#having a very normal one about this show sorry guys i'm never shutting up about it ever
mixingpumpkins · 1 year
(Good Omens season 2 long post, you have been warned lol)
Okay I know episode 2 will be a bit underappreciated in the immediate aftermath of season 2 given all the Things That Happen Later
But I REALLY need to give a shout-out to this episode. My god.
It feels like we’re getting more of S1Ep3 at first — “Oh, cute, more funny biblical-era meetings to build their relationship history,” but then. THEN.
It’s not just the funny takes on the story of Job. It’s not just adding more depth to Aziraphale’s and Crowley’s (and Gabriel’s) characters. The shift in tone during that last scene in the episode is so goddamn good.
I wasn’t expecting it and it works so well — and that was the moment I knew this season was actually going to manage being a really good Good Omens continuation without clinging too much to the same things that made the first season so charming.
Like, don’t get me wrong, I love S1Ep3 so much and was totally down for more of those kinds of historical shenanigans. But the fact this ep went from funny to heartbreaking in the last scene was just... god.
It was that little bit of difference this season needed early on to show how it was going to stand out from season 1. I fucking love it. It would have been so easy to stick with these mostly funny historical flashbacks, and instead they let that last scene linger on the sadness and loneliness Aziraphale and Crowley have to wrestle with for thousands of years. And it miraculously doesn’t feel out of place in a story that, at this point, still has the same lighthearted spirit of season 1 and isn’t (yet) in the emotionally devastating place of the season 2 finale. That is so, so hard to pull off convincingly and they fucking did it.
And the implications for Crowley’s character in that last scene alone? Holy shit.
We joke about him being a “disaster puppy” and bad at emotions and “oh my god just fucking TALK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS already,” while Aziraphale generally comes off as the kinder, more compassionate, more empathetic one, but this scene gives us the chance to see that flipped that on its head. Crowley is clearly the more emotionally intelligent of the two, even if he usually pretends he isn’t. And that scene in episode 6 later drives this home.
Yeah, he ribs Aziraphale here. He laughs and pokes fun a little bit that Azi is worked up about something that, in the scheme of things, is a negligible wrong, if it’s even a wrong at all. (And let’s face it — Aziraphale’s anxiety about doing the right thing is often played for laughs from viewers, too.)
But the moment it’s clear that Aziraphale is fully, actually in-tears devastated about the fact that he’s lied and truly believes he has fallen, Crowley stops laughing immediately. His body language and what we can see of his face change like that. Even as the character whose WHOLE DEAL is saying “fuck it” to rules and shoulds and not caring if he riles Aziraphale a little — or a lot — he knows there is A Line here, and he will not cross it. (And right there, it’s immediately clear that this is one of the moments we’re not supposed to see Aziraphale’s distress as funny, either.)
Because as ridiculous as Crowley finds a lot of what Aziraphale believes and worries about, Crowley doesn’t want to hurt him. He doesn’t back down from his points, but he’s so, so gentle about it. It’s “I don’t agree with you, but I can see that this whole circumstance is actually very painful and terrifying to you and I am here to be sincerely supportive because I know what that feels like and I don’t want you to have to try to work through that alone.”
And that’s exactly what Aziraphale needs here. Crowley could have easily been more dismissive — he’s the one who actually fell, so he probably had it much, much worse. But he’s also had time to work through his feelings, as well as being the one who always put less stock in what the higher-ups thought of him anyway. I just love how for so many scenes in season 1, Aziraphale always seemed more like the older, more paternal, old-fashioned one while Crowley mostly brought the younger, edgier, street-smart vibe. And here, that dynamic does a fucking backflip. Crowley gets the chance to be the older, wiser one guiding a younger, less emotionally mature angel through a crisis. And then you can’t unsee it in the rest of the series (previous and subsequent episodes alike).
And the “I’m a demon. I lied” callback... *chef’s kiss* Every flashback scene with these two helps us better understand their relationship, but this final scene of the episode was a pivotal one. It really changes how you can see all their chronological interactions past that point, while not undoing everything the season 1 flashback scenes did.
This episode, man.
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autumnywinter · 5 months
can you pretty pls do more yandere elliot?
I hope this is good! I don't know if it's obvious or not, but he's my favorite character to write for.
Yandere!Elliott x Reader
Tags: Stalking, manipulation, mentioned blackmail, gender neutral reader
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From the day you and Elliott met, you had become pretty close. Moving made it pretty hard to befriend anyone, especially due to your schedule, but Elliott seemed always available for you, always nearby and ready for a conversation. You and him had practically became best friends within the first few months of knowing each other. Elliott was a sweet guy, one that you cherished as a good friend.
Over the time you had moved, you had been trying to get back into dating. Elliott was supportive, and was always there to cry on when you were inevitably ghosted or dumped after one date.
This one really hurt, however. You were really into this person you had a date with, just for them to never speak again after the second date.
You turned to the one person you felt like would always be there for you. Elliott. You knocked on the door of his cabin, trying not to cry. It was pouring rain outside, soaking you to the bone. Your clothes clung to your skin, hair soaked and dripped down to your neck uncomfortably.
Elliott opened the door, worry immediately painting his face when he saw you shivering violently in front of him. "Y/n! What happened? Come inside, it's freezing out there!" He ushered you inside quickly, shutting the door behind you both. Elliott helped take off your jacket, hanging it up near the fireplace to dry it quicker.
"I'm sorry for showing up unannounced," you mumbled.
"Don't apologize, it's alright. Here, let me get you some dry clothes," Elliott said. He rushed into the restroom, coming back out with a fluffy purple towel and a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants.
It made you feel a little better imagining him own and wear such casual clothing. He had a huge vocabulary, but "casual" wasn't exactly something you assumed was in his dictionary. Even now, he was dressed in a beige turtleneck and black slacks.
Elliott dried your hair off with the towel gently, making sure to get all of the water out as best as he could. He then handed the clothing to you, turning around politely so you could change without him looking.
You quickly stripped from your wet clothing, putting on Elliott's warm, dry clothing instead. They smelled like ink and pine. Kind of like the trees that grew around your home.
"I'm done. Thanks," you told him.
He turned back around to face you. His cheeks were dusted pink, looking you up and down. Elliott cleared his throat and broke away his stare. "Of course. Do you want something to drink? I recently bought some hot chocolate, but I have tea too."
"Hot chocolate sounds nice," you responded quietly. Elliott smiled and went into the kitchen, returning shortly with two mugs of hot cocoa. He handed you one, sitting down on the couch next to you. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close, to the point where you were basically laying on top of him.
It was normal for cuddling to ensue between the both of you. Elliott was a very touchy person, always holding your hand or hugging you tightly. You never minded, though. Elliott was always soft and warm. It was comforting.
Elliott's hand drifted to your still-damp hair, massaging your scalp. You let out a content sigh, melting into Elliott's hold. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
Your contentment dissolved into sadness again. "I was ghosted. Again. And I really thought they were into me."
He cooed and put his own mug down on the coffee table in front of you both before taking yours. You followed suit when he opened his arms invitingly.
You crawled into his lap, arms around his neck and head buried into the crook of it. Elliott buried his nose deep into your hair and inhaled. You were too busy crying to notice.
Elliott's arms tightened around you, rubbing soothing circles into your back. "Shh... it's okay. You deserve the world, and if they don't realize that, they were never worth it to begin with."
"I think I'm the problem. It has to be something I'm doing if--what, three people now?--have already ghosted me after one or two dates." You leaned into his warm hands that thumbed away your tears. "Maybe I'm just unlovable."
Elliott stiffened underneath you and his expression hardened. "No. Y/n, look at me," he said. He never sounded so firm before.
You lifted your head up to look at him. Elliott's eyes softened as soon as he looked at your tear-stained face.
"You are not unlovable. If anything, it's their loss. You're wonderful and kind and absolutely gorgeous. If they can't see that, then they're idiots. Okay?" Elliott leaned in, pressing a chaste kiss onto your forehead. "And perhaps, true love isn't as far away as you think it is."
You were too tired to look into his usual flowery words. Instead, you nodded and curled up against him again. Elliott returned to holding you, letting you cry into his shoulder.
He hummed to you. His hand stayed in your hair, another one on your back keeping you pressed against him.
When you woke up, you were tucked comfortably into Elliott's bed. The blankets were heavy on top of you, warm and cozy. Elliott was still holding you, but you could hear his soft snores. You smiled a little to yourself. He must've carried you here. Elliott was a sweetheart, even when you cried into him for hours until you fell asleep from exhaustion.
You laid there for a while longer, trying to fall back asleep. You couldn't, though, so you carefully slipped out of Elliott's grip to find the bathroom.
Despite having been in his cabin many times, you never actually went anywhere but the kitchen and living room. Elliott's cabin was small, but the darkness made it seem a lot larger than it actually was. You didn't want to turn on the lights to wake him, so you fumbled for your phone but couldn't find it.
Trying not to trip over anything, you shuffled around until you were sure you found the doorknob to the restroom. You closed the door behind you and flicked on the light, just to see a closet.
Just as you were going to walk out, you noticed something odd. A photo of you laid on top of a box. You curiously picked it up.
It wasn't a photo of you posing for the camera, or a selfie, or anything of that sort. It was a photo of you from far away, walking through town. The photo was clearly taken without your knowledge.
There were more photos under it. All of you. You were in every single one. Some of you shopping, some of you working, some of you talking to your friends. One of them even had you changing through the window. Your stomach churned when you saw one of you in bed, sleeping peacefully. You could see his shadow looming over you in that one.
It got more disturbing. You saw articles of your clothing that you had lost and never found. A pillowcase that was stained with hopefully your past drool, a used hairbrush, and various other things were inside the box too.
The door suddenly opened and you jumped, dropping everything in your hands. You backed up against the wall, staring at Elliott with wide eyes.
He stared back at you, eyes flickering from you to the box and pictures on the floor. His mouth opened and closed, but nothing came out. After a few seconds, he finally spoke. "Y/n, it's not what it looks like."
"Then what is it, Elliott?" you asked shakily. "What the hell is this?"
Elliott ran his fingers through his hair, sighing deeply. He crouched down and started picking up the pictures you dropped. "Please, listen to me. I would never hurt you. I just... I couldn't help myself." He collected all the photos with shaky hands and put them back in the box.
You didn't know why you weren't running. You should be sprinting out the door by now, but something kept you frozen in place. Elliott slowly stood up and took a step towards you. You flinched.
"I love you," he confessed. "So much. I've never felt this way about anyone in my life. I was so depressed before I met you. Everything was dark and meaningless. But then I met you." He stood close enough to cup your face in his hands, thumbs caressing your cheekbones. "You are everything to me. My light, my heart, my reason to live. I can't imagine living without you. I need you like I need air. Every time you're away from me feels like torture."
He leaned in close, forehead pressed against yours. You were still processing everything.
Elliott's breath tickled your lips. "I would do anything for you. Kill for you. Die for you. Anything you want, I'll give it to you. I could treat you so much better than those... people ever could." He spat out the word 'people', resisting to use another word to describe them.
Realization dawned on you. "Did you kill them?!"
"Of course not! I just," he dragged out a long sigh, letting you back away from him, "scared them away. If threatening them didn't work, I got blackmail on them. That was the only way your last date left you alone."
Your knees were weak. "You're sick."
Elliott frowned deeply. "I'm in love." You opened your mouth, but he cut you off. "Who do you go to when you're sad? Me. Who do you talk to about your problems? Me. Who do you call when you need comfort? Me. I'm the one who's always there for you, Y/n. Not them. Maybe you don't realize it, but you need me just as much as I need you."
"We're done talking, Elliott," you said. You tried to push past him to leave, but he grabbed your wrists tightly. You winced. "Let me go."
"I'll die without you. Please, stay," Elliott begged. "I'm sorry if I frightened you. I just got overwhelmed. I promise I'll be better. Just please, don't leave me. I can't handle losing you. I'd never ever hurt you."
Your shoulders sagged, so Elliott let his grip only slightly loosen. "You're scaring me."
Elliott cooed. "Oh, sweetheart. You have nothing to be scared of. I could never hurt you. I just love you so much." He released your wrists completely, only to wrap you up in a tight hug. "I just want what's best for you. And that's me. I can take care of you. You wouldn't have to lift a finger. I'll cook for you, clean for you, I'll do anything for you." Elliott was almost crying into your shoulder. His entire body was shaking.
Your fear and disgust turned into pity. Elliott was clearly sick. He needed help. You wrapped your arms around him hesitantly. Elliott melted into your hold like butter. He held you tighter, if that was possible.
"Elliott, you need help. This isn't normal." You rubbed his back in an awkward attempt to comfort him.
"I don't need help, I just need you." Elliott buried his nose into your neck, inhaling your scent.
You pursed your lips. Elliott was a good friend. He was always there for you. That was the only thing that prevented you from storming out the door or slapping him across the face. Well, that and the fact you were still terrified of him. "Why don't we lay down? It's late."
Elliott pulled away to look at you. His eyes were bloodshot and his cheeks were red from crying. He nodded. "Yes, you must be tired. Let's go lay down." Elliott took your hand and lead you into his bedroom again. You both laid down and Elliott immediately wrapped his arms and legs around you. Your face was almost smothered into his chest, and his scent didn't carry the same comforting smell as it normally did.
"Will you let me leave in the morning?"
Elliott was silent for a moment. You thought he might've fallen asleep until he replied, "We'll talk about it in the morning."
That was code for "probably not".
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Prelude to a Kiss
Pairings: Camboy!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader, Camboy!Steve Rogers x Female Reader, Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x Female Reader x Steve Rogers Summary: A chance encounter with two handsome men at a bookstore brings some much needed excitement to your normal routine. Word Count: Over 2.3k Warnings: F/lirting, slight insecurity if you squint, slight feels (it's me), pet name, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers being both gentlemen and menaces (they're warnings, okay?). A/N: Welcome to my Showtime AU! Excited to share my first "actual" Stucky x Reader AU and for our reader to come into her own. ❤️ Beta read by the wonderful @whisperlullaby ​, but any and all mistakes are my own. Thanks to @sgt-seabass, @rookthorne, and @targaryenvampireslayer for letting me scream about this introduction. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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It was a normal afternoon when you went into the bookstore, the familiar quiet greeting you as the door shut. You ventured into the shop every couple of weeks to find new books to read. The man behind the desk didn't bother to lift his head long enough from his phone to greet you. You would think after your first few visits he'd at least offer you a smile or suggestion, but he never did. You were used to guys not giving you much attention.
Too ordinary to stand out, I guess.
No, you wouldn't think of yourself that way. Just because most guys tended to gravitate toward your friends instead of you didn't mean anything was wrong with you. The right person would come along and take notice.
"I am a catch," you whispered to yourself as you walked through the shelves.
And a bit lonely.
Your phone dinged before you could dwell on that thought, smiling as your best friend's name popped up. It faded quickly when you read her message. The two of you had a dinner date, but the new guy she was seeing had tickets to some show. You understood. You really did.
Except you were the friend who always seemed to get ditched when a guy came along.
"Have fun!" you sent back. "We'll catch up later."
At least you could get a jump start on a new book and curl up on the couch for the evening. Like you did most nights. Lather, rinse, repeat. When did your life become so monotonous?
"Romance it is," you mumbled as you reached for a blue book on the shelf.
You turned it over to read the blurb on the back, a small smile on your face as you walked down the aisle. From the simpering heroines to feisty protagonists, you enjoyed immersing yourself in the emotions that poured from the pages as the heroes fought to get their girls. Confident, broody, flirty, alluring, you loved them all and wondered if such men you read about existed.
For a second, you thought you walked into one of the shelves before you realized you bumped into a person. A very large person who didn't budge, even as a couple of books fell to the ground. You dropped to the floor immediately to retrieve them. Why hadn't you been paying attention?
"Oh, my god. I'm so sorry," you said as the guy crouched down to help.
"Nothing to be sorry about," he said, his velvety voice making you lift your head.
In front of you was one of the most handsome men you had ever seen. Long, brown hair, close to his shoulders, framed his face and your mouth went dry as you found yourself staring into his bright blue eyes. You couldn't help but notice the smile on his face as he offered you his hand and effortlessly pulled you to your feet, your cheeks hot as he steadied you. He took up more than half the aisle with his muscular frame and you knew then that a god existed among men.
Like he stepped right out of one of these novels.
"I-I'm sorry," you said again, your gaze going to his hands as he fixed the stack of books he was carrying. "I should've been paying attention to where I was going."
"It's okay," he smiled, looking you up and down with a slow and steady gaze. "You can bump into me again if you want. I don't mind."
You nearly dropped the book in your own hand as you stepped back, his smile shifting to a smirk. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he was flirting with you. That couldn't be the case though.
"Oh, you are fucking adorable," he said in a low voice, quickly looking behind him. "Stevie, get over here. Found something special."
"What did you find?" The deep timbre that rang out made your knees weak.
You let out a shaky breath when an Adonis walked around the corner. Just as large as the brunette, but with shorter blonde hair, a smile didn't reach his brilliant blue eyes as he strode over. Instead of light scruff like the man you bumped into, he donned a trimmed beard. He had to shift just to fit beside his friend and you nearly shrank under his gaze. You tried not to openly gape, not knowing which one of them to concentrate on.
So, two gods among men. Like something out of a wet dream. Do I look at the veins in their arms? Do I stare at their chests? How do they even fit in their shirts? Did they purposely choose something that matched their eyes?
The brunette smirked again and gave a single nod toward you. "This precious gem here bumped into me."
You nearly melted to the floor as heat rushed to your face again. The pet name had your head spinning. Or maybe it was the intoxicating scent of their cologne. "It was an accident and I apologized."
The blonde softly smiled at that, but his eyes held a spark of mischief. "I'm sure it was, but I know Buck is not sorry that you bumped into him."
"Not sorry at all," he confirmed.
You shifted your weight and wondered if the bookstore was always so hot or if it was just them. Your skin heated up more under your clothes and your heart beat faster under their attention. Part of you wished you had a bottle of water to dump over your head and cool off. You didn't even want to think about being sandwiched between them because your legs would likely give out.
"Buck and Stevie?" you asked.
"That's what we call each other. I'm Bucky and that's Steve," the brunette smiled, nodding to the blonde. "Can call us Sarge and Cap if you want."
You couldn't put your finger on it, but something about them seemed familiar. Like you had either seen them somewhere or heard of them in passing, but that couldn't be the case. No, you would have remembered them.
Men like them were unforgettable.
"It's nice to meet you," Steve said, giving you an expectant look.
You told them your name after a second and you hoped you didn't look weird when you blinked a few times. You were trying to make sure you were awake and not dreaming. Because who bumped into two gorgeous men like this in a bookstore? That wasn't your life.
Except, today, it was.
“I really should have been looking where I was going. I mean, you're not hard to miss," you said, doing your best not to ogle at Bucky. "Neither of you are. I mean that in a good way."
"You aren't hard to miss either. I also mean that in a good way," Bucky smiled.
"I agree," Steve said, his eyes sweeping over you before you glanced at yourself.
You wondered what they saw exactly. It wasn't that you looked bad. You always left your place with confidence in your appearance. You just weren't used to most guys looking anymore.
Or maybe, just maybe, some are and I'm the one who isn't paying attention.
Bucky gently pried the book from your hand, his fingers lingering against yours. "And I'd like to pay for that."
"Oh, no. You don't have to," you argued as he added the book to his pile.
You noticed then that he held a couple of science books while Steve had novels on art. It intrigued you as both were fascinating subjects in their own way. You had a feeling both of them were the same way: captivating, wondrous, and deep.
"I want to."
"A gentleman would ask to get her a drink, too," Steve teased.
"I don't know if I'm a gentleman," Bucky mused as he looked at you. "But I would also like you to have a drink with us. Then I'll accept your apology."
What would the sassy heroine say in this situation?
"I-" you almost sputtered.
Not that.
"Now you're just being mean, Buck. It was an accident and she apologized," Steve chastised, but he smiled at you.
"I'm not," Bucky swore, clutching his chest with one hand. "Hurts right here where you bumped me. A drink with you would make us both feel all better."
Steve regarded you carefully. "Unless you have a boyfriend you need to get back to. Or girlfriend."
You couldn't help licking your lips, not knowing just how enticing the gesture was. It was dizzying to be on the receiving end of their stares again, yet you couldn't tear your eyes away as you looked between them. Was it wrong to enjoy the attention these strangers were giving you?
"No, I'm not seeing anyone," you said.
And no rings on their fingers, but no way can they be single.
Instead of turning to walk the other way, Bucky moved forward and bent his head. "Lucky us," he whispered against your ear before he brushed past you. "Mmm. You smell sweet. Like flowers," he added over his shoulder.
You bit back a whine before Steve gave you an assuring smile. You admitted to yourself earlier that you were lonely. Had you sent out some sort of vibe to the universe to get them to talk to you? Or did you manifest them into existence?
"I hope we aren't making you uncomfortable. Buck can come on a little strong when he sees something he wants," Steve said as he gently put a hand on your back to guide you. "Though I can't say I blame him in this case."
“No, it’s okay. He seems nice," you said, smiling to yourself at the compliment. "Even if he needs a drink to accept an apology.”
Steve's chuckle had you shivering as you made your way to the front of the store. "A drink he plans to pay for along with your book," he said, adding his small stack to the pile on the desk.
Standing behind them was a mistake as your gaze went right to their asses. You wondered if your friends would believe you if you told them about the two perfect specimens who could be models if they wanted to. Maybe they were since you had no clue what they did.
Stop staring. Don't think about grabbing their asses. Did they paint their jeans on? God, I need to get laid.
As if Bucky knew you were looking, he glanced over his shoulder and winked. You averted your gaze after that. He was clearly the more playful of the two, but something in his eyes told you he was a man you should take seriously. And Steve? You didn't ever want to be on the receiving end of upsetting or disappointing him.
Not like I'll ever find out. They're not actually taking me for a drink. They'll go their way and I'll go mine.
Bucky thanked the cashier before he turned and handed you your book with a card on top. "Stevie and I are gonna grab a drink at The Howling Commandos in a half hour if you wanna join us. It's just around the corner," he explained as you moved away from the counter. "If not, there are our numbers if you ever wanna chat. Just spare me the heartache and wait 'til we leave before you throw it out."
You curiously ran a finger over the card. It had both Bucky and Steve's names on them, but no business listed. It intrigued you even more now.
Who are you two?
"Thank you for buying my book. You really didn't have to do that," you said, touched that he was kind enough to do that. "And I'm not going to throw your card out."
No one in their right mind would do something like that.
"Thank you. I would've had to listen to him whine all night," Steve said, nudging his friend.
"Not all night. Most of it," Bucky teased. "And it was nothing. Does that mean you'll join us for a drink?" he added, his tone casual, but his gaze hopeful.
I would let you both devour me and I wouldn't object.
"You're really asking me?"
"Yeah, we are," Steve answered, his gaze almost as soft as Bucky's.
You wondered if it was a good idea. As charming as they were, you didn't know them. They didn't give you bad vibes though or the impression that they were playing a prank. Your gut told you to take a chance. Because your couch and books would always be there, but how many opportunities like this would you get?
Maybe they see that I'm a catch. And if it's just a drink and nothing more, it's nice to make new friends.
"I'll join you," you replied, your heart racing when they both smiled. It gave you the boost of confidence to flirt back a little. "If only to spare your feelings."
Both of their eyebrows shot up when you giggled and you took great pleasure in them laughing with you, like the three of you were sharing a private joke.
"Careful, little gem," Bucky smiled as he held the door open for you. "You might just make us fall in love."
"Might?" Steve smiled as they headed out, too. "Oh, I'm looking forward to it."
You managed not to stumble onto the sidewalk at their words. They were just being charming. It had to be. God, they were lethal.
How am I going to survive having drinks with them if they keep flirting like that?
"See you in thirty minutes," you said as you regained your composure.
"Don't be late."
"Otherwise Steve will have to punish you," Bucky winked before they turned and walked away, leaving you awestruck where you stood.
Welp. There go my panties.
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So, how long before it takes them to ruin you? And how long before you find out what they do for a living? Hehe. Love and thanks for reading! 💙
Masterlist ⚓ Stucky Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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bingusbongu · 7 months
(Sorry I'm about to send like 4 requests /srs)
May. May I request some rottmnt Leon general dating hcs..
A/N: HEY BESTIE,,,, dawg really sent me 8 requests,,,, oh well here is my take on Leolanadro dating hc!!!!!! Im tired,,, sorry if this is to short
Leonardo Dating hcs♡
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• he is a HUGE flirt. Even before you and him even began a relationship, he is finding the most wildest pick up lines that he can think of, and blurting them out without even thinking about it
• he would totally get hurt and when you rush to his aid he takes this chance to flirt
"Ow,,, ive hurt myself from falling,,,, for you ;)"
• does litterly EVERYTHING to get a blush or a giggle out of you it makes him look stupid (he already does)
•and when he actually manages??? His ego boosts, and he gets all proud of himself. The smugest smile ever
• NEVER uses your real name. He HAS to call you a nickname. From the moment you guys started dating, and even before he had a stupid nickname for you. And you just have to go along with it
• does litterly anything and EVERYTHING to try and impress you. Whether it just be chugging a whole can of soda without burping, he does it just to earn your praise. (He is also alittle insecure,,, make sure he knows how amazing he is ♡)
• he loves physical affection, atleast just holding your hand or tackling you into a hug to cuddle. But i also think he would use words of affirmation. Praising you on every little thing you do, even if you are just sitting there with him, he will just come up with a praise out of nowhere, and not even realize it.
• he also needs words of affirmation from you, make sure he is doing a good job and you love and appreciate him<3
• when he has to leave you or you have to leave, he wont let it happen without getting a kiss from you. Whether it just be a quick peck or a cheek kiss, he needs a kiss before he leaves. And has the biggest grin when he gets it
• speaking if which, when he is out with his brothers without you, he complains so much. Complsining about how he misses you and your kisses and your hand in his and the way you lean against him -
• his brothers had to ducktape his mouth shut because of how much he was complaining about missing you.
• Donnie is getting so tired of here about you from Leo that he had to pull you aside and ask what you see in him. But alittle releaved since Leo goes to you to bother instead of him.
• Mikey thinks you guys are ADORABLE. Having Leo come home after a date and tell him EVERYTHING because he needs to know
• Raph is happy for him! He is just very worried that he is going to get distracted during a battle or something even worse and get himself hurt because he couldn't stop babbling about you
• when he is done with his day, he is immediately searching you our to find you, kiss you, lay ontop of you and tell you about his day and the recent battle. (Def twists the story to make him look like the only hero)
• you have to wear earplugs simetimes at night to drown out Leo from being up or making alot of noise in the middle of the night. Or, sometimes you stay up with him for as long as you can jusr to talk to him or comfort him. Though, i also think he would love to hold you while you sleep. Even if he is awake, he'd like holding you close to him
• wakes you up super early because he is bored
• Dates are normal, going out to a different restaurant each week to try the food. And if there is pizza, Leo always orders that instead
• some of your dates though might be small, like him coming over to watch a show or movie with you
•you are one of his main priorities, alongside His Brothers, Dad, April, and Casey. So you bet your ass Leo would go out of his way to protect you and keep you safe. And you're his first concern when a battle is done. Has Donnie scan you just in case so many times.
• hold this poor baby PLEASE, he so needs it
• he makes sure to drag you along with him everywhere he goes, he dosnt go anywhere without you unless its a battle. He needs to keep you safe and he intends to to so.
• brags about you all the time, mever shuts up about how amazing you are. Telling everyone how you woke up this morning
• he is the type of guy to push you back in the car and close it just so he can open the door for you.
• when you enter the room he is automatically to your side and cracking up the worst pick up lines once again
• if you do actually manage to laugh at one of his jokes, he is already looking at rings to buy you
• if anyone tries to flirt with him, he will decline by going, "sorry, but im... taken." makes it so dramatic for no reason
• if you were to call him at any time and you could be halfway across the city and you need him, he is automatically up and out of the lair running to your destination to get to you he isnt slacking.
• LOVES the fact that you depend on him. Makes him so proud of himself, also gives him another bit of motivation to be a good leader!
• Casey is so happy to see you two together in a different timeline. Yet, has to constantly avoid Leo sometimes. Because he pesters Casey atleast once a day to see if you guys were married in the future.
• cant go a full day without seeing you at least once. He will show up to your home unannounced and break in. He's done it so many times that you just gave him a spare key.
• your home becomes his second hang out spot. If hes not at the lair, he is definitely hanging in your house and raiding your fridge for food
• his brothers dont question it, they know where hes at
• sends you random memes in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, LIKE???? leo honey, we need sleep
• gets so pouty when he has to leave you, but when he does he makes the most dramatic exits like jumping out of the window and shouting "WE SHALL MEET AGAIN, MY LOVE"
• He's so stupid, but we love stupid♡♡♡♡
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novaawayne · 2 years
Jealousy | Izuku Midoriya
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pairing: izuku Midoriya x fem reader
summary: Izuku was never a jealous man but when he starts to hear certain comments, he can't help that feeling that wells up from deep in his chest.
warnings: not sure, I'm more asleep than awake. Maybe a bit of Mirio yandere.
wc: +3.8k
a/n. English is not my first lenguage.
y/h/n: your hero name.
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You and Izuku started dating when you finished school. Both became professional heroes and their relationship flowed wonderfully.
Izuku would have loved for you to work at his agency but you mentioned that you didn't want the relationship to interfere with your work so somehow, you ended up working alongside Mirio Togata. Better known as Lemillion.
Deku was very happy for you. Mirio was a great hero and he trusted him to watch your back during missions.
It was like that for four years. Izuku had been thinking of proposing to you but he still couldn't find the perfect ring and he was so meticulous and perfectionist that he was also looking for the right place and time.
However, one day an email arrived on his laptop. It did not say who the sender was but the content of the email was a link to a blog.
He normally would ignore such emails but there was something that made him uneasy. Before the link there was a short message that said: it seems that very soon you could lose your girlfriend.
He started the blog, it was kind of like a superhero gossip page. Izuku had heard of that blog, although there were many, this one in particular was very famous.
Everyone knew that you and Deku were a couple and in a stable relationship. Even the Marketing guys loved their relationship. A single photo of the two of you generated many sales, not to mention the interviews.
But then, why was Mirio holding you by the waist like that while greeting the cameras with big smiles? Why did you hug the man's hip and rest your head on his chest with a big smile? Why?
He read the entire note. The blog mentioned something about how they had saved some children from an elementary school that was on fire.
It's true, they both looked tired and you seemed a bit more hurt than Mirio. Surely he was just holding you, but you didn't want to worry the children who admired you and that's why you smiled despite the pain.
But there was also another photo below. One where Mirio carried you in his arms and you hugged him by the neck.
At the end of the note it said something that he didn't like at all.
“We can see the two heroes very close, they even seem like a perfect couple. Could it be that the heroine y/h/n has left Deku to be with Lemillion? Please turn on page notifications to receive all our updates”
The note had been published a little less than half an hour ago.
Deku slammed his laptop shut with such force that he must have broken it. Immediately he took his phone and looked for your contact in the messages, but before he could send you the message, a call from you came in.
He answered immediately.
"Hello bunny" Deku greeted. He never minded showing affection to you in public and he knew that you had blushed. You always did.
“Hello honey” you sounded a bit strange “I'm sorry, I just wanted to let you know that I got hurt today and I'm in the hospital. But don't worry, the doctor will come in a moment and besides, I'm with Mirio"
He frowned. He was always going to worry about your health even if you only broke a nail.
“Was it because of the elementary school thing?” He asked you.
“Um… yes. The school was falling down and there were still children inside. I ran in to get a child out but a piece of roof hurt my leg. I guess I wasn't fast enough."
"I understand. I'll go right away"
"No!" Deku was confused by your sudden yell, he had already stood up but dropped into his seat. You've never yelled at him, not even when you were fighting, “I know you're busy, honey, and I don't want to bother you. How about you pick up some food on your way back home and the two of us have dinner together?”
He sighed in relief.
“Of course, bunny. I'll bring your favorite” he heard you release a giggle.
"Here you go, sweetheart" Deku heard on the other end of the line. Did he hear right? Mirio called you sweetheart? Since when did he do that and why hadn't you told him?
“Oh, thank you very much Mirio. It's just what I needed” you had answered. You had obviously moved the phone away a bit, but he heard clearly.
"Oh, is that Midoriya?" He heard him ask you, but his tone seemed displeased though he couldn't be sure. Maybe he was just tired.
"Say hello from me"
"Mirio says hello" Deku heard you again loud and clear on the speaker "so, I'll see you later. Okay?"
It took him a moment to react.
"Okay, bunny"
What the hell was that feeling that sprouted from her chest? He had never felt this way before. Something like anger and sadness combined.
He sighed tired. He had to return to his work to leave early and go get food for dinner. But right now he needed a new computer.
Deku discovered that you were doing great and that night you didn't seem to have any trouble walking. But what did bother him was that you mentioned that Mirio took you to the house. Not that he hadn't done it before, but this time he annoyed him a little.
He himself would have picked you up at the hospital but an emergency arose and he was unable to leave the office earlier than planned.
But that night you covered him with kisses and you fell asleep in his arms. Everything was fine, they were pure silly ideas that his mind created.
However, that little thorn did not disappear. He began to notice how close you and Mirio seemed to be. The way he made you laugh out of nowhere and how comfortable you seemed to be around him.
He also noticed that it was Mirio who was always approaching you. His big hands were looking for a way to be on your body. Touches here and there, barely noticeable to others. But there they were. Mirio even dared to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear from time to time.
He discovered that that feeling was jealousy. Iida and Uraraka had to explain it to him one afternoon when their paths crossed after a team mission. Deku told them a bit about how he had felt since that incident in elementary school and they did their best to advise his best friend.
“Don't worry Deku” Uraraka told him “y/n loves you very much and she wouldn't be able to do this to you. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding and you should talk to her about how you feel."
"I agree" continued Iida "besides, Togata is a good guy and he knows that you and he are a couple. They are just good friends, plus they work together. It's normal for them to be so close."
That lifted Izuku's spirits. It was true, there was no way you could fool him. Right?
Soon came December 24. They had organized a Christmas gala for all the professional heroes. And of course, the number one hero, Deku, could not be missing.
Normally they would spend Christmas with Izuku's mother and New Years with your family, but this year they decided to try something new and they both agreed to attend the gala.
But in the last week you've been acting really weird. You fell asleep before Izuku got home even though you always expected it. It took you a long time to answer his messages and when you did, they were curt responses.
Also, you no longer filled his face with kisses in the morning. He was trying to get closer to you, but you seemed to be getting further and further away.
What was happening? It wasn't very easy for Izuku to talk about his feelings, he felt that he was a burden to others and although you always listened to him, this time he couldn't find the right words.
"You help me?" Izuku snapped back to reality when he heard your sweet voice.
You were turning your back on him and he understood that you were asking for his help to zip up your dress. That dress made you look beautiful. The fabric adjusted perfectly to each one of your curves and highlighted that cute ass you had. I was dying for the whole world to see you holding his arm. He always liked to show you off and show everyone that you belonged only to him.
Izuku moved closer to you, placing his big hands on your waist and then leaned down a bit to place a kiss on your back. Then another kiss and one more.
"Izu, we'll be late" you reminded him. But the feel of his lips against your skin was just intoxicating.
“Maybe we shouldn't go” he broke away just a little “maybe we can stay here. You and me alone” he caressed your bare skin, you always liked his big warm hands.
You actually liked the idea, but there were a lot of people waiting for them at the gala. Mainly Deku. They had already announced his presence and many reporters would be disappointed if they didn't see him.
"Izu, you know they'll kill us if we don't go"
"Fine" he gave up sadly. Leaving a kiss on your neck.
He moved away from you a bit and zipped up, even though most of your back was visible. You turned around to face him.
"Thank you, honey" you left a quick kiss on his lips before continuing to fix yourself.
Two hours later, they were both at the party. There were quite a few heroes everywhere and a lot of photographers and reporters trying to get an interview or a good photo.
You were hugging Izuku's arm as they walked down the pretty red carpet that would lead them to the building. As soon as they noticed the presence of the number one hero, the cameras turned to you urgently.
Many yelled at them to turn around. Photographers and reporters wanted more of Izuku's attention.
"Hero, Deku" a reporter called out to him and you and Izuku approached her. He was supposed to be nice and give some interviews. Also, that girl was small and seemed very nervous. She was probably new to this whole interview thing.
Izuku was always very nice and it was very rare for him to refuse a photo, an autograph or an interview. Only if he was someone trying to be rude, would he refuse. Otherwise, he would spend hours pleasing his fans.
Fortunately, it was only ten minutes and they both kept walking. Stopping from time to time to have some photos taken. The flash started to hurt your eyes and Deku noticed it immediately so he hurried inside the building where there were no more photographers to bother you.
You smiled at him in thanks as you placed a kiss on his cheeks.
Izuku kept one of his hands in his pants pocket, right where he kept the box that contained the engagement ring that he wanted to give you. He had been carrying it for two weeks. His other hand clung tightly to your waist as they walk across the room and greet his acquaintances.
Only fifteen minutes have passed when Izuku feels you separate from him. You've never done it before, you always tell him first if you want to go to the bathroom or want a new drink, you don't walk away and that's it.
Then he saw that Mirio was coming towards you. Izuku noticed the way your face lit up for a moment when you saw it. He felt his heart break very slowly and painfully.
“Hello guys” greeted Mirio with a beaming smile “wow, y/n, you look gorgeous. And look, your dress is the same color as my tie. As if we were combined” Mirio's voice is enthusiastic. Izuku saw his own tie, it was also the same color as your dress, you yourself had given him that tie for that day.
Deku gagged but tried to smile instead. It was a very awkward smile though.
"Hey, Togata" Izuku calls him "can we talk for a moment alone?"
You looked at your boyfriend curiously.
"Of course, Midoriya" Mirio hugs him by the shoulders.
“I'll be near the snack table,” you advise as both men walk away.
Once Izuku and Mirio are out of the room in a lonely hallway with no prying eyes, Izuku gathers the courage he needs to face Mirio.
"I... I've noticed lately that you and y/n seem much closer."
"Well, I guess" Mirio let out a giggle "we're co-workers and we're also friends"
"The problem" Izuku almost yelled "is that I think… I would like to know. Are you in love with her?"
He was direct but his eyes remained squeezed shut as he clenched his fists.
"Yes" he clearly heard the man's answer "I'm in love with her and I'm also trying to take her away from you"
Izuku's eyes widened in surprise. He noticed that Mirio's eyes seemed darker and scarier. He had never seen it that way.
"What? Why?"
“Well… it's simple if you think about it. You always get everything you want, Midoriya. Everything. And I'm jealous. You stole my number one spot, I was meant to be number one, not you” he was silent for a moment before continuing “y/n is pretty, kind, smart, strong and you don't deserve her. She needs someone better. To someone like me. I want her"
Deku was in complete shock. He really didn't expect such sincerity.
Mirio turned to leave, Izuku unable to move for a long moment. Staring at the ground and clenching his fists tightly from the fury that flooded his veins.
Although in feeling he was rather similar to sadness.
With firm steps he returned to the party where he searched for you with his eyes and quickly found you next to Mirio. The blond man was very close, flirting with you very shamelessly. Although in the eyes of others, Mirio was just being nice. As always.
Izuku moved to your side, sliding a hand down your back and then down your waist to pull you to him. You looked at him curiously.
"Is everything alright, Izu?"
“Perfect, bunny. Can you come with me for a moment?"
"Of course, honey"
You quickly looked at Mirio with a smile to say goodbye to him. Mirio smiled at you too but as soon as you turned around, he tried to kill Izuku with his eyes. However, he preferred not to interfere at that moment, he knew perfectly well that now he had you around his little finger and as soon as he asked you to leave Izuku, that's what you would do.
For years he was brainwashing you, praising you and casting doubt on your relationship. He discovered everything you liked and everything you didn't. What made you happy and what made you sad. He knew all your friends and the names of all your relatives. There was nothing Mirio didn't know about you. He showered you with gifts and small things. He would bring you your favorite coffee every morning and to your favorite restaurant for dinner.
Everything was going as planned. He even tracked down that girl who posted hero gossip and paid her a generous amount of money to start the rumor that you and him were having an affair.
It was only a matter of time before things between you and Deku ended. And so Mirio would have you for himself.
Izuku took you to a clear corridor, the building was quite big so it wasn't difficult to find a solitary and beautiful place. The green haired man took your hands in his very gently, as if he was afraid of hurting you in some way. Although he had never done it.
It might look like a pretty funny and adorable scene, Izuku was probably the strongest man in the world but he treated you with such finesse it was almost unreal. But also very cute.
He looked sad and confused, you didn't understand what was wrong but it was clear something was wrong from the way he frowned at him very deeply.
"Izu?" You called out to him and he looked at you with teary eyes.
"You still love me?" he asked suddenly. You didn't understand where that question was coming from but it was obvious that someone had said something to him to make him feel insecure.
Or was it something you said yourself?
You approached him, letting go of his hands and instead of him you gently took his cheeks. He appreciated the gesture.
"What is that question about?"
He shook his head, he didn't want to say what he thought but at this point, being honest was probably his best option.
“I've noticed… I've noticed that you're closer to Togata. I know they are very good friends but I don't really like how close they have become. I feel like you've left me aside and maybe... maybe you don't want to be with me anymore. I would understand perfectly… well, not really. But I want you to always be very happy and if that means you don't want to be by my side…” you silenced him with a kiss.
"I love you more than anything in the world, Izuku" you told him with total sincerity "I don't love anyone but you. Also… I know I've been a bit distant lately but it's because… well…” you looked at the ground.
"What is it, bunny?" He encouraged you to continue and they exchanged positions, this time it was Izuku who held your cheeks and your hands remained on his hips.
“I had been having some ailments” you explained “and at first I thought maybe it was a cold or something related to some mission but a few days ago I went to the doctor because I felt very dizzy. And well… she said that I’m pregnant” your cheeks turned red. You were very happy but you couldn't be sure if Izuku would be too.
They had never had a serious conversation about having children. Deku was at the height of his career and maybe having children wasn't part of his plans right now. You did want it, no matter what. Even if Izuku didn't want it, you would have your baby.
But something happened that you wouldn't have expected in a million years.
Izuku knelt down and showed you a beautiful ring. His eyes shone with tears and something else. Something akin to happiness and longing.
"Marry me please"
You looked at him stunned. Was this real? Was Izuku really asking you to marry him? Tears welled up in your eyes, you couldn't describe the happiness that was suddenly surrounding you. Maybe it was the pregnant woman who gave you strong emotions.
"Of course I do" you finally answered.
Izuku smirked and slid the ring onto your finger. Immediately he stood up to kiss your lips and give you a hug. He would have loved to press you hard against his body but he had to be very careful from now on. Even more careful than he already was.
It was after forty minutes (when Izuku stopped crying with happiness), that they both held hands and returned to the party.
The photographers found you in less than a minute, they had been looking for Izuku and no one missed his big dazzling smile and slightly puffy eyes.
In the same way, he did not separate his hand from your waist at any time and you very covertly showed your engagement ring. At that moment no one noticed but you knew that the next day the world would be in chaos when someone noticed the ring around your finger that was not there at the beginning of the night.
Izuku's fans were quite intense and used to notice the little details of the number one hero. What included you. Of course you also had your fans but they were few compared to Izuku's.
The rest of the party was very easy going and fun. Mirio didn't approach you but he saw him talking with Tamaki and Kirishima.
At half past four in the morning, the two were in Izuku's car heading to his home. They both put on their pijamas and prepare to sleep.
They both lay on the bed and you settled into Izuku's chest while he caressed your skin. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep but Izuku kept his eyes open while continuing to make those soft caresses.
He heard his phone ring and, very careful not to disturb you, he reached over to take it. He smiled a little noting that there were a bunch of fan page notifications of him breaking the news or rather, speculating about your engagement ring.
At the beginning of the night you were not wearing it and there were thousands of photos focusing on your hands. Then there were thousands of other photos of your hand with that pretty ring on your ring finger.
One of the pages even showed the price of the ring, which in fact cost a fortune. But that didn't matter to Izuku. He loved to spend his little fortune on you.
There were many pages and photos that were already beginning to talk about the possible marriage between you and Izuku. And they were anxious for an official announcement.
Izuku opened his Instagram and quickly posted a picture of you, showing off the ring on your ring finger. The description said: she said yes.
Izuku turned off his phone so he wouldn't hear the notifications for the rest of the morning and left it on the nightstand. Right away he left a kiss on your head and caressed your cheek.
“Now you will never leave me” he murmured in the dark “you are mine and mine alone. And no one can ever separate us” he placed another kiss on your forehead and finally closed his eyes.
Of course. Getting you pregnant was his first plan, but since you hadn't given him any news and you didn't seem to have normal pregnancy changes, he decided to advance his marriage proposal. But he was pleasantly surprised when you finally told him you were expecting a baby. Everything was going according to plan. Even better.
He could only imagine how upset Mirio would be at that moment. He could never take you away from him.
You belonged to Izuku and no one else.
↬ written by Novaawayne
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grlazul · 1 year
some of the ways they show their affection for you. housewardens version
notes: bit of angst at the end of malleus' section, i'm quite sorry guys.
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when most think of riddle, patience is not the first thing that comes to mind. this is because they don't have the privilege of seeing the riddle you get to see. you had been studying with him for around an hour and a half. for the past half hour you had been stuck on a certain topic, no matter how many chapters of the textbook you read or how many times he tried to explain it, you just couldn't wrap your head around it. had you been anyone else, riddle would be incredibly frustrated, and perhaps a bit desperate for them to get a grip, but you were not just anyone. so he sat with you throughout it, vowing to help and find the perfect study method. ace and deuce gawk at his gentle behavior, a stark contrast to the yelling they endured earlier. his favoritism towards you is outrageous, not that you mind.
is tired, very often. he isn't always asleep when he's seen laying around. but can't seem to find the will to get up and do something. despite his constant fatigue, he will always find ways to remind you that he loves you. forcing you to lay with him is one of them, he'll wrap his arms around you and nuzzle into your neck before asking you to speak. it can be about anything really, most of the time you'll talk about how your day went. he always listens, his eyes are shut but you know he's invested because of the never ending remarks he'll make as you go on. someone was bothering you? he's just called them the most hilarious name you can think of, not wanting you to be bothered by such a lowlife. he doesn't have to see you to know what expression you have on your face. it's quite amazing really, he knows just what to say and when to say it, and even knows when he should stay quiet. it's quite simple, really. but he loves it, though not nearly as much as he loves you. (a/n almost called him eepy while writing his part haha)
azul is very devoted to his work, but when it comes to you, he is almost tempted to throw it away. he is very aware that his constant giving of gifts does not make up for his lack of presence on most nights. which is why he will put everything aside once in a while and dedicate an entire day to you, his lovely pearl. whatever you want, he'll do it with you. it's only fair after he has spent many a night cramped up in his office dealing with contract after contract. he knows your relationship isn't perfect, but he's eternally grateful that you're willing to work with him through it. one of his favorite things to do is when you decide to have a movie night with him. he'll help you build a fort, make snacks, anything you feel is important to the activity, and will then wrap all his limbs around you while the two of you watch. it's quite endearing really, a normally serious businessman tossing the entire persona for his one and only. don't tell the tweels please... they'll never let him hear the end of it.
when on earth is he not showing all of his love for you?? it would honestly be hard to find an answer to that question... kalim is always in your corner (almost literally, he would spend every second with you if he could but i think jamil would lose it if he hears one more nickname such as 'pookie muffin' or 'moopsy'...) however i think his favorite way to show you he loves you is taking you for rides on his magic carpet, cliche i know but it's cute! of course all his gifts mean a lot to him, you're beginning to develop your own mini treasure room in ramshackle for goodness sake, but the time you spend with him cannot compare to any riches. if you're scared of heights, he'll work his way around it! it may not seem as romantic when you're only two feet off the ground, but when it's with kalim, that doesn't really matter.
now, vil is very busy. and unlike azul, he doesn't have the same amount of control over his schedule. this can be a bit problematic when it comes to your relationships but he always manages to find ways to include you in whatever he's doing. you've never been on the set of a movie? now you have, several times in fact. the directors begin to expect your arrival with his after a while and you eventually get your own chair to watch your star do his magic on set. if you ever find yourself feeling unwelcome or uneasy, he knows how to pull strings. he will promise to ruin anyone who dare to make his partner feel as if they are not welcome. and if you ever feel as if you want to do the kinds of things he does, you better believe this man is getting you in contact with anyone and everyone he can (and this is vil... it's a lot of people). but at the end of the day, he just loves to unwind with you. to fall asleep with you in his arms is bliss, he can't get enough.
idia is without a doubt, one of the most closed up people on the planet. to see him outside of his room is a marvel in itself, but to see him with his significant other in a cafe? one would have to double check their vision. he really can't believe the lengths he goes for you. to sit in such a place, surrounded by so many normies is honestly a nightmare! he's thankful you let him choose where the two of you should sit, bringing you to the most closed off booth in the space. you'll definitely have to order for him, it's the least you can do after forcing him to come to such a place! jokes aside, he really does try for you. of course he would rather sit in his room holed up playing video games while the both of you chat, but he knows that's just a fantasy. start easy with him, small gatherings first, perhaps you can build his courage up enough to bring him to a bigger place like the mall... oh the things he does for you prefect...
you were malleus' first friend, and now his first lover. needless to say, he would do practically anything for you. he truly feels that no action, words, or items can express his feelings for you. even the most passionate of poems cannot do him justice. despite his frustration for not being able to properly express his feelings, he does enjoy gift giving. tiny trinkets, photographs, letters, you name it, he has given it to you in some variation. if you collect them and keep them somewhere he will just absolutely melt. you truly are everything to him. something he enjoys very much is when the two of you go into the forest or the meadow to find plants and other things to give to each other. it makes him so giddy, preparing something for you while you do the same. he's practically giggling and skipping as he looks for more flowers for you. once you give him your small bouquet or flower crown, or whatever you have created, he's delighted! he casts a spell that will make them last forever. if only he could do the same to you...
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iiyoshi · 11 months
Your Pain
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Reply : Hello love! Thank you so much for being my first request <3 I love the idea of this and now is perfect timing because I'm having cramps of my own and I desperately need men to coo me to sleep (Yes I'm mentally very immature)
Summary : How the HP men first react to, and how they now react to, Reader on their period
Pairing(s) : Severus Snape x Reader, Lucius Malfoy x Reader, Remus Lupin x Reader, Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings : Mentions of period blood?? Idk if that triggers people
Fandom : Harry Potter
A/N : I may have gone a bit biased with who gets the more detailed description.. I'm sorry i can't help it
Requested By : @serenity-noble
Read under the cut <3
Severus Snape
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If you were Snape's lover :
Severus is inexperienced with things like this, so when he first learns about menstruation, the only thing he does is panick
There's more panicking
He tries his best to make you feel comfortable and gets you whatever you ask for
He, reluctantly, has to turn to Minerva for help when you're in too much pain and he's panicking not sure how to help
He gets you just a bit too much chocolate, trying his best to fulfill your cravings
As you're in bed and sudden cramps kick in, he'll immediately leave and get you water and anything else you need
After a while, he'll learn what to do during your period and will always have backup plans up his sleeve
He marks down when your period cycle is and before then, buys you all the essentials just in case
At night, he cuddles next to you and rubs circles on your back in order to soothe you from your pain.
"It hurts, Sev.."
"I know it does, my love. But you're doing amazing. Now go to sleep."
If you were Snape's student :
You get your first period and you're scared to death
There's blood coming out of you and it scares you
You hurry to your head of house, Professor Snape, late at night because he's probably the only one awake at the time
He's awake in his office as you explain to him how you've been cursed and you're now dying
He tries his best to calm you down and, quite reluctantly, explains what menstruation is
"It's normal, silly girl. It's just mother nature paying you a visit."
"She's trying to kill me?!"
"No, you dunderhead! It's just Aunt Flo."
"I have an Aunt?"
"That time of the month? Lady business? Girl fluid? Shark week? Riding the Cotton Pony?"
"Oh for Merlin's sake! You're on your period!"
Lucius Malfoy
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Lucius would act like he doesn't care
Meanwhile he would kill anyone just to get you everything you need
He's hooked up with a lot of chicks before so he's very experienced
He knows what to get you and will get it for you asap
He tells you to stay in bed and shuts anyone and everyone away from your room
He tries his best to make time for you
At night, he pulls you close to him and covers you in kisses, trying to lull you to sleep
When you whine about your cramps he doesn't complain and reassures you you'll be alright
Throught the week he'd constantly skip work just to stay at home longer with you
"Go work, Lucius."
"I'm staying here."
"Your work is important."
"So are you."
Remus Lupin
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Remus isn't as experienced with handling with situations like these, but he tries his best to help you
He's calm most of the time, listening to your needs and getting you what you desire
He'll always have your favourite snack prepared when it's almost that time of the month and he's never afraid to get you more
When your cramps start to kick in, he lays with you on the sofa and watches your favourite Muggle show with you while wrapped in a blanket
If you accidentally make a mess he shushes your apologies and spells it away, reassuring you it was an accident
He's the type of guy to give cuddles more because it's what soothes him when it's nearly the full moon
He, as annoying as you may find it, gives you a curfew and you must be in bed by 10pm
"Moony, it's still early.."
"I know, (Y/n). But you're losing a lot of blood and you need to rest to fill back up your energy."
"No buts. Goodnight, little wolf. I'll be right here next to you."
Sirius Black
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Sirius immediately knows when you're on your period, thanks to his sensitive sense of smell
He doesn't mind it at all and sticks around you endlessly
When you feel too weak to grab things, he gets them for you
He showers you in endless amounts of love and affection
When you have cravings, he somehow manages to get them for you asap
He'll stay up with you on the couch when he knows you're in too much pain to sleep
Being an animagus has its perks and Padfoot has his fairshare of moments
He knows how much you enjoy cuddling with his furry tail in bed so every night he turns into Padfoot and lays beside you
You stroke his fur slowly and just simply admire him, already soothing your cramps
You tend to rub him under his chin and he'd bark in response
"Goodnight, Sirius. I love you."
- × - × - × - × - × - × - × -
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beeing1alive · 6 months
Could you please write more head canons about Nahoya? Maybe about his jealousy or something. It's okay if not!
How Tokyo Revengers boys are jealous p.2
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Note: Hello there! I've already been working on a second part and thought I'd just include Nahoya as well. I hope you're fine with it
f.t.: Smiley (Nahoya Kawata); Angry (Souya Kawata); Takemichi (Takemichi Hanagaki)
his usual smile adorns his face, but I'm not going to lie, the angry vein on his forehead and his clenched fists can't be missed
tries to look busy all the time, but stares at you constantly and watches you
he gets sick with rage when he sees the boy across from you smiling at you and blushing at the same time
no one is allowed to look at you like that except him!
so he stomps towards you, and as soon as he arrives, he gives the boy in front of you a strong punch
the punch was a little stronger than he intended and… well
he's not sorry
you looked at him in dismay and told him that the boy was just trying to be nice to you
he just grinned even wider and told you that the boy wanted much more than to be nice and that he didn't want anything like that because you were his girlfriend
really tries not to show it so much because he thinks you might not like it
but when he sees you paying more attention to another boy than him at the moment
as soon as this goes on for longer than 10 minutes, he really can't hold back anymore
the jealousy burns like fire on his skin
before he even knew what he was doing he ran to you, took your hand and pulled you away from the other boy
when you got to a quiet place, he apologised and promised you that it would never happen again
won't get back into it until you reassure him that it's okay and he doesn't need to apologise
he will immediately shut up and stop talking
give him a sweet kiss and he will be normal again, normal but very flushed
as usual, doesn't think and just walks straight towards you
will stand diagonally behind you and stare angrily into the eyes of the guy in front of you
he said that the boy should get the fuck away from his partner and that he wasn't wanted here
he only realises far too late that he would definitely lose a fight against the boy
but that doesn't stop him from standing there in defiance and continuing to stare angrily into the boy's eyes
because the boy doesn't want to look bad in front of you, he leaves after giving Takemichi one last hateful look
was scared, of course, but tries to hide it
a little later that day, he asked you if everything had been okay or if it had bothered you
you have to tell him everything was fine and smile at him and as soon as you do that, he's pretty much forgotten about it again
Attention: The characters and the gif do not belong to me. All credits go to the actual owners. If you want anything to be changed or removed, please write to me.
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yxngbxkkie · 1 year
love in france? pt.2 (h.h)
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so, i kinda went backward for this 🤣 i realized that the baseball vlog with seungmin, jeongin, and hyunjin is before the versace event, but oh well. this is very cute 🥹 i hope you guys like it 🥰
feedback is greatly appreciated 💓
A part of you couldn't believe that you're in South Korea. The only thing that's been running through your head when you landed is seeing Hyunjin again. It's been close to a year since you met in Paris.
The two of you kept in contact as much as you could. Both of your lives have been pretty hectic lately, so it's been radio silence from both parties.
You're standing on a beach in Busan, the city your fashion event is being held in. You listen to the waves crash against the sand while walking along the shore.
You shove your hands into the pockets of your jacket, hugging it tightly to your body. A shiver runs down your spine as the cool wind picks up. You notice two people standing by the water ahead of you, one of them looking kinda familiar.
"Hyunjin?" You gasp to yourself, your footsteps stalling.
The now strawberry blonde boy stands about fifty feet in front of you, laughing with another guy. You continue walking towards them before stopping once again.
"I don't want to bother them," you whisper to yourself, taking a quick look around.
Jeongin glances towards your figure, his eyes squinting a bit so he can see you better. Hyunjin scrolls through his phone beside him, and Jeongin smacks his arm to gain his attention.
"Hey, isn't that Y/N?" He asks him, glancing towards the older member.
Hyunjin snaps his head up, looking in the direction Jeongin mentioned. His eyes widened at the sight of you, his heart beating fast in his chest. It is you. "It is," Hyunjin whispers, a smile gracing his lips. "I'll be right back."
Jeongin laughs, patting Hyunjin's back. "Take all the time you need. Seungmin and I will go grab something to drink," he mentions to the strawberry-blonde.
All Hyunjin does is nod his head, his feet leading him towards you. "Y/N!" He calls out your name, making you jump a bit.
You grin at the sight of Hyunjin walking towards you. Once he stands in front of you, he wraps his arms around your shoulders and brings you into his chest.
Your eyes flutter shut as you circle your arms around his waist. "Hyunjin, hi," you giggle, your fingers gripping the windbreaker he's wearing.
"What are you doing here?" He asks, placing his hands on your shoulders.
"I have a show here tomorrow," you tell him excitedly, rocking on your heels. "I was hoping to run into you."
His cheeks blush at your words, the smile on his lips getting wider. "You were?" He asks, watching you nod your head in agreement. "You could've messaged me.
"I know. I'm sorry I've been pretty quiet. I've been extremely busy with this show," you sigh, running a hand through your hair. "I also didn't want to bother you. You guys have been pretty busy."
"You're never a bother," he whispers to you, bringing one of his hands to your face. Hyunjin gently caresses your cheek, his head tilting to the side a bit. "I always make time for you."
You bite your bottom lip, and you look away from him, feeling a bit embarrassed. "You do?" You ask.
He nods his head, a light chuckle escaping his lips. "Yeah. You can ask Jeongin and Seungmin," Hyunjin mentions, turning back to look at the two younger members.
You look past him, seeing two people drinking what looks to be iced coffee. "I'll believe you," you say shyly.
"You don't want to meet them?"
You groan, covering your face. "I-I would, but I'm feeling a little more shy today than usual," you confess to him. "It normally happens when I go to a new country."
"I think you're just shy in general," Hyunjin jokes with you, lightly tapping your elbow.
"I mean, yeah, that's true," you giggle.
Hyunjin grabs a hold of your hand again, his fingers lacing with yours. "How long are you here until?" He whispers, his eyes shifting from your conjoined hands to your face.
"The day after tomorrow," you tell him, squeezing his hand in yours.
"What time does your show start?" He asks while stepping closer to you. "I'd like to take you out for breakfast."
The smile on your lips widens, butterflies swarm around your stomach. "Well, it's a good thing the show doesn't start until five," you chuckle, tilting your head to look up at him. "I'd love to get breakfast with you."
Hyunjin smiles at you, bringing his free hand back to your face. "I'm so glad you're here. I missed you," he sighs, his eyes flicking down to your lips.
"I missed you too. Our day in Paris felt too short," you recall.
"Can I," Hyunjin starts but quickly cuts himself off, tucking your hair behind your ear. "Would it be okay if I kissed you?"
Your breath hitches in your throat and your eyes widen in surprise. "You want to kiss me??" You ask in disbelief, feeling your cheeks warming up.
He chuckles and nods his head. "O-Okay," you stutter over your words, and you look up at him. "Go ahead."
The dark-haired man brings both of his hands to your face, gently caressing your cheeks before his lips find yours. Your heart pounds against your chest as you kiss him back, leaning on your toes.
His two friends cheer the two of you on, causing you to abruptly pull away from Hyunjin. His plump lips trail along your cheek as you look past him, noticing both Jeongin and Seungmin giving you a thumbs up.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he whispers, his breath fanning against your cheek. "We're filming, and I've probably made them wait too long."
You nod your head as his hand grabs one of yours. "I'll text you when I get back," you whisper as well. "And when I wake up."
He squeezes your hand while nodding his head. "I will look forward to them," he grins at you.
You lean on your toes, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "Goodnight, Hyunjin," you whisper against his cheek.
Hyunjin bids you goodnight, leaning down to kiss your cheek as well. You watch him walk back over to his two friends, laughing a bit when each of them high five him.
You start making your way back to the street, smiling to yourself. God, he's adorable.
You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing. A small groan escapes your lips as you turn over towards the nightstand. You pick up your phone to see Hyunjin calling you from Instagram.
You curse to yourself before answering his call. "Hey, what time is it?" You greet him, a tinge of panic in your voice.
"It's about ten in the morning," Hyunjin chuckles. "I'm sorry if I made you panic. I honestly just couldn't wait anymore."
A giggle comes from your lips as you run a hand through your hair. "It's okay. I thought it was later than that," you tell him while leaning against the headboard of your bed. "I didn't want to miss our breakfast date."
"Breakfast date, hm?" Hyunjin teases you, causing your cheeks to blush.
"You're horrible," you laugh, playfully rolling your eyes. "Isn't that what people call it when they hang out after kissing?"
"You're right. Do you want me to pick you up? Or do you want to meet at a place?" He asks you, and you suck in a breath.
You shuffle towards the edge of your king-sized bed before standing up. You stretch your limbs, releasing a light moan.
"I'm up for whatever is easier for you," you mention as you head towards the closet doors.
Hyunjin hums for a few seconds, clearly thinking of what he wants to do. "Send me the address of where you're staying, and I'll have someone drive me there, okay?" He informs you.
You nod your head, muttering a quiet okay. "I should be ready within twenty minutes," you say while opening the wardrobe door.
"Okay. See you soon."
You hang up the call, send him your location before tossing your phone towards the bed. You look through the clothes you have hanging up, wondering what you should wear.
You have decided to go with something more casual. A pair of oversized jeans and a baggy t-shirt. It doesn't take you very long to get ready, hearing your phone go off while you're brushing your teeth.
After spraying some perfume, you make your way back into the bedroom. You grab your phone from the bed, seeing Hyunjin's message stating that he's here.
You release an excited noise, feeling really giddy to be going on a date with him. You double-check around your room, making sure that you have everything before leaving.
It takes you a couple of minutes to get to the lobby, noticing a black SUV parked outside the lobby doors. You take in a deep breath, releasing it through your nose as you walk out the doors.
Hyunjin emerges from the vehicle, and you suppress a groan. You're glad you went casual with your outfit since he did as well. The Balenciaga shirt he's wearing is tucked into his light colored jeans, showing off his long legs.
"You look great," he greets you, resting a hand on your hip.
You thank him quietly. "You look good too," you compliment him, your fingers fumbling with the necklace he's wearing.
He smiles down at you before motioning towards the vehicle. "We should get going. The place we're going to isn't far from here," he mentions.
You nod and climb into the vehicle. Hyunjin sits down beside you, resting his hand on your leg. You glance out the tinted window as your free hand rests on top of his, tracing the outline of his rings.
"Are you nervous?" He whispers into your ear, noticing how quiet you've been.
"A little," you tell him truthfully. Hyunjin grabs your hand, lacing your fingers together. "I've never really been on a date before, so it's all new for me."
He smiles at you, squeezing your hand. "Will it make you feel better if I told you that I haven't either?"
A gasp escapes your lips, and your eyes widen. "You've never been on a date before?" You ask in disbelief.
Hyunjin laughs and shakes his head in response. He leans his head against the seat, keeping his eyes on you. "Dating when you're an idol is hard. I've never really had the time for that kind of stuff," he explains, his thumb gently stroking the back of your hand. "But, you… you're different. I've never felt this kind of connection with anyone."
"Aw, Hyune," the nickname slips from your lips. His smile grows at the name, and he leans forward to kiss you.
You kiss him back without hesitation, bringing one of your hands to his cheek. He rests his forehead against yours after he pulls away. "I like you a lot," he sighs. "I like you so much that it scares me a little."
You pull your face away a bit so you can look him in the eye. "I feel the same way, Hyune," you whisper to him, your heart pounding against your chest. "I'm also quite scared. We're two busy people who live on opposite sides of the country."
"We could make it work," he almost pleaded, his hands gently rubbing your forearms. "I'm willing to try, if you are."
"Really?" You mumble, tears filling your eyes.
Hyunjin nods his head, pressing a chaste kiss on your lips. "I want to love you and to be loved by you," he confesses, his cheeks blushing with embarrassment.
"You have such a way with words," you giggle, sniffling a bit as your hand cups his jaw. "It's impossible not to fall in love with you."
He grins at your words, his heart swelling in his chest. "Is that a yes?" He questions, wetting his lips.
You stroke his jaw and smile fondly. "Isn't this supposed to happen after the date?" You joke with him.
"I couldn't wait," he laughs, leaning into your touch. "We'll just have a more interesting story to tell our kids."
You laugh loudly, your nose scrunching. "Hwang Hyunjin, it's definitely too early to be talking about kids," tell him, kissing his lips softly.
"Sorry, angel," he whispers, kissing you back for a hot second. The driver clears his throat, causing the two of you to abruptly pull away.
His eyes meet yours through the rear view mirror. "We're here," he says in Korean, and you look over at Hyunjin.
You notice his cheeks reddening more, and his eyes move to yours. "We're here," he translates for you after clearing his throat.
"Ah!" You squeak, unbuckling your seatbelt. You open the back passenger door before quickly getting out. "Thank you."
Hyunjin speaks to the driver after he gets out of the vehicle, bowing his head slightly. He turns to face you after the black vehicle drives away.
"Well, that's embarrassing," he laughs, scratching the back of his neck.
You nod in agreement. "Yeah, I would say so," you giggle while finding his hand.
His fingers lace with yours as the two of you start to walk towards the restaurant he's bringing you to. "I still have a chance, yeah?" He asks you with a slimmer of hope in his voice.
"Of course you do, Hyune," you reassure him, lifting your conjoined hands to place a kiss on the back of his hand. "We're stuck with each other now."
"I wouldn't want it any other way."
tagging: @thewxntersoldier @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @foxinnie8 @moon0fthenight @stvrfir3 @adestayskz @adr1an4 @crybqbyme @5tr4ylov35t4y @lei593
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hey did anyone ask for a heavily biased list of s3 worldbuilding headcannons and how i think some of the lifesteal guys interact with each other? no? too bad i was force fed half of this by my brain while trying to go to sleep
cut for length bc it's long sorry not sorry
of course i have to start with clown he is like a bug to me and i'm putting him under a microscope
he is a BEAST. a CREATURE even.
aka he's from the void but no one except ash knows that
the deranged discord thoughts at 2 am said clown is from the void bc everywhere he goes he brings death. he kills. it’s what he does. he kills and he’s fuckin great at it. do you hear me. do you understand.
covered from head to toe in clothing to hide the fact he's from the void. there's a constant slight chill that surrounds him and it's only really noticeable when someone's almost touching him
he never lets anyone get that close anyway besides the occasional handshake or smth bc yeah anyone would be uncomfortable if someone was standing inches away from you. he plays off the cold hands with a poor blood circulation excuse if anyone asks
if he did show skin, his silhouette would be like a black hole where it's completely pitch black, and depending on the angle, he either appears 2d or 3d (very disorienting and unnerving)
this guy does not have a single stable relationship to fall back on. he allies with people for power and not for comradery, and it is So Hard for him to tear down the dozens of walls he keeps up around him because he often finds that when he does, he gets betrayed and left in the dust (mob anon from lifesteal headcannons i am thinking so hard about your submission)
plus it's hard for him to know whether or not this person is allying with him because he's The Deadliest Assassin Blah Blah Blah and they want that safety net/protection or if they genuinely want to ally with him
it takes him a long time to fully trust branzy, and even then he doesn't open up to him about his personal stuff
the mask stays On. Constantly. doesn't matter how much he trusts someone he will never willingly show his face
he and red have a friendly rivalry with the heart economy side of lifesteal, they're both competing for the title of strongest/holder of most hearts or smth like that
dude used to be a normal guy way way way way before lifesteal events n stuff but then he fell into the void and came back Wrong
basically instead of dying instantly, he survived for a little bit longer than usual, broke through reality, and saw that everything is just a simulation and everyone is just code, including himself
that fucked him up bad physically and mentally, and his left side is all glitched and void-like now (chronic pain coded)
dude is technically immortal but he never really tested losing all of his hearts yet
he knows that clown is from the void because he knows what the void feels like and is hypertuned to it, and to him, clown RADIATES it like a space heater. he can't stand too close to him and has to have at least one person's width between them. he hasn't confronted clown about it though because he knows when to keep his mouth shut
being close to the void for him hurts in an ocular migraine type way, but he typically pushes through it when he's down at bedrock level or in the end
he doesn't make stable relationships with people because he doesn't really see the point in them
nihilism 100
whatever side he aligns with is usually the one causing the most chaos
evil little meow meow
let him be angry. let him have rage.
he is Just Some Guy (aka normal ass human) but he is so smart
not a fighter but he is a builder and a damn good one at that
need a trap that is sure to kill? branzy
very good at getting the fuck out of situations that would've killed him if he didn't immediately dip when he did
based on vibes alone, early s3 branzy would so be friends with subz and vitalasy (which i think actually happens so i win)
i need branzy to be envious of clown's fighting skill and heart count before he starts warming up to him. please where is the slow burn.
falls out with subz and vitalasy when he starts allying with clown and co, and especially when he tricks vitalasy into the funhouse
during the cleansing when the dirties and team chaos are relatively working together, vitalasy tries to reconcile and pull branzy away from team chaos, but branzy's lost in the power sauce
he and rek are Just Some Guy buddies who exchange near-death experience stories (i need more branzy and rek friendship please please please please please p)
i am ace beaming your clownzy mwahahaha
strap in boys because have you considered the tension between clown and leo after mob falls (once again mob anon from lifesteal headcannons i am thinking so hard about your submission)
they were tight. they were bros. they were homies. leo was the only person clown felt like he could confide in during mob. and then leo turned coats. i'm SO NORMAL.
clown has NOT forgiven him
super duper a cyborg. he's a tnt minecart pvper he had to have blown off his limbs at some point /silly
but yeah his limbs are mechanical, along with one of his eyes. can't really see it though bc he constantly wears a mask, long sleeves, pants, and gloves. i'll probably default to his left eye if i ever draw leowook face
he and red feel like they would be friends based on vibes
still works/allies with zam after mob in an attempt to go back to what he lost
slaps roof of leowook this bad boy can fit so much mob angst inside of it
certified Thing. don't know what, he just is
has loony toons vibes. to me.
so annoyingly positive in the eyes of the others, they all want to punch him at least once
hero complex 100
dude just manages to rizz his way into teams
zam is smart. he knows what he's doing.
ok actual serious hcs bro has the most worldbuilding in his explanation tbh
in my head, lifesteal is this independent port city-state that was originally run by everyone and acted as a free, international trade center. zam is the crown prince of the neighboring territory surrounding the city, and when mob started gaining serious power, he charmed his way into working with them.
the deal he struck with mob is that if he wanted to join, lifesteal wouldn't be a part of zam's kingdom and all of his actions in mob were separate from his actions as the prince. it worked out relatively well for both of them: mob got a powerful ally with good political/funding power, and zam got to play hero and get involved with lifesteal politics
when mob fell, he initially respected their previous agreement where he wouldn't play prince in lifesteal, but when heart economics grew too unbalanced in his eyes, he decided to annex the city and then start the cleansing
nobody enjoyed zam annexing the territory, and especially not when his first order of business was to have everyone over ten hearts withdraw and bank them to evenly distribute to people with less than ten hearts
gonna pause here for now bc i feel like if i tried listing another character, it wouldn't have the same heart behind it as these guys do. if anyone does wanna see another silly that i didn't get to here, feel free to shoot me an ask or smth idm :]
fuck cringe i am having a blast i love worldbuilding
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''There's nothing wrong with her stutter!''
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SUMMARY | You get a job offering as a make-up artist for Marvel Studios, and quickly become great friends with Sebastian. He never cared about your stutter, and was always patient when you were talking to him. You grow really close, but when the paparazzi tries to hurt you, he is quick to shut them down in your defense.
WARNING(S) | Light swearing, a little angst in some spots.
A/N | Hi all! I decided to write this one-shot to show everyone who has a stutter and is struggling with it that it is completely normal, and you're absolutely perfect! A really good friend of mine struggles with it everyday, so I decided to share what it is like to live with someone who has it with their permission. I hope you will enjoy it!
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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Y/N still remembers the day she got the job offering to be a make-up artist with Marvel, it was such a big career move she even moved to New York City to be able to take it. Once she arrived on the set, she found out she would be the main make-up artist for both Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan, who she had both seen in a few movies before. The only thing that did really worry her, was the fact that she had a stutter, usually people didn't react to that all too well. Despite this, she decided to give this a chance because this could be the change she needed so bad in her life.
The first time you met both Sebastian and Chris was an absolute delight, they were incredibly nice. ''Hi g-g-guys, my n-name is Y/N, and I w-w-will be your makeup a-artist for now.'' you said, and your cheeks immediately turned a deep crimson color, and you really wished you could just run out of the make-up trailer and hide forever. ''Hey, I'm Sebastian!'' he said, and he decided not to comment on your stutter, he actually found it pretty cute. ''Hi, I'm Chris, it's really nice to meet you. I'm sorry and I don't mean to overstep, but do you have a stutter? It's completely fine if you do ofcourse!'' he asked, and you nodded, not wanting to embarrass yourself even more.
You did the boys' makeup and they were incredibly grateful, they asked all kinds of questions like where you are from, if you have siblings, stuff like that. ''W-w-well, I'm from a small t-t-town in Florida, w-where I lived with my ex b-b-boyfriend for a few years, and now I l-live here in New Y-York City, by myself. I s-s-sadly don't have siblings, but I h-h-have a three year old son n-named J-J-James.'' you said with a big smile on your face, thinking about your little boy. You don't see his dad anymore because he left after he found out you're pregnant, and he didn't want any of the responsibility.
''Want to know a little secret?'' Sebastian asked you, and you nodded. ''My character in these movies is also called James. I have a feeling this is completely meant to be!'' he said with a smirk and he let out a chuckle, you laughed as well. You have a feeling you would get really get along well with Sebastian, as well as Chris, because they both make you laugh and feel good, so you don't have to worry about your stutter. ''A-A-Allright guys, you're both ready. Have a good d-d-day on set today!'' you said and you started cleaning up your makeup kit for now, so you would have a clean space to work off of if they needed to be touched up.
The next few weeks were great, and you got to know both Chris and Sebastian pretty well, but there was this undeniable friendship between you and Sebastian. He never said anything about your stutter, but always carefully listened to what you had to say. He never interrupted or finished your sentences, which is something you absolutely hated, and it felt like a relief that he didn't do it. ''S-Seb? I want to say thank y-y-you for being so patient w-with me and my s-s-stutter. It is a r-r-relief that you don't interrupt me or fill in w-what I want to s-say.'' you say with a little flush on your cheeks. ''Ofcourse doll, I know how much it bothers you that people do that, but it doesn't take much effort to just be patient. Besides, I love hearing what you have to say!''
You were so grateful to hear him say that, it felt great to have someone in your life who didn't fill everything in for you, you can think and talk for yourself thank you very much. By the time the end of filming rolled around, you really got close with Sebastian, and you often ended up talking in his trailer for a little while before going home, where you talked about everything and nothing, the good and the bad. James was usually at daycare, but when he got very sick during the day, you had to go there in a hurry. By the time you got to your car you found it had a flat tire, and you didn't know what to do. ''Want me to drive you? I'm done shooting for today anyway!'' Sebastian offered and you happily agreed.
''Oh b-b-baby, what's going on? Are y-you okay?'' you asked James when you saw him. He was very pale and warm, definitely spiking a fever. ''He ate his lunch, but sadly he didn't keep it down and he got sick. He has been spiking a fever for a little bit, but it doesn't seem to go down. We're so sorry we had to call you out of your work!'' the lady at the daycare said, but you said it's fine. ''Hey buddy, are you feeling sick?'' Sebastian asked, looking worried at your son. He nodded slightly and he started crying, so you really had to go to the pharmacy and pick something up in order to bring down his fever. ''I'm s-s-sorry, but we really need t-t-to go now. H-Have a good day!'' you said. ''Yeah, you too and again, I'm so sorry!'' the lady said.
Both you and Sebastian hurried back to his car, you sat in the backseat this time, with James on your lap trying to comfort him a little bit. ''It's o-okay buddy, we'll get you s-something for your fever, and you'll f-f-feel better in no time!'' you said to him, softly stroking his cheek while giving soft kisses on his head. ''Sebastian w-w-will drive to the pharmacy and get you s-something to feel better, okay?'' you said, with tears welling up in your own eyes, because you hated to see him in this much distress, you absolutely despised seeing how bad he was feeling. Most of all, you hated the fact that you had to go through this alone, since your ex left you during the pregnancy.
Sebastian arrived at the pharmacy and went in after you told him what to get for James, so you could stay with him in the car. ''Here you go, James!'' he said when he came back, and he brought some of your favorite snacks as well, to make you feel a little better. He drove all three of you to your apartment, and you invited Sebastian in. ''Oh no, it's okay, really! I should really go, if I come with you I'll only be in the way of you taking care of this little guy.'' he said when he softly stroked James on his back with his big hand. ''It's okay S-Seb, really. I could use t-t-the company!'' and he agreed.
After a few hours you finally managed to get his fever down, and Sebastian was making dinner for the both of you so he was able to help. James didn't feel like eating yet, so you could always make him something simple later. ''Allright doll, dinners ready.'' he said, and he put down a delicious looking pasta salad, and your mouth started watering at the sight of it. ''Wow, i-it looks delicious!'' you say and you immediately put some on your plate. You realized you hadn't ate anything since breakfast, because it was hectic at work and when you got the call from the daycare, you completely forgot about lunch.
A few days later, you suddenly notice a lot of notifications on Twitter and Instagram, but you don't understand what it is all about. When you open Twitter, the first thing you see is '' Does Sebastian Stan have a new girlfriend? '' and you click on it. There are a couple of paparazzi photos of you, Sebastian and James from when he was sick, and Sebastian was there to help you both out. You get really nervous because of this, and decide to call Sebastian. ''Y/N? Is everything okay doll?'' he asked when he picked up after the second ring. ''S-S-Seb, have you seen the p-p-photos yet?'' you say and tears start to prick in your eyes. You were afraid that if he saw all the things they said, he didn't want to be friends anymore, you knew he didn't want a relationship for a while. Even though you were definitely not together, those thoughts still crossed your mind.
''Ah, you mean the ones where they say you're my girlfriend?'' he says with a sigh, he was hoping you wouldn't find out what the paparazzi said, since he knew how you felt about those people. ''It's okay doll, I have already put out a statement that I'm not in a relationship, but that we're just really great friends, that's all.'' he said, and you felt a bit relieved when he said that. You thank him and he asks how James is doing, since you had a few days off to take care of him. ''He's really d-d-doing great, and he has b-been asking about you! H-H-He wants to know where m-mommy's friend is, and asked i-i-if you wanted to come and p-play with him.'' you said with a smile, thinking about when James asked for Sebastian. ''Oh, I would absolutely love to come by later today. Is that okay? Maybe we can all go out to dinner together if he's feeling better!'' Sebastian suggested and you accepted his offer.
The three of you were on your way to dinner, and Sebastian got recognized by some fans who wanted to take a photo with him. He looked at you apologetically and asked if it was okay with you. ''Yeah, o-o-ofcourse!'' you said to him and stepped to the side with James, so you could give them space for a few photos. When the fans walked away you could hear them saying something about you stuttering, and you started to feel very self conscious again. ''Seb, m-m-maybe we should just reschedule. I'm s-sorry.'' you said, and James noticed the tears falling down your face. ''No mommy, no cyring! Mommy can't be sad!'' he said while wiping the tears away, which made you smile through the tears. ''Doll, it's okay. There's nothing to worry about, they don't know anything about you. If you want to go home that is okay and I will come with you, but if you still want to go to dinner I would love to go with the both of you.'' he said, holding your face in his hands. He gave you a kiss on the cheek to make you feel better, and you decided to go to dinner.
When it was time for the premier for Captain America: The First Avenger, Sebastian invited you to come along as his plus one. You gladly accepted, you could really use a night out for a change. The babysitter was more than happy to take care of your little bundle of joy, and you got to spend some quality time with Sebastian and the rest of the cast, who you've grown to love during the shooting of the movie. ''Hey Chris! H-how are you?'' you ask when you see Chris, you haven't seen him since the last day of shooting. ''I'm doing really great. I'm kind of nervous ofcourse, but I'll be fine! How are you and James doing?'' and you tell them about how we was sick a little while ago, but he is back to his old happy self now, and really growing up way too fast.
When it was time for the red carpet, Sebastian gently guided you there, and you both posed for some photos. ''Sebastian, how does it feel to have a girlfriend now?'' some people ask, and you are finally done with it. ''He's n-n-not my boyfriend! We're j-j-just really good friends!'' you say and you get angry, but instead of them stopping, they just started laughing and making fun of your stutter. ''Oh please, why would anyone listen to you? You can't even talk like a normal person!'' someone said, and this is what drove Sebastian over the edge this time. ''Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? There's nothing wrong with her stutter! She can't do anything about it, and it makes her special! It's too bad assholes like you can't seem to get that into that small brain of yours!'' he yells at the guy, and he storms off the red carpet with you closely behind.
''S-S-SEB, WAIT!'' you say, only earning more laughs behind you. You start walking slower and tears are streaming down your face, Sebastian then stops when he hears you sobbing. ''Oh god doll, I'm so sorry for what just happened. I know how you feel right now, and I am so sorry that happened to you.'' he said, and he wrapped his big arms around you to comfort you. ''I-I-It's okay, I'm used to it.'' you say in between your sobs, but it still hurts that they make fun of your stutter. ''No doll, it's not okay, and someone had to set the record straight. I think you're absolutely perfect, and you didn't deserve that. No one deserves to be treated like that.'' he said in your hair whilst he kept holding and soothing you.
''I-I-I'm sorry. I should just go h-home...'' you say and you let go of Sebastian, but he doesn't want to hear any of it. ''Doll, how about we get you cleaned up in the bathroom real quick, and we will just enjoy the rest of the evening with our friends? You really deserve a night out, and those assholes can just fuck right off to where they came from!'' he said, earning a light chuckle from you. ''Okay, b-b-but you can't c-come into the bathroom w-with me!'' you say and the two of you make your way over there. Whilst you walk into the bathroom Sebastian goes to get you a glass of champagne and hands it to you when you walk out of the bathroom. ''T-t-thank you again, Seb. This m-means the world to m-m-me.'' you say and you give him another hug, and this time you give him a light kiss on his cheek, making him blush a little where your kiss just touched him. ''I love you, doll.'' he said. ''I l-l-love you too, S-Seb.''
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loveswrites · 2 years
So You Wouldn't Get Married?
Jasper x reader ~ So you wouldn't get married?
You we're sitting with The Cullens + Bella, your sister (You're adopted), at lunch time. And the topic of marriage came up and Jasper was a little displeased with your answer.
It was slowly becoming normal for you and your sister Bella to sit together at the Cullen's table during lunch. You've slowly been building a relationship with each and every one of them. Alice as always is the sweetest so it was no surprise that the two of you are friends. Your relationship with Rosalie was instant. Which was surprising because she basically hates your sister Bella and just about everyone else.
You don't know why though. Edward he was always kind to you, You could always talk to him and not feel uncomfortable. Emmett to say the least is fun to fight with, It's a very entertaining friendship. Now Jasper.. Your relationship with him you can tell it is not going to be on the lines of friendship. If anything that is Your Lover, Your Man, and Your protector. But none of that has been said out loud for all anyone could tell that was your homie.
You and Bella have been going to Forks High for about 4 weeks now. You both were immediately captivated by The Cullen's. Or precisely her Edward and You Jasper. Jasper was very quiet and reserved. It didn't help that you were the same but that all changes when you get comfortable with whoever the person is. With Jasper it didn't seem like it would change.
Everyone found him weird and strange. But you found him mesmerizing and a little… Addicting. You find it strange that from the first time you've laid your eyes on Jasper Hale, You've never been able to take them off of him. He's always on your mind and if he's not the first thing on your mind he's in the back of your head but best believe he is there. If you didn't have it like that there was no way you would be able to get anything in your life done.
"So y/n and Bella my parents are getting married this friday and I was wondering if you guys would come, Oh and the rest of you are invited as well!" Jessica said standing next to Bella with a fake smile on her face. I never liked her. I feel she only talks to us because the Cullen's talk to us and they showed interest in us and not her.
"I- I don't know Jess, we might be going to visit our mom this Friday." Bella said, sending Jessica a small sympathetic smile.
"What about you y/n?" Jessica turned to ask you. Annoyed that she asked you when the question was already answered for you by Bella.
"Didn't you just hear Bella answer you? We're going to go visit our mom on friday. And plus even if I was available I wouldn't go. I don't do weddings." I replied, turning my attention back to the window taking a bite of my cucumber sticks I chopped up this morning. After those words fell out of your mouth you felt eyes on you.
And you knew exactly who it was.
She scoffed, turning her fake smile into a real one looking towards the Cullen's. "What about you guys? Please can you guys come? It would mean everything to me." She asked once again.
"We have a camping trip on Friday, I'm sorry." Alice replied, smiling back at Jessica.
"Can't you just reschedule? You guys go camping every week!" Jessica practically yelled out at Alice. 
This brought you out of your trance and made you glance at the rest of the Cullen's. Bella was sitting in front of you and Edward was on the left of her. Alice was on the right of her. Emmett was on the right of Edward. Rosalie was on the left of you and Jasper on your right. You two always found each other sitting next to each other no matter where you sat.
"Unfortunately we can't." Rosalie replied in a firm voice. That basically said shut the hell up and walk away before I make you. Shooting her and an ice cold stare Jessica walked away mumbling something under her breath that made you raise an eyebrow. 
"What was that?" You said loud enough for her to hear you making Jessica walk away a little faster. 
Her actions made Emmett laugh as he wrapped his arms around Rosalie as she glared at Jessica's retreating form.
Alice looked sympathetic. Meanwhile Edward looked like he was having a conversation with himself but he had a sly smile on his face. And Bella was just playing with her found as she voiced earlier not really having an appetite for anything.
"So what do you mean by ya don't do weddings?" You hear a southern voice beside you. Turning your head to look at Jasper golden eyes. You felt yourself wanting to melt from just his gaze.
"I mean basically what's the point? Half the people who get married get divorced like 3 Years later. They just leave the marriage with less money, heartbreak and trust issues. And that all comes free with life so why would I ever go through with it?" You answered.
While Bella was nodding in agreement Edward shot his stare at her in confusion as a frown soon settled on his face.
Jasper now too had a slight frown on his face.
"What about soulmates?" Alice asked, smiling a genuine smile at you.
"I love the concept of soulmates, I believe that everyone has one in some form. Some one more than others. But me? Nah I don't think I do." You replied with a shrug.
"And why's that?" Jasper asked, turning your attention back to him. His southern accent just did something to you fuck the accent. His voice. 
"Because I'm too much to handle. I don't believe that I have the personality to be someone's soulmate. I'm not the nicest if anything I'm mean. I don't like alot of people. I tend to shut down and Block out the people I love when things get hard for me. I have attachment issues which also makes it hard for me to love. It's either I wanna be by your side 25/8 or I don't wanna be in your presence at all like I want to love you from a distance. When I love someone I love hard. The other person tends to never be able to handle it. Which is also why I don't do weddings." You said, Looking back outside noticing the raindrops on the windows.
"So you wouldn't get married?" Jasper said with a frown on his face as if it pained him. Edward was intensely staring at Jasper for some reason. And everyone else was watching the dispute between me and Jas.
"I mean if I were too it would have to be in Switzerland and most can't afford sooo." You laughed it off biting into another cucumber stick.
"And if he could afford?" Jasper questions with a sly smirk on his face tilting his head a little.
Looking at his golden eyes you squint just a little as if to tell him you're suspicious of him and his questions.
"If he could afford it would be difficult for him to get me on the plane. Because who knows if I'll even like him like that." You replied with a little flirt in your voice.
"I'll tell ya what doll if you end up not getting on the plane with him, just know that my jet will be waiting for you. And I'll be waiting for you at the end of the corridor." Jasper winked. 
Flabbergasted by what I just heard and saw I didn't have time to reply as the bell rang. I reached down to grab my bag looking up to try to respond to Jasper; I realized that he was gone.
"What the fuck was that" I breathe out in a small whisper.
Jasper Cullen just flirted with me.
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taggedmemes · 8 months
the world fell to shit.
not having easily accessible porn freaked people out.
it's like a goddamn maze in here.
i got a big package for you.
time makes a fool of us all.
what's your name, slugger?
time to turn on the charm.
guess i'm not getting that knife back.
i'm sure you've got some stories.
charming, devilishly handsome, you know the type.
he was invited to have a beer with a mysterious, mildly intimidating white lady.
you got a solid ass.
i've got a lot of power.
i can make people's desires, their dreams, their every wish come true.
you have no idea what i would do for some two-ply.
i've never met a baby before.
aren't you tired of almost dying every day?
arent you tired of always being alone?
he had a theory that little sins could attract big sins.
consider it your punishment for crimes committed against the law.
eat my ass.
saving your ass once again.
it'll make your nipples spin like a lady in the burly-q show.
that's why i'm here to see your pretty face.
it means dealing with a bunch of brainwashed, burger worshipping screwballs.
there's chaos out there.
you know, it's really rude not to introduce yourself before pulling a gun on someone.
how about you lower that sorry excuse for a gun and i'll lower my exceptionally cool blade.
we don't want things to escalate, do we?
see? now things have escalated.
this never happened to me before.
you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
six bullets, each with your name on it.
that said, i'm willing to negotiate.
i love you, but this is all your fault.
well excuse me for trying to get you something dope for your birthday.
you know what's dope? a full eight hours of sleep.
i call dibs on the man titties.
they'd rather eat the flesh of their own kind than starve.
silent, but not very deadly.
you can hide, but i have ways to find you.
damn. that usually works.
why are you scurrying away, little squirrel?
sounds like you have trust issues.
i finally felt hot water that wasn't my own piss.
i really appreciate you coming along nicely.
normally i have to drag people into here kicking and screaming.
you won't like what happens if you run.
i love names. i'm kind of a name guy.
you should consider yourself lucky.
there are some things i wish i could forget.
you holding in a fart or something?
are we really gonna kill these guys?
they see the world in shades of grey.
my entire life people have been lying to me.
being alone was all i knew.
i was gonna starve her, watch the life slowly drain from her eyes.
i think she's gonna give you a run for your money.
you try to kill me every chance you get.
why should i show you mercy?
if it wasn't for me, you would be a starving corpse right now.
neither one of us made it pretty far on our own.
instead of trying to stab each other in the back, we should put our heads together and figure out how in the hell we're going to make it through this.
cool, we're fucked.
i am gonna tour de force this machete down your throat.
if you're not gonna tell the truth, then i'm gonna make you shut up and bleed.
it was a fucking snooze-fest.
your performance was dull as dick water.
you don't want to spend the rest of your life alone.
i'm gonna embrace the chaos.
maybe i'll even fall in love.
i have to admit i didn't think we were gonna make it out of there alive.
what is your problem anyway?
i'm keeping the gun.
you're really not gonna tell me your name?
did you just ask me for oral?
eat my ass, fuck.
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elliefenton · 9 months
Holiday Truce 2023: The Conspiracy Surrounding One Danny Fenton
Happy Holiday Truce @scarletsaphire! I hope you like it! Sorry I'm a day late, I had a lot going on the last few days and completely forgot to post this. I used your prompt 'Danny being not quite human and freaking people out (on purpose or accidentally).' I also included a little bit of Johnny and Kitty!
Summary: Danny's classmates notice some peculiarities about him.
It took everyone a while to notice.
They knew the Fentons were weird. They knew Danny Fenton was weird. But they didn’t realize just how weird he was.
They knew he wasn’t always this way. Back in middle school, he was actually normal compared to the rest of his family. But he was gone for a few days at the beginning of freshman year, and when he came back, he was different.
It started with small things. He seemed to leave the room right before a ghost showed up. That was explainable, his parents had tech that could track ghosts, Danny probably carried something like that on him, and he was so scared of ghosts that he just left the second he knew they were coming.
But then there were other things, things they couldn’t explain away so easily.
Whenever he left the room in the middle of class, it suddenly got… warmer? And that was weird. They’d heard of ghosts turning a room colder, but the lack of a specific human turning the room warmer was very odd.
Sometimes, the classroom would get warmer without Danny raising his hand, and someone would look back at his seat to find it empty. That raised some questions about how he was leaving the classroom without people noticing, because someone would see if he went out the door, right? And the school’s windows didn’t open, so he couldn’t have left through there.
People started to pay more attention to him, and that was when they noticed the really weird things.
It had been a few months since the beginning of freshman year, and it was now the middle of winter. Danny was in his usual Christmas Grinch mode, which was expected by now. His entire class was used to his attitude around Christmas time. But what was unusual was the fact that he showed up to school every day without even a jacket. Everyone else, including his two friends, came to school wearing a coat and gloves, maybe even a scarf or hat, and this kid walked in with short sleeves and jeans. He never once looked cold.
He actually seemed to be thriving in the cold, looking more refreshed than he had in the previous seasons, like maybe he was getting more sleep.
He also started to keep weird company outside of school. Someone swore they saw him and his friends at the Nasty Burger hanging out with that biker couple Phantom used to chase around. They were pretty sure that guy used to date Danny’s sister, and was presumably a ghost since Phantom used to hunt him down, so what was he doing hanging around with them, especially as afraid of ghosts as he was?
At this point, a group had formed around these conspiracy theories about Danny. They shared information, held meetings, and even had a Discord server. One might even call them a cult. When Wes Weston started yelling about his theory that Danny Fenton was Danny Phantom, the group laughed at him. Not in disbelief, but in pity. They knew better than to let anyone know of their suspicions, and if Wes didn’t shut up soon, they’d have to teach him that being discreet was the best way to keep being able to investigate.
At the end of the year, the weirdest thing of all happened. Danny Fenton started… acting normal? He stopped skipping class, started dressing normally again, and was acting much more like a fully functioning human being. Suddenly, the only weird thing about him was his hair, which had white streaks in it now.
When news of the asteroid was announced two weeks later, the group knew Danny Fenton was somehow going to be involved in whatever came next. Especially when both the Fentons and Tucker Foley became directly involved in trying to solve the issue. The reveal that Danny Fenton was Danny Phantom came as no surprise to anyone involved.
Wes Weston, of course, was bragging about how he was right, but no one paid him any mind.
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elendsessor · 4 months
I really love reading people's hcs, especially if it's abtmy special interests. so i was wondering if you have any from the real world (y'know; sheffield, o'brien, real argilla and others ((I'M VERY NORMAL ABT O'BRIEN ">:D
it mostly comes down to sheff and o’brien since everyone else has like next to no complete info or are uber similar to their ai counterparts but i have a few!! sorry if this isn’t the longest list.
spoilers gang
-i mentioned in a previous post greg being a dog trainer but i also see him as doing a thing i see a lot of people at my local dog park do, being using the river as a way to train dogs to swim and retrieve things underwater. there’s also dog walkers who specialize in handling big off leash groups!!! just saying there has to be a reason his name is lupa and i will make up every reason possible as to why sob sob
-that or he has experience as a farmhand. i believe he’s a country boy mostly bc of my experience when i worked at a doggy daycare (there were a ton of people who had hunting dogs or some country adjacent fit i don’t even live in the south how are so many of them like this it must be some sort of requirement)
-bro would own an anatolian shepherd or three. fred was quite literally raised by wolves,,,, and by that i mean dogs meant to fight off wolves and bears (maybe he also has a malamute i mean close enough)
-fred is a roblox and fortnite kid
-if roland counts in this regard he gives me moe szyslak vibes so i do think he shares a lot of traits with him jdgnfsgnoyfgjh
-there was this one time @goatwithaplan made a post about atma avatars as animals and because of it i can’t see roland without thinking of bovines or goats or rams. he would have a pet goat.
(if you can’t tell animals are on the brain right now i’m sorry aaa)
-low key dating adil i can’t believe i remembered his name
-real argilla’s hair isn’t actually blonde.
-she also reminds me of sharpay evans from high school musical so i pretend she’s her.
-sheff is obsessed with true crime and medical shows. probably also would get a kick out of terrifier 1 and 2
-the weird cringe relationship with o’brien is real. they both hate one another for different reasons but god be damned they also have reasons to love one another. they never go on any real dates or say they’re boyfriends they just occasionally fuck.
-sheff flirts a lot. with everyone his age. nobody is safe. not even if you’re married.
-i have like. a nsfw one i’m too afraid to share (i don’t like getting nsfw) but there’s no fucking way sheff isn’t into particular somethings and absolutely annoys o’brien with them (both are consenting i swear)
-o’brien had a growth spurt in his sophomore year of high school. every bit of casual clothing he has is from around that time. maybe he forgets to actually replace them or maybe he doesn’t care.
-sheff has no fashion sense whatsoever and is a cringefail loser
-he has two pet rats who may or may not be named after a certain famous pair of cartoon rats
-constantly goes to shady bars because he would be that guy
-he gets told to shut up constantly. he refuses to. in fact, this makes him worse.
going back to the high school musical mention every weekend someone working on the god project hosts a movie night and yet at least once a month someone asks to watch high school musical 2 or some other dcom
-nobody likes margot. somehow sheffield is better liked. at least he has ✨“personality”✨ (if being an annoying twink counts)
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Hi there! Anon sent reeling by S1E6 again! And I would just like to say that your response to my ask made me So Normal. Especially you bringing up S2E6, which is why I’m currently setting up a lawn chair here on the brink of insanity, because apparently I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. 
Because yes, you’re completely right about S2E6 demonstrating this cycle of pushing others away while pushing themselves towards greatness and accidentally leaving pain in their wake that MK and SWK have managed to stick themselves in, but ALSO now I can’t stop thinking about how we get Shadow Play IMMEDIATELY afterwards. 
Like… how much do you think Macaque had seen? Obviously he could see MK getting too caught up in his own head (*cough* and trauma *cough*) and shutting out his friends, but… how much had he seen seen, you know?
And now I also can’t stop thinking about how immediately after Shadow Play, we get To Catch a Leaf. Which is obviously an incredible episode in its own right, but it’s also the first episode since Minor Scale where MK is surrounded by his friends and he lets them help him. Because in S2E6, Mei and Sandy are with him, but he’s not really with them. He’s focused on getting stronger, to the point where he ignores them telling him exactly how to do so. And in the beginning of Shadow Play, we learn that he’s been further isolating himself off screen and blowing off activities with them so that he could focus on ‘[being] ready’. 
But then To Catch a Leaf happens. And it starts off with MK surrounded by the others, having recently done something fun (curses aside) with Mei, and it’s not a big deal. He’s not stressing about getting stronger or being ready, he’s just… there with them. Present and in the moment, at least as much as he can be, and it’s fine. He’s fine, and more importantly he seems to be letting them in and being a bit more open with them. 
And this carries on into 72 Transformations! Because obviously he still hasn’t told them The Thing, but he does go from ignoring/avoiding them while trying to get more powerful to calling them all up so that he can involve them. Figure at least some things out, together. And it drives me insane because he was getting better! He may very well have worked his way up to telling the others about LBD! But then she came a-knocking with more trauma, and it blasts him two steps back and it’s just… AHHH! He was SO CLOSE!!!
Also, side note: Do you think MK believes he has a body count? And I don’t even mean the nebulous potential casualties from all the recent disasters that MK blames himself for, I’m talking about Spider Queen specifically. Because MK isn’t an idiot. If he didn’t know she was dead (or whatever getting sucked into the furnace counts as) immediately after the sewers, he would have put two and two together after Destiny Fulfilled. And considering this is the guy who blames himself for DBK getting out despite knowing that SWK was right next to him in bird form the entire time, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that he probably thinks it’s his fault. So… do you think it’s possible he sees himself as a murderer? Or, like, murderer adjacent? And if he does, how much more layered and messed up do you think that’d make the potential ‘Wukong reveals he killed Macaque’ moment?
Sorry for the long ask, the monkey show has changed me for better and worse. I will never be the same. *reclines on my lawn chair, gazing out over the precipice of madness with a thousand yard stare*
One: never apologize for a long ask, especially when it has so much good stuff in it! Two: I KNOW RIGHT. The monkey show really does change you for the better or for the worst. I'm still reeling from s4 and it's been 4 months, and then the s4 special came in and permanently altered my brain chemistry once again. I have a house next to this abyss.
The back and forth of MK's character is one of my favorite things about lmk (of which I have many)! He takes 2 steps forward and then 4 steps back, and I think that's a testament to what getting better can look like—it's not linear. Sometimes, it's not even moving forward, and that's hard.
I think a great example of this "2 steps forward and then 4 steps back" phenomenon is MK's growth in Revenge of the Spider Queen:
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MK starts believing in himself, smiling at that face in the mirror. It's not a strong belief, not yet, but it's a start. You can even see him making this attempt to improve in 2x01:
(this got a little long so everything else under the cut!)
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MK: "Ah! Ugh, come on MK you can do this! Self-confidence! That's Monkey King 101!"
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"Wait! I am worthy! Definitely worthy!" I'm Monkie Kid! Basically the new Monkey King—might have heard of me? You know, the next chapter? I'm totally worthy!"
(2x01 Sleep Bug)
MK's even trying to mimic Monkey King here, the person he thinks he should be:
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But then, as you've mentioned, LBD and 2x05 comes along.
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And it's funny, because now we know MK did become more like Monkey King, just like he wanted, but it's in all the wrong ways.
((Kind of a side note: We also know that Monkey King couldn't have "picked the wrong successor", because there honestly wasn't another option for a successor to begin with. MK grappling with like, 3 levels of Wukong lies is what makes s2 so delicious to watch))
And then we have 2x06, and THEN 2x07, and I'm sure that's exactly why Macaque stepped in! He saw MK going down the same path Wukong did. The drive to become stronger, pushing his friends away—Macaque in Shadow Play knows exactly what he's talking about:
Macaque: "Well, with ol' Monkey King not around I thought someone should teach you a lesson! Ah MK, you really are dense, aren’t you. Haha, you saw a story about a hero who got handed everything, who didn’t have to work for anything, and you thought you were the other guy? The second the hero got real power, he couldn’t care less about his friends. That’s you bud." (2x07 Shadow Play)
("Everything I did was for us!" "You did it for yourself!" *head in my hands .png*)
Wukong leaves. That's what he does, and that's what he did to MK in both Revenge of the Spider Queen (leaving MK to fight Spider Queen and her mech alone) and 2x01.
And honestly, MK in s2 is simply doing his best to pick up the pieces, to be Monkie Kid alone, without SWK or even his friends. But it doesn't really work—hiding LBD's return from his friends didn't save them in 2x10, and it didn't stop the Lady Bone Demon, just like Wukong hiding LBD's return from MK didn't protect MK from any of it.
This pattern, of walking in Wukong's footsteps and making the same mistakes, keeps repeating itself.
MK's 2x08 parallel to Wukong in 3x10 is another good example of that.
MK's terrifying of hurting the people he cares about, so he leaves. He runs off, and this only hurts his friends further. ("Can't you see you're hurting the people who care about you the most?" and "I can’t risk hurting the people I care about—the one’s I have left.".)
And so, tying this all back to the s4 special, we're starting to see MK take 2 steps forward again:
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MK: "You ever wish things will just stay like this, like they are right now?" Sun Wukong: "Pssshhkk, where's the fun in that?" Tang: "Uh um, Monkey King, we need to have a serious conversation about your idea of fun."
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Mei: "At least we fixed something for a change, instead of destroying it!" MK: "Yeah! So long as we leave the world in better shape than we found it, then it's all good right?"
(4x14 Better Than We Found It)
And I'm waiting for the eventual 4 steps back.
Because well..."At least we fixed something for a change, instead of destroying it"...it's not that they didn't fix anything, but plenty was broken:
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Flower fruit mountain was destroyed. Azure died. Whoever orchestrated all of this is still out there.
So, MK's current answer to "doing what you think is right" leading "to pain" might just not hold up. Because well, MK can try, that's for sure, but all that effort might still not make it a net positive, you know?
I think MK will blame himself for Azure's death, for SURE tough. He might have residual guilt about Spider Queen and everyone else harmed along the way, but Azure is the one I'm certain on. MK feeling like he's a "murder adjacent" and that compounding with the "Wukong Murdered Macaque" reveal and being "just like Wukong"...OH BABY. IT'S ALL COMING TOGETHER.
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MK: "I just- I just want to be me. To be MK!" Curse MK: "Yeah well...we all know exactly where that leads." LBD Voice Over: "To pain."
(4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
Identity and destiny are very much intertwined in this show, and MK doing what he thinks is right and being himself leads to pain. That's exactly what happened to Azure—he took the Jade Emperor's throne to try and make the world a better place, but all he managed to do was barely fix what he himself had broken.
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MK: "Yeah well...I'm kinda always the one getting the world in trouble to begin with so..."
(4x01 Familiar Tales)
All it's going to take is one antagonist speech towards MK that hits a little too close to home, and everything else is going to come crashing down.
I am very much getting geared up for my s5 lego tragedy, thank you very much!
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