#have one of these 🙂
luckyblackcatxiii · 1 month
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It's been MONTHS since I figured out Strahd's outdoor wear, and I've finally figured out Rahadin's as well! The creeps can now be nice and warm when traveling the horrific countryside~
I actually started this back when I finished Strahd's look, but I think I bit off more than I could chew by trying to figure out both Rahadin's face and his clothing that I got overwhelmed and ran away from finishing the concept. I've really been into drawing CoS NPCs lately (which means hopefully I'll have more of those to show you guys) which brought me back to finally finishing this. Phew!
And to think: eventually I'll have to figure out and draw his and Strahd's canon fit eventually too! Sigh, it never stops... (but I love doing it <3)
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crybaby-bkg · 10 months
cw: you two have a son together, mention of being married, old man Bakugou
older retired pro hero Bakugou, who you find hunched over his desk one night. it’s late and the day was long and your son was whinier than he usually is. you’d think the old man would be in bed right now, but alas—he’s not beside you.
instead, as you round the corner to get a full look at him, he’s wearing his reading glasses, adorning an old ratty tank, his arms still big but softer than the years from before. he has a book open in front of him, desk scattered with pictures you can’t see from your angle, scissors, stickers, glue sticks.
“What are you getting up to at this hour, old man?” You ask softly, smiling when Bakugou doesn’t even look up from what he’s doing. his tongue is sticking out in the corner as he cuts a squiggly line on a picture, posing it beside another on a blank piece of paper.
“Therapist said I should get into crafting,” he grunts, finally looking over at you from over his glasses. “Do things with my hands, feel busy, get my mind off’a shit.”
you pad over to where he sits, the overhead lamp on his desk focused on the big baby blue book with white pages. peeking over his shoulder, you rest your head on top of his, chin nestled in the still unruly blond and silver locks, overseeing his work.
and honestly? it almost makes you wanna cry. it’s a scrapbook, the page open to pictures of your wedding day, how pretty you looked, how big he smiled at you. you can see other scattered pictures on his desk—when you got a promotion at work, when he was number one for seven months in a row, a positive pregnancy test, the cutest baby you’ve ever seen, two little teeth coming in, baby being held in dads big ole arms that will always protect him.
“After this page, I gotta do the honeymoon.” Bakugou speaks gruffly, setting down a picture to wipe a hand down his face. “And then life accomplishment shit, the baby, his first steps.” He sounds so tired, and you can’t help but wrap your arms around his shoulders, sliding down to smush your face against his own.
“You always have tomorrow. Come to bed.” You say against his cheek, squeezing him when you feel the rejection start up in his belly. But he deflates, pulling his glasses off, reaching around to pull you in his lap. He looks so grumpy, with his frown lines and crows feet, and yet so handsome with his small smile and soft eyes.
“I’ll print more pictures tomorrow. And maybe go by the store to get some more stickers, too.” He tells you in between kisses, his words soft, his hands rough through your pajamas. You hum against his mouth, holding his nape, afraid to ever let him go.
“You do that. Now let’s go to bed.” You whisper, standing up and pulling him with you. He closes the scrapbook for now, and you glimpse at the cover, heart melting at the picture of you two holding up your son, both kissing his cheeks. The picture is captioned with “Our Life” and you don’t think you’ve ever been more grateful to have met him.
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sashisuse · 26 days
hm… thinking about childhood best friend!suguru…
you saw him for the first time when you moved away from the city after the unfortunate passing of your parents. your grandmother stuffed you into her car and drove off, taking you to a little town where doves were stuffed into cages so that they may never spread their wings. you are sad and lonely on the day you move in, and right away, you spot a gloomy looking boy your age watching you from the window of your neighbor’s house. despite everything, you smiled and waved at the boy next door. he seemed surprised at first, but he smiled and waved back.
(you don't think you would ever regret smiling at him, no matter where you would wind up twenty years from then.)
you properly meet him only a few days later, when you are looking for a quiet place to sit outside of the house. he is there, too, and you approach him with the same smile you offered him days prior. you introduce yourself to him and ask him for his name.
“geto suguru,” he told you. suguru stared at you for a moment after that, observing you silently. you would come to learn he often did that. “would you like some tea?”
(you don’t think you’ll ever regret accepting his invitation, either.)
in that miserable town filled with miserable people, you and suguru just clicked and stuck together. you two were practically conjoined at the hip, despite the fact that suguru had a reputation for being so strange. you never minded or understood where that came from. you heard from your grandmother, who spoke with suguru’s mother from time to time, that he was just a strange boy. that he made stories up and blamed things on ghosts. that he was unfairly gloomy and difficult to raise. you never understood why people were so mean to him. he was quiet and polite, the best friend you had ever had. you followed him everywhere, and that made you a bit strange, too. but there wasn't a single thing anyone in the world could say that would make you not want to follow suguru around. you would follow him to the end’s of the earth if he asked. he was your best friend, after all, and you were his.
you both could talk for hours and hours about anything and everything. books, movies, tv shows, games, school... you laughed together and played together and that was the way it was. the way it was always supposed to be. you and suguru. suguru and you.
you remember the day everything changed oh, so clearly. the cold weather nipped at your nose while the air felt dry and cold in your lungs. you were trailing a bit behind suguru as you both ventured home from school. he was looking off at something in the forest but quickly diverted his attention away. the action did not go unnoticed and your eyes moved to the forest as well, trying to see what suddenly made his expression sour.
your feet stopped moving the second your eyes laid upon the thing in the woods. it stood out amongst the gray and brown of the cold trees — that strange, ugly beast. it twisted and curved in what should have been an impossible way with seven eyes, each of them oozing some green liquid.
your fearful cry of his name caught him off guard as you reached forward, grabbing at the sleeve of his sweater. he looked at you in concern. you looked like you want to cry and he hated it. he hated that you looked so fearful, that you sounded so fearful. he wanted nothing more than to make it better, than to fix the problem that he wasn’t even aware of yet.
"what is that thing?" you asked with a quiet whimper.
suguru almost didn’t believe it at first. up until that very moment, he had lived his life hearing that something was wrong with him. something was wrong with him, because he saw things no one else could see. monsters, ghosts, creatures — whatever word you wanted to use. he saw them. his parents never understood. they seemed more disturbed by the fact that suguru never grew out of it, rather than the words he was saying. instead he kept it to himself. he learned to lie about it, so his parents stopped looking at him with such disdain. and at some point, maybe he began to lie to himself. maybe he began to believe that he was driving himself crazy. that he really was just seeing things.
but in that moment? in that moment, when you, his best friend, the one person in the world who had never once looked at him like he was strange or treated him as such, were seeing it, too?
you saw it. you saw it, too. you saw the monster. he’s not crazy.
he was not a liar.
and then, none of it really mattered. not when he snapped back to reality and realized just how scared you were. he couldn’t have that. he couldn’t let that happen. what kind of best friend would he be if he let you hurt like this? you saw them, too, which meant they wouldn't leave you alone like they did most people. they never left suguru alone once they realized he was watching them. so, he decided. he decided that from then on out, suguru would be your protector. because he may be young and he may not fully understand the concept of love, but suguru geto understands that he loves you. he loves you so much that he cannot bear to see you hurting. he loves you enough to decide he will bear it for you, and if he cannot take it all away from you, then he will still be right by your side to bear as much as you will let him.
by the time you are both teenagers, you have both become acutely aware of the things you could each do. magic or perhaps superpowers. you both had your theories, but you couldn’t think of any superhero that had to eat monsters and get sick from the taste of it. you would hold suguru’s hair back as the contents of his last meal threatened to come back up after he had to eat one of those things. suguru would hold you up as your vision blurred and darkened, as your body grew tired from the strange abilities you had. but you did these things to protect one another.
to take care of one another.
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bambistan · 7 months
Sometimes I feel like I'm the most chill person in this fandom when it comes to ships and characters. Like I can find reasons as to why each ship would work and wouldn't.
Pandalily? Academic rivals FOR SURE.
Jegulus? HELLO??? Bestfriends brother? Grumpy x Sunshine?
Partyvan? Peter deserves ALL that love.
Marylene? Not friends, not lovers, but something. It's so heartbreakingly cute.
I can even find stuff for ships I don't even ship.
Jeverus? After he saves his life? Hell yeah!
Prongsfoot? Best friends to lover? Sure, man, go for it!
Regulus x Sirius?.......... You... You do you bro???
Snily? That "always" line was cute, I gotta admit.
I genuinely won't judge like if you ship them - if you see them working out; GO. FOR. IT. THEYRE FICTIONAL!! Have your own opinions, it's okay!
Yes, they all have their flaws. Yes, James bullied Severus. Yes, James repeatedly asked Lily even though she'd already turned her down. Yes, he changed!!
Yes, Severus called the love of his life a slur. Yes, he bullied children. Yes he cared for Harry to some extent! Even if it's only as a tribute to Lily, that's better than nothing.
Yes, Dumblewh*re raise Harry for slaughter.... That's it... I have nothing more to add for him.... Bitch.
Yes, Regulus is a death eater. Yes, Regulus was obsessed with the dark lord since childhood. Yes, he stole the horcrux!!
Sorry for the rant but like I'm seeing so much hate for so many characters and ships and I don't understand it. There's as much to love as there is to hate. It wouldn't be fair if they were perfect flawless characters. They're designed to be insufferable and loving and idiotic and a little crazy.
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beesnutz · 2 months
forget the actual comedy sequences of LOST this scene never fails to make me giggle
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Before it all, this initial part, everything about it, it's beautiful, makes me (all of us?) a little insane.. ❤️
He kisses him, they're kissing! Do you want this? As soon as he sees Simon's face reflecting that incomparable feeling of finally, safe, just right.. the feel of his hand upon his neck caressing up in his hair, yes I want this, it's impassioned urgency! A need like finding water after days in the desert, hands everywhere to bring him closer, as close as can be. No going back now, it's been long enough. 💜
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borderlinebelle · 2 months
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aleksanderscult · 1 month
Fandom: Darklina stans are delulu, Darkling apologists have no proof.
Also the fandom:
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I'm sorry, when did this happen? What is this?? I don't think it happened in the show and it definitely didn't happen in the books. When did the darkling ever tell Alina to hate Zoya? Or vise versa?
Zoya decided herself that for some reason she was the darkling's favorite just because "he kept her busy" and because she had daddy issues. She wasn't even close to him in the books. His close soldiers were heartrenders and his personal otkasatsya guards. She decided she was entitled to her boss's attention for some reason and started being horrible to Alina because she had his attention because of her powers. As if that's an understandable reason to crack Alina's ribs?? And in turn, Alina didn't like Zoya only because she bullied her. How is Aleksander at fault here? How is a general to blame in a petty teenage girl drama? He didn't even say manipulative things to make them dislike each other or anything. In the show, Zoya is making moves on him and he outwardly plainly tells her that he doesn't have time for hookups because the sun summoner is missing and the country is going to shit.
And these people think they correctly analyzed Aleksander's character? Or Alina's and Zoya's?
Sorry for ranting, I just can't keep it in anymore. I need to hear somebody else's thoughts on this.
Ah yes... That post.
I talked about it here as well.
But look. It's funny how his antis make up brand new scenarios about how he manipulated everyone in that book because they somehow need to make him seem as "evil" as possible. It's as if his canon self isn't enough for them to hate him. They must make him worse themselves!
Seriously, does anyone believe the Darkling had even some spare time to do that?
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Aside from the fact that he had to:
1) Lead an army
2) Attend councils
3) Travel from Ravka's one side to the other
4) Make sure the Grisha were stationed at their appropriated posts
5) Sign papers
He also needed to make room for his "special manipulative plan" taking place at 20:00 just before supper.
Guys, even Alina, when she took over his position, found herself exhausted from all the responsibilities that were placed on her shoulders.
Also, as far as I can remember Zoya attacked Alina just one day after the former arrived at the Little Palace from her own duties. And Alina didn't like her because she suspected of her little one night stand with Mal.
But what do I say??
According to our antis' claims this is what the Darkling actually does:
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The antis preach how knowledgeable they are about the book material and the next minute they start talking about the most unrelated shit that has ever unrelated.
I have never seen an anti make a meta about the Darkling and these kind of accusations with excerpts from the book. Just saying :)
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hanzajesthanza · 2 months
people (the rest of the hanza. not including geralt) often forget that cahir was 1. the guy that kidnapped ciri 2. an officer in the military
he’s literally so polite in geralt’s company you wouldn’t even guess he was the black knight. and yet. and yet.
i’m never certain exactly how to reconcile this tactful and strategic mind with the terrified young man
#geralt never forgot but everyone else (maybe also except dandelion) was like ?? but ?? friend ?? friendship????#i imagine him barking an order to dandelion once and dandelion straightened up and obeyed#opposite of when cahir was looking over dandelions shoulder lol#maybe joke but#in my idea where angouleme goes missing . geralt is like. what do you think we should do#cahir’s like why me. geralt’s like. well. she’s ciri-shaped#milva enacting clemency for cahir after geralt chases regis away is fantastic#regis saved you from the noose and you’ve chased him away. thats your business. but but cahir saved me. so we’re comrades >:(#geralt seething he’s going to kill him and then like nooo i can’t kill him idk why …#when cahir joined the rivian forces 😭😭 because he in no way resembled a civilian#each of the company members have insane backstories they really are the PCs of the d&d campaign#and angouleme is the one npc they pick up and adopt into the company and defend to the end#so we’re looking for this guy’s daughter he’s bound to her by destiny#this guy kidnapped said daughter but he said sorry for it later#milva worked with dryads to kill people and regis is a vampire that drank people#and this guy is famous like beyoncé#angouleme: [sniffs] ‘kay#the elbow-high diaries#i need her to keep regis humble bc regis is like dont worry i dont bite people 🥹 and shes like yeah ok dont care either way#geralt is like oh hell do not explain to her all of this again. we spent too much time on this already last book#you know you are the reason we have three stars on goodreads#regis like i know… 🙂 if i wasn’t here you’d snag us zero…
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theflyingfeeling · 22 days
I think today I will cry about BC not making tour vlogs anymore 😔
#yes i'm still bitter about the live performance video they posted yesterday#it seemed more like something made for promotion and marketing rather than for fans to relive the moment#or for fans who couldn’t attend to experience it as if they were there#the frame wouldn’t span on one moment for longer than 1.5 seconds which made it kinda messy#and you didn't really get a good picture of what the show was actually like#they didn't show how awkwardly long it took for the curtain to be gathered and carried away 🤭#instead they showed moshpits THAT DIDN'T EVEN HAPPEN DURING THOSE SONGS 🙄#and the content you see on their band account on tiktok/ig is no different#good for promotion i guess. uninteresting for their existing fans 🥱#i get that editing vlogs is extra work (for joonas) and that some of them may not want there to be a camera on their face all the time#and that *siiiiiiiiiiigh* ''youtube is dead'' 🙄#but i don't think i would have fallen for this band half as bad as i did if it wasn't for the umk/esc vlogs and the content from summer '21#followed by more tour vlogs from their other tours#nowadays it's only fast-paced tiktoks and promotion and joel's SUPER FUNNY filters 🙂#i would give up them all for 5-minutes of vlog-like content from the EU tour 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#whose dick do i need to suck for this huh?#joel is it yours (as the band's social media guy)?? i will do it in the back alley of your local sushi buffet#just tell me when and i'll be there but make sure your cock's already out and hard i haven't got all day
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Day late for Spones day and it's still just a WIP😔
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quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
secret good spn that exists in my head is where Chuck decides he wants to throw himself into the middle of the Lucifer vs TFW custody battle over Jack. he’s about to be the best grandpa of all time. he’s about to make sure that jack loves him most and will come with him willingly while his other potential father figures are tearing each other apart. he’s going to make sure that his second shot at raising a lucifer who can’t disobey him goes right <3
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moonchild-in-blue · 2 months
Everything hurts and I want to cease to exist.
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aropride · 5 months
it is 12:43 on a saturday im sorting beads on my floor and coming to the realization that i think i was raised fundamentalist???
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homo-hex-ual · 1 year
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causenessus · 14 days
going to write self insert cold kisses fanfiction where i fight atsumu for whatever it is he’s going to do. 
I NEED THIS ‼️‼️ and then iwa watches the whole thing go down and falls in love with u and u guys get married period that'd be a bestseller right there 🌸
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