestines (and yes its actually where your intestines are, your stomach is way higher than you think 😨 but back to this) they didn't have any idea what was going on until Georg was like "she probably got her period."
• the rest of them all looked back at him like "wtf is that?" and georg was like "it's where girls bleed out of their vaginas." after that, tom and bill thought you were dying or something because georg did a terrible job explaining what a period was 💀
• once their mom got home and say they were freaking out and she asked what was wrong and they were like "Georg says Y/n is bleeding out her vagina! She's dying!" and their mom just started laughing her ass off and grabbed you a heating pad.
• tom and bill were mad at their mom for a bit before she explained what was actually happening because they thought she was just gonna let you die. but then she explained it happens to all women and its just shedding the lining of a woman's uterus. and that you were laying on the couch like that because periods cause awful cramps that can hurt as much as heart attacks.
• they were extremely nice to you after that
• bill went to the store and bought you some chocolate and then rubbed your back for you. his mom was just standing in the doorway of the living room as you two sat on the floor watching a TV show with a bunch of pillows and blankets as bill rubbed your shoulders.
• you guys got high on weed all the time and you'd be laughing your asses off while bill would just be sitting around, super fucking paranoid about everything
• you and tom were little assholes in school, especially in science class💀 you two would fuck things up on purpose when doing experiments and your teacher hated you guys so much
• you, bill and tom once started a fire at school and you all got grounded for 2 weeks and suspended from school for 3 days
• you and bill would get matching clothes together
• when tom had sex for the first time at 13, he told all of you right away and you just started laughing 💀 he was super offended and was like "uhmm..wtf bro?!" and you were like "I just feel bad for the girl who had to sleep with a guy with a 3 inch dick who still has voice cracks." and his jaw dropped and went on a rant about how his dick was huge and that he didn't have voice cracks. his voice cracked like 6 times during that rant btw.
I hope you enjoyed this!!
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7 @killed-kiss @memog1rl
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northopalshore · 5 hours
Juno Persona Chart: observations II
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࿐ Juno (3);
is an asteroid you use to look for when trying to decipher one's future spouse & circumstances of meeting. JPC masterlist.
North node (1° aries) in 1st house
Love at first sight. Fireworks and wedding bells start playing the moment you lock eyes with each other. At that moment, both of you will have no doubt that you are the one for each other.
Kiss (7° libra) in 1st house
You could have been their first kiss, at least romantically. You are likely to be seen kissing very often once in a relationship.
Kama (11° aquarius ) in 1st house
They could be someone very s*xual. You could be very s*xually attracted to eachother from the get go. You could assume they get nasty pretty often just based on how they look, and how unfazed they may be when talking about s*x. Once married, people around you will know you as that one freaky couple lol.
Briede/groom (28° cancer) in 1st house
You will see them as someone very gentle, and you'll think that they are wifey/husband material from the first time you meet. 💅🏻 As a wife/husband, they/you will be very popular, affectionate, soft and loving but also competitive and stubborn.
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Alma (29° leo) in 2nd house
Both of you will be very drawn into creating a name for yourselves as within your relationship. Perhaps you will work together on something creative. You will love indulging in the arts together.
Great Attractor (14° taurus) in 3rd house
People could say good things about your relationship. Perhaps your union will be talked about from person to person. Attracting rumours and media. You'll likely be friends with each other's siblings or friends.
Pluto (23° aquarius) in 3rd house
There could be communication issues when you meet i.e different languages or bad connection? Talking online a lot.
Chiron (13° aries) in 3rd house
Bonding through shared experiences or trauma, perhaps talking yo them will bring a healing effect. However, this could also mean rumours being spread will cause trouble. Maybe they'll hear something bad about you and start to get weary, and this might be a problem you both have to face.
Eros (27° gemini) in 3rd house
Instant connect to your heart & your loins lmao. Everything they say will turn you on (they say some simple shit- yeah glo! Lol) . While they talk, you'll be looking at their face, their eyes, their lips, what they're wearing.. and when they call for your attention you'll be at a loss lmao.
Mercury (24° pisces) in Capricorn 4th house
You won't be able to talk as much as you'd like because of work. However, it also means you'll find yourself thinking of them, your previous conversations, their voice & perhaps even daydream about them when you're alone or at work lol.
Great Attractor (13° aries) in 4th house
Meeting at home or your home town. You attract a lot of attention to your home life after meeting them. Perhaps your mother or your relatives will constantly ask "So, how's your love life going?" lmao.
Great Attractor (15° gemini) in 6th house
Your partnership will open new opportunities in terms of your career. They could get you in touch with important people or even just expand your friend circle. People will notice you more in your workspace/daily life.
Pluto retrograde (5° leo) in Sagittarius 4th house
Distance could be an issue in your relationship at first. Perhaps you'll live far from them, so you won't be able to see each other very often.
Alma in aries/aries° 7th house
Your souls were meant to be united in this life through contracts i.e marriage. Love at first sight, the moment you meet you know they are the one.
Part of fortune (3° gemini) in 7th house
They could be a popular singer or a writer and they may be signed to a certain company/label/publisher. Your marriage will bring you a lot of luck and happiness.
Boda (4°cancer) in 8th house
Your marriage may drastically change your home life. Your marriage will be very private, romantic and perhaps slightly controversial to most people.
Saturn (3° gemini) in 9th house
They could still be in college or university when you meet. They may put a lot of importance into their higher education. They could also just be entering college/university i.e a first year/junior since gemini also symbolises early education. They could also just have dropped out lol.
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Moon (10° Capricorn) 9th house
They could be very emotionally mature for their age. Someone very introspective and logical. They could be burdened with work/education when you meet.
Moon conjunct saturn
Your heart could linger on them, or you'll find yourself thinking about them for a long time after the initial meeting.
note: It reminds me of that one interview with South Korean artist Rain where he tells interviewers how he met his wife (I think it was for a reality tv show). Her voice kept echoing in his mind after hearing it once. He likely has this placement in his juno pc if not saturn conjunct mercury.
Midheaven leo/leo°
Their career could involve the arts, children and being popular or extroverted.
ex: teacher, coach, actor, singer
Midheaven taurus/taurus°
Their career could involve their voice, their face and cooking/lifestyle.
ex: singer, model, chef, actor
Midheaven gemini/gemini°
Their career could involve young children, writing and talking. They work in an environment where information comes fast and easy.
ex: IT, preschool teacher, grade school teacher, writer, news anchor & commentator
Union (17° libra) in cancer 11th house
You could meet them at home online while scrolling on social media i.e Tiktok, Instagram, dating apps etc.
Mars (25° aries) in 11th house
You could meet them online, or the both of you will be very focused on humanitarianism & charity work. You could share a group of friends or perhaps they will introduce you to their friends.
Venus in 12th house
You will be put in a trance by each other. Perhaps your eyes will linger a little longer after they look away. Both of you will exchange a lot of "sneaky" glances towards each other. If you met online, you will likely fantasize about them through the screen lol.
ex: Your scrolling through Tiktok, then suddenly their video pops up and you can't help but linger on their profile for longer than you probably should have. It's likely you'll do a little stalking as well especially if it's in leo/pisces/scorpio lol.
Venus conjunct mars
Love at first sight. Both of you will be strongly attracted to each other the moment your eyes lock.
12th house stellium
LONG DISTANCE. You might not be able to see them often after the initial meeting, but you'll likely keep in contact through the phone.
Fama (24° pisces) in Leo 12th house
People may romanticise your relationship and how you met. Of course this can go both ways, there will also be a lot of assumptions that people will harbor about your relationship and about the both of you in general (perhaps even before you met! i.e assuming the type of partner you'll get. )
Any Grand trine present in the chart will make the house involved a lot easier to deal with.
For example planets in the 1st-10th-4th form a grand trine: Your identity, career and home life are very harmonious with eachother. You are likely to receive a lot of support from your partner in these areas of life, even if some aspects in those houses are placed rather difficultly.
note: this goes for all charts including natal, composite and any persona chart.
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***entertainment purposes only: reader discretion is advised***
Thank you for reading ♡
@northopalshore 2024 all rights reserved.
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simplyreveries · 8 months
hewwoooo i was the anon who requested the trey + vil with plus-sized reader :3 i really love your writing!!!! so expect me to come back here pretty often :D you can call me 🫀 anon from now on hehe (and also expect all my requests to be platonic except for trey oop)
im here for another request !! may i request the shroud brothers, vil, leona and trey with an ignihyde!reader ?? my self-insert is actually an ignihyde student based on the fates so i cant really insert myself into twst x readers with yuu!reader lol. no pressure tho <3
here ya go!! I'm super happy you liked my other one, I apologize for this one's wait i got busy!<3
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idia shroud
it’ll take a while for the two of you to become any sorts of close. i can imagine your meetings (even though he's your own DORM LEADER lmao) will be brief and vague, sometimes seemingly halfhearted when he is forced to tell his dorm something, to which he usually just messages.
you’ll find him lurking and leaving his room in the late hours to get something or go the sam's mystery shop if it's still open for instant food or stuff of that sorts. nevertheless, you still are an ignihyde student so you two do seem to get along pretty well. even in those short moments— he finds himself being okay around you.
i guess you could say he is relieved you're one of the few people who won't make idia feel utterly awkward or uncomfortable running into so that's definitely some sort of a relief for him. in fact, that usually entails you two ending up hanging out together or doing something stupidly fun together.
ortho shroud
aside from idia he actually did make an effort to get to know you in the first place and in his attempts to get idia out more, suggested you guys hang out at times! he’d claim and tell idia how interesting of a person you were— plenty of stories as someone who even has been or lived in their homelands, the shaftlands!! he wants to see everyone in the dorm get along well. so, you may see him actively trying to get you and idia to be friends as well haha
im sure you two did become unlikely friends though it's inevitable, especially with ortho. he is happy to see his brother get along with you, its very common soon enough that you guys commonly hang out together.
ortho is very sweet whenever you pass him by in the dorm or in school always saying "hello" or asking how you're feeling. he's happy to be able to get along with others in his dorm.
vil schoenheit
he's curious about you quite a bit considering he knows how the reputation of ignihyde students are well…. very reclusive and don't really interact much with others and other dorms. he has worked with ignihyde students in the past with favors and needing stuff for his film making club (like the magical wheel he needed for epel once) which usually makes him prompt to coming towards you a lot to inquire and get any tech and gadgets that could be used for films they're making… even if you may not be the most outgoing person, he’ll surprisingly feel quite easy to talk to.
if you tend to take on the habits of your fellow dormmates or your dorm leader, he will once in a while tell you to make sure you're taking care of yourself and make sure you're doing things like self-care or sleeping right. it's nothing harsh or anything but it's a small way he looks out for you as he gets closer to you throughout time.
you're like a favored student of his from that dorm, he has grown to be pretty fond of. you've piqued his interest enough and helped him out too that he does seem kinder to you in ways.
leona kingscholar
originally, he really had no interested talking to or frankly being around any of that dorm. besides like idia during dorm leader meetings, he barely even knew anyone there despite it being at least his 4th year in that school. he still finds it, unusual and even strange that you've become rather close to him (even if that may feel one sided but it's just leona ok)
he does tend to feel more content and okay with you if you’re more on the quieter side anyway. he does grow a small sense of fondness to you— he even finds himself slightly surprised as your the last person he expected to garner his attention. but nevertheless, you found yourself nicely close to him even if he doesn’t show it the best.
leona sometimes makes quips or teases about your own dorm, how considerably different the two may be. especially a lot at first before you two grew closer, he just found it strange almost, to find yourself close to him.
trey clover
its funny because besides like ortho or idia and maybe a few various students of that dorm here and there in the school— ever so introverted and quiet he doesn't see that many of your dorm. even cater himself admits he doesn't seem to really know or have any friends from that dorm and he's cater! trey will muse he’s beaten cater at that by dating one.
you may have to get used to his dorm being pretty social, considering all the events they hold whereas you’re probably used to the cold and quiet ignihyde dorms. you may have to even adjust whenever you decide to come over and see trey, especially with people like cater or ace who are heavily social.
he hopes you’ll grow and find yourself comfortable there, you’ll find him laughing bashfully when pointing out their antics in comparison to the dormmates you're used to. you'll find him chuckling asking how you manage to put up with some of them, he can only imagine how different it must be for you.
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months
first happy May the 4th 😃😄
Second Do you know of the Hgh Republic. if so how would the Jedi order of that time react to TL4J and how crazy they often are
you too!! and LMAO that'd be so funny. the jedi at the peak of their existence vs the jedi being held together with duct tape by 4 mentally ill idiots who combined know maybe 7% of the code
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gunsatthaphan · 4 months
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: May 2024 ~ 
🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride Month!!! 🏳️‍🌈
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 You Made My Day (starring Tar A. and Bom T. from I Will Knock You) - May 3rd (Thailand)
🌟 Inverse Identity / Upside Down - Mary 3rd (China)
🌟 Wandee Goodday - May 4th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Dear Miss Becky - May 6th (Philippines)
🌟 Deep Night Special Episode - May 9th (Thailand)
🌟 A Balloon's Landing - May 10th (Taiwan)
🌟 City of Stars: Special Episode - May 10th (Thailand, cinema release)
🌟 The Time of Fever (Unintentional Love Story spinoff) - May 15th (South Korea)
🌟 Blossom Campus - May 16th (South Korea)
🌟 OMG! Vampire - May 19th (Thailand)
🌟 Pray in Love - May 20th (Taiwan)
🌟 Manji Reverse - May 24th (Japan)
🌟 My Biker 2 - May 28th (Thailand)
🌟 Knock Knock Boys - May 30th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Anti Reset Special - May 31st (Thailand)
Monthly Likes / Dislikes
❣️ My Stand-In - I've been liking this a lot and it's probably my favorite bl from this year so far. I was mostly skeptical of the reincarnation trope as I usually don't like that but I like where it's going. The storytelling is excellent, it's comprehensible and sends such good messages, it's subtle, not as in-your-face as other shows, they're not rehashing the same things and every character is believable and well-shaped, down to the smallest side role. The characters are flawed but so well-written that it's just a joy to witness them develop. That being said I wanna give a big shoutout to whoever was in charge of casting because the lineup is really top-tier lol. Every character is on-point thanks to their respective actor; Up is doing so well and also Poom is a very pleasant surprise. I love how expressive he is and him and Up work extremely well as a team imo. Also Mek as Tong is a good choice. Almost forgot what a truly good production looked like lmao. I'm in awe.
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Some Secrets in High School (mini series) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Street Fight (movie) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 See Your Love - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 Century of Love - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Allure of the Siren - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Takara's Treasure - Coming July 1st (Japan)
🎥 Air Moment (starring Earth T. & others) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 The Paradise of Thorns - Coming August 2024 (Thailand)
🎥 Your Sky (starring Thomas & Kong, winners of the DMD reality program Friendship the Reality) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 I Hear the Sunspot (remake) - Date TBA (Japan)
🎥 My Idol - Coming August 2024 (South Korea)
🎥 Khemjira - Date TBA (Thailand)
Other news from the BL world
❗️ In a week-to-week-release, Be On Cloud announced the cast of the upcoming BL 4 Minutes: Bible Wichapas, Jes Pipat, Bas Asavapatr, Job Yosatorn, Fuaiz Thanawat, Mio Athens, Jet Jetsadakorn & Jjay Patiphan. A release date, as well as further information has not been disclosed.
❗️After the announcement of OhmFluke being the lead actors in the upcoming Korean BL Surfing, their respective managements released a statement saying the news were false and that there was never any contact between the companies nor a request for permission to issue the news.
❗️The annual KAZZ awards were held on May 14th. The following BL actors/productions won:
Net Siraphop - Actor of the Year
Bed Friend - Series of the Year
Pit Babe - Kazz Magazine Favorite Award
❗️ The 20th Komchadluek Awards were held on May 28th. The following BL actors/productions won:
Zee P. - Most Popular Actor
Nunew C. - Best International Singer
Fourth N. - Best Rising Star
JimmySea - Best Couple
❗️ Actor JJ Radchapon has been announced as Net's new partner in the upcoming BL Love Upon a Time. His original partner James S. previously dropped out of the project to focus on his music career. Shooting will begin soon.
❗️ Actors Kaownah Kittipat and Max Nattapol have been announced as the BL side couple in the upcoming period GL drama Mom Pet Sawan.
❗️ Actor Tang Chinadis has announced his departure from the upcoming BL Jack & Joker. He withdrew from the project following accusations of physical abuse from his ex-girlfriend Prigkhing S. (formerly with GMMTV)
❗️ After accusations of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend, the charges against GMMTV actor Pawin Thanik have been dropped. The company released a statement saying both parties requested a mediation, after which they came to a settlement where both cases were dismissed. Pawin had previously been placed on work probation and withdrew from the BL We Are amongst other projects.
Upcoming series & movies for June
👉🏻 My Love Mix-Up - June 6th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Love Sea - June 9th (Thailand)
👉🏻 SunsetxVibes - June 15th (Thailand)
👉🏻 The Rebound - June 26th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Blue Boys Part 2 - June TBA (South Korea)
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rainy-astrology · 1 year
ATEEZ Mingi Birth Chart Analysis
Based on my opinions and observations. Not a professional. May change later.
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August 9th, 1999
Incheon, South Korea
4 pm. Not sure if exactly 4 or if there are minutes missing
☀️♌️🌙♋️ ⬆️♐️
These placements seem solid:
Leo sun in 8th - This placement is an interesting one, at least to me. Sun and 8th kind of contrast each other; Sun wants to shine, especially Leo sun being filled with bright energy, yet when placed in 8th it kind of darkens its shine. Mingi is likely a lot more serious and mellow in private, quite internalized. There's a lot of changes and transformation to his character throughout his life (which doesn't surprise me - ik he said he thought a lot about himself, his character and what he truly wanted when he was on hiatus).
Venus Virgo is also in 8th - This placement craves for deep intense bonds and can be easily jealous and possessive. He also has a Venus square Pluto, which adds more to the intense loyalty and possessiveness. Venus Virgo is already incredibly picky with who they choose to have as company (due to high standards), but once their trust and love is gained, they become very loyal and want to take care of their loved ones. Especially as a Leo too - Mingi really gives a lot of effort and care into people he truly cares about. This definitely explains his "moral loyalty" to Yunho lol.
Cancer moon in 7th - Cancer moon is gentle and emotional, often sentimental. Moon in 7th likes to be around company - being around people makes him feel happy. They long for deep emotional connections. They don't really like to do things alone, they often like to do things in groups or with a person they're very close with. This placement reminded me of how Mingi said he planned to do everything with Yunho since high school...
Uranus in 2nd - An odd relationship with finances...? Uranus is unpredictable and constantly changing, 2nd house is materialism and finances so Mingi may care about money a lot some days, while not caring much other days. Working an unconventional job (being an idol isn't the most traditional route)...From what I've read so far though, I don't really think he prioritizes money that highly. We all love money, but Mingi seems to prioritize connections and bonds much much higher than materialism. I wonder if affects his self worth as well since 2nd house also deals with self worth.
Jupiter in 4th - Usually indicates a positive and warm family and home. And if not, Mingi will try to build his own comfortable family and home.
Chiron in 11th - A wound concerning friendships and groups. A hint of loneliness here. Misunderstandings. I'm not sure how much Mingi has spoken about past friendships or other friendships in general (thanks to my bad memory lmao), but it would explain why he is especially attached to Yunho. Mingi's friends would leave him during lunch since he ate slow (which is kinda rude ngl that has always bothered me lol unless Mingi told them it was ok then fine), but Yunho always went out of his way to sit with him. In WANTEEZ ep 30, when they were sharing a few trainee stories, they talked about how Mingi was unintentionally a bit mean to the other members (e.g Yeo saying Mingi didn't bother to speak to him first, San still remembering the very blunt statement by Mingi about his dancing)
North node in 8th - It seems like Mingi should learn to ask for help in life. Maybe he has gone through a lot of heavy things alone. Sharing is the key lesson of this placement - sharing his concerns and troubles, sharing his heavy feelings, sharing love and care, even sharing physical things... He doesn't have to carry his burdens alone.
Sagittarius rising - Like all Sagittarius, Mingi longs for freedom in his life. He does not like to be tied down; he just wants to do what he wants and be himself without holding back. Wants to live honestly and happily.
Fixed Grand square - this pattern often presents many challenges in life. His is formed by squares of the fixed signs, which could indicate feeling stuck often. He may deal with a lot of persistent issues that he feels can not fix no matter how much he tries. He could be stuck with bad habits that can be hard to break out of.
I'm not so sure about these placements:
These are at 4 pm exact.
Any other time btwn 4-5 pm moves the planets into the previous house. E.g mars at 4 pm is in 11th, mars at 4:30 or so is in 10th.
Scorpio Mars in 11th - Mars in 11th gains energy from friendships, often good at networking, and is very supportive of others. It is also about workong hard for achievements and goals, which Mingi does care about.
Saturn in 5th - Reserved self expression, may want to focus on building useful and helpful skills rather than play around all the time. There are some delays to some of the themes of 5h.
Cancer Mercury in 8th - This is a very private placement. Cancer mercury already keeps things to themselves and mercury in 8th is the same. He may only open up if he truly feels he can trust a person 100%. Likes to dig deep into things.
Pluto in 12th - Overly self critical, some sense of shame on certain parts of himself
Overall, Mingi seems like such an all or nothing person. Ride or die fr. He wanna intertwine his soul with someone. Issues with loneliness...Lots of self revelation and transformation, questioning and improving his character...He is a lot more intense than I thought he would be...I figured he had some sort of Scorpio energy to him though and that's due to the 8th house placements. I almost guessed Scorpio rising for him once actually lol.
Other analysis:
MBTI | Enneagram
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Elooo!! Can u pls do Benkei hc pls pls plsss I badly need one!! (*ノ´□`)ノ
Of course I can and here they are! Hope you like them!
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Used to like taking Shinichiro to the gym with him, though his favourite work out partner has always been Wakasa.
Straight up stole Wakasa's dango stick one time and immediately regretted it (he'll never make that mistake again). 
Never understood why anyone would want a little sibling until he met Senju.
When the others found out how much he dislikes horror films he got embarrassed and tried to prove them wrong by going on a horror movie marathon (he didn't sleep for days after that).
He doesn't do it often but is actually a decent cook.
Actually gets super invested in movies and TV shows he watches, is transfixed by them (will cry at sad movies) this is also the reason he dislikes horror movies.
Loves hugs! Will not hesitate to bear hug his partner, is also super clingy and refuses to let go.
When training people in the gym he can seem a bit loud and aggressive but he's actually very supportive, cheering people on and practising them to help with their motivation (he's just very enthusiastic).
Can't keep a plant alive 
Frequently carries Senju around on his shoulders, usually when she's overly tired. He used to do the same with Shinichiro too after he got injured in fights (and once carried a drunk Wakasa who insisted on it).
Is a total gentleman, opening doors for people, helping people reach stuff by shopping etc. He may not look it but he will help people out.
Actually wanted to hit Shion long before did (he was glad he finally got the chance).
The first time he got asked on a date he thought someone dared them to do it, he got so used to people being intimidated by him that he didn't think anyone would want to take him on a date.
Was so happy after getting his tattoo done that he refused to wear anything with sleeves on it for months after (even when it was cold).
Has a very loud but happy laugh, the kind of laugh which just makes you smile.
Loves relaxing in warm baths and trips to hot springs 
Actually got on well with all the little Sano and Akashi kids (and Baji) they liked how big he was and used to climb on him (he'd always get a little worried that they'd fall or he'd accidentally hurt them).
Never did fully forgive Inui for that middle aged comment though. (Just kidding he definitely did......or did he?)
Whenever he hears his old nickname "red cliff" he gets very happy.
Panics a bit when someone cries (unless it's Shinichiro who he got used to very fast lmao)
Gets fairly competitive, do not play monopoly with him.
Is very good at reading stories to people, will give all the character's voices and put emotion into it.
Is actually a very warm person in general, great person to cuddle up to during the winter.
Kept a close eye on the future black dragons generations, even offering advice to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Used to threaten any gang members who spoke over Shinichiro during meetings (especially if it was Takeomi)
Enjoys funfairs but dislikes any spinning rides (he gets a bit motion sick)
And finally his favourite gift to give his partner are flowers, all sorts. He also gifts them all the time, sometimes he'll give them to you just because you seemed a little sad. 
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malrido · 8 months
Ok since you're a fellow malrido shipper, I must know all your headcanons
I GOT YOU. Some of these are character headcanons but can be used ship wise- Also I am a roleplayer and roleplay them with my friend so I may include little story things from those. Gonna put everything past keep reading because i might have gone overboard (I love them so dearly)
-Malleus calls Riddle his rose, his queen, or his treasure. He mainly uses the first two- the second one being used more to tease him.
-Speaking of teasing- Malleus loves teasing Riddle. Fae in general are already mischievous and Malleus is no different. You even see him teasing Riddle during his birthday jacket card with the whole "I'd bring you with me~" to the deserted island thing.
-Malleus "purrs". There are sound bites i've heard of "dragons" basically creating a rumbling noise with their chest (Malleus denies that its purring). Riddle thinks its nice and has used it to fall asleep before. Audio clip from youtube below.
-Later on they end up having two kids. both girls- Rosemary and Morgan (based on Morgan le Fey). I've created picrews of them that I'll add below.
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-Malleus is whipped. He is down so bad for Riddle... most of the time he will listen to what Riddle says and do whatever he asks. He's also offered to smite multiple people for Riddle
-Malleus wants to KILL Riddle's mom. Like... not exaggerating. It's a point of contention between them. Obviously Riddle doesn't want his mother to die- but Malleus thinks she's slighted him and almost gotten Riddle to break up with him one too many times and needs to go.
-Riddle loves being wrapped up in Malleus' tail. It makes him feel safe and also its nice and warm. He can almost instantly fall asleep as soon as Malleus puts his tail over Riddle.
-Malleus is VERY over protective. To points that have gotten them into arguments. Riddle is terrified of being controlled like he was by his mother again- while Malleus is terrified of Riddle leaving him, getting hurt, or dying.
-Sometimes Malleus just teleports into Heartslabyul, scoops Riddle up, and walks off towards Riddle's room or Diasomnia. Doesn't matter if Riddle is busy- he needs his rose. A great way to piss Riddle off sometimes- but he will stop when scolded. Malleus absolutely gets whiny (he will deny it) but will always listen to his queen.
-During Malleus' 4th year he just teleports back when hes not busy to be with Riddle. Even if Riddle is studying he just likes being in the room or holding Riddle in his lap. This also helps with Riddle's stress- as Trey and Cater would be gone so he doesn't exactly have somebody to ground him.
-Riddle is convinced Malleus is cursed and thats why every invite somehow falls through or goes wrong or forgotten. Afterall Riddle prides himself on memory and timing. Malleus still says its impossible for him to have been cursed.
-I... do have nsfw headcanons with them that I will not get into but if you're 18+ feel free to dm me if you're curious lmao
-Malleus is glad he mostly hides his tail because every time its out and he sees Riddle it starts thumping against the ground. He has almost broken his own bed frame when he was just sitting and reading with his tail out then Riddle paid him a surprise visit. As soon as Riddle walked into the room his tail starting thumping and cracked the bed frame
-Malleus has memorized all 810 rules of the queen of hearts before they were even dating. It was when he was interested in Riddle and wanted to do something that would make him happy.
It's almost 1 am so I'm going to stop there but I may add to this post honestly... Also if you have any questions about scenarios I will be happy to tell you my answer- also just what you think about all of these in general!
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hirazuki · 2 months
Would you do Maeglin for the character ask game, please?
Sure thing!
How I feel about this character One of my faves! I love him to bits, both him as a character and his role as a narrative device in the story, and he's absolutely one of the characters I get protective over. My other Silm faves can get bullied and misinterpret by fandom to hell and back and it's whatever, they can take it; I may block if someone's too annoying, but I will mostly just ignore. Maeglin, though? My hackles go up and the block button is engaged, on sight XD
All the people I ship romantically with this character If we're talking strictly canon? No one. (Maybe an OC to my exact specifications -- and I have a lot of those lmao -- post-canon, in a 4th Age/reincarnated setting? But I haven't really put any serious thought into it.) I can, potentially, ship him with Idril, if Idril is a very different version of her canon self -- more sensitive, intuitive, empathetic, and possessing far less of the qualities I find distasteful in her canon portrayal. Basically, the way @ruiniel writes it; if Rui is writing this relationship, I'm 100% running on board; blindfolded, too XD
My non-romantic OTP for this character Oooh, that's tough. Hmm. I suppose probably Celebrimbor, given their similar backgrounds/interests/story arcs, there's a lot to dive into there. I also really enjoy him with Maedhros and Mairon, but both of those are much more mentor/older brother/father figure types of relationships to me than as equals so they feel slightly different than what I would term a non-romantic OTP.
My unpopular opinion about this character He's not that bad everyone just likes clutching pearls ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. One (1) nice thing. That's all -- even just one, that's free of other people's strings or fate or whatever you want to call it; just one to be his alone. Even the so-called "good" things that happen to him (going to Gondolin, rising in status, etc.) are riddled with tragedy and built on grief. Ideally, I wish he'd find happiness, but this is the Silmarillion so; let's not be unreasonable here XD
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pastelaspirations · 1 year
It is time. The birthday month of @paintedkinzy-88 has come. SO, THEREFORE. Birthday drawing time.
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He tried to k i l l me. I was going to try and do his head strictly sideview, but then I wanted to show both horns and the sideview made me want to burn my house down more than the 3/4ths kinda view I somehow miraculously ended up doing did and-
I also realize the... size difference may be offish. I tried. Went off the references I had available ;_; It's still a comparable size difference, Ink smol and Error b i g.
But it's all fine. What I wanted was cute draggo nuzzles at sunset and that's what I did. <3 I HOPE YOU LIKE IT <3 <3
Also, here is a version without the hazy, warm, sleepy overtone laid over it or whatever. Makes the colors p o p more lmao
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lady-of-imladris · 9 months
Lady of Imladris End of Year Post:
Alright guys, let's do this!
This year has been one of the wildest ones so far? I have been here since March I think and 183 people have decided that they want to see what I post on their dashboard. To be honest that is pretty insane to me!
I moved twice this year, spending 4 months in student accommodation before getting my own apartment in June (but tbh I don't really live there). I had TWO broken fridges, 5 different plumbers, multiple electricians, some carpenters, and a locksmith come in to make this place liveable but it really doesn't feel like a home. I hope that will change next year!
I passed A LOT of exams this year and failed one! That was my 4th ever failed exam (out of 3 classes I only failed one so go me!) and I did the retake exam all on my own! No study buddies this time and I really liked this chance to prove to myself that I've still got it!
I had 5 jobs this year, all of them at my university.
I became a fanfiction writer??? I am currently fighting the writers block but I WILL finish my WIP in the new year I hope (I hope I didn't jinx it)
And the best for last: I made so many friends on here 🥺 distance is a horrible thing but I'm very lucky to get to meet some friends next year including @queenmeriadoc and @shirebarbie who are coming to visit me in Vienna and we are going to see Taylor Swift together!
It's been A YEAR! I'm gonna end 2023 with a bang tomorrow (and yet no one will bang me, applications welcome in my inbox lmao). May our new year be full of happiness and joy and craziness (but only the good kind)!
I'm hugging each and every one of you (that is a threat)!
Love, Lady of Imladris
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