#he can’t get enough of me hashtag REAL
mcondance · 1 year
sitting on hobie's dick in a pretty skirt infront of his friends they dont see cus of the skirt
you two bet 200 on who cracks first
it’s gon be hobie 💯💯
14 notes · View notes
vaguely-concerned · 7 months
Evil Campaign/Zeblue Thoughts Extravaganza
This is a merry mishmash mess of reactions, transcriptions of some important scenes from the podcast, notes for my fics, and general happily unhinged ramblings about the Campaign: Star Wars Evil Campaign! Don't... don't look at the wordcount please
- blue definitely for sure would be dead a thousand times over if it weren't for zero but I also wish to point out that when blue was out for one night zero lost two arms and almost got annihilated by force lightning. blue is zero's emotional support little bitch boy and clearly his functioning without him goes down catastrophically
- blue's little holo-screen saver zero that goes 'I love you!' when it goes away and the fact that by the finale he's added a little holo-screen saver blue to keep him company, I'm just -- aaaaaah
between that and how earnestly giddy and glowing blue gets about how cool synox is as soon as he knows that synox can't hear him... zero I kind of get it. you're still bonkers for it of course but I do see where you're coming from I sort of want to stop him from getting thrown off any more roofs too even though he provably deserves it. No one who makes a little chibi Zero holo who says ‘I love you!’ when he’s just like bored is completely rotten all the way through, I agree with Zero there’s something in there that’s worth it 
- can u believe that zero's first real appearance is leenik barely scratching his chest as if with a fingernail and then he just. chops leenik's hand clean off in one turn and moves on with his life. and he gives a shrug emoji about all the grievous bodily harm he's caused when blue tells him to stand down. He bombards blue’s inbox with cat memes. In his spare time he’s a DJ. He can crunch a man’s rib cage like a soda can with barely a flick of his wrist. He knows the tango. the perfect marriage of terrifying murdermachine and goofball
- "Zero, talk some sense into me or him" hfjdksafhsakjd obviously hilarious in itself but also... damn blue trusts zero SO MUCH
- Just me gathering some info together in one place: Zero bleeds blue, and whatever happened to him before he got his cybernetics was extensive enough that it left him on life support, so he originally turned this amount of cyborg more out of necessity than anything it sounds like. (From what they say about gank culture he probably had some modifications before that too, since Tubaik is notable for being the one person we know going ‘nah bro miss me with that shit’ completely.) He says something like ‘have you ever had to regrow a face?’ to Aava, and when there’s the whole ‘just because you can’t tell that she’s armed doesn’t necessarily mean she isn’t’ thing with the possessed Force lady he says something like ‘lost a limb last time I made an assumption like that’. He’s clearly got some Issues around it — warns Aava that ‘it isn’t pretty back there’ when she asks to see his face behind the helmet, the dark side mind reading pulls out ‘there’s no power that you possess with your broken body that could ever hope to save him’ from him. He’s 53% cybernetics, making him just barely more machine than man haha. His legs are at least partially cybernetic — he has them glutes and thighs Synox is checking out. Someone says something about an exoskeleton at one point, but I’m not sure how seriously we’re meant to take that, it might have been a joke. His first appearance in Campaign proper really emphasizes that he has one cybernetic eye, but it doesn’t really come up again once the character solidifies so *shrug* I suppose he might still have that going on behind the helmet screen. He has a math chip in his head and he regrets installing it because he hates math. I love him very much
At this point I’ve stopped trying to get actual Star Wars canon ganks to make sense and declared that as far as I’m concerned hashtag Kanan gank facts reign supreme. As such: Kat agrees on calling Tubaik ‘a fox-dog sort of person’ (and jesting comparisons are drawn to various Starfox characters lol). A little under six feet tall (most wolf/cat/dog species are GIANT, for no reason [transcriber’s note: it’s for the sake of blue and the furries]). Rangy, with a short muzzle. I think Zero is probably even a bit taller than Tubaik, since Blue is actually pretty tall and Zero is noticeably taller than him again, from the Vibes.  
In short: Edge of the Empire ganks look cool as fuck in an edgy teenage guilty pleasure character design kind of way, canon Star Wars ganks look like absolute bow-legged dorks
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- blue instinctively calling out for zero first thing after coming around from being stunned and zero reflexively asking blue if he's alright before being like 'wait wait why am I asking you that when the solarium's open to space and you’ve been standing here the whole time go help synox' fhsdfa
- (blue re: the story behind synox' butt tattoo lol) "Details? and will this story not make me cry, like the last one?" lmao oh that's... so cute to me somehow. Gather round for war story time with good old Uncle Synox (17) on the Bluebird. 
- Hilarious that Blue and Aava are both like ‘hell, Synox, don’t be so down on yourself, you’re a catch!’ and Zero takes a hard stance of ‘he’s mid at best honestly sry :I’ fhdskjfa. Guess Zero goes more for twinks 
- I am building out a lot of dramatic backstory for Zero in this that isn’t even hinted at anywhere in the original text, but I do think I’m backed up by the self-evident truth that anyone who’d fall in love with Blue already must have something deeply wrong with them 
- Blue’s momentary sincere tired incredulity that Corvanus (Corvanas? Who knows) is trying to tell him they’re just buying food and medicine on Metalorn is so funny to me fhsjdfhas. Also the fact that he is SO ready to double-cross everyone immediately. Like no doubt in my mind that he would have fucked over corvanus too as soon as it became the least bit convenient to him, but he really does go and collude with a rebel in his very first arc because some guy kind of annoyed him and it might serve his interests. He’s been a minister for like. A month and a half at this point. Stunning. Splendid. No notes. He’s got the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair and it fills me with wonder and affection in equal measure. 
- added bonus and new entry into the Blue Hypocrisy Hour gameshow: zero calls blue ‘kid’ not half an hour before they meet with the condescending rival minister and blue doesn’t even react. He really said ‘zero’s got roasting rights over me and you do not. The punishment is death btw make peace with whatever god you think will stoop to taking you in’ 
- The way Tyler makes Zero’s voice slightly higher and softer when he’s out of the helmet… emotional terrorism specifically directed upon me and my person
-“Where’s Blue? Is Blue okay?”
- man I love aava. What an interesting character. Like the very idea of anyone taking Tamlin away from the Mynock crew makes my heart shatter into a thousand pieces but it is easy to see where she’s coming from. 
- Blue twirls his hair around his finger when he gets bashful and Zero knows that………… omg
Also another testament to Blue’s ultimate character I think: he sends himself fake fanmail (lmao) superficially to praise himself and his work, but actually to ask Zero for reassurance that they’ll be together to the end and to tell him how important he is to him in just… the most bafflingly roundabout elaborate non-committal way fhdsja. Like yeah he is a raving egomaniac but under that is always ‘...but do you like. Like me?? We’re friends right???’. He doesn’t deserve it but I do kind of feel for him. imagine facing the mortifying ordeal and indignity of being twenty years old and the most pathetic person alive. Shudder. Glad that’s over with at least 
- Say what you want about Blue but truly he is not a coward. He doesn’t even scream when Tryst shoots out his kneecap and in fact does not back it down with the attitude at all afterwards. Fhdskjafs he asks Tryst to carry him and makes him! (like yeah yeah we already know you’re gay blue). Literally too insufferable to be cowed. Isn’t the capacity of the human spirit spiked with caf and megalomania beautiful
- Commander Synox and the happy private world of ‘Pincer Maneuver :)’. I love him so incredibly much
- I want you to know that my insanity levels have reached the point that I’ve trawled fucking twitter for content. I’ve been using the search function on twitter. Yes I am desperate. Yes half of the posts are gone even aside from the awful format twitter already imposes. I have spent hours in the Musky muck for a scattered few nuggets of gold and it has been worth it but STILL entering a small fandom years later is a special kind of hell and I would not wish it on my worst enemy (this was written before musk went ahead and crashed the whole thing definitively into the iceberg early in June 2023 lmao. My point still stands tho. The things you do for love)
- Zero describing working directly for the empire as ‘ew, gross’ is so funny lmao. Okay buddy you keep desperately repressing your own complicity I understand why  
- “Master? Thaaaat’s — I gotta tell you, that… Friend? Employer? Confidante? Drinking buddy? He’s, he’s a good guy. Uh…”
<3 &lt;3 <3 also the way he immediately tries to walk it back with ‘it’s mostly professional istg’ and then by the end of the arc (so literal hours later) he gives it up as a bad job and just. Is so sweet and gay about it while aava is right there and can see it. The zero in agent zero stands for ‘no (0) chill whatsoever’. (also ‘confidante’ along with some of the dialogue they have when they’re alone in a scene implies some very sweet things about their relationship to me and I’m glad Zero has found this in his life even tho it does also mean being inextricably connected to one of the most exasperating people in the galaxy lol)   
- Agent ‘yes he is incredibly annoying yes I would kill, die and live for him hope that helps’ Zero and Aava ‘it really doesn’t but good for you honey’ Arek; Ultimate Bros. They really became best bros after hanging out for one (admittedly mutually harrowing) day huh
- The fact that Blue and Zero coordinate their outfits and vehicles, including Zero’s arm… 
- does zero eat ice cream through a straw. He must, right. These are the important questions. Hopefully he and blue figure their shit out asap so he can have his helmet off comfortably and experience eating ice cream with a spoon again at least in a private setting b/c that is Sad to me somehow
- “You just asked me to go to the gala with you, with documents that I forged, to show up another minister! What could possibly be more romantic than that?” and “I need a trophy husband!!” (Aava: “*genuinely bewildered* and why does that equate to a dress in your mind???”) *sniffle* I’m so used to giving and now I get to receive —
The fact that Blue apparently had that dress made to Zero’s measurements before he knew about the gala too is very… Blue Blue we need to talk, explain the strange workings of your mind here please some of the implications across this whole arc — mind boggling, flabberghasting, deranged in the most delightful way there is something so deeply wrong with this man (affectionate despite myself)
- there’s nothing that makes me clutch my face and weep like contemplating all the ways Synox and Bacta are actually very similar. And yet. And still. And here we are and these are the things we’ve done to each other brother. It’s such an interesting way to show off character, having two people with so many shared basic instincts (they are the nature’s Team Dad wet blankets (affectionate) of their respective crews lol) who make such different moral choices about it and end up in such different situations.
- “Love’s a bind. Feelings. Bind” fhdsakj oh zero. Also why did you think having a poetry book about this just casually on you would be less incriminating 
- I have a big place in my heart for Aava/Synox. Knowledge of exact placement of buttcheek tattoo? Canonical fake dating backstory to work with? Aava will call him things like ‘babe’ and Mr. Synox ‘that’s not regulation ma’am’ doesn’t even lift an eyebrow? yes good excellent wonderful (tbh I also quite like tryst/aava and synox/that one art thief nemesis from the dear bluebird letter — campaign star wars is one of the extremely rare pieces of media where I’m mostly a multishipper. It’s only blue and zero who have got such a weird intense obsessive thing going on with each other that I can’t really see (or wish it upon lol) anyone else getting in on it on that level, other than that all combinations are pretty plausible to me and I can see this sea of queer disasterness freely intermingling haha. Thank u campaign for letting me taste the peace and equanimity it is to be a multishipper, I’m normally out there putting all my eggs in one emotion basket like a damn fool) 
- It’s so funny that Zero just lets Blue decide the colours his arms come in. Big ‘happily letting his partner buy his underwear for him kinda man’ energy despite how stylish he is otherwise
- Synox may be the character that makes me laugh the most in all of Campaign. There’s just something about his dry nasal little straight man voice saying something awful that tickles me so very much. I love him utterly you all just don’t know him like I do listen — 
- Synox: “I will say — I really admire the cybernetic thighs and, uh, and glutes that Zero — 
Blue, vehemently agreeing just a little too quickly to not have given this A Lot of thought himself: “Sturdy.”
Synox: “-- that Zero has, yeah.”
Blue: “Sturdy.”
Zero: “Powerhouse.” 
Synox: “Very firm and sturdy, able to withstand any sort of rocking on the ground or anything like that… Sometimes, in the heat of battle, I find myself admiring just how well those machines function.” 
Zero: “...wait, are you checking me out in battle? I mean, that’s fine, but —”
Synox: “Just to make sure —”
Blue, darkly in the background: “No, he isn’t.” 
Synox: “ — make sure your firm is standing… is standing tall and proper.”
Zero: “Why are you sweating so much?”  
Synox, strangled: “Is it hot in here? Is it?” 
Blue: “I’m only gonna say this once. Synox, back off.”  
What a way to send the Evil Campaign off honestly
- Blue casually saying it took like 15 to 20 minutes for him to decide he wanted Zero around for life I’m just — Blue will literally say the most insanely sweet and romantic things solely and only when he’s not aware he’s doing it huh
- for someone whose blorbo love language is fondly dragging them I haven’t made fun of zero nearly enough in this but like… remember when his main objection to blue’s (patently insane) ‘we need to get a kid to pretend to be a perfect nuclear family for the cameras’ idea was ‘yeah I’ve got like nineteen hours to work with here blue I can’t make that happen for you’. That was where he decided the problem was with this. OK simp king
- Zero’s real and deep love for Blue truly comes out in the fact that after all these years he still insists on trying to teach him self defense on a regular basis. The boy’s a twig zero he’s more of a danger to himself than to anyone else and I refuse to believe he could even make it through a pushup. And yet I understand why you must at least try  
- Blue going ballistic at the dude on Metalorn for calling him a kid while being like ‘well you know what difference of opinion here but fair enough I can respect that!’ at Synox aCTUALLY POINTING A FUCKING BLASTER AT HIM AND FIRING TWICE… blue I love you you are strange and unhinged and your priorities are rancid
- Credit where it’s due: Blue’s plan for taking over Phindar for the Empire is actually kind of clever; I wonder if that was something he’d planned for a while or if he came up with that one basically from the hospital bed? He has apparently been going to BHIKKE with Zero for years (even if he does nothing but complain the whole time, predictably, lol and Zero referring to him as ‘his date’ awww) so I can see how the idea could have been percolating in the back of his mind. Either way it’s not a lot of recovery time between the whole getting thrown off a roof thing and the broadcast he does. You get to see so many of his foibles and neuroses in the Evil campaign that it’s easy to forget he actually like. Succeeds at stuff quite frequently too lol Zero has such faith in him for a reason I guess. Did he reach his position by being insane??? (I mean yeah that too. Also Tarkin apparently just collects younger evil gays he’s going to throw in the trash and steal all the accomplishments of once it becomes convenient so that probably did something here. A Krennick is a coincidence, a Krennick and Blue is a pattern)  
- Blue: “I’m not concerned with that position. What I am concerned about is personal goals. And that is something I have in spades. I don’t know what your personal goals are, Aava; that’s why I can’t connect with you. But I have goals, I have aspirations, I have things that I want to complete, and when I complete these things, it makes me whole.”
Aava: “And they don’t have to do with getting any sort of recognition from the Empire?” 
Blue: [sounding faintly puzzled to be asked] “No.” 
This is where my brainrot truly set in I think. ‘When I complete these things, it makes me whole’ and suddenly you understand so much more of what the fuck he’s doing and why it’s never going to work and I’m just — SCREAMING. You fool. You poor stupid idiot. For Zero’s sake if nothing else I wish you a very get well soon and get your priorities in order (tbf the dice stepped up on this one later in the arc I think there’s reason to hope)  
-  Raxus:“I can feel you. You are clever to have gotten this far. But I can feel your fear. Fear of death. But not yours — how noble. You fear the death of another.”
Zero: “I’m not — you’re not in my head.” 
R: “The one you care for… you’re a very nurturing creature. You create these attachments very easily. Looking for a smaller, weaker thing to be the strong arm for.” 
Z: “Get out of my head.”
R: “YES! Anger! Yes! That is what I want. Yes, your anger and your fear — hmm, it slakes the hunger of the Fanged God.” 
Z: “You don’t know — you don’t know what you’re talking about, you don’t know me.” 
R: “I know everything that I need to know about you. I have tasted the blood of the warrior you are many times before. So often do your feelings drive you to victory… but you face the Fanged God now. You’ll be a worthy sacrifice. And after our battle, I will find him, and I will strike him down. Know this: his death is fated. The Fanged God will taste his blood, and there’s no power that you possess with your broken body that could ever hope to save him.”
New ping to Aava: “Zero: Kriff. (transcriber’s note: lol) She sees me. Or she… feels me.”
+ (about Aava trying to save the possessed lady with a ritual instead of killing her) Zero: “We have two different objectives. She threatened Blue!”
So fucking sexy across the whole spectrum tbh. Emotionally dramatically psychologically sexually interpersonally narratively, this fucks. Zero is the ultimate service top and I support him so much. He’s A Very Nurturing Creature and he found this pathetic ginger trash racoon baby in a dumpster doing the knife cat meme; he never stood a chance. Also so kinky fhsadkfhsa he. Enjoys being wielded, does he. Goodness. 
Aava saving Raxus from Zero’s righteous wrath only to have Synox swing in and shoot her dead right after is PEAK comedy and I’m so happy about it
- Aava and Zero teaming up to come up with brand new silly nicknames for Synox casually through a conversation is so blessed. Aava comes out with ‘Syclone’ at one point fhkdjfhask. Syguy. Syclopse, even.
- Transcript of The scene after the gala:
As Aava and Zero are having this conversation directly in front of Blue, Blue’s head just sorta sinks down again. And his whole body sinks down — he just drops to the ground, sits on his ass, puts his back to the bannister that’s behind him. Throws his cane off to the side. 
B:“It’s been a mess of a night. It’s been a mess of a life. I — I came from, what some would say a lot, what some would say was very little, to, to make a name, and I’ve — I’ve made a name, I have made a name that I thought matters. But every time I come to one of these events, I’m the butt of the joke. I’m the butt of the joke before I get here, I’m the butt of the joke while I’m here, I’m the butt of the joke to my face; my friends who came with me — I’m the butt of the joke right in front of them. Right now… how am I supposed to function in that type of environment? How can any person deal with that level of stress? The only thing I am is what a success I am, and I am not actually a success. I’ve convinced one person in the entire Empire to give me a shot, and that was Grand Moff Tarkin; I have done one thing successful in my entire career, and — I sit in a room with people laughing at me. 
Zero, you wanna go home? Go home. I pay for a bodyguard, not because I need a bodyguard, I pay for a bodyguard so you’ll be here. Aava?”
A: “Mhmm?”
B: “You’re an evil, evil space witch.”
A: “Morality is real relative, Blue. I take exception to ‘evil’, and I wish you wouldn’t use it.” 
B: “And you have very annoying beliefs on philosophy. But you are one of the few people I trust in a deadly situation, and that’s why I asked you to be here.”
A: “...at a gala?”
B: “Does it get any more deadly?” 
A: [crestfallen] “YES! Blue… yes.” She sinks down on her knees next to him. “These things aren’t that scary.”
B: “You can handle these things.” 
A: “Yeah.”
B: “I — listen. I know you see me as a rock.” 
Z: [Flatly & immediately] “No. No one sees you like that. You’re like…”
B: [:’( ] “Really?”
Z: “Yeah. You’re like… at best you’re wet sand. Like, you’re able to take a lot of different shapes, but —”
B: [interspersed]  “These — these are the insults to — to my name and — I — very hurtful—”
Z: “ — but at any kind of, like, opposition — a water current, even a little bit of rain, and you start crumbling apart.”
A: “There’s a difference —”
B: “Knives to my heart right now.”
A: “ — a difference between an insult and an observation.”
Z: “Yeah…”
B: “Uh, I’m not, I’m not seeing the difference between the two in this particular instance.”
Z: “No, keep going, keep going, I feel like we got a bit, side tracked you with…”
B: “Yeah, you did, okay, where were we — you all see me as a rock.”
Z: “Nah. I gotta say — again… no, we should — ”
A: “You’re very shaky. As an individual.”
Z: “Yeah. Mhm.”
A: “Both physically and mentally.”
Z: “It’s real easy to get under your skin, and I feel like — like once, you do it one time and the whole week is ruined, and…”
B: “I’m a sensitive guy, that’s what I’m trying to tell you.” 
Z: “Okay, okay, yeah — continue. Just, not a rock, but, uh, continue. [muttering all in one breath] Okay go ahead.” 
B: “You all see me as a rock. But I’m actually a sensitive guy. Every now and then you can see glimpses through, to the true Blue. And I’m a little blue, sometimes. Events like this, I thought this would be — this would be my time. Could show up someone, could be Blue, I wouldn’t be…the guy being laughed at, wouldn’t be the kid. That’s what they call me in that room, you know it.”
A: [softly] “You’re pretty young.”
Z: [also more softly] “Yeah, man.”    
B: “I don’t like being called a kid. I don’t like being treated like a kid. I don’t like being treated like the person who doesn’t belong in that room. Zero, did anyone think you didn’t belong in that room? Aava, did anyone think you didn’t belong in that room?”
A: “Probably.” 
Z: “No.”
A: “You don’t know that.”
B: “I do know that!”
A: [sighs] “They also don’t believe Zero belongs there. Because, the thing is — he’s a bodyguard. And I’m an alien. And there are starting to become problems with being an alien. Are you not paying attention to what the Empire is doing, Blue?”
B: [slightly affronted] “I’m paying very close attention to what the Empire is doing. Yes, there are xenophobic people in here, but that’s not the large reach of the Empire. (tone implies a little bit of a …?)”
A: “It’s also what you are promoting. It’s what you’re creating.”
B: “Hm, you gotta do what they want you to do, to a degree.” 
A: “Right, I’m not talking about that, I’m just saying that — that’s the increasingly predominant culture.”
B: “...do you think so?”
A: “Yes.”
B: “So you don’t feel like you belong here either?”
A: “No.”
B: “Zero, do you feel like you belong here?”
Z: “Aaah, I don’t belong here, and I don’t wanna be here.”
B: “Well, the ship doesn’t get back for another four hours. And if the three of us don’t belong in that room… why don’t we order some damn drinks and have our own little party here?”
Z: “I talked to the guy at the bar, uh, he says he’s gonna be breaking out the cherry mimosas soon. Maybe get a sneak peak at that guy, and… I don’t know, maybe see if we can get access to Jakar’s cruiser and… mess up the engine?”
A: “Yes! Yes!”
B: “I’m fully on board with this.” 
A: “Yes! Yes!”
B: “Waiter! Three mimosas and the largest wrench you have!”
Ah yes here it is… ground zero for my all-encompassing insanity. Can u believe that the dramatic climax of the Evil Campaign as it ended up is just proving once and for all that Blue has a soul somewhere in there. It took a dice roll damn near close to divine intervention, but we got there. The Force is real and it ships Zeblue. 
- the fact that the pivotal moment at the end of the evil campaign is blue rolling a fucking insight check on himself. Like that check was not about aava or zero b/c they’ve spelled their side of it out Very Clearly. That was just to find out if Blue has any idea about his own bullshit. He basically just obliviously speedran processing Some Shit about internalized homophobia and compulsory heterosexuality in a frenzy and in the least graceful way imaginable and made it the problem of everyone he loves and that was the subtextual background theme, there was so much other stupid shit going on in the foreground the whole time as well. Wild. what a strange and beautiful world we live in. what a weird little dude (affectionate). Zero’s weird little dude. Also genuinely that conversation leading up to it was more stressful to me than 90% of all horror movies lol you do not need an action scene to keep me riveted you just have to offer up some prom night drama and I’m out here biting my nails. The fellow autistic ‘blue you are getting an F- in being a person something that is possible to achieve and normal to dread’ trauma response 
- Zero (RIGHTFULLY!) being so hurt and mad at Blue and still just holding his caf and giving it to him after he’s finished his own… I’m sorry 0ni it’s love and it’s terminal
- Also Zero is extremely valid for being upset about all the shit Blue pulls in that arc but there is also the element of like… some of the lack of clarity in that relationship is on Zero too for taking the easy out of claiming he’s mostly in it for the paycheck again and again. Like for god’s sake don’t let the little trash man off the hook for any of the nonsense that just went down but you have also not been communicating what you want from this, and he is actually doing his best to provide you with the stuff you have told him you want. He’s SO interpersonally stupid and you know this, you know him, he is not going to miraculously sprout the ability to intuit your deepest hopes and dreams from nothing, especially when you specifically keep deflecting away from them fjhsdkjhfa you can’t both keep playing chicken forever
They clearly have a really intense and intimate connection and seemingly have from very early on (again blue says it took him fifteen minutes to know he wanted zero around for life so like jot that down I guess wtf), but the heavy romantic and sexual undertones to their relationship (at least in any mutual or realized way) are presumably quite a recent development — Blue met and hired Zero when he was 14/15 and from the Vibes I’d say Zero is probably about a decade older (ETA: checked the wiki and campaign twitter and that does indeed seem to be right); he seems to have had a pretty storied career and a huge life-changing injury he’d cyborged himself through already. So for the first time Zero knew him, Blue was a kid, and you can absolutely see traces of that in how they interact sometimes. Not quite parental or older brother territory, but certainly a sort of nurturing caretaking thing that makes a lot of sense once you know Zero was around for Blue’s most undignified teenage years and probably is the only reason he survived them because you know he was pissing so many people off left and right haha. 
In the Metalorn arc especially we repeatedly see Blue turning to Zero for guidance more like you would from a guardian than a bodyguard or employee or even a friend. (See: the “Awww but I wanted to rampage :(“/”We’ll go out and rampage some other day, buddy, does that sound okay?” convo especially haha but that same vibe pops up in lots of places. Actually taking the advice Zero gives is another thing entirely of course.) There’s also his complete conviction in Zero’s abilities that edges on the touchingly naive — “You’re Zero!”, like more than anything that’s got an edge to it of the utter faith a small kid has that their parent can do anything, because they always fix things.
We never hear anything about Blue’s parents and he certainly seems to be completely in control of his own estate and money, so my assumption is that they’re probably dead? My personal headcanon is that he hired Zero because his parents died (read: were politically assassinated) and wanted both security and revenge, but even aside from that I think we can read from his entire *gestures vaguely* deal that there was some deeply lacking parenting going on from the beginning haha I think I said somewhere before that if any character has ever had My Parents Never Loved Me energy it’s Blue.
And then you get to the place in the timeline where the actual podcast runs, where Blue is a grown man now, and they’re much closer to actually being equals in some ways and it’s opened ahem some new doors, but also the seesaw of their dynamic haven’t quite settled into that balance yet (and has some real hurdles they need to clear re: the employer/employee aspect of it all as well, messy power balances all around here) and it’s a bit of a Struggle, which is some of the subtextual throughline I’m seeing through their whole arc. 
So while of course part of the imbalance in their relationship is that Blue is Zero’s employer, and also wields power politically in ways Zero doesn’t (and couldn’t, because of the anti-alien policies of the Empire) and also is awful in his own strange special little ways that must be pretty hard to live with lol, there’s also all this other stuff, like the age gap where Zero is older, more experienced and capable out in the world and in relationships (also more psychologically stable in general but that’s damning with faint praise I suppose), and that their relationship must have shifted in some key ways quite recently as Blue is growing into adulthood. It’s so weird and messy and interesting at the same time that it’s oddly comforting and domestic and incredibly mutually tender-hungry and I am obsessed with it. Most of my writing energy has probably gone into picking apart ‘...so why doesn’t this feel creepy’ 
- Sort of adjacent but also fascinated by how, to Zero, Blue seems to be some insane combination of ward and liege lord (as a public thing much much more so than a private one I think but no matter what it seems deeply kinky haha) and friend and boss and brother and purpose and partner and someone he’s clearly grown to desperately want to kiss in recent years despite the warning signs etc. What if you were one of the coolest guys in the galaxy and you met a terrible little nerd guy who gives your life meaning. Zero having such a drive towards being something to someone. He likes being the right hand, the sword, and what does mutuality look like here. It’s a delicious sort of equal partners/conspirators and fealty dynamic going on it’s very interesting
- Zero’s priorities are hilarious and wonderful to me honestly. Working, however indirectly, for an Empire that is, for sure, very eager to eradicate him and people like him eventually? Mild unease and distaste at worst, eh, it’s a living, in this economy what can you do, I go where he goes. Blue not paying attention to him for 24 hours? Meltdown. Personal and spiritual crisis. I cannot live or thrive under these conditions. 
- is it logistically likely that Blue has never seen Zero’s face under the helmet before? Probably not, honestly, it’s been like six to seven years and presumably he must at least have done research on Zero to have hired him in the first place. Is it thematically delicious if he hasn’t but some day soon will? Yes. And that trumps everything else lol 
- The fact that the Bluebird crew have karaoke nights and ice cream Sundays. And Synox is being so brave about it. 
- Blue going “We are in public!” to Zero. married vibes. Also the choice of calling the hired killer he employs ‘pretty’ while he’s moving him around (which Zero must be partially letting him do because he would need to tense one (1) muscle to resist all the force Blue is physically capable of extending). Many thoughts. 
- What if Blue’s family was like… nouveau riche though. What if the wealth happened in the generation of his grandparents at most and it was based in some sort of ingenious patent in agricultural engineering or whatever because they were farmers originally. Genuinely groundbreaking stuff in that field that increased agricultural yields across the galaxy (or some significant amount of biomes, at least) and everything, but hardly something to build a political career on in the Empire. Making sense of how completely disdainful Blue gets at the idea of being a farmer because Blue is nothing if not a complete hypocrite lol
This also makes some sense out of him having both seemingly unlimited funds but also a mountain-sized chip on his shoulder to me haha. He never denies that the credits sure do help kickstart a career, but at least in his mind (BIG YMMV disclaimer on the actual facts of the situation of course lol) he’s also starting from a disadvantageous situation in other ways. He says: ‘I came from what some would say was a lot, what some would say was very little, to make a name’ (implying the name has not ‘been made’ before him, despite the embarrassment of resources his family clearly has had at their disposal?). Having him be from a non-warrior clan in Mandalorian culture and/or an established family who’d fallen entirely out of relevancy until very recently is my solution but also it’s fun that as short as this campaign is there’s enough great Stuff in it to make for this amount of theorizing haha. 
ETA: so I scoured the campaign twitter back to 2016 (*gentle sobs are heard in the background*) and apparently Blue’s parents were pacifists and (from what I could read out of it) probably connected to Satine’s system/new nobility! This matches up pretty well with what I’m going for already so that’s nice
- Commander ‘Overprotective Dad’ Synox sending a whole little squad of stormtroopers for Aava and Zero after their speeder blows up…………… 
- zeblue is just… 
Zero: *sigh* I want to fuck him so bad it makes me look silly😔
Blue, heartbroken and jealous: WHO??? Who is this mystery man I must kill I mean vet before you kiss him
Aava: you do look very silly but unfortunately I am in no position to judge
- Synox sending Blue reading material about traditional Mandalorian warrior culture because it’s Their Heritage and Blue being like ‘lol. Lmao.’ and not reading a word of it is sooooo… listen their dynamic has Layers. There’s some Stuff going on here. It’s Mandalorian fuckery all the way down. Blue is Mandalorian and fits much better in the mold Satine tried to fit the culture into, but he uses that to dedicate all his time and energy to presenting Synox, who’s in that weird liminal space of Mandalorianness of all clones what with their training and origins, as a new modern soldier’s ideal for the Empire but shorn of all distinctness or cultural specificity and that’s the thing they make together for the Empire. There’s that disdain in Blue’s view of the culture he comes from, and yet he has such a good eye for the appeal of elements of it in Synox (and also a lot of stuff about the presentation of masculinity in here haha. Blue has a Fine Eye for it. Who knows why. Could be no reason at all. Who’s to say) 
Also probably not something to read into but from Synox’ comments, Blue’s music sounds notably non-Coruscanti (what it does sound like, presumably, is ‘a fucking cacophony’)  
- Zero and Blue audibly high fiving in the background when Zero gets the ‘I’d never betray you’ right on the second try fsdfjad ah Friendship
- “why do you need a bodyguard?” 
“Look at me!”
Amazing self-own from blue outta nowhere jfsjda
- gentle reminder that after talking to jacinto reth, blue spends the rest of the metalorn arc absolutely drenched in caf. He does his little sales pitch to corvanus presumably covered in duracrete dust and definitely caf. The fact that it almost kinda worked is a miracle basically I guess people are just taken aback by being talked at loudly and confidently by a dude who looks like he’s barely out of middle school 
- Zero drawling “You’re just so wildly efficient” on his and Blue’s private line is extremely… it’s very…. Several points in this first episode where you’re just like ‘HOW! HOW are they not already fucking’ lol. (To which the answer seems to be: Probably because Blue does not seem entirely clear on what sex is yet. Man the BDSM Dear Bluebird sure was a ride but it also explains so much) He’s just talking about how he’s going to get paid to watch Blue smile. Keep it in your pants Agent Zero you’re in Louphan’s office fhdsjkah
- “Zero, just — honestly. Did I act unprofessionally or rash in this situation?”
(sounding slightly defeated) “We didn’t act any differently than we normally do. It’s just that —”
Why is this so funny to me. So that really is just how they’ve been rolling through the galaxy is it. This is just how they live. 
- The immediate shift in tone between Zero and Blue once Synox leaves the room so they’re in private and Zero freely freaking out is everything to me fhdsjakfhas it’s so… domestic. Like they’re both putting up public fronts for Synox and then collapsing into unvarnished intimate back and forth chaos the moment they’re alone.
B: [giddy]: “I know, it was really badass!”
Z: [indignant] “What, are you kidding me, are you on the droid’s side??”
B: [still equally giddy] “Well, clearly I’m not!”
I think Blue just gets off on seeing Zero do cool stuff honestly lol  
- Zero, turning to Synox: “If you draw a gun on him again, you lose that hand” SO sexy. Oh to have someone who will back you unconditionally even when you are 100% for sure the problem in this situation hahaha. Oh to feel that ride or die certainty for someone. Oh to be that utterly selfish. 
- I am making But if you saw him when he isn’t putting on that front… it’s worth it. Somehow do so much work in this fic I am taking so many things on faith but also I think I am right to. Zero might be besotted but he’s also not a fool, if Blue was genuinely a nightmare to deal with interpersonally (like one on one) most of the time I don’t think he would have stuck it out this long haha. Considering that the minister posting is a relatively new development I could see all that stress exacerbating what was already a less than pleasant/stable personality at the outset
- relistening to campaign from the beginning and getting to zero’s introduction scene again is such a ride. The first time around you’re just sitting there in ‘uh-oh leenik!!!!’ dread and then the second time my reaction was ‘AW LOOK IT’S MY GOOD GOOD FRIEND AGENT ZERO :D OMG HI’ as he walks away drenched in blood fhsakjd   
His BIG SIGH at blue talking to him over comms and telling him to stand down… there’s a little bit of early appearance weirdness going on with him in the beginning (like his weird growly voice hfsjkda) but that is pitch perfect. That is spiritually correct for him.  
- Zero (breaking Aava off during a Dear Bluebird where a Sith-adjacent sort of person is asking what to do with their murderous underling): “You give ‘em something to do, keep their hands busy. But also, you gotta think about why this person is insisting to kill so many people. Is he trying to impress you? Is he going after some attention you’re otherwise not giving him? These are all things that can feed into outlashing — acting out, taking out your aggression on something else. Whether that be meaningless tasks, or the blood of another species.”
Aava: “Absolutely! It’s a master/student relationship, and if you’re not being an adequate master to this person, then to my mind they have full right to rebel.”
Zero: “They gotta get satisfied some way.” [transcriber’s note: GOTTA GET SATISFIED SOME WAY that’s how you chose to phrase it is it? I was willing to let ‘Is he trying to impress you? Is he going after some attention you’re not giving him?’ go, but ZERO!!! BUDDY!!!!!]
Blue: “...Zero, do we need to — do we need to have a conversation? You’ve flipped the last three Scrabble boards, and now, based on, on your answer — you okay? You getting everything? Do we need to do Sunday night ice cream again? What’s going on with you, buddy? Huh?”
Zero: “Sometimes, the Bluebird isn’t as big as you think. And I just kind of want to stretch out, and there’s so many training sessions going on all the time, and everyone’s stuck to such a very strict regimen, and there’s only so many places where you can get alone time, and then you installed the morning announcements, and I don’t wake up when you wake up. And you wake up before anybody ever should wake up.”
Rare Synox and Blue bonding over being the most sleepless bitches on this ship by design lol. Listen blue I’ll believe that synox is just built different but you’re going to have a heart attack before you reach thirty pls sort this out I don’t want to see zero be a widower
- Lore note: Zero does not like Scrabble fhdskjfhas. Space Scrabble, presumably. Sprabble.
- both zero and blue noticing synox getting triggered by seeing a battle droid in the metalorn arc and stopping what they’re doing to check in with him is. Kind of sweet actually
- today I found out that the guiness world record for an ensemble of stringed instruments is 1021 people playing at the same time. so I think blue was actually being admirably restrained and everyone owes him a big apology (I jest(er) of course no one should ever apologize to blue for anything)  
- B: “I think that’s something we can all agree with. Right, Aava?”
A: “Why are you looking at me?”
B: “I’m looking at you because I don’t think you support this.”
A: “Stop.”
B: [Suspicious/incredulous] “Hmm.”
A: “Look at Zero.”
B: “I’m not gonna look at Zero.” 
A: “You like looking at Zero.”
B: “I do like looking at Zero. I’m gonna glance over there, but I’m coming right back.”
Z: [ :) ] “Hi.”
B: “‘Sup. [Beat] Aava, you need to answer the question.”
A: [Innocently] “What was the question?”
B: [Clearly derailed from one quick peek Zero-ward, laughing] “I’m… not really sure.”
What a GIFT, best setup of all time followed by slam dunk no notes 
- “You just said we need a heads result, I give you a heads result!” Love, Blue style. He will rig a coin flip to let you kill someone you really wanted to kill 
- Synox going “Zero doesn’t have any rank, it wouldn’t matter if we killed him” in the background is so underestimated both in terms of hilarity and awfulness fhsdja
- Zero’s very carefully neutral statement about Blue’s fashion sense pre-jester reveal that “You are definitely the one of us wearing the most layers” fasdkjha
- I’m going to take Zero’s after-gala ‘where are they now’ segment as definitive proof he and Blue worked it out very quickly after that night. Your honor, I summon the panini metaphor for making love (notably not having sex. Making love.) from the Dear Mynock in episode 70 as evidence for my case, and now I shall rest it safe in the knowledge that at least spiritually I am Right thank you and good night. 
He made a panini. It was good :) good for him <3
- Z: “Blue and You! Write that down!” haha awww he sounds so genuinely excited! Maybe one day when their relationship could stand up to this utmost challenge they could be a musical duo (orchestral string music and edm/house would be. It would be something as a combination.) 
- Dear Bluebirds outside of Evil Campaign:
Episode 60
Episode 73 (fashion one, jester supremacy. If you haven’t seen this animatic of that one before, please give yourself a treat and do so now, it’s one of my favorite things in the whole world) 
Episode 79 (Phindar takeover)
Episode 83 (it’s the BDSM one fjsadkl)
- Basically I think what I’m trying to say is that the Bluebird crew are a group of very bad people whose sole saving grace and hope for salvation from themselves is that they love each other. And I wrote a lot of words about that and had a lot of feelings. Thank you to the Campaign podcast for getting me through 2023, I'm very grateful.
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brainrawt · 1 year
Jordayla Proposal 5x20 - my (early) thoughts
I was not prepared for the proposal to be Jordan and Layla’s! That wasn’t what I had wanted for them. Jordan had a very long teen marriage plot, in which the show made it clear the whole time that it was a bad idea, even when Jordan was up for it. Getting married at 17: bad idea, wrong, shouldn’t happen; Getting married at 19: good idea (???) What, from the characters’ perspective, not ours, is different? I’ve been thinking about this all week lol, and I’m almost there, but I actually wish the show would explicitly tell me.
Obviously what moved me was Layla’s joy! I can’t get over it. She has opened herself to Jordan completely. There is no fear, she loves and trusts him enough to do something crazy with him. Layla wants someone to stay, and this is the biggest commitment ever, he will stay quite literally until death does them apart. She was missing a family for so long, and now she has one of her own. Not only does Layla feel that it’s a good idea, she believes it! In s3, she couldn’t bear to see Jordan go along with his plans with Simone because it wasn’t his path, and she speaks up, even when she had no stakes. If she thought they couldn’t or shouldn't get married, she would’ve said no. Saying yes is just so fresh for Layla’s character and exactly what I dreamed to see. 
Jordan saying “When I'm with you, I feel like I'm home.” is everything, given his entire life was uprooted recently. He chased an identity in his father, he was always uncertain and insecure, but now he feels at home. “You know who else makes a great pair? Jordan and Layla (…) Hashtag couple goals” - Cute moment but these are real reflections! He thinks they’re compatible, they were able to help their friends. He thinks of Layla as family already, she’s Liv’s sister and Laura’s bonus baby. 
Liv described Jordan: “He’s impulsive, he does things without thinking.” Yes, he is impulsive and he has still matured greatly. I have loved Jordan’s personal arc, and I don’t think he has to lose his character traits to be ‘complete’, nor do I think he needs to be ‘complete’ to get married. I see a lot of Joey/Pacey in Jordan/Layla and there’s a quote from them that goes: “Part of his recklessness is that he’s constantly surprising me and part of his rashness is that he’s intensely passionate.” This quote has never left me and I think it suits Jordayla well. These things about them can be true and make their love great. In a way, I think his decision is commemorative of his dad, but not because it's some product of his trauma. After a tortuous, life-long journey, Jordan and Billy ended in a good place, and football wasn’t their sticking point. They bonded over Jordan’s love and happiness with Layla. Jordan was robbed of more of those conversations but he knew Billy would’ve encouraged him. “Tell Layla she has my approval”, that’s what he’s doing. Maybe his father son prophecy isn’t to be a NFL QB, maybe it’s to embrace the love of his life. 
Jordan and Layla honestly do give me the vibes of a couple that would get married young. I have nothing against young marriage. I love young love in all its sweet, endearing, naive, full force, unprecedented glory. I just can’t stand when its young people trying to be grown ups lol. But in the proposal, Jordan and Layla seem so young and I LOVE it. From Layla's pigtails to the way they’re not super dressed up. They’re not at a bar or a record label event. How giddy they both are, Layla is giggling and gasping the entire time, and Jordan is just bustling around nervously. She lights up at the pretty ring and is excited to put it on, and they can’t get their hands off each other. Beyond obsessed at how he hugs her first, again so sweet and youthful, and a reminder that they are best friends! It’s like he wanted to share his joy with his best friend before he wanted to kiss his fiance, you know?! In general, they are very much a young couple in the way they flirt, get each other flustered, gossip, fight and make up, talk about each other to their friends, giggle and say hi. It's adorable and refreshing to the show, and the scene captured it well. I find the unbridled youngness of their love SO romantic and I like that the writers embraced it. I like that Jordan isn't pretending to be sensible, and I find it hilarious that he splurged on a ring and wanted to assure her before she answered that she deserved a fancy proposal with fireworks. Come on she’s a Material Gworl - they both are. And adorably well-suited, given that Layla is also a Wedding Girl! She knew what wedding dress she wanted like 10 years ago, and Jordan is absolutely a Groomzilla. Good for them, they enjoy weddings and they can have a great one together. It’s not something dutiful, it's not something otherly, it's something great and all theirs!
In developing their relationship, they’ve barrelled through it all. They could not love each other or want to be together, more. People say they haven’t been tested – just because you pass a test it doesn't mean you weren’t tested. Jordayla’s challenges have not been typical either, no break ups or other love interests etc, so it's cool that the next step for them is them figuring out marriage. It's not that they're going to just get whisked away this second and pop out babies. 
They have so much love to share. I love that throughout the hardship of Billy’s death, their love brought some love and light to their friends and family. Their relationship was the only thing that made Olivia smile, their coming out dinner allowed everyone to joke around and be happy for them. They were the light in those dark times. They have so much more love to give each other and everyone else! Asher said at his first wedding (lol) that Jordan was the glue for their friendship, I still believe this and putting this wedding at the centre of their vortex is good for everyone I think.
I enjoyed how it played out on-screen, your suspicions grew throughout the episode and yet none of us actually knew it was Jordan. So fun! I love how the scene cuts from Jaymee saying “...then who was the ring for?” to Jordan proposing. The immediate buzz from seeing them, and such an intimate moment, it was just gorg. It reminded me of 5x04 when their “I’m glad we slowed things down” scene cuts to them in bed. I know some people would’ve liked to see these events unfold but to me the gag of it all is just too good. The first watch experience is too perfect. They have other great slow rewatchable scenes like 5x03, 5x14 etc so there’s a great balance and I wouldn’t trade any of them. 
From a story perspective, I am excited about the potential of this. I think it will speed up our timeline. If we’re fazing out the adult stories now, I’d much rather see this! Definitely want to see all the character-focused stories, their bachelor(ette) parties, in-law scenes, all sorts of things. I’m excited to hear Layla’s voice re: their relationship. We did once in the Homecoming scene telling Simone that Jordan stayed, I want more!
The whole engagement is so unexpected and exciting that it gives me butterflies. I have no choice but to get on board because how is it that this same ship still gives me butterflies?! I felt this way in their “What are we?” era at the end of last season and yet again now in their engaged era. I don’t know how this will play out, but if it was up to me, they wouldn’t get married until late in the season, especially given that there’s likely more seasons to come. I want seeing them up there, having made it from the proposal to the altar, to feel suuuper earned. I hope they stay this fresh and exciting. I do get bored when ships get too far into being the “parent couple” so I hope I don’t live to see that day with my beloved Jordayla. I know the proposal is for a reason, the writers have a vision. By showing them at better and worse (5x11 onwards), in sickness and health (5x18), the build up was stunning and this couple has never failed me before.
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eldritchsun · 10 months
I found my Realm Of the Elderlings opinions in my diary and I still stand by them almost 5 years later
first entry and it's already terminal :
aug 30 2018
OHHHHH my god fitzchivalry YOU ARE THE REAL FOOL
i am so fucking done with this ABSOLUTE dumbass i can’t deal. the farseer books got me fucked up. he is SO stupid sometimes!! [ranting in french] fitz you are so self absorbed!!!! you really are just furious because u love the bastard. i swear to god fitzchivalry, just square the fuck up i’m teleporting to les six duchets just to shake you a lil
sep 26 2018
My ass is losing it reading The Liveship Traders!!!
Altheaaaaaa!! Mrs Hobb I BEG you!! We’ve suffered enough with One Dumbass Teenager! Fitzchilvary growing up is enough Pure Dumbassery-driven decision making for the next ten years of my life, and that’s from someone who’s still running on dumbassery themselves!!
The worst of it is... rn I’m like Althea... hoe plz... stop... but I can feel it. This is how Fitz got me... is this a stupid teenager with Big Problems who’s gonna grow through and despite them? What is this within my heart?
And Robin Hobb bursts through my door, my beating heart in her hands, slams it on the table and bellows “ITS THE SEEDS OF LOVE”
oct 19 2018
Kennit “[wintro's french name] is beautiful” Pirate King
Hobbs recurring gay themes r so ??? To me but at the same time bring me so much joy lol
Canon nonbinary Annoyance Fool “in love with Fitzchilvary” Prophet
Althea “drag king” Vestrit and lesbian/bi girl solidarity friendship with amber.
Malta “Homophobic Queen” Havre.
And now, absolute legend kennit “surcoure do you love me” pirate king. I know one gay couple is actually endgame over the course of Hobbs books [ndlr i don't remember wtf i was talking about] and I’m thinking it might be this one. I mean, it’s not great hashtag representation but it’s great story telling!
Sweet monk Wintrow with dumbass pirate kennit? Who’s completely and irrevocably in love and admiration for him?
This idiot of a kennit is literally constantly like [french ranting about kennit etta hate and wintrow love]
Lol kennit mate come out
however the next entry doesn't make much sense but features the sentences "kennit thinks he’s so smart!! Fuck you, half a pirate!!!" (the title of the entry (oct 26 2018) is "kennit bitchass of the century" so clearly he fell out of favour)
nov 26 2018
Literally in ROTE if I was there for one of Ambers prophecies I would legit be like... ok sis... wig?
nov 30 2018
Checked the notes on that women writers rec list and several other people already wrote “this is Robin Hobb erasure” in those exact words :’)
So in honour of this hivemind I must say : I am having the time of my life with the Liveship Traders, excites rant with (huge) spoilers ahead :
I am at that point where Kennit is about to get absolutely WRECKED and I swear to god it feels so satisfying. The character arc and development for every single character in these books is pure mastery. In the case of Kennit you really go from “what a despicable man he really just has luck on his side” to “well I guess even if he did good accidentally he still did good... I almost love this Awful Imbecile” and finish straight into “OH!! NEVERMIND he really was a despicable man the whole time!!!”, a pit of disgust right on time where the whole story is setting up to absolutely destroy him. Kennit is a great example of how “does the right thing for the wrong reasons” is not equivalent in terms of ethics as “does the right thing for the right reasons”. But to quote a great thinker “they really had us in that first half I’m not gonna lie!”
What I really like in these books is that the centristTM opinions of certain main characters are not automatically & heavily presented as the right ones. I am still cackling at Hiémain’s “but they didn’t deserve to die!!” bullshit not being put on a pedestal. Ms Hobb did that! Her mind! Also the Vestrit family not being given an (entirely, let’s be real) free pass for not standing up to Kyle and letting Vivacia happen. The main characters, the actual heroes try to pass off responsibility for bad things and in most media it’s like “but they didn’t directly kill someone with their own hands so aren’t they kinda innocent?”
and then it skips to a single entry line (dec 3 2018) "reyn khuprus is a massive idiot" :')
dec 12 2018
Fitz I missed u so much
I have not seen this boy for 9 books and this hoe is worried abt being ugly, please never change boo
dec 14 2018
Fitz and the fool interacting is genuinely maddening I’m just walking along like KISS! KISS! KISS!
Fitz you are an immense idiot and the smartest one of the bunch is the goddamn wolf.
Jan 8 2019
Ohhhh my goodness gracious
I have gone full baby on Dutiful, he is the sweetest most cute drama teen since Fitzchivalry himself. I love him with the force of an exploding sun. His interactions with every other character are both precious and absolutely hilarious. He’s got a great mini-me vibe going on with Fitz, wrapped in Hobbs usual delicious irony.
Also poor Dutiful so lonely and starving for warmth, human attention!! The bit where Fitz is like all them hoes been begging me for this for MONTHS but I just can’t say no to those baby blues. I was like congrats Dutiful you just got a dad! Free dad with your meal!
And the Fool interaction like Dutiful you lucky boy you! You went from zero dads to TWO! It’s buy one get one free.
This dad was kinda mean so I had to get another one to counter balance it.
Jan 15 2019
Fitzchilvary « Homophobia » Farseer
Fitz!!!!!!!! Fitz!!!!!!!! Robin Hobb I swear to god you better gay these boys up or i will see you in court
the latest entry is apparently post "the golden fool"
Jan 29 2019
I am absolutely losing it! hand to mouth hand to mouth !!! Fitz called him BELOVED!!!!!! YAS MF QUEEN! Icon! legend!
and if i remember rightly (which i don't, it was five years ago, i don't remember anything) i got real upset at queerbaiting and stopped reading. i like googled "are they actually gay" the answer came back hashtag no and i stopped reading out of disgust :/
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hummingbird-games · 2 years
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this review/gameplay account contains spoilers for An Everyday Love (Ezra’s route) so here’s your first and last chance to run along *shoos you*
Words?? Maybe??
Heart reactions (ramblings): I knew I was going to love this game. I KNEW I Was Going To Fall In Love With Ezra (again). I knew that in the deepest and darkest spaces inside me, this story would resonate. The cozy and cute art style. The grounded, though tough struggles of our main character. The humor and witty parts that made me crack up. Our deep and loving friendship with Amara. The moments that made me look into my imaginary camera in my dining room alone at dark-thirty, eyes wide and incredulous, trying not to disturb my sleeping family, sometimes crying but mostly smiling and so, so, so happy to have made it to play this game.
This game was made with love and care, and you can tell. You can feel it. And all the side characters that appear on Ezra's route were either a joy or a pain lol but welcomed in my gaming experience just the same. (GRACE AND STEPH I LOVE Y'ALL!!!) 
Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh, and yeah this game was sweet as hell, but I am an adult and I do like to partake in adult things from time to time and what I'm trying to communicate here is that I was there for the sexy scenes....lemme repeat that...I was there for the sex!!! (Love this for all of y'all reading this oh my God 😭😂) Nah but really, the heat + the sweet were present and accounted for and I’m a happy camper LOL!
And the fairytale portion of the story? Cue the sound of my heart breaking because it was so well done. Probably where I shed the most tears, and I was doing so well keeping it together so I could read the words on my screen without obstruction!!
Brain tings (aka the 'review' portion): In recent memory, and by that I mean in the three-ish years I've been actively playing visual novels, I can't name another game that delves into chronic illness and disability centering the main character that’s also in the slice of life romance genre. It's not an experience I can claim, but it is one I have empathy for and believe that reading/seeking out representation of others' experiences is the only way we're gonna get through this life in one piece doing the least amount of harm. 
 And as someone who deals with from mental illness and will have to deal with it for the rest of her life, it's comforting to be reminded that stories don't have to show this borderline (sometimes over the fence) toxic positivity of dealing with those struggles. Sometimes you feel like shit. Sometimes you push people away. Sometimes you take chances on people and they burn you with the intention to hurt. But sometimes you take chances and they pay off. But you gotta keep going, and if I take anything away from this game, it's that message: Keep. Going.
Retrospective thoughts: I wrote this category out thinking I'd have another concise paragraph in me, but that was a lie. The main thing I wanted to get out was that as someone who discovered she falls on the demisexual/demiromantic spectrum, I've made it my annoying second job to sniff it out in the media I consume. (Spare crumbs?????)  And I have a Hunch about a Mr. Ezra Hale. (I related to him more than was healthy is all I want to admit zkfjdhjdhgfjg)
...ahem, lemme just *places another hashtag* 
#SoftBlackMen 😏✌🏽💞
I don't care, I win. I win at life. Otome men have ruined me again for the real thing and I don't care. Am I a little crushed Ezra isn't real? ... NEXT QUESTION!
Another thing, I usually avoid bad endings like the plague (I've got enough bad endings in real life, like wayament 😭✋🏽) so I was lowkey hoping I'd get Ezra's bad ending on accident so I wouldn't have to do it on purpose (#noguidegang) but then I would have made it everyone's problem. 
So. Someone was looking out for y'all LOL. But this is a game I will actively replay, so I will be obtaining all the endings and living my best life.
(also part 3, because game dev lives her best life on Twitter as does the rest of the VN community, I will go make some noise on there sometime because she deserves it and I'm nothing if not obnoxious as hell when I want something known)
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
(Note: All of these asks are before episode 206 (Season 2 finale) so some may be dated.) 1. Am I just dumb or do the lo fans who insist we "see" how powerful Persephone is are actually lying? Because sure we'vr see big trees and once or twice seen "wild" vegetation, but have we ever actually SEEN her use her powers? and no the AOW doesn't count since that wasn't her actually doing it willingly (such a dumb retcon). IDK it seems like we've seen more instances of  Hades using their powers all the time yet we've never actually seen the supposed "chosen one" Persephone once use her own.
2. It's so frustrating how there's no reflection on Rachel nor the fandom's part for how Eros is depicted. When he's around Persephone he starts acting more "feminine" and even gets design-wise to look more "feminine" with his posing, eyelashes, beauty marks, and slimed down with more androgynous clothes, but as soon as he's with Psyche he's depicted as much taller, muscular, and in darker more "manly" outfits with chiseled features. I don't even think it's intentional, but it's very hmm induing.
3. At the begging of LO RS made it seem like Persephone didn’t have many friends or that her friends were kinda just spies for Demeter so she kept them at arms length, where we’d see that Artemis is suppose to be her first “real friend” and I guess Eros too? But no this whole time she had dead flower nymphs that didn’t get named almost 200 episodes in; and after mentioning said dead flower Nymphs Persephone wants to watch Hades’ first meeting with herself where she was naked/he was drunk so they can have a laugh. 
4. NGL I want RS to cover the Trojan War bc I want to see what absolutely stupid ideas she'd put into it but also I just know she'd make Helen hashtag Empowered™️ by wanting Paris and being complacent in the deaths of thousands and be weirdly anti Menelaus who is clearly the bad guy here but also she'd make sure Helen's "beauty" is in comparing her to Persephone because of course you can't have anyone be hotter than her. I can see it vividly and it's horrendous.
5. I mean idk making LO be 100 give or take episodes would have probably been for the better. Im not saying it couldnt be a bit longer than that, but she's basically restarted the whole story 200+ episodes in, so there's really no excuse to claim she HAD to have all these episodes when other popular webtoons got their stories done in a good way without such an excessive amount. IMHO A short but strong story is so much better than a dragged out, weak story like LO has turned into.
6. TBH I'm surprised LO hasn't done a "cancellation' plotline yet. I can see it now, Hades ranting the media is trying to ruin Persephone's reputation and trying to take away all her prospects and shaming her for the harmless crime of mass murder. Probably throw in some "it is misogyny to critique her" for good measure and with zero reflection as he's in his massive mansion as he gets rich off ongoing slave labor. I feel like just off her handling of Thanatos we'll get it eventually.
7. I was going to say why is there never any gay renderings of HxP only to remember than one MLM comic on Canvas that just rips off LO down exact plot points and the only major WLW version i've seen was a book so hyper violent towards Persephone (with female Hades?? loving to abuse her??) and hateful of Demeter it actually made me sick to my stomach. Anyway outlaw HxP retellings i've had ENOUGH 🗣
8. the fans claiming "rachel is giving persephone a CHOICE" which like for one, who says she has the authority? but even then she's still, you know, a fictional character, she doesnt have agency by the mere fact she's fiction, so at the very least it has to be written into her character to make choices within the narrative, but rachel doesnt even do that? stuff just HAPPENS to persephone and she doesnt react, she's just yanked along. rachel doesnt even write her to make choices, she just exists.
9. its funny rachel claims LO is some empowering feminist story when its like, even barring the clear fact its NOT, the "feminism" is basically the "more 👏🏽 female 👏🏽 CEOS 👏🏽"logic of not actually fixing old power structures and creating equality. the system doesnt need to change, it just needs to be more accessible, which doesnt actually fix anything. making persephone be another CEO doesnt make it suddenly feminist, she's just now profiting from an unfair system like the men already do.
10. People are calling Hades "Persephone's husband" 🤡 yes we all know how it will end but at this point he is merely a guy she knew for 3 weeks 10 years ago. Calling him husband is ridiculous.
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snoopmary · 1 year
Wading into the politics: or, why does NYC elect so many idiots?
What? Why are you saying that, Catwoman? I came here for the tabloid deconstruction, not political destruction! Well, this got my back up so you’ve been warned, you can skip over my diatribe about this BS if you like. 
But I found this concerning enough to break my own rule about not crossing the blog streams of my fun with real life issues, and you might too.
You’re welcome to disagree, I encourage it even. But I’ve learnt that when something makes the hackles on my neck rise, no matter how innocuous it might seem or hyperbolic the reaction, to pay attention to it. 
In the afters of contracting with places of worship to house homeless male migrants, NYC Mayor Eric Adams also thinks offering up private residences to migrants will benefit New Yorkers in the long-term since NYC has run out of hotel rooms and shelter space and hotels are fed up with the destruction of their property. 
He thinks if the city can find a way to get over the 30-day rule and other rules that federal and state governments have in place, the City can spend $4.2 billion in tax dollars (or as he thinks of it, Monopoly money rather than Americans’ money!) and pay New Yorkers to rent out their spare rooms. 
To be clear, he might not be saying “force people,” but we all know you can’t trust politicians and that “never” is always “unless I can get away with it” for them. Slippery slopes are the natural habitat of politicians the world over, and one sneezes and another starts WW1. 
So let’s look at what my favourite legal document, the beautiful US Constitution, says about Adams’ suggestion, shall we?
Aside from the inevitable judicial extension of the Third Amendment this would cause? [No forcible housing of military personnel in a citizen's home during times of peace and only if passed by Congress in times of war and within strict legal limits with an enforced end date!]
One of the driving forces behind the Second Amendment were the circumstances referenced in the Third: forcible seizure and forced housing of British soldiers. While these migrants aren't soldiers, the circumstances and rhetoric Adams is using is as near to exact stitching of what the British said. Oh, we’ll pay, oh, it’s an economic hardship mitigation policy, oh oh oh. Don’t Tread On Me was the OG Get Off My Lawn, peeps. It wasn’t just taxation without representation that caused the American Revolution, and the behaviour of British troops made the occupied territories during that war a very unpleasant place to be for women in their own goddamn homes, I might add. Hashtag InsertHairyFuckinEyeballHere!
Furthermore: one could also argue that the bill of attainder clause under Article I, Section 9 is being violated by this proposal. Specifically: the effect of such a bill is to nullify the targeted person's civil rights, most notably the right to own property (and thus pass it on to heirs). Owning and controlling one's own property would be violated under this cockamamie BS. Also? Article I, Section 10, powers denied to the states? States are expressly forbidden from issuing bills of attainder. Cities have no political ability to circumvent those laws Eric mentioned re: $4Bn, so oh look Eric has political ambitions beyond NYC. Talk about telegraphing a punch, yeah? Article IV, Section 2: Equality of jurisdiction under the Constitution.
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States. The 5th Circuit would have the easiest morning session ever ruling hard against NY on this. But Catwoman, there are other amendments? What do they say?  Fourth Amendment: not just for searches! Seizure can apply to property, such as forcible housing. See also Third Amendment.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Fifth Amendment: Not just for Nixon and others!
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Pleading the Fifth would become a normal thing, y’all. Who defines just compensation? What about damages? What about insurance - who is liable if shit hits the fan? Moreover, what about food? Quartering doesn’t just pertain to a roof and a bed. The list could go on.
Lastly, 14th Amendment, Section 1: A personal favourite
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
America is an ongoing exercise in compromise, its greatest strength and advantage. Yet politicians like Adams are making a hobby of constitutional overreach and that is a very bad thing.
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rainbows-and-shadows · 2 months
Rainbows Tinted Pink: A Rainbow High Swap AU
Chapter 5: Fiery Red
Previous - Ch5 - Next
Soon enough, Friday came around. Each and every person was buzzing with excitement for the upcoming Colour Block Party that evening, and were impatiently waiting for classes to finish for the weekend.
At last, it was the final class of the day, and for Ruby, that was Graphic Design. She was adding the finishing touches to a new flame print, waiting for class to start. As she ran her electronic stylus across the screen, so absorbed in her art, she took no notice of the person approaching her.
“Woah, sharp skills!”
She glanced up, slightly startled, at the classmate that complimented her. It was a boy she sort of knew, dressed in a purple and white hoodie and black jeans. They'd spoken a few times before, about assignments and projects, but she was still unsure of who he was, as well as his name.
“Colin? Right?”
“Really? You don't remember my name? After all this time we spend talking in this class,” he asked as he sat down.
“Maybe you don't make that much of an impression!” Ruby teased him, giggling.
Suddenly, the classroom door slammed open, as the A’s casually yet confidently strode into the room. Every single person’s eyes were glued to the trio, as they stepped up to the platform at the front of the class.
“First years, listen up!” Aidan began their announcement.
“We're here to give you a ‘Welcome to Rainbow High gift. An invitation to our Colour Block Party!” Avery grinned proudly as she elicited excited gasps and whispers from the entire room, before continuing. “Eight tonight, in the main hall and atrium. See you there!”
��And dress to impress!” Ainsley quickly added. “We accept nothing less!”
And with that, the three prefects left as suddenly as they’d arrived, leaving the class in awe.
“Prefect party?” A girl in hot pink, Stella Monroe, gasped. “I gotta get ready now! Move!”
She bolted out of the room, dramatically shoving a girl in marigold yellow, her roommate Sheryl Meyer, out of the way as she was walking into the room. Ruby and Colin glanced at each other before bursting out laughing.
“She's not wrong though,” Colin chuckled. “The prefect’s party is gonna be lit!”
“And it'll be extra fire, because my friend Poppy Rowan is DJing,” Ruby paused for a moment, deliberating on what to say next. He was cute, and sweet.
Maybe he’d go with her?
“Do you wanna meet me there?”
He paused, slightly taken aback. “You and me, kicking it at the dance? I'm into it.”
“Sweet,” she grinned as her heart soared. “We'll see if I remember your name this time!”
Colin rolled his eyes and went to sit down next to her. Ruby blushed slightly, smiling to herself. This was going to be her first real date!
After class, Ruby immediately ran up to her dorm. She leapt over and onto the couch, where Violet was showing Amaya and Jade her latest Vi Life episode.
“I am so excited for the party tonight,” she gushed. “And your girl has a date!”
“Awesome!” Amaya grinned.”So we're gonna have to impress the As, and you need to impress your date!”
“On it!” Jade exclaimed. “I've got a new neon lip palette that I've been dying to try out!”
“Oooh! Hashtag daring! Just depends on what we're wearing. Thoughts?”
“I'm not sure,” Amaya mused. “I bought a really cute dress before term started, but I can’t find anything to go with it.”
“Same,” Jade sighed, slightly frustrated. “I've got this green tracksuit and a t-shirt that look great with my green sneakers, but there's definitely something missing.”
They pondered in silence over their potential outfit choices for a moment, until Poppy abruptly burst into their dorm obviously excited.
“Guess what?” She squealed, as the double doors slammed against the wall.
“You're gonna learn to knock?” Jade raised her eyebrow at her sarcastically.
“So much better! Avery invited us to come to her Fashion Studio store! She's letting us have the first pick at her brand-new designs, before anyone else in the school! Ahh!”
“For real?”
The four girls immediately shot up and bolted out the door, following Poppy down to the lifts.
Poppy led them down to the atrium, where Skyler and Sunny were already waiting. Ainsley and Avery stood proudly in front of a door, a golden sign saying Avery’s Fashion Studio just above. A set of silver keys jangled in Ainsley’s hand.
“Ladies, welcome to my shop, the Rainbow High Fashion Studio! I started this as a pop-up last year, but I got permission to make it a permanent fixture! Here, Fashion and Accessory Design focuses have the opportunity to sell their creations here, all year round!”
“We're not officially open till next week, but since Poppy’s our DJ, we decided to let you guys be our first customers of the year! Ainsley?”
On her best friend’s cue, Ainsley unlocked and opened the door, revealing the store in all its beauty. Inside was a warmly lit room with soft pink walls, lined with racks full of intricately designed clothes. The shelves above were filled with shoes, handbags, and jewellery. A few mannequins were scattered about, with beautiful dresses and outfits on display.
The girls gasped in awe, taking it all in.
“Go on, babes,” Avery urged them. “Check it out!”
They immediately darted into the shop, carefully grabbing clothes off hangers and holding them up, taking shoeboxes off shelves, and admiring the items in the mirrors.
“It's so cool!”
“So stunning!
Amaya immediately picked a simple black t-shirt with a rainbow logo for herself, to go with her dress. Poppy tried on a pair of bright orange sunglasses embellished with gemstones, to accessorise her already completed outfit. Sunny chose a pair of gold high heels, decorated with sparkling stars, perfect for her sequined jeans and it’s matching jacket.
“Oh, I am so getting this!” Violet grabbed a light purple faux leather jacket off a rail. “It'll go perfectly with the dress and heels I wanna wear tonight, and my new bag!”
“Sick, V! Hey, what do you think of this?” Jade pulled off her beanie and pulled on a black baseball hat with safety pin eyes and a scribbled smile. “With the tracksuit I was talking about, and my white sneakers?”
“The ones I customised with the spikes?” Ruby asked, at another rail.
“Yep! What are you thinking of getting Rubes?”
Ruby held up a red vinyl skirt with a long clear belt. “Okay, this skirt, with my new tube top and jacket, and my black boots with the flames on them. Yes? No?”
“Um, literal perfection!” Violet grinned. “Perfect for a party, and perfect for a date!”
“Ruby, you have a date?” Sunny squealed.
“Yep! Ruby's got a boyfriend!” Jade teased.
“He's just someone in my Graphic Design class,” she explained. “He's not my boyfriend. Yet!”
“Sweet!” Poppy cried. “Rubes got a date, and Sky's going with her boyfriend!”
“It's a double date!” Skyler smiled. “How cute is that?”
“Not as cute as we’re all going to look tonight!” Amaya declared. “Everyone else better be bringing their style A-game, ‘cause we're all gonna look so cool!”
“You all found something?” Avery asked them, up at the cash register with Ainsley.
“Of course!”
“So stunning!”
“I need these boots!”
“You're really talented, Avery,” Skylesid, as she admired the clothes. “Your stitching is amazing.”
“I will die if I can't wear this jacket to the party!” Violet exclaimed. “Literally. Right here. Dead!”
“Love that you love them!” Avery grinned. “If you guys like everything so much, everything will be flying off the shelves next week!”
“Alright, first years! Time to get ready for Colour Block,” Ainsley declared, clapping her hands together. “We're expecting flawless fashions, especially from our DJ. Are you ready, P?”
“With this inspo? Yes! Let's go girls,” she cried.
The group grabbed their garments and lined up to pay. As Ruby got into the back of the line, she noticed Skyler wasn’t there. She turned around and spotted her still standing at the mirror, deliberating between two items.
“Hey, Sky,” she called as she walked over to her. “Picked something out yet?”
“I'm kinda torn between these two,” she explained and held up a pair of jeans with silver scribble panels down the legs and a pleather dress with silver zippers. “I think both would go well with the top I want to wear, but I can't decide which would be better.”
“Hmm. Do you mind showing me the top?”
Skyler opened her phone and showed her a picture of a long-sleeved white top with black and rainbow details down the sleeves.
“Hmm. Well, I think the dress would go better. It’d show off the sleeve designs more than the jeans would, and take away some of the plainness on the front of the top.”
“Thanks, Ruby,” she grinned as she put the jeans back on the rail. The pair rejoined the line, and a few minutes later, everyone walked out of the shop with their new clothes.
“So, who’s your date tonight?” Ruby asked Skyler as they trailed behind the rest of the group.
“He’s been my boyfriend since middle school,” she smiled, a hint of a blush spreading across her cheeks. “He does Mixed Media, same as you! What about you?”
“I met him in Graphic Design class,” Ruby replied. “We sit next to each other, and he’s kinda cute, so I asked him if he wanted to come with me to the party!”
“Aw, I can’t wait to meet him!”
Three hours later, Colour Block was in full swing. The atrium was packed with students, as disco lights flashed all over the place, and Poppy's music blasted from her turntables.
Skyler, Sunny and Amaya were dancing near the stairs and Poppy’s turntables, having arrived early to help her set up. Their outfits were gorgeous, Avery and Ainsley’s designs completing them perfectly.
As the girls danced, Avery waved at them from the staircase, her hot pink minidress sparkling under the lights. She’d paired it with a pair of black heels with rainbow stars along the straps, to match her silver necklace.
Ainsley joined her, adjusting a black and white graffiti print jacket. She wore it with a black mini dress with purple trim, as well as metallic blue high-heeled boots with black buckles.
Just then, Colin ran over and picked Skyler up, spinning her around as she giggled.
“Aw! Heart emoji!” Sunny smiled.
“This party's tight!” Colin exclaimed.
“And Poppy's killing it! Hi Poppy!” Sunny cried as she waved at her, who looked up from her booth and waved back.
“Oh, hey. I see one of my boys by the punch. I'll be right back,” he told Skyler, as he walked away.
Just then, Amaya noticed Jade, Ruby and Violet entering the party. “Our girls are here!”
The group ran over to each other, admiring and complementing their outfits.
The remaining three had styled their outfits just as they envisioned earlier. Jade sported her tracksuit, t-shirt, sneakers and baseball hat, Ruby wore her top, skirt, jacket and boots, and Violet had her dress, jacket, high heels on, with a lilac crossbody draped over her shoulder.
“Look at you!”
“You look so good”
“You look amazing!”
“You just missed Skyler's boyfriend!” Sunny said.
“He'll be back,” she turned to Ruby. “What about you? Where's your date?”
“Let's find out,” Violet pulled Ruby closer, her phone in her selfie stick, already live streaming. “Tonight on The Vi Life: Ruby's first big date!”
“We're seriously doing this on camera?” Ruby drawled, unimpressed.
“Um, yes,” Violet insisted. “It'll be the hottest episode!”
“Fine. Let's go find him and bring him back for a special ep, Date Night at Rainbow High! TM, I get the royalties. BRB!”
The pair walked away, as the others went back to dancing together. Ruby and Violet walked around the crowded space, before Ruby spotted her date by the refreshments table. “
“That's him! That's Colin.”
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Violet gently pushed her in his direction. “Go say hi!”
“Hi!” She called, a small blush growing on her cheeks as she approached him.
“Hey!” Colin turned around and paused, taking in Ruby’s outfit. “That look is fire!”
“Thanks! Hey, Vi, come over here!”
She beckoned her friend over, as Colin glanced away from her and looked at Violet, politely smiling next to her friend, her phone pointed in their direction, obviously filming them.
“Hey! I'm Violet Willow, Ruby’s roommate. It’s nice to meet you Colin! Ruby told me-“
“Wait. You're not, you're not filming this, are you?” he interrupted her, becoming slightly panicked.
“No! I mean, not until you do me a favour and sign a release letter,” she asked, immediately grabbing a consent waiver out of her clutch.
“Actually, um, I'm not into being filmed, can you, just, delete all that?”
“Hey!” Jade shouted over the music, waving at them, while Amaya and Sunny were just behind her. The two roommates were so absorbed in their conversation they didn’t see Colin straight away.
He tried to shuffle away after he spotted Amaya and Sunny, but Ruby wrapped her arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer to her, taking no notice of his actions.
“Girls, this is my date, Colin. Colin, this is my super awesome runway group!”
“What's up?” Jade waved at him, a calm, casual look on her face.
However, this expression quickly turned to confusion, as Amaya and Sunny began to panic the moment they locked eyes on the purple-haired boy. Their eyes widened as they realised what was happening.
“Oh no! Oh no no no no!”
“Bad! Very bad! Oh, very, very bad!
“Hey! Sorry, I got lost in the crowd! ” Skyler’s pushed through the last of the partygoers, to finally rejoin her friends.
“Anyways, I-” She was immediately startled at the sight of Ruby, with her arm around Colin, and the obvious look of panic on his face.
“Oh, you know my date?”
“Your date? Colin's my boyfriend!”
Ruby recoiled away from him in shock, as Skyler’s eyes filled with tears of heartbreak and rage.
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handsomeawkward14r14i · 6 months
WARNING : Religion / MentalHealth /Philosophy Skip all Text in ORANGE to avoid .
Been a While since I’ve posted a Blog , it feels like I’m talking to a void yet again. Guess that’s what I get for having to start my channel all over and failing to use Hashtags the “responsible way.”
Welcome to my Tumblr!
I’ve only had it for a year ….and the only thing I ever knew about it before I took the plunge was that Ask Pinkamena came from it and so did allot of early 2000’s EDs ,that it was Chaotic, and that it would be a good mental break from mindless TikTok scrolling That last one , my friend getting it and the start of the end of my High school Senior year led me to making a Lies For the Liars / JTHM/Invader Zim / Momster Energy /Emo themed Tumblr.
Moving Forward from that ; idk what will become of it , It might take a turn for the worse , it might take a turn for the better , or just whatever I end up Hyper fixating on ( which happens to be more religious things at the moment. Contrary to my SpaceHey page Start of April 2024 is probably the best I’ve ever been. Religious or not it’s nice to have something to fall back on when you can’t take on life for yourself. I don’t condone ignorance but worrying about everything and getting nothing done is very different from Trusting in someone you can’t see and seeing answers show up to your problems. So much better than letting them slowly kill you.
If I read that and didn’t have any idea about Christianity or was struggling with sin and or was stuck in the sin cycle constantly hating myself or thinking that God didn’t care enough to help . I’d be confused and I’d think you were one of those lucky people and that something was wrong with me . Or I’d think you were a miserable boring no life brainwashed loco .Or I’d disagree out of religious trama or discrimination against sexuality or gender or just a completely different set of beliefs. All respect! I feel you and I don’t blame you for your opinion I’ve had plenty of doubts over the last two and a half years and experienced slight judgment from the people who claim to “love everyone.”
Anyone who wants to hear let them, anyone who doesn’t it’s perfectly understandable and I hope you love and take care of yourself. <3
so let me break it down. In Christianity you believe a man named Jesus was sent from Heaven to die for your sins ( look up some videos on it I’m not great at explaining.) , Gods only son. He was born by a woman who had never had smex with her husband and once he was older he began to teach people in his Town/City /ect. about his Father and About how to love each other . HE WAS Crucified , Dead , and buried After Jesus died he rose on the third day. April 30th today btw !!!
If you’ve been a Christian for a while and either struggled to do everything right . Or are an older Christian, are filled with the Holy Spirit but feel like you sin too much or aren’t fit for the job . Stop for a moment. Stop that thought process God doesn’t hate you for some stupid Sin you keep doing over and over yes , even if you’ve repented repeatedly . It’s not your job to fix it yourself and it’s tricky to figure out especially when you think you’ve given it to God but your still trying to figure out how your going to dig yourself out of the mess you’ve made. It’s simple, repent , pray , fix your eyes on God( focus simply focus on him , watch videos for all I care on things your curious about that relate to anything in the Bible it doesn’t matter.) and ask him what he wants you to do for the day or how he’s going to fix your problem for you. like your life depends on it. And when the devil starts talking Rebuke and Resist. If you have crystals or idols in your house get rid of them if you have placed power on them . Crystals and statues aren’t inherently bad but can be when you place belief or power on them , if you have Sleep paralysis Anoint your bedroom and or home spiritual attacks are real and they hindered my growth for longer then what i would have liked them to . They also worsened my mental health and made me believe I was the problem , that something in me was off , that i would never be able to do anything or get anything done , that I would never fulfill my potential, that I was stuck , I was too self conscious to take myself seriously, but to pessimistic to not feel self conscious when I wasn’t serious. It was too much of everything and too little of what i needed. Not to mention I craved the pain I craved the uncomfortable feelings because I’d gotten used to them and they were predictable . ( wow , how emo of me .)
Sometimes it’s hard to step away from the past
Sometimes it’s impossible to forget
Sometimes that shit seeps into your everyday life , friendships , relationships , religion. It ruins everything and forces you to be too involved or too detached. Mental health is real and when you’re already struggling like that Demonic Oppression happens a little too often especially when you are open minded , or accidentally or purposely open the door to it . Christians with the Holy Spirit , they see the light in you they’ll do whatever it takes to dim it …and it’s not like some funky little spirit that likes to mess around and see if they can make you feel sad or mad and or trick you into doing drugs . No it’s all meticulously planned …..like a subscription to a Channel…only personalized ….your a walking target , but also a walking embodiment of hope to those who no longer have it .
If you’re beautiful your either preserved, mocked or killed
God is out to protect and provide for you
Satan …well he wants to kill you that doesn’t always mean he can.
The innocent bystanders “ who may be complete jerks.” Are the ones who you need to show love to but remember you can’t love others until trying to love yourself ….until you quit hurting yourself ).
One more word of advice!
Live like you TRULY DIE ! TOMORROW!
the world will end tomorrow or by the end of the week how do you live during that time . Do you become a Nihilist ? Do you remain the same ? Do you enjoy every minute thing , take in every detail , make it a point to talk to the people around you , take a break from the phone and go watch the sunset, hear the crickets or go touch some grass for once ! it’s up to you but enjoying the small things , even the things that are mundane and boring helps tremendously. Granted if you don’t feel a sense of urgency you probably will read this and think nothing . But hypothetically if I could promise you that you would die tomorrow, what would you do . Get closer to God , Break out your favorite CDs to listen to one last time , Go on a walk and reflect , make amends . Spend every day like it’s the end !
If I can I will keep Posting Random Thoughts, Comic Strips , whatever comes to me . but don’t expect my page to loose its “abnormal atracting glisten”….( the fuk ….? I mean..)
Weird Sparkle.
Good to be back! Happy Easter you guys !
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deerblossoms · 2 years
i am afraid i will never enjoy kissing. besides jo, of course. i wonder if i’ll only experience real sexual or romantic intimacy in my dreams. in real life my fear and anxiety paralyzes me and i get too caught up in it to enjoy the moment. or maybe jo is just the only person i’ve kissed who i really wanted to. but i’m still afraid. i wonder if i’ll ever be able to let go of my own inhibitions to enough of an extent to have sex and like it. i wonder if i’ll be able to actually get turned on by sex. i’m not horny the way other people are and i don’t want to admit what that means to myself. in my dreams i love and i kiss my lovers and there is no fear holding me back from being naked and passionate and romantic and vulnerable. the other night i made out with jess in my dream and it was silly, of course, he’s not even real, but it was so tender and i enjoyed it so much and i haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. a while ago i laid in bed and thought about when jo kissed me for the first time and i couldn’t calm my heart until i took a melatonin. everywhere i go i think of him and everything he says overfills me with love for him and it spills everywhere. i was so sad for so long and it just doesn’t matter anymore. and sometimes i wonder if something’s wrong, that i managed to be so angry and heartbroken and resentful and miserable and unsure if we’d even make it out of this alive, if i could get over it, and then for it to all just evaporate after one conversation. and i look for that resentment, to see if it’s hiding somewhere and it’s not. we should’ve talked long ago and we would’ve avoided so much pain. i told him i was in love with him, twice, and he didn’t react. always responded to a different part of the message. i think i will always be in love with him and i just have to be okay with that. and he’s clearly okay with it. so i don’t mind. i’ve decided to stop being a miserable, catty bitch about him and shayne, afraid of letting my feelings show. it doesn’t matter! i love him. i WANT him to know.
on a separate note, i have a lot of things to do before i go to louisiana and then washington and i’m a little stressed about it. clothes to sell, a suitcase to pack, my laptop to erase, dying my hair if the green bits don’t fade, putting in a horseshoe septum ring, emailing lily so she knows i’m coming down and then maybe we can hang out. also i have things to do just in general. books to read, studying for my learner’s permit, finding the gifts for jo’s birthday, setting up a dentist appointment because i for sure have cavities, and i don’t know. i need to eat better. and eat more i keep not cooking dinner and just making grilled cheese sandwiches instead. feelin a little hashtag malnourished lately. and i’m like five pages away from finishing my sketchbook. thank god. anyways it feels a little overwhelming even though objectively it’s not a ton of stuff. i can’t tell if i’m in a depressive episode or not but the signs ARE there. not making effort to talk to anyone but jo, feeling empty and drained and bored constantly, less passion for my hobbies. seriously though i’m barely talking to margarita and practically not talking at all to jamie. ever since they left in the middle of the night and then went to texas it’s felt like a chore to maintain the relationship. neither of us are really putting in much effort though. jamie’s probably aware things are weird but hopefully they’re fine now that they’re not obsessed with me. it’ll be normal again between us eventually. i’m still really flighty even though i keep trying to reassure myself there’s no reason for me to leave new york right now. i’m considering moving to philly, or obviously seattle, or maybe even somewhere crazy like chicago. i could get my visa and move to victoria. or a different visa and move to amsterdam, or berlin. i’m just bored. i think i’m really just bored and tired of my job, more than anything else. but it’s not financially astute to quit, because the busy season’s about to come in next month and it’s not going to end until like february, at least. the money is going to be really good, and that’s what has to matter especially since i’m trying to save money and whatnot. but god i just want to be financially irresponsible and get a job at an independent bookstore or record shop or somethin else that’s fuckin quiet and keeps me at peace. and i can’t do that! and that sucks. my therapist said maybe i wasn’t disappointed in myself for not having my adult life together, but that i wished i didn’t have to keep my life together and could instead have fun and let loose and experience my childhood. and they’re right and it’s so frustrating because i don’t know what to do about it! i can always get my life together but i can never get my childhood back. what are you gonna do! lol :|
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
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Like, comment, share, and come talk if you enjoyed the fic.
*inspired by this *
I write for free - so if you would like to support my work, you can donate here. (plus my bday is coming up in a week 😌)
Despite Harry being less than active on social media, it doesn’t mean that he didn’t creep through Instagram and Twitter after the shows.
He used a fake account to scroll, constantly liking pictures and videos of his wife dancing or funny fan signs to his phone.
Tonight, after the Philly show, YN was already fast asleep in their tour bus bed - she had curled into Harry with her leg between his and her head on his bicep.
Harry was trending on Twitter for his show, however, he scrolled a bit further and noticed that a hashtag called #JusticeforYN was trending.
When he clicked on the link, it took him down a rabbit hole of screenshots and videos from the concert.
It doesn’t take long to see what had happened, it was a girl recording herself on Snapchat from the pit during the concert.
The ‘fan’ held up her phone enough that you could see her but also YN, Jeff, Harry Lambert, and Tommy in the background behind the pit.
Adore You started blasting through his AirPod and the girl recorded his wife dancing with their friends - he gets distracted for a moment, watching her have fun and sing along.
He loved her so fucking much.
But then, it’s the next clip, and the captioned text on the video said ‘Harry’s Whore.’
The small smile on his face disappears instantly when he sees where this is going.
In the next few segments, the girl is screaming things at YN who can’t even hear them because of the music but it’s still completely disrespectful.
“Hi, Harry’s Whore!”
“Get the fuck outta here, nobody wants you here!”
“Fuck you!”
It makes Harry rage, even from the comfort of his bunk with his perfect love, and then he digs deeper to find his real fans defending YN.
YN was pretty loved by the fans. She was always kind, posted pictures of Harry (because he rarely did), and made really kickass merch.
He finds the Twitter account of the girl who harassed his wife, her name was Gina, and he read through her tweets.
She was going to three more of the concerts - following them from Philly to Detroit.
One of her tweets said…
‘If you guys are mad about what I said during the last concert, just wait what I have to say to her next time.’
And he also finds out that she had won a meet and greet for the DC show through the record label and Harry already knew what he was gonna do.
YN wakes up before Harry, sitting in the small living area of the bus - watching a cooking show on the television and still slightly dozing in and out of sleep.
“Hi bun,” She mumbles, opening her arms and legs to let Harry flop between them. Chest to chest and he was a bit to heavy for this but he liked laying like this.
“Mornin’, my love,” Harry rasps, peppering kisses all over her jaw and the smooth column of her neck until she giggles.
“Shouldn’t you be saying good morning to your whore on tour?” YN replies, her voice is light and unbothered - obviously found out the online drama.
Harry tenses up, looks up at her seriously, and tells her, “M’gonna take care of it.”
“Don’t, it’s fine, bubs,” YN assures him, she’s smiling softly and Harry just…he is so obsessed with the woman below him that he has to kiss her for a long moment.
“No, it’s not. I’m not going t’let someone treat m’wife like that. She won tha’ meet and greet. I’m gonna have a talk w’her when she comes backstage,” Harry tells her, lips brushing on every word and he can help but grind his hips forward against her.
“Always so horny in the morning,” Yn teases but still lets her thighs fall open a little bit more so that the only barrier is their underwear.
“Can y’blame me? Look wha’ I wake up to,” He rumbles, voice getting illogically deeper and raspier when he speaks.
It’s not long before he tugs his briefs down just enough and her panties to the side to get inside her with his lips glued to hers.
He’s whispering things that would make him blush with embarrassment if anyone heard him.
“Can’t believe y’mine after all this time.”
“Y’my perfect match, on m’knees for you whenever you ask.”
“Arena full of people and all I see is you, baby.”
“Feel like heaven.”
“Only y’make me feel like this.”
“Come on, stubborn girl. Show me y’love me.”
Harry looks insanely stunning in his purple outfit but honestly - YN always steals the show (without even trying). ***
They’re in a common area, waiting for the meet and greet with the fans - it’s comical how Gina’s face drops when she arrives to see Harry facing away from everyone with YN giggle as he crowds her up against a wall.
They can hear Harry murmur, “Y’alway showin’ me up. Only gonna be able to look at y’during the show, bug.”
“Harry,” Jeff calls to his client, making him turn around and his eyes instantly search the small groups of fans until his eyes land on a girl dressed in a bright pink fishnet dress and boa.
“You,” Harry points at her, his face isn’t giving away any emotion, “Can I have a chat w’you?”
“S-sure,” She stutters, eyes wide and excited - oblivious that Harry actually knows what she had been posted on social media.
The singer takes her off to the side, YN’s eyes keep darting to them as she chats with the friendly fans who are complimenting her dress and her merch designs.
Frank is standing near Harry, prepared to escort the girl out after the conversation.
“Can we get a selfie?” Gina asks, pulling out her cellphone.
“No,” Harry replies seriously, “You also are going to get escorted out of this arena and banned from any of my future concerts.”
“Wh-what?” The girl stumbles, eyes watering as she looks at him in confusion and dismay.
“I need to make this a safe space for everyone who comes to my concerts. That especially includes m’wife. And I don’t feel comfortable havin’ someone scream at m’wife and posting nasty things on social media attending my concert.”
Realization flashes across Gina’s face, “I’m so so sorry. I can apologize. I really didn’t mean-“
“No. I don’t think my whore of a wife would want to hear it,” Harry chuckles with a nasty edge, “Y’can fuck off now. Go find a new artist to harass ‘cause if I see y’face at one of m’concerts - y’getting kicked out immediately.”
Frank appears beside them, gently guiding the hysterical girl out of the room while the fans look back in confusion.
They forget all about it once Harry saunters up to them and gives them a crooked smile, “Hi, m’Harry. How are y’guys?”
The fans don’t miss his hand moving quickly to squeeze his wife’s hip in reassurance before starting to sign things and take pictures.
Later that night, the disgruntled ‘fan’ sends out a nasty few tweets where real fans go after her and defend YN.
Also, the true fans are cooing over the fact that Harry is such a good husband.
haleyhs22: omg, could you imagine being called out by the nicest guy on this earth
tpwkjess_young: okay but I wish I had the luck that @ynstyles has to get a manz like that 😩
UsWeekly: Harry Styles bans ignorant fan from tour after nasty videos were leaked attacking his wife
strawberriesinsummer: harry is such a VIBE. Like he deadass kicked that girl out and then spent the whole night trying to seduce his wife with his shimmies and winks - he’s the hoe 🍑
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newathens · 2 years
anyway here’s how i would have written the finale and final chapters of tower of nero and by all accounts was going to write it in the toa fic i had started. no one steal this im so serious you will find me standing over your bed
apollo returns to new york and immediately recruits the help of annabeth and percy who are waiting for him after hearing the news about jason. they visit rachel. she shows apollo her blurry visions and one deeply resonates him but he doesn’t like it.
they get to camp. they prepare the camp for war. apollo meets rhea. she too gives him cryptic messages but for all intents and purposes looks settled and calm. he doesn’t like this.
annabeth gets them into the tower hashtag architecture queen. there is battle, there are mega fights. we’re only about halfway through the book. apollo is sent down to defeat python.
he gets his godly power back as he is fighting python and as he is defeating this snake all the unsettling feelings he’s been having come to a climax as his destiny actualizes itself in the realization he must kill his father zeus. there’s this image in my head if apollo fully a god in a golden torn chiton throwing python over a ledge, watching him descend into darkness and then falling to his knees in desperation and screaming into the darkness.
the descent. and now the rise. he comes up to the world changed. the main demigods immediately clock him but are confused. he explains his plan and his reasoning and goes on this whole tangent. they agree. he has a meeting with his siblings. only a few of them. not everyone can be trusted. i kind of have this idea that he bursts under pressure and starts crying in front of ares asking him to do it like paris does with hector in troy 2004 but im not sure if i want to do that.
there’s more but ok final chapters
apollo finally returns to olympus. in the throne room. half the olympian council are in on his plan the other half are clueless. zeus and him have a few lines of dialogue exchanged than there is an eerie silence. something feels very very off.
before anything can be done, zeus’ on throne comes apart. he is trapped in a golden net hashtag my net goddess queen from book 2 i can’t remember her name. he is trapped and he is livid and we love drama so yes poseidon gets really defensive because he was not included this time AND hades materializes in the throne room like listen they’ve been through a lot no one’s ready to get overthrown.
it is so tense like there’s shouting and yelling and weapons drawn there’s no possible way a fight isn’t going to break out but a huge shout makes everyone pauses. it’s rhea. yes u heard me right
she walks into the throne room full regalia eyes glowing. no one has seen her like this in centuries. she gives concerning news, she drags zeus across the coals tbh, she explains how he got to this point and how she is disappointed etc etc
but she has also come to offer a solution because—big shocker—apollo can’t do it. apollo cannot kill him.
rhea suggests that he take over as the director of camp half blood for the next 150 years. there are gasps there are protests dionysus literally is grinning like a madman. zeus protests, who will watch over olympus. before anyone can say anything, rhea appoints hera. pin drop silence
it is the only solution. zeus agrees, considering he is suspended and with literally no other options. his agreement is said with the most malicious intent you could ever imagine
epilogue at camp. it’s been a few months now. apollo visits. percy and annabeth have been helping out. lots of happy go lucky-ness. apollo and zeus have a conversation. zeus humbly admits his errors, but in a not subtle way threatens apollo and anyone that helped him.
apollo takes it as is.
this ending ending im not sure if it but here:
zeus gestures apollo to follow him. for the main demigods to follow him. they are led into the forest where thanatos waits with a shimmering but very real jason who is solid enough to hug. there are tears and hugs and a picnic and conversation.
apollo and zeus stand side by side, watching. things are different this time. things will heal. the cycle is finally broken.
rachel finishes her first painting since her oracle sight was restored and titles it a new age.
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pastelracha · 3 years
SKZ reacting to your underboobs tattoo
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☾ Title : skz reacting to your underboobs tattoo
☾ Pairing: all members x fem!reader
☾ Genre: fluff, established relationship, smut
☾ Prompt: underboobs tattoo magic on skz
☾ A/N: I just really want my underboobs dragon tattoo so I've been thinking about it a lot lately and why not turning it into a skz reaction ? should I do a nipple piercing reaction ? or other things in this style?  don’t forget to give me your feed back guys xox
☾ Word Count: 1.045K 
masterlist | ask or request 
I totally imagine him with a huge smirk on the lips, “ so my baby girl get a new ink ?’’ A big fan of this ink, forget Chan, Christopher just entered the chat and man he has a lot of things to say about your tattoo. Would ask you to wear one of his black hoodie, slightly open without a bra so he could see the ink and call you a masterpiece like every 5 seconds. When in the mood would kiss it and say “we can’t forget this piece of art, huh ?’’ HUGE turn on for this man, would 100% let his tongue run on the ink. And have one or two photos of you laying in bed with nothing but one of his boxer on, just to remind him what is waiting for him at home. 
At first he didn’t think it was a real thing, so he didn’t really give it attention. “Babe, it’s real’’ so he look at you and ask to see it one more time, and this time he really look at it and became a fan of the tattoo, it’s soft and a really good drawing so yeah. 
After what Minho would totally look at you as if you are a bad ass girl. “Dude, don’t mess with my girl she has a tattoo’’ MINHO ! 
I don’t think it would change the way he look at you overall, he just love you and your whole person turn him on so yeah but would totally love the way it look on your skin and when a scorpio loves they love with their whole heart (n/a: my mom is one so yeah I know)
I think he would be so into it, we all know the “tattoo artist Changbin au’’ (n/a: and tbh I’m so into it  dude I’ve like 20 tattoos)… He would like to draw it with his fingers, under your shirt whenever you guys are cuddling. Totally support you on your ink choices, as Chan when he is in the mood, oh dude this tattoo is a turn on for him ! Making him question himself everyday if he should finally get a tattoo or not. In all Changbin is a sucker for your underboobs tattoo. 
Has a whole rap about your tattoo and how much he loves it, but when he is in a soft and cuddly mood, would take some your eyes palette and put colors on the ink. “Some pretty colors for a pretty tattoo on the prettiest girlfriend’’
If this man had a IG page, he would post aesthetic photos of your underboobs tattoo like 4 times a day, story and feed, just to please himself cause his girlfriend is hot, but even more with black ink running under her chest, turn you into art that belong to a museum! 
Would be a sucker if you wear a cute lace bralette with an oversized blouse and let your tattoo free. Hands on you whenever you only wear a sport bra that let show your tattoo when your dancing with him. “ how do you want me to concentrate when you look this hot next to me, love ?’’ 
The first time he saw it, was the first time you guys get intimate and he just stopped, your shirt in his hands “ you play the soft girl, but you have such a sexy ink there noona (n/a: kill me but wow is in my head)’’ he kind of got shy but played it cool. 
He really love whenever he wear black nails polish and put one of his hand on the ink, he just love the way it look and call it ‘dark couple aesthetic instagram shit’ and actually put the hashtag under one photo on IG. And he love to kiss it now that your skin is kind of a bit sensitive. 
Once asked you to give him fake tattoos so you guys are even more the ‘dark couple vibe’. Also a big turn on for him to see himself on you making out with a lot of tattoos. 
We all love soft and precious Felix, but when he see your tattoo the beast is unleash. His aura suddenly turn dark and possessive. “You’re mine, you know it right ? And this pretty tattoo is only mine to touch, kiss and cum on, huh ?’’ 
Bitting his bottom lip, when he is in the mood. Or just when he is thinking about your tattoo. Would 200% drop cooking to go play with the ink on your skin. 
When he is sleeping totally have one of his hand on it, he is clearly obsessed with your tattoo, photos of it, videos, it’s printed in his memory. KIM SEUNGMIN
When you told him you wanted a tattoo, he wasn’t sure at first, but girl your body your choices he said. But now Seungmin just really like the ink running under your skin, he support your choice and is quite happy about it, I can totally see Seungmin cherishing the ink as much as he does love you, caressing it every now and then without even thinking about it. I don’t see it being a big turn on for him, you is really enough for him to feel bothered, would kiss it during foreplay but not much, it’s just an addition to your beautifulness.  “You’re so beautiful baby, I just love you so much’’
But he would really like the way the moon shine on it at night, feeling hopelessly romantic. YANG JEONGIN 
“Did it hurt ?’’ Is his first reaction, mostly worried about you being hurt, but when you say it was ok, he directly fall in love with the piece of you. 
I can see him asking if the tattoo has a background story, if it means something to you, if it’s relate to your relationship, just a lot of questions cause your his priority and he want to know everything that is running in this pretty mind of yours. 
He would touch it so delicately, letting his lips caressing your tattoo. Would push your shirt over your chest only to see the dark ink, and randomly kiss it, or tracing it right before you fall asleep. 
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captainkirkk · 4 years
A collection of fics I’ve read (/reread) and thoroughly enjoyed in the past week-ish from all kinds of fandoms and genres.
tell all the truth (but tell it slant) by carolinaa                
From: Maybe: Yoarashi Inasa 12:41 WHY is ms joke asking me about you 12:50--Missed call from Maybe: Yoarashi Inasa 12:51--Missed call from Maybe: Yoarashi Inasa 12:52--Missed call from Maybe: Yoarashi Inasa 12:53 PICK UP YOUR PHONE. ARE WE DATING??
Or: Todoroki Shouto covers up his father's abuse with...a different kind of abuse. He's never claimed to be smart.
(BTHB square 3: misunderstanding)
blade of silver, forge of blue by MikkiOfTheAnbu  
“Blessed Spirit, we thank you for the gift of this child’s life. We are forever in your debt.” The whole village is kneeling now, even the tiniest toddlers flopped down on their stomachs doing their best approximation of a bow. “Please, won’t you give us a name to call you? We would like to properly express our gratitude.”
Well shit.
(Where Zuko saves a little Earth Kingdom girl from drowning, the villagers think he's a Spirit, build him a shrine, and long story short, a fake story about the Blue Spirit who dances with dragons suddenly becomes very real.)
Customer Service Solidarity (sometimes means you have to kidnap the fire lord from his own party) by myrskytuuli
They had spent hours and hours drilling and preparing the servers upon the importance of everything being perfect for the new fire lord. This was fine. Jin was good at her job. She could handle one fire lord.
Expect that wasn't the fire lord. That was FUCKING LEE!
It Takes a Village by dancingstar
Zuko is dropped on the edge of the Earth Kingdom, burned, shorn, and banished. He's found again and again, and built up from ashes.
or, the earth kingdom takes a look at Zuko, asks “is anyone gonna raise that?” and doesn’t wait for an answer
it's up to you, new york by JBS_Forever  
“Um, what am I –?” Peter starts, but doesn’t need to go on, because it's clear now what he’s meant to be looking at. There’s a live feed of Twitter posts already pulled up, videos and pictures and text flashing by, each one with the hashtag “WeAreSpiderMan” and moving too quick for him to process.
He blinks, confused. “What – what is this?”
Beside him, Happy breathes out a laugh. “That?” he says, and there’s an amused undercurrent in his voice, knowing and fond, “That’s New York.”
- - -
Or: after Spider-Man's identity is revealed, New York City steps up to support one of their own.
Danny Phantom
do not stand at my grave and cry (i am not there, i did not die) by blueh
“I just—” he hiccups down his ghost sense but feels the cool burning sensation crawl up his throat anyways. He has just enough time to throw a hand over his mouth to cover the blue mist, and sends a desperate look at the clock. There’s still five minutes left in class. He stands up anyways. “I have to go.”
“You have to go?” Sam says. Danny hears the accusation in her voice loud and clear. “Again?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry isn’t enough, Danny! You keep—you keep leaving us! You’re pushing us away!”
His tongue feels like lead and he knows, even if he wants to, he can’t tell them. He cant. So instead, he doesn’t meet her eyes, takes one step back, and repeats, “I’m sorry.”
Sometimes, it feels like it’s the only word he can say these days.
Or: When Danny goes down to the lab and enters that portal at fourteen years old, he goes down alone. This changes things.
Star Wars: Clone Wars
The Past Remains by otherhawk                
The war drags on leaving trauma and destruction in its wake. After a bereaved Master is accused of harming his padawan, Obi-Wan is sent to talk to her, dredging up memories of his own past.
These Things Happen by writehandman
Obi-wan Kenobi keeps promoting Cody. The promotion gets out of hand, and suddenly the balance of the universe shifts into the palm of a very competent, caffeinated man.
Care What It Cost by MissjuliaMiriam
Five years after Naboo, Obi-Wan becomes aware that things between Anakin and Qui-Gon have become... tense. The obvious solution is to mediate their difficulties if at all possible.
That is not what happens.
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permanently ~ corpse husband
word count: 1456
request?: yes!
“Corpse husband x female reader. The reader is corpse wife but they keep there really private only a few people know that corpse is married, one day people start asking corpse if he is seeing someone and corpse doesn’t know if he wants to reveal he’s married because he worried she will get hate so he talks to the reader about it and his worries and the reader comforts him about his worries. Later corpse reveals in a video that hes married and everyone really happy and supportive of his marriage.”
description: in which he reveals a surprising secret to his fans after months of questions about his love life
pairing: corpse x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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It started when his fans heard her speak during a stream.
Corpse had been careful to keep his love life a secret for so long. He loved his fans, but he knew that if he even gave the slightest indication that he was seeing someone, the more extreme of his fanbase would go looking for her. He didn’t want any hate messages sent her way, she didn’t deserve any of that.
They had been so careful. (Y/N) would stay away from Corpse’s streaming room while he was streaming, or she’d sit next to him and make zero noise. Luckily, (Y/N) wasn’t famous, so they were able to share pictures and videos on her private social media accounts.
She had slightly pushed open the door to his streaming room one night, trying her best to make as little noise as possible in case his mic was on. Corpse noticed her from the corner of his eyes and turned to look at her.
“Mic off?” she whispered. Corpse chuckled and nodded. “I sent you a text but you didn’t respond. I’m gonna go get something to eat, do you want anything picked up?”
“I’m good for now, thank you.”
(Y/N) smiled and crossed the room to give him a kiss before leaving again.
For the half hour she was gone, (Y/N) lived in ignorant bliss, unaware of the chaos happening online.
When she got home, she found her husband pacing the kitchen. Concern was written all over his face, and it deepened when (Y/N) walked through the front door.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” she asked.
“The mic wasn’t off,” he said.
(Y/N) knew what he meant immediately, but she still couldn’t help but ask, “What?”
“When you came in during my stream, I thought I had shut my mic off, but I didn’t. My viewers heard us talking, and they heard us kiss. The chat went wild and it’s trending on Twitter already; #corpsesmysterywoman.”
(Y/N) grabbed her phone and went into Twitter. It was the top trend and it was flooded with tweets that ran from shocked to supportive and happy to, of course, hateful.
“On the plus side,” she started, “they’ll never be able to identify me just by my voice.”
“Doesn’t mean they won’t try.”
(Y/N) sighed as she watched Corpse start to bite his fingers, something he did whenever his anxiety ran high. She felt bad for him. He shouldn’t have to worry about his fans having a negative reaction about their marriage, and he definitely shouldn’t feel like he was to blame if his fans found her, which she knew he would.
(Y/N) touched Corpse’s shoulder, causing him to stop and look up at her. She took his hands in hers, wiping away the blood he had drawn.
“It’s okay,” she assured him. “We’ll get through this. Besides, I’m a big girl. I can handle this if anything happens.”
Corpse nodded. “I know, I just didn’t want you to be brought into this.”
“It was bound to happen eventually. Could’ve been worse.”
Corpse wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. She hugged him back, dreading the next time he’d have to go online.
A week passed and the buzz around Corpse’s “mystery woman” did not die down. The hashtag trended for two days, and his fans were still speculating on Twitter. Corpse took some time off social media in hopes it would all blow over, but it became evident very soon that it would not. Everyone was still tweeting him about it, and it even began to escalate to people would ask Corpse’s friends during their streams.
Enough was enough, and Corpse decided it was time to address the issue.
He announced he would be doing a Q&A stream on his Twitter. Within seconds, the stream was trending.
(Y/N) sat on the floor next to Corpse’s chair as he set his stream up. She could see he was shaking with anxiety over the situation. She put a hand on his leg, bringing his attention to her.
“It’ll be okay,” she assured him. “I promise.”
Corpse gave her the best smile he could muster. He laced his fingers through hers, trying to calm himself down. Before he could back out of it, he started the stream.
The chat flooded with questions immediately, most of which were asking about her. Corpse was able to avoid these questions for as long as he could, until someone donated a super chat question specifically asking about Corpse’s relationship status.
“Are you taken?” he read. “Well, I guess I can’t get around it now. The answer is yes, I am taken, and I am taken permanently.”
The chat went wild at this. Corpse’s hands began to shake again and (Y/N) squeezed the one she was holding, trying to look up at him sympathetically. His attention was focused on the screen in front of him, trying to get the words out the best he could.
“The truth is, I was seeing someone for a long time. She isn’t a content creator or famous in any way, so I wanted to keep our relationship to ourselves. We’ve made it public with her friends and family, but as far as my YouTube life goes, I wanted to keep it a secret. At first it was because I didn’t want to announce the relationship and have it go south and we break up, but the longer we kept it a secret the more I knew I wanted it that way because it was just another aspect of my life I thought would be better to keep to myself. I didn’t want to bring her into a spotlight that she didn’t want, and honestly, I didn’t want any of my fans to know who she was.
“And marriage...well, it wasn’t something I ever expected to happen to me. We weren’t even dating all that long when we both got drunk one night and I just...I asked her. We both laughed it off at the time, but the next morning when we sobered up I realized I still wanted to marry her. So I asked her again, promised her I’d get her a ring when I could, and she said yes. Flash forward about a year and...I’m a married man.”
(Y/N) leaned her head against Corpse’s leg and smiled up at him. Through his nervousness and anxiety, she could see him reminiscing on the history of their relationship, the way she liked to do sometimes. Especially on the hilarious story of their engagement.
“I won’t be giving any more details besides that,” he said. “I will not stream with her if she does not feel comfortable, I will not be publicly stating her real name, I certainly won’t be posting her face on any of my social media. Especially without her permission as she has already said she doesn’t really want a life in the public eye. I am sorry I kept this from you all for so long, but I hope you can understand my reasoning, and I hope you will all treat my wife with respect. That’s all I really want.”
He continued with the Q&A. After enough time had passed for that information to sink in, you decided to check Twitter to see what the reaction had been. The top trend, within a matter of minutes, was #wearehappyforcorpse. The hashtag was flooded with kind messages congratulating Corpse on getting married and on finding the one. A few people were sharing Corpse’s wishes and warning the extreme fans not to go looking for whoever Corpse’s wife was until one of them made her identity public. There was very little negativity and, although (Y/N) had told Corpse this would likely be the case, she was relieved to know that it actually was.
When the stream ended, (Y/N) could almost physically see the weight that had been lifted off Corpse’s shoulders. She stood from the floor to sit on his lap. He took her in his arms and buried his head in her shoulder, letting out a long sigh of relief.
“That went well,” she said. “Almost like I said it would.”
“Don’t say I told you so,” Corpse said, lifting his head to smile at her. “Although, I also knew it would go fine.”
“Even if it went different, we would’ve dealt with it together. That’s what married couples do.”
Corpse leaned forward and kissed her gently. (Y/N) smiled as she broke away and kissed the tip of his nose.
“I’m so lucky to have you,” he said.
“You are.”
Corpse chuckled and playfully squeezed her as he kissed over her neck and face.
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negans-lucille-tblr · 3 years
N-L-Threenager Blogiversary Writing Challenge
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I can’t believe this blog - that I set up with 0 intentions of ever actually using - is now 3 years old. Where has the time gone? My baby is all grown up :( In three years this little blog with its filthy and morally questionable stories has gathered nearly 8.5K followers and made me some of the best friendships I’ll cherish for the rest of my life.
As I very well know (having a real baby only a month older than this blog) three year olds are no joke. The term “Threenager” really doesn’t come from nowhere. Which got me thinking about my celebration…
What are teenagers? Moody, irritable, angsty. Yes, that’s right, this challenge is all about breaking my heart, making me mad, making me wanna throw something across the room (Maybe not my child or laptop, though).
Below the cut is more info, including a way for reader's to celebrate too!
Below I have listed some of my favourite angsty lyrics, and I’d love for you guys to create a story (2K per part/chapter limit - no chapter limit) inspired by a lyric of your choosing. The deadline will be 17th Feb, 2023 (the day before my blog’s fourth birthday). You can write for any of the characters/actors I write for myself. Not sure if the one you pick is acceptable? Just hit me up.
Dark is fine! The only things I don’t read are: pregnancy/pregnancy related smut, underage (incl age play), snuff, toilet stuff and beastiality (play included), otherwise run wild. If you do write any of the stuff listed, I won’t read, but I’ll still reblog.
Not a writer? Until 18th March, I will be accepting angsty prompts, where I will write a short blurb for my favourite entries. So why not send me your favourite angsty lyrics? Or pick one of the ones from the list below to see my take on it (just let me know what character you’d like) ❤️
Want to cry along with me? I made a Spotify playlist of all the songs I took lyrics from ❤️
Few basic rules to remember:
You have to be 18+ to be following me/participating
For this challenge, you can write any genre; smut, fluff, dark but your fic/prompt MUST include angst as its main feature
There’s no limit on parts/chapters if you want to write a series, I just ask that chapters/parts are 2K or below, to help me be able to read them (thanks, MaDD 🙃)
Write for any fandom/character on my blog.
Please do not include any smut involving underage characters, and remember my above no nos if you want me to read your story!
Tag me in your fic and use the hashtag #nlthreenager
Message me to let me know what prompt you're picking!
Deadline is 17th Feb 2023
Have fun breaking my heart!
You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath
I don’t relate to you, ‘cause I’d never treat me this shitty
It must be nice to love someone who puts you first
I gave you my hours and advice just trying to fix you and all your daddy issues
The girl that you want is tearing us apart, because she’s everything I’m not
I might be okay, but I’m not fine at all
You call me up again just to break me like a promise
There’s a girl I know, he loves her so… I’m not that girl
Say I’m your worst mistake, and hell it might be true, but don’t say I didn’t love you
Makeup is expensive, sick of wasting it on exes
I just can’t turn her off and I guess we’ve got that in common
I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed to
Did she make you forget you ever missed me?
My hair is smelling like cigarettes somewhere with somebody I’ll forget, ‘cause I’m scared of sleeping with just the truth
I reached for you, but all I felt was shame
I’m sick of everything I’m doing I think is getting me over you
Tell me I’m a waste of love, tell me that I’m not enough
I was thinking on the drive down, ”any time now, he’s gonna say it’s love” - he never called it what it was
Leave my heart all black and blue ‘cause it ain’t half as bad as what I put you through
Where’s that girl that knows not to put up with that?
He walks out the door like I don’t even exist. What did I do to deserve this?
I hate that because you, I can’t love you
After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own, now you mail back my things and I walk home alone
You would’ve been the one if you were a better man
You can’t deny how hard I tried
Life’s a bitch, and so are you
If they could see the pain you put me in again, maybe then I wouldn’t have to fight no more in this psychological war
You fuck up again and then you blame me, screaming that I’m crazy - maybe I am
You said if we had been closer in age maybe it would’ve been fine, and that made me want to die.
You’re just breaking me not any laws
I miss you lying that you love me
Was that love in your eyes I saw or just the reflection of mine?
In your mind it’s over, because you know that I can’t stay sober
What if every good intention is a curse and not a blessing?
You do make me hard, but she makes me weak
Was it too much to ask for just a part of what I gave you back? Why was I so hard to love?
He only calls you pretty when he puts his hands on your body
Some days I can’t face the world outside
You’re only worth how much you sell
Weeping in a party bathroom some actress asking me “What happened?” You. That’s what happened, you.
The voice in my head really needs some help
When I’m with him I am thinking of you
I didn’t mean to fall out of love with you
I don’t want your body but I hate to think about you with somebody else
Just ‘cause I pick up when you call, don’t mean that I wanna talk
Too sad to cry, too high to get up
We sure looked happy in pictures, the camera doesn't show the way it hurt
Missing you comes in waves, and tonight I’m drowning
My love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it
Did I really fucking love you? Or just the image in my head
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