#it is MILD
academiaipromise · 2 years
no because when everything everywhere all at once said “‘alone I’m useless’ ‘everyone’s useless alone. good thing we’re not alone.’” and “in another life, i would have loved to have just done laundry and taxes with you” and “you think i am naive. i’ve been alive just as many years as you. this [love] is how i fight” and “of all the places i could be, I just want to be here with you” and-
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tk-sketches · 2 years
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*infects your brain with malware that makes you shill my oils* it’s a reverse funnel system
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thyfatedenemy · 2 years
He sends you a dick pic and you send this back to him, reactions
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I'm fucked up over driving classes and I hate them sm so I wrote this and I'm going to inflict the psychic damage onto all of you to cope
Charachters: Cater, Trey, Leona, Idia, Malleus, Lilia
🔞 contect because... weenies
Dude spend HOURS trying to find the perfect angle, the perfect lighting, everything needs to be PERFECT, otherwise he's not sending it.
There it was. The perfect picture. Everything about it was perfect.
And then
Then you have the AUDACITY to send something like that to him.
How dare you?
How dare you be this funny?
Screw you. He loves you so much god damn it, he's got his dick out, it's hard, and he's wheezing his lungs out.
Because of you.
Please come see him rn he wants to kiss his amazing comedian S/O
Gonna be honest, you need to bring up the subject.
And he says "sure", like the tiny little fool he is.
Doesn't spend too much time on it but makes it look decent.
Y'know, just a nice little treat for yo-
What is that.
Baby what is that. Why.
He's confused.
Then it clicks.
You set him up.
You so nicely asked for a dick pic. All because you wanted to use the reaction picture. Also probably because u wanted a dick pic but we can ignore that for now.
He sends a grumpy cat meme in responce.
Puts a lil' effort into it but tbh he'd just rather have you there with him.
Checks the phone occasionally to see when you've responded.
Stares at the image send back to him.
Stares it a bit longer.
Tries to decide what to do now.
For once he's. He's really not sure what he's supposed to do here.
Leaves you on read by accident.
He's not mad he's just very confused.
Took him alot to send it, he's shy like that.
The picture is a bit blurry and somehow he managed to make his dick look shy, but y'know, decent picture all in all.
Tbh the meme gets a good laugh out of him, if you ever end up sending him nudes, he'll just send it back to you.
It's an inside joke now.
If you two ever have sex, he's first gonna pull the picture from his phone.
"so cool"
Please laugh with him.
Malleus: blame @malewife-central for this one /j
Okay so he can't use a phone.
But this doesn't stop him.
He spends hours trying to draw his own dicks
Honestly it's a really good drawing too. Shading, lighting, every single detail is immaculate.
Then he puts it in an envelope, puts a wax seal on it, and sends it to you with magic. The letter burns if anyone but you opens it.
He waits patiently for your responce.
It comes in the form of a carrier pidgeon he'd gifted you.
He opens the envelope.
Teleports to you an asks for an explanation.
You end up spending a few hours with him, explaining the meme.
No he doesn't have his pants on.
Another one whose not mad, just very confused.
Well on a good note, he knows how phones work... probably.
He'd prefer you there with him, pictures like these seem so detatched, but y'know he has no problem with sending the picture either.
He sees the meme and falls to the ground in tears. He's shaking, crying, trying to stop himself from cackling in the hour of our lord, 22:02/10:02pm
Also teleports to you. His dicks still out but u can ignore that.
You've broken this man he can't stop laughing, like seriously it's been 10 minutes.
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shogunpenny · 2 years
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sicklyjelly · 2 years
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all I’ve done the past few weeks is lose my mind thinking how they’re gonna meet in season 2, and I imagine blackbeard doing the same ☠️💘 
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radicalgraff · 2 years
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“Give alms directly to the poor! Support Panhandling!"
Corrected anti-begging sign in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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ash-rigby · 2 years
*kicks the door down* where are the fat catgirls?! *smashes a lamp with a baseball bat* where are the fat catboys?!
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minhamemoriasuja · 3 years
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 Milds Rob
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eggmacguffin · 2 years
Tim Drake is at his best when thrown into seemingly hopeless, ridiculously high-stakes situations because his response is always 1) absolutely batshit insane and 2) either solves the issue at hand (somehow??) or creates new, exciting problems for the readers to enjoy
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okom · 2 years
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pangur-and-grim · 2 years
took Pangur to the vet to get her eyedrops!
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Still amazing how when American internet privacy was being invaded you had posts on it with like 10k notes, but I have yet to see a single post discussing the new age verification system for Europeans. You have to send in a picture of your id or your credit card info. To google. Because of some supposed laws. They could have implemented it so many other ways.
To add insult to injury, things like history documentaries got marked as explicit. Another got marked explicit because it contained the word fuck exactly once.
Like, hello? Americans??? You gonna reblog any posts about that or nah???
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Qubo's final minutes on the air - 2/27/2021
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booasaur · 2 years
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Crush (2022)
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ash-rigby · 2 years
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arthursknight · 2 years
just... take it.
i realised that one of my favourite scenes in merlin didn’t have any background music (probably because it wasn’t mastered due to it being, sadly, a deleted scene).
i decided to fix that. just... trust me on this one, okay? (and please do not repost anywhere without credit. thus the watermark!)
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