#he could never have real feelings for someone who fell completely for his seduction act
i-made-a-bg3-blog · 8 months
I was having trouble romancing Wyll in my Astarion playthrough for roleplay reasons right up until he was like, "oh by the way, you're the world's most obvious vampire, and if you hurt any innocents, I will wreck your shit. Cool? (Also, I find you very charming.)" Then, I was ready to marry him on the spot.
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nessaxc · 3 years
7 Oikawa-Filled Minutes in Heaven || Oikawa Tooru
You meet Oikawa at a party that your friend dragged you along to, and it's hosted by Hinata Shoyou.
~ Words: 4.2k
~ NSFW 18+
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You were never one to go to parties. You didn't mind the going out. In fact, you liked going out more than enough. You just didn't like going to parties. You learned from your friends everything you needed to know about parties, and their stories discouraged you to say the least. You didn't want to get in any forms of trouble, and you preferred staying in the comfort of your own home, snuggling up to your bed sheets and watching Netflix until the sun rose while snacking on whatever you could get your hands on.
That's why you're not entirely sure why you're even at a party right now. You were relaxing at your house until your best friend barged in to your house to drop a bomb. She was begging you to come to this party that the beautiful Hinata Shoyou was hosting, if it had been anyone else, it would have been a different story. But the truth was that, your friend was determined on dragging you to the party whether you liked it or not.
So there you were at the door entrance, staring wide eyed at everything around you. It was just as you thought it would be. The music was too loud for your taste, everyone was dancing around like fools, drinking until they passed out, tripping and falling over themselves. People were invading your personal space bubble, trying to talk to you, and to this, you flashed them an awkward smile, and escaped from them thanks to the crowd. At the corner of the room, you spotted the stoners doing their thing. You checked around you to see if anyone saw or cared, but apparently no one did and acted like it was a normal thing. All of a sudden, someone pushed you by the shoulder while passing by, and you tried to glare at whoever it was. But when you saw that it was a drunk couple making out sloppily, you decided to ignore them.
You felt like you were the odd one out. What were you supposed to be doing anyways? People around you danced enthusiastically, bobbing their heads up and down and waving their arms in the air. Should you dance along too? You weren't sure if that's what you wanted to do. On a side note, you noticed your best friend had ditched you. Great. So much for not being alone.
Feeling relieved when you saw the snack bar, you made your way there. At first, it was hard for you to move in the crowd of people. But when you swayed your hips and danced your way around the dancing floor, it became easier. You finally smiled genuinely for the first time that night, and hurriedly grabbed a plate to eat.
As you ate your food, you paid little attention to what you were drinking. You hadn't realize the handsome boy next to you placed it there for you.
"I saw you dancing out there," the boy said with a charming smile, causing you to choke a little in surprise. The handsome boy chuckled at your reaction and waited for your response, "you've got moves," he added. "I'd like to see what else you can do."
After finally recovering yourself, you looked at him. "Excuse me?" you asked. It wasn't that you didn't hear him. You heard him, all right. But it caught you off guard because no one ever complimented your dancing skills before. Besides, it came from a really cute guy, but you couldn't see him as clearly as you would have liked because of the terrible lightning, though even in the dark, you could tell he was really beautiful.
"I’m Oikawa, by the way, Oikawa Tooru," he tucked the strand of his brown hair that strayed in front of his face, flashing you a wink with his seductive smile to match.
"Y/N!" you called out so he could hear you, and he only laughed, so you weren't sure if he heard you or not.
"Wanna dance?" he asked with a tilt of his head.
You laughed in response to his question, shaking your head before you spoke, "What? No!" you sputtered, your cheeks turning bright red.
"C'mon, you know you want to, it'll be fun!" he persisted, not taking no for an answer. He grabbed your hand and led you back to the dance floor.
Oikawa started to dance, motioning you over to join him. When he received no reaction, he laughed out laugh, making you blush more unknowingly. Suddenly feeling flustered, you started to dance slowly by swaying your hips again, feeling the rhythm take over your body. You hadn't notice how his eyes were suddenly glued to you, but he wasn't the only one. Other people stopped to watch you dance and started to cheer for you. Before you knew it, you were breaking down in front of everyone, having the time of your life.
Someone gave you another drink, beer you assumed, and you chugged it down. One drink led to another additional three drinks, and you becoming almost completely intoxicated by now.
Somewhere along the way, Oikawa lead you somewhere else. It looked like the living room, you weren't sure. Things were looking a little blurry and disfigured in some weird way because of the harsh lights from earlier. Strangely though, you could tell the brown-haired boy before you apart from everything else.
Even stranger, you found yourself to be feeling self conscious of his hands. His hands were bigger than yours, and they made you feel safe. The way he was holding your hand made you feel like he was protective of you, and you found yourself liking it. It made you feel strange, like for some reason your stomach was tingly but it wasn't because you were hungry. It was completely different from that. It was like a mixture of overwhelmed feelings going overload, causing a catastrophe in the end. You weren't sure what to think of it all, but you knew you liked this unfamiliar feeling.
You both sat down in a circle with other people you couldn't recognize or even tell apart, well except for Hinata Shoyou, who was grinning like a mad man. Oikawa had stopped holding your hand when you arrived, and you couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. And it certainly didn't help that he sat across from you. You won't lie; not only did you want to hold his hand a little longer, you wanted to sit next to him.
Hinata stood up from his seat on the couch to announce the game they were going to play.
"The game is called 7 Minutes in Heaven," he said with a curve of his lip, "I'm sure you all know the rules but I'll explain it anyway," he continued, "you spin this bottle and wait for it to stop. To whomever the bottle points to, you have to spend some quality time with the said person for 7 minutes in the closet, right over there," he pointed at the closet with his finger. "Don't be shy, you can do whatever you want in there until the 7 minutes are up," he smiled before sitting back down.
Although you didn't realize it yourself, you suddenly felt a little grateful to be playing this game, even though it was silly. The chances of you spinning the bottle, and it landing on a certain boy were low, but not too low. You still wanted to believe it would land on him, though.
"This'll be fun, won't it, Y/N?" he said suddenly as if he just read your thoughts, snapping his head up to look at you, "I knew you'd like it," he winked at you again, and you merely shook your head from embarrassment.
The game started after that. Many people spun the bottle, proceeding to go to the closet and coming out looking like they had the time of their life. Some of them, at least. It almost landed on you once. Luckily, it didn't, and the person that had spun the bottle looked disappointed.
When it was finally your turn, you twirled the bottle hard. You felt nervous for some reason, biting your lower lip as you stared down the bottle. Slowly but surely, the speed of the bottle started to decrease each second it passed. You shut your eyelids tightly, wishing and hoping it landed on a certain someone. Suddenly, everyone started to whistle and chant something incoherent to your ears. You opened your eyes again, and the corners of his lips threatened to tug upward.
It landed on Oikawa.
"Must be my lucky day," he purred once the bottle stopped completely. "this way, m'lady," he said with a smirk. He helped you get up again, and Hinata turned to look at you with a wave and a smile.
"Have fun, you two lovebirds!" he called out with a loud laugh.
A deep shade covered your face as you realized you were holding hands again. When you both entered the closet, a whole new kind of anxiety entered you because this was real, you were really alone with him, and you had to hurry or else the time would be up.
The room fell quiet once the closet door clicked close. You wondered if the others were even breathing outside; it was just you and him, and all you could hear were his soft breaths, close enough to make you shiver.
He was the first to speak, his voice effectively jolting you from your thoughts. "So, this is the part where we kiss, isn't it?" he said with a playful smile.
"Yeah," you whispered, "I guess so," you acted like if it wasn't that big of a deal when it was. He took a step toward you, and when you lifted your head, your nose bumped into his, making him chuckle quietly. You felt your stomach tighten and like your head was going to beat right out of your chest.
"Come a little closer," he whispered, his voice hoarse as he urged you closer to him. You did exactly as you were asked, and you couldn't find your voice. You looked back up at him, into those intense eyes, and all you could do was grip at the material of his shirt where your hands had fallen to his back. He wavered a little, his expression unreadable to you, a mix of failing self-control, longing, and desperation.
He tilted his head, and moved forward until he could hear the soft hitch in your breath, feel it tickle your lips. He pressed his lips to yours with a certain finality, and even though you just met him, it felt like you had been waiting for this kiss forever. He lingered there for a moment, letting his lips slowly fall open, before pressing a second, more deliberate kiss.
He faltered, warm breath pooling against your lips. You felt like time had stopped, your only reassurance the frantic beating of your heart. He brought his hands to the side of your face, his fingers questioningly tracing the soft skin there. The touch sent a pleasant shiver across your skin, making you inch closer to his warm body. He let his tongue flick out against your lips, earning a sweet little gasp that made you smirk. He gripped your face more tightly and you eagerly parted your lips for him. He groaned quietly as your tongues met, one of his hands slowly fell to your waist, and he dug his fingers into your hip.
When you two parted for air, you shared a knowing look. You both knew you didn't have a lot of time so you might as well make the most of it. Suddenly, you reached down and fumbled with his button and zipper until they are both undone, tugging them down to his ankles, and you could hear his breath coming in shaky little gasps when you hooked your fingers into the tight band of his underwear, yanking them until they joined his pants, and he uttered a pleased little sound in the back of his throat.
"You don't waste any time, do you?" he teased, chuckling. You met his member at eye-level, and you couldn't help but give him a quick glance, the smirk on his face only urging you on. He leaned his body forward so that it was stretched over your kneeling form, palms pressed firmly against the wall behind your head. His member hadn't been touched but it was heavy with need.
You leaned in, ducking your head to catch the tip of his member on your bottom lip, your breath was hot, and he gritted his teeth against the urge to jerk forward into your mouth without warning. He raised onto his tiptoes, tilting his hips forward to press himself between your lips, and your mouth was so wide, warm and open. He was so thick and you couldn't think about anything else other than how badly you needed him to fill your mouth. You emitted a whine in the back of your throat when the stretch started.
"Just like that, take me," he said, his voice breathless and straining from holding all his body weight on his outstretched arms. You just blinked up at him slowly, eyes gone glassy, and he felt the tension as you forced your jaw wider, hearing the desperate little intakes of air through your flared nostrils.
"You look so fucking beautiful like this, baby," he praised, your eyelashes wet and cheeks hollowed, lips split-red tight around his member. He let out a shaky breath, centering his weight on one hand so he could bring the other to feel out the sharp lines of your jaw.
Your eyelids flutter closed when he brushed his fingers across your cheeks, rubbing his thumb over the line of drool trailing down the corner of your mouth. He couldn't keep his eyes off you and the sounds you made were like music to his ears. His hips stuttered forward a little, leaving you gagging for a second, your eyes flying wide open at that but you took it still.
"Fuck, you like that?" he murmured, you kept a hand on his thigh, keeping him in place. He pressed his hand against your jaw, setting his thumb against his own member and working it into the corner of your mouth, stretching it impossibly wider. His hand, member, and your chin was all covered in spit, and he felt himself get harder from the mere sight of it, staring on the tight pull of your lips, gone blood red like they might split at the seams.
"You're fucking incredible, baby," he breathed, pressing his thumb in further, pulling at the corner of your mouth in a way that had to hurt, but you just breathed through your nose, blinking back a few tears out of your eyes, managing to look smug and pretty even with a member in your mouth.
Someone suddenly whistled through the door, and then there's a fist slamming heavy blows against the door frame. "Seven minutes up, lovebirds!" Hinata called, giggling softly.
He pulled back from the wall, settling back on his feet while you pulled sloppily off his member, wiping at your mouth and eyes with the back of your hand, and you looked at him with a confident smirk.
"I didn't even realize that we were timed for a moment there," he chuckled, "so, was it everything you were hoping for?" he asked, teasing, even while he winced slightly at the feeling of shoving his still-hard member back in his pants.
"I sort of hoped you'd come in my mouth," you said, voice wrecked, shrugging your shoulders loosely, and it startled a laugh out of him.
"Is that right?" he questioned with another laugh. He fixed his pants back up before you both slipped out from the heated closet.
Hinata smirked when you both joined them and returned to your seats. He leaned in to whisper, "What happened in there? He looks like he had a hell of a time," he snickered.
You shook your head, your cheeks flushed with a deep red, "No, what happens in the closet stays in there!" you told him, and he only laughed in response.
The game continued on, but you found yourself not paying attention to anything that was happening because all you could think about how you sucked off Oikawa in that same closet everyone was going into. Obviously he couldn't stop thinking about it either because he was staring at you from across the room, his eyes practically undressing each article of your clothing. You both couldn't keep your eyes off one another.
Suddenly, you stood up and said, "I have to go use the bathroom."
"Okay, hurry back," Hinata winked at you as you made your way out of the room to head for the bathroom. You washed your face with both hands to get rid of the residue of the saliva that trailed down, heaving a soft sigh of relief after you finished. When you opened your eyes, you saw Oikawa standing in the mirror with a smirk.
"Miss me, princess?" he asked, and you whipped your head back to look at him. "You just can't get enough of me huh? Had to sneak off so I could take you here, huh?" he looked around the bathroom before he turned back to you, grinning wide.
"Well we weren't finished," you said, "and I still have to make you come," you told him. You wondered if that alcohol awakened this inner seductive nature in you or if it was just Oikawa’s charm that brought out your wild side, but either way you didn't care to know, you just wanted him to take you.
"That's exactly why I'm here," he chuckled. He started nuzzling into your neck with a satisfied smirk as he moved in close to your body until you could feel the cold porcelain press against your thighs. Shivers rolled down your spine as he pressed closer, a finger trailing between your folds through your panties underneath your dress. He pushed your panties down until they reached your ankles, and then he sank a long finger inside you, growling low in your ear as you moaned. His hand came down on your upper back, leaning over the sink you had been washing your face at. He started stroking your ass with a hand, giving it a tight squeeze.
"You're so nice and wet for me," he purred into your ear, his voice raspy. He leaned his head down to give your throat a gentle nibble that sent a jolt through you, making you gasp. You both watched each other in the mirror, his eyes locking onto yours as he nipped and nibbled along the column of your throat. He chuckled, raising himself off of your body, and slowly removed the finger from you with a long upward drag of your clit.
His hands found your waist and his eyes bored into yours when you kicked aside your panties. You quickly undid his pants again so that they pooled around his ankles.
"Ready for me, baby?" he asked, and you nodded your head fervently. With a wide, proud stance, he thrust into you in a long, smooth motion. The feeling of his thick, ridged member sliding into you, stretching you, was indescribable. His rough hips collided with a loud slap as he bottomed out, pressing his groin harshly into your own to ensure he was as deep as could be.
"Shit," he growled, drawing in a deep breath as he took you. Just as you tried to speak, he began to thrust, slow and steady thrusts. You gasped as you held onto the faucet of the sink, lips falling slack and eyes fluttering. His mandibles rose in an unabashed sign of amusement.
"Oh, Tooru!" you cried out, your head drooping down as you moved your hips backwards into his. His face contorted in a snarl in the mirror, the needle sharp teeth of his reflection glinting at you.
"Now this time, we can come, and we can do it together," he said, leaning over your back to murmur in your ear. He slowly took the side of your throat in his teeth then, flicking his tongue against the soft skin. His slightly muffled, rumbling voice was too much for you, only serving to make you aware of your combined fluids trickling down your upper thighs.
He pulled away then, giving a last teasing lick to your throat. There was a wide smirk on his face as he stared at your dazed face in the mirror. His hands snaked under to circle your nipples, his light pinches making you press yourself into his touch. He slipped them down to your waist and held tight, his thumbs digging into the small of your back.
You moaned when he continued to grind himself into you, his large size kept your g-spot stimulated with each thrust of his hips, the tip of his member echoing his movements deep inside of you. But you needed more.
"Please, keep going," you whined, barely managing to hold yourself up against the sink. It seemed like your body had been consolidated solely into your burning sex; it was the only thing you could feel. A loud rumble was audible from his chest as his thrusts became more demanding.
"Louder," he commanded. His eyes, still watching you intently in the mirror, had long assumed that near completely black color when he was aroused beyond belief. "I want you to tell me exactly what you want me to do to you. How do you want me to fuck you?" he asked as he panted heavily against your ear.
"Please, Tooru," you begged, not caring if the people outside could hear you, "I want you to fuck me hard. Fuck me hard and fast because I want to feel you for the rest of the day."
He cursed under his breath, and he began to thrust in and out of you at a wild pace just as you asked. You sobbed in relief as he gave you what you needed. Him, just him, hard and fast. The sounds of his flesh slapping against your softer flesh was almost as hot as the sounds of his low growls.
He was overwhelming you with pleasure, his hands tightening their grip around your hips as he slammed against you repeatedly. Your body began twitching violently as he fucked you senseless. You came quickly with a loud gasp around him, your flesh rippling frantically from him as he paused to savor the sensations around his length. He purred in satisfaction when you came down from your high, watching the lingering bliss on your face in the mirror.
"You're so tight and wet. You wanted me so badly, didn't you?" he asked, restarting his punishing rhythm.
"Yes," you said, fighting the urge to bite your lower lip, "so badly, Tooru."
His eyes flashed in the mirror and he thrust harder than before, forcing the air out of you as you rose onto the tips of your toes. Your rear was cushioned well by the concave of his hips as you slowly lowered onto the soles of your feet, still moaning low in your throat at the feeling. He resumed his rapid pace, choosing to chase his own climax by the throbbing his member was doing inside of you.
"Good, now do you want me to cum inside you? Do you want me to fill you up?" he asked around a pant.
"Yes, yes, I want it," you pleaded softly.
With a couple more thrusts, he sank flush for the final time. He came with a rumbling groan, his hands digging painfully into your waist. His member jerked inside you as his thick fluids spurted into you, and his head was rested upon your shoulder as he took in heavy breaths.
You two stayed like that for a couple of moments until you heard Hinata yelling outside the door, "I know you two are fucking in there! Get out of there, now!" he shouted, his voice playful and giggly.
You both laughed upon hearing that and fixed yourselves back up for the second time. He reached his hand out for you to take and you instantly held it in yours.
"Let's go see what those bozos are up to now," he laughed as you both left the bathroom. You rejoined the circle in the living room, and you didn't care how the rest of the night went because you already had the time of your life, thanks to a certain boy. You had no idea that you'd have so much fun tonight, so you were surely going to thank the friend that disappeared on you for doing you such a huge favor.
Hinata pointed two of his fingers in the direction of you and Oikawa.
"I'm keeping my eye on you slippery lovebirds!" he exclaimed, and you both turned to each other to laugh at that. That was probably a smart decision too, because Oikawa was already giving you a look like he wanted to leave with you, again.
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Something so right
Pairing: Alive! Luke x Fem reader
Summary: A date with the golden boy of the school reveals Y/N’s and Luke's true feelings for each other and they have no choice but to face what they feel. Who will take the first step?
(The fragments of the song are from Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift)
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Luke Patterson was more impatient than usual. 7:30 pm and no sign of his best friend, the one who had never missed a Sunset Curve rehearsal in these two years that they had been playing together.
“Am I the only one worried about Y/N? She is not usually late."
Reggie slaps his forehead, a memory snapping back into his head. "I forgot to tell you she won't be here today, she said something about a date."
The guitarist feels a punch in the stomach, he tries to hide how bitter the news fell on him, but his friends know him better than that.
“A date? With who?” Alex asks, genuinely curious.
“Austin Grayson.”
“Ugh, really Y/N?” But of course it had to be the school's golden boy. Luke can't help not feeling insecure. Austin Grayson is everything Luke Patterson isn't, and that scares him. What if that's what she's really looking for in a partner? He just wouldn’t stand a chance.
“Nice, he really has to like her to invited her despite what everyone says." Bobby responds as he takes advantage of the short break to rest his hands. Reggie and Alex nodding in agreement.
“What do they say?” Luke asks, completely lost.
“Oh please, most of the school thinks you guys are dating. There isn't a day that I don't hear someone call her Patterson’s girl." Alex replies, and Luke looks even more lost.
He can somehow understand why they would think that, he always enjoys having her and feeling her close. Usually touching her hand or arm in some way, hugging her whenever he sees fit. Carrying her books in the hallways or supporting her at her basketball games, just like she accompanies them to all the band's rehearsals and performances, or how she sometimes wears to school the clothes that he 'accidentally' leaves at her home when her mom invites him to dinner. On second thought, it’s easy to understand the confusion.
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You don’t know what is happening. Austin is sweet, handsome, smart, and yet you feel nothing. Forced yourself to laugh falsely all night, and couldn't help but think that it would have been more fun to join the boys in rehearsal, especially when they were only a few days away from Sunset Curve's first performance at school.
When you finally get home, you walk with your head on the floor, trying not to make eye contact with your date. Austin gently grabs your chin so you turn to see him.
A fake cough from behind causes you both to jump away from each other. You don't even have to turn to find out who owns that perfect timed cough.
“What are you doing here?” You refuse to turn around, but you know he's smirking anyway.
“It’s movie night, love.” You force one more smile towards Austin as you curse Luke under your breath, who emphasized the last word in that seductive deep voice he sometimes does when he sings and that secretly melts your legs.
“Patterson." Austin tries to get past the awkward moment by participating in the conversation, and Luke responds by approaching and placing his arm on your shoulder.
"Grayson. Thank you for bringing her safe and sound." He sounds sincere, and that makes you smile for real for the first time of the night.
“It was nothing... I should go. Goodnight Y/N, I had a great time.”
Luke lowers his arm from your shoulder and leans back, ashamed of his rare moment of insecurity and letting you say goodbye to the boy.
As soon as he leaves, you turn to see your best friend, who looks sadly at the ground, and you hug him tightly.
Luke has been through very difficult months, and it is easy for someone who is vulnerable to feel insecure, especially in situations new to them. Not to mention that you are definitely not going to fight with the person you love for putting his arm on your shoulder or calling you in an affectionate way, which are things that he usually does, guy in your doorstep or not. You decide that he showing a little jealousy for once is not the end of the world.
“I missed you so much, rockstar.” You murmur still against his chest, your statement only makes him hold you tighter. You can't help but think about how just hugging him for a few seconds makes you so much happier than the whole date you just had.
“I’m sorry for making a scene. No wonder everyone thinks we are dating.“
“I don’t mind. I couldn't wear your cool flannels or your necklaces if I was dating someone. Plus it would take away valuable time that I can use as the president of the Sunset Curve fan club.” He chuckles. You can feel his body relax and his heartbeat begins to calm down. He gives you a sweet kiss in your hair before letting you go.
Best friends walk into the house, and as Y/N goes to change into something more comfortable Luke sits at the kitchen counter to chat with his second female best friend.
"You have to do something quick, I don't want to have you here crying and eating ice cream while she's on some date with some graceless snob.”
The guitarist can't help but laugh. Y/N's mom has always been a music lover and one of his greatest inspirations. She gave him his first guitar and taught him how to play, always supporting him in each of his steps as a musician. She has always loved him like a son, believing in him with all her might and always blindly entrusting him with what she loves most in the world, her daughter Y/N.
“I know, I will I promise. What I felt today when I saw Grayson touch her face and so close to her lips... I never want to experience that again. I was thinking maybe at homecoming? Sunset Curve is going to perform.”
She wrinkles her nose in response and Luke laughs again.
"Yeah too much information, I’m sorry. And I know, but we have to start somewhere. As soon as we get booked at a good enough club you'll be the first guest.”
They both make a pinky promise and smile.
“I’ll make you proud someday. I swear.”
“I’m always proud of you, my sweet boy. I know you’ll do amazing things, just take good care of my princess during tours.”
“You know I will.” They pinky promise again and reunite with Y/N in the living room to watch movies til the teens fall asleep cuddling.
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Homecoming day arrived and you don’t have a partner. It is not hard to imagine why, being surrounded by at least one of the Sunset Curve members 24/7, especially Luke who tries to be close to you as much as possible, as if he is afraid that you will forget him if you spend too much time separated. Which is actually something you like, if you are honest with yourself. Is not something you would tell him but feeling him close and having his attention devoted to you most of the time feels quite special.
The date with Austin didn’t feel right and only confirmed what you've been trying to deny yourself for months. You are in love with freakin Luke Patterson. And you are in really deep, loving the good, bad, fun, boring, charming, and annoying parts, absolutely every side of him. And now is the time to finally do something about it.
After the guys show tonight, even more girls will be raining down on them than usual and things could get really messy, it's best to make your move first. Inside your heart you know that he feels the same, and if he doesn't have the courage to act on it then you will.
The first and most important thing you need to do to get the operation going is to kidnap Reggie, Alex and Bobby.
After a little threatening session everyone sang about Luke's idea for tonight, which made you grin like an idiot and feel more confident about your plan. The surprise that he will get when he sees how you sabotaged his plan.
Convincing Luke that it was best for you to come on your own so that they would have more time to prepare was not easy, but in the end you succeeded.
He's not a suit kinda person, but you went along with him to get a dark blue one that looked unreal on him just a few weeks ago, and you knew he would find a way to wear it sleeveless so he will look even more irresistible. You opted for a black dress that fades beautifully to blue towards the bottom of the skirt and in which you really look pretty good If you can say it yourself.
Sunset Curve finishes singing the first song, Now or never. It's time for the song Luke wrote for you, but he turns to see his friends scared when he still can't find you in the crowd. They smile at him and start to play the song they practiced with you just a few hours before.
“The way you move is like a full on rainstorm, and I'm a house of cards. You're the kind of reckless that should send me running, but I kinda know that I won't get far.”
You walk onto the stage as you start the first verse, Luke is shocked for a few seconds but then grins from ear to ear.
“And you stood there in front of me just... close enough to touch.” He recovers much faster than expected and pulls you by the waist towards him, just the microphone separating you two while he looks at you with the most seductive face you’ve ever seen.
“'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile... Get me with those green eyes, baby as the lights go down.” He blushes a little and smiles while his eyes are locked on your lips, capturing every move.
After what seems like an eternity, the song ends and before you can even say thank you, Luke's lips crash against yours, and it’s even better than what you’ve dreamed plenty of times. All the people start screaming, but you especially hear Reggie and Alex a few steps away who sound pretty happy for you.
“Reggie, an issue occurred, I have to go, sing home is where my horse is if you want to.” Luke whispers to his friend, before effortlessly carrying you off the stage.
“Admit it, you just want to touch my legs.” You joke while he walks with you on his shoulder.
“I’m in love with a really smart girl.” You stay quiet, your heart wants to jump out of your chest and you don’t even want to imagine how red your face is right now.
The guitarist finally brings you down when you leave the building, and you both walk to the park next door, where you met when you were just kids.
"Do you remember exactly how we met?" He asks while taking your hand.
“Reggie and Alex teamed up to destroy you in a game they invented and I was the only one in the park, so you invited me to join your team. And when we managed to win you said that we were the best duo on the face of the earth, that we had to be best friends forever."
“I sound very intense.”
“You are.”
They both laugh at the memory.
"You were still right."
“When did you finally realize that you loved me?” Luke asks, smirking playfully.
“I've known for a long time, but I didn't dare to admit it until recently.”
He completely accepts my answer and sincerity and smiles at me.
“I always knew that we would end up together, you eat me with your eyes when I'm not wearing a shirt.”
His teasing takes effect and you blush just remembering him in that situation.
He smiles cheekily and then takes mercy on you and changes the subject.
“So, we are the best duo on the face of the earth, best friends forever, and now an official couple?”
“That’s right, handsome and smart. Nice.”
Both approach until their lips touch, the kiss begins calm but quickly becomes more passionate, his tongue claiming every inch of your mouth, his arms strong on your hips. You let this amazing sensations envelop you and you lose yourself in him, happier than you've ever been.
When you are with the right person, everything feels just right.
Thank you for reading!
@siennanoelle01 , @totomoshi , @kiss-themoongoodbye , @writerinlearning
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calaofnoldor · 4 years
Sixth Time’s the Charm [3]
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(not my gif)
Characters: Sam x F!Reader, Dean
Words: 3,695
Series Summary: All the times Dean has tried to get Sam to admit his feelings for you.
Chapter Summary: Dean suggests the two of you pose as a couple for a case. Sam objects wholeheartedly. (aka Sam and Y/N go to therapy.)
Warnings: jealous!sam, jealous!reader, language, idiots in love, mutual pining, fake marriage, kind of a case!fic, slow burn, fluff, basically all the tropes
A/N: hi loves, sorry this took so long! had some trouble with this one and i’m still not completely happy with it but hopefully you guys enjoy anyway. and i’m sorry the chapters keep getting longer, haha this whole series was only supposed to be a one-shot. oops.
written for @spnfluffbingo and @girl-next-door-writes make me feel bingo!
Square Filled: Fake Marriage for @spnfluffbingo and Mutual Pining for @girl-next-door-writes​
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The third time was honestly quite fun for Dean. It started with a rare night of relaxation. The three of you were hanging out around a table in the bunker library, steadily working your way through a six-pack Sam had brought back from a supply run earlier. Dean had his legs crossed and feet propped up casually before him, while you and Sam were scrolling leisurely through the internet on your respective laptops.
“I think I just found us a case,” Sam had started with furrowed brows, as he sat up to get a closer look at his screen. “So get this, two married couples in Wisconsin were found dead after visiting the same couples therapist.”
“Does it say how?” you asked, fidgeting with the label on your beer bottle.
“Yeah, they all fell from windows in upper stories.”
Your brows flew up and you huffed in disbelief, “You’re right, seems like a rather unlikely coincidence, probably something up our alley.”
At this point, Dean was ready to burst with glee. God himself could not have presented a better opportunity. If things worked out, he could finally put an end to Sam’s petulant spasms and eradicate the sexual tension that hung so potently (and disturbingly) throughout the air whenever you and Sam were in the same room.
“Well, I guess we know what we gotta do…” Dean tried to fight the grin on his lips as he turned to you, “Hey, Y/N?”
With a perfectly straight face, he managed to ask, “Will you marry me?”
The mouthful of beer that Sam was about to swallow erupted forth in a cascade of tiny droplets, spritzing through the air as he began to cough and choke on what little alcohol had somehow made it down the wrong pipe.
You immediately looked over to see if he was alright, not expecting to find the usually adroit and graceful man a sputtering, red-faced mess, “Geez, Sam. Are you okay?” Rising from your seat to move towards him, you stopped when he held out a large palm and waved it at you as a form of both reassurance and interception.
“Yea- yeah, I’m fine,” Sam wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand, taking a moment to recompose himself before sending you an awkward little smile of gratitude.
Dean cleared his throat, “So whaddya say, Y/N/N?”
“About my proposal, before Sammy so rudely interrupted.” Sam was glaring holes through his brother now, but Dean paid him no attention.
“Oh, right,” you chose your next words carefully, “Umm, you mean you wanna go undercover?”
Dean shrugged his shoulders, tilting his head to the side as he raised his eyebrows in a suggestive smirk, “If the shoe fits…”
“Well aren’t you romantic?” you quipped sarcastically.
“Oh sweetheart, just you wait and see,” Dean sent you a wink that you were sure had dropped many a panty in his time yet held little to no effect over you because… well because you were busy being a little too enraptured by his baby brother. That didn’t seem to stop Dean though, “Trust me, as your loving husband-” It was Sam’s turn to clear his throat, but again Dean ignored him, “I'm gonna romance the shit outta you.”
You scoffed at him in amusement, “Right, you mean when we go to couples therapy?”
“Baby girl, you’d be surprised-”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Sam couldn’t hold it in any longer, throwing both hands up in objection, “Can we just back up for a minute? Why does anyone have to get married?”
Dean shot him an incredulous look, “Come on, Sam, we've worked enough of these cases to know this is always the easiest and fastest way.”
Through stiff jaws Sam released a harsh, conceding sigh, “OK... then... why does it have to be you and Y/N?”
“Cause we’re best friends; it'll be more believable,” Dean answered easily with a grin.
A disbelieving stare crossed Sam’s indignant features before he looked down to suppress his emotions with a sardonic nod and pursed lips. It was one thing for Dean to suggest playing your husband but to claim that you're his best friend instead of Sam's... That was too far.
“Plus, you've always been better at playing FBI,” his brother continued with that irritating smile.
Sam gave himself a moment before stating adamantly, “I don't think it should be you.”
“What, why? You don't think we can get the job done?” Dean’s tone was accusing, and you knew he was trying to provoke Sam, but ever since the notion that two out of the three of you needed to play a married couple had been introduced, you found yourself at an inevitable impasse.
“No, I-“ Sam could barely get any words out before Dean circled back to you instead.
“Y/N?” The look Dean sent you forced you to face your inner dilemma head on. On the one hand, you wanted nothing more than an excuse to get close to Sam, to hold his hand and gaze at him adoringly without worrying about anyone seeing, and so much more… but on the other hand, you feared that a glimpse of the ‘real deal’, however contrived, might just push you over the decisive edge. What if you couldn’t go back to your platonic guise after? What if you broke your own heart?
“What? Um, yeah, I think it could work,” you rubbed the back of your neck nervously, keeping your eyes on Dean’s to avoid meeting Sam’s.
Your response elicited a smug expression on the older Winchester’s face however, as he returned to questioning his brother, “So what is it, Sam? You don't think I can pretend to be in love with Y/N? Cause trust me, that'll be easy.” There was that wink again, prompting a roll of your eyes.
“No, I just-“ You were worried Sam’s jaw might fall off if he clenched it any tighter. Why did he seem to care so much anyway? Was he jealous? The thought popped into your head almost as quickly as you dismissed it.
“Then what, Sam?” Dean plucked at that final straw and an explosion of the type that had seemed to become increasingly common from the ordinarily calm and gentle giant followed.
“IT SHOULD BE ME, OK?” Sam roared in frustration, his expansive chest was heaving and his hazel irises had darkened immeasurably. “It should be me,” he repeated more quietly.
Dean smirked; this was exactly what he wanted, exactly what he expected. “Well geez, Sammy. If you wanted to get with Y/N so bad, you could’ve just said so.”
“Wha- that’s not- I don't,” Sam looked extremely distressed and you couldn’t blame him. Whatever Dean was playing at had led him to essentially force Sam to reject you out right, and being the compassionate soul that he was, you knew Sam never wanted to hurt you that way, even if it was indirectly. “I just- I think it would work better this way. You're not exactly the marriage or therapy type and you're just not-“
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. You wanna shack up with Y/N and who could blame you? There’s no need to throw a hissy fit, baby brother. She’s all yours.” Dean chuckled at the sight of your averted eyes and Sam’s burning cheeks, thinking his work was just about done, “Alright, I’m gonna go get Baby ready. You kids have fun.”
When the echo of a closing door filled the room, Sam turned back to you, “Y/N, look I-“
“Don’t worry about it, Sam, I know what you meant,” you brushed him off hastily, “And you’re right, Dean would probably have a hard time keeping up the act. He’d end up flirting with the therapist or something.” Laughing always did help you conceal the pain in your chest.
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As it turned out, it was a flirtatious therapist you should have been more concerned about. The woman had eyes for Sam only as soon as the two of you walked into her office and sat down on the tiny loveseat before her.
“Welcome, I’m Dr. Ryan, but you can call me Marlena,” she paused to perform a not-so-subtle scan along the length of Sam’s body before smiling at him seductively, “Why don’t we start by introducing yourselves?”
You kept your expression neutral though there was an urge to glare at her. After all, didn’t she think Sam was a married man? Perhaps this was part of the scam that got the couples before you killed, your rational side countered.
“Uh, OK…” Sam appeared rather uncomfortable beside you, pressing his lips into a tight semblance of a smile, “Umm, I'm Sam and this is my wife Y-Y/N.”
The damn Winchester was always so adorably flustered every time someone hit on him, something you never failed to find incredibly endearing, especially considering he was a 6'4” hunk of a man who could surely get inside the pants of any woman he wanted. You assumed, being that good looking, he’d be used to the attention by now, but the fact that he still reacted this way was a true testament to his humility.
“And how did you two meet?”
“Through work,” Sam answered shortly. A resounding pang had shot through his chest when he introduced you as his wife and he was still trying to recoup. If only this wasn't all make-believe, if only he could sit close to you and hold your hand in his whenever he wanted and not just for the sake of a ridiculous pretence. The Mr. and Mrs. titles and matching rings weren't even necessary. He just wanted to make you his as much as he was already yours.
Fuck, Dean was right; Sam was in deep. Just the thought of Dean acting as your husband had his heart racing and every muscle in his body tense with envy. There was no way he could have handled seeing his brother all over you, even if it was pretend. And if the fact that he had to make Dean go get the rings for your current ruse, because he had a strong suspicion the act of buying you a ring yet knowing it wasn’t real might just annihilate the final pieces of his fragile heart, wasn’t telling enough... Sam was finally beginning to realize that he could no longer deny his feelings for you.
“Tell me about that. What is it you two do?”
Although the questions were directed at both of you, Marlena’s gaze remained resolutely transfixed upon Sam, but the man was much too busy thinking about you to notice.
“Uh, well it was about 3 years ago. We’re firefighters and Y/N had been sent from another division to help out with a particularly bad… fire. But she somehow got there before we did, and when I arrived on the scene, I saw her walk out of the burning building in a blaze of smoke and dust. She was carrying a little boy, who she had just saved, covered in ash and soot, a-and there was scrape above her left brow that had left a trail of darkened blood down the side of her face,” Sam smiled to himself at the memory, “But I couldn’t move. It was just all so surreal because it was the last thing I expected to find, and I thought she was the most beautiful soul I had ever set my eyes on. I knew right then that I would gladly devote the rest of my life to getting to know her better, to becoming worthy of her, but when she came up to us, I could barely speak in full sentences and I made a fool of myself by stumbling over my own feet. My brother, who’s uh- also a firefighter, later told me he thought I was having a stroke.” Sam chuckled softly. His eyes were downcast, and he seemed to be a little lost in his own world.
By contrast, you were staring at him in shock. You remembered the day quite clearly, although in reality it was a wendigo that you were forced to kill by starting a fire since your flare gun wouldn’t work, but Sam got the rest of the details spot on. The lilt of his voice as he spoke had made it all sound so real, for a moment, you nearly tricked yourself. Who knew he had such incredible acting chops on top of all those other skills?
“Well, that sounds like a beautiful start. I’m assuming you work together now?” Taking note of the new edge in her voice, you gave her a nod and Dr. Ryan continued, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose with a pen, “It must be terribly hard to maintain a work-life balance and keep the romance alive. I’m sure there are issues from work that you’ll often bring home, conflicts that can never be resolved considering the lack of alone time? Maybe something you found annoying about the other that seemed bearable in the beginning but has now festered to become an unmendable chasm between the two of you?”
Your eyes narrowed of their own accord. Between the obvious flirting to the now obvious attempt to instigate discord between you and Sam, you were starting to think Marlena was undoubtedly the monster (that or she was an awful couples therapist). Her motive remained unclear though, so you played along.
“Uh, well Sam can be a bit… overprotective, at times, when we’re working, and sometimes it can get in the way of the job.”
“Ok but that’s only because Y/N can be ludicrously stubborn, at times, and she has a habit of running headfirst into danger." Sam was surprisingly quick to retort.
"It's literally our job to run into danger, Sam.” Your body was now twisted to face his, “And if I recall correctly, my ‘ludicrous stubbornness’ has led to the saving of multiple lives, yours included."
Sam lowered his head and scoffed lightly before he too turned to face you completely, golden eyes boring into yours with an intensity you were not prepared for, "I know it has but sometimes you act like other people's lives are worth more than yours and that's not true. Besides, it's my job to care about you, to protect you… I-I mean as your husband."
For a second, things got a little too real there, but you took a deep breath to remind yourself this was all just an act, "And I appreciate that Sam, but sometimes it can be a bit overbearing-"
"Well if I'm overbearing it's only because I'm terrified every time we go out there,” Sam began to enunciate every word stiffly, speaking almost entirely through gritted teeth, “Because I can't bear the thought of losing you, because I can't fathom living a life without you!"
And once again, you were left staring at him with your mouth agape. He sure was laying it on thick, or perhaps he just wanted to win the fight, because you had no idea how to argue against that.
“Alright, I think that’s enough on that topic. Maybe we should try something else,” Dr. Ryan interjected, “Oh look at that, time’s almost up! I always end my sessions with a fun little exercise. I want you to look each other in the eyes and take turns coming up with one positive word to describe the other, something you love about your partner, but it must be genuine.”
Quirking your brow, you struggled to restrain the smile on your face as you turned back to Sam. Well this’ll be easy.
“Intelligent,” you stated matter-of-factly, figuring you’d start with something relatively un-incriminating.
“Strong,” Sam came back at you immediately. There was a fierceness in his eyes, almost as if he was daring you to bring it on.
“Kind,” came your simple response.
“Discerning.” His voice seemed lower for some reason.
“Capable,” you kept your eyes locked on Sam’s as you lifted your chin.
“Tough.” There was an undeniable fondness that accompanied the word when it left his lips.
“Sassy,” you replied, unable to stop the smirk that tugged at the corner of your mouth.
“Tenacious,” Sam narrowed his eyes at you.
“Selfless.” Why did you sound so out of breath?
“Complex.” He was smiling at you now.  
“Protective,” you finally admitted despite your earlier complaints.
“Beguiling,” Why were you both whispering?
“Tall.” Was that lust you could hear in your own voice?
“Badass,” Was that lust you could hear in his voice?
“Gorgeous… or handsome if you prefer.” When did your faces get so close?
“So fucking beautif-”
“Woah! OK, I think we’re done here.” Shit, you had almost forgotten about the therapist. “That was… excessive. I don’t think I’ll be needing to see you again,” she declared as she stood up rather suddenly, prompting you and Sam to do the same though you were both still a little caught up in your game.
“Wow, you really are tall,” Marlena breathed out as she smoothed a hand down her pencil skirt. The provocative tone of her voice had you back down to earth in no time. "And those years of firefighting have definitely paid off, what with all those big muscles.”
Sam gave an awkward half laugh as he wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you tight against his side. You weren’t sure what compelled you to but as if on instinct, you raised your outer hand and placed it lightly on Sam’s stomach, feeling his abs contracting even through the soft flannel beneath your fingers as you replied, “Yeah, that’s just another one of the many things I love about Sam.”
The laugh that escaped Sam this time was much more sincere, “Thank you for your time, Dr. Ryan.” He kept his hand on your waist as he led the two of you out the door, trying his damnedest to ignore the enticing sensation your touch had evoked throughout his body, as well as the subsequent questions of what your little hand might feel like on other parts of him if a simple graze of his abdomen could produce such a dramatic effect.
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“Did it seem like she was rushing us to you?” you questioned Sam pensively when you were back at the motel half an hour later.
“Yeah, like the more we spoke, the more she lost interest in us,” he agreed.
Your next words tumbled out without permission and you could only cringe at the bitter inflection of your voice, “Well, she didn’t seem to lose any interest in you.”
Sam felt himself smile at your adorableness; he couldn’t help it when your bottom lip jutted out like that. If he didn’t know any better, he would’ve thought you were jealous.
“Are you two outta your damn minds?” Dean looked from his brother’s face to yours. “Did you even check the time? She only gave you about half of what we paid for!”
“What, really?” you and Sam responded in chorus.
“Yeah, but luckily I’m a genius and I got everything we needed within the first few minutes.” Grinning in that cocky way of his, Dean explained, “Your EMF sensors were off the charts as soon as you walked into her office, and I found ectoplasm in the bathroom.”
“She’s a ghost?” Sam did that adorable scrunchy thing with his face and you had to physically stop yourself from staring.
“Possessed by one, yeah. And I checked the records. She spent at least an hour overtime with both of the dead couples.”
“So, what, are we not good enough to be her next victims?” you wondered.
“Maybe she saw through the act?” Sam suggested.
Dean was fumbling through a stack of papers until he found something, “Yeah, I don’t think that’s it. Here, check this out.”
Sam started to read out loud, “’Grave of local girl found desecrated by joggers passing through the cemetery early Sunday morning…’”
“Turns out the kid got pushed out a window accidentally when her parents were fighting... Splat.” Dean elaborated, ever so tactfully.
You were starting to piece it together though, “So now she’s seeking out dysfunctional couples to kill them the way she died… for what, revenge? Or to stop them from accidentally murdering their own kids?”
“That’s my best guess,” Dean confirmed.
“Huh… nice work on research, buddy. I’m impressed,” the playful grin you sent Dean’s way was not lost on Sam.
“Yeah, well your husband’s not the only one who can look stuff up around here. Besides, someone had to do the work while you two were off playing Mr. and Mrs. Smith.”
“Sam and I have never tried to kill each other,” you argued.
Dean snorted while grabbing his jacket, “And that’s about the only way your relationship differs.”
When he saw your brows pull together in confusion, Sam quickly cut in to change the subject, “So uh- what’s the plan?”
His brother was nearly out the door when he responded, “Nice and easy. I’ll go burn the bones while you guys go back and distract her with your little love fest, capiche?”
The ghost was surprisingly open this time around, admitting freely to her past crimes and even explaining her methods. Apparently, flirting with the husbands was a routine and easy test to spot any cracks in the relationships, one that she claimed Sam had passed with flying colors. But you knew better than to assume his achievement had anything to do with you. After all, you’d seen the man hold fast against the fervent advances of a high-end stripper before, while he was drunk. This was nothing.
“But why kill them?” Sam questioned, with the kind of genuine curiosity that only he could exhibit towards a murderous monster.
“Because it’s better to die than stay in a loveless marriage… But of course you two wouldn’t underst-“ Dean must have completed his task because the therapist was interrupted by a shapeless black plume bursting through her mouth.
‘Oh Shit,’ you thought relentingly as you watched the spirit eject itself and disappear into a fiery cloud of dark fumes, a forlorn expression upon your face, ‘I’m in love with Sam Winchester.’
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thank you for reading! feedback super appreciated!!
TEAM IDJITS: @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @carryonmywaywardbucky​ @swiftlymoniquesblog​ @moosewinchester​ @sams-sass​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @jotink78​
STTC TAG TEAM: @matchesarelit​  @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese​ @gia-25​ @laurakirsten0502​ @ruined-by-destiel​ @sunflowersandotherthings​
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angelsswirl · 4 years
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Summary: You were never supposed to fall in love with your best friend.
If you should fall
From your pink sky
Just know you'll fall into my arms, every single night
Icarus babe
Requested: Yes
Word Count: idk, a decent amount?
Title Song: Icarus by Max Lawrence
Rating: Mature, but the smut wont be graphic because I don't think that fits what I've written here. It's more implied than anything
Notes: I hope you enjoy it!
You were never supposed to fall in love with your best friend. You weren't. You knew this as fact.
And that isn't to say, it never happened for other people. That it never worked out. No. You just knew that it wouldn't work out for you. Things like that rarely did.
You had prayed, and wished, and hoped that this would all work out. But all of your pleas had fallen on deaf ears. And you couldn't say you were surprised.
Park Chaeyoung was your best friend.
She knew that. You didn't have to tell her.
She was the person you told everything to. The person you did everything with. The person you lived for.
Park Chaeyoung was the love of your life.
She did not know that. You weren't going to tell her.
She was the person you dreamed about at night. She was the person you fantasized about in the day. She was the person you breathed for.
She would never know. Because you would never tell her. Living in your truth by yourself seemed a much better option then speaking your truth and being denied of it.
You're not afraid to admit you're not very strong when it comes to love. But you are afraid to admit that for her, you would try to be.
"Watching you two together makes me sad." Jennie said out of nowhere.
You frowned at her. Rosé had run off to God knows where minutes prior, leaving just you and Jennie standing in the corner of someone else's livingroom during a house party.
It gross and sticky and hot and most definitely not your scene, but Rosé had practically begged you to come along, and return you had practically begged Jennie to be your buffer. And maybe even your sober coach as well.
You didn't trust yourself, alone with Rosé and alcohol in your system.
"What are you talking about?" You and Jennie are standing close enough to each other that you don't have to shout of the pumping bass of som Top 40 song, but you definitely can't whisper either.
Jennie rolled her eyes. She was bored. She really only tagged along to be a good friend. This wasn't her scene either. That was one of the reasons you two got along so well. You both hated and loved the same things.
Sometimes, you think if maybe Jennie wasn't straighter than a steel beam, then maybe she'd be the best friend that you'd have fallen in love with.
But that wasn't what the cards said for you.
"You and Chae. It's like watching those 'arms of the angels' or whatever commercials. You know with the hurt, homeless puppies?"
It was your turn to roll your eyes, "Well, I'm sorry I can't serve to be your entertainment 24/7."
"Oh, I didn't say this wasn't entertaining. It's just also sad. Like, what's the hold up, just grab her face and kiss her."
"I'm sure to her it would be like if I just grabbed your face and kissed you."
"No, that would imply she's straight and not head over ass in love with you. Both of which, I know not to he true for her in the slightest."
"She's not in love with me, Jennie."
"And I'm not sweating through my clothes right now." She replied sarcastically.
You only shook your head and took another sip of your lukewarm beer.
"Riddle me this, Y/N. If Chaeyoung isn't in love with you then why does she look at you like she would stop breathing if you were ever out of her sight? If Chaeyoung isn't in love with you then why does she treat you like you'll melt away? If Chaeyoung isn't love with you then why are you the only thing she talks about when you're not around?"
You shook your head profusely, "Chaeyoung is like that with everyone. She's sweet and nice and flirty with everyone. And that's exactly why it's time for me to finally get over her."
Jennie nodded along silently. You got the feeling she was only pretending to agree with you.
"Ok, well then, you know what the first step to getting over someone is. Get under someone else. How about the girl over there? She's been staring at you since we got here." Jennie pointed to a tall, admittedly beautiful woman across the room from you. She wasn't looking at you at the moment, but you had noticed her staring earlier as well.
Despite all of what you just said, you'd sooner rather die than get over Rosé but you were stubborn and needed to prove a point to Jennie.
"Hold my beer." Jennie did so with a curious smirk on her face.
You walked your way over to the woman, dodging elbows and sloshing drinks. She saw you coming, a soft smile engulfing her lips.
"Hi." She said some what softly.
"Not to be creepy or anything, but I noticed you when you walked in, and I sort of couldn't help myself but to stare at you all night. You're beautiful, "She paused, "My name is Lisa, by the way."
"I-it's not creepy. I'm Y/N....want to dance?"
"I loved to."
You grabbed Lisa's hand and all but dragged her onto the dancefloor. This must have been where the drunkenness set in. You turn around on your own accord, pressing your back into Lisa's front. Swaying your hips to the pounding in your ears, because you definitely cannot hear the music anymore.
"Where's, Y/N?" Rosé asked Jennie as she met her. She handed her the water she had picked up for the three of them.
Jennie pointed in your direction with a hum.
Rosè watched silently as you grinded on the stranger.
"I was gone for 5 minutes..."
"You snooze, you lose, I guess." Jennie felt bad for acting so cavalier, but at this point, the only way to get you what you wanted was to be completely honest.
Rosé didn't exactly know what to think of that. Or rather it was hard for her to think anything when you were dancing seductively with someone pointedly not her.
The emotions that come with it are hard to pick through as well. Hurt, anger, jealousy, and maybe she's even a bit turned on because she finds you immensely sexy.
Whatever the case may be, she decided that she can't sit around and just watch. No that would hurt too much. She's gotta stop this. She's gotta fix this.
Chaeyoung was never supposed to fall in love with her best friend. At least she doesn't think she was supposed to. There's no real way to be sure.
And that isn't to say that she's not sure if she loves you. She's 100% sure about that. It's to say that, how is she supposed to know if you love her back.
She had prayed and wished and hoped that you would see the signs that absolutely poured out of her whenever you were near. But, all of her pleas had fallen on deaf ears. And she couldn't say she was surprised.
You were her best friend.
You knew that. She didn't have to tell you.
You were the person she confided in. The person who knew her deepest, darkest secrets. The person she breathed every breath for.
You were the love of her life.
You didn't know that. She had been trying to tell you.
You were the person she gave herself pep talks in the mirror for. The person she put on her most expensive outfits for. The person she would live a thousand lives for.
You were oblivious. Sometimes, it seemed like you didn't even want to know. Chaeyoung didn't want to live in her truth by herself. She wanted to shout it from the rooftops. But keeping that to herself seemed a much better option than making you uncomfortable and losing you as a friend.
She's not afraid to admit she's in love with the very fiber of your being. But she is afraid to admit that, even if she wasn't, you'd still have her wrapped around your finger.
"Get away from her." It's harsher than she intended and it definitely startled you, but it got the point across.
"Chae?" You questioned as you were practically yanked to Rosé's side.
"Don't grab her like that." Lisa said with a frown.
Rosé's resolve slipped for a second. Maybe she shouldn't have grabbed you but that was besides the point now.
"I said stay away from her."
Lisa put her hands up in mock surrender, "Look. Sorry. Didn't know she had a girlfriend."
"She's no-" Lisa walked deeper into the throng of people before you could finish your sentence.
You turned back to Chaeyoung with a frown.
"What the hell was that, Chae?"
That was a good question. One that she didn't exactly have an answer to. She glanced down to where her hand was still gripping your forearm. She let go silently.
With a roll of your eyes you pulled Rosé through the crowd. You searched for an empty room, quickly finding an unoccupied bedroom.
You close the door behind you two. Finally, some peace and quiet.
You crossed your arms and looked on expectantly.
Chaeyoung's face scrunched up, like she was losing a hard fought battle with herself, "You don't get it do you?
"Get what? Why you pulled me away from Lisa? No. I don't."
Rosé wiped her hands over her face roughly, "I did that be-because....your mine. Or at least, I want you to be."
Your arms fell to your sides, and your face softened into confusion.
"God. I thought I was being obvious. I thought I was being so obvious." Chaeyoung shook her hand before sitting on the edge of the bed.
"But, you're flirty with everyone?"
"There's a difference between being nice to someone and being irrevocably in love with you."
You scrambled for any words, any explanation that could help you describe your confusion, and quite frankly you're embarrassment. It seemed as though you had put her in the same position you had thought she put you in.
"It's okay if you don't feel the same way. As long as we can still be friends. I just had to finally tell you with words. We can still be friends right?" She doesn't look at you as she speaks. Her eyes casted down onto her wringing hands in her lap.
You move slowly towards her, grabbing her hands in her lap, "I love you too. I'm sorry I didn't say anything before-I thought...I thought...well it doesn't matter what I thought. I just-I love you too. A lot."
Chaeyoung looked up at you, a stray tear falling from her eye, "You do?"
You nod, "I do." You leaned in towards her, taking her bottom lip softly between yours. And she kisses you back, it isn't hungry, but it passionate, and somehow that serves to turn you on more.
You pushed her back slightly and straddled her lap.
Chaeyoung seemed to not know what to do with this turn of events, so you helped her along. Grabbing her hands and placing them on your ass.
You breathed out a chuckle into her mouth, "Yeah. Oh."
Chaeyoung let herself be pushed backwards onto the bed. She grabbed at the zipper to your dress. Fumbling with it until it finally did what she had been willing it today.
She pulled the dress delicately over your head, pushing it onto the floor beneath your feet, "You're beautiful." She whispered into your neck.
You tried to hide your blush by turning your head as much as you could away from her.
"Don't hide from me. Not anymore."
You turned back to her. Your blush covering your face in full force. Chaeyoung leaned in and kissed you again.
You fumbled with her clothing just as she did with yours. A sense of urgency encompassing the both of you. Like you only had so little time to make up for the time you lost.
You're not even sure how you ended up on your back and further up the bed, but you are sure that Rosé touching you, on the outside and inside feels like being thrown head first into a volcano. And you finally come undone it's just like an eruption that you can't (nor want) to stop.
The same goes for Rosé. Having you taste her feels like she's drowning in the world's shallowest pool. It's like swimming in a puddle. Impossible, yet satisfying beyond belief. And when she finally comes undone it's just being evaporated into the summer sun.
When it's all over and you're laying on top, amd underneath, and through each other, Rosé speaks up, "I love you."
"I know." And you did.
You and Chaeyoung were best friends, and you were always meant to fall in love.
You knew that, like you knew the back of Chaeyoung's hand.
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bearseokie · 4 years
kinky (M)
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— Meeting an inducing man at the club, Mark puts an offer on the table you can’t refuse - an experience you can only benefit from.
pairing: fuckboy! mark tuan x gender-neutral! reader genre: smut word count: 1.1k [warnings]: temptation/seduction, biting, cursing, oral (reader receiving), praising, edging, dom/sub tones, dirty talking
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got7 m.list | navi.
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His tongue trailed across your skin, a hiss from the man you had only met two hours prior making you shiver with anticipation. “Open yourself up. There’s so much you haven’t done yet, wouldn’t you want to try it?”
Mark had sweet talked you into understanding that sex is meant to be an experience and not just a physical activity, the man’s outrageously encouraging voice leading you home to his apartment with glistening eyes and a smirk on his lips.
Zero intoxication although you met at a club had completely befuddled you, the man’s entire entrancement on you and yourself alone. He wasn’t some creep, he kept a distance from you the entire time — but his eyes told you stories you wanted to feel, make real, indulge in. The tone in his voice drove you wild, the slightest touch to his leg as you tempted his imagery full force. “If you’re so curious about my sex life, why don’t you let me show you what I know?”
“Why don’t we spin this around?” His eyes were almost cold in the way they looked over your form, mentions of the vanilla sex you had become accustomed to almost boring him to sleep. “Allow me-” A vague click of his tongue had you reeling for his touch, the man’s distant hands merely clenching in the imagination that they were already feeling your skin. “-to enlighten you on what I know, instead.”
A proposition you would have never agreed to had you met him on any other occasion, you found yourself chained by cuffs to his bedpost, a tie tied around your head to cover your eyes, and Mark’s mouth between your thighs before you could even question what exactly you had gotten yourself into.
“Do you naturally tie up those who impulse you?” The question begged for him to be more open with what he was doing outside of your blindfold, a light lick at your center causing you to gasp.
His laughter was almost dark, the man had you where he wanted you. “No, actually-” Voice like a frat boy, you could tell he was only in on all of this for the fun. His lingering tongue poked at you in the middle of his sentence for emphasis on how much control he had over you in the moment, your moan buried by a bite at your lip. “-I usually just ask for them to come upstairs and they eventually do. Then we get down to business; I cum, they cum, and we separate into our own, different worlds once more in the hopes that we never cross paths again.
Your chuckle was swallowed by the moan as his tongue took over you, the wet muscle running patterns against you that had your eyes clenching shut and voice cracking when you attempted to speak. “S-So what makes me so different?”
“You asked for this.” His tongue fell deep against you, his name rolling off of your tongue like a sin. The metal around your wrists were enough to contain the fighting limbs, but your thighs around his head nearly choked him as the man inhaled a deep breath and continued to work at your body. “And I think you’re enjoying it more than you want to admit.”
“I’ve told you this a-already~” your voice sang, his mouth doing things to you that even those you dated didn’t think of acting out. “I’m new at this.”
“And you’re doing so well.” His tongue swiveled at the end of his sentence, the sparkles in your eyes from the first moment at the club continuing to cling to your sight as your eyes were shut again under the blindfold. He was lifting you higher and higher, your orgasm intact — but just as your senses told you, Mark wasn’t so simple to please. The man pulled from you, your legs kicking at his side. Hands clenching at your knees, he pressed them down into the soft mattress. Wearing the widest grin ever to be on someone’s face, the smile was completely overtaking his mouth. Soaring from your cries of his name and battered growls from your throat — it was another layer he got to help you experience, edging never on your menu until now.
“Oh, come on!” You cried out, eyes peeling open when his fingers lifted the blindfold. Finally allowed to see his cheeky grin, he sat up from the middle of your legs with his hair a wreck from running his own fingers through the locks.
“You didn't do that yet.”
A tease, the man was dragging out the process on purpose. His eyes captured your gaze as he lifted his upper body to align with your own. Hand separating your sweating back from his mattress, he curved your spine forward, torso pressed against his as you panted to catch your breath. His other hand brushed against your temple to glide the tie off your skull, the tight fabric making your head throb, your skin coated with sweat as your body pried for an orgasm to hit.
“See-” he began, another one of his bachelor speeches. “-the reason you’ve never been pleased like this, how I can please you-”
“Is because you didn’t let me finish, you bastard.”
His eyes were stern, thumb pressing into the bottom of your jawline to bring your chin up. Your teeth clenched down onto your tongue, a pleased look finally filling his gaze. “Don’t speak when I’m talking.” he gritted lightly.
His form was heavy over your own, his cock throbbing against your waist as you hissed at his power and became content with whatever he was sharing. His words were only meant to be a lesson, your mind intaking everything he spoke — but that didn’t mean you had to wear a focused face to gain anything from him. This he knew, pressing his thigh against you to replace where his mouth left off, the teetering of his limb bringing shocks through your body as you fought the restraints to hold onto him.
“The reason you’ve never been pleasured like I can pleasure you is because those that think sex is only meant to be intimate have the wrong idea. Intimacy means trust, and trust is usually paired with a situation that’s potentially threatening, correct?” You nodded in time to watch Mark’s bottom lip sink between his teeth. So focused, so drowned by your body underneath him; he had prepared you without you acknowledging his game plan. “You have to do foreplay first, so why skip the trust exercise?” You could see the cogs turning in his brain, Mark’s eyes flashing with arousal as his mouth watered. “What’s your pain level, baby?”
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smutbymia · 5 years
hi💕 i want to request ex boyfriend jaehyun suddenly starting being a tease at a party and telling to go somewhere else, and you both teasing each other a lot and that just increases the tension, and then you do it😏
The last thing you wanted to do was be on your way to the NCT frat house on your college campus. Not that you hated parties, but this particular party happened to be a birthday celebration for Johnny, one of your exes best friends — one of many mutual friends the two of you shared.
“Honestly, it won’t be that bad. Besides, there’s no way you can miss Johnny’s birthday. He would be devastated,” said your friend Luna as she squeezed your hand as you approached the large house where people were spilled out onto the front lawn as music blared inside.
“Don’t worry, y/n. I got your back. I’ll be your stand in. Just say when,” assured your friend Yangyang with a wink as he roped an arm around your shoulder.
Clouds of smoke seemed to fill the entirety of the porch as you clambered up towards the door. College kids were huddled together passing around joints and cigarettes in their respective groups. These types were known as “outdoor” party goers. Just as you approached the front door, a familiar face came strutting out.
“Finally you guys are here! Now the real fun can begin,” sang your friend Ten as he broke into a groove. “Okay, quick. Everyone needs to get drunk as soon as possible. We are getting fucked up tonight, no excuses!” 
Yangyang and Luna excitedly followed Ten indoors as you trailed behind. You weren’t in the mood but you refused to kill tonight’s vibe. You pulled up the black high waisted shorts you wore and ran your hands over the front of your matching black long sleeve shirt that plunged down the center, accentuating your cleavage and the dainty gold pendant necklace that hung from your neck. The last thing you did was smooth out the sides of your hair, which was drawn up into a high ponytail.
The two story home was filled with people in every room. You made your way to the kitchen with your friends as they conversed with Ten, who was pouring shots. After knocking back 4 of them, you were all beginning to loosen up a bit before heading into the main area of the home where everyone was dancing and partying.
“Y/N!” yelled Johnny the second he saw you walk into the space. You offered him a smile as you made your way over to him. He was playing beerpong with a bunch of the other guys when you greeted him with a hug and a happy birthday. He was clearly very wasted already and enjoying himself. He thanked you with a sloppy kiss on the cheek as he whistled, taking in your outfit.
Just then, you met the gaze of your ex boyfriend from across the room. His eyes pierced into yours as he sipped from a cup. He was seated on the couch talking to some random girls who clearly spent their weekends floating between frat houses. You watched as he reached his hand down to run it over the thighs of some blonde girl next to him before shifting your gaze away, annoyed at his need to be so obvious in his attempt to upset you.
You turned back to Johnny, making a bit of a scene as you did a full spin for him. He smiled down at you as he bit his lip dramatically, hyping you up. “Damn, you always have to be the finest girl in the room don’t you?” he joked. You shrugged innocently, as the two of you broke into harmless conversation. The music blared loudly so the two of you stood quite closely together with Johnny leaning down closer to your face. You were discussing his plans for the birthday celebration he was going to be having with his family the following day when you felt a body brush up against you from behind way too intimately.
Your head shot up to see who had had the nerve to completely rub up against you when you locked eyes with Jaehyun who had a blank expression on his face before mumbling an empty “Excuse me,” as he brushed past you to join the other guys in beer pong. You rolled your eyes. He shot you an angry look in response before mumbling under his breath “looks like someone still has an attitude problem...”
“Funny how that seems to only be the case when you’re around,” you snapped back. “Oh yeah, then why are you in my house?” he spat. You were both riled up at this point, and Johnny as well as your other friends noticed.
“Hey, that’s enough,” Johnny said to you both. “You better not ruin my birthday vibe. The house is big enough for you both!”
You scoffed, tired of the useless interaction, as you turned away from them both and marched back over to your friends who were dancing in the center of the room where a bunch of other people were letting loose to the music. Ten immediately shoved a drink in your hand. “Trust me, you need this more than I do right now,” he urged as he grabbed Luna by the hand and the two of them went back to their dramatic dancing.
You downed the hard liquor in one chug as you discarded the cup on the nearest surface. You immediately began swaying to the music, pulling Yangyang closer to you. He gave you a knowing nod, seeing exactly where this was going. He grabbed you by the hand as he raised it for you to spin before pulling you towards him so that your back was pressed against his front.
You rolled your hips into his as you both moved to the music. He dropped his head to the side of yours as he asked, “I bet we only have about two more songs before he can’t take it anymore,” he giggled, knowing full well what you were up to. You laughed back as you turned your face towards his, hovering just inches from his lips as he slid his hands over your waist. You continued dancing seductively against him as he bit down playfully on his lip.
You could feel Jaehyuns eyes piercing into you from across the room again as the party went into full swing. Soon the lights were being turned down low as more people drifted into the room to dance. At one point Johnny had made his way to the center of the room as everyone whooped and hollered for the birthday boy. His friends all joined him in his celebration as you watched Jaehyun groove on the dance floor as well.
Okay yes, he looked amazing. And yes girls were all over him. He met your gaze as he sipped on another drink, and you could have sworn that the look in his eyes had changed. It was no longer filled with hate but lust. You stood frozen on the spot for a second as you watched him lean back against a wall nonchalantly as a girl bent over in front of him, dancing. Yangyang who had left momentarily had finally returned, this time dropping a kiss to your neck as your mouth fell open slightly. That was enough to set Jaehyun off apparently because he had shifted the girl off of him and immediately started making his way over to you both.
Johnny seemed to have seen the look on his face as he stepped between the two of you before turning to Yangyang. “You little shit, look what you’ve caused,” he scolded playfully. You and Jaehyun still had your eyes locked on eachother with furious expressions on both of your faces.
“We were just having fun,” Yangyang teased before Jaehyun shot him a frightening look. “Okay never mind, funs over,” said Yangyang as he danced off back in the direction of Ten and Luna who were now doing a synchronized routine in a corner of the room in their own little world.
Johnny was still stood between the two of you before spoke again. “Uh, you two should probably talk,” he said as he disappeared into the crowd too. You glanced back up at Jaehyun before turning on your heels to walk away from him just as you felt his hand wrap around your wrist as he pulled you in a different direction, away from the commotion of the party.
He pulled you up the staircase towards his bedroom as he weaved through people. It happened so suddenly that you had no time to protest until you were finally inside with the door shut behind you.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” you snapped. “Trust me, talking is the last thing I want to fucking do to you right now,” he growled as he pressed you against the door. You gasped as your bodies connected.
Jaehyun hovered his face in front of yours. “This is what you wanted, wasn’t it?” he asked as he ran his hands over your hips then reached around to grope your ass tightly. You groaned as the movements forced your hips forward, pressing his erection into your center.
You reached up as you grabbed a fist full of his shirt. “I’m pretty sure this is what YOU wanted,” you yelled back. He dropped his forehead against yours.
“Don’t act innocent. I know you and Yangyang are just friends and you were just trying to make me jealous,” he spat back. You dropped your voice lower as your gaze scanned down to his lips, “Aw you’re jealous? How pathetic. We were just having fun,” you taunted.
Jaehyun chuckled as he reached his hand into the drawer next to him. “If fun is what you want then let’s play,” he said. You had no idea what he had concealed in his hand until you heard the familiar buzzing of a vibrator which he held right against you clit over the front of your shorts. You gasped as you felt the sensation flow through your body. He switched the setting higher as you moaned, gripping onto his neck as he pressed the little bullet against you with his eyes locked on yours. Your mouth fell open as your breathing became more shallow. Jaehyun bridged then gap between your faces as he took the opportunity to slip his tongue between your open lips. You immediately enclosed it with the rest of your mouth as you suckled gently, whimpering against his lips.
Jaehyun used his other hand to undo the zipper of you shorts as he yanked them down your legs, letting them fall to the ground as he immediately pressed the vibrator over your panties. With less fabric in between you, the feeling became more intense. You felt your insides tighten as an orgasm rushed over you as you pulled back from the kiss and groaned, “fuckfuckfuck!”
You leaned back against the door as Jaehyun held your weight. He titled your chin up as he dropped the vibrator on the desk next to you both. He didn’t give you any time to recover as he slipped his hand into your undies, circling your clit, making you twitch under his touch before he slipped two fingers into you and began thrusting them in and out of you quickly.
“Jaehyun, w-what are you doing?” you groaned as dropped your head backwards, whimpering as he overstimulated you by burying his fingers into your hole over and over again as his palm rubbed against your still sensitive clit at the same time.
“What? Is it too much for you? You’ve spent all night teasing me and now you’re struggling to keep up?” he taunted. You let out a series of moans again, thanking the universe for the loud music to help you drown out your sounds.
“Look at me,” he ordered. You obeyed immediately out of instinct. “I’m going to make you cum so many times that you’ll regret ever being at this party,” he threatened just as he hooked his fingers to hit your g-spot, jerking them in and out of you quickly as your second orgasm hit, turning you into a moaning mess against his bedroom door. Your juices spilled out onto his digits as he slipped them out of you and into his mouth before capturing your mouth in a deep, wet, and rough kiss. He still held you up mostly on his own as he pulled you over to hisbed.
Your energy was already depleted when you heard the buzzing return. This time Jaehyun slipped the vibrator into your opening, leaving it in place as you instinctively tried to clutch your legs together. He held them open as he dropped down and sucked your clit into his mouth, running his firm tongue against the soft flesh. He hummed, sending vibrations to your clit that matched the vibrations you felt inside of you. You hadn’t even fully recovered from the last two orgasms yet. He showed no mercy.
Jaehyun slipped the vibrator out of you and moved it up to your clit as he lapped away at your center, tasting your juices before slipping his tongue inside. Your hips moved on their own as you grinded yourself down on his face to chase the third orgasm that you knew was about to hit you. Just as you felt the familiar feeling of euphoria begin to rush over you, Jaehyun pulled away. “Wait, I’m so close,” you pleaded, but it was no use.
He hovered above you with a smug look on his face. “How does it feel?” he asked as he danced a finger softly over your slit, making your body twitch under his touch. It was just enough to stimulate you but not enough for you to cum. “I-it hurts,” you whined as you raised yourself up, trying to get more of his touch as he pulled away from you, chuckling.
“Good. Now you know how I felt watching you all night, you fucking tease,” he spat. He got up off of the bed as he lifted his shirt over his head to reveal his bare chest. You let out a soft moan as you took in his chiseled figure. He watched you through hooded eyes as he dropped his pants, his erection on full display as it struggled against the fabric of his briefs. He squeezed himself before discarding his final piece of clothing.
“Come here,” he called to you. You shifted over to the side of the bed as he yanked your top off, leaving you naked. He reached out and palmed your breasts in his hand before tugging at your nipples. You clenched your legs together, still feeling desperate and unsatisfied as he reached down and forced them apart, scolding you for trying to find relief without his permission.
He reached his hand up to your face as he ran his fingers across your cheek near the corner of your mouth in small circles. There was no need for him to say it out loud. You knew Jaehyun well enough to know what he was ordering you to do.
You opened your mouth for him as you fell to your knees on the floor infront of him, switching positions so that he was now seated on his bed. “Good girl,” he praised, running his fingers through your hair as you sunk your lips down over his entire length. He cursed as he hit the back of your throat, completely enveloped in the warmth of your mouth before beginning to thrust in and out.
You roped your hands around his shaft as you pumped him between your fist at the same time. He grunted as he circled his hips against your mouth. You looked up at him as you locked eyes. He bit his bottom lip between his teeth as beads of sweat framed his face. You must have really been a tease because you had never seen Jaehyun in such a state before.
You slipped him out of your throat to circle your tongue around the head of his cock and immediately felt your nipples harden after hearing him let a soft whimper slip from his lips. His cheeks blushed pink as you sunk your mouth back down, letting him hit the back of your throat once more as you groaned against his shaft. His hips began to jerk uncontrollably as he roughly yanked your hair back to pull your mouth off of him, as you winced in pain.
He pulled you up off of the ground and onto his lap as he drew you in for a sloppy kiss, tangling his tongue in yours. He grabbed at your hips, as he moved you against him. You moaned as you rode his thigh, spreading your wetness all over his bare skin and finally getting the stimulation you had been craving. He slapped a hand down on your ass as he groped the skin, forcing you to move against him faster as you approached your orgasm.
Once again as you neared your peak, you were interrupted as Jaehyun flipped you over onto the bed, positioning you on all fours, and pushing your head down into the pillows to get you to arch up higher for him. You felt him run his cock up and down your slit, as you whimpered — waiting for him to just fuck you already.
He spanked your ass before spreading your cheeks apart as you felt him rub your own juices across your other hole, slipping a finger inside. You let out a loud groan into his pillows as you felt your body adjust to the foreign sensation.
Jaehyun wasn’t done yet. He turned back on the vibrator which you had forgotten completely about. “Jaehyun...” you groaned, almost afraid of what he was about to do to you as he shushed you.
You felt him shoved the vibrator against your clit just as he snapped his hips forward, burying his cock inside of you. You let out a scream as the pleasure hit you all at once.
“Fuck,” Jaehyun groaned as he struggled to focus. He had all of your holes filled, and a vibrator on your clit. Despite the complicated arrangement, he managed to thrust himself into you while keeping his other hands firmly in place. He slapped his hips forward as you completely unraveled beneath him as your orgasm urgently approached.
“J-Jaehyun I don’t think I c-can take it,” you stammered, tears spilling down your face from the overstimulation. He continued, not bothering to slow his pace. “Relax, baby. You’re almost there. Don’t be scared of the feeling. Just let go,” he comforted as he grunted behind you, close to his own release.
He was the first to make it as he lost control of his rhythm, coating your walls with his warmth, as if you needed any more stimulation. You cried out as you felt your entire body tense up, squirting your juices all over Jaehyuns cock as he continued to empty the last bit of his cum into you.
“Holy... shit...” he grunted as he dropped the vibrator onto the bed and way from your clit while removing his finger from your other hole to grip at your hips. His thrusts continued but very slowly, as he carried you down from your intense high. You collapsed against his bed as he slid himself out of you, feeling his cum seep out of your hole and against your inner thighs.
You gasped for air as your eyes fell shut, feeling like your soul was finally beginning to return to your own body again. You felt Jaehyun cuddle you as he assumed his position as the big spoon before petting your hair. “You did so good, baby. Stay with me tonight. Get some rest, and I’ll clean you up,” he whispered as he dropped kisses down the back of your neck. All you could do was whimper in response as you snuggled yourself deeper into his arms.
The music continued to blare from the party outside as you still managened to slip into a deep sleep, every ounce of energy fucked out of you, hoping your friends didn’t bother waiting up.
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euphoriyoongi · 3 years
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🎨Chapter Seven
When you move to Korea for an art program at University, your world completely goes crazy as you meet your new shy roommate, Kim Taehyung, and an irresistible idol singer, Jeon Jungkook.
🎨Pairings: Kim Taehyung x artist! OC (original character) x Jeon Jungkook
🎨Word count: 5.3k
🎨Warnings: none
prev. // next.
Listen to this while you read!
Taehyung tried to focus as the professor told the class what to do next for their project, but he couldn't seem to grasp it.
He sat staring into space, wondering about the same girl that's been running a marathon through his mind. Why did she have to be with someone else? And why did that someone have to be jungkook?
Why did this bother him? She shouldn't mean anything to him. He hardly knows her.
Even though they've only just met not too long ago, he couldn't help but care for her. It's been nearly a month now since Daphne came to Korea, and also how long he's been fake-dating her for the sake of jungkook. Jungkook, who isn't even dating her. I guess he wasn't completely upset, since he gets to spend time with the girl he dreams about. They have a scheduled date later today.
"Taehyung...did you hear that?" The professor muttered, standing next to him. He was showing Tae what to do with his piece, but Tae heard none of it.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling too good." Taehyung apologized. He wasn't lying, his stomach was upset.
The professor's lips curled up in a smile as he looked from Taehyung to his painting.
It was a large scale painting of Daphne, who looked as if she was about to cry, staring at something that wasn't depicted. It was absolutely stunning, and well, the professor felt his emotion from the looks of it. "It looks amazing, Taehyung. I could really feel how much you love this girl."
Tae sighed a bit, looking at the painting. He noticed where his brush strokes went awry and where a slightly messed up with the color of the skin tone. There was a messy blotch on the corner of the canvas, and he also hated the idea that he might truly feel for this girl. "Thank you." Is all he said, and as the professor walked away, Tae put his paintbrush down.
At this moment, he wished that he didn't feel the emotions he put into his artwork.
Daphne sat alone in the dorm room, studying Korean. She just finished her session with Namjoon, and was really starting to get better with speaking the language. Her and Taehyung now converse about art and their favorite things.
But why did she feel something towards him? Was it because they had to act?
She remembered that she had a date with him today. They were supposed to go to the amusement park to see if anyone would recognize them. It has been a while, but Jungkook's fans are crazy and still believe she's with him. Well, they aren't wrong. Maybe she should break it off.
She didn't know what to do. She truly enjoyed Jungkook's company too. Even though Taehyung was okay with all of this, she still felt bad for bringing him into it.
Taehyung seemed to enjoy time with her, though. When she'd smile at him, he'd smile back. When she laughed, he laughed with her. He made her think about what love truly is..what the heart wants rather than the brain.
Maybe she should change up their date tonight. Maybe he deserved some attention just for him. He always talked about going to see the Van Gogh exhibit. When was that again?
As she looked it up online, much to her surprise, it was tonight. She hardly will have any time to get ready. Deciding to call him about it, Daphne prepared what she was going to say. They were able to have some sort of conversation now, and when Daphne couldn't speak Korean, Tae would speak English.
"Hi, Daph." Tae said, sounding like he was smiling. "What's up?"
"I um..it's about our date tonight." She spoke out in Korean. "What time are you free?"
The sound of rustling came about over the phone. "I'm actually free right now, I'm on my way up the elevator of the dorm." He said, parts in English and parts in Korean. She was able to understand, and smiled when he said he was near.
"Ah! Good! As soon as you get here get ready!" She squealed, a bit excited now.
He chuckled at her excitement. "Okay, I'll be right there. Make sure you're dressed this time."
She wasn't able to decipher that statement, but laughed it off. "Okay, see you soon."
As she hung up the phone, she hurriedly ran to her makeup that was sitting on top of her desk. She wanted to look pretty, and didn't really know why. Was it that she felt a bit icky with having a few blemishes? Or was it because she wanted to look good for Taehyung?
Maybe both. But has she ever cared this much when she's with Jungkook? Did she even bag an eyelash if he saw her without makeup? He still thought she was sexy enough to make out with her at any given moment. But why was she wishing that she'd make out with Tae..just once.
As she thought about this, Jungkook thought about the last time he saw Daphne.
It was nearly a week ago. She was on top of him in his bed, clothes off and all sweaty. Her kisses tasted like strawberries and sweat, and he couldn't help but think about how beautiful she looked. Even if it was effortless.
He sat in his home, on the corner of his bed. His eyes wandered around his room where he noticed little pieces of her still astray. Maybe it was the strap if her bra that laid on the floor that he broke off of her. Or the half-full tube of lipgloss that she forgot to take with her.
Maybe it was the shirt that he was wearing. The one he gave to her to walk around in. What was this feeling? He didn't know.
It couldn't be love. Could someone call for another after only a month? Yes. One hundred percent. But was it practical in this situation? No. Jungkook knew he couldn't let himself get fully involved. He had a career to fulfill. And he'd hate to make her suffer through the hatred of his fans.
At this point, was this worth it?
He made himself think that it was. He didn't want to lose daphne, whether it be a physical relationship or not. He did care for her, and definitely wanted her all to himself.
Taehyung made his way up the hallway to their shared room. Even though it's been a month, he still can't get past the fact that his roommate is the literal definition of beauty. He wished that this fake relationship of theirs has one ounce of sincerity. Well, from her. He knew how he felt. But he had no idea about her specific feelings.
As he turned the door handle to walk into the room, he had a sudden thought.
Tonight, on their date, he was going to make it seem real. He hoped that she might catch on, but probably not. She was infatuated with jungkook, and well, who could blame her.
As he opened the door, in his line of vision popped daphne, who stood with a smile on her beautiful face and was dressed in a cute sweater and jeans. "Tae!" She squealed, smiling wide. "Are you ready for our date?"
Scratching his head in confusion, Tae took a step into the room and shut the door behind him. Weren't they just going to an amusement park? What was so special? "Uh..yeah. I'm always happy to go on dates with you, Daphy." He smiled as well, still a bit confused.
As he said this, it nearly made her blush. He had no idea how she was starting to feel for him, but neither did she. Daphne hid her face in her hands for a moment as Tae walked over to his side of the room. His hands seemed to be covered in paint as well as a streak of it on his face that he didn't seem to notice.
Tae turned around to face Daphne. "So, what should I wear?" He asked her, sporting a boyish smile. The paint streak was right next to his lip on his cheek, and it moved as he spoke. It bothered Daphne, and she felt like she needed to wipe it off.
"Wait." She hummed, walking over to him. As she began to get closer and closer, Tae took a step back. She came up too close that what he was used to, and as he was about to ask her what she was doing, her fingers began to softly rub the corner of his lip.
"What are you—." Tae questioned as he stared at the beautiful girl in front of him. He was a bit taller than her, and she had to reach up to reach his lips. He looked down to her, a confused look on his face as her eyes softened. The feeling of her touch sent a shiver down his spine, and especially since she was touching his lips. He wished that she would just touch her lips to his. If she kept her hands on his lips for a second longer, he might have grabbed her and thrown her against the wall and—
"There you go, it's all off." She looked up into his eyes, almost seductively. When he tilted his head in confusion, she explained. "Oh! You had a bit of paint on the corner of your lip." She said, shyly tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. Did she purposely look sexy while doing that? Was she trying to make him cave?
Taehyung decided to ignore it. Smiling, he thanked her for it. "So, what should I wear?"
Looking at his outfit now, he looked perfect for the occasion. But since this meant so much to him, she thought that maybe she should tell him to dress as nice as he wants. "I think you should wear your favorite outfit." Her lips curled, and her eyes squinted as she chuckled. "Although you look good in anything."
She said that last thing in English, wondering if Tae was able to understand it. He didn't seem to react to it, and nodded to look through his wardrobe. As he decided to pick out what he was wearing, she stood back and admired him. His shoulders weren't too broad, and he was a bit lanky, but damn, was he gorgeous. His brown hair was fluffy today, and it fell past his eyes. She really knew how stunning he was, and often wondered why he hasn't had a girlfriend by now. He did tell her that he's never had anyone for himself. She was the same way. Well, before jungkook. But she still knew the feeling. He wasn't really hers. If they had to act like they weren't together, then they weren't.
As he picked out a sweater from his closet, he began to slide off the shirt he was wearing now, his bare back facing her now. "Tae!" She squeaked, covering her eyes but still having them a bit spread so she could peak.
"What?" He asked, turning towards her. He was absolutely stunning, indeed. His chest was nicely defined, but not too much. He didn't have a complete set of abs, which Daphne preferred anyway. He was a work of art. From the looks of his face to the shape of his body, he could be a sculpture in a museum. No one would look away. "It's not like I haven't seen you. It's only fair, right?" He raised his eyebrows, almost as if he was teasing her.
Daphne slowly took her hands away from her face. He had a point, but he did see more of her..he wasn't about to show her more of him.
He slid on an oversized soft-green sweater and kept his corduroy pants that he had on already. "How do I look?@ he asked in English, a big boxy smile on his face.
Daphne checked the time before she looked at him. They needed to go. Right away. But not before she glanced at him, knowing that he looked handsome.
As if looks could kill, he looked amazing. "You look..." she carried on, unsure of what words she wanted to say. Did she want him to know that she found him sexy? Or did she want this to stay PG? She was meeting jungkook tonight as well. Oh, the heck with it. "You look sexy." She said in English, but the word was nearly the same in Korean. He understood it immediately and a hot blush ran through his cheeks. Trying to ignore the fact that he was blushing, he cleared his throat and decided to change the subject.
"So are you ready?" He asked, hands in his pockets as he swayed a bit nervously. This wasn't their first "date", but every time they go out together it makes him want it to be real. Oh, he wished his feelings weren't real.
"Yes, I can't wait to get there." She smiled at him, and took his hand. "Let's go."
When she grabbed his hand, he felt his heart start to speed up. Damn, why does his body always act up when she's around.
— —
It's been a month since she came to Korea. But it also was a month since she contacted her family.
She did leave on a bad note. Her parents were extremely worried if she even got there alright. But still, they were very upset with the way she got up and left without discussing. Then again, it wasn't their choice in where she went.
Still, though, she should call her parents. She knows this. On their way to the exhibit, she noticed a girl with her parents. The girl couldn't of been any older than fifteen, and her parents had the biggest smiles on their faces as their daughter sat next to them. She remembered how ungrateful she had been at that age. But the girl here looked like she was having the time of her life.
Taehyung sat next to Daphne on the bus. He had noticed her fingers tighten on her pant leg, and a far off look in her eyes. "Daph?" His voice rang deep, causing Daphne to look straight at him. "Are you alright?"
Was she alright? She wasn't sure. So many thoughts were running through her brain right now. What she should be thinking of is this date night. She needed to look like she was happy for this all to still work. She was happy, but something about leaving abruptly started to bother her. Smiling, she nodded. "Yes, I'm okay, Tae." She said to him, which he replied with a small smile.
His hand ached to reach out to where hers was. It was still clenched tightly to her pants, and her knuckles began to soften in color. His hand hesitated above his thigh, desperately ready to touch her. To soothe her. Every muscle in his body was on full alert. Her shoulder was pressed up against him, her thigh as well. He couldn't help but get overwhelmed in her scent of vanilla and mint, and just wanted to feel her skin on his.
Daphne saw Tae's hand hover over his leg. Did he want to hold her hand? She figured that's what he wanted to do, maybe to look like an actual couple and not so awkward. So she softly let go of her grip on her own leg, and reached over to grab his hand, interlacing fingers. Setting their hands down in her lap, she quickly glanced at Tae, a shy look on her face. He looked flustered, and a bit on edge. His brown eyes were looking anywhere but her, and his leg began to voice in anxiousness.
"Maybe I should be asking you if you're okay.." she trailed off, reaching her hand up to tuck a stray hair that laid in the middle of his forehead.
A few people had noticed who they are by now. They definitely looked like a couple, and even some people who had no idea who they were began to smile at them. Ah, young and in love.
Tae let out a small chuckle, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. He was a bit nervous for some reason. Maybe it was because the amusement park was a few bus stops back, and that he wasn't sure where they were going. Or maybe it was the fact that she wasn't following a plan, and was actually doing something for themselves. "Everything's fine, Daphy." He said her nickname that he gave her. He had told her that he calls her that because it reminds him of an American TV show, and he was right with that. The looney tunes were one of her favorites as a child, and it made her realize how much thought Taehyung puts into her.
Did he care for her? Or was this all just an act? But why in the world would he want to act if he had nothing to gain from it?
Daphne almost forgot to pay attention to the stop for the exhibit since she was so caught up with looking at Taehyung. He was breathtaking. Was he always this handsome? Did he always bite the inside of his cheek like that? Did he always make funny faces at things he didn't like?
"This is our stop." She interrupted her own thoughts to say this. Still holding his hand, she stood up and tugged at him. He stood up with her, and let her drag him off the bus to the sidewalk, where a large sign stood about the Van Gogh exhibit. Damn, was that tonight? He really wanted to go to that. But he really didn't feel like going alone. Oh well, he'd prefer to spend his time with Daphne, anyway.
As they walked down the street, Tae couldn't forget that he was holding her hand. He suddenly began to worry if his hand was sweaty or hot, and if she didn't want to hold it still. He was the one who wouldn't let go. But as he tried to tug his hand away, she grasped on tight so he couldn't let go. His eyebrows raised in confusion, but she didn't say anything. They continued to walk down the sidewalk, both of them confused on where they're going.
Daphne memorized the address, and told herself that she might be able to figure it out with signs. Too bad she couldn't read Korean yet, but luckily a sign a few feet away was in English. It read "Van Gogh exhibit here!" In big letters, and she tugged at his hand towards the entrance of the building, hoping Tae didn't get a chance to read the words. Lucky for her, he didn't.
As they entered the building, it was a bit dark. There was a man standing at a table, and Daphne figured it was for the tickets. Online it said that she was able to go without them and to get them here, and she hoped that it wasn't sold out. There was lots of people all around, and she thinks Taehyung might have caught in to where they were.
"Do you need a ticket?" The young man said, his smile wide. He was decently handsome, and definitely seemed to be drawn in by Daphne. "You are very beautiful, has anyone ever told you that?"
Taehyungs grip on her hand tightened, and he stepped closer to her for defense. He knew she was able to handle things herself, but that man must know that she's in a relationship...sort of.
"I'm sorry, I don't speak Korean that well." She stated to him, and the guy looked a bit taken back. "I just need two tickets, please."
Nodding, the man reached to grab two tickets for them. At this point, Tae was too distracted to realize where he was at, and didn't realize it until they walked further into the building and into a stand alone room. The room was dark, but bright colors of Van Gogh's Starry Night cascaded the walls in soft reflections of light. A projector was held above their heads and every inch of the walls were covered in color. Dark blue hues fell over Taehyung as he stepped around the room, letting go of Daphne's hand to walk over to the wall.
He was in awe. How in the world did she know this? How did she know that he wanted to go? Maybe she did, too. Still, at this moment as he just stared at her, a dumbfounded look on his face as shades of yellow hit her features. She was the only art in this room right now. Regardless that Van Gogh dawned the walls of the poorly lit room, she stood there taking in all of the color, and somehow, the brightest color of the painting found her. Almost as if it was shining down on her beauty. She was the reason he was here. She was also the reason why he can't stop smiling.
"Is something wrong?" She asked him, looking from side to side. He was just staring at her now, looking like a lost puppy. He did look happy, but she wasn't sure if this is what he wanted. He did talk about it all the time though. If she didn't take him here, would he have went without her though?
Was there something wrong? No. Definitely not. Maybe? But there was something wrong with how Tae felt in this moment. He wanted to walk over to her and kiss her. He wanted to cradle her face and say thank you for thinking of him. He just wanted her to feel the same way about him and to be honest, this situation made it worse. He had no idea why she took him here when they were supposed to go to an amusement park. What was the purpose of taking him here? Why did she even care? Was it because they were friends?
He still was happy though. She thought about him. She seemed to care how he felt, too. So why was he more upset than excited?
He figured why. But how could he stay upset at the sight of her. She looked worried, maybe it wasn't the reaction she expected. She went out of her way to make him happy today.
So he smiled at her. "Nothings wrong." He said, lying. But she didn't need to know that. She didn't need to know that he had real feelings for her. That she holds a special place in his heart. Every little thing she did would send his heart spiraling, whether it be a frown when she stares at something she dislikes, or how when she walks, her feet drag a tiny bit on the ground. Things that he finds attractive about her shouldn't be. She's a walking museum, and with every look, there's always something new to see.
"Thank you." He said, walked over to her. Taking her hand, he kissed the back of it, noticing a few caddy girls in the corner of the room who were staring. Guessing that he didn't look happy, he turned it around with a smile at the girl of his dreams.
Daphne knew something was wrong. Definitely wrong. He didn't seem as excited as she imagined him to be. She didn't mean to feel upset about it, since he did smile and say thank you, but something definitely felt off.
Taehyung tried to get Daphne to know that he was grateful. He must've looked a bit off. "I'm sorry, Daphy. I really love this. Thank you." He then took the hand that he kissed and held it.
They walked around the building, quietly. Tae did say a few oohs and ah's, but not nearly as much as she imagined. She now realized that she may have made a mistake. Was he uncomfortable? Did she make him uncomfortable?
As they neared the end of the exhibit, Daphne's phone buzzed. Reaching to her back pocket with her free hand, she opened the message that read some explicit words.
Taehyung saw. He saw also saw the previous photo on the texts that showed Jungkook's chest, and immediately looked away after he read the words that he had sent. Well, there goes his night.
Letting go of her hand, she looked at him in confusion. "Oh, I just thought it would be easier to text him back with two hands.." he lied, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck sheepishly. He was disgusted. Upset that he pictured kissing this girl. This girl that has someone else to kiss. And that someone wasn't him, and that's what bothered him.
Daphne had a hard time understanding what he had said, but managed to gather it. She was sure that he saw the words. Well, at least the photo. She forgot that Jungkook had sent it, and impulsively opened the chat. Why would Tae be upset though? Did he possibly have feelings for her?
"I guess I'll get going." He stuttered out, looking anywhere but her eyes. "I have to go watch Sian for Jin." A lie. A complete lie. But he just wanted to get away from all this embarrassment. No matter how he felt for this girl, he knew it would never work. Plus, she lives in a whole mother country. Of course that country is one of the farthest ones from here, too.
"Oh?" Her eyebrows furrowed. "So soon? We're not even through the whole exhibit yet?" It was basically over anyway. She just didn't want him to leave. She was enjoying time with him. Was it because he read her text?
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'll see you tonight, though." He pushed out a smile, very forced. Giving her a little wave, he turned around to find the exit.
As she stared at his back as he walked away, her heart dropped. Why am I feeling like this? She thought to herself. She had no idea why the fact that he left bothered her. Was it because she was slowly falling for him? She didn't know she was. But the feeling like her heart dropped a thousand floors was enough for her to know that she felt some way for him, whether it be platonic or romantic.
She really didn't want to go home alone.
— —
"He saw what?!" Yuri cried, putting a hand to her forehead. "So you're telling me that Taehyung saw that? Who sent you those things?"
Daphne and Yuri sat in the outside commons of the university, chatting about how awful her date night went yesterday. She still hasn't seen Tae, and thought that maybe he stayed over Joon's last night.
She also didn't tell Yuri that she was "seeing" her brother, but she thinks now is the best time to bring it up. "Well..you remember how I got into that fiasco with your brother a month back?" She shyly said, looking down at her feet.
Yuri took a bite out of her seaweed wrap. "Oh yeah, how could I forget that. Jungkook couldn't stop talking about you."
You put down the sandwich you had in your hands. "He talked about me?" Why would he do that? They aren't together? Who talks about your sex partner?
The way Yuri looked at Daphne was like she already knew. A half smile on her face and her eyebrows raised, she took another bite. "Uh..duh." She winked at Daphne, and reached to take a sip of her drink.
"You know?!" Daphne said in shock, and Yuri smiled deviously. "How'd you know?"
"Oh I knew since the beginning. Jungkook also didn't do well with hiding it?" She said, a little chuckle escaping her lips. "So you guys are like..friends with benefits?" She sipped through her straw.
Daphne didn't know how to react. Yuri obviously didn't look upset, but she was confused as to why she wasn't. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, Yuri." She said, her eyes apologetic. "And yeah, just friends with benefits."
Yuri smirked. "I see." She set down her drink and tucked her hair behind her ear. "I guess since we uncovered one of your secrets, I might as well tell you one of mine."
What could it be? Daphne chuckled and picked up her sandwich again. "What's your secret?"
Yuri took one last bite of her seaweed wrap, and once she was done chewing, she opened her mouth to tell her. "I'm seeing someone, too." She smiled, looking around if anyone was listening. "You know Namjoon, right? His roommate." She raised her eyebrows.
Daphne gasped. Jimin?? The boy who was known to be a man whore? Did Yuri know? "You know he's a bit of a—"
"A slut? Hell yeah." She nodded in agreement. "We're also friends with benefits. So we both can keep each other's secret." Yuri winked, and began to pick up her garbage. "I gotta get going. I have class in five."
"Alright." Daphne said, still in shock. They didn't seem like they suited each other. Nevertheless, it wasn't like Jungkook and her suited each other either. Who was she to judge.
They parted their ways, and as Daphne turned around, she bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm sorry I—"
It was Tae. He looked a bit disheveled and worn out. Daphne didn't even realize that he had been sitting in the table behind her the whole time. He had heard everything. He heard that she was in a sexual relationship with jungkook, and it had proved his point. But now that he knew for sure, he was completely upset about it all. But what bothered him more was that he had no reason to be upset. She wasn't his.
"Tae? Are you alright?"
No he wasn't. He also got a call last night about his mother. She was sick again, and back in the hospital. He loved his whole life trying to keep his family together and to pay for all the expenses. But now, how was he supposed to afford school with his mothers hospital bills.
He has never told anyone about his family problems other than Jin. He said a bit to Joon, but never enough for him to know the full story. But he was really upset now, and Daphne's worried look made him want to cave in. Just as she asked him if he was alright, he nearly let a tear fall. But he didn't. Still, this time when she asked him if he was alright, he didn't lie.
"No..no I'm not." He sighed, and crossed the little distance they had between each other.
He grabbed her tightly for a hug, and wrapped his arms around her torso. He held on tightly, gripping at the fabric of her long sleeve tee. It was soft, and slightly stretchy. She smelled like vanilla again, with a hint of a flower smell this time. She was so ethereal to him, and even though he now knows for sure what kind of relationship she's in, it didn't matter right now. All he wanted to do was tell her how he felt. To tell her that he was struggling. He had no idea how he was going to tell her or even if he was, but he couldn't let go of her once she began to hug him back. She comforted him, even if she had no idea what's going on. She was a great friend to him. And he should be grateful for that. At least she was in his life. Even if it wasn't exactly what he wanted.
prev. // next.
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Geralt x reader We're Married? Part 1
Hey guys, thank you so much for all the love for my other story! I was so nervous posting it and you guys were just the best💕 this story was harder to write and I'm not sure it's as good as the other one but I'm gonna post it anyway. 
This can be read as a part 3 to the injured reader story:)
Part 2 here
Pairing: Geralt x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, blood, mentions of death, mentions of past sexual abuse.
Out of all the places you'd traveled too with the witcher, this had to be one of the nicest.
As you walked through the kingdom known as Servia you couldn't help but stare at everything around you. Vendors lined the streets selling everything you could possibly imagine, shining jewelry, beautifully woven fabrics, and oooooooh well well well what do we have here!!!
You made a beeline for the tray of freshly baked pastries, a seductive look on your face,
"Well hello boys...which one of you wants to come home with me hehehe, or perhaps I should take you all home? Oooh your so bad hehe, well if you insist hahahahaha".
From afar Geralt sighed and Jaskier just looked on with disturbing confusion, "Geralt? What exactly is she doing?" His face twisted uncomfortablely as you continued talking and giggling like a maniac.
"She has a thing about....desserts" Geralt closed his eyes and shuddered as he remembered the one time he left you alone in an inn and you used up all of his coin to order one of literally everything on the menu. He practically had to roll you away afterwards.
"My God geralt shes scaring the baker now".
Jaskier scrunched his mouth as he watched you continue to whisper to the pastries, completely unaware of the weird looks people were giving you." I swear brothel whores are more subtle.."
Geralt grunted and made his way over to you, "We'll uh...take however much this will get us" he placed a coin in the bakers hand and watched your eyes glint like a maniac when he handed you the box.
"There now that you have your sweets, can we please hurry! We can't be late!" Jaskier pleaded pushing you in the correct path again.
"Alright alright no more stops I promise....wait does anyone else smell chocolate?" You look around frantically.
"NO" the both of them shout in unison and drag you forward.
"Ugh ok, I was just asking geez.."you pout.
"Remind me again who we're meeting?" You questioned, looking up at Jaskier who rolled his eyes back at you.
"Ugh how many times do I have to tell you?!"
"His name is Yavert, hes the advisor of the royal family here and he also happens to be the man who requested our help".
You nodded your head, "oh yes I remember now" ok you actually had no idea what he was talking about but whatever, you'll figure it out.
Some time later you found yourselves gawking at the massive architecture that was the Castle de Servia. Calling it massive would be doing it a disservice. The structure went higher than your eyes could see and wider than any other castle you've been to. "Holy fuck.." Jaskier whispered in awe.
Geralt shook his head as if he was already fed up with it all, "let's go"
The guards led you through the castle and into a small side room. Red carpets lined the floors along with a beautiful mahogany table. The walls had several portraits, obviously of the royal family. You saw an older man, a woman, and a young girl about your age all ornately painted. Hmm why do people always look so upset in portraits. Couldn't the artist just add a smile?
A creak at the door gained everyone's attention. A man, probably in his mid fifties, entered. He was balding and on the fluffier side, dressed in a puffy sleeved shirt, with a velvet red vest over it.
"Welcome, please, have a seat, you all must be tired from your jouney" he said gesturing to the chairs.
"You have no idea what a relief it is to have you here Geralt of Rivia" a look of exhaustion fell over face.
"So what's the job" Geralt asked, straight to the point as usual.
The man looked uncomfortable for a moment before he scooted closer and leaned in as if he was telling a secret,
"Well..our...problem, began a few weeks ago when the alliance between Targeris and our own kingdom was official. Since then there have been several banquets of celebration, as there are still many things being discussed and processed. One of those being the upcoming wedding of our Princess Annora and their Prince Edgrin. Hence the big celebration we are having this evening, an engagement party of sorts."
"And the problem?" Geralt cocked a brow.
The man swallowed before continuing, "Well..since the alliance, there have been disappearances..."
"Dissapearances?" You echoed interested.
"Important Servia officials have suddenly been going missing..the first on the night the kings signed the peace agreement, the second when the marriage was announced.. and then.." he looked around wearily and lowered his voice even more, "things have gotten much worse.."
"How exactly did they get worse" Geralt inquired, suspicious of how Yavert was acting.
"At the last party, about a week ago, one of our ambassadors was found dead.."
Geralt narrowed his eyes, "what aren't you saying.."
The man gulped, " it was the way he died, no man could have..." he paused closing his eyes, obvious memories making him shudder. "No man could have done it, it had to be a monster".
"How can you be so sure?" You asked leaning in now intrigued.
"The body..was so mangled we could barely identify the man. His innards were ripped out and his eyes...they were gone. Clearly it was the work of a beast."
Geralt narrowed his brows, "I have never encountered a monster before that hand picks their pray." You nodded in agreement.
All the monsters you'd faced just destroyed everything in their path. And why would a monster suddenly decide to start targeting officials from Servia? It just doesnt make any sense.
"Please witcher, help us with finding and slaying the creature and we will pay whatever means necessary" he placed a large pouch in front of us.
"Hmm" geralt thought for a few moments, then turned to you wordlessly asking your opinion. A new habit that did make you feel more like partners.
You shrugged your shoulders in a "why not?" Sort of way.
"Alright what the hell.." he grabbed the pouch and stood up.
"Wait, theres a few more things you need to know.." Geralt sat back down with a grunt.
"It is important that you are discreet, no one can know who you or your companions are, not even the king and queen themselves.."
"What?!" Your eyes widened.
"They dont know?" Geralt asked completely bewildered.
"I have advised the king and queen since they first began their reign many years ago. They trust me with their lives I would never lie to them...except..." he sighed and continued, "we have been at odds with targeris for so long, and finally peace is withing our grasp.
But if the king catches wind of what's going on, he will no doubt blame Targeris. Our king is good, but his fault lies with his hate for Targeris. It took much convincing from everyone to finally have the king agree to peace. But he would quickly jump to accuse them. I have no doubt a war would begin if this were to happen...for the sake of peace, they cannot know.." he looked down in shame.
"And the king just doesn't notice all these officials have gone missing?" Geralt shook his head in disbelief.
"Well...we have done our best to cover them up...but the king is getting suspicious, which is why we need to figure out what exactly is going on before anything else happens."
Everything about this job just seemed off. A monster who hand picks their prey, disappearing officials, and the king hasnt even the slightest idea?
"How are we supposed to find this monster without having our identities revealed?" You cocked your head in question.
"Ah yes well, I have prepared an airtight alias for the both of you, after all if you're going to fool people, you will need real identities"
"Fool people? Why cant we just stay in the shadows until something pops up?". Monster hunting in your experience was much easier when there weren't people around. Probably monster hunting rule #1.
"Unfortunately you would not be able to as the king has eyes and ears everywhere, it would not be long before youd be questioned and ultimately found out." Yavert explains.
"Alright.." you say hesitantly, "So how are we supposed to track the monster then?
"So far all the accidents have occurred during nightfall. By blending in as elite members of society, no one will question you as you move about, not even the royal family."
God this just keeps getting more confusing..
"So not only do we have to worry about finding a seemingly brilliant monster, but also worry about being found out?" Jaskier piped in for the first time this entire conversation.
"Yes that's correct.." he nodded slowly.
"Unfortunately I was only able to manage 2 identities, you will be known as Sir and Lady Trestin. A well known name, although the couple is known for not socializing so the risk of someone recognizing that you're not them is extremely low, here are your official invitations you will have to present at the door." He slid some documents our way.
"Wait I'm sorry did you say couple? As in couple of friends? Couple of siblings? Couple of cousins??" Surely he didnt mean-
"The lady and sir Tristan and husband and wife..is that a problem?" He questioned eyebrow raised.
"No of course not.." Um maybe a little! Sure I've fantasized about it before *cough* but now to actually act it out?? This was going to be an adventure for sure..
"What about me?" Jaskier pipes in again.
"You can be our dog" Geralt says not missing a beat.
"Oh that's low geralt" he recoils dramatically.
"How about servant boy?" You offer with a shrug.
"Do I have to?" He gives a puppy dog look to Yavert.
"I'm afraid it's the only way" Yavert smiled slightly.
"Alright, now then, this is the address you will go to for preperation my lady and for the sirs, you'll come with me" you all stood up and parted ways.
Geralt as your husband? This could actually be fun..
"OUCH" you yelled for the thousandth time at the stupid woman who's mission was to tighten your corset until your eyes popped out.
"I'm sorry my lady but this must be done.." you sighed holding the wall for support.
"Especially a lady as...." she trailed off.
"Curvy as you.." did this bitch just?!?!
"You're job is to get me ready not tell me I've eaten too many sweets in my day" you rolled your eyes.
"Besides its nearing winter, I need the extra fluff for survival purposes"
"Well I think a little extra meat on a girl is highly attractive" a new voice chimed in.
"Jaskier? When did you get here?" You couldn't help out the small laugh when you truly got a good look at him. He wore the typical servants garb but his hair had been slicked back. He looked like a boiled egg.
"Don't you laugh too! I swear you and Geralt are so mean to me" he dejectedly sprawled himself out on a cushioned chair.
"Speaking of.." you looked at the door, "Where is he?"
"Hes still getting ready, a sir takes much longer than a mere servant." You laughed at his miserable tone.
"Oh lighten up Jaskier, servant boys have plenty of fun at these parties too, I'm sure some lady will see your puppy face and take you in" you smirked.
"Let's hope so.." another girl came in this time holding a few brightly colored dresses in her arms.
"Turn around boy" the older woman scolded.
"And you, arms up!" You complied as she slid the softest fabric you've ever felt over your body.
Your turned to look at the mirror, "Eww gross no way, Jaskier look! I'm a pineapple!" You both laughed annoying the girls. "Alright next!"
*insert shopping montage with corny music here*
"This one?"
Nods head
Both nod heads
Maybe? Actually nevermind..
Eww what even is this color barf in the spring??
Jaskier nods in agreement.
*Montage ends*
An hour later you were ready, the beautuful _____ colored gown was the perfect shape on your body. It wasnt like most of the boring dresses you had tried on. And you decided to ditch the corset..
"It isnt proper!" One scolded.
"But you have to admit, it's a hell of alot sexier.." Jaskier nodded looking over me.
"Plus I can actually breathe!" And besides how were you supposed to fight monsters if you couldn't move? You left that part out obviously.
The girls just shook their heads in exasperation and finished up your hair and make up in another room.
"There now you're ready" the ladies smiled in satisfaction and left. You thanked them and made your way out to where Jaskier was.
His eyes lit up when he saw you, "Y/n! You look amazing! Although you always look beautiful" he smirked taking your arm.
"Thank you Jaskier, after everything those ladies put me through I better look like a fucking goddess" you both laughed remembering how he had to hold you down while they waxed your legs.
Together you left the shop and you swore for a moment you forgot how to breathe. Now Geralt in full body armor is one thing, but princely Geralt? Well your dreams were Surely going to be wild tonight. Never had you seen the witcher so finely pressed before. It was very...refreshing.
His gaze rose as he finally noticed the two of you. You forgot how to breathe when he looked over you. "Well? What do you think?" You asked a little embarrassed.
"Well...no one will be questioning who you are when you're looking like that" the corner of his lips rose slighty and he stepped to the side, gesturing us into the waiting carriage.
That was a compliment right?? He meant like because you look so beautiful so one is going to ask questions right? Not, well you look like a snooty aristocrat so no one will question???? Ok I'm going with the first one. Stop overthinking geez.
The ride to the castle was quick and soon you were arm in arm with your "husband".
"Come along boy, don't dawdle" geralt teased behind him.
"Dont be mean" you lightly shoved him but couldn't help but laugh as well.
"What great friends I have.."he mumbled....
Ok so that's part 1, lemme know if it's any good. Also I'm kinda new to this so I don’t know the tagging etiquette lol so I just tagged whoever asked. Also part 2 will be uploaded tonight too as soon as I finish editing xoxo 
@marvels-gurl @shane-isa-shame @waitingtobeimpressed @viking-raider @dream-alittlebiggerdarling
311 notes · View notes
Map of the Soul, Chapter Four
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For the @btswritingcafe​‘s Map of the Soul: 7 Workshop
Pairings: OT7 x reader (kinda); Taehyung x reader x Jimin
Series Summary: If you give a piece of yourself to everyone you love, at some point, there will be nothing left for yourself. While feeling lost and alone in your adult life, a strange box falls onto your head in your own closet, and you take an unexpected walk down memory lane wondering where everything went wrong.  Was it the romances that fizzled out, the friends & loved ones you left behind, the “what could’ve been” moments, the brush with Fate that never quite connected? Could the strange map you find have the answers you are looking for?  Determined to feel complete once again, you embark on a journey to reclaim the missing pieces of your soul.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, A Lot of Smut
Word Count: 7k+
Warnings: cursing & vulgar language, alcohol consumption, sexual innuendos, mentions of previous sexual encounters, bisexual behavior, fingering, oral sex (m/f receiving & giving), spanking, unprotected/protected sex (rules exist for a reason, be safe), daddy kink, a sliver of degradation, orgasm denial, cream pies, anal play/sex, double penetration
Chapter Four: Just Filter Out the Bad, Keep the Good
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Oh, Kookie.
You rolled your eyes and giggled at your phone screen as the bartender finally walked over to you.
“Can I get another Jameson and Ginger?” you shouted over the music. “And another Long Island Iced Tea?”
The bartender nodded in acknowledgement and began making your drinks. It was the third time tonight you’d made your way to the bar, but you couldn’t really complain. You were having so much fun, and Taehyung had the crowd half in love with him with his charming stage presence and his smooth honeyed vocal stylings.
“Thank you,” Taehyung crooned over the microphone. “I’m going to take a little break, but I promise, I’ll be back.”
A round of disappointment resounded through the bar, and you rolled your eyes at the ridiculousness of it all. You caught Taehyung’s eye and he motioned that he was going to go to the bathroom. After a quick thumbs-up, you picked up your drinks and made your way back to your booth to wait for him.
Almost twenty minutes passed and the ice in your drink was clinking against the bottom.
Where the hell is he? Men’s bathrooms don’t take THAT long in bars.
Realizing that this modern bar might actually have gender neutral bathrooms, you decided to go off in search of your soulmate. After making your way past the crowded tables, you rounded the corner and saw there were only a few people waiting in line, none of them Taehyung. You waited a few minutes and the line moved, but none of the individuals exiting the single stall bathrooms were him either. Confused, you started walking back toward the bar.
A throaty groan caught your ear as you walked by a darkened hallway. In the dim red light of the Exit sign at the end of the hall, you made out the distinct shape of Taehyung’s shoulders hovering over a smaller individual against the wall. The two were completely unaware of your approach as they were obviously occupied with other things at the moment.
“Seriously, Tae,” you mused. “Ditching me for a pretty face? That’s a real dick move.”
“Look, sweetheart,” a wispy voice exhaled. “I saw him first, so I’m gonna need you to step off, alright?”
That voice…
You inhaled sharply, staggered back a few inches with your eyes wide, and clutched at the non-existent pearls on your neck.
“Jiminie?” you squeaked out.
The two men ceased their makeout session abruptly, and Taehyung stepped aside to reveal plush lips, bright red hair, and big brown eyes blown out in shock.
March 20th, 11:17 pm
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“This next song goes out to my gorgeous soulmate,” Taehyung chirped into the microphone. “I’ve loved her since the moment she fell from Heaven and crushed my head on the playground.”
A round of “awwww”s reverberated across the bar, and you rolled your eyes at Taehyung and blew him a kiss. The music started up again and Taehyung went into full Elvis mode.
“Wise men say only fools rush in, But I can't help falling in love with you…”
“Wow,” Jimin groaned sensually. “Does his voice always sound like liquid sex poured over hot coals?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact,” you quipped. “Taehyung has a very special relationship with the microphone. They’ve been going steady for decades, but he’s always too cowardly to commit.”
“What do you mean, jagi?” Jimin grinned. “Does he not realize how good he is?”
“Oh, he knows,” you corrected him. “He just can’t handle the spotlight very well. In a bar, he’ll get brave, but put him on an actual stage with a real crowd, and he becomes an awkward mess of a man. It’s a mystery.”
“You’re kidding,” Jimin scoffed. “There’s no way that gorgeous hunk of man over there is ever awkward.”
“You’d be surprised,” you chuckled. “I know that man better than he knows himself.”
“I was pretty close to getting to know him myself,” Jimin bragged. “Someone just had to interrupt our steamy little makeout session back there.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Jimin,” you goaded. “Sure, you may have captured his attention, but he’d never really ditch me for another pretty face, including yours.”
“I don’t know, jagiya,” Jimin smirked. “Before you showed up, I already had him asking how far away my place was.”
“That may be so,” you smiled wickedly. “But I guarantee he wouldn’t ditch me. One look and he would be crawling back to me without question.”
You and Jimin stared one another down and your eyes battled it out for dominance. You sighed sweetly and blew a kiss to Taehyung, and he eagerly snatched out of the air and placed it in his lapel pocket. Jimin rolled his eyes at your dual displays of affection and chuckled.
That’s right. No one comes between me and my soulmate.
“So, what brings you back to town, Jiminie?” you giggled, changing the subject. “Let me guess, another frat party?”
“Yes, actually, I’m here for the fraternity’s centennial celebration,” he explained. “We had a whole ceremony and raffle fundraiser last night, and the house party is tonight.”
“I’m surprised you aren’t there now,” you gawked. “The Park Jimin I remember never missed an opportunity for a good frat party.”
Jimin giggled and ran his fingers through his hair, an old habit that always increased his allure. He leaned over and placed his hand on your thigh, provoking a rolling plain of goosebumps across your arms and legs.
“I’m not the same Jimin you remember, jagi,” he murmured while licking his lips. “A lot of things changed since we last saw each other. When was that, by the way?”
A bitter memory triggered in your brain and you gently pushed him away, free from his hypnotic seduction. Confusion traveled across his face and he cocked a questioning look at you, lifting an eyebrow for emphasis.
“It was during grad school,” you reminded him. “The Venetian Masquerade Homecoming party at your frat house?”
Jimin closed his eyes briefly and nodded gravely as the memory hit him as well. There was a tangible shift in his personality, and you knew Jimin was trying to figure out how to proceed.  He was an expert at tailoring his personality to fit the situation, but he seemed at a loss when you reminded him of the troubled past. You both sat there in silence, allowing the details to take shape in your mind once again. Taehyung chose that exact moment to intrude upon your conversation.
“Hey,” he shouted. “Who’s up next?”
Jimin glanced over to Taehyung and gave him a tight smile.
“I guess I am,” Jimin offered. “Any requests?”
“Sing me something sweet,” Taehyung pleaded. “I want my heart to burst with emotion.”
Jimin winked at Taehyung and glanced over to see if you’re looking at him. You were not. As Jimin headed over to the booth to choose a song, Taehyung pulled you close and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
“What’s going on, ttalgi?” he teased lightly. “I’d know that angsty look of yours anywhere. Are you and Jimin-ssi reliving painful memories from college?”
“Something like that,” you muttered “We didn’t exactly end on good terms the last time.”
“How so?” he recoiled. “Every time you’ve mentioned him in the past, it was always with glowing reviews of his sexual prowess. I’ve never once heard you say one bad thing about him.”
“Tae,” you grimaced. “Have you really never noticed that I stopped talking about Jimin a long time ago? Like almost 6 years now?”
“No,” Taehyung said carefully. “Why? Did he do something to hurt you?”
Taehyung stiffened against you as he shot a glare in Jimin’s direction. You were quick to calm the raging Papa Bear beside you. Taehyung was always quick to defend your honor, but it wasn’t necessary in this case.
“It’s not that simple, babe,” you sighed in defeat, lifting your eyes to stare longingly at Jimin. “We hurt each other...badly.”
“Hello, everyone,” Jimin announced on the microphone. “I’m Jimin, and I’m an asshole. That’s not a lie either. I hurt someone who is very special to me, and I never apologized. Because of that, I lost her and I don’t know if I’ll ever get her back and that sucks. Because I really care about her a lot and I just want us to be friends again because she’s amazing and I miss her. Jagiya, this song is for you.”
A powerful boom pumped through the speakers and Jimin began singing “Before I Cry” by Lady Gaga.
“I can't believe the things you said Right now I wish that you would try Try to stay near me Try to be near me”
“Oh damn, babe,” Taehyung breathed out in a rush. “He broke out A Star is Born? Bold move.”
Your eyes glistened as you concentrated on Jimin’s gaze, which never once wavered from your own. He was singing directly to you, and everyone else in the room just faded away. The delicate lilt of his voice was mesmerizing, and you braced yourself for the chorus, knowing he would be unleashing the full extent of his vocal power on you.
“'Cause I'm gonna cry If you say you don't need me I'm gonna cry if you act like you don't care Promise me, baby, you know I can't fake it Why don't you hold me? Tell me you love me before I cry”
You took note of the gloss covering his eyes after that last big note. He continued to sing, his heart pouring waves of regret and longing over you. His hands reached out for you emphatically as the song progressed and after he hit the last big chorus, he stepped off the stage to sing the last verse. With every step he took, he walked closer and closer to your booth until he was kneeling in front of you and reaching for your hand.
“Have I said what I needed to say? Have you said what you wanted to say? Did you say what you wanted to say? Would you try and stop me before I cry?”
The music stopped and you sucked in a sob before launching yourself into his arms. Jimin stood up and lifted you off the ground in a crushing hug. The room exploded into thunderous applause and they cheered loudly when you pulled back and kissed Jimin on his full lips. He released you and you brushed away the tears trailing down his chubby cheeks. He smiled brightly at you and then remembered he still had the microphone in his hand.
“Oh, thank you,” he laughed in embarrassment. “I guess that worked pretty well, huh? Who’s next?”
Jimin handed off the microphone to the next singer and you pulled him back into the booth with you. Taehyung was leaning on his fists while shooting heart eyes at Jimin who countered with his own half-moon eye smile.
“Jagiya,” Jimin said, turning to face you properly. “I really am sorry for what I did. I never meant to hurt you.”
“It wasn’t only your fault, Minnie,” you responded sweetly. “I said some pretty fucked up things to you that night also. Can you ever forgive me?”
“So, is anyone going to tell me what the fuck is going on?” Taehyung interrupted rudely. “All I seem to understand is that you fucked up, you stopped talking, and now you’re making up. Can someone please fill in the blanks?”
You and Jimin giggled at Taehyung’s flabbergasted expression and decided to take pity on him.
“Jimin and I were supposed to go to a masquerade ball together a while back,” you began. “We even got matching costumes.”
“We were never officially a couple, but people just knew we had a special relationship,” Jimin continued. “But it didn’t stop us from playing the field.”
“However,” you cut him off. “That night, we’d agreed to stick together for once. No one else, just us.”
“Oh shit, I see where this is going,” Taehyung squealed. “Sorry, you were saying?”
“Anyway,” you sighed. “We were doing fine until the jello shots started circulating. You know I can’t resist a good jello shot and neither can Jimin.”
Taehyung nodded enthusiastically, and Jimin pulled you closer to his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I caught her making out with some hot cheerleader in the kitchen,” Jimin explained. “So I got mad and pulled her away.”
“In my defense,” you countered. “I had just seen you nibbling on that guy’s ear on the patio.”
“You were the one giving that guy a lap dance on the couch,” Jimin shot back.
“Only because you grabbed that girl’s ass on the way to the bathroom,” you spat.
“Yo,” Taehyung cut in. “I get it. You guys are stupid competitive and extremely jealous. Continue the story.”
You and Jimin both laughed at Taehyung’s outburst.
“We ended up having a full on public shouting match in the front yard of the frat house,” you sighed. “Not gonna lie. It got pretty ugly.”
“People thought we were having an actual breakup,” Jimin scoffed. “After we said some pretty nasty things to each other, I got mad and told her to leave the party.”
“He disappeared into the frat house,” you muttered sadly. “The last thing I saw was him pulling some guy and girl into a back room. He flipped me off before he slammed the door in my face.”
“Nothing happened,” he explained. “I just wanted to piss her off. When I left the room a few minutes later, they told me she’d left in tears. I felt like shit about it, but I was still pissed. I got blackout drunk and woke up under the kitchen table in my underwear.”
“Sounds like a good party,” Taehyung giggled. “So what happened after that?”
“I left back home,” Jimin said. “I didn’t apologize because I thought it was her fault.”
“And I didn’t apologize because I thought it was his fault,” you continued. “We haven’t spoken or seen each since then, at least until tonight. We were so fucking stupid. It’s not like we were dating or anything.”
“Yeah, you two should never date,” Taehyung declared. “Look at how horrible you were to each other. That shit would get toxic real quick.”
You and Jimin looked back at one another and he placed a kiss on your forehead. You both sighed and hugged it out once again.
“You’re probably right, Tae-bear,” you admitted. “It just sucks that we weren’t able to fix things back then. I feel like we lost out on so much.”
“I’m willing to do a hard reset if you are, jagi,” Jimin suggested. “I really have missed you. Want to be friends again? We can just erase everything that was bad and just focus on the good stuff and all the fun times we had.”
You rolled the idea over in your mind and then an idea struck you. You promptly scooted him out of the booth, and with a wide smile spreading across your face, you grabbed onto his hands.
“Let’s do our song,” you cheered. “That way it’s really official!”
“Oh, jagiya,” Jimin pouted. “I’m definitely filing that under bad stuff. Besides, you know I can’t perform without the proper attire. There is only one way you’ll get me to sing that song, and I seriously doubt you have what I need.”
“Oh my gods,” you huffed out in bewilderment. “No fucking way.”
“I’m sorry, jagi” he teased. “You know my rule: no sequins, no song.”
You crawled over the table and grabbed your clutch from next to Taehyung. You reached inside and pulled out the gold sequined bow tie and held it up for Jimin to see. He blanched at the sight and the shock on his face was tangible.
“Where the fuck did you find that thing?” Jimin spat. “I thought I burned that in the bonfire!”
“I have no idea,” you grinned triumphantly. “But you owe me a song now, sir. Let’s go, 가자!”
You pulled the bow tie over Jimin’s head and adjusted it. He grimaced and whined as you pulled him over to the booth to fill out the song request. You both grabbed a microphone and you pushed a very reluctant Jimin onto the stage.
“Hello, everyone,” you greeted sweetly. “I brought this adorable gentleman up here for one more song. Wasn’t he just lovely earlier?”
Everyone applauded and Taehyung stood up to whistle and whoop like a crazed fan. You beamed at Jimin who gave you the fakest petty smile he could muster. You leaned up to kiss him on the cheek and he gritted out a faint, but spiteful “I fucking hate you” under his breath. You winked at him cheekily and poked your tongue out in response.
A series of electronic snare drums snapped and synthesizer beats popped out of the speakers and an exuberant “Yeah” and “Woo” filled the air as Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” kicked off.
You and Jimin switched off every other line like a proper duet, and the crowd was eating it up. You alternated little dance moves around each other with cute poses, and you even pulled his arms around you during the chorus, which of course, everyone sang with you.
When the song was done, you both received a standing ovation from the entire bar, and even the bartender applauded enthusiastically. When you finally made your way back to the booth, a waitress showed up with a round of fruity red shots called Washington Red Apples, courtesy of the elated bartender.
“Well,” you cooed at the grumpy Jimin next to you. “That is definitely the best friendship renewal I’ve ever been a part of. Can you even think of a better way to make up than that?”
“I know a better one,” Taehyung remarked with a smirk.
You and Jimin looked up at each other and then at Taehyung. The devilish look on his face transferred onto Jimin’s and then made its way onto your own. You took the shot glass between your fingers and held it out to propose a toast.
“To renewed friendships,” you grinned. “Among other things.”
You all clinked your glasses and downed your shots. It only took a second after for everyone to take action.
“Tae-bear,” you purred. “Close out our tab. Jimin and I will meet you in the car.”
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March 21st, 1:07am
The drive back to your apartment was a blur, a steamy blur full of well placed kisses, hot visuals, and a plethora of wandering hands.
After Taehyung pried you off of Jimin’s lap in the back seat, he handed you the keys and ordered you to drive since you were the only one who knew how to get to your apartment. In the meantime, Jimin was pulled onto Taehyung’s lap in the backseat and you were treated to quite a show in your rear view mirror. The moans and groans emanating from the backseat were causing quite a stir in your panties. In fact, the thin material was noticeably sticking to your dripping folds as you parallel parked the car in front of your apartment building.
“Everyone out,” you barked. “Let’s go!”
The two entwined bodies groaned at your command, and refused to move out of the backseat. Beyond aggravated, you leaned in and grabbed onto both heads of hair and pulled back harshly. Both men whined and moaned lightly, but both also knew better than to pull away from your claws. You knew both of their kinks to the letter, and pain was at the top of the list.
That’s right, boys. I’m in charge here.
“I said,” you growled. “Let’s go.”
They quickly exited the vehicle as soon you released them, and all three of you hastily made your way inside of your apartment, promptly locking the door behind you.
The dogs had been walked and fed before you’d left the apartment, so they briefly greeted you at the door, and then huffed out snorts of derision at your choice of nighttime activities.
Jimin got excited when he saw Oberyn and Yeontan, but you and Tae were quick to pull him back into the fold, promising proper introductions later.
Much later.
After a flurry of clothing and shoes tossed from the front entrance to your bedroom floor, you found yourself completely naked and standing at the edge of your bed wedged between two deliciously sweaty naked men who were pressing open mouth kisses all over your body. You could barely differentiate between Taehyung’s playful nibbles and Jimin’s soft suckling against your skin. In perfect synchronization, Taehyung and Jimin latched on to opposing sides of your neck, drawing an impatient moan from your lips.
That’s definitely gonna leave a mark.
Jimin pulled you back slightly and kneeled between you and Taehyung, gripping his hands onto each of your thighs for balance.
“Allow me,” he hummed. “After all, I am a guest in your home.”
With fluid precision, Jimin grasped a hold of Taehyung’s throbbing cock and began stroking it from tip to hilt while simultaneously pulling your swollen clit between his lips. You and Taehyung let out gasping moans in unison while holding onto each other for support.
“Didn’t I tell you the man had talent, Tae?” you hummed. “Ah, Jimin…”
You couldn’t even start your next sentence because Jimin was slipping his tongue into your folds and lapping up every drop of essence collecting between your thighs. Taehyung gaped at the sight while trying not to blow his load over Jimin’s skillful ministrations.
“Holy fuck, babe,” he groaned. “You totally undersold him. He’s like some kind of wicked little sex fairy.”
Jimin giggled against your slippery folds before placing a fat kiss on top of your clit. He sat back on his heels and pursed his glistening lips at Taehyung.
“Sucking dick doesn’t make me a fairy, Taehyung,” he teased. “But I guarantee it will feel magical when I get that fat cock between my lips.”
Switching it up, Jimin plunged two fingers into your hungry hole while licking a long wet stripe up the front of Taehyung’s girthy length. Your eyes locked onto Jimin’s bouncing red hair as he sucked on Taehyung’s dick like a juicy popsicle. Neither his fingers nor his tongue slowed their actions as Jimin turned both of you into hot moaning messes.
“Jimin...ah...baby,” you whimpered. “We need to get horizontal before I fall. My legs are...ah...about to give out.”
Taehyung slid his hand down your side to steady your waist, but found it difficult to concentrate with Jimin’s never-ending onslaught of pleasure. You could see Taehyung’s eyes rolling back in pleasure each time Jimin lowered his head onto his crotch. The erotic sight only spurred your arousal forward, leaking all over Jimin’s fingers as he artfully fingered you.
“Tae,” you whispered. “I can’t...ah...I can’t hold...ah…”
You couldn’t even form coherent sentences at that point because not only was Jimin curling and dragging his fingers along your G-spot, he was also brushing against your clit with every stroke. It was heavenly, but also sent you tumbling forward into oblivion without anything to hold you up.
Taehyung took mercy on you and grabbed a hold of Jimin’s scarlet locks. After pulling Jimin’s mouth further down his length a few times, he pulled his wicked little sex fairy off his dick and to his feet.
“My soulmate needs a bed,” Taehyung gritted out. “Now.”
“Flattering,” Jimin chirped while licking his lips. “But we’ve only just met, Taehyung. Don’t you think soulmate is a bit much?”
Taehyung seized Jimin’s head and devoured his lips, while still holding you up. After a clash of teeth and tongue, Taehyung pulled Jimin’s bottom lip between his teeth and bit down harshly. Jimin’s aching whimper drew your attention, but you struggled to focus on anything with Jimin’s fingers pumping into you.
“I wasn’t talking about you, Jimin,” Taehyung growled. “I was talking about her.”
Jimin offered Taehyung a mischievous smirk and nodded coyly. He motioned for Taehyung to get behind you as he focused all of his attention and energy on you. They eased you onto the bed keeping you on your knees, and your legs were happy to oblige the shift in balance. Jimin pulled you closer and licked his way into your mouth and you began attacking his lips with your own. He swallowed each whine and moan as his fingers began to pick up speed.
Taehyung took this opportunity to kneel behind you and run his hands over the globes of your ass, relishing the plumpness in the dim lamplight.
“How does your ass always look this perfect, ttalgi?” he mused. “It’s extraordinary, and totally unfair.”
He reared his palm back and brought it down firmly against one cheek and then the other. With each spank, you cried out wantonly, much to the delight of both men.
“She loves it when you spank her,” Jimin chuckled. “This vixen loves pain.”
“I know,” Taehyung shot back after delivering yet another smack to your ass. “She’s my soulmate. It’s my job to know these things.”
“Oh yeah?” Jimin quipped. “You think you know more than I do? I’ve probably made her cum more times than you have.”
“It’s not about quantity, Jiminie,” Taehyung bragged. “It’s about quality.”
Taehyung punctuated his statement with one last slap across your reddening cheek and then leaned against your back. He cupped both of your breasts and began pulling at alternating nipples, loving the throaty moans you emitted with each tug. You started rubbing your ass against his hardened length, and Jimin chased after your creamy center, determined to regain your attention.
“She needs multiple stimuli,” Taehyung explained while leaning forward to pull your earlobe between his teeth. “She’s a dirty girl who wants everyone to touch her, to feel her, to own her, isn’t that right, ttalgi?”
Your moans were reaching a fever pitch, and Taehyung knew what you needed to hear to reach the apex of your climax.
“Come on, baby,” he purred against the shell of your ear. “Be a good girl and let Daddy hear you scream.”
The knot of pleasure in your core tightened sharply and snapped. You cried out as the orgasm quaked across your body in a frenzy, the sensations more pronounced in the areas where you were being touched. Your nipples tingled, your clit pulsed, and your ears were ringing.
You collapsed back against Taehyung’s chest and let out a blissful sigh of satisfaction. You opened your eyes when you heard a wet noise near your face and got an eyeful of Taehyung licking your essence from Jimin’s fingers.
“Mmmm delicious as always, babe,” Taehyung swooned. “You have no idea how good you taste, do you?”
“How good?” you giggled.
“Exquisite,” Jimin hummed after licking the remnants from Taehyung’s lips. “I seriously missed that flavor on my tongue, jagiya. It’s only gotten better with age.”
“Right?” Taehyung expressed with a boxy grin. “I was going to say that too!”
The two of them high-fived and you groaned at their childish behavior.
“If you two assholes are just going to sit there and call me old while high-fiving, I’m so fucking done,” you spat. “I got mine already.”
You tried to move away from them, but they both moved swiftly to pull you back into their arms with a whine.
“Where do you think you’re going, dirty girl?” Taehyung teased while grinding his still hard cock against your ass. “You aren’t done until we say you are.”
“And we are far from done, jagi” Jimin promised. “How about we change things up a bit?”
They laid you back on the mattress and you stretched out your limbs, trying to shake the tension out of your muscles. Taehyung reached into your side table to pull out the box of condoms he knew you had. Jimin pressed his body against yours, trailing his fingertips from your neck down to your hip. You both looked up at Taehyung when he cleared his throat.
“Ok, ttalgi,” he began. “Are we sticking to our usual rules with Jimin here? It’s your call.”
“What are the usual rules?” Jimin asked. “She and I only had two rules: wear a condom and be honest about what we liked or didn’t like.”
“We have something similar, but with variations,” Taehyung explained. “Condoms for any assplay, colors for safewords, consent is always confirmed, aftercare is mandatory, and open, honest communication.”
“Condoms only for assplay?” Jimin gulped. “What about vaginal play?”
“I have my birth control implant,” you told Jimin while pointing out the spot on your arm. “Taehyung and I have always been vigilant about staying clean and we get tested every other month, even when we aren’t sexually active.”
“So, I guess the question we have is,” Taehyung expressed kindly. “What about you, Jimin? What do you want to do?”
Jimin sat up on one elbow and shifted his doe eyes between you and Taehyung. He couldn’t believe what you were offering.
“Jagi,” he breathed out. “We’ve never gone bare...like ever. I’ve never gone bare with anyone actually.”
“I know, Jiminie,” you expressed tenderly. “I’ve only ever trusted Tae-bear with something like that. But I know how careful you are, and I’m sure that hasn’t changed. If you’re comfortable with it, then I’m willing to trust you as well.”
You reached up to cup his cheek and he leaned in and kissed your palm gingerly with his swollen lips. He closed his eyes and let out a shaky exhale.
“Nothing’s changed,” he finally responded. “I’m still careful, I still get tested, and I’m still clean. If you really trust me, then I trust you too.
He pressed a chaste kiss on your lips and sat up to pull Taehyung in for a kiss as well.
“I trust both of you,” Jimin proclaimed. “I know I just met you, Taehyung, but if my jagiya trusts you with something like this, then who am I to argue with her logic?”
Taehyung smiled at Jimin’s words and reached over to stroke your cheek affectionately. You all took a deep breath as the electricity in the air increased exponentially. The soft caresses on skin transformed into overzealous gropes, and the quiet exhales became heated moans and needy whines. You decided to take the lead this time and climbed onto Jimin’s chest, asking for permission to ride his face, to which he quickly consented. As you settled over his ravenous lips, Taehyung instigated a rather noisy blowjob behind you, pulling Jimin’s angry red tip between his lips and slurping at the precum spilling over the edge.
“Fuck,” Jimin gasped out beneath you. “You couldn’t give me a warning, Tae?”
“Do you want me to stop?” Taehyung pouted. “Just say the word, Jiminie.”
“No, please don’t stop,” Jimin begged. “Keep going.”
You looked back over your shoulder and grinned wickedly at Taehyung. The smirk on his handsome face was mesmerizing, and you returned it in kind. You lowered your soaking wet heat to Jimin’s lips once again as Taehyung swirled his tongue around Jimin’s girthy penis.
Jimin inhaled sharply through his nose and moaned out into the flooded depths of your vagina. He dug his nails into your hips and you cried out erotically. For every lick and suck Taehyung unleashed upon him, Jimin paid it forward to your gushing center.
“Jimin,” you moaned. “I’m getting close.”
Taehyung slapped his palm against Jimin’s thigh, causing him to hiss and moan into your drenched thigh.
“What was that for?” Jimin protested.
“Don’t let her cum yet, Jiminie,” Taehyung instructed. “Let’s see how far we can edge her out.”
You whipped your head around to glare at Taehyung’s smug face and scowled deeply at him. He knew you hated edging, but he also knew that you came especially hard when edged. You pouted at him and he cocked an eyebrow at you before pulling off of Jimin’s dick with an audible pop.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, babe,” Taehyung relented. “But I promise it will feel amazing if you let it happen.”
He winked at you playfully and you couldn’t resist the boxy grin he shot your way before diving back onto Jimin’s glistening cock. You watched him dip and twist his mouth up and down Jimin’s stiff shaft, even dragging his tongue below the base and flicking along Jimin’s scrotum. Jimin was quickly unraveling underneath Taehyung’s expert skills, and he suddenly lost his concentration on you when Taehyung started licking lower between his legs.
“Ttalgi, come here, quickly,” Taehyung commanded.
You released your hold on the wall and dismounted Jimin’s face, which was contorting into a mask of pure pleasure thanks to Taehyung. He started stroking Jimin’s shaft in time with his tongue barrage.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Jimin moaned out. “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum.”
“Do you want to cum inside her, Jiminie?” Taehyung cooed. “Want this dirty girl to sink down on this hard cock and soak up your hot sticky load?”
Jimin couldn’t verbalize anything, but he nodded desperately and started flailing his arms in search of you. Taehyung positioned you just above Jimin’s dick and held you in place.
“When I say sit, babe,” Taehyung quirked. “Sit down and ride him into his orgasm, ok?”
“I’m ready, Tae-bear,” you agreed wholeheartedly. “Just tell me when.”
After a few more strokes, Jimin’s hands clenched against the sheets and he threw his head back harshly.
“NOW,” Taehyung commanded while lowering you safely onto Jimin’s lap.
As soon as your thighs connected with Jimin’s, he let out a cry of unbridled passion and thrusted up into you like a madman possessed. His eyes were blown wide and he couldn’t stop pulling you onto his dick even as he shot out jets of cum, painting your walls in white. The sexual tempest finally abated and Jimin slumped against the pillows and let out a long audible breath laced with amusement.
“Holy shit,” he exclaimed. “That has to be the most incredible sensation in the world. Jagiya, why have I never plunged into your Cave of Wonders bareback before?”
“Because we were both busy being responsible adults, Aladdin,” you quipped. “Or maybe I should call you Genie since Tae referred to you as a magical sex fairy.”
“He can call me whatever he wants if I’m going to get this kind of treatment,” he giggled. “But, I’m worried about him, jagi. He hasn’t been given proper attention just yet. We should really help him out, don’t you think?”
You chuckled and pulled yourself off of Jimin then propped yourself up on all fours, wiggling your ass slightly to entice Taehyung forward. He shook his head and eased onto the bed behind you. He reached between your legs to see if you needed additional lubrication, but the deluge he slipped into told him you were more than ready.
“Look at this mess you two made,” he commented in astonishment, while licking the combined cum from his fingertips. “Just like a creamsicle on a hot summer day.”
Taehyung slid the blunt head of his stiff cock along the crease of your sopping wet pussy and then slowly pushed his way in. He groaned as each inch disappeared from sight and he gave a small thrust to fit the last few inches snugly inside. You whimpered at the stretch and lifted your head to meet Jimin’s amused stare.
“What a naughty girl we have here, Tae,” Jimin cooed. “All stuffed full of cock and she still looks like she wants more. Should I give you more, jagiya?”
When all you could do was whimper weakly at Jimin’s entreaty, so Taehyung pulled your hair back and thrust forward sharply. Jimin was enthralled by the fucked out look on your face and leaned forward to lick into your open mouth.
“Jiminie asked you a question, ttalgi,” he hissed in your ear. “Don’t disappoint Daddy and ignore our guest. Now, do you want more cock or not?”
“Yes,” you begged desperately against Jimin’s plushy lips. “Want him in my mouth, Daddy. Can I? Please?”
Jimin chuckled at your pleas and leaned over to lure Taehyung into another heated kiss.
“Daddy kink, huh?” Jimin teased as he pulled away. “That’s a new one for me.”
“It only works when I do it,” Taehyung grunted. “You can call me Daddy too, if you like?”
“We’ll see how I feel later,” Jimin smirked. “For now, let’s stuff this naughty little slut full of cock.”
Taehyung picked up the pace as he pistoned his aching dick deep into your womb. Jimin stroked his own cock until he had half an erection and then ran the tip across your lips.
“Open up, jagi,” Jimin crooned sweetly. “I’ve got a treat for you.”
You eagerly opened wide and allowed Jimin to place his hands on your head to hold you in place while he fucked into your mouth. You hollowed your cheeks and slurped him down until he was hard and quivering against your tongue.
“Ah, fuck yes,” Jimin squealed. “Just what I needed. Thanks, jagi.”
Jimin pulled out of your mouth and you whined in protest. He brushed the saliva from your lips and planted a fat kiss on them before disappearing from your sight.
Taehyung took your distraction as an opportunity to pull you up against his chest so he could play with your clit as he fucked up into you. He read your impending orgasms carefully and pulled back each time the crest threatened to break across your threshold. He appeased your adorable tear-streaked face with sweet promises of “the best orgasm of your life.”
“You have to trust me, babe,” Taehyung sneered against your wet cheeks. “You’ll thank me when you fall over that edge, I promise.”
You were about to whine out another protest when Taehyung clenched against you unexpectedly.
“Oh, fuck,” he hissed against your temple. “You wicked little fucker. I should’ve kept an eye on you.”
“Yeah, you should have,” came Jimin’s voice from behind Taehyung. “I’m a sneaky bitch, did I forget to mention that?”
Jimin had sprung a sexy sneak attack with two lubed fingers currently seeking entrance at Taehyung’s back door. Taehyung released you back onto all fours so he could grant Jimin better access to his ass. He slowed his movements just long enough for Jimin to work his dick into Taehyung’s now well lubricated asshole. With all three of you connected, it took a moment or two to find a definitive rhythm together, but once you did, the fluid movements initiated a series of high pitched squeals and moans unlike any you’d heard before. Taehyung felt your walls clamping down into his dick and he gathered up enough focus to make an erotic suggestion.
“Jimin, wait,” he huffed out on a moan. “Let’s change positions. As much as I’m enjoying this, there’s something I want to try now that we have you here.”
Jimin pulled back and waited for Taehyung to continue. With a flick of his wrist, Taehyung reached over and gently pulled the condom off Jimin’s dick and smirked sinfully.
“I’ve never trusted anyone enough to double penetrate her,” Taehyung explained quickly. “Get inside her cunt and let me get a condom on.”
“Oh, shit,” Jimin gasped. “You’re fucking serious, aren’t you?”
“You bet your fine ass, I’m serious,” Taehyung gritted out while rolling on the condom. “This dirty little girl is about to blow and so am I. Daddy owes her the orgasm of a lifetime and he’s going to give it to her.”
You were just catching your breath, and you whimpered at the tightness in your clit.
“Guys, if I don’t cum soon, I’m going to fucking explode,” you growled. “So unless you want me to take care of this by myself, I suggest you get over here and finish the fucking job.”
“Oooh, jagi is feisty when she’s frustrated,” Jimin cackled. “I’ve never edged her, so this should be fun to watch.”
“I’m giving you a front row seat, Jiminie,” Taehyung beamed as he laid down beside you. “Enjoy the show.”
Jimin helped rearrange your body so that you were wedged in between them on the bed. After lifting up one of your thighs, Jimin slipped his bare cock into your swollen cunt, reveling at the raw feeling of your fleshy walls tightening around his dick. You were so wet and slippery that even Taehyung was surprised that he wouldn’t need much lube to get your asshole ready for him.
“I love it when she’s this strung out and horny,” he chuckled. “Makes it so easy for me.”
With a little help from Jimin’s fingers, Taehyung slipped beyond your puckered hole and buried himself into the glorious tightness of your ass. With both of your holes now occupied, you found yourself adrift in a sea of endorphins. The finish line was just beyond your sight and you cried out as you felt both cocks sliding across the thin membrane separating your cunt from your asshole.
“Tae,” you whimpered helplessly. “Jimin...please...I need you.”
“We’re right here, ttalgi,” Taehyung soothed. “Just let go. I’m not going to hold you back anymore. Just let it flow right through you.”
Jimin slipped his fingers down to rub against your clit and the combined sensations hurtled into your brain all at once.
“OH FUCK!” you screamed as you careened over the edge of your climax and tumbled into one spasm and after another, losing track of just how many orgasms Taehyung had stacked up for you throughout the course of the night. When the last one hit, your vision cleared just enough to catch Jimin’s awed facial expression as he watched you come undone. The glazed look in your eyes triggered his own climax and he shot another rope of sweet release deep into your quivering heat.
“Babe,” Taehyung grunted behind you, still pumping away. “I’m really fucking close. Where do you want it?”
You smiled wickedly and pulled Jimin close. He was still reeling from his last orgasm, but he offered you a small smile, wordlessly agreeing to whatever your face was suggesting.
“On our faces,” you moaned. “Cum all over our faces, Tae!”
It only took a few more well timed thrusts before Taehyung was pulling out and stepping over the two of you. He tossed the condom aside and pumped away at his shaft until he unleashed a cascade of semen all over your face and Jimin’s. He groaned wantonly as he watched you and Jimin lap up the streaks of semen from each other’s face.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” he conceded while throwing his head back in exhaustion. “I don’t know about you two, but I’m fucking spent.”
His knees buckled onto the mattress and you placed one last kiss on Jimin’s lips before rolling off the bed. You left the two of them gasping for breath on the bed while you retrieved some bottled water from the fridge.
“Oh, you angel,” Jimin preened. “Just what I needed.”
Once you all got back to a normal heart rate, you corralled both Jimin and Taehyung into the shower. You silently thanked your landlord for installing the wide shower stall with a built-in bench seat. The three of you fit comfortably in the shower together with a little room to spare.
After you were all cleaned up and refreshed, the boys changed the sheets and you gathered up extra pillows so you could all cuddle up on the bed. Jimin heartily agreed to the sleepover, and you were all thoroughly exhausted from your early morning romp.
Taehyung tucked both you and Jimin against his chest and sighed out with contentment. After kissing both of you on the forehead, he wished you good night and settled into his pillow. You and Jimin slipped your fingers together and snuggled against Taehyung.
As you faded into unconsciousness, you smiled and exhaled happily.
Damn, Universe. You’re on a roll.
The three of you drifted off to Dreamland as the dogs in the living room looked up with curiosity and growled at the black sparkles that flashed and pulsed from your coffee table and then vanished a moment later.
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Author’s Note: (releasing my clenched thighs) Whew, is everyone ok after that chapter? I don’t know about you, but I need a long shower after that. I had so much fun writing this chapter and I made my betas all hot and bothered when they read it, so I assume it’s good. I hope you all enjoyed the Vmin playtime. Only three more chapters to go! 
Chapter Three: The Beautiful Music We Used to Make
Chapter Five: There’s Still Sunshine When He’s Gone
@caught-in-a-seesaw-stigma​‘s MASTERLIST
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If You’re Gonna Be The Death Of Me, That’s How I Wanna Go
Summary: Remy really goes “head empty, only Emile” in this one. He is a cocky, little flirting shit for everyone except Emile, also Emile is non-binary because I say so. I love the “it’s my fanfiction and I get to say who’s queer/dying” attitude, can you tell? Fandom: TS Sanders Sides Warnings: Swearing and food is mentioned in a pick-up line but I think that’s it, check out the tags down below Pairing: Remile Characters: Remy Sanders, Emile Picani and Logan is mentioned once as Remy’s brother Wordcount: 1790 Uploading date: 5th of june 2020
A/N: This is for @shut-up-emrys-deactivated202005 <3 I hope you like it and I hope you're having a fantastic birthday. I am so extremely glad that you're my friend. I love you. As you can see, this piece is a bit shorter than usual and I am blaming it on the fact that it’s all fluff, no angst but hey, I have three wips right now :D
One step in front of another, that's how you walk, right? There was no big deal about what Remy was going to do. He was only going to ask out his dearest friend Emile. Emphasis on the only because it was nothing big, absolutely not at all. He would do it and he would ace it and everything would be chill and he definitely had everything under control.
He walked down the hallway of his school, on his way to Emile's locker, since that's where they would most likely be.
The students seeing Remy passing by saw someone filled with confidence. Head up high, straight posture, self-assured steps and a pair of sunglasses resting on his head, not on his nose, simply because people considered it rude to wear shaded glasses in buildings.
What they didn't see were his increasingly bad shaking hands or how he started to fidget with the hem of his leather jacket. They didn't hear his heart beating way too loudly, providing him with enough adrenaline for what his brain apparently thought was a fight, flight or freeze situation, and they didn't hear his loud racing thoughts either.
They would have noticed all those signs of Remy being a disaster gay though, if they just stopped him and casually had a conversation or simply looked a little bit closer.
Remy wasn't nervous, no. He never was. He wasn't nervous before being introduced to someone new, he wasn't nervous before class presentations or even exams because he studied really hard for them and he certainly wasn't nervous now either, no.
He was just, to quote a show he had recently binge in a sleepless night: "Uncertain of how things would go and therefore deeply terrified".
There was nothing new about this. He had flirted with a lot of people on this school or in dancing clubs he sometimes liked to go, only rarely though. The point of this is- you name them and he could probably tell you the pick-up line he had used. But then again, that had all been nothing more than play pretend, all for fun and everyone knew that, no feelings were harmed.
But this, today? That was kind of actually something new after all. He was about to ask out his best friend- with all seriousness and no play pretend! He wanted to ask them on a date and go on those dates and be a cheesy couple and not only flirt for fun but flirt to tease and flirt to let everyone know they were each other's. But he had to admit, it would also be fun to flirt simply to make them blush, yea. Remy decided he'd like that.
He walked a little faster before his brain could chose the flight over fight or freeze and he'd chicken out again, like he did the week before. That did sound good, though, he would just turn around in his path and maybe he could try it again another time when he was less... deeply terrified and-
"Remy!" Too late. Emile was putting some stuff in their locker and they hadn't actually seen Remy but noticed their best friend's presence anyways.
"What are-" They stretched to get a book from the top compartment of their with cartoon stickers decorated locker, "Could you help me out?" Remy handed the smaller friend what they couldn't reach.
"Thanks." Emile closed their locker and faced Remy. "So. What are you doing here? I do love your company but aren't all your classes today at the other side of the building? Speaking of your classes, did you get your test back? You told me you had to study a lot and after what you told me about it I am sure you did great and-."
"Yea, I- uhhh." If Remy hadn't interrupted Emile's flow, they would have continued for the rest of the break. Not that Remy was complaining, he loved to hear them talk, he could listen to their voice forever. He wanted to fall asleep and wake up to it.
"I wanted to ask you something." Remy scratched their neck and stared at Emile's locker. To look his friend in their pretty, chocolate brown eyes would only throw him off his game, even though it looked like he was already losing. Why was this so much harder than usually?
"Remy, are you alright? Did you get enough sleep last night?" Emile's hand waved in his unfocused vision.
The taller student blinked a few times to see Emile stepping a little closer, their head tilted to the side and an eyebrow slightly raised in equal worry and curiosity.
To look at their friend was a mistake, his heart could not stop pounding, he just wanted to hold them and hug their hidden worries away and everything sad they didn't deserve that would consume them in the middle of night when they texted Remy out of seemingly nowhere. Of course, Remy was always awake to text them back. But wouldn't it be better to be there for them in person?
Emile was still looking at him like Remy was a ghost or another supernatural being. He got lost in his thoughts again, didn't he? Time to say something! He tried to make his mouth work.
"Sure, sure. Uhhh, I'm good, I'm chill." He crossed his arms and actually intended to lean back real smooth and casually, but he had miscalculated the space between himself and the lockers and almost slipped, almost. But hey, his sunglasses fell down on his nose so this not impressive, far from flirting (yet) situation brought something good, at least now Emile couldn't see where Remy was looking. He smirked, to play it off.
"Something is up with you, you're acting strange." Emile, too, crossed their arms and for a quick second Remy remembered that he once read online that if you cross your arms and the other person trusts you, they will copy it, consciously or not. His heart warmed even more, it was all fuzzy and he sighed. He was sure this blood pumping organ was going to melt, he already felt warm in the leather jacket and Emile being this adorable without even trying did not help at all, believe it or not. How was he supposed to flirt with them, he was a mess. "Come on," he thought "Make it quick like ripping off a bandaid."
Remy took a deep, shaking breath. Now or never. The longer he waited the harder it would get. "I wanted to ask you if you want to do something with me this evening.... Or not today if that's not good with you, tomorrow or the weekend would also be fine, but only like... if you want to and also have the time and-."
"We do a lot of things together why is asking that big of an act for you?"
Well, then he'd have to do it blunter. Oh, this was so stupid but the only pick-up line his mind could give him at the moment. "You like raisins, don't you? How do you feel about-"
Emile's eyes lit up as they realised what their best friend was trying to do and they completed his pick-up line way more seductive than Remy could have ever dreamed of doing it himself. They smirked and lowered their voice. "-a date?"
Remy didn't even have to see that smile to know it was there. He could see it in Emile's eyes. His friend always showed their emotions way more through their eyes than anything else and those eyes looked mischievous as hell. But he made the mistake to look at the smile anyways, he was weak after all. Weak for Emile. "Are you asking me out?"
Fuck, the cat's out of the bag. "Well," Remy cleared his throat. "I am trying to but you're just too... uhhh."
"I am too what? Throwing you off your rhythm, huh?" Emile let out a short laugh and Remy was sure that this was straight up bullying. What else could it be? He felt the heat rising in his cheeks. Was he blushing, oh fuck, he was blushing, wasn't he? Full on blushing. But hey, in his defence, he could not help himself, not even a little bit, when Emile was being so- not to say attractive but that's exactly what they were. "Yea, that's precisely what you're doing."
"What?" Even though Emile hadn't seem to expect that answer, it didn't throw them off their game at all, which was quite frankly just rude. How could they be so calm, so collected, while Remy was a blushing, melting disaster? Emile then had the audacity to correct their pastel blue tie. Emile really liked wearing ties and as one knows, ties and suits and dresses and fancy clothing in general make one look ten times better than usual. Did they even know what that quick movement did to Remy? Maybe they did not- but then again- yea, no. Remy was sure Emile did that on purpose and was completely aware of how handsome they were and how many butterflies they just put in his stomach. Butterflies in the stomach, feeling nervous in all the right ways. Or as his brother would say "A phrase that is commonly used to indicate the feeling of clenched anticipation for something desired one feels deep in one's gut". Yea, Logan was a nerd.
Remy found his voice again, it was nowhere nearly as sassy, confident and loud as usually. "So, will you go on a date with me?"
"If that means I get to make you blush more, always." So much to the thought of Remy making Emile flustered, seemed like it backfired. They put their backpack over one shoulder. "Fantastic, see you this evening. I'll text you."
They put Remy's hands in theirs and softly squished them before turning around and leaving Remy right where he had stood all the time. His pulse seemed to get slower again, he had done it. Well, he shot his shot and it halfway worked before Emile took over. Now they would have dates together and they could do everything Remy not only dreamed of at night but intentionally thought of when he daydreamed and-
Oh no. Oh fuck, no. Now he would never escape being flustered and blushing, wasn't he? He let out a long sigh, it felt good to get actual air in his lungs since he hadn't properly breathed for the whole break.
He had a feeling the butterflies would stay. "If Emile's gonna be the death of me," he thought as he made his way to his next class, his hands still slightly shaking. "Then that's how I wanna go."
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monicalorandavis · 5 years
The Crown is back: Colman’s rule.
Olivia Colman is so good we’re all like, “Claire who?“
And slow your roll. I stan The Crown. I gobble up all things British royal family. My favorite house in Game of Thrones is House Windsor. And y’all don’t even know about it because in spite of it being the most vicious, it is also the most secretive. The Windsors are horrible and seductive and, above all else, secretive, and now you’re beginning to understand, that I truly ride for The Crown and those shady goofballs of Buckingham Palace (though Prince Andrew can kick rocks TODAY).
So I know The Crown. I know how good Claire Foy was. I left season 2 in shambles. How dare she leave us? We’d just come around to Elizabeth! Her life, with all her dull, unfashionable, yet dependable ways were imbued with a tenderness that Claire Foy brought. The young Queen that so many of us know is a portrait that Claire Foy created during her two astounding seasons. Peter Morgan struck gold with the first cast. And, as everyone will tell you, as good as Claire Foy was, we shall not forget to give Matt Smith his props. Oh baby, can he act.
Prince Philip, by all estimations, should be an insufferable, entitled man-child. And while he is all of that, he is so, so much more. Meticulously researched, The Crown delved into Philip’s childhood of abandonment and isolation. His air of indignation was as much with the world who’d let him down in his early years as it was indignation with himself.
And from there - from the personal insecurities that tie us all together in this fabric of humanity, did we find the heart and soul of Elizabeth and Philip. We fell in love with Matt Smith and Claire Foy as they seemingly fell in love with each other and embarked on their path as husband and wife. Something about them, actors and royals, just works. A natural chemistry emerged. Even when Philip is horrible (and he’s horrible sort of a lot), I rooted for him. I even rooted for Philip when he screwed around. But how he begged Elizabeth to take him back still remains one of my favorite moments of the entire series. Not very “I am woman, hear me roar” of me, but nonetheless, I rooted.
And while the first two seasons took place nearly 60 years ago, you’d think I’d be bored to death by the predictability of every story line. Yet, I know nothing. (We’re still decades from Princess Di and the crash that turned everyone’s attention onto Buckingham Palace.) The public eye should make the show predictable. And yet, we only know their public personas. (What would someone know of you if they’d only seen photographs?)
They live behind a window of double paned secrecy. We think we’re looking in, or rather, being let in, but we’ve never been privy to their private conversation. We’ve never heard who they really are.
Enter season 3. The middle age years.
Not the sexiest time frame, admittedly, but it does provide a new element into the royal marriage to which we can all relate - informality. These are people who have been through some shit. They’ve let go of pretending in their marriage and, too, to some degree, in their public personas. Long gone are the days of wearing makeup to bed and only eating salads. These are two grown people who have settled into marriage for the long haul. Yes, they nearly called it quits, but they fought through it, had some kids, and now they’re suffering through the normal bumps of having children - Are they normal? Will they fit in? Are we screwing them up? (For those keeping track at home: no, no, and yes.) But the gift of middle age could also be a curse for the actor portraying the royals during their “regular” years.
However, a curse it is not. 
Left in the hands of Olivia Colman and Tobias Menzies, the characters of Elizabeth and Philip have never sizzled with such lived-in chemistry and humor. And I am using “humor” here very, very loosely. These are not people who take to spontaneous fits of giggles. Instead, the tight-lipped chuckles Colman’s Elizabeth elicits from Menzies’ Philip ring loud, brightening the face of a man who, at any moment, looks like he’d rather be anywhere but where he has the misfortune of finding himself.
For whatever reason Prince Philip only becomes more charming the more bristled he becomes. Whether this forever annoyance is a natural trait of Tobias Menzies or not is of no importance because, boy, he does it well.
The ungodly rich perform disinterest like it’s an Olympic sport and Menzies’ Philip is an all-time gold-medal winning champ. His face holds entire chapters of stories he refuses to tell. But just under the surface, Menzies shows us the tiniest flickering of light behind the eyes. You see, to be enthused is to admit interest, which is basically announcing that you care, and to care is just so, so dreadfully middle-class. No, no. These are people who wouldn’t care if their house was on fire. They’d buy a new one...a bigger one!
We should hate them. But, we don’t, and, we won’t, I fear.
I fear it because I hold onto the idea of democracy. Fair elections. Proper representation. All of that. We’re Americans. We fought the British. We should rule ourselves.
But then again, should we?
Trump got elected in a democratic America (if you count all that voter suppression and constant meddling from Russian moles it starts looking less so). And I think even the knuckleheads who elected him regret their decision.  We’ve shown the world that democracy is a weapon in the hands of fools.
But tabling the larger political conversation for now, I push on. This, so far, has been a seamless transition from cast 1 to cast 2. And I would be remiss if I did not sprinkle a few words of praise onto Helena Bonham Carter’s portrayal of Princess Margaret. Talk about a revelation. (To be fair, I find Carter to be one of the most underused actresses of today so for her to have found her way onto one of my favorite shows, I could not be happier.) She is an actress that enlivens every role with a unique strangeness that never feels fraudulent.
Princess Margaret, ever the counter to her sister, grows even further from Elizabeth in middle age. Desperate for her place in the royal family, and her marriage, she flounders in excessive drinking. Her husband is distant, running off to corners of the world without any notice, leaving her to her own devices where she finds herself regretfully unfulfilled.
In a lesser actress’ hands, a rich, bored, drunk lady would come across a whole lot more Real Housewives of Orange County, but this is a woman that Carter has sunk her teeth into. Margaret is the role of a lifetime. The tragically younger, thus, forgotten sister to Elizabeth. Margaret always craved the spotlight and reveled in it. As queen, she would’ve made waves. She would’ve reinvented the entire monarchy. It’s the exact reason she was pushed to the margins. And Helena Bonham Carter does not exist in the margins. Ever the rebel, like Margaret, these are women who were born to perform. The parallels don’t stop there.
Carter herself is a woman that’s perhaps never been taken seriously enough in Hollywood. Yes she’s won BAFTA’s but stateside she’s never garnered the praise I thought she should. Has she, like Margaret, grown tired of living in the shadows? Could it be that through the role of Princess Margaret, Helena Bonham Carter has found the perfect disguise to finally get the proper recognition from Hollywood? I think yes. I think we’re watching the start of a second act for her.
The royals, though they possess a treasured space in pop culture in the States, also represent an old-timey class system that is deeply un-American. The Brits have their complicated feelings towards the royals, too. But we can look on at the royal family as these glamorous, bored robots. They affect none of our political decisions. They don’t even seem completely human. They aren’t on our currency, our stamps. So we can remain distant and removed. We can watch the stories about them, true or fictional, and restrain judgment. And that feels very...British.
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yooncuffs · 5 years
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➵Genre: Gang/Mafia au
➵Pairing: Mafia boss and heir! Yoongi X Business and fashion design grad! Jimin
➵Word count: (For this chapter)  7,416
➵Contains: Organized crimes, white collar crimes, drugs, sex, slow burn, slight pining, heavy angst, dark past, childhood trauma, stockholm syndrome, light bdsm, one-side relationship, side Taegi, side Jikook, other fandoms not mentioned in tag, other additional tags to be added as story progresses. 
➵ Cross posted from: 
Inkitt: Enraptured https://www.inkitt.com/stories/romance/460585
Wattpad: https://my.w.tt/xHoFeMqNX4
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23117059/chapters/55312273
What if, what if you fell for someone you shouldn't, what if you already fell for him. Min Yoongi. You knew too well about his family and the danger that entails falling for a man like him. You Park Jimin the most priced possession of your family, the youngest son, the gem of this country as most people see you as. Coming from a prominent political family, who leads the country. You should be far from being acquainted from him. But what if he comes to you first? And he captures you, and for you to survive. You need to--make him fall for you.
                                               Chapter 1:  Éveil
éveil [evɛj ] MASCULINE NOUN 1. (fait de se révéler) awakening l’éveil de la sensibilité the awakening of one’s sensibility activités d’éveil early-learning activities
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Heavy breathing,
and groans filled the air,
both of you trying to catch your breath,
you had bruises on both your knees.
You can feel your heart pounding harder and faster every second that passes.
He squeezed your hand tighter as he bit his lip
nervous but at the same time thrilled
with what's about to unfold.
You looked at your watch, as you can see the lights flicker in this dark alleyway.
You lost them, a breath of relief came from the both of you.
He gave you that tantalizing smirk, and you knew he was up to no good. He leads you to explore wildly and boldly and brought you to this chaotic but beautiful mess.
"C'mon baby, this is only just the beginning." He said as he pulled you by the hand and both of you continued running.
You were always like this with him, he loved breaking the rules and you loved watching him break them especially for you. There's always that satisfaction whenever you did something real bad and the thrill of it whenever you're almost caught but never have. You didn't really cater the idea at first but when he introduced this world to you there was no going back it's either all or nothing and you knew at the back of your mind that you'll always choose him, even if you didn't know where you stand.
"What if they catch us?"
You asked as you stared at his dark raven eyes in contrast to his bleached blonde hair.
" They never do ."
He answered and managed to give you a quick wink that only made you want to get passed this night and just do stuff with him more thrilling than what you're already doing.
Sirens echoed in the streets, and you were sure that it was you they were looking for, and then you suddenly encountered a police, immediately he then pins you to the wall, looks at you ravenously. Hungry for you and hungry to win, he then kisses you deeply holding your face tightly so that they'd look the other way and not notice you.
"You-taste so sweet baby" He breathed out inside you and you held back a moan as you pulled him by his hair and he gave you a subtle but filthy smile.
He's the master of disguise an innate criminal by blood: sly, quick, witty and a sucker for a good and entertaining act. This hide and seek that you always play was a game he would always win and would never want to lose from he uses you to beat his pawns as you are his queen and you on the other hand submits fully and indulge in the ecstasy of being used.  
"We lost them. Atta babe! " He exclaimed as he pulled out from your lingering, deep kiss and smacked you straight in your ass and you just gave him a faint but reassuring smile. It didn't matter to you if there were a lot of people around, for you all you could see was him, and you knew for a fact it was poisonous, because one way or another this will eat you up inside making your world revolve around this evil, evil man.
Lately you've been in a roller coaster of emotions, trying to understand what's running through his mind, as you try to hold back your emotions, you know for a fact that there was no emotions involved on his end and you always convince yourself to believe that; to avoid getting hurt. You always tell yourself that all you know is you need him close for your plans to come through, and that you needed him to be only yours and yours alone. But you also had your own vendetta, which you wanted to make sure you’re able to achieve despite all of these.
"Shall we head home, Yoongi?" You asked as you cling to his arm, looking at him intently hoping he'd agree and end this game for tonight."I think we've managed to get enough to buy a full meal for the 20 children in the orphanage I was talking to you about." You continued as he remained silent, his eyes darken and you saw him bit his lip then and there you knew there was something else running in his mind. No matter how bad he may seem and even if he’s doing unimaginable you still somehow manage to convince him from time to time to be good, and to do the stuff you do for those people in need. And that’s one of the reasons you still believe and hope he’d change... Somehow.
When Yoongi is in this state---thinking; he’s always planning new ways to escape, new targets to accomplish, new possible things you could do or make his people do. There was not a time where he’d just completely submit to what’s happening in the moment and indulge in it the same way you do. He always wants to be a few steps ahead of everybody.
"Yoongi..." You stopped yourself from walking and held him with both arms "Hey, what is it?" You said rubbing his arms trying to ease him and pull him back to his senses, because of this dilemma that he seemed to be devoured in, in his mind.
"It's nothing. Don't worry about it baby."
He said gruffly, he then held your face and tried to force a subtle smile to make you believe, even though surely you know he's not convinced of it himself. You sighed as you knew it was more than nothing. 
But you let it pass as there are more things that you should be worried about, especially walking out in the open, if he's bothered and not in the right mind you know then that's the best time you needed to remain vigilant for the sake of both of you.
After walking a few blocks away from where you’ve been you then arrived at your destination where cars all lined up at this secluded, dark, parking lot and slowly the lights turned on and revealed these lavish cars, shining in their glory never been kissed, never been touched just like a fine young lady, slick, sexy, stylish and elegant and just enough to make Yoongi brush his hands through them slowly as he walks across all of them.
"Hmmm, Which one do you think we should pick to bring home today Jimin-ah?" He asked you but his eyes still locked in each car he passes by. His gaze so lustful as if looking at someone that he's ready to do unimaginable things with.
He sure loves playing with his cars like how he played with his lovers .
You thought to yourself. You remained quiet and walked behind him observing his every move and reaction. You let him enjoy his precious moments as you knew how he loves flaunting his cars.
"How about I'll take you on the ride of your life, baby?" He said touching the hood of this sleek black Bugatti with both his hands in front of him you flinched as he said that, thinking his words was meant for you but then it hit you real quick, and you scoffed a little and bit the inside of your cheeks holding back laughter you were about to make, seeing how Yoongi just literally called this car ‘baby’ almost as if you thought it was pathetic but you tried and erased that idea out of your head and just brushed it off, you were confident that there’s only one baby he should consider and that is yourself.
You then slowly walked near him and ran your fingers slowly through his chest from behind as your body softly touched his back "C'mon baby, the night isn't going to last any longer. We need to get home. I'm tired. Don't you want to take me on the ride on my life as well? " You whispered into his ears in the most seductive way to catch his attention back to you.
He then grabbed your arm aggressively that was wrapped around his waist, and made you lay your back on the hood of the car and he locked you down for a good minute staring at you, studying your features, as his eyes darken, with a burning desire, you can feel it pierce right through you, you can see it. All the thoughts that could be running wildly, marking you evidently and you bite your lip, wrap your arms around his neck pulled him closer to you without blinking and whispered "You're the only one I want to ride, Jimin."
You breathed out and you can feel his breathing getting heavier. You then laughed and pushed him away just like that you somehow told him off and let him remember his place, at least this way you had him in the palm of your hands, but just this way .
It is clear that both of you are spellbinded by each other's presence one way or another. You both knew each other's weaknesses and strengths like the back of your hands and both of you knew how to use it against or with each other. You complement each other so much that it's scary how the two of you got together with such minds it would either be a match made in heaven or a diabolical duo risen from hell and it's clear which path the two of you chose, or to be more specific: Yoongi made you choose.
"If that is the case then I think we should go home." Yoongi said as he pulled you up from being laid down and immediately opened the car door and signaled you to go inside which you immediately obeyed, Yoongi revved up the engine and drove out of the parking lot, with a smirk on your face sat beside him in shotgun, you then held the back of his neck looked over to him and said "We'll see about that."
You arrived at this luxurious five-star hotel and Yoongi slowly pulled over and parked your car in the basement
"Are you ready?"
Yoongi asked as he knew you both needed to change your masks from those cheeky rascals who outran and outsmarted the police to someone a bit more refined and whom everybody knows you as.
"When was I ever not ready?"
You asked and gave him a subtle smile before opening the door as if preparing for an extravagant performance.
Two men in black suits assisted you and Yoongi in opening the door and handed you both a bag of shoes and clothing. Yoongi then threw his keys up in the air for the man to catch "You know what to do, I don't want her to be mistreated or else." Yoongi said in a stern voice as he bent his arm for you to hold on to as the other man was left with the responsibility of the car, one ushered you through a private elevator that goes through all the floors with no surveillance cameras inside, especially made and used only for the owner of the building and a few VIP members.
"Sir you will need to pass by the lobby to greet the people, they’ve been informed of your arrival."
The man told Yoongi "Of course, I knew that. I wouldn't want to be rude to my employees." He replied, with his lips stretched out in a straight line and an eyebrow raised. But then it was immediately replaced with a smile.
Right before the elevator closes he then pressed a button to make the elevator stop half way and then both of you immediately changed out of your dirty outfits to these tailored-fit suits, wiped your faces clean, you put on a chapstick, patted your cheeks and tossed your fringe back, sprayed a little of perfume and wore your Chanel, Yoongi on the other hand brushed his hair back, wore his Cartier watch and glasses, and then slipped on his pair of Bolvaint leather shoes, and pressed the button once again.
Yoongi stole a kiss from you and smiled, held your hand tightly and breathed out just in time as the elevator opened right before your eyes and you didn't even get a chance to react. "Mr. Min! Good evening. Good to see you and of course Mr.Park, enchanting as ever. Welcome back!” A middle aged man in a suit greeted you both warmly “Here let me take those for you." He then offered to take the bags that both of you are holding "We're happy to be back home Herman, thank you so much. Maybe we should go ahead and greet the rest?" You said to the man giving you a warm smile, Yoongi then squeezed your hand tighter "Hmm sweetie?" You asked and looked at Yoongi, which Herman noticed.
"It's okay Mr.Park, Mr.Min must be tired from--" Before he even finished his sentence Yoongi immediately spoke "I'm sorry Herman, it was indeed a very long night and things are just... running crazy on my mind with the business and all." He said while rubbing his temple showing that he has a headache "Of course Mr.Min you don't have to apologize, it is understandable.” Herman said as he waved his hand pointing to the elevator which you’ve come from.
“Why won't you guys head on to your floor now, so that you can both rest?" Herman suggested "No, it's okay Herman we can go ahead and greet the others first before we go up." Yoongi replied with a warm smile on his face which undoubtedly made Herman smile as well "Of course, sir." He said as he slightly tilted his head down and pointed the way to the middle of the lobby where the employees are all already lined up.
"Welcome back Mr. Min and Mr. Park !" They all said in unison and then bowed to both of you, Yoongi then gave you a quick look, a look that you immediately understood, you then let go of his hand and he immediately smiled and went to shake their hands one by one and you smiled cheerfully as you bowed to whoever Yoongi was shaking hands with, as Yoongi finished with everyone, you then spoke.
"I believe we can't stay any longer to ask how you're all doing as we're dreadfully tired, but we do hope that you guys are doing great.” You said with a warm smile “Thank you so much for your loyalty and service." You said and held one hand out to reach for Yoongi "We do really hope we can stay longer, but we're pretty sure all of you must be tired as well so I won't hold you guys any more.” Yoongi waved his hand out to you and tilted his head down a little as a gesture for a bow “Thank you so much for your time and we'll head up now. Good night everyone!" Yoongi waved goodbye to all of them and you rode back on the elevator where you initially got out and went all the way to the top floor, the penthouse.
"Mr. Min, Mr.Park. Good evening." An old man greeted you upon arriving at the floor "Alfred." Yoongi said and just gave him a nod and went past him and laid down straight on the couch " Rough night? Jimin-ah?" He whispered to you, as he noticed Yoongi's aura.
"Tell me about it." You replied, knowing how different Yoongi was all night despite the slight exchange of smiles and banters you had with him, something was different and you yourself felt that something was off about him. You just gave Alfred a sigh and went straight to where Yoongi was.
"Let's go to bed baby, come on you'll be able to rest properly there." You reached your hand out gesturing to Yoongi to get up but instead he pulled you down to him "Where's that ride you were talking about earlier, huh?" He asked as he licked his lower lip and stared at your face and then to your shoulders which was exposed a bit in front of his face as he held onto you tightly with your body against his, hip to hip, chest to chest, you felt your body starting to heat up, but you tried to resist it as you knew that after tonight that would be the last thing you’d want to do.
You tried to wiggle your way out of his grip but he was too strong "Yoongi, can we at least go up first?" You demanded and just let out a teasing chuckle.
"And what do I get in return if I let you go?"
You just stared deeply into his eyes not knowing what to answer him or what he expects for you to say.
“You’re crazy, Agust D. Maybe we should try and see for ourselves.”
You said and pulled away, you then immediately stood up and brushed yourself, but before you walked further away from him he pulled you in and hugged you from behind and whispered.
“Do you want to know how crazy I can get?”
And he bit your earlobe and turned you to face him, “Do you want to find out?” He said while putting your hair behind your ear and gave you a smirk you knew you could never resist.
Your life wasn’t always like this before: dangerous, outrageous and sinful those are three words you never thought you could describe your life before you met him, Min Yoongi, he had a lot of names you first knew him as Agust D the grandson of the infamous crime syndicate leader, the guy who has been running all his life from the crimes he and his family had committed and continues to do, but not once was he suspected as he was also Mr. Min the inheritor of his father’s business: the largest luxury hotel brands with more than 393 upscale properties across 68 countries on six continents.
But to you he was Yoongi, the man who captured you-- your heart at that.
He’s a rascal who always wants to get his hands dirty in every context you could think of, he always wants to personally do the dirty work even though he has lots of people for that, he said he would better know how things work if he does them himself. He loved playing Bonnie and Clyde with you and you on the other hand fully offers yourself to him in whatever he does, wherever he goes, you give in to his demands, you feel enraptured in his every command, weakened by his whispers.
It was dangerous, outrageous and sinful and yet you lived for every second of it. Although at the back of your mind you know it’s wrong, as it should never have been this way.
You’ve woken up by the sun’s beaming sunlight through your big high windows with blinds half open. You then reached for your side you heard a soft groan which made you smile. You then faced this man beside you who's still sleeping soundly. Your eyes carefully scanned his whole body only covered with a soft, warm duvet and you brushed his hair through and caressed his peaceful face. ‘How can a man look so angelic but live the kind of life that you do.?’ You thought to yourself.
“Do you even realize how lucky I am to have met you?” You said under your breath and you snuggled closer to him and hugged him tightly, he then slowly fluttered his eyes open and gave you a soft subtle gaze, it was foreign and it felt almost sinful “I guess that makes the two of us.” He said in a raspy voice. You both continued whispering sweet nothings to each other, you loved this feeling, waking up beside Yoongi all vulnerable and genuine nothing to worry about, no one to hide from, nobody to escape from just you and him.
But you knew that this wasn’t the case, this isn’t some romantic film that you watch in the movies it’s Min Yoongi we’re talking about here Mr. Min, Agust D and because of that it makes it difficult for both of you to just be normal as it never really was normal right from the beginning.   He’s always busy day and night and sometimes he would leave you alone to go on business trips for days.
“Mr.Min, they’re here.”
Alfred knocked and said over the door which made Yoongi get out of bed immediately and wore his robe and you were left alone in bed, you held onto Yoongi’s hand and gave him a look telling him to stay “I’ll be back, stay here Jimin. Don’t go out. Okay?” and just like that he pulled away.
And you stayed in bed sulking as he had matters to attend to but you had no choice but to follow what he said, you then got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. There was no point arguing with him when it comes to these, as it was like this right from the beginning. It has been a routine he does even way before you came into the picture.
Your day usually starts off like this, you both wake up, Alfred knocks at the door at some point, Yoongi gets out of bed and he tells you to stay inside the bedroom until he comes back to the room either in a bad mood, or in a rush to prepare for work, and when he comes back he would either catch you still in the shower and he’d join you for a steamy quick exchange or if not he’d just go ahead and take his shower and be all dressed up in his neat, slick suits, leather shoes, favorite watch and his glasses he then tells you he’ll be back but that doesn’t give you the certainty of how long he’ll be gone, he kisses you on the forehead, on your cheeks and finally gives you a long lingering kiss on the lips that would make you last long, you don’t know how long but it does seem to do the work for you, sometimes.
“I’ll be back baby, okay? I promise, I’ll make it up to you, we'll do the usual.” He breathed out and held your face with one hand “Just promise me to stay at home if you want anything just tell Alfred and he’ll get it immediately for you.” His words always have a way with you, no matter how much you’ve been fighting your thoughts not to give in, not to believe him and be deceived. You know behind all the masks he wears, there’s still something in him that makes you want to believe, believe that he might change somehow... and his promises to you will still be fulfilled.
As soon as he said that he hands you a phone “For urgent matters, call me through this phone. Okay, baby?” he gives you a quick peck and leaves.
You trail down the stairs with your silk robe drying your wet hair as Yoongi had just left. “Alfred what’s on the television right now?” you asked and he scanned through the television for you “Mr. Park, I don’t think there’s anything good in the television right now.”
Alfred said as he scans through the channels quickly “I suggest you watch movies or a series, Mr. Min updated our subscription on Netflix they’re pretty great! A lot of new shows and movies.” He said and immediately changed the screen to Netflix even before you got the chance to check the channels out yourself “Alfred, can I not just scan through the television myself?” You asked, it was always like this Alfred does everything for you and by everything it means even holding the remote and scanning through the television for you.
You’ve watched a couple of movies as you sip on your second cup of coffee early in the morning, this is your normal routine but honestly you get bored of it as there’s nothing else you can do. “Alfred! Where’s Mrs. Lopez? Isn’t she going to come to clean the house?” You shouted to Alfred who's probably busy doing something around the house desperately looking for refuge from your boredom as Mrs. Lopez is the only person you talk to outside of this household that sometimes seemed more normal than Alfred and Yoongi. “She will come, Mr.Park but she’s scheduled in the afternoon today.” And you just let out a heavy sigh at the disappointment of what you’ve heard.
“Alfred, can I go out today? Please?” You begged, but you already know what his answer would be “Mr.Park, I’m sorry but as instructed by Mr. Min you need to stay inside the house until he comes back or until he says otherwise. But of course you can go to the gym, or the pool but I would have to accompany you and we’d have to bring Chanyeol and Hoseok for your own security Mr.Park.” Alfred said.  
At least I will get to see Hoseok.’ you thought to yourself “Ah, Hoseok. How’s your son by the way, Alfred?” You asked him and he just replied to you with a smile. He’s another person other than the names mentioned earlier that’s also your friend and someone who's keeping you sane while living here, you try and chat with Chanyeol at times but he seems to be more focused on his job and more obedient to Yoongi. You laid down on the couch and stared at the ceiling, almost fed up by your situation, sure you understand Yoongi and his protectiveness over you but sometimes it just gets to you. And it makes you realize your actual situation and set-up with him.
You even think that sometimes he doesn’t trust you enough. Even though you're bound by your deal.
“Okay, I’ll go for a swim then.” You said and decided it was better than nothing and you got up and immediately went up to your room to go ahead and get changed.
The splashes of water echoed into the indoor pool as you dive deep down the clear blue water, the pool area was solemn there was no one else there but you. Thankfully Alfred, Chanyeol and Hoseok kind of gave you some privacy by staying outside the pool area and are just in front of the door entrance “I want to get out of this building, I hate being locked up here. I want to go shopping” You said to yourself loudly which echoed in the whole room.
“But actually no. I know what’s better, to see the park, be around trees, breathe in the fresh air and not just this centralized air conditioning atmosphere.” You said catching your breath, panting after doing 5 rounds back and forth in this 30 meters swimming pool.
The solemnity of the pool area was only temporary when it was immediately disturbed just moments after your argument with yourself. “Sir, you’re not allowed to go in there as of the moment.” You heard the commotion just outside of the pool area “Excuse sir, but we said you’re not--” You stopped in the middle of the lap as the body guards were trying to stop this man from coming inside of the pool area “Mr.Park, we have to go.” Alfred went near you on the edge of the pool handing you a towel, you then went near him and got out of the pool.
“What’s this commotion all about?” You asked nonchalantly as you pat yourself dry using the towel “Am I not even allowed to use the pool in this hotel? Can you please explain to me why?” The man asked trying his best to keep his calm but you can hear it in his voice that he’s kind of irritated because of how the body guards are still trying to stop him “Can you please let go of me? I won’t do anything bad. ”
With a smirk on his face he raised both his hands as if surrendering, and you just signaled them to let him go, “I’m sorry of course feel free to enjoy the pool. I’ll be leaving anyway.” You said in a low tone embarrassed by how they were acting and because the man was kind enough to not lash out on you or them, you then walked past the man and handed Alfred the towel you were using and reached for your robe.
“I hope you enjoy.”
You said in a cold tone but before you fully got out of the pool area.
“Jimin, that’s your name right?”
The man said with a smile on his face and it made you stop from your tracks but even before you could say a word and go back to that man Chanyeol and Hoseok already blocked your way.
“Thank you so much, but please do tell your bodyguards to not be in other people’s faces just because they want to use a public utility that you are using.” He said in the same tone he’s been talking since earlier “I don’t think anybody will be as kind as me to understand.” His tone changed into a sarcastic one and dived into the pool.
Which you caught on, so clearly that it marked your thoughts.
The man you saw earlier still has your mind running.
“I don’t think anybody will be as kind as me to understand.”
There’s something that’s making you curious about him and you know there’s more to him than his kind and calm personality, one thing’s for sure you know he’s a VIP member by the way he acted around your guards , when they stopped him from using the pool. You stared at the high ceilings and wondered if you’ll ever get to know that man’s name and how the hell he knew yours.
Not any moment longer you got up from lying down and went on to the kitchen to get some food. “Mrs. Lopez! You’re here.” You immediately went in and hugged her. “It’s good to see you too, Mr.Park.” She replied a bit cold, opposite to how she usually greets you, warm and happy and he calls you Jiminnie. She responded back to your hug but immediately got back to her work.
“I’m sorry if I had to reschedule today, and work only half a day, as I had urgent matters to attend to earlier this morning over at my dear boy’s school.” She explains and continues with cleaning up the kitchen as she was previously doing.
“Oh, is it today?”
You asked with a low tone as you then understood why she must be acting differently. “Yes, Jiminnie. I went to Jose’s school to meet up with his adviser.” Mrs. Lopez let out a deep sigh  “---and we talked about Jose’s situation. I don’t want him to suffer like that, he doesn’t deserve to be treated badly because of me.” Before Mrs. Lopez continued you cut her words “Don’t say that Mrs. Lopez…”
You said as you softly caressed her arm to comfort her as she stood still and fixated her eyes on the blank wall of the kitchen and said “It hurts seeing him this way. I wish I could give my hijo a better life.” You bit your lip as your own life flashed before your eyes, despite the lavish lifestyle that you grew up in being born with a silver spoon, as some might say, you’ve still always wished to have a better life .
And this is also another reason why you empathize with Mrs. Lopez so much, as you know how much she really works her hardest to give the life her son deserves. And also because you know how much he loves his son, in contrast to your own mother. “You know what Mrs. Lopez, cheer up! Here’s my proposal, why don’t you bring your son over sometimes so that you won’t feel as bad not seeing him and worrying so much about him.” You gave Mrs.Lopez an expectant smile waiting for her reaction to brighten up and with the slightest delight you saw in her face you continued.
”I can help him with his assignments, we can play here together to also use up my free time and maybe even buy him toys if he wants.” You feel Mrs. Lopez's mood lighten up with the proposal you’ve shared to her and she just responded to you with a smile and a tight hug, you felt yourself start to tear up but you held in your emotions with the thought of missing your own family, regardless of how messed up they were.
As Mrs. Lopez pulls away from the hug and she proceeds with her tasks around the house, you silently trail over her lost in your own train of thoughts. Before the silence grew bigger between the two of you Mrs. Lopez spoke to break the ice “Mr.Park, I always wanted to ask something…” She stops, hesitant to even proceed with what she was about to say.
“Hmm? What is it? I don’t mind.” You replied to her to reassure her you were fine with anything she asks “I wanted to ask about your family, because for the many months I have been working here, and ever since we have started talking. Not even once you’ve mentioned anything about them.”
You flinched at her question and fell silent, you felt your heart tighten and you let out this deep sigh.
“Oh, Jiminnie you don’t have to answer my question. Forget that I asked about it” Mrs. Lopez tries to let out a soft chuckle to scour the heavy atmosphere “Anyway, I'll go on ahead and clean the bathrooms. I suggest that you stay in the lounge for this one.” She suggests and tries to get both of you out of the conversation, which might be for the better. With her question, you were left thinking about it yourself.
You never did talk about your family ever since you Yoongi agreed not to, as he won’t be talking about his either.
You haven’t heard anything from them either, it’s been months since you were gone. Technically you were never home in the first place but this is the first time where you were just around town and they didn’t actually know you’re here. You don’t even know if they’re looking for you as you don’t have your old phone with you ever since Yoongi had decided to throw it out.
But the thing is you also have no direct contact with them, for security purposes your family constantly changes their contact number being part of the government, so you had no way of actually getting a hold of them either, it’s a valid reason which also gave you an excuse to not even try to ask help from them, ask for help to get you out of your situation the first time you were in it.
“Jimin...hey.” Your thoughts are disturbed by the man’s faint voice “I see that you’re lost in your train of thoughts again.” He then chuckled faintly upon seeing you looking up at the ceiling completely drowned in this void that you seem to be in, you recognized the man’s playful tone and unconsciously showed a gentle smile and slowly your thoughts started to fade.
“Hey, Hoseok…” You sit up and brushed your hair to the side and looked at him as he was standing in front of you keeping a distance while holding a brown envelope on his side, your eyes are now seemingly locked at the envelope which you made obvious, but Hoseok just brushed off your curious stare and spoke up.
“Jimin, Mr. Min told me to inform you that he won’t be home tonight and that you shouldn’t wait for him--” Before he even finished what he was about to say you rolled your eyes on the announcement which was nothing new to you “He didn’t give a specific time or date as to when he will come home, but he told me that he’d just update you. ” And you noticed him kind of move the envelope away from your sight, which you caught on immediately.
“And what’s that envelope for?” You asked him on the spot as it seems he wanted you to ask him, opposite of leading you to not have your attention on the envelope. “Oh this? You don’t have to worry about this, just some work stuff.” He waved the envelope hesitantly and gave you a flat smile that shows off his two dotted dimples.
“Anyway, I’ll have to go ahead since Yoongi called for me just to fetch these for him.” He said somehow in a rush brushing off your conversation immediately. “If you have anything in particular you need, just go on ahead and tell father. I’m sure he knows what to do, okay?” He said with a smile while walking away towards the door, which you found kind of annoying at how Hoseok always takes control of the course of your conversation just by his charms and deceiving happy vibe.
“Wait, Hoseok! Tell Yoongi, that I need to get out of the house even if it means he will send a group of guards to watch over me. Please? I need fresh air, and we certainly don't have that here.” Hoseok just nodded, him being like that is the reason why even if you guys share a conversation or two at times, you still can’t fully trust him as he’s always still loyal to Yoongi. Much as all the other people in this building.
The night crept in slowly but you can surely feel the aloneness, being in your bed with a space so big it takes over you and the silence only grows louder. Ever since Mrs. Lopez said goodbye to you just moments ago and Alfred that doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight since after your visit from the pool. You feel your spine tingle at the eerie atmosphere that starts to linger, you hated this, even if you try your best to psych yourself out and make yourself find the good in everything that’s happening to you, cooking up these plans and schemes in your head, it was not enough.
You still can’t brush off the fact that you're stuck in this situation without free will, and freedom itself. The complete opposite of the life you had before arriving in this situation. And you didn’t know who to blame, or how this all came to be. You wanted answers, and the longer you’re stuck here the more you want them bad so that all of this facade will be over and maybe you and Yoongi will be able to live normally by then. Because as of this moment being imprisoned here doesn’t seem like an ideal ending to a story you want your life to pan out to.
The moment you sealed the deal with Yoongi, you thought it would give at least a slight freedom and control over him, but the mere fact that he already took over you emotionally, whilst being held captive, already means defeat in itself, and you knew it .
You’ve been played in your own game, and maybe you’re starting to grow tired of it. As your lying down in your room you then turned to your side facing this huge window that gleamed with light reflected by the city, you sit up to reach for the phone that Yoongi gave you which was on the bedside table and open the drawer, where hides your stash of cigarettes, you took one and placed it in your mouth and walked towards the balcony and lit it up, you then opened the phone and dialed the only contact number that was saved there.
“Hello, I think we’ll have to talk.” You paused and bite your lip trying to hold back yourself from saying this, you’ve always said it to him either jokingly, or somehow in a way he won’t take seriously but this time you really just want to get over it, you can’t live like this any longer you feel like time is fleeting before you and you have so much you want to do, you’re running against your own deadline that is.
“It’s about our deal.”
You heard him sigh on the other side of the line and you can vividly imagine how his brows furrow, and his lips pursed as if he already knows what you would say, as if he already expected for it. But what else would he even expect if all you ever wanted in the first place was to be freed from being kidnapped .
And for him to fulfill his end of the deal.
Which was to help you find out the stench your family has been hiding away from you. Since they have raised you away from them, away from all the stuff they have been doing because you knew for a fact they weren’t as noble and as benevolent like people had always depicted them, you knew how your mother manipulates your father into signing papers he did not approve of, you knew that your loving father only says yes to your mother because of him not wanting your mother to lash out and leave him or worse maybe spill some secrets of his own, and lastly your well sculpted sister you knew that her obedience to your mother is only a facade to her personal vendettas and that she just wants the power, money and fame as much as your mother does. So much for a family whose name is well respected knowing that your father is one of the leaders of the country.
You tick at the mere thought that they actually do such things and it makes you literally disgusted by the idea that your eyes were opened to the truth that such things do happen in the government and worse your family is a great contribution to how dirty and rough the field is.
Despite everything, when you come home at times to meet your family, you keep a straight face and obey them as much as you could, you disregard your own beliefs for a moment and you absorb their wisdom, and accept their actions while keeping your stand untouched. You do your best to keep this information safe for future reference and for the day when you’ll be able to garner enough knowledge, power and help to correct the actions of your own family. You didn’t want them to continue to live the way they do, you’ve always taught yourself how to stand by what’s right especially being exposed to different kinds of people from around the world.
With this in mind you thought maybe you’ll be able to do this by the help of someone as equally bad as your family, or maybe even worse.
Yoongi .
It would be an understatement to say that his actions are bad and they’re not right. Because they are way worse than that. It’s not just like stealing candy from a baby, it’s stealing, deceiving, lying, manipulating, and probably even killing someone to take not only his candy but everything that flashes in front of his eyes; money, power, position, title.
“Ah, our deal. Yes.” Yoongi finally said a word after a few seconds of silence.
“I guess this leaves me no choice then?” He scoffed, but you can feel him let out a smirk.
“Yes.” You simply replied, you forced your eyes closed, grit your teeth and clenched your jaws, this overwhelming feeling of annoyance overpowers you.
You knew he was up to no good, he’s always up to no good. His words always have a way with you and you knew for a fact it was poisonous because you’re always on the verge of giving in to them, but this time. You shouldn’t . You need to start to have your head on your plans and get your problems solved, have answers to your questions and stop being so...
“I’ll talk to you about this in person. Let’s meet up tomorrow. But for now, have a good night rest baby.” He said in a tone more calm, and sweet almost
as if he… “Okay, baby?” cares for you.
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innaminitus · 5 years
Italian nights #2
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Request: I had this idea for a fic with Loki based on Blank Space by Taylor Swift where reader like the song in front of other people because she’s crazy and manipulative and seductive and goes through a ton if men but Loki learns she’s super anxious and sensitive in private??? Idk if that works, and it’s up to you if you wanna add smut (from @psycho-on-thephone)
Warnings: part 2/2, language, smut
Word count: 2799
A/N: I decided to stay with Taylor Swift for this fic. Was thinking about getaway car but that would’ve been too savage. Anyways, it’s 3am and I’m posting instead of sleeping 
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Loki was watching you sway your hips to the music. You tried to sing along, but didn’t know the words and kept laughing at yourself, peaking at him from time to time to make sure his eyes were still on you.
Whiskey in his glass warmed him enough to care a little less about the worries of the world, your bare legs did the rest. You were not wearing any shoes, your feet moved on the sand as if it was the softest carpet when you joined other people’s dances.
You accidentally found a beach party organized by a hotel or a club and decided to join.
Your little agreement seemed to work. You’ve spent majority of the time together, he managed to be your distraction from whatever demons you needed to hide from. He enjoyed your company more than he would admit. There was something… mesmerizing about you. About how different you acted when you were among other people and when you were just with him. You were like two sides of the coin, and yet he somehow adored both of your faces. The crazy one, daring, the one that liked to drink and kiss was fun to spend time with, but it was your calm side, the one that wasn’t afraid to show vulnerability and calmness was the side he enjoyed most. He didn’t know why you decided to trust him with your feelings, but he was happy you did.
He could show claws thanks to you as well.
“I would gladly spank that ass of hers,” said a man on the barstool next to Loki, who turned to face him. He was watching you as well. “Bet she would enjoy every minute of it.”
Blood boiled in Loki, but he managed to not kill the man on the spot.
“You think?” The god raised his brow and his eyes were back on your body. You were smiling at some man, then at another, but not giving them much attention.
“One look at a girl and I know what she needs, believe me, dude. And this one here needs some good spanking…” He took a big gulp of beer and continued to follow you lustfully with his sight.
Loki forced himself to keep calm. No need to start a fight because of it. Yet.
“Why don’t you go and try your luck, then?”
The man laughed and shook his head.
“Maybe I should!”
You caught Loki’s sight, discretely asking you to come to him. You excused a girl you were dancing with and with a smile that made his insides twirl slowly walked to him.
He greeted you with a smirk, and ignoring the man next to him guided you to straddle his lap.
“My queen,” he murmured in your neck.
It took you just a mere second to pick up his game and your smile widened.
“My king…” You kissed his lips gently.
“Fuck, I am-“ The man next to you stuttered and Loki broke the kiss.
“What were you saying about my girl? Ah, yes. That she needs a good spanking,” he said as calmly as he could and you raised your eyebrow before turning to the man.
“Kinky,” your voice was almost erotic and Loki shivered at the sound of it. “You want to do it to me?” You reached and with your finger traced the hem of the collar of the man’s polo shirt. His eyes were slightly widened, he was drunk enough to think you were serious and was now thinking either about escaping this situation without a black eye or about you in his bed. Loki didn’t want to know if it was the latter. “You want to spank me, solider? Till my ass is nice and red for you?”
He couldn’t bare it. He didn’t want you to talk like that to any man that wasn’t him.
“Like hell I do,” the man said eagerly, completely ignoring the fact that you were on Loki’s lap.
It wasn’t even a second when you reached under your dress, to the thigh holster and pulled out freshly polished Colt King Cobra, aiming it at the man’s head.
His eyes widened in terror, he suddenly got as pale as a dead man. Somehow no one noticed that you were holding a revolver yet. Loki couldn’t hold a laugh at your mad action.
“Have some respect for woman around you, pervert. You never know if they aren’t able to kill you.” You smiled at him sweetly and reloaded.
“I think the lady wants you to apologize.” Loki smiled as well, although his smile wasn’t as pleasant as yours.
“I’m- I’m sorry!” The man cried, looking around for any help. Loki knew you didn’t have much more time to play anymore.
“Do you promise you won’t do it again?” Your voice sounded as if you were talking to a child.
“Yes! I promise!”
A single gasp somewhere near made you blow a kiss at the man, hide your colt and get off Loki.
“I’m bored of this party. Let’s go somewhere else.” You took his hand and dragged him with you.
You should think about the consequence
Of your magnetic field being a little too strong
You still held his hand even when no one could see you. You needed to feel that something was keeping you on the ground.
For a second you really thought you were going to pull the trigger. You’ve done it so many times before, it was as natural for you as breathing. Shooting unpleasant guys in unpleasant situations.
You needed cold shower.  
You weren’t sure what made you mad more; the man’s comment or reaction of your body when Loki called you his queen. Your stomach jumped, every inch of you wanted to hold him and kiss him. It wasn’t what you’ve signed for. You wanted distraction, someone who would keep your mind busy for more than just a few hours or one night, maybe friendship. Not this sick affection you felt. Not the need to touch him, to have him for yourself. You were scared about coming back to the States, to a normal life he wasn’t a part of.
You walked in silence along the beach, soon finding yourselves completely alone, far from loud music and laughs.
“I want to swim,” you said suddenly, stopping and locking your eyes on the sea. “With you.”
A day. You only had a day more with him.
You didn’t look at him when he walked behind you and with gentleness untied the strings holding your light, black dress. You pretended you didn’t shiver at his touch when he slid the straps down your shoulders and moved his hands along your body, releasing you from the dress. His fingers undid the belts of your holster and it was soon on the ground as well, leaving you only in your swimming suit.
You wanted it gone, too. You wanted him to take it off with his teeth, kissing his way along your body. But when you turned to him, he wasn’t looking at you. He was watching the calm waves.  
And I'm so furious
At you for making me feel this way
He couldn’t look at you, not when you were almost naked, bare to his sight and no one else’s. He wasn’t sure he would be able to control himself.
You gently tugged on his shirt, forcing him to look at you. Your gorgeous eyes were locked on him, your fingers wrapped around the fabric.
“Are you going to swim in your clothes?” You asked, your voice sounded somehow insecure.
It amazed him how quickly you could change from psycho with a gun at a man’s head to an anxious girl, uncertain about her own being. He didn’t mind it. Not when he knew who you really were.
With two moves Loki’s shirt and trousers were on the sand.
“Come, then,” he said silently, not being able to take his eyes off of you once he laid them on your body.
You smiled slightly and nodded, turning around to take a few steps and walk into the water. He let himself enjoy the view of your almost naked body in movement before following you with a sigh. The water was warm, even though it was the middle of the night. You walked until the water was reaching your elbows and suddenly stopped, your fingers created elaborate patterns on the calm surface of the sea. Ha came closer, to see your face. Your jollity disappeared, evaporated into thin air.
Was it because of the man? Or did he do something wrong?
“Y/N?” His voice wasn’t any louder than a whisper.
You only snuffled as if you were about to cry. He’s never seen you cry, not from the confusing emotions boiling inside of you.
Loki took a deep breath and stepped in front of you and insecurely took your face in his hands, making you look at him.
“What’s wrong?”
And you should think about the consequence
Of you touching my hand in a darkened room
Easier question would’ve been what’s not wrong. His stupid, ridiculously beautiful face was right there before you, and you weren’t sure whether you wanted to kiss him or slap for making you want him.
You felt hot, shameless lust whenever he was so close to you. Your heart ached unbelievably every time you pretended to be his, because you wanted, no, you needed to be real or else you would rip yourself in two. But you were sure it was just the agreement for him. A handshake. You wished you never approached him, never interrupted that girl who was flirting with him. Maybe it would’ve been her problem now. The pain in chest.
You never thought of yourself as of somebody actually able to love anyone, not in a healthy way. You were possessive and manipulative. No one deserved that. You didn’t deserve anyone.
That’s why you just shook your head and smiled at him.
“Everything’s perfect,” you lied.
He raised his eyebrow at you.
“No, it’s not.” He stepped closer. “Tell me what’s wrong?”
You shut your eyes. Opened your eyes. Clenched your jaw. Relaxed your jaw.
No words were able to form sensible sentence.
You released yourself from his hands, placed yours on his shoulders and pulled him closer. Your lips fell on his, tongue forced its way into his mouth. It wasn’t a good kiss, your teeth hit his, but after a second you pulled away.
“That’s what’s wrong,” you gasped, shocked at your own actions. Psycho. “I can’t stay away from you. I want you.”
His breathing was heavy when he watched your face with disbelief painted on his face. He didn’t want you back.
“No, don’t say anything.” You shook your head. “This can never work. Not with my sick personality, and-“
“Oh, shut up.”
You couldn’t stop him and, to be honest, you didn’t want to. He kissed you, gentler than you kissed him, more passionate. You almost melted under his touch when he lifted you up without breaking the kiss and walked out of the water, his tongue dancing along with yours as he did so.
He muttered odd words that sounded like Norse and suddenly you were surrounded by a green light, at what you clung onto his wet body harder.
When the light disappeared, the sound of waves was also gone. You pulled away and looked around. You were in your hotel room.
“How did you…?” You didn’t manage to say anything more, because he pushed you on the bed and shut your mouth with his lips.
“Just an old trick.” He smiled and continued to leave a trace of wet kisses along your neck and collarbone.
He slowly slid both straps of your bikini bra before undoing it on your back.
“Loki…?” You panted silently when your nipple ended up in between his lips, tongue caressing the sensitive bud.
He lifted himself a little to look at your face, concerned.
“Do you want me to stop?”
Ocean blue eyes looking in mine
I feel like I might sink and drown and die
His eyes were locked on yours and you were close to the edge of a breakdown. How could he want you?
“Skip the foreplay,” you asked quietly. “I need to feel you.”
You wanted him so badly, even if it was just for a night. Quickly, before he changes his mind and realizes how broken you are.
He rested his forearms on the sides of your head and kissed you sweetly. Why did it felt so real when it certainly was a dream?
“I don’t want to just fuck you like the other men, Y/N,” he said and pressed his lips onto yours again. “I want to make love to you. Let me…”
You shook your head, a tear you weren’t able to hold back anymore rolled down your cheek.
“You can’t want me,” you sobbed. “You can’t.”
“Stop telling me what I can. I want you. The real you, not the girl you pose to be.” He kissed the tear away. “Let me put the broken pieces together.”
You couldn’t say anything, you just wrapped your arms around him and pulled him to kiss. His lips fitted on yours perfectly, his hot kisses warmed your body.
“Please,” you sighed again. “Please, just fill me whole.”
He kissed your neck and with a flick of his fingers the rest of your clothes were gone. Nothing was separating you anymore, your burning skin touched his and when he parted your legs to line himself with your entrance you were already lost for him.
You didn’t want these feelings. You wanted them gone, to rip your heart and throw it into the sea.
He pushed himself inside you and you moaned loudly, completing his sigh.
And you are so gorgeous it makes me so mad
You make me so happy it turns back to sad
You clenched around him so perfectly he shivered and almost lost control over his arms, nearly falling onto you. Delicious sounds of your pleasure filled his ears when he slowly pulled out only to equally slowly push himself deep in. He didn’t want to take you fast, not this time at last. He wanted to take his time with you, to cherish every inch of your gorgeous body, but you didn’t want him to.
Did you felt the same way he felt about you?
Your hips gritted against him, hurrying him. He did as you asked, quickened the pace and moaned into your lips at the feeling of your wet, warm pussy clenching around him. Your fingernails left red marks on his back as he slid his hand in between your bodies and began to rub circles on your clit.
You squirmed under him, the sound only turning him on even more.
But you didn’t want him. You made it clear. You only wanted sex, after he so thoughtfully helped you avoid strangers in bed.
There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have
And you are so gorgeous it makes me so mad
The pleasure was overwhelming, Loki’s lips on yours swallowed every sound you made. His thrusts reached deep inside of you and your ecstasy was close, closer than you could imagine.
This isn’t love, you kept saying to yourself. This is just pure lust.
Another pretty lies.
You couldn’t bare it anymore; the pleasure surrounded you like the water you were just in, floated violently into you, making you cry.
Loki was just behind you, groaned onto your neck and, shaking, spilled himself inside of you, warmth of his cum helping you ride down your orgasm.
He was heavy breathing when he pulled out and collapsed next to you.
You didn’t know what to say.
He did.
“I love you,” he spat out as if it was an insult. “I love you, but I can’t be with you if you only want sex.” He turned to you and grabbed your face, forcing you to look at him. “Let me take care of you.”
He loved you.
“I am-“
“If you are going to say you are too broken for a relationship, cut the crap. I keep saying to you that I love you. Not the mask you put on every day. You.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks. If he was being sincere, this could actually work…
“Can you fix me?” You asked silently, his hands now gently cupped your face as he placed a loving kiss on your lips.
“There is nothing to fix.” He shook his head. “You have to let yourself love somebody again. Love me.”
You nodded, somehow believing every word he said.
“I love you.”
But what can I say?
You're gorgeous
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fanficshiddles · 5 years
Starting over, One shot
Thank you for the prompt! I hope you like it.
Prompt: I’d love a story where a common housewife, bedraggled with kids, wishes for a different life and Loki grants her wish. She’s resistant at first, but he forces her into smutty pleasure and she succumbs. Maybe he awakens the beast within her? I’d love some really descriptive sex. Cuz you’re so good at writing that. Many thanks.
Tiara heaved the grocery bags down the hall into the kitchen. Her three kids came running through, screaming and searching through all the bags for something to eat.
‘It will soon be dinner time! Go back upstairs!’ She shouted at them, but it fell on deaf ears.
She pinched the bridge of her nose in despair while the kids ran away with armfuls of food in their grasp.
After cooking dinner and cleaning the house from top to bottom, like she did every day, she just had time for a quick shower before she then had to sort out her husbands’ lunch for the following day. And iron his work shirt.
It was near midnight before she was able to get to bed. But she was unable to sleep, so many thoughts were running through her mind. Was this really the life she wanted? Three kids that didn’t listen to her and a husband who was snoring so loudly she was surprised the whole neighbourhood never heard him.
He never appreciated her, all the work she put into the house and the kids. He never helped, just came home from work at three and expected to be waited on hand and foot. At weekends, he spent most of the day in bed or locked up in his ‘man cave.’ Their sex life was non existent anymore, and she was pretty sure that the rare times he did go out, that he had a piece on the side with some younger model.
Getting out of bed, she went downstairs and out into the garden. Looking up at the stars, she sighed.
‘I wish I had a different life. If there’s anyone out there that’s listening, please… I beg you.’ She said, eyes watering slightly.
But nothing happened. She sighed and turned to go back inside, missing the glowing blue light that lit up the night sky.
Loki had heard her. After landing in her garden a few days ago with the tesseract, Loki had been keeping an eye on her. She was a beauty. There was something about her that Loki was attracted to. A hidden beauty and depth to her, that he knew was just waiting to be let out.
To be set free.
Tiara made her way back upstairs to bed, not noticing the difference in the house. How the pictures of her kids and wedding day on the wall were no longer there, that there were less shoes and jackets at the bottom of the stairs.
And she didn’t realise how quiet it was until she climbed back into bed. But that’s when she realised��� her husband wasn’t there.
‘Corey?’ She reached out across the bed, but nothing. So she turned on the bedside lamp, that’s when she noticed how different her room looked.
‘What the…’ She trailed off when she noticed a tall, dark figure standing in the corner of the room.
She let out a screech and scrambled backwards on the bed, heart racing in fear.
‘No need to be scared, dove. I have simply answered your wish.’ Loki grinned and stepped forward, out of the shadows.
Her eyes widened upon seeing the handsome man. He was tall, good looking with striking features. Jet black hair and the most beautiful green eyes. He was wearing a well-tailored suit, and he looked like he was made to wear suits.
‘Who… what are you… what…’ She couldn’t form the words.
Loki slowly walked closer, till he was at the end of the bed. ‘My name is Loki. And I am here because you wanted me to be here. To answer your prayer, of course.’ He grinned.
‘My… What happened to my husband? Oh my god, my kids!’ She screeched and leaped off the bed.
Loki allowed her to go, he followed her with a smug ass grin while she looked in the bedrooms that were simply spare rooms now. She was in shock, it didn’t look like any kids lived there at all.
‘What the heck is going on? This is a dream, right? I’m dreaming!’ She spun around. ‘AH!’ Loki was right there, hands behind his back as he bobbed up and down on his toes, looking pleased with himself.
‘This is what you wished for.’ He reached out and pinched her arm.
‘Ow!’ She stepped back from him.
‘You said you thought you were dreaming. Well, you’re not. You see, darling. This.’ He pulled out the tesseract and showed it to her. Her eyes were drawn to it, in awe. Like everyone was when seeing the tesseract for the first time.
‘This, along with my own powers, allowed me to give you this one night of a different life. One with me.’ He smirked.
‘With… you? What?’ She frowned. ‘No! Get me my kids back!’
‘Listen. Give me one night. Nothing is set in stone yet, not till sunrise. It’s your decision. If you want everything to go back to normal, then it will. But if you don’t, then it doesn’t have to. This.’ He held his arms out. ‘Can be your new normal.’
‘This can’t be happening.’ She sat down on the bed and put her face into her hands.
She felt the bed sinking next to her when Loki sat down, sliding his arm around her.
‘It is happening, and it’s very much real. Why don’t you let me show you just how amazing it could be. What you’re missing out on.’ He whispered seductively into her ear, his other hand coming to land on her thigh, where her nightie had ridden up.
‘Why?’ She blurted out.
‘Why, what?’ Loki asked, raising an eyebrow.
‘Why me? Why would you… want to?’ She stood up, pacing back and fore with her arms wrapped around herself.
‘Well, for one thing you called for someone to answer your prayer. Being a God, it is my duty. Second, I may have fell in your garden from my planet, if you’ll believe. And I’ve been watching you, Tiara. Thirdly, you are a beautiful woman. That deserves so much more than what you’ve got.’ He stood up and gripped her upper arms, making her stand still and look at him.
‘Just give me this one night. I give you my word, if you don’t enjoy it and aren’t happy, before sunrise I will bring your family back. And you can forget this night.’
She couldn’t resist his charm. There was just something about him. Something about the way he spoke and acted, she was under his spell. She was sure of it.
‘You’ll bring them back by morning… Right?’ She asked cautiously, looking into his eyes.
‘If that is what you wish, I give you my word.’ Loki nodded.
Tiara agreed to Loki’s offer. He took her hand and guided her back to her room, where he started to take off her nightie and underwear. She felt extremely nervous and shy, but when Loki started kissing her, all that nerves started to melt away.
Loki shed his own clothes within seconds, using his Seidr. He then lay Tiara down on the bed and crawled over the top of her trembling body.
‘Relax, pet. Tonight is all about you.’ He purred and held her face in his hands as he kissed her, his tongue urgently seeking entrance into her mouth.
She gasped against him, the feeling of his tongue against hers was almost too much. She had never been kissed like that before. And never been touched so gently in such a long time. When Loki’s hands started to wander down her body, she almost started crying with how good she was feeling already.
He paid plenty of attention to her breasts, enjoying how large they were. When he suckled on her nipples, she completely lost it. She arched her back up towards him, wanting more. While his lips and tongue lavished her nipples, he tickled his way down between her thighs.
In another moment of nerves, she clenched her thighs together tightly, not allowing his hand access.
‘Come on, love. No need to be shy.’ He growled against her breast.
She slowly parted her legs to allow his hand down. To make sure she didn’t close them again, he manoeuvred his body between her legs, making sure his imposing presence was felt.
Tiara felt like she was floating in heaven when he touched her there. It had been so long since she’d even had the time to touch herself that her body was actually cheering and celebrating at the attention.
‘Mmm, my darling. So sensitive. You’re already soaking my fingers.’ Loki purred and moved up to kiss her again, thrusting his tongue into her mouth at the same time as he pushed two fingers into her cunt.
He took his time, exploring her depths. He scissored and curled his fingers, finding all of her sweet spots. But looking for that certain one that he knew would set her off like a rocket. And when he found it, he certainly knew about it. She started whimpering and trembling tenfold.
‘Let me hear you, darling. Let me hear your moans and cries.’ Loki demanded while he concentrated on her g spot, his thumb rubbed over her clit at the same time.
But he noticed that even when he made her orgasm, she was still holding back. And that wasn’t good enough for the God.
To Tiara’s surprise, when he removed his fingers from her she found herself quickly flipped over and, without warning, Loki started spanking her. Without showing mercy.
‘Let me hear you, Tiara.’ Loki growled demandingly. ‘I won’t stop until you let loose.’
Tiara didn’t need to be told twice, she was already screaming bloody murder as his hand repeatedly came down on her ass. He was strong and it showed in his swing. It felt like he was splitting her skin apart.
But the scariest part? She was SO turned on and enjoying it.
‘That’s a good girl.’ Loki praised, happy with the noises she was making.
He gave her a few more smacks for good measure, then he turned her over again. Her eyes were wild looking, like he had hit a switch inside her. Before he had a chance to do anything, she was pushing him over and going down on him.
She gobbled up his cock as if it was her last meal. Loki threw his head back and moaned while she deepthroated him. When he did glance down, he just saw her head bobbing up and down. He couldn’t resist reaching down and grabbing a fistful of her hair, controlling her movements and making her gag.
But when he was close, he tugged hard on her hair to stop her. ‘Enough! I want to come inside you.’
Tiara let him slip out of her mouth, drool dribbling down her chin. He was amused when she crawled over the top of him and started grinding against him.
‘Well, I’ve certainly awoken the sexual beast inside you.’ Loki chuckled, pulling her down to him for a hunger filled kiss.
Loki flipped them over and pinned her down, gathering her hands together he held them up above her in one of his large hands. She squirmed delightfully underneath him as he pushed home into her.
She started moaning, not holding anything back anymore, especially when Loki thrust deep into her and started really moving. His cock was so large, it was hitting all the right places. It had been so long since she had last felt so full, it was incredible.
And Loki certainly knew how to use it to his advantage.
Loki grunted as he bit down on her neck, thrusting roughly into her. His hand around her wrists was tight, making sure she wasn’t going anywhere. Not that she wanted to anyway.
Tiara had never tried anything remotely kinky before. The spanking, being held down and fucked in such a way, it was awakening something inside of her that she had no idea she needed.
When Loki came inside her, she came too, enjoying the feeling of him flooding her insides.
‘Oh… my… god!’ She panted when he collapsed on top of her, smirking cockily.
‘I told you that you’d enjoy it.’ He purred, trailing his finger down her cheek. ‘And there is plenty more where that came from, if you choose it.’
The promise of more naughty and mind-blowing sex was too much for her to turn down. Not to mention the chance of a new life, starting again… It was appealing.
‘Now is your chance to decide, pet. Do you want me to give you your old life back? Like tonight never happened... Or do you want to stay here, with me?’ Loki spoke quietly, his cock still nestled nicely inside of her.
She wriggled slightly, whimpering at the feeling of his hardness inside her.
‘I want to stay. Please!’ She begged and wrapped her arms around him.
‘Good choice.’ Loki purred and kissed her.
The night sky turned blue again momentarily. Finalising Tiara’s wish of a new life.
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Good Girl | Dabi x F!Reader | Fluff/NSFW
Dabi with a very innocent female reader, with some rough nsfw and dirty talk?
I’m so awful with dirty talk. 😂
Warnings: NSFW, wannabe dirty talk, insecurities, Dabi being a sweetheart
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Your hand shakes with every centimeter closer you bring the eyeliner to your eyelid. Make-up wasn’t your strong suit besides the basics of foundation, lipstick, and mascara. This is an emergency, however. The man you wanted is dangerously close to belonging to someone else if he hadn’t already.
The man you love, Dabi, is a villain, not the smartest idea considering you are only a civilian. The two of you met actually about a year ago when some jerks were harassing you on the bus on the way home and not taking no and your obvious discomfort for an answer. You’re sure he only stepped in because they were annoying him too with the obnoxiously loud talking.
Ever since then, the two of you kept running into each other. You’re not sure if it was fate or what, but you became acquaintances then friends then he would drop by your house and spend the night every so often to shower or eat, and he would give you some money when you needed something or if rent was tight or he felt that he was staying over and using your stuff more than usual. You never questioned where he got it from nor wanted to know either. Eventually, the two of you became friends with cuddle benefits whenever one of you were feeling particularly desperate for human contact and affection.
Needless to say, you developed a big crush akin to a school girl crushing on her senpai. It’s also like a school girl that you decided to change up your look to win back his attention.
Lately, he’s been spending a lot of time with this other woman who worked for the same person who hooked Dabi up with jobs every now and again. Some guy named Giran. You didn’t know if they were just partners for the time being like he said or not, but you have seen her plenty enough times to know her type, bad girl incarnate.
She was always in tight leather pants with metal chains and matching jacket over a crop top and heavy make-up and shiny body piercings. She had tattoos located on her chest and lower back to draw attention to nicely developed features. You thought that you could’ve competed in the looks department when you dress up in pretty dresses and flowing tops, but the final nail in your confidence was her sleek, stylish Kawasaki. Dabi seemed to really like that.
So as childish as it may have been, if bad is what he liked then you were going to try to be bad. You bought some tight shorts to hug around your hips and skimpier tops to wear. You still were a bit unsure on the piercings and chickened out on getting a real tattoo. You were in the darn chair and practically fell on your face to escape when the needle got close. Though, you thought the temp one on your shoulder was pretty convincing and bought plenty to back it up. Now, you were sitting in front of your bathroom mirror watching a YouTube tutorial on how to apply eyeliner and do a smoky eye shadow.
You knew Dabi would come over today. No matter what he always came on Saturday to spend the night. This time would be a change in plans. You were going to convince him to go out to the rave club with you for a drink and maybe, just maybe, excite him to kiss you instead of just spooning tonight. Then, there would be no need for him to spend time with that other woman at all.
You finally get your make-up done to what you think is a decent look just as a knock comes from the door. Dabi always has this distinct way he knocks before he unlocks your door so you won’t get scared that someone was breaking in.
“Hey,” Dabi greets, eyes immediately going to the couch where he expected you to be waiting instead you bounce in from the hallway to meet him with your usual sweet smile covered behind make-up and normal pajamas replaced by form-hugging clothing that showed off more skin than he’s ever seen.
You notice immediately the confusion on his face. You didn’t know if that is a good thing yet, but it is progress. Blue eyes take you all in, dropping from your head to your feet and all the way back up.
“What are you wearing?” he questions, and you grin as he noticed and bat the long black eyelashes you spent hours trying to figure out how to put on.
“I just decided to try a new look is all,” you explain, smiling with thick red painted lips. “But hey, I was thinking we should go out somewhere fun tonight.”
“Fun?” he questions skeptically.
“Yeah, fun,” you repeat, biting your lip and letting the word leave your mouth hard in what you thought was a seductive manner.
Dabi scowls, eyes narrowing at you, and you gulp. “What is that?”
“Hm?” you hum nonchalantly. Deciding to fall to your emergency plan early, you twist to the side to display the picture on your bicep. “Oh, this? I got a tattoo. Pretty badass, don’t you think?”
You hold your breath as he studies it before scoffing, finally smiling slightly. “It’s fake,” Dabi points out, relieved.
“N-No, it’s not,” you stammer, refusing to give up that easily. Dabi draws his thumb across his tongue, presses it to your skin, and swipes some of the tattoo away. “Hey, what are you doing!”
You’re cut off as he rubs his palm at your eye shadow and bluntly demands, “Take that off. You hate make-up, it breaks you out.”
“Dabi, stop it!” you complain and aggressively whack his hand away.
Annoyed, Dabi finally asks, “What’s up with you, (Name)? You’ve been acting weird lately and now,” he gestures his hand in a circle all around you, “Just what is this?” he cringes when he looks at your face, making your heart sink.
“You’re not around enough to know if I’m acting weird,” you spitefully whispered, making his eyes widen.
“What are you talking about?”
“All your time is with that other woman!” you finally confessed. “Every time you have a job, or she’ll be around you even when you say you’re free, and you don’t spend time with me as much anymore. I know we’re not dating, and you can be with whoever you want, but it hurts since I care about you, too; and if you are dating her, I don’t think it’s fair to me or her if you keep coming around here, too.”
Sighing, Dabi pulls you into him. “You don’t have to waste your time being jealous. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but we’re not having sex or doing anything together if that’s what you’re worried about, and I’m not really interested in doing things with her for that matter.”
“You don’t? But she’s so pretty, and—“
”And you’re not? (Name), you looked fine before. Not to mention look at me, you’re definitely the better looking one in our relationship.”
Blushing, you glance down at your feet with a weak smile. “But she’s just so cool, and I figured you liked women like that so I just wanted you to know I could be bad, too.”
“Okay,” he chuckles, leaning his head close to your ear, and whispering, “Then, show me how bad you can be, (Name)-chan.”
You grin and bring your lips to his, biting down on his bottom lip and pulling before sliding your tongue over his lips. You pull away with a smirk. “How’s that?”
“Oh? Was that all,” he teases. “I said bad,” he says and caresses your cheek.
“What?” you questioned in shock, thinking that was pretty sexy in your book. Realizing he means further, your throat going dry as you squeak out, “you mean right now?”
“That’s what you want, right?” he questions you and grips at your hips to roughly snatch your body against his.
“I…” You looked down to the floor, trying to hide your timid expression from cool blue eyes.
“It’s not that hard,” he says and snuggly hugs your lower half to his. “Tell me what you want to do to me,” Dabi gently drags his thumb down the center of your bottom lip.
“Well, I would undress you...” you state unsurely.
“I see, and?” He teases, sliding his hand down your shoulder. Goosebumps dance up your skin as you try to think of something else to say but you started drawing blanks. He chuckles at your deer in the headlight’s expression.
“And uh…I’m not sure…” You had your chance to make him yours and you were completely lost on how. Your original plan had only went as far as getting him to kiss you. And though it’s not like you haven’t done a few things with a man before, it wasn’t really your area of expertise either. “But I can learn. It can’t be that hard.”
”Yes,” you repeat less confidently as he cups your chin to bring your line of sight back to him.
“Don’t worry about it, bad girls are nice, but I do really like good girls like you. It makes it that much easier to make you squirm.”
A yelp echoes through the house as you're hoisted off your feet and into his arms.
“Dabi,” you gasp and wrap your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He cups your ass and brings you up as high as possible before carrying you to the bedroom.
Dabi kicks open the door and tosses you onto the bed like it’s nothing. Closing your eyes, you land on it with a bounce. You open your eyes to catch Dabi leaning over you and forcing you back to the mattress.
“Do you want to be my woman, (Name)?” Dabi asks, hands gripping your wrists and holding them far above your head.
“I want to be yours,” you answer, and he rewards it with a quick brush of his lips against your collar bone.
“What do you want me to do to you?” he murmurs as he traces his tongue over your cleavage and kisses between your breasts.
You groan as rough skin placed soft kisses along your chest. You finally know what his lips feel like. “I want you to do everything to me.”
“Mm, how long have you wanted this?” Dabi questions and moves his lips to yours, making you tense. It takes only a second or two for you to relax and accept his advance.
“A few months now,” you confess shyly before Dabi kisses you deeper and shifts his body on top of yours. He lays on top of you, smothering you under his full weight. You whimper from the heat of his body, and he moves his hips against you, pleasuring himself with friction between the two of you.
“If you wanted me so bad, you should’ve just said so. I would’ve been happy to fuck you silly anytime, sweetheart.” His deep chuckle makes you flustered, and Dabi roughly bites down into your bottom lip. He pulls away to take in your bashful face. “You don’t know how hard it was to keep my hands off you,” and he makes sure you know it by squeezing you in scarred hands and dragging them all the way down the sides of your arms and width of your hips.
“How can you say that with such a straight face?” you mutter but your timid-ness only edge him further to keep going until you whine from his teasing.
“I can’t count how many times I woke up hard because of you, how many times I’ve had to jerk off with you sleeping next to me,” he teases, kissing down your bare shoulder and continuously pulling down your top before deciding to smolder through it instead by bunching it in his hands and pulling the weaken seams. You wouldn’t need to be wearing it anymore anyway.
“Dabi,” you squirm and bring your hands to your chest. You hiss when he grips them and slams them back above your head.
“No, no, no baby girl, you don’t get to hide from me anymore,” Dabi says, switching to holding your arms back with one hand as he flicks your nipple with the other.
“That’s not fair!” you whine with the grinding of his hip, and the cool laugh he teases you with brings a warmth between your legs.
“What was that? You want me to play with you more?” he questions and covers your nipple in his mouth, sucking aggressively. You moan as he bites down and pulls the sensitive nub between his teeth.
“Have you touched yourself thinking about me, baby girl?” Dabi licks the shell of your ear, and you shudder underneath him. You purse your lips, avoiding eye contact as you shake your head. “Not even a little?” he asks skeptically as he grasps your hand, slowly sliding it between your legs.
“I don’t think you’re telling me the truth,” he whispers and kisses your neck then nips at your earlobe. “Show me what you do to yourself, I want to know.”
You unfurl your fingers and nervously stroke them underneath your shorts and over your panties.
“That’s my girl,” he purrs, and you groan as he lustfully watches you stroke underneath your shorts. He decides to pull them off to get the full show before forcing your hand away to remove your underpants. “Keep going,” he commands, and you press your fingers back to your bare skin, curling up into yourself as you bite back a moan. He licks his fingers and goes back to teasing and rolling his wet thumb over your nipples. He pulls them roughly and strokes you with the scarred skin on the back of his hand, and the rough strokes make you throb around your fingers as more cum sleeks out to coat them.
Dabi tugs your hand away, and your breath catches in your throat as he slowly glances his tongue over the tips of your fingers, one by one. Heat comes from his hand as he strokes over your knuckles, sending a pleasant warmth through your palm. “Come here,” he orders, sitting on the bed and pulling you on top of him.
Dabi strokes your head, and you press against his cock, rocking slightly. Dabi licks his lips, watching your soft expression before deciding he wants to be inside of you right away. He shifts away and undoes his pants before settling you back onto his lap.
You grip onto him as he pulls you down on his dick, making you whimper, and he sighs himself with the slow start of his thrusts. You push your hands into thick, black hair and kiss him deeply. You inexperiencedly grind your hips into him as you do so but it’s not a problem as he digs his fingers into your thighs and guides your movements.
The dragging of heated fingers down your skin makes you hiss along with the streaks following in a thin trail. “Dabi,” you mewl, and he buries his head between your breasts to cover his own needy gasps. Teeth nip and bite, leaving marks over your breasts that speckle lightly with the color of blood before he licks it away with a groan, proving just how desperately he wanted you all this time.
The motions of his hips don’t stop as he slams in you with a rate that is undoubtedly going to have you sore, and you crane your head back and give your own marks on the back of his neck by dragging your nails over his skin. He growls as you pull at the back of his hair. You raise your hips and ride on him harder to quickly build up to your end with him.
You keep rocking on his lap until you’re both spent and empty. You pant tiredly and slowly climb off of him before laying down and hugging against his chest.
You look up at him with a soft smile, and he wants to meet it but frowns slightly when he sees the smear across your face from where he wiped your makeup. He shakes his head, and you furrow your brows as he slips away from you and adjusts his clothes before walking to the bathroom. You wait nervously, worrying as you hear the water run before he comes back with a wet towel in hand.
“Dabi?” you question but sputter as he sits on the bed and impatiently tries to wipe the smears away to look a little better and to see some of your real skin tone under the foundation.
“I don’t like not being able to see your face,” he bluntly scolds before tossing the towel off to the side when he finally is satisfied with his work. Then, he pulls your arm up and motions to the remains of the tattoo there. “And no more of this, understand?” he warns you as he pushes you back down under him.
“I won’t,” you whisper, and he slowly drops your arm as he comes back down to bite your lips. His hands squeeze your biceps as he pulls you flush against his body.
“Good girl," he purrs. "Now, give me more sugar," he demands before heavily kissing you and pushing you down for the second time that night.
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