#has an asthma attack
sandymybeloved · 1 year
i always forget how horrible asthma attacks are until I'm having one
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Wheezy Winters
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1.1K
Summary: you had always kept your asthma a secret… until you couldn’t.
TW: asthma, fainting, hospitals (at the compound), swear word (just the one)
A/N This is so true for me. I know I shouldn’t be but I’m low key so embarrassed to use my puffer in-front of other people, even if I need it.
You’d had asthma long before you had joined the avengers. But when they had you fill out the medical forms you left out your condition in fear of placing your job in jeopardy. Who knows what they would have done. Less missions maybe? Less training? Less work? No. You loved your job. Over the first few months you found yourself under the two resident red heads wings. Slowly the three of you painstakingly became girlfriends. Joining the red headed relationship. They were sometimes overbearing but that was ok and justified by their traumatic pasts. All was going well until one winter morning.
You woke late. The clock read fifteen minutes until 6. Steve’s morning jogs were the bane of your existence and in your haste to be ready you forgot to take your preventer. The little purple puffer was a must in the winter. With the cold air and exercise being your main triggers, you had to take it each morning of the cold months. However in case needed you always carried around the blue puffer, to be taken if you had an attack. Shouldering your mini backpack you kept with you always, much to the amusement of the team, you ran down to the compound foyer.
The team grinned at the sight of the small bag. Clint and your girls often teasing you for your attachment to the bag. But pride and shyness kept you from telling them the real reason you kept the small black pouch on you always. Tony smiled at the sight.
“Got your bag of secrets?” He asked, poking fun. You smiled along not taking it to heart, they didn’t know.
“Come on love, you can leave it with Bruce if it makes you feel better.” Natasha smiled, kissing your knuckles lightly. You blushed slightly, embarrassed by the attention.
“Uh, no. It’s fine. Let’s just go.” You choked out, not missing Wanda’s raised eyebrow.
“Alright.” Nat sighed, pulling you out into the cold. Starting off slow, you broke into a jog, falling slightly behind the team a bit, matching pace with tony. You cringed at the slight jiggling sounds coming from your backpack. Not missing Tony’s feral grin. He made some snide remark, which you ignored. Focused more on the slight tightness in your chest as you realised you forgot the most impact the part of getting ready. You quickened you pace, wanting to be near Wanda in case of an attack. Your girls always made you feel safe. Nat was too far away to catch up to. Realising your mistake when your chest began to tighten more. Wanda noticed the discomfort, slowing to run beside you. You sent her an appreciative grimace and huffed a small ‘thank you’.
“It’s alright darling… are you feeling ok? You look a little puffed?” Wanda’s worry was justified, normally you ran circles around her without so much as a strained breath. But your chest was too tight to respond. Your breathes becoming shorter and shorter. Wanda slowed again. Dizziness overtook you as you sat down heavily.
“Baby? Are you ok?” She crouched beside you as you laid on the cool concrete. Her brow furrowed at your lack of response. Your arms reaching for something you couldn’t find.
“What do you need?” Wanda asked again.
“Wands? What’s going on?” Nat asked, having come back to see whats was happening.
“Im not sure, but Y/n/n’s breathing doesn’t sound too good.” Nat placed an ear to your chest, frowning at the raspy short breathes.
“Sweetheart, whats happening? use your words baby.” Wanda cooed, stroking your knuckles with her thumb.
“Need… backpack… front… pocket.” You wheezed between short breathes. Your lungs felt like they were being popped.
Nat grabbed the bag you had dropped. Neither of them had seen what was inside before. Pulling out the small blue device Nat frowned. Wanda quickly snatched it off her.
“Y/n/n I need you to open your mouth.” Wands said softly. Your vision began to blur as you lost consciousness. Opening your mouth before passing out.
“Shit.” Wanda swore. “Nat hold her mouth open and support her head.” Wanda shook the puffer a few times before removing the cap as Nat pulled your head into her lap.
Carefully Wanda tilted the puffer up slightly, angling it down your throat as she gave two puffs into your mouth.
“Now shut her mouth and pinch her nose.” Wanda instructed
“Why?” Nat asked not moving.
“Just do it.” Wanda responded. Nat moved and did as she was asked. “We need the medicine to stay in her lungs for a bit for it to work properly” she explained.
Wanda counted to five before telling Nat to let go. Repeating the process, she administered another two puffs before placing her ear to your chest again. Satisfied with the less raspy breathes you drew.
Wanda nodded to Nat, who scooped you into her arms and the two lightly jogged back to the compound.
When the made it to the lab, they placed you on the bed. Explaining to Bruce what happened, he placed you on a low flow of oxygen through a mask.
Coming out of the blackness was hazy. You felt a warm hand brushing the hair from your face, stroking it backwards softly. Eyes flickering, you drew both girls attention.
“Oh sweetheart.” Wanda cooed at the sight of your teary eyes. “Its ok. We understand.” She read you loud thoughts of your fears. “Honey, do you know how I knew what to do?”
You slowly shook you head, peeling back the mask to respond. “No.” You rasped. Nat’s hand placed over yours as she guided the mask back to your face.
“Honey, Pietro had asthma. It did nothing to stop his place on the team. But we needed to know. We’re sorry you felt you couldn’t tell us.” She whispered, her lips grazing your knuckles again.
“Love, don’t worry about anything. I’ll be beating Clint and Tony’s asses if they give you anymore grief about the backpack. Im glad you carried it with you despite their teasing.” Nat smiled, placing a kiss on your cheek.
After a few hours of rest. Life returned to normal. The only difference, now your two girls both check each morning to make sure you had taken your puffer, before they let you out of their sight. It warmed your heart in the cold months to know they cared.
|| PART 2 ||
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jujutsustraycats · 7 days
Feral men huh?
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You like feral men, ish?
Good Lord, Nami, don't.
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mydetheturk · 1 month
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Trigun (Anime & Manga 1995-2008), Trigun Stampede (Anime 2023) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Vash the Stampede & Nicholas D. Wolfwood Characters: Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Vash the Stampede (Trigun) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Asthma, Chronic Illness, Wolfwood's got an unspecified heart/lung condition and sometimes it flares up, Tenderness Summary:
wolfwood has an asthma attack, sort of. vash helps
Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Assistant Head of the Hopeland Orphanage, panted heavily. Propping himself against the wall, he leaned on it slightly, trying to take deep breaths the way the doctors taught him as a kid. It didn’t work; it only caught in his throat and he wheezed slightly. A sick part of him was glad he was having one of his attacks in a secluded corner of the Orphanage. It wouldn’t do for any of the kids to see him like this.
Hell, he hated for Miss Melanie to see him like this, and she raised his ass.
Wrote this for @wwwhumpweek​ but wasn’t able to get it up yesterday for uh. Health reasons of my own lmao For the “comfort” part of the week, with a splash of “slight panic attack” thrown in for good measure.
No EOM for Wolfwood AU, its a soft cute thing (for wolfwood). He just has heart problems is all lol. Enjoy!
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campbyler · 1 year
Will just snapped- and Mike + the whole camp paid for it-
I wanted to ask if Mike’s asthma will play a bigger role/ appear in the future?
i support both will byers' rights and will byers' wrongs 💛
we do not have anything Big planned for mike's asthma! while it might be brought up in the future, it's not a major plot point :)
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loveeyeslester · 5 months
Not the grippy I'm gonan fucking cry
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erindrifter · 5 months
Well, I've been holding back a breakdown all day, but now I'm home so I'm gonna take a shower and possibly cry! Woo!
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
well 😔 after literally 3+ years of masking and double masking with N95s and KN95s and social distancing and not going anywhere where i can't be assured i won't be in close proximity to someone with COVID ya boy got COVID , , , ,
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meowww-ffxiv · 9 months
In From The Cold traumatized Meowdred, but also... surprisingly not really.
Because Zenos dumped himself into a small, asmathic, bones-achey body (Meowdred had a moderate sensitivity to high aetherial saturation that he needed to actively resist with a low-resource spell, which Zenos didn't know about) and used it to trek through snowfields that came up this waist. While not being able to see SHIT due to Meowdred's nearsightedness.
And Meowdred, for a glorious 2 hours, got to LARP as a perfectly able-bodied and physically fit guy with 20/20 vision to play stealth simulator, which he was good at.
It was extremely spooky and panic-inducing for the first 15 minutes when Meowdred realized he was trapped AND Zenos was going after his friends. But then he put his head between his knees for a sec and was like,,, that guy will not be able to make it there faster than me.
And then he used his perfect vision borrowed eyes to navigate by the stars because he had astrologian training that he never used because he couldn't see the constellations without glasses and he refused to wear glasses akfhdkf
Crawling away from the wreckage was real dire, but knowing what we know now that Garlemald could be a voidsent hotspot, Meowdred probably made it back in time by summoning one of his more trustworthy allies and had them drag him back to camp.
The same one that later partnered with him for reaperhood.
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Wheezy winters pt.2
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 900
Summary: after your asthma puffer runs out your girls keep a close eye on you as your wait for another. Will you be ok?
TW: Asthmas attack (is that a warning? Idk.)
A/n seeings you guys seemed to like the first part so much here’s a part 2 for y’all
|| PART 1 ||
“Y/n/n? Love? Come on or we’re gonna be late to training.” Wanda called from the bathroom. Grumbling you threw off the sheets and pulled on some winter appropriate training clothes.
“Y/n/n, wands? You coming? Steve’s waiting.” Nat called, knocking on the closed door. She was always up early and so of course she was ready to go.
“Coming” you called grabbing your coat. With one foot out the door, you felt an arm wrap around your bicep.”
“Love. Have you taken your puffer?” Wanda asked eyes sparkling. She had checked every morning of the past week to make sure before letting you leave the shared bedroom.
You sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of your nose. You had hoped she would forget, but you knew she wouldn’t.
“Its out?” You said sounding so unsure it was phrased as a question.
“Love.” Wanda sighed looking at you and visibly deflating.
“I’ll be fine.” You smiled, grabbing your mini backpack which housed your ‘in case of an attack’ puffer. Quickly you rushed out the door, Wanda sighed before following, knowing you wouldn’t be talked out of coming on the run.
“Ok but take it easy.” Wanda called after you, grabbing her own coat and following behind.
When the team was all gathered at the base of the compound, Steve began the run. Wanda and Nat jogged close behind you, talking in hushed tones, you knew they were talking about you.
“Wands I’m worried, why didn’t she get a new one.”
“She said she’s waiting for her prescription from Cho. And the new puffer wont be in until next Tuesday.”
“But it’s Wednesday.” Nat frowned “thats too many runs without her preventer.”
“I know love, I’ll love for pietros spare when we get back.”
“Ok” Nat nodded. “Then I guess we’ll just keep a close eye on her today.”
Wanda nodded in response.
Your chest felt ok. Or at least it had when you started the run. You were nearing the ten minute mark and feeling a bit too confident. Picking up your pace, you felt a hand on your lower back.
“Love. Take it easy today.” Nat’s voice was softer than her hands as she spoke so the rest of the team, who were all way ahead, wouldn’t hear. You nodded a response, the tell tale tightening wheeze confirming her words. In an attempt to stifle the attack, you tried to steady your breathing. Taking slow deep breathes and trying the wheeze quietly. Unknowingly in your focus to slow your breathing, your speed had dropped almost to a stop. Nat and Wanda appeared on both sides of you.
“Love?” Wanda called.
“Y/n/n sweetheart?” Nat echoed
“Yeah.” You huffed between breaths.
“Are you ok?” Nat asked
“Peachy.” You grinned, the pause making you cough and your chest tightened. Wanda frowned, guiding you to the floor. Her furrowed brow deepening at your lack of protest. You were almost as stubborn as Nat when it came to your health.
“Breathe love.” Wanda smiled, pulling you into her chest. You were sat between her legs on the concrete, your back against her chest. As Wanda held you close in an attempt to stem the panic she could feel rising in you, nat fumbled with the zip. Blushing slightly as the mighty black widow was defeated by a simple zipper.
“Here.” Wanda stretched out a hand, her eyes never leaving your form.
Nat handed over the bag and Wanda unzipped it, pulling out the puffer and handing it to you. Unfortunately your hands were shaking far to much to be of any use. Nat gently took the puffer from you, handing it to Wanda. You were gasping at this point. Nat’s hand rubbed circles on your back as Wanda uncapped and slipped it between your lips. Tilting it back slightly and pressing it down, she instructed you to hold your breathe for the count of five. Both girls slowly counting out loud in sync. When they reached zero, you deflated your puffed up chest. Wanda repeated the process, push, puff, count, breathe, until the wheeze was lesser and you could take a half breath.
Nat lent down scooping you out of Wanda’s embrace and holding you bridal style as she carried you back to the compound in a slow jog. Wanda running close behind.
When the three of you made it back, your girls explained the situation to cho. Who promptly put you on a low flow oxygen mask and put a rush on your puffer.
Tiredly you laid on the bed, nat on one side running her hands through your hair. Wanda on the other side rubbing circles on your thigh. You fought to keep you eyes open, tired from the near hyperventilating.
“Its ok love, you can sleep.” Wanda cooed.
“We’re not going anywhere.” Nat smiled.
Closing your eyes, you drifted off to dreamland.
A/N I literally had an Asthma attack (kinda) while writing this lol. I have a love hate relationship with winter. My mind loves it. My lungs hate it.
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efflorexcence · 26 days
Ah yes, i love the annual first day back at work as a teacher after summer break where we spend forty five minutes on a mandatory district/state wide discussion about how we and all the children around us might all be horrifically murdered by gun violence on any random day and how we are both responsible for and helpless in stopping it oh but don’t worry because swat used our building for practice at night three years ago so they know the layout for us at least
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dreamofbecoming · 1 month
y’all i made a terrible mistake
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jubilee-station · 10 months
Jubilee has been at the hospital for around two days. It's not the first time she's been sent to the hospital because of her asthmatic attacks.
Most of the doctors and nurses knew who they were, not only because of their asthma attacks, but also because he had to bring someone else to the hospital some years ago, several times. Let's just say that dealing with hypothermia without medical check-ups can be extremely lethal.
One of the nurses ended up scolding Ju again for forgetting their inhaler, she has heard that talk a bunch of times, but she just always forgot about it. Once the scolding finished, she was finally allowed to go back to their appartment.
The pollution in the air was horrible, and they didn't give Ju a face mask, so she was pretty much covering both her mouth and nose with her hand, regulating her breathing. She should've taken a bus, but they decided to go walking, which was not a good option, but she didn't like public transport.
When he got to her appartment, they took a deep breath, and went to find their inhaler. They coughed a little, before placing the inhaler on both his mouth and nose, and began inhaling the broncholidator she used. The air pollution from the air was so bad it almost sent her into another asthmatic attack.
But they were fine now. Ju decided to just lie down on her bed and use her phone for a little, until they fell asleep, which was like some kind of miracle, since they never fell asleep that easily.
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liu-anhuaming · 11 months
took the day off work for an allergist appointment. can't wait to find out what all i'm allergic to finally
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jtownraindancer · 7 months
okay ive officially had enough emergency room and urgent care visits to last the rest of the year
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autism-swagger · 1 year
Just saw your post thinking about Tara and Amber again and I just want to add something to that.
Tara didn't just disregard her own safety just for it to be Amber who attacked her, but Amber knew that she would do that. Amber knew without a doubt that Tara loved her so much that she would face a killer in order to protect her and ensure that Amber didn't leave her. She planned for that to happen. That makes it 10x more heartbreaking!!
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God that whole opening scene (and really just Tara as a whole if we're being honest) is so incredibly tragic. Amber is Tara's person, she's literally willing to risk her own life on the off chance that she can protect Amber. Tara had nothing a knife and was going to (presumably) run to Amber's house, just because he thought Amber was in danger.
Just for that to get used against her.
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