#harr styles blurb
moonchildstyles · 7 months
Ooooh I would love to see Prosecco h taking care of his pretty girl when she is sick :( and maybe she doesn’t tell him she’s sick but he finds out and is like 🥺
sooooo! I changed this just a little but I hope you still like it! thank you sm for requesting!!!!
wordcount: 7.5k
(Y/N) smiled, listening back to the voicemail Harry left for her this morning. 
Those small gifts had become her favorite thing to wake up to, eager to hear his voice and know that he was thinking of her even when he had been in a rush to get to the office. More often than not, she was greeted with a stream of consciousness message about all of the things he was doing or needed to get done before he could head out, along with tender declarations that he would talk to her soon, and that she was on his mind. It was never anything particularly grand or cloyingly romantic, but (Y/N) saved every single one of them. Hearing his voice was a part of her morning routine now, she couldn't go without. 
Though she was just as in love with this recording as the others, there was a slight sticky quality to his voice this morning. It was extra thick, seemingly heavy on his tongue as if he had a stuffy nose. But, he didn't mention anything about feeling under the weather. 
She would have to check up on him later, she decided. Send him a text or call him on his lunch to make sure it wasn't anything more than allergies or those cold symptoms that seemed to pop up in the morning before a cup of coffee could flush out his sinuses. 
Once the voicemail ended, Harry finishing with a small "I love you", (Y/N) pulled the phone from her ear, scanning through the rest of the notifications she ignored in favor of hearing his voice. There was nothing more to read than a couple of flags reminding her the schedule she had input on her phone and some social media messages from the girls she was growing closer to from her classes. 
Bypassing those minute messages, she pulled up Harry's contact thread. Typing out a message, she reveled in the soft cushioning of her bed with her boyfriend on her mind. 
     i just listened to ur voicemail🤍 i hope ur day gets less busy but I love u too soooo much 
     also it sounded like u were a little sick over the phone are u okay?:( 
Starting her day slowly, (Y/N) took her time getting ready, checking her phone here and there in hopes of receiving a response from Harry. It wasn't until she had a cardigan draped over her shoulders and bag on her shoulder, walking out the door, that her phone vibrated. 
Though she knew that Harry would scold her if he saw how distracted she was crossing the parking lot to her car, phone in hand, she didn't really care. Especially when it was his notification that she was enamored with. 
H🤍       My day's already getting better since hearing from you, love. Would it be alright if I call you on my lunch? I miss you. 
      No, I'm not sick, just allergies. Thank you for checking on me🩷
Her heart bubbled in her chest as she climbed into her car, a bashful grin splitting her cheeks. She could hear his messages in his voice, lingering over the soft sentiment that he missed her. Before pulling out of the parking lot she made sure to let him know that she was more than okay with him giving her a call later, attaching multiple hearts and kisses to the text. 
She hoped she made him smile like he did for her. 
Blindly reaching for her phone to cancel her alarm, (Y/N) barely cracked her eyes open when she brought the device to her face. The time blinked up top, an early class alarm having pulled her from her dreams. Thursdays were always the worst day of the week in her eyes; she had to wake up extra early, wait around on campus after her morning classes ended because the hour-long gap between her afternoon courses was too short to head home, and most of her deadlines were set for 11:59pm that night. She dreaded starting her day when it came to Thursdays. 
Allowing herself a moment of reprieve, taking an extra long blink of her eyes, (Y/N) finally sat up with the motivating thought of seeing what Harry had left her in his voicemail. 
Blinking the sleep from her gaze, she swiped through her phone with sleep-shaky fingers. She absently pulled up her call log, expecting to see a missed call from Harry, attached with a voicemail to start her day with. 
When there was no red bubble denoting a notification or a text message informing her of a missed voicemail, (Y/N) blinked extra hard in hopes of clearing her vision. When she recovered, coming to her senses more and more, there was still nothing to be seen. 
Harry hadn't called her. 
A pout formed on her lips. He never missed calling her in the morning. Since this had become a regular thing, there was never a morning Harry missed greeting her, starting both of their days off with a sweet message. She hoped he was alright. 
Pulling up his text thread, she typed out a quick message.
       good morning honey ! are you doing okay? i didn't get a voicemail from u so I wanted to make sure !! miss and love u so much call me when you can:))))) 
When the receipts didn't quickly change to read, she took in a sigh. While it wasn't like him, there was a possibility that he woke up too late in the morning to give her a call like usual and didn't have time. There was always the chance that he had taken a late night hours before, working hard and allowing him to lie in this morning. 
(Y/N) was willing to convince herself of either scenario, pushing her imagination along with the terrible ideas sprouting. She just hoped he was okay.
Sitting in the quad, breathing in the first airs of autumn with her headphones covering her ears, (Y/N) didn't rush away from her textbook when she felt her phone vibrate. Finishing off her notes, she waited a moment longer, rereading what she had transcribed before plucking up her phone. The name on her notification had her heart skipping a beat
     Sorry, sweetheart. I woke up late this morning, and have been rushing around the offie all day. I didn't mean to ignore you, I'm so so sorry. Maybe I can call you tonight, on my way home? Love you so much.
Her lashes fluttered as she blinked, reading over his message. Honestly, a chunk of worry she hadn't realized she had been holding onto evaporated. The reassurance that he was okay, and none of the haywire scenarios that she had forced to the back of her mind had even been a little true, was freeing. He was just having a Thursday, just like she was. 
      don't be sorry im just happy youre okay!!! im sorry youre having a rough day:( is there anything i can do to help?????
      yes yes please call me later:( I miss you:(
      love you moooooooore :)  
The time between the moment she had sent off her last message to the receipts flipping from delivered to read was almost instantaneous. The three grey dots popped up on the side of her screen just after. 
        You don't need to do anything for me, sweetheart, you're already helping. My afternoon is going to be busy, but I should be out of here around the normal time so I'll call you around then. I miss you too.
       It didn't feel right not to call you this morning, but I didn't have time. I think it threw me off. 
       Love you most:)
Laying back on the grass, music still fluttering through her speakers, (Y/N) smiled up at her phone as she held it over her face. It was always especially cute when he would add little emoticons or emojis to his messages. 
     i missed hearing u this morning too but its okay !!!! don't stress urself out too much this afternoon though just call me when you can  🩷🩷🩷🩷
     i have to get to class now but ill talk to you later :)))) 
Harry's response came in the form of a string of hearts being sent her way, the messages making her smile before she pocketed her phone. Now that the anxious urgency she had before was now melted away, she took her time gathering her things and heading towards her next class. 
Everything was turning up, she decided. Thursday was almost over, Harry was okay, and she now could look forward to a phone call from him this evening. 
All she had to do was get through this final class.
"Hi, honey," (Y/N) smiled, pressing her phone to her ear as soon as she saw the call blinking across the screen.
On the other line, there was a slight rustle. "Hi, love," Harry finally murmured, his breath coming out heavy, "What are you doing?" 
"Nothing," she sang, closing her laptop lid in favor of focusing on Harry, "Just waiting for you. Did you just get home?" 
"Yeah," he sighed once more, "Been a long day. Sorry to keep you waiting." 
(Y/N) shook her head even though she was well aware of the fact he couldn't see her. "Don't be sorry, H, stop. I'm sorry you had a bad day, what happened?" 
Before he could answer, a rattling cough was heard over the receiver. Harry seemingly pulled the phone away from himself, the sound growing more distant before he returned a beat later. "Sorry, I jus—" 
"Are you getting sick?" She didn't quite believe his explanation of allergies anymore. 
"No, love," Harry muttered, his voice suddenly sounding thicker than (Y/N) remembered, a sniffle of his nose sounding a moment later. "I've jus' had a long day is all. 'M a little run down." 
That didn't ease her any. (Y/N)'s lips thinned, a pinch appearing in between her brows. "It's okay if you're getting sick, H. I'm worried you're not taking care of yourself." 
"'S not like that, sweetheart, I promise. After I get through tomorrow, everything will calm down and I'll be fine. Don't worry over me, okay?" 
Every word that fell from his lips sounded less and less convincing. He definitely sounded sick with the way he gummed around his words through a thick throat, his breathing coming a bit heavier as if he couldn't breathe through his nose, and his reassurances sounded exactly like someone who was getting sick but didn't want to admit it would say. 
Harry took her silence for exactly what it was: her disbelief. "(Y/N), love, I really am jus' tired. Thank you for worrying about me, but y'don't have to. 'M alright." 
She swallowed. She supposed he really could be experiencing those cold symptoms for no other reason than the fact that he's tired, and has been going through a couple of long nights. With the weekend coming up, she too could argue that she wasn't feeling well enough to finish out her week, for no other reason than she would prefer to sleep in and do nothing instead of attending class. 
"Okay," she relented, "Sorry to interrogate you, I've just never heard you sound like this before." 
"I know, 's okay. But I promise I'm alright. I still need to take you to the aquarium this weekend, remember?" 
(Y/N) immediately brightened up at the reminder of their weekend plans. "Yeah, so you better not be sick then. I have to see the sharks." 
"Trust me, I know. You've said that almost every day since we booked the tickets." His voice took on a faux-exasperated tone, as if he couldn't wait to be done with their plans for no other reason than she would stop bringing them up.
A peal of laughter left her lips as she curled up on her couch, getting more comfortable now that she was talking with him. "You're so mean," she bubbled, "This is what I get for worrying about you? Maybe you should be sick and I'll just go alone." 
"As if you'd drive yourself there." 
Yeah, he was definitely feeling fine.
While she was disappointed, (Y/N) wasn't surprised to see the lack of voicemail left for her when she rolled over on Friday morning. On the phone the night before, Harry had told her that he had another early morning coming, and it wasn't a secret just how rundown he was feeling. She had hoped, in the back of her mind, that he could be feeling well enough to send her a message in the morning anyway, but she couldn't blame him for opting to sleep a little bit longer before heading out the door. 
Nonetheless, she still sent him his own good morning text, hoping it would brighten his day and remind him that it was finally Friday. He'd made it through the week and could now look forward to their plans. 
      morning honey!! i hope you have a better day but its friday!!!! we get to see each other tomorrow!!!!! text me when you can love uuuuuuu
Setting her phone on her nightstand, she proceeded to start her own day. Maybe, on the way to campus, she'd stop and get herself a matcha latte. It really had been a long week.
     just went to study in the quad and it started raining AS SOON as I sat down:( I had to run and take all my stuff back to my car:( and I think I forgot my favorite pen on accident :( 
Pressing send, (Y/N) added her new lunchtime message to the string of blue messages she'd already sent that had gone unanswered. Even the read receipts hadn't flipped to anything other than delivered since her morning text hours ago. Of course there had been times where he hadn't gotten back to her by the time she had sent another text, as well as the other way around, this was just slightly out of the range of normal. 
Being with him for almost a year allowed her to learn some of his schedule. She knew what his day to day must look like, just from the fact that he usually texted her, called her, or made plans around certain times of the day. It wasn't hard to pick up on the fact that around eleven-thirty he took a small break from his morning paperwork because that was when he would send her a message if he could. His lunch was always placed around twelve to one, something she learned because that was when he would ask if she wanted to come visit him, or he'd place a call to her while he ate. He left the office at the same time everyday, sometimes a little earlier and sometimes a little later. 
With the time blinking past one-thirty with no phone call, text, or even the reading of her messages, (Y/N) didn't want to be worried but she was. 
There were so many things that could have gone wrong, she figured. Her list of scenarios started with his phone breaking beyond repair, and ended with her sitting in a hospital waiting room. More than half of her worries were irrational, but that was unfortunately how her brain operated at times.
Without second guessing, (Y/N) pulled up Harry's contact before pressing the call button. As it rang and rang, she knew what the outcome was going to bet but she still hung on to the final trilling noise until it finally ended. The generic voicemail greeting played in her ear before she tapped the red end button. 
Rationalizing herself, (Y/N) had to remember the way he had talked about how busy today was going to be for him. This week was all about prepping for a large conference meeting that would be taking place on Monday, including hours of paperwork, presentation reviews, and running in and out of meetings with other executives. While she thought she knew his day-to-day schedule rather well, that didn't mean that day like this wouldn't force him to deter. It was more than just a possibility that he really was that busy that he wouldn't be able to get back to her before he left the office. 
He would call her when he could. 
      goodnight! i hope youre okay honey just text me when you can
      I love u 
(Y/N) wasn't even sure how long she looked at her phone screen, waiting for the receipts to change when she sent her final message for the day. The thread consisted of blue messages she had sent through the day, no response in between. Her call log had three unanswered calls on the list, all outgoing to Harry. 
It wasn't until six p.m. rolled around without a single response from him that she was unable to fight back the worst case scenarios she had rolling around her head. This just wasn't like him. He never stayed that late at the office. There was no way that through over twelve hours, that he didn't have a single second to even react to one of her texts, even just a short one telling her that he was okay but would be staying late. 
Dropping the phone to fall in her sheets, her hands limp at her side, (Y/N) stared up at the ceiling. Something was wrong. Even if all it came down to was that he was so overworked that he fell asleep as soon as he made it home, that thought didn't exactly soothe her. It was scary thinking that something could have been so intense—work, meetings, preparations for the following week—that he didn't even have the mind to text her during his lunch. She just hoped he was alright. 
She'd give it until the morning, she decided. Sunday was their aquarium date, and if she didn't hear from him by lunchtime tomorrow, then she was going to go to his apartment and see what was going on. 
(In a very small part of her mind, a place she had shoved to the very back after everything with Andrew and Iris had been flushed away, she had the insecure thought that he could possibly, maybe, perhaps be ghosting her. While she could never imagine Harry, the king of communication, to go the route of ignoring her as a breakup option, that logic didn't necessarily win out against irrational insecurity). 
Hopefully, giving him the night to rest and recuperate would be exactly what he needed, allowing him to get back on his feet tomorrow and reach out to her with everything she missed the day before. 
Now, she just needed to figure out how she was going to get to sleep. 
There was no way she was going to get to sleep tonight. 
Her brain was too preoccupied to settle, that much was apparent. She pretended as if she wasn't waiting for a notification to vibrate her phone with the way she picked up the book she was borrowing from Harry, barely reading any of the pages. She scrolled through her socials, distracting herself with videos and posts or whatever was fed to her to keep her from pulling down the top bar and checking for any messages she could have blinked through. More than once during her attempts at staying away from her phone, rolling away from her night stand and nestling into the sheets, she reached for it anyway. 
This cyclical routine led her to stare up at the ceiling at one in the morning, phone at her side lest she get a message and not hear the buzz for whatever reason. 
The later the hours got, the more her brain went wild. What if something happened and no one knew to contact her? What if he was really trying to break up with her through ghosting? What if no one even knew he was hurt in the first place and Harry was alone, scared? What if, what if, what if.
Throwing her comforter off her body, (Y/N) sat up in haste. She fit her phone into the pocket of her sweatpants before she was trekking through her apartment, heading to her kitchen. Flicking on the light, she stalked towards her cabinets as if she wasn't itching to grab her phone. Pulling out a glass, she filled it with water and took a long sip. Hoping the cold temperature would soothe her brain and settle the unease in her stomach, she stayed in her kitchen, leaning up against her oven, as she drained the glass. 
When there was nothing left in the glass aside from a few drops and her anxiety was still flitting through her veins, (Y/N) felt restless. 
What else was there to do? There was no way to fix this problem, but she couldn't see herself getting over it enough to actually get any rest. Her body had convinced herself something was wrong even if she tried to reason with herself otherwise. There was no way she was going to be able to beat out the quivering her stomach and rattling of her brain with logic. 
Pulling her phone from her pocket, she checked once more for a notification that wasn't there. Swiping through to the text thread itself, she saw it was still the same string of unanswered blue texts sitting in the black void. 
Rolling her lips between her teeth, she shifted her weight where she stood. 
Would she be crazy to even consider going to his house right now? 
She, unfortunately, couldn't stray her mind very far from the awful possibility that something could have happened, that Harry could be needing someone, and that was why he hadn't been able to contact her. It was a completely irrational, worst-case-scenario mindset, but one that couldn't be tamped down for very long.
(Y/N) just wanted to make sure he was alright.
That was all she could think of when she pushed off of the counter, heading towards her bedroom with a purpose. She tugged on a heavy hoodie, the oversized shape blending with her sweatpants, before she slid on a pair of slippers. She pulled her hair out of her face into a messy twist, chunky clip on the back of her head. Grabbing her keys and bag, she didn't give herself enough time to second-guess anything before she was beelining towards the front door. 
By the time she made it to her car, key in the engine and dash lights illuminating the space, (Y/N) was convinced she'd lost it. 
Nonetheless, she backed out of her space and started towards Harry's home.
Using the key Harry had given her months back, (Y/N) let herself into his house. The lights were off throughout the space. His shoes were in a neat line along the wall, his jacket carefully hung up, and his work bag set up by the door like usual. Everything was immaculately perfect, as if he took his time and didn't rush a single step. (Y/N) rolled her lips between her teeth. 
She set her bag down by his, kicked her slippers off the same, before peering around the living room. His kitchen was clean as far as she could tell, no crumbs or even takeout containers on the counters. 
Her stomach sunk as she scaled his stairs. She was officially acting insane, wasn't she? Harry was obviously fine, and she just couldn't let him have a day to himself, could she? This is what happens when she obsesses over things, she ends up looking like a fool, and it—
(Y/N) stopped in her tracks as she stepped into Harry's room, the door having been cracked before. 
In his bed, Harry was curled up in a bundle of wrinkled sheets. Large comforters were draped over his form with more sitting on the end of the bed. A sliver of his face could be seen, his brows furrowed in distress with his forehead shimmering with sweat. The lump of bedding shook as he shivered underneath the mountain of down. Did he know his teeth were chattering? Did he know he was making these slight whimper tones? 
With her concern skyrocketing, (Y/N) crossed the space to his bed in quick strides. Up close, she could see the flush on his cheeks, the dry skin of his lips, the way he had his arms bundled over his chest as if he was still freezing under all the blankets and the hoodie he had on. 
And he said he wasn't feeling sick. 
"Harry?" she murmured, crawling onto his bed as she reached to place a hand on his forehead. She cringed at the feel of the damp skin, too hot to be healthy. He didn't even stir at her disturbance. "Harry?" 
In a fluttering blink, Harry suddenly woke up, a hurried gasp filling his lungs. It took a moment for him to catch his bearings, his eyes darting around the space before they settled on her. His gaze was bleary, unfocussed as he attempted to take her in.
"(Y/N)?" he croaked, voice crackling and dry. 
No wonder he couldn't call her, he barely had a voice. (Y/N)'s heart cracked just a bit as she looked at him, settling on his bed with her legs folding up underneath her. 
"Hi," she smiled at him, hoping to soothe him just a little, "I thought you said you weren't getting sick remember?" 
"Yeah," he answered in a breath, his eyelids going heavy once more as he sunk into the bedding, "I don't want to be sick." 
"I know," she murmured, "But it's going to be okay, we'll get you better again." 
A slight curl landed on his lips as she spoke. "Are you staying?" 
"Of course, I am," she promised, running a hand through his hair, pushing the strands off of his forehead. Harry happily pressed into her hand, seeking out her warmth as another shiver wracked through his system. As sweet as she thought it was, she was less than impressed with just how intense his fever was. "When was the last time you took medicine?" 
"I don't know," he mumbled, voice thick as his eyes shuttered closed, "I don't know if I have any." 
"Harry, you're joking." He had to be, really. There was no way that her responsible Harry didn't have any kind of cold medicine at his disposal. 
A smile once more tugged at the corners of his lips. "Maybe," he shrugged, "I can't remember." 
(Y/N) sighed, knowing she was going to have to ransack his house and try to find any kind of medicine she could get him to take when he was a little more lucid. Until then, she was going to start small. 
"Have you been drinking water?" 
"Don't know." 
Harry shivered as she looked towards his bedside table, finding not even a half finished glass of water waiting. She had reason to assume that he hadn't been lucid enough to even remember to hydrate during this whole thing. 
"(Y/N)?" Harry crooned, voice too thick to be comfortable. 
"Hm?" she hummed, carding her fingers through his hair once more. 
Keening into her touch, he spoke with his eyes closed. "I'm tired." 
"I know," she murmured, brows pinching when another shiver wracks his body, "You can sleep, honey. I'll find some medicine for you, and everything when you wake up, okay?" 
"Okay," he sighed, completely compliant to whatever she had to say. Shifting under her palm, he turned his head until her palm was grazing the planes of his face. He puckered his lips and pressed a soft kiss to her palm. "I missed you." 
"I missed you, too, honey." 
She watched as a sleepy smile bloomed on his features before he sunk into his pillow, heavy blankets set on his form. He was out, just like that. 
Watching over him, (Y/N) felt a guilty sense of relief as she saw a shiver roll down his spine. She didn't like seeing him so down, obviously out of it with fever chills going through his body, but this was a decidedly nicer outcome than the panic scenarios she had swirling through her head. 
Giving him one more pass of her fingers through his hair, she backed off his bed. She doubted he would be sleeping very soundly, so she didn't have much time to go through and find all of the things he would need to get him through the night. 
His bedroom door was left cracked open as she padded through his home. There was no way he didn't have any medicine laying around, she was sure of it. She just needed to find it. 
"Shoot," (Y/N) murmured under her breath, fumbling through the cabinet in his first floor bathroom.
She was going to have to call the aquarium in the morning and reschedule their reserve tickets. 
"Harry? You've got to wake up for me, honey."
Harry wanted to open his eyes, he really did, but no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't. He was too tired, too cold, too enveloped in his vivid dreams. 
"Just for a second then you can go back to sleep, okay?" 
Taking in a heavy breath through his sore throat, Harry attempted once more to crack his eyes open. This time around he was successful to a small degree, his eyes opening into slits. Everything was a bit blurry, too hazy to make out exact details of what was around him. He was so cold—freezing even. The blankets weren't enough. 
Above him, he saw who he was ninety-eight percent sure was (Y/N). There were vague memories of seeing her earlier in the night. He remembered the shape of her smile, the sound of her voice, her gentle touch through his hair. He thought he had been dreaming, 
"You're here?" he croaked, deep crackles in his voice. 
"I am, yeah," she crooned to him, shuffling closer to him, "And I have medicine for you to take." 
"You do?" A sudden chill swept over his form. He burrowed deeper under his covers. 
"Yeah, but you need to sit up for me so you can take it and drink some water." 
His brow creased her words. "No," he whined, unwilling to abandon his cocoon for something so trivial like water. 
"Yes," (Y/N) argued, "You're sick, H. You need to take some medicine so you can feel better." 
He shook his head. "I'll get better later." 
A soft peal of laughter filled his bedroom. "I think we should get better now, honey. I know you don't like being sick, so this will help it go away faster." 
Her logic checked out, really, though it didn't really make him happy to admit. "Fine," he answered begrudgingly. 
(Y/N) helped him sit up, his layers of blankets falling to his lap. His palms were sweaty as he clutched the hem of the comforters, his eyes going just a bit less bleary the more he blinked away his sleep. 
At his side, (Y/N) was huddled amongst the folds of his bedding. She looked at him with a softened smile, eyes glancing over his features and whatever state he must be in. 
"How are you feeling?" she asked, reaching behind herself to grab both the medicine and the water she had waiting for him.
Harry shrugged, his head feeling too heavy. "Tired," he grumbled, "I have a fever, don't I?" 
Her smile downturned some, frowning at the edges. "Yeah. I don't know how high, but I think it's a pretty good one," she told him, "So we need to make sure you keep drinking and start taking medicine again." 
 "That sounds like a lot of work." 
A huff of laughter fell from (Y/N)'s lips again. "I'm sure it will be, but I don't think it'll be much work for you." Before he could compute some kind of retort, (Y/N) was handing him a duo of pills and a glass of water. "Only sip the water, okay? Too much could make you sick." 
Her voice was like static in the background as he moved with lethargic limbs, tossing the pills to lay on his tongue before taking down a large gulp of water. He could vaguely hear her scolding him for taking down too much right after she warned him to slow down. 
"Sorry, sorry," he told her, throat not feeling quite as rough now that he drank something. "'M thirsty." 
"I'm sure you are, but you need to be careful," she told him, her voice a soft soothe as she took the glass from his hand and back to the side table, "Just take it slow. Are you hungry?" 
Trying to remember the last meal he had, Harry struggled to cast his mind that far back. While he didn't necessarily identify any hunger pains in his body at the moment, too much else going on, he figured they were buried somewhere amongst the crowded chaos. 
"Yeah," he answered, voice thick through his burning throat, "A little." 
"Let me go make you some soup, okay? After you eat, you can go back to sleep if you want." 
(Y/N) made a move to shuffle off of his bed, but she didn't get very far when he reached out with heavy limbs to pull her back. "'M not that hungry," he murmured, "Stay." 
"Harry," she started, her tone turning into a coaxing plea, "I'll be fast, and you need to eat, okay?" 
Disregarding her attempt at reasoning, he proceeded to tug her back to his chest. Though he didn't feel particularly strong at the moment, (Y/N) helped by moving pliantly wherever he wanted, even helping him when he shifted them to lay beneath the covers together. 
"'M too tired," he said, nosing at the curve of her neck, "I'll eat later." 
"Harry," she sighed once again, "I was going to make that soup you like, though." 
He only shook his head, pressing the tip of his cold nose into the column of her throat. He buried himself close against her, feeding into her warmth and the comfort the soft curves of her body provided. 
"Later," he insisted, her voice slurring and weakening. He puckered his dry lips and gave a small kiss to the shelf of her collarbone. "Stay."
It was when he felt her hands return to his hair, carding through the swirling curls and scratching her nails against his scalp, that he knew he won. 
"Alright," she relented, planting her own kiss on the crown of his head, "I'll wait until you wake up, honey." 
All it took was shuttering his eyes, lashes glancing over her skin with a slow breath in, that he fell asleep again.
Harry's muscles ached by the time he finished the small serving of soup (Y/N) had made for him, only small remnants of carrots and celery remaining at the bottom. While he was much more lucid, his fever finally having gone down almost a full twelve hours since (Y/N) started feeding him medicine, his body was now exhausted from the fight against his cold. 
"This was really good, sweetheart. Thank you," he smiled at her when she came to claim his dishes and return them to the kitchen. In his now empty palms, she replaced the dishes with another duo of pills for him to take. 
"Those should get you through the night," (Y/N) explained, "But just wake me up if you need to. I'm hoping the soup will help your throat so you won't wake up coughing again." 
That had been the story of his day, at this point. In between the fever, the cold sweat, and the muscle aches, he had barely been able to sleep before he was forced awake by the burn in his throat that demanded he cough until he swore his esophagus was raw. 
"Okay," he responded, voice feeling gummy in his throat, "Are we going to bed now?" 
Dishes still in hand, (Y/N) pursed her lips as she looked at him. "Actually," she started, shifting her weight, "I was thinking—if you're feeling okay enough—that we could take a shower? I think it would help you feel better to get all the fever off of you and into some clean clothes."
To be fair, he fell asleep in these sweats Thursday night, and it was now Saturday night with the same hoodie pulled over his torso and heavy sweats that kept him warm through his perceived chill. But the idea of standing up for that long, in a space that hot and warm, already made him tired enough he figured he could fall asleep in an instant. 
She must have been able to tell what he was thinking by the soured expression on his face. "We'll be really fast, I promise," she assured him, "I was going to wash your hair and everything, so you wouldn't even have to do anything but stand there." 
While he was sure she was bribing him with the promise of washing his hair for him, taking the task off of his hands while simultaneously giving him the gift of feeling her nails scratch at his scalp and card through his hair under the warm spray of water, he knew he wasn't going to win when that offer was on the table. She knew exactly how to get him.
"We'll be fast?" 
With a sigh, Harry caved in. "Okay, but if I fall asleep, y'jus' have to let me." 
"I'll make sure you don't fall then," she pledged with a proud smile on her face, "I'll be right back and then we'll go upstairs."
"Too cold," Harry grumbled, his bare skin erupting into goosebumps under the spray of water.
Reaching around his back to adjust the temperature knob, (Y/N) turned it up just a bit more. By her preference, the water was plenty hot, especially apparent with the amount of steam filtering through the room already, but she figured he was still fighting off a few chills. 
"Is that better?" she asked, quickly pulling her hand out of the stream. 
"Almost," he murmured, eyes fluttering closed. 
His skin was quickly turning red under the temperature, but he seemed to revel in it. He threw his head back under the water, wetting his curls. His arms were barred over his chest, but she could still see the way he pulled in a deep breath, the sauna-like atmosphere cleaning his sinuses. She allowed him to luxuriate in the feel, hoping his muscles were relaxing as much as she knew he needed.
"Which shampoo do you want tonight?" she asked, looking towards the built in caddy he had in his shower, the cubby full of both his and her products. 
"Yours," he answered automatically, his voice sounding much less clogged after reveling in the water. 
With a soft smile, she retrieved the bottle, aware of the way Harry turned to offer her the back of his head to run the cleanser through. 
"Fast, right?" he murmured just above the sound of the pounding water. 
"Fast," she promised, sudsing up her hands before she was going through the soft curls with her shampoo. 
Though normally Harry would have leant down for her to get better leverage and not have to reach too far above to wash his hair, she couldn't blame him as he kept the full of his height. His back hurt enough some days without having a cold running through his system, it didn't help when his muscles were pinched with fever chills. Nonetheless, she stood to the tips of her toes and did as best she could to get him back to feeling more like himself. 
It didn't take long for the cherry-scented bubbles to start scenting the steam, wrapping around them in sweet ribbons. She smiled at the way he practically melted at the feel, rolling his neck and allowing her more and more coverage of the shampoo. It was a silly thought, but for a minute she felt as if she were playing as his hairdresser. Was she supposed to do small talk with him?
The thought had a huff of laughter puffing through her nose. 
"What's funny?" Harry asked, his voice sluggishly warm. 
"Nothing, just something silly," she told him, pulling her fingers from the silky suds of his hair, "Rinse your hair and we'll wash one more time before conditioning, okay?" 
"Okay," he answered absently, turning to place his hair under the rinsing spray, the bubbles running down his skin.
(Y/N) couldn't help herself, following the string of bubbles that ran down his chest, flushed skin slick from the steaming water. If this shower were under different circumstances, she would have taken it upon herself to trace that line of bubbles with her own hands, but that would have to wait, she decided. The lines of his muscles were attention grabbing, but there was something in it that made her feel sad for him. It wasn't fun to see him, knowing just how strong he was, to be reduced down to shivers and half-lucid conversations all from a small cold. 
With his hair rinsed free of all the bubbles, he looked to her, curls draping down around his face. "Again?" 
"Again," she affirmed, "Then we'll finish up and go to bed." 
A soft smile touched the corner of his lips. "Okay." 
Repeating the motion of washing through his hair once more, reviving the pattern after days of enduring his cold sweats. When she gave him the go ahead to rinse down once more, she could see just how slow he was moving again; lethargic limbs heavy. 
"Which body wash are you thinking?" Though she had an inkling that he would choose to utilize her products again, she still thought to ask. 
Instead of getting an answer, she was surprised with heavy, tattooed arms wrapping around her middle from behind. In her ear, he whispered, "Not yet?" 
"Not yet?" she asked, turning in his arms to look up at him, "I thought you wanted to go fast?"
Gazing down at her with hooded eyes, he looked at her with flushed cheeks and dilated pupils. "I don't want to leave right now." 
"No?" she asked with a beaming smile, a small huff of laughter falling from her lips. She looped her arms around his middle, setting her palms on the slick skin of his back. The water sprayed down on her hands, the temperature no longer bothering her. 
"No," he said, murmuring over the thrum of the water. A silence settled between the two of them as he gave her a slow blink, his gaze drifting down to the curve of her lips. "Kiss?"
(Y/N) looked up at him with a pout, her hand on his back running a soothing circuit over the planes. "I don't want to get sick, H." 
"You won't get sick," he tried to tell her, bringing his hand up to cradle her cheek, "I promise." 
"How can you promise that, hm?" she prodded, teasing him some with her pout turning into a tender smile. 
She seemed to have stumped him some, watching as he rolled her words around. "I don't know," he settled on, "But, I'll take care of you if you do." 
With that, he dipped his head down and brushed the tip of his nose against the side of her own. The lilypads of his tired eyes were close enough for her to pick out the varying shades of clear green, the wet clumps of his lashes a dark frame around them. It was hard to say no to him, especially like this. 
Tipping her chin up, she pressed her lips against his. It was a soft, innocent kiss that lingered for only a moment. It broke off when she could feel the curl of Harry's smile. 
"Is that enough?" she asked, nuzzling his nose in a puppy's kiss. 
"Almost," he murmured, "But I'll wait until bedtime." 
(Y/N) let out a soft laugh, pulling away to rest her cheek against his chest. His skin was blazingly warm, aided by the steaming water still scenting around them. He hugged her close, his arms a loose loop around her with his nose grazing the top of her head. His heartbeat drummed a soothing rhythm under her ear, a comforting reminder that he was right here, right with her. After the hours she went worrying and building anxiety over his state when she hadn't heard from him the day before, feeling the solid build of his body and the steady heartbeat under her ear, this was more relieving than she was sure he even knew.
"(Y/N)?" he asked after a moment. 
"Hm?" she hummed, snuggling that much closer. 
"Are we still going to the aquarium tomorrow?" 
Blinking her eyes open in an instant. She forgot to call. 
thank u sm for reading and sorry for any mistakes! if theres any ideas anyone wants to see pls send them in:)))
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gurugirl · 2 months
Lil sneaky for bfd!harry coming soon!
I know it's not much but something to tide y'all over! I'll probably post tomorrow or Wednesday! xoxo
. . .
Harry was up to something. You knew he was. You’d been around him long enough to know the signs that he was keeping a secret. He was trying to act normal. All lovey with lots of touches. He came home from work that evening with this look on his face like he had a secret he wanted to tell you but had to wait.
“What is it? What are you smirking about? I can tell you want to say something,” you poked his ribs after he got out of the shower and you stood next to him in the bathroom in front of the mirror.
“I’m not smirking,” he smirked.
“Yes, you are!” You laughed and pointed at his reflection in the mirror.
He licked his lips and tried to hide his smile but the dimples remained deep in his cheeks as he turned toward you and wrapped you in his arms. He was still damp after his shower. The towel around his waist tucked in well so it didn’t slide off when he moved his hands up your back and pulled your face to his, pressing his mouth against yours.
He was definitely hiding something. Trying to distract you. And the distraction did work eventually when he got your clothes off and tossed you in your bed and shut you up by making love to you.
“You want a baby? Yeah? Want to be a mommy, Y/n?” Harry was driving into you deep and then pulling out to his crown over and over again, long deep, slow strokes that had you at his mercy.
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smilesstyless · 2 years
durning quarantine you started a few new hobbies and one of them is knitting and you make him cute socks and sweaters and scarfs
Just imagine he wears the clothes y/n made him
"Darlin', I made you something," you stand in the doorframe from his home studio. Harry is currently writing his third album, and he usually spends most of his days in there, so you started a new hobby.
Harry places his guitar next to him, you sit down next to him on the couch. "What did you made me?" He peck your lips.
"I made you some socks, you said you have cold feet before you go to bed, so I thought you'll like them," you show Harry the colourful socks you made for him.
"Thank you so much, sunshine, I love them," he kisses the tip of your nose. His beard tickles as he kisses you.
"Did you made anything else?" He whispers against your lips.
"Yes, I made a sweater for you and I made myself a top for the summer and I just finished you socks," you smile at him.
"So I have to buy new wool soon?"
"Yes, and I want to learn crochet too." You just smile at your boyfriend.
"You already made a lot things, and now you want to learn something new?" He raises a eyebrow.
"Mhm, I never see you, so I learn new things," you tell him.
"You can sit also here and do your stuff," he smiles. "But I'm glad you're doing something and not sleeping all day."
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pancakes4two · 2 years
figured it was about time i write a dadrry blurb. look out for a short fic to accompany this as well! face claim is summer rachel warren 🤍
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Liked by harrystyles, harris_reed and 2,967,726 others
yourinstagram something to share with you…
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harris_reed divine mother ⭐️
yourbff the hardest secret to keep.. so happy for you
gigihadid congrats MAMA!!
kyliejenner playdates soon ❤️‍🔥
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Liked by yourinstagram, niallhoran and 9,828,918 others
harrystyles Baby Styles. Coming to a belly near you.
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harrystan HE’S SO GOOFY
harrygirl casually breaks the internet w/ a baby announcement at 9am on a monday
harryfan1 this is the most harry way to announce a pregnancy ever
harryfan2 in a few months there’s going to be a tiny little harry running around and i’m not ready for it
niallhoran So overjoyed for you, congrats man.
jefezoff 👶🏻
liampayne My brother!! All the love to you
kaiagerber Oh yes
zendaya Couple of the year becomes family of the year
taylorswift What a beautiful mama. So happy for your family ❤️
beyonce ❤️
your instagram stories:
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enews Harry Styles was papped this morning rushing off to the airport in between two sold out nights at the Kia Forum. A source close to the star said his girlfriend, Y/N L/N went into labor late last night, and we can only assume he’s jetting off to support her through her birth. Do we think they’re having a boy or girl?
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harryfan2 he’s going to be a dad so soon omg i’m so sick with excitement
harry4ever can you imagine him with a little baby girl 🥺
harryfan5 ok but a boy would be so cute too like what if he’s literally just the tiny version of harr😢😢😢😢
harryfan6 nooooo i hope my show doesn’t get postponed
harrygirl The fact that y’all are worrying about shows when he’s going to the birth of his literal CHILD is concerning. Read the room
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Liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 14,892,717 others
yourinstagram baby beau styles is here and he is everything we could have possibly ever dreamed of & so much more.
a little backstory behind the second picture: last week, exactly 7 days before my due date, harry scheduled a 2-day break from his tour. i thought nothing of it, figured he was just taking some well-deserved time off—we all know how hard he works. it turns out, he did just about everything but rest. he spent nearly all of those forty-eight hours in the studio, recording lullabies for our yet-to-be-born son. he took his golden voice and pressed it into vinyl form, so our baby can fall asleep every night knowing he is so loved and safe with us.
so incredibly thankful for my body for nurturing sweet beau until he was ready to join us earthside. i keep counting his little fingers and toes and thinking he is the greatest gift life could have ever given me. half of me + half of h. one perfect tiny human.
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annetwist ❤️
gemmastyles Time for me to get into the Aunt Gem uniform.
harrystyles The greatest gift. Couldn’t be more in love.
yourbff stop it!!!!!!!! need to know what’s on the record now!!!!!
yourinstagram he recorded beautiful boy, sweet creature, and songbird. how did i get so lucky.
harryfan1 IT’S A BOYYYYY!!! BABY BEAU🥺🥺🥺🥺
harryfan2 congrats y/n you’re gonna make the greatest mama
harryfan3 y/n don’t be shy let us make bootleg copies of the vinyl
yourinstagram thank u all for all the love🤍🤍🤍 my heart feels so full.
@crazygirlinthisworld @grapejuice-rry @b-reads-things @s8tellite @olivialovesh
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lovecanyon · 1 year
*a love triangle*
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It was revealed this weekend that Y/N Pascal, 30, was planning on divorcing husband Pedro Pascal, 47. No one knows exactly why since the two had looked very happy together. The couple originally met back in 2011 at an Oscars event. Pedro reveals in an interview once he had found out Y/N was a hairstylist he immediately hired her to be his.
“I had no money in my pocket and I had hired this amazing woman to do my hair.” - Pedro Pascal in Wired’s Autocomplete Interview with Oscar Isaac.
Both of them share two sons together, Jude, 1 and Elias, 5. The two had Elias right after they got married in 2016 in Pedro’s home country, Chile.
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liked by user21, user26 and 326,108 others
pascalupdates Y/N and Pedro are reportedly taking a break! We wish them the best and hope they get back together soon. 💕
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pedrofan24 LOVE ISN’T REAL
pedrofan29 crying and throwing up
pedrofan22 i seriously can’t do this anymore 😭
pedrofan31 what the hell…they were so in love with each other
pedrofan25 not our mother and father 💔
pedrofan33 screaming into my pillow
pedrofan36 i’m never believing in love anymore
pedrofan23 it’s going to be a hot girl summer for him
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liked by yourinstagram, bellaramsey and 3,618,940 others
pascalispunk Me and my wife have decided to take a break from each other. We will be co-parenting our two boys, making sure their needs come before us. Please give us our space during this time.
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liked by pascalispunk, hunterschafer and 5,138,125 others
yourinstagram ❤️.
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liked by harryfan40, harryfan43 and 626,910 others
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harryfan42 this is my joker
harryfan49 y/n is winning…first pedro pascal and then harry styles
harryfan41 she’s still married to pedro btw 🙏
harryfan47 well this was not on my bingo card
harryfan48 i just want to be her.
harryfan50 harry and y/n…i like the sound of it
harryfan56 @yourinstagram teach me your ways fr
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yourinstagram via stories
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liked by harryfan51, harryfan54 and 472,185 others
dailystyles Harry, Y/N Pascal, and friends out in Tokyo a few nights ago!
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harryfan58 someone kill me
harryfan57 #teampedropascal
harryfan61 my heart can’t handle y/n and pedro both being seen with other people…
harryfan62 manifesting y/n and pedro again
harryfan60 crying and throwing up
harryfan65 i am jumping off a cliff btw!
harryfan63 Y/N FANS RISE
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liked by pedrofan66, harryfan68 and 201,573 others
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pedrofan70 i cried the entire interview
pedrofan69 harry who???
harryfan72 i just fell on my knees in a walmart parking lot
pedrofan74 i need a man like him…
pedrofan71 pedro is such a family man 🤞
harryfan75 when will it be my turn
pedrofan77 THIS IS ALL I WANT
harryfan79 god really has his favorites
pedrofan78 currently screaming
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liked by pascalfan80, harryfan82 and 457,281 others
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pascalfan84 THIS IS SO CUTE
harryfan88 someone run me over please
pascalfan81 i love my favorite dilf 🤗
harryfan83 sooo harry and y/n aren’t together then…
pascalfan85 y/n and pedro are working on getting back together so she’s probably done with harry… i think…
harryfan89 the pascal family is thriving!
pascalfan86 ngl pedro and y/n were meant to be together so…
harryfan87 @harrystyles
pascalfan93 you’re so 😭
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liked by pascalispunk, harrystyles and 6,130,947 others
yourinstagram surrounded by love!
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harryfan92 why is this seriously the best instagram post ever
pascalispunk I love you mama ❤️
yourinstagram i love you more mr. mandalorian
harryfan97 i am sorry harry but…this is so cute omggg
luxpascal my cuties!!!
pascalfan93 y/n and pedro are still in love…you can clearly see… 😭
bellaramsey You and Pedro are my parents.
yourinstagram couldn’t have asked for more 💕
harryfan99 harry liking this is so?!?!?!
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liked by yourinstagram, luxpascal and 5,127,408 others
pascalispunk Elias and Y/N, the loves of my life ❤️
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pascalfan91 pedro really is the best father ever…i’m sobbing
yourinstagram i appreciate you so much darling
pascalispunk You complete meeee.
pascalfan98 GOING CRAZY OVER THEM 🧎‍♀️
harryfan96 y/n seriously needs to teach us her ways.
ana_d_armas the cutest humans on earth
pascalfan100 i need someone to be obsessed with me the way pedro is obsessed with y/n…
florencepugh forever loving the pascal family!
harryfan104 y/n is living out our fantasies one by one 😭
nicoparker SO ADORABLEEE 💕
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harryflorals via instagram stories
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @lomlolivia @b-reads-things
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hes-writer · 5 years
Golden Hour
Summary: y/n admires harry at the crack of dawn
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 983 words
Request by: @habiba012
Y/N was awoken by the light peaking through the sheer white curtains of their bedroom. The golden rays striving to battle against the opaque material and into Y/N’s face smashed lightly on the pillow—which was successful, granted that Y/N forcefully peeled her eyelids open. Sleep weighed heavy on her lids and lashes and she had to blink a good amount to even keep them gaping for a few seconds, tears welling up on her corner ducts.
She stared silently at the curtain-covered window—the glowing sunlight ablaze in the background of a white drop that mixed to a golden haze. It was heavenly, to say the least, how simple colors mixed with the shade of white can create such a canvas of grandiose that would surely take her breath away if she wasn’t feeling so calm at this moment.
Nothing can compare to the view on her left side, however. Harry was lightly snoring, deeply set on an induced dream while he slept soundly. Black lashes curling gently against the bags of his eyes, lids so shiny adorned a natural champagne twinge. His brows stuck in different directions just like how the mop on his head sprawled out messily on his own pillow.
The curve of his nose smoothly placed on the center of his face was inclined in a straight fashion and Y/N couldn’t help but to lazily lift an arm, sticking up a pointed finger, and tracing the bridge of his nose from the core to the very tip. She smiles to herself when she envisioned Harry’s nose twitching like a bunny without his consent—like it had a mind of its own. Gentle breathing hit her finger as she ended its journey near his nostrils, tilting a bit to touch the dip of his Cupid’s bow and feeling a scruff of a mustache that he had been growing for days. It was rough, yet his skin was soft–making a distinguishable comparison between the two textures.
And oh, his lips—looking plush and plump, tinted in the most enticing shade of pink—held set in a pout even in his sleep. It looked soft and Y/N had the sudden urge to give him a kiss right then and there, but she refrained. Instead, she let her thumb join her pointer to pinch the skin—as he would do in interviews when he was contemplating on what to say.
Y/N tapped gently on his chin, pausing when his breathing heaved from its usual rate. He groaned quietly, lids cracking the tiniest centimeter to see the minor nuisance tickling his skin.
“Y/N?” He questioned groggily, sleep embedded in his voice. She hummed in response, watching as he shifts from his position on his back to his side, facing her. She swore her entire being could combust on the bed because not only did he looks beautiful, but his voice—he sounded absolutely gorgeous even without trying. His face was half pressed up against the pillow, showcasing the protruding cheekbone.
She let the back of her finger stroke the bone covered up by layers of silky soft skin. Coincidentally, the sunlight shifted to hit that area of his face, making it seem as though he was wearing a highlighter. He was illuminated—and so, so pretty.
His face shifted in response. The skin by his eyes crinkling in confusion as he tried to—with as little effort as possible—figure out what his girlfriend was up to.
“What are you doing?” His slurred speech resonated in the dim light, making Y/N swoon at the gruffness accompanying his heavier accent. He was sleepily talking tongues and Y/N’s heart melted.
“Just admiring how pretty you are,” She spoke with an almost hypnotized daze. Her head resting on the palm of her hand, forearm holding the weight of her body up so that she had a clear view of him.
Harry smiled, cheeks slowly turning a shade of pink—just like his lips. His dimple dipping on his face as he tried hard to not to act so giddy from her compliment.
“That’s not true,” He answered, letting one eye scan her for any traces of mischief and deception. “You’re the pretty one,”
She blows a raspberry, rolling her eyes. Yet, she bears a grin at his words. “You’re so beautiful,”
He groans in response, lifting a heavy arm up and pushing her away jokingly. In reality, Harry was about to burst from the love and praise she was giving him. Her—an angel of an own kind, mesmerized by his mundane features? He could never.
Especially when she was looking like a goddess from the glimmering halo adrift around her head—Harry’s chest convulsed with a second breathe. She was literally glowing—undeniably radiating beauty without taking notice of the effect it had on Harry. Her skin was supple and smooth, the pigment going well with the brightness of the sun. Her features being shaded properly by the massive star. She was the epitome of perfection and she didn’t even know it. Harry was voluntarily ogling her but she was solely focused on admiring him. Him. Y/N was smiling at him so gently, gracefully—and with so much love and affection that Harry could implode.
But he lets himself bathe in the glory, even though he was immobilizing his legs from kicking out from under the blankets. He was sure that he was doing a bad job at it since his dimple was profoundly caving in the corner of his mouth. He closed his eyes tightly, digging his nose deeper in his pillow in an effort to hide his face.
“Oi,” Y/N directed, “Stop doing that. Now I won’t get to see you,” she pouted in disappointment, making Harry’s heart pound at the sad look upon her face. He lifted his head up, changing her expression.
“There’s my boy,” She breathes, allured eyes staring at him so lovingly.
permanent tag list; @ynm1505 @kissme-hs @agoddamnmango @harrys-kingdom @calums-sugarbaby @queenbeestuffs @ashkuuuu @kettxo @send-me-styles @littledreamybeth @trustfulhaz @harrysfeastedflower @harrystxleslx @befourep @moonandstars-xo @babebenhardy @swayingnoodlelove @mendesromano @harrystylinsince1994 @juliassgem @miscll-fangirl @little-dragon-ate-my-heart @myfangirlworld @haroldssfedora @winchesterwife27 @w0wfxck @llandaaa @particularnarry @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you @youpenguinadonis @harrysstyleseyes
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
Hershey Fucker.
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Author's Note; here lies the great memory of long hair Harry. Long gone but never forgotten. A smut to make you clench your legs together, *laughs in evil*. Don't forget to gimme some love :(
Kaleidoscopic lights flares around you as you stirred the straw of your margarita dodging the glunk of strawberry. Your eyes anchored at the spindiling lean figure of the emerald eyed monster, jaw tight that of greek god, umber spiral of curls kissing the sharply cuts of his face and it glows as if he has used your highlighter.
You scoff when he puckers his lips around the rim of whiskey giving a fist bump in praise.
It's been going on from the time you stepped inside the club. He's being a pain in arse. Having none of shame giving a harsh squeeze to your butt while leading you, leaning close to whisper words straight outta dirty erotica, throwing you his signature cocky smirks and brush of noses while he adjusted his daddy long legs nudging them in between your knees as you both sat on the high-stools of the bar.
You shake your head in exasperation smiling to yourself when he caught the wrist of bartender pointing at it with slurred eyes and bubbly lips, "nice tat, lad. looks sexy on ya." You know he's trying to make you jealous on purpose and it's quite endearing to see him try.
It makes your pussy weep, in all honesty. The fact that he's flirtatious in nature and when he speaks it feels like roses are falling from his lips would never fail to make you find him more ethereal. He owns that kinky charisma.
He kept on side glancing you while doing his antiques. Chatting with the bartender and complementing him with a lopsided grin, taking your hand for agreement because he's that annoying.
You practically lunges over him straddling his knee to brush your crimson coated lips agaisnt his earlobe while you whisper.
"Wanna go home." He furrows his brows together clearing his throat and gesturing you with his sparkling daunting gaze ','s that so?' when you sit back leaving a satisfied red smudgnes at his earlobe and higher jaw. You bob your head patting his knees and before your hands could sneak any higher he grabbed them, chugging the last of his whiskey and ruffling his wild tresses back to stand both of you on feet.
"Hmm. Was 'avin', fun weren't ye'?" He asks looping his forearms around your front protectively and keeping you close to him while making an exit from the crowd.
"Ehm. dunno, hot bartender." He scrunches his nose at this pinching your hip-bone rasping out in his thick chapel's accent.
"Thought ye'r same thought, babe." You cackle at this loudly gasping audibly when the cold zephyr of London enveloped you. He immediately kisses your head stroking his thumb against the nape of your neck.
"'Ere lemme be ye'r personal heater." He cacoons the warm coat he's wearing around your body pulling you to his chest, his exposed pecks coming in contact with your own bare shoulders making both of you hiss. "Better hurry up, wan' to get wrapped 'round your warmth." You laugh at his chaotic humour hitting him with elbow.
On reaching the car that's parked at the very end of parking lot you spin in his hold gazing deep into his jade and he sucks his bottom lip inside his mouth when you grab his face, squishing his blushed chill cheeks in process.
You part your lips infront of him glazing your wet tongue all over your plump lips to give him a little show before pulling him closer to smear them against his stiff ones, you kiss him sloppily letting your saliva drool around the corners of his lips lapping onto his tongue messily.
"Mhmp. Ye' know your sloppiness turn meh on s' bad." He grunts with fog huffing out sliding his large palm under your thigh to grope your ass and haul your leg around his waist as you lean over the bonnet of car. He glides his thumb from your decolletage to the hilt of your chin tilting it to deepen the already erotic kiss, tasting the insides of your cheeks.
He captures your bottom lip in between his bunny teeth pulling it with floppy sound. He looks down upon you with lust blow irirses wide spreading his legs to straddle your bare thighs and to rub his knee against your soaked centre.
"Meh filthy girl's jealous t' 'er fuckin' core, innit?" You shake your head left and right in utter innocence. He laughs at your effort. Degradingly, intimidatingly rough from his chest that prominents your heavy breathing and a soapy patch of arousal in your thong.
"Now lyin' t' meh aren't ya, bunny." He smirks with stern brows tapping your chin and your dainty squeak traps in your lungs when he yanks you off the bonnet against the door side of the car squeezing between the two cars for less visibility of the dirty things they're about to do.
He kisses the dip where your shoulder meets your neck trailing his parted lips between your breasts tweaking your nipples harshly from the flimsy cloth, "not jealous, right?" He mumbles grazing his teeth against your jawline pecking the corner of your lips.
"No." You choke out slip shutting your eyes and letting your head fall against the window as he thrusts the buldge of his thick hard cock in his pants against your cunt, one hand gripping your hip with bruising force you love other around your throat.
"Not even if I'll be...on me knees fo' him? He heaves out flushing your sweaty chests together and your eyes rolls to your skull with his pressure building on your throat, you grind against him with moans of ecastasy him perfectly rubbing up and down between your weepy pussy lips.
He smirks in victory knowing it's warming you up so he continues in slurred seductiveness, "no' when I'll beg fo' his cock in me mouth? fo' him to deep throat meh, t' fuck me mouth?" You whimper. Shivering hands reaching for him, instead of grabbing them as he usually do with gentleness he wrapped his one palm around your wrists locking them atop your head roughly.
He slaps your pussy and you ducked forward crying out with pleasure into his chest. He tugs at your thong ripping it to shreds and stuffing it to his pocket, "when I'll spread me legs fo' him...." His hard on poking against your stomach as he toyed with your clit. He swipes the tip of his fingers up and down circling it around your weeping hole collecting your moisturizer and snaking it up past your mound and tummy to nipples wetting them. Actually, making a complete mess of you.
"Harry..." You whine raising your hips and he spanks your thigh tapping your chin to open up stuffing his fingers into your mouth, "shut up and suck." You swirls your tongue around his slender digits; a string of saliva attached with your lips as he pulled them out.
"Tell meh ye're jealous, 'n I'll give ye'r tight pussy meh fingers." He pinches your clitoris flickering it into rapid motions, "wh-why should i? when m' not." you spurts out. Tears in your eyes as he eggs you on removing his fingers the moment you were about to soak his digits.
He tuts pushing his dick hard against you, "ye' wouldn't if he'd fuck meh in arse again 'n again, if he'd take me in his mouth 'n play with meh balls like yeh do?" He asks in a low voice looking down in between himself and you, the sight makes him growl as he gave a minute to your imaginations to run wild.
"Ah..ah–daddy, please." You're thrashing in his arms but he doesn't give much attention to it spitting on your cunt and fondling with your sensitive nerves. Harry's a prick that gets what he wants even when you're dripping down your legs for him.
"Answer meh, Y/N! Wouldn't ask again." He grits with a threatening voice and you bobbed your head vigorously. "Use ye'r words." He hovers his middle finger over your entrance.
"Course, I will." He pecks your lips with satisfied grin shoving his middle finger knuckles deep inside your sloppy pussy without any warning causing you to go feral that he had to hold you in one place, "warm like always." He grunts slipping it in and out joining another. Curling it against your spongy walls to quench out moans and whimpers from you.
He digs his teeth inside the flesh of your shoulder and you coiled your arms around him tightly, "oh my god, fuck. fuck. fuck." Your shouts muffles against him as he continuously massaged your g-spot, siscorsing his fingers to fuck you raw with them. He cups his calloused palm and rubs the heel of it against your swollen clit.
"Tell daddy how ye' feel." You kneaded your breasts stuttering with difficulty, "'s good daddy but wan' your cock, inside me." He thwacks your bum groping it and roughly slamming his fingers inside you his metal cold rings brushing against your sticky pussy lips.
"Don't like it when yeh act greedy." You ignore his sharp tone sensing your orgasm build in your tummy and spreading like a wildfire to your bones.
"'cum–m'. May..I come, daddy? Please." You rocked on his hand using his shoulders for leverage, "cum like a sweet good girl yeh are." He says kissing you slowly and you tugged at the lapels of his coat cumming hard on his fingers coating it with your thick cum.
He hugged you swaying you feet to feet one hand still pushing inside you with brutal pace to take every drop from you. His wrist glistening with your cum and wetness in an instant his mood switching, "backseat, spread your legs. I wan' your pussy ready fo' me."
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hstyleshoney · 4 years
fragments of what used to be - h.s
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You just want one more night with him 
Wordcount: 3.5K // angst angst and ANGST
A/N: I wrote it all in one night and I’m in pain. I don’t know what happen but I was in the mood for some sad shit and well... I wrote some sad shit. I haven’t proofread that carefully so I apologize for errors! I’m not sure if i’ll write like a part two or just keep it as it is... we’ll see! Enjoy!
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Everyone kept telling you that it would get easier. That you’d soon forget all about him and come out stronger. You were going to find someone else; someone better. They all just kept telling you that he wasn’t the one. That you simply weren’t meant to be and it would be okay. The heartache was going to fade away with time.
But whoever said time healed a broken heart was lying.
You weren't getting stronger. Nothing was getting easier or better. If anything your heart only broke a little bit more every day you woke up without him. Your sheets no longer smelled like him and your mornings just weren’t the same without him. In your dreams he was still with you but as soon as you woke up you were once again reminded of your new reality. You were alone and his side of the bed was cold and untouched.  
He wasn’t with you anymore, and yet he was still everywhere.
You couldn’t escape him no matter how hard you tried. It was impossible. His face haunted you, reminding you just how broken your heart was and how much you missed him. He was on TV doing promo every night. He was on every magazine stand when you went out to get some shopping done. His songs were on the radio when you got in your car. Adverts for his new album were everywhere.
Harry was everywhere.
And there was a time, not too long ago, when you didn’t mind seeing Harry everywhere. A time when your whole body almost exploded with pride and awe when you saw him on TV or heard his music on the radio. Harry was charming, humble and kind. He had the biggest heart out of anyone you knew. You adored him and he had your heart in his hand as soon as your first date was over. 
Somehow though along the way you lost each other; you lost him. He was gone, touring the world, while you were still home in London because you had a life of your own and couldn’t just leave everything behind. You visited him when you could and the two of you made it work at first. The distance between you only made your heart beat twice as much when you finally saw him again.
The problem was that you didn’t always make it work.
Different time zones made you miss each other’s calls and his busy schedule sometimes made it impossible for him to answer your messages. There were always new rumors and it put a strain on the relationship even if you tried to not pay attention to them. In the end it didn’t matter how many times you made things work; a small part of you were always just breaking. You and Harry were getting smaller while the world around you got bigger. You were losing each other.
You tried to ignore the crack between you. Ignore all the times you fought over the most pointless things and went to bed angry because saying ‘I’m sorry’ just wasn’t enough anymore. You told yourself it was going to get better when his tour ended and you had time to work on your relationship. You loved him too much to let him go. You were going to fight for him and your love.
Except, he let you go before you had the chance.
“I think we should break up.”
It was the sentence you heard over and over again anytime you saw a picture of him or heard his name. The sentence that made you go numb. It made you sick knowing he didn’t want to fight for you like you wanted to fight for him. You were losing him and you couldn’t do anything about it. You were completely powerless as you watched him leave. Every single part of your body was screaming at you to run after him. To stop him. But there was nothing you could really say or do to make him stay or to make it hurt less.
Harry was gone.  
He left you four months ago and your heavy heart was slowly killing you. It was impossible to pretend that you were doing fine. It was pathetic really; after all that time you still weren't over him. All your friends tried to get you to go out with them and keep you occupied, but at the end of the day when they all went home to their own partners you went home to your empty flat and cold bed, and there were no new notifications on your phone. You were alone.
You tried to go on a date, to feel less lonely, but you couldn’t stop comparing everything the guy said or did to Harry. You also tried to have a one night stand but instead of getting that euphoric feeling your whole body just went cold whenever the unfamiliar man kissed you. It all just left you feeling lonelier than you had before.
You had lost your best friend. The person you went to for everything. The person who usually made you feel better was now the reason you were aching. It didn’t feel real, or maybe you just didn’t want it to be real. He had told you he still wanted you to be friends, that he didn’t want to lose you, which at the time you didn’t oppose because at least you’d still have a little bit of his heart if he was your friend.
But as time passed you weren't so sure you could only have him as your friend; to not be allowed to kiss his pink lips whenever you wanted or to never feel his skin slick against yours again as he fucked you into the mattress.
Friends. It wasn’t what you wanted from him. It wasn’t enough to fill the void inside of you. The word made you sick. 
And the worst part? Harry was seemingly doing just fine. At least judging by what you heard from your common friends who still saw him and from everything you found on social media.
Because even though it pained you to be reminded of him every day you couldn’t stop yourself from going online and reading all the latest updates about him and the new album. You were only tormenting yourself more by doing so but you needed to know what he was doing. Needed to know how he was doing.
You’d probably die if someone ever found out about your late night habit of stalking him online. It was something you knew you needed to stop doing, it wasn’t healthy and it certainly wasn’t helping you move on. You just weren't ready yet; not ready to lose that small, tiny, insight into his life that made you feel like you were still a part of it.
You also stared at his number in your phone at least once a day, and tried to not think about how he no longer had a red little heart after his name in your contacts, as you fought back the urge to call and text him. You knew it’d only make things worse if you did. It’d make you more desperate than you already were. Talking to him wouldn’t even be the same. It was better to just let it be. He had left you and you had to accept it.
But a part of you still couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if you reached out. Maybe everything could be alright again if you talked to him, if he just came over and stayed with you one more night.
If he just gave you one more night then maybe you could be alright.
Just one more night.
You ended up getting one more night with him, and the truth slapped you hard in the face.
It was a close friend’s 30th birthday party, a close friend to both you and Harry, and you knew he was going to be there as well. To say you were a nervous wreck that whole week leading up to the party was an understatement. You were after 136 days, 3264 hours, 19 weeks and a lot of tears going to be in the same room as Harry again.
You hadn’t seen him since the break up and maybe you were just naive but a tiny part of you thought, even after all that time apart, that you could convince him to come back. Convince him to have one more night with you.
But the harsh truth was that you had been more than naive to think you could have one more night with Harry.
Because he wasn’t alone when he showed up to the birthday celebrations and it literally knocked the air out of you. Harry had an arm around a tall blonde woman, his hand resting low on her back, and everything became blurry as you saw them. Your friends were saying something around you, asking if you were alright, but your ears were ringing too much to be able to hear anything other than your own beating heart. You wanted to rip it out of your chest to stop it from hurting so much.
Still, you couldn’t take your eyes off him, nor the woman next to him. You knew very well who the stunning blonde was, you were already following the famous model on instagram, and it was truly a slap in the face just how perfect she looked standing next to him. Better than you ever did.
And even though everything was blurry and you had to blink away the tears that were threatening to fall, Harry was still so very clear to you; he stood out from the rest of the guests. Like he always did. His hair was a little longer than the last time you saw him. His beard a little bit scruffier. His skin tanned and glowing almost. He was, as always, breathtaking.
You wanted to go over and wrap your arms around him, nuzzle your nose into his neck and absorb his familiar scent and never let go, but you couldn’t. He wasn’t yours anymore.
Then Harry leaned over to whisper something to the girl next to him and kissed her softly on the cheek with a fond smile on his lips. The same smile he used to give you right before he told you he loved you and kissed you.
Everything inside you was hurting as you watched him and the girl and you needed to sit down somewhere soon before your legs gave up. You were closer to him than you had been in months and he had no idea how much he was breaking you by having his arm wrapped around someone else. How it slowly, painfully, killed what was left of your heart. If only you could swap places with the stunning model before the evening was over. To feel his touch again. 
You wondered briefly if they ever did the same things you used to do with him. The thought nearly killed you. You weren't ready to come to terms with losing him, much less think about him sharing what you two once had with somebody else. You hated how vulnerable the thought of it made you. How powerless it made you feel all over again.
It was also at that moment Harry turned his head to the side and by chance locked eyes with you. The smile on his lips faltered immediately as he saw you staring right at him and the woman next to him. His arm didn’t move though. He kept it around the blonde, still holding her close to his body.
You were seconds away from passing out right there and then in front of everyone at the party. If you had struggled to breath earlier it was nothing compared to how you felt in that moment as Harry’s eyes saw right through you. The level of anxiety running through you was quickly becoming unbearable, leaving you with a lump in your throat and sharp pain in your chest.
Which was why you removed yourself from the situation and more or less ran out of the room, away from Harry’s burning stare. The glass doors that led to the patio shook as you slammed them shut behind you and you were thankful for the loud music playing inside the house so no one heard your escape. You wanted, needed, to be alone. To process what had just happened in peace.
You could feel your blood rushing inside your veins and your stomach turn over heavily, your dinner rising in the back of your throat, despite the fact that you had only had one drink so far. You felt so sick and now when you were outside, away from Harry, your shaky legs finally gave up.
You sank to the ground and hugged your knees close to your chest in an attempt to comfort yourself. It had been over four months since Harry broke up with you, but there was nothing that could've prepared you for the moment you had to see him with someone else. It felt like a part of you had just died and the whole thing was becoming too much. You had really lost him. He had someone else. It was all too real and too much at the same time.
And you couldn’t stop your head from spinning or your heart from racing.
Out of nowhere there was a gentle tap on the glass door behind you and you really shouldn’t have been surprised to see Harry standing there, looking down at you with a sad frown on his face. Of course he followed you. He made a small motion with his hand for you to move a little to the side so he could open the door without making you fall back.
“Hey,” he greeted you as soon as he stepped outside and carefully shut the door behind him, cutting you off from the party happening on the other side.
You didn’t reply. You couldn’t.
It didn’t stop Harry from sitting down next to you though. His leg brushed against yours and your mind instantly swirled with memories of the two of you cuddled up on the couch in your small flat or in various hotel beds across the globe. 
You sat in silence for a long time after that. Harry didn’t say anything after his greeting and you didn’t know what to do with yourself. If you knew him right, which you did after nearly two years together, he was waiting for you to say something or tell him to leave. But being so close to him again after so many weeks apart left you speechless. You could hardly breathe with him next to you, his presence was nearly suffocating you. It physically hurt.
How were you supposed to think of something to say and actually talk to him when you couldn’t even breathe?
You didn’t have to think of anything though.
“How are you?” Harry asked unexpectedly and caught you completely off guard.
And then you almost laughed because what a stupid fucking thing to ask.  
“What do you want H?” you snapped instead because his question also caused a sudden anger to run through you. So sudden you didn’t even realise you had accidentally called him by his nickname -- it was a force of habit. You hardly even had time to realise you had said anything at all.
Harry inhaled sharply as he recognized the aggravation behind your words and shifted uncomfortably next to you.
“I just - I wanted to make sure you were okay,” he gulped.
“Well it’s a bit too late for that,” you sneered back at him as the image of him kissing the blonde woman on the cheek just minutes ago flashed before you.
“Don’t,” Harry began and his deep voice sent shivers through you. “Please, don’t be like this. Please.”
There was something about the way he said ‘please’, twice, that made the anger in you fizzle out all at once. And you hated yourself for being so weak around him. You wanted to be mad at him. You didn’t want him to see how broken you actually were; didn’t want him to know the effect this whole thing had on you.
“What do you want me to say?” you croaked out in a voice that was barely loud enough for him to hear.
“I don’t know,” Harry admitted quietly, his voice matching yours. 
“Because I’m not okay.”
Silence took over again after that.
The tension between you was thick enough for someone to cut through and it was so different from what it used to be. Everything you once were was fading away right in front of you and there was nothing you could do about it. You just wanted it to stop. Your head was spinning with memories of the two of you together, memories from a happier time when Harry only made your heart feel full, and you were trying to hold onto your past so desperately it left you bruised.
“Letting you go was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” Harry told you and you had to bite down to choke back a sob.
“Why did you?” Your lips trembled as you spoke and you made the mistake to turn your head to the side and look at him. His face was closer to yours than you expected, so much closer, and you had to take a deep breath to steady yourself. Harry really was the prettiest man you had ever met. Your fingers ached to reach out and caress his cheek, to just feel his skin under your fingertips again.
He was so beautiful.
But it was also in that moment that you realised that you were looking at him in a way that he no longer looked at you. His eyes didn’t devour you in the same way they used to. They didn’t want you like before.
“I had to,” Harry replied with a heavy sigh and your chest was getting so tight it made you dizzy.
Your voice cracked and Harry instinctively raised his hand to brush away the tear that escaped and rolled down your cheek. But you were quick and flinched back before he could touch you, because you weren't sure you’d survive that. It was Harry sitting next to you but it was slowly becoming clear to you that it wasn’t the Harry you were used to. Something had changed.
The man who held your entire heart in his hands no longer wanted it.
“It wasn’t working. You know that,” Harry said softly but it still made your eyes water. “We weren’t happy in the end.”
“I was,” you mumbled and tilted your head back in an attempt to stop more tears from falling. You refused to cry more.
“No, you weren’t.”
“Do you love me?”
“I do,” Harry replied and for just a split second everything didn’t feel so hopeless, but it didn’t last long because what he said next made your whole body go numb. “Just not in the way you need me to...  I’m sorry.”
You opened your mouth to say something but nothing was coming out. You were just falling. Drowning. Suffocating under the agonizing waves that pulled you deeper down. And Harry was still talking to you but you couldn’t hear any of the words coming out of his mouth. All you could think about was the fact that it was indeed over between the two of you. His words played over and over again in your head.
He said your name.
Once. Twice. Three times. Until you looked at him.
Your cheeks were wet from all the tears you no longer had any control over. 
“Can you leave now?” you asked him; begged him. You couldn’t be in around him anymore, but you didn’t trust your own legs. He had to leave before you snapped. Harry’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth to say something but, just like you, he was at a loss for words. For the first time he looked as hurt as you were. It didn’t make you feel better though and you just wanted him to leave so, maybe, you could breathe again. “Please.”
Harry stared at you for a few more seconds, taking in your broken appearance, before he cleared his throat and nodded.
“Yeah, of course,” he murmured and you watched as he fumbled to his feet. Panic swept through you as his warmth left your side and a part of you wanted to tell him to stay with you, to never leave you again, but you also knew it was just going to hurt more.
You choked back another sob as he opened the door. He turned around to look at you again and you really wished he hadn’t because it was far too painful to look into his green eyes, knowing that it might be the last time. “Take care of yourself, yeah?”
Then he was gone.
Both from the patio and your life.
And as a sob finally tore from your throat you prayed that everyone else was right; that time would and could salvage what was left of her broken heart.
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gucciharrywritings · 6 years
Keep You Safe
Mentions: Minor angst, fluff
Harry knew it was a bad idea for Y/N to keep touring while she was pregnant.
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“Baby, can you get my vitamins?” Y/N calls to Harry as she walks around, trying to pack up the last things from their hotel room. She was moving to the last location tomorrow of her tour, just one more concert in San Francisco tonight, then to LA and it’s over.
“Got ‘em, love,” Harry replies, walking in the room with a backpack on his back, two duffel bags on one arm, a few grocery bags that they’d put their dirty clothes in on the other arm, and a suitcase in tow behind him.
“Bubs, what are you doin’?” Y/N giggles, walking over to take the grocery bags, or anything to get some stuff off his hands.
“Ah,” He stops her, stepping back so she can’t get anything, “Y’cant carry anything, not on my watch.”
“I’m pregnant, Harry, there’s a baby in my stomach, it’s not like m’bones will break with the slightest of force all of a sudden,” She scoffs, reaching to get a bag again.
He steps back once more, though, “Exactly, y’pregnant with our little petal, so I’m not risking anything.”
With a roll of her eyes and an exasperated sigh of defeat, Y/N at least got to hold the door for him as he shuffled out of the room.
The tour had been going smoothly. Everything was in check, Y/N was healthy, Harry was with her every night because he was off right now, and most importantly, their baby was healthy. At three months pregnant, her bump had just begun showing. Harry loved the little bump more than he ever thought he would, picturing their little girl in their, growing everyday, a mixture of him and Y/N. He knew it was a girl, had a gut feeling about it, and Y/N, too, was hoping for a girl. They didn’t want to get the gender yet, though, and in the end, they’d love their baby no matter what he or she comes out as.
By the time they got to the arena that night, Y/N was rushing around like always, one minute being shoved into makeup, next minute having clothes thrown her way to put on, some fans backstage also for her to meet at one point.
At that point, Harry stayed in her dressing room because none of the fans knew Harry was with Y/N. He was MIA right now, though many people had guessed he was with Y/N simply because they’re dating. Well, dating to the public eye. Still, no one but close friends and family knew Y/N and Harry had gotten married, and they’d planned to keep it a secret as long as possible, just as they would with their little girl.
“Promise to come off stage if you feel any discomfort?” Harry mumbles, chin rested on Y/N’s head as she was curled into his chest, minutes before her queue to go on stage.
She giggles, pulling back to look up at him, knowing that all the staff and stuff walking around were probably looking at the two a bit oddly. She was supposed to go on stage in 2 minutes, already in her outfit and her makeup done. She couldn’t resist a quick cuddle from her Hazza, though. “I’m wearing thigh boots without heels just for you,” She chuckles, “I’ll be fine, bubs.”
After that, she’s rushed on stage, starting her show. She was confident that she’d be fine, knowing there was only one time when she’d have to get off the stage. Though, that time was a very risky piece, walking through barricaded fans to get to b stage in the middle of the arena she was playing at tonight. Though, Y/N had faith in her fans that they’d be respectful and not too touchy.
As the time came, she walked from the main stage a bit nervously, but kept a calm demeanor. With security in front and behind her, she stopped to greet some friends, smiling and waving at them and taking some pictures. The beginning to her next song was starting, so she was on a bit of a time crunch.
“Oh!” She gasps, tripping over her own feet a bit, but easily regaining herself as she turns to the nearest fan, “Clumsy even when I’m not wearing heels, Jesus!”
From there on it was easy, going to b stage with some performers to do four songs, four of her favorites because they might loosely be based about Harry, maybe. Everything was amazing, the energy, her vocals were cooperating, she felt lovely and well. Y/N could’ve sworn her bubs inside her was dancing as well.
It was a bit hard not to cup the small bump when she sang a slower song, one based around how she wanted to start a life with someone she loves, the song that she’d written directly about Harry and their baby the day after they’d found out she was pregnant. It was newer, and the fans were more than stoked she’d performed it for the last shows of the tour, but none knew the real implications.
“Doing amazing, petal,” She mumbles under her breath, very subtly running a hand over her little bump through the oversized sweatshirt she was wearing as she walked off b stage. Her smile was unstoppable, hearing the chant of her name as she made her way back to the stage to sing the fans’ favorite song, and one of her favorites, also.
“Hey!” Someone yells from her left, and Y/N’s eyes snap over as she sees one fan shove another.
She wants to tell them to stop, but her mind thinks straight to her belly, the bean inside her. She steps back, and the security rush her towards the stage while other guards take care of that. A sudden gasp pulls though the audience as the left pit tumbles over, making a low rumble as everyone topples over, and the barricades come down, too. There’s not enough time to react as the metal rails crash into Y/N’s hip painfully and send her falling, too.
She gasps out, arms wrapping around her bump as she tumbled over. The security guard in front of her is quickly reaching for her and catching her, pulling her towards the stage hurriedly, but her hip jolts in pain.
The audience sounds as if it’s in some kind of heated debate now, fans yelling at other fans for knocking into me, fans in the upper rows watching in shock and yelling to the pit. It’s making Y/N’s ears really ring, and she’s suddenly finding it hard to breath.
She’s scared. Y/N is terrified. What just happened? Why is everyone yelling now? Did anyone get hurt?
‘Did my baby get hurt?’
She tried to walk, but any pressure on her hips has her hissing in pain, and she can’t find herself to unwrap her arm from her belly, as if using it as a shield for her little one.
“Y/N!” She heard a familiar voice yell, turning some other heads, too. Harry’s sprinting, still only in sweats and a t-shirt from earlier, his face contorted in worry as he runs along the pathway between the pit and the stage, making it to Y/N in record time. “Hey, hey, baby, y’okay? Can y’walk, love?”
She shakes her head, “Think I hurt m’hip pretty bad, Har.”
He curses under his breath, “Can I pick y’up, love? Would-Would that hurt yeh?”
She shakes her head once more, already reaching for him as she feels tears welling in her eyes. Her other arm still doesn’t budge around her tummy, and she whimpers, teeth digging into her bottom lips as Harry picks her up bridal style, moving her hips in the process and causing pain to shoot through her, but once she’s situated in his arms, it’s much better than trying to stand.
“We’ve gotta get her to the hospital,” He tells the security guard before quickly maneuvering back to backstage. It was minutes before Y/N was sat in an ambulance, paramedics checking over her as they were parked behind the arena. She always had a nurse go everywhere with her, and in this instance it came in handy.
“C-Can you check if our baby’s alright?” Y/N stutters out to her on-scene nurse while the paramedic checks her vitals and her hip bone.
“When we get to the hospital we can do a sonogram to check on her,” Her nurse promises, sending a small reassuring smile.
Harry’s hand gripped Y/N’s tightly the entire way to the hospital, and the few minutes they had to be apart once she was being x-rayed were just about Hell for the curly haired man.
Though, he couldn’t say sitting in the sonogram room was any better.
“She’s alright, yeah?” He quietly mumbles, feeling his eyes welling with a few hot tears, trying desperately to hold them back, but the thought of losing his little girl was tearing him apart.
“I don’t feel any cramps or bad pain other than in my hip, Har,” Y/N tells him, caressing the back of his hand with her thumb. “I think she’s our little soldier.”
He kisses her knuckles, then keeping her hand close to his face as he nervously taps his knee, occasionally resting his head on her hand. As the door opened, though, he was up and alert.
A nurse walks in, smiling at the two, “Mr and Mrs. Styles?”
“That’s us,” Y/N confirms.
Harry stills feels the flutters in his tummy from knowing Y/N was now Y/N Styles, knowing she’d accepted his last name. No matter what, they were together. That’s really all he needed.
“Alright, well, let me just get right to it,” The nurse hums, “You must be eager to know the state of your child’s health after an incident like that. Though, with no direct contact to the stomach, I couldn’t imagine any real harm was done.”
Harry and Y/N both visibly relax at that, though both anxiously waiting as the gel was spread over Y/N’s bump. Harry’s eyes watch the monitor intently, hand gripping his lovie’s as he watched the little white blob appear on the screen, the nurse moving around a bit to get a good view and check everything.
“Perfect,” The nurse smiles, “Your baby looks to be perfectly healthy, and because you, Mrs. Styles, are not feeling any discomfort or pain in your stomach, you have nothing to be worried about.”
Harry lets out the deepest sigh. “Bloody hell,” He groans, head resting on Y/N’s bicep.
She giggles, hand coming up to run through his curls, looking at the nurse,” He gets a bit paranoid.”
The woman laughs, “Oh, I have seen it all. You two are fine, though, you’re baby girl seems to developing beautifully.”
Harry’s eyes snap open, and Y/N’s body freezes. He raises his head, looking at the nurse as he slowly asks, “Did you say... girl?”
The nurse raises her brows, then nodding, “I did.”
Y/N lets out a small chuckle of disbelief, “Oh... she’s so gonna be a momma’s girl! Isn’t that right, petal?”
“Oh, no y’don’t, poppet!” Harry exclaims, scoffing as he presses a kiss to where Y/N’s tummy isn’t covered in the gel, “Our girl is gonna be team dad, isn’t that right, petal?”
“I’m the one carrying her for nine months, doofus,” Y/N giggles, shoving him away jokingly.
“Takes two to tango, lovie,” Harry smirks, leaning in to pepper kisses all over her face.
“You’re gross,” She feigns disgust, though wrapping her arms around his neck, “Now, let the nurse finish up her job and stop being a creep, creep.”
“I’ll show y’creep, love.” He eventually sat back in his chair, the two looking to the nurse.
She shrugs, wiping the gel from Y/N’s tummy. “I thought I saw everything up until now. Now, I’ve seen everything.”
855 notes · View notes
blackmilshake · 5 years
Summary: You two are having a lazy day and he writes poems about you when he cannot sleep
 So yeah, he is a little jet lag, he just cannot sleep even when its night, he has tried everything, from working out, to watching movies, fixing his clothes and having at least three cups of hot tea. You tried to stay up for him as much as you could, but you were too tired from work, it was Thursday and week had been a little rough on you, but seeing Harry after almost a month was definitely something awesome.
It was just two am and yet he was more awake than he has ever been. He knew taking a 5-hour nap in the afternoon may be the cause of his lack of sleep at such ungodly hours. Plus, he could not move that much, you had fallen asleep in his chest with a movie in the background, pajamas and messy hair, he had his journal right next to him, always with his special pen inside, so it was not difficult to get it and start writing about his past month, how overwhelming -in a good way- was his life and how he really loves what he does.
A second later he finished, a small laugh came out of your lips, one so cute that he felt his stomach do a flip, his heartbeat racing up, and an instant smile in his face, he loved your laugh, but this one was very different, he had never heard you laugh in your sleep, mostly because he was a deep sleeper himself. So it was more than a happy moment to him, he loved you, it was a fact, everybody knew, but it just felt too extraordinary how something as little as a tiny laugh could have those effects on him and his mood, he felt so calm and… just at home, even when he was at your place and not his.
So words flew easily as his hands moved in swift motions, writing poems and sentences about you, and how that feeling was scary yet calm, overwhelming but wonderful, it was like a huge mess was finally over and just light blue peace took over the dark skies.
Then sentences which let to new ideas to new songs, and him writing way to fast, too many words that probably will not make sense in two minutes, him trying to brainstorm as his mind finally made him realize. He was so in love with you.
78 notes · View notes
harrysteelsbabe · 7 years
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Note: I know most of these plus size prompts start off with insecurity, but I wanted this one to represent a strong and confident plus size woman. Every body is beautiful, no matter the shape or size and if you’re happy with yourself, who cares what anyone thinks !!! I hope you guys like this one :)
You stood in front of the mirror, admiring the clothes hugged against your figure snugly, showing off your assets and figure you had learned to adore so much.
Harry stood behind you, his hands on the curves of your hips, slowly riding up to your waist where they fit perfectly against you. His chin rested on your shoulder blade, every once in a while he, his lips would be placed on the soft exposed skin, pressing a kiss against it. A hum of contentment emitting from his throat as he felt you lean into his touch.
“God, you are beautiful,” he huskily whispers into your ear, placing another kiss behind your ear. You let out of a delighted giggle, turning around in Harry’s grip and letting your hands slide up his arms to rest on his biceps.
“What else do you like about me?” You ask jokingly, but deep down you knew you wanted to hear his exact answer. You wanted to know exactly what he thought of you and you were hoping he gave you just that.
“Jus’ your body,” Harry winks and you let out a scoff of disbelief as you tear yourself away from his grip. “’M only kidding, love.”
His hands find their way being wrapped around your frame again, pulling you into his warm embrace.
“I find everything about you lovely,” he admits with a sheepish smile. “The way you light up my day with jus’ a smile, the way you fit in my arms perfectly, the way you don’t let people bother you with their horrible opinions about you, the conversations you have with me that I can’t have with anyone else. Everything.”
“Harry,” you smile up at him, silently hoping he wouldn’t see few tears glistening in your eyes but he did.
“Don’t let anyone or anything ever change you,” Harry whispers, placing his hand on the back of your neck to place a sweet kiss on the top of your head. “By the way, I got you something.”
“What?” You ask curiously as Harry pulls away from you and disappears from the room, appearing moments later with a medium-sized gift box topped with a blue bow.
You looked down at the box and then back at Harry, his eyes urging you to just hurry up and tear that bow off. You pinched the end of the ribbon and slowly pulled it off the box, letting it fall at your feet. After lifting the top lid and placing it on the desk beside you, you came face to face with a shimmery red fabric.
A gasp left your mouth as you pulled out the item of clothing, it’s size doubling in length as it unfolded into a beautiful floor length gown that screamed red carpet.
“Harry, it’s beautiful,” you say in awe, holding up the dress against the light to cast sparkles around the room.
“I knew you’d like it,” he says with a smile as he admires the dress. “Go on, try it on.”
You quickly leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Harry’s lips before running into your closet to change into the gown, excitement running through your veins as you thought about how good it would compliment your full figure.
The dress fits like a glove, sliding up your body with ease as if it were made for you. You did a few spins in front of your mirror, checking for any faults before you presented yourself to a patient Harry waiting in the bedroom.
As you stepped out and his eyes landed on you, you could’ve sworn they would bulge out of his sockets as he stared at you with such an adoration in his eyes.
“You like it?” You ask, doing a little one-eighty spin in front of him.
“I love it,” he responds, his eyes continuously looking at the dress and then back into your eyes. “Honestly, I think I’m going to have to contact some modeling agencies. You have to share your beauty with the world.”
“You’re exaggerating,” you throw your head back in laughter and Harry grabs ahold of your hand.
“I’m being honest,” Harry protests, his lips now caught between his teeth. “You should really consider modeling, I think you’d be a natural.”
“Maybe I will,” you smile, leaning into Harry’s opens arms.
379 notes · View notes
Wow wow wow!!!! Harry meets the missus has over 200 notes!!! Thank you!!!! Part two to come??? I've gotten requests for it! Would yall like it??
Edit: ok ok! I have a plan! Should i go straight from the end into their little post cleanup date????
15 notes · View notes
lovecanyon · 2 years
STORMI BREE?! her pics with her daughter are GOALS and shes also a single mom
harry styles x reader
based on this ask!
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liked by harryfan3, harryfan5 and 710,332 others
stylesupdates Harry and Y/N seen in London last night!
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harryfan4 I LOVE THEM
harryfan6 my parents
harryfan8 the way they have been dating for years…i wanna be her 😭
harryfan2 y/n is so pretty
harryfan7 some things don’t need to be shared 💔
harryfan9 since the boys are going solo…does that mean we’re getting an album about y/n…
harryfan11 praying for more albums about her 🙏🙏
harryfan13 rolling in my grave
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liked by harryfan10, harryfan12 and 320,715 others
ynupdates Y/N has deactivated her Instagram earlier today.
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harryfan14 did something happen orrrr
harryfan18 she’s probably taking a break!
harryfan20 the end of an era
harryfan17 first one direction and now y/n’s instagram????
harryfan19 the world is ending
harryfan21 and now she has me deactivating my instagram…😌
harryfan23 i hope she’s doing okay omg
harryfan25 i’m crying
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liked by jefezoff, tessward and 4,180,336 others
harrystyles Whoops.
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harryfan22 I AM SCREAMING
harryfan24 i hate men.
tessward i support this!
harryfan26 excuse me…
harryfan28 isn’t this the girl harry was seen with today…
harryfan30 wait what i thought he was with y/n
harryfan33 i am blocking harry
harryfan29 why did he cut it, y/n helping him grow his hair out was the best decision ever 😭
harryfan31 starting a riot
harryfan34 anyways 🙄
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liked by harryfan32, harryfan35 and 108,276 others
hsnews Harry out with Tess Ward today in London.
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harryfan36 WHAT
harryfan38 he was just seen with y/n a couple weeks ago…what happened 😭
harryfan40 trust no man, not even harry styles
harryfan37 now i understood why y/n deactivated her instagram
harryfan39 harry…
harryfan41 anyways, stan y/n 😌
harryfan43 the way y/n loved harry’s long hair and he just goes and cuts it after they break up
harryfan45 when you put it like that 😶
harryfan42 sobbing
2022 *six years later*
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liked by harrystyles, gigihadid and 10,511,479 others
yourinstagram happy fathers day to the mothers doing it all.
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harryfan50 y/n comes back to instagram with this post 😨
taylorswift the best parent ever!
harryfan56 you know harry is regretting that breakup up with y/n
zendaya you have a whole kid…how didn’t i know this
harryfan57 harry liked this so quick 😭
kaiagerber i miss my favorite six year old
harryfan52 did she just say six-
harryfan55 if i did my calculations correct the child is harry’s 😀
harryfan58 they broke up in 2016 which was six years ago making y/n’s daughter six…so yeah the child is definitely harry’s
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 5,192,457 others
gigihadid happy father’s day to all the amazing mothers who step up and play both roles as a parent!
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harryfan63 you can tell y/n is genuinely so happy, i’m crying
yourinstagram mother’s are truly the best
gigihadid especially you, you inspire me 💞
harryfan65 the way gigi shaded harry in her caption…as she should honestly
arianagrande oh my goodness!!! so cute!!!
harryfan68 harry’s lurking is killing me 😭
harryfan64 right, he doesn’t even follow gigi but still liked this
oliviarodrigo inner me is screaming
harryfan62 the internet is in flames right now 😀
niallhoran phoebe and y/n, the best duo
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 9,617,449 others
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harryfan70 taylor and y/n’s relationship is so cute
yourinstagram i love you & the song you wrote about me
taylorswift more songs written about you are more to come
harryfan74 the man being about y/n makes so much sense
harryfan78 harry is literally stalking…like ain’t you on tour 🤭
annetwist so beautiful darlings!
harryfan80 if anne is commenting, phoebe is definitely harry’s child 😌
harryfan75 HELLO ANNE???
florencepugh this is so cute
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yourinstagram via stories
harrystyles wants to send you a message!
tag list : @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @hrryscherrys @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @newyorker14 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @gublerscherry @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @teenidlemuse @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @bisouma @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @harryistheonlyoneforme @stellarossii
2K notes · View notes
lovecanyon · 2 years
younger!yn pretty pleaseeeee
harry x younger!y/n
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liked by harryfan2, harryfan6 and 821,904 others
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harryfan8 I MISSED HER
harryfan10 harry calling her over how shitty the venice film festival was for him
harryfan5 please 😭
harryfan7 a literal queen
harryfan11 she slayed
harryfan14 i can’t believe harry is dating someone younger than him
harryfan16 well believe it
harryfan12 this is who harry’s house was written about
harryfan15 the hair clip.
harryfan17 i don’t blame harry at all for dating her
harryfan13 when you remember y/n was the costume designer for my policeman
harryfan19 that’s how everything started 🫠
harryfan21 harry’s muse!
harryfan18 y/n is in new york which means she’s for sure going to harry’s show tonight
harryfan20 literally manifesting
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liked by harryfan23, harryfan25 and 411,903 others
updatinghs Harry on stage for his 15th and final MSG show!
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harryfan24 he is so hot…
harryfan26 NOW I WANNA BE Y/N
harryfan28 everything about him is just perfection
harryfan30 i just collapsed
harryfan29 these comments…you know he's a taken man 😭
harryfan31 after…harry is getting evicted by msg
harryfan33 y/n goes home to this…
harryfan37 seriously feral for him
harryfan32 harry is going to be the death of me
harryfan34 he could run me over and i wouldn’t care
harryfan36 she is??? 🫠
harryfan39 yes omg
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liked by harryfan40, harryfan44 and 875,160 others
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harryfan41 OMG OMG OMG
harryfan43 i can’t do this
harryfan45 this is so iconic
harryfan47 when she came out i screamed 🫠
harryfan49 this really means her and harry are dating seriously…
harryfan42 y/n looked so proud
harryfan46 she’s really winning
harryfan48 this woman has harry wrapped around her little finger
harryfan50 harry got so blushy when he saw y/n on stage
harryfan52 he’s so in love with her it’s sick
harryfan54 I AM SO JEALOUS
harryfan56 harry cried and y/n hugged him 😭
harryfan51 they are so cute together
harryfan53 a moment to remember
harryfan55 her and harry are such relationship goals 🥲
harryfan57 hate y/n all you want but she is definitely winning at life right now
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liked by harryfan58, harryfan60 and 788,319 others
ynharryupdates “I want to say a big thank you to my girlfriend Y/N for presenting me my banner. She’s right…over there, I know she’s going to yell at me for this later but everyone say ‘we love you Y/N’ on three. One. Two. Three. We love you Y/N!”
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harryfan62 now that’s what i call true love
harryfan66 he really said: yolo
harryfan61 they are so perfect together
harryfan63 i’m sobbing so hard
harryfan65 i can’t believe harry said the word girlfriend 😭
harryfan67 this relationship is so cute
harryfan66 he’s killing me
harryfan70 best couple ever fr
harryfan72 harry is so happy with y/n…crying
harryfan74 top 10 harry moments
harryfan76 the “we love you y/n” has me screaming into a pillow
harryfan71 harry seriously loves her so much
harryfan73 right…he wouldn’t do this for anyone
harryfan75 they’re so 🫠
brittany_broski AWEEE
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liked by harrystyles, jefezoff and 552,907 others
lloyddddddddddddddddd New York City, Night 15. 🗽
view all commmte
harryfan77 future y/n styles
harrystyles Hands off.
pillowpersonpp Right? She’s mine.
harryfan81 i love them 😭
glenne_azoff the most beautiful girl ever 🤍
harryfan83 this last show will be forever imprinted in my mind
paulithepsm my two best friends
harryfan80 y/n is so gorgeous
stageleftdoris i took this btw
harryfan82 harry liked this post in under 10 seconds…😮‍💨
_basselin the best people ever
harryfan84 troye and harry are aware of each other’s existence
harris_reed definitely my new lock screen
harryfan86 night 15…a night to remember 🙏
emmalouisecorrin loving this duo
harryfan81 i've been staring at this photo for a while
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liked by harrystyles, mitchrowland and 4,921,378 others
yourinstagram goodnight harry!
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harryfan83 THE CAPTION
harryfan85 she’s flexing on us at this point
harrystyles I love you so much my pretty girl.
yourinstagram i love you more h 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
harryfan87 don’t call me…don’t call my house
harryfan89 why do i love them
harry_lambert the prettiest!
harryfan88 y/n and harry are giving pr stunt
florencepugh SO HOT OH MY GODDD
harryfan90 this makes me want to have a breakdown
jefezoff queen of love on tour
harryfan92 y/n dating harry makes no sense…
harryfan94 right, she’s literally the director’s daughter 😭
alessandro_michele best night ever
harryfan96 harry breaking up with y/n when?
kidharpoon the muse ❤️
harryfan91 not her using harry for fame…
(this post has been deleted)
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liked by harryfan93, harryfan95 and 713,580 others
harryflorals HARRY VIA TWITTER!
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harryfan102 he’s really fed up
harryfan106 as he should…y/n is dating him not you
harryfan101 harry and anne went off today 😮‍💨
harryfan107 the styles family serves and protects…
harryfan112 he shut them up real quick
harryfan115 it’s so sad the way he had to tweet this…everyone should know better
harryfan110 y/n really is the one then…
harryfan116 the comments on her last post were just horrible
harryfan118 it’s quiet ain’t no back talk
harryfan120 his replies is just all y/n edits 😭
harryfan117 the fancams are the best
harryfan119 this is my breaking point
harryfan121 i need a man like harry
harryfan124 harry calling y/n his loved one has me crying
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liked by harrystyles, florencepugh and 362 others
yourprivateinstagram let’s do this again.
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pillowpersonpp THE LOVE OF MY LIFE
emmalouisecorrin you are my favorite person ever 🤍
harrystyles Me and you forever.
yourprivateinstagram of course sue!
harry_lambert literal queen
mitchrowland your finsta is better anyways
yourinstagram i agree mitchy
paulithepsm making one as we speak
glenne_azoff back and better than ever
nickkroll the muse ✨
_basselin ❤️❤️❤️
kidharpoon club members only
brittany_broski i am your biggest fan
jefezoff back to the good old days!!!
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @newyorker14 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @olivialovesh
951 notes · View notes
gucciharrywritings · 6 years
I’m Not Yours pt.I
Mentions: Angst, swearing
When Y/N’s new, rather sexual, music video comes out, Harry can’t help but get a bit protective of his girl.
NOTE: The music video is not a certain song, but I will use shots from different Ariana Grande music videos to represent the music video.
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Harry had been on the set of the video, he’d watched Y/N filming, he’d seen the things she was doing. He hadn’t seen the final product, the editing and how everything would fit together.
He had an idea, though.
Y/N had invited Harry and his band to come watch it together, throw a little release party at her penthouse. She was convinced he was going to love it, since she worked so hard on it and loved it so much, herself.
“Mitch, can you hand me the remote?” She asks the long haired man.
He nods, snatching up the black controller from the accent table beside the couch and handing it to her, “Here you go.”
He plops down beside Harry, who was snugly sat by Y/N. Well, she was leaning against Harry, so it was a bit mor than snug. Adam plops on Y/N’s other side, Clare beside him, and then Sarah sits beside Mitch.
As they all are comfy on the couch, Y/N opens up YouTube on her TV, trying to contain her giddy smile as she sees her music video trending number one. She clicks on it, biting into her bottom lip as she hears her song start, feeling Harry squeeze her bicep gently, his arm around her.
He kisses her head softly, and she can feel his smile as the song begins.
It’s mainly her in a darkened club, some of her in a throne with black lace lingerie one, her hair down in waves, cascading down her back gracefully. She was so proud of it, proud of her team and everyone who helped film it.
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There were scenes with her pushing some men back against a wall then leaving them stood there breathlessly. This song particularly was about her only wanting one man (Harry, obviously) and not caring about the others.
As the song nears the end, the beat dropping once more, it shows Y/N now in a black rubber bodysuit, Black bunny-shaped mask on. She thought it was sexy and fit the song perfectly, and kind of exposed her kinky side some. (Something she hadn’t really gone into with Harry, but really wanted to.)
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As the song finally ends, Y/N is beaming. She felt sexy when they were shooting it, felt amazing watching it back, and that was all she wanted.
Adam, Clare, Sarah, and Mitch all burst into cheers, Clare leaning over to engulf Y/N in a tight hug, making the girl giggle.
Y/N was a bit shy to admit it, but she really hoped Harry liked the song. She’d written it about him, and the music video was representing how sexy he made her feel, how confident he made her feel and how she only ever wanted him.
So, as Clare pulls away, rambling about how awesome the video was, Y/N blushes as she thanks her over and over. Finally, she’d turned to Harry, who, she noticed, was rather quiet.
“Did you like it, Haz?” She asks, hope in her voice and eyes into gleaming to his, which weren’t looking at her for some reason.
He looks over soon enough, then a small smile on his face that looked a bit... forced? “It was bloody amazing’, lovie.”
Y/N can feel something off, something in his smile that looks a bit too tight, and how his words didn’t really that Harry oomph behind them.
It was something that she’d learned to detect in their 8 months together.
“Thanks, bub,” She replies easily, though, leaning over to kiss him.
His hand slides onto her hips, holding a bit to tight for Y/N not to worry. What had gotten into him?
Neither speak of it the rest of the night. It was only after another two hours, when Harry’s band all said their goodbyes and congratulated Y/N once more before she decided to say something.
“Harry,” She starts softly, following him into the kitchen, “If you didn’t like the video, you could just tell me. I won’t be offended or anything.”
She would be. She’d be heartbroken if he didn’t like it. She’d made it for him, an underlying message.
“I-“ He tried to say, then sighing, placing his hands on the kitchen island as he leans on it. “I didn’t not like it.”
That makes Y/N frown.
“What do you mean?”
Harry hates how her voice is slowly breaking, but he can hear her trying to hide it, sees out of the corner of his eyes how she shuffled a bit and wrapped her arms around herself some. The last thing he ever wanted was for her to feel insecure or uncomfortable around him.
“Lovie, I just,” Harry’s really struggling to find the words. He loved it. He loved how sexy she looked, the confidence that radiated through the screen, he loved the song. Harry absolutely loved every aspect.
But he despised how other people would love it also. Specifically, other men. Harry was jealous.
“You can tell me honestly, I want to know,” She says softly, stood across the kitchen island from him. She was mentally preparing for him to say anything, reminding herself that they’d been together 8 months and if they want to keep this good streak going, they need honesty.
Harry groans out, finally blurting, “I just hate how other men are going to probably jack off to it! They’ll probably drool and think about inappropriate things, and I hate that!”
Y/N was going to giggle, laugh it off in relief because his problem wasn’t with her, it was with the reaction it would get.
But then he adds lowly, “Jus’ wish you would made it more PG, focused more on the music.”
Focus more on the music. That’s where her gears begin turning a bit.
“What?” Her voice comes quiet, but it’s laced in disbelief and hurt, pure hurt.
Harry realizes his mistake quickly, sighing as he rubs his hands over his face, eyes meeting Y/N’s cold one with sincere regret. “No, Y/N, I-I didn’t mean it like it that, I—“
“Then what did you mean it like?” She asks, voice dangerously calm.
Harry didn’t like it, how she was so quiet and just genuinely hurt from his words that she couldn’t even yell at him. From the comment he made, he’d already begun internally yelling at himself.
He tries to excuse his words, but there is nothing. He had just told her to focus on the music more, stop flaunting her body and make something more conservative. And Harry was about to close his lips in a car door so he could never utter anything again.
“I-I don’t know why I said that, I was just upset!” Harry tells her the truth. He hadn’t even thought before he said it, was just muttering the first things that came to mind. “I don’t like the idea of anyone thinking of you sexually—“
“Women think about you sexually all the time, just as men are going to about me,” Y/N scoffs, finally getting a bit angry, “Oh, but sorry, I’m asking for it by releasing a music video where I sing about sex or am wearing lingerie. Yeah, the difference between us, Harry, is I just can’t seem to focus on the music, only on my desperate desire to be fucked by some strangers.”
Every single word hits Harry like a knife, him wincing at the very last part.
“I-I’m so sorry,” He quietly manages, looking at her, eyes welling in tears some as he realizes just how he’d hurt her. “I-I understand what I said was wrong, and I didn’t mean it. I love you, Y/N, and I didn’t like the thought of other men seeing you in that way, but it’s your body-“
“I. Am not. Yours,” She sternly speaks, looking right into his eyes. “I will not base the decisions regarding my career around your agenda, Harry Styles.”
“I know, I know, I fully understand that,” He quickly agrees, “I take back everything I said, please, Y/N.”
Y/N closes her eyes, looking down at the marble counter before sighing, “You know I made it for you. The song was about you, how I didn’t want anyone but you, how I’d never want anyone to touch me or have me in that way except you, Harry.”
Harry has never felt like more a dickhead.
“Lovie,” He quietly mumbles, “I—“
“I need sometime,” She tells him, “I’ll call you tomorrow, maybe.”
Harry nods, closing his eyes to try and stop the tears from slipping down his cheeks, but a couple escape, so he quickly wipes them away. “Y-Yeah, yeah, absolutely, all the time you need, Y/N. I’m always here.”
He walks to the kitchen entrance, then quietly adding, “I love you,” before he leaves the penthouse. The sound of the door clicking closed rings in Y/N’s eats as she stands in the same spot, unmoving for a couple minutes.
She wasn’t sure what to do.
Part II
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blackmilshake · 6 years
No babies, please ||H.S. PART 2
Part 1
SUM: Let’s just imagine that Harry doesn’t want kids in his life (even when we all know he loves kids) and you get pregnant. DIVORCE
The minutes turned to hours and Harry couldn’t sleep, your arms still wrapped around him, your head still in his chest, and he was beyond scared. It must be something so bad for you to be like that. He never stopped playing with your hair, looking at you, studying your face, even when he had every detail in his memory, every little part of your face, your hair, you made him feel so he. The fame, all the money, the craziness in his live didn’t matter when he was with you, he could be himself, you were his safe place, his home, he felt so complete with you, he didn’t need anything else, he was at the peak of his career, his love life so great, everything was so good, or that’s what he thought until he came home to his better-half, broken.
The sun started to rise and you shifted, eyes slowly opening up, stretching. A smile appeared on his face as you smiled back at him, but soon it disappeared as yours did, tensing again. He had his arm wrapped around your torso, his hand on your belly, your heart skipped a beat. You broke the hug, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
“We need to talk, Harry.”
He nodded, gulping.
“Harry, I.. we…” you wanted things to run smoothly, you were trying to remain calm however, your heart rate was so high you could feel your pulse in your ears, you wanted to keep it a secret, even just for a little longer, but he had every right to know.
“What is it, petal? You are scaring me.” 
“I am pregnant, Harry” You said, kind of fast. Harry´s blood went cold. Had he heard you right?
“We… I am pregnant, I am having your baby.” You said, hand protectively over your lower abdomen, nerves on the roof top, it was the first time you said it out loud. Eyes filling with tears as you repeated in your head, you were pregnant. You tried to read his expression, at first he was so neutral, then his face fell, and your heart did too. You wanted him to say something, anything.
There was a frown in his forehead, eyes wide open looking everywhere but you, a million things running through his mind, he always kind of knew you wanted kids, but you never really said it. Well... He didn’t, he felt as if fatherhood was never born in him, he didn’t hate kids, he just didn’t like the thought of being the one taking care of them. You knew he didn’t want kids, ever. But the damage was done. In what felt like a lifetime of silence, you saw how his expression went from neutral, to worried, to angry and ended in sad. And you got it, he didn’t need to say a word, you had read every expression on his face. You knew it, you knew Harry too well, he was finding the words you didn’t want to hear.
“I know, I know this is not what you wanted, that a baby is not in your plans, it wasn’t in my plans either, but I am keeping the baby, so I am giving you the divorce if that’s what you want, Harry, I love you, but I am not giving up this baby.” A sigh interrupted your sentence. He finally looked at your eyes “I already heard the heartbeat, you know? The baby is healthy, our.. my little tiny human is healthy.” a sob left your lips as tears started to fall down your face and Harry’s cheeks. He didn’t want you to leave, but a baby? He didn’t want a baby. He was still too stunned to speak. “I just need one more thing from you, Harry, the complete custody.”
It was all happening way too fast for him. He was losing the love of his life and a baby he didn’t want in less than a minute. He just nodded, not trusting his voice. And with that, you grabbed your bag, the one you had ready in the closet and left him, with a sour feeling in his mouth, silent tears sending chills down his spine.
The next Monday his lawyer had received the papers, the custody papers, he didn’t know a baby that wasn’t even born could be in someone’s custody. He signed them and sent them out. It wasn’t as easy as it sounded, he looked at the papers for hours. Was he really giving up on you? Giving up on his new kind-of unwanted- little family? His insides felt somehow darker, his heart feeling hopeless, alone. The house did seem too big for just two people, let alone for just him.
The week after that he started to wonder how were you doing, this is the longest he has been without hearing from you in years, and now you were pregnant, more delicate, more vulnerable. And he started to wonder how you were feeling. Were you having morning sickness? Had you been having any carvings? Could you sleep well? Because he certainly couldn’t, it had been two days since he slept at all. As his wallpaper, there was a picture of you and Harry in Greece, he felt his heart beating faster again. Oh, the love he felt for you.
Another two weeks went by, he had sent you a couple of messages that you answered nicely.
“Hey, I was just wondering how are you doing?” he had sent, after hours of looking at his phone.
“I am fine, thanks.” It was all you replied. It hadn’t surprised you that much, Harry had always been so caring.
Then another call from his lawyer, the divorce papers were ready. You two only needed to set up a day to meet up, sign them, at it would be all over.
But Harry didn’t want it to be over. As the days passed he was missing you more and more. He had his lifetime planed with you, every single thing, he had pictured you growing old with him, he watching your hair turn grey one by one. And after so many wondering, his picture slowly started to change, he started to add a little bundle of joy running around, the thought alone scaring him. And he went on, discovering what he feared the most, not being good enough, not being the father that a baby could need.
He ignored the calls of his lawyer, he even ignored your calls for another two weeks, he even ignored his bell ringing. He was figuring out a solution, he wanted to be with you, and even from afar, slowly but strongly, love for that unborn baby started to grow inside of him.
Then it hit him like a pile of bricks. He was being the worst father ever. He was not being there. It was the most awful thing a parent could do, the baby wasn’t even born yet he was not there, he was letting you go, he had legally giving up on his very own child. Of a mini him, or a mini you. He felt his spine shiver at the thought of a mini you, a little girl with your hair and your eyes, maybe his smile, but definitely your nose, calling him papa, making him the most overprotective dad to ever exist. Or a mini him, a little boy, jealous of him when he kissed you, maybe his hair but your eyes and smile.
You said you had heard the baby’s heartbeat, that it seemed fine. He had missed that, by now he had already missed so much. How far along were you?
He turned on his phone, a bunch of messages lighting up the poor device. He called you first, but you didn’t answer.
Please, don’t let me be too late.
Then he called his lawyer, he wanted to set a date so he could see you and fix everything. He still wanted to grow old with you, and now wanted to see his baby grow, taking him or her to school, watching them fall in love, make their own life.
“Mr. Styles, good morning”
“Alfred, I need to set up the date, I need to see her.”
“Mr. I am afraid she signed them already last week, since you didn’t answer, you had fifteen days to show up, since she had to travel, the judge said fifteen days, a letter was sent to you.” Harry felt his little hope down in his feet.
“Travel? Where?”
“I don’t know, Mr. Styles, but you can come and sign them now so you can be officially divorced.”
Harry hung up. He didn’t want to hear anything about it. He went through your e-mail in his computer, a little intense, yes, but this needed extreme measures.
“Flight to Canada” it read. He remembered how much you and your parents loved Canada, the culture, the city, everything there amazed you. Then he searched the company you worked in, they had an office there as well. Of course you had to go there, basically half of your family was there, your best friend too. He bought the first flight to Canada, he had been there before, he knew some places. Then he saw that you had paid for a department in a nice part of the city, something that calmed him.
The flight to Canada was the longest one he has ever taken, his already worn out body felt worst. He looked miserable. But you weren’t divorced yet, he hadn’t signed. Now he just had to win you back. He wanted it all with you. All.
As the plane landed, he received another notification from your credit card. It was a payment for an appointment, then another e-mail of a clinic, you had an appointment in two hours, not too far from where he was. He took a cab and waited on the maternity floor. There were like three pregnant women, all of them caressing theirs bumps, husbands next to them. How many times had you done this without him?
Harry hadn’t seen you in a month and six days. You weren’t showing when you left, but he couldn’t help but wonder if you were showing now. One woman came out and other one entered. Then from another room a pregnant woman left and another got in. There was just one couple left in the waiting room and him.
Please, don’t let her be too mad.
You arrived just in time for your name to be called. And Harry’s jaw visibly fell, all the air out of his lungs. He had heard about how pregnant women could look so radiant, a special glow, but you were beyond radiant, after seeing you after so long, a little bump lifting slightly your floral dress, hair falling down so nicely, it was like if Harry was born again. He never thought you could get any more beautiful, it was impossible for him, but there you were, carrying his child. You didn’t even notice him as you practically ran to the doctor’s office. Harry stood up, following you, smiling at the nurse that had recognized him. You still unaware of his presence.
Your doctor back home had been so nice to recommend you one of her friends in Canada, someone who spoke English as well because your french was not that good.
“Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Styles!” The doctor said cheerfully. You looked at her quizzically.
“Thank you, doctor” Harry said, looking at you, expecting you to kick him out, but you didn’t. You looked at him ever so slightly, wondering what was he doing there. You were trying your best not to get your hopes up, but it definitely lifted your mood. You two sat down, never talking, never touching, even when all you wanted to do was hug him. Harry wanted to be careful, he didn’t want to cause you any further discomfort. But you wanted him to talk to you, to sooth you, you wanted him to grab your hand and tell you everything was going to be ok, you were so nervous. This was your 12th week ultrasound, it was an important one, you could see if the baby had developed well, at least the most important things. Your first trimester was now over, and from now on, the baby would be growing so fast, he or she could hear, so you put Harry’s songs so the baby could also recognize their papa. Sweet Creature was your favorite, It brought tears to your eyes, you wanted the baby to feel Harry, even when he was not there, also you wanted to feel him as well. Now he was there.
“So, we have hit the twelve-week mark, did you felt any morning sickness in your first trimester?”
You nodded. “I felt worn-out constantly, but with some vitamins and exercise it got better, some dizziness but nothing too bad, and nauseous, especially when it comes to spicy food, can’t stand it.”
Harry felt worst even, why the hell wasn’t he with you when you needed him.
“Has it gotten any better?”
“Yes, I have been feeling better this past week.”
“Nice, apart from that, any cramps, any bleed?” Harry’s heart raced up at the question. What kind of question was that.
“No, no at all.”
“Ok, seems like it is time for us to see the little one, are we ready?” the two of you nodded.
Harry sworn he could have peed himself right there, he had never felt so nervous in his life. You stood up before he could help you and followed the doctor, you laid down in the little stretcher, a little blanket was given to you to cover your lower part and you lifted the dress over your baby bump. Harry’s heart skipped a beat, our baby is in there. It was all too odd for him, to see the love of his life, pregnant.
“You can sit next to her, dad, hold her hand.” The doctor said to a clueless Harry that was standing awkwardly. 
He quickly did as ordered. Your cold hand in his cold hand, both of you so nervous. Harry felt a smile creep in his face, Dad, he was a dad. 
“Now, mom, you are going to feel some coldness, but that is the gel, it is normal, you can breathe in.” You did as you were told, you had done this before, you couldn’t understand why you felt so nervous, was it because Harry was there? You couldn’t help but notice how he was drawing patterns in your hand, his other hand playing with your hair as the baby appeared in the monitor.
“There it is, let’s hear the heartbeat, shall we?” the two of you nodded.
Then seconds later the sound echoed through the room, the fast yet steady heartbeat. You could see the baby moving in the monitor, and un-doubtfully, the movements you had felt since days prior were not air inside your gut, it was the baby moving. Tears threatening to fall down, you felt completely happy, happier than you have ever felt. You turned to look at Harry, who had stopped playing with your hair to cover his mouth, tears falling freely down his eyes, a smile hiding below that hand, you knew it because his smiled was reflected in his eyes, his hand shaking so slightly. And you wondered if this was real, if Harry was really there, being happy about the baby, or if it was just a dream.  
The appointment was soon over, the doctor gave you a CD copy with your baby moving, some pictures and sent you with some other important vitamins and a new nice diet. The two of you silently walked out of the hospital, then to a taxi, both of you getting in. No words were told until you reached your apartment. He couldn’t drift his eyes from you, and how you caressed your baby bump. You would expect the air to be tense and hostile, but it wasn’t. You were just enjoying each other’s company, happy that the baby was ok. Then you reached the door and left it opened.
Your apartment was warm and cosy, it wasn’t too big, but it was comfortable. You went to the kitchen and picked up a green apple, and then turned to face him.
“What are you doing here, Harry?”
He was caught by surprise, it took him a couple of seconds to gather himself up, to collect his ideas.  
“I came here to apologize, apologize for not being there, for not fighting for you. Sure, I didn’t want a baby, I really didn’t, until you left, until I let you go and signed the custody papers. I love you, petal, I love you so much it hurts, and letting you go has been the hardest thing I have ever done. I can’t do this without you. And now, I... the baby.. our baby.. I have.. I love this baby…” he got closer, stretching his hand but not daring to touch you or the baby bump, scared of your reaction as you looked so hurt. “I love our baby, I love him or her, and I want to be there, I want to be with you, watch them grow, taking them to the park, to the kinder garden, take care of them as much as I want to take care of you. I want a lifetime with you and our kid, I want us together, please… I will do anything you want me to, just please, take me back, let me be here, let me be part of your life, and our baby’s life.”
You didn’t say anything as you got closer until your bump was the only thing between you two, until you could brush your lips against his, the lump in his throat making almost impossible for him to breath. 
“Promise you won’t let us go, or leave us.” 
“I promise” he said, and he meant it.
“Of course I take you back, I know for sure you will be the best dad ever.” You meant it, Harry had such a big heart, he was such a good man, you knew he would be a better dad, he was there after all. You closed the distance that was left, your lips crushing and taking each as much as they could from each other, separating just for air.
“I love you, kitten.”
“I love you, Harry.”
“And of course, we both love you little baby.” Harry said, lowering to put his lips in your baby bump, sporting the biggest smile you have ever seen on him. And you were finally completely happy.
 I hope you guys liked it, all feed back is welcomed. 
Love you all. 
@arianna-17-11 @thewackywriter @chaoticallyhs @gracehudsn @pxrrishly @crosbys-guccifloral-crocs
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