#hatred to the point of obsession??? y e s
cutieeva · 2 months
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𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞
Female Reader
Warnings : Manipulation. Brainwashing. Sexual assault. Mention of murders. Dubious consent. Detail sex. Blackmailing. Power abuse. Toxic relationship. Cheating. Home Invasion. Stalking.
❛ 死神 ❜ Meeting Light yagami was a mere coincidence yet the several meetings again and again doesn't seem to be anymore because the more (Y/N) observe the more she realize how fake he is yet she fail to be aware of his twisted desires held for her
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To be cousin of Misa is difficult could be understatement because it is much more than that, it's heart-wrenching, gulit, frustration and more complex emotions are mixed because watching her sister even if cousin sister break down into (Y/N)'s arms wailing to be back to her passed away parents is heart-wrenching.
Guilt due to the helpless (Y/N) felt for hopelessly comforting her with words that are lies and even have difficulty to be happy with her alive parents in front of her as if she is taunting her sister.
Frustration on her sister's newfound obsession with the serial killer Kira who's praises of anti-hero could be sang at the same time hatred was there for taking law on their own hands. No, (Y/N) isn't saint to think what the kira is doing completely wrong rather her opinion dances between supporting their way of cleaning filth yet hating how they do as they want which was prove by killing the false detective life simply case he hurt the killer's ego. Also a newfound emotion has planted within her manifesting to grow larger and larger which is : fear. Fear for the safety of her sister's alarming love for the Kira just cause they did a good deed of killing her parent's culprit. Fear of her sister ruining her life just to meet the said killer or being taken advantage of bad people in name of Kira.
However expect her surprise when she met Yagami Light, the most intelligent boy she shared her school with came to her house with her sister introducing to be her boyfriend standing beside Misa who squealing quietly just the same way (Y/N) notice whenever Kira's name is mention.
"How odd". She was beyond confuse of how Light was able to peel her obsession with the Kira because as much as she knows he is the epitome of justice even being the son of Yagami Soichiro, the leading head policer of ongoing Kira case. "They are vastly different. How come she is romantically involved with such man despite fangirling over a serial killer ?" She remembers meeting the boy due to the unusual events of that day.
"I am bored". (Y/N) thought with a sigh, unable to hear the boring theories of the professor are uttering as her (E/C) eyes gaze over the window she was sitting near when a quite grasp left her lips seeing a black notebook written something over it fell from the blue sky. "What the ?" Unable to comprehend she decided as soon as the class ended she would surely go outside to touch the notebook for at least to check.
Bell ring indicating finished last period made her quick to be at her feet holding her small black bag and run through the hallway. "These are the advantage of not having friends". She chuckle finally drumming over the dust and in front of the very same black book she saw earlier. "Death note". She read out loud about to touch when her sight saw someone else's palm hold the mysterious notebook as she look up meeting beautiful bronze eyes belonged to Light, her classmate.
"Is that yours ?" She asked pointing her finger to the notebook.
"Oh ! Of course not. Rather I saw it from the distance while walking outside the gate and thought to pick it up and deliver to the police station". He elaborate smiling gently as she always saw him in front of his friends, professors and each person alike.
"Well, seeing you ask me if it's mine automatically prove it's not yours right ?" (Y/N) shook her head, smiling nervously.
"Okay, then please submit the notebook to the police station for it's rightful owner to claim. I will take my leave". Feeling awkward and having nothing more to converse she decided to leave and finding his nod as a permission she left. Unaware he stayed until her figure disappeared.
"(L/N) ? Right ?" Light's voice ripped her from the clouded thoughts to find the boy sitting in front her, on the desk chair Misa uses.
"Uh, yes". (Y/N) nod, straighting her wrinkled clothes to appear at least presentable when seconds ago she was in mist of drawing a art that occupied her mind when the door burst open revealing cheerful Misa with her least expected classmate.
"Is her aunt your mother ? Judging from the different surnames". He asked further taking a look at her from head to toe discreetly as she sat on her bed.
"Yup ! She looks nothing like the lovesick girl". Ryuk pointed out Light's thoughts.
"Yes. My father is foreigner from (C/N) while mother is Japanese so you could say I am half Japanese". She smiled, still having doubts of their relationship. "So, could you say how you two met ? You know, love story ?" Misa laughed sitting beside her and linking their arms together.
"Well, it was love at fight sight for me". The blond girl shamelessly unraveled looking at her love, her savior, her lover ignoring the fact their relationship is an play. "I was in awe how a man could be both handsome and intelligent so I persistently tailed behind him until he couldn't deny me". Lies spewed her lips so smoothly (Y/N) belived while Light holding the urge to roll his eyes knowing they rehearsal the script beforehand.
"And when we were in relationship he slowly fell for me and I fell more". (Y/N) doubts were beginning to waver and smile soften spotting her cousin's eyes adoring cupid heart and her lips coated with sweet nothings.
"She loves him". Hearing each and every word from her lips speaking proved that, failing to noticing her single moves are observed and calculated by a certain brown head boy. Light from his correct understanding has known the classmate he clearly recall from their first meeting from finding the death note and discovering she is her cousin who has soft spot for Misa could be useful in upcoming events just like the another foolish shinigami, Rem but hopefully she doesn't become a thorn in his way otherwise he must pitifully execute her like the rest.
"Misa, can you bring some snacks from downstairs ? I am hungry". Light narrowed his eyes at the sudden request. "Also Yagami-san, would you like to have some too ?" He nod smiling a little.
"Okay ! Wait for me and oneesan do not try to talk behind my back ! Do you understand". The girl warned walking away giving her a playful glare earning a chuckle from (Y/N) that made Light stare at her.
"She look nothing like Misa nor is her behavior". Light had heard her name from Misa before meeting today yet fault due to not paying attention he couldn't recall her until he came inside the room meeting an familiar face from their few days intractions washing away all the expectation he had of how more irritating her sister could be. "She is gullible enough". He thought.
"So, Yagami-san, do you love her ?" The question was expected since he had re-think multiple questions to begin with. Smiling the perfect facade he replied in beat "Of course".
"And what is the points you like about her ?" (Y/N) watched his perfect facade carefully where he crafted to smile nervously and fidgets his fingers when in reality he is getting annoyed by her piling questions. She is annoying.
"I, like her everything. From her way of dressing to the way she cheerfully talks to her way of handling people and most importantly the fact she is so brave even after her parents has left the world. She is still hanging strongly as ever". The girl's smile dimmed at the mention of her dearest relatives death yet she paid attention to the sincerity unaware of the fact he made just for her to see.
"So, she shared her parent's death with you ?"
"Yes". No. It was the first reason she is attached to his hip. A nuisance death what he thinks.
"If she shared such vital topic that must mean she trust you enough". (Y/N) sigh, looking at his eyes. "Then you must also know her obsession with Kira ?" His muscles tense but he kept the act of nodding.
"Indeed. It was in the first weeks of our relationship I got to know her unhealthy obsession with the serial killer". A bitter taste left by the negative word he used at last.
"What do you think about Kira ?" Now, he won't lie about this question coming expected but that doesn't mean he can't speak the right words in set. The words she might want to hear.
"I will be honest with you". His serious bronze eyes stare at her. "My own moral compass is little bend. Still that doesn't mean what they does is correct instead they only acts upon what they deems is correct and that thinking itself is terrifying and must be put stop to it". Hearing such words from a boy who's son of a national police agency and multiple times announced to the teachers of his dream of becoming one along observed his visible hatred towards criminals should have felt right but why does it feel so wrong ? Her raw human instinct is settling anything but safe and good. All the words sounds distant and wrong.
"Yagami-san, please tell me your real opinion not the one you would tell to hide your real ones". Breaking the silence she didn't know was there flicker her eyes deeply into his. He merely look down and back up with a soft chuckle disregarding Ryuk's raspy laugh.
"Smart girl". He jollily commented already being entertained.
"I guess I was caught". His eyes lifted with his lips. "Okay, I do support Kira's actions of killing criminals but I do not support their killings against innocent civilians because I think the innocents do not deserve such way of death to heaven". Light appeared to be shameful of his way of thinking when in contrast his fingers were itching to write her name on the death note and erase her existence from the earth. She is getting inside his skin. The second person to thoroughly caught his lies aside from the mysterious detective L.
(Y/N) eyes dart at the door hearing the upcoming footsteps of her sister to her classmate. "I understand". She did. Understood her intitution was right about the white lie he spoke moments earlier.
"But could you also share your opinion". Light oddly enough desire to know her thoughts for the sake of knowing her better. Or so he claim.
"Umm...nothing simply than the fact I have observed the person has fragile ego proven the moment he killed the fake detective just cause he was provoked such an impulsive decision". The brown head boy's eyes twitch at that sentences.
"That was good". Ryuk full on indulging the second person who doesn't fall for his facade easily and insult so bluntly at the same time could be the fast reason of her own demise he pitefully felt bad.
"Also I notice how the name Kira means killer at the same time shining in Japanese if I am correct then it must mean if the killer themselves liked to called killer in more fashionable way that proves they are aware they are nothing more than a killer but judging from the past killing of both the fake detective and police officers it seems the killer has forgetting it's identity and wants to be some sort of justice hero". She finished titling his head.
"I like her". The god of death openly admit his favoritism wanting more to see what becomes of her in the near future. Hopefully she survives after this situation for his want of fun. However Light doesn't share the mutual feeling. His lips part to say when Misa barged in holding plate of delicates and snacks.
"Have bites". Little to no noises were made placing the plate on top of the little table.
"Thank you". (Y/N) took one bite into the cookies before diving into what he was suppose to say if Misa didn't came so abruptly little did she know the blonde girl was standing behind the door since the topic came what he likes about her by successfully fluttering her heart and leak hundred butterflies inside her stomach.
For Light after eating and talking some meaningless strings of sentences he care not to remember only seeing red by the moment those words this bitch utter immediately put an natural end to their meeting, waves their hands goodbye, somehow got rid of the another bitch, Misa. He so restelessly want to strangle her neck to the point he could see life fade from her eyes, pale body fall limp for eternal. Once he got home excusing himself with a strained smile and fake soften eyes to his mother and sister.
In no seconds the death notebook was laid open and a pen fist between his fingers tightly about to write her name that no one would stop him expect "I have observed the person has fragile ego proven the moment he killed the fake detective just cause he was provoked such an impulsive decision". It flashes across his eyes itself pausing his movements.
"Ha !" He mockly laughed. Laughed more and more and more and more that it scared the shinigami watching how wicked the laugh turned to his eyes pure evil red. "If she thinks of death was an implusive choice I made then how about I taste her hell ?" He smirk planning to get closer to know about her in order to completely destroy her.
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The following day of her colliding with Light Yagami at the school gate to return home was again awkward but this time for the reasons he was romantically involved with her cousin, she still has suspicious about due to all her gut feeling screaming the boy dangrous. A danger.
"Would you like to walk home together ?" He suggested wearing his usual charming smile.
"So direct ?" The god of death snicker.
"Okay". Well, no excuse she has to decline his kind offer other than the fact her house is at different direction from his. Soon she find herself walking with the least expected boy she often seen and came face to face once in a while. The walk itself was silent surrounded by comfortable noises like their walking foosteps, few cars driving, birds chirping on their nest over the tree.
"Why did you invite me for a walk ? We aren't so close enough yet". Her quite voice break the train of thoughts of Light who for the first time after getting hands on the death note has been in peace.
"To get to know you better". (Y/N) was taken aback, flicker to his eyes to find them already intensity watching her. She flinched. He noticed.
"Oh". Quickly her gaze turned away only to fall on top of a cute cafe she has been eyeing for a long time which Light has notice too.
"Want to go inside ?" She glance to check his expression where he smiles and she nods going inside together. Few people were seated and she chose the closest seat to the window. He sat opposite of her. "This cafe is nice". He compliment watching her nod carelessly and look around the cafe. "Seem to be the first time of her".
"Welcome to Cutieeva Cafe, here is the menu for you to order and please press the bell to call an waitress or waiter". A woman wearing her black mix white cloth elaborate smiling ear to ear and place two menu on their table.
"Thank you". (Y/N) thanked her taking one between the two menu to check what she would be ordering to end up with Katsu sandwitch, manju and iced matcha latte while Light ordered egg salad sandwich and iced coffee with milk.
They waited in the same silence boring the god of death.
"Didn't you said you would talk to her ? If you don't talk then how would you know her weakness ?" Ryuk crossed his legs and sat floating in the air with hand under his cheek knowing how the male human ignored him.
"I will charge apples for this boredom". Light tune out the whining of the supernatural creature focusing on the girl in front of him who never ready to met his gaze if not necessary he even remembers being baffled in their first encounter how she run away unlike others he has came across his life to be talking to him in any possible way or reason. The food plate were served and the moment his requested food entered his mouth did he felt the disgust raising. "It's a trash". However he didn't let the negativity express over his face, glancing over to (Y/N) who ate just fine. To ease the disfavour he drank his drink "They didn't add milk and it's bitter". His lips threat to twitch.
"You shouldn't force to eat something you dislike". Light froze. His mind for a second was blank and non-calculative words blurt out.
"What do you mean ?" He stare into those (E/C) he found yesterday night in his dreams.
"The way you only bite some of your food and immediately turned to drink then look at your food makes me think you might not like your order. Maybe I am wrong but I simply want you to know that you shouldn't force yourself to like something for the sake of others". If before he wasn't intrigued then he certainly is now.
"And what would happen if I force myself ?" The words escape eager then he wanted. Looking forward to her next sentence, looking towards to her next expression, to their next eyes met.
"If you do, it will only hurt your own self that might later be forgetton if you are so used to the mask". (Y/N) utter not confident anymore feeling her unspoken secrets exposed by the words she speak from her personal experience. Feeling his burning gaze yet stick to looking at her meal.
"Sounds like an personal experience to me". Click ! His brozon eyes gleefully when she looked at him. At his eyes. Only at him.
"Ah ! What a interesting turns of events". Ryuk observed each little things. Feeling tension built just like his entertainment settling.
"Because it indeed is". (Y/N) look away turning his gleeful to a frown. The first slip up of his expression he is happy to be not caught.
"Could you share with me ? Because sometimes sharing helps to ease the burden". His eyes soften along his voice quiter. After all he would hate to let others know about something that meant only for his ears to heard or else too bad he has know each their names and wipe their existence with the power he have as an new god of the world.
"I—" (Y/N) suck breath. "I think I— will take my leave now". Quickly without checking at the other she took her bag, place her order of payment and left hurried failing to notice his hand in air with the intent to grip her wrist and stood up from his seat watching her back becoming smaller and smaller and smaller. All her mind had filled with her dull past of her friends smiling in front of her but sneering and spatting lies behind her back, preventing others students of befriending her, isolating her before comforting her with web of deceit how others are cruel and mockingly laughing at her face when in dispair she learnt the truth. Even stealing her right of cutting her ties with them instead the trio announced of leaving such a pathetic person as (Y/N) herself when she asked the reason behind such cruelty were offered because "It was fun". A measly toy she was to them when to her they were her friends, her non-blood family.
It left a scare to never able to look at other people with the same pure faith she had on people. Refusing to believe be rewarded by good people and doubting each mutters coming out of their tongues. Paying more attention of their behavior after all what the bitterness of betrayal is given by an alley not an enemy that's the first reason she notice Light's off putting behaviors.
Meanwhile Light was left clenching his jaw and fury rush in his head to whisk away all the plates from the table, lash out his boiling anger. How could she left him ? All alone and not even sharing her past when she talks as if she knows him.
"Someone's angry". Ryuk stood up on his feet, lacing his arms behind his head in an laid-back position in contrast of the human's emotions piling. The death note user held back to glare at the hideous creature he deems and walk to the counter paying both of their order and taking her money on his palm. Touching the corners that her fingers have touched. He gently smiled walking out of the horrible choice of cafe to his house letting his head cool by the breeze kissing his face away and eyes on guard for any followers. This realization made his eyes slightly wide at how dangerous loosen his guard was staying with (Y/N) not care of the world, his world, his concerns.
His sole focus on her locked world he seem to unable to step inside unlike countless others he has done. Within seconds to days his result was the same. Victory but with her he tasted not only failure yet desire too. The desire to be seen, to be known. As much as he despite of someone knowing his true self to exploit or use for their own gain like Misa or expose him as Kisa like the annoying detective L. She is different, she wants to know him, she seen right though him, his unspoken flaws to perfections without a hint of scorch. She sees him for who he is and tell him to embrace it even if it means risking her life by sharing her nagative thoughts. Giggy feeling spread like vines over his body, dipping into his flesh to find it's way to his heart. Just imagining how she would react of him being the Kira, her cousin is obsessed with and the real reason she is with him already makes him yearn for her. Want to see her, see how more these measly feelings could grow ? But if it becomes a obstacle then he must cut the root of it all. Nothing would stop him from becoming the god.
Then how ? How come every single day from the day on he set up accidentally meetings with (Y/N), making time to be with her rather than his usual duty of writing criminal names on his death note to create a better place, be with her than Kira most of the time even going as far as to disguise Misa as a way of entering an certain (H/C)'s head girl house little by little. He simply can't seem to stop this twisted pleasure of inserting himself on the picture life beside (Y/N) without any filth or that bitch inside.
The longer he spends time, the longer those feelings distinct where the god of death teases him when the girl of his wet dreams arrive and she is getting clever with her excuses better than the precious one but how adorable ? When the one being lied is the master of lies himself. He has impressively maintaining the almost perfect double life as a student and the infamous Kira that lies from small to big holds no surprise to him anymore. So, albeit knowing her little amusing lies his patient, one of his strong suit has been helping the thread from being cut off however he is growing impatient. Astonishing him and proving his desire for her was greatly underestimated and that strong suit of his apparently doesn't work related to (Y/N) who is passing day, week is scared for her life.
She might be little oblivious— but not blind to his increasingly uncomfortable advances towards her about inviting her to his home when his parents are out, touching her at every chance he gets, leaning closer than a boy having girlfriend should be, whispering into her ear, creating one-sided plan without Misa, tried holding her hands—claiming it's for her safety from strange men attacking her. Ironic ? when he himself is no better than the 'strange men' he described. Perhaps more dangerous he was because the dreadful day arrived. The day where their pretense of nothing happening is ruined. The say where his patient put to an end along his desire begin to woven the fate of their to seal together. Branding (Y/N) his.
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"Good thing I ran out of the class when he was called out by the teacher". She sighed of relief finding no sight of an certain brown head behind her. For some strange reasons the deity might want to punish her or else why the accidental meetings with him keep occurring ? Or "This is a set up ?" No, what would he want from her ? Surely he isn't thinking of cheating on Misa— no. (Y/N) shook her head from digging into the topic far too liking from her.
Ultimately without any difficulties she calmly reached her house, stretching her arms and walking upstairs to her room when her eyes went to Misa's room and memories of her moving to their house after her parents death flooded to how late at night whimpering, wailing could be came from her room and (Y/N) helplessly call her parents to help Misa. Only if her parents weren't killed, if only her cousin lived happily, only if Kira didn't exist, only if she didn't developed unhealthy obsession then perhaps Light wouldn't be able to came into her sister life and have the chance to cheat on her. "No, no. I am again imagining things. He wouldn't cheat on her".
Quickly her toes step upwards to her roon and her fingers touch the cold doorknob only to twist and open it with a creaking noise and the straps of her bag fell with a thud on the ground while her eyes remained on the ground. "I need a shower". She closed the door behind her and about to head her attached bathroom when her (E/C) eyes met his rather red alike ruby eyes fondly.
Light sat on her bed flipping her art pages. "W-what ? A-are you doing ?" He silently spin a key around his finger. Not any key but a key to their house.
"Gifted by Misa". His gently voice revealed however the girl oppose of him felt her head spinning, rounding around her head, heart pumping in fear.
All the negative emotions she ever felt was surfacing over her face Light could see, he was like an magician reading her thoughts, her emotions, her fears and he would surely use them. Make them his weapon.
"This is disgusting". (Y/N) with a sneer about to run out—
"Do you not fear for Misa's life ?" Her all actions stop in air. Breathing escalated, hard to inhale, hard to feel, hard to express.
"What do you mean ?" She turn to face the man she thought could be trustworthy for Misa. "What do you mean ?" She yelled louder for him to reply her yet all he offered was a wordless smile. A smile nothing alike an polite gentleman instead a victory smile, a smile only those offer when they know all the power of the pawns on a chessboard are on their palms and she was a pawn destined be to at his control. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ?" She cried, run towards him and yunk his white collar.
"She is your lover ! How could you threat her life ?" How could he ? How dare he ? How heartless he has to be not caring about others ? Especially of his loved ones, the ones who would do anything for him, sacrifice for him, fight for him, be with him. Tears well in her eyes merely imagining Misa's perished body in front of her.
"If you dare to touch my family I will kill you". (Y/N) threaten, fisting onto his thin cloth. A family is what Misa is to her. A sister. A cousin she will do any limits of protect. Even if it means killing hi—
"Even if it means sacrificing yourself ?"
"What ?" Her eyes narrowed.
"I never liked her let alone romantically viewed her. She is nothing but a nuisance, a thone, a mistake, a pest in my life. I never wanted her. She did and forced me". (Y/N) refuse to believe the words coming out of his filthy lips. "The one I want is you. I desire you". He breathless confessed his hidden want. Leaning over her face while her grip on his collar crumble, she lean away astonished.
"No. You don't". She step back gazing at his yearning eyes, cleared bronze eyes held reflection of her, just like his mind filled with her, his heart filled with her. His larger hand grip her wrist from stepping away any further than she already was in the past days. Another hand circle around her waist pulling closer.
"Don't leave me. You must be mine. You should be mine". He mutter leaning his head to her heart, ear pressed to the racing heart, pulses of her veins and his right hand intertwined with hers like their lives were now. "You are the only one who truly understood me. Seen me how I am. Never forced me. Criticized me, always bluntly told my flaws to my perfections. You are someone to be my queen. To be mine entirely and eternally". He closed his eyes pressing against her chest— to her heart racing because of him. Her breathing halted because of him. Her pulse rushing because of him. Everything she feels because of him. He is equally in her roots just like she was in his.
(Y/N) slowly looked at him to find his eye lids opening and all she found was madness, chaos, desire and her reflection. From the moment they met her intitution already announced him danger, bad news and fake. But she brush it off, ignoring the voices within her mind pointing how intensely he looked at her. How he behaved with her but she pretend to be unaware, run away from the reality that something was off with him all for the sake of her sister's happiness attached to this man yet it lead nothing else than her own downhill.
Before she realize the danger surrounded her, it was too late. She was caged. In his palm as a pawn of desires and caged in his arms. "Be with me and Misa will be alright. Be my queen and no harm with be done. My love, you don't know what can I do to disappear a person". Her knees gave up only for Light to hold her. "Do not worry. I am here. Give yourself to me and everything will be alright".
With a thud her back touch her once safety of a bed along the destroyer of her life, the killer of her soul, the ruiner of her body above her. His intelligent gaze replaced with full of lust. Adulation adoration "What would you do if I don't obey you ?"
"Kill Misa and I promise I will get away with it". Light honestly revealed, he has already plan to get rid of the good for nothing god of death, Rem with Misa. The only reason she wasn't dead to his inconvenience of the Rem but to own (Y/N) he will make it possible and crowned her his queen.
School white shirt disregarded baring her upper skin and her breast under the bra. Hungry eyes drank at the sun ray's kissed (S/C) skin. A divine present she is to him. The perfect love of his life. Insteadly he pressed his lips to hers earning a groan from himself due to how good it felt. Her lips were smooth, soft featherly and creamy like the pastries he likes. His tongue invade hers, tasting her tongue, twisting them together and sucking her, taking all her sweetness to himself, blending their saliva together and moving in rhythm of their love song ignoring how she remained unwavered.
When air became a need, a way to breath he decided to separate his lips from her leaving a lace of sliver saliva thread onto their lips— an evidence of his passionate kiss. He smirk finding her (S/C) cheeks decorated with crimson hue, lips gleaming his saliva and tears build on those hatred eyes.
Light insteadly latch Into her skin, curious if her body taste as sweet her lips does and he wasn't disappointed sucking her chin, neck, collarbone banding her his with the butterflies kisses and purple hickeys. However only whimpers, choked tears were tuning his ears unlike the music of moans he was awaiting. How could she ? Contrast to he was in heaven, the hell was brought for her on earth. Torturing her with those burning hands, soul-sucking kisses and purple scars on her body. The ruiner of her ripped the bra she used as an shield presenting her vulnerable and helpless.
Her breath hitched and eyes shut feeling wet lips coating her buds and he indulge his fantasy of his sleepless night come true even better beyond his tricks of imagination. He lovely bite and circle the buds with his tongue to earn any sweet noise from (Y/N)'s pretty lips. Showering devotion to their love making. "She is so perfect". Her head to toe was a goddess in a human's body. All of her flaws and hatred he viewed in her turned into rose tinted glass. Quickly those purple and blue bruises painted over her breast and his other hand kneading her breast as he continue to mark her down and down until his eyes sparkle with excitement and hers with terror.
He slowly dragged her cloth all together letting harsh breeze touch her second most private part which he delightfully touched. "So delicious it looks. All for me to have". Blood painfully rush to his own private part palming her small sex and lean his mouth inside the flesh. Finally the held tears of her roll down, crying at her cruel deity. At the cruel fate written for her. "Please help. Somebody, anybody help". How sad. Pitifully she quiver under Light who was enjoying the taste of her, the liquid she made from, created into.
"I can't". Crazed blood rush into his mind that he no longer take his slow time to worship his queen within a blink of an eye his own lower pants gone and without preparation, without protection he slammed his cock into her virgin flesh filling himself tight around her walls. "How sweet. All your first is me and I will make sure your last is me too". He bite his lips, gripping her naked thighs hard that she felt her bones would break.
"But my soul is broken". She screamed her pain of being raped. Agony of taking his part into her pussy so suddenly and forcefully. It hurts. It hurts more when he moved inside her, thrust again and again. Brim of bile threat to pour out of her throat as he continue to pleasure himself using her body— no a body belongs to him.
"So good, love. You are the sweetest. The most divine queen you will be". He chuckle thrusting faster. In mind to impregnate her. Yes, he will make sure to lock the shackle around her ankle well and the lock will be their sweet child which she soon realize when his hips slowed and strings of white liquid was released inside her womb.
"No. No. No. No. No. No". (Y/N) screamed at his face, red from anger. "I will kill this child if it grew". But all he did was lean and kiss her lips.
"Then I will kill Misa, your family and each person you come to care one by one". He shuss her by kissing her adorable protest only he can heard and see not even that Ryuk who is not here from the beginning busy devouring his addicted apples.
Just like he is slave to his (Y/N) "I am—". He kiss her. "Addicted".
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209 notes · View notes
willows-rambles · 2 years
ough metalblues is a plague on my mind and im gonna be thinking about them the whole day while at work
6 notes · View notes
lululandd · 3 years
s i n c e r e l y; (part i)
pairing: Vergil x f!reader
word count: 1199
warnings: Possessive Behaviour, Possessive!Vergil, Stalking, Jealous!Vergil
notes: please understand this is FICTION, i do not condone actual controlling/ obsessive behaviour irl (also on ao3)
summary: "it was supposed to be him consoling you, not his brother.“
[1] / [2]
Vergil walked into Devil May Cry to see you and Dante huddling on the sofa. His large arms comforting your smaller body, muttering soft words while you let out choked sobs into his chest. He had to muster up all his self-control to not trigger and mangle his twin brother right there and then. It should be his arms gently curling around your body in your time of need, it was supposed to be him consoling you. "Should I leave?" His words spat out, laced in hatred, there's fire bubbling so close to the surface. Dante turned his head in his direction but his hands still gently caressing your hair, “She feels unsafe, Verge. Thinks someone’s following her." He knows. It was him that followed you. Though it's been months since he had tracked your movements, he doesn’t understand why you're crying about it now. "I've been seeing things..." You stammered, pressing your palms to your eyes. "I saw glimpses, shadow of a person in the corner of my eye when I leave the house, or just have that horrible feeling that someone's watching." Sickness curled your stomach, everything around you seems to spin so you held onto Dante a little closer, as you felt your heart galloping in your chest.
"You wanna stay here for the night?" Dante asked, genuine concern lacing his voice. You enjoyed the warm, heavy pats on your back as he waited for your answer. "Dante." He warned. "Demons burst in here more often than not." He pointed to the newly installed windows and freshly painted walls above the door. "Ah shit, you're right." Dante seemed to weigh his options. Meanwhile you clutch into jacket a little bit tighter and bury your face a little bit deeper. This must not continue. He needs to get rid of Dante. "I'll accompany her home. Perhaps put on some barriers." He suggested, offering his services in the most callous voice he can muster. "Don't you have a meeting with Lady and a client?" He mentioned the meeting to guilt trip you for even trying to come to his brother instead of him. How delicious it felt when it worked and you finally, fucking finally, untangled yourself from his twin. Dante glared at him, raising his hands in disbelief, "The meeting didn't matter, Verge. It was just a formality for me to be there anyway." You wiped your tears away as quickly as you can, "I'm okay now, you go and meet Lady." You forced a smile, "Thanks for keeping me company and making me feel better." "You sure?" As if Lady knew she was being talked about, Dante's phone buzzed from somewhere in his jacket. You assured him everything's fine and ushered him out. It was just you and Vergil now. You felt his gaze pierces through you like the daggers he uses to physically pierce his brother as you gather yourself and wipe tears off your face. As long as you can remember, he doesn't talk that often with you, he always answers your questions in short  one worded answers, or would just rather physically gesture or show his phone screen for the answers he found on the internet. Which you found, as useful and informative his answers were, to be quite rude at first, but after a little while you just learned he's a man of few words when it comes to people who doesn't have Sparda blood, so you only come to him when you absolutely have to.
Basically, never. It drove him absolutely crazy. You greet him still, with a sweet little hello that made his hair stand on end, but that was the end of it. No more "Do you want anything from the store?", "What was that demon's name again?", and definitely no more "Can you help me find something?" He wasn't a kind man, and as much as he loved getting inane questions from you, he can't show you as much cheerfulness and brightness as his brother or son can. He loathed how you smile so generously around his twin. He despises the way his son steals you away from the office whenever he visits with Nico. But no matter. You're here with him now. Alone. Just you and him. The two of you. Maybe today you— "Sorry." You looked at the floor, unable to meet his gaze. "Thank you for offering to take me home, but you don't have to. I-Um... Thank you again." He watched you gather your items in a hurry before heading for the door again, "I better get going before it gets really dark. Thank you for the offer, though. I'll tell Dante that you did walk me home." You flashed him a nervous smile, as you tucked loose strands of hair behind your ear. "Bye, Vergil." "You are afraid of an unknown person following you, yet you want to go home all on your own? In your current hysterical state?" He glowered; a dull ache washed over him. You’d rather risk danger than accept his help? How dare you.
You inadvertently looked up at him, and mistook the remnants of jealousy in his eyes for contempt. Both his words and the look in his eyes hurt, so you quickly nodded and left the building altogether. He followed suit, walking beside you as he quickly caught up, shielding you from the gust of wind from passing vehicles with his tall frame and heavy coat. After a little while he asked about your predicament. "Since when has this been happening?" He hissed, trying to gauge how serious you think the situation is. He will know what steps to take for precaution and what he needs to do to dissuade you. "I don't know," Your voice quiet, you avoid looking even in his general direction as you spoke, opting to look down at your feet or straight ahead. "I've felt weird since a little while ago, but then again I've always been a paranoid person, but lately the feeling is so intense that I have trouble sleeping." He hummed, "Do you feel it now?" You waited a little and looked around for good measure, "No, not currently." You try to make light of the situation by letting out a little laugh, "Maybe they're scared since you're here."
"And you didn't want me to accompany you home, earlier." He chided, a sly smirk gracing his face. A blush crept up onto your cheeks, visible to him even in poor lighting. It filled him with triumph, a feeling of pride bloomed in his chest, it was him made you react that way. To his surprise, you decided to be honest with him, putting both your hands around your mouth to answer, in almost a whisper, "I was scared of you." He lets out a chuckle, "Was?" You finally turned your head his way, to his delight. You still had remnants of tears in your eyes, but he can see the mischievous glint underneath, a smile gently forming on your face, and for the first time today you held eye contact with him for more than a few seconds.
"Should I still be afraid?" Oh yes, you definitely should.
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chinchillinbb · 3 years
rating: t warnings: strong language, yandere themes, waxing poetic except i'm not good at soft poetry word count: 1912 requested: no summary: a retelling of the story of daphne and apollo.
(Y/n) was a river nymph, a naiad, feared by most all beasts. They guarded their father’s sacred river and were proficient with both javelin and sword. They were as lovely as the Charites, three goddesses of beauty and grace, with (h/l), (h/c) hair, and (e/c) eyes that glimmered to rival the purest of gems. It was said they were blessed by Athena with their wit and wisdom. All in all, they could only be described as a headstrong, with hardly anyone to keep them in check regularly.
Unfortunately, around the same time, Apollo was feuding with Eros, mocking him for being among the younger of the gods, and using archery to create love instead of defeat enemies. Apollo was crafted with thick, black curls, honeyed skin, and, aptly enough, golden eyes like the sun. “What are you doing with that, kid? You’ll poke your eye out,” Apollo chuckled. “You might want to leave the fighting and weapons to the more skilled, who actually know what to use them for, instead of shooting people with love.” Eros narrowed his eyes and spit out, “Apollo, if you’re so sure my arrows are harmless, then I suppose I'm forced to prove the contrary.”
While Apollo was scoffing and ignoring Eros’ warning, Eros was plotting against him. Eros decided that he would shoot Apollo with a golden arrow, and a river nymph with a lead arrow. The particular nymph he chose was named (Y/n), and they already had a stern dislike for sexual and romantic relations, having taken strongly after Apollo’s sister Artemis instead. They expected that if they gave in to their father’s pleas for a son-in-law to continue ruling when he died, and finally accepted a spouse, they would lose most of their freedom. Besides the point, nymphs were generally immortal compared to humans. So long as (Y/n)’s river flowed, (Y/n) would live.
Eros’ golden arrow would make Apollo madly obsessed with them, and the lead arrow would only further (Y/n)’s hatred for him. Apollo would be forever courting them unless he apologized to Eros and begged for his help, which would be satisfying, to say the least, for the love god, and humbling at most for Apollo. Eros struck in the night when Apollo was asleep, and put his plan in place.
The next day, Apollo woke and sailed his chariot across the sky in his usual routine, distracted by thoughts of a river nymph he had flirted with the evening before. He couldn’t think of anything but them, their strong (s/c) legs, their smooth back exposed by their robes, their nourished, (h/c) hair. He went to visit (Y/n)’s river, in the hopes that he’d find them. And find them he did, as they were filling a vase with water.
He landed behind them, making them shoot up and grab their javelin from leaning on the tree before relaxing a little, seeing it was Apollo. Pursing their lips with a strained smile, more like a grimace, they forced out, “To what do I owe the honor, my lord?” (Y/n) had always tried to be civil with him, considering they took after his sister and wouldn’t want to displease her. Don’t be fooled, it was certainly not for Apollo. (Y/n) viewed him as nothing more than a man with loose morals, and in their eyes, he was untrustworthy and brash.
Apollo’s breath hitched in his chest at the sight of them. He had never seen a more beautiful nymph in his life, and that was saying something when it came to Apollo. He plastered on a confident smirk and leaned against a tree. “Oh, nothing, I just thought I saw a star on earth. I was mistaken, it’s only a lovely naiad.” (Y/n) was not impressed, and deadpanned at the thought of being involved with Apollo. “Thank you, my lord, but compliments are unnecessary and futile. I have no interest in companionship, and would prefer to stay with my river.”
Apollo’s smirk faltered for just a moment, before it fell to a frown as he said, “Pretty naiad, why do you hate me so?” (Y/n) stiffened. If they answered truthfully and said because the worms beneath their feet had stricter ethical boundaries, they could invoke his wrath and get turned into a sheep for his flock, but if they lied, they could be leading him on. In the end, they decided to twist their words and say, “My lord, I do not hate you, per se, not specifically. I just don’t feel the need for a lover, and fear that I might lose my freedom being chained to another person.”
Apollo, dejected, climbed back into his chariot. He furrowed his brow and pursed his lips, saying, “My love, I will return tomorrow to try again. I do hope you think about me fondly, and that your answer might change by tomorrow.” As he flew off, a frustrated scream that could be heard above a waterfall resounded through the trees.
(Y/n) stomped through the forest to their father, Peneus, a river god. Marching into his home, they pointed a finger at him and exclaimed, “Dad, you have to do something, and I mean right now. A man keeps coming around, a god in fact. I’m sure you know of him. Apollo. I thought we had agreed that I didn’t have to marry if I didn’t want to!” Peneus startled, a wrinkled, soft old man, seemingly worn down like a river stone. “My lovely child, what are you talking about?” He tilted his head and said, “I haven’t contacted any suitors since you asked me not to.”
(Y/n)’s face fell, and they apologized for yelling at him, “It's not your fault then. I'm really sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to blow up like that.” They wrapped their arms around him and sighed. “What am I supposed to do about this? I mean, he says he'll be back tomorrow, but Dad, he's worse than a pig! He does nothing but fool around and shirk his responsibilities.” Peneus chuckled and said, “Dear, there has never been an obstacle you couldn’t overcome. You are as wise as Athena, blessed, even. I have complete faith you will figure it out, but I am here to help you if you need it.” As (Y/n) walked out of their father’s temple, their head hung low. They didn't have a clue what to do, besides tend to the river’s wildlife and wait for Apollo to come back. Arriving at the river, they were taken aback by numerous jars of perfumes and oils, even one with a cream for their skin. They groaned and got in the river, sinking below the warm waters at the shore to bathe.
When they got out, they picked a vase at random and found a sweet smelling perfume within. Dabbing their neck and wrists with it, they then settled in for another night of watching the river and protecting it from men who would seek to desecrate it.
Come morning, as promised, Apollo came down grinning, yelling across the river, “Hello, my lovely nymph! How did you like the gifts I brought you?” (Y/n) hummed, their suspicions confirmed. Today, there was something different about Apollo’s grin, something wolfish. His eyes latched onto their every move like a falcon hunting a dove. He stalked across the river, which might have seemed normal in any other situation.
Meanwhile, Apollo was locked onto his target. Similarly, yet twisted, he thought they were as pure as a dove, or sacrificial lamb, all offered up for him. He relished in the slight fear in their beautiful eyes, and the way they froze like a gazelle at the sight of him. He absentmindedly wondered what it would be like to see them swathed in sunlight, in his element.
(Y/n), unfortunately for Apollo, viewed him not as someone in love with them, but as an enemy. And they did not bow to anyone. Mustering up their courage, they stalked over to him, feeling small in comparison to the aura of a god. Their (e/c) eyes were as sharp and rough as raging white waves, and their movements as swift as their river. “Apollo. I beg your forgiveness, but I do not return your feelings. The gifts were lovely, but I’d like to make clear that I will never love you. You are simply not trustworthy, and frankly, your ethics disgust me. I’d like for you to leave, and never come back.”
Apollo quite obviously did not take kindly to these words, and instead started glaring and setting fire to the trees around him like an unkind dry heat. He marched towards them, snarling like some wild animal, as (Y/n) rethought their false bravery and turned around to run away. As they ran through the trees, (Y/n) could hear him, feel his heat, constantly nipping at their heels like some sheepdog controlling their flock. They forced themselves to go faster, trembling and unwilling to become a lamb for him to control. They were right all along, and entertaining romantic feelings is what put them in this situation.
Apollo took his time, knowing they'd tire out eventually. He knew he had overreacted, but couldn’t they see they were meant to be together? It was a perfect fit: their cool, watery domain as opposed to his fiery, hot sun. And he knew they were a lovely singer; their voice was all he could think about! He had spied on them from the trees before approaching them, and their little musings while they played with the minnows were divine! If anything, in his mind, they overreacted. Looking to the heavens, he begged Eros to help him catch up to them.
While Apollo was obsessing over their every feature, (Y/n) stopped to rest a little, praying to their father and remembering his promise of help if they needed it, and oh, did they need it. Looking behind them and seeing him approach, they cried, “Dad, please, help me! Change my body! It got me into this mess and I hate it, please, save me from this man!” And at that, Peneus heard them and answered their cry for help, as their limbs got heavier mid run, and bark encapsulated their chest. Their hair became leaves, their arms became branches, and their foot, just now running, clings to the earth as a root. Their leaves brushed the water, and with a final creak, it was done. They had been changed into a laurel tree.
Apollo, despite (Y/n)’s fear of him and wish for him to leave them forever, simply could not. He felt he had to honor them, for even as a tree, they were the loveliest he had ever seen. “My love, my (Y/n), I will honor you forever. From this day forward, your leaves will adorn my hair like a crown, and I will make my lyres and bows out of your wood. The arrows in my quiver will come from only your branches, as a blessing, not to you, but me. You will be here for Rome’s rise to glory, and your leaves will be their crown as well. You can never lose your foliage, for it is beautiful and I cannot bear to see it go with Persephone in the winter.”
In the end, that was how the bay laurel tree came about, and to this day, Apollo treats Eros with respect, and wears a laurel crown. He remembers (Y/n) fondly, and although he will miss their nourished, (h/c) locks, their leaves are even softer. (a/n: discord is here)
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“Uncovered and Secured” || YEAR 3 – Ch.38 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
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Day posted: 1/9/2021
Word count: 3, 411
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
Happy Birthday Severus Snape!
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Heather wiped her mouth with her sleeve and turned back around.
Harry pulled her aside, frowning. “Heather are you ok?”
Heather looked over Harry’s shoulder at Black, Lupin, and Crookshanks – who was hissing, spitting, and snarling with claws out and ready – surrounding the cowering man. Professor Trelawney’s words were spinning around in her head like a twirling tornado. Sirius Black was a convicted murderer, CONVICTED. Even Fudge went to see him. Surely… Surely he must have been given a chance to explain. Someone must have looked into his involvement. Dumbledore must have known somehow… ANYTHING. But Peter... Lupin was convinced Sirius Black was innocent. If Peter really was the one who betrayed their parents, then it would be Peter who would be returning to Voldemort tonight.
She looked at Harry again and shook her head.  
Lupin took his wand back and Sirius Black picked up Snape’s. Both men held them out, pinning Peter in place.
“Hello, Peter,” Lupin greeted him pleasantly, as if they had both bumped into each other on the cobbled streets of Diagon Alley. “Haven’t seen you in some time.”
Peter was still crouching, trembling slightly, trying to make himself shorter than he already seemed. He had his hands out close to his chest like Scabbers had often done when he sat on his hind legs. He had a bald spot in the middle of his matted blonde hair that grew out in tufts that stopped at his sideburns. His eyes were beady and looked around at Lupin, Black, and Harry and Heather.
“S-Sirius… R-Remus…” Peter squeaked. “M-my old friends… M-my friends… I’ve missed you so!” He gave a small smile that wrinkled his eyes.
Black raised his wand arm, ready to unleash a flurry of spells but Lupin’s free arm extended out, stopping him from reacting to the small man’s words.
“How nice it is to have you join our little chat,” Lupin’s voice remained soft and casual. “See, we’ve been talking about the night Lily and James died.”
Peter’s smile dropped. He licked his dry, cracked lips and turned his hands palm up, though he still kept them tucked close to his body. “Remus… Y-you don’t believe him do you? He tried to kill me… murder me… Remus…!”
Lupin fixed his jaw, setting it tight at the sound of his name. “Yes. I’ve heard.”
Peter stuck out his middle finger and pointed it at Black – his hand had only four finger, with the knuckle of his index finger ending in a clean scar where a finger should have been. “He’s come to kill me!” The unnatural squeak of his voice turned raspy. “He killed Lily and James and now he’s come to murder me too… Remus… You’ve got to help me…”
Sirius Black was baring his teeth and looked at him with even more hatred than he’d looked at Snape. His eyelids pulled back so far his red-rimmed eyes bulged and his face looked more skull-like than ever.
“No one’s going to die tonight until we’ve sorted some things out… Peter,” Lupin lightened his cold voice, “Let’s clear up one or two little matters about that night, shall we?”
“What matters?” Peter squeaked. He looked around the room wildly and pointed at Black again. “He’ll kill us all with his Dark powers! He broke out of Azkaban when no one’s ever done it before, imagine what he’ll do to us all! Who knows what more of the Dark Arts He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has taught him! H-horrible things I’m sure… Horrible Dark tricks…!”
Heather felt the room spinning as fast as the tornado in her mind. “Harry,” she hissed. He turned to look at her and she knew she had to tell him. “A prophecy… Professor Trelawny she – ”
Black barked out a laugh, dropping his wand arm to hold his stomach. It struck the air horribly sending a chill down everyone’s spines. “Taught tricks? From Voldemort?”
Peter flinched, as if he’d been struck in the face.
Black sobered immediately, focusing his gaze on Peter. “What? Afraid to hear your old master’s name?” Black slowly smiled again, grinning at how horribly Peter was shaking. “Of course you must also be afraid of all your old palls, too, aren’t you? I hear they aren’t very happy with you… Not happy at all. I hear…” Black stepped forward menacingly, grin slowly shrinking. “They think the double-crosser double-crossed them. I hear…” He stepped closer once more. “They all think you’re dead, or you’d have to answer to them. I hear they all know Voldemort went to the Potter’s on your information… and met his downfall there. And that’s just what I hear from Azkaban… I hear… Not all his supporters ended up in there though. Did they? There are plenty still out there, biding their time, pretending they’ve seen the error of their ways… If they got wind that you were still alive… for twelve years alive and hiding from them, Peter – ”
“D-d-don’t know what – ” Peter swallowed. “What you’re talking about…” He wiped his face on his sleeve like a twitch and looked around again, his little eyes searching. He turned to Lupin again. “Remus! You can’t believe this – madness!”
“What innocent man spends twelve years as a rat, Peter?” Lupin shook his head. “It’s a little hard to understand.”
“Innocent! Yes! But also scared! If-f Voldemort’s supporters were after me then it is because I put their best man in Azkaban! The spy – Sirius Black!”
“Me? A spy?” Black growled. “When have I ever been the one to sneak around people stronger and more powerful than myself? You, Peter – Why I didn’t see you were the spy from the start. After all! You always liked big friends who’d look after you, didn’t you? It used to be us… Remus, me… and James… But there were bigger friends out there. Weren’t there?”
Peter was panting, looking around wildly again. “Me? A spy… madness… you must be out of your mind… I’d never… don’t know how you could say – ”
“I convinced James and Lily to make you Secret-Keeper,” Black hissed, forcing a panicked jump out of Peter. “I thought it’d be the perfect plan… a bluff… Who’d ever use a weak talentless thing like you as their Secret-Keeper? I was sure Voldemort would come after me… I was prepared. Ready… Waiting to give up my life while little Peter hid, keeping our friends safe… I can’t imagine how grand you must have felt, telling Voldemort you could hand over the Potters – Must have been the finest moment of your miserable life!”
“Most farfetched… Absurd – ” Peter’s eyes were darting from the floor to the ceiling, the boarded up windows, to the closed door behind Lupin and Black. “Lunacy…”
Heather settled her eyes on Peter Pettigrew, ignoring the panging feeling that everything would go horribly wrong like it always did. He was looking for escape, but was it for fear of Sirius Black, or was he planning to run in search of his most powerful ‘friend’, Voldemort?
Hermione stepped forward again, swallowing thickly at the sight of the distraught man in front of her. “If… If I may ask – Why had he never tried to hurt Harry, if he was working for Voldemort? Scabbers – I mean – this man – he’s been sleeping in the boy’s dormitory for three years.”
Peter perked up at once and pointed at Hermione with a smile. “See, Remus! I would never want to hurt a single hair on Harry’s head! Why should I…? He – ” He pointed at Sirius Black again. “He injured Ron! Bit his leg and he would have hurt Harry if he had to! I kept them safe, running away when I did!”
“Easy answer,” Black snapped, ignoring Peter. “Why? Because this useless thing never does anything if he can’t see what’s in it for himself! Voldemort’s been in hiding for twelve years. He wasn’t about to commit murder right under Dumbledore’s nose – not for a half-dead wizard who’d lost all his power. That’s why you found a wizard family to take you in. To keep an ear out for news. Just in case your old protector came back and it was safe to rejoin him.”
Peter was opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water trying to breathe.
“But – so then – How DID you get out of Azkaban if you didn’t use Dark Magic?” Hermione asked.
“The dog. You turned into a dog, didn’t you?” Heather looked at Black who nodded. “They didn’t know you were an animagus when they locked you in.”
“That’s only part of it, I suppose.” Black shrugged. “I’m not too sure if that’s the reason – though that’s my guess as well… I kept sane as best I could, knowing I was innocent helped. And knowing I was innocent wasn’t a happy thought at all, so the dementors couldn’t suck that out of me. I repeated it to myself… over and over… It helped me keep my powers – weak as they became – until the day came when I transformed myself…” He looked at one of the windows, as if he could see out beyond it. “Dementors can’t see, you know… They let people’s emotions guide them… I think they could tell my emotions were less… human.” He swallowed. “I was obsessed, first with my innocence… then when I saw that picture – I knew where he was, in Hogwarts with Harry and Heather. Perfectly positioned to deliver the last two Potters should he hear word that his side was gathering strength again… Who’d dare say he betrayed Voldemort after that? He’d be welcomed back with honors... Knowing that, I became even more obsessed, and that cleared my mind… When the time came, I transformed. I slipped past them when they opened my cell to bring me my food… It’s hard for them to sense animal emotion… not impossible… but much harder. Then I swam as a dog back to the main land and journeyed north.”
“You were at the match that day…” Heather realized Harry had told her the truth about seeing the Grim, not just in the clouds.
Sirius Black looked at them, his sunken eyes much softer. He faced them fully and nodded. “Yes… Harry you fly as well as your father… I’m sad I could not watch any more matches. I did not want to bring any more dementors into your games.” He looked deeply into both Harry and Heather’s eyes, as if baring his soul to them. “Believe me… Please. I never betrayed James and Lily. I would have died before I betrayed them.”
Heather swallowed. Suddenly, the man she had feared all year didn’t look anything like the man he was. Although he had the clothes of a prisoner and a wild dangerous look about him despite being skin and bones… Heather could see the genuine sadness of a man who’d lost someone he treasured. It was a pained longing… the same look she saw in Harry sometimes, deep into the night on hard summer days.
Harry looked at her and nodded. If anyone could recognize the hurt of losing James and Lily, their parents… it would be him. She nodded back.
“NO!” Peter fell to his knees and scuttled closer to Professor Lupin, his hands held up over his bent-down head as if in prayer. “Remus! You can’t – ”
Sirius kicked him onto his side and growled.
“S-Sirius! It’s me… It’s Peter… Your childhood friend… you wouldn’t…” He reached out to grab for Sirius. “You couldn’t possibly hurt – ”
Sirius stepped back. “I don’t need more filth on me.”
Still coiled in on himself Peter looked up imploringly at Professor Lupin. “Wouldn’t Sirius have told you they’d changed the plan…! Wouldn’t you have found out?”
Professor Lupin gave a quick tisk. “Not if he thought I was the spy… I assume that’s why I wasn’t told?” he asked Sirius casually.
Sirius gave an embarrassed smile. “Forgive me, Remus.”
“Not at all, Padfoot, old friend.” He began rolling up his sleeves. “And in turn, will you forgive me for believing you were the spy?”
“Of course, Moony.” He too began rolling up his sleeves and gestured to the sad heap of a man still coiled on the floor. “Shall we kill him together?”
Professor Lupin gave a nod. “Yes, I think so.”
Peter gasped and shuffled to his feet, still crouching down to half his height. “You won’t…! You can’t…!” He turned quickly and for the first time since he’d turned back, faced Ron and Hermione. He dove for Ron, holding up his hands again pleadingly. “Ron! I’ve been a good friend… a good pet to you!”
Ron looked more disgusted than when he’d drank the tea that Fred and George had melted all the bad flavors of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans they’d collected over the last five years.
Seeing the look on Ron’s face he turned to Hermione and shuffled on his knees to her. “Clever girl… You don’t believe them… how could you! Help me… Help – ”
Hermione backed away, drawing closer to Ron.
Peter turned slowly to Heather and Harry, his hands coming up to hid his face. “H-Harry… Heather… You’re parents wouldn’t – ”
Peter’s head fell limp on his shoulder and he looked at them despite Sirius’ face being inches from his own. “They wouldn’t have wanted me killed… James would have understood… he would have had mercy…”
Sirius threw him back onto the floor with disgust. “Do you deny selling James and Lily to Voldemort? DO YOU DENY IT?”
Peter’s face contorted and he began bawling. Great heaping tears rolled down his cheeks as he gasped and drew them away with the backs of his trembling hands. “S-Sirius! What could I have done! The Dark Lord… You have no idea…! He has weapons you can’t imagine…! I was so scared, Sirius… I was never brave like you and James and Remus! I never meant it to happen… He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named forced me to – ”
Peter shook his head and sobbed like whining child. “Because he was taking over everywhere! W-what would have been gained by refusing him?”
“Only INNOCENT LIVES! What more could one hope to gain when fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed?”
“You don’t under-understand! He would have killed me, Sirius!”
Sirius clenched his fists and began trembling as hard as Peter was. He bent down furiously. “THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED! RATHER THAN BETRAY YOUR FRIENDS AS WE WOULD HAVE DONE FOR YOU!”
Sirius stepped back, panting, and stood shoulder to shoulder with Professor Lupin as they both raised their wands.
Professor Lupin shook his head. “You should have realized… If Voldemort didn’t kill you… We would. Goodbye, Peter.”
The knot in Heather’s stomach loosened and she felt she could finally breathe. She turned away, although she knew she’d feel nothing but relief knowing there would be no servant making his way back to his master tonight.
“NO!” Harry yelled.
Heather whipped back around to see Harry had placed himself in front of Peter. “Harry!”
He faced their wands with open arms, shielding Peter. “You can’t kill him. You can’t.”
Professor Lupin and Sirius both looked startled and staggered back a step.
“Harry, this pest is the reason you have no parents… This truckling piece of vermin valued his own skin over your whole family. You heard him. He would have delivered you and your sister to Voldemort without a second thought if it meant he could continue about his filthy life,” Sirius snarled. “Step aside, Harry. He deserves this and more.”
“Yes, I know! But you can’t kill him… He should go to Azkaban. We’ll take him to the castle… hand him over to the dementors – just don’t kill him.”
Heather looked at him surprised. It was months ago, weeks go… hours ago that Harry would have killed the man who murdered their parents. He almost had. And now the pitiful wheezing man behind him was being shown great mercy… and now it was her that was willing to see him dealt with.
She sighed and moved next to Harry. “H-He’s right.”
“You sweet… children – I don’t deserve – thank you!” Peter bent his head down so that his forehead rested on Heather’s heals.
“Get off her!” Harry kicked him back. “We’re not doing this for you.” He turned to look Professor Lupin and Sirius in the eyes. “I don’t think Dad would have wanted his two best friends to become killers over someone so pathetic.”
Heather nodded. “And Peter can clear your name… Sirius.”
Sirius looked into her eyes and nodded, grasping the delicate extension of friendship and trust Heather had just thrown him. “In the end… it’s you two who have the right to decide what happens to him.” He lowered his wand hand.
They nodded.
“Very well… Stand aside and I’ll tie him up.” Professor Lupin motioned for them to part and as soon as they did, thin cords shot from his wand and wrapped around Peter.
Peter was groaning and wiggling under his binds but seemed well enough secure that Heather could catch her breath from the whole experience.
Peter stopped wiggling when Sirius pointed his wand at him again. “If you transform, Peter. We WILL kill you. Do you agree Harry? Heather?”
Harry nodded. Heather breathed out and turned away from Peter. “Yes.”
“Right, then.” Professor Lupin walked over to Ron and assessed his leg. “Why don’t we strap your leg up and take you back to the castle where Madam Pomphrey can mend your leg.”
Ron nodded and winced when Professor Lupin tapped his leg and said ‘Ferula.’ Bandages sprung out of his wand end and wrapped around Ron’s bloody leg. He stood with the help of Hermione and tapped his foot lightly on the floor. “Doesn’t hurt much anymore. Thanks.”
Heather looked over at Snape still knocked unconscious and poked his shoulder with her wand. “Er – what about Snape?”
Professor Lupin walked over and examined him. “There’s nothing very wrong with him. Still knocked out from those two spells – a little overenthusiastic with it weren’t you?”
Heather’s cheeks heated. “I didn’t like what he said… But I regret it.”
“I don’t,” Ron cut in with a laugh. “First Hermione now you. I hope you two DO keep up the good work coming next year.”
“Next year?” Hermione huffed. “We’ll be expelled after this!”
Professor Lupin chuckled. “I’m sure the Minister of Magic won’t allow the expulsion of Harry Potter, his twin, and the children responsible for capturing Sirius Black, clearing his name, and also capturing the man really responsible for those crimes…” He gave a smile and a shrug. “It’s not good press.”
“But we attacked a teacher,” Hermione whispered stubbornly.
“Right well. Perhaps we hold off on waking him up until we’re safely back in the castle.” Professor Lupin looked at Sirius and jerked his head back at Snape’s unconscious body.
Sirius nodded and pointed his wand. “Mobilicorpus.”
In an instant, Snape was lifted up into the air by his shoulders into a limp sort of standing position. His head rolled around as Sirius motioned him off the bed, and he looked more like a ragdoll then than seconds before when he was first lifted.
“Two of us should be chained to this, on top of the ropes… Just in case.” Sirius prodded Peter with his foot.
Ron stepped up, looking down at Peter with disgust. It looked like he was taking Scabbers’ true identity as a personal insult. “I’ll do it.”
Professor Lupin fixed the ropes and attached chains connecting Peter’s left arm to his own right and Peter’s right arm to Ron’s left. “Then it’s settled. Let’s make our way out… And leave all this in the past… as it should have been.” He looked around at the old and dust shrieking shack and gave them a grimace of disgust.
Crookshanks led the way out of the shrieking shack, tail held high at a job well done, and they all followed. Professor Lupin, Peter, Ron, and Hermione went through the trap door first, then Snape’s limp body, Sirius, Heather, and Harry.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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Rewatching Naruto Shippuden for the hundredth time
I still can not wrap my head around the fact that Sakura was in love with Sasuke and somehow ended up with him. This was in my opinion probably the worst way to end both of these characters arcs.
P.s. please don’t annihilate me sasusaku fans.
sakura - she started off annoying but really came into herself in NS. She identified the problems within herself and took corrective actions which was truly appreciated. What I couldn’t truly understand was why she was obsessed with sasuke for y e a r s. I get the initial childhood crush on the cute boy. I get the attraction to the guy who treats you like shit. We’ve all been there at some point in our lives. What i dont get is how she didnt fall for someone else all this time - shes a teen for godsake!! She has no childhood trauma, no explicit insecurities other than her forehead, shes not lonely, so what drove her to this obsession with a guy who had literally turned evil?? I literally have so many questions for the writer. Why did she raise Sarada alone? Why did she not tell sasuke to get his shit together and be a goddam dad? You would think given how lonely his childhood was he would want to be there for his kid. Why did she give up her career???? She worked so goddam hard for it. She could have been one of the top medics. Why did she settle for a man who literally has no interest in her? Why does she look so utterly depressed in the manga? Oh wait i know because she hates her life. Ughhhhhhh. Just like in my mind game of thrones never had a last season, these two never got together.
Sasuke - he should have died in the end smiling at naruto and telling him he was his best friend. Im not saying this because i dislike sasuke, i just dont like the idea of him wandering around aimlessly for his entire life doing missions. Thats not a life. Yes im glad youre atoning but what about all the sacrifices your brother made so you could live? Did naruto really save you so you could be a loner again? I would have rather wanted his arc to end in acceptance that he was wrong and to realize that in the end his hatred got him nowhere.
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yumiyumeuniverse · 4 years
how about genshin impact for the fandom ask meme? (sorry i'm just obsessed with this game right now!)
Thank you so much for the ask @fennekiin ! And don't worry lol, you don't need to apologise, you're good :) I still love Genshin Impact myself, it's just at the moment I have another obsession as well (Osomatsu-san will not give me peace but that's okay, I've accepted my fate...)
Er, anyway let's see what I think about Genshin Impact in relation to these questions:
1. The first character I fell in love with: 
Even before playing Genshin for myself, as soon as I saw Zhongli's design in fan art, I thought 'I need to to play this game because I want to know more about this man, my life depends on it'. So yeah, I absolutely love Zhongli, but I unfortunately have not had the opportunity to have him come home yet, so at this point I'm just waiting for him to join my party... Please come home Zhongli :(
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Barabra, if only because while I thought her design was cute she didn't seem all that interesting to me so I was just like meh when I saw her. And then I actually got her for my team, and now I love her lol, she's so sweet~
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
I don't know if this counts, but I don't really like Xingqiu or Bennett all that much? I feel bad for saying this, especially since they both seem like such sweet boys, but I don't like using them in battle all too much, so that's probably why I don't like them as much as I do other characters...
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: 
I actually really like Paimon lol Her character design is cute, and while she can be annoying to me sometimes, she reminds of a little sister, so I'm okay with having her around~ Now if only she would pay me back for all of the food I've bought for her...
Oh! Also Amber, but only because she reminds me so much of Aqua from Konosuba lol
5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: 
I can't say that I don't love her because I still do to a degree, but Qiqi is probably along the lines of a lower ranked character for me now? Don't get me wrong, I love her cute character design and the slightly spooky aesthetic around her, but now that I have Hu Tao (who I absolutely adore and who I think pulls this kind of aesthetic off better), I'm just kind of meh about Qiqi.
6. The character I would totally smooch: 
I'm Ace, so I would probably give them a kiss on the cheek, but if I had to smooch anyone, it would probably be either Zhongli or Razor. These boys seem like they could use some (platonic) hugs and kisses lol
And having Zhongli as a platonic life partner doesn't seem like such a bad thing...
7. The character I’d want to be like: 
I definitely wish I could be more like Jean lol
That girl seems so responsible and like she has her life together, I just can't help but look up to her... It probably also helps that she gives me HUGE big sister vibes~
8. The character I’d slap: 
Paimon. Paimon, I love you, I really do, but I want my money back p l e a s e
9. A pairing that I love: 
I am very, v e r y fond of Lumine x Zhongli (which totally doesn't have to do with me seeing Lumine as a self-insert, not at all lol), as well as Razor x Hu Tao and Venti x Barabra
Oh! Diluc x Jean, Lisa x Jean, and Chongyun x Xingqiu are good too!
10. A pairing that I despise: 
I'm a huge multishipper lol, so I don't really have a pairing I outright dislike to the point of hatred (as in if you like a pairing, I'm chill with it even if I don't like it personally)
That said, the closest thing to a pairing I dislike would probably either have to be Xingqiu x Xiangling or Chongyun x Venti, but that's only because I really like Venti x Barabra, Xingqiu x Chongyun, and Xiangling x Aether
So, whether you like or dislike these pairings is okay with me :)
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tuiyla · 4 years
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Let's talk about Jet.
More specifically, let's talk about how he's 3 out of 5 for "literary foil to the main cast". Hell, you could make the case for him as a foil to Aang, too, though for now, let’s focus on Sokka, Zuko, and Katara.
In literature, a foil is a character that shows qualities that are in contrast with the qualities of another character. The objective is to highlight the traits of the other character. The term foil, though generally being applied to a contrasting character, may also be used for any comparison that is drawn to portray a difference between two things.
So with that in mind: Jet.
You're jealous that he's a better warrior and a better leader!
Jet is set up as a foil for Sokka in his debut and eponymous episode. Sokka wants to be a leader to Katara and Aang but isn't taken seriously. His instincts drive them right to Fire Nation soldiers, he barely takes any down, he seemingly lacks the charisma and leaderships skills that Jet exhibits. Like Sokka fancied himself the lead warrior among children in the South Pole, Jet leads a group orphans. Jet, therefore, is introduced as a more suave and successful version of Sokka.
Jet tries to appeal to Sokka both emotionally and rationally, first bringing up Kya and then saying that only someone like Sokka could understand his plan. He sees how similar they are, or could be, and tries to get Sokka on his side. But because of his intuition and moral standing, Sokka cannot be swayed. Those are ultimately the two qualities that set them aside: intuition and morality. Sokka might not be as charming as Jet as far as Aang and Katara are concerned, but his instincts do make him a reliable leader. As for morality, Sokka might not like the Fire Nation but he’s more rational than Jet and hasn’t been radicalized.
Sokka chooses to save the innocent because of his morality and can do so because his intuition is something Jet didn’t take into account, even though he witnessed it earlier on. At first, Jet is a foil in a way that he highlights what Sokka lacks as a leader and a warrior, but he ultimately ends up proving that Sokka is on the right track. He has the good heart and the smarts it takes to win the war. “Jet” is very much a Sokka episode in this way, and so Jet’s initial purpose as a character is to be his foil.
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You’re an outcast, like me. And us outcasts have to stick together. We have to watch each other’s backs. Because no one else will.
When the series brings Jet back, it’s not to rehash the same thing yet again with Sokka. Instead, Jet and the Freedom Fighters meet Zuko and Iroh on their journey to Ba Sing Se and so he becomes a foil to another main character. Jet himself points out their similarities with Zuko and his wish for a second chance directly parallels Zuko’s opportunity for a new life. The Blue Spirit persona would make for a great addition to the Freedom Fighters but Zuko declines, not feeling like the hero.
But this is where Jet’s journey truly becomes an interesting foil to Zuko’s. When Jet sees a dubious clue that the two might be firebenders, his hatred is reignited and he can’t let go. He tells himself it’s different than when he met the Gaang, the he’s still gonna take the second chance he has, but he wastes that opportunity with his obsession. Jet’s fate is sealed the moment he barges into that tea shop, long before he’s reunited with his friends and the Gaang. Though Zuko himself might not know it at that point (not until “The Ember Island Players”), Jet is a warning sign: this is where clinging to hatred and the past leads.
Jet tried to change but couldn’t help falling into old habits. In the very episode he dies, Zuko has a choice to let Appa and his previous obsession go. Of course, Zuko does eventually go down a similarly destructive path, but he’s lucky enough to be able to come back from that; Jet isn’t. The way Jet adds depth to Zuko’s story is different than with Sokka and shows what different things you can do with minor characters.
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Katara, you sound like Jet. It’s not the same! Jet attacked the innocent. This man, he’s a monster.
But wait, there’s more. Although the episode “Jet” established the character as Sokka’s foil, it also set in motion multiple recurring themes for Katara. Jet is the first person to truly betray Katara’s trust after she trusted him, something that hurt her so deep she holds on to that grudge until the very end. After Jet dies, she’s willing to give second chances, only for that to come back and bite her with Zuko. As well as breaking her trust, Jet introduces Katara to moral ambiguity and revenge, just like another foil, Hama later on, and these ideas all come together in “The Southern Raiders”.
There’s an interesting insistence on Katara’s part about the guilty and the innocent, which she believes sets her apart from the likes of Jet and Hama. They took their rage and unleashed it on the innocent, whereas Katara is concerned with the “monsters”, or as she called Jet, the “sick”. The callback to Jet and the bloodbending featured in the episode makes it clear to us that this is a fine line that Jet and Hama must have previously crossed at one point. Katara could either learn from the past, from the darker fates of foils, or fall prey to anger and hatred. Though Hama is Katara’s true foil in this sense (and Azula in every other), her journey down this path began with Jet.
Jet as a foil to Katara is not as straightforward as with Sokka or even Zuko. And yet, it plays a part in her journey. “Jet” set in motion Katara’s journey into her own moral ambiguity, despite how firmly she stood against Jet. In the end, she triumphed where he couldn’t. She didn’t let grief destroy her morality and she even forgave Zuko when she couldn’t forgive Jet - making this another parallel between Jet and Zuko as well.
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“Jet” as an episode sets up Jet the character as a foil for Sokka and that’s where the two’s dynamic stays. When the series brings Jet back, they expand upon his character and make him a foil to Zuko instead, mirroring the choice he’s faced with. This already made Jet much more interesting than a one-off foil, but then his story is contrasted with yet another main character’s posthumously. The way in which his actions and his betrayal haunt Katara really showcases how Avatar can take a seemingly simple minor character and make him part of so many intertwining stories.
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Oh my, I need yandere alphabet for Ren😏
I gotchu 😏 @kumanekoworld I saw your request too so here it is.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
His way of showing affection, at first, doesnt change. He would still shower his darling in gifts and compliments, making time and taking them places; it almost seems normal. But at some point, it's like a flip switches, and he becomes more clingy. Always has to be around you, going out becomes less and less and when you do leave the house, he always has an arm clinging to you. 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He doesnt even realize how messy it gets until it's done. These overwhelming feelings of expressiveness and obsessives get the better of him and seeing another person threaten you or worse, try to take you from him, makes all rationality leave his brain. At first, he'd try to hide it from his darling, but he becomes sloppy and its not long before they realize it's blood on his shirt, and not paint. 
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He would act like nothing happened. As long as he behaves normally, things will go smoothly, right? Pretending that they've always been together and that life was a jolly holiday. At some point, especially if his darling is testing his patience, he might lash out at them and mock their cries and attempts to plead with him. 
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Oh yes. Love is an intimate thing, even when it's this obsessive. He not only forces them to stay with him, he also forces them to touch him, both sexually and not, because that's what 'real' lovers do. 
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
The main reason he would even cross over this line is because he needs love. All his life hes been neglected and played; finding his darling was the best thing that has happened and he sure as hell is going to give his all. He becomes open, and vulnerable, always honest with what he wants from his darling and where they stand with him. 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He'd become annoyed and not understand. He gives you everything and more and you're FIGHTING him? It's almost like he turns into beast mode and he will fight back. It gets ugly with yelling and he will put force into it if you start to get physical. He feels so betrayed and hurt that he not only locks you away, but he leaves himself to cool off. After all, theres no way you actually hate him. It must've been something smaller than that. He'll figure it out. 
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Kind of. At first, he thinks its cute how strong willed and determined his darling is to escape him, but he does become annoyed. Why wont you love him? Why don't you appreciate him? He will hunt you down each time, he has connections to make someone else get you for him. There's no escaping him. He is Mr. Worldwide. 
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The worst thing he's ever done to his darling was lock them up for a week straight in his designated dark room, only giving them water and not letting them sleep. The malnutrition and lack of sleep quickly got them, and though they lost a few pounds during that week, Ren was pleased with his efforts. A weak darling is a darling that cant leave him. They relied on him for everything for a while after that and that's what it's all about; him being the the provider, the protector, the one you need to rely on. 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He really wants to keep it as normal as possible. He wants to get married and go on adventures with you. No kids though, he cant have you sharing your attention and taking most of it away from him. 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
At first, he's his natural self. Understanding, carefree, but something irks him inside and he quickly becomes annoyed. He doesnt lash out, at least not in front of his darling; he'll find the man/woman in private to have a 'chat" and publicly ruins them. 
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Again, he tries to keep it normal. Light kisses and soft touches. Loving words and tight hugs. A typical relationship on the outside. A fairy tale for anyone else. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He's very blunt. He likes it, he gets it. He charms them with words and sweet promises; soft affections and making himself seem like the best possible joice. Prince charming, in a way. 
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Oh yes. To everyone else, including his friends, hes this light hearted, goofy guy. Perfectly easy on the eyes and the heart. But behind closed doors, something that only his darling gets to see, hes a beast. Wild and stalking his prey; fiercely protective over whats his. 
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He's not a stranger to actually physically harming his darling and they have had cuts and bruises on them. But he doesnt like to ruin their perfect skin so he usually locks them up, sometimes for days on end, and goes back to weakening his darling physically. 
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He's actually not known to take many rights away. His darling is free to do what they want as long as he knows what they're doing and where they are. It only becomes a problem when they go somewhere outside of, lets say, the city; he needs to be there in that case. Always by their side..he cant have you running of now can he? 
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
As much as he wants to think he's patient, hes really not. He gets temperamental and annoyed really easily and doesnt like it when his darling fights back. 
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If it was an escape scenario, he'd do everything in his power to get them back, and he WILL be successful. However, if they die, I dont think he'd move on from that. Giving his all into someone and 'molding' the perfect darling took a toll on him and he would genuinely be soul crushed. 
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No. He absolutely has no guilty feeling whatsoever mainly because he doesnt see a problem with his actions. This is all for love.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Childhood trauma and the feeling of loneliness. Not having a mother, his father's hatred, and the constant quarrels with both his brothers and childhood friends like Masato and Ranmaru, formed a whole in his heart that he was never able to fill, no matter how many women he toyed with. His darling is the first person to make him feel full again and theres no way he'll let you go now. 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He hates it. He tries to keep the peace and make them as happy as possible with gifts and himself. Why are you crying? What brought these feelings of sadness? Why are you yelling at him? He becomes mad but also concerned; obviously someone mustve hurt you. It just never occurs to him that he's that someone. 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He probably gives his darling more freedom than some other yanderes. Again, he wants things to seem as normal as possible to anyone else. 
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
He does tend to get vulnerable with his darling and let's his guard down, especially on the anniversary of his mother's death. You could easily slip something in his drink or food and have a chance to escape; however, you have to remember that he has ears and eyes everywhere due to his connections so your escape might be short lived. 
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
As much as he hates to admit it, he HAS beaten his darling. He always feels bad afterwards and tends to their bruises and cuts, but its really your fault for trying to leave. 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Body worship is a big thing of his. They are perfect to him, gorgeous, stunning, beautiful. I wouldn't say he has a whole shrine or anything, but his phone is full of pictures and he has paintings of them, both NSFW and not, on his walls. Before they ended up with him, he even went as far as to install cameras in their house and on them. 
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Honestly, not very long. He keeps up with it only for a short time before his true colors start to show. Of course, only his darling would know that, which is mainly why no one else would be able to help them out of this situation. 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Oh yes. He manipulates them both mentally and physically to rely and depend only on him. He's good at it too and it takes less time for him to win his darling over than some other guys. 
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lunanight2012 · 5 years
A Whole New World Prelude Pt 1
Here is the first part of A Whole New World Series! Enjoy!
My first Harry Hook x reader fic!
{Y/N} = Your Name
{L/N} = Last Name
{E/C} = Eye color
{H/C} = Hair Color
{H/L} = Hair Length
{S/C} = Skin Color
So I'm falling, but you're probably wondering how I got here…. Well.
I was just walking down the street. You see I don't have many friends, and my family basically tossed me out of their lives when I started High School this year. But that's besides the point. It was a nice Saturday Morning and I was heading to the store to get some groceries and well I went from walking to falling.
{End Flashback}
Wait is that an ocean? Nononononono I can't swim!
"Help!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
I curled up into a ball as I hit the water. I tried screaming for help again but I was slowly seeing darkness. Last thing I saw was a person.
(3rd person pov)
Harry Hook, feared pirate of the Isle, was stunned to watch a girl fall out of the sky, screaming, and into the water. But when he didn't see her come up, he tossed off his hat, hook, and coat and dove in after her.
A pirate had to know how to swim.
He caught the girl before she could meet Davy Jones, or even meet one of Tick Tock's kids. Wrapping his arm around her waist he pulled her up to the surface and swam to the shore.
He laid her on the beach, listening to her chest before he began a bit of cpr.
(1st person pov)
I woke up, coughing up water and sitting up straight, before bending over to get rid of the excess water in my lungs. 
"Well Lass, glad ta see ya alive." A Scottish male voice stated.
I blinked and opened my eyes, looking up to see who I can assume is my savior. Oh my is he hot!
"......" I couldn't even talk, stunned by how freaking pretty this dude was, ocean blue eyes, staring at me expectingly.
"Well Lass, it be time for ya to come with me." He stated, helping me up and dragging me towards a pirate ship. Was this real? 
He brought me on board and I watched as the crew circled me. I noticed the guy change, putting on a pirate hat and jacket, and grabbing a hook. Is he a younger version of Captain Hook?
"So Harry. You tellin me she just fell out of the sky?" A female voice stated, causing me to turn around.
A girl decked out in pirate gear and barnacles… is she related to Davy Jones? And his name is Harry?
"Aye! She just fell from the sky." Harry explained.
I raised my hand just enough to have the girl and Harry look at me questioningly.
"Hi. Um, a few things. Firstly my name is {y/n, l/n}. Secondly, where am I? And lastly, who are you guys?" I asked.
The two looked at each other and laughed.
"You really don't know? Well to answer yer questions. This is the Isle. And I'm Uma, Daughter of Ursula, this is Harry Hook son of Captain Hook, and the one to yer right is Gil, son of Gaston." Uma explained.
I covered my mouth as I laughed. "Someone slept with Ursula?? And Hook???? And Gaston???" I fell to the floor laughing my ass off.
Harry stomped over to me, grabbing my {h/l} {h/c}.
"Shut yer trap! Ye have no idea what our parents are like!" As Harry screams at you, you notice the scars on his right wrist and his neck. 
"I'm sorry. I didn't have the best life growing up either." I explained as Harry released my hair.
"Yea well yer stuck with us now." Harry stated walking back to Uma.
"Looks like yer apart of my crew now. So get to scrubbin!" Uma exclaimed, a mop and bucket being thrown at me. 
I frowned as the crew walked away, going back to their things. I frowned but began to mop. This was going to be a long day.
~20 minutes later~ 
I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I finished mopping. A hat was slapped on my head.
"Yer comin with me, {y/n}." Harry stated, looking a bit pissed, probably still at me.
"Where are we going?" I asked, fixing the small pirate's hat that was put on my head.
"Ta rob some places. Duh!" Harry exclaimed, grabbing my wrist and dragging me off the ship and through a tube.
"B-but why?" I questioned, trying to free my wrist.
"We're pirates, and this is the Isle, where all the Villains are locked up! Nice people don't survive. Oh…" we were stopped by a purple-haired girl. She wore a purple and green outfit. Huh, whose kid is she?
"Hook… oh who's the new girl? I don't recognize her…" the girl spat, her eyes...glowing?
"Well she's the newest member of Uma's gang. Not that it matters to you. What are ye doin on Uma's turf?" Harry asked, holding up his hook at the girl.
She didn't even flinch. "Well, you're cutting off the girl's blood flow ya dumb pirate." 
Harry loosened his grip on my wrist. I took a step behind Harry, not trusting this girl. Harry seemed to take a protective stance.
"It's a little rude. My mother is going to hear about this. You’re hiding her, I know it, my mother won’t like this!" The girl exclaimed, sticking her gum on Harry's hook and walking away.
Harry cursed under his breath as he took the gum off his hook. I slowly came out from behind him.
"Who was she?" I asked looking up at Harry.
"That bitch was Maleficent's daughter." Harry spat, clearly pissed at her.
I shivered, Maleficent was one of my worst feared villain movies. "I've always been scared of Maleficent as a child." I muttered.
Harry lifted an eyebrow. "That's another thing I need to ask ye, how do ye know our parents?" Harry asked me as he threw the gum onto the side of a building.
I frowned and looked at the cloudy sky. "Well growing up your parents were in stories for me. The good guys always defeating the villains. Personally, I enjoyed the Neverland stories. But I was a bit confused by Hook. He was obsessed with a child and had hatred for peter pan. Though Peter Pan was definitely not my favorite, I actually liked Smee." I rambled on.
Harry chuckled. "Smee is great. His two little runts look up to me, They call me Uncle Harry." 
I giggled at the thought. "Smee's kids call you Uncle? That's so sweet!" I smiled as we walked through the Isle. 
My smile vanished as I noticed the poor living conditions of the Isle. "Wow."
Harry lifted an eyebrow. "Aye the conditions on the Isle are horrible. But what do yeh expect? Auradon gets all the glitz and glam and we get all their scraps." Harry explained, a cold indifference to his voice. 
I shivered at that, Harry sounded so...used to it, no one should live like this, especially kids. I was surprised by this fact. Why were these people living like this? Why weren't they given real food? So many questions I wanted to ask but not yet.
"Here we are at our first stop." Harry announced. 
I looked up to see that we were apparently at Lady Tremaine's Curl Up and Dye shop. Huh guess Lady Tremaine ended up on the Isle too.
Harry grabbed my wrist and dragged me inside the shop. A girl was inside sweeping up hair, wearing headphones.
Harry frowned and tapped his hook on the counter catching the girl's attention. Oh my, she's quite young, I believe she's 4 years younger than us. Wow. We're only 9th graders…
My heart just broke. This was horrible. But I did question whose daughter she was. Was she Drizella's or Anastasia's daughter? Oh what's going on?
"Hand it over ya runt!" Harry exclaimed.
The girl sighed and walked behind the counter, opening the register and giving the money to Harry. 
"Thank ye, come on {y/n}." Harry stated grabbing my wrist, and leading me out of the salon.
Heading to our next stand I asked Harry a question. "Harry, who was that girl you stole from?" 
"That girl? Oh you mean the little bright-eyed runt? That was Dizzy, Drizzilla's daughter." Harry explained before he flashed a dangerous smirk at the stand tender who paled and shakily handed harry a basket of eggs
"Ok, that's good to know." I stated as we continued, now carrying the basket of eggs, after harry handed it to me. I watched Harry collect items and money from multiple stands.
"So what is all this for?" I inquired as harry counted a roll of papers and gold coins "payment, for Uma's protection" Harry said, nodding to the person manning the fruit stall, and continuing to another with vegetables.
I frowned at this. Why do they need Uma's protection? That was something I was going to learn very quickly.
"This is our turf Hook! Go back to Shrimpy!" Maleficent's daughter exclaimed. 
I hid behind Harry once more. Yes I was terrified of this purple-haired girl. That's when another female voice spoke up.
"Come on Mal. We need to get going! Jay and Carlos are waiting for us." The girl stated, causing Mal to grumble a bit before I heard her stomping off. 
A few seconds passed before I stepped out from behind Harry. "So can I ask why Mal hates you so much?" I asked tentatively.
"Mal is a bitch. She pulled a prank on Uma when we were young and gave her the nickname Shrimpy. Don't call 'er that though, she will not be happy." Harry explained as we turned and headed back towards the docks.
But this time instead of heading through the tube tunnel, we turned and headed towards Ursula's Chip Shop. Huh I guess it's a British fish and fry shop. Cool. 
Walking inside, the first thing I noticed was the smell of fish. To be expected I guess. Oh it looks like the crew is getting ready.
"We're back!" Harry called out, setting the stuff he held onto the bartop table. 
He motioned for me to do the same with the basket I was holding. I carefully sat the basket on the table, and the blonde one, I believe Uma said his name was Gil, He is definitely built like Gaston, reached for the egg basket as soon as it touched the table.
"Gil. Those are for the shop!" Uma exclaimed before he could take one.
Gil pouted a bit but stepped aside so Uma could examine the haul. She counted the number of eggs in the basket, seeming happy with the number she moved to the money. Counting the money she smirked.
"Good job everyone. But now it's time for school. So everyone get goin!" Uma shouted and the whole crew wrestled around getting their stuff together. 
Harry just yawned  and chatted with Uma. I on the other hand sat at a table and watched everything going on. I have a feeling I won't be returning home anytime soon. Not that anyone will miss me. I didn't own much. I didn't have any friends. And I didn't have any pets. So yea. I think I'm ok living here.
"{Y/N}!!! Get a movin! We're sneakin ya into school!" Harry exclaimed with a smirk.
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kittenshift-17 · 5 years
What are your favorite dramione fanfictions??
Ok, so I’ve been sitting on this Ask for over a month trying to think of favorites because I honestly haven’t read a dramione fanfic that wasn’t written by me or one of my besties in a really long time. But I’ve put together a list of those I have read, and those I liked enough to add to my “Favorites” list on FFN. I’ve included a bunch of my own stories, too, since I honestly do enjoy reading my own work and hope others will too. *shrugs*
Presque Toujours Pur by ShayaLonnie Bellatrix's torture of Hermione uncovers a long-kept secret. The young witch learns her true origins in a story that shows the beginning and end of the Wizarding wars as Hermione learns about her biological father and the blood magic he dabbled in that will control her future.
Howl For Me by Kittenshift17: The Ministry enacts a Marriage Law, magically pairing couples who'd never in a million years agree to even speak, let alone wed. Paired off with Malfoy, Hermione has to suffer the added indignity of the Ministry banning all contraception and forcing fertility treatment and aphrodisiacs on them all. Draco's secret makes it worse.
The Alkahest by Shadukiam The Marriage Law, once enacted, has the power to destroy Hermione's perfectly normal life. Luckily, she and Ron are already planning to obey the horrific law together as a team... Until a Malfoy-shaped wrench gets thrown into the works. Dramione. Cover by littleneko1923 (thank you!).
Lady of the Lake by Colubrina Hermione and Draco team up after the war to overthrow the Order and take over wizarding Britain. "I don't even especially mind belonging to you most of the time," he closes his eyes and just breathes for a bit, savoring not being in pain. Finally he adds, "Just… try to take better care of your toys." Dark Dramione. COMPLETE
Last Year by Canimal There's nowhere to hide when a victorious Voldemort sends his best tracker to find Hermione. Draco won't give up until he finds her again. A story of the unraveling of the lies we tell ourselves. (Dark!Hermione)
Give Unto Me by Kittenshift17: The Ministry is offering rewards for having children. They've got a list of unconventional pairings and their willing to give certain people the thing they want most. When Ron overreacts to the idea of Hermione being paired with Mafloy and does something stupid, Hermione's life is set on a new path. One that involves having a baby with Draco Malfoy.
Eros & Psyche by RZZMG Draco challenges Harry and friends to play EROS & PSYCHE, a scandalous card game with a dark, mysterious history. It's Slyth vs. Gryff, male vs. female, pride vs. desire in the ultimate game of hearts and amour! Pairings: Draco/Hermione, Blaise/Ginny, Ron/Pansy, Seamus/Lavender, Theo/Daphne, Harry/Tracey. AU 7th yr. Secrets, romance, angst, and sex await the turning of the first card...
Summer of the Dragon by Lena Phoria 3 years after the war Hermione takes a break from Ron and accepts a summer job collecting supplies for Ollivander's wands. What she doesn't expect is having to work with Draco Malfoy, who's more haunted by his past than she ever would have believed. Together they will travel the world, fight dragons, conquer demons and maybe find exactly what they're looking for. COMPLETE.
The Silver Dragon by Kittenshift17: "This can never happen again," he warned quietly, waving a hand between the two of them indicatively. Hermione nodded emphatically in agreement, not daring to say a word lest she be terribly rude. Or vomit. Either was an option. Hermione wondered why she had a terrible sinking feeling inside to think that it still might.
The Green Girl by Colubrina Hermione is sorted into Slytherin; how will things play out differently when the brains of the Golden Trio has different friends? AU. Darkish Dramione. COMPLETE.
Stripped Bare by Kittenshift17: *COMPLETE* Dragged to Malfoy Manor, Hermione is tortured for information on Harry's whereabouts. When the Cruciatus curse proves useless, Bellatrix settles on a heinous course of action to loosen her tongue. Forced to come together under threat of death, Draco and Hermione are about to learn there is more to their relationship than hatred.
Ninety-Five Percent by HufflepuffMommy A new Wizarding Marriage Law has come into effect and Hermione takes her chance with the Ministry and lets them decide who would be the best match for her. Who would ever believe that Draco Malfoy would be her best match with a 95% Compatibility? (Hermione/Draco). Rated M for language and mature themes later on. COMPLETE!
Sang et Lumière by Freya Ishtar  *8th Year* Late one night, Hermione hears a sound that chills her bones—a howling from the Forbidden Forest, yet all werewolves fled at the end of the War. When she finds Draco stumbling back into the castle the next morning, she becomes his confidante . . . and something more. 
Tip of My Tongue by Kittenshift17 When Draco's wife is caught cheating and pregnant to another man, Draco must fight for custody of his son, Scorpius. Hermione, determined to ensure her son, Aurelian, grows up knowing his brother without Draco finding out, somehow winds up tangled into the middle of Draco's impending divorce. Can she help it if she also keeps finding herself tangled in his embrace, and liking it?
His and Her Bruises by lezonne "I congratulate your ability to leave a mark on me, Granger. Although I must make a point of it that my bruises on you are far larger than yours on me. When competing, you should always aim to win, yes?" Fractured timeline from fourth year up; will eventually look into their lives after school. Violent references. Sequel "His and Her Scars" is now up!
The Wayward Familiar (complete) by Freya Ishtar Returning for 8th year, Hermione unexpectedly winds up with a 2nd familiar when the one she buys for Ron as a gift—a ferret she jokingly names Draco—refuses to go to him. When she realizes the creature isn't what it seems, she goes further than she ever thought she would to get the real Draco back.
Addicted to You by Kittenshift17: An act of kismet whilst herb gathering sees Hermione interacting with an unknown werewolf. When he bites her while she is in her animagus form, he sets into motion a twisted destiny that binds them together as mates. With Remus and Sirius there to help her through, Hermione's biggest worry is finding out the identity of the werewolf who marked her.
Star-Crossed by HeartOfAspen Three years post-DH (EWE/Dramione). A prophecy handed down the Malfoy line for generations revolves around Draco, throwing a wrench into the life he's trying to rebuild. Even more perplexing, it somehow also seems to involve one Hermione Granger? Angst and murder, fluff and stuff.
Amuse Me by sloanwolves DMHG head boy and girl share a dorm. Draco walks in on Hermione doing something naughty then blackmails her. And Draco has been secretly been pining after the head girl all year! - Rated M for explicit sex scenes, language and lots of casual drug use.
Little Do You Know by Kittenshift17: Post-war, eighth-year marriage law fic. In a world where pureblood pomp collides with muggleborn sass not everything is as it seems. As the pairings unfold in the most peculiar matches, the current and former students of Hogwarts have a learning curve ahead of them. Little do they know that those people they called enemies might turn out to be their perfect match.
A Dangerous Affair by krissh Hermione was terrified. The rage in Draco's eyes was unmistakable; He looked like he was ready to kill someone. When she did not answer, he slammed her arms above her head, pinning her to the wall. "How dare you mock me like that," he snarled in her face. "You filthy mudblood."
Curls and Bruises by s l y t h e r i n d o l l  "When I'm done with you, I won't need your permission. You'll simply be begging for it."
Better Dig Two by Kittenshift17: Hermione never expected she'd fall pregnant with a lovechild fathered by a mystery man to get back at Ron for cheating. Her drunken revenge leads to the birth of her son. 5 years later she is confronted by Draco Malfoy with a photo she thinks is of her son. Things get complicated when he tells her it's not.
The Risk-Reward Ratio by MissiAmphetamine Set during TDH; a maimed, disillusioned Draco surrenders himself to the Order after he earns Voldemort's displeasure. Hermione's pity for him blooms into something more and he stops seeing her as just a mudblood, as they both discover there's far more to each other than they ever thought possible.
A Regular Life by acro acro Draco's mouth popped open. He'd seen hair like that before in his other life, all curling golden-brown madness, rippling and crackling with an intensity that matched the gold fire in its owner's eyes. Her eyes. Her…Mione. Draco stumbled forward on disbelieving feet. "Granger?"
Lost Images by EvilGu  MARRIAGE LAW Hermione must marry Draco Malfoy- the only wizard that (begrudgingly) petitioned for her who is not actively trying to kill her. If only there was some loop-hole... Can the unlikely pair survive marriage, in-laws, ghosts, murderous enemies, and their own traitorous feelings?
Unrequited Snowfall by Kittenshift17: Draco Malfoy has a secret. An Infatuation. An Obsession. '"I have to admit Granger, I was less than pleased with some of the things you drew in this book of yours" he said, pulling his hand away before he could do something crazy like sliding it into her hair and tugging her close so he could snog those pouting lips of hers.' Sequel: UNREQUITED SNOWSTORM.
Unrequited Snowstorm by Kittenshift17: SEQUEL TO UNREQUITED SNOWFALL. The trial of Draco Malfoy was the most controversial of the year. Most felt that he ought to be thrown into Azkaban for his crimes, the other half passionately believed it was wrong to lock up an eighteen year old boy for choices he'd been forced to make under duress. Hermione Granger never expected the trial to take a turn like this. DMHG.
Isolation by Bex-chan He can't leave the room. Her room. And it's all the Order's fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood for company, something's going to give. Maybe his sanity. Maybe not. "There," she spat. "Now your Blood's filthy too!" DM/HG. PostHBP.
Draconian Heart by camnz Hermione had known the bitter end was coming, but it still took her by surprise as their cottage was crumbling from the force of the Deatheaters' assault. There really wasn't any hope left, but she would fight none the less. The dark side had won and there was no place left in the world for the remnants of her side, so this is how it ends. Very DARK - contains non consentual.
Wrapped In Red by Kittenshift17: *COMPLETE* During a school wide Secret Santa, Hermione has the bad luck of picking Draco Malfoy, suspected Death Eater. When she tries to sneakily learn his secrets in order to get his gift, and Malfoy winds up trapped under some mistletoe, things get out of hand. Who said snogging a Death Eater wouldn't land her in a strangely addictive mess? A Christmassy Dramione tale.
The Switch by BackInBlack99 When Hermione and Draco wake up in each other's bodies, chaos ensues. Will they set out to make or break the other's reputation? And can they find something more along the way? Pride, pranks, and forbidden temptation...
The Boy in the Hammock by galfoy Hermione tugged at the string holding the hood onto the boy's head, gingerly pulling the fabric back to reveal his face. Lying before her, barely recognizable beyond the swelling and the blood, but still very much himself, was Draco Malfoy.
Seeds of Seduction by AnjaliMalfoy There is only one rule in the game of seduction...Never fall in love. Draco Malfoy is a prized Death Eater. Hermione Granger, a member of the Order of the Pheonix is sent to seduce him for information.
Fallen by cyropi What can you do when hatred is tearing your world apart? Can you survive when love is all you have left? And how can you win when you’re fighting your own reflection? DMHG, HPGW.
Mistletoe Masquerade by Kittenshift17: *COMPLETE* Hermione Granger receives a strange and beautiful gift anonymously, and is swept off her feet at the Ministry's staff Masquerade Christmas Ball. Caught beneath the mistletoe, Hermione finds herself snogging an incredibly intoxicating young man, only to be shocked when she learns with whom she had been locking lips.
Aurelian by BittyBlueEyes Two years after the war, a young stranger pays a visit to the burrow. His arrival alone is baffling, but the news he brings of an upcoming war turns the world upside down. Hermione's quiet, post-war life will never be the same.
Someone Saved My Life Tonight by JadedDragon4 COMPLETE! They didn't choose to be partnered together or for tragedy to strike. But now, lost, hurt, and together, they must choose to save each other . . . or die alone.
Bathwater by xXBeckyFoo It's their 7th year,the Dark Lord's dead and the Death Eaters are all rounded up. Nothing could go wrong, right? There's a sense of peace in the air, but how long can it possibly last when the Ministry's throwing people together for all eternity? Curse the new Marriage Law.
An Aversion to Change by Mel88 Sent back to Hogwarts with the suspicious title of Head Boy, Draco is forced to share a dormitory with none other than Hermione Granger. With a war looming on the horizon and another danger even closer to home, their final year is anything but ordinary.
A Marriage Most Convenient by AnneM.Oliver Hermione lost it all when she divorced. Draco would lose it all by age 30 if he didn't marry. Marriage to each other would be perfect, one would even say it was most convenient. Her daughter even looked like him, although, he wondered why that was.
What A Difference A Night Makes by Kyra4 DHr prefects, top students in their year and Houses. Makes sense that they'd be chosen by the faculty for an honors project that requires them to be locked in the astronomy tower all night. Will they fall for each other or rip each other apart? COMPLETE!
Soooo.... Yeah.... Lemme just fling these 42 recommendations at you. *laughs*
All I ask in return is that if you read the works by these talented authors, please, please, please, make sure to leave them some kind and encourgaing reviews in return.
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
You think someone who reminded Blak/e of her abuser is a good match for her, major yikes. She doubted her actions in the tourny because it reminded her of him. Not a good sign for a lasting relationship. she looked past it then after a bit of convincing, but whose to say it won’t happen again? yan/g raised her voice & weis/s’s reaction to me is a cause for concern. She also raises her voice at her rub/y. if Bla/ke does something she doesn’t like or if racists says something will she get violent?
“if Bla/ke does something she doesn't like or if racists say something will she get violent?” You say this like Blake didn't already leave after V3, something Yang very much didn’t like, and Yang didn't accept her back with no anger or yelling and proceed to not only reassure Blake that they were going to be fine but even gently discourage Blake from doing things for her to “make it up to her” because Yang doesn't want Blake to make herself submissive to placate her the way Adam did.
Again in the barn Blake says something Yang doesn't like, and Yang doesn’t get aggressive or violent, she just leaves. And that's under the influence of the Apathy on top of everything else.
You cite what happens in the tournament in V3 while apparently forgetting that 1) Yang was framed, she didn't actually do what the others thought she did and 2) Blake literally chose to trust Yang because she knows she isn't like Adam. It's in the scene so consider maybe rewatching the show please instead of leaving this garbage in my inbox.
Yang raising her voice at Raven doesn't mean anything when she's never behaved even remotely like that with Blake, so it's utterly irrelevant to B/umbleby. Hell, Yang yells at Ozpin in V6 and Blake doesn’t flinch or look even slightly perturbed, she just looks worried for Yang.
Anyway you still don't have any understanding of what foils are or the fact that literally the entire point of everything the show is telling you here is that Yang is the polar opposite of Adam. So kindly don't butcher Yang's character by making her out to be something she never has been and never will be just because you have an obsessive, irrational hatred of B/umbleby.
And finally how would Sun be any better for Blake by your logic when he flat out does remind her of her abuser in a way that genuinely terrifies her, constantly brings out adverse reactions from her in V4 in a way that Yang never has, and there's never even a scene where she reinforces that she does trust him despite that like there is with Blake and Yang.
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kyloxox · 7 years
Spiderkid (Peter Parker x plus size reader)
Summary: Ever since Peter has become an avenger you’ve always had a hatred for him. After a conversation with Bucky you learn that maybe the reason why you hate him isn’t the REAL reason why.
Warnings: I don’t think any.
AN: Im sorry I died guys. And also I was going to publish a Draco Malfoy x plus size reader but I’m still working on that so just look out for it👌 this is total crap but I hope you enjoy!
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You were sitting with the rest of the avengers in the living room, awaiting your Dad’s big surprise. While waiting you couldn’t help but wonder if it had to do with that stupid spider kid.
Ever since your dad didn’t let you fight in the war against Steve, and brought in the spiderkid as your replacement you couldn’t help but feel a hatred towards him. Especially now since he’s all your father’s attention has been on him.
You used to be everyone’s favorite, but that was used to now it seems like everyone has been obsessing over the stupid 12 year old.
“Alright ladies and gents I have an announcement!” Tony walked into the middle of the room with Peter on his side. You had to admit he was better looking than the pictures your father showed you of him “all of you know Peter, you know the spiderling. Well he is going to become over newest addition to the avengers!” Your face dropped while everyone else’s broke out into smiles.
Of fucking course he was going to be an avenger.
Peter just stood there nervously as everyone congratulated him. He made eye contact with you and realized he has never really introduced himself to you, so he walked over there. Soon Peter’s head began to fill with thoughts.
Holy crap! She’s looking at me! Ok Peter.....don’t screw this up. If you can impress her then maybe she’ll go on a date with you.
“H-h-hi I’m-m P-peter-r.” Wow nice way to impress her Peter. He took out his hand for you to shake. You just rolled your eyes at him.
“Stay away from me Spiderkid.”
“Hi y/n! You look really beautiful this evening....hey y/n you look really hot- ugh this is impossible.” Peter stood in front of his mirror “Alright Peter say something that will catch her attention....hey y/n you look really sexy in-ugh don’t say that Peter don’t say that!” Ever since your first meeting Peter has been determined to get you to like him more than you already do which isn’t a lot.
“Ok more time Peter....hey y/n your....hair-hair! That’s good....your hair looks really nice today.” Peter smoothed his hair one last time before leaving his room. “Alright Peter you got this.”
Peter walked down the hall and then to the kitchen. As he walked in he saw you dancing around the kitchen with music on full blast. He then turned his head to see one of your friends dancing along with you. Your friend noticed Peter staring at you and yelled over the music.
“Y/n it seems like you have an admirer!”
“Huh?!” You yelled back and your friend pointed behind. You snapped your head back to see Peter standing there. You rolled your eyes and turned down the music.
“What do you want Parker?” Before you could answer your friend came up from behind you.
“Damn you’re cute......” he looked between your disgusted face and Peter’s blushing face “omg! Y/n you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend!”
“Ew no! I’m not dating him!” You looked over at Peter who was blushing bright red. Your friends phone buzzed and he looked at it.
“Well I have to go bye y/n.” Your friend went up and kissed your cheek.
“Bye.” You whispered. You and Peter both watched your friend leave.
“So is that your boyfriend?” Peter asked.
“W-why do you h-hate me so much....”
“Well for starters you can’t finish a sentence without stuttering.” Peter just stood there redder than a tomato “and you stole all of my attention from my father! All he ever talks about is Spiderman this, Spiderman that. He missed everything important to me because he was making your stupid suit! He doesn’t even let me go on missions anymore cause “he has someone better than me so I’ll be safe” or something stupid like that! He left in the middle of our fucking vacation cause you fucked something up!”
“Y/n I’m sorry...it’s just I guess I see him as a father....I don’t have a real father since I was like five-“
“Save it Parker. Just because you don’t have a father doesn’t mean you can steal mine.” You said leaving the kitchen and running to your room.
“Hey y/n! You ready to train!” You heard Bucky knock on your door.
“No.” You muffled back. Bucky huffed knowing you were upset. He opened the door, surprised it was unlocked.
“Hey kid what’s wrong?”
“Peter. He’s literally so annoying. It’s like my dad doesn’t even care about me anymore....it’s like all his attention is on Peter. I’m his real daughter! And he’s always around being annoying!”
“Y/n..... I-I see the way you look at him and I don’t think you’re really mad at Peter cause he’s taking all of your dad’s attention.” You furrowed your eyebrow. “I’m just saying that I think you’re mad at him cause you like him and you think you could never have him.”
“I-I-I.....” Bucky’s statement took you back a little. Was he right? Could you like Peter? Ugh how could you like Peter he’s-he’s so cute and smart and nice. Ugh and you acted like a total bitch to him.....he’ll never like you back now. Especially with the way you look.
“I can see those wheels turning y/n.....”
“Holy crap. You’re right. I think I like Peter.”
“If you’re worried you’ll never have him I think it will be fine your Dad probably mind it.”
“No it’s not that-“
“Hey Buck,” Steve came in the door way “we all have that mission remember?”
“Oh yea! Alright y/n bye!”
“Bye.” You whispered, still distracted by your thoughts.
You thought you were home alone since everyone was on a mission. You thought you were home alone until Peter walks up to you.
“So you’re the kind of person who makes food when they’re sad?” He eyed you making pizza.
“You guessed it.” You sneered back with a fake smile. Peter scratched the back of his neck and laughed, obviously nervous. “And I’m not sad.” Peter just smiled standing next to you.
You felt bothered by his presence. You didn’t know why though. Maybe it was cause you were guilty for what you said to him. Maybe it was because you wanted to apologize and tell him you liked him.
“Listen Peter.....”You turned to him, surprised at how you two were almost being chest to chest. You let out a breathe “I’m-I’m sorry for being such a bitch to you and-and what I said to you was so terrible to say. It wasn’t right and-“
“It’s fine y/n....I get it. You were mad that I stole all your Dad’s attention-“ You both stood there awkwardly as you played with your hands.
“Actually-y I think I was mad at you for something else. Bucky made a pretty compelling argument actually.....” Peter furrowed his brows.
“I-I-I don’t think I was mad at you because of my father.....it’s because I knew I could never-r be with you....” you stood there and Peter’s face began to heat up. “And I just used that as an excuse for it.”
“W-w-hat-hat do you mean you could never be with me? I’m-I’m sure-e Mr. Stark wouldn’t mind-“
“No it’s not that.You’re like a wet dream of what kind of boy my dad wants me to date.” You laughed thinking about it “It’s that-it’s that you wouldn’t even want to be with me.” You huffed walking away from him, but he walked after you.
“What-what do you mean I wouldn’t want to be with-h you?”
“Exactly what I said! You don’t want to with someone like me....” Peter furrowed his eyebrows oblivious to what you meant. “I’m-I’m fat-t....” you whispered the last part.
“No you aren’t-“
“Yes, Peter, yes I am.”
“Do you know how many times people have asked “how the hell is she Tony Stark’s daughter look at her?” “She’ll never make it to be a good hero if she doesn’t change the way she loo-“ You were shut up by Peter’s lips on yours, but after a few seconds you pushed him back.
“No, no, no, no....you can’t just waltz up and kiss me and think everything will be fine!”
“Ugh really I thought that would work to shut you up about all the lies you’re saying.” You couldn’t help but get a smile creep on your face. You nudged him lightly on the shoulder.
“S-Shut up.” You muttered.
“Nope because you are beautiful!” Peter screamed a little too loud.
“I hate you.”
“I’m sure you do.” Peter said placing his face in front of yours once more, lips connecting.
“I like you y/n. And I don’t care what people say about you. I think you are beautiful. And you make a wonderful superhero.” You rolled your eyes and giggled.
“Ok Peter I get it. You think I’m pretty great....but I don’t blame you I am pretty cool.”
“Not as cool as iron man....but a close second.” You pushed Peter’s head playfully.
“Listen here spiderkid I’m the number one stark around here so shut your face!”
“I-I....why don’t you do it for me.” Peter smirked at his somewhat confidence. You then smashed your lips into his. Yep everything turned out perfect.
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arabvllas-blog · 6 years
          i don’t actually know how to write intros, i’d rather just kms but let’s give it a try anyway . . . also, disclaimer / i started writing this like three hours ago but right as i was getting to the good stuff my stomach did some freaky weird shit so i had to improvise the rest which is. . . messy, At Best ! but regardless, i hope you don’t judge me too much ? my name is zee, i’m 20 years old and i’m from the gmt timezone. i also use she/her pronouns. under the cut, i’ll be introducing you to ARABELLA HOWARD, who’s small, blonde, and troubled. sounds interesting ? then please give it a like and i’ll hop on your IMs so that we can plot something dramatic and juicy <3
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&. 【 is that OLIVIA HOLT ? oh, never mind, it’s just ARABELLA HOWARD. the CIS FEMALE originally from GRANDVIEW. SHE is majoring in FINANCE and is TWENTY years old. i also hear they’re INCISIVE, yet sometimes PITILESS. they apparently told detective’s they were ava’s TUTOR. i have a feeling there’s more to the story than that !
tw: abuse mention b a c k s t o r y : 
arabella elise howard was born to a fairytale — her mother had been a professor with her round glasses hidden by stacks of books, while her father lived life without a worry, flying from country to country and enjoying the best money could buy. it didn’t make sense for their paths to cross, and it didn’t make sense for matthew howard to fall head over heels for the shy yet headstrong theresa wayne, but they did ; he did. and soon enough, he was whispering loving words to a big belly that housed the very product of their love.
but perhaps because it all seemed too good to be true, their happiness was short-lived. on the eve of arabella’s 3rd birthday, matthew’s car skidded along the icy roads, ending the couple’s life. too young to even notice their absence, arabella was handed over to her mother’s sister — she was a toddler reaching aimlessly for the same head of blonde hair that she’d known since birth. except this one wasn’t as kind, and surely not as loving.
leila wayne had loved her little sister, and had taken care of her when their senile parents couldn’t. growing up, there wasn’t one without the other. theresa was leila’s pride, the one wayne that would succeed and remember her big sister on the way up. that was until matthew barged in, corrupting her sibling, feeding her lies and stealing her away across the country. there wasn’t a day that went by that leila was sure theresa would still be alive if not for that man. him and his lies, convincing theresa that leila was too controlling, too obsessed, that she wanted her little sister to stay in the gutter with her.
the more she looked at arabella, and those dark eyes she’d inherited from her father, the more hatred festered in leila’s heart. she was the only living family that could take care of the orphaned howard child; how ironic.
growing up, arabella was almost fooled into thinking her home life was normal. the screaming at every mistake, the poor dinner comprised of day-old takeouts, the wasted mattress on the corner of the room that she curled into, whimpering as the lights went off and leila locked the door for the night. but still, some part of her knew deep down, that she had once known more; known better. and it was those blurry dreams of loving hugs and white-teeth smiles that kept the child, then teenager, alive.  
after here i got sick so bear with me as i try to complete this fajsidas
she was often alone for most part of her teenage years, burying herself in whatever books she got at the school library. because she couldn’t relate to the rest of the peers her age, arabella focused all her attention towards studying and making sure she could one day get as far away from her aunt as possible. she got a competitive streak, often harboring anger and envy towards anyone that got a better grade than her, though it meant she was always pushing herself to do better — but not always better for her, but better than them.
teachers and counselors often considered arabella as a rare gem, supporting her all the way to college applications and assuring her there was no way she wouldn’t get a scholarship with her record. so it was really a slap to the face when everyone started getting acceptance letters but her. until she discovered them ripped apart and half burnt in the trash, courtesy of leila. when confronted, the older woman claimed she was just like her mother. so eager to get away, to act like she was a monster they had to run from. but she refused to let arabella leave, like theresa had. ( i’m sure there would be a way to reverse this but idk enough about american education so let’s just go w it for the sake of the story). it was a tipping point, the last drop of water that would send the vase tipping over. that night, arabella locked her aunt in the same room she had spent her childhood in, lights turned off, the only sound the faint rumble of cars passing by. no matter how much the woman yelled, slammed, begged, she turned her back and packed the little she had been given. two days later, as the cab driver hauled up her luggage in the trunk, arabella unlocked the door to a passed out and starving leila, and left without saying goodbye.
she ended up going to her last choice aka grandview, while living alone in her little shoebox apt that was all hers, with lots of light. and when the opportunity actually came to attend oakridge, arabella was the first to take it. while it wasn’t her dream college, it was still a prestigious one, and since ridding herself of the dead weight in her life, she’d started planning to rise as far as they would let her go. far enough that the whispers in the dark couldn’t get to her.
p e r s o n a l i t y and t i d b i t s : 
very self-centered, only ever concerned about her and what happens to her and will this affect her ? really the last person to go to if you want someone to listen… that one girl that zones out when someone starts monologuing and comes back only when her name is mentioned. has a hard time feeling sympathy, especially if you’re rich.
always overthinks her words and waits 5 seconds before speaking to make sure it’s exactly what she wants to say and if it’s something bitchy then that’s just the way it is. but she’s more reserved than outgoing, so if she does say smth mean you just really asked for it. or it’s finals time. 
driven and dedicated about her academics…. like obviously they all are but she’s a freak about it. i’m talking redbull intoxication feat. one of those pinterest pics of like a bunch of coffee cups just laying around like someone’s got time to spare. if she’s not studying, she’s reading…. likes classics but also occasionally reads NA in the middle of the night because no one will ever know.
is very scared of the dark. can’t sleep without a light on, or two on very hard days. once in highschool some kids decided to prank the teacher and turn off all lights and blinds in the classroom and she had a panic attack that led them all to detention. it was a very rough year, kids are cruel.
tutored ava for a while in english because it meant some cash on the side, but was about to quit before she died simply because ava was getting better grades and that was really a bitch ass of a situation. her first reaction when she heard of her death was that at least she didn’t have to have an awkward conversation with her about it. . . but then she was a shocked and a little sad, i promise. well, i don’t promise promise but. . .
majors in finance, hates it. she was definitely going for a english major but realistically decided it wasn’t worth putting herself in debt for it ( no offense for any english majors. ) doesn’t actually know what she wants to do with her life after she graduates. she only knows how to be a student, not an actual working woman. 
in summary, arabella elise howard is a broke, over-achieving, cold twenty year old who’s only 5′3 and thinks she can still be intimidating.
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kissared-blog · 7 years
Murderer ! || 16. My muse will torture yours to death.
BOREDOM – the state of when an individual’s mind lacks entertainment , becoming quite dissatisfied with the activity they are currently doing– or so how HE sees things . there was nothing INTERESTING to do , but respect the work of art he created . scooting his wooden chair closer to the wall , he admires his delightful , ARTISTIC masterpiece ( art was creative after all ) . The love-craved stalker was such a BEAUTY to see – especially when he was nailed into the wall like a perfectly painted portrait . his SKIN was stretched , tainted purple from the rusty ol’ metal spikes hammered into it . they PIERCED through the tissue , clotting up the blood and forcing the man to be pressed against the COLD, hard stone . Luckily for Myu , he didn’t have deal with seeing that TERRIBLE fashion sense any longer; the stalker was naked , but ( since his host isn’t that heartless ) he was dressed with the brightly , PINK panties of his last victim — NOW , isn’t that a nice touch ? ? PINK bows laced around the undergarment , stained with dried plasma – must be from … what was her name ? Loraine ? Emily ? Jessica ? Who knows ! ! It’s not like he cared to begin with. Rather , he praised himself for his own work . Yuuto hasn’t looked this good since … well … he’s NEVER looked good to begin with until now – he should be thankful for the amount of work that was put into this . NONETHELESS ,  this dullard was definitely NOT helping him out with his need . he is nothing like his older victims – no screaming , no begging – just that dark empty stare ( somehow … he liked it ) . FOR A MURDERER ,this one was very … different . he couldn’t exactly understand every DENSE scrape of Yuuto’s life choices . as much as he wished he could comprehend it – he simply could not . That obscure fixation upon love was just … stupid – in his opinion . To be attracted to such a LIE , he could almost weep for him – almost .
dark brown hues were stuck upon the man’s figure , trailing the curvy arch of his hips before they touched the rim of those LOVELY pink undies . Somehow , in a weird — yet nonsexual way , he believed they fit him . the way the colors contrasted with his skin – how the blood provided texture and a line to his profession – it was like a story ! ! the creepy stalker wearing prissy panties of the female he was OBSESSED with ( it was a flawless idea for a movie or some type of exotic novel ) . Oh ! ! how the article of ( proclaimed feminine ) cloth wrapped around his pelvis , squeezing against his crotch and SMUDGING it with the blotch of lady juices SOAKED into the material – the creep must have been LOVING that ! ! ! slender digits hauled up , gently touching his sides and tracing down his bones . he gave him a little pinch onto the side .
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               “ why aren’t you talking to me ? ? ” it upset him –ALL he’s done for his guy ! how DARE he give him the silent treatment  ( he hated the silent treatment ) . childishly , he huffed his cheek out .  “ I made you PRETTY to look at and you are upset with me – you should be upset with YOURSELF . “ for ALLOWING him to get this far , for TRUSTING him to not do anything – how could he not ? ? this way , Yuuto wouldn’t be able to leave him — he won’t go looking for some CHICK to FUCK UP . He can get FUCKED up right here , right now . 
                                                                   — It’s time to play , Satoko .
And oh how he LOVED to play games ! ! ! he moved his other hand down , grabbing a black stapler with a half - ripped target sticker on its rim and tapped its back against his chair . it added sound to the bothersome silence . his voice stayed low , keeping a serene ( but sad ) tune . “ I don’t know why you’re so upset with me … I’m only showing you my love – isn’t that what you want ? to be LOVED? ? you have this very weird obsession with love - it’s like you want to FUCK it . well … I’m showing you MINE and you are being V E R Y rude about it . “ did he NOT want his love ? did he NOT want him ? his slender fingers squeezed the silver part , it released tiny bent wires into the empty space — he’s testing to see if the stapler still works and hah ! it does . IF ONLY he would accept his love – LISTENED to him and was more entertaining … this wouldn’t have to happen . PITY – no one can understand the pain . “ I wonder … why you are so devoted to it . where you not loved as a child ? did your ex-girlfriend dump you ? “ he’s MOCKING him – treating him as if he was a love-struck CHILD . he isn’t going to do anything about it , HE CAN’T ! Guess he really NAILED it on this one — HAH ! ! frankly , he’s TOO invested in this boneless monster . Keeping him alive for THIS long was an unsuspecting twist of events ( he’s making sure he fixes that ) . 
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              “ w e l l …  I don’t believe love is a FEELING that people SUDDENLY get . I think , if you don’t mind me shitting about your moronic values , that it’s more or less …  a foolish dream . People lust over bullshit like that all the time – love is definitely in it. You’re too INFATUATED with the idea that someone could actually LOVE you . Does anyone even LIKE you ? how can someone love you – if NO ONE likes you to begin with . how can humanity LOVE when everyone expresses hatred more than kindness towards one another . if anything , people LOVE to be hated – people LOVE violence and G O R E —- you don’t fit into those categories . you are just a half witted creature that NO ONE gives a SHIT about . creepy and ugly …  “ he didn’t like him – those girls didn’t like him either. it was an unhappy case – one he HAD to SHITon and make it w o r s t . his fingers danced around the lace , picking at the string – pulling and SNAPPING it back . it hit his skin , causing a red mark to appear – he did it again . RED was such an alluring color . it supplies different shades to its beauty , matching ALMOST every piece of art he could produce ( it fit Yuuto nicely — but he needs MORE of it  ) . “ I got an idea , you might like it . .  . or you might hate it . SO ! !  here me out on this . girls like others who SMILE … you don’t really SMILE . If you smiled , maybe you would look attractive since you’re ugly . Let’s try and put a smile on your face ! ! you’ll PROBABLY be able to hit it off with the ladies then .  “ as IF he’s giving him a choice on this matter , the guy CAN’T even move his head ! !  yet , that only made things easier to do .
raising from his seat , he gave it a little shove to the side . a small tray full of SURGICAL supplies followed him . He placed the stapler down upon it , fidgeting with the utensils to make sure they were in their ‘ proper position ‘ . with his index and thumb . he picked each one up and examined it . Some were too DULL , too ABSTRACT —- VERY UNFITTING for what he wanted ! ! —— UNTIL FINALLY he found a symmetrical thin knife . The blade SHINED , reflecting off of the little light in the room . His hand gripped the stalkers face , firmly holding it in place as he raised the knife to those succulent lips of his . the tool wriggled itself into his mouth , carving the corner and slicing UP into the cheek . He wanted to make a faultless smile . blood sprinkled down , pale tissue gaped open to form a sinister grin . placing the knife down , he took the stapler and ( without warning ) RAMMED it into his cheek . the tiny wire pricked his skin , held the sliced parts together . he trailed upwards with the staples and repeated the process on the other side . he took a step back , hues gazing at – what he calls an improvement . Hell of a view ! ! QUICKLY , he grabbed the mirror on his tray to show him . “ do you like it ? ? tell me how it looks . ” N O T H I NG – no thankful words were delivered – only little whimpers and flinching from the p a i n ( could he not handle pain ? he’ll end up showing him REAL pain soon ) . he was repaid back with SILENCE for all of his hard work . he tried his BEST to make this ugly FOOL look … decent . and STILL , he couldn’t respect him with a reply ?    
                                                                           ——-he’s HURT ! ! 
“ you won’t speak to me ? ? you aren’t going to tell me how it LOOKS ? ? “ AND if he WASN’T going to speak to him , then OKAY ! ! he won’t make him speak … actually , he shouldn’t speak at all . thrusting the mirror aside , he grabbed his chin and forced his hand to insert within the male’s mouth . nails dug into his wet tongue , scratching and tugging it out as far as he could . “ If you don’t want to speak , then so be it . “ He released his grip on his chin , raising his arm up and SLAMMED his elbow onto the top of his head— repeatedly , he kept on striking his skull ( he hoped it would break ) . the strength of the hard blows forced the mouth closed , jaws CHOMPED down onto the tongue and severing it off with o n e  m o r e STRONG TUG. BLOOD spurted out , filling up his mouth with a raw taste of IRON . it dripped out, drooling onto that bare chest of his . Now , Myu held the tongue of a bruised man , he swayed it around in front like a PRIZE —- try to fucking speak now , asshole . “ Cat got your tongue  ! ! “ a rather slim and unwelcoming one , it wasn’t even the right color he wished it to be . “…do you want it back ? ? “ he couldn’t say NO to that frantic look on his face , so gladly , he will return it . hovering his fingers over the rusted nails , he pressed down on them for the metal to sink in DEEPER into his injured flesh . he was hoping the mouth would open due to the immense pain caused in different areas . Once it did , he formed a fist with the tongue pointing out and JOLTED his arm forward . his fist met the entrance , jamming itself into the damp passage flooded with red liquid . ALL that lovely juice spilled out , coating his hand and painting his floors with the left over droplets . The saliva and plasma mixed , creating a goopy form that soaked him . his clenched hand kept shoving down , followed by the rest of his upper limb . he aimed to release the tongue into the gullet , making him EAT it — BUT , he was SUFFOCATING him instead. he could feel the vibrations against his arm , the tightness sucking him up — it was almost like taking someone virginity ( and he’s enjoying every second of it ) . 
SUDDENLY , the moving stopped and that last cry for air was cut off . quietness circulated in the room and the tension died … playing artist was done – his GAME was finished . he pulled his arm out , shaking off the red fluid . he placed the severed muscle in a tiny jar on his tray , save keepings .
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             “ poor satoko … I guess I took your BREATH away . “
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