#happy spooky month :) been meaning to post these for a few weeks
creepiefarm · 1 year
Maky's farm grown pumpkins did well this year :)
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[Image 1: A Masky plush wearing a colorful kandi necklace and kandi bracelets stands next to a large orange pumpkin. Around them are many green leafy plants. End ID]
[Image 2: The same Masky plush sits next to a small orange pumpkin that is half it's size. They are sitting in the dirt and a few leafy vines are visible around them. End ID]
[Image 3: The Masky plush lies face down on top of a large green pumpkin. Their arms arm spread across the pumpkin like they are hugging it. In the background other plants are visible. End ID]
[Image 4: The Masky plush sits on top of the large green pumpkin from the previous image. Grass and vines are visible in the background. End ID]
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wickblr · 22 days
October is coming up soon! What if we had a spooky Wicktober event, like those writing events with a prompt for each day of the month (or every other day or something)? People could answer the prompts with a piece of writing or a drawing, and the prompts could be things like:
Helen Wick’s Ghost
Vampire AU
Serial Killer Santino
Dog’s Halloween Costume
That sort of thing! Would anyone be interested in that?
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I’m supposed to be replying w nothing but this is a great idea!
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This should have been done like a month ago but I really didn’t think anyone would be interested, so, uh anyways;
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I’ve made 2 versions of this since I know a lot of the writers on Wickblr are adults who only do writing as a hobby, so here’s both Wicktober and Wick Week! I don’t know if there’s been a writing event for the John Wick community, but here!
Wicktober is a month long event where people submit their drabbles/fics based off the prompts listed! Considering we aren’t really a strict fanbase, you can switch around the days and prompts—skip a day or few, or just do one! You’re free to use this as a writing ask game for October. Any day can be switched around except Day 24 which is the ten year anniversary of the first John Wick movie and the John Wick series as a whole (happy birthday to the movies!!!)
Feel free to run rampant on the prompts with your own interpretation of it, be more symbolic, be more realistic—just as long as you want to contribute to this event and want to write for it.
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Wick Week is a seven day long event, which can be started on any day in October honestly since it’s a week of prompts. It has the same thing going as with Wicktober.
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- No harassment (some anons are really mean when it comes to people’s writing which is no good since Wickblr is a pretty damn small community)
- No derogatory comments made in the ask box of this blog since I know SOME people really wanna fucking discuss how “bad” some fics are (which you should write yourself if you really think it’s that bad)
- NSFW is allowed, and unlike this blog; x readers, x OCs are allowed, or cc x ccs (ex: helen x john which I will be doing on @marquisedegramont if you wanna see that)
- Make sure to tag #wicktober 2024 or #wick week 2024
- Creators can produce fics/drabbles or drawings
- Add the necessary warnings before every fic, thank you! Some fics may be triggering for some people and they would appreciate warnings beforehand :)
- Post it on ao3! (If you want)
- Do as little or as much as you want. Be self indulgent
- Prompts are free to use after October ends
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shameless plug from the mod: art -> @evrensadwrn | writing -> @marquisedegramont and on ao3
and also my furry friends: art -> @tobytheeggo | writing -> @bluelolblue
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reblog maybe ?
cr ; cross divider
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cheese-water · 1 year
This is going to be chronological order OG only chronicle o tweets on Twitter or x or whatever the heck is up w/ that.
It is set in 1900s ish july. It mentions a ‘She’ im assuming is a therapist of some sort. The writer most likely is mentally ill or something and is told to write thoughts down to help. 
Bro has trauma wtf when did this happen?? Glances, phrases, remarks, notes. Do not understand situation is better shown than told probably some type of trauma honestly. Family and dog: you know they are already fucking dead though, come on you know ain’t no way they survive this. Will not forget bad things bad things probably life changing is worst way possible or something.
J maybe therapist?? Then bizarre dream tf is up with this kids mind tho-?? AND IT MEANS CYCLE?? like timeloop cycle, history repeating cycle, which we talking about??
Oh yeah shitty manager. I’ve been analyzing these and I’ve read that at least 20 times. 20 times of a fictional character complaining about their fictional boss tf is my life?
Spoopi dream and oh hey same hall and doors each time and the other dream meant cycle that’s just lovely!1!!1 
The XXXX might be Mary and Mary might be the actual expert/therapist person? It implies Mary is the one who suggested person to write(?)
“Why can’t I be in control of everything” DAMN WRITER OK RELATABLE K THATS FINE OK also please throw the vcr out the window especially if it’s more than a 1 story building, please.
Happy birthday :DD ayyy fucked ver of happy birthday that’s cooool and we trust J :] oh yeah shit work place for like the 5th time dear god
ok therory also summarize things:
Writer(which is going to be referred to as 0), most likely (knowing Ranboo) is traumatized, and is getting some form of therapy. His therapist (I HOPE IS) Mary suggested he should write his thought down to help. At first 0 hated it, but overtime it did help a lot. A friend J told 0 to write is absolutely obscure dreams down. 0 does as 0 trusts J quite a bit even lets J read the journal entries. J is into supernatural and “crazy” things (same) and tells 0 that 0(bro idk pronouns im sorry) is reliving things that 0 might have repressed or something possibly trauma. 0 works at a very bad place with a horrible manager. 2 more spooky dreams later and oh, 0 still complaining about job. Creepy birthday song and wow I’m done with thing more than a month long project. this was so long and a lot of stuff was very cut down omg I’m tired I’m going to sleep buh bye
P.S hi started school uh yeah hope your doing well :]
We love J for actually listening to 0’s dreams. They’re a real one fr. That being said, knowing Ranboo, I’m fully expecting J to be the one who traumatized and/or killed 0’s family in the end. Another Hetch situation y’know? Really though, what friend would look at your dream journal and say, "Oh yeah, that’s prolly some repressed trauma for you," like? I’ve had my fair share of strange dreams, but my immediate thoughts don’t go to deep-rooted trauma (I wouldn’t know it’s literally repressed, I guess?).
*intermission for me to read the tweets since I found a good twit front end on github a few weeks back B)*
Oh… oh no. Here we go again. If I had a nickel for every time Ranboo created a character who had to write their thoughts in a journal to cope with their repressed traumas and memory issues, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice. No, but really, this post solidified it for me:
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The obvious is, "I dont think ill be forgetting those." Clearly, this is an important list of things to remember, and judging by the constant work reminders, Zero (I have to give them some sort of name) uses this journal as a way to help/cope with their forgetfulness and it’s been working so far.
What’s listed in the Good Things list is strange. Most notably the second one, "My dog." ???? My dog????? Who the hell in a supposedly personal journal doesn’t call their dog by their name? If it’s for the reader's sake, that doesn’t make sense either. It could’ve been a classic dog name (à la Spot, Rover, etc.) or, even better, have the name written after my dog: My dog Lola or My dog Winston. I may be overthinking this, but it’s such a strange detail to include with the introduction of Zero’s memory issues in the exact same post. Because all that implies is that Zero’s memory has already been degrading, with or without their knowledge.
Also, I'm not sure how or why we were even getting chronicle 0 in the first place. Is it like some sort of time paradox relating to Zero’s dreams? My best theory is that someone in 2023 (right now) found the journal and is literally chronicling/recording it online for others. This would explain the redacted words in the tweets, since they wouldn’t be if they were posted by Zero's thoughts themselves. And it gives new meaning to the random "?" posts. Maybe the page scanner couldn’t translate what was written down? Or was there nothing written there at all?
All I’m sure of is that whatever was on those "?" pages, those are the pages Jay has been writing on. Which quick aside, WTF JAY!? Why the hell are you writing in someone else’s therapy journal when you know they have memory problems? Who do you think Zero will assume wrote that down? Their nameless dog? NO ZERO MUST OF CAUSE ITS THEIRS. I don’t care if Zero trusts you because you're their childhood best friend or partner or whatever, but to me, you’re extremely misguided at best and suspicious and manipulative at worst. Anyway, assuming the "?" pages are Jay's, either their handwriting is less legible than Zero’s (or at least visually distinct enough that whoever’s tweeting these out can tell the difference from other pages or entries), or they’re some sort of drawing. Of what I’m not sure.
But back to the why: Someone found Zero’s journal and began posting pages of it because either they find it fascinating and unnerving (the reasonable solution) or (the flimsier, weirder solution) the account is the beginnings of an autobiographical journal-book about Zero if they actually did or experienced something notable in their future (for example, the style of Anne Frank’s journals). Imagine Showfall, or *insert Gen 0 capitalistic conglomerate here* publishing "The Story of Chronicle 0: How The Founder Found Their Way." It would be if Disney got ahold of Walt’s childhood diaries and sold them as a collector’s item. It’s so strange and wrong to do, but we all know it’d make bank. Plus, it feeds into the intrusive/changing perception theme from Gen 1 if Ranboo wants to continue that thread. Once again, grain of salt, spitballing, yadda yadda, this is getting interesting, and I haven’t even touched the dreams yet lmao.
0 notes
𝔄𝔫𝔤𝔦𝔢 𝔅𝔬𝔲𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔡 | 𝔰𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔪𝔢 𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔪𝔶 𝔰𝔥𝔲𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔰
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Happy Halloween everyone!!!! I hope y'all have a good holiday, go get some candy tonight <33
I was talking to @sythaerin at the beginning of this month and we had an idea to write a halloween thing and post it today, so...here it is. :D
oh, and (y/f/c) means your favorite candy, it'll come in handy a few times ;)
warnings: light swearing, mentions of blood (sfx makeup)
word count: 7.4K
taglist: @wizzy0, @aaron-despair, @escapetodreamworld, @consciouschunkofmoss, @merci-bitch, @fxoehy, @daisyfllr, @winters-witch-bitch, @evagreensimp, @nonbinary-cryptid-baby, @feartheclipse, @itsyourgirlmalise, @emiliaisdead, @missfalcon, @vykanya, @holly-fire, @clinicallyinsaneteen, @sythaerin, @mxbeezkneez, @inlovewithbilliedean, @crime-ninja, @when-i-miss-you, @multimilfs, @jojalie, @thebijesus, @whutisthus
if you'd like to be added to the taglist, please fill out this form! (it helps me stay organized so you get tagged properly <3)
enjoy xx
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Your sister had been the first to figure it out. In fact, she figured it out weeks before even you figured it out yourself. But when you finally did she celebrated it with a sardonic "Congratulations y/n. You're officially the last to know." What was it that Liz knew? Well, turns out that you like Angie Bouchard. And not just like as in friends, like as in like Angie Bouchard. Because even with her history, and supposed witchyness, you couldn't help but feel attracted to her. It was like a magnet, like a ship being pulled into shore through icy waves. She was the sand, and you wanted no more than for the waves and wind to bring you crashing into her bay. Though you doubted that would ever happen. She was much too good for someone like you, even if you were a Collins (a family which she apparently has a history of being entangled with, according to your newly introduced undead relative).
So you focused on more important things; taking care of your niece and nephew, keeping Roger in line, making sure the police didn't catch wind of Barnabas. Overall it kept you quite busy, not that Liz would every let you forget your little problem, nor would seeing Angie nearly everyday from a distance. You hadn't actively spent time with her in almost a month, under the ruse of needing to get more family work done first. The blonde probably saw right through the flimsy lie, but she didn't question it then and she hasn't since. But every bit of luck has to run out eventually, and it does about a week before Halloween, funnily enough. Carolyn had insisted that you come with her to buy more decorations and supplies for costumes, and being the loving aunt that you were, you agreed. So now you browsed through the popup Halloween shop, Carolyn by your side and occasionally making a comment about something.
As the teen held out a hefty bottle of fake blood, claiming that she needed the $25 item in the name of science...and spooky things, you heard a well-known voice behind you. "Surely you don't need a gallon of blood, Carolyn." A smile made it's way untethered and you took a deep breath before spinning to face the woman. "Good afternoon Angie," you said, earning a tiny smile before her attention returned to your niece, who watched her in stunned silence. You turned back as well, snapping your fingers in front of Carolyn's face and muttering "Lyn! Wake up!" The girl finally looked at you and, not bothering to lower her voice, stated "Why didn't you tell me your girlfriend's that hot?" You slapped your hand over your mouth, cheeks flaming instantly as you choked on air. Carolyn gave you a clueless look, glancing between a flustered you and a smirking Angie, before finally realizing her mistake and breathing "Ohhhh," and mumbling a quiet apology.
In a small voice, you hissed "Bit too late for sorry, sweetie," opening your eyes just enough to glare at her. The teen grimaced and let out a hiss of her own. Your blush didn't recede at all , but you removed your hand from your mouth after a minute, though it nearly returned when Angie sidled up behind you, one hand resting lightly on your hip as she stared down at Carolyn with a challenging smirk. To her credit, the brunette knew what was good for her, and with one last apologetic look to you she skittered off to the candy section. Part of you strongly disliked her for that as it now left you all alone with Angie, who pressed just that much closer to you to murmur "Girlfriend, hmm?" into your ear. It made you shiver and you choked "I-I don't know where she got that from. I've never called you that." Angie hummed. "What a shame. Anyway, is this the important family business you spoke of the last time we spoke?"
As if it had never happened, Angelique stepped back and gave you space enough to breathe, which you did eagerly. Once you'd gotten some air in your lungs you braved a turn around to look up at the blonde. With a nod you replied "Uh, yeah. I wasn't planning on coming with her, but Liz insisted that she couldn't be trusted to not put us in debt over Halloween candy." At this Angie let out a loud laugh, ruby lips pulling into a perfect open mouth smile. She was so photogenic is was insane, you thought as you watched her. When she stopped a moment later, petering off to a quiet chuckle, the woman tilted her head in a "so-so" motion as she said "I suppose your sister has a point. And how is dear Elizabeth doing?" "She's good. Barnabas is...causing trouble, but that's his usual, you know how it is." Angie nodded, tittering under her breath, and the two of you had a quiet conversation as you returned to the task at hand, sorting through supplies that you figured you might need. Angie herself only grabbed a string of small lights in the shape of pumpkins.
You quirked an eyebrow, amused, but she just gave you a soft glare and mumbled "I have something planned." You hummed, watching her curiously for a moment longer, but soon looked away, making sure you had everything. Fake blood, spider webs, bandages, scar wax, liquid latex, and some fangs. "That should be all," you mumbled, before looking back at Angelique, who watched you with a bemused smile. You returned the look and stated "I should go find Carolyn," assuming Angie would let you be. Instead she nodded and muttered "I'll help, I've nothing better to do on a weekend anyway." This time you were the one with the quizzical look, but you didn't argue, only breathing out "ah," and turning, heading towards the candy where Carolyn would no doubt still be residing. And, sure enough, there she was, with three bags and counting under her arm.
The teen jumped in fright when you called out "Your mom said two bags max, Lyn." She let out a curse under her breath before looking at you, obviously glancing at Angie's still lingering form behind you, and replied "But I can't choose. Plus, David only likes this one," she held up her third bag, "But I like this one, and you said that you like this other one." You sighed, for as much as her consideration of your own tastes was endearing, you knew if you disobeyed your sister's orders she'd have your head. You stepped forward, looking over the bags and muttering "We'll get yours and David's. I don't need any for myself." Carolyn gave you puppy dog eyes but you didn't budge, taking the extra from the teen's hands and dropping it back on the shelf before leading her out of the isle with a hand on her shoulder and a quiet "I'll be fine, hon." Carolyn grumbled, clearly mocking you though you pretended not to notice (something your sister would not have had the mercy to do) as you headed towards the register to check out and go.
Not realizing your mistake, you didn't notice the extra item in Angie's hand, just finished paying and, with a quiet thanks to the cashier, walking out. Though you did figure Angelique would follow, which she did eventually, lingering a few feet behind as you put your things in your vehicle. Once finished you stood, shoved the door closed, and faced the blonde again as Carolyn got in. "Well, it was nice seeing you again Angie," you said, and the woman nodded in agreement, finally stepping closer as she stated "Indeed. Let me know when you're all done with this...family business. I'd like to see you again, like we used to." You shuddered at the thought of being alone with Angie for a prolonged amount of time without any excuse to leave, but still swallowed dryly and nodded, whispering "Yeah, totally." With that Angie gave you one last once-over, smirked, and began walking away with no more than a husky "See you around, sweetheart."
It left you speechless, and all you could do was return a pathetic "you too-!" You watched the woman until she disappeared, at which time you finally sighed and got in, kicking the car into gear and ignoring your niece's teasing jeers about your interaction with Angie.
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"Aunt y/n! Aunt y/n!" You cringed at your nephew's volume, his voice carrying through the huge rooms of your home. Quickly you called back "I'm in here David!" and a few moments later a little blur appeared and tackled you. With an oomph, you let him hold you around the waist with a chuckle, ruffling his hair when he pulled back. "What is is sweetie?" you asked, and it seemed to remind the boy what he was there for as he exposed the hand that he had kept behind his back, and in it was a familiar bag. You stared down at it incredulously, looking back to David and asking him what it was. The brunette laughed and exclaimed "It's candy! From Miss Angie, is what Auntie Liz said." You froze, breath leaving your lungs. After all, this was the bag that you had Carolyn put down at the store, the bag that had your favorite sweets in it. She must have gone back for it, or something, you realized, but didn't take the bag. "Oh. Well I'm sure it was for one of you, darling--" "No, Auntie Liz said it was for you."
You swallowed thickly and took the bag with reluctance. Still you glanced at your nephew and tried to ask if he wanted it instead, but he insisted that he didn't like this stuff, and eventually you were forced to give in and accept the offering. As soon as you did, sighing and mumbling "Alright fine. Thank you, David," the boy beamed before dashing away, off to do something more interesting. Part of you wanted to give it back, but...it was just candy. Might as well enjoy it. So, with a deep breath you ripped the thick plastic open and dug into it, searching for a pack of (y/f/c). When you found one, you removed it with a victorious giggle, dropping the bigger bag on a table as you ripped into the tiny pack and popping a few pieces of the candy into your mouth. With a pleased hum, you grabbed another random pack which you stuffed in your pocket, before wandering towards the front of the house. As you got closer, you heard the sound of people talking, though you couldn't yet discern their owners.
Though, this was made clear once you reached the top landing of the elegant staircase leading to the first floor. Your footsteps must have given your presence away, or something, and soon the two women who stood in the foyer talking turned to look at you. One was, of course, your sister, and the other was the very person whom had gifted you the candy that you still held in your hand. You stared down at them curiously, eyes darting between the two before settling on Liz. "Who've you got there sis?" The matriarch rolled her eyes dramatically and dragged "You know who it is y/n, you have eyes." It made you laugh as you hopped down the stairs, finally looking at Angie and immediately saying "Thank you for the candy. I appreciate it, but you really didn't have to do that for me." The blonde gave you a look and stated "Nonsense. Don't mention it, as long as you're enjoying it," sneaking in a quick wink that made you flush.
Clearing her throat, your sister finally regained the attention as she stated "Well, that's a lovely plan Angelique. When will you need the assistance?" The blonde tore her eyes away from you and responded "Oh, Monday will work. That'll give us, what? Five days to setup? Yes, that should be plenty." You were completely clueless as to what they were speaking of, so you just continued eating your candy, until it was gone and you were left with an empty wrapper that made you huff quietly. Absently you put it in your pocket, fingers brushing the second pack of candy you'd grabbed on your way out. Figuring you may as well, you extracted it, looking down to see what you'd taken. Sour gummy worms; yum. Without completely thinking it through, you looked back up and held the bag out as you asked "Y'all want some? They're really good." Liz gave you a bored look and shook her head. Angie did much of the same, though her glance was more friendly.
Still, you insisted, and ripped the bag open, carefully removing a single worm from it's containment, coated in sour sugar crystals that made your mouth water just thinking about. You held it between your pointer finger and thumb, and presented it temptingly to Angie with a playful look. The woman's eyes fell from your eyes to the offering, the back to your eyes. Her mouth twitched into a sly smile. She leaned down, maintaining eye contact, and caught the candy between her teeth, removing it from your grip easily before pulling it into her mouth completely with a pleased hum. You stared at her dumbly, lips parting and cheeks heating up under her intense stare and smug smile. The trance was broken all at once when Liz scoffed in disgust, mumbling "Jesus, get a room you two." It made you blush harder as you stammered her name in embarrassment, though Angelique only chuckled and brushed the interaction off again.
Suddenly a bit too sheepish to continue listening in on their conversation, you awkwardly dismiss yourself, muttering an apology to your sister and a hasty goodbye to Angie before skittering away and towards Carolyn's room, still red-faced. On the way there, you nearly run into Julia, who's glasses are perched on her head and coat hanging off one shoulder. She lets out a little noise and you step back before the two of you can collide, giving the psychiatrist a strange look. She looks back nervously, laughing anxiously and mumbling an apology. For someone who lives with you, you've had surprisingly scant interactions with the redhead. She's quite pretty, to be honest, but not quite your type. Though you had a feeling you weren't hers either, if the way she looked at Elizabeth was anything to go by. You could understand the desire to be with someone older than you though, and she seemed nice enough to be with Liz, so you didn't mention it except in passing or as a teasing remark at the dinner table said solely to rile things up a bit when conversations got dull.
The two of you stared at each other, you keeping haughty silence and her a bit too anxious to speak first, so eventually you rolled your eyes and asked "Where are you going in such a hurry, Doctor Hoffman?" The redhead let out a single not laugh and replied "Oh, you know. Places." Suspicious, you hummed neutrally and narrowed your eyes at her. But, figuring you had better things to do than psychoanalyze the psychiatrist, you shrugged and casually said "Whatever you say. My sister is probably still with Angie in the foyer, you could probably catch her if you hurry." And with that you wandered off, leaving Julia to her own devices as you sought out Carolyn. It wasn't hard, as her Journey album could be heard playing from two hallways down and you smiled unconsciously, finishing your second pack of candy and discarding both in the first bin you found.
You arrived at Carolyn's room and began heading up the stairs, but just as you opened your mouth to tell your niece to turn it down, you were interrupted by her mother doing just that. You froze, turning your head to face your sister as she scolded her daughter. Carolyn groaned loudly and exclaimed "You never let me do anything!" Liz rolled her eyes and gave me an exasperated look, but said back "Don't get that attitude with me young lady. Turn it down or turn it off, your choice." Finally, a few moments later, just as Fandango came on, the tunes softened significantly and you could hear the teen being moody about having her time interrupted. You smiled at her antics, shaking your head and planning to continue up to the room, but again Elizabeth speaks up before you can. "Y/n, I need to talk to you." You grimaced, a bit worried, but still mumbled "Yes, Liz?" as you retraced your steps down the stairs and out into the hallway where your taller sibling idled.
She gave you a criticizing once over that made you slightly uncomfortable, before stating "You and Angelique need to stop dancing around whatever it is that you've got going on." Your breath stuttered in your throat and you quickly stated "Excuse me I am not dancing around anything!" Liz leveled you with one of her top notch Elizabeth Stares that made you shrink under her gaze, just like when you were a child, and said "I beg to differ. What the hell was that out there?" You swallowed, trying to play stupid by asking what she meant, but when she gave you another look you stammered "Look, I didn't know she was gonna do that! I just wanted to repay her for buying me the candy! Gimme me a break, Lizzy." You hadn't called her Lizzy in quite a while, only using it when you really wanted something, and though it usually worked it didn't this time. Instead the blonde huffed and once again rolled her eyes, a habit of hers.
"Look, the point is, Angie doesn't feel the same way, she's just messing with me. She does this to everyone!" "Uh, she doesn't do it to me!" You glared up into Carolyn's room, muttering "You're not helping Carolyn." But it was enough, because your sister followed it up with "For once Carolyn is correct. You're the only person who I've seen her play with quite this much, y/n. Admit it." Finally you gave up, scoffing and asking "Okay, well, what're you gonna do about it? Force me to confess? 'Cus that aint happenin' sister."
Well, she didn't force you to confess. But she did convince you to help her and Angie setup the Halloween party they'd planned, which was almost, but not quite, as bad.
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Because as if Angie's intermittent teasing from a distance wasn't bad enough, now you had to work with her for nearly a week straight, stuck in your own home with nowhere to run. It was like Angelique was in every corner, every room, so that wherever you went she'd always be there to entrap you again in her sticky web of playful seduction. And the best part yet, was that she probably didn't even know that it was seduction. The woman probably just figured it was playful banter when in reality, with every remark she made you fell harder and harder for the woman until you could barely breathe just by being in her general vicinity. But you made it work, somehow, and after three days you learned that the witch rumors were, in fact, very much true, as before your eyes Angie raised her arm and with it a string of fake cobwebs went with it, settling eerily on the huge chandelier that hung in the center of the ceiling. Before you could stop yourself, you breathed "Holy shit dude." It brought Angie's attention to you, surprisingly caught off guard, but she recovered quickly and with a smug smile asked "Impressed, are you?"
You nodded, finally looking back at the blonde in wonder. "How did you...what are...what???" You couldn't settle on one question and it made Angie laugh loudly, enjoying your flustered state immensely, but still said "What? You mean your family hasn't told you all about the big bad witch in town?" You blinked a few times, still looking between the chandelier and Angie, but finally replied "Uhm, I'd heard things. But I assumed they were using, like...metaphors or something, yknow." The blonde hummed and rolled her eyes playfully. "Well, no, they weren't. Surprise!" She did dramatic jazz hands that made you grin and laugh as well, finally walking closer and looking back up as you asked "So it's like...just a thing, that happened? Or did you summon some demon to give you these powers?" Angie shrugged, casually replying "Yeah, about a century ago I had to summon Satan himself to take my soul and in return I became a witch."
Your head snapped to hers, but the smile that threatened to break out on the woman's face gave away her lie and you scoffed, relaxing tense shoulders. "Oh shut up. There's no way you're that old anyway." you stated, crossing your arms. Angie mirrored your pose and cocked a perfect brow, smirking slightly as she muttered "Actually, I'm older. Somewhere around two centuries or so, give or take." You stared back, shocked and in disbelief, yet the genuine look in Angie's eyes had you actually believing her. "Damn. You're old as hell. So why do you look, like...twenty?" Angie laughed, shaking her head in amusement at your many questions. She understood the curiosity though, and was having fun messing with you, so she responded "Oh, a spell or two will do wonders for the skin sweetheart," and sent you a teasing wink that made you blush lightly. With a breathy laugh, you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly and muttered "Well, um...as long as you're not gonna die on me anytime soon, then could you help me and David in the kitchen?"
Angie smiled fondly and nodded wordlessly, so you smiled back and jerked your head to the side before heading towards the kitchen, Angie following close behind.
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Decorating went well all things considered, and you finished the day before Halloween. So, the day of you spent getting ready. Elizabeth had informed you that the party would be of the masquerade variety, so though you had your costume planned, you still took it upon yourself to make your own mask to match. Going as a vampire, ironically enough, you ended up with a jet black base, with flares on either end and blood red jewels to decorate it. It looked very nice in your opinion, as well as David's and Carolyn's surprisingly. As night fell, you prepared for the party that had already begun an hour before. Going for the classic look, you don a white button up with the top three buttons undone, revealing a red bralette that you had bought specifically for this occasion. On top, you laced a black corset that pushed up your chest and accentuated hidden curves, plus a pair of dark dress pants and black heels, fake fangs, and fake blood shining on your lips (plus a few blood pills in your shirt pocket). And with that you were done, so after making sure your corset was laced properly, you grabbed your mask and knotted the silk ties behind your head, positioning it comfortably.
Once you had learned of Angie's confirmed witchy powers, she hadn't been nearly as shy with using them. Along with helping life heavy things and make bowls stir themselves, she had apparently also spelled the masks so that others (herself included) would not be able to recognize the owner's face, as well as their voice. You planned to make the best of this feature. As soon as you were ready, you headed downstairs, walking quickly to try and reach the party faster. A minute later you stood in the doorway looking towards the large group of masked guests. None you recognized, but all wore various costumes. You saw a couple skeletons, a werewolf, a fellow vampire. It made you smile before walking forward and into the throng of people. Working your way around, you kept your eye out for anyone you recognized, though you knew with the enchanted masks it was unlikely you'd manage. Though, you were pleasantly surprised when you saw your sister, unmasked, standing a few hundred meters away and talking to someone else.
So you made a detour, turning on your heel to head over to Liz. The other person saw you first, their eyes dropping to your form first and causing Liz to look at you. She, obviously, didn't recognize you, so you smiled and stated "It's y/n." Liz smiled back then and said "Ah, y/n. Lovely costume. Vampire?" You grinned wider and nodded, replying "Yeah! I've gotta thank Carolyn for convincing me to buy that fake blood." The two of you spoke for a bit longer, about how well the party turned out, the other person having excused themselves a while back. But eventually Liz said "Go and have fun, make friends. God knows you need them." You made a face, exclaiming "Sister! How could you?" in mock offense. Liz rolled her eyes, waving you off as you laughed, obeying and walking away. You strolled around for a few minutes, at some point procuring a drink that you finished rather quickly, making sure not to ruin your makeup.
But eventually someone actually approached you, taking the time to seek you out. "Good evening," they had said, causing you to spin towards them, throwing your now empty cup away. "OH. Hello," you replied, of course not recognizing the person. They smiled, and you took a moment to check out their costume. Their mask was a dark red with lace and sparkling patterns of swirls and loops, and they wore a well fitting suit, black blazer with a deep red undershirt and black pants. You assumed it was a woman, seeing as they wore heels and definitely had breasts. On their head they had realistic looking horns, so you assumed it was meant to be a devil of some sort. With a polite smile you said "Nice suit." She, you assumed, hummed and responded "Thank you. You look quite nice as well." Your smile became more genuine at the compliment and you relaxed unconsciously. The two of you hit it off nicely, eventually moving to a less crowded area and sitting down at one of the small tables on the side, still talking.
You enjoyed her personality, her humor matched well with yours and she seemed eerily familiar, though you couldn't quite place it due to Angelique's. So you continued talking and laughing. Eventually, a song came on that you liked and you grinned, eyes lighting up as you hopped out of your seat, exclaiming "Oh I love this one!" You looked back down at the other woman, still grinning, and said "C'mon, dance with me!" as you bounced on your heels. But the woman just smiled nd shook her head, muttering "No thank you. Go ahead." You pouted, but she didn't budge, and eventually you just sighed and playfully grumbled "You're no fun." She rolled her eyes and finally you skittered away, back onto the dancefloor. People were jumping and jamming with the music, and you joined easily, singing the lyrics at the top of your lungs as you beamed. At some point you ended up dancing with someone else around your height, hands interlocked as you both sang breathlessly.
Too soon, the song ended, and you parted ways with the stranger with one last grin and wave. Nearly panting, but still smiling brightly, you returned to your seat, collapsing into the chair and laughing, still breathless. The woman watched you with an amused smirk, painted lips twitching up at the corners. "Have fun?" she asked, and you nodded, finally catching your breath to respond "Oh hell yeah. That was fun." She laughed, revealing perfect teeth as she smiled, you laughed with her, and when you two quieted down a moment later, she stood and held out her hand for you to take. Curious, you did so, and allowed yourself to be lead away until you arrived at the balcony, which was empty. The woman pulled you outside and to the edge of the platform before letting you go to lean on the railing. You did the same, standing beside her and looking up at the spattering of stars that lit up the dark sky. Cool air chilled your skin and a gentle breeze ruffled your hair.
The two of you stayed silent for a while longer, the music muffled behind you as the party continued on. But eventually someone had to speak, and it was her. "You remind me of someone I know," she said, and you looked over towards the woman, mumbling "So do you." She chuckled, glancing to the side and making brief eye contact with you before once again looking away. You noticed her nails then, as she tapped absently on the stone beneath her arms, painted red; yet another similarity. Another pregnant pause. "The party's going well, better than I expected." "Indeed." Though your exchanged words were short, the silence between wasn't uncomfortable, and you subconsciously slid a bit closer to the other woman, seeking out her body heat as the wind grew slightly stronger. She noticed, finally turning her face towards you completely with a playful look. "Cold?" she asked, and you shrugged, mumbling "A little bit. You're warm though." She laughed airily, once again rolling her eyes.
It took you a bit by surprise though when she turned her entire body to face you and carefully pulled you away from the railing, now pressed carefully against her body. She was a bit taller than you, forcing you to tilt your chin up to look at her properly, aided by one of her hands raising to gently hold your chin between soft fingers. You stared up at her with anticipation, though what you were waiting for you were unsure. She stared back, eyes searching yours as she whispered "You're quite beautiful, you know." It made you blush brightly, automatically looking away, but a gentle tap on your cheek brought your eyes back to hers, now twinkling with an unfamiliar emotion. Absently, you breathed "Not compared to you," and the woman's smile turned teasing when she replied "Surely not." You didn't consciously notice the way she leaned down towards you, nor the fact that her lips now hovered just inches from yours, until her gaze dropped to them and you finally registered just how close the two of you were.
The realization made your breath hitch drastically, instinctively mirroring her actions and glancing down at her own lips, ruby red and upturned into a barely-there smile. Your gaze returned to her eyes at the same hers did yours, and without thinking you murmured "Please." It was all the encouragement the woman needed, and a moment later her lips were on yours. It was gentle at first, almost tentative, but as soon as you responded positively, it became more certain, and you pushed your body against hers just that much harder, arms curling around the woman's neck. In the back of your mind, the thought of Angie flashed through your memory, but just as quick you figured that it didn't really matter; you'd never have a chance with her, and this woman was giving you a chance, one that you'd gladly take. Perhaps she could keep Angie out of your head, something that she was doing quite well.
When the woman's tongue gently ran along the seam of your lips you couldn't stop the little sound that you released in response, and you felt her smile a bit, but it disappeared as soon as your lips parted, allowing her tongue to explore your mouth hungrily. The way she kissed you felt like heaven, it felt like a promise. Of what, you didn't know, but what you did know was that it felt right, and that's all that mattered. When you finally had to part for air, you pulled away breathless, both of you panting slightly, but you were smiling anyway, even as the woman let you go. Taking a deep breath you finally mumbled "That was...I did not walk into this expecting to be kissed breathless, but I have to admit, I'm not disappointed." The woman laughed then, loud and genuine, and it made you laugh as well, an embarrassed flush creeping up your neck and threatening to breach your face.
Though, when you stopped, the warm smile the woman gave you made it all worth it, and she pulled you close again, reconnecting your lips as you let out a surprised gasp that she swallowed as soon as it passed your lips. You melted into the kiss instantly, leaning into her body and fisting her suit's lapels in tight hands. The two of you stayed like that for a while, exchanging kisses between quiet conversation, until finally you looked back inside and stated "I think we should go back and have some fun before this thing ends. What do you say?" The woman smiled and nodded, grabbing your hand tightly and allowing you to lead her back to the party, where the two of you danced and drank late into the night. And when you parted ways with one last kiss, it was bittersweet, but something deep inside of you knew that, somehow, you'd meet again.
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"Man that was one damn good party!" You had a headache from the amount that you had drank, as did your niece, but still you smiled through the pain, still a bit buzzed from the previous night. Liz shook her head, amused, and David exclaimed "Yeah!!" You knew David had gone to bed pretty early, but apparently he'd been allowed to have fun for a few hours, and his excitement made you laugh, gently pushing his shoulder as you muttered "Just wait until you're older and you can stay up late." The boy laughed as well, shrugging as he helped you clean up. Angie had yet to arrive, which was fine as she probably felt similar to you, since there was no way she hadn't been drinking too. You weren't sure if you'd seen her, probably not, but your mind returned to the enticing woman you'd spent your night with instead of the blonde witch soon. It made your skin tingle at the thought of her kiss, but you did your best to continue working.
Soon the bulk of the cleanup was finished, and just in time for a familiar voice to echo through the room. It made you smile as Angie called out "You're quite efficient these days. If my memory serves me well, I remember a time in which the Collins were absolutely unable to get anything done without constantly bickering." Your head turned to face her for a moment, exclaiming "Bold of you to assume that we still don't argue constantly." It brought the blonde's attention to you and she smirked playfully, quirking a brow and shrugging noncommittally, replying "Oh, I'm sure you do." With that she walked over to Liz and exchanged a few words with your sister before starting to help as well, and though there wasn't too much left to do, the assistance was appreciated either way. And with the extra pair of hands, it was finished in just less than an hour. You let out a pleased hum, brushing your hands off on your pants before resting them on your hips as you surveyed the room.
You didn't get much time to relish in a job well done before Angie was beside you, mumbling "Did you have fun last night?" You glanced up at the woman, saying "Oh yes, quite a bit," back. She hummed, smiling as she stated "As did I. Though, the resulting headache this morning was less than welcome." She chuckled. "Nothing a bit of magic can't fix though." It made you roll your eyes, mumbling "Man, it's not fair that you can get rid of your issues so easily. Some of us have to deal with the effects of a hangover." It was said teasingly, though you attempted to sound serious, but by the chortle that Angie let out you could tell it hadn't worked. Instead she stated "I don't use magic for everything. I still have to do normal people things, you know," and you made a face, pretending to be disgusted. Again, Angie just laughed. Your head still hurt, but then the blonde brought her hand up and gently ran her fingers across your temple, and within seconds, your headache faded to a barely there sting.
Looking up at her in surprise, you gave her an astonished look that earned you a mischievous simper. "Woah," was all you could say, and Angelique sighed dramatically before patting your cheek mockingly and walking away without a word, leaving you frozen in place. This was the first time Angie had directly used her magic on you, and it left a pleasant sensation sparking through your being, a reminder of her touch lingering in your mind. When you finally snapped out of it, the witch had disappeared, along with everyone else except Barnabas, who was just entering the room. He glanced around curiously, before letting out a satisfied hum and catching sight of you. "Ah, y/n!" You cocked a brow, already bored of his presence, but he continues cluelessly; "I noticed you were dressed as a vampire last evening. And though it was inaccurately stereotypical, you did well all things considered." You huffed, rolling your eyes as you ducked your head, but still put on a fake smile and ground out "Thank you Barnabas. I have things to do, I'll speak to you later," before quickly exiting the room before the vampire could protest.
As soon as you'd made the corner you let out a heavy breath, though you sucked it back in almost immediately as Elizabeth suddenly appeared in front of you with no warning, sending you reeling back in fright. When you realized it was just your sister, you clapped a hand to your chest, breathing a bit heavier as you gasped "Elizabeth! God you scared me!" The blonde sighed exasperatedly, mumbling "Get it together y/n, come on." You rolled your eyes and stood up straight again, catching your breath. "What do you want, Liz?" "I want you to talk to Angie. You've had enough time to do it yourself, now I'm forcing you to do it." You stared at her, incredulous, and exclaimed "No! I'm not gonna--gonna let you force me into this!" Liz sighed again before grasping your arm tightly and dragging you off through your protests. Your sister was quite strong, much stronger than you'd expected, and you could not free yourself from her grip, so eventually you stopped trying, with one last frustrated growl.
Elizabeth continued pulling you through various rooms, not saying a word, and eventually you came to what looked like a study of some sort, somewhere you hadn't been in a while. The only word Liz said before pushing you inside was "Angie!" You assumed that when you looked up you'd see said woman, and you were right, as you stumbled forward with a yelp and a pair of strong hands curled around your biceps, steadying you with a quiet "Careful there, darling." It was definitely Angie, and you didn't even have to look up to make sure. Liz had yet to leave, so when Angie finally let you go you turned towards her instead of at the blonde witch. You gave your sister a glare that she returned just as hard, hissing "Do. It." in a tight voice. You groaned in annoyance, opening your mouth to protest yet again, but you couldn't say a word before Angie mumbled "What is all this about, hmm?" Your breath caught a bit when you felt the woman's hands on your shoulders and her body heat from behind you, suddenly quite close.
Not willing to look at Liz anymore since she'd brought you into this whole mess, you turned around to face Angelique instead, and replied "Sister dearest has taken it upon herself to force my hand." Angie quirked a brow, confused, but you obviously didn't elaborate. Still you opened your mouth to say something, yet before you could speak a word, Angie's eyes flicked to above your head and a moment later you felt a firm hand on your spine before you were suddenly shoved violently forward. In an effort to catch you, you heard Angie suck in a sharp breath, placing her hands on your waist to hold you up, but in the process she ended up stumbling over her own feet and with a quiet yelp she fell backwards, landing painfully on her back with you on top of her. You knew who had pushed you, but you couldn't pay attention to that over the fact that you were now on top of Angelique, her hands still on your waist.
The woman let out another hiss, breathing a quiet "Ow," and you almost wanted to apologize for your sister's actions. But, again, you couldn't pay attention to anything besides your current position. When Angie's eyes fluttered open again, they locked with yours immediately, and you realized that your hands had landed on Angie's collar to try and steady yourself, not to mention that your face was hovering less than a foot from hers. Your breath caught in your throat and your face lit up in a blush as Angie's lips upturned into a smirk. "Well it seems we've found ourselves in quite the situation, haven't we?" You just barely were able to reply "It seems so." The two of you fell into silence, just staring into each other's eyes, yours still wider than usual with unveiled nervousness and Angie's twinkling with amusement. Her lips remained in a smirk and you searched her eyes with determination, icy blue looking back up at you confidently. And then it hit you.
"You were the woman."
Angie's confidence turned into confusion then, brows pulling together. "What were you wearing last night?" you breathed, hoping that you were right just as much as you hoped you were wrong. Again the blonde's cockiness returned as she purred "Are you always this forward?" You rolled your eyes, mumbling under your breath before repeating your question; "Just answer the damn question. What were you wearing last night Angie?" Finally the woman sighed and with a slightly bored voice replied "Black suit, red mask. Horns, I think." Your breath caught again and without thinking you moved your dominant hand off of the woman's chest and brought it to her face, tipping her head back by her chin and leaning a tad closer to her, eye narrowing as you watched her face. All it took was you mumbling "I was the vampire," to have recognition flashing across Angelique's face and her breath stuttering uncharacteristically. She watched you carefully. But eventually she just breathed "Oh," before reaching her hand up and placing it behind your neck and pulling you down without warning, crushing your lips together.
She didn't waste time being gentle, immediately dominating the kiss as she led your lips in a rough makeout session. You moaned brazenly against her lips at the feeling of her mouth, knowing her identity making it somehow feel even better. Your arms shook until they finally gave out and you had to support yourself on your forearm, one hand still placed on Angie's face. You absolutely refused to part for more than a moment, pulling away to take a deep breath before locking eyes with Angie and rushing forward again, caught up in the heady rush that the kisses were giving you. But when the door opened without you realizing and it took a bored voice calling out "Took you long enough," to finally separate the two of you. You sat up abruptly, head snapping to the side to see your sister standing in the doorway with her arms crossed, a bored but relieved expression on her face. It would look serious if you hadn't caught the quickest of smiles teasing at Liz's lips and though you were embarrassed at being caught, it still made you let out a breath of laughter and fall back onto Angie's chest with heated skin.
The witch laughed breathlessly, sitting up with some effort but still holding you close by your waist. She exchanged quick words with Liz before your sister left again, closing the door behind her. Not seconds after it had clicked shut you were being pulled back to Angie's lips, desperately, something you responded to eagerly. After a few more minutes, you felt Angie shift under you before her hands dropped to your thighs, holding you in place as she stood up easily. It made you let out a little gasp and pull away, looking down for a split second before giggling and pressing another soft kiss to Angie's mouth, still smiling. Though it did drop when you pulled away and Angie's lips moved to your jaw, kissing and nipping down the column of your neck, and she murmured "What do you say we take this somewhere more private, doll?" You were honestly so out of it that you didn't even hesitate to breathily reply "Yes, please." And with one last wicked chuckle, she swept you out of the study and into the closest bedroom she could find.
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May I hear your thoughts about Bad‘s lore stream (saaaaaaam buckeeeeeeet)
I have many Sam Bucket thoughts! Lots of them at least a bit contradictory.
I don't feel like I have a good guess beyond rampant speculation for what's really going on/what happens next (Though I posted my somewhat serious and very silly guesses).
One of my takeaways as a big fan of c!Sam: I would argue that this demonstrates without external information it is nearly impossible to distinguish Sam's genuine if condescending concern from when Sam is actively lying or hiding additional details. Sam is a very good liar when he wants to be, but that also means its not obvious if he's telling the truth.
A few other tidbits that stuck out to me: (under the cut because this got long)
When Bad stared at the soul flame torch the sky turned and things got spooky. which immediately read to me as a portal transition, a common horror/mythology thing. That's definitely the point where things got WEIRD as opposed to Weird. And it was the only evidence Bad could still locate of the ritual site.
It could just be the generic design but there's something familiar about that fountain, I feel like I've seen it on another stream. Couldn't tell you what though.
While Bad historically has catastrophized to the point of jump-scaring himself such as his stream while Dream was doing his out of character server tour he also has a history of being very able to tell dreams and nightmares from reality. He rarely expresses the confusion other characters sometimes do being unsure if he's asleep/hallucinating. And is able to recount and distinguish dreams without issue.
If Bad was attacked and knocked out or fainted when the screen went black he could have been brought back to his house by Sam Bucket or Sam. MC mechanics wise, with a fishing poll as we've seen elsewhere this week, (or if Sam Bucket actually has cannon access to teleport commands, via teleportation) if we're playing looser with the mechanics, carry him or put him on a horse or something. 
I also wonder if and why Sam Bucket is dangerous. If he's dangerous because of what he wants, or just annoying, if he's dangerous to Bad because Bad tried to trap him. There's not enough evidence for conclusions in my mind but it's something to consider.
If we are to take Bad's twitter hint to look for clues in other recent streams Sam Nook's strength and invulnerability scared Eryn (who's a fucking PVP sweat/murder happy) so much so that months after their encounter he still runs the fuck away. If Sam Bucket has Sam Nook's abilities we are fucked.
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beauideals · 3 years
10/5/21 Update
Welcome to the spooky month of October!
Thank you so much for all your love towards Cale. We were cutting it pretty close getting his intro post done, but we're pretty happy with the results. Here they are again if you missed them last week!
Cale, our green baby
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Our fourth character introduction will be on October 26th. As we approach December expect some changes and updates on the masterpost. We will also be doing a round of extra promotion as we start prepping for the roll out of the demo, more of which will be revealed in November.
Now, onto the update.
1. Writing and Coding
The first draft of scene 4 for chapter 1 is complete (and also a complete mess). Despite having said this a few times now, Mouse is determined to get chapter 1 (draft 1.55) completed by the end of this month. Several things have been cut, moved, and adjusted, so the goal is well within reach. Hopefully, this will allow us to move onto Chapter 2 by the end of the year.
Additionally, Mouse is fixing up the last portions of the prologue for coding. There will be quite a bit of fine tuning for the code to pace well but that'll have to come later.
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2. Art & Assets
Ram needs to dedicate more time to their personal work for the next month or so, but continues to chip away at the assets for Chapter 1. This includes line work for the main setting (see above) and some character pose ideation. We've gone ahead and ranked different backgrounds and characters by priority. We hope that this means there's a chance that Chapter 1 can be included in the initial release (BUT NO PROMISES).
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Hey! Love your stories on Ao3 and I’m so happy that I found some more of your work to read!❤️ If it’s okay can I make a poly request? I was thinking of a girl from our time being sent back to the lost boys and them falling for each other. There can be some angst if you want, such as her being sent back to her dimension but maybe finding a way to go back to their time after months of being away? Thank you for giving us some of the best stories ever! 💕
So, this is a pretty big request (possible spanning over multiple chapters), so I’m gonna actually write/continue this on my ao3 account! I may post the later chapters on here later, but for now I’m gonna keep them on ao3. Here’s the first chapter!
It’s Just a Movie (Fem!Reader x poly!Lost boys) fic
Next Chapter ->
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 1504
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It had been a simple night. Sure, it was halloween and, sure, it was a full moon. A blue moon at that. But that didn’t mean anything, right?
You sure as hell didn’t think so as you went to see a showing of one of your favorite movies, the Lost Boys, with some of your friends. With everything going on with covid, the theaters were empty and your local one had been showing older classics for the past few weeks. They had a selection of horror lined up for halloween night, and your group had chosen to see your favorite vampire movie. 
You had even dressed up for the occasion, donning a dark, almost gothic look. Hell, you practically looked like one of the extras in the opening sequence. You and your friends jammed along to the soundtrack, laughed at Sam’s antics, and nearly cried when you witnessed your four favorite vampires meet their inevitable end. A movie’s gotta have an ending, right? After Grandpa delivered the classic ending line, you and your friends packed it up to head outside. 
Well, they did. You had forgotten your wallet, and you ran back into the theater to grab it. Your friends had promised to wait for you, and you fumbled to put your mask back on as you searched through the dim theater. You used your phone to find it half stuck in one of the chairs, and you quickly jogged out of the auditorium, and then the theater, to find that your friends weren’t waiting for you. And that the streets were far more packed then they had been a second ago. 
Sure, there were people in halloween masks and costumes littered about, but you nearly scoffed when you saw that no one seemed to be taking any of the social distancing rules seriously. You took a step, planning on looking for your friends when you noticed that the theater had almost...changed. The outside didn’t look the same as it did before. Instead, it had the old sign outside, broadcasting what movies were playing inside. Sure, you had expected some older movies, but some of these you hadn’t even heard of. You thought it was weird, considering the theaters would probably want to stick to the most popular ones during a pandemic.
You looked back around, but your friends were nowhere in sight. You thought to walk to the parking lot, but you paused. You heard a whistle, and a wave of relief washed over you. You turned, expecting your friends, and, instead, you were met with a different familiar face. This night couldn’t have gotten any weirder.
You looked him up and down. Teased blonde hair, blue eyes, straight nose, slight stubble on his sharp jawline, a black coat paired with white pants and a mesh shirt? He was even wearing those calf things that your friends had made fun of that one time, because what the hell type of 80s fashion things are those supposed to be? You shook your head, touching one side of your forehead while thinking that perhaps you had hit your head or something while looking for your wallet. There was no way you were looking at Paul from the Lost Boys. He sent you a grin, flashing rows of straight, normal, non-vampire looking teeth, and said, 
“Well, hello there to you too, doll-face. Need some company?” He asked, and you nearly thought about pinching yourself. Holy shit. Before you could answer, you heard, 
“Who’s this?” And you wouldn’t have been surprised if this whole sitation wasn’t boggling your mind. As all the fans knew that where one Lost Boy was, the others weren’t far behind. You turned, and found yourself looking directly into the face of the other natural blonde. You met big, hazel colored eyes, and your eyes instinctively fell to his lips. Just in time to watch his thumb be pushed between them. Clean jaw, cherub face, golden curls, a heavy, colorful jacket, jeans, and leather chaps? There was no mistaking him. The second half of the blonde duo had arrived, and you almost wondered if the others weren’t far behind.
“I don’t know. She seems shy.” Paul said, a smile on his face as he reached out to brush a hand against your cheek. Cold fingers barely brushed against you, and you leaned back. Almost into the blonde on your other side, who had taken the spot right next to you. “I’m Paul, and that’s my buddy Marko.” Paul added, pointing at the blonde with his eyes. Before they trained themselves back onto you. Marko leaned in a bit to say into your ear.
“Your turn.” And it nearly caused you to flinch. He laughed, steadying you. “C’mon, we don’t bite.” He said with a grin, and a shiver nearly ran down your back when the taller of the blondes laughed. Too hard. If you hadn’t been so caught up in the complete and utter shock you had been experiencing you probably would have been thinking more about how these boys were vampires. Sure, it had been fun to talk about them on forums and on different apps, but suddenly you were hit with an urge to run. Especially before the other half of their gang arrived.
“I’m- I’m just looking for my friends.” You quickly blurted. You started walking, but your brain was on hyper-drive. If this was real, if this was really happening, then you were in a horror movie. And the killers had already taken an interest in you. They quickly started following, staying just as close as they had been before.
“Ooh, are they as pretty as you? We can help you find them.” Paul offered, and you almost wanted to accept. He sounded like he was just trying to be helpful, albeit flirt a little. It was the eighties, so you couldn’t quite blame him for being so persistent. Part of you really wanted to accept, but you reminded yourself. Horror movie. Killers. And they probably wanted to make you apart of the menu. You had only taken a few steps, but the shorter of the two jumped in your path. He walked backwards and said,
“C’mon, you don’t wanna walk alone, right? It’s halloween, and all the weirdos are out.” Marko started, and Paul was quick to waggle his fingers and make a spooky sound to accompany his claim. You faltered. You hadn’t necessarily thought about where you wanted to go, and the parking lot was dark. Far darker than the front of the movie theater. And emptier. You gulped, reminding yourself once again. Horror movie. Killers. You looked between them, trying to think of a way to not end up as a juicebox for the two unfairly attractive vampires in front of you.
You had to admit. You had no idea where you could go, and it wasn’t exactly like you knew what the hell was going on. As far as you were concerned, these were some of the only familiar faces you would find. That, or the Emersons. But you had no idea what time it was in their- what could you call this? Dimension? Or was this just some weird dream? Whatever it was, you had no idea if the Emersons even arrived yet or where to find Grandpa’s house. So, you were shit out of luck. You supplied your name before you quickly added,
“My friends and I- We were going to meet on the boardwalk.” You said, and the boys grinned. You knew it had to be one of their favorite places, since they went there every night. At least that's what the movie made it seem like. Maybe, just maybe, you could get there, let the boardwalk distract them, and figure out what you were going to do. And have some fun with two of the biggest heartthrobs from the eighties.
“Sweet! We can totally take you. We just need to wait for the rest of our friends.” Paul said, and suddenly every last bead of hope slipped from your body. Two vampires already had the odds against you, but all four? Especially one of them being David? You would be screwed! Before you could make something up, Marko said,
“Yeah, here they come.” And you wished that whatever this was would end. That you could go back and be in your own dimension. You turned, seeing a brunette wearing just a leather jacket, jeans, and sneakers. His dark, brooding eyes practically shined in the night, and his resting face made you want to shrink in on yourself. To avoid them, your eyes flicked to the blonde besides him. Blue eyes, scruffy cheeks, and a leather jacket-trenchcoat combo paired with leather pants, boots, and leather gloves? Oh, you were so screwed. If you had any doubt in your mind that this was happening, you were sure now.
As the rest of the vampires approached, you tried to calm your oncoming panic attack with a mantra of it’s just a movie. But now you weren’t so sure.
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spookysmujer · 4 years
Family is Forever, O. Diaz
Summary: The past comes to haunt  you and your family with Oscar.
warnings: angst, domestic!Oscar, swearing,physical abuse, attempt sexual abuse, child endangerment
word count: 4.8K
requested by @alliemariee15
a/n: Thank you for requesting and being so patient! This sweetheart requested this a month ago and has been nothing but understanding, so thank you so much! I went harder than I intended to with this, hehe. Also big thank to everyone as I’ve hit 1K followers!!! Please don’t forget to follow this blog, heart/like/reblog my content as well as leave some comments, pretty please :) Also turn on the notifs for when I post something new!
taglist: @clemmingstylins0n @fairygardenss @firebenderwolf @spookysnena @princesstiffxoxo @mbaku-babygirl @chellybear98 @multiyfandomgirl40 @i-just-wanna-live-gc (please let me know if you wanna be added or removed!)
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(gif belongs to @merakiaes 🌟)
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A life long dream of yours since freshmen year in high school was to move somewhere along the East Coast and for sometime that was the goal that you were working hard towards. 
And then Oscar Diaz happened. It was sophomore year when he ‘claimed’ you. You weren’t so into him as much as he was into you but he never stopped trying to get you and by some twisted fate of luck, he got you. Not long after officially dating, you got pregnant with your son, Abel. It didn’t matter that you were only 16 or the fact that Oscar had joined a gang. You two made it work.
That was 6 years ago, your son has grown into a very intelligent little boy. He is a carbon copy of his dad at that age, his thick black locks that are curled on top of his head has to be your favorite feature of his. You hadn’t got to see Oscar with hair like so since he’d already been sporting the shaved cholo look from when you two began dating. 
A lot has happened over those 6 years. Both good and bad. 
It was only a few weeks into summer after graduating high school that Oscar was arrested for drug possession. It completely wrecked you. At that point it seemed obvious that he would be the one you’d spend the rest of your life with. All that seemed to shift on the night when the police knocked on the door. The loud, echoing pounding and a 2 year-old Abel seemingly frightened. 
When Oscar opened the door he didn’t try to resist arrest for he knew this day would come. You held your son close to your chest as he called out for his papa.
You took him to visit Oscar whenever he’d ask and let him talk on the phone with him every chance you got. Nothing could get between you and your family, not even prison. And when he was released after 4 long years, the heavens rejoiced and so did the two of you. With lots of rolling in the sheets. 
That’s why you’re now in a PartyCity store looking for the right unicorn balloons for your soon-to-be 4 year old daughter’s upcoming birthday. When you found out you were pregnant again only 2 weeks after Oscar had been released, the both of you laughed, not surprised one bit. It was no secret that you wanted more kids together so it was fate to add a little girl, whom you named Ella, to the mix.
“Ma, can we go now? We been here forever.” Abel sighs as you make another round in the same isle you were in just a few minutes ago.
The corners of your lips lift as you know he has your patience, which is zero to none. He’s been a champ for most of the morning but once you had been running back and forth between stores, he began to lose his patience quickly.
Your daughter sports a mean muggin’ face, much like her father.  “I wan mah balloons!” She is standing in the cart, staring at her brother. The look of ‘I am going to get my way’. Abel only rolls his eyes and groans as she turns to sit in the cart and look at which balloons she wants.
“Cute kids.”
A voice sounds from in front of you, you smile and turn to thank the stranger but you are met with no stranger. A very familiar face. One that put you through hell, one that definitely was not suppose to be within a 100 feet of you. 
When Oscar was in prison you were absolutely loyal to him. Not once did you lose faith in your relationship. Even when you had your hardships such as the times Oscar got doubtful that he would never get out, he’d ask you to move on. Though it was never a thought at all. You share a child together, you’re bonded for life.
But to the streets if your man is serving time then you’re fair game. That’s just how they ran things but to hell if you were gonna let that happen. That never stopped other dudes trying to get with you. And there was one particular one that never stopped trying, Tomas. He became obsessive with you. He wanted you, he wanted to be the man that Oscar couldn’t be for you at that moment. But you never gave in because for you Oscar was it.
“What are you doing here? You know the obligations of your restraining order.” The calmness in your voice shows no fear but you know the lengths he’d go when it comes to you.
Tomas only chuckles to himself as he digs his hands in his pockets, “That expired this morning at 10. But I’m just visiting some homies, ain’t know you’d be here.”
You watch him intently as pull your son closer to you. Thankfully Ella has her back to you so you could have a hold on her should he try anything, “Yeah well, I don’t want nothing to do with you so I think it’s best if you just go on about your day and your life far away from here. Oscar has been out for a while now so I wouldn’t be so stupid and try something.”
He takes a few steps forward which makes you automatically step back, one hand locked on your son’s shoulder and the other on the shopping cart. “Calmate, I’m just passing through, preciosa.” A chill runs down your spine as he caresses your face with the back of his finger making you flinch.
Abel grabs onto you and holds you tightly as Ella watches the man stand close to you, “Mama, who is this?” She asks excitedly as she pulls herself up from sitting. You look to him and her as he turns towards your little girl.
“Hi, I’m Tomas, a friend of your mom’s. And who are you?” Your heart rate is increasing, your nerves are scattered all over the place, worried something may happen. Your daughter’s curiosity has worried you since she could talk.
She smiles as he waits for her answer, “Ella, it’s my birthday soon! I’ll be this much!” Ella holds up 4 little fingers and covers her mouth with her other hand, laughing due to Tomas’ pretend shocked expression.
“I have to go. Please stay away from me and my family.” You hoist your son into the cart, despite his protests that he can walk. You step back quickly and spin the cart around.
Ella is complaining that you didn’t get all the balloons but you hush her. After checking out you ask a worker to escort you out. He kindly helps you load your car as you get your kids in.
“Answer, answer, answer.”
You’re chanting quietly to yourself as you pull out of the parking lot to head home. Your heart is thudding in your chest like wildfire, you need to hear Oscar’s voice, even if he says he is busy you just want to have his calming voice soothe you.
A few rings in, “Hola, mamas. Where are you?” 
You slump back into the seat, his voice on the sound system has an instant effect on you. You exhale a deep breath, “Papa, it’s me! I miss yew!”
Ella shouts and you smile as you hear Oscar laugh, always so happy to hear their voices, “Mija! I miss you and your mano, where are you guys?”
“We just leave the store! I meet mama’s man friend.” You quickly shush your daughter and hang up the phone call. You can’t be mad at her because it’s not like she knows better or the fact that you forgot to tell to your kids not to mention seeing Tomas to their dad.
She whines that you ended the phone call, “Babygirl, you can’t tell daddy about that man, okay?” You look in the rearview mirror to get a look at her as she has her arms crossed over her chest and gaze away from you. “Mija, look at mommy please.”
When she finally does take a look at you, she keeps her lil Spooky face on, “That was mean and papa will be mad you did that.” 
“I know, I shouldn’t have done that. Just don’t talk about that friend we saw because then daddy will be really mad at mommy. Please?”
Ella’s features soften a bit and turns happy when you tell her that you’ll stop to get ice cream on the way back home. Both kids cheer with happiness as you pull into McDonald's drive thru. 
Oscar has sent some texts asking about the abrupt end to the call and what Ella was going on about, but you made up the excuse that there was terrible reception and that she has been spilling nonsense since this morning. He brushes it off and you sigh in victory.
You finally get home, very weary of your surroundings though you don’t think Tomas would be so naive to try anything knowing you were with the Santos leader. Oscar gets home not long after you, thankfully he didn’t bring up the phone call and you went about your night.
“Com’n son, time to bathe. Vamanos.” Oscar calls out from the hallway. Abel stands but moves slowly from the living room, so focused on the big screen, “Abel!” Your son scurries off. He is always last to shower because he is so glued the TV all the time.He has learned what comes next if there is a 3rd time being called. “Coming!”
The stress of Ella’s birthday is taking a toll on you because she is a very specific little girl and the slightest detail on a decoration will have her stomping her feet and pouting her lip for days. You’re definitely raising a perfectionist. 
Oscar stands in front of the bathroom mirror as he uses a razor to clean up his facial hair as well as to keep an eye on Abel who loves to let the bath get too bubbly or he’ll doze off and considering it’s nearly 10 PM, it’s a possibility. 
“How was shopping with Mama today?” Oscar asks as he zeroes in on getting a clean cut. Abel doesn’t answer right away as he ponders telling Oscar about his whole day or skipping on the part about meeting Tomas and how you were not so happy about it.
With Abel as the older child he is more aware. Unlike Ella who couldn’t pick up on the unsettling feeling Tomas had given off, Abel knew that this man was trouble. And his dad always taught him to protect his family. Family is forever and is the most important thing. Always to protect his family if his dad couldn’t.
“It was okay. Ella was whining, papa. She didn’t like the balloons mama picked out at one store so we had to go to a whole other store! I was tired of looking at pink and purple unicorns. Then that man that came up to us was..” 
Abel stopped talking as he realizes he let it slip out. And Oscar heard him loud and clear. He waits for Abel to continue talking but nothing comes from behind the shower curtain. Abel begins to cry, scared that he’ll get you in trouble. Oscar opens the shower curtain to see his son with his knees to his chest, sobbing.
Meanwhile, you are oblivious to what is happening. Your son keeps his face hidden as Oscar reaches to turn off the flowing water and sits on the side of the tub, watching his son. What is he afraid of saying that is making him this anxious?
“Abel Cesar Diaz, what’s going on? Hm?” Oscar taps his sons knee and the big, dark orbs that resemble his father’s peer up. Oscar can be the typical Hispanic father that tends to be disciplinary but he has learned that talking helps a lot as well.
So Abel explains to his dad what happened at the store with your friend. About how you didn’t look like you wanted him around and how scared you seemed. He explained how the man looked at you and how he didn’t think he was good news.
The veins on Oscar’s neck and forehead begins to bulge the more his son explained about Tomas. Oscar is aware of who he is. When he was in Corcoran his homies always kept him up to date of the streets. And it upset him when he had to hear about this pendejo from the Santos rather than from you. But after you two had a heated conversation over the phone, your next visit you explained. And when Tomas kept persisting you, you finally had a restraining order and more protection from the Santos until Oscar got out.
Oscar comforts his son and tells him that he isn’t upset with him. “Hey, you protected your mom, so you did your part and I am proud of you.” He helps him get dried off and ready for bed. After tucking his son in, he checks on Ella who is softly snoring on her bed. He smiles that she has finally gotten use to sleeping alone. He closes their bedroom door and stands in the hall for a moment, sighing and wiping the tiredness from his eyes, making his way to you.
You’re hunched over the table looking over a tablet that carries the plans for the birthday party as well as thanksgiving since that’ll be in a month. “Want a beer?” You ask Oscar as he sits across from you but he waves you off.
“Tell me about that stunt Tomas pulled today.” 
Your eyes meet his and you freeze for a moment. Your chest is rising and falling as you try to figure out something to say, “He ran into us at the store. I told him to leave me alone and that’s all that happened. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just..”
Oscar’s jaw clenches as you stare at him, your heart skipping each beat the longer he stares and doesn’t say anything. “And you didn’t tell me again because? Had to hear from Abel. Again, Y/N? Someone is bothering you, you tell me. You let me handle that shit. That’s why our call suddenly ended? Making the kids fuckin’ lie to me too?”
His anger is beginning to bubble over. You take slow breaths to keep your temper under control. With the past couple days you’ve been having, you had no energy to start arguing back. “I never told them to lie, I asked them to not mention it. It’s not lying, technically..”
“Oh, don’t give me that shit. Don’t be technical with me, that puto should know better than to be approaching you and even my own son could feel how much he bothered you. It’s a good thing I’m raising my son right to protect his mama.” Oscar stands and paces the kitchen.
“Babe, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you..again. I had no idea that he would be there, you think if I knew that I would have went out today?” 
Oscar leans against the counter, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration, “I don’t know why I didn’t hear anything from the compas. Everyone knows, including him, he got a target on his head for what he did. This is why I tell you carry that gun in your purse. My kids were there. And I love you to the fuckin’ end, amor... but had something happened to one of them, a bullet would be in your fuckin’ head.”
He leaves you in the kitchen by yourself and you’re shocked at his words. Oscar has been a dad since he was a teenager, since the two of you met. You knew the lengths he’d go for Cesar, but for his kids? He’d take out anyone including you as he stated. You let out a shaky breath. 
You decide to give him sometime alone. He’s the most upset you’ve ever seen him and he is rightfully so but you weren’t sure how to fix it. You do what you think any man cannot resist, seducing them. At least this way you can ease into him forgiving you.
But when you enter your shared bedroom he is tucking his two kids in on your bed. You quirk your eyebrows up in confusion. Did he know you well enough that you’d use seduction to get his forgiveness? Oscar turns to see you standing in the doorway, “Why are the kids in here?”
“Heading out, I want them by you while I’m out.” He is shuffling around the room gathering things. The usual: keys, phone, wallet, gun, extra mag. You watch him as he looks to you, “Where exactly are you going, Oscar?” 
He breathes out through his nose and that’s enough for you to know. You don’t open your mouth to bicker as he is standing in front of you now, looking down at you with eyebrows creased together, “He ain’t getting near you or my kids again. Don’t leave the house or room, lock the bedroom door and don’t unlock it til I call you.”
Oscar steps away but stops to turn and pull your face towards his.He presses his lips to yours. You melt into it instantly, your hands grasping his forearms. The kiss deepening for a moment as your hands move up to cup his face. When he pulls back you are breathless. Craving more.
Then he is gone.
The house is quiet as you lay awake waiting for your boyfriend to return. Your fingers running through your son’s hair. Something you love to do and Abel loves you doing it too. Ella not so much though. She’s a verbal lover rather than a physical lover, the thought making you chuckle. How different your two kids are.
You’re pulled from your thoughts as you hear some shuffling from the living room, grabbing your phone you wait for it to ring with Oscar’s name but it never does. So you call out to him, “Babe?”
When you get no response you climb out of bed and quietly tip toe towards the bedroom door to get a better listen, maybe he is testing you to see if you’d listen to what he said about not unlocking the door until he calls. 
The buzzing of your phone pulls your attention and you see Oscar’s name pop up with the cutest picture of him and the two kids. You sigh in relief, unlocking the door and stepping out to an empty hallway.
“Oscar?” You call out and switch on the light but he isn’t there. You click the answer button and bring the phone to your ear. “Babe?”
“Hey, this puto is hiding, still nothing just checking on you. The kids still asleep?” When the words leave his lips, you close your eyes and feel a tear slide down your cheek. When you open them, Tomas is standing at the end of the hall, leaning against the wall watching you.
You hold the phone to your ear as you watch him put a single finger close to his lips signaling to be quiet about his presence. You could tell Oscar about him, then you could run to the room and lock the door. Quickly hide the kids in the bathroom for their safety and tell Abel to call his dad because so long as your kids are safe that’s all that matters. But what if he is quicker than you? What if he goes straight for the kids?
“Snoring like bears per usual. We’re okay, just be safe and Oscar?” You pause for a moment as Tomas gives you sickening, sinister look stalking towards you until he is standing right in front of you, his hands brushing against your exposed waist as you’re in a crop top. “Si?” Oscar answers you.
Tomas’ hands grab your chin and lifts it for you to look up at him, “When you find him, put a bullet right between his fucking eyes.” Tomas smiles and swipes his thumb on your lower lip, making you flinch.
Oscar chuckles, “You’re turning me on, mamas. Not much of him will be left. I’ll see you soon, te quiero.”
“Te quiero.” You say in a whisper as the line cuts. You try to step back but Tomas is quick, as you suspect he might be. He grabs ahold of the back of your head and into your hair. He pulls it back roughly with his body now pressed against you. “You have no idea how much I still want you. I think of you every single night. I remember how close you were to giving it to me. Hm.. you remember how badly you wanted me?”
You want to throw up, the feeling of him against you and his words makes you feel repulsed. His grip is iron-like and he is not letting up not until he gets what he wants and it’s obvious he wants you.
“P-please. M-my kids, let me close the door. Just let me at least close it.” Your bottom lip is trembling uncontrollably and the tears have been spilling over since the phone call with Oscar ended. He analyzes you. Are you trying to make an escape? He walks forward, pushing you back towards the bedroom door. And with his free hand reaches back to close the bedroom door, you look over shoulder at your sleeping kids as the door closes. Sending a little prayer for their safety.
He grabs your face and plant a sloppy kiss on your lips. You drown under him, not knowing how to win in this situation.
“So what do you do now?” 
Oscar voice causes his chest to vibrate which is right up against yours. He has your arms pinned under his, “Hm, I kiss you to distract you!” You tilt your head upwards to plant a chaste kiss on his lip. He smiles into the kiss and pulls his head back, “You gonna be kissing random dudes who run up on you, hm?”
You can’t help but laugh as he gives you a mischievous look. “Well if it works for me to distract them long enough, then yes!” Oscar rolls his eyes and nods his head to proceed with his defense lesson since you weren’t so keen on firearms, he’s teaching you physical defense.
“Fine, fine. So let’s say the kiss does distract the perp, if you have him in this kind of position? Jab here with all your might.” He points to his side right below his rib cage. “There’s a nerve that’ll cause them to tense up and give you a few seconds. That’s when it matters the most, those few seconds. So think before you do.”
You look at the spot Oscar had pointed to, you jab your fingers there and he tenses up like he says would happen. He curls over and you step back and laugh, making your quick escape.
That moment plays in your head. The kissing is a distraction, he has one of your arms pressed against him and it’s the perfect opportunity. Then the thought of how you asked Ella to pick up her toys that laid on the kitchen floor earlier infiltrates your memory as she never did considering she fell asleep.
You allow him to seep his tongue into your mouth and when you do, you feel him release the grip on your hair. This is the moment. With your fingers pointed, you dig your hand into his side, right below the rib cage and he retorts back. The same way Oscar had. You use your shoulder to push him into the wall which gives you enough space to move away from him.
Tomas recovers quicker than you hoped. So when you were going to leap over the pile of toys, hoping he would trip over them, you feel a grip on your hair once more and you’re sent flying back. The pain stinging your scalp, you yulp when you hit the ground. He is on you and his body suffocating you, “You stupid bitch! Pull that stunt again and I promise you’ll regret it.”
His hand hits your cheek and you cry out as you try to get him off you. The fear setting in as his hand reaches to his belt, the clinking of the metal making you terrified of what is to come next.
But it’s the sound of a gun cocking that stops Tomas trying to unbuckle his belt. He looks back towards the sound just as you do too. You’re heart breaks into a million pieces to see you 6 year old son holding a gun in his hand. His grip on it perfect, ready to fire. His stance, arms out and legs spread apart ready for the recoil.
“Son, go back in the room, please. Just go back to your sister.” Your voice trembles as Abel keeps his eyes on Tomas. In the moment, he resembles his papa more than ever. 
Abel shakes his head no, “Get off my mama. I know how to shoot a gun and I’ll shoot you, get off her now!” He sounds like his dad too, you can only sob.
“Mommy?” Ella’s voice sounds from behind Abel. Which distracts him. Tomas takes this opportunity to get the gun away from Abel, “No!” You cry out.
Despite the ache in your body, you sit up and jump on Tomas’ back just before he can reach your son, Ella is screaming scared as Abel runs to his little sister and stands in front of her. You hold onto Tomas with all your might, the strength of a mother is like no other, “Abel, go! Get your sister and run, baby! Run to Tio Cesar’s friends house, go!”
Tomas manages to get you off and slams you back into the wall. The blow stunning you, you have the wind completely knocked out of you. The back of his hand hits your face which causes you to fall over. You cry out as you see him step towards your kids. The fire of the gun sounds and Tomas cries out in pain holding his arm.
“Y/N!” You hear Cesar followed by footsteps. He is kneeling besides you as the Santos enter the house to check it out. “My babies, are they okay?” 
“Mama!” Abel calls out as he drops the gun and runs to you, you hold your arms open to embrace your son. Your brave baby boy. Fearless much like his father. Ella joins quickly and you squeeze them tightly.
They sob in your arms as you sit on the floor, the pain radiating throughout you numb from the love your kids are giving, “Y/N! Baby?!” Oscar’s voice booms through the house as he approaches you. He pulls Cesar away as he falls to his knees besides you. His arms envelopes all 3 of you.
Ella turns into her father’s chest, he can feel her thudding heartbeat. Tears stream down his face as he felt he let down his family but as the Santos grabbed the injured Tomas and dragged him out of the house, both of you sigh in relief that the worst is over.
“Mijo, you did it again. You protected your family and papa is so proud of you. You..” Oscar can’t form anymore words as he hugs his son and plants kisses on his head. You stand from the ground and use Oscar’s arm as support.
“Cesar take the kids to the bathroom, make sure they’re okay, por favor.” The younger Diaz nods and whisks away the little ones. Oscar pulls a chair out for you to sit, he kneels in front of you and examines the damage.
You look to him, eyes feeling puffy from the crying, “I’m sorry, I didn’t listen. I put our kids in danger and you’re right, I should have a bullet in my fucking head. I’m sorry, Oscar.” Your head falls as you sob hard, the hyperventilating causing hiccups.
“Baby, none of that shit matters. My kids are okay and you are now. He can’t do anything to hurt you anymore and I promise, you didn’t do nothing wrong. We’re lucky we’re raising a smart boy. I love you.” He wipes your face dry with his shirt and stands, pulling you into his warm, safe embrace.
You all take a shower and cuddle into the bed. Abel and Ella rest in between you and Oscar, embracing each other. Ella has her tiny head on her brother’s chest, forever his sister’s keeper. Oscar sighs as he intertwines your hands together, you look up at him as he gives you a soft smile.
This morning you woke a happy family and tonight you lay down a stronger one.
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
🏴‍☠️Sat 31 Oct ‘20🎃
Harry is sending out 150 Golden postcards (they appear to be numbered out of a batch of 150) from the Golden website! They all have the Amalfi Coast on the front, “You’re so Golden” written on them, and are signed, “ <3 HARRY”. Look, I thought that LOUIS had trouble with hearts, but Harry’s are, uh, somehow worse. It’s been gleefully pointed out that fans have been selling postcards for Harry’s singles for the last few months, and that Harry once again seems to be looking to us for promo ideas! Hey, if it works, it works, and if Harry wants to send me a postcard I’d LOVE it hahaha. Niall is taking a page out of Liam’s book and is rehearsing his show - which is in ONE WEEK (!) - and his band members continue to post pictures of their rehearsals. Love that! But lest you think it's a slow news day aside from Liam NO-- Zayn posted his annual halloween look!! A zelfie!!! Less elaborate than past years, maybe he's not getting enough sleep for some reason, but amazing (amazayn) nonetheless: he's angled downwards, pulling a funny face, with his freshly buzzed hair, earrings, and a Slytherin tie over a white shirt captioned, “Happy Halloween from Slytherin”. Liam’s chat when the picture dropped: “Zayn have you SLITHERED IN HERE???” Hope he enjoyed Tom and Liam's show...
And on to the main event: Liam has DONE IT AGAIN!! Despite some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff with the event time (it started one hour and ten minutes later than planned), once Liam got started, nobody could drag him down! Lola Young, Carly Gibert, and Tom Felton were all charming openers, and, because of their very different styles, they all brought something new to the table. Then Liam, broadcasting from the London Dungeons (a spooky tourist attraction), started the show trapped in a cage (so HE’S the cage dancer this time!). The songs he chose from his own discography were ghoulish and grim and surrounding the topic of, uh, life and death. It did seem to be intentional, though, as this all led up to a moment when a masked guard led Liam out of the concert and into a bloody tribunal, where they accused him of “crimes against fashion” and “being a bad bandmate”. They had fans on zoom playing the prosecutor and defense. He was acquitted of the first crime after a fierce defense from a fan, but after a long list of joking accusations of him being mean to the other boys (it felt uncomfortably like a normal day on twitter, but Liam says no fighting about it!), the prosecutor convicted him (was I outraged?? YES! I WAS!), and the sentence was DEATH. Liam then did a bit of a costume change: he went from Jack Sparrow to ZOMBIE PIRATE, ie added some uncomfortable contacts ("guys I can't see anything").Then he came back to finish his set with Billie Eilish and 5SOS covers, and SEVERAL One Direction songs: Live While We're Young, Drag Me Down, One Thing, What A Feeling (can you believe this is only the SECOND TIME a member of 1D has performed it live? AMAZING!), and a cool personalized version of Midnight Memories (“the opening number has now become the closing number”).
And then the Afterparty!! Liam, as promised, involved MUA Abby Roberts in picking his Halloween makeup looks, the winner being a fantastically scary writing of “Liam Payne” on a fan’s face that was made to look like mottled scar tissue - UGH what an INCREDIBLE look! He also pulled up his “accusers” on zoom, told fans that it was all in good fun and to not send any hate, and admitted that he also felt bad for pantsing Harry. But, he insisted, it’s not his fault! Louis dared him to do it! And, as everyone knows, no one in that band was allowed to back down from a dare. Abby Roberts admitted to being a 1D fan - she even visited some popups! - and videographer Conor also spilled that he first met Liam at a 1D meet and greet. Liam thought this was the best thing, and reminisced about being at the very dungeon he was in ten years prior for Halloween with the (then brand new and still on the X Factor) band. A crew member then managed to scare up (heh) a picture, which was sweet and nostalgic, which was true of a lot of the show! Personally, this has been my favorite LP Show, and Liam has really raised the bar for what online shows can and should be.
Of course, like with all good parties, there was an AFTER afterparty, where he spilled some more tea! He streamed live on Tik Tok - is it time for me to concede and get a Tik Tok??? Sigh, the things I do for these boys. In his after afterparty, he answered some more questions about himself and the boys. He said he was glad to have done a show on the anniversary of the last One Direction show (sad), that he wrote several songs with Louis that have not been released, notable HideAway and even sung a bit of it: “Something in the way she moves...we just have to hide away”. He also said that he saw Harry last year at the Jingle Ball and that he had a slight American accent (“he said ‘AHND’ that way”), that his phone bill would be huge if he called Louis right now (hmmmmm), and that even if he DID call to prank him, Louis would just swear anyways, which was not what they were going for. Awwww, friendship!
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mikiib · 3 years
The Magnus Archives: ALIEN AU (Part 1)
     So in short I had come up with an AU where the cast of TMA characters are set in the universe of ALIEN. They’re both my FAVORITE pieces of horror media I’ve consumed and so my brain figured- WHY NOT? So I have 13 pages and scenes in my brain that would take place in this AU. If this or the following posts that I’ll make inspire anyone I would LOVE to see what you come up with! In short this story has a mostly good ending.    
 Here’s a list of the things that ARE and AREN’T in this universe. 
- 14 Fears aren’t in this world. It’s fully immersed in the universe of the movie ALIEN/ALIENS. - The xenomorphs however have more powers- they can shape shift into anyone they ‘kill’. So if the alien hatches from the host but somehow the host survives then that creature can pretend to be that person. If they kill someone they can pretend to be them.  They still however take the main biological forms of the hosts they came from in regular form. - Queens are born when there is no other queen in near vicinity detected by the unhatched egg.  - The hatching of an egg takes a lot longer after implantation rather than a few hours like the original movie.  - The aliens acidic blood is still STRONG but not nearly as much. I nerfed that to a slower burn- if left on the surface for more than a few minutes it can still be JUST AS BAD as the movies version. - Cyborgs are a thing in this world- who is and isn’t a cyborg is up in the air- however you’ll find out if you follow the posts. - The aliens are weak to extreme heat and extreme cold. The younger they are the more vulnerable to both. Fire extinguishers and flamethrowers will be a big weapon in both firepower and as a melee weapons. - The technology is slightly more up to date compared to ALIEN’s 80′s tech, as there are in short video calls that can be held. -Mother (MU-TH-UR 4900) is the ships computer mainframe, and can connect directly to Elias with his acceptance of the transmission. Mother also monitors the crew and their vitals when they are under cyosleep. - They can quit. No bindings to ‘The Eye’ here. 
Captain and Scrivener (Archivist): Jonathan Sims (Age: 31)
  Executive Officer: Sasha James (Age: 35)
  Warrant Officer: Georgie Barker  (Age: 29)
  Navigator: Melanie King (Age: 27)
  Engineers: Tim Stocker (Age 33) & Martin Blackwood (Age: 27)
  Science Officer: Nikola Orsinov (Age: 30)
-Everyone shares the role of being a Scribal (Archival) Assistants to Jon- no exceptions.  -The Magnus Archives is a space station on the Moon orbiting Earth.  -The cargo they carry is found from the ships that collect samples from uninhabited planets as well as statements from those who report to them their findings to investigate.  -The Admiral is the ships designated therapy cat to help the crew cope with isolation brought on by Georgie. -Elias Bouchard is the head of The Magnus Archives.
     The story starts after they’ve collected the last of the artifacts required on the list to retrieve. They’ve been in cryosleep for over 6 months and only need 3 more months of it till they’d arrive to their destination. Everyone wakes up on their own time, Georgie first, along with Melanie and Martin. Followed by Tim, Sasha, Jon, and Nikola, they gather at the dining table of the living quarters. Martin makes everyone their preferred meals, seemingly the most nervous. This has been Martins first time aboard THE COEUS, and his banter with Sasha and Tim prove while not the best at his job there, he makes a mean meal out of the ‘rubbish space food’ provided. Melanie comes back after taking a look at their current location frowning, letting the others know they aren’t even close to Earth yet- not even in their solar system anymore. In surprise they turn to Jon, who himself has only been Captain on ship for only just before this crew was assigned to him. He gets up to check out whats going on, many of the others follow him, much to his disgruntlement as they basically fill the small room. Mother has intercepted a transmission of unknown origins and under contract of their jobs they must check it out. Curious to know more about their new course Jon calls Elias, who informs them it will be a 2 week set back on their schedules course. Jons not exactly excited about this but Tim’s quite happy to be informed it does give them quite a large bonus since it does seem confirmed of unknown (non-human) origins. 
     Once they arrive to their destination, Melanie sets the ship into motion for landing. She reads off all planet signs to the crew on. It’s a nearly isolated dwarf planet of 600 kilometers in diameter (372.823 miles). The surface on landing will be 23 degrees celsius- much warmer than expected but it does seem to be orbiting a sun fairly closely. They prepare for landing and Martin and Tim are set to get the ship in position. Martin and Tim talk together as they prep and make sure the landing legs will be fine against the surface of the planet. While they do so Sasha pops in announcing she gets to go with Jon and Melanie to investigate the source of the spooky transmission on foot. Meaning also she gets a bigger cut in the bonus than them. Tim and Sasha razz at each other but stop when sparks are spat in Martins face for wiring something wrong. He curses and Sasha comes over to help see what's wrong, pulling on gloves. She laughs a bit and gently teases him to choose a different degree to lie about next time he wants a new job as she fixes the wiring for him. Martin shushes her, claiming he didn’t expect them not to do background checks, nor did he expect to be given a position on one of the biggest damned cargo retrieval ships known. While he worked originally as a simple warehouse organizer at The Magnus Archives sister base on earth he had needed cash to help support himself after his Mother had moved out. Tim wraps an arm around Martin, claiming he’ll shield Martin from Jons prying eyes if anything goes wrong on this detour. They laugh a bit before the radio goes off from Jons office room. He’s complaining about the lights not turning on in there and would be thrilled if someone did their job correctly when fixing it before he gets back on the ship. Tim radios him that they’re on it before they tease Martin more on his obvious crush on Jon before Sasha is then called up to suit up. 
     Georgie is helping the 3 suit up properly, making sure their heart monitors are secure and attached to their neck to get an accurate pulse. Jon seems to be struggling most with the suit up, this unlike the other two, being his first time in a suit outside of the initial training. Sasha after having her camera feed double checked helps Jon out. And while Jon doesn’t say anything about it, it’s obvious Sasha should’ve gotten the job as Captain. Melanie the entire time rattling on about how excited she is to document her findings of a foreign transmission. 
     They land with ease, nothing going wrong as the planet, while rocky with a constant rain, is also somewhat flat. They make their way to the source of the transmission. Tim and the others are now watching from the ship- cameras live feed and audio coming to them as Georgie talks with Melanie about all the kind of things they could find on the ship to study. Nikola reminds everyone that without the items and everyone following the procedures for quarantine, no one is touching the items that may be brought back. The conversation dies out into aww when they see the space ship the signal is coming from appear on camera. Melanie is excited as Sasha and Jon start to look for a way in. Jon reminds them to stay close to him at all times as they enter the ship- its obvious he’d rather none of them go in here due to how degraded the place looks. Everything seems to have been heavily melted in random patches, but the ship itself seems to be made of a biological element of some sort- comparing it to a ribcage almost as they walk through it.
     As they traverse the ship they stumble across multiple dead alien bodies. They aren’t fresh but they also don’t look years old. Melanie goes to take a closer look at them but Jon quickly pulls her back from them, yelling about how obviously unsafe it is as well as the fact that she just broke formation rushing off into a different room. They both get into an argument about what should be done with the bodies, and how far their investigations should go. At this point the feed is hardly coming through via camera, but the audio makes it back to the the ship roughly. Sasha goes on without them as she’s getting closer to decode the transmission. it’s a warning of sorts is what she can gather. Looking at the bodies it may have been an illness of some type, each of them dead from some type of acid but she finds one with an open chest- like an explosion. she gets closer to one, that seems to shift out of the corner of her eye. She tries to let the others know but she realizes that they can’t hear her over their arguing, and she’s almost certain she’s lost on the foreign ship. So instead she brings herself closer to the alien body before something crashes behind her and she stumbles back, tripping over something, and screams as she bashes her head on the back of her helmet. She gets up and looks around and sees the shadow of the creature run off and she chases after it.
     That got the attention of the others as not only with the scream but Tim tells them her heart rate is spiking drastically. Jon and Melanie cry out for Sasha and she stops after meeting a dead end. She sighs and tells them she’s fine, she just fell and admittedly was just chasing after shadows. She turns around however and suddenly her heart monitor on the ship starts to read dead.  PART 2 
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chuuulip · 4 years
Another Earth
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Pairing: August Walker (werewolf) x Female Reader (red ridding hood)
Warning: 18+, PWP, Oral (M and F receiving), Unprotected Sex, Multiple Orgasm, Slightly ABO Universe, Rough Sex
Words: 7434
Summary: After a failed attempt to sign up for the Halloween haunted house to meet your Superman, the last minute ticket turned your night upside down as you were stuck in another earth.
A/N: Unbeta! Any grammar mistake will be on me. Divider by me 😆 This is for @jtargaryen18​ Halloween challenge, and I’m pretty late! Sorry for that life has been busy xD I still have another one in progress (the Andy barber one) and hopefully can post it soon! Thanks to @navybrat817​ and @venusdemonroe​ for giving me the idea for this story and help me discuss what a werewolf August Walker would do in this lol. Actually I wanted to mention a lot....of things but I guess it would be too much for a one shot lil but anyway Happy reading!!!
This year's Halloween event was mental. Several big haunted houses are hosted by celebrities. To name a few, there's an Avengers Tower haunted house, The Hall of Justice League, The X-Mansion, and even Walking Dead one. 
 You knew it wasn't easy. All of them have a huge fandom. The ticket was sold out immediately when it was open for sale, like 3 months before Halloween, and you were terribly upset. You were whining for a month straight to your boyfriend. Or more like your sugar daddy. He was patient and wealthy, but he knew he can't satisfy you enough, so he usually did everything he could for you. But that time, you just have none of it. The relationship, if you could ever say that, fell out immediately because you were unreasonable.
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 You really wanted to go to The Hall of Justice League and maybe meet Clark Kent. The obsession started because he always visited your dream and mostly engaged in the steamiest dream ever. It's been your wildest dream, really, to have that body blanketed yours, in a really not innocent way.
 Just one day before Halloween, you finally secured one ticket for The Hall of Justice League haunted house. Of course, the first thing you did was scream. You had been on their waiting list since the ticket sold out, but you really lost hope since last week. But now, you celebrate it with a bit of a jump and constant scream.
 "What the fuck?" Your only housemate barged into your bedroom. Face annoyed.
 You stopped your silly jumps and looked at your housemate. With a broad smile, you hug your housemate and shake her body, "I got it! I got the ticket for The Hall of Justice League haunted house! Can you believe that?"
 The redhead hugged you, and both of you jumped in a circle. "Oh my gosh...I can't believe it! Congrats!!! I really hope you will meet your Kryptonite." she gave you her suggestive smirk.
 "I mean...a girl can only hope. But this is a charity event. I don't think he will be available. What if it's all a decoy and I only meet his wax figure?" you pouted at your friend.  
 "Well, at least you have the opportunity to see it yourself. But remember, behave, young lady, don't let him if he's there, I mean, witness your brattiness."
 "Aye...aye Captain!" you giggled but immediately gave your housemate a military saluted.
 That night you dreamed of those big blue eyes and his firm, fantastic arms on yours.
 Dress in your red riding hood costume, you patiently sat in the backseat of the Uber car. Well, maybe a little bit impatient, since it's already 11pm. 
 Everything just went down the hill since morning. You can't seem to find your Poison Ivy costume. Not to mention that you were late for work that morning. Your boss was a bitch since she seems annoyed at you every time the male employee or investor became too friendly with you. 
 Who can blame you? You were just good at acting all cute to them, and it's not your fault that they mostly thought you were a cute little employee. 
 You check your wrist. The expensive rose gold watch from your ex sugar daddy elegantly pointed at 11.30 pm. You sighed, "do you know how long I will arrive at my destination? It will close soon."
 "Hopefully, in 10 minutes. Dunno why it's jam-packed." Said the Uber driver.
 You huffed in exasperation, but there's nothing you can do. You arrived very last minute, like 15 minutes before the haunted house closed. Wearing black stiletto boots, you carefully made a small run into the stairs. The booth was stationed to the far left of the building. 
 "Good night, little red riding hood; you are lucky because we are almost closed. Can I see your ticket, please?" A man dressed as Edwar Scissorhands greeted you at the far left of the building. 
 You fished out your smartphone from your small basket bag and showed him your barcode. He scanned it and looked at the monitor in front of him. "Hmm, here for a kryptonite, aren't you." He eyed you up and down and smirked at you. "I hope you have a spooky night, little girl." 
 You smile at him and sashay your way to the entrance. Apparently, they makeover a warehouse into a vast real-life Justice League Hall. Like in the comic. A white half-circle exterior completed with two giant pillars at each side imitated the picture you only seen in comic books. It looks so magnificent. 
 You entered the door after you scanned your barcode at the scanner next to it. The whooshing noises startle you a bit, but you were too excited and step in immediately. 
 The inside was bright with a black marble flooring that shone bright; you even can see your reflection. There's a different section of the silvery door like in most sci-fi, alien invasion movies. So futuristic, so clinical. 
 You darted your eyes and found where you needed to go. A small rectangle monitor with a very digital clock font in it showed you 'Krypton' words. Without hesitation, you did a little run and waited in front of it. The small rectangle monitored turned to green, and it shone. It startled you, but you let out a sigh of relief when it just scanned your body from your head to toe. 
 "So much for a haunted house." You muttered. 
 When the door opened, you stepped in. It was a glass elevator. You circled your eyes and found everything was dark. When the elevator ran, bringing you down several floors, the surrounding changed. 
 Once, the darkness engulfed you like you were being shipped to the deep ocean, but it changed dramatically. Your eyes darted in awe as you drank on the scenery. The scenery of what you would call the imitation of Planet Krypton. So beautiful yet so harsh. 
 When the elevator stopped, the ding noise pulled you to the present. With excitement, you grabbed your smartphone and took several pictures of the scenery. It was just so surreal that a haunted house would make something like this. But you remember how expensive the ticket was.
 "This three grant haunted house better give me a chance to fuck a real-life Clark Kent." you cackled. 
 There's a weird tower with a green light on top of it. You assumed some futuristic objects were supposed to be 'kryptonite' as it floated sparsely in most parts of the supposed Krypton. A bit further, you could see a white crystal-like triangle building. Oddly enough, it reminded you of the Louvre Pyramid. This one just full of crystal-like pillars crisscrossed it. 
 Didn't want to waste your time, you decided what path you should choose. It wasn't easy. Your stiletto pierced to the weird substrate like mud but also crystal-like as if it's ice. Carefully, you mind your footing while again stayed alert. There's this odd feeling of being watched. But you reminded yourself that you were in a haunted house, so it's understandable.
 You let out a loud scream when suddenly a mummy appeared behind one of the floated crystals. "Holy shit, I didn't see that coming." you try to slow down your breath as you clutched the white ruffle shirt under your red corset.
 When you feel that you can walk again, you try to do it faster. Several times it looks like the Krypton had shifted in its light as if the sun rose and shone, but the next five minutes, it set. Made the scenery look like it was illuminated by the crystal alone, like a lamp.
 When many ghost-like mannequins showed up, it got scarier and scarier, and you immediately lowered your hood to shield you from some view. Your eyes perked up when you finally saw the path to the Fortress of Solitude. It was more like an icy bridge with a dark pond surrounding it. 
 As your right foot stepped onto the bridge, a loud noise of a clock surprised you. It struck once and counted until it stopped at the twelfth. It was so loud it's voice echoed. You can even feel it under the sole of your boots. 
 Stunned for a moment, your mind suddenly set on alert mode when the water from both ponds on each side of the bridge rippled. A dinosaur-like head appeared from both ponds. It has a single protruding horn. It opened its mouth and let out a loud growl. A blast of wind came out of it like a thunderstorm. It has sharp teeth like sharks that you assumed could quickly rip your body apart if it sank on yours. 
 "Holy shit. This is— this is a joke, right? It's not real?" Body trembled in fear; you ran your life out to the Fortress of Solitude. The monsters crawled up out of the water. Its slithered movement mimicked a snake, but it didn't have any problem crawling up without things to latch on. 
 You screamed as both of the monsters chased you. Run as fast as your legs allow you. This haunted house event might be too much for you. When you can see an oval object that looks like it can be a big mirror or a huge door, your gloved palms immediately bang on it. "Open the door!" You screamed. When the door finally opened, the two snake-like monsters that chased you suddenly disappeared.
 "Oh— oh my god. Oh my god…," you chanted as you let yourself drop down on the floor. 
 "I see you finally make it." 
 Your face turned to the left. In front of you, stood up tall and proud, Clark Kent with his superman costume. He's just so big. If you compared your tiny body to him, you definitely, nothing.
 You replied to Superman's bright smile with a scowl. Slowly you got up from the floor and cleaned your skirt. "Isn't that just too much? What if I fell to the pond? I can't swim, you know?"  
 He seems surprised, "apologized my lady. It was something the organizer will handle. I don't think they mean any harm."
 "Yeah...yeah… right." you walked closer to the hero and already fished out your mobile phone. "So… what did I need to do now I meet you, Superman?"
 "Hmm… most attendants ask for pictures. Some of them spent time just talking with me. Since you are the last one, you can take as many pictures as you like and of course. If you have any questions about my protection for the earth, I will gladly answer it." The tone in his voice was more soft than authoritative. 
 Think of not sabotaging your Halloween any longer; you tried to forgive the silliness of the whole new level of scary from this haunted house. It's hard not to show off your brattiness in this kind of situation. Still, you reminded yourself that he was someone you weren't familiar with—practically a stranger.
 Gave him a sweet smile, you took several pictures with him. At one time, you tried to bat your eyelashes at him and asked for a picture where you sat on his lap. You spent a solid 15 minutes talking to the handsome alien. Your fingers touched his biceps here and there. You knew that he knew what you were implying, but he didn't refuse you either. At least not blatantly.
 "I apologized, my dear, but I think it's already time." Superman gently put you back on your feet. You gave him an upset face, but you knew it's time to go home. You bid the handsome man goodbye and sneaked a kiss on his cheeks. There's a twinge of pink on his cheeks, and you jump triumphantly at that reaction. Of course, behind his back.
 Following the word of 'exit' behind the piles of the crystal-like shape props, you opened the door. The scenery in front of you caught you off guard. The harshed white tundra scenery was replaced by now dark, almost jungly like one. Unconsciously you stepped back and turned your body to come back to the exit door. How shocked you were when it vanished. Disappear without a trace.
 As far as your eyes could see, it's only darkness and mist. Only the full moon aided your visions. The exhalation of your breath came out like a plume of white steam. It's definitely colder here than the fake Krypton one. The cold air seeped into your skin quickly as if you were actually in the deep of a forest. 
 With a loud sigh, you walk straight. You tumbled and fell down on your knees as your boots got caught with something: either roots or a massive branch. 
 Tired and frightened, you screamed loudly. You weren't sure if this was the continuation of the haunted house or not, but what you want right now just to be back in your apartment and soaked in a warm, relaxing bath. 
 "Get me out of here!" you yelled again. There's a lot of sounds as if a lot of people stepping on branches. A screeching sound of an owl surprised you, but you tried to follow its direction with your ears. 
 There's no way you will wait here and do nothing. Oh...my phone! You fished out your smartphone, but it showed no signal. "Shit!." you muttered. 
 The sounds from a far away crept closed, and you knew it. "You can do it! There's nothing more frightening than that monster snake." tried to encourage yourself; you stood up and slowly navigated. You followed the noises that now closer, like an animalistic growl. It was so intense you can feel all the goosebumps rise up your skin. 
 You weren't sure how long you have been walking, but you stopped suddenly when there's not only a pair but like 7 pairs of reddish eyes glowed in the dark. 
 "Come here, little lamb. Don't follow that voice." a vaguely familiar voice distracted you from stepping forward. 
 "Who the fuck are you, and why you get in my way just now." your voice came out hoarse. There's a twinge of fear in it, and you knew it. You felt like backed down wasn't the best option you had right now.
 "I said, come here, or else I can't even save you when they get you." 
 You stilled as if you didn't hear him talking to you. "Wasn't this still one of the tricks from the haunted house? To let the people scramble in fear?" 
 "Are you out of your mind? Come here right now, or I left you to death. They will either rip you apart or play your body like a ragdoll before one of them eats you." 
 You screamed in horror as one pair of red eyes slowly came out. It's huge. Almost four feet of canine shook its fur. 
 You were hyperventilating right now. Body rooted to the ground as you were surrendered. Welcoming your fate. 
 You heard a curse from behind your back. Maybe the stranger gave up and left you alone to be eaten by the wolves. 
 The scrunched sound of leaves crushed was loud. Suddenly you felt strong arms hauled you upside down. 
 Your eyes faced the skin of someone's back. You craned your neck a little bit to get a better view of the wolf. Screamed escaped your lips when you saw not only one but all of them, in a pack, chased both of you. 
 "Stay still." The stranger yelled. 
 Did the best thing to not get thrown out by his weird, fast speed, you secured your thumbs in his belt loops. He ran, escaped the pack inside the deep of what looked like a pine forest. 
 You weren't sure how long you ran with him, but you felt that he's finally slowed down. 
 When the thud thud sound reached your ears, you opened your eyes and saw that the stranger walked up a stair.  
 You felt nauseated when he suddenly put you to sit on something that was apparently a countertop. The rushes of blood that circulated through your body made you regain your sense of surroundings. 
 "Where am I?" you didn't mean to add an ungrateful tone in your sentence, but it was too late.
 The stranger eyed you like you were some sort of ungrateful bitch, which maybe you are. "At my cabin," he said flatly.
 You haven't had time to look at him in the forest, but now, under the actual lighting inside his house, what you saw might instantly make you drooled, which you already did right now. Stand up in front of you, a shirtless beefy tall man that's definitely more than six feet tall. He has short dark brown hair with a somewhat thick mustache that's complemented by a stubble. The front strands of his hair were loose and slightly curled. Looks likely due to all the running.  
 The sudden chill of air made you shiver, and he didn't miss your reaction. He left you for a minute and came back with a rug. The sudden heat from it, when he draped the fabric on your shoulder made you let out a gasp of satisfaction. 
 But the next thing you know, he ripped your stocking. You were shocked, eyeing him in horror. "What the fuck are you doing?!" You threw whatever things that's on your reach. The loud sound of glass hit the wall, and the strong grip on your wrist instantly made your stop.
 "Be still!" His azure irises left no room for confrontation. When you felt a sting on your knees, that's when you realized that he just pressed some gauze on it. Likely soaked with alcohol first. There's quite a prominent stain of blood on your legs, and it almost made you nauseated. 
 "If you stop acting like a brat, you'll heal faster." He looked at you with that cocky smile of confidence. "Understood?" 
 You just nodded at him. He continued to clean the blood and inspect the wounds. The position where you were sitting right now made it easier to study him carefully. 
 Although you felt the temperature decreased significantly, the beefy stranger in front of you appeared very sweaty. 
 Immediately your gaze ran down to his neck and continued its way to his chest and his abs. The unmistakable bulge under his pants made you squirm unconsciously. You were in a haze of fear and lust; you definitely insane. 
 "Wha— what's your name, sir?" 
 His strong gazed felt as if his eyes alone can subdue you. Maybe he has these laser eyes like Cyclops, your inner thought buzzed with speculation.
 "August. My name is August Walker. What's your name, little lamb?" 
 How dare this man call you a little lamb? You cleared your throat and told him your name and where you were from.
 "New York? It's pretty far from here." He patched you up nicely. The water-resistant gauze looked really neat pressed on your knees and some on your shin. You were impressed.
 When your eyes returned to August, you gave him a smile that you hoped looked like a smile of gratitude. Not the kind of smile you always presented to any potential partner in bed, sultry, and flirtatious.  
 "I— I haven't said anything but— thanks. Thank you for saving my life." Your left fingers instinctively pat his right arms. The feeling of his skin startled you. It's warm; in fact, it felt like he had a very high fever.
 "Are— are you alright? Your temperature feels off." 
 "Don't mind me. Just take care of yourself." 
 You knew there's something off with him, but you weren't sure if you had a clear mind to think right now. Not with the wolf pack outside and his words on New York being far away from here. Where the fuck am I? 
 "I… I have a—,"
 "I suggest you stay here if you don't want to meet them."
 "But I…,"
 "You can use the bedroom there," his hand pointed to the door on the far end. "Feel free to use anything you want. Just don't come to the basement. I will meet you after a couple of days, and we figured things out." 
 His authoritative voice and dominant persona immediately made you want to counter his suggestion. The funny thing was, looked like he sensed it.
 He approached you, face just inches away from you. Your eyes immediately glanced away from the delicious plane of his sweaty chest. His fingers drew your chin up, so both of your eyes were at the same level. "Do what I said, understand?. Thrust me; you don't want to know the consequences if you violate my suggestion."
 Suggestion, my ass! Your inner mind ready to throw insults at him, but you quickly held it back. In the end, you nodded at him obediently.
 That night you were restless. But in a weird sense, you felt comfortable staying in that cabin. The first night after August left you to your own devices, you had been pretty careful. Not touched a lot of things except food and items that help you with your long bath. 
 His cabin was quite spacious. The interior was a mix of something slicked and modern with an equal touch of classic. Tried to look homey. Not to mention his bathroom, it's super luxurious and made you feel at home instantly. Reminded you of your ex (sugar daddy's) bathroom. 
 Since you couldn't find another bedroom in that cabin and you don't feel like sleeping on the couch, you slept in his bed instead. After all, he said you can use the bedroom there. Still wearing your red riding hood costume, you slipped under the soft comforter. 
 After that, you woke up feeling a bit groggy. Aimlessly wandered around the kitchen, you weren't sure what to do first. Tried collecting your bearing, you tried to make a coffee. Or any equivalent things of it. Everything felt different; you just knew it. When the only thing you could find was several jars that you assumed were granules of tea, you brew it. You sat on the sofa that faced up a lake. The wall was made of glass, making everything well seen. 
 You walked closer and gazed at the vast pine forest in front of you. The trees were tall and big, so majestic. Somewhat it's different from the pine trees you usually see. The lake in front of you looked like it had two different colors, fusion together with weird looking fishes and plants that should grow on the land instead of water. Where the fuck am I? 
 The next day, you woke up feeling a little bit refreshed. You changed your slutty costume into one of the clothes you found in his closet. It was so soft and comfy. You knew when things were from high-quality material.  
 You continued your days by drinking your tea, ate whatever breakfast you can munch, and read a book that has these unusual fonts. You were sure it wasn't in the alphabet, but one day you absentmindedly swipe your fingers on some of the pages, and the font changed. Hell, it even translated into English in an instant. You were definitely impressed. 
 One thing you are sure of was, this place was strange. Wherever you were right now, it didn't look like it's on earth. Or the earth that you knew. Why were you so calm? Because you already freak out. After you freak out, you also wondered, did the haunted house event organizer realized that they were the culprit behind what the fuck happened to you right now? Did your housemate recognize that you weren't home for days? Or maybe she thought you fuck the Superman or perhaps found another sugar daddy? It was so absurd yet so real.
 The last two nights, you were struck in awe as your eyes were spoiled by two moons. Two fuckin moons. It was always quiet at night, but you heard all the howls that you suspected likely from the pack of those giant wolves.   
 It was pretty late, almost midnight. You finally found your small bag hindered under the sofa that evening. Now…, now you had some time to check it. The first thing you checked was if there's a signal. Definitely no signal at all. 
 You curled up on August bed while swiping the pictures on your phone. When you scrolled your pictures with Superman, you realized why August seems familiar. It was none other than August having quite the same face, the same build, even somewhat similar voices with Superman. 
 "Fuck...maybe I should ask August if he would like to be my Daddy while I'm here." Imagining him spoiled you with gifts and other physical attention made you chuckled at yourself. 
 Your fingers instinctively crawled under the gray long sleeve shirt you borrowed from his closet (again). Your brain projected an image as if it was August's hands that ran on your upper thigh. Find its way quickly to your wet core. Two fingers slipped under the black lace panty. The panty that you need to wash daily due to no other replacement available. Left you a couple hours with only his buttoned-up shirt without anything underneath. 
 The sound of a loud howl startled you. It was as if it circled you in close range. Moved as fast as you can, you snatched the oversize robe on you. Your eyes tried to creep behind the curtain in the bedroom. 
 You knew the owner of this cabin stated that you can't go to the basement. You wouldn't be so lucky if that giant wolf found you first and broke in. Although you haven't been really out of the cabin, you tried to inspect a little bit and found it odd that this cabin was apparently a treehouse-style cabin. How come there's a basement in the house.
 You exit the bedroom and go to the kitchen when you last saw August a couple nights ago. Next to the slick wooden cabinet was a particular thing that looked like a door. The surface of your palms works like a stethoscope, felt as if something with pressure from your hands. You tried not to get disturbed by the nonstop howl outside. When you hear something as if the door was shifted, you immediately step back. 
 "Oh my, finally…," you slipped inside the small door when it opened automatically. It was a small narrow corridor-like, and it was dark. Walk inside carefully, you follow the path that leads you to another door. The metal door let out a weird creaked as you pushed it open. 
 "Didn't I tell you not to come down here?" 
 Shocked was evident in your face when you heard his rather gruff tone. You step over, closer to where he sat, that looks more likely an even bigger size of the bed than the one he had upstairs.    
"Don't —,"
 He warned you, but you being you, could never obey orders. Although challenging, your eyes finally adapt to the only natural light from the glass wall. That said, you were totally confused as you can see the lake parallel to your eyes. 
 "What the… wait, how there's even a basement down here? Last time I checked, the cabin is a treehouse?"
 "It's camouflage. No one can't see it or enter from outside."
 "Holy… why there's a three moon?" you switched your gaze from the moon to August. Curiosity got the better of you when you saw his irises were now pale blue. You can still see the outer form that is August, but something was off. 
 A gasp escaped your lips as August rose up from the bed. The powerful moon shone his feature. He was taller, bulkier, and dangerous as he stalked towards you slowly. Your heart thumped erratically as you were cornered. Back supported by the glass wall as now you can see August in his other form. 
 "Holy shit. Wha—what are you?"
 "Told you not to go here, and you just can't listen, little lamb." his smirk turned maniacal as he looked at the fear on your face. His white fangs, longer than usual. His fingers also look unusual, claw-like. 
 "Are you— are you a werewolf?" 
 "Well...you can say that. I'm half human half wolf if you are curious." 
 "So why— why did you save me?"
 The tip of his nose inched closer to yours. You held your breath when his warm skin touched you. It moved to your left cheek and stopped near your ear. "I'm curious," he whispered.
 "I haven't really met a pure human in the same age range. So I have followed you since I saw you step out of that door. I follow you until you meet the other wolf pack, and I decide to help you instead of fulfilling my need." 
 "What need?" you asked him, dumbfounded.
 "This," he pulled away from you, his claw-like finger pointed out below his hip. Focusing on the long and hard appendage that was unmistakably, his cock.
 "Oh—I- I'm sorry?" you gave him your best apologetic face. Eyes seemed eager to stare longer, but you gazed away quickly. Wait, why did you apologize to him? You cleared your throat, "I— I actually not sure what I should do to help?" tilted your head to the right, you looked him in the eyes, almost challenged him.
 Despite almost getting eaten by wolves, August's menacing presence didn't really scare you. Maybe the fact that he was still human and less scary made it easy for you. Not to mention he's hot too, with all his glory. 
 His somewhat evil chuckled sent shivers down your spine. "If you really wanted to help, I think you know what to do, don't you?"
 "W-wait—is—does this mean we 'mate'?" you gave him a somewhat weird expression. "And—and you bite me, give me marks that I'm yours? And knot me, and I will have a litter of puppies, and I become your omega—,"
 His pale blue eyes stared at you as if you grew two heads. It softened immediately as he smiled. Broad one showed you a set of white teeth with extra long fangs. 
 "Oh, my little lamb...what have you read?"
 "Err— Omega verse? Fanfic?"
 He blinked. Gave you a quizzical expression.
 "It's— it's erotica. Where mostly the character you know—," you darted your eyes away from August. "—mate, err have sex. Mostly was written very explicitly."
 "Go on." He said.
 "They are wolves, scenting, imprinting. An alpha mates with omega, and it's been told in a variety of plots possible. Sometimes two alphas fight too." You were breathless. You didn't realize you explained it to him in a quick, incoherent way. 
 You staggered backward as he came closer, forgetting that you already cornered. His long fingers reached out to the white robe you put on you. Although his fingers had claws that looked alarming to you, his hand still skillfully unfastened the robe.
 "That's a bit of an exaggeration, I think. Pack and hierarchies usually form just for a mating season; they hunt together for food and shelter in the winter. We might be scenting people, I guess. After all, we have a very sensitive sense of smell. But no, we don't bite our mate." He took off the robe from your body, left you only with his grey buttoned-up shirt.
 "Well...I love that you are wearing my shirt as if you are mine already."
 You purse your lips at him. "Why aren't you in a pack? Isn't it a mating season?" 
 "I mostly can control myself during the full moon. That's the advantage of being half-human. I don't need to transform myself into a wolf and be in a pack. But I am an alpha if that's what you are curious about."
 "Can-can you turn back to your human form? Not like—you know, you aren't in your human form, bu—," your words were cut off by his thumb on your lips. 
 "You talk too much, aren't you, little lamb…," August leaned down and touched his lips to yours. Your first reaction was to freeze since you were afraid of his fangs. But his surprisingly soft lips coaxed you relentlessly, making you surrender as you closed your eyes. Opening your mouth, his tongue sneaked past your lips easily. His fangs poke at your lower lips, but it didn't hurt.
 The non so innocent kiss became more desperate. Your once shied tongue now dances together with August. Your once clasped palms that were situated on top of your chest now scraped at his shoulder. 
 Your eyes fluttered open as August nipped down from your jaw to your neck. Forgotten, you even close your eyes in the first place. His claw-like fingers unbuttoned his shirt on yours without difficulty, left you only in your black lace panty. 
 The feeling of temperature as if dropped significantly made you glued your body to August. Smooth skin of your chest pressed to his hot hairy one, seeking warmth. One hand secured behind your back while the other palm on your ass. Massage the globe there. 
 "Ohh…" you gasped as you felt his finger on your clothed core. 
 "Hmm… wet already, I see." he let the pad of his finger move up to your clit, while the movement of the claw added sensation to your already. Seeing your reaction, he repeated it a couple times. Made you a mess with only one of his fingers.  
 Arched your body a little bit, you were thrilled to see his expression. Traveled your hands down from his hairy chest; your eyes still focused on his face, while your palms found their way to his hard cock. 
 "Oh, so big…," slowly at first, you ran your hands at the tip of his cock. Even without looking at it, you knew it's definitely bigger than any cock you've ever seen. 
 Eyes widened as your hand slid down to the base. The other weighed his balls. "Holy…," your eyes looked down, stared in awe at his cock. 
 "Careful little lamb, you drooled on it."
 "Who's not?" You eyed him in disbelief.
 August let out a weird laugh, "I expect you to worship it, then." He looked at you with a bemused expression as you quickly worked on his length. Stroked it up and down repeatedly. 
 You go down on your knees, eyes crossed as you focused on his slit that oozed pre-cum. Unconsciously, you stuck out your tongue and brushed it on his slit. Wrapped your right hand at the base of his cock, your gaze rose up to meet his. Left handheld on his upper thigh for support as your lips covered the heat of his cock. You bobbed your head calculatedly as you accommodate him halfway. 
 "Such a good little lamb for your wolf, aren't you." August's right hand was at the back of your head as he nudged you none too gently. Made you choke at his cock, and pulled it out from your mouth. You gazed at the mix of your saliva and his precum in awe. But it didn't last long as August pulled you to your feet and picked you up. 
 He climbed up on the bed with you and laid on his back. He situated your hips and pulled it closer, so your opening was hovering on top of his face. On all four, for him. August was rewarded with a yelped and a moan as his tongue licked your clothed core. 
 The sound of fabric being ripped made you turn your head to the right. "That's my only pa— ohhh," your protest died right away as his tongue lapped your opening. The feel of his claws as he spread your ass cheeks added wonder to your pussy. 
 Trying to keep yourself busy, you swallowed the head of his cock for a starter. His cock was too big for you; your mouth can only allow half of it. Diligently, you tried to move your tongue while you suck on his cock, hands slid up and down. Feeling all the veins that encircled his length made you shuddered.
 August bucked his hips as you put one of your hands to massaging his balls. The action made you gagged as his cock entered further than before. But it didn't take a long time for you to stop due to his sudden attack on your pussy. 
 His tongue was not lapped at you anymore; it rammed inside your wet core like a starved man. You squealed as the end of his fangs scrapped at your now wet pussy. The pressure on your clit as the pad of his fingers made a circular motion left you breathless. It drove you to your high faster than you ever experienced. A surprised scream left off your lips as his tongue scraped your most sensitive part. Your body quivered as your inner walls spasm, hands held on his cock as you ride your high. 
 "Ohh— my god, ohh—my god—," you can still feel the kitten licked as August feasted on it. 
 "Ahh—that' s—that's good." You let your head rested on his left thigh. 
 "Now, for the main course." August's gruff tone pulled you back from your hazy state. His hard cock was evident on your right hand. 
 You felt your body shifted position, and now you were on your back. August spread your legs wide and shifted his position. The feeling of his heavy cock on top of your pussy made you nervous but also excited. Unconsciously you nibbled your forefingers while eyes traveled down to his long and hard cock. It made an up and down motion on your opening. You can feel your wet pussy clenched in frustration, ready to be filled. 
 "August please…," still nibbled at your fingers, you gaze at the wolf on top of you, one elbow supporting your upper body. He's so big, literally and figuratively. If you can't come back to your world, so be it. You didn't mind staying and being his plaything as long as he wanted you. 
 "Please, what my little lamb?" You pouted at that. You definitely weren't a little lamb. If anything, you should be the succubus. 
 "Please put that in me—," you writhed underneath him. 
 "Please put what?" His big body tower over you. His pupils dilated and only left a small ring of pale blue irises. His clawed fingers move up and down your thigh.
 "Ple—please, ohhhh, put that cock inside me! Fuck me, my wolf— nhhh—," your plead was answered when August suddenly pushed the head of his cock on your opening. 
 The back of your head fell to rest on the thick pillow as the intrusion of August's cock sent a surprising jolt on your body. You knew he's big. But when his cock finally spread your lips open and entered you, the overwhelming sensation was something you still didn't expect. 
 "Ohh— so big—," your pussy clenched immediately when August tried to push deeper but also slowly. The noticeable ridge of his vein scraped at your inner wall deliciously. With closed eyes, you gripped the edge of the pillow as you mumbled about how full you feel right now. 
 "Work your clit for me. Yes...make that tight pussy cream on my cock."
 "Oh—like this?" Your fore and middle fingers slowly pulled the hood and made a circular motion as August asked. 
 "Yes… Just like that…."
 It didn't take you long enough to feel the fast buildup on your lower belly. Something that never happened before. "Ohh—yes—I'm going to cum, my—ahhh," you work your clit faster as August cock made a shallow fuck inside you. 
 "Yes, cum on my cock, my little lamb. I want to see your pretty face when you cum for your wolf." His wolf tone deliciously affected your body. His growl sent an extra twitch on your clit. And you lose it when he thrust all the way inside your wet pussy. 
 You scream in ecstasy as your pussy quivered uncontrollably on his hard cock. You feel so full. The feeling of his cock all the way inside you made your brain feel as if it was submerged. Forgotten that you ever closed your eyes, you were rewarded by a sly smirk on August werewolf's face. His eyes were now all dark. His hair loosened, made the curls of it fall to his forehead. 
 "I see you enjoying yourself, my little lamb." His claws caressed your thigh gently.
 "Nnn—of course, I ahhh—I am." A little movement from August made you aware that his cock still inside you. Hard as a rock. 
 August lifted up both your knees and secured it with his hands. You lifted your upper body with your elbows as he retrieved his cock from your wet core. You gasped when you witnessed August pulled it out, inches by inches. Left only the head inside you.
 You moaned when he pushed again. Stretched you like no one else ever had. He did it slowly, knew that you still adapt to his girth. But the feeling when the tip of his cock scraped your most sensitive part every time he thrust inside you, you were tripped to your high even faster than before. 
 The moan of pleasure became incoherent as August sped up his pace. Repeated syllables of ahhh and ohhh accompanied your plead for him to fuck you like you were a female wolf. Released his pent up frustration to mate. 
 Both of you fuck like an animal who just needs to reproduce. Lust clouded the atmosphere in the room. Moaned and growled were sung like a prayer under the moonlight that shone its way to the basement. 
 His balls slapped against your ass every time he plugged in inside you. Sweats trickled down your body, and it looked even animalistic in August. His werewolf form was so majestic that you just wholly let him own you. 
 His feracious fucking looked like almost to its limit. The buzzed on your lower belly was ready to explode, but you held it.
"Fuck!" He growled.
 "Uhh—uhh—uhh—cum in me. Yes—cum in me, my wolf— filled me up with your thick hot cum!" You pleaded like a bitch in heat. 
 August slammed his cock deep inside you as he screamed and let out a long howl. The feel of his warm cum inside you triggered your orgasm. You wail as your inner walls contracted and squeezed his cock. Spurt and spurt of his cum filled your womb to the brim. Something that you never allowed any of your partners to do in the past. 
 You didn't realize that you lock both your ankles behind August ass. But also you sensed something changed. August was draped on top of your body, head sneaked at the crook of your neck. Still, in a haze caused by the release of oxytocin in your bloodstream, you missed the way August kissed turned into something more. He bit you. 
 The still clouded brain of yours pop-up an image of you becoming August omega. His only mate. Bear a litter of pups for him and live happily ever after in his house, in his world. Your pussy unconsciously clenched at his cock that was still inside you. You never really said this to anyone, but you imagine you live in another world since the first time you ever read a story about omega verse. 
 You mewled when the biting stopped. Maybe August bit you just for fun. When he craned his head up to look at you, something was different. His eyes turned back to his azure color. His fangs now short, back to its regular human teeth, and his body wasn't as hairy as he's before. He's practically not in his werewolf form anymore. 
 "You changed? Why?"
 He looked at you with his quizzical expression. "You wanted me to return to my werewolf form?" 
 You glanced away from him and kind of embarrassed to declare that his werewolf form was way hotter than his human form. Not that his human form wasn't hot either. Damn, you definitely bang him every time you can, but his werewolf form just made you curl your toes in an instant. 
 You cleared your throat and looked him in the eyes, "I like it very much."
 "Well...the full moon is still in the sky for quite some time. Are you ready for the next round, my little lamb?"
 "Yes, my wolf." You purred seductively at him and witnessed in delight his transformation before your eyes.
Comment, like and reblog are highly desirable! Spread the filthiness lol 💋
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dickwheelie · 4 years
Another fic for the @tma-safehouse-fest! This one is based on this post by @radiosandrecordings, who wanted to see a fic where Jon gets to be open about his asexuality with Martin without feeling anxious about it. And as an ace who loves projection, I said “Ya know what, that sounds real nice.” Enjoy some supportive allo Martin and happy ace Jon :)
(Also I made a safehouse playlist which is what I listened to while writing this, so feel free to use it to set the mood)
“Martin,” Jon says, squinting at the book Martin is reading as he joins him on the sofa. “Is that what I think it is?”
Almost triumphantly, Martin holds up the worn paperback. “A romance novel? Yep.” He laughs. “I found it stuck in with the other books on Daisy’s shelf, just sitting there, out in the open.”
“Go figure,” Jon says, grinning. He leans over to examine the cover more closely; sure enough, it’s a Harlequin romance straight out of the 80s. “I never would have pinned Daisy to be the sort for purple prose.”
“It’s actually not that bad,” Martin says, flipping it back open. Jon can see that he’s already halfway through it. “There’s just a lot of will-they-won’t-they. Which, like, I know they will, it says so on the back cover, so what’s the point in being all coy about it.”
“It’s all just filler,” Jon says dismissively. “Whichever ghost writer they hired to write it, they’ve got to come up with something to keep you reading. Otherwise no one would actually finish those books.”
“I mean, it’s not all filler,” Martin says. “There have been a couple of steamy scenes so far, if you get what I mean. They’re kind of silly, I guess, but I dunno. Sometimes it’s nice to just read something silly.”
“Hmm,” says Jon. He’s never read a romance novel, for a multitude of reasons, and he doesn’t really care to know any details about so-called steamy scenes.
“If you wanted, you can have it when I’m done,” Martin says. “I’ll let you know if the ending is worth it.”
“Ah—no. Thank you,” Jon says hurriedly. “Romance novels aren’t really my, uh, my thing.”
“I mean, it’s not usually my thing either, Jon, but . . .” Martin gestures at their sparse surroundings. “You know, needs must. It might be good for a laugh.”
“Right. I—I mean, it’s just . . . the, uh . . . the ‘steamy’ parts. Not really interested in that sort of thing. In fiction or real life.” He points at himself. “I’m asexual. So.”
“Oh,” Martin says, blinking. “Oh! I see. I—I didn’t know. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so pushy.”
Jon shrugs. “It’s alright. I don’t really like bringing it up, most of the time. Usually it just leads to a lot of questions that I don’t have the patience for.” Jon thinks for a moment. “Although I suppose that’s a bit hypocritical of me to say now.”
“. . . Nah,” Martin says, “I think you’re good. It’s not like those people were compelled by a spooky eye god to ask you weird invasive questions about your sexuality.”
That startles a laugh out of Jon. “I . . . suppose you have a point.”
“Well, thank you for telling me, anyway,” Martin says, smiling at him.
Jon returns the gesture. “Sure. Just be sure to keep the purple prose far away from me,” he says, bringing up his leg to push the book away with his foot, as Martin laughs.
One Week Later
“Is it okay if I kiss you?” Martin asks, and Jon’s more thrilled by the question than he’ll ever let on.
“I can’t think of a better way to start a romantic relationship,” he says instead, grinning and moving closer to Martin’s side of the sofa.
Martin moves closer as well, smiling back at him a bit shyly. “Just wanted to check,” he says. “I don’t know what your, you know, your boundaries are.” His hand hovers over Jon’s waist, and Jon moves to hold it there.
“I don’t mind touching,” Jon says, leaning demonstratively into Martin’s space. “I really like being touched, actually. And kissing. Just . . . nothing more than that.”
“Okay,” Martin says eagerly, and he puts his other hand on Jon’s cheek, winding his fingers through his hair a bit. “Just let me know if anything’s uncomfortable.”
Jon nods, grinning. “You let me know, too.”
“Sure,” Martin says.
“Alright,” Jon says, and he closes the last few inches between them.
There’s a moment of awkwardness, as they rearrange noses and take off their glasses, and then it’s better, much better, warm and soft, exploratory but not overpowering. Martin doesn’t use tongue, which Jon appreciates. Still, Jon wants to be closer, and he pushes himself practically into Martin’s lap, cupping his face with his hands, and Martin makes a surprised little noise, but gladly wraps his arms around Jon’s waist, keeping him there.
Jon loves how soft Martin is, everywhere, from his lips to his hair to his stomach. Even his hands, resting solidly and warmly against his lower back, are gentle. Though Martin is shorter, Jon feels as though he’s engulfed by Martin’s embrace, held so completely that there’s nothing else; no sofa, no living room, no cabin. Just Martin.
For a moment, Jon allows himself to revel in the thought that there will be no interruption, no rushed explanations, no apologies. Martin knows, and he’s kissing him. Martin knows, and he’s asking no questions except “Is this alright?” and Jon doesn’t have to say anything except “Yes.”
Then Martin brings up a hand and drags it through Jon’s hair, tangling every curl until he scratches at his scalp, and Jon melts. Their lips separate as Jon just about collapses against Martin’s shoulder, hugging Martin even closer. He wants to burrow into Martin’s chest and live there for a few months. Maybe spend winter there, he thinks nonsensically, as Martin takes the opportunity to keep running his hands through Jon’s hair.
“I never would’ve guessed you liked cuddling so much,” Martin is saying.
Jon raises his head a fraction and says, “Miss it.” He hasn’t had the chance since Georgie, and that was . . . far too long ago, now. Having someone like Martin, who holds him and kisses him without expecting anything more, feels so indescribably good that Jon is surprised that he’s gotten by at all these past few years without it.
Martin tugs him closer, somehow, and Jon hears the smile in his voice when he says, “Been a while for me, too.”
Jon leans back a bit and wraps his arms around Martin’s shoulders. He presses another quick, firm kiss to Martin’s lips and says, “So let’s not stop.”
And for the rest of the afternoon, they don’t.
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werebutch · 3 years
For me, everything really got so much better when I turned 18. There's a bit of an adjustment for the first little bit as you start to learn what it means to be an adult, but it honestly brings good things.
Advice time!
1. Get some kind of storage, and keep all your important documents there. Any tax receipts, passports, proof of employment, ect. When you move, it rules to just open a drawer and have all that stuff ready to go. Obviously also make this a secure storage, if you can
2. Cooking! Even the higher-end dishes can be cheaper than eating out almost anywhere. Provided you don't live in a food desert - those are worth moving to a different city to get out of. If you're completely unknowledgable, refried bean burritos, steamed vegetables, stir fries, and most breakfast food are good ones for people just starting out. I've been cooking since forever, and anyone is always welcome to message and ask for recipies, fyi! Also while you're learning stuff, fixing clothes is a great one to pick up if you have the change. In general, how to fix things is always worth learning if you can.
3. Don't feel like you need to move out just because you're old enough to do it! If your parents are people you like (or don't really mind at least), consider staying with them and focusing on building up finances. If you need to get out, see if you can join a rental group, especially queer-focused ones. It's always cheaper to rent with roommates. Keep in mind that living with other people is a skill that takes time to develop and there will be road bumps.
4. There's a lot of new things to do & try! Hell yes. Don't feel like you need to do any of them, just because they're easier/legal to do. Especially for drugs (including alcohol) and sex (especially kink / risky sex). If you do want to try a new thing, start with a smaller amount. Doing something too much or too intensely can really be a rough experience, and doing something in a small amount will let you get a good feel for it, while keeping your head clear enough to understand what's happening.
5. Fuck rules and manners. Learn how to say no to people, its the best skill to have. Also, learn how to say yes - specifically when you're offered help, or free things, or any act of kindness. If someone is offering something, it's often because they'd legitimately be happy to see you have it.
6. Go thrifting! Buying high quality used clothes, instead of fast fashion, will have a much longer life span. Go to shitty little music shows! Go to dingy diners at 2am! But also take care and joy in taking care of yourself. Self maintenance will seriously make everything else much easier, and getting into the habit early will really help.
7. Whenever you move out, you'll be in a totally different environment, and that's really spooky. The first 3 or 4 nights will likely feel scary, and like you made the wrong decision. Big changes are hard, and leaving the consistency of your home is intimidating. Normally, I always say trust your gut instincts, but this one is usually wrong. Humans are built to survive, and your brain doesn't trust new things. Once you've lived there a week or so, you'll love the place. If you still feel like you shouldn't be living somewhere after 3 weeks or so, you should start looking, if you can afford it. Keeping a good and healing space is serious a #1 priority.
8. You may have been lied to about credit cards. My parents, teachers, and a bunch of people basically hammered home "don't get a credit card or you'll lose all your money". I didn't get one for so long, and I was honestly so proud. But, it was a struggle! Occasionally a place will only accept credit, and it'll suck to be locked out of them. Also, you won't build good credit that way. My recommendation is to get a card that doesn't have any fees (doesn't matter about points or whatever) and just use it for 1 or 2 of your purchases a month, that you know you can easily afford, they really don't need to be big. Pay it off immediately. If you end up taking out any loans, pay them on time! Most people recommend paying the maximum amount off of a loan each month, but as a new adult, it'll be ok if you want to hold onto more of your money, and only pay the minimum each month. That's totally OK, just do it on time! As long as you do this, you'll have really good credit.
9. Own it! You're in control now. For me, the simple little thing of picking out my own hand soaps is something I treasure. It's your life, and it looks like it now! You can get posters, fairy lights, plants, anything! Give your space some personality, make it feel like yours! Note- posters feel a little dingy after a while, even new ones. If you have some you like especially, buy some frames for them, or get them as tapestries. Both feel way fancier and more adult. But posters are cheaper, so you can get way more of them.
10. Once you're out of school, it'll be a bit harder to make friends. The best way to do it is to go to social events, like board game nights, hobby groups, ect. Anything with a shared interest means you'll likely find some people you vibe with. Don't feel like you need a ton of friends! Just a few is fine, you want to make sure they're people you truly like being around, that are good friends to have.
11. Oh shit also get vaccinated before you do any of that social stuff. Also,,, maybe look into health insurance. It's a seriously good investment, (more if you're in USA, in Canada it's not needed quite as much. Dental, on the other hand, is definetly worth getting). If you're on your parents insurance, stay on that for as long as possible! It's free baby!
12. Don't try to become what you thing an adult "needs" to be. It's your life, being an adult can be whatever you want it to look like! And, honestly, the first step of being an adult just looks a lot like being a teenager, just with a bit of change every year or so. Take it slow, and put yourself first.
13. That's it! There's probably a bit more I could put on here, but this feels good. I'm open to questions! If this ends up getting posted, this includes other people too! It's a scary process, but it can be a really good thing, and it has been for so many people I know. Good luck, be safe, have fun!
this is super helpful once I start wanting to move out, but I’m not quite there yet :) thank u tho this rlly helps me prepare lol
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Mabel AU- The Letters
Martin is an at home care giver, trying to reach the Grandson of his latest client.
This is basically a rewrite of the first episode of Mabel.  There really aren't many direct quotes, only a couple very short ones, everything else is mine.
Thanks for reading!  If you want more of this AU, let me know, or just let me know if you enjoyed!   Another fic of some sort or other will be posted next week!
ARCHIVIST: Hello, you’ve reached Jonathan Sims.  I’m not here to take your call right now.  Please leave a message after the beep.  Thank you.  
MARTIN: Hey, Jonathan, right?  My name is Martin Blackwood, and I’m with Kings County Home Help?  I’ve been taking care of your grandmother for the past six months.  I’m her at home carer?  I know I probably shouldn’t have your number, but I wanted to check in with you.  Nothing’s wrong.  Nothing’s wrong.  Gertrude Sims is fine.  Good, actually, for her age.  Sorry, is that insensitive?   In any case, I’d like a call back, if you aren’t too busy.  Right.  Let me apologize for how I got your number.  I know it’s probably unorthodox, probably breeching some privacy agreement or something… 
Don’t tell him that, Christ what is wrong with you?
Right.  Well I got your number from my coworker, Sasha, who’s friends with Tim, who’s friends with you.  And he apparently hasn’t heard from you in a little, and would like him to call you back.  He told Sash to tell me to tell you that, by the way.  That was the price for your number.  Sorry for that.  I’m sure you have …things.  A life in the real world and not in this distant and lovely house.  
…Sorry, that was… Anyways, give me a call back when you can, yeah?  Thanks.  Bye!
Christ!  What’s wrong with you… catch sight of one pretty photo… SHIT, right, hanging up.  
…Onions in the paaaaaan.  Why aren’t you hot enough yeeeet?  The water sizzledddddd, but it isn’t sizzling noooow.  
Hi, Mr. Sims.  It’s me again.  It’s Martin.  I… I’m trying to reach you… again.  …As you probably can tell.  It’s just been three days, and I would really like a call back.  I just realized I didn’t give a number or like, I know you can probably figure out that you can reach me through this number, but I didn’t say it and I didn’t tell you when I was available, and maybe that’s why you haven’t gotten back to me.  At least I hope that’s why.  I… I can’t imagine not calling one of my Mum’s doctors back.  Anyways, my number is [CENSORED] in case you can’t just ring back or something.  Maybe your phone blocks unknow numbers and you haven’t even gotten this.  Maybe I was listed as private and you couldn’t call back.  Maybe you’re very polite and didn’t want to bother me when you didn’t know my schedule.  I’m available from 2-5pm and in the evenings after 9pm.  Or maybe you’ve got phone anxiety.  I know I do, heh.  I’m sweating just leaving you this message.  
Or maybe you’re just busy.  
Or maybe you tried to call, and I just didn’t get it.  The reception isn’t great out here, as …you probably know.  Given you grew up here.  But anyways I have made sure I can get your message even with the dead-phone zones.  It’s all set up.  So… just needing a call back when you can.  Well, not needing.  But… I’d like one.  Thanks.  Bye.  
Hi.  It’s me …again.  Just… trying to reach you.  Whatever.  
Call me back and let me know you aren’t dead in a ditch somewhere, okay?  Sash says Tim is really worried… And… I might be too.  Not that I even know you.  Not really.  So if you aren’t rotting in some hole somewhere, give me a call back, please?
Where did you go?  
Hi.  It’s me.  …I’ve heard a lot about you, you know?  Mostly from you Grandmother, Gertrude.  
Christ, Martin.  He knows his grandmother’s name.  
Right.  Anyhow.  She’s told me a lot of stories, you know?  She’s actually pretty sharp.  Most of the time, anyhow.  Mostly lucid.  I’m not sure if that’s all because of her medicine or what.  I’ve… I help a lot of old people, at the end of their lives.  And well… when I say she’s sharp, I mean that she is sharp comparatively, and also just remarkably so.  Her words are confident, and considered.  She doesn’t waste words, but she doesn’t shy away from telling stories.  (I’m sure it’s just because she has no one else to talk to.  Not even you.)  But… you’ve stopped feeling like a real person on the other end of the line.  That’s part of why I wanted to call?  I guess?  The longer that it’s been since my first message, the more I doubt myself for calling, and why I called.  Sorry, then, for wasting your time.  Thinking of you more like a book character, than someone with feelings and thoughts and a life.  Someone who I know too much about for us to be casual strangers, even if I am a complete stranger to you.  It just feels like a weird imbalance, you know?  
Also… it’s a bit lonely out here, you know?  Gertrude has a lot of old photographs of you.  None of them are recent.  And I know it isn’t my business, but… never mind.  It isn’t my business… and I get it.  
But… she still has your photos up.  It’s my job to dust them.  So, every week or so, I get a really good look at them.  There’s one of you on the tire swing out back… it’s still back there, you know?  You have mud all over your dungarees.  And in your hair.  Then there’s one… you look about 7?  Your hair is in pig tails, and you are scowling at something off to your right.  I don’t know what it is, and I know I shouldn’t find that kind of adorable, but I do.  And there’s one of you in uni.  You’re flipping off the camera and your hair is short and you’re wearing eyeliner.  You look some odd combination of pissed off and like you’re having the time of your life.  
And really, really, really hot.  Christ, Martin, keep it together.  You are literally on the phone with him, and you haven’t even talked to him.  Jesus!
I.. wish I could have known you then.  That’s the oldest you look in these.  Most of these are pictures of you when you were little.  Mostly just you.  A few of your dad when he was young, and one of your parents.  She’s pregnant, and it’s sunset.  They look so …happy.  Christ, I’m sorry about what happened to them.  I… I didn’t really know my dad either.  
Sorry.  This isn’t about me.  
I’m calling because this place is… spooky.  Spooky like a dark fairy tale.  
Everything here is a bit… magical and creepy.  
This house is old.  Like a museum.  Dusty boxes in the attic, full of treasures and dust the relics of the past, like the Long past.  Not just the past of one lifetime.  The garden is overgrown, despite my best efforts.  Sometimes, Gertrude comes out and helps me garden.  Usually in her chair.  Mostly I just wheel here out so she can get some sun while I work.  That’s where I hear most of the stories about you.  
It’s overgrown with twisting vines and the most beautiful roses I have ever seen, with scary-long thorns.  
I feel like I’ve walked into the setting for a classic.  Like Jane Eyre or Pride and Prejudice, or hell, even Tolkien.  Or even Grimm’s fairytales.  The original, dark ones.  
It’s… unsettling.  Especially when it’s foggy out.  
The rest of the hills disappear into the fog and the condensation clings to the flowers, desaturated with the thickness of the moisture in the air, and the everything is coated in the most delicate, perfect little water droplets.  
Anyhow.  The reason I’m really calling… are the letters.  
I was helping Gertrude move some things up to the attic.  She’s one of the practical sorts of old people.  She isn’t afraid of her death.  She wants everything to be easy on you, you know?  Make sure you don’t have to go through too much stuff when she passes on.  I’ve lived with a lot of people through their deaths.  It’s nice… making sure no one dies alone.  Making sure they are comfortable.  Making it as painless as possible.  
Lord knows my efforts were never good enough for my mother… but if I can help other people…
I know it’s a little morbid.  But I like it.  I feel… useful.  I’m good at it.  I’m good at keeping up conversations, and at cooking, and cleaning, and providing medical assistance, as needed.  Not that I’m an actual doctor, but I, you know, do have a lot of training.  
Anyway.  The letters.  I was helping her move some stuff into the attic, and bringing down some older boxes so she could go through them and decide what she was ready to toss, when I found them.  This box full of letters.  Hundreds of them.  All unopened.  Sealed with a kiss.  Lipstick red.  Red as dying embers.  Stamped returned to sender.  Slightly scorched around the edges.  Tied in bundles.  Identical envelops.  Identical loose, looping cursive.  All from someone named Agnes?  All addressed to Gertrude.  
That would be fine, I guess?  
But she screamed when she opened it.  An inhuman sound.  
Like the sound was ripped from her.  
And, I have never cared for a more grounded person.  I have never seen her anything but… well not completely calm all the time, but mostly calm, you know?  I’ve seen her sharp, I’ve seen her annoyed.   Heh, half the time it looks like she wants to judge me, but then doesn’t… if that makes sense?  Mostly she looks… like she knows so much more than I do and that she is calm in her knowledge?  I’ve seen so much as a carer.  There isn’t much that rattles me.  Not death, not illness, not panic, but… but this was different.  
After that… she was shaken badly.  Screamed for what seemed like hours, then just stared at me and said “I’m going into the ground for you.”  I… I couldn’t calm her down.  Not until late evening, and I didn’t even have a break because the relief carer was off sick.  
I finally got her to bed, and… I had to take another look.  That’s when I got a good look at the envelopes.  I… I want to open them.  I haven’t.  I know I shouldn’t…. but…. I want to know what could have shaken her that badly?  Someone that stable and grounded, you know?  
Heh, maybe you could call me back and make sure I don’t do something stupid.  And ya know, let me know that you aren’t’ dead in a ditch.  Tim’s started texting me directly now!  He’s… he’s really worried about you.  
Anyhow, I just need to know-
AUTOMATED VOICE: The voicemail inbox for [Jonathan Sims] is full. Please call again later. 
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Snow Nights
Will Graham x reader
Word Count: 1,1k 
Warnings: talks of restless nights, Will being worried all the time
Author’s Note: I just keep writing for Will Graham and it makes me happy so I’m just gonna keep doing it. At the time of me writing this I have posted like zero of my fics for him so I guess I hope you like them because I just keep writing them 
Edit; this is my favorite Will one I’ve posted so farrr I love him
Summary: You and Will hang out at night in the snow after you can’t sleep 
Genre: FLUFF
Song: falling in love at a coffee shop by landon pigg
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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When Will was asleep, and you mean fast asleep, he looked the most at peace than anyone you had ever met. His life was so filled with some sort of chaos that you couldn’t help but stay awake, just to make sure that he fell asleep alright.
Often he would be restless, unable to fall asleep for more than an hour at a time. He would usually be drenched in sweat from bad dreams or at the worst of it when you woke up he would be standing, still asleep.
But every once in a while, sometimes once a month, if he’s lucky once a week, he gets a full night's sleep.
Figures it was the one night you were unable to fall asleep. His eyes weren’t fluttering which meant for once, he was having a dreamless sleep. It was what he deserved.
You slowly climbed out of the bed, walking over to the dogs who were annoyed you woke up. You walked over to the kitchen, making yourself a cup of hot chocolate. You looked out the window into the darkness of the night. Sometimes you find Will’s house spooky considering he mostly brought his work home but tonight it was snowing. You could only see the snow in the light of the front porch but it was enough to tell that it had piled up a few inches in the time you hadn’t been sleeping.
You mixed in the hot chocolate packet with some warm milk and sat on the counter, watching the snowfall in the night. The clock on the stove said it was midnight. You had honestly thought it was later.
Still plenty of hours until anyone else was awake. 
You caught sight of some of the dogs who had walked into the kitchen to greet you. You pet one of them with your foot, not having the energy to bend down. She moved against your foot, pleasantly surprised at the late night love.
You sat there for a while, with the dogs and your warm drink and the snow. The house was so quiet. You had to remind yourself that Will was still fast asleep in the room next to you.
About twenty minutes later you went out front on the porch with a few of the dogs, leaving the others to watch over Will and sleep. A few of them started to play in the snow while some stayed beside you, curled up at your side.
It wasn’t twenty minutes later that you heard some commotion in the house. You stood up quickly, prepared to let some of the dogs out that had been angry, you left them inside. You opened the door and found Will, fully awake by the looks of it and drenched in sweat. 
“Will?” you whispered, your voice still gravely from sleep and not having spoken since you woke up. He looked relieved to see you.
“Where did you go?” he asked. You gestured out on the porch.
“Couldn’t sleep. It’s snowing. Did I wake you up?” He scaled the few feet between you and wrapped his arms tightly around you, shaking his head.
“I woke up and you weren’t there. I was worried.” 
“I’m sorry Graham,” you whispered, burying your face in his chest. He let you go a little bit and his tension had ceased. He was often up and awake at this hour but it was usually a disheveled nervous time. Right now, the door still open and the dogs playing outside in the snow he couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace, especially with you in his arms.
“What do you have there?” he asked, pointing to your cup.
“Hot coco. You want some?” He smiled gently.
“I would love some.” 
“Watch the dogs, I’ll make you some.” You disappeared into the kitchen and Will walked out to the porch. There was an agreement between the two of you now that there was likely to be no more sleep that night. You quickly made him a cup and grabbed a blanket off one of the living room chairs. You walked onto the porch and sat down beside him, handing him the cup. He took it, shivering slightly as you put the blanket over your laps.
You put your head on his shoulder and he took a small drink of the hot coco.
“I can’t believe we live together now,” you whispered. He laughed dryly.
“I consider living together to be sleeping in the same bed and we do little of that,” he muttered. You shook your head, smiling.
“We share meals. I think that’s enough. Do you have an early start tomorrow?” He shook his head. “Not until Jack calls me in,” he promised. You nodded.
“So hopefully not.” 
“Yeah.” He looked over at you and you raised your head from his shoulder to look into his eyes.
“I love you,” you whispered. He smiled weakly and shrugged.
“I’m easy to love,” he teased. You nudged him and laughed, looking out at the dogs who had mostly come to join you in on the covered porch. You were both sitting on the steps, surrounded by dogs and snow.
“I love you too,” he promised. You smiled.
“I’m very easy-”
“Oh be quiet.”
You stayed there for a while longer before you felt Wills head on your shoulder. You looked over at him and he had fallen asleep there, cuddled in the blanket you had brought out. You took the cup out of his hands and put it at your feet. You smiled and put your head on his. 
You’d let him sleep for a little while.
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princepestilence · 3 years
NYR: September in review.
Post-September horoscope: *becomes everything I dreamed of when I was little and almost doesn’t notice*
Another big month, I say, every month, for the rest of my life, I guess! Overall good, though, if stressful at times. In September:
got my second shot! Fully vaccinated now, which is a relief. Hoping that means I can get a haircut sometime later this month, because I am very much in need of it with summer just around the corner. 
another publication! My short story was accepted to a print anthology coming out later this year, which is super exciting. I can’t wait to hold my work in my hands and be able to point to a physical book like, I’m in that!
work continues well enough. This month was stressful for work, for what turned out to be needless and dumb reasons (not my fault), but always learning and growing and all that. I’m finding my feet still, but I do like the idea of going to Wellington next year for half a week or so for free to run a conference, so there’s that to look forward to. 
have been reading. Finished a couple of books and have a few more I’m reading through this month.
finished the writing courses! It feels good to have those done and out in the world, and I’m very happy that my boss really likes them--since I wasn’t given a lot of guidance or, honestly, feedback throughout the process of designing, so I really had to just guess and use my best judgement on what they wanted. 
cool development? Said former boss asked if I’d be happy to be on the board of management for the writers centre, because she thinks I’d be a great voice on there, so naturally I said yes. She’s nominated me to the rest of the board for consideration, which is wild, because if I do get involved there, I’ll be her boss (at least in the sense that she executes the decisions of the board). What a kooky turn of events!
poetry stuff. I went to an online poetry event and have booked in for a workshop series next month, which should be interesting! Working on some stuff for submission this month coming.
got great health news! I’m so close to being 100% in the clear re: the kidney thing, given that the last round of tests came back great and the specialist is really pleased and impressed with the level of recovery. It’s a relief to know that I’m going to bounce back so well, and it’s not going to be an ongoing source of total bullshit. 
In October, I will:
finish + edit + submit poem. There’s another anthology looking to select thirty poems for print publication, submissions ending this month, so I’m gunning for that. I feel like it’s a wildly long shot, but you’ve got to be in it to win it and all that.
finish professional website. It’s made, I just haven’t actually filled any of it in yet. Aiming to do that in the next few weeks. Normally, I’d do stuff like that during lulls at work, but there hasn’t been as many lulls as I’d like recently. 
keep reading. I’ve picked out a few for Hallowe’en reading, but how much I actually get through will depend on how tired I am before bed. I’ve been passing the fuck out lately, which is good, but not ideal for reading purposes. 
run some spooky ttrpgs (online)? Normally, it’d be a game of Dread, but that’s no good over screens, so I’m thinking I might run some other little games for friends if I can find the time. It’s kind of been a tradition for me to run some kind of spooky game in October and it’s been ages since I’d done anything like this too (thanks lockdown) and I’m missing it a bit. 
treat (or trick?) myself to some nice things. I think I should include relaxation in here somewhere too, even though I might need a horse tranq to achieve it. 
end things with that guy. Already happened yesterday but suffice to say, not compatible. Still think he’s a nice lad and all but he’s not making great life decisions right now and I don’t need any of that. It’s actually really interesting--and great--to see who I am now compared to who I was like five or six years ago, because I have so much more confidence and respect for myself now and it shines through in all things. There was several years where I let myself be treated really poorly and didn’t think I deserved any better, whereas now I have absolutely no problem setting boundaries. Genuinely thrilled to see that growth in myself, and recognise everything wonderful that reflects about who I’ve become. 
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