#hardest task I’ve ever done
fivedayslater · 2 years
The Love I Need to See Me Through
Pairings/Characters: ZoSan
Rating/Warnings: T, foreign languages
When Prince Sanji is freed by Viking King Zoro, he jumps at the opportunity to leave Germa. He doesn't expect to be treated so well, or to fall in love with the warrior king. Zoro doesn't know why Sanji was locked up, but he's not one to pass by such a beautiful treasure.
Did not quite make it in time for Zoro’s birthday, but it’s still Zoro’s Birthday Weekend! Happy birthday Zoro I got you a pretty Sanji 💚💙
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harmonizewithechoes · 4 months
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jjkamochoso · 4 months
so like yesterday I went to a strawberry farm were you like pick strawberries and I was thinking how would the jjk men act or like what would they do. sorry if it's a dumb question😭
There is absolutely nothing dumb about this, it’s freaking adorable😭😭 thank you for entrusting me with this!! I hope you had lots of fun picking strawberries 🍓 and I hope you enjoy reading about picking strawberries with these silly lil men☺️🫶
Picking Strawberries with the JJK Men
JJK men x gn!reader
Warnings: small mentions of bugs/insects
You and Yuji walked along the path, admiring the glow of the red berries surrounding you.
“This one looks really good,” Yuji said, bending over to pick a particularly plump strawberry. He grasped the stem and held it to your lips.
“Try it!” he encouraged, and you happily obliged, taking a big bite.
“That’s seriously delicious,” you complimented after eating the fruit. "Now let me find one for you."
You walked hand in hand with Yuji, scouring the ground until the perfect berry caught your attention. You held the stem while offering the rest to him, just like he had done for you. Yuji, being the menace he is, ate the whole thing in one swift bite.
“Is it yummy?" you asked, anxiously awaiting his reaction.
"It's delicious!" Yuji exclaimed, mouth full of half chewed strawberry. You wanted to be grossed out but the delight in his eyes was too adorable for you to think about how nasty it was that he was talking with his mouth full. He swallowed the fruit with a gulp, then wrapped you in a big bear hug.
"The strawberry was sweet, but you're sweeter."
“I really should’ve thought this through.”
You realized you ran out of hands when you went to pick a strawberry but couldn’t due to your grasp being occupied by both a basket and an umbrella to keep the sun from burning you. You switched gears, putting the basket on the ground and pulling strawberries from your now free hand, but the umbrella kept falling every which way. Megumi, meanwhile, was watching all of this unfold and trying his hardest not to laugh at your predicament.
“Here, let me help you,” he eventually said after watching you struggle for a bit. He was waiting to see if you were going to come up with a solution yourself but it certainly wasn’t happening any time soon and he didn’t want you to get too frustrated (no matter how cute he thinks you look when you’re grumpy). Megumi took the umbrella from your flailing hands and immediately you no longer felt like throwing it in a fit of rage.
“You’re a real lifesaver,” you said, getting an eye roll as a reply.
“That was too painful to keep watching without doing something.”
You narrowed your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him, going back to your berry picking. It was much easier now that Megumi strolled alongside you, one hand in his pocket and the other tightly wrapped around your umbrella, basking you in cool shade. He wouldn’t say it out loud but he was beyond relieved he could assist you, no matter how insignificant of a task.
You and Yuta happily strode along the strawberry bushes, hand in hand, and picking the ripest fruit to bring back home. Being ever the gentleman, Yuta held the heavy basket in his free hand while you were in charge of selecting the berries.
“This is, by far, the cutest date I’ve ever been on,” you confessed, a strawberry dangling by its stem in your grasp.
“O-oh, really? I’m really glad you’re having fun,” Yuta replied, a blush blooming on his face.
“Whats wrong, Yuta? You’re almost as red as this berry,” you teased with a giggle, taking a big bite of the fruit you picked a few seconds ago. That made the poor boy blush even more as he imagined what those plump lips of yours would feel like on his own rather than the strawberry.
“Yuta? Are you in there?” you asked. You had been waving your hand in front of his face but he was too busy staring at you to respond until now as he stuttered out an apology.
“It’s all good,” you told him, “you’re cute when you’re spaced out. My offer still stands if you want a bite of this strawberry though since you were practically gawking at it.”
“Yes! Right. The strawberry,” he stammered, “that’s exactly what I was looking at. You’re so right, it looks really good. Thank you.”
You held out the strawberry in question to feed it to him and Yuta felt his heart leap out of his chest—how did he get so lucky to date someone as sweet as you?
Your jaw dropped at the surprise introduction of a new word into your boyfriend’s vocabulary. You two decided to go on a date at a strawberry farm but the last thing you expected from today was to see Toge enthusiastically pointing his finger back and forth from you to the berries while repeating the word like some sort of incantation.
“I have a feeling you’re making a really good connection between these things but I don’t understand it,” you said tentatively, taking note of the giddiness that shone in Toge’s purple eyes. He quickly pulled out his phone, furiously typing out something in his notes app. When he showed you his screen, you felt like drowning the earth beneath your feet in tears:
Strawberry!! I can say it without hurting you!! That’s gonna be reserved for you only :)
“Toge,” you half whispered, your voice failing you from the love that was overwhelming you, “that means the world to me. Thank you.”
“Salmon,” he said, meaning “you’re welcome.” He then pulled you into a tight hug to show you how much he cared when words failed him. When you pulled apart, he showed you his phone screen one more time:
Also you’re both very sweet <3
It was nice to get away from all the hustle and bustle of your daily duties with your boyfriend Noritoshi. You knew he put a lot of pressure on himself 24/7 to be perfect in all facets of his life so you figured getting away to somewhere quiet and calm would do wonders for his mental health. Thankfully, you were correct. You’d never seen Noritoshi as relaxed as he was amongst the strawberries, softly smiling as he watched a bug climb along a vine. He leaned in closer to get a better view of nature at its core, deeply appreciating the simplicity of the outdoors.
“Y/n, look. It’s a ladybug,” he whispered, not wanting to disturb it. You scooted in closer as well to catch a glimpse but were quickly taken aback when the insect flew off the vine and landed on Noritoshi’s nose. He was extremely calm about the whole ordeal and you were delighted to see such an adorable scene unfold in front of you. His gray eyes were slightly crossed as he watched the ladybug in amusement, its speckled body tickling his smooth skin. As it started heading up his nose and toward his eyes, he put his finger out to block it, guiding the plump bug onto his outstretched digit.
“You know that means you’re going to be blessed with an abundance of luck, right?” you asked, heart instantly melting at the gentle gaze he held you under.
“With you in my life, I already knew I was the luckiest man alive.”
You never knew what to expect from your boyfriend on a day to day basis so when he started spouting strawberry facts at you while you explored the grounds of the farm, you couldn’t say you were surprised.
“…strawberries today are a result of the cross between F. chiloensis and F. virginiana. Did you know strawberries are a type of rose? And they have more vitamin C than oranges.”
You listened intently to Aoi’s rambling, his arm slung easily over your shoulder in a display of his affection toward you. You were looking at him like he was speaking about the most important topic in the world and you were so proud of the fact that he was subverting expectations, being extremely strong and smart.
“Wow, Aoi, you’re so knowledgeable!” you exclaimed, “how did you learn all this?”
He just shrugged, shooting you a wink. “I’ll tell you if you let me walk you back home after this.”
You playfully nudged him on the shoulder. “We’re going back to the same place, dummy.”
A look of realization dawned on his face, replacing a concerning amount of shock. “You’re right, we are! I forgot!”
You grimaced, trying not to outwardly groan for the sake of being a patient partner.
“Don’t worry about it, handsome. Let’s just enjoy some strawberries, yeah?”
Aoi let out a triumphant laugh after kissing your cheek. “Sounds good to me!”
Going to the strawberry farm with Ino was nothing short of a good time. You spent hours collecting only the finest berries, carting around heavy baskets and dreaming up all types of desserts you’d be making with your haul. You also spent a good chunk of that time eating the berries right off the vine and making each other share in the disgust of any surprisingly unripe berries you pulled.
“Babe! Here, this one’s straight up disgusting,” Ino said, thrusting a strawberry with a big bite chunk out of it your way. You took a bite and immediately made a face.
“Ew! That one was nasty! And to think it looked so good, too,” you whined, glaring at the rest of the deceptive glowing red skin.
“You wanna wash it down with a milkshake? They’re selling them at the front.”
“Please,” you said, nodding eagerly. Ino lazily threw his arm over your shoulder and you scooted in closer to your boyfriend as he guided you to a much needed sweet drink.
Satoru was watching you sit next to a strawberry plant with inquisitive eyes, his signature blindfold gone and in its place were sunglasses that reminded you of his yesteryears.
“I still don’t get why we have to pick the strawberries ourselves when we could’ve just gone to the store,” he questioned, bottom lip jutted in a pout.
“Because Satoru,” you said, giving him a kind smile, “it’s good to support local farms. And don’t you feel a sense of accomplishment picking them yourself rather than grabbing the first plastic container you see at a store?”
“I guess,” he said, reaching down to pick a strawberry off its plant before quickly retracting his hand. “The farmers should’ve cleaned up a bit before I came, though. The bugs and dirt are seriously grossing me out.”
The urge to roll your eyes was strong, but the love you had for Satoru was stronger so you refrained.
“Come over here and try this one. I made sure there weren’t any creepy crawlies on it that were out to get you.”
The white haired man didn’t pick up on your teasing, instead sending a solemn “thanks” your way. His long fingers hesitantly plucked a big, red strawberry from the vine.
“Go ahead, taste it,” you encouraged.
He did so, a look of pride overtaking his features.
“This is literally the best strawberry ever.”
“Wait, don’t eat the whole thing! I wanna try some,” you said. Your boyfriend extended a hand, helping you up from your place in the plants.
“I feel like a strawberry being pulled off the vine,” you joked, wiping the dirt off your pants.
“I really do know how to pick ‘em,” Satoru said, smirking.
Suguru was the perfect man to take strawberry picking. He was in awe of the tranquility he felt somewhere like that, the peaceful atmosphere doing more to ground him than most anything he’d tried before. He eagerly picked two strawberries, feeding you one then taking a bite from the other for himself.
“I’m glad you’re here with me,” he said, brown eyes gazing lovingly into your own as the sun shone brightly over the two of you.
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be, my love,” you replied, your hand gently placed on his cheek. He nuzzled into your touch the slightest bit, not caring if any passerbys took notice of you. He could smell the sweet scent of strawberry on your breath as you closed in toward him, placing a delicate kiss upon his lips. You didn’t want to be indecent in public so you kept it chaste and though Suguru desperately wanted to kiss you passionately enough to make parents cover their children’s eyes (and maybe even their own), he showed restraint. When he eventually pulled away from your kiss, he took hold of your hand that laid on his cheek and placed little kisses on the pads of each finger—also smelling of the red berries you had spent hours hanging around.
When you told Kento you were in the mood to make a strawberry pie, but had no berries, he was quick to come up with the idea to pick fresh ones from the local farm. Now, here you were, baskets in hand, weaving through patches of ripe fruit.
"How's it going, Kento?"
"Well. I have about half a basket full. How about you, my love?"
He never failed to make your heart flutter with his sweet pet names and the syrupy way they fall off his tongue.
"About the same. I'm going to get a few more and then we should be done."
You bent down to gather more strawberries when a gust of wind suddenly picked up, taking your sunhat right from your head. You barely had time to react before it was placed gently back in its rightful place by none other than your boyfriend.
"Oh, Kento, thank you! That's my favorite hat, I would've been so sad if I lost it."
"Then it's a good thing I'd do anything to keep you happy, darling," Kento replied, a soft smile on his lips as he gazed at you like you were the sun and he was a berry plant, relishing in your warmth.
Choso couldn’t contain the huge smile that appeared on his face when he saw the strawberry fields for the first time. It reminded him of the bygone era where many were farmers, a time that he and his brothers were born in but never got to experience outside of their glass cases.
“People still farm?” he asked, his voice laced with amazement and his brown eyes glossing over the never ending rows of ripe fruit in front of you.
“Yep! Isn’t so neat how much society has changed over a hundred and fifty years, yet stayed the same?” you questioned, Choso nodding in a quiet bout of deep thought. You grabbed a few baskets and began filling them with berries, working diligently in comfortable silence.
“We should grow a garden,” Choso eventually piped up, taking a bite from a strawberry he couldn’t resist the temptation of.
You felt a smile settle on your own face. “Really? You’d want to do that with me?”
“Of course. I’d much rather go out to my yard than a store for fruits,” he replied, taking a break from berry gathering to look you deeply in your eyes, “and there’s symbolism in the whole thing, too. What’s mine is yours, cultivating life together… it’s all strangely…” He faltered.
“Domestic. Exactly.” He reached for your hand and you gladly let him take it, fresh strawberry juice from his fingers leaving a bright red stain on your skin.
The sun was beating down on you and you were exhausted after a long day of strawberry picking. Taking a seat on the ground, you felt relief flow through your legs as you gave them a rest.
“You’re getting absolutely filthy,” said Toji, scrunching his face as he looked at you with something akin to disgust. “Get up. You’re not a baby.”
“I’m your baby,” you teased, earning an eye roll from your boyfriend. “Besides, I’m tired and it’s a long walk back to the car. It’s either this or you carry me back.”
With one fell swoop, you were off the ground and in the strong arms of the muscled man.
"You're insufferable, you know that?" Toji grumbled, but he wasn't the least bit upset at having you so close to him.
“I do,” you said, cheekily planting a kiss on his exposed bicep.
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
Assorted characters x stalker!reader hcs
For some reason I’ve been obsessed with stalker!reader ideas. Like for any of my current hyperfixation crushes lol. So here are some unofficial head canons I guess
(Jason Todd, Jonathan Crane, Jackson Rippner, Spencer Reid, Stiles Stilinski, Bucky Barnes)
Jason Todd - You met him one day on the street. Some guy was being a dick and not taking no for an answer. When he started yelling, Jason intervened. And you’ve been in love with him ever since. You know that he obviously loves you too, that’s why he was so kind to you that day— that’s why he leaves his blinds open and let’s you watch him change after taking a shower. That’s why he was “careless” enough to let you find out his alter ego. Why else would he have trusted you so much to share that secret with you if he wasn’t in love with you too?
Jonathan Crane - Along the same lines as Jason. But you’re a student in his class. Everyday you sit in the front, your chin resting on your hand as you stare at him, mesmerized by his smooth voice and pretty face. You like the reaction you get when he makes eye contact and you don’t look away— he stumbles over his words and forces his gaze somewhere else while clearing his throat. His day to day life wasn’t particularly exciting, he spent most of his time on campus or at Arkham. But the one night he deviated from his usual schedule, you got all giddy and followed him eagerly. That’s how you found out your professor was the infamous Scarecrow. After learning that, you wondered if he’d ever want to test his fear toxin on you, leaving you a writhing mess for him.
Jackson Rippner - (I actually started a one shot with this plot lmao) You don’t know how a professional terrorist who stalks people for a living didn’t realize you were following him. It’s not like you’re very good at it. But you watched him watch other people, swooning when he became particularly violent on an assignment. You wondered how he’d react when he found out. Would he be flattered— impressed? Would he try to kill you? Or maybe— and this was your preferred option— he’d fuck you instead, making fun of you for being so desperate that you resorted to stalking him. He seemed like the kind of man who would enjoy degrading and humiliating you and you couldn’t wait for when that would finally happen.
Spencer Reid - Your genius professor with an IQ of 187 and three phds was entirely fascinating to you. You read anything and everything about him, including all of the cases he’s worked and any interviews he’s done. Once that wasn’t enough, you started following him around. He was so intriguing and captivating— the way he just ordered a coffee and handed the barista the money had you swooning. The first time you followed him, he had noticed you— made eye contact with you— so you made sure to be more careful. On days where he wasn’t teaching because he was away helping the BAU, you were incredibly bored and almost depressed. You missed seeing him every single day.
Stiles Stilinski - Stalking him was how you found out literally all of his friends secrets. You liked watching him talk animatedly to Scott from across the library, getting scolded by the librarian several times before being asked to leave. You liked watching him by himself, the way he fidgets with anything he can get his hands on and struggles to focus on whatever task he’s trying to complete, it’s endearing. What you didn’t like, however, was how he looks at Lydia. Every single time, you have to physical restrain yourself from walking over and bashing her head in, telling her to back the fuck off and leave him alone. Especially because she usually ends up making him sad. If he were with you, you’d always make him feel loved and appreciated. You wouldn’t act like some spoiled, airheaded tease (not the internalized misogyny lol).
Bucky Barnes - Stalking Bucky was one of the hardest things you’ve ever done. He’s so in tune with his surroundings, knows when there’s a threat before anyone else does. He also knows when he’s being followed. So you resorted to casual stalking— going to the gym when he’s there, sitting in the living room when he’s there, arguing with Sam about what to watch, etc. You also liked watching him through the security cameras in the tower. It wasn’t as good as the real thing, but you could see the true, genuine Bucky. Not the Bucky he pretends to be around everyone else. This was the Bucky who likes romcoms, listens to music, does his best to cook, walks around in just sweatpants, not worrying about having to hide the gruesome scarring on his shoulder at the base of his metal arm— or any other scars for that matter. He has a lot of them and you ached to kiss every single one and tell him that you still think he’s incredibly handsome and pretty.
Part 2 with their reactions when they find out lol?
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twopoppies · 8 months
Gina, have you seen the article about Hs workout routine for LOT? I mean, we all saw the results… but I find it almost even more impressive to learn how its been done! His dedication and work ethic is so inspiring and surely part of why I adore him so much 🫠🫶
Holy hell. No wonder he’s in such great shape. Just a note that Thibo David was his old trainer with Live On Tour. I assume Brad Gould was his new trainer for Love on Tour. But I doubt his regimen was any less insane.
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If you include the one-mile run and bodyweight challenge, this is the hardest warm-up I’ve ever done, but, given the intensity required for the next two elements I’m promoting them to workout status.
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David says Harry Styles can run a mile in an impressive 5min 13sec—a standard some of the professional athletes David coaches can’t match—but I was urged to run my own race.
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This was far closer to my wheelhouse as a CrossFit fan. I chose to tackle it in alternating sets of 10, transitioning quickly between exercises to finish within the eight-minute limit. But even commando rolling from push-up to sit-up then springing into the squats left me little time to spare.
I took 7min 39sec, and, somewhat unexpectedly, given I can barbell squat more than 300lb, it was my quads that blew up the most. Whether this was the result of the one-mile run before it or heavy front squats the day before, I couldn’t say, but my thighs were on fire by the final rep.
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“I like to say that I train very smart, but you also have to be very stupid sometimes, you know? Do this type of workout in the most stupid way; go hard at the task at hand, like when you throw a ball for a dog and it goes super crazy.
“This is a very good workout for that. Very good at building everything that needs to be added after the aerobic base; aggressiveness, speed, that go-hard mentality.”
Things did become particularly spicy during round three and four though, as my body began to tire with the sustained effort.
My posterior chain (the muscles running along the back side of the body) took a battering from the kettlebell swings and sandbag-over-shoulders, my already-fried legs felt heavy during the box jumps, and my shoulders grew tired from two minutes of straight clean and presses—it was a serious test of muscular endurance.
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[…] I also did 12 total rounds—I wanted the full Styles experience, after all—but I’d live to regret this. The hill I chose grew progressively steeper as I worked my way up it, and by the eighth round I felt like death. My sprints turned to slogs, and the time it took me to complete the distance I established in the first interval grew longer.
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[…] The prior running and box jumps didn’t help either, but I got it done eventually in less than 30 minutes.
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This was a relaxing way to wrap up a far from relaxing morning of training, and gave me a second to catch my breath after a monumental effort which lasted a little over two hours.
I swapped his day of training for one of my usual CrossFit sessions and had a lot of fun doing it. Every part of my body felt like it had been put through the ringer thanks to the muscle-burning circuit and lung-taxing running elements. I was also very, very hungry.
Another thing that impressed me was Styles’ evident fitness levels and work ethic; how he has the energy to perform for two hours during a stadium tour is no longer a mystery.
Another thing I liked about my chat with David was his openness and honesty. I often see articles online saying celebrities do a few Pilates classes or HIIT workouts each week to stay in unbelievable shape, and he was keen to dispel this myth.
“Collaborating with Harry Styles was an absolute delight; his commitment is unparalleled,” says David.
“But it’s important to note that this level of training isn’t suitable for everyone. Harry was inherently fit, but achieving the level of fitness needed for this session still required time, work and effort. Rushing into such high-volume workouts can pose risks.”
David also stressed that sessions of this intensity weren’t done every day, and the nature of his workouts will often “depend on the day and the state of the athlete”.
“It’s crucial to emphasize the significance of proper periodization,” says David. “Not every day constituted an intense session. In fact, we strategically incorporated recovery sessions which often involved a light run combined with core exercises and mobility work. Every workout was thoughtfully placed within the overall training plan.”
Read, full article here
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Do you have any advice for writing your first draft?
I’ve just finished an outline for a fic of mine, and like all my projects I abandoned them at the first draft because I lose interest in the story.
So, how can I stay interested long enough to complete my draft and move on to actually finishing the story?
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A first draft is the hardest draft you will ever write; it’s creating something from nothing, without the benefit of using a previous draft as a base. Obstacles such as writer’s block and motivation may oppose you at every turn, and it can be easy to get sidetracked and frustrated when you have ideas for the “middle” of the story but somehow can’t get to it. 
Just know that everyone is different and writes in a way that works for them, so don’t feel pressured if these tips don’t work for you or don't fit your style of writing!
1. Start With a Good Outline
Since you don’t have a previous draft as a foundation for your writing, your outline will take the place of this! Refer to my posts below:
How to Outline
Plotting for Pansters and Pantsing for Plotters
You can also refer to my FAQ, which includes a variety of resources on getting started. This includes posts on how to get into writing fiction, how to write consistently, and how to combat writer's block!
2. Know that You Don’t Have to Write in Chronological Order
Write what inspires you! If you have no idea what your first scene is going to be but have very specific ideas about a coffee shop interaction during the middle of the book,  write the coffee shop scene instead of staring at your blank word doc for an hour and giving up!
Writing is better than not writing, even if it’s not the part of your story that you “need” to get done. In fact, it can be easier (and more cohesive!) to write all of the major scenes you’re excited about first and connect them together, than to write out everything in the order from start to finish.
3. Give Yourself Permission to Write Incomprehensible Garbage
This goes hand-in-hand with the tips I highlight in my post about overcoming writer’s block. When it comes to a first draft, DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT, and QUANTITY OVER QUALITY. It is totally okay if your first draft is covered in placeholders for scenes and conversations that you don’t feel like writing.
For example, rather than getting stuck on writing about your characters on the car ride to the carnival, just write and highlight in red “THEY DRIVE TO THE CARNIVAL” and come back to it later. That way, you can have fun actually writing the carnival scene instead of struggling to write the stuff leading up to it. Momentum is the key to getting your first draft done, not producing writing that “sounds good.”
If you’re just going to go back and edit it later, why bother getting stuck on that now? This leads me into my next point:
When it comes to a first draft, opening up the doc and editing the things you already wrote for the 712123979843th time is not progress; now you just have one REALLY good scene and no rest of the story. Save the editing for later; you’re more likely to lose steam and feel stuck if you keep getting caught on the same things over and over again. 
I am calling myself out on this one, as I am INCREDIBLY guilty of using editing and rewriting as an excuse to not write new material, but unfortunately it has to be said. Having it in your mind that you’re making progress when in reality you’re using editing as an avoidant technique will not help you in the long run (as much as I wish it would). 
This can sometimes be helped by writing each chapter (or scene that’s getting you stuck) in a new document so that you have no choice but to focus on what you’re currently writing; sometimes the temptations of editing are too great to resist when you have all of your writing in one place!
5. Set Specific Goals and Document Your Progress
Setting goals helps you break up the huge task of “writing a book” into more manageable chunks. 
For example, heading into a writing session with the goal “finish this chapter” or “finish this scene” or “write this dialogue” can make it easier to overcome writer’s block; you are solely dedicating your focus on doing this specific task, and are less likely to get distracted. It’s better than barging head-first into it with no direction, and may also have the added bonus of keeping your writing cohesive.
Documenting your progress can help hold you accountable for reaching the goals that you set. If you like to perform under pressure, maybe you can document your progress online or with a friend; that way, you feel a bit of a pushback from outside sources to get things done! Keeping consistent will also help in maintaining a steady flow of inspiration—you’re always thinking ahead!
However, you should remember that life happens, so don’t beat yourself up if you’re struggling to reach your goals or deadlines! Nobody is a writing machine!
Hope this helps, and happy writing!
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calliesmemes · 7 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Your father would be proud of you. ”
“   I've loved you always. I always will. ”
“   I said, "On your knees." ”
“   You have a spark of tenacity. I’ll give you that. ”
“   I'm going to get you out of this. Believe me. ”
“   Nothing will ever change. ”
“   This was your great trial. ”
“   Well done; you are a worthy adversary. ”
“   Every time I think about this, I feel conflicted. ”
“   I guess I’ve fooled you like I’ve fooled everyone else. ”
“   Why didn’t you reveal this before? ”
“   I will not deal with those who break their word. ”
“   Lives are in danger. We can't just turn our backs on them. ”
“   If I'm getting in trouble for this, you're gonna share some of the blame, too. ”
“   I hope you know what you're doing. ”
“   Where do you think you're going? ”
“   Everything I know I learned from you. ”
“   Subtlety has never been one of your strong points. ”
“   You haven't exactly impressed me today. ”
“   We don’t deserve this honor. ”
“   What is the matter with you? Are you trying to get us killed? ”
“   There's always a choice! To live in fear is no life at all! ”
“   Our most important allies are not always the most powerful. ”
“   The rules have changed. ”
“   The task is only impossible because you have deemed it so. ”
“   You’re just a pawn! ”
“   I'm enjoying this far too much. ”
“   How come I'm the one getting caught all the time? It doesn't look good. ”
“   They are devious, deceitful, and most importantly, stupid. ”
“   You underestimate them at your own peril. ”
“   I would kill you both right now if I did not have to drag your bodies. ”
“   We have no quarrel with you, and we seek no revenge. ”
“   Control your insolence. ”
“   Violence breeds violence. ”
“   What difference does it make who started the war and who only wants to end it? No side is free of fault. It takes two to fight. ”
“   It is nothing to be ashamed of. ”
“   He was like a father to me. ”
“   Don't lose a thousand lives just to save one. ”
“   A strong belief can be more powerful than any army. ”
“   Sometimes it takes courage to stick to one's beliefs. ”
“   At least I’ve gotten something out of all this suffering! ”
“   You couldn’t be a greater disappointment. ”
“   You seem a bit on edge. ”
“   I hope that their sacrifice brings us closer to peace. ”
“   A great leap forward often requires taking two steps back. ”
“   You did a fantastic job today. ”
“   He expects you to make a full recovery. ”
“   Did you train her not to follow orders? ”
“   I’m gonna do whatever I can to help those people. ”
“   I’ll leave the politics to you. ”
“   Thank you for trusting me. ”
“   I just need you to listen to me, please! ”
“   I was framed, because I know the truth! ”
“   I have proof of it, I can prove that everything I know is true beyond the shadow of a doubt! ”
“   I didn't want this to happen. ”
“   Either you are with us, or against us. ”
“   All this time, your idealism, just lies! ”
“   You know the price of failure. ”
“   Sometimes, things are just that important. ”
“   You should've joined me. ”
“   Hope is something we cannot allow our enemy to possess. ”
“   Today, you learned the hardest lesson a commander can learn: how to live to fight another day. ”
“   You don't have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders' strength is inspiring greatness in others. ”
“   I'm not sure I like this plan after all. ”
“   This turn of events is unfortunate. ”
“   He kinda reminds me of you. ”
“   If we fail, everyone fails! Do you understand this?! ”
“   It may be difficult, but these are difficult times. ”
“   I honor my code. That's what I believe. ”
“   It's refreshing to have good news. ”
“   This can't be happening, what have we done? ”
“   He’s been against us from the beginning. ”
“   It's treason, then. ”
“   A new power is rising. I've foreseen it. ”
“   I serve no one's side, only my own. ”
“   How could you do this? You had my trust! My loyalty! ”
“   You're in a position of power now. How does it feel? ”
“   I can sense your fear. ”
“   You have to learn to make your own decisions. ”
“   What's the point of all this? I mean, why? ”
“   I do know that someday this war is gonna end. ”
“   Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him. ”
“   I tried it once. I wasn't any good at it. ”
“   You need not worry about your friends, they will be quite safe. ”
“   Looks like I have to rescue you again, old man. ”
“   You can't make everyone happy. ”
“   This is a fight you cannot win alone. ”
“   I know I did some questionable things, but I did what I had to do. ”
“   You are the one I was sent here for. ”
“   I have always been greater than you. ”
“   You think you can defeat me? You're nothing. ”
“   Something is rising, something sinister. ”
“   You can't be trusted. You're a slithering liar! ”
“   Do you remember who you are? Where you came from? ”
“   I was destined to become... so much more. ”
“   I'm not sure I've made your acquaintance. ”
“   You may have forgotten me, but I will never forget you. ”
“   I've waited so many years for my revenge, I can wait a little longer ”
“   It looks like I'm here to rescue you. ”
“   When did you become the good guy? ”
“   Don't flatter yourself. You’ve never been much to look at, especially now. ”
“   Always put purpose ahead of your feelings. ”
“   He represents hope and is critical to their success. ”
“   I feel responsible for them. ”
“   We cannot control their fate. ”
“   What a surprise. Have a seat. What may I ask is the honor? ”
“   You are going to pay the price for your treachery. ”
“   You are our secret weapon. ”
“   Only the strongest shall rule ”
“   If you will not join me, you will all die. ”
“   Unfortunately for you, history will not see it that way. ”
“   Let your anger deepen your hatred! ”
“   You can kill me, but you will never destroy me. ”
“   It is more powerful than you know. ”
“   I never planned on killing you, but I will make you share my pain. ”
“   I am most impressed to see that you have survived your injuries. ”
“   How unfortunate that you are attempting to deceive me ”
“   You’re dealing with things you don’t understand. ”
“   I am not going to take the fall for something that I didn't do! ”
“   I do trust you, but you know as well as I do that no one else will believe me. ”
“   I don't know who to trust. ”
“   I would never let anyone hurt you ”
“   You've already made your decision, haven't you? ”
“   We are the ones that should be put on trial, all of us! ”
“   You have shown great strength and resilience. ”
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50 notes · View notes
cameronspecial · 1 year
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 11)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Reference to a Panic Attack and Spoilers for The Cruel Prince.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.0K
Summary: Halloween, the best holiday of the year is meant to be spent with the people you love.
A/N: Definitely not me adding in the KitKat part because I just went on a road trip in the US and my Canadian self was disappointed with the KitKat.
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Friday night, Y/N finally has her first book club meeting. Rafe sits beside her with one hand on her thigh and the other holding his book. “I like how confident Jude’s character is. She is so badass,” Rafe inputs into the conversation. When the other members of the club found out Rafe is a part of it, it is safe to say they were shocked at the revelation and didn’t expect him to actually read the book. But ever since Rafe and Y/N started reading together every night, he has actually gotten through a few books. If they weren’t sleeping in bed together, they’d FaceTime each other and just bathe in the knowledge that the other was a shout away. For the book for the club, they would often take turns reading to each other. “Yass, she is an absolute queen. Like becoming a spy was so awesome,” Kate adds. The conversation continues until the hour is up and everyone has gone home. Y/N is getting herself a snack when she feels Rafe drop his chin onto her shoulder. He gives her a gentle kiss, “I think we should dress as Jude and Cardan for Halloween. You can put your hair up in horns and wear a dress. I can put on one of those flowy shirts that are like a pirate shirt. You’d love it.”
“That’s a great idea, we can go into town now to see what we can get. Ooh, but we should look at fan art first,” Y/N rattles, completely abandoning her snack to go check her phone. Rafe smiles as he sees the excitement on her face. She shows him multiple different pictures and he gives her his thoughts about it. Before he knows it, they are going into town to see what they could find. 
Halloween is Y/N’s favourite holiday. The idea of being able to pretend to be whoever one wants is appealing to her. This Halloween is especially exciting for her because Rafe actually wants to do a couples costume with her. Rafe is throwing a Halloween bash in honour of the holiday and she knows he is going all out just for her. He had her help him pick out a multitude of decorations, drinks and candies. She is trying to follow the video to make the horns with her hair for the costume, but she quickly grows frustrated with the task. “Ugh,” she lets out very loudly. This summons Rafe into the bathroom from the adjoining bedroom, “What’s wrong, my rose?” “This video is literally the hardest thing I have ever done,” she complains to her boyfriend. Rafe gives her a wicked smile and approaches her, “Here let me try.” 
He begins to work on her hair and she watches, shocked that he is able to do it without even having to watch the video. He can see her questioning gaze through the mirror, “I’ve been practicing how to do it with my sisters’ help. It took a lot of hair-pulling and arguing, but we were eventually able to nail it.” She feels a rush of heat spread across her neck at the effort Rafe is going through to make their first Halloween together perfect. She never asked him to do any of this, but he went out of his way to make the environment comfortable for her. “Thank you,” she whispers once he is done with her hair, turning to give a kiss on his exposed collarbone in the pirate shirt. He has yet to put on the crown or feather cape they had custom-made based on the fanart they saw. “You’re welcome. Could you help me put on a little eyeliner, please? It seems like something Cardan would do,” Rafe replies, reaching into her makeup bag to bring out the eyeliner. 
She gives a small nod of her head and pats the counter for him to sit on top of. He does as instructed and they both laugh as they realize it made him too tall. Y/N motions over to the toilet for him to sit on. Once he is seated, she brings his head into her hand and starts to apply the eyeliner. He starts to squirm in her hand, making it harder for her to do what she needs to. “Cameron, stop moving,” she chastises, holding onto his head harder. He shakes his head a little, “I can’t. It tickles. 
“Well if you don’t, then it will be all smudged.” 
“Ughh, okay.”
“Rafe Jacob Cameron! Stay still. I’ll give you a kiss if you do.”
“Okay, fine.”
She finishes doing his eyeliner and goes to apply her own lipstick. Rafe is quick to press a kiss onto her lips, smudging her lipstick and imprinting some of it onto his lips. She giggles at the messy lipstick on her boyfriend's lips. She moves from between his legs and goes to get a wet cloth to wipe his lips. “Now, let me get you your crown,” she says, walking over to where it sits in his dress and placing it on his head. Rafe smiles up at her and relishes in the kiss she places on his forehead, “This kinda reminds me of the coronation scene from the book.” 
“Yeah, it kinda does feel like that with you being shorter than me right now. We should’ve gotten Mason to be Oak. Then we can recreate the whole scene.”
“Maybe, but I like this being just an us thing to do.”
“True. I just worry he feels left out sometimes.”
“It’s okay, we can include him when we do family costumes with our kids.”
“When we have kids? You seem to have our future figured out for us, don’t you?”
“I absolutely do. I was thinking you’d probably want to move out to England after you finish at Oxford, which I would definitely follow you to once I finish school. We would have four kids because I know you like the even number and you like the idea of kids always having a playmate. Of course, Sparky would move with us. And the house would definitely need a bay window for you.”
“That’s quite the plan you have. You’d really move to England for me?”
“I’d move to the end of the world for you. You are my forever.”
“You are my forever too.”
But a small part of Y/N can’t help but feel guilty about the idea of making Rafe move. Ever since she overheard Ward talking about the distance, she can’t stop worrying about their future. She knows he always planned to take over his dad’s company after he finished school and she didn’t want to be the reason why he didn’t realize that dream. She knows it’s what he wants to do to make his dad proud. She doesn’t even know what Rafe would do in England with her. It would also mean that they would have four years of being apart before they could be together again and she isn’t sure how she could handle that. Not wanting to think any deeper about it, she snaps out of her spiral and leads him downstairs to get ready for the party. 
Lacey and Mason arrive earlier to help set up for the party; the former with booze in hand and the latter with candy. Lacey is dressed as a chef, true to her future career choice and Mason as a handyman. “So what are you guys supposed to be? Pirate prince with pointy ears and a hot badass knife girl,” Lacey asks with a questioning brow, setting the box of beer cans on the counter. Y/N shakes her head at her best friend’s teasing, “Nooo, I’m Jude Duarte and Cameron is Cardan Greenbriar from The Cruel Prince. Silly.” “Ahh, so it’s a couples costume. Cute,” Mason adds, organizing the candy he brought.
The party is in full swing now. Music blaring, people screaming, bodies moving and Y/N is getting nervous. She is lost in a sea of people, getting pushed from every side. At a certain point, she couldn’t keep up with the crowd and tripped onto the ground. She curls into a ball to protect her head and heart. She begins to cry and feels as though her chest is tightening. Lacey had seen what had happened to her best friend and immediately shoves her way through the crowd to help. “Come on, it’s okay. I’ve got you,” Lacey picks her up and brings her to Rafe’s room. Lacey sits Y/N on the bed, “Tell me five things you can see, four you can touch, three you can hear, two you can smell and one you can taste.” “The… The…” Y/N is so frazzled she can’t concentrate on the relaxing technique Lacey suggests. 
Rafe finds the girls in his room after searching everywhere for his rose. He starts piecing the pieces together as to what happened when he sees the pair and rushes to her side. “I’m sorry we got separated, I’m here now. Let’s do some butterfly taps and take some deep breaths in and out for me, my rose,” he advises with his hands rubbing the sides of her hips. He helps her place her hands in a cross on her chest. She copies Rafe’s breathing and begins to tap her collarbones, alternating between the left and right. The other two immediately notice her breathing start to slow down and her shoulders aren’t as tensed. He places a kiss on her forehead now that her breathing is finally steady, “There we go. You’ve got this.” He continues to whisper hushed encouragement to her.
Lacey can’t help but feel jealous at the sight in front of her. She used to be able to help Y/N calm down from a panic attack. Definitely not as fast though. However, she can’t help but feel happy that her best friend has found someone who understands how she works so much. She takes this as her opportunity to slip out of the room and go back to check on the partiers for Rafe, making a mental note to check on Y/N later.
 Oppositely, Rafe is feeling more confident in himself. He thought back to what his father said about knowing sooner rather than later that he couldn’t reassure her. This proves Ward is wrong. Rafe was able to assess the situation without being told what happened and help Y/N through it. He remembered what Y/N said about her panic attacks and jumped into action. He figures the party and getting lost in the crowd are probably the reason for her panic attack. “Wanna ditch the party and see if the pharmacy is already serving discounted chocolate and candies? We can head to the beach and eat it there while watching the waves,” he offers as soon as her breathing has steadied and she moves her hands into his. 
“But what about your party? You and Mason have to stop shutting down your parties before even ten just for me. You’ll both start having a bad reputation.”
“I couldn’t care less about what people think as long as the people I love are safe and healthy. But I was thinking of just letting Mason watch over everything.” 
“I would love to go get candy, but maybe we can go later. I think it would be more fun to go trick or treating. I mean we are in costume.”
Rafe chuckles at her childishness, “Really?! I mean, I don’t object to the idea, but you really think people will give us candy?” 
“Yeah! Not to brag, but everyone on this island loves me.” 
“That’s very true. Come on, let’s go get some clean pillowcases.”
Rafe secures two pillowcases for the pair and sends a quick text to Mason to keep an eye on things for him. Mason replies back quickly saying that he will and asks if Y/N wanted him to come check on her. Rafe answers by telling him she has now calmed down and wishes to go trick or treating. Y/N is excited about going out, but she isn’t sure how to feel entirely about it. She definitely noticed how Rafe would shut down his parties early and forgo going to other parties ever since they started dating. The girl would insist on him going without her or offer to go for an hour or two; however, he would always resist her pleas. She doesn’t want to change his personality, even though he says it is okay. At this moment though, Y/N could not be more glad that he is seriously okay with the idea of going out to get some candy. 
The houses on the Kook side of the Island often give out the best candy and it often becomes a competition between the houses. Halloween is the one time a year in which the Kooks do not care if the Pogues are on their property and most Pogues would dare to approach the rich side. Kooks welcome as many people to their houses to prove they offer the best treat with the number of guests coming at their door. Y/N remembers the excitement that would pass around in elementary school as the students would brag about the candies their parents bought. She and Rafe run up the driveway of a house while holding hands giggling like schoolchildren. They arrive at their first house of the night. After going through the trick-or-treating ritual, Y/N reaches into their bag to see what they got as they walk back to the road. Her eyes shine at the red wrapper in her hands. “What is it?” Rafe questions the girl. 
“It’s a Canadian KitKat! Yes, I love these.”
“What’s so special about a Canadian KitKat? We have these in America.”
“The Canadian one isn’t as sweet and it doesn’t leave that weird aftertaste. The chocolate taste much better. I had some when we went up to Canada for my mom’s book tour last summer. Here, try some.”
She quickly opens the package, breaks off a piece of the chocolate and shoves it into his mouth. Rafe’s eyes widen in surprise and he eats the chocolate bar, “Hmm, this is good. Why don’t ours taste like this?” 
“In Canada, KitKat is owned by Nestle and here, it’s owned by Hershey’s.” 
“I see. Well, next time I go to America, I’m going to pack a suitcase full of these for you.”
She looks at him with a huge smile on her face. The pair go to a few more houses and the next house on the street is quite dark. As they approach the house, a little girl dressed as Barbie is walking beside them. Rafe gives her a small smile and a wave. They make their way to the front door to see a duo of teens standing in front of a candy bowl with a please take one sign on a table. The teenage boys laugh as they take the whole bowl of candy without leaving one, even though they saw the little girl. The boys run past the trio without a care in the world. Little Barbie looks at the candy bowl with sad eyes and before Y/N can even do anything, Rafe is handing over his candy bag to her. Her eyes light up and she yells a thank you, running back to her mother at the end of the driveway. The mother waves her hand in thanks to Rafe’s sweet gesture. 
Y/N looks at her boyfriend in awe, “That was so sweet. But now you have no candy. How about we stop by the pharmacy for discount candy and head to the beach?” Rafe nods at the offer and leads her back to where he parked his car. 
She is examining the box of candy in front of her when he pops up behind her, wearing Jason’s mask from Friday the 13th. She jumps, startled at his sudden appearance in the strange mask. She gives him a light hit on his bicep and a frown. “Cameron, You scared me! Don’t do that,” Y/N reprimands her partner. Rafe laughs and wraps his arms around her shoulders, “I’m sorry, my rose. I was only playing. I love you.” He kisses her cheeks in hopes to soothe her anger. She shakes her head at him. “Ugh, I guess I love you too. Come on, let’s head to the beach.” 
They head down to the beach with the bag of candy in hand and a blanket wrapped around both of their shoulders. The duo sets themselves a few feet away from the water. The sound of the waves hitting the sand is the only noise that can be heard on the beach. Y/N rests her head on his shoulder and begins to eat the candy they acquired, Rafe looks down at the girl with a grin on his face. She looks more serene than she did at the party and he loves the way she is watching the waves in wonder. 
His life plan was always to go to UNC, graduate, come back home, and work for his father. It was engraved in his mind in his very first memory of his father. It had been their plan and Rafe never questioned it because he thought it was the best path to pleasing his father. He may have known Y/N for more than one-third of his life, but the plan never changed just from knowing her since he never thought he had a chance with her and he just suppressed his feeling for her. But, now, she is his girlfriend and they have a future together. This makes him question everything he thought he wanted for his future. Now, all that mattered to him is her being in the picture and if that meant going off to England with her then he is going to make damn sure he is by her side every step of the way. 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @gillybear17 @terraeluce @f4ll-for-you @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist
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mephinomaly · 10 months
[TL] BIOHAZARD/Chapter 12
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
Time: The next day
Location: ES building, RhythmLink office conversation space
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Keito: (Just what are you planning on doing Sakuma!?)
(“I’ll be away for a few days. In my absence, take care of anything that happens at the office for me.” ? And you tell me this now?!)
(...Ever since we filmed “Vampire Shogun”, he’s been acting overly friendly.)
(Do you really think that I’ve forgotten everything you’ve done? That we’ve bonded again to the point that it’s like we’re childhood friends again?)
(If you thought such naivety would get through to me, who is past salvation…I’m insulted.)
(...Well, even if Sakuma doesn’t ask me to, I’d take care of anything that comes up for him.)
(As of late, UNDEAD seems to be in an unfortunate situation, and Ra*bits is tangled up with some influential figure–)
(Among us young ones in RhythmLink, the unit with the most momentum at the moment is us, AKATSUKI.)
(From this point, things start to get complicated. Well, on the surface at least…)
(Therefore we will take charge and ensure a bright future for the young ones in this agency.)
(To do that, I must be proactive and introduce myself to the higher ups!)
(I need to complete chores diligently, and take care of small tasks for my senpais!)
(At the moment, there’s a deep trench between RhythmLink higher ups and us. Let’s bridge this gap, and work together to bring this agency into a new era.)
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Tomoya: Zzz, zzzz… ♪
Keito: …!? Mashiro? Why are you sleeping here on the sofa?
That’s dangerous… I almost sat on you. I could have squished you
Tomoya: Mmnhnnn…. H-hng? Where, am I?
Keito: Are you awake now?... Good morning, Mashiro.
Tomoya: Waah!? Aaa, g-g-good morning Hasumi-senpai!
Keito: Hm. Well done for greeting me properly.
More importantly, what are you doing sleeping here of all places?
Tomoya: Ah, um, I’m sorry… As you might know, things have been tricky as of late.
Keito: Are you a stray cat? If you’re going to sleep, go back to your own room. You need to sleep in a proper bed otherwise you’ll hurt yourself.
Tomoya: I know… But this is an important time for us, so I have to try my hardest.
Keito: Is there anything I can do?
Tomoya: Ah, there is something I wanted to ask you. There’s something I want to do using the SSVRS–
But um, UNDEAD are currently using it, so. I have some of the things I need but I don’t think it’s enough.
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Keito: What? UNDEAD are using the SSVRS?
Tomoya: Yes. When I applied to use it, the person in charge told me that.
Keito: They’re away taking part in some sort of secret plan. And that plan involves using the SSVRS?
Tomoya: Oh? I didn’t know about that, so maybe they’re not really away?
I thought they were going to take part in a live broadcast today.
Keito: Live broadcast? Is that a part of the secret plan too? You know quite a lot about the activities of other units, don’t you?
Tomoya: Ahaha. I think that’s one of my strong points, and since I like it, I’m good at it. Well, my love of idols has been stolen by Shiratori.
Ah, look. They’re live already. A special emergency broadcast from UNDEAD.
Keito: Emergency broadcast? Are they disbanding?
Tomoya: No, I don’t think so. UNDEAD are a popular unit, so.
Hm? What are they saying? Isn’t that weird?
Keito: What is it, show me.
Tomoya: Look at it on your own phone please~...?
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Keito: Fine. …Hm, what is this? What are these costumes they’re wearing?
What are they singing— is that their debut song?
No, that was a slightly different song. This is one of the songs they were deciding on for their debut live.
There was quite a lot of reasons why they didn’t end up singing it—
Tomoya: You’re quite well informed too. Are you an UNDEAD fan too, Hasumi-senpai?
Keito: Hm. There’s been a lot going on with them since they formed, really even before that.
But why are they singing that? A song from ages ago that nobody remembers?
Are they planning on going back to their roots? It’s true UNDEAD have been on decline recently, but enough to do that?
Fumu, HELLSING, was it? As in that famous vampire exterminator, Van Helsing? No, isn’t the spelling different?
‘Hell’, as in the underworld, and ‘sing’ as in, to sing.
How ominous. What the hell are those guys up to this time…?
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 11
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strangenewfriends · 8 months
"Harry Styles is a better singer than me. As People magazine’s sexiest musician alive 2023, he’s better looking too. But because I’m a fitness writer by trade, the hardest pill to swallow is that he might be in better condition.
This realization dawned on me as Styles’ coach Thibo David walked me through one of his typical training sessions. 
They kick things off with a slow 10 to 30-minute jog, followed by a rapid one-mile run and a bodyweight challenge comprising 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 100 air squats within eight minutes. Once that’s done, David considers the warm-up complete. 
What follows is a melee of weighted circuits, more running and core work which left me both intimidated and intrigued. So, as a fitness aficionado and Coach’s unofficial workout guinea pig, I decided to give it a go. All of it. 
30-minute slow-paced run 
If you include the one-mile run and bodyweight challenge, this is the hardest warm-up I’ve ever done, but, given the intensity required for the next two elements I’m promoting them to workout status. 
My usual warm-up routine consists of 10-minutes on a bike or exercise bike, followed by 15 minutes of dynamic stretching. The slow-paced run offered a similar introduction to my morning session, but after that I was in unfamiliar territory. 
Run one mile as fast as possible
David says Harry Styles can run a mile in an impressive 5min 13sec—a standard some of the professional athletes David coaches can’t match—but I was urged to run my own race.
“Don’t go in thinking ‘he did it in five minutes, I’m going to do the same’, just keep on pushing,” says David. “Don’t think about anything else, your time is yours.” 
So I found myself haring through a UK park at 30°F. The cold air stung my lungs and my heart rate soon soared, but I managed to stick to a pace I, as an average runner at best, was fairly happy with and finished in 5min 59sec.
In eight minutes complete:
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 unweighted squats
This was far closer to my wheelhouse as a CrossFit fan. I chose to tackle it in alternating sets of 10, transitioning quickly between exercises to finish within the eight-minute limit. But even commando rolling from push-up to sit-up then springing into the squats left me little time to spare.
I took 7min 39sec, and, somewhat unexpectedly, given I can barbell squat more than 300lb, it was my quads that blew up the most. Whether this was the result of the one-mile run before it or heavy front squats the day before, I couldn’t say, but my thighs were on fire by the final rep. 
Four rounds of:
1min kettlebell swings (16kg)
1min box jumps
2min sandbag over-the-shoulder (20kg)
2min alternating dumbbell clean and press
1min rest
This was the part of the training day I felt most comfortable with—probably because it bore the closest resemblance to CrossFit.
“I like to say that I train very smart, but you also have to be very stupid sometimes, you know? Do this type of workout in the most stupid way; go hard at the task at hand, like when you throw a ball for a dog and it goes super crazy. 
“This is a very good workout for that. Very good at building everything that needs to be added after the aerobic base; aggressiveness, speed, that go-hard mentality.”
I tend to ease off the throttle in timed workouts like this, so I set a couple of goals going in. 
Firstly: no taking long breaks mid-minute. Secondly, hit a set number of reps each round. I pushed my body reasonably hard during the first round and found that 30 kettlebell swings, 18 box jumps, 20 sandbag-over-shoulders and 30 clean and presses made tricky but achievable targets for me.
Things did become particularly spicy during round three and four though, as my body began to tire with the sustained effort. 
My posterior chain (the muscles running along the back side of the body) took a battering from the kettlebell swings and sandbag-over-shoulders, my already-fried legs felt heavy during the box jumps, and my shoulders grew tired from two minutes of straight clean and presses—it was a serious test of muscular endurance.
Eight rounds of:
30-45sec sprint (16-21km/h) at a 0.5-2.5% gradient
90sec rest 
In the absence of a treadmill I sought out a nearby hill. For the first interval I ran as far up the hill as I could in 30 seconds (about 220 meters), sending my heart rate skywards. 
Then I took 90 seconds to walk back down the hill before repeating this distance. I also did 12 total rounds—I wanted the full Styles experience, after all—but I’d live to regret this. The hill I chose grew progressively steeper as I worked my way up it, and by the eighth round I felt like death. My sprints turned to slogs, and the time it took me to complete the distance I established in the first interval grew longer. 
The prior running and box jumps didn’t help either, but I got it done eventually in less than 30 minutes
15 minutes of “diverse core exercises including planks, one-sided farmer’s walks, side planks and sit-up variations”.
These exercise suggestions offer a comprehensive core workout, recruiting a wide range of mid-body muscles from the rectus abdominis (of six-pack fame) to the spine-supporting transverse abdominis and erector spinae, which play a major role in maintaining posture. 
I also appreciated the addition of a one-sided loaded carry, which challenged my core to keep me upright as a weight pulled me sideways. After all, while the core is always credited with moving the spine, it’s also needed for resisting unwanted movement under load.
10-15 minutes of assisted stretching
David left me to my own devices for this final part, so I worked my way through a 10-minute mobility routine on the Pliability app. 
This was a relaxing way to wrap up a far from relaxing morning of training, and gave me a second to catch my breath after a monumental effort which lasted a little over two hours.
How I Found Harry Styles’ Workout
I swapped this day of training for one of my usual CrossFit sessions and had a lot of fun doing it. Every part of my body felt like it had been put through the ringer thanks to the muscle-burning circuit and lung-taxing running elements. I was also very, very hungry. 
Another thing that impressed me was Styles’ evident fitness levels and work ethic; how he has the energy to perform for two hours during a stadium tour is no longer a mystery.
Another thing I liked about my chat with David was his openness and honesty. I often see articles online saying celebrities do a few Pilates classes or HIIT workouts each week to stay in unbelievable shape, and he was keen to dispel this myth.
“Collaborating with Harry Styles was an absolute delight; his commitment is unparalleled,” says David.
“But it’s important to note that this level of training isn’t suitable for everyone. Harry was inherently fit, but achieving the level of fitness needed for this session still required time, work and effort. Rushing into such high-volume workouts can pose risks.”
David also stressed that sessions of this intensity weren’t done every day, and the nature of his workouts will often “depend on the day and the state of the athlete”.
“It’s crucial to emphasize the significance of proper periodization,” says David. “Not every day constituted an intense session. In fact, we strategically incorporated recovery sessions which often involved a light run combined with core exercises and mobility work. Every workout was thoughtfully placed within the overall training plan.”
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Sooo I’ve been thinking nonstop about our twin train boys being /super soft house husbos/ like pls
def did something like this for ingo but nothing like turning him into a malewife
cw: fluff,
▲Househusband Subway Bosses▽
● He's ever so doting. All he wants to do is take care of someone or something, so this aligns with his wants perfectly. (He still needs trains involved somehow, though.) It would probably be a short-lived experience during some time off for an injury, but he would adore the time spent getting to be a househusband. Ingo had quite literally been practising since childhood. Emmet could confirm how annoying his brother could get about making sure he ate and demanding he slow down with his training.
● His focus lies on making sure the apartment is well taken care of and an easy place to unwind. You return home to a scent of a hearty meal wafting around the apartment. Ingo peers out from the kitchen in a slightly stained Litwick print apron. His eyes light up brightly. “Ah, welcome home, dearest! Our dinner is almost ready,” he speaks with an eager tone, “… I was trying something new, so please try it.” He really adores knowing that he is able to help nourish you. There is an obvious smugness on his face as he watches you enjoy his food.
● He really does stay on top of chores, sticking to a strict schedule. Ingo likes an organised plan for things and sticks to it intimately. You can predict what does laundry is done with ease. He often talks to you about what he did while smiling. It is clear he takes these tasks seriously. When you thank him or praise his work, his happiness is plain as day.
● You find yourself laughing when he starts bickering with your building's housewives about the prices of groceries and lack of certain ingredients. They obviously know who he is but seeing him just like them is clearly astounding to them. You joke about him having them over to play a game of bridge. He gave you a look about that and made you burst into laughter.
● He becomes obsessed with preparing you lunches. You are asked what you would like after dinner, and he proceeds to go mad making sure you have the requested item. People will look on in envy at your perfect lunch with a sweet love note tucked inside from him. Even the person who stole your lunch once felt bad when reading Ingo's flowery tangents about how he loved you. They hand it back to you in shame. Calling Ingo about it results in him declaring that he will bring you another one.
● Emmet visits you two and is clearly between laughing and crying that his brother is wandering around in an apron. He was wondering when his brother was going to return to work and sighed at the sight of his brother fully devoting himself to the art of caring for home. Ingo was obviously completely in love with his new turn in life. He does politely ask that Ingo still manage the paperwork and PA system, however, if this change must happen. Ingo agrees.
● He adores spending the evenings in with you, helping you unwind after a long day of work. A bath or shower is for you, he cuddles with you, and then he falls into endless compliments and adorations falling from his mouth. He presses kisses across your face and tries to make you smile. Overall, he tries his hardest to make you happy and keep a schedule.
○ Not a good househusband. He nearly burns the house down when he cooks and then cleans, confusingly. Though, he is trying his best. This likely also happened due to an accident making him take time off. His spiders are elated he is spending more time with them, too. Emmet is not much for doing home care activities outside of some light cleaning due to being a neat freak. Ingo usually took care of their laundry and cooking growing up, and before he moved in with you, so it was not something he was accustomed to.
○ You quite often come home to take-out dinners or him being taught a recipe by Ingo (who is monitoring him closely). He smiles and greets you with a tight hug and kiss. A coo leaves him with a “Welcome home” before he draws you to the table to sit with him. Ingo may join if he's there, just to double-check his brother truly made something edible or not. You will likely have a laugh if Ingo ends up gagging. Emmet will just sigh over another failed dish. You can only reassure him it's the thought that matters.
○ Chores are done somewhat routinely, but if he suddenly sees a basket toppling over with laundry or a full trash can, they will be worked on. You just watch him bravely call his older brother and ask how much detergent to use, and Ingo audibly sigh over the call. He then adds exactly what his brother's recommended. The house is kept verrry clean, but Ingo is called often. Complimenting him results in a prideful yet somehow sheepish smile. He adores being thanked and appreciated for his actions.
○ Emmet feels challenged when a young married couple's wife brought over some of their dinner that they made extra of on accident. He takes it with a sweet smile and polite thank you, but you can see the fire burning in his eyes. Ingo is over the next evening to help him make a large meal, so he can take it over to the couple's place. You laugh as he stands in the hallway, politely offering them the food in his messy Joltik apron. They take and have a polite laugh with one another. You sigh as you realise Emmet has found yet another thing to be competitive over.
○ Emmet tries to make lunches. They never end out the best, but he tries. He also writes a note at Ingo's behest, but they end up odd and strange. The younger twin was never the best at expressing his feelings in word. At least the sandwich he put together in a panic minutes before you had to leave for work tastes nice. He's just deeply embarrassed by how it looks. No one at least tries to take your lunch. They fear it. The love Emmet packed into it is impossible for them to receive. Sometimes a Joltik sneaks in, too. They guard the precious meal.
○ Ingo starts to feel like a mother-in-law visiting to make sure her daughter being a good housewife, with how he visits Emmet to make sure he has not accidentally poisoned you with his failure of cooking. They bicker about assorted things, but you can tell Ingo is just disappointed with his shortcomings out house care. When the topic comes up about his return to work, you feel a bit sad but knew it was coming. Emmet is ecstatic to return to his trains and battling, and Ingo clearly appreciates the help from having his brother around. (Emmet later reassures you that is going to keep helping with the chores. Ingo threatened him.)
○ The experience as a househusband, he finds, was helpful to his maturity as a person. He expects when he returns to the work, the image of him as an immature and childish man will disappear with how he has grown. The time spent taking care of the home has taught him a lot, but he does admit he will miss the evenings spent cuddling together while watching a show together and how he was able to dote on you through the night. You might be a little sad for things to return as they were, but, truly, the saddest to see him go are his Joltiks. Their little cries as he heads out the door in his uniform nearly kill you both.
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koolades-world · 2 months
Hello!!!! Yeah so my attempt at acting cool and collected went down the drain the moment you responded to me… I literally woke up this morning, saw your notification and squealed for a good few seconds!!! I’m sorry but you’re so cool T^T not to mention, who wouldn’t freak out when their favourite author talks to them AND is mutuals with them??? Anyway! I’ve been trying to get better since I’m currently not in the right place, mentally speaking. But today seemed like a good day, so hopefully I can maintain this! I hope you’ve been doing well as well!
I only what I believe is true to me, so no need to thank me, I’m just being honest :). I also got quite lucky with Satan’s card since I got him in 31 pulls, and I needed 3 more UR+ jokers to skill level up. And let me tell you, I physically stop for a few seconds to take in his Home Screen dialogue… I’m so in love with this man it’s not even funny 😭 so it’ll definitely be worth it!! (Not so) happy grinding :,) I’ll happily be waiting on that Drabble!!! Thank you so much for explaining the tag!
Have a lovely day/night, and take care!!
YOURE THE BEST!!! sorry it took a bit to get back to you! had a busy day and made some soup! love that we both had a mutual squeal moment as mutuals. i'm also on my mental health journey right now so if it comforts you, we are in this together :) my favorite trick to motivate myself to preform basic tasks that i don't have the motivation for is to think about satan and what it would be like to do that basic task with him. mentally ill behavior, i know, but sometimes you need to be mentally ill to get better haha
so glad to hear you also got him!! he knew how much you love him so he came home early. i really want to unlock the premium but honestly i'm kind of glad i didn't. story time!: right now i still live with my parents because i'm a student so anytime my grandparents come over, i'm dragged into hanging out with them. don't get me wrong, love them but they can be a lot. they're asian and very religious. (i'm sure you can see where this is going.) to please them, i sat in the living room with them instead of up in my room. i had just gotten the card earlier that day and was trying my hardest to start gathering materials for the card. out of nowhere, my grandparents appear over my shoulders and ask what i was doing. thank god i was not interacting with satan or lucifer. i immediately closed the game and went to go play a different game hahaha. i do not know what i would've done if i had the shower satan on my homescreen
alright story over! haha. he's soooo gorgeous. for a while i thought i was a lesbian (i know, a little odd considering the fandom) but satan. he is the only man i've ever been this wild about. to me, he is literally perfect. i wish he was real wahhhh. been cooking that one drabble we talked about last week!! wanted to have it out today but i accidently took a three hour nap and had to bump tomorrows upload to today. It'll be out tomorrow! not so much of a drabble gonna be so real but i think you'll really like it!!!!! attaching a sneak peak of something i already wrote and a little bit from my notes that i'll be cutting out of the final product but thought were funny
stay beautiful!! <333
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stillchasingfairies · 2 years
❤️‍🩹 Reunion ❤️‍🩹
I fixed the Rescue Rangers movie. I've been meaning to do this since it premiered. I hope you enjoy it. I hope with all my heart! It's all under the cut, so click below to read it. And please let me know what you think!
“Think happy little thoughts!” Sweet Pete exclaimed, for no one other than himself, as he shoved convention attendees out of the way. He was on the trail of Chip and Dale, two little chipmunks who knew way too much and had to pay. But he was losing speed quickly. He coughed, wheezing from the task of running, and began to limp as he felt something go awry in his leg. “Aw, I definitely pulled something,” he knelt down on the floor, getting out of the way for his friend Jimmy the polar bear. “You keep going, I’ll catch up.”
As Pete stopped to catch his breath, a pelican holding a cup walked by. 
“Hey, gimme that,” Pete snarled, snatching the cup from the bird and taking a big sip. He gagged at the taste and looked at the pelican in shock. “Ugh! It’s diet!” Pete shoved the cup back at the bird. “Never mind. Ugh, my leg…” He rubbed the tender spot on his calf, hoping the pain would go away. Pete missed being a kid– he never had pains like this.
Just then, a pair of blue high heels froze, just about a yard away from him. 
A soft voice. A delicate voice. A loving, welcoming, familiar voice.
Pete, feeling a warmth spread throughout his chest and radiate through his limbs, slowly raised his gaze. He knew who it was, even without looking. 
His brown eyes welled with tears. His voice was small in his throat.
Her lip was quivering. But oh, Wendy looked beyond happy to see him. “Hello, Peter.” 
Pete was stunned, like a deer in headlights, as he rose from the floor and looked her in the eyes. But tears were rolling down his chubby, stubbled cheeks. “Gee…” He breathed ever so softly. So much had happened since he last saw her.
He’d had so much wrong done to him.
And he had done so much wrong, himself.
“Wendy, I…” He tried to speak, but stopped, and turned away. 
Wendy, now grown up, and nearly the same age as Pete, could tell that things had not gone the way that they should have for Peter. She stepped closer to him, and rested a hand lovingly on his shoulder. He was always strong as a young teenager, but now as an adult, he had some serious muscle. 
“Peter, dear, look at me…” She spoke softly. She still sounded nearly the same as the last time he had seen her. Yes, the last time he had seen her was when he watched her board a plane back to England, after the fun and pomp of promoting Peter Pan had come to an end. Peter understood then that she had to go home, but he wished she could have stayed. Maybe things wouldn’t have gone… like this.
Peter finally turned to face her. But he was having the hardest time keeping his gaze on her eyes. He was ashamed of what he’d become.
“Wendy… Wendy, I’m sorry…!” Peter threw his arms around her and cried. Something he rarely did. But he couldn’t help it. “I’m so, so sorry. Please don’t hate me.”
“Oh, oh, oh,” Wendy breathed, wrapping him in the warmest, most loving hug in the world. She still had that motherly touch that Peter had loved, even more so now. “Oh Peter, I could never hate you.” Her voice quivered as she realized she too was crying.
“A-are ya sure?” Peter croaked. “I’ve done some awful things, Wendy. I was in the middle of one, when… when you showed up. Oh Wendy, why’d you ever leave?” The man burst into tears again. But he didn’t care. It was as if everything around them had melted away. There was no expo going on, as far as Peter and Wendy were aware. All that mattered… was them.
“Shh… Now, now…” She soothed him sweetly, stroking Peter’s soft hair with her dainty fingertips. His locks were as red as ever, and she smiled as she noticed that he’d grown them long enough to style them in a small ponytail. Always a Lost Boy. “I’m sorry I left, Peter. I didn’t want to go. But… I’m here now. I’m here. For anything you need.”
Peter lifted his head and looked her in the eyes now. He was searching desperately for a sign of truth. “R-really?”
Wendy cupped his cheek in her palm and nodded gently. “Yes, Peter. I’ll help you. I want to help you.” The woman looked around, remembering that they were at a convention center, which perhaps was not ideal. They had a lot of catching up to do, and this was much more important than any of the guests, vendors, shows, or panels that might be happening here. “But, erm, could we go somewhere a bit– private?” She asked.
Peter, in a fragile state in every manner of the phrase, frowned, and carefully but firmly moved her hand off of him. “I get it… Ya don’t wanna be seen in public with an ugly guy like me.” 
Wendy was stunned to hear this. How could he have gotten it so wrong?  “Oh, goodness, no! On the contrary!” She slipped her hand into his, and gave it a warm squeeze. Her blue eyes sparkled, dazzling Peter.  “You look wonderful. Handsome as ever, and even more.” 
He smiled, a real, true, boyish smile. For the first time since the last time he saw Wendy, Peter felt purely happy. He chuckled lightly.
“Come on, Wendy.” 
After a long explanation, a lot of soul searching, some serious apologies and real enlightenments, with Wendy aiding him every step of the way, Pete shut down his whole bootleg operation, and personally restored every toon that he had altered. Chip and Dale escaped from the convention center unscathed, and were soon reunited with Monterey Jack. Jimmy and Bob remained Peter’s friends, and even attended Peter and Wendy’s wedding, as his best men.
“I love you, Peter. I always have.”
“And I love you, Wendy. From here to Never Land, and back again.”
It is said that, as Peter and Wendy drove off together, married at last, a familiar crow, like that of a rooster, resounded throughout the valley.  ✨
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enbylestat · 1 month
Anti-hero excerpt
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Content Warnings: U.SFW, and explicit. (don't like: don't read!)
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Chapter 32 - He is more myself than I am. Read the full story here.
Eagerly Audrey pulled Benjamin upstairs, this time concealing nothing, what more could she possibly withhold from him now? She hastily undid his buttons on his blue and gold coat and sliding a hand over his frockcoat she pulled him closer. “Touch me,” she pleaded, between soft kisses as she tangled a hand in his dirty blonde curls and he returned it by pulling her into himself and tangling a soothing hand into her raven hair. Then Audrey unbuttoned her dress, casting it aside. She remained only in her chemise, stays, and stockings now. “Let me see you,” Tallmadge begged gently. 
“But, mon amour, you have,” Audrey said in a most gentle tone, but evidently… taken aback abit. 
“That’s not what I mean, Audrey,” Benjamin said, something so unfathomably desperate in his eyes. 
“You’re the only one who can forgive all I’ve done. Please, let me see you as you are, restraining nothing and hiding nothing,” Tallmadge said, blue eyes shining in the candlelight and awfully contrite. 
“Lead me into your darkness,” Benjamin said as Audrey did as instructed. Audrey was still starstuck by his honesty. But she didn’t fight it instead unlacing her chemise, removing her stays and sliding down her stockings. 
Then Audrey dropped to her knees, impulsively, a hand trailing over Benjamin’s twitching length. 
“Wait,” Benjamin insisted. “I shall let you proceed, love, but only if I am able to return the favour,” he said. 
Audrey’s green eyes batted up, somewhere between astonishment and curiosity. 
“I want you,” Audrey purred. “Seeing as I won’t and can’t refuse,” Audrey mused. 
Then, she proceeded with her task, eagerly stroking his swiftly hardening cock before taking him into her mouth. She makes not a sound, but takes him over and over again. “Fuck! Oh, Audrey,” Tallmadge cursed quietly as a hand curled its way into raven hair. 
Then she removed her mouth. On impulse, a hand went to his cock and Ben continued to stroke himself. He laid Audrey down on the bed, bare, vibrant and desperate. He slipped a hesitant finger inside her, Audrey pushed back, pleased at the sensation, so, he continued. Another, then another… Benjamin smirked to himself. 
“Let go,” Tallmadge commanded against her neck as she continued to whine from the sensation of his fingers. It is then, as Audrey’s hips writhe and she moans but there is something so improbably honest about it. So, Benjamin grinned. “Ben–!” Audrey cried. “Please,” she begged. “I am going to…” 
“Let go,” Ben repeated. “I am here, no harm will come to you, let go,” Benjamin soothed. 
Sure enough, Audrey lets go. Tasting her, he licks her clean from his fingers. Then, climbing down the bed sank into her heat. 
Audrey tangled a hand in his hair and whined softly. Benjamin eagerly explored her and she writhed in pleasure beneath his silver tongue. “Mmm, Ben,” she mewled. “I need you, inside me, please,” she purred. 
Well, who is he to deny her anything, especially now? Eagerly Audrey mounted him, and he slid his slick desperate length into her. 
Their carnality is matched only by their earnest need as Audrey clung to him and Benjamin this time returned it double. “Please, oh, yes, Ben, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Audrey cursed, most indecent noises muffled by their close proximity. He’s never been the kind for sweet nothings. Instead, Ben managed ever so quietly, “I need you, I need you, I need you.”
It is slow and earnest, despite how wanton and desperate it is. Finally, they fall over the precipice together, nothing to hide, not anymore, minds hazy and no longer hungering for touch they drift off in one another's arms. 
Oh, girl lead me into your darkness, when this world is trying it's hardest to leave me unimpressed…
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“You're so good to me," Rose whispered in Cassie's ear, trailing her free hand down Cassie’s chest in a way that made her have to pour all of her willpower into not looking down and flying them straight into a building. Her other hand was a tight claw around the back of Cassie's neck, holding onto her in a way that was starting to be painful. "Have I ever told you that?"
Cassie Sandsmark had done a lot of difficult things in her life, but staying stoic when the drunk Rose Wilson in her arms started getting frisky seemed in that moment to be by far the hardest. “You haven’t, no.”
“I should have, then,” Rose whispered, her breath sticky and warm against Cassie’s neck. “Cuz you are. Good to me, that is.”
Her next words were a quiet murmur, meant only for her own ears, but Cassie heard them anyway. “Definitely better than anyone I’ve been with.”
If Rose had been any more sober, Cassie might have allowed herself to feel pleased about that admission, maybe even smug. But as things stood, it seemed… wrong, somehow, to internalize the vulnerable self-confessions of someone so drunk they could barely see straight… which is why she stayed silent, pushing the murmured reflection out of her mind as firmly as she could and slamming the door shut behind it, completely and utterly refusing to dwell on it in any way even as it threatened to slide its way back into her thoughts.
"No one has ever treated me the way you do,” Rose continued when Cassie didn't reply, the sensation of her hot breath against Cassie’s neck proving a shiver from the demigoddess. “No one… other than Eddie, maybe, and he and I never…” Rose’s lips parted with a sharp intake of breath, her chest shuddering. “You’re the first person I’ve been with to even want me to stay the night. That’s kind of sad, isn't it?" Her tone grew somber for a moment, before it changed again, and it was somewhere between husky and pleading when Rose pulled her weight up so that she was looking Cassie in the eyes from less than an inch away. "Don't go anywhere, okay? Not yet. I'm not… I’m not ready."
Cassie didn’t know how to reply to that, so she didn’t. The rest of the flight was spent in silence. Eventually, Cassie touched down on the floor of Rose’s balcony and walked inside, still carrying the silver-haired ex-mercenary in her arms.
Rose started squirming as soon as they were in sight of the bed. “No, I said… wait, don’t…”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Cassie promised, if only to calm the bucking metahuman in her arms. “Okay? Relax.”
Cassie looked down… and saw Rose’s one eye closed, face blank in her sleep.
She’d finally passed out.
Cassie let out a relieved breath and deposited Rose on the bed, pulling the sheets up to her chin a moment later. Her task done, she took a step towards the door… and paused misstep, sighing. She could totally leave right now—Rose would likely not even remember her request in the morning, and even if she did, she was unlikely to be upset about Cassie not heeding it—but… she had promised, hadn’t she?
Sighing again, Cassie walked back towards the bed, muttering to herself as she crawled onto it and laid down next to Rose. The one-eyed metahuman rolled in her sleep and shifted into her, so Cassie sighed once again and awkwardly wrapped her arms around her, tucking her… whatever they were in beneath her chin.
“I’m just doing this because you asked me to,” she said to the currently unconscious, very asleep Rose. “So don’t get any ideas.”
I care. I care so much about you that I pull my hair out everytime you do this.
“Mmmh,” replied the currently unconscious, very asleep Rose, being asleep and thus beyond understanding of anything Cassie was saying or the true feelings behind the words.
“I’m still mad at you,” Cassie insisted. “So mad that Bart is gonna have to talk me down from punching the snot out of you in the morning.”
“Ugh.” Cassie closed her eyes, shaking her head. “You don’t even hear a word I’m saying, do you?”
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serafiel-jacobs · 11 months
The strings in my heart (FANFIC)
A new chapter of my Lies of p Fanfic series (´ ω `♡)
The violin lessons Lady Antonia was giving Pinocchio were going more than well, fantastic even. Pinocchio’s musical talent seemed otherworldly, he quickly learned the basics, he understood how to properly follow along a melody, and he played it with such finesse, he had still so much to learn, but he was more than up to pace with his lessons, specially she didn’t stop giving him piano lessons, he didn’t fall behind on them for the sake of learning the violin.
Currently, they were taking a break, something had come up and Antonia had matters to attend to, running a hotel is no easy task after all.
Pinocchio was in the gardens, looking around, trying to find something to pass the time.
“Pinocchio may we speak?”
Pinocchio turned around to see Polendina standing behind him.
“Of course”
Polendina looked around, making sure that they were completely alone, well, not completely, Gemini was there, but he was always by Pinocchio’s side and Polendina didn’t mind his presence, and Gemini knew when to keep quiet.
“I’ve… confessed my true feelings to Lady Antonia”
“… and what did she say?”
“She does love me back” Polendina might not be very expressive, but at that moment, Pinocchio could sense more than just happiness in his voice, he could feel that Polendina was more alive than ever. 
“That´s great!! I´m so happy for both of you” Pinocchio gave him a smile, he was happy they could be together.
“Yes… however…” Polendina´s tone had completely changed, it was now dejected, and the sudden shift made the atmosphere tense. “We must keep our relationship hidden”
“But, why?” Pinocchio was confused, if you love someone, shouldn't you be able to show it to others?
“There are people out there that, will not look at our relationship favorably, they might even mock Antonia for it, something as simple as this, could ruin her reputation” Polendina was heartsick about the situation.
“What? That makes no sense, after everything Lady Antonia has done, that´s not fair!” Pinocchio realized that he was yelling, and stopped, he looked around, but no one was still there, He murmured a small “sorry”. But he could understand what he was talking about, he remembers last year, the man who loved his puppet wife, and how others mocked him for it. 
“Please, do not worry, I in fact was the one to ask her to keep it hidden” Polendina´s voice had come back to his regular self.
That just made Pinocchio more confused.
“Although it would be ideal to show our love in public, it is not necessary” Polendina paused, “Just with the fact she loves me back, it is all enough for me, for so long, I wasn't able to confess my feelings, it felt like torture, not being able to tell her, tell her how I truly felt, and when I thought she was going to die, I felt despair, I thought I would die as well” 
“Ah... I see” Pinocchio smiled, he may not fully understand Polendina but he understood he was happy, and he liked it when others were happy. Pinocchio wasn't good with words but he was a good listener, and he could tell that it made Polendina happy that he would listen to him talk about his feelings. What are friends for anyway if not to rely on each other? 
“Besides, we both find it quite thrilling, keeping it hidden like that, my love even says it makes her feel young again” Polendina had a different aura now, his tranquility no longer felt stale and robotic, despite the mundanity of his tone, Pinocchio could sense for livelihood from it. “I’m glad I could talk with you about it”
Polendina was truly grateful to have Pinocchio as a friend, someone he could always count on, he is such a kind boy, even in the hardest times, he was always looking out for others. The two of them looked at the flowers in the garden for the remaining of their free time, it was a moment Polendina would never forget.
Once Antonia was available, the lesson continued.
“Lady Antonia, did I do it right?”
Lady Antonia, he kept calling her that, he had always been so formal, despite her telling him to drop the formalities. “You did well boy, now let’s continue”
As the class went on, Antonia began to feel a sense of profound joy, she was always good when it came to music, but she had never taught anyone before Pinocchio, she was glad she was a good teacher, but she was also glad of the time she enjoyed with Pinocchio, at her old age, Antonia kept herself busy by working, she had time to herself obviously, but the older you get, the older it’s hard to do the things you enjoy, these days, Antonia’s free time consisted half on reading or drinking tea, making idle chit chat with Polendina or with friends, and half with teaching music to Pinocchio.
There was something that just fascinated her about the boy, she remembers when Pinocchio first arrived at the Krat Hotel, always so curious about everything, touching and grabbing everything he could around him, he would play music, and she always wondered where he got those records from, but Pinocchio had a talent with finding things in unexpected places, so she didn’t give it much thought, she loved the music he would play.
Each time he would leave the hotel, he would tell her, each time he returned he made sure to let her know he was safe and sound, he made her company, even if he didn’t know what to say, sometimes he would just drop and say hi, or stand by her side.
When Geppetto was kidnapped, he was angry, and anxious to find his father as soon as possible, yet he did not leave immediately, he made sure to ask if she was okay.
“Did they hurt you? Are you alright? Do you need anything?”
When she was cured and her sight resorted, she looked at his face, she could finally properly see his face, Pinocchio kneeled down beside her, she held her hand to his face, admiring him deeply. He had saved her life, but he had done more than just that, Antonia felt as if she had been reborn, she felt a deep weight on her shoulders let go. When the disaster was over, Pinocchio and Geppetto stayed at the hotel for some time, he was there with her when she learned how to walk again; many times she overheard Pinocchio ask Polendina how she was doing, and how she was recovering.
He offered her help plenty of times, he would randomly show up at her office and ask if there was something he could do for her, one time, she mentioned how she liked flowers, and ever since then, from time to time, Pinocchio would show up with a bouquet of flowers just for her, always different types of flowers. “Do you like these types of flowers? I've got you these ones!” she would smile and thank him, she felt spoiled by him, Antonia knew Geppetto gave Pinocchio an allowance, and she felt deeply touched that he would spend that money on her.
Pinocchio was playing a song completely for the first time, it was something simple; Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. The notes clung in the air as if they could stick to the walls, music isn’t just about hearing, it’s a deep feeling. Pinocchio carefully played the violin, the final notes coming to an end, he lowered the instrument and smiled at her.
“Lady Antonia, how did I do?”
She gently clapped her hands, “You did wonderful my dear boy”.
“Thank you! I’ve been working so hard for you, Mother”
Antonia looked at Pinocchio, and he looked at her, Pinocchio suddenly realized what he said.
“Um… Um… I mean…”
Antonia took the palms of her hands to her face, and she began to quietly sob.
Pinocchio was panicking, had he said something wrong? He didn’t mean to make her upset. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry, I-“
“No Pinocchio, I’m not sad, these are tears of joy”
Antonia never had children, it’s something that everyone knew, but no one knew it was something she regretted later in life, her work life consumed her, and she always wanted to be a mother, when she was younger, she would sometimes see children playing on the streets, or sitting at the hotel reception with their mothers, and she felt envy, she felt terrible for feeling envy, but the desire to be a mother was something her heart deeply yearned, yet as time went on, the possibility for it diminished, until the years caught up with her, and it became impossible for her to have children of her own.
She had known Pinocchio saw her as a mother figure, it was something so obvious to see, but she never believed he would call her that, she always thought that he was just fond of her, clinging to the only motherly role model he had found in those times of need, but to hear those words, coming out of his mouth, all the years of suppressing her feelings have come out.
“You can cry out of happiness?” Pinocchio asked, he got closer to her, standing next to her side, the instrument he once held now carefully lying on the table next to them.
“Why yes you can, my dear boy, I’m just so… happy” She kept sobbing but it was calmer now, Antonia had a smile on her face.
Pinocchio hugged her, Pinocchio always wanted a mom, no, he always wanted Lady Antonia to be his mom, she was the only one, every time he saw her, ever since he first met her, Pinocchio just knew it, he felt it, Lady Antonia was his mother.
“Can I… call you Mother, from now on?”
“Why yes, yes you can dear!” Antonia almost shouted as she returned the embrace, and they were both now holding each other. “Pinocchio… I love you, my son”
“I love you too Mother”
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