#haven't made any in a while so it'd be nice to get back to that again
fiepige · 5 months
So, I recently rewatched atsv (again) and it got me thinking:
What do you guys think Miguel calls Hobie?
Cause he only ever addresses him as "you" when talking to him once in the movie.
Somehow I feel like Miguel wouldn't call him Hobie, cause their relationship to each other seems kinda strained, and I don't really see Miguel wanting to cater to Hobie by calling him by his nickname (if we assume that Hobie is a nickname and his full name is Hobart like in the comics)
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nexusnyx · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤ— ˏˋ꒰under neon lights꒱
→ Based on this request. [WC: 1.1k]
Joel became an expert on many things in this damned life, but running away from something he wants is not one of them. OR; How you're Joel Miller's worst (best) habit .ೃ࿐
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Although he'd love to say he "tried his best", Joel's no liar.
He never tried a goddamn thing.
Not even once.
The moment he saw it in you—the glint of something wicked looking for any inch of ground to sink teeth and claws in, the spark of desire meeting him, he was done for. Joel dug his heels and stood his ground despite his instincts, not knowing what would come of this.
"Hey, handsome."
Initially, he thought those to be a joke. Now, Joel knows better. "Thought you wouldn't come," is his answer.
You laugh under your breath, the air turning white in front of you.
Joel watches as you remove your coat, boots, and place all of your items in their proper places. The house Tommy found for him is small just like he wanted and it serves its purpose—Ellie's got a roof over her head, and Joel has pieces of furniture and cracks in the walls he busies himself with. It's more than he could've asked for after years of cleaning sewages or doing god knows who's dirty work.
Your disposition to come over to his place every Friday night and sit with him while everyone else hangs around the town's square for food and drinks never faltered.
Joel serves you the whiskey and sits on his porch chair, knowing you'll follow suit.
During the first visits, Joel's had some of the best conversation of his lifetime.
Even if it felt like this was his third one already—he remembered how good it was to have someone else around who also wanted to just enjoy the peace and quiet. Someone who took pleasure in knowing that this was real luxury. This was luck.
Then, Joel remembered how it felt to learn your visits and company were also the thing he kept denying himself.
Lingering looks. The burning touch of your hand brushing against his at every given opportunity. Sultriness dripped from your voice every now and then when he spoke of things that demanded intimacy. When the topic verged on real things, Joel recalled seeing you lick your dry lips and look him dead in the eye before responding, as if daring him to say you were joking, or even ask if you meant your words.
"I don't come here because I'm lonely, Miller. Is that what you think of yourself? That your company's good as nothing?"
"Saying that implies your company offers me nothing when you know that's not true. You see me smilin' at you around town, waving hi, waiting for you to appear in the meetings just so I can have someone else to offer my incredibly witty remarks. You're not the go-to 'cause I'm lonely—which, by the way, I'm not."
"Figured you were. Haven't seen anyone else demand your attention back from me."
"It's 'cause they know it'd be worthless."
"Why'd you come then?"
"'Cause I like talking to you, jackass. Why else?"
"I—I haven't..."
"Haven't what? Interacted properly with another adult person in a while? That's okay, we'll take baby steps."
"Don't laugh at me, that ain't nice, sweetheart."
"I thought I was laughing with you..."
"All of this is weird."
"Which part? Having a life again? ... Yeah, it's weird."
Joel hated it when you were at a loss for words now.
It was more than just a habit after all these times—seeking the heat of your skin as you leaned against the wooden porch. His hand moved under your jumper and shirt, opening wide on the lower part of your back. He caressed the skin slowly and watched you from the side as you looked forward.
It was stupid to ask if something was wrong when everything around everyone sort of crumbled to pieces daily, so instead, Joel made a grunting sound to get your attention back on him.
When you looked up, something shone. The redness of your bitten lips made him want to soothe away your pain. Maybe kiss them until they are numb. Sometimes, Joel pretended he could lick you clean from any harm or any sin.
It's a whisper when your voice cuts through the howling wind of the night. "D'you think we'll ever be more than... this?"
It hits like a rock to his stomach.
This—late nights stolen like the first kisses were. Hidden messages, looks, touches, all hidden underneath some shame. All the taking and giving and taking again, both so lost in the pleasure and the touch that neither are capable of looking away when the other pins one with their eyes.
This—crying, and begging, and moaning, all muttered and exhaled because they were pulled, earned, and nothing could stop the pleasure from drooling from the lips.
This—a secret. A habit. A battle cry.
"I don't know." Joel wants to, though. His hand on your back squeezes harder, and he molds the front of his body to fit the back of yours. "I'm..." a lot. Too much. Never bold enough to think about these things. "A lot different than I was when I first got here."
There's a short laugh. "I know. I remember." Your hands smooth the way from his hands to his forearm, and you make yourself more compact to fit in his hold. "I just... I lied to my sister to come here tonight, and..."
It all added up. "Right." Did you have to? "Why did you?"
He regrets asking the second the words are out because the memory floods back with you quoting his words to him. "This is the last time we're doing this." He said that, back when he was still in denial you wanted him too. "I'm not sure if—"
Joel spins you so abruptly that it shuts you up. "I meant that back then, but it's not true," he shakes his head. "I was saying that more to cover my own ass than anything."
"Cover from what?"
"From how stupid I'd feel once you noticed I'm not what you want."
The silence that follows makes his nape itch. Joel's mind learned to listen for all the threats in the woods and the quiet of the houses surrounding them, but his eyes were glued to you.
You tilt your head at him, analyzing him so thoroughly that Joel does fidget.
"Is that what you thought?"
"It was." He can hear the exasperation in your tone as much as he can hear the surrender in his. "I don't mind if you tell people where you're going—honestly." Joel chuckles. "If I'm lucky enough you want to come back..."
Your arms came up higher and hugged around his shoulders. "This is not where I hoped this conversation would go," your pleased smile only makes his inside feel like they're growing too. "You be careful what you say, Miller."
"I ain't scared." His words already got him feeling like an outsider or perhaps an outlaw, so fuck him—he'd use them to keep you looking at him like this for a change. "I mean it." He could get addicted to this.
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mayuichi · 6 months
“Oh, you're still here ?„
Arlecchino x Reader. No warnings!
note: aaaaaAAAAAAA that one isn't as good as the others but my brain ran out
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Official art from Hoyoverse!
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A child comes to you, handing you a card orned with drawings of trees and snowmen. “Look! That's my wishes to Santa!„ a smile creeps on your face and a chuckle escapes you. You carefully grab the card to read what the child had written.
“Dear Santa! I hope on Christmas we can all play together and that Father will be home with us!„ your heart warms up at the sweet words. You know every children in the orphanage hold Arlecchino dearly in their heart. After all, she saved their lives.
You hand back his card and gently pat his head. “That is a lovely wish you have made. I'm sure Father will be home to spend some time with you.„
You could feel an hesitant tug at your sleeve. A little girl looks up at you with big puppy eyes. “I... I don't know what to write on my card...„ she shyly admits. You chuckle quietly and take her hand to guide her to the nearest table.
Helping that poor child, you yourself hope your wife will manage to get home to spend time with you, but you'd understand if she can't. After all, being an Harbinger isn't an easy task now, is it?
You already met Pierro once, and Archons, you felt so tiny and vulnerable, as if he could crush you at any moment. You almost met all the other Harbingers in fact, beside Dottore. Arlecchino always forbids you to, she doesn't want this sick twisted doctor to try anything funny with you.
Once every children finished their cards, you gesture them to come over and give it to them. “I'll go deliver them to Santa~!„ is the plan, but you know that it isn't the case. You'll keep it to yourself and try to make their wishes come true, as best as you can.
You aren't actually working in the House of the Hearth, but since you are Arlecchino's partner... You are allowed to come and go as you please as long as you don't do any harm to the children.
As the last kid hands you his card, he takes your hand in his, pleading eyes. “Could you make Father do a card too ? It'd be nice!„ the others' eyes shine with stars at the thought. “I will.„ you promise, not even knowing if she'll come home, and that even if she does... How the fuck are you going to do it?
Anyway, it's only three days after that while you're chilling in your quarters, or more likely - Arlecchino's quarters -, reading a book, you hear the door shut close and her figure walking closer.
“Oh, you're still here ?„ she glances at you, tossing aside her jacket. “I thought you would've been to your house.„ stepping closer, she leans against the desk, taking the book from your hands.
“Still reading Princess Mina of the Fallen Nation? Wasn't it what you started when I left?„ she questions. Well, that is true that you're taking a while to read it, but... “I have been busy around the orphanage...„
Raising an eyebrow with a smirk, she places back down the book, “Oh, really ? How so?„ her voice drips with malice. It gives you butterflies. Your cheeks take a soft pink tint. “I helped with the children, of course... I tried to keep them entertained.„
She loves the idea of you taking care of a kid, that's a fact. Her hand reaches to the side of your neck, and you slightly jump at her sudden touch. “... Such a scaredy kitty. What have you done with the children? I hope they haven't caused any trouble.„
You quickly dismiss her words - or somehow worries - “No, no of course not! They are adorable!„ she chuckles, cupping your cheek, caressing it with her thumb while being careful to not hurt you with her nails. “Since it's soon Christmas, I.. I made them do some Christmas cards.„
Her eyes close, seemingly in thought, and she sits on the table. “Christmas cards, huh... What a stupid thing. How can it be useful?„ she opens her eyes once again, letting them bore into yours. “It isn't specifically useful but... It made them happy to do it, so I wouldn't call it stupid.„
“No, it's true. It isn't stupid. It is just very childish, and it doesn't surprise me from you.„ she teases, creeping closer to press a kiss over your nose. “I bet they love you.„ you nod. You couldn't deny what's true.
“They do, but they love you too. And they miss their Father.„ her eyes widen slightly in surprise, a deep chuckle leaving her lips. “Is that so... I am glad they recognize to who they owe something.„
You roll your eyes at her words. Suddenly, you feel yourself lifted, and pinned down to the bed. “However, I missed you the most. Would you be so nice to let me engulf into you again?„ she asks, but you know it isn't a question. It's an order.
“Wait...! The children want you to do a card too..!„ she shakes her head, “Not now. Right now I need to be with you. So anything else isn't important.„
She doesn't leave any room for argument. Her lips collapse against your in a fervent and hurried kiss. She claims your lips for the first time of the night, but clearly not the last. You are definitely in for a very long night.
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/ᐠ - ˕ •マ Ⳋ mayuichi's property. do not repost, copy or translate without permission.
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mirx-xko-offical · 2 months
You wanted asks, and in here to ask, what about Ruggie getting sick because he overworked himself, and the reader/mc takes care of him and goes a few of his tasks for him, I think it'd be really cute!💚
So sorry for how late this is😭
I already had most of this written but Tumblr and google docs did me dirty n' shit by not saving it.
Here it is now though<3
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Tired/Sick!Ruggie x Worried!GN!Reader
TWs: Mainly fluff but mentions of medications is included!
(Story underneath cut!)
"Eh, Ruggie? you're up?"
"I'm so sorry for waking you!"
"Quiet down jeez-..."
[Name] has always been the worried type. While, Ruggie was about the complete opposite, usually not having a worry for the world unless you're someone he'd consider close. So every time Ruggie has overworked himself, [Name] would be there to help (not without worrying first ofc).
[Name] looked over to the beastman, seeing how tired looking and hearing how raspy his voice was. This wasn't the first time Ruggie had seemed this way. In fact [Name] saw this quite often nowadays. Ruggie tried to avoid them seeing him this way but he always seemed to fail.
"Ruggie!" [Name] called for him, chasing after him as he started to run upon hearing his name being called. "Get back here! You shouldn't be running!" [Name] continued, trying their best to catch up.
Once Ruggie thought he'd lost them, he turned a corner just to be tackled by the said person. "Aha! Looks like I gotcha! Are you okay?" [Name] asked as they pinned the poor boy down.
"I'm fine." He tiredly responded to them, his dry voice wasn't helping him at all.
"You don't sound fine..." [Name] looked at him suspiciously which made him more nervous by the second. "You've been overworking yourself again, haven't you?" [Name] leaned in to get a better view of his face, making him redder than before.
"Psshhh~ Of course not. " Ruggie blew it off as he pushed [Name] to the side, allowing him to sit up. He still tried to play it off as if he was fine but his back seemed to be sore from the way he got up. "I told you that I wouldn't overwork myself anymore."
"Nice try Ruggie. I can tell that you're all sore and tired." [Name] gave him a glare before dragging him back to his feet. "You're going to go rest and that's final." [Name] stubbornly stated as they grabbed his ear, leading him back to the dorms.
"You're gonna make me more sore with the way you're draggin' me." Ruggie complained as he rubbed his ear, giving [Name] a pouty look. "Plus I'm fine, I don't need rest." He said in a rather mocking tone which led [Name] into shoving him into his room, holding the door closed.
"You're gonna stay in here whether you like it or not!" [Name] replied as they finally felt Ruggie's struggle end, sighing before letting go of the door handle. "Now. Just so you don't get in trouble any, I'll be doing your work today." [Name] smirked as they walked away, heading out of the dorm to their next class.
After classes ended [Name] couldn't help but let out a long sigh, equally exhausted as Ruggie. "How can he do all of that? I can barely make it through a day.." [Name] slowly dragged themselves to the Savanaclaw dorm, heading to Ruggie's room to check up on him.
Knocking on his door without a answer, [Name] quietly opened the door, peeking inside to see medication on his rather messy desk and him laying sound asleep in his bed. "Good, he's sleeping." [Name] whispered to nobody as they walked into the room, not bothering to shut the door.
"Why are you back in here?" [Name] jumped at the sound of Ruggie's slightly deepened voice and the feeling of his hands wrap around their waist.
"Eh, Ruggie? you're up?" [Name] turned to see his half asleep expression.
"Yep..." Ruggie sleepily responded, dragging [Name] close enough to where he could rest his head on their back.
"I'm so sorry for waking you!" [Name] apologized panicked, turning around to face him.
"Quiet down jeez-..." Ruggie's ears flattened as they yelped an aplology.
"Right, right sorry." [Name] whispered as they bent down to hug Ruggie back, resting thier head between his ears. "How are you feeling?" They decided to ask, looking down to him.
"Tired." He mumbled, nuzzling his head into their chest. "I bet you are too." He guessed as he lifted an eye to them.
"You're correct-" Just as [Name] answered, Ruggie dragged them into the bed, holding them close. "R-Ruggie!-" [Name] whispered again, surprised as Ruggie squeezed them.
"Just sleep." Ruggie grumbled sleepily as he loosened his grip, allowing [Name] to breathe again.
"Alright then..."
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I didn't realize how much love Ruggie got until I posted ideas for him-
Tysm pookie for the ask though! Again I'm so sorry it's late. I'm currently working on a part 2.
Also you guys might just get some Incorrect quotes later ;)
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lizardaggro · 7 months
Okay so like regarding your bully au, I'm really invested cause the Mc has a backbone which is just >>>
But like this brings me to question were they all friends before the bullying or they just decided to confide in Mc while bullying cause it's like giving blackmail against you to your victim unless they didn't consider the scenario of Mc going rogue.
Another question is what if Mc just dipped like ✌️ bye y'all, I mean it's not completely possible with all the attention but what if it just happened how would the reactions follow after.
hihi, thanks for the questions! i literally thrive seeing things in my inbox so you've made one author happy today!
oooh we're getting into some lore here, i'll admit i don't have everything planned out for how this story's gonna go, but these questions i do have answers for.
first, yes reader/yuu was friends with everyone in the beginning. after a while though, their feelings towards mc stopped being strictly platonic, aka they went yandere mode. and because they're all traumatized and not entirely nice, their "brilliant" idea to win mc's affections was bullying. so they were telling their friend their worries, and never would've thought it'd come back to bite them in the butt.
second, if mc peace'd out, they would all freak the fuck out. some would be worried that something happened to them, others would think their rivals did something, and others (aka mal-mal) would just be a big sad. realistically there's no way they could nope out from literally everyone's view without help though, so instead mc is trying to blackmail them into leaving them alone.
i hope that all makes sense; sometimes i feel like i'm really bad at explaining things. took a break from writing part 3 due to being really fricking tired, but i'm getting back to it now so look forward to it! if anyone has questions please don't hesitate to send them in, and let me know who you'd like to see in future parts! also thinking about writing the boys' pov for the bully!au since i purposefully haven't shown any of it in the main story.
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
Honey for Some Honey
Bottom!FTM!Kaeya x Top!Masc Reader
AFAB Language Used | send suggestions for a prt 2 ^^
Contains: Step-Cest, Non-Con Touching, Panty Kink, Cunnilingus, Sex
Words: 1,553
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Kaeya's dad married your mom, meaning you get to see him every morning in just an oversized shirt and panties. He's way too comfortable with everyone but hey, you're not complaining.
You always hope he bends over or reaches up so you can get a look at his plump and perfect ass. He rarely does but today, he's struggling to get his favorite honey from the highest cabinet. Even with his amazingly long model-like legs he can't quite reach it, but you can.
Of course you put it up there on purpose, how else would you be able to get this amazing view?
"Are you serious? Who even put this up here?"
You walk up behind him and press your boner against his ass. "Need any help?"
Kaeya chooses to ignore your length poking him, he needs that honey for his tea. "That would be appreciated."
"It'd be nice to have some compensation though...honey for some honey." Your hands lightly massage his shoulders. "If you know what I mean."
"Absolutely not." Kaeya pushes you away and crawls on top of the counter, his ass in a wonderful display. "I'll get it myself."
"Thanks for the view, Kae."
"You're a fucking pervert." He steps down and pulls his shirt down. "Not to mention, sex in return for honey is a completely unbalanced transaction."
"Come on, don't you want your step bro to show you a good time? You don't even have to do anything, just let me touch you." You move your arms underneath his shirt, pulling at the band of his underwear. "All the guys I've been with have told me my fingers are magic. My mouth too."
"Yeah? I bet you haven't even gone past first base." Kaeya scoffs. "I doubt I'd feel anything."
"Really?" You lean into his ear. "Let me show you how wrong you are."
"I decline, but have fun jerking off alone in your room to the thought of me." Kaeya moves your hands away from him and turns around. "Oh, and here's your masturbation material, perv." He says while pulling his underwear off. He throws it in your face before walking away, he can live without his morning tea for one day.
Later, you sent him a picture of his underwear splattered with cum. With the message: "Thanks, Kae."
Kaeya couldn't help but feel a little tingle from seeing that.
He places his phone next to him on the bed and rubs himself through the fabric, drenching it with slick. "That perv is gonna love this.."
He slips his fingers inside and fingers himself. Kaeya rolls his head back and thinks about you finding his slick coated underwear on your bed, sniffing it and instantly getting a boner.
Kaeya imagines you jerking off to it, groaning and fantasizing about all the things you'll never have the privilege to do to him.
"Ah-" He reaches his peak and moans, quietly enough that no one else can hear.
He'll drop off his underwear onto your bed when you leave.
You damn near lost your mind when you found his panties on your bed, you sent him a video this time.
"You're a real tease, Kae." You groaned, jerking off over his drenched panties. "You're so fucking hot, wanna fuck you so bad.."
Kaeya could hear the desperation in your voice, the husky lowness made him so horny.
During dinner, neither of you can keep your eyes off of each other. Kaeya can feel you fucking him with your eyes and his underwear is already drenched, he's thankfully wearing shorts though.
"Mom, remember those tickets I gave you? You two should start getting ready now"
You bought tickets for some boring event your mom likes to get her and your stepdad out of the house.
Once they leave, Kaeya pulls his shorts off and walks over to the counter. "Still offering that honey deal?"
You quickly make your way over to him. "Of course."
He brings himself up onto the counter and pulls his shirt up. "Here's your honey, perv."
You almost start drooling, Kaeya truly is a sight to behold. With his perky chest and hard nipples down to the very obvious damp spot in his white panties, gods, you don't know what to do with yourself.
You kneel down, at the perfect height to eat him out. You run your hands along his soft plump thighs and bury your face in between them, breathing in his sweet scent. The sight makes Kaeya ache, he loves seeing you look so pathetic underneath him.
You lick him through the fabric, groaning heavily and palming at your boner.
"You're such a pervert." He throws his head back and you hum in agreement. He pulls his underwear to the side.
You part his folds and kiss his clit, lingering on it for a moment and making Kaeya shiver. You move in to devour his wet cunt, eating him like a starved man, like you hadn't eaten minutes earlier.
"Shit-" Kaeya's voice is breathy and high pitched. He wasn't expecting you to be this good. "Lik- like that-"
You grin, feeling smug that you proved him wrong. You slip a digit inside him, his walls pulsing around your finger.
"Oh gh- god-" Kaeya gasps, he never realized it but your fingers are big, just one feels like two of his. How would your cock feel..? "Gonna come~!"
You keep your finger inside him while licking his sensitive clit, feeling him clenching and unclenching around your finger and imagining how he would feel coming on your length instead.
You pull away, chin drenched in slick, and look up at Kaeya.
He pets you, chest rising with each breath. "Good boy."
"Can I fuck you, Kae? Please?"
He purses his lips. "D'you have a condom?"
You stand up. "Yeah, but it's so much better raw."
Kaeya looks to the side, the thought of you having sex with someone else raw makes him jealous. "As long as you pull out, okay?"
You nod, a wide grin on your face as you pull your shorts and boxers off. Kaeya holds back a gasp when he sees your full length.
"Actually.." Kaeya closes his legs instinctively. "You're too big.."
"You'll be fine, Kae! I'll go slow." You rub his thigh with your thumb. "I'll be gentle."
Kaeya sighs. He absolutely wants that inside of him but the rational part of his mind is extremely anxious. "You better be." He stares at your length. "I've never taken anything this big before.."
The most he's taken is a 5 inch dildo, the toy pales in comparison to yours.
You smirk. "Of course." You grab his thighs and pull him towards you before slowly entering him. You groan at his tightness while Kaeya grimaces at the stretch.
"Gods, you feel amazing Kaeya."
He moans, loving the feeling of you entering him despite the pain. "Gonna tear me apart-"
You grip his thighs tightly, trying not to shove your entirety inside him and fuck him like a doll. "Don't say that.."
"Pervert." He smirks. "You're so fucking big, daddy, I can barely take you~" He teases. He's about to say something else but stops when he sees your reaction, breathing heavily and clearly using all you can to restrain yourself from being rough.
"Kae. Don't.."
Kaeya can't help but snap that rope keeping you from doing that. "I might come just from having you inside me, daddy~ Mm, so big and th-"
He's interrupted by your sudden thrust, a loud moan escaping his pretty lips as you bottom out. You pick him up off the counter, gripping his ass tightly as you fuck him without mercy.
Kaeya breaks out into cries of pleasure. "Fuck~!" He digs his nails into your back, almost piercing the fabric with his nails.
He rolls his eyes back, moaning shamelessly due to your hard and rough thrusts preventing him from even trying to stay quiet.
You land a harsh smack to his ass, pulling a shriek from Kaeya. "Is this what you wanted?" You ask, nipping at the outer part of his ear.
"Ye- yes~!" He chokes on his saliva. "Ah- gon- uh~ come~!"
You keep up the pace, fucking Kaeya even as he's reached his climax. "'M close too-"
"Outs- outside~!" Kaeya squeaks, slapping your back.
You rest him on the counter and retract your length slowly. Kaeya almost wishes he didn't tell you to pull out, he misses the feeling of having you inside him.
You push his underwear back to normal, jerking off and shooting your spend over the white fabric.
Breathing heavily, Kaeya watches you ruin his underwear with cum. "...Shower?" He asks quietly, his intentions anything but pure.
You smirk, catching on, and carry him bridal style into the bathroom. You sit him down on the sink and pull his underwear off, tossing it into the basin before removing his shirt and throwing it elsewhere.
He helps you take yours off, staring directly at your abs. You move to turn the shower on, adjusting the water to a good temperature for Kaeya.
He goes into the shower first, looking at you seductively as the water cascades down his body. He leans against the wall, turning his head towards you and jutting his ass out.
"Are you coming, big boy?" He winks.
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auncyen · 7 days
I think the applicable warning here would be disordered/restrictive eating?
You haven't tried to weave yourself into a group in a long time. You forgot how tiring it is, more tiring than fighting the Sadness was actually. Mirabelle (sweet, like the plum), Isabeau (beau, nice--his smile is nice, and so is his laughter) and Odile (the dark swan? Hm... why does she have a Vaugardian name, anyway) have been very nice, grateful for your help in the earlier fight, and Odile didn't give you too hard a time over your vague travel plans. You think you'll be able to travel with them for a little while, while they're looking for these mystery orbs. You're happy...and at the same time, you are so, so, so tired. It's easier talking to new people in a big town or city: you keep things casual, you drift from talking with one stranger to another as you pick up cultural nuances. It's mortifying if you make a mistake, but it's okay, because you can scurry away and try again with someone else later. You can't do that with a small group. If you mess up with Mirabelle, Odile and Isabeau will know and hate you too. You have to show your best self always while they're watching. And you can't forget names, dummy.
It's. Exhausting. But worth it! They're so kind. And they actually want you around. You think? (Isabeau is definitely exaggerating when he goes on about how strong you were against the Sadness--any traveler needs to know how to deal with those?--but you're pleased he even wants to flatter you.)
But it is tiring, and by the time evening falls and they decide to eat dinner, you've started to believe they might like you, so you relax, and so of course you mess up, and you don't even realize until the "you're already eating more?"
The tone is surprised. Or is it offended? The Ka Buan is looking at you and the plate you're refilling with raised eyebrows. You. Stop. Nice and Plum are still working on their first plates, even if they're close to done. The Ka Buan--the dark swan, you idiot, you're already messing up without forgetting names!--is barely even halfway through hers.
You...finish bringing the piece of bread in your hand to your plate, because you already touched it and you can't remember any culture where it'd be more polite to put food back in a shared setting after you took it to eat. Then you sit back with your plate only partially refilled and try to smile, but not too much (some cultures don't smile as much as others and right now you can't remember if smiling's appropriate, everything you've ever learned about any culture is falling out of your torn net of a brain) to cover up your nerves. "Fighting that Sadness made me hungry!"
Nice laughs on the log where he's sitting. "It's a good way to work up an appetite!" he says, and the dark swan gives her soft scoff of a laugh and Plum looks up with the ghost of a smile and then everyone goes back to eating, so everything's fine. It's fine. It's fine. You...pick at the bread on your plate. Your nerves have ruined your appetite, but that's good. You don't want to be greedy.
You thought Ka Buans usually liked when people took seconds? Showing appreciation for the meal and all. But maybe you're remembering wrong, and even if you're not everyone has their own preferences that can be different from the majority and a woman from Ka Bue with a Vaugardian name (that you have forgotten. stupid) seems like she'd be unique. You look down at your plate and glance at hers occasionally as she and Nice start talking about their traveling plans for the next day. Plum occasionally chips in. You don't, because you don't really care and you don't want to let on that you can't even hold on to three names. You just chew on each bite of bread for as long as you can to keep something in your mouth.
The dark swan eats her food agonizingly slow. She doesn't take a second plate at all. Plum and Nice do, but that's probably okay since they helped get the food. You didn't. You're new, you're not part of this group yet and you probably never will be, but you want to try and that means you need to be on your Best Behavior Always. Don't be greedy, don't be selfish, don't take what you haven't earned, just shut up and listen so you can get their names again.
You do. Mirabelle and Isabeau and Odile. Plum and Nice and Dark Swan. Mirabelle is sweet but nervous, Isabeau smiles easily, and Odile doesn't like how greedy you are.
You go to sleep hungry. It's not hard. When you first started traveling, you'd have sleep for dinner more often than not. And you did have dinner. And you're going to see pleasant people in the morning. What more could you want?
(Your stomach tells you very loudly what it wants. You tell it to blinding shut up.)
Plum (Mirabelle, Mirabelle, Mirabelle) scrambles up a bunch of eggs to eat along with some leftovers for breakfast. She serves you a plate. It's enough. More than enough, it's generous. No one takes seconds, so obviously, one plate is enough. Your stomach is only whining for more because you're a glutton.
Isabeau takes a second sandwich at lunch. Mirabelle doesn't. Odile doesn't. You're too unsure if it'd be okay for you to ask for another or not (Isabeau is a big man, so it's almost expected for him to have a big appetite, but you're neither of those things), so you play it safe and don't.
You're tired by the time evening rolls around again. You always do forget how exhausting it is to try to fit in with a group (but it's worth it, worth it, worth it, it's so nice not to be alone). You look up at the stars for a bit to think of other things, but then your stomach starts grumbling. You sleep for a second dinner instead, and as soon as there's light you're awake and foraging for berries, peering closely at the fruits and the bushes they're on because you don't want to poison yourself even if you're starving. Isabeau gives you a curious look when you get back to the campsite, making you wonder if the slightly sticky juice you can feel around your lips is a noticeable shade, but he grins at you and gestures you to sit down for breakfast. You pace yourself, glad you're already partially filled on berries. Make each bite last.
...You feel like someone is watching you, but when you look up, Odile is reading, and Mirabelle and Isabeau are facing each other as they talk. You try not to look at their plates. You don't need to make yourself hungrier.
At lunch, Isabeau cuts his second sandwich in half--apparently he just finds the smaller halves nicer to hold? You don't really get it, but it's no skin off your back. In fact, it's a bit more food in your stomach, because Isabeau only finishes one half before deciding he's full, actually, and offering it to you. You're nodding before the question is even fully out of his mouth, which embarrasses you once you catch yourself, but Isabeau just smiles. His name really does suit him.
The sandwich tastes delicious. Good bread, a smooth and creamy cheese, satisfying meat and tasty herbs.
At dinner, Isabeau gestures for your plate as soon as it's empty, and you hand it over, surprised when he starts filling it. A small noise of surprise escapes you, and he chuckles nervously, pausing. "You looked like you were still hungry! You are hungry, right?"
You hesitate. You don't know if it's okay to say yes. You look at Odile, who raises an eyebrow back at you.
"What are you looking at me for? If you're hungry, then eat."
But, she doesn't like you being greedy.
...Does she think you're being greedy? You don't remember what she first said about you being greedy, now. Maybe it's not that you're taking too much? Maybe you were taking a specific food she likes--oh, no, Isabeau looks worried now. You're not answering him quickly enough! Even Mirabelle's watching now! You're failing mealtime.
It's usually polite in Vaugarde to accept an offer and thank them, so-- "Y, yeah! Thank you, Isabeau."
He resumes filling up your plate. Hooray. "No problem, Siffrin! Eat up, you can have as much as you want."
You laugh. You don't think he realizes how much you want. But he looks happier you accepted the offer, and you're certainly happy for the full plate heading back to you. Even Odile sounds pleased when she says, "you kids have such big appetites." It makes you pause a second, because you're definitely not a kid--did you give them your age (or the best guess you have for it)? you can't remember--but her tone is amused, warm. She doesn't mind. She doesn't mind!!!
You go to bed that night, still tired, but full and happier. Being part of a group is exhausting, but it's so worth it.
(Months later, you'll try to commiserate with Odile about how exhausting it is to become friends with people, because you love Nille, she's just as amazing as you'd expect of Bonnie's big sis, but you're so tired from making sure you don't mess up and make a mistake that you might be giving yourself a migraine, how do people do this, and Odile will look over at you and remind you that most people do not have social anxiety to the degree you do. You'll go and commiserate with Mirabelle instead.)
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
This is a requested sequel to my first angst imagine: Your First And Last Fight ◀ Read Part 1.
Tags: @chickennug90 @mybffjoe @sweet-villain @aysheashea @ali-r3n
(I'm sorry lmao, I got extremely carried away and 3.4k words later, it's finished. Enjoy the drama lovelies!)
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Part 2.
It had been a whole month since you and Joe had parted ways that unforgettable night, regrettably that was the last time you'd seen him when you left him sobbing on the ground. You'd moped around both at home and work, not putting your all into anything, the memory of the whole event just repeating in your mind over and over again. Of course, he'd still tried messaging you in the first couple of weeks but that died down the more you ignored, you just simply couldn't move on from the hurtful words or painful gestures; even just the thought of his ex-girlfriend made you want to hurl your organs out of your mouth, it'd clearly broken your heart.
You'd got no plans this weekend, other than to lay in your own filth and watch a string of senseless romantic comedies, a thing you tended to hate to love right now. Your phone buzzed at the side of you, glancing down it was your best friend calling, putting your device up to your ear you took a deep breath in and put your brave voice on.
"Hey girl, you alright?"
"Yes, just wondering if you were, haven't heard from you in days and was making sure that you're still living."
"Just had a lot on my plate, you know this." The brave voice slowly disappearing.
"Well, I hate to drop this on you." She purely didn't hate to do anything. "But we're going out tonight and you can't say no, you need to let your hair down and forget that idiot for one night at least." The idiot comment was her insinuating Joe in a rather nice tone, just due to the fact she was holding in her rage for what he did and the other reason that was she just didn't want to give you any ammunition to decline.
"I don't know honey, I'm nowhere near the stages of getting ready."
"I'll be round in half an hour, and we'll get you looking hot."
She gave you no room to get a word in, hung up the phone and you scoffed, throwing your phone down to your feet where you laid and rubbed your hands over your face. Looks like you're going out tonight.
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Your best friend did just as she said she would, you felt good about yourself for the first time in a while, the drinks you'd shared and the shots you knocked back at your flat gave you your initial new happier and confident feeling. She'd suggested your favourite nightclub whilst you got ready, it only took the name of it to prick up your ears and grab your attention; you were ready for tonight.
The booming of the music got closer as you got to the doors of the club and you could've jumped up and down like an excited child, you were ready to drink yourself silly, sing and dance with your main girl like a loon. You'd worry about the inevitable depression hangover tomorrow. The first point of call was tequila shots, the second was the buy one get one free offer on any cocktail of your choice from the menu, the thing with cocktails is that you don't feel it at first and then the next thing you know you're on the floor.
Little did you know that you were instantly sighted by Joe's best friend, he'd obviously had the same idea in taking him out whilst he had some free time to make him feel better also and it oh so happened that you were in the same place on the same damn night. Your friend dragged you to the dancefloor once you'd got your beverages. Your guilty pleasure Taylor Swift hit the speakers and the relatable lyrics of I knew you were trouble filled the entirety of your lungs, you sang your heart out to the song, feeling every moment of it.
Joe's best friend had done his best to keep him well away from seeing you but being at least 3 metres away from each other probably didn't help when he heard your friend yell your name laughing at the way you were dramatically yelling the song, she filmed the memory well and truly, your hand to your heart as you held your drink into the air, intentionally meaning every word. Joe whipped his head round to find you immediately, his chest was puffing in and out, heart ached excruciatingly, his lungs were in pain not able to get a proper breath out, his body had become stone, not moving his stance whilst he watched you with tears heavily filling his eyelids.
Not more than a moment later, he felt a sudden mild burst of anger hit him when he saw a guy attempting to dance behind you then leaning over to speak in your ear. Interrupting your dancing, you laughed it off and shook your head at the guy who'd asked you if he could buy you a drink. The male wouldn't leave well enough alone and wouldn't take no for an answer, you tried ignoring him to see if it'd make him give up, it didn't work.
The guy grabbed you by your waist and pulled you into him, trying to convince you further to let him do as he'd originally asked, his intentions clear as you felt that of a vulgar press of his crotch against your stomach. You gagged in his face on his purpose, you weren't out looking for a hook up and he knew that it just pursued his want further for you.
Joe was foaming at the mouth and the moment he heard you shout at him to fuck off was the moment Joe moved at a deadly pace through the few people between you and jumped the guy to the ground, punching him square in the jaw. You couldn't believe your eyes; you didn't want to believe what you were seeing was real. Joe had been positioned to the floor now, being dragged forcefully whilst the male took a swing at his face, a small circle forming in the middle of the dancefloor, egging them both on further. You yelled out Joe's name telling them both to stop, your instant reaction was to try and tear them apart, but Joe's best friend heaved for your arm bringing you back as the security guards dragged them to their feet by the scruffs of their neck.
The two heavily built men caught sight of your fearful face and asked what had happened, you pointed out at the stranger "He started it, he wouldn't leave me alone and my friend came into help me." Friend. You may as well had called him a stranger too, that might have made the suffering of the word easier. Calling him that almost felt good, a moment of succession for you in a way. You said it clear enough for Joe to hear you, a dagger to his heart just as it had been to you when he'd named you his close friend to her.
They let Joe go and took the other guy out of the club, warning him not to bother trying to get back in. Then there it was, you and Joe face to face properly after the first time in a month, the longest most torturing month of both your lives. Joe rubbed his hand under his nose where he bled slightly from, the darkness in his eyes from the rage of the moment was now returning to his soft brown stature. You heaved your chest, staring back at him, ignoring everything and everyone in your path as you walked away in a huff.
You sat on the ledge in the busy smoking area, pulling a cigarette to your lips and lighting it, puffing as hard as your lungs could bare. Your best friend gave Joe an earful but slowly calmed down when she declared for him to go out and attempt to talk to you, that was if you'd listen. You noticed the top of Joe's untamed curls emerging out of the double doors and at once you turned to the side, moving your head and whole body to the opposite side of the door; he still spotted you though hunched up on the ledge by yourself. Joe plucked up the courage to sit down next to you, leaning down slightly cupping his hands together between his spread thighs. All but silence between the two of you at first until he spoke up.
"Y/N, are you going to give me a chance to at least make my peace with you? I-"
You cut him off, swinging around to meet his gaze, almost crashing into his arm, you'd underestimated how close he already was sat next to you. "A chance to make peace? Are you fucking kidding me?" The question was almost laughable.
"I gathered you meant what you said about never speaking again when you ignored my calls and messages, but I can't just leave it where it ended, it's not in me to do that at all."
"I'm pretty sure it was in you when you outright called me a close friend to your ex, proceeded to tell me to stop being a bitch and basically caught her mouth with yours. Was all that an accident to? Or are you still blind to her bullshit." Joe furrowed his brows at you, his head internally screaming. Yes, he knew it was all his fault.
"I'm terrified of her Y/N. I said it because deep down I clearly knew her aim at the time and I just-"
A girl interrupted the two of yours now becoming heated debate, she looked really excited as she stared down at Joe. You looked up as she spoke out. "Oh my god, are you Joseph Quinn?" Joe put his best poker face on, his profession coming into full force as he pulled a toothy grin at the girl. "Yes, hi." She screeched at his answer. You folded your arms watching the two of them speak, not quite jealous but this wasn't the time for this to be happening. The girl looked at you "would you mind taking a photo of us please?" You squeezed your eyes shut and then put a fake smile onto the both of them, standing up to take her phone and took the photo she so solely desired in that moment. She thanked you both, hugging Joe and left, you both sat back in your original positions facing one another.
"As I was saying, you backed down to her like a submissive puppy. You're 28 years old, do you not think acting like you probably did as a teenager is a bit much?" Joe was highly defeated by your statement; he was at a loss for words.
"That's what I thought."
Yet another duo of fans stood before him, intruding once more. He didn't want to seem like a bad person, typical Joe, so he took his attention to them. You clearly weren't getting any further and you'd had enough of it all for one night, sure you still loved him with all your heart and that's what didn't help the situation, you wanted to forgive him and believe that it was a mistake, but Joe's lack of actions proved otherwise.
You got up and left him with the girls, not turning back and finding your friend with Joe's talking at a table. "I'm going to get a taxi home; I really just want to go to sleep and forget this whole night." Your best friend hugged you. "Do you want me to come with?"
"No stop out, I just want to be alone, I'll text you once I'm back." You exchanged your goodbyes giving all but a subtle wave and smile to Joe's friend before you left the club. You walked to the taxi rank, waiting for a vehicle to pull up to take you back to your safe place when you heard an unpleasant and familiar voice shout you from across the street.
"Aw hi Y/N." You looked around to meet the redhead, looking smug and highly unattractive in her body language. His. Fucking. Ex. Really? Could this night get any worse?
You slowly blinked at her, no response to her unwelcomed greeting at all. "What's up with you, you still bitter about last month?"
You snorted a laugh in her face. "How dare you even think you're worth a breath from my lungs, you silly cow." You pushed her slightly, squaring right up into her face; you weren't willing to take another word from the girl and she was shaken, probably down to the fact that any girl that she had been out to ruin with Joe never stood up to her. "A lowlife, disgusting little slut like you should've been taught a lesson a long time ago." You slapped her clean across her cheek and watched her grimace at the sting it caused. A small, fulfilled smile creeping onto your face. Joe had quickly caught up behind you, stopping in his tracks, watching as you struck her, he also noticed how she didn't hit you back. He made the effort to drag himself over, watching you eye each other back and forth like a pair ready to go to war.
Your eyes flitted over to Joe and so did hers, putting her best whiny voice on. "Oh my god Joe, she attacked me, she's an absolute psychopath, did you see it? Did you?"
Joe said nothing, eyeing between you both, proving your point again quite rightly, that was until she tried to embrace him into a hug, and he harshly shoved her away from him. "What the fuck is wrong with you? I've given you the benefit of the doubt maybe a couple of times in my life but then you just took it next level, I've always been afraid to be myself around you. Until now. I don't want anything more to do with you, you've ruined my life for the last time." He spoke his home truth like it had been a speech he'd been practicing for weeks. Your mouth gaped open; you couldn't believe what you'd just heard.
She did nothing but huff at Joe and turned back to you. "You'll leave if you know what's good for you." you stated before she could get a word in. "Is that a threat?" she barked nervous laughter, her confidence clearly belittled but still trying to remain intact. "It's a promise." Joe interrupted your final face off.
"She changed you Joe, you used to be so, so-"
"So, your little bitch? maybe. But this is the last time you'll put a foot in my relationship, do you not realise every time I got a girlfriend or even as much as looked at anyone other than you, you'd break it up without even a second thought, I've let you get away with it for 13 years too long, I should've cut you off the moment we broke up." He turned to you, "that's why I referred to you the way I did that night Y/N, purely because I wasn't blind to her intentions anymore." You looked to the ground, almost humiliated by your thoughts.
"So that's it, you cut me out completely?" she raised her voice at Joe, and he nodded vigorously back at her. "I might not get Y/N back from this, but at least she'll know that I got you out of my life for good, you're an absolute headache now get out of my sight."
She stomped her foot to the ground, nothing clearly more to be said and walked away as she should of long before. You took a glance at a proud Joe, and you must admit you were somewhat also elated for him for finally standing up for himself even if it was almost little too late for it. You turned and walked the other way.
"Y/N, where are you going?"
"Home." you shouted back. You took a curtsy at Joe and applauded. "Well done for being all done with her and shit but I don't know if that's enough for me to forgive you anymore."
Joe sped up his feet to grab your arm, swinging you round to look at him. "Do you still love me?"
His hands gripped into your arms now, holding you in place. "Do you still love me Y/N?"
Tears filled your eyes hard as they fell once you blinked, your lips trembled but you didn't try to escape his grasp, his touch was all too familiar and wonderful, you'd missed it.
With a sigh you admitted. "Yes."
"Then one last kiss, goodbye. Please, I know I'm not in a position to beg you for anything, but I need to feel it one last time." He was right, you owed him nothing, but you couldn't stop your feet from raising onto your tiptoes, holding onto his forearms for support as you leaned in to kiss him, it was short and forceful but desperate as your emotions clearly played on it.
You broke the kiss, watching as Joe's tears mirrored yours. "I love you too. I'm so sorry for everything I did and everything she did too. I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for not speaking my mind sooner. I'm sorry for ruining what we had in a few words, I'm sorry for giving her the ammunition to break what we had. Most of all, I'm sorry that we have to say goodbye." You couldn't deny his apologies were nothing short of admirable, he'd owned up to everything in one breath.
Your already broken heart could not fathom anymore pain that it already held. You were crazy for your next action, your arms finding the back of his neck as you pulled him back into a needy, open-mouthed kiss. His greedy hands pushed at the bottom of your back to keep you as close as he possibly could. If this truly was the last time, you'd feel one another then you'd make it something to remember.
You were by no means a pushover, but your thoughts overtook you whilst you shared the mutual enjoyment of the kiss, you wondered if giving him a last chance wasn't completely off the table. Your parents had taught you in your life to forgive but not forget until it was absolutely necessary too. You were in no state of mind to get over this man in a hurry and it seemed he wasn't either.
Your mouths parted, but you remained in position, your foreheads pressing together, out of breath from the heated smooch. "Y/N- I" you took a hand from his neck and placed it onto his lips, stopping him from saying another word until you had finished yours. "I'm not ready to say goodbye, it will take a lot of time and effort but if you're willing, there's a last chance being offered to you here and now. Take it or leave it, I just love you so much and I can't stand not having you around, even if it is as your 'close friend'."
Yet another stab at his heart as you brought up his once spoken words again, but he understood. He slowly nodded at you, removing your hand to see a small smile forming against his swollen pink lips. "I will do anything for that chance, my love. I can't lose you."
He pecked at your lips for the third time. "You've got a lot of work to do, Quinn." You edged a smile back to him.
"I've already started." He gestured his head backward to the place you were stood earlier with his ex-girlfriend, he let go of you and lifted you off your feet, carrying you in his arms.
"What are you doing?" you chuckled.
His eyes shut for a second, taking in the warmth of your voice.
"Giving you no reason to doubt me, yours or mine?"
"Yours." you arched the top of your head to rest in the crook of his neck as you held onto him. Your first and last fight truly ending.
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craziechwiv · 12 days
The Paladin and their Succubus Frenemy - 5 Pt.1
Early in the morning, as Ruby was sleeping soundly in her new bed, she was rudely awakened by the large pounding of one of her teammates. If she had to guess on who, it'd be the...short redhead one...what's her name again?
Dwarf Nora: Ruby? RUBY! It's Nora, time to get up~! We're needed by Priestess Glynda!
Ruby: W-Whuh? Why?
Ruby: Right, right! I'm getting dressed now!
Ruby sighed to herself about the immediate wakeup call from her teammate but sucked it up. If she'd want her stay among their ranks to be permanent, then she'd have to act the part and be ready for anything they go through. Even if that means saying goodbye to her precious beauty sleep, although she doesn't need it to gain Jaune's affection anyhow~.
Ruby took some time to stretch out her wings and claws, as she then retracts them back as if they weren't shown at all. Within due time, she got dressed in her standard outfit, putting on some basic armor on top of it, and put on some arm braces in quick haste and exited her bedroom. As she ran through the hallway towards the living room, she saw her team already waiting for her.
Jaune was in his usual Paladin armor, a iron like chest piece with arm and leg bracing strapped tightly on him. He held his shield in one hand and sword sheathed but ready for combat. Ruby had to admit it made him look more hotter when he was in this than his regular hoodie with a knitted bunny pattern on it. Although, both made him more adorable~.
Pyrrha was decked out and had a serious look on her face, wearing an iron type of gladiator wear with some stitched in cloth around some lining. She held onto her spear tightly in one hand and her shield in the other.
Ren was getting done wrapping his hands in wrap while Ruby saw one set of light green daggers besides him. He was also dressed in cloth clothing with flower petals stitched onto the center. Ruby had to admit, the petals were a nice touch.
Non-biased opinion of course...
As for Nora, she was rocking a lamellar helm with some armor matching it. However, she also wore a secondary layer of quilted cloth that was underneath the lamellar. Once she was done dressing up, she grasped a large hammer in both of her hands, before yelling out some war cry? Ruby couldn't tell as she covered her ears from how loud she screamed.
Paladin Jaune: Great, you're here. You're ready to go?
Reaper Ruby: Yep! Just quick question, what's happening? I only got that it's important and we're meeting a Priestess.
Champion Pyrrha: We can't say for sure, but if we're called in together, it certainly isn't bandits this time.
Reaper Ruby: So, demons?
Monk Ren: That is what we're pointing towards at the moment. But let's go to the Priestess first. we can't waste any more time.
Paladin Jaune: Right, c'mon guys! If it is demons, we'll think of a plan on the way.
With the confusion out of the way, the team all rushed out of their dorm and headed straight towards the main area of the Cathedral. Ruby looked around and saw many members of the place, the art on the walls, and of course the stained glass depicting the four heroes. Again, she'd had to admit they we're doing well here. She had to remind herself to 'reward' Jaune on asking her to join their team.
Before she knew it however, they approached a pair of doors guarded by some knights. The knights opened the door, letting the members in one by one. Before Ruby could enter, one of the knights stopped her, raising his sword as she raised her hands up on instinct.
R. Knight: I haven't seen you 'round here. State your rank her!
Reaper Ruby: I'm with them, I swear! I-I'm a new member, ask the leader!
The Knight turned his head towards Jaune who nodded his head back at them. The Knight looked at Ruby intensely as if he was peering into her soul but sheathed his sword and let her pass into the room.
R. Knight: Apologies.
Reaper Ruby: It's okay, I would be paranoid too.
After that brief hiccup, the group arrived into a large room, with many tables and chairs arranged in corners. In the far back was a lone woman, reading a note on her desk as she looked distressed. As she looked up, she saw the team and Ruby approach her. She sighed, taking her attention away from the note and stood up, walking towards them. The five stopped in line, with Ruby stumbling of course that led to a snicker from Nora, and the Priestess stood across from them.
Priestess Glynda: I'm glad you all could make it in short notice, not to mention on your day off as I apologize for. But we've got a note sent to by a scout of a nearby settlement.
Monk Ren: What's the state of the scout?
Priestess Glynda: He is being treated now, but he was severely harmed. It's a miracle he had the strength to endure it, nay, even walk such a distance for our help.
Paladin Jaune: Poor guy...
Priestess Glynda: Indeed. I'll cut to the main problem since you all possibly already figured it out on the way here. It is demons, a bulk of them. From what the note said, their warriors and those lending a hand managed to slay a decent chunk of them, but there is still at least 20 more roaming the settlement. They've seeked shelter in a cabin and barricaded it. They don't know how long they can last, and they have some of their fighters severely injured with limited supplies.
The team all stood still as statues as Ruby heard it all intently, trying to remain as professional as possible.
Priestess Glynda: You all know what must happen now, save those poor souls and make sure each of those vile demons is sent with a mark from your weapons.
As the Priestess finished her orders, her gaze peered onto Ruby, who jolted. She walked over to her and stared at her for a reasonable amount of time, making the demoness in disguise scared before she spoke again.
Priestess Glynda: I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met yet. Are you a volunteer adventurer here to help or...?
Paladin Jaune: Actually, she's our brand-new member!
Priestess Glynda: Really?
Reaper Ruby: Uh, yes! I am here to help out with whatever I can. Although, I may not be as efficient as the others, I can still fight!
The Priestess showed a slight smirk towards Ruby but backed away from her, clapping her hands together.
Priestess Glynda: Well, that's just wonderful to hear we still have some people not in it for money nor fame to help save others. I welcome you to our ranks. What is your name?
Reaper Ruby: Ruby, Ruby Rose ma'am.
Priestess Glynda: Well, I hope you survive your first mission. It'd be a shame to lose such a bright spirit in these times...
Reaper Ruby: Trust me, I intend to.
Priestess Glynda: Good. Don't break that promise. Now, all of you better make haste towards the settlement! It is north-east of here. No telling how long it has been since the attack but save and salvage whatever you possibly can. And make sure those vile menaces are put in their place.
With her last bit of orders being said, the team nodded in unison before making their way out of her quarters, leaving the Priestess to ponder to herself.
Priestess Glynda: Hmm, Rose. That name...It's been a while since I've heard it. I guess that wench did birth an offspring like she said she would. Let's hope she doesn't stray the path her mother did, or else.
Next Chapter >
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imvenusasaboy · 1 month
Chapter 11 - No Moon At All
prev - chapter 1
"... So, you haven't missed all that much really." Hosah slouched back into the booth seat, greatly undermining the gravity of all he'd just explained to the recently absent detective.
The ashy, almost silver, haired man opposite him seemed to be at a loss for words. Looking at him and Jeanne sat beside each other was definitely an interesting sight. In terms of just about everything, the two were polar opposites, maybe that was why their relationship seemed so distant, so cold, so strained. Hosah had told Teddy all about his concerns about the pair, but the lunch time they'd spend together, the first time as a whole group, would surely show his assistant exactly what he meant.
One thing the shifter always liked about Thierri is how they seemed to be on the same wavelength. There was no feeling of making things weird or awkward in a conversation with the guy, he seemed to always understand just exactly where Hosah was coming from, which was nice when he didn't really want any logical solutions to his problems, just someone to validate him and indulge in whatever delusional perspective he had.
"Oh yeah, same old same old, right?" Thierri tilted his head in a shrug of mutual understanding, taking a sip of his disgustingly sweetened coffee all the while.
These kinds of conversations were the ones Hosah’s father had taught him were just in man’s nature, playing down their struggles in phrases like ‘Living the dream’ or ‘Nothing new’ , not making a spectacle out of their struggle. It was a lesson the shifter carried with him through every day life, one that men such as himself wouldn’t be too talkative of their struggles as to not worry anyone, his respective job as a man to be the one to help others, and not to be helped.
It was at this point when the shifter realised he'd been the only one speaking this entire time, his coworkers all having an air of uncomfortable tension about them, an unresolved issue that Hosah had no idea about. Eugh. So awkward. The only thing filling the void of conversation was the painful sound of cutlery against the ceramic plates. God, that noise, it drove the shifter absolutely insane.
Rather than focusing on the people in-front of him, Hosah would rather just eat whatever food he'd spent an unreasonable amount of money on, and that was really saying something. It was too pretty to eat. A cute little slice of the same cake Teddy had bought for him a week or two prior, hand iced with little slices of strawberries between the layers, cemented by whipped cream. He fidgeted with his fork in his hand, trying to calculate what bites would be the best in order to get the most satisfaction out of the cake.
This was something Hosah had done ever since he could remember, it'd start with the second best bite, then he'd work his way around the meal picking out the more unsatisfying parts until he'd gotten to the very best bite at the end. Very much impractical, but the thought of not doing this just made him want to not eat at all. Not necessarily a good habit, but it could be worse.
A hand giving a reassuring rub on his knee caught him off guard. It was Teddy, with a slightly concerned smile plastered across his face, eyebrows angled down, as if to say 'All good?'. It was already hellish before Hosah had said anything about his doctors concerns, how everyone treat him as some fragile, incapable victim, constantly on the brink of breaking, but everything was about to get at least a hundred times worse from here on out.
Another thing getting progressively worse was the tension around the lunch table. The shifter desperately wanted to break the silence, feeling like a child in the middle of a messy divorce, but there was nothing that came to mind in terms of conversation topics. Lately, Hosah found himself praying for divine intervention a lot more than he usually would.
"Oh, also, autopsies came back whilst you three were sent over to the bakery." Jeanne, like the angel he was, swooped in to save the group from certain death due to awkward silence.
If the shifter had put the fork to his mouth in all the time his food had been sitting there, he would've surely spat it out in surprise. "Really? What happened? What did they all say?"
Hosah could assume the last victim had bled out from his assistant's observation, but the rest seemed to be in perfect health on the outside, aside from the fact they were dead, of course.
"Well, they all seemed to have overdosed, aside from fifteen. Looks like whoever done it has access to the medication they give the shifters who grow in order to keep them regular sized." The dark haired, one-eyed detective took a sip of his drink, leaving Hosah at the edge of his seat, wide eyed, waiting for more detail. "Obviously, 'ts gonna work differently when you're on the opposite side of the shifter spectrum. Did it to keep them small I guess."
Ugh. The more detail the shifter received, the more he wished he'd just stayed in Colorado on shit money working in retail by day, babysitting by night.
Hosah had almost forgotten there were other people around the table aside from himself and Jeanne as his assistant interjected,
"How can people do that. I don't understand. I.. What would motivate anyone to treat others so badly." Teddy didn't look at the shifter beside him, or at anyone around them in-fact, instead, staring off into the distance with glossy eyes and a pursed lip.
The shifter was always aware that his assistant was quite perceptive and insightful, but he’d not expected such a high level of empathy toward his own situation. Only made sense, given his reaction to having the parents identify their child’s shrunken, rotting corpse in front of him. Now seemed like the time for Hosah to take his turn giving the man a pat on the leg, to let him know all would be okay, even if he didn’t fully believe that himself.
"Man, you should get on the internet and just see these kinds of message forums. Just unbridled, unprecedented hatred. I don't know what the fuck we did to them, it's these fucking.. Conspiracy theorists. They have their own shitty lives, and instead of realising maybe they're the reason for it, they want to look to anywhere else but themselves to put the blame. We're just easy targets, easy to say that we use everyone around us, that we're just the same as any other city rat running around the streets spreading all kinds of diseases."
Oops, Hosah didn't mean to rant on like that. In embarrassment, he quickly shovelled his first bite of the strawberry shortcake into his mouth, hoping someone else would pick up the conversation, or the topic would be changed.
"Mmm. After all, with great power comes great responsibility. Most don't know how to handle having such an imbalance over people in this world. People take advantage of others even when they don't have to power to kill them with one harsh movement, you guys have never stood a chance really." That last part may have been a little offensive, but Jeanne was right.
Mouth filled, all the shifter could do was give a passionate 'Mmm' with a point over to his superior in support of his statement. How great, he knew inviting Jeanne wasn't such a bad idea, look at these high intellect, insightful conversations being had. Anyone who overheard must be thinking , 'Woah, what a set of intelligent and handsome young men' .
"That reminds me, actually, sorry for the other day, Jeanne, I was careless and couldn't handle my emotions. Sorry." Teddy perked up, this was something the shifter had no idea about, what the fuck did Teddy of all people have to apologise to Jeanne about?
Was this why his friend had been avoiding the two all this time? What happened whilst Hosah wasn't there? When was Hosah not there?
"Damn, bitch, what'd you do?" , was the most casual way Hosah could put all of his questions.
Instead of giving a straightforward answer, the ghostly looking detective sitting opposite him waved Hosah off, "Long story, no big deal, it's all resolved now, just a.. misunderstanding. Don't worry about it."
Hm. No, no yeah, the shifter was definitely going to worry about it.
Everyone, now seemingly at ease, continued to chat about nothing as Hosah continued to question in his mind just what could've happened between the two. Chowing down on the cake, he wondered how exactly they got into a situation where they'd be fighting. In fact, Hosah became so deep in thought that he'd actually cleared the plate in front of him. Perfect! One less problem to worry about, surely now that he'd eaten one slice of cake, that means all future food related issues have been defeated, and he'll never have to worry about that specialist appointment or his doctor's theories ever again!
Feeling all proud of himself, Hosah and his assistant trailed behind the two detectives in front of them, walking in pairs back to the office.
Teddy took the shifter by the shoulder, pulling him in closer, his hand cupping the blonde head and pressing it into around his collar bone area due to the height difference. "We should go back to that cafe more often, since the food is good there,"
"Psh, come on," Hosah scoffed, his neck now craned up to rest his stubbled chin on his assistant's shoulder, "I told you, there's nothing wrong with me, just been too stressed to have any kind of appetite lately." If that were the case, the shifter would've been stressed every moment of his life.
It was better if he gave everyone one less thing to worry about anyway, there was enough on Teddy's plate, despite his claims of wanting to help, the shifter knew it was just too much to ask from him. This would be something Hosah would handle himself, given that everything else in his life was a shared task. It was his right as a man after all, to take care of his own shit and to not expect the people around him to help him with it.
"Right." Teddy didn't let go of the detectives head, instead playing with his hair, his fingertips moving in satisfying circles.
As much as he didn't want to admit it, the sensation was very nice. They probably looked like a couple to everyone else around them, but for once in his life, Hosah didn't really care. He couldn’t even really be bothered if his stalker took notice, maybe it’d teach them to back off, now that he had a guard dog that’d stick by his side during every second of the day.
That reminded him, his hair was one of the things on his mental list of 'jobs to cover once you're normal sized', "On the way back home, can we stop at the convenience store? Need to fix my hair, it's all grown out and shit."
"Yeah, yeah sure. I can help you with the back if you need it." Teddy reassured the shifter, despite wanting to say ‘Yeah, I can see that’.
Hosah was gonna need all the help he could get after the last time he tried to do this job alone, exhibit A of the disaster being his current state. Yellowed, with a texture similar to that of straw or hay, as his hair desperately wanted to curl, but would he brushed out and left a frizzy mess.
"I don't know, what do hairdressers do, bleach first or haircut first?" The shifter had never actually had his hair cut or bleached by a professional, which is probably why it looked so choppy and bad.
Teddy didn't look up from the instructions ok the box, "Never been to a barbers before?" he smiled, not in a demeaning way, but it still annoyed Hosah just a little.
"Nope. My grandpa owned his own barber shop so he taught my dad how to cut hair. He usually did it for me."
Instead of using his words, the assistant gave a little 'Mmm' of understanding, too indulged in using the box guide rather than trusting the process as Hosah usually did.
"Okay," he said, grabbing a towel from the back of the bathroom door in which they sat in, "Colour first, then cut."
Despite insisting to do it himself as he had done so countless times in the past, Teddy had already decided he was going to play hairdresser today, with the shifter sitting shirtless on a stool in the already cramped bathroom as his hair was being covered in the shitty store bought shit he'd become accustomed to.
"You do this yourself usually, right?"
".. Can tell." Teddy winced as he got around to the back of the shifter's head.
Turning back to look at the man behind him, Hosah asked, "What, is it bad? Why didn't you tell me before?"
"Keep your head forward." the assistant used his un-gloved hand to give Hosah's cheek a gentle touch back into the previous position it was in before, "No, it's not bad, it's just.. Roots are pretty long. And the length. 'Ts like mullet."
"Shut up, no it's not, it was just buzzed before, that's all"
Hosah didn't take kindly to being laughed at, resting his elbows on his knees and cupping his face in his hands like a bored schoolboy.
It was particularly hard not to squirm with the sensation of the brush against the back of his neck, Teddy's fingers gently pressing against the almond skin, keeping the shifter in place as he brushed from the ends to the roots of his choppy hair.
Shivering under the touch, Hosah felt the need to clarify, "Sorry, the bristles tickle."
"Not much left to do now," his assistant said under his breath, "Your hair is just.. very thick. It's nice."
The shifter got stuck between saying thank you or saying something self deprecating, ultimately deciding silence was the best way to take the compliment. Letting people say nice things about him put Hosah at unease, as if acknowledging it would make him come off as big-headed or vain, so instead he usually just denied it instead.
It was proving to be very difficult not to shift whilst in his seat, with the skin to skin contact around his shoulder and the gentle brushing of the bleach against his scalp. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Hosah's default size was three inches tall, he's the most comfortable when shrunken, being a 'regular' height to him felt like one massive perpetual growing pain that filled his entire body.
Despite the pain of getting around, the least physically painful time of his life was probably when he'd gotten height stuck for three months. Over time, the shifter learnt to just tune out his chronic pains, but getting into a comfortable position in life where he had someone to look after him, the thought of just staying tiny forever became overwhelmingly tempting.
" 'Kay, looks completely covered to me." Teddy said in a sigh, removing his singular glove, "Now we wait."
The urge to run his hands through his bleach covered hair was difficult to overcome, "I'm gonna go put a record on,"
It was honestly a miracle that Teddy also owned a record player, as the world had made its shift from tapes and vinyls to CDs and ipods, but that was one thing Hosah took immense pride in. His vinyl collection spanned all the way back to the fifties, as a good portion of the records he'd amassed were 'borrowed' from his father. Scanning through the box he'd had his assistant bring over, ultimately the shifter decided on a little Townes Van Zandt, playing Hosah's all time favourite song 'I'll Be Here In The Morning'.
This song always reminded Hosah of his ultimate dream, living in that cabin on the islet in the lake, although there were some sour memories and feelings attached to it, he felt as though he'd spent too many years fantasising about it to give up now.
"I never really pegged you as a country type of guy." The voice came from the figure leant up against the bathroom door frame, almost being as tall as the door itself.
"Well," Hosah sighed, "I'm not really that picky. Jazz is my favourite though. Just sucks that all the best artists are dead now."
Teddy laughed as he approached, their height difference being more prominent that ever as he stood directly in front of the shifter now, "There are still some talented musicians. Can go to one of those Jazz Clubs and bars over the weekend, it'll be fun."
The taller figure leant down, close to Hosah's face, which was hidden by the fact he'd chosen to stare at the rug underneath him rather than the person he was talking to. If that was Teddy's idea of weekend fun, then the shifter had been doing it wrong his whole life.
"Sounds nice, yeah," Hosah turned his head even further to the side as he spoke, desperately trying to hide how red he'd gotten from the close proximity.
It wasn't supposed to be happening this way around, it had been years since the shifter had been teased by a man, he'd grown used to being the one having to initiate all these sorts of feelings. It was a pleasant change of pace, one he welcomed like an old friend at his doorstep.
"Cool." Teddy echoed the shifters own words back to him.
Hosah would’ve taken this as his sign for a smoke break if he didn’t have a thick layer of convenience store hair bleach on his head. The pain of his own flustered-ness was almost unbearable, but his morbid curiosity kept him around the sofa on which his assistant had now sat on, waiting for what move he would make next, if any at all.
Still, with his eyes focused on the wooden floor under his feet, the shifter could feel eyes lingering on him.
“Hey, do we not need to put like, I don’t know, foil in your hair, or a plastic bag?” Teddy asked, his head tilted to rest on one of the many pillows accumulated on the couch.
“No clue. What are you, some kind of professional?” Hosah joked, hoping his downturned eyebrows and his squinted eyes would distract from the shade of red his face had turned.
His roommate just shrugged, “Might as well be, my mom spent more time in hair salons then she ever did at any of my games and shit.”
“Ahh, so you played a lot of sports as a kid then?” Now they were getting somewhere. A nice common ground for the two to stand on.
“I mean,” Teddy stood to his full height, “Look at me. I was six foot by my fourteenth birthday. They begged me to join the basketball team.”
Sounded about right.
“Kind of always expected you to be more, you know,” Hosah took a moment to consider whether the other person would take offence, ultimately deciding he didn’t really care as he did his best ‘classic highschool movie nerd’ voice, “In the book club.”
“God, I should’ve been,” Luckily, Teddy took it like a champ, laughing it off, showing his radiant smile, “What about you? Not really the football type, right?”
“Baseball. I was fuckin’ great at it too. Short and skinny, aerodynamic you know? Then I started shifting more, and I got busy with all the doctors visits and health consultations, had to quit in the end.”
A bittersweet memory, but still one Hosah looked back on fondly. It was one of the only times he really felt like part of a friend group as a kid.
“Yeah, I can picture that, you in the cap and the cleats?” Teddy went back to his previous teasing ways, an unexpected turn for the person the shifter assumed to be quite the prude about these kinds of things.
All discombobulated, Hosah struggled to get his words out in one piece, “I think it’s time to rinse.”
Without turning back, the shifter speedily shuffled back to the bathroom, with Teddy following close behind him.
“Just sit down on the floor and hang your head over the side of the tub,” Teddy instructed, grabbing a towel from the bathroom door, shutting it behind him all the while.
Hosah obediently followed the instructions given to him, his neck uncomfortably craned up so it rested on the bathtub’s walls, his hair still stuck in its same position due to the solution in it.
The warm water hitting his scalp certainly was a pleasant feeling, the hard pressure of the shower head being weirdly soft against the tender skin the water pounded down upon. If it wasn’t hard to shrink before, it was definitely a challenge to stay his current size now. Hosah hadn’t even realised how he’d had his eyes closed for a while now, enjoying the pampering of which the likes he’d never experienced.
“It’s nice, right?” Teddy laughed, although the shifter had no plans on saying anything in return, being too indulged in the process to even notice the fact his assistant had said anything at all.
And that wasn’t even the best part, Hosah knew true bliss as the shower head was turned off, Teddy moving over to the shampooing process. Gentle fingertips massaging the purple solution into his scalp, the sensation being so satisfying that it brought a wide, involuntary smile to the shifter’s face.
It was moments like these which made Hosah wish for just a few seconds, he could leave his body and look in from an outsiders perspective. Seeing this moment from the angle of a painted idea would probably be pretty beautiful, although his position, leaning up with his head hanging over the tub, probably wasn’t all that nice looking from a third person view point.
Teddy lifted the jug of perfectly warm water, carefully rinsing the shifter’s hair of the soapy mixture he’d just rubbed in, brushing his fingers through the freshly bleached locks to make sure he got all of it out.
As the shifter opened his eyes, long after the sensation had ended, he was met with that same smug look Teddy sometimes carried, when he’d gotten his way with things.
“Enjoy yourself?” He asked, taking it upon himself to start drying Hosah’s hair, delicately scrunching the ends rather than the usual scrub the shifter would give to his own scalp after washing it.
Hosah scoffed, too flustered to think of anything witty to get his assistant back with.
The pair sat on the cold, tiled floor together, Teddy tenderly rubbing the towel in a circular motion against Hosah’s head, the setting sun gleaming in through the small, stained glass window above the toilet which they were hanging out beside. Even with the mess from the bleaching job that just took place, Hosah could picture how beautifully picturesque this scene probably looked. Trying to imagine himself from a different perspective than his own was difficult, but it was one he was willing to try out in hopes of painting this moment, as payment for his assistant’s care.
This reminded him, he had to ask what specifically Teddy wanted him to paint for him.
“You know that painting I promised you?” Hosah began his inquiry, his big brown doe eyes looking up innocently at the figure which sat above him.
“How could I forget?”
His hands balling up into tense fists, the shifter continued, “What specifically did you have in mind for that? Just so I can get started,”
Teddy’s eyes adverted from the task at hand to look at the shifter below him, “Anything you think would be best. I wouldn’t even mind if you threw something you did years ago at me, to be honest,”
Great, perfect, that means Hosah had free rein on what he was creating, just how he liked it. But now was the hard part, making something as equally as beautiful as the person he was making it for. The task seemed daunting, almost impossible, but the shifter wouldn’t want to let Teddy down, especially not after all he’d done for him so far, with more aid surely to come in the future.
“There,” Teddy moved a few inches back, now sitting on his butt the same as the shifter did rather than on his knees, “All better now.”
Hurriedly, Hosah got up to look at his new and improved hair in the mirror, and sure enough, it looked even better than it did the last time he’d done it himself. He felt finally whole again, finally himself as his hair had been returned to the sleek, almost white colour it once was. There was still a little dark root peaking through, but this time it looked very intentional, and it made his head hair match his facial hair and eyebrows, which was always nice.
“You like?” Teddy asked, moving in behind the shifter, resting his chin on the damp hair.
“Yeah, yeah of course. Best it’s ever been.” Despite wanting to be angry over how his assistant positioned himself, Hosah couldn’t bring himself to feel any negative emotions at all.
Looking Teddy in the eye through their reflection, the shifter added, “Thank you, it looks great.”
“Aww,” the pale arms wrapped around Hosah’s dainty shoulders swaying him left and right playfully, “Anytime.”
If this is what life would be like with Teddy, the shifter wasn’t sure he’d even want to return to his own apartment once all the crazed stalker shit had worn down.
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zarla-s · 9 months
Have you ever thought of selling stationary? I ordered some of your prints and the letter you wrote was written on a really nice piece of letter paper with Gaster on it. If you were to sell any stationary, especially Handplates related, I’d definitely buy it :)
I've thought about it! Inno made the Gaster stationary a while back and gave me some of it. |D I know I'll run out at some point so I was thinking about making some myself, but I haven't really thought of a good design for one yet... I've never been terribly good at that kind of graphic design, haha. It'd be cute though! I want to keep thinking about it... hopefully at some point a fun design will come to me.
(if you order something from my little store you'll get to see the gaster stationary, i write the notes i include with each one on it)
106 notes · View notes
brave-and-gentle · 26 days
Stitches: Reader x Jean Fluff Part 4
Welcome to - *waves* whatever this is. I originally called it my fluff mini series but I keep extending it.
If this is your first time here, please check out Part 1 Part 2 and Part 3.
If you like this mini series, be sure to check out my original character x Jean fic on Ao3 here
Pairings: femme reader x Jean
Summary: You begin to unravel the mystery of why your "situationship" with Jean hasn't progressed.
Warnings: none here
Word count: ~4.9K
Although you are exhausted after your night with Jean, you hardly sleep that night. Your mind races, twists and turns. You're torn between how much fun you had at the poetry slam and wine bar – very intimate settings – and the obvious way Jean pulled away from you at the very end of the night. It didn't make any sense. Why kiss you several weeks ago, why ask you out like that – and then nothing?
The Thursday work day is brutal. You trudge through your work, mindlessly checking patients in for their appointments, barely able to keep your eyes open until finally, you reach the last hour before the clinic closes.
You're unsure whether to look forward to trivia with your friends tonight. It's another chance to see Jean – another chance to get your hopes up. And you fear you've already gotten them up far too high. Maybe you shouldn't go.
You pull out your phone to find a few unread texts from Sasha that you've purposely ignored.
You should've woken me up this morning – I wanna know how it went last night with Jean!
Girl, do not leave me hanging!!
Spill. The. Tea.
If you don't spill soon I'm going straight to the horse's mouth. Hehe – get it??
Your stomach sinks down to your feet. You twist back and forth in your chair behind the clinic check-in desk. It's hard to let Sasha down.
It was fun. But I don't think he likes me like that. He's just flirty.
She responds immediately.
Girl please. I have never seen Jean be “just flirty” with anyone. You and I both know who he's going to try to sit next to at trivia tonight.
Releasing a sigh, you lean back in your chair. For once, you really don't have the mental energy to hang out with your friends. Missing one night shouldn't be a big deal, right? Everyone missed one every once in a while.
Actually, I don't know if I'll go tonight. I'm pretty tired.
What?? Pleeeeease :) it's more fun with you! :)
An uncontrollable smile spreads across your face. Sasha is all too persuasive, or maybe you're too persuadable. After Historia moved out, you dreaded evenings and weekends without any friends to hang out with. But it didn't take long for Sasha to plead with you to come to trivia with her friends and rave about how much she loved your company. It's nice to know someone wants you there – even if it's not Jean.
Maybe I'll take a nap before.
Yay! I'm working late so I'll head straight to the bar straight after. See you there :)
~ ~ ~
You lie on your bed, phone up to your ear in one hand and your other hand is gesticulating up to the ceiling.
“What does he want from me?” You demand from your best friend even though she's just as clueless as you. “I mean, we kiss the first night we hang out, he paints a fucking picture of me, he practically takes me out on a date – but nothing since that first kiss. Who does that?”
“Well,” Historia says your name in her soft voice, “you know, you've been. . .”
“What?” You demand.
“It's just um. . .oh, don't make me say it!”
“C'mon Historia.” You flip over to your stomach. “You know you can tell me anything. Hit me with it.”
“Well, you've kinda been doing the same thing. Giving mixed signals. You haven't made a move with Jean either, have you? Not since you went to see the ice sculptures?”
Your body tenses. Historia is right. You're just as guilty.
“No,” you answer with force. “I think I used up my bold moves that night.”
“What if you just tell him how you feel?”
“What if I just walk into five lanes of traffic?”
Historia says your name in an exasperated tone.
“What! It'd basically be the same feeling,” you defend.
“You asked my opinion and I gave it.”
“Ugh, yeah I know. It's almost unfair how much Ymir has rubbed off on you.” Historia rarely called you out on your bullshit, so when she did, you knew it was real. You look at your watch. 6:30 pm. You should be walking to trivia now. “Look, I gotta go. I'll catch up with you later?”
“Sure. Just remember – you deserve better. You don't have to take table scraps from anyone.”
You cringe, knowing exactly what Historia is referencing. She held you while you cried after the guy you dated for a year in college dumped you out of the blue because he “just didn't see a future together.” It should've been obvious from the beginning since he hardly ever made an effort to see you. Though it was a couple years ago, the old wound still aches sometimes. Historia and Ymir were your emotional stitches, but there was still a scar.
“Yeah, I know,” you say softly. “Anyways. Say hi to Ymir for me?”
“Always,” Historia says.
~ ~ ~
You rush through the bar doors knowing you're a little late. Trivia hasn't started yet, but all of your new friends are already seated with a drink in front of them. A few perk up to wave and greet you.
“Sorry guys!” You apologize and unwrap your scarf. Trost has slowly been warming up but it's still snowing. You're a little sweaty from running over despite the cold.
“No worries, saved you a seat!” Sasha leans back to wave at you from the middle of the table.
“Thanks,” you breath and take off your hat. You attempt to smooth down your hair while you take a seat next to Sasha. You turn to your left and -
It's Jean.
Of course. Sasha purposely saved you a seat between her and Jean.
Jean is wearing a light purple t-shirt. You've never seen him in a t-shirt before. His biceps are well defined and somehow still tanned despite it being winter.
“You good?” He asks you and tilts his head. You blush, not realizing how hard you were staring.
“Yeah, you uh, have paint on your shirt.” You poke a yellow splotch on his chest and wonder if his chest is as well defined as his biceps. And maybe something else is well defined – no no no, lord, grant me the strength to stop my unholy thoughts, you pray, though you've never been religious.
“Ah, shit.” Jean looks down and dabs the yellow splotch. “It's already dry.”
“Must've been a good time at the studio today?” You ask, attempting to clear your head.
“Yeah, really good,” he nods. “Actually,” he pauses and bites his bottom lip. He finally makes eye contact with you. “Would you mind coming to the studio sometime soon? Maybe tomorrow or Saturday? I have an idea.”
You raise your eyebrows. “And you need me?”
“Yes.” Jean nods with force. “I figured I should ask this time.”
“Oh.” Surprise ripples through your body. Is Jean asking to paint you? You're flustered, unsure how to respond. On one hand, it's flattering that he wants to use you for inspiration again – and involve you. On the other, it seems far too romantic for “friends.”
Pink flushes Jean's face as he waits for you to respond more. “Ah, never mind, it's a dumb idea.” He waves. “You don't have to.”
“No, I uh -”
“Hey everyone!” Eren calls the group to attention. He sits directly across from Jean. “I want to make a toast.” He wraps his arm around Mikasa, who leans into him and smiles. Her black hair falls like a curtain over half her face. Eren raises his drink in the air and waits for everyone else to follow his motion. “To my beautiful girlfriend Mikasa, whose birthday is tomorrow. And – we just celebrated our one-year anniversary. I wouldn't have gotten the guts to finally ask her out if it weren't for you all.”
Your friends give a mix of cheering and “awww.”
“Get a room already!” Connie berates the couple.
You grab the glass of water in front of you and raise it in celebration.
But you notice Eren isn't gazing back at Mikasa like you'd expect. No, his green eyes are piercing straight ahead.
At Jean.
Who is staring right back at Eren. Jean's fist shakes under the table, out of sight for everyone except you.
And in that moment, you realize.
Eren's toast isn't meant to praise Mikasa, though that's how almost everyone was interpreting it. No, it's a taunt.
For Jean.
Who nearly blew up when you two ran into Eren and Mikasa at the ice sculptures. Who insisted you were friends. Who backed away from you after the wine bar.
A burning question crashes down on you.
Does Jean has a thing for Mikasa?
Is that why he's avoided a second kiss?
Your stomach twists and stings. You take a small sip of your water as everyone says “cheers” and wishes Mikasa a happy birthday.
Jean's eyes wander over to you. He puts his beer down.
“Oh hey, you're missing a drink,” he points out. He licks a bit of foam off his upper lip. “Can I grab you anything?” He jabs his thumb at the bar behind him.
“No, I don't want anything,” you say and cross your arms. Jean raises his eyebrows at your curt, yet polite tone.
“Ah, okay.” He turns away and chats with Reiner on his other side. You're actually dying for a drink. Something to dull your senses would be fantastic, but you sit through all the trivia rounds without getting anything out of sheer stubborn will.
It's not about the drink, of course.
Jean doesn't try to talk to you again. It's as if you've built a wall in between the two of you.
And that's how it should be. How it needs to be. You can't delude yourself any longer.
You and Jean are just friends.
Just. Friends.
~ ~ ~
Connie is once again crashing your weekly movie night with Sasha. Though the two of you don't mind too much, you have one rule for Connie: no complaining about the movie choice.
“The Devil Wears Prada? Haven't you seen this a million times?” Connie holds up the battered DVD case like it's the sandwich Sasha forgot under the couch last week.
“Uh uh uh!” You wag the knife you're using to cut green bell peppers at him. “You know the rules, no complaining about our movie choice.”
“Especially since you weren't even invited,” Sasha's voice drips with acid as she gives him the side eye. Beside you, she continues rolling out the pizza dough. Friday night movie nights were your idea – a relaxing night in to recover after the chaos of Thursday night trivia with your new friends.
“Alright, fine fine.” Connie collapses into the couch cushions. “Why do you two like this movie so much anyways?”
“Because!” You erupt, throwing your hands in the air, one of them still wielding the knife. “It's the early 2000s rise of girl boss feminism. Miranda, who symbolizes white girl capitalism, is made out to be the main villain. She is a villain, but the real one, the one we didn't see when we were young, naive girls is Nate – the evil boyfriend who hates Andie for exploring fashion and her feminine side. But!” You pause for dramatic effect. “Andie is also a problem as she trades her relationships for capitalist success. In this essay I will. . .” you trail off and smirk.
“Sheesh,” Connie mutters. “Didn't realize this was an English class. No wonder you and Jean get along.”
“You don't have to be here,” you remind him and ignore the comment about Jean.
“Ugh. Lemme see what our dear Jeanboy is doing tonight.” At the mention of Jean's name, you peer over to watch Connie pull out his phone while you slice another bell pepper.
A sharp sting rips through your thumb.
“Agh!” You yell and pull your thumb away from the knife and cutting board. Distracted by the mention of Jean, you had sliced your thumb instead of the pepper. Sasha grabs a wad of paper towels and hands them to you. You squeeze down on your thumb and blood soaks through the paper towels.
“You good?” Sasha places an arm around you and guides you to sit on the couch next to Connie.
“I think so?” You answer, but your shaking voice tells another story.
“Let's see. . .” Sasha peels back the bloody wad with a gentle touch to reveal a deep cut. Your skin is split wide open and gushes blood.
“Yuck.” Connie leaps off the couch. “That looks nasty. Want me to call Marco? I don't think he's working tonight.”
You shrug, unsure if your cut actually needs stitches. Connie dials up Marco regardless of your indecision.
“Hey Marco – we need your man nurse skills . . .what, no! Not for me.” He clarifies that it's for you.
“Is this a regular occurrence?” You ask Sasha.
“Connie has abused Marco's skills so many times,” she laughs. “He refuses to help him anymore. You're a first timer though, so I'll bet anything he'll be over soon.”
Sure enough, Connie announces that Marco will be over in a few minutes.
“Anyways,” he flops back onto the couch, “I'll stick around until then at least.”
“Good call, literally,” you say.
Your mind wanders back to the reason you were so distracted. Heat rises to your face as you realize these are the safest people to ask what you've been wondering about Jean – and Mikasa.
“Hey. . . can I ask you guys something?”
“Sure!” Sasha beams and wraps another layer of paper towels around your thumb. Connie scrolls aimlessly through Instagram.
“About Jean . . . did he and Mikasa ever. . .you know?” You dance around your question, unsure of how to phrase it. Connie's head jerks up. Your heart pounds in anticipation. Did they date? Did they fuck? You gnaw on the inside of your cheek.
“Mmm, I'm not really sure,” Sasha muses and avoids eye contact. “Jean definitely had a thing for her when they met a couple years ago, but obviously nothing came of it.”
“But nothing happened – at all?” You press.
“Jeanboy doesn't kiss and tell,” Connie sighs. “I asked him once and he almost punched me. So if something did happen, we don't know. He's no fun.”
“Maybe you could ask Marco?” Sasha lightens up. “Those two have been tight forever. He's the only one that would know for sure.”
*knock knock*
“Speak of the devil,” Connie says and gets up to grab the door. “Marco, you've come to save her from bleeding out!”
Marco steps through the door with a small kit in hand.
“Hey,” Marco breathes your name and shivers from the lingering cold. “What happened?” He asks as he strips off his coat. Red from the bitter cold is spread across his freckled face.
“I uh, had an incident with a knife,” you explain and hold out your thumb. Marco walks over to you and Sasha on the couch. You realize he's almost as tall as Jean because as he kneels in front of you, he can still make level eye contact. With a gentle touch, he peels back the paper towel to reveal your wound.
“Yikes,” he frowns, “you're definitely going to need stitches.”
You involuntarily cringe.
“Alright, two options,” Marco continues and sits back on his heels. “I can take you to the urgent care I work at, or if you really trust me, we can do it here.”
“Ten out of ten recommend Doctor Marco!” Connie yells from the kitchen as he rifles through the cupboard for snacks.
“Not a doctor,” Marco mutters and shakes his head. “Anyways, I can do stitches in my sleep, but I can understand if you'd rather go to urgent care.”
“No, I trust you. Plus, I really don't fee like dropping a couple hundred dollars on stitches.” Ironically, the clinic you worked at didn't offer a very good health insurance plan.
“Sounds good,” Marco smiles. “Bathroom okay?”
“Yep.” You stand up and “Woah. . .”
Purple dots cloud your vision. Cotton balls fill your ears.
“Easy there.” Marco grabs your waist to steady you. “Hey Sasha? Connie? Can you go grab her some Gatorade or something?”
“On it!” Sasha jumps off the coach and grabs her purple puffy coat. At the same time, Connie whines, “But it's cold and dark out there!”
“C'mon.” Sasha grabs Connie and drags him to the front door. “Our comrade needs our help.”
“Fine,” he mutters and throws his coat on. “Good luck, you better still be alive when we come back.”
You wave to your friends as they leave.
“What's the Gatorade for?” You ask and steady yourself as your vision restores.
“Mostly to get those two outta here, they're kinda distracting.” Marco rubs the nape of his neck. “But you do also look a little pale. Some sugar and electrolytes should help with that.”
Marco grabs two chairs from the kitchen and places them in front of the bathroom sink.
“This shouldn't take too long. First, let's clean it,” he explains and takes out a packet of antiseptic wipes from his kit. He dabs your wound with a wipe and it instantly stings. You hiss and clench your fist. “That's the worst part – and it's over. Do you normally get squeamish around blood?”
“It's not really the blood,” you explain. “It's more like the anticipation.”
“Ah, anxiety?” He asks and prepares for the stitches. “Armin's like that too,” he chuckles. “He practically passed out during our first nursing rotations in school.”
“Wait, Armin was in nursing school with you?” You raise your eyebrows.
“Nursing school yes, but different ones. We were in the same rotation at the hospital though, that's how we met. I invited him to hang out with us and he brought Eren and Mikasa. That's how we all became friends. Armin ended up on the research of side of things instead, which he's much more suited for. He's brilliant. Oh – you might want to put your head down or look away for this.” Marco pauses and gives you a serious look. “It won't hurt much, but we can't have you passing out.”
“Oh, sure.” You comply and turn your head away, placing your chin on your free hand.
“So that means you all met what – your senior year?”
“Yep.” Marco idly confirms. You feel a gentle tugging on your skin.
“Marco . . . can I ask you a question? A personal one?” The tugging on your skin stops. “Not about you though,” you quickly explain.
“Oh.” The tugging resumes. “Sure.” The question burns on your lips.
“Did anything ever happen between Jean and Mikasa?” The burning on your lips blazes to your cheeks.
“Ah.” Marco clears his throat. “I thought you might ask about that.”
“Really?” Surprise ripples through your body.
“Yeah, Jean's been talking about you a lot lately. I figured something was going on. Anyways. . .” he trails off, concentrating on your last two stitches. “What I can tell you is that Jean was really into her when they first met at that party I mentioned.”
Your stomach turns.
“And did anything ever come of it?”
Marco hesitates.
“Look, I don't know if I should be sharing this with anyone -”
“Please, Marco?” You turn and plead with his light brown eyes. You're so desperate for information that a confession doesn't even phase you. “I like him. And I need to know. . . if he's hung up on someone else. I don't want to waste my time. Or get hurt. Please?”
Marco sighs. “Alright. They went on a date. One date.” He finishes off the stitches and avoids eye contact with you. “Jean asked and she said yes. He didn't tell me a ton, but he came home really happy that night. A couple days later, we all hear that Mikasa and Eren are officially a couple. I asked Jean what happened and he just growled at me. That's all I know.”
Your jaw actually drops. You stare at Marco open mouthed. You barely register that he's done with the stitches as he puts his supplies away. “So she went on a date with Jean and then immediately started dating Eren??”
Marco whips back over to look at you. “Oh, but please don't think poorly of Mikasa! She's not a bad person.” Now it's his turn to plead with you.
You remain silent. It's almost unthinkable. Admittedly you don't know Mikasa very well, but she's always seemed like a kind, introverted soul. What would posses her to do something like that? Flashes of anger heat your body despite Marco's insistence. That must've really hurt Jean.
“You really don't know what happened? Nothing at all?” You press your lips together in a tight line.
“No,” Marco shakes his head and stands up. “I wish I did. Jean was pretty bent out of shape about it for a while, but he's not exactly the kind to easily share his feelings.”
“You got that right,” you huff. “Be honest with me – do you think I'm wasting my time with Jean?”
Marco pauses in thought. He leans against the sink and crosses his arms. “No, not exactly.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I get the sense he likes you,” he smiles. “But,” his smile disappears, “I gotta be honest, I couldn't say if he's over Mikasa. It's been about a year, so maybe, but like I said, I don't even know everything that happened.” He shrugs. “But I think it's worth talking to Jean about it. Ask him and he'll probably be more honest with you than with me.”
“Sure,” you nod slowly. “It's just that. . . feelings are hard.” Your gaze lingers on your newly stitched up thumb. Telling Jean you like him and asking about Mikasa feels on par with ripping out your new stitches. And pouring more alcohol into the wound.
“Yeah, I get that,” Marco agrees. “I guess it depends on how much he's worth it to you.”
~ ~ ~
The movie night is a perfect distraction from the ulcer growing in your stomach from thinking about Jean. You and Sasha cackle throughout the movie, quoting lines from memory and imitating Miranda's stern look.
“I love my job, I love my job, I love my job.”
“Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking.”
Despite Connie's griping, he stays the entire time and as per usual, falls asleep on your couch. After the movie, you crawl into bed and check your phone.
You have an unread text from Jean.
See you tomorrow morning?
You groan. Tomorrow is your scheduled Saturday morning creative date with Jean. Not date, you correct yourself. Your mind wanders back to what Marco said. Was figuring out what's up with Jean worth it to you? With the way he looked at Mikasa and his frustration with Eren, it seemed like he wasn't over what happened – dangerous territory. You weren't in too deep now, you try to convince yourself. You only kissed once. And sure, you're crushing, but crushes fade. You chew on the inside of your cheek, unsure of how to proceed. So you choose to avoid.
I'll have to sit this one out, not feeling great :/
Technically it's the truth. You don't think you'll get much writing done with Jean across the table from you. And you don't feel great – mentally or physically. Overthinking was getting exhausting, and your stitches were aching despite the pain killers Marco gave you. Your phone buzzes.
Ah, that's right, Marco told me about the stitches. That sucks! Do you need anything?
Nope, Sasha's got me covered. Don't need anything.
~ ~ ~
The next few days move at, well – a glacial pace.
You don't write at all.
Your wound under the stitches aches.
You think about Jean and Mikasa the entire time.
On Monday, Jean texts you an interesting article about world building, but you don't respond. In truth, you're dying to talk with him again. You don't realize how much you enjoy his company until you skip your creative date. You miss talking about art and writing with him. You miss that he takes it seriously in a way that your other friends didn't. You miss how open you could be with each other – well, for the most part.
You're taking your lunch break on Wednesday when you get another text from Jean.
Hey, you feeling better? Up for wine and writing/art tonight?
You sigh and tap your fingers over and over again on the table. Maybe the best decision is to cut it off now. The last time you admitted vulnerability, it didn't so well.
After months of dating that guy on your floor in college, you grew tired of only seeing him on his terms. You never felt like you could ask to see him. You were always waiting for him to text you. You even canceled plans with Historia in hopes that he might want to do something. You hated it. You began to hate yourself for how pathetic you became.
So you told him. You told him how you wanted to see each other more. You wanted to actually build a relationship, not just hang out with someone at parties on weekends. Your face burned and your voice shook, but you were proud of yourself for standing up for once.
And then he broke up with you. Right then and there.
And that was it.
You pull yourself back to the present moment and text Jean back.
I have plans tonight, sorry.
Text bubbles pop up and you brace yourself for impact.
Oh, okay.
Your stomach drops. You turn your phone off and shove the rest of your lunch back in the staff fridge. You're being rude to Jean, you know it. You hate yourself for it.
But this is for the best.
~ ~ ~
Once work is finally over, you hop on the train home and stop by the local liquor store. You might not be getting wine with Jean tonight, but you sure as hell want a glass of wine. Or two. Or three. Anything to get Jean off your mind. And with Sasha out tonight with Nicolo, you need a distraction.
As you walk toward the store, you admire at the blush pink sunset. Mid-February is still freezing in Trost, but at least it's now light when you get home, albeit just barely.
You mindlessly roam the aisles until you find the boxed wine section. In college, you and Historia always opted for boxes over bottles. It was the economically smart decision and neither of you were well versed enough in wine to tell much of a difference between a box and a fancy bottle.
Although you prefer a chardonnay, you grab a pink wine knowing that it's Sasha's favorite.
A large hand clamps down on your wrist as you're mere inches away from the box.
“C'mon, you are breaking my heart with that.” You jerk your head up to see what stranger has rudely interrupted you.
But it's no stranger.
It's Jean.
You are quite literally caught red-handed. Or pink-handed.
Despite your internal insistence that you are just friends, that you need to avoid Jean, your heart leaps with affection at the sight of him in his parka and knitted hat. Then your heart squeezes tight with guilt when you remember that you canceled on him tonight – and here you are, at the liquor store getting ready for a night alone.
“Hey, nothing wrong with box wine,” you grin in spite of yourself. You can't help smiling in his presence.
“There is everything wrong with box wine,” Jean groans and tilts his head back, exposing a glimpse of his throat. “I gotta have you over sometime and re-educate you since apparently the wine bar wasn't enough.”
You offer a noncommittal smile in return. “Anyways,” you clear your throat and give your captured wrist a pointed look. Jean releases his grip and you grab the pink box wine. “I gotta get going.”
“Oh, that's right.” Jean adjusts his winter hat, which fails to cover up his lengthening hair. “So uh – what are you up to tonight?”
“Girl's night with Sasha,” you blurt. It's the first thing you think of since she's part of the reason you're getting the pink wine.
Jean frowns. “Doesn't she have a date with Nicolo tonight? He's been telling me for weeks about this concert they're going to tonight.”
“Oh um. . . “ you trail off. Your entire body is frozen like you've stepped outside, blasted by Trost's bitter winter season. Once again, you're caught. You fumble and stutter, struggling to come up with another excuse.
The hurt flashing in Jean's hazel eyes cuts through you like the knife to your thumb. He sees right through your lie.
“Ah.” He rocks back on his heels. “Got it.” He nods and swallows. “Message received.” He turns on his heels and walks away from you.
Desperation surges through your body. You've wounded him, and you want to stitch it up.
“Jean, wait! I didn't mean -” Your protests are useless. Jean has left the liquor store empty handed.
You make a bee line to the register to pay for your box wine.
Maybe it'll be four glasses tonight.
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marshallpupfan · 3 months
Marshall Merchandise Update... Kinda.
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Okay, so... funny story. Do any of you remember that merchandise update I made near the beginning of the year? The one where I said my aunt found some items of Marshall, so she bought them for me as a Christmas gift? One was a plush of Mighty (Movie) Marshall, which I said I already owned, and the other was that cube plush of Charger from Rubble & Crew (she thought it was Marshall because of the red hat). Well...
As it turns out, I was wrong about something!
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It's not the same plush after all! I mean, it's basically the same style, yet one's slightly smaller and has a plastic nose. I didn't realize it at the time, but placing them side-by-side, it's quite obvious now. Huh... I'm pretty sure these were released around the same time, so I wonder why they made two different versions? The left's from Walmart, while I think the other's from Meijer. How interesting...
While I'm here, I might as well show off a brand new item I found.
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This is... er... dang, why do I have such bad luck with cameras? I keep saying I'll break down and buy myself a better one someday, and... well, I probably could, if I stopped buying so much merchandise of Marshall. Hang on, maybe if I turn the flash off, that'll...
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...oh my. Alright, back to my $40 TracFone cellphone camera.
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Well, that's... better. Still not the results I was hoping for, but it'll have to do. In any case, this is a brand new item I found recently at a Meijer. I suppose this is what we'll get from now on, instead of those True Metal vehicles? Admittedly, I thought "Pup Squad" was something specifically for The Mighty Movie, but I see the merchandise is carrying on with that branding. I don't think they've actually said pup squad in the TV series, unless it was mentioned somewhere in the Mighty Movie (I still haven't seen it, so I've no idea).
One last item, which is...
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...a common Marshall figurine and his firetruck? Wait, don't I own one already? Ah, I do... but I found a bunch of these at a flea market for $2.50, so I thought it'd be fun to have one in its original, undamaged, unopened packaging! Admittedly, I was hoping it was one of the first toys of him released back in 2013, but the copyright info instead says it's from 2019. Ah well, it still looks rather nice!
Of course... it'll look much better without that big sticker. Geez, did they have to make it so big? Stickers like that tend to be difficult to remove, since they come apart so easy and leave sticky residue.
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Thankfully, I was able to get it off just fine, due to taking my time and whatnot. It pretty much looks good as new now! Of course, now I just need to find a spot for it...
Oh, speaking of finding a spot for something...
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My aunt recently gave me this small display case, and I thought about incorporating it somewhere in my collection. Perhaps I can use it to house some of my favorite and/or rare pieces of merchandise, like that hard-to-find Christmas ornament from 2016? It's kind of big, so I've no idea where I can put it yet, but I'll find a spot for it...
...Eventua- okay, I'll try to find a spot for it before the third movie releases in 2026, I swear! lol
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gamerbearmira · 9 months
Hey, it's been awhile since you talked about your Mamabel AU, I know it's been on hiatus, but it's one of my favorites and I've had questions about the AU for a long time now, the powers of Mirabel and the Vergara kids are never really explained, neither is Epifanio or what happened to Bruno, I know he's in the AU and he doesn't seem to have gone into the walls so what's been up with him for the past ten years? It'd be nice if you could elaborate a bit more on those parts, and frankly I'd love to know more about what Mirabel's house looks like, both inside and out, as you haven't really described it much
INDEED IT HAS 😧 but um. Lucky for you and all the other readers, its currently under write (which is why i've been slow on Mama Isa and the werewolf au but. Imma get there I SWEAR.
Likely, the currently chapters won't change too much, but enough. The family dynamic is a little different, but its nothing too bad. I swear.
Powers, Epifanio & Casita and Bruno were literally meant to explained in flashback chapters that. You know, never came to be.
But I'll try and explain without spoiling too much??? Epifanio is essentially a sibling to Casita. Literally from the same magic. I changed it so there isn’t a separate candle, BUT Epifanio is still seperated enough to where it has its own magic. But if the candle goes out, both Casita and Epifanio will have no magic. Only difference is that Epifanio won't fall, because it was built by the villagers for Mirabel, and wasn't created by magic.
And another thing. Mirabel's house was never meant to be permanent. It was more of a hangout spot for her and kids, you know a place where they can meet up. There's only rooms because Mirabel and the Miracle kind of willed it to have rooms. And the way the rooms work is weird??? Like there aren't 30-odd doors. There's a few ways to get to a room, the main one going to one of the few glowing (blank btw) doors. Whatever kid touches it kind of just. Materializes their rooms on the spot so they can go in.
Externally, Epifanio is visually pretty similar to surrounding house. It doesn't stand out in particular, aside from a few things, hence why the Madrigals never really noticed it. Internally, it's only one floor, rather than two. Again, it was supposed to be a hangout spot, not a house, so that's how it was built. There's more than one bathroom tho, lmao. There is two separate doors, Mirabel's room which the kids. Regularly just barge into to find Mirabel.
And then Bruno's room. Because while yes, he was in the walls for a few years, he didn't stay all 10 years because eventually Casita ratted him out to one of the kids and they dragged him out if the wall 💀 he's not seen in town though, at least not in the plaza, and any villagers that DO see him, they don't say anything. He obviously isn't ready to reveal himself (but he's working up the courage to do so.)
Another thing that's changing in the rewrite is any kid under 4 won't have a gift. Easy to write and. We don't need a bunch of toddler running around with powers. That's crazy. But they WILL eventually get gifts 😭 just after the story. Obvs. Mirabel's gift is pretty simple tho, it changed ever so slightly she has sort of. The ability to read minds. Talking into the mind, no, but reading it, yes. She has a whole hive mind with her kids. But she doesn't like take control of them, she can't do that 💀
This was a list I made a while back (edited a bit but its virtually the same). Basically it's the kids names, their age, whatever symbol they are on Mirabel's skirt, and then if they have one, their Gift
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Ultimately, the rewrite has some changes, none too major, at least I don't think so. It will take a while cause I gotya rewrite the current chapters ans then new ones. I wanna say it'll be between?? 10-15 chapters. Because it takes place during the events of the movie, so basically its just Canon-Divergent.
I need to redraw Mamabel's reference fr
BUT I HOPE THIS HELPS❗❗ but of course, I can always do more, just shoot an ask <33
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Heyyy ☺️ I love this series sooo much, it is so nice to see Austin stories that involve a black reader. Not having to edit the story in my head to make it fit me is wonderful 🥰. For your Drabble event could you do either first date or a special date that they have had? Thank you 💕 💕
20 Questions.
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Summary: It’s a in-house date night with Austin and his best girl. Where you get to know them and they get to know each other!
Contents: Fluff ofc! Mentions of deceased relatives. Little angst if you squint. Slight steaminess. Austin and his best girl being the cutest.
A/N: Hi Beautiful Humans! It’s me! I hope y’all of you are having a wonderful time. Just wanted to go ahead and drop this off for you guys and also give some special shout-outs to:
@pennyroyalcreep for not only this lovely prompt, but also for your continued love and support with my work. ❤️
@purejasmine one of the sweetest people I know and a absolutely amazing writer. Thanks for always supporting and creating.
I also wanna thank @adoreyouusugar , @denised916, and @homebodybirkin2003 whose comments never cease to make me smile.
And to everyone else who I may have missed. THANK YOU. I truly appreciate it.
Moving on I am also officially starting a tag list. As I plan to upload some things this week. So if you’d like to be added please leave a :) in the comments.
Thank you all!
P.S Everyone feel free to PLEASE comment and reblog. Also send me letters with idea and prompts. Love hearing from you all. Much love! * hugs*
Today was Friday.
Which also meant it was date night. 
And with it being quite gloomy outside for the usual LA weather the two of you had decided that it'd be the perfect day to have a in-house date night. You insisted that tonight you would to try and cook for your man a simple meal of grilled cheese and tomato soup.
A skeptical but supportive Austin would go on to happily watch you not only blacken all attempts at the grilled cheese, but also burn the poor tomato soup that you forgot to add enough water to.
And once the tears started rolling, in real Austin fashion he'd wrapped you in a blanket and placed you on the couch promising to return. After cleaning up your food fail he pulled out all the ingredients he needed and made a hell of a good pan of pasta. 
After some feeding, cuddling, finger fucking , and napping. The two of you had decided that a more PG-13 activity was in order. With that you suggested a game that you'd been wanting to play with Austin for a while. Let's get deep: 20 question edition.
" Okay. Here we go, number one." You listened to Austin while you giggled staring down at the stacks of cards in front of you and then back up at Austin, who looked on in amusement. " What movie was so sad that you would never watch it again? " He asked.
" Mmmm." You thought for a minute, there were plenty but really you could only narrow it down to two, " I think I would definitely have to say either Dumbo or Fruitvale Station. I can't choose. You can only watch both once." You affirmed.
" Watching Dumbo is a traumatizing experience that no child of any age should be subjected to at all. Like just the first thirty minutes was enough for me to need a lifelong therapist. And as far as Fruitvale Station goes...I feel that the content overview speaks for itself. It's a beautiful movie, but I could barely make it through til the end." You explained.
Austin nodded, " I seen Dumbo a long time ago when I was little and all I remember is this very strong urge to go hug my mom after watching. " He said making you smile, " But I haven't seen Fruitvale Station. No particular reason why, it's just never happened."
" Understandable." You nodded reaching to grab another card off one of the piles.
" My turn. Two. What's the weirdest thing you find attractive in a person?" You moved your eyes to look at him in curiosity.
Almost immediately he said, " People who floss."
Amused in question you went, " Really? Why? "
" Yeah. I don't know. But in a weird way to me. It shows that you care about yourself. Like babe, do you know how many people don't floss. Ever." He explained.
And the more you thought about it, he was right. Gross.
But lucky for you, you didn't have that problem seeing as your upbringing had made you a bit of a dental freak. So you hit all the points in that department. 
" Yeah. I guess I see your point. " You said just as a thought passed in your mind, " So, do you find it attractive when I floss." You goofed biting a bit of your upper lip.
Laughing at you he leaned over to plant a hardy peck to your lips, pulling away to say, " Makes my dick jump every time, sweetheart." He half whispered sending the two of you into a short fit of laughter.
" Alright alright alright. Next. Three. " He moved to pick up a card, " Describe our relationship in three words." He asked.
Even though you had to think a bit, it didn't take you long before you had your three words, " Meaningful.....Honest.... Adaptive. " You answered.
Eyes glimmering in happiness and satisfaction Austin questioned, " I know these are suppose to be short but, care to elaborate please."
" Well, I feel it's meaningful because literally almost everything we do has some type of meaning behind it. Like when you got me the fern. Or when I gave you the blanket. There's always some type of love behind everything. Plus you mean so much to me and in-turn I mean so much to you, which I guess in general terms makes us meaningful..right?" You giggled trying your best to explain your thoughts in the best way you could.
But Austin understood what you meant, he felt his heart swelling bigger and bigger by the moment, " I see. So what about honest?"
" I feel our relationship is also built around honesty. I know I've told you this before but throughout my life I've encountered a great deal of liars and that's something that I really didn't wanna come into my adult life with. Unavoidable I know. And especially in a relationship. " You began, " But with you, from the day that we sat down, listening to you be so open and honest with me when at the time I was just a complete stranger to you. It made me feel something. And from then on I've never ever had to second guess anything or feel like your keeping things from me. It's refreshing and I value that." You explained.
Austin listened intently thinking back to the first hours the two of you had spent together talking after he'd finished reading you the book. Hearing you talk about how surprised you were hearing Austin talk the way he did shocked him a bit. He hadn't really ever realized just how personal the two of you had gotten in that short amount of time. But to him now, that was just proof that this was something special from the start.
" And finally I think we're adaptive because whether it be your schedule or mine that keeps up from doing traditional couples stuff. We make it work. We adapt to whatever challenge we face together. And that's important." You finished offering a smile.
Austin return your feeling of content displaying a smile of his own. He was so happy to be with you. And to be building the kind of relationship where it's foundations were things like these. Things that would help the two of you last, because all in all. That was goal.
" I think all of that is really accurate and beautiful, mama. I love you." He said reaching for your hand to bring it to his lips and press a gentle kiss to it.
" I love you, Aus." You returned reaching that same hand to palm his cheek.
The two of you continued your little moment before moving forward.
" Number four. Name something that you wish you could do but can't." You asked.
Teasing Austin said, " Gain the ability to say no to you."
You rolled your eyes playfully. " Be serious, Austin."
Laughing some more he says, " I am being serious, woman. You have no idea the power you hold over me. It's like you just know all you have to do is bat those pretty lashes at me and say please, to turn me into a sucker." He informed.
Your smile widen, " Really? "
Austin nodded leaning back against the couch, " Awe don't be coy. Really, mama."
You sounded a ' Hmmph '.
" Well I'll just have to keep that in mind then, huh?" You said shooting him a glance.
Smirking he replied, " Don't go getting too many good ideas."
" I won't."
With that he leaned up to send a squeeze to your thigh before reaching and grabbing another card.
" Mm. This is a good one." Austin's lips twitched up into a smirk while he shot you a look.
" Oh god." You laughed rolling your eyes, " Dare I ask? "
" Yes, please dare." He wiggled his eyebrows and you laughed, " Go ahead then."
" Five, If there's a particular part of you I should touch to get you in the mood. Where would it be?" He questioned.
Playfully humming while placing your pointer finger to the corner of your lips, the curiosity of wanting to know where he thought it was himself popped in," Before I answer where do you think it is, Mr. Butler?"
" Well, honey." He sighed leaning back against the couch," Based on months of bountiful research and exhausting observations. I'd have to say it'd be your neck."
He was right. You loved when he touched your neck. It always left you breathless in more ways than one.
" You sure, " You challenged figuring to keep your cool," Because if I recall your always touching my thighs."
And it was true. If the two of you were laying down to read or watch a movie Austin either had to have his head rested in your lap or hands stuffed between the crevices of your thighs. In the car, Austin only drove with his left hand because his right was specially reserved for your thigh. Whenever your being a little bratty or you say something about yourself that Austin isn't fond of, you better believe he is going to send a good little pinch to your thigh before kissing the spot all better.
" That's because their my particular part of you that gets me in the mood." He informed looking at you while gliding a singular finger up your thigh to the hemline of the shorts you wore. Still never dropping eye contact he continued, " But I know it's your neck because whenever we make love and I run my hand across your neck or decide to take a good little grip on it. That my love, is when you come for me the hardest." He finished.
By now that same finger had turned into a full hand that had found it's way up to get a nice gentle but firm hold on your neck. He softly used it to pull you to him and place a nice sloppy kiss to your lips making a moan release from your throat.
Pulling back he let go with a smug grin on his face to your annoyed but disheveled expression before motioning for you to draw a card while you tried to collect yourself.
Once you had settled the waves below, you a bit shakily grab the next card, clearing your throat, " Okay. Six. What is one activity that makes you feel alive?"
Without a doubt Austin knew his answer, " Easy. Horseback riding. Nothing like making that bond with a horse, the trust you build with them is pure. And then being out and open with nature. Clearing your mind and body. It's refreshing." He explained. " I think that's why filming The Shannara Chronicles was one of my favorite projects so far." He furthered grabbing a sip of the Yerbamate on the table.
" Yep and I'll have to take your word for it, babe." You quickly chirped making Austin sigh. 
Ever since you and Austin had stumbled on the topic of horseback riding one day and you had revealed to him that while you thought horses were absolutely majestic and beautiful from a distance, under no circumstances would you ever consider getting on one. Period. And to him this was a great injustice...almost as big as when you told him you didn't like PB & J's.
You shuddered at the thought.
" Baby for the thousandth time. I'm telling you it's not as scary as you think it is. And you won't know until you try it. That thing with the girl was just a freak accident. That's a exception." Austin tried to argue but still you just shook your head unphased. You knew what you'd witnessed all those years back and you were good.
" Austin." You started, " The poor girl broke her back and part of her collarbone after one of them threw her off and fell on her. I seen it happen. It's like he WWE smushed her ass on the ground." You recalled watching a friend of a friend in high-school's scary interaction with the creature. It was terrifying. " Plus I'm pretty sure that she wasn't exactly ever the same in the membrane after that either." You added thinking about some of the antics the girl had gotten into post injury.
Austin blew out a breath, " Honey, while I think the situation is terrible. I'm pretty sure there was other factors that went into the happening. But I'm telling you that it's not normally like that. You just have to trust yourself and the horse."
Hearing him you still you were unchanged and really wanting to chance the topic so you came up with the compromise, " Okay okay okay. I hear you, Aus. And I'll think about it some more okay." You suggested shooting him a look to send the message that you were ready to move on.
Taking the hint he settled for what you were giving with a somber smile and moved to pick up another card, " So the next one is a little heavier, if that's alright?" Austin questioned staring down at the card.
Feeling like you could fully trust him you nodded, " Go head, babe." You prompted preparing yourself.
" Seven, in your opinion which is worse. Emotional or physical cheating? " He asked looking directly into your eye line.
" Oh." You spoke. It wasn't like you couldn't answer or that this wasn't something the two of you hadn't discussed. It was just a bit of a uncomfortable topic was all.
" Well being honest..." You trailed looking over to his face that was locked in on yours.
" Yeah." Austin encouraged.
Taking a second to collect your thoughts you began, " Like I said before, cheating no matter what is a deal breaker for me. But, being honest I think their equally as bad in opinion. I know anyone can argue it anyway. But the way I see it is that it takes something emotional in the first place to drive someone to cheat physically. I feel like if we're in a exclusive relationship where we're trusting and committing our bodies to only each other and you go and share that part of you with someone else it's a betrayal. And same thing with emotional. If we're in a relationship and I'm giving my all to let you know that there isn't anything that you should feel like you can't come to me about, and you still go and share those parts with someone else. That's also pretty bad so..." You finished looking him directly in eye. 
Austin nodded taking in what you were saying completely. This wasn't his first time hearing you express your expectations when it came to this type of dishonesty, but it was good to hear again all the same, " I hundred precent agree with everything you've said. And vice versa over here. I think our communication is good enough to where we can communicate our needs effectively to each other. But I still want you to know that we're never going to get to that point, honey. That's one of the reasons that ring is on your finger. It's a promise." Austin sincerely confessed making your heart expand.
You peaked down at the promise ring on your finger and then back at Austin.
" I know." 
" Good."
" Alrighty moving on. Eight. Is applesauce suppose to be warm or cold? " You posed.
" Cold." Austin immediately responded, " That's the only right answer."
You nodded, " I whole-heartedly agree. And I'm glad to know that you aren't a nutjob. "
" Noted. Next." Austin laughed picked up a card, " Nine. What is something that you wanna like but just can't? "
You sighed in faked despair, " Saunas. I really wanted to be that girl. The insta-fit chick that has the whole sauna self care bit going. But I realized how much I really don't like being sweaty unless absolutely necessary. " You informed to a smirking Austin. 
Before he could open his mouth you reiterated, " I SAID ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY." 
His hands shot up in defense while he snickered, " All I was going to ask was if you wanted to get sweaty later. But seeing as that wouldn't be absolutely necessary. I guess not." He shrugged.
Smacking your teeth you grabbed a pillow to childishly toss at Austin while you tell him that getting sweaty with him will always be absolutely necessary in your book.  " I'll hold you to that." He says shooting you the infamous look.
" Look forward to it. But first we have to finish this before we start something else, " You remind him picking up a new card, " Ten. Name the most fond memory you have with your moth-" You stopped mid- question instantly regretting asking, you hadn't meant to bring it up.  Idiot.
Quickly you tried to shift and grab another card while shooting him a sympathetic look, " I'm sorry, babe. I- I should have read the card in my head before I read it out lo-"
But he halted your movement softly grabbing your hand, " It's okay It's alright, B-"
" No, Austin it's not I sho-"
" You should just go ahead and let me answer. I promise it's okay. Matter of fact..I want to." He said holding your eye contact to show you he was sincere until you agreed leaning back. 
" I know I've said this in interviews before, but growing up not to faraway from Disney and Knotts Berry, my mom and I would go all the time. Finish all my homework earlier in the day and then drive over. We used to spend hours riding the rides or just sitting on the park benches and talking. Because I was so shy and homeschooled on top of it she was bestfriend. I could sit and talk to her about anything....God I miss her." Austin reminisced bringing a smile to his face. You could see the tears forming in his eyes and in return yours did the same. 
Instinctively you reached out to him which he accepted offering you a spot on his lap.
 You held onto him in silence drinking in his warmth and touch while enjoying the quiet comfort you were offering through the silent intimacy. The two of you stayed just like that for awhile. Your head against his chest listening to the melody of his heartbeat and feeling the weight of his head rested on yours. His hands ran up and down your spine gripping and rubbing. 
You felt oddly harmonious with each other. 
The two of you stayed like that before you let go when the brilliant idea of desert popped in your mind. Remembering that Beatrice had dropped off a royal raspberry drizzle cheesecake. You went to the kitchen coming back with two plates carrying carefully sliced pieces. You were sure this would lighten the mood.
Austin smiled taking his plate and offering you a " Thank you, baby." And a kiss to the temple. 
From there you resumed your game.
" Eleven. What is the most precious or important thing you own? " Austin asked before taking the bite of cheesecake you were offering.
" Um. " You sounded setting the desert plate on the coffee table, " Well, babe. I'm gonna have to cheat a little bit." You confessed.
" Oh. How's that." Austin inquired.
" I'm gonna have to list some things." You confirmed.
Smiling Austin says, " I'll allow it."
" Good. Okay so the most precious and important things I own in no particular order is my promise ring, the blanket my mom made me, our fern, my mother's ring, and my lucky smiley hat." You listed.
" You know I love when you wear that hat." He laughed, " You always look so cute. Remember when you wore it when we went to go see the jazz band in the park. Everyone tried to steal it off of you." 
" Yeah it was quite interesting. Having to fight off people with John Coltrane playing in the back."
"  But anywho. Twelve, If we were role playing. What would you dress me up as? " You bite your lip waiting on his response.  You were extremely curious to hear his answer.
You had to adjust yourself a little bit as you felt the gates to your 'oasis' starting to open up even more than earlier from the way he was looking at you.
" Honestly? " Austin's eyebrow raised.
" Of course. Wouldn't want it any other way." You responded.
" Well, even though it may sound cliché. In my younger years," He laughed, " The whole French maid thing intrigued me for a bit."
Your mouth twitched in a smile, " Know what. I'm not surprised. That checks out." 
" What?! What's that suppose to mean? " 
You laughed at his playfully offended expression while he clutched his chest, " It means that you seem like a french maid kind of man, babe. Classy. You already have this old school charm to you. So it's on-brand that you'd be into that." You elaborated.
He looked at you a second before saying a simple, " Thats fair. "
Tilting his head at you he continued, " So, if a little french maid outfit just happened to appear in your size around here somewhere. And I called to say my office may need some dusting...would you be willing to oblige." He suggested leaning over and biting at his lip.
You leaned in and said, " Oui."
He groaned and blushed a bit in response moving to grab another card only to laugh when he read it, "Right on topic. Thirteen. How many children do you want someday? "
" Um...uh..well it really depends. When I was younger I always wanted to be like cheaper by the dozen or the mine, yours, and ours family. " You giggled thinking about how you wanted a brood of children to homeschool, make three meals a day for, and be driven absolutely crazy by. But as you got older and life took it's fuzzy fun filter off and you began seeing the true colors of the world, that life started to seem less and less ideal. 
You caught Austin's face which was mixed with curiosity and glee. Even though you guys had had some conversations here and there that involved kids he'd never heard this from you before. He was intrigued, "Seriously you wanted twelve kids. You with twelve kids?" He repeated for emphasis.
You laughed, " Yeah. Believe it or not. I like kids and I love my nieces and nephews even though I don't get to see them as much as I'd like. So, in a perfect fantasy world. But being realistic though. I think I would like two or four. I wanna have enough but not too many to where I won't have the energy or the time to give them all as much equal time and attention." You explained.
" I get that. And I like that it's even numbers. So no one will ever be left out of games and they'll be able to pair up when we go out to fairs or do activities." He added with a gleam in his eye.
Austin couldn't lie and say that hadn't thought of what life would be like settling down with you and hearing little footsteps roam the halls. Some could say it was too soon to be thinking about things like that, but he couldn't help. You made him want a future with you.
And vice versa. 
" Exactly. Don't want anyone getting lonely." You agreed trying to play off the blush that had captured your face. You pulled a card, " Fourteen. What's your favorite thing about me?" You asked.
" There's so many different things, honey." Austin sighed trying to rack his brain to be able to just pick one thing, and then he said it, " Your unflinching ability to be kind to everyone."
Your twisted up your face, " Really, you think so? " 
It wasn't like you were saying that you thought you were mean. I mean sure you did your best to try and be nice and kind to everyone you came across, but you weren't the type to just stick that label to yourself. 
" YES REALLY. " Austin emphasized, " You'd literally give anyone the clothes off your back and shoes off your feet. You never cease to amaze me with the grace you have with people even when they don't deserve it. Especially in that situation with the Paps the other week. I know it took a lot not to respond to the name calling and picking but you just kept going and even told the man to have ' a blessed day'." Austin recalled the icky interaction you'd had with paparazzi while out with some friends. 
Shaking your head you waved him off, " I just do what I was raised to do. It's a natural thing. Can't sweat that." You said.
And that's exactly what I want you to teach our children. Austin thought. 
" Yeah, babe. I know. But it still adds to your amazingness. " He concluded picking a card, " Alright. Fifteen. Where is somewhere you've always wanted to go, but never been? " 
Your answer was almost instant, " Italy." 
Austin blinked fast smiling, " That was fast." 
You shyly grinned, " Yeah I know. I didn't mean to say it that fast but that's my number one. I've just always been fascinated by the food and culture. And I really feel like I wanna go and immerse myself in it. Ya' know experience it for myself." You told him of your dream.
It was true too. You could see yourself having authentic pasta and taking walks along the rivers. Finally trying pure gelato. Visiting different museums and taking rides on the gondola. It might sound like cliché tourist behavior but you wanted it all. 
Austin was taking note of how you lit up while talking about the idea of visiting and decided to slip that note into his pocket for later. 
Once you'd finished your mini ranting you picked a card, " Sixteen. Name something that you're weirdly good at? "
Austin noodled on the question. Then you watched him grab one of the unused napkins as he started to twist and pinch it in his hands. 
Curious you asked, " What're you doing, my sweet baboo? "
Feeling fuzzy at the name he responded, " You'll see. Just wait a second, honey." 
So waited and watched him. You found it cute how concentrated he looked. 
 And before you knew it. He was handing you a beautifully crafted rose napkin.
" Awe Austin." You gushed. " It's so cute. How'd you learn to do that? " 
" Ah'. It's just something I randomly picked up once. But I think I've gotten pretty good at it over the years." He said. 
" I hope you know I'm going to force you to do this with all our napkins now, right." You teased. 
" That's fine. Anything for you, mama." He moved closer to you now wrapping a arm around you. 
You didn't know why but him saying that, had made something jump in you. Something hot.
And the closer he got, the more you looked at his face. And the more you looked at his face, the more you wanted to sit on it. 
Not being able to help yourself you managed to move in and capture your his lips with yours. They were always so soft. 
After a minute almost reluctantly he pulled back catching apart of his breath, " Woah, Mama. Wait a minute. As much as I'd love to keep going. Don't you still wanna finish the game first? " He asked cupping your face with a hand.
"Nope." You popped the P, " Not really." You spoke before pulling him back in. He groaned in your mouth at the added friction you brought by started to grind slowly into his lap.
Still once more he found the strength to move away, " You sure?" 
You nodded, but just then a funny little tease came to mind, " Know what. Actually, I do have one last question honey." You said running your against his cheek.
" Go for it, darling."
" Final question. What's your favorite sex position." You questioned positioning yourself up some more. You could see the fire dancing in his eyes and from the way he licked his lips you were sure there were fiery thoughts that accompanied them. 
He sighed biting his bottom lip, " Well. If you must know. As old fashion as it may sound. I'd have to say missionary." Taking a squeeze of your ass.
" Why? " You coyly asked.
" Because I like to be able to look you directly in the eye when I make you come over and over again. The faces you make, always looks like art. Care to be my muse? " He asked taking his hand away from your face to move it along down to your throat.
And with that all you could do was nod before you found yourself on your back, on the couch looking a pretty man in the eye while he gave you pretty amazing orgasms. 
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kprdotexe · 7 months
Hello. Are you going to write your opinion on Tagatha?
I have no clue how old this ask is. Imma be so honest, I'm only now learning how this system works but YEAH SURE I'LL TALK ABOUT TAGATHA
haven't touched the books in a hot year or so but i remember some spirit waking up inside me and making a google slide so i have guidance, let's allow my brain to catch up as i read this.
Disclaimer, I think the book should have ended at 3. I think any further kinda rips away the happy ending those three had so my opinions are that of the first three books.
Now, I enjoy a good enemies to lovers as much as the next person but my _god_ did I not like it with Tagatha at all. They just never seemed to really get each other??? The constant bickering was never really cute to me and maybe I just need to reread it, but it always seemed like their romance was very surface deep.
They were both kids— teenagers basically at this point in the story both in societies that glorified one side and villianised the other, so their opinions and way of going about things reflected that. Honest to god? Great set up, didn't like the execution. I feel like it's because it never felt like Tedros was even meant to be a love interest in the first book.
Tedros had a lot of good traits to him in the first book (heck, mans became my favourite character when I started writing him because I found him and his story really interesting) but he just never felt like a person to me at that point. It never felt like this love story that made me want to ship them, it just... set the stage of everything really well.
He was there to be an obstacle, at least to me! One of the many things Sophie had been dreaming of her whole life but then couldn't have. From a technical stand-point, I could only imagine Tedros and Agatha being together to further add to Sophie's anomosity and jealousy and further show that the girls were in the right schools.
Agatha was a princess, in her Good School with her Prince who she would then marry and make her a Queen. Agatha was meant to be the best, both because she obviously was and to give a good subversion of tropes, and Tedros fit the bill.
And maybe that's the intention and if so, okay! but it never appealed to me as all.
Their original relationship felt a fair bit rushed as well. While confidence in a person does make them more attractive, does it really just erase all the previous history they had?
Like okay, if we're relying on Tedros just being a himbo and focusing more on the pretty face (something I despise mind you) alright, fine but Agatha? She also lets bygones be bygones, forgets all the valid arguments and the reasonable dislike she had for Tedros? Seriously?
Their dislikes of the other were valid! And even when they did good things or things that kinda went against what they thought, how would they be sure y'know? They never talked. Never had a moment where they sat down and just tried to understand each other and that was highkey the worse part of it all.
I always thought it'd be something nice to have the two learn from each other, or rather grow with the other because they both have very harsh views on the other gender— based on upbringing both harsh and limiting but they always just fell back into the habit of just assuming the worse of each other. And maybe I'm too aro for this and maybe the book is just a product of the time (I still didn't like it then though) but I never got the arguing like a married couple thing.
Why is that cute? Like yeah, sometimes spending time with one another can have you learning new potentially annoying things about each other that you dislike but my god, not a scrap of understanding out of either of them? I guess that's how you can tell they're young.
The worst part of their bickering as well is they never actually work through a good few of their issues! The plot (or the Storian, I suppose) just moves them along to the next thing so they have to work together and thank god they can manage that at least.
In the grander scheme of things, it just sucks for the both of them! They're kinda just nudged towards each other by fate and just stuck together because the Omniscient Magic Pen said they were meant to be and they just rushed into it.
So, that's my opinion on them. I like them both! But I just don't ship them. Honestly, I think they belong with other people. (Maybe prioritise some healing from past trauma and deconstruction of some core beliefs before yall jump into relationships but that's just me.)
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