#hate when it randomly does that upon posting
snow-system-wol · 5 months
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Up at the top of the world :o
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Menphina is not angry with Hermes, she wishes they had not had to fight to get to this point.
(This post got JUST long enough that I'm gonna compress it)
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It's very interesting how the Meteia view this thought process as an awful one. To me, the idea that you know you tried your best is still a comfort.
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Ahhh...and so the cause of it all is made 100% clear... [screams]
Yes, let's bring back the "beautiful" arc words on death one more time here.
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Menphina and S'ria can understand where this reasoning came from -- Hermes clearly feels a degree of empathy for non-humanoid creatures that rivals or surpasses his empathy for his own species. The sense of unfairness he's felt his whole life is finally swinging around here -- "why should we be different?"
Menphina is more sympathetic to this than S'ria is, though. A choice made impossibly long ago, in a society with beliefs wholly unlike what he knows, leading to what is happening to his own home now? It isn't as though he finds the Ancients deserving of what they've accidentally cultivated, but this has nothing to do with the people suffering in S'ria's time now.
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Ahh, this is really still the same ultimatum we're dealing with in the current now,,,,
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tayloralisonswift · 3 months
perhaps my hottest take of all time is that while the himym finale sucked, it did not make sense for barney and robin to be together forever and i like how it ended for barney, even if he did recede to his creepy old ways for a while first. the following is probably gonna be an essay, sorry.
so first of all, the main reason why barney and robin couldn’t be together for the rest of their lives wasn’t even why they ended things (though i suppose you could say in a way barney wanted to settle down somewhere and robin wanted to keep traveling, which is symbolic.) it’s because of children. robin categorically does not want kids, something which is impressed upon us a million times, and it would be out of character for her to randomly want to put aside her career to be a mother. barney, meanwhile, longs for the family he never had. he wants to be a father, ever since his not-a-father’s-day karaoke session, just like he wants his father to be a father to him. at one point when he borrows his brother’s baby, he and ted both agree that they have to wait for the real thing. character-wise, it wouldn’t surprise me if barney wanted to bury this in order to be with robin, but it would feel like an unfinished plot thread. barney was always meant to be a dad. thus, they were ultimately incompatible.
however! that doesn’t mean their marriage was wrong or bad or out of character. when they tell their friends, they stress it was not a failure, just a short marriage, which reminds me of jack gilbert’s poem about divorce which says “everyone forgets that icarus also flew.” i don’t think their relationship was a waste. the love was there! it wasn’t enough and it didn’t change anything but it was there.
so why do i hate the finale then? ted and robin. putting aside their differences and the contradictions there, ted is loyal. ted often sucks a lot, but he is loyal to his friends, and barney is his friend. you cannot tell me that ted would get together with his bro’s ex wife. it’s a literal bro code violation, which we know barney really cares about. it would, essentially, rip their friendship apart. especially because the marriage ended on “the love was there” terms - barney will probably always love robin.
then there’s robin’s characterization post-divorce, where she is regretting ever marrying barney and suggesting that she chose the wrong guy, which is shitty of her. mostly she is whiny about ted finally being happy when there have been so many instances where she could’ve been with ted again and chose not to be. this robin is pathetic. at the very least she’s an awful friend. (like it’s not lily’s fault you miss your ex.)
and tracey deserves better than for robin to usurp her story! tracey’s story matters, it’s the reason we started watching, she is The Mother! another hot take but i can see pros and cons to her dying, mostly cons (because hello, we’ve been waiting all this time and you just kill her off??) but i do think it makes sense narratively that ted would sit down his kids on his own and tell them about their late mother. plus that scene where he runs to her door to have a few extra days with her is probably the most excruciating moment on television. (sorry as if it’s my fault.) but i do agree with the general consensus that killing her off in service of ted and robin was shitty.
in my dream finale, barney and robin are together for longer, maybe five years or so. barney goes back to dating and has his child, including the sweet moment where he says that speech he never thought he’d say. robin travels the world. she comes back to new york and she and barney reconcile enough that the gang gets back together and it’s sort of awkward but they commit to it anyway. tracey does die and ted only loves her until his dying breath, or she doesn’t and they grow old on the front porch together. marshall and lily’s story stays the same except robin is a better friend.
wow i’m so glad i decided to spend my morning writing something no one will read! but if you were reading 1. ily 2. don’t kill me for my hot takes <3
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juniperhillpatient · 6 months
I know I'm terminally coffin-brained lately but hear me out it really bothers me that the perception of the Coffin of Andy & Leyley is ONLY "hehe incest cannibalism game" which is....not EXACTLY inaccurate but it certainly simplifies it ya know??? like I call it the incest cannibalism game too as a joke but I'm realizing there are a lot of people who think of it as like...a porn game? & btw I'm not AGAINST porny games or whatever I just think it's reductive & inaccurate to call Andy & Leyley that when in reality there is not even (so far) any textual sexual content beyond a demonic vision of a possible future. yes very obviously their relationship does have a sexual & romantic undertone, but it's compelling specifically because it's a complex story about siblings who have been genuinely fucked over by their parents & the world & they have developed a topically obsessive codependent relationship as a result.
like the initial conversation that the game's title is based on is Andrew casually half-jokingly talking about killing himself & it's just so..... narratively delicious. Ashley is not some horny one-dimensional slut who just wants to fuck her brother? Her reaction to Andrew talking about suicide is to joke that she'll race him to the balcony & he says back - semi sarcastically but we KNOW there's truth in his words, that he's clearly thought about this - that it would be too romantic, that they would be smashed together on the pavement, buried in the same coffin & like...the game proceeds from there with these two living in this intertwined fate, tangled together in ways neither of them can ever escape. it's romantic but it's also tragic & awful.
Andrew's love for Ashley will always be bitter & tinted with resentment because he was thrust with the responsibility of raising his little sister when he was only a child himself. he was made responsible for caring for Ashley with absolutely NO example of what caring for someone looked like & he was barely old enough to care for himself. Ashley never had anyone care for her in her entire life except Andrew & so she absolutely adores him to a dangerous & unhealthy degree.
like I hate it when people think Ashley is oh so abusive & manipulative or Andrew is so awful & selfish (she is manipulative & he is occasionally selfish) but like - as if there are not layers upon layers of WHY she treats Andrew the way she does & WHY he's so resentful. (as a side note I think debating who abuses who (aside from obviously the fact that they were both abused in different ways by their mother) or who's "worse" just...misses the whole ass point.)
and the cannibalism is initially about survival & the stakes are very apparent & built super well given the opening of the game spends a lot of time just demonstrating that they are literally starving to death to the point where Ashley is fainting & they're sharing a can of tomatoes out of the garbage joking that it's the best meal they've ever had. it is highly worth noting the way their actions escalate & get worse & worse with time as the game proceeds & you can see the way they're both getting more & more comfortable with violence & taboo. this game just would not compel me if it were just randomly "lol let's eat people!" get real
idk I just feel like people who don't know the game get the wrong idea about it when it's actually SO narratively rich okay bye
(this is not an anti Gravecest post either just to be clear, I fucking love the ship I just feel like it gets oversimplified often & also that Ashley especially is highly mischaracterized a lot, even in the game's marketing sometimes. at the core of the game are two deeply broken people who were fucked over bad & who are tied together in a way that neither of them can ever escape. it's love as horror & I loooove that about it)
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i6keis · 2 years
teach me
haitani rindou x reader
warnings: just rin teasing u :P
i havent posted for a while ???? so hello hehe
is the tokrev fandom still alive? 😭
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“teach me how to ride a motorcy—“
“no.” rindou straight up shut you off with no hesitation. his face devoid of any emotion as he lays down comfortably on your lap, your fingers gently stroking his messy locks.
“why not?” a pout formed in your face, clearly upset with the fact that your boyfriend just turned down your offer when in fact he rarely does that.
to be completely honest, it was not a problem for rindou to teach you, he in fact can do that anytime as long as you can and want to.
but the thing is, this man already reached miles away overthinking about the possible outcomes of your innocent request. he already thought of your constant rejections to his offers to ride with him since you already know how to drive yourself.
and he didn’t want that, not even a bit. he wants you to keep relying on him when you need someone to pick you up or just to randomly take you anywhere. but then again, he wouldn’t admit that, at least not within your range.
“just because.” he answered, his eyes still closed to avoid looking at your face that he knew he wouldn’t be able to last resisting. “and what’s the point anyway? it’s not like you’re buying yourself a motorcycle. can’t even buy herself a bottled water”
upon hearing that, you feigned an offended expression with matching hands on the chest. “excuse me?” you scoff at him earning a hearty laugh from the male below you.
“kidding. but come on, why are you suddenly asking for things like this?” he now opened his eyes, orbs staring right up you with a sulky expression hiding behind it.
he was hoping you would get his message and just drop the subject but knowing you, you’re a passionate one who never backs away from anything especially after you’ve made up your mind about your desire to do something.
“rin, please. just wanna learn a new hobby” with pleading eyes, you looked at your boyfriend in hopes of him finally giving in and agreeing to teach you.
it was true in all means. there’s not a concrete reason for you to suddenly want to learn it, just want to try something new is all. so you’ve felt unfair how your boyfriend is depriving you of that. petty it is.
“what can i earn from doing it?” he challenged, close to setting aside his worries and just giving you what you’ve been wanting since the past hour.
“hmmm.” you pretended to think, already has an offer in mind, your index finger tapping your chin continuously. “what about a kiss?”
you caught sight of the obvious scrunch of his face in disgust. “not even worth my time at all,” he joked, earning a smack on his chest from you.
“i’m asking ran then.” you’ve fired your last bullet, looking at the man on your lap with a cocky smirk knowing this would be his final straw.
“like hell you would. he won’t even agree knowing there’s a high chance of a ‘brokencycle’ at the end,” he replied smugly.
you gently moved his head away after hearing that because of how lightly he had placed it on your lap, crossed your arms over your chest, and let out an "i hate you" while rolling your eyes.
he laughed for the nth time of the day. you're on the verge of concluding that this guy's true preferred pastime and means of amusement is to annoy the hell out of you, and you could just be correct.
rindou adjusted himself in a sitting position, twisting his body lightly to have a good look at you, amusement still evident in his eyes. 
out of nowhere, the blonde (w blue highlights) haired guy suddenly leaned in giving you a quick peck on the lips, his arms engulfing you tight as he looked at you intently. 
because of the close proximity you have with him, you didn’t miss to get a good huff of his manly scent that you oh so love a lot. suddenly, the feeling of annoyance you once have are slowly fading away, your attention now fully set on him.
“okay, fine. i’ll teach you,” he whispered, fully aware that, given your proximity to one another, you would be able to hear him clearly.
upon hearing that, you let out a tiny scream and mentally jumped up and down in victory. so he can’t resist me after all, you thought.
“but,” your mini victory party was cut short as the guy, who is still tightly pressing you against his chest, spoke. you looked at him in confusion, already sensing something fishy and you suddenly had the urge to back away. 
“i’ll teach you in one condition,” 
despite being reluctant, you slowly nodded at him to let him know it was okay to go on.
“you’ll pay for the g-a-s” rindou made sure to give emphasis to each letter as he spelled it out. if it weren't for the realization you had after hearing what he just said, you could have laughed at the expression he had on his face.
“on a second thought, i think i’m good with you being the driver. don’t you think so too, rindou?”
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therealvinelle · 9 months
Why are people in Norway more scared of vampires than Americans???
(Anon is referring to this post.) TLDR: Edward would be convinced Norwegians can all tell he's not human because they avoid talking to him and refuse to sit near on the tram.
The joke is that we have no idea he's a vampire, it's just a cultural thing: you do not, ever, bother strangers because it would be rude to do so. Sitting next to someone on the tram is presumptious, randomly striking up conversation with a stranger is alarming behavior, or, as was recently pointed out to me that I'd never thought about but is in my experience true of Southern Norway: in scenarios like if A and B are friends, B and C are friends, while A and C don't know each other, and A and B are hanging out with each other when C happens upon them, then B and C will talk while A remains silent unless introduced (which obviously happens if the conversation goes on, but if it's a quick encounter there's no need for A's involvement. Or, A is introduced, C and A say hello then C and B continue talking). This is considered polite for all parties involved, as C wouldn't want to bother A and A wouldn't want to impose upon B and C.
(Vetted this with a friend to be sure it's not just me, she hates being the A in this scenario. I hate being B, because I'm stressed on behalf of both A and C. Being A does genuinely suck though, you just have to hope B and C wrap it up quickly.)
Point being, Scandinavians are known to come off as cold to foreigners, even though we're just trying to be polite and not impose on people, and Edward would definitely take it the wrong way.
As many have before him.
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peak-dumbass · 8 months
I’m bored and procrastinating so let me spout my rid2015!smokebee propaganda at y’all please just hear me out
Now y’all maybe wondering “why are you specifying rid2015?? Smokescreen was only in TFP, bro doesn’t exist in rid2015–” EXACTLY! Smokescreen wasn’t in rid2015 so most of the stuff made for the ship is for them in TFP but that’s not what I’m trying to sell y’all on
I’m trying to sell y’all on the idea that — if Smokescreen was in rid2015, he would be in a relationship with Bee — hence the specification
Now what y’all are probably asking is “why????”
Well that’s what this post is for!! First off:
The Shenanigans
Idk if y’all remember but Smokey was the silliest bot on Team Prime, easily the most immature mf in the main cast (other than Miko) — now try to tell me without lying to my face that he wouldn’t fit in perfectly with the goofy goobers the make up Team Bee??
He would definitely see himself in Sideswipe and try to bond with him thru pranks and goofing off while also trying to guide him into avoiding the same mistakes he made (ex. Hard Knocks)
He probably makes Strongarm feel conflicted cuz his reckless personality clashes with her image of what an “Elite Guardsman” would act like, but I think Smokescreen would just try to get her to loosen up a bit while not bickering with her unlike what Sideswipe and her usually do
Upon seeing Grimlock he’d immediately go “HOLY SCRAP ARE YOU A DINOBOT!?!?!”, he thinks Grim is so cool and really wants to spar with him
He probably sees Arcee in the way Drift acts and respects him a lot just based on that alone, though he knows it’s gonna take time for him to earn that respect back from Drift (I LOVE HIS CHARACTER GROWTH IN PRIME AND I WILL KEEP THAT IN THIS SILLY LITTLE IDEA OF MINE, HE DID GET BETTER AND I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE IGNORE THAT JUST CUZ THEY FIND HIM ANNOYING)
He’s probably not met much minicons so he’s not used to them, but I can see him having a good friendship with Fixit and being very nice to Jetstorm and Slipstream
He takes one look at Russell, turns to Bee and says “do you have a thing for human kids with brown hair and names starting with R??” Other than that I think he vibes with Russell and Denny well
As for his dynamics with the Decepticons — he’d be making constant quips, he’d make fun of all of them immediately like a robot alien version of Spider-Man — after previously fighting against Megatron himself he cannot take any of the furries of rid2015 seriously
The Fluff
Look at me. Like seriously look at me. Look into my eyes and imagine with me for a sec.
Bee and Smokey learning how to work with each other in the field again, reminiscing about the rare good memories during the war
Bee infodumping about Earth culture to him while Smokey just listens while looking at him with borderline heart eyes
I think Bee really likes physical affection and words of affirmation so randomly Smokey will just hug Bee when they’re in the scrapyard and will compliment him when he does well at leading and mentoring the others cuz he knows that shit ain’t easy (again, he sees himself and Sideswipe and realizes “damn I really was annoying holy scrap I’m so sorry”)
I HC that Smokey can still move his doorwings like he and Bee did in TFP, so whenever he sees Bee and gets excited his flap up and down (I know this is purely self indulgent BUT IN MY DEFENSE THIS ENTIRE POST IS ME BEING SELF INDULGENT, THIS FANDOM IS ALREADY DEAD AS HELL I’D BE SURPRISED IF ANYONE EVEN READS THIS FAR INTO THIS POST, LET ME BE SELF INDULGENT IN PEACE)
When either of them get bad days where they just keep thinking about the war, they do their best to comfort each other thru it cuz, unlike the rest of the team, they were both there for most of the late-war-shit together on Earth — and for the stuff that Smokey wasn’t there for, he just listens and makes sure Bee knows that he’ll always be there for him
The shock of the team finding out that Bee has a partner is amazing and it could happen in so many ways (if y’all wanna see one of my interpretations on how this could go you could check out my fanfic: Old Recruit on AO3)
The team seeing their usually serious team leader be partners with this unserious constant-joker of a bot stores a lot of cute potential stories in it that no one is writing about — like come on guys I want Bee trying to be serious in the scrapyard but then Smokey just hugs him from behind out of nowhere and Bee just has to process it for a sec cuz touch starvation go brrrr while the rest of them is like :O
The Angst
While this section is mainly Smokey focused more than smokebee focused, I’m still adding it cuz this still falls under the “what if smokescreen was in rid2015” idea
Smokey definitely has claustrophobia and a hatred for being restrained in anyway from the TFP (waking up captive on a Decepticon ship after being knocked out, Knockout restraining him on his operating table while he tears the Omega Key from inside his body, being stuck with a dying Optimus in a cramped cave for a while panicking cuz holy shit Optimus, his #1 hero, is fucking dying) so any mission that requires going into a cave or dark & cramped area is gonna cause him to freak out — but of course he wouldn’t actually admit that until it’s too late and he’s having a breakdown in a cave cuz he didn’t want to let his “stupid irrational fear to ruin a mission”
Same goes with Bee and his fears — I touched on this a bit earlier, but Bee & Smokey definitely have some days where they’re gonna feel off and they can’t get the war out of their heads — and those days are gonna be the worst cuz most of the team outside of maybe Drift won’t really understand it
Smokey is gonna have some feelings about Optimus coming back and Bee not telling him immediately — while this isn’t the first time Optimus died and came back to him, last time it was for a few seconds, this was for THREE WHOLE YEARS — he’s still gonna be happy that he’s back, it’s just gonna take awhile longer for him to be ok with it than the others (the way that Ratchet is immediately ok with Optimus coming back out of nowhere in rid!2015 was weird to me so I’m fixing that with Smokey)
While he loves giving Bee physical affection, he hates unwarranted touching from anyone else, specifically stuff like pats or punches on the back (Alpha Trion when I get you Alpha Trion Alpha Trion when I get you Alpha Trion Alpha Trion when I get you Alpha Trion Alpha—)
For a potential angsty introduction to Smokey in rid2015: He doesn’t meet up with Team Bee until the finale episode on Cybertron, where he’s being mind controlled by The High Council to capture them (I’m a sucker for brainwashing/mind control/hypnotism plots so I need to understand how BADLY I WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN IN THE SHOW IT WOULD’VE BEEN SO COOL)
That’s all I can think of for now, I just love these funky big robos a lot and I’m currently smashing their faces together like a kid with 2 Barbie dolls in my mind, hope y’all enjoyed reading <3
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whistlebrox · 29 days
i saw that you posted (or reblogged tf if I remember) Geto w/ top surgery scars and now I want to hear you infodump to me about it because I'm all for this hc/au/crack crazy idea now
(I need to be asleep rn but idg2f's)
Youdont understand how insane I am about geto being trans. It makes sm sense 2 me with him constantly questioning his morality and allat is so me coded. As a trans person, u always gotta question why everything is, everything needs an answer. It's mostly 2 confirm and validate urself and the world around u. Another thing, didn't bro kill his parents? Js sayin....kinda a mood for trans characters.... even tho ik he ain't canonically trans I still think about it alot. I have alot of hc and ideas but for the most part I wanna keep em locked up for a fic I'm gonna write. Geto as a character is rply important 2 me, so I'll give him the highest honor I can bestow upon him
Alr tho but on a real note, hcs i have relating 2 geto being trans is....
Geto had 2 work his ass of in his 1st year 2 rid of his dead name and being assigned 2 lady dorms and uniforms. The first person he told about being trans was yaga, and yaga being as based as he is helped him get reassigned 2 male and all things associated with it.
He's allowed 2 use male changing rooms and bathrooms no problem, but he still avoids using em at all costs. He changes in the men's room and not in the lockers, and he doesn't use the bathroom unless ABSOLUTELY NESSESARY.
He worked out alot alot 2 get the body he wanted, but I like 2 think that he's insecure about his waist being so snatched, so that's why he wears baggy pants. Best way 2 cover curves is baggy clothes and hard work.
Another thing
Gojo don't know he's trans. He's completely clueless. And yeah six eyes does alot and all that, but he can only see the flow of CE around the area and others. It's not like he has x ray vision and can see that geto don't have a dick. So, for the most part, geto is in the clear. Geto goes great lengths 2 avoid anything relating being shirtless or talking about his body when it comes 2 gojo. The 1st ine for obvious reasons and the second one in fear he'll say something that might give him away. He's clear since gojo doesn't have a lot of interest in working out or perving on people in the first place. It's not like gojo wants 2 see him naked or anything so yk.
Ofc at some point during 2nd year he told shoko about being trans only bc he forgot his pad and all the sudden it was THAT TIME OF THE MONTH. randomly in class it started but geto had totally forgot 2 prep and that he got periods in the first place. Shook didntcare and that didn't really suprised him, but he was still scared bc he thought "a pretty girl like shoko might be stuck up, and she's not one 2 soften up her opinion just because she's talking to a friend." (Objectively pretty girl = probably the most rude lady he'll ever face, and gojo also has this fear with women but times 10000)
I like 2 think that the higher ups are kinda bitches about the whole trans thing so they try and stop people from being able 2 have a smooth transition unless they have parental support. (Which for geto was awful but he alr had done all the shit before they started enforcing that rule. It didn't end up applying 2 him but it stressed him out a shit ton.)
He also prefers 2 deal with his injuries alone since it's easier for him 2 get undressed and deal with it himself without prying eyes. Gojo hates this since I like 2 think he wants 2 help geto with everything (in an annoying insufferable way).
Ok yap over lemme know if u wanna hear more hc. This is extremely unstructured yapping so none of this is in order dawg 🙏💀
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notdeezy · 2 months
Actually I will join @misssicknesss and make my own post abt how.. weird a lot of Amnesia fans are in treating Daniel vs Alexander.
Incoming huge rant
Like unironically I feel uncomfortable around u if you constantly talk about how Daniel is a sweet uwu innocent cinnamon roll (He's not. He's a grown man.) And how evil and manipulative Alexander is and feel sympathy solely for Daniel.
Seriously there's a lot of infantilzation happening with Daniel in the fandom which I think is also rooted in ableism. Daniel showing signs of mental disorders like Schizophrenia- in turn the fandom sees Daniel as this sweet innocent baby that didn't know better when that's not how Schizophrenia works. (Or In general how psychosis works)
People with Schizophrenia don't just go around randomly murdering little girls when they have an episode and just because they experienced psychosis doesn't mean that they can't be held accountable for their actions- especially when it comes to MURDER.
Even without Daniel murdering someone during a psychosis, he willingly and consciously tortured and murdered innocents before that. He was 100% aware of what he was doing and found pleasure in it. Daniel is not an innocent man.
Also did the fandom like collectively forget that Daniel is a British Colonizer who works for the British musuem and the reason Amnesia TDD happened in the first place is because he fucking grave robbed an Algerian Tomb during an expedition???
Talk as much as you want about Daniel being an abuse victim turned abuser who didn't break the cycle to justify his behavior but literally no one forced him to work at the British Musuem. It definitely didn't come from his family from what we know.
Daniel is not your sweet innocent uwu baby.
Okay. Now to Alexander. I'll try my best not to be biased here as the number one Alexander Apologist but Alexander is also not a good person, duh. He kidnapped people and tortured them as well for vitae over centuries and killed anyone who was a liability to him before turning their mangled corpses into his servants.
What differentiates Alexander from Daniel is his remorse. Unlike Daniel, Alexander doesn't enjoy what he's doing. He isn't opposed to it but you don't see him laughing maniacally as he cuts open his victim or mock their pleas for help. People defend Daniel with the reasoning that Daniel was acting on instinct and wanted to save his own life. True, but then you can't turn around and shit on Alexander for doing the exact same thing. Pick a lane.
Alexander doesn't torture people for fun. He does it because the resource found within human anguish- vitae- is what he needs to return home to a loved one. He has tried finding other methods to harvest vitae before resorting to human torture! And in a memory capsule he notes that if he doesn't get home soon, he'll be killed because of his involvement in human politics. Alexander is also just trying to save himself. He constantly laments about how he misses his old self. How he's aware that he has become a monster. How he lives in anguish every single day. He feels like that he has no other choice but to be cruel and he hates it every step of the way. But his desire to return to his love keeps him going.
If you ask me that makes Alexander way more sympathetic than the British bloke who, upon being forced to deal with the consequences of his actions, threw a temper tantrum, cried (literally), blamed Alexander for everything then drank an Amnesia potion to run away from the repercussions.
YES Alexander was manipulative towards Daniel during the game, preying on his insecurities in an attempt to stop him but that was during a time where he was about to finally return home after centuries of being stuck on Earth, homesick and miserable. I'd personally have a hard time staying chipper too if I was in that position. Alexander was desperate.
On top of that, Daniel was manipulative too! News Flash! The way he manipulated Elise Zimmermann into staying at the Castle to keep her from escaping and telling local authorities was fucking disgusting. Even more so when you know that he murdered her shortly after for no reason other than his paranoia. That's a lot more reprehensible than Alexander manipulating Daniel into making him give up and submit to the Shadow (again, out of desperation!!). And if that wasn't enough, Daniel called Elise a "little bitch" and tried justifying what he did by trying to convince himself that she deserved it because he refuses to acknowledge that he's an evil person.
Again. If you want to acknowledge that Alexander was manipulative, then you also need to acknowledge that so was Daniel. In a way that was a lot more evil than Alexander if you ask me.
Long story short: don't talk to me if you think Daniel was an innocent baby that did nothing wrong and Alexander is the big evil abuser.
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localfanbaselurker · 29 days
Watching Voltron:Legendary Defender for the First Time and Recording my Thoughts
S1-2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | you are here! | S7 | S8
<this debrief/review is pretty rant heavy because of how the season personally impacted me, but fret not! i (hopefully) made it to be still enjoyable/fun to read! just a heads up tho!!>
You get to see the “Pre” thoughts before the read more this time! As a treat <3
Pre-S6 Thoughts
->for the most part I think I understand what’s going on with shiro, but I want to really make sure. jussssst in case.
->they gave lance a big focus in season five so hopefully “we” get to see what that’s culminating to. Super excited about that!
->I don’t fw Lotor all that much despite him being the blorbo by proxy (oomf’s fav) but hopefully this season can change that. I’m just beginning to like him (beginning!) and it’s a 400k slowburn melting an ice berg of hate at that. but it’s getting there. soon they’ll hold hands.
->despite my personal enjoyment of allurance, I would be okay with lotura if Lotor got fully redeemed (in the show and in my heart)
->I’ve noticed a sort of pattern where the characters get a specific episode(s) dedicated to them each season (shiro s1, keith s2, keith+allura s3, pidge s4, and lance s5) So hopefully hunk gets his focus episode this season
->I NEED to see what happened after keith found out about krolia
->hopefully more haggar/honerva lore, maybe even lotor lore to redeem him using Tragic Backstory™ points
Post-Season Six
-> what the actual frick.
-> what WAS this season bro.
-> This season had me getting punched,kicked and tortured left and right and up and down and everywhere. the plot twists and dramatic turns and cries and gasps just kept coming
-> this season left me like lance at the climax of a langst fanfic (yk like right b4 they save him and he’s all fucked over)
-> there are lots of things i liked and also SO MUCH i didn’t like this season
-> so pros and cons basically that’s it that’s the “review”
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->^LITERALLY LOOK AT HIM!!! HE GOT SOLID CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT TOO!! He reacted much calmer than his s1/2 self would have in a far less stressful situation!!! He grew up!!! HE GREW UPPPP!!
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->^He looks like he’s itching to make a gay joke
->why did lance “die” in the first ep?? It was so random and literally served no purpose?? like it was never talked about in the other episodes and was literally just randomly put in the episode’s run time. it had nothing to do with the shield or whatever was going on with Shiro or lotor either
->does it get talked about in the next seasons or?? like it was literally just a throwaway scene
->the whole “two years” thing is a little difficult to comprehend on all of its layers but I like to think of it positively because that means Keith and krolia got to spend time building upon their relationship and everything that krolia missed, more than just those flashbacks were “memory shared” between them, and keith resolved some of his internal conflicts.
->however it is probably going to make Keith be even more distant with the team because in his mind two years passed while in theirs only like 2-3 months passed from seeing him in person (if you don’t count 5x04 but they barely saw him there) so the relationships that he was building with them have fallen back a little on his part but the others still feel super close to him, so I hope that also gets resolved in s7
-> LANCE IS CUBAN!!! I got super excited you guys don’t understand. maybe you do considering the notes on my post where I said that. But still. I actually squealed so loud when he said it.
-> The mock DnD episode was super fun!! the calm before the storm though I guess
->i looooved the fact that keith came back to the team but that episode pissed me off SOOOOO FREAKING BAD BRO.
->^“we need to attack Lotor when he comes back” OMFGGGGGG NOOOOOOOO THATS literally so STUPID. make a PLAN first you freaking IDIOTS.
->^Literally if they had just played it cool when lotura came back and then told Allura about everything privately THEN stage an intervention/interrogation with Lotor like in Season 5, NONE OF THAT WOULD’VE HAPPENED.
->^but nooooooo we have to be STUPID and ATTACK IMMEDIATELY because PLOT REASONS. istg. don’t get me started this isn’t even the beginning of that rant. I just… *long suffering sigh*
->^and the way they immediately took the altean girl’s word and turned on Lotor? Y’all some fake ass bitches fr didn’t even let the man defend himself. it could’ve been a misunderstanding but okay. damn.
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->^WHY ARE YOU INCRIMINATING YOURSELF BRO. OH MY GODDDDDD. every time i told myself that this episode couldn’t get any worse,, it. got. FUCKING. WORSE.
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->^low key get the altean girl’s frustration tho because that shit was traumatizing. literally my live reaction right there
-> the only good things that happened that episode were lance calling keith hot and the team meeting krolia. maybe the lotura kiss. (I would’ve enjoyed it more if it wasn’t for the knowledge that they were straight up gonna beat Lotor’s ass when they got inside the castle)
->I guess I have to suffer for the absolute SQUEAL I gave when Kieth went up to the black lion and said “FORM VOLTRON” making them do the thing where they’re divided into 5 frames like a comic
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->^that bitch ass clone better be ready to catch these hands. you do NOT say that to my boy.
->I got so excited when keith went all galra! ultimately yeah he did it because he was incredibly stressed but still it was super cool!
-> I was actually a little sad that Lotor didn’t get a real redemption. Like yeah I saw it from a mile away by the way he talked about quintessence and overall attitude but idk,, like him and allura actually seemed in love. even if he was just doing it for the quintessence you could tell he actually ended up genuinely falling in love with her. maybe it’s just me, but i think it would’ve been nice.
-> maybe keith and him could’ve bonded about being half-galra, and keith would finally get some solidarity with someone who knows exactly how he feels? idk it’s just a lot of missed opportunity there.
-> and then they just…kill him off…wow. that was a lot to take in. I had to actually take a moment. I mean it wasn’t even his fault, really. the quintessence got to him just like his parents. it’s actually super tragic now that I think about it. reminds me of family jewels by MARINA.
->I will say though that final battle was absolutely amazing. Beautifully animated and the action was great. I loved getting to see all the lions powers in the quintessence field. And the flaming sword?? that was literally awesome.
-> my hopes of allurance died but i think this is actually a really good step, Allura still felt bad for lotor when she didn’t wanna leave him in the quintessence field because she still loved him and after the conversation she had with the mice it was obvious she doesn’t (and won’t) like lance back, (she could’ve began to in s4/5) and lance seems to accept this as well, (seeing how he handles it when allura confides in him) which would be good for their relationship. so im happy about that 😊
->ngl if they ended it here it could’ve been pretty good, solid ending. Like, leave the rest up to interpretation sort of thing. (Yes I know there are some strings to be tied yet but yk what I mean) The ending was really satisfactory and if they just fixed a couple plot holes it would’ve been the perfect way to end the show tbh. Idk tho I still need to watch the last two seasons so I’ll see if I still keep my opinion then
->lance’s s5 focus didn’t really culminate to all that much, but he got to be taken seriously when he cried about shiro, so there’s that.
-> the clone!shiro vs keith fight was literally beautiful too omg. The emotions were perfectly captured and the flashbacks were just so perfectly timed it was incredible. the way you could just feel exactly everything keith felt as he fought what looked identical to the man who practically raised him was just. wow.
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->^literally gorgeous. look at that, man. beautiful.
-> Don’t get me started on “you’re my brother, I love you” because I will start crying immediately
-> So. yeah. This season was a mess. I laughed. I cried (a lot) I got super pissed in the middle. But it was really super enjoyable otherwise. Bittersweet, really.
-> Hopefully Season Seven doesn’t disappoint! I really hope there’s more Keith+Shiro lore. Just. In general all their family lore.
These are thoughts I’ve been compiling for a while. I will continue to post my thoughts on the tag “Laura’s first VLD”
Please Remember that I am just a person with a life and responsibilities and try to be patient about updates.
Thank you 💞
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spatio-rift · 29 days
9/10 and 24/25 :3
Yesss thank you Smiles so sweetly. 💙
9. worst part of canon: we all know about this... taka(+orochimaru)s characterization thrown away in the war for jokes or to act as plot devices... i fear i may never forgive kishimoto. the atmosphere wasnt so tense that we needed karin to be crazy about sasuke again + that overt about wanting sasuke to bite her (?!). why is suigetsu acting like he wasnt captured and experimented on by orochimaru but worked for him like karin. why is juugo acting like sasuke is kimimaro when he clearly made the difference before. orochimarus weirdass change of heart because we needed the hokages to show up. or even suigetsu randomly stumbling upon a convenient scroll detailing how to undo shiki fuujin and his first thought (before he meets sasuke again) is to pocket it because it would be useful for sasuke?? like why was it in suigetsus hideout of all places. why does suigetsu even know what it means. im sorry i just dont think orochimaru discussed the matter of his arms & the first 4 hokages souls over the vivisection table and i dont believe sasuke ever brought it up during hebitaka because WHY WOULD HEEE. etc etc etc like am i making sense? they really are just there to move the plot along and play out a joke once in a while. nothing about what happened when taka separated matters at all in the war theyre barely even characters
10. worst part of fanon: 100% the tendency to make everyone friends i think its so boring!!! like in what world are taka invited to karuis wedding? in what world is karin a guest star on the real housewives of konoha (=joining them for brunch). what exactly do temari and karin have in common other than both having the Kishimoto Woman Personality Type #1.
its so much more fun to have characters who just cant stand each other. naruto dislikes taka for literally no reason and its hilarious we should keep it that way. no way im ever believing karui genuinely befriends sakura i think they should HATE having to see each other all the time because their girls are besties. it will always feel more natural &balanced to me + im more inclined to believe 2 characters whove never talked to each other could be great friends if youve also considered who they DONT mesh with at all.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse: im trying to remember the sort of discourse ive seen on twitter… but i think i will be boring and say like anything about sakura honestly and especially her relationship with sasuke. the only thing i can think about rn is her fake confession to naruto i dont know what about it gets people going THAT much but they are naastyyy about it.
discourse about Saradas REAL Mom i also steer clear of as much as i can. disgusting. nasty. rancid. i hate that its still a thing people argue about in 2024
you could literally say anything about a naruto woman and it will bring up disgusting discourse honestly
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing: i cant remember anything specific and i know i will feel silly right after posting because like 5 different things will immediately come back to me. here are a few
-> that sasukes ending sucks but everything could be fixed if he got to travel the world with taka. because he #DeservesIt. no the fuck he doesnttttt he should go on his own since he wants them to leave him alone so much.
-> i guess more generally all the complaints about narutos ending SPECIFICALLY about everyone getting married and having kids. i really dont careeee the kids are cute the pairings were set in stone from the beginning everyone is happy. im happy. who give a shit.
also its not exactly a complaint but every other comment on any kind of naruto side content (like sasuke retsuden manga etc) being like "this is awesome not like that trash boruto" SHUT UP!!!! i understand not liking the story of boruto and i understand feeling disappointed by it as a sequel to naruto but you dont have to bring it up all the time!! just move on!!! ignore it!!! you will be much happier!!!
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Okokokoko this is stupid but- the reader and Sigma knows how fucking fruity Nikolai and Fyodor is, and so one so one the reader and Sigma are going to find those two, but when they enter the room, they see the two gaybos kiss or something. I JUST WANNA MNOW HOW SIGMA WOULD REACT (cause bro's flabbergasted 24/7) and how the fruity bitches would react to you and Sigma knowing (I KNOW IT'S STUPID, BUT KDHFJDHRHRHRGUSHSS)
Thanks for reading this anyway, your works are aMaZiNg
thank you!!! thanks for your requests as always!
'•.¸♡ catching Nikolai and Fyodor making out ♡¸.•'
Sigma x gn!reader
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Nikolai and Fyodor made Sigma homophobic with their constant gayness, he hates the gays (in an allay way).
He thinks that if he saw them making out he wouldn't be surprised but that isn't true.
Man would be shocked, like frozen, jaw on the fucking floor shocked.
He couldn't care less about their sexualities, but when they actively flirt (and by flirt I mean trying to kill each other and possibly others) with each other that is where Sigma draws the line.
Nikolai: *Tries to kill Fyodor (affectionately)*
Fyodor: *manipulates Nikolai (flirting)*
Sigma: *screaming internally while wanting to leave*
If randomly the relationship between Nikolai and Fyodor comes up while he's having a conversation with one of them and they deny he will give them the most confused look they've ever received. Like how are they denying?!??!
Fyodor would gaslight Sigma into think him and Nikolai are just friends or something. While Nikolai would laugh Sigma off and avoid the questions about his relationships.
Would will be hearing about the shenanigans of Fyodor and Nikolai almost everytime .
'Where are they?' Sigma asked, you were looking for Nikolai and Fyodor but they seemed to be missing. You opened yet another door but no one was inside.
You walked toward another door and opened it, you found who you were looking for just doing something unexpected to say the least.
Sigma walked into the room shortly after you. He froze where he was standing, his mouth was wide open while having a shocked look on his face.
Fyodor quickly reacted to you opening the door, dropping his hands and looking at the direction of the door but Nikolai was slower to react and still had his hand entangled in Fyodor's while his other hand was wrapped round Fyodor waist and upper hips.
'What are you doing?' You could tell he tried to sound as he always does, monotone, but the soupçon of being pissed off was still present. He tried to move Nikolai's hand from his hair but came unsuccessful.
'I think we broke Sigma.' Nikolai laughed at Sigma's frozen state which was starting to relax. Nikolai's grip on Fyodor's hip tightened as he announced the nature of their relationship and gave a quick kiss on Fyodor's cheek.
It was really hard to tell but it seemed as if Fyodor was revealed upon receiving Nikolai's but you thought your eyes were playing tricks on you at this point.
Sigma finally came to his senses and just told them why he was looking for them and walked out as soon as he could. He was just confused at this point, questioning every interaction between them as he left.
He would feel awkward upon leaving but he'll get accustomed to their display of affection rather quickly.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.����𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Sorry for not posting anything "proper" yesterday, hopefully I'll post more today but I cannot promise anything.
I hope this is alright.
Also, I bought a book about English grammar so hopefully my writing will get better grammatically.
Have a wonderful day/night and enjoy the good weather if you have any and if you don't than idk, do something you enjoy :)
-love, Az
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shiocreator · 3 months
[blasts through the door so that unrealistic 3d blocks aimlessly and slowly float around as dust particles]
If I may-th impead on your domain. I ask-th, if you may, tell me about either most angst ideas you've ever had with OC x canon or the "kicks feet and giggles" sweet type ideas
I saw ur post n Tumblr said nah so I came here.
Ok So....
The Beauty that is scarlette is.
She has so many fucking issues man every SINGLE ship ive put her in has been slowburn strangers friends to lovers in some form cuz i genuinely cant imagine her one day getting randomly into a relationship in like, a blind date way.
SO A LLOTTA THE ANGST CAUSE IS JUST *HER DENIAL* AND AVOIDANCE, i quite frankly LOVE using misunderstandings with her in particular cuz she is so avoidant, she stsrts to avoid her crush and loses friendships that way a lot,
"they'd hate me if they knew i had a crush on them" cuz past trauma of first confession in middle school where everyone already didnt like her and all, and her only friend back then was her "crush", (which might have just been her desperate to cling to the only classmate she thought was a friend) and he just. Slung A lotta insults after she confessed that was the last straw caused her to be how she is
SO EXPLANATIONS OVER HERES THE FUNNY SHIPPING PARTS, read more to spare ppl. Also realizing this isnt just aus but abit vaguely entirely au related in some cases so. Beware
Angst; her starting to gain a crush and upon both Madhouse and her pining she realizes this and starts becoming so so *so* avoidant, which makes mike think she hates him now and Robyn has to force them BOTH to confront each other about it in the end (confession time at least happens)
Sweet; i like to think scarlette uses mike as a mattress cuz she can touch ghosts so he CAN hold her, so just cuddling typically on a hot day, wrote a fic n put it on ao3 and i still think its really fun.. touch starved individuals BHFJ
AnxiousGlamour; cant think of angst but the entire dynamic of enemies to friends to lovers with them is so fucking funny to me they yell at each other and insult each other banterly their dynamic before friendship is so funny to me, but lord they genuinely have surprising amount in common, sweet moments wise in my Monsterheart au Scarlette checks on Mettaton cuz ya know. Limbs, and just. They talk. Quiet moment of "you arent so bad afterall." Just quiet moments, Mettaton and her take the boat back to waterfall cuz Scar wanted to say goodbye to Napstablook, before she supposedly died or not. Somber ish moments before she says a "final" goodbye
Now ACTUAL shipping wise? Confession where scarlette is finally okay enough to acknowledge she wasnt get slaughtered or hated by a now at this point good friend just for having a crush, confesses to Mettaton, and "I'll uh, I'm probably gonna be pretty avoidant so i can make the crush go away so im sorry in adva-" "Darling I have been flirting with you for weeks now" "What" hjVKV
MonstrousLiars (okay so NAME CONTEXT. They're both liars. One would think Reigen would be more monstrous cuz ya know. Conman. So figurative 4 him but also hes Really Not. Scarlette is a Literal Monster.): Scarlette nearly dieing to save his and the kids asses which makes her go fully into a kinda adrenalyn fueled shapeshifting moment where she may be a Little drunk off the magic rushing through her veins and afterwards kinda has to be watched over cuz shes not doin great rn,
Scarlette is able to sense curses but not see them (ie she gets very bad vibes gets pale and goes into a minor cold sweat when too close to one, or gets a bubbling sense of dread with skin prickling etc etc, shes essentially absorbing the cursed energy against her will so her body feels BAD) so she just feels really ill and like shes dieing when she DOES get cursed, walks all the way to the office and collapses concerning everyone.
The ingeneral fact this woman wont let anyone help her with her issues is a great cause of pain for everyone cuz they WANNA help tbh
Sweet moments wise Scarlette at some point finally trusting Reigen enough to just, be a person, joke around abit, get him extra snacks she knows he'll like cuz getting people food is a love language.
Reigen and her having one on one dinners cuz he just wanted to know her better meanwhile shes just. Shes not even here for FREE food shes SHIT at interacting she doesnt even know why shes here but hey. coffee ! ghjFVUHG
Bonus cuz current brainrot is these two. Scarlette learning from Mob and Serizawa how things used to be way emptier and hints at reigen also just kinda, not being as having friends as one would assume he would have,, and Scar being just. Able to see that. Maybe theyre abit more similar than she thought and reachimg out abit.
She's been keeping pretty closed off, so i like to think her noticing Reigen is more similar to her than she would have assumed first, over him noticing it first, seemed fitting here, cuz shes learned bit about him through others, whereas she's been really rather. Not prone to even talking about herself, and the only way they can maybe learn more info bout her is carter or random moments of her hyperfixations pop up somehow
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lilac-dawn-103 · 1 year
Draco Malfoy Headcanons
(Because it's time for the revival of my Harry Potter phase)
𓆙 *•°~
Hey so,, Hi. This blog has been sat postless for too long so to hell with waiting to think of aesthetic things to post. Have some Draco headcanons because I've been having crazy brainrot recently. Hope you enjoy~
(this is assuming he isn't an absolute prick like he was intended to be in the books.)
𓆙 *•°~
- Dimples. He has the cutest damn dimples anyone has ever seen. People don't often see them because he doesn't smile quite bright enough, but they're there and it's vv cute.
- Silver jewelry. Mostly rings. There's a couple that he never takes off but then he has afew that he switches out depending on what he's wearing.
- Speaking of clothes,, bro has a stupidly good sense of fashion. If you want an honest opinion on an outfit, go to this man. As for himself, he takes forever in the morning to choose the perfect outfit, and he always looks good.
- Has a thing for glasses, inexplicably so. He just finds them generally adorable. For some reason though, he does find thick-rimmed glasses much cuter.
^^ To follow up on that, he also does random things for his partner if they have glasses like pushing them up or randomly taking the glasses and cleaning them.
- With his partner, his arm always manages to find its way around their waist. He finds it very comforting to keep them so close, plus it's a sort of instinct. It's very cute if he's just with his partner in the library looking for books and his arm snakes its way around them.
- If, miraculously, he knows any Muggle music, it's definitely stuff from the 60s and 70s. Probably jazz in particular. He just gives those vibes.
^^ Favourites are probably Frank Sinatra and maybe Elvis??
- Building upon him knowing about Muggle stuff, I feel like he'd really enjoy slushies?? Maybe it's in a streak of rebellion against his father's perfect vision for Draco, but he loves a slushie. His favourite is probably blue raspberry, though he hates that it makes his tongue bright blue.
- Since Narcissa is probably quite busy alot (rich people things idk-), so when he was younger Draco learnt how to style hair. He does his mother's hair pretty often and he's actually very good at doing it. His speciality is probably braids; quite easy to learn at a young age and you can do lots with them.
^^ Because of this, if you have long hair and you're a close friend of his, you best believe he'll style your hair for you if you ask. He even carries around a couple of hair bands in case.
If his partner has long hair, he loves to just play with it and run his hands through their hair to relax. He also randomly does little braids in their hair, and finds it quite theraputic.
- Poor thing probably has some kind of anxiety. I think it gets worsened by the pressure his dad most definitely puts on him. Draco always seems abit fidgety when it gets close to the Christmas and Summer holidays because he has to go back to such high expectations n such. (Poor boy :((( )
𓆙 *•°~
And that is all! Probably could think of loads more but I need time for my brain juices to start working more. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! :))
Edit: forgot to tag @sugarschnaps since they came up with some of these headcanons, so... Ty bestie love u mwah
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anymethynker · 1 year
Yeah, okay, so... I have a fic idea that I'm never gonna ever write probably-maybe. So imma just share it will people on here. And if you like it, write about it, but tell me so I can read it please. :] (Theres a TLDR at the bottom if you don't want to read my rant. I'm sorry if I'm confusing. :[)
So to start, this is post mk1 and everyone is settling after everything is done. People are living their lives and they doing their own things. The thing is its centered around Johnny, for a specific reason. I want to see an outsider's perspective. Like his fans, his co-workers, and people he knows personally.
Now the twist, they see him hanging out with everyone else from the game.
You must be thinking, how is this the twist? How is this an interesting concept? Well, I feel like Johnny loves to be online, and that comes with sharing his life online. So imagine one day, a popular actor who's hasn't really been active online at all and hasn't been seen in real life(during the game he's recording shit but he doesn't have time to do it all the time), just randomly comes back into the frame. His fans are wondering where he was, but happy he's back. Co-workers wondering where the fuck he's been(they either hate him or are neutral about him). And people that know him, well, I feel like they hate him besides from a few(ex-wife just wanting his money).
The thing is, Johnny really doesn't specify any of the questions asked of him, just post a few videos with some people that aren't really important(the people part anyway because Johnny knows a lot). But we know that they people are important, and everyone learns this too, as Johnny ever really hangs out and post about them with him. Now everyone is confused because these are people no one know. They aren't famous, so why is Johnny with them. Fans think they're his team or something like that, and co-workers and people that know him just think they're assholes like him.
Then Johnny starts posting videos AND people meet then in real life. Johnny ever just posted pictures and small videos that doesn't really focus on the people. But now with Johnny having more free time and no longer acting that much(to everyone's surprise), he starts to hang out and post more funny videos with his friends.
People see Raiden(super nice guy that is kind to everyone), Kung Lao(silly goofy guy that knows how to have a good time), Kenshi(seems to be the best "friend" of Johnny(note that yes, I am applying shipping but it doesn't have to be)), Syzoth(curious guy who's sarcastic as hell), Tomas(the cinnamon roll of the group), Liu Kang(he be the father figure honestly), etc.
Now, the fans love it. People are feeding off of these interactions and want to see more if then. People who know Johnny are more iffy, how does he know these people? Are they this kind or are they just assholes pretending for views of popularity? They find out because of Johnny filming movies. Not everyone is there, the most recurring people are Kung Lao and Smoke.
There are specific reactions that would be amazing, like his ex-wife(cough reacting to his new boyfriend cough), his older brother(reacting to his new brothers and father), and some fellow stars(seeing how his friends can tolerate and even enjoy Johnny's company). His fans, when met at Cage Con or just stumbled upon, would be really excited, but it would really be awesome to see how they react(I can't think of anything besides shipping Johnny with Kenshi, saying Johnny is Tomas's and Syzoth's older brother, and Liu Kang being his honorary father. If you can think of anything else, jump on in).
Okay that's all I got in my brain this late at night, it early morning doesnt matter. Now this is just personal preference, you don't have to listen to this, just things I wouldn't really read or write. Not really an x reader type fic, I don't think you can fit that in here(jump on in if you can), and mostly found family fic(like now SubSmoke or ScorpionSmoke(I dont know the ship name ;-;) for some examples. If you do writing it with is, cool, you do you, not my type if fic bc of me seeing then as brothers).
Okay, I'm done. I'll probably make some small fics or just jot down the more specific ideas in me head later. If you do want to write this, go ahead!!! Just tell me when you do and send the link so I can fuel my brain. And if you want to take some ideas I have, do so as well. I doubt I'm the only person with these thoughts so I can share. Anyway, good night!!!!! :DDD
TLDR: Outside view from Johnny's fans, co-workers and people he personally knows reacting to him hanging out the people from the game.
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WIP Wednesday
Hiya! Thanks for the tag @cutestkilla!
So last week I posted about a new WIP that features a deaf character that I am trying very hard to write. Over the last week I have spent many many hours reading everything I could find on writing deaf characters, types of hearing loss, types of assistive listening devices, mainstream schools vs specialized schools, and what support students are entitled to in the classroom (and what support students actually get in the classroom -- they are, unfortunately, not the same list). I also spent hours just writing about this character -- her likes, dislikes, her family, childhood, etc.
Next up I plan to do more reading about the kinds of support available in schools both in the US and in the UK and the experiences of being deaf or hard of hearing in mainstream school, and whatever else I happen upon along the way. I also have more to write about this character just to flesh her out some more, and I often randomly think of something about her while I'm in the middle of something else and have to stop what I'm doing and write it down. After I feel like I've got her character and her role in the story pretty well built out, I'll write out a nice summary and look for a sensitivity reader to hopefully talk through it with! (If you are deaf/HoH and interested, pleaaaase hmu!)
Anyway, here's a short snippet of the WIP, and more Penny POV. I'm not sure if it will stay or not. I may be projecting my own practices onto Penny.... (Also no shade if you do use tarot cards as divinatory tools rather than self-reflection tools. This is just Penny's judgy scientific side coming through.)(We all know she's not the spiritual type.)(Scientific sounds weird though since it's in a very magical setting, but that's what it is? Magical science?)
Journaling is a practice I started when Shepard and I started dating and I realized it was serious (it didn’t take long after that first kiss, really). I wanted to pay more attention to myself and my actions. I didn’t want to repeat past mistakes. It has served me well, so far. I even go so far as to use tarot cards sometimes when I’m having a hard time identifying what I’m experiencing. Tarot decks aren’t innately magical items. They’re not even a tool typically used by mages. They’re primarily used by Normals who believe they can see the future— a claim yet to be proven. I reluctantly picked them up at Shepard’s suggestion. Apparently there are some Normals, even therapists, who use it as a tool of self-reflection. I hate to say it, but it does help to get myself unstuck and get my thoughts flowing. The thoughts are coming, but the connections aren’t forming. Something about this is itching me, telling me there’s more to scratch. (That’s a feeling I’ve picked up on in journaling, too. That I’m not quite getting to the truth of my own psyche.) I pull a card.
Thanks for reading! Tagging @onepintobean @martsonmars @thewholelemon @technetiumai @agni-ashes @ileadacharmedlife @iamamythologicalcreature @facewithoutheart @shrekgogurt @raenestee @skeedelvee
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community! I’m Malice and I’ll be your host today. 
Here with us today is the one and only @redd956!
Good to have you here! How about we start off with a fact or three about yourself?
I got by two other names online, as my aliases are many, such as Dezert and Usarin. My blog itself isn’t fully a whump blog, but also writing/worldbuilding, it’s just quite well known in the whump community and I do see myself as a avant participant. Worldbuilding is my true passion, but it’s notable I also play tons of video games. My blog, and other online names are all after randomly chosen OCs of mine.
Let’s get straight to the point! What does whump mean to you?
Whump as a kid meant to me something strangely dark or violent to fall asleep to, now a days character arcs are expected in that. I realised I wasn’t alone upon joining finding the community. So now I guess it just means storyline violence/conflict in hopes to show a character arc unique to characters who go through a lot.
And how did you find the whump community? What made you want to join?
I found it while searching for writing tips & tricks stuff for a pinterest board. I realised when out of night ideas to sleep to I could use this, and lurked around the tumblr side of the community for half a year. Finally I noticed a lot of my favourite tropes weren’t as prevalent or there at all, and couldn’t take it anymore. Sometimes you just need to do something yourself.
Do you think your view on whump changed since you joined? 
My view hasn’t really changed at all, but I do have some new favourites, primarily the whole Hero contrasting with Villain character dynamics in whump.
What do you consider to be your favourite whump trope?
Oh boy… I guess my favourite whump trope would be taking down a powerful stoic character. The power itself is meant to be vague, as I feel it changes depending on whatever I’m feeling, whether it be physically, magically, role, whatever. I primarily love this because it forces the powerful character to show vulnerability they are not used to, and I absolutely love that.
Do you mind sharing a favourite piece you've written?
My favourite piece I’ve written isn’t on my blog, and probably never will be, as I write a lot. And I mean…a lot. It changes every year, so right now I’d give it to a 7 page piece of mine dedicated to my OCs from my worldbuilding universe, labelled Apocalyptic for obvious reasons. For my blog… I’d say my favourite piece is Prompt 8. I did once attempt to post a sequel because of requests but I absolutely hate it and refuse to acknowledge it’s existence. 
I love a good hero/villain story! Do you have a regular writing routine?
I only write whump via striking sudden inspiration. I do have a major overwriting problem, that I’m still trying to fix. I write a lot! I am a studying creative writing major, and will likely be working as a writing tutor next school semester. I usually play lo-fi, hopefully themed to whatever I’m writing, and write any time of day or night.
And do you find that some things are easier to write than others?
I excel in military and nonhuman whump in my eyes, as well as a lot of cold whump. I’m great at the first two, because a lot of my personal creations include them. I’m bad at writing long form captivity/torture stuff. I just don’t exactly like most of it anyway, for no reason in particular. But I find it very difficult to describe.
Is there anything you're working on at the moment? 
I’m currently working on starting and continuing the beginning of two whump series on Ao3. Other than that I’m always continuing my personal work. 
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today?
Give us some writing advice. Bless us with your wisdom, oh awesome one!!!!!
Write whatever you want, practice in whatever way works for you, and keep doing that!
Shout out to your favourite writing/whump blogs, bffs or people who've inspired you. We're hyping everyone one up here!!!
Oh dear, there’s so many! Uh @mottinthemainpot, @theres-whump-in-that-nebula, @whumpsday, @leyswhumpdump, @painful-pooch, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @wither-wander-whump , @whump-me @thebewingedjewelcat @i-eat-worlds and so many more
Also for good measure, the non-whump blog, @heckcareoxytwit
Anything you'd like to add?
You’ll probably notice me and my partner being occasionally unashamed madly in love on my blog, and especially on theirs. 
Thanks for joining us today, @redd956! Great to have you here!
And to all you wonderful folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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