#have you ever heard of a groomer?
flatstarcarcosa · 1 year
immensely funny concept: i go to give rufus a bath at some point when tony is at my place and after about 15 minutes he suddenly hears me go “wait, NO-” as rufus leaps from the tub and makes a break for it.
by the time i fumble out of the bathroom tony’s just standing there with the soaking wet dog wrapped up in his cape because it’s the only thing that was laying on hand and neither of them are very happy with the situation.
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drtanner · 6 months
I think it's worth remembering that whenever someone seems to make a really weird leap of logic that makes no sense whatsoever to you, it's almost certainly a reflection of their own internal values.
For example:
What they say: "If we let the gays marry, the next thing you know, people will be marrying their dogs! Or their cars!"
What they mean: "I see women as Marriage Objects that belong to their spouses with no autonomy. Allowing same sex marriage expands the list of possible Marriage Objects and I don't approve."
What they say: "If whites become a minority in this country, we'll become second-class citizens!"
What they mean: "I'm fully aware that minorities are treated like shit in this country and I don't want to be treated that way myself. Also I can't imagine a society that isn't run by the majority having dominion over everybody else."
What they say: "They're asking for £15 per hour as the new minimum wage, but why stop there? Why not £50 per hour? Why not £500?"
What they mean: "I'm so opposed to any increase in minimum wage for The Poors that all of these amounts are equally ridiculous to me."
What they say: "If we introduce UBI, no one will ever work again and the economy will collapse!"
What they mean: "I'm fucking exhausted and the only reason I'm still going to work is because the threat of homelessness and destitution is leveraged against me at all times like a gun to my head. If I had the means to stop working I'd lie down and sleep for ten years straight."
OR: "I'm already so rich that I don't have to work for my income, and I can't imagine anyone else being any less lazy or workshy than I am."
What they say: "Queers are all groomers! Leave the kids alone!"
What they mean: "I should have my hard drive checked."
If you've ever heard the saying that "every right-wing accusation is a confession", this is what we mean. ( b ._.)b
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To the people trying to defend Robert Manion or saying the fandom is too harsh on him, do you remember the tiktok livestreams where he tried to play off his sexual harassment as a joke that starkid took too seriously? How he was intentionally shading them, called them cringey for singing old songs at the Jangle Ball just because he wasn't invited, implied Brian being Meredith's boss in starkid meant their relationship was toxic, said Starkid treats all their new members as disposable which is just blatantly not true, complained about not getting enough solos when it's common knowledge he refused to sing Ethan's solo in Black Friday, complained about Dylan getting too many solos before backtracking in his next live, claimed he wasn't trying to stop persuade people not to give to the SK Returns kickstarter but only went live and spoke against sk during that kickstarter. Let's not forget how he constantly tires to act like a white saviour but talked about how much he wants to see a version of Beauty and the Beast with a black Belle who Gaston racially fetishises before saying Gaston is his dream role. Even before the sa situation he was known for being weird and sometimes mean to fans on twitter and I have heard some more serious accounts of him behaving badly towards fans (not in like a groomer way, just being overly rude and dismissive). I don't keep up with what he's doing so if he's not as transphobic as he was before, then cool, but I seriously doubt he will ever be asked back into starkid, even if fan opinions somehow changed, since during those livestreams he was constantly bashing Corey Lubowich and Nick Lang and the other starkid management, blaming them for fans being mad at him and stuff. I know some starkids still follow him, but none of the management team and I highly doubt his split from the company was as friendly as he tries to portray it.
Also, just because he stopped sexually harassing someone when he was told it was causing them discomfort doesn't make him a good person.
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ilikepjo24 · 26 days
Lol another dumb take on reddit
WOW! There are so many things to unpack here...
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"Iroh, the most-" Iroh!? IROH!? THE Iroh!? The "redeemed" warlord that only gave a fuck about being a warlord after it affected him personally? That Iroh? The Iroh that left a child to bare the weight of a nation just bc he, the mature responsible adult, wanted to sit on his ass instead of being mature and responsible? THAT Iroh? It seems awful like both those actions appear to be those of a selfish and unempathetic person. And let's not forget that even after his "redemption" he assaulted June. So how exactly is he the most understanding and kind person in the show, exactly?
Would you like to know who actually is the most understanding and kind person in the show? AANG.
The boy who found it in himself to forgive and learn to have affection for the dude that chased him around the world and almost hurt/killed him and his friends multiple times. The boy who found it in himself to forgive the nation that genocided his people enough to want to help them, teach them their old ways and bring them back to the light. The boy that found it in himself to spare Ozai, a sadistic, manipulative, abusive warlord that wanted to watch the world burn in an attempt to satisfy his narcissism. And may the record note that Iroh did not extended his own brother the same mercy. He believed Ozai needed to die, when Aang didn't. So Aang is more empathetic, understanding and kind that Iroh.
And do you know what Aang has to say about Azula?
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That he believes in her ability to do good and be good. That he trusts her to do so. He could have had her executed. He didn't. He could have taken away her bending. He didn't. He could have said she's born evil and a bad egg. He didn't. He put in a good word for her. He said she did something good. That can be good. THAT'S what the actual most understanding and kind person in the whole franchise has to say about Azula.
"She smiles when-" So did everyone else and so does everyone ever alive when justice is served. Because for the audience, the event was unfair and traumatizing. But for the people of the Fire Nation it was justice. And it's only normal for people to be happy when justice is served. When a groomer goes to jail you don't think "oh, that poor groomer", you think "good, this piece of shit definitely deserved it". Similarly, in the Fire Nation, an imperialistic dictatorship, when someone disrespects their Firelord, which they worship as almost a god (if not more, bc we see them worship their Firelord more often than Agni), and that person gets punished they don't think "oh, that like boy", they think "good, this piece of shit definitely deserved it". That's not called "being a bad egg", that's called propaganda and borderline mass brainwashing.
"She mocks-" She's repeating what she heard from adults in her life. That's not being a bad egg, that's bad parenting.
"She tortures-" Not cannon in any way. We've heard that she threw bread at them. Not only was that told from Zuko's pov, who's known to be a biased narrator when it comes to Azula, but it's also not even that freaking bad. It's bread, when it hits the water it becomes soft. No one ever died because they got hit by a loaf of bread. And she doesn't burn them with.
"Her mother's comments-" Oh, you mean the "what is wrong with that child"? That comment? That comment that was thrown at a child after doing a very normal childlike thing? I used to to play execution with my Barbie dolls and beheading them by pulling off their heads and my least favourites would always be the ones that got executed. Kids break toys they don't value and/or like. Azula is not obligated to like or value a gift that wasn't for her. The doll was a gift for every little girl. It wasn't personal. It wasn't hers. She doesn't have to like or value it. She doesn't have to not break it. The only reason that she chose fire instead of execution is because she had fire handy. That comment Ursa made was absolutely not justified.
"She's never given an excuse-" Not only is this take proof that media literacy is dead, it's flat out anti-intellectualism. We see that Fire Nation schools brainwash kids by shoving propaganda in their faces and we know Azula went in a Fire Nation school. All that's left to do is put 2 and 2 together. It's 4. It's fucking 4. Azula was brainwashed in the Fire Nation school that she went to that brainwashes Fire Nation kids. Canon fact. Use your brain.
"Her vision of what she wants is twisted-" What, exactly, is twisted about wanting to be acknowledged by your family that is proud of you, being loved by your family that is supposed to love you anyway, and completing the mission you've been brainwashed into thinking is the right thing all your life? What is twisted about reaching expectations and having a happy family? I'll wait.
"We're supposed to sympathize with the spi- No, we're not. The spirit is very obviously a liar and a manipulator as we've seen throughout the whole damn comic. And it wants to eat her. The spirit is the villain of the story that has been continuously twisting reality to weaken Azula's ambition and will to fight back, so that it could kill her. By the end of the comic we're supposed to know that the spirit is a full of shit and we shouldn't trust what it says, since all it has said throughout the whole comic is lies. Not sympathize with it.
"Rationalizations of her behavior are believe yet unprovable and based on subtext." It's almost like she's not the main character. The show isn't going to take time diving into her background. They are going to only give us subtext and we have to use our critical thinking skills and come to a believable conclusion, as we do. Zuko loving Ursa isn't outright stated at the show at any point, but we know it's a fact because we see it in the way they interact. We know his mother matters to him because he thinks of her and misses her. That's subtext. And we know Azula is not to blame for the person she was bought up to be because Fire Nation schools canonically brainwash their students. That's subtext. You can't selectively decide that this subtext is enough to prove this point, but that subtext doesn't prove that point because it's not outright stated. That's called double standards.
"The show portrays her as being inherently evi-" The show? You mean the same show that didn't even portray the genocider, treacherous dictator (Sozin) and the abusive, manipulative dictator (Ozai) as inherently evil went out of its way to portray the manipulated, abused, brainwashed child as a bad egg? ...Sure. That's what happened.
"Mai and Ty Lee do the same stuff but are portrayed differ-" No, they are not. Mai is portrayed as somebody who abused the power they have over others, since she views ordering servants around as a fun activity, and as somebody who has no empathy towards their family, as she didn't hesitate to agree that her brother has less worth than a king. Ty Lee is portrayed as sadistic, since she's animated to smirk and sneer while taking down soldiers defending their homes. I think she even goes as far as to mock them at sons point, but take that with a pinch of salt. They are portrayed to be classist, sadistic, unempathetic people that only give a fuck about the select few and mystery everybody else. Y'all just refuse to see it because Ty Lee is cute and is constantly infantilized because of it and because Mai protected your lord and savior, Zuko, right after she was done being classist and unempathetic. They are not portrayed as better, you just go out of your way to portray Azula as worst.
"Even in LoK-" Azula is given Freudian Excuse. You just refuse to see it because, as opposed to Legend of Korra, the creators do not chew your food up and spit it in your mouth for you to swallow. You have to put the pieces of the puzzle together and make realization. Which can understandably be hard for people that have a brain the size of a peanut, like yourself.
"It feels weird for a show like Avatar to imply somebody was evil from birt-" It feels weird because it is weird and it is weird because it's something they would never do which is why they didn't do it. You literally just created this narrative inside of your head while understanding that it goes completely against the philosophy of the show. And now it's weird to you that it doesn't align with the show? Make it make sense.
This isn't asking for an Azula redemption arc (although "this fourteen-year-old who was acting under orders of a tyrannical fire lord can't be redeemed" seems incredibly harsh), this is just me wondering why the writers consistently, across mediums, refuse to suggest that she's even the slightest bit a product of her environment? But Zuko gets a pass for pretty much everything more or less? Alright then lol.
This is close to being the smartest thing you have said during this post. Unfortunately it is easy to notice that some of the creators just don't like Azula. That's it. That's the reason why. They don't like her and they don't want her to have a happy ending. So it's good that somebody else is riding this show now. Faith Erin Hicks, as we see from her comic, is not afraid to treat Azula as the victim she is, and is not afraid to lay the blame on the adults that failed her. As opposed to previous creators, she seems to be willing to apply the general philosophy of the show in Azula's character as well. Which is something she's able to do because Azula is not, in fact, inherently evil. She's a victim of abuse and a manipulated child that has done some very fucked up things but has all her life ahead of her to grow up and be better.
Give us a scene of Ozai molding her into the cruel person she is
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Supporting and praising bad behavior is enabling it. A good parent would say "I understand that you were upset at feeling as though you were underestimated when you got efficient results, but it's important to keep your cool and respect your instructors since they have more experience than you. If you feel as though the inability of this instructor to stray from traditional paterns is holding you back, communicate that problem with me, and I'll find you a new teacher if it's necessary." Does Ozai do that? No. What does he do? Praise her. What will Azula do in response? Repeat the same behavior to receive praise again. What is that called? Nursing cruel/bad behavior.
Give us a scene of Azula being at least a normal child at some point.
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Stealing sweets at a sleepover and recreating scenes from a movie/play with your sibling? I recall doing both those things as a child. We're talking about universal normal child experiences.
Don't vindicate her mother being cruel.
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The narrative itself is not excusing Ursa. Azula herself goes to lengths to hold her accountable, actually. The only ones excusing Ursa's actions are Zuko, who's looking at her through rose colored glasses, because she's one of the first people to show him love, and he wants to sing the best of her, and the fandom, for the same exact reason.
Have Iroh say something slightly more insightful than "she's a crazy bitch leave her alone"
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Personally, I don't value Iroh's opinion at all. I think he has to work through the issues that he obviously has with himself, instead of projecting those issues onto Azula, which is what he's doing. But since you care about his opinion so much, here's him saying Azula has the capability to find peace.
Here's an easy one: instead of smiling when Zuko got burnt, Azula looks visually horrified. That tiny, tiny change would've made her far more nuanced! It wouldn't be much, but not only would it make the fire lord's actions seem even worse, it shows us that deep down, she does--or at least, did--care! This is more in line with the show's themes and far more interesting than "she's just gonna be super evil hehe".
Here's the thing. Azula doesn't smile because she's just so "evil hehe". She's smiling because Zuko is receiving a just punishment for his actions. At least as far as she's concerned.
Think about it, in the Fire Nation they treat their King as a god. They pray/say an anthem/swear loyalty to the Firelord and the crown every single day. It should be needless to point out that nobody would question the actions of the Firelord. They would just assume that this is the correct course of action because this is what the Firelord is doing.
Azula not only is a subject of that Firelord but she is the daughter of her father. She was 11 when the Agni Kai. At that age, kids do not question their parents. The think things are right because the parents do it. If Dad is upset with Zuko, then Zuko must have done something wrong, because Dad can't be wrong, he's Dad, he's never wrong.
So both as his daughter and as his subject, Azula has been conditioned from the day she was born to think that he's always right. So when he decides to punish Zuko, that's just another instance where he's right. So why would Azula be upset with him for being right? Especially considering that if she were upset with him, it's possible that you would also receive a punishment for disagreeing with his methods.
So imagine you are Azula. You see your dad, who is always right, and is also your king, who is also always right do something. Anything. Do you think to yourself "Why would he do that? That's bad!" or do you think "He's right for doing what he does because he's always right."? She's under the impression that he's a just ruler and father, so why wouldn't she be satisfied at the sight of him rendering justice to the foolish subject that disobeyed? Especially when having a different opinion can result to being in danger?
Do we get anything from the answer to her personality being "bad egg"?
No, we don't. Which is why this isn't what they did. You just have a false idea of pretty much everything regarding Azula's character and how it was handled.
Thus proven.
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dombottom · 1 year
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I sat running through what I was gonna say in my mind. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I had to end it. I was getting sloppy, I was an addict. I just had to stop. I heard my office door click as he unlocked it. He had keys (another bad decision). He walked in. Jesus. He was a walking renaissance painting. He was as volatile and temperamental as Caravaggio too. Years ago as when I’d started as his mentor pretty early on I knew I’d never be able to say no to him. The second he figured it out too, I was finished. He started peeling off his shirt without a word. I fought every urge to fall on my knees and worship him. “We need to talk, we can’t do this anymore. It’s not ok. I take full responsibility for it.” I said nervously. He turned his head, he stared at me with no expression. I’d known him long enough to know that look meant he was furious. He started taking slow steps toward me. A mountain lion locked on its prey. Temptation got the better of me and I started looking him up and down. The black hair, his the shining black eyes, the puckish features, his compact but strong build, all wrapped in his glowing olive skin. He truly was an angel, but then again, so was Lucifer. “Who the fuck do think you’re talking to?” he said angrily. Him being angry at me scared me while making my dick start to swell. “It’s not that I don’t love you, it’s just wrong. I never should have let it happen, people are going to say I’m a groomer or something, and I’ve got a hus—” he reared his arm back and slapped me full force. My fallen angel had a temper. It’s what landed him in my program to begin with. My cheek stung and my eye teared. I was instantly rock hard. “Please we can’t.” I begged. Something crossed his face, his eyes glittered with malice. “Okay. Fine, never again.” He said with a smirk. I felt the pit of my stomach drop. Hearing him say it hurt more than I thought it would. “Okay.” I replied trying to steel my nerves. He slowly started lifting his arm exposing his armpit. “Jesus Christ, please don’t do that.” I said. “What, are you worried? We’re not going to do anything. You want it to stop.” He said. My little devil. The scent hit me, he never wore deodorant or perfume. His natural scent was salty, earthy, and sweet. But his pits… he produced a potent and addictive musk. It’d been getting stronger by the year. Without question I was a slave to his scent. It hit me, all I could do was whimper. Standing an arm’s length away I could smell him, my eyes were rolling back. “It’s not that I don’t want to, I’m begging for us to stop,” I whined. “It’s weird because you said all that stupid shit, but I’m pretty sure what you were begging for was a little- sniff” he said. “Dante. Please. No. I really can’t it’s so wrong.” I said. “I stopped listening after Dante please,” he said. He quickly undid my pants, I didn’t try to stop him. My dick cartoonishly sprang out at full attention. I was done for. He grabbed it in his iron grip squeezing as hard as he could. I yelped and folded forward, he was waiting with his pit open, my face smashed right into the damp sweaty hair. “Don’t you EVER try a fucking stunt like this again!” He growled. I groaned unable to speak between the pain of his grip and the ecstasy of his scent. “SAY IT!” He yelled. “I’ll never do it again Dante-Dante-Dante please you’re hurting me.” I begged. He gave a final harder squeeze before he let go. I collapsed back into my chair. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I got in my head I love you so much please baby I shouldn’t have said anything,” I said completely crumbling. The thought of being away from him made me want to burn the world. I’m sure he knew. He took off his pants and shoes, a concert of rich musky smells filled my office. He straddled me. I could feel the stickiness and heat as he started to push his hole down on me. His eyes staring somewhere deeper down than anyone could reach. “Oh my god, I fucking love you” I whispered. He gave me another slap. Followed by a kiss. He leaned in and whispered in my ear as he pushed all the way down, “That’s right…I am a god.”
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g-xix · 7 months
oh my days did u hear about wilbur soot literally physically abusing shelby
For the girlies that don't know: I was a minecraft girlie in 2021.
And Wilbur Soot was a big part of that MC phase. He was undeniably hot, but he was also quite open ab mental health stuffs + created quite a safe space for minorities whether that be the gay community, mental health talking space... That's all from the top of my head. In short - he's hot and an empath and ppl liked that ab him
He also kinda showed his "quirky loco character" in music vids or just in streams.
Kinda ironic he's now fulfilling the role that character he mockingly made, tho.
What did he do? Well, he was in a relationship w Shelby Shubble and his way of showing "affection" would be to bite her. Kinda understand biting as a way of showing love as long as it's not life threatening, painful, or in aggression... I mean, ChrisMD does that shit all the time to ArthurTV n it seems more endearing than to really do any bads.
Thing is, Wilbur would end up hurting Shelby. Aaaand so Wil said 'hey let's make a safeword for u 2 say when it hurts so that ik and can stop so i don't harm u'.... but when Shelby used that safeword, broski wuld either grind down or go a lil bit harder b4 letting go.
And Shelby's described it as she would oftentimes scream/yell bc it was so hard, and he'd 'smile' afterwards which is mad psycho (term used loosely) imo. Because also, he'd do ts in public??? Yk, with his friendship group around him n Shelby, the lovely jovely couple? Straight out weird negl.
So, there's context.
Lots of varying opinions online which i would soooo love to get into...
BUT DISCLAIMER BEFORE I DO: Realistically, this is abuse, and thus it is a crime. I've talked about this on my page before - cancel culture can be unecessary in minor incidences, and cancel culture can be not-enough in instances whereby people have simply done illegal things.
This is one of those illegal things. So, whilst I do chat about this light-heartedly or for entertainment, gossip-y purposes - do realise that this is a real life problem that has has major issues in many peoples' lives.
Now, continuing with the juicy waffley discussions that ppl like hearing:
So firstly, some of the Twitter memes are fucking hilarious. I do love that under Wilbur's Twitter apology, loads of MCYTers have joined to clown his goofy ahh. And all those memes saying that Bill smelled such a shit apology he returned to twitter after years + the DSMP are like Avengers in Infinity War returning to all fight enemy No1 WILBUR...
But that being said, DREAM REPLYING TOO????
I spoke ab Dream being a groomer around Christmas time + heard loads of ppl out on vouching for Dream or calling him disgusting, dahdahdah... But the fact that sm ppl are turning around and praising Dream for calling out Wilbur's goofiness is acc MAAAD.
Why's everyone forgotten Dream is j as goofy? And an alleged groomer? And just plain? Not even plain something, brodie is just the plainest mf i've ever seen. Ever since he face revealed, his personality j evaporated on out of his body (anyone feel this asw?)
But no, ppl who are now agreeing w Dream to combat Wilbur as if Dream hasn't also committed what is debateably a crime (ik he 'cleared up the rumours' but it's v hard to fight of groomer allegations when you let them sit and marinate for approx 6 months) is fucking WILD shit to me.
Secondly, people are analysing loads of Wilbur's other prev actions too and saying these should've been red flags to Wilbur being an a-hole before we even heard Shubble's solid proof.
And some of these clips of evidence (e.g. Niki saying Wil bites her + threw her, Tommy getting his hand stomped, throwing apple at Techno) feel very valid.
But other bits I do wonder - are they just being over analysed? Yk, like with the clip of Wil shouting at Tommy for streaming + stealing his wallet, i was super sure that was staged as is (j had it confirmed now by the Twitter community note asw lol) and also, whilst Wil's shouting does feel extreme and hurtful from a viewer pov... Having a wallet stolen, place of work broken in to, litr knowing the place where you work to make all income could be taken away from u bc a friend thought it funny to break in n loudly + rowdily stream... i gotta say that some form of anger or upset is valid there. And this isn't to validate Wilbur's assholery, this is just to point out that whilst ppl are throwing clips into the fire and saying "this is more proof Wil was a bad person from the start" - do try see other interpretations of it and form your own line of reasoning - yk - "is this a valid point or is this someone using the drama to get some extra likes and attention to boost their account" (because believe me, ppl would - if ppl would use Techno's death to get more channel views and interactions - ppl would also most definitely use abuse as a means to engage more ppl).
Aaaaaand let's talk about the little Lovejoy band. Ngl i fucken loved their stuff, quite sad to see it go down the drain because 3/4 of them are public targets, now.
So ik we hate Wil for being an abuser. And I've seen that ppl dislike Mark bc he supported Maccies (what did he do fr tho bc i have no clue - did he j eat a McDonalds or what?) And we hate Ash Kabosu for saying it's bad to make fun of those deaths on the submarine...
Controversial opinion but I don't blame Ash allat much??? Now imma explain myself - but pls understand that i don't knoe 100% ab the situation, im v detached from the MCYT sphere of the online community.
But hear me out.
I'm a big believer in cherishing life, life is v important, life is a blessing.... Not from a rly religious pov, moreso in a spiritual way. Because if we only get one life, fuck, it's pretty damn precious. And whilst all those Oceangate memes were haha heehee funny watches, at the end of the day, people did die. And I do find that quite sad.
People say it's fine to laugh and make fun of those who were in there and died bc they were just billionaires who went down there for their own personal entertainment.
Just because they're billionaires doesn't make them any less human than us? Sure, they have a lot more money and are probably a lot more detached from working class issues which the majority of the population faces... But their drowning will have hurt and caused just as much pain to them as it would to us if we were in their situation. And my god, I can't even begin to think about the pain their families must have felt.
Those deaths were a fucking tragedy, realistically - and maybe i'm 'overreacting' here - but c'mon, empathy is literally encoded into our DNA as humans, surely I'm not the only one that can see the heartlessness in just laughing and memeing those deaths?
So Ash Kabosu haterism I don't fully understand, is the conclusion of that sub-rant.
And then I think this is the final little bit I'll discuss considering this is a loooong post:
James Marriott.
Jimbo Mazza, Jimbatron, James Marriott.
Lowkey my big flex, I've been a fan of him since 2020, and I got into his hater-commentary content initially. And ngl, when he transitioned to Minecraft? It was so fkn obvious he was trying to tailor to the MCYT audience to get their approval and entrance into the MCYT community, it made me absolutely cringe - and the blindness of everybody to that fact was insane to me.
Like, he was literally beegggging to be added to SMPs, he'd try and portray this "uncontrollable, quirky" character and would be so "unhinged" that everyone would love him... But ngl, that shit was literal brainrot, and he had you guys (me included tbf, bc i'd watch - just cringing whilst watching) ROTTING your brains with spamming the chat w allat bs that u do on Twitch
Nowadays, I like James tho. I feel like he feels ingrained enough within the community to branch out and not have to play up to the disturbing, disgusting cringefest - and so now he's funnier and having a better time streaming.
I mean, he looks absolutely great too - his tours have him confidence-boosted (rightfully so), because he's in great shape, like, he's genuinely lost noticable fat and put on muscle which has him looking trim as ever - he's grown his hair out into a flattering mullet - Shit, i believe looksmaxxing is the boy-equivalent of the makeup industry profiting off of womens' insecurity....
But the Jimbatron has absolutely looksmaxxed for the best.
That being said however, people saying "I OFFER JIMBO AS A REPLACEMENT FOR WILBUR!!" are fucking weirdos (respectfully but also kinda not)
Bro has just abused people and you're mourning the loss of a content creator and oh no - your favourite band - so you're trying to serve up replacements like a fucking chef that's ran out of a specific ingredient??????????
Yeah, James is less problematic and has 2x the personality Wilbur has- BUT WHY DOES IT TAKE WILBUR COMING OUT AS A FKN ABUSER FOR PPL TO START PROMOTING JAMES????
This is like that whole thing whereby ppl put other girls down to point out to success or beauty of other girls: it takes everyone noticing how bad Wilbur is, to point out the goodness of James.
James litr banned people who wouldn't stfu about Wilbur in his chat in early streams, bc he was sick of ppl following him for Wilbur and who just wanted to talk about Wilbur on James' platform.... I don't think James rly wants to share an identity, or have his platform built from being against Wilbur.
Not proof read this post fully. But take-aways from this: -Yeah Dream is cooking Wilbur on Twitter but don't forget he's an alleged groomer + is deffo using this as a way to get back into the audience's "good books" -RIP Lovejoy but some1 explain what Mark did fully + why ppl think Ash is so abominable for showing empathy to ppl dying -Rmbr that this is acc a serious crime, don't downplay ts -Stop fucking promoting James Marriott thru Wilbur's downfall, it rly discredits James' authenticity and original building of a community -So proud to say that after a few months of getting into MCYT stuff i felt as though Wilbur was icky + just plainout didn't like him/got odd vibes -And lol, acc so jarring how Wil reminds me of this guy in my yr - complete mummy's boy, underestimates and belittles women bc his mum handed everything to him on a plate n so he doesn't empathise w them but rather expects the world from them whilst simultaneously treating them like shit, 'radical', extremely 'woke' about modern situations but is so stubborn and refuses to see two sides of a picture.... Tbh I might j hate the guy in my yr and be projecting that onto Wil
Btw, feel free to argue w me in my inbox ab this but whilst i was quite critical - pls do not be mean to me or criticise me that harshly - if im talking to some1 one on one, i won't be this mean
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ughgoaway · 7 months
have you ever thought about a time when Girlie is with Annie and Matty bathing the dog and it's a warm family atmosphere? and maybe then go to the park and play as a family.
Thank you so much for the cute idea 🪐 anon!! my random thoughts below the cut as always lol <3
anyway, yes, this is so fun to think about. I love anything with mayhem, and the image of you all trying to tackle him into the bath to give him a proper wash is so funny.
I can see Matty, mayhem, and Annie coming home from a walk, and to say they are muddy is an understatement. He calls you as they're approaching the house and tells you to prepare the bath; warning you that is officially time to bathe mayhem.
You try to avoid washing him at home as much as possible, sending him off to the groomers whenever you can. Not because you don't love him, but because he is fucking massive and it's somehow a three-man job. 
Getting Annie involved was the last solution after too many disastrous attempts, but you needed an extra pair of hands. And she was the only one in the house. But Mayhem loves her so much, so she's actually a pretty good distraction. 
You line the walk to the bathroom with towels and creek open the front door slowly, and your jaw drops at the sight in front of you. Mayhem is caked in mud, staring up at you with his tongue hanging out and his tail wagging wildy, splashing more mud around.
Matty and Annie were both wearing welly boots, and they were also covered in mud. Annie even had some in her hair, but those two could be dealt with later. Mayhem was your current mission.
“Oh my god. Matthew, how did it get this bad?” You ask in shock, flicking your wide eyes over the three of them.
“It's not my fault. I swear. Mayhem got out of his harness and ran into a muddy puddle. Me and Annie ran after him, but the puddle turned out to be a bit deeper than we thought…” Matty says sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his neck with his hands, but quickly snatching them away with a grossed-out look on his face when he feels the mud in his hair.
You sigh heavily at Matty and start gently guiding mayhem in the house as Annie holds his tail to stop him from wagging it and spraying mud everywhere.
Eventually, you get Mayhem safely in the bathroom after walking very slowly the whole time. You all know from past experience that if you walk too quickly, mayhem takes it as a queue to sprint at full force through the house and rub his face on the rug in the front room. 
You really tried to get the mud out last time, but it was a pointless task. Matty still claims you somehow planned it because you hated that rug. “How else did he get so muddy when it hadn't rained in weeks?” he accuses you time after time.
You deny it wholeheartedly, but you can't deny the feeling of joy you felt when you saw mayhem rubbing his whole body over it, and let's just say you definitely didn't do anything to stop it.
But you actually like the new rug you bought, so when you finally got mayhem in the bathroom this time, the three of you couldn't help but cheer as soon as the door clicked shut.
However, you forgot that any sort of excitement would hype mayhem up to no end, so as soon as he heard the cheers, he jumped on his hind legs and pounced onto Matty.
“Woah mayhem- WAIT NO-” Matty shouts.
Now, usually, Matty caught him quite well, keeping mayhem upright and balancing him perfectly on his chest. But this time, he wasn't prepared, and before you knew it, all you saw was a massive splash of water coming out of the bath as mayhem pushed both him and Matty in it.
You and Annie stood there in shock for a few seconds, but as soon as Matty sat up in the bath, covered in mud and bubbled. You all couldn't help but burst out laughing. Matty pouted, of course, but he soon realised that this kind of was the ideal way to wash mayhem. He could keep him calm as you and Annie scrubbed him.
“Right, Annie, will you grab the peanut butter for me, sweetheart? Your dad is on mayhem feeding duty today” you say, lathering up the soap between your hands as Matty uses a bowel to wet mayhem.
“Here you go, Daddy. Don't eat the peanut butter, though, mayhem licks from this one” Annie warns, holding the jar just out of Matty’s reach until he nods at her words. After she knows he heard her, she quite happily hands it over, grabbing the bowl from Matty’s hands and rinsing mayhem once more.
The four of you are all huddled either in or around the bath, scrubbing mayhem and watching the mud pour off him. Matty sits in front of him, holding the peanut butter jar in front of his face so he can happily lick inside the jar whilst you clean his paws.
“Daddy you look silly in the bath with Mayhem.” Annie giggles as she scrubs Mayhem’s head, giving him a mohawk with the bubbles that form. 
“I know, i know. Will you go grab my camera for me, sweet girl? I wanna get a photo of us all” matty asks, smiling down at mayhem with too much love in his eyes, considering mayhem had bowled him over not even 10 minutes earlier.
Annie scampers off and grabs the camera, leaving you and Matty alone in the bathroom. 
“You do look quite stupid in the bath, you know?” You tease, grinning down at Matty and watching him roll his eyes and hold in a laugh.
“Quite dilfy too, though” you add on thoughtfully, looking at how Matty’s soaking white shirt was starting to become completely transparent, and you couldn't help but gawk at the way his tattoos became more visible beneath the wet fabric. Matty pulls his shirt off cheekily, dropping it on the floor next to him before teasing you back.
“Mmm, I always look dilfy. S’how I got you, anyway” Matty gives you a smug smile, and you can't help but kiss it off his face, humming happily as you feel his lips working against yours. 
You both get a bit lost in the kiss, and soon it becomes a little desperate and breathless, all tongues and teeth as poor mayhem has to stand there are witness it all. But it soon enough gets interrupted by Annie walking in, and very eloquently proclaiming “ewwww!!”
You and Matty both laugh against each other's lips, and you feel a bit dizzy when you pull away, having to blink a few times before you bring yourself back to earth. 
You quickly snap a few shots with Matty's Polaroid camera; a selfie of you all, and a picture of annie grinning next to mayhem with his bubble mohawk. But, you get a particularly cute one of Matty and mayhem and you can't help but sneak that one away for yourself.
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(ik this is not actually mayhem in this picture… but let's all use our imaginations <3)
You eventually get him all washed up and wrangle him out of the bath onto a towel. however, as soon as things are slightly too quiet and still, you can see the mischief brewing in mayhems eyes.
“Mayhem… no. don't even think about it” but he is a dog after all, so he ignores you completely. And soon enough, he's shaking every single drop of water off his body and onto the three of you.
The only thing that's heard in the bathroom is all of your screams, Annie runs behind the bathroom cabinet in an attempt to hide from the spray, but alas, there is no escape.
After far too many seconds for your liking, he stops shaking. And is looking at Matty with his mouth open in a smile and with a wagging tail.
“You're so lucky you're so cute, mate,” Matty sighs.
“Bloody horse dog,” you mumble under your breath, looking in the mirror at your now dripping wet hair.
Annie simply giggles, grinning as she bends down to give mayhem a hug and squealing when he starts to lick her face. you forgive mayhem pretty quickly after that, blowdrying him, yourself, matty, and annie in a row and snapping another picture of you all.
Now, as for going to the park after, I think you try to avoid it for a few days, trying to keep him clean as long as possible. But before the week is over, all four of you are running around in the mud together like crazy people, and you don't even think about the carnage this is all gonna cause.
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keychainedd · 2 months
roxserpent, co owner of dandy's world and flavor frenzy, is a groomer
(thread copied from twitter, og link here: https://x.com/keychained_/status/1820573158673699105)
rox / roxserpent / the co-dev of both flavor frenzy and dandy's world is a dangerous man who has a big history of grooming & harming minors and covering all of it up whenever he can't take the scorn anymore.
(for more info, look at this doc which words it so much better than i ever could have)
whenever i joined blush crunch for the first time, i checked announcements & saw that rox posted an apology thread. before playing, i heard that he drew porn of multiple th characters, some of which were minors, so i chalked it up to an apology for that and moved on
except, i didn't move on. i was a victim of grooming, and this apology set off alarm bells in my head. i felt guilty for continuing to play despite feeling like something was wrong, but i ignored it. i know many other of my friends had felt the same way.
i felt like the sheep mentality was something i couldve fit into, but it was difficult. it conflicted with my morals. i knew i shouldve said something, but i was scared. i understand now how many people felt the exact same way.
a lot of us were manipulated by rox. almost everyone i know has been. it's been hidden from fans for years. it'll continue to be hidden, especially now that dandy's world has gotten so big, but there's no reason to be scared. i don't care.
rox is a groomer who's created child porn of his friends, manipulated & hurt so many people, lied to every community he's been in, and has ruined lives. he doesnt deserve to be able to go on break, nor should he be able to hide this from people.
he deletes his accounts of the various stories, hides the glaringly obvious fact that he's done so much wrong, tells everyone it's "petty drama" and expects people to move on. it's not petty drama. it's grooming.
im deeply ashamed for how long it took me to make a thread like this. as a victim of grooming myself, i'm sorry. i'm truly sorry. i know how scary it is to see no one believe you. now onto my personal actions because of this server
i've gotten into so many fights over this server. i've hurt people and they've hurt me and i've caused far too many issues that i can count on two hands and i wanted to believe if i shamed other people for things, then i'd be able to redeem myself in my own head.
i was wrong. i'm sorry for the things i've said to people. my guilt that came from this server has snowballed into hatred and i've taken it out on so many people. i want to talk it out. please dm me, friend me on discord, contact me. i will listen
i regret how long it took me to post something like this. i shouldve never stayed quiet. i am angry at everyone including myself and i need to take my anger and use it to inspire myself to act.
rox, you are disgusting. you and all your friends absolutely disgust me. you hire 18+ mods on your server instead of releasing apologies. you force your mods to respond to tickets wondering what you've done and force them to defend you. you use people. that's all you do.
it's no one's fault but rox's for how long everyone had stayed with him. but, you should educate yourself. you should learn. you should spread the word, you should stop supporting bc, you should drop whatever you can to show support to victims.
you may be too scared to speak out, but you can. you always can. no one should stay quiet when they know something this terrible. i've learned it from personal experience. i'm sorry for taking so long. spread the word.
thank you for reading
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oh fuck i just realized that i can actually talk about my opinion on whirlpool here!!!
i think that whirlpool was a well written character. yeah obvious terrible and horrible and should rot at the bottom of the sea and have his corpse feasted upon by the clams and his bones washed away by the sand. but hes decently written.
the way i see whirlpool is that hes purposefully meant to be hateable. look at him. can you see a single trait about him thats supposed to be enjoyable? i think tui did a good job with making him show up just enough to make the twist not come out of nowhere, but to also make it clear that whirlpool is baaadddd news. hes described as being the most putrid and unlikable character imaginable. hes slimey. gross. he sucks up to coral. hes hated by anemone for being boring and uncomfortable. every time he talks he says the most obnoxious shit youd be surprised to see that his words werent completely inaudible from how far up his own ass his head is.
i think it was done on purpose because, to me, whirlpool is meant to be seen as a groomer. "but he only wanted to marry anemone for power!! he didnt actually love her that way" he was grooming her. you have zero reading comprehension skills. his first thought upon seeing auklet was on how to groom her into marrying him when shes of age. thats literally the most clear-cut groomer tactic ive ever heard.
whirlpool is supposed to be the most unlikable and hatable character because his existence is meant to be seen as a warning sign. for children reading it to recognize people like whirlpool and how theyre horrible and how you should tell somebody instantly if you see them.
idk. i just think hes interesting from a writing standpoint. i still want to wring his neck like a wet towel tho
There is a difference between a character being badly written and a bad person, which a lot of people get confused.
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mimisempai · 7 months
Purrfect for each other - Chapter 1
Aziraphale is a pedigree cat, well settled in his neighbourhood, with his own habits, but that day as he went for his daily walk he didn't expect his well-honed routine to be shaken up by a beautiful black cat with golden eyes.
Cat! Aziraphale wasn't expecting to meet Cat! Crowley just as I didn't expect to be writing this story when I got up this morning, but that's life. It's ineffable.
On Ao3
Rating G -  344 words
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Aziraphale was taking a stroll down the street near his home. He'd just come from the cat groomer and was proud of his fluffy, pristine white coat.
He stopped when he heard the snuffling and looked around, surprised to see the alley deserted.
Turning, he realized it was coming from a dumpster. He was about to continue on his way, not wanting to get dirty, when he heard another sniff.
He sighed, studied his surroundings, and after two jumps found himself balancing on two cardboard boxes with his paws on the edge of the dumpster.
Then he lifted the lid with his nose and couldn't help but gasp when he saw where the sniffing was coming from.
Another cat, black with a red collar, though it was hard to tell under the dirt, with lovely golden eyes. And though he was surrounded by Immondices, he was the most beautiful creature Aziraphale had ever seen.
Aziraphale asked gently, "What's a pretty black cat like you doing in a dumpster?"
The black cat sniffed before answering in a sad voice, "My owner doesn't want me anymore..."
Aziraphale didn't hesitate and leaned over a little more, extending his paws and saying, "Then, come with me."
The black cat looked around and replied dejectedly, "But I'm garbage..."
Aziraphale moved a little closer, careful not to fall, and replied softly, "You don't look like garbage to me."
Then he added, "Come on."
The black cat approached and shyly extended his black paw to Aziraphale, who helped him climb up and then out of the dumpster.
The black cat almost slipped, but Aziraphale caught him and said gently, "I've got you," helping him to land safely before letting himself slide to the floor, no longer caring about his pristine fur. 
Panting from the effort, he said to the other cat, "I'm going to take you home," then wrinkled his muzzle and said, "And the first thing we're going to do is give you a bath."
Then, looking at his now gray paws, he added, "I'll have one, too."
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here
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max1461 · 2 years
You know, the right is calling trans people groomers, but it's really cisnormative society that is, frankly, hellbent on grooming kids into particular sexual roles. You know, look at the way it's normalized (even expected) for dads to obsess over their daughters' sexual purity. That's a bit troublesome, right, that dads are so interested in controlling their daughters' sex lives? Not least because "pure, innocent virgin" is essentially a sexual archetype that is widely desired by men. Virginity is lusted after, a fact which traditionalist conservatives widely affirm as a positive, and dads go to great lengths to keep their daughters virgins (or at least, keep them sufficiently sexually inexperienced).
I'm not accusing individual people of grooming here. I do think there are people who do it pretty explicitly with that intention (and if you spend time in trad or "manosphere" spaces you will find them immediately), but I also think a lot of dads do this kind of thing just because they feel like they're supposed to. It's a social obligation. But one way or another, it's an ideology which has the effect of grooming young women for a particular sexual role, and it's awful and traumatizing.
And young boys are not safe either. If you've ever heard the way society talks about teenage (and even younger!) boys, often to their faces, as being sex-obsessed chronic masturbators, it's... at least a little upsetting, don't you think? It's of course true that young people who are just discovering their sexuality may masturbate a lot, but that's (1.) perfectly fine, and (2.) frankly personal and not anyone else's business to comment on. You would not believe the things I have seen parents say to their sons, straight-up no-holds-barred sexual comments, commenting on their masturbation habits in front of other people, saying shit like "such-and-such celebrity has big boobs, I bet you like her", etc. I hope it goes without saying that this is (1.) a massive invasion of privacy and crossing of personal boundaries, and (2.) again, functionally equivalent to grooming kids for a particular sexual role, even if it isn't intended that way.
So let me be very clear: parents crossing their childrens' sexual boundaries, and taking actions that attempt to place their kids into particular sexual archetypes, is completely normalized and is an integral part of cisheteronormative society. I really believe 99% of parents don't intend this, they're just following the social scripts that have been laid out for them. But that's exactly the problem! Those social scripts represent a normalized, self-propagating system of sexually inappropriate behavior by parents towards their children. Dressing in drag isn't grooming. Being trans isn't grooming. But this shit is fucking grooming.
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mkessgyro · 1 year
I'm sorry, but I need to do this. this post will be about the situation with my close friend, and how she was grossly slandered. the situation about the fact that she is a TW MENTION OF GROOMING groomer, which is utterly irrelevant nonsense, let's remember that when the situation happened BOTH parties were not 18 years old, and everything could be solved then with words. the only thing I don't fully understand is: why didn't the "victim" refuse right away? Why did you have to agree to all this if you were uncomfortable? what the heck is that anyway?? why then STALKER a person and condemn them for actions that were several years old? why spread misinformation that she didn't apologize when she apologized PUBLICLY on her twitter? (proof below)
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she herself admitted to me what she did once, and that she sincerely regrets everything and apologized, but, as people understood, she was not heard. I'm just - I'm incredibly tired of people mistaking her for being a disgusting person, but she's far from that and hardly ever was. I know her personally, I communicate with her personally almost every day, and she is a very kind and comfortable person to communicate with! it's certainly terrible that she did such things once, but she clearly understands and realizes that she behaved incorrectly, and APOLOGIZED TO THE VICTIM!!!! And, according to her, not just once. but what did she get in return? right, stalking on social networks and bullying from people who do not know the situation from both sides, because it is so difficult for people to let into their brain that people can change over time.
this all happened THREE, THREE YEARS AGO...why can't you people, kind of even educated, accept that people can actually apologize for their actions and become better people? why stir up the distant past purely for your own benefit? I read the situation from the side of the victim and sincerely laughed, because I had not read such nonsense for a long time since the time when I adored fanfiction. Where did you get the idea that she refuses from the whole situation? she did the right thing, apologized and forgot about everything that happened, she just DOES NOT WANT to remember it again! For her, this is the same traumatic event in her life!
why can't people forget about that too? I myself had traumatic events in my life similar to this, and even worse, but instead of spoiling my offender's life, I forgot and worked it out with a psychologist! (I was 12, they were 19) I understand that there are different people and everyone’s brains are different, but what’s the point of remembering the same traumatic event over and over again and thereby bullying another person, not knowing whether they has changed or not?
I'm really sorry about all of this and for bringing this up, but me and my friend are already incredibly tired of all this and I just want to show the other side of this terrible situation. so I ask once again, LISTEN AND SPREAD!
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Unleashing Mr. Darcy (2016)
I watched this Hallmark movie so you don't have to
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And I'm going to tell you allllllllllllll about it so you can suffer along with me and are never tempted to watch.
TL;DR: woman meets man, hates him for no reason, holds on to that hate for ages, then they kiss the end
Cute Whitebread Woman (AKA Liz) is a high school teacher. We know she has Morals because the Asshole Parents of a star lacrosse player try to bribe her to change his grade so he can continue on the team and she says no. This gets her suspended.
She has a dog. She is spending her birthday showing her beloved dog at a dog show. I think this is supposed to set up how she is Sad and In Need Of Love, but it honestly sounds boss and she seems quite happy.
The new judge, Generic Handsome White DudeTM (AKA Donovan Darcy) expressed mild annoyance that she wasn't paying attention and was late to her showing (valid) and when he said "Fine eyes...shame about the freckles though" she thought for 5 seconds he was saying it about her instead of, you know, her dog that he's being paid to judge. This is enough to cement her eternal dislike, even though she admits to her sister Jenna that a lot of it was just about him sounding like Asshole Parent.
Her suspension turns into a firing because one of the Asshole Parents sits on the board, so she takes her mom's friend up on the offer to come stay with her in New York and be the handler for her dogs at shows for a few months. Surprise, Darcy lives across the street. She is very antagonistic toward him, even though Darcy asks if she's always so hostile.
"We have a mutual dislike!" she insists, while everyone denies there is any possibility of Darcy disliking her.
He invites them over to meet his new puppies. Darcy is not there, but they meet bitchy Aunt Darcy and someone named Felicity, who Aunt Darcy insinuates is about to marry Darcy. Liz believes this even though her mom's friend (I'm not confident I ever caught her name) snorts with laughter.
She also met his teenage sister Zara, who cozies up to Liz and admits that Darcy wanted to see her but Aunt Darcy made up an emergency to get her out of the house. (why??? Aunt Darcy had never heard of her. Does she just isolate him from everyone who isn't Felicity?)
Btw, Asshole Parent is suing Liz, saying that she was the one who solicited the bribe. Darcy is concerned when he runs into her and she's crying. She insists she isn't, is very rude, and runs away.
Seriously. Mom's friend, who is friends with Darcy: He doesn't like this other girl, he likes you Darcy's sister: He hates this other girl, he likes you Liz's sister Jenna: I'm dating his best friend, who says he doesn't like this other girl and he likes you Liz: Idk he's probably with this other girl but I don't care because he definitely hates me
Mom's friend maneuvers Liz into being at the groomers at the same time as Darcy. They have a whole Moment, after a dog that doesn't even come up to their knees somehow shakes off enough water to splash their hair and faces, so he tenderly dries her off.
Surprise! Darcy is Very Rich and Important, so the tabloids caught pictures of this moment! Since Felicity has told the tabloids they are together, he's being labeled as a cheater.
Bitch Aunt is super pissed. She insists he needs a proper wife for his head of the charity foundation Lifestyle. Liz is upset and agrees to stay away from him, even though her mom's friend points out how absolutely batshit insane of a viewpoint this is in the modern world.
Did I mention that Bitch Aunt also shows dogs? When her dogs lose to Liz, she claims there is a conflict of interest with Darcy dating one of the handlers and even though Darcy is like "fine I won't judge then" Liz quits her job.
Darcy is like hey don't go home yet. I've protested the decision. If you feel like you're freeloading in the meantime, then you can work for me - puppysit while we go out of town for a week.
"You keep surprising me," says Liz, astonished that Regular Human Man is just a Regular Human Man and not the UltraDick she assumed him to be on no basis whatsoever.
Her sister Jenna begs her to come to some charity gala with her, so she does and surprise! It's Darcy's estate/party! She walks in to see him coming out of the pool (again they got Darcy wet I'm so right about this) She tries to leave but he tells her he wants her to stay.
When the gala starts, he tells her she takes his breath away and asks her to dance. I think this is where she might be realizing that he doesn't hate her (fucking finally)
Asshole Parent is at the gala too, and is like "be sure to watch your wallet with her Darcy, she once tried to pick mine." Darcy is like "do you know him?" and she runs away. Asshole Parent tries to confront her but Darcy takes her side and throws him out. "I've ruined your party" she says, for a few minutes of awkwardness that only a few people noticed. "Your aunt and felicity invited him here because they want me gone." "Well let's shut 'em up," he says, "let's shut 'em all up" and then he KISSES her. IN A CROWDED ROOM. I might care more if there was any chemistry between them.
Everybody gasps and claps. He kicks out Bitch Aunt and Felicity for good measure, for inviting the asshole in, but Liz still leaves the party and goes upstairs to her room. Her sister Jenna overhears her love interest trying to get Darcy to confess to his feelings, but he is not having it, so Jenna gets incredibly upset and convinces Liz to leave (?)
Darcy stops her outside the taxi, has a heartfelt confession of feelings. Says he loves her. Liz tells him to leave her alone.
He writes a heartfelt letter, which she insists is just a rich boy throwing a tantrum for something he couldn't have (honey you've been throwing a tantrum for the entire movie, get over yourself)
Guess what? Her old job calls! They've gotten new info about Asshole Parents, which allows them to hire her back with a 20% raise and kick them off the board. Darcy is the one who saved her job. (she does not take the job, because Morals)
Liz's mom tells her that she looked into Darcy and found out he gives away more money than anyone else in the state of New York. Liz finally starts to believe he is a good guy, even though none of this is new information and in fact was told to everyone about twenty minutes into the movie. In fact it's not until Jenna's love interest shows up and sweeps her off her feet and admits that Darcy was the one who urged him to follow his heart that Liz is like "Darcy? has a heart? omg I love him"
She leaves him some voicemails but he doesn't respond, because he dropped off the grid when she broke his heart. She even moves to New York and job search there in case he calls her back.
He doesn't.
But she runs into him at a dog show! He tells her he listened to the voicemails and her confession of love and they talk about their feelings for like 3 or 4 minutes, standing there holding hands IN FRONT OF A CROWD WHO IS WAITING FOR HIM TO JUDGE THIS DOG THAT'S JUST SITTING THERE.
They kiss. Everyone claps. They break off, embarrassed, realizing they're standing in front of a crowd, aaaaaaaaand then they go back to kissing.
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northlight14 · 4 months
Defining A Woman
(Transphobes DNI)
To Rishi Sunak.
A genocide in Gaza
A housing crisis
And Global warming.
Just a few items on the long list of things
That you are supposed to help with.
And yet you, prime minister, decided that
“Defining a woman” was the most important one.
The same day I first heard you say
“A man is a man and a woman is a woman”
I had my hair cut off and taped my tits
A coincidence I’ll admit,
But no other coincidence has ever felt so rebellious
My body never felt so right
And your “common sense” was proven wrong by scientists many times over
But we both know you don’t care about science.
You stand up there and claim you’re “protecting the children”
While making a jab in front of the mother of one of our dead trans sisters
I have to ask, was that 16 year old a threat to you?
Brianna Ghey, may she rest in peace.
Requested an apology
That interview answer was the longest no I’ve ever heard
You say our healthcare is damaging to children
Calling us pedophiles and groomers and delusional
Block your ears to actual science
And your own party’s rape and pedophile accusations
And you fail to realise that puberty blockers
Are more reversible than a child’s suicide
And those same symptoms come with the birth control
Prescribed to a 12 year old girl because she has ache.
Only 0.5% of the british population and yet
You act as if our existence is an epidemic
And we both know that’s because ignorance is easier than to admit you’re allowing
A genocide in Gaza
A housing crisis
And global warming
Like a coward, you make a mess
Then point to us as a distraction.
A child of a politician,
I wish the fucking cabbage replaced Liz Truss instead
Because whether we both like it or not
You are our prime minister too.
So fucking act like it.
Reblogs >> likes
I take constructive criticism
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moonsidesong · 22 days
just caught up with Your Turn To Die and absolutely adored it the whole way through. it goes unbelievably hard. calling it Danganronpa But Good feels like an insult. but like... yeah what if danganronpa was good? or rather. game that makes me wish danganronpa was good.
it really keeps you on your toes the Entire time, which is why i ended up saving like......... every five to ten minutes, most times. i would say the only slower part is the minigames during chapter 2? but, i thought those were fun, and they were still broken up by plot important stuff, so i really didnt mind.
ive heard the game had a soundtrack release on CD a few years ago, but i cant seem to find much information about it? much less any resell listings. how sad... i love cd...
i wanna talk more in depth from here on out so spoilers under the cut! warning thoughts very disjointed. and i havent seen absolutely Everything the game has to offer yet (havent done any of the side stories, we'll do them soon probably) so if my takes are disproven by anything ive yet to see please do not tell me htank you
first off OHHH MY GODDDD THIS GAME IS SO MUCH LESS CREEPY ABOUT THE MINORS AND ITS SUCH A BREATH OF FRESH AIR COMPARED TO DANGANRONPA. its not perfect, of course, i do not entirely love the jokes(???) about keiji (known grown adult man) going on dates with sara (known teenage girl), but like, this game does not make me feel gross all the time? thank u nankidai for not making your teacher character with a close relationship with one of his former students a groomer! the bare minimum! im gonna hit kodaka with a stick this should not be a point in the game's favor.
anyway! ended chapter 2 with Reko and Sou (shin) alive, ended chapter 3 having lost Reko .. . :( shes my favorite... i was so sad... ranmaru we're not friends anymore/.... you suck... you killed my best girl... we um, did make a grand total of 175 save files though, so at some point me and the friend i played with are gonna go back and scrub through anything and everything that we missed. maybe after we do the side stories though, not sure yet. reko yabusame i swear to god i will crawl into the screen and kill ranmaru myself for you. i will save you. i love you so much mwah
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for years ive only known midori as The Guy That Kids On Danganronpa Discourse Instagram Put Overdramatic Yet Also Somehow Extremely Haphazard Trigger Warnings on every post that included him, so i was really excited to meet him. and boy he did not disappoint this guys NUTS!!! HES CRAZAY!!!!!!!! he has such a perfectly striking look about him. i love how he almost never stops looking straight at you, and how his suit is stark black so it obscures a lot of his shape when he's in the dark, its so cool. they absolutely nailed the atmosphere whenever you're around this guy.
but the first jumpscare when he like reaches out at you from the coffin just kinda made me laugh. me when i get you
also, if you're this far in to care about my opinions on games you probably know that i am Known Danganronpa V3 Hater. i think in particular Kokichi Ouma is way too good of a character for how dogwater the game's actual plot is, and Shin Tsukimi, while not being the same, obviously, scratches that itch of a guy trapped in a death game that spends all his time lying and living under a persona because he's afraid of dying perfectly While Being In A Game That Doesnt Make Me Feel Like Eating Sheet Metal . i love this dude and his ugly several clashing colors outfit. he wants my ass like mega dead right now but thats not important surely
also, i think its sweet that joe and sara are just best friends and they rarely ever even entertain the idea that they had romantic feelings for each other. i think its extra sweet and tragic that joe was able to tell sara he loved her in the end, meaning it as his best friend. and the way the game completely ceases showing you flashbacks of him after that point and just lets the image of the hallucinations replace his actual memory overtime is so good and haunting. this doubled down by the way her memory of him is completely locked up as soon as she starts trying to actually remember the way he really was, its so good.
i think thats all i have to say for now, but umm!!! really really good im excited to go back and fill in the gaps i missed. especially regarding kanna becasue i have a lot of theories about her that i hope im on the right track about #lol. but even if i dont i want to see her i miss her. yaay!!! i love when video games are good. i love you video games.
ill probably make more posts down the line with more thoughts after i let them marinade in my brain for a while... mostly when i have thoughts ive been sending them to the friend im playing with so we can discuss theories together LOL
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fluffy-lovely-clouds · 2 months
hate to be serious for a second guys but I'm seriously thinking about leaving the hazbin hotel fandom, and its because i just cant fucking stand vivsie
i haven't supported her in any way ever since i heard about her history which was a while ago, maybe around when she finished her first season of helluva boss. well i stopped watching that, and hadnt planned to watch hazbin when it finally came out until one of my friends encouraged me to. so i had pirated all of it, that way i wouldn't support vivsie in any way, and for a while ive been okay with it, until now.
its not just the fact that i dont wanna watch a show because its by her, its because of all the messed up shit thats in the show, and plus how the fandom is (NOT pointing any of you guys out, you're all great).
For one, it feels like vivienne has such a terrible grudge on Christianity. im not Christian myself, im more or less an agnostic, but i still respect Christianity extremely, along with every other religion and belief as people should. The fact that the whole basis of her story and the way she presents it is a warped telling of Christian places (heaven and hell) and figures (angles, demons, Lucifer) is kinda disrespectful. i get that there are tons of other movies and shows that fantasize christianity and stuff, but hazbin hotel feels like vivienne is just trying and WANTING to outright insult the religion. taking such a big figure such as lucifer and making him goofy as hell, or showing that heaven is full of nothing but assholes, with ADAM being the biggest fuck of them all, just feels too far to me personally.
don't get me wrong, the chance that there are demons in hell that can redeem and be good people and that not everyone in heaven is perfect makes for a great story in my opinion, but i think that plot could be written and presented so much better than what vivsie's done
secondly, there are too many characters in the show that make me so uncomfortable and disgusted, and what's bad is these characters seem really glamorized. im talking about valentino. HE IS A LITERAL ACTIVE SEXUAL ASSUALTER WHO CONSTANTLY ABUSES ANGEL. THAT IS NOT OKAY. THAT IS A HUGE RED FLAG. but guess what, hes still fucking glamorized. not just by vivsie herself but by the fandom as well. you would think something bad would happen to him personally in the show to pay for his actions, but the worst i can remember happening to him is getting bit by fucking niffty, and angel standing up to him, BUT THAT IS NOT HIS DEFEAT. HE IS CONTINUOUSLY SHOWED THROUGHOUT THE SHOW BEING WRITTEN OFF LIKE NOTHING'S WRONG. His friendship with velvet and vox is seen as positive and even cute. i dont like vox much either because of the very fact that he makes out with valentino, and it makes me wonder if vivsie wrote vox off to know that valentino commits sexual abuse. if she did, then that means vox knows he's literally making out with a groomer and yet is okay with it. im gonna fucking explode
the fandom can be just terrible in the fact that people know all this but don't give a shit anyhow and draw/ write all the disgusting, shitty characters glamorized anyway cause they're messed up and think they're hot or whatever (VALENTINO). that's it. ive seen it in this community. there was a post about him where he teased y/n and it was meant to be seen positively. it got popular pretty fast. again, im gonna fucking explode. also, there's the deal with Alastor. IT IS CANON HE IS AROACE. But I have seen the fandom completely ignore that and sexualize him so much im starting to lose faith in humanity.
so yeah, i could keep going a bit but i think y'all get the point. i MIGHT not leave completely because i dont hate everything about the show, but by that i mean that husk and angel's relationship are like the only thing i care about. you MAY still see those two on here every once in a while, but that's it
so.. sorry guys, but i hope ive made yall understand
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