#hard core pranks? maybe
caycanteven · 1 year
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Finally got around to finishing Killer’s little piece about last week and just forgot to post lmao. Design stayed mostly the same but I want to believe he’s just too lazy to change clothes half the time.
Mischievous fuck is Lex’s go to for entertainment and fuckery when hanging out with the trio.
Killer belongs to RahafWabas!
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iiotic · 21 days
Uuu~ saw ur request open, Here a crack request if you want to write,(Wriothesley,Cyno,Childe and maybe Xiao?) S/o confidently said they "could take them in a fight" yes, saying that even after knowing how strong they are, wonder how they would react, would they play along let s/o beat them or just prove s/o's statement wrong lol
summary: how'd wriothesley, cyno, childe and xiao react to their s/o saying that they could take them in a fight?
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tw: slightly angst on xiaos part, slightly suggestive on wriothesleys part? ? lowercase intended, gn reader. | wc: 0.5k
thank you sm for your request anon!! I actually rlly enjoyed writing this!! also I wrote this late at night so not proff read and might not make sense. its also the first time I write for wriothesley and childe and I hope they're not too out of character <//3
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── ꒰wriothesley. 。˚ ꒱
"sure you could babe" he'd say smoothly, looking at you from his papers. he smirked seeing you momentally caught off guard, then quickly regaining your composure.
"do you think i'm joking? im 100% serious." you huffed, seeing his expression. "we can fight right here, right now and I'd win!" you said a bit louder than expected, confidence radiating out of you.
he chuckled slightly as he saw you walking towards him. "oh no i totally believe you, but i must admit i didn't know what kind of fight you meant at first." he pulled you on his lap when you were close enough.
wait.. what did he mean by- oh..
── ꒰cyno. 。˚ ꒱
"no you couldn't." he'd say without thinking, not understating what you mean by that. were you being serious? were you joking? because this is not something to joke about.
after you said that you're completely serious, he looked like you just burnt all of his tcg cards. did you offend him? did you make him mad, sad? you didn't know. just as you were about to apologize he cut you off.
"you know this reminds me of one of my jokes" he clears his throat "why should you never fight a dinosaur? because you'll get jurasskicked!!"
terrible, absolutely terrible. you'd think that it's one of his worst jokes he made.
── ꒰childe. 。˚ ꒱
did he hear you correctly? you saying that you can take him in a fight? the eleventh fatui harbinger? oh bring it on.. don't take him wrong, he'd never actually hurt you! however when you look at him from above with that confidence in your eyes, and with that sweet little grin trying so hard not to burst out laughting. might as well test you right?
"c'mon then, i promise i'll be gentle." he said sitting up from his previous position on the bed. he chuckled slightly as you launched at him, practically making him lay down. you sitting on top of him while he pretends to fight back.
everything ended up with you and him playfighting, him obviously losing to you. definitely a core memory.
── ꒰xiao. 。˚ ꒱
the room was silent after you said that sentence, it wasn't one of those comfortable silence moments but not one of those awkward ones either. were you joking? he'd think. was it one of your pranks again?
"You clearly have no respect for the adepti." he'd say unintentionally harshly.
he was surprised when you wanted to prove him that you're stronger then him, he'd refuse. he'd never fight you, he would never raise his hand at you. you were his everything, his significant other, his soulmate and even if you'd leave him, betray him demanding to fight, he'd refuse once again. why? because he loves you.
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© 2024 iiotic. — do not steal, translate or repost any of my content onto any other platform
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bamgyw · 4 months
˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ the first night ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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flee from sexual immorality. every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. - 1 corinthians 6:18
warnings: nothing too smutty yet. suggestive, let's call it that. mentions of abuse and violence. a/n: i'm realising it’s a little slow burn but that's better for the tension building. there's fingering in the next part, just bear with me. also, might be corny at times. i dunno. sorry. this is a part of a longer work ♡ go to the beginning here
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soobin's room was a shithole. it had a correctional feel, with sparse furniture and an austere, almost monastic approach to decorations –not one poster, not one framed picture, not one item that didn't have a practical utility– as if he hadn't had an interest in his life.
it freaked beomgyu out how clean it was, and how earnest; everything that was worth seeing could be spotted with a single glance. simple. soobin had shamelessly exposed the stark core of his existence, that is, a plain wall and the depressive charm of a victorian orphanage.
the mattress was rigid, too. unbending. it defeated the whole purpose, beomgyu thought. it irritated him, that someone would make a mattress so hard it was almost a prank item, and that someone else would be stupid enough to buy it. he was sure soobin’s stepfather thought it built character, or some bullshit of the sort.
beomgyu lay there, sprawled out like a starfish, staring up at the ceiling. he couldn’t sleep. not a wink. his stomach was killing him, or maybe it was his liver, or his kidneys – hell, he couldn’t tell anymore. everything just ached, like his whole body was one big bruise.
his dad hadn't just kicked him out. that would have been too kind. no, his dad had kicked him out after beating the shit out of him. real old-school, no-holds-barred kind of beating. 
half of his internal organs might have been bleeding out in that moment, but whatever. beomgyu, stubborn as he was, refused to go to the hospital. he hated the clinics, the cold tools, the patronising doctors. he could already picture them, their eyes widening as they examined him, enumerating the parts of his body that were just about to give up. if he was dying, he really didn't wanna know.  
they would ask who had done that to him, and if he was sure he didn’t want to press charges. as if. as if he could ever bring himself to do that.
he couldn’t sue his father, he never would. even if his body was falling apart and in ruins. it was their thing. the beatings, the fights. the twisted ritual that kept them tied together. to snitch on his dad would be to betray him, to shatter the only fragile bond they had left.
so there he was, sleepless in soobin’s room, rolling around in the concrete mattress helplessly, restlessly, until he got so bored he couldn’t stand it anymore. 
the room was dark and quiet, the kind of quiet that presses down on you, heavy and suffocating. he needed to get up, to do something, anything to distract himself from the pain and the mess in his head.
he decided to go to the kitchen. maybe a glass of water would help, or at least give him something to do. as he got up from the bed, he didn’t worry too much about waking soobin. he knew he very rarely slept. he needed to be alert every second, like closing his eyes would make him too vulnerable.
that was one of the things that fascinated beomgyu about him—how soobin carried that crippling anger with him everywhere, but he never complained, never erupted. if beomgyu’s dad hit him, beomgyu would hit back, an eye for an eye. but when soobin’s stepdad hit soobin, he would just stand there, stiff and quiet like an ancient tree, never saying a word in some militaristic vow of silence.
the hallway was eerily quiet as beomgyu made his way downstairs, each step echoing in the stillness of the night. he moved cautiously, aware of how the house breathed around him, the creaks and groans of the old wood floors amplifying in the nothingness. he didn’t mind the silence though; it gave him space to think, to let his mind wander even as his body throbbed with pain.
he still tried to make as little noise as possible. the last thing he needed was for soobin’s stepdad to wake up and find him rummaging through the kitchen. that man already had a hair-trigger temper, and beomgyu didn’t need another beating tonight. he moved like a shadow, each step calculated, avoiding the spots he knew would creak the loudest.
reaching the kitchen, a thought crossed his mind. if he was lucky, he might just figure out where soobin’s stepdad kept the expensive whiskey. the good stuff, the kind that could numb the pain, at least for a while. he knew he had a hidden stash no one could access, soobin had told him. it was a small, fleeting hope, but it was something to do. a quest to keep him entertained.
slowly, he eased open each cupboard in the kitchen, the hinges protesting with a drawn-out creak. he peered inside, squinting to make out the shapes in the dark. 
but a fleeting glimmer caught his eye, halting his breath for a moment. someone, two eyes in the dark. he gasped, startled. he only began to calm down when his eyes started to make out the shape. he cursed at himself for being too jumpy. it was just one of those ceramic figures of virgin and child.
he looked around the room. his eyes had become used to the dark enough for him to guess the shilhouettes. anywhere he looked there was a porcelain veiled lady carrying her holy baby, an agonising jesus on the cross, some martyr saint immortalised in art with the object that gave them death.
everywhere blood, everywhere tears, everywhere fire, swords and stained white cloths. he couldn’t see them properly in the gloom, but the white of the eyes fixated on him so eerily it felt assaultive.
"fucking hell," beomgyu breathed out. that room was like a souvenir store at the vatican. soobin’s stepdad had amassed religious imagery with borderline obsession.
he must want redemption really bad, beomgyu thought. he must have done something unforgivable and now he's trying to buy his way into heaven with catholic merchandise.
the watchful gazes and the silent judgement were starting to weigh down on him, and he was about to give up, thinking maybe he’d better just head back to bed. but in a sudden, careless movement, he turned around and bumped into something soft and warm. a body of flesh. the stepsister.
in a split second, he realized the situation and acted purely on instinct. his hand shot out and clamped over your mouth, muffling any potential scream that might shatter the silence. "don't yell, please don't yell... i'm soobin’s friend." his voice was a harsh whisper, almost a plea. slowly, cautiously, he reached out and flicked on the light switch, still keeping his hand firmly over your mouth. "don't be scared." he murmured, more to himself than to you.
as the light finally flickered to life, it illuminated the room with a harsh, revealing glow. he saw you for the first time.
fuck. his breath caught in his throat. slowly, he released his grasp. he almost felt sorry to have touched you. like he could've stained you, somehow. like he was a foul moth and you were the sunlight.
it all made sense now. why your father guarded you so closely, as if he was keeping something holy. this was the secret they had shielded him from, the thing they didn't want to share—soobin and the stepdad. the face of a doll, with moonlit eyes and sugared strawberry lips, sweet enough to taste. an angel of a girl.
"you're not a kid," he breathed out, the words almost a whisper of disbelief.
you remained silent, standing there, paralysed like a scared rabbit ready to bolt. your instinct to flee would get triggered at the minimum movement from him. he could see that, but he couldn't fight the force –call it divine, call it gravitational– that kept pulling him towards you.
he reached for your hand, and you tried to get away. but he was quicker, seizing your wrist firmly. it didn't hurt, though. he was tender with his grasp. you weren’t used to that. with the slightest pull you could've freed yourself, but you chose not to.
"please, stay with me for a bit," he said, his voice almost as gentle as his touch. "talk to me."
you should’ve flinched. you should’ve yanked your hand away and stormed up to your room, locking the door behind you. but you didn’t. you allowed his grasp on your wrist to shift, to evolve at beomgyu’s will until the handcuffed enclosement turned into his hand sweetly holding yours.
"why?" was the only thing you could muster.
"because i can't sleep," he said, the words falling from his lips. ‘and because i want to look at you forever, christ.’ he thought before calmly adding, "my brain... it thinks too much at night. doesn't come up with the most pleasant thoughts, either. everything's too silent."
"that means you feel guilty." you said.
"yeah," he nodded. he was feverish. thirsty. "exactly."
"i feel like that too," you said. “sometimes.”
beomgyu thought he was going insane. that you weren't even real. some imaginary angel his mind had made up to comfort him just a little. it was the house, he thought, it was like an asylum. the light was too bright, too white. everywhere he looked, jesus christ or the virgin mary would return his gaze. the whole place was designed to keep him away from you, he thought, paranoid. but you didn't fit there. you felt warm and honeyed and lovely. you just didn't belong.
your hand was in his, as secure and mellow as your connected gazes, and he would rather die than let go of it. but he took his other hand up to your face, caressing your cheek with the back of it. it was scorching hot, rosy pink and glazed like an apple.
“you’re very pretty.” he mumbled, almost a purr.
“you can’t say that.”
“beautiful eyes, too.” he said. “sad.”
"my dad doesn't hesitate to hurt people." you said, trying to warn him away. you felt too cozy under his touch to push him yourself.
"i don't care what happens to me." beomgyu said, letting his hand travel to your neck, your hair, your cheek again. he would explore as far as you allowed him to. "but i wouldn't want him to hurt you."
"then leave." you said. but you didn't care what happened to you, either. he could see it in the worry of your eyes. it wasn't a fear for yourself, it was an all-embracing need to protect.
beomgyu shook his head slightly. "i’ll take the blame."
"he will say i brought it upon myself. that i looked for it." you said. "he’ll call me the whore of babylon and make me suffer for it."
you didn't seem as frightened as you seemed certain. not a lost bunny, not the distressed victim. you were aware of your actions and their consequences, intellectually and matter-of-factly. and for the first time in his life, beomgyu held something beautiful and felt not the need to destroy, but to save.
"your daddy can try." he said. "i have a dad of my own, and i know how they are. it’s just hubris. don't be so scared of a man who collects figurines of jesus christ like they're funko pops. he's the one who's terrified, don't you see?"
you smiled slightly, and he liked it so much. how the formerly strained and full of fear muscles of your face relaxed into that adorable grin. how he had done that to you. he was so satisfied, so proud of himself for getting an angel to smile. he wanted to do that forever.
he tried to stop himself from staring at you, fearing you'd get intimidated under his hungry gaze. that you'd fear him. but he couldn't quit. you were his new thirst, his desire unlimited, a beautiful wet dream standing right in front of him.
that stupid white nightdress was giving him such a hard time, too. the two necklaces you wore, so pretty and delicate. the first one, fastened and secured close to your neck was the pearls. he didn't know if they were real or not, he was just some brute before a siren. second was the rosary beads in rose mother-of-pearl, loosely draping over your chest to fall under the fabric of the nightwear, wickedly hidden from beomgyu’s sight.
he assumed they were the kind jewel you never took off. he liked the idea. they seemed so easy to pull on, to hang on to. so ornamental over a naked body. so fucking pretty.
his hand travelled up to the rosary beads, almost with a brain of its own. you swiftly moved your own hand over his to stop him, but you ended up softening your grip and letting him do as he pleased.
“do you sleep with these on?” he asked, softly. "it’s dangerous, you know? you could choke."
“i take them off.” you said. “i just wasn’t going to bed yet. i can't sleep lately. like you.” 
of course. you were just like him. morphed by your hostile environment into a broken half-human. an incomplete being, hollow. but still so beautiful and gentle. unlike him. he had felt his void with hatred, while you had maintained yours clean and unpolluted. he wanted to fill it with kisses, with caresses, with words of praise.
he began to lean in.
your breath hitched. he was so handsome, painfully so. plump lips, elegant cheeckbones. you liked him. you wanted to keep looking at him, to have your hand reach for his face and feel his skin, too. you wanted to never stop him from leaning in and to let him kiss you.
but the realization of it all sent a wave of panic through you, because you knew you couldn’t—shouldn’t—like him. you got away. "i really should leave," you said, but it came out more like a whisper, more like a plea. 
still holding the beads, he took his hand to your cheeks again. you leaned in to his touch a little, but you didn't give in completely. you had led a life of strict restrain and soldierlike discipline. you had the willpower of a hundred trained armies.
yet that didn't make it hurt less to let him go. you grabbed his hand and put it down with a slight shaking of your head.
“please,” he begged one last time.
you began to walk back while facing him, as if to make sure he wouldn’t follow after you. beomgyu's heart ached with each step you took away from him, his fingers curling into fists at his sides as he watched you disappear into the shadows. 
but a stupid thought, impulsive and idiotic came to you. in daddy’s house —the house of god— it was the type of idea that could get you killed. you swiftly approached him, almost unnoticeably, like a ghost. when you found yourself before him, you tiptoed slightly. you pecked his cheek. then you disappeared.
"good night," beomgyu whispered into the dark. he felt a pang of emptiness, like that feeling after a good dream slips away in the morning.
before his mom left, she used to take him to the ballet. he remembered a specific one in that moment. la sylphide. mom had loved that one. he felt like the lead, a man whose name he couldn't remember, kissed in the night by some magical being but waking up to nothing but her memory.
he was spaced out as he headed back to soobin's room, lost in his own thoughts. pushing the door open, he found soobin sitting up on the bed with the night lamp casting shadows over his unreadable face.
"why're you still up?" soobin asked him, his tone as flat as the mattress.
"just grabbed some water," beomgyu replied, keeping it simple.
"is everything alright?"
beomgyu gave a nod, not really knowing how to approach the subject. if he should even talk about it, if he would be capable of speaking without giving out too much. he slipped under the covers, giving soobin a subtle signal to switch off the light. and just as the room started to dim, he spoke into the darkness. "i saw your sister."
soobin's strained response came out after an exaggerated stretch of silence. "she's not my sister," he muttered.
beomgyu let the quiet hang for a beat before muttering; "well, she’s beautiful.”
soobin said nothing. the rustle of sheets is all that broke the silence as he rolled on his side, facing away from beomgyu. in the stillness, beomgyu drifted off into sleep, like touched by a divine calmness. soobin, however, remained awake.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ next part
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ none of you have let me know if you think reading about booty sex is gross yet
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verdantcrimson · 5 months
Kanna Natsu Idol Story - 2
Written by: Akira
Season: Spring
TL: verdantcrimson
Proofread: @revuestarlight
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[Two years since ES was established. In the ES building infirmary.]
Kanna: ……
Hinata: Goood morning!
Yuta: Today, we’re thinking of playing a hidden camera prank on the talk of the town, child prodigy, Kanna Natsu, when he wakes up!
Hinata: Because both of us in 2wink love pranks!
Yuta: —and since we've been in the business for the while, the agency was like, “C'mon, show your junior how things work around here. You guys love that sort of stuff, right?” 
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Hinata: There's a difference between playing a prank and bullying, though!
Yuta: But we can't disobey the agency. That's just life, y'know? We've gotta work hard and pull this off in order to maintain our character image.
Hinata: Why do you seem weirdly pumped about this, Yuta-kun?
Yuta: This guy is Kanna Natsu, y'know…… Everyone's making a fuss about what a genius he is, but he's still just a brat, and seeing him get more attention than us pisses me off.
Yuta: We've gotta punish this ill-mannered newbie, don't we?
Hinata: Whoops, it's getting hard to keep my brother's wickedness in check these days, yknow~?
Hinata: Ah, but he's acting like this on purpose because that's the kind of image he's decided on! Yuta-kun is actually a good kid!
Hinata: All of you watching at home, please don't misunderstand!
Yuta: Hell yeah, that's the perfect excuse. Now, no matter how cruel and inhumane I behave, I can just say it's because my agency or my producer told me to play that sort of character.
Yuta: I can use that to justify my bullying. Hehehe. 
Hinata: How wicked… Looking at you these days makes your big brother worry, Yuta-kun.
Hinata: …..Hm?
Kanna: ……
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Kanna: ……?
Hinata: I knew this would happen. Look, look, Yuta-kun! Natsu-kun is awake already! 
Yuta: Huh, No way. He looked like he was fast asleep— Maybe we made too much of a racket?
Hinata: What should we do? Should we abort mission? I didn't really want to do an unfunny and old-school prank like that anyways, so I'm fine with it.
Yuta: It sounds like you were making a fuss on purpose so that the plan would fail.
Kanna: Good morning.
Hinata: Ah, yup. Morning. You sure slept well.
Kanna: Yes, thank you. Though sleeping isn't something I do for leisure.
Kanna: I don't get the opportunity to sleep when I'm occupied with research, so I try to sleep as much as I can whenever I find time.
Kanna: Also, if I pretend to be asleep, everyone will leave me alone.
Hinata: Oh, so you were just pretending to be asleep? Then, did you realize we were trying to prank you?
Kanna: Yes. Though, even when I'm asleep, one half of my brain stays awake.
Yuta: Are you a dolphin?
Hinata: That's so genius-core.
Kanna: I think anyone could do it with enough training. 
Yuta: Tsk tsk tsk. It's exactly because all that training is so tedious that nobody would ever be able to make a name for themselves as a genius.
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Kanna: I see. I understand now.
Kanna: I think that if anyone focused all their efforts on a single thing for approximately a year, they could become an expert in that field. 
Kanna: Only a child like myself would be able to concentrate on a single thing for as long as they want to, correct?
Kanna: Any adult, I mean, essentially everyone, requires time to eat, play, socialize, and maintain their physical and mental health.
Kanna: It is quite difficult to concentrate on a single thing.
Kanna: That is why they fall short of success. Yes, people who are able to do that to some extent from the very beginning— Only they are successful and lauded as geniuses.
Kanna: If everyone is limited to only being able to spend a fraction of their time on their efforts, then only those who are privileged are able to succeed and win.
Kanna: That is the reason, correct? It's logical. I can understand this.
Hinata: I've been wondering, what on earth is this kid going on about…?
Yuta: You like making theories about other people based on their behavior and then feeling like you've understood them, don't you?
Kanna: Yes. Because I'm around that age. That's adolescence, I suppose.
Hinata: Yeah, well I don't believe that! If you treated any older kid like a ‘teenage brat’ they'd get angry and rebel. They'd never admit that they're going through puberty!
Kanna: Maybe that was just the case for you, Yuta Aoi.
Hinata: … Oh? Huh? Ermm?
Kanna: It's easier to live when you believe that your ‘normal’ and the world's ‘normal’ aren't congruent.
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Kanna: I've long since given up on that sort of premise.
Kanna: I'm different from everyone else. I'm certain, nothing can be done about this.
Hinata: Ummm… I'm terribly sorry if we're boring you or something, but I think there's been a misunderstanding, so let me clear it up.
Hinata: I'm Hinata.
Yuta: And I'm Yuta.
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Kanna: No.
Kanna: I know about you two. The twin idols from Cosmic Productions, 2wink.
Kanna: The two of you have changed your marketing strategy as of late, with the older brother Hinata continuing to present as a cheerful a good kid—
Kanna: —While the younger brother, Yuta, differentiates himself from his older brother by growing out his hair and selling a ‘bad kid’ image.
Kanna: That is what the established theory is.
Hinata: The established ‘theory’?
Yuta: Those are just facts.
Kanna: What are illusions?
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Hinata: Huh, why'd you bring that up suddenly? What are you talking about?
Kanna: An illusion, or ‘sleight of hand’, is something that takes advantage of people's imagination.
Kanna: You make the world think that ‘the twins have differentiated their appearances and begun walking separate paths.’
Kanna: That way, you can do as much deception as you please.
Kanna: The twins that are supposedly never interchangeable, swap places in secret. Older brother becomes younger brother. Younger brother becomes older brother.
Kanna: Characteristic differences in hair length can also be accounted for using wigs and such.
Kanna: People tend to assume based on their prior knowledge, that ‘the one with longer hair must be the younger brother,’ since both brothers have similar facial features and so on.
Hinata: … Even if all of that were true, what good would it do for us to impersonate each other?
Kanna: Simply put, you two probably just enjoy those sorts of tricks.
Kanna: Furthermore, there are countless merits to being able to switch places. That is probably why having twins swap places is considered taboo, even in the most hard-core of detective novels.
Kanna: It's simply too convenient. It'd be used to forge alibis to no end, because now, anything goes.
Kanna: Additionally, if you succeed at your trivial ‘swapping places’ prank, you'd be able to make a fool of the child prodigy brat that everyone is making a fuss about, correct?¹
Kanna: You'd be able to say “That kid acts like he's a genius, but he's an oblivious idiot who couldn't even notice we switched places.”
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Hinata & Yuta: ……
Kanna: 2wink is a unit comprised of a ‘good kid’ older brother and a ‘bad kid’ younger brother.
Kanna: Recently, it seems as though the two of them have truly diverged and are trying to pursue their own paths.
Kanna: That is why. Even if the younger brother was specifically requisitioned for work that would earn him points or experience as a ‘good kid’— The older brother would swap in and take his place. The reverse applies as well.
Kanna: So the two of you steadily gain experience and continue growing, correct?
Kanna: You're each trying to specialize in being a ‘good kid’ and ‘bad kid’.
Kanna: Waiting for an opportunity, with nobody any wiser.
Yuta: ……
Kanna: I don't have much interest in anything. However, I find your impressive tactics very interesting. 
Kanna: I'm not trying to get in your way. However, by exposing your actions like this, I can render your footage unfit for broadcast.
Kanna: Even if what I said just now might be untrue.
Kanna: If the world's people begin to doubt you, you'll have a hard time operating. They might begin to think things like “Maybe they've swapped places?” or “Are they playing tricks?”
Kanna: All the earnest and serious people of the world will begin to view you poorly.
Kanna: That probably would not be desirable for you.
Kanna: I apologize. Being filmed and broadcasted in my sleep is quite embarrassing.
Kanna: That is why I have taken these preventative measures to keep it from occurring. Please understand that I bear no ill-will towards the two of you.
Kanna: That is all. I'm going to go back to bed now. Goodnight.
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Kanna: Zzz, zzz.
Yuta: ……
Hinata: … He ended up being the real deal.
Yuta: Yeah. I figured it was just the usual hype you see on TV and magazines.
Hinata: (But really, I never thought he'd notice we ‘switched’.)
Yuta: (Yup. I thought nobody could tell. But this kid saw through us, probably just through a glimpse of our activities on the news or on the internet.)
Hinata: (To top it all off, just in case— He made sure we wouldn't get in trouble even if we did air it, by following it up with “what I said might be untrue.”)
Yuta: (He didn't want to inconvenience us, so he acted considerately.)
Hinata: (This brat sure acts full of himself. I ought to scribble on his face while he sleeps.)
Yuta: (Give it a rest already... Let sleeping gods lie, Yuta-kun.)²
Hinata: (You're such a good kid, Hinata-kun.)
Yuta: (And you’re a bad kid, right, Yuta-kun?)
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Kanna: Zzz, zzz…♪
Hinata: (This kid might be incredible— more than anyone could imagine.)
Yuta: (But his sleeping face is adorable, just like any other normal kid's would be, y’know)
Translation notes
He's repeating back the same phrases that Hinata and Yuta used to describe him while he was 'sleeping'..
The original saying is '触らぬ神に祟りなし' which is means the same thing as 'let sleeping dogs lie', but I retained the 神 portion because I figured it might be a fun play on Kanna's first name '神無'
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starlightsuffered · 3 months
Breakup Prank
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Info - YouTube reader, break up prank, revenge smut, face fucking, dom Timothée, filming smut, being possessive of cum, using degrading language, calling reader a cocksleeve and slutty
I secretly placed the camera on the book shelf. I didn't think this would actually go well, but if it did l'd want the evidence for my channel. There's no way he'd ever believe I wanted to end our near perfect relationship, but my followers had begged for this.
"Hey Timothée can you come here for a second?" | asked.
"Sure," my boyfriend bounded into the room.
"Timothée, this is hard, but I need to be honest with you," I said, looking at my hands.
"Mon amour, what is it?" He asked, trying to hold me.
"Don't Timmy, and don't call me pet names, it isn't right," I shook my head.
"What? Why?"
"I need to break up with you, l've just, l've lost feelings. Once it was all rapid heartbeats and handsiness and obsessive thoughts, but it's so dull and gray now," I explained.
"Y/n, wait! No, I can make it better. I'll make it exciting again I promise!" He cried, real tears filling his eyes. I was shocked that he was buying this.
"What can I do? I'll do it, you're the love of my life," he pleaded, getting on his knees and hugging my waist. I couldn't help it but I burst out laughing.
"It's a prank Tim, l'd never really break up with you. I love you too," I said. He looked up at me with a deadly glare. He released me and stood up with a lethal grace.
"Get on your fucking knees," he said with a growl. I obeyed without thinking. When he was dominant my body just followed instantly it was an innate instinct.
"Yes sir," I said and licked my lips.
"Fucking bad girl, teasing me," he growled as his belt jingled.
"You better suck it good," he spat as he roughly grabbed my hair. He shoved his cock into my mouth. My eyes water but I made my jaw slack.
"Better yet, you don't suck, I just fuck your skull,' he chuckled smugly.
"Gonna be a good girl and let me fuck your throat? Gonna make up for being mean?"
"Mmmhmm," I moaned over a mouthful of dick.
"Get ready," he grunted. He began to Jack hammer his hips. I was choking but loving every second. Drool dripped down my chin. All I heard was the wet sounds of him pounding my mouth and his deep moans of pleasure.
"So naughty, breaking your sweet boyfriend's heart. Well maybe I won't be so sweet," he snarled. He grabbed my jaw and began roughly slamming his cock into my mouth.
"Fuck, yes, so fucking good. Nice cock sleeve for me mmmmffff," he groaned and I felt heat pooling in my core.
Tears were streaming down my face, but the image of him lost to pleasure was too good to not try to blink the water away to stare.
"Gonna fucking impregnate your slutty throat," he gasped and he was cumming. His salty hot essence was sloshing down my throat. Once last thrust and a squeeze of his balls and he pulled out.
"Ohhhh," I moaned, holding my stomach possessively. I loved when I drunk his cum. "I don't think I can post that whole clip."
"Probably not," he chuckled, and helped me up. "Unless you want your subscribers to know how good you take cock."
@pmak2002 @softhecreator @plutoispurplw @sp1deyyf4ngz @seungcheol17daddy @jesschalamet @vvsdreaming
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kamisama1kiss · 4 months
I know that I keep requesting, and I’m sorry but I have a head full of ideas which I have to get out somehow- 😭
The ninjas reaction to their Lover (A ninja) flirting with them at any given point? Like one day they start to flirt with them all day, during training, during battle even them doing the most mundane things-
But this is just like a prank from the readers side where they start to flirt all day and they wanna see their reaction. (The ninja can flirt back, obviously for someone who loves red that is a go-to 🤭)
Please don't apologise 😭🙏 I love getting asks even tho i can maybe be a tad bit slow at times!! 🤭🤭
Their reactions of the lover being a massive flirt as a prank {Ninjago Headcanons}
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~Lloyd Garmadon~
Genuinely, in a more general setting, he'd stop dead in his tracks with a light blush on his face, having not expected to hear your flirty comments. Would eventually loosen up and give in with a shy smile with avoiding eye contact. When he tried to flirt back, he wasn't exactly good at flirting at all. At least he tried.
Let's say mid battle against a villain and hiding, planning. He'd ignore it at first, but his heart would speed up lightly, tumbling on his words.
~Kai Smith~
His head would be within a flash turned to look over at you, a smug grin on his lips right before he bit his lip. Laughing to himself slightly before walking over to flirt back with no hesitation. Even planting a few short kisses on your neck, face, and maybe hand.
Now, let's place it in more of a fighting scenario? Yeah. He would most likely flirt back as a response if we know him right, winking back at you when the opportunity gives him time. Feeling a little giddy to be flirted with rather than the flirter.
~Cole Brookstone~
Believe he tried to be serious, but would instantly crack with laughter. No matter how many times his lover was flirty, he just stood their with a big grin on his face. Simply giving in with a simple peck on the cheek.
Yet again, if this was in a training way, he'd stop for a second. The warmth grew on his face but could be denied within seconds, shaking it off to train again. It definitely got his pulse up a few notches.
~Zane Julian~
Didn't get much of the memo of flirting, more specifically when you already had been dating for a while. Either way, he gained a smile depending on how intense the flirting could be his software could heat up a little.
Let's say everyone stood at the ship and tried to find where the villain had gone, and you pulling up with your flirting of the day, he'd simply pat your shoulders and tell you that the time isn't now. His emotions we're easily controlled when the time was needed.
~Jay Walker~
Simply would melt. His heart and soul makes a hard-core lover boy out of him. Tilting his head while watching you do your best work, the smile slowly grows while his feelings double, if that even is possible.
Shaking his if it happened mid battle, he would recreat the flirting when and if the time was given. For the time being, it had to be silent from his side, he needed to focused now.
~Nya Smith~
Her blush was set ablaze almost instantly, never having received that kind of attention. She simply did shy away at times in the start and did not even answer half the time. But now? Simply scoff and try to one up your lines, it's not a fun little game.
You know the drill by now. The training meant a lot to her, which meant you'll most likely be ignored by her. No hard feelings, she feels the need to be tip top shape to be respected by others since she is a girl.
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ellievickstar · 1 year
River Side Confessions.
Summary: When you ask the shadow singer to help train your muscles, one thing leads to another, and you both end up together.
Request: N/A
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Warnings: Pranks, Azriel threatening the sanctity and secrecy of cookie stashes.
“When I said ‘train me to become stronger’, I really didn’t mean ‘drag me to the mountains and force me into a river’.” You were annoyed to say the least. Annoyed and sick of Azriel who was currently chuckling at you from a rock near by, standing tall as he looked down at you with those hazel eyes.
Earlier this week you had asked him if he was free to do some extra training with you because you felt like you were becoming rusty, especially since all the big wars and battles were over and all you dealt with were the occasional illyrian brute in the difficult camps.
In retrospect, you should have asked someone else. However, Azriel was significantly better than Cassian and if Cassian had gotten a hint that you wanted even a little extra training, cauldron forbid whatever he would have planned.
So maybe standing in a river trying to maintain your balance against the strong current was a decent situation, but that did not mean that you would not complain about it.
“This is training,” Azriel retorted, “With all the moping around since the war and utter lack of missions on a whole, your core muscles has probably weakened, and in hand-to-hand combat, that isn’t good, princess,” You glared at him harder.
“In simple words,” He continued, “You would be screwed if you were on a battle field right now.” Rolling you eyes, you hated that what he said was true. You had noticed that your muscles had weakened, though your technique was flawless, posture can be everything in close combat, and relying on your magic was not an option especially since Hybern had brought concoctions like Faebane into play.
Cursing at yourself, you despised how your heart seemed to leap and swoon at the nickname, and you hated how your stomach seemed to be in knots at the tired and sultry look Azriel was giving you.
Nesta would probably be screaming in your ear right now that this was some romance scene and the two of you would realise that you were both meant for each other.
And maybe you should have known better than to fixate on your very real and long-term crush on the shadowsinger because just as you wanted to roll your eyes again at the thought of Nesta and her hopeless romantic novels, your foot slipped and you squealed as you fell into the water and was thrown against the rock that Azriel was standing on.
You heard Azriel curse as he grabbed you by your shoulder and hauled you out of the water.
“Shit shit shit,” Gritting his teeth he flew you to land and lay you down gently, you were bleeding from your head and you could feel the warm liquid trickle down the side of your head. However, instead of opening your eyes, you kept them closed, it was payback time.
You could feel Azriel’s hands travel up and down your body as he scanned you for injuries. “Open your damn eyes,” He bit out, it seemed like a command but you could hear his desperation. He probably knew that you wouldn’t die from such injuries and that waiting around for a bit would allow you to wake up. But you wanted to know what he would say…if there was anything to say.
“Dammit, Y/N please, you can’t be freaking unconscious from hitting a rock and if I actually hurt you I couldn’t live with myself, so open your bloody eyes,” He begged, but Azriel noticed the slight curve in your lips that you were trying to desperately hold back, and as he connected the dots he grinned.
“Well if you are unconscious I guess you don’t mind me eating your secret stash of cookies and also telling Cassian where you like to hide your stash,” Azriel drawled and you shot up so fast as you glared at him, hard. “You tell Cassian, that thief, about MY cookies, and I will break your kneecaps and pry them off with a crowbar,” You hissed. Chuckling, Azriel stroked a hand through your
“Calm down, Little Psycho, besides, you deserve it after scaring me like that,” He teased. Your heart skipped a beat at the nickname, but you rolled your eyes as you huffed. “If anyone is the psycho, it’s you. Everyone else knows that cookies are sacred,” Looking away, that was when you realised that you were pressed up against Azriel when you had sat up from your lying down ‘knocked out’ position you had curled up subconsciously to his warmth because the water on you skin made you feel unbearably cold.
As if he had also realised it at the same time, you could have sworn Azriel’s cheeks heated as you scooted away from me, bring your knees to your chest.
You both sat in silence for a while after that, and to your surprise, Azriel was the one who broke it first.
“I have a confession to make,” You could not believe your ears, did Azriel sound….awkward? Staring at him, you made a gesture with your hand, prompting him to continue. “I…I think your my mate,” Wait. Pause. WHAT!?
And that was the exact words you yelled out as you processed what Azriel had said casually like he was telling you he had beat up someone the other day over ice cream. Sure, you would have been surprised over that, but that is not how you tell someone that you are QUITE LITERALLY THEY’RE SOULMATE.
Little did you know, you had been babbling all this out and Azriel was holding back a wild grin.
Safe to say, that afternoon ended with you chasing Azriel with a random stick you had found on the river side, before you both return to Azriel’s home, and I think you can figure out what you both did next 🙂
A/N: I love how my fluff fics are like...super short and then my angsty fics are long as frick
taglist: @positivewitch
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danny-phantom-slut · 2 months
heavy is the crown (12k)
A rewrite of Season 2, Episode 5, Reign Storm.
Phantom wins the throne through trial by combat.
Danny was in the middle of English class, head down on his desk in the back of the room, trying to hide from Dash and Kwan (it wasn’t his fault they were after his ass – well, okay, maybe it was his fault, because he’s the one that played multiple pranks on them, but still!), when he felt something in his core shudder. It felt like a wave – a tsunami, really – of ectoplasmic energy slamming into his core. Danny froze and tensed up for a few seconds, gripping his pencil so hard that it snapped, damn his ghostly strength. Then the moment passed, and the energy was gone. Danny immediately looked up, startling Star, who sat next to him. She gave him and his pencil a dirty look, but Danny didn’t pay attention to her. He was too distracted by the foreboding feeling in his core. It wasn’t the typical blue mist that indicated a ghost, but somehow, he knew that a ghost was causing his core to cower.
It was strange. Usually, his core reacted angrily to another ghost coming into his haunt, or it reacted happily to his friends being around, but never had it cowered before. Danny didn’t do fear, he got too much adrenaline from the fighting to even consider being scared.
Unfortunately, it was in that moment that Mr. Lancer called on him to read the part of Sebastian in the “Twelfth Night” by Shakespeare, forcing Danny to actually pay attention to what they were doing in class. Danny sighed as he picked up his book – “act two, scene one, Mr. Fenton,” Mr. Lancer said – and flipped to the required page. His core continued to shudder for a moment, then settled.
Danny started to read in a dead voice, “By your patience, no. My stars shine darkly over me …”
Danny Fenton and Valerie Gray were running as fast as they could – or rather, Danny was keeping pace with Valerie, trying his best to resist the urge to jump into the air and fly away at Mach speed. They both had good reasons for running; Valerie, from her stalker, Nathan; Danny, from Dash and Kwan, whom he had pulled multiple pranks on earlier in the day. Fenton Works was close, but up ahead there was an alleyway that was even closer. Danny and Valerie locked eyes for only a moment before hastily jumping into said alley, pushing each other behind the dumpster that gave prime hiding real estate. Except – there was already someone there. Behind the dumpster sat Sam Manson, one of Danny’s best friends.
All three looked at each other, confused. Danny shoved at Sam to make room for him behind the dumpster, sitting beside her. His recent growth spurt made it hard to pull his lanky legs out of sight, but he managed. Without a word, Sam pointed at Danny, and he shrugged, arms hugged around his legs. “Hiding from Dash.”
Sam pointed at Valerie. “Hiding from Nathan. You?”
Sam only jerked a thumb over at the alley entrance, where her mother, Pamela Manson, ran by. “Sammy-kins!” She screeched; her eyes were wide. She looked around, and Valerie ducked behind the dumpster just in time. Pamela was holding a god-awful looking dress; it was a pastel pink, yellow, and white. It had puffy sleeves, a frilled collar lined with pink hearts, and a ballroom-skirt with lots of pink, frills, and hearts. Pamela looked very distressed. “At least try it on!”
She kept running, going right past their hiding spot.
“Fair enough,” Danny conceded. “But we can’t stay here – my house isn’t far, and we can all hide in it.”
The three of them got up and quickly hauled ass to Fenton Works.
As they ran, Sam frowned over at Danny. “So, what’s up with this?” She asked discreetly, making sure Valerie didn’t hear. “Why are you helping her all of a sudden? After everything she’s done to Phantom?”
Danny knew what Sam was talking about. Valerie had become the Red Huntress in the last month of their freshman year, almost a year after Danny had his accident in the summer before and became Phantom. Ever since getting her ghost hunting suit, Valerie had been relentless in her pursuit of ghosts – and all of it was bad. She absolutely hated all ghosts. The Red Huntress was indiscriminatory and went after both the destructive ghosts, like the Box Ghost, and the local ghostly hero, Phantom. Not to mention that the Red Huntress didn’t care about keeping ghosts safe and alive (heh – alive, ghosts), and that she had the mindset of “tear them apart molecule by molecule,” just like Danny’s parents. So, Danny often had to save the ghosts she went after, only painting him more as a villain in her eyes.
“Well, she helped hide me from Dash earlier,” Danny said, picking his words carefully. He chose not to mention how he may have still held an old candle for Valerie, even after everything that had happened. “I’m just returning the favour. It doesn’t need to mean anything.”
“Well, just be careful,” Sam whispered, just as they reached the steps to Fenton Works. “The last thing you’d want to do is invite your arch enemy into your own house.”
His arch enemy was inside his house.
His father’s hulking figure, dressed in a neon orange and black hazmat suit, sat over a small chess table, his features frowning down at the pieces. For as much as Jack Fenton was a genius when it came to engineering, he was not very bright in other aspects of life – case in point, chess. His sister, Jazz, sat on the sofa reading a book on psychology. Her bright orange hair was pushed back with a teal headband that matched her pants. And his mother, Maddie Fenton, stood above both; she was wearing her teal hazmat suit with her red goggles pulled up over her eyes. She held a teapot in one hand, with her other hand on her hip. She glared down at …
Vlad Masters, otherwise known as the halfa Vlad Plasmius, Danny’s self-proclaimed arch nemesis.
Vlad sat across from Jack, hand on his rook, as he turned to face Danny at the door. “Ah! Hello, Daniel!”  He grinned maliciously; his voice way too chipper for all the devious deeds Danny knew he’d done before.
“Too late,” Sam muttered.
“You!” Danny said. “What are you doing here?”
His mother, who didn’t like Vlad anymore than Danny did, and was actually quite obvious in her dislike, ‘accidentally’ poured hot tea onto Vlad’s crotch. Vlad cried out in pain. Maddie narrowed her eyes behind her goggles. “Totally valid question, Danny.”
“Still steaming!” Vlad said, voice cracking.
“You have no idea,” Maddie growled out.
Vlad looked appropriately cowed, up until Maddie left the room, and he turned back to Danny with a smirk. Danny didn’t like that look on his face. “I was just, you know, passing through. And then I saw that marvelous battle suit –” Danny remembered the Fenton Ecto Skeleton his parents were working on, and just how powerful of a weapon it would be … if it actually worked “– and thought, since I can’t just destroy Jack and take it, I suppose I’ll steal its secrets right out from under his nose!” He followed up his words by flicking a finger at Jack’s nose, causing Jack to look up in confusion, too stupid to understand the threat.
Vlad and Jack stared at each other for a good long while, until they both burst into laughter at the same time, as if Vlad had just told a funny joke and hadn’t threatened Jack’s livelihood. They held onto each other like they were good friends and not estranged college classmates.
“Oh, I swear,” Vlad laughed, “I am such a joker! More tea, please?” Maddie poured the tea over Vlad’s head, not even pretending for it to be an accident, and Vlad cried out, “not there, oh!”
Maddie swiftly left the room, along with Jack, who followed her, looking lost.
Danny was quick to jump on Vlad now that his parents weren’t in the room. He got in Vlad’s face. “I don’t know what you’re up to, Vlad, but – well, no, actually, I do know. You literally just told everyone your plans. You’re going to try to steal the Fenton Ecto Skeleton.”
“That’s right!” Vlad snapped, “and say a word about it, and I’ll share your little … secret. I’m sure mom and dad would love to know their son is a freak and – ah, the young Miss Gray.” It was only then that Vlad seemed to notice Valerie standing behind Danny. Vlad’s eyes sparked red for a split second, so quickly that if you blinked, you would have missed it, thinking it was just a trick of the light.
Valerie blinked. “You know me?”
“How do you know her?” Danny demanded, feeling protective.
Just then, there was a loud beeping sound, coming from the bust of Jack Fenton on their fireplace mantle. The eyes kept flashing red as a warning. Jack rushed over to the bust, flipped the head up, and pressed the giant red button underneath. Above the mantle, the TV flickered to life, showing a black screen with “GHOST ZONE RADAR” written in bright red on the top, with a neon green grid below. In the middle of the grid was a giant green swirl, and in the corner, little ghost icons slowly encroached on the middle. It was obviously some sort of map – something anti-ghost that his parents had once again created. Danny had thought the bust was stupid when his father first created it, thinking it nothing but a conceited self-portrait – in the same way his father had to name everything “Fenton” such and such – but now it put him on edge. He hadn’t known it was actually some sort of anti-ghost tool.
“Galloping goblins!” Jack exclaimed, staring with wide eyes at the screen. “It’s the Ecto Exodus Alarm!”
“The Ecto what?!” Danny asked – no, demanded. He needed to know if this was something dangerous, something that could harm him or other ghosts. Behind him, his sister and friends seemed just as confused and concerned. Fenton inventions weren’t exactly known for working well …
“The Ecto Exodus Alarm,” Maddie repeated, looking just as frazzled as Jack, “or the EEA. It’s an alarm we attached to the sensors on the ghost portal, which are linked to this map on the screen. That right there –” she pointed to the green swirl “– is our ghost portal. And that –” she pointed to the ghost blob icons “– are the ghosts. The alarm can sense when large amounts of powerful, sentient ectoplasm encroach on the portal – and it’s only supposed to go off if we’re about to face a massive ghost invasion!”
Danny immediately looked over at Sam and Jazz. “Stall them!” He hissed, then he was off, running downstairs to the Fenton Ghost Portal.
Danny ran downstairs, pushing off the last step and doing a front-flip, transforming mid-air. Familiar blinding white halos flickered into existence at his waist, splitting apart and traveling up and down his body. His skin faded into a light shade of blue, his eyes flashed an ectoplasm green, and his hair was shocked white and started to float. His ears elongated into points, his canines sharpened into fangs, and his freckled started glowing and moving like the constellations. His clothes morphed into his iconic black and white hazmat suit; his boots a glowing white, and his gloves making room for his claws.
Phantom’s core pulsed excitedly, eager to face the ghosts (he couldn’t help it, fighting was just in his ghostly nature), making the room drop several degrees. Adrenaline was already flowing. Right before his feet hit the ground, he automatically started to float in the air, the natural state of ghosts.
Phantom sped toward the portal to try to shut it off before any ghosts could get through, but he was too late. A ghost flew out of the portal, a blur of blue and white, barreling into Phantom, pushing them further into the room … but it was just the Box Ghost. Phantom got up off the floor and reached for the Fenton Thermos at his waist, already laughing.
“BEWARE!” The Box Ghost shouted.
“Oh, Ancients,” Phantom said, chuckling. “It was just you?”
Just then, a bright green beam came out of the ghost portal, hitting Phantom and knocking him back several feet. He was still looking down when a large metal boot slammed in front of him, and Phantom looked up, only to see – “Skulker?” Phantom gasped.
But Skulker didn’t even look at Phantom.
“I told you there was a way out through here,” Skulker said. He turned to face the portal. Behind him, through the swirling green ectoplasm of the ghost portal, multiple heads popped out. Phantom recognised some of them – Ember, Lunch Lady, Walker – and some of them he didn’t recognise – ghost eels, ghost demons, and ectopuses. They all had one thing in common – they all looked scared. Skulker grimaced. “Now, save yourself – go, go, go, go!”
They didn’t need anymore direction. The ghosts all immediately left the poral – not just Phantom’s usual rogue gallery, but hundreds of unidentifiable ghosts, ghost animals, and even blob ghosts. They shot out of the portal like there was something chasing them.
Behind Phantom, he heard his parents cries as they got closer.
They could not see Phantom and these ghosts in their basement, or they would lose it.
Phantom grabbed onto Skulker, turned them intangible, and shot them up through the roof. As soon as they were in the sky and alone, Phantom turned to face Skulker, fists at the ready. “Now, what in the hell is going on –”
Someone grabbed onto his fists, holding him back, and Phantom looked up, surprised. He came face to face with Dora in her dragon form, with Sidney Pointdexter sitting on her back. Sidney frowned down at Phantom. “Phantom, I know this might sound a little fishy, but Skulker isn’t the bully here. Not this time.”
“Bully?” Phantom exclaimed. He backed off, floating a few feet away from Skulker. “What are you talking about? What is going on – what are all you guys running from?”
From the densely packed group of ghosts crowding the sky, Ember floated out. She strummed her guitar, creating a foreboding melody. “His name … is Pariah Dark,” Ember said. “The Ghost King and ruler of the Infinite Realms. Somehow, he’s escaped from the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, and he’s angry. He’s searching for something – but we don’t know what. He declared the entire Ghost Zone as his, though, and that’s why we needed to escape.”
“Pariah Dark? I’ve never heard of him before,” Phantom said. “How could one ghost chase out thousands of other ghosts? He’s just one person.”
“You misunderstand,” Skulker growled. “Pariah Dark is not just ‘one person.’ He is the Ghost King, in possession of the Ring of Rage and Crown of Fire. With both, he has near limitless power. He existed long before all the other ghosts in the Ghost Zone even spawned, and he will exist long after we have all faded. He used to run his kingdom with an iron fist, until the Ancients decided he was a tyrant. It took all of them teaming up to finally seal him away in the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep – and now he’s escaped!”
“The – the Ancients had to team up to defeat him?” Phantom thought about the sheer power Clockwork, the Ancient of Time held, just on his own, and then imagined that tenfold. And even that had barely been enough to defeat this ‘Pariah Dark’ guy? His throat ran dry.
“Yes, and now he’s really angry, and really powerful,” Ember said.
“You said he was searching for something – what? Maybe if we give it to him, he’ll leave the rest of you guys alone?” Phantom said, grasping for straws. “Because you guys cannot stay in the Living Realms. It’s not safe for you guys – not with my parents and Val – er, the Red Huntress around.”
“You think if we knew we would be here right now?” Sidney demanded. “Pariah Dark is just a big bully – even if we gave him what he wanted, he would just go back to being a tyrant.”
“Well, you guys can’t stay here –”
As if to prove his point, an ecto blast shot past him right at that moment, almost clipping his shoulder. Phantom immediately flew to the side to dodge the other incoming blasts. He glanced down at the ground, spotting his parents. Jack had a Fenton Bazooka hooked over his shoulder, and Maddie held an anti-ghost net, ready to throw it down over any unsuspecting ghosts that got close by. Phantom’s core shuddered angrily – how dare they try to hurt his rogues?
“Scatter!” Phantom yelled.
All the ghosts listened immediately, rogue or not.
“So, the equipment is to your liking? It functions properly, does it?”
Vlad sat on the edge of the building beside the young Miss Gray, who was dressed in her hunting suit and floating on her hoverboard. After the Ecto Exodus Alarm went off, it was easy to snatch the girl’s backpack while she was distracted, essentially cutting her off from her ghost hunting equipment. From there, he only needed to reveal that he was the one who gave it to her – providing information that only one who created the suit would know to prove it – and to share his “ghost-hunting” inclination to get the girl to trust him. From there, he gave the ghost hunting equipment back and convinced the girl to fly them out of Fenton Works to somewhere a bit more … private.
“Heck yeah!” Valerie exclaimed. She folded her hoverboard up back into her suit, sitting down beside Vlad and dangling her feet over the edge of the building. “It’s like you designed it just for me!” Then she paused, as if realising how creepy that was. “… Why would you do that? I’m like, fifteen.”
Vlad smiled – a soft thing, with wide eyes. “Why, Miss Gray, you’re the most capable ghost hunter I’ve ever seen! You’re smart, you’re fast, you’re strong, and most importantly – you’re motivated.”
It was like luring flies in with the sickly-sweet smell of the venus fly trap. Now he just had to close the claws before she could fly away. Vlad put on the charm, chuckling as he spoke. “Of course! Why else would I say such a thing? I’d have to be some sort of … diabolical villain to manipulate you like that!” Valerie stared at him for a moment, as if unsure about the joke. Then she started to giggle, and Vlad joined in. Together, they laughed heartily. Finally, she was in his trap. And now, to finish the plan … “And, my dear, it’s the reason I can trust you with this …”
Vlad put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a ring.
But not just any ring – it was the Ring of Rage.
It looked like a ghostly signet ring – it was a bright neon green, made of crystallised ectoplasm, and on the broad side was black obsidian, with an emerald inset skull engraved in the stone. The ring was magically enchanted to fit the finger of every person who came in possession of it, as well as giving a power boost to any ectoplasmic entity that owned it. The only nasty side effect was that it could also enhance the emotions of the wearer, sometimes causing emotional – and wrathful – outbursts.
Valerie stared down at it in confusion. “A … ring?”
“Not just any ring!” Vlad lied. “It’s a ring from my family, and it’s been passed down from ghost hunter to ghost hunter for generations. Made of the very ectoplasm that ghosts are made of, it’s virtually indestructible, so no nasty ghosts can ruin it.”
“I … don’t know what to say,” Valerie said, eyes now wide.
“Don’t say anything, dear – but please, let’s keep it our secret, hmm? We wouldn’t want anyone else to find out and try to take it from us, would we?” Vlad asked. He slipped the ring on her finger, grinning.
Valerie nodded. “I won’t let you down, Mr. Masters!”
Vlad chuckled darkly. “I’m sure you won’t.”
Deep within the ghost zone lay Pariah Dark’s keep. Once upon a time, it used to be a large castle surrounded by acres and acres of land, with a whole kingdom standing on the island. But after the battle between the Ancients and Pariah Darm, during which Pariah was trapped in the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, the Ancients destroyed the area surrounding the castle, scared of the power and wealth Pariah had built up. The buildings and land surrounding the castle crumbled, leaving Pariah’s Keep isolated on its own small island in the Ghost Zone.
That didn’t mean it was now unimpressive, however. Pariah’s Keep was still a large concentric castle, well put together and not crumbling, resembling one castle nestled inside the other. It looked like something straight out of the middle ages, with a moat and everything.
Inside said Keep stood hundreds and hundreds of ghost skeleton soldiers, all dressed for battle and war. They all floated inches off the ground and glowed an ectoplasmic neon green, gnashing their fangs in excitement. At the head of these soldiers stood Fright Knight, an ancient and powerful ghost, the spirit of Halloween, and the Ghost King’s second in command. He had large and muscled body, adorned with black and grey full-body armour. His faced was obscured by a black helmet with a mohawk of spikes on top, which was only accentuated by the flaming purple hair and cape and flaming grey gauntlets. It was paired with his ectoplasmic sword called Soul Shredder, which had the ability to make ghosts fade.
A ruthless knight, Fright Knight was known to strike fear into the hearts of anyone he went against.
At the very front of the group of skeleton soldiers stood three unique ghost skeletons. One wore typical Roman armour, with a gladius at its side. Another wore a World War II uniform. The last one wore clothing typical of the Vikings, paired with a Viking helm and long braids. All had vicious fangs and canines, glowing red eyes, and long claws. They were the generals of the skeleton army.
“Your armies are amassed?” Fright Knight asked. The three skeleton generals all saluted Fright Knight, silent but sure. Fright Knight grinned. “Then, on my orders –”
“On my orders,” a loud, booming voice said from behind.
Fright Knight spun around, surprised. Fright Knight was a looming eight feet tall, but Pariah Dark absolutely towered over the Fright Knight at almost twenty feet tall. Pariah was a large, well-built ghost, with a white face outlined by a red helmet. He wore an eye-patch over his left eye and had a scare over his right. Pariah also had a gorgeous mane of long, green hair, and a braided green beard. He had two grey horns on either side of his head, the left of which was broken. His outfit consisted of black full-body armour, with grey shoulder guards, boots, and gauntlets, and he had a green belt with a metallic circular buckle with a green skull in the middle. At his waist was his sword, Reaper, which had the power of absorbing ghostly cores to enhance his power. And on his head sat the Crown of Fire, a beautiful piece of craftsmanship. It was made of crystallised ectoplasm infused with the power of Pariah’s core, lighting it on fire eternally. It was supposed to be paired with the Ring of Rage, which would have sat on his left-hand ring finger, but …
“Go to that world,” Pariah demanded, baring his razor-sharp teeth, “bring the Ring of Rage to me, and to those that stand in your way – show them no mercy!”
“Dude, you okay?” Tucker asked, looking concerned. In the fluorescent lights of the cafeteria, Danny looked dead … well, deader than usual. His features were gaunt, skin impossibly pale, with large circles under his eyes. Danny gave Tucker a deadpan stare, and Tucker blushed. “Sorry, standard question. Late night?”
“Of course, it was a late night. Every ghost I know – and about a million I don’t – are loose in the Living Realm and there wasn’t a single thing I could do about it, because apparently, they’ve been kicked out of the Ghost Zone by some maniac Ghost King who wants the entire Zone to himself! And instead of having to fight them, I had to protect them from my parents all night, who were trying to capture them for experimenting!” Danny exclaimed, getting more and more frustrated as he went on. He threw his hands out in helplessness. “Not to mention, I couldn’t sleep because my arch enemy was in the guest room next to me.”
“My parents sleep in the bedroom next to me,” Sam offered. At Danny’s glare, she shrugged. “I mean, it’s not the same, but I can’t sleep either.”
Danny was about to retort – no, it was not the same thing at all, especially since Sam didn’t need to worry about her parents ripping her apart molecule by molecule – when behind him, he heard: “Oh hey, Danny.”
Danny immediately plastered a smile across his face, just for the sake of things. “Hey, Val.”
“‘Hey, Val’?” Tucker repeated, looking unimpressed. He turned to Sam, jerking a finger over at Valerie. “Isn’t that the same ‘Val’ who’s usually on a jet sled trying to kill Danny?”
“Yup,” Sam said, voice sarcastic, “and apparently, next week, we’re having cookies with Skulker!”
“You might want to … uh, bag-lunch-it outside,” Valerie said, looking concerned for something Danny couldn’t fathom. She, too, didn’t look too good that day. She had large bags under her eyes, her hair was frizzy, and her outfit seemed ill put-together, as if she hadn’t had time to look at what she was putting on before leaving the house. One thing that struck Danny as odd was the green and black ring she wore – Valerie had never been one to wear jewelry, even when popular. But then Valerie started speaking again, distracting Danny. “This isn’t exactly the safest place for you right now.”
“What makes you say that?” Danny asked, confused.
Just then, he felt two large presences approach behind him. Danny sighed.
“Hey, Fenturd!” Dash said, grinning down at Danny maliciously. His stupid blond hair was styled perfectly with gel, and he wore his football jacket, like he did the other three-hundred-sixty-five days of the year. “Guess what? There are no teachers around to protect you now.”
“Dash, take a hike, will you?” Danny snapped. His core pulsed angrily, wanting to freeze the jock in a block of ice – but that was a big no-no. Not if he wanted to keep his identity as Phantom a secret, and if he wanted to stay as a hero instead of a villain. When Dash didn’t budge, Danny frowned. He resisted the urge to bare his fangs. “I’m way too tired to put up with you! Besides, shouldn’t you be failing a test, kicking a puppy, or beating up someone weaker than you right now?”
“Come to think of it? Yeah! And guess what? You’re weaker than me!”
Dash went to throw a punch, but at the last minute, Danny went intangible, letting the fist fly right through his chin. Dash stumbled from the motion of the punch, not expecting to not hit anything. For a solid few seconds, everyone in the cafeteria stood stalk still. Dash looked down at his fist like there was something wrong with it. While everyone was distracted, Danny discreetly shot an ecto-beam at Dash’s shoes. Ectoplasm had highly acidic properties, was extremely corrosive and, at high enough temperatures – like, per say, a ghost’s ecto-blast – could melt things. Danny’s ecto-beam easily melted the plastic of Dash’s shoes to the ground. Luckily, no one noticed.
When Dash finally regained his wits, he growled. “Oh, that’s it, Fenturd!”
But when he went to take a step forward, his shoes stuck to the tiles, making him trip and fall to the ground. Danny was quick to take his chance, and he ran away from the cafeteria while Dash was incapacitated. Behind him, his friends ran after him. They only came to a stop once they reached the bleachers in the back fields, far enough away – and hidden behind the bleachers – for no one to see them.
“That was sweet!” Tucker said, out of breath from running after Danny.
“Is it?” Sam asked, putting her hands on her hips. She, too, was slightly out of breath. Danny rolled his eyes, his core sending out static annoyance. They’d already had this argument before; Sam didn’t believe in Danny using his powers for anything other than hero work, but Danny tried to get her to understand that he was literally a ghost – or, well, half-ghost – and that using his powers casually, even for mischief (especially for mischief) was in his ghostly nature. “I know Dash is a jerk, but what if he saw something?”
“He’s not going to see something,” Danny dismissed. “If no one has noticed anything for the past year and a half, no one is going to notice anything now. Besides, I’m tired of getting kicked around all the time. It’s time I do something for myself!”
Sam’s expression twisted into something Danny couldn’t read, but Danny wasn’t willing to argue with her about this, so he turned away.
The large ghost had commanded the skeleton ghosts to “find the King’s ring,” whatever that meant. Ghosts were always doing insensible things, courtesy of their cores and obsessions driving them to far extremes. They just weren’t capable of higher, intelligent thought. Besides, Maddie was too busy trying to get Jack out of the Fenton Ecto Skeleton pants to focus on what the ghosts were looking for. The Fenton Ecto Skeleton pants, which were draining Jack of his energy, using him as a battery to charge the machine. It was a scary thought, being a battery and potentially being burned out.
If only there were some other sources of energy, something that was naturally occurring and had large amounts of power – like a ghost’s core! Hmm …
The army of mindless ghost skeletons swarmed Amity Park. They marched through the streets, throwing and breaking cars, cutting fire hydrants, pulling parking meters, crashing storefronts, and causing immeasurable property damage. They searched through apartments, stores, and more. They even chased after humans, determined to find their King’s Ring of Rage.
“Those poor humans,” Sidney Pointdexter said. He was hiding out on the roof of one of the many apartment buildings in Amity Park. He turned the gaggle of ghosts behind him, who didn’t look nearly as concerned as him. “They’re being overrun by ghost bullies!”
“Oh, who cares about them!” Ember scoffed. “That is the Ghost King’s crew, which means he’s on his way here! And did you hear what Fright Knight said? They’re looking for his ring!”
“A ring that we do not have,” Skulker said. “Which means when Pariah Dark comes through that portal, he will not hesitate to set Fright Knight on us, whether we have what he wants or not. So, we have to camouflage ourselves.” He turned to the streets of Amity Park, where a hoard of humans was running from the ghost skeletons. He grinned. “And you hear that? That’s confusion and panic, which means it’s the perfect time to find our hiding places.”
Behind him, the ghosts smiled.
The screen showed a pretty woman with orange hair and teal eyes, dressed in a pink dress with matching earrings. She shuffled her papers in front of her, professional as always, despite her shaking hands. “Hello, this is Tiffany Snow, with Action News! And tonight, we are covering the Ghost Emergency Broadcasting System, or the GEBS. Amity Park is in the midst of a massive ghost attack! Sources say that while the attacks have been happening for over several hours, and there has been numerous property damage –” the screen showed multiple ghost skeletons flipping a car over, and other clips from the news station “– no humans have been seriously harmed. There are no reported injuries or fatalities. And now here’s Lance Thunder, with the ghost weather.”
“As you can see, we have random ghost activities in restaurants, malls, and this box store.” Action News showed a brief clip of the Box Ghost haunting the box store, shouting “BEWARE!” at any approaching humans, but running at the sight of the ghost skeletons. “If you look to the West, you can see a huge wave of ghost skeletons heading from the center of town toward Casper High. All parents are advised to immediately pick up their children and run – run for your lives! No! NO –”
Maddie gasped as she saw the news reporter overrun by ghost skeletons in their news station.
No injuries or fatalities, her ass.
She needed to go get Danny and Jazz – right away!
What was Plasmius doing in the school? Was Danny’s only thought when he first saw him.
He was quick to escape from his friends and the rest of the student body by running into a janitor’s closet and transforming into Phantom. The familiar white halos appeared within seconds, and Phantom turned intangible and flew through the school, chasing after Plasmius, all the way to the football field. When Plasmius finally landed and stopped, Phantom bared his fangs and readied an ecto-blast. “What do you want, Plasmius?” He demanded. He knew he could kick Plasmius’ ass ten ways to Sunday if he wanted to – and man, did he want to – but right now, he needed answers.
“Calm down, Phantom!” Plasmius scolded. “I didn’t come here to fight you; I have other things to worry about!”
The sound of a horse, and the stomping of hundreds of feet, interrupted the two. Both turned, eyes wide, as they saw Fright Knight riding atop a black horse with large, bat-like wings. It had massive canines, like a sabre-tooth tiger, and had glowing red eyes. Behind it came a rushing skeleton army, all dressed in a mix of modern military uniforms, Roman armour, and Viking-esque armour.
Fright Knight plowed through the football field on his ghostly pegasus, wielding Soul Shredder. Phantom knew full well what the sword could do – and how it could made ghosts fade – so he dodged immediately, flipping away through the air as Fright Knight swung the six-foot long blade. Unfortunately, the football goal post was in the way, and was easily cut in two. Phantom landed on the ground, ducking and rolling, and jumped back up right in front of several ghost skeletons. He was quick to shoot a powerful ecto-blast at the first one, then punched the next one that got too close. It went down like a sack of potatoes, the bones collapsing in on themselves. A blue mist escaped from his mouth, and he turned just in time to see the sword of a Viking ghost skeleton coming down – only for a pink ecto-blast to destroy it, saving Phantom.
Phantom turned to Plasmius, who had shot the ecto-blast. He was baffled. “You’re helping me?”
Before Plasmius could say anything, he was grabbed by the front of his suit by Fright Knight, lifted off the ground. Plasmius may have been six feet tall, but Fright Knight was eight – and atop a horse. Fright Knight growled. “The King’s ring – return it!” He demanded.
Ring – they were looking for a ring? Phantom knew about Pariah Dark from the other ghosts, but they had originally not known what Pariah was looking for. Was he really causing all this fuss for a ring?
“I don’t have it!” Plasmius snapped. “But, if you join me, perhaps we could –”
Just then, a large red ectoplasmic blast shot at Plasmius and the Fright Knight, effectively knocking Fright Knight off his horse and Plasmius several feet behind. From the sky, the Red Huntress descended on her hoverboard, carrying her blaster over her shoulder. “Guess what everybody?” She yelled, “the best ghost hunter in Amity Park is here! And that means you’re –” she pointed to the ghosts “– about to get your ass handed to you!”
Plasmius staggered to his feet, whispering to Phantom, “she really is quite good at this.”
“She also thinks we’re the enemy!” Phantom hissed.
“… Good point,” Plasmius said.
The Red Huntress swerved down to the field, hovering in front of Phantom. She aimed her blaster directly at him. “Alright, ghost,” she spat, as if talking to him physically disgusted her. “What’s going on here?”
“It’s, uh, kind of hard to explain right now!” Phantom said. “Wait, look out –”
The Fright Knight got up and was back on his pegasus, charging straight toward Phantom and the Red Huntress. The skeleton ghost army followed behind him. Before they could get too close, Plasmius shot up and made multiple duplicates of himself, using them to shoot down the incoming skeletons. He protected Phantom and the Huntress. The Red Huntress, though her mask covered her face, still looked visibly confused. “Uh … thanks?”
“You’re welcome,” Phantom said. He floated out of line of her blaster. “Look, I know this is going to be hard to believe –” behind him, Plasmius was body-tackled by Fright Knight “– but right now, that guy is the problem right now, not Plasmius. And I could really use your help to get rid of him.”
“I still don’t trust you,” the Red Huntress said, “Or your spooky friend.”
“You don’t have to trust me!” Phantom yelled, “just fight with me! Or else the entire Living Realm is going to be overrun with ghosts and a rabid Ghost King forever!”
Phantom held out his hand for the Huntress to shake, and after a moment of hesitation, she took it.
Phantom grinned.
Together, the two flew in to save Plasmius. Phantom shot multiple quick-fire ecto-blasts, while the Red Huntress used her blaster. The Fright Knight was pushed back several feet by all the blasts, and the unlikely team – two halfas and a ghost hunter – continued to fight. They must have taken out hundreds of ecto-skeletons, with Phantom and Plasmius focusing solely on the Fright Knight, making sure Soul Shredder didn’t hit anyone, before Fright Knight seemed to finally snap. “You fools!” He growled. “All I wanted to do was seize the Ring of Rage and return to Pariah Dark’s Keep. But now you give me no choice. By the authority vested in me by my King –” Fright Knight took Soul Shredder and stabbed it into the ground, until only three feet of the blade was left in the open “– I claim this town, now and forever under the banner of Pariah Dark, the King of all Ghosts!”
From the blade, an ectoplasmic green light shot upward into the sky, changing the skyline to greens of the Ghost Zone. Amity Park shook as if under attack from an earthquake. Cracks appeared in the ground, surrounding the entire town, and all the skeleton ghosts stopped moving. A huge, green-like dome descended upon Amity Park, separating it from the outside world. Then, finally, Fright Knight stood before Soul Shredder and spoke. “The sword is sunk, the die now cast. The sword removed shall signal fast, make reappear the ring thou hast, or your next day shall be your last.” And with that, Fright Knight disappeared into thin air.
“Again, with the ring!” Phantom said. “Where is this ring he’s talking about?!”
He glanced over at Plasmius, suspicious.
Plasmius only shrugged with a small smile.
Phantom’s eyes narrowed.
On the screen sat the pretty woman from before. Her hands were no longer shaking, probably from the fact that she was in a new studio and away from the ghost skeletons. “Welcome back, to the big scary town watch! Otherwise known as Ghost Emergency Broadcasting. I’m Tiffany Snow! We’re in our fourth hour of captivity, and tenth hour of ghost invasion. Amity Park remains cut-off from the outside world. With more on that, outside the safety of our studio is our very own weatherman, Lance Thunder! Lance?”
The station cut to a view of the outskirts of the dome, with Lance Thunder in front of the camera. His blond hair was styled perfectly once again, clearly having been fixed since being overrun by ghosts. His suit, however, was still rumpled from earlier.
Lance didn’t seem to realise he was on air yet.
“Why the hell do I have to be here, I’m a weatherman, for the love of – oh!” Lance finally noticed the person behind the camera making cutting motions with their hands. He plastered a wide smile on his face. “Tiffany! Despite the odd circumstances, an eerie calm has fallen over Amity Park, with the ghost skeletons having stopped attacking. Unfortunately, emergency teams are still having no luck in piercing the dome surrounding Amity Park.” Behind him, there was a giant metal drill, with several volunteers in hazmat suits manning the machine. They attempted to drill through the dome, but it only sparked and made the drill blow up, causing the volunteers to run away, screaming. “It seems to be made of some sort of electrically charged ectoplasm, which is why everyone is advised to stay away from the outer edges of the dome, lest they be shocked or hurt. Wishing he had taken that job in Chicago, this is Lance Thunder, Action News, out!”
Danny and Valerie, who had been watching the news on the Fenton TV, turned to each other with matching looks of concern. They were currently hunkered down in the basement of Fenton Works, with carbon-steel enforced metal walls and anti-ghost tools up the wazoo. If there was anywhere safe to be in a ghost invasion, then this was it.
Behind the two teenagers, Maddie and Vlad worked tirelessly to finish the Fenton Ecto Skeleton. Even Vlad, who usually wore pristine suits and had his hair gelled back, was now wearing overalls and work boots, and his hair was pulled back in a high bun to keep it out of his face. Jack would have been helping his wife and friend, if he hadn’t still been too drained and ill from using the Fenton Ecto Skeleton pants earlier, protecting Maddie and Vlad from Fright Knight. The pants had literally drained the strength and energy from his body to charge the suit, and he was paying the price.
“This suit is the only hope we have to punch through that ghost dome,” Maddie said, welding a piece of the suit together. She took a step back to admire her work, and she pulled her goggles up and over her head to reveal her blue, almost purple eyes. “But I still don’t think we’ll be able to perfect the neural receptors. The suit simply needs a lot of energy, and we don’t have a battery powerful enough to substitute.”
“Which is why I’ll wear the suit,” Jack said. He was sitting over by a lab work bench, ice pack on his head to ease his raging migraine. “If anybody is going to beat that ghost back into the Ghost Zone, it’s me!”
He stood, as if making a point, but almost immediately became dizzy. He groaned.
“No, Jack!” Maddie scolded. “Look at you! You’re still wiped out from the last time!”
Danny grinned as he leaned over to whisper to Vlad, who was still under the Fenton Ecto Skeleton, tinkering with the bolts. “It kills you, doesn’t it? How much they love each other?”
“I have other things to worry about!” Vlad snapped. “And … so do you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
But Vlad was already turning back to the suit to tinker some more.
Valerie decided to get away from … whatever weirdly charged tension was between Danny and Vlad and headed back upstairs in Fenton Works. In the living room, though it was scattered with open wires, various ecto-guns, and had ectoplasm stains everywhere, it was still a somewhat cosy place, if only because the furniture was all over two decades old, there were multiple blankets, and the TV was one of those old box television sets from the seventies.
Still hurt from the ghost fight earlier against – what was it Phantom called him? Fright Knight? – Valerie was quick to take a seat on the couch in from of the TV, sighing into the soft cushions. Sam and Tucker were also in the living room – when were they not at Fenton Works or around Danny? – and Tucker looked over at her, concerned. “You feeling any better?” He asked.
“A little,” Valerie admitted, “though I’m surprised you care.” And she was surprised. Sam and Tucker seemed to hold a grudge against her since day one. “You guys don’t like me very much, do you?”
“Well, we don’t know you very much,” Sam said snidely. She crossed her arms, frowning; Tucker also looked over Valerie with a critical eye. “And honestly, you used to be pretty mean to us when you were still hanging out with the A-listers, like Paulina and Dash. You think we’re going to just start hanging out with you without wondering what you want? And what you’re going to do with that obviously ecto-infused ring?”
“What I want?” Valerie asked. “I don’t want anything from you guys. And the ring officially falls under the category of none of your –”
Before she could finish, Danny skipped up the steps behind them, almost like he was flying. He smiled when he saw Valerie, and Valerie smiled back at him. She couldn’t help it – he was cute! With his tousled black hair and baby blue eyes, anyone would think he was adorable. “Hey, guys!”
Sam’s eyes narrowed. She leapt off the couch to storm up to Danny, grabbing him by the forearm. “Can I talk to you for a second?” She asked, before not even listening to him and dragging him off to the nearest closet. On the way, she also grabbed Tucker. She locked eyes with Valerie, right before slamming the closet door closed behind her, cutting Valerie off from the group.
Valerie glared after her.
In the closet, Sam turned the light on, so at least two of the three could see something. Danny didn’t need it because he was a ghost, and ghosts could naturally see things in the dark. All three sat in a cramped circle, surrounded by spare hazmat suits and winter boots.
“Yo, dude!” Tucker said, almost immediately. “You do know that the minute you turn into Phantom, she’s going to shoot first and ask questions never, right?”
“She’s not going to find out!” Danny dismissed.
“How do you know she’s not snooping right now?” Sam demanded. She leaned in, worried. “What if that ecto ring on her finger is some sort of ghost detection device?”
“Wait – ring? What ring?” Sam only rolled her eyes and pointed at the door. Danny turned intangible and invisible and peeked his head out from the closet, spying on Valerie, who was still sitting on the couch and watching the news on their older-than-dinosaurs television set. He spotted a green and black ring on her finger, and with his enhanced vision, he was able to see the green skull carved into the obsidian gem. If he focused, he could feel the strong power of ectoplasm leaking from the ring. He didn’t know how he didn’t notice before. Suddenly, he remembered seeing the same ring on her before, in the cafeteria of Casper High. It had struck him as odd, because Valerie didn’t wear jewelry – at least not usually.
Danny pulled himself back into the closet and turned visible again. “Oh, man. We have a problem. I think that’s the ring that the Fright Knight is looking for! But I just don’t know how she could have gotten her hands on it, unless … Vlad must have given it to her!”
“Isn’t Vlad a little old for her?” Tucker joked.
“He’s obviously using her to hide the ring from Fright Knight,” Danny said, slowly piecing everything together. “But why the ring is so important, I don’t know. Something fishy is going on. And I have a feeling that the other ghosts know what is going on.”
“Skulker!” Phantom called.
Using his ghost sense to find the other ghosts was usually easy – after all, he only needed to trace the sentient ectoplasm he could sense, and he usually ended up finding whatever ghost it was that was wreaking havoc on Amity Park at the time. But Amity Park was now filled to the brim with hundreds of thousands of ghosts, and paired with the natural ambient ectoplasm that was always present, it was harder to discern the different ectosignatures and find the specific ghost he was looking for. Luckily, he had lots of practice in finding ectosignatures, thanks to all the times he needed to hunt down certain ghosts in the Ghost Zone.
“Skulker!” Phantom called again. The abandoned gun shop was completely trashed, but Phantom knew that Skulker was around, he could sense him. “Skulker! Skulk – Ember? Sidney?”
Phantom’s eyes widened when he took in the gaggle of ghosts in the store. Bullet, Dora, Ember, Klemper, Lunch Lady, Sidney Pointdexter, Technus, Walker – it was like his entire rogue gallery was here. He knew that they all came through the portal together, but he hadn’t known that they had stuck together in the Living Realm. Ghosts were mostly solitary creatures, so it surprised him.
“Phantom,” Sidney said, “we need your help.”
“Only if you tell me what’s going on,” Phantom said, hands on his hips. “And what is this big fuss about a – a ring? That Fright Knight wants.”
“Very well,” Skulker said. “You already know part of the story: it was many years ago, before you, before me – before most of us – that there was a ghost called Pariah Dark. He was the king of both the Ghost Zone and the entire Infinite Realms.” Phantom remembered Skulker saying that before, but even now, he struggled to wrap his head around ruling the entire Infinite Realms. It was, well, infinite, after all. “Pariah ruled with an iron fist alongside his second in command and enforcer, Fright Knight.”
“Another thing you need to know –” Skulker said “– there are many ghostly artifacts that can only be used by ghosts or denizens of the Ghost Zone. One of these artifacts was the Crown of Fire – a crown which was made of crystallised ectoplasm, and which gave the wearer power over other ghosts. With this power, no ghost could refuse any order made while the person wore the crown. Well, they could try, but only the most powerful ghosts – the Ancients – could resist the Voice of the Crown of Fire. The other artifact was the Ring of Rage. Also made of crystallised ectoplasm and obsidian, the Ring of Rage lends the power of the Ghost Zone to the wearer – fueling them with infinite ectoplasm. But it had a nasty side effect of enhancing the emotions of the owner, oftentimes causing emotional – and wrathful – outbursts. Paired together, the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage give the user infinite power. But it is also dangerous, because that infinite power could overtake the core of the user and make them fade.”
“Pariah was a ghost of such power and magnitude alone that he was able to control the energies contained within both artifacts. When wearing both, Pariah could do anything he wanted. He was a tyrant. That was, until a group of powerful ghosts – the Ancients – banded together in a last-ditch effort to defeat the King. They locked him within the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, another powerful ghostly artifact, capable of putting any ghost to sleep for an eternity … or so we thought. Somehow, he escaped. And now he’s wreaking havoc in the Ghost Zone once again.”
“He’s looking for the Ring of Rage,” Ember said, “as you’ve already figured out. Pariah has only been free for a day, and he’s already destroyed our homes.”
“And that’s without the ring,” Phantom summarised, finally seeing just how strong Pariah Dark was. He bit his lip, thinking about what to do next. If Valerie had the ring, that meant that she was going to be a target for Pariah and Fright Knight. But … that must have been exactly what Vlad wanted, to keep the heat off his own back. He needed to get the ring away from Valerie, and quickly. “We can’t let him get the ring back,” Phantom decided. “Somehow, we need to get him back into the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep again. But I’m going to need your guys help to do so.”
“And what, exactly, do you think we can do against a ghost like Pariah?” Skulker demanded.
“Well …”
Phantom flew down to the front door of Fenton Works, de-transforming back into Danny mid-air and flipping down to the ground. His skin melted from the icy blue to a sickly pale colour, punctuated by strong freckles across his cheeks and shoulders. His ghostly white hair fell to the power of gravity and became tousled and a night black. His eyes went from their shocking green to a baby blue. His black and white hazmat suit shifted to his usual NASA t-shirt and ripped jeans. For all intents and purposes, he looked like a normal human boy. But both he and Vlad knew otherwise.
“You wanted to talk to me?” Vlad asked, looking smug as he leaned on the Ghost Assault Vehicle, which was parked in front of Fenton Works. He was back in his stupid, pristine suit, hair gelled back obnoxiously.
“You’re putting innocent people in danger,” Danny growled. “It stops – now.”
“Really?” Vlad said, chuckling darkly. He crossed his arms, looming over Danny. “You know what I’m up to? Your tiny teen mind has pieced together the rest of my plot?”
“Yes, it has,” Danny said, not rising to the bait. “I know that you stole the Ring of Rage, woke Pariah Dark from the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, gave the Ring of Rage to Valerie to hide it, and now you’re waiting for your chance to steal it back.”
“That’s pretty good!” Vlad said, as if he was complimenting Danny, but they both knew better. “It’s almost as thought I barely consider you a threat.” Danny felt his core pulse angrily – he was just so angry at how nonchalant Vlad was being about putting so many people in danger – and he knew his eyes were burning a toxic ectoplasm green. Vlad only grinned. “Oh, there’s that temper of yours, again. What are you going to do? What if Valerie sees us, hmm? You wouldn’t want her to know you’re a freak, would you?”
Danny growled. He shot an ecto-blast at the nearby streetlamp, causing the light to shatter and drench the area in pitch dark. Vlad cursed – that was one thing that he hadn’t developed as a halfa that Danny did: night vision. Now with the upper hand, and ensuring no humans could see, Danny shot an ecto-blast at Vlad. It knocked Vlad almost a whole block, enough to land at the next streetlight. Danny jumped and rolled, letting familiar transformation rings slide over his body. His core sparked, eager for the fight to put out his aggression. When he jumped up after his roll, he kicked at Vlad, sending him hundreds of feet into the air, and halfway across the town. Sometimes, ghostly strength helped.
Vlad hit a billboard sign and slid down to the top of a roof, letting his own transformation rings appear, changing him into Plasmius. He floated up from the roof. “Sneak attach – very good, Phantom. You’re getting more like me with every battle.”
“I am nothing like you!” Phantom growled. “I don’t put innocent people in danger!”
He flew upwards and punched Plasmius directly in the sternum, knocking him another few hundred yards away. He hit him so hard, in fact, that Plasmius landed back in the football fields of Casper High School. Phantom flew up to Plasmius and grabbed him by the front of his suit, only for Plasmius to grin at him. Phantom furrowed his brows, until Plasmius spoke. “Oh, you’re not like me? Using your powers to get back at people you don’t like? Throwing the first punch? You’re more like me than you know!”
Plasmius shot an ecto-blast and knocked Phantom across the field. When Phantom got to his feet, however, he realised he was directly next to the Soul Shredder, still stuck in the ground from earlier. He remembered the words from Fright Knight earlier. He frowned.
“Oh, yeah?” He said to Plasmius. “Well, if I’m more like you than I though, then instead of asking you to give the ring to me, I’ll make you!”
He reached out to Soul Shredder, both hands wrapping around the hilt of the giant sword.
“Phantom, no!” Plasmius cried. “The sword is a signal!”
“I know,” Phantom said. And then he pulled the sword free, having to use all his ghostly strength to do so. As soon as the sword came out of the ground, the ghostly green dome that surrounded Amity Park … fell apart. From the centre of the dome, large cracks appeared, until the entire dome looked like a starburst of fractures. The pieces then started to drop, large, crystallised chunks of ectoplasm falling from the sky. But as the pieces fell away, it revealed that the entire town was no longer in the Living Realms, but instead, in the Ghost Zone. The sky was painted many shades of swirling green, random purple and black doors floated about, and the edges of Amity Park dropped off into nothingness.
The ghost skeletons, who had previously been stationary in the streets of Amity Park, now all flew upwards into the Ghost Zone, to congregate at the side of the Fright Knight. And beside Fright Knight … that must have been Pariah Dark. He was twice as big as Fright Knight, adorned in black and grey armour, and wore what was obviously the Crown of Fire atop his head.
Fright Knight held out his hand and though Phantom resisted it, Soul Shredder was pulled from his grasp and shot toward the Fright Knight.
The Ghost King floated gently down to the ground, but when his feet touched the dirt, it cracked and splintered under him, as if the sheer force of him was too much to withstand. Pariah observed Phantom and Plasmius, who had both frozen under his gaze. Pariah tilted his head, as if confused. His eyes glowed a bright red. “You’re not … ghosts. But you’re not, not ghosts, either. Freaks of nature – will there ever be an end to today’s surprises?”
Phantom’s core cowered under the gaze of Pariah Dark.
Then, behind him, Phantom heard – “hey, stone-face! Surprise!”
From the sky descended the Red Huntress, holding her blaster over her shoulder. She shot it at Pariah Dark, blinding him momentarily. Pariah yowled like a hyena, then turned around and shot a strong, red, laser-beam from his one good eye. The Huntress was forced to dodge the large beam, dropping her blaster in the process, and accidentally running into the football goal post. She fell to the ground but was quick to get up, forming a smaller blaster on his wrist to shoot – except, it malfunctioned, broken from the fall, and sparked. The Red Huntress yelled out in pain at the heated blaster sparking, and she ripped her glove and the blaster off her hand. But by doing so, she revealed –
“The ring!” Fright Knight yelled. “Give that to the King, now!”
The Huntress looked down at the ring that sat on her finger, then back up at Pariah Dark and Fright Knight. She knew she was in over her head – and she needed a distraction. Her visor turned downward. She removed the ring, pulled out a torpedo shooter, placed the ring on the torpedo, and hefted it over her shoulder. “You want it?” She said, “then go get it!”
She shot the torpedo out into the endless Ghost Zone, watching it disappear into the green. Then she booked it out of there, heading toward the Fenton Ghost Shield like her life depended on it.
Fright Knight was quick to follow after the Red Huntress, raging as he hit Soul Shredder into the ghost shield over and over again. He had long lost sight of his King, who he had left back at the fields of Casper High, but he knew he needed to go after that miscreant that had dared attack his King. He yelled as he hit the shield again, the glowing green dome not giving under his ghostly sword.
“This – is – not – over!” He grunted with each hit, in a rage watching that dastardly hunter walk away.
“Actually, my loyal servant,” Pariah’s voice said behind him, “it is.”
Fright Knight stopped, letting go of his sword and dropping into a deep bow at the feet of Pariah. His frown, which bared his fangs, was vicious. But then – then he smiled. Pariah never smiled. Except then Pariah opened one of his clenched fists, showing the Ring of Rage within his palm. Pariah chuckled darkly, escalating into a loud, shrill laugh, as he carefully put the ring on his finger. Once the ring was on, Pariah’s features scrunched up in pain as the sky glowed bright, and the ring sparked. A bright, blinding light lit up the sky, the source of it being Pariah Dark – it flickered, turning the world white, black, and green for several moments, as Pariah screamed in pain. But it only took a minute, and then the light died down, showing how Pariah dark was glowing an endless ectoplasm green, courtesy of the ring. The flames of the Crown of Fire were brighter, larger, and hotter than before.
“Come, we have plans to make,” Pariah said, slightly out of breath, “for soon, this human world will also be mine!”
“Danny!” Sam exclaimed, bursting into his room, “you’re – you’re okay!” Danny turned around, revealing a passed-out Valerie behind him. She was covered in bruises and dirt. Sam took a step back, startled. “Whoa – what happened to her?”
“You name it, it happened,” Danny said. “Fright Knight, Pariah Dark, Plasmius – all of my enemies.”
“Dude, you can’t blame yourself for this. It’s not your fault,” Tucker said, stepping into the room from behind Sam. “Valerie chooses to go into ghost fights – you know this.”
“Maybe it’s not my fault,” Danny said, “but it is my responsibility. The humans in Amity Park, the ghosts, the Ghost Zone – all of it. It’s my responsibility to keep it all safe as Phantom. But this time, I just … I froze. As soon as Pariah Dark came, it was like … it was like my core stopped working. I couldn’t handle his presence. And Valerie got hurt as a result. She passed out just within the ghost shield, and I was barely able to drag her to my room after, escaping Pariah and Fright Knight. Now I don’t know where Vlad is, Pariah has the Ring of Rage, along with the Crown of Fire, and the entirety of Amity Park is stuck within the Ghost Zone. I don’t know what to do!”
“Danny,” Sam said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, “you need to stop catastrophizing. Take a deep breath, and let’s go through this logically. You’re powerful on your own – and you have the support of hundreds of ghosts right now. You said they agreed to help you. If you all attack together, then you must have a chance against Pariah Dark!”
“Sam’s right,” Tucker said. “As much as I don’t like it, we need a plan to go up against Pariah – and you’re our best bet.”
Danny sighed. “Okay, let’s do this, then …”
Travelling through the Ghost Zone with almost a hundred rowdy ghosts was not easy, but eventually, they made their way to Pariah’s Keep. When they got there, there was maybe a hundred – no, thousands of ghost skeletons surrounding the Keep. Phantom quickly realised he didn’t need to defeat all of them – he only needed to make a path through them, enough to get to the doors of the Keep and find Pariah Dark. With his rogue gallery behind him, Phantom let loose on the ghost skeletons. He blasted away hundreds of skeletons with his ecto-blasts and froze hundreds of others. Klemper was right behind him with his icy breath, covering them in a deep impenetrable snow. The Box Ghost assaulted several with boxes and bubble wrap, while Dora let loose a torrent of fire from her maw. Ember knocked some out with her sonic blasts, and Skulker shot multiple bombs and used his nets to incapacitate them.
When they finally carved out a pathway to the Keep, Skulker turned to Phantom. “Now go, defeat Pariah! So, that I may be free to hunt you another day!”
“Wow, you really know how to motivate people,” Phantom snarked, but entered the Keep, nonetheless.
He flew through long, tall corridors, until he finally came to a set of red wooden doors over twenty feet tall. His core shuddered at the sheer power emanating from behind the door, and he deep down, he knew, that this was going to be his final stand. He kicked the doors open, knocking them off their hinges, to open into a large throne room. At the end of the room, behind the throne, sat the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep. And standing between the sarcophagus and him was none other than Pariah Dark.
Standing twenty feet tall, adorned in strong armour, and holding a glow spiked mace, Pariah was every bit the fearsome King that he was thousands of years ago. Pariah grinned at him. “I was hoping you would come,” Pariah said, “if only so I could see the freak of nature again.”
“What do you say,” Phantom said, “we skip the snappy banter and go right to the part where I kick your ass! You shouldn’t have the Crown of Fire or the Ring of Rage!”
“Very well,” Pariah conceded, “I accept your challenge and terms.”
Pariah launched himself at Phantom, swinging his mace – which was almost as big as Phantom – downward. Phantom put up a large ectoplasmic shield, blocking the hit. The mace came in contact and immediately shattered the shield from the sheer force of Pariah’s power and strength, forcing Phantom to flip backwards and away from Pariah. He regained his wits quickly and shot a powerful ecto-blast at Pariah, following it up with a sheet of ice on the ground, knocking Pariah to the ground and making him slide into the throne and destroying it. Pariah’s sword fell from its sheath, clattering to the ground, but Pariah didn’t seem to notice. Pariah recovered, floating to his feet. He glanced down at Phantom, reassessing what he had previously thought of the ghost child.
“That much power – it’s a burden, isn’t it, child?” Pariah said, grinning with fangs. “But I wonder – how did you come across it? Is it due to your freakish nature?”
“The power isn’t the burden,” Phantom said, “it’s in how you use it – and you’ve been using yours very poorly!”
Phantom jumped up, floating in the air, but Pariah threw his mace, curving it along the walls before it hit Phantom and sent him forward, closer to the King. Before Phantom could reorient himself, Pariah gave a roundhouse kick and sent him sprawling. Phantom’s back hit the wall and he fell, dropping to the ground. While Pariah watched in amusement, Phantom got to his feet. He grunted as several duplicates of himself appeared around Pariah, all with their eyes blazing and fists clenched. Together, all the duplicates flew at Pariah, punching and kicking and sending stray ecto-blasts.
Pariah cried out in pain as an ecto-blast hit his eye. He called his mace back to him and swung, making one of the duplicates disappear into dust. Another duplicate pile-drove him from behind. Several of them approached, and all together, they spoke – “You better leave my town alone!”
Pariah shot another red charged ecto-blast, making another duplicate disappear.
“Surrender, child. You can’t possibly win,” Pariah said, growling.
Phantom’s core shuddered at the order from the Voice of the crown, but he refused to give in.
“That’s the thing, I don’t have to win,” Phantom said. “I just have to make sure that you lose!”
From behind Pariah, one duplicate opened the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, while another shot a perfectly aimed ecto-blast, which knocked the Crown of Fire from Pariah’s head. The crown flew through the air until it landed in Phantom’s hands. Face lit up from the flames of the crown, Phantom glanced up at Pariah with a sinister grin. He placed the crown atop his own head. The crown’s fire rose several feet, spluttering and raging. Phantom could physically feel the itch in the back of his throat, the Voice of the crown trying to overwhelm him – the power that it held. Pariah howled.
“No – NO!”
“Now,” Phantom said. He let the itch overtake him. “G̶i̵ve̴ ̵m̷e̴ th̷e̶ ̶R̷i̵ng̴ ̴of̷ R̵a̵ge̷.”
Pariah’s whole body froze. He visibly struggled to resist the order from the crown. “N-never,” he said, voice rough. “I will never – never give this power to you!”
“G̶̟͕̭̤̭͔̤̲̜̱̉��̐̇͜I̷̢̨̱͍̬̓̆̏̑̉̈͆̒̿̀̃̐͋̾͗̊͜V̶̛͖̝̝͇͉̞̗̤̾͊̐͋̓̄́͗͋́̑̾̇́͊͜Ȩ̶̥̜̳͇̱̹͍̺̟͓̜̐͌̽̀͆̇̓͗͒̈̌̾͘̚͝͝ ̴̢̛̻̮̖̮̖͉͓͕͙̤̱̞̼̲̇́̿̅̇͆͋͌̏͐̒̄̚̚ͅṀ̵̛͚͇̪͙̟͇̫̬̭̭̱͕͔̓̋̉̀́É̢̛̯̘̝̞̗̦̯̻͙̝̮͓̖́̎͋̊̐͛͌̈́͒͊ ̧̢̠̤͇̞͓̝̲͈̫͉̀͝Ṭ̥͚̗̤̞͜ͅĤ̴̡̻̝̪̫̬̦͌̎̌̐́́̋̅̿̊̎͋̑͝È̘̺̻̘͔͔̯̭̟̹̘̍̍̅̾̍͆̾̐͝ͅ ̴͈̈́̏̕͠R̷̡̧̡̨͎̳͍̘̬̻̪̦͔͓̫̖̈̾͊̐͋͛͗̓͗̐̽̋̒͝ͅI̵̺͚̠͎͎̅̌̔̒͗N̴͎̟̊̿̉͌̓ͅG̵̠̟̺̻͎̫͙̭̼̠͉̹̬̅͌̋̈́̅̂̓ ̨̱̼͉͙̫͓͕̘̃̈́̈́͋̅͗́̓̀O̷̯̳̮͒͛͗͆́̎̃̌͐F̶͙͉͖͕̯͕̘͔̹̪͆͌̓͒́͂̉͆͝ͅ ̶̻̊͘R̷̢̺̙̠̜̤͈͛́̈̏̃͛͛̒̍Ȧ̴̰̘̀̋̆̂̏̈͆̐̆͂̀̎̓̿͛͝G̵̡͈̪͔͎̱̈̆̓̏̏̈́̿̀͂̀́͋̑̈́̈́̃̕E̵̢̡̢̧̛͓͔͖̮̅̃͂̅̍̔̈́̚͘!̷̡̧̡̡̨̻̟̮͚͔͖͈̝̲̩̤̍̏̆̂̿̈́͌́̕̕̕!̴͓̥̮̺̓̀̇̚͜”
Pariah Dark fell to his knees and cried out in pain, still resisting.
Phantom took the chance. He rushed forward and slashed downward with his arm, created a sharp ice attack which cut off Pariah’s left hand. Pariah howled again. The hand fell the to ground, limp and spewing green ectoplasm and blood. Phantom bent down and picked up the hand, taking the Ring of Rage off Pariah’s now limp finger. In his hands, it felt so small – so insignificant. But he knew of the true power that it held. If he focused, he could feel the infinite ectoplasm that it leaked, fueling its wearer. And carefully – ever so carefully – he slipped it onto his own hand. For several moments, there was nothing – and then pain, pain like he had never felt before. The room lit up in green light, which emanated from both the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage. Phantom could physically feel his core being ripped apart.
His core pulsed and shuddered, overwhelmed by the power of both artifacts. But it only took one look down at Pariah – the sniveling king, who had taken his town, his people and ghosts, and destroyed their homes – to know that he couldn’t give into the power of the artifacts. There was no way he would let himself burn away and fade, leaving anyone at the mercy of Pariah Dark ever again.
The light faded. The Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage stopped glowing. Phantom’s core slowly released the heat, ice spreading out in fractures from beneath his feet, freezing over the entire throne room. Snowflakes fell from the ceiling, the wooden throne splintered under the cold, and the Sarcophagus of Forever sleep slowly froze over. When the ice reached Pariah, it melted around his feet at first, but slowly, it overtook him, too. Phantom stepped forward, spreading more rapid-fire ice under his heel, causing craters in the ground and sharp ice pillars to form with every step.
“Go̵ ̶i̶n̴t̵o t̵h̵e̴ ̴Sa̶rc̵o̷ph̴a̶g̷u̷s o̷f̴ F̷o̶r̴ev̵e̷r̴ ̴S̴le̶e̴p,” Phantom ordered.
And Pariah, features still scrunched up in pain, was forced to obey.
Phantom closed the Sarcophagus of Forever sleep. He didn’t have the key, so he froze over the sarcophagus with his impenetrable ice, freezing it into a solid block of ice, so that Pariah may never escape again.
On the way out, Phantom picked up the sword that Pariah had dropped during the fight. The sword shrunk as soon as it was in his hands, going from over ten feet in length to only five feet of blade. It looked like crystallised ectoplasm, with a glow surrounding the blade. On the hilt, which was made of some sort of green leather, was the inscription “Reaper.” By only holding it, Phantom could feel that it had similar properties to Soul Shredder. He very carefully held the blade as he left Pariah’s Keep, not sure if he would need it or not, but knowing he couldn’t leave it out for anyone to take.
While the inside of Pariah’s Keep was quiet, when Phantom stepped out of the Keep, he found the battle was still very much ongoing with the ghost skeletons. And, unfortunately, his rogues were started to flag in their energy. Phantom saw Ember fall beneath several ghost skeletons, he saw Skulker’s blasters fail to go off, he saw the Box Ghost’s boxes crushed, and his core pulsed angrily. He took a single step outside he Keep, and the ground cracked beneath his feet. Another step, and frost started to spread. The ghost skeletons around him froze over quickly, but this wasn’t a battle that Phantom needed to fight. He knew, as long as the Crown of Fire sat on his head, and the Ring of Rage stayed on his finger, that this was his army to command.
“S̷͎͎̝̣̠̫̤̠̣̙̱̩͇̉̿̾̒͒̈́̽̋̾͛̀̀̚͠T̶̛͙̤̬̯̜̗͍͈̮̮̖̻̿̊̆͛̈́͐̃̌̑͒̽͌̈͂̎̌͜Ő̷̡̱͇͕̤̞̓̏́̐̿͜P̵̡͉̯̫̮̌̌̍̈́̉̽͂̓̎̔!̶̢̢̛̻̱͇̙̙͕̫̅̔͐͋̑̓̈͛̏̅͊̕” He commanded, his Voice loud and clear. He held out Reaper in threat.
And they listened.
Figuring out how to bring Amity Park back into the Living Realms was a bit of a harder task than stopping an army of hundreds of thousands of ghosts. His rogues weren’t any help because none of them could open a portal on their own, not like Wulf could – but Wulf wasn’t here right now. Pariah had known how to open portals, too, but he was gone now. Except … Fright Knight was still left, his second in command. And if anyone were to know how to do what Pariah did, then Fright Knight would.
It wasn’t hard to find Fright Knight considering he was waiting outside Pariah’s Keep with the rest of the army. When Phantom floated in front of him, Fright Knight immediately dropped to his knees and bowed before him, no Command or Voice needed.
“My Liege,” Fright Knight said, startling Phantom.
“I’m no king,” Phantom denied.
“You are now,” Fright Knight said. “You are my King now. By trial of combat, you have defeated Pariah Dark, and you now possess both the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage. I will follow you wherever you go, I will do whatever you wish.”
“I don’t want to be a king, I want to bring Amity Park back to the Living Realms,” Phantom said. “How do I do that?”
The Zone swirled around him, the purple doors moved out of his way, the islands appeared at his will, and Amity Park was safe. It was like the Ghost Zone responded to his emotions and wishes. He only felt marginally bad when he used his claws as he ripped a giant hole in the space and time around him. The Infinite Realms bent around him, splintering and ripping under his will, creating a large rip in the Ghost Zone. The dawn-lit sky from the Living Realms bled through, and Phantom used all his ghostly strength to push the island that was Amity Park through the rift, right back to where it belonged.
Phantom invisibly flew to Fenton Works, phasing through the walls and dropping right into his bed. He de-transformed, turning back into Danny, and groaned into his sheets. After using so much power, and his core being abused so much, he felt like he had been run over by a bus. Behind him, his friends, who had been waiting in his room, startled.
“Danny!” They both exclaimed.
“What happened?” Sam demanded.
“Are you okay?” Tucker asked.
Danny groaned again. “Let’s just say, Pariah Dark will never be a problem … ever again.”
43 notes · View notes
taintandviolent · 6 months
Can you do a Frat!Kyle smut where reader is chubby, and it's just really slow and sweet. Like maybe both Kyle and the reader are desperate, but he's a little too big and he starts going slower, giving reader kisses and such. Stuff like that? I LOVE UR WRITING SO MUCH MWAH MWAH!! 💋 Tysm if you do decide to write this, you can choose the setting and background and what not
warnings: alcohol mention. unprotected sex. female receiving. uhhh nothing really else this is very mild for me.
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The light filtered through Kyle's fluffy blonde curls as he turned, making them almost shimmer. He looked back at his group of friends, smiling that adorable, lopsided grin. They were schmoozing with a group of girls, all who looked nothing like you. In fact, the way they looked made you instantly insecure. Why was Kyle Spencer talking to you? Was this some kind of prank? 
"I'm not your type, am I?" 
He turned back to you, his brows furrowed. It was clear that the statement confused him. "Whaddya' mean?" 
"You know... all skinny, and blonde and pretty. I'm not like them." Subconsciously, you pulled at the fabric of your dress, loosening it. 
"Huh," he said, nodding. "If I wanted a girl like that, I'd be with my buddies over there."
He said it with such genuinity that you believed him, the way his extra-dark chocolate eyes stared into yours, warm and sincere, melting you into a puddle of pliability. He reached for your hand, tugging it away from the grip it had on your dress. 
“Why do you think I’m talking to you? Be honest.” 
“I don’t know, maybe it’s a joke or a dare. Go flirt with the fat girl – “ 
“Don’t. Don’t talk like that. You are…” He glanced over your body, heavy-lidded and hungrily. There was no denying the truth in his gaze, the desire and the want in it. He didn’t finish his sentence, but he didn’t need to. You understood. He kissed you first. He kissed you by the makeshift bar, taking the red Solo Cup out of your hands and setting it behind you. His hands trailed down to your ample, plush hips, laying softly atop of them. He broke the kiss to speak, seeming slightly nervous. 
“Hey, so… you uh… wanna’ go upstairs? You can say no…” 
“I know I can say no, Kyle.”
“I know, I was just… saying.” 
You nodded, looking at his lips. He led you around the people, around the tables, and up the winding staircase. Passing door after door, until you finally got to his. He opened it, letting you in first, and you took the first few seconds to admire the little things that made him him. You didn’t get long though, because as soon as he’d shut it, he pressed you against the back of his door, kissing you with a desperation that made your core ache and tighten. 
“I’m kinda’ obsessed with you… sorry, I’m not trying to come on too strong, I just….” His hands explored you, hungrily taking fistfuls of everything he touched. “...want you.” For once, you felt like the pretty girl, the desired one. You bumped your head against his door, letting out a breathy moan. 
“Can I…?” 
You chuckled under your breath. He asked for permission for everything, defying the predetermined ideas you’d had of a frat boy, shattering all the commanding, insistent urges that you’d expected him to have. Sure, he had urges and a raging hard-on, but Kyle was different… in so many ways. 
“Please.” You affirmed. 
The tips of his fingers made quirk work of finding your cunt, rubbing it through the fabric of your underwear. He trailed his middle finger over the soft mound of your pussy, before trailing along the outline of the slit. You were so warm, and the lower he ventured, the wetter it got. With a groan and a push of hips into yours, Kyle slipped his hand into your panties. He inserted one finger, slowly, feeling every inch of your hot cunt as it clenched around his digit. 
He only fingered you for a few moments before he pulled his hand from your underwear, and immediately began kissing you again, wrapping his arms around your lower back. You whimpered into the kiss, rutting your hips against his. You could feel the rigid outline of his cock against your thigh as he ground against you. 
“Kyle, can we lay down?” 
He nodded, excitedly, his blonde curls bouncing on his forehead. “Yeah! Yeah, we totally can.” 
After guiding you to the bed, Kyle pulled his navy blue shirt over his head, and the undershirt followed. You watched from the bed, propping yourself up on your elbows. He had a toned, but stocky build and the muscles flexed as he undressed. In nothing but his boxers now, he crawled up to you from the bottom of the bed, a devious, playful smirk on his face. He took his time pulling your panties from around your hips before tossing them behind him. They landed on the corner of his TV. 
“C’mere,” you said. “I want you.” 
Once he was above you, you took hold of his cock, pumping it a few times before guiding it towards your entrance. The hot, leaking tip pressed into you and Kyle bucked his hips once before your muscles contracted. The burning stretch was too much, the harsh and abrupt ache of his cock as it sunk into you was alarming. 
“Wait, wait…!” you whined, stuttering and backing your hips into the mattress. It took you a few moments, but finally, you managed to say what you’d been trying for. “You’re… you’re um… too big.” 
Kyle let out a breathy chuckle, his head hanging between his bare shoulders. He always thought he was average length, but he knew his cock was girthy. Was an apology appropriate? He’d rather be too big than too small, and hear ‘Is it in yet?’ like some of the horror stories he’d heard from buddies. 
“Do you want me to stop?” His voice was subdued, gentle. Concerned. “Wait, have you ever…. Are you a –” 
“N-no!” You bit your lip. “No… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. I um,” you paused, brushing your hair away from your cheek. “I’m not. I want you really bad, Kyle, I’m just… nervous.” 
Kyle took the hint and shushed you with a kiss. His plush, pink lips pressing into yours with an unspoken understanding, warm and soft. You leaned upwards into him, your mouth giving way to his. He tasted faintly of beer, but there was a warm sweetness in his saliva that made you run your tongue along his, hungrily searching for more. 
He broke the kiss and moved to your neck, slowly peppering kisses along the nape of it, taking his time to savour the soft fragrance of whatever perfume you’d put on before the party. You were everything he dreamt about, from the softness of your hips to the fullness of your breasts. If he was being honest, Kyle was always kinda’ insecure over the fact that he and his buddies never agreed on women. All women were beautiful creatures, he could agree with that much, but the type of woman… 
His large, veiny hands trailed over your full thighs, squeezing the pillowy flesh. They moved to your hips, a place that in the few moments of foreplay, you’d come to realize he was really into, and couldn’t keep his hands to himself. He kneaded your flesh, groaning and grinding his bare cock against your cunt. It slid in and out of your folds, your own wetness smearing down the shaft. 
You moaned loud, pressing your head into his pillow. You couldn’t help but let it out, the way he was dry-humping you was nearly enough stimulation to send you over the edge, but you waited, clenching your teeth and holding the orgasm back. 
Once your cunt was dripping, he asked permission again. This time, there was a breathless, frustrated urgency in his wanton voice, and his half-lidded, heavy with lust gaze begged you wordlessly. You agreed, and spread your legs slightly, allowing more room this time. When he finally fucked you, it was slow and deliberate. Each thrust was deeper than the last, but it wasn’t hurried, as though he was relishing in the tinier feelings of your walls as they clenched around him, squeezing his cock in a vice-grip. 
You came before he did, but the sight of you coming undone below him was enough to push him. His thrusts got a little faster when he came, little desperate bunny humps that stung, but somehow, still left you feeling satisfied. 
After a few moments, you looked at him with big, doe-eyes. “You really like women like me?” 
Still panting, he nodded, nuzzling against your heavy breasts. “I really do.” 
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sbtorms · 9 months
SUNSETTER - An Undertale roleswap take
A couple months back I started making a concept for an Underswap take. I'm happy with what I've made thus far.
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Long ago, Monsterkind and Humanity lived together in harmony. But a war sparked, and the peace shattered. The monsters, overpowered, made a bunker, and hid underground. The humans, discovering this, created a machine to keep monsterkind from leaving it, hoping their opponents would eventually die out. And the war soon was long forgotten...
... Eventually, in the year of 202X, a story unfolds.
On the surface are the caverns of Night's Aura. Underneath the earth lies the refuge of Monsterkind...
A bit of information before we get onto characters...
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This is a human's SPIRIT, the very essence of one's being. A monster's spirit, containing seven human's spirits, would become godlike.
The first character swap on the AU is...
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A Flowey - Frisk swap!
Finley is a human kid, around 15 years old. They're a bit of a brat. After running away from home, they hide away in a cave. Picking up sticks to make a fire, they unfortunately discovered some loose ground, and fell into the SETTLEMENT.
The Human is... a human? Maybe. They seem a bit... undead, though. A silent type, seemingly not talking at all. Who knows if they can. They hide and watch from the shadows, acting on instinct alone. No one seems to know they exist. What even are they?
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Next is your average Asgore - Toriel swap!
Asgore is the guide to the OL' TOWN from the OUTSKIRTS, and one who used to be the king of Monsterkind. He's a big fuzzy pushover, just like in Undertale. He's beloved by all in the area. It's a wonder why he's so far from the captial... but he's there to give hope to all that lives in Town.
Toriel is the keeper of the BARRICADE, and the queen of Monsterkind. As of now, all know how she tires from the situation she's in. Many fear her wrath, but others know her warmth. With her mighty blade, Queen TORIEL will set all free.
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As with most Underswap takes, you can't have it without the usual Papyrus - Sans swap!
Papyrus is a skeleton who's lost his ambition. Due to certain circumstances, a goal he once had is completely out of reach. Due to this, he's become a bit more... distant. He's not lazy by any means, but he has a hard time getting up in the morning. Besides all of that, he still shares some visions and ideals as his original self. Though, perhaps someone can come by and help him...
Sans is also a skeleton. The Skeleton, even. He's mainly very similar to his original lazybones self. But he's gotten a little more upbeat and extroverted, in an attempt to help his brother get back to his former greatness. There isn't much else to add, actually. At the core, he really is still Sans, puns, pranks, and all. Though, he does have a few jobs, including working as an assistant for a magical girl vigilante. Though, it's mainly just taking phone calls. They'd be met through SNOHFAL CAVERNS and the CITY OF SNOHFALIN
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I decided to do something interesting for my Alphys - Undyne swap, but the usual thing is still like the average one.
Alphys is the aforementioned magical girl style vigilante in the WETLANDS, trying to make a name for herself. The matters of protection throughout the SETTLEMENT had lessened before she started, due to certain circumstances. She's gotten herself a few fans, stopped a few crimes, supported the local soup kitchen... But she still feels like there's more she can do. Toriel's stressed, and she knows this. So, maybe... she can try to get the next fallen human's SPIRIT on her own.
Undyne is the Queen's Royal Engineer, and a rather good one at that. She's made various ways of making the settlement, and the lives of those that reside in it, better. Though, there's nothing that outdoes the previous ones's greatest creation, MEGA, a generator that powers the entire Settlement. She resides in a laboratory in PYROCLAST Due to certain circumstances, she's much more determined to get the next fallen human's SPIRIT. She's enlisted the help of a ghostly friend of hers to help her do so.
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The Blook Cousins have a different swapping arrangement from normal Underswap Napstablook - Dummy Mettaton - Mad Dummy/Mew Mew
Scarecrow is, well... a scarecrow. A ghost monster possessing a scarecrow, actually. Despite their name, and weird face, they're actually rather shy. They probably just need a little cheering up once in a while. They also really like music.
Bittinaugh (pronounced: bitty-naff) is just your average ghost monster. They don't talk much, though. Who really knows what goes on in that little ghost's head. They're also a shy sort, and a bit sensitive, despite their monotonous expression.
Starcrow is also a ghost monster possessing a scarecrow. Though, they have VERY high aspirations for themself. They wish to be a celebrity, a star for the whole SETTLEMENT to enjoy. After learning about a human's fall through their cousin, they decided that a perfect start to showbiz would be to face one head on!
The "Mad Mew Mew" boss would have them possess a big gundam-like figure, with similarities to Mettaton EX.
Amornalek (pronounced: a-more-na-leck) seems to be your average robotic suit of armor, but she's actually a VENGEFUL SPIRIT!!! Or... just an angry ghost monster possessing the suit. She works with Undyne, and is her best friend... and training dummy for battle practice. They two spar a lot, and it's fun for the both of them. Undyne souped-up her with a TON of weapons. Magic, missiles, knives, a LOT of knives, those knives were kinda Amor's idea.
There's an "EX" form, but I haven't designed it. It would be similar to Mad Mew Mew, but not exactly. It'd also go for more of a mix of cute-yet-violent in design than just cute.
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And finally, Asriel - Chara
Both of them are... more or less the same as in canon. Their life and death are more or less the same. It's just that Undyne was allowed by Queen Toriel to use Chara's corpse for a... certain experiment. Being allowed to do so was due to desperation, and the idea of at least seeing one of her children alive again.
But that's another story. ... Which I'm gonna tell right now.
SOW-WOS - The "Willpower" Experiments
There was an attempt by Undyne to make stronger monsters/warriors, beings able to get past and destroy the barricade. All of the monsters that were experimented on were volunteers, rather than just being on death's door like in Undertale. Each and every volunteer was a member of that time's current Royal Guard.
Each volunteer was given a machine put inside their bodies that courses Willpower, a lifeblood extracted from the previously collected human SPIRITs, throughout their body.
Unfortunately, the volunteers start to become a metallic-like fluid, an immense pull making them come together. Their bones and joints reconfigured within the combined masses. The fluid hardens and loses polarity as they turn from magnetic fluid, to almost a hard metal, like titanium.
The amalgamates form, with a distinct taste in the air... similar to that of copper.
These experiments, Undyne couldn't reveal the full results of, so she locked the masses down below the main lab. She simply recorded that they perished in the experimentation. And what makes things worse, is that the body of the deceased human had disappeared. Learning this, Toriel completely disbanded the Royal Guard, not wanting something like this to happen again. She put Undyne on probation, yet did not completely fire her. The whole thing was an accident, completely unexpected, and the subjects were volunteers. It was not Undyne's fault. But to Undyne, it was. With that on her shoulders, she made it her new mission to get the next human's SPIRIT... By any means necessary.
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deadhoneybee · 6 months
Hot Take:
Remus and sirius work so well because at their core they both believe they’re, in their own ways, Monsters. That they are truly the worst of the worst with no hope of redemption.
And still, they look at each other and see such beautiful people. People that love their friends and would do anything for those they care for. They dont see a monster, They See Each Other.
Even after learning these horrible and vile things about each other they still think they are good people, they still support and love each other and its that unconditional love that allows them to think “Maybe I really am capable of good.”
But of course,, they are never really allowed to have that, are they? Not after the prank, or after oct 81, not even 12 years later when things finally start looking up and then suddenly Remus is kneeling infront of The Veil trying so hard to hold it together because Damnit He’d Just Gotten Him Back.
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
I LOVE seeing headcanons related to Kai's powers. Like in the show he uses his power as a light source and that's cool, but people online go beyond that and come up with cool ideas of variety he could do as an elemental.
My favorites include:
The flame shield we saw with his True Potential. With how destructive fire is, you'd think his would be offensive like Zane's is, but no it's the opposite. I think that's poetic with how True Potential functions with the master's discovery of themselves. Zane's is raw power from his heart and soul because of his acceptance of his identity. Cole's is strength from his strong will to stand up for who he is no matter the weight and pressure. Jay's is teleportation and flight because... faith trust and pixie dust? Idk that one confuses me a little, someone help me there. Kai's is a shield because he is a brother at his core. That's his fighting purpose. It's to protect his family, blood or surrogate. His fire is a protection barrier for the people he loves.
Speaking of family, the idea that he has a higher body temperature than the others, and it doesn't affect him negatively. Maybe it causes heat strokes in intense environments, but idk for sure if that's a problem for him. So he's just a space heater half the time. Especially for his siblings like Nya and Lloyd. You're cold? You're sick? You're cuddling with Kai and staying warm, and he ain't letting you go. Unless you're Jay, then he might tell you 'can't wait to go to your funeral knowing I could've changed that outcome'. (Lloyd goes limp cause he's part dragon)
The flames change colors when in certain sources like the crystals from Elemental. I never knew I needed that. But I think Kai would just like to play with it around Lloyd to cheer up the angsty child, and Lloyd likes it because ooo pretty lights. Imagine using this for like a bedtime story for someone. He also would do it to frame other people for pranks. 'Oh the ashes are green well clearly Lloyd did it' 'Oh its rocks it's gotta be Cole'. It almost never works.
He's afraid of water because he can't swim. That's how I interpret it. So when you splash him with water, he's just frowning. And it depends on who does it. If it's Nya, he goes, "...ok." If it's someone else, he goes, "What'd you say to me?!" If it's someone like Jay, he goes, "So you have chosen death." My point is that despite the water paranoia, he likes taking baths, especially before bed. He'll tell you he hates them, because they make him do it before bed. They do it to calm him down because if he goes to bed mad, or has a panic attack, or has a nightmare, his powers could go off the fritz and he burns the bedsheets. He likes it as a calming thing, away from stress of the day. He also likes the bath salts, again his flames changing colors with that stuff. Half of the time it's ingredients from that Sereni-tea from that Wu's Tea shorts. It's a therapy medicine for him.
BLUE FLAMES. YUS. This is one that I wish we actually saw in the show because that would be awesome. He doesn't use it very often because it's hard to control and maybe damaging, but that's why he only uses it when he's just... out of control of himself. Imagine a nightmare of a situation where an enemy just takes it too far. Severely injures one of his siblings, for example. Then you just see the fire turn blue... you'd run for the hills if you were them. That man is angry. ANGRY angry
These aren't mine. I did not come up with these. I've just seen these scattered online everywhere, and I love it, and I love art of it.
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Horrorfell Sans & Papyrus character sheets (Updated version)
COPPER (Horrorfell Sans)
Backstory: Knowing that Asgore would kill Frisk as soon as they reached the throne room, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Flowey and Toriel allied to kill the King, so the child could reach the Surface. They managed to take Asgore's down, which allowed Frisk to take his soul to cross the Barrier and go find help. Except… Frisk never came back.
After a brief period of peace, Undyne's and Toriel's relationship became tense, as both women had very opposite views of how to lead Monsterkind now that Asgore is gone. Toriel wanted to bring back the old days, before Asgore's kill or be killed decision, but Undyne accused her of wanting to re-do Asgore's work by doing so. Undyne wanted a modern kingdom, that would never accept a reign of terror once again. Eventually, a fight broke out between them and Toriel ended up badly injured and banned back into the Ruins as Undyne took over. Eventually, their fight caused a civil war in the Underground, which ended tragically with Toriel's partisans making the CORE explode.
Copper and Chief quickly understood it was in their best interest to stay out of this mess. Copper… Copper didn't live this well. After his brother forces the town to stay neutral, he finds himself stuck between his loyalty to Snowdin and his friendship with the Queen, making him a target not only for Undyne but for Toriel's rebels as well, considering he was not invested enough in their battle. With the food lacking added to that, Copper quickly had to learn to keep a low profile, too weak to fight against big LV monsters. He eventually decided he was a burden to his brother and went to live in the Ruins with Toriel, so his brother wouldn't have to worry too much about his survival. Toriel had enough resources to feed and protect both of them, while outside, they resigned to hunting rats and small cavern animals to live another day.
After seven years of living out of town, having only a few contacts with his brother through the door, a human fell down. Aliza was Frisk's friend and heard about monsterkind when Frisk died, through their notes. They never make it to the human city. Copper had a hard time accepting that, but Toriel even more, as she had to grieve yet another child. Unfortunately, it was too much for Toriel. They found her dust in the morning, having no idea what happened. Maybe she fell down out of despair, maybe she took her own life, one mystery Copper would never know.
The initial plan of Copper was to get the teenager out of this hell as Copper thought monsterkind didn't deserve to be saved anymore, but Aliza convinced him. With the help of his brother, and the not-so-many monsters who survived the famine in Snowdin, they challenged Undyne, hoping they would be enough to take her down. That worked, but at the cost of almost all of Snowdin's survivors, his brother's legs and his arm. Chief didn't want to kill Undyne, but Undyne refused to give up, letting them not choice. After that, with seven souls and the Queen's soul, Aliza broke the Barrier.
The brothers are now trying to recover, closer than ever after being apart for so long. They missed each other a lot, and they hope they can finally let the past behind for a better future.
Personality: Adventurous - Charismatic - Cooperative - Curious - Dramatic - Fair - Honest - Loyal to death - Observant - Protective - Prudent - Self-critical - Shrewd - Uncomplaining - Competitive - Quiet - Sarcastic - Calculating - Cowardly - Disobedient - Easily discouraged - Fatalistic - Irritable - Lazy - Moody - Opportunistic - Provocative - Sedentary - Slow.
Job : Farmer, sort of.
Hobbies: Taking care of the animals, bitching on the neighbors, watching TV, inventing small things he will never use, messing with the house equipment to piss off his brother and his S/O.
Loves: Cars, big tractors, big trucks, motorcycles, inventing new things, pranking his brother, testing the limits, annoying his S/O, messing with children by popping off his arm prosthesis when they shake his hand, plaid burritos, talking and arguing with his animals, finding random excuses to enter people's house, steal something and wait for them to notice weeks later, good food, playing piano, Halloween, horror stories, free coupons, weird looking animals.
Hates: People staring at his arm for too long, people who attack his brother on his disability, people trying to scam him, people pointing at him because he's a monster, very loud noises, crowded places, elevators, deep water, the smell of blood, thunder, people too curious about the Underground, not having food in his pockets, cleaning the house.
The S/O of his dream: Someone who has the same dark humor he has, or at least doesn't get offended by it. Someone patient enough to tell him when he's too much of an asshole. Someone who will not push him to talk about his past and understand he wants to move on. Someone who doesn't care about his disability and treats him normally.
Dealbreaker: Doing things for him and saying he can't do them because of his missing arm, disrespecting his brother. Mocking his panic fear of loud noises. Pushing him to talk about his past.
Contacts :
Family: Chief.
Adopted family: Oak, Willow, Nugget, Pumpkin.
Best friend: Red.
Close friends: Edge, UF Grillby, UF Toriel, Coffee, Rumba, Sam, Ben, Fang, Killer, Delta.
Friends: UT Toriel, UT Grillby, Blue, Honey, Nox, Rus, Demon, Error, Dune.
OK/Neutral: Sans, Papyrus, UT Asgore, UT Mettaton, UT Burgerpants, UT Gerson, Ink.
Would better avoid: UT Undyne, UT Alphys, UT Frisk, UT Chara, UT Gaster, UT Muffet, UT Asriel/Flowey, UF Alphys, Moon, Sun, Rambo, Salsa, Tango, Creeper, Torpedo.
Absolutely hates: UF Undyne, Wine.
CHIEF (Horrorfell Papyrus)
Backstory: After Undyne took control of the Underground, tired of this pointless civil war, Chief took over Snowdin's authority, forcing the town to be neutral in the war, while Waterfall and the Hotlands became a battlefield. With the explosion of the CORE though, they had no choice but to learn how to survive, as Undyne, feeling betrayed by Chief's refusal to follow her lead, refused him and all of Snowdin access to what little food there was left. So Chief taught the town how to haunt small animals, hoping it would gain enough time for Frisk to come back and free them from this hell.
Constantly making sure his brother would survive, Chief forgets himself, pushing his body to limits he probably never should have crossed. That's probably one of Copper's motivations to find shelter in the Ruins, to stop worry him. It kinda worked. And it kinda not. Even if he played it cool when he could talk with him through the Ruins door, Chief had a very hard time trying to keep everyone in town alive and healthy.
He didn't tell his brother he almost died three times, two because he refused to eat for too long, one because Undyne took advantage of his weakness to try and kill him for good. Yet he survived. For his brother. He knew that as soon he would die, Undyne would find a way to hurt his brother somehow. And he refused.
He survived seven very long years, doing his best to survive and keep the others alive. Until he met with his brother again, and a child. He didn't think they would really free them, as Chief lost hope a long time ago, but he didn't feel like breaking his brother's hope, so he played along. Quite honestly, he thought they would all die as soon as they met Undyne, and he was ready for this.
So when he realized Undyne was as weak at him and that he actually had a chance to take her down, he was shocked. And maybe he let his enthusiasm talk too much. He underestimated her and made a terrible mistake. He didn't expect her to suddenly attack his brother, and without thinking, he threw himself in the way. His spine took most of the hit and injured him to the point of paralyzing him completely. But by sacrificing himself, it gave enough time to his brother to finish her, so he thought it was justified.
The truth is that he didn't expect to survive this injury. He couldn't live like that, it couldn't happen to him. And yet, he's still there. A lot of therapy helped him to accept his disability better, but it's still a subject he will avoid. He doesn't like his broken body. He hates that everyone are moving on but he can't because his legs will forever remind him of what happened. But he can't give up on his brother. So he continues.
He's slowly healing, but the scars will never really leave.
Personality: Clever - Disciplined - Dutiful - Empathetic - Forthright - Hardworking - Incorruptible - Intuitive - Leaderly - Loyal - Painstaking - Prudent - Reliable - Responsible - Preoccupied - Stubborn - Anxious - Cautious - Cold at first - Critical - Depressed - Desperate - Difficult - Fatalistic - Impulsive - Moody - Negativistic - Obsessive - Paranoid - Resentful - Terrified of failure - Still acts like he's Underground
Job: Farmer, Animal shelter employee
Hobbies: Taking care of Doomfanger, writing, crocheting, cooking.
Loves: Doomfanger, all the abandoned cats of the shelter, taking care of the food stock, finding new recipes to try, his brother, the snow on the Surface, criticizing the news, the neighborhood children, when his legs are moving even just a few inches, that his brother never gave up on him despite everything, puzzles.
Hates: People staring at him too much, his body, people saying they're impressed his cat is so old, his body, therapists who are not honest with him, that nothing is accessible with his wheelchair, people trying to help him in the street when he didn't ask help, people abandoning animals at the shelter, finding kittens in the bins in front of the shelter, when his brother is hurting, when he's hurting.
The S/O of his dream: Someone who can prove to him he's more than a broken body and that he still is himself. Someone who never judges him and supports his progress instead of focusing on the failures.
Dealbreaker: Using his disability against him, hurting his brother, asking to get rid of Doomfanger, and not letting him be independent.
Family: Copper, Doomfanger.
Adoptive family: Oak, Willow, Nugget, Pumpkin.
Best friend: Pumpkin.
Close friends: Red, Edge, Nox, Rus, Coffee, Rumba, Sam, Ben, Killer.
Friends : UT Mettaton, UT Grillby, UT Asriel/Flowey, UF Grillby, Blue, Honey, Moon, Tango, Fang, Delta.
OK/Neutral : Sans, Papyrus, UT Toriel, UT Asgore, UT Muffet, UT Burgerpants, UT Gerson, Sun, Rambo, Salsa, Demon, Creeper, Dune.
Would better avoid : UT Undyne, UT Alphys, UT Frisk, UT Chara, Ink, Error.
Absolutely hates : UT Gaster, UF Undyne, UF Alphys, Wine, Torpedo.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Could we get a nsfw with loki please? I loved your posiden and Hades one!
Maybe a thicc! Reader and loki who just has such a major breeding kink for her? Possibly even the after effects as well 👀
Anyways, thank you so much!! I love your writing!
-You knew Loki was a gremlin, you knew that before you started dating him, but you quickly learned how to reign him in.
-He was obsessed with your body, never failing to smack your ass when you walked by, will stand behind you while you’re doing something and bounce your booty like a basketball or do the same with your larger than average chest.
-You knew the power you had over him, being able to get him to stop doing something by ‘dropping’ something and wiggling your rear just slightly.
-This also had its own drawbacks however, as usually it always devolved into an intense lovemaking session.
-He would never complain about doing it and any complaints you have would quickly die once he got going.
-Loki was an intense but doting lover, he will rail you into the mattress or whatever furniture he has thrown you on but will check in numerous times and always provide the best aftercare, once he had feeling back in his legs.
-More recently, you’ve been basically confined to your bed, as you’ve been letting Loki do it raw, something that has seemed to flip a switch in the mischievous god.
-Seeing you dripping with his cum would turn him feral, as soon as he finishes he would be at your twitching core, spreading you apart just so he could see the delectable cream pie he had given to you. It would always rile him up for a second…or fourth round.
-Today was one of those days where Loki has been acting up something fierce, pulling pranks on anyone that he could, even Odin and Thor.
-You were unaware of this until Muninn flew into an open window of the home you shared with Loki, “Y/N! You need to do something about Loki! He’s going to get himself killed if he doesn’t leave Lord Odin alone!!”
-You didn’t know he was causing so much mischief, but you instantly gave a nod to the raven, “I got this, can you give Loki this. He will know what it means and he will come straight back here.” You handed the raven a folded piece of paper after writing something down, “Thank you Y/N! I hope this works!”
-You looked at the clock on the wall and grinned, you had about four minutes to change.
-Moments later you heard pounding footsteps before the door slammed open, revealing Loki who was clutching your note, smoking coming from his mouth as he looked around with a feral look in his eyes.
-You turned, wearing a miniskirt, “Welcome home Loki~” your note had only said ‘miniskirt’ and that had him immediately abandoning his pranks to return to you.
-Shadows covered his eyes, showing off only a pair of red glints before you twirled again, flashing him as you weren’t wearing any panties, teasing him, “Do you like my new skirt?”
-A squeal left your lips as he was quick to pounce, knocking you back into the couch and instantly his head was between your legs, eating out like a starved man.
-Your hands in his hair, gripping him, and your cries spurred him to go harder and faster, your thighs locking around his head.
-He groaned deeply, silently praying that you would crush his head between your thighs, he would die a happy man!
-His fingers joined his tongue and lips, going hard, curling his fingers deep within you and he smirked, relishing the shriek you gave him, throwing your head back as pleasure blinded your vision.
-He forced three orgasms out of you before he pulled away, wiping his mouth before quickly stripping, moving your top as well but left your skirt on as he made you lay over an armchair, ass presented to him.
-Your hands stretched out before you, gripping at the chair as he entered you, your long moan was music to his ears as he sighed deeply, closing his eyes for only a moment, enjoying the feeling of your velvet walls clutching tightly at him.
-His pace was fast, rough, unyielding, his hands gripped at your ass and thighs, spreading your cheeks to watch him thrusting into you, your slick covering the both of you.
-Loki hissed through his teeth, going even harder, making you cry out as tears appeared around your eyes, your mouth falling open, unable to close it.
-He came hard, squeezing you close, and you whimpered, feeling him twitch deep within you, pausing only for a moment before his pace started again.
-Your eyes widened, still feeling that he was hard, trying to beg him for a break; he leaned down over you, his hand coming to your throat, giving it a small squeeze before trailing to your chest, his other joining it to squeeze your supple breasts and pinch your nipples.
-He swallowed hard, giving a series of hard, rapid thrusts, “I’m not stopping! Not-not until you get pregnant!”
-You clenched hard around him and he nearly collapsed, losing his breath before he wheezed only once, “Oh~ you want a baby do you? I’ll keep going until there’s no way you’re not pregnant!”
-You cried out for him, pleads and his name on your lips like a prayer, throwing your hips back into his, making him bite his lip as he pulled back, holding onto your waist to go even harder.
-He teased that you weren’t going to be able to walk tomorrow and you smirked back at him, giving him sass, “You gonna talk shit or are you gonna put a baby in me?”
-Four more orgasms for you and five in total for Loki, you finally collapsed, unable to hold yourselves up any longer.
-Loki, once he could walk again and once his vision stopped spinning he carefully picked you up and carried you to the bathroom, washing you so carefully as your arms were around his neck, so close to passing out, pressing soft kisses into his cheek.
-Once you were both in bed, he hugged you close, stroking your hair as you smiled up at him, giving him a small tease, “What if I’m not pregnant?”
-His eyes were closed but the smile that stretched across his lips made you grin, “Then we’ll do this again.” You giggled softly, “Good, I bought two more miniskirts besides this one and I want to show them off.”
-He groaned lightly, not willing to think about sex again until at least tomorrow, making you giggle before he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
-Nine months later, Odin was sitting beside you, holding your daughter as he smiled, as Loki had been calmer ever since you had found out you were pregnant, something you shared a secret smile over.
-Loki was sobbing inconsolably in Thor’s arms, the red-haired man sitting nearby, as Loki hadn’t stopped crying once he saw his little daughter in your arms, overwhelmed with such joy.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
This time I choked on a cookie, what do you know.
So I'm not exactly high cultured on the Batman/Dc lore, heard stuff through the grapevine and the occasional clip watch so if I make any assumed mistakes feel free to correct me.
So in short, instead of biologically connecting Danny to Bruce or any other Batkids.
Why not the Joker?
It doesn't even have to be close, something like a faraway cousin.
The crazies are obviously there in Jack and Maddie- Even if it is dedicated to science.
I don't know enough to make an actual connection that may work, but it's what the cookie says.
Hmmmm. Ok so like Joker before he became criminally insane or after? I’m takin a fat guess for after.
I know that Joker has had children in the comics. He had two perfectly normal kids when he sorta mentally hid himself in his own brain and adopted the name Joseph Kurr after Batman ‘died’. He was a normal man with a normal life, normal job, normal wife, and I’m pretty sure two kids. He turns back into Joker the second he finds out that Batman is back and all that, but it shows that he can indeed have two kids unaffected by his chemical alterations.
(Oh also the idea that the vat of stuff that joker fell in was actually pure ectoplasm and stuff to that degree of purity made him gain an obsession but no core is p cool. The obsession obvs being Batman.)
I haven’t read The Three Jokers comic (nor do I want to. The entire point of the joker is that he is unknown and doesn’t have an in depth backstory and that ruins it for me.) so I’m unsure any past connection he could possibly have with Jack or Maddie besides…
Hold up.
You know what Joker is a master of that absolutely isn’t talked about enough in comics?
The Joker is a fucking genius at chemistry. Dude makes his own Joker Gas, various joker bombs, and other forms of chemical warfare that he repeatedly uses on Batman and the citizens of Gotham City.
If you really wanna fuck with the plot and everything, maybe Joker was an anonymous endorser for the Fentons who are trying to figure out the chemical composition and possible artificial replication of ectoplasm.
Joker helps them in their studies and even comes by to assist on their research. One day he has a request: Raise his child. He knew that Maddie and Jack wanted another kid but we’re too afraid of the possible repercussions of a fetus absorbing harmful ectoplasm radiation in utero.
The Joker’s request wasn’t out of kindness. It was out of mania and a well thought out plan to prank this couple for all their hard work.
He injected the child (is it actually Joker’s? Is it just a kid he stole? Honestly you can choose cause both are pretty to par with how he acts) with the Fenton’s first batch of synthesized ectoplasm. It was a failure but still had some odd qualities that were akin to the undead goo. This sludge would later be known as Joker Venom.
This child will grow up and become his ‘son’. Insane and filled with a green tinged madness that couldn’t be controlled that those who afflicted would fully embrace their madness. (Ey yo this could actually be pretty sick for Dan.)
The child that Maddie and Jack agreed to take in and raise as their own had a corrupted madness hidden inside his heart. Any experience of great grief would cause this madness to spread through his entire being and change him forever.
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lapetitechatonne · 1 year
Lightning Strike
so, this was originally for dpxdc ship week back in Febuary, and i just realized i forgot to cross post it lmaoo, so here's my obligatory wlw contribution to tumblr ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ ao3 link - here! kate's masterlist - here!
Lightning Strike - 2.5k
Since becoming Clockwork’s apprentice, Dani had seen it all. The beginnings and endings of societies, civilizations, and even whole worlds. She understood now why Clockwork had taken her on, it wasn’t because he needed the help, but rather the company.
Watching all of time pass, over and over again, was a lonely business.
But Dani was used to lonely.
Her years spent on the streets, watching people pass by but never really interacting, taught her that. Sure, she made some friends along the way, but the connections were fleeting as the pull in her core demanded she move on.
Clockwork’s tower was the first place she felt okay truly staying at, but that had to do with the infinite possibilities playing on the portals all around her. It was hard to feel suffocated when you had a new adventure every day.
It wasn’t something she thought about often, but doing her routine portal checks was tedious, and perhaps she had seen one two many happy groups of friends or couples. The human part of her deep down wanted that. Someone to talk to and joke around with who didn’t know all her punchlines—she swore hanging out with Clockwork got more frustrating every day.
Father Time truly was a big blob of dad. All the way down to finishing her jokes for it.
Maybe she should pay her cousin dearest a visit. At least he wouldn’t see her pranks coming.
Her mind was so occupied with the pranks she could pull, she didn’t even notice lightning start to break through thick ectoplasm, until the was a large crack and a hole tore open right beside her.
Dani jumped as an arm of lightning reached out, almost hitting her square in the chest. The green of the zone mixed with the golden colored lightning, swirling in a bright halo of the oddest electrical storm she’d ever seen.
Almost too quickly for her to see, the storm collapsed in on itself, settling into an uneasy silence. Then, as quickly as it collapsed, it expanded to twice the size before spitting out a yellow blob. The blob shot straight through Dani, who barely had time to go intangible, and into the ghost zone, lightning trailing behind it.
Dani didn’t wait for her thoughts to catch up, she just raced after the thing. She wasn’t exactly sure what it was, but she was pretty sure it was her problem. God, she hated being Clockwork’s personal bouncer.
It wasn’t hard to follow the blur, electricity tended to linger in the ectoplasmic filled atmosphere longer than others. When she finally caught up with it, she couldn’t help but laugh.
Floating upside down, wiggling her legs, was a redhaired girl in a yellow superhero suit—or at least Dani assumed from the Flash symbol on the girl’s chest. Her red hair was falling out of the back of her bun, swaying with her movement, and when she caught sight of Dani there was an immediate fire in her hazel eyes.
Dani liked this one. She seemed fierce.
“Are you just going to stare?” The girl crossed her arms, glaring at Dani.
Dani just giggled and reached out, poking the girls shoulder. She squeaked as her body hurdled around. Dani used a hand to stop her from going in a circle.
“Oh,” the girl blushed lightly and gave Dani face splitting smile, “thank you. You wouldn’t happen to know where I am, would you?”
“The Ghost Zone.” The girl tilted her head and furrowed her brows. It was too cute. “Well, some people call it the Infinite Realms. Or the Place Out of Time. Oh, and the Between.”
Dani tapped her chine, trying to remember any other names. It seemed like every Earth and time had a different name for it, so Dani didn’t really retain any of them.
“Hm. Do you know how I could like, get home?” The girl cringed as she looked around, and a small frown played across her lips.
“Probably,” Dani crossed her arms behind her head, leaning back, “Clockwork would know. If anyone can get you back to your time, it’s him. I can take ya, if you’d like?” Her chores could wait. This was way more interesting.
“Don’t really have any other options, so I guess so,” the girl smirked, playful and a touch mischievous. “I’m Impulse.”
The girl held out her yellow gloved hand and Dani smirked back.
“I’m Dani—with an i.” She took Impulse’s hand, and even through their gloves Dani could feel how warm she was. It was nice. “Humans can fly in the zone, so just hold onto my arm and you should be fine. Wait, you are human right?” Dani blushed as Impulse giggled.
“Meta-human, if that makes a difference?” She tilted her head and blinked her long eyelashes.
Dani could feel the cold ectoplasm rise to her cheeks giving them a green tint.
“It shouldn’t, but I guess we’ll find out,” Dani gave Impulse the cheekiest grin she could muster, and the other girl actually laughed.
Dani offered her arm to Impulse like the movies she’d watched with Jazz.
“A proper gentleman,” Impulse teased as she placed her hand in the crook of Dani’s elbow.
“Of course! I was taught to treat cute girls right.” Dani winked, and they both dissolved into laughter.
Something fluttered in her stomach as they laughed until they were out of breath. It was a euphoric lack of oxygen that stopped all critical thoughts in Dani’s head. The only thing that existed was them and this moment.
“Do you want to take the long way?” Dani asked, not knowing what she was saying until she heard herself. She couldn’t bring herself to regret it.
“Sure,” Impulse smiled, all teeth and pretty pink lips, “we’ve got time.”
Dani beamed at her and began the flight back to Clockworks. She flew slower than normal, but not by much. Irey’s brain was fast, making connections that Dani couldn’t dream of faster than she could keep up.
Still, there was something oddly content about the redhead as she flipped around in the green atmosphere. Dani showed her some of the more interesting sights, almost running them into the River Styx because Impulse wanted a closer look.
“I can’t wait to tell my brother, he’s gonna be so jealous,” Impulse gushed as Dani pulled her away from the black churning waters. “You know, this is actually the slowest I’ve ever gone. Well, my brain I mean, not me physically.”
“It makes sense,” Dani let them float up towards the far frozen, the last place on their little tour, “the Infinite Realms are technically a place outside of space and time.”
Impulse hummed in response, looking deep in thought. Dani let her think—it was a lot to learn there was an afterlife of some sort, Dani learned that on her travels. It was sometimes even harder for people to understand that it wasn’t what they pictured or believed in.
Dani witnessed a lot of breakdowns she didn’t know how to stop before realizing it. Sue her, she was technically like four.
They stayed silent until they reached the Far Frozen, which got the redhead rambling again. This time about biomes and how they related to different species across the universe. Dani thought that she would get along too well with Danny.
It was all too soon that they reached Clockwork’s tower, which rendered Impulse speechless for the first time on their journey.
“Here we are!” Dani gently held Impulse’s sides and brought her down to the platform. Dani could feel her hot breath fanning across Dani’s face and the static electricity that covered the girl's body.
“Thank you,” she smiled, her hazel eyes sparkling with different golds and greens across the deep brown surface, “not just for helping me, but for being so kind. Not everyone is this nice when you fall into their dimension.” She giggled, and Dani sensed there was history there.
She wished they could talk about it all. Funny—even in a place without time, Dani never felt like there was enough.
“It was my pleasure. And kinda my job? It’s a little unclear.” Dani shrugged, while Impulse shot her a questioning look. Her head was tilted to the side, her brows furrowed making a cute little indent on the bridge of her nose. Dani wanted to run her fingers over the area until it smoothed out.
Dani shook the thought out of her head. Now wasn’t the time.
“I’m Clockwork’s apprentice, though, I think he took me on to keep him company more than anything,” Dani pushed open the large doors to the clock tower, the screech of the hinges echoing against the dark stone. “And you’re lost in time. So, it’s kinda my job to help get you back. That’s why I chased after you in the first place.”
“Oh,” Impulse frowned a bit, almost looking disappointed.
Dani felt herself internally panic—oh god, did she make a pretty girl sad? How was she supposed to fix this?
Dani took a deep breath, trying to calm her suddenly racing thoughts. This was not something Vlad’s programming taught her, but you know what? She could figure it out. Yeah. She could do this.
“But I’m really glad I was the one that found you,” Dani said. She watched as the frown on Impulse’s face softened, and Dani knew she was on the right track. “You’re the most interesting thing to happen around here in a while. I liked showing you around.”
Impulse smiled at her and stepped forward into Dani’s personal space. The redhead reached up, and slipped off her mask, revealing more of her tan skin—and freckles that dotted the bridge of her nose.
“My real name is Irey.”
Dani could only stare at Irey, both amazed and shocked by the show of trust. And even though she might never see the redhead again, Dani wouldn’t—couldn’t—let her walk away without knowing the girl behind the ghost.
Dani held eye contact as she let her transformation go. Waves of cold power washed over her skin until she was fully human.
“My name’s still Dani,” she chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck, “but I’m part human too. Half ghost, half human. A halfa.”
“That’s sick,” Irey laughed, a small yellow spark jolting through her eyes.
Dani could have stayed there staring into Irey’s eyes for eternity. Unfortunately, Clockwork had other plans.
“Danielle,” the sound of Clockwork’s voice pinged off the walls as he descended from the top of his tower, “I see we have a guest. Aren’t you going to introduce us?” He gave her the smirk he got when he was actively trying to be a little shit.
Sometimes they were too similar for Dani’s tastes. Now was one of those moments.
“I’m Impulse,” Irey put her mask back on, staying close to Dani’s side. “I’m a little lost. We hoped you could help get me home.”
“Of course, child,” he smiled as his form shifted from an adult to an old man. He flew up the tower without another word, just expecting them to follow.
Dani huffed, but walked up the broken staircase with Irey, helping her jump from the harder platforms.
“A bit cryptic, isn’t he?” Irey asked as she effortlessly parkoured over the platforms. It was hot.
“That’s his brand or something. We’ve given up questioning it,” Dani shrugged lazily floating up, enjoying the show. Dani’d never seen anyone seriously attempt to take the stairs, even Sam and Tucker would make her or Danny help them.
“Yeah, I know the type—ah!” Irey squeaked as a platform moved at the last moment, causing her jump to fall short.
Dani rushed into action, propelling herself forward to catch Irey. She wrapped her arms around Irey’s lean frame, static electricity and heat coming off the redhead in waves.
“Are you okay?” Dani asked searching Irey’s eyes for any sort of pain or discomfort.
“I’m good,” Irey’s voice was breathy as she relaxed into Dani. She wrapped her arms around Dani’s neck, pulling the dark haired girl close to her.
Dani let her eyes flutter closed, the scent of burned rubber and apple shampoo burning itself into her memory. Her boy tingled where it met Irey’s in a pleasant way, and the heat warmed the parts of her usually cold to the touch.
After a few moments, she felt Irey’s hold on her loosen and the warmth pull away. Dani pushed down the urge to chase the feeling.
“Thank you.” Irey smiled and the bridge of her nose tinted pink. Dani knew that she probably looked like a tomato by now.
Dani broke eye contact and floated up to the top of the clock tower. She gently let their feet hit the ground, not wanting to jolt any possible ankle injury Irey might have sustained in the fall.
“Well, you took your time,” a child Clockwork commented, a pleased smirk on his face. “Anyways, I think I’ve found your time.”
With a flourish of his staff, a portal sprung to life, swirling in front of them. In shades of green, Dani could see people dressed a lot like Irey with lightning bolts adorned all over their bodies in a field looking around.
“That’s it! That’s where I was when—well whatever happened, happened.” Irey excitedly pulled out of Dani’s arms, the electric field around her crackling.
Clockwork laughed, deep and boisterous as his form switched to adulthood. “The Infinite Realms is the place between universes. The buffer of the multiverse if you will. Instead of moving between earths, you were going just fast enough to get stuck between them.”
Dani watch different emotions cross Irey’s face faster than she could keep up.
“So, I could come back if I wanted?” She eventually settled on excitement, the air around her crackling with small yellow lightning bolts, the light catching the shine of her hair perfectly.
Dani didn’t know that someone could took so beautiful standing in the middle of a lightning storm. She was suddenly sad lightning didn’t strike the same place twice.
“With your abilities? No doubt about it.” Clockwork shared a look with Irey that Dani couldn’t decipher when her heart was pounding in her chest.
The idea of getting to see Irey again was exciting in a way that life hadn’t been for a long time.
Suddenly, in a burst of wind and yellow, Irey was standing right in front of Dani, their faces only inches apart.
“I’ll see you soon.” The way she said it, like it was a promise, made Dani grin back.
“I’ll see you soon.”
Irey leaned in and placed a small kiss on her cheek, soft and electric all at once.
As quickly as she was there, she was gone. Through the portal back to her world. Her family.
Dani smiled, a dopey stupid grin that Danny so would have made fun of her for, but she didn’t care.
Dani couldn’t wait for the next storm.
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